Ep13 Spellbound Caves II Developer Commentary (Hydra, Purple Wool, Vault of the Mountain Sun)

Video Information

Hi guys vex here welcome to episode 13 of my spellbound caves to developer commentary okay so before we head out i think i’m going to get sturmstein up to level uh up to uh master and to do that i’m going to need to make a few things huh

So we want the advanced one to master upgrade which okay that took eight astral diamonds to do but here we are um so before we do anything else let’s go ahead and do that uh it’s in my off hand okay so bigger amount of bar and still the same capacity of spells but

What leveling it up does do is uh do i have any new uh well leveling up does do you get more upgrade slots okay oh i’ve got one single condenser upgrade aha and it is rare quality i could re-roll it and try to get something better i’d also like to reroll

Gigaton but we’ll do that in a second okay so the next thing i want is i want to cool down up okay i want a siphon upgrade no i probably want the condenser upgrade yep and range would be nice too but cool down area of effect

I don’t care about attunement i i i think five spells is fine for a combat wand and the melee upgrade i i don’t know about that one but um let’s try the condenser upgrade first really i don’t have a single piece of glass okay well we can fix that

Okay glass is on the way what else do i need paper yes now we have some paper and what else are we missing planks we don’t have planks i mean it makes sense we did just use a bunch of planks to make uh paper right no that was no that was that

Was pressure plates not slabs uh slabs is the word i was looking for ready sir Daylight sensor another one oh there we go and i think you can use up to three up to uh three oh i’d like one more of these so we need nether quartz so that’s basically just uh we need to take the glass and we need to cook the glass in the furnace

To harden the glass into quartz i think we needed three pieces right so yeah if you didn’t know uh you can you can forge the glass into into harder courts issue he did get that without having to go go to the nether one more all right

All right so we’ll have we’ll end up with three of those and the next thing is going to be the cool down i would really like maybe two of these what’s what’s the problem i guess there isn’t a problem all right so let’s try this one one thousand one one thousand

Uh i shoot this at just something around here no no no uh i wish i could see the numbers for it what else is there there’s lightning bolts oh oh this will be good this will be good yeah yeah one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand about three seconds

So let’s load up the condenser another condenser and a cool down and let’s try this again one one thousand two one thousand three is that about two and a half seconds so we have to build a cooldown reduction also known as ability haze here also how’s the mana regen 1000 thousand

Every two seconds we’re getting three mana every two seconds so let’s try this again one one thousand two one thousand uh it’s definitely lower but i can’t tell for sure how much lower but as long as i can do more chain lightnings into the crowds that think that’s an improvement

I might want to try a blast upgrade as well and the range upgrade i definitely want the range upgrade and you have to use a pristine bow can’t use like one of the random ones i’m not sure what range is going to do for something like lightning pulse

We’re in the middle of this block and it went out two blocks around me that might be blast upgrade it might be range upgrade i’m not really sure i thought i made i thought i made two of those just now did i drop it somewhere did i leave it in the crafting table

Is it like stuck in the crafting interface am i just stupid i could hold on a sec i’m just going to check the video oh my god the arcane workbench you you ate my range upgrade you ate it don’t you ever don’t don’t ever put more

Than one upgrade in here at a time i guess i believe this can hold nine so i could do one more of each of these but stupid no no give me i was cheated and if i’m gonna get cheated then i’m gonna cheat to get my one you stupid thing okay um

Actually i guess i’ll throw a range upgrade in this there that’s where i’ll use it all uh let’s see what lightning pulse does here so i’m in the middle of this block uh that’s probably a blast upgrade instead of a range upgrade to do that one one thousand two one thousand

I think it’s a half second each time i want more cool down cool down cool down more one two all right so that’s maxed out cool down maxed out mana regen and i guess i could try i guess i could throw a blast upgrade in there let’s see melee attunement blast one

Cool down duration uh are there any lightning buffs that i would want the duration extended i don’t think so storage i think the capacity is fine and regen’s fine blast so two ranges and one blast i’m not necessarily sniping people with this let’s go see if this upgrades the blast of lightning pulse

Yes now it’s out to one two three all right what else can we do we want to re-roll we want to grab the dragon bone out of here and where’s my other dragon bone is it is it in these packs did i not go through my packs oh no i didn’t go

Through my packs oh okay oh why that’s okay we’ll do a the quick methodology of this all right that one’s done i don’t know if i had a ton of stuff backed away in my packs yep yeah okay i think we’re good okay so we wanted the dragon bone

And the let’s check the spell books that i threw in there just now the b u and u and it scrolls up by d i think that’s it uh let’s get gigaton out and see if we can do anything about gigaton but actually try again oh i should have used a bottle of

I should use the bottle and gotten some uh blood you can uh well you can convert the bloods back and forth in case you need ice dragon blood you can pick the fire dragon blood take ice dragon blood and surround it with soul fire and magma block and turn it into

Fire dragon blood and in case you wanted the ice dragon blood you could take fire dragon blood and start with soul fire and pack ice swap them back and forth but uh i should i’ll i could have made a uh iced dragon bone warhammer um it’s not that big of an upgrade as

