Ep179 Psi Spell Programmer – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack

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Hello everyone and welcome back to all the one six now in the last episode my oh my it was a nightmare okay we tried doing some stuff with astral sorcery and long story short it ended up with us sort of bringing it over here um

And it was just a fail it was a fail around because apparently astral sorcery has a daylight cap on the starlight and it’s about right there which is um a little bit annoying to say the least so we’re probably not going to touch astral sorcery for a while at least not on

Camera i might bring the rest of the astral sorcery stuff over here off camera like just in between an episode but i i don’t even want to look at it i don’t even want to look at it right now um now there are a few things i wanted

To do one of them was actually to check out this be diddy b right this guy lets you get a hold of um what do you call them uh dense bees right so if we look in here you can see you can make dense bees of all these different types of bees

And the bee ditty itself needs an atm star block now now here’s here’s the part that confuses me in order to get to the point where you could craft atm star blocks we have this much of resources right we have that much gold 73 million we have like 1.5 million blocks

Um but like we have a lot of these resources i’m not entirely sure if i understand the point of the dense bees and let me show you let me just have a look through here um a dense gold bee right it’s cool it’s cool it has some cool stats it gets

You the same amount that a normal bee does in terms of honeycombs i i looked at the gold b in fact we can show it right now gold b right here’s the gold b um where is it it gets us 8 16 4 and 8. if we look at

The dense b it gets us 8 16 4 on it unless i’m missing something which is possible um for a flower it needs a compressed block of gold sure that that’s fine um you can mutate the honeycombs to turn into ingots or into another dense piece so that’s pretty

Cool it’s cool way to get more bees um and then with the dense gold honeycomb you can chuck it in a centrifuge and fifty percent of the time you get four um ores and one percent you get you get eight which is essentially the same thing so you’re essentially

Getting eight ingots right um assuming you don’t just smelt and assume you like uh you know double it at least um and if you want to be efficient honestly you pretty much have to just smell things so we’re essentially getting four four gold all right in fact you know what

Fifty percent of the time you get this one percent you get that what about the missing 49 do you just get nothing for 49 of the time anyway that’s fine that’s fine um so for gold ore is what we’re looking at here for 2 400 ticks this guy same amount of ticks um

You know same amount of honeycombs the honeycombs themselves give you one so like yeah you get more you get like what you get four more right um you know okay hold on hold on let me have a look at the honeycrimes is the honeycomb like a crazy number i mean it’s 36.

That is a pretty good number i will be honest that’s a that’s a pretty good number you know they’ve done some pretty good here with these numbers we’re looking at is that worth it i don’t know i genuinely i’m i don’t know i don’t know if that’s worth it 36

I think that is worth it right uh wait wait no that’s the exact same amount as if you were to do the for the year from a honeycomb times nine so so yeah it’s just as it looks a lot more appealing but it’s it’s not that much crazier than

Even if you just have a look at um this centrifuge you’re getting nine you know it’s not i don’t know i i don’t know if it’s worth it you guys let me know if you still want to see me do it because we can do it for the sake of doing it um

But what i think i’m gonna do this episode is actually check out a mod i haven’t even touched this entire play through you just let you know you can play the entire modpack without even touching it but it’s called sign it’s called psi um apparently in our akashic tome

Um if we hunt this down um preferably the full one this one here we should have it in here somewhere a book that allegedly here we go will tell us all about it or i guess a tablet is what it looks like um so there’s basics i i’m gonna be honest

I don’t feel like reading and that looks a little bit boring so instead what we’re gonna do is we’re just gonna start crafting stuff um okay this thing doesn’t have a recipe so that’s unfortunate um let’s do it at psy oh wait another thing real quick is

There’s a quest line for us let’s actually follow this um we’re going to take this this is what actually told me about the book um we get an awesome skull i guess ahead um we might go ahead and place it up here this looks like a nice

