Ep145 Alchemical Imbuer – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack

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Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods six in the last episode um we went ahead and i’m using like my toolbar now so we we can do things a little bit faster we made this system it it’s a little bit scary um because it’s a lot it’s a lot more

Complicated than it needed to be but essentially this guy changes the type of lens that we have in our void miner so for instance um if i want to switch to a light blue lens i can click that and we’re going to get a light blue lens

It does the system itself um the light blue lens for instance was in this chest it’s no longer there we currently have a red one set up and a brown one um so that’s pretty neat i think i want it to still be on red though because that’s getting us our redstone um

Which we we have a fair bit a fair bit of um we probably need some more because there was something i wanted to craft which i now don’t remember what it was oh yes the infinite um storage part can we craft this now no we still need more

Redstone we need a lot more nether quartz and then some more strings still okay well i guess that can wait for now that that can still wait i i don’t know i’m a bit skeptical because i feel like surely this guy should have gotten enough uh redstone oh

Um he has nothing in him at the moment hmm that’s that’s not good that means our system might not be working oh god hopefully this doesn’t become the whole episode i i do have a plan for this episode we’re going to be trying to knock off a few more

Ingredients for this atm style we’ll see how well that goes but that’s that’s the plan so the red guy’s still in here the light blue is there and the brown is there um is everything still configured the way it was it is i’m sure it’s suddenly broken now because that’s what usually

Happens with uh things that i make we know it works by the way if this light turns on um but it’s not turning on which means something’s not working so i guess i’ll uh experiment a little bit okay you’ll be happy to know this time around um we needed to take off the

Repeater how cool is that that’s really cool feature the fact that sometimes we need a repeater and sometimes we don’t ah i like redstone redstone is fun so anyway now it should be working god i i despise all that is minecraft okay so this shouldn’t that that means it’s

Possible that no i think it was on before he’s like i feel like we should be getting a lot more redstone especially considering if this guy wants to open um just how much we get it’s like a 20 what is this dragon fruit that’s pretty cool

Yeah we should be getting this at a 21 22 um rate so that’s pretty good like we genuinely should be getting a lot of redstone from this um if we look here you know what we actually are we’re already getting an insane amount i feel like it wasn’t working before then

Because i feel like we should have way more than we currently do um okay well that’s fine well actually i should look through real quick i’ll do this off camera to see if we have uh nether quartz in here um sure enough we do beautiful um so

We’ll have to figure out what uh color lens that needs once we get all the redstone that we need okay beautiful nice um so let’s go ahead and actually get started on all of this uh all of this star shebasm and and whatnot so we now have kale shards which means

We should be able to craft everything that is this guy um so i guess i’ll start making the recipes for this i’m not sure how i guess um eventful this episode will be but if we can knock this off that’s good enough for me a lot of this genuinely is just

Going to be um like uh getting patterns for stuff um so yeah okay i have all the patterns there will be some manual somewhat manual stuff that we’ll have to do um but i think for the most part we can chuck all of that in there and this

These two are brewing processing uh patterns and this guy is a smelting processing pattern so that should be easy enough to put in we should literally just be able to come over here and wait where is our thing our furnace oh yeah sorry it’s up here so we can

Chuck that in there beautiful um as for the brewing we have a few options one option is not this because we’ve currently got this set up automatically um not this either now i actually had something over by the donator area um by this guy the suggestion board which i

Also moved out like a chaos guardian thing over there because we’ve done that um there was something here some sort of potion thing um which one was automate potions with the alchemical imbuer alchemical imbuer this guy here from thermal um he’s a bit weird you apparently

Have water in him then you put some sort of ingredient so like you know glycerin melon and that’ll make a mundane potion then you put the mundane potion back into this chemical imbuer with another ingredient and it creates the spell i i honestly i like the sound of that

Because i think we can use that to automate i think i um oh i feel like a lot of the stuff we probably could automate but this one seems to be a lot simpler to automate my plan is we’re probably gonna have to set up a pulsing um like a redstone pulse

Situation well let’s see you know chemical and viewer can we well we could probably just craft it manually can’t we what are these constant and constant and years um we’re probably going to need patterns for this constant and this constantine that we do not have constantin how do we get it um honestly

This rest oh no probably not that recipe um or do we have to do that we have to get the dust i think oh no we can actually put it in here so we can get copper and we can get nickel and we can place it in there now i’ve

Also been told that we can click on these and we can set alternatives so do i really have to go through and like look at every single thing um I’m a little bit confused as to what i’m looking at ideally i just want to put all different types of copper in here but of course these things are not in um alpha i can’t even speak alphabetical order oh but here we go here’s all the coppers so i want this copper oh

Do i have to just tick the box do i do that ah that’s a bit weird i’m gonna be honest that’s a little bit weird could i just tick this box let’s do forge ingots that seems a bit better and click apply and set nicolingua i think that’s fine

I don’t know if this is gonna work uses items from forge ingots for copping i’m i’m very curious uh do we have the induction smelter over here uh pulverizer multi-servo press it doesn’t look like it i’ll see if we even have an induction smelter because i don’t really know if we do um

We is this it i think this is it it’s not showing up induction smelter okay we do have it it’s just not bound to anything currently maybe all right so i was a little bit worried that our system had broken over here but these were the leftover entangled blocks

From our previous um inscriber system that we replaced with the lazier 82 circuit etcher so i should be able to pick up these this air this is also air there we go and place our multi server press which i don’t think it’s any at the moment i think i can place this here

And then right click this and there we go induction smelter beautiful i think i said multi-server press i did not mean that all right so inside this guy i should be able to place this pattern i’m still not entirely sure if it’s going to work but

I guess we’ll find out um i’ll get an importer we’ll slap this guy at the bottom and then that should be good this guy i mean should be good to go i should be able to search constantin and let’s get i don’t know 30 of it why

Not did it just say it’s gonna put gold in there that’s what i thought it might do with the alternatives um i i don’t understand why they couldn’t just have that same exact button that they have for normal recipes uh for the pattern in fact it didn’t even put

Anything in here it did oh i’ve got to set this to input and this to output look at this it put nickel and gold in there why uh like i know why but the thing is why can’t i just have it put every type of

Copper in there why do i need a ah i’m annoyed and the server is like lagging its mind off because there’s like seven people online all right okay okay so here’s where we are but right here these copper ingots i tried to set the alternative for copper ingots

I don’t know how to do that i don’t know how to set it for just copper ingots in fact is this now not toggled anymore blacksmithing we scroll down then we have mine colonies reducible whatever that means then we have if we ever reach the bottom of this one

Then we have mine colony sawmill which has a bunch of stuff here mine colony ingots copper okay so it is here the problem is that this like this thing is not ordered in the best way possible and on top of that i really have to scroll through this

Entire thing and find specifically what i’m after that that just seems that seems silly this needs to be look like i don’t need to see every single nugget i i don’t need to see every single nugget in every single one of these categories all i need to see are the

Names if i had a list of names and saw forge ingots copper i can click on that and then see oh yeah this has all the copper ingots i want that one i don’t need to scroll through all these types of stones and whatnot all i need to know is like ah mine

Colony sawmill that’s probably not what i’m after for this specific situation so i’m not going to click on it and then scroll through a list of all these items like am i crazy are drop down menus that hard or is or is my idea just horrible this seems ridiculous

Like look at this look at this one right here look at how much i’m scrolling just to go through it and the problem is if you do this it goes too fast like i can’t tell like just then i went past it like three times like

I i don’t know that’s that that is extremely silly in my opinion i didn’t even click apply did i oh i’m gonna lose my mind because now i gotta find it again where was it okay we’ve updated it uses items from forge ingots copper for copper ingot

Beautiful that is what we want um this other one oh what’s going on my inventory’s been a bit laggy that should be fine though um the other thing we want though is probably this recipe here um i was gonna put it into our multi survey

Press but i mean this just uses an iron nugget that’s that’s a pretty good recipe i don’t mind using that one um okay okay we should be we should be back in action let me go and slap this guy back down you know what we have forgotten

Something else we need to put in our upgrades so our endearium whatever it’s called and the other thing it’s called am resonant integral components by the way just to just to recap there okay so um i should be able to make these gears don’t remember how many it was but i

Think we want two of these anyway so pretty much that we’re going to need two brewing stands and then two of what the rest of this stuff okay here we are alchemical imbuer we now have two of them um i probably can’t just place them here

I mean like i probably could but um they probably won’t go there we’ll probably just set them up directly over at our um crafting area i think this is what happens when it’s laggy i wonder if putting a bunch of blocks oh my god a bunch of blocks under the

Ground here will stop that like glitching through the floor thing um but i don’t know we’ll have to see so we have what in our chemical imbuers i’m going to go up here i’m going to some of them like so i believe i’m hoping having them right next to each other will work

Worst case we can enter in fact you know what we might as well keep our entangled theme up and place these entangled blocks like so place yelling our chemical viewers like here and here i guess um how exactly do i want to do this do we

Want it like when we request one recipe it um I’m not sure i’m not sure i think we might even want three of these because um i believe like we can make a mundane potion we can make i think it there’s an awkward potion right oh they can make what’s this showing this is showing oh um

All right so this should show us i’ve filtered for water so there’s mundane potions yep lots of mundane potions there’s a thick potion that you can make there’s awkward potions and apparently you just make a potion of weakness right out the gate um see a mundane awkward and then that that

Random thick one what’s the thick potion even used for um night vision night vision invisibility uh it looks like it does just about everything what but i searched for what does a thick potion do and it’s giving me these other weird things um maybe we just need uh three

All right so we’ve got three now um what do i want to do here in fact what am i i’m very confused as to like what my thought process is here do we want it to be here and then we do it over there i guess um let’s go ahead and grab our

Crafter um we’ll i guess have two for now so these are gonna go here and here and then i’ll pull out my trusty wrench i also went ahead and got a dank uh here that has all of my cables in it so i can shift click and then just have a cable

On demand and i’ve got a bunch of i’ll show you what i have in here um i’ve got a bunch of these things so logic cables item pipes all that kind of stuff in this uh little dank that i keep in my tool belt so it’s sort of like on demand

It’s pretty cool um all right these are set up we want to make sure that they’re entangled so i’ll grab my entangle around entangle u i don’t know if they have to face the right way but i like to be standing like at the front when i do it because they

Do like have specific sides to them um so we’ll do this here i don’t have the third set up but we might not even need to set the third up for what we’re doing at least um the next thing i want to do is well i

Sort of have i have some of the patterns here um how do i want to do this yeah i really don’t know oh you know what so we need to make these potions of ancient knowledge right and it’s a bottle of enchanting with awkward potions that doesn’t show up in the imbuer like

There’s no potion liquid for that from what i can tell i still want to give it a shot though so an orchid potion is what i never wore into a water bottle so do we have nether warts we do we do netherward is going to um here let’s

What am i doing awkward potion oh awkward is this not synced why is this not synced i swear that changes every time awkward potion um see it doesn’t show like the recipe in i’m very confused by this cell chemical imbuer it’s it’s like a mystery it’s not

Linked up with any of the other recipes um i think what i want to do though is i guess hunt down the recipe in here you know what look at this it does have the potion of ancient knowledge i just need to i’ll have to figure out how to

Actually get this liquid into the bottle very interesting yeah this seems really good but jei just doesn’t want to center it i also can’t even find the one thing i’m looking for it’s right here all right we’re going to place this recipe in this will include the water so

I think that’s actually pretty good we’re going to grab a pattern out of here just any old pattern because they’re all broken ones anyway um so this is for an awkward potion i’m going to place it here on the left that’s going to go over to this guy which

Apparently we’re going to need some flux points you know what i should do i should grab these flux points and place them into that um into this dank that’s what i should do so now we have flux points on demand and then we also have cables on demand how needs that um so

We’ll hook this up that should be good these guys all our power will um chuck in you know all the upgrades later um i’m surprised at how little power is coming through here is that because of my network or is that just input output oh it is looking like we’ve barely got

Enough power really i almost don’t believe that so i feel like what could be happening is um what’s this guy this guy’s fine this guy’s good 900 000 well i guess yeah we currently do have it set up so it only takes what it needs right what’s our maximum output on this

Okay we can do a lot more okay i i think it’s working i i think i just i lost track there um so this is hooked up to make orchid potion then what i want to do is alter this recipe to be for the knowledge liquid

Which i guess i’m gonna have to look through here for i think it was near the end pages all right so here we go awkward potion bottle of enchanting potion of ancient knowledge we’re going to click that in there so that should include awkward potion to potion of ancient knowledge beautiful

Once again we’ll grab another pattern to slap in there update this beautiful so this guy is then going to go i mean ideally they can go into the one thing like this should be fine i think we could set it up so that it pulses should we do that

I feel like we should but we’ll leave it for now because it might just be fine as it is and if we don’t have to do that extra work i mean hey we might as well not um so then from here i think we need to

Go um what we’ll fi way first of all we need charm of knowledge too so what we actually have to do is go ahead and grab the upgraded version which is going to be right here this is potion of ancient knowledge plus bill of enchanting equals portion of ancient knowledge

Um so that should be updated we’ll double check in a second like that there click this yep one to one beautiful perfect so this guy i guess once again can go on the same thing and then from there we want to get this portion of ancient knowledge which by