Far as the Damage goes i’m gonna i guess it’s plus four right yeah uh but it freezes monsters on hit so we get common or common common uncommon for common well i should have stopped it uncommon let that be a lesson folks gambling doesn’t pay until it does but results atypical uh where’s the lightning spells

Got any unknown lightning spells so that one lightning arrow that one this one that one that one got lightning ray spark bomb and let’s check out the other ones i guess we’ll use the sphere of cognizance on them i would really like to know what these are

There’s a uh there’s a lightning charge move that i would really like as a uh mobility option which i think would be really cool there’s lightning sigil oh that’s not what i’m looking for uh spark bomb might actually be kind of good see yep i think this is it it said move

Across great distances come on give it to me okay i’ll just time skip until i get them all alrighty i got everything identified it’s homing spark and that was not stacked for some reason we got lightning sigil spark bomb lightning ray charge and homing spark let’s have a look at charge and homing

Spark charge is you charge rapidly in the direction they’re looking damaging and knocking back anything in their path and then homing spark is a floating spark which moves towards enemies so a homing projectile i’m definitely interested in all of these let’s see oh element equals lightning so chain lightning is the main lightning

Attack lightning arrow has been useful for sniping uh let’s try out uh where’s charge i definitely won’t charge instead of slime and lightning pulse has been kind of uh let’s switch it out for a homing spark uh that might be useful for hitting enemies that are i’m having more trouble with so charge

Is really freaking cool i’m over here now in case you guys were uh no hi what’s up guys i’m up here now this is where i am now so that’s uh so oh the the range and blast upgrade oh cool down upgrade ow oh i’m also doing things wrong hold on a

Sec there we go i am full magic damage build right now because i have the blade that gives plus five and now i’ve got um uh i got the blade which is plus five and then this is plus three got divine magi of uh plus fifteen percent so yeah

I feel like i want the auto eating mod now so that i don’t have to switch to my food you know this is where honey production just is like honey production auto eat is is uh that should kind of zoom a little bit i guess i could put the satiati

On my uh on my wand um oh gosh maybe slightly too fast zoom hi i’m back uh yeah um so i got some diamond uh just went out and went out and just got some diamond you know just got some i’m gonna start taking a heart container so i can do the master

Uh master quest better we got here a diamond warhammer well isn’t that cool more raw diamond and crystal flowers boop boop infernal tier threes hey i got an amble i’m melting that down that’s for sure one of these things does not belong in there it was the quartz ore

Which is really obnoxious actually makes me want to add a crafting recipe for mystical world quartz or to smelt it down into ports just so that you can throw it in your furnace and melt it down without having to put it down and then mine it

Oh i got diamond horse armor heck yeah that’s all fantastic i think i’m going to take the auto eat uh where is that guys life is hard this is why i don’t always off hand wands but if i want to be mathematically correct that’s what i need to do here

I wish i could control click this or alt click it to like get out all of the levels all at once but you know it’s better than not having this at all and i don’t want to be a choosing beggar alrighty now let’s see let’s see here is it just xp

Look at this let’s eat the fish pie and gain a negligible amount of xp let’s use these and gain more negligible amounts of xp but still some i guess i don’t know unlimited power oh yes all right uh i want the hungry farmer why not anything else i really want safe port i

Mean sure can’t take it uh agility’s gathering is i don’t really care about that mining i mean yeah i really care about the other things so during combat i will be it’ll be very difficult to uh put me down let’s see here was there fish in here no was our bread

Uh so the way to deal with the hungry farmer is simply to when you’re out and around your base you can swap to like bread or whatever potatoes whatever you know and then once you’re in combat you can put something else in your hot bar and maybe don’t walk out with this much

Xp maybe not alrighty uh what did we learn from this we learned that i kind of i don’t need to say shitty i don’t think uh charge hamming spark paralysis i kind of like all of those i think uh they all have a reason to exist uh except for maybe homing spark uh

Maybe i could have an is there another utility you know what i i kind of am thinking of putting firebomb instead of homing spark because that gives me fire element and i don’t know if you guys remember but there was a certain somebody who

I can light stuff on fire if i have to i won’t be as effective but i’m literally just using this to light stuff on fire and not uh check out the range upgrade though look at that the range and blast upgrade right and i’m not really using this one as

Much until i get uh this is just kind of a utility one yeah it’s just a utility one pretty much it’s there to have mage light Yeah that’s basically it it’s mage light one mage light and grapple and actually entrapment is pretty cool decay is so decay is also like if there’s a room full of monsters i can like break the wall and just throw like a decay in there and just sit back and watch

As they get annihilated all right i think that’s it as far as like mucking around my base let’s go get some let’s go get some wool what are we doing today i’m gonna pick something at random out of the uh intersection three right or or i guess i

Could you know what let’s go kill that stupid stupid hydra um i need let’s make sure i have a sword i can’t believe i have to go do this but is there do we have a fire sword anywhere i need an actual sword like like sword just a bit i just want

To make doubly sure that it is i mean the great sword would probably work right no he’ll do um uh where did i put my tones of scrapping did i leave them somewhere maybe i’ve left them somewhere possibly are they in here yeah there they are ah there’s fire aspect three well

