Emotional rollercoaster: Overwatch vs Minecraft

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Why the moment I go to unmute does it have to play it just why hello I like your s skins-golden-freddy/”>thank you there’s there’s something extra I want to do to it but um that spoilers and you’ll have to wait because it might take me a while

Oh those clothes are so annoying to do they just weren’t turning out right um so today we are playing the new OverWatch update uh there’s like a new game mode I think I don’t think I know there’s a new game mode and I’m going to trest that

Out until I get sad and triggered and then we’re going to play some Minecraft okay so sounds good you don’t mind do what shut up shoot oh I I was me to show you the house that I built damn it oh well I’ll show you on stream I was

Going to show you before I went live um I’m also testing kind of a new layout where I have chat on screen not for you guys just for me um so that might go terribly wrong because the game’s in windowed so yeah we’ll see how that goes where where are my

Screens there we go hey work straight away what the heck is uh wait I have no sound oh it’s in window and it’s really weird I haven’t oh my gosh that’s so loud uh I haven’t played the new game mode yet so I don’t know what it’s like I think it’s

A uh like a death match type of thing which scares me cuz I don’t like death mates of things hopefully the sounds are okay uh okay would you like me to go through the Skins the new stuff before we get started there’s two skins that I really want to get so

Bad skins okay so these are the ones you play to win so you have to win nine games to get this one’s cool I quite like this one this is Baptist uh I think this is wait which one’s live now oh the Baptist one there

We go uh we also have McCree which I’m not that mad on it’s just I don’t like his face the color is cool the gun’s kind of boring though like if all of this was red that’ look better but yeah but I really don’t like his face on this one uh we

Have Ash which I quite like I like Bob I like laser tiger um oh I didn’t realize there’s a little p print that’s so cute there’s nothing really special about the rest of it but I just like Bob he’s a tiger he’s so cute that’s the only thing I can comment

On I like yeah I like Bob he has like a little color on I don’t know what that’s supposed to be I like the tiger yeah so I do want this skin it’s not the main skin I want but I would like him because look at his little face

He so freaking cute uh we have Bastion which is I mean kind of cool but I don’t play Bastion so I don’t really care I like his bird though there like a glowing chest that’s him in turret form I’m sad that he doesn’t look like a dragon like wait where’s your

Body I thought this would have like his gun come out of or something so it looks like a dragon but it’s actually at the back and it’s like but I want at the front I don’t know it’s kind of just that’s cute though that sold it for me um we have

Eeko which I really want it’s so pretty she’s like a bird or something peacock no fire bird I’ve been playing more Echo but I’m really bad at her really bad yeah I really want this one this is one of the main skins I need want not

Need I like that one yeah this one’s cool this one which I do actually really like but it’s not like I’d be more sad if I didn’t get that than if I didn’t get this I do quite like this one I like that like the purple blue smoke coming off

Her I just don’t like when they make Arisa look evil cuz she’s like the sweetest character as she I guess one she’s one of the sweetest characters and they make a look even one I don’t appreciate it uh and then I really want this one this I it’s just it’s cute and the

Gun’s really cool although it’s weird how the guns got green stuff in it rather than pink when she doesn’t really have anything Green in her skin I didn’t even notice that that one’s pretty yeah it’s just a really pretty shade of pink yeah so I really want this one and this one these

Are the two main ones then I can’t choose between these two I probably won’t get all these though because I don’t have many credits and I can’t afford boxes anyway that’s pretty much all the important stuff uh what we doing arcade yeah this is it this is uh Bounty

Hunter uh gain points by killing the target to claim their Bounty and become the target yourself raising your health and ultimate meter to fall earn Bon bonus earn bonus points by killing non-target Heroes as the target season 26 when did I last play um where do I see 18 is when I last

Played o o I do want to play competitive I just get really sad when I play yeah this is the game mode we’re going to be playing and I’m kind of nervous because it seems like a lot of pressure but um hopefully it’ll be fine uh before I startop playing though

Is everything okay okay like is the sound okay you probably can’t hear the music that much I can actually probably pause the music there’s no point playing if I’m playing OverWatch um the send of the game is it okay my last one was when it was solo

Queuing Oh yeah yeah um actually I might be able to check when you last played in Social uh competitive season 10 I mean I only played like I didn’t even play eight seasons it went like season 15 and season 8 and 18 and I play three more seasons than you is this your it is but people ruin it people ruin the game and it makes me

Upset and I just want to play OverWatch but I can’t because people ru win it hi cray anyway but yes this is my favorite game I just get very depressed when I play it let’s play this I suppose um this is turning up because I can barely

Hear I would like to play comp again but I think I need to mainly play it on stream so I don’t get completely upset with it okay oh I’m nervous I don’t like playing new things now entering King roare for BCT your uh sure I’m really scared people are going to

Try and kill me I know there’s someone to my right don’t go in there you idot please die is he the Bounty then okay at least I don’t have it yeah I don’t know if people can spawn behind me oh no that’s unfair I’m back in the

Game I don’t really think I want to kill him though I don’t really want the pressure of being the bounty can you stop having old please oh my gosh I got it oh no I don’t want it pleas don’t kill me I’ve got you in my sight I miss

Playing junk I glad you stop playing hanza actually which one came first did you play hanza or junk first so white to heal and okay I freaking hate you that’s unfair that’s just that’s just rude are there he packs someone help me yeah we might not play this for long I’m not a

Good see me did you I don’t know what’s happening time don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it oh thank you adag Bas my where did you get oh you are Echo I thought you changed into Echo I was like where did you get Echo

From excuse me I remember when I started watching OverWatch and I didn’t know there was different Maps I thought it was all the same round you just went into a different part and I just thought that seems like a very long game right how are you not dead

Douchebag okay I want to stay h wa people can see me not good to shoot you down don’t please I just got it would like help would like help thank you wait who needs three kills it’s not me why why why I don’t like the pressure they can have the Bounty it’s

Fine I don’t want it well this is just an unfair fight isn’t it yeah GG I don’t like that game mod it’s not just like so that’s something I guess yeah but that’s the thing that everyone says it’s like I don’t get OverWatch it’s just lights wait there’s multiple widows that makes

Sense I didn’t like that am I supposed to win nine of them can we play something else I want to play something else but in the total I have to play it which is the sad part I want to play some uh Capture the Flag though I love

Capture the Flag I hatte it when it first came out I refused to play it and then I got obsessed are you rooting for someone else excuse you I really don’t want to get off off High Ground there I’m just not that skilled anyway maybe I don’t know if you need I

Don’t exactly know how you Win like I know you need the Bounty add my money on Doom uh should we go for an actual DPS I don’t want to though cuz you’re going to judge my aim that’s the sad part oh oh uh h I do play worse on stream I know that

Sims like a very bad excuse but I do play worse on stream man apocalypse where did you get the you just are you just born with it please don’t Happ I thought you was trying to go for me then thank you bag I don’t know why I insult people

When I kill them they’re not doing anything wrong they’re just upsetting me D back right we need I didn’t think that would work on Oh I thought he was in the air oh no I don’t want to be here fight her I should have healed I should have

Healed I should have healed I should have healed oh I’m Healed what did I just say I should have heal Doom is pig f again oh the doist has the Bounty though I he a freaking handso oh there you are you getting caught on a wall ruined

My hook and now I can’t aim I’m leaving goodbye why are you all coming after me why me I don’t have the freaking Bounty I hate this game mode they just all went for me I didn’t do anything I want to kill that so bad I’m on fire stop killing the over

She never mind then if you root for handzel one more time R I won’t do anything but be very upset why can I not hook you she just you just can’t hit her not down bad it’s just she’s hacking I’m not convinced him is a real player oh there’s two

Myers but which one’s been killing me that’s the one I i w dead me to your strike how do we get over there you’re a douche you’re a douche you’re such a douche please stay away from me I hate MOA so Much I’m third though I mean I’m doing terrible but I’m third oh now I’m four oh enemy oh that’s how you get over there yeah I don’t like this game mode it’s too stressful when they all come for you okay I’m not working no freak you D there were three moras at the

End I think you were the handzo so I’ll give it to you okay I’m trying one more time if not then we’re playing Capture the Flag because I just can’t play that I didn’t want Skirmish I didn’t want Skirmish traving to Industries oh hello

Lag I think I need to go for the Bounty Hunter more I just kind of avoid him cuz I don’t want it I don’t know what you’re supposed to do when you have it because you can’t hide and then everyone shoots at you Trav iare um go for hog

Again I feel like Hog’s a better choice than uh uh Diva 1 fight okay you have more faith in me than I do okay fight the bo oh fighting myself now going no that’s just unfair okay we’re going for the Bounty going for the Bounty why go for her I suck at this

Game so bad I hate everything that is this game do nope nope nope nope I was was just me hiding by the way I I don’t think top three is going to happen I don’t think that’s going to happen no nope no I just can’t kill the Bounty I can

Kill all the people the pressure is just on with them okay Ash has it again oh freck off jump down I dare you I need to hide I need to hide give me two minutes that’s L set can you make there top six then maybe I can get something done no go for

