EP4: Insane Iron Jetpacks & Mob Farms!

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I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we set up a mob farm and well we get some thrust oh mob Farms that’s right today we’re going to be getting into some mob farms and also some other means of transportation this going to be really

Nice now getting into a mob farm this is going to be basically my ultimate setup guide for setting up a very easy mob farm in this pack and it doesn’t take too much to get into and you don’t even need to go to the Nether in order to do

It now most of the time when using this mod here mob grinding utils which is like a fundamental mob uh Farm mod and has been in many many packs um when using this normally you have to go to the nether first uh and the reason is because the absorption Hopper that picks

Up experience for you requires an i vender and to even get the actual mob eggs that you need to make the farm to make the cursed Earth and delightful dirt um you need a bucket of essence and to do this normally you would make an XP Singularity drain this requires eyes

Ofender which requires you to go to the nether but in this pack we can actually avoid that by using the experience Crystal now this is actually in the helpful tips and you can get a bottle of enchanting very easy by simply just getting yourself a brewing stand which

You can find in villages and you can go ahead and level it up until you get it to master and you can get yourself some enchanting bottles that’s pretty straightforward and that’s what I did now this thing is pretty cool cuz we can place it down and then we can feed it

Levels but another cool thing is it can also collect experience which is going to be very helpful considering we still haven’t gone to the nether yet which means we can’t also make that absorption Hopper however we do have access to ender pearls and we have access to other

Means of collecting items so in reality our mob farm should be pretty straightforward to set up so long as we well set all of the collection stuff up now last episode we also set up charcoal automation which is going to be really handy considering I want to make tinted

Glass I want this whole thing to be surrounded by tinted glass um and to do that we are going to need plenty of charcoal um this whole Outer area this right here is going to be filled in with tinted glass and I’m leaving a single block space here for one particular

Reason mobs in this mod have a weird time when they spawn they can spawn right on the edge meaning they can get stuck inside of a block if it is placed right here and that poses a little bit of problem specifically with slimes um we may still encounter this problem uh

Hopefully we can find a solution to it uh but with it being one block out I’m hoping that slimes specifically uh they won’t have a problem spawning around on the edge and and potentially getting out of the farm uh everything is going to be pushed into a corner it’s going to be

Killed and then something is going to collect these items so that’s why I have it set up this way and by default the eggs produce a 5×5 area of either delightful dirt or cursed Earth by the way I did want to mention while I’m setting this Farm up thank you guys by

The way so much for all the supportive comments and suggestions like I do take all of those to heart and I do utilize tons of suggestions that you guys give me in the comments in future episodes uh it’s the way I learn so keep suggesting I appreciate it all right so I know

You’re excited to see all of the mobs spawning in here and them being annihilated but we do need to talk about a couple of things first so the way we’re going to kill the mobs is with a mob Masher the way we’re going to collect the items is with a basic item

Collector that just requires a normal ender pearl now the advanced version which can’t pick up or which can pick up as far and has more filters that one does require a iender but this one does not uh and then for XP collection we’re just going to use this the experience

Crystal but we’re going to get to that here in just a moment so how am I going to set up the actual mob farm and make sure that we’re pushing the mobs into our mob Masher well that’s where we’re going to use a mob fan fan and I think I

Can get away with just using two mob fans in the setup yes I know and they’re going to go in this direction like so so if I go ahead and show area we can see that this is going to go out here but I want my I want my Crusher my mob Masher

To be here and I want to kill them in the corner over here that’s ultimately where I want this to go it’s going to make it a little bit easier to to to use our mob fans in this way um so now that I have this set up I basically need some

Upgrades so that’s where this wi upgrade is going to make it a little bit wider I actually need one more width upgrade it does seem and I also need one range so one distance upgrade for each one of these and then once I have that then we

Should be good so uh I just need to get one more range and then we’ll notice this is going to push the mobs this way and even if they’re here they’re going to get pushed into this uh this mob masher and over here they’re going to

Get pushed as well and uh this should flow perfectly and we get we get away with literally two mob fans perfect after getting that upgrade in we’re ready to go and how does this work well we need levers in order to activate it or some sort of redstone signal um I

