Eggfur – How big is a Minecraft village? The surprising truth!

Video Information

Before we get into the video i just want to say a quick story because i did something pretty shameful and what i did is i got my coordinates mixed up uh when i refer to north i actually mean west and whenever i refer to south i actually mean east

Basically i got my x and zed directions mixed up so that’s pretty bad but the good news is they didn’t actually make any difference because north is equivalent to west for all of the mechanics i talk about and south is equivalent to east rural mechanics i talk about so hurrah

Hi there i’m megfa and today i want to do a video uh which is going to cover some mechanics and the mechanics i’m going to talk about today are all about villagers and particularly the size of a village so there’s been a bit of an interesting debate going on in the technical

Community about exactly how big a village is and um well i feel a little bit guilty because i think i started it and he actually started quite a long time ago i was doing some testing and i think he was around iron farms and i discovered something and i went

And updated the wiki because of that because wiki said their village was 64 by 24 by 64 blocks and yep it was me i changed it 65 by 25 by 65 and let me explain why i did that and i’m not going to be talking about this kind of village because honestly

I’ve got no idea how big this village is no i’m going to talk about this kind of village and this is actually isn’t a village yet because i’ve got a bed but to make a village i need one bed and one villager but not him he’ll do

And so i’ve now made a village and i’ve marked out a boundary around this village and you can see the yellow wool forms a 64 by 64 space that’s centered on the pillar of that bed and the blue wall forms a 65 by 55 space and if you want to look at which

Direction that’s in remember december pumpkin points north west so we’ve got an extra block on the south and the east side and the question is is the village as big as the yellow wool or to go out as far as the blue wall if you happen to follow the youtube

Channels of ruth’s atticus or old guy then you might know they’ve done videos on a similar topic recently and i’ll link those down in the description and by the way if you don’t watch them i recommend you start because they’re really good um but what was really interesting about it is

They came to a different conclusion and what i want to do today is go into in a bit more detail and look at the different mechanics and explain a why they came to different conclusion and b also give you guys the understanding you need when you’re working with villagers within your minecraft worlds

Okay so let’s dive straight in i’ll talk a bit more detail about my testing approach and how i did it but essentially a lot of it’s based on this tool here here which is called universal minecraft editor and it allows me td nbt data particularly village so here is my world

Which we’ve just been looking at how big is a village i would open it up but i can go into the files down here and i will find in there that i have here these four lines which represent a village and if i double click on the info one

I can see that my village i don’t know if that’s big enough you guys see goes from x0 to x64 and from z0 to z64 when i looked at that i thought oh block 0 to block 64 that’s 65 blocks but i realized it could be coordinates because from coordinate 0.0

To coordinate 64.0 it’s actually only 64 blocks so there we go i thought well actually i still don’t know the answer let’s go and do some testing so i went to minecraft and created the village i’ve just done got a villager he’s got a bed i could give him a

Workstation as well next to that and let’s go and put other villager over here and i’m going to put his poi right on the border here okay uh not you you and so now this village is connected to poi which is right on our 64 by 64 border

And i’ll go over the other side and this time i’m going to put a villager with a poi workstation on the 65 by 65 border and if the village is 64 by 64 then obviously i’m now putting a workstation outside the village i’m connecting a villager to it

And therefore i miss a stretch village let’s go and have a look in universal minecraft editor okay so here’s my world again let’s open it up and we’re going to do exactly the same thing we’re going to view files database click v village and go to info and yeah so x

0 is still 0. x1 is still 64. z0 is still zero and z1 is 64. so the village size hasn’t changed i’ve now got two workstations one on block zero one on block 64. that’s a total of 65 blocks right and the village size hasn’t changed therefore i said to myself the village

Is 65 by 65 obvious i did the same with the the vertical axis as well and worked out that’s 25 okay so that’s the reason i did to change so that’s what i will say about uh village size and maybe the answer is kind of obvious

But it’s not and of course there are two big approaches to how we look at village size for the game um so how can we tell how big that village is and the first is around the game mechanics and looking at what happens within the game to try and

Determine the village size and the second one is around code digging so we actually look at the code and we work out from the code itself how big the village is and those are two different approaches they’ve both got their merits perceived for the game mechanics because

The end of the day we’re playing the game right so if things are expressed through the mechanics of the game that’s actually what’s important to us but sometimes you can’t always really tell what’s going on uh just from playing and looking at the code and really working out what the

Code is saying helps us to understand those game mechanics and it can fit into the characters and everything i know about the code i’ve got from rufus so big shout out to roofs attica thank you very much for your explanations on this stuff which has been like massively useful to me okay

So how do you define a village using the mechanics and i’ve got a list of things i hope i’ve got all of them if you think i missed something let me know in the comments but the first one is poi placement so that’s one we’ve just looked at you know