Him this is why I don’t play C didn’t mean press that but right Bastion has it oh my go that hit you I’m sorry don’t come in here don’t come in here don’t come in here please go away oh I lit can’t get not get top five

Now can I CH oh I can change Heroes ooh uh sure I will I die from her I become her no oh I didn’t know he was there okay you’re going you’re not going anywhere right Health oh why do you have to spawn there anywhere else please fight someone else

Far too far up I’m way too I knew that was too far up I did it anyway system online just band together to kill the bastions or become them yourself that works too tank configuration activated enemy just kill the Bastion just kill the Bastion that’s all you need to do freak

Off I wasn’t going to Joy anything anyway I tried what why why it’s fine it’s fine I hate this guys okay let’s play Capture the Flag that was so so bad uh how do I change my title again I forget how to change my title that’s that’s right that that’s

The point it’s just not my game mode otherwise I’d have been perfectly fine wait how do I change oh edit info there we go perfect title uh Capture the Flag compet we’re not playing we just do this one unless no one’s playing it that’s the point I was just thinking that Dodge the

R oh well we’ll never know what happened oh okay I don’t remember how to play this to be honest sect your her I know you can’t use your abilities uh oh we have a far oh go far freak you um sure cuz I’m too scared to play anything that includes aim I’ll

Be isn’t just move yay yeah so like I couldn’t guardian angel or anything that’s what I meant sorry you should be okay so I really only need to heal the Sim the McCree and the junk good to know I’m taking care of you yeah but I’m not that good on

Healing oh my go en okay uh I’m not that good at Main healing on Lucio oh I could use some assist your flag was return we could do is something with bit more speed though please don’t hurt me don’t H me thank you your support has arrived St I’m

Taking oh no I was just about to help you I swear he was usually picked go because of heals yeah I just feel oh I’ll I’m giving into peer pressure it I’m just not good at Lucio again I’m not good at any hero so doesn’t really matter oh hello please go away oh

Back me that’s not good for us okay I hate this hog so much can you please not go in on your own how did you I was on you he has no heals go for him please thank you get out oh I tried I swe is that Austin I got I saw someone

Wait what push okay we can push in go go go please Oh I thought that was our teammate I thought that was our Jun we don’t even have a junk oh we do okay okay then that makes more sense I need to leave okay let’s just Grable

Teamates I feel that the spiritual level enemy get him get him get him get him please get him healing just get the flag just get the flag just get the flag just stick it thank you I don’t care that I died I just want to get it back

Home what happen I can’t remember what happens if it goes to sudden death toel I think the flags get like closer and then you just got to get one or something like that I can’t remember it’s just one I think yeah okay yeah let’s get you healed

Up we push on on the own please come back no no I was far enough away I was far enough away that was your team your team has dropped the flag small air first capture people just kind of go um what’s it called Bastion Mercy stuff like that to get

It is going to make you feel they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming oh damn nice shot enemy oh that’s unfair they’re going to get it oh what wait technical issues you can’t do that wait what just happened I don’t know everything froze en why me I’m not a threat to you

Return pleas respa me thank youel is it back yeah I can’t remember when it came in actually it’s been in a while though please don’t hurt me I think they released it as like a a game that just stays in the game yeah I can’t think can

Play get the hog get the hog get the hog don’t freaking hook me okay you can hook him enemy has just kill him okay and a game mode that stays in the game that’s what I meant to say they’re going to win there’s nothing we can do about it

Eny we just kind of gave up on trying to get the flag now they can get that’s fine flag enemy Lally in this one people are raging wait who got play the game of course I need to win nine games that’s not going to happen You said Lucio I gave into peer pressure for you uh who was the Bastion you there we go you kind of pushed you oh you did kind of a bit there we go okay I’m going Mercy I’m staying Mercy we’ll see if that works we have a Lucio I also didn’t mute

My phone bad stream o Reinhard is questionable and a toron a now I kind of want to go Anna no stick of Mercy you don’t you don’t want to see my Anna it’s good off stream on stream is a oh but no the I guess the only way to get better is to

Practice I just get don’t go roin I go I went Anna for you I’m just not good on stream I get par I get scared that cuz people are watching and then I miss shots and then I get scared because I’m missing shots and then I miss More Shot shots it’s

Just not a good time okay to’s going to stay behind I don’t know what is planning to do I’m guessing stay behind am I pushing with you or I’m confused I guess I’m protecting en I will keep you please get my div way trying to keep her

Up I did not think I was going to hit that please move your foot why is your plan you can’t get out oh well that was stupid I thought it was the shield must have a r yeah we don’t have an attack I wasn’t cut out for retirement anyways

But I don’t know who I could go for attack enemy killer get I don’t know why I keep out of my way I have your back I just wanted my flag back your flag was returned Diva look up finish the mercy please feel like I should swap but to be fair they’re not

Capturing off like either so are we really losing you please I can’t see you I can’t help you if I can’t see you this is going to hurt you’re going to be okay trying to get the shield down so who can do some damage hello oh don’t go in there Lucio

Back yeah had to dream he tried so hard how did I not kill her I will you he come back come back come back I’m backing up I have your your team my sight your team has trying to stay behind please kill him okay I have ult oh we have Genji Al as

Well I don’t really have time to wait for Genji no well that was just unfortunate that was here I’m not doing much anyway oh that’s so bad stupid wasn’t Do’s fault I should have seen it she was falling off um hog I guess hopefully Lucio can heal man

Apocalypse oh wait oh I could uh I’m not going to go Mar right after this push we’ll go their’s apparently unless they get our okay you get it I go goodbye I have flain where are you going okay they have a SIM I’m alone I’m in danger leave me alone no

Goodbye I miss being Gana I just want to stay back okay this isn’t good oh I wondered why I couldn’t move his CL trap good seconds well they’ve won anyway cuz we can’t get the flag just jump off that’s what you doing just jump off who are you I’m hog

Yeah has a neat trick of making it look like I’m a good player was don’t really know why we’re dragging this out for 20 more seconds Go diva Go Go diva go don’t know why I plan is used to be good at this game mode I’m sad special

Attack your team has dropped the flag please don’t go for it just L just L enemy defat it’s just isn’t our game mode that that’s all it is it’s just not our game mode um I thought I didn’t know why I was stuck I was holding D Douchebag when this game all came out I hated it got used to ite yeah I wish I could just play the one map that’s meant for it I can’t remember it’s called either is it saying this no idea they sometimes have it where you can only play that map and I prefer

There we should make more maps for it it’s a good game mode I really can’t remember what it’s called you just put me in a game okay of me wants to play CTF then the other p is like you’re not you don’t you just think you do

I don’t know how long I’m streaming for today as well because I have the AIM Labs thing to do um and I have to edit a video cuz it was meant to go up Friday and then I didn’t edit and now I need to try try and get that out

Um who did I used to go I think I used to always go diva did I I really want to play mercy okay we have a Resa I think we need we don’t have a Lucio though people just don’t like attacking oh thank you D they just they just want to stay to

The flag and do nothing I don’t know if I should be a hog how did a meren like we have a Healer we don’t have speed Junk’s probably going to attack but we have three that aren’t oh I don’t freaking know I’m okay well they have a Lucio and an ouch and a

Widow Oh I thought I got the Tracer that me so cool wait who I don’t know why I’m capturing that close well I think not yeah like I don’t mind who I go I’ll go whoever helps the team but I just don’t know who’s going to

Help the team I should be pushing with them apparently orisa’s pushing that’s something I didn’t expect I like how I’m making call outs like I’m in do they have junk they don’t hello I can heal it yeah know what you going to do buddy you silly Billy staying in the lamp or whatever

It’s called I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave heal where’s my healer please heal me no oh too many ALS I got excited excuse you stay in there don’t C it’s further back why would you don’t flag returned what that

Was a good place leave my to alone ready no being bullied by supports I have no one to attack with I think I need to stick with my Genji bom me he’s like halfway into it bedtime I wish he was bed I’m so tired I’m ready to unleash the mor core what was

That team for attack oh so close to the Anna go go go I get it I got it please protect me please protect me no no no no no no no no someone heal me I’m not going no I refused to die F my God at this game okay now we just count

For three minutes score I’m joking by the way is a good strategy to be fair hello en flag that was short lived te attack or your team has dropped the wait oh flag was fall back fall back don’t go in you lose more people they’re going to get the flag so

Easily still I still have ball I don’t feel like someone’s in here up there so got many I really don’t feel like BS the right pick for this game come I’m pretty sure you can’t go into ball mode I think you might have to walk I’m not sure I think

Wall’s pretty slow when he’s walking you know why I said we’re not going to count for 3 minutes looks like that’s what we’re doing please help no team enemy heal reload kill heal reload kill that’s what I going to do I’m so fat hey am I supposed to dodge stuff team no enemy

That I tried so hard kill him kill him kill him our I oh we can’t just Camp protect flag from oh we have three SS I probably have some SS though te I’m coming to help you Charing just like look like he knocked himself out oh he had a dream and he