I got that mess no it’s my anvil it’s right there god it blends in there we go just to be sure i have that and it’s in its six-hole damage uh it seems like you kind of need something to whack the stupid thing with uh to cut its heads off and it

Seems to need a sword specifically according to the wiki and i was using a hammer and maybe that’s the problem i’m not a hundred percent sure but anyway i kind of want to pick a fight with these guys now i want to see them go nuts and i just

Want to mow them down with uh with chain lightning oh my god [Laughter] oh you guys don’t like the chain lightning move do you it’s a little hard to hard to dodge isn’t it i just zap come on spawn faster go one of you was fancy

Oh i should there now i have even more damage just in case oh look at all the blights i managed to spawn in as i kept killing i kept killing enemies and then like the chance for blight to spawn reached like a hundred percent and so all of the

Ones until i actually kill the blights that spawn i could focus on killing the normals and like blights will just keep spawning because of the uh because of the mechanical interaction of the formula yeah that’ll do oh black spike that wasn’t a like spike this is a single player game uh

What that was so i can also intentionally try for uh new spells of an element by collecting the dust of that element and then combining it uh on the imbuemed altar how’s my mana holding up that three per two is is pretty good is it spawning blights now oh it spawned something

There’s a very annoyed anubis i’m sorry i’m keeping you guys awake you guys are like man i’m trying to sleep this guy’s running around like putting on a on a oh oh i just saw a gold token heck yeah and i’m just out here going that was fun guys chain lightning

In any video game that has ever featured chain lightning as a spell it’s just so cool it’s the best spell it’s one of my favorite spells and even in this mod pack in this mod the eb wizardry chain lightning is as it rightfully should be so freaking cool

Like no matter what game system you’re in like the chain lightning has something for you you know like if you’re playing dungeons and dragons it’s an aoe spell that only hits hostiles at least in fifth edition i don’t know maybe it did something else in other editions of a mummy goodbye mummy uh

It’s a it’s a it’s like a it’s an aoe spell that you don’t have to really worry with the hitting your teammates with it and it’s also really powerful uh or if you’re playing this you know it’s it’s a it’s a more of a hit scan weapon that like has like a

A little bit a little bit of auto aim with it you know so that you don’t have to worry as much about not hitting the little tiny mushroom person uh the spoiling right or you don’t have to worry about not hitting the well whatever really the the silverfish the baby spider

The spoiling the what else is really tiny as a tiny hitbox anything with a tiny hitbox it’s just like yeah i’m just gonna hit it i choose to hit it uh so in games in games where you would have to try to like hit small small things with hitboxes like chain lightning hazard

Back there and we’ll try and keep these out the dusts and stuff and the tokens and and put away this other other stuff all right well you can stay on my hotbar for now this would be an amazing candidate for people who like the golden osmosis trait actually uh food food food

Let’s go for i guess the meat versus the hydra and gotta go find this guy he should be down here hey dude i guess a little bit farther can huh hurt myself with this no that’s fantastic there he is all right let’s let’s let’s fight again rematch rematch time uh

This work on you no he gives he gives no craps about uh that works on them did i just trap them in the well then i mean entrapment was right wasn’t it oh well i guess i just needed the firebomb spell because i mean the suffocation

Well no no no now hold on a sec i want his drops where does drops go are they in here they fall down there they are did i beat the quest yes and just in case your drops disappeared i gave you like a dose of hydra drops we got here

A random oh a random master spell heck yeah ring of the battle mage ah okay one of those when in hotbar gives increasing regeneration based on how injured the holder is well then yes this is good okay we this this thing was useless good job hydra slayer well done

Hydra slayer has served with distinction uh in other words he stunk it’s kind of fireball i mean even okay here’s the thing here’s the thing even if this is a lightning specific wand it is still a rare quality wand with the upgrades and stuff on it and i still have

Flat magic damage here and flat magic damage here so even if i’m using the wrong element wand uh i’m like i’m missing out on the plus sixty percent potency for lightning but i still do have all of the other Things from my kit so yeah i just got who duded me dude hey whack yeah i mean he just got one shot by that same with him so my firebomb’s doing over 20 damage and with the cooldown i can jesus i can really spam those so that’s kind of great all right well

Hydra’s dead All right can we do with the hydra pieces why am i in hide ingredients mode i must have done that somehow uh hydra arrows neat uh spawn hydra alrighty um i guess we’ll go ahead and open uh open these i’m dying to know what’s in here what do we get

Random master spell heck yeah got a really crappy axe of a thousand metals another really crappy axe of a thousand metals get the orb of power oh boy plus 20 spell potency and increases the mana cost uh i kind of like my flat bonus to be honest with you

Got a amulet of grand vitality um that’s neat but no oh okay that’s this one’s cool what am i wearing right now oh yeah probably more than three but oh my god yes yes i am do you guys have any idea how mobile i am right now

Oh that’s also more flat magic damage and more more speed gotta go fast gotta go fast okay i am way less tanky but i am i may be way less tanky but uh i’m gonna do damage there’s a dro there’s a dreadnight sword so if you just want a basic sword model