Like levers because levers allow me to turn them on and off whereas if I put a block of redstone underneath them um we wouldn’t have as much control uh however I do I I think I want to put um a block of redstone underneath the mob Masher uh

But let’s go ahead and try this so we put we give this a redstone signal that’s going to push the mobs and we’re going to test with oursel uh thankfully my mob Farms not on so we don’t have to worry about that but but if I walk in

Here notice I’m going to get pushed no matter where I go I’m going to get pushed now the problem with this is you can’t hold shift to get through these These are really strong so we are going to have to break through but that just

Means our mobs are not going to have any problems um with this so we can also turn everything off and I’m going to go ahead and hide the area you don’t have to see all of that perfect so now the only thing we have to do now that we

Know our mobs are going to get annihilated once we get this up and running all I got to do is turn this this on and I’m just going to place it on a block of redstone and that just turns the mob mesure on now this has a

Ton of upgrades itself that can kill the mobs faster which will be really nice later on but for right now we almost have everything ready to go now we just need to make the material that converts this dirt into a mob spawning material now just before we get these mobs

Spawning in let’s also get a kill switch set up so I want to add some Redstone here and I want a lever to be able to pull that turns on these red lamps that I want lining all four corners of this um so all I really need is some Redstone

That just runs underneath the dirt and we just have a lever that is simply out here that can be turned on that will trigger the Redstone to turn these lamps on now normally Redstone like this would require a little bit more of a complicated setup but as you

See right here I have my Redstone that is being sent through this line and what I want to do is actually power these lamps so normally I’d have to power a block of some sort um which would work like having a a powered block right here will ignite

These but I would have to use a little bit more here uh in order to get this to work because the Redstone doesn’t pass through so instead what I can use is this Cog block from supplementaries this is a really cool block notice that the Redstone signal is actually sent through

The block but also Powers the block and another cool thing is these blocks can go up so it can carry Redstone signals vertically without any hassle which is and it can also go down which is another thing so going up with a redstone always kind of tedious and going down with

Redstone is always kind of tedious but not with the Cog blocks it makes it so much easier probably one of my favorite modded Redstone items now as far as item collection and XP collection goes I’m hoping that this will collect the XP through the walls we might end up with a

Problem there I still don’t know just yet but we’ll be going to the nether very soon anyways and then this right here is as you see right here we can actually adjust this and modify it shrink it down move it um increase the range up to 5×5 I think where it’s at is

Pretty good and we can actually toggle on and we can see the range that is that is plenty of range on that block all right so now for the fun part we get to actually turn this thing on and we get to collect the experience and get the

Block that actually converts the dirt I shouldn’t enjoy this part as much as I do but it’s actually quite Hil hilarious so all we need to do now is store all of our levels and then we’ll use our buckets to pick up four buckets of this

Essence and then we’re going to use that to craft up cursed chicken feed and there we go so all of those buckets are now used to make the chicken feed and well the chicken feed is used for feeding chickens so let’s do that so

Here we go I now have a chicken and we just simply right click and it’s gone oh oh no uh yes that is an exploding chicken but it does give us a very useful item I will take it it’s definitely worth the sacrifice that one lonely chicken it probably would

Have fallen into a hole anyways um so all we have to do now is just right click here and that is now Dreadful dirt now because of the light we shouldn’t get any spawns inside of here but as soon as I turn this off mobs should very

Easily start spawning just like that and then we just need to turn on our fans and these mobs are going to have a really fun time over in the mob Crusher and we have a successful mob farm like I said I don’t know if the experience gets picked up it doesn’t

Really look like it’s picking up the experience it would if the experience could get to it but that is definitely one of the drawbacks I think um now I believe if we have a magnet we can actually collect the XP and I did get a magnet from a quest reward believe it or

Not not we end up getting an advanced magnet specifically from the quest reward um and so I think this has some options we can I think turn off item pickup but turn on experience pickup and if we have this equipped um we should be able to set a

Hotkey to toggle it on and off but I think experience pickup is is really nice um and this just goes in our regular charm slot which is this right here so if we put that in we can always walk up to this and collect the experience supposedly once it’s on