If i place a poi or bear the bell or a a workstation i’m either placing it within the village or outside village and that will either cause village to extend or not depending the next one is raid activation and the idea here is that a player who has bad omen will

Trigger a raid when they enter the village right so the point at which that raid is triggered is an indicator of when the player has entered the politician therefore we can tell the size of village from that the third one is the village activation range

And this is about how far away from a village you need to be in order to make certain things happen and you you can tick a village and what i mean by ticking the village is that certain things will happen like golems will spawn cats will spawn villagers will restock and work etc

There’s the village merge range this is related to pri placement and what i mean by that is if i place a poi outside a village and i link a villager to it one of two things can happen the first is that the village expands to encompass

That poi the second thing is i create a new village and the difference between those depends on how far away from the village i’ve placed that poi so again that gives an indicator of size village next is ts timer activation people are probably less familiar with this but

Village dwellers which are cat gollums and villagers have this thing which is called a ts timer and that will increment it’ll update along with the game time and when they’re in the village it’ll carry on updating and if they leave the village and they go far enough away from

The village it’ll stop and so the distance at which it stops gives us an idea therefore of how big the village is and the last one is around cats and gollum’s spawning range and it doesn’t really tell us the size of a village as such

It tells us where the center is but we can use that certainly determine the the shape of the village and i’ve split them into three groups as you can see the first one is uh tells us directly the size of a village based on the game mechanics the next three are

Relative to the edge of the village and it’s relative to the edge not the center have done some testing to make sure so those all tell us how far away we are from the edge of the village and again that that tells us the size and the

Third one is relative to the center which tells us the shape of the village uh not the size directly and we’re going to look at all those mechanics we’re going to say does this mechanic imply that the village 64 by 64 which also means 24

High or 65 by 65 which also means 25 high well we’ve already done one of them we’ve done this top one and we’ve seen that we could place poi within a 65 by 25 by 65 area and that doesn’t extend the village if we consider the village v64 by 64

Then we can place that poi one block outside the village to the south or the east or the top of the aabb and i need to tell you what the aabb is so what is that first by little tick in the 65 by 65 that’s kind of pointing to that bean

Size but let’s talk about the aabb this is a construct within the the game code and it’s the construct which defines the village okay and it stands for access to lines bounding box which just basically means it’s a a box it’s cuboid and so therefore it’s axis aligned the

Edges of the box are lined with the x y z axes and it is 64 by 64 by 24. there’s no arguing of that that’s what it says in the code it’s really clear and let’s take our our village in our world the axis line bounding box that village

Goes from 0.0 coordinate 0.0 to coordinate 64.0 that is 64 blocks okay it’s not block zero to block 64 which should be 65 it’s 0.0 to 64.0 and that’s kind of important because it helps explain why the code seems to be saying one thing and what we see within the game itself

Is something else let’s go back into the game and have a look okay so i’m on the north side of my village now and we’ve got our little villager here with his poi his workstation usually working away and she’s staring me at the moment and um let’s see where coordinate 0.0 is

So i’m going to tp myself to 0.0 and my current coordinates and we end up here okay what block is that on well if you look at my um again if you look at my coordinates for the top left of the screen you see position zero that is the

Yellow wall block here if i went one further out i’d be at minus one so 0.0 is on this yellow wall block let’s tp ourselves to 64.0 and let’s see where that is okay so it’s on that border but you can see that actually that is on the blue wall so

Our workstation here is actually this very edge along here is actually inside the bounding box and what roofs explain to me is that that’s why the game determines that this poi doesn’t need stretch village because it’s overlapping the bounding box of village because that quarter goes up to

64.0 which is effectively on the blue wall block which is where the poi is okay so that’s the reason why so coming back to a presentation um this edge here is within the aabb and therefore the game counts this workstation as being within that 64 by

64 range even though it’s on the 65th block so that’s just explaining hopefully why this happens from a code perspective from a mechanics perspective i’m still going with 65 by 65 and also if we extend the village down the other way to this block which is a block minus one then

That is not within the bounding box there is no overlap there because this doesn’t start at 0.000 is the next block along and therefore it doesn’t extend uh so that does extend the village if i place a block down here right next let’s go and have a look at raid activation

So back of the north edge of my village here and i’m going to give myself bad omen by the way i’m on peaceful mode i’ve got mob spawning turned off this will not start a raid so what we’re looking at is at what point bad omen

Gets taken away from the player so let’s start off by giving myself bad omen doing effect egg for bad omen 99 seconds will do and we’ll use through to turn off particles and you can see in the right hand side there i’ve now got the bad omen effect

