Empress Little-bit – Murder Theater Upgrade!

Video Information

A [Applause] N Oh H friends how we all doing today I’m doing pretty well I’m kind of happy I’ll down a little a little bit found some new music Izzy found the soundtrack for a mobile game that I play pretty often called two dots and this is the soundtrack right now I love it sounds so

Good it’s very chill I’m very happy with it but yeah we today we are working on the murder theater hold on let me let me take you there real quick thanks l oh that’s the wrong button there’s a button Hello friends welcome back those of you who

Haven’t seen this is my apartment so far in Murder theater been a little bit more Decor put here and there lots more heads I put my dragon head and my Warden head up there and then these are my two prized friends heads I don’t have Millie’s head or anybody else’s heads so

Right now I just have two friend heads yay and as you can see back here Oda gave me a sparra cuz goodness knows I’m going to need one uh the Chisel bookshelves were from zinc I’m sure you saw in the short but I’m very happy with them cuz now I can

Parkour on them look at this look at this look look I’m parkour don’t don’t look at that part just look at look at this look at oh I opened my yeah see see parkour master I am now up high this is where I belong actually no hold on I can be up

Up higher yeah up with my people oh n okay anyway uh right wa right right right oh there’s a sign here that took me way too Long Lan you forgot that I read things out of order okay Whatever okay oh for those of you who are just listening to the stream I’ll read the sign to you um the sign say I lost my job at the bank on my first day a woman asked me to check her balance so I pushed her over [Laughter]

Anyway I’m on my way to grab some gravel and sand I’m not quite sure where I’m going to be getting it probably some from here maybe I think gravel is over there on the mountain side but we’re currently waiting for lane cuz he said that he would help us cuz everybody

Needs a lane and Lane is great Lane’s a good helper Lane’s a big helper you know what we’re going to do some terraforming on that back end of the murder theater that I keep forgetting to do cuz that needs to be done I’m going to grab my last remaining dirt I gave CU

Most of the dirt that I have because the man is dirt poor and he needs more dirt so I gave him more dirt by the way that’s nard over there he’s been working on it and oh okay thank you LAN he’s been working on it on

His stream over on Twitch so please go check out nard on Twitch he is a very good Builder very good Minecraft player very cool person as well very good at PVP he’s the only one so far on the record that we have seen that has beaten Lane in the PVP

Arena so that man I was about to say that man keeps laying humbled um speaking of being humbled quick Tower forming and falling Again that look natural oh that doesn’t look natural that there we go it’s a little bit better it could be actually no it could be better it could be better I can make it better maybe probably not but I’m going to Try kind of Cliffside Cliffside sort of thoring up and up on the up and up that’s RI K by the way streaming one of the only Hobbies we’re talking to yourself is somewhat what’s applicable well not just applicable but also encouraged it’s very strange Hi friend hello I’m talking to

Myself well now you can talk to me yay actually hold up I’m going to turn you up real quick okay I’m not sure if it is my VA if it is my Spotify that’s being too loud or if it’s just my volume that’s too low it

Might be my volume yeah it’s my volume never mind we’re good okay uh is is terraforming okay there was a hole back here that I wanted to patch up so I patched it up okay hold on let me just freak him it’ll be easier um I mean it could use a little touching

Up but that’s okay that’s something I could help with okay I’m not too picky about it right now yeah I mean right now it’s it’s better than the whole that was there yeah that’s the point I’m falling hi falling I’m laying Okay stairs okay so you mentioned gravel and sand right yes and black thy apparently cuz I’m going to need a lot of okay well black thy I um I don’t have much of that but I happen to know a member on the server who sells gravel I don’t have Money we can work some else okay I have very very little money and the rest of and most of it is going to be going to grabbing my uh tinted glass for me believe me all of my um all of my mining that I’ve been doing for the last

Hour that’s four diamonds to pay Millie so ah Goa so uh yeah I actually have a ton of sand already in my boat because I went netherite mining last night and I I filled up a shulker box so I can make TNT and I know where we can oh wait you

Said you’re going to sell gravel to me okay whatever yeah and I and I actually have plenty of gravel um I might have it at some at the boat if not I have some at the lazy piglin okay oh my music is very loud all of a

Sudden I love my music but it is loud okay um what was I thinking what was I thinking I forgot what I was thinking sand gravel black dye is the big thing oh I was going to check and see how much I actually need hold on yeah probably a good

Idea you know what I probably should have grabbed the schematic of the actual build I mean yeah that might would have helped you know I’m going to go do that real quick one second we are professionals we are absolute professionals friend oh this is a good track I like

This track a lot my word what is this I just found a hole in my build That’s not healthy oh wow this is like a DubStep I am not used to that eh we’re going to keep it keeps me awake wake so sorry friends so professional this one on the wrong

I’m a professional that’s who I am I absolutely professional let’s save this real quick He you know what I actually don’t really like this one I’m skipping this one oh it’s called a villain mix that’s why I don’t like it oh well all right think that should have saved prayers and fingers crossed let’s see oh I just bled my mic I’m

Sorry let’s get rid of a few of these real quick while I’m thinking about it I’m annoyed okay Izzy’s right next to me she says it’s not even soup you know what you get for that you know what you get but you Get you’re ruining my terraforming you got to put that back Oh no you hear me now there we go Izzy said it’s not even soup she’s right next to Me okay Fine I have two more sand now nice well I just realized I had didn’t turn the game back on once I get here we go hello hello uh let me pull up the schematic real quick okay love Youal list oh my that’s a lot of carpet okay we’ll figure that out later I know what a lot yeah roughly eight stacks of black conrete for this one o yeah well fortunately for you I should have enough sand and gravel to be able to help with that okay I don’t think I

Have enough black dye is the problem one step at a time we do have the uh the redy texture pack or whatever so all you have to do is make it to concrete then you can worry about dying it later texture pack do you mean data pack data

Pack text yeah something like that whatever it is okay cool here have some sand um oh thank you you’re welcome let me put my so we can we can go check the boat and see if we have enough or we can go to the lazy piglin

For the gravel if we don’t have it at the boat you want just go to the lazy piglin now anyway I mean yeah I just don’t have the sand over There Las pck first and then uh uh okay yeah are we going to your you haven’t been on since we finished the uh well not finished but did more work on the nether Hub have you I say it again we you haven’t been on since we’ve done any

Of the extra work in the nether Hub have you nope oo I saw stream but that’s about it yeah I know I’m I love the fog floor where are you at I’m circling the perimeter sorry oh you’re over oh okay yeah know I love these fog floors I want this in my

Life well like so a normal fog floor would go seven layers deep on the glass but I did four because this room is already plenty dark yeah and most fog floors would also have a little bit brighter lighting underneath the carpets but instead I used the darkest ones we

Could get which are the uh Soul torches so cool just enough GL so it’s just enough light to add the effect and the only way you’ll notice that there’s carpet down there is if you like literally zoom in down there as opposed to figuratively zooming in yes that’s

Really cool sorry I had to tease you for that one all right um also should we make a group oh sure I’ll do it Okay the E play on words there or letters in this case nice this one freaks me out cuz it looks like there’s no floor yeah yeah a little bit it’s a good kind of freaking out though yeah yeah and then we have we have a magma boy over here hi

Dude does he have a name yet and does he have a name yet yeah yeah magma boy is his name oh okay that’s the name tag I put on put on him anyway very original yeah well the next one’s going to be Lava Girl so okay and then over here we have huge

Mistake exclamation mark except he’s been silence yeah except Millie changed his name to silenced because he he has a tendency to to freak us out down here has a tendency to scream yes but it’s okay because same and then over here Millie added this in last night uh yes the storage

Center yeah it looks like it literally looks like a backstage area to me noted noted it’s like those back rooms kind like it yeah I kind of like it honestly I do too I’m a big fan of limal spaces and yeah that that’s all the work

We’ve done so far um we are going to change out the towers so like the towers um like this side over here is the ACAA side we are going to change the the towers the the directions that are facing inwards to these areas they’re going to be changed to match

That color nice yeah that’s a good call um I did have hey L joined nice hi el uh I did have plans for the ceiling I was going to make it similar to The Towers here and that it’s ow and that it’s deep slate and the and