Oh my goodness and there’s all kinds of mobs in here there we go we’ll turn it on and now you see we’re collecting the experience this is temporary because we will get an actual absorption Hopper set up as soon as we go to the nether now

There is one other thing that I want to preface when setting up this mob farm you might want to set up a way of blocking the sounds that this makes so to do that we can actually do something very cool these numbers up here actually are assigned to locations and we can

Anchor very specific uh locations to block the sounds from so if we go to recent which is right here we can actually turn down all of these like hurt sounds so all of these hurt mob sounds we can disable them right here and these are the ones that are really really

Annoying are the hurt sounds and also the death sounds we can also get rid of but we’ll probably want to toggle all of these and these are all going to be assigned specifically to this location so definitely want to get rid of these honestly just searching anything entity

And blocking the sound from it is probably the best thing to do as well just everything enti wise in this location um now we can actually edit this so we can we should be able to edit the anchor here and we can change the radius to be like I don’t know eight

Blocks um just to make sure that we don’t hear the sound uh maybe yeah eight eight sounds like a pretty good number if it’s not enough we can always change it from there now there are still a lot of modific that we can actually make after we venture into The Nether which

Is going to open up a ton of stuff um also I’m noticing the items are not going in here because that Barrel is completely full we’re going to we’re going to fix this here in a second um but yes interman teleporting around might become a problem that is something

That we can fix with an Ender inhibitor but this is going to require Blaze now to fix that Barrel we should be able to take a basic tier right here and we should be able to upgrade now I think there are basic two uh upgraded tiers

But we do need at least a basic upgrade that’s going to require a redstone torch this is how you actually convert these barrels into sophisticated storage which is an incredibly powerful storage mod don’t let it fool you by its simple looks it is quite the mod so let’s see

Can we just upgrade directly to this so this is a basic to that tier so let’s go ahead and just simply upgrade all of the Redstone there we go thankfully I have tons of redstone now with this upgrade I believe we can just simply right click

It we don’t even need the basic tier and this just opens the storage up a ton so now we have tons of space inside of here but this gets even crazier because we should be able to also add upgrades to the slots which is going to mean one

Individual slot can hold more than one stack of item oh and also you could use a magnet upgrade to collect the items directly into the uh Barrel as well um this is one of the upgrades but I wanted to save my upgrade slots for this particular thing we can make upgrades

Right here this requires basic upgrades but once we have these basic upgrades we need logs once we have these all set up we should have tons of storage like uh more than we’ll know what to do with right um and these are multiplicative by the way so it says right here multiplies

The number of stacks that can fit and this is by two just with the first upgrade so what is that going to mean for three upgrades uh maybe three upgrades that go all the way to let’s say let’s just do iron for right now cuz you know that’s that’s going to be a

Good number so we’ll do three that are like this and then let’s just put iron upgrades in there we have plenty of iron it’s it’s basically free to us at this point so setting up iron upgrades 1 two 3 this should be if we do the math 4 * 4

* 4 um and then that will be the number of slots that we have so if done correctly this should equate to 64 stacks of items that it can hold slot Yes you heard that right 64 stacks of items now some of these items are going

To be a bit of a pain like these Scrolls that are going to build up um but really getting ender pearls is really what I want and this is so nice that we get to farm these perfect now with this mob farm set up and ready to go we need to

Prep oursel for actually going to the Nether and I think one of the best things for us is to make a jetpack now even though we can make ourself a jetpack we still need a way to charge it um and at the moment I think one of the

Best best ways is using dire’s charging gadgets um this is a very simple block that you feed it Fuel and it builds up power uh just a little bit of power and this is a nice way of charging early game uh when you have really no other

Method um it doesn’t generate a whole lot of power uh but it will stack up to a million Fe um which is more than enough to like put something in here throw some fuel in and let it build up later on we’ll have much better options even wireless charging which will be

Really really nice with the power mod but for right now this is probably the the highest tier I’m going to go up to today I think getting up to a gold jet pack is going to be more than enough and these are kind of expensive so bear in

Mind you’re going to need iron and you need tons of redstone so I’m so glad that I found that Redstone vein cuz we have tons of redstone now um so this is why that Greg Tech ore may be a thing for you uh even though even if you don’t