You could go with that it’s 1.6 or 17. pretty pretty solid there’s a there’s a gorgon if i want to try to uh unlife myself and there’s uh some of the myrmex fighting chest plate epic quality do not have the that’s eight and that’s three and eight

So it’s it’s not as good as netherrite but uh it is fairly farmable huh all right get in there let’s go identify these what we got give me give me lightning web i really want lightning webb please lightning web would be fantastic oh well there’s pocket dimension that’s fun

That’s literally what it says there’s just a dimension unique to the player that it’s basically just a tiny room that’s all your own and that is okay we got fire breath oh oh oh aha well you know firebomb was neat but i think i’m gonna go with the fire breath

No we don’t we don’t want pocket dimension we don’t need product dimension all right let’s just i i can’t test this inside my house um and we’ve got this taking up a hot bar slot but it’s going to give us a region i’m not sure how much we’ll find out how

Much how much it’ll give these tokens can chill well we’ll open these later i want to go i’m in the i’m in the mood to zoom i wish to zoom let’s put all our filthy lucr in the base filthy luger backup pants we don’t really need okay

Backup pants backup pants i don’t really care about a vegan i don’t need a beacon i am a beacon probably actually use the beacon to craft something right yep uh we had an inert ring yeah we could use the uh if we had an inert ring we could make

One of the one of those rings um let’s see yeah i think i think it’s pretty much it uh so let’s bank the exp and skedaddle might need a little bit more than that intersection three okay on today’s raffle stomp we are going to go to the bu

Vault of the mountain sun that sounds fun so this is dedicated to arbitrated one of my patrons hello the witch tom heard me optifine is not compatible with this mod pack and especially breaks this area by causing runestone to appear glitched yes cool oh right i have the ninja amulet if i

Start falling i auto glide right yes so there is something nasty in there is that a manticore this is the right biome for them huh oh it’s an infertile manticore i definitely feel my lack of uh my pants broke he broke my pants so fast yeah let’s wear these these will break

Even faster i gotta say the hydra heart is fantastic god region three the lower my hp gets the more region i get which isn’t gonna actually that’s not as actually good as you might think because a lot of things that are can kill you are gonna be um going to burst you basically

But i suppose this would stop you from getting like whittled down by uh what would it be good against probably groups of like smaller enemies wailing on you uh definitely like synergizes really well with my auto eat these bridges oh my god you see how they are in sync you see that

You see that goblin i think i live streamed this but game mode sp the uh the redstone for this goes um effect vex minecraft night vision give me like can i have like 15 seconds of it yeah thank you uh it goes under the ground and i and down here

I kept putting like all over the place down here is the uh is repeaters until i got the timing just so it was such a pain in the butt to do not to do but to get them synced where they where you push the button and they um

They they go up at the exact same time so there’s some secrets around here uh one secret is i guess this is where i would use night vision to more easily find them i just hate the way night vision looks it would be i would use it sparingly

Makes everything look like pee astral mage right here uh we got amulet of grant another one of those okay well i could be omega tonk if i really wanted to i think i i think there was stuff out here and then i um i’ll suck iraq me

You’re very cute i feel really bad having to fight you yes you’re useless you do no damage and rely only on your poison and now that i’m immune to poison it’s kind of like whatever step height for the wind am i right because i think ninja has step height on it doesn’t it

Yes 0.7 fantastic not that i needed to take the oh and there’s a blast off over here yes thank you for helping me blast me off again up up go up do it no don’t let me touch the ground you fool you’ve ruined everything oh this is i’m really feeling the

Playground now of this of this map uh absolute playground oh god butt clench i should know it’s coming but still i need to look i need to i need to blacklist i need the blacklist the uh bridge blocks from the uh what are you you’re very dead that’s what you are

I need to blacklist the bridge blocks from uh entity culling so that it keeps rendering the bridge when you’re not looking at it because oh my god uh was there a secret back here yes it’s a little obvious isn’t it it’s an amulet of potential um which is the warrior amulet that just

But it has this one has the generic stats on it i feel bad taking this like i’m a vandalizing arbs dungeon sorry arbs i’m not trying to vandalize your dungeon but you have to understand i am a loot goblin i i wish for the lutz’s

I pine for them i need them i want them give them to me a lobster could be given the lutz’s what did that say the bridge the bridges clip into each other to fix a bug sorry for dropping you into the lava tank oh right one of

My alpha testers tinker tech um you could see her on the discord uh ah right yes uh yeah um tinker tech died here from the fall through the bridge glitch it was hilarious everybody thought it was funny she didn’t think it was funny she was she like got jump scared by falling through

The bridge and dying um but it was funny i’m sorry tink you have to admit that in hindsight it was it you you weren’t happy at the time but falling you falling to the bridge is really funny um did i set these up so that monsters leave you alone

It actually looks like that is the case because monsters from the wall are not actually pathfinding to me is there a divot cut into here from the side wouldn’t surprise me if there was i think there is actually maybe because they’re not pathfinding to me like i would have expected anyway