So let’s go across towards the edge of our village and we’ll see at what point that bad omen goes away and there it is as soon as i cross onto that yellow um wool then the bad arm is taken away okay let’s do the same thing on the other side

And the question here is would it happen on the yellow wool again or on the blue wall so i give myself bad omen you see it on the right hand side there and let’s approach the blue line and see what happens when i cross that

And there we go bad omen has been taken away so the game considers me to be in the village as soon as i get onto this blue wall on the 65 by 65 range so for most things i’m ignoring the vertical heights i’m assuming that uh

That the vertical height is the same as you know the um horizontal so it’s 65 35 65 or at 64 by 24 by 64. uh raid activation is an interesting one because it’s a little bit different and it’s important to understand that especially designing a rage farm for

Example that could become important so again i’ve got a yellow block and a blue block the yellow block is the edge of the 24 block range and the blue block is the 25 block range so what we want to do is we want to see at what point i activate a

Raid and we’re going to do that by being able to see myself and i’m going to give myself bad omen again i’m going to wander over this way which is into a village and i’m going to go down so when i enter that blue block it does nothing

And let’s go into the yellow block with my feet that does nothing and the reason is that raid activation is based on the height of the player’s eyes so let’s keep going down and see when our eyes cross into the blue block suddenly madome has gone away and the

Raid would have been activated and you can see there i’m not at the bottom of the yellow block it’s not that i’ve entered a new block below it’s because my eyes have gone into that 65 by 25 by 65 area okay so we’ve just seen that a player is

Considered to be inside the village and activates raid if they’re in that 65 by 25 by 65 area and if you consider the village to be represented by the 64 by 24 by 64 aabb then they triggered a raid one extra block to the south east and top of the a bb

So again this kind of implies we talked about 65 by 65. so let’s quickly talk about the code again and why this happens and once more this is from uh information roofs has given me so let’s imagine we have our line bounding box it goes from zero to 64

Coordinates and we have one block outside that sort of dot scale okay and our player is standing on that block at say x coordinate 64.5 now what the game does when it’s checking where that player is inside the bounding box or not is it rounds down the player’s

Coordinates so it just takes the 64-bit and we know that 64.0 is within the aabb and that’s why from the code perspective uh why when the player is on the 65th block they’re counted as being within the access line bounding box of the village the internal structure

Okay let’s move on to the village activation range so this is my village and i’m i don’t know how big it is yet so we’re going to imagine it could be 64 by 64 or 65 by 65 but there is a well-known formula for the distance where you have to be to

Activate that village and that is eight times the same distance from the village edge so by using that we can work out where the village edge is and it obviously then varies based on tim distance uh i’m not gonna read those out to you but the one we care about is sim4

And i’m going to stand 32 blocks away from where i think the edge of villages and we’re going to prove um that that’s correct or not and indeed find out from that where the game considers the village edge to be for activation i’ve turned my village into an iron farm

It’s not a very good iron farm don’t copy this but it is nine farm it will generate golems and the village will also generate cats and i’ve got a couple of command blocks down here and one of them will teleport cats to two blocks above the command block and

One of them will teleport iron golems and we’re doing that just because it makes sure that we can see them when they generate and i’m on block minus 33 here and block minus 33 is 33 blocks away from the edge of village and whether that village is 64 by 64 65 by

65 is the same on this side which is the north side okay and also on the west side so what should happen is whilst i’m on this black block here i don’t get anything if i move forwards and uh both my 64 range and my 65 range agree

If i move on to those blocks there at -32 then i should start getting things spawning in the village because it’s activated and we just saw a cat and we’ve just seen a golem okay so i know i didn’t spend a huge amount of time on the black blocks

Because from a video perspective it’s not very interesting watching nothing happen trust me that nothing does happen however long you wait at those okay what’s more interesting is over the other side village and if we come over here now there’s a disagreement because if my village is 65 by 65 then block 96

Is going to be the one that’s 32 from the edge and if my village is 64 by 64 it’s going to be block 95 which is 32 blocks from the edge and what i can tell you is i can stand here as long as i want and nothing will happen

If i move on to the yellow block and i wait a few moments you see i start to get spawned and i got a cat and then i got them pretty much straight away so if you remember these blocks we used for raid activation uh the yellow one is block 12

Which is implies a 24 high village and the blue one is block 13 which implies 25 high village and block 12 is at minus 49 you can see the middle corner to the top left and block 13 is at minus 48 that’s based on where my beats are okay now what’s interesting

Is if i now go up 32 blocks then 32 blocks above the 24 high village here’s this one and above the 25 high voltage is this one okay let’s go to these guys for now now the question is where is it measured from so in theory if i’m here

I’m kind of level with my feet on level with the blue block then nothing will happen because we know that it’s really based on the 64×64 by 24 village what about my fetal level with the yellow block like here well actually nothing happens there either and the place it happens is when

