EPIC Adventure in Tyken 132 Guild

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Streaming all right I have clicked live why has it not shown upon yet oh okay on the wrong tab all right guys let’s go and post all these links ain’t no time like stream time and My channel Channel Community all right let’s open up this bad boy on my phone hello Symphony I’m doing well today looking forward to streaming like every Sunday very chill day literally cuz I got my tortilla blanket tortillas representing um let’s see uh finally got the uh decorative pots textures working

Also thank you Lightfoot for uh doing the rest of these um although I will say this particular texture looks more like a Luchador mask than it does a skull um but we can we can work on that it it still looks good it still looks creepy it’s just not what I was

Expecting at all I like it um all right what are we doing now so I mostly loaded up into this world so I could work upon the decorative pots I’m trying to decide now what I want to work on or what I’m feeling in the mood to work

On so one hand I still have all of this area to work on I still have the miners Guild to work on H have the guard Tower to work on the Mage Tower to work on filling in all the little bits and Bobs along the way

H I will see how people feel when when when they get here until then I think I’m just going to work on this my mouse wire is getting stuck under my keyboard what is even going on all right so how you doing Sim H I feel like that music is just a little loud let me check real quick um no I think it’s just loud on my end or at least feels loud hey gamer I don’t think I’ve seen you at one of my streams yet welcome welcome always

Nice to see oh anyone but especially a new face all right let’s see what do I feel like doing today I still desperately need to fill that spot with something but I’m not sure what oh heck yeah congrats on the finals um I hope you’ve done well although I’m sure that’s not an

Issue okay let’s see what do I feel like working on see originally I wanted more Alchemy stuff over here but maybe I don’t need more Alchemy stuff I’m not even sure what I would do with this I think I really just need to start and then see what happens but for

Now I don’t know let’s work On let’s work on this guard Tower we’ll just do something really basic and then we’ll work on making it look nice so that seems to work for me the most I don’t know what song this is but I’m digging it this is ocean waves which I have no idea what game that’s

Even from okay so my original idea was there isn’t going to really be a traditional way to just walk up to the tower although I am thinking that perhaps there is a crane somewhere that would either be used for like hauling up supplies or I mean if they’re feeling lazy

Personnel H so I was thinking like a a long one kind of arcing over and then dropping down ooh maybe on the side of the building would look nice I like that idea I like it a lot um so I’m thinking so on the back

There’s not really in a lot of room over here there’s not a lot of room either but there’s more room on the front it would just be kind of hard to get to so yeah I’m thinking like right about here um I was thinking centered we will see we’ll see let just

Have like a little platform kind of like the other ones we’ll see how it looks and then maybe like a door here maybe not like directly here um bang bang bang sound effects which by the way um speaking of sound effects I recently just watched uh Scott Pilgrim uh takes

Off and the original Scott pilgrims never really appeal to me I guess like it’s not that they’re bad they just weren’t really My Vibe but uh this new Scott Pilgrims really good digging it 10 out of 10 um actually just watched the last episode last night and again really like it

Ooh kind of really digging that aesthetic not sure how well it’s going to work overall you know what I kind of want to see where this goes for sure M oops there we go see I’ve done this like at at like the side of doors before but never as like a full wall

Oops see the other thing I could do if I wanted to do kind of like walls like this I could use like actual wall blocks there’s just something about that see I really oops first of all I need to do that anyway see I really like this I just

Wish you could go up so but unfortunately there’s not even wood walls that you could even do kind of like in the Middle with see I just want that up like one Higher and that would be perfect but unfortunately there’s no like sideway slabs or anything like that

I mean that still doesn’t look bad it’s just not what I wanted let’s see so the question is can I somehow save this I guess the alternative you you know what let’s see like this now this just looks kind of bad at least maybe not centered with the door

Maybe at like the bottom or the top that could look really good theoretically it’s kind of like a uh divider without actually being a divider a little a little texture it’s an interesting idea but it’s not going to work for my purposes unfortunately the other alternative I wouldn’t say alternative but the other

Thing is I usually like to do like little beams right here that wouldn’t quite work at least near the door who I wasn’t considering putting it by the doors anyway it would be kind of a divider at the top H really depends on how I want to do this

Ooh you know what alternating like that doesn’t look bad see my issue my issue is that’s all the same block all the same color all the same texture so even though um depthwise it’s very interesting it just doesn’t work visually o Big Shot what is this from oh uh it’s

The guy with the yellow and pink glasses what is that from I don’t know okay so let’s see I think I do want to do supports regardless I definitely want to try to do a different base than Cobble let’s see I could just have the door be different so maybe it just needs

A frame and then I could do something like this all the way see again I like that but it’s not ideal so what if we did uh divider in between them oops Yeah good call danger I realized there is a little bit of lag with the stream as well as just

Me getting hyper focused on what I’m working on so I apologize for the delays um no what if we do hate no Village or hatano Village I think that’s from that’s got to be from uh tears of the Kingdom it’s the older Pura I don’t recall hearing this music

But that could just be because I was a painted attention Okay it’s a little weird having that at the bottom because of how the floor is I’m almost certain this isn’t going to work because Minecraft sucks that way I mean it could work it’s it like if you’re up against

It it definitely is noticeable but from a distance it isn’t too noticeable so like theore ically you could have different things going on uh I don’t think I want to use deep slate cuz again surrounded by Deep slate so it would blend in maybe Sandrock maybe red

Sandstone we can go with all the basics granite andesite and dorite don’t want to do Cobblestone I actually I have a weird LoveHate relationship with this Cobblestone I like it but it’s just I don’t know too gray I feel that’s the problem with a lot of our

Stone I need to see what I can do about that cuz it just seems too boring in a way I I don’t know how to describe it I’ll have to look at some Cobblestone textures from a other packs and maybe even other video games see if

There is something I can can really pull from it at least as inspiration cuz I’m not talented enough to make that uh texture on my own I feel splashes of Blackstone could be good because it definitely pops even on the because this is like a bluish black almost like obsidian

Is I guess not our obsidian but typically um either way it definitely pops like oops Yeah like total difference o that would be interesting to use some Blackstone near some like water to show like the dampness of a block I guess kind of like you do with logs use

Like a darker one near water I was even testing that a little bit around the uh that lava pool back by the waterfall over there when I was using um when I was using logs for support near the lava I kind of made the bottom ones look chart

Okay so let’s just get a basic wall going and see how it looks from there oops did I reload the shaders so really just experimenting with a pallet right now so definitely don’t like I mean that could work it just needs it definitely needs some dividers or something that would also be really

Good for like all those Cottage builds you see where they’re all like white walls I mean they’re a lot more smoother kind of like plaster but that looks good for that I don’t think it looks good for what I’m doing it’s not a bad block so we’ll put it to the side

Almost certain andesite isn’t going to work for this mean we can always add stripes of colors with the different walls this could actually work actually an aite I’ll put you to the side I think one of the things that’s throwing me is this bottom oops so we’ll just do that for

Now which actually looks pretty good too you know what I could be doing and why aren’t I Okay um that actually looks really good it adds a little bit of color without being too obtuse cuz like white kind of fits cuz you know maybe like Paladin but at the same time again this also is a really good texture for like a cottage you know what

I mean especially cuz it’s a wall I do also really like that they essentially made walls and a half slabs even though they’re not a perfect substitution in the slightest but I do like that they did that it looks really good wait I know this song deu Palace okay hello easy

Breezy easy breezy beautiful uh streamer girl it’s a good that’s a good tagline but don’t get sued um wall yeah the first ones are like none of the things I wanto that’s dark the good news is I can really see it from a distance um brick wall I don’t think so

Oops it actually doesn’t look bad it really gives that stone look without being too what’s the word you know I almost wonder cuz like the grout on this looks really good my problem with um our our stone brick bricks is that like it’s all just the same thing the

Thing that really pops for this is the grout texture and also the various um off color bricks looks actually really good um this is just all one color it feels like it’s the same depth uh it just needs work I have the I have the same problem with all of our our

Basic Stone things um call you call you PBE what I mean I know of other reasons why you might be called that but I don’t want to assume um I guess that wouldn’t be terrible as long as I did a different base but I am all about that base um

And you know what let’s do Sandstone bang that looks good but definitely not what I’m going for um sad Stone red sad Stone oops well I guess I mean I guess that gets the point across regardless ooh that’s weird cuz it totally looks different maybe it’s just because of the

Lighting yeah like lighting kind of lets it through and totally changes the color like that’s a much more vibrant red somehow even though it’s literally the same texture that’s crazy I’m not sure if that’s a Shader thing or just Minecraft in general being wonky but that red as

Does actually look nice I think I’ve already already stumbled upon that I really like the red what else did I like there’s another one we did um granite I really like the granite too it’s a little bit more subtle what other red one was there it was just those two I

Guess I could try the nether brick and regular brick again I think these are the ones I’m flopping around towards the most I I do also like this uh command style thing because it uh allows me to swap between them easier here uh brick does look

Good ooh you know maybe if I did a brick base huh interesting fan bases what I would put lightly I I I think I think anytime you have a female streamer you’re going to have a weird weird fan base I mean honestly I have a pretty

Weird fan base too but um kind of in a good way not in a bad weird way uh what else that reminds me that reminds me when I came back originally like two years ago now cuz it was before I went to trade school ooh it might have actually been 3 years

Ago um um I came back and I made a patreon and one of my friend one of one of my fans I’m not sure if they were trolling me I don’t remember I don’t even remember who said it honestly I’ll have to look through the the backlogs but someone was

Just like oh you should also do an only fans and I was like okay that’s really neat I’ll look into that because I’ve I’ve never heard of only fans prior to this and I went and checked out the website and I was like okay I see what they’re

Doing here and then I looked up more about only fans and I was like oh oh no maybe that came from an innocent place but um definitely not what only fans is used for in fact um if I were to make an only fans account regardless of

The content I’m pretty sure people going there would expect something dramatically different I might ruin a few childhoods while I’m at it okay so definitely not the brick base with the the walls that actually looks fairly Good thank you um I I just don’t know if I could do that and also be a very positive influence on people how horrible would that be by the way like like just imagine just for a second imagine like oh yeah my my kid loves watching uh tyken and all of his cool

Minecraft videos and then you look up the patreon like oh yeah I want to support him and then you also find out that they also have un only fans and you’re just like what kind of YouTuber is this I I just don’t think I can have my cake and eat it

Too uh although it would probably make a lot more money than YouTube uh I mean technically I’m not making any money off of YouTube right now so anything would be making more money than that right now okay oh I’m a little concerned okay that is a different

Enough red that’s more of like an orange red I think it could still work you know what also um do Granite stairs that’s the wrong Granite if we could do something like that yep no you can definitely tell the difference that looks that doesn’t look bad I’m sure I

Could use that at my advantage somewhere but right here in this application oh God especially for the top good Lord Mojang seriously please please I mean I’m sure I could I could fix that with my own custom models but come on guys to overhydrate the stream I mean again