Lived it nice job dude I didn’t really help at all did I don’t let them have it don’t let them have it please don’t let my dumb mistakes be the cause of our loss your flag return I have so I can help that watch yourself 10 seconds Hammer

Hello there team attack I don’t I think we’re good victory see I’m such a god at this game really not though I did nothing to help that team play of the game uh Genji was a god though it’s a three stack and a two stack she’s

Insane anyway I tried one out of nine oh I don’t want to do eight more it’s so stressful what’s this one two teams of six players what’s the difference does anybody know the difference let’s try it I don’t get what the difference is though smaller size oh

Wait I kind of feel like it’s like it’s yeah like it’s a a faster game maybe or I don’t know I guess we’ll find out do you really need this much time to set up I just want to see what it is I kind of feel like I didn’t like it

Like I’ve tried it before Oh Six Flags apocalypse yeah I feel like we all have super speed or something like that but I might be making that up super speed I can’t tell if it’s Lucio go away this you no wait IED the enemy oh closer okay enemy hasag

Be speed me speed me speed me there you yeah sudden death okay I don’t know where I got the super speed from swear that was in one of them oh I should have that was risky your team dropped teag how stop using abilities you Mor runs

I thought we was just getting killed it wasn’t it was just sprinting enemy I don’t worri about this game OverWatch it just makes me rage nobody’s on our flag please please protect it I just boosted him that was so hold up I just boost him into the flag freak’s sake

Um there someone I can go that would help Z maybe Shield someone that has the flag I Know Dan hates this hero I feel B every time I pick her it’s two to two get team your team dropped flag eny I tried I’m sorry

Dude I hate oh why did I pick this game modee why am I here alone why have I chosen death help me oh I’m alone get him get him get him get him get him team dro the flag cover no we need to get this back douche you’re a douche you’re a big

Fat douche nobody’s defending our flag that’s the problem so I’m really trying to get the flag and defend please die no T me oh I walked into a ball I didn’t know those was playing me returning the to base thank you go go we have gen the flag she’s got

It not allow this to become a h enemy how am I supposed to defend this on my own an enemy has taken recover your flag back our flag dising the flag so slow our enemies believe that they can take our kill him kill him flag lat returning the flag to base

Return okay I’m hoping to Shield I heard that uh Genji whens I need to stay with Gen under attack your team has dropped the flag your team has I got you I got you no your team has dropped flag team flag where you going oh they’re going to have I en

I do not like losing I don’t like how close this is there’s no clar winner and it scares me score okay we just have to rush their flag point and hope our team defend your team has dropped the flag enemy flag return get it get it I’ll Shield you I’ll Shield you I

Swear okay I’ll get it dead just kill oh I wanted that so bad of the game oh I heard my hands clapping now yeah I don’t like this one I prefer the other one let’s go back to this one I prefer the slower games oh apparently I’m be at the faster Ones oh do you guys want the faster one I’ll let you pick if you want the first ones I’ll play it fast or slow sounds very sexual nobody’s picking you choose oh okay I choose slow much more my pay yeah but you’re the viewers you need you need to watch

What you want to watch did I get oh I did get one for this never mind we won’t watch it now arriv uh uh uh hog are we about to we’re about to lose I just Joined they’ve stolen our FL de well you wanted a quick game have PR you know wait can I watch my highlight I don’t know if that was the right play when I captured the flag but I went back hours I feel like it was i’ really like to play mercy they

Can pick but I want to play mercy you should have your team and you wait wait what do you mean as Mercy um oh we haven’t Anna we don’t have to heal that much thinking uh the hog and the McCree get my blue beam off when you had the FL

Oh hello I’m you I didn’t really trust my that game though bad guys I’m taking I really want to help our hog yeah I’m trying this Danger All Around the enemy has taken your flag we need to get our flag how he should not be allowed to climb with the flag excuse

You please hit shots please hit shots enemy your flag that from look half the way acoss up get our flag good no SEC our flag against further enemy hased flag score it’s not a good teleport sorry I was not paying attention enemy has taken on that

Your you got them you got them I believe in you eny I believe in you rest inace the enemy has taken your flag nobody’s going to go after Lucio coming at you our flag has been taken don’t have much of an attack to be fair oh we have three healers now I should

Swap I shouldn’t be here the enemy has taken your flag we have our FL this I don’t care I just need someone up oh you clim okay we do one more and then we go to Minecraft we got play of the game need one more win and then we have a box

Or we actually have a box I think I think I leveled up actually I did huh I wish I could remember who I played I feel like I played Diva mainly I don’t know if that’s the right option I definitely feel like uh CTF will be better with teammates you

Know cuz even if your invoice come like there’s no guarantee they’re going to listen to you I feel like you have to be like really organized oh no I didn’t mean to do that oh everyone just wants to say defense though I don’t know why I swear when I used to play everyone

Would play like attack and you’d barely get any you’d maybe get one like Bastion or t don’t know what happened let’s go again Dan you’re in my game I never play mercy you have played Mercy you liar um um I’m a one man apocalypse I think half my team’s

AFK the Sol why are you spaming chill only because you make it okay well he’s going to get a good report after this wait I’m playing this looking I was thinking this was a normal game for a second don’t know why I apologize my decisions stop purpling me enemy Rec

Oh this going to be annoying to do if that could hit you’re going to be me off the point I knew it should have moved the enemy has Rec your flag our flag is in the open okay bastion’s right side I’m going to have to try and hook him Heroes Never

Die thanks it’s Weir how they have a attack Bastion that normally that work can you not yeah because I C it but didn’t do anything about it I was just like oh this is going to happen can you come out here so my team can kill you oh wait the point enag well

I must not let that happen again enemy hased your flag score Z oh please P back please back my M stop working what the hell what is happening the game doesn’t want me to play flashing his left side just trying and tickle him to scare him nope I hate this prig oh

I’m so sorry Mercy I’m so sorry en flag that would hit it there we go nice job send the your flag returned right I’m going to try and stay with Reaper as much as I can although he’s very fast and I’m very slow your team the I’ll protect you I swear your team

Dr okay I didn’t protect you that well en power please don’t youone oh oh it’s not a place you want to wake up during the morning please leave me alone I’m a good person I’m a good person I’m a good person leave me alone can I have heals I have

Heals I like my Mercy I’m going to protect you with my life nice job no no protect her with my life never die can someone protect me now please I made mistakes I really hate this why am I chasing her I really like to know what same to be

Honest oh I just got a kill that’s what’s happening that’s about it though where’s the Bastion right oh there’s the Bastion no I don’t want to be in this room well I know the team is losing the enemy has taken your plan it’s a freaking brick again I’m here we need

Toes and not that happen again I’m going on a mission going to die to Heroes never die 6 seconds remaining EMP activ got the flag someone help me please I’m scared and alone he doesn’t matter cuz my team can get it my team can get it oh I

Can seconds we have to go back we have to go back we have 30 seconds come on Raper me and you against the world to I’ll protect you with my life if you protect me okay I’m going to be the meat I’m going to be the meat I’m going to be the

Distraction apparently I’m going to get the flag go just don’t look behind nothing’s happening nothing’s happening nothing’s happening nothing’s happening nothing’s behind me nothing is behind me freak all of you I could do this solo still going to lose I made a difference that’s what matters oh thank you Mery oh she got

Trapped the enemy has taken come on come on come on come on why am I so slow deat I had a dream I tried so hard play of the game how many times I fall death Dam I blame that for not believing to be honest I didn’t believe myself I thought

I was dead I didn’t think I was going to get up first flag oh do my mercy good yeah okay I think it’s Minecraft time Hello yes it is Minecraft time do I have a play of the game for that which one was it this one oh yeah I remember this I did kind of throw I just didn’t pay attention to the uh Point uh I’m going to stick this on for a second so I can change

Games uh over Minecraft I mean so I don’t know if we’re going to get to um build our host today however we are going to collect the supplies oh I should change the stri around shouldn’t I oh my foot uh Minecraft something to make me happy uh Minecraft single player there we

Go the world is just not ready for the scene yeah I’ll show you the house um I need to make sure overwatches U Minecraft’s in the right window I do quite like having chat on the screen however I don’t like having my game in windowed but hey better than getting a

Headache after stream I guess um yeah we have walls Cobble walls but walls nonetheless uh Minecraft why does Minecraft always give me trouble oh I say that and then it works you why you showing me to adjust don’t know if this is hopefully you can see

That just like a tiny black Bard and it’s annoying me can I just ever so slightly make it that bigger uh transform F screen I feel like that made it worse I’m not sure you see it okay I want to play phasmophobia we need to stream that

It’ be fun um let’s get the music back too for you guys let’s start it from the beginning CU I like this stupid [ __ ] ass that’s probably way too quiet isn’t it I love phasmophobia it’s so good I’m just so scared of it oh that’s too loud maybe we’ll play phasmophobia to

Celebrate New em otes uh it’s this one wait I want to HDE wait I’m doing a big reveal where’s why this [Applause] one wait is this a new version 21 shouldn’t be okay I would probably die every time you’d be too busy winding me up