My eye level is level with that yellow block and as soon as i move there you see we got a cat spawning and coming up to a command block so again this height is measured from the player’s eye level so what’s that mean so let’s summarize it again

The village is activated when the player is in eight times some distance of the edge of the aabb which is that 64 by 24 by 64 um village so eight times the distance on sim 4 is 32 blocks and if you look at the vertical distance

It uses eye level as the measure so that’s pointing to a 64 by 24 by 64 village let’s go quickly look at merge range i’m back in universal minecraft editor just to show you uh starting position i’m using the magnifier app in windows so hopefully it’s easier to see this time

Um and we’ve got these four lines which represent a village and you’ll see that there is only one village here and that village goes from zero to 64 on the x axis and zero on the z axis let’s go back again so again i’m starting on the north side

Of the village because on the north and west side our two rangers agree with where the edge is which is here i’m going to come out by 65 blocks and the reason i came out by 65 blocks is that if i place a linked poi on the 65th block away from the

Village edge then that should create a new village and if i place it on the 64th block away from the village edge then that should merge into the current village so we’re going to prove that by the way i’ve broken the extra beds for the iron farm

So um there’s one bed per villager now and we’re going to place an extra one just here and pop villager into there he should hopefully connect that bed give him a second there we go and we’re going to go back into universal minecraft editor and see what’s happened so i’m going to my

Village view files database down to the villagers and you can see that i’ve created two villages now i click on info here this is my first one which goes from 97 to minus 3. that’s actually a new one and z minus 2 to minus 62 and if i click on this one

Then you can see it goes from x0 64 and zed 0 to 64. so that’s our original village but we have created new village as we expected okay so let’s destroy that village i’m going to kill the villager and break the bed i’m going to place a new bed just here

And we’re now going to link a villager to that instead not you you’ll do there we go and he linked straight away to the bed and we’ll flip back to ume and see what’s happened opening up the same world and we go up here view files database villages

And let’s look down this list and you see i’ve now only got one village let’s see how big it is that village now goes from minus 64 to 64 and from 0 64 on the z-axis so we have indeed expanded it on the x-axis it’s now double the size

I’ve done two things i’ve come to the south side of the village but i’ve also recreated the village just to reset it to our uh default size so centuries back where it was before and these are our proposed edges with 64 by 64 or 65 by 65

And then i’ve come out over here and this yellow block is 65 blocks from the edge of the yellow wall over there and this is the 65th block from the edge of the blue wool so in theory if the blue wool is our correct edge and i place a bed here

And link a villager to it then it creates new village and if i place it here if the blue block is the edge of our village then this will merge but if yellow block is edge of our village it won’t okay and either way if i place bed here if it should merge

So just to keep the video a little bit shorter i’m going to place a bed here and link video to it and we’ll see what happens so remember if this creates a new village yellow is the correct edge if it merges blue is a correct edge right pop village in there

If you links do you have noticed actually is that um they don’t link outside that range the villagers either so let me kill him and pop him just here and then he’s got a link straight away don’t go to that okay so let’s go and see if we have

Created a new village or not back into the world and back to our villages in the database uh oops how’s it going there and you can see we only have one village here and if we look at the size of that we can see indeed that village goes

From zero to one to eight uh on the x axis and zero 64 and z axis that means we have expanded the village and do you remember what it says if we’ve expanded the village that means that the blue edge is the correct one that we’re measuring from in terms of village merging

So let’s just summarize what we’ve seen is that you can avoid two villagers merging by placing all poi for the second village at least on a 65th block away from the edge of the first footage but in order to do that you’ve got to assume your first village is 65 by 65

Not 64 by 64. so that indicates that we need to put a tick in that 65 by 65 column now i’ve not spoken to rupert specifically about this one i’m guessing the reason why internally is exactly the same as a reason for the poi placement we did first

That um there’s an overlap with the range that the game looks in so just a line that overlaps where the poi is right let’s go look at ts timer activation and i’m going to shortcut this a little bit because video is already getting very long to answer the question how big is a

Village and watching the testing is a bit tedious as well so here’s our village we don’t know how big it is yet we’re going to test that but we do know that if a dweller is within 10 blocks less vehicle 10 blocks from the village edge

Then its ts time will run and what i mean by that is it gets updated with the current game time that happens every 15 game ticks thank you rufus however if the dweller is more than 10 blocks from village edge then the cs timer stops okay and

We’re going to show that we’re going to find out where that happens so we’ll place our own golem greater than 10 blocks from where we think the village edges and see if the timer stops and which edge it does it at um it’s a little bit more complicated than that so

This is one of the reasons why villager breeders might stop working because you make babies uh they’ll use a bed in a breeder you move them away somewhere else and you think okay they will have left the village now the breeders should be able to make more

