Ending Eternal Winter in Minecraft Frozenopolis!

Video Information

In the last stream we began working on the Hostile neural networks mod we crafted up both the simulation chamber and the loot fabricator and in the last stream we went through to the nether with our deep learner to get the blaze data model and kill enough Blazers to

Get a basic tier Blaze data model which then allows us to use our simulation chamber here to produce Blaze predictions the idea here is to TW fold we can use these Blaze predictions in the crafting of blaze rods which is going to come in useful later on in the

Pack because we can use those blaze rods to get blaze powder and therefore make Eyes of Ender which are going to be needed before we finish up here and more importantly for us we can also use these Blaze predictions to make the weather changer because we are now very close to

The end of this mod pack the final quest line here the Blazing quest line ends with the weather Catalyst item and in order to use the weather Catalyst we need the weather changer the weather changer here requires fall Blaze predictions which we do now have we’ve

Got five of them over in our simulation chamber over here we’ll drop those into the system so that’s that bit taken care of the slightly harder thing is that we now have to make everything else required we need one block of fire Rite ingots we need one creative element

Container for each of the four elements from Elemental craft and then in order to make the weather Catalyst this requires four Time in a Bottle four Time in a Bottle is actually not bad in fact I think it might be the easiest part in this entire setup to the point where we

Can almost make it right now the only thing kind of limiting us I think is gold we don’t have that many diamonds but we do have some more uh Frozen Diamond o which we can of course process into regular Diamond all and then pulverize to get some more diamonds

Enough to make fall Time in a Bottle however gold has been quite tricky for us over the past few episodes but somebody in the YouTube comments did point out that now that we have access to this generalized nether prediction which is what you get as a byproduct of

Producing the pristine plays mattera we can actually just transform our iron ingots into six gold ingots if we craft it with the nether prediction and glowstone dust glowstone dust wise we do have a little bit lying around and of course we do have access to the Nether

And so if we wanted to we could go and get some more of that fairly easily and so I think we might have have everything we need to make the uh the four Time iner bottles again the time a bottle is not really the thing that is going to be

A problem for us though the thing that’s going to be a problem for us is the guia ingots these right here these Gaia steel ingots uh the ice Shard as well super easy but the Gaia steel ingots are going to be tricky because we have to get a

Gaia glomeration plate we need a full Mana pole worth of mana and then four times over we need to do a guia spirit Ingot a dragon Stone and a pixie dust so we need four of each of these and we need four full Mana pools worth of Mana

The dragon Stone of the pixie dust are easy enough we’ll come to those later but the guia spirit Ingot requires a terce steel and then four Gia spirit and if we’re going to make four of these that means we need 16 Gaia spirits and so before we can complete the pack we

Are going to have to fight the Gaia at least two times but I think most likely three times and so what I have gone ahead and done between episodes is I have built this big room right here I’ve dug out a giant room the reason for this

Is again twofold the first reason is that you need a lot of space to fight the guy the way it works is you put down like a little alter in the center of the room and then you right click onto that alter with a teror steel ingot and then

The guy is spawned and you can fight the guy which is a kind of an endgame boss from Bania to do it you need a ton of space and we are going to have to clear out some of these torches and stuff to make it work but we need a lot of space

For it also you’ll notice over here I’ve left a gaping hole in the room roof the reason for that is that if we’re going to do any of this we need a lot of Mana as we just saw we’re going to need four Mana pools worth of Mana just to make

The four Gaia Spirit ingots on top of that each time we fight the Gaia we need a terce steel on top of that each gu Spirit Ingot requires a Terrace steel each terce Steel Ingot requires I think half a Mana pool worth of mana and so

We’re going to need a lot of Mana to make all the terror steel to fight all the gas and to make all the Gaia steel ingots and my plan essentially is to further utilize the glacier flu that we have up here so right now we got a decent number

Of them up on the surface sorry glacy Flora I keep saying that incorrectly we have all of these glacy Flora they’re super easy to make and they make a lot of Mana they’re very efficient for how easy they are to make and so my plan essentially is just to fill this right

Hand side of this giant room over here with glacy FL we’re going to put a ton of glacy FL down along this side of the room and a bunch more Mana pools a bunch more Living Wood to really start cranking out the Mana production because along the same lines another item that

We’re going to need if we want to craft up the weather catalyst is of course that firey block we’ve not quite got there yet but at the end of the now you’re thinking with elements quest line there is a quest to craft a fire right

Ingot we need to do this craft which is done with the element binder above our element container nine times and to do that nine times we need nine nether ingots if we’re going to get nine netherite ingots we need some more netherite script which requires more ancient debris which requires more

Frozen ancient debris and currently we’re getting that Frozen ancient debris from the nether we do have two right here which is not many but we’re going to need quite a bit of it because not only do we need nine netherite in order to craft the fire right block but if

We’re going to fight the Gaia I think it’s also going to be sensible for us to get a full set set of netherite armor and so whilst we do have this over here we’ve got our little Mana generation system over here that takes lava power that we’re making with the netherite and

Then uses that power uh in the energized era to make Mana it’s not a very efficient Mana production system and so what I think is going to be a lot faster is if we instead go back through to the Overworld place down a ton of glacy Flora make more Mana tablets and then

Just bring the Mana over and use the Mana tablets as a way of filling this Mana pool up to activate the floating Orchid IGN and continue to transform more of this Frozen Netherrack into different ores and again specifically we’re trying to get a decent amount of

Frozen inch debris so we can make enough netherite to make all of the fire Rite ingots that we need and also to make the netherite armor that we’re going to need to fight the Gaia so that’s the plan back over here I think step

One is going to be to just make a bunch of those glacy Flora so to make those we just need light blue and white petals both of which we should have in here light blue and white I’ll go ahead and bookmark the glacy Flora in ji here

Super simple stuff we’ve made this a billion times before we’re going to make a ton of these to make them we need more of these Petals of course if we’re going to make a whole rooms worth in fact over here I don’t know quite how like long

This room is it’s pretty wide but it is 5 by 25 so we’re going to try and make 125 glacy Flora which means we need do this recipe 125 times and so to make that happen we’re going to need a lot of bur meal so that we can duplicate our

Mystical petals easily and to get that bone meal we’re going to need to cook some calite and the calite of course we can get using either snowballs and stone or uh more easily with the resource generated tier two and so what I think I’m going to do is I’m going to quickly

Whip up a new storage drawer we’ll place that down uh somewhere around here because it’s a very temporary system and I’m going to temporarily just steal one of these resource generators like this uh to allow us to to start making the uh the Cal site uh so for that we just need

To place the calite I believe directly above the resource generator we do indeed let’s take you and we do already have some calite which is going to give us a head start but if we do that that is going to begin producing calite for

Us we can put speed blocks on top of the resource generator to make it even faster I’m wondering if that’s worthwhile it probably is right now it’s producing one caly every 220 ticks which is once every 11 seconds but um putting just a block of something on there would

Bring that down quite substantially depending on what block we put on even a block of iron almost cuts the time in half block of diamond ticks down to 80 ticks which is pretty quick and we probably are almost there how many diamonds do we have we’ve got

Four but we did just smelt up some more diamond or here each one of these is pulverized into two so we have what it takes to make a block of diamond so I think I might actually do that because we can always take the block of diamond

Back and use it to make the time in a bottle towards the end of the series and I completely forgot there’s a a chance a 50% chance you actually get an additional Diamond it looks like we did get three diamonds a few times there so

Right now yeah we got 16 which is way above the nine required to make a block I don’t know why I took that out because we do have a compacting draw which means we can just pull the block directly out and now if we go ahead and do this and

We right click again it should now be faster I don’t know why it says no speed block detected um not quite sure what the message there is for because it has lowered the tick rate and so now we’re producing one calite every 80 ticks which is once every 4 seconds as opposed

To once every 11 seconds which is where it started and so basically now what we’re going to do we’re going to take calite we’re going to go ahead and cook that calite I believe we have to do this on the campfire I don’t think there’s

Any other way that we can do this we could go the way of trying to get get like a um a Cod prediction interesting I thought it was going to be a a skeleton prediction I guess the skeleton prediction could give us burs if we uh

If we wanted to uh this is actually very interesting we I don’t think we have a generalized overwhel prediction but the fact that you can turn a generalized overall prediction on one bur meal into 22 burs and then you can pulverize each burn into four burn meal this is a very

Interesting setup we don’t have a generalized overwhel prediction and the thing is I don’t think we need one the quest line here says to get one and you can get one by getting a different data model for uh any kind of passive mob in the game but at the same

Time to actually progress down here we don’t need a generalized overall prediction um how hard is it for us to get another model framework here the answer is not particularly difficult we do another redstone repeater which should be pretty doable with some more Redstone torches the the only downside

To this really is that we need to kill six of the same mob up the surface we don’t have many passive mobs but there are three pigs in here and so while we don’t necessarily need a pig data model I might go ahead and make a pig data

Model just as a quicker way of getting the bone meal because the alternative is to continue doing what we’ve been doing up until now which is to get the um the sticks that allow us to light this campfire on fire light the campfire and then just continually place the uh not like that

We’re going to wait for the the toast coffee here continually place the uh the calite onto the campfire wait for it to turn into bum meal and then kind of rinse and repeat as many times as we need to get all of the bone meal you

Know we can do 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 obviously the toast is quite helpful but we already have a ton of other stuff and it does work and it’s not massively slow and in fact you do get more more than one B get three bone at a time so you

Know what I’m going to stick with this we could go with the pig data model but it would mean making the data model killing the three pigs we have Hing three more pigs would spawn and then continuing on with that and so instead what I think I’m going to do I’m going

To stick to the original plan I’m going to grab my bone meal this way because we don’t need thousands of bone meal we only need hundreds of bone meal and I am going to take that bone meal of course take our shears we will need many more

Shears I’m sure but we can do what we’ve done many times before we can plant the blue petals we can plant the white petals we can bu them we can Shear them we can craft them down and then we can rinse and repeat so plant them buom them

And break them nice and so yeah I’m going to do that uh and then once we have enough you know we can obviously go over to our petal Apothecary uh for the pedal Apothecary we are going to have to grab a bucket and then we can get our

Water which we of course have here pop you in and then the recipe is four blue and three white 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 of course the final thing we need after that is a seed we do have 42 seeds here which is actually um not enough seeds um it is

You know like 100 chai and so we are going to have to oh no never mind we got um a ton of pumpkin seeds I was going to say where were those coming from but I do believe we had a pumpkin boty pot for quite some time and so we’re going to

Use those pumpkin seeds I guess as our method of production so we can do this 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 and pumpkin seed and so yeah we’ve done that twice I’m going to go ahead and do that 123 more times and uh as we go we are

Going to have to break the snow over here the snow does like to uh kind of Reform every so often but as soon as you have a glaci FL down it’s um it does stop coming down so we can do like this and this and we can clear these out of

Course and I don’t know if you could actually place these on the snowy dirt I would assume you could you can’t interesting so I might have to uh kind of break whoops oh yeah I did build over a cave here to make this uh a reality this wasn’t quite as flat um initially

But we can do this and this and yeah we’re going to do that 100 and 23 more times all right and surprisingly not that long later we now have 125 glacy Flora down I’ve then made five more Mana spreaders to move that mana and five Mana pools to store the Mana coming from

All of these glacy flora and we’re essentially going to just leave these doing their thing producing Mana in the background while we go and work on some other stuff here it uh it didn’t take too much bone meal to be honest each bone meal does get you four petals

Because you get four petals from every one uh flower that you burn meal and so we needed eight stacks of light blue petals and six stacks of white petals and so yeah it really didn’t take that much B meal it took maybe like four or five Stacks in total and given that you

Get three at a time that was like one and a half stacks maybe two stacks of calite it it wasn’t too bad at all it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be anyway now that that is taken care of the next thing that we

Need to work on is we need to work towards being able to fight the GU so part of that of course is getting the netherite armor which we’re going to be working on with that Mana but we also need a beacon if we’re going to fight

The Gaia as well I believe if we check inside of the luia here this actually might not tell us about it just yet if I go here and I type in Gaia yeah it’s locked the reason it’s locked is that we need to make a um a portal first cuz if

We’re going to spawn the Gaia we need to make a terror steel and right now we don’t have the capacity to make ter steel I don’t think for them we’re going to have to make a terrestrial glomeration plate which isn’t too difficult I don’t think on top of that

We’re also going to need to open up an Elven portal because in order to make for example the guia steeling it we need Dragon Stone and pixie dust the dragon Stone and pixie dust requires this Elven trade portal to be open for that we need an Elven Gateway Co which also requires

Terra steel uh we also need some glimmering Living Wood which is uh this stuff right here not too difficult it’s Living Wood and glowstone so long as we have at least three glow stone left which we do uh we should be able to make that happen and it also requires Mana as

Well so let’s take a look and and see about this terrestrial glomeration plate so Rune wise we have a rune of air we have a rune of fire and we have a rune of Earth the only ones we’re missing here are the Rune of water and the Rune

Of Mana the Rune of Mana surprisingly straightforward it’s five Mana steel ingots which are made with iron in the Mana pool along with one Mana Pearl which is one ender pearl which we do now have thanks to our Ender data model so let’s do one of these to get our pill

And then over here let’s also quickly make sure we have enough Mana steel as well we have one in our system and of course we can grab four more iron 1 2 3 4 drop all four of those into our Mana pool here 1 2 3 4 perfect and then if we

Do 1 2 3 4 5 and one then is ready to go we are going to have to redirect one of our oh I see did I I guess I moved this temporarily before um let me quickly do this somewhat um you know what let me let me undo this I’m

Hopeful if I break this I get my stuff I do I’m going to move this to here and then I’m going to just point if I point this here does that work I actually don’t know if that works because the Mana pool is next to it I don’t know if

It can pull that way I think it might be able to let’s give that a try though if I go and put on all five of these two three four five there totally does work it does pull the Mana from the Mana po which is fantastic of course to make this final

We do need to get at least one living Rock which we do have I did Harvest a bunch of living Rock and Living Wood between streams which is why we have even more pure daisies out over here I just placed a bunch of them down and just harvested a bunch of that stuff

Between streams here either way over here boom and boom that gets us our Rune of men mana and so now we just need to get a rune of water and we’re basically good to go we also need a block of Mana steel the block of Mana steel is not

Going to be a problem we can go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and nine that’s all the Mana steel that we need for that block of Mana steel easy enough and the Rune of water here requires a sugarcane a bone meal a fishing rod which we’ll go ahead

And get uh sugar cane we do not have bur meal we do have what else did we need here we also needed another Mana steel and a Mana powder Mana powder is just Redstone in the Mana pool and of course Mana steel we’ve made a million times

Now so we can do one of these one of these and we’ll start putting these on you you you and you the last thing was just that Sugar can how are we going to get sugar can is a good question we can turn a hair Bale into sugar cane and we

Do have enough wheat I believe to make a hay bale we do nice let’s take that let’s do this uh let’s do this I was going to try and grow some more sugar can but we could always make another one we’ve got enough hair if we do end up

Needing more sugar cane in the future and with that one more living Rock should be everything that we need boom and boom for the Rune of water and with that we should have everything for the terrestrial AG glomeration plate uh the actual construction of this does also

Require a few lapis blocks I believe four lpis blocks and five living rock is what we need to make this work we are also going to need to get uh two Sparks as well these Sparks here are the way that we’re going to move Mana from the Mana pool into the terrestrial

Glomeration plate thankfully they’re pretty straightforward it’s two petals two blaze powder and a gold nugget right now we have no blaze powder but we do have 10 Blaze predictions and of course we can uh use those to craft up blaze rods then use those blaze rods to craft

Blaze powder I do believe it’s more efficient if we put these through the pulverizer it is it’s not massively more efficient we get three instead of two and there is no 50% extra chance this time around which is unfortunate but I do think it is still worth putting them

In the pulverizer over the regular craft and of course we do have our time in the bottle here which we can use to make that just a little bit faster and so back over here we should have what it takes to make two Sparks uh I do want to

Make sure we use ideally a um a color of petal that we have a decent number of so blue would be preferred here do we have oh that Blaze pattern might not be going anywhere because we don’t have a draw off for blaze powder it might end up

Just sitting and here it is indeed that is fine we’ll drop it in the system and then we’ll craft two Sparks so one spark is going to go on top of the Mana pole like that thankfully it doesn’t interrupt the flow of Mana which is nice and then we’ll build our terrestrial

Glomeration plate I think over here so the way it works is we need to dig out a 3X3 area on the ground and I will move this torch over by one to keep the room somewhat nicely lit the terrestrial glomeration plate is going to go in in

The center on top of living rocks so the living Rock goes down like this and then the lampus goes down like this the terrestrial glomeration plate goes in the center and then the spark goes on top of there now these I believe should be linked if I’m not mistaken like this

