Emotional Girl Gamer’s Hardcore Minecraft Sabor Fish

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Hello I’m live hello we yes first you’re so funny okay we’re playing hardcore Minecraft again um and we’re sticking to our same world that we had also I just got my 200 11th day on dualingo any anybody wants to congratulate me that would be great yeah we’re in it

Again and the Sun is setting which is perfect that’s just wonderful let’s get to our beds three okay I like the parkour setup we got going on here it’s kind of fun I don’t remember if I put my bed yes I did okay I think we need to make a

Better setup for this in the morning what is up Stephanie hey welcome to my Minecraft stream I’m playing Minecraft obviously I’m making my world so fun oh I already have a pickaxe I’m making a better setup than what I had last time trying to um so I’m playing a Hardcore

Minecraft world where um uh I can’t if I die in the game then I have to delete the world I can’t play in this game anymore or this uh this world and so I’m trying to my end objective is to beat the Ender Dragon um which is the final boss of the

Game but right now I’m just making things pretty preparing for it so that’s fun how is everybody’s day happy Friday oh dang that is intense yes it’s intense I got to make sure I don’t die it’s kind of hard and I’m looking in every single chest for one thing and I can’t find

Anything oh my goodness I don’t have any coal what okay looks like we’re going to the surface long time fan nice I I’ve have I have some hardcore fans in this chat that’s good oh it’s cute all right we need to find some coal cuz I apparently don’t have

Any so let’s go get some again how was everybody’s day I hope everybody’s day went well it’s Friday what time is it there Connor probably late four hours ahead of me so like sevenish coal is usually like the easiest thing to find and now there’s like none of it around 8:00 p.m. sh

Better go to bed bro it’s your bedtime are the kids in bed already there no no coal okay I might go out and try and find some I need coal so I can make more torches or I can go to Justin’s base and I can just sound asleep great that’s

That’s good that’s good that they’re sound asleep I might go to Justin’s uh uh base and steal some coal from him I think he’d be fine with it just because uh he’s not here so maybe you should have been a part of the stream sooner if he didn’t want me stealing his

Coal oh and we’ll replant these crops as well since we’re up here how was your day at work Georgia oh thanks for asking my day was good I work in a dental office and I got to work on retainers today which is really fun and um it’s like one of my favorite

Things to do is to make retainers for people and I made some retainers for me it was really fun thanks for asking okay we’re going to get this cool what if he doesn’t have any not looking good H well we might have to go to our old

Mine I think our old mine had some some coal what up what’s up Michael I’m playing Minecraft again I want to get some torches well so I want to work on my my main objective right now is to work on my base because my base is

Pretty pretty puny what type of games do you normally stream um I right now have only been streaming Minecraft there’s a game that I really want to stream called lethal company uh I don’t know if you’ve heard it but uh it’s a really fun game and it’s

Multiplayer so I want to get like Ben and Jared and some other folks to play lethal company with me I think that’d be really fun so that’s my plan for future games I don’t know I I have some ideas cooking of what other games I want to play but do you have any

Recommendations so I would love to know um yeah so I want to make my base look nicer I think I want to just start fresh with a brand new one have you ever heard of the YouTuber named crispy boy he has a bunch of games um you

Know I’ve heard of him but he seems like he just copies this other YouTuber named Scott the was um and so I I don’t really don’t really watch him that much I just kind of watched Scott the was um but I mean I’ll check him out if you think he’s cool enough you

Know oh snap the inside joke to that is Hayden well he doesn’t hate Scott the was but he is so frustrated because Scott the was like does everything that he does peanut butter gamer true he also acts like peanut butter gamer Ah that’s funny oh my gosh I keep coming back here

Because I need to grab oh I already have Cobblestone I’m done all right I need to be on a one track mind here I’m going to make I already have an ax great I didn’t even have to do it I’m going to go get wood so that I can make I was thinking

Of making like a log cabin for my base cuz I think they’re cool but in a in a desert biome I guess it wouldn’t be as as cool I don’t know looks like a clone of peanut butter gamer if he was 5 years younger true that is true my brother does look like

That I wonder why he’s not a part of this stream I don’t even know my phone’s blowing up though Connor I think Dad needs some help with trying to figure out how to watch the stream um I don’t know if you’re able to help him at all but I’m streaming I’m in it

Now all right so we’re going to go grab all that wood all that good wood and now the Sun is setting which is great but I have a diamond sword and an iron sword so I think I’ll be pretty good and I have full iron armor we

Already checked out that Temple so that one is raided already but I haven’t really explored the rest of the biomes at all I’ve just been oh there’s coal all right we need to get that coal anyway I’ve just been exploring like the temples and all that

Stuff I’ll see what I can do sweet thanks brother um so I haven’t really gotten the chance to explore the other biomes so I’d like to do that but kind of got got two of our objectives down we needed coal so we’re getting that jeez this thing is warm I

Have a like a a heated blanket under me but it is burning my tus right now turn that down a bit trouble in Paradise all right Jared that’s a lot of emojis got going on thanks for keeping the chat rolling though okay we got lots of coal wow cool

Mine all right yeah look at all those trees I need to chop them down they just show how my emotional state is with everything happening in this stream okay all right that’s fair well are you enjoying it why are you crying that’s this raises a lot of questions

Then I want to bring back some okay he’s angry I want bring back some saplings so that I can start growing trees over there or hear me out I could move all my stuff over here and so the log cabin would make more sense I don’t know is anybody I wish I

Knew how to play this game well do you not this game is good why are there two Connors is that Dad this game is good this game is like endless fun never played oh well there you go that makes sense then me me too brother me

Too I feel like this is my game no one is shooting at me I won’t get stressed over my teammates yelling at me it’s the best gamer oh Sean’s here what’s up the best gamer ever yeah Minecraft is a a very relaxing game it is very addicting

And very relaxing so I would definitely recommend it to anybody and there’s a horde of zombies coming I’m a little scared this is definitely Michael’s game for sure I don’t know if it has enough action in it to be okay you know how I said I was going to stay here overnight

I lied I’m I’m going back I’m going back to base I’m scared uh so uh to update everybody who just joined again I am playing hardcore Minecraft well if you see the the hearts in the bottom bottom left of my screen you can tell that it’s not actually Hardcore Minecraft but um we’re

Pretending if I die in the game I die for real want to get a PS5 though and play some Ragnarok I haven’t heard of Ragnarok that sounds fun oh my God I’m scared there’s so many mobs okay I can’t die well if I that’s what

I’m saying if I die in the game I die for real that’s why I’m trying not to die duh should have seen my first stream that’s so good okay we’re going to swim back home I think that’s the safest route so far God of War oh okay yeah that makes sense

All right the long trick home I’m excited oh there’s another horard zombies well ain’t that just ain’t that just the way yeah I think we need a better more secure base than this ladder here it’s been blown up three times it’s really not great uh let’s make some torches

I hear those zombies up there I’m going to we’re sleeping through this night all right awesome okay we’ll go back out there get more wood get some saplings hopefully I actually have a lot in my inventory I’m going to drop some of that off at my in my thing

Okay put this meat in here put some of that oh I have some jungle saplings that’s good uh oops this one there we go and then this one also goes in here cool cool this a semi-organized nice like to keep it that way all right it’s like when you have

Piles of of clothes and some are all of them are on the ground but some are clean some are dirty and some are I’ve I’ve worn them once you know what I mean anyway we’re going back out there and I’m not scared this time where are the zombies the sleeping

Do something to get rid of them yeah so uh when you go to bed in Minecraft and wake up the zombies get burned by the sunlight unless there are a certain type of zombie um there are specific types of zombies so the ones that live in the

Water those are drowns so if they come out of the water during the day then they will die um but if they stay in the water during the day then they will like stay zombes um they will stay alive I mean and then there are desert zombies I

Forget what they’re called but they can stay alive during the day and on land because they’re adapted to the desert so those ones are scary and then they’re just normal regular zombies that uh don’t burn away or they do burn away in the daylight but they come out at night