Want to get into Greg Tech mining those Greg Tech ores and they’re pretty potent now just some quick math just to sort of help you along if you’re wondering how many for each one of these jetpacks you’re going to need two thrusters and a wood a wooden capacitor not a wooden

Capacitor but a capacitor so two thrusters and a capacitor um and these are going to require basic coils or coils of some kind and in each jetpack there should be 11 coils because each Thruster is going to have three Basics and then we have one inside of the cell

And then this contains three cells so in total that should be 8 and then 11 so 8 19 11 perfect so 11 is how many of these coils I will need to make in order to get started with this and you’ll also need to convert those coils into five of

These energy cells altogether those things combined will get us a jetpack and these jetpacks are very very convenient so now we’ve made it to Copper tier and then to get to gold tier to get through the technically tier three we’re going to need to switch up to Advanced coils which then use gold

And it’s the same number so just like this we should now have oursel a golden jetpack um so there’s a lot of hot keys for these so let me go ahead and toss this in here and I need to get to configuring the hot keys for these cuz we should be

Able to control being able to turn it on we should be able to control turning uh the hover mode on and also to be able to control the throttle to make it go faster or slower now my Jetpack should be ready to go and we should be able to

Now equip it and I have all the hot Keys set up we also got a a friend over here that we want to check uh but first of all let’s go ahead and test out how use this now by default V is how we turn the

Engines on and off so sometimes you may want to turn off the engines so you don’t actually jump and so V is the key for that by default and H is the key to toggle on and off hover mode um which could be kind of important I do like

Hover mode it is kind of important sometimes um and it allows you to kind of Crea aish flight uh even though you do continue to fall down uh except for the the max tier it is basically create a flight but I set my throttle keys by

Default uh I think they our comma and period key uh but I set it to my up and down arrow keys so I can turn it up and down and I think that’s going to be really handy specifically for times when we don’t want to go as fast like by

Default this is how fast when you turn the throttle down that feels a bit better right we turn it all the way up well then we’re just soaring um which can be kind of crazy to fly around that fast uh we also consume in this particular tier 300 RF per tick which in

My opinion is quite a lot um so we’ll have to keep an eye out on how much power we actually consume even though we have 4 million that will drain very fast um specifically if we’re in Hover mode um so that is pretty cool now I do want

To go to the nether I think I think we have everything ready to go to sort of take on the nether we have some fire resist potions in our inventory and everything and believe it or not this guy just showed up and wouldn’t you know it this is giving a fired warding ring

From Iron spells and spell book and it says Grant fire immunity for 23 emeralds what are you even doing this guy shows up just in time for the show um it looks like I’m going to need some logs and sticks to do some trading but I

Should be able to get them um and we should be able to get plenty of emeralds oh man this is this is amazing so sometimes these guys are handy as you can see here oh oh hey don’t walk away look at that I wonder if this is like

What kind of fire immunity is this like is it like just pure fire immunity like are we are we not going to need these fire resist potions is this that powerful now let’s do this all I need is a flint and steel that should complete the quest I do believe right here and

All we have to do is enter the portal and we get access to all of this branching stuff in our quest line like tons of stuff including oright potions which are just Insanity by the way yes it is basically x-ray I cannot wait to Dabble in that a little bit but there’s

So much more including ancient debris which is going to lead us into all the modium ore and a little bit more adventuring so I decided to put my portal inside of this uh little Spire that’s over here and all we have to do is enter it and I hope we have a good

Spawn I can only imagine I do have fire resist potions just in case our gear is not the greatest in the world but with our Shield uh we should be pretty tough we should be some pretty tough component or opponents and um I should now have

Also I decided to just use some logs and there’s a rapid Hopper that’s an incredibly fast Hopper that I found that was really really cool we’re probably going to be using those more often uh but there we go so now we have access to this I’m going to turn the throttle down

Quite a bit I don’t actually know if the throttle like still like if it lowers the amount of uh of energy we use that’d be kind of cool to know all right time to go in let’s go ahead and hope we get a good spawn oh boy all all right things are

Loading in and this could not be a wor spawn and I’m so glad that I have a jetpack because this is horrible like what am I supposed to do with this I don’t even know so good thing we can actually see somewhat of the map it looks like there’s some underground