And so now if we want to make our first teror steal we need to have at least half a Mana worth of Mana which we do have and then from there we need one Mana Pearl we need one Mana diamond and we need one Mana steel and so

Essentially all we want to do is put down one iron one Diamond one ender pearl and then we want to drop each one of those onto this terrestrial glomeration plate you go one 2 3 and that’s going to start pulling Mana quite quickly from the Mana pole up here again

It uses half a Mana Pole’s worth of Mana so it’s pulling that Mana over to here via those Sparks the Sparks allow the Mana to move very quickly and you’ll see these balls in the air once those balls are finished they kind of move in and

Move out a few times they’ve got like I think one more in and out so once they hit the center here that should transform into teror seal nice and so back over here you’ll see it did use a decent chunk of Mana there which is not

Ideal and is kind of one of the reasons why we need so much Mana going forward over here well you know we’re slowly but surely working up on it over there but we are almost certainly going to need quite a bit more but this is teror steel

And we need a few of these ingots going forward the first one that we have here is one that we are going to use to set up the Elven Gateway core so the Elven Gateway core itself super easy it’s a livingwood with Terra steel nuggets done we then need some glimmering Living Wood

Which we make with just the Living Wood and the glowstone dust we need three of these and this does need to be living wood not living wood logs so we need to do this craft here and then we can turn those into glimmering Living Wood by just crafting them with the glowstone as

We saw a second ago so we’ll take three of those one two three and then on top of that we also need two Mana pylons these ones right here and we need to upgrade those I believe to these natur pylons if we’re going to make this

Work so two Mana pylons are easy enough we do need four more Mana steel and two more Mana diamonds Diamond wise we got six diamonds that is completely fine so I’ll take two of those and then iron wise we’ve got almost 1,000 iron so taking four iron there is not going to

Be a problem let’s do 1 2 3 4 and one two good stuff back over here that should be everything for two pylons and then we can upgrade those just so long as we have two Eyes of Ender as I mentioned at the start of the episode

Those were going to come in useful that is where they were required and then now we can do two of these one and two because we have those remaining Terra steel nuggets and at that point we’re almost good to go we need two Mana pools here and we also need just some more

Regular old Living Wood which we can go and take out of the system so once we have that Living Wood and I keep forgetting that you have to uh just left click to get a stack and shift left click only gets you one but now we should have everything we need need to

Actually build this Elven portal now the question now is where do we want to put it because I’m already a little concerned that we might not have enough room in this room here because we built all of this stuff on the left hand side but we also don’t really have much room

In our other room either for an Elven portal like in here we don’t have a ton of space although as tight as it might be I might be able to fit it on this back wall if I put the Elven gway core here then now if we check the book I think we

Actually might have some information about the um the Gateway the portal to the Alim this is what we’re trying to build so this right here is what we are after and as you can see it is mostly just living wood so if we do this and

This we can then put some in the corners it’s not strictly necessary uh the corners can be skipped but if you want to fill the corners in just for a fuller lock it does totally work you want to make sure the glimmering Living Wood goes in like this we then have to place

Down the two Mana pools these don’t have specific dedicated areas they just need to be pretty close to the portal itself I believe we can then do this and this placing the pylons above the portal uh this normally doesn’t look like this I think this is a um a shaders thing I

Think the shaders are making these look a little weird but we now need to put Mana into these Mana pools and so what we should be able to do once again is take our Mana tablet up here it’s currently set to put Mana into the Mana

Tablet so if we drop that in it’s going to start pulling Mana from the Mana pool placing it into the Mana tablet and then once we have some Mana in there we can then move that over to here you’ll see these are both set by default to move

Mana out of the tablet and into the pool and so let’s take this Mana tablet you don’t need a turn of Mana in here it is a fairly small amount required I think something like that might actually be enough we’re probably going to need a little bit more so I don’t think we

Quite have enough to get this one up to the same amount here but we do still have more Mana available to us oh maybe not you know this might actually be let me try this I right click the portal it’s done cool that actually was fine

That did the job and so you’ll see it did use a little bit Mana there you really don’t need much in the uh the pool and so now that that is done we have a portal that does allow us to see through into the the room behind us but

It is also now capable of crafting certain items for example back down here we need Dragon Stone pixie dust Dragon stone is made by throwing Mana diamonds into the portal and then pixie dust is made by throwing Mana pearls into the portal I’ll do the Mana Pearl just because we have more

Ender pearls than diamonds and it’s easier for us to make more ender pearls than diamonds so we can do this to get Mana Pearl and then we can throw that Mana Pearl through the portal and we get pixie dust bang nice um also doing this allows us to throw our lexic battania

Through and in return we get this upgraded lexic battania which should now have information about the Gaia fight here we go so we need to do the ritual of the Gaia for this we need four Gaia pylons which does does mean we need to get eight pixie dust and eight

Elementium ingots Elementium ingots as you may have been able to guess are made in a very similar way these require Mana steel uh this time if we’re going to get eight Elementium I believe we need 16 Mana steel so we want to do this we want

To drop 16 iron like this and then we want to throw all 16 through here now it does use Mana to make this happen it uses a very small amount of Mana from these pools but it does use some so if you throw something through and you

Don’t get what you expect back just check you have Mana in here and uh fill these up and you’ll get the stuff that you after which is uh just useful to know so we need eight of these we also need seven more ender pearls as well

Thankfully again we got a bunch of those let’s take seven let’s drop all of those into here beautiful and let’s drop all of those into the portal nice once we have that we just need to make four more regular pylons so that we can make the Gia pylon so we

Need four of these which does mean we need eight more Mana steel that’s completely fine fine and we also need four more Mana diamonds how are we doing on diamonds we’ve got exactly four left that is fine of course we do have the nine up there that we could take away I

Don’t really think we’re going to need much calite going forward here but for now let’s go and craft up four regular pylons and then let’s upgrade those to four Gia pylons nice and that’s almost everything we need the only thing left now is a beacon we also need eight

Blocks of iron but of course we can just take block of iron out of our uh compacting draw when we need it we do also need the beacon and this is where we got on a bit of a tangent here because now to get the beacon we need a

Nether star and to get the nether star we’ve got two options we can either do this crafting recipe or we can spawn a regular wither I think this crafting recipe is the better way to go about it because it’s the exact same as spawning a Wither but we just need one fewer

Wither skeleton skull we only need two instead of three and it also means we don’t have to fight the Wither which is ideal to do this though we do need two Wither Skeleton skulls we have two options here we could go through to the Nether and just start you know

Mindlessly killing wither skeletons hoping that we eventually get a wither skeleton skull alternatively we could get another data model and begin trying to get enough kills on with the skeletons to get the Wither Skeleton data model and then use that to produce these pristine Wither Skeleton predictions and then once we have those

We can then use those to make wither skeleton skulls which I think is the better way for us to go about it for that to work we are going to have to get another model framework here which is completely fine we did look at making one of these earlier for pigs but

Decided against it boom once we have that we also need to get the um other item the name of which I have forgotten it is called the Deep learner let me grab our deep learner out of here and of course with this we can right click the model framework onto a wither skeleton

We can then place that into the data model and then if we kill six with the skeletons we will then be able to place it into our simulation chamber using some prediction matrices and and with these we’re then going to be able to produce hopefully uh just one is all we

Need just one Wither Skeleton prediction and then once we have that we can make the wither skeleton skulls so let me clear out my inventory a little bit of all of the stuff that we don’t necessarily need here and it would seem that we’re actually fullon stuff I think we filled

Up these chests here it looks like we have we have a lot of cobblestone taking up a lot of space let me quickly grab another storage draw just specifically for Cobblestone because I feel like we should have already got one of these like many many episodes ago if I just wack that down

Let’s say right about there and we just kind of move some of that Cobblestone into there we can hopefully then add that to our storage scanner and whoops and just use that as a way of getting our cobblestone in the future and it’s just going to free up a ton of space cuz

Now we can take all the Cobblestone that we have in any of these draws here out and that’s going to free up by the looks of it a decent amount of space cuz it looks like most of our uh setup here is Cobblestone anyway now that we have a

Bit more space let me dump all the stuff we don’t need into here and then we’ll head on through to the nether we’ll find the Fortress nearby uh I did pick this floating HPP HW up temporarily because I uh when I was making all of these I just

Dropped a stack of seeds on top like this and then uh normally if you have a recipe selected it doesn’t drop them all in there like that but then we were using a bucket and just right clicking to get a lot of glacy Flora which is why

We picked that up but now that we are done with the glacy Flora we can replace down this HPP HW but anyway I’m going to go through to the nether I’m going to find a fortress I’m going to kill hopefully at least six wither skeletons and then once we’ve killed hopefully six

Wither skeletons we can come back and see about crafting that nether star getting the beacon and then hopefully focusing on fighting the guo okay so here is our first Contender we’ve right clicked to set this as a wither skeleton data model I do believe that ideally we don’t want to die

Here we died here that’s not ideal uh we need to go back back which should be just a case of right clicking with this W Stone but then I have a feeling that as I do that yeah I’m going to just get killed again so let me run pretty fast

Here I actually don’t know if he can kill me just yet because I’m a ghost it might be the case that I have a few ghost free minutes to get my stuff back um and I still get my stuff back oh there we go there’s my deep learner okay let

Me put this into the deep learner there we go and we need to kill six with the skeletons okay so where the heck did this guy go he is here okay thankfully when we don’t need to get too close to them it’s shouldn’t be too bad that’s hopefully one down it is indeed

One down I can put this on my off hand so it stays in the top left there we got five more to go that’s two four more to go that’s number three oh I see a surprising number of them we just walked away and walked back and now there is

Is a h and if we stay high enough up here we um we should just be able to I think kind of somewhat cheesily kill these guys from a distance and hopefully his um his friend comes over cuz now there’s two left that’s number four I wish I had like a pebble

That I could throw I I did break a bunch of glow stone which is why we have some glowstone here I’m thinking I can use that for gold later and I don’t want to trigger all of them I just want like yeah you’ll do I just want like one

But um but yeah I picked up some glowstone so we can make some more gold going forward that’s five and it also helps if you put in your off hand it it makes things brighter cuz it’s very dark so uh come on just you last yeah there

We go all right this is actually not too bad our gold boots did break and so we could have some uh some piglin problems on the way back but that is a basic data model it’s not the best but again we only need one pristine Mata and we’re

Going to be good to go and so now I’m going to head back through to the Overworld and we’ll see about making some more of those prediction matrixes so that we can hopefully get a wither skeleton SK or two all right so back here we can take

Out our Wither Skeleton data model we can place it into our simulation chamber in place of our Blaze data model and back over here we just need to make some more of these prediction matrices so gold we have iron we have glass we have but not in pan form and clear we have

Okay cool so I think all we need to do is take some glass craft up the glass pan like so I’m hopeful that one set would get us what we need but I’ll make two sets just to be safe 32 boom we’ll throw that in there is only a 5% chance

Which means ideally or statistically like one in 20 should give us a wither skeleton prediction again we only need the one and we put 32 in there so statistically I think we are quite likely to get one Wither Skeleton prediction obviously we’re not guaranteed but we’re also going to get

Some more generalized nether predictions there as well once we we have that chat we’re kind of good to go on the guia I say good to go we’re not really good to go because of course we don’t have the gear required to fight the guia let me

See how are these guys doing I kind of need my um my wand of the forest I don’t think we chunkloaded so we’ve chunkloaded our main base but annoyingly I don’t think this area here is chunk loaded which is something I should definitely Rectify real quick here let me

Go up to to claim manager let’s chunk load I’ve reached my maximum claimed slots so I can only I can force load 25 I can claim 500 um if I oh you know I can claim these okay cool that’s good that should keep all of this chunk

Loaded which should keep the the Mana coming in cuz that’s kind of the uh the problem that we’re going to run into so getting netherite armor is going to be a little tricky but it shouldn’t be too too bad also I was going to say we could maybe um

Accelerate this with the time in the bottle but I think the the problem we might run into there is that we could potentially oh my time bottle is going to be in here yeah um let me do this power was going to be the the the potential problem that we could run into

If we uh if we did it this way uh it is likely to fail but again it gets more and more accurate as time goes up so I actually forgot that they got more accurate with every simulation and so the odds of us getting one within the

The 21 production matrices here get even higher look at that but we have one perfect so in here boom and boom that’s going to get us three Wither Skeleton skulls perfect and back over here we can use those to produce a Nether Star nice and of course with that uh we

Do get a quest complete up here fantastic and we now have everything that we need in order to get our first beacon we’re just missing three obsidian which should be fine because if I’m not mistaken and we do have a blast chiller available to us in the

Nether there are a few hoglins here that I am going to have to fend off Unfortunately they seem uh somewhat scared that I’m here but I’m hopeful that we can end these guys and then over here we have our blast chiller which is actually full on obsidian I’ll

Go ahead and uh take that out and try not to die to this guy the rhyme there was not intended perfect okay so obsidian we have let’s go back let’s make that Beacon and we can also look at setting up the Gaia spawn area we have everything now to spawn the guia because

We have the pylons we have the terce steel the terce steel I we don’t have the ter steel we do need one more terce steel to actually activate the um the ritual so if I grab my Lexica Peno we can go ahead and we can visualize the

Ritual spawn area we are also going to need those PL pons that we made earlier and we can use some Netherrack here to to place those down because they do need to go a few blocks into the air so the area required by this as I mentioned is is quite large

And I don’t think we’re going to have enough space for it does it mention in here how large the area needs to be I don’t think it does I think it just mentions that it needs to be a pretty large area my initial plan was going to

Be to put it in the center here but I think now it’s going to make more sense to kind of put it as a frosty cow um it’s going to make more sense to kind of offset it a little little bit to the side we do also of course need to get

Eight blocks of iron from our compacting draw here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and eight perfect and uh that should be everything I believe for the guia ritual alter so if we click the little visualize button here we can go ahead and we can right click this

Down let’s say right about here I’m not confident that’s going to be enough space I might actually unisize and and visualize again I might put it maybe here we can always break some of these and um and get rid of them when the time comes for the guia fight and then

Potentially replace them down that’s not going to be too difficult for us to do uh but for now oh I needed nine not um eight that’s my bad uh for now what I’ll do is I’ll put down one here I’ll leave this one empty I’ll do that in a second

We’re then going to put the beacon here and then we need to put down the pylons in the corners too high so they’re going to go a little higher up by two High I mean two blocks above the ground like this so we’ll put them down I keep doing

This wrong it’s kind of hard to see the uh visualization effect but here here here and here perfect so then we’re going to get rid of the Netherrack of course and we’re going to go grab one more pickaxe and also one more block of iron but at that point we’re good to go

And now we need to start focusing on the netherite armor which is going to be tricky to do because I just don’t think we have enough Mana to to um to get it because the engine debris is not a particularly common drop from our nether

Ore let’s get rid of this let’s do this there we go the setup is complete obviously we can get rid of these and to activate it now all we have to do is right click a terce steel onto the beacon and the guia will spawn but we will die almost instantaneously and just

Waste a terce steel if we try fighting it now with this iron armor it’s not going to work it’s not good enough real quick I would love to get some more gold boots to allow us to hopefully not get attacked by piglin when we go through to

The nether again and I think what we want to do now basically is we want to take our Mana tablet and fill it up of course let me quickly check on how this guy is doing I do my wand of the forest for that I put most of my stuff away before fighting

Those wither skeletons uh let’s do this to fill that up I do need to stand and pick that up though because my if I don’t pick it up continuously the hob Hawk downstairs will continually break it over and over again once we’ve got a decently filled Mana tablet we can then

Look at getting some of this ancient debris so right now we have two frozen ancient debris each one of these can be smelted into one ancient debris and a regular furnace and then from there the most efficient thing we can do with that is run it through an induction smelter

To get two netherite scrp and then it takes four netherite scrp to make one netherite Ingot and if we’re going to get a full set of netherite armor we need four netherite ingots so we need 16 netherite scrip which means we need eight inent debris we’re already have uh

Eight ancient debris we only have two so we need six more if we want to progress forward here and this was the induction spelter which we do oh never mind we got so much netherite scram I completely forgot I I thought we had more Frozen netherite I thought it was surprising

That we had so little but never mind we have got 16 netherite scrap ready to go and so the the and so the thing we’re actually missing now is diamonds we need diamonds to progress further which is kind of the same deal thankfully though the diamonds are more regular than the ancient debris

Is so this is going to get us the uh the netherite ingots that we need for armor we are going to need still more netherite scrap throw because if we want to make the block of fire right we need to get nine more netherite ingots because each fire Rite Ingot requires a

Netherite so we need nine more netherite ingots again each netherite ingot requiring uh four of the ancient debris here means we need 36 ancient debris which means we need 18 more frz an ancient debris so we do still need a fair bit more it just means we do have