Skeletons also burn in the daylight um spiders those don’t burn but they uh become passive during the day and then at night they become aggro so what happens if you stay out during the night can you fight the zombies I can fight the zombies they’re

Just very strong um and when when I die I get scared of like if I die I I can’t load back in because it’s a hardcore world and so I get worried about it so I I don’t want to take the risk of dying but I do have a couple swords so I

I could probably take take them no way yeah yeah way I bet I could take them we’re going to collect some more trees here what games has everybody been playing recently I know rag Ragnarok is one that people were mentioning I want to know other games people are

Playing see those llamas over there it’s a traveling villager let’s see what he’s got hey uh garbage garbage oh where did the other llama go they usually have two llamas uhoh oh there it is wait no these are wild llamas yikes I do want to tame a wild llama

World of Warcraft they have a hardcore version they have a hardcore version of wow man play season of Discovery and Wrath of the LED king that’s pretty that’s pretty cool I didn’t know that they had hardcore but that makes sense since Destiny is the only game

Ever made I’m not sure what other games you’re talking about Jared plays only Destiny well sometimes s i can get him to play Minecraft but he gets pretty bored of it like pretty quickly so it’s like uh I quickly stopped cuz I wasn’t very good at it I liked OverWatch but

I’m not very good at all at PVP games hence hence Minecraft um and so I never really got into them when I was young and so I suck oh there’s an arrow here that’s kind of SC scary don’t know where that’s from and now Minecraft when I come home

Yes Minecraft is good it’s definitely addicting um I’ve never played League I heard that it’s not great but a lot of people like it so maybe it’s good there’s a little Chasm here I’m going to jump it is Minecraft free might give it a shot

Minecraft is free I lied it’s not free I think that you buy it yeah you buy it’s not like a subscription thing though you um well it’s not a subscription you buy it once and it’s like uh your and it’s h i can’t remember how

Much it is I I got it for whoa I got it for free because I had a Minecraft account um years ago so there’s like two different types of Minecraft you could get you could get like Java and then you can get uh bedrock and so since I had

Java since like 2013 they gave me Bedrock which is the newer version for free and Bedrock is like cross platform and stuff um I don’t know about Java but anyway so I got it for free but I don’t know I don’t know how much it is but I have both

Versions I’m going to swing across people texting me oh nice okay it’s like 15 I think maybe 20 okay look as soon as you get diamonds what else is there then you know that’s what Jared that’s how he feels soon as he gets diamonds he’s like all right I’m

Done with this game and he tries to get them in like 30 minutes and then I’m like still making my base making it look pretty you know silly I’ve gotten quite a few saplings still debating on whether I should make like a log cabin or like something desert themed

It’s like getting a raid exotic no reason to go back after that but you still play Destiny all the time so if there’s no reason to go back why do you keep playing cuz it’s fun I don’t know it’s just all I’m saying playing games for fun is so

2014 I need loot okay so that’s why you play you don’t play for fun desert or winter house that’s what I’m asking should I do a desert house or a winter house but I’m in a desert so it’s like you know all right I’ll I’m everybody give their input should I make

Like a log cabin or should I make something desert themed that’s what I’m saying yeah that’s what I’m saying desert or winter put it in the comments down below whether I should do desert themed or winter themed winter winter winter okay Jared’s vote is winter dad’s vote is winter winter okay seems like

Everybody’s thinking winter so oh a mushroom Island whoa that’s neat winter okay all right we’ll do winter themed Just Like Home awesome let’s try and get all these saplings then okay and the sun setting great I think we should try and look for a more wintry biome then but um

Or I had some guests on the last stream and they started building their bases here and so I’d feel a little bit bad if I just started building somewhere completely else but what if I don’t move too far away I logged into my computer and phone that’s why two coners oh

Okay so you’re responding separately on your phone and your computer he’s a real one okay I’m getting all the coal I can cuz I know I’m going to need a lot of torches especially when I start trying to make a winter Island because um I’m going to have to light up

Everything just so that I can can like build throughout the night um you know I could just this like stone is kind of oh yeah okay so all these mobs come out at night they’re very scary so this is a creeper and they like to explode so if I can bait

Him and get him to explode oh he’s close nice and I killed the zombies with him nice that was good going to shower let me see your base so I can get a before and after okay I will don’t even worry about it this is like kind of a fall biome so

Yeah this is good I think that I’m oh okay there’s a creeper after for me there’s a lot of creepers here we’re we’re leaving run run run I’m running am I going in the wrong way where am I uh yeah okay wait yeah yeah this is base I’m tracking creepers different than zombies

Yes creepers are different than zombies creepers like to blow up oh what oh that’s the coral stuff that’s fun but there’s a lot of tropical fish over there and that’s a spider and there should be skeletons around here too which is Wonder oh there’s a zombie there’s another zombie

Oh so this is a type of zombie that stays during the daytime and that’s a skeleton ouch that’s what he does now I’m going to jump this it’s a creeper yeah all right we’re heading home I see I see where home is what if I

Make my log cabin at the top of that mountain that would be cool then I can make like a bridge up there oh there’s a baby zombie they’re not fun they’re fast there we are there’s home I see it whoa a hord of zombies all right that was a lot of

Zombies okay we need to eat let’s get going run run run scary oh man oh there’s so ah ow ow okay okay okay we’re running we’re running sh all right loser oh I just got poisoned there a whole lot of them out yeah that’s a witch they like to uh like

To throw poisonous things at people which is not fun let’s uh let’s goit a bit shall we if you hear that that’s all the uh that’s all the zombies dying yeah that’s good okay all right let’s start laying out a spot for me to make my

Base I think that’s a good idea o I should take a bed with me I’ll spend a little time away from base just so that I can you know I can uh expand my pallet per se you get me I get me I’m going to take my bed with me

Right we’re going to go adventuring I take the camel no I’m not going to I don’t want him to die I get scared I’m going to check out these mountains because that looks like a fun place to like put a a huge bridge then

Put my base you know I think that’d be a good idea later during the stream we’re going to go um to the nether to see if we can uh get some they’re called blaze rods so in the nether uh you have to get blaze rods so

You can make ender eyes so that you can get to the end so you can fight the Ender Dragon so that’s that’s part of our like Big Goal but my my goal right now my smaller goal is to make like a proper base CU I’ve kind of just been mooching off of uh

Mooching off of uh you know jeez the villagers yeah I’ve been in this Village that I really don’t need to be in oh yeah there’s that Village right there okay well yeah I’m going to make my own thing over here then I’m going to make my winter base winter themed

Rather I wish I had the dark oak wood that would be nice yeah this looks like a nice spot uh we’ll we’ll Adventure a little it’s kind of scary going in the water because you can’t see where it ends and you can die quick wait okay sh that was

Scary all right all right that was a long swim those jungle tree no that’s swamp trees got to get ready to head back to Camp okay Sean thanks for stopping in I hope to see you again in a little I will be live till 7 see if see

If you’re on later yes I will be live till 7 so we’ll be good you will okay thank goodness cuz this going to be crazy later this is the boring part yay yes okay now let’s keep venturing this way I don’t know what I collected just then more Beach bro there’s too much

Beach going on on I think I’m on like a huge island I guess I haven’t explored like the other other way from the uh feel like this part’s pretty explored we’ll go that way uhoh that was bad that was a bad time shouldn’t have done that that was a stupid

Move what is down there oh there’s drowns never mind just kidding let’s see what the other side of this actually this acacia wood might not be bad for the for the cabin that’s what it looks like I think that might look nice the gray look collect some we’ll keep some for

Later AAA strain no it’s not AAA strain it’s AAA wood not metal cool hi Alpa you’re so cute oh he yelled at me yeah this might look nice oh okay let’s uh let’s make a quick crafting table make some axes make One X for now don’t need a whole

Oh I do that every time every stream I do that God it was with the iron last time and now it’s with the oh my God okay we’re going to make an axe not a pickaxe but an axe there we go okay sheesh every time hey buddy

