This video, titled ‘Cars VS minecraft creeper🥵’, was uploaded by sougames on 2024-01-07 04:47:42. It has garnered 3380 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds.
An incident occurred where a car exploded for unknown reasons somewhere in the world. Police cars and ambulances rushed to the scene, but the cause of the explosion is still unknown. In fact, a creeper has attacked from the world of Minecraft. A creeper jumped out of the Nether Gate and attacked a moving car, causing it to explode. The creeper then crashed into bicycles, cars, buses, and trucks one after another, causing serious accidents. A swarm of creepers that continues to grow. In the end, the creepers attack a large crane, causing it to explode and being destroyed.
Hi, check out this funny video [ Cars VS minecraft creepe ] on the game BeamNG.Drive.
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