Babies but the actual fact that yes timer is running and it’s only when that ts timer has expired and the baby’s removed from the village that that bed is freed up and you can make a new baby and that happens after 20 minutes so if the test timer is 20 minutes old

Then the game will look at that and it will say if the baby has been 10 blocked between 10 blocks 48 blocks from the village edge the timer just gets reset to to the current game time nothing happens and that baby will or gollum will never leave the village

It’s only if we get 20 minutes and the dweller the baby or the golem wherever it is is more than 48 blocks away from the village edge that’s then removed from the village okay so if you had a breeder which doesn’t move babies to a new village

Then you can move them as far away as you want they’ll take 20 minutes to remove them from village if you don’t move them at least 48 blocks away they’ll never leave the village let’s go back in game okay so this is my test setup i’ve got

My iron golem who’s formed my farm over there i’ve got command block which is moving him to block 74 which is 10 blocks from this edge here so this line is 74 and this line is 10 blocks away from there that’s not greater than 10 blocks and

Therefore we should expect his ts timer to carry updating and we’re going to switch into ume and we’ll have a look at that right here’s uab and i’ve gone to the dwellers section of the village and my top set of dwellers are my villagers 10 of those the next one down is iron

Golems and if i click through here i can see this entry says ts and it’s currently set to 179 1236 and if you go back into the game and come back out to ume that should have updated okay so i’m gonna do that and we’ll come back and have a look

Okay we’re back at our village and if i open now the iron golem entry i can see that this has gone up to one seven nine one eight one four okay so i’ll show you my test methodology and give you the tools to be able to reproduce it yourself

Um what i do next is i then go and move the golem out not by much i moved 74.01 like so it’s moved on a little bit if i now exit the game i go and look in ume i see the ts timer i go back into the

Game i wait for just a couple of seconds i come back out go back into ume what i’ll see is a ts timer hasn’t changed in between those two time screens of the game it’s not really interesting to show you on the video so i’m not going to but

Take my word for it that at 75.01 the ts timer will stop updating and that is 10 blocks from the edge of the yellow line here so what’s that tell us but what it tells us is the ts timer will stop when a village drill is more

Than 10 blocks to the edge of the aabb which is the 64 by 64 village range so we put a tick in that box and you can see already that this is getting to be quite confusing um set of tests because we’re getting different tests showing us different things

Okay let’s go and look at the last one anyway which is the golem and cat spawning range okay so here’s my iron farm and it’s a bit of a weird iron farm because i’ve got a platform which only has a row of blocks at the north edge

And another row of blocks at the third edge over there and those blocks are at position one and position seventeen and that’s quite interesting because the golems and cats falling range always used to be sixteen by sixteen but evidence it’s grown now at 17 by 17. and

I want to do two things i want to validate that but i want to see whether the center of the village or the center of the cat and golem spawning range is actually aligned with my blue outline 65 by 65 or my yellow outline 64 by 64. and the difference is

Because this pillow is the center if it was 65 by 65 the middle of the pillow would be the center of the village and if it’s the 12×64 then the northwest corner just here would be the center of the village so i’ve represented that with these arrows

So this arrow here is in the middle of the block by 65 this one is on the edge of a block 64 by 64. and you can see we are getting um cats sporting over there i haven’t got things spawning here yet but i’m sure that they will appear in good time

There we go got a golem so it does seem like it’s a 17 by 17 range but actually that could even happen if it’s 16 by 16 because we’ve talked about the fact that the edge of the abb could be included within a range and therefore you might

Get extra block same as our our village is 65 by 65 yen so what we could do is a specific test where we extend the village by one block to the north and when we do that the village center will shift by half a block to the north

So if it was here in the middle it’ll go to this line here and if it was on this line already it’ll go to the middle here and what i can tell you is that if our spawning range is let’s say 17 by 17 and we shift the center here

And i count then eight and a half blocks that’s my half up to the middle of there then one two three four five six seven would get me to the middle of block zero so this is block one this will be block zero it’ll get me to here

But that doesn’t include the north west corner of these blocks and therefore i don’t expect to get any golems or um cats spawning on this row if on the other hand the center started here and it was 17 by 17 then i count eight and a half blocks

From there that this be two so and i shift it over to there so now i count eight and a half blocks from here it takes me to here then one two three four five six seven eight would take me to the edge of this one and i would get

Cats and gollums spawning on this road and that is the only situation where shifting the village will get me cast golems on this road here let’s go do some testing then so let’s extend the village by one block to the north connect this guy to this workstation which is outside the village edge

And we’re going to go to these guys for now get rid of all of these blocks and we’re going to replace that with a row of blocks along here and if anything spawns on this row blocks now then our village center must have started off here