Oh that’s what I was trying to do go yelling at me should probably collect some dirt for scaffolding this dirt there we go great all right we’ll keep keep ping it’s looking like a lot of AAS oo this looks fun oh that’s so dope actually I think it’d be cool to have a

Cabin right there would that not be sick I think that’d be pretty sick I think we should do that ah but now the ender portal is going to be really far no I have a diamond pickaxe I could just remake it but that’s the spot that has the thing right there the

Castle I’ll just keep it there that’ll be fine but this looks really cool this is neat that was a scary noise whoa this is cool Goblin into chat George is a pro both gaming and sledding that’s me I’m a pro this is like a dam going on here huh this is kind of

Cool oh there’s glowing squid that is sick wow this is a cool spot I’m liking this I think maybe instead of inside the cave I can make it on like the edge of the cave I don’t know let’s get out this spot a little more and then I can do a

Boat did you guys see that cow fall off the cliff oh no he died oh man that’s so sad yeah I think I should uh anyway oh I I think I should build the cabin in this little area this little moat here and then this Cliff can be

Just part of it I think this is cool all right start lighting this place up see what we’re working with a little Pig over there sorry Pig he yelling at me let’s just place a bunch of torches bunches and buches yeah oh there’s a creeper over there oh

Man all right let’s set up shop here why don’t we H that seems like a terrible place to put it build a cabin right there I’m going to I think this is a good it’s a good place for it looks pretty cool yeah it’s a cool little hidey-hole all right uh let’s

Actually might be a good idea to put a layer of cobblestone down and just start doing that make it all flat you know oh lais oh nice let’s get some of that haven’t touched Minecraft hot Minecraft in a hot minute Goblin hello world sorry I missed your first chat

When Jared said Goblin into chat I didn’t even I didn’t know what he meant haven’t touched Minecraft in a hot minute you know Minecraft is fun Minecraft is for everyone that’s Austin that’s got to be Austin my main man Austin how’s your day man You’ been good I hope

So yeah it is I N I don’t know why I said I it’s been fine just fine oh oops okay well that’s good well I mean I hope it would be like great fantastic even but finds are it too I’m going to collect this cool so I’m playing now that you’re here

I am playing um obviously Minecraft but it’s uh hard Minecraft um but it’s not like actually Hardcore Minecraft cuz Bedrock doesn’t have that but it’s pretend Hardcore Minecraft well it’s not pretend if I die in the game I die for real so it’s uh it’s kind of high stakes around here oh

Whoops I’m going to turn this thing off it’s burning my buns all right this place needs to be covered in torches if it’s so Hardcore Minecraft why ain’t I see any two step it’s not it’s Hardcore Minecraft not hardcore music silly and I’m about to die oh oh I’m actually about to die

Actually like in real life let’s uh let’s build myself a little little barricade here oh that was too close for comfort I was freaking out a little bit there I don’t know if you could tell I can hear him there are monsters nearby oh my God I’m scared played League of Legends today

For some reason no Austin no why oh man you’ve Fallen to the dark side how do I freaking place this bed there we go sleeping through the night let’s go I see no difference whatever I see a difference all right I just had to quickly

Just had to wait a minute make sure the thing was gone okay it’s looking pretty safe now we’re going to light up this this area now okay now that we’ve uh gotten rid of that skeleton I only play for Tom kench best part of the game Tom kench that sounds like a slur

I don’t know what that means is it Tam am I saying it wrong it’s going to get clipped and I’m going to look like a dummy I bet In he’s a catfish man yeah okay I was just about to say that Austin was pretty much known for having um controversial takes on everything and so I assume that he’s the most hated character in the game and you love him for some reason clip it

Okay well I got to make my over my way over to the shop and I’ll be back on later okay bye Michael thanks for stopping in I’ll see you later I’ll probably be in the nether okay should make like a shovel that would make this easier but who needs one you know

Okay let’s put some dirt around oops eventually I want it kind of all to be dirt um like the the ground but this is we’re just making a a base for it to leaving work and heading home now don’t do anything funny till I get back okay

All right I’ll try but I’m really funny so it’s going to be hard oh oh why uh maybe this can benefit me okay did it benefit me not really kind of sucked for me actually but you know wasn’t too horrible okay place that torch again I was thinking that this could be

Like my moat out you know so like my log cabin would start here and then I’d have like a that’s skilled have like a moat go leading to my uh my other place I think that’d be pretty cool trying to make this look a little bit natural obviously it’s not going to look

Super natural when it’s like yeah this I’m going to put like a gate here or something that would make it look a little better that just looks down yeah like from this angle it’s like H well it looks kind of seen Minecraft make something like that before but this

Seems like enough space to start making a thing I would think so yeah let’s make let’s start making stuff add these Logs would really like some dark oak logs don’t know if that’s going to happen but it would be cool we’ll do we’ll we’ll deal with the oak logs for now um I think it would be cool to have like a just like a a normal like fishing

Cabin type thing I think that’s like the vibe we’re going for we can make it kind of big you know think that’d be cool yeah okay so let’s start here we’re going to put five ouch and then we’ll do one two three four one two one two three

Four one two three four one two three four one two yeah that’s enough need to get back into streaming fire burn what fire burn um streaming is fun I didn’t know that you streamed streaming is really fun I enjoy it a lot it’s kind of my dream job like streaming

Well playing video games and streaming that’s like my dream job um so I would if this works out that would be wonderful there a lot of weird noise is going on what did you stream like what games and stuff I did over the summer on Twitch I only stream Monster Hunter okay that’s

Fun well last stream H one two three four five sorry last stream I went from having four subscribers to 17 and that was pretty dope is that the same amount one two three four five yeah okay that’s the same amount maybe when the new one comes out or I’ll stream fortnite

Fortnite that would be cool see one two one two three one two one two three okay God it’s hard to plan out your house man creepers in the way one two three four wait one two three four one two one two three okay nice so this will be like my door step thingy

Oh God scary when they do that jeez okay I would like to have like a deck that goes up you know uh that would be ideal G to try to get you to stream World of Warcraft LOL want to see how you do in season of Discovery max level

25 okay I I think that’d be really fun I would be down to have you teach me uhoh I made that one too high I think uh I’ve I’ve tried to have you teach me before and it hasn’t gone I don’t think I’m that great at it but it would still be

Fun hi how are you I’m fine Janina field I’m good how are you oh you said I’m fine duh okay that’s probably why you said that immediately I’m good I’ve been playing Minecraft uh it’s my Hardcore Minecraft server we’re pretending um so I’m playing that I’ve I’ve already

Died in a world so I’m starting over again um but yeah we’ve just been playing Minecraft it’s really fun I already have a nether portal but before I go in I wanted to um sort of get a better base cuz the base I had was kind

Of just like a villager’s house and I like immediately kicked him out and just took his home so it’s kind of you know making a better base right now this is a temporary this is like the start of my outline so I’m going to make some doors actually nice

Perfect go to sleep oh oops didn’t mean to do that hey yo what is up I’m playing Minecraft hard hardcore Minecraft I like Minecraft Minecraft’s fun I like Minecraft too it’s a good game what have you played uh how often do you play Minecraft have you played a hardcore world before it’s really

Fun okay so I think we’re definitely going to need a lot more wood well I do have a lot already but I can just kind of sense it you know so yeah I don’t know cuz I kind of wanted to make like a deck and all that I think

I’m over complicating it is what I think I’m doing I think let’s just start laying out some pieces and then work work up from there cuz I don’t need like an extravagant uh home I just need somewhere to come back back to after I slay that slay that Dragon you know what I

Mean so oh oops I really oh that’s not right I really like the look of like having the pieces of wood like a bit back from the the oak planks I think it looks really nice have you killed the dragon on Hardcore yet never so this is like my

First ever time playing like Hardcore Minecraft so it’s like it’s different you know it’s it’s scarier because then I have to be more careful the last time I killed an Ender Dragon in general was like a million years ago so it was like with Tommy and