The trap doors with the lights yeah just continuing on along the paths here I can see that yeah yeah so it’s just Lantern lanterns every now and then so it’s not just constant dark spots of every other block yeah yeah yeah in my nether Hub in the first season of Solo

Survival I detailed the the ceiling with uh Basalt not the Polish Basalt but the other one yeah yeah yeah I I detailed it with that and it actually went really good together good to know okay I’ll think of that for the center bits probably all right um yeah there’s B in these

Things uh yeah there’s basal in there too okay yeah I can do I do that I can do that this this hallway this one literally took me 7 hours to do yeah I heard I’m so sorry but good job yeah it when I started it I I literally just put

In like the floor and was like that’s all I’m doing today and then I did the rest of it nice yeah I’ve done that before that was me with a moss pit yeah but the Moss pit also turned out really good I still got to add the C

Pickle form over there oh yeah we have either a bamboo Farm or a sugarcan Farm is there there as well we don’t um could we I didn’t really think anybody would be buying sugar cane I meant just for us oh well for us yeah I mean we could put

It out there I figure I’ll end up putting it in uh in the mega base at some point anyway Yeah among Us all right here I’m falling behind I got little legs what goes to my mind right then was the scene from Meet the Robinson where he’s like I’ve got a big head and little arms head and little arms yeah I’m not really sure how well this plan was thought through oh oh good

Night when you don’t see sunlight enough and you don’t oh oh I forgot we’re in a group so you can still hear me yeah the interior on this thing looks good by the way it did very well you did very well yeah but you did

The rest of it I did the rest of it all I did was add in the the storage that still counts yeah that that’s all I put in um that still can’t let’s see let’s not take out of that stock if I have it in here um question quartz oh here

No no right right here behind you oh there’s a thing here thank you uh yeah I think that should be enough uh and the quartz I actually meant to change this price I’ve already sold four full stacks of this yeah that was me okay you’re good you’re good

Originally I was selling the four stacks of this and not the the blocks okay how much do I owe you then yeah you’re good don’t worry about it how much do I owe you for the rest of this uh for the rest to this uh go ahead and take it for

Asking price I’m about to upgrade the bar ring form soon so are you sure I’ll have plenty to spare yeah here here you go look at that I made diamonds today you made Diamonds I also was smart about this and over here I hid the um the restock Barrel nice what the is this hold On what are the songs from Izzy’s videos started playing and I got so confused okay we got a bunch of gravel bunch of quartz I’m actually going to need a lot more quartz I’ll grant that out later though uh yeah well to be fair I could start up the bartering farm at

Any point and try to get more quartz too um because I have literally this much gold from the last few days of afking nice hey did you get the soup that I left you I did I did y that was that was your New Year’s oh here that was your New Year’s

Present yeah whenever I uh I came back from being AFK I typed in chat when I seen it I was like e must have been here recently yeah I actually uh flew into the scaffolding took some damage but you’re welcome for that and just climbed up the scaffolding and

I thought you were awake so I just sort of nudged you a couple times like oh oh his AFK so I just threw the soup up at you and I was so confused whether or not it had actually gone into your inventory so that’s not I’m asking but yeah yeah

Yeah uh I recommend if you fly up there don’t land in the minecart areas noted I am I’ve almost died three times in the last two days flying up there oh there’s also this really adorable slime shop over Here trying to figure out the style I’m assuming this is I want to say zinc I think it is yeah okay it is not centered okay yeah I’m not going to I’m not going to touch it I’m not going to touch it even though I really really really

Want to I’m not going to touch it yep and uh yeah that’s basically all that’s happened down here so Far I just just see your name tags just glitching woo oh and I’m back at my house okay well I’m on the way back okay that’s why I set my spawn in here that and I died so many times in there uh on like Christmas Eve Christmas morning something like that died and

Where the uh the end so like I needed to set my spawn over there that’s why there’s a bed there I was the one that put it there uh to your okay I am at my boat now okay on my way I did it I flew gracefully good job thank you all right

So this is how much sand I have oh my word plus a shulker box worth hold up where uh wait gravel gravel gravel Gravel one second I’m going to do a thing it was commenting on the um on the Slime how their faces are though I mean that’s about right yeah how to concrete how to concrete hold on oh you need dye to make it no okay well I don’t have dye on me right now okay well for now we can we can make it

White and then just once you get the black dye you can you go ahead and make it okay if you want to do it that way no that’s actually a good idea cuz we have so many bones okay well I have more than enough bones here to make white diey

Yeah I have a lot of my place Too oh I’m sorry that you’re sick if it’s any constellation I’m also sick but that’s different for me I am a professional I know how to make stuff how to Minecraft how to holy crow that’s a lot of concrete hello Cube we’re working over theater theater whatever however you

Pronounce it everybody pronounces it differently you know this is this is literally also called The Deep slate box and it’s full of grapple this was the original box I was using for my deep [Laughter] slate you know what annoys me what’s up everybody’s colors for their names in

Chat changes it doesn’t stay consistent from stream to stream yeah I’ve noticed that it’s annoying I mean I love seeing people’s faces and or not faces but I love seeing people’s names but but it doesn’t match Them it’s been bad around here Too yeah it yeah it’s been rough around here and Co has been going around around here again too Yeah Hey there’s Emy all I heard was you clip right There I love Emy also she’s great That that’s a fair reminder right there I ran on here to crash your party Yeah you got to you got to love Minecraft logic um El said that she can’t hear you now I know how to work my things there we go it works now I accidentally hit mute I’m annoyed oh well that’s okay I’m okay now I got it

Fixed where are is that an Emy here up there it is an Emmy where are you where are you the storage room in the boat oh I’m a I did a driveby but I I didn’t see anybody oh yeah we were inside it’s hard to do a driveby when people are

Inside let’s see I don’t remember how to oh hey hey there hi welcome thank you thank you it’s been a while it’s been a a hot minute since I’ve been here yeah yeah come back thank you oh yeah we’re we’re helping get stuff for murder

Theater wow I need to come up with a new name for it cuz it’s not technically it doesn’t really involve murder anymore was this enough sand that that you had uh one second let me check again I believe that’s the wrong button I just bonked my mic

Again I am professional at this point it’s not a normal e video or stream if there’s not bonking involves yeah or an Izzy does the same thing she actually named her microphone Bonk because she Bonks it so much oh beautiful beautiful yeah I’ve noticed in in her videos that

Occasionally the the mic just distorts randomly yeah that we don’t know what’s going on there I think it’s her settings I think it might have something to do with that yeah yeah I think they just reset themselves again for whatever reason okay Spotify you’re being a little loud

Again okay I got enough thank you you’re welcome um here’s your gravel box again oh I put a bunch of my crud in there uh I’ll get that back later that’s that’s fine so so what are you working on uh I yeah I show you I show you come here

Okay I follow I follow follow come sleep at my house come sleep over at my house sleep over sleep over time sleep sleep over time b y o b this is why I carry a bed everywhere ah hold on who’s sleeping stop sleeping we’re doing a sleepover okay okay well she’s

Bsy getting attacked by Phantoms right now I have a roof come join me on the roof where was that kind of accuracy when I was fighting the dragon man did you get it where are you guys yeah I I got both of them we were still on our boat the

Boat I’m sorry for screaming into the mic everybody that was very expect nothing less that’s right thank you I appreciate it also read read the high quality joke that I left in front of her door okay let me see I lost my job at the bank on my first day a woman asked

Me to check her balance so I pushed her oh that’s terrible thank you I’m glad somebody noticed how bad it was that’s what you get I thought it was amazing okay you want to do rooftop sleepover or inside here let’s try see if we can beat the

Phantoms let’s do the rooftop okay I only have three arrows wait do I have more I don’t think I have more you still haven’t fixed up a bow yet I don’t I I I no [Laughter] where the phant we got to change that I’ve already killed them

Oh yeah I don’t think they’re coming back at me okay okay uh in sleepover y I’m just going to sleep beside my head wait I’m unprepared now oh up here I’ll take the top bunk Papa you are totally fine you do not have to stay I also really love the

The stack of books you have sitting here care of you love you a lot oh that’s so cute it is yeah El gave those to me how was that a thing how how does that work uh it’s a head really yeah that’s awesome yeah see nice