Area so there you go welcome welcome mister what’s your name again wait it says it in the book mr mr bravo and shaman welcome welcome welcome um what it what is the next step an iron cad assembly it’s just four bits of iron easy peasy is what we say in the market

In the industry iron cad assembly there it is we have one it’s beautiful what is next on your list we can get some experience a cad assembler this is going to be um iron in almost like a hopper shape with a piston instead of a instead of a chest um so

It looks like apparently apparently this episode we’re doing like some actual manual crafting i mean i could look this stuff up but i mean hey it’s always nice you know jump back into things i say as they craft a full stack of pistons all at once

It’s you know it’s fine it’s fine cad assembly here it is um this guy can probably be placed there let’s actually i do want to pick this back up and possibly put it somewhere a little bit nicer um i imagine we’re gonna have a nice window there um i’ll tell you what oh

There you go listen i’ll fix it i’ll fix it off camera one episode in the future um so anyway this one’s done um next is apparently plop your iron cat assembly into the cat assembler okay we can do that um there yep and this will turn it from an iron

Cat assembly um into a casting assistance device sure so at the moment oh makes a cool noise i like that that was almost like some asmr at the moment you might be wondering what is the point of all this what does it do well we have this thing now

And i don’t know we also have a cool bar on the right side of our screen it’s like flashing purple and blue so it’s going up like a like a candy cane almost um well i believe this is sort of like a magic mod but i think it’s like a magic mod

With like a hint of coding put in and that might sound a little bit scary but i think it’s pretty cool um all right i believe what we do now is we need to make some of this psydust which we can click on it and actually see there’s a recipe for it there’s

Redstone dust iron cat assembly nuts into cydust and you can actually right click on these and look at all the things you can craft and i saw this unobtainium vibranium into you you matter that sounded pretty cool because at the moment well i guess that’s a better

Ratio but it doesn’t use antimatter if i were to do it this way which i don’t know it could be argued that that’s that’s uh worth doing um what was i doing yes redstone i’m going to grab a stack of redstone um i’m going to turn

My magnet off real quick i’m going to drop it all on the ground and then i believe i just shoot it and magically ta-da we have side dust you might have also saw um in fact i’ll show this up again look in the on the right of the screen see that bar

Watch when i right click this it drops down by about 100 points and then it charges back up after a little while that is interesting to know um well anyway we have some sliders now beautiful um a vector ruler a tool for measuring vectors

Sure this is going to be a little bit a little bit of iron um and the other thing oh okay we have a messy inventory already it’s all begun um here we go a vector ruler here it is bam and bam bam bam bam bam okay okay okay

I sort of understand it i sort of understand it so if we shift right click on a block this becomes the center then if i right click over here you can see it says zero zero four so this is four um for what we’ll just say

Areas in the is that the z direction we can press f3 um yeah that’s the z so we’ve gone four um units four meters four blocks in the z direction if we go here we’ve gone two and the x four and the z if we go over here we’ve gone minus three

In the x direction we’ve gone up two in the y direction and zero in the um the z direction all from that first point i picked um is that helpful currently not but i’m i’m sure it will be in the future i’m i’m sure um all right we can get a better cad

With stuff that i’ve never seen before so probably not but you get a spell programmer which i’m thinking is what we’re gonna do or we can get a red cad colorizer simply changes the psi color of the cad it’s put into this is not required for a functional

Cad it is purely aesthetic listen i’m on board i am on board red cad this thingy paste that in bada bing bada boom okay i place my casting device no i place i place it there and then how do i oh it must be when you when you put it

Together to begin with oh no i’ll have to do that for the next one we make um okay okay sure well we’ve done it anyway what’s this um casting assistance like fancy parts you just made better cad this one will be better no no all right um spell programmer that’s

What we need to do um this will need apparently a spell program a block and a spell bullet this station will be used for all your spell creation needs yeah so a bit of magic right click a spell bullet onto the spell programmer to load the bullet