Now we go in oh not gonna get the cool cinematic opening we’re gonna get attacked immediately well that’s fine uh that took me forever to also get the timing right on welcome to the vault the mountain sun and uh let’s immediately go get um not much of a well it kind of depends

On you to make your spot check right this place i’m going to do without torches because it just torches ruin the look of the place they really do you owe it to yourself to do this without lighting it up uh so the first secret is that you by

Looking at the runes up here you can notice that the area has a there’s a hallway up here actually and you need to pay attention to uh you need to pay attention to silhouettes here if you want to do this uh with no torches and this is why i have

Another element on my wand besides the lightning and this is also why i have a let’s see hey buddy oh i started gliding i need to remember that if i jump i might glide not maybe maybe not the uh yep i have to completely rethink my movement

Uh but there’s little there’s um you can see the base blocks here there uh there that you can um grapple to and then get pulled back onto by the void creeper being incredibly incredibly helpful thank you void creeper after you um ruin yourself with your own

Uh grapple not like i would be i would be mildly inconvenienced if i went down there so for your braving this a vault you get the mountain’s voice which is a unique copper glaive that has magic damage and jump height magic shield how does it compare with the blade of nand

Blepharotep is what i would like to know so this one’s better this one’s got sharpness five this one also has sharpness five this one says looting and scavenging whereas this one does not uh this was mending this one is life mending um this is a glaive and we’re looking at reach

This is built in reach this is much slower attack speed but more damage both plus five flat damage uh from both have plus five flat magic damage uh this one has magic shielding and jump height and speed okay this is this is even more of a battle mage uh weapon whereas

I think the blade i would probably put that into more of a rogue build uh so mountains voice um battle mage weapon let’s go do i go down there not yet i’ll go down there later all right let’s get back to your usually scheduled dungeon ah you can still spam click with this

It’s fine and up here is a secret the war wizard uh helmet which is plus three magic damage which no nothing in the way of hp really um oof i still kinda wanna use it because it does have flat magic damage so once i get the if i get the full set

I might i might go all in on that everything up here oh my my jump boost jump boost with the glide resuming something up here off right lightning elementals hi yes or wizard plate yup all right that’s the plate cotton let’s go check this chamber uh there’s enemies above us

There’s a goblin and let’s go up here hi boys i’m actually going to have to melee all of you ow ow ow ow ow ow out out okay yes thank you now i suck against you your lightning elementals the damage does nothing should have had like force arrow or something like neutral element

All right that’s that gut oh boy oh oh the butthole is clenching the butthole is clinching the butthole is closed there’s this the butthole is glitching i don’t know what he’s actually saying but it said it creeps people out when they first hear it you killed your ally you crazy crazy skeleton huh

Are you immune to lightning oh okay he’s immune to he’s he’s immune to he’s immune to lightning are you immune to entrapment or decay i should never use the clay what am i thinking get out here get you get out here Stop moving at me all right you know what i might be a mage but mountain’s voice is not a slouch in melee not the best in the world but you can still suck it enough to deal with you so you were supposed to be the boss of

This place and yet you spawned in here as a natural spawn so that was a just a stupid little little thing you’re tough why are you why is there a baby ghoul shouldn’t be baby ghouls ever all right so the outer thing was all like knew the butthole was pitching

I was like oh god oh god you’re ugly and then i was like huh you are one ugly and he’s like i can’t well i can’t say that i can’t quote the predator movie there’s just bad words i don’t want my mother-in-law to glare at me again she didn’t glare at me she

Just gives me the look you know you guys know that the look is you guys know the look so this dungeon uses more oh it’s a troll dude you’re scary looking in the darkness all i saw was just eyes coming at me but fear denies faith

And fear is not but my faith is strong we will strike them down in the name of the emperor uh except accept that except that you’re all immune to chain lightning which is what i was about to do so this seems to work pretty well though and on the troll too

For that matter i’m not sure but i i kind of maybe have would have i kind of maybe liked firebomb better that was a mimic i think i kind of like firebomb better because it just hits more consistently whereas this this seems to not like completely also no hey you

Your magic resist is insane oh wait i think that’s actually canon right i think i may i wow that noise i just made sounded kind of like the noise the dude from dark castle makes and here is some really cool stuff which i definitely want all that can go in here um yes

Okay and this cool stuff goes in here this is there’s lightning disk there’s chain lightning so here’s chain lightning if you haven’t gotten it uh all right there we go uh those are all lightning spells and i think one of them might be lightning well i’m not sure that might

One of those might be lightning web if that’s the case then and zoom is all i gotta say charge is awesome i want to be careful where you use it in here though though if you’re stuck on a web like i am thank you arachne yes good time for range upgrades don’t you

Guys think oh you’re fast you also jump really oh those are revenants you’re not zombies at all bamboozle you look like a zombie but you’re not a zombie evidence are like super zombies oh you’re chungus you’re so chunk and i think they no don’t glide back down there’s alphas down there too uh

Yeah the um revenants are chungus aren’t they pretty chunky boys i actually have the speed to dodge blights now so well until i get run into a web and get stuck i was briefly cool that was cool for a second oh there’s a hook hard the chorus can pull your uh