Hayden your headset is so cute oh my gosh thank you that is so nice yes I like this headset a lot it’s pretty cute I think we could do this ouch see things like that like oh I need more wood things like that like falling from that height I could do in normal

Minecraft but in in hardcore it’s a little scary see the only thing I don’t like about putting the wood like one inch back is the fact that it kind of looks like on the inside it looks kind of bad but me I don’t know I think it’s good I I do

Kind of want to expand it out one more block just because well I might make it like two stories and then make the Second Story taller I don’t know so hardcore is like way way different than that obviously um creative is very fun what do you uh do you like building

Houses or or do you like I don’t know do you build more like structures like statues and stuff like that what do you do in creative mode I guess is what I’m asking there’s so much to do in creative mode this is looking pretty good two yeah that’s nice why would I need

Windows never mind I don’t think think I need Windows going to the literal back wall maybe I could like make a pathway that’d be nice yeah mhm okay I like that idea going to like the wall cuz maybe this could be like my new um like a mine mine

Tunnel different things houses and stuff oh that’s cool yeah it’s fun there’s a lot you can do I actually think that I’m going to uh I think I’m going to leave these open and put Windows here so then I can see like what’s on the outside this side probably doesn’t need Windows but

But and hear me out here if I close it off I can make it like a uh like a back structure thing like I can put storage in here that’s what I think uh I don’t really like that yeah yeah okay I really only played modded you played modded Minecraft I wish my

Computer could handle mod modded uh Minecraft I I would what I really want is like shaders I want shaders so bad but I don’t really my computer can’t really handle having shaders you know um need more Cobblestone and so that that’s like my big goal is to have that going for

Me the vanilla game play Loop KS boring yeah that’s fair I get that I’m playing on the console that’s cool yeah Minecraft on Console I me way back when when Minecraft was first a thing uh console like Xbox was the only way you could play multiplayer and so me and my brothers

Would play multiplayer um um on Console but I just I started on PC and and so I I feel like I have to stick with it but back in my day yes back in my day okay almost died but we’re good we’re good everything’s fine this

This is probably a horrible spot for me to pick for hardcore do you see all the yeah okay this is a little dangerous little dangerous as they call it oh man that was a close one I’m just trying to collect sand jeez the waste oh sorry I had to recoup from that one

That was scary oh this a little flower biome that’s cute love that this will be good for decorating for sure there might be even be like a dark oak biome over there is that the that’s the new uh uh uh um Sakurai uh what are they cherry blossom trees

Yeah tired like am I tired I’m a little tired I had a full day of work before this um so I mean I’m a little tired but the I was scared after almost dying that’s what I was saying earlier ooh there’s spruce trees that’s that’s a big win but the biggest win is

That cherry blossom tree over there I’m going to go chop that down oh I’m so excited I’m going to steal them the saplings and then I’m going to bring them to my base and then it’s going to be really really cute and it’s getting to be nighttime so I’m a little

Scared but uh it’ll be fine oh I bet the wood is so pretty oh look at all the cherry blossom oh my goodness all right I’m taking you home oh it’s like pink wood that is so cute okay we’re making our base out of this wood that’s just

That’s how it’s going to be sorry folks does this give me saplings I bet Minecraft is doing it where you can make it out of the little pink petals that would make sense oh never mind JK wow a cherry sapling so cute okay I’m going to let these leaves

Naturally fall so I can get more saplings out of them oh I love the pink I love it so cute we’re making this theme for the the cabin that is cute picking all these up and then there’s Spruce Wood over there ouch oh there’s a lava pit over

There dope there’s a lot of spiders over there not dope oh roses this is so is roses is so romantic yes we’re making a romantic little cabin it’s pretty cute okay um oh there’s a lot of zombies but I want to check out that last stream took me like eons to

Find any lava so now there’s just like a pit over here I’m like what the heck took forever for me to find that earlier oh wow look at that it’s a lot of stuff okay that’s a lot of Creeper I think I like flowers flowers are

Cute think that’s going to be the theme oh and there’s oh no that’s the same one gotcha let me go check to see if there’s more saplings that popped up but if I know anything about Minecraft is that you can probably grow the tree from the sapling or the the pink petals cuz

That’s usually how they like cheat around doing things so okay there’s a creeper there it’s getting a little spooky Captain it’s getting a little spooky around here I’m going to eat these all right let’s go see if those any more of that has dropped you don’t like spooky I like spooky spooky is

Fun I like to I’m the type of person to to celebrate Halloween in August that’s like when it starts for me there’s some people that do it like after the fourth of July and that’s too early for me you better not have done or said anything funny while I was

Gone well I hate to break it to you but I did both of those things while you were gone uh I’m not seeing any more of the CH okay we’re leaving not seeing any more of the Cherry saplings is what I was trying to say I can hear that spider that’s like

Crawling behind me she almost died like she almost died like two times true I did almost die like two times and I almost died like immediately when you left so maybe don’t leave again oh there’s like three okay there’s like two zombies in each other oh there’s little sunflowers I’ll take some of

Those I found a cherry blossom tree and I found a bunch of cherry saplings so that’s like the type of wood that I’m going to make the cabin out of and I’m excited cuz it’s going look so cute and I’m taking these flowers we going to make it all cute and Flowery

Themed okay that’s not good all right let’s go back this way is my inventory full it is well we’re nearby these flowers oh I can always get more but it’s looking really cute I like all the flowers that are around let’s go back back to base

X what’s scary is that I really don’t remember where my base is no I think it’s right there I think we’re really close that skeleton almost hit me oh there we are who yep okay that’s fine we’re fine there’s my base so far it’s going to be taking some Renovations

Though this is pretty cool I don’t know if you’re there for the like area picking Jared but this is the uh this is the area we picked out it’s pretty cool it’s like a cool cave and all that Cher Cherry is so tasty yummy ain’t that the truth love

Cherry all right going to bed oh that was a little stressful I won’t lie was a little stressful why can’t I scroll hello all right well I guess we’re using the the numbers for a scroll wheel why is it doing that oh there we go okay I fixed

It all right let’s start planting these Cherry saplings and make some bone meal uh let’s actually put the sapling over there I think this is a better spot for it oops Yeah yeah nice that’s beautiful wow oh that’s so pretty way prettier than this boring crap fruit salad or maybe pudding yeah

Sounds yummy like cherries and fruit salad and Pudding pudding sounds amazing right now actually yeah that’s cute I think we should put one on the Edge right here and see what happens with it nice well now that we have this wood it’s pink oh I love that okay all right we’re switching we’re switching we’re doing pink see who texted me

A clown makes everybody laugh but who makes the clown laugh ain’t that the the realest thing you ever said I only read that because he texted me personally and asked me to rist joke shout out to my boyfriend Jared who just made that awesome clown joke

All right we got to replace all this wood Immediately I also don’t know if I’m in love with the structure or not lame joke Jared it was a good joke all right it was funny I like it okay oh boy feel like the feel like maybe I stream too early in the day because everybody gets off

Work at like seven where I live no my Planet zoo my Planet zoo fox has died no a tragedy has fallen on this day that’s so sad oh this is so cute oh I love it oh oops well okay yeah like that I wonder what the Cherry like things look like uh

Doors I bet they’re cute probably cute cuz they’re cherry I’m going to chop as beautiful as it is I’m going to chop down this cherry tree so that I can collect the wood because I need more and then I’m going to put another cherry tree right in its place this was

Like a big one and then hopefully I can get more sack things out of it oh what just sank to the bottom come on there we go I’m so candy food girl sometimes yeah aren’t we all I I have been Han ringed for some brownies recently that’s been like my my thing

Uhoh we got to make another axe oh collect that egg immediately throw it all right boom that’s a lot of cherry uh this is too much going on right now actually I need to make a chest a double chest even oh well all right let’s put all this in

There I made brownies yesterday a why didn’t you make me some sounds wonderful oh all right F alarm Let’s uh I put it in here oh do I have Cobblestone I do oh brownies is so tasty they are so tasty love brownies all right now I’ve made an ax