And spawning range must be 17 by 17 so let’s just give that a moment and see what happens and there we go we’ve got a golem here so that’s pretty conclusive the golem spawning range center certainly is aligned with the north west corner of the center block

And the sporting range is 17 by 17. let’s go and plug that into our results so what that has told us is the golem cats spawn on any block which has its north west corner in a 17 by 17 range around the center of the abb so the center

Of cat and goblin spawning is actually the center of a 64 by 64 village so is that the village center well yeah it should be right so we need to put a tick in this box interesting let’s uh try and summarize what we see here well clearly we’ve got three

Ticks in each side so 64 64 65 by 65 and that makes it really apparent that there’s no one good answer to the question of how big a village is but maybe we can look a little bit about which things are important okay so first of all if you’re building a raid farm

Then obviously the size of village could be important in most red farms it’s not but there are some where the player has to leave the village and come back in order to make it work so that could be important the second one is village merge range because if you are

Trying to decide how far away to build a farm from say an existing village or another farm then you need to know um how to avoid your villages merging and it also if you’re transporting villages maybe you want to avoid them becoming a member of a village as part of the existing farm

So that’s important the third one obviously is the canned golden spawning range because that’s really really important for iron farms now although we’ve got a ticking 64×64 box in reality if you have a farm which where you haven’t extended the village then it makes no difference at all

If a village 65 by 65 or 64 by 64 you get exactly the same spawning range or those two so i’m putting an honorary little tick in the 65 by 65 here but um because actually you know when you build an iphone one of the

Things we really try and do is not to extend the village because we want to control exactly where the center is and the golem spawning range and speaking of not extending the village that means that the poi placement range could become important as well because we know

Where we can place our poi to ensure that we don’t extend the village the last one is village activation range and that’s important if you’ve got multiple farms you want afk somewhere where you’re activating all of them then the village activation range could become important for that uh so in

Reality out of all of those there’s only one which fits in the 64 by 64 village column and that’s the only one we need to worry about and pay special attention to maybe yes timer activation actually i can’t think of a mechanic where um you would really want to use this

If you if you’re relying on tf timer activation i suspect you’re doing something wrong uh you know put it in the comments you’ve got some great ideas on how to use this in a in a good way but i can’t think of one so actually my conclusion and everyone’s

Conclusion might be different i don’t really care uh but my conclusion is that the best thing to do is think about the village as being 65 by 65 because in terms of game mechanics that’s the answer which makes the most sense and which is going to actually be

Important for you in building your farms however just be really careful about the village activation range because that is different and you know people like i said people have different views on this and i don’t think it really matters i think what’s important really is that you understand

The differences between the aabb and the effective village size of 65 by 65 in many cases and if you understand those things then that’s great and hopefully this video has helped you to do that okay so if you’ve made it this far and you’ve enjoyed the video then um that’s

Great if on your hand you just think you’ve wasted 45 minutes of your life then i can only apologize but either way please think about subscribing to a channel and i hope to see you next time bye now

This video, titled ‘How big is a Minecraft village? The surprising truth!’, was uploaded by Eggfur on 2022-07-02 17:38:02. It has garnered 4159 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:13 or 2593 seconds.

In this video I talk about the size of a Minecraft village in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft. It’s reasonably tech-heavy and as you might guess from the length of the video – it’s not a simple answer.

I hope this video gives you the tools to manage your villager-based farms and answer once and for all – how big is a Minecraft village?

If the topic interests you, you can also see some alternative takes on this: @RufusAtticus : @Old Guy:

  • Nashi’s Hilarious Minecraft Randomizer Skywars

    Nashi's Hilarious Minecraft Randomizer Skywars Minecraft Randomizer Skywars: A Hilarious Adventure in the World of Minecraft Embark on a hilarious journey through the Minecraft MEGA RANDOMIZER, where random items appear every 10 seconds, creating chaos and laughter at every turn. Join the fun and subscribe to the channel to witness the madness unfold! Meet the Players Get ready to laugh along with the players in this epic adventure. The main characters include @MrDuckTI and rawr (also known as lewpert). With their antics and shenanigans, they will keep you entertained throughout the gameplay. Highlights of the Game From the introductory moments to the final showdown,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new and exciting server to join, Minewind is the place to be. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on epic adventures with other players from around the globe. That’s exactly what Minewind offers – a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts coming together… Read More

  • Java’s Hidden Gem: Cavern Rhyme Time

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re looking for a new and thrilling Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind is the perfect place for both new players and seasoned veterans to come together and create unforgettable experiences. Experience the thrill of survival gameplay, explore vast landscapes, and conquer challenging dungeons alongside fellow players from around the world. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out or a seasoned pro looking for a new challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at… Read More

  • Skyblock Scares: Dwellers & Terror Mods! (Ep.6)

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  • 15 Years of Minecraft & Shinobi Fun!