Um right do you see you don’t see the game every freaking time it’s always Minecraft there we go uh let’s get rid of that cuz you no cuz you’d be winding me up you trying to get me killed okay so this is what I have

Planned I did kind of go over the top and decorating because I got excited this is what I’ve got planned for the house in our 1.17 world with the stuff that’s already that’s been added that we didn’t go through so I’m nervous cuz what if you don’t like it um

Okay so this is what we’re going to have I want it to be like an overgrown Cottage esque feel uh the inside’s not done it’s just kind of bare bones in there uh but these things are new uh what they called aelia I didn’t know

They were in the game until I loaded up this world so pretty yeah and then we have a little garden out here with these these new weird plants oh this is what I found if you stand on this it pops back up there we go um so yeah so this all little garden

We have a little balcony here with these plants that drip and they kind of look poisonous but they’re cute so we live with it um build it for me we have barrels around the back back and some more plant pots here and then I’ll show you the

Inside again the inside’s not done at all but it’s just kind of why I had so we had a seating area with the mushroom blocks so we have to get some of those bookshelf little fireplace kind of I’m not mad on the fireplace I don’t know if it looks good

Or not I don’t really make fireplaces in Minecraft um kitchen we little drawers furnaces barrels and then we have a secret place for our ender chest when we have an ender chest and then the upstairs is so bad it’s just so bad it’s so I don’t know what to

Do I feel like it looks so bad we have little beds barrels for decoration and then we have a wardrobe and then bookshelves behind but I feel like it needs something more but I guess we can kind of fill it out as we’re playing is the music too loud I

Feel like it’s slightly too loud yeah so that’s it that’s what we’re going to be building paintings oh we could put paintings there I don’t know why I decided to type all of it out um what um is there a size painting like that yeah we’ll play with paintings

Later when we actually have a house um but yeah that’s our plan we’re going to get these supplies today um but I don’t know how we’re going to if we’re going to build it today oh I also made a little pond with fishes in it not that I needed to build that for

Reference but um so yeah we’re going to get the supplies today I don’t know if we’ll have time to build it we’ll see also for some reason I chose to use jungle so we have to find a jungle now which is going to be Fun okay oh I should have wait sorry I should have pay attention to what blocks we need so jungle will come when we find jungle aelia I don’t know where we’re going to find them I don’t know if you can find them yet cuz they’re like brand

New we shouldn’t have to worry about that too soon uh jungle we need some Spruce we need sand and Bones some deciding clay I think is it sand and gravel for concrete I think so so you need basically need a bunch of sand you can’t how do I get them do I

Have to spawn them in cuz I’m not above doing that Dam it um oh yeah we need food huh did I did make a farm I think we’re going to have to go on a killing spray creative I mean talk to you guys if um

You’d want me to cheat it in or not because if we can’t get them um what am I after I’m after iron oops shut up um yeah we’ll get a bunch of food first get out my inventory otherwise we’re going to starve and then we’ll go on a hunt for a desert

Probably I don’t see us finding a jungle anytime soon I have jungles are so hard to find oh I need you well you didn’t give me what I needed thank you we probably going to need a lot of um bones we need it for the glass and the concrete I think that’s it

Please don’t say two chickens all I’m going to get nope three one of the new caves it’s not out yet okay so would you go it might not become an issue it might be out by the time we finish our house um but would you guys want me to wait until the

Update and then try and find it or spawn it in cuz I don’t know how long we’d be waiting I don’t know how often these snapshots come out I hear a skeleton I think he’s in a cave there yeah let’s not pick a fight with a SK it’s not coming in until

Summer okay I might make a dective dective i I don’t know how you say that word might make the decision and say that we spawn it in I think that’s all the food we’re going to get I a quick look over it oh now I’m walking x x

Executive did I say right executive I’m bad at speaking especially when playing games and that’s why I want my job to be and that’s just kind of stupid hey I’m really about these two things but I want to make a career out of it come again okay we need to go back

I’m really tempted to eat raw chicken but I’m not going to I said right okay oh can you not swim where can you not swim when you’re hungry wait you cannot okay good to know hi doy I know we need the bones I I know we need the bones I just wanted a

Friend he took my bones and left no bones no dog no friends where is my home did I take a screenshot of U my house or walls I know I was meant to do that last time I streamed but I might have not done it don’t make me

Run Oh see now you look like you would have been my friend you look like I should have saved my bones for you it was by a lake yeah but I feel like I’ve gone past it again I mean we’ll collect this food first though I can eat this also

I feel like I took a screenshot if I did I’m going to be so mad of myself I think I see water over here oh that’s very little water oh where’s my home let me have a quick look see if um I did save the cords knowing me I didn’t know I didn’t

Why I didn’t I don’t know um Frick I didn’t walk that far though did I feel like it’s more this way I did sleep in a bed but I don’t have keep inventory on I could take notes of my hello my um cords and then kill myself and then find them

Again we’ll see if we can find it first oh I found it yeah that’s what I was going to do but I’m just too smart and I found it okay Emma take a screenshot there we Go um let’s cook some food keep clicking at the game that’s becoming an issue okay so we’ll grab our food and then I think we need to make some more shovels two iron ones we going to have to go mining soon too um and then we’ll go in search of a

Desert we also need a boat I want a Bo one I don’t read I feel like we should go to an Ocean Walk until we find water and then we should have the best chance of um finding one just keep the wood what wood oh why do you make

Buttons because because what are you going to do one piece of wood nothing you make a b save it for what more buttons in the future just make them now I find it funny when I trigger you um is that all I need I need some sticks so triggered I hate you Um I think that’s it right now I’m just going to follow this I feel like I’m forgetting something what do we need we need andite which we can get in caves we need gravel which I can get pretty much anywhere sand which is I’m going to get

Now jungle wood which I got ask for I think I’ve got everything I think I’m being Paranoid my lips are very dry may be great if we could find a jungle on the way I’d get the chicken let’s go back I don’t think we’ll need there yeah but if we’re going by boat we’re not going to really be using our hunger I guess it’s not worth risking it

For the biscuit Al is it game Dark you’re not going to let me me cheat the day away the night away make a smoker how do I make a smoker going to I’m actually not that mad on Chinese I just want take uh I’ll make a smoker another time

We don’t really need it right now you’ve never seen a boat in this game there there’s always been boats I mean to be fa you haven’t watched the game so oh my button fine okay let’s go n Pizza is the Best I just get sick of the taste of Chinese food it’s very syy I guess pizza syy too it’s just such a it’s good sing Oh pumpkins uh we’ll get them later I mean there’s Spruce I think we needed Spruce however we don’t read right now we need a

Desert oh it’s not Spruce SP though it’s just Hills I didn’t I was going to I’m going to make it uh another time like when we get back it’s not important right now but I will make a smoker what’s the other one the smoker and something else um I’m not cooking food blast Blast Furnace that’s

It yeah I’ll make those when I get back feel like we’re going to be searching a while I’m really bad at looking for volums not bad unlucky I guess although I still can’t believe that speedrun video where I found a jungle and I never find jungles there was a freaking speedrun

Video didn’t need it that one isn’t easy what you need for a blast furnace I feel like you find them in the new cave although you are asking Amy because I know nothing about it but I’m guessing you find them in the new cave excuse me tree you do

Okay oh here’s a spruce bi him hi dog all I want to do is find hi chicken um an ocean as soon as we find an ocean we should be fine I’m finding a desn’t am I stay in view because I I on my phone yeah I’m

Fine yes are you guys okay with me um cheating in if we can’t actually find it in Survival cuz I feel like that’s fair also we’re running out of water you need iron kind of stone okay wo oh berries hello ow ow oh I’m planting them ow just let me through there we

Go I don’t mind okay I think you load until they add it in then you have to break them and find them legit do I really have to break break them though that seems like a lot of effort that should be Enough so smooth Stone and iron that should be too hard though yes dark oak we need this for the mushrooms but again I don’t think there’s a point in oh my sword a point in finding it yet or collecting it it’s a lot of cooking C only cook that some to get some

PS does anybody else say hi to animals in Minecraft when you pass them or is that just me I don’t really see streamers do it and I’m like wait I just noticed that I do it a swamp yes I do not well that’s unfortunate I will steal one from a

Village cuz I hate making them oh yeah I was going to ask how do you make um campfires I think they’re called cuz I need I think four for the build two for the chimney and two for the fireplace logs and coal sticks logs and coal

Okay I was kind of worried that you couldn’t make them for a while cuz I always just steal Them in the back pocket yeah don’t you save your boats in the back pocket Easy I like to know why I’m saving the sword that’s the question it’s definitely not in the pocket hi cow bye cow you always do okay good also uh I think you might be a bit behind Amy unless you’re just taking your time answering just in case you want to

Know no judgment here I forgot you can’t sa I’m Zoom got to save you boats I was watching um chill with Dan play uh The Purge server and it triggers me so much how they just leave their boats behind like they do it for quick getaway

But I’m like it’s quicker to just place your boat down and it’s facing the right direction just the thought popped in my head it triggers me so much ow I did say I had enough I’m still collect them for some Reason it’s not a bad idea cray I wish they had backpacks into Minecraft I know we have um Sher boxes they called Sher suer I want actual backpacks be so cute and we have a birch Forest this not what I want okay Amy right call and taking more

Food I kind of just assumed we’d be boating the whole time clearly I was wrong so many flowers I want to collect them all I just keep getting distracted where she vot us on oh okay fair enough didn’t they just add a bag yeah

But you can’t store much in it can you I don’t remember that was a while ago we looked at that that was uh the stream where we tested my internet I think don’t really remember yeah and you could like Dy them that’d be cool it have to be made out leather though

Oh it’s starting to get dark we’re going to die soon as long as we’re in the boat we should be fine Though it can hold a take of random things what the backpack the whatever it’s called Bag and just as it gets dark we have to go on great I should put my shield on by zombie bye zombie ooh snow ow I’m just taking coordinates I need to make a um book and Quil to save all my coord coordinates in hi creepers please don’t start anything I don’t want

Trouble the moment she really she like I’m sorry sorry shut up stupid oh okay I get what you mean oh we found a desert not a complete long time of day though you should add better TV emotes I don’t really know how you do that I should but I need to draw them

And I already have a lot of things that I need to do I’m really happy with the stone soon screen Village well the question is should I sleep because I have the cord save so it doesn’t really matter if I can’t die and go back home don’t really

Know what you call an elephant that doesn’t matter I don’t know elephant that doesn’t matter I’m really bad at guessing jokes I’m going to sleep A cat we shouldn’t I oh such a dad joke uh where do the C oh we don’t have fish oh did I just go into creative mode that was not my intention there we go we will come back and get the cat at some other point there’s two Bells I would oh two

Cats okay we need to go fishing Rod uh what did we come oh yeah what happened to our sub badges wait what did happen to your sub badges you should still have are you sure you don’t have them and you just don’t have them equipped where do I find some Bates we got first what does that mean though

You hold up first Oh oh okay I did not know that is that new yeah I made some you probably can equip them in the settings uh just below where you type I’m guessing but I’m not sure is that’s got to be new right cuz I don’t remember that being a

Thing okay so you can still change them not very new but like in the time where I wasn’t streaming did it come out then I don’t actually know how much sun to get freck yeah oh okay that makes sense then thank you thank you I feel like we just grab sand oh did

I take a screenshot I don’t remember I think we just grab sand until our inventory is full I think it’s was just before you stopped okay so can get yeah yeah go um just oh excuse you uh just where you go to type I think you

Should see like a little Cog wheel go into that and you should be able to like equip it I believe I have not done it myself though what okay we also need to grab gravel I’m not sure where the best place to get gravel from is um I feel like a mountain or

Something I know you can get it from like rivers and stuff I that’s it’s just going to be too much hassle I need to look into be twitch emotes though should actually wrote that down but I don’t have a pen also have I have one emote cuz we um

Unlocked the sub goal I have one emote to have to add I need to make another I’m not sure if I’m happy with the one that I have can’t find it I’ll show you after stream it’s fine don’t worry I will show you um yeah I want to remake the one we have

Now then I feel like I want to remake the one that I was going to have the O emote and then I need to think of a third one to add can I do PC it should be there should should be uh difficult to find

Though yeah I need I need to think of an emote to add don’t know what also oh what oh uh I also don’t use be twitch emotes so I feel like I’m not the best one to make them cuz I don’t know what like are they just meant to be the same

As normal emotes but you get to add more or I’m not sure I don’t know if there’s a real difference apart from you don’t need subs for them like my should was going to break before I get full inventory that should be enough right uh I can’t remember how you make

It actually I mean check concrete four oh let’s get one more stack then I just had footsteps I swear we’ll get one more stack and then we’ll see if we can find a place for gravel should be easier to find in a desert I assume there we go Perfecto um this way I

Guess also if we can find a desert temple that’d be great this looks like a very small desert though I don’t think we’re going to have any yeah it’s done yeah that was a short live dream hello um let’s go this way hi I don’t know if it’s an actual biome

That it spawns in or if it’s just I hate getting gravel especially if you don’t have silk touch yeah but my look for game Flinch really bad so I’m hoping that comes into play um yeah I don’t know if it’s an actual biome like a gravel mountain

Biome or whatever if it’s just any mountains oh we found a new thingy should I risk it oh she skilled uh where’s my ow hello um can I get you oh that’s so sad oh does that make the block though yeah I guess we can collect some

Though although we are going to have to go home after this then cuz our inventory is bful I was tempted to make our house completely out of this for like the walls but I just thought it didn’t no I didn’t think it looked very good so

We’re going to have to find a place to do this to put this can make a looking oh does this not mine it oh well that’s disappointing is that iron yes well that’s not helpful um Perfecto this looks really cool though it’s just like a it’s like an

Egg don’t know why my mind goes to egg it looks like an egg to me um that should be enough kind I use it for flooring and something it’s just pretty when you step on it I feel like if I had in the mine house it’d get annoying

You found on the that’s got to be a glitch right wait what oh my stomach’s complaining too wait what oh any food I have grapes I forgot about that yeah you can show me um we don’t need the furnace do we you can go there okay we’ll grab this as quickly as

We can uh and then we’ll try and head out of here so we don’t die The Village should be close though I think so we can sleep there before we head off I don’t know what these crack ones do we can’t get anything from then St should be fine right um

Yeah uh we need to head out of it now oh it’s night time I swear we just slept though I guess I was in the cave for longer there thought oh don’t knock me back in please nope oh that’s where they grow okay why is there so many mobs there’s the

Village what’s coming ES I don’t think I know the way back home I know the cords well I don’t know them but I have the screenshot of them but don’t really know what direction we came in oh that’s so many mobs excuse me coming through ow trying to protect the villagers

Also trying to protect myself is so a bed in here no but I will take you I can’t take you no I can there’s a Bed yes I did steal that from my house and I don’t regret it actually should see ow if there’s anything else oh I haven’t seen this kind of build before so cute can’t you use I think you can use it to feed them to like kill them but I

Don’t think you can tame them with it unless I am mistaken see what’s in top of this house first and then we’ll start heading back oh there’s also a composter we’re fine oh I need to pay attention to the game yes so you can breathe them with it

But you can’t okay good to know good to know get the weight my inventory is full um I don’t need t wait can I do this yeah yeah okay let’s try and remember my crafting benches up there um was there some up here oh there’s some over

Here see this is where there should be backpacks so you can go on longer Adventures there’s three cats here that’s a Persian one uh and there’s some there oh have pretty much a stack that’s fine that wheat can stay but I must go okay I believe I came from this direction

I think I found the desert first and then the village so we have to go this way a bit my but’s also going to sleep is that too much information Maybe I really want to collect more flowers I really can’t also want to make uh oh not make I want to add bees to the Garden where all the trees are around my house I think that’ll make it look good but I think you need silk touch I think you’re getting a little

Lag for me check my friend frames it doesn’t said that I’ve dropped frames so it might just be you try refreshing maybe um yeah but I think he need silk touch for that so that’s going to have to be like a later game it was good for me Okay okay we’re definitely head in the right direction though I think we passed two swamps though I’ll refresh okay right or am I making that up I’m sure we pass two swamps we might just have to get gravel from like uh rivers and stuff I didn’t see a mountain that had It also was kind of hoping we’d find a jungle I think I was asking for too much it’s still happening lower the quality if you can oh Witch is hot I don’t need anything that let me get the cords up to make sure I’m not getting lost uh screenshots is this it yes

Um 600 Z basically it’s really so okay 600 oh you went so far almost 3,000 blocks what I do not remember going that Far I also don’t remember passing this but we’re going to see what’s is it there uh we cannot get the gold so that’s going to have to stay I just want to see what’s in the chest to be honest there’s the chest uh nothing useful good to know

I have to go like 60 blocks this way drop the stone pick I could have done that couldn’t I oh well it’s not like we need gold for anything though so we’re fine okay and then it’s pretty much straight this way for 2,000 blocks ow I hate you

We have like 2,000 blocks to walk I’m not going to go back to get C I hope you need go why are you two being so mean to me I did nothing to you you frustrate Me I just like triggering you it’s my guilty pleasure okay cray I hope you have a good day bye I hope I hope work goes good and you waste coal I don’t waste coal oh more Pumpkins I’m going to get the pumpkins how do I waste coal please explain elaborate please if you

Will okay explain the situation stop saying all the time explain in a situation how do I always call I’m always mining coal so I can’t waste it coal Cooks like things yeah I Ed sticks when I was cooking my food oh my foot keeps going to sleep this isn’t

Good you use it for like three i m that much coal I can waste a bit it’s fine you are over exaggerating kind of wish I could get some Vines oh you know the glow Vines um that we find in caves does that hang like these like can it hang off blocks oh

There’s a witch there I don’t want to deal with you cuz I tried to do that in my build and it just wouldn’t grow it can I hear zombies it’s not going to be a spawner but I’d like it to be although we are like a thousand blocks

Out so I don’t know how useful this spawner would be if it is one below I can literally hear it everywhere where are you oh it’s not spawner is it no it’s just a lot of zombies every freaking time I think maybe I found one I’m telling you I just don’t find