Especially I don’t know I feel like as as as a woman you could do pretty much anything on stream and you would have a fan base for it I there’s just a lot of weird guys on the internet that will literally pay for anything and everything now granted there are also

Guys and women as well as well as all everything in between there are people that would also pay to watch a guy do the same thing well not that I’m guy I’m mask presenting regardless but it’s still weird getting used to even my own pronouns uh

Um anyway I’m off topic now uh I’m sure people would watch the same for me but the fan base would be a lot smaller nether brick wall there you go huh maybe that’s what I need as a Bas and stad cuz that looks pretty good doesn’t pop nearly as much as the traditional

Brick what about oops G okay um excuse me let’s go back to Granite wall I don’t think I could as easily just replace with stairs because it some reason also directional thing so I’m just going to hard place these I’ll just do one side that should work that’s an interesting color Selection my caves are so ornate I I’m not sure if we’re still talking about Minecraft anymore I know we’re still talking about Minecraft but I just wanted to make the Inu window um thank you do you mean like the things I’ve done to it or just the

Natural design of the caves cuz I haven’t done really anything to really say these caves are like mine so much just taking advantage of natural generation I definitely want a base we are we are okay uh let’s see I was thinking what if I made I don’t want to say this because of

The other connotations but I I cannot think of another way to say it a larger flared base like um for instance we’ll just use this um what if we did something like this and then this so it’s kind of like two layers before you hit the the

Thing and of course the tower would be taller to compensate oh no we’ll just get rid of these real quick cuz that’s bothering me have a natural beauty to them thank you H the larger base could work but the problem is I’m already taking up a lot

Of this space what I laid out was effectively the bare minimum although a larger base definitely allows for a taller Tower you know actually I have a really interesting idea where real quick see how this would look in my head I was trying to look over it in my

Head but I I can just visualize it that’s the best part about Minecraft so how about instead of a base at all I’m going about this Tower in the same way that people have been building Towers forever I mean it like makes sense cuz like that’s the bases of tower

Building I didn’t mean to get rid of that support but whatever never get rid of your support all right I mean I could still make the Tower bigger by doing this as well so what if we did something kind of like a floating tower Des situation um something more like

Such stop it and of course we can raise or lower it to suit our needs then from like here just not sure how I would do the whole ladder situation so it obviously need to be a ladder going up and Down gu I guess I could always do the trapo thing but regardless so I was thinking something like this maybe even like let’s just say this Um so pair with me this almost sounds like something from Willy Wonka so I’m not really sure how I’m going to pull this off but I like this concept where the base is actually larger than the tower something like this which would also give it more depth and regardless of if I actually

Put a base or not what I was thinking is this entire bottom section could be open or perhaps more like a garage so like I could have walls but maybe they’re not like a like a weatherized wall like U for example bu bum bu and then maybe I don’t know something

Like that could be interesting I don’t know if I like that could also just Be also not a huge fan what if we just went one Higher that could work a little bit better either way I was thinking like you know almost like a staple and then this would be kind of like where you come and get all the things and just load them up

Here um we’ll just hang these for now actually why AR I hanging it from there that makes more sense but okay I either way this could still work of course if I at least made some of these a solid wall h also I love Spruce logs they’re my

Favorite support beam I’m sure a lot of you know that already okay and then we could do the same kind of Samy idea that we did before looks like that’s a door that’s being opened up maybe have these as kind of like a track for the door something like

That it’s the same idea we can work on it obviously I mean alternatively we could also put the door on the inside but that doesn’t look nearly as cool um I was also thinking either stair to kind of show it doesn’t go up too much higher I guess it would theoretically go one

Higher since you know the door is right here I kind of like that though more or less H yeah I’m not sure either way let’s see um Majora’s Mask song of time that’s what it was I mean I guess that song was also in uh Major’s mask

Okay do I still want a stone base actually looks pretty good does cobblestone look better I don’t think so yeah I think it just looks a little messy I think stone brick looks a little bit better what about Stone stairs So that doesn’t look bad the problem is then I would kind of have to do that with that side and then that I guess it doesn’t really take away from the edges it does add a little extra depth I guess I don’t have to Do hm the corners either I think not having the corners actually gives it more detail which reminds me speaking of paying people to hydrate I need to get some water I’ll be right back All right uh this one’s a freebie for you guys Hydration um while I was up I also decided to grab something I talked about last week oops um show you guys what I have been doing so uh this let me get to my thing this is one of the games I was talking about the um Meta Meta Meta bot um

Classics Plus it’s a switch game you can see it’s pretty much entirely in Japanese almost um there’s a bunch of English on there and I’m not really sure why cuz it is a mostly predominantly Japanese game like there’s no English translation um so the interesting thing

About the Japanese games is not only is there plenty of English on even the most Japanese game but uh on the side you can see they have like the little uh rating the little a right there and there’s different ratings I’m not sure what that rating is I assume that’s kind of like

Um you know like rated T for teen kind of thing but it’s like an ABC format I’m not I haven’t seen any other those besides like ABC um but the cool thing is I’m not sure if you guys can see it very well wow that does not focus very

Well but like these are all the games that are included in it like these are all like the original Game Boy game ones which I don’t even think ever came out in America however some of the original artwork for some of these is freaking sick like the front one is all like nice

And streamlined and like that’s the most modern version that I’ve seen ever even as a kid but then the older ones look actually like fullon anime robots and it looks sick um also in Japan apparently they’re called meta rot I Le remember them being meta like M

Me like M like meta like metaverse but no it’s been meta like metal okay that makes sense I’ve always called them metabots anyway it’s metabots and in Japan it’s just called meta rot I don’t know where the rot comes from anyway this is a very interesting little uh

Switch game because again loved uh meta Bots as a kid and the fact that they came out with a full collection of it was awesome unfortunately it is only in Japanese so that is difficult to enjoy or at least to fully play through all right let’s get back to this

So obviously the walls themselves need some work I don’t want to do just wood although I do like the idea of what I’m doing here and to kind of help transition that maybe maybe not even Stone we can do a different block but kind of a little staircase at The Rim right here

To kind of make it like a tiered Tower and then from here just do something like this huh very interesting concept I have here uh and then again we could just do something like this and then from here kind of go up so I don’t I don’t necessarily like

The wood walls I think I do want Stone of some sort um I also am not super sure about the the stone right there there either I do like that but it kind of takes away a little bit too so we’ll we’ll see how that works out I also

Definitely want some more uh windows and such not that the lower floors are going to matter nearly as much as the higher levels so effectively how it’s going to work I mean I guess exactly like you would imagine um a traditional Tower to work in that all of the um buildings

Would actually be kind of uh like all the rooms and stuff would be kind of like lower to Middle tier and then the Watchtower on top but since you’re supposed to come onto this from the top it would be more like you’re stationed on top and you would go below deck so to

Speak instead of going up to your work post I mean it’s technically the same thing but in a little bit of a different way um interesting which Zelda game is it cuz I’m not sure there’s too many Zelda games that are Japanese only unless I know I know a lot of the switch

Games have translations built into them and I know a lot of the earlier games aren’t necessarily region locked but they’re kind of language locked just because it they didn’t have the time or effort to put everything onto one cartridge kind of spoiled with switch games in fact 3DS games I believe are very

Similar in that way I think at most one Higher and uh I’m just kind of throwing down whatever looks kind of decent for now and we can just use the fill replace tool later um again probably going to get a different block entirely here’s what I’m thinking I think maybe actually going to

Go out a little bit further something like this and then of course one two three you know maybe maybe there wouldn’t be that big so what if we something like I don’t know Um let’s just say stone brick for now um no I don’t I don’t want to use the same wall even if it’s only temporary let’s do Cobblestone for now one two three so it’s support beams but they’re not super thick and then from there we’ll just

Make a basic little roof and we can work on making it look good later cuz I am terrible at roofs I’m sure a lot of you know that by now okay I think that’s a great little start and then what we’ll do is get some slabs slabs um for Swords

Adventures interesting well again uh especially if it’s an older game which it sounds like it is chances are that it was released in Japan without an English translation uh readily available cuz um again even some switch games do that they just don’t have an English translation on them or um they don’t have

Both I think that’s good I I almost don’t want to put a railing even though that makes sense it would just be kind of harder to see over it could do something like this Though for some reason I thought that went like sideways for a second I’m like oh when did that become a feature okay that looks weird but it could also just be that it doesn’t have a full hat see it just looks weird uh what do I do what do I

Do I guess I could just do something like this oops Yeah that that actually adds to it more than takes away so I’m okay with that of course that gives me a little bit more room for more of these that’s not a terrible start definitely is going to need some

Work oh who messaged me oh one of my friends so had a notification on my phone might actually want to make this ceiling one higher so I do kind of want to make this a little bit more of a grand design and it’s going to probably kind of overhang

Anyway we’ll see how it works so honestly it could be a flat roof for all intense and purposes but we don’t want that it’s ugly H I know theoretically it shouldn’t matter does it look better with a fully Stone platform with a smaller one in the

Middle it do not me I guess I could get rid of the logs right there H I think I think this slightly bigger wooden platform looks better or actually oops oh no um something like this so it’s kind of like a little I think this might look the best

Actually we’ll find out oh wait no this way there we go that actually looks a lot better okay perfect Fantastical um I definitely want the trap door to be on top um it’s kind of in the way but it’s whatever it’s only a mile tripping hazard um I’ll take the ladder option

Heyo um problem is this isn’t very big for sleeping quarters I guess they don’t have to be good sleeping quarters I guess there also doesn’t need to be a lot of people here so whatever um let’s see oh hello Larry I did already check the pots um

Let me show you real quick since they’re not too far away um they look good I didn’t check them all yet um although I will say that this looks more like a luch door mask than a skull but that’s fine they don’t have to be a direct translation and these also look ominous

In a completely different way um it looks it looks horrifying in its own right um yeah looks looks straight up horrifying like I wouldn’t want to like I’m more likely to touch a barrel with a skull on it than a barrel with that face on it oh

Boy oh boy um the only other thing I was thinking is the uh oops little gold rim at the top feels a little like it doesn’t quite fit so something thinking maybe like I can’t even think of the word uh match it to the rest of the pot but

Either way like these are great pots 10 out of 10 everything I have to say is just like minor critiques ways you could improve it but honestly they’re still amazing textures um for reference by the way um I love to critique things but never in like

A negative way I always like to um I don’t know just share my thoughts and feelings without complaining you know what I mean uh unfortunately I do realize that sometimes it comes off that way it’s always I always like to over clarify that that is not what I’m doing

Or at least trying to do um so what was it the thing I haven’t actually talked about recently um when I went to Japan was was channeling hold on Warhammer 40K okay yeah that’s fair I don’t know what that looks like but again still looks horrifying still love it

Um yeah um one of the things we went to recent or not it’s been like two weeks now uh one one of the things we went to in Japan was um what is it called um team Labs we went to a team Labs Museum it’s these interactive ones and I would

Say they’re less interactive museums and more like exhibits exhibits exhibits with uh tactile not even even tactile they’re not really that interactive to be fair the one we went to may have been less interactive um still really cool exhibit just definitely wasn’t what I was expecting in

Comparison um and I have a lot of critique about this particular exhibit and that’s not necessarily a bad thing cuz it was still a wonderful experience would still highly recommend I just like talking about the bad things as much as I enjoy talking about the good things because it’s a part of the

Experience um anyway so um when you first go in they literally tell you like hey throw all of your stuff into a locker uh including your shoes socks and if you’re wearing pants that can’t roll up you need to borrow a pair of shorts that

They have so uh we do all that and literally the first thing they they you go through is this this ramp which is a waterfall it’s honestly pretty cool um you’re you’re literally walking up this this waterfall effectively it’s not like a a vertical waterfall it’s more

Like a u yeah I’m using the right word vertical it’s it’s more of a slope but the entire time you’re walking up it the water’s just kind of rushing down at your feet and it feels phenomenal um and the the flooring is it’s very what’s the word it’s not

Slippery at all um but there’s still handrails and stuff like that in case you’re worried but um for the most part really really interesting uh way to start things off and that’s really just to clean your feet to get ready for the rest of the exhibit um

Which like immediately after you go up the ramp you sit in a room and dry your feet off with a towel um it was cool though cuz when you get to the top they just have like kind not necessarily a waterfall but like water’s just rushing down where they kind of

Like cycle the water and pump it up it’s not just pumped up to the same level it’s like literally dropping down like a waterfall which is a neat little addition I feel something they didn’t need to do but added to the experience and then what is it I think

The first thing we do is we go through this mirrored room it’s literally mirrors floor to ceiling and then it’s just a big Square Room but they have uh these LED lights so these strips hanging down and the the light flows down in these patterns and In Waves it almost

It’s it’s very beautiful uh at one point it even feels like you’re hitting like a warp drive like all the lights are kind of rushing through you um it’s a very beautiful experience um and the mirrors definitely add to it it almost feels like an Infinity Room uh in fact there’s

Like little pockets where you can just kind of pop off from the rest of the crowd and just enjoy the lights and the mirrors it’s really cool experience highly recommend although kind of cold for bare feet but again not bad um you know what actually a brick roof might look really good too

Um so anyway after that I may be getting the orders mixed up a little bit but so what is it you go through these hallways to kind of like walk around the other exhibits and get to where you’re going um and it’s pretty dark there’s a

Little bit of light but for the most part it’s designed to be dark excuse me um and each tile that you walk on um not every single tile but it kind of like staggers it’s almost like a checker board that you’re walking across and each tile has either a different

Texture or feel to it like you step over one one tile and it’s like soft and Squishy like a pillow and you step on the next one and it’s almost like um I would say hard plastic but you get the idea like there there are like different softness different textures a different textile

Experience every time you step on a different one some are firm um it’s it’s just a very interesting experience as you’re walking to your next exhibit like the hallway itself is kind of an exhibit in a way um and then after that um I think we

Don’t need a really steep roof so we’re just going to go slabs um you you step into this other pool of water and it’s this water is actually actually heated so it’s really nice I enjoyed it um and you kind of walk around the water’s like a milky

White and I was kind of curious at the choice for a second until we actually got into the room and like the entire room is kind of like a projector room and essentially it it it projects like these beautiful little patterns all over the floor um which look more akin to um

Some of them are just like floral patterns and designs and some are just straight up like they have fishes swimming around so it actually looks like you’re swimming with fishes although my only gripe is that you know it’s a little too bright in there to fully get the The Full Experience I

Should say and the projectors weren’t bright enough so it felt more like you were looking at a projection rather than a an actual um why can I word oh that’s cute I like that um it felt like you were looking more at a projection rather than it felt like you

Were looking at a um you know actual fish or anything like that I guess I could just do this and it would be fine it’s really only looking at it from one angle anyway oops oh I guess I could just do that and it works wait I think I’m confused on what I’m

Doing here I guess I could still no that’s exactly what I’m still doing okay um that’s not a terrible little roof could be better but whatever we’ll work on it and post um so the the room itself is very interesting they would have random spots where it

Would just have like a a huge like rainbow oops like a prismatic show going on with the fish and everything H so so far from a distance looks pretty cool now granted the overall color could be better but I like the design you’re not going to

Really see the roof too much so I don’t think I want to put too much effort into that I almost want to make the platform also wooden because I feel like the stone kind of sticks out not in a productive way we can do let’s do spruce

Um so yeah that that exhibit was really beautiful uh I really enjoyed it uh the walls were also mirrors so again when you walk into this room it feels massive until your eyes kind of get used to it oh hello risk nice of you to join um

Dang dang you’ve you’ve been watching me for a while I appreciate it thank you um from Denmark I taught you English wow I feel like that’s more on you than me but I’m glad I was able to help that thank you risk that that all means

A lot to me I was an honor to be a part of your childhood as big or as little as I was I’m trying to be modest it’s really hard for me to not be humble but I I’m very happy I was able to make an impression and at least have some

Positive impact on your childhood thank you for stopping by I I would obviously love to see you again sometime that sounds weird actually I’m trying to be sentimental and sweet but it just sounds like like I just got like we just had a great date like

Oh yeah I can’t wait to see you again sometime um but no for real though it’s it’s it’s really great um hearing sweet things like that all the time uh and I also love saying in touch with all of my my viewers my friends and in a lot of ways

I view you guys as more of my friends than my viewers um which by the way feel free to join the Discord I love keeping in touch with you guys um shoot what was I saying now I’m getting distracted trying to build and talk um in fact the whole reason I came

Back at all by the way was because I I’m I enjoyed having an impact on people’s lives um had more than a few people reach out to me letting me know that I was a big part of their lives in one way or another whether it was just

You know something to come home and look forward to every day or you know my building style getting them into Minecraft or any number of things um I’ve had a few people even accredit me to their interest in engineering and architecture which is amazing um and even you saying that I’ve

Uh basically taught you English it’s it’s really nice to hear that I was able to have a positive influence on your lives and it does mean a lot to me to hear that oh hey twist um that is a good idea Larry uh my trip to Japan I was actually just talking

About a little bit but over all the experience in Japan was phenomenal and I cannot wait to go again although when I can go again is Up For Debate cuz you know practically wage slaves all of us um so yeah um I was actually just talking about this interactive Art

Exhibit that we went to I have a weird I have a weird relationship with this transition right here what if instead of doing stairs I just put slabs let’s check it out from the front I guess it doesn’t actually need that at all I just liked a little bit of a

Transition I feel like both take away more than they add at least the stairs definitely do the slabs at least kind of showcase the that a little bit H I think a different material slab might work better um but yeah so the the room we were in is Um basically kind of like a fake aquarium that you’re walking through and that like you know little beautiful designs projected onto the water which is why it was white so it would kind of show it a little bit better although honestly I think it might have been

Better if the floor was white and the water was clear so it actually looks like the fish are swimming under the water but you know just like one of those little critiques where it’s like this is really good but it could have done this better um there’s also a

Little side room although that doesn’t really make it clear Which Way progresses through the rest and which are like little side rooms you can do things with but I guess that’s also part of the experience like you’re exploring and having fun um the other room was really interesting cuz the water was

Colder and they had these little streams of water coming down like a huge line ones you couldn’t even Reach Out And Touch all the ones too but they were all like glowing like they just had a light beam specifically on that one little drop of water and there’s a bunch of

Them but if you reached out and touched one it made a soft like harmonic noise almost like a I say like a heart but you know harmonic noise and it would make just that one glow and turn off all the other ones the cool thing is if you

Reached out and touched another one it would also do the same so like if if you had a bunch of people you could all Reach Out And Touch different ones it almost feels like some kind of like Easter egg thing where like if you could somehow touch all of them like something

Would unlock I know that is unrealistic especially because there’s no way you could reach back and touch some of the ones that were all the way back there but still really fun little interesting experience um and then you walk out of that and if I remember correctly the

Next thing we did was like a hue Ball Room room again the the problem with this room is they really loved mirrors mirror floors mirror ceilings mirror walls and I get what they’re trying to do but I don’t feel like it added to every exhibit um and especially walking around

Barefoot it it was just kind of cold and distracting um like again it just kind of took away from the experience you know what I hate to say it but I think the slabs just kind of take away from it especially like looking down I also feel like that looks better

Without that because then just just the divider that’s already dividing is doing the good job of that now theoretically I could also add a divider in the middle like right about there but I don’t think it really needs that um we’ll take one of these real quick

Though um so the next interesting oh yeah the uh the ballroom thing so the exhibit implied that you could touch the balls giggity um and it would like change the Hues and you could like bump them into each other to make like different colors but in reality they

Were just mostly stationary and kind of Tethered to the floor and were just kind of cycling through different colors like an LED light and it was really kind of boring like it didn’t really do anything and some of the lights were so bright I had to literally close my eyes it was

Painful of course that’s just my light sensitivity and of course certain frequencies of colors being a little bit harsher than others but it it wasn’t a soft enough transition and I don’t know it just it just was not a an enjoyable experience really and it didn’t really feel interactive in any

Way and except for the fact that you could theoretically like roll some of the balls around and bump them into people but like nobody was really into that so you didn’t want to be the one jerk bumping people with balls um I mean some of the kids were doing it

Regardless but you know some a lot of people were just standing around trying to take pictures and you know the one interactive part of that was kind of spoiled by the fact that nobody else was wanting to interact with that in any real way um guess that’s fine exactly how it was

Um okay that’s a good question I’ll Circle back to the exhibit it in a second the um the best food I had while I was there straight up the eggs like I know that’s a bit of a broad subject but like let me paint you a picture here I hate egg salad sandwiches

Absolutely hate them so I love eggs but I really hate like overcooked yolks like you can almost I can literally taste the sulfur it’s freaking disgusting I hate it it’s it’s awful I do not wish that experience on anyone but anyway um that looks nice

Ooh now I’m curious how I’m going to do this um so literally the best egg salot sandwich I’ve ever had in America um was still worse than the egg salot sandwich I got at a 7-Eleven while I was in Japan it’s freaking ridiculous the food quality in general like the base

Level of food quality is absurdly High um just realize getting a little bit of headache um so like even McDonald’s or even um what’s the word McDonald’s and again like convenience stores their food is better than most like places I’ve had in America it was ridiculous

Um I guess it doesn’t really matter too Much where some of these are this looks like a Tetris not what I was intending I mean that doesn’t help at all it still looks like Tetris e stuff no matter what I do it still looks Tetris there we go kind of anyway excuse me

Um went to a Denny’s their food was good um definitely not like uh American Denny’s a because it didn’t taste terrible and B didn’t leave me with an upset tummy um convenience stores were amazing um there’s also this Ramen place we went to every every egg I had there was

Perfectly cooked there’s basically like these uh egg rice omelet things where they they have like a really thinly cooked omelette they put it on top of rice delicious um a little too much rice to topping ratio but otherwise good really good really tasty um then the uh what else there’s a Ramen

Place with the little egg that you would put into it and I almost didn’t get the egg but it was perfectly like Jammy on the inside like perfectly softboiled egg like all the white was cooked and then the middle was just like a perfect little ball of Jammy goodness it was so good

Um again just every egg I had there was consistently amazing and then the egg itself was like a beautiful like golden orange where here even the best eggs I found are like a like a like most of the eggs are like a sickly pale yellow and sometimes you get like a little

Healthier looking yellow but you never get that rich golden oh my God it was so good Oh besides that uh the ramen place we went to by the way oh my God it was like a nice really creamy Ramen broth it was so good and I’m not a fan of pork at all but the was it katsu I think it’s called what is

Katsu I think katsu is yeah fried breaded stuff that’s not what I’m talking about what is the pork on that called either way the Little slice of pork perfect like it wasn’t soft and rubbery or anything like that it was like a like like a wellone piece of meat but it

Wasn’t dry it had like that nice like I don’t know how to describe it it was just like tender and moist but still like had the texture of something well done I don’t I’m not even sure how to describe it it was good very good um I think it might be better to

Just put small little pieces of Len everywhere that’s good oh maybe one right there and then uh let’s see not only the eggs but what oh the ramen the ramen in general was phenomenal as I mentioned um there was also the Deer Park we went to the one um what’s dant DM

Is that spam Owen I have no idea I have no idea what’s going on with Owen Roberts or what they’re trying to say um anyway so the Deer Park we went to the one that like is famous for like having the Dows the Dows the deer bow uh

Um for you to feed them they had this beautiful little uh udon shop in just like the middle of the park like it was just kind of like it definitely wasn’t like a spot you could really just go to without just walking there it’s just like a little kiosk almost it was Tiny

Um but it was freaking delightful literally oh another MC YouTuber uh why would I look them up like what what I I should ask what is the relevance of those YouTubers Owen are you just kind of like advertising for them or is that relevant to my Builder

Conversation um yeah the udon place was delicious cuz I got a tempera vegetable and it almost came in like a little puck almost like a like like a thick Patty almost and it was mostly fried onion and it was so delicious oh my God first of all I love onions especially fried

Onions but in the tempura it was the most delicious thing I’ve ever had um they also had a delightful little like matcha ice cream where it was basically like a vanilla soft soft serve ice cream with um a matcha glaze syrup it wasn’t quite syrup

But it was like you know I guess syrup is the best word I can think of uh on top with like these little cake cubes on there to really kind of break it up a little bit freaking amazing The Amazing digital circus again I I don’t understand the

Relevance can you can you can you tell me why you’re recommending them so again like I’ll I’ll watch them if they’re relevant I just just don’t currently understand the relevance H how do I want to do this cuz I still want to have a crane I guess the crane doesn’t have to

Be on the building but it kind of makes the most sense especially if you don’t want like random things coming up here also should get rid of this waterfall it’s definitely not adding anything um how do I want to do this excuse me that udon shop was delicious um I

Would go back to Japan alone just for that H could also put it on the Roof h what if I did something like o I know um I knew that was going to happen Not quite what I was envisioning but it’s a good start what is this song from cass’s theme oh from Wind Waker I imagine it has a picture of the bird people I have too many tabs open okay let’s see uh let’s see yeah some distinction that looks good

Um how do I want to do this though H almost thinking like not necessarily like a cage I guess that looks more like a lift um I guess I could make it a little bit taller and get the same effect I was kind of trying to make it

Look more like this one down here which again maybe I should swap out the flooring of this oops okay that definitely helps it pop a little bit more and doesn’t blend in okay let’s see how are we going to do this now first of all previous topic best

Food oh so there are a lot of snacks by the way they’re like cocoa pies which are kind of like a little um it’s basically like almost like a whipped cream filling it’s not like a it’s not like a what is it it’s not like

A moon pie the the the the the center isn’t quite like a frosting it’s more just like a cream and then instead of like a biscuit it’s more like a little cracker I say a cracker it’s more like a cookie it’s more like a cookie because

It’s like that got that crunch to it almost it’s like a soft Crunch and then the whole thing’s covered in chocolate it’s delicious in fact you know what hold on I think I have one good news guys I got one do a little snacking video here right here for you

So it’s like looto Cho choco Pai whatever um so let me show you what this actually looks like um thankfully my partner saved me one they loved these things we brought back like basically a whole box of them and I’m surprised they even made them

Back to the States at all um and they did not last long once they were in our home um my partner was very considerate uh I told them they could have as many as they wanted but but to save me one and they did uh I know that’s the bare

Minimum but I’ve come from a lot of relationships where that’s even asking too much okay so uh this one’s a little squished a lot squished actually you see just like a little almost looks like an Oreo cuz it’s kind of covered in chocolate it’s a little crumbly very crumbly

Okay so you guys can kind of see right here um the middle is like a little frosting it’s not quite a cream well actually I just contradicted myself it’s not like a it’s not a frosting it’s more like a cream it’s not marshmallow it’s like I don’t know how

To describe it it’s kind of like if um if an Oreo actually tasted good um and then can’t quite see the cookie part that well but like I said it’s it’s kind of like a little um soft cookie or like a firm biscuit my camera does not want to focus at

All um the best part is all the individual ele elements are very UND sweet and it really allows kind of the the flavors to kind of speak up for themselves and not like punch you in the face with sugar shock it’s kind of like if food is too salty you can’t really

Taste the rest of it you really just taste the salt um or something’s too sweet you know it’s just like one flavor kind of overpowering everything else kind of like ketchup um that’s how I feel about sugar sugar just overpowers everything especially how we do it in the states

All the sweet stuff in Japan and it’s delicious and not over sweetened so you can eat a lot more of it with a out feeling without feeling so bad like physically um but also um you’re not going to get super fat off of it I mean you can still get

Fat off of it obviously but like it’s crazy even like their actual sweets like the American kind of sweets like their Kit Kats they’re still sweet like they’re the sweetest things I’ve had but also um they’re for Americans but they’re not like punch you the face site hey

Risk I appreciate that a lot but didn’t we just have this conversation or am I going crazy Oh okay so you you added more to it so good at communicating in English so watched YouTube thank you risk I appreciate get that again no no sham all right sorry I’m getting distracted Um so yeah uh cocoa pies really delicious uh not super sweet um so yeah sha um for reference my Sunday streams are mostly just me kind of around having fun chatting with people not super focused on Minecraft although that is that is the focus not saying you’re wrong for

Reminding me about that at all just letting you know what to expect um but I do appreciate you keeping me on track because otherwise I’d be rambling on for hours which I have I have rambled on for hours before so yeah do appreciate you just also curbing expectations

And honestly this is one of the reasons why I’ve started to enjoy Minecraft so much again is because it isn’t just me playing a game it’s me hanging out with friends which is you guys obviously the longer ones just feel wrong for some reason I guess we can go back to Shorter

Ones um uh so yeah the the food the food is phenomenal um I’ve got every flavor of Kit Kat I could find there or at least almost everyone I think there’s a few that we missed just cuz you know we’re were walking by and we’re like oh

There’s a new one and then we kept walking like there was some kind of like crepe flavored one as well as like there was a saki one but also like a I think it’s called like a sage or saga I think it was like Saga or something like that

It’s kind of like saki’s cousin um which by the way the saki flavorite one is terrible it tastes exactly like saki not saying saki is terrible on its own but an alcoholic flavored Kit Kat not a fan and thank you sha I think this is good enough for now

And definitely gets the point across um let’s make it let’s make it a little more Point AC crossy and that this is predominantly for uh storing storing stuff and then what is the other thing I realize in comparison this is a little brighter than the other Woods um o I have an idea

Um not what I meant to do but good enough um I don’t want the fences to connect together but they’re going to so what if I just did that instead use Birch to make it kind of look a little bit lighter because of that I actually really like this little

Entry level to the tower looks really nice I could dig this I like it especially more because it’s kind of like a a drop base like you would you would kind of like without actually going to your real house it’s just kind of like a little cubby for all your

Things like maybe chests work areas and then you go up to your actual house I like that teach me building in Minecraft what do you want to know buddy what do you want to know pal brother or sister or whatever your pronounce and identifications are but

You know I like using the term brother as a general term especially because I’m union now um everybody’s a brother even the sisters um it’s kind of like how it’s like your fellow man Even though women exist too um it’s just kind of like saying dude or my

Guy just gender neutral I feel these days feel like that makes sense still not a huge fan of the stone floors but I like it h H yeah what do you want to know man I will I will I will give you any kind of building advice you’re looking

For although you know I actually want a hanging light maybe one more what song is this opilia the cleric I don’t know what game that’s from almost kind of reminds me a little bit of uh the song from Portal that actually does look really good the more details I add to this the

More I enoy enjoy It I don’t really think I need a lantern at the tip I do want hanging lanterns o maybe maybe something Like let see how that looks first of all I feel like that’s too much Lantern yeah it totally has a um like still alive tones to it I need some way to have like a light hanging from a corner I guess what I could do is perhaps something akin to

Like actually not hating that kind of feels weird to have it just on the corners however her going straight across I’m not sure actually it’s not a terrible idea do I want it that high cuz it feels kind of weird that high not bad just weird also do I want the same thing

Here or do I want something different on the lower levels oops wrong height um up upper level looks good lower level no I guess what I could always do is just have torches on the sides which makes sense especially lower levels you just walk around and do that but for the

Upper floors you would need some kind of walkway maybe even have like a little platform like back here actually like the idea of there there being a little bit of space right there in between of that one H guess I could also put the stair right here no that that wouldn’t work because

I punch into that all right I like how it looks like that flipped up that’s funny um see I like that it’s poked up like that but it also kind of feels like it’s in the way we’ll we’ll we’ll mess around with it later it’s not a huge deal there we

Go it does also allow ladders to go all the way up so that’s fine okay so people can actually climb down right here dump dump dump dump and then precariously go around reaching over and fixing the Torches it also gives kind of like an extra little vantage point from them to

Walk it’s kind of weird that it’s that high but I also like it cuz it’s on the a same level as the crane and beat also the lights are essentially at the level I want the walkway anyway so yeah I actually really like that a lot now the bottom floor needs

Some kind of detail but I’m not quite sure what you see guys it’s all these like little things just kind of messing around trying things seen what works which doesn’t cuz already this Tower could have gone like several different ways it’s still not even done I’m just getting the

The the the silhouette done cuz all all of the textures and blocks and colors can change dramatically but the design of the tower itself is what’s important now sometimes you’ll change things immediately just cuz you’re like there’s no way that looks good even as a silhouette how do I want to do

This so here’s what I could do here if I’m going to change the walls something like that and then think I either liked granite or Sandstone let’s try both again I think that’s so weird if you do this then it kind of goes away that’s weird what if you used a different

Wall pretty sure it will just combine but I am curious yes weird I don’t like that cuz again it go like this all the way up until you do the top one and then all the lights go away I guess not if you do that that that is actually an interesting

Idea obviously you couldn’t do that on the front but if we wanted to do that we could do it on the back and now we have a little bit of depth and texture could even continue to do so by doing things like that huh weirdly it only works One Direction huh oh that’s

Why does give another interesting opportunity to effectively allow me to do something like this H get light off of that um not that you’re going to really see the detail from back there maybe hold on that’s good enough whatever um I do actually really like that it

Takes away a little bit of the wood texture puts it where I feel like it needs it the most I still feel like the stairs at the bottom I like the idea of stairs at the bottom but I don’t know if there’s any good stairs that will really add to this

Thank you risk it’s nice to have you around again pop into the Discord would love to have you guys there what if we just did something like that instead okay let’s see I guess this one can stay that way because of the door you know what I think there’s going

To be a better way to do this um fill oh you already know who who’s in here um Granite replace Oak planks there we go easy peasy that actually looks very pretty especially with the soft light of the Torches oh my God that looks really

Nice I almost want to do that with the other ones too um here let’s copy That oh uhoh uhoh something’s going on um well I assume you are cuz you said some of us as if some of us aren’t already so I could oh no I can only presume that that is the case what is going on oops oh is it because of the log

What what’s going on I guess it’s cuz it’s not here but like why why do you do this to me why would you do this to us what am I even doing I guess I could just do that um o I guess that does look a little weird

But whatever you’re not going to really notice it too much it does look really good oh boy that red spicy now again though we need to get rid of that stone brick I’m not sure what we’re going to use instead but Tower is looking better and better

Already the walls are kind of a pain to deal with yeah we do actually have people um in an actual Discord um so um you know what I will post the link uh actually I’m not even sure can you copy and paste stuff from chat I imagine um so it’s under

My I should really just put it in the uh description every week make it a little bit easier but let me let me go and post that real quick for you guys uh it should be under the oh do I not have an about page yeah it’s under the about like under my

Name but I’ll go ahead and post it Bang there you go you guys should be able to click on that H what I could do is just replace the walls with uh solid block at least on this wall yeah feel free to join the Discord guys a lovely little community um I’m a very supportive person and I like to think that all of my friends

There are too and by friends I mean all of You yeah that wall seems a little bit of weird because of it I almost feel like the stripe doesn’t look nearly as bad but whatever it doesn’t matter too much the the the main part you’re going to see is from the front anyway and it doesn’t look that glaringly

Obvious so I think that’s Fine what do I want to do so let’s just let’s just get rid of all of this Stone and some of those logs apparently cuz you know we don’t we don’t really need that the logs I mean um honestly looks fine without the stairs I do like the idea

Though of there being a little bit of a flared base but I guess it doesn’t necessarily matter other thing I can do too excuse me cuz I mean it’s already pretty well supported I can just go all the way to the ground like that too which I think actually

Looks better than the other side what do you guys think logs at the bottom or no logs at the bottom I guess right there is a perfect cross-section gosh the only problem is while it looks fairly simple and good for being simple I kind of want complex

I just don’t know if I can do I don’t know if I can pull off complex what other stair could I use I don’t think I use Granite I don’t think a different wood would work I don’t think a stone could work he’s missing doesn’t look good

I also prefer the solid logs here but it almost feels like it’s too much too thick needs a little bit more what’s the word guess that does look better especially towards the top because it’s not nearly as much we’re we’re hitting more towards Stone area anyway I think this is just from

M64 where is that like laan Ranch no carero Village no logs yeah no love either try wooden fences wooden fences oh for the support the problem is that is that if uh there’s already a lot of wood I also really don’t like that ceiling of

Course it could also just be that it has a wood top I’m sure if I got rid of some of this wood it would look a little bit better if I just did like straight to the ceiling maybe brick isn’t what I want maybe I was in love with the idea of

Brick but not the actual concept I think getting rid of all that that will help oops missed a piece y that’s what I thought oh hey is this Kirby I’m down for it I just haven’t heard any Kirby pieces yet yeah Green greens freaking love me some Kirby oh my God

Um I guess since that’s a solid floor now so now I’m curious how I’m going to actually get down here because of how this is H H I guess I could have a staircase it just seems kind of wasteful I also don’t feel like it really adds anything as much as it takes

Away no that’s not going to work it’s going to have to go here like so yeah this isn’t this isn’t this isn’t good at all um I’m not sure why you would want to contact me by email uh I will give you a heads up I do have an email for my

Channel but I do not check it super often um but if you’re interested in emailing me it’s just um I don’t have that listed on there either me pull it up real quick it is uh Ty Corp and this is specifically for like YouTube related stuff there you

Go uh Netherrack bricks that’s a good idea IDE um I will work on that in a second I’m still trying to figure out the logistics of this hot mess I guess I could always just have like uh it doesn’t make sense oh this whole thing doesn’t make

Sense cuz like how would you get supplies to the top then I guess I come up with something just give me a second um first things first I want to make kind of like the living quarters oh no problem number two oh wait hold up problem solved all right

Bad how do I want to do this oh God that doesn’t look super cozy like oh yeah don’t drop anything but whatever just have a bed right there also I’m curious Banner well Banner stick to walls and not be weird oh they will problem solved although that being said oops can

You oh you can hang them just from the roof that’s nice if I canot hit anything else have a little can can I control the direction of this cuz I don’t want it that direction oh no you you can’t you can’t okay okay um how did I solve this

Originally I think I just use fence gates but that might connect that does connect um what if I did it this way haha no I don’t think I want that uh fences oh good fences don’t connect um then that’s the other problem of that just being in the way oh wait what about

Half slabs it’s probably not perfect but hey it works cool cool cool okay so now you are in your room a little a little freaking cramped really freaking cramped but whatever oops hey guys here’s my little room um H I guess what I could do instead is just make it one Higher like

One set of floors and then do a I do not like that it just oh God what is wrong with our beds just do like a a bunk situation oh I just realized you can get a little bit more space by just doing this that’s fine actually makes me

Wonder if you could do H oh pardon me not sure if you guys heard that I hope you didn’t um oh could just do double bunks below it really sucks forever down here oh wait uh no that wouldn’t work for the same reason actually maybe hold

Up also really don’t like that the beds are exploding like that oh yeah it still wouldn’t work for the same reason also does that mean you could do the same thing on both floors I guess so my idea was just well again I guess it doesn’t have to be perfect but I

Was good Lord hm I think a double bunk is fine and then have room for something else I doubt You’ have more than four people here at a time anyway bump bump and then some trap doors there you go I guess it looks extra weird because

It’s not against a wall so we’ll just flip around to do this although I do not like the funu of this at all good enough I guess I don’t know why I thought that would be funny um let’s see I meant I meant uh first of all risk

No you didn’t you didn’t do anything bad um I’ve just never typically don’t get requests from my email so I didn’t was kind of little taking back I guess um but yeah the the beds exploding uh I mean that they explode into the no textures like that purple and black means there’s no

Texture for the particles but the beds aren’t modified so I don’t know why they’re doing that stretch please Discord your name it’s tyken tyken 132 if you join the server you should see me on there unless you mean my real name which is Casey I don’t think that’s what you’re asking

I don’t know why I’m putting so much effort into these things I do like the idea of there being a window but on the other hand I don’t think it’s going to look good on the outside besides they’re going to get plenty of window time upstairs that’s fine

Not really sure how I can what I could really do in here I think this is going to be one of those builds where it’s more of a predominantly looks good on the outside but not the inside build cuz it’s a watchtower you can’t really do much with the inside of it anyway

Oh I’m so Sleepy oh I don’t feel that great today guys honestly um tldr um my psychiatrist changed providers I don’t know how to describe it but they they moved to a different place and they did that right before I left for Japan I’ve run out of meds and basically in order to see her

Again I have to completely jump through all the Hoops that is starting a new provider which is to say like a week and a half’s worth of effort and I run out of meds about a week ago so I’m not feeling my best self this week it’s nothing major like I can function

Without them but it’s a lot harder basically knocks back the difficulty of my life a few points the biggest one being my anti-depressant Medicine it’s weird because like my depression isn’t like um oh I’m sad which that is a legitimate oh oh my hair um you know that is a legitimate form of depression it’s just that mind form of depression uh my form of depression is I just constantly don’t feel like doing

Anything and you know that’s not me being lazy cuz like I want to do things like sometimes I’ll like it’s like even stuff I want to do you know even if it’s a chore but like even if I’m just like hey I want to play that new game I got

Um and I’ve just gotten a lot of new games for the switch but I just don’t have the drive or the energy like imagine not having the energy to do things even that you wanted to do but like all the time not just after a rough day that’s how I feel all the

Time and granted there’s kind of ways to work around that but for the most part you’re basically just putting in twice amount the twice the amount of effort to do the exact same thing and that’s where my medication comes into play it just kind of makes everything as easy as it would normally

Be it’s like nobody wants to give up free time to do chores or go run errands but you do it but then like imagine imagine not wanting imagine that feeling with everything even like cooking food or even going out to get like your favorite treat you just don’t feel like it GH it’s

Terrible um thank you risk um psychiatrist is different than therapist um therapist does more with the way of thinking and how you deal with things psychiatrist is literally medicine it’s it’s kind of like having type 2 diabetes right like sure there are things you can do to help like a

Better diet better exercising but at the end of the day you’re never getting rid of the problem and you’re never functioning as good as you would be if you didn’t have diabetes kind of what depression is like like there are things you can do to make things easier on

Yourself um but for the most part at the end of the day your brain just doesn’t work the way it needs to in order for you to function correctly or not correctly um uh uh function without a disability I guess I can’t I can’t I can’t do the

Right words right now um yeah Larry Larry put it a good way lethargic depression as opposed to emotional depression so so basically it’s it’s not it’s has nothing to do with my mentality nothing to do with it at all because I’m not a sad person I’m not a depressed person at least

Emotionally um it’s just I just don’t have the energy to do things again the best way I can describe it is Imagine like you’re at work and is such a draining day at work you’ve had to deal with annoying customers all day you’ve been you’ve been working your

Butt off all day long you probably even had to skip your break just even driving home functioning optimally thank you Larry um even just driving home is a Monumental amount of effort and then you get home and you were just been so drained by your day you don’t

Even want to get in the shower you don’t want to even cook food you just want the easiest solution because you don’t have the energy to do even the most basic things when you get home and that’s how I feel almost every day um I think in fact one of the main

Reasons my new series my Sunday streaming has done so well in general is because of my medication has let me not have to deal with that dysfunction anymore or at least not nearly as much like I still feel it especially days that I don’t get enough sleep like for instance my depression is

Way worse on days that I don’t get enough sleep or haven’t been treating myself right you know like eating too much junk food or whatever um so there are like physical and even uh mental aspects of it but it is it isn’t it really just makes things easier or harder it doesn’t

Really get rid of the problem so yeah for the most part that’s i’ spend most of my life just not doing okay like mentally well honestly the stuff I’ve had to deal with growing up I wouldn’t say I would I’m above emotional depression either but for the most part

It doesn’t affect me as much that looks a lot better I like that um but yeah it’s more of the uh lethargic depression that has always got me it’s again just it’s it’s crazy right it’s it’s like that story from um oh what is the name of that guy it’s not

Midas the guy that everything he touches turns to Ash what is it uh I don’t know Um mythology everything turned to Ash their mouth Talus yes that’s it Talus mythological King thank you Risk um wasn’t thetus I do not know my Greek mythology very well let’s see so trying to trick the gods into eating his son he was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches huh maybe not the guy I’m thinking of or at least maybe a

Different mythology yeah Midas is definitely gold uh but there’s this mythological figure where uh he’s basically cursed that everything he ate turned to Ash in his mouth so like the finest wines the finest Foods literally just nothing could bring him pleasure he could enjoy no things it was it was a curse for

Pissing off the gods I believe but basically was cursed that literally nothing he enjoyed no amount of enjoyment he could had would truly be able to appreciate it anymore like just everything the finest Foods the finest drink the finest women all were like ash to him um he lost all enjoyment of the

Things he would normally enjoy no matter how great of a luxury they were and that’s essentially with how depression feels it’s just like nothing feels enjoyable anymore and it’s not being sad that’s I’ve never been truly sad except for you know things that would obviously cause sadness it’s not

Like I’m always sad it’s more like you know sad for when sad things happen but yeah for the most part it’s just um the inability to enjoy things and that’s exactly how I feel um heck it even sucks too because it’s like you know like chores suck but like

After you’ve done them after you’ve accomplished something you kind of feel good about it right like you you feel good that usually doesn’t work for me at least not all the time um and definitely more often with the medication but yeah it’s just it’s just brains being weird right cuz like on a

Physical level my brain doesn’t work correctly the way like um what is it livers is it livers or is it kidneys that produce insulin if I could spell that right uh produced pancreas pancreas God I was off by a lot um but yeah it’s like it’s like a pancreas not producing enough insulin

Or any insulin at all sometimes so it’s it’s very much the same way and uh um for the most part my yeah for most of my life my depression has prevented me from doing a lot um yes for the most part though a lot of those mythologies

Are I’m I’m almost certain based in like real world things like depression ADHD stuff like that um or maybe the explanation to why those things came about and it’s not that that person or at least people with the same condition have pissed off the gods it’s

So much that that became a curse to man because of those people it’s kind of like how um I don’t like the whole Adam and Eve thing I guess like once they pissed off God like all humans ever since then have had to deal with stuff it’s kind of the

Same idea it’s that they didn’t just curse them they kind of cursed Humanity in a way um but again all of that stuff all of the curses and things like that you’ve heard about mythologies are just ways people like stories people have come up with to explain the terrible things in the

World cuz I mean obviously a lot of those things there’s no way a lot of those things could have happened especially without no record left of them anyway anyway I’m getting distracted again what do I feel like working on I’ve kind of run out of motivation to work for this

Tower that could just be my lack of medicine kicking in but I feel like the tower is done it is good the only thing it can be really done for now is improved upon and for the most part I feel like um I feel Like I feel like I’ve done that with a lot of builds like I’ll um I’ll work on things finish them and then go back And fine-tune them later okay this is what I was talking about earlier there’s like a little cave system right here that would be perfect so we’re going to do is just kind of go forward this is going to be how we actually get to the Tower let let’s do this and

We’ll I wish there were um vanilla ways like there are and feed the beast that uh oops here we Go maybe about right here here that um allow you to break more than one block at the time kind of like I think hammers or sledges whatever they are do um so basically huh I guess you know what I could do is just right where it goes down I could

Just have it punch out of the ceiling instead of going forward more I feel like that will work a little bit better in my opinion actually so about right here have this come down and then just immediately punch out of the ceiling like right here and begin ramping down

And then it’ll just have like hanging chains and then we’ll come here and park right here or I think maybe on the side right here cuz you don’t want to block the main view see yeah like about right here feels good oops not that let’s do I don’t know like this

H TNT technically oh yeah I guess that’s a good point I never liked using TNT it’s a little too chaotic doesn’t quite look natural this the start of this song Almost sound like a rap song uh found out from him what is the name of that song

Okay so yeah this little cave system kind of wraps around right here and through here we’re going to obviously have to WR widen it up a little bit but I was thinking essentially could be one of the little stations that would kind of go to the watch post that looks fine

What is this song Bon Village okay I don’t know why it kind of almost made me think of Mega Man Legends which is a great game I really wish they would release a collection of that game as well although if they haven’t done it yet I doubt it’s gonna happen anytime

Soon probably some like licensing BS they have to deal with kind of like how they haven’t done any of the mother games the Earthbound games for any of you that don’t know the original name oh no I didn’t have fly on correctly okay so I’m thinking come out like right here and then So I’m going to come right here and then turn and then down right here how do I want to do This I think I am going to need at least three wide to have proper support for these chains and such I guess right here it doesn’t matter so much considering the situation of being attached to a already firm platform but still oops you know what also kind of hungry

Right now like super hungry but I could use a snack I guess I could eat the other half of that cocoa pie but I told Stace I want to share that with them despite them saying that sharing the whole thing with me or saving one for me I

Think that one of the best things in life um one of the best experiences in life is sharing something you like with somebody you love and yeah you don’t necessarily have to be in love with that person um you can still love someone like a friend

Family etc etc but the idea of sharing something you like with somebody you love is something I really enjoy and highly recommend for anyone I think it’s one of the reasons why people enjoy having kids so much it’s a lot harder for them to share things like that without being weird you

Know especially because like um what’s the word I don’t know it’s just considered really weird to share things with kids especially if they’re not yours and but yet there’s like the whole big brother programs which is specifically designed because you know kids no matter the age need um

Need adult figures in their life people to look up to um and again not like in a weird way um the fact that I have to even clarify that just kind of sucks um yeah like I believe everybody could use positive um adult figures in their

Life so at the end of the day there’s honestly not enough parenting going on in this honestly in the world let’s see it’s going this way so right here would be correct but I feel like I went too far over or have not gone far enough Over oh shoot but yeah that’s uh one of the things I love most actually about my YouTube channel is that I’m able to be a positive influence on the world if not indirectly um which allows me to share on my wisdom all of my pain all of my mistakes and help

Guide a younger generation especially one that maybe doesn’t have somebody to do that in for them in their lives or maybe even just not enough cuz sometimes you know like the adults in your life will teach you everything they know but maybe they don’t know enough about the struggles you’re going through

Which is one of the reasons why I enjoy sharing about my mental health problems my trauma my past is because a there shouldn’t something you should never be ashamed of and B because I’m trying to find the wording for it I got po brain right now and and also

Because then you know you’re not the only one struggling and you know you can find help even if it’s not from me it’s from somebody else because I’m not I’m not a trained professional I can’t I can’t I don’t pretend to know anything enough to really help people and I definitely

Advise anyone to take my advice that I give with a grain of salt cuz at the end of the day even though our s are similar maybe our situations aren’t so what’s worked for me or what hasn’t worked for me may be different for you but the

Point I’m making is you’re not alone in one way or another therefore there’s help for you um and of course again any of you that may be struggling are more than welcome to a join my Discord um because there’s plenty of other similar people on the Discord that would love to talk

To you and also help you out I feel like I’ve done a fairly good job cultivating a very kind understanding audience and the community I’ve built or have had help building has been much better for it um so yeah it it is a great Community

But of course if you would ever want to talk personally I’m more than more than willing now granted I don’t have a lot of free time to talk to people uh and again I’m definitely not a professional but if you ever just want to talk about your problems or ask

For my advice I’m more than willing to to be that person for you I’d be honored to be that person for you honestly so you know again just there’s people here for you people that care even if we don’t know you at least not really we do care and we will continue to

Care I think what I’m going to actually do is make this a narrower path and then just have occasional wings I think that looks better especially if you do something like a wall maybe a fence let’s try a fence but yeah um I kind of like the idea of that I just

Don’t like that they’re blending in so much but yeah there’s the old saying like be be the thing you’ve you never had growing up that you feel like you’ve needed and I always try to be that person that I needed growing up and never had or even the few

Pieces I have had I try to be that um cuz I have I have had a fair amount of good influences in my life not nearly enough but I had them and I try to Be I try to be what I didn’t have and be the best parts of the things I did have I’m not sure if that’s making a lot of sense hopefully it is um but yeah little little less I don’t know um a little a little less heavier of a topic

Um since risk brought this up earlier I I love all of you I really appreciate that you’ve been with me for so long or if you’re new just joining it it means a lot that you guys are here for me and it’s an honor to be a part of your lives as

Well I have no idea how I’m going to make this ramp I only have enough power brain power to focus on one thing at a time but you know what I think the basics of the idea are here so we’ll just we’ll just leave this here for

Now yeah the idea is that this here what I could even do is just kind of like go all the way across over and then down h rest of this moon pie is looking or not moon pie cocoa pie is looking good though um all

Right last bite and then I save the rest for Stace oh that does remind me the topic I actually want to bring up this week is relationships um before I get too much into that then let me let me find my next Project you know I don’t think it would hurt right now to actually swap over to the other world let’s see what we can come up with there oh wow beautiful beautiful Sunbeam it’s always really intense when it first starts off and then it eases out also God the hanging plants in the

Window oh really really makes this build a lot better like look at that all those little Greenery pops and the shelf of plants and little Vines hanging in the window G I knew my build needed something apparently that was it still thinking about like carving back this Stone a little bit uh

Uh there you go that doesn’t look half bad at All I wonder if it would just look better without that awning entirely kind of actually okay get rid of that piece too see what I’d like to do is also get rid of this that is also where the library begins so something I can really do too much oh well okay

So front yard is pretty good I kind of want to mess around with the Crypt area I haven’t really done too much with that that I don’t think it needs to be super Big let’s just do something like right here like we did before that’s fine these Graves especially with this music plane right now these Graves totally look like ones you would seen like Legend of Zelda I think these were just originally just plots and they didn’t have anything in

Front of them although I do like that a lot I don’t think a third row helps no I think I think the two in front of it perfect but I feel like that might be a little too big for this current build theoretic or not theoretically

Ideally I’d like to push that back one more but I don’t think I’d really have room for the fence so we’re just going to entirely rebuild this cuz I really like the original concept and then we’re going to try to make it better with what little space we had One two space and then here um okay so relationships um I kind of want to talk to everybody about um and when I say relationships I want to be very clear these aren’t necessarily romantic relationships that I’m talking about it can be friendships can be family can be any kind of

Relationship that you have with another person um now I want to talk about this because I’ve had my fair share of relationships in both um the romantic way and uh plutonic way and I think I’ve heard this piece of advice before I have no idea what’s going on

With the Z fighting there I’ve heard this piece of advice before and I feel like it applies to every aspect of a relationship it’s a good relationship isn’t somebody you have good times with because you could have good times with anybody good times are easy to have with anybody um

You know maybe some people are better at it than others but the good times aren’t the things you should be looking for it’s the bad times um and by that I mean um that who can you go to who can you spend a time with when

It’s bad you know so good times will always come and it will always be fun when you have the those good times no matter who you’re with you can be with a stranger and have fun you know what I mean but it’s those bad times that you really need to share with somebody

Um and you need somebody that’s going to be there for you and you know bad times suck no matter who you’re with but having somebody suck at having a bad time is way worse than somebody suck and have a good time if that makes sense um cuz again anybody can be good at

Having a good time for the most part I’m not sure if I’m doing a great job explaining that especially because I have po brain right now but that’s beside the point um I’m not sure how to word this this technically you can find love anywhere if you look hard enough

Um that’s not to say what you have with whoever you love isn’t special cuz what I have with my partner Stace is very special but the point is you could love just about anyone but what you get out of the relationship is very very important um I would say far more

Important than the actual aspect of love because you could learn to love anybody with enough time um my ex is unfortunately a great example of that uh my most recent ex I mean um so I didn’t quite love her at first and eventually I

Grew to love her um at least I liked her and I grew to love her and that’s kind of how relationships really go you know like you don’t really start off very close you usually just start off as strangers there’s very rarely a time you

Start off and you’re like oh my God I am going to spend the rest of my life with this person and what is going on right here I don’t know um yeah there’s like even even with Stace and I like I I quickly liked Stace my my current

Partner um like they were just an awesome person straight off the bat but you know like somebody I could I could be friends with um not necessarily like immediate love um although there were a lot of green flags that I was definitely attracted to um like before our first date even they

Asked me if I had um any triggers any anything I was uncomfortable with um like you know like even just like hugging or topics I didn’t want to discuss and nobody’s really asked me that before nobody’s really cared enough enough to ask um I actually really like that how it is

Um and just the fact that somebody would do that even it just meant a lot to me and um so there there were just a lot of things that I really appreciated about um Stace right off the bat but the love built with time and we had a few times

Early on um like even even they said like yeah I wasn’t I wasn’t super sure like apparently I was really weird on the first date which don’t get me wrong probably was I was also really nervous didn’t quite know how to handle things but I left a good enough impression that

They were willing enough to give me a second date and apparently the second date is where I really left uh my first real impression and then you know there were hiccups along Ong the way like I would say or do something that just wasn’t really you know like a I really don’t

Know how to describe it it just wasn’t attractive for a partner but of course I was also coming out of a really toxic relationship and I was also just dealing with a lot of stuff at the time I also still had a lot of room to grow um that

Being said that is all my responsibility um like if at any point in time they were like yeah it’s very clear you’re not ready to date yet I would have been you know really bummed out but like yo I get it I still have a lot of growing to do but thankfully it

Worked out a little bit differently than that um just kind of feel like I’m rambling now without quite getting to the point uh the point of it though however is that you know love and relationships grow into something more over time and that is possible to do with

Enough effort e and time with almost anybody um give or take like there’s some there’s some people that are just like no matter how hard you try you’re things are just never going to work out but the point is love isn’t rare the relationship itself is um because you’re only ever going to

Get as much out of your relationship as you put into it and that goes to say the same about your partners well um if you’re both not putting in a lot of effort into relationship you’re just better off being with somebody else or being alone um I see a lot a lot of

People um typically heteronormative relationships I feel are the worst about this which is to say a stereotypical man and woman um what you imagine is a very typical relationship uh in these regards um those tend to be the most egregious egregious offenders in my personal opinion

Because a lot of the time the woman just feels like she’s babysitting the man and the man’s like I would much rather be out with my homies right now and the fact that I’m you know having to be a dad and doing all this stuff sucks and it’s like well

You would be a lot happy if you just weren’t together just I hate to say this but like don’t be together if you’re not getting anything out of this this they’re both kind of very miserable you typically see this also in older relationships like Boomer

Resque and it’s just like if you if you aren’t going to be happy in your relationship then you’re doing both yourself and the person you’re marrying a huge disservice cuz like if you’re going to be miserable and the person you’re with is going to be miserable then why even bother um

Um so yeah um the gist of that is make sure you’re actually getting something out of your relationship or don’t bother necessarily um don’t be in a relationship just to be in a relationship don’t be in a relationship just because you’re lonely that was weird

I swear I saw a light turn on oh I did hello I thought I heard you come home I’ll be right back guys actually it’s almost time for me to start wrapping up G just realized what time it was um yeah you know what I’ll wrap up this

Conversation and then it’ll be time to go um but yeah the the the gist of it is like make sure make sure you’re in a relationship for the right reasons don’t don’t just be in a relationship to be in a relationship it’s very easy to fall into that trap especially CU being lonely

Sucks but of course that also means that for instance if you are just um I don’t know sticking it out in a relationship just because dating is hard or you don’t want to be lonely that just means you’re essentially sett settling to be unhappy when you could eventually find

Someone that makes you happy like me like I almost got stuck in my past relationship with my ex and I would have been miserable until forever I guess whenever when whenever I decided it was finally enough that I was done um and that wasn’t that wouldn’t have been fair to me or her

And thankfully we were able to break that off eventually and I’m hope I hope she’s happy now um with whatever’s going on with her life but at the end of the day like it was very clear we weren’t happy together so even if even if she’s

Not with anyone now it’s it’s got to be better than what we had at least in my opinion so yeah just don’t don’t just settle for relationships so don’t stick around in a relationship um just because it’s easy um in fact don’t do anything in your life just because it’s

Easy um you rarely find happiness that way um and again this this does apply to every relationship in your life not just your dating life literally like um friends family if if you are are like with your family and like you spend a day with them and you end up miserable

Um every single time you end up hanging out with them then that is not a healthy relationship in any sense of the word so you’re better off to just not have them in your life as as hard as that is to say you’re just better off

Um so so yeah just make sure make sure your relationships are worth keeping around and it’s not always that simple I’m aware of that just keep that in mind do these not provide any light at all that seems really dark it’s a little ominous having it like

That I do do want more color though we’ll figure that out another episode that does look pretty good I’m pretty sure this is like super close to the original design to give or take a little bit I know what would look good what if we did something like not that yes but like

This oh that’s beautiful of course you got to put them in like such already this is looking pretty good G oh my goodness the bleed over on Stone is pretty terrible need to fix that there we go looks pretty good for a gloomy um place um I almost want to push these

Back one more more and see what that looks like I don’t think that looks too bad actually H oh by the way guys uh before I go I did want to talk about one more thing and that was um a new board game I found um which by the way before I

Continue on to a new topic um I hope that conversation has helped at least one of you listening either live or otherwise um yeah some people just aren’t worth your efforts um anyway new board game I found it’s called Uh we’re doomed and effectively the premise of

That game is that um the world is literally ending uh you’re one of 4 to 10 governments uh left in the world and you’re all actively trying to build a rocket ship together to bounce before the world ends this looks good but it’s a little too big

Um so um you’re all trying trying to contribute resources to the rocket um and then get the heck out of there before it’s too late however it would be fairly easy because if everybody contributed resources every round it would be as simple as building a big enough rocket that everyone could win

However complications do keep arising and yeah eventually you’re just kind of kind of screwed um so it you’re really trying to fight for one of the very few seats that are left on the rocket um there are even cards that say things like uh you are now mortal enemies with

Another country pick your country and as long as that country is alive either one of you get on the rocket or neither of you do so in other words you both can’t win or be winners and if for whatever reason um you can’t force them off of it

Using a card or otherwise um then you both lose it’s very interesting very interesting little game lots of fun it’s only 15 minutes long as well it’s timed which is even workout it because you have to do all your turns deal with all the complications and keep trying to

Progress towards the end into the game it’s freaking crazy uh I I watched it on one of the the patreon bonus feeds of Dungeons and daddies um which by the way if you’ve not seen that podcast I highly recommend it um great show highly enjoy

It o I think mud might actually look a little bit better I guess that’s Muddy Roots that looks terrible why does the mud look like that it’s purple need to fix that that looks more like clay I imagine would look I have to see what I can do I mean

That’s a good texture it’s just not what I imagine when I imagine clay oh uh Soul soil might work that looks good I guess this also looks good especially with the grass edges it’s just too light for my tastes also just in the Sun that also almost looks like baked beans hold

On got a big barrel of baked beins H I can’t wait to eat that later put over a a barrel of fire and put that Barrel over some fire it’s terrible I hate it all right guys this that’s a good enough time as any to wrap this up this is a nice

Little addition even if it’s not too big of a one we got it knocked out in about 30 minutes that’s nice um definitely need to actually work on the rest of it even though all I really did was rebuild what I took down originally but it’s important it’s here it’s there all right

You guys have a great rest of your week I can’t wait to see you guys actually wait next Sunday is next Sunday Christmas I think next Sunday is Christmas so we will not be doing it next Sunday not that I celebrate Christmas but you know just so nobody misses out on

Anything all right guys you have a wonderful Christmas uh wonderful New Year’s I should be seeing you on the 31st which is also near shoot we will see probably probably next uh probably in January and hello 4 night 49 I said 4 night um I’m just actually

Wrapping up the stream for this week um so I’ll have to see you next stream but it’s nice seeing you this stream regardless even if it’s towards the end um all right I’ll see you guys next week have a good week or not next week oh so I’ll see you guys next time

Whenever that may be who knows I might

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Adventuring Guild’, was uploaded by Tyken 132 on 2023-12-18 11:40:24. It has garnered 94 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:51 or 11031 seconds.

Background music can be found here: https://gamechops.com/ Playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2fYssjW5mtKy114Kb29zti?si=7f5508bc33434167 Coffee Date – Chill Lofi videogame beats

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    Cursed Craft: The Minecraft Movie Madness In the world of Minecraft, a cursed game movie, Filled with twists and turns, oh so groovy. Kare Kafa narrates, with a playful tone, Describing the action, in a style all his own. Subscribe and support, for more adventures to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we all can be free. Rich and poor, all come together to play, In this virtual world, where we make our own way. So let the game begin, with a grin and a spin, As we dive into Minecraft, where the fun never ends. Kare Kafa’s here, to bring us the news,… Read More

  • Master Parkour Spiral 3 in Minecraft PE

    Master Parkour Spiral 3 in Minecraft PE Exploring Parkour Spiral 3 in Minecraft Pocket Edition Are you ready to take your Minecraft Pocket Edition experience to the next level with Parkour Spiral 3? This thrilling parkour map offers a unique challenge for players looking to test their skills and agility. Let’s dive into the world of Parkour Spiral 3 and discover how you can download and play this exciting map on your device! What is Parkour Spiral 3? Parkour Spiral 3 is a custom parkour map designed for Minecraft Pocket Edition and Bedrock Edition. Created by talented map makers, this map features a spiral design filled… Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s MC Anchor Avatars: Inventory Adventure

    Cube Xuan's MC Anchor Avatars: Inventory Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, with humor and games. Animations that sparkle, with laughter and fun, A channel for all, from dusk until dawn. Pirated copies, beware, for this is the one true source, With daily videos, each one a new course. So follow along, and subscribe with glee, For Fangkuaixuan’s MC magic, is the place to be. From funny moments to classroom tales, And songs that adapt, with creative sails. This channel is a gem, a true delight, So join the fun, and let your imagination take flight. In the world of… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Challenge: 100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypse Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft as you face the ultimate survival challenge – 100 days in a zombie apocalypse! In this thrilling adventure, players must navigate through a world overrun by zombies, using their wit and skills to stay alive. Day 1-14: The Beginning of the End As the sun sets on the first day, the player finds themselves in a world teeming with danger. Zombies lurk in the shadows, ready to attack at any moment. With limited resources, the player must quickly gather supplies, build shelter, and… Read More

  • Crafty Benches Hidden: Minecraft’s Crafting Quest

    Crafty Benches Hidden: Minecraft's Crafting Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Crafting benches hidden, in clever disguise. A design so small, yet works in a weird way, With note blocks and observers, a new game to play. But why hide the benches, what’s the reason behind? A mystery unsolved, a puzzle to find. With levers and buttons, a cleaner look revealed, Innovations in crafting, the game’s fate sealed. So dive into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. Jinus-emporium, the master of design, In the world of gaming, a legend to find. Check out the new design, hidden… Read More

  • Squid Isle Iceberg: Minecraft’s Chilly Delight

    Squid Isle Iceberg: Minecraft's Chilly Delight In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Squid Island iceberg, a sight to behold. Slogo, Jelly, and Crainer, a trio so grand, Their adventures on ice, across the land. From November to August, their series did run, Exploring the iceberg, under the sun. With twists and with turns, each episode a delight, Their laughter and screams, a pure gaming sight. So join me, dear viewers, in this Minecraft lore, As we dive into the iceberg, and explore it once more. With BryansStuff as your guide, in rhymes we will sing, The story of Squid Island,… Read More

  • 3 Major Political Parties in Landova!

    3 Major Political Parties in Landova! The Three Major Political Parties in Landova In the vibrant world of Landova, politics play a crucial role in shaping the society and governance of this modded Minecraft map. One interesting aspect of Landova is the presence of three major political parties that represent different ideologies and viewpoints. The Landovian Acts Party The Landovian Acts Party is the leftist party in Landova. Known for its progressive policies and focus on social welfare, this party advocates for equality, environmental protection, and the rights of all citizens. They are often seen as champions of the working class and marginalized communities within… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Swap shield for door, trust me”

    Minecraft Memes - "Swap shield for door, trust me"Looks like the shield’s defense just couldn’t handle the door’s entrance into meme stardom! Read More

  • Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge Logic

    Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge LogicVideo Information This video, titled ‘WindCharge Logic・・・’, was uploaded by TK on 2024-09-16 14:07:34. It has garnered 618 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlogic #minecraftshorts #yes Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Mac’s Misadventures in Moosey Town

    Mac's Misadventures in Moosey Town Surviving the Harsh Desert in Forever Stranded Modded Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the desert planet of Forever Stranded, a Minecraft Mod-pack in 1.10.2 available on the Curse Launcher. Join Mac as he navigates through the challenges of this unforgiving environment, trying to survive against all odds. Will you test your fate and see how he tames this unknown world? Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crashing on a planet with nothing but sand surrounding you. In Forever Stranded, players must follow quest lines while braving the harsh desert environment. The first challenge? Securing water to combat… Read More

  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

    Tiny Minecraft World Challenge Welcome to the World in a Jar Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a unique survival journey within the confines of a jar in Minecraft! This challenging gameplay experience offers a twist on the traditional world exploration, pushing players to think creatively and strategically to expand their world. Starting Off Strong As you begin your adventure, you’ll find yourself spawned in front of a barrel filled with essential starter tools. These tools will be crucial in helping you navigate and survive in this confined environment. With limited resources at your disposal, every decision you make will impact your progress. Endless Possibilities… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametix

    Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametixVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of Noob Getting Diamonds 😎😦 #minecraft #shorts #gametix #viral’, was uploaded by Gametix on 2024-01-10 06:36:14. It has garnered 3180 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! play.tigsmc.fun:21579 Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

    Welcome to Plains n’ Peaks! Plains n’ Peaks is a private Minecraft SMP (Java only) for a select group of friends and individuals aged 14-20. Our server focuses on a safe and fun Minecraft experience without excessive automation or inflation. We enjoy hosting events, hanging out in voice chat, and having a great time together! We offer a vanilla experience with a few quality of life plugins, like one player sleep, and the Simple Voice Chat mod for socialization. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply here. Requirements: Discord account Minecraft Java Edition account Microphone and computer capable of… Read More

  • Minecraft server mp.castiamc.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mp.castiamc.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Straight facts: Minecraft > Netflix animations”

    Minecraft Memes - "Straight facts: Minecraft > Netflix animations"Well, at least Minecraft doesn’t ask you to pay extra for “HD Dirt”! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ALPEREN HAYALET OKULUNA BAŞLADI! 😱 – Minecraft In this video, Efe and Alperen spend a day at the Ghost School. They learn how to scare people and how to become ghosts themselves. For more videos like this, don’t forget to subscribe! Subscribe now: Minecraft Parodies YouTube Channel Most Loved Minecraft Videos Check out our most popular Minecraft videos here! Support the Channel If you enjoy our content, consider joining our channel here! Join our Discord community: Discord Contact us at: [email protected] Disclaimer: All our videos are purely fictional. The characters and events depicted are not real. The… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POWERFUL SPELLS in Minecraft with this Magic Minecraft Mod: Archon #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kaupenjoe Mod Showcases on 2024-09-05 14:30:01. It has garnered 5224 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. In this Short Minecraft Mod Showcase, we are looking at Archon. An awesome Minecraft Magic Mod that adds powerful Magic to Minecraft. == HASHTAGS == #minecraftmods #minecraftmodshowcase #moddedminecraft #minecraftmagic #minecraftjava #kaupenjoe Read More


    HAUNTED SURPRISES IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Thought This Was A Safe Place | #minecraft #gaming #funny #viral #scary #gameplay #vtuber’, was uploaded by ChaotixOP on 2024-03-29 21:00:53. It has garnered 414 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You cannot escape 🎨 follow me here too: ⭐Discord: https://discord.gg/MFJHChM: ⭐Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaotixop?lang=ar ⭐Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chaotixop/ ⭐Newgrounds: https://chaotixop.newgrounds.com/ ⭐ Or more: https://ko-fi.com/chaotixop ⭐Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5f4bHOH8VoZnfvPICGxPw ⭐Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chaotixop Read More

  • Unbelievable Find at Raaanch – Crystal Room Revealed!

    Unbelievable Find at Raaanch - Crystal Room Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t – Another Old Base. Crystal Room. Dupe Stash Hunting 369 (Stream Highlights)’, was uploaded by Raaanch on 2024-08-14 13:00:41. It has garnered 968 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Welcome to my #2b2t #minecraft #2builders2tools stream highlights. If you wish to join us, please drop a follow at https://www.twitch.tv/Raaanch Would love to see you there! Streamed on the 23rd and 24th of Feb 2024 2b2t is a Minecraft server with the goal to never reset the world in a free for all no rules pvp environment,… Read More

  • Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shorts

    Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lazy players be like #shorts’, was uploaded by teaSer7 on 2024-05-23 06:14:28. It has garnered 2556 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #tiktok #viral #minecraft Read More

  • 💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #Minecraft

    💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-04 18:25:24. It has garnered 113 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:04 or 13504 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PC

    Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Cài Addon From The Fog V5 Mới Nhất Có Rừng Slenderman, Herobrine Giống Pc Cho Minecraft Pe 1.20’, was uploaded by Noob Gamer🇻🇳 on 2024-03-02 11:30:08. It has garnered 66129 views and 1212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:28 or 808 seconds. Addon Slenderman by SlothBuddy206 https://mcpedl.com/slothbuddys-terrors-v1-0-beta/ https://youtube.com/@slothbuddy206?si=0lNH8djWU2W02USO How to Install the Latest Addon From The Fog V5 With Slenderman Forest, And Herobirne Like PC For Minecraft Pe 1.20 🔭 I am a new youtuber, I hope everyone will support me 🔭 After watching, remember to subscribe and like if you like… Read More

  • Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | Minecraft

    Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tập 3 | KHÁM PHÁ MỎ HOANG BÍ ẨN TRONG FROM THE FOG VIETUBER SERVER ! ! ! | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Dino Sakura on 2024-09-05 08:19:55. It has garnered 12668 views and 478 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:39 or 6819 seconds. ►Subscribe to the channel to receive the latest livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@Dinosakura35/?sub_confirmation=1 ►Join Channel Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwUDyWWIabSvE6VBpvTCSMw/join ►Donate to Dino Sakura: – Wescan: https://wescan.vn/dinosakura – Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/sakura2003 ►Other social networks: – Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/DinoSakura35/ – Group Fans: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sakurach – Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dinosakura3 – Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/Dinosakura35 – Discord Sever: https://discord.com/invite/7A2pkZgzcD ►BUY DINO SAKURA CORNER… Read More

  • AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!

    AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-08-11 16:02:32. It has garnered 123790 views and 1297 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:54 or 10014 seconds. I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle! 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/beckbrojack 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Piano Cover – Billy Joel Phantom

    Insane Minecraft Piano Cover - Billy Joel PhantomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piano Man Note Block | Billy Joel Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phantom Note Block on 2024-08-31 13:00:45. It has garnered 174 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Billy Joel – Piano Man Noteblock *Turn on CC for lyrics* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxEPV4kolz0 Arranged and built by Phantomette / PhantomNoteBlock ============================================ This is one of those songs that I didn’t care for until I started building it. By then, it really started to grow on me. Fun fact, this video was uploaded at 9 o’clock Saturday for 90% of my typical… Read More

  • Evrim Craft

    Evrim CraftEvrim Craft, Minecraft’ın sınırlarını zorlayan bir skyblock ve MMORPG karışımıyla geliyor! Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bir evrimin başlangıcını temsil ediyor. Burada, pay to win kavramının izlerini silip, adil, dengeli, yenilik dolu ve eğlenceli bir oyun ortamı bulacaksınız. Sadece blokları kırıp eşyaları toplamakla ya da AFK bırakma ile sınırlı kalmayacak, aynı zamanda epik görevleri tamamlayarak Evrim Craft dünyasının en güçlü oyuncusu olma yolunda ilerleyeceksiniz. Desteklenen sürümler: 1.20.4 – 1.21.X Sunucu adresi: play.evrimcraft.com Web site: https://www.evrimcraft.com Discord: discord.gg/evrimcraft play.evrimcraft.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2+ No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Welcome to HearthCraft SMP HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us to be a part of our community! Features: The world will never reset. Join a long-standing community. No pay-to-win perks, just pure gameplay. Resource worlds that reset monthly. Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more. Unique pet system and level-up based on playtime. Marriage plugin, land claiming, and more. Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia. Block logging and inventory rollback for player protection. Main world size is 90,000 x… Read More

  • SiteBB’neath the surface

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.siteb.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Screenshot Shenanigans 🔥”

    Looks like these screenshots are getting a solid 21 out of 10 in my book! Keep snapping those pixels, gamers. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More