With that spell okay okay i’m listening i’m listening um spell programmer oh my god oh my god oh my god listen listen we didn’t have a typing class at school that’s my excuse for for everyone typing those coming tour you can’t pope anymore um that’s my excuse okay and then spell

Bullet spell bullet here we go spellboard so how does this work i’ve opened it up this is very intimidating i don’t know what i’m looking at compilation errored spell has no tricks i’m going to click on this first block and it does nothing i’m going to right flick on it okay

And now we can determine what it is okay operator block hardness block comparator okay i’m overwhelmed block mining level gets the mining level of the block at the specified position okay all right okay okay looks like solid and there’s pages upon pages of these apply a weakness effect water breathing

Creates water okay i want to do that create water name water okay okay water um water okay and then we can put another slot on it um and i can do that and it will add a ray to it uh i guess um okay uh trick particle trail name water

A parameter is facing an empty cell i need something i need something to face left a parameter is facing an empty cell two and one so two and one what’s going on here what’s the issue what’s that what’s going wrong here can i just make everything face left and

Then click on this and make everything face right no i don’t know i’m i’m overwhelmed i don’t know what to do all right um so i had no idea what to do so i went ahead and looked in here and saw what to do oh that’s cool you can

Actually see the spell being written on this uh nice little overlay so we’re gonna follow this tutorial because i have no idea what i’m doing and i imagine anyone else who’s never done this before is probably like baffled um so start by placing the piece called

Trick debug anywhere on the grid so what we’re probably gonna do is see if i can can i like cancel this do you reckon you can delete there we go we can just delete stuff okay i’m going to go right to the middle and i’m going

To look for the one called debug and we can actually search for it um we want to do trick debug so this one right here beautiful um let’s go ahead and check the book again um this is the simplest trick all it does is say something in your chat your

Tricks can use your scienty to do a huge variety of things okay um select a grid piece adjacent to the trick debug and place the piece called selector caster okay so we’re going to right click here we’re going to search selector oh if we can spell selector

Um caster so here it is selector caster beautiful um i keep alt tabbing but i need to just open this selectors are the spell pieces that provide information about the surrounding world to spells okay so you have the trick which is like what happens and then you

Have the selector which sort of tells the trick things about the world which i imagine could be like the position the player the block that sort of stuff that that’s that’s my sort of understanding at the moment so tricks do things selectors towel tricks things like ah this is a

Dirt block um the particular piece this particular piece represents you the eventual caster of the spell okay so this is the selector caster it tells the thing about me um you’ll probably use this one rather often as it’s a natural starting point for your spells apparently i can’t read

Um nearly all spell pieces need parameters which tell the pieces what to perform their actions on okay for example we know that trick debug sends something to chat its first parameter tells it what to say okay parameters also have data types or times sure but worry about those later on okay

Left click your trick debug piece and you should see a panel appear on the left hand side with two rows each row should have a label and several small arrows so we’ll we’ll do this trick debug yep so these two things target and number okay i like it um

So those are the two parameters that the trick debug takes okay um we’re learning this is a learning episode apparently um ignore the row labeled number for now should i be reading this to you guys or should i just sort of like read this off because

I mean you guys could just read this you know what i mean i’ll tell you what i’ll tell you i’ll mess around with it i’ll try and get a spell working and then i’ll explain the spell to you how does that sound i i we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens

And you know what it’s been like five seconds but i think this is important um inside here this dot in the middle means that it’s optional we don’t need to provide any information for this any uh like yeah any information but this one here the target it doesn’t have that dot so we

Have to provide some information of this one we need to fill it out okay um so we’ve actually gone ahead and put it together here um you can see it’s green essentially all we did the last step was just to set this target so you can see

We put all these other directions but we want it to get its information from this selector so the trick is the bug it prints out the target the target is the caster i guess i also accidentally right clicked it with my um bullet and i guess now it’s like on this

The thing is i don’t particularly know if it’s possible to connect i don’t think you can yeah we it says we have no bandwidth if you see that um essentially in the middle it says socket none and then underneath that it says bandwidth zero um i think what we