Spawners in single player oh it’s dark now in uh single player worlds like on servers like uh the server me and D play on two spawners I found single player world nah and I never find any you did have that world where um you basically built your house on top of one

I think you said nope is a gravel here bits not enough to save screen need to go this way a bit for like 100 blocks also want to get a horse but I have nowhere to store them don’t kill that horse please I’m sorry I regret everything I

Did all I find zombie ones and all I want is a skeleton one same for Dan I remember when I started playing Minecraft I used to think you get creeper ones I was like that’s so stupid it’s just going to blow it up and apparently I just made it up that you

Could do that I think I was watching modded that’s probably where I got it from most likely what an idiot shut up oh my game’s lagging for some reason going to leave C on screen I hope that doesn’t bother you I feel like I’m going to get lost

Oh was it was 600 minus zero or Zero okay that’s straight idiot straight this way straight this way hi be I thought they went in the um what’s it called the Hive at night I didn’t think they came out unless you can’t find his hive hey do please don’t have me that was so scary uh we should be pretty much

Here yeah there’s my home I need to sleep to make sure I set the spawn point we did it now we need gravel my P um I guess this we can put that you put you back need a new chest um I think I might put this chest over

Here and this can be our supplies for the build like so what am I missing all this make bread oh you grew up wait do I have wheat in here no I use this wheat then there we are we have a stack of bread new carries can do the

Do and we have we to spare there is a spare by my house that makes me uncomfortable hello I guess we’ll put the bow in the uh house chest too cuz we need that um is there anything else we need don’t think so um gravel I don’t know if our best option

Is just to get from like um rivers and stuff or we should actually find a mountain with Gravel I don’t want to take it by my house so we’ll go off of there I like to keep it looking somewhat pretty hello stream Hills and Graves caves um okay I think we’ll grab some whenever we see as well I don’t know if we’re going to find Extreme

Hills getting ready for your Your freck uh this way might be worth trying to find one okay I will try my best how rare are Extreme Hills gravel mountains okay okay un grael mountains just Extreme Hills though or they’re two separate things not that rare we about to see how rare they can get they’re different oh

Are I don’t understand how I know so little about this game I used to know so much and then I just got out to touch and it makes me sad this this is not the biome I need oh I hope this fox is near our

House I won’t get them now cuz I have nowhere to keep them but I would like some foxes you that’s just hard I don’t know what we’re going to do for finding a jungle I think we might just use any wood to to make the door um for now and

Then maybe when we get in a light trout we’ll go looking for a jungle make some fireworks go flying about that might be the best option um unless of course we just randomly stumble across one oh hello Oh I thought you could oops don’t really know why I steal stuff

That I could easily make just makes me happy knowing that I took it from someone else Oak would be a good substitute yeah that’s what I might do I might use Oak then oh wait I didn’t know the Farms look like this like I didn’t know you could

Get pumpkin oops I’m so sorry I am so sorry CH in there oh my gosh it’s oh my gosh I gave me a heart attack potatoes I will gladly take those another cat too oh we should save the cords and we will come back for the kitties multiple kitties wait what

Oh do you have anything else doesn’t look like it and now we don’t have to make a glass furnace you haven’t se it before it might be new to this uh snapchot snap snapshot but also we could just not have found it how long does this bom go on for the heck

Is okay want bread it’s cool smoke yeah I got confused what was on top of wheat for a second hay bale I was like what and I remembered it makes a smoke go ha is that pumpkin or Fox those foxes near my house we’re going to have to get

Them oh there’s a mountain I don’t think that’s Extreme Hills though we will we shall see uh oh we need oh these do look like Extreme Hills do we need names for them wait what for The Foxes please let there be gravel here I walk so far

Yes the foxes uh when we get them I can get uh you guys to name them if you want chat chice that might be fun so we’ll have we’ll probably breed them we won’t steal the actual foxes we’ll breed them and still the babies um so we’ll get enough so everyone can

Name at least one then I’ll name one probably we won’t get the foxes until we have an actual place to put them I need to be high Al some want snowy foxes I have so many plans I just want s sanctuaries for all the animals is my dream how far if we

Ran almost 2,000 blocks again is there no gravel this is just mountains this is an extreme house one would we call B Munch okay thank you for the warning can I do this on snow nothing happened oh that was so bad that could have been so

Bad why is there no gravel I just risked my life give me gravel hi skeleton I should put this one is this a I don’t that kills them though does it does that actually hurt them I really want to kill with a snowball but I don’t know if this is actually doing [Applause]

Damage oh please kill him I just broke my shovel for you it I don’t think it does any damage to them that’s disappointing oh well we tried at least cool that almost hit my head I don’t understand how there’s no gravel my brain just doesn’t get it surely this is Extreme Hills it

Is it just says mountains for me I don’t think so I think it’s just mountains I don’t see any gravel optify would make this so much easier yeah I think these are just mountains oh they changed the there’s no gravel though yeah whatever these are there’s no

Gravel oh call me a li them one don’t you think I was just expecting too much I think I was expecting like a a lot of gravel that’s my bad gra up there there’s also a zombie up there though hello would you like to die we have 15 and we need like six

Stacks is it six seven I can’t much we need I think it was eight think it was eight Stacks yeah I think that’s it for the gravel they don’t always have it okay I feel like I should have done this off stream and then just built it on the

Stream I don’t know if that would have been Better oh gravel I think caves might be our best option if we can’t find the biome [Applause] this is more than the mountains ever gave to us yeah I think caves might be our best option so we might as well go home I think I I think we had a mine near

Us um and just go in there and hope that there gravel yeah I think it would have been mountains would have been best if we could actually find a gravel Mountain whatever they’re called let’s see if there’s any here um that would have been better because like there’s a whole

Bunch but we’re just not getting lucky okay so I guess we go home now least we got some um 600 something this way oh you scared me I thought you were dictator I don’t remember what they’re called not dictator um dudes with the axes that go hello I don’t know what that

Is second time it’s happened now Vindicator dictator I mean you could see where I was coming from and Pillager okay those two that’s what I Meant how many box are we out 2,000 again okay we mainly need to go straight we need to go this way a little bit like 700 blocks this is getting day now okay baby I don’t need your input on my life right Now as long you sa if there gravel I’m sorry I’ll leave so paranoid I’m going to get turned around and go the wrong direction I think we’re good there Try I think what we have to do after the house cuz oh my gosh the house isn’t like the main objective I guess right now even though we’re collecting stuff for it like we’ll do other things around building the house um so I think our next step will be to

Get uh better armor and then we’ll head to the nether cuz I’d really like we need to go to the nether first so even though we’re collecting the stuff we’re going to do stuff around building the house too let’s hope hopefully get more Done also my stomach doesn’t want to stop complaining I’m so hungry I still have great not filling me up at all I should really start making like a pack lunch before stream like the day before like a child I don’t really want to go to the ne would just iron

Though did we patch past this Village I think we did Joseline hey welcome in how you doing today that’s also an adorable amount oh my gosh that terrified with thank you for the follow hi I hope you’re doing good today I know we could collect these

Flowers closer to home but I just want them oh we also need to collect the mushrooms from the nether cuz I want to plant them in my garden actually don’t think I came into I don’t think I passed this Village hello sir I’m going to steal your books if that’s

Okay all right those are so that’s such a cute emote that’s supposed to be uh I know it’s ghost face but I wonder if it’s supposed to be like uh what’s it called Dead by daylight he doesn’t fre he can’t now hello sir can I still sorry I just took your job from

You I really could make it myself but where’s the fun in that thank you my job now uh bread nice I really hate eating bread in Minecraft I think bread and chicken is probably my least favorite to eat good villager yeah sadly I don’t really know what I’m

Looking for to be honest I don’t need any oh actually I do need you I just stole your job again I’m so sorry I think I’m after carrots I need to look for the Farms that’s not it I need uh carrots and beetroot I think are you you just

Seeds you are carrots I’m just going to I can’t tell the difference I’m so sorry I’m ruining your life’s work I will replant the stuff that I don’t need can you imagine if it triggered the Golem if you stole from them oh I got be too nice golden c those are my favorite

Golden carrots are my favorite thing to eat and potatoes I like giv a use to Gold there’s no use for gold not really that’d be cool like if it’s if he it triggered him if you stole the weights and stuff that’d be fun actually it wouldn’t be funny it’ be

Very very very triggering but been a cool idea I almost died I need to go this Way I love night vision potions I don’t really use potions that much in Minecraft although I did recently find Wait is this not my cords yeah 600 Z I’m going the right way I just don’t remember crossing a huge ocean but apparently I’m going this way can I not place my boat here’s water bre thing yeah I don’t really use a lot of potions but I do

Like um Fe it’s not feather falling what’s it called um slow falling I found I found a love of slow falling that’s so fun to use apart from that I don’t really use much maybe I just didn’t come this way wait we’re at 600 so we got to go