The way doesn’t show up in here it just doesn’t show up we get potion and we get this potion i i do not understand at all how this works chemical imbuer creates potion from co fh core all of these including possibly let’s just double check we’ll see if it’s categorized as

The same thing um potion of ancient knowledge 2 does show up when i look for this um potion category here so i think that’s what it counts as so i think what we can do is search for example um bottle of enchanting right in the fluid encapsulator

This uses 250 like that we can paste this recipe in get rid of this essence instead put the liquid for potion so it’s going to be this one here from co fh core we’re going to place this in we’re going to change it so that it is 250

So a quarter like um oh did that not want to work there we go we’re going to click set i think what would the alternative show i don’t think any of that matters um we want to go back to items get rid of this bottle of enchanting and actually change this to be

The ancient knowledge 2 potion of ancient knowledge 2. this guy’s going to go right there this might work maybe and then this recipe is going to have to actually go all the way back to fluid town which we still don’t actually have a portal for

We need a few more portals we need a portal for fluid town possibly a portal for the dragons and then a portal um there was something else i can’t think of it right now but oh the actual crafting area that we have now so fluid encapsulator let’s chuck in portion of ancient knowledge

Okay another thing i’ve just realized is we left another pattern back at the base the pattern for the um enchantment bottles we put that in a crafter instead of in the encapsulator yeah so this guy right here should not be in there that should be over in the fluid encapsulator which honestly

I probably should move back over here i’ll probably end up doing that off camera though because that’s going to be just a little bit boring and annoying but but i i really do need to move this uh encapsulator fluid town honestly it should remain on the outskirts we

Shouldn’t need to go here too often um although today we are okay so that craft is full as well that’s a little bit scary um while we’re here we will actually wait away don’t we have now an infinite fluid storage cell where did we put that where do we put the infinite

Hold on because i know we made one these are all 64. that’s 64. that’s 6464. where do we put it i know it exists but i don’t remember where we put it fluid thoughts where did we where did that go wait was it used in a recipe and all

Because i don’t see it here was it a part of a quest a refined storage was there an infinite fluid storage thing that i had to make i don’t particularly see here why did we make that all right i looked here because i thought it might have been here but i’m

Thinking now that it might actually be by the the b area so let’s check that out the laggy answer is actually no it’s not there’s no infinite fluid here i swear we made one which means i don’t know what happened to it um

Yeah i i have not a clue i i guess we’ll make another infinite storage can we even make an infinite fluid and if we can make an infinite fluid why can’t we make an infinite uh storage cell that’s that’s going to be the question of the day here infinite

So the storage part we still cannot make we have enough redstone though so i should actually change it to get another quartz uh the infinite fluid we can already make it look it does not use much stuff at all i might have to look through the um that recipe again for the storage

Because i feel like this should not be as easy as it appears to be all right i think an important recipe we can change is this one right here this is for processor binding um it currently uses pink slime and flash string um i think it currently does mix and

Match because it’s just a normal recipe it’s not set to exact um oh i did not want to do that but regardless don’t we have a bunch of slime coming in what why am i constantly confused do we not have slime we have slimy honeycomb and it hasn’t

Been processed okay hold the phone um let’s get back here i i mean the recipe is still the same but we might as well uh you know what no we are going to change it because by default what it’s doing is it’s asking for pink slime it’s

Like hey i i need pink slime why can’t i click that um what we want it to do is be asking for slime balls because then we get a more accurate um question same with this string can we just get like normal string in this recipe just just so that

When we request it it tells us exactly what we need it doesn’t have to be exact but just so that when we ask for it it’s not sending us all these mixed messages i also do not know where he went okay so now if i ask for an infinite um an infinite

Storage part it should tell us it’s still telling us we need to flax but it should also not be telling us that we need slime what’s the slime for because all these raw processors that’s what’s i i believe that’s what’s asking for all the slime that they require um processor bindings

And that’s where the slime is actually coming from but now we’ve just changed it unless we have two recipes for this uh processor binding which i don’t think we do but yeah it’s possible you know what i i guess i didn’t update it it still says um that it needs pink

Slime did i really not you know let’s just create a brand new pattern here and put this other pattern away processor binding why why do you still say pink slime what what on earth is happening you know i’m making it exact strain and slimeball you lost you lost

Your pink slime privileges i’m sorry i’m sorry but i kept asking for it and you decided to play this this silly game infinite storage part requires and now it’s asking for you you matter because that’s what we were using to make a slime okay okay we got a funny

Guy huh we got a funny guy let’s um let’s just get rid of that recipe that’s not even needed um okay infinite storage part what do you need you need 40 44 000 slime balls and 74 000 string thank you for being honest and now you need more redstone that’s

That’s even better that’s awesome okay let me go to the b area um put in the slimy honeycomb to get processed so that we can actually get our slime balls that’ll be at least one thing off the list so i’m simply going to add them in here

This guy’s going to completely fill up with them and we’ve now got slime so that’s awesome um okay does anyone remember what we were doing i think we were just waiting on an infinite um storage doohickey right an infinite fluid doohickey which is not wanting i i mean

Teleporting through these guys when the server’s a bit laggy is horrendous what’s happening here crafting processing can we cancel that i don’t know what’s going on um this guy’s apparently struggling as well he should be done this guy what’s happening what are we waiting on pink slime cancel stop please for the

Love of god stop infinite fluid storage now it’s just going to use slime balls thank thank everyone my god this should be so much faster now look oh my god it crafts all the bindings instantly everything is just getting crafted and then all that’s left is smelting and the

Smelting part is so quick and easy so quick and easy why is it quick and easy because we’ve literally we’ve optimized it it’s phenomenal someone also told me by the way while we’re on the topic of things uh apparently not working um the jumbo furnace so that three by three by three

Furnace um can smell compressed stone compressed cobble this guy um yeah should be doing like everything all right so i kind of want to myth bust this real quick so i’m gonna quickly make a three by three by three furnace um because that’s how you make these jumbo furnaces they

They’re pretty cool but they’re not really worth doing like even if you only have access to this um even if you like don’t even have the crazy furnaces it’s just not that phenomenal but unless this works i can apparently put in compressed cobble and it will smelt it okay okay

I i like the look of that i want to see if this compressed couple times uh two times works and then i want to order a bunch of different cobbles um compressed to see if they work assuming this one works because if that’s the case we can make the compressed stone needed

For the dimensional shard that we’ve already got one but for the future we can make that so much faster let’s place this in oh my god what hold up hold up this is oh my god this would just make stone faster as well because we can make a super compressed stone

And then uncompress it oh my god hold on um we need recipes for cobble oh what the hell um wait what i i despise lag i hate it um cobble compressed i’m gonna get a nine times here and i’m gonna just get every single pattern needed for this um