What it Tak to make the um the armor now which is good but essentially now we are currently at nine diamonds right and we need 24 if we’re going to make diamond armor so we’re going to take our Mana tablet full of stuff let me quickly

Check we don’t have any more Diamond all right now I’m pretty sure we um utilized all of it at the start of the episode this is unfortunately appetite and I’m fairly certain that in here we also don’t have any more Frozen diamond ore we don’t we do have one Frozen ancient

Debris which is good it means we only need 17 more now but essentially we’re going to go on through here we’re going to drop this Mana tablet into the Mana pool over here to allow it to start feeding this Orchid IGN like so that’s going to start breaking these ores and

We’re mostly going to get gold and nether quartz which is not ideal but we’re going to slowly but surely hopefully acquire diamond ore which we can then of course process into regular diamond ore and then pulverize again into two or three diamonds and we’re going to keep doing that until we have

24 diamonds to make ourselves the diamond armor and we’re going to keep getting this Frozen ancient debris to allow us to you’ll see we didn’t get much of either which is unfortunate uh but we need to keep going until we have 18 Frozen ancient debris so we can make

Enough netherite ingots to make those uh fire right blocks and so this is where it kind of becomes tricky and this is why uh I should probably put this back down I did also temporarily turn this off earlier I should go ahead and uh reenable that like so um also this isn’t

Working uh that’s probably because I stopped the whole thing from working when I turn this off that’s my bad I need to put some more lava in here to kickart the system again to kind of give us a bit of uh Mana from those energized

Aras that we have but this is where we really need Mana um not only do we need a lot of Mana for the end game of course to make all of the the Gaia steel but we also really need a lot of Mana here in

Order to get all of the diamonds and all of the netherite that we’re going to need back over here we can take a look at how much Mana we have in these Mana pools it’s not insignificant and we can start to pull this out and we can get

Probably another Mana pools worth of Mana in our Mana tablet here which is going to get us you know a few more Frozen diamond or and a few more ancient debris but it’s probably not going to be enough is the problem and so I think that might be fine though because um we

Can probably go ahead take the Mana that we do have of course use that to to get as much ancient debris and as much diamond or as we have and then we can potentially pivot over and look at moving further on down the elemental craft quest line here because we do of

Course need to get all the way down to this pure crystal in order to actually make the fire Ingot the fire Ingot requires a pure Crystal a uh Spring Align Shard a swift alloy Ingot and netherite of course we don’t have the netherite yet but we do still need to

Work on getting all of these shards and all of these other machines and items from Elemental craft and whoops I need to make sure that these are set to all pole Mana out of the pool like this and like that before we put the man tablet

In but we can go ahead and pivot over into doing some Elemental craft and give these kind of more time to do that thing we could also look at using some of the 7 hours that we have in our time and bottle here to make these a little bit

Faster that does work and making them you know two three four times faster isn’t that expensive you’ll see it it just start to fill up in the Mana sprad a lot faster but I don’t know it gets a little tedious and I think we would run

Out of time fairly quickly if we want to move those to like a reasonable speed like if we go and crank this up to you know 128x that’s still you can also speed the Mana spread up as well by the way if the Mana spread is not going fast enough you

Can really give that a run for its money apparently though that’s still not not good enough even at uh at 64x maybe there maybe the SP man SP doesn’t work actually now that I mention it we could maybe do the lens or something there if

We’re going to go that that crazy on it but um this is faster but you’ll see we just ripped an hour off our time in the bottle for not really much Mana so anyway I’m going to quickly go ahead use this Mana to get some more Frozen diamond and some

More Frozen ancient debris we’ll do the same thing with the remaining Mana that we have in the remaining pools here and then we’ll come back and we’ll look at moving forward with elemental craft all right and all of our Mana later we now have eight more Frozen ancient debris

Which is not a tone we do still need like 17 so we’re not quite there yet but we do have seven more Frozen diamond ore and there’s a chance that we get three diamonds every time we pulverize one of these instead of two and one thing we’ve

Not been doing up until this point is taking advantage of catalysts inside of the pulverizer so over here you’ll see that it says additional chance is 50% but beneath that it says boostable when it says boostable it means that over here you can put one of two optional catalysts into the pulverizer either

Basil’s powder or Flint we’re going to go with Flint just cuz it’s so much easier for us to get and in fact I think we do already have some in here we do indeed uh the bazel powder is going to be substantially harder for us to get

And the Flint just gives us that little bit extra chances got a 1.1x uh primary modifier and so we’re just a little bit more likely to get three diamonds than we would be without that Flint in there and so let’s give that a quick acceleration we got three from the first

One that’s good we got two from the second one that’s okay we did only need to get three from one of these in order to hit the number of diamonds required but you’ll see we’re getting three from quite a lot of these here the 50/50 is

Uh is working out in our favor quite regularly which you love to see ideally we would get 24 diamonds without the need to break our block but I’m fairly certain that’s not going to happen yeah it looks like 18 is is the uh the final number there which is not bad for seven

Diamond or you know 14 would be uh expected and then I guess 50% on that would be like an extra 3.5 so like 17.5 which is about what we got we rounded up to 18 and so now we can take our block of diamond drop that back in and we

Should have everything that we need to make a full set of diamond armor we can make a diamond helmet we can make a diamond chest plate I’ve just got to be careful not to click the uh the one button twice here cuz I don’t want to

Waste any of my diamonds making two sets of anything and once we have a full set of diamond armor which I’m not quite sure of the temperature of by the way just yet um we can then obviously take our netherite and if we get ourselves a smithing table we should be able to

Upgrade all of our diamond armor to netherite armor and then we’re one step closer to being able to fight the guia here boom boom and boom perfect in fact if we make one more netherite we can go ahead and get a netherite sword as well which I do think

Is probably worth the investment so let’s quickly do one of these give that a quick tip to get some more ancient debris and then we can just run that through our induction smelter here boom to get more of the netherite scrap two more to be precise boom and boom and

That is going to get us our netherite Ingot over here we can do the exact same thing with the diamond sword boom boom and we get another white sword nice okay so now I think we’re pretty well kitted out in terms of fighting the Gaia here

But I do think we still want to take this further because the Gaia is a very tricky fight specifically I think what we should probably look to do now is acquire some form of regeneration and potentially some form of strength as well so there’s a couple of different

Options here the default option of course is some kind of Beacon but to get regeneration with a beacon you need quite a large Beacon and we don’t really have enough iron to make such a large Beacon and so instead we can turn to batania which does have a multitude of

Ways to get a lot of of status effects specifically people have drawn my attention to incense which is not something I’ve used before from batania but if we hover over the incense here and press control whilst we hold our Lexia it should give us information about the incense

Stick it says bruise can provide a great variety of effects when in liquid form however the effects don’t last long and vials take a inventory space besides using incense sticks instead of containers can mitigate these problems sticks are infused able with Brew effects just like containers but take

Around 10 times as much Mana to do so an incense stick can be placed on an incense plate and with a simple right click of a flint steel will light it and once late it cannot be retrieved but a single stick of incense will burn for 60

Times as long as a liquid counterpart so basically what it’s saying here is that if we type in Brew there are all of these Brews from battania they effectively are just the regular kind of Minecraft effect we have like jump boost uh regeneration two regeneration one

Resistance all that kind of stuff but as well as things like strength and Hast and so I think what we want to get is probably strength definitely regeneration potentially speed could be quite useful uh because there are spots on the floor that you don’t really want

To be standing in when fighting the guy and if you can move out of those spots faster that is is going to help us quite a bit and so we could make vials of all of these the vials are made using the uh Botanical Brewery which we are going to

Need to make anyway uh but that doesn’t seem too difficult but we could take it one step further and get um maybe like three incense plates and if we get an incense stick for speed for strength and for regeneration 2 the Regeneration 2 incense play lasts for 25 minutes the

Other ones here last for 90 minutes and so that should be enough for us to do at least one guia fight again we do need to do three Gaia fights and so ideally we could put all the three of those down and I think we can probably fight the

Guia three times in 25 minutes we we might need to make a second regeneration incense stick but I think it should be fine anyway to make these we need gas tiers that’s really the only thing we’re missing so the basic incense stick is a livingwood Twi with blaze powder and a

Gas tier and then you have to infuse it using the Botanical Brewery to get the different effects right and the infusing stage seems pretty straightforward it is going to be the stage that actually uses mana and again Mana is kind of our current bottl leg but more is coming in

All of the time and of course we do still have more in the center here but the initial problem that we’re going to run into is that we don’t have a gas tier at least I’m fairly certain that we don’t have a gas tier we don’t we could

Go to the Nether and try and find a gas but alternatively there is a recipe here that allows us to craft gas tiers with two generalized nether predictions one sugar and one spider ey I also don’t think we have any spider eyes we don’t we saw earlier that we can make sugar by

Crafting wheat into hair and then using the hair over here that gets us sugar can and if we wanted to we could probably set this up pretty quickly here we could get another storage drawer wack that down grab a botony pot which we do not have but you know what I’m going to

Temporarily steal this wheat boty pot over here and we’ll throw you down like so and then if we throw in let’s say some sand and the sugar can that should just start growing sugar can for us and eventually we can use that to make sugar

And of course use that to make gasas the only thing we don’t have then is the spider eye but we can make spider eyes with rotten flesh apples red mushrooms and generalized Overworld predictions so mushroom wise we only have brown mushrooms but I’m fairly certain we have

Access to Red mushrooms via the NE and now circling back to kind of what we were looking at at the beginning of the episode we need a generalized Overworld prediction this guy right here and so we are going to have to get another data model to make this work I’m hopeful that

If we head on underground a little bit here we might be able to find six zombies that we could potentially use for that very purpose we do have three pigs here we also have a lot of cows but half of them are frozen cows and if you right click on these these

Don’t actually count as regular cows chicken wise we’ve got two chickens which is definitely not enough and so we only got two polar bears as well unfortunately so let’s head on down I think if we go down here that should be good and let’s see if we can’t

Find a couple of zombies again six is really the uh the number that we’re after here earlier there were seemingly an endless number of zombies in fact we have three chickens I guess by the looks of it and also three uh polar bears as well although now we’re down here there

Are basically no zombies which of course why would there be now that we actually need them there are none however if we head back this way this is kind of the outside of our base area and I’m hopeful that we should be able to find six zombies for

Us to get a zombie data model which we don’t really need for the zombie meta we mostly just need we could do skeletons as well skeletons are basically the same and we’re basically just using it for the uh for the mattera we got one of each there um what’s more common

I think the zombies might be more common I’m going to go for a zombie even though the skeleton might actually be more useful but let’s go see if we can’t find it chat is right we could make two data models we could go get a second one and

That way if we come across skeletons we could do uh do skeletons instead if we get skeletons first but I feel like at this point you know we’ve got the the zombie one we’ve already killed a skeleton and wasted it let’s just go see if we can’t find five more zombies

Chck and there we go there is six zombies we don’t have to kill more zombies here uh we have the six we need but the more we kill the uh the higher the chance of getting a pristine zombie matter but to be fair we actually don’t need that so you know there’s actually

Zero point in doing this all right I’m going to head back up and we’ll begin running this through the simulation chamber to get some of the overian meta we did kind of waste some of the um Precision Matrix on getting more Wither Skeleton predictions we don’t really need more Wither Skeleton predictions at

This point I don’t think there’s much of a use for more nether stars but thankfully the prediction matrices are pretty easy to make and so I don’t even think we need 32 of these either to be honest but let’s take our zombie data model out of here let’s whack him back

Up in here and then let’s put like 16 of these in here we don’t need that many to be fair and while that is processing we’ll head through to the Nether and see if we can’t find some red mushrooms never mind real quick I’m going to head

Back and swap back to my iron armor because the netherite armor here is way too warm we got that little fire emote at the bottom there which is uh is not ideal and now we’re actually on fire which is also not not ideal okay so we found One Singular red mushroom there

Which would get us a couple of gas teers but I would prefer a few more I say a couple because you can craft one of these into two spider and two each spider gives you three gas tiers so we get six gas tiers from this um oh and of

Course yeah chat is right here we can use the the B pot to grow more actually so no yeah we are we are good um I’m very surprised it was just the one oh there’s some more over there we could always go and grab one or two more of

Those we don’t need a ton of them to be fair like I like you just saw the uh the one does get you six gas tiers and so you know if we grab two that’s 12 and then 18 and then there’s some more of on

This side as well that’s going to get us up to 24 and then 30 we definitely don’t need 30 gas TI and so that should be enough for us to make all the gas tiers we need and have a a couple left over as well which is is pretty good we’re

Basically just right by the uh The Fortress that we were just at as well we’ve not really gone too much further field if I open the map you’ll see that the Fortress Is Here we just walked a bit further over and then our portal is back down there so I’m going to head

Back in this direction past the Fortress back home and let’s go see if we can’t make some incense and of course there’s a guest as well that we could fight for a guest here but we don’t need to because we have our mushrooms all right so back at

Our storage scanner we should be able to craft our mushroom here uh well first of all let’s check and see if we have over Mata we do very nice indeed and of course that’s helped us with this this quest line here not that we necessarily need to complete that quest line to

Complete the P but we now have what it takes to make some spider eyes I’ll make four from there we can make some gas tiers of course just as soon as we take some of the 16 sugar can that we have craft that down into sugar and then

Craft that up into gas tiers and now with these gas tiers we should be able to make some incense so for that we do need livingwood Twigs but again you have a fair amount of Living Wood available to us still which is good and so let’s

Go ahead and craft up at least three of these how expensive should I probably checked this at first but how expensive are the incense plates they’re super cheap to make they require two livingwood slabs which are made with regular livingwood which you get by crafting uh livingwood logs together

Like this perfect let’s make some livingwood slabs and then let’s make at least three incense holders perfect so now we need to get the B brewing stand which is actually called the Botanical Brewery so for this we need a regular brewing stand which is easy enough we have the blaze

WS to make this work and then from there we need another block of Mana steel which should be very doable in fact you can just take a block of iron by the way and drop that in you don’t have to do nine iron and craft it into Mana steel

We also need one Rune of Mana which we made previously this is five more Mana steel uh so this time around I will go ahead and grab 1 2 3 four five iron with of course one more ender pearl which we’ll go ahead and drop in here Boom 1 2

3 4 5 and then boom 1 2 3 4 5 while that’s cooking up let’s grab our living Rock which is here and nice and quickly that gets us through Mana nice and that should be everything for our Botanical Brewery I’m going to put that down here because I

Believe we are also going to need to provide this with Mana which we can do by just swapping around the direction of the Mana spreader and now I think we can actually start to look at making these incense sticks so we take our stick and

Then we put it on here like that and then to make the Regeneration stick we need glowstone dust gas tier netherwart do we have Nether wart we do perfect let me take the Nether wart uh glowstone we grabbed earlier and of course gas we just made fantastic so let’s do one

Glowstone one gas tier one nether what and boom that’s going to start taking some Mana I don’t know how much Mana that’s going to take it did say it takes 10 times as much as the uh like the Brew takes but it looks like it’s not really taking much to be

Fair which is good uh then we also need sugar Nether wart and Redstone as well as glowstone netherwart blades okay so we need two more netherwart that seems very easy one two we need one blaze powder which we have uh we need one sugar and what it one

Glowstone I’ll take all those I’ll also put some of this other stuff back in the system for now uh this is still going though but again the Mana is uh maybe it’s just coming in about as fast as it’s going out but it seems to be doing

All right oh we can see here how long it’s taking it’s almost halfway there it does take quite a bit of Mana but again the uh the strength and speed sticks especially last 90 minutes you get an hour and a half of speed and strength from there which is very good and the

Regeneration to also lasts 25 minutes which is not bad at all uh in the time we took us to do that we have managed to get over a Mana pools worth of Mana here which is very nice indeed uh because we are going to need to prepare at least three terce steel ahead

Of time so we want to have three terce steel ready so that we can fight the guia three times because we want to be able to fight the guia back to back to bank because if we do that then we can make use of this regeneration to incense

Without having to to remake another one and there we go there is our Brew of revitalization intense stick makes a very cool sound as well when you uh finally get it which is very nice indeed let me unbook Mark that and so this one needs uh Redstone sugar and Nether wart so Nether

Wart sugar did I not grab a sugar I thought I did um oh yeah I grabed a sugar can I should craft it that’s my bad sugar and Redstone and boom there is our Brew of Fleet feet incense stick that’s going to give us speed two and finally we put on

Our incense stick with blaze glowstone and netherwart and that should be everything for our third incense stick at which point we just need to make three Terra steel which is going to require three diamonds which is look at that perfect we actually have the exact amount uh