Actually want to do is upgrade this guy um if we open up here go back into our quest book we have this quest done so that’s i guess going to give us another spell bullet um i want to upgrade this guy so essentially i want oh can we just get this

Ah i think we want to get this and then also get some of these other bits right so i’m actually going to go ahead and bookmark all of those and then we’ll go and craft all of them how does that sound and we’ll try and

Craft this new uh cat i guess golden cad assembly what’s the difference between here if i take this out i think we can put our old one in yeah it will give us just like the iron version um see the gold one’s just better in efficiency and potency okay

And then these pieces are just crafted with you know iron and um a little bit of psydus so that’s that’s honestly easy enough this one uses a little bit of gold we’re going to open up our cad assembler chuck in our gold cat assembly and i guess all these other bits as well

As our color let’s make it red um then we can grab out our cad device so here it is beautiful um now oh when we chuck it in here we get some slots can i place my water spell in there i can beautiful so now i mean this spell does

Not do water it’s um doing this debug thing but if i i might have to turn chat on for this but if i go ahead and right click this what is it going to do bam server player entity and it tells my coordinates how cool is that and i can

Just keep spamming this i guess as much as i want i don’t know if that’s actually showing up in like everyone’s chat but sweet i mean we made it for the spell we used the spell it it worked i like it i like it um greater infusion infusion hmm

Spell must contain trick ebony and ivory and be named ebony and ivory okay um i’m interested i’m interested ebony and ivory i kind of want to give that a shot um let’s open this up let’s try our completely new spell here let’s um delete this and delete that okay right

Click this i’m gonna see if i can crop this spell completely by itself without any uh tutorials so ebony and i ivory infuses coal and quartz while in the end while still infusing redstone gold and diamonds okay so i’m going to click on this guy right

And already i think that’s good enough i think i think that honestly does everything i’m going to call this um ebony um where’s my and button and ivory there we go ebony and ivory sure um What do you reckon we get our spell bullet right click on there open up this guy chuck it in and see if that works so now i think if we get quartz and we go into the end which i’m probably gonna have to run into through here

We’re gonna have to rebind our little system here and dial in we go through we teleport um so i should be able to drop this on the ground and then right click it do i have to scroll like how do i switch um how do i switch

The spell i’ve got selected let’s go into controls um psi category no sign master keybind um let’s make this a one what’s that going to do oh we hold it down and we can select our different spell so i want to do ebony and ivory

Um your cat stats are too weak to cast this spell okay i like that uh that’s good to know um can i pick this back up and sand i do i don’t think i’ve ever even realized that this is called n sand all right i probably shouldn’t spam that

As much as i um clearly did okay i you know i’m i’m liking this i’m liking this i feel like i am learning um so we’re gonna fly back up here um so we need a better cat can we see exactly how good of a cat we

Need potency we need 250 ours only does 175 so actually you know what how do i how do i dismantle this or can i not um quest um i don’t know if i can i mean i’m gonna be honest with your casting device I want a better one essentially um at psy so we tried the gold one right um oh here they are up here we tried the gold one we want a cy metal one so we actually want to make some cy metal i think we can do that just by dropping down iron um

Cad stats are too weak okay um Hmm what if i hold on hold on what if i open this up and we equip no spell and then i do it nope that didn’t work okay um i think we need a different spell then oh here it is tricky infusion infuses gold it’s gold by the way apparently not

Um what you may call it iron infuses gold into cymetal trick infusion so i’m going to go ahead and get another spell bullet um i’m clearly struggling with typing still i don’t apologize um we’ll grab a slime you know what let’s while we’re here oh they don’t stack oh

No no they do they stack up to 16. beautiful um all right we’re going to remove this if i can figure out how to there we go and then we’re going to search for um infuse here we go infusion infuses gold into cy metal we’re going to click this one it