Oh there’s another sapling up there nice now we can start farming all the uh Cherry Bloss oh there’s so many saplings cool good I should probably put them somewhere where I don’t have to jump into the water to grab the saplings but me guess it’s fine right

Now I don’t think there’s any more wood in there let’s look around a bit Yeah I think that’s it yeah cool got more saplings yeah I think maybe we should try and find a better place to plant these just cuz I think it’ll be hard To hard to keep them you know going okay yeah all right so I’m going to plant a bunch of saplings I’m more of a cookie man myself well I mean cookies are good Mom’s homemade cookies amazing can’t top those but uh I don’t know I’ve just been

Craving a a good brownie man not a bad brownie like a good a tasty brownie I’ve really been hanging for like just anything chocolate type but like gooey chocolate you know what I mean I’m going to plant all these in this like Baron area so that um they can grow and I

Think what we should do is try and go to the Nether and collect some stuff I think that’d be a good idea before I get too invested in these cherry blossoms oh I did that exact thing same thing a second ago and I did it again okay yeah let’s plant a bunch of

These this is good spot let’s good spot this good spot right there perfect there there there there here cookie man okay that’s funny yeah my brother’s pretty funny oh it’s getting dark okay so I guess can’t quite go to the nether yet these look too close they look a little close to each

Other but we’ll see if they grow all right we’re making our way back he uhoh I’m drowning I’m driving wonder if there’s more saplings Jesus okay my Lord all right I bet there will be more tomorrow morning let’s close these doors go to bed okay sleeping through the

Night I need one of those chairs where you can and like it comes out with a foot pedal so you can put your feet out because I am not very compliant with chairs not very good with staying still not my specialty all right when I’m cooking I’m when I’m cooking I’m cooky

Woman that’s funny okay going to use up this wood that I’ve got here no not there nice oh it looks so cute I love it it’s so pink all right I’ve actually used a lot of this wood in the thought it was going to take a little longer than that that’s

Okay I do want like a full view of this side and side’s cute well actually have a this that’s a little nicer yeah yeah in the front yeah that looks nice okay people texting me right I’m going to put I’m going to take a lot of wood back home with me and then

I’m I don’t really need these I think we should try to go to the nether yeah I think that’s a good idea all right bye house let’s make sure both these are closed yeah doors are locked we’re ready to go I’m going to go back to my old house

And where my uh nether portal is we’re going to go in cuz I think it’s time oh wait actually don’t yeah just having trouble remembering where my other house is it’s this way pretty sure it’s this way well if I got lost I’m going to be really sad but I don’t think I

Did yeah okay we’re going the right direction see this isn’t that far away from my old base are you cooking by yourself or for your friend oh are you asking my brother or me if you’re asking me uh I’m cooking for everyone I’m very generous when I’m a cookie woman

Uh I cook for everyone ah okay yeah All right I found my old base I don’t share my food I cook for myself oh that’s my brother doesn’t share one time let me tell this story real quick one time my brother um came home from the Air Force he can or he came back from basic

Training and I missed him so much I was like oh my gosh I’m so thankful my brother’s back you know I missed him and it’s like the second day that he’s home and um it’s like early morning I just got myself breakfast a bowl of cereal and um he’s

Like hey can I can I have a bite of your cereal and I was like of course I haven’t seen you in forever of course you can have a bite of my cereal and so um I give him the bowl and he eats the entire bowl of

Cereal and so so that’s like something he would do when we were kids and so I was like all right that’s funny I shouldn’t have fallen for that so I make myself another bowl of cereal uh I come back and he’s like oh hey could I uh could I have a bite of

That one I was like it’s the same cereal like it’s not different I mean you know it’s the same thing it’s not you know and so he’s like I just want to try it I was like okay and so I hand him the bowl and he eats another full bowl of cereal

Just the entire thing I think he did that two more times and I don’t know why I kept giving it to him but oh my God I was like how do you eat that much and I think at one point he was just doing it for the bit you know I wasn’t even

Hungry see that’s what I just said I don’t think he was doing it for the I think it it was more of a will thing than a he was actually a hungry thing just does it to prove a point what point I don’t know just a

Point I don’t know what point oh this is where my cats are oh hey I locked them in here when there was a raid on the village come on let’s go outside all right I’m going to park you guys out here no no sit down thank you in the middle perfect

Okay oh okay that scared me did anybody else see that coming cuz I didn’t I can’t knock baking you can’t cook that’s fair cooking’s hard I can’t really cook either okay well I know that we are going to go to the nether soon but first I would like to take a five minute

Break just five minutes maybe even 3 minutes less than five I just need to grab a snack and go to the bathroom and get myself set for get myself mentally prepared for the Nether and I don’t know how to mute myself cuz I made that mistake last

Time uh so I might need some help can I unactivate it mute this time I’m trying all right I gotta see how though uh Jared do you know how to mute yourself in OBS can you teach me I don’t know how to do it don’t remember but you could just

Unplug the mic true I could just unplug the mic how would I do that instead to save everybody some time need a mic that you can tap in the mute true can anybody hear me right now your mom tell me what I just said you can hear me your mom okay dang

It um well I unplugged the mic Shoot oh boy I’m going to look it up that’s the best way to do it over the speaker symbol in the mic an audio volume line in the audio mixer window click on it okay I figured out how to do it so I’m going to mute myself and then I’ll leave for five

Minutes I’ll be right back okay five minutes starts now for for all right I’m back does everybody miss me does everybody still here in chat I sure hope so are you playing in other games sometimes or only fortnite I would like to play things like fortnite would be fun um I would

Like to play like I mentioned it earlier a game called Alexa stop okay sorry about that she was uh acting up anyway I would like to to play a game called lethal company um yeah I I have plans for a ton of different games I would love to play like different types

Of everything like horror games and more chill games like this and I have plans for a ton of different type of games but um first I got to you know first I gotta uh get established with some type of game uhoh I need a bed oh how did he blow

Up man okay I’m going to Sprint for a bed see if I can find one there we are we’re good I also got a snack which I’m going to eat mhm mhm mhm oh okay man he really like destroyed my thing oh my my gosh like really destroyed my thing what a

Jerk we’ll Build It Up same thing happened on the other side shouldn’t be using my diamond pickaxe for things like this but oh well oh oops Yeah that’s better okay it’s nice to talk with you I’m going out of stream good night good night thanks for stopping in I hope you

Join I’m going to be the same time next Friday so join me then too bye they were nice I like J okay okay all right well it sucks they left because I’m about to go into The Nether now that I’ve had my break and I’m eating my snack in real life Ending

Game about to go in okay I’m going in boys just kidding I do need to fix this oops okay now I’m going in oh boy what’s that noise is that me is that me um not cool game I’m I almost just died to a glitch my cat came freak that’s not what I

Wanted yeah no follow me hey hey no what are you doing I’m just going to go back I’m just going to go back please please don’t fall off oh my God why are you still over here oh is that just a random cat that’s not even my cat oh all

Right we’re doing a quick detour we’re going to go get fish so we can save this cat Jesus that’s why I was running away from me I thought I sat down all my cats uhoh uhoh oh jeez all right think I have some fish my shelter fish

Fish I mean that’s all the fish we have this doesn’t work then all right let’s go save this freaking cat little dummy okay hold B to emote you can emote in this game that’s dope oh thank gosh okay all right you’re coming with me okay oh okay come here no come here

Is that cat just H oh duh I have leashes why don’t I just use a leash also I was so focused that I was not talking at all but that was really boring to watch sorry about that I have leashes I’ll just use a leash duh that’s my problem with streaming is

That I just get so zoned into something that I completely zone out everything else around me is not very fun to watch there’s my cat all right let’s unset you oh well that worked come here no no no no yes oh my gosh that was scary all right now you have

A thank you now you have a twin siamese twins what cool beans yeah cool beans I’m freaking playing Minecraft I just saved a cat from the nether that was scary so now I have five cats um yeah that’s what I’m doing playing hardcore minec CFT H we’re going back in the