Three ender pearls which we also have and of course three iron ingots that we’re going to turn into Mana steel let’s go 1 2 3 three 1 2 3 1 2 3 uh right now we don’t have that much Mana in here we do have close to half a Mana

PS worth though actually so we can probably make one terce steel here with one two three but then we’re probably going to go have to grab some of the uh Mana from the other Mana pools and bring that over with our Mana templates to fill this Mana pool up to make the other

Two that we need oh we do need to be very careful um I need to get rid of this Hopper HW again because this Hopper HW is picking up the stuff which is not what we want that uses some of our Mana without actually giving us anything

Which is banned so we need to pick that up and then uh then try that again and there is our final stick all right and there we go that is our third teror steel nice okay cool and we still got a fair bit of Mana over here which is good

So basically now all we do is we right click the teror steel onto the beacon here and it should summon the guia so the book does say that the incense sticks here have a radius of 30 blocks I assume that means that they do like 30 blocks away from wherever they’re placed

If we put them down behind this gate that’s hopefully going to be outside of the uh the Gia’s working area I’m not going to put them in in just yet because as soon as you put them in they start to going in fact I can probably put the strength one

Down just not the Regeneration one cuz it’s not going to take us an hour and a half I don’t think oh we have to light it with the flint and steel of course other than that though I think we’re about as ready as we’re going to be we

Of course want to swap our netherite arm out for the the current iron armor that we’re wearing I am still concerned that we’re not going to have enough space here in terms of actually spawning the guy I think these Mana PS and stuff might get in the way but there’s kind of

Only one way to find out and that’s for us to go clear out inventory a little bit not that we need a ton of space and um and kind of just give it a try really let’s do this let’s put everything else away apparently it’s a radius of 12

Around the beacon is the the space that we need to uh to keep clear also so it would appear that once again we have run out of space down here do we have more rug Cobblestone the answer is yes annoyingly the rug Cobblestone appears to be in um in locations we can’t reach

Also at this point in time I think we can invest in uh in void upgrades now that we have so much obsidian the the void upgrade here is fairly straightforward in that it allows us to delete any excess of an item so now any excess Cobblestone that we put in there

Does just get deleted but I think that’s fine given that we don’t need need more than 2,000 Cobblestone at any one time I don’t think so uh should be completely fine got a little bit more there okay let’s go see if we can’t win this fight uh we

Need the teror steel to do the the fight don’t need the one of the forest don’t need the pumpkins don’t need a lot of this stuff uh the Mana tablet probably not needed but I might need it if we end up having to move some stuff so I’ll

Hold on to it for now and yeah I think this is kind of about it let’s go give it a try so if I right click on this I get strength two nice I’m interested in its effect radius I’m hoping it should go all the way to this

Back wall if it’s 30 in each Direction which I think it is it totally is perfect that’s very good fantastic all right let’s light our other incenses here so we’ll do speed two lovely and then the thing that’s going to be annoying is if I light incense now and

Then we have to um I I can make another one of these they’re not that hard to make let’s light it and then let’s right click on here yeah the radius is too not big enough so the radius is fine um we need to move it over by like one block which

Is a little annoying because I’ve left my pickaxe elsewhere I guess I I left my pickaxe elsewhere I might just dig out that wall though actually instead of um shimming it over by wz it looks like that wall on the left is really the uh the only problem we do have a hammer

Here I’ll grab that and then just in case it’s not enough I’ll also grab this I am trying to be a little quick here because I want to make full use of the 25 minutes of time that we have I right click that again shift right click that

Is it should show me the uh the space that’s not quite right so all of this space where there’s red dots this means it’s two there shouldn’t be stuff here so I’m going to break this and we’ll break this as well it’s not going to look particularly nice but I think that

Should be good to go it’s not good to go it’s because the grounds are Disturbed which I think is because there’s stuff in this area which is is is horrible um oh no there’s more stuff over here hold on hold on let me uh get

Rid of these blocks in red and it’s down the middle here as well we might have to remake the Regeneration effect but we have the gasti and so I think it should be a very straightforward Recreation let me try that again oh okay it worked it worked

All right so we want to avoid the passive mobs we also want to avoid any areas of like purple on the floor and the speed is helpful here so like this we want to avoid that wherever possible and then I don’t see the guia I think that’s because I have shaders on

Let me turn the shaders off and now I think I should see the guy appearing here oh I’m going to die I’m dead oh that is so bad okay hold on hold on the uh the Shad of Po was was was my bad I think I can descend Here Without

Dying let’s oh I can just right click here of course right two things first things first I’m sorry an eviction notice has been served you all need to leave cuz you just made me waste well you didn’t make me waste of Terror steel I was probably going to die anyway but I

Need you all out of here I need a clean mind a clean conscience a clean soul okay get out of here okay right so we did lose our teror steel we died so fast which is mostly mostly due to the Wither effect I I was really hoping we’d

Have I don’t think there’s a way for us to um to deny the Wither effect annoyingly let me try that one more time if this doesn’t work we might have to um to rethink our strategy so now we can actually see the the W the the guy

Though which is good we want to really keep ourselves out of the purple box the little purple stuff on the floor that is and we want to avoid that as much as possible and just try and hit the guy repeatedly with our sword just taking it nice and easy letting the Regeneration

Do its work avoiding the purple as much as we can making sure we eat when we need to avoid the purple that’s good you know sometimes not going to hit him that’s fine he teleports away that’s all fine we’re doing pretty good damage here oops again stay off the purple stay

Off the purple the purple is what gives us the Wither effect which is what is going to be bad for us take time to eat as and when necessary and then just make sure we don’t touch the purple you do have a bit of time as the purple kind of

Fades in to get away from it it does seem to get more and more aggressive though as time goes on which is not ideal NOP stay out of the purple just avoid it we’re going to hit a point in the uh in the combat soon where he kind

Of flies up into the sky and We Begin kind of stage two here but this is stage two I think we don’t have any purple during the stage we just have to fight off a a hord of other mobs so wither skeletons are obviously um priority number one because

They do give us the Wither effect which is not ideal regular skeletons priority number two cuz they can hit us from afar thankfully our armor is pretty good and we do have that regeneration effect so we should be okay netherite pickaxe or sorry sword doing a pretty good job here let’s step aside

Neat we got to be careful though we got to kill these guys cuz he’s going to come back the guy and he’s going to start putting purple down again I don’t want to have to deal with the purple and the mobs so let’s eat I see you over

There okay he’s back he’s back nope okay just avoid the purple avoiding the purple is our primary task right here cuz the purple is going to Killers anything that’s not purple is fine nope we’re so close we’re actually so close don’t swap your sword to your

Offhand Isaac you idiot get out of the purple where’s my sword gone there it isoo this is fine this is fine nope stay off the purple take a time to eat take a time to eat it’s so bright why is it so bright does it always do this we’re so close he’s dead

Okay we did it all right we got a guia Spirits we need to do that two more times um how much time we got left on these does it tell me if I have my uh W to the forest maybe no no information given I’ve got no

Idea how how long is left on that incense stick but um I think we just go back to back I think we just go in for another one here and hope that we have uh like at least 12 minutes left on the uh on the incense

Stick all right let’s try this again we died again the Wither effect is too strong you’ve really got to avoid the Wither effect to not get completely destroyed so um we need to go get two more teror steel to try that again I’m also probably going to make another

Regeneration incense stick and throw it down just to be on the safe side and then we’ll try yet again to uh to fight the guia all right I’ve got another terce steel and the twitch chat seems to think that I’m well within my time still so I have made some golden apples we’re

Going to try those as well I’m just going to try though mostly just try to avoid the pink the purple again and do the exact same thing we did first time all right fight number two is a success we have 16 Gaia Spirit ingots woo that’s technically enough to make the four

Guia Spirit ingots so we need to then upgrade to Gaia steel ingots but in order to do that upgrading to Gaia steel ingots we um we do have to have the Gaia glomeration plate and for the guia aeration plate we need Gaia shards Gia shards are made from Gia spirit and they

Also require a Terra Catalyst which requires yet another guia spirit and so we do need to do this fight another time we need to get a third set so we need to get 24 in total Gia spirit for this to be a success but that is pretty close

We’re getting there um I think we have it of Mana if I go back and check um we are going to have to redo the intense um I think we are going to have to redo that before we uh continue because I don’t think that quite has enough yet

For one more fight on it but we do we have enough Mana just inside of that Mana pool by the looks of it to make one more teror steel we might be a little shy if we uh well first of all we don’t have um enough ender pearls but we can

Do this of course and get 16 more that’s perfect um I’m wondering if we’re going to be a little shy once we um make our Mana steel our Mana diamond and our Mana Pearl that looks to be bang on half but if you don’t have enough of Mana in

The pool then you kind of just waste Mana so I’m just going to make sure we get enough by taking some from our other Mana PS here and just funneling that back in to make sure that we definitely 100% have enough teror steel to make that work and then we’ll go ahead

And give our our third guy a fight a try after we make one more uh regeneration incense stick as well uh let’s do a quick one of of these and then while that’s filling up we can do one two three that’s it’s going to get us the

Teror steel up here we are at over half a Mana pole worth of Mana which is is perfect that’s what we’re going to see and then if we want to get another uh regeneration incense stick which regeneration 2 is what we’re after uh we need to of course make I don’t know if

You get the stick back after um the end after it’s been used I assume you don’t like that’s not how regular intense works it just burns and it’s done but we’ll take a gas tier we will take a nether Ward and we’ll take a glow stone so glow stone and Nether wart perfect

Let’s put you in here with you you and let me just check that’s right I don’t want to make the wrong one no that’s correct boom perfect ter Steel’s done okay um yes so this must have been regeneration cuz the other two are still here and should be there for quite some

Time so I think 25 minutes has just passed up and so now we just need to uh do that again all right incense Flint steel I do have a bunch of golden apples just in case if we get hit by the Wither effect I just slam down all the golden apples we possibly

Can let’s go let’s go okay we have got 24 Gia Spirits I do not believe that we have to do any more Gia fighting in this pack options video settings shaders enabled bring them back in let’s go back to our nice warm cozy Vibe okay so now that we have the 24

Gaia Spirits there are a few things we need to do for one we need a lot more terce steel annoyingly because we need to craft four Terra steel to get four Gaia Spirit ingots which of course we don’t need to turn into for Gaia steel

Ingots and as we saw earlier to make the Gaia steel we need the Gaia glomeration plate which requires the I don’t think any of these require teror steel they don’t it requires the Guy Shard which needs this Terra Catalyst which is three more so we need seven more terror steel

Which is three and a half Mana pools worth of Mana so thankfully obviously all of our stuff is still kind of weing away producing mana and so I’m hopeful that if we just leave things kind of going as they are that we will slowly

But get the the three and a half Mana po worth of Mana needed to make that Terror steel and on top of that we also need even more Mana after the fact in order to to transform we need a little bit to make the Gaia shards and then we also

Need a bunch of Mana to make these Gaia ingots it looks like four full Mana PS worth so a lot of Mana still to go I am going to rebuild this wall real quick with our living Rock bricks but once we’ve rebuilt that wall and whilst we

Wait for our Mana to kind of refill the next thing that we probably want to start looking at is Elemental craft we want to start working our way through this quest line here getting the strongly contained Crystal getting our gem crystallizer getting a pure infuser

And seeing if we can’t get down to this fire right Ingot because we need to make nine of these don’t forget in order to uh to craft up the fire right block which is needed for the weather changer and of course the weather changer also requires these creative element

Containers which are also going to make uh somewhat soon and then we can finally look at the Catalyst and of course don’t forget as well that we do need even more Mana as well to get the remaining ancient debris that we need because we’re not quite there on uh ancient

Debris yet either all right so over in the Elemental craft quest line let me claim my rewards here real quick which are just v-bucks which I don’t think are particularly useful for us at this point in the pack but now in the elemental craft quest line the next Quest is to

Make this strongly contained Crystal let me unbookmark some of the stuff over here even though we do still need to make most of it um and I’ll bookmark this temporarily we’ll also bookmark the gem crystallizer and I’m going to bookmark the pure infuser cuz both of those are required given that both of

Those require a strongly contained Crystal I feel like I might as well make two strongly contained crystals now if I can and then I don’t think we need another strongly contained Crystal after that so we should be fine so to make a strongly contained Crystal we need four

Swift alloy nuggets and four uh Spring Align shards with a contained crystal in the middle the contained crystal is is kind of where I want to start here because for that we need the iner crystal which requires inert ore and the inert ore in this pack we’ve been

Getting via the Frozen inert Crystal ore which we get from Frozen Stone around the Orchid so Frozen Stone we do have here we got one I’m thinking much like we did earlier with the uh calite if we just quickly Swap this out like so and

Then uh oh it’s too close to our Orchid that is not ideal uh Frozen Stone I assume that we can get more Frozen Stone we totally can we can just craft it with regular stone and a a piece of sharpened ice which we can get from the three ice

Shards here that is fine let’s do this and let’s do this okay and then let’s move this and I guess we’ll break this for now sure so I would love to get another storage drawer and then I guess we depend how far away the AR’s got a

Pretty big range I’m going to put this like over in this room over here like this we’ll put you here we’ll put the Frozen Stone over it like that that’s going to start making frozen Stone again if at all possible how many diamonds do we have left here we’ve got

Six diamonds which is not a ton and it’s not enough to make a block with uh but real quick I might uh once again kind of fill up my Mana tablet head back through to the nether see if we can’t get at least one or two more diamond ore to

Hopefully allers to oh excuse me did I attack you at some point or is it because your child is nearby uh either way that was the wrong move um good you know what the child can live that’s fine um either here uh we can hopefully utilize that to get one or two more

Diamonds or get a diamond block place on top of that and that’s going to double the rate of which we get that Frozen Stone which is hopefully going to allow us to get more of this um not frozen nigh which you know Frozen iter is another item that we get from that

Frozen Stone but ideally of course we’re looking for that inert Frozen Stone cuz we do need a fair amount of it to make a lot of these uh crystals inert crystals because they’re used not only for the making of strongly contained crystals but we also need them uh to craft up

These contained crystals which we can then use to make the water fire earth and air crystals which we can then use to to actually get more of the the different shards like these raw water shards which give us the the elements that we actually need to progress with

Elemental crft so uh let me go see if I can’t get some more diamond ore and then we’ll we’ll see if we can’t get going further with elemental craft all right so we did get four more Frozen diamond ore there which is pretty good it gets us enough diamonds to make a diamond

Block but it didn’t give us any ancient debris which is really not ideal because we do need quite a lot more uh ancient debris like at least 10 more before we can get all of the netherite required to make all of the the fire ingots that we

Need to do before the end of the pack also someone in the twitch chat did point out that um we could potentially uh make a lumium block here instead of a diamond block just to get doubling the speed because the diamond block is 80 tick lumium block here is 40 ticks and

The lumium block is made with nine lumium ingots the lumium is made in the induction smelter with silver 10 glowstone so glowstone we have silver we have and 10 we have we’re not really using any of these at least not to their fullest and so we can almost certainly

Just drop all of those in here boom boom boom uh maybe give that a little temp because it uh is very very very very slow to begin with and we need to do that three times of course to get enough lumium to make a block but as soon as we

Have at least nine perfect we can go ahead put these back into the system and we can take that alumium craft it into alumium block and go stick it on top of the Frozen Stone which I think is a much better idea obviously we could reuse the

The diamonds but this way we can kind of just leave that here and now this is working uh once every 40 tick so once every 2 seconds we get Frozen Stone and of course we can then take that Frozen Stone and use it over here if we were to

Go ahead and place it into one of these the uh block Placer seems to not be working I’m not quite sure why or maybe it is working maybe the block on the Block Breakers are not working of course I completely forgot uh the the way this whole system works the

Reason this whole system doesn’t work is I’ve not put the iron pickaxes in uh the whole point of this system here uh the reason it’s off is because it’s quite loud but the whole point of the system is that we put um iron pickaxes in here here they uh they become repaired and

Then they get kind of fed back around and then once the iron pickaxe is fully repaired I’m going to try can I swap this out I can uh that allows me to put a fully repair pickaxe in here and then uh we start to hear the D of the of

Stuff being broken which is uh kind of Ideal that’s exactly what we’re after let me put an iron pickaxe in here and an iron pickaxe in there and a lot of the stuff should get collected by this guy down here and we got a lot of nether

Quarts or frozen gold or is interesting enough but uh not much uh actually not any of the Frozen inert Crystal or which is not ideal how much um Mana do we have here we got a fair bit of Mana I um I’m probably going to take the pickaxes back

Out here the reason I’m going to take the pickaxes back out is it’s just I don’t really want the Mana being wasted on making more resources I think resource wise we’re going to do fine for the remainder of the pack I don’t think we’re going to run into a resource issue