Only uses 100 potency so that should be good to go um we can actually rename this to infusion infusion beautiful we’re going to grab one of our spellboards right click there chuck it inside of our gun a little cad here and infusion then if i go ahead and get some gold

Drop it on the ground bam how cool is that i like it i like that things are doing it things are doing what we want them to all right so now what we can do is actually craft one of these um psy metal cats which have the potency that we need um

I still feel like i want these claws but what do we have up here like a spell drive do i want that instead no i don’t think i do a better cad part overclocked cad core or it uses um the star metal oh we can afford like all of that um

What i will say is i’m confused as to why this psy medal isn’t being detected in my inventory as style metal building good on the ground cast infusion near the gold ingot i mean i’ve got it how odd oh wait no i thought it was saying like click submit no i mean

We’ve got it i i don’t know what else to tell you oh i need to tick this don’t i there we go ah there we go there we go um i messed that up all right well beautiful i’m going to go ahead and bookmark all of these then

And we’ll make our better cat this this gold cat i don’t even know if we even needed it um but we’re we appear to already be moving on all right overclocked cad core um what’s this one called signaling cad socket sure and then an extended cad battery

Um we can go ahead and chuck in this guy with all of these and there we go okay beautiful i’m going to chuck this in here i’m going to take out our spells i’m going to take out the cad and then i’m going to chuck them back into this guy

So now we have an upgraded cad beautiful we can collect these rewards if we so choose to um the ebony and ivory we do have this spell we just need to go and make some um so we’re gonna need our quartz which we have and we’re also

Going to need coal i believe and we’re gonna have to go back into the end so i’ll quickly run all the way over here i should probably um increase my uh sprint speed at some point but it’s fine i’m gonna drop both of these i’ll see if

I can do both at once you ready right click oh wait no i’ve got to equip it um ebony and ivory bam bam bam bam nope it’s not oh i’m pressing all the buttons ebony and ivory selected um i didn’t want to do it hmm i mean every spell um

This bell can also be used to make cider cy metal and cygems you must be in the end for this spell to work well i’m in the end as we can see um it’s not really wanting to work though i don’t i’m not entirely sure what the issue is there

Um we’ll run back it’s honestly probably faster to use the uh the way stone uh for this specific situation but um anyway anyway i i have a feeling it’s to do with the spell i used like if you look in here we used it on a projectile

I think that’s the issue that we use it on a projectile let’s um how do we like can i shift right click on this no that didn’t really help um anyway we’re gonna search ebony luckily it’s an easy spell put that on um we’re gonna rename this to be ebony

And ivory there we go hopefully that’s all good uh the projectile spell can go away we’re just gonna grab a normal spell bullet link that up slap that in take this guy back and this time we’ll uh we’ll just take this guy he’s a little bit faster and

There we go oh we’re on a massive beautiful end portal or end platform sorry i’m gonna drop this stuff down on the ground again make sure i’ve got it equipped yep you can see it bam bam bam bam bam bam bam what am i doing wrong um i’ll be honest i

I don’t know what i’m doing wrong has enough potency um and that’s about it that’s about all i really know is that it has enough potency let’s um do a quick test um by dropping some gold down it’s not even working on the gold at all okay um

Interesting what if i go to infusion and we drop the gold um infusion no no it’s not it’s not working and part of me thinks that um well like look on the right side of the screen it’s not even showing up like the um the magic bar that was previously

Showing up it’s not even showing up anymore i is there something i have to do in order to be able to use it in the end um hmm Ah i turned chat back on and as you can see the other can your inventory is interfering with your car so you only have one cat on you at a time so we’re gonna put the gold one away and there we go that’s all it took okay

So if you’re having issues chances are that’s why as well oh that one actually hurt us because we did not have enough um psi energy charged up do keep that in mind that was almost a horrific experience um let’s go let’s get back to our base i

Don’t even know where to find it okay okay i mean once again i mean hey we’ll earn it we’re learning i’m liking it um what do we have in here what do we have in here um i don’t know we’ve got a bunch of it we probably weren’t meant to make stacks um

