Enter the Insane World of Flowstate Minecraft!

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all right we got a nice little base here but I think this morning I’m going to go explore all right so I think I’m going to probably head out that way we’ll see what’s out there I think the uh the last time last episode there was a village on the other side of this hill so maybe I’ll go check that out yeah you’ll notice I have the full leather armor drip now look at that man oh yeah I mean I’ve just been so weak without a chest plate so I finally decided to buy a chest plate from the leather worker villager in that Village and yeah dude now we’re dripped out so I guess the next thing to do would be to get some iron armor I’ll do that later I’m not really in a rush to get to [Music] iron you know what’s funny you guys might have watched this video that I did I watched a video from jet starfish recently and he made a really good video about exploration and adventure and how Minecraft is a big exploration problem how you’re not incentivized to go out and explore so I actually really do enjoy just going out and you know I got my little stone tools I’m not really like trying to beat the game anytime soon I’m just kind of having a good time I don’t think we do that enough in this game we don’t really spend enough time just exploring with stone tools and just taking it slow yeah I I did spend a little bit of time preparing you know I got tons of torches arrows and food so I can stay out on an expedition for a while dude did a little bit of mining off camera as they say oh what is that light down there you see that oh it’s just lava yeah whatever and you might notice I went back to uh complimentary reimagine those shaders because like this is what I had been playing on rethinking boxal and I mean it’s very very cool but it very quickly becomes obnoxious to play with like like look at this like how the Shadows go all black like that like it’s it’s kind of annoying so I just went back but I mean as you’ll see down here like the lava does look insane like it does look awesome with the Shader but I just find it kind of annoying with these Shadows I mean look at that it’s just a little bit too much for my taste so I went back to uh complimentary and I think I think this still looks pretty good I think it’s one of the most classic Minecraft shaders you can run all right I think it was over here yeah there it is would like to get out of the Savannah man that’s just this disgusting Brown Haze all right what have we got anything good we got a blast furnace I’ll take that a lot of brown banners maybe I could take some of these for my base I haven’t built a base yet but in the future what is that what is this stuff organic compost what can you craft with this I don’t know that might be from uh Farmer’s Delight I’m not 100% sure but uh place down some organic compost okay yeah it’s in Farmers Delight I don’t know what it does but that’s cool I’ve yet to uh watch a tutorial on that mod on how you start farming and getting the new foods and all that I really should find the time to do that cuz as far as I’m aware there’s no in-game explanation of how you do do it like a lot of mods they’ll give you like a little handbook at the start of the game and it’ll explain all the recipes and all that but I don’t know if farmers’s Delight does that I’ll figure it out I’ll do some research all right looks like we’re getting towards more of a jungle up there that’s interesting oh wait what is that that’s a little uh tent right there um Soul fire aspect that’s pretty cool I can’t use it until level eight strength but I’ll take it oh my God look at that sword it’s like a nub yeah I think I found one of these before it’s like a weapon Master tent oh look at that bow dude oh my God that’s probably better than my bow yeah I’ll take that all right is that all I think that’s probably it that’s cool yeah there’s some uh little jungle trees up here maybe I can get some wood I don’t have jungle wood yet that’s satisfying it’s like an oasis biome or something this cool all right well it’s already night time oh God I should be a little bit safer now that I have my uh my chest plate though cuz I haven’t been rocking a chest plate for a long time I mean I made it this far I’m level 55 for God’s sake I better be all right now what is that over there you see that might be like a ruined portal oh it’s one of oh I remember these things when you open the ruined portal chest it turns into a mimic though yep every single time it turns into a chest all right maybe maybe I shouldn’t be you know exploring at night maybe I should set up a little base oh that guy’s quick too slow all right yeah this bow is really really good don’t stand a chance all right we’ll press on I guess it’s a little oh what bro he came out of nowhere I got to say that little spawn animation mod is kind of overpowered because you can actually attack them before they come out of the ground so you can get like a cheap shot on them see like this you can like hit the spider before he can react does this have punch on it oh wow punch and power too that is really strong man I mean it’s not the best bow in the world but it’s definitely a step up oh my God he went flying jeez oh bro that’s like an arada that is a lot of phantoms okay take it easy guys good thing I’m shroud oh my God Oho that was three in a row oh my God so maybe I get to level eight strength here so I can start using that iron sword I picked up because it has soulfire aspect on it so it like turns enemies like on fire but it’s like blue fire that’s pretty cool hey dude I am I am chilling nothing scares me now I definitely feel a lot more safe now that I have a chest plate on I took a lot of damage without a chest plate it’s like a massive Hill up here I want to get towards that [Music] all right well I can’t see much up here but I mean you see anything it’s really dark oh what is that oh that’s a that’s a pyramid oh let’s go man those are awesome to explore sweet let me go down there guys can you leave a brother alone what oh oh god um the undead Army is here oh God let me just uh leave this event alone if if you didn’t see the last episode the undead Army spawned on me and I was not prepared for that so I think I’m just going to going to scadaddle I am getting a little bit lean on arrows I just realized guys what is this it’s daytime oh my God I forgot anytime it rains Phantoms can spawn a bro what the what was that why am why am I taking random damage all right well it might be worth heading back to the base just to get some more arrows and then we can go raid that pyramid cuz I only have 39 arrows right now and I I don’t think that’s going to be enough I could also pick up a second bow in case mine breaks cuz I’m definitely going to be using it a lot over there gosh man okay so I guess it’s not just Phantoms it’s like all mobs can spawn when it’s raining that is so annoying we got some ruins here look at this these never have any chests in them but oh oh I just broke it by accident got a shelter Pottery Shard though and Bricks all