Going forward I think if anything we’re going to run into a Mana issue and so we could definitely do it saving that Mana for use for making Terr steel and stuff as opposed to to using it here so for now though we can put this back in we can put you

In and that’s going to make more Frozen nickel I guess and then the pickaxe does get taken away like almost instantly which is not ideal let me take the extract card out of the down section for now that is going to burn through the pickaxe quite a bit but I think that’s

Fine cuz right now I’m kind of after it being a bit faster also if we do want this to work we need to take that out we need to swap out um Frozen Granite here because right now that’s on Whit list which is not what we want we want to

Pick up basically all that we want the Frozen Stone bang and then we want to put the Frozen Stone back in this time with the uh the whiteless set to Frozen Stone that’s my bad over in here let’s do this we can swap out the granite for

Frozen Stone again you can only put one in there that’s fine there we go and then now if we put the pickaxe back in here and we put the Frozen Stone in here that should use the orid to make us a turn of what we actually want instead of

The stuff that we don’t want hopefully and we did we got a couple of Frozen iner crystal there still not a ton and there’s not really a way to get more out of it all we can really do is um smelt it and then kind of just smelt

It again SL you know pulverize it but pulverizing it seems to not really do a whole heck of a lot we can put the rest of this back in here for now but um but yeah okay fine let me get whatever we’ve got and let’s see how uh see what we can

Do so we can smelt this into into iner crystals if we’re going to make two of the these strongly contained crystals we need to get eight Spring Align shards and we need to get some Swift alloy nuggets so in terms of the Swift alloy nuggets we do have a swift alloy Ingot

We can craft that down there is more than eight Swift alloy nuggets that’s perfect then we need two contained crystals which I think we can make we totally can perfect and so now we just need to get uh seven more spring Aline shards because we already have one from

A previous episode so to get seven spring Aline shards we need seven nether quartz which we don’t have although we do have a ton of nether quarts down in here we’ve got stacks of the stuff so I will take that it does have the fire

Symbol on it so I’m going to get rid of it real fast so I don’t burn myself and of course we can just throw in a bunch of more coal into our system let me make sure this is set to organize in descending order there we go I will put

You in there fantastic and that’s going to get us a bunch of nether quartz or that we can then run through our pulverizer yeah to get a bunch of nether quartz and once that nether quart is processed look at that we got more than 16 nether quarts perfect and by 16 um I

Of course mean um seven is what we needed let me put some of this Bank we’ll take seven nether quarts exactly so seven nether quarts done other than that we need seven amethyst shards and seven Water Crystals so for the seven Water Crystals we need two more of these

Contained crystals which we can do and then we need to get eight buckets of water we have eight buckets I’m we take all eight of those and we don’t have a ton of space but uh we can probably fit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight buckets of water and

With eight buckets of water we can hopefully produce eight of these we totally can fantastic and again we only need seven so I’ll put one away for the time being like so and then finally we need seven of these amethyst shards right now we have one amethyst shards uh

So we need six more in total and for that we need six raw water shards uh we have four and we also need some raw water we do have seven actually but the way this works as we saw before is we have to take the uh the raw water shard

Place it into an element evaporator to get the actual like element that is water and then we take that element water and we use it with another raw water Shard to make the amethyst Shard so we probably need more of these to get more of these we need uh more of these

Water Crystals again thankfully though these are kind of the easiest of the uh the crystals to make because they just require water and water is Limitless so let’s make another two of these if we can we can’t because we’re now out of inert crystals which is why uh we were

Smelting up these Frozen crystals before let me put the nether quarts away for the time being and as we saw earlier there’s not really much point in running this through anything other than a furnace so I guess here we can uh quickly utilize Our Time in a Bottle to

Speed this up and then just put all those back in to get some more iner crystals and then that gets us enough to make a second contained Crystal which we can then use again to make two more of these that should be more than enough again we want to keep seven of them

Lying around for the craft the other eight we can uh just right click to get some more water shards perfect so now downstairs what we want to do is we want to place the water shards into our evaporator which is right here um I did Swap this so again you can right click

To set these two connect right click again to set it to extract and then right click again to disable we want to go over here want to set to extract so essentially here we’re going to put a water shard in like this that’s going to make water element and then over here we

Want to put another water shard in did that take all of them it did take all of them uh over here we want to put another water shard in like that and if there’s enough water element down here it will transform that into an amethyst Shard

Nice and we just keep doing that we keep putting these on we keep putting some of the shards in over here I guess we can put the the big chunky shard in there cuz I don’t think there’s much else we can do with the outside of make water

And yeah that’s going to make more water Essence that’s going to move over here and then eventually once there’s enough that should in theory produce another amethyst Shard nice so we need to do that until we have seven amethyst shards and boom there’s our seventh amethyst

Shard nice so now that we have those we actually need to make the Spring Align shards and so those are made with our element binder which is the center here and the element binder requires let me disconnect this because there’s water in here we want to disconnect this and then like

Reconnect this so right click and extract because now we want the water to go into here I’m going to disconnect these as well temporarily because we don’t need any of the other uh flavors going in we just want water making its way in there and so now on the element binding

We want to do this in I believe the order that it shows so I believe we do amethyst then nether quartz then water crystal so amethyst nether quartz water crystal it might not matter the order you do it in but uh then we just I guess dump the

Rest of our water shards in here for now and let that start filling up uh and boom it’s done nice okay cool and we do the same again amethyst nether quartz water crystal I actually don’t know how much we have in here it doesn’t look

Like a ton these are going to slowly but surely get burned through to uh to make this happen uh we we could Time in a Bottle the evaporator I think to uh to get these kind of going faster cuz I think this goes pretty quick once it has

All of the items required I think the the slow part is just getting the um the raw water shots to evaporate so if I do like this hopefully they start to evaporate just a little bit faster moving a little bit more water over potentially which will hopefully speed

Up the the rate of this cuz that first spring line Shard came together quite quickly uh but these ones now are not coming together anywhere near as fast there we go Okay cool so we might need we might actually need more W shards I was kind of under the impression we

Might have enough although it could also be the extraction cuz this is full and this is is not it makes sense this is not full this is much bigger than this is it could also be I actually don’t know if accelerating any of this is helpful but we are getting the shards

And so we’re just going to keep doing this until we have the seven remaining shards we need and then we can go back and we can craft our two two strongly contained crystals and there we go there is our seventh Spring Align Shard all right let’s head on back up and let’s

See now if we can’t craft up two of these strongly contained crystals we probably can uh we need two more of these and I realized I’m a Fool because I actually had already set up the Frozen Stone down on this lower level here there’s a a minor right there that is

Producing the uh the Frozen Stone so we probably and by probably I mean most definitely did not need to set that up again and probably didn’t need the alumium either but uh we’ve done it anyway uh so now over here let’s see about uh doing the same thing again here

So I’m going to temporarily actually grab my uh pipe wrench I’m going to disconnect this pipe here so that we don’t keep sending Frozen Granite to this setup so I don’t really want that going there anymore I want you going there and then I’ll put um the iron

Pickaxe is going to break here I think that’s fine though um obviously the whole the main idea of the system was to allow us to repair iron pickaxes but in in the interest of speed we uh we probably we got more in crystals which is lovely oh and of course we have

Something here but in the interest of speed I think we uh WEA just make new ones we got 600 iron I think that’s fine it should be enough to get us through to the end of the pack let’s do two of these perfect so we have two strongly

Contained crystals good stuff and so now we can look at making the gem crystallizer and the pure infuser so both of these have very similar recipes uh they both require some White Rock which is easy enough that’s just stone with Earth Essence and then they also both require Swift alloy ingots so we

Need six of those in total six Swift alloy ingots which means we need six gold six copper six Redstone six air crystals and six drenched iron ingots okay so let me put some of this stuff away and then let’s see so if we want drenched iron ingots six of these is six

Iron ingots yes that we Infuse with water that is fine let’s do 1 2 3 4 5 6 we also of course of course need six gold which we can get we need six Redstone which we definitely have we need six copper which we also have and

Then what were the other two items that we needed uh we needed oh yeah of course the uh the air crystals we need six of those and then the drenched iron ingots the air crystals are made with more drenched ingots um it’s four to two so we need 12

Drenched ingots to get the six air crystals we need plus we need some more drench ings on top of that because we also need to get uh six here so we need like 18 drenched ingots that’s fine uh get me some more iron here let’s go for

16 17 18 perfect put you away so we need 18 drenched ingots that’s fine and then other than that it’s just glass how are we doing on glass we’re doing okay on glass but we could be doing better so I’m going to take a stack of sand out of

Here I’m going to get that smelting in here so when we come back hopefully we got a decent amount of glass and of course we can give that a little tap as well fuel is doing fine okay so drenched iron is basically the same as we saw

Earlier we just Place one iron ingot into this guy like so uh again we’re going to disconnect but we’re going to actually go ahead and set this to extract now we’re going to set this to insert we’re going to try and pull all of the water out of here uh because we

Then need to insert air into here because air is required for these Swift alloy ingots so we need air for all of them thankfully we’ve got air in all of these jars from a previous episode so we should be somewhat okay there and this system is actually set up kind of to uh

To create these drenched ingots so we just put the iron in here the iron gets fed in and then over here where we exct the drenched iron so um if we go ahead and do this and this that’s strength that’s going to go ahead make the drenched Dinger pull it out put under

The r and get in and keep the system going of course we can go ahead and put uh a large Shard into here to keep the uh the water flowing we can go ahead and just drop the rest of this in and again even give it maybe a quick Time in a

Bottle tap to increase the speed at which that water is made maybe even go a fair bit further on there to try and make it a fair bit faster you’re full I wonder if the pipes are just like a limited on how much they can move potentially

Seven we made a few there quite quickly eight so it is going quite fast I don’t know if we need to speed any of this stuff up we do have 7 and a half hours now still in our time in the bottle so we’re doing all right but

These are coming in pretty quickly again we do need 18 of these which is uh it’s not ideal um it feels like the pipe is really the limiting factor cuz there’s never really any in here but I do think that accelerating the pipe here is doing something you’ll see now it’s draining

Quite fast we can kind of speed that up but it seems like the pipe is a lot slower than the The Shard is but anyway now we’re just going to keep going until we have 18 drenched iron ingots and then we can look at disconnecting this reconnecting this that should start to

Fill this up with air so long as these are set to extract we’ll start on the far side and work our way around that is hopefully going to start to fill that with air it is perfect and then we can then take the the drench iron ingots and

We can start actually making this happen right do we have everything else we need I can unbookmark this I can then bookmark the Swift alloy ingots so I of course we need the uh the air crystals that’s kind of the whole point of all of

This all right we have 19 we already had two in there actually so that’s kind of fine and so up here we can take our drenched ingots and we can hopefully take the glass out of here fantastic we can make a couple of glass bottles 1 two three we’ll take a

Couple of those and then with the glass bottles we can hopefully make some of these we need 2 4 six Perfect all right I think that with six gold six Redstone six copper six drenched iron and six air crystals we should now have everything we need to make the six Swift alloy

Ingots that we need and so down here let’s do it I think I think it needs to be an order but I’m not quite sure if the order is correct then it’s uh gold drenched copper Redstone and then the the crystal so 1 2 3 4 5 I think that’s

Correct it is we just need to have enough in here now the trouble it looks like we’ve got loads of air cuz each one of these is full but the reality is that these just hold so much air and this is where things can get tricky because we

Can start pulling all of the air out of here and putting it into here oh that one’s done maybe we do have enough you know what I’m hopeful we’ve got enough already if we do have enough already that’s going to make life a lot easier it’s if we don’t have enough already

We’re going to have to make quite a few more of those um glass bottles to get a lot more of these air crystals to do the same thing that we just did with the water shards cuz we can right click the air crystals to get water shards I

Should have checked the system actually we might have had some air crystals lying around but these are all now empty Let’s do let’s keep the line going we’ll extract here we’ll extract here we’ll extract here we’ll extract here I I that might be too much but hopefully it’s just enough all

Right and there’s our sixth ingot we did have to get a another set of air crystals so I had to make four more drenched uh iron ingots and make two more air crystals and use those two air crystals to get I believe 12 raw air

Shards that we then had to put into this evaporator in order to get the job done because we didn’t quite have enough stuff and real quick I’m going to set these to insert so we can now hopefully empty out this guy of all of his air

Essence uh but we have all of the Swift ingots now so the next thing to do I’m set all these inerts I don’t know how much uh space we’re going to need but the next thing we need to do I think is uh is with the Earth right because now

That we have the ingots we just need to get five 6 s eight White Rock and for that we need Earth Essence the Earth essence of course requires the Earth shards which require the Earth crystal the Earth crystal we can make with grass more drench Tings and dirt and the grass

We can make with just grass and dirt and the grass is actually super easy now that we have the generalized Overworld prediction but of course we can also do it uh in here as well should we so where should also we can just sh we can BM and

Shake grass which is probably what we’ll do actually that’s the uh probably the easiest by far way to do that so uh yeah let me move this back CU I did temporarily steal it from the uh the Earth section so I’ll put that over here

Again like so and then we want to grab our Stone let me quickly check is this an infuser recipe it is an infuser recipe so we need to do that uh kind of like on one of these and so I’m going to grab this uh although yeah we got seven

Drenched iron there that’s not quite have to make two batches I’m hoping that one batch of Earth is going to be enough but let’s go see if we can’t make this happen so up here if we did want to make some Earth crystals so I think we are

Going to need these do we have what it takes we do not do we have grass though from the last time we did this we totally do how much do we have quite a bit lovely all right let’s do one of these let’s do two of these the large

One’s quite useful though actually and then let’s go see if we can’t make this happen so we’ve got the stuff we we need we just need uh Stone actually right if we’re going to finish this off yes we need Stone which we currently do not have all right so once we got eight

Stone what I’m going to do is I’m going to put kind of as much Earth into here as we can so I’ll put in the big Crystal and then I’ll put in all the small crystals and then we’ll give it a quick Time in a Bottle temp to hopefully fill

This up as much as we can once it is pretty filled up we’re then going to uh go ahead and just kind of break this replace it with the element infuser like that and then we going to start putting our Stone on there and hopefully that’s going to uh use up some

Of the element in here to make the stone nice and I’m hopeful that we have enough we got seven more of these uh small crystals here I am not super confident given that we just ran out uh but I’m somewhat confident that we might have enough Earth crystals to make this

Happen and if we don’t we can just do the same thing again we can go and get some more drenched iron and kind of repeat the whole process to to get more surprisingly as soon as I put that down it started making more Earth again so it might actually kind of retain whatever

Was in it before but we can put more in here of course and uh continue to fill this up and yeah we’re going to keep doing that and hopefully we get eight White Rock all right so we did have to actually make one more set of raw Earth

Shards annoyingly it was so close but we did have to do this one more time thankfully we already had three drenched iron ingots and so making one more was not too big of a deal and now we got a bunch of extra Earth shards for the

Future should we need them but we also have the White Rock which means we now have everything that we need in order to make I think the gem crystallizer and the pure infuser for the pure infuser we’re just missing one element infuser which we should be able

To make let’s make another contained gem let’s use that to make an element infuser and then let’s use that to make the pure infuser okay so now that we have both of these that’s two more free B books you love to see it now the pure infuser is

Used for the pure crystal that’s okay and the gem crystallizer is used to to make these gems and we need to make one of each gem in order to progress specifically I think the next thing we should do is make one of each creative element container because once we do

That we no longer have to worry about making any more of like the essence inside also real quick let me just um get rid of this guy uh but we no longer have to worry is he climbing the ladder here come back down you coward we

No longer have to worry about um getting the actual like element right we no long have to worry about using the uh this guy here the element aerator to get the element we just have unlimited of the element that we can then send around using pipes which is

Ideal so to make these we need four of them uh so we need 32 generalized Ender prediction if we’re going to get all four of them up and running and then each one requires its own gem so we got a Fire Gem we’ve got an air gem a water

Gem and an earth gem okay so we need to make each one of those and to do that we need to use the gem crystallizer which we have right here and it looks like the gem crystallizer goes on top of an element container so I’m going toing

Break the element binder here and I’m going to place the gem crystallizer on top like so and then it’s a little tricky to pass but I think what we need to do here is place like a a diamond inside I might start with the water one because it’s potentially easier I think

We place a diamond inside then a water crystal on top I’m wondering if there’s two things we can place there and then throw a p a water Shard over it I I actually don’t know but we can try and figure this out so let’s connect you up let’s set you to extract let’s

Disconnect over here actually let’s go ahead and reconnect over here and set this to extract like so that’s going to start pumping water into here which is perfect we can then disconnect this because we don’t want to do that actually let me disconnect here because right now all that water was just

Getting pulled back out let’s set that to insert again and let’s extract here and here because I do want all that water back inside of the large jar not in the small jar so that’s going to do its thing over there let me go grab a couple of diamonds Also let’s um finish

That off once and for all diamond wise we have six but we do have four more diamond or in the system although we do only need four for this so you know I’ll put the rest away for now we’ll come back to those as when we need them and

Yeah let’s see if we can’t make this work we’re almost certainly going to need yet more water shards for this so let’s go and see if we can’t once again make another contained Crystal or two we do have one here that we can of course craft initially into another set and do

We have any more inert or we do okay I keep shift clicking uh it’s like the opposite of how it works with like refined storage and applied en of sticks normally use shift click to take a stack and click to take one uh with the rf2 storage scanner it’s flipped but either

Way now we can do this and then we can start taking these of course to make more of these and of course then we can use those to make more of these perfect okay and then we can take these of course and we do need one of these right

To actually make the crystal happen by the looks of it it goes on the top here so if I were to place one Diamond into the middle and then maybe one Crystal onto the top that looks correct now the only thing that confuses me it looks like it’s kind of doing something

There are particle effects happening the bit that confuses me is just this kind of like um Shard to the left hand side it doesn’t look like that’s the case for this top recipe and so I don’t know I’m going to go ahead and turn the rest of these into

Shards because I think we just need water for the most part for the rest of this craft Tech players but um I actually don’t know if we need to like put a Shard on here somewhere or oh yeah no maybe there we go look at that it’s spinning around it interesting that

Makes complete sense okay this is I think good to go then let’s dump all of these in here let’s give this a quick tap to make it a fair bit faster actually never mind it it’s totally totally just done let’s uh disconnect this oh that go a crude gem why did I

Get a crude gem oh it’s a 5% chance I see okay right that not ideal so I think in that case then we probably want to make oh do we want to make four pure crystals then uh back up here this Quest oh but we can’t do it oh this is horrible because

In order to make the pure crystals we need to get the pedestals can the pedestal the pedestal can’t use the crude gem I guess I can just do this again I wonder if it changes is it more likely hold on if I take this and I run it through the gem crystallizer

Again here oh okay there’s a 75% chance if you use a crude water gem okay so I put this back in here I need to get thankfully I don’t another Diamond I thought I would need another Diamond but let’s go get another set of of water crystals I really thought I

Wouldn’t need them which is why I crafted them all down but over here these are ready fantastic let’s craft another one of you and then let’s craft up another bench of these so now if we head on back down we can put one of these water crystals in on top of the crude

Crystal and then we can take again one of these out and place it kind of floating around the outside again and hopefully if there’s enough water element in there which there will be hopefully as we extract out here now that should have a 75% chance to complete maybe although it does still

Say 5% it looked like it was changing earlier all we can do I guess though is try let me uh speed this up a 10ad okay so I think I misre the the the numbers there cuz it transformed into the same thing again you’ll see here um

There’s still just a 5% chance a 75% chance it turns back into the same thing there’s a 25% chance it becomes fine and then there’s a 5% chance it becomes what you want it to become if we manage to get the fine one can we then put that

Back in again we can but then with the fine one there’s another 75% chance that it goes back to crude this is going to take forever because we have to unless we hit like the one in 20 oh my goodness okay so we just do this

Again we put this back in we put this on here and then we take another one of these out let me keep a few of these on me just in case cuz I feel like we’re going to need to do this forever and then we put this back on

Here and we just go again we just kind of wait again this is horrendous because the majority of the time like 75% of the time it’s just going to keep turning back into the same thing all right so after way too much trial and error it look looks like there

Might be a solution we got our first pristine gem which is good we need three more of them it looks like what we can do is we can put the gem on of the it might even work with the diamond I’m not quite sure but it looks like there’s a

Chance that you get the Gem with this one it looks like it’s 100% all the time maybe but I have a feeling that’s not the case if I go here the chance it says the chance there is 100% the chance there it says it’s 100% that’s for the um the wrong one though

Right that’s for the oh yeah here we go so this is 5% but it looks like if you add 10 of the shards around instead of just one that you’re maybe guaranteed it so we’re going to give this a try we have uh water in here that needs to be

Extracted now so let’s extract that out U I don’t know if we got enough space in this jar for it but if we don’t we can always uh move some of these other jars over so now we need to start moving in some other stuff we need to start moving

In yeah we need to move a jar over here we don’t have enough uh so now we’ll go over and we’ll do like air next right so I don’t have a pickaxe on me we need to get a bunch of air crystals because we need to

Have 10 air shards to put onto the uh and actually we do have some uh uh sorry Earth shards is what I’m going to do next uh we got 78 Earth shards how in the world do we get so many Earth shards I’m not going to complain about it I’m

Happy that we have so many so the Earth shards that’s actually fantastic right we’re going to take our diamond we are going to get a pickaxe so that we can break one of these uh pipes and one of these containers and we’re going to move it

Out of the way so we’re going to pick you up we’re going to pick you up and we’re going to move it over so let’s do uh this and this disconnect that we might need yet another jar because these things hold just a ton of essence I mean to be fair I guess

We could just leave these here and just set this to extract on this side actually now that I think about it we just do that that should start to fill up some of these jars over here and that’s going to be perfect um you two are both B so let’s disconnect that

That’s perfect and then over here we’re going to connect this up and set this to extract so hopefully that is going to start to fill up with um Earth which would be ideal I can’t help but notice that that’s kind of emptied out of Earth has the Earth moved like over here I

Don’t see it let me disconnect that for a second we’ll come back to that in a second let me break this and then let me break this so we need our element evaporator onto here this is where we’re going to put all of our Essence and then once this is empty

Which can I just break and replace this does that work if I break the element container does that like have no that seemingly does not like void it of its elements it’s still got a little bit of water in there annoyingly which is surprising um I

Wonder if these have got a little bit in them because they seem to oh they set to extracti before there we go let me quickly fix that like a a fool there we go and let’s uh disconnect that as well next now that looks empty let’s set you

To insert and let’s put like an air Shard set in here okay perfect that is working so what we want to do we want to put uh oh we do need an Earth crystal we need one of them at least and hopefully this might work just like 100%

Of the time so if we get one more of these which does require more drenched iron which of course we don’t have that is fine we have more iron we’ll take three more of those and we have some more water crystals and some more water shards so what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to put the water shards back in here of course we’re going to do one of these we’re going to set you to insert like that we’re going to set you to extract we’re going to put this guy back on here we’re

Going to reconfigure this to do its thing to make the drenched iron we need four drenched iron we’ve got zero that’s fine though we can put more water shards in like this and once once we have four of these we should then I think be good

To go I’m hoping this works if it doesn’t I might just pull my teeth out because this uh it it looked like it was going to be this horrible situation where we had to just keep doing this over and over again until we got the one

In 20 chance cuz it’s only 5% which means on average 20 attempts and uh if that was the case that was going to be horrendous but it looks like if you put 10 shards onto the gem crystallizer maybe it’s guaranteed to get you a water gem or maybe we got really really lucky

I’m hoping it’s the former and not the lanter so let’s head up here let’s throw all that together into another Earth crystal this time we’re going to put the Earth crystal above the diamond so the diamond goes in here the Earth crystal goes on top and then we’re

Going to put 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Earth shards around it and then we’re going to put the rest of the earth shards in here and we’re going to wait it we’re going to speed this up we’re going to speed this up to hopefully get us the

Gem now last time we did have not a diamond last time we had the um the other gem I’m hoping it works with the diamond if it doesn’t we do still have 59 more gems and I think we have more sorry shards not gems we have 59 more

Shards and we do have more I think upstairs as well and we can always make more but hopefully this kind of just works let me make that even faster let’s really start extracting as well just going for it hopefully hopefully hopefully we get another pristine G because if this works

It’s going to make getting the other two fairly straightforward and then we’re almost there at the end of the pain if this doesn’t work it’s going to be banned it totally works look at that fantastic you love to see it all right so now all we need to do is the same

Thing two more times we got to do it for the fin Fire Gem and the air okay so now we have the the Earth gem we do need to get the fire and the air again most of these though require crystals so we need to make fire crystals and air crystals

Uh chant has made a good point here though now we need drenched iron for all of those and what we can do now that we have this um pure water gem is we can just use it to craft up the creative container and with the creative container that is apparently all of

Those Quest complete nice um unfortunately it doesn’t let us craft with all of those I do wonder if we can just place it down here underneath the element infuser I’m going to be a little annoyed if we can’t pick this up we totally can okay I was a sometimes

Creative items don’t let you pick them up if I do this does that just make drenched iron it totally does we need to set this to EXT but uh even if we uh disconnect this now which is unnecessary I think now that this is just an unlimited source of of water and so

We’ve got dren IR in here I assume that we can just Time in a Bottle this to make it much much faster and that’s just going to start hopefully tearing through and yeah it looks like actually the the pipe is the the limiting factor there but um yeah we’re just making Dron cool

So no now we don’t to worry about that at all which is is fantastic we can just dump iron in and uh and get drenched iron out and then with that drenched iron we can then begin to make things like the fire shards here this requires

A bucket of lava and blaze powder so the bucket of lava we don’t have I do wonder if it has to be oh no a b of lav and for blaze powder the blaze powder we don’t have but of course as per before we can do

This and get some more blaze rods and we can pulverize those blaze rods to get uh more blaze powder of course and we can also Head On Through To Our blast chiller SL magma Crucible setup in the nether to get more lava and if we really wanted to of course there are giant

Pools of lava in the nether as well that we could tap into to uh to get that lava do we have any lava backing up here we don’t that would have been real nice can I take the lava out of here I totally can so never mind we do have many

Buckets of lava backing up thanks to the fact that our blast chiller is full fantastic so back in the Overworld we should be able to craft up some fire crystals these guys right here let’s go with oh we need blaze powder of course the blaze powder doesn’t have a

Drawer and so is just going to set in here that’s fine we might need more of it so I’ll leave them in there for now let’s do a few of these six we do already have 18 fire Shard so six might be enough actually uh and of course we

Do need a diamond as well so we’re going to take all of these we’re going to put the diamond in like this we’re going to place the fire Shard on top let we first get as many shards as we can uh this is going to go

On top here then we’re going to place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of those in there put you in here accelerate this and accelerate this to make make it nice and fast and again if this works unless we got an incredibly lucky which I don’t

Think is the case and we hit like a 5% chance twice in a row I think this might just work and then once this is done we can do the exact same thing with the air Crystal again now that drenched iron is basically free we just need glass and

Glass is is also easy enough for us to get as well so I think things are looking pretty good here and look at that it didn’t work it didn’t work we got a fine gem not a pristine gem interesting so that’s annoying I guess it’s not a 100% chance

It’s just a very very high chance that is unfortunate um it does mean we’re going to have to craft another fire crystal that’s fine we have more Blaze thankfully and we can make that a reality we got two more tries here that should be fine I say two more tries I

Don’t know we have enough uh fire shards now to make this happen again but we might do let’s do that’s already in there let’s put you on top let’s do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 like this and then we’ll put the rest in here I’m going to

Give up on this chance cuz I think we just need all the fire element that we can get hopefully this one does it for us and hopefully 14 fire shards is enough all right second time that did work thankfully uh good stuff let me take those out just so that we can hopefully

Uh again empti this this way I don’t think we’re going to be able to empty this this way without making another jar here potentially um unfortunately although I guess we do have one here that we could potentially use if we need it and it looks like we oh looks like we

Don’t actually this looks like it’s full okay perfect so now we’re back to air again so we’ll disconnect here we’ll reconnect here and we will disconnect here reconnect here and then of course set all these to extract let’s go start to fill that up with air fantastic all

Right we need to go get an air gem which again should be pretty straightforward it’s just glass and hopefully we’re pretty close here so air Crystal do we have what it takes we don’t we’re missing some drenched iron but downstairs we should have a bunch of

Drenched iron in here we do we got 59 lovely and 62 with the extra that we had in our inventory already fantastic all right so over in here let’s make a few of these 10 is fine okay I think 10 should be enough we’ll see again hoping praying

That we get it the first time but uh who’s to know real quick before I go down again I do want to check on my Ender Manta cuz we did need 32 of that we need 24 more and we currently have 37 that’s perfect we don’t need any more of

That good to know um I have been checking up on my Mana periodically it did fill up once and I did make another Terrace steel so we have one of those ready to go down here though we should be pretty much good to go let’s put you

In here let’s put the air Crystal on top let’s I’m going to keep one air Crystal just in case we have to do this again but I’m really hopeful we don’t have to let’s turn all the rest of them into shards and then let’s put of course 10

Shards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 which is the Mex by the way you can’t put more than 10 shards on there and then with that we can take our uh not small element container I guess we can steal one one of these element evaporators place it down over

On here and drop this guy in and if look is in our favor this will get us our fourth and final pristine gem in a cruel twist of fate we got a crude gem which is just horrible oh gosh okay fine let’s try this again you go in

Again you go on top we’re going to do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay hopefully this time we get pristine our look has faded we got another crude gem that’s horrendous I did have to make yet more air shards one

One I can’t put these on until I put the other the crystal on I made more gems and uh apparently that wasn’t enough so back up we go and again we’re going to make another oh we out of glass now e okay um really we’re fully out of glass

We are fully out of glass we’ve got a tiny bit of glass left if I take both Sands I think we have enough if I put this in here to get like one more set of crystals which hopefully should be enough this one’s taken by far the

Longest let’s do this we got two more so we got two more attempts I’m I’m confident some of the others took like one attempt let’s do this and then let’s let’s do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay and the rest can go back in here speed it

Up come on pristine gem all right it did take two more attempts but we have it finally the air pristine gem okay so I think that’s almost all of the uh Elemental craft stuff we have to do let’s craft up the creative Earth container the creative air container and

Of course the creative fire container okay so now we’re almost at everything we need for the weather Catalyst right we only need the fire right blocks so now we go back over here this is where we need the pure infuser so the thing is the horrible thing is we need more of

These crystals we need to get one one more we need to get one more of each Crystal because we need to make a fire pedestal a water pedestal an earth pedestal and an air ped pedestal and then once we have one of each pedestal then we can look at um at making the

Pure Crystal uh thankfully we don’t have to worry about the the elements because the elements we’re going to have right um we do to make a w crystal that’s fine yeah we need to make one of each Crystal put those on the four different pedestals make sure they have Essence I

Don’t know if we pump Essence into the pedestals or if we just kind of put them on top of um of their creative containers I imagine that might be more likely to be the case um and then we got the pure infusion okay all right requires a high amount of

Source to craft use the best pipes and have a large amount of sauce ready to go that’s fine and then we need nine of these that’s actually fine we need nine diamonds but we also need nine of each Crystal all right um so yeah now it’s back to square one

Now we need to get one of each Crystal again and then with that we can hopefully make the um the pedestals and again the same rigor ler we we now have another one of each of these pristine gems and so now we can start to look at hopefully producing

These pure crystals we need nine of them to make the nine fire right ingots so to make that happen we need the pedestals fire air earth water each one of these is made with the same recipe it’s just the crystal that changes so we need to

Get four Swift alloy ingots and we need to get eight white rocks the white rocks are the easiest of them all because we can just place down our creative Earth container we can steal our little element infuser here and we just need to put some Stone directly onto that and

Again given that we have infinite amounts of Earth Essence that’s all we need to do basically after that we uh we just need to get the Swift ingots right so we need what was it four of those to make one for each pedestal we do there seems fine again we’ve got an unlimited

Amount of air Essence now we do need to get four air crystals but the air crystals are pretty straightforward the air crystals here um are just glass and glass is pretty straightforward we have more glass down here uh we made the glass by spting sand and we made more

Sand by throwing Cobble into our maniple with the the Alchemy catalyst so getting more of those easy enough there’s our four air crystals so let’s put some stuff away we got so much stuff in our in our inventory here that we don’t need to be carrying around and uh let’s grab

Eight stone we got 14 that’s fine let’s do something like this dump the rest of those away and then down here uh while I’m up here let me grab the other stuff that we need as well we do need this we don’t need you don’t need the buckets I

Don’t think going forward uh what we do need is we need some gold specifically we need four gold 1 2 3 four we also need four copper 1 2 3 4 we need four Redstone 1 2 3 4 and what else do we need we need uh

Four drenched ingots 1 2 3 four p IC and I think that’s kind of it right yeah and then of course four air crystals which we have and the order here is gold drenched copper Redstone air Crystal okay perfect I think we are about good to go again we got creative a

Tank now so it’s nowhere near as tricky as it was earlier in the P instead we can just put these on here we can of course use our time in a bottle to make this hopefully a little bit faster and then we can just kind of take these off

Put these on and just keep doing that until we have eight of the piece of stone nice we can then place down our creative air guy and then we need to get the binder yes this guy right here the element binder that’s going to go directly on top like that and then we