Nice nice nice I mean this is the craft work server where everything is a is ahead if you need it true true but yeah there’s more over here there’s the book of death the death note and it cousin dang uh and then I got some sniffer eggs

And then this is my one of my first heads that I got personally this is It’s a shulker head and I love him very much he’s so cute he is so cute honestly I love the shulker head yeah and then Ender head from got a wishbone

Head back here oh yeah yeah yeah I don’t oh yes I do remember where I got that uh that was during the dragon fight when he blew himself up with the Ed Crystal well that that’s literally how I got that one yeah so both both of my friendship heads

Are from end crystals those things are apparently very helpful to me and then I have my and my dragon heads my two boss heads up there nice and once I get a weather a weather head it’s going to be up there as well sweet yeah oh I love

This this is so cool thank you uh oh I got more uh I forgot I need more uh fuel for that how how to fuel what to fuel you know I may also sell blaze rods Shameless plug I’m poor okay sh I am poor I have I just marked down

The prices too then now’s a good time okay I’m skipping this again hold on oh how nice said it was a Christmas hat head I like that yeah yeah e made that skin for I made that one nice so talented one second I’m getting rid of one of

The one of these songs on my play list cuz it’s annoying I think Em’s keeping herself entertained in your glow Berry so I was doing the same thing honestly well I mean it’s just an invitation there’s a park Z gave me these bookcases for um Christmas and now

It’s a parkour and it makes me Happy oops yeah there we go okay uh anyway what were we doing uh concrete pow I got enough concrete powder and I think we just needed the the black Dy yeah yeah I’ve got how much do you need I think I’ve got like a stack of ink

Sacks is it one stack however much one thing however much it should take for uh for eight stacks of concrete I think yeah I I don’t know the ratios I can go I have eight ink sacks and three black Dy so I think I should be

Okay but we shall see we shall see we’ll play by ear I think the big thing that we need to do right now is just digging out the floor of the theater how did I get back here oh well done how did you did you fly through the

Flower pot cuz it’s not yeah I think I think it did yeah yeah well it is a transparent block that’s why you can fly through it never mind oh that’s great just seeing you both belly fluff through my bookcase that’s the way it usually goes I think this is yours yeah this is

Yours he’s a pretty princess look at him a he’s beautiful he’s a Beautiful I love how easily distracted we get I think that’s why we’re friends yeah oh Emmy where’ Emmy go hey stop pearlescent mooning my door Lane did it it was all Lane I was back here my business go yes yeah you have it in your inventory now oh I Do are we going to have to run around in circles again that’s just part of the uh what is it the christening of the soup or whatever but we have to go to the cafeteria for that ah yeah I guess that’s true I keep forgetting what I’m doing

Right okay uh let me put down the schematic real Quick get Doored I need a stick n’s house over there is starting to come along I know it looks so good I know I I love the the copper for the roof sweet I was watching him do it on stream and I thought I think it’s coming out really nicely oh yeah that does look

Nice yeah I think he’s still AFK waiting on the wrist of his uh copper to age it’s it’s the banner on the front that makes it though the banner on the front oh yeah yeah of course I know what I I know how to work lighta Ow uh you guys are getting an insight into how how lost I get in these menu in these menu things aha found it oh my word okay uh yeah SP uh spoiler warnings for those on stream this is what it looks like right Now mhm uhhuh mhm Yes or no that yes not yes okay that was it yes it is not yes is this yes that is yes and that is yes yay okay cool um take the stick out of my hot bar please stay there I love that you can fly underwater I know I didn’t know that was a thing I think it just is with the uh the mod that we use Yay yes rain oh I’m underw right now so R makes me happy okay for those who do not want spoilers for the those who don’t want spoilers for the murder theater please click off of the stream now but anybody else who wants to know you are welcome to stay okay

Wait L how do I lock it how do I lock it um there whenever you look at the placement of it when you hit configure there should be a lock icon somewhere I am literally loading a schematic right now just so I can oh okay well I loaded the uh theb

Shop from season one series but but yeah uh configure and then uh whenever you’re in the configure placement thing there’s a thing that says locked config it’s on the very right side of the screen config your placement so configuration menu so like whenever you you pull up like matica where it says schematic

Placements oh schematic configuration okay yep and then you’ll hit configure and then it’s on the right side of the screen thank you hi Oda we are working on the murder theater so uh spoiler spoiler alert uh if you don’t want the murder theater to be spoiled for you uh click off now but

If you’re okay with it being spoiled then you are good and you won’t be able to see much any way cuz we’re just digging out what we can uh I didn’t I didn’t bring my trumpet can I still be here oh I can I can do the trumpet for you don’t

Worry I’m in a house full of instruments but no trumpets that sounds like a line from something but I don’t know what okay I just want to say with shaders on in the rain murder theater from the front is looking awesome yes I know I’m so happy I love it so

Much uh not that ooh yeah it it has like a menacing look to it and I love it 100% yes it’s supposed to look like a monster and it makes me really really happy that it does yeah yeah I I can tell by the eye in the in

The center there okay one second I’m going to switch to single layer so that I can actually walk in here without spoiling anything yes okay that works sweet okay no longer a spoiler warning we’re Okay yay okay cool I probably should have thought of that before I warned everybody but oh well oh well they’ll figure it out later okay okay so I will do the outline for everybody that you guys know where to start digging can I do this without dying good question I can’t I did

It keep seeing the ghost blocks and it freaks me out yeah that’s been happening to me a lot lately when I was on my my other world earlier I um I kept having this issue where I’d get in a boat and i’ get ready to go forward and it would go forward

Very very slowly until I hit the W key for a second time yeah which oddly enough doesn’t happen here or has happened anywhere Else this is right pretty sure this is right no it’s not right armm this bit this bit is not right so in these Main Grove areas need to be dug out as well I Think up so everything that’s getting mined out is in sorry potential spam is calling me do you guys want to answer panel spam do it do it all right oh here we go I’m Speaker they did not want to talk to me they didn’t want to get called out on stream I’m sad sorry Lan I interrupted you I apologize uh yeah know I was I was asking so everything that needs to be dug out is this inner part or yeah okay and then there’s also some

Parts so the parts in the mang grow so the hallway sections those need to be hollowed out as well okay so this so the ow this port back here all right one second I get out of the floor there we go uh that section no uh these hallway sections the okay

But this so all of it endstone and deep slate and everything or so this part and not this part but this part so the two lsh yeah okay guess who’s here guess who’s in the Stream everybody I I see I see I see oo it’s the man the myth the legend

That’s right uh and then around here as well so the whole endstone floor not just underneath but you want the floor gone the floor gone and underneath or I think five blocks I’ll check okay everybody’s doing their catchphrases from the last video yeah uh that weird guy so just to review

So I don’t mess it up so from here going out towards where Lane is uh no so from there just to this section So within the empty section yeah that’s what I’m saying yeah yeah yeah sorry I think I don’t know I’ll mess it

Up somehow if I mess it up I’ll put it back good I’ll fix it too uh hello Impala everybody’s here today today oh my gosh I’m so happy cuz we all love you a that’s right I love you guys too guys are sweet guys my friends are too

Wholesome you’re like the second sister I never had I’m the younger sister you never had get it right oh I well I well I don’t know your age so I didn’t want to call you younger if you’re older no it’s because everybody calls me the little sister that they never had Millie

And yeah oh yeah I don’t mind you guys guessing you can guess all you want please assume assuming makes it more Fun wait waiting for you Lane [Laughter] nope L would you like me to be the little sister you never had as well yeah I don’t I don’t think you have to ask I think you just are now oh see and Paul said you’re like the knif little sister he never

Had that’s fair I’ll take it she’s like 150 years old I called her kiddo once I’ll never do that 152 get it Right born 1872 oh uh Wishbone I remember you asked me when I graduated the other day I forgot to tell you it was uh 1890 that’s when I graduated women’s college let’s go Emmy you’re doing great thank you thank you thank you so [Laughter] much L I can’t see your progress but I’m

Sure you’re doing great too oh thanks welcome you know me I’m very confident in doing things incorrectly and then having to fix it later you’re talking to the queen of incorrectly or one of them at least oh yeah speaking of incorrectly I’ve been doing all of this incorrectly yay

