Enter the Cartoon Maze in Minecraft: Insane AdventuregetViewed as clickbait

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in this video we will have new hideand-seek in mazes in Minecraft hi guys I am with you zambak today we will look at new mazes look what interesting characters we have here they are all hidden in these mazes we have to find them all and see them save the good characters and destroy all the evil ones let’s see here we have silver sonic who’s evil and then we’ve got Vlad A4 if you like him give him a like right now next we’ve got fluffy pants Grimace Shake good talking Angela what sweet eyes we’ve got minion infected uh how scary he looks and a white cloud of cuties well let’s get started let’s see all the mazes today so watch till the end it’ll be interesting don’t forget to subscribe let’s go guys to Silver’s red maze hey why are you Clapping Your Hands blue put me down where’s Silver Sonic come clean wow that’s not silver that’s someone else that’s some kind of spider Sonic n g I think the silver Sonics are over there but with a door we’re going to get to them see what they’re up to oh it’s Sonic’s girl what are they doing to her they put her look on the table are they hungry whoo whoa whoo what are you doing get out of here you get out of here get out of here Silver Sonic I’m going to beat you all okay I’m going to get my rainbow bow what I’m going to throw it at both of you here take this get away from Sonic girl what do you want to do to her get out of here okay we got to do something about them guys we we got to get them out of here out of this maze let’s beat them completely all right let’s do it all right we’ve got one down we’ve got this one listen they’re pretty strong I don’t even know how how do we beat them I can only get one of them out stop jumping I can’t hit you come on get it zookeeper he’s dodging you look at him he’s dodging you look at him he’s not letting me beat him good we’ve done it oh she’s like that she’s like that but she’s fine she’s going to be fine don’t worry okay wow what is that I could shoot them with this thing wow it’s a rocket it’s like a fireball ho ho I’ll keep it okay you this one wait here this one will be here soon doctors they’ll fix you up I’m going to keep going guys into the portal let’s go back the next maze is coming up a and vlad’s A4 I think we’ve all been waiting for him so let’s go Sunshine is it me or are your hands smoking what did you do let me through to Vlad what I’ll go through anyway I’ll save Vlad what’s going on in there it’s on fire there he is Vlad A4 guys we got to get to him fast okay knock down the toilet you bigheaded bastard get out of here oh they’re setting the place on fire look they’re setting traps they’re trying to Sun him I don’t know fry him I guess oh dark energy come here that’s it I can control a dark ball like this we’re going to hit somebody with it take that you too I also have a rocket like this that’s it look how it flies now we’re going to defeat all these sunshines I don’t know how much they’ll be afraid of such a fire rocket they’re made of fire after all we should probably put out all this fire and save Vlad let’s try to do that jump jump jump okay we got Vlad okay let’s put him here Vlad great yeah great help me save me these suns are so scary yeah I get it they’re terrible all right I’m going to try to handle them come on Sunshine take that and you too Sunshine what do you think huh I can’t handle you can I there you go all right Vlad I’m going to move on you better get out through that portal and I got to get to that one somehow all right well let’s try to do that now this thing oops now I’m in the center that’s scary all right go ahead thing jump away and I’ll put out a little bit and jump into the pole portal bye Vlad let’s go okay guys the orange maze is behind us the yellow maze is next and here comes fluffy pants ooh he’s got teeth tin and four eyes that look in different directions let’s take a look at him who the hell is that uh look look at me uh no okay don’t look look away it’s Kelly Willie H get away away from me ha haa I didn’t come to see you I came to see fluffy pants okay okay oh there’s a lot of monsters here there he is jumping up and down well we’ll get to him and we’ll get to him what does he think I can’t beat him or something what was that he’s throwing Dynamite at me are you throwing tin types he’s really throwing Dynamite he’s spitting Dynamite look did you see that yeah that’s a good one all right minions he trapped the good ions that’s not fair take that so you think you’re the only one who can spit those things out I can launch a rocket that’s it Fireball at you take that fluffy pants now we’re going to beat him I’m going to throw these things at you you got it huh there you go pretty strong stuff have you seen it but it’s got too much life we don’t know how we’re going to beat it it’s too strong let’s try a machine gun that’s it well we’ve got to beat him somehow and save the minions they’re good people they don’t deserve this all right the monster is defeated how do we get them out of here okay guys let me try to break this it won’t break well I’ll open a doorway right here you can all get out how much money are you minions you’re so rich yeah we’ve got plenty of money thanks for your help he’s gone yeah fluffy pants probably just wanted to steal money from those minions good thing we saved them all right guys there’s a passage right here run for it I’ll go on let’s go back we’ve still got half the maze to go and the best part’s just waiting for us let’s get Grimace neck into the green maze fluffy pants what are you doing back uh I wasn’t coming to see you I was coming to see Grimace shake what are you doing here okay but we beat him easily this time he came back to get back at me pig what ah Grimace Shay ah threw a pig at me what are you guys seeing this uh why give me the pig give me the pig stop throwing pigs around they’re good pigs don’t throw them he hit me okay sponge why do I need a sponge oh it’s blocks I can cover myself with blocks look whoops that’s it you can’t hit me B baa Grimace Shake come here he almost hit me with his piggy back all right I got to get my sword and go kick his ass here take this what the hell is that it looks nice all right the pigs are gone grimma shake is defeated let’s go back all right folks next up is the yellow no not yellow yellow on the other side here we have the blue Maze and that’s good talking Angela let’s go to her ah why are you attacking me now red get off me it’s supposed to be a blue rainbow friend but he’s turning red I don’t know I guess he ate too many tomatoes okay oh keep Bey girls wow I can handle you all I’m not afraid of you at all we’ll beat you all come on saw get out of here what are Angela and gizz doing there good Angela they’ve got her trapped in there again let’s hurry up and rescue her get away from me Huggy spider here take this come on there you go you don’t have a couple of punches they’re all over the place they’re burning down Angela’s driveway and they don’t want me to save her I’m going to save her anyway Angela’s a good person so there’s water in the trunk water water will help us so go on get out of here and we’ll try to save good Angela let’s flood the place all right that’s it no fire that’s good Angela hi hey you’re finally here zombie I’ve been waiting for you for so long I was worried you wouldn’t come what do you mean I’m not coming I’m always willing to come and help you okay that’s good here’s some water you might need it I’m going to keep going let’s go okay guys only two more Maes to go I hope it’s fun we’re going to go to this infected minion oh I hope he doesn’t make me purple let’s go to him something’s wrong with this SpongeBob guys don’t you think his eyebrows are angry and he’s all red and infernal are you back from Hell or something why are you so scary okay we’ll deal with you oh cut nip infected them all look all the Minions are monsters now they’re not minions anymore you can’t bring them back you have to defeat them they’re very evil all right let’s try to deal with cnip well for you look how scary and infected they are gross okay how do we get through the portals over there we’ve got to get through this whole minion horde hey you guys let me through I’ll try to beat them I’ll try to beat them I’ve beaten someone I’ve got to beat them all these monsters are too strong I don’t know if I can beat them all they’re too strong they’re just jumping around they don’t hit me but they want to stand up so I can get through but I’m not afraid of them we’ll just shoot them beat them and move on it’s easy here have a minion infected monster okay we’ve made it easy on everyone here what’s in the chest uh diamonds and golden apples s I’ll take the diamonds let’s keep going and one last maze left for today it’s the white cloud let’s get to it alphabet lore hello letter A get away from me get out of here come on oops there’s more look it’s B Seaborn he wants to eat me we’ve got to recharge go carefully there there’s nastin flying what ah a white cloud you what are you doing well um um take this thing this should help us it’s an acid ball I can shoot acid look we have to hit nastin he flies very fast I’ve hit him many times here I hit him the first time it’s hard how do you hit him he flies fast you have to you just have to shoot at the KD these balls one of them will hit that’s impossible I’m going to stand under you and shoot at you here take this what if he infects me with fire too look he’s planted a white cloud over there a trap we’ve got to save the cloud but first we have to defeat the black one on the walls you’re so strong and big and tall but how do you defeat him it’s impossible it was pretty hard we have to save the White Cloud let’s try to do it it’s a waste of water we’ll take it out like this and put it here the white cloud is saved it’s cool hi oh hey zombie thank you yeah you’re welcome of course Angela and the other guys were there you can meet them I’m going to go back to the portal this is a new series with hide and seek in mazes in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save TV woman baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m me zambak today let’s take a look at the new hide and seek in mazes today we have these interesting characters hiding here we have Vlad A4 there he is oh I think Vanessa is already clapping and happy that we’re coming to see her today yes she’s in the second orange maze third yellow Maze and a t K Tom next we have a green maze with minion next up Mommy Long Legs the man outside the window and kilia well we’re going to look at each of these mazes today here you go or rather I hope you’ll give me a like And subscribe and we’re going to start and we’re going to go from the very first maze in red to Vlad guys let’s go to his portal look there’s a blue Rainbo friend he’s drooling hey what are you drooling oh there’s Jim and neso okay well well where’s Vlad I wonder where they put him come on Jim let him go all right where’s Vlad oh come on damn Cactus did you catch him in a cactus you want to Cactus him or what turn Vlad into a cactus hey that’s not going to work let’s try to save him help me zobac get me out of here yeah I’ll try I’ll try Vlad now just make sure you destroy those monsters all right okay we got to try to get you out of here somehow maybe I don’t know maybe a hot dog or a sausage maybe I can get you out of here somehow let me see what’s in the fridge in the microwave my ass oh I put on some music I don’t want no music go away okay guys how do we get him out of here I don’t even know whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaaaa whoaaaa whoa whoa all right we got him we’ll put him here Vlad are you okay yeah thank you very much oh this Cactus is really prickly oh thanks for your help you’re welcome of course I’m glad we could help you we drove on into the portal coming back out of the red Maze and next up is the or orange Maze and the orange one over there or rather Vanessa the officer let’s go let’s see so hey monkey Chef how you doing there she is Vanessa guys really standing and clapping up there we saw yeah from up there she was standing up there clapping well we’re going to go talk to her now uh cops let’s arrest Vanessa and that banana over there come on what are you standing around for we can’t the bridge is destroyed we’re too scared to go over there we may be cops but we’re not Fearless oh cops that’s what I’m talking about okay I’ll see if I can help you you guys it’s true the bridge is destroyed okay we need to figure out what we’re going to use to fix it oh by the way oh I got creative yeah it’s about time thanks cops that’ll help me out at least you guys are helping me out okay let me fix your Bridge we’re going to do it like this here we’ll put it like this what’s up Vanessa you ready take that take that I’ll throw you out of here you must be the one who broke the bridge take that monster now we’re going to destroy it guys I don’t have an infinite amount of creativity so I have to finish this bridge quick and they can take it away from me all right cops you can have your creativity oh it’s already been taken from me thank you okay you could have kept it of course it’s useful you can go over the bridge it’s all fixed now come with me let me transfer you they’re so scared they’re really scared let’s get all the cops over here on this side here 1 2 3 that’s it everybody I’m going through the portal okay guys it’s time for the next one the yellow maze let’s go with Tom hey bombolina how you you doing monsters I’m going to destroy you all here you go dummy oh did you bring a ruler and a pen seal are you going to do your homework you’re not going to teach me I’ve learned it enough from this school hi we’re going to take you all down oh something’s going on over there guys look the diamond ones they’re trying to catch a talking tum okay let’s go get that kangaroo right now come here quick get out of here you’re in my way I’ve got to save Tom look these diamond rainbow friends are eating diamonds out of the ground look they’re really sucking all the diamonds out of the ground e they’re trying to catch our good Talking Tom let’s try to destroy them and save Tom here you go how do we beat them huh guys it’s a challenge all right let’s beat this thing now all right Tom hurry up careful they need to destroy it all right wow there’s some real diamonds coming out of the ground it’s upside down though probably easier for the rainbow friends to eat hey Tom hi oh thank you zombie though you saved me you’re the best no of course not I’m always happy to help oh I think the snow is falling apart more diamonds are coming out here too oh well I’m out of here come on Tom good luck I’m off to the portal all right let’s head back next up is the green Maze and a minion girl like this let’s go check it out spiders Huggy spider let me not fight you you’re a scary horrible spider like thing all right let’s deal with all these monsters look at that Moon right there it’s not scary I fought that one what’s that huge head over there is that some kind of dragon lying there sleeping I wouldn’t want to wake the Dragon H two more oh Auntie minion hello what’s going on what are you doing here oh hey zc well I wanted to find the treasure to do that you have to go down into the Dragon’s Lair aren’t you scared can you help me what I have to go down there go into the dragon’s mouth all right fine I’ll find your treasure for you all right guys I’m a little scared why don’t you give me your likes and then my fear will go away and we’ll find the treasure in the Dragon’s Lair look how scary it looks all right let’s take the machine gun with us and let’s go down inside okay what oh Roxy what are you doing in the den okay I found the axe chest no I don’t really need an axe it’s not what I need here maybe it’ll help you there’s something else to find we’re going in this one come on let’s go down hello what are you doing so many that’s the treasure that’s what the ax was for yeah it’s right here well let’s go upstairs then and say uh minions Aunt minions you can go down there there’s no more monsters up there you have the axe but I found a treasure there too it’s in this lirer so come on down let’s do it like this let’s take out this Den head this giant one right here it’s very scary I realize here the treasure is open look these are diamonds right here and this here is gold you can have it oh thank you zomac you’re so so good you’re welcome I’m always happy to help don’t go in there it’s scary all right let’s keep moving let’s go back guys next up the blue maze with Mommy Long Legs that just leaves us with two of the most interesting mazes left Let’s Go whoo hello oh come on come on you want to fight now Huggy muggy take that ow he’s going to bite me take that there’s saws rolling around you got to be careful Roxy I beat you how did you get back or maybe Roxy wasn’t real all right we’ll walk more carefully look mommy’s long legs are jumping she’s happy what are you happy I’m here now I’m just going to beat your Rainbow friends oh what’s that trap you think I’ll fall into it don’t you oh yeah you’re finally here zuk come on jump in here haha If You’re Not Afraid jump into my trap what yeah sure it’s a really scary trap it really slam shut how am I supposed to get through here there’s cobwebs all around okay let’s try it Wo Hop I jumped over I jumped over there you go Mama long legs I’m going to beat you take that you blindo are so hard to beat you’re strong oh we destroyed her oh look I found some kind of chest oh scissors this will help me yeah I don’t have to remove the Trap anymore I’m not going back but look how cool it is but we’re going to have to dig out the portal let’s just get the cobwebs out of the way and let’s go to the portal let’s go back guys we’ve only got two mazes left and the ultimate one today is blue The Man Behind the window let’s go to him okay now hold on monster I’m going to reload my machine gun you’re running out of ammo take that come on wow is that a girl with a Kiti toilet hi you’re kind aren’t you you don’t look kind okay we’ll fight all right oh there’s a man outside the window you really are outside the window