Stuff here or something here in the map uh which is kind of cool but the best way to go about this is to Simply fly around and see what we can find we’re definitely looking for a fortress ooh there is oh extreme reactors is in here

Okay nice we need a lot of quartz so I definitely want to look at Quartz there’s some Solium ore and that looks like more ore so there’s like other ores in this Dimension as well so there’s 10 so we do have nether ores oh that’s kind

Of nice so there we go so we can actually Farm ores while we’re here too I’ll just be taking a bunch of this and this material right here is used in our tools so we could actually upgrade our tools with some of this new material that we found in this Dimension so

Another little nice tip that you may want to know is you do have access to two different types of maps so we have JY Maps which in my opinion can be kind of rough to see certain things that appear on the map uh but we do have

Access to FTB Maps as well and this map uh lets you in my opinion see where these things are at a little bit better now notice these guys well not specifically these guys but the ones that you TR gold with which I think there are some over here uh AKA cross

Bros um they these they will attack you if you’re not wearing gold well thankfully because of my backpack being gold they actually don’t mess with me either um so just having your backpack at Gold level is more than enough to prevent them from messing with you also

With that ring we are entirely fire immuned and if you’re wondering where I got these fire resistant potions you can actually find them in the loot chests underground in uh just throughout your normal mining oh no there are some LS over here that are trapped no poor

LS oh I bet these guys oh they’re keeping you trapped in here these poor lays I don’t want to let them out though because where are you going to go but is there loot in here there’s got to be loot already look I didn’t notice this so they’re not really messing with me

Here which is good good good good but wart yes and I will take this Soul Sand that is really nice so we now have wart without even finding a fortress I mean normally that would be great for potions wondering is there anything else in here need chests that have really good loot I

Know as soon as I open a chest they are going to attack me which is the downside to opening a chest here oh this guy’s already after me but I should be able to maybe loot this oh I can yes they are all mad at me we get netherite scrap so man our

Looting Adventure only extends even further now because we have access here yes this is a little cheesy doing it this way but hey it is what it is right oh we end getting what is this self summon Steed extend time from ours Elemental oh that’ll summon a horse for

Us that’s a really nice book to have another thing we got from that was this ancient Soul or Scroll of true sight and apparently we should be able to activate this and it gives us like night vision and the ability to see in the fog for 10 minutes or even

Underwater that’s pretty cool so now we basically have night vision I don’t know if that’s a benefit in the nether as it gets really bright here you know the nice part about having a jetpack is well get wrecked and we can just easily do that

Look at that we got two gas tiers from that by the way I did take all of my enchanting books and I put capturing two scav uh the Looting and the severing on here all of those were the loot books that we had or enchanted books that we

Had in our inventory I’m not even hunting for it and I managed to find vibranium come on throw a fireball oh there’s two of them come on I’m trying to hit them back all right it’s best if I just if I just do oh there we go we got to return

To Cinder that was an easy one though but yes I ended up finding look at this this vibranium right there right there we can’t mine it though uh we’d have to have an allodium pickaxe to be able to M vibranium oh yes it’s my favorite biome it’s disturbing I know I

I don’t know it’s just something about this biome I think it’s oh yes that it’s definitely that it’s the popping of the nodules I I don’t like the hair that’s sticking out or the blood that’s everywhere or any of that but I really like these nodules that you can pop oh

It’s so satisfying to walk on I think I found it yes and it doesn’t look like any normal Fortress it looks different and I excited to be able to explore this oh yes a terrible Fortress but before we can explore this we’re going to have to wait until next

Episode that’s right I do have a to get back home so I am going to be placing down a Way Stone so we can get back ah but next episode we are going to be exploring this entirely and I hope to be able to loot everything so until then be

Sure to click that subscribe button and leave a comment down in the comments section below letting me know what mod I should definitely dive into as I really appreciate all of you guys’ suggestions if there’s something incredibly powerful that you guys know about that I don’t

Let me know as I would love the tip so I can share it with more people and guys it’s now time to thank the amazing supporter of today’s episode and then amazing thans is going to go out to Nikki thank you so much for your amazing support by the way over on the

Discord becoming a Discord premium member and supporting in one of the best ways possible and guys if you’re interested in joining the Discord it’s linked down the description below or you can go to discord.gg chosen architect and join the amazing crew today thank you all so very

Much I’ll see you in the next one and as always thanks for watching Bye

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9 Modded Minecraft EP4 Iron Jetpacks and Mob Grinding Utils Mob Farms’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2023-12-11 17:00:32. It has garnered 30069 views and 1742 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:46 or 1666 seconds.