You’re doing great things e thanks you can tell that he’s flustered cuz his voice is cracking uh Y no I was just kind of laughing all at the same time yeah I should know this by now but yeah I also have a lot of sisters do you I have

One no you have two you’re right I have two oh thank you El well done El knows what she’s doing she’s staying hydrated I’m drinking coffee I made the mistake of drinking shy and now I have heart palpitations and I’m annoyed I’m a weak sauce caffeine person and if I have coffee I’ll

Probably die that’s why they make Decaf uh Emmy I hate to say it but I also can’t do teap coffee really I’m one of those kind of weak sauce people I’m a chronic we weak sauce person I can’t do coffee otherwise I hurt myself a lot well I me I’ve gotten to where I

Don’t uh really go up there for the coffee at this point so oo I know what this means I’m not going to say anything but I know what it means it means Elane is trying to come out of his socially awkward shell get on you good on I’m proud of you

And Paula says decaf is a myth created by big coffee I wouldn’t know Li I don’t understand but I will laugh anyway how do they remove the caffeine that’s what I want to know oh is that what the joke is no I really want to know I mean that’s a valid question thank

You feel like I’m in the end all over again why all of this end Stone ah I apologize my bad I mean I didn’t mind near as much as OD so yeah see C knows what I’m talking about a 12 O Docker pepper that’s what I wake up [Laughter]

To water that’s what I wake up to well I’m trying to drink more water and really I do drink more water if you compare how much water I took in last year compared to how much I’ve taken in in the last like two months it there’s a

Very big difference I don’t think I want to know I don’t think I want to know uh last year I probably didn’t even have a case of water the entire year dang you and Izzy I need to uh I need to do something about you too well after spending a fortune in

Dentist builds and everything from the sugar and everything that I take in including from the caffeine well from the from the Dr Peppers and stuff I I’m trying to to cut it out so good good good good I’m just trying to wean myself off of it copy is not helping

But where are we placing everything that we have dug out do you have a shulker box somewhere that we oh I forgot that that’s necessary for things hold on yep yep yep oh I can’t jump o cap I can I I I walk several miles a day for work as

Well but I could I don’t know about nine I think I walk roughly I want to say either 5 miles a day if I’m working 2 miles a day if I’m not nice uh which is roughly oh mes that’s roughly I want to say wait is a mile shorter or longer

Than a are you building a railroad in Paula asked yes that’s exactly what we’re building no wonder you’re so freaking productive on Craft Works Lane you’re always hyped up on caffeine right uh right Shuler box no they I’m productive on here because I schedule

This just about I walk at least 9 ft to get to workout I wish I could say the same OD you got to get with the program what are you we’re being productive Elena are you talking to a cat I am that’s funny because I was just

Going to say that my cat was actually just meowing into the microphone I’m not sure which cat you’re talking to no I’m no I’m talking to to hours here she’s rolled over right underneath the chair with her belly up in the air and she keeps swinging at her

Paw at me cuz she wants belly rubs well get to it she shouldn’t have to ask well the thing is when I give her belly rubs she starts trying to bite my finger I mean she likes you I know I know here we go I’m going to put it I’ve

Got a log off here soon so I’m going to put it everything in a chest over here oh okay thank you don’t hug up Don’t Hug the chest well what else am I supposed to do all of a sudden there’s like 57 entries in there like come On one second all right I’m sorry I couldn’t contribute longer but no no no don’t apologize no we’ve enjoyed your company well thank you you’re very gracious hold on I’ll come I’ll come say goodbye I just need to we’re really good at high five should we do a high five oh

I would die right right L yeah let’s do it oh yes it’s our specialty yes it’s your guys’ specialty I wasn’t part of that no you don’t understand it’s really not every time it took us at least three tries every time right here hold on this going to be let’s see

Awward all right all right we got this okay ready one two 2 three go wait what see okay okay we got this oh we’re doing this again okay yeah got it okay one two three go oh wait who am I aiming for you just pick one and go one two three

Go there we’re done good all right see you see bye love you hey w w hello gone yeah yay we can talk smack about her oh my gosh I love that girl she’s the [Laughter] coolest all right one second it’s funny cuz every time I join the server and

Wish Bone is on he types in all caps he’s here who’s here him or you yes okay maybe we need a high five Club along with the fight Club very eloquent wander well done you guys don’t forget to go like the Stream spam the heart button that’s what I do to everybody else’s streams also make sure to like And subscribe to Lucky Lane and Emy Tater cuz they’re absolutely amazing they make great content a thank you welcome I only speak

Truth well I mean you and Izzy the way you edit is an inspiration so I’m trying to do better especially Izzy cuz that’s where I learned everything oh the button so are we clearing out the um all the dirt here too what what are we doing

Uh yeah we are uh I was just getting the outline done so you guys know where to dig since you guys don’t have the well okay and there he goes he’s just he’s going happy with [Applause] it do you mind if I keep said dirt you may have dirt

Yay might need it for some terraforming later who knows yeah Ah sounds a lot like lucky lance look I don’t know who this lucky Lance character is but I should not be getting confused with him by I love you I don’t know I’ve heard he’s pretty handsome and very talented well yes but so am I

Well I don’t know I’ve never seen as I said well that’s true as I said in the interview with Impala I’m the best there ever was plain and simple there was more I was going to add and I was like no let me not do that

I want to be the very best no one ever was yes that that is what I was going I was going to make a a totally different reference uh uh if you need dirt Lane we need to chat uh well I don’t know that I

Need it right now and once I get like officially started with the mega base I’m sure I’m going to have plenty I just I’m a dirt hoarder because every time I need it I don’t have it I word it’s so bright ah yeah I noticed that we walked in the

Uh the lazy piglin with my shaders on how bright that back wall was yeah yeah without without shaders it it was fine oh we did not need to dig out these Corners well you know what they’re dug out that’s fine wishon says he’s seen me

If if you see him if you see one you’ve seen them all wow that’s I don’t know what to say to that I don’t know if I’m supposed to I say thank you or feel offended here yes kind of like jittery bug in the the the Tater kind of gal

Comment I laugh so hard at that I don’t know if I should be offended or not yeah See and Paula thank you so much for stopping by love you lots see you and Paula oh my word this is getting this is getting good we got Henry stickma plane right now and it makes me so happy I just threw my shovel well right now the Eagles are

Playing for me so ah lucky um this is when I start questioning whether or not I know what I’m doing me literally anytime I log in anytime I hit the record button I have really bad brain fog chronically So CU chronic kids need to stick together all right I am flying to my boat I we’ll be right back okay you leaving me if I don’t kill myself flying onto my boat going to be one of those one of the you’re you’re you’re just going to see the death message pop

Up that I I experience kinetic energy I get to rescue you this time well I mean the spawn is just right over there it’s not like I’m going to need much rescuing let me dream speaking of chronic okay I’m still wearing the Cod head why has nobody told me this I thought you

Were doing that purposefully so I didn’t say anything let me put this up here uh I’ve got one better we’re going to put on my head aren’t you no oh okay good I just realized the only head that you guys have of me is my spider is my

Spider person head it’s my spider Sona Head that’s funny to think about oh I don’t need to dig out these Corners I keep forgetting I don’t need to dig out the corners okay how’s chat doing how’s everybody doing are we being nice to ourselves see now now I look presentable okay hold on let me let me finish my

Stone I can’t I’m right behind you right behind you okay I was I was going to do his his uh his uh hardcore series intro and then I’m like wait I don’t remember how he worded that Oda quick refresher also wish said that it is his boat please correct

Yourself you um oh your boat no that’s my boat I mean I told you you could be my roommate oh oh thank you Oda thank you you good me you sound like you’re lagging a little bit I am lagging no okay I’m probably going to lag out here soon yes are we good