Pull your weapon away from you so keep an eye on your inventory um they are incredibly rare um they have a spawn weight of uh one now which is the lowest spawn weight i can give something oh he’s gonna blow up that looks like a oh a sec yeah it’s a revenant tower

You guys need to stop shooting me with lightning please and you guys can all die too while we’re at it actually i think yeah i think i like firebomb better like this isn’t bad but this seems really similar to just uh flame ray like actually okay i’m starting to think maybe i just

Won’t kill those guys up there but i want to go up there like there might be looses up there and i want the lutzes and i should be given a lootzes hello is there a loot up here yeah see there’s a thing there’s a cubby maybe there’s a maybe there’s something in it

Get out you guys are actually making me want to just go back to base and go grab firebomb because it seems more consistent so yeah these guys are set from the ancient warfare uh advanced spawners a lot in here um there’s basically those are basically the one and done spawners

And you’re on fire aha there is something up here memory that memory works yes this might be the final piece of the armor yes it is all right uh let’s see the dragon’s breath also sort of kind of uh just sets fires everywhere which is not something i always want to do

I guess it is useful for just providing a little bit of ambient light not that my mate i mean but that’s what i have mage light for go ahead and go through the oh no uh let’s see all right that’s the whole set so i’d prefer to

I think i might actually switch to this but i i need to spend some time with my base to see what enchantments and other stuff i can put on it um i went and grinded out a bunch of you guys earlier so i’m not really like super clamoring to get up here and

Another blight spider hello revenants the board all right um god my ability to dodge is so good now that i’m faster something to be said for the uh speed over the raw armor in hp i mean it’s still pretty durable mostly because the broken heart is just nuts

If the effect wasn’t so cool i would actually consider turning it off because of how strong it is but it is it is a really cool effect but anyway uh let’s see wait no that’s the wrong move dammit there we go that’s not all of them but that’s a lot of them

Let’s start thinning this out man the lightning revenants can be nasty though when they once they start shooting me they just hit me a lot like ah i hit a web get out of the web get under the web yes have to use the i don’t actually have a

Good answer for the lightning immune lightning rates which in hindsight maybe i thought the dragon’s breath would be better yeah it’s a little ah it really does just seem like kind of a different version of flame ray Oh hi guys hi doggie hi mark hey dudes they’re just up there ah a little crowded in there i was gonna go in there i wanted to break ah you’re fast too i can’t even criticize you for being fast because i’m fast we’re both fast two astral mages why not

What do we get anna uh oh that’s the amulet of the mana oh do i want to ditch the ninja amulet the glide has been we’ve been having mixed uh projectile speed magic damage max hp down this is the charm magical dining this lets you use your hunger when you’re out of mana

Whereas this lets you just reduces amount of cost um this lowers your max hp oh this is also more huh i’m really going aggro aren’t i how much do i trust my um but my magic damage just keeps increasing how much do i trust this hydra heart to help me regen you know

All right a little can i hit you with decay no trumpet skeleton you’re in the way all right how about entrapment that works what on the slower side wait i can use chain lighting on these they’re not the lighting revenants anything interesting up here um not really no

I’ve made this so hard on myself right there okay let’s go this way uh that’s down into the doom um ah this should be so much easier with fireball oh my god no you know what no no no i’m just i’m stubborn screw you guys i’m going home where’s my firebomb

It was actually a decent spell oh but also wait a minute uh no i have i’m i’m also really really curious uh we’ve got here lightning disc master and master and probably scrolls of those if i wanted to try and cast them without you know

If i want to try and cast them normally this could take a hot minute i’ll be right back alrighty i’m back uh so let’s see so first things first we got uh lightning web which is a hybrid between chain lightning and lightning ray uh you shoot it and anything hit by this

Will do the chain lightning effect it’s pretty good i got some in storm elemental which is uh yeah that thing it shoots lightning arrows and lightning discs i think at enemies uh we have static charge which enchants my weapon actually static charge four uh i think if i hold

This mouth hand and do it again no uh static charge four adds lightning damage to your weapon so that’s kind of cool then we’ve got firebomb and charge so we have a new primary attack as lightning of lightning web is amazing uh and then on this one we still have

Basically the same stuff now uh here we have let’s go over the equipment here i’ve got the full war wizard set that i put on and it’s all got flat magic damage and not much else actually uh as far as stats it does not have much hp

It does have a lot of magic shielding so i should be uh very resistant to enemy wizard magic it is also giving me constant ward because of the set bonus uh and we also have more cool down spell cooldown uh a total of twenty percent uh faster cooldown because of this

So that’s pretty cool now i’ve got this amulet which regenerates the mana because the armor uses mana as its durability uh so you can regenerate its durability using the ambulatory cane defense which also means that you have to repair it using the crystals i went ahead and scrounged up uh

All the protections i got and so we got a breaking and protection on it uh i don’t know if mending you can put bending on it but i don’t i don’t know if you actually need to because of the way the armor works we’ll see

I would like to enchant this and wear it but the problem is i also really like this this is more flat magic damage uh but then like that actually regenerates all of the the mana on it so i i kind of do really want