Nether now that there are no cats there I should have put those leads away it’ll be fine it’ll be fine oh okay we’re immediately and without question going to make crafting table did I not grab like a any more than two Cobblestone jeez all right we’ll just make a wood pickaxe

It’s so easy to mine out the nether stuff anyway it’s not that big of a deal yeah this is even quick and it’s a wooden pickaxe oh hardcore don’t know why I thought it was Bedrock Edition uh yeah it is bedrock Edition um but we’re playing it where if I die in

The game I die for real so it’s hardcore uh cuz I didn’t know that Bedrock didn’t have Hardcore Minecraft so because I have both but I started the stream on Bedrock so I was like you know we’ll just we’ll just play along with how it is there’s I hear a

Ghast I’m not seeing a gas there are so many wither skeletons up there too gosh I don’t know how I’m going to do this um I think best play is to sneak in from over there I think it’s probably the best idea okay there’s trying to kill me already that’s not good H

Yeah okay we’re going to take cover over here I don’t think they can reach me from this side yeah and then we’ll go oh that’s probably where their spawn is uh yeah I’m hearing them do this go through room oh this goes through room pretty easy too oh oops

There all right we’re just finding our way in is the hard part well that’s not not true fighting the The Blaze is the hard part which I’m scared a little I’m a little scared I don’t I really don’t want to die great okay run we’re running um this is I’m

Scared is this hack am I hacking right now oh this might be the strap no way it’s two hits with a diamond sword okay maybe this is going to be easier than I remember I don’t know how many I need oh come here ow oh okay all right please don’t die please don’t

Die oh this is stressing me out am I underprepared be honest this is my build am I underprepared for this I might be but I did just get one how do you make a fire resistance potion Okay so maybe I need a fire resistance potion and that’ll be the best way to do it I just I need BL oh oops I need blaze rods to be able to make that so I’m like it’s kind of if I’m already getting the blaze rods you know what I mean it’s

Kind of redundant uh are you too tall maybe he can’t go by two by two spaces but this guy can that’s the strp oh that’s what I did duh duh okay oh what am I doing this is I’m scared I’m nervous yeah come here oh one hit don’t have any gold on me

Well now I need more blaze rods this is a little scary this place is huge ah another one strafing strafing the hell out of him there are so many of those guys that looks like a spawner over there okay okay what no oh this sucks how how do I I can’t load back

In oh Man dang it all right save and quit God that was my second world and I made it to the nether okay well you know what that means yeah yeah I died yeah so now I have to I’m creating a new world that yeah I didn’t count for

That but you know what that means Fresh Start we’re going to get a fresh start into this new world and I’m going to speedrun it we’re speedr running it we’re getting to the nether really quick we’re getting to okay another desert biome h ain’t that just the darnest thing oh

Well there’s a village a village immediately just my luck was it a cool death it was kind of cool I was fighting a bunch of people and then I I died while fighting but it was kind of uh kind of happened immediately so in that sense it wasn’t very cool oh man

Okay but we’re doing the Villager we’re doing the The Village Strat again it’s worked for me every time and we’re going to go there get all the food and we’re not even thinking about it we’re going to immediately start strip mining no no no no we’re going to

Go to that Temple I saw over there I saw it we’re going to see if there’s diamond and start getting that diamond start getting that Diamond so that we can go get obsidian and go to the nether that’s the plan that’s a plan and I’m sticking to

It not even making a base we’ll get a bed bed’s okay we’re not making a base cuz clearly that was what hurt me last time taking this bed 10 b.m here here I’m going to head off to bed thanks for the stream thanks for stopping by brother and Stephanie I think Stephanie

Was in here too I hope you have a good night and I love you bye they’re great people stealing all this guy’s wheat all right tempted to jump off and I’m not going To okay there’s another Tower right next to it love you too good gonna ransack his chest here awesome great so I think I was what went wrong right I think I was under a little still underprepared just a little bit so we got to mitigate that I think we

Need to prep more and oh my God so cute I think we need to do more of the like fire resistance potions and stuff like that yeah that’s what I think we’re stealing this crafting table okay let’s get some Bread I hate when I’m just left with one like that that sucks all right let’s go to that Temple well yeah yeah let’s go to the temple I don’t really need much I just need some sand so that I can a venture that way there’s also that little

Structure thing over there I don’t know what that is I’ve seen them before but I don’t know what it means or what it is we’re going to get a bunch of Sand so like we can Traverse into the into the temple now I’m really hoping we get diamonds first shot here cuz that would be NE necessary for the speedrun right oh there’s a jungle biome that’s pretty cool it’s buried ah this is safer nice don’t like that sound all right

We’re doing this Strat again just tear out the corner perfect then you start going okay we’re good enchantment book that’s good stuff’s kind of bogus emeralds two Saddles that’s cool H I’m feeling a little unlucky I mean these are good but not diamonds good I think it was just a oneoff thing we

Three Saddles though that’s pretty good can you not do that okay come on ah no diamond that was sort of essential to the speedrun yeah all right well well you know that’s okay that is all right you know what we’re going to speedrun anyway that didn’t even affect us no

Shot Jared I think you’re only you’re the only one in here and I I appreciate your support all the way oh all right well okay that wasn’t exactly what I wanted out of that but we could go into this jungle biome and see what’s going on there see what what I

Had before I was I was tied down I was tied down by by Animals by Friends by family and now I’m breaking free I’m breaking free of that and I’m going I’m going out and gives me the freedom to to walk around do whatever I want and

Go wherever I want to we’re going to check out this Village though we’re going to check out the village and maybe there’s a temple nearby again we could just keep running temples and seeing if you know seeing if we have any uh any diamond and any of them that would be

Ideal there’s another little pointer thing over there whoa that’s cool yeah those tall building seem to be the ones that have all the uh the items in them so that’s like kind of what I’m wanting to go for okay let’s get in here is that the top of a temple I saw

Perhaps no it wasn’t well that’s okay oh need some bread iron this all right let’s check inside here more bread all right stocked up on the stuff okay let’s go back down and try the other one I mean I don’t expect a lot of loot from from these these ones rip

Yeah I guess you’re my only viewer okay um yeah I died and then I yeah I had to make a new world it was uh pretty tragic actually but I’m starting fresh and it’s almost night time already whatever whatever you can take your bed trying to steal somebody’s but ow all

Right happens every stream all these bed oh I have a bed duh but somebody would let me sleep in their place this is perfect spot cozy enough run it back we’re running it back we’re trying this again you know we’re trying again oh there’s a little orange cat

That’s cute haven’t seen that one yet okay we’re moving forward okay see if there’s any temples let’s explore the desert biome now if my uh uh if I’m stood if I’m s I’m if I’m not stood corrected in what’s the What’s the phrase correct me if I’m wrong but like

If I stand corre if I stand corrected correct me if I’m wrong but there should be six other temples right where I spawned cuz that’s been my luck usually in this game but now it’s a Barren Wasteland that mountain Escape looks really cool ah another Temple let’s go okay let’s

See if this one will have diamonds let’s go what is up Sean hey buddy I hate to tell it to you but I died uh again so this is a brand new world and uh yeah we’re we’re starting fresh cuz I died um see yeah hey hey hey hey hey hey

What how did I die so I was in the nether right as you are and uh I found I was like am I underprepared for this you know I was debating on whether I should try and keep attacking the blazes or not and then I found out that you can uh

Kill wither skeletons in one diamond sword hit and so I was like okay easy this is going to be easy and so then I started attacking them with my diamond sword and then there was a hord of them that just surrounded me and uh killed me so I died it was not

Good uh but now here we are and we’re getting crappy crappy poles from these from these temples really sand and spring golden apple is okay but I’ve been really want the last one I had I got Diamond Three diamond okay I don’t know what that thing is but I’ve seen them

Oh you can’t stack golden apples oh you can iron though that’s pretty good okay well looks like we’re going back up God dang it dang I’m so sorry for your loss that’s okay I just died but you die in the game you Di die for real you know what I