right bro can you leave me alone I mean at at this point Phantoms don’t really pose any threat to me they’re just kind of a nuisance bro what was that oh my can Phantoms wait can they get you underwater they can oh my God that’s outrageous maybe it’s actually not just the rain and it’s it’s a thunderstorm that makes mobs spawn cuz this just seems ridiculous it’s like everywhere I go they spawn and it is thundering right now so that might be what’s causing this what is that a baby skeleton all right here we are all right so what do I need I need arrows and maybe a little bit of food I take some of these bandages too and maybe a water bucket as well nice leave me alone I really should build a roof so I’m more protected when I’m crafting and maybe I’ll use a bit of my emeralds to get a new bow all right give me something good oh two different epic bows that’s solid man bro what happened here oh God I thought the Iron Golem got me this is just outrageous yeah that’s what I thought man the weather has just been horrible man just lightning and thunder wondering and just dark out let me take shelter in this little church here let’s get out of that disgusting rain so I’m pretty sure like my base is over there and the pyramid was pretty much directly that way so I guess I’ll just make a beine for it oh jeez maybe not what the hell was that golly maybe I’ll just chill in here for the night that must have been a witch or something that was weird let’s close off the entrance I don’t see anything outside is there like a witch maybe like an elite mob not that I can tell I mean there Phantoms maybe it was like an elite Phantom and he like dive bombed a potion of harming on my head oh bro that zombie is’s quick oh yeah that’s the yeah you see that he had like an alchemist enchantment on his head okay that’s definitely what it is we have Enchanted Phantoms out here awesome all right where is he come on yourself is up there oh oh God oh God dude that scares me every time that an Enderman there’s one is that the enchanted one yeah did I get him I think I got him I think it’s finally over jeez man that was annoying all right coast is clear oh bro never mind I am just going to chill inside all right we’ll wait until the morning I don’t want to use up all my food too I don’t have ton of food that was like Strays that time got a zombie out there oh what is what armor does he have on do you see that that looks cool wait let me try to get that you drop anything I don’t think so I ranked up though let me go spend my skill point I said I said strength didn’t I soz I can get an iron sword soon and then we can ditch this stone sword it is legendary though I mean that’s that’s pretty solid 6.2 damage ver well versus 7.2 this is definitely better but yeah we’ll get rid of this soon enough well it stops raining so at least there’s that should be safer in the morning you know I guess while I have this uh little brief moment before the sun comes up I might be um you know preaching to the choir a little bit on this it’ll sound obvious but something that I was just thinking about briefly was you know when you go to like a restaurant and you you’ve got a waiter and they’re you know they’re serving you or someone is serving you and like food comes to the table and you’re with people but no one says thank you something that like that just bothers me so much and I don’t want to sound like like I’m not your dad like have good manners but I was thinking like when you’re out and someone’s helping you or someone does something for you like just just say thank you man it really feel like it goes a long way and I just feel like secondhand embarrassment when someone you know brings me food or brings someone food and they I just don’t even acknowledge them at all like just just say thank you when they bring you your food man it’s not too much to ask just like a little I don’t know little etiquette that I just what toxic Ender Alchemist Phantom oh my God bro where is that little buffoon where is he I think he run away but yeah there something I was thinking about little little etiquette thing that just kind of you know it doesn’t take much but I feel like it is a nice gesture all right it’s almost morning so we can we can head out not today skeleton okay pal take it easy oh this is where I went mining earlier that’s funny yeah it’s this big mountain range right cool man that’s a pretty Sunrise look at that yeah there there’s not a terribly direct route to this pyramid like I have to cross an entire mountain range to get there but we’ll get there soon yeah day 19 wow we are getting through it it would be really cool to build like a castle up here eventually wouldn’t it like a Mossy stone brick thing just such cool Terrain who look at this like a little overhang that’s cool oh sh oh God that scared me bro leave me alone this is not the place to get knocked off by a skeleton yeah there it is just peeking out over the hill there almost there oh you know one thing I did want to say I know this is a backtack survival video like the last video I uploaded was also survival but you know I was just thinking this morning about you know YouTube and and really anything in general that you’re doing and it’s like if you’re voluntarily doing something and you know that you want to do one thing and not the other like this morning I was like I don’t really feel like building I really just want to play Survival and go explore then just do it man like I was telling myself like oh because the last one was survival the next video should be building and the alternate so you know you guys don’t get bored or the content doesn’t get stale but it’s like you know what man just just do what you want like the whole point of being on YouTube is that you do what you want and I just really felt like exploring so that’s why it’s it’s too videos back to back like this I just really had an itch to play Survival so that’s why I’m doing it don’t worry I’ll do a building video soon I know I will I just wanted to take a little bit of a break from it do some classic survival gameplay okay man this this place is uh my arch nemesis the last time I was here I distinctly remember getting to the top where all the loot is and accidentally setting off a trap and all of it blew up and I didn’t get really anything for it so I’m not going to make the same mistake twice we’re going to do this properly all right and okay I I know you know someone’s going to say like oh but you can just walk up the pyramid and just mine in from the ceiling and just get to the loot first I know I can do that but I want to be a proper gamer and we’ll start at the bottom and we’ll go to the top and and I’ll go through the entire thing I know it’s not the most efficient but I find it more challenging and more fun to you know tackle the dungeon as it’s designed all right here we are the pyramid there’s some mobs already uh well that’s I mean it’s just like standard desert pyramid loot oh does a guy have chain mail [Music] on oh ooh armor trim that’d be good I’m pretty sure you can put these on non netherite armor right like I could