That but i i would also like it to be way better than the quality it is right now i’m gonna try and re-roll it ideal would be divine magi do i stop it rare that is plus three percent magic damage i guess i’ll stop it rare okay

Instead of three magic damage it’s it’s three percent but also eight hit points which uh i don’t know if you guys noticed but my my hp bar took a little bit of a of a ding um just a bit of a ding uh but now this will regenerate

Uh mana for my armor over time so it’ll all self repair slowly uh let’s see if i replace that ring with an another ring we’ve got the condensing ring uh i like the condensing ring and i kind of want to re-roll that condensing ring to replace this ring of the ranger um

Yeah i think we’ll do that give me give me the astral diamonds back it’s expensive really fast ah it feels bad oh stop it rare okay all right so now we have regen for all the wands in the hot bar this thing should be coming back really

Fast because it also has its condensing stuff and this one is coming back at all now so that’s great cool all right so i think that’s my final kit uh we’ll see how chunky i am the hydra heart definitely helps all right so let’s go grab enough stuff to teleport with

Should be enough alrighty so you’re in my offhand main hand the lightning web i want to go to intersection three now i could have gone down there and gotten another way stone but all right let’s go back to the vault of the mountain sun yes this way still pretty fast i’m just spider-manning

From from the top here actually i guess it can go down uh firebomb let’s try statics charge so now uh i should do a decent amount of damage with my melee hits let’s try out um i’m in storm elemental get him oh we got him he didn’t get him that time

How many this can i summon oh they use the lightning disc move i’m gonna these guys are now nicknamed krillins they seem to last a while too how many of these can i get out at once and i got some pretty nice cool down here

Uh looks like i can have about three out at once with the amount of cooldown that i have all right time for the star of the show lightning web yeah it’s just lightning ray and chain lightning combined can i can i make a chain from my oh can

I make a chain from my own guys like if i shoot him will it oh if i shoot him it jumps the stuff nearby him automatic oh my god look at the synergy look at the synergy it chains to stuff nearby him so i just literally put a storm elemental down

Here and then just shoot him and let it chain oh my god he’s the anchor for the ch oh this is so cool this is so cool i didn’t think about this interaction i literally just figured this out on camera right now oh my god guys guys it’s so cool lightning best element

Look at it it’s just oh it’s getting them oh my god unlimited ah i okay i have a friggin death laser just when you thought chain lightning couldn’t get cooler here we are i suppose the revenant spawners are also kind of around for you to just blast with spells

And try your spells out huh i mean they’re really good at that right like these guys do not care in the slightest about my lighting web there oh yeah this is yeah this is this is what i need to do hi guys firebomb is humble oh he’s got he’s got fire uh doohickey

Resistance um in that case all i got really left is entrapment hey dude i got entrapment that seems to work you know i thought about putting force arrow uh i thought about putting force arrow on my necromancy wand just in case you know just in case i needed like a really

Generic attack for things that were resistant to whatever oh hey it’s the mini boss of this place it’s an outer outer being all right so let’s try the combo wombo and put down a storm elemental right here at the entrance and then shoot him with the lightning

Web attack and let him chain it to everything in the room well i think it would work really well except for the the lightning elementals in the room are kind of absorbing fireball is still really useful because it is a it has a ballistic arc so you can arc it over things Let’s try static charge switch back to firebomb and i need to blast this guy with static charge static charge weapon that is oh my oh yeah oh i’m doing like over 20 a hit and this is doing 12 so my static charge is doing like eight damage i’m out of mana damn

Well that won’t last for long we got up here astral mage heck yeah i like seeing those gold tokens how much mana we got now 41. i guess i’m going through it quite a bit with my firebombs huh but we’ll get oh hey look it’s necromancy and lightning

Two wands that i’ve got right now dude these guys over here i’m just saying you guys are you guys really look like you’re busy in there hey i need to go down the uh thing out oh geez i want the loot is though it’s ranger warrior oh there’s one of each yay variety

Looks like the spawner just decided to die on its own uh where’d i put the astral mage or did i open it already or did i just like not get it did i put it in here silly we got oh that’s a 15 chance to reanimate slain undead as skeletons oh

Uh yeah uh it’s a cool ranger charm meant for rangers at least hey wither bones and a another one of those which i thought about using but i think this is raw damage more raw damage and gives projectile damage so like your your force your force arrow

If you wanted to spam force arrows at stuff that would be a plus seven to it because it is both a projectile and magic whereas this is just a humble plus three but that gives me 16 hp and this one gives me um negative hp and this one gives you more speed so

This is like a more more aggressive pick and probably when combined with the auto feeding to automatically eat your food for you without having to even switch your switch to to actually hold your food to eat it you would basically have as much mana as you have food

Which would be like infinite so that could be pretty op given the right setup but for my build i actually thought the charm of mana was better 15 chance to rename slain undead as skeletons i’m gonna have to just try this out just to see how how that plays out because it it

Sounds like it’d be really cool well that is the purple wool and uh do i have anything left to do in here i do actually uh there’s a way stone i didn’t get yet ah scary little guy chunky little guy too oh let’s see i can switch back to lightning web