Yeah I probably just didn’t come this way okay uh straight this way now pretty much I think soon as we get back we’ll plant all our food parkour Lily Pad parkour is the only parkour I know uh yeah we’ll plant all our food when we get back so we have some

Supplies cuz I don’t really want to live off bread for as long like that long also hopefully our cow’s grown up so we can breed them again I don’t have any bones I know I need to save them for uh White d I just really want a

Dog a dog or a cat I just want an animal are we home this looks like home oh there’s my home I wish they would add different colored dogs like they did with cats I really hope they make better thing someday hi you did not go grow up

That’s okay you grow up when you want to grow up I need the gravel I know it’d be so cute I don’t know why they haven’t done it same with different color chest I it’s like simple things that they could easily input but they just don’t well I say easily I don’t know

Game coding but in my mind it’s easy let me just pop in there to bushes uh I know that and in aelia that’s all I know uh I need chest not yeah but they’re basically dogs or maybe okay they should just add dogs Keep the Wolves add some dogs that’ be perfecto

Uh let’s plant our stuff the is argue that doesn’t matter they’re all the same they’re all just cute little fluffy animals what am I after I’m after my carrots and potatoes I think I got beetroot seeds I did I just grabbed everything that’s not

Beetro um uh this is going to get in the way but oh well we don’t need a huge farm right now I just want a few things growing and then we’ll make a bigger plate afterwards insult the chat and hydrate okay I’ll hydrate first get ready for my

Insult uh you get to choose who you want me to insult I can insult you or I can insult someone in the chat who would you like me to insult hey it’s the first spit of water I’ve had today and it tastes horrible I think it’s warm roast me Joseline

You really bad insult you probably didn’t show her today and we can notice that’s the best I got different Co I really don’t understand what there’s not different color chests when we added the wood was that right though have you sh today did I at least get that right I’m

Sure you smell lovely but at least I got that right maybe uh I’m going to wait till it’s dark and then we’ll look for more I should well I was right so I’ll take that I’m sure he’s not lovely though I take it all back um we need to go

Mining do I have any iron I do not oh no I’m so sorry I’m sure you spell lovely oh here oh here’s gravel we traveled how far for gravel and here it is SM acent I do not doubt [Applause] that I’m going to have have to rebuild my stairs

Yeah I think it was eight Stacks I need actually I’ve got two I’ve got a stack I think so uh seven Stacks give take actually don’t know if that’s going to be enough I hope it is did I do that right yeah I think it’s six I can

Check I don’t know why I’m trying to make this look nice when it’s just a strip mine one two three four five six seven seven Stacks that’s not right one two three oh I need another stack of freaking sand oh well we we that ler I can’t bother let’s go look for

Gravel I have to get so much sand in my game oh I made a house on this server and for some reason I chose to use quartz for the roof and I was in the nether so long because obviously it’s a server and I broke my uh it’s a server

So everyone’s took the quartz and I just I just never want to build out of quartz again I love to be in SMP it seems so fun I have no friends oh hello let me like this so I don’t die making building a tower I love I I just love the idea of

You building like a one block tower like oh I’m going to build a tower and someone Imaging this like huge beautiful Tower I need it’s just one block that was it yes no yes you do not count as a friend you are not my friend I’m joking

I just me I have no friends to play smps with mystery PE weird crop [Applause] circle yeah because you’re smart Dan and you’re like oh I need to collect those maybe I won’t build wait why is how what did I do oh I don’t understand why those water

Are there uh I don’t think that smartly I’m just like these blocks are pretty I’ll figure it out that’s why I need to find a jungle cuz I chose to use freaking jungle wood for the door oh that’s white cuz it went to bedrock okay we need to go in here

That does look I love concrete I’m so glad they added it I wish you could build like stairs and stuff with it where was the cave that almost died in I’m conf oh it’s up here is it up here yes okay let’s not die again oh I’m so scared

Okay yeah that’s what I use but I just I just want to use like concrete stairs and concrete slabs I just I just want to end the game you’re so Speedy proo stress I’m just scared It’s The Fight or Flight Risk it’s just I’m always [Applause] flight

I should light this up first so I don’t die to a creeper sneaking up on me oh I love the quartz pillar block I need to build with it more 2010 201 I don’t remember I know I started playing I’m still awful I started playing on the 1 Point uh seven

Update that’s when I joined but I don’t know what year that was like I’m not that OG but like I’m kind of OG I’m mid there’s definitely people who have been playing longer than me and it shows wait when they add did they not used to have beds thing complet an not to

Noob no oh damn oh yeah actually I kind of remember that I did I definitely didn’t play it but it was like people would b um build where they spawned in the world because that’s you can’t set your spawn point I just didn’t know you didn’t have beds I thought you just

Couldn’t set your spawn point oh my foot I want to do a thing I watched um a YouTuber called smallish beans do a thing where he oh my gosh hello I did kind of start that fight my bad um where every night he like updated the version until the newest one I kind

Of want to do something like that also I feel like I’m basically straight up stealing his idea and I don’t like doing that but it should be good if um like I at least credit him I just always feel bad when I do something that other people are doing

But I mean that’s YouTube I guess um yeah but I thought we’d make a good video I still fall into that habit it sounds fun yeah but I’ll definitely credit him and I’ll see if he was the original I don’t know if he came up with it or he was copying someone so

I’ll credit him and I’ll figure out um who created it that’s all YouTube is yeah I need to I need to get better at copying people yeah I might do that idea that might be fun for a video everland what’s game’s that shut up you unlock parts of the

Game I don’t think I’ve ever heard them though one two three I might have to look that up afterwards it sounds cool the music Etc I need iron there’s iron throw a furnace I do there go yeah let me uh what was the name everland

There we go I will save that as a tab thank You yeah I definitely should have come in the caves before looking for uh Extreme Hills I just didn’t think it’d be that hard to find one oh this why I came from is a told you shut up I think my Twitter link is working

H it works for me I don’t know if it’s just messed up it’s uh if you did want to find it it’s in the um like description of the stream if you just scroll down that should work hopefully if you did want to find it I know there was oh was it up

No where’s the I forget what it’s called abandoned M shaft that I died in I don’t know where that’s gone it’s just left I thought it was here one two three four five I need one more stack oh my gosh that terrified me uh oh I’m so sorry I don’t know how

To say your name mariso mariso thanks so much for the follow welcome in I hope you’re doing good today please let me know if I pr your name wrong cuz I’m pretty sure I did I’m so confused where this went we had a m shaft I died in it it’s gone it’s just

Left hello bat don’t suppose you’ve seen a m shaft have you I’m going to get lost trying to find this oh I don’t remember it being here okay gravel let’s not die a second time hello please don’t kill me thank you I know there’s a poison spawner

Somewhere so I’m going to have to try and be careful of that I just want to get in an open space so I can find not you uh gravel oh grav please die thank you there we go now we can grab a mine in pieace this should be enough though for

Least now oh that’s just Unfair let’s not stand on it there you go wait I have a bow don’t I here I just want you out my life thank you please don’t please don’t please don’t I’m not 100% sure if I could find my way back you where are you going ow oh that’s not good is it

Please okay just get the gravel and go just get the gravel and go why am I risking my life for gravel I don’t really know I found it and it’s mine and I’m taking it home they don’t seem to be spawning for some reason okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we

Leave now we have the fun job of trying to find where I came from oh No I think I was further oh no no no no here it is right oh there’s more gravel here too please oh my gosh I can’t find the T shut up there we go I hear you please stay where you are Hello some to the side oh do you mean here you got it okay good to know thank you I appreciate your [Applause] face okay we grab this and then we go cuz I’m pretty sure we have more gravel than sand now I don’t particularly want to run 2,000 blocks to get sand [Applause]

Again thanks I [Applause] think we do however need bones although we might have some L The Valleys that we can use for white D instead might be easier and less dangerous there we go uh how do I get up block you up so I don’t die and then we find our way

Out I think I know my way out I think it’s just I got lost trying to find it I have to go through like a mini Ravine yeah they here uh this way there we go hopefully I remember that or it’s night time hopefully nothing spawned I’m struggling getting up stairs

For some reason there we go no okay we need to make an actual stick okay soon simple hey I need you thank you what a game these skills okay we have 20 minutes left of the stream so let’s get the base down for the house oh my gosh there so

Much it got me up okay that’s all that matters I have my Cobblestone I don’t oh well um there we go we need bones oh we have l Of The Valleys I save the bones then and we’ll try and get some wolves eventually uh 10 strain to put STS in the

Minecraft I don’t actually know how much we need to be H we need more leave The Valleys that’s what we need I know I hate it I should mine out the blocks above me to make it a little easier that’s also effort so will I do that probably

Not yeah I’ll do that eventually that might not stay as my uh wait what am I doing I need to put them in here uh that’s probably not going to stay as my strip mine I’ll find another place to put the strip mine uh um okay we need to look at the

Build and see if we can count might be a struggle for us um one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 10 by one two three four five six 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 by 13 why so much gravel uh for concrete was it 10 by 13

Yeah right where do we want the house to start is the question H I want let me look at the build again I do want a good path up to it so I think I want to do it kind of far back back then we have a little thing