Now hm are we good now am I still am I still lagging nope you’re still lagging okay hold on let me sign out and then send back in uh Okay we love having a laggy Computer W anyway how’s everybody Doing drinking water eating food touching grass if you Can I’m experiencing some lag can you guys hear me okay on stream is it still lagging out on Stream or can you hear me at All Okay oh my my chat is lagging too that’s not good okay I may just have to reset everything okay it’s fine um okay while I let my computer rest I think I’m going to go use the bathroom real quick I will be right back promise I’ll be right Back A Okay while we’re upright everybody take a St take a stretch Break Yes this one’s my favorite song one of my favorite songs of all time it’s called Ellie’s theme it’s from Henry Stickman I’m so excited for the new copper blocks they look so Good for me it’s the sound I love the sound of the new copper blocks especially the copper crates and I’m assuming Lane put me in a hole oh he did put me in a hole a I’m still lagging though Hello am I still lagging okay cool one second my game didn’t crash so okay cool okay this is looking really good I would hope so because I’ve just been destroying this four I don’t know what it’s supposed to look like I’m just destroying oh there’s copper down here if you need

Any uh that should be good for now I I forgot the song gives The Last of Us Vibes and he digs it okay look so here’s the thing like the last of us is like one of my favorite games so I I can’t hear the music right now because

Uh well my phone’s right beside me and I don’t want blaring through my microphone but um yeah with the last of us being one of my like all-time favorite games I’m now a fan of the song and I can’t even hear [Laughter] it I’ll send it to you one second yes I will have to give it a listen once great event Fleet goes off on my Spotify I now have a Shuler box worth of dirt thank you e you’re welcome there you go the from Henry Stickman the one that uh copper was ranting about and he should rant about it cuz it’s absolutely [Applause] Amazing oh we’re going to get along splendidly yeah yes I think so I’m so excited for you and wander to officially Meet yeah we we met briefly in the in the last stream but yeah yeah he’s cool I think you to all get along really well oh I’m sure he seems like an easy person to get along with [Applause] yeah this is a new song think I’ve heard this

One yet okay so how far down are we digging oh this is uh one second let me check uh let’s dig straight down and lag the heck out of my computer this is a great idea friends you know what the professionals say you you’re supposed to dig straight

Down I’m pretty sure only gr says that and he’s a professional is he not well you can’t tell me otherwise okay down here one second it’s so weird looking up and seeing od’s head staring back at me forgot I was wearing it okay so down here okay so should I go get a

Beacon uh if you think it’ll help it it will help with the stone for sure okay all right I’ll be back okay bye I think I might actually have a backup one the other one’s out at the mega base wait L do you have shaders do I have shaders yes no they’re

Not on right now but okay the light’s coming through the window over here and it looks really really pretty and it makes me very happy okay I’m just being well if I get back before the lights change too much I will take a look the sun’s always moving you’re going to miss

It oh I’m doing that you never said what Wishbone Otis Oda you don’t have to try to get me to buy one here I’m probably going there anyway how much are they now anyway like more than a few diamonds I’m assuming I’m lagging Again hi lagging I’m Lane five diamonds for one Beacon okay Oda you have made a sale wait Wishbone what did you never say I’m confusion just right right yay okay get rid of this top for now do you mind if I temporarily put this on your roof uh sure might as

Well and we we’re gaining we’re gaining a flat surface down here anyway this is correct correct enough aha okay yes this is going to be a little off center up here and I just don’t care oh Okay yes definitely say that Yes I head doing a screaming thing and I don’t like It okay see you Wishbone thank you for coming Over that is true hey Lang wish Bone’s leaving we should talk we just talku about oh that’s right he is cool is a cool person the coolest it’s one of one of the Coolest am I doing this right did you ever get the uh the achievement for activating a beacon I have not do you want to come get it one second all right I’m going to go grab a single iron ingot so this way I don’t have to break down any gold for this I

Think I am being very stingy on my gold right now oh okay well then this is Correct I think I have a better outline of what we are and are not digging now wer I never claimed to be good at smack talk oh only kind of smacking I do is smacking with kindness don’t clip that please don’t clip that I just realized how weird that [Applause]

Sounds oh Oda when you get on come see me I have a gift for you that’s not terrifying whatsoever nope it’s Not ah my game is still lagging we’re good it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine is it fine no not in the Slightest am I doing this correctly only slightly I am not the best I missed my calling [Applause] all right I’ve got the beacon set up up here whenever you’re ready to come get that achievement okay sorry one second I’m finishing things you’re good while you’re finishing things I’m going to run

To the rest room and I’m going to grab a bottle of water thank you okay I think I think this is good for the outline oh I’m twitching that’s fun yay take care of yourselves friends you don’t want to wind up like Me up Hello Something not heard something it’s being Weird go to Hobbies go what’s the one thing you do when you’re bored that makes you very Happy I died fine oh what would I say my go-to hobby is my go-to hobby is probably drawing and Writing oh wait speaking speaking of writing I am finishing up the Utopia lore and I’m actually very excited with how it’s turning out right now we just finished the we I finished editing all of the vocals for it yesterday which is why I’m able to stream today I’m back hi back I’m

You’re welcome you got me when I was getting a drink uh we were just talking about go-to Hobbies ah mine is drawing and writing mine is music and also writing but in the form of lyrics yeah oh I am full of stuff um I will come help with that Beacon now

Out you know I was just thinking I we should totally get some yes I know we should get some artwork of this lucky Lance character standing next to this Lucky Lane character like an offbrand Lucky Lane the Dollar General rant the Great Value oh my inventory is full okay there we

Go and then make sure you select haste got It okay well I guess you got the achievement before you have to place a beacon not activate one I did not know that okay stay There oh oh lag lag lag lag we’re professionals friends well anytime I get too close to spawn my frames just immediately just tank oh is that why I’ve been lagging okay well it’s it’s usually just my frame lag it’s it’s not like internet connection it’s just my frames noted noted

Okay I am going super saian oh okay now place that and then use that y oh wait I to picked it up here you go now you got to do install the haste again thank you need to select both haste might need to do that again oh What um hold on stay there what why what happened uh because I I forgot that we have to select the second haste and um yeah I don’t understand what’s the second haste oh haste too okay CU it eats up yeah gotcha yeah I have Flint does it take Flint it

Does okay I’ll let you do that I’m going to keep taking Okay oh and while I’m thinking about it there you go oh gee thanks okay now we’ve got haste to um how’s your pick we are totally uh well it it’s netherite and shiny and and and yeah that that’s about it I’m just going to keep just I was going to

See how long you were going to go yeah no my my pick is good y okay um can you see the outline now there’s all your sand right here thank you you can just put in the Sher boxes for now okay thank you Oda um okay so what are

Okay wait we’re we’re still digging oh I needed dirt to outline this last corner I’ll make I’ll get more is the outline making sense uh not really from where I’m sitting I’m just I’m just aimlessly trusting the process no okay well thank you wander all right one second put he Up I love haste I said I love you wait my brain no no that’s not what I said okay Fine L do I know what I’m doing e you’re lagging again I don’t know what you Said oh my bars are at 30 that’s why okay well your voice is better than it was a second ago so second what is going on oh I’m lagging in stream too that’s not good I’m going to close Discord Bia seems to be fine question mark oh no copper we we’re not digging

To to bedrock we be here forever okay is it sounding better yeah okay sweet I just need to hold still for a second Where I uh used to live my um my internet used to be so bad that if I join like a PlayStation party my my PlayStation would just lag so bad that my voice sounded like a Transformer nice and so for the longest my PlayStation friends kept uh calling me names from

Like the Transformers movies Megatron Bumblebee yeah those are the only ones I know those are the only ones I know too I don’t uh I’m not very movie cultured I am in certain aspects but very Few I just I don’t watch a lot of TV really and never have Oh I lost all my words what I lost all my words I don’t know what to say that is okay is it though yeah this is why I have you here so talk for me well you see the thing is I’m a very awkward individual why are you hang around me I

Probably only make it worse I run out of things to say very very easily I’m sorry I keep interrupting you nope you’re good you want just work on the middle section and I’ll work on the edges or is that what you’ve been doing and I haven’t noticed oh I was making

The outline over here oh okay thank you I I’m just going to keep working on these Edge sections I probably should have sent you the schem actually no I shouldn’t have sent you the schematic otherwise it would wouldn’t be a surprise well I mean that’s true but I mean with the uh

With the outline above already here I kind of know what I’m digging out so it was not too Bad I mean at least I’m not digging out an entire Mountain like I did in this first season of Solly survival or the end oh man I I didn’t even do near as much as Oda didn’t you dig out more than I did I did yeah but that was because it