Exact shouldn’t matter but i’m just gonna get rid of it just to be sure okay i have them all here in they go i should now be able to look at this cobble can we first off can we make it nine times no can we make an eight times

Yes i’m gonna craft one let’s um let’s see how long this is going to take that is ridiculous once again if you’re in single player feel free to use a creative crafter but also make sure you make it back up because the crafter will craft this instantly

Which as you can possibly guess isn’t always the greatest for um for your world or just your game in general this is that is taking a long time oh my all right we’ll leave that for now but remind me to check that later to see if we can smelt that because that sounds

Ridiculous like this one right here has melted two times compressed stone in one go that is amazing that is genuinely amazing um okay okay oop the elevator what what were we doing we were trying to get this stuff working right the potions and then what happened because we got distracted but i don’t

I don’t recall what oh yeah the infinite story the infinite fluid i keep forgetting here it is it’s done infinite fluid um we want to combine this guy with i guess all this stuff all right here we go infinite fluid storage disc this guy is going to make its way over to

Fluidtown all right it’s going to come over here and honestly we’re just going to chuck it in here we’re going to change this to fluids this should now store infinite fluids that’s that should be how it works we should now have infinite fluid storage capability um okay

Beautiful we’re done here we can go back all right so what that means is i believe if we go ahead and grab some of these cables and we bring them along here um we should be able to get importers um importer um we’ll get some ultra ones we’ll get

We’ll get three ultra ones and slap them down here we should be able to put any fluid into our network it shouldn’t matter so we don’t have to worry about that anymore so we can do this this and this they’ll get they’ll import the fluids into our

Network assuming i change it to fluids change those um we’re also going to have to configure these so that the top is an item input or you know just an input and then the front that’s not a thing okay that you know that’s fine that that’s a lot better than it might seem

We can run the cables like this and then have the importers just on the side there that that’s fine there’s there’s no harm done there we will have to configure them again to be fluids but then what we’ll do is we will have the right side be output um

We can do all the way output input it honestly shouldn’t matter um but it looks oh yeah there we go yeah that should be fine i’ll configure the rest of these i guess just the second one because the the well honestly it should just be the first one

Because that’s the only one we’ve got recipes in at the moment so we should be able to give this a shot already um did i place the pattern in the encapsulator i think i did okay let’s double check so currently we’re not encapsulating anything right i don’t think so unless we’re encapsulating honey

Possibly let’s click cancel does that do anything brings it back let me let me go double check that uh yeah currently we’re making honey um is this a problem possibly because the reason it the reason why this is a problem is while this is doing

Something it can’t do what i want it to do you know what i mean i i think it’s fine now though let’s search knowledge let’s let’s try and craft three of these missing potion you are a liar you’re a blatant liar oh that is annoying that is really annoying um

Okay what if i well actually yeah knowledge should show what if we search awkward does this give us the liquid no it doesn’t what if i go into here okay but potion of ancient knowledge okay so it’s one of these let’s craft one to craft potion of ancient knowledge

Okay what about this one yes this uses two okay i’m going to click start we’re going to see if that works uh i’ve got to run back and forth that’s so annoying all right so this guy’s on he’s working i’m going to go ahead and get some um

Upgrades for this guy so the same as we always do okay so now we have potion of ancient knowledge in this pattern it exists it’s in there how do we get it from inside here to inside here ideally via a pattern um i’m going to be honest i don’t know i

Don’t know how to get this into a pattern because potion of ancient knowledge despite being a liquid here i don’t know how to get it to show up portion of ancient in here as a liquid it doesn’t show up um Is there a hashtag can i do like potion i wonder if it’s even in the settings which i don’t even know how to open at the moment are they here they are um so yeah i mean we look through here resource id color creative tab tag tool tip mod name i

I don’t know i don’t know all right so here’s part of my issue part of my issue is despite being connected to the network i can’t i can’t find these liquids within the pattern grid as far as i can tell i’ve had a look through here i

Don’t know how to do it like we’ve got it on fluid mode and yeah items still show up and changing this only changes what shows up in the grid here i i feel like if i could search for fluids in here that would make my life so much better

But it doesn’t appear to be a thing display mode no craftables only craftable as normal so it doesn’t filter to liquids i i don’t know what to do i don’t know how to get this to be the liquid i need the only way that i can think up to do this

Is to rework how we’ve done it um let me take this pattern um Yeah uh can i bring this stuff with me do you think i think i can i’m gonna i’m gonna bring all this with me all right the fluid encapsulator is joining us right here he’s going to get a craft i guess he can use a diamond crafter although let’s be honest it

Doesn’t really matter um and he will get all of his ingredients like so and now he’s good he’s uh well he doesn’t need power um and he’ll also need to be reconfigured which i have done already okay he’s good beautiful that guy’s working again um

What we’re gonna have to do here is not put things into our network because clearly that doesn’t work so sadly what that means is when we request something it is going to go into this first guy here so what we should be able to do is uh how’s that gonna work though

Oh that’s really annoying uh you know what i think i think it still works having two of these that’s gonna be awkward post-knowledge other potion um i will need another entangled block here um just the one we’re going to have to entangle it up uh uh

I i know what to do in my head i think so as we’re not going into this completely blind how long has this episode been it’s been like an hour of course it has um okay we’ll try and do this quick so we’re going to entangle this last guy

Um we’re going to have to rework most of these patterns well the first pattern right the nether board plus bucket of water equals orchid potion that goes in there that’s going to make an awkward potion perfect the next recipe is going to be um the bottle of enchanting

Plus all these awkward potions equals a portion of ancient knowledge but guess what what we’re going to do is we’re going to just get rid of this and get rid of that i think uh but then it doesn’t make an output um oh that yeah that doesn’t work okay you know what

Bottle of enchanting times 2 equals you ready for this it’s going to equal ancient um knowledge two bottle one of them no liquids involved okay um i think this works you have to change this into pipe mode okay so what’s going to happen is this second guy here

Is going to get two bottle of enchantings they’re going to speed spat out um well at the moment they’re going to be spent out here but i want to change that into a chest and grab a chest i’m going to also just place this um here the chest there okay you guys

Follow me i hope you’re following we’re going to re-entangle this chest into this guy so it’s going to put two bottles of bottles of enchanting in here then they are both going to go like so we’re going to open this guy up make sure that he is inserting from the top

Inserting from the top this is going to be an extract it is however going to require a pipe upgrade i’m going to grab a pipe upgrade we can grab a you know another right one that’s fine but it is going to be set to round robin so it will put one bottle

In here then one in there see where this is going the next thing we’re going to do is also make the left be an input for both of these and then the right is going to still be an output like that um like that now we could put these right