Ebony cy metal ingots okay these just oh they’re just okay let’s um we’ll bookmark it and we’ll bookmark that that should be easy crafts and then we can make an ebony simon or cat assembly or an ivory okay so one has higher efficiency and one has higher potency

Pure why not why not um and then what are we up to a spell drive crafting this with a loaded bullet will save whatever spell is on that bullet to the spell drive while sneaking right click the small drive onto a spell programmer to load up ace the save spell for editing

Okay i i like that i like that i actually do want one of those um so spell drive one of these guys is what i want um i honestly probably want at least two of them for now they don’t stack um let’s get four total

I’m also gonna put like a bunch of this stuff away just because it’s it’s clogging up my inventory um from this cat i’m going to take all these things out we’re going to go spell drive and you know ebony and ivory just to get that on a spell drive we’re going to do

The same for for all these other ones so infusion we’ll get that on a spell drive um and then last but not least the water spell which why is it even water but i mean we’ll chuck it in there we’ll chuck it in there i don’t even

Remember what water was that was the debug one right yeah of course it was of course it was um these ones can be put away i guess okay and there’s that spell done nice let me get an extra spell sure um what is next on this list um trick greater infusion okay

I’m not entirely sure if we even need that because i think um that the ebony and ivory spell also does slide gems and i think the greater infusion does these side gems so i think if we all right let’s just look in here can we do this in the overworld

Um yes it does appear as though we can let’s open this guy up um let’s chuck in all of our different spells here real quick um remember to take it back out that’s an important step um ebony and ivory and then we want a diamond we’ll go for a snack

We’ll see if it kills us it doesn’t kill us a win um this is going to give us some side gems beautiful um from here for one we can make better parts which hey i’m on board i’m on board i’m going to bookmark all of them and then we’ll

Figure out exactly what we need as we go um you will need to choose which socket and core best suits your need okay so there’s a hyperclock core and a transmissive core or or socket then there’s a rate a radiative radiative radiative um cad core and a huge cad socket okay

Interesting very interesting um they do they oh they do tell us stuff okay okay let’s um remove a bunch of this stuff as well that’s just sort of confusing us uh get rid of those okay um so the two sockets we had at this one which is bandwidth nine sockets ten

This one’s banned with eight sockets twelve um and an extra saved vector an extra three same vectors as for the the batteries overflow of 400 on this one this one has instead wait no batteries no core sorry 30 complexity 7 projectile 36 complexity six projectile okay the hyper block sounds better doesn’t it

I don’t know and i just i just removed the bookmark for it okay um let me just bookmark it again so we don’t lose it uh i don’t i mean do we need that stuff slime metal tools these tools can cast spells just like the cat

Gun oh my god these armor can cast spells just like the cat can oh and then there’s sensors i like this and an exosuit controller okay okay okay um i’ll tell you what i want to make some tools and then we might even wrap up this

Episode i know it hasn’t been too long to be honest but we’re getting so much done that like it might be a bit overwhelming at some point here um i want to do the quest uh the the tools though so i’m gonna bookmark all of them that’s all i’m doing here is just

Pressing a on them to bookmark them um all right what should we do the pickaxe or the shovel let’s do the shovel first because i think this might be a bit easier since um you know we’ve got dirt all around us um okay let’s also maybe sort our

Inventory a little oh i didn’t mean to do that but i just put i just did something to it um if i chuck it in here we have three slots okay let’s um click on this and delete it and let’s also get rid of the name okay

What do we want this guy to do well for one i want it to break um break block breaks a sequence of blocks along the direction of the given vector or breaks a block um break loop stops loop if target is within okay i want to actually do the break block sequence

Right there okay and as you can see none of these have a dot so we need to find all of these things we need to find the position we need to find a target and we need to find a max so here’s what i’m thinking i’m thinking we search for number