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  • UnHuddableGames: Minecraft Java Survival Series

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  • Chambers’ New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress!

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  • Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server!

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  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Aphmau’s OLD vs NEW Minecraft Skin

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  • 💥 Ultimate Terror Texture Pack Revealed by MRYTwasTaken!

    💥 Ultimate Terror Texture Pack Revealed by MRYTwasTaken!Video Information This video, titled ‘@aTerroRR Texture Pack 😎’, was uploaded by MRYTwasTaken on 2024-04-22 11:36:42. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Main channel @MRYTxD tags credit rajeshwallahego- hypixel bedwars, bedwars, hypixel, minecraft bedwars, bedwars montage, bedwars hypixel, hypixel bedwars montage, bedwars asmr, bedwars minecraft, bedwars montage hypixel, minecraft hypixel bedwars, hypixel bedwars clutch, hypixel bedwars asmr, bedwars clutch, bedwars clutch montage, bedwars challenge, hypixel bedwars 100 stars, hypixel bedwars block clutch montage, 700 stars in hypixel bedwars, block clutch montage bedwars, hypixel bedwars gain stars fast tutorial,… Read More

  • Missed the Bus in Minecraft 😱 #MinecraftCrafts

    Missed the Bus in Minecraft 😱 #MinecraftCraftsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: you miss the bus in MINECRAFT😅 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Livee Crafts on 2024-04-10 13:46:37. It has garnered 18335 views and 647 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Pov: you miss the bus in MINECRAFT😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft videos, minecraft hardcore, minecraft live, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft animation, minecraft avatar, minecraft asmr, minecraft arg, minecraft armadillo, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft addons bedrock, a minecraft movie,… Read More

  • Anarchy For Life

    Anarchy For LifeGo to and enter then join the server! IP: This is also lifesteal! You can join on any version! Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

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  • Cobble Valley

    Cobble ValleyA community server where you can build anywhere you’d like, griefing is not allowed. This server is an attempt to have a world where everyone’s creativity can shine. While there is no world protection outside of spawn, your chests and furnaces will be locked protecting your loot and all griefing will be rolledback and result in a ban. Come leave your mark on Cobble Valley! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Modern art vs Minecraft graphics”

    “Why did the creeper become an artist? Because he had a blast creating his masterpieces!” Read More

  • I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue

    I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue When you’re more concerned about saving your virtual dog in Minecraft than your real-life responsibilities. Priorities, am I right? #MinecraftProblems #DogLover #GamerLife Read More

  • Tommy’s Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

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  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10

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  • EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3

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  • Jiri Mokaro’s Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!

    Jiri Mokaro's Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT 】adventure to find axolotl startoo !!!!’, was uploaded by Jiri Mokaro || ENVTUBER on 2024-03-25 03:48:33. It has garnered 278 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:26 or 9506 seconds. I can I can SOCIALS ✿ twt : fan discord : RULES be kind and respectful to everyone no harmful words to anyone if anyone says anything bad report them or ignore it do not talk about other vtubers or guests from past streams respect the mods no backseating!! only make decisions when I ask chat about… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bases Over The Years! 😱 (You Won’t Believe #shorts)

    Insane Minecraft Bases Over The Years! 😱 (You Won't Believe #shorts)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bases At Different Ages😱 Wait For It. (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-05-03 13:18:30. It has garnered 39757 views and 960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform and entertain views about… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack – GO VIRAL NOW! 🔥🤯 #shizo #shortfeed

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack - GO VIRAL NOW! 🔥🤯 #shizo #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build hack pocket edition 🤩🤩 #minecraft #viral #shots #shortfeed’, was uploaded by Text Tile gaming #4786 on 2024-04-10 11:24:29. It has garnered 9637 views and 285 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL! Trying to Kill 2 Players at Once in Skywars” #minecraft #skywars

    "EPIC FAIL! Trying to Kill 2 Players at Once in Skywars" #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TENTEI MATAR 2 AO MESMO TEMPO, MAIS NÃO DEU CERTO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 23:00:30. It has garnered 469 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: 🏷️ Danyloww: 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft tik tok hacks #shorts’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-05-08 06:13:52. It has garnered 12731 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. #minecraft #viral #trending minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft tik tok,minecraft tik tok hacks photo,minecraft tik tok hacks download,minecraft hacks,minecraft tik toks,tik tok hacks,real minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition,minecraft tiktok hacks 2022,minecraft,minecraft viral hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition 1.19,tik tok minecraft hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition 1.18minecraft build hacks,minecraft hacks,minecraft,minecraft tik toks,build hacks minecraft,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft tiktok build hacks,minecraft… Read More

  • Alien encounter in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😱 #roblox

    Alien encounter in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😱 #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: Minecraft 👽 / #roblox’, was uploaded by ClaraPlays on 2024-02-09 15:33:17. It has garnered 2438 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • CREEPY POPPY PLAYTIME Building Challenge – I Cheat?!