Was the final stretch and Oda and Millie wouldn’t go to bed until it was done so I did it I saved up with them to make sure that they got to bed at somewhat of a decent hour yeah I just I kept working on the tree I just I was so invested in

That see you wander you are cool see you wander okay the outline is dug out yay thank you I’m a professional you missed a few pieces but you know whatever we’re we’re not going to talk about it somewhat a professional I’ll figure out the edge bits don’t worry hello Miss

Chelsea you’re so cool thank you for coming and watching you’re joining the cool kids yeah join all the friends you came on right as Celeste turned on it’s it’s fate it is fate oh I also looked at um the song you sent me on Spotify it’s literally called

Uh Ellie’s song or whatever ell theme yeah ell theme I swear if that’s not a reference to the last of us I don’t know what it is it’s well I wouldn’t be surprised that’s just the kind of game that Henry Stickman is so well I mean Ellie is one of the main

Characters from The Last of Us I know I’ve looked into it I love that game so much the best Story game I ever played not it not it it is very gory though yeah I’m not allowed to play it I don’t allow myself to play it I should say that there we Go yeah that’s understandable whenever I was streaming Fallout I was actually really surprised that you had joined cuz I did not figure you would uh you’d be watching that it was you I had to and and then we got to to a group some part and he’s like yep nope I got to

Go I’m sensitive okay it it’s no it is okay it is a okay I am not bothered by That yeah this this Beacon is really really helping I didn’t even notice you didn’t you didn’t notice no I’ve dug out so much of the floor already I can’t notice because my lag is so bad right now I can’t I can’t walk forward oh that’s not goody there we go

Okay I have to go slowly by Fess this is so much fun look there’s something relaxing about mining out a room okay I was talking about my lag but yeah something relaxing about spawning in and out of the world yeah absolutely oh yeah yeah no that that’s not relaxing that’s very anxiety

Inducing especially with what I got I’m sorry I’ll I’ll be quiet now no it’s okay I’m being loud it is okay you have a stream to it to entertain be loud all you want yay I’m surprised that everybody here is okay with me screaming I know more than a few it’s

Entertaining why else do I watch people like Tommy and it others I don’t know any others that scream I’ve still got to catch up on everybody else’s uh secret life videos it’s so good I was very happy fin that’s all I’ll say watching Jim’s video

And I think that was it I think that’s the only one I’ve seen so you know you know who who wound up I I Know How It Ends I don’t know like what happened specifically to a lot of people but I won’t say anything the spoilers I’m lagging again there we

Go I won’t say anything cuz spoilers but I’ll just say that that was very very happy with the outcome I have no idea what my Spotify is playing but I am digging this digging okay well no pun intended pun intended time I wasn’t trying to be

Funny look the one I left up up top of your base here okay that was funny and you know it if wander in chat if wander was in chatting here I would have him show you up but you know whatever this is why I think I’d get along with him

Yeah you Wishbone and wander I want to see you three together I think get us on a podcast together heck yeah if Wishbone can’t make it it’s okay I I could do it with just just wander probably the L&W podcast ldbs ldbs ldbs podcast yep get on it I need a

Logo I’ll get it one second give me two business days two business days I’m just kidding but that would actually be really [Laughter] cool just come by your guys’ logos yeah just go ahead and just send it to him be like hey so you’re part of a podcast

Now he’d be good at it though he has a very good podcast voice um oh uh remember the band that you Wishbone and I were talking about making for funnies uh I came up with a name for it oh I I I’m kind of want to know now you should it’s

Good what is it little Lucky Wishbone the lucky wish I like that no little Lucky Wishbone little Lucky Wishbone okay I didn’t hear that part I like it yeah yeah I’m putting extra chests out here okay thank you I only I’m poor I only have two shoker boxes

Okay you need to go mining what do you think you need okay I mean diamond mining and then spend some time at the at the uh sh bulk okay I have been editing audio and currently working on character turnarounds so shush look I’m I get it okay I am

Literally working every day on this and then now a side series which uh has still not got an official release date we’re both struggling we are we’re both literally me joining your stream was a break from that so oh well thank you for doing that I I F no I needed the

Break so I was happy to do that cool uh yeah CER I’m not sure if we’re actually going to do the podcast anytime soon but it’s just a joke that we have have had for quite a while that we’re going to be making a podcast someday well it all started whenever I

Went to the toilet one day on stream and you you and Izzy decided to make a a podcast Lane’s on the toilet got to get a catchy theme song like the impen skis podcast yeah I was about to say it’s very similar to the impen skid podcast uh I watched their um their

Podcast they put out Friday of um like the their best parts of 2023 and there was so many golden moments that I forgot about oh nice like skis seems like the kind of guy that I could sit there and talk to for hours and not get bored

Yeah I really like skis skis is a very he has a good heart he does yeah you don’t see many people like that anymore no definitely not you’re reminds me of who does he remind me of oh he actually okay funny thing he actually reminds me of my pasture oh

Yeah good heart Good Humor yeah very encouraging not afraid to say what El on his M speaking of what you just fell through the floor you fell through the floor I fell through the floor this is normal just waiting on on Izzy in the background Laya fill again Laya fill

Again I’m sorry didn’t mean to imitate your accent but it just happened I didn’t know you imitated my accent okay I know it’s weird but uh I’ve been having this weird thing of when I’m bored I try to imitate everybody else’s accents and so far the only one I’ve

Been able to do successfully is zinc okay then don’t ask me how or why okay I I have to hear it now oh gosh okay I probably can’t do it on demand but okay so so he has this really slow slow and quiet draw and everything is very round

Toned and he has a very gra when he does his deeper bones something gosh I wish I was recording right now gosh I somebody’s going to be clipp that that somebody clip that if if if you clip it I’ll give you a dollar somebody come [Laughter] on I’m been playing metaphorically

Speaking I’m not sending anybody a dollar Sketchy yeah I’ve been practicing and the I the one I can’t get for the life of me I can do to’s the way he talks I can’t get his accent for the life of me it’s so hard but then again I suck at German so

Let’s see like I I speak French but like I can’t really do the I can’t really yeah I can’t really do It coer said for the podcast um have you can have guests come on but don’t prepare them for it just randomly put them in the group chat and just start it so basically whenever I do the voice acting for you yes exactly okay okay uh I just realized uh

Fun fact for that one uh I realized that you weren’t prepared for that one in particular one because I was nervous and two because I I did not expect you to say yes right away so the script that you were reading I had just written 20 minutes

Prior and I mean sometimes that’s the best kind right right I mean look the the first couple of voice acting experiences I’ve had were you and Izzy I think have come out decent they did actually I’m really happy with how they came out now now this this last one I did now

That that one might not have been you not prepared for that one I I was not okay but the when I showed it to Izzy um and when I was editing it afterwards at first I was like oh my gosh I can’t use this this is so this is

So Bland and then I realized in the spirit of the scene that’s the point so it’s actually a masterpiece and I love it yeah that’s what I was going [Laughter] for so it was very good well done unintentional Masterpiece thanks you’re welcome thanks yes copper thr the podcast they don’t

Even they don’t even get to know it’s a podcast hey we’re playing Minecraft you want to come play Minecraft with us oh I’m full hold on I’m shaking like I somewhat could feel what could see myself playing Minecraft while doing the podcast just doing menial tasks and just talking yeah

But the issue is when I do that I can’t really focus too well not on like a serious topic then let’s not talk about serious topics well I mean yeah yeah if it’s if it’s a conversation that I’m actually trying to focus on I I’m not going to get anything done

Noted you have no organizational skills whatsoever look I’m just throwing the items in there right now yeah no we need to organize hold on hold on you know what I I can do that I can do this okay one second I’m shaking I’m going to eat my cheese stick

Okay okay well I just messed that one up my bad get it together like we are professionals okay well look I I have this inventory mod right and it it kind of has an auto sort feature but it doesn’t sort in the way that I would like it too so I forget

That I’m not sure if you guys can I’m not sure if you guys can notice the shaking when I’m using my mouse but yeah as you’re eating and and talking like what what’s going through my mind is the the scene with windigo where he’s like finish your chicken in [Laughter]

Your that was that was my very first collab that was fun it it was a fun time that was a very good introduction to me it’s so interesting um thing so a while back well by a while back I mean like a few days ago I did a community post asking