Over here there’s a hole you can fall into so let’s just fall into it that’s a troller just spawner stupid goblin what we’ve seen trolls before they’re actually they’re not really that threatening that was funny so if you fall down here you just kind of have to end up dealing with

Whatever’s down here but also this area also kind of functions as a honeypot sorts i’m getting overwhelmed she uses my spell that i’ve actually put a lot of effort into getting it’s one way to clear a room huh and it makes me happy i had wish i had like slightly more range Ah i got foiled um the vault depths oh all right let’s see oh cool super goblin fantastic good uh let’s see let hello creeper yep okay let’s see hold on a sec i’m being attacked again okay let’s it’s see my stuff in here oh hold on a second being attacked again

Okay let’s see hold on a second being attacked again uh you’re just a friggin death word okay hold a sec i’m being attacked again okay let’s see hold on a sec i’m being attacked again okay let’s see uh i think i got everything oh second being attacked again okay let’s see

Uh i want to put this in here everything’s neatly packed away yay all right let’s get out of here we they’re really inconsiderate like i’m trying to talk to my viewers you know and they’re just like yeah you zombies you know how’s the armor doing oh it’s banged up but is it regenerating

Or 60 so when they say slow how slow is slow is it only one piece at a time i saw that tick up just now oh oh it’s slow it’s really slow okay so combat that intense probably does uh drain it a bit huh purple oh i sequence broke a little bit i

Should have done light gray well whatever i have a bias towards the vault of the mountain sun because i know it’s in there and i wanted lightning web and now i have lightning web all right guys well i think that’ll do it for this episode do i have any further thoughts about uh

Lightning web is amazing uh the combo of zapping your own lightning pet with the lightning magic to like use it as a as a bouncing point is a really freaking cool mechanic it’s so cool it’s really really cool and i love it and i figured it out

And i’m proud of myself for figuring it out so we’ll look at all this stuff uh later um there was there were tokens let’s let’s get the tokens out all right we got the tokens out but we’ll look at those later uh maybe we’ll save them up and do a huge

Huge opening except for these i’m always kind of curious what these will get trying to open them as if they were loot crates oh hey i finished apprentice hunting too look at this one i actually get two choice rewards uh i can’t really i guess look for the heart containers

For the quest turn in i guess xp Why not but i want to turn this in specifically i’m always really curious what these are going to drop what do we get boots boots a condenser upgrade hey thank you one of the fan favorite upgrades oh this thing’s got one a lootless three we got a magic mirror i got one but

Thank you for the frost maul we could beat one of those uh poor quality red dragon scale leggings that’s a little sad well unfortunately we got a charged astral diamond that’s pretty cool i like we basically got a boss token to spawn in a oh we got a twitch chat loot

Crate what are we going to get we got a trumpet amazing and we got more wither bones all right cool that was neat man i sure am hungry i wonder what these melt down into these melt down into something they’re the boots they melt down into honey

If you don’t want the if you don’t want these you can eat them you can eat the they melt into honey you can eat the armor [Laughter] you can eat the armor these melts is this meltdown i should i should let those melt down anyway

Thank you guys uh very much for uh for watching and I’ll see y’all next time until then as always take it easy

This video, titled ‘Ep13 Spellbound Caves II Developer Commentary (Hydra, Purple Wool, Vault of the Mountain Sun)’, was uploaded by Vechs on 2021-11-18 22:00:24. It has garnered 2488 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:40 or 6640 seconds.

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My name is Vechs, author of the Super Hostile series. I am a map and mod maker, lifetime gamer, and an LPer. If you enjoy my content, please subscribe, and toss me a Like if you feel generous.

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Music providers: Big Giant Circles http://www.biggiantcircles.com/ Jens Kiilstofte https://machinimasound.com/legacy-tracks/

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    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

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  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

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  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

    Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘silly watch–minecraft bedrock montage’, was uploaded by rabbitpierce on 2024-03-10 00:09:47. It has garnered 58 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds. i took a long time editing it because i took alot of breaks n between soyeah #combo #football #fr #hivemc #minecraft #pvp #subscribe #footballshorts #messi #zeqa #montage #montageedit #minecraftmontage #minecraftedit #mcpemontage tags (ignore) Minecraft PvP, Texture Pack, PvP Texture Pack, PvP Resource Pack, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Resource Pack, PvP Textures, Minecraft PvP Textures, Best Texture Pack, Top PvP Texture Pack, PvP Pack Showcase, Minecraft PvP… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate Dungeons

    INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate DungeonsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Akhirnya VETERAN Minecraft Bermain Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Budi Kurwan on 2024-05-22 16:03:47. It has garnered 128 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:23 or 8303 seconds. Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe. Activate Notifications so you don’t Miss the Latest Videos! This content is very suitable for those of you looking for entertainment and to accompany you when you are eating, coming home from school or after other activities. Donate to Budi Kurwan : Saweria : https://saweria.co/BudiKurwan Youtube Membership : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNWLHZbYrHFUuiaoFkM9ew/join Social Media & More : Instagram:… Read More

Ep13 Spellbound Caves II Developer Commentary (Hydra, Purple Wool, Vault of the Mountain Sun)