EPIC BattleDrum GRIND: Crazy Minecraft Adventure!

Video Information

He All righty good morning good afternoon good evening hello hello how we doing how we doing how we doing Hello hello all right we have not booted Minecraft in a hot minute so there’s probably a few updates dude my wrist just feels stiff uh trying long your emoji account here for more information to prevent potential data loss please back up your local Minecraft for Windows worlds and running a game repair service

No um I think I just do Microsoft login right there is no more Mojang it’s all Microsoft Microsoft all right we are signed in provide optional data provide account level optional diagnostic data which includes app and feature use enhance error reports sure all right cool we Gucci yo what’s up average

Bro probably the sketchiest thing in the world is is to uh barbecue something in your uh little uh Whatchamacallit it’s kind of funny though but I was going to say did it all work it’s like I could see it but I would say cuz are you just like roasting

Something just hovering above the coals or would you put like a griddle down or something to uh lay something on it so it’s like more consistent wait what I didn’t hear I saw your pictures you said your oven or your stove broke so you’re you got a wheelbarrow and you’re just cooking

Something right on top of it and I’m just like sure but it’s like s’mores I could see doing that but if you’re doing like meat or anything like that that’s a Struggle Bus it was funny though oh the wheelbarrow yeah it was funny though best Eddie gamer jelly yo what’s up dude

How you doing how you doing how you doing welcome in all right game is booted oh do I have Window mode on hold on stream deck you’re failing me hello o hold stream headed oh oh okay hold on yo you good stream we like Drop we didn’t

Drop any frames but but my computer’s just like struggle had like a seizure that was that was cool all right let’s try this again B cap oh I forgot I changed the game capture uh capture specific window capture any full screen application do it you know what where is hold on hold

On hold on wait pause there we go just need a second to actually catch I’ve put a little place where I could put my pan there you go I’m great thanks cool cool good good good I said a whole kitchen there nice call me Eddie gotcha best Eddie gamer jelly Eddie

Gotcha it’s funny I hear the name Eddie and it reminds me of Ed and nedy that like classic Cartoon Network Cartoon and Dad Dandy was my [ __ ] back in the day okay yo game we good it’s Minecraft relax relax I think we need my computer to like take a

Second it’s py py okay you can sit over there yeah we need my my computer needs to wait a second yeah that’s way better Gosha yeah oh you know what hold on I’m going to change music real quick CU I like this playlist but I want something a little

Bit more probably a little bit more Loi just go you know go a little bit more chill um let’s do one of the new ones there we go there we go there we go cool all right check your M uh Minecraft FPS by doing F3 uh or FN uh plus F3 nah we

Chilling I think it should be yeah it should be 144 if not close to it but uh no for some reason like like it’s it’s Minecraft right it’s Minecraft I’ve got a computer that you know very much post dates Minecraft just as a game on PC especially so it’s

Just it’s weird it’s playing the game and then streaming it to YouTube and twitch at the same time my computer’s just like even though it shouldn’t act like that at all so I don’t know there’s like a warm-up period it’s like if we were to

Go into The Nether hold on let me let me let me see this real quick if we were to go into The Nether right now I wonder if if oops all the uh chunks in there needs to load and therefore the stream is going to chug along with it oh s

Dude what are you doing over here you are a Skeletor excuse me how are you here you’re not even a Wither okay but that wasn’t bad no even going into The Nether and loading up uh the chunks in here was not super chuggy so I don’t know I don’t know I guess we

Just get lucky but that’s weird I didn’t know uh skeletons could be in the nether or maybe he follow oh that’s weird there’s arrows coming out of it oh yeah but see just all that loading right there little over cook the potatoes but it is what it

Is anyway got to go see you in two hours is all right average I will see you later brother you have a good one depends if your OBS or streamlabs is using graphics cards and CPU it is using the GPU 100% oh when did I put oh I did put this here ah

Cool all right but uh we need to free up some blockage there we go cuz it needs oh but it can’t no it should right I don’t know I don’t remember how Minecraft Works half the time but that’s good yeah yeah it’s like a new update thing gotcha

Gotcha so what’s up Eddie what’s up so do you you uh watch Minecraft do you stream at all do you do content what are you doing out here I’ll buy your Lans some didn’t I put hold on I need to remember what I did I haven’t

Been on this Minecraft world in a few weeks right cuz we made this cow pen over here I think I’ve got some roaming pigs and sheep yeah [Applause] um I think we’ll keep it that way cuz I think the beef goes a long way for food compara comparatively

So we’re going to sit with that yeah that’ll be chill yeah I normally have my OBS settings set to CPU because it runs the game great the video turns out great as well got it got it I think the main reason why you want to go GPU is because um typically gpus can

Process a lot better and more efficiently I think it depends on what you’re doing as well cuz that was the argument back in the day was um I think gpus were starting to outclass CPUs I don’t know if that’s the case anymore cuz uh you know Intel

Generation’s at the what the 14k series CPU so if you buy one with a high clock speed and a lot of cores they could probably get the job done now with streaming then um using a GPU but at the same time if you’re rocking a 3K or a 4K series GPU

Nvidia GPU then it’s just like bro take your pick if you’re not doing any particular game like crazy with the graphics then yeah you kind of just choose but I I’ve been streaming for a while and that was originally The Meta was being able to use your GPU instead

Of your CPU because the CPUs I don’t think at the time were uh good at doing both you need the CPU just to do the hard math and you need the GPU to just do the stream and doing all that so but yeah uh yeah I am a streamer but

More of a YouTuber right now I’m a setup help and Technology guy oo sick sick cool set up for just like everything to do with content so again we’re talking OBS so you know the right you know the settings and all that stuff I haven’t used streamlabs in a hot

Minute I just used OBS studio um but okay cool cool cool and Tech So speaking of tech are you paying attention to what’s going on with Nvidia right now they just have their uh their showcasing of their Blackwell GPU which I mean hey they want to brag about some

Serious numbers and all that stuff I didn’t see about the 5K series gpus but they should be coming up right I’m hoping but uh it’s like godamn I’m in need of an upgrade for sure so you know I’m just waiting I’m just waiting for everyone to go buy those 5Ks and then

I’m I’ll upgrade to a 3K and still like Coast cuz I’ve got an i76700k and a 1070 GPU so I don’t have a lot in terms of uh Firepower in my computer unfortunately so I’m kind of hoping to save up a little bit of money and then

Maybe uh get not a not a pre-built but do like cyber power R by one of those cuz I built this computer that I’m using um back in 2018 I forget when old so old old old I had shaders on oh got it I’m a tech guy for nearly everything

Nice nice yeah I’ve been looking at them gotcha yeah it’s fun times it’s fun times Nvidia stock probably taking off what’s Nvidia stock at cuz you would imagine after announcing that oh they’re actually down a little bit they’re down almost 1% today but it’s at $885 doar a share

So it’s a bit of a blow up disgusting yeah I can’t imagine they’ve got to be doing a stock split at some point it’s like I don’t think any company worth billions if not trillions of dollars can say yeah th000 bucks a share nah you got to be doing a

Split and what’s funny is that since they’re close to a th000 I would almost do I would [ __ ] a 3 to one sure a 4 to one would be nice cuz that would still drop it to maybe 200 bucks a share which is plenty and then like the amount of stocks you

Buy from that would be disgusting cuz I don’t have too much money in my portfolio but dude I would totally sell some stuff to get some Nvidia shares totally um let’s see what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing I think we’re just coasting because yeah speaking of

YouTube and speaking of content I’ve been thinking about doing something just a bit different when it comes to my channel um because I’ve seen there’s a bit of a growth in the um uh what’s wait just say it see I’m not I’m a solo act right you know we’re

Only we’re a few subscribers short of uh 600 so I don’t make any money doing this I used to make money streaming on Twitch I was an affiliate but um there was no growth on Twitch so I decided to scrap that not entirely scrap it but um I got

Rid of my affiliate agreements and decided to just do YouTube because I feel like YouTube uh and maybe you can um say something for or against what I’m what I’m going to say but YouTube’s shown to be a bit better when it comes to um growth especially for someone who

Doesn’t have a lot of uh viewership or you know anything like that be it’s streaming on Twitch or even just doing YouTube in general so starting here is good because the algorithm and whatnot is a little bit more um I don’t to say fair but it’s more uh reliable it’s more useful than

You know streaming on Twitch and then trying to outpos everyone else who’s streaming in a certain uh game or a certain Niche so that’s what I’ve been doing for the past two years is almost two years no no a little bit longer than that oh I forgot the I forgot the cat hold

Oops but uh there’s something I want to do a little bit different when it comes of contents on here which is a little bit more of a uh it’s like I don’t want to use the word authentic because I am authentic but uh a little bit more obviously

Authentic I guess not too much edits on something but you know if something is preach I guess or talkable then boom that’s content easy cuz I see dude like my YouTube feed is just flooded with people giving their takes on something it could be for like

A minute or for like 10 minutes and there’s no edits it’s just the thing them talking about it and then boom that’s it done you can try YouTube shorts no believe me believe me I would be and I should be because last summer there was a friend of mine

Another content creator um he challenged me essentially to upload a single short uh well yeah upload a short every single day um so I work for um I work for a school district so I’ve got summer vacations off so from the I think it was

The end of May until like mid July I uploaded a shorts like almost every single day and we grew from probably 200 something uh subscribers on the YouTube channel to about five and that was on already very little momentum like that was upload every single day and gain you

Know a couple 100 subscribers so that was fantastic that was dope but being back at work it’s a little bit more difficult to do that especially the shorts that I was trying to do cuz they were edited a bit um and uh I tried to throw in some

Extra stuff that took a little bit more time so what I think I want to try to do is do that again but do that um considerably more easier than before whereas I just need to pick sections where I talk about something almost podcasty is and then upload that cuz I

Think that would be a lot easier and that would be a lot it honestly would’ be a lot easier to connect with people to be real you try like twice a week maybe yeah no it it honestly is that because instead of trying to do every single day

I need to do you know at least twice or three times a week because I stream three days a week um I bet if I were to stream five it’d be different so but I’m not going to be upping my stream schedule until um I can potentially make money uh doing This cuz if this actually um if the YouTube channel actually did take off then I would I would double down considerably onto it but until that day got to pay the bills got to pay rents cuz it’s me it’s me and the wife I am married so we both uh pull in some

Income but you know things cost a lot of money but no that’s that’s just one approach that I do want to take to YouTube content right now is just seriously like drop a short 20 to 30 seconds about something something that I think would be useful for someone to

Hear or connect with and then boom and then boom and I’m I’m curious to see how well that growth could be cuz one guy I’m listening to right now who’s like phenomenal if you’ve seen um this uh pirate software this uh is that yeah pirate software I think

Thor the uh hacker from blizzard dude’s fantastic like I love watching his shorts watching his content because he’s just a dude who’s been doing the thing for forever and him just giving his two cents about a lot of things and it’s things that he kind of knows about

Things he knows very well about like uh have you seen what’s going on with this like hacking thing in this Apex tournament that just happened crazy [ __ ] super crazy [ __ ] you could always watch a YouTuber called Midnight Man he helps with tech and does some streams about how to make

Your YouTube channel good gotcha gotcha there’s there’s a few that I um I get recommended a lot and it’s it’s yeah it’s a lot of those a lot of the YouTube channels that says hey you’re doing this wrong do it like this but when it comes to uh

Content editing thumb Nails yeah I do I do see a lot of those videos yeah I saw that it’s crazy stuff dude it’s crazy stuff and then I love the fact that he’s such a proficient um hacker too which I think is hilarious cuz his background he gives

His background um when they were talking about the thing going down and oh my goodness even has a Discord where I’m an admin I help with the tech in uh most of the tech in there gotcha okay Midnight Man gotcha gotcha trying to think if I

Heard Midnight Man maybe if I saw the channel hold on no I don’t think I’ve seen But gotcha building a pro console stream set up with Mac OS download free video editing software building best budget streaming setup for PS5 got it got it got it okay that’s cool that’s actually a good

Idea especially for people that need a budget and it’s like hey you want to copy the exact Hardware as a PS5 bet here it is you’re going to jump when you see just how much how much money it doesn’t cost which is very true really good videos you ever need

Help help uh you could watch him for sure for sure oops but yeah cuz one thing dude is my inventory full oh my goodness I need to go dump my inventory I’m just like I’m not picking up anything excuse you get back in there get back get back in there get in yeah

That’s right get no no are you in there we go and that’s right that’s right stay in the pen but uh n i so my my two twoe threee 5year plan I don’t know I can’t I can’t gauge that stuff anymore but what I do eventually want to

Do like I said is um I don’t think I want to build another computer I just can’t be it’s not that I can’t be bothered to do it cuz I saw a new EG um cuz I haven’t been on newag in a hot minute they actually have like these

Pre-built computers not put together but just the individual parts and they just sell you those individual Parts which would have been fantastic you know five plus years ago at this point cuz You’ go PC part picker and um put something together see what they’re where they’re being sold what they’re being sold for

And then get those parts and put them together easy peasy cuz I built four different computers at this point and the process isn’t bad but I’m just like I can’t be bothered so yeah but uh uh really good videos I already read that one can’t wait to uh

Watch more of your videos appreciate it appreciate it that’s awesome man yeah it’s not bad but I definitely want to save up money and just probably go to I power or one of them whoever’s going to offer a decent amount of money for a decent system I’m always looking but

Yeah like I said that’s not until down the road hopefully you can make a little bit of money off YouTube and then just put that money aside and then put that money in my stock account make it grow get some dividends and then no I’m just kidding

Anyway Mr axo Bucket yo what’s up welcome back how you doing how you doing oh yeah what am I doing I’m putting this stuff away real quick this is my nether chest quote unquote um I don’t actually don’t have a lot of stuff in here not too much oh that’s right what

Were we doing last time we were on we were off and away somewhere just kind of like doing things um I need to figure need to figure this crap out a little bit um I’m keeping those theous uh where did I put seeds were over here yeah o okay

We’re throwing away some wheat seeds I put the bone meal in here did I put saplings in here I didn’t but we’re going to do that now um we got some raw mutton cooked chicken we got some raw beef uh where did I put the bones bones are in here okay check let’s

Go down here got some dirt got some sand uh I think I’m going to hold on to this wood sticks bucket used for something additional Foods um I don’t need the fence oh don’t need the spider r or anything cians people do this all the it’s I see yeah cust in the whole

District and I’m just like to learn never like that’s funny always I always want to email Back yeah well how you doing I’m doing pretty good how about you how was your weekend what are your PC specs so I’ve got an i7 Intel obviously i7 um 6700k so old Generation Um I’m not sure it’s clock speed but again 6700k it’s it’s pretty

Old um it’s water cooled with a Corsair allinone cooler I’ve got an Nvidia 1070 I think it’s a fur the win Edition but that doesn’t mean anything in in particular it’s not a TI it’s not a super it’s not an additional version of it it’s kind of a I think it’s a

Default um I forget which it’s made but um regardless still again old GPU comparatively to the stuff uh that’s out right now um I’ve got everything Rock uh coming off of a solid state drive not an m.2 unfortunately ooh thank you for the string um yeah I don’t actually know if my

Motherboard has an m.2 slot or uh if it does I haven’t checked but I haven’t bought one so yeah pretty much everything’s running off ssds games are running off ssds the operating system all that stuff all my programs editing streaming I do have one I think it’s a 4 terabyte or a

Two terab I don’t remember multiple terabyte hard drive which is where I store screenshots videos um stuff like that not my post renders but all my pre stuff all my raw footage for whatever what have you um and then what else 16 gigs of RAM which

Isn’t a lot but um and again that’s one thing I think I definitely could upgrade and it wouldn’t cost that much could probably go 32 with a increased clock speed but um you know just can’t be bothered at this point uh what else what else what

Else it’s pretty much it just a couple solid stage drives 16 gigs of RAM 1070 and 97 so nothing crazy nothing crazy wait what weekend it’s Wednesday well yeah but I don’t see anyone Monday Tuesday so weekend for I guess stream is Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday so that

Whole block that whole block of time my GPU right now is a 1650 run shaders well and Records good as well gotcha gotcha okay 16 gabes Ram is good at the moment so your PC is still good yeah it gets the job done that’s one thing I’ve noticed that my computer’s still good

For the average game but when I want to play Something Like Hell divers uh my computer absolutely struggles at both running the game but also even capturing the game or streaming the game it is a struggle bus and I’ve tried lowering the settings on the game to compensate but

There’s a weird graphical glitch that happens where the text on my game just on my HUD will start to like thin in a weird way it’ll like it’ll essentially erode away from my screen and then uh on top of that letters will just go away altogether so it’s like it’s like your

Brain you know you know the alphabet from A to Z and then for some reason playing the game my game just forgets d g h l m b and Y like full letters will just disappear it’s crazy it is crazy so I think it’s growing pains for hell divers

I think they still need to optimize the game because if I run it on on a higher Ultra the game runs fantastic out of very low frame rate but it it’s it’s fantastic it’s a beautiful looking game I just don’t think it’s very optimized for a bunch of

Computers but it’s like if you can run on a PS5 and I think my computer can you know compete with PS5 quality then I think essentially it is what it is it’s not optimized for a wide range of systems it’s only optimized for a very small minority of systems so I

Think I just have to wait for hell divers to get a significant optimization upgrade or alternatively we get a better computer but yeah wa hold up you play hell divers oh yeah I’m actually thinking of doing more hell divers content on the side and just not streaming it because I can’t it

I can’t yeah I can’t do both I can’t um I definitely cannot stream hell divers on both YouTube and twitch like I’ve been doing uh because that’s just more processing like my CPU goes 100% so uh that means the stream will start start dropping quality

Because I stream at 60 FPS I’ve seen my OBS frame rate meter drop from 60 down to like 20 it’s bad and then I can’t even maintain I can barely maintain 40 frames per second playing the game so I don’t know I think I think it needs I think it needs a

Minute I think it needs a minute so also uh who is that in the background the person talking oh that’s my wife she’s on her computer she’s like right next to me a few feet away it is my wifeu but yeah it sucks it’s a great

Game it’s a fun game like I can see that game [ __ ] like it’s super early in the year it’s you know it’s March but if hell divers 2 can maintain its level of um it I don’t know it’s status right now as like a crazy out of nowhere indie game quote

Unquote live service game that just kind of took the World by storm and away if you can maintain that all the way to November December bro it’s game of the year if not indie game of the year at least at this point who’s to say like the game is fantastic and what

They’re doing with the game I think is beautiful for the gaming industry and for live service games in General so I’m curious to see what the game’s going to look like a year down the road like beginning in 2025 very curious after it hits its one year

Mark so I’m excited for it like I said fun game definitely recommend definitely recommend yo what’s up Kyla how you doing how you doing how was your weekend what’s your stream schedule at the moment so stream schedule at the moment is Wednesday Thursday Friday at 10:00 in the morning PST which is about

38 minutes ago regardless of where anyone lives what whatever time it is for you guys 38 minutes ago that is when I stream but yes Wednesday Thursday Friday sometime Saturday not all the time Wednesday Thursday Friday is a guaranteed all right what are we going to do in Minecraft I’m kind of just

Using Minecraft as a backdrop for the uh stream in general en so there’s not really any focus on Minecraft we got two pretty good points we could definitely keep going but yeah um let’s see do I want to explore or do I want to mess with something around

Here like do a upgrade to some infrastructure here how many diamonds do I have cuz we could go mining go mining a little bit all right I’ll to join tomorrow then sweet sweet we was all right brother download a bunch of the Resident Evil games so I just finished playing two

Replaying two and probably do three again eventually hell yeah that’s awesome I’m flying to the beach later today ooh you have to fly to the beach that’s tough but that’s fun that’s kind of cool yeah I don’t think I don’t think I played any Resident Evil before the

Fourth especially when they were new cuz I wasn’t too into um horror games at all but um I don’t remember why we got four cuz it was me and my brother like we are the gamers of our family and um I don’t remember like how we even got

Resident Evil 4 but no we started with four pretty much played Five played six haven’t played the past couple um but yeah four was four was my [ __ ] I loved four four was F fantastic but that’s really cool that’s really cool I think I’d be down to play the earlier

Ones but are they are they on Steam by chance I know because they did do remakes of them right awesome sweet I’ll be back maybe today or tomorrow have a great stream thanks for the great talk have a great day you too Eddie I appreciate you coming in dude really

Really do you have a good one I’ll see you around I mean we got a lot of beaches here but I won vouchers for a free 4day three night stay for my family in the last golf tournament and the beach uh is for uh in the beach that it’s for is in

Another island group that is dope that is really dope cool cool badass all right Kyla out here again just winning golf tournaments like you freaking female Tiger Woods out here that’s sick they should be on C okay you only sleep at night or ding thunderstorms it’s raining but it’s not

A thunderstorm feels good I played Resident Evil 2 remake at least uh you play it at least once a year like it’s just a reoccurring game I don’t think I’ve ever had a game like that like a reoccurring replay of a game that wasn’t a live service cuz they don’t

Count I don’t know what’s a game that I just like replayed multiple times honestly probably the Zelda games like uh especially back in the day on the N64 days with cartridges and discs yeah yeah we playing through maor’s mask ocarine of time Wind Waker Twilight Princess a few times um I

Believe replayed through breath of the wild I think two or three times so yeah Zelda franchise I definitely replay through so it’s a great time M well I don’t know just playing a horror game multiple times over kind of lose it’s it’s novelty or is it just fun to

Replay anyway oo Final Fantasy games as well those I replay I replay 10 a bunch of times I’ve replayed 10 too a few times not as much 13 15 15 is my 15 Is My Jam um I replayed through the seven remake twice so far I do it again at

Some point um I need to play the new one uh but it’s on Playstation right now so we got to wait for the PC Port which is sad but whatever sleep first played it with this guy in my uh Oregon AR freshman year at College he handled the keyboard I was the mouse

He became my best uh we became best friends after that that’s sick that’s funny that’s cool only best friends only best only only only best friend so that’s it nothing else okay mhm mhm mhm got it I see you that’s cool though that’s Fun trying to think it’s like the wife and I played games together but um I remember back in the day me and a friends me and my friends were playing on the Xbox 360 and we’re doing like Halo forge multiplayer and just like shooting and killing each other fun

Times we we did that like all the way through the night he has a girlfriend o that’s tough that’s tough though that’s tough all right I feel it but if it didn’t I’m no home wrecker that’s good that’s good that’s that’s really good that’s honorable for

Sure but but but what you’re telling me is that if he didn’t oh yeah let’s get rid wait did I get rid of those I did not get rid of those eggs okay we got a metric [ __ ] ton of eggs let’s gobble up these eggs let’s get some scrambled eggs up in this

Bash dude it’s too bad that’s totally thing they can add to this game cuz hold on hold on let me I wonder if it’s modded I wouldn’t doubt it but I think it’s something um Microsoft could probably just add to the game later on so if you come over to the

Alchemy thing right here the Bing stand you’ve essentially got one ingredient that goes into three separate um uh flasks you know containers whatever what have you so what you got logically is you being able to put multiple things onto you can throw this in Reverse so think about this you could put like

Egg beef and uh cheese all right here and then they all kind of go up the lanes into the dish right here which could be you know a breakfast meal which sounds delicious honestly maybe maybe even uh uh you know pork whatever what have you and then that can become a

Whole thing like you can with this be uh this beetroot soup so I can totally see something like that and it could be uh you know a stove with a pan whatever but it would give you a bunch of different uh recipes for like cooking dishes and whatnot so that’d be

Dope and again I wouldn’t put it past him to say that uh something like that wouldn’t have already been modded or you know maybe they’re working on it who’s to say to be fair if he didn’t I still want oh damn okay okay you just a friend

I feel it I feel it he just a friend I got you I got you oops scuffed it me and friend have a server together dope server like Minecraft server what are we talking about all right if any chickens die it is what it is there we go we got a few chickens

Coming out all right we excuse me we modded it to have terrifying demons cave dweller man of the fog and goat man yikes I’m good this the first time you’re playing Minecraft again since uh before you started Li P yes yes it is but uh so I was talking with um uh

Eddie earlier on I kind of want to do a little bit more of a uh shift in the content and what I mean by that is that I kind of want to use Minecraft or these games as like a backdrop to us just you know talking about

Things it’s like the stream at the GetGo may seem like it’s about Minecraft it’s about playing through Minecraft but it’s like I want to switch it up I wanted to be more about stream and content and topics and thing like that things like that not really podcasty but something more towards

That um and the reason for it is because I think a lot of that stuff can be used for shorts for YouTube videos and whatnot if we like break down a topic about anything and we just kind of yeah just kind of off the cuff do that kind

Of stuff because I think that’d be a lot better packageable content for YouTube in order to grow CU in the reverse it’s like uh you know when we were what we were doing before which is something crazy happens on stream or something fun which you know is definitely

Something that could happen but it’s not going to happen all the time and if it doesn’t happen all the time then I go days without you know content instead of I can make you know a 100 shorts off of one live stream you know what I mean

Just kind of it’s kind of in reverse that way I can put out a lot more content than I could before man from the fog uh from the fog socks uh you you while you aren’t looking in the cave dweller just makes mining terrible plus the Goatman that

Just attacks you with no warning you can kill all of them right plus really spooky shaders oh right right so you’re just trying to make the game a lot more yeah a lot more horror wonder if there’d be like a resident evil mod that’d be kind of

Funny just a bunch of the uh bunch of the uh the villains like the scary ones from Resident Evil just like all over Minecraft that’d be great the dude with the chainsaw o o I would I’d probably be like nope I’m out but again you know give me give me a bow

And arrow I’ll shoot anyone from a distance a Gman I’ll put him down put him down oh that’s one thing I want to do is put a uh make an iron golem cuz I forgot uh forgot how you do that so cool what do you want to talk about pretty much I mean

Nothing’s nothing’s really unapproachable I would I I would probably say probably politics because that can go in a million different ways especially in today’s day and age so maybe something like that would not be the way to go um but anything gaming life anything anything’s good to go uh also

Mo uh makes biomes a lot prettier more more detailed that’s cool but is it mods that makes biome prettier with shaders or do they just like adjust the way things look in its natural pixelated form because I could see shaders being very approachable I just haven’t felt the

Need to add any on yet we’re still kind of just coasting but maybe eventually those Forest uh a is ain’t cool with demons chasing you met true true you can only kill one I can’t kill more than one like it prevents you the cave dweller is

Invincible oh and so it’s a goat man cool all there is is running PR plus they can break doors so you need to make redstone setups fun maybe I’ll give a hard maybe to that I’m just going to load myself with uh ender pearls and just be teleporting

Around the map it’s like like [ __ ] can’t can’t chase me down I have a question actually all right hit me is it true that Tik Tok is getting banned in America so the conversation with Tik Tok right now is what they want to do is force the Chinese Communist party to

Divest their Holdings of Tik Tok because they don’t trust that information from Tik Tok that’s getting gathered doesn’t go directly to the CCP which a lot of people say it does and I kind of agree that it probably does so two things are going to happen

One Tik Tok just gets straight up banned like you can’t it’s going to get pulled out of the uh app stores where no one can download it it’s just going to be gone or an American company um buys it and then keeps it running so it’s really

Those two options but the goal is to limits China’s ability to essentially spy on Americans so that’s pretty much what it is and I kind of agree to an extent having a foreign government able to have you know so much access on a very popular app like that is a bit sus you

Know but yeah it’s really one or the other I think most people don’t care unless you know the argument’s been made that a lot of people’s livelihoods um especially with content Creation in social media and whatnot like even someone like me um if I had a Tik Tok

Account which I don’t but if I was making if I was getting significant traction from content posted on Tik Tok for the YouTube channel that directly or indirectly affects the revenue that I would make off of this then I would be like um I have a question why are we

Doing this but at the same time if everyone loses access to Tik talk then you know everyone gets that Peg knocked out of their um their uh infrastructure but there’s still Instagram there’s still YouTube shorts uh there are other things and this isn’t the first time we’ve had a

Social media platform just kind of evaporate out of nowhere we used to have Vine back in the day which was a precursor to what Tik Tok and short form content was deleted gone Twitter at the time Twitter uh was just like nah we’re good I don’t remember what the reason

Was but a lot of people started developing careers on social media because of Vine and it just disappeared the next day just completely gone and so a lot of people had to start over uh start over from scratch and it sucked at the time but you know I think the vast

Majority of like the big ones still went super hard like we’re talking Logan Paul we’re talking David do uh we’re talking even Harris heler too uh because him and his wife were doing um song covers on Vine and then he went on to make a really good YouTube channel um

Uh King uh botch batch batch how do you say his name I don’t remember but you know there’s a lot of um biners that still were able to pack up their stuff and move over to a different site so I don’t know but yeah that’s pretty much what the uh

What the gist of it is oh also they have a terrifying animation that somehow squeezes their body through single block space okay we need slabs everywhere that’s terrifying also it just makes the biomes more intricate and [ __ ] gotcha gotcha okay me too L Tik Tok scares the

[ __ ] out of me yep I feel it but you know there’s plenty of other social media sites but yeah that’s just everyone’s major concern is CH and I think it’s a valid concern too so but yeah it’s really one or the other so all depends on who I don’t remember how

Much money they’re talking about could potentially be for this Tik Tok buy but it’s going to be it’s going to be a lot of money and is it going to be already a big social media company is it going to be like a private uh purchase who’s to say

So but it’s going to be interesting I’ve seen someone build an entire Minecraft concentration camp okay but yeah but who’s in the camp if it’s just filled with a bunch of villagers then bro that’s sus AF it’s like I’ve got pens with pigs and

Cows but yeah if you put a a fenced out enclosure filled with villagers bro you’re playing the wrong kind of game there oh you know what where is my don’t I have a bow yeah I’ve got 17 arrows o you know what let’s see how many arrows we can make we need Flint

Um I did make okay where did I put all the Flint I have one thing a flint um we need gravel um that’s all dirt where did I put here we go cuz we can found out that you can just put a bunch and go from there I have another

Question do you wear cologne no I used to back in the day because I thought that was kind of the Strat for uh especially in high school the Strat for you know just being slightly more attractive to the females but no cuz yeah especially back in then it

Was the Axe Body Spray even still to an extent but um when I was a teenager that was kind of the Strat but no I kind of stopped doing that a while ago cuz it Doesn’t one it has potential to attract someone who’s not naturally attracted to

You because there is that play off of your natural pheromones and certain people are attracted to the way you naturally smell and that I would say is a little bit more of a reliable um uh use for picking someone who might be more interested in you if you start

Using something that’s not that’s um natural to your own person then you know you do have the potential of essentially pulling in someone that you may not like so it’s not like a yes no it’s not like you know a work not work scenario but uh it does lean towards

That so if you’re just caking yourself in something that you don’t naturally smell like then and you’re kind of it’s kind of a not really a false flag but kind of along those lines and it’s like you’d rather pull in someone that you might actually you know kind of gel with to an

Extent really did not know that it is a little bit not exactly cut and dry like you know if you’re just natural then you’re going to pull in someone that you know you Vibe with it could be the other way around it all depends but yes there

Is a natural body odor body odor pheromone that you produce that some people will find attractive and others will not and I think it would be and then it’s also like how much money you feel like spending on those perfumes colog whatnot to smell that certain way like

How much how much money you willing to throw down versus throwing down very little if not and if if no money just smelling the way that you smell you know just be clean yeah don’t don’t cake yourself in all that fun stuff so but yeah used to back in the day not

Anymore me it’s pretty much just shower and deodorant and even my deodorant is not like super crazy stuff so yeah but yeah I do believe that if is a thing though when it comes to smelling someone’s natural odor um there is a better overall chance for some actual compat

Compatibility with uh you know people of the opposite sex so that’s just that I’d say that’s another layer to finding the right uh partner down the road is smell because we are animals to an extent we are animals oh yeah the wife uh said fun fact uh birth control

Does I’d say directly affect that so what you may find attractive while you’re while you’re on birth control uh as soon as you get off of it it could be it could be very very different smell look mood all of that like birth control almost makes you it it’s I don’t want to

Say night and day but it’s close it is close I think my nose has better memory than uh my other sensory organs yo so kind of same do you by chance when you smell something do you does your brain kind of sift through your uh memory a little bit and kind of

Pull something out of that because my my smell does that I’ll smell something and then I’ll just get hit with like oh this reminds me of that one time or this reminds me of that one thing like for some reason my smell sensor does trip my

Brain a little bit it does nice same yeah the wife I I told her this a while ago that it it does that to me sometimes she said doesn’t happen to me at all I’m just like interesting it does always gotcha it does give me feeling

Yes smell does give you feelings but you don’t yeah you don’t correlate yeah you don’t correlate a memory to that smell now I’ll remember a time of day an activity and uh also what I was feeling at the time like it just gives me a snapshot of uh you know what that was

What it was connected to cuz I think especially when I was a kid when I went into a certain spot that had a like distinct smell like an auto shop it almost like um that that smell plus the location and the time just got saved in my internal

Hard drive for some reason so that anytime that I smell that it reminds me of that specific location like the smell correlates to a certain memory and it’s not always the same but um it is like along those lines so like you know if I smell uh car parts

Tires and whatnot um not all the time but something like that would trigger um for me for the longest time it uh my dad and his side of the family used to run an auto parts shop and uh that smell very distinct every time I would walk in

So anytime I smell that boom reminds me exactly of that place sometimes if I really want to remember something I with a certain colog like I’m pretty sure my nose are responsible for me passing some Physics tests back in high school that’s funny and hey play to your strengths to be

Real play to your strengths that’s actually like a lot of like articles whatever say like on your wedding Daye so then that smell perfume will always be associated with that day with youring got it that makes sense okay all right we got the Flint uh what do we

Need for arrows we need sticks and O feathers but that’s actually a that’s a that’s a 500 IQ idea but the problem is I think I don’t know cuz I never like I never knew that like I understood it but definitely couldn’t um like apply it but I wonder if those memories and

The smells can kind of like override each other cuz yeah I like that idea certain smell could trigger pieces of information which would help with the test but can you do that consistently and with different subjects where it doesn’t overlap and you don’t kind of screw that

Up or does every time that you do that trick it’s like information it’s like the trigger is always the same it’s a certain cologne so when you smell it then that information gets recalled easy but that information that gets called is uh a bble to be overridden if that’s the

Case that’s smart that’s really that’s a really smart idea if only I knew about that but um oh yeah we need feathers which can we Shear chickens or do I have to kill chickens for the feather pretty sure I have to kill them I got to kill him oh

It’s night time let’s not go out but hm okay I keep changing my respawn point but I forgot I need to let the cat come with hell yeah that’s awesome o cat gave me something oh G gave me a thing of raw chicken good job poy

All right well we need to Coal some of these chickens anyway cuz we got way too many but yeah another reason why I want to do a little bit more I guess of a podcasty format where we’re just kind of talking about stuff is that the time it

Takes to I guess make a piece of content out of it is substantially quicker because I do not I do not have a lot of time to uh do this stuff cuz you remember Kyla when we were doing like those shorts every single day last year that was during summer

Vacation where I was not working so I had all the time to kind of like pee something together edit it upload it within a day and then move on and do something else with work it’s it’s not a lot of time to do some stuff

So and uh also there’s a bit of a meta shift when it comes to content on YouTube it’s being less flashy less Mr Beast with um you know all the edits and the zooming and the and the cutaways and the b-roll and the crap like that um I

Think less people are watching that kind of stuff and more people are watching uh more just raw authentic content I think I think that meta is kind of shifting and I want to kind of join that meta a bit I don’t think that was ever a

Problem for me but then again I only I only really had problems remembering numbers formulas and equations I don’t have I think I was doing okay with memorizing that kind of stuff especially when it came to algebra geometry that was another that’s another thing but Algebra I did pretty well at

Uh that was last year yeah that was last year cuz um we were doing I’m pretty sure that was last year yeah I think that was over the summer of 2020 it’s 2024 2023 was it really yeah I think it was last year cuz that’s when we were doing

Um Zelda tears of the Kingdom I can’t believe March is almost over I can’t believe that either like 2024 is almost like we’re almost uh at the end of March the first quarter of the year is over so we’re almost on Q2 2024 which is yeah it’s it’s disgusting it’s

Disgusting as one thing I’ve noticed getting older is that time Time Slips by a lot quicker and I think the reasoning for it is that I get into the rhythm of my day today um because I do it so consistently and I’ve done it for a while that the

The seconds the minutes and the hours this they just don’t hit you nearly as hard as they did when you were a kid when you were a kid you know it felt like days took forever I’m in school it’s lasting forever my teacher is lecturing us about you know history or

Whatever H it’s taking forever you’re staring up at the clock and the seconds just go go by so slow because you’re just hyperactive you want to go do something else but when you’re an adult you got so used to that concept that time now and it doesn’t affect you nearly as much

Time now goes by a lot quicker so I’ve noticed you know even in my mid 20s that if I was sticking to my routine my schedule and the day didn’t have anything crazy happened like a car accident or you know what have you days went by at a very average pace if not

Slowly creeping and becoming a little bit more of a quicker pace and then you know those weeks turned into months turned into years and then boom you know I’m 31 going to be 32 in a few months and it’s like bro where did the time go and it’s like time went by normal

Your perception of it you just kind of miss so it’s one reason why a lot of people say hey get out and go do things because you need you need that novelty to happen in order for time to start moving slower again because when you’re a kid everything’s new everything is a a

Chore quote unquote but everything you’re just absorbing you’re understanding for the first time so time takes forever once you start doing the stuff that you know it’s like time goes by super super quick so you’ve got got to do you got to do new things to slow down the clock

Perceptually exactly yep yep perceptually it’s all about perception and I try to I’m especially trying to do it more now I’ve been going to the gym three to four times a week for the past couple weeks right now and it helps considerably like my day-to-day right now is not going super fast it’s

Also not going super slow it’s it’s I’m paying attention to literally everything so it’s it’s getting better and when I do the things that I struggle at doing which could be exercise could be you know whatever I’m doing I could be running I could be doing core workouts which is painful

Trying to work your abs when you don’t work your abs nearly as much uh bro pain but it does slow down the clock it really really does I sent picks of my server in Discord gotcha I’m interested I totally wait Minecraft yeah single player pauses so we’re not

Standing out in the middle of nowhere about to get shot out by an Enderman bro what the that is some nightmare fuel dude like hold on bro screw that that is terrifying especially those hands look at those like claw hooked hands dude that is gnarly I’m just like I can’t even see

Anything but I think this is the beon right like it is super dark and depressing looking so I feel it and then you just see one in the distance with that glowy is that like a that’s their mouth right let me go back kind of right it’s like their eyes

Are up here but their mouth deal thing is like super down there almost like an extended jaw looking thing but I can’t even tell what this is I see two k semi light dots right here but I can’t even tell what’s going on over here but dude they’re kind of cute though they’re

Kind of cute I’m just having this pets I’m going to build like a uh pit and put them all in there throw some meat down there so they have something to eat throw a live cow down there you know yeah but yeah that is that’s pretty that’s pretty good pretty nightmare fuelish

Oh forgot my webcam wasn’t on that but hey you know it’s pretty good though I can get down with it to an extent all right guys see so far I would say say just based on the stuff that we talked about probably filmed you know like a three to

Four shorts right there boom done easy go back to the VOD pick them out upload them and uh see if they go anywhere cuz that’s the more important thing is that I’m curious to see if any of these shorts kind of go anywhere and how applicable certain

Things could be to other people so we’ll see what happens how long does it take to mod things really really easy actually um what’s the name of that program so me and a few friends have been doing lethal company uh we’ve been doing it for like past couple months has

It really been a few months and uh there’s a app or an yeah it’s an application that you can download and install called thunderstore mod manager there’s a few others but they use thunderstore you seriously just open it you create a profile for the game you download a list of mod

Mods uh which will install naturally within a few seconds depending on how big the mod is and then you launch the game while in this mod window and then boom You Got Mods done curse Forge that’s another one it’s modding things nowadays has become super super easier back in the

Day could be a little bit of a uh learning curve because you would have to download a thing you’d have to pick the right files you’d have to put them in an additional file next to the application so that they would um work together it was a process but with uh Cur Forge

Thunderstore whatever they’ve made the process a lot easier I set you a metal clip of me torching my friend with demons ooh where are you oh all right let’s see someone get here here tortured do you want to know what be really funny because you see are you

Looking I have this spawn egg here right so you would be Funny yo legit terrifying that what did you see be really funny cuz you see and I love your the setup you know be really funny dude you know what be really funny so I’ve got the spawn egg right and he immediately KN I have the spawn egg here

Right I love it just kill murder end them bro look at that jaw look at that teeth that’s perfect that’s fantastic H that’s pretty good yo what’s up paila oh Minecraft well yes and no to the Minecraft so what I was telling Kyla earlier and which I was also telling

Eddie earlier I kind of want to take a little different approach when it comes to content on the channel um so before we’re playing a game something funny or interesting happens about the game in the game I make a short about it I upload the short

That was pretty funny uh that’s crazy yo I love this game is cool awesome good job and it would get views it would get likes it would maybe even get some subs cool alternatively what if we were to do something a little bit more I would say podcasty but not podcasty where we’re

Just kind of talking about a thing it’d be interesting whatever it may be and then I clip that instead upload that as a short um and put that on the channel something a little bit more authentic something a little bit more uh I would I would say approachable too

Cuz it’s like what if something funny happens on Minecraft and I want to make a short about that it’s like could it work it could or we could talk about something a little bit more current and have it spread or have it be a little bit more applicable to a wider audience of

People so instead what I’m trying to do I guess for today is just talk about things discuss whatever and if it’s applicable to you know anyone then I think um I could just make a short about it and it’ll be a lot easier to make a

Short about stuff like this because uh I do not have a lot of time out of my day so it’s like if we talk about a bajillion different things and there’s a couple interesting conversations I can just clip those immediately some edits subtitles boom uploaded within an hour

And yeah that’s kind of more what I want to see if we can do a little bit this week just just to see just to see so I’m curious hey guys doing today doing today what’s going on RK how you doing man I’m actually working on something in Minecraft

Lit that’s fun what are you working on hello hello how was everyone’s weekend still download my mods manually but I’m good at it since I uh I’m nice and make an easy export file for my friends so their launcher does it for them got it that’s nice make a rug and

You can jump over the fence oh you’re not wrong but would it make would it allow them to jump over the fence as well or would it only apply to me no because they don’t jump right but they could right I don’t know cuz yeah if they were like down

Here between these two blocks they would eventually just come up to the next block right H um I think the sun’s setting too uh but right I’m trying to make more arrows and I think I got a decent amount of feathers 12 oops huh am I not in the

Everything yo am I stupid no not everything is on this right here oh I’m I was on the wrong I didn’t click on this don’t worry about me guys um we need more sticks nice B okay got it got it got it uh I custom coded survival mechanics gotcha gotcha

Okay animals WS okay things like temperature gauge and other stuff gotcha okay bit more survival that’d be fun actually oh oops gave me some rabbit it’s cute and also disgusting going to say can I put nope uh where have I been putting this stuff in here um we have a bunch

Of raw chicken let’s get that bamboo to work funny part is that I managed to run out of the house before the demon aggroed me so it was just him lol best of friends that’s funny though I’d probably do the same thing um let’s see here nope let’s put feathers here

String can I just have everything else on me oh yeah the Flint uh let’s do that some more could play with you guys some point if you want I’ll have to ask him though gotcha gotta does your cat ever scratch you drum oh yeah well so she actually got declawed

By her previous owners because we got her when she was about 8 months old um but the family that had her originally they couldn’t keep her because one of their kids turned out to be allergic so uh uh the wife was on Facebook and she saw that they were getting rid of the

Cat and she was just like we got to get a cat and I’m like all right fine so we got her and yeah she was declawed in her front claws but not her back claws not her feet but in her uh paw but we do rough house we do play

She’ll be on her back and I’m like scratching your tummy and she’s trying to fight me off she’s cute and [ __ ] but uh she doesn’t get me with her back claws nearly as much as she does with her with her uh teeth she scratches up

My arms pretty good I bled from her a few times not like gushing blood but it’s just like you know when you get a scrap on your arm a little bit and you see some red coming out and it’s like very um superficial a very superficial cut I’ll get a lot of

Those but you know that is the uh the downside of having a cat it’s sayy you know you got to you got to play with the cat cats got to have fun especially if there’s no other cats for the cat to have to Rough House with so got to take it for the

Team you know like your real cat yeah like my real cat he’s going to say always uh what do you do about the scratches I try I get some lotion on them to kind of mitigate the scarring because yeah uh some I just leave alone because they’re very very

Superficial they’re not going to like get infected or anything but yeah but I do notice like my arms have gotten severely more scarred ever since we’ve had the cat so I’m just like that’s Awesome what you talking about who are you talking to your business it’s all my business yes your mom then who you’re like you don’t talk to anyone Else from the school oh for oh got it yeah what about I feel like they forget the fact you work at 10 I’m like no I get off at 10 yeah I feel like a lot of them kind of forget the fact that we that we work collectively 70 hours Monday through Friday

Like okay like copy or like Zoom or you know just like 8 minutes basic like whatever and I was like I’m like well he’s not in the marketing department like he’s in operations I’m like but but I was like but I was like text me yeah hold on a second Guys We All right all right what are you guys talking about thing is that was right is really uh it was indeed really funny oh yeah I get a lot of those scratches from my own gliders too oh fun I use blades a lot I got deep cuts a lot because I’m cleansy

AF o gotcha so it’s just cracked with blood underneath and in between oh the scratches I mean very little but like it’s on my hand so it burns when I do anything with my hands oh yeah yeah yeah like if I were to put any of those cuts like underwater

They’re going to burn like a little bit but again very very super IAL I have extreme scarring on my arm gotcha hopefully you didn’t hit a vein I mean it’s very obvious if you do it’s it’s spurts like you know when you hit a vein hitting a vein wouldn’t be that bad

Hitting a vein depending on the one like uh you know on your arms or any like main uh arteries spurts looks like I stuck my hand in a wood chipper or something o I did hit a nerve okay then yeah you definitely know that uh yeah but there’s

Lots there’s lots in your arms yeah yeah drum why is your keyboard $200 cuz I think it used to be cheaper I think it was like 170 back when I bought it but you know now everything is uh slightly more expensive so it wasn’t at the

Time and I wanted to go for an even cheaper one but that version was not available so working on a custom survival map using chaos Islands uh height map Sonic Frontiers o interesting um do you have the k95 no it’s 75 no the 95 is mine yeah

Okay artery spurt not bins right yeah yeah you’re right you’re right Otter Not BS forgot to mention when you’re wanding around in the server you can hear screens Etc in the distance fine add to the Ambiance a little bit toys keep you on edge and the day is always foggy right

Right sounds like fun though especially you want the uh horror Minecraft arteries are high uh pressure blood vessels veins capillar low pressure go you right you Right um how many feathers there’s four still Some there we go and we going and put these away we’re out of Feathers let’s put some of these blocks away yeah dudes when it comes to the Minecraft I kind of just there’s no Focus going on I’m kind of just like I said using this as a backdrop Let’s see let’s go put that eye away um put this tunic away where’ I get the tunic oh the skeleton we killed earlier oh and I need to make sure to Loop the playlist because YouTube will put some copyrighted music on because it’s done that before because it’s like you just ran

Out of uh play time in this playlist time to put something new on and I think two of the past uh Minecraft live streams were actually flagged for copyright which isn’t an issue um one probably because uh they were so minimal that probably even the record companies don’t even know about it and

Also my videos do not generate any Revenue so they’re kind of just like H we don’t care but I’d rather not do that at all anyway it would be nice if you could tell YouTube to just never to go through like a check system if you’re about to

Play something that is copywritten in any way shape or form form uh either don’t allow it to be viewable or um allow to be viewable but I need to give it like a go-ahead in order for it to play just you know an additional check be kind of nice be very tedious

But kind of nice ooh thank you for the raw chicken poy good girl I need to get graded lenses for my shades what does that mean graded lenses CU every time I wear sunglasses to block out the sun I still can’t see anyway because everything’s blurry oh

Got it so you just want like a yeah prescription sunglasses essentially as long as your videos don’t generate any monetary gain you’ll be fine yeah that’s that’s usually my thought process but I also don’t want to get into the habit of uh that’s why I stopped for the longest

Time well okay so for the longest time I did play copyrighted music during my twitch live streams because there wasn’t such a way for anyone to get in trouble for doing that even though it is very much a nogo for Content creators we cannot use copyrighted material for our

Content regardless even though right now there are still plenty of people who do stream with copyrght music they’ve also figured a way where um you you can listen to copyrighted music and stream at the same time but the VOD will not have that copyrighted song recorded on

It so the only way that you can get in trouble is getting a live copyright strike which is a little bit more difficult to do because you would have to be viewed by someone who’s got the tools and the management to flag a stream uh using copyrighted music I’ve

Listened to plenty of streamers with copyrighted music on their streams that um do exactly that so it’s like they can get in trouble but if the window is gone where they’re off stream that music is not being played then they Dodge the bullet essentially because there’s no

There’s no record on Twitch of that music being played and I’m just like that’s smart but also you’re still relying on using copyrighted music to um not really generate High View numbers cuz I think a lot of people who watch certain content creators uh watch for

Them not the music I think that’s always been the case the music is a very very very very very mediocre small portion of I would say traffic to a channel it is not the focus ever but you know music labels and companies are just like nah we don’t

Care we’ll come for all of your money you so much as listen to our song even though it’s a very small component of why anyone’s there don’t care we’ll take all your money it’s like okay tell me you don’t have a [ __ ] business model without telling me you have a [ __ ] business model

But yeah I just I I used to do it and then you know that was always a looming threat and so I just stopped doing it all together and then you’ve got guys like Harris heler who’s just like let me make thousands of songs that are good that um will that will not

Be that have no copyrights to be enforceable to other people you can it is their music they do own it but they licens it out to anyone who wants to listen to it and I’m just like that is beautiful and then he’s got it on Spotify YouTube where it’s getting

Revenue from uh plays from the ads and making millions [ __ ] brilliant brilliant idea so I just got out of that habit and started doing non-copyrighted music safer and honestly the music some of the music is good like it’s better I’d say and it serves its purpose as not being a

Focus of what we’re listening to but something that adds to it essentially so uh every time I wear glasses block out the Sun so can see I already read that one as long as your videos don’t generate a monetary gain right right and the thing is it was less scary because

My friend was expecting you just want it but imagine if you were just mining in a cave unsuspectingly and then just boom yeah see that’d be funny orbital if you just like put on God mode and uh you had like a group of friends that were kind of just doing things turn yourself

Invisible and then you’re kind of just monit monitoring them and just going around the place and then you just want to spice it up a little bit and then just be like boom monster summoned out of nowhere and you just watch their reaction how they

Deal with it that would be that would be fun that’s content right there your friends playing Minecraft and you’re just messing with them that’d be funny twitch allows you to use copyrighted music by acting the channel uh the channels the audio is on oh that’s twitch doing that I thought it was

Them uh I thought it was the streamer doing it themselves twitch actually allows you to split that H that’s interesting cuz I always thought it was like a Dodge from the uh like just being sued by a uh copyright owner but twitch is actually giving them the tool to do that

That’s interesting it’s very interesting so twitch is assisting and not anyone getting sued for copyright but again um if they were to watch live streams and find that they’re using their music then that becomes that becomes an issue and they can do like a live takedown but H it’s very interesting they’re

Facilitating that I wonder if there’s a consequence to that a bad one down the road or maybe we all just came to the realization that no streamers in content creators who use copyrighted music your music is never the focus of anyone uh doing anything on the internet unless of

Course it’s a live reaction to uh music like let’s listen to music and react to it then it’s like directly involved but if it’s just background noise background music no one cares on Walker and Just Bieber mostly allowed to use their songs for whatever reason really even Bieber that’s

Interesting orbital is the Boogeyman essentially gotta go now see you all right orbital I will see you later brother you have a good one but how nice of them cuz yeah that was always my argument is that your music is never like especially for me it’s never

The focus it’s like if a song comes on like you know [ __ ] Taylor Swift or whoever it’s like oh this song is so good and then it’s done and then we move on it’s like that was cool now let’s listen to something that’s a completely different genre made probably in a completely

Different decade because you know People’s music tastes tend to bounce all over the place and it’s just like yeah we moved on but I’m sorry you can file a copyright claim and not only have the video taken down or the stream taken down but you can assume the revenue of

It uh if there was Revenue being made like that never made any logical sense a little bit of a cave system going on down here cuz I can understand the original attention with copyright it’s like uh especially on YouTube if someone came out with a new song again Tor Swift or

Whoever and then they upload it to their own channel to make any potential Revenue off of cool if someone else re-uploaded that to try to do the same thing yeah sure take it down or uh assume any money that gets gained from it bet but there is a scaling issue with

Things used in a video that makes it uh that gives reason for uh hold on what am I trying to say if I were to make a video about a new update for a video game that video the video is about that update and and there are small bits and pieces here and

There that um I guess are part of the video and I think no one takes into account how big portions of the content of a video uh should apply so again if I’m making a video about an update for a game and then I’ve got you know some copyrighted music in

The background that you can barely hear it’s like oh okay cool there’s some music in the back but the vast the the focus of the video was not that music at all in any way shape or form like that song add like 5 10% to the overall uh showcasing of this video then

Nothing should be nothing should happen like the proportion of this particular video when it came to that song was so minuscule it’s like no one even noticed only take Revenue copyrights removal requests delete the video and copyright strikes not only take the video down but also give all the money

And give the channel a strike right right right I just had an issue on people’s arguments as to uh who gets to claim ownership of a video based on copy right I think it’s you know it’s like uh it’s like injecting like a little bit of poison

Into a big giant bowl of soup you know it’s like without that poison this entire bowl is fine it’s not going to you know it’s not going to affect anyone but all it took at that little bit of poison now the whole thing is [ __ ] but that logic I don’t think

Applies to content does not apply to um videos but with copyright law it does the whole kitten Kaboodle could be hours long and that song is only like 2 minutes and it played somewhere in the middle the whole video was now [ __ ] no that’s it’s most batshit thing

Logically I’ve ever understood yo what’s up snowy how have you been man it’s like a lot of power given to a very lazy approach it’s fun just going on walks in Minecraft just chilling now we also don’t have to do Minecraft I did think about also doing valheim but

Um when I was scheduling the stream last night I was like what do I feel like playing and I’ve noticed if I feel like playing in one game at night and then I wake up the next morning uh that feeling is gone like it’s like what do I feel like

Playing now we could do Minecraft but right now it’s like I can totally do ballheim I even still like it bugs me dude like I do want to Play Hell divers it’s a fun game to just dump some time into and uh the amount of time that

You dump into the game also does reflect for the war effort and stuff like that so you know it’s time spent with a purpose like it’s great but I can’t stream the game it’s just it’s just tough Dude what happened to Hell divers hell diverse hell divers uh nothing it’s like I want to play the game but it’s just super super difficult to play the game and uh stream it at the same time my computer can’t handle it because the frame rate to even play

The game is already below 60 like in the thick of it I’m going like 20 30 frames a second um and the way to combat that is to drop the quality of the game but if I do that then I’m slowly going to lose text like my text in the game just goes

Away so I can’t read anything thing so then I have to reset my game to get all that text back um but it’s just going to go away again because I’ve got the quality set super low there’s something there that they need to fix um but uh at

The same time the stream is streamed at 60 frames per second so it’s a good quality for all of you guys to watch at home if I were to play the game that would also get affected directly where the stream will drop down to like maybe

30 or 40 frames I’ve seen it for both so frame rate for the game and also for the Stream just suffer playing the game and it’s a mixture of my computer and how old it is it’s also a mixture of them and their optimizations so if they

Can optimize the game to handle a older gen PC like mine awesome if they can’t then I got to wait for a significant upgrade or you know whatever comes first so in the meantime honestly snowy what I’m trying to do especially today is just kind of talk and just hang out and

Chill and see if I can make some uh shorts and content out of this because I think there’s a bit of a meta shift when it comes to content on YouTube for more like authentic conversations between uh between everyone pretty much could be you know Discord call with some people

Chilling hanging out talking about stuff or streaming to chat so fair you says if the content is transformative like a critique or review while using the video and audio from copyrighted work it’s fine right but if I’m just here right now for three to four hours playing Minecraft and I were

To put on some Taylor Swift it’s an issue if I were to critique anything that she’s posted it’s fair like who skipped logic class out of here who has money for a monster PC nowadays I’m a broke ass same well hopefully with the Nvidia showcasing their new Blackwell GPU um

Maybe the 3K and the 4K series gpus will start to drop off in price a little bit uh hopefully sometime soon in the economy we might get I mean deflation is not a good thing but something’s got to give at some point so maybe prices would

Drop off a little bit I don’t know I don’t know I guess we have to wait and see what happens but same face blue smiling I don’t know why the emotes don’t pop up up for YouTube or no it probably does pop up for YouTube but not in my restream chat

Ah there it is got it oh nope I want to be on the music because I want to notice if we get some copyrighted music playing but but I want to play Ghost sushima I feel that I feel that I feel that I think I’m pretty sure my computer can

Handle it so yes we are going to be streaming ghost of tsushima for sure 100% 110% and up to 30 seconds of copyrighted work if your content is fine y yep yep yep and see what I think sucks about copyrighted stuff like anything music TV shows

Movies or whatever um I think if it’s old enough we’re kind of doing it a favor like some content out there probably does not get viewed or consumed in any way shape or form once it starts hitting like 30 plus years old right like let me ask you guys when’s the last

Time you guys watched a movie from the 80s or the 70s if your answer is never then I think it’s I think it’s almost you know I don’t want to say obligatory but you know we’re almost doing the streaming services the studios a lot of people a favor by kind of like

Reintroducing some very very old content it’s like you know what that movie and show is actually really good I wonder if it’s playing anywhere like on Netflix or HBO or whatever I’m actually going to go on and watch it and then it gets views and then that’s money generated over

Time like you’re welcome I’m not asking for any money in return why would I do that that’s silly that wouldn’t make even more sense pay the content creator for you know reintroducing especially to a newer generation some old piece of whatever could be me music Again movies TV shows

Whatever like reintroducing it to uh kind of spur up a little bit of viewage and possibly even generate a little bit of Revenue to the studios you’re welcome but that’s not the case so it’s funny how that works in Reverse but it doesn’t work the other way

Around but uh no your PC can’t handle it as far as I know I think I can what were the minimum uh PC requirements predicted ghost of sushima PC requirements can I run it director’s cut minimum requirements is 16 gigs of RAM which I have Nvidia

Gtx650 or radon 5500 XT I have a 1070 which which I believe is a better GPU hold on I didn’t the 16 uh hold On Was I already on this Yes um okay go Away okay let’s see here oh here we go that’ll help um we’re the 16 1650 GTX 1650 is using the Turing architecture and at 1080p medium FPS for whatever game this is benchmarking at is pretty much on the edge of 50 frames per seconds if I were to go to Pascal which

Is what mine is running on at 1070 is actually slightly more I’m more towards 75 80% or 80 frames cuz the Turing architecture is what the 2K series runs on but the 1600 series is the budget Series so there’s a drop off you’re either going to 2060 70 or

2080 or you’re going to 1660 1650 1630 which if you go budget um you’re on the newer architecture quote unquote but you do have uh you do have less going on whereas the Pascal series old architecture but for what it runs cuz I’ve got a 1070 it does outperform a

1650 not by a lot but it does outperform a little bit um especially at 1080p medium FPS what about 1080p Ultra yeah even Ultra it’s better 1440p Ultra FPS o 1650 is not even on the chart yikers so yeah 1070 could at least run Ultra not at good frame rate but it can

Run it and then 4K yeah it’s not even on 4K so um but yeah this is Tom’s Hardware telling me that so 1650 series is good quote unquote but not um not better than mine 1070 still outperforms at 1650 marginally um but that’s just the the GPU uh the CPU Intel Core

I38100 I have an i76700 so it does require like two generations newer of a CPU but mine is also a better um a stronger version of the I3 i7 so slightly better file size 100 gigs that’s negligible um and then the recommended specs are a GeForce RTX 3070 okay

So I’m definitely going to be able to play the game but I’m going to have to drop off the settings cuz if they’re saying they need a 3070 that’s two generations pass which yeah not going to happen uh Intel Core i79700 so it’s funny it’s yeah it’s it’s like the same

Uh same series but different Generation Um 100 gigs whatever so I can play the game I probably run the game I might be able to stream the game but quality is not going to look good and uh frame rate is going to be something so we’re definitely have to

Find out we’re definitely going to have to find out but anyway uh do I like valerant sorry uh let me see oh yeah I skipped a lot chat my bad unless I’m misremembering the specs no I think your specs I I think I’m doable I think I’m

Doable but we’re just going to have to wait and see they totally could not um optimize the game at all for PC so unless you’re running the recommended don’t even bother could be that or not we’re just going to have to find out but I at least hit the minimum I’m over the

Minimum so uh do I like valerant I do not like their business model and how much they charge for skins but overall I think the game’s okay I can go into detail for that but yeah I don’t watch movies much I don’t know but if I were to reintroduce like an old

Movie that might be interesting for you to watch I’m doing you a favor and I’m doing the uh Studios a favor but it all depends my favorite 80s movie is probably back in the future I feel that and I’m very very curious as to how many people nowadays even watch the movie and

Unless they feel like doing a reboot which they definitely should not but if they were planning on doing it hey I’m doing them a favor bringing back to the future back especially since Back to the Future its future projection was in the year 2015 it is almost 10 years after

Back to the Future had an idea of what the future was going to look like and it very much does not look like the future that they thought back in the 80s which I think is hilarious not even not even remotely like Back to the Future Part

Two thought we were gonna have flying cars we’re gonna have dogs uh that are being walked by leashes that just float in the air we thought we were GNA have hoverboards nah sure those boards are marketed as hover boards but do they hover no no they don’t they’re still

Locked to the to the ground uh what else we do not have accessible shoes that automatically tie themselves or I guess you know um yeah essentially tie themselves they’re kind of there but they’re not accessible for anything we do not have jackets that um you know if

We just jump into the river and come right out they don’t dry us immediately no what else not all cars run electricity uh that wasn’t really explicitly pointed out in the uh in the uh movie but still what else we do have Smart Homes for uh to an

Extent but voice activation never really took off for a lot of that kind of stuff not really cuz you know there’s the scene where Marty McFly the older one goes back into the house and he’s talking to the whatever to give it commands to do the things in the house

We could probably get that done but it’s not accessible for anyone uh what else what else can we do you’ll notice not a single cell phone like anywhere I’m trying to think did they whip out a phone anywhere this is the middle of the 80s where cell phones were

Not that big of a thing yet there were cell phones in the 80s but not like the ones we have nowadays no shot I’m trying to think did they even whip out a small little cell phone for like anything no not really so now funny enough Back to Future Part two very very

You know they they they guessed but nope not the case so good movie series for sure definitely worth a watch uh and even their take on uh time travel was utterly demolished if any you guys watched uh endgame The Avengers endgame bro they picked Back to the Future AP

Part straight up saying I was Back to the Future just a bunch of [ __ ] kind of like everyone’s take nowadays on how time travel could essentially work Back to the Future is the most irrelevant uh time travel movie now still a great movie great music fun adventure but everything about it is

Just missed so um is Edward Scissor Hands from that era um is that 80s is that 90s I actually don’t know I don’t even know if I’ve seen Edward Scissor Hands it’s like I know about it because I know was de but yeah I actually don’t know yeah

Google it damn last time I saw you was payday 3 release day you’ve grown your beard I have I have in yep yep yep yep I’ve grown it since October of last year and I’ve gotten it trimmed like super trimmed down um that was I think

That was the beginning of the year if not the end like December or January is when I did that so but yeah drum is % beer 20% face now pretty much hey you know it is what it is I’m actually thinking of getting rid of it at some

Point um just for like the summer and then once it’s fall I’ll probably go earlier maybe like September October like beginning of September to grow it back out for like the winter and whatnot but once it gets hot out here and humid you know beard might be trouble so we’ll

See 1070 is better 1070 is slightly better than a650 because the 10K series gpus The only there wasn’t really a budget series because if you went budget you went 900 series and backwards but with the newer generation cards the 20K and onward uh they start to go a little bit

More budget like they go the 60s or the 50s uh some even have 40s or 30s in whatever series GPU they’re doing but the 2K series gpus were on the Pascal architecture and they had the 20 2060 I think I don’t know 2060 2070 2080 those

Were the big time cards that you needed to buy but they also bought in uh they also came in with the 1600 series gpus which were cheaper and therefore also weaker but the generation before was still stronger than those budget cards so essentially yes a 1070 is better probably even a

1060 is on the same level if not better than the 1600 series gpus I’m looking all at myself El ring should blow my PC app according to the minimum requirements uh but it runs on 60 so I can maybe run ghost of sushima with random hacking with my

Computer I don’t think I recall seeing any issue running Elden ring on mine I did not stream Elden ring and I think I will stream it when the new game comes out um but I’m trying to remember I don’t think I had an issue running the game the only

Game I remember having an issue running like a at least a semi older one was um death stranding that one chugged my computer hard and I tried to stream it but it did it it was not happening that is definitely so if we not if when when we get a new computer

Because what I want to do um for whatever next computer that I’m doing I’m going Generations ahead like I’m talking probably I don’t know if I’m going ryzen if I’m going AMD or Intel for the CPU um I’m might stay Intel I might go ryzen all depends uh but I’m

Still probably going to stay Nvidia GPU but I’m going like minimum I’m doing an I9 Intel or a ryzen 9 uh AMD CPU with a 40 70 if not higher all depends what prices are going on what deals I can score I’m also going 32 gigs of RAM uh and I believe Ram

Right now is ddr5 which is cool because I I think my computer I don’t think it’s DDR3 I think it’s ddr4 but you know newer Generations better specs and whatnot um but you know fast clock speeds reasonably fast now with an m.2 drive and solid state drives

Just going as hard as I can most bang for my buck because it’s not about future proofing not entirely but but you know it’s the reason why I don’t oh I forgot Po’s following me it’s the reason why I don’t oh [ __ ] we got combat POI got to get the cat out of

Here okay the cat should poof down here okay let’s go even deeper damn it poy where are you okay get off bro cat get off of the saw blade thank you good goodness it’s not where I need you to spawn in all right let’s go you little

[ __ ] I was going to say I’ll start this fight ah Friendly Fire Omega oh head shot get [ __ ] dude look at all these arrows I wish I could pick up sad about it all right friend guy got 64 gigs of RAM oops no it’s funny at this point if you

Can afford to drop you know 100 150 bucks on RAM I’d go hard it’s like why not go 32 go 64 gigs of RAM at a decent clock speed especially the generation nowadays just so you never have to worry about Ram just so you’re able to do anything with it it’s like why

Not and it’s like especially if you’re using if you’re doing editing software or streaming content Minecraft even Ram it’s not overly expensive so you don’t really have to think about it that much so sit the cat down otherwise going to teleport I know I forgot to sit her down

Um when we came out and so I saw those guys and I’m like but we good oh also we need milk so I can get rid of the uh debuff I forget what this debuff does but might as well just get rid of it but L she has a 370 I believe you’re

Good like honestly and also I want to go 4K series because I want to be able to play any game that I want at good quality and be able to stream it and also be able to stream it to multiple places at the same time like I want to maintain what we’re

Doing right here game good quality stream good quality good frame rate game good frame rate all of that stuff no stuttering no nothing because I believe with the 4K series gpus at least right now you should be able to use just one computer for all of your things which perfect but

Like I said did I say 4060 I think I’d say 4070 if not 4080 and probably not 4090 because I don’t think you can get a 4090 at a good price I think it very very very depends but and then yeah I went into into looking how much I can actually upgrade

This current computer and how much it would cost the upgrades right now for this thing would not help like I can’t my motherboard this computer’s so old it cannot handle a I9 series CPU so I would only be getting a slightly better i7 which does not

Help and then as far as the GPU is concerned it’s like do I want to spend a lot of money for that to upgrade that which I could I could probably crap what did I look at cuz one I don’t recall if this has an m.2 slot uh in my motherboard it might

Be that old but yeah I don’t know what GPU is going to be compatible with it cuz I know some of these gpus are getting a little bit beef here some required even more power consumption so you’re going have to put like another power cord into it cuz I think this one

Might have one if it doesn’t you know can my I think I’ve got cords for my power supply so I think even if I do put one in that requires a little bit more power I think I’ll be okay but still how much longer does this computer

Have and like I said I think I I can’t remember if I got the parts in 2017 built at 2018 I think it was that so it’s it’s been a minute and I did not buy a brand new top-of-the-line computer at the time either so it’s not like I’ve got a

Computer that is a time capsule for computers in 2018 as you know like the best computering around it’s like no no no no no I still saved a bunch of money by buying um um a cheaper version of the computer that I needed SL wanted but

That is you know that’s making it even older that’s like saying I put this computer together in like 2015 and now it’s starting to hit an edge well actually it hit an edge a little while ago which is why I’m dropping quality on a lot of things trying to save a lot of

Power and uh Computing processing power to even do the things that I want to do so but you know a lot of the sites are offering computers I think at good quality at a good price you know and it’s not as if I’m not working um technically it is part-time

Like I said earlier the wife and I together we work 70 hours a week Monday through Friday and I would say on average how much money are we both making per hour on average um I would say on average we’re probably making 25 bucks an hour for 70 hours a

Week so you could take that math but you’d have you’d also have to subtract taxes and whatnot which are a plenty um but you know I can’t just save all that money up to just buy a computer cuz we do have to worry about a lot of other

Stuff we both have cars that might need maintenance here and there we have to BU pay for groceries we have to pay for rents groceries go up in price gas it’s like don’t have a lot of money CU we do live in California unfortunately if we were making the same

Amount of money we’re making now and we lived in a much cheaper State bro like IID have that better computer months ago 100% but just not it’s not reality but no like I said we can make some money here and there on YouTube all that money going towards better equipment better computer probably

Better yeah I would say out of out of all the things better computer first cuz I do want a better camera situation the microphone and audio quality I think are great it’s especially for what we do so I don’t think I need to put any money back into that it’s mainly computer

Camera maybe better lighting I think the lighting even though is still pretty good so no it’s honestly computer and Camera those like the two major quality updates I’d want to do I get two bucks an hour nine hours every day what that’s not legal I was going to say not in the

United States but jeez horse TS oh I totally forgot we were cooking raw chicken in one of the furnaces uh there we go no way a full stack of bamboo cannot handle like 20 things of raw chicken that’s crazy cuz yeah is it like eight no it’s four bamboo per block per

One item up here that’s crazy that’s math and stuff gets more expensive each day yep yep yep yep which causes us to withhold a lot of money which causes the economy to slow which hopefully causes something to break and that breaking uh makes our life easier a

Little bit but yeah we’re just going to have to wait and see what eventually does break how bad it breaks and what are the repercussions of it breaking o scored another scored another crossbow from those dudes multi-shot Quick Charge one Unbreaking three Unbreaking two piercing two Unbreaking two quick charge

One and that’s the bow that I made jeez multi-shot Quick Charge one Unbreaking three that is a that’s a crossbow that’s crazy that’s crazy but yeah you know what I think for tomorrow stream we might go valheim because that I think is a lot more a lot more capable of uh kind of

Just doing [ __ ] right now I’m kind of just wandering I don’t really have a goal in Minecraft I don’t really care about going to the end defeating the Ender Dragon but uh at volim you definitely have the time syn a lot of time just to move on to the

Next boss so I don’t know might be might the goal o cat you want to join my family how you doing Kitty I’ll let it wander yo what up dude How you doing dude how’s your weekend now I think depending on how many shorts that I can kind of put together I think what I’m going to be doing is somewhere between two to three shorts per week and those shorts are going to show up Monday through Friday if there’s any

Additionals they’ll be putting on the weekend but I don’t know I feel like for the most part any content I put on the weekend is just going to be overflow feel like Monday through Friday is just better if I found a dog yet are there dogs in Minecraft uh

No only cats which I’m fine with cats are the way to go I like dogs too I’d be down to get a dog just not where the wife and I currently live we’re going to need our own place but I’d be fine with anything that would make our lives easier I feel

It wolves my bad there’s wolves I’ve not seen those yet I feel like we got a pretty wide swath of animals on this little starting area in the game but uh maybe not all can okay so can a wolf and a cat coexist in one household do the pets go at each other

At all like in real that’d be funny to occasionally see Like the Wolf getting baed right in the face by the cat that’d be cute’ be adorable good to see that cow is still out there kind of doing his own cow thing he’s just he’s just floating out

There man been doing it since day one they don’t fight okay I’m not looking for Minecraft to be realistic but it’d be funny if they added something like that in pets ignore each other that’s funny no you know what it have been a million times more cute they don’t have

To fight but could they just like play with each other like kind of roll around like their character models just kind of do something fun together like very occasionally that’d be kind of cool but also there’s no starting area this is all just Minecraft I get that but

Starting area I’m just referring to where the game put me in the beginning it’s like I could have been put somewhere where there was just pigs whatever is unlikely they happen could also mean there’s something that’s very likely to happen I could have been put in the middle of a field

Where there were just horses I could have been put on a wider continent you know it’s just the the RNG of where I started not that this is a starting area like I get I get what you’re saying Minecraft is all of Minecraft it’s all the world but at least in the location

That the game put me in that starting area you know gave me a bunch of stuff gave me a Village gave me an abandoned abandoned Village so yep I’m just like I’ve been in there I’ve been in there done it all right the game was spawning near 0.0 right right there’s always a

Origin because that’s mathematics where am I by the way I’m at 86 – 354 uh where would be origin all right so X is all the way over here and then if we were to go this way oh no yeah it does spawn me in at origin

Cuz I spawned in pretty much at the edge of the uh Island towards over there I’m at 19 let’s go over a little bit more now we’re at 10 okay it’s in the middle of the water so it couldn’t spawn me in over there origin is not on land it’s on water

But yeah I’d have to go a little bit more into the water to find zero but yeah and the cords are always pseudo random number right but I wonder if uh origin was at zero if we were to spawn in right there close close enough close-ish all py let’s go to

Bed I just love the cat purs it’s fantastic all right spawns always random even loading the same seed in another instance oh gotcha gotcha same seed but okay that’s good but somewhere at least close to zero right we’re not going to spawn like negative th000 in One Direction negative th000 10,000 in

Another there’s a there’s a decent area that is considered you know and yeah yeah like you said but all right I’ll be I’ll be right back I’m going to go grab a drink real quick and uh yeah keep chilling M M Oh boy so the wife is out in the kitchen cooking some food as wives do at least mine cuz she’s awesome uh she’s watching the Nickelodeon documentary and for those of you that don’t know uh Nickelodeon was a hug huge part of Millennials childhood that was where

A lot of our TV shows cartoons uh live action TV shows even it’s where a lot of our content came from when we were watching TV Nickelodeon was absolutely huge and there’s a documentary I believe she said I think it’s on HBO she’s watching it right now and

Bro the [ __ ] that they’re going through sus like I need to I need to watch it because it’s it’s bad but yikers about 250 is the max offset got it okay so like a 250X 250 box is the spawn location play Xeno Blade 3 I haven’t played any of the previous ones and

I did have Xenoblade 2 wishlisted but I’ve never and it’s been on discount for you know plenty of times but I just never I don’t know I never decided to pick it up cuz I’ve never seen anything about it I just knew that it was a good

Series um but yeah never picked it up never played it I think I’ve seen a few Clips here and there but yeah just never never played not opposed to it for sure the front of the house is now complete with the banners now we can start putting a

Banner maybe like here and maybe over here and then putting it all around the house bro I just want this house to just be covered just so every time they show up they know how did you get all these banners I killed them all not that it does anything but that’s what I

Imagine Zen blade games are barely connected Okay cool so one two and three are basically completely original kind of like Final Fantasy in a way that’s fine then can what Final Fantasy does got it okay uh where is Xenoblade 3 is it on Steam did like roly come out or is it

Not out yet Minecraft’s too lazy to make that work oh yeah I see what you’re saying Dev yep not wrong I don’t think Minecraft has anything to worry about where they need to like buckle down and get some stuff pushed out it’s like we’ll get a round

Two updated the game with something new when we get around to it feel like the Minecraft development sector of Microsoft is very much like it’s got to be the most laidback chill sector in gaming like there’s got to be like Zero Rush it’s like oh yeah we’re working on

Some stuff yeah we’re working on some stuff yeah some stuff yeah we’re working on it yeah yeah we’re scheduled to drop a new patch uh six months yeah we’re chilling yeah we’re hanging out there crunch what’s crunch what happens if you miss your window H we’ll probably drop it in

Another month or two it’ll come out when it’s ready aren’t you worried about other games competing against Minecraft it’s Minecraft man hundreds of millions of accounts hundreds of millions and we’ve got the modding Community that’s doing stuff that gets people interested we’ve got people making servers and [ __ ] man Minecraft’s chill uh

Imagine it came out late 2022 okay so it’s it’s Rel relatively new that’s good switch only oh [ __ ] okay well I can stream switch games so we’re chill Z creators actually made breath of wild and c k so you uh so you can expect fantastic experience oh

[ __ ] okay is it discounted at all or is it still probably up for like 60 bucks on a switch well that could be another game I either get the cartridge for which I think I’ll do cuz I’ve got a uh I’ve got got a bag so anytime the wife and I were to

Like go somewhere and I’m able to bring my switch with me just to like play on I’ve got a travel case with it that’s got um how many slots 10 I could pretty much hold 20 cartridges in this thing and carry it with me so awesome or I’ve also got

A I’ve got a memory card in my switch that can hold I forget how much but it can hold it can hold a decent amount so yeah it’s like I can do that 60 bucks okay Triple A monolith software loose okay gotcha gotcha all right that’s doable but it’s

Extremely long I’m fine with that I play Persona 5 I know exactly what long game is I played Persona 5 I streamed streamed Persona 5 I think it has like 30 hours of cut scenes alone nice oh no also in addition I’ve streamed Persona 5 Royal uh-huh been

There I want to play Persona 3 reload same I need to get around to doing it I also need to get around to finishing my Persona 4 playthrough I stopped in like the middle of the game and just never went to finish it catalst will always to

This day give me [ __ ] which he should because I’m going to forget about it but yeah I need to finish Persona 4 I might even just like start over Persona 4 and just uh get back to where I was and then keep it going cuz I forget what I was doing at

The time where I stopped playing it but I just like cold stopped in the middle of a playthrough something else came out probably and I just jumped to it but if we were to do it that was back when I was still rotating between games

Like over the course of a week I play one game on Monday another game on Tuesday another game on Wednesday and then back to that Monday game on Thursday then do that Tuesday game on Friday it was just so I was able to squeeze in like

Every type of viewer that was down to watch one particular game which turns out to be like a stupid way to do it I like the way I’m doing it now where once we start a game we stick to that game until we finish the game that way everyone understands where

We are for the consistency of the channel and for the stream for the stream especially so that when I’m on the next day people aren’t just like blindsided oh dude I thought you were going to play this this game this game it’s like no no no I’m going play that

Game tomorrow but today I want to play this different no no no no no once we start something we need to start it and then also finish it so when going to get back to doing Persona 4 we’ doing it from beginning to end and then yes eventually we’ll move

On to uh Persona 3 because after doing Persona 5 I was like damn it’s actually a really good series granted Persona 5 is light years ahead of Persona 4 in terms of uh release time but still still a pretty damn good game I really liked Persona 5 Persona 5 was really really

Dope CU my brother um my brother is huge into the Persona series especially by Atlas he’s played shimensi uh I think the older ones including the the newer one which I believe they’re on their fifth one and yeah he’s a huge fan of it Pier 3 does have actual Fire

Soundtrack all the music in the games are pretty damn good especially five like their music is chill as [ __ ] like I would totally put on Persona 5 music if I wasn’t going to get copyright and struck cuz their their intro song is uh Flags YouTube for a copyright

Not that it’s going to do anything because we all know where the copyright came from came from a video game soundtrack it’s just super published I guess where it’s an issue cuz there’s some music that is made for video games that is copyright in music but it doesn’t get flaged on

YouTube because they know people are streaming and making content of their video game but at the same time uh my friend Jordan he used to be a voice actor then a software developer streams in the same way uh one game got it yep it’s honestly the better one not

What I was doing before yeah no it’s it makes sense because the issue I’ve figured out when it comes to consistent viewership on uh streaming especially YouTube is you need to be wary of confusing your audience so if you do one thing or you edit your videos in one way but then you

Start uploading content that does not match any of your previous content your viewers going to be like what the [ __ ] is this dude I’m not watching this what the what the this isn’t what I signed up for the hell and then you’re more likely to have less viewership and you’re more

Likely to even lose subscribers that way so it’s like you need to really or I need to really do one particular thing in one particular way that way you guys understand what’s going on every single day and I need to have it as such if I start getting weird then I’m going to

Start off-putting a lot of people so S 3 music doesn’t get flagged it might be old enough or less um I don’t know just lesson anyway but no guaranteed every time I uh because this was before I started doing YouTube streaming primarily I would take the vods from

Twitch and then put them on my YouTube channel so the first time I did Persona 5 was Twitch streaming I think yeah and uh when I uploaded the vods that was getting CAU be written flagged not struck or taken down or anything like that it was just letting me know I’m

Playing copyrighted music and I’m just like that’s crazy which music the intro it’s like okay cool am I getting get in trouble no but you know it’s still it’s still there it bugs me oh no the music is entirely new in reload oh [ __ ] that’s cool okay cool all right that’s

Good now and then it also helps to start to put together like a playlist of music from games uh that you can use all over the place because a lot of music from games are really really good and um they’re it’s like they’re copyright but not copyright you

Know I can randomly start streaming my ninth TK playthrough or something who cares I did in fact stream some random crap before yeah but it’s more so I don’t think you off-put anyone by being random but if you start tracking a stream from like the

Beginning of the month to the end of the month and you being random how consistent is the viewership as well as the people in your stream you know what I mean it’s like with today we have we have youil we had RK we had Dev we had Kyla uh we had snowy

So if I for shits and giggles were to play something completely different tomorrow what are the chances all of you guys would show up back in well pretty good because a lot of you guys are consistent but um over a long enough period of Time how consistent is that audience going to

Be as sometimes get ranom people same but I think growth needs to be more consistent not so much random random people coming in is good but can random people stay that’s the question okay I’m tired of seeing both of these this sheep and this pig just sitting up there so guess what

Cool everything’s right in the world Go Yeah I’m Coming For That XP and I’m coming for that for that pig meat coming for that pork chop I technically were a random person you were you 100% were but then through my uh my Prof professional streamer abilities I converted you from random to regular because I’m just awesome I ooze professional

Streamer ooze oh right I forgot we need to make more let’s get some more wheat but I want more pilas more randoms that can convert to more regulars nope not for you not feeding you you would have thought Bud um um I I get any more in that area I’m just like you get more seeds than you do wheat there we go more like unprofessional but awesome streamer wow okay hey I’ll take one or the other professional or awesome I can’t have both all right fine I’ll one or the

Other but now that’s probably one huge thing that I think I can it’s I don’t think it’s terribly difficult to Market it’s just I don’t know it’s also at the same time very difficult to Market but um one thing I do want to stress to pretty much everyone uh it’s

Not the same bugs me it’s too different but uh one thing I do want to stress to a lot of people uh when it comes to just my channel in particular as opposed to other people’s channels is that I do consistently am I am consistently involved in the gaming culture I guess

I’m also not an [ __ ] objectively most of the time hey you know you get tilted sometimes you get tilted but I am I would say more reliable chill guy now do some people need some like crazy out of nowhere [ __ ] just just people sure why not you know sometimes

You need a little excitement I feel it that’s not me I don’t do that it’s like I’m boring but boring in a good way no not boring that’s not what I mean by it boring as in you know it’s like uh you’ve got those friends that like to go

Out and party every other week n every weekend and just get drunk and you know do the crazy stupid [ __ ] and anyone who doesn’t do that is considered boring like it’s that split of a dichotomy you know and it’s like fine I’ll concede that yes given that

Picture I’m boring but if that is not your level of excitement is that if that is not your you know how far you need to go in order to get you know anything of value from just existing then yeah I’m not for you for sure it’s like I’m a step down you’re chill

Semi-professional but mostly uh importantly just fun to watch I will take that to the bank and cash that check 100% appreciate that pilot really do music you good oh maybe I ran out of I looped the playlist all right let’s move on to a different music playlist then let’s go to secluded A little bit quieter here we go cool because now I would say I’m kind of like um oh know who do I Market towards so one of my early Inspirations for streaming was Summit because he’s not super all over the place not like uh some other streamers he’s for the most part pretty

Chill he’s just really good at what he does you know guy that played counter- strike for [ __ ] ever he’s competed professionally he’s won tournaments he’s really good at what he does he’s a good shooter he’s a good at FPS shooter but he’s also a super chill dude like skater genre sort of

Chill smokes weed level of chill I don’t smoke weed but he does but just a chill dude and that’s kind of like I said one of my first uh Inspirations for how to kind of I guess act on stream just chill nothing crazy but nothing boring just

Kind of you know just write writing that line um and then another dude dud I didn’t originally watch not a while ago but I’ve been watching him for years now at this point would be someone like asmin cold again a really chill dude has great

Takes on a bunch of stuff smart guy um I’m definitely not that chill where my environment slowly erodes away and there’s like roaches crawling around no no I’m not that chill he’s more chill about that I’m not that chill but again a guy who’s not b bouncing off the

[ __ ] walls all over the place chill dude you know another great content creator to kind of of not idolize because definitely don’t idolize anyone but uh you know get some inspiration from for sure I’m chill and work on video games I know CD project red Dev personally which is awesome which is awesome

You know have you worked on anything that they work on like have you gotten a job from them before or anything at all because that’d be dope I love asthma go yeah he’s a great streamer he’s a great content creator and he it’s like he starts in

Video games but now he kind of just branches off and gives his opinions on a bunch of things all over the place it could be hyper political pieces of information but he’s still nonetheless a chill dude who in is interactive that’s probably the biggest component to this whole thing is

Interaction and you see it you definitely notice it like if you ever watch a professional uh like FPS player for whatever game like valerant or whoever you’ll notice how much attention they don’t give the stream their full attention is just so fixated on the game everyone’s just like damn okay you

Notice the difference you notice the difference so much now I’ve never worked for them just know them that’s cool though hey that’s a foot in the door though would you want to work there I think it’d be kind of sick CD project Red’s one of the one of

The good Studios one of the last remaining good Studios I know as far as I know I don’t know I tried to get a job at Nintendo and monolith uh as a localization manager sick again that’d be dope but no you having known and they know you is almost as good as actually

Just working there straight up cuz as soon as they you know fly a position that they need filled and your name pops up in the resume they’re just like I bet we know this dude you know we know him he’s chill probably got them in

Why not so no that’ be that’d be kind of sick if you’re looking for something like that I have no idea right I visit CG uh CG project red HQ not too long ago right which is awesome it’s huge it’s huge it’s like the first step to getting

Your dream job is actually um letting them know that you exist and that you’re interested you don’t want to bite their head off and be like so when am I getting in here is that going to be my desk over there yo what’s up it’s like n you don’t want to

Go that hard don’t want to go that hard you want to get to know them especially uh like private sector jobs and then you just work on your craft you work on what you’re doing and then when the opportunity arises it’s like damn I might get that

Job but yeah again all depends what you want to do but that’s kind of sick they gave you free copies of all their games before like we’re talking cyber Punk Witcher like any one of them that’s that’s also huge like all right like how some of this bamboo looks inaccessible and others are good including the DLC that’s I could see yeah I could definitely see getting the DLC for free that’d be kind of nice but the full game that’s that’s pretty

Cool no yeah I would totally especially people I knew that would be um down to show other people not really as like I’m scratching your back therefore you’re going to be scratching my back but uh n DLC I can totally see giving giving away pretty uh consistently they super nice that’s

Good so it’s a positive work environment in today’s uh today’s ecosystem like [ __ ] like I’m trying to think that’s got to be on the list of things you need to figure out for yourself right like how nice is it going to be to work here it’s like I know your

Reputation for this place like you guys do good things but it’s like does anyone suck here like am I going to be assaulted in any way shape or form I need to know these going in like oh man I can’t imagine wait they give deal way but they charge for proper

Expansions got it which I did get gotcha okay n the fact that you know them personally and they’re you know they’re willing to give you free stuff dope DLC is small but expansions are huge right right right I love how expansion no that’s really not the term used for that stuff anymore

Right like when I think expansion I’m thinking expansion packs like I’m thinking I’m thinking Warcraft 3 like you’re getting the Frozen Throne expansion which in and of itself is just DLC but DLC overwrote expansion packs in terms of terminology or we just call it for what it is extra content addition story elements

Additional items cuz an expansion pack the way I look at it is like Story characters items probably even gameplay changes updates like how Frozen Throne kind of changed uh Warcraft 3 a little bit not too much but a little bit but uh it’s just like it’s it’s a major game update

But I don’t know it’s like the the uh the thought process behind it kind of just changed a bit Yeah an expansion is meant to be big right right right like it’s a huge update but a lot of games do so do games not do huge updates like they used

To DLC and expansions are interchangeable nowadays right but yeah I can totally see that expansion pack expansion content is bigger it’s bigger that’s why you say expansion not DLC but when does it become big enough is the question and then sometimes they don’t even just give you the expansion they

Give you the game plus the expansion right so I’m thinking Persona 5 Persona 5 by itself is just Persona 5 but then Persona 5 Royal comes out and it’s the base game but with a lot more stuff and a lot big a lot more changes to the game

Like they fundamentally only changed a few things about the game but Royal was an expansion pack it just didn’t get treated the same way it’s weird like that it was a basically a re-release extended edition but they you just don’t use expansion anymore we talk about DLC sure but yeah

It’s yeah it’s different it’s different oh someone’s shooting at me Sonic Frontiers gave us three major updates we added hundreds of hours of content [ __ ] but yeah yeah it’s weird I kind of like expansion maybe we need to bring expansion back I’m just going to start referring

To every like major content update is like oh let’s look at this expansion look at this expansion back oh we got a zombie villager dope yo you guys see that DLC what DLC I saw the expansion I’m just going to be that [ __ ] just starts calling these expansion that’d be

Great yeah yeah I think I’m going to bring back expansions but I’m going to bring back that definition that we’re talking about expansion is like a big major content update where it’s comprised of like a bunch of things new new music gameplay elements uh balance changes Story

Characters excuse me items wow that was a burp my bad yeah yeah every expansion is DLC but not every DLC is expansion true yep yep yep I feel it I definitely feel that dude I feel so bad that burp was like directly in the microphone but I couldn’t I couldn’t

Suppress it I’m drinking Mountain do I’ve got some Baja Blast that the uh the grocery store is selling if there’s Baja Blast in the grocery store I’m picking it up like I don’t know about anyone else out there but yeah if there’s Baja Blast I’m picking that [ __ ]

Up so I’ve got that carbonation kind of settling in my uh stomach a little bit and then it’s just like yeah we got to come out oh that was a gnarly burp that’s my bad I don’t know if I triggered anyone with that but you know it is what it is

Is what it is yeah you’ve got gold armor on dude oh no you ruined my path you [ __ ] all right what was this pathing here that’s a shovel right clicked right oh got to fix this sad about it I want Baja Blast uh we never get it

Here oh really wow yeah well for the longest time Baja Blast was only let’s go you [ __ ] teleport down here you won’t what’s up oh there you are [ __ ] yeah give me that dirt dude there’s always an Enderman that just spawns in my house like he [ __ ]

Owns this place unreal the G the G on him anyway but uh yeah Baja Blast was never really A Accessible uh flavor the only place you would ever get it is Taco Bell in the uh fountain drink cuz it’s a Taco Bell exclusive drink I think it even says Taco Bell original even says on the can on the packaging but then I think enough people were just like Baja Blast really good why don’t you just put it in a can and then they did but they don’t have it it’s not in the stores consistently there is quote unquote Baja Blast

Seasons and I think right now is the beginning I think it I think it goes into the stores um like summer to Spring to Summer something like that that’s where I’ve seen it at least in my store so oh I got a rabbit’s foot

Sick um I do have dirt yeah we do have dirt okay but I need a shovel but it’s good it’s good I’m trying not to drink as much soda right right now I’m trying to actually drop a lot of weight and it’s working but uh you know you got

To not cheat but you got to you know give your body something every now and again you just want to drop your overall consumption of something off uh over a long enough stretch of time but I’m also not just not consuming but I’m also going to the gym and working out considerably

More than I used to so it’s like I’m able to do that and offset consumption quite a bit but we never get Bob bless into Europe right I could see that um let’s actually get rid of these this pathing doesn’t need to be super super high uh let’s fill this in there we

Go perfect let’s clean the road up a little bit sure and it’s broken oh that’s fine as long as we clean it up a little bit but I recommend it B blast pretty good so you ever make it out to the states it’s pretty good I can’t really describe its flavor

Though what does it say yeah not really yeah not really a specific flavor I don’t know let me like I don’t want to say tropical because that’s vague in and of itself but the taste itself is also still relatively vague when you try to compare it to anything

Else it just I don’t know it it it hits it hits different but it hits good it’s a solid flavor just significantly exclusive cuz like I said it’s not in cans all year round but when it is grab it up because it’s going to get sold out

Cuz like I think last year I was waiting for Baja last season cuz I’m just like I’m going to buy four 12 packs straight up like watch me and I’ve done it cuz the wife and I both like Baja Blast is solid flavor again like I’ve said there

I forgot there’s a pig up there but uh I think we missed the window to the point where when we went into the store they were just all gone and we saw the barcode or we saw the the uh skew the tag the price on the Shelf but the Shelf

Was just empty because people bought that [ __ ] up it’s like okay it’s like I understand yeah ever come to the states go to Taco Bell I want to say they’re at every Taco Bell I don’t know exactly where all the Taco Bells are in the world I live in California so Taco

California yeah yeah that’s a spot but it’s good it’s good you know what let me get that shovel and let’s actually clean up our uh pads out here a bit more so I saw this one over here um those need wood it looks like just Oak and then this kind of just went

Nowhere so I’ll just leave that alone for now because it’s not going anywhere um okay and you also to go anywhere but I can make you go somewhere particularly to the water milon patch boom put a dirt right there um that’s actually Four wide cool it’s going to say fill

There were a few talk about restaurants but they all failed it was back in the 90s really hm interesting cuz yeah they’re still I want to say they’re still pretty they’re pretty much still thriving out here but again this is their target audience sort of a not really Mexican food but kind of

That theme at least because it’s very it’s very American Mexican not Mexico Mexican there is a there is a bit of a difference and you do notice it um especially if that is your heritage like you’re just like this isn’t Mexican food this is American food with a Mexican you know flavor to

It and not explicitly Mexico because there’s a lot of different very similar cultures but still it’s not always a onetoone sort of situation just mainly Mexico because that is the country that’s directly south of the Border but I don’t think too many people are up in arms on the uh specifics of

That poing hated it h interesting I’m actually kind of curious what they didn’t like about it cuz yeah different cultures do hit differently there are some foods like I can get down with sushi but when it comes to Asia and their cultural significance with uh Seafood does not hit me nearly as much

As it hits them I I don’t hate it but I’m not a fan of it like if I had to choose between a bunch of dishes at a party and um there was Seafood versus my favorite which is more Italian so we’re talking pasta and whatnot I would

Probably I’d probably 10 times out of 10 go for the pasta might try some of the seafood but then be like yeah that was good I’m going go back to the pasta cuz that is just that hits me better and it’s probably because it’s

Got a lot to do with that’s just what I consumed growing up you know it doesn’t I don’t I’ve got the genetic markers of someone who’s got Italian Heritage does not directly influence like the things that I can or can’t eat but what you grow up with is

What you grow up with and if you’re uh trying to eat food that you’ve never really eaten all your life then it’s not going to hit nearly as much as the food that you have so it all makes sense I’m back yo axo bucket welcome back welcome back how you

Doing um let’s clean clean all this up let’s put a spot right there don’t like uh this is fine oh excuse me I finally figured out how to alert streamers I’m here how so I have some uh French jeans but I would vomit all over the place just looking at the snails

I’ve never tried as cargo but uh yeah probably same I’m just like I’m good yeah yeah I’m good that stone this piece of stone is here which is bothersome b a wild axo appear there we Go just throw the Pokemon music in all right this is good got some steps whether or not to keep them dirt is a question but the Pokemon music yo at least I played it good enough for you to be like oh okay son of a [ __ ] dude really

Making a path making a path drains a shovels Health that much that was a full HP iron shovel bro goodness all right we’re good on that then I guess Sunova Beach is that like a Pokemon location actually don’t know for me Pokemon began and ended with the Kanto region it’s

Like jodo sure but Kanto the OG I don’t know Bulbasaur Pikachu Squirtle my boys son of a [ __ ] got it got it got it got it son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] so making pass also takes durability I know but I thought it would take

Less like significantly less like you would think using a tool for a block equals x durability used but bro just making making a doing a this takes like five no probably one and I just did a lot but still I feel like making a path should be like four the equivalent of like

Four four make paths actions should equate to one destroy Block action you feel me mathematically every single block w dur ability path one durability path should be 0.25 that should be my math right there 0.25 because it’s a path you know I’m not destroying the block I don’t know

Feel like they should be very two very different things I don’t know o let’s put since this is here there we go we got like a we got like a street light let’s put some here as well why not maybe this is what we should do passively just try to increase the uh

Property value of my broken down destroyed Village better pathing better better stone work especially over here fix the Roes finally a little bit of something here and there let’s send a petition to Minecraft [ __ ] n we were just talking about that before I would imagine working the Minecraft section of

Microsoft right now must be the chillest job in the world because they’ve got no reason really to be like crunching development time on any updates from Minecraft cuz I’m just like they’re just you know the the community for Minecraft is not only massive and huge but there’s no huge competitors to

The game there’s other Survival Games crafting games sure but they’re not Minecraft they’re not hundreds of millions of copies Minecraft you feel me they’re not on every console imaginable Minecraft they’re not you know modded out of its ass Minecraft shaders everywhere public and private servers all over the place vast Mega YouTube

Channels that been going on for years the biggest content created game to date Minecraft Microsoft is like we’ll get to content when we feel like it bro oh yeah we’re introducing some new tools some new animals ah that’ll come out in a few years what’s the rush

What’s the Hur it just I swear to you it’s got to be something like that there’s probably a million things they can add to this game they’ve got no rush they’ve got no rush to do any of that so so YouTube Chatters can’t see them I’m telling us that high they are

Appreciated for sure well I you pop up on stream right I think stream they’re on both I need a way to connect the two I think there is a way but there’s not a good way I can so there is a bot that I can turn on like hold on let me show

You there we go so we have something called relay mode and now it’s enabled so in both chats anytime someone’s typed something in the YouTube chat it will then type into the twitch chat anything typed in the twitch chat will also type into the YouTube

Chat both chats are or they should be no I’ve had chat off this entire time I’m pissed okay now chat is on the stream I forgot I turned it off when I do some recordings because I don’t want a random chat to just pop up so my

Bad but there now the chat’s up there so now there’s two now there’s two ways you guys can see both chats the restream bot should display in both now and also it’s on stream it should have been on stream so my bad my bad frogs and horse meet are pretty good

Though frogs and horse I’ve never had so are you I appreciate that I appreciate that what’s going on average welcome back dude I talked to the creater of Minecraft before you talk to uh dude I can’t remember his name I knew his name at one point but I yeah that’s cool that’s

Sick I don’t pop up above you strangely enough yeah no I forgot to turn it on Minecraft being so decentralized is amazing right it’s actually kind of good it’s like the one game that showcases something like this to that extent so agreed also High hell yeah well also

Don’t forget axo you are more than welcome to hop over to YouTube if at any time you do want to jump into uh the Youtube chat so option is open for everyone to go to one chat or the other but you know Notch I knew his name I knew his

Name I knew it I knew that this game made so much stons true I will adjust my real name oh gosh gosh Notch right never was a fan in this game wow average how dare you dude how dare you this is arguably one of the most successful games you have ever existed arguably

Tetris if we’re introducing franchises Mario Minecraft it is the most successful yeah especially it being a one-off like again we ignore franchises like Mario and Zelda that have been in existence for forever like bro Minecraft Minecraft quite literally might be the goat of games the Michael

Jordan of the vi games I mean I’m just I’m just spitting facts here like the goat hi POI so Pachi is actually the name of my real IRL cat they don’t look the same but that was the first cat I came across to uh make a pet so of

Course named her after Pachi and I’m assuming it’s to her I’m putting that out there do what I want it’s my Minecraft world you shut up uh it’s just so boring spend hours and hours grinding for those things to kill a dragon and then now like I need

Some lore bro imagine playing the game and beating the game while there was a dragon I played Minecraft before there was a dragon where that’s all you did was just go around killing things building things and existing must be nice I’m just kidding but no it’s one of those games where it

Is the it is the sandbox survival crafting game so it is as fun as being in a literal sandbox if you’re bored while you’re inside the sandbox you’re then get out of the sandbox go do something else like straight up it is one of those games where you either love it or you

Can’t stand it but I feel it I feel it I do feel it I do I’ve had moments where I’m just like I’m bored I don’t want to play this game anymore but then after enough time I’m just like you know what I’m bored of everything else I’m

Going to go in here and just build [ __ ] so there will be a movie soon can’t wait to watch it is there really going to be a movie Minecraft there’s got to be right how much money would that make right is it going to be animated

IRL it’s got to be animated to so to uh some extent but that’d be dope I haven’t heard anything about that just uh awaiting it just like the uh FNA movie gotcha well I could see it for sure Minecraft it is a Sandbox the best one the best one arguably the best

One I’m bored of my [ __ ] stove breaking every month I feel that yeah yeah it sounds like you need to get a new stove for sure let’s go play with the pandas but I feel you I feel you well alternatively dude if your stove is

Piece of [ __ ] um so you could buy like a cheaper smaller device that can cook like uh one thing I kind of want to do is there’s a ninja ninja’s the brand not to be confused with Ninja the streamer but there’s a ninja I’ve got a blender um

But it’s a ninja small like Grill where you can grill meat on um and it C it’s not bad it’s like 150 which is Affordable so I’m thinking about that but later that’s if the wife and I invest in more um of a meat oriented

Diet which I kind of want to do I do want to eat a little bit more Meats than I usually do I don’t have I do consume protein but I want to consume more animal protein especially so getting something like that would be kind of

Nice every time I cook I smell like [ __ ] that’s yikes you know when I used to play with my friends it was cool we never beat the Ender Dragon and it was fun until one day I had no PC anymore I enjoyed playing it and the memories

Won’t be forgotten from a hole in the ground to an epic house wow that’s a that’s a steam reveal right there copy pasted that in boom granted I don’t think Minecraft’s on Steam but still nonetheless but all right honestly same but I enjoy it a lot to be honest all

Right from leather to netherite true that’s what I was doing before I was like what was I doing last time this year I was trying to get netherite because I’ve never I haven’t played the game in so long netherite was not in the game so I have no idea what that’s like

The best I’ve got is diamond on me but I do not have nether rights um but I forgot we were talking about that before I stopped playing the game to go play lies of PE and uh I think that was one thing we were trying to work on was getting netherite

So we’ll get around to doing that if I remember but yeah my focus again is I’m just trying to do more short content where we’re just kind of talking about [ __ ] not so much about the game because I can make content about games all the live long day the

Problem is that I don’t stream nearly as much so me waiting for something specific to happen and then short and make a clip out of it and then have it you know not be able to hit a wide net of people is just not the way to go so I’m kind of

Just using Minecraft here as a backdrop it’s kind of background music background gameplay to the stream the stream is us it’s me in the chat at least for now until we’ll eventually move on to another single player game but for now we’re chilling from walking to Flying can you

Fly in the game how do you fly in the game Panda can you build like a like a glider that’d be dope I try to eat to 120 to 150 grams of protein every day holy Jesus that’s a lot of protein I’ve been told well yes for you average you do

Need to eat more protein because you do you’re bulking up hard you got that muscle going so yeah you need like one gram of protein per pound of body weight something like that I think if you’re trying to grow like bodybuilder grow you need like 2 g of protein per pound of

Body weight something like that I’m trying to maintain if not grow so I’m about the same if I can get one pound per body weights if not a little bit less than that then I’ll probably do that but I still need to up the amount of uh protein that I consume for

Sure lies of P not paa but eletra I assume you never had an Electra no what is that but it’s okay yeah I don’t know what that is but I accidentally burned my potatoes a lot I tried to peel the burned but there was no good left oh yeah

No yeah got to be careful with the with the potatoes are some hardcore players what is what is Electra elect ra elra elra no idea what’s going on down here ow nothing nothing’s going on down here they have the best lore bills mostly use Electra so you get it from an

N city which has a ship and you need fireworks and this is in Minecraft huh okay since 1.12 I think interesting two grams of protein for one pound is crazy you have to start eating super pro uh processed food and the protein there is some [ __ ] things a lot of protein you

Eat from Super protein and things go into it well you can get protein well I think a lot of them do um not just meat I think a vast majority of it is meat um but they also supplement with uh like protein drinks smoothies a lot of

Protein from liquid as well as protein from solid foods and yeah no it eating is also it’s like a part-time job to the full-time job of getting massive so they’re eating like three four times a day which is disgusting but that’s their goal that’s that’s bodybuilder level [ __ ] which no one

Should be doing well not entirely true I think it depends on the person what their goals are and I get it but it’s like bodybuilding is it’s a bit much I like function I go to the gym to not only feel good and to not only look good

But to you know have my body actually work like I want my body to be able to do the things whatever thing until I’m like in my 80s until I get old enough where I’m just like nope I’m done like I don’t want to go super hard

But I also don’t want to do nothing just right in the middle elitra I don’t know toilet elitra elitra elra don’t use elyra use Wings sounds better wings okay you need mending for the wings and Unbreaking otherwise you won’t have much time got

It I only eat once a day o and it’s a small meal well don’t forget you do need to eat protein protein is what you need for all your cells to be able to um build you need it for your hormones you need it for [ __ ] everything

I eat what my mom cooks got to respect my mother oh boy don’t tell my wife that n my my wife talked [ __ ] among about my mom’s cooking uh as often as she can which is valid I grew up very SE season seasoning starved meaning

A lot of the food that we did eat was not seasoned it was very Bland and it was very much cut from the packaging and put on the dish like very basic [ __ ] and I didn’t care growing up because you don’t care uh but once I met my wife and she

Started cooking for me I was like man this [ __ ] tastes good she’s like yeah I know because your mom never seasoned your food and I’m like all right fine [ __ ] all right it’s like I get it fine [ __ ] but do my wife’s defense she is right cheese I love cheese cheese is

Good cheese is fire I never ate food from my mom oh got it nothing better than cigarette and coffee oh yeah The Breakfast of Champions yeah yeah cook that it’s kind of [ __ ] you just get one gold nugget I think a balancing issue with that is is

That in order to make a chest plate of anything you need eight things of it so I think if I smelt a chest plate I think I should get eight things of the Nuggets not full ingots because it takes nine nuggets to make one Ingot but I don’t think you just get one

Nugget give me the same amount but in the smaller version that’d be way better balancing one nugget is [ __ ] um what do I have a lot of do have a lot of let’s cook some meat CL classic Eastern EU meal that’s weird me w h me oh the cat

Yeah I was going to say Pachi was in the room I pull her up to the microphone and see if she can get her see if I can get her to meow she hasn’t been able to do it I don’t think she understands the assignment but sometimes my cat will be

Behind me like she wants to play with me or something and tries to get my attention by meowing at me and I’m just like I’m busy but she’s cute sour patchy sour patchy sour sweet gone she is though like she’ll do some stupid [ __ ] and then just be all cute

And everything and it’s exactly like the commercial cats are exactly like the commercial it’s not even funny they just [ __ ] something up and then just act all cute and [ __ ] it’s like all right I see the game you’re playing it’s so me over dude yeah guys see me yeah I can see

You ow [ __ ] I see you I hear random breathing oh give me the cat oops Such cat much wow um get some bone meal where’ I put it again right there yes keep playing the music oh [ __ ] what time is it 130 ooh I’ll be right back ladies and gentlemen so enjoy the cat I’m going to go in this corner right here and yeah I’ll be right

Back uh random breathing from your mic pretty random I don’t think it’s me even if I breathe like that’s me actually like really breathing out I don’t breathe super hard so I don’t think I don’t think it’s me I also don’t bre I don’t breathe directly into the microphone so no I

Don’t think it’s me but I’ll be right back give me about 10 minutes give or take so yeah I’ll be right Back where Where No W where no where where Now C wow me Me w Wow where where man w for no w all right and we’re back anyone come in anyone kill me any Enders coming in coming in hot all right what’s up what’s up feed the cat you know what let’s go fishing we haven’t gone fishing in a while it’s night time all right sleep it

Off Diego yo what’s up dude hola Kitty thank you for the rabbit hide that I’ll use for no reason um where do I put this stuff so where put the rabbit’s foot oh that’s where to put okay that’s where put the stuff okay nope one cool three rabbits feed

Can I make a lucky charm imagine um right um are these tropical fish cooked raw salmon here we go bless up py food good girl py other food good girl good py good py I’m petting her I’m petting her I’m petting her good py good

Py um all right so I think we’ll chill for another like nine minutes or so and then I think we’ll call it for today wife made some food then I want to go eat because it’s good and I haven’t had anything to eat today how long is my

Break from food I don’t any I don’t eat anything probably within the last half an hour before going to bed it’s already past noon yeah I probably have not eaten anything in about 12 and a half going on 13 hours cuz I think that’s a good break

From uh it’s like I’m not trying to intermittent fast but it’s like not a bad bad idea to try to intermittent fast but uh you know significant break between meals back in the day I was trying to do it a little bit more where i’ give myself like a 16h hour window of

No food so it’s like a few hours before sleep plus sleep and then skipping breakfast which I usually do any day I don’t really eat breakfast all that much so it’s a good 16 hour window of no food so that only leaves another that only

Leaves 8 hours to have like a lunch and a dinner and that’s pretty much it and yeah it worked uh it worked pretty well but uh not necessarily trying to do that now nope too low come here spider what up dude what up nerd sit down yeah I am hungry especially since I’ve

Been working out more if not a little bit harder yeah if not a little bit harder yeah I definitely want to sift through this VOD a bit and start to start pulling some content cuz I think once I start I guess showcasing what the conversations are how

Chats pretty much how the both of us me and chat interact I don’t know might be some more digestible content but more it’s almost like Marketing in a way CU I suck at marketing I really do going through uh the business classes I’m just like marketing does not sound

Like fun but God damn is marketing important no one knows you exist without marketing dude there was like four chickens came out of those eggs the hell all right well I guess this chicken is free range all right you do you dude or do you want to go

Inside no you’re good all right Ed chick can turn the corner he is committed that’s chicken little over there um yeah I think we’re good let’s go and pack it in ch with poching the bedroom all right dudes that’ll be it for today we’re chilling we chilling straight

Chilling let’s go and save and quit all right so we’ll be back on tomorrow um I don’t know if we’re going to be going back and forth between Minecraft and valheim I think I might try doing that next week so we’ll be back on tomorrow we’ll be doing some more

Minecraft yeah dudes thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate it everyone over on YouTube and twitch you guys are awesome really really appreciate it bye all right average I will see you later brother you have a good one have a good Wednesday don’t burn don’t burn yourself

Yeah it’s going to be fun it’s going to be a fun experience for sure but all righty uh yeah I’m out of here I will see you guys later uh if you guys like the stream don’t forget to like the stream I would greatly appreciate it and of course anyone new

Down to watch and chill and hang out for some uh more anything uh be sure to sub to the channel of course anyone over on Twitch you’re more than welcome to hop over to YouTube and do the same thing over there if not follow the twitch channel one or the other I prefer

YouTube but H you know it is what it is but anyway I’m out of here you guys have a good rest of your Wednesday until then I’ll see you guys tomorrow I did that backwards I’ll see you guys Tomorrow

This video, titled ‘Well, back to the grind we go #minecraft’, was uploaded by BattleDrum on 2024-03-20 21:13:05. It has garnered 47 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:39 or 14139 seconds.

️Livestreams feature adult language! Viewer discretion is advised!️

I haven’t delved into Minecraft since the days of old Minecraft and it’s port to the Xbox 360. Over the years its been bits and pieces here and there. Maybe as we venture from game to game, heading back into this one might be fun to play and mess around with you guys in between stream playthroughs 😀

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DPI – 800 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————— SOCIALS: Twitch: twitch.tv/battledrum Twitter: @_BattleDrum Discord: https://discord.gg/0VeWZ5qkrUO8hBxL

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    EPIC Adventures in Creothina - ATM9 Stream 8!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 8 (More Adventures!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-05 11:46:16. It has garnered 921 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 05:37:38 or 20258 seconds. Hey everyone! So we’re live a few hours earlier due to my sleep getting messed up BUT I’m excited to continue on our stream world adventure. We have so many things to get up to and I’m sure it’ll be a mix of chaos and fun….see you there! Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Devious Duplesi: Secrets Unveiled!

    Minecraft's Devious Duplesi: Secrets Unveiled!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mistry Of Steve In Minecraft #2’, was uploaded by Duplesi FF on 2024-02-08 03:55:00. It has garnered 38 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft myths,minecraft video,minecraft hindi,minecraft mysteries,scary minecraft,minecraft seeds,scary minecraft myths,minecraft horror,minecraft scary,minecraft herobrine,minecraft mystery,scary minecraft stories,scary minecraft seeds,minecraft scary myths,scary minecraft facts,minecraft secrets,scariest minecraft facts,scary minecraft mysteries,minecraft phone,minecraft horror facts,solving minecraft mysteriesminecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft video,minecraft scary,minecraft myths,minecraft hindi,minecraft herobrine,minecraft seeds,scary minecraft facts,scariest minecraft facts,minecraft horror facts,minecraft horror,minecraft secrets,minecraft 1.20,minecraft mysteries,minecraft scary myths,minecraft scary build hacks,minecraft hacks,testing minecraft build hacks,minecraft new update,scary minecraft myths,minecraft creepypasta,minecraft 1.21… Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE: Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Block!

    EXCLUSIVE: Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Block!Video Information This video, titled ‘JAKIEGO BLOKU W MINECRAFT JEST NAJWIĘCEJ?’, was uploaded by Jam jest Jakub on 2024-04-21 11:37:06. It has garnered 194085 views and 10984 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. WHAT BLOCK IS THE MOST IN MINECRAFT? The best Minecraft server: N1MC.pl ✅ discord: https://discord.gg/n1mc ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE CHAIR BUILDING TIPS 😱🪑 | N.K Nikhil GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to build better Chairs |😱🪑 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by N.K NIKHIL GAMER on 2023-12-24 04:30:05. It has garnered 5000 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft: How to build better Chairs |😱🪑 Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets of the Ancient Minecraft Server! #MinecraftMadness

    Uncovering Secrets of the Ancient Minecraft Server! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Invading Minecraft’s Oldest Civilization Server! #minecraft#stoneworks’, was uploaded by DonFuer on 2024-04-16 22:02:15. It has garnered 3314 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:36 or 276 seconds. IP: play.stoneworks.gg #citybuilding #minecraft #minecraftcivilization Our discord: https://discord.gg/HnJ7cGKKPY Read More


    🔥JOIN ME LIVE: STARTING MINECRAFT CULT!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | STARTING THE GREATEST MINECRAFT CULT’, was uploaded by Bloomscorch on 2024-03-16 20:29:27. It has garnered 97 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:16 or 18616 seconds. Happiness, camaraderie and togetherness. Definitely NO brainwashing! The fun cult activities are taking place on ➤ play.hylexmc.net Want to be a part of a great community? Go join our Discord server! 100% not a cult! – https://discord.gg/kXYTKDZ5gP ─────────────────────────────────────── #minecraft #communityevent #multiplayer #minecraftserver #building #survival Read More

  • Insane Minecraft ranting session w/ Hollow200!

    Insane Minecraft ranting session w/ Hollow200!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft yapping session!’, was uploaded by Hollow200 on 2024-03-10 16:05:51. It has garnered 2529 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:08 or 11288 seconds. Drop a sub if you minecraft cows! Read More

  • SapLow’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Base After 10 Years!

    SapLow's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Base After 10 Years!Video Information This video, titled ‘This youtuber hasn’t seen his minecraft base in 10 years ft zman1064 & Nixxiom’, was uploaded by SapLow on 2024-05-02 19:44:59. It has garnered 638 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:03 or 3243 seconds. we tour @NixxiomOnYouTube old base from 10 years ago! Current version: release 1.8.9 Current IP: mc-l.net My old server archive discord -(https://discord.gg/rEK3ZzCGm3)- A collaboration video with @zman1064 and @NixxiomOnYouTube check out their newest videos: Man Reunites with his Minecraft Base after 10+ years – https://youtu.be/QJTsBpBK5jU?si=GUBrOwZjvFknqC9C How I Would Fix World of Warcraft (A Response to Asmongold)… Read More

  • Ultimate Shrek Gym Battle – Rich vs Poor in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Shrek Gym Battle - Rich vs Poor in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Maizen’s RICH GYM vs Mikey’s POOR GYM Battle in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ TV)’, was uploaded by Shrek Craft on 2024-01-25 11:00:40. It has garnered 12230 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:21 or 1341 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Maizen’s RICH GYM vs Mikey’s POOR GYM Battle in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ TV) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by… Read More

  • Just Bucket! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, SkyBlock

    Welcome to Just Bucket Minecraft Server! Join our active and friendly community today! We offer SMP, Skyblock, Economy, Jobs, Fishing Tournaments, Ranks, Discord, and experienced staff. Play on Java Edition at JustBucket.Minecraft.Best or on Bedrock Edition at JustBucket.Minecraft.Best Port 25566. Our semi-vanilla server is designed to enhance your gameplay without intruding on the vanilla experience. Enjoy quality of life plugins like Vein-Miner, MCMMO, Custom Crafting, Dynmap, GriefPrevention, Timber, and more. We also have a thriving community on Discord – join us at discord.gg/uMkz8wdqSP Read More

  • SteamPunk [LPS] v22HF – Survival – PvE

    SteamPunk [LPS] v22HF - Survival - PvEGet the base modpack here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punkAdded HT’s Tree Chop 1.19.2-Forge 0.18.6 which can be found here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/treechopThe specific version you are looking for is NOT the most up to date version! You need version FORGE – 0.18.6!^^^^^ IF YOU DO NOT ADD THIS MOD, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONNECT^^^^^This is a memory-heavy modpack, the game recommends more than 4GB of RAM. Please allocate as much as your system can handle to a max of 12GB.30 Person Server.PvP damage disabled.3 Month Wipe Cycle.This is designed to be a low-risk, easy to play game for people to have fun and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Did I speedrun to the End and get netherite gear in hardcore mode? Spicy!

    I guess you could say you really “mined” your own business in that hardcore speedrun! Read More