Everybody what they want to see more of in 2024 yeah and last time I checked which was two days ago I haven’t checked since them the the most voted for was the build battles believe it or not oh wow I’m actually curious I’m about to pull that up

Now oh look at that I actually already had YouTube pulled up on my computer Um okay okay actually believe it or not the it’s evened out a little bit more since then I had one more vote and I’m now at 31% for both craft works and build battles nice I’m lagging again yay which come to think of it e we never

Did like a one a One V one on a build battle so if you ever want to do that I’m down would you want to with me in particular oh there I go I lag again you know how chaotic you are right yes it’s a it’s it’s a gold M for Content oh

GE thanks that’s all that our friendship is it’s content Now isn’t it I should have known I should have known Lane you just using me this whole time of the band e and I can’t believe Lane was so fast to kick me off the podcast I I

Didn’t kick you off the podcast I just said if you weren’t there I would love to have you in a podcast with F bone I feel like you would have a lot to say absolutely oh my word okay I’m going to organ no I I need to organize these now I need to

Organize these now we have things to do we can organize later to do but this is a thing to do and it needs to be done so I’m doing it this is how shulker monsters are born this is how shulker monsters die by my hand well I mean at least you and Milly

Are the cleaning ladies now so I she that was a vol and told thing by the way I did not I was not prepared to do that whatsoever and she just threw that on me it’s the way she goes that’s the way she goes okay well um I don’t want to just

Throw all of this in here unorganized so please don’t thank you okay there’s there um okay there there’s that did you see wishbones comment oh no he says let’s get the three of us on a podcast yeah and if Wishbone I say that because you’re a busy guy

Wishbone I say that because you’re a busy guy yeah I would totally totally be down to do one with you I want you on a podcast Wishbone I’m a good friend the build battles was my channel staple okay I don’t know about that they they weren’t the best performing videos on the channel really wer but I did really enjoy doing them yeah you know what this whole chest is just going to be regular

Stone cuz apparently he’s been using your silk touch pickaxe the whole time no I’m lagging I well you know what that’s actually well I was I was you know what bridge burned Lane sorry man oh I’m sorry wh oh no wait oh but uh there go I was also

Looking at our at our channels recently over the the picer videos cuz mine didn’t do very good which mine wasn’t the best edited either I don’t think um but oh no you and Izzy yall perform outperformed m in windos yeah I noticed that I thinking it’s because we had the

Boxes in our pictures and people recognize that as the boxes from gr’s videos yeah that might have something to do with it my lag my lag oh no okay I got to hold still I really want to do another one of those soon too Okay my lag is so bad right now there go how bad is it uh when I open a chest it takes five seconds for it to open okay well I was looking for a punch line there but okay I’m not going at jokes you know this about

Me she says I’m good at chaos I do chaos not comedy for good reason is that where I put gravel I don’t remember where I put gravel yeah this is all Stone what did I put this oh this is all Stone as well I’m taking this this is going in the stone

Chest never mind we have two Stone chests now yeah cuz we were overflowing there Yeah okay no worries Wishbone see you Wishbone thank you for stopping by Bye clicked off after the first I just bred my bic again I’m sorry I’m so sorry how hard was the BK so hard it was unintentional though I promise whenever I get ready to upgrade the uh the setup again I am probably going to uh get a stand for my

Microphone currently it’s like it’s on like one of the little stands on the top of my desk yeah but like I want like an actual like arm stand for it they are helpful when they don’t sag excuse me when they don’t sag yeah I have to find one that’s

Compatible with my uh with my microphone uh what kind of mic do you have if on my ass I have a hyperx quadcast condenser mic gotcha okay I almost have wait what is mine called again my mic stand is covering up it’s it starts with an m I know that a Lano or something I don’t know oh was I supposed to keep these Corners uh which Corners um look look over here e those

Corners um uh I just want I just wanted to give you less digging than you have been doing so I just took those Corners out okay I okay well I dug out the the one back here already so oh I’ll figure it out were they supposed to stay nope uh

Either way okay well either way okay well then they’re going to go oh okay I’ll just have to light up those Areas yeah that’s why I left the Frog lights floating over there thank you and I’ve also got torches on me I actually have an entire shulker box full of torches now nice I have a Shuler box full of frog lights well no need to flex like that E

I don’t mean to flex I’m just that talented that like I am guilty of having bought Frog Light from you recently so good I need the money please please buy for me I’m desperate stop gravel near me I can’t [Laughter] move hey Lane I don’t think the Beacon’s working for

Me it’s working for me I think my you have efficiency five or four uh four that’s why okay and it also doesn’t work on Cobblestone it works on the regular Stone but not the Cobblestone oh okay I’m not digging up Stone though well the only reason I realized

That is because I’m up here digging out the square now Okay here comes the lag here comes the lag I say Get it cuz I’m lagging out yeah yep sweet this looks good I can work with this it looks like a mess right now good that’s what it needs to be I can work with the mess yay okay cool I can work with this thank you thank you thank you you’re welcome

Um I need Wool no no no no no no no no no no ah no please be careful I can’t I can’t fly ah I just heard you scream and my dog just looked up like is happening over there I’m sorry Judi the leg is so bad I can’t

Fly oh believe me he knows he’s heard me uh complain about lag way back in the day when I used to play Call of Duty okay what okay oh I didn’t even go that direction what all right that’s it we’re done yay thank you yay and now you have a lifetime supply

Of dirt Stone sand and Cobblestone woo I actually coal and copper and stuff like that nice really you got a good a good deal of copper There not bad not copper I mean coal wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I need that oh I need this I’m desperate you know last time I did this around people it was was around zinc and Oda and zinc shot me off of my pillar

This is why I’m not doing it when zinc’s [Laughter] around it was so funny and I’m so irritated that I wasn’t recording it’s always when I’m not recording right I always have free playay mod Rec recording when I’m not um recording with OBS just in case both anything here do

You want you want fortune these have anything oh no I’ll let you I’ll let you keep all of them oh okay uh I just threw them at you uhoh yeah no every time I need coal I just go pay a visit to the Wither Farm I can’t I can’t Fortune This are you okay up there the lag the lag I’m not Okay yeah yeah you’re down to one bar now crud okay I’m just going to sit here for a little bit okay well I’m going to pick up this so it doesn’t despawn thank you it’s sitting inside the Shuler that’s down here sweet thank You it’s certainly thinking about working is it now there we go okay it’s figuring itself out a little bit see Chelsea knows what I’m talking about my word go yay well look at that you might have you might have somebody uh buying frog lights off of you soon Yay wait why you mean you no no I just checked the Discord oh I had I had to turn mine off so my lag wasn’t as bad yeah I’m not I’m not streaming so i’ I’ve got mine to where I can hear it all right where did I leave my in

Chest uh I have one in my house if you need it no it’s it’s good it’s right here I gotot to set it down in here I just broke my end chest with my fortune pick I did that the other day such a professional absolutely and it’s

Also worse when your silk touch pickaxe is in your ender chest when you Fortune it accidentally yeah well fortunately I have blaze rods at the ready and I have Ender Pearls at the ready which also just made me come to the realization that I’m not going to need

To buy Ender Chest anytime soon that’ll save me some diamonds what you because I I literally sell the obsidian and we can get the ender pearls anywhere and I sell the blaze rods nice oh no there we go okay we just casually drag my face across the floor real quick What what what where what are you doing oh hi hi uh H Five this is how much again real Quick yes it was four Okay Okay I don’t think that’s enough blocks of that I’ll need but you know what we’re going to start with that uh SE some IR I’m thinking out loud I’m yeah Oh that’s not how do you there we go that’s how you Minecraft oh uh Chelsea just asked what new block for the for the next update are you looking forward to the most o okay so from a technical standpoint the autoc crafter but from a builder’s perspective for me the new tough blocks

I think as much as I love the new copper the the new te the tough blocks is what I’m looking forward to mine is the new copper crate not just for the look of it but also for the sound it sounds so good well I don’t know how it but it looks amazing

Ah I should probably use my sword for this hold on there we go go away uh would you mind grabbing my frog lights up top I got you they’re in the Shuler book Sher box to the no I’m just placing torches oh well I was going to place the floor while we’re thinking

About it so oh okay well that that’s fine I swear Where where they at did you still when to get them uh if you could they should be to the right of the door not in my house but Outside you want the greenen ones uh yes please if you could okay yeah the autoc crafter for sure um that is from a technical standpoint now if I’m talking about building then it’s going to be the tough blocks and I’m slowly becoming more of a builder at this

Point so that’s so that’s something that um that I’m looking forward to the Frog lights right behind you e thank you there you are okay they pick them up where are they yes see I love the look of the copper but it’s the tough blocks for me that

I’ll use the most especially considering I love building in that Medieval theme kind of thing which I’m trying to Branch more away from that and get out of my comfort zone which is what I’ve been doing all season long with craft works it’s why my boat is like a steamboat and my mega

Base is going to be something completely different hi copper again um I was going to say something steampunk I think you and steampunk will get along very well I think so too um for my understanding of it that’s not really the easiest style to build in so that’s

Not I’m going to have to learn but you get used to it after a while though yeah that’s something that I really do want to learn think could be good at it Was it steampunk or cyber Punk that we did our build battle as cyber Punk cyberpunk okay yeah that that was a hard build man yeah it was good though good challenge it it was a very good challenge I don’t think our I don’t think me and windigo did the best job at

At the build but it it was a challenge yeah though that though that’s more about you know working with other people and just kind of having laugh too yeah and learning new techniques Etc yeah gosh I can’t wait to to get started on those I need to to find some other

Creators to uh to line up with it I I actually have one in mind that I want to see about doing one with I just don’t know if she’ll have the time to do it or not and then there’s two others I’m not sure about them oh thank you

Chelsea I was about to say what she had said but I wanted you to read it I I appreciate that yeah I’m I used to be a much more technical player it’s only in the last well I guess two going on two years now that I’ve actually started really focusing on

The building side of things it’s definitely different the the thing that I want to work more on is hiding my farms in presentable looking building and I’ve got a project coming up here in the next few weeks here in the server that’s actually going to involve doing that and I so far I’ve

Got something picked out for it and I got to say I think this is going to be one of my new favorite color palettes I’m using all all I will say is that it’s going to be very flip Inspired be very careful how I move which actually that reminds me I might be buying a little of frog lights off of you too nice I need to check my my Schematics um where is it at I’ve got so many schematics I’ve got to clean this thing out soon I should probably do the same I pretty sure I still have David in mine I still have David in mine why though okay I don’t think I saved it but

I want to say it’s somewhere along the lines of like eight stacks of frog lights I’m going to need what kinds the purple ones I think wait I have that I could be wrong I don’t know I haven’t looked at that the design in the last couple of days so we’ll we’ll see

What it is okay and chances are you’ll see the design uh before I start putting it up anyway because I kind of spam the group and ask everybody for their input all right good to enough it’s a very different color palette for S so yeah I think I think when you

Guys see it you’ll you’ll really like it I like everything you build anyway but okay oh thank you welcome cuz I’m a good friend that way even if they Suck well G thanks if if they suck I want you to tell me that they suck E I usually do remember well yes I know it was This like my issue is when I’m building I I want to texture a lot I really want to texture more especially in that that mental hurdle of that you know I can’t walk again I can’t walk again yeah you’re down to one bar again yay yeah Chelsea I’m learning Redstone from Lane as

Well yeah I’ve been wanting to get back into the uh Redstone tutorials I’ve got a couple ideas in mind for videos on that um I just have not had time to to deal with any of it right now I have yeah yeah Miss fit I copper I

Get it uh I see I’m said I’m good at Redstone and I consider myself to be not so good at building despite how my builds are coming out I’m very hard on myself um in terms of redstone it’s very much like music for me and I don’t know

What I’m doing I mess around until I figure it out that’s quite literally what I do finally learned how to turn off his brand and just go with the flow the other day it was really fun to watch when did I do that when you made the

Tree oh yeah yeah that’s I had to force myself to do that yeah you and Izzy well it’s I’m such an over yeah I know oh thank you color choices are amazing yeah see and that that’s that’s the thing a lot of us here in the server have

Actually talked about this if if she hadn’t told us that she hadn’t been playing for very long we would have never guessed it thanks we would have literally never guessed it she she is an amazing Builder this is going so well with the music that’s playing right now

A well I don’t know what music is playing right now but it’s just so wholesome chat it’s just so [Laughter] wholesome seriously though thank you I don’t deserve the praise that you guys give me you what do what do you mean look look at your build out okay I deserve

The pra that you guys give me but this like the build out here is is awesome Your Wagon I I’m still Blown Away by your Your Wagon right it might not be as big as everybody else’s day one builds but it has more detail in it

It’s got detail to it and for it to be small it has a lot to it and I love it wait Did the stream crash uhoh uh the the stream did a refresh did it just cut out at one point yeah I think it cut out at one

Point I mean it’s still showing that it’s going on my screen okay yeah it’s still going on mine as well okay well yep yep blame it on the internet Woo I need that there we’ll figure it out later ah there’s another skeleton go away leave me alone leave me alone oh I forgot I have on this thing I’m going to stop firing my bow before I accidentally killed you like I did Oda you have so many arrows in here if

The skeleton doesn’t kill me the lag is going to okay well this is fun thank you yep are we back I think we’re back yay hi friends I almost died what’s new it was just a skeleton though and I fought it off like a big

Girl except I didn’t have a shield so I almost died Anyway there was going to be a glow Len down here originally but do I hear a Wandering Traer out here somewhere please don’t kill it okay well then I might as well come right back in thank you if it has good heads I’d like to keep it

Around okay well well you know what that’s actually a a good plan I should at least look at it that yeah see oh he’s on your roof he would be on the roof it’s a very him thing to do uh he’s got oxidized cut copper okay um fire Coral Pistons it’s

Got Cobblestone slime magma he’s got he’s got your green frog lights oo okay I have some if you want to go grab them um I have them on me if you want to and then he’s he’s also got the black concrete uh Spruce logs Nether

Wart got a lot of pretty cool stuff in here what on Earth how how do they know what stuff I’m building with well it’s only when you don’t want those micro blocks that they’ll have it redstone blocks be like oh man right here I’m going to just grab a few of

Those grab one of those oh I just remembered something uh let me finish this floor real quick and then I think I’m going to have to end the stream cuz I just remembered I need to run an errand before some place closes this actually reminds me I need

To be doing laundry at some point Tonight so there’s that adult things yay yay yay I don’t don’t mind adult things too much though Hey okay I think this is good for now um a the lights okay yes yes yes an instrumental version of Centuries by Fallout way just came on on my Spotify and I am really digging this I can’t say the the guy’s name to save my life but I’m loving this song all right

Think I think that’s pretty good so far I bought micro blocks nice okay this looks a lot less ugly than I thought it would yay okay this is good I think we did good there go oh my word Nice BR lock and a mini piston I kind of like the Piston FR lights did you the Piston one kind of seems like it could be like a a small like computer screen yeah or something yeah those aren’t directional right uh oh my string just dropped again oh

That’s not good yay okay well thank you uh I think we might need to finish this up before my computer crashes completely well I mean if you’ve got things to do I mean it’s it’s okay we can finish this later yeah what what time is it Anyway okay

6:30 all right I I’m going to wrap things up thank you all so much for joining us today you guys are the best thank you Chelsea thank you Coffer yeah I’m pretty sure it’s my internet that’s cutting in and out right now oh hello and Paula we’re just wrapping things

Up if you guys want to see what else was happening feel free to rewatch The Stream uh please please check out lane and anybody else that you see in the chat or online right now um thank you so much for watching we love you all very much please take care of yourselves eat

Some food drink some water uh speaking of which I need to refill my water bottle I need to be better at Water touch some grass touch some grass if you can or just go outside cuz fresh air is good um yes I’m sorry Impala uh make sure you run your errands today before

Place is closed cuz I need to do that right now um love you all so much and have a Happy New Year hope you all have a good day love you bye bye bye Ow

This video, titled ‘Murder Theater is getting an upgrade!’, was uploaded by Empress Little-bit on 2024-01-04 00:35:25. It has garnered 63 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:57 or 9117 seconds.

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    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More


    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More