Next to each other but i think it’s fine how it is at the moment um what i’m going to need to do now is actually get a fluid pipe like so we’re gonna have to make this guy extract he doesn’t need any speed he can just go whatever tempo he wants

Then we’re going to get an ultra importer uh no we’re not hold up what we’re going to do is we’re going to need another fluid encapsulator fluid encapsulator another one of these guys luckily we can craft pretty much all of it all right he’s going to go right here so

Right next to it he’s going to have auto input from the left so that should put in the fluids then we are going to have at the front here an exporter constantly exporting um bottles where are we um we just want a normal glass bottle is that what this is no

This is a normal glass bottle glass bottle’s there he’s going to get glass bottles from oh no he can’t insert from the front that’s annoying um from there it’s getting a little bit ugly but i think it’s fine we could also just move it over one

Mm no but then we can’t get to it easily this works this works remain calm glass bottle goes there insert from the top glass bottles come in beautiful so far so good we’re gonna provide them with power nice okay so so far what this should do as far as i’m aware

Is put in all the ingredients for an awkward potion the awkward depression will be spat out this will have an enchanted bottle which will make a portion of knowledge one this will then turn into a portion of knowledge too which will then go in here and be bottled

That is what should happen and then we get our ultra exporter we slap down a cable here bada bing bada everything works flawlessly it’s amazing everyone cheers okay that’s what should happen what we’re going to need uh a bunch of we’re going to need our

Search bar to work we’re going to need a bunch of oh my god why is what is happening why is my like search bar laggy now we’re gonna need like three of these and then um where are we a bunch of these and i’ll also put a crafting card that i

Grabbed yeah a crafting card in here we only need one uh just to make sure that we have enough so that should be good oh okay i think we’re ready to give it a shot i i think we can give it a shot and it turns out this guy wasn’t actually

Needed so that’s fine it now no longer looks a little bit awkward um so this guy should probably also be configured like so should be good he’s got his panel that’s all fine all right we don’t have the speed uh upgrades yet they’re on their way but

They’re they’re taking their time to say the least i’m gonna search potion of ancient knowledge i’m gonna try and craft one here we go so first things first let’s see not looking too good well actually hey look the bottles of enchanting have shown up oh but the

Issue is oh hold on hold on okay okay we can fix this um i know what’s happened so this recipe here oh yeah it’s gonna we’re gonna say that it requires as an ingredient so what what what are we doing this guy here we’re gonna say as an ingredient here it

Requires an awkward potion liquid which we can’t do why can’t we um Hold on but this guy says it has an awkward potion as an output okay okay i know what to do um so we have the same recipe in here which is apparently not working why are you not well because i’m fluid right that’s fine what i want to do

Is get the recipe for the normal knowledge which uses an ancient potion but why does it say this in the recipe let’s um we can do this hold on i know what to do we’ve got this this is a confusing way to do it because jei isn’t properly

Implemented for it yet but we can still make it work this recipe here we’re going to click paste what that does is it puts in awkward potion as an ingredient that is all we want awkward potion right there wonderful the next thing we need to do is increase this to honestly i think

Eight as odd as that may sound eight um yes and i’ll tell you why when we make and and then we output this as um ancient knowledge potion and it’s gonna be four of them we need to make four at a time i believe why did you not update a four four

I’m being trolled why is it not updating to four am i missing something what hello what do you what why why why why you know what it’s fine it’s fine it is fine it is it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter but it’s gonna make four and because we’re outputting with um this

Guy the extra three that we can’t put in the recipe for whatever reason we’ll end up there anyway so let me let me explain the issue um this this guy makes 1 000 ml buckets so he makes a bucket worth 1 000 ml buckets the reason why that’s a problem is

Turning these back into an actual potion in a bottle only uses 250 so that means we we have the value of four but we can only we’re only trying to make one so we need to have four as the output does that make sense hopefully it does by

Adding awkward portion to an ingredient here what that will do is it will trigger this first step which is that important one that um actually makes starts off the potion so now if i search ancient let me put these other bottles away i should be able to craft one

And it’s gonna craft four but it won’t tell me so we click start now the wall goes in water’s in there it makes the first potion then we have awkward potion in here not a single what why why isn’t there a single item there’s no excuse where are my bottles of enchanting

You know you know what the problem is oh my god the problem is it’s waiting to receive that awkward potion before it starts this next step so do you know what i think could actually happen here hold on i think what we can do is we can I’m gonna have to pick this guy up and place him back down we’re probably gonna have to restart this recipe because i think what i want to do here is actually get a um they’ve really made this so annoying you know i was hoping to have it so that

This recipe that this system could do multiple recipes because that would that the whole point of this oh that’s so annoying oh i’ve just had the realization the whole point of trying out this fluid encapsulator or sorry our chemical imbuer was that i thought it would let us automate every single

Potion because it should and it would if we could put the potions in the recipes a lot more reliably um oh you know what oh god it just clicked in my head i think oh no oh no i know i know i think oh wait no wait wait no

I was saying could we possibly use a recipe in here that uses the um ancient knowledge as an ingredient because that’s obviously what we need all we need is for this ancient um knowledge to be an ingredient but we need the number two to be an ingredient so it just it doesn’t work

That’s exhausting that’s painful so in an attempt to make it work for every recipe we’ve essentially done in this massive system you see what we did down here with this one machine uh okay uh what’s the point of this again you might be wondering we just wanted to we just wanted to do

Some of these recipes um what are we doing here well what do we need um you know okay okay stop for a second it can work it can work i’ve cracked the code again we’re gonna grab this recipe here open it up place it back in and we’re gonna change it um

It is going to remain almost the same except this is going to go down to four this is going to be the liquid oh which we can’t put in uh we can put in oh we can’t put it we can put in we can’t put it we can put in

We can put in okay okay hold on hold on hopefully i hope you guys are holding on what we’re going to do is our chemical imbuer we’ve got to toggle through here because we aren’t searching for the liquid ourselves okay i hope you’re holding on we are going to get this recipe here

Which has the fluid as the output we’re going to change this to be i think the same actually we’re going to update that okay and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to get um the next recipe okay we’re getting there it’s painful i i agree

It’s painful but we’ll get there we’re gonna chuck in This guy no we’re gonna oh my god i hate that it updates all right we’re going to chuck in this pattern which is going to use the potion of ancient knowledge plus an ancient bottle of enchanting to make it potion of ancient knowledge like that okay but instead of making a portion of

Ancient knowledge it is going to make the full thing uh the full thing it’s gonna it’s gonna make the full thing time i guess it doesn’t matter boom there we go okay so were you following along i hope you were okay so here we go we’re going to need another crafter as well