Mean every time I die a little part of me dies on the inside so how much does that mean you know what I mean okay we’re going back out let’s see if we can find another Temple I’ve gotten three Saddles which is more than I found

Like one saddle before so I’m like what ooh that looks interesting uh how about we go in there oh okay this looks fun yeah okay uh we should get some wood and go over there soz I think there’s diamonds in those spots go explore that cave I’m

Going to I got to get wood though I think I’m going to get wood yeah I’m going to get wood so I can make a pickaxe and then I’ll go explore the cave so that I can get iron and stuff make full iron armor all that I

Would have died so many times if I didn’t have my full iron armor it was uh it’s pretty bad maybe we’ll even find a Panda you know good idea you’re so smart I try I try to be smart yeah all right I think we should get a lot of

Wood so that we can stay down there for a while see the good thing about the new Strat that I’m doing is that I’m not tying myself down I’m not making a base yet not yet not this early because all I need is a bed and a hole to sleep in so

I can go down in a cave and if I get lost it’s not really me getting lost because I don’t even have where to be lost from you get what I’m saying so now I’m not tied down to anything I’m just living my life so I’m going to get like this whole

Tree of wood and then make a quick pickaxe and then I’ll have a ton of sticks to make stuff and I have a lot of bread so we’re good there too my Alexa keeps going off don’t know why she did it earlier but it freaks me out cu I feel like it’s a

Person see last stream I had my headphones on but I like they they didn’t have the audio going through them um they were just for looks at that point she is she is she trying to swap me for real did she say my home address

Okay I think we’re safe I’m going to put the other ear on all right this is a lot of wood but you need a lot of wood if you’re going to make it in this world you know what I mean have you ever played modded Minecraft um

So I have not ever played I’ve only played vanilla Minecraft well at a friend’s house I experienced modded Minecraft but I’ve never like played it um cuz my dream has always been to have shaders in Minecraft um but my computer lover to death it is not very um good it’s kind

Of it’s crapping out a bit and so I would not be able to run shaders and I wouldn’t really be able to run any mods um but that’s like my goal for the one of my goals for this year is to get a computer that can run like actual shaders and stuff like

That I think that would be really dope I think once I get 64 I’m going to stop yeah yeah that’s a good amount oh there’s another Temple over there okay before we go explore that cave is that the one I just explored is that a is that a dumb dumb movement on

Me is that the one I literally just want to uh uh oh there so much Baboo I think that might have been the one I already did yeah okay yeah I’m a dummy never mind now it’s the middle of the desert I’m sleeping how was your day at work Sean is it still

Going well a is it are you still working or is it uh how’s your day ended workwise there it is is this a no where did the entrance to that cave go am I silly am I a little Silly Billy right now or what let’s check over

Here thought I think it was pretty soon after it’s going all right I’m at Camp right now about to head to bed it’s been hitting 60 mph winds and it’s supposed to be negative 50 chills Sunday oh man are uh uh you don’t have to be outside do

You since you’re like a you cook right you’re a little cook you’re a little cooking boy you little cook you got to get that money yeah that’s fair couldn’t be me am I just silly m here it but that wasn’t was that it oh well anyway anyway it’s a m shaft okay

Okay don’t have my crafting table not too often though I quit the job I’m a lead now for a different company what a man how long have I not talked to you about your work way to pay attention to me how long have I not talked to you

About this that I completely didn’t know that whoops whoa that’s awkward sorry my bad my bad for real do have an iron pickaxe though so that counts for something in that cool I’ve been doing this I’m doing this a month shy of three years no way you’ve been doing this new thing for

New to me three years Jesus I really don’t pay attention to you buddy man that’s uh it’s not very cool you think think I can make it I think I could oh okay oh and look obsidian yeah I did it that was a little scary but I did

It oh but I didn’t explore the M shaft we’re going back up I want to explore that M shaft a bit I’m here sorry I was doing Destiny stuff okay sure you were meanwhile I’ve had to ban like seven people not true I did a really sick move Jared you missed

It oh man this is such a tall way to be long way to go I mean tall way to me I’m going to head to bed I hope you have a great rest of your stream and I’ll talk to you later okay I’ll talk to you later see you battle

Buddy I’ve been watching just wasn’t able to type oh gotcha okay do better turn okay okay you guys all right we’re digging our way back up after immediately falling cuz I thought the M shaft would be like far down but um it was not ah okay we’re getting we’re getting there it’s up

There Okay so I just need to get up there keep keep mining our way mine our way up there miners miners unite you know what I mean oh get mmer nope yeah you wouldn’t cuz you’re not a miner this is a tough place to get to

But I think we did it oh that’s actually want that just kidding right yeah there’s spiders I hear them there’s mobs I should make a sword okay I almost died all right well making a sword it’s a perfect excuse to make a quick stone sword all right awesome oh more iron let’s

Go hey boys let’s go I’m going to explore in a second I’m just scared oh I should also take this with me shouldn’t be leaving that placees I’m not going to come back here most likely okay okay that was a close call if I’ve ever seen one we can find something cool in

Here nothing yet okay not seeing any oh this looks promising oh lapis I’ll take it do have like an enchanting book that I need to do stuff with so more okay is that diamond no my ey is playing tricks on me the greed is overtaking me oh there a chest interesting

Okay uh I’m going to leave these here um I’m going to leave all the stuff that doesn’t matter so I don’t really need gunpowder I’m not going to need bones yet Iron’s good lapis is good I don’t need those uh yeah keep these up here keep these this doesn’t matter

I can get that in a day uh I can make more sticks just want to mitigate any uh any clogging of I’ll keep one all right do I need it though no I won’t keep it I just want to keep my inventory semiopen for Stuff you know what I

Mean a this is a creeper that blew up okay use the tracks to make a roller coaster Abigail what is up that sounds like a wonderful idea that’s actually a pogers idea oh man how was your day huh tell me that I need like a some red stone busy busy sounds about

Right usually is with you I’m really coer would be fun oh so I’m playing hardcore Minecraft but like not like fake high hardcore like we’re pretending and I’ve gone through two worlds already um so this is my third and last World I made it to the

Nether right so I’m hoping that I can make it in this I basically I’m speedr running right now try to speedrun um let’s get rid of these so I’m trying to find okay diamond asking you shall receive an act of God it’s hardcore if you believe it is it’s true I believe I

Believe I believe that everybody I know is a G well let’s keep our eyes peeled for more Diamond because I need more of that stuff oh and this was a dead end great perfect even but now we have one Diamond our first diamond which is great let’s go back up explore another place use our sword cuz I’m a little

Scared let’s eat some bread I love speedrunning games did you run into any of the scary cave guys the big buff ones no what big scary cave guys I haven’t really played Minecraft in a while so I don’t know what you’re talking about and now you’re scaring me the blue ones

No I haven’t seen those at all thankfully and now I’m now I’m scared what do you mean oh jeez oh Abby I’m scared and alone and Afraid and horny it’s big buff shirtless men that try and give you car wash that’s the scariest thing I’ve ever heard sounds terrifying

Okay I hope I don’t run into this just kidding they have this blue biome and caves that you have to be quiet in that’s crazy I have not seen that yet yet and I’m a little scared okay let’s go back to where we came explore some other parts of it nothing iron that’s

Good when was the last time you played Minecraft Abby do you remember keep mistaking all these new Stones as Bedrock there’s so many there is so many I keep thinking that too I was thinking that at the beginning is what I meant to say I haven’t seen it right here before

Since I had you at my dorm a man dude we got to do that again I also want to go snowboarding again that would be dope I have 63 rails all right I’ll get one more and then that’s enough for now oh but I do need Redstone for Redstone rails do oh come

On there we go sh whoa tropical fish down here they piranhas well they just look tropical interesting I keep thinking these are diamonds but they’re definitely not are you a redstone engineer uh yeah I am it’s um it’s like my specialty he’s holding seeds he’s dead