And we have this one here constant number i’m going to click on this um how can i how can i change this number though is what i’d like to do is there a way to do that how do i select and type oh i could just press the number in oh

Okay okay okay beautiful so i want to do for example let’s just do five five is the number and i’m going to do that as my max so my max i want to be five and i’m gonna i’m gonna hope that works um next we need to pick a target um

Okay so i’m gonna do can i do like looking um gets an entity’s look vector okay gets an entity the target entity is looking at no i think i want entity look right and this also needs a target so i’m going to do this one as the caster

You guys following on this one select a caster so i’m going to select that as up so my understanding at the moment is that for this break block uh frequency i’ve got a maximum of five blocks in a row right we have it set so that the target

Is going to be um like the block it’s looking at i think position target is this the position or the target do you think well i don’t know position target position target i don’t know what the difference is i’m going to be honest i don’t know what the difference is

One of them is going to be like where it breaks the first block and the other one’s going to be where it goes to i think position or target i think i’m gonna do target so the target is going to be where the entity is looking

Um and the specific entity is going to be the caster as set by this target okay um so now all we need is the position um and i think what i want to do is can i search line and what does this say it’s like the closest entity to the line

No can i search vector um okay return a new vector takes a vector creates a vector Um constructs a vector normalizes a vector i don’t know what i don’t know what to do here i feel like all i wanted to do is just mine five blocks forward and i don’t know how to i don’t know how to like do that you know what i mean

All right so what i’ve done is i’ve placed um vector construct constructs a vector so that that’s just like i guess a you know a line or an area depending on what you you put in um it’s like it’s like an area i guess would say um constructs a

Vector from x y z parameters so those are going to be numbers we can see here input numbers so what i’ve gone ahead and done is put a number here number five and i’ve had that be the z the um the z uh axes right and then i’ve had this guy

Use the position from the right side so we’re going to call this the break block sequence and well first things first we’re going to see if this works so i’m going to get the spell bullet i’m going to chuck it on my shovel i’m going to hold my shovel out

And i’m going to see what happens spell target is outside maximum 32 block radius okay so that didn’t work that did not work is what we just learned today okay um so i don’t think this is what we want this um vector construct we want something else to be here

Okay well ladies and gentlemen we somehow did something was somehow did something so instead what we’ve done instead of all that vector stuff we got this guy a selector block broken selects the block broken for tools and it outputs a vector and we’ve got that going into this trick the rest of

This stuff is identical so the number of blocks we want to break the um i guess where like we’re looking at i still i’m not entirely sure what this means the whole target thing but we’ve currently got it set up to be what we’re looking at as the cast or i guess our

Position i’m not entirely sure but have a look at this if we run over here and we break a block it does nothing as you can see though it broke stuff i’m using the wrong tool that you know that would do it look at that it almost goes down in like a staircase

Doesn’t it oh it actually oh there we go hold on hold on so let’s say i’m going down here i’m very lost as to what it’s doing but it’s doing it i can tell you that much um selects block broken and then breaks a sequence of blocks along the

Direction of the given vector block broken and then we’ve currently got it doing i’m i’m i’m truly baffled okay let’s um let’s make this 50 no we don’t have no power for that let’s make this like um 20. no let’s make this 10. wait 10. there we go okay hold on 10. um

Hmm should i change this perhaps to just be um block broken just set it up to be that see if that does anything um i’m gonna have to take my spell back out right flick it chuck it back in all right let’s give this a shot um we’ll come up here

Okay that that looks more like something um where do i want to break this now let’s try this one right here i mean it’s doing stuff i just don’t know why it’s doing it you know what i mean i’m a little bit baffled why is it going oh crazy um

Breaks a sequence of blocks position target and the maximum number of blocks i guess selects block broken for tools okay because there is an alternative we can do um the side selects the side in which the block was broken let’s try this for both of them block broken likes the side