what I zoom in I look and he’s gone look you cheater come here get you oh there’s a lot of you here which one one is the real one you mean I have to figure out which one is the real one I don’t even know how to do that okay let’s try don’t get caught they’ll let go and we’ll jump over come here what do you mean I thought I couldn’t even hit him here take this I’m going to beat you all here every single one of you anyway I don’t know how to figure out which one is the real one there’s one plan we just beat them all that’s it and then even the original will be defeated that makes sense right let’s do this here you go man outside the window look I’m going to go in here too check it out I don’t know if there’s anything hiding in here no it’s a dead end what if you know he’s got his doppelgangers here and he’s hiding behind a wall somewhere all right we’ll go around from here we’ll sneak up on this monster take that I think we’ve beaten them all that was a pretty easy test golden apples diamonds we’re rich today okay that’s enough for me let’s go to the portal all right folks one last maze for today it’s this pink or purple color and here we have Killy Wily let’s go poxy boss you’re wearing a star aren’t you you think you’re so tough what are you opening your mouth you think you can eat me all right go ahead and try it won’t work with the monster you can’t eat me I’ll beat you all napnap come here take that oh Killy Willy ah I lost my sword he took my sword he seems to be able to attract things uh give me my gun back guys I’m scared to go in there when he bends over he can like suck on my stuff or something I’ve already lost a couple guns and a sword see they’re just lying around look it’s a little tricky it also hits the ground suddenly it was something wait I’ll shoot oh no he took the machine gun again yeah well maybe we’ll be able to get our guns back in time all right at least give me the machine gun come on hurry up and get it all right great hey man I’m going to give you a shot oh he took all my guns I got caught in the lava too what’s going on oh that’s it wait wait wait I got this one back in time oh good I got my machine gun and my sword back but something took me oh my shotgun and my gun are on fire they’re on fire we got to get out of here fast oh stop sucking up my guns all right I’ve only got a few guns left we just got to start shooting away from him or he’s really going to beat me all right come on Killa Willie hurry up let’s beat him come here ah he stole the gun again I’m out of ammo wait wait kie yeah I’ll reload we got to hide I got to reload these guns at least I hope I have enough I have a rainbow bow we can shoot it from afar come here wa see I even got a bonus for hitting him oh you can’t take my bow ha because it’s magical you got it here you go but it doesn’t do much damage it’s going to take me a long time to shoot him with a bow like that we should try with a cannon we’ll look out and shoot him here take this kellal yes he’s defeated pH I’ll take my guns back all right let’s get back to the party I found new and interesting mazes in Minecraft hey everybody I’m a zombie with you today let’s look with you at the new mazes in Minecraft yes look at the cool characters we have here it’s dim DIY the fixie police minion speaker woman White Cloud wind mommy long legs and The Man Behind the window well let’s get started each of these mazes we’re going to look into each one today so watch to the end support by liking and subscribing to the channel we’re off to a good start so the first red maze with dim dimage let’s go and see what’s interesting guys it’s Chef monkey I’m hiding behind the wall at her place I don’t want to see him go away get away from me scary at this you’re just a big scary monster oh guys I’m getting scarier every time I see this who the hell is this it’s a purple rainbow friend oh what can he do he can open his mouth to eat me all right then I’m scared I’m not going in there guys it’s like this okay let’s probably take a machine gun each and try to overpower them he opened his mouth does he want to eat me no I’m not going to let you guys eat okay I will destroy you oh fire poppy all right we’re going to go through we got to get through next look it’s a zero it’s a no lick from the fixies and where diema is very interesting all right let’s go inside hello look oh fire bender I’m on fire what was that guys he’s throwing Fireballs up his nose look at that okay no I’m not going to you I’m not going to you you miss all right well I’ll take it on the spoon I got me my hearts are all blackened no’s trapped guys look the spikes need to be rescued for sure okay first we need to defeat this Firebender he’s too strong look at you enough with your Fireballs hey you oh come on okay that’s it I’ll take my shotgun and go fight you fire poppy with it he’ll leave me alone stop throwing fire he’s too strong you’ll see he’s just blowing me away with those Fireballs all right that’s it I’m done blowing things up I don’t have endless Hearts he here take this yes folks we beat him oh that was a tough one woo okay noik hi look let’s get out of here somehow yeah hi help me please I got to get out of here when dim some hid in the traps there in the secret bunker get me out and we’ll save him yeah I’m going to try to zero in I’m going to try this we’ve got some spikes coming out here oh how do I get you out of there let me climb up here and try to get it now okay oops I got him guys I got the zero we’re doing great here so where did you say dea’s bunker is let’s look for it guys there’s got to be a secret passageway around here somewhere oh fried sausages yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum wait wait I got to find diit okay this thing but it’s also a cauliflower see also see prickly Thorns okay zero I found the secret bunker dim dim dimit is probably in there okay let’s try it let’s see dim I’m coming for you there he is he’s hiding here hi yeah all right zombie oh I was so scared I thought I’d hide here in case someone found me yeah well don’t worry I’ll help you out come with me like this let’s get dim dimit out of here we don’t make him sit in a bunker After All We rescued zero and defeated the fire Mage and the purple scar monster that’s it you can be a free fixie and that’s it you’ll be fine all right I’m going to go further into the portal let’s go back again friends this is how interesting the red dim dim dim maze was and next in line we have a police minion I wonder what could have happened there let’s find out let’s go Opa great blue rainbow rainbow friend J guys you see this is a real scetti toilet the most horrible and scary by the way Post in the comments who you like best out of all these monsters I’m very scared he’s just awful look at him all right let’s try to sneak in now and defeat this monster oh we did it perfectly inmate what’s that what’s a mutant minion hello police officers what’s going on here hello zombie this mutant minion has stolen all of our imprisoned minions he should be beaten by all our fugitives and returned to prison they’re guilty ah okay they certainly don’t look too evil but since they’re prisoners we should probably return them to prison oh this is prison huh yeah bod Rock guys that’s pretty defensive stuff okay let’s try to defeat this purple evil minion here but first let’s catch one of these minions and try to put him in jail all right sit there don’t move okay we need to sneak and defeat this giant purple minion right here it doesn’t even burn in lava look at it it doesn’t care oh he’s coming back okay I’m going to try to jump over here and hit him off the ball we’re not getting purple that he drowned in the lava all right he was handled now I’ve got to catch all the Minions whoops all right we got another one come on SO whoa but before that when I got too old to be here I had to fall into the lava but that’s okay I’ll catch you okay guys I’m on fire I’m burning very hot the lava is very hot folks but that’s okay I’ll be back I’m about to fade so I’ll just just stand like this for now oh I don’t see anything my whole face is on fire it’s hot guys look how hot it is okay well I’m going to go in here and leave all the prisoner minions here okay that’s it that’s enough burning that’s it that’s it another one here oh that’s it I’m out oh that’s great all the imprison minions are back in prison cops you can be glad we caught everyone all right folks let me get on with it I need to get back into the lava again jump into the portal let’s go back my friends back here is this orange Maze and the next one is a yellow maze with speaker woman let’s go see what’s so interesting about whoops fog stop I thought we were going to be friends and you just attack me like that right away but don’t please oh well if you’re mad I’ll reload the gun like this one shoot you I’m not afraid of you that’s it okay hey Huggy wuggy wuggy spider Hi how are you doing all right uh-huh I’m going to deal with you all now what do you think I’m afraid of any of you and you too Luna what are those snowmen guys they’re throwing snowballs do you see that okay now we’re going to beat the moon there look he’s standing the speaker man we’ve been looking for hey you he slowed me down I’m like a snowman he can freeze me with his snowballs yeah I don’t really want to get caught again but I’m being slowed down guys I’m going to stop Frozen I need to get my guns reload and go try to fight these snowmen no it’s not it’s one thing that’s another not trying to freeze me and turn me into one of them I’m not going to be a snowman I won’t give in like this let’s take the sword I’ll get to you in a minute that’s great everybody got through it there’s a snowman and a spokesman you decided to help me or you’re just saying something right so he’ll go speaker on me and you’re good you’ll fight she’s going to attack me too why is everyone like that I thought the speaker man was kind okay okay I’m not going to fight you I’m not going to fight you let’s go upstairs because there’s a passage buried up there see they buried the portal all right all right speaker come here on you take that there you go there you go all right just a couple more strikes that’s it we handled her but to go any further we need a shovel to dig out all that snow and there’s some kind of chest we have to climb a tree to do that let’s try to get in there okay I’m missing a little bit of these stairs here but we’re going to put it right here now we can get in all right okay I’ve got to jump over there somehow so let’s get a shovel and go shovel all this snow okay well I think that’s enough of an aisle for me let’s go back let’s go back next up is the green Maze and the White Cloud we’re on a roll let’s take a look Opa the monsters from girton to ban ban have pulled up zy and the wall to high kangaroo well great okay what do you think I can’t handle you guys come here where’s my good Cloud well confess from here B I’m looking at you listen tell me where oh there’s a white cloud over there we need to get to it right away now we’re going to go over and talk to the White gotten high it’s so hot in here a white cloud yeah oh look you’re not going to help me I’ve got to feed my pigs here and they’re all hungry but in order to feed them all I need carrots she’s drowned in the lava help me zombie in the lava wao the lava Rises on its own yeah that’s the thing sure it’s a cloud but it goes up and it goes back down now period I’ll take it I’ll take your carrot now so here’s the carrot and the lava is rising let’s go let’s go it’s hot I’m afraid of lava I swam in enough lava today oh so I don’t know we got your carrots I want to help you out though you’ve got a crop of your pigs here you want to breed more of them more of your pigs all right I’ll try to make it quicker downstairs get the carrots I think one’s enough and we’ve got lava coming back up it looks epic of course but I don’t want to be in lava anymore okay let me help you feed them all well we’re about to have little piggies Dad look how cute it is Hey Little Piggy look what Little Pigs were born that’s funny okay let’s feed these too they’re all hungry here holds the point here’s your carrot if you need help I’ll come again all right I’m moving on let’s go to the portal so the white dots from the Bears are behind us next up we have the blue Maze and wend yeah let’s take a look at wend and let’s go hello it’s also Nano black no wait wait let me take you one at a time you’ve got too many monsters here you’re attacking me from all sides it’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fair does he have his eyes on me thought I couldn’t get past this spider webbing how am I supposed to get past this how do I get out of this maze I haven’t even found wind yet all right I’ll try to do it but first we’ll deal with these monsters yeah that spider’s really got a spider’s web around here I see a face in there and stop it’s a toilet it’s definitely not a drink go on get out I need a way in here a way through how to do that I don’t know yet let’s try to dig through here uh what’s up nice skey monster here take this which one of you is this one I was in the way Vance Vance what happened to her let’s get inside faster guys oh no they guys gave her some kind of harmful potion Vance got sick look I think she’s sick yeah well it’s a witch’s potion you couldn’t drink it ah tiny bad that’s bad you need to treat the inside right away friends look but she needs your likes friends please put a like and when will recover write in the comments when get well okay well need your support and help okay first of all we’re going to remove this potion it’s harmful you can’t drink it under any circumstances let’s throw him out okay W come with me we’re going to drop her right here in the purification funnel and now it’s all cleared up and yes great she was supposed to be cured you’re better oh hey finally oh you’re finally here you saved I wasn’t poisoned by some harmful potion I wasn’t feeling well at all I was sick yeah I’m glad I got to your rescue and helped you out I’m very happy okay Venda I’ll probably move on and that potion better be tossed away okay everyone bye-bye Wenda and don’t trust those monsters anymore but we guys are digging our way through the portal let’s have it all let’s open it up and go through the portal okay guys we’re going to start the penultimate maze for today in the color blue and here we have Mom’s long legs well let’s go to her Roxy hey let’s do a concert for Roxy you play the music I’ll dance no no okay well then go to the portal over there jump in I’m going to go fight your monsters what’s with the mom’s head long legs big sticking out look I can see it right over the wall it’s huge that’s rough oh hey and you too rainbow friends you decided to ride each other here but it’s not entertainment I’m going to beat you all right now okay this looks like some kind of prison and it looks like someone escaped I think it’s Mom’s long legs she ran away and cloned herself she’s really a long-legged mom look at how much she’s gotten into herself oh now we have not one but four of these mom long legs okay let’s try to deal with them I don’t know if I’ll make it or not but it’s pretty strong and powerful she ran off somewhere let’s take a look or maybe I’m the one who’s already won if you win it’s only awesome the only thing left to do de feat are these little clones here take this what do we have here here we just have flowers they probably found some sort of Talisman that can clone and it put on many different clones of itself but that’s okay we can handle each of you and each of you long legs but that big one was probably their most important I mean the ultimate Mom okay that’s it we’re all through here diamonds golden apples cool I’ll take some diamonds for myself all right we’ve done it here friends we’re doing great quite easily passed this test but there was one last one left let’s go and the last maze we have for today will be the man outside the window he’s got a pink or purple maze like this let’s watch ouch no you’re back but only now in blue in blue form but that’s okay I can handle you oh there’s the man outside the window look it’s worth a puff of smoke what’s he got in there what are those black balls all right we’ll go over there and see what he’s come up with probably working out some kind of plan foxy what are you trying to eat me here huh oh you got mad you opened your mouth you thought I’d go to you uh-huh sure he’s throwing us some balls hey you hear me I’m not afraid of you so what that you’re throwing yourself what do you think I’m going to scare you huh what’s that what was that I went blind for a second did you see that guys yeah I think he threw his meteorite at me I lost that vision for a second let’s do some digging here he’s really throwing some rock meteorites yeah I didn’t hit it you’re not going to get me I get it you got some okay I’ll try not to get on these bombs let’s walk carefully wow there’s another one just like it you have to pass carefully and try to deal with the monsters we’ll take the measures and go those hell hounds here take this the point is guys no no oh he hit me with his shell again he’s a a very strong devil hey you window man come down here I’ve beaten your hellhounds now and I’ll beat you that I thought I couldn’t handle stop depriving me of Link all right take that hey you come down come on outside the window I’ll get you we’re going to take the laser rifle Take Aim bang bang bang bang and you I beat you anyway all right folks we got him oh the grass has grown back but that’s a good thing so what do we have here oops secret treasure you thought something was coming my way that’s a lot of gold and all the stolen diamonds so that’s where you stole them I just saw recently that a bank was robbed and all the diamonds and gold were stolen that’s who it was but nothing we defeated them and the diamond will definitely bring the police back and we drove into the portal I’m going back upstairs Guys these are the giant interesting mazes we looked at today I hope they’re like them support me with a like subscribe to my channel it’s very important I ask you each to subscribe that was Z back with you and see you all again bye-bye everyone [Music] [Applause]

This video, titled ‘FIND IN THE MAZE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-06-05 11:00:56. It has garnered 1783 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:30 or 2130 seconds.


  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chest Trick

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  • Crafty Cafe Build | Minecraft Madness

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  • Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans!

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  • Elmsville: Modern City Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Craft Your Own TikTok Server: Minecraft Stream Dream!

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  • Ultimate Auto Crafting in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Guide to Fixing GLFW Error

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Statue Build Challenge

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  • SHOCKING: BabaStreams Trapped in Family Van!

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  • Insane Minecraft Hive antics with Luner G!

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  • Unbelievable Woggy Man in Minecraft! Click Here for Aria Math C418 Cinematic!

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  • StealVille

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  • Authentic Vanilla – semi-anarchy, Launching Soon, 1.21, Survival, Fabric

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  • Nethria.Pro AND Factions

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  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Meme: Every Madame Web Line (Day 144)

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  • Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight

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  • Minecraft Hack: Troll Face Edition ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #shorts

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  • Crafting a Portal to Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure!

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  • FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft

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  • Experience Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness with Sasu

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  • HexPeace Notch vs Herobrine: Epic Minecraft Battle

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  • Discover Hidden Minecraft 2b2t Dupes – Epic Stash Raid!

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Guardian Fights!

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  • Unbelievable QT20 Server Discovery! Nether Update & Rare Blazerods Hunt

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    UNBELIEVABLE! ONE BLOCK END PORTAL REVEALED! ๐Ÿ’ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘MENGUNGKAP MISTERI END PORTAL DI ONE BLOCK – MINECRAFT JAVA EDITION – LIVE’, was uploaded by JeeeInHere on 2024-07-11 19:32:30. It has garnered 265 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. TODAY WE WILL FIND THE MYSTERY OF END PORTAL IN ONE BLOCK DOES END PORTAL EXIST??? DONATIONS TO FEED THE WOLVES STARTING FROM 1K ๐Ÿ™‚ : https://sociabuzz.com/jeeeinhere tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@jeeinhere1?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc discord #Minecraft #MinecraftOneBlock #Minecrfatjava #MCPE #Windahbasudara #shaders #RTX #MinecraftSurvival #windahbasudara #Minecraft #MCPE #Minecraft1.20 ElestialHD ElestialHD Minecraft #akuzeru #mediashareon #live #minecraf tag: LIVE MINECRAFT LIVE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL WINDAH… Read More

  • ULTIMATE INTELLECT HACK in Minecraft!! ๐Ÿ”ฅ +5 Intellect

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  • Insane Mini Mansion Build in Minecraft!! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Mini Mansion Build in Minecraft!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fantasy House in Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #minecraft_builds’, was uploaded by Aki Shirai on 2024-05-05 16:00:39. It has garnered 2225 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Dive into the enchanting world of Minecraft with my latest creation โ€“ a cozy fantasy house that’s sure to steal your heart! In this captivating video, I’ll guide you through the construction of this charming abode, complete with two towers, a quaint balcony, and a striking red roof that adds a pop of color to the landscape. Join me as we explore… Read More

  • EPIC Spider-Man Build Battle – PRO vs NOOB – Maizen Parody

    EPIC Spider-Man Build Battle - PRO vs NOOB - Maizen ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPIDER-MAN BUILD BATTLE In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Builders on 2024-03-05 09:00:14. It has garnered 16911 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:01 or 1741 seconds. In this exciting video, watch as JJ and Mikey team up to bring everyone’s favorite web-slinging superhero to life in Minecraft. Follow along as they meticulously construct every detail of Spider-Man’s iconic costume, from his red and blue spandex suit to his trusty web shooters. With creative building techniques and a whole lot of… Read More

  • FTB NeoTech Modded – Brand New Server

    Welcome to our Modded Minecraft Server! We have a friendly community, no banned items, no tp cooldowns, and ranks available! What to expect in this modpack: Advanced Technology: Utilize cutting-edge tech mods for powerful tools and machinery. Automation: Automate resource processing and base operations for maximum efficiency. Innovative Building: Create complex structures and systems with a variety of advanced building options. Resource Management: Efficiently manage resources with enhanced storage and processing solutions. Diverse Mod Integration: Enjoy a seamless blend of technology-focused mods for a rich gameplay experience. Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/gGuvPnPedy Connect to our server at: Download the modpack… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spooky Woods Scare in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Spooky Woods Scare in MinecraftLooks like this Minecraft player went from mining for diamonds to mining for a change of pants! Read More

  • Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense!

    Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house that truly survives. With walls of obsidian, strong and tall, And traps that will make any enemy fall. From crafting armor to protect our skin, To setting up defenses that will make them grin. We’re ready for any threat that may come our way, In this game of survival, we’re here to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we build the ultimate house, shining bright. Subscribe for Part 2, coming your way, And enjoy the adventure, every step of the… Read More

  • Mine Rhyme Time! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #meme #minecraft

    Mine Rhyme Time! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #meme #minecraft Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #fun2rhyme Read More

  • Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft

    Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft The Minecraft World Trade Center Mod Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new mod has emerged that brings a touch of reality to the virtual realm. The World Trade Center Mod, created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, allows players to experience a unique addition to their gameplay. Features of the Mod The World Trade Center Mod introduces a detailed replica of the iconic Twin Towers to the Minecraft universe. Players can explore the intricately designed buildings, complete with floors, windows, and other architectural elements. The mod aims to… Read More

  • Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile

    Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile Creating 3D Minecraft Models on Mobile: A Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your creativity to the next level? With the help of mobile apps like Prisma 3D, Skinseed, Animate it, and RIG, you can now easily create stunning 3D models right from your smartphone or tablet. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft modeling and animation! Prisma 3D: Crafting Your Creations Prisma 3D is a powerful tool that allows you to design intricate 3D models with ease. Simply download the app from the Google Play Store and unleash your imagination. From building detailed structures to… Read More

  • Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444

    Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444Video Information This video, titled ‘[LVL 444] Hypixel Skyblock FREE COINS ! (!giveaway !discord !mod)’, was uploaded by AxE Tv on 2024-06-22 14:25:45. It has garnered 128 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:07:46 or 18466 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock ———————- Liens utiles ๐Ÿ™‚ ————————- – Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/axe_tv2 – TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@axe_tv2 – Public Discord: https://discord.gg/gxYnMEGAV8 – Support the channel: https://streamlabs.com/axe_tv2/tip – Twitter : https://twitter.com/AxeL3g3nd – Ip Hypixel : mc.hypixel.net —————————————-ยญยญ————————— Read More

  • Ultimate Armor Quest – Day 12

    Ultimate Armor Quest - Day 12Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore | Getting Perfect Armor! (Day 12)’, was uploaded by InfiniteAvocado on 2024-03-25 10:44:45. It has garnered 62 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:59 or 6659 seconds. Thanks for watching the stream ๐Ÿ˜€ Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/eUN3PZc2wB Minecraft – Gaming Livestream Ignore Tags- Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Marvel Legend Survives in Minecraft!

    Marvel Legend Survives in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE solo survival series’, was uploaded by Marvel Legend Master on 2024-06-04 09:26:49. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:19 or 6079 seconds. Read More