EPIC! Building a Copper Bridge in Minecraft

Video Information

W W W W [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Ah the French it’s a champagne for poor Masa you know like like like Mr Orwells you know like the the the funny the funny Orwells man you know what I’m talking about hello hello stream hello everybody hello chat yes welcome to the stream welcome to Minecraft Mondays once

More a new Fresh week it’s a brand new Week full of shenanigans all right um so today we have as you can see we have I have quite a quite a few people here today with me did anyone else join no okay all right our roster our roster

Is pretty uh pretty stacked for today um Chip’s finally joining us after 50 million years of me asking him no I’m just kidding um but yes we are back with some more some more Minecraft so why don’t we just why don’t we just get

Right into it let me go get him let me go get him real quick let’s go get those guys switch ROM hello hello oh my God hi okay got to stop now oh what did I what did I Stumble in on just stop talking about piracy yeah we love Pirates oh

God you cannot be saying these things you’ll get me arrested stop now all of your hopes and dreams by the way someone in chat said not illegal to talk about P yeah no it definitely is um by the way someone in chat said how they like how you guys are all crammed

Onto one seat on my stream so wait perfect yeah just put me on the ceiling we were just sitting on the same same like little chair put me upside down cuz the image for my thing is is only like I can only fit like two chairs on the screen

So turn me upside down put me on the had an agreement put me on the desk no you don’t you don’t get to stay on the desk no more youve lost privileges okay here goes alexo number five is playing right now oh wait no they can’t they can’t see me

Do that shoot I forgot little bit my life I got to start up the server I didn’t even start up the server fck let’s get stop sing he’s going to get a dmca yeah you got a dmca me Connor I don’t believe this this is ridiculous this is ridiculous I’m going to get

The hell don’t leave me here God damn it C Caleb sent me this stupid it’s Monday already video oh my God you know what that means Michel don’t leave me who did that it’ser pretty sure that just does that on itself know it’s actually part of the

New update yeah it’s part of the new disc it’s part of the new Discord yeah for the movie FNAF update so how you guys doing how are you guys doing we’re doing a check in um is that a fake ping that is a fake ping I fell for it I got troll dude

Jokes on you I always hear that bastard the noises that never leave they never leave us they never leave us no the noise like pizza all right the server is online so if you guys are ready uh I I don’t I don’t have Minecraft open so

It’s going to take me a second to uh get it up on stream stop posting the [ __ ] y magnet the noises the noises the noises do you get put on the desk absolutely not the noises for some reason my computer’s not pinging the server this is a great

Shame this is a great shame is it still is it is the server like up up or is it still booting up no it’s up um actually the sky is up just Alex you have no hey just so you guys I’m already on the Ser you guys are slow my Minecraft is not

That’s weird oh you can’t connect yeah um internal exception I can okay um I have a solution uh so there is a way Dynamic IP yeah there is a way to circumvent this um if you do direct connection and use the IP that I’m about

To send you uh then it should work so just do that on to read the IP out loud well I have it just displayed joking joking joking no I have it displayed on stream it doesn’t matter since there’s a white list so oh so real yeah um white

26194 okay what’s the white list a list of uh all right there uh direct white people direct connect to that oh wait but uh the oh the IPS aren’t on for those so it’s fine yeah just do direct connection through that link instead and it should be fine IED Minecraft chip

Potato hold on where are you I I’m on a snowy mountain in the wilderness oh yeah um hold on I’ll send my cords uh us 100% too many people are talking to me at once what Alex what did you change the the white list it says my username is not verifide oh it’s

Not um weird hold on maybe I did maybe I set it up before uh you started playing or after you started playing rather hold on uh oh hold on hold on relax get me in there just give me a minute I’m joking joking no you’re whitelisted actually I’m

Brown oh my God let me give it a few more shotes where it worked go where is friend uh chip uh try find my coordinates it’s just F3 dog Alex hi gang I I I finished my house oh my gosh your armor is so cool looking

Thank you oh see my armor yeah so we have a we we installed a thing we installed we install we install we installed we installed we we installed a thing where uh it’s a texture pack that lets us see through armor so we can see each other skins all the time oh that’s

Cool yeah that’s H you trying to see each other’s skin therey y this is awesome oh my gosh I don’t believe this oh my gosh I can’t believe this no way I believe this is so cool no way no way no way I need to I need to finish my copper

Bridge that’s what I was doing last time hubster yeah you really freaking move in this game holy moly dog oh yeah big time I’m I’m Still rocking stone tools you missed me [ __ ] raiding a few ancient cities and avoiding wardens hubster isn’t really an example to go by

Cuz he just speeduns the game every time I don’t speedrun the game I’m just good at it you do yes you do hster sounds like you do speedrun it you don’t take your time hster speed speed running this game um uh what the [ __ ] oh God what’s wrong now what they call

CRA all right well I guess I’ll finish my house what he uh where are my things hey gang anyone got some diorite uh I think I might actually last Tex which one is that you or might oh yeah uh die I might Alex here I’ll bring

Some to you yay I’ll make a mailbox oh yes you should make a mailbox we all mailboxes and uh people keep putting pipe bombs and dead bodies in mine I’m sorry dead bodies how do you do that yeah Taffy Taffy just came over and spread out a bunch of rotten flesh

Sticks and two spider eyes in my thing it’s so funny story the dead body was the game isn’t on stream what oh my God I forgot to transition to the game oh my Lord I I my bad here you go this is yours thank you now I can live in my house

Yes I didn’t think about how hard for me to line up oh god oh wa there it is oh no infinite iron gota gota work got to there we go cool it’s lined Up oh my god there should be trying to follow the coordinates but I keep falling into the [ __ ] snow oh yeah there I just think there should be a timer or why I say timer there should be a a DI a command a command that gives you one iron inot

But instantly makes you explode why oh shrapnel to punish those who are too greedy okay what you don’t understand my vision slash a great streamer yes I am I’m a I’m the the best streamer ever best great Entertainer he is yes I know exactly what I’m doing at all times he

Knows the people want and the people want him they do and I’m people it’s me I’m people oh I need so much more Granite for this God granite and bricks that [ __ ] God Granite my clay god wow Bob sagot who relax on stre um no I’m just kidding I would

Not relax homie I would never you’re making me sweat over here oh making you sweat you know what else makes people sweat exercise I should all right let’s do some jumping jacks a fine line we I just said he that would make me sweat he

But I mean like at the same time I’m a lizard I love the heat So wouldn’t be me dog is a lizard dog is a Liz dog is not a dog dog is actually dog is the lizard from Spiderman shout out to all lizards in chat anyone a lizard here oh God any lizard in chat right now any lizards I’m a fian does that count yes it

Does um I how funny you guys are blast protection cuz you guys just aren’t [ __ ] funny any of a time yeah the second like the stream is over I I actually leave immediately Alex isn’t friends with any of us he just immediately leaves I’m here for this

Like I hate you guys you’re here to get here to promote your own channel actually too I’ll take that the Channel that I have yeah yo what’s up what’s 9 plus 10 you’re UD um so Alex I know you put these uh trees up here to like decorate I’m

Honestly not really feeling them a whole lot I want to put in I want to put in Street lamps instead ha them I just wanted to explain it to my vision to you you saw me cutting down yeah no totally I can’t sing the song but but uh one

Could ask how bad you could be how bad me be I remember I was I was watching that movie fairly recently and um I remember well cuz my sister was watching it with a couple of her friends and I don’t know I just sat down I

Watched it cuz I find it I found it entertaining and there was mov guys I’m telling a story uh and then we got to that scene and then right at the end where like the onler is like looking at the camera and he’s like how bad can I

Possibly be like it it got quiet for a second and my sister just like was like Cinema it was really funny so funny for real okay where oh no I built my house in Creative to figure out what I want it to look like and now I’ve lost it

Because I went I went flying oops oops indeed you just held the W key for a bit whoopsy Daisy oh no hold the W key for a bit just like a tf2 player oh my God it’s all they do hey guys play Pyro TF2 it’s pretty easy all you got to

Do oh no I’ve lost it all right well guess we’re going to build a house a foolproof system lucky I think um now that a few more people are regularly playing on the stream I may do oh wait but if I do proximity chat then um [ __ ] my little guys on stream won’t

Work oh well plus we wouldn’t have as many funny moments no we would not yeah we’re kind of we’re too far enough if you like is like good for like a playr and not a stream if that makes sense yeah that’s true like every of you run to your

Homies or like when you have a special event like uh I just I think that I think that uh the the amount of people in voice chat like if it exceeds like maybe five or six it can get kind of hectic so that’s what I was thinking it

Would solve but it I don’t think it’s really feasible with the setup I have going and I really sorry you speak first no I was just saying like I I I think it’s a lot more fun when um I don’t remember what I was going to say never mind I’m just

Talking out of my ass now hey talk all like we’re listening what would the stream be without sk’s brilliant commentary SK say something it’s my brilliant commentary this is yes kale make a really funny statement right now Pizza Tower oh wait let me let me do one let me do one oh boo

Boo boo yeah I deserve that got I got guys stuck up on by a creeper deserved oh my God oh my dog is sleeping fire protection protection guys should I drop a photo of my dog you should show show Maple show Maple drop the coordinates of the dog as well damn

It what’s her address drop the dog’s IP address as well dog’s the dog if phone number guys if if you can take anything away from this stream # dos that dog yeah # dog that’s funny that’s silly that is my dog my my my heart oh

What a cute dog I wonder what his IP address is yeah um I’m totally stealing that in the future you have to you have you got to patent that saying otherwise I’m going to take it oh god I’ve already it good job good job oh let me see here is it nap

Time perhaps no it’s snap time your bones Chuck nuts oh no finally booted up Minecraft what the [ __ ] is that icon it’s what you made it that you drew it that’s right I did you only have yourself to blame for this you buffoon skl skl witnessing the horrors of his creation it’s

True okay it’s true what kind of should I make um deep slate fences for the street lamps are we feeling that or should I do another kind of something or should I do like Cobble or something cuz I want to I want to do I want to do a

Thing where oh my God I tried joining and I crashed oh my God people shot sorry let speak I think deep Slate’s a good idea cuz I want to do like a thing what’s up I think you should do like one deep slate wall as like a base and then on

Top of that use a fence like dark oak that’s a good idea that’s fire I like that I like that a lot um so no napping oh yeah I’ll go to sleep SHO sorry skl you said you you crashed yeah that’s cuz I I have Fabric and I wanted

I got a mini map but it [ __ ] crashed it’s not compatible or something oh yeah I think I think this is just Canda yeah this is just vanilla um no I know not I don’t have I don’t have extra mods it’s just mods that change things for me and

Me only like graphical [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah side um like I have a mini map oh yeah yeah like like like Zero’s mini map C side map yeah so like I updated to the lat there client side map sort of it’s like yeah but long

Story short side mod sorry yeah yeah no it’s okay uh but long story short there was an error and I’m going to I have to I’m going to see if I can uh just get rid of the mods for now unfortunately oh my God this guy I can

Send you my mod pack if you need it maybe yeah it’s fine I my [ __ ] working yeah it’s fine as long as I have I’m gonna post something in voice okay de God he’s going to please come to coordinates okay this is incredible 332 negative 237 honestly quite incredible that’s

Quite close that’s quite far away is it just this way hold on oh it’s the other way I like no food what do you mean it’s literally over here no it’s positive 332 not negative 332 I hey can someone give me a a sandwich or something uh yeah I

Have some food come over here thank you shoty where you at I’m literally right behind you all over here that’s why I that’s why I corrected behind you all the way over here shut up right behind you here you go and you know what you want me to just take a screenshot of

What I’m seeing no no I want to be there I want to no no you you we’re committed now we’re on the grand Journey on a trip some might call it the grand tour Step Into The Grand Tour Grand Tour Grand Tour guys I I’m I’m heading in I’m

You’re heading in dog where you at you’ll see where you at what’ you find a [ __ ] stronghold no it’s it would be this close something a little more breathtaking I’m going I’m on my way I’m right behind Conor I can smell him oh God I can smell you Morgan free

More I’m worried about stepping on um yeah me too whoa who what’s going on over here this looks cool try not to die going this mountain oh bye Alex I’m alive all right I’m here uh wait no I sorry not like here here but I found

Like the stone biome here here here here you’re on your way oh this is something yeah this is really interesting generation oh what’ you find the [ __ ] Cliffs oh whoa whoa we found the Farland W Zone the wo Zone the ozone no that’s not the wo Zone the wo Zone Alex have

You never played Super Paper Mario uh no that’s an actual area in the game the wo Zone that’s the W Zone it’s one of my least favorite parts of it wait a second this isn’t who are you sorry this is just Grand Metropolis br oh