Well i don’t know we’ll see if that does we i do think we’re definitely at a point where i might need uh to end the episode purely so that you guys can tell me what i need to do differently um for those of you who are familiar with the mod okay so

Now it’s not even it does not even care what i have to say okay um so which which one’s causing that exactly is it this one i have a feeling it’s this one so i’m gonna change this to be block oh block oh my god i’m struggling uh block broken

I’m just gonna make that normal block broken so um that’s for the what is it the green side which is target um and then what do we have here break block chuck that back in are we working again how are you feeling no it’s not it’s not happy about something i can

Tell you that much um Oh i think i mean i guess we can change this one to be block broken just normal slap that on slide that in and now it should be working again right just to yeah okay oh odd it goes in like an angle okay okay um but yeah honestly um i

Think i think i’m gonna need some help from you guys in terms of like how do i get yeah yeah like what i’m essentially trying to do here or what i was trying to do was when i break one grass block or like one piece

Of dirt i want it to mine all of it in a row the way i’m looking just as like it just as a basic starter you know um Maybe try and point me in the right direction i know what i could do is just go and copy and paste a bunch of crazy contraptions because you can copy them to the clipboard and you can paste them from the clipboard which is insane it’s essentially like the um the

Building gadgets model or um you know the schematics mode i think that’s pretty cool i think that’s pretty cool um but yeah i’m probably gonna wrap this episode up because we learned a lot we got through i think the basics well you know we got to you

Know digging up some tools and stuff um so yeah thank you guys for watching if you did enjoy please do consider subscribing to the channel it helps me out quite a bit um if you like the video you can like the video as well um that’s that’s most of it that’s most of

The stuff that i say at the end of the video um thank you to those of you who have supported me financially um or still are thank you to cayden oracle skeletal jacob oh aethus derpy snow luna mugs and vrifti um all these guys have supported me through uh donation

Links over on discord um or in a few other places um and thank you to coolest v-rifty and mugs who are channel members here on youtube thank you guys and thank you to you at home watching and hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next

One i’m glad that we got stuff done this episode the um those astral sorcery episodes were killing me they they were they were ruthless um see ya hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next one i said that weirdly sorry goodbye you

This video, titled ‘Ep179 Psi Spell Programmer – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2021-12-29 14:45:00. It has garnered 2347 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:20 or 2660 seconds.

This is a series on the All The Mods 6 Minecraft modpack! This modpack is packed full of a bunch of different mods! From Tech mods, to Magic mods, to Dragons and Dungeons, and even their own mod called Allthemodium! There should be mods for whatever you fancy!

Things: Modpack – all-the-mods-6

We have setup an All The Mods 6 SMP Community Server. In order to join and play on the server you will need to have the All The Mods 6 modpack installed!

You will then need to join the Discord: https://discord.gg/MxYpA6v and you should see the ip 🙂

Please consider Subscribing and helping me get to 3600 subs by the end of the month! 😀

Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fMt_XbrlwE&list=PL3gNcPTidgoeBNaYk4id0h-spj-fS2kAo

I would highly recommend checking out other YouTuber’s playing this pack so that you can see for yourself the variety at which this Modpack inspires people to play it.

ChosenArchitect’s first video “All The Mods 6 Ep. 1 New Mods New Builds” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_PR_HOlkok

47MarkIV’s first episode “All The Mods 6 – Ep 1 – Ore Doubling & Flight” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi7gefP3M0M

xBCrafted’s episode of All The Mods 6 “All The Mods 6! | Modded 1.16.3! [E01]” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clq_O7u8srk

#ATM6 #Minecraft #ATM6modpack

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – https://www.youtube.com/c/vRifty/videos AzzaFortySix – https://www.youtube.com/c/AzzaFortysix/videos

Join our new Discord channel! Talk to me and other content creators when we’re on and help us, and each other out 😀


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  • Cool-People

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  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

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  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

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  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

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  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

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  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

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  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

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  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

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  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

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  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

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  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More

Ep179 Psi Spell Programmer – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack