EPIC 12-Hour Zephyr Stream: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

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For actually that’s not not too bad that works there we go we have progress okay get all right welcome to the stream we are playing the Wilderness see I don’t know which way I came from no audio that’s an issue oh there’s some big stuff over here okay it’s old Minecraft where it

Actually pauses nice that’s odd but okay found the biome I want to live in nice on episode 2 day two I find my home I’m not going to say day two I’m going say it was uh day one still wow W WEA episode 2 day

One I find me home so I ran into some issues with the the pixelon was unable to uh what’s it called make Pokeballs and it’s just lacking some stuff I don’t know if it’s the like the version I downloaded probably cuz I’ve seen a version where there’s an anvil and all that stuff

But uh I’m not interested in restarting that so I got Zack R BR your RAM like I I BR got the good stuff the good Goods I will keep playing that if someone asks me to but or I might just randomly go back to

It cuz I have Zer andz R it’s like dubs they’re level 70 though when I had the game uh black and black and white like Pokemon Black and White that [ __ ] was uh Elite like I tra I got ZR first and then I traded regir and then I don’t know how I got

Chyro I don’t know if I Fus them but I ended up trading to get more uh more Pokemons that’s better all right I’m sorry cat I’m GNA quickly find a spot that’s mean that’s not good I know I know I got to play with you you give me 15 seconds yep terrible

So when your cat’s being annoying you take a home you make a home I’m not going to break this place a honestly thought I’d have more of these but that’s good enough oh safety we have a bed negative uh that’s something I didn’t know I have to relearn this see I

Learned all the stuff on uh Pixelmon but this is a whole different whole different ball part up uh yes yeah yes it’s overpowered but it just helps early game because there’s a bunch of [ __ ] that’s hard to we going play so this is something that I’m going to do on stream quite a

Bit let’s leave I’ll Pro probably be cooking or doing stuff but it’s it’s if if this becomes an advent thing where people watch My Stream it’s it’s a time for you guys guys to workout CU whenever I’m playing with the cat I got a dumbell or

Something over there that I also used to work out and I’ll swap hands and stuff and play with the cat while I work out she enjoys it a lot I enjoy it it’s fun while I’m working out add a little bit of fun to it fixing my setup a

Bit the mic I got to turn it on to spatial uh Uh I that I think that that might fix it we’ll see we’ll see I have to somebody will have to come in and be like yo your mic is masked or it’s it’s nice all

Right still see the chat I’m just not playing the game um I’ll play it a second there’s nothing to smell yeah there’s nothing to knock over a lighter could me Mr Mr whip Mash yes I’ve also gotten pretty good at just a little mouse on the line that’s all she needs

She also has all the little toys that she probably plays with cuz they’re all hidden it’s like a hide and seat game I have to find them while I’m cleaning I’ll just find them through the day while I’m play with her least to put it under the under the couch under the the

Oven probably not time make some food I for she’s uh she’s a tiny little cat but she’s freaking energetic bro I don’t really have any toys that she plays with just chilling plays with those little like ball things when I’m gone I don’t know if she takes them out puts them

Back does make the house look clean but it also makes it look make there like four toys cuz she doesn’t play with those ones just stuffed under my bench see any get you see whenever I Juke her got to let her get it not like stop playing but

Like stop moving it but let just let her get it she’s going to get pissed off she you stop playing or she’ll just stare at it for a good two minutes she’ll still want to play but she’ll just stare at it wait there you go three now

I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m eating but working oh oh oh oh see now she’s mad she she sit I don’t have camera or anything for you guys to to watch this but F she just going to sit there just going to watch it either e she’s either just really

Focused or really piss off m oh she chill you’re still in the mood to play very much in the mood to play it’s night time Anyways and ain’t nobody watching so weax it weax it theor theer if you’re telling me to come into work after telling me last night not do damn A Right the Appreciate rituals oh sweet sweet I’m going to need keep that we GL get off your ass come on you jumped off me to sleep down nope you’re playing All right looks like you guys are going to be seeing a lot of me I just got [ __ ] until January 7th Off damn why the [ __ ] are you still alive okay you can do with the stragglers oh they see me I can smell you NE neck who’s that to do it the Rock yeah come and get some now what [ __ ] is standing at me door I broke the rule I thought I wasn’t going to break it but we broke it o buddy I think I don’t know the girl whatever get [ __ ] a I she P but message were sent a lucky

Block you know we got to you know we got a I wish I knew how to turn the spawn rate of those up now this could be let’s go here first cuz this this could be terrible if there’s a bed here dubs oh nice it was F that did that it’s a

Dungeon [ __ ] that [ __ ] that anything that has a staircase going down probably a d probably a d what parer fish what is that is that a fet is that a fet it’s a misr a little cutie little cutie oh look at you nice oh he got what’s that

Oh he’s not bugging me I’m not going to bug him oh t two can same thing I incredibly not same thing how did I find so many ERS like that found so many ERS construct things before but check the map nothing I think so would see

Them maybe I’ll find some cool [ __ ] look at the Pokemon oh going this way where it came from yeah there’s actually a lot of those things but it it’s dumb though I don’t know why I Bann them after like five of them I’m I’m done done using

Them I feel I don’t feel safe but it’s useless at after that point it’s also tedious to get to the chest but wor worth yeah worth oh look at that hey buddy you’re probably mean see I don’t even need this I’m just doing it oh we don’t talk about

That got 10 diamonds not even using H uh lucky bow strike uh nope get him coming at me come at me come at me oh [ __ ] see like this very 505050 with that and I almost died so I think it’s time to get an upgrade hi Mr bison you don’t need to

Die this guy on the other Hand good job see like it’s terrible almost died to that thing I don’t know why I’m killing them it’s just I don’t know it is what it is they taking the hands you want to live in this B cuz no rain but I also I want a village and I want a

Take your spa struck to live at I ain’t know I ain’t giving up on day two or one it’s day two now but my Lock’s not Ser that looks like an D yeah Luck’s not serving me well I could just make one if I find a village

There’s no Tiner conct I’m vowing to just live at it and make one unless it’s some janky ass [ __ ] let’s check it out let’s see what’s inside yeah F does that that’s not bad all right see if if you chill we chill oh that don’t sound

Chill if you chill we chill if you chill we chill H if you chill we chill come on now come on now if you chill we chill some people would live in this thing and like that’s say some ple play pleb game play bro I live in villager houses i r you

No the effort was there though I made the effort are there no villages in this brother really man for real it does look dope it’s cool place to live but no if I can steal it I’ll steal it I’ll put it in my Village but I’m not going to live in

It if the balloon mod is in here when where you just exate under it yes I will do I will do and then you just fly it away that would be fun I I I I love the idea of just stealing a bunch of [ __ ] from other

Places the amount of effort it takes to do it is probably un unkind now I’m holding a feather float like a feather sting like a baby all right buddy you’re cute oh my oh he’s blind ah it’s my fault for getting up close to him he’s blind I screwed him he chasing me

Though oh see I just screwed him lives with all these mountain lions and [ __ ] I don’t blame hey keep you cool and you can keep the ru anyone any you guys want your brothers eat one yeah no reaction up buddy whoa whoa Chief what is his cousin do parkour stuff MyCraft parkour

Stuff all right back to the game that’s not not what I wanted but okay I got some apple seeds is that what I got the [ __ ] is that oak oak Apple Gale I think there seeds rep plant what you use oh yeah oh it rotates with me that’s kind of not

Good I could be circling and not knowing not going there the [ __ ] are you is that a bison sleeping they’re all sleeping a you’re sleeping oh that’s Cute he’s fast damn where did I die but it shows my death marker on the other one where did I die L uh absolute L uh out of here oh there it is you’re just bad you don’t spawn on a village or get any luxuries like this I just just turn it to

Peaceful that’s going to be the case I don’t want to see what’s in this water uh a all right it’s my game swimming though is wild holy [ __ ] please don’t be 1200 me [Applause] sing it’s looking to be That so that’s why you don’t go cow tiing basically and uh that’s why the full diamond armor from those things is not overpowered proven on stream not overpowered big else damn is that getting the fan I think it’s getting the fan turn that down a bit okay hello all right that

Works it looks like it’s not getting the fan now oh G and I would walked inside ,000 miles and I would walk 10,000 more just to keep my items 10,000 miles and I would walk 10,000 More and if you keep on walking your items will be clear if you keep on walking you will be there walking is what you got to do and I’m going keep on walking to my shoes when you are walk nothing will here none of these Predators get

Your yes s wor snow [ __ ] yeah yeah or no more rain oh I think I’m just going to stick to the stick to the island as much as I can we got this listen we can be friendly I seen your tail you can’t hide from me I seen you oh you’re

Sleepy nothing can do about it you sleeping right in his mouth right in his little mouth fu holy [ __ ] we’re going far it really it really hits like settles in when you’re you’re you’re like halfway through and you’re like you look at the the latest death also the rain does not help you

Either there like a thick Cloud up there too bro the first time I seen that I thought that was a penis I was like bro who who made the penis in the sky I was like right where I want to live too he’s like oh you can’t get that chest up

There I was like oh [ __ ] I did it anyways I did anyways there a free loot why not and the r the well the rules are what keeping you back and they slow down the game play and make it less fun I get not destroying people’s stuff

But that is crossing L it’s Discord Mons I still died with uh what is considered op chest loot I’m new I need those bees weird friendly just passing Through See if I had been rning this smoth he ain’t chasing my leg see now now we’re game now we’re really we’re doing something just getting it down going the chat you know what I should probably SW swap the sides here in chest right next to me face that that’s good that’s good that’s

Fine I call my chat to the big cat I’m feeling C peaceful yes I’m going to get my veg still there bro sleeping on me b the disrespect brother sleeping on me oh you can’t put it back didn’t you protect me I know I put the hel on none of it

Protected me almost lost me books too me diamonds Uh this out dud see now Inventory management that’s what that was some Swift Inventory management I took the sugar is uh that’s why and I’m taking these and these are you asking me why because I need it I need it yes I need it is there not like a single Village in this

Freaking mini Maps little little mini not a village not a men to be seen all right we’re going to keep going this direction [ __ ] it what’s up what’s up huh what is up oh do nothing cuz peaceful I Dro food you you came home with food lucky I did not put your B

Down lucky they they want view so they they stayed for uh they could still be watching if you are watching so you day in the chat say hello what off of those water holy water from the place for the tiger drink in the the Messa must

Be all right let’s use the mini map I need tiners guys oh actually I think there is one up uh up in the direction I’m going nice I think that right there the top right is the thing and if it is I’m just going to

Collect it and uh add on to the next one I find you don’t see a village close to it it’s cool to find one though that’s what I that’s what I was looking for this whole time whole goddamn time I finally finding it just there we go this way I was

Looking in the right direction I just didn’t know if I was biome looks real it just looks all the same after a while but running it doesn’t look as pretty not a single Village in sight all things that want to attack you take you from your family say right oh that’s a

That’s not hot not hot all that’s D old nobody in the WR SP they got the wrong color for this place he’s going to be red soon is that a zebra is that a zebra if that’s a zebra I have to make a zoo that’s a zebra bro that’s a

Zebra back off my mans stay away from me man’s here so many hello can I ride you oh that even sounds kind of you can’t ride zebras IRL so just wanted to do it in game how much of this biome is there do I have extreme biomes on or some

[ __ ] am I actually like like genuinely sick of this biome it doesn’t have I like it I love the look of it I wanted to live in it but there’s no [ __ ] Villages I genuinely wanted to live in this place dude whoa is that but there’s no Villages like if there underground Villages

That’d be dope i’ I’d live it oh this it’s my first modded chest or I wonder if it’s is vanilla I know uh Pokemon had the modded so I’m hoping it’s a modded chest that’d be cool live on stream yeah I mean vanilla this would be a great

Chest I’m not compl I got gold I got diamonds I got all the reason to make some better armor now but golly that’s trash that’s not though I’m going to take that make some Gro and and that actually see there’s some pluses there’s some pluses [ __ ] it for the walls see

What coal okay more coal iron that’s what I wanted more gold see at this point you just have to make a make a crafting table and uh some get some full diamond armor get get some pickaxes to just uh do this vein Miner [ __ ] with cuz you

Don’t want to get rid of this this it’s it’s it’s a pickaxe it’s yeah I thought it was good okay sweet so it shows me the crafting recipes but doesn’t this do that it’s probably less p I just need play all right day get out of here dirty dirty

Dirty you know what let’s make a pickaxe I guess I’ll make an iron pickaxe see how that is and I’ll also make a diamond pickax just for the walls use the [ __ ] of the iron pickaxe we’ll keep the diamond one on wraps for now I get rid of the book where’s the

Book there it is no where’s the book there it is almost got rid of the tiners guide that would have been terrible no I haven’t figured it out yet it’s okay need that little book it’s right there yes Minecraft when I drop when I drop the gold the Cobblestone I want more

Cobble it seems like the most logical thing Minecraft oh this is old thing Miner there we go now whenever I find the first one I can just upgrade it on a spot for is it not damaging the pickax okay yeah it is getting out of here is going be freaking

Interesting break the other Diamond pickax thr that [ __ ] what okay welcome back Sal I don’t need that whatever that is you probably need though Silver this no toxicated Nice should put a chest up there but honestly the chances of me finding the chest after placing it close you get XP o this is good I think I think this is good s Cactus stuff up here I just don’t like it like this [ __ ] away from it’s like early day dripstone

Baby it was in the game before was in the game rose gold or I’ll take it tiners tiners tiners no I don’t know what that is but silver different at this point I have the moons in this bro they got the ather and the Moon it’s doves this is lunar craft i h who that this was terer oh oh my God there’s so much different Silvers oh sorry didn’t mean to do that oh and I [ __ ] tab out to the live stream a Mr meme hi bro only one watching it’s me ignore okay bye I’m me

Going do you know what’s looking next I do not I do not who’s the current viewer see I’m very new to streaming so I don’t Know how to it shows that I have a current viewer but I don’t know how to view that or anything else to be honest okay okay I’m going to get off that I’ll keep gaming for whoever’s whoever’s watching I’ll just like slowly look over oh they

Left well just back to me game and then I noticed them they’re like oh someone noticed me if been noticed they’ve seen me H average view time 41 seconds I need help with my thing K that’s what that’s what bothers me he says K ignore me then I I don’t know how

To PO chat uh see I don’t know how this works I’m just going to continue Minecrafting cuz I don’t I don’t want to be on this screen but I want it to be easier to see for me don’t want that big thing blocking me I need the gravel damn

Mr meme says K ignore me the L isn’t pop up it doesn’t like uh on other people’s streams it shows uh I don’t know how to explain it there more of that stuff down there it it’ll it’ll show when they message or is that only when they when

They pay to do that popup thing I don’t I don’t understand there will be that one gig chat that com comes in the chat just like yeah I understand here’s the tips Hold On To Your Shorts kid it’s going to get wild guess I just integrate into this

One this is what I like about mecraft uh the caves in mecraft they the olden days are much better look I don’t know if to use this gaug and escap that that good stuff for me does not have a bucket one of the Minecraft I can make one I won’t though I

Refuse one day lava will be irrelevant to me in [ __ ] is that titanium that looks hello Mr King Julian Mr King Julian julan see is that did bro just come in for a second and say hello or is my thing broken I love you I love you

Too how’s it going man it doesn’t show that you’re in my chat but do you know much about this uh this mod pack I do not I’m Legit just learning as I go you know one thing I’m [ __ ] rich thank you do you do you play at all do you do you

Minecraft oh this looks this looks [ __ ] dangerous this looks dangerous this is old Minecraft Caves it’s it’s like the best it’s a blast from the past what mod pass do you play then this is I think this is the wild it’s one that I watched a little

Bit bit ago when I was a kid I think I watched Lany poo and Sundy do this when I was a kid that was the Wilderness I might have been the same mod pack though it might be Sam Sams we’ll see yeah I’m just mining uh eventually

When I get out of here oh that looks like a dungeon right over there that looks scary that does not look like a cave do I go to the dungeon I have oh nice wait wait is that on the channel you’re on never heard of I want to check that out one

Second after I get from the scary ledge o obsidian oh there’s there’s lots of it I will take it oh we good we good we good pretty go on the corner I’m in peaceful mode cuz I I’ve died and I just never swapped it back oh wait

Uh oh it gets rid of the chat completely I’m oh no it doesn’t I have two more because uh I used to have 48 but uh me friend ruined it 48 is me lucky number so I left uh left YouTube when I was younger because it was 48 I

Was like sweet I’m going do that what are you doing stre what are you doing the stream on on uh OBS OBS it’s h I think it’s free which is nice that’s bad is the stream quality isn’t a I’ve only had it crash on me once Duo like a radar

Oh that could have been bad You’ been very bad very very bad very Duo your friend oh that would be uh Squam Squam I think his name is Squam that’s that’s my homie he I don’t think he plays uh Minecraft I was going to get him into it

And some of it’s cool he said he he likes some of it but uh it’s just not his thing he’s a he’s more into like GTA and stuff he does stream though I could uh I don’t know if he’s streaming right now but I could pull up his

Stream it does uh it’s just GTA grinding and stuff I’ll join you uh I don’t know if it’s I think it’s a single player world I don’t know how to do that is that possible I know you probably get like one or two people on I don’t have anything cool yet like I

Don’t have a a base or anything I just got uh been going around I was going to be in uh what’s it called my little brother’s thing use essential uh don’t know what that is so probably not probably not oh actually have a lot of iron it’s a mod um oh look at

Up I do not more obsidian more obsidian whatever this armor stuff it’s going to it’s going to be popping all the obsidian armor what mod thing do you use I use a forage craft I’m pretty I think it’s free minus like having to have Minecraft cursed Forge cursed Forge yeah yeah cursed

Forge in there um do I add it to the you have Discord feel like that’s that’s the best way to communicate with us cuz I’m uh not the briest when it comes to me computer all right um wait wait get myself in a hole D the stream lag is crazy I think

It’s just the storm last night well that’s kind of a start oh there we go just swap it oh it’s just uh the time difference between like there’s a a delay it’s not really lag it’s more of a delay cuz I have it so instead of like giving sent a friend request

Damn bro just found my [ __ ] oh is this radar it only shows uh radar are you radar Mr dark King Je I’m going to close Discord reopen it it only shows radar up there I a screen share I can just show it we’ll go in there wait there we go now it’s on the on the stream page I think put it back to stream that magenta off

Here uh wait just put I guess you probably don’t want to put your at in the just go to my app yeah I already did I’m looking at I’m looking at the chat I’m looking at the chat pull the chat next to next to this this is technical support chat you say right

There uh ah up here Mr dot oh the I think all right chat rate three I don’t know what that means lots to learn about this stuff been live for an hour though this this tick man might as well okay let’s make a good impression on the people Smiles everyone let’s get it

Together is that the best you can do Melman oh I’m not smiling it’s gas okay well great let’s make gas look Good probably need a strike for that but it’s fine already got one Drake that was hell I to delete the stream it does h [ __ ] why I don’t know why I would hide it it hides all that stuff when it’s on the other screen I have to keep it like

Full screen otherwise didn’t show the full stream thing that’s kind of donkey but that’s fine now it shows up to date time before it was only showing 10:30 a.m. and then it wouldn’t show uh concurrent viewers with what is this still learning still Learning here’s here’s my thing I was not looking at the chat that’s my bad I don’t know for how long doesn’t even show chat time Ang jul I start call hello King Julian all right so not too sure hello hello hey all right all right I’m not too sure how to do that

Stuff your screen uh is it isn’t not streaming no no in Discord oh okay okay uh screens screen one yeah screen 2’s only got the thanks stream swap over to my other mic we got the technical support roll better yeah it’s better it wasn’t working earlier so I fixed it

Uh just look up essential in the Minecraft uh uh thing yeah just look look it up I have the version if you need it I can send you the mod pack I have it I don’t know if uh first Forge open it real fast I have it right here um where is it

Mods well I think it’s not sure and maybe I’m going to ask my friend for it yeah they don’t have it right here you have to get it okay essential mods uh I don’t they’re not going to have it oh they’re not oh you got to look it up in your

Browser my friend just sent that to me it’s not people it’s animals californ thiss to be it dude this is like a puppy party I like to move it it I like yeah here it is right at the good part here it is see you can join um people’s things you said in

Discord uh you want me to send it to you what is the essential mod pack uh it is a practically it’s a mod pack that like lets you join your friends it’s kind of like just like a Discord for for Minecraft um I’ll send you the installer

This is the installer that I just got you just saw down so yeah we played the Wilderness I don’t know I need the like curs Forge thing they’re supposed to have a I think it’s isn’t it free I think it’s free it is free yeah you just s you the

Installer no totally worth it I mean minus the Pixelmon that was kind of an L I mean you don’t have to create a server to play with your friends that’s like like the best thing Dam my brother wasted money on server oh here it is okay okay um what’s

The version you playing on right now 1.12.2 I don’t have the version oh never mind I have it okay here’s the jar file for um uh Forge just throw it into your mod pack with the other mods that you have like you have to make a custom

Mod pack and add it to your mods oh DN will be the will it be the same same place uh yeah I just have to send you a friend request so you just like you go to your mod packs you create custom profile you give it a name something

Stupid and then um you pick the Minecraft version which should be somewhere here 1.2 12.2 m wait what what was the version again 12 12.2 yeah they have it and then you select the forge and you hit create you can add other mods so you just put the the you get the essential

Jar file after downloading it and you I think you just add it to the thing so you add more content wait okay okay I figured it out damn I’m so so after you’ve made the thing you just want to you hit uh add more see I feel bad I really do I feel

Bad but I I can’t really be playing with kids it’s it’s not good for the the reputation I do feel bad I’m sorry man I’m act actually sorry uh where’s the stream I think the stream messed up anyways um I’m apologizing to here but I I am sorry I’m just gonna

Tap in should should just told you all right I was trying to figure it away bro said he was shouldn’t be playing with kids especially when I’m this small level YouTuber I just don’t think it goes for good for growth studio all right I’m back I’m back I think I think

The stream kept going he left anyways so it’s it’s not that that was an awkward moment cuz I was like damn like the second hey head call like damn he’s a kid should have uh double checked that I don’t know how it is on YouTube but I’m pretty

Sure just playing with with some random kids just weird that’s my premises weird could be a great gamer could be a great guy get Saker we don’t like none of them don’t like them in our chat or they can watch but we don’t like them in our

Our eat these with these I don’t know very s even Grayson was a squeaker at some point or uh yeah he knows it is not good for not good 14 viewers while was here though maybe maybe it was but that’s burning this diamond pickaxe is going to go we’re just normal Minecraft

Might got a mini map this is not normal Minecraft I’m just going to St right up fastest way it’s a dungeon with probably loot in it and the way up we’re on Peaceful boys okay let me pull the chat back up RP Mr King Julian it’s literally right there

Yeah yeah you can’t do [ __ ] to me uh I’ll take the amethyst oh God this where choices got to be made magenta Rune I like the color it’s cool and I like the color darn it I’ll take you there’s so much cool stuff I want to take I want to take the

SKS can’t do it I read these I’ve It Goodbye name tag that’ be useful but I don’t think maybe saw as good as I thought it Was take it uh good buy two gold that and that’s it there got to be a way out of here it’s not just a dungeon Sapphire I’ll take that it’s different type eighty it looks exact [ __ ] same though bro they look the exact same just put him in a bag oh sharpness

Five Mana in a bottle it’s an acquired taste it is an acquired taste I’ll leave it I don’t have that taste how the freak do I leave was cool for a second going up in the city going up it’s so lady going up in this town back to that up and the see

Going we’re digging out we’re digging out we can’t do this we’re digging out I’m back hey what’s up Mr King Julian say I’m like a villain Mr villain Gillan I wonder if you heard the whole spiel about not me not being able to play with

Kids I’m not able to just uh prefer not to to be honest bad fa to buy i’ prefer to be playing with ad get my jokes and then I can make jokes with you didn’t teach me something though two things way that’s not silver nice see I’m not into that mod yet but

It’ll come to the point where it’s like yo it’s time to use that mod holy freak this biome is massive I’m second it anything but this biome would be nice now I swam to it had a biome that wasn’t this and I swam away if I die my stuff just oh oh sand

Biome so beautiful get me out of here is that what I think it is over there is that Tinker thing on the map it was not just live next to him okay is that a tankers a small thing on the map there’s nothing in the sky need any of that I just whoa

Jeez chill me brother chill we friends in this city we built this city we buil this city on the rocks and the road who but scaring me oh there lucky block block lucky block block BL let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s Go [ __ ] [ __ ] fu yeah laugh at me all you want I got the lucky block bunch of hostile things there other Nets can I capture stuff Yep oh wait I think I se so far in it anyways oh maybe I can catch St with that net that’d be pretty cool they I can spawn every oh a boat let’s see what’s on the boat we having a challenge anyway oh you know I have to fire the can’t Minecraft

This wouldn’t have been worth it anyways is all worth it damn never mind for off into the sunset we go that land had nothing for us can’t tell me that doesn’t look like a penis in the sky though swap to me I do feel bad

The only way I’m settling is if I find a freaking Village on an island or just a village near oh that’s done you know what peaceful mode done is it a village absolute dubs absolute dubs yes not a very big one perfect nothing will be Her yep all that happened yesterday she feeling me she feeling me all right sadly your village is too small so we’re going to keep going but I’ve got a wife don’t know what I’m going to name her Dam back in the desert that was a cool town but it’s not big enough

R need a place for me to live and for them to live there’s a lot of people the following Coral I don’t mind that as your name but could be changed What Dud [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you take this diamond [ __ ] you you’re going to love Me [ __ ] all right all right all right I know I ain’t got no Riz no more you know it was cool at the start but I she like yo that that’s ain’t it wants the Money yeah now you’re on my side we just friends Though don’t worry Cor I’m going to find you a home we going to live the good life we going to live the good Life can’t move too quickly with her she run Away minus 19 is crazy though God damn what the [ __ ] she’s like ew you just just try I don’t even know what my guy had to say look at the events see there’s so much to see in this world sitting there at a village with two two houses look something better somewhere I Can Damn what’s this [ __ ] on basic Mode come on don’t mean to bother you just checking out the Hub many good stop duly noted Baba Boy maybe I can live here you know what I can live here this is my home looks a little too much like a church All right honey we are home the tree will stay the [ __ ] or chest I Guess all right me main focus now is just tinker’s construct I want to see what the tools are when I check that out and we’re going to I just okay I just need to collect some wood which I already had some I know but it’s good to have more obviously Bam you know life is a dream when you can just do it like that uh Clay is what at that yes sir you never know what you need until you need it so it’s good to have stuff ready one [ __ ] need all this gold that I

Got getting a lot luckier than I’ve seen other other people get I’ll give it that I think it’s a per living right next to the freaking Beach all right and I have a dungeon I can conquer at any point in time plus if I’m correct I don’t think I

I don’t think think I am I could be though the ather mod is this those of you who don’t know that’s a whole [ __ ] that’s a whole different ball heart whole different thing leave this gra where I boed into I’ve ran all the way to the first

Village see that’s the thing about this if I can kidnap like actual like if I can make an airships and [ __ ] which I’m going to get into probably next to be honest This I wonder I don’t think there’s an me system that’s fine though that’s fine I think that’s something they added into it honestly I’ll either live without or I’ll figure out how to add that stuff in cuz it would be cool to continue off this world like right now it’s just a

Very based version of uh Wildcraft but we going change that if I figure out or if I can that’s a cool little thing to have too I I think this is this is most get here see Corel really cool stuff I do be doing this at the

Village but I miss my family shut up shut up your family doesn’t miss you will the Wilderness Be Me Slowly going crazy on stream only one way to find out that’s freaking watch the stream but average view time is 1 minute 15 seconds take a minute of this they’re

Like y we’re g not doing this it’s fine but everyone’s tight it’s a it’s a good thing and nobody likes uh Minecraft anymore but we get GTA going later see how that’s going oh I actually have a concurrent viewer hello I looked over for a second um so this is me

House think this is me house progress I’ve got so far I’m just working on a tinker construct which I don’t know [ __ ] all about but right now I actually just need Cobble so I’m going to do I’m going to make I’m going to make my one concurrent viewer make a mine behind my

House just keep going down oh oh my one you almost watched me [ __ ] die there’s two now though oral you you almost killed me we’re going to have to talk about that when we get home feel free to say anything in the chat I’m not too uh good at looking at

That but when I see someone I I always respond coral Coral you’re on some Z I’m leaving you at home straight trying to push me off all right getting out of here though we we leave coral Coral I’m the this is why you should be

At home bro this why you should be at home I should have left you at home bro all right all right she trying to kill me she trying to straight up just kill me bro not about that not right up here she’s just chilling she’s staying 5et away okay stay

Here this is your new home I’ll give you a door and all R be H armor I don’t know if that’s better than got to make the grow I it’s I’m just going off what I remember from childhood so it’s going to be wrong I think it’s like this wa I can what

Huh Shear brick grow sand damn I’m missing out on Sand right now gravel sand yeah missing on sand all right we going we going to get that sand they left all righty just back to normal game I want to see I did make the mad though they left that is a

Another day another victory for the short no another day another victory for the OG’s taking up the sweats that’s what it was this place is going to look terrible after I am coming back for this stuff make whatever that is too right something all I’m lazy I’m lazy I’ll take I’ll

Take from my house I will take from where I eat it is what it is until I can get a way to fly around I will take from where I eat all right oh we going to have this [ __ ] on full there it is I was spelling it

Right no I want the big gr I want the big one I need clay ah that makes sense actually that makes a lot more sense I’m learning so much easier now if I go Yes Overkill but needed Overkill but [ __ ] needed let me Just have a bunch of coal Too we at the start of a journey Here I actually ran out of sand More clay here D that’s a problem I’ve not seen on any uh any other YouTuber’s thing thank God I live next to a freaking desert don’t need to chop up the old land when I can go chop up the old man’s land over here right across the yard [ __ ] easy

DS yeah know I’m just straight up take Response Still do bad for that freaking I know how it feels I mean granted I wasn’t kicked off was to do it’s not good for Revenue though don’t watch any watch him anymore play sque it’s too much sometimes it’s my own kid or [ __ ] even Grayson when he was a

Squeaker hell yeah I’ll play but you know there’s no there’s no there’s no originality there shitty we got a concurrent viewer the second I start complaining somebody comes hey what’s up man do you have a oh there’s no mic there’s a mic system but I guess that’d be uh terrible when

There’s like a a lot of people like join in a a call or join the the live like in Tik Tok or other things I don’t even know how to check I know that you haven’t said nothing in the chat yet so I’m just making a bunch of Tinker

Construct like Overkill this is all grow making sure never never have to do it again water see now we are in business absolute business okay this cords get stuck we in business I’ll just straight up start with the tickers for 27 it’s going to go right where the alter was we be like

That now I think this is it know if it’s supposed to be in the ground what having it in the corner is the best option minus the wall space small dirty control right here drain we’re doing pretty good doing good we we balling most I you think I shouldn’t be wasting on oh

Probably should know I’ll take a stack back that’s good enough honestly that’s that’s more than enough for me more than enough for you that there and that there how what I do wrong [ __ ] he’s a tank probably so I’m guessing he class or something I don’t freaking know but it there

So if that’s the case I’m should have put the lava thing up up up all the way yes I think this is the last thing I think I think I think all in all it’s [ __ ] m go biger go home Bud yes yes she’s working coming

[ __ ] also where the mini map comes in handy freak let me just empty up my inventory fill it up bucket so I don’t have to do this again for for I think it doubles it in the thing oh I need to rain say no though wait she did not say

No me and coral for Life me and coral for life baby all right now we got something something so I don’t ruin me other pickaxe almost Died Sorry for not being able to see but I can like just see so I might with it especially on Peaceful you don’t have to deal with all that crap find meline or anything like that though which is what I’m actually looking for we pickaxes or holding oh never

Mind second I do that they’re gone [ __ ] he oh I got Coral following me we good we good that’s interesting that’s uh not [ __ ] around with that so that’s uh going back that was IR not taking it going back we going home nope nope nope I’ll take this Sal

Out [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m out [ __ ] do sh I’m out no way excuse me please I’m going just take my [ __ ] and leave [ __ ] this [ __ ] Hold Cal lock instead of the button that’s to there go Should be banned now it’s like way too [ __ ] late bro I’ve already started a a playr like unless you have more mods than I do then it’s not happening bro it’s not happening it’s just not happening bro banned me while I was having fun ooh Infinity

Glub that’s cool stuff in that but not a single drop of even a drop a drop of lava would be great yo who’s in who’s in the chat who’s watching say good day say something better to get the the people going I’m just looking for lava oh Jesus

Christ I’m looking for lava at this point which is not happening not not doing me too well to go in a cave but I haven’t really found one that’s the plan with all these but oh there’s lava there’s lava I see it I see it on the mini Maps

Boom all right we’re in business we are absolutely in business now now it’s where the real learning starts instead of just fetching quests we’re learning yeah yeah am I going to escape this oh God no ruin my world more it’s now the the sand Farm a wooden spear I’m leave that I

Don’t need that I left my wooden spear for five sand I feel great I feel great it feels amazing all the greatnesses all right people are going to leave when they see what I’m living in I’m living in a a church bro I’m not building my own house yet

Before I get a wand or something one person left it is what it is bro was there for a minute and he’s like hey this is enough but this is me home it looks pretty but I didn’t build it already got the whole tiners construct thing set up it’s

Just hello Grand how’s it going oh I left we’re in business we’re in business how’s it going Grand pretty good learning streaming and uh learning this Minecraft stuff out it’s not going too bad I’ve only died twice oh they’re all separate that’s weird we full on lava now should not need

It yeah I’m still also new to PC so I whenever you see me like a glitch out it’s cuz bro pressing the wrong buttons it is what it is all right now that I’ve got all that I’ve saved up a bit gold uh we’re just golden we’re golden the struggle is not happening

Anymore it’s just deleted message why is bro deleting messages like what [ __ ] you doing Hello how’s it Going bro actually just did that H what the [ __ ] my brother just came on and deleted some people’s stuff not not called for he’s going to lose his privileges even if I’m not playing on this Stuff Pretty good just learning out the game it’s uh it’s difficult but it’s it’s doable bro deleted him damn someone was talking yo I accidentally I’m not [ __ ] talking you’re the one that [ __ ] talks but uh seared glass I do kind of want to look inside the smeltery I feel like that would look

Cool do I restart the smeltery what what kind of mod am I using it’s a forg craft or cursed Forge or something like that and then it’s just the the wild it it’s just very basic the wild I’m just smelting a bunch of gold right now mining in this is easy like getting

Getting stuff in this is so easy bro we’re are going to mix so not going to put them it’s pretty cool it’s uh older Minecraft so it’s nostalgic in the same way but yeah it’s it’s pretty cool I wish I had have played uh played it differently but oh well think do that

It’s 1.12.2 pack but it’s not public oh so this is actually like your your mod pack it’s the exact same thing I’m having trouble I’m having a lot of troubles with it I thought it was just the mod pack I was also having trouble with pixel one I was playing that last night

And uh that just did not work out I got pretty far made a farm got regir Ram and Zack roome it’s the wild it’s the same one that we clicked on before I don’t know she wants to play again I guess it’s it’s been like five six

Hours come on come on no don’t don’t Claw at me come up I’ve got a cat you guys will oh hello you’re not taking my woman you made the wild oh it’s not just a mod pack I’ve just been saying the wild oh my God hello hello it’s not working bro oh no it’s working hello not saying anything probably start these up see the progress I’m making though that’s not bad I don’t know if you’re talking put you on the other screen I guess it doesn’t show that you’re hello

Hello yeah this is my my thing okay I know because there there’s this furry mod that one of my friends wanted me to [ __ ] add and no one else is gonna add that [ __ ] to the mod pack uh so with the tinker’s construct do you mind the

Meline like where do you get that stuff uh the Moline I found in the like chest beside the Tinker construct thing I need to do exploring I assume you just mind it though M it I’ve been mining for a bit all I have is iron that’s in the Tinker construct

Like that can go in here wait wait you can see Discord discord’s call sound is Christmas theme yeah it’s ear rapy I hate it I’ve gotten pretty freaking far like just so I haven’t been looting the chest I’ve got full diamond I’ve got this stuff but granted like whenever I found

My spot I started Min instantly so I guess you’re not joining the uh server then well I don’t want I don’t want to get banned bro like I don’t want I don’t want to do something wrong and just get banned lose everything that’s why that’s why you’re

Like you’re freaking out over no like I already told you it’s just the chest it’s just the chest there’s nothing else that you’re not allowed really I mean like apart from not destroying people’s [ __ ] which I I get not destroying people [ __ ] that’s just respect but the chest

Is it’s useless like I passed by them after five chests I just passed by them I looted them at the start of this but I died I’m making a new build of the mod that removes them anyway so it should be able to stop spawning I think I don’t know

I’m in the process of adding [ __ ] I’ve gotten this much stuff and when you put it in the tiners does that double it I’m pretty sure it doubles it from back in the day what do you mean double it like it takes your ore and makes it into two

Ores oh yeah I think so bro is absolutely gaming over here God damn you got a massive Tinkers Construct thing got so did you find that or did you just like make it by finding make it it was stupid it’s like clay gravel and sand I think it wasn’t

Actually hard when I got to it though cuz like vein Miner yeah that stuff you said you played uh Pixelmon Pixelmon yeah yeah it wasn’t too good I got to the point where I was making Pokeballs and I couldn’t make them all so I was like I’m not doing this I I

Don’t know if I can I don’t have have any way to to figure that out but this is can you make them like massive massive like could I make this the size of the room or is it just three wide uh I don’t know I think you can

Probably make it bigger I know you can make it taller yeah no she’s uh she’s going to be going realistically you might as well just make it taller yeah I think I’m going to have going make it like go out this yeah it’s already full like blocks I only have

This CU then you can just every time you get ores you can just put them in there are you able to do more than one controller though so you can put more stuff in at once yeah I could no no well that’s enough I don’t know if I

Can put iron in here to I don’t know if it’ll mix it [ __ ] it I already have seven blocks of gold see I don’t even know what I’m going to do with this gold I think I just make cume things can you stop oh but I have to throw them back in

There [ __ ] why are you making blocks just so you have it stored yeah just so we can have some have you made the casts yet no I haven’t gotten that far I don’t know why just haven’t stream with two people casually talking about Minecraft mod the background is nice for some reason I

Feel like it would be a nice touch or even just two people arguing in the background while you’re just trying to do your work I got The Infinity Gauntlet cast I did that accidentally found it oh damn br’s going to become famous is it a thing I mean there it must

Be if you can make the gauntlet oh like I I thought I thought this mod pack was before that time um well no like mods the mods people still make mods for that version a day I guess it’s easier it’s better to just add on to other

Stuff any type of mod you want me to add um Lucky Block Mods already in there morph Mod’s useless because the only morph mod that I can get for this version doesn’t actually let you like like you can turn into them but it doesn’t give you any abilities yeah yeah see there’s no

Point like the point of it point of that is to be able to fly and [ __ ] that balloon mod where you can abduct structures yeah uh that was a big had that at one point pick up your whole house and move it that’s crazy for trolls actually that

Too but I was more thinking like even just in this one while I was doing it solo uh I was thinking like just taking other places putting it into the village like like how they did before I think that be a cool concept we could we could do it better I

Got to screen share something for you give me a sec this is wild I didn’t realize that we could have this type bring this up on stream I didn’t realize we could have this type of uh landscape in the mod all right I got two concurrent are you

Watching the stream right now yeah I have it I have one concurrent viewer it’s just me yeah anyway look at this the other guy uh oh wait is that in the other world no it’s creative I can’t this is a I just I just made this oh yeah bot still

If if I come back to the Wilderness can you help me get to just the Tinker construct thing that I have right now I mean I could probably just [ __ ] remake some of the stuff you have right now just in Creative since technically you’ve done it that looks cool actually

Oh actually like a well yeah does that mean you could give me like my pickaxes that’s it I don’t even want the armor to be honest what pickaxes do you have I have uh amethyst pickaxes look at this bro this shit’s kind of beautiful you’re not even that good like

The only pickaxe that is good that I have which I I think I broke no I didn’t this thing goes hard the heroes pickaxe oh Sapphire I have Sapphire pickax what is it end amethyst or just no it’s it’s Sapphire it’s extra gem sapphire oh okay yeah sweet sweet yeah

How many do you have just three I I’ll take yeah I’ll do that and give you a tinker construct thing I want to finish updating what I’m doing on the server first because everyone’s going to have to update I have to update the server build and everything just to are we

Going to are we going to make our place into a village or well I haven’t seen a village yet on that I see this is the only wait wait look at my stream this is the only Villages I’ve seen and this is the biggest one the last one I went to had

That and that and that only yeah honestly I think the best way for us to make a village is to marry some villagers and uh and like make babies with them yeah this is my my wife Coral if you see a girl like this in your thing dibs that’s your

Gerud that’s my gerud her name’s Coral I didn’t rename her the clerk she doesn’t really like me though but we can change that I got the money we going to change that wonder if she likes gold oh I found a village how big is this yo I actually found a big

Village too well I mean do we live by there usually see this isn’t my actual world I’m just exploring and testing out some of the mods I added a bro sentence caught me off guard I don’t probably mine cuz most of my sentence that’s funny oh she likes it she likes it all

Right we’re going to gift it to her take the gold yes yes she’s a gold digger yes okay I have to do it we have to do you’re such a good friend bro got friend Zed no no no she Minecraft give her a gold block or emeralds do you have

Emeralds they love that the most I did have a bunch oh wait maybe I still do oh no I had a bunch in your world or in Pokemon Pokemon Po they’re Emerald diggers they’re Emerald diggers I meanon I joined in on your Pixelmon stream and saw you stuck in a cave

Constantly being forced to fight the that looks like AIDS I don’t even want to watch that no that was that was absolute AIDS doing that matchmaking ring like are you for like you if they attack you you can’t just forfeit and leave you can forfeit but there’s so many of them that

What okay that it would just keep uh it would keep doing it all right you are going to love me do you want this do you want this she’s an iron Digger you know what you’re my those what’s your hearts at is it just the one red it’s uh

38 it was at 6 when I started before I gave her all the stff stuff just for context hey FPS what the hell and before that I tried to flirt and it went to like – 26 damn all right gift I love you holy [ __ ] a grizzly bear what

What and one of the mobs or one of the mods I added was a mob mod that add more mobs CU I felt like there wasn’t enough I wasn’t seen on them but I have to and now I’m seeing like American Bison I don’t think she loves me

Bro it sucks I made my first episode after realizing that I kind of want to change some stuff so now I’m stuck on a on the world I don’t like but whatever should add a mod where you can have money a money item you have two rings my spouse and I

Will both need a ring but you only have one I have two love me they they stack you should have a mod where you can have money a money item and then they’ll really be a gold ticket i’ change them to actually love money the most we’re married or just

Reskin emeralds to money yeah that does the same effect actually missed out Irene this is my girl my girl you come across Kryptonite yet cuz I just found a meteor creator with Kryptonite have not all right I’ve done everything I need to do on this world I’m going to yours

Did you know you have a full Iron Man suit and everything no you can I’m not sure how I I want to look into it that was that was the love of my life right there yeah it’s it’s really easy to prog I’m still banned shouldn’t be I unbanned

You what’s your name zeph Jefferson no no it’s not it’s like Zach YT or something it said successfully wait let me go back banned by operator damn that one yeah it says that you’re trying to join but it says you’re banned give me a sec give me a second

Let me put on my Discord glasses unban my homies thought it was just zyt okay try now bed okay is it letting you in yeah bro those those snacks that I took home those three specific snacks went fire I took a bite of one I’m still down

Oh it said yeah it just showed that for me too what the [ __ ] I took a bite one was like damn that sh hit different the what okay wait go into a solo and show me what your name is solo I didn’t even name the world I just

Knew I can’t even join the server anymore cuz I don’t have the right build uh F5 I think that is my name no just type something in chat press T oh uh T I spelled it R oh wait it’s delayed that’s why it’s zyt

I have to change that to the to the one concurrent viewer bd30 3D I bro can’t talk but uh this is my old account or old account from when I was 12 I’d say I think 12 is when I started this account and uh this is me

Skin saw the same one for when I was 12 but it kept the same Vibe the one when I was 12 was this skin but rainbow now I got the the suit with the San I think it looks very spiffy it it brings out the the vibe for now Oho it’s saying

Unknown command am I like typing this in wrong am I stupid players wait oh can I just unban you through this me and Wilson are homies I wonder if I can wait I got to keep this guy this guy needs to stay with me uh F5 it’s Wilson

Bro okay try again it says you’re unbanned I might just have to reset the server it doesn’t I’ll get him to stay here actually actually I’ve just restarted right now yes yes I have a Wilson bro anyone who knows the the Wilson meme the Wilson Vibe yes what Cast Away yeah Cast Away uh want to play I only ruin the oneing current viewers so banter ship Though oh somebody subscribed bro I went through an awkward thing earlier a viewer joined and uh they were like 12 and I was like ah don’t want to play with 12 gr but did not know how to say it did not know how to say it oh they left or maybe you

Left I’m still on it they left yeah I did not know how to say it so I just like kind of blocked them on Discord and everything I didn’t know their age until uh the Discord call I was like [ __ ] bro was on a call with them yeah

Well I I just I just called them because how long you been diffic um quite a while how long you stream 9:30 a.m. was when it started oh damn Okay I think the server is restarted you can try to load in now okay I’m just using me smell through you but yeah he left he didn’t he didn’t message something to say that he didn’t leave this time oh we have two concurred viewers yo whoever’s the viewers say something say

Something let us know you’re there I was just show me like what the concurrent viewers were or like who was watching but I guess that’s uh that’s a YouTube thing where they’re like no they’re here they’re here you say her BS here what say oh it’s her

No I don’t know what I said but I didn’t say that also it’s B dot oh yeah it shouldn’t be cuz I just went in I it says you’re not banned in the player thing oh yo I should leak your IP oh it used to be called bed don’t leak my IP

What it’d be funny no even though I’m small someone could probably still mess with me and I wouldn’t know what to do it’d be hilarious yeah it would be yeah yeah okay it would have been ah no I get that it’s bed I’m going to call them bed for now on I

Don’t know would you rather be be called bed or B dot or dot I like B dot better than dot Dot’s just like yeah that’s do it’s do sitting here B do though it’s like hey it’s my man B do yeah why’ my [ __ ] crash oh me main man bed yeah ER

Mod for some reason anytime you have a controller in it just crashes the whole game so I’ve removed it in the ne in the next release or whatever that’s fine I’m strictly Noe with keyboard well I would have been using controller from time to time just so I

Could be a bit more chill but nope you a lot of gold God damn what’s the red [ __ ] iron I got iron I got to make it bigger to be honest she needs to be bigger she needs to be better you almost at capacity she needs to be faster she needs to be

Stronger actually I that’d be kind of funny for my I might make one to height liit call me whatever you want dot b dot [ __ ] even call me Beth hun actually don’t call me the last one L inside joke means be in my user also stream keeps freezing yeah

It’s my internet my internet is H it’s wireless that’s the only way I can explain it it’s wireless I’m surprised it’s been going so well so far I mean yeah like the stream quality is good it just cuts out sometimes if I turn the quality down I I think it might

Fix it but like quality it cuts out your internet completely bro like you’re not even call with me when it cuts up okay then I apologize that is the weather there’s just a is it raining no but there’s a storm last night oh really think so up to like one

Now all right I’m in the server I’m unban isn’t a Command what is it a it’s something stupid isn’t it I remember it being some kind of stupid word that wasn’t unbanned I mean honestly streaming yourself pardon is it pardon pardon it’s difficult but it’s fun you you literally just do whatever you want but at the same time it’s uh

Little discouraging when you’re you always have to be talking otherwise when someone does come they won’t notice your your comedy or how you are but other than that it’s it’s really fun okay let me just finish like 100% this time oh they changed the chest back they’re not Christmas

Anymore they did that like midday today cuz I literally remember seeing them probably not midday today but I remember seeing them Christmasy I don’t know if that was this stream I didn’t notice they they were Christmasy yesterday I know that cuz I hopped on for a second

But I hopped on yesterday too very chist bro was hopping on that okay um I’m gonna get your [ __ ] ready for you to Jo no but streaming is great it’s uh it’s a fun thing to do well like you need seared Brick I give you three tank seared tanks a drain faucet um I guess it’s all I’m good need a controller yeah it’s true I’m not really a tactive person that’s fast see keeping keeping the appropriate humor though it’s it’s so difficult cuz I myself do not have

The appropriate humor so you I just tone it down or same thing with work it’s like a a work Voice or stream voice you just kind of change your your tone like whenever whenever I’m with the boys and stuff I talk way different which is it’s the same at work

Whenever I’m at work way differently yeah I’m joining I finished it I’m getting your [ __ ] ready and talking while you’re doing solo streaming is also difficult especially when you don’t have an audience like if you don’t have an audience to sit there and like respond to like as I am now

It’s difficult that’s one of the reasons I like uh videos more oh my last you only have to talk when interesting stuff comes about one to my last death and then oh hello oh that’s that’s good everything else you can make no everything else I can do I’ll be back is

There a way to place a marker wait come here come here come here come here come here can I place a marker pretty sure come over to me come over to me come over to me come over me I got to show you something Rad Radar your your house is now

Marked okay go in here hold shift and just drag across all of it oh yeah I know about that I know about that no but you were clicking individually just hold like I know I’m still getting used to it but I do I do know about that I do know

About that it’s a mod oh damn that’s not just that’s not just the game no damn I wish but no I think that’s It yeah doing RP is fun that’s why I want to what uh what do you have at your death I don’t know I’m just going to it I think this is the death where I died when I was on the way to get back to my

Stuff cuz it’s pretty close to spawn I know I ran I ran like Iraq yeah having an audience does definitely help just makes it a lot more smooth got someone to talk to especially I guess I have Grays what happened oh another one of the house

Chests try not to explore too too much until I make the next build otherwise we’re going to be stuck with these chests everywhere forever right you’re right and I guess it won’t spawn any of the newer stuff yeah like this world kind of feels dead without the animals

As like we just got Ravens everywhere in the snow area that’s it kind of boring kind of not OG fortnite yeah see watching me just banter though by myself would not be entertaining for this person wait VA where did you find the stream did you just see it on the homepage yeah

Was I on the homepage am I a am I aie to add on to that why what what made you want to click on it what made you want to click on my face well no no offense to you it’s just you’ve got the GTA thumbnail on right now and there’s no

Indication of it’s Minecraft right so getting a Minecraft viewer to come on your stream is kind of surprising like it’s kind of luck really I mean it is it is Minecraft Minecraft is in the thing the wild solo wild yeah but that the wild solo that could be a

GTA roleplay who noce you right you’re right well hope hopefully you didn’t don’t deserve your or uh don’t regret your accidental click a good accidental click was seeing the corner of my eye and accidentally clicked and deci thought I thought you’d think it was GTA but uh not good with making the the

Things so I just kept it to the one he did wait um I should probably so I did I made you two I made them a bit ago give me a second I find them there’s a fortnite one I made you and a GTA one I made you but I guess now

I have to make you a Minecraft thumbnail and you can just free to alternate between you got to show me how to how to do it you need an editing sof yeah I mean could you also do me a favor and take out the freaking Messa biome nothing

Spawns in here I know but I can’t I don’t know how damn it’s a part of a mod my other world I was stuck in it for like 3 hours just running through trying to find a way out of the biome yeah not a fan of it either I’ll

Be honest got elderwood how’s the witch mod oh bewitchment yeah I don’t know I haven’t really used it um my other world I had a bunch of stuff I’m going through it right now it seems to actually have a lot of the stuff from witchery or some of the stuff from witchery I’m

Curious how much of it has though is this my home oh [ __ ] oh this literally is Witcher oh nice okay I can’t tell I can’t tell my friend about this but I’m going to make him a schizophrenic don’t do that don’t do that to me I already I wouldn’t have told you if

I was going to do it to you you right you’re right you know I see how you’re thinking you’re right I’m going to troll him I found my home bro oh you’re going to have to write down the coordinates to your home when I mark it does it Mark it for you so

No oh M of that thing read me to the Discord oh the Discord the snow biome which is annoying but I guess it’s only temporary it’s also really high uh second guessing I’m second guessing do you still want to join uh that video the fortnite one uh What video

Eight player Squad oh yeah yeah that’ll be it’s also kind of small what’s this what I’ll take it I’ll take it we’re taking it I end up being good friends with a guy and his other friends ended up being my first friend group was that off stream or was that uh just off

Minecraft I remember I I did have a friend off Minecraft name was a banana duck or something like like that oh [ __ ] Xander yeah he wants to do it now do you want to do it now no you want to tell you want me to tell him just like half an hour or

Something 2 p.m is half hour away um you feel like watching uh fortnite Mr bed Mr B do I mean even if you not if you’re not too big on fortnite the plan is pretty cool I just don’t I don’t know how it’s going to work hopefully it goes yeah basically

We it was the first at God creep what oh nice see I don’t know if we have a big server or anything but uh it could be a possibility one day imagine getting a 40 person server and it always being full Discord or Minecraft Minecraft we could

Make like the new uh I had an SMP before it was kind of it was good yeah issue is sorry a lot of people don’t have access to like good enough computers to run mods so usually it’s just going to be a basic vanilla okay so am I telling him right

Now 30 minutes what um yeah 30 minutes 30 minutes all right I’ll tell them too so I’m guessing this is Ban to what this if it’s got the same [ __ ] in it then yeah I’ll leave it I left it remember remember that I left it brother left it he left the the goodies

Oh all right let’s one to just sprinting so we’re going to have three people doing stuff for YouTube with this video idea not C we don’t have a fourth no we do he’s just not going to be recording anything as far as I know I haven’t been informed of the of a

Plan to record I was going to build DanTDM’s lab for my base cuz I was going for the OG Vibes but it just seemed like it’s made 90% of out of iron blocks and if I don’t do it Faithfully it won’t really look as good and so I decided against it

It’s always something it’s one of those things where you can add on like when you get to 100 days or something yeah just straight up looking for a wife I’m so far only I’ve only found one guy yet and he looks like Jeffrey D 700 M

All right um I’m going to leave the server set some stuff up what do you mean what’s the max distance from your place I can put I mean try to stay within like 2K blocks from the actual base i’ say 2 is not bad cuz like you don’t want someone

Spend an entire episode getting over to you just destroying you know yeah I mean gr are do are there not flying mods or anything where we can uh travel faster there is but there higher up like there’s literal Iron Man suits right but I’m looking up Wings there’s no

Wings I don’t think there’s a jetpack no there’s an Iron Man suit there’s also a lot of other superhero people like Superman uh other than that I don’t think the second I find a village I’m good to go I just need to whoever picks Superman as their hero for the final

Final battle is kind of done for though cuz you already know someone’s going to pull out a block of kryptonite and you’re done for oh we’re doing a super like is that the final final battle is just superhero battle well I mean as far as I know

That’s that’s going to be the strongest armor to wear it might not be but it B it it probably will be damn are we limited like if one person chooses a superhero you can’t choose the other one no you can go for it doesn’t matter it’s whatever you think is

Strongest whatever you think is best well I don’t think anything I’m just going to look it up there’s Ant-Man like you can go super small or super big that that could be kind of cool especially with the Cosmetic armor thing you look like you’re not even wearing

The Ant-Man suit and then out of nowhere you grow like five five times the size of anyone else but what level is Cameron in GTA he didn’t respond to me I think he’s pissed to me said 70 that was like two days ago oh the

Moment you guys got in a fight he came to me but then yeah now he’s just ignoring me kind of crazy one I wonder if that’s bad B dos down to join some vanilla Minecraft someday I had an smpp before and it was it went well it was uh it was

Every day the Border increases well they’re down for fornite yeah we started with like one block or one extra block area a day and then we realized it was too slow so we started going by five then eventually it was just a normal SMP honestly vanilla

Minecraft I’d be down to do that after this after this uh series I cooked up that idea the the extends every day idea it it was actually really smart I I made it because it meant that uh with the free server that we were using people wouldn’t be able to

Explore too much and then destroy the server so I managed to have an SMP for free with people actually being able to enjoy it so that was nice oh my God I’m die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die and I did another one

That was just open FU oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you don’t have armor yet bro just took fall damage a chest plate I had full time in armor and the other one not this one you’re pretty far from Spawn too 700 all right I’ll be right back I’m just going to

Mute just me and you B dot bro came before he muted give me a oh you play fortnite B Dog oh we already have a squad Dam I guess we could play a different time a good fortnite Duo stream go on or something so confused get juked get

Juked damn I want to loot the chest cuz bro had an infinite amount of freaking iron and gold and stuff I could just not take the diamonds you know I think that’s what I’m going to do I I think I’ll uh I’ll double check it with

Grayson but we play a One V One V one build thing is it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I mean it could have been an original thing I was reading that like ah that sounds like a good idea I’m taking the diamonds actually I had full diamond

Armor I’m taking I’m taking everything’s being taken I saw that I knew you were still watching I saw that I dropped I dropped the I dropped the I was I was uh what do you call it I was standing up in my room and I look

Back behind me at my computer and I see you in the chat chest grabbing everything out of it no I was sitting there contemplating as I’m running past I was like you know what I had full diamond armor I might as well just take

It then you come back I saw that I saw that I watched I regret dropping oh never mind I got melons I regret dropping the food though cuz uh I got melons okay I’ll be back no Villages just tropical you’re not find any tropical Villages I would be

Down to even just play bedwars though honestly I don’t know how to switch versions or if I have to but that’d be dope are you you’re definitely a PC Gamer unless you’re watching my phone Village it’s so close to home too bro blind be Lind my friend that is what

They are be Lind beyond belief I’m going to claim this Village as my own I steal everything from it everything 1.8 Hypixel the spam clicking was so annoying though as a kid cuz I played on phone I don’t know if other people were stuck on phone too but I get spam

Clicked and I would not be able to hit them or would just be sitting there like 12y 12 years old raging I’m going to be a 20-y old raging soon yeah I don’t like things that are pay to win though it’s just I’m poor I’m

Poor it’s the only way to say it I’m poor I’m poor what is this hey [Laughter] buddy that man’s like it is what it is Rip Dam SM getting the views though the viewership the views see dying in Minecraft it’s one of the the hard feelings as a kid it hurtt

More though cuz you’re like my shit’s going to go I I know I know my stuff’s right here it doesn’t hurt as much not having keep inventory does hurt though cuz I was a a Advent player of keep inventory but uh I’ve stopped on PC cuz

It’s not the way do it’s not the way yeah there’s a village yeah I seen one see that [ __ ] out of the corner of my eye and sniff that out sniff your right out oh it’s going to be at the bottom too listen guys we’re all friends we’re all friends

Here I have a dead body you don’t want to eat it hold hold hold hold hold run run run run sadly died though man with one of my friends all I saw was he sadly died and I started reading this what what did I

Miss out on what what what lore am I uh not catching I’m going to leave the other stuff no no no please that man’s died iro you’re going to oh this sadness it does not have thought I seen one like 200 meters away like damn bro these guys are blind

There’s one chilling right there I don’t know the versions of this or what version I’m in that’s loud but I see a pink tree it tells me it’s like relatively new actually where’s that big one yeah let’s see what Vin Miner does to you destroyed don’t we at the top we don’t

There’s nothing up there where are you from B dot Mr bed are you from uh the Canan the caners are you one of the Canadians like me don’t really know how I mean I feel like that would be funny you should just show random people

Like GTA 6 trailer or like I don’t know what type of trailers you make in like movie trailers or like a game trailers this is going to feel nice this is going to feel really nice Discord trailer did people believe that does Discord even have trailers you guys have a channel for

That I’d post those and then end post the reactions actually too that’s good content you could even for streaming cuz you said you wanted to stream even stream making them that would get rid of the like a lot of people would see the it happening and all that stuff that it

Would get rid of the the wow value of seeing it oh yeah see that that’s good posting it I would definitely post content a lot of people would find that amusing oh game Crash yeah a lot of people would find that amusing though it’s just me using a cap cat for

Six hours silently hey man doesn’t have to be silent you could be sitting there like uh you could join The Tick Tock side and just be an MPC whenever someone donates you you just stop what you’re doing just there’s no there’s no uh camera so I I’m

Going to I’m going to do it but imagine you just stop what you’re doing just turn straight back hands forward turn to the camera thank you for the star and then just go right back to what you’re doing granted it would get to a point

Where you you’d see a lot of people and you probably wouldn’t be able to get [ __ ] done but that’s a good idea it’s a good idea while t- posing you get up t- pose thank you for the star wave at them oh I could think you could all make

Them related to the cap cut you made my editing day just that much better is weed legal in in uh America is that is that still uh banned out there I’m not another day another Victory another victory for the OG taking down a sweat the impostor Among Us the impostor Among

Us biomes are plenty I think now this is a stretch I think getting rid of biomes so plenty is the thing we have to do I can’t now the world’s already made damn half half the items in the world are out of it and are made out of it and

I already made my first episode so I can’t change it it’s too late job’s done yeah it just stuff doesn’t spawn as much that’s true but in a way it’s kind of good I guess yeah make more challenging it it I mean gred without this it’ probably keep the loot like

Bunched up it’d be easy to do stuff like old Lucky Block days you remember how many lucky blocks were around yeah I single one and on my other world I only seen two I don’t we use but we is legal but I don’t use that

[ __ ] I got to look up all the characters And it’s a good pass time all right are you going for your guy my guy what do you mean or fortnite you going to be going for your guy my uh like Spectra the AI guy you always go for oh yeah yeah yeah sorry I was confused there damn I

Wish it was peaceful right now I’m just too used to playing on Peaceful I’m seeing the mob spawn at night it’s a white dating that sent something on Discord is that you uh yeah I check that definitely sounds like I should check that someone no we’re just talking about

The plans we’re mapping out where everyone’s going for oh okay I don’t have that be um Can SP up here I do want pink trees in my my front yard bed what’s the what’s the Vibes on the pink tree I think I think they’re pretty cool I think it’s a a dub empty

Map get out of here I got Blossom saplings hey hey hey I am one heart I am one heart I am one heart I am one heart oh [ __ ] Bro should have been in a bed oh yeah uh Spectra is your skin so you got to wear yeah know I

Know the biome of plant he doesn’t have any villages in it too that’s another another complaint about that one I think it does just hard to find yeah no cuz I loaded up and there was one on the creative world I loaded up were you in a planes bi them

Though I don’t know actually I think it was on top of a mountain yeah that’s still an old old for or old Minecraft thing it was one of the super mountains but it’s hard because both Peter and the vertex skin are basically they they should be my

Skins every time I get hyped up it it’s never once I’m not getting hyped up I’m just going to ask did I find one found a massive ACI glue found found a thing up here it’s a cuck me pole no there’s like five there’s like five creepers or uh just like things in

General I just put all my watermelons under the water now they’re they’re fresh I think bed left all right might as well just hop on fortnite then because we got everyone ready to get on IOP on he could just be using your background sound you’re right you never know you

Never know we’re here let’s go all right we’re swapping to fortnite so it’s going to be a little bit different tone but oh all right I’m going to call you in the group chat guys okay oh and it’s going to be four People that’s another thing you got to worry about all right simple plans we have it all mapped out we know what we’re going for uh typical needs to figure out where he’s going but apart from that we seem set we seem set shouldn’t be too too difficult it’s as simple as

Landing on them hiring them staying alive meeting up and then we got our a player Squad yeah ideally we get like two SUVs and we all just we have two SUVs full of people hopefully that is the ideal situation I’m going to go to the washroom I’m going to mute while it boots

Up why can9 yeah you there I’m booting up I’m booting up fortnite give me a hello yes can you hear me holy [ __ ] check hello I see your your your I have your user volume up then what the hell I see your thing going green but I don’t hear

You wait uh talk right now yes hello classic classic see I hear you I hear you so I don’t hear that guy either what’s going on yeah his mic’s [ __ ] I see his mic moving it’s classical but bro turn your mic on like we’re not we can’t we can’t play with the

Mute my microphone is on fix it is he trying to fix it though it doesn’t sound like what what sound are you on are you on the [ __ ] right now what yeah get out of the call bro get out of the call while you do that uh typical you does your mic

Work yeah hello can you hear me can you hear what up yes you can all right so I said I sent a map you can go for the uh leader guy girl on the top left guy in the top bottom guy in top bottom will heal us

But I don’t know how useful that’s going to be I don’t know if he fights at all probably probably does See’s m is [ __ ] tell him tell him you can hear me uh what’s your uh epic yeah tell them you can tell Radar you you can hear mepal I can hear him yeah

Can how it’s you oh I had him full muted [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it must have been sending sending dead ass I thought you were [ __ ] with them so I started [ __ ] with him too oh I just I had it muted like full muted for some reason not user volume I just had it

Muted was he spamming me I don’t know why I [ __ ] have you muted Jesus oh wow that’s wonderful what a great name thank you lever 42 so influential sure all right are you on K9 yeah I’m in the loading screen we got our we got our lobby being built up right

Now bro it’s got the the Goku skin yeah here wa wa wait put on the banana skin be Trooper all right we’re good to go we’re gaming all right jumps so who are you going for typical uh oh wait this is the builds choose one on the [ __ ] map thing and side bro

Why am I the wait Spectra night going to mute him in game cuz I can hear him through Discord and oh yeah sorry that’s why that I just don’t know how to turn that off I do I just don’t makes sense Dead Pool [ __ ] back just too it’s too much

Effort oh yeah I’m about to get gamer rage you’re going to see some true gamer range we’re not doing ranked right we actually want to win the goal is to win with the with the guys that we get but what happens if I lose my guy [Laughter] uh

Don’t I can is the one in Rebel Roost taken do any of you guys have that one no top left yeah top left yeah you can have it all right I’m getting metal m all right mouth metal ready up we’re good uh Z you know

Where to go or hide in a sneaky s why is my game [ __ ] so loud what the hell yeah mine was pretty loud too I had to turn down I think it’s the update stop [ __ ] saxoph phoning just go into your quest you can’t hear it oh I’m not ready up

Card as I say just go into your quest you don’t hear it anymore we’ve got a limited time frame to do this damage opponents in a snowy region I have to land oh are you recording can I yes okay good yeah if if we if we don’t get this

In the time frame we have then it’s it’s over by the way see who’s in the Stream by going to the top right seeing the three dots it only shows who’s active in chat through that though so are you streaming this yeah yes please no please no racisms please I’m I’m doing the

Stream okay no no obscenities no slurs wait can I can I say uh [ __ ] uh you already did so wait wait wait wait are you like Grayson are you autistic Grayson gets the pass yeah you get the pass he’s F he’s way further autistic than are you the

Fur yeah yeah he yeah no you get the pass you get the pass you get the pass don’t worry you were bored with the pass bro you were bored with the pass I know hard pass hey wait everyone knows where they’re going right thank you B yeah all right where’s that I’m

Going to mark my spot actually just so I know 100% that I’m going to the right place oh prob do not go to a marker that’s not your own or else the whole thing’s over and if someone dies off spawn we might as well just reset because that’s cross mapping metal mouth

Is go over the character section we have we have pairs so red red and uh yellow can save each other and blue can save blue can save everybody I think metal mouth might mouth is not at the blue Mar I think it might be in one of

Those you guys okay let me just zoom in and Mark It Go go to the pink marker [ __ ] is there the pink marker is metal mouth I know I’m trying to see what the [ __ ] is there oh I see the house okay I can’t see this is the game

Of Rage I don’t know if you can handle this bed oh [ __ ] I didn’t realize I’ve got uh I’ve got the Winterfest [ __ ] right beside my location so I can come out with some decent loot if no one else wants to drop you what the [ __ ] is this I did not drop I

Dro to the wrong yeah there’s like people my location at least I Dr get yourself a squad wipe all right we got a game we got to try hard this all right goal is a win and really anything above a win is just gra if we can somehow get these

Guys if we can get these guys to get the final kills that would be wild I have my person all right yeah all right what are we on now we’ve got two oh my guy marks I didn’t realize that was nice turn guys on fishing we do be pretty spread apart but

It’s uh it’s fine I have to get to my guy like ASAP bro why you just land on them I’m dumb no they’re dead hey as long as you get them if if you don’t then we got an issue and then after you get your guy I mean just let’s I think

Do we all just meet up in mid try to go for that all right or where where’s the best spot for us all the meet that wouldn’t have many people cuz we want to maybe Reckless when we’re done maybe a lot of people will leave okay my G

Hello Santa Claus good to see you man Christmas is over but you’re you’re ready for you’re ready to give gifts still you gave me the worst possible thing you could appreciate it man Santa Claus Sam like he gave me he gave me no attachments on a pistol like how is this useful Santa

Claus give me your better Oh no I got coal too bad Christmas is already over I can’t go on the naughty list basically Christmas present ooh they’ve actually got pretty good loot I can protect myself we don’t want our guys fighting anyone early game cuz they’re

Not going to help they’re just going to get killed I’m at my guy my guy so wait we all have one now yeah yeah I don’t know if he’s here doesn’t show his thing dude if you didn’t if if someone else took him he’s here okay good this means tell tell me

When you got it tell me when you got it I have got him we now have an eight player Squad we are in fortnite without cheating this is completely legit and now we have player Squad this is the this is a world’s first got to be a world’s first

Bro I don’t know I looked it up cuz I was curious if anyone had done this and as far as I can tell no one has gone through the effort of gathering a squad together to make a double Squad probably because it’s not that good of an idea we

Did it this is our idea we did it bro we got the a player Squad we just have to win yeah yeah now now we’ve got a whole different uh issue here keeping our guys alive because if we win if we win and our guys are dead then it’s kind of an

Hell it doesn’t matter if we can if we can get our guys to top 10 I I’d be happy with it if we win and they get to top 10 I mean then I’d be happy if we don’t win it’s a m there it’s all done I

Have to treat my dude like a dog every time I don’t look back hold them Close to You Light dog hop on in fish stick still here get in one all right we’re moving into Reckless I’m on my way I’ve got no [ __ ] bullets I just fought like five people this is the

Mouse that my friend gave me for Christmas ready yes sir as ASMR wait Reckless is out of Zone okay wait [ __ ] um let’s go let’s try to go for like there do we all have a bot yeah I do I got mine the player squad has been

Created we don’t want to be sandwiched in between guys with medallions I don’t even think there’s a point in going for medallions is that the boys right there how far are you Mark Mark everyone Mark themselves at the ground go to the pink marker go to the pink marker that’s blue I am

Blue oh you guys are only 100 meters there’s Medallion guys over by this area bro we got the full Squad moving find a car so it might take me a while but I’ll make it there I’m coming [ __ ] let’s rotate towards uh I can

Make make it I just I just found a I just found a motorcycle I can make it let your man get on the back get buddy oh K9 let’s get our Squad in this yeah yes what I got we got we got a convoy bro uh Zephyr get over here do you

Have you have an SUV okay get an SUV wait wait then we can have both the squads and an SUV that’s that’s the game plan there’s one right here there’s one right here oh [ __ ] you’re welcome wait you hitting me just put me on the roof you’re welcome I said you’re

Welcome it’s awesome oh [ __ ] don’t have any long distance the roof the roof why are they throwing in some many I don’t know don’t let him hit wait his metal mouth no his metal mouth is good watch Squad right come on on Budd doing go go go go oh they’re all they’re

Mark Mark oh it’s only one guy get him train get the train he’s getting on the no he’s not getting on the train what the is no he’s crouching in a corner why why was he so hellbent on fighting us if he’s Al come on uh let’s get him bro

That’s all we got to do one of them needs to Ping oh great just a random ass room Zone we got to get to Zone the Bots the Bots Bots got him what where do you see him what the I didn’t even see that okay yeah let’s get to Zone these

Guys are really stupid and sometimes don’t run to zone so we got to yeah I got I got a spot in the SUV H in what’s my name whoever can make it I guess I just keep going let’s just walk for now wait for next Zone and then we’ll head

Into it call him buddy till I know who he is on metal mouth you dumbass bastard what’s his name bro Recon who’s my guy uh don’t I don’t know what his name is thank you is Mr useful okay wait everyone Gather in here get your AI to go in

Here oh yeah ping open your ping wheel and then no no wait let’s go to Zone let’s go to Zone we’ll do the same thing but in zone yeah look at the map though [ __ ] eight yo who’s who’s got the dumb bot that’s just looking around oh that was

Mine just has [ __ ] clingers look at them his dumb ass is this some Z noers are they they confuse the [ __ ] out of uh people whenever clingers get thrown they even confuse me and Grayson bro wait there might be we can hide in okay let’s just get into the building I

Was hoping for a really small Hut because it’d be funny actually yeah let’s just keep walking this way we don’t want to be too close to those guys anym oh wait pads launch pad hey look out for a one by one Hut that is go here one by one

Hut oh [ __ ] I’m getting shot at we go let’s just go here I’ve got a SUV they’re fighting another Squad no me zeper what I’m getting shy okay oh help no go down [ __ ] go down they’re getting snip F get oh no get in get in get in get of course yeah

Don’t get in don’t he I’m killing him bro could have healed in the car okay I don’t know why what these coms were why everyone just split apart into three different [ __ ] locations but wonderful great first extremely wonderous our AI are dead so do we even do we even bother win

But I mean I’m just pushing a random fight right now there’s not much point the the wind don’t really matter now oh it’s the furry okay can I just let just [ __ ] kill yourself there’s not really a point you can do it do it B Dog if you’re still

He’s got the eight player squads against him he SW sandwich two squads wait go to Lobby that was ass here’s the issue I don’t know what happened there but everyone just split into seven different areas what was going on I don’t know what the [ __ ] happened there I was with Kine cuz Kine

Was actually listening to the comms and was going to the right direction you two split off somewhere else but you weren’t even together we have to be together did you mer the goal is an SUV really cuz that’s how we stick together the best is if there’s just two SUVs we’re all stuck

In one we’re all Caked Up in an SUV K up okay we going listen to comms we we are gaming this time hooray same guys 40 views 40 views the hell do you mean 40 views viewers or views views oh is he still watching experiencing buffer what are they yeah bring on

About I don’t know RAC something probably I stream status poor okay I don’t think it’s like in fortnite as much as it was like in uh Minecraft like it’s an online game yeah I just want to record all right damage players with a no destroy object at fencing Fields this

Time land directly on your person everyone just lands right on them we immediately grab them sound good I know where metal mouth is so I’m good now I need a confirmation from everyone Zephyr sound good marked metal M just land directly on your guys and we’re gaming you grab your guy if

There’s anyone near you I run really cuz the Bots aren’t doing anything they aren’t helping no um my metalmouth helped actually he threw cleaners got a guy actually my guy helped me actually I’ll kill you I’ll [ __ ] kill you not B oh jeez know that’s pretty

Darn rude if you eat somebody is it is it is it can cannibalism I don’t I don’t think it is what K9 what do you eat someone is it cannibalism no cuz you’re cuz you’re a dog what if you eat someone is a cannibalism cuz you’re wait Kanan are these your real life

Friends uh yes oh that’s that’s awesome does he act like a dog at schol yes all know all four dog who is this typical guy cuz he just who stole from who is K Kane are you stealing his vocabulary or is he stealing yours he’s stealing mine what no what vocabulary awesome

Sa wondrous awesome sauce no I said that first no I said that did not say that first that I only said wonders when you said wonders so you know that’s the only time I’m going to say it actually I only said wondrous when you said wondrous actually which means

Technically he stole Preposterous for me he stole Preposterous gra your guys Preposterous isn’t that from like [ __ ] isn’t that from [ __ ] what’s it called the Mary Poppins properous I think so yes some English show bro it’s just a word yeah can I apologize buddy I don’t know why at

Least I don’t act like a dog at school buddy I don’t act like a dog at school your friend just said so so that your friend just said so so that means you know you do it I don’t I’m not going to take [ __ ] from a guy that acts like a

Dog boy an animal not that sick he walks around like roughing does he walk around wearing like one of those tail butt plugs yeah yeah I don’t know if it’s a butt plug but he does wear a tail that’s crazy I do not wear a tail that’s crazy joking

I’m just joshing I’m just Jos that is horrendously foul K9 these are fabricated lies they’re not fabricated Liv they’re only the truth nothing but truth I speak I speak the truth the truth they’re nothing but their truth oh sweet bro of Y they gave they gave who

Has do you guys have your guys yeah I just call my guy wait can they do zip lines yeah I me they teleport after you anyways bro I got a spicy load out right now okay here’s the plan everyone goes classy courts you get a vehicle we go up

To a super unpopulated place and we just sit there and follow storm we get with our we get classy wonderous idea the only way to win with this is to push Strat it all right stream is healthy again I’m gonna just despite what uh despite what the thumbnails of

This video might suggest this is not in fact broken damn or overpowered no it is a thing and it works but it’s not it’s not incredible it’s not the greatest plan we have you find viewers finding out they’ve been wait so we’re going at Classy oh yeah pink marker pink marker extremely

Plausible definitely a plausible option what what are you talking about how how is that extremely plausible what huh I what are you going my vocabulary like young Sheldon oh who’s here with ah canine see you’re you’re the best with the comms you’re you’re already here

Oh are there any more guys for me mine died can get are you serious how I don’t know probably fell off hurry uh oh [ __ ] someone with a snowball see if there’s any never mind good not yeah I’m good we’re good just I’m looking who is shooting at me I need to do

This okay I think my bot drops ammo pretty awesome this is the only guy left in zone okay I have to the pink marker I don’t have any you H tail it uh suppose you can somehow make it don’t have any K9 we need we need to just sit here the bike that

Unless [ __ ] I got a Grappler that’s neat actually in fact I’m GNA just make my guy sit over here in a random spot I don’t even want him out in the open I don’t I don’t even want there to be a chance here we go go there

Wait no there Windows go there don’t Mark stuff please dead I’m getting my guy to go somewhere a I got a car bro we’re no scope on what I just marked oh I got to go after this is that all right d so so we just

Have to R this one yeah no yeah no yeah I can do that you can do that hell yeah we just need good coms we need to be we need to be good about it should we go to Lavish we can go to the Vault right now

The person The Medallion person here and there’s no one yeah mean if you want to since you’re there you all right yeah I’ll try I’ll try where are you K what are you doing why are you over there cuz there’s a bunch of people over here there’s no SUVs but there is two

Sports let’s just sck here he can he can take just he can take on the boss we got to play uh uh typical get your don’t try your best not to have the AI fight the boss because once it get thick your AI will just get brutally murdered

[ __ ] he’s in a corner with the oh Fu I shock wave them out of there and [ __ ] walk right out of the shock wave I’m going to shoot myself Mark him somewhere away just Mark him really far away you have to do you know how to do

It there go go it’s not just a normal Mark it’s not a normal Mark you have to hold the mark button and then it pops up like a I’m holding it down on the map is it no not on the map on the map in the game

Oh in game look at somewhere mark it hold Mark move all right move yeah exactly he’s not [ __ ] moving she’s moving fighting himu take down the AIS then how do he live for this long yo let’s champ I’m really trying that she’s still not [ __ ] moving she’s still not

Moving is that fa yeah are you going for the guy he’s across the river and he’ll die to storm if you okay I did it but I don’t know how much health she’s that um worst case heal heal game second lose where you going Kine we’re fine we

He doesn’t need it he just finished the boss Kine I’m fine I don’t need it we’re we’re up we’re fine here don’t leave yeah I need to offer help my teammates they so he’s fine he finished it I have finished the fight mister where’s the marker it’s right yay my person’s safe

Wait will they come back for me no we got move all right there get a car oh yeah you can’t get in where’s my guy sh to follow how do I unmark get over here Lon what we going we got to go I’m might need a res of the

Zone you’re a bit I’m good wait you oh damn a cliff this is what killed my last guy they won’t just jump off the cliff they will made it in so did they so did they I’m GNA park my car out front outside of the zone so I can use it to

Get away ler just [ __ ] walking why am I walking oh there’s a parking lot over here here we go help me we’re back to gaming bro let me park it up real nice fornite do are you in the chat still Chit Chat chit Chit Chat man I

Don’t think he is my person has stayed here for me how thoughtful all right we’re in a decent s uh I’m going to move our guys over here see if they took damage and uh where we going Reckless where we are we’re at a little tiny cabin area right beside I

Just found a sports sports car I’m coming I’m coming wait let me getal mouth over here bro has nothing to heal with anyone have a medit no [Applause] no if you find a vending machine you can buy one I can try picking you up uh

Zephyr want me to come I I’ll try I’ll try no no no stay there you’re safe I’m good I’m in a sports car so you’re just going to have to stand on the roof and hope for the best no he’s fine Zer yeah all all right Z on Ed Zone he

Just need to find a vehicle there’s a gas station on the pink marker I think that’s empty I there’s one gas oh there is AIT right here so once you drive all the way over to us [Applause] we’re probably going to have to leave this area Vehicles I’m walking slowly [ __ ] side to

Side I don’t know how to stop that not a single vehicle wife cheated on you what who finally came hello oh [ __ ] we should move our guys out of storm yeah don’t shoot at people bro we got to keep the meme alive I’m almost there I’m 500 me away this little

Okay um Grand Glacier hop in the SUV oh you got to follow bot taking a sweet ass time get in the [ __ ] get in you’re looking at me he’s I got one just bumbling Theo you can teleport behind him like it’s horrible because there’s a

Free spot and he’s not even marked to do anything right now he’s just where the [ __ ] is he going what I know he’s just walking guys he’s spring he’s following the road he’s following the road he’s not even teleporting Jesus Christ ni we’ve got a blon on our team somebody has all the

Medallions right now I accidentally hit him in a storm oh grab that SUV grab that SUV where that’s what we need two SUVs I got one and then head to Grand Glacier don’t there’s no reason to fight those those NPCs I don’t know why you’re fighting them wait where

Is it those aren’t even the bosses you’re just fighting some random NPCs that won’t even fight back yeah fight back fight back I got someone that if you want it there’s a sports car right here BR I’m just chilling with this B are you going to come to us zapper oh you

Are all right uh whoever’s got the the G wagon come over to me I got a G wagon oh The Medallion person still in here what yeah no one goes here let’s do it can I Holy [ __ ] I haven’t actually fought these bosses no The Zone bro guess I’ll take this Z okay let’s go grab Vault actually [ __ ] that is that a real my uhud we don’t need it we don’t need it we don’t need it storm’s coming it’s not worth it

Yes we’re going to have to leave we’re not going to get enough what do you mean the storm is about to encase it and we got to go the circle probably make far no we’ wi we can make bro your BS won’t that’s the very smart BS are going to die but

What uh leg DN grab the [ __ ] let’s go next Zone will probably be [ __ ] and our NPCs don’t they’re not smart enough to walk out of Zone unless we get them to where where are you where are you going where are you [ __ ] why you were at us and then you

Left what are you doing y were sitting in the zone so you went across the Map ah get in we’re motor vehicle I’ll stand on top of it stand on top the guy will follow okay let’s go there I actually walked in the GL before pretty fun is it cold yeah really cold or no no actually it’s pretty warm what I wed GL being shot at bro ice isn’t warm oh no that really sucks the touching the ice isn’t nice but standing on top of over here let’s go around it is like spice we’ll long we’ll long run it yay SC drive with us where are you do you

Not have an SUV I’m right behind you guys I do have an SUV but look at did my bot get in his car look at it it’s it’s oh um oh hey The Medallion guy’s following us oh I go bottom that’s to the let’s go to the top of the Mountain we can take the Launchpad to find a better spot hopefully just keep going go go go going to try to scope at a good spot I mean realistically what [ __ ] from where where where me oh [ __ ] I’m being resed oh [ __ ] dude where the [ __ ] are they

Okay we got to leave we got to leave everyone go go for there go for there go for there go for the mark go for pink Mark yeah they’re still trying to snipe me while I’m gliding don’t Glide just [ __ ] drop skyd the hill dangus [ __ ] [ __ ] mouth is dead no no

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you can buy this person I think you can buy this person no you can’t [ __ ] I don’t even know how they’re sniping me while I’m in storm this [ __ ] is out are cracked these guys are cracked are guys basically made a top 10 though so I’ll take I’ll take

That win I guess how many guys do we have left I still have mine is my bot dead [ __ ] my guy sitting in storm he’s the only one left and he’s sitting in storm I think that might be mine oh [ __ ] they’re up there they’re going to they’re they’re

Coming down to us they’re coming down to us they’re coming down to us mark them please mark oh my God please mark them [ __ ] I head just charger out of the port [ __ ] sow see if you see them mark them [ __ ] Mark Mark the people they’re on top of

The very Mountain we can’t [ __ ] move we can’t go anywhere one’s landing on me I you have to stay other yes never we got to move storm storm storm go Medallion Medallion go I’m just I’m I’m just running I’m I’m I’m running all right it’s okay it’s okay we’re we’re all

Right there’s a trio left we not just got to play safe got to play it save I’m dead have any of our all the way up there oh [ __ ] he’s trying to snipe I don’t know if they got any kills oh [ __ ] it’s five tick [ __ ] it’s five

Tick [ __ ] [ __ ] I can’t make it dog canine where are you [ __ ] not dying I’ll get his re I’ll try Fu down I cannot get his reboot this is no way now oh [ __ ] off there’s people everywhere [ __ ] I had dropped my SMG to [ __ ] my assault rifle so I had an SMG

Grab my reboot there’s literally no gain to any of us if I grab your re I know you can’t you [ __ ] let me grapple I feel like they made the grappler like 20 times worth now [ __ ] damn all right I I gotta go to do my Jolly

Old Roger friends that I just met like 30 minutes ago to do to to do indeed my buddy o Pals buddy great uh why why did he leave so quick is he in the server well I guess I guess what no we’re changing it to a

Trio six player Trio okay we go back to Minecraft right six player Trio ready up canine ready up yeah yeah I need to in the snowy region I should still use the sniper okay if we all go for the same people we’re all on the same side of the

Map we’re on the right side so if we just keep going for the same guys we were going for we should be all right s all right s that was a depressing loss we all just got slowly whittel down by the sniper it is it is bro

Enemy I I got Whitted by a storm St bro I got [ __ ] by storm I don’t know about you noobs yeah storm [ __ ] me I was at one Health by storm no I I got I I [ __ ] someone and then got [ __ ] I was the last one standing you barely see my Location got low 200 300 how is this guy Not Dead Yet 400 500 400 600 500 660 that’s all I got before it kick me how do you not die man he’s cheating yeah he probably got like a medallion the same Str yeah well do

Don’t let him die this time sad is a good uh well metalmouth died like the end so no I mean he let his die immediately oh yeah don’t fall off has anyone even done a squad Duo oh I think we did radar what does it mean a squad oh like

A squad in Duos yeah yeah I’ve done it it’s not crazy why are so many people going there what the hell what the hell there’s two teams if they’re real I’m backing now don’t hire your guys until I figure out my guy my guy was hired at the very start and he saved

Me yeah I hired mine I think they’re AI I just don’t have a weapon the place I landed is very nonabundant mouth met mouth ah I got one out of the water you [ __ ] okay I killed the trio well my loots bad cuz another Trio landed at the Winter Fest location can’t

Go there but whatever where are we going I guess we can try to go back go to Grand glacier no one ever really drops them didn’t I’ll be there in a second be there in a few minutes is there snow that you can drown in you dying no being shot at so that’s

The bot that’s how we got last time get in the car thank you there’s people here and I I don’t want to engage I’m on my way I’m heading to Grand Glacier just follow this road Got kills that was a heart-wrenching loss very what you lose so I guess we play this game B Bally like a normal game just with them there yeah oh you guys are get in oh he’s already in never mind yeah in the already no we’re just rolling

Up oh [ __ ] wait move go there actually go all the way over there good luck man I don’t want you here all right I’m here most important time oh I’m actually here this [ __ ] I help TR fair trade radical radics let’s head to Vault VA inste

Move y [ __ ] your fish man was in my way bumbling idiot [ __ ] offload his entire yes thanks man appreciate it yes I have something for you I have something for you no [ __ ] I don’t want your handouts you want my handouts you rymy little pumu I took your hand

Out sure you don’t want the hand out right there here have a purple one nobody wants a purple sniper now I got one I don’t know why but I think it’d be funny if I fulled this uh green shotgun so I’m going to bro you’re not going to

Take the sniper though no why what an awesome what because bro kid it okay we got to leave yeah we got to go we got to spram storm is our number one enemy and I don’t want to have it be my enemy again any SUVs

Ins sight no car he someone get in the car with me here’s your old car I can use there’s no gas Jesus Christ I just ran out of gas I got get on top let me get on top oh [ __ ] yeah not ideal God damn hey you still on top man yeah we

Good all right then time to spram fish stick think he part of the team bro they all just following guys ready for this play you ready for this play look at this oh my God right in between the lines he thinks he’s a Pro driver bro this is

NASCAR I have my G2 you have your nothing no hide in these one of the it’s one of the tanks I go in them you yeah I’m looking for shield I don’t want it I level up on fornite this week I fornite this weekend Z bro I don’t work for a [ __ ]

Week you want any you need that I heard you didn’t say nothing yes I did don’t leave this time oh look at him stuck in one spot sliding eternally don’t leave this time look at him stuck in one spot sliding stay with us we got [ __ ] because

You just went across the map last time in start getting shot at sit still hide don’t move hide oh now okay now we can leave we can go to whatever this is someone get on dirt bike with me what the fu why is he sneaking

Huh let me on are you seeing this am I skitso I can’t damage it and you can go through it l I’m standing in it right now right yeah oh you’re on it now okay you guys have get perfectly parked in but whoa what kind of car is that look at him

He’s already [ __ ] got [ __ ] gas you have also my guy’s CR walking go to the ping ping I’m at the Ping oh this is where I was last time this this is where I got metal m who returned to his uh childhood home now here here’s a funny idea what

Why’ you do that testing your shotgun you’re testing your shotgun if you can shoot everyone in that in that in that in that I wanted to know if there was blanks in it or not I think it’s windowless too a window yeah this is perfect get all your guys in move them in

Here wait we got to get in a no I don’t that’s too much effort I’m not doing that no what are you doing [ __ ] you have a [ __ ] on your team you actually am employing you’re employing a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Christ I almost cracked one of

Them yeah I can’t what we do 116 on one of them fuck6 on banana yeah sorry Peter banan banana [ __ ] it I’m pushing he’s coming gu down there throwing clingers down there oh good work nice nobody pushed banana with me I was stuck fighting this other [ __ ] D he’s

Low my guy’s still alive I wonder how fast we could get it with all eight of them just basically an instant revive if we had them all there oh okay let’s get back into the bush the bush bush is a good idea what did I have actually anyone

Have Med kit Medallion no oh Med kit right here Medallion oh we got to leave we got a medallion pushing us I think let’s head the I don’t want to talk about it please help me I don’t want to talk about it please help me I’m being revived never mind leave okay okay

We’re fine we’re fine leave him leave him leave him leave him I cleared myself why did you still go for him he was being revived I got I got movement I got movement so dog went up there and then the revive was finished you got movement hey wait let’s

Grab the cash we can grab the cash and then get Z some heals Shield up yeah I still have the is this in zone kind of is yeah the most uh sou kind of hi it yeah it is I have there why are there so many chests is there a vault here

Prob no there’s not it’s just chests the Lord what the hell oh this is taking too long bro what is Zone’s going to encroach before oh maybe not you’re you’re Edge Z aren’t you no just outside yeah you’re like right here just outside so once the cash opens you should get Shield

It also those guys that we fought against they were really bad at the game yeah I did it again how how I don’t understand how how do you keep on taking damage he keeps throwing at himself stop doing that drop them get rid of them like

We’re trying to win this and you’re just damaging yourself every three my guy happens you don’t get to have those anymore yeah no they’re right in front of me I’m taking you’re not allow them I have them you guys can’t take my put them down no no I don’t want to [ __ ] things

Down cuz of your stupidity look at my hand look what I have flinger wait what where’s fish stick he’s dead you D my guy the fight he was getting beam first he was just standing there with pickaxe like dumb ass anyone have uh uh medium no I got wait you need ammo yeah

That’s good I’m good I’m good oh copyright yeah stop it’s you’re bad at saxophone you can’t even play it through the helmet it makes no sense you’re putting it in your nose we I think he’s approving of it okay let’s go outer edge Zone let’s just

Run out Outer Edge this way follow me yeah we don’t [ __ ] with Medallion guy that or we go for Island and find a rift Medallion guy is theing we [ __ ] oh Rift yeah I I appreciate you listening yeah I appreciate you listening to the coms though actually

Really help that’s not what we said like what every time this is why we lost last round OPP you say something and then you do the exact opposite you’re going in a completely different direction of me and Kine because are literally following me we’ll have to start saying the opposite

Now we are because you went the wrong way we’re following you you went the WR the wrong way so we’re leaving where we were going and following you [ __ ] I think they finding a rift we’re just taking a rift and leaving and oh great okay can you probably going

Have to find a new one I got it I got it I got it you go pink marker we’re not going Island we not going Island we’re not going Island we’re not going Island my God we’re not going Island no I had to leave there’s guy front me oh hey there’s guys in

Front of me that’s interesting I’ve never seen a person before I’m curious if they could hurt me were you Landing that red marker yes okay Jes [ __ ] Christ no one’s landing on me oh for [ __ ] sake are you serious no I just seen thing I you guys going to this cabin then I

Got two homies with me I got who’s it who who’s whose guy is this guy middle mouth is me oh damn gra Mar him before you fight him please hey uh on me on me on me I have to help him s let me finish the [ __ ] die

Thank you there’s another team by the way flanking us from the other angle yeah there’s people there I got to Sonic stop it you have movement okay never mind okay this plan yeah leave I’m I’m uh we’re done zeph you can go back to Minecraft I’m going back to

Minec bye you want to play some Leal company bye see a chump Peter copter cool where is that I don’t know is uhoh okay that’s already booted [ __ ] well that [ __ ] boots up completely I’m F to [ __ ] serve my food I’m hungry hungry Whole pack of hot dogs ohy multiplayer I come to loot I know we’ve got some cool stuff That’s You guys aren’t really doing me no Good apples Aree that up on a mountain again which is not what I want I do like y 400 m that’s not even too bad dad you know what [ __ ] it this is my Home where’s the entrance that is the entrance so I’m thinking a Stairway two blocks This [ __ ] Cobblestone get the wood and collect this Done t that’s a piss off you don’t work tomorrow actually we have an opening show yeah oh yeah this is beautiful stairs a downstairs that I won’t be messing with but this is this is the vibe I like it a I think we have to be doing all this stuff

Moners I got to think I could do it in this Cor not not that close all right you can do it here be all the way going be painful H yeah here is the new start of a new start not as much as what I had but honestly good oh but I

Glass I think this side will be last all right oh the Emmy system probably not a good idea uh [ __ ] like [ __ ] [ __ ] to me oh I need food oh bro I hate not being it’s going to be fun BR get some actual IR de I guess

I you guys to see the full gameplay in action of how what was that making oh yeah Armor go we go not fully back to what I had but honestly it’s freaking good make some iron pickaxes yeah they durability Pokemon check up on my hey I got a viewer is that uh is that Mr B dead the best viewer All back there but I avoided it not as hly andly as used to be in the snow M that’s my house for who wants to know I went on the server instead I got unbanned so bro got a house oh I think I either got banned uh lost

Connection damn did he close the server hell bro oh no no we’re back maybe it was me maybe it was me I think it might I thought he closed his server I was like no uh fortnite was decent though how’s your day so far they left The they left call it’s slowly Whitt we played two games uh lost lost the one guy and then we it slowly Whitt down to More not I’m playing this on Peaceful so it’s not the same can’t just casually b m no no you’re good you’re good there’s cool stuff you came back at a good time I’m back on this uh what I honestly thought this was water but uh Blue Cave Crystal can I collect

It I can I think I have to put these around my base I don’t know if you’ve seen it but it’s uh it’s Popp I got the pretty good B what a good cave I like good time to come back this feels like some loot dungeon cave or something in many those

But you’re you’re good for not not responding doing your own thing I I like right now I’m cooking so I’m actually speaking of cooking I’m might be done so I’m going to hide in this wall eat some food yeah I’m definitely done cooking it’s definitely done put this up

Here and I think the crystal is what was blowing do myself a dub just just in case I don’t know yeah you guys get something cool to look at be back oh it’s way over back oh stop got to make sure man’s fed while man gets Fed Go that’s a lot Hot For aect is it perfect I let you guys hear that pop I don’t know if it’s going to cut the pop but I’m put on Des spill that [ __ ] the pop we go almost back I’m not going to get cheese that’s a that’s a lot weird a god

Weird I tell you what has a lot of [ __ ] weird all right see what’s going on what type of YouTube do you watch my guy so usually I’m I’m like an iPad baby but don’t sit on my iPad all day I like to eat I like to eat and watch stuff

The all right back to it be best I bring down wood I did not genius absolute genius I let’s hope whoever developed this stuff was smart and uh down not interested what to do buckle tonight we F you shoot through this buddy pound town baby [ __ ] I can’t hear a s I hit

Him for I be no blind had so much potential for goods just taking away for for there’s actually like so I can beat the Minecraft ones 3 two animals That’s the furniture one I think that’s only I do when I get a basement and all that but that look does look cool you witch see that’s going to be funny adventure almost craft an obsidian pickaxe it seems like it’s something starter but it also sounds overpowered for for for Under SE under the SE it is so lovely you can Me w sitting there and [ __ ] spam and Escape like why I leave what this doing what this Stopping Ow Creepers whatever’s going on over there’s the ver beef now Some stuff I need titanium probably also need titanium that’s just uranium might be later on thing you ready Nice uh yeah want to get back to me like cave [ __ ] there’s a lot up there stealing these best believe I’m stealing these Like slowly mine some that’s [ __ ] up I almost got [ __ ] on back k what you do to my junior oh oh oh what’ you do to my junior what’ you do what’ you do oh [ __ ] oh okay thisy get you let see also to respond your juniors in a better

Place more copper I’ll take it o this thing actually has a lot of stuff I’m going to miss a lot of it but can’t go wrong with some my girlfriend love me nothing will will ever replace Coral [ __ ] Dr bit [ __ ] that’s kind of scary that’s kind of scary I love that stun

Effect it’s a great great add-on digging like that when I have a map just some a stuff [ __ ] I don’t have to too many so I’ll figure out what I but honestly I do like it cuz I don’t have to flatten any land anywhere I just realized that right here right now

Yes this is a kind of a dub place to live you guys okay see I can’t do it now I can’t I got to make stairs and stuff and that’s just a whole another thing and then like it it’ll look good though it’ll look good and now I have something you’re fully lit

Now but we didn’t uh we didn’t get the the goal either but I got a bunch of ORS and now we can go for round two I know you guys are excited for that I am on This Server just cuz uh it’s not keep inventory it’s not strugle

Things one I don’t even want it Yes I have to Room that does look Splendid all right so this CU I break this [ __ ] that the freaking hole in me wall [Applause] there Uh going to the m and I ain’t coming back nether sticks in a chest all right me need a new food supply e SP here very uh peaceful sound effect is cool probably but pry good look was it D in the scaryy I’m say get to the dong which be superior right

Now of Food that’s one of the things that’s one of the ones I died at actually that’s funny brings me back to the good old days it’s pretty low though I can take that you I just done this oh Well crap For oh felt bad he stopped Shooting really same but I can do I’m feeling what they felt first play through is nice over there the melon Circle yes oh right nice the melon tril let wa for yeah see whatever this is for bro have any couble some play block too it’s grab to yeah uh actually yeah

[ __ ] changing up my dream mid dream it’s okay all right it’s all the boring stuff now so I don’t blame anyone if they want to leave holy [ __ ] hello hello hello always does this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] have you turned [ __ ] your mother [ __ ] your mother [ __ ] have you turned what you on the server yeah oh [ __ ] up right back oh All right are you live streaming yeah is anyone there one all what’s up might be me yes I open another tab I’m loading up the mob pack or about to Bro is uh just making it smell three right Now what I’m making El you right now I found a base by the way It’s a like Castle someone’s base my base or a or pre-built Ones damn no one’s been in since B do and he just dipped where did B do run off to Bro do B Dot I might definitely go on my own for like an hour so I can set [ __ ] up for my episodes just so you’re aware yeah def we just don’t play together what you don’t got to death and we just don’t play together damn I didn’t know you felt

That okay I guess we just don’t play together what I said you don’t you don’t have to Def and we just not playing together you said you’re doing your own thing to set up yeah no it’s fine are you able to mark stuff for me Mark like a lava pool or something I

Guess I can look up I don’t have anything how do you pull up the actual like full map to to look around I don’t know I don’t know I have to look it up I’ll look at it when I get in I’m just doing it another

Buton I can’t figure it out I you did a six hour live long live stream still live no your other one yeah 6 hours God damn yach damn y damn there we go I fixed that I guess I can’t [ __ ] there’s there’s definitely a way but I just can’t do it right now

What are you trying to do map yeah good why did my game Crash bro yeah should you oh my controller mod God damn I hate that good thing I got rid of it for the next build when are you doing that I’m going I got to do it tonight at some

Point I don’t want to do it while you’re on the server right now no wrong for that I got finish the mod pack then send it off to the people who run the server get them to enable the new version of it which took it was AIDS last time it took like 2

Hours and then everyone has to download the new version an import CSE s that’s what you don’t want to do oh uh me system me system that’s one of the things I wanted yeah I was going to going to but it didn’t work apparently the person who made the

Server people said that it was crashing the server or something oh damn so they’re going to see our builds yeah is there something bad no definitely don’t want to build a swast what about two H right now you’ve got me there you got you got a point all

Right troller yes we’re heated up which means I put lava in this and I [ __ ] up but a well you’re not going to make videos you’re just going to stream it well I guess I’ll still make videos but I got to figure hey you’re back so I’ve literally just transformed

This cave into or this uh also don’t play it too much I know what I mean there’s not much to progress with at the moment anyways well we have like I I don’t know what we agreed on but it was like I think like 10 hours a week something like

That which gives you enough time to play a decent amount per day if you want to I would just put [ __ ] it how silver is that is that better than iron I don’t know oh there’s also backpacks in this I don’t know if you knew that I do I added

It no that’s an absolute dub I haven’t uh gotten mine yet cuz I haven’t seen a single [ __ ] cow but rest of sure going to do get that there’s enlarge I have a lot of uranium uranium but no titanium zoom in mini map zoom out mini

Map toggo mini map I don’t think there is a way to open It um hold M and it’ll make it bigger yeah maybe I replace the mini map with a different one you know there’s a if there’s a lava source near you no I’m still running off the first amount of lava that I found and it seems to be going down pretty

Quick actually before I do a video I’m going to go add more mods and balance some more [ __ ] out on the next version of it what is your armor like what do you have uh diamond and iron speaking about thank you what oh I used all my stuff thank you for what reminding

Me reminding you of what making better armor bro how many diamonds do you have I have topaz and I have four just Diamonds oh better not have been opening all those chests bro no if you actually check back my stream I passed by to went and collected the melons and didn’t open

Actually I opened the chest and stole the what’s it called the carrots cuz I was starving I don’t care what the carrots those are [ __ ] all whatever take them whatever man take it are you are you looking at my stream show you obviously I’m in the snow biome so I

Claim this whole snow land right like just this flat land right here I’m when we get the blo mod I’m going to fill it up but this is my house how close are you to my base uh not too far actually like a dub distance I can literally run

To you oh wait uh send your coordinates in the coordinate Discord channel before you forget damn ises it not marker for you do it no where are you going wait can you can you do that no you got to a what a pain in the ass all right let me just

F2 just send a photo F2 I mean f is it F2 oh I guess it is I’ll try to add a PL gistics again if it works it works if it doesn’t it does where’s uh that has to be set just just cuz I have it up

There that’s the wrong Channel but you can send it in there you got to send it in the Discord Channel that’s the wrong this thing it’s not even a thing anymore it’s [ __ ] there’s I removed you right after you added the photo of the black dude okay

Go to the Wilderness on your left panel go to coordinates Wilderness it’s in coordinates yeah yeah yeah there’s a delay on the stream so I don’t know if you already figured that out proba yeah no I I already figured it I was like bro

Um just type it in or go back to it go back to your Minecraft and I’ll just take a screenshot of it wait Did you get it yeah did what the [ __ ] is that I don’t know that’s one of my screenshots it’s so small what is that I

Don’t know here here I’m on the screen okay go over to your base so it’s like more exact cuz I don’t know if other people know figure out that it is the castle go to your Castle bro okay I got it you got it already yeah yeah it’s fine the fact you

Said you were looking at it made it me realize that yeah you’re right no you got to tell them it’s big red Castle I don’t want don’t want that to be like that that’s a nice base and I have plans to build off of it so I hope

Do not destroy is that still a is that a thing yeah no D drain is it what are the rules is there a rules chat we need we need a Discord rules should I I guess I probably should as well there’s there’s rules so might as well put them in there

Okay yeah you’re right give me a Sec um oh is there any way we can turn it to Peaceful bro no I think the one time I put on Peaceful was cuz I was sitting there AFK trying to test something no you put on Peaceful when I first started get oh okay well that’s fair I guess I’m not

Doing it again though like okay so you destroying bases is a no to an extent what why to an extent what I mean by to an extent is if someone were to make your your base into an Airship or someone else’s base into an Airship and fly it away for the

Memes that’s that’s fair game cuz it’s it’s a meme so that that’s the thing I would allow I’m just going to make the bridge soon so it’ll cost a lot to move there’s also mine goes under ground too why might you need a lot of airships that’s what I’m trying to

Say I’m just I’m right passing your house okay other rule no looting iron and Diamond op chest golden carrots are fine uh thank you for that gold thing bro was struggling with his [ __ ] um everything else full diamond got the to passs got everything and then no more than 10 hours a week

And I can check play time I’m pretty sure through the oh but I stream so you’re going to be playing way more than everyone else if you that doesn’t it’s not fair but I’m a noob I I’m not really doing anything I’m just running around building and you’ve already got

Almost a full set of diamonds so that just proves to me why it should be a thing what cuz I had diamonds on my prior inventory and then I mined the rest okay this you’re it’s a 10 hour max oh I’m probably already at six or seven

Bro I don’t know I guess uh let’s let’s say you’ve only ran through uh 1 hour then for now okay you got nine hours left and it’s Thursday so that gives you freedom but next week you got to tone down the play time yeah or tomorrow is you get

Tomorrow or next week you got to tone down the play time well I’ll be working it’s going be more difficult later on for me working okay what El else do I want to add is there something I wanted to remove oh yeah the map that need new

One there’s another one that’s are there reviews can you look at like the reviews I know most of them I just I remember this one you were able to pull up the map I’m sure there’s some way I just don’t know oh oh okay it’s another mod that you add on

To that one to make it so you can look at the map what see yeah this one’s good this one’s good then I like the look of it cuz it’s more like a vanilla Vibe the one in Pixelmon that you were playing with that one feels like too much I don’t know it

Is too much I like Pixelmon like bro I made the most massive [ __ ] farm and then I found out I couldn’t even use it I was like oh you can’t make Poke Balls you can’t use Farms like uh the apricorn uh I don’t know I’m not I wasn’t even that

Big of Pokemon so Pixelmon I never really saw is that interesting guy Factory I feel like I’d have too much to learn and it just off this is a good start to be honest what’s like Cy craft no Cy C craft is way more this is a very Bas mod pack

Wait where is Cy craft I have Cy Craft on I can check no this has more mods than Cy craft hey hycraft was a simple mod pack they just made it look like a lot by spreading it out well yeah he didn’t he waited like he went through the the entire series

Slowly going through stuff and that’s what made it enjoyable sweet that’s what I’m planning to do I found my carrots that I dropped when we were fighting I said I’ll drop the carrots that’s funny as [ __ ] bro has his carrots again I have 30 carrots is that a spawner that’s a

Spawner that’s a vanilla spawner at that Lucky Block you were getting a little too low for Comfort there so I ate as a dam wait I think you’re at the area I finally found my clay yeah you are missed a lucky block in the end of my

Last episode I finally found clay and you’re there see my first episode like on the solo I [ __ ] found clay like everywhere bro yeah but on this version of the map it’s so hard yeah thank God I got a reboot on that cuz when I was looking for clay was like yeah

Damn yach damn yach damn see imagine stealing the whole island what were you going to say oh yo B dots back when did he type that oh that was ages ago get out my face you are a waste like the least lucky lucky one I’ve got send dudes what is this s

Dudes what is this is this that lucky spawner oh that I thought yeah that is I think the green shit’s kite oh yeah yeah yeah I have Kryptonite I can’t pick it up though I don’t know what you need for it yeah well I can’t pick it up it’s

Probably like glow St oh wait what that is weird what the hell pick it up there lag oh it’s I think it’s like glow stone though yeah it is so wait whoever Superman’s losing to me whoever chooses Superman just it’s an L Choice any it’s mid he’s good to fly he’s good

To use to fly but everything else no but then like Iron Man doesn’t really have a counter Iron Man’s not too strong Kryptonite I mean who knows how strong he is in this could be a little a little bit different you know a little bit different who knows I don’t know maybe

You know I don’t uh it could be different uh who knows uh will uh shut up I don’t know you know cuz I don’t MAA trap doors whoa special trap doors that’s so [ __ ] coolite though I don’t know now you have it I make Superman with it I I doubt

It I haven’t looked into that mod really last time I used it there were spawning Avengers towers that would just give you a one of the superhero Powers which I guess is kind of op but it was a thing there like a 2% chance of getting it then it’s not too

Bad yeah we have The Ether we need glow stone see that’s something I want to do when I can fly or something I guess it’s not as cool do you have a back back yet no can’t find any [ __ ] leather there’s an upgrade system with it which I also

Like security CRA they do not what what what uh oh that looks cool mod is the backpack I think it’s just straight up backpack mod I think I added a mod that’s specifically just for backpacks up I can’t remove anything so I can’t replace the backpack mod because that’ll

Conflict with [ __ ] cuz I don’t know what it adds just click on it it’ll tell you how to craft Street Lea leather sticks oh yo that’s crazy easy what the hell and you can just hold unlimited probably iron to open it copper uh use the lunar craft copper though

I think oh really it’s only that copper too weird no it accepts all the all the silver too gold it just takes gold and iron just every version uh that’s cool diamond takes all diamonds too charge Diamond why would anyone that’s nice what why would anyone use a charge di for

This uh I don’t know what it does it’s probably just is is it just a standard Diamond no I think it’s one of the diamonds that blow up or no it’s a to paint and then this is the obsidan one which is easy already have God yeah minus the

Losing losing the hunger it’s great is uh Cameron going to make a Minecraft World with you you think world with me no do say anything he wants to start GTA with him I’m like yeah uh I don’t really like GTA online not too big on it he already

Asked me and I said I don’t know it’s not even online though it’s just him me and him and like no it is he just decides to go alone he CH he chooses to go I get it it’s better better for grinding but bro gets bored easily I found a lava Pit yes’s going silent he’s definitely screenshotting the coordinates no I can just go back to it if I want to I was just being quiet reading [ __ ] name it lava pool I’m adding loads of mod I’m going to make it way heavier wait can you hover over an it

Like a sword in your inventory I want to see if something’s there like go in the yeah in the inventory and then hover over your sword like yeah yeah okay cool I’m adding something that lets us see durability I just need to make sure that it wasn’t

Uh wait hold shift did that show durability No yes or no no I said no okay well you weren’t talking clearly you clearly you were being too quiet or something I didn’t hear nothing um are you going to go crazy with Tinkers it’s your base like what the [ __ ] random found her what I might try it but like I don’t

Know what’s the best like what’s the best sword in Tinkers uhhuh I think I remember uh suunday saying the Rapier was the best cuz it could break through armor immediately I think like it just hit it ignored armor I think I do remember that yes that was interesting I’m curious about that

Actually oh found leather you found what leather oh leather I was like what are you saying I’m getting double teamed I’m getting double Teamed should be enough yeah it’s enough but I’m going keep it going one viewer is that you are you still watching me stream yeah back off back off back off back off back off oh I forgot about extra utilities I needed it that gives lassos I think the golden

Lasso you remember that oh yeah kind of like a Poké ball oh is that where the magic wand is Builder’s wand yeah nice yeah I get that yeah yeah it’s going to go crazy I think Chance cubes were better than regular Lucky Blocks oh yeah that’s a smart idea breaking them W Big W wait you can just add Pixelmon as a normal mod I thought it was a mod pack I could add Pixelmon into that I’m not going to but you could would probably break it though cuz there’s no uh enemy mobs in Pixelmon there’s not that’s such an L

Pixelmon seems like such like honestly it doesn’t seem fun if I wanted to play Pokemon I’d play it I wouldn’t play Minecraft Pokemon no Minecraft po you’re you’re you’re lacking it’s the fact of making your making all your [ __ ] in my inecraft and playing Pokemon you’re not a Pokemon fan so you can’t

Play yourself that’s what I was basically saying you took the words out of your mouth son um um oh you know what would be cool Ender Corey how do I add that remember that oh yeah endio I think is is who messaged heart work chat whatever my

Internet isn’t working I pull out this piece of paper and pretend I’m on my phone who sent that cringe Megan she’s getting old and she was threatening mom that she’ll join Tanisha at the strip club for some reason I don’t don’t really know what what goes

On there but I don’t think she get it except well I mean like realistically only fans is better man you’re making more and you’re not you’re not having to go to the bank and deposit 97,000 000 ones yeah when you deposit all those ones they just

Know the doesn’t the club do that for you though do they I was they do that for you you count the money yourself give them the Money man how do you deposit the mol uh is this mystical crops remember like manio [ __ ] yeah yeah manio yeah it is magical cops that is what it is cuz you could grow like diamonds and [ __ ] I don’t remember what else you could do that but I remember Craner

Would always go really really big on that Ker’s no Sundy would what wouldn’t Sundy do that he did it in the scar yeah but he he was bigger with he was bigger with stuff for trolling oh remember when H Craner did the massive rubber tree oh

Yeah and then it’s I was thinking about doing that and then I realized that the moment it starts burning the entire server will get destroyed all it needs is one lightning hit and the server is destroyed yeah no we going keep we go keep that keep the under

WS no one got to know about that one no one got a know they don’t need to know they don’t needit me gold whoa what you saying it’s not big enough bud oh I’ll give you a bigger cocking bigger Hawking talking and cocking butd but but butd but but but

But but but but but think I said but enough I don’t know but probably Nature’s Compass is an item that allows you to view biomes anywhere in the world that’s cool I suppose a mod with a over 100 million downloads and that’s the only thing it gives you literally one

Item Yo cars that’d be so AIDS let’s go really really nugget cast that’s all I have on this scyth head uh see do you need actual clay for for the cast how do you get a cast I don’t know kill yourself oh you’ve done this you got to tell me how to do

This what do you want I’m trying to make casts oh man oh man like bindings and [ __ ] yeah look it up in the the right thing like this thing on the right what’s it called Co will binding um you have to make you have to make like a wood one or something first

And then and then it will let you maybe it’s just called binding actually yeah I think it is you can’t look up on the tankers construct things for some reason it doesn’t let you do that anymore there’s probably some way to add it but I just don’t know cuz I’m not very

Smart I make the mods I don’t edit them table stencil too blank PW wooden sticks all right all right we’re getting somewhere man why am I so tired man I swear swear man I’m tiing I’m going to smash my monitor I swear probably I probably swear I might swash my mother I

Think I possibly will I’m not I’m not sure yet I got to think about it because it was expensive actually I got it the Best Buy it was originally for my grandson but then then my mother made it so I couldn’t go near them anymore because she said that I shouldn’t be

Masturbating too close to the school and I had an issue with that so now I’m using the monitor that was for him and I I don’t know if I want to break it cuz it has memories attached to it I swear I swear at the end I

Swear you had to add he had to finish it off to finish the meme what is Cy this mod adds large variety of random things like what um We already have emerald tools and [ __ ] I hello sat imagine if someone join right when I said that that’d be so horrible oh my gosh please someone don’t join you definitely don’t want to join but if you are here type in chat there is two people watching so someone’s lurking someone’s

Lurking wonder if that’s Mr bed possible possible type in chat we see you lurking do you have the Tinker construct book can I steal that from you is anyone to ask you questions yeah I don’t I I I yes what is it called like go to it

I got to see the exact name of it I don’t know what it is look it up I don’t have it I can’t look it up I don’t know what it is I just know you start with it I I’ll check your stuff I solidly swear

Will not steal but I will check your stuff CU it’s just one of those books you start with your inventory cuz like yeah I do have two concurrent viewers who’s in my chat who’s luring I was to be like bro bro you almost got you readit you’re

Like hold up no it was in the corner of my eye I was like hold up then I read it I was like okay we safe here we safe it’s only it’s only Nate it’s only Nate haers it’s only my good old friend from high school those short Endermen those are short

Endermen I feel bad for them you’re the last pick on the team bro I swear I swear I swear we I I’m going to break my monitor I swear okay I’m almost I’m at your base has more chest I guess I’m going to smash my monitor I swear no lighting next to his

Base cuz I haven’t done anything yet this is a first episode B I haven’t played since I did it don’t [ __ ] with that chest that’s a video chest I need it for Video hey go to go in oh [ __ ] fu yeah that’s all you have damn hey look up tinker’s construct it’s just on my phone no in the sidebar difficulty should be peaceful now too in your sidebar your inventory sidebar thing materials in you okay wait I there’s a delay so I’m waiting to see it oh I can just make

It what is it called though blank pattern materials in you just a blank powder a book materials and you I’ll try to do give Z YT mats you’re starting is this is this a chest for your the one lonely chest in front of your iron iron furnaces yeah did it give it to

You uh no I got it’s okay make it I guess don’t [ __ ] with the [ __ ] in my chest no I didn’t are you messing with uh the Superman stuff no that’s not what that is it’s Tinkers okay I’m I’m going to look up wait uranium

Yeah see that’s I gotta see that’s why I got to get into the Tinkers cuz there’s no Tinkers uranium there’s just the other one so I probably have some like decently overpowered stuff but just don’t know about it a dolphin stuck under the ice whatever around so I don’t have to feel

Bad okay my beautiful base I swear I swear I guess I guess I swear oh actually BR needs some uh Stone BR needs some Stone I’m I’m going to do some work to my base make it look pretty and then I’m going to put some lights around it what a

[ __ ] remember when uh PewDiePie said that yeah we all everyone remembers when people probably said that if you don’t you’re [ __ ] I got you if if you don’t if you don’t you’re a stupid if you don’t subscribe no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I’ve

Subscribed okay what the scallop kill yourself shoot yourself in the skull okay I have finished the build the second build uh this is uh one one. two I think this this new update okay Wilderness uh wildness I’ve dug myself a hole now I’m going to sit in it

Okay let me export this and see if I can get this working I’m going to give you this version to start downloading if I do this correctly we might be able to just quickly do it and have us back in with minimal if we don’t do it quickly then then we won’t

Stop okay I’m going to send you something on Discord I’m only going to send you it for now because I don’t know if it works but I want you to download it before okay it’s sent check your Discord fam download that you don’t need to do

Anything with it yet you just need to download it Vin mining obsidian is Crazy by the way yeah I know that’s what I’ve been doing I have so much obsidian it’s not even useful I think I might either have a stone bridge or an obsidian bridge

Going oh by the way the nether in this there’s a nether thing it seems like really hell like actually hell to deal with I don’t know what the mobs are like there but oh is that the one oh I think I know what you’re talking about that’s

The even witchcraft has some pretty bad things in hell oh it has those big hell so yeah I’m not going are you downloading it I just getting in my base go throw some stuff this smel through I do that bro should add a staircase that’s what I’m doing that’s why I have all

These I got to extract I’m going to try to just move move all the mods over and then we’re set wait what the [ __ ] why is there no mods in this hold up wait a minute that’s not ideal I import one I got to make sure that’s not the

Case this is 16 C uh 16 Co per stack 16 yeah I think Co oh I actually don’t know the number I’m pretty sure I’m going to shoot you clip that and use it in their murder trial or in their trial he said he’s going to shoot me and that’s just you

I’m going to shoot you I may I may not I have to think about it I swear I swear I swear in ETC is there no swearing in but I swear okay why is the only mod showing up those those are worlds memory repo what the [ __ ] is that all right I’m doing

It oopsie guess it took me this long to do it do what download it I don’t think I’m going to be able to do it myself I think I’m going to have to get someone to do it so potential danger down better not be potentially fuing me oh yeah it’s potentially filled with

So many viruses bro potentially though it’s not it’s not full of viruses it’s just poten it could be you know yeah very much very well could be 50/50 on that yeah but we’ll we’ll keep it read check okay where is the [ __ ] file manager okay see so this

This is interesting how this works I am uh I I am kind of confused I I won’t lie I am I will admit when I’m ahead of my whatever your game I don’t know what your game oh okay wait problem solved I think which one I did December I think I did

What I need to do okay I have to copy all this [ __ ] over and then restart the server but I’ll wait until we’re all set oh God can I select all oh I can’t okay so I go in here I go wait before I [ __ ] with this I should

Probably back up the world shouldn’t I would you consider that a smart Idea I’m going to download world whatever the most recent save is so I don’t [ __ ] us and then I will delete all the mods and replace all the mods we making a massive Tinker construct right now damn what’s the red [ __ ] iron or blood IR I’m really sure I can’t fall in right

Now what I’m literally I’m dummy proofing it right now only thing is you don’t get to look at the cool that’s what I’m doing that’s what this one is BR thought about it I tried to do it down here and I used the wrong one [ __ ] sand busting

Busting now I got these CS don’t feel that punishing these birds bgs they just dropped their feathers without me having to kill him bro that’s so fact what I don’t know like what [ __ ] are you talking about the [ __ ] you want what the flup the flops the flame I’m going to beat the

[ __ ] out of someone that’s racist whoa you said [ __ ] oh no no no the heck out of someone if they’re racist no that’s was accidental man that’s a tick 30 Nick a 30 30 a nick nick the 30 30 is the Nick see you could just change the a with an

R what Nick R30 what no all right I know that sounds bad y finding a uploading the new mods I’m worried this [ __ ] gets [ __ ] there is no treasure chest on this I know but this is how you do it add Vin Miner to the modern version of Minecraft and just play

Vanilla actually yeah if I do end up doing a non non-modded SMP I will still mod it just light mods like V minor like new Mobs or you know everything I needed what the scallop oh [ __ ] E the hell is that you sneezing yeah that’s be quietly sneezing all right we’re

Going I need your opinion on something what white people L thank you I’m trying to say this the whole time but nobody listens absolute [ __ ] AR I’d so much prefer to be up skining not the [ __ ] you’re white yeah unfortunately y did you think did you

Think that I had white dots and not black dots on me yeah I thought you just had a lot of white dots on you like a lot oh no no that those are black dots well my boss tells me I don’t work all week and then tells me I work

Tomorrow make up J mind d L for you yeah I guess means I won’t be playing this all day holy moly o m o bro I missed the fortnite OG season we just had bro yeah they need to just do themselves a favor do us a favor bring it

Back say [ __ ] the chapter 5 [ __ ] the bosses we messed up we we running it back again third time we going back third time’s the charm we going back to the OG map again already they’re literally going to do that [ __ ] third times a charm next time and next time it’ll probably be

Permanent have it as a permanent mode I’m for it like I’m all for it you know I’m not you’re not you like chapter five add some St to add some sto to the game no like I think they’re going to have it as a second game mode oh like Lego and

[ __ ] yeah I guess that’d be cool I yes I yes be laughing at 3:00 a.m. because the voices in my head said a joke I’m going insane I’m going insane the voices are so fun this one works way better one doesn’t have they have different flows see I can stuff

Cy I take candy we are show what the got I take you to the candy shop I’m going to show you my [ __ ] I take you to the candy shop I I I show you uh I show I show you my monitor that I smashed I show you monitor I take

You today through AF store I show you one through that I break you don’t say w 60% uploaded to the server hope it saves CU I’m still doing what the [ __ ] is this caption man chill it’s just the Pink Panther what um yeah so I made a backup just in case it

Doesn’t save but I’m expecting it to I don’t see why it wouldn’t it still got all the mods it’s just got added [ __ ] on top of it if it is [ __ ] then I’m I’m honestly probably just going to have to kill myself hey man I’m Fu with

That like at that point we start a new world realistically why cuz there’s not much of a point no I mean like if it doesn’t say oh well I guess if it lets me use my backup then it’s whatever but if it doesn’t then we start a new world don’t

Try to get it back even then just bro look at my screen this is what I have going on down here Jesus Christ never in a million years are you going to need to use all all those [ __ ] what do you me what do you mean oh for a bunch of blocks ah

Okay okay I get the Vibes I get the Vibes yes you got it you got it I don’t know why they’re not dumping but completed okay you have what I said what I sent you downloaded you got to leave the server is that why they’re not flowing

Down no but I’m about to restart it so you’ll be kicked out soon I was already kicked out okay so uh screen share on Discord so I get an actual live you why are you is it is it new I need to tell you how to yeah I need to tell you

How to get the new mod in like you have to shut it all down oh damn shut it down shut it down um go this create custom profile press uh import previously created profile on the top and then go to the zip F yeah that yeah and then it’ll start uploading it

And then that’s what you’ll join with December Wilderness when does it come back what uh when’s the server come back it should be up by the time you’re in hopefully if nothing got [ __ ] I think my stream basically if everything goes to plan we’re good I think my stream [ __ ] up

But it’s still on for me so oh sweet okay this guy want me to check out this guy’s live making me work tomorrow such a [ __ ] hell like why tell me get me hyped up I made plans now I don’t Work so this e this even has what’s it called this even has the the tank uh Emy system yeah the new version I added should bro we are Wilding that’s that’s literally the next thing I have to do now [ __ ] an em system yeah once you get one

Of those it’s literally easy bro you’re just no no chest no chest the house looks nice I can put furniture in it’s dos it stops I’m loading Minecraft up right now [ __ ] it’s already five bro I’ve been on this chair for so [ __ ] long Z I don’t remember what it was like

To not be on it don’t know I’ve been on bro it’s taking so long to load we got more mods to load now though dream health I can’t check to see how long it just goes minus after a bit oh wait load before me hours for what streaming what I’ve been I’ve been

Streaming for seven hours God damn holy [ __ ] 12 oh my god do I pull a 12 how long is that wait I think it’ll be like 10 10 p.m. I mean it’s possible I can still pull 12 and work see if the server works I am very much hoping to God here I

Don’t want anything to be [ __ ] it’s not not giving me nothing like there’s not even a server there no oh must have deleted it from the cash wait okay I’m going to copy the IP and see if it lets me in give me a sec if it doesn’t I’m not even going to

Give it to you because there’s no point you’re right add server um I am a Tempting what the [ __ ] does that mean is it live Wait oh the sh is not even live why oh [ __ ] tell me it’s not [ __ ] trying to put it back up oh we had a good thing going I’m going to send you the IP so when I Dr you to there’s music on this now yeah turn that down not off bro I like it off oh it’s bro so the other one turns

Your master volume all the way down this one turns it all the way freaking Up I swear uhoh uhoh I just leak the IP they need the mod pack to play it anyway okay I’m joining it’s not ready connection refuse no further information it’s not loaded yet I don’t think wait what server crashed no No Okay we uh might have to take a break so I can try to figure this Out might as well contact support see what they can help me with that do not be the Greatest You could go on like creative and just mess around in a Solo World yeah there’s not much I can do but [ __ ] learn but Play fortnite for now I guess stream needs something to watch God damn that’s an now I’m going to smash my monitor I swear you uh you playing your your game your fortnite are you the one watching yeah at least I know there some watching my first

Viewer so I guess you’re like my third my first one was a child that wanted to play with me and I didn’t know it was a child my first viewer is my first [ __ ] lesson how do you ask someone their age in the chat just how old are you

Um I think it won’t even let them say it there you go now if you go back through the stream bro panicked bro just went silent he’s like ah [ __ ] what if you go back through the stream bro bro just panicked why cuz he I didn’t want to add

Him what he was trying to do was add an essential mod which basically makes you so people can play with you I didn’t know what it was I thought it was just an extra mod I was like oh you’re trying to trying to play with me like H so I

Just blocked them and and apologized on the stream after definitely an L so you can probably go through the chat it’s up there uh I don’t want to right now but I will maybe King Julian I’m just getting help right now we’re going to have to remove a mod that I have in there dead ass I thought it was you at the

Start until you talk to him I’m assuming yeah well bro said hello I love you hard how young of a child were you playing with I didn’t play with them I just added them on Discord and was like oh okay you’re were child and then I blocked them

Awkwardly then you unblocked him you said why aren’t you getting rid of the honai star rail thing in the corner of your screen cuz I’m just used to it at this point there for your for your in the Stream sake I’ve gotten rid of it okay I’m land Landing with my man obviously

Because oh we won with that by the way I forgot to record what we got a squad together won the eight player Squad thing and then I didn’t Record at least we know we had the idea first so if someone sees it we we do this is that kryptonite your contrail oh do the Kryptonite or someone on the other ones cuz I know you can turn someone over I don’t think I have what season is

That it’s super man season bro what I probably I do have Superman though yeah you probably have it bro played that season a lot I did that R Morty yeah oh yeah I played this those are two dub skins now that I look back us be like man’s [ __ ] gay a around here

Bro you think you’re going to get up there faster than me with them little toes oh you did oh wow you’re a fast runner I’m going to have to [ __ ] run now the only thing I can do is hope he doesn’t get a snip I’ve been sniped twice doing this this rank

I hate ranked what rank are you now what rank are you now uh Platinum three God damn are you going to get to Unreal then no there’s Diamond [Applause] Champion I thought PL I thought unreal is [Applause] next I was debating it CH wow I’m not winning this game like this

Is why I [ __ ] hate rank bro every game and you still play it though cuz I want to get playing normal fortnite bro I want to have you best friend normal fortnite like it just doesn’t feel nice I’m killing Bots when I get to the end it’s full try hard it’s like

Damn all right server’s up actually yeah with the new new mods you’re in what yeah i in it right now okay beautiful it’s working it is working I’m fully in everything saved I got all my stuff it’s working nice I don’t know if you’ve seen my screen the second you said you were

In bro bro left for there’s a mod you have to remove there’s a mod you have to remove there’s a mod you have how do I do that uh go to curse Forge um go to the December Wilderness pack and uh it’s there’s a search bar at the

Bottom oh wait never mind never mind it’s fine you don’t need to you don’t need to it works without it I’ll be right back just this this stream sees it just slide in like this is this is a beautiful fact that there’s homies and stuff just we’ve added all the cool mods

Too and I think now I’ll be able to look up Tinkers and it’ll it’ll look it up and U be able to pull up the mini map it’s just a lot of uh lot of mods that are beneficial especially to the live stream some more of him he he added them all I

Just kind of like pointed some decent mods out like I pointed out the Emy system and I think he was already thinking about it but we got it now it’s just showing me pulling up you know I don’t like the latency just like I don’t mind you guys

Have oh someone else check it don’t know it don’t mind having the latency but it also just makes the chat ter I should have I could have finished the game but honest there’s no point fortnite just for people play all the time I can learn this on my own face so I Left yes yes stff doesn’t Why is it did I make the wrong thing got rid of that oh oh [ __ ] he added this I have so many questions yo are you in so many questions bro we’ve got everything in here now though I think but the crafting menu is gone what do you mean just normal crafting

Menu oh well you don’t need that anyway wait where’s the me me dries what the [ __ ] well added the other [ __ ] so weird actually there was a lot of stuff added I kind of forgot about a lot of the stuff I added so I guess we’re just going to see how it works

Um a [ __ ] ow ow ow how do I get out of this you’re in the Tiner construct yeah if I break it do I lose everything inside of it I’ve never broken it you’re the test me oh okay I got out with knockback I’m fine there’s so much blood in there now though

260 uh whatever MB is M buckets I think mil buckets I don’t know why that sounds so hilarious bro it’s Mill buckets obviously Mill buckets all right I’m going to go off on my own for a bit make like a a video so I have something

Uh I don’t know how long it’ll be yeah not having the crafting menu is kind of eats you can look everything up already but I don’t know what it’s called what are you trying to find uh it’s like a it’s the faucet oh it’s called a the the faucet it’s called it’s it’s

Called a seared faucet oh you’ve made a bunch of casting channel oh damn L couldn’t be me what does this SE okay I’ll talk to you in a bit just me new chat Minecraft empty it oh hello hello you got pinged it’s just cuz I sent the mod pack download thing like

The new one I had to send the new one so people know I I didn’t know they have to know they have to know my friend oh wait wait I forgot to check the how to pull up the map like the actual map now you can world

Map you’re probably going to have to mess with your controls to make it po pop up okay I found the book though what is M for if m is not for map what does it normally do add a vent marker [ __ ] off what is it Home what does m do Does it pull up the map for you no okay it does now you just have to remove go to your go to your controls settings options uh controls and then you got to go down to replay mod I think how far down is it I think it’s NE for

Bottom there’s something that uses M it should be red oh you passed it okay you just went back to it for a second it’s just so [ __ ] delayed that it takes me seven seconds to see what you’re actually doing there’s something don’t go to the mini map thing go to the

Uh don’t go mini map go to the the other what is it call it again I forgot cuz you’re not on it the the replay mod that’s what it is okay so just scroll up slowly until okay can you just screen share but did I pass

It yeah and it’s impossible to tell you where it is when it’s like 15sec delay it’s not further down it just says replay it’s upward I’m just looking for replay right here did you find it yes okay the thing one of the one of the keys on there is

An M it’s like add event marker press on that and then change it to like home button on your keyboard or something something random because you’re never going to use it but just so it’s not being used that does not work either yeah it does does press some something random on your keyboard

Apostrophe and then just press done and then go back into the world and you should be able to see your map oh I think it removed our our way points guess who’s home oh I removed our way points I got to make a new one oh lav full gone not a big deal

Though map setting how do I do that it’s one of the bot if you press M now you can just m and right click on the map where you want to put a waypoint it’s easier okay I’m going to mute again just home toce now all times not not finding anything that

This is one the inventory is getting low now Big all right we’re going to have my first Tinkers might be a waste of gold how what do I do oh was this not anym Can you call me I need I need help with the Tiner constru I just don’t know how to it doesn’t show it in the book I don’t know how to turn these plates hey how do I turn these plates into I’m messaging you in game I know I seen that

I need your responses Oh I thought you had me unmuted you you were just muted no I I had it full I don’t know where the lava thing is uh it’s south from your base I recommend Google to be honest cuz it’s hard to explain [ __ ] and

I had to Google a lot of it too I don’t know the inner working Tinkers I just know that I wanted to have fun with it I’m going to mute back up cuz I’m like I’m recording right now that’s what I’m right yeah south from your

Base South is a lava south from your base yeah that’s cuz I remember going north and it’s up to your base okay I’ll head in that direction then thank you sir no problem no problem my good my good sir and so what hey does vein Miner work for

You probably not it doesn’t work for you um I think it might have changed the the key bind when we reset does not work where’s or excavation means you’re going have to go through your keybinds again yeah it’s something called grave now we have to change it back to left

Shift yeah it works now okay you got to find it it’s called or excavation Okay down or excavation okay I’m leaving again one more thing I forgot to tell you you can use those chests with [ __ ] in them doesn’t matter free rain they’re they’re gone out of the game so it’s a limited quantity now all right all right open uh [ __ ] it doesn’t Work blow on the mic in it that’s sneaking Zo There Tool station Bur Uh I for all right let’s do me first two on IR oh don’t freaking ask me do I don’t [ __ ] know it was day I just told him yes I’m either going to get a [ __ ] you or thank you I kind an Idea actually finding cast is one of the things I needed oh that that’s is in there girl there’s a stencil thing There What you have this one I have to look up I have no choice I’m I’m done walking uh YouTube is always the best thing to look it literally made for searching same like Google it’s literally a kids video bro I think I have to mute for copyright look so ah red hair it’s always a a red flly There That you Br and br uh There Uh Uh We’ve hit a we’ve yeah we’ve hit a road block I need to Elum hurts that h a lot Br And put the copper in there that feels Good Nothing stream strength is good [ __ ] hello hello server going to [ __ ] for you yeah yeah I tried to load into The Nether and it [ __ ] everything I think the server just crashed that’s great that’s that’s not that’s uh great uh I don’t know if it’ll let us load in

Or if we’re going to have to restart the server any aluminum sry I’m stuck on the con aluminum yep you need aluminum and Tinkers y for what the cast oh really yeah it’s not gold I thought it was just I thought it was just gold have you have you used gold has it

Worked no I haven’t done it no it’s brass I tried that’s why I was what I was prepping for well guess what you need brass at least you that’s wonderful have to disappoint people me I have to go [ __ ] search for [ __ ] okay I I think I have to restart

The server you’re in the club oh no it’s currently restarting never mind what you’re in the club you’re in no you’re in the club the club after to search for [ __ ] too oh I was like what are you talking about bro I think it I think it’s still

Loading up it’s got a lot of mods so okay so I guess nether is off limit so I don’t know how we’re going to beat the Game hell can you give me glowstone for The Ether what can you give me glow stone for the either not right now not right now though we might be able to get the nether back up and running I don’t know we’ll see I don’t know why it was an

Issue still [ __ ] loading up Goddamn I think it’s actually L me in this time says logging in I don’t know what’s up with the [ __ ] nether bro oh it’s trying to load me into The Nether it’s all red bro please don’t [ __ ] the server if I’m stuck in the nether permanently that’s GNA be such an L too

If it just constantly crash okay no we’re good I’m in the nether okay we’re fine it was just a lot for the server to load up a brand new [ __ ] Dimension after never loading it up we have yeah there’s like five 20 Dimensions where okay I’m going to have

To make a portal because my Portal’s not even here damn what the crash got rid of all my cop or R there’s only one in there I mean you still have it you just you just don’t have it cooked probably no it’s only one it wouldn’t have just taken it away because

I still have all my [ __ ] I have one everything from directly what okay godamn it’s like a lot to load I get but my game is freezing every 3 seconds I’m turning down my render distance at like two trunks right now how am I dying what is is attacking

Me can I see like let me do Something I’m being burnt alive by something right now some like spirit and it crashed God damn it bro just leave leave NE I’m trying but my game freezes every three seconds so now I can’t we’re have to reload everything holy [ __ ] that’s Annoying I’m going to try and disable that Nether Mod God damn it like I’m actually just I I get like one frame a second when I’m there [ __ ] live what what dude Squid Okay you think it’s loading back up Now let you get out the nether before I get in so it’s not Too I want you get Stuck For Are you the nether I haven’t loaded in oh the server didn’t even [ __ ] start up I remove the L Nether Mod so hopefully it doesn’t [ __ ] everything if it does I’m going to be not very happy I think I can just delete the Nether World I going to try to do that what nobody that like I was just bro was just trying to go hang out in the nether man trying to chill man I just trying to have fun dim one is that what it is is it dim no I’ll be right Back Sh Number Sh I J Ni Yo y trying to I think I got out of the nether I don’t know it says loading so don’t join yet where the hell bro what what you can join but I’m at 13,000 14,000 it sent me so far out so L yeah it is enough I might just TP to be

Honest considering the fact that I shouldn’t even had to deal with that I explore a bit and then TP back [ __ ] like why does it freeze every 3 seconds this is so annoying is it doing that for you hello no hello what are you doing answer bro

You’re in [ __ ] you mean loading in I see your stream and it’s 15 seconds so you beat youve Been anyway is your stuff freezing constantly Xander what what like what are you doing bro I’m talking to you like what what what like you’re what the hell going to B going [ __ ] get to what you’re saying shut the [ __ ] up stop being a prick I’ve asked you like seven times

Okay say it you got my attention say it is your game freezing every like 5 Seconds no I haven’t moved at all I’m finishing Something cuz I have a lot of [ __ ] Open all right it says that I’m oh yeah I’m freezing you’re freezing yeah yeah what the hell bro dude we buggered it yeah I’m going to restart it Again bro went to the Nether and [ __ ] the entire server over that’s wonderful Ah Bro this Nick a30 guy I’m watching a clip [ __ ] knows all the spots in the in the thing there’s like spots I even Know and he’s family friendly Bounced off a [ __ ] house what bounc off house Get She A it’s loading up again by the Way hopefully it doesn’t [ __ ] freeze every five seconds dude still doing it yeah let’s give it a second to load I guess maybe that’s what it is you turn on Peaceful at least yeah I guess for now don’t mind the lag on it’s almost crashing levels though holy [ __ ] Under the

Sea what I’m going under the sea holy [ __ ] man it also did switch my brightness too that’s AIDS oh see I would have fallen in as AIDS AIDS thingers oh my God not a thing is it still lagging I just got it paused yeah but I still see it freezing what the [ __ ]

Why oh God like what it doesn’t even matter if we get it fixed right now cuz the server’s going to reset did you call the tech technial to support I’m trying to figure it out I mean maybe just going to technical support is best way what what it’s not working my

Uh vein Miner I’m just going through the controls to see what else is taking L shift W it’s nothing it’s just not working damn what isn’t working my uh vein Miner I told you how to fix it earlier you said just L shift now the keybind changed yeah in

There I’m in the key Bine so what if I do L shift click yep that’s something I can do shift left click so let’s see if that works fck is on shift left click it says it’s red it was working right before the server lag so maybe it’s the server lag but

See if I can van mine I guess me a sec oh [ __ ] can yeah I can oh I just mined loads of [ __ ] God damn it this is annoying bro like it’s every 3 seconds yeah it’s very annoying great no there’s no [ __ ] live chat guys even available [ __ ] so it’s

[ __ ] it works just at a very shitty Pace now it’s very small is it a different what’s this draconium have draconium I’m just going to restart my Minecraft go help super issues bro I fell in lava okay this lag is not bar I fell in lava and it [ __ ] almost killed

Me it’s horrible like you can’t do anything I don’t want the lag stoping the ban Miner [ __ ] it up but the B is terrible toe B Miner works for me it’s only doing two at a time maybe that’s a setting I [ __ ] up M [ __ ] I hate this oration need Fe there we

Go I don’t know what the is the obsidian or is that useful like can I smell that in the thingy I don’t know is it tinker’s construct no but all the all the ores aren’t I don’t know Double L BR my uranium just went to the donkers I’m reloading still I am just

Mining the lag oh it’s back it’s back I load it the leg was gone nice bro is actually still alive yo he’s back how’s it going who is B do yeah it’s bed dub I’m just doing some mining on the server we’re having a lot of technical issues actually so

Annoying yes see if I say up a bit can’t see anything that four Jesus Christ what he said through a Discord call watching someone play FNAF on uh oh yeah you I mean do you do you play VR did you play with them at some point damn damn uh I’m out of

Tools okay I think I fixed it for me yeah I’m not doing too bad either um no oh really got a little bit of lag I had to change how much RAM it was allowed to use for me and I I think that’s what was [ __ ]

It because it was trying to load in too much for me I don’t know if it’s for you too but I’ll say right now that that is a fact it feels good now though I don’t want to jinx it if it does that means I can finally get back to my plans

Bro it’s actually been like it’s been like 25 minutes since I was doing my video you’re lagging no I’m reading the chat I used to play I do have VR play rec room all the time just stop playing it though on VR chat on server restart we’re going

To we’re going to have you change your RAM like how much RAM it’s allowed to use to okay I think I found a a fortress nether fortress you’re in the Nether and Fortress Oh you mean like a dungeon a dungeon I hope it’s not a dungeon just keep it on Peaceful if it

Is cuz I have nothing right now bro lost everything was after server reset it’s going off though so you should get that of that area cuz you got less than 5 Minutes TR Jes Jesus acquire the Sheep pet that’s cool what’s that do um gives you wool I mean I guess that’s useful slow fall right now not a thing what does it eat uh wool I think it’s cannibal can I get a TP I can’t I can’t leave was thank

You how’s your game feeling uh I need is it really chy sand yeah it’s pretty choppy yeah okay then yeah we’re going to need to change yours cuz mine’s not choppy at all I’m really smooth now that was such a piss off and now I actually feel like I can play the

Game God that was that for a couple hours do the stream hours matter watch hours yeah does that matter uh yeah I think so I think it’ll let it’ll make them want to push it out more cuz it means more people are enjoying it you know okay I I don’t know how it

Works I thought it was just people like your stuff and then it gets you know like doesn’t just go off light I don’t know if I’ll be monetized I’m uh not the most that’ll be a while you need 4,000 hours anyway watch hours or just hours in general watch

Hours okay I probably oh hey it is gold it is gold for the binding for the cast stuff it’s gold okay did you use a a stone stone thing no I used wood no way you used wood I tried it earlier it didn’t work you let me my ALT account got motation

Before you already mon monetized damn does that count I monetization does watch it’s only when people watch you I had monetization but I stopped I stopped doing I got I don’t know I wasn’t feeling it for a while I mean you can always go back to and they removed it

Always go back to it I just lost my watch hours and I lost a lot of the viewer base so I’m trying to get that back up hence this this is the reason for this server I’m disconnecting you should too well I’m just about to get in my castle

Okay when it kicks you out screen share so I can tell you how to fix the issue okay well I got one minute to get inside see this is why I need a staircase I’m upgrading the staircase the content and my all stuff don’t do any the

Road all right have a good night mans So I have 51 wow that’s actually gone up by three average to video 6 hours in total lost time that’s what it was okay I’m going back to chat I wasn’t able to see that for a hot Minute oh I was trying to click like in an OBS have a good day bed I don’t know if I already said that but seeing it again so I’m saying it Again For For e e for that E Some For hey sorry mom wanted me to do some stuff hello hello hello hello where is bro I load up the server now IM that’s crazy got crazy guys hello honestly hi uh you want to fix it yeah okay um you got to close down Minecraft completely

Why you know when that thing pops up the launcher that shows play at the bottom yeah that’s where I need you to go oh so so that creeper at the bottom hope open that like on your hot bar it’s h bar at the bottom of your screen

Pull that up on your monitor that I can see okay go installations go over to that press the three dots all the way edit um go more options you see down at the start of the jvm arguments it says 45 6 M or something like that yeah remove those four numbers in the

M just that nothing else and then replace with 8 G and then save No Cap No Cap No Cap I don’t know if it matters but I didn’t so better safe than sorry no no not 8 what does it say eight just 8 G yeah like that that looks

Good and then you can start up the game should be good so why isn’t even a server side issue I guess wait do you not have maybe you don’t have enough RAM on your computer hold up that could be an issue if it pops up an error code let me see

It actually go go to your settings on your computer just look it up search settings Oh no you’re loading up you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine I didn’t realize it was loading up in the background you should be fine I think Rose got some popped corn corn oh [ __ ]

What whoa I got a head from a zombie that’s kind of cool hey that’s pretty good I knock on cap that’s pretty good hey what’s up bed he back yeah he back he back what up bed what is up Mr bed I’m G to come back to your stream so I

Can see your chat I don’t want to stream I turn into videos you can still turn into videos from the stream can you not yeah but a good amount of the people who watch my videos also watch my streams so it’s like who’s W rewatching what they’ve already watched you know you right

Hard ass afon edit I gotta see that hard ass edit what Heard Shaggy said no no no why yo that’s fire what the edit that he’s got on his Channel That’s So Fire bad that’s so fire bro that’s fire Chanel hard as [ __ ] um when you click on their name it should say go to channel yeah zepher do a live reaction

Um says hide from Channel L monitor put on time out it doesn’t say go to channel B gives B give me your permission and I’ll send him the link to your channel b b you don’t give him permission look up anyways I am going to I need bed’s

Explicit consent do I have to get OBS out yes you do have to get OBS out I’ll even put it on the main screen there’s no camera action but you get the you know all all those okay he wants it okay I’m just sending you the link click on the

Link let me get the B who wants your Discord what what is your Discord app Ze 1248 I’ll typ it yeah this is Ze 1248 I have have a I sent it in chat all right we’re getting a live reaction this is going to be cool I got to watch the live reaction

Which one do I it’s in videos what do I play or wait the hard ass Aton hard ass Aon edit it’s got Shaggy okay Are you challenging me are you challenging that does wait was that a giving your track record your options did you make these edits are going to be extremely Limited instead of me I didn’t watch him but I love that actor underrated as I always come I want to watch that movie too that’s that’s a nice edit should do an edit for uh I guess they don’t really shout out say like big streamers so they don’t

Really do shout outs on who does the edits yeah unless you put like 17 copyright things on it put 20 think smarter not harder oh man the whole thing’s copyright all right I’m just going to shift click everything in here the edit basically spoils the movie oh no I mean

I already got it spoiled from uh from Tik Tok you spoiled it for me he sent you a friend request oh one second I already had all of it SP TI to but isn’t that does it look does it look like the movie goes hard I

Mean what I heard was it doesn’t go good for people who are big on FNAF but it goes good for anyone else see I don’t know [ __ ] about FNAF so it’ll go hard for me uh that is Yo bed twinning bro I got hacked too oh I’m not even looking at the chat

Bro I can’t see this chat’s not is chat’s not updating for me I had a 2016 account well he sent you a friend request so just accept it oh yeah there we go it’s updated do we do a a big call I mean if he wants to I’m down I

Guess yo bot you trying to do a big call Mr Bad bot I mean into a GC ah voice he’s down he’s down he’s down in the top right there’s a add icon and then you just find me and add me the online one the one with the

Green here we go all right I’m going call in here I guess the voice reveal here we go what will he sound like hey hello oh he muted oh [ __ ] I’m getting killed I’m got my welcome welcome to the the channel I the YouTube live i m the YouTube

Live you are on the YouTube live hello hello hello I I bet it’s an honor how you doing I bet it’s it’s it’s an honor to be to be on the the live it is you grabb some permafrost too I thought that that looked cool I wanted

To use it in a base somehow I might throw it on my base yeah so right now we’re we’re just gaming on this uh server how much keep the stream muted the entire time I’m watching I guess yeah oh wait I should make I’m going to quickly make a

Thumbnail to replace place that GTA thumb Now give me a sec it’s uh little overrated I mean I don’t know how to change them anyways I got I’m a manager I can even I can do it he’s the well I mean my camera on too I’ve been making them YouTube

Videos since uh I think 2015 they were [ __ ] but they were still there you know I’ve been I I started the same time I just didn’t continue I started before you you you were like bro that’s cool as [ __ ] so many people after realizing I had one

Tried to do it and then D just either got bored of it or just didn’t want to do it anymore I don’t know it’s a hard thing to fully get into let’s be honest yeah but my videos back then edited on thumbnail just a recording and then done

Uploaded I think I only started editing in like 2019 and I was barely even uploading them keyboard keyboard yeah oh he’s doing a face reveal Zer you got to show it do a face reveal do a [ __ ] reveal he’s doing a [ __ ] reveal let’s go pop it right on

There put her on the desk all right there we go just going to [ __ ] break this wait can I use this to break it added somebody else they were a child it was an awkward uh awkward 10 seconds or maybe even 10 minutes what they probably look through

Your stream after you just block them no they stay in for I thought zepper was my friend thought we were homies so I changed something about my hand extra Rings yeah like a lot let’s go orig I was originally only with this one yeah yeah got this one are those special in some

Way uh this expensive or something this one was for Christmas this one was just a mood ring oh I had to break it oh this one this one’s just a Sharpie oh yeah no that’s fact actually I I I think I might have figured that one out myself all right

You guys ready as you wish he’s pulling his cocko he’s pulling his Co hit my camera hit my camera now adjust it without showing my face I think that’s the best I made you a thumbnail it’s simple but I can give you a thumbnail I already made

It my thumbnails is a picture of a dog bro that’s actually that’ probably go hard Pi I ask for my bro that’s the wild 2 let’s go the Wilderness episode 2 modded Minecraft yeah okay yeah ow stop that that’ll probably get us a lot of extra

Views actually no lot bro you know that you know that one hard ass William Aton edit yes we’re playing with that guy he’s the one I like I kept going down with I kept losing views somehow like actually losing I don’t know how that happen just does

Randomly they hi your channel that be YouTube they racist all right there’s the thumbnail your your videos updated new title and thumbnail what’s up to know want to know what my Minecraft skin used to be what let me see if I can find it really quick here’s

Just here is very very old B 3 more SK my my Minecraft used to be horses Forest took so long to make cuz it’s going off I can find old pfp that I’m going to start using it’s basically that was the really old one right I have a paladin

Pickaxe sorry if I sound weird by the way talking a lot I mean you don’t find him I mean I don’t know what you sound like normally so maybe you do sound weird but sound fine to me no man you sound a little weird I don’t know what’s going on

There what you you sound like a piece of [ __ ] bro I don’t know you just really sound like one you dead oh okay no I see The Vibes well not your Minecraft skin was accurate like really accurate that was Al that that was based on my old Banner when I was still

Like it’s always based on 50s common Windows background yeah I literally Google search that I think that I recreated that last year I think I only did BDM 3D cuz like you can’t put here usern usually so like wait you want to see my logo it’s

So fire wait where is it give me a second what folder did I put this [ __ ] in where’s your nether moment why why I don’t think we should go back in it well that’s the next phase of me getting I want to send screenshots

Of my skins but like if I if I want to send what my skin looks like I have to send it in like the actual file version which is not ideal I’m going in the nether right now we’ll see if it works all right just I’m just going to

Join your server somehow with zero mods and just going to inst would it just crash us or crash you crash me or actually probably probably let me in in general I updated we got like 120 mods now yeah it crashed yeah I saw 91 mods the guy

Was I’m in the nether it works now the nether is fixed oh good job woo let’s go radar common radar W I wouldn’t say w but it’s radar thing okay what what would you call it rather than W because in my eyes large W’s nothing but W’s in my eyes large call

Nothing but large watching now we do oh what up bro yo wait yo talk in the chat this is one of my viewers that was uh in the chat before that and you know what that tells you that tells you that loyal viewers get get special privileges [ __ ] through

Theace and just see me talking I don’t like that please peaceful please peaceful what what happening to you I’m lagging and there’s like mobs please please please please please please please please please please please please please yeah just disconnect disconnect disconnect I can’t yeah but that’s fix

The lag it means we got to fix your RAM [ __ ] it’s screen I’ll turn down my I’ll turn down my render see that unless with the actual I already it didn’t really work for me so let’s nice frame go to your screen share and then go to your settings I got to see

How much RAM you have that that instantly just crash what the hell taner oh yeah I guess I have to screen share fck i g to try and just say poor poor I’m a task commander close something and may or may not crash my PC you’re not screen sh okay cool okay

Go only full screen just um where is about the about um system have you guys considered deleting system 32 go down yeah go about hey 16 gigs you should be able to make a a then eight okay close that down go back to the Minecraft launcher area the like one

Of the creeper icon that was telling you to change the R I think it didn’t change and I’m not sure why no you got to like press play damn I need water keep bottle next to me I’ve like full abandoned what I was doing on my video I gotta get back to

That soon after I fix your [ __ ] okay go installations PR got edit more options I cancel that yeah okay so press on the M like the Ed the okay there you go one more now eight G save now press play oh yeah that’s a good idea actually yeah

Okay we should be vibing we should be vibing with the triing B you play Minecraft a lot I used to play it a lot I don’t I don’t really play a lot of games anymore um okay it works a wde selection of games I don’t do mods because two it

Freezes [ __ ] so that’s fair that is fair last real time using mods is with RP are you are you with uh PC I I used to use I use a laptop now look at his camera man he’s proving it right now don’t thing he is he came with receipts on

That he came with receipts okay it worked because it shows 7.2 megabytes so we’re good should have to deal with must lag anymore Nintendo switch controller really is it because you play on Nintendo switch or is it just the controller you chose I just own the controller and like

I just own I don’t have a Nintendo switch I just have you know all these games you know but no controller you know godamn Bowser’s a furry Bowser’s Fury that was a furry I know a friend who’s a furry and I’m disappointed in it well he has a death for me I think

So I’ll be right back I’m go grab a Drink comat broat logged you’re getting banned from my Minecraft whoa whoa whoa whoa combat logging didn’t help you have like a YouTube intro you youever do use a YouTube in uh no no I have one my good friend made it getting shot bro there this guy’s Persistent Minecraft is just overly Loud what’s your thoughts on Caucasian People for real look at the grp bik what’s your base coordinates don’t have that that’s hot it’s in the server to check that when you’re there bro I’m not telling you my coordinates check what do you need to go to my base for I want to go to Nether can you mine

Like loads of obsidian bro all your di game now this three people watching two of them are in a call and then one of them are just lurking one out for one that’s lurking I’m going to turn Down [ __ ] I basically tried almost every form cont wor for me GTA RP uh well not like I don’t know I I don’t even know Minecraft had a role play Community to be honest with you yeah Minecraft does it’s usually usually or oh mistress I I don’t want to get into

Original role play because God just don’t go to what this don’t go uh Beyond under one year ago on my Channel or else you won’t not don’t go to your channel and I find nothing but hell yeah you are basically just just if you’re going to watch any videos just

Watch it anything that’s been at least one year ago anything above that uh creepers are so annoying to fight on this creeper cuz there’s no knock back I don’t know why but I actually paid for advertisement for a f video how many views did you get from it uh well I can check

My uh I think if you’re going to do it buying it like legit ads rather than just like buying views is probably the best way to go cuz then you actually have a chance of having some people who actually like the content I think 136

Views for it how much did you put in I don’t know I think like a couple dollars actually just to like test it I didn’t put a crazy amount average viewer duration 60 36 seconds of like a 2 minute video almost I mean then that’s that’s pretty

Good that’s pretty good no they don’t get to the good parts of it yeah I I don’t think I’ve I don’t think I’ve mastered the art of reeling people in just yet of course of course that’s where they stop or that they I got to I could

Have learned that actually I should that c that no bro why whenever I’m interacting with someone for the first time in a YouTube live chat they always refer to me as bot oh yeah bro we’re guilty of that don’t worry everyone does that zepher you hear that that’s actually

Why that’s why I did that by the way that’s why I did that by the way cuz we did it yeah put that as a damn damn I don’t even care you know it’s whatever it’s whatever anyway let’s not talk about sad stuff like that cuz that’s just yeah

Whatever all right uh your zeper I’m going to abandon you you got you two have fun for a bit I’m going to deaf and try to finish up what I had planned are you before it gets to late your I am recording I only I I barely did everything I wanted to

Do cuz we went into The Nether and then the entire every plan was just destroyed speaking okay this logical decision and guess what I found I found a carrot I killed a zombie and got a carrot so I’ve got I’ve got a good food carrots my favorite

Food the what carrot you I don’t eat actually I don’t e go Dayy okay I will return I’ll just unde randomly to listen to him voice Randomly he that all right fin com on my impression what the [ __ ] no Fu I if I if I had that video like oh my God what one of the things I need though isleep what what do I need to mine that diamond oh I don’t have that NE Imperium

Oh I instantly found another Fortress good in any other play through right now all I hear is death so that’s like right next to my portal too horse Probably build another base there Got to figure out what the [ __ ] Minds that [ __ ] can’t to she just tried to hit me P he’s trying to chase me with that [ __ ] now I I just looked at him said no no not the thing not the thing I guess I can mark his base now

That I just [ __ ] spawned at it what up don’t F the hell Dogs Stop That maybe that’s what’s causing the leg streaming tce you Are Turn off this mus for decrease the a lot more God damn it dude did it just time you out of the server yeah it did God damn it I went into the ether um damn BR yeah I thought we were going to do that together damn

Bro oh I didn’t know we were I was just making I was just testing it and I guess it’s a good thing I did it probably just crushed cuz it’s a new biome new biome yeah uh I’m going to try to load back in after when it resets is that something

You want to do together or alone I mean I’m down to I was just I was just making sure worked I didn’t want to actually do anything with it in this like today so go to the nether what do you need to mine Molin and stuff like calt

Is oh is manoline in the nether yeah yeah does diamond not mine it oh I didn’t have a diamond pickaxe damn I got timed out again server closed oh I didn’t know it let you load back in I just restarted the server like a [ __ ] I didn’t know it was actually

Going to let us play the game again oh I just got back in ran around I thought it was it was shutting down the server now we’ve got to wait damn it start what you having tonight uh big old fat stack of everything from the last night which is uh potatoes meatballs chicken

Another I’m back apparently it’s a new new fortnite shop but I’m looking at it from this screenshot and it looks actually identical to yesterday oh they added the stranger thing [ __ ] oh you remind me deep stuff The Stranger Things is terrible I’ve never watched it I don’t

Think I ever will I watched it a bit of it with Lily it was terrible just cringy you stranger things four kids I he like five what he like five kids it’s the no not are they kids is it four kids oh four kids no no

No I wouldn’t say so like there’s some bits that would definitely scare kids like give them nightmares and [ __ ] not going to lie one of the people in stranger things I think they’re in stranger things they’re baddy I don’t know what their name is but there’s a baddy there’s a baddy on that set chick no I don’t like her y well now I don’t know what what body you’re talking about

So I’m just thinking about the bald chick you got to you got to post some facts in this in the chat bro I got to look up [ __ ] Str stranger it’s in your cast yeah no it’s not her she ugly bro yo I forgot about this guy he ugly as what

The hell cast was I think that’s why it’s so popular it’s like relatable that’s funny I knew you going to say him I knew you were gonna say him Dustin um this is who I was talking about this is who I was talking about okay oh I thought you talk thought she

Bad she bad I kind of look like the first image by the way damn you do my friend say I do sorry to hear that man Jesus I do this if you want you know camera up you know I’m here for the face reveal oh and

This girl wait and this girl this the [ __ ] the ice cream girl I think no 11’s ugly I don’t know I’m not a fan wait wait wait wait those two they baddies 11 with long look up 11 with long hair kind of okay Bobby okay I I I can see it I suppose picture let me see if it’s if it’s what I’m thinking it is yo what the [ __ ] e no bro it timed me out again I think no it didn’t it sent me back to the Overworld yeah I’m back at home Before God I hate white People I’m parach shooting down like she’s all right but there’s some photos where she looks like pretty attractive I won’t lie But you eating microwaveable craft dinner what you eating microwavable craft dinner yeah it’s it’s not it’s not the creative craft it’s just AI mac and cheese I like the shapes better well I mean in Canada the mac and cheese is just we call it craft dinner it’s called that on the box Too cool is that is that what is that who you were thinking of Xander the photo I just sent with the pink dress and tits out she dim titties oh my God I I didn’t even clock that until I looked back in the photo wolf how’s the I’m testing The Ether

Again F okay it works I lag out what weird why I’m joking I’m think I’m doing reaction do start some reaction sh on my channel react to uh uh Zephyr Zephyr Jefferson live streams just watch it just watch it silently just sit it while teing I mean basically the ex some ARG

Like I’m I want to watch an ARG like haven’t watched it yet so good I guess like I’m never good I’m I am not good with reactions like I just say nothing really bro that’s the that’s the meta though xqc meta I sit there help what please peaceful please

Peaceful please I just left the game please hey if you you die that’s the way of life man that’s the way of life it’s the beauty of a Minecraft Let’s Play Why do you keep changing it out of peaceful what you keep changing it two and out of

PS4 I had it on when I I had it I don’t want it on I only had it on when our game was lagging a bunch earlier or the SP just turn it back on what does he keep yelling does likeand keep yelling about keeping out peaceful or something yeah I don’t

Care yo Ander you want a first name basis now bed what’s your name I thought you talking about his his username I thought youon it bad zeph Zephyr Jefferson Zephyr Zephyr Jefferson okay call me okay well how am my carrots not grown 0% growth grow they’re back there we go oh

[ __ ] damn I’m almost out of carrots as my food source use both I don’t know if I have many bones kid doesn’t have any bones he’s bad he’s bad skill difference skill difference skill difference terrible you see better the game you should kill yourself now oh wait that

Works all right I have a temporary light bro how do I get one carrot out of a fully grown all right I got car it’s gr all right I guess I’m going to leave again I’m or dein again I have to get back to what I was doing for like the 70th time

Too wait have a spawner under my house though it’s kind of I don’t tell you there’s a lot of room down there need string I guess Str shs my face that’s easy I can do That all right so I have to fight I need ni the wall RC will it fight back fight back fight back now I feel bad look oh there here we go there’s bre let’s go sweet you literally have what I need first chest what’s this had diamond need re

Up that’s XP base too so I’m I’m going to keep that a thing all right backpack is going to be accomplished [ __ ] work anyways have enough copper L yeah look just yeah copper oh that’s a d you that’s such a you SP Chief n backpack really do be D

Wait wait wait can I hold two if I can hold two this is [ __ ] broken and if not I’ll give the other one to radar he deserves a good good m H use all my vanilla trap chest work I’m making sense to Me theps You can holdt too you can holdt too oh holy [ __ ] man you can to wow woy that’s overpowered I have two shulker boxes basically that I can upgrade that’s chat we’re winning right m okay we the return rate better be better I’m stroking my [ __ ] right now lotion my and I’m stroking

It oh I fell off I fell off a while ago there we go for you don’t make them you just find them [ __ ] especially with all these [ __ ] where’s you One and it’s actually delay hard time loading up new stuff finally yes excuse me I’m here h for something a lot of Minecraft Gamers did not think about oh make a lover usually just chees that button for Birch house is coming down is that it just it’s got a thing there too

Oh yeah I guess already ruined your whole [ __ ] and the furnace El Now there you think that exit you got all right we go W trees I’m actually mind this one want to this W fine though hammer I taken Elma from her home and uh giv her a new one I guess is it a ship yo that’s dope that’s

Just a ship it’s not even a pirate ship oh maybe it’s pirate wish which is Retreat oh another Thor hammer What I need you I need you oh H but I don’t really care presumably they destroyed this Village here I would guess F there go No this is the One Y Very peaceful that Just Feel I remember the obsidian or I got home I wonder any pickaxes with that I thought that wait a minute there could be some use there for I’m down there all that nice nice we get an L in the chat for Mr radar do a [ __ ] plant oh you [ __ ] got my way

Buddy buddy buddy buddy Budd I got me way that’s a big castle but I’m not expl I’m a superhero be everything right now I am super zero so good I’ve already filled up a backpack there’s so much [ __ ] that’s not really of use in there so we can I can

Go through it I can go through it that we got it we got it we got it we game it’s really nice playing the server though playing alone [ __ ] suck yeah do a now I know there’s chances of me meeting up with the homie’s wishing for global warming at this very moment

Another one holy [ __ ] this Witcher thing given them a sword or something this literally just a fighting arena bro I’m going to head out all right have a good night man all right thanks you too thanks for being me first we first concurrent Hello he left the group call so I’m switching over here I’m trying to make myself a builder’s one for my base but leather is a [ __ ] to get leather yeah you got to go to uh like literally just straight up bu the streight of mobile ones or you

Can kill some of the animals actually dropped them some of the weird ones I think I have enough but just AIDS I was going to find some and a [ __ ] venus fly trap came out of a bush almost killed me and then I kept going and another Bush another venus fly trap

Killed me and they have crazy range for some reason I’ve been all these things I have a bunch of whatever the io [ __ ] man okay whatever uh yeah Ender IO stuff is I’ve got a bunch of it like I’m fully kitted on whatever that should is and I found two Thor’s hammers

Ham yeah so I’ll be willing to trade that for the location future location of what there’s Hammer I you probably already found 15 I haven’t found one how’ you find one bro right next to each other you trying to you trying to give me one I can’t pick him

Up oh you need to be worthy yeah I add a waypoint to that then bro I did I didn’t do it the second one it’s literally like [ __ ] 200 blocks away to the left I might as well stay unmuted because I’m just going to do like a time lapse of the

Build since it’s going to take [ __ ] forever are you doing a big massive build I can’t wait to see that I’m building a castle my brother he brother wait how long have you been streaming for a minute wait hold up let me see 10 hours 10 hours two more

Hours oh [ __ ] I dropped my weapon bro I hate night in this I’m almost over my food too yeah night’s not really forgiving I mean I guess I’m down and turn on Peaceful for a bit if you want it on yeah I’ll take it only because only cuz I’m

Building only because it’ll benefit you I mean it benefits both of us you get more of a benefit you get to run through the mines with no consequence not really I mean so far it’s been no consequences like I’ve killed everything okay yeah you’ve got a guy

Yeah he’s not my actual wife or anything just I thought bro was gay I thought you were gay man want to smack a [ __ ] out now there’s nothing now there’s something wrong with that now that we’re in a woke age and all but there’s something wrong

Bro is bed watching the stream like what was he talking to you no not really well you you were in at call with him and he wasn’t even saying anything no what no he was not beet maybe it’s artistic oh bro I just figured something out that’s

Overpowered damn do I have more sugar can bro he’s going to die he died I I have to go get sugar cane now sugar oh I had I made an iranium pickaxe what is it good iranium um it’s all right man better than diamond yeah I think it’s better than Diamond worse than

Manolin I have so much of that so thank you for telling me I make that picka is and they have like a rad there’s like a pulsating radiation effect where the sugar cane at bruh Fair fellow some sugarcane what are you having how do you

How do you drop how do you drop stuff Q you click yeah but click and Q but there’s there’s got to be a way to drop Stacks just throw it to the side oh you just click on you click on it drag it out of your inventory and just drop it

Damn that’s slow as [ __ ] shift q no that’s still slow there’s also a garbage icon in your in your inventory by the way you can delete [ __ ] if you don’t want it oh which I always forget about to be honest yeah I was say that I did not

Know hold shift to open click the delete okay wait I don’t have my boat for so a it’s should diverse on water type deals yeah you can just we don’t have the Aquatic update you could throw the boats down that’s what I’ve been doing I have to grab one just make

One yeah but I found one H I went to where I found a portal gun before and instead of finding a portal gun I found an oak boat or sacred Oak boat see if you have to find a portal gun that’s the thing I have to do just a fullon uh exploration trick

Basically that’s I was doing this time but you said BR it deleted my but okay I’m cheating it back in you’re what deleted my boat what of boat you have I don’t know it’s just I think it’s just normal so I’m not going to type it all it

But there’s no such oh right it’s just boats in this mode there is no Birch boats I don’t I think you said bow oh now it places wonderful I got titanium is that good yeah that’s one of the things we need does that have a lucky block on or is this

Looted it’s just got loads of fish on it I’m assuming you looted that lucky block yeah wish it showed me where you’ve been bro doesn’t show me where I’ve been anymore cuz of the reset diamonds yeah baby yeah baby that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m saying I I need a slime

Ball I’m just setting the weather clear immediately that shit’s so annoying I feel like it goes way too frequently yeah it just turned like it rains way too much just turned to weather noises off and particles Down I’m looting some of the floating houses just cuz they’re like everywhere well I should have taken my uh H that I can’t break that didn’t [ __ ] Break where’s my blocks oh more diamonds yes sir oh another one another what Diamond guess how much I have how many 10 yeah let’s go I thought I would have more to be honest a I got [ __ ] all over my screen come on what do you use the draconium for

Uh I I I’ve heard of I know su’s used that at some point I just don’t know what you do with it oh it’s that overpowered thing what tier 4 Bedrock void Spar or more ton that’s tinker’s Contra I think isn’t that the same thing as the more ton is Tinker’s construct

Void what is the void [ __ ] what’s a void pickaxe ooh [ __ ] looks good 11 attack damage on a pickaxe what’s the sword dud for 12 on use your pickax that yeah just make it your main item oh I found a chance Cube under the ocean have to for the memes for the

Love okay guys this is it this is bad it’s Bad taking a little while to break cuz it’s underwater more diamonds what is that sex stle compress Netherrack but I’m going to die in the water no let me up let me up okay sexule compressed Netherrack interesting there this seule compressed Cobblestone I’m just I just have unlimited Netherrack

Basically is that a pirate SHP Sun can pirate another chance Cube I got another void thing I can’t hey Kitty you fallen come on you got to get up to here brother fallen and she can’t get up all right this time I’m setting up an air a thing for me to get

Back I hate the swimming in this having the Aquatic update in this would be such a w oh h I helped you George I didn’t even mean to what’s up man you can follow me I’m gonna bring you home I’m you’re a woman you got pits why is your name

George all right so I’m going to chop that up to a success bro guess how much [ __ ] I got two freaking you want me just guess overall is that good how much do they hold uh get inventory full damn there’s a lot of random [ __ ] in there but

Still dog this ocean is so massive holy [ __ ] what is it is this a floating raft with nothing in the chest you must have gotten that just mining I am just boating and it’s taking quite a bit get more diamonds thank God I can use the portal gun to get back home this

Is what I mean by them not being op Bros already got 27 diamonds I’ve been in the mines for what a wee minute 10 hours how do you have haste what’s giving you haste my uh cat I got a lucky Gauntlet that gives me haste while while I’m speeding when I’m

Mining and also a random fortess Fortune oh damn yeah up that’s cool that in the chest what’s that I don’t know find a Miner’s Delight flower deep in a cave I found I did that yes see the further you get the more stuff you can grab more stuff you can grab the further

You get rotation that’s so true that’s facts but that’s facts it’s just a normal Minecraft biome yo I’ve gone so far I’ve seen normal Minecraft biome why does everything look so like which way did you go north uh I went East or West I mean big Buble CL Oak an actual oak

Tree weird though does that mean that I won’t find any more of the custom biomes now just an island too oh I just realized this whole trip was for sugar cane and I still haven’t [ __ ] found it this whole goddamn time I was looking for one thing

Um I’m going just let you go and have a YouTube video playing while I just [ __ ] explore I’ll talk to you later my man yeah I’ll talk to you later I’ll leave your uh stream up get you them views give you them watch hours give you them watch hours

Yeah all right see you later big bubble clut all right that doesn’t show how far it is though it just shows that home is that’s good timing for me sh yeah for iranium for for you know what [ __ ] it topnotch my ass let’s see let’s see how topnotch this [ __ ] is internal server

Here Hello why you keep leaving leaving like joining and leaving it says uh external error something closed to host second I’m back in yeah it says you join and it immediately kicks you I’m still finding it though internal server error what that means I don’t either I guess you can try restarting your

Game do you have it capped on a certain amount of hours no 10 hours what say bro might already hit his 10 hours a game what I guess I’ll just quit game restart okay I was just making sure everything’s good I’ll talk to you later actually just def

All right get some smoke b or something as [ __ ] bro it’s still not working no I don’t know what the [ __ ] going on okay what’s it say uh it says internal server error let me check the console thing give me a sec damn I just got obsidian pickaxes too

Bro I was going to make a bunch of them and say [ __ ] it we bought we going on a massive how do you make them uh the obsidian or oh like actually so easily like I I come across obsidian ore more than I come across diamonds more than I come across [ __ ]

Copper as soon as you get to like now the low under like 11 you get obsidian like like it’s [ __ ] almost cold bad damn [ __ ] hell bud [ __ ] hell but God damn it no what the [ __ ] what’s going on it just it was so Random too mid

Gamers says internal server I don’t know what that means does that mean my side or youres that mean it’s you think that means it’s you issue sounds like a u problem look Should I restart it maybe hey Zander Xander oh I was muted sorry that might work yeah oh okay I’ll try then bro I don’t know what the [ __ ] Melissa wants but she said hey how are you on Saturday yesterday I said good how are you today she said good like

After telling me that my respons is like she does know how to respond to them because there’s not enough I’m just not responding she wants something and she’s not getting it that’s exactly what it is my Guy Look at FL Studio I’ve already looked at this bro it probably costs money what yeah it does an annual fee at that uh it’s FL Studio oh wait that’s splice oh sponsored [ __ ] Off try it for free but I want to see how much it costs I don’t want to try it for free free trial [ __ ] tell me how much it cost by now there we go there we go holy [ __ ] but want to hear some [ __ ] for the lowest for the [ __ ]

Fruity Edition the FL Studio fruity Edition $129 each a month or just permanent permanent but for The Producer Edition it’s 199 for the signature bundle wait wait I’m not done it’s $2.99 now you’ll never guess what the all plugins Edition is what all the pl what all the beans and spice get you

Have to pay for yes I don’t I don’t know 495 freaking doll hairs godamn Budd buying that no all right I think it’s done I’m I’m I’m I’m off internal server dog what the [ __ ] does that even mean CL as much I loaded in perfectly fine oh here’s a new one internal

Exception Java iio exception an existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host no idea what that means is that the people that own the server or is that the company I don’t know hey Kitty damn bro was just about to go test that [ __ ]

Too to see like yo how good is this yeah [ __ ] Midstream right at the [ __ ] Street Finish Line I guess I could do fortnite if this [ __ ] doesn’t want to [ __ ] work that’s terrible I can’t do that for another hour this second Cru for an hour what the [ __ ] the

[ __ ] I’m looking it up right now I’m trying to figure it out I guess I’ll talk to the support people they not aren’t they not available they might be now are they Indian no I mean maybe actually I don’t think so though I don’t want to reboot my PC cuz

That’ll [ __ ] up my stream time What’s smooth lighting Do it wouldn’t have anything to do with that I just turned off some of the things well maybe maybe shows it it shows it’s working it shows the [ __ ] thing before it showed an X we’re doing something uh pull up the stream again and we’re still streaming no I’ve asked

Is PC hot no PC’s not even not even feeling anything she’s chilling she’s been on all [ __ ] day too got nothing to do with that though never know what you to check yeah I do shut up you shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] boy I have 57 views not viewers that’s pretty good though isn’t

It are you kicking me no promas bro I’m literally [ __ ] talking to the guys right now do you realize how long it take to kick you every time you join you’ve joined like 17 times now can’t you just queue it up press T and then the up button is it that

Old is it that old in minec you you can do that okay say damn that’s I mean unless it says that you’ve been kicked that’d be a good troll though just like oh is it only you and just keep kicking it would say that though damn I’m talking to the support agent

What’s you saying say she’s checking he’s just going to check the logs me in out in out in out in out like uh yeah I don’t think that guy’s getting in yeah she goes and says can can you ask your friend to stop constantly joining the [ __ ] game the [ __ ]

Game just going to get a ban at this point and they’ll fix it and then unban me going try rebooting it one one more shot you get one more life whoa whoa she wanted you to try joining in anyway so okay well I’m just checking something join in I’m checking the

Installations join in she wants you join in join in the installations are reset so how much what’s G what’s G 5G 5G what 5G at the the installations eight 8 okay thank you yeah it doesn’t save that’s probably what the problem was I found out the problem my sh no way that’s the

Issue uh tell her is boot now I’m like the the worst person to be on the other side of technical support with a I don’t know where half the [ __ ] is and B I have 8hd so I just do other stuff sometimes taking a sweet time to [ __ ] respond to me Jesus Christ

Hey than your sweet ass time what you doing you dealing with other customers am I not the main man cheating on me the customers wait why did I hear a zombie what the [ __ ] oh the restart made it go off peaceful God damn it I don’t know what I’m loading into

I’m at my base actually I should be in my base oh I’ve got a a spawner right under my base that’s kind of a dub so free XP it’s a it’s a Skelly spawner too so if I want to put a farm under there automated Farm

I can do it hopefully it lets you in CU he wants you to reinstall the entire [ __ ] mod pack what Wild what the what please please please please please God damn it rein so delete it and reinstall it yeah delete like from delete it from curse Forge and then when you do create new and then import one oh I don’t have to redownload it I just import the old one yeah

Has to redownload it all and my stream is like [ __ ] three minutes behind w w no concurrent viewers w w I give myself it like I cannot give myself it like I I can for heart in the chat though I don’t know if this gives me chat

Activity H if it did that’d be funny as [ __ ] is bro just start playing Cookie Clicker like putting hearts in your own chat like the clicking the Emoji would start clicking that [ __ ] like oh wait F the button need air can before you load it back up by the

Way you should probably change the ram again oh am I going to lose my inventory do I lose my inventory you don’t know what I lose my inventory no you shouldn’t I was literally level freaking 30 or probably over that I didn’t do it I just clicked play are you loading then I

Rowning on what redownloading it on my thing again BR how is it taking you that long bro I’m not wired are you stupid has nothing to do with that bro you’re not actually redownloading are you calling me stupid I’m actually redownloading it on the thing and then I

Have to download it through Mo you’re stupid you’re stupid I kill yourself 36 megabytes we have to we got it oh yeah it’s it’s in the orange I seen it’s in the red is that normal what that normal you R I don’t know I don’t even know what you’re talking about because I can’t see what you’re doing loaded loaded multiplayer [ __ ] All right you not trou H let me tell her bro this shit’s getting annoying a little bit is there anyone else at these problems H does anyone else have these problems no and you were perfectly fine too that’s what pisses me off this is the obsidian pickaxes

Bro she’s like I suggest you submit a ticket so our tickets St like now I got to wait even longer I think we I’m going to submit a ticket but we should wait till tomorrow okay yeah I’m G try one what was the error thing what does it

Say or wait screen share so I can take a screenshot and attach it ticket yeah do that screen share I’m still at this point bro mxh I have to wait right I rated their customer service as bad actually yeah Fu get a tiet get a l [ __ ] I’m trying to play some

Fornite and I had two viewers what I had two viewers sometime some at some point in between this uh Kebab damn no one wants to see this [ __ ] didn’t you want to help me didn’t help technical supporting B load in loading that Be It’s not nothing with that bro because it would have like it just kicked you out randomly for no reason special rights Mak worse than what they were I mean troll I can already tell it’s a troll it didn’t work don’t leave I got to take a screenshot of it

When it like tells you that it’s a n okay I have to do it one more time like bro that’s such an hell hopefully it gives me the other one this time CU it’s showing two different things it said that you left oh my God yeah another interal one time it says something

And yeah there we go that’s the other I got it go play fortnite see what that me okay we boot I’m booting up fortnite and do solos I’m absolutely dead right now though oh you’re going on fortnite yeah I’m not going to try and fix it honestly

It’ll probably work tomorrow and if it doesn’t we’ll fix it I’ll change your thumbnail to the fortnite one okay no you don’t have I’m already on it oh I’m on I was going to change the title but you already changed it so where are the thumbnails that I made [ __ ] where are they

All right I’ll talk to you later man when do you get off work tomorrow do you know Xander I already ate the [ __ ] out of bananas fing and all the stuff she did was a blessing indeed Inde oh did I close this stream did for a second but we back we B we are at in exactly 30 minutes It’ll be my 12th hour there a w all right this is going to be a difficult one always Is going way avenge me if I die you doing what you doing what’s he doing oh hell no he better not switch sides he just die let this guy on me clear better yes avenge me give him the hands give him the yeah honestly a a rainbow skin like that

Would be better than the Galaxy full rainow skin oh it I’m talking nothing but rainbow it changes not working out for S Else damn on days for here and uh damage opponents all right that works they both work out someone Landing there we’ll find a [ __ ] spot to land we always do we always do care if I’m dancing on there in the storm today I am dancing on that platform 12 consecutive hours is too

Much in front of a PC or any type of screen bro to go outside muscles pop that shits Y the fish man is the D and that box shoot back but the explosives don’t really do nothing would have plac some on the Rocks right behind you would have been more successful at done probably you God I’m in a loading God I’m stuck in this loading destroy oh what bre from

MS is there someone watching hello you is z did you know all right that was interesting don’t join random party there’s that [ __ ] all right this dck this hey yo hey y heyo you’re gay hello oh that was builds thank God was there is no getting unreal anyway so you know doing now Oh whatever happens to Happ seconds doesn’t tell Me Ah SH now I can probably have my family looking Tim minut is pretty accurate house right here these Hous a fck it’s not just a Kill that’s Indo weapon I died anyways always reload your [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn like this is why I don’t like fortnite a better [ __ ] thing damn bro a on that fortnite grind grind no more damn so on average each person’s watching 11 minutes probably

Less I hit that Mark though so close I hit that Mark it’s time to end the stream not going to lie not going to lie can’t really react to other people’s channels while eating food but I can recommend Welling nobody else Dropping yeah I know where that Dan that Weir drop right oh I got to view more of a sneak up weapon but you think you’re going to die [ __ ] well at least this guy don’t got to worry about nobody he ain’t got to worry about nobody lose ranking a lot of people going to ask how

The [ __ ] did a man like me make it up here up to this rank a lot of stupidity bro only plays ranked and a lot of stupid [ __ ] but D good timeing I guess go flip my food I mean whoever’s in the chat is probably going to leave because I’m going FP my

[ __ ] F my food I’ll be back if you’re still here then uh congrats I don’t know how the [ __ ] you watch the timer that one oh never mind we connected now I want a timer God Dam heavy ass for For first time I seen that oh [ __ ] my potatoes turned into a b Potato very [ __ ] real man where very very St hello a very very very shitty got something scraps [ __ ] yeah XP at least um how about a rift is that a thing I would love that right now I would adore it [Applause] I think I am f [Applause]

Zate for more than 11 minutes I’ll give him that no B oh see I thought they he Deliv we B Get the F out you w you w What this’s the call some kind of but this do look a New [ __ ] you see one that yet to even dance there I really thought I was doing something with those I didn’t I’m one normal sniper [Applause] away I even Jam what to music is copyright You me

This video, titled ’12 Hour Livestream | Fortnite and Minecraft’, was uploaded by Zephyr on 2023-12-28 03:45:49. It has garnered 69 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds.


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    Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THỢ SĂN WITHER STORM *TẬP 10 | LỘC SUÝT NỮA THÌ HẠ GỤC WITHER STORM???HỒI KẾT SẮP ĐẾN’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-03-19 03:00:05. It has garnered 293950 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:31 or 2251 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT HUNTER WITHER STORM *EPISODE 10 | LOC ALMOST DEFEATED WITHER STORM???THE END IS COMING 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button and subscribe so… Read More

  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

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  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

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  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

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  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site drive.google.com minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More