Um just a normal unsure why not it honestly it does not matter this guy is getting bottled enchanting plus the potion equals the potion okay equals the position number two this guy is getting bottle of enchanting plus awkward potion equals just the ancient position knowledge one and this

Guy has the recipe to make the awkward potion what we are then going to do is make sure we update these guys to have um to go into our network in fluid mode you might think that we’ve done this before and it’s because we have we’re going to get rid of this

Stuff it’s useless it means nothing to us we’re going to break this we’re going to have the importer there okay and this works this works well let me just show you it in action let’s uh make sure we cancel any of these recipes they’re useless to us um are these all

Empty i want to make sure there’s no no nothing wrong going on here i’ve also got a bunch of our thermal upgrades that why does it stop well i i’m gonna i’m gonna scream why does it why does it deselect it i think it’s cause we’re lagging but that is a bad excuse

I’m losing my mind okay okay okay okay remain calm what were you going to do is search for our ancient potion i swear these episodes have been like way longer than they had to be because the thing that we try to do just refuses to work the way that you think it would

Alright let’s click start okay as you see the first potion is made as you see the second potion is made as you see as you see Persian of ancient knowledge outputs to the right and we have this guy he’s not set to fluids now he set the fluids and now it’s working oh and then oh ladies and gentlemen four potions of ancient knowledge which can be crafted into the charm of knowledge which i don’t even know what

This potion does let’s search hashtag knowledge um does it tell me anywhere i’ve just realized because it’s a potion source it doesn’t actually tell me what it does does it tell me anywhere does it tell me in this does it tell me in this no it doesn’t

Let me know what the potion of ancient knowledge does because i’ve got the charm here i can turn it on i’m now knowledgeable maybe i get more xp or something oh did i just break it by having the durability go down possibly um we’ll just make another one we’ll make another one um Yeah we’ll make another one who cares who cares we make these all the time well it’s not really doing what it’s meant to do okay um we’ll make another one we won’t use it this time for the durability and then we want to get our improbable now improbable probability device which

We can’t even afford because we need a billion nether quartz because the recipe itself requires a 1048 million storage part okay you know i i’m glad that we’ve learned this once again genuinely if you’re watching at home if you’re sitting there watching at home here’s what we’ve learned

I think this still can be used to automate multiple potions i think it can be done quite easily let’s let’s do a test run because i think that we’ve actually worked it out and if we’ve worked it out it’s going to save us a lot of time in the future for

Any other potion that we ever need so what potion do we want to try let’s do a potion of fire resistance um let’s do an it longed one so um so let’s do the one that has eight minutes worth okay what we’re going to need to do

Is find the potion in here so wait hold on what does the pressure need it needs an awkward potion okay we’ve already got awkward potions uh made so that’s fine next we’re gonna need to hunt it down the potion of fire resistance just the first step so we’re gonna have to go

Through here and here it is here it is potion of fire resistance it’s made with a magma cream is that the only way to do it okay we’re going to press this recipe here that’s going to put awkward potion in potion of fire resistance out using a

Magma cream perfect we’ll grab it we’ve got some patterns on us let’s um chuck them in there here we go so that’s one one part done the next part we need to go right back to that page and we need to get the redstone one so this guy here

Once again we can put a potion in or a pattern in sorry entangle that or what would you say encode that then what we need to do is get one well actually wait wait we can place this guy back in and instead of having potion of fire resistance eight minutes as the output

We remove that and we replace it with the fire resistance potion eight minutes as a as an actual potion like that beautiful then we go ahead and place this guy in here so that’s for the fire resistance and then the last one over here which is for the um

The fire resistance eight minutes that works that that should just work assuming we have magma cream we do we have one thousand perfect um fire resistance let’s give it a shot this is for the eight minutes fire resistance as we can see the first one crafts the awkward potion as you can see

The fire resistance crafts and then as you can see the eight minutes is applied and then as you can see it just outputs how amazing is that it took us a while i honestly thought that it might not even be doable but look at this how awesome is that we can create

Every single recipe we need through this pattern here and this pen here or crafter or whatever that’s awesome okay i i genuinely for a few for a hot few minutes there i thought that we’d uh essentially just recreated this guy down here um which i’m sure honestly you can

Probably automate this with a crafter as well to do every single recipe i’ll be honest i’ll be completely honest you probably can you probably can but to that what i say is um this is pretty fast it doesn’t take too long i imagine as well you can probably autocraft this guy

Um he can probably be fast if i put in the upgrades oh what are we crafting at the moment in that anyway are we crafting swiftness potions we have 37 000. what are you doing wha what are you doing you need to stop you need to only run with a redstone

Signal you just need to stop okay you know what i was a bit downfall at the start but i’m i’m happy we got here so in the next episode we need to finally take care of our string problem we do have a b to do it

But the b is not fast enough so we need some alternatives um we’ll figure something out we also need to get quartz setup which means we need to figure out what exact color length i’m assuming maybe just white lens um will actually make us get more quartz from our void miner

And then we can finally get that infinite storage part we keep talking about so yeah thank you guys for watching hopefully you enjoyed um oh i almost did the outro but we gotta go thank our uh financial supporters for the channel um they’re helping us help us continue to do our thing

Pp up butthole okay okay yep sure um thank you guys for watching thank you to oracle skeletal jacob oathus derpy’s new luna mugs and vrifti supporting the channel financially through um the donation links over on discord and then thank you to coolest v-rifty and mugs who are channel members here on uh youtube

Um so thank you guys i’m trying to put stuff away but my inventory has been very annoying um yeah i i’m actually happy i’m happy i i i’m sure you could probably tell by the tone of my voice that it was dropping down like i was a little bit upset once

I realized what i thought we had done or i guess what i thought i realized um but i’m happy now i’m happy that it actually it works it does what it’s meant to do um i’m also let me just say real quick before we wrap up i’m liking that we’ve

Got a few buildings around here like the fact that we actually have zones around this area i think what i definitely need to do we need a portal over there for one um but i also want to build a structure around this guy or at least some sort of environment around it

Because it kind of it looks a bit ugly right there um and then there’s a few other spots that probably need some buildings as well like we need a second floor on that guy too i like the idea of a big tower a big industrial uh factory so we’ll probably do that

But yeah i’m quite liking my personal favorite genuinely is this dome we have this little alleyway leading to each themed place i think it’s really neat i think it’s pretty cool i i i quite like it um so yeah thank you for watching hopefully you enjoyed the video

And hopefully i will see you guys in the next one and hopefully this video had sound and hopefully it’s at 1080p because we’ve been having some video issues when i’ve been uploading recently but it should be good alright goodbye You

This video, titled ‘Ep145 Alchemical Imbuer – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2021-11-11 10:50:11. It has garnered 491 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:53 or 3533 seconds.