    CREEPY POPPY PLAYTIME Building Challenge - I Cheat?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheate mit //GRUSELIG in POPPY PLAYTIME Bau Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-03-24 18:00:30. It has garnered 6126 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:45 or 1305 seconds. I cheat with //CREEPY in POPPY PLAYTIME construction challenge in Minecraft! with: @Alphastein ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is… Read More


    PIGGY vs CREEPER EXPLOSION SHOWDOWN!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CREEPER PRO WAS EXPLOSIVE MY HOUSE!!! | CREEPER PRO VS PIGGY NOOB’, was uploaded by piggy&creeper on 2024-02-23 17:58:59. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Funny Minecraft Adventures with Piggy and Creeper!! #minecraft #skibidi #piggycreeper Subscribe! minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song,… Read More

  • Ultra Hard Anarchy

    Ultra Hard AnarchyThe goal of this server is to go back to the roots of anarchy. Admins don’t interfere unless it directly impacts the server’s performance. We wanted to keep the experience as clean as possible. We’re still a small server, just getting started. Don’t forget to join the discord to chat with other players as well! Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! Immerse yourself in a world inspired by OSRS, with iconic locations, familiar characters, and exciting quests to undertake. Explore cities like Varrock and Lumbridge, or brave the Wilderness for endless adventure. Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, and more Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls and Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Join Us: Website: Wiki: Latest blog: DevBlog #40 Store: Discord: Connect with Us: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Plugins: MineScape Dynmap Rules: Read More


    “Welcome to Warnetwork, the ultimate destination for lifesteal server enthusiasts! With an emphasis on easy grinding, our server offers a plethora of exciting features including a well-stocked shop, thrilling bounties, team challenges, intense CPvP battles, and much more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone here. Join us now and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition like never before!” Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Democracy vs. TNT in Minecraft💥🦅🛢️

    Minecraft Memes - Democracy vs. TNT in Minecraft💥🦅🛢️Looks like even Minecraft mobs are getting tired of dictatorship and corrupt rulers! Time for a revolution led by chickens and explosive barrels 🐔💥🗳️ #DemocracyForAll Read More

  • Elemental Surprise: Minecraft Angela 2

    Elemental Surprise: Minecraft Angela 2 In the world of Minecraft, a secret elemental lies, In My Talking Angela 2, a cosplay surprise. Angel Angela, pure and divine, Devil Angela, with mischief in her design. Watch as they clash in a battle so grand, Light versus dark, in a captivating stand. Join Angela on her journey, full of charm and delight, In this epic showdown, who will win the fight? Subscribe and like to follow along, As Angela’s story unfolds, in a rhyming song. Stay tuned for more updates, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where stories meet. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition 🔥 When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up and the troll face to pop up like “Gotcha!” #minecraftlogic #trollfacewinning Read More

  • Experience Epic Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Epic Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft cinematic movies like the one in this video? Do you enjoy exploring new worlds and building amazing structures? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination and have fun. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • EPIC FAIL in Minecraft

    EPIC FAIL in Minecraft Welcome to AresMine: A Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft? Look no further than AresMine, where the fun never stops! With a server IP of and version 1.20.4 (accessible from 1.19.4, 1.20.0/1, and 1.20.3/4), this server is ready to welcome you with open arms. Join the Adventure At AresMine, you’ll find a bustling community of up to 300 players in one mode, ensuring that there’s always someone to team up with or challenge. And mark your calendars for May 11th at 12:00 (MSK) for an exciting wipe event! Exciting Events… Read More

  • Shocking finale! Notch’s epic trial in Slaaard – DAWNCRAFT EP.23

    Shocking finale! Notch's epic trial in Slaaard - DAWNCRAFT EP.23Video Information This video, titled ‘DAWNCRAFT | EP.23 FINAL: El Juicio de Notch’, was uploaded by Slaaard on 2024-05-18 00:00:02. It has garnered 239 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:50 or 2570 seconds. #dawncraft #minecraft #minecraftrpg In ‘The Last Dawn’, we will embark on a journey through the intriguing world of Dawncraft, a Minecraft modpack full of RPG-style challenges from games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring. Welcome to the final chapter of our epic Dawncraft series! After an incredible journey full of challenges, adventures and unforgettable moments, we have reached the last episode. In… Read More

Eggfur – How big is a Minecraft village? The surprising truth!