put that on my leather armor that’d be cool I would like to get a donkey actually I feel like horses are the you know that’s what everyone does but getting a donkey would be cool I’m pretty sure you can put chests on them the bottom floor is definitely the worst loot this is kind of like basic stuff but one oh never mind two diamonds man I spoke to soon oh what if you right click on stone brick it turns it into a cracked I didn’t know that did you know that maybe that’s a mod pack feature that’s so cool dude not today bro what the I hear blocks being broken can they break blocks oh god there better not be mobs that can break blocks God three Diamonds oh my God that’s crazy so I’ve gotten five already and I wouldn’t say it’s been terribly difficult so far I mean knock on wood oh what the I went through this ceiling all right and then there’s gold in the middle right wow there’s going to be a there going to be a lot of gold here man okay so I’ve already gotten almost four stacks of gold that’s outrageous man jeez and we’re not even close to the top I mean there’s more gold up there too okay so now the next stage what I did last time was I built a staircase up so let’s let’s just build a little Cobblestone staircase god listen all those noises dude yeah I remember there being a lot of spawners up on this floor and it’s pretty difficult to attack all right so I’m going to build a little Bridge so that way we don’t have to enter the room from the center and it’s going to be a lot easier if I can enter it from the side God they s really angry in there oh my God yeah that’s that’s a bit oh oh wait he started a brawl oh God yeah that’s a bit much yeah I’m going to widen up this entrance a bit so they can just like walk out and burn in the daylight come on out you know you want to here we go oh jeez oh wait did they not burn in the daylight oh God they’re no match for my bow this guy has so much health wait is he a tank he must be how much health does he have 151 total okay this guy’s like a super husk here we go oh oh God this baby skeleton d man I’ve been playing for hours at this point like I am very deep into the game now and I’m still getting a run for my money like this is not easy where are these little baby skeletons coming from all right got to light it up light it up oh oh God that was really close one more arrow and I would have been toast okay I got I got some good torches in there though that run definitely less chance of spawning here maybe I can cook some of my um my mutton on these little fire things here we go there we go cooked mutton baby that’ll help a little bit one left one left baby these guys they have moves like they’re juking me out really well I think that’s everything though I think I finally lit everything up dude let’s go that took so long man and I had some close calls there too I got to say man I thought like for a while I was kind of meing on myself like oh I’m never going to be able to beat the game and obviously I’m not even close to that yet but I feel like I am getting better I think my my bow my archery skills are shaping up definitely getting better okay so up here this is the treasure room right so last time I really messed this up because you can see there’s like a line of TNT so I just got to be really really careful not to break it but look at all the gold man this is crazy got to have a very very delicate touch here I don’t want to touch any TNT so I think what happened last time was I broke this and I kept holding down my left Mouse button and it went through to the TNT block and if you break the TNT it all blows up so let me just be really careful with how I mine here I like last time it was such a meme man I did like all of that work you just saw but then it all blew up it’s such a fail man and there’s iron wow you know something uh an interesting idea I heard a while back about how you store all your valuables in Minecraft where you know you could just put it all in your inventory or your chests I do kind of like this way of representing your wealth where you you place blocks and you have like a vault room like I think it’d be cool to put all of these blocks that I’ve gotten here into some sort of Vault back at my base or like a cave or something that’d be pretty cool wouldn’t it cuz that way you can visualize the scale of all the stuff you’ve collected okay that’s all the blocks so now let’s check out these chests wow that is incredible come on it’s got to be better than that it might okay it might just be standard desert temple loot I was thinking it would be like diamonds and and oh okay all right okay fair enough three diamonds that’s pretty good but I thought it was going to be like specially tailored fot at the top but that’s all right okay so all in all I’ve got gotten like a stack and a half of gold blocks eight diamonds 17 emeralds we got iron I mean we’re pretty stacked I think that’s a that’s a pretty good hul I would say now I mean I know you guys are going to want to see me blow up this TNT I guess I probably should [Music] run yeah there it is I know you wanted to see that all right well that’s a pretty thorough plundering of this temple dude I think that’s pretty much everything this Temple has to offer so I’d say we head home and take all this loot back a bit of a voyage in the dark but I think if we can do that we can definitely make the Trek home wow we just barely had enough food only two more potatoes left really cut that close you know I could get a horse on my way back if I find one use one of these Saddles I got that’d be good there it is another day another dollar day 21 all right yeah see I don’t see any mob spawning right now even though it’s raining so it must have been that the Thunder and the rainstorm that’s what was causing all those Phantoms to spawn on me lesson learn don’t go outside when it’s thundering whoa look at this cave dude hold on a second this looks crazy I got to go check this out eventually wandering Traer is still here you know I could I could make a sacrifice here for a couple of leads all right sorry to do it to you but I uh really could use those leads like when I get my horse like that’ll be pretty useful to have a lead cuz that’s one thing that’s really annoying is like taking your horse across across across oceans is that it’s just so hard to take them with you so if you have a lead and you can just have them behind your boat it’s pretty helpful all right there’s the village almost there all right here we are let’s dump off all of our plender I actually don’t have any room in this chest left I got to really organize my stuff man this is a mess okay so I dumped all my stuff off we are back at the base I think it would be actually a really good opportunity to build a base CU I haven’t done that yet um like a place for me to get out of this rain you know so maybe I’ll go chop some trees down and we’ll start building up a little bit of a house God this became a proper Forest man look at this I might leave some of these and and kind of preserve that forest look I ranked up so let’s get um let’s get level eight strength so now