This is a series on the All The Mods 6 Minecraft modpack! This modpack is packed full of a bunch of different mods! From Tech mods, to Magic mods, to Dragons and Dungeons, and even their own mod called Allthemodium! There should be mods for whatever you fancy!

Things: Modpack – all-the-mods-6

We have setup an All The Mods 6 SMP Community Server. In order to join and play on the server you will need to have the All The Mods 6 modpack installed!

You will then need to join the Discord: https://discord.gg/MxYpA6v and you should see the ip 🙂

Please consider Subscribing and helping me get to 3100 subs by the end of the month! 😀

Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fMt_XbrlwE&list=PL3gNcPTidgoeBNaYk4id0h-spj-fS2kAo

I would highly recommend checking out other YouTuber’s playing this pack so that you can see for yourself the variety at which this Modpack inspires people to play it.

ChosenArchitect’s first video “All The Mods 6 Ep. 1 New Mods New Builds” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_PR_HOlkok

47MarkIV’s first episode “All The Mods 6 – Ep 1 – Ore Doubling & Flight” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi7gefP3M0M

xBCrafted’s episode of All The Mods 6 “All The Mods 6! | Modded 1.16.3! [E01]” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clq_O7u8srk

#ATM6 #Minecraft #ATM6modpack

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – https://www.youtube.com/c/vRifty/videos AzzaFortySix – https://www.youtube.com/c/AzzaFortysix/videos

Join our new Discord channel! Talk to me and other content creators when we’re on and help us, and each other out 😀


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    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay with ZACK! Must Watch! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft The Hive with ZACK!! Just like old times’, was uploaded by 🧩Jishy🧩 on 2024-04-02 00:13:27. It has garnered 45 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:46 or 9466 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io If youd like to donate, you can here – https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JishyYT Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/qyVfRNzmqN Go sub to Jamzy 🙂 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEex8sFVvFb4EWU4uR8qoCA Friends – Tokisku – https://www.youtube.com/@Tokisku6644 Zack – https://www.youtube.com/@zacksmtbadventure Undead Legends – https://www.youtube.com/@UndeadLegends Sauce Daddy – https://www.youtube.com/@SauceisDaddy Omarow – https://www.youtube.com/@_Omarow_ Simon – https://www.youtube.com/@simaun. Kainimations – https://www.youtube.com/@kainimations Lemon Experience – https://www.youtube.com/@lemonexperience Aspect – https://www.youtube.com/@AspekEosin ctrlZ -… Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Highest Pit

    Exploring Minecraft's Highest PitVideo Information Farm the tallest pits in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you guys what do you think is the tallest thing on the planet probably these pits look I am somewhere in the sky there is only one sky around me and you can’t see the Earth at all it is somewhere in the distance well we have these giant round pits today very tall lots of different interesting characters look here we have the lady speaker for woman next up an orange rainbow friend kind minion T showing us… Read More

  • 7 yr old saves kitten in Minecraft – CRAZY challenge!

    7 yr old saves kitten in Minecraft - CRAZY challenge!Video Information anak usia 7 tahun pasti bisa menyelamatkan anak kucing ini dari ketinggian Aku butuh 30 balok lagi untuk menggapai anak kucing ini tap-tap layar kiri atau kanan untuk mengarahkan Oke pastikan kalian tap-tap layar yang benar ya Wow Makasih untuk lima baloknya oke mantap Oke semoga aja cukup berhasil guys anak usia 7 tahun sekarang hebat-hebat ya yang usianya 7 Tahun coba komen ya E sekarang kita turunnya Bagaimana nih This video, titled ‘Anak Kucing di selamatkan oleh anak umur 7 tahun #minecraft #games #leftorrightchallenge’, was uploaded by AbdiBramanJR on 2024-04-20 23:00:32. It has garnered 13295 views and… Read More

  • INSANE!!! EP9 KeraZ EXPLORES Nether & End – Minecraft Hardcore

    INSANE!!! EP9 KeraZ EXPLORES Nether & End - Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information in the last episode we’ve got these totems of undying we also have few more but this episode I was thinking of I actually don’t know we’re just going to play and kind of see what happens cuz I have no idea before I start press the record button of what to do so yeah first we have we still have hero The Village from last episode when we did the raid and go the totems so we should get some trees right here oh my I L should get these trees right here I love flying elro… Read More


    "EPIC SURVIVAL SERVER 🔥 N21 DESTROYS MONSTERS IN FARLIGHT 84" #shorts #minecraftliveVideo Information [संगीत] आ [संगीत] और [संगीत] [संगीत] और [संगीत] हम [संगीत] बा आपको रजिस्टर करना पड़ेगा न कर जी आई एस रजिस्टर उसके बाद कुछ भी अपना पासवर्ड रख देना जसे मैं हेलो हेलो सा वेलकम स्म थक य सबिंग हैंग कि हेलो थक यर सब्सक्राइब जो देख रहे हो फटाफट लाइक करके थोड़ा सपोर्ट कर देना जो जो जॉइन होना चाहते हो आईपी कॉपी पेस्ट करके जवाइन हो जाना और डिस्ड का लिंक भी है तुम डिस्ड में भी जवाइन हो सकते हो ये लोग कालू हा क्यों नहीं दो तीन दिन से ठंड के वजह से उना… Read More

  • EPIC Job Change Quest in Minecraft! – Gingershadow Solo Mod Ep 5

    EPIC Job Change Quest in Minecraft! - Gingershadow Solo Mod Ep 5Video Information you get the Eris beat down from episode 11 trust me I know I’d get my but I’d still want to run the ones all right well here join the guild I’ll help you get the quest so we can all go this this guy this this guy this guy wants me to join this Quest so badly it’s the scaled so badly it’s crazy yeah so all work together look I’m like a I’m like a I’m like a private contct ctor right you can you can hire you literally get paid being in the guilds and… Read More

  • Minecraft: Herobrine transforms cow into a beautiful maiden!

    Minecraft: Herobrine transforms cow into a beautiful maiden!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine turned cow into a Girl – Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SHXDOW GAMING on 2024-02-10 01:59:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Egg Wars Strategy Revealed! | MineBlox Episode 1

    Ultimate Egg Wars Strategy Revealed! | MineBlox Episode 1Video Information I’m back I’m back guys [Applause] okay oh chill [Music] chill [Music] what [Music] oh Ready 2 one oh oh oh oh oh chill oh chill oh chill oh chill yes one that’s not don’t [Music] know oh chill oh chill oh Chill by by by by by [Music] oh you are going to die I going to die I going to die I [Music] [Music] wait pause pause I can’t run okay last [Music] one wait wait wait xtag bro chill okay [Music] sh he three two one oh chill okay okay okay okay chill chill oh… Read More

  • APHMAU STRUGGLES AT 3AM – RosePies Minecraft Madness!