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    Ultimate Minecraft HUD Hack! Minecraft Pro Tips: Hide Your HUD Without Mods! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to enhance your gameplay experience? One popular trick that players often overlook is the ability to hide the Heads-Up Display (HUD) without the need for mods. This simple yet effective technique can immerse you further into the game world and provide a fresh perspective on your adventures. Let’s delve into how you can achieve this in Minecraft! How to Hide Your HUD in Minecraft To hide your HUD in Minecraft, simply press the F1 key on your keyboard. This action will remove all on-screen elements,… Read More

  • Bobby’s New House Tour on Minecraft Server!

    Bobby's New House Tour on Minecraft Server! Minecraft Bobby Serveri Nasıl Yapılır Part 11: Bobby’nin Yeni Evinin Bitirilmesi Minecraft oyununun popüler oyuncularından biri olan Bobby, hayranlarına yeni evinin bitirildiğini duyurdu. Bu heyecan verici gelişme, Bobby’nin oyun dünyasındaki ilerleyişini ve yaratıcılığını gözler önüne seriyor. Minecraft severler, Bobby’nin yeni evini merakla bekliyor ve onun maceralarını takip etmeye devam ediyor. Bobby’nin Yeni Evi Bobby’nin yeni evi, oyun içindeki detaylı çalışmaları ve özgün tasarımıyla dikkat çekiyor. Minecraft evrenindeki kaynakları kullanarak inşa ettiği ev, Bobby’nin oyun becerilerini ve estetik anlayışını yansıtıyor. Yaratıcılığıyla öne çıkan Bobby, hayranlarını yeni evinin içindeki detaylarla büyülüyor. Minecraft Bobby Serveri Nasıl Yapılır? Minecraft oyuncuları, Bobby’nin serverinde oynamak… Read More

  • Crafty Tactics: Outsmarting Foes in Minecraft

    Crafty Tactics: Outsmarting Foes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a tale was told, Of Zak and Zi, brave and bold. Facing mobs and challenges with laughter and glee, Their camaraderie shining for all to see. Building arenas and facing the fight, With creativity and skill, their future bright. From leaf moats to lava, their strategies clear, Each challenge conquered, without fear. But when the boss mob appeared, Zak’s courage wavered, his heart feared. A sonically-charged foe, a sight to behold, But with determination, the battle was controlled. In the end, victory was theirs to claim, Their bond unbreakable, their friendship aflame. So here’s… Read More

  • Day 2: Pillar Chaos – 1K Days in Better Minecraft

    Day 2: Pillar Chaos - 1K Days in Better Minecraft Day 2 – Mixed Pillars Galore – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with our dedicated player as they craft their way through 1,000 days of adventure. On Day 2, our builder focuses on creating stunning pillars to enhance their virtual abode. Materials Used: Echo Log Maple Log Acacia Log Purple Terracotta Bricks Purple Terracotta With a mix of logs and terracotta, our player is set to transform their house into a masterpiece. The choice of materials adds depth and character to the structure, making it stand out in… Read More

  • Bob’s Papa, Jackbhaiya – Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts

    Bob's Papa, Jackbhaiya - Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are king, Jackbhaiya and Bob, their adventures bring. PvP training, lucky blocks, and more, Their gameplay in Hindi, a gaming lore. Bob Ka PAPA, Jack’s rival in the game, Their battles and challenges, never the same. With Anshu Bisht and GamerFleet in tow, Their Minecraft journey, a thrilling show. So join the fun, in this virtual land, Where creativity and skills go hand in hand. Jack vs Bob, the ultimate test, In Minecraft world, they give their best. Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord https://discord.gg/HymSZRpQ MUSIC IN… Read More

  • Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 Players

    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More