I can use this sword here it’s going to be great I’ll test this out tonight the soulfire aspect you can see how it makes the mobs like blue with fire it’s pretty cool I got to say I really do enjoy the night Ambience like the Crickets and all the birds you know chirping in the background it’s really peaceful it’s the one thing that I really just don’t understand why Minecraft won’t add to the base game is ambient sounds and like background noises it’s just so much more alive feeling hey get out of here no one’s allowed inside my perimeter it’s so cool at night dude look at that I do want to fully like flush this out and build like farms in here and like a proper base in the center it’s going to look awesome all right one thing I probably should do is let’s get some more space in here they’re kind of getting a little bit cramped there we go I’ll let them roam around and I I’ll build them a much bigger pen like a proper pasture I’ll deal with that later but it was getting a little bit bad oh oh come on guys not now God where is he going that’s what I thought oh yeah I was going to try out this uh sword here let me go find a mob got to be something out here yeah there we go it’s actually the same color as my skin that’s funny cool that’s awesome I do have to replace my armor soon that really took a beating during that pyramid adventure maybe I’ll get iron armor next okay so let me I want to lay out uh basic design for my house I was thinking it’d be cool to do like a raised house off the ground W that tree to screw that’d be cool to incorporate that into the base like a treehouse thing actually I want that that sounds really cool actually I want to do that God these cows keep it down okay so then I can build a little platform up here some sort of little Treehouse thing I’m so not used to building in survival dude I’ve I’ve been doing pretty much much exclusively creative for months now so it’s just like weird to have to manage your inventory and all that it’s funny before I started doing these building with no plan videos I never built in Creative I was well like most of you guys like it just kind of kind of defeats the point or like it’s more gratifying to build in survival and get the materials yourself but I’ve really found a rhythm doing these videos and I really enjoy it but it is a good break to do survival every once in a while all right so there’s a little platform there not a lot of room but maybe I could dig into these trees like haul them out make a little house in there and what a beautiful morning I actually really like this little house it’s very cozy good view of the sunrise yeah so this could be something I I I have been having this rule for a while of not sleeping but it it would be nice to sleep a little bit like I’ve just seen like a little bedroom in here um I don’t know maybe I’ll sleep maybe I won’t but I haven’t slept so far that’s day 22 and I haven’t slept once but it just it is like a game mechanic that I’m kind of missing out on and I would like to have a little cozy bedroom but I’ll think about it um so this could be a bedroom and then up here could be maybe like storage or something oh what oh come on man that sucks why did they break all right well you know what this will be uh this will be exposed to the air made the decision for me I guess I mean I guess they just decayed because they didn’t have any connected blocks anymore but it’s annoying all right so let’s make a ton of barrels and chests up [Music] here would be nice to get some item frames to label this stuff so I probably should do the cow Farm next and establish a more permanent leather Farm like that gosh I’m level 60 that’s insane dude I’ve never had that much XP before um so I got my iron sword um what else should we do you know now that I have diamonds it could be interesting to start leveling up the Alchemy route cuz I think this is what yeah gets you enchanting tables cuz I have so much xp to spend and I have no way of using it yet so maybe I’ll start going down this route oh the watering Trader is back hope there’s no beef between us all right so that’s probably an efficacia so now I want to get some fences to build a farm for the cows so I wanted to build the farm along the edge of the wall so maybe I’ll just have it come around where the entrance is and all the way down here and then it’ll link up with the wall around here somewhere I want it to be like a big pasture kind of a [Music] thing all right so that’s a pretty big area I mean I can divide it into sections with like pigs and chickens and sheep and cows and all that but that’s like the the animal sector that’s my thinking there’s more come on man yeah like maybe I should sleep every once in a while just to get rid of these Phantoms man so annoying I mean I know some people say you can do that game rule like insomnia or something you can turn that to false so that Phantoms can’t spawn but I don’t think you can do that in hardcore I’m pretty sure you know cheats are disabled like that so I’m kind of left to this sleep I guess it’s just such a stupid like why did they add it to the game and it’s just clearly trying to force people to skip the night as often as possible right just sleep cuz the punishment if you don’t sleep is Phantoms right so it’s like why are they trying to force you to sleep like I don’t understand the design philosophy behind that like you should be able to do whatever you want at night time just deal with like the the normal mobs like skeletons and zombies that’s enough of a challenge I mean it’s not even a challenge like Phantoms aren’t hard they’re just annoying they’re just so annoying but I don’t know it’s their game but in the meantime that’s all the quadrants so I’ve got one there one in the back and then two over by the left so I can do all four animals I mean there’s probably some other animals like um turtles or something I know you need that for turtle armor but the core for barn animals can fit in their own quadrants now look there’s more awesome I forgot about this uh fabric Seasons mod and I was realizing if it’s almost I think it’s going to be day 23 in the morning like I think day 28 every 28 days is when a new season cycle begins so it’s going to be summer pretty soon so that’s cool like it influences the crop speed like you know carrots don’t grow in wintertime you know it’s pretty cool and also changes the visuals like it gets more vibrant and green in the summertime it’s pretty cool oh there’s a cat in here what how did you get in here oh look at that Phantom burning that’s what you get ooh a purple tunic I might have to go for that dude that’d be pretty drippy all right I have fully replaced the drip as you can see I mean I mean that is fly dude look at that the purple tunic oh yeah all right well honestly I feel like that’s pretty much what I wanted to do today it might be a bit of a shorter episode but we got the Treehouse up there we got some more animal pens coming along we got a ton of stuff at the desert temple that was quite an adventure but let me know if you want to see more of this and I’ll catch you later

This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Experience [2]’, was uploaded by flowstate on 2024-07-10 16:01:26. It has garnered 19418 views and 1554 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:17 or 1877 seconds.

Flow Group: https://www.skool.com/flowstate FlowSMP: https://www.patreon.com/flowstatevideo Discord: https://discord.gg/7kndwK3FxK


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    Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?! Minecraft Myths: Villagers Sleeping in The Nether? Exploring Player Myths in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come up with myths and theories about the game’s mechanics and possibilities. Today, we delve into some of the most intriguing myths shared by players, including the question of whether villagers can sleep in The Nether. Unveiling the Myths First Myth: Players speculate about the existence of hidden dungeons beneath the ocean, waiting to be discovered for rare treasures. Second Myth: Some believe that certain biomes hold secret portals to other dimensions, offering unique adventures. Third Myth: There are… Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More

  • Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight

    Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight In the world of Minecraft, where challenges abound, Our hero takes on hard mode, with infinite night around. Facing off against monsters, in a battle of might, Crafting, building, surviving, in the darkness of night. Epic fights against creatures, like Martha and Kuki, Sightings of the unknown, mysterious and spooky. Love arrows flying, food to sustain, A magical well, where dreams may reign. But beware the dangers, lurking in the dark, Our hero must be clever, to leave their mark. With humor and skill, they navigate the land, In Minecraft, they thrive, with a controller in hand. So join… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT WITH LULUCY MERYVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing some more modded minecraft!’, was uploaded by Lulucy Mery on 2024-02-06 23:45:51. It has garnered 103 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:24 or 16224 seconds. HELLO lets have fun in minecraft 1.20 WITH MODS!!! oh how i am so happy that this day is here now!! #vtuber #minecraft 1: english and norwegian only 2: stay posetive in chat 3: don’t complain about me not replying to your chast message i do love that someone is talking in chat but sometimes i can’t reply. my Twitter: https://twitter.com/LulucyMery my Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lulucy_mery… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: 24 HOURS STUCK with My CRUSH! 🔥🔥 (ft. Firey Minecraft)