God you don’t want to be in France get out of there want to go there what you FR is cool we must leave no it’s not are you kidding me I bet the France like five times it’s awes I’m so sorry for you were you for it’s so

Chill okay where are we supposed to be yeah 332 uh negative 300 something okay yeah it’s here and then it’s like what’s the Z74 47 dog come on said seven he’s the one hold on what are these 747 you death apparently it’s farther away than we thought well I guess we’re

Going Connor demands us to be there no no no we already we’re already we made it this far oh hi Connor in opposition to con Ste time baby take time oh who Grand Adventure what the who whoa is this holy [ __ ] dude that’s never going to happen oh my God there’s like

An outcast in their Village there’s like a yeah they like abandoned a villager to like the top of the cliff and now he’s shunned to the peak that’s the Grinch yeah he’s the grin that’s what I’m saying he’s going to steal Christmas holy [ __ ] oh there’s

Two of them wa and it like goes up on this pathway that’s this is awesome wa what’s in here o Emerald some bread Spruce logs holy [ __ ] I got some spuds yeah I’m AB what the Alex come check this out look at the way this house generated it’s like two doorways

This is so cool this is very cool yeah I’m absolutely stealing all the spruce wood by here by the way well we have a we have a large spruce tree at home do we yeah yeah hster was talking about it we have a large spruce tree at home Spruce we

Have a place to grow large spruce trees for Spruce Wood oh okay well can I get some yeah dog awesome yeah place like four plant four saplings bone meal them and just mine a whole tree I don’t have any saplings oh wait there’s SP trees

Right here I can just chop these get the saplings bro cuz I wanted to use um Spruce Wood for the uh for the actual um Street oh and then like hang a lantern down from the side and then use some kind of um block at the top I don’t know what kind of

Block it will be at the top of them though pumpkins clip we have to go so off this this fun little Adventure yeah look at this guy I’m not near you I’m in the ocean so cool I will I will rewind the Stream this exact moment and then go that was

Cool that was so cool that was so awesome what is that sounds like the kind of scenario that would trigger like a flashback yeah and then the One Piece episode goes on for the trigger a flashback in the show episode and then the one piece uh thing oh my God talk to

Me what’s going on oh my God this is whoa use your words you have to see this hold on hold on are we was this not the thing no this is amazing Conor this ises hold on hold on Conor no Connor is Connor is with Connor the k y Connor ah

I see it’s the infection this is actually this is amazing hold on I’m on my way this is literally mythical Widow mythal widy I’m on my way bro where is it 7:47 yeah yeah I’m not boat so unfortunately I’m going to have to be in that water for a while it’s worth the

Dip true it’s worth snapping if you see a sunken ship let me know cuz I want the armor trim that’s in it oh real all right almost there’s reaction reaction holy [ __ ] yeah that’s the one what the that the one isn’t it so cool what the [ __ ] oh

Even F oh my I should be just like actual don’t know what you guys are talking we actually found the farlands I’m not even kidding well not quite not quite because the farlands are like flat but this is pretty it’s just a really walked out generation oh my God I took a

Screenshot I’m going to send it in void so you guys can see this is CRA they got to make their way here it’s like the no I’m not going to force them to make their way here I’m just going to send a picture like a post oh my God baby

Zombie baby zombie help help help there’s a little child attacking me oh whoa whoa hey relax dude oh I’m going to die you’re not actually going to die to a baby zombie Alex use a sword dog oh I do have one of those oh I need to re I have a new mouse

Zombies don’t [ __ ] around you know yeah yeah they are they you know you cannot talk Z they’re [ __ ] evil I hate baby zombies they’re the [ __ ] worst it feels so impossible to hit them that is pretty cool actually yeah oh dear oh what if I just died right

Then oh my God I made it all the way from the mountain to under the copper Bridge oh my God be’s not in the server what the bovinus is not here why did he leave oh my God this guy’s fake bro not a real not a real person sorry I

Was wondering why he would never respond to recording sessions because he wasn’t here he was never real I’ve been meaning to unmute I’ve just been um talking to a friend behind uhm yeah be hello bovinus you I can’t believe you trolled me is he here uh Conor would you like to

Get a ride uh where oh yes I would while I uh do some stuff give me a little bit I’ll join soon hurry hurry hurry go go go go go uh oh [ __ ] wait you drive okay I’ll drive thank you all right uh I also need

To cuz I need to set up be’s little uh reactive thing what’s going to happen cuz I haven’t gotten the chance to do that cuz uh he’s been so busy hold on no don’t make it a make it a PNG hold on no

No I have thing for you no no no no no no I spent time on this this is what you get oh no you got to use you got to use this too bad no I’m not using that I’m yeah you got to use that no I’m not you’re going

To like what I have you’re going to like what I have that’s horrific yeah I know oh by the way be be really quickly um this is my friend Alex we go like like way way way back hello uh Alex this is kenis he is um

He’s a friend of mine that uh just like from I don’t know we we do similar YouTube and undertale things together I assume all your friends are just youba clones are so [ __ ] no what am I that’s the one issue oh except hubster hubster’s you but a but a spider what

About me hold on I figure out who’s talking uh I I assume everyone’s just Conor but like just different dimensions versions of them yeah be check out the stream into thee check out my oh okay then I’ll put it in voice I SP hubster uh hold on I I

May or may not be still playing Halo right now oh okay that’s course you are I don’t believe this I don’t believe this oh boy we get we get to hear venous gamer rage yeah we do be look in look in general I’m going to post uh when you can I’m going to

Post what I drew of you for uh for my streams what this guy can’t speak French he can so Conor you don’t like French what’s wrong with friends I have a lital ponytail what yeah well that that was that was more just like a strand of hair

But I guess it kind of does look like that but yeah that’s your little guy I hope you like it this so romantic just me and you in the ocean and zombies in the water yeah yeah just you me and the 3,000 zombies about to kill us where are we going by

The way I’m going to z00 I don’t know where I don’t know where her place God damn it Alex okay well listen Zer Z is near spawn I’m we’re near spawn did I post no it’s not no it’s not Alex it’s like negative 300 oh it’s in the [ __ ]

It’s in the middle of the [ __ ] ocean it is hold on where are we going uh H the [ __ ] ocean don’t mind if fight you the ocean oh [ __ ] I’m going to kill someone so hard uh uh chip can you send the coordinates of our home hello why would I know that just

Dog aren’t you there no what oh God my God I posted chip I posted them in the in the chat I know I I can’t I got distracted because I found emeralds there go there go there oh okay 36 okay it’s close enough not to z0

Sorry chip I thought you knew where it was I this way and then no this way oh wait nobody can see my inventory in stream cuz all you guys are blocking it whoopsie hey guys what hi what I specifically meant hey Conor sorry oh god oh they say hey Conor there’s a

Skeleton a SK it’s going every time I say hey Conor people talk over me sorry what say your [ __ ] hey what’s up I was going to ask if coming there was worth it oh it’s so oh we a skl is here skl is here I’m finally

In skl arriv oh the first death for chip potato the chip potato oh Alex doesn’t have a death I’m sure saying oh yo he’s got one he’s only got he’s got three stocks left hey he’s got three STS Connor come join me at uh over with Alex why particular reason

R are you guys going to kill me again no we’re not going to kill you we’re going to kill uh no one just a peaceful peaceful night on the town Conor I took you what okay yeah sure I can I was running after you for a

While the second I mention I’m he’s like oh Alex is only at zero zero death starts immediately no it’s GNA get so much worse when I like actually um start racking it up no no when I when I get um what do you call it when I get um when

I’m allowed to like have people dude dude when I’m allowed to have people donate to my stream and put up a hit list so people can pay me to kill you guys oh what mercenary listen I better be in some sweet sweet High I think personally we should do it the the

Less deaths you have the more you’re worth yes that’s a good idea I never die in Minecraft like it’s I have a weird I just kind of survive unless like someone directly targets me then it’s lame and I get I get annoyed he’s painting a Target

On his back as he speaks listen no no no no listen I don’t die naturally of Minecraft I’m killing you listen dog that’s lame as hell is really out here being like I never always come back no no listen if if no like I am ruin I always

Back people kill me because I don’t die but like I I don’t explore I’m basically like a house husband in this game I just kind of stay at home and build things so I don’t go in danger um so I just try to stay at zero death as long as possible

But if you want to be cringe and kill me you can oh now we’re cringe for wanting to kill you after you’ve spoken your Praises well I was against yeah people are typically killed against their will skl yeah well it was like I would have been okay with it if I

Initiated the fight but I didn’t I was just living my life I just want you guys to know um half of my deaths are solely because of Connor exactly mine are all because of loveb yeah I and the reason is for some reason whenever I’m I’m really close to being able to enchant

Something Connor just murders me he just finds some excuse to kill me off Conor’s laughing cuz he knows it’s true yes it is I’ve done it so many times you’ve done it three times in a row I’m such anho does the same [ __ ] not too

Much my mom will do the same [ __ ] if I call her out on something start [ __ ] laughing I have been within five levels of level 30 all three of those times once only a single level away and once I was at level 30 oh owie I want to put like a block on

The top of it um I would actually snap what what kind of block should I put where the hell I got I got SN pop if you get what I mean I think you should I think you should go to a mental hospital I should go what to a mental hospital Oh

I thought you told me to go underneath the hospital and I was like why would I go there where they bury all the dead patients no way my unfortunately my mind went to recent event jokes on you I’ve already been to a mental hospital so get

[ __ ] yeah jokes on you I’ve been under a hospital hold on oh [ __ ] like under like undertale there we goil is right yeah there you go that I think I’m just going to drown myself to get back to like spawn oh je proba look probably would look better whe like a

R i you know I passed by you earlier and I didn’t know what you were doing thanks thanks trying to not really down for the Trap although I will say I do like uh what you have here with the slabs oh escal died whoops is that the IP in the pin messages yes

All right let me know if it doesn’t work cuz uh I I have a work around oh workum oh uh hold on hey uh do items despawn yes yeah yes that’s just how Minecraft works I died come on man that wasn’t my fault that was the internet my brother Christ says you have

Zero ping I know it’s not my fault yeah I’m down for that I like how this looks I have one p all right yeah time to [ __ ] start on this [ __ ] I need to make a new honestly I what the heck is going on

Here I want to do a um what’s it called double life I want to do double life so bad what’s double life double life uh oh one of [ __ ] Brian’s smps uh listen they’re called harmit crafts uh they’re a group that’s I I don’t watch Green I

Watch I watch uh I watch eth’s Labut I hate to break it to you but grian’s the one who host those oh what Okay g grian hosts all the EX life smps what is X life dude X life what’s that yeah here hober you know better than I do my name is shut the [ __ ] up

Let him talk let him talk shut the [ __ ] up he just makes a bunch of uh different snps like third life secret life last life they’re basically just like they’re kind of like hardcore smps where the goal is to be the last man standing oh okay yeah and they uh their exlife

That’s actually a collab with Elon Musk um shut the [ __ ] up was so fun every every the X just stands for like the first sorry go ahead first word in the title yeah oh okay go why are we talking about Super Mario parties what oh my God cuz it stands for

SNP oh you’re ill what are we talking about wow you’re so clever amill why did someone say if that was IRL you get three life three life impr prison sentences in chat what was that in response to probably the three murders you committed on me oh yeah

Um what’s it but yeah every season has like a new gimmick like I remember only I haven’t watched really any of them except the um I remember which one but like they did like a oh I don’t know why they started doing it but like every every session cuz they do in sessions

Cuz every like records them there’s one person who’s like the what word do they use it’s not traitor was the uh the boogeyman the boogy yeah they do like a boogeyman and that person’s goal is to like kill or they lose life it’s pretty neat doing in my house down my

House watch out what you doing my house yeah they they had one really good one I think it was double life where stop sticking your thumb in my each person each person was linked to another person by L so one person D the other one would take the same

Damage it’s pretty fun to watch I’ve wanted to do one of those for so long like a like a LifeLink stream being linked to the [ __ ] scar was like the funniest [ __ ] there are uh the plugins are pretty easy I’ve done I did one when uh I used

To like do little I I challenged my friends to like we would try and speedrun the game never did it by the way but I we would do different plugins so like I did like a life one it was super fun I was trying to mine iron underwater

Why is Minecraft taking so long to start up hey open your door it’s okay don’t wor it no [ __ ] you open your door there’s a gift yeah out of my house oopsie we had little issue the game won’t start up but it’s like it’s a [ __ ] like little voxel game oh look

Behind you you had a gift wow that was [ __ ] up Conor con you want to in the con you want I already have gold you know oh my God I’m going to go insane don’t fail me now need yeah oh knock knock I’m having a joker moment it’s the

Tax collectors I had I had an iron pickax so doing a Peter Griffin voice just reminded me of how the other night the other night oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God the other day at my uh now uh oh my God I’m trying to think uh

[ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh my God my God please please I can’t focus on anything right now let shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up so um yeah just start talking man I wait what was I saying oh

Yeah uh stop stop so uh my my the the the job my at the job that I just quit um my manager my one manager we were in the office at the end of the closing shift and I started doing like a Marge Simpson voice MH I don’t remember the

Context besides anything with that I was like Jacob Jacob you have to file the papers Jacob ill you’re ill hor yeah is that it is that the end of the story oh I couldn’t I I genuinely forgot everything else because I was too over stimulated by people going

Like I did not do that yeah you did in spirit I did not what do you think Alex is just spreading lies about me guys I’m I’m breaking down the break down I’m spreading lies about you to get back at the lies that have been spread about

Me of oh this looks so good I like that yeah check out the other ones see I’m doing what everyone else does I’m I’m fairly taking out my anger on you see this is the problem with this is what I was worried about with um the like having a cumulative voice chat

For these streams is just that like three conversations happen at once as right now it’s happening currently and it’s just like I don’t know maybe I should set a lower limit on the voice chat but I don’t want to do that cuz you could always just like if you could want

If you want to keep having more people in the server but don’t want to have everyone speaking at once you could just have like people just have like two chats so like oh wait yeah I I could do that like have a Minecraft days too um

But like the main thing is that I just wanted to use like my little stream characters more of any yeah is anyone going to what oh wait is anyone gonna sleep yeah I got it I’m sleeping I’m wait what version is the game right now is it the latest one

Yeah I I did not hold on Connor what what is the latest the latest latest 1.0.2 that’s what I was asking I don’t know what the latest oh my God be it’s 1.2.2 there oh man up you guys are doing great all right um yeah it’s not Vegeta

Moment hey Connor check your DMs all uh nice um first of all so first of all first of all second of all you’re not Vegeta so uh I am going to make a I’m going to make a second Minecraft voice chat just for the sake of um just

For the sake of not having people getting frustrated talking over everyone so uh I’m going to I’m GNA I’m going to go over to that one and just split up so that we’re not talking over each other constantly I’ll I’ll conversate in this one laders I just need to work on my house

CH all righty all right here we are multiversal bean was here so cool so true hello bovinus hello see the the joke was I was hoping that everyone else was going to flood into this chat at the exact same time and it would have completely defeated the point of the voice chat to

Begin with but I’m here now yeah no I appreciate it cuz I mean it’s just unfortunate because I mean it’s just not possible to have um like seven people in a voice chat for a stream all at once all doing their own thing yeah you you

Just need to like have Electro shot call and whenever anyone else speaks over someone else they get Electro I know that the hell who is that that’s skl ow you’re on a account what what what do you mean no I was who is that what the person talking that’s his

Room that’s my roommate who cuz I who is that you’re like that’s skl I’m like no no also I can’t join the server now oh hubster oh you can’t uh all right I have a workaround for you um so do Direct Connect I’m going to I’m

Going to give you another IP and uh so I’m going to have you join that one through direct connection because um for some reason the actual IP doesn’t work sometimes oh wait what the heck okay this is really weird I used the server IP in direct connect and it didn’t work

And then I went back to the server menu and it was there yeah um here see wait the server requires the use of a custom resource pack rejecting this custom resource pack will disconnect you from the server yeah yeah we have a we have a resource pack I

Think it’s working now oh there you are he’s here bovinus is in the game oh my god wow uh I’m going to put the I’m going to put our chords in chat anyway uh yeah Connor I am working are there any rules nice uh any rules no

Just don’t like kill people all the time all right there he is that oh there he is he’s already here kill hpster be I will kill you be we I will don’t don’t pick your fights wisely buddy hello bovinus would you like would you like to come see

My murder is good that’s so true um oh no yep he needs his first death let’s go get him nah n no no we oh no be come back be come back we’re not actually going to kill you God what a [ __ ] he awesome no I’m just kidding come back come back I

Want to I want to show you my house and check it out I love seeing Conor’s house yeah that’s hubsters over there on the left uh mine is the one just beyond it Jesus Christ dude wait where are you oh there you are I’m right here I’m behind you oh hey yeah so

That’s hubsters right over there um cool I just put up some Street lamps leading over to mine and this is mine over here oh this is neat I missed the server that have had I hope I I hope that one starts up again that would be so much fun oh

Wait this reminds me of the house that you used to have on yeah it it is very similar cuz like I only know how to do right angles but I feel like this one has a little bit more detail only know how to do right angles well glad that isn’t too OB I’m

Sorry hey hey don’t steal my [ __ ] what are you doing don’t do It he just respawns what are you doing he’s ill don’t do it no don’t don’t no be there’s a there’s a punishment for thievery [Laughter] where’s he going now he’s trying to sne where is he going where you [Laughter] going the most I could pull together is a he’s outside my

Home where is he going yeah oh he fell in my cow pit he [ __ ] what he now stuck [Laughter] help all right I’ll get you out I’ll get you out you’re going to have to you’re just going to have to break a block quickly and um replace it here you go come on

Out the beef no don’t do this oh my God I’m sorry that sucks oh my God I’m so sorry yeah I’m also making a copper Bridge like you had oh that’s gone forever cool he’s stealing my [ __ ] I know he is I just saw him go upstairs I know he’s

Stolen it yeah I hear him he C my he jacked my J’s no I didn’t those are mine I can’t attack you now it’s evil and [ __ ] up wait what’s yours go put them back huh I don’t know what’s you’re talking about yeah yeah all right I need put them back

Thank you I heard you I heard oh my God he’s taking something else no he didn’t all right you look at me and you tell me that I look like the kind of person that would steal something from you those KNE pads aren’t yours beef is the wild raccoon that goes

Through your garbage at night wait was that a that was chatu is Lucy’s it was a chat message yeah no that’s no that’s definitely me um wait be did you just commit a crime I’m the armor stand armor stand here I’m just an armor stand he’s

Just an armor stand I don’t know I don’t see anything wrong with this seems like all my armor is uh is good let me just uh let me just take some of it and put it on oh I know what the [ __ ] going on that was really funny arm stand he like he

Put on all of my armor and then like pretended to be the armor stand and then he just puts it on goes in front of it pretends to be it he’s like I’m the armor stand so I hit him and then he spat it all out at me he’s whatever I

Can’t even with this guy right now um I should make I should make more of these but I don’t want to right now so I’m going to um he’s stealing my [ __ ] he’s just taking all of my stuff don’t take my [ __ ] if you want stuff just ask don’t why

Ow I don’t struggle look how dumb look now just play for fun one fart and you’re dead do you need food here take this he’s going to eat it isn’t he he’s Lo at all I have 24 more seconds of poison I can’t deal with this guy man hold on I

Know just what Connor me I know justess what will do the trick I’m quite famished and I need to rejuvenate my health yes you do oh my God he’s poisoned himself again one fart I have poisoned for a minute what’ you think was going to happen I don’t know I didn’t think it

Was going to be a minute of poison [ __ ] you say that and I’ll eat all of your puffer fish and you won’t have anym oh then I won’t be no don’t actually cuz then I won’t be able to make water breathing potions you think I look like I need to

Breathe underwater I’m just an armor not for you I’m just an armor stand he says I don’t believe this guy oh wait I know how to get rid of this ow I mean yeah dying Works how did you go up in Flames oh I I had like half a heart and

I walked onto your fireplace and oh God wait it didn’t burn the second I touched it I died it it didn’t burn my [ __ ] did it oh okay good no good good good oh the [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s going on oh is that him what did be has buried himself and

Is currently digging underground throughout um and he’s he’s just making noise under the ground wait until be finds out that lava sets you on fire yeah I know it does ho the [ __ ] drowned are here to harass me I love I I love how beef has

Like the second he joins the server he immediately like causes the most chaos out of everyone here yeah I’m giving you content [Laughter] [ __ ] is this isn’t this why you brought you wanted content here’s your [ __ ] content oh my God all right relax bro hello who’s there it’s Alexander oh hey Alex

We meet again I wanted to say hi Twitchy BR Uh current development be has just buried himself and is currently a mole I got told yeah yeah [ __ ] just happened to me um what do you guys what are you guys up to I’m I’m currently fishing cuz

We’re about to go in a little Adventure uh currently I am trying to get a copper to finish my bridge Follow Me O oh wait that’s hubster’s Bridge where’s your Bridge oh my bridge is behind my house that be I want to build like act like guard rails

Over the sides like um the uh what’s the bridge that’s like just outside of LA or Chicago the Golden Gate Bridge yeah something like that what the [ __ ] what’s got you giggling I don’t know he’s he’s up to something and it’s never good what are you doing what’s he got

What’s he got oh my God he’s training [ __ ] creepers I don’t believe no my friend [ __ ] you beef beef dude come on man what the so sorry what the [ __ ] happened I’m it’s fine really AO Taco uh I’m going to go say back say come back to my my

Other he blew up the [ __ ] copper bridge I was just talking about I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to oh I’m sorry I’m sorry sometimes you just make Daddy so angry oh God swear to god stop trying to make [ __ ] content I don’t I I can’t I’m really sorry I’m genuinely really

Sorry about that I was fine it’s okay my intention was just to lead it around and scare people and then you came over and attacked it and I thought it was going to aggro on you and walk like walk towards you but it was still aggroed on

Me so it blew up on me once I walked up to it I should have known I’m so sorry can I I’ll fix it for you give I’ll I’ll fix no I have to go get more copper that’s why it hasn’t been finished yet is cuz I don’t I’m going to get copper

And I’m going to fix it for you okay thanks there’s copper right here there is yeah there’s like copper in this chest it’s like a double chest over by the farm this is mine um right there it’s right there Conor it’s right there con it’s right there front you

Problem I’m go mine some copper I’m going to fix your Bridge thanks man appreciate it no problem it’s the least I can do I genuinely didn’t mean to do that sorry it’s it’s fine don’t worry about it it’s a it’s a fixable problem it’s not fine [ __ ]

Stop he just digs a bigger hole for himself every time he talks Melon stop don’t laugh at me he just said it melon with no context what am I supposed to there’s a melon in the chest I know I know there’s a melon I know I know why you said it uh where uh if it’s the one up on the cliff that’s Will’s

Okay I didn’t take anything yep I’m not going to knowingly take things from his house is this a village over here be is my favorite character in this Minecraft anime so far he’s the villain I’m the V [ __ ] you I’m the hero the hero I win I win every

Day every time yeah you know what you do win but I don’t know no one seems particularly pleas with this where the [ __ ] did the dirt shop go oh Alex tore Alex tore it down cuz uh he’s doing something else I guess all right why did okay why did I read that

In the why did I read that a light name of queen or no no sorry not lightam of Queen uh Annoying Orange voice hey Alex how did I get no no hold on a second how did I get those two mixed up to begin with what annoy Annoying Orange and Lightning

McQueen good point I used to love um Annoying Orange yeah so yes what why why am I I remed my sto yes do you still have stock from it oh interested can I buy some dirt I will give you dirt for gold really for gold you say yep a

Completely useless item give it to me I have both dirt and I give you entire economy uh give me I I’ll give you you know oh hold on I don’t have it on me let me go grab them back follow you I’m trying to figure out how I want

To build my house I think I’m just going to build it in cubes help me help me visualize I like how be got the cover me with diamonds advancement before the son age advancement I’m sorry how much do you need hobar all how much do you have here I’ll

Let you take all of it and you just give me how much dirt how much gold you think it’s I’m sorry Pooky bear sometimes that’s a good amount of angry right yes I have a voice clip of con saying that I say it all the time what you how does

12 gold sound all the time sounds brilliant wait how many stacks did I give you you gave me one you gave me seven Stacks let me give you a little more eight stack nine Stacks yes nine Stacks this is a good amount of dirt yeah you still fine with 12 yeah sure

Awesome all right sure 12 12 gold there you go you were being undervalued as a customer so go have some more extra gold F your Bridge awesome you’re using slabs right also where the where did the villagers go they’re just all gone funny story about that probably

Most of them most of them died but I saved one he’s our mending slave now so my English in kicked him uh and I may have taken people from their homelands and uh funny story like a troop you know there there are a lot of things that you

Could say here and none of them are great yeah and this is definitely isn’t one of them that’s great oh that was start gravel uh any who uh I’m going to go giggle with the the funny people right now Connor your friends are so funny yeah I know right

I’m funny too you’re also very funny I’ve just been chatting up with everyone else but I’ll be back yeah I just feel bad that we can’t all be in one voice server but it’s just not well I mean we can it’s just not possible when uh everybody that’s possible we need to all

Just make sure that we are courteous and I need to make sure I’m cour that is really [ __ ] hard to do it’s very tricky yeah it’s very difficult um tricky like stop it’s trick trick trick trick trick here we go anywh who to too later yeah I just don’t know how to it’s

Like uh oh I know you can randomly select a person and drag them into this voice chat without telling them it’s like a it’s like a guest star on a TV show you just bring them in here for a bit and then you send them back to like

The like it’s like oh my God it’s like you’re selecting somebody to bring down to the content mines no I mean well I it it is possible it’s just like when we’re all doing our own thing in a world where you know what um when when This Server Like progresses

More I should do more like planned bits like I have this one idea for a build where it’s like a fight pit and and once we all start doing more um like more planned out things I’ll probably uh have everyone in a voice chat again but we’re

Just I’m going to summon a warden and Lead it to the fight pit oh my god dude please don’t what no that’s that would be awesome Can’t it doesn’t go on the surface it would just be annoying forever no it would be awesome forever please be be I’m begging you please

Don’t why you’re like saying it with a certain urgency as if I’m going to like you know immediately go down like magically find a warden and then somehow lead it all the way up here without any kind of armor or protection it would not be difficult because there’s one like

Right next to the surface and I’m praying that you don’t find it yes beep that’s why I’m telling you not to why did you tell him this I don’t know cuz I just I I feel like he’s going to respect my wishes but he never does yes I

Do Connor name one time I haven’t respected oh my god do you want that ordered uh you want that ordered alphabetically or by date how much time you got like uh I want that ordered without cheese please I don’t believe this I don’t have food yeah well maybe instead of fumbling around with

Everyone that’s you that’s about what I expected oh wait I forgot to put my chest plate back on [ __ ] I got you don’t worry is that a cand did you say candle or camel I said camel what is this over here ouch ouch oh that’s a big hole what is this

Over here oh you could like throw someone that hole they die it’s Chip potato chip potato has been selected for the content sweep steaks bring them on in here let’s see what Chip’s up to right now hi chip hello what’s going on over here I’m digging oh you’ve got a nice

Humble abode going on over here it’s it’s just a straight up like tunnel yeah you know it’s the tunnel that goes on forever like why does why does Connor have an address on his house read it out loud say it out loud say it out loud 2213 Milford way that’s

Not what it should say that’s not what it should say who’s this better not be a real address I better not be doxing someone someone changed it it used to say 2 three4 come muncher Lane probably Conor hold on wait 22 one mil for it’s not a real place not a real

Address not a real address I’m guessing it’s like a mil joke yeah that’s exactly what it is be knows that he just doesn’t want to say it cuz he’s so detailed like no one puts code and everything like be cuz everyone is doing that that’s we have

Addresses with mailboxes we do yeah when if when you make a house put down a mailbox and we send each other things oh you didn’t even see the [ __ ] mailbox in front of my house no he didn’t take a clo he immediately went to my house and started [ __ ] with me melons

Y melon y melon I’m going to hop into the other voice chat now if that’s okay all right later Conor why don’t you have a blast furnace I do I have two of them oh you do I call them the [ __ ] brothers that that [Laughter] sucks yeah I do have uh two blast

Furnaces oh my God this is way better building this up in layers yeah where’ you building building my bridge oh yes apparently I have a male so did I find any other things [ __ ] drowned [ __ ] off no the drowned are [ __ ] gurgling under my bridge oh I see wait oh God what’ you

Do I didn’t do it it was them what happened no it’s the book it’s the book the book no Conor it’s the book they they wrote you a book and I read it and it was funny read the book well I’m not at my house right now I’m kind of

Far away man wait wait oh it’s the other Conor oh I he didn’t I just saw Conor and I got really oh my God this dude I don’t believe this guy dog wow that that’s that’s pretty impressive be whoa all right I need to make a um a

Netherite thing because I’m GNA go bed Mining and no I can’t no I said I was going to finish my bridge and that’s what I’m going to do this stream and then if I have time I’m going to go bed mining for uh netherite because I need

To actually do that am I in the right area at all I feel like I’m not car do you even have diamond armor yet yeah hug oh you do oh [ __ ] nice yeah man went I think I went strip mining a few times while uh I wasn’t streaming

Mining strip mining you know what mining I stripped down naked and went mining you went what mining you heard me no I didn’t actually please say it again strip mining you know my home my home I’m down I’ve I’ve come down from the mountain with the with the um with the

Ten Commandments just like Moses all right I’m here what is my let’s see what what uh mail I have mail call mail call mail for me mail for me nice boner what for it’s Connor like Connor the undying original stra strap in ladies and gentlemen it’s uh it’s a mail time we

Got to oh [Laughter] thank okay penis goodness gracious 123 go [ __ ] yourself Street 14245 point10 7.22 that’s its Connor’s IP totally real not fake at all I definitely didn’t just use a random IP generator penis again play a hat in time empty page empty page empty page again empty page empty page

Empty empty page empty page empty page written with the cooperation of the other voice chat I’m oh wait what’s the wood that you can make uh a shelf out of you guys know what I’m talking about a shelf Le turn you can make it out of

Any wood no no no no the one that you can store books in oh what that’s bookshelf how do you make that I don’t know you like it’s uh hold on no no no it’s it’s six it’s six wooden planks and three slabs six wooden planks and three

Slabs got it yeah three on the top three on the bottom slabs in the middle three on the top three on the bottom slabs in the middle uh where’s the oh here it is three on the top three on the bottom SL middle holy [ __ ] it actually oh my

God I love it all right and now I can put it by my bed so I have some nice reading material Conor will be like I cannot wait to read yippe yeah I have some I have some bedside reading what am I [ __ ] doing I keep forgetting I have

[ __ ] itemer God I almost jumped into the pit that’s underneath the bridge yeah that’s why I need to put guard rails and um actually finish it because that keeps happening I fixed a Conor I fixed your Bridge yippy did you really yeah holy [ __ ] thanks dog now

I don’t have to um do as much to repair cuz like I cannot find Copper for some reason I feel like I always uh find it in other places oh I mean I I have these for you oh thanks awesome holy [ __ ] oh my God this is huge Um what are youing yeah do you like the way I fix the bridge Conor I do I I like I like what you’ve got going on here yipp because oh no I I was about to say because if you didn’t like it I would jump off this bridge but I accidentally

Jump and I’m at less than half Health oh there’s a skeleton down here uh oh just waiting to see like bethoven us was shot by a skeleton get [ __ ] nice okay sure okay the problem is I’m at two hearts now and I don’t have any food good thing I have food I have

Food well you’re not beef then who is it I’m in conders content mines not the content mines yeah okay there we go dude you know what would suck if you go to hell after you die and then you’re like where am I and then and then you realize you’re in The Sniper Wolf

Content mine oh God that’s like actually my worst nightmare your worst nightmare is waking up and you’re in Sniper Wolf’s body yeah like I just just waking up and having like just the idea that one day I could end up associated with someone like that like accidentally is is just guys I got

I got a I got a thing I there’s a a zombie a villager holy down here nice yeah um I can’t really house anything uh I can’t really house a zombie villager right now but uh that’s awesome bro I mean we can cure it well but well

That’s what I’m saying I can’t we can’t really um do anything with it just yet so oh we don’t really have the means to cure it yet yeah exactly cuz we don’t have um we haven’t found have Brewing stands yeah we don’t we haven’t found bles yet so I’m killing him

Okay oh no I guarantee he here with the next three seconds now I’m mad he’s pissed off he’s queuing right here come back over here zombie village um so I need a plan for this for what I want to do unfortunately I don’t have one that’s the thing about plants is

That you can make them God what the [ __ ] are you having an orgasm no stop oh my God oh my God okay I think you took that one personally I think I’m okay now I think that they’re finished following me your mom okay I’m playing cart guys um play cart

Simulator why is the zombie still following me okay I can’t get out be what is going on down there at two I’m at one and a half hearts and there’s a zombie following me and I can’t get out of here I don’t know where

I am St come here come here come up come up here no I’m mining iron now okay have fun you want help or not no I’m okay great awesome so unfortunately the plan I had for my bridge uh does doesn’t really work with the way I’ve built it so it looks like

I’m going to have to tear it down and start from scratch unfortunately okay I’ll get more creepers I guess like what I guess you need to have it like more at a consistent angle yeah cuz my plan was to have um the actual Bridge itself and then have like giant like

Looping uh guard rails on either side like the green bridge from Super Paper Mario uh but it doesn’t really work out at this angle so I may have to make it straighter yeah did you just say make it straighter um Conor Bridge conversion therapy I don’t like this

Joke this is a bad joke I don’t like this joke anymore guys sorry it’s okay Conor not no like joke um Conor woke yeah so what if I am what if I am woke what if I just want to be woke I’m sorry stemming we win this game if I kill

Theer watch this yeah I need to uh yeah I think I’m gonna have to tear down my tree farm and uh or well cuz Damn it I’m slowly making my way out of here okay uh what new plan what I’m going to do is have the main Bridge just extend straight out that way and then have a hard right angle over to the um over to where the uh the Villager is yep

That’s a good plan thanks Connor you you’re welcome bro all right so did you just what um so I have to where the [ __ ] is all my scaffolding I ate it sorry oh no man I don’t believe this I had like a stack of scaffolding and now half of it is

Missing it was made of bamboo okay can I just say I think it’s stupid that scaffolding can only exclusively be made out of a bamboo mhm like what else you use bamboo for I don’t know you I mean you can make bamboo in the Sticks mhm I don’t know oh that’s not

Good I think it would definitely help if the wandering Trader was actually able to like trade bamboo that would actually be useful yeah it would probably help if the wandering Trader was just kind of useful in general yeah true that’s a that’s another discussion about an entirely separate mob but you I’m pretty

I’m pretty sure they did do some things to actually make it like a bit more useful really yeah I think it can like in the in the rebalancing thing that they put in the experimental features they can sell stuff like Enchanted iron pickaxes oh they also did it where you um don’t

Only you can also buy emeralds from them like rather than only using emeralds you can actually trade things to get emeralds that’s pretty cool oh my God this sucks oh no way dude there’s a stupid [ __ ] ass tiny ass baby zombie under me all right so I only have one wooden

Plank left and I can’t get materials to mine up so now I’m just mining through stone with my hand oh my bee if you need help just tell me I have tools no I got this oh my god dude I got this have fun I guess

Next thing you know in the chat is GNA say he [ __ ] died yeah his hands bled out the [ __ ] are you two morons doing in the chat what is this [ __ ] life we doing what is this bit I don’t like it I don’t like it either

Skl can we put baby girl Sands in TS yes I love how you ask that question and you’re the team leader well I don’t what do you mean like part of being a leader of a team is not just like you know [ __ ] like every decision is yours no it is it is

It is no just because I want to do something doesn’t mean I can just do it it’s being a [ __ ] team it does no come on man what what do you want me to do just so like all right guys we’re putting baby girl s in TS you

All have to do this or else you’re fired like no yes yes yes this is what you no that’s not how it works it should be well then why why don’t you make your own [ __ ] undertale oh there’s dirt oh my God I’m almost at the top I’ve mined

Stone with my hand all the way I see my mini map now I’m at y70 now oh my God am I out I see you no no please it’s a dirt pocket no way you’re just under more Stone here let me [ __ ] are you digging like a staircase

Yeah oh no don’t believe this guy dude I he rejects my help and then complains when he can’t get up no no no no no no I got this just keep going just keep going you’re fine she got a little bit more Stone nice yeah never never give up never back

Down get you never run around and desert you never going to make you cry it sucks cuz you guys are responding to someone who can’t hear you yeah I know he’s just like me for real I don’t believe this I can’t help you there yeah casual yeah so casually

I just tell me where you are and I come you okay giving them dirt build up no well [ __ ] you then finishing my staircase don’t you [ __ ] dare man oh yeah I probably need to take care of this tree in the way toam [Laughter] am penis penis penis penis penis penis

Penis penis penis Penis yeah I remember when he sang that in the Mario movie it was kind of weird I don’t know why Ballard just started singing about penis like yeah honestly it was a bit of a weird choice but I appreciate it it was kind of weird like

I know that there were a lot of parents that were upset but honestly they don’t just know true Cinema yeah honestly I mean I’m glad that Jack Black gave it all for that performance it was I thought it was kind of weird when like oh I can’t say that on

Stream DM it to me DM it to me and I’ll I’ll see if you can say it or not no I cannot say this on stream Connor what the hell are they talking about in the global chat by the way it’s boner he has a membership it Ram Ranch no

Dude no dude cuz that was actually like a joke about me in Middle School people would call me Boner they’re calling you what yeah they would hello I’m hello we’re talking about music in the other chat nice it’s j what the [ __ ] are y’all talking about in the text chat um yeah they

Uh sk’s pretty pretty giggly actually every giggly I sent it to you Connor I can’t say this on stream let me see what it is oh well yeah you you can’t say that in stream wow you just just straight up just cannot say that on my

Stream whoa now be honest with me is it the N word it’s not it’s you know is it worse it’s not worse I just I well look man you got to understand this is like I can’t say it cuz I’m live like I just I can’t say

What it is it’s too weird it’s too weird like be constantly like even help me what the [ __ ] even in even in videos even in videos even in videos like beef always consistently has just the worst [ __ ] that I can never never use every single time cuz I’m funny like that it’s

Genuinely sickening what this man says at any given moment no it’s not nuh nuh no no I’m music he’s going to get me he’s going to get me he’s going to get me Alex just for your information Conor is chasing he’s already he’s already gone he’s going to get me he’s going to

Get me he’s going to get me he’s going to get me stop or no he’s coming after me he’s what w that’s kind of crazy he’s coming after me he’s coming after [Laughter] me the hell’s going on over there coward he just he’s screaming coward in the

Voice chat or not the voice chat SK said rage quit I ate his melons and then he tried to oh so you instigated it I try to okay maybe he forgot I’m here that was short lived Connor said he never asked for those melons and skl said Dash the gender reassignment surgeon I

Don’t H that’s funny he was right next to me I got to go see what’s going on over there someone should clip that scream and use it for a FNAF fan game yeah someone clip it someone watching clip it oh wow this bridge is looking super super nice

Dude oh yeah where are you oh there you are I wish I could I wish I could do some um some like stuff like this underneath but just like with how tall the Ravine is it’s just not possible yeah I mean I’ll probably extend this a little bit now but like

I’ve got to close it off at some point because this is right above the Ravine yeah yeah um one all Right oh blade nice now I can uh enchant another one of my thingies yeah why did I just try to [ __ ] why did I just try to crouch jump this isn’t Source what the [ __ ] so true [ __ ] using what is that he was right there he was he’s

Waiting for me the nigh hog he he was waiting for me right where I spawned and he was like swinging his sword in the place where I would spawn he says in my just please he he like he couldn’t hit me because of like the like it takes a few seconds

After you log in mhm for you to like be able to get damaged by stuff like a yeah protction three protection three Unbreaking three I’ll do that damn dude I’m getting so unlucky on these uh enchantment rolls hey team okay so here’s what you’re going to

Do Connor can you tell Conor that I’m no longer playing he’s no longer playing go in the other voice chat do it yourself no no I meant like in the game chat you can just go tell him no cuz then he won’t believe me all right watch is he’s listening into

The stream yeah imagine there we go it’s done he can like clearly see you in the voice chat by the way so I don’t know what you think this is going to accomplish oh he it’s funny beov is Mind Games he says he says he won’t kill you again oh wait I don’t

Need oh I don’t need really any more slabs I need um need to figure out how I want this to look yeah that’ll be fine wait why did I do that so that’ll go up one one two okay so it go like one three uh three six

Three or do I extend it out two more um so like one fence High two fences High three fences high and then come back down to here oh that’s perfect actually holy [ __ ] I’m actually a genius oh my God you cooking I’m cooking over here I want to see this die I don’t

Know cuz Conor killed you yeah he did kill you he literally killed you holy [ __ ] this is some cooking yeah so like I’m going to have um like like look at this I perfectly spaced it out without even realizing so there are going to be like copper fences that

Extend up into like a a swooping pattern and then come down and then oh chip fell uh and then come down and uh stuff like that I just need to figure out how to craft the uh hash owned why yes how do I um oh my God what the hell is

This how to craft copper bars copper bars Oh you mean lightning rods no the um the things that Connor has no more those are those are lightning rods yeah those are ride yeah oh okay how do you craft oh then they won’t act like fences will they no they don’t oh

No yeah cuz I was going to have him like have these blocks like swoop up and oh but if they don’t connect that’s so awkward yeah I know they’re just big sticks Oh I thought they were fences you want my a professional opinion on the bridge got so far what’s

That I like the shape I like how the shape’s coming out but I think you could use like a secondary block type in your Bridge cuz pure copper probably won’t look the best yeah which is why I want to maybe it’s better maybe I could use

Some kind of um some fence it’s like instead I look at these I look at these little blocks of copper you have sticking out and I just I think there should be like wood logs here going all the way down okay as like some big support beans

You know yeah I get what you’re saying um I can try that I just need to figure out what type of block cuz if I use if I’m going to have to use fences now and I’m going to want to keep it consistent with the type of fence well then you

Could probably just use fences or that would using wood as like a secondary block it also open up like trap doors and stuff yes true um but like what what color would complement that like orange I mean oak wood always works out fine and besides eventually it’ll turn cyan yeah

It will eventually that’s what I’m thinking about so I don’t want to do anything like warm because it’ll Clash um it doesn’t necessarily Clash dark oak nice midtone dark oak or just regular Oak evil if I just killed this fish I think regular Oak would work the best to be hon honest

Yeah most likely oh and you know what else I could do I could do redstone lamps at the peak of every swoop and then have a daylight sensor on top of it oh wait no that wouldn’t work because they wouldn’t light up at night no man give it to Bob he’s much

More handsome whatever I can figure that out later um yeah I may as well just do the regular Oak I could have sworn I had some uh Oak blocks in here here we Go okay now we put this way that way up in there All right you got SL Wow I just problem is having having them extend all the way down just means oh you know what oh no that doesn’t work either just having I don’t want to block off the mine itself is the issue have it what by having all the beams extend all the way down yeah I

Don’t think that would do that what it there going to be quite a few of them it’s just like one block right yeah maybe it’ll work maybe it’ll be fine so [ __ ] annoying okay ouch you know what it could also look cool if you have like if you have like log

Support beams going all the way down you could have like stairs or trap doors going between them as like cross beams or support I could do that this is true that looks right there’s an Enderman over there holding some dirt this is just going to take a lot

Of I found just like an ink sack washed dude this squid just like beached him himself and died they do that I know what a gamer on fight me [ __ ] what are you doing I looked at yeah I looked you in the eye what are you going to do

About it huh Jes CH did you know that if you maintain eye contact with an Enderman it won’t come after you that’s true be you should try it [ __ ] I got I got an ender pearl do I remember there was this one one mod that uh overhauled the [ __ ]

Stronghold it was really cool you needed specific ender eyes from all the different structures to open the portal whoa oh that’s actually really cool cool yeah you have like a you got like an Ender eye for like a jungle temple an Ender eye for the desert temple just all

Of those you get all 12 and then you can open the portal two yeah yeah like this yeah yeah yeah thanks Jeff the kill yeah yeah I whoever’s making this brick Bridge it’s looking really good that’s sir yeah no problem yeah so you could have like like an x pattern there

Between the two yeah I don’t know I just I don’t know there’s something just off about the oak and I don’t really know what it is unfortunately I don’t really have the Minecraft like building vocabulary to describe it whatever it looks fine enough uh maybe it’ll look better once it rusts possibly and

Throwing when will I play rlcraft Never cuz I don’t want to hurt myself like what the hell I I don’t really um I don’t really like modded Minecraft Too Much particularly uh I find a lot of it very I find a lot of it very confusing and

There are very few mods that have captured my attention for longer than like a week I prefer plain old vanilla no shot oh cap the Mushroom Kingdom is lit No Cap the Mushroom Kingdom I love that I love that because it’s like a double portmanto of um the like No Cap

As in a mushroom cap it’s just it’s so genius I get it like a [Laughter] mushroom he sounds dead inside yeah that’s fair yeah I mean I mean I’m not I’m not like ragging on Minecraft mods cuz like there are a lot of them that are absolutely just fantastic and Beyond

The dreams of anyone who experienced Minecraft like years ago but um don’t say it but uh but um I don’t know it just whenever I I mean really my that my point just distills down to what I just said earlier is like no mod uh has been

Able to hold my attention for more than two weeks and you know I can’t say the same about what the [ __ ] are you doing I always uh I always come back to it also what do you chuckle [ __ ] why he’s planting a [ __ ] tree in the middle of

My bridge oh I have to deal with this [ __ ] now why is he what’s he doing that for he wants to be a cheeky little bastard I guess so you [ __ ] dare no get the [ __ ] off my bridge this is just like PewDiePie on the bridge for real whoa whoa okay all

Right I’m sorry I’m sorry relax beef remember I’m live over here no I I know I wasn’t I wasn’t well I guess he was too and that didn’t stop him Conor do you really do you really think I’m going no I’m breaking it hubster no be I don’t you really it was

Going to say anything no I don’t it’s no cuz I’m on the I’m on a bridge right now and hubster was attacking me I know I trust me I understand the joke she be is just like no I don’t think you do you see Oh this is the creepy weepy version uh-oh all right uh one two three four five finally at a point where I can just jump over the entire Bridge without needing to scaffolding yippee where are you going to build your base bovinus are you building it up here I don’t

Know you probably could build it over here now that we have a bridge over here yeah nice flat area well kind of probably need to fill in a bit [ __ ] what what happened I built this log Tower up to one block to to the left oh whole thing down sigh s oh dear

Oh oh hamburger sandwich to diet Coca-Cola diet Coca-Cola is this a Minecraft thing now that they have snow blocks on mountains or yeah be careful be careful for the powdered snow though yeah you’ll fall through uh I yeah I know many of the under this is a this is a Grove

Though this is really pretty whoa there’s another portal up here yeah that’s uh oh wait a ruin one yeah nice pleas be a chest no please Beal oh there’s a tree sprouting out of it that’s so cool whoa really hold on I I got to see this whoa hang

Onor teleport you know I should I should probably start like filling out some of the ruined Nether Portals that I’ve seen and like interconnect the world through various ways I think that could be cool I’m not going to teleport to you be we’re we’re not cheating on this world

Okay just tell me your cords uh 91 144 368 whoa you’re far away benina Huggy wuggy shut up shut up shut up shut up tricky Wicky cracky wacky oh I love cracky wacky don’t talk about his Connor that joke is your fault I know it’s my fault but it doesn’t have

To be my fault right this instant what you don’t like it when I remind you about your mistakes so uh I’m sorry awward like from Frid funkin oh my God this guy stinks oh brother this guy stinks geni I think I’m going to need to go mining for more Granite already godam

Damn it it’s just a penis what the [ __ ] what do you mean I was bu I was building something and I ended up making a penis well C it looks like it looks like he’s subconscious yeah is that right is that right there we go I think I’ve un penis ified it

Yeah I need to go get more I need more Granite by turning all of his buildings into dicks I would never run Lucio with a doom I can’t what do you think yeah yeah I think it’s coming along I’m going to replace the top fence with an actual block of

Something I like a wooden slab maybe wooden slab or a redstone lamp like I was talking about ah but I don’t know how oh glow stone glow stone what if you put the what if you put the glow stone or lamp in the middle here that connect

It and then you put like a like a thing of slabs that connects it over to the next Arch yeah I’ll toy around with it um anyway I wish I had a bucket of water oh well good thing a giant deposit of granite down here what what the hell what’s going on

In chat what guys I am live like yes swear to God if they reply with [ __ ] oh my God oh my God die they said they can’t see it what what the [ __ ] are they are they saying that like the people watching the stream can’t see

The Minecraft they can what what I have no idea what they’re on about am I trying to make like a suspension bridge I don’t know I just uh I’m just building a bridge I don’t know why but okay so on on the topic of before I was like Felix

Watch out for that bridge I don’t know why but I I no no no listen I thought of a Family Guy when she was like Brian look out wait Felix look out and then he pubg yep I’m not no I’m Emerald wow the [ __ ] oh snow H what do you mean time

SK okay um let’s see here how many is that nice I’m cranking my hog what did you just say have you not seen that did you just said uncr cranking my hog R squeeze my heart no no have you not have you not seen them no I’m sorry Conor I usually don’t look

Up videos of hog squeezing excuse me first of all it’s hog cranking if you’re going to oh oh no I’m sorry I make sure I use proper terminology really come on now you can’t be all right sorry Conor I usually don’t look up videos of people cranking their

Hogs it’s that better is that better it’s hilarious no I have to I have to show you I’ll have to put it on this is the content we were looking for that’s how you get suspended no it’s funny oh no it’s okay I can show a video

Of this guy cranking s here I’ll just here I’ll put it on I’ll put excuse me you’re going to die before you get the chance God if I kill you first hold on oh I’m out of food uh oh yeah yeah here here here I’ll I’ll I’ll put it I’ll

Stream it I’ll stream it check this out no sorry is it just on the YouTube stream or no I’m going to stream in a Discord I’m in a very precarious situation right now ju you can just like join it and then listen all right let me

Get in here damn it rap I want to see the he’s gonna he’s gonna take all my viewers um yeah check this out the other day my wife asked me if I stop cranking my so she can hear the TV guess what I told her of course honey

I’m sorry I will be more mindful of others while I crank in my heart love you the only thing I love more than CR my and then the last part says crank with respect Brothers dude I always crank with respect dude I always qu crank with respect always quank always quank with

Respect sorry honey I will be more mindful of others when I’m cranking my hog the only thing I love more than cranking my mfing hog is my why honestly kind of based no it’s incredibly based men respects women that’s the most Beast that you can be dirty as hell I like bethoven anyway

So I need to chop this what did you just say wait what are you talking [ __ ] about me clip it clip it Chad clip it he got cut clip it no what are you saying about me look I’ve had enough people saying [ __ ] about me lately I don’t need you

[ __ ] doing it to C oh it got not funny really quickly oh dear e e that not funny how is that not funny did no I’m just kidding it just got a little too real is it oh oh so you know it’s only it’s yeah man that was really [ __ ] up

Of you honestly I can’t believe you do that to me what do what so we’re playing you’re getting gaset Venus yeah I am getting gaset I’m getting gaset by some dude who looks like some like Minecraft Youtuber in real life okay what what exactly does a Minecraft

YouTuber look like are you making I don’t know you’re white ass are you making generalist stereotypes that’s really not cool be I sure [ __ ] am cuz you deserve it I’m sorry that I can’t conform to your uh to your beauty Norm speed watch this well that’s just a you problem now ain’t

It God you know I never yeah this is getting pretty toxic oh I’m oh I’m sorry Connor did you want me to be a little nicer to you oh do you want me to you know give you a little blanket a warm cup of milk and

Let you suck your thumb this is the think we can scale back on this now a bit this is the real Beethoven everybody don’t follow team switched anymore oh yeah I shouldn’t do that you suck we take too long to work on our game the reason we take too long is

Because we used our budget to buy crack just like the Friday night funkin devs true we we had like $5 in the budget yeah $5 in the TS under swap budget yeah it used it to buy like a like a milliliter of crack a milliliter well I don’t no oh no that’s

That’s liquid [Laughter] yeah hello hi Alex hi I’m he hey Alex hey I’m making fun of how are we doing I’m pretty good I’m making giant support beams for my bridge hell yeah dude this looks that that is hubster let me go look uh oh yeah I’m getting close to finishing my

Bridge I I saw the giant suppor like yeah those are freaking Giants no my my bridge isn’t nearly as cool as hubsters but I I’m not as good of a builder as him so oh dog they’re freaking awesome no this is fire really big mountain holy

Crap H yeah this is over a freaking huge Ravine holy crap Lois holy [ __ ] Lois oh my God I’m coming no stop don’t say that on stream don’t say that on Conor’s stream don’t say that on his stream say come on a YouTube live stream it’s fine wait what no but

No but no but the way that it was being said that’s not something even I wouldn’t do that you can say the word you can say the word come that’s fine oh so what I can do the I’m coming like I can do that F that’s fine yeah do it’s funny it’s funny

Yeah well now there’s a voice clip going around yeah I was gonna say good good sound bite be Conor’s gonna burn me don’t why am I mining oh God I’m going to starve to death I’m in the mountains mining iron and I’m going to starve to

Death good job I’m too high up to get food dudes in the mines um in the content mines for it’s Conor yeah so true I’m turning Connor’s stream into uh YouTube shorts I inan the content Minds oh I don’t believe this I can’t believe it can you imagine that’ be so funny if

Like you’re like I just got a bunch of people doing a bunch of clips of my uh God your live stream I I used to make a couple of those before I realized it was absolutely soul sucking work what is this song Don’t doesn’t YouTube like make it mandatory to make

Shorts in order to get ad Revenue no um they change so the way that the YouTube ad Revenue requirement works is that there are two milestones and the first one they they made it used to be just one but they made that the second milestone the first one is yeah you are

Required to have 500 subscribers and at Le uh so you have to have 500 subscribers and one of the following um is that right hold on let me actually check because 500 yeah I thought it was a thousand that’s what I’m saying it used to be but that’s now that’s now

Requirement too so yeah okay here we go so to be eligible to be to get the first tier which is getting um super chats uh join tabs and shopping you need 500 subscribers at least three video uploads in the past 90 days and one of the following you need either 300 public

Watch hours or three million public shorts views to to whom um so yeah they there they made it like an either or requirement for either watch time or or shorts views sorry I was I was expressing my gratitude to your friends they’re so funny yeah they’re super

Cool my mouth hurts from laughing like that’s how that’s how much of a good time I’m having yeah they’re awesome I be giggling giggler festivities no no one sorry what what is giga am I no no one understood my reference sorry what is the Giga it’s okay it’s just a

Video I really like what tell tell me about it well it’s a little hard to describe you just kind of have to see it all right what’s the what’s the video Let me let me show you let me show you Connor answer a [ __ ] question challenge ruined

What wa wa hey what is this you know I don’t I don’t you know I uh uh you know but yeah but what is oh you know you know is that really what I say I I think I think you don’t realize how cool the stuff you’re interested is

In is is it’s always it’s always funny or silly only you’re not as nich as you think you are you’re a pretty funny guy yeah see someone else thinks it too see Conor this is we’re all saying you are funny after all okay that’s a really funny video yeah the glag Land

Theme giggler festivities it’s GL land um that’s so silly um yeah ma’am uh question what have you got what if you got um what’s your new I mean I’m sure you can’t reveal too much about your game but what stuff you kind of think about working on um well so

Over the past few weeks I’ve slowly started to notice that game develop like solo indie game development is really [ __ ] hard uh yeah I imagine and unfortunately I haven’t really been dedicating as much time as I would like to it because I’ve been editing a different video and I’ve been working on

You know other stuff like school um and things like that so there isn’t really a whole lot of work that’s been done on it uh that I can show visually the story at the very least has been worked on so much I now have like so much of a better

Understanding of plot and where I want the story to actually go World building all that stuff um so I haven’t been working on anything that I can like visually show which is unfortunate because that’s like sort of you know wired for like the dev logs and stuff

Um really what I well no not really but uh it it’s just unfortunate cuz I really want to start on the uh like coding part and I really want to learn game maker and how to actually you know make the freaking game but there’s so much that

Has to come before that and come and uh and I don’t know it it’s it’s been very difficult to sort of keep myself focused on it because there’s so much other stuff that I want to do despite this like game being a dream for me and

If I could like actually make it that would be huge but like I said there’s so many steps to it like I’d have to learn music I’d have to learn coding I’d have to you know do a lot more World building and it’s just it goes so far

Beyond um the art aspect which I would argue is the part of it that I am most familiar with so it’s honestly to answer your question it’s been kind of a struggle lately so that was a long-winded way of answering man that’s the answer I wanted to get I want I want

To hear about all your stuffs um well man I’m I can’t speak because I know how to make things I’m the slightest but if anyone if anyone’s good at figuring out something they like and uh sticking to it it’s you I mean you’ve been drawing

For ages yeah and plus like you know you don’t always have to you know take up every single task on your own you can always you know uh you know either like if you ever had the money to pay people or like ask people you know if they

Wanted to volunteer to work on this project with you like the whole main thing is having kind of a catch or a draw um for the project or like you know something about it that gets people to want to work on it MH um so you know like plus if you ever

Need feedback on anything you know I’m always there to help you with that thank you man I appreciate that but like I’ve thought and that’s the thing is I’ve thought about I’ve defin defitely thought about like you know getting volunteer help from people cuz there are

A lot of and like including you and hubster and [ __ ] and like so many other people that we know um to volunteer for like work on it and like I thought about asking but it’s just this is something that is so personal to me um in so many

Different ways that I don’t know if I would even be comfortable doing that because and it and it’s not like a and I hate to like describe it this way cuz it sounds like I’m being like Oh no only I have a vision for this but it’s like

Once you start getting more people involved you know the payment becomes tricky and managing a team um becomes an aspect of things and I just I’m not sure if that would be easier than just me learning it all myself you know what I mean I I know I think I think you know

It I think as long as you keep I think as long as you keep the team like smaller um you know there’s a lot of issues that you can avoid there I’m I’m trying to find words right now um I don’t know just don’t don’t feel like you need to put

Everything on yourself just to make sure that it’s as authentic to your vision as much as possible um words I don’t know I’ll I’ll figure it out at some point no I get what you’re saying it’s important to ask for help and I’ve I’ve definitely you know I

Think I do need to ask for help on certain things like coding but um I I mean that that’s been the trickiest part is the coding and I just um I think that’s been like the biggest sort of Intimidator excuse me good Lord the biggest intim Intimidator uh for this

Project is just like coding a game and the design philosophy around it like I’ve I don’t know if you know this but I play a lot of video games and so really yeah I know it’s a huge shocker so like game design is something that I would

Like to think that I’m pretty familiar with but you know when it comes to you know the coding side I I don’t know I I’m also struggling to find words I find well I I understand what you’re trying to say there it’s like you know you play a lot of games so

You understand how they would work but um that’s different to actual like being good at designing something there’s a whole lot of facets in things that go into it and not that not that I’m saying that you know you’re doing this and obviously I haven’t actually worked in

The industry um and I’ve done a lot of self-taught stuff so you know what the hell do I know but I’ve seen a lot of Gamers who are like you know oh game you know like I know everything about Game Dev cuz you know I’m a I’m a real gamer

I play games but it’s like you know there’s a there’s a lot of things that come with experience about learning and then also about the environment that you do it in so it’s it’s a whole mixed bag depending on what you’re doing yeah I don’t know I

I just I just want it to be uh really good and my secret Fe here is that I’m going to get like halfway through the coding process and I’m going to as Randy feltface puts it I’m gonna have made a piece of [ __ ] baby so what if you don’t yeah I know I

I’m just very intimidated because I think for a big part is because this project has been something I’ve been working on uh on and off for so long and um I don’t know if it’s any good I don’t know if any of the ideas I have are any

Like worth executing I guess well here’s the thing without I’m I’m trying to say this in a realistic way not like a way that comes off as rude or anything because that’s not my intention um you’re not going to get everything right you know there’s always going to

Be things that in retrospect you’re like you know oh I wish I could have done this instead or you know I could always go back and do that instead and you always can that’s the thing um but you know if push comes to shove and you end up making something that you’re not

Happy with or you know it’s quote unquote a piece of share or whatever so you that’s a learning experience you know you made something you’re not happy with it and you have you know you can look back on it and now you have experience um you have a lot of stuff

That you can then use as a point of reference for you know dos and don’ts of what you want to do going forward it’s like you know um when we started you know when we were working on TS ler Swap and before it was actually like a more of a coherent project you

Know there’s a lot of things that we were just kind of doing like scrambling around trying to figure out how to make a game and you know we’ve used that experience to figure out you know hey there’s things that you know we shouldn’t have done then and things we

Can do better going forward and even now with TS it’s like we’ve been working on Starlight Isles for a while and there’s a lot of stuff that we’ve learned from how long it’s taken us there um that we’re going to do differently with Crystal Springs so Game Dev is always

Going to be it’s you’re always going to learn more from it especially when it’s a self-taught or hobbyist thing true so even if it doesn’t come out the way you want oh I I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I thought I thought you please keep talking you’re making I was just going

To say one more thing I was just going to say that like you know as much as you want everything to be perfect and you want to convey everything properly and you want everything to be executed just perfect do know that it’s like it’s not that it’s not going to happen it’s it’s

A losing battle if you if you end up putting that much pressure on yourself to get everything right the first time around then you’re going to end up putting too much pressure on yourself and in the process you’re going to make it harder for you to do things that you

Enjoy because it’s going to be too much more of focusing on getting everything perfect as is opposed to enjoying the process itself yeah that’s true if I can bounce off uh b b how there’s no oh beef oh not beef but beef I thought everyone was saying beef

I’m like okay um like I think me I talked you this before like this is like your your big this is your big baby um why not do like make a make a mini project make a mini game first so cuz I mean be has been saying like oh you’re

Going to mess up mess up on something that matters a little more to you you know make a make a mini project it might take more time but at least like the final project will be even more perfect or better yet sorry go on no no no no no

You were talking you were talking or like better yet like do mini projects as you go so you like okay I don’t know how to do this let me do something to figure it out and that way you make a product and a uh um and the learning experience

And you know you get to figure out like oh this is silly this is dumb because if you you know I know you’ve been working on this for years why why let it be your first run you know yeah I well another aspect um that I haven’t really

Mentioned that uh has been difficult for me to touch on is that like time has also been a bit of a a bit of a um worry about because like I am in college right now and um something that has been hanging over my head a little bit is you

Know getting a degree cuz you know I it’s just something that I have to focus on and YouTube I’m I’m going to lay all my cards on the table YouTube has not especially been working out as much as I would have liked it to I mean the oops that’s unfortunate what happened he

Drowned tune Ino but the you know and so that has really colored my decision making uh because like the osc videos have performed especially well but I don’t really want to make those anymore um and it’s just been a lot of stress in the

Area of what I want to do versus what I feel that I have to do as part of like IRL responsibilities and making sure that my future is secure and so it has been difficult and and especially since I’m someone who doesn’t manage my time particularly well and all of these

Factors sort of culminate in a is no I don’t even remember what I was going with this but the long and the short is this project has taken very much of a back seat because so much other stuff has come up in front of it if that makes sense yeah you know that’s

That’s okay it’s like right now you have stuff you got to figure out with your life and you have a lot of time like just because like how old are you again I I am I’m 20 now Jesus Christ dude yeah which is which has been something which

Is something else I’m struggling with because I’ve entered a new decade in my life and I don’t really know where my life is headed if I’m perfectly honest I have no idea where I’m going yeah but oh sorry no I was just going to say I I

Realize I’ve been talking about myself a lot and I don’t really do it this often it’s your stream it’s your stream dude you’re okay guess um I was just going to say you know remember we’re young we have a lot of time and it’s okay to you know as

We’re taking the time to get things figured out and um a whole bunch of other stuff like that just you know don’t don’t uh don’t pressure yourself too much you know focus on school focus on all that while doing this on the side there yeah I always going to have time I

Was going to say the same thing before my brother came to try and get his mouth on stream um I’m glad you stopped that from happening no I I really did he’s like oh I’m entered oh hold on he’s trying to run it

No I I just want to say thank you guys I I don’t really like talking about myself too much cuz um I I feel very self-centered when I do but it it really does mean a lot that you guys you know support me and that I’m not being too

Overly irrational about all this yeah oh dude you’re okay like there’s nothing wrong with you talking about yourself that’s not self-centered what else does stre what are else do streamers do they talk about the game and they talk about themselves what does Connor do talk

About games and talk and try to not talk about himself it’s normal dog actually you don’t talk about yourself enough I love hearing about you a thanks Alex I love hearing about you now we kiss party rockers in the house tonight um but yeah dog you don’t have to you

Know Julius Caesar was like what like I don’t know how old he was when he took over Rome you’re not going to sorry you can say it I’m not going to be Julius Caesar you can say it I’m not going to be Conor you’re you’re the modern day Julius Caesar I’m going to

Like [ __ ] stab in the back you’re going to be the modern day Brutus I I thought uh hubster was coming to kill me so I was like oh bro what listen listen you were sneaky I was like why are you coming up behind me I’m just [ __ ]

Looking at you building your house you doing St bro um I’m trying I’m but yeah you man you got so much time I mean of course you’re not Julie Caesar but like you know we’re 19 uh you’re not going to you’re not going to build the the

World’s most awesome game of the ag9 te and it’d be cool if you did but like yeah you’re right I mean Toby Fox it’s [ __ ] 30s now don’t don’t stress yourself out and get the stuff uh and you know just be 19-year-old you know just do this don’t make it your number

One priority it really shouldn’t be school should be your number one priority yeah I I that’s true I just um you know I think a lot of people tend to think big picture and that can be very overwhelming so I’ve been trying to not do that too much but as you can clearly

Tell it doesn’t work out so H you know no one figures out everything on the first track you know everyone everyone’s got their personal little flaws I think yours is you you are really good at thinking but you’re a little too good at thinking T said go C you be thinking all

The time I do be thinking uh but you know what it means you can think it means you can you can you can analyze situations better that’s a nice thing fine yeah it’s true I I am pretty awesome aren’t I yeah I’m him anyway I am Julius

Caesar no thank you guys I that means a lot I’ve been meaning to I think I’ve been holding some of that stuff in for a little too long yeah dog just that’s what we’re here for just like you know when your ladder’s too full you got to

Let that [ __ ] out man man you just got to pee on me okay you just got to let it flow let it go please stop talking please please please stop talking please I got you bro for good that made that made a sick beat please stop talking please stop

Talking pee on me PE on me PE pee on me pee on me pee on me P beatbox me on me on me I like to imagine that while we’re talking about all this serious life stuff in the other voice chat they’re just like making guttural noises and screaming at each

Other yeah that is how the other chat does kind of go I don’t know where my stuff is and I don’t want it to despawn [ __ ] I have to go eat dinner but um I don’t know what time you’re ending streaming but if you still streaming uh

I’ll be back but if not it’s been really fun and uh you guys are super fun and thanks for always thank you for having me on it’s always a pleasure anytime man go eat your dinner I got some RAR your trick and call him my name hell yeah all right chow chow

Later he’s a good man that one yeah where’s my [ __ ] godamn committ oh is my [ __ ] gone please oh unlucky but why is there only an axe here where’s everything else oh this is a crazy Ravine are you kidding me oh boy that is most unfortunate [ __ ] what the

Heck I did not take that long to get here I did not only oh I’m actually really upset right now like oh wow really what’s going on yeah I died underwater and I took too long to get my stuff and it despawned because Minecraft sucks ass he lost all

His [ __ ] in Minecraft that’s so unfortun I wow that is upsetting to me I’m so sorry n that’s okay it’s just a video game no it means everything this is serious Minecraft live stream swim around the moment see if I no if you want I have like a [ __ ]

Ton of stuff I can give you but I Min so much iron I have a lot of iron I can give you some I I know but there is so much and I had Emeralds man that’s really unfortunate a are you okay with giving me [ __ ] yes I’m perfectly fine with it okay hold on let me just take a moment to respawn we just need to uh you know will sorer crack 3K damage this round is the question we all there we go and8 minutes

Hi I got distracted typ and almost died yeah just whatever you need just take it from my chest good luck out there buddy oh broke just broke 3K damage damn still a still One log short [ __ ] now good game guys I have fun whoa holy [ __ ] a path in

The village generated all the way up on top of this mountain that’s huge so cool yeah skl is just like skl and I just walked by each other and we’re just staring at each other and now like neither of us are stop like one of us

Has to win one of us needs to look away yeah [ __ ] this oh godam it a Dennis ball Dennis ball Denis ball Den ball I’m just to just going to see how long it takes for walk away love how everyone just immediately [ __ ] parents that yeah it’s pretty great motherfucker’s name Dennis be

Like Dennis how did you see that I will say one idea for uh my game that I had that I was particularly proud of is naming a character Doug ugas I think that’s pretty funny don’t all right now how could I have the Redstone lamps light up during night while on top of

That daylight sensor well but if the the daylight sensors activate um during the day so they’d be on during the day but not during the night that’s why you got to toggle them well I don’t know how to that’s what I’m saying I don’t know how to do that uh when

They’re up on F press it you just press it you just you literally just click on it and it switches between a daytime and nighttime protector really it does that now yeah it’s always done that oh I it literally always done that since 1.5 I remember it only working one

Way huh cool I mean I’m not complaining or anything but I remember it differently as all it’s literally always done that I just remember having to use like Redstone torches to send an opposing signal every time I’d make one now how do you craft one of these bad

Boys it’s wooden planks quartz and glass I see where have you done this you cool again no I didn’t do it where’ you do it f you mean oh my God he did it dude I did it I did it to do it in front of skl this is

So not suitable for all advertisers right now well then why are you looking at it deliberately well I I mean you wouldn’t no it’s going to this out why you told me I could I know T you got trolled God you don’t have [ __ ] wow all right

Bro dude all my iron is in here just like take one of the iron blocks that’s nowhere near the amount of iron I had all right bro no I’m dude no no I’m sorry I’m not not trying to be I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry boogy bear I’m sorry

You just make me so angry Pooky bear sometimes you just I can’t make Daddy so angry how the [ __ ] did I’m sorry I’m sorry Pooky bear why don’t I have oh there it is God it’s glow stone surround oh my God I have to go yeah unfortunately we

Haven’t really found glow stone yet no I found some in the nether ages ago I just used it all up on my house toilet toilet why did you say toilet did you not hear it yeah I know I did but like a toilet went off and you just said

Toilet like I was paying I was paying attention to it giving you heads up yeah yeah all right I’m off to find glowstone wish me luck yeah oh I don’t have gold I just realized uhoh never mind got to go back and get some gold I have gold boots somewhere that’s pretty

Funny you sing through it Jeff the scallop bro no way Jeff the scallop oh oh my God that is messed up yeah it’s okay I get I always get that scared and poy bear won’t know wow be you know immediate regret I got to say man you really know how to pick

Winners yeah that’s kind of my thing I there we go I have a balcony now neat waiting for my V to go [Applause] through oh no you okay this frge looks really good by the way hster I love how much like I love uh everything that you put into it it’s really good

[ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] I watch you [ __ ] do That I lost 27 levels I’m sorry [ __ ] I’m sorry I was going to take it down right after I did it and then I remembered I don’t have an ax anymore I hope You my name’s Laura no it’s not after 30 years of crawling my way to the top I finally quoting this for modeling but not as a model as a receptionist every day I write a letter to Johnny Depp hoping he’ll write me back then one day he

Did this is the worst bit Conor what the hell are you quoting and dear Laura stop right me this is a game grumps bet your friend Johnny de I have it framed over my wall I was simply flabbergasted for Content that he’s just stealing it from gum I was on the

Floor I moved to the state where no one could find oh crazy’s not done kinetic it oh my God I’m just actually rotting I I have to go get all my [ __ ] I just dropped cuz it was a clut and didn’t watch where I was mining in the roof of the

Nether like a fool I was such a fool hubster in bovinus I am bovinus you are Beethoven us that is why I said your name SpongeBob Patrick SpongeBob Patrick Squidward Mr Crab Sandy Mrs puffman bubble bu Caren Sponge Bob Square paty the PIR G you memor Perkins pear in school har and

Margaret um something something and uh I don’t remember anything after that also I got my [ __ ] back me neither yay dying for pie The Great Snail Race and then something else I just like the first part [ __ ] God bur a [ __ ] God who that loud noise from that noise from the really loud noise oh that was me oh I was making fun of you hster you didn’t see it right no I saw it I’m sorry I’ll take it down I just wanted to do it so you’d see it

Patchy the Pirate um not going to lie that video is genuinely a masterpiece oh it’s so good I love I love the singing it’s my favorite part King neun boating school Gary and Larry merid man I don’t remember SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward Mr Puff R bble buddy Plankton Caren SpongeBob Square

Pants Patchy the Pirate goo lagon Pur Perkins Pearl boting School Margaret mystery I don’t remember the rest andies there we go we’re back on it for a little while doing your mother is MRA no do it’s not what I was singing It’s not what I was singing doing your mother is

My craft I’m quite adep with my shaft taking my pen straight up her ass you know what wait oh you’re peen straight okay I thought you were saying you’re peen straight I was like what the [ __ ] is it me yeah that’s what I said she and people think I’m the immature one B b b it’s Conor it is Con it’s Conor it’s Conor Conor Conor it’s con and hster con undying and super Kirby lover potato super 2 lav this is the worst bit hster chip potato it’s Conor silver Toto [Applause] [Laughter] X2 sucks it’s uncore Conor b 1 two three awesome lavor Super and B it’s Conor we should do that we should record that we should it would suck it would be awesome be awesome it’ be so cool we should make our own cover of SpongeBob Patrick we should but Patrick we should do that thing yeah bbob Patrick Mr CB Gary Mrs puffman bubble

Planked in car SpongBob Square see we’re Naturals we’re Naturals paty the pirate the flying Duding Harold and Margaret something something Andbob Captain blue no a perch Perkins Pearl no fur Gary and Larry merid men I don’t remember the rest SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward King jellyish and Patrick doodle bob and squ pain the cops Marty Janet herb realistic Fish Head the Dirty Bubble Returns the hasling Slasher boy that sucks one two three four five six seven all right I need seven more of these things mid mid game mid fight mid SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward Mr CRA so-called free thinkers withb hster how you feeling SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward Mr Krabs Sandy Mrs puffman repli so I replicate more Pl we both wanted to do itar paty the P The Flying Dutchman boing School Harold and Mar and CH SpongeBob and bl perinar F Gary and [Laughter] Um me that’s what it sounds Like bull worm crabby no no that’s right it’s it’s wrong it’s wrong it’s um alas crabs SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward Mr Crabs and King [Applause] Jell spob Patrick and the I forgot all the names but Conor knows them All boy the last note the last note I do know the last name is Fred and then the backing track is Barnacle Boy so it’s like Fred Barac boy this was an adventure it’s so great I know right SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward hi do you think this is the feeling that

Someone do you think this is yes the feeling that somebody has when they walk in on their parents making love for the first time what I don’t know I just kind of I kind of get that vibe from this entire like uh gee I don’t know man that’s

Never happened to me so I can’t I know it never happened to me either oh my God be can’t believe that’s what you decided to hit with oh I don’t know I say things you do say things that is true CRA hit him with SpongeBob Patrick Andra no he’s Sandy Mrs oh no I think it’s Man Ray for that one oh man ray is after no no cuz it yeah that’s right it goes Sandy Mrs puffman R bubble buddy Plankton car pck no only one of oh [ __ ] we both [ __ ] it up we did both [ __ ] it up

We’ll try again we’ll try again from the top how are you still take it from the top take it from the top SpongeBob Patrick and Squidward we need to pull the video up to see the lyrics yeah yeah here I’ll play it in the background I’ll play in

The back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah play it on stream yeah yeah I’ll play it on stream I’ll play it on stream make sure that you uh like put the link up though like you got to make sure that we have the link the they can be credited

Yeah yeah yeah so it’s at and Squidward oh my God the at is an Squidward on Twitter wait wait wait wait wait on Twitter theid it’s at an it’s an Squidward that’s CID look oh my God that’s so funnyer God did hubster De wait he hster de he did ages

Ago oh my God that’s so [ __ ] funny all right so it’s everyone watching right now whoever’s watching this go to an Squidward on Twitter uh this there’s one person watching and I think it’s me yeah probably nobody watches this only viewer right now nobody watches this

[ __ ] um they all left because of this yeah so this is SpongeBob yeah I have it I have it [ __ ] everything BRB to oh yeah I should share it hold on I need to see it too yeah hold on hold on sorry this stream stream got incredibly derailed that’s okay I me

That’s not your fault um it’s not your fault it’s not my fault all right so do I I’m gonna put it on stream too [ __ ] it I [ __ ] stuck him who’s the one uh capture SpongeBob wait no no no no I got an idea I got an idea on stream you need

To put on the legend from Delta rone and we’ll sing to that but look at the lyrics for this why not just play this because it’s the same song no no no because then there it’s going to have the word we need to have it just be our

Words when we sing it well but we don’t know it that’s the thing we have to practice no no no but that’s why no but that’s oh okay all right so we’re going to okay we’re practicing on stream here we go here we go here we go okay all

Right you think you think the guys in the server are watching it right probably not I don’t know why anyone would be watching all right ready SpongeBob Patrick blankon caring SpongeBob Square Yeah that would be I think you’re slightly behind me wait am I little bit little bit probably cuz we’re we’re doing the server Discord but okay from the top from the top from I I’ll try to match you I’ll try to match you no yeah we need to do it from

The top all right SpongeBob and Squidward Mr Krabs Sandy Mrs puffman Ray bubble body plank in car oh he muted God damn it he muted whatever I’ll just have this on Loop in the background [ __ ] video got going sorry about that see you oh later there he

Goes now it’s just us now it’s just us For [ __ ] sake I’ll [ __ ] kill myself wait you don’t like the song so true a hand griffing in a C oh yeah euthanize Euthanize y can you pick up some materials while you’re in there either one I need to get a u go actually I need two I’m going to go in there too oh does it not Loop yeah oh no it’s just taking a while no it doesn’t loop on Twitter I’ll

Have to watch I’ll have to oh whatever who cares it’s only funny when someone else likes the joke it’s not funny when you do it upster cuz you don’t like my joke purp bag is in here for 75 crafting materials SpongeBob Patrick squid oops hey what do you think of the

Bridge looks nice yeah thanks got a nice little Overlook area here yeah and now um you know people won’t die trying to Traverse this area God damn it I didn’t make enough I made one too many lanterns and one too few daylight sensors I don’t believe this SC

From for you I’m always 10 seconds in front of everybody I play W it got late really quickly I didn’t realize how late it was oh there he is oh wait did they call it a daylight detector what when did they start calling it a daylight detector I don’t know feel like it’s

Always been called daylight sensor yeah me too shots holy [ __ ] that’s a spider jockey I didn’t conf that it’s a pretty rare shots and now I just got to finish the uh guide rails and uh it’ll be done the wandering Trader is here oh boy what does he have uh an

Azure blet a sugar can that’s pretty nice horn coral block dandelion pink dye and bucket of tropical fish so you know eat your heart out he’s going to hit my ws and [ __ ] see 1.13 the name was changed oh never noticed so shortly after interesting is he coming

Back G my stomach hurts I don’t know why oh whatever guess we’re not sleeping tonight oh right I was smelting coer that man so just broke his lock on themed RGB oh god wow oh man I really don’t feel well right now ouch oh jeez I may have to end the stream soon

Jesus Christ is it like bloating I don’t know just a little under the weather right now probably would be a good idea to end the stream by now anyway it’s almost 11 o’clock yeah it’s uh it’s getting a little late so I’m going to call the stream

Here uh thank you uh for coming out hubster this was a blast thank you for playing um and actually why don’t we head back over to the uh to the big voice chat and uh go talk to everybody for a little bit I can’t move over you have to move

Me over I got you hi hi guys stream’s stream’s ending um uh oh hi silver I know I know oh no Phantoms um I was here whole time definitely it was uh thank you guys for coming out to the stream um hey no problem it was fun it was fun playing

Video games with you guys yeah couple guys sleep yeah experiencing Phantoms I’ll go to bed I’ll go to bed I’ll go to bed um also I found a shitload of cight nice uh I am going to uh turn off the stream cuz it’s getting late I’m feeling a little

Under the weather but uh thank you guys for playing thank you all for watching and uh I’ll see you guys Wednesday for game night better Conor I will probably not be there on Wednesday though that’s okay all right I’ll see you later good night what’s up chip Cas good night

Us that’s the end of the stream Spring’s over we have a couple minutes on the server yeah yeah I’ll give I’ll give the server a couple minutes but uh I am going to turny the stream say bye chat goodbye Chad good night byebye

This video, titled ‘Building a copper bridge || MINECRAFT MONDAYS!’, was uploaded by It’s_Connor on 2023-11-14 04:10:47. It has garnered 41 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:50 or 11390 seconds.



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  • Finnonthebulk – Craziest Combo 💥💥💥

    Finnonthebulk - Craziest Combo 💥💥💥Video Information bro I don’t have strength either bro I don’t care if I die I don’t I don’t have any Gap so This video, titled ‘Insane combo 😨😨😨’, was uploaded by Finnonthebulk on 2024-03-24 15:12:24. It has garnered 19 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Insane combo 😨😨😨 Live everyday: https://www.twitch.tv/finnonthebulk #minecraft #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #twitch #english #smp Tags: brawlhalla gameplay,brawlhalla gameplay no commentary,brawlhalla combos,Insane combo 😨😨😨,insane combo,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft music,minecraft 100 days,minecraft challenges,minecraft challenges survival,minecraft challenge games,combo,pvp,minecraft pvp texture pack,minecraft pvp tips,minecraft pvp montage Read More

  • Unbelievable Journey to The Nether! 💥 JyanJian returns! 👀

    Unbelievable Journey to The Nether! 💥 JyanJian returns! 👀Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woohoo hello hello good morning evening hello good morning good afternoon good evening hello everybody let me go ahead [Music] and we’re live we’re live not yes in Minecraft wait where’s my Minecraft tab yeah live in Minecraft too o let me put that there it is all right wooo yippe all righty but hello hello I know what I forgot I forgot to set… Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraft

    🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] you no no no no no no no no y This video, titled ‘Will Steve rescue Alex Or Pomni Pass Lava Pit Trap? | Challenge! Funny Animation #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shiba Toons on 2024-01-05 13:33:27. It has garnered 67529 views and 1745 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Will Steve rescue Alex Or Pomni Pass Lava Pit Trap? | Challenge! Funny Animation #shorts #minecraft We’d like to bring funny animation cartoon movie and laughter time to the audience the most. #ShibaToons #monsterschool #steve #alex #minecraft #minecraftshorts… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Billionaire with Meetislive!

    Becoming a Minecraft Billionaire with Meetislive!Video Information क्या हालचाल मेरे शेरो काफी दिनों के बाद मिथ लाइफ ये वाला वीडियो आ गया है तो मैं आ चुका हूं मेरे जबी वर्सेस प्लेयर वाला वीडियो वापस ये शायद से एंड होगा इस वाले चैप्टर में हम पूरा पूरा मतलब ये मोड ही हम खत्म कर डालेंगे तो देखो मैंने काफी ज्यादा ग्राइंडिंग करने के बाद इतने सारे रोटन फ्लेश इकट्ठे कर लिए जिनको नहीं पता वो उनको मैं बता देता हूं इसमें क्या होता है हमारे हमको जॉम्बीज को मारना होता है जॉम्बीज को मार के हमें वो रोटन फ्लेश मिलता है रोटन फ्लेश को हमें… Read More

  • EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱

    EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱Video Information ओ हेलो हेलो या बल गया बल गया मार मार बटरी मार मार हेलो हेलो हेलो अरे आवा हा य आ म माइक सेटिंग कर सेटिंग करना सेटिंग कर [संगीत] डिकोड बोला सर [संगीत] बोला ममी ब कर मेरा तो मन भी नहीं कर रहा खेलने का क्या क्या खेलने [संगीत] का बोल बोल मु सेटिंग कर स्पिक माइक चज [संगीत] ली माइक माइक रो रो सिलेक्ट कर इनपुट आउटपुट स्पीकर माइक कर बो हेलो हेलो बोलत हेलो हेलो ठीक हां रु भाई रुक रुक रुक रुक देख रहा भाई कर र है हां कट कर कट कर… Read More

  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

    Welcome to Brennyn Sabar Minecraft Server! If you’re a dedicated Minecrafter looking for a long-term experience with a tight-knit community, look no further! Our server features a custom datapack called Foundation, adding new items, biomes, and dimensions to the game. Join our server in New Jersey for a vanilla Minecraft experience with no major game-changing plugins or alterations. We’re currently on version 1.20.6 and will be updating to 1.21 soon. Server Details: 6-8 active members, looking to double Running Fabric with Simple Voice Chat, SquareMap, and No Chat Reports mods Hosted on dedicated hardware for optimal performance How to Join:… Read More

  • ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)

    ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)BRAND NEW MAP!ShogunMCfree ranksdonator ranksNew mapmcmmoeconomysurvivalquestsdiscordcratesgreat staffgreat communityCome join our great community, we just had a map reset and are ready for new players! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Disc Rankings”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Disc Rankings"I guess you could say this meme is a solid diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft’s Lunar Adventure

    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • 0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft

    0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft When you finally find a rare Sponge in Minecraft and realize it’s only a 0.00000000007% chance, you start questioning your life choices. Like, was it really worth spending hours searching for a virtual cleaning tool? #minecraftprobs #spongebobminecraftpants Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

    Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery Minecraft Note Block Cover: Kobo Kanaeru – Entah Exploring the creative world of Minecraft, a talented content creator has crafted a mesmerizing note block cover of Kobo Kanaeru’s “Entah.” Using tools like Capcut for video editing, Pixellab for thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4, this artist has brought a musical masterpiece to life within the game. Tools of the Trade The intricate process of creating a note block cover involves meticulous attention to detail. With Capcut for seamless video editing, Pixellab for eye-catching thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4 for the gameplay itself, the artist has skillfully combined these… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2

    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : https://discord.gg/Bb5dQ3C8qm ►Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/Gaming4LiFeUtube ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiro_gaming/ ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgH8Mrs52LJG0CfYtQ5mJ2g/join »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop :https://amzn.to/3z36RQE »»Keyboard :https://amzn.to/3giCHCj »»Mouse https://amzn.to/3EYhjwC »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 https://streamlabs.com/yuqwilson #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) moonbat.ddns.net Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More