Can get rid of all these we’re going to bring all these down and then we’re going to go 1 2 3 4 5 and of course Time in a Bottle to make it actually it’s not it’s kind of fast enough already 1 2 3 4

5 we can make it a lot faster of course for no good reason and then 1 2 3 4 5 and then just for testing I think it’s probably the case that um 1 2 3 4 5 would also work oh maybe not maybe it

Does have to go in the specific order so it needs to be 1 2 3 4 5 like that it does interesting okay but either way we now have the four Swift alloy ingots and so I think we should be good to make the pedestals these are made on top with the

Element binder but just need to swap out the uh the thing each time okay fine so we’ll do this one first because we already have air so to make the air pedestal we need an element infuser how do we make more element infusers uh we need more crystals okay I think we

Should probably just go make more element infusers we do have one hanging around down here but uh we might need it again in the future so uh actually we probably won’t need it again in the future now that I think about it because um oh no we definitely will need in the

Future potentially so let’s head back up let’s make some more element infusers we need four more so we can make all of these we should also eat because we are tremendously low on Hunger right now it looks like I’ve put all of my tost away in the system that’s fine uh again got

To remember I don’t shift click here I just click and I get the full stack fantastic a quick reload as well to get rid of that uh oh that broken do texture is just broken eh is that oh there we go it’s fixed um all right so I need I

Assume the recip is the same for all of these it is I need four of these which means I need four of these uh to get four of those I need inert crystals do I have any more inert ore I do not that should be fine though because we do have

A ton of Frozen Stone ready to go we can drop that Frozen Stone into this guy over here that should get us at least a couple more in ner ORS unless we get tremendously unlucky we got two which uh sorry three which is kind of unlucky there could be a few

More that manag to get collected down here nope that’s fine let me dump the rest of these down here and then let’s smelt these up so I’ll put you in we’ll give that a Time in a Bottle H we do still have almost 6 hours left in here

Which is perfect um that’s only going to get me three though and uh I do need oh no no we got one already perfect four nice and then let’s do one two three 4 okay good so I think we’re now good to go yes where is

My Earth gem it’s in the system I would like you on me please okay so down here on the air pedestal in the right order let me get out of the cold we’re going to start with the element infuser we’re going to follow it up with the

Crystal we’re going to follow that up with the Swift alloy Ingot and then we’re going to follow that up with two Stone we’re going to give it a time in the bottle speed up because this takes a lot of element but again we’ve got infinite so it shouldn’t matter gosh it

Does take a really long time boom boom there we go nice okay cool that was 16 times the speed that is fine if I get rid of that it does get rid of the top one unfortunately but we can do the same over here with the uh air uh sorry with the

Earth element so we’re going to do you you oh no sorry was that hold on let me check yeah now the crystal goes second okay so we do you then you then you then two of you then speed it up nice and quick not really much use for our time

The bottle outside of this and that should be everything for the next pedestal nice okay cool then we get rid of this yet again this time we replace it with fire this one right here fire goes down binder goes on top we go element infuser

We go fire Crystal we go Swift aloy and we go to White Rock give it a quick increase to maybe 32 times the normal speed and that should be good to go and then once that’s done chat we’re going to be finally we’re going to be there

There this one is done lovely pick it up and then let’s pick you up I’ll pick this up just cuz we need it to craft in a second although of course we are going to do all of our Elemental crafting before we get rid of that because otherwise that would be insanity and

Then over here we’re going to replace down yet again the element binder element infuser pristine Crystal Swift alloy two rocks 32x speed increase and that should be all the pedestals and with all the pedestals we can now look at finally making the uh the pure Crystal

So how in the world this works I do not know the uh the quest book does not give a tremendous amount of information so we have to put down the the infuser that I know this makes it a little easier so I guess it doesn’t really matter which way

You put these down it looks like it is fine no matter what it kind of just they all rotate so I’m just going to put them down like this now annoyingly it looks like we have to pump into them so this is like the water pedestal I think we

Have to use a pipe to pump in and the pipe that we have currently is is tremendously bad so my question then becomes how expensive at Elemental uh how expensive are the higher pipe so there is the impaired Elemental pipe and the elemental pipe and then there’s the

Improved Elemental pipe and the creative Elemental pipe we have the impaired pipe to upgrade it you just need drenched iron that’s actually fine and then to improve it you need Swift alloy I see okay so I’m intrigued I think we might be able to just get away with the drenched version

Let me take a few of these I think we do have some in the system I’m going to break quite a few of them and then uh oh this one is oh this one is a regular element pipe oh so we have two element pipes interesting if I

Put that here so this one’s already a fast one I set that to extract and then I maybe do like this that does start to fill up quite quickly okay I think we might use our time in a bottle to kind of um I don’t

Want to say cheese this but just to make our lives a little quicker so we need we need nine diamonds now this is where it gets um a little dice for us cuz our Diamond game is not particularly strong but over here we do have one diamond and

Four diamond ore four diamond ore should get us nine diamonds almost certainly um I would ideally prefer to have some Fint inside of our pulverizer here although it looks like we are fully out of Flint we can induction smelter gravel and we do have quite a bit of gravel actually so again

Just to try and maximize our chances of getting more than two diamonds per setup I will take some of the Flint here the Flint doesn’t get used up every single time there’s only a small chance that it does get used up so we’ll do this we will do

This oh I need to smell this first of course I’m a fool let me go and do this and this and we’ll pize all these hopefully that gets us at least nine diamonds although even if it doesn’t we do still need to get more ancient debris because we need more ancient debris in

Order to get the uh the netherite that we need cuz we need nine netherite to make the nine fire right as well and so we are going to have to use some of our Mana to go back through to the Nether and use the the Orchid IGN yet again so

We are going to get more diamonds kind of passively through that for now though we do have 12 diamonds perfect and again we only need nine of those now we do also need to get nine of each Crystal to move forward here do we have any

Crystals we do we got look at that we got 10 nine Water Crystals so uh we need at least one of each Crystal let to get started though right so thankfully we almost have that the only thing we’re missing is the fire Crystal and for the fire Crystal we are missing

Drenched ingots yes we’re missing drenched ingots um I will take some iron with me in case we don’t have any downstairs but I think it’s possible we might have some drenched ingots potentially still inside of here we do not unfortunately okay in that case then we’re going to have to replace down

Our water tank tank over here and this is where again it was a good idea that we didn’t get rid of too many of these because this is where this becomes useful again let’s do this and let’s do maybe this we could also make some pipe upgrades as well that would also

Potentially help make this bit faster uh but this is probably already fast enough and we are going to a lot more drenched iron of course that’s why I’ve left a full stack in there because we need to make nine of each Crystal for now I’m

Just making one of each to kind of show off how this works then we can go and craft the rest after the fact but uh boom all right I think that we are pretty much good to go here downstairs we want to put one of each Crystal onto

Their respective pedestals so here is the water pedestal so we’re going to put the water crystal on this one is the air pedestal air Crystal Fire gets fire earth gets Earth and then I don’t know if these need to be full or if they need

To be like more than full but for now I’m going to assume they need to be full and then we can always add more if we need to and basically I’m just going to let that do its thing uh over here we’re going to take this away cuz this one’s

Already full we’ll put you here and we’ll put put down the Earth tank here that that to extract uh this one is almost full I have a feeling it’s going to need more than more than a full tanks worth but I actually don’t know that cuz

This this is already full which makes me think there’s actually not that much in there but who knows we might need higher tier pipes quite possibly we’ll set that to extract we’ll give this a bump as well I think all of these are full this

Is it’s way to being full if I put the diamond in the middle it starts doing its thing and yeah these start to empty out real fast um okay I’m hoping that this retains its progress because I guess what we’re going to do now is we’re going to I

Imagine it does but what we’re going to do is we’re going to take this we’re going to place this down over here uh to pump into here and we’re going to go get some more upgraded pipes for that we do need these drenched ingots again thankfully we’ve

Got a lot of them and so upstairs can we produce some of these higher tier pipes if I have checked this earlier I might have made more of these um Swift ingots cuz they were not too difficult to make but I think we should be able to fairly

Easily do this and get more element pipes and then from there I think we can just time in a bottle of these and they should be good to go so let’s do you extract you are already set to extract you need to extract and you already set

To extract so if we do like 2 46 uh 16 16 16 16 I can’t help but notice this isn’t doing anything let me check the recipe on that again real quick that looks to be the recipe and these are empty maybe they just need a staggering

Amount of essence all right so that did work it just took a while uh whilst I was waiting for that to finish cuz we need to do this nine times I did go ahead and uh and grab the required items to make some more to make two more Swift

Alloy ingots so we can upgrade these four pipes to the the highest tier pipes so which one of these is air it is this one here so if we do this we should be able to as per usual do gold drenched copper Redstone gold drenched copper

Redstone there we go we’re going to do one two three four five that’s going to get us our first Swift Ingot boom and again one two three four five perfect and then we’re going to pick up the element pipes we’re going to make those into improved pipes just to hopefully

Move things over a little bit faster because I did the 16x acceleration and then the 16x acceleration kind of came and went like it finished and it still took a long time after that for this to finish so I I think we do want to go with the high pipes and potentially even

Speed those up as well because we need a lot of these so uh let’s do something like uh this is what I want to do upgrade these to improved element pipes and then now basically what we’re going to do we’re going to place these down here uh extract here extract here

Extract and here extract we’re then going to take our 12 diamonds I’m going to go ahead and craft up eight more of the air crystals the Earth crystals and the fire crystals I don’t think any of those should really be particularly difficult for us to do the air crystals

Which we’ve just uh made some more of to make the uh Swift alloy here the air crystals are just glass we do need more bottles that’s fine let’s do this and this that gets us to eight perfect fire is maybe the trickiest one Earth is not too bad Earth crystals just require

The glass uh By Glass I mean grass uh oh and dirt he uh I probably should not have used the last of our dirt simply due to the fact that um the last of the dirt could have been used with gravel to make more dirt however there is some

Dirt over there um I was going to say though however we can just go and steal some dirt from the ground there is quite a bit of it lying around to do that I should probably grab my uh my shovel good stuff and and then that

Should be fairly easy and then in terms of making the the lava Crystal it’s uh it’s just a case of going getting some more how much dirt do we have down here oh this is gravel um in terms of making hello my friend hello my friends plal in

Terms of making the lava crystals it’s just in case of going grabbing the lava buckets from the blast chiller and then we just need to run all of that stuff through the pure infuser and then we should be finally good to go back over here two uh that’s four actually not two

Do I have two more grassor I do fantastic and boom eight okay good we’re almost there now we just need to get some more fire crystals I don’t think we have any buckets of lava left over we do not and we are going to need to get get

Four of them basically if we want to make this work I do believe we should have way over four buckets of lava available in the blast chiller and with those we should be able to do one two three oh have drenched iron of all things again uh let me go take some more

Iron down we are running a little bit low on iron which is um is concerning getting more shouldn’t be tremendously difficult but um we’ll find out if uh if we have enough here I don’t think we need much iron for the final part of the

The pack here we are going to have to move this guy back again like we could do it manually but it’s easier to do it on the alterated setup over here if we just put this down like that and just leave these going again with a bit of

Help from the time in the bottle and I guess while we wait though we can get the next craft going so we can throw down uh one diamond in the middle boom and then of course one water one I still get the craft going like it’s not going

To go particularly well because there’s not enough um water Essence the water Essence is all over here this does need to be set to extract of course to extract it nice and quickly but we’re basically I think almost done with the uh with the elemental craft stuff almost done 19

Drenched ingots should be enough to come back finally up to the surface up here hello my zombie friend we should be able to craft the remaining of those and once we have eight now we just need to go move uh my pickaxe into my hot bar my

Pickaxe I mean my sword into my hot bar uh move the Water Source from here over to here make sure it’s set to extract and that should be good to go these are empty which means it is oh you’re not empty which is interesting have I done this right air fire earth

Water oh now that’s filling it with water there we go okay that’s now working and hopefully that is pulling out quite fast but it looks like the pipe’s doing okay actually if I give this a tap that’s starts to empty those out real fast okay so then I do

This does that make it any quicker I wonder if that’s oh it’s still pulling all of these out interesting so yeah it looks like it keeps going like the particle effect sto but I do think it continues to pull but that was substantially faster nice okay now let’s

Just do it seven more times all right boom we have nine pure crystals good and I think I think that’s almost the last that we have to do of Elemental craft we do need to make nine fire right ingots and of course to do that we need nine

Swift alloy ingots nine spring Aline ingots which we made ear we can make more with those that’s fine we have the nine pure crystals now we just need nine netherite so Bank up here we do have some netherite but just not enough I think let me put these away for

Safekeeping so if I typ in Frozen We have got 11 Frozen ancient debris and netherite wise we have got nothing we’ve got just netherite armor which is is kind of useless here um I don’t even think we can like melt this down we cannot okay that’s fine so we can take

The Frozen ancient debris we can smelt it into regular ancient debris as we saw earlier that gets us two and it takes four to make netherite Ingot if we need nine netherite ingots that means we need 36 netherite scrap which means we need 18 ancient debr which means we’re

Actually pretty close here there’s not too much more we need all we need to do is get some more Mana uh whilst we were making those pure crystals I did make two more terce steel so I kind of used up this entire Mana pool here uh but we

Do now have three Terra steel which is good because in order to make these we need this guy and this guy requires uh three Terra steel it also requires three Shimmer Rock we’ll come back to this in in a second there’s no to do that just

Yet um but let me go over here basically we’re going to take our Mana tablet we’re going to head back through to the nether we’re going to fill it up over here these are doing pretty well you’ll see that we are at basically five full

Mana pools worth of mana and so what I’m going to do here just to make it um more efficient I think is I’m going to take like a little bit of Mana out of each Mana pool so that each one of these can get back to uh to working cuz even

Though we’ve only taken a little bit it does take a little while to fill that little bit back up and just to try and maximize our Mana production here we’ll take a little bit out of each one we’ll head through to the nether we’ll try and get some more ancient debris it might

Take a couple of Mana tablets worth of Mana to get the the remaining seven Frozen ancient debris that we need but hopefully it should be doable with what we have and then hopefully we got enough Mana left to actually make everything else that we need including those four

Gaia Spirit ingots all right so we have all of the debris it actually didn’t take too much more Mana to get us there because there was quite a bit of man of St up in the nether thanks to the fact that we did chunk Lo and re-engage the

Energized Arrow setup from before so there was a decent amount of Mana in that pool that built up over the massive amount of time that it took us to do all of the elemental craft stuff but now in here we have the 36 netherite and so if

We put that back in with some gold I don’t think we’re going to have enough gold however as we saw earlier we can craft gold from Iron which I am going to do and we’ll drop all of that into here to to hopefully get us all of the

Required netherite that’s going to get us the nine netherite required and I guess while we wait for this let me go and craft up the required Swift alloy ingots and the required uh other item as well we need nine Swift alloy and nine Springer line shards both of these

Should be a lot easier now than they were earlier thanks to the fact that we have unlimited Ence all right so nine Springer line shards and nine Swift Alloys later and also upstairs I think nine netherite ingots later I think we’re good to go here up here we have

Got four netherite ingots that’s because I guess I didn’t put enough gold in there uh that is fine we can make yet more gold we are rning a little low on IR but I think we should be fine let me do this and let me do this that’s going

To get us all of the remaining netherite fantastic and so now to make the um the fiery ingots we just need netherite Swift spring Crystal netherite Swift spring and I think I put the crystals away let me go grab those real quick fantastic and that should be everything to make the

Nine fire ingots uh these need to be made on top of the fire container like so uh and we just go one two three four and I think that’s it if I’m not mistaken uh it is just that simple I’m going to give this a

T there we go fantastic I have no idea it probably took quite a while without the time in the bottle so I’m just uh trying to make this a lot faster CU we need to do it nine times and uh I don’t want to wait around for all that to

Happen and we do have quite a bit of time inside of our bottle so there is number six this is number seven and hopefully before the 128 runs out uh that’s not in the right order which I think is wrong so we need to do 1 2 3 4

That’s number eight and 1 2 3 4 uh it didn’t last long enough so we’re going to get an idea here of how long it’s going to take but this should be number nine which we can then craft into a block so down here the quest is complete

I’m going to claim all of my 10 vbucks thank you Ben for that we got 3 20 minutes left so I’m just going to speed this up again 16x is probably fast enough it does take an awfully long time though there we go fantastic okay so now back upstairs we can craft nine

Fire right Ingot into one fire right block we’ll do that in the old crafting table down here boom and that’s this Quest here complete so now we do have what it takes to make the weather changer and I think we can just make it because I don’t

Think there’s any more Elemental C left to do I’m not going to do it just yet I’m going to hold off on doing it because I don’t want to be surprised by like another thing that requires Elemental craft then we got to come back

And uh it’s a pain if we don’t have the creative element containers so now we can focus solely let me unbookmark a lot of this stuff we don’t need these four anymore we don’t need these two anymore we don’t need you don’t need you don’t

Need you don’t need you we can now focus on these right we need to get the weather catalyst so uh diamond or wise we got four more diamond or from when we were trying to get more netherite let’s get that smelting because we are going to need more diamonds we need uh eight

In order to make the the four time of bottles the ey shards easy enough now the real challenge is making four Gia steel ingots so the easiest part about this is making the dragon Stone and the pixie dust and the pixie dust is is by

Far in way the uh the easiest bit so we need to make obviously four of these ingots which means we need uh four of each things here so four pixie dust is just four Mana pears through the portal perfect straightforward then we need the four diamonds so here we have diamonds

Ready to go let me throw those into the pulverizer that pulverizer does still have Flint I am going to fill it up with even more Flint because we did leave our gravel in the pulverizer so we do have a ton more Flint ready to go and we’ll

Give that a loving tap to make it a bit faster that should almost certainly get us four at least four diamonds and we’ll do the same thing here we’ll make four Mana diamonds one two three four and we’ll throw those through the portal nice I guess this four dragon Stone now

In terms of the four Gia ingots this is where it gets a bit awkward cuz here we need to make four of these I did temporarily put a chest down over here let me grab this how are we doing on Mana in the middle here we’re actually

Pretty close I am going to go ahead and fill this up once again to the halfway mark so that we can make one more Terrace steel because that one more Terrace steel will give us what we need to make all four of the Gaia ingots not to be confused with the Gaia steel

Ingots these Gaia Spirit ingots here are what we’re going to use to upgrade to guia steel and so I do need one more teror steel to make that happen and then of course we need three more teror Steel on top of that in order to make the

Terra steel uh Catalyst right here that we need to turn G Gaia Spirits into Gaia shards over here uh this is full fantastic and so that should be everything we need to make one more teror steel but real quick I’m just going to go ahead and uh use all the

Mana that we’ve got and I’m out of P here to make for more teror steel and there we go that’s four teror steel ingots so we can make one more Gia Steel Ingot that’s correct make any more than that Isaac and then we want to make the terror Catalyst this one right here

For that the only thing we’re missing is the regular Catalyst which we got upstairs in fact we probably could make another one of these though but there’s no need to and then we’re also missing um four of this Shimmer Rock so the Shimmer rock is living Rock mixed with

Bifrost block and bifrost block is Alf glass plus the rod of the bifrost and the rod of the bifrost is two pixie dust two Elementium and one Dragon Stone okay so um we actually have everything there apart from the elementum and so for that we need to get some iron ingots and if

We want two elementum that means we need four iron also just notice it looks like our system is like mistaken about how much iron we have um we need to do 1 2 3 4 and then we need to throw those through here 1 2 3 4 Fantastic there

Should be everything that we need for the rod of the bifrost we are going to have to remake some of that Dragon Stone and pixie dust we can do that in a second that R of the B then allows us to make the um B Force block but for that

We need Al Al glass is Mana glass through the portal Mana glass as you may have guessed is just glass thrown in a Mana pool so you do this then you do this and then you do this get the elf glass and then the elf glass can be

Crafted with the living Rock to make the Shimmer Rock 1 two three I made three I don’t know why I made three I need four let’s do one two and three nice so then we can put that in here do one of these that is the for

Shimmer Rock and so now we’re just missing the Catalyst the catalyst is upstairs it’s hiding out from way back at the beginning of the series over here this is where our base used to be before we did some base redesigning we also have a Wandering Trader that’s arrived

At some point but either way make down here we should be able to now craft up the Terra Catalyst fantastic and using the Terra Catalyst we can now make the Gaia shards so I don’t actually know if we have anything underneath this Mana pool I don’t think that we do I should

Probably do this one here because this one doesn’t have anything on it oh of course we have the Orchid under here that’s fine let me temporarily get rid of this and getting out of here could be tricky now that I’ve fallen down never mind but uh what we should be

Able to do is drop the terror Catalyst underneath the Mana pool like so uh this should have still a decent amount of Mana in it or at least a little bit it does and so now if we want to make Gia shards it should just be a case of

Dropping a Gaia Spirit into here nice that gets us eight Gaia shards fantastic so to make the Gaia aeration plate we need the terrestrial glomeration plate we also don’t have much space in the system we can start dumping some stuff we need uh three blocks of Elven lapis

So Elven lapis is Mana lapis Mana lapis is just lampis Okay cool so we need three blocks of lampis it looks like it uses a lot of Mana to make those blocks of lampis uh the image there can be somewhat confusing sometimes uh cuz I

Think we do have enough Mana here to do that and then if we want to upgrade that to the Mana oh we just thow it through the alha portal of course okay so 1 2 3 1 2 3 lovely okay I think we might need more of that looking at the Lexica

Ban right here at the uh the next here looks like we need four more of that lapis block to kind of do the same thing that we’ve done with the terrestrial glomeration plate here so real quick let me get 1 2 3 four more blocks of lpis I

Don’t know if we’re going to have enough Mana for this yeah we’re not that’s fine we can go and get the um we can go and get some more from our Mana template just a second we’ll drop that in the system we then need a rune of energy and

A rune of teleportation so the Rune of energy requires a air and fire Rune do we have an air and fire Rune of course we don’t it’s the only two runes that we don’t have and then in terms of Rune of teleportation that requires a rune of

Mana this looks fairly doable okay I’m going to go and do some Rune crafting real quick this all looks really straightforward it’s all stuff we’ve done before and once we have those runes we can then just pick up the terrestrial glomeration plate and we should be good

To go I’ll also go and grab a some more Mana from our other Mana poles and we’ll move that over to get the remaining Mana lapis and then we’ll also make of course the remaining uh Pink lapis I keep forgetting the name of it it’s the Elven

Lapis with the the Elven portal as well all right so a little bit of Rune crafting later I have the Rune of teleportation easy enough I made the Rune of mana and then upgraded it with the Mana diamonds and the ender pearl and I made the Rune of energy we’ve made

This before earlier in the packet was used for our energized eras these guys right here and so now the only thing we’re missing is the terrestrial AG glomeration player which we could of course go and steal from over here we also of course have the uh extra Elven

Lapis required as well there should be even more Elven lapis in the system there is indeed boom there is our Gaia glomeration plate it doesn’t need regular living Rock though it does need Gaia living Rock which is also known as uh Elven living Rock actually not guia

Living Rock I think it’s this stuff right here dream Rock which is just living rock thrown through the portal so 1 2 three four uh actually I need uh five of those cuz there is one for the middle as well let’s take this and let’s do this perfect so I’m probably going to

Take both of the uh Sparks that we have now it probably makes more sense to do this over in here because this is where all of our mana’s at right especially not in these first two pools these ones have been emptied but over at the back here this one’s pretty full this one’s

Very full and this one is also pretty full so what I’m thinking is that if we go ahead and put our Center Rock here like this we can then put down our four do I still have my shovel on me I do not we can put down our four Elven lapis

Around like this and then our final four dream rock around like this sorry count and I think that’s ready to go in terms of actually making like the Gaia steel ingots so to give it a try we need one guia steel we need one pixie dust and we

Need one Dragon Stone I think we might have one or two dragon Stones left but we are going to have to make more same with the pixie dust the pixie dust again is the the easier of the two because we can make really as many Enderman pearls

As we like using the uh the simulation chamber uh dragon Stone yeah we got three in there that’s actually pretty good uh we do need one more uh and we are completely out of oh we’re not out of diamonds okay perfect this is actually maybe tremendously fine uh

Ender pearl wise we got two left which is also surprisingly the exact amount that we need we can do one of these two of these and throw all of that through the portal here I’ve not filled up the portal since the beginning so you can kind of get an idea

Here that we you don’t really need that much Mana for the portal to work and basically all I’m going to do now I might make one more spark here just to make sure we can kind of connect uh everything up I think the problem here

Is like The Petal choice if we do this and click perfect got four Sparks so what we should be able to do now is put down one spark on here and then a spark here here and here and that should give this play access to all of these pools

And so basically what we’re going to do now is we’re going to do 1 2 3 and if things have done been done correctly which I believe they have that should now begin to take Mana out of all of these pools to produce our Gaia Steel

Ingot and it’s not done it I thought it had done it for a second don’t pick it up until it’s done because otherwise you’re going to waste some Mana I probably could have done with connecting this to one pool at once at first because I don’t actually know how much

If it takes a four Mana pool it takes like half Mana pole but that’s done we need to do that four times my primary concern now is that we’ve come this far we might not have enough Mana to get this done but I think we might you know

It looks like it uses a lot we might be just a little bit shy of what we need we might be a lot shy actually we might be able to do three or maybe just two cuz this is now depleted that’s that one done I don’t think we have enough left

In these I think it does need a full Mana pool so I think we need two more full Mana pools worth of Mana to to uh to finish this up here but that’s it once that’s it that’s it’s it it’s almost it it’s not quite it um let me uh

Drop this back in here and then let’s do this because we still need to the time in the bottles which means we still need more diamonds which we don’t have so we’re have to go and get those from the nether but let me consolidate our remaining Mana pool here you can do this

By the way you can Time in a Bottle the uh the pool itself to kind of speed that along and uh you can do the same when you’re picking it up as well you can uh drop this in and then do you know one of

These to to pull it out nice and fast and then the same is true on this side of course we can do this to pull that out faster and then I think that’s going to be enough for three yeah definitely so we can get the the third guia steel here one two three

We’re got have enough Mana from this PO but I don’t think we’re going to have the full Mana po required to do the last guy steel iner and that’s it that’s the only thing hang standing in the way of us finishing this pack we have everything that we need to make the

Weather changer and we have every think we need to make this outside of a little bit of um of diamond actually so we are going to need to go get some Diamond but I think we can make that happen I’m also pretty sure you can time the bottle this

Plate as well to um make this transfer happen faster but I do not want to uh to mess with that we do have 3 and 1 half hours left in our time in the bottle so we can potentially at this point start time and bottling the um glazy Flora to

Try and speed things up just a little bit and yeah we need to just try and get one full Mana PS worth of Mana uh I will also go check two things I’ll speed these all up a bit and and I’ll um even speed this guy up even though I don’t

Have the Mana spreader really speeds up that well but um let me go and check if there is Mana that I can steal from the main pool and then I can also check the uh the Mana there’s a little bit here not a ton but then we can also check the

Mana in the nether as well because there’s probably a little bit of Mana hanging out inside of that nether Mana pole thanks to those energized AR flowers that have been running for quite some time there is there’s a non insignificant amount of Mana in this

Pool it’s not a t but it’s actually a little bit that gets us a little bit closer to being able to get this fourth and final Gaia steel I completely forgot that this Mana pool over here existed this one right here is the manipol that feeds our furnace powering

Plant and that chat is going to be enough Mana to get us the last guia Steel Ingot and on top of that it’s going to be enough Mana for us to continue L also so we can do this of course it’s going to be enough Mana for

Us to hopefully get the remaining three or four diamond or that we need we need eight more diamonds uh if we get three at a time we only need three diamond or but if we only get two at a time if we get a little unlucky then we would need

Four but back over here this is all we need for the final bits of Gia steel let’s do this and let that fill up as that fills up we can get these three items ready that is completely full fantastic let’s go one two 3 I’m going

To risk it give it a test here if I do that I think it’s going to pull just fast from the pool oh maybe not though actually it looks like it’s um it’s not pulling that much faster I don’t know if we need to like speed up the Sparks or

What but uh it’s getting there that’s going to make it stuff while that makes it stuff I can go and quickly look at filling this Mana tablet up again because we’re going to have to go through to the nether to to try and get three or four more diamond or that we

Have to smelter and then craft into the time in a bottle and once we have those four time a bottles we can start the final bits of of crafting required and we’re going to be good to go we’re so close we are so close let me take this I think

One four Mana pool based on what we’ve done today has a pretty decent chance of getting us three or four uh diamond or three obviously more likely than four but I think it’s possible that just with that half uh Mana pool one full Mana tablet I I think we should be able to

Get eight diamonds let’s go give it a try though we’re going to head back hopefully for the final time today through to the nether via this little underground portal right here drop it in switch it out give that a quick accelerate there to fill that up and

Then let’s see can we get three or four diamond or how lucky we got so much anent debr which is not what we need we did get three diamond ore which again if we get luck it could be all that we need if we get 3 three and two that’s going

To get us eight if we get uh 322 that’s not going to get us it I’m hopeful I’m very hopeful that we get 3 three two we do have the Flint in the pulverizer and so there should be over a 50% chance to boost it let’s do this the first one

Here is three that’s what you want to see the second one’s three and the third one’s three let’s go the game is in our favor on this one let’s take those nine diamonds let’s craft up I guess we don’t even need three because we could have probably actually used one of our

Pre-existing like hour one pre-existing time in the bottle to uh make it happen now that I think about it but anyway let’s make four more clocks 1 2 3 four might as well let’s make a little bit more gold cuz I think we are a little light on it

Here and then let’s do do these these don’t stack right uh they don’t stack and our inventory is a little messed up here but let’s do one two three four perfect all right champ I think that we’re ready to go the weather station requires the four elements of the of the

Earth of the atmosphere we have those four elements downstairs let me pick up the creative Elemental tanks for water for Earth for fire and for air can I put this down on the ground I cannot put this down on the ground can I put this down on like one of these tanks I

Cannot put this down one of these tanks doesn’t matter we don’t need it leave it on the ground back up here we should have everything to make the weather station we do sorry the weather changer and then the weather list boom we have what it takes

Chant that is the sound we want to hear and it says use this on the weather changer to rid the world of the snow that falls chant the cold Frost of the world is here and after many many many many hours we’re going to rise to the roof we’re

Going to head out onto the ice we’re going to place down the weather changer and we’re going to right click so hopefully look at that we have done it we have rid the world of its Frost we have apparently added some very awkwardly shaped clouds the skeletons

Are burning summer is rising the sun is here chat we’ve done it and that is frozen opis the mod pank made by Ben benw and cryptic thank you to to both those people for making the mod pack it was an enjoyable experience I I really

Like the theming as well I do like that I have no idea how they did that at the end there and it does appear that we are still freezing which is um unfortunate um I was really hoping that uh once we had uh you know cleared out the uh the

Snowfall that we would no longer freeze to death out in the uh in the wild but I guess we’ll Retreat back down to the the warm coziness of our uh of our humbler bird here thank you for watching if you enjoyed the series if you haven’t done

So already you can go ahead and hit subscribe on YouTube to get notified as soon as the new series goes out uh you can also leave a like down as well if you did like the series it helps YouTube know that you enjoyed it and it helps

Push it to more people also leave a comment as well that helps with the engagement tremendously thank you so much for watching all the way to the end through this monstrously long final episode thank you to everybody on Twitch who watched live as well and helped me

Get through this as well because there was quite a bit of information I did not know on the way through here but thank you for that as well and yeah thank you for watching I’ll be back very shortly with a brand new modded Minecraft experience for now though thank you for

Watching and I will see you guys next time Oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Frozenopolis | ENDING THE ETERNAL WINTER! #11 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-11-18 22:00:04. It has garnered 17374 views and 475 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:34 or 10174 seconds.

Minecraft Frozenopolis | ENDING THE ETERNAL WINTER! #11 [Modded Questing Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft UniversIO | BUILDING A UNIVERSE IN MINECRAFT! #1: https://youtu.be/OowYCSnrCJ4

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

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Frozenopolis Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/frozenopolis

FROZENOPOLIS Is an Ice-Themed Minecraft Mod Pack That Transforms the World Into a Winter Wonderland Filled With Icy Biomes, Frozen Lakes, and Challenging Creatures. Players Will Brave the Frozen Wilderness, Discover New Tools, Weapons, and Armor, and Explore Ancient Ice Temples for Hidden Treasures. The Mod Pack Also Features Stunning Visual Enhancements, Adding an Immersive Layer to the Minecraft Experience. Whether You’re a Seasoned Player or a Newcomer, “FROZENOPOLIS” Offers an Epic Adventure in a Frosty Realm Like Never Before. Can You Survive The Freezing landscape And Conquer the Icy Wilderness? The Adventure Awaits!

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Frozenopolis #Modded

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  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

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  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More

  • Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft! Exploring a Simple yet Efficient Gold Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. One such example is the creation of a simple yet highly effective gold farm. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating project. Gathering Materials The first step in building a gold farm is gathering the necessary materials. From basic resources like wood and stone to more specialized items like redstone and obsidian, every component plays a crucial role in the farm’s functionality. Construction Begins Once all the materials are in place, it’s time… Read More