    Firey Minecraft: 24 HOURS STUCK with My CRUSH! 🔥🔥 (ft. Firey Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘STUCK with My CRUSH For 24 HOURS in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-08 16:03:22. It has garnered 868 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. STUCK with My CRUSH For 24 HOURS in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ★★★★★ ————– ⭐ Welcome to Firey Minecraft ⭐ WE LOVE YOU ALL ⭐ Thank you for supporting us ————- ★★★★★ ————– 🔔 Subscribe us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FireyMinecraft 🎮 Firey Gaming stories: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdsuajtZPkqan6Ap1z96WpKgwmz8Vh61q ————- ★★★★★ ————– ► See More: Firey Minecraft ALL VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdsuajtZPkqan6Ap1z96WpKgwmz8Vh61q Newest Minecraft Videos:… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱

    Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘BEDROCK BRIDGE 😮‍💨’, was uploaded by sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ! ! ! on 2024-07-07 06:20:33. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Tags – minecraft,minecraft mace,minecraft update,minecraft 1.21,minecraft facts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft seed,minecraft how to,minecraft rarest,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.19,mace minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft 1.20,minecraft 1.18,minecraft memes,minecraft but you,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft tutorial,how to edit,how to edit videos,how to edit youtube videos,how to edit videos for youtube,how to edit like a pro,how to edit faster on console,how to edit… Read More

  • XYZ Servers – Vanilla Skyblock

    XYZ Servers - Vanilla SkyblockSupports 1.8-1.20.X Minecraft Skyblock is a gamemode which dates back to 2011, now once more players can explore the original vanilla style of gameplay in the latest versions of Minecraft. With custom challenges and end game goals mixed in, your next Skyblock playthrough promises to be a fun one! play.skyblocks.xyz Read More

  • Legions MC – Factions

    Legions MC Announcement Legions MC I’m excited to announce the launch of Legions MC, a brand-new OG non Pay-to-Win factions server, opening its doors for the beta season in just 2 weeks! What is Legions MC? Legions MC is all about bringing back the pure, classic Minecraft factions experience without the pay-to-win elements that have plagued so many servers. We believe in fair play, skill-based competition, and building a strong, engaging community. What Can You Expect? OG Factions Gameplay: Relive the classic factions experience with well-balanced mechanics and thrilling PvP battles. Non Pay-to-Win: Everyone stands on equal ground—no overpowered kits… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – New Minecraft dash funny haha

    Minecraft Memes - New Minecraft dash funny hahaLooks like this meme needs to level up its score in the meme world before it can unlock the DLC content of being truly funny! Read More

  • Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled

    Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled In the Minecraft village at night, lofi beats take flight, As the sun sets and darkness covers the sight. Join us on this journey, relax and unwind, With calming music, let your worries unbind. Explore the hidden gems, secrets to find, In this tranquil world, let your imagination grind. Study, work, or simply chill, Let the peaceful ambiance give you a thrill. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your love, For this Minecraft village, peaceful as a dove. Lofi tunes, chill vibes, gaming at its best, In this serene village, let your mind rest. So dive into the night, with… Read More

  • This spicy nether portal leads to…? 🔥

    This spicy nether portal leads to...? 🔥 This secret nether portal leads to… a never-ending supply of creepers waiting to blow up your hard work in Minecraft! #minecraftproblems #watchout #boom Read More

  • Pig Prank Gone Wrong!

    Pig Prank Gone Wrong! The Hilarious World of Minecraft: Funny Moments and Fails Step into the whimsical world of Minecraft, where unexpected moments and hilarious fails await around every corner. From pigs unexpectedly landing on players to epic reactions and funny memes, the Minecraft community never fails to entertain. Unforgettable Moments with Friends One of the most enjoyable aspects of Minecraft is playing with friends. Whether you’re exploring vast landscapes, building intricate structures, or engaging in epic battles, the camaraderie and laughter shared with friends make for unforgettable moments. Who knows, you might even find yourself in a situation where a pig unexpectedly… Read More

  • Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+

    Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+ Minecraft 1.21+: Adding Music Packs for an Enhanced Gaming Experience Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft gaming experience with some exciting music packs? Look no further! With the latest Minecraft 1.21+ update, players can now easily add custom music packs to their gameplay. Let’s dive into how you can enhance your Minecraft world with the Vanilla Music Pack and more! Adding the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21 One of the most popular music packs for Minecraft is the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21. To install this pack, simply download the zip or mcpack file from the provided link. Once downloaded,… Read More

  • Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!

    Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Java Mod Pack Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge ep 5’, was uploaded by ukGrannyGamer on 2024-06-26 17:28:17. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:50 or 1070 seconds. Reimagining Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge Tired of the same old grind? This pack throws you into a unique Superflat world with nothing but ProjectE at your disposal. Embrace the Alchemy of Existence: Your journey begins with a Transmutation Table, the key to transforming your surroundings into a powerful magical currency – EMC. Unlock the Potential of… Read More

  • 24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!

    24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 24 Hours in the SCARIEST MODPACK in Minecraft! (From The Fog)’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-05 13:00:13. It has garnered 59072 views and 1955 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:45 or 3885 seconds. Watch as I tackle the CAVE HORROR PROJECT Modpack with a few new ones added. Ill be facing the man from the fog, herobrine, night stalkers, cave dwellers and even goatman in this minecraft survival challenge. Can I do it? Find out in todays video. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SrXZUKTqVb Join the discord to find out the modpack & shaders!… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival – AkaNumbers Ep. 49

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival - AkaNumbers Ep. 49Video Information This video, titled ‘Lets Play – Minecraft Hardcore Survival Ep. 49 (AkaNumbers)’, was uploaded by AkaNumbers on 2024-05-05 18:00:07. It has garnered 28 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:57 or 1557 seconds. SPONSORS Proud Sponsors Of – @JCSPokemonCards support me by shopping here – https://www.ebay.com/usr/jcspokemoncards PROFESSIONAL CALL OF DUTY / HALO PLAYER FOR – ASPECT GAMING I hope you enjoyed and if you did make sure to slap that like button, And even subscribe if you would like to see more! Thanks For Watching! : ) My Links: Twitter-https://twitter.com/AkaNumbers Twitch-https://www.twitch.tv/akanumbersTwitch Music – None… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Cafe Experience! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Cafe Experience! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cafe | minecraft shop | minecraft coffee shop | minecraft |#shorts’, was uploaded by Immortal Crystal Gaming on 2024-02-27 11:53:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft cafe | minecraft shop | minecraft coffee shop | minecraft |#shorts #shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #gaming #minecraft … Read More


    PRINCESS LOOLILALU KIND TO POMNI in Roblox 🥺🥺Video Information This video, titled ‘PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Ash Roblox on 2024-05-05 13:00:12. It has garnered 23032 views and 737 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Ash Roblox Is the best channel for you to watch roblox content 🥰🥰🥰 #roblox #shorts #robloxshorts #robloxobby #robloxtrend #trending #robloxeditstrend PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!

    Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Overhauled Episode 67; 16K Storage!’, was uploaded by Dansaurus on 2024-03-24 20:00:01. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. Hello everyone! Welcome to MINECRAFT OVERHAULED 😀 This is a modded Minecraft let’s play recorded to be similar to the old-school let’s plays of the 2010s! I’ve always wanted to try and recreate the content that I grew up on for a newer generation and this is my attempt so I hope you enjoy!!! 🙂 Here are the mods I use! 😀 The Aether… Read More


    "INSANE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE! DAY 2 LIVE!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴DAY-2 HARD CORE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE IN MINECRAFT [LIVE] #minecraft #livestream’, was uploaded by BLAZE OP on 2024-01-14 21:07:57. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:17 or 16097 seconds. Open Description First…. 🔴 ♠Helloo Welcome To BlazeLobby…. 🔴 I Play Games With Pro Players Just For Entertainment Purpose…. ♠ Channel Overlay Credit ♠ https://instagram.com/d.i.s.h.a.n.t_018?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ♠ In Video Songs Credit To Their Owners.. ♠ 🔴 My Pc Specs… Processor- i5 11400F Motherboard- Gigabyte B560M H V2 Graphic Card- Rtx 3060 12GB Ram- XPG 8×2 Cooler- Air Cooler AG 400… Read More

  • Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!

    Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORST and FUNNY Minecraft Deathrun!’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2024-03-24 20:00:26. It has garnered 1514197 views and 30180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:55 or 1915 seconds. We play Minecraft Deathrun! Who will survive all the CRAZY TRAPS? Subscribe & never miss a video! http://bit.ly/Funneh Watch another video! https://youtu.be/mTzR_GzHt0w?si=CoD0V9Z9f7UxNglI *VIDEOS!* ✦ Gaming / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5xJh_HJZ4MSMlZc14zy4vZ4 ✧ Vlogs / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5x2pQyKh4agInDxRxgYzagl ✦ Live streams / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5wTzNpvLPqDHq9psMdibAum *KREW!* @PaintingRainbows @GoldenGlare @ItsFunneh @LunarEclispe @DraconiteDragon *GAME!* Minecraft Second Deathrunner https://bit.ly/3veqqqE If you enjoyed the video, like & subscribe to show your support! Thanks for watching! :]#Minecraft #ItsFunneh… Read More

  • SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?

    SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best HT4? | @Slayer_xD226’, was uploaded by SLAYER KING on 2024-03-12 05:55:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #pvpmontage #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc … Read More

  • VampireGaming Community | 24/7 | NoPVP

    VampireGaming Community | 24/7 | NoPVPVersion: 1.20.4 & Below VampireGaming community is a soon to be a whole network of games from V Rising to Minecraft to Valheim but mostly is focused on community gamers / streamers and including engagement. VampireGaming MC is purely survival based PVE with the option to toggle PVP, there are also options for bedrock players to be able to use most if not all features(Banking, Wild Teleporting, Bank Upgrades, Auction House & more!). Beware: Some players occassionally come from MineHut. ogvampirepve.minehut.gg Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding Factions SMP Towny

    Welcome to Hardrada Worldbuilding A newly formed worldbuilding server offering players almost total freedom in shaping the history and politics of the world. Whether you want to build an empire, become a wealthy merchant, own a bar and brew alcohol, or live as a simple citizen, the possibilities are endless in Hardrada Worldbuilding! Our server ensures minimal admin intervention, an unbiased staff team, and balanced rules. We welcome community suggestions and offer a pure, vanilla worldbuilding experience without unnecessary rules or plugins. Notable plugins: Towny Dynmap Brewery Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/YD7TbkM569 Read More

  • MysticSMP

    Welcome to **Mystic SMP**!**Server IP:** mystic.minemap.club**Version:** 1.20-1.21**About Us:**Mystic SMP is a mostly vanilla survival multiplayer (SMP) server designed for players who enjoy a classic Minecraft experience with a touch of magic and adventure. Our server promotes a friendly and respectful community where players can build, explore, and have fun together.**Server Rules:**1. **No Griefing:** Respect others’ builds and creations.2. **No Hacking:** Play fair and keep the game enjoyable for everyone.3. **Respect Others:** Treat all players with kindness and respect.4. **Have Fun:** Enjoy your time and make the most of your adventures!**Features:**- **Build Anywhere:** Feel free to construct your own houses, structures,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting chaos: when creepers strike”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting chaos: when creepers strike"Looks like this meme is as popular as a dirt block in the Nether! Read More

  • Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme

    Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. New features and mobs, all to explore, The community thrives, always wanting more. Your creator, the one who crafts the tale, Bringing new content, never to fail. Dancing with death, a risky game, But in Minecraft, it’s all the same. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, In this pixelated world, let your creativity flow. With each new update, a new adventure to find, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination unwind. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱

    Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱 The Adventures of Efekan in Minecraft In a thrilling Minecraft video, a wicked sorcerer transforms Efekan into a Four-Armed Mutant Monster and commands him to attack the city. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Exciting Minecraft Content The YouTube channel, filled with entertaining Minecraft content, showcases the transformation of characters and their epic battles. Viewers are in for a treat with each new video! Join the Fun Don’t miss out on the exciting Minecraft series! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay updated on the latest episodes. Engage with the community and be the first to… Read More

  • Snitching on Chicken Madness

    Snitching on Chicken Madness i’m TELLING on you (Chicken Madness Episode #19) Exploring Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20 In the latest episode of Chicken Madness, the talented Minecraft player Dasanye takes on the challenge of beating the game using only chickens in her own mod. The video showcases her speedpainting skills while navigating the unique world of Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20. Speedpainting Amberlynn Dasanye’s artistic abilities shine as she speedpaints the character Amberlynn, all while strategically utilizing chickens to progress through the game. The combination of creativity and gameplay makes for an engaging viewing experience. Community Engagement Viewers are encouraged to subscribe and comment… Read More

  • My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31

    My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31Video Information This video, titled ‘My Daughter HATES Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 328 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:02 or 1682 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. I am raising my daughter in Minecraft Oasis and she HATES ME! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► http://bit.ly/iHCStore Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown

    The Ultimate Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤬part-2😠wait for part-3 next video 🤢#minecraft#gaming#shots’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-08 08:35:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts Minecraft part-2 wait for part-3 next video #minecraft#gaming#shots minecraft but minecraft mod … Read More

  • Unleashing your inner creativity in Minecraft

    Unleashing your inner creativity in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Experience’, was uploaded by flowstate on 2024-07-05 16:00:42. It has garnered 60611 views and 3607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:44 or 3524 seconds. FlowSMP: https://www.patreon.com/flowstatevideo Discord: https://discord.gg/7kndwK3FxK #flowstate Read More