Here we can make room for this um we might have to dig into the mountain I don’t think I want on this level I think I want on this level let me see if I have any dirt did you copy no um all I copied was the outline for

The roof cuz I was really struggling with that but the whole designer stuff I just made up uh roofs are not my specialty though so I did get a little help for that this is not enough dirt I don’t know why I bothered grabbing it um I guess we mine out this

I’d like to get at least the outline of the house done before we end stream damn it cool when I do the uh learning how to build series rules are definitely going to be something that’s going to be difficult to learn I think that might just be an

Episode on its own to be honest I will try though and that’s what I’m most excited to learn is uh rooms roofs and like decorating walls want you to build that house for me [Applause] okay okay the but this doesn’t have to look pretty right now we’ll fix that

Once the uh whole I guess skeleton of the house is built IRL uh Danna might need your help with that if she wants to IRL I see you as a handy guy you could build a house I believe in you yes oh let’s hope we can build us

Excuse you for wait is this the position I wanted in have fun in a tent um I think a little further back and also we’ll take this out I could build a house I have faith in me I could build a house would it be safe to live in now that’s a different

Question do you want it safe or do you want it pretty pick one you can’t have both i’ like to do house flipping oh look gravel Shadow like when you buy a house that’s not so good and then you do it up and then sell it that be fine

Would I be able to do it probably not I like the idea though it’s like IRL Sims except you don’t get to control people’s lives so guess that’s a downfall oh I don’t have any more iron either freak FR and fr you control your own do I

Though if I controlled my own I’d be a millionaire and all I would do is stream all day play Minecraft maybe some dead by daylight throwing in for some fun and then just watch the money come in it wouldn’t be your money it’d be like ad new so everybody wins nobody has

To give me money just the companies that run the [Applause] a I think this should be far enough in Minecraft please okay that I can do she changes her mind do you want to do it on like a I can join your world as like a multiplayer

Thing so you can help me build it or do you want me to just join and do it let’s have a rose garden thank you that should be good right push right to the back and then this side will be cleared and we’ll put the gardenesque thing I think that should be

Fine wait what was it again 10 to 13 I might have to count again cuz maths isn’t my strong suit or numbers I should say one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 by I’m pretty sure it’s 13 one two three world isn’t on the

Snapchat okay you can tell me after to stream that’s fine 13 okay I’m going to trust you cuz iother the account so it’s wrong I only have myself to blame cuz I should have counted right let’s do as far back as we can I suppose and I guess

For H this way as I can cuz I kind of running out space here with the Little Pond so might just make a new one okay one 2 three four five six seven 8 n 10 12 13 one two three four five six seven eight nine

10 one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 eag like that and then these two two are the doors one two 3 four five 6 one 2 3 four five what what are you trying to tell me 1 2

3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 oh wait I did it long it’s 10 long not 13 long and oh so stupid I told you MTH wasn’t my strong suit one two three well that should be fine right one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 why look hard one two three four one two three oh it’s the same okay there we go there’s at least the outline of our house let me do this so I don’t annoy

You you watch a creeper sneak up on me now and I have no idea well that’s just easier I don’t know why I did it this way there we go so that’s the outline then we’ll have the garden bit here um yeah I can have a zombie I was about to

Say I got confused which part was the 10 it’s fine we’re moving past it um where’s my dirt there it is let’s build this out a bit more before it gets dark we’ll do more Landscaping as uh much easier way to do wa wait what uh we’ll do more Landscaping when

We’ve got more of the house built to make it look more natural I guess um but right now I don’t really care I also need to end stream in like about 10 minutes cuz I have some editing to do that I didn’t do cuz I’m a b YouTu good content though true

There you go that do um is there anything else I guess I can build the walls up need to count them but the walls is a good way for a creeper to come in and kill you oh that’s okay I’ll move the blocks from outside of it Um how do I count this one two three four five six six uh and then we’ll figure that out afterwards let’s just build it yeah okay then are we talking after the stream why I’ll have to edit in what was I doing this one two three four five

Six would it be easier to make it into concrete first or do what I’m doing doing I feel like this oh gosh oh gosh I feel like this is less effort I say as I mess up yeah after get Chinese I will have to edit in call though

I’ve got to be so careful that I don’t kill myself tree you are in the way I just thought these Corners are going to be so annoying to change I might have to do that after I’ve done some Landscaping and I am out uh you I don’t think the whole house is six

Block I think I did that wrong I think it’s just the very top like in the Middle where I had the peak thing I think that’s six blocks that’s fine fix it afterwards is that all I can do or can I I this I just can’t to the other side my

Flowers oh you poor babies and a tree okay so we definitely need I think we need more D yeah that’s the issue we need more D that’s fine we can get that another time um I think Lilia Valley is going to be the easiest way to get it to be honest

Rather than trying to kill skons let’s see if there’s any close by before we end I also want lily of the valley for the build though could use a composter I could couldn’t I that’s very smart don’t really have much to compost though I think maybe next next time I

Stream this we will make a bigger farm so we can get seeds and stuff so we’ll have more stuff to compost can get bone blocks in the nether that’s also true that also sounds very dangerous I think we might go to the nether next stream as

Well um just to kind of see what’s in there let’s do this guess this can go by the farm so make sure we can’t die by creepers while we sleep uh sure Uh Furnaces let’s just stack them up like that you can go there we also need andite we don’t need that much andite so I’m not really worried about getting it uh jungle’s going to be a whole Adventure on its own so I might do what Amy said and that’s sound I need

You um and use Oak as like a replacement just for now and then we should worry about um Jungle when we we find one that’s not one I wanted I also need to pee real bad okay I think that’s about it for the stream then we kind of got a lot I feel

Like we didn’t get anything done we just we just got some walls I mean Craig would be happy but I’m not um yeah yeah I think next stream we’ll go to the nether make a farm but I don’t think we’ll worry about jungle until like later um but I think

That’ll be it for the stream I think I shall end now and then edit and get food cuz I’m really hungry um but thank you everyone who came and watched and for the followers I really appreciate appreciate it um I’ll be live again on Tuesday probably streaming more

Minecraft yeah I also have to do a Labs today um yeah probably more Minecraft at some point I do want to try valerant though I need to stop being Swit a was and just try it um I’m not sure when my next video will be it was supposed to be

Friday but I’ll fig I’ll I’ll probably edit the video I’m editing now and just upload it whenever and then have another one for Friday coming that’s probably all work it I hope you have a good day too jeline I hope everyone has a good day and I will hopefully see you guys on

What day is it Satur Tuesday I’ll see you guys Tuesday bye

This video, titled ‘[06-02-21] Playing Overwatch till I get sad, then Minecraft till I get happy :)’, was uploaded by EJThatGirl VODs on 2024-02-26 17:46:50. It has garnered 2 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:44 or 13664 seconds.

Trying out the new Overwatch gamemode and then playing Minecraft survival [old vod]

▼ Socials ▼ Main Channel: @ejthatgirl Twitch: twitch.tv/ejthatgirl TikTok: tiktok.com/@ejthatgirl Instagram: instagram.com/ejthatgirl Twitter: twitter.com/ejthatgirl


▼ Timeline ▼ 00:00:00 Intro / just chatting 00:02:58 Looking through skins 00:09:36 Bounty Hunter 00:30:07 Capture The Flag 01:02:06 CTF Blitz 01:10:28 Capture The Flag 01:29:18 BRB / Changing games 01:31:29 Minecraft 03:46:03 Outro

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    Gray & Inked: TikTok Shenanigans Minecraft Madness: Exploring the TikTok Live Stream – June 13, 204 (Part 2) Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft as we delve into the exciting events of the TikTok Live Stream on June 13, 204. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of the game and witness the chaos unfold in this action-packed adventure! Unveiling Minecraft Wonders As the TikTok Live Stream kicks off, viewers are treated to a spectacle of Minecraft gameplay like never before. From building towering structures to exploring vast landscapes, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. With each… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: spuds.cloud Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Wolv21 ● TIP: https://streamelements.com/wolv21-1801/tip YOUTUBE ● MAIN: https://www.youtube.com/@Wolv21 ● CLIPS: https://www.youtube.com/@WolvClips ● STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/Wolv21/live SOCIAL ● KICK: https://kick.com/Wolv21 ● TWITTER: https://twitter.com/21wolv ● INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/wolv21 ● SNAPCHAT – https://snapchat.com/add/wolv21 ● FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/wolv21 ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. https://discord.com/invite/2b2tpe tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,crystalpvp.cc,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More

  • elefse’s Epic Escape: Minecraft’s Scariest Challenge

    elefse's Epic Escape: Minecraft's Scariest ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Survived Minecraft’s Most Scuffed Event’, was uploaded by elefse on 2024-03-08 18:30:23. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:48 or 588 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements… Read More

  • Aphmau’s Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen Girls

    Aphmau's Creepy Titan Attack on Jaizen GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen Girls on 2024-06-04 23:00:05. It has garnered 1790 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Why Creepy Aphmau TITAN BOSS ATTACK JJ and MIKEY Girls at NIGHT ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new… Read More