Now Abby I want you on my stream and I want you to teach me how to play Doom catch one for home decor oh the little Vine thingy well it’s too far I’ll grabb the next one I see I don’t really have a home yet is the

Thing fishies oh the fishies yeah okay I don’t really I guess I could smelt yeah yeah yeah I need to smelll some iron so I can a make armor and B make a bucket so let’s do this uh there H okay make some iron we’ll collect some iron

Too need to make some more pickaxes man cool okay we’ll add this to the stockpile sorry I zone out in the middle of speaking I shouldn’t do that it’s really not entertaining to watch I’m sure H my brother stopped in and that was nice okay there’s a spider there’s a

Spider okay all right how are you even hitting my hit box bro that was insane let’s make a I’m zoned in I’m zoned in so freaking zoned in right now uh let’s do you know what I do a lot in Minecraft on accident I keep making the wrong item

Like I do it every stream where I make like I say that I’m going to make an axe and then I make a pickaxe so stupid Oh get the freak away from me okay we’re leaving oh my God am I going to die again oh my God bro I cannot catch a

Break a half a heart all right uh half a fart more like we’re just we’re oh my God okay all right that was a little little too much for me let’s eat some bread jeez Louise okay all right so 22 of my iron are still over there and I need to get it

Back and my Coal’s still over there unless it blew it up you can’t die it’s hardcore okay you know I’m trying my best here I’m trying But I won’t I won’t die not this time okay I wonder if there’s a way I can stack my items better uh I don’t think I need all these Saddles I would like all the Saddles you know how I said that I don’t want a base I kind of do want a base

Now I know I said I shouldn’t and that I don’t want to be weighed down but it might be nice for me to be able to drop off some of these items somewhere you get what I mean I think that would be the best thing for me to

Do I started playing security breach this week have you played it I haven’t played it but that uh I heard I’ve I’ve not played it I was about to say I’ve heard of it but it’s literally FNAF so I live breathe and die FNAF you need a base homie storage base

I do I do I just I was doing a different run and I thought it’ be better if I didn’t and then I was like oh I’m not going to do base I need a base okay there’s lots of mobs let’s see if I can go grab hair skeleton hey

Buddy all right that work that worked itself out you kidding me uh good all right I think we should leave I think that’s the right play I can’t get past the daycare working on it though this cave is gorgeous this cave is so gorgeous I uh I’ve seen Markiplier play it which is

Why I know it um and I think the Dayo care took him a while too it’s all cozy looking I know you know what’s so sad Abby I found oh well I found um in my last World a bunch of cherry blossom saplings and it was so cute and I was

Going to make a little cozy cabin out of them it was going to be so so fun I’m so sad that I died so now we’re going to make a new cozy cabin iron yes I got the iron now I have 26 iron and I’m a little scared about this zombie coming

Up he’s not all right man why are you making those noises one get bed two set spawn see here’s the thing I don’t need a spawn cuz it’s hardcore right you feel me but yes I have I have a bed in my inventory but I need some torches oh yeah okay no

Jesus all right for real this oh god oh I see I see yeah so I don’t even have to respawn I think I’m pretty close to the surface yeah yeah yeah I think I’m pretty Close I’m going to put all this in the same like wheel so that I can like you know it’s probably the best idea I’m placing these oh there’s right under me bro you have a bed yeah I have a but I mean I just use it to sleep

Through the night okay okay no thank you no thank you that was a scary one that one spooked me a bit okay back to the game man I keep this this cave is dangerous it’s a little dangerous let’s see I don’t know if I shouldn’t be wasting away sword on

That I mean pickaxe okay just a lay clay we’re good and more iron more iron can I get a pagers in chat for the iron everybody better be doing a poers in chat I’m Banning whoever doesn’t everybody who’s watching better say poers see you texted me

Though POG iron thank you you will not be banned all right Abby pogs I see that you got your your school stuff figured out I’m so proud of you she’s pogging she’s pogging right now we’re changing direction don’t even talk to me when I’m too busy PPP who’s texting me

A lot of people cuz I’m so popular I’m now a biology major sh That’s So Dope that’ll be sick how much iron do I have 34 it’s a good amount can make a ton more T pickaxes oh we’re hitting the surface nice I am scared about sand she says well directly under

Sandstone but it’s night time up there hi Abby yeah that’s Jared he’s playing Destiny so he’s been Jared I said that everybody who didn’t say whoa who didn’t say poggers in chat would have to get banned so unfortunately um it looks like somebody’s gonna have to ban you I don’t make the

Rules but I also have to enforce them place a torch all right all right all right you happy now Uh what am I doing oh I was going to I was going to make a pickaxe that’s what I’m doing mhh pickaxe yes yes there please where the sand falls so it breaks I thought you were saying place a torch so that you could see not so that I could yeah all

Right you know you’re a doofus okay not me I’m not the one Minecraft Champion my butt just kidding that’s rude don’t ban me I’m Banning you immediately mercy no mercy for you you said POG way too late now you’re making me look like a fool a damn fool all right

Ban oh I made it out okay all right there’s a million zombies wonderful wonderful okay putting my leg up here for emotional support all right there’s a I’m dodging and leaving leaving in dodging oh there’s so many mobs ow I’m scared that bow does a lot of damage lot of Damage dying from broken heart is real thing be careful man all right all right it’s okay I won’t ban you this time how’s that for you does that help if you ban me I’ll die okay I won’t ban you if you’re nice to me that’s the deal okay it’s the deal we

Have to make you move or you lose it I can’t even freaking collect these watermelon all right Skelly boys everywhere I just got to put all my [ __ ] away somewhere my diamond all this stuff okay now I’m feeling a little lighter nice deal all

Right it’s a deal then if you ban me I’m breaking up with you band that was rude also I’m good here too can’t switch subjects like that babe that’s mean it applies to everybody the being mean and you get man roll so I’m sorry if you’re being mean to me you’re going

To get banned I’m chilling killing you’re killing killing it slay all right I have a question for chat um should I find a different biome if you haven’t been scary movie then Al if you haven’t seen scary movie then I’ll sound stupid I haven’t seen scary movies so yes you do sound stupid

Sorry also question for the public what type or GH place is smoking a blunt I don’t remember I don’t chilling killing that that would make sense then uh question what now you said that I have to look up the clip I’m not seeing it it didn’t immediately pop up therefore back to the

Game was going to look it up I’m also scared of getting copyright uh copyright claimed or whatever there we are all right question for chat where should my Biome like what biome should I I try and go to for my base that’s my question leave your suggestions and I will start looking tell

Me okay Abby sent me the clip so I’m gonna we’re going to watch it Birch all the way Birch biome more like [ __ ] biome unless you find cherry blossom okay that’s a better goal all right let’s get all my stuff back in here except for the things that don’t

Matter all right buddy I see you d dumb oh probably this is the only perfect is that a bird I heard I forget there’s birds oh shoot anyway okay I’m going to watch that clip I think let me send it to myself on on Discord all right wait we got to pause the

Music he killed everyone I was how could he Abby what’s your response was that as funny as you remember I don’t it didn’t have the chilling killing thing in it I’m chilling killing did I miss it didn’t have the same feeling Killing In that clip but you get the idea it’s very

Funny I was giggling whole time and as long as you were giggling you know what I mean oh man all right I know you just joined but I’m sad to say it it’s it’s 7 and I had stream from 4:00 to 7: I know depressing so I am going to have to get

Off now um but yeah I hope you guys love the stream and I hope you guys join back next week on Friday when I stream again um it’s going to be a doozy and uh yeah so yeah good night sweet dreams had a blast I’m glad you had a blast good night and

Sweet dreams I will see you this time again next Friday hopefully um but don’t let the B box fight I won’t let the bed box fight okay goodbye Gamers I got a skidadle I will uh I’ll see you next week good bye

This video, titled ‘Girl Gamer plays HARDCORE Minecraft! (emotional)’, was uploaded by Sabor Fish on 2024-01-13 04:23:29. It has garnered 47 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:57 or 11337 seconds.

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    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More