    APHMAU STRUGGLES AT 3AM - RosePies Minecraft Madness!Video Information what is this oh no look the have my own Aon need help guys please help me like the video subscribe the channel and I help the ELO and Aon I’m coming I’m coming no problem no problem F and Aaron okay okay open chest nice very good gun very good guns okay okay Alo and Aon I’m coming I’m coming no problem guys please like the video like the video okay what what is this oh no she give the tallet okay okay okay nice very good very good guys very good very good congratulations ah congratulations… Read More

  • CoronaCraft Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+ Dynmap Discord 1.20.4 Whitelisted Voice Chat

    CoronaCraft SMP Community Join our community-based SMP with over 100 members worldwide! We welcome all players to our diverse and inclusive server. Why Join Us? Content creator and technical player friendly Existing server running for almost 4 years Custom Advancements, Shopping District, and more Regular server events, giveaways, and community projects 24/7 server uptime with plugins for security Ready to Play? Visit our website here or join our Discord here. See you in-game! Read More

  • ShlonkMC

    ShlonkMCShlonkMCA player run SMP with elected leaders, who adopt the server rules and manage the server.Engage in Politics, Economies and War.Build a city, open a shop or join a nationFind out more about the server through our discord:ShlonkMC Discord (Link)Apply to join the server here:ShlonkMC Application Form (Link)To join the server you must apply using the link above.If you apply, your application will be reviewed by a commitee of players, and if accepted we will contact you and whitelist you.If you have any questions, please DM me on discord at the9fed Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: We get it, move on

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: We get it, move onWow, this meme really needs to calm down before it starts demanding a higher score like a diva! Read More

  • Crafting Fireworks: Minecraft’s Explosive Delight!

    Crafting Fireworks: Minecraft's Explosive Delight! In Minecraft, fireworks can be a delight, Craft them with gunpowder and colors so bright. Customize your rockets with stars in hand, Upgrade for longer flights, across the land. Choose any dye, make them your own, Craft with care, let your creativity be shown. Launch them high, watch them soar, In the sky, a spectacle to adore. So there you have it, the secret’s out, Making fireworks in Minecraft, there’s no doubt. With colors and stars, let your imagination take flight, In this blocky world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #memes #meme #memesdaily Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we want to talk about an incredible video that showcases the Attack on Titan mod in Minecraft. The video titled “ATTACK ON TITAN IN MINECRAFT 1.20.5 | Shingeki no Craft | Fanfo” is a true masterpiece that brings the popular anime to life in the Minecraft world. While watching this video, you can’t help but be amazed by the attention to detail and the creativity that went into creating this mod. From the villages walls to the custom names of the… Read More

  • Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft

    Crafting a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Building a Spooky Tree in Minecraft Are you ready to add a touch of spookiness to your Minecraft world? Follow along as MegRae_MC takes us through a tutorial on how to build a spooky tree that will give you chills! Getting Started The tutorial kicks off with MegRae_MC guiding viewers through the process of building the base of the spooky tree. Using various blocks and techniques, she demonstrates how to create a twisted and eerie trunk that sets the tone for the entire build. Adding Texture As the tutorial progresses, MegRae_MC shows viewers how to add texture to the… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ADVENTURE: Chilling in The Burger SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘chilling in Minecraft (The Burger SMP)’, was uploaded by link1253 on 2024-04-19 23:59:50. It has garnered 303 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:55 or 7375 seconds. I don’t know what I am doing here sooooo let’s see where this goes….Subscribe Like and share if you like horror games 🙂 if you want to donate here https://streamlabs.com/link1253link It is Appreciated here is my discord server for anyone https://discord.gg/7EPjn5BMrA here is the Dark Link Alliance server join this at https://discord.gg/snCbGnTc Read More

  • The Ultimate Pokemon Adventure

    The Ultimate Pokemon AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Roblox and Minecraft’, was uploaded by PokéMomma & PokéSister on 2024-02-17 05:49:03. It has garnered 65 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:50:52 or 17452 seconds. Who knows join our discord server here https://discord.gg/zxczyJKUhR Read More

  • Spaceantiquity – Tiny Secret Pool Discovery!

    Spaceantiquity - Tiny Secret Pool Discovery!Video Information This video, titled ‘SMALLEST MINECRAFT POOL’, was uploaded by Spaceantiquity on 2024-01-11 12:00:07. It has garnered 394837 views and 42369 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Thank you for watching this Minecraft video, if You enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe, it doesn’t take a lot of effort for you and it helps me a lot 🙂 ↓↓↓↓ FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ↓ ↓ ↓ ►TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/spaceantiquity ► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spaceantiquity/ ► MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UVaw9tMvBH SpaceAntiquity does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t… Read More

  • Insane Treasure Seed in Minecraft 1.20!

    Insane Treasure Seed in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.20 – SEED LOTADA DE TESOUROS NO SPAWN PARA COMEÇAR A JOGAR (MCPE, Xbox, Playstation, PC)’, was uploaded by Hey Vordex on 2024-03-10 21:15:01. It has garnered 13924 views and 994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:22 or 682 seconds. Hey guys! In this video you will see a great seed with lots of treasures at the spawn point to play in the new Minecraft 1.20 update – Trails and Tales. Seed: 17796549881887457 #Minecraft Our social networks: https://www.instagram.com/rennanvordex https://www.instagram.com/ronnanvordex Follow us on our other social networks: ➡ https://www.instagram.com/heyvordex/ ➡ https://twitter.com/HeyVordex So, did… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Insane Orbital Spider Adventure!

    Minecraft's Insane Orbital Spider Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘New beginnings with a new game!! | MINECRAFT – 01’, was uploaded by Orbital Spider on 2024-04-03 18:47:34. It has garnered 103 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. Heyyyo! Im back, and I’m starting my comback with the game that made the biggest comback of all – Minecraft!! Forgot to do a proper outro for this video (guess it’ll take some getting used to again lol) so I’m gonna add that if you like the video, you know what to do and I’ll see you very soon…. Read More

  • “Insane MC School Pranks! Hilarious Minecraft Animation” #clickbait #shorts

    "Insane MC School Pranks! Hilarious Minecraft Animation" #clickbait #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘monster school Mischief in school life minecraft animation #minecraft #animation #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-01-03 12:10:00. It has garnered 7217 views and 374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Read More

  • Ruski Exposed! Is he insane?? #minecraft

    Ruski Exposed! Is he insane?? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is he crazy for saying this?? #minecraft #smp #crazy #stream #dream’, was uploaded by Ruski on 2024-04-13 22:26:07. It has garnered 418 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

Ep145 Alchemical Imbuer – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack