Ep168 Tier 5 Blood Altar – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack

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Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mod 6. we are we’re back on the server um this episode we’re probably going to do a little bit more blood magic my plan is i’m going to upgrade this alter to tier 5 so that’s just going to be like an extra row of all

That stuff we’re going to put a bunch of sacrifice runes in there maybe some more capacity runes on like this level here uh the reason for that is just so that you know we can hold more um more blood in here and get more blood from the witch so that we can get

Those um wither compasses or explorer compasses from blood magic so that that’s the first plan the next plan is allegedly we’re actually able to automate the um the void sigil using either the player simulator there’s a way to do that someone in the comments let me know and also apparently the um

The deployer that’s another way the deployer from create we could use here so those are my two main goals one thing i want to show you guys real quick um in the last episode we set up we set up this guy his sole purpose is to mine um

Uh emeralds we can look down here he’s mining them at 76 so 76 of every block he gets is an emerald um we have them going in here anything not an emerald gets voided anything that is an emerald goes in here this has been chunk loaded i

Listen listen listen it’s been running a little while now if you’re playing single player once again i suggest setting up the um outlaw enchant apparently there’s ways to uh increase that enchant to be like level seven or level 17 or something like that so something ridiculous um we might go over that

One day two but if you’re in single player set up a mob farm with outlaw enchant on a sword and looting and farm villages with a pedestal with a pedestal and the auto attacker upgrade on the server they’re too laggy for us but in single player do that

Because on the server this has been running 24 7. only since yesterday mind you only since yesterday i’m recording this one day after in fact not even a full day this is like 12 hours right have a look at how many we have i’ve already had a sneak peek have a look

We have we have five million we have five million we have okay well i mean emeralds are no longer an issue um i will do what i said we were going to do which is quickly go over to the b area and we’re going to upgrade this centrifuge just to the next

Tier it should be that simple so i’m just going to pick up that pick up this i’m going to put both of these in the system here i’m going to search centrifuge the first thing i’m going to craft is the controller so But it’s right there okay apparently i have to go fix the um the what do you call them the um the recipes the patterns because of course the patterns don’t do what the pattern’s meant to do i have to i have to re i have to fix them i’ll show you what i

Mean all right so in here we have the um the patterns clearly they’ve changed since we last used them because what essentially i need to do is chuck this in here i need to grab the centrifuge we have over here remove the old one place in our one

And set it as exact again we just need to update both of these so that pattern then we need to get rid of the casing there put in our own casing and update it that one there and there we go beautiful we can go ahead and chuck

These right back in there and now i should be able to search centrifuge crafting controller yep here we go so controller there it is give it a few seconds it shouldn’t take too long well i guess it’s going to compress all the blocks i wonder if we can quickly catch

It in action here it is um it has 50 000 to hmm you know what you know what i’m realizing it’s not the fastest is it now genuinely a really good solution to this was setting up compacting draws like i had all of my really expensive

Things like all of these top items all of these ores and like ingots and stuff were in drawers and compacting drawers which means they automatically compressed into um not only an emerald block but a compressed emerald block which made these autocrafts incredibly quick um the reason we had to switch that is

When the update came out they added the universal grid refined storage also updated everything broke everything broke and i discovered that that the reason that we were having insane lag like insane levels of lag was because we had all of our drawers connected to our refined storage system i disconnected them the

Lag went away so sadly sadly we had to do that which i’m still not happy about because it means that like these recipes this is going to take ridiculously long like that that one wasn’t too bad that first centrifuge but now i need to make

34. now i need to make i thought it was 35 right hmm what did hold on hold on did the controller use more than one no it didn’t what’s going on here where’s my extra centrifuge case right i’m pretty sure i’m meant to have more i i meant to have 35 of these

Huh it used up the i i don’t know i couldn’t tell you anyway we’re going to make we are going to make 35 assuming it lets us it will and we’re just going to craft those so there we go we’ve got we’ve got 35 coming and then 36 being this one

Um let’s see how long this looks like it’s going to take ah it’s gonna oh my god it’s gonna do how many a million you know what that’s not the end of the world because we have things we want to do this episode so sure that can happen

I’m gonna hold on to this so we don’t lose it what we need to do is set up our blood altar and this guy is going to actually need some crafting because in particular i need some runes in particular i think it was like 52 we

Can actually go ahead and check the book though if i go into blood magic um you know akashic tome uh we can go blood altar we can go um the blood altar we can go all the way through here until we see tier five and

This tells us we need 52 more runes so we currently have 21 um so that would be what 41 51 52. there we go oh we need why does it do this um okay we can fix this can we no no i don’t i don’t really know if we

Can ah why can’t we fix this blank slate i thought we blank slate can i get 30 to 31 of you i can okay we’ll just do that we’ll just craft some some blank slates that’s perfectly fine um so they’re going to be crafted they’re going to take their time but honestly it

Should be fully automated i don’t think i need to do any um you know sacrificing of my own blood we’ll have to monitor all it you know what it does use it pretty quickly oh but look it’s no no we we might have to ah we might

Not have to i don’t know anyway we’re pretty much just gonna end up leaving this um if we wanted to speed it up we could have all the stone going at once um but this is fine that that’ll happen while that’s happening and while the emeralds are happening let’s go ahead

And start on this guy this is going to be our um what do we call it our yeah our void sigil right click items um i’m not entirely sure how this works like a big issue we had was this one continuous click that’s what we didn’t want right

I want to go ahead and grab um the void oop sorry not that the void regen is that all i needed and a reinforced slate i’m going to grab one because i want to chuck this in there and that in there does it do the thing so far no

Um round robin blacklist right click yep that’s all good continuous no sneak no okay okay uh now someone gave me exactly what i was meant to do so i might go ahead and look up that comment to see exactly what i meant to do the other option obviously

Is deployers they’re a little bit less complicated um here a little i i’ll give it a look all right this was from and i’ll butcher this name because it’s definitely from a different language um oh god you know i apologize i think i’ll have better luck at the last name let’s

See um toe cars mr toe cars thank you or mr or mrs tokart i apologize for butchering what i can only imagine is your first name um that combination of letters is simply i i can’t even comprehend it so what we’re actually going to need are three

Player simulators um so we’re going to place them on the side of this block like that we’re going to have one in each so we’re going to take this variable card out real quick we’re going to go ahead and grab some more variable cards and we’ll grab what two more yep one for

Each and we’ll also grab a logic programmer so these are what we’re using logic programmer variable cards uh player simulators and these need to be connected to logic cables which have an item interface and a storage for you know the ingredients um the next thing we need to do is figure out exactly

Like i understand that this would work but i feel like at the moment i could place like the wrong thing on you know what i mean like i think they have to go in an order and i don’t know how to make them go in an order

I’m not entirely sure um anyway let’s connect these up so what we’re going to want to do is actually get one of each of these ingredients i’m also going to want the arcane ashes uh that’s not narcan ash where where is my arcane ash um All right um the arcane ash we have to make in here like so so that should be pretty quick and easy on top of that i think what i actually want to do is um make this infinite i think that might save us some trouble i i would guess

So we’ll get the eternal stellar we also want to get a smithing table just over here so that we can actually you know combine the stuff there we go um open this guy up if it lets us um what oh god yep we crashed listen using integrated dynamics on the

Alchemy table has proven to be just a buggy mess um so i think my game possibly just crashed i’m hoping i’m not in the crash loop i shouldn’t be but we’ll have to wait and see i’ll i’ll be right back hopefully alrighty we are back um this thing is

Still being weird incredibly weird um what i need to do is sadly open it again and hope i don’t crash so i’m just going to try and place a block where it is like there’s still an alchemy table there if you can believe it or not so there it is i’m

Going to open it quick the item isn’t even there i’m going to exit it okay um did our arcane ashes get made arcane they did get made okay beautiful nice we’re in action again um smithing table goes down these go in and we now have indestructible arcane ashes okay so

Here’s the deal we’re gonna go item arcane ash we’re gonna put that in there and we’re going to put that onto a variable card next we’re going to put on the void regen we’re going to chuck one of those in and we can do the same thing i’m just scrolling to like speed

Speedily put them in but there we go so first things first i guess we’ll go on this side here we’re going to see the arcane ashes go in we’re going to open this up we’re going to make sure that it is a right click we’re going to make sure that it is not

A continuous click and they’ve suggested turning off the nbt i think that’s if you don’t have it um indestructible because when it’s not indestructible it loses um strength each time which means it gets you know worse and worse and worse and it’s nbt changes we can untick

It it doesn’t really matter you know what i mean so we can have it unticked and then that’s it that’s it he’s he’s good to go um the rest of these apparently we just leave them as is like this and first things first let’s see if anything

Happens i’m going to chuck these all in let’s see hmm so far not the most promising thing i’m a little bit skeptical as to whether anything’s even happening you know what let’s also put in the um arcane ashes let’s do that connected yep the item interface is there um i mean it’s

It doesn’t appear to be working does it it definitely says to leave them as is um ah you know what you know what uh benefit of the doubt let’s get another slate just a reinforced slate here let’s get a um another void regent we should be able to

Craft these right i can just quickly get another one made i’m gonna craft another one and we’ll just we’ll manually craft one just to re-refresh the whole thing just to you know give this guy a second chance if you will um okay the void region is here let’s go

Ahead and give this a shot so i’m going to right click this guy on didn’t even work okay that adds up you know what that does that up so i’m what that’s telling me is that this is broken for some reason so i’m actually going to try and break this

Probably just by punching it okay instantly look at it it’s actually working um huh why did the void regen go on the ground though is that a visual bug no i’ve got it the arcane ashes got used despite wait oh you oh i know what happened i know

What happened because we broke um the one that was already on the ground so this should be a completely new one that wants to be crafted here and i can craft it by chucking in the void regent and the reinforced slate ah you know what yeah yeah okay i sort

Of see the issue ah well actually do i yeah okay so one just went in so now all that’s left is the reinforced slate so we’ll give it some time the server might be lagging a little or something maybe that’s my best guess um don’t know

I don’t know like it definitely used up the um the void regen so i don’t i’m not entirely sure why what i’m thinking about changing is the whole continuous click thing i want to change that i don’t i don’t know if that’s like the key here um does this say

Aspect click one item um what are you oh god the pesky travelers uh let’s open this guy up this is the reinforced slate i want to see if i make it um Not continuous if that does the trick let’s open up this guy as well make him not continuous does that does that achieve anything no it doesn’t doesn’t really seem to be what do you stop walking towards me you’re just going to get in my way and be oh my god

I i despise them i i didn’t even cut that one out because they deserved that they he walked all the way over there just to laugh at my face okay okay relax relax this system is just it’s not i don’t know why it’s not working but it’s not

Working let me let me break this let me pick this stuff up let’s try this again with everything in everything going in at like the same time right so let’s just do that what does this do does it do anything okay there look perfect it worked perfectly it worked more than perfectly

Why didn’t it do it before i you know i don’t know i don’t know and quite frankly i don’t think i care let’s go ahead and get an item collector to pick this guy up um you need a lapis block that’s quick and easy grab this guy i’ve also started

Using filters because i’ve noticed people keep trying to give me free stuff like i clicked in and there were blocks of atm stars in my storage i i don’t want i don’t want free stuff that would ruin the entire series um like this let’s do three by three there we go

Make it up preview you can see it’s going to do that area that should be perfect we’re going to get our a layout list right here this allowed list should say you are allowed to have void sigil and that is all we can then place this

In here and now if i drop a void sigil it gets picked up if i drop arcane ashes it what it shouldn’t have been picked up what about my what is there like a secret have i got a item collector here somewhere that shouldn’t be here what what just happened

Why did that just happen what okay i know i’ve got it again visual bug yes visual bug okay beautiful it’s still there on the ground okay wonderful all right this guy just needs to go back into the system so what i’m thinking is i can probably um hmm

How do i want to do this you know i put my tanks away let me get them back i can probably just run this cable all the way into that guy and that should do the trick so let’s go ahead and do that and now for example how many void

Schedules do we have search residual we have a four in there if i go ahead and put this in there how many do we have now five beautiful works like a charm perfect okay the next thing we need to do is entangle this and tell it how to

Make uh the void sigils and that should be pretty easy hopefully everything else is done like the um the b stuff that we were doing and the other theme g whatever that was the um the slates that we need for the runes um so in tangled block go ahead and grab one

Out this guy’s gonna go right there we’re gonna entangle him this guy i want to get a crafter on top of like uh so beautiful i want to go to this guy here the pattern grid and this guy is going to be told um yeah honestly that’s exactly what he

Needs to be told let’s grab a pattern like this guy in there create that pattern beautiful go ahead and slap that in there we can then i think we can leave that that should be perfect um so to give it a test run let’s search void schedule i’m going to

Hold ctrl shift to open this menu click craft it says we can i’m going to click start um we’ll fly over there we’ll fly over there because we still need to build the altar so we can do that while we’re here um but it should be it should be working

We should end up with what with six void schedules i’m tempted to just we’ll leave that for now and we’ll move on to the next task which is um the runes i needed to make what how many of them um put this here let’s grab a orb

Chuck that in there um i need to make a total of 52. so i’m gonna just left click this until i have 52 which should be oh what do we don’t have enough we should have enough slates this thing’s been run in the whole did

It run out of juice is that the problem no it’s got plenty what’s going on here then did i not order enough somehow i’m pretty sure i did you know it’s fine what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna grab um how many more do i need i need about what 10 i need

To do 14. um so let’s grab 14 stone all of our stones have been smelled by the way all the 10 million we ordered um let’s grab a chest we have item pipes on us um actually now i’ve already got an item pipe there so i’m going to place a chest here

Um this guy is going to be extracting on the back like so and this guy ah no we got to move him a little bit we need to place another guy here place the chest there so we can actually open him make sure he’s extracting and then

What i can do is chuck in 14 and it will put all 14 at once on this uh altar and that’s only 14 000 blood which we already have in there thanks to the witch and the sacrificing um well the well of sacrifice or whatever it was

Um so beautiful that that’s it gonna be done nice nice and quick and easy okay um i guess we should start building this other stuff we’re gonna need some beacons as well i believe we need four of them there we go that was quicker than i thought it would be to be completely

Honest with you um let’s double check void schedule do we have six yet nope okay oh yeah no yeah hopefully it’s coming i i’m a bit doubtful now no like i think that was plenty of time um what are we doing what are we doing

We gotta figure out what we need to to make this light altar blood altar here we go add bookmark there we go um okay so oh you can scroll to skip it looks like we just sort of do the same thing in fact you know what i’m pretty sure

I can just right click the alter with it and it does it somehow um visualize right and then i right click on the alter oh i can take that back off and as you can see now it’s visualized exactly where i need to place everything so i can do this

Um in fact you know what let’s play some sand let’s keep it uh you know looking somewhat nice i also need to turn my magnet back on there we go here we go um beacons in the corners beautiful i am gonna have to absolutely demolish this entire area here which is

It’s a bit rough but listen it’s for the greater good does this oh it does overlap this area i was hoping it wouldn’t just for the sake of like making things look nice but it’s fine i don’t think even if the beacons need to see the

Sunlight it’s not the end of the world dig through here there we go there we go and there we go uh you know what there we go all right so here we go um next to the runes now i have two choices i could put

The runes in as they are now just empty and then replace them as we go um there’s not really much of a point in that i think um so if we search roon first of all i should be able to make more runes now i should be able to make

The remaining runes that i wanted to so let’s search all go ahead and do that so this is going to be we want 52 remember come on 52 beautiful another thing i want to do real quick is honestly i kind of want to make 52 more

Whilst that’s how much i want to make uh i don’t think it’s how much we can make so we’ll have to be a little bit uh cautious how much blood do we have in here at the moment we have 24 000. so i’m gonna put 24 in here it’s

That simple 24 can go in there that’ll be 24. that’ll allow us to make i believe like 24 sacrifice runes i think sacrifice um roon oh they need reinforced lights so they’re a bit expensive it’s fine that’s fine um what we’re going to do though is

I guess place them all and then we’ll upgrade them as we as we go so these will just be template ones right and they’ll obviously get replaced um whenever we can afford to because it’s apparently pretty expensive and i am making a mess um so i’m gonna place all

These philip this uh little guide that we’ve got and i’ll meet you guys back here and voila this i believe is a tier 5 altar do you know what they’ve done as well they’ve left these corners so if you want to you can make the beacons

Actually work which do i want to do honestly hey wouldn’t be a bad idea probably look pretty nice um like see how they’ve left the 3×3 there that lets you do this perfectly so i’m actually going to do that i’m going to make these uh look beautiful and voila that is

That is the last one that should have direct sunlight it should do what the other beacon is doing beautiful beautiful if we wanted to as well i believe we could go ahead and get some red glass i don’t know if we have any like red stained glass can we quickly craft some

I would like to put these on top because then we can actually make it look a little bit more like blood magic you know yeah here we go this is some blood magic now realistically the fact that these ones are hidden actually look a lot cooler than the ones that aren’t hidden

If we’re being completely honest um but there we go beautiful it looks it looks marvelous doesn’t it um okay so did we end up getting that void sigil the sixth one no is it in here at least ah so the issue currently is the reinforced slate just doesn’t want to go in for

Some reason and i i don’t know why i genuinely don’t know why um what are we thinking it could be what do we think um item click reinforce slate um round robin blacklist craft right click continuous click sneak let’s put continuous click back on for both of these um

That’s what i was told to do i was told to leave those on it’s just not really appearing to work i i don’t once again i don’t know why it’s not working um as far as i’m aware it should be constantly trying to right click the reinforced slate which it has available

You know what we can try let’s try removing the nbt maybe somehow that’s an issue let’s not check the nbt you can right click whatever you happen to get whatever happens to be in there your ladder right click and it’s just it’s still not doing it it still just does not care um Interesting uh i guess yeah here’s the annoying thing if i go and try and manually place that look it doesn’t do anything it doesn’t work even though this is the perfect order this is what’s meant to happen as far as i’m aware this is exactly what’s meant to happen and it

Just it isn’t it isn’t doing it because you can look in here arcane ashes and void region is the issue okay is the issue the fact that i am using an indestructible one is that is that genuinely the problem because we can we can try and fix that here let me break this

Let me pick the stuff up there we go let’s um let’s chuck in to do arcane ash’s reinforced slate in this let’s see all of those go in ah it’s not even going to do it though but watch this if i replace this have a look at this you ready works

If they all go in at once it works so i don’t i it’s truly baffling let me know let me know what you think the issue is there as to why when one goes in before the other it doesn’t work because like that is the order you do the void region

Then you do the reinforced slate that’s meant to be what happens i i don’t know i don’t know what to tell you um okay tier five alter this guy should be working let’s double check um yeah it says tier five does he hold more because

He’s just tier five no okay um inside of this i would like to put three more stone like that because we had three more thousand on these i would like to do the um the reinforced slate is that reinforced i mean i know we’re using it

It’s not really a thing that we can do is it sacrifice do we have an extra we do actually have an extra room of sacrifice let’s go ahead and um you know plug that guy in there we go um Now with these runes of sacrifice do these need to be closer or no like like does this need to actually be placed up here so it’s closer to where the actual sacrificing is happening or is that not a thing this should be getting us quite a bit more by the way hopefully

Oh god um yeah because our issue now is we have a bunch of um slates but we need reinforcements and the reinforced plates i believe um if we go ahead and look at the recipe need 2 000 life points so they’re a bit more expensive um ah you know what you know what

For the sake of doing it let me grab this let me grab my um all the money maples i’m gonna i’m gonna fill this guy up and we’re gonna actually start making some reinforced slates how does that sound all right it’s about halfway done it’s got ten thousand out of the like twenty

Eight thousand it needs um so we’re getting there we’re getting there it shouldn’t take too long now an important thing with this is make sure you’re standing close or else your blood doesn’t actually go to it for whatever reason i guess there’s like a range on it or something but if i don’t

Stand right next to the block it doesn’t actually appear to go into the altar i think i think at least all right they are all done the reinforced slates are done what that means is i can grab 14 of these so so i can grab 14 blank runes um we can

Go ahead and press u on this um we can look for our sacrifice runes that we’re after there’s a few other ones that we could do as well but we’re after this check that in there check out blank runes in let’s go ahead and grab an orb

This bad boy chuck him there and voila 14 runes of sacrifice so for reference let’s let’s see what we’re at now currently we are getting let’s see each time it ticks each time it ticks it’s going up by is that roughly 30 a little less than 30 a little less than

30. it looks to be actually like 20 25 yeah i think it’s going up 25 um at a time let’s go ahead and place in these runes of sacrifice and see exactly what this takes us to if anything let’s see um because i genuinely don’t know um so that’s 14 in 15 total

Because we had that other one familiar let’s see what we’re looking at now um each time it ticks that’s it currently at 96. that still only went up by 25. i’m going to be honest let’s uh maybe give it some time maybe it’s going to like refresh 545

Oh that went up about 50. okay yeah that one went up uh 63 i think that just went up 63 or 62. um okay from from 20 so we’ve essentially doubled it that’s not too bad um i kind of want to fill the rest up if we’re honest um Yeah is it worth doing i’m not sure genuinely i’m not sure um i am however going to put six more in yeah so there’s um the rune of sacrifice and i thought there was another tier was there not what’s oh what’s this one subjected to the ritual of mata yeah the

Ritual of mata doesn’t work so this currently is sadly not a thing we can do but that would be cool if it did work hopefully it gets updated to work because then i wouldn’t have to do any of this stuff um okay all right honestly at this point

I if you guys have a suggestion of what ratio i should have here in terms of speed even acceleration because these speed runes could be turned into accelerations so like speed goes up by like a certain amount each time whereas the um what is it the acceleration ones

Wherever they happen to be these go up exponentially so like they keep multiplying i believe um by a certain percentage let me know let me know how many runes of each i should have that that’s that’s probably my best um i guess guess it’s like you guys should

Let me know what exactly should i be having here um i imagine it’ll be like you know top row speed second row speed then capacity then sacrifice or something let me know because i genuinely i don’t know um how well is this working though it’s honestly pretty good like already

Those increase uh sacrifice they’re doing they’re doing a lot of work here like we’re gaining thousands pretty quickly i can only imagine with that we’ll be getting it like obviously twice as fast uh actually more than twice as fast it’ll be about honestly it’ll be four times as fast which is genuinely really

Good when i when i sort of say it out loud um maybe we want to you know continue a little bit here let’s you know i mean hey oh did i not what am i missing i’ve got to actually pick up the runes um all right well anyway this guy’s done

This guy over here works only when he wants to which in a way it’s respectable let me know what the issue is here um aside from that there is one more thing we’ve got to do assuming it’s done which it appears to be and that is the

Bees we need to go replace our little bee doohickey we’re going to run over here into our b area i’m going to run over here let’s search for centrifuge here we go centrifuge controller and casings voila voila and there’s our middle piece that we marked so accordingly with a nice little

Head there from a developer that can go there this can go here the centrifuge goes there and then we just fill in the blanks so do this do this i mean you’ve seen all before it’s a three by three what i will say is power the power mod has these exact same

Size structures but they sort of build themselves i’m just saying i’m just saying resourceful visa you know i listen listen i’m just saying all right this guy should be working as he’s already chocked full of stuff um on the back here there are some things i’m going to

Have to do for example apparently this guy i’m going to have to replace just to get him connected again some of these i’m going to have to actually go ahead and re-enable on the sides there apparently i’m not right-clicking it on the side anyway that’s fine we can just start you

Know place a new cable down this guy is going to be yeah that’s perfect that needs to be an insert but this one over here needs to be an extract like that and that will actually be good um as you can see what i have here is i actually have all the

Extra liquids we have going into our infinite storage which i should have done ages ago previously we were avoiding it we honestly shouldn’t be avoiding it in fact this is meant to go in there and do nearest first and that stops it from getting voided beautiful beautiful okay so this guy now um

Let’s have another look four times faster is this guy he’s eight times faster my god oh look at this guy go you know what i think it is noticeable just from memory i feel like they were pretty slow before that is incredible is it longer as well

Can it hold more does it say that i know it has a higher stack size but i didn’t know that it also had um More slots to put items in but it does look like it doesn’t it that is beautiful all right well i oh 72 emerald all each time like we only have one emerald honeycomb blocking it like man that is that is phenomenal well there we go the next tier up from

This by the way if you want to just have a look at this is oh is it not is this guy the actually no it’s the what are we looking at here control it here it is the creative tier casing is what we need this guy uses blocks that we can

Craft like this is craftable but the actual um the controller itself um this guy here needs an atm star and then this guy here the storage requires like some ridiculous stuff to say the least that is that’s a lot of stuff that is genuinely a lot of stuff it’s probably

Doable to be completely honest like with what we have right now i could probably make this in comparison what does it do requires -1 ticks every block i imagine that means it’s pretty fast it multiplies the outcome by 10 which is honestly compared to the tier 8.

That’s not a big step up like for sure it’s fast right but once you’ve caught up it keeps up you know what i mean like unless we had a billion bees then it would make sense like you’re getting crazy amounts of honeycomb but once you start getting that many bees

You start lagging and as far as i’m aware there’s not like a lag free version of this which that’s a cool concept imagine if they had the option to toggle in here like toggle between performance and not and then the bs would they wouldn’t actually go out there but

It would check you know what i mean it would check the inventory and say like oh yep there is a slimy um block therefore you’re allowed to process and every you know 3000 ticks or whatever it would process without actually having the entity in the world

That oh that is a good idea someone send that to them um i imagine that would be possible as well because you’ve got like um what was the mod forestry forestry um added bees but there weren’t physical bees that you saw they were just like they were hot there were hives that

Would check around them for the resources like the flowers they needed and stuff and the time of day so it’s definitely i think it’s doable that could be really nice to um especially for service oh my god how’s that not a thing have i cracked the case i feel like i’ve

Cracked the case you know like i’m getting calls on my phone like from multi-billion dollar companies like we love your idea we need you on board um but yeah that on a side note though like this whole creative centrifuge or controller it doesn’t seem that good does it

I feel like it really doesn’t am i missing something like the step up from tier 4 to tier 5 is insane the step up to creative sure the speed is good but look we don’t need the speed i mean like once again it comes back to the issue of i’m sure

If i had more b’s i’d need the speed but i don’t have more b’s because it would get too late i don’t know i don’t know you know what let’s actually see how much lag do these create if i no i’ve got to wait until they’re in the open um

That honestly i’m pretty sure that’s that’s it like the episode’s over we did the beast interviews we did the um we did the blood magic stuff oh you know what we need a celebratory atm start if we can so this is we have two at the moment

I would like oh wait wait before we do that we have to do it here because we i don’t really know how else to order it why did what all right what is what is happening how is it how is it physically possible that we have a like a billion um

Emeralds we have like five million emeralds from being from just the server being on but we’re not getting all the modium alloys what’s going on here they’re from a lightning forge i believe how much ash do we have is it all being turned into ash it’s possible do you think that’s what

We’ve accidentally done i’m pretty sure we double checked that it was working maybe it’s maybe it’s not here’s our dragon here’s our forge i know it’s looking the wrong way but it was processing last time i checked um currently let’s have a look at how much ash we have we have 1035

Um and let’s look at how much um under the unobtanium alloys we have we have six we have six so we have six and then we have one thousand and thirty five so six and thirty five i’m gonna wait here a little bit i i’m hoping what i’ll see is this turn

Into a seven that would be amazing but i’m kind of doubtful because it’s just not really i feel like i should have more ah do you see the issue he’s somehow out of range now despite him being in range when we tested it that’s that’s great you know that’s

That is what we’d like to see i’ll tell you what i do have a solution um we’re going to grab out a dragon horn we’re also going to go ahead and grab our anchor plate this guy right here um and where exactly do we want him to stand i’m thinking right there

Um you know what i’m thinking it probably needs to be like facing that way right yes that is perfect so now we’re off it um so i want to pick you up and i want to place you on it and as you can see he repositioned and

He is now stuck facing that way ladies and gentlemen we’re back in business okay um once again i’m probably just gonna have to wait afk um either on the server or not even on the server because it’s junk loaded um yeah i i’d still like to know what you guys

Think about the whole um series that happened on a server you know what i mean because i to be fair i think it’s not necessarily the worst thing because like obviously i log in the next episode and my tiny system has made like a day’s worth of resources right but

On the flip side of that when you’re playing you don’t play for an hour and then stop playing you know what i mean or at least i i don’t when i normally used to play um in my free time i would just play for hours on end you know what i mean so

I feel like it makes if in terms of content on youtube it’s a it’s a good way to get that progression happening you know what i mean like from episode to episode there’s actually things happening rather than you know me spending 20 episodes just having like

Rows and rows and rows of dragon forges and dragons like it’s not really an option i guess um when you’re playing on a server because again in single player sure i could have a billion dragons and you know i might lag a bit but you know it doesn’t ruin everyone else’s

Experience on the server um so yeah um i think we’re good let’s double check though let’s search on up surely that’s enough to get some we have eight already hurrah you know what i’m gonna wait until we get nine because i would like to get the thing in fact you know what i

Think genuinely i could probably just use one of these yeah that works these are one of these ones that oh that’s an ss tier um let’s get like a a lower tier let’s get an e tier actually is this a uh et is probably lower let’s let’s use an e tier one

Um so there we go we now have a block of unobtainium we can chuck that back in there now if i search for my atm star first things first let’s craft the last piece we need this dimensional seed there we go once again oh we’re still crafting the other one

Let’s let’s cancel that oh my god this takes so long to craft man it’s because of the bloody blocks of emeralds you know what give me some suggestions on what i can do here keep in mind i can’t use as far as i’m aware i’m i don’t know if it’s

Still bugged or not i can’t use a compacting drawer connected to my refined storage system what i’m thinking though is i might be able to export all the emeralds into that thing for the for just this recipe i like it i don’t know i would love some suggestions though so

Please do let me know aside from that though i mean you know unless i want to sit here and wait for what’s this i i get you know it’s only a hundred thousand it’s only a hundred thousand i can wait i can wait i’ll be back we are making

One more atm starter in this episode just because i want to do that one more thing i must say is obviously if you’re in single player your doors open up a lot by the way um for instance the whole creative tier crafter would finish this recipe before

You even begun it the issue is and i’m sure what happened in single player is it can instantly crash the server instantly from a single recipe so if you’re using them in single player make backups please make constant backups if you’re playing single player in this mod pack

Especially in the late game because my the amount of issues we’ve had on the server where like we’ve either had to load a backup or we’ve had to like dig through stuff to try and fix it it’s insane these whole creative tier things they’re almost a tad too powerful

Um like ridiculously sixty thousand times speed i i don’t even know if that’s accurate i think that might even just be like um what do you call it um an estimate because they’re just instant you oh you know you know what this is about to finish but i think i sort of

Know the solution so we’re currently crafting what compressed blocks of emerald five is that what we’re after let’s just double check here um dimensional seed yeah compressed block of emerald five i think you guys know what what’s gonna have to happen here i think we’re gonna have to have it

Requested to have like a stack on demand that that will mean that these will craft over time just like they have been but um in fact can i even grab the where is it this one five no that’s four i require five oh my god like the

Problem with the emeralds coming in is this happens on your screen okay i caught it i held control um this a tier five i’m gonna craft a tier five which it’s i mean that’s not gonna happen this episode but i’m gonna i’m gonna order one

Um and i’ll have to remember to add this here so that over the length of the recordings of the episodes they’re being crafted you know what i mean i think that’ll be the solution that’ll be an easy way to do it how long for example does like that is incredible

This guy’s in a nether right um thingy right he’s not even a diamond on he’s in he’s in the nether right i believe he is yep here’s all of the compressed blocks so 2 times three times four times five times and then up here is the uh normal

Block and the and the one times that is incredible that’s genuinely incredible i might also i’m tempted to try the drawers because the drawers would make it so much quicker but um anyway anyway let’s um go ahead double check is this guy crafted he appears to be crafted ladies and gentlemen atm star

I present to you another one should be crafted let’s see this is always beautiful you ready patience oh my the sound it makes is so beautiful when they all just get put in at once that is incredible um yeah thank you guys for watching hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if

You did please do consider subscribing it helps out my channel quite a bit we’ve been growing like crazy this year we started or we started the end of last year so like december with 1 000 subs this this month december we have like 3 300. that is incredible

Thank you guys so much for the support over the over all the years now um and and the channel you guys you guys seem to be enjoying it i’m enjoying it so that’s why ah okay so it’s not perfect uh what what why is this a thing patrick how many

More patrick starts do we have got plenty i i i i don’t know what to tell you i think the issue is um with how we’re doing it because currently we’re using exporters to like keep the set amount but we can we can tune that we

Can tune that we can fix it um yeah thank you guys for supporting the channel um if you enjoyed the video you can feel free to like it um that would help me out as well um thank you to everyone who has supported me financially we’ll go ahead and take them

Over at the uh donator tower um it’s been like this for a little while if listen if you’re playing on the server or you’re watching and you want to join the server and you’re not sure what to do i recommend you do with a remodel like american we

Do with the remodel if you wanted to you keep the same themes and stuff but like i mean it’s just a big rectangle you know what i mean i think we can add some some spice to it right obviously it’s optional you guys don’t

Have to if you if you don’t want it but um yeah it’s there we still haven’t replaced this should we i reckon we should let’s you know what we have the time let’s go um cable let’s get a network cable let’s go ahead and get a facade because we don’t like

People stealing stuff do this let’s also get a sign grab one of these oh did it work there we go we’ll place this cable down place this that there we go no no we can steal them beautiful i’m pretty sure this is a real block isn’t it um

Oh no it’s not there anymore um i have to check that later uh anyway place this down this is oracle damn thank you to oracle skeletal jacob oasis derpy snow nut mugs and vrifti who have supported me through donation links um thank you guys thank you to uh it’s coolest

V-rifty and mugs who are channel members here on the youtubes thank you guys and just a friendly reminder we have a hub that has like fun mini games and stuff so um stay tuned for for more fun or fun in that aspect um and on top of that if

You’re on bedrock you can join even though it’s java server you can play bed wars with java people on bedrock minecraft pretty cool um thank you for watching and hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye i didn’t want like a music company um copyright striking my videos in like the

Future so uh yeah this is this is this is the best i could do i’m i’m sorry mate you know what in hindsight silence might have been better well you live in your lane

This video, titled ‘Ep168 Tier 5 Blood Altar – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2021-12-17 14:45:05. It has garnered 474 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:21 or 2901 seconds.

This is a series on the All The Mods 6 Minecraft modpack! This modpack is packed full of a bunch of different mods! From Tech mods, to Magic mods, to Dragons and Dungeons, and even their own mod called Allthemodium! There should be mods for whatever you fancy!

Things: Modpack – all-the-mods-6

We have setup an All The Mods 6 SMP Community Server. In order to join and play on the server you will need to have the All The Mods 6 modpack installed!

You will then need to join the Discord: https://discord.gg/MxYpA6v and you should see the ip 🙂

Please consider Subscribing and helping me get to 3400 subs by the end of the month! 😀

Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fMt_XbrlwE&list=PL3gNcPTidgoeBNaYk4id0h-spj-fS2kAo

I would highly recommend checking out other YouTuber’s playing this pack so that you can see for yourself the variety at which this Modpack inspires people to play it.

ChosenArchitect’s first video “All The Mods 6 Ep. 1 New Mods New Builds” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_PR_HOlkok

47MarkIV’s first episode “All The Mods 6 – Ep 1 – Ore Doubling & Flight” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi7gefP3M0M

xBCrafted’s episode of All The Mods 6 “All The Mods 6! | Modded 1.16.3! [E01]” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clq_O7u8srk

#ATM6 #Minecraft #ATM6modpack

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – https://www.youtube.com/c/vRifty/videos AzzaFortySix – https://www.youtube.com/c/AzzaFortysix/videos

Join our new Discord channel! Talk to me and other content creators when we’re on and help us, and each other out 😀


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  • “Hot diggity creeper, that’s a spicy meme!” #minecraft

    "Hot diggity creeper, that's a spicy meme!" #minecraft Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dankmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft! Minecraft: ARMADURA DE DRAGÃO *incrível* ‹‹ S5João ›› Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! In this video, we will delve into all the thrilling aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in constructing your ideal abode. Explore… Read More

  • Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation

    Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation Minecraft Content Creation: A Look into Berkant’s Channel Berkant’s Minecraft Channel Berkant is a dedicated content creator who produces Minecraft videos every two days. His channel features a variety of content, including Minecraft escapes, parodies, and more. With a mix of rich and poor elements in his videos, Berkant’s channel offers a unique perspective on the Minecraft world. Engaging with Berkant’s Channel If you want to support Berkant’s channel, you can subscribe and show your support. Don’t forget to hit the like button on his videos to show some love ❤️. New videos are uploaded every other day at… Read More

  • 💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit Gameplay

    💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit GameplayVideo Information say going live going live live we’re live what’s up chat what’s up what’s up what’s up chat what’s everyone doing hello orang what’s good bro hello K hello doy hello Zane what’s good let roll shall we hello shbs oh great no great start to the beginning all right uh well have some change hello Mar May mayor hello I just got the notification W oh yeah Zan for some we weird reason I was I was trying to type on YouTube on Google and it popped out Discord and I put why to you I don’t… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!Video Information la novia gringa de Minecraft s Ernesto la esposa Ernesto creo que se colo estas son mujeres mortales muchachos ustedes no vieron nada realmente no no vieron nada ojo esa Ya di cuenta ya la Rio ya la Rio Dale que los platos no se lavan solos ve los platos no se lavan solos nos vemos a ver ch This video, titled ‘Desafíos Pixelados: Amor en Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by The Morotex on 2024-02-28 19:00:24. It has garnered 471 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Every day on stream… Read More

  • 🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraft

    🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information टी एनटी अंडर वाटर हैक्स इन माट अगर आप टी एनटी को पानी में फोड़ने की कोशिश करोगे तो टी एनटी की तरफ से बस एक ही आवाज आएगी पानी पानी पानी अंकल जी मु पानी पिला दे दीजिए मेरा गला सूख रहा है तो उससे पहले मैं बताना चाहता हूं गाइस मैंने लिया 75 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैलेंज 0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा मिथ से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक… Read More

  • EXPLOSIVE time travel in Minecraft

    EXPLOSIVE time travel in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] a [Music] the [Music] [Music] what [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what is up silly Goobers goobers and gobets I’m live is time it is time I have silly lore planned today the silliest of the silliest lore I okay did I so many of so much of this lore today was a mixture of last minute planning and long before plan [ __ ] that is that is what we’re working with that’s what we’re working with today but yes yeah hello everybody I don’t know if you guys saw… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱

    🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP type shit’, was uploaded by Syphanic on 2024-04-29 04:02:27. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:37 or 1657 seconds. yurr Read More

  • EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park – Minecraft

    EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : BABY BROTHER AND DRAGON IN JURASSIC PARK – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Toca Betty on 2024-01-12 10:00:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Continuation of the story of friendship between baby brother and baby dragon! Music by Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!

    Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information [Music] so This video, titled ‘#viral #ascoisasmudam #minecraft #sabwaysurfars #minecraftmeme #ficoubonitodonada #humor #memes’, was uploaded by @Memelissa1 on 2024-04-04 22:02:39. It has garnered 183 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

Ep168 Tier 5 Blood Altar – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack