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A yeah ladies and gentlemen welcome back oh hi neotic man oh my Goodness it’s good to see y’all welcome back on your Thursday night I know I’m a little bit delayed at the moment chatting with some moderators oh it’s like it’s weird cuz stream night night is like my night off kind of Slash My Hangout night and then it’s also my stream night so sometimes

They get a little bit delayed but here I am hey how’s it going Cosley welcome on in hello everybody hope you’re doing fantastic today wonderful to see you today we’re doing some Minecraft good are we allowed to do that look I’m not saying we are I’m not saying we aren’t

But what I’m saying is we’re doing it regardless all right it’s how it works it’s good it’s Stellar it’s fantabulous phenomena la oh my goodness how’s everybody been been doing over the last week I hope you’ve been fantastic I myself have been debating with with the

Purchase of a new headset I know I know I’ve been using earbuds for the longest time and and no offense to them but earbuds are kind of crap I mean that I mean that in the best way earbuds are kind of shite sometimes um and what I just mean through that is

It’s just not as good as having like over ear headphones especially ones that are open-backed okay I am a big open back headphone boy I really like those but then again I love you know music and singing and all that Jazz uh and there are some really

Great options with close back too but I’m I’m a fan of open back headphones genuinely headsets are really nice Wireless ones too would not have believed oh man they’re so good aren’t they phenomenal I do have to fix up my heating in my room here a little bit um

Because you know uh it just gets hot it gets hot up in here they’re like what it gets warm in a room with computers I know it’s insane but trust me I’m from the internet the ones I’ve been looking at right now I’m kind of like bandying

Between two sets um obviously I’m a big uh you may not know this but I’m a big senheiser fan okay initially I have some old sennheisers that unfortunately are no longer working uh which really bumps me out I’m just I’m nervous I’m nervous to go any higher than what I had previously

I think I had the 580s and uh they were wonderful don’t get me wrong but phenomenal phenomenal headphones highly recommend um but there are some really really good ones especially if you get them on like Drop cuz I don’t know if you guys know about like drop.com

Um I’m not endorsing them in any way shape or form this is not an ad what I’m saying is they have some options with some stuff that’s been swapped out in them that essentially make them cheaper right they still have like the same drivers in them they’ve got this one

Called 6xx it’s the uh the 6xx HD which is the Sennheiser 650 drivers um aka the speaker thingies inside your headset um that they have there and they’re fantastic and I’m really tempted to get a pair of those ones they might be a little Overkill but they’re way cheaper

There than they are anywhere else which is super super solid oh you still have the 598 wired set see that’s that’s what I’m talking about those ones are so good I might actually have those are they like a weird beige pneumonic man I hope you’re feeling better by the way you’re

Working on getting better glad to hear it but um yeah yeah yeah are they like the beige ones you know what I’m talking about they’re like these fleshy monstrosities y’all know what I’m talking about right no oh my oh my goodness do not Google flesh headphones that is not what we’re here for

Today but I am going to say they had this like weird B be ones oh my goodness there’s like this Sennheiser 598 beige I think it is yeah yeah yeah mine are like if I if I can find them around here I think mine are the Grays actually but the fleshy

Beige ones are just like terrifying slightly you know you know what I’m going to show you hold on let’s just shrink down and I will let’s just show you all right there we there we go look some of you are going to be like those are kind of fire and other of

You will realize that that’s just absolutely moderately terrifying to have like a weird fleshy ear over ear thing that’s going on you see what I’m saying it’s kind of disconcerting look at how fleshy they are it’s weird the beian brown yeah yeah it’s also kind of a classic look to be

To be completely honest with you um so these ones like they’re not bad I mean never mind a lot of these are like Canadian prices if you’re looking at the 560s uh those are like the Canadian price for those HD 560s but it’s it’s easy to get into like $7 800 super easy

Knock to a colors Al is nauseous colors sorry noctua it’s true no one’s like I got to have that noctua build for my entire PC screw RGB I’m going fullon basan brown baby I’m going to look like an old man suit when it was in style in the

1930s we’re going back to the 1930s it’s true though you absolutely would rock an a beijan brown build like yeah forget that grossness known as RGB give me allation Brown ah slacks and suspenders I mean as an outside like case you know add-on that would be pretty sick I would love

To see someone put suspenders on their PC case to keep the sides on that would be just like the next level of wonderfulness but yes for any of you that are wondering these are uh these are sennheisers and these are the ones that I have but they’re like gray which

Is probably what you have as well they’re the black and gray again they’re they’re not bad the burlwood accents sounds So Posh so snug the gray ones are pretty nice to be honest um but I really really really love the open back and I can tell you open

Back open back headphones are an experience if you are like me and your ears get really warm in normal headphones not only do open back help with that but they also help with you hearing what’s going on in the room so I remember when I first started I had a an

A oh man can’t even remember which ones those were I had a really cheap set of sennheisers which were fantastic and the kids still use them today when they’re playing like piano and we don’t want to listen to them so they just plug these in and they rock with them um but uh

Yeah I absolutely love those they were good the problem that we ran into with that one that I ran into was that when I had them on I couldn’t hear my voice through it and so I still have this thing today where I’m over projecting mainly because I still have an earbud in

And it’s not like having open back headphones where I can hear the Acoustics of the room and really just hear my own voice and so when I’ve had open back headphones I feel like I’ve been able to be a lot more conversational a lot more calm a lot less like like

That lot less Super Saiyan if you know what I’m super saiyan but yeah that’s just how I feel about it and the drop ones look fantastic but they’re hella expensive let’s just let’s throw that out there I mean if I were to do like Drop no I

Can’t do that cuz there might be there might be my like there might be my credentials and stuff on there um oh I can’t I can’t even do that right now n it’s good oh my goodness but it’s fine corser and April Fool’s jok showed

A b beige version of their top case of the day as they should uh as as they should you do want the open bag set but you want to wake up roommates okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you won’t really necessarily wake up people do you live in the same room as your

Roommates right 1999 for the 6xx yeah that’s the 650 HDs by the way n monic man thank you for pulling that up I didn’t want to like dox myself you know it’s usually a good call don’t do that on the internet oh boy um but yeah the 6x X are

650 drivers um in a like 600 styled headphone with a couple of like the plush things have been yeah have been taken out of it but they’re still fantastic and I would highly recommend um open back I would highly recommend in general remember they are firing towards

Your ears so like one of the big things is if you’re on a bus sitting next to someone you’re probably going to piss them off with your music if you’re sitting in a separate room you’re probably not going to also bear in mind for something like the 6xx you may need

To look into getting an amp that’s just because of the fact that uh they usually do have a very like low auditory level they need additional power additional umph to get him through the night you know what I mean h i do anything except for play music too loud

Unless you give them the amp and then you amp it up you know what I mean oh snap you Amper sand it an amp deck exactly Now ladies and gentlemen um as a small reminder today we’re going to be playing something magical that I’ve not played in a long time it’s called

Minecraft um and uh yeah I’m I’m part of this wonderful little SMP that I haven’t spent any time on I’m I know I’m I’m horrible in terms of that I’m so thankful to you know friends uh who are still in the Minecraft scene who have

Invited me to to like jump in and want to participate um but I I really like I burned it a Minecraft a long while ago I did and um and it just wasn’t very much my thing at that point in time however that being said uh I did want to check

Out deck out 2 now if you don’t know what deck out 2 is it’s a Dungeon delving adventure uh a Rog like kind of well not really Rog like it’s a Dungeon Crawler with decks a deck based Dungeon Crawler and so one of the things we’re

Going to be doing today is starting out with it I don’t need anything other than an empty inventory to get into there uh so I voyaged through the Nether and I’m now over here at this wicked awesome dungeon somewhere in the world which is great oh gosh this looks

Terrifying are you going to eat me I bet I tastes terrible oh baby this is this is like really dark hold on we’re going to need to bring this up brightness bright cuz otherwise y’all are not going to be able to see this whoa this is

Snazy oh look an Ender Chest ooh I’m just going to have to say hello to people because you know they don’t know who I am I don’t know who they are but we we appreciate each other deeply okay I’m supposed to grab one of these shulker

Boxes um okay I need to claim one of these as my own probably nope not that nope not that can I just claim I’m going to claim this nope K can’t claim that one the top one it’s fine don’t worry about it oh do you remember how to Minecraft I

Mean allegedly and by allegedly I mean for sure okay so I believe I need wait why does that have a bunch of ice in it that is not what I was supposed to pick up is it oh Magikarp I’m going to have to double check in Discord because there were

Specific rules they said for this entry area um thankfully I have a friend who just like told me what to do just claim one of the cubby holes uh and the teal shulker has a free play Deck oh good they made it a teal shulker okay so this is someone else’s cubby

Hole that’s what I’m learning right now um so I’m going to have to go around here and like find a cubby the teal shulker is right there there’s a black sh shulker with a frozen Shard and there’s that did I just get injured by trying to open it I think

So I think it hurts you okay so the black shulker is there that’s the teal shul that we need to pick this up all right so we’re going to have to figure this out treasure hunter sneak and Moment of clarity so do I like pick this up I

Don’t even know if I can do so maybe I I take this with me perhaps I don’t I don’t precisely remember how this is supposed to go that might just be my my deck that I’m supposed to like put here and just take the deck no that’s probably not what I’ve

Got to do huh I I watched the video I swear I watched the video do you read of Minecraft yeah but this is a whole new Minecraft level of things to be completely honest there was the overview of it and I remember taking a look I’m

Just going to double check and see if I’ve still got the uh the how to plays here hold up okay so yeah you run basically the objective of this game is you run through and get as many points as possible in each phase okay which are like Victory Toms and stuff

And there’s a wide variety of them all right um we need to figure out these you prepare the deck you can only have a maximum of 40 cards in your deck uh each card is limited verify that the dungeon is available indicated by a light at the

Entrance plays a frozen Shard into the barrel next to it on the ground okay so I need one Frozen Shard put away everything in your inventory into the provided chest above the bed with the exception of the shulker box containing your deck okay so I do need the shulker Box

Excellent you’re coming with me you’re my shulker box now baby um that is an open one oh can I change that sign for it to be like the goodness hold up hold up hold up hold up please tell me this is going to work yes oh baby I probably should have like put

This in the middle okay hold on um goodness done excellent it’s very dark I should have I should have brought like glow stuff for that but it’s fine whatever we’re good oh I should have looked at these and been like open open oh look yeah there’s

Someone else there it’s fine we have our stuff so we got a frozen Shard we’re ready to wander through and check it out this is my first time playing decked out at all however I do know how to Minecraft a little bit mm-m H just a little bit oh

Snap so only problem is it would have been nice to like what the Fireballs got a bunch of dead people oh look at this Tim Horton’s Express oh what hold on Tim Horton’s employees only I mean technically I’m Canadian so that counts right like I can

Just I can go in there I’m sure it’s fine uh decked out to Tim’s location Tim’s reward membership is five diamonds you get a free coffee and snacks oh my goodness okay I kind of wish that I brought a bed to sleep in but it’s fine a timm’s in Minecraft exactly it’s

Wonderful entrance welcome to deck 2 Crown shop all that jazzz blah blah blah all right so there’s this o I can sleep next to it though yes um and then we got oh hold on there’s people talking to me I don’t think I’ve been introduced to you yet

I’m going to head off to the shopping district and the nether Highway oh boy people are talking to me it’s true if it involves community and public builds I’m your goto nice uh wonderful thanks timy great to meet you I can’t remember how to tell that’s great um let’s do this okay available

Inhalable inuse Caboose resetti spaghetti what I don’t know what that means so wait the lights mean that it’s it’s in use right now huh okay I’m I’m very confused as what I’m supposed to be doing here training wheels not for the tournament is seven Diamonds oh H oh hi hello

There I’m looking at the crown shop 10 crowns totem power ooh Five Crowns pay to win many crowns so I’m assuming that if it’s in use I can’t go in cuz it’s like no no bueno H that’s that’s a little bit problematic apparently myself and I did not realize that we

Could have this Conflict let’s see we’ve got the dungeon broke if the dungeon stops working do not fix it please let the dungeon master know missing reward back rooms you’re only permitted in public areas whoops I definitely didn’t do that with dungeon things but that’s fine woohoo uh we need to take a look around

It’s resetting ooh very nice um thanks we’ll do for next time thanks we’ll do for next time uh streaming currently sure we can do that wonderful available inhalable I just wanted to go back to that how do we how do we reset this scoreboard updated so

There’s like a bunch of people that have done a whole massive amount of things Minecraft dad timey wiy oh other SE so many people oh I heard a dinging is it available come on Spaghetti give me what you need okay someone survived and was slain by nothing wow that’s

Awesome okay so we get to the entrance way here right um place the the card deck against the lamp is this the lamp I did I swear I watch the tutorial and I have no idea there’s so much resetting we may just not do deck out 2

Stuff maybe I should go mine in the midst of it oh hello there hi oh look at you there’s a person here hello I know this person’s very confused hi Fireball this person like oh what are you doing I I don’t know what are you doing hi oh hello

There everyone’s like wow he can’t hear anything no no that’s true I can’t I can’t hear a single thing nor do I know what I’m doing that’s the wonderful part about this I am supposed to place my deck against something and my frozen shards into something else so place a

Frozen shard in the barrel next to it okay but it’s resetting so we’re not ready yet oo um well thanks and you so I got to put one into here is what I’m understanding with it and then use the bed next to the entrance

Room to sh set your spawn I did that all right put everything in your inventory away yes and then I need to I don’t know where to put my my shulker box I don’t know how to do that one so it’s saying resetti spaghetti what if I put this in here

Now does that work oh Baby that did not work out okay we’re fine we’re good we’re figuring it out that didn’t work yet it goes into the room I already have that there uh as soon as the dungeon resets it’ll take the frost oh gotcha

Got you see I’m learning so much I do have a frost Shard though I swear I’m not trying to like rip them off this this isn’t an nft situation look guys we got frost sh nfts it’s great do you want a frozen sh nftd I can link you to a JPEG of a

Frozen Shard okay yeah there we go there we go we got this excellent the door is opening I have nothing in my inventory and I’m starving which is a perfect start to this look at all this Redstone I’m so glad I didn’t have to build this right chat come

On oo don’t forget to set your spawn point perfect we’ll do that oh you’re starving it’ll be fine time I’ve been in worse positions to be honest press this only if you died inside the dungeon your deck and your items will be returned here be patient okay I already put my stuff back

At the other places so my inventory is empty which is fine I’ve got my Ender Chest which is excellent okay place the card decks against the lamp inside the shulker box since each deck is shuffled do not forget your deck of cards okay perfect so I need to go put it at that

Lamp I’m assuming it’s this one over here oo I got a free double double I’m Canadian thank you and it’s owned by Burger King which makes it better I think right okay we’re going to have another medium double double that’s delicious thank you very much I appreciate you

Oh fune all the tokens be ungovernable did I Roll Up the Rim crap I forgot place the shulker against the lamp got it and now I need to choose a difficulty let’s start with easy instead of deep Frost sounds like a great idea

Oo it gave me a mine cart I can get in here and push the button bye bye world let’s let’s go shall we where am I going we don’t freaking know oo there’s stuff over there oh good I’m being dropped to my death what could possibly go wrong this seems absolutely great you

Know um is it just me or am I about to die I am about to die okay hold up we need to we need to check this out out we’ve got a direction to go and it’s this way I’ve also got a map what is what is the map telling me okay

Um I have to sneak now I know that it’s telling me to go this direction but I’m also concerned cuz I know you get like Clank and stuff which basically means bad things and you get like extra Clank like girthy Clank provided that you you find your

Artifact oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh that hurt all right so we need to uh what was that I just heard noises and I don’t like those noises the the noises suck I don’t I don’t like it um oh oh

Crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh nope nope no oh crap okay press this only if you died inside the dungeon I got murdered by lasagna well that was that was wonderful um do I go again or do I not go again okay you push

This only if you do that it takes a little bit for your items to come back wow um but I love lasagna y’all I don’t get this lasagna hurt me but I love lasagna oh man I just want lasagna to love me I just want them to love me with all the

Ricot you died by pasta cake every pasta cake oh we’ll have to wait for the the barrel sleep in the bed remove all gear that’s okay I had no Gear with me at all which is perfect so my deck will return oh I I

Think I had hit that again um I I need to wait I need to wait and be patient I may have broken it reset your spawn point after leaving which would be amazing could you imagine if you were to accidentally forget to reset your spawn

Point that would be so good You’ just be like um well so fun story I accidentally died oh man by being stuck in here and then I just had to wait until someone else completed their mission or until they died okay well that was intense so what

I’m learning is there are some very cruel and unusual creatures in there um so hold on do I does it open again or like do I have to leave now is that what we need to do we need to leave so that it resets this is new to me I pushed the

Button above the door I wanted to go outside of it oh but I need a new Frost Shard oh I have to go Shard my frosts it’s like a frozen poo with the Frozen [Laughter] Shar don’t worry all of the shards that you have will be frozen it’s Canada it’s like –

50 don’t worry about that there’s an area up here for waiting if you want to check it out um yeah or I can go like try and build stuff cuz I haven’t done that at all which is absolutely accurate o they have a waiting spot waiting room featuring the

Queue place your head on the scoreboard wow that sounds ominous oh it’s the queue do this does it have a barber is there like a barber in here of any kind the collective knowledge of decked out this person got ahead in life it’s wonderful f um wow this is not heavy it’s my

Brother this is the front side of the sign this is the back side of the sign I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I Saw the Sign you know what we really need is for all these to be like a pentatonic scale so we can play a bunch

Of you know royaltyfree music on it like Mary Had a Little Lamb that would be actually fantastic the cue such wisdom by sign it’s by Design I don’t know if you noticed that but someone designed that it’s true um there’s a practice room over here to practice avoidance oh

Perfect practicing avoidance AKA run hold on we’re just going to I’m going to sneak I’m going to sneak he’s never going to see me he just saw me oh no it’s fine don’t worry hug me jelly may may or may not have murdered me it’s it’s all good um I need

To practice jumping that’s the only thing that I’m running into a problem with here how in the world are you jumping over this that’s the question I have because I’m I’m just experiencing that it’s not letting me jump cuz there’s the snow you know what I mean like there’s that hug

Me I’m trying to jump over that and then land on it it’s the Soul Sand so if I just aim for that one it’s going to let me no no it’s not but if I get up on that it’s still not going to let me out it’s

Perfect okay this is still not letting me out um could you bring jelly back here I need I need jelly in my life thanks I’d be okay there we go we’re fine uh so hold on we need to find out where these are then so I need to like

Run and Jump from one to the other like this like exactly like that yeah did you see that I was so good it was so freaking good gosh I’m like a I’m like a professional Minecrafter or something sh okay okay hold on we can try this again

But poorly but poorly I like how the uh the ravager doesn’t even need to go and like swim on any of these it doesn’t have to worry about any of this poor ravager see look at me I’ve avoided the ravagers so far what could possibly go wrong nothing nothing could go

Wrong so my question is if I’m running this way and I jump aha there we go oh my goodness hello Jelly oh jelly are you there Jelly’s on a vacation far away come around and talk it over so many Jelly things that I want to

See you know I like my ravagers a little bit older I don’t want to get slain by you tonight oh gosh how in the world am I not what what the what how how can I not go up that okay well that was BS I couldn’t climb the staircase timy Wy hi

How you doing I couldn’t climb the staircase which is a little bit of uh the bowl I tried I tried crouching it didn’t want to let me jelly I need you come with me be the jelly to my peanut butter I am crouching I don’t know about y’all but

That that’s the Crouch I crouched and it was like n don’t worry about it oh my goodness there we go hello Jelly we meet again oh go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay we made it up we made it up

Fantastic now we just need to what dive in here and swim like y mean it oh come on it can’t climb stuff can it okay well it it didn’t is it drowning I hope so I hope you drown oh my goodness jelly you need to drown in in your

Tears you’re not allowed here anymore get out I’m kidding I’m kidding jelly and I are old friends I mean we better be at this point in time hello jell all right I’m practicing my avoidance oh hey what’s up are you coming up this side now nice nice very

Solid very solid let’s go up this way what the heck was the what was that but there’s a thing in the water no one told me there was [ __ ] in the water guys that’s unsanitary don’t let there be did you just slay me through a wall all right look I’m going to say

That that was that was murder yeah worst in the water oh snap yes go go go go no okay I got murdered by the worst this time ironically I did super great the first time and then this time not so great slightly less good ah yes the

Drown didn’t look very drowned to me it looked perfectly fine why in the world am I not able to get this look you’re you’re giving me performance anxiety I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m just doing terribly it’s not you it’s definitely me okay we’re just going to make that

Jump run over to here Dodge on through run away look at me look at me run okay is he still chasing me oh oh oh yeah oh yeah hello oh waiting to hear the clang yep come on run from the clanging posidon is that you why are you

So mad bro why you so mad why you so mad posidon why you so mad huh why you so mad hold on my avoidance oh gosh he still he shot me in the bomb you are the worst I just got shot into bum by the worst fantastic my day is

Complete no no it’s not not yet hello oh yeah here here we go here we go trying to get my avoidance back on keep on running go go go go we’re headed back oh my goodness oh okay no we’re we’re so dead we’re so freaking dead got

It we made it look at me I’m professional I am so profession professional um this is a parkour challenge too oh my it’s almost like they know what I struggle with and they’re hoping that I can get better see what I’m saying yeah see what I’m

Saying look at that I got so much better right there look we’ve we’ve been improved what can I say see made it to level two of the parkour challenge so good oh hot dang so that’s going to have to be a jump Crouch wow we’re already getting into advanced stuff loving

It advanced stuff that I can’t complete oh so we need to do a normal jump and then Crouch at the last second probably I I hate this block right here I’m not g to lie I hate that block like but goodness no don’t Channel your hate or your

Anger um I must I do what I must because I can um now where to maybe over to that maybe jelly said said no no I said no to jelly do I go on to the side here or am I supposed to jump to these things I’m assuming it’s just getting progressively

Harder is really what they’re trying to do oh was doing so well until I fell um and then that’s the end of it over there are there like are there going to be those in the dungeon gosh I hope so okay this is the way up and I’m assuming the

Way down is somewhere else hello I need to find the elevator that takes me below um rides of Shame taken don’t break the cactus kind of I kind of want to now I kind of I kind of want to um so we have a lot of stuff a lot of places that

We could go to there’s a sun in the sky you know how I feel birds flying in hi well there are no birds cuz this is Minecraft the only bird is a chicken and it’s cursed to also be a duck I don’t know if you knew this but

Uh that’s a Minecraft fact for you right there boom Minecraft facts giving you all the oh is that is that an arrow yes it is oh look at that oh my ankles the humanity all right we’ll we’ll just toss that in there it’ll be fine it’s good my ankles have never felt

So alive hey look we’re GNA go meet jelly again well or whatever Jelly’s friend’s name is jerk face lasagna pasta oh man let’s try and find this here okay we toss those into there we quickly sleep in our bed Our Deck and items will be returned there so now we try it again

Man we have it on easy right that’s the one we want we wait for the mine cart and now we fail again FYI level has to set first um am I doing it wrong I I I think we did it I think it’s good I well don’t worry I wasn’t going

To run down here should I should I run down though think about it hit the but Buton I’m going for it if the level’s not set then I’ll just die and I mean the shame will be fine don’t worry we’ll be good to go uh you’re good just make sure to sh set

Your lever before you place your Shuler if you put your Shuler you’re probably going to be okay was that the warden I feel like it was the warden okay so we’re looking for our artifact which it’s back by lasagna it’s freaking backed by lasagna y’all okay cards we have like two

Cards okay so practicing avoidance is good oh that’s the exit oh that’s good to know unless you’re like me and you just you don’t worry about an exit right we we’re not worried about an exit strategy we’re worried about an entrance strategy oh got through fantastic I wonder wonder if there’s any

Food up in here probably oh gosh these noises are terrifying these noises are scary okay so my one big buddy over there was over there oh my goodness he’s still here go go go go go go go go go okay so uh are you kidding me no unacceptable un freaking

Acceptable there’s another one right there oh good oh joy oh joy NOP go go go go it’s fine it’s I I did a little bit better I did a little bit better take that feels bad man well that was our second run on easy mode and apparently

Um yeah those guys there’s a lot more of them than I thought I was like we can just get around this one guy no no you can’t lasagna has friends lasaga has friends y’all that hurt my heart that’s okay we’re just going to have to figure it out and hopefully get

More because I’m once I run out of shards I mean I’m Shard out of luck I’m up Shard creek without a paddle if you know what I’m saying I’ve worked too Shard to lose it all you know you know eh in the end it doesn’t even matter

Though it starts with one Shard I don’t know why it doesn’t even matter unless you try keep that in mind I designed this RH true explain in due time all I know why are you what no don’t throw more shards how am I supposed to learn if I

If you just give me things no I want my carrots back I’m going to put those there okay maybe I’ll take like half of them or all of them just don’t tell chat it’s fine we’ll put we’ll put like one in here for somebody to discover maybe

At some point they’ll be like whoa free shards and it’s at technically one so it’s just free Shar right and if you’re unsure as to whether or not I’m saying Shard or shart now then yeah think think about it I also don’t want want to stop uh I don’t want to

Stop other people who are more serious than me from from you know playing through this and by more serious I mean more talented okay it’s going to close up and then be ready to go I have one ready are are you ready yet oh it’s got to

Reset does it take like a while I’m assuming it does it takes some time you know all right set my uh my Waypoint there for it we need crowns and things interesting hello there book The Burning tar to unlock this fourth and final level must work together and find 20

Hidden Idols well I’m so close I mean I’ve almost got one so I mean that’s like essentially we’re 19 and a half of the way there note the block those Idols rest upon replicated here replacing the snow under each Idol I could leave it or I

Could take the book I’m going to leave it I’m going to leave it I’m going to leave it it’s fine you’re the first person I watched on YouTube I mean I kind of left twitch a long while ago I’ve been debating multi streaming there but I would give

Up partnership to do so um you know it’s it’s a whole thing let’s not get into it if you ever need to like pick my brain on why I can explain why it’s just I yeah I’ve been playing I’ve been playing uh Halo and I have my third episode up

Right now which is great that’s been awesome modded Halo it’s so wonderful unlock the burning dark the honah honka Burning Love and it takes like five minutes to reset oh okay well so it makes sense as to why there’s a waiting time I can just stand around on people’s heads and just

Crouch walk my way over people’s heads gradually right people are going to be like why why are you doing that and then if you don’t explain it it just makes it all the more disconcerting directions upstairs oh ooh ooh directions wait a minute what press the button here this is the sound of

Acquiring your artifact but beware stealing an artifact angers the dungeon spirits and gives you three Clank and it also gives you a crap ton of empty pages when you enter a dungeon you’ll receive the compass follow it throw the compass on the ground because littering is apparently dope as you explore

Throughout the dungeon you will sometimes make a noise called Clank when you hear a Shrieker activated you just increase your Clank level higher Clank levels cause your heartbeat to race and echo through the dungeon make too much Clank and the spirits of the dungeon will awaken to devour you some cards can

Block your future Clank ooh it’s like deferring Clank taxes oh hell yeah so good this will uh queue up and be displayed on your map awesome when Clank is blocked you’ll hear this tiptoe sound I don’t know if that’s actually the sound I’m making them up as I

Go um every two minutes a stumble card will be added to your draw pile of cards the longer you stay the more stumbles you’ll be drawing stumble cards do not return to your deck upon being played or discarded it doesn’t really explain what a stumble card does but I assume it makes you

Stumble um Hazard goes up steadily over time when you are in the dungeon and also the dungeon is now ready and active to go oh there’s a historic AFK room it’s part of the Smithsonian dang I think we’re ready to rock do you want to participate in the

Tourney uh I don’t know maybe not right now but I’ll I’ll think about it I only stream once a week so we only stream on Thursdays which I absolutely eny enjoy and love but uh yeah stumble adds two Clank oh interesting so it’s basically the All-American Clank rejects I I see I see

Where this is going Clank Clank Clank from the tendrils of this shulker box going to mess you up oh snap can you help me find a way to on again I’m scared we’re going to die we probably are I need to learn and to do so that means brutally throwing

Myself to the mercy of lasagna oh yeah we’re going to ride on um that was rude this is an amazing achievement in Redstone just just this just this all right so we’ve got our map and it tells me how much Clank I get Clank block okay so level one artifact is

Probably always in the same direction I’m assuming if I’m running around too much I’m generating Clank that’s what I’m assuming so I’m going to try to just walk normally and see what we can do and I ideally not get the Clank okay I don’t want Clank I don’t want Clank I’m scared of

Meeting lasagna but I know lasagna is in this direction I know that the the lasagna is this way crap lasagna saw me so there was that and lasagna’s cousins are here too yay it’s a whole lasagna family oh my goodness I’ve run into an entire family of lasagnas which makes this even

Better gosh don’t I love being able to hate lasagnas I know I do okay I don’t think I can actually get over to that but ow ow ow ow ow give me those berries thank you I’m scared for my life oh and also the berries wait they got food in the

Dungeons well that’s good um the problem is I’m still going to have to go and deal with this aren’t we you have to sneak to technically avoid Clank oh okay so we have to sneak to avoid Clank but I’ve already made enemies in this dungeon the hell was that somebody’s

Murdering cats up in here somebody’s murdering a bunch of cats up in here and it’s really disconcerting cats are wonderful creatures leave them the hell alone okay okay okay okay okay okay oh boy the shriek is Clank oh gosh no we’re about to get murdered

Again okay okay okay go go go go go did we move him out of here no no we did not no we did not there was there was no way across I can see where we can get across from this other side here but like I thought we had drawn him away

Unfortunately it didn’t work out that way I wish there was like a space where I could give more shards just to go again you know what I mean that would be nice that would be really nice is to be like let’s do it again the shriek is the

Clank that kind of sucks it means that I got a lot of Clank uh reset your spawn point do not forget your deck of cards I mean but what if I want to forget it then I won’t ever get to uh won’t ever get to do anything right right I got it

Right the poison to kill Cusco the poison men from Cusco cusco’s poison it’s all coming together I like how it says be patient look I’m Canadian this is like half my job it’s it’s just how it works pull the lever crun wrong Le so good my favorite my absolute favorite from The Emperor’s New Groove is is cron but specifically the scene where he’s like sneaking through [ __ ] right [Laughter] it’s so fantastic one of my favorite things honestly the Ridiculousness of it just the whole like long oh phenomenal I say that quote all

The time it’s it’s true it’s a fantastic quote though when you have to pull the button or push the Clank or whatever see I I tried to Clank with the rest of them but um failed abysmally right right is it still resetting it’s still resetting the resetti spaghetti is happening hey

We can go learn more about this from the educational Master library that I just kind of skipped through Hazard goes up steadily over time while you’re in a dungeon as it increases more of the pathways will be closed off and more traps will be activated ignoring Hazard

Will make your journey back home a very difficult one when Hazard increases you’ll hear this crumbling sound some cards can block future Hazard when hazard’s blocked you’ll hear this sound that you can’t hear right now but you will hear it um and then this one here is Frost

Embers Frost Embers may drop at random location treasure can include coins crowns keys to the next level when treasure drops nearby you may hear this sound that you can’t hear right now Frost Embers are used to buy new cards and victory Toms when a frost Ember

Drops nearby you may hear again a sound that you can’t here right now but you’ll also get a bunch of really inexpensive things oh I’m just going to enjoy the AFK spot here for the moment look at look at that how nice is this Hazard is the one that

Increases and closes the the paths and stuff right Clank is this one we hear a Shrieker activate you increase your Clank level um make too much Clank and the spirits of the dungeon will awaken to devour you some cards can block it that’s how you know you’ve been Clank

Blocked which some people will be like that sounds a little bit too much like something else and I’m like yeah totally like you know um when someone blocks you in a parking space in costore Ikea duh I know exactly what you’re talking about um when Clank is blocked you’ll hear tiptoeing

Sounds because it means you’re dancing around the Clank which is super good so more Crouch equal good is what I’m hearing here is be really careful you can’t reduce Clank or Hazard but you can block them there are cards to block uh Clank and Hazard which I don’t have let’s see I have

Sneak which is a card which is block two of something and I have treasure hunter which is plus $4 do I know what the dollars are no do I care also no but we’ll figure it out as we go right this is what we do we just goop toss one

Of those in there have it be in use I do love this this makes me think of Stargate sg1 all right we’re powering it up okay but if I get to be anyone I want to be like tilk all right tilk is dope I have one question can I please please be

Tilk uh remove all of your gear M all of this gear that I have yeah it’s it’s an extensive list but it is what it is and then ride the minecart I like how it says step one and I wanted to just change it which is all

Good um we need to ride this way I’m on my way into the dep are the dungeon um this could kill me they do say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger oh allegedly except with the amount of spaghetti that I’ve met I would say what what kills you is usually

Spaghetti and lasagna what doesn’t kill you is probably not a mob and also is most likely a completely inanimate object so do I have to like sneak through this entire dungeon is that like is this the best way to move forward is just to be like the slowest survival of

The of the least Speedy I like to live my life as a turtler I am a turtler what the hell was that sounds like something that eats turtas I’m concerned now I would I need to live my life as a turtler but a smart turtler that does not

Die I’m I’m hearing like real sketchy [ __ ] I’m just throwing it out there I’m here some real sketchy stuff I don’t want to die I want to live boom b boom okay the one concern that I have is I’m 99.9% certain that I’m going to have to go through the halls of

Lasagna and the problem with that is lasagna don’t like me I like lasagna but lasagna don’t like me okay you know what and uh lasagna’s friends are absolutely the worst oh my goodness okay so we’re trying this whole avoidance thing which was kind of working out but

Also was not okay which way do I have to go still this way huh go go go go go I feel like they’re right on my heels right now okay wait did I just pass it please tell me I didn’t just pass it what was that oh my

Goodness okay I feel like we must have like cruised past it here at some point it’s showing it over to the side nope nope nope nope not that way okay we’re gonna go up this way oh shoot he’s right there okay hold up nope that this was not it it’s got to be

Over on the other side it’s got to be over on the other side where he is like 99% sure it’s right there hello okay okay okay can we bring him this way oh my goodness okay I feel like we’re basically here I feel like it’s literally right there oh my

Goodness come on go go go go go go go go go I feel like it’s like legit right freaking here oh my goodness is that it holy Magikarp we need to get out of here go go go go go go go go go go I don’t know the way

Back I don’t know the way back but I think it’s this way I don’t know where I’m going but I’m afraid for my life M it’s fine don’t worry about it what could possibly go wrong oh like 99% sure it’s literally right here got it oh baby um no that’s

Not the exit this is go to the exit down you go okay all right I’ll listen to you did we make it out relinquish your artifact [ __ ] no it’s mine I earned it no I’m not giving you back back the artifact it’s mine I got it in the

Dungeon forget that noise people going to be like you just need to give it up you can get the artif fake no I don’t want the artifac no artifact take the the path of the coward oh get an artifact inside the treasure room but I want this one I got six of

Them they’re the hood of wearing this Hood make you cause uncontrollable giggling fine I’ll throw it in there so what what is happening I I giv it it and I got nothing in return have to give it up to move forward I did don’t stop till you give it up come

On I tried there’s there’s a hole here but I’m going to wait woo I just got six Decked Out Frost Ember uh um which is good oo I can buy literally nothing except for this one moment of Clary tea M I like tea tea is delicious one Victory T three Victory

Toms or five Victory Toms ooh so it gets cheaper every time you buy them nice um 66 Frost Embers for nothing but you can buy lots of stuff with frost Embers for nothing press the button for your official art of fake TM 20 Frost Embers for plus seven gain run speed for 15

Seconds uh there’s a lot of expensive cards but none of them that I can buy right now so I can probably buy this somehow H maybe I put them in there and it counts them down and then it gives me one maybe I may have been defrauded I may have been defrauded but

It’s fine don’t worry they’re preparing my deep fake of this card right now you too can get a Moment of clarity for $6 that you will never receive um I just I clicked it and I got one back what happened oh you’re going to try it

Out okay I like how you just show up here in the winter Circle what what the what there’s still two left there but nothing has shown up still um it’s not there something broke I guess that’s okay I have a map though you can have the map if you would

Like something broke cool all right so my first run and all I got was this art of fake wonderful press the button for your official art of fake loving it thank you Fireball okay that’s probably also going to be up there isn’t it um there’s this which has got nothing and then we have to take the coward’s way out right glorious exit of supreme Victory but there there’s not even an e up in here you could have

Totally built an e into this wall you could have built an e right here for the victor e a golden e that guides you to Victor E this is a missed opportunity do you not see the eor of your ways oh man gosh trying to explain people these puns it’s difficult H and

Just a note for future reference you know if you’re desiging another one in the future four crowns equals one four coins equals one Crown I didn’t even get coins was I supposed to get coins I don’t even I don’t even know I’m just going to what put this in here

And place all coins and crowns into the barrel I got nothing here have a map you’re welcome to my oh my map’s gone I gave them my map oh my goodness um I was slain by nothing but I survived decked out fanastic okay look at that our initial win oh man

Um thank you thank you thank you thank you uh the shriek is Clank the Shrek the Shrek is Clank and I shall be Lord farquad oh my goodness I did get Moment of clarity wearing this Hood may cause uncontrollable giggling can I wear it

Can I legit put it on please tell me no I can’t all right well that’s fine oh you only have to push the button if you lose but otherwise you don’t have to push it that’s super good oh man I should reset over here just in

Case and we should go and put some of this stuff back in our other black shulker that’s over here in my sweet sweet Abode of Glory I’m in this Abode of Glory uh and I’ve got a couple shards here too which is nice look at look at

Those look at those shards that are left wonderful we can take five of them with us to to to do stuff so I can throw this down now and add in Moment of clarity which sounds pretty sick block two which is nice plus four gold plus two Ember

Thingamabobs well that’s awesome so yeah this is pretty fun this is like a a constant little deck battle simulat which we’ll have to do I got to stop by uh Timmy’s oh yeah oh man ooh look at those so many fancy ones that’s very

Nice oh we need to try and get like more is essentially what we’re going to have to do though if we want more we must work harder better faster stronger work it better do it faster everybody something something more than ever hour after hour work is never over

Got to work it harder make it or do it faster makes us more than ever oh oh oh our work is never over all right so now we know the sneaking must be done this we’re aware of this is the Voyages of the Starship gutter

Prize EAS my EAS put your hands in the air A oh my goodness Emma did you put your did you put your hands in the a just wondering I need to know this is for posterity so be honest okay so lots of sneaking is required I dislike that it’s pointing me back in the same direction we were in

Beforehand mostly just because of the fact that it feels like death awaits me there due to a family of lasagnas we got lasagna maybe there’s ricotta cheese maybe a nice pepperoni no it’s not going to be a full-blown pepperoni it be like pepperoni CH yes like the pepperoni Peppers but not the

Pepperonis the repping pepperonis okay so where in the world is this hold on it’s way over the hell to the side there no no no now it’s like pointing me back almost almost but not quite this is going to be a pain isn’t it I think we’re going to get

Murdered oh there’s a sneaky area here okay okay I see you you definitely see me but like maybe me luring you over here is a good thing maybe you can buy me time oh is that a coin hold up did I just pick up money yeah I did

That that ladies and gentlemen is a ravager I don’t like this I don’t I don’t like this I don’t like this it’s literally camping me oh gosh it’s literally camping me not cool man super freaking uncool the other one’s like camping right there I can almost guarantee you

That I don’t like this at all so one’s camping over on the far side here so no matter what I do I’m in the danger mode I’m in the danger zone H way to the danger zone see it’s literally right there literally right there please don’t see me please don’t

See me please don’t see me okay we’re gonna try and sneak around him he’s gonna have a clear shot of me right here though isn’t he no ironically they’re not oh my goodness careful now we got to keep an eye out I feel like we need to be like sneaky about it

Regardless I hear something nope we got to peace out oh my goodness there’s another one right there isn’t there oh Magikarp no no no no no oh my goodness oh my goodness oh crap we got another one didn’t we is this it or no we’re so going to die does this go

Further oh my goodness okay I don’t like this for the record this is really deep in here and we haven’t found a berry bush oh thank goodness literally right there a berry bush oh so good some sweet berries for your consideration I found four monies and the caves of Carnage coin

Um yeah this is this is not at all the direction that I was hoping this would go in uh it’s showing me all the way the heck over there crap um this is absolutely nerve-wracking okay looking around the corners oh shoot yep there’s one right there okay it’s telling me further this

Way but I’m not seeing anything crap oh crap is he coming up here or no okay can you not make it up here or what’s what’s the deal man no oh I got caught on the Block I got murdered by lasagna My One True nemesis H the carbs the ricotta cheese the

Deliciousness spin guys the freaking spinach they’re like it will be your downfall it already is dang come on this is so nerve-wracking it is hard to know where to go with the compass like I got to say that is not like that is not a Precision instrument okay okay gness struck down

By Italy once again I’ve never been happier strike me down Italy and I will have more carbs than I could possibly imagine oh strike me down Italy every single time spaghetti rigat Tony all the all the please bring it right to my stomach I’m in

Oh they’ve got they’ve got the key to my heart through my stomach they know what’s up take dang this is much more challenging than I thought it would be uh especially cuz they’re using freaking ravagers yeah don’t worry all that could happen is that you’ll be slain yeah I I realized that

Um it hurts my heart it’s wonderful oh I mean the ironic part about it is that we get to like just do the Brute Force stuff I’m not even joking we can like Brute Force this 100% wait so we lose everything except for the two did it use

The card oh that’s why we got all that extra treasure oh that makes so much more sense now it was like get more treasure your rewards will be many and we’re like and then they robbed us of everything that we’ve ever had dungeon master access only do not enter that

Seems more like a suggestion than a than a like command you know what I’m saying you only use lose ethereal cards a but I want to keep them I want to keep them how can I catch them all if I don’t keep them though that’s the real question right think about

It this is not Pokemon cutness well it could be that sounds more more like a choice than it does like an actual feature you know what I mean that’s where somebody just sat there and was like I want to make this not like Pokemon I can’t catch them all

Now first I was afraid I was petrified concerned that available inhalable in use Caboose resetti spaghetti exactly we’re waiting on the resetti spaghetti to do its magic and then we will be able to just fire in one of our Frozen charts okay we do have this whole like

Waiting room though that we could go and check out I I am assuming that we can do more like breaking the cactus I’m not going to but I want I want it to be on the record that I thought about it and then promptly was like nah that seems

Rude okay I want on the record that I did the right thing as a Canadian was like hey I’m just I’m just not going to break this don’t go break in my Cactus I could but I didn’t try oh hold on what if I get Restless oh you’re not that

Kind what a burn when you think about it with the don’t go break in my heart you’re not that kind like think of think of that saying to someone you’re not that kind is like actually super Rude why because it just means they’re not nice allegedly oh it breaks the Mine Card a

Think about it look maybe it does maybe it doesn’t maybe it does maybe it doesn’t I know you’re telling me it does but maybe that’s an elaborate ruse maybe you’re sent here by lasagna that’s right maybe you’re sent here by lasagna lasagna is trying to stop me from achieving my goals and

Dreams right think about it again seems unlikely but is it but is it I think lasagna could do such a thing why devious they’re a devious gwag of Doom and gloriousness they murder you they murder you like this but then you know you’re alive afterwards allegedly and stuff

Happens um these go in there I need to set my sleepy patterns I need to go back on through into here make sure it’s still set to easy cuz that would be a rude awakening that one will get shoved into here my cards are ready to

Go my cart is awaiting for me take me my sweet chariot into these mindes of Doom I’m not ready ready for this I’m not ready for this trust me when I say that I’m Ill prepared I mean we’re going to die what is this forgot

To put away all your items put them in this Barrel um I I didn’t I didn’t though do you want me to jump in here I I didn’t though oh that could have been problematic oh it’s another one of these ones that could be like really good for

Us to find wait could could it literally spawn anywhere in the map could I like wander into here and be like oh there it is right here is that possible like is it possible that we could literally find one just like right next to us and be like oh yeah it’s right here

That would be just one wonderful why is it showing it so far away in backwards I don’t like that that’s not good this is just showing it like a weird we’re already pointing back towards the entrance how does that make any sense oh wait but there’s this oh

There’s this hidden one over here right I forgot about that there’s this one with the the big Angry poundy guy over here right right it spawns where the bell sound is okay I heard the Bell but didn’t really see the Bell it’s more auditory than it is visual I am a visual learner

Oh crap um oh holy crap Hi you you didn’t see me you didn’t see anything you saw nothing you saw legitimately nothing I am terrified lasagna could be here lasagna could be here oh my goodness okay okay okay okay careful why did that not work careful careful oh my

Goodness okay we got to sneak we got to sneak through danger depth charges in use oh that’s good I’m going to die can I open chests and stuff could there be like money in chests or or is that a bad idea guys there are secrets in chests

Sometimes okay great to know can there also be things that explode me and murder me asking for a friend who is also me who’s kind of paranoid um oh that didn’t work I thought it was right here Magikarp okay there aren’t things that can kill me that’s good to

Know so we’ll just keep going this way and hope that we don’t die um no but one will trap you oh Magikarp why why is it pointing it straight this way okay why is it why is it that this seems like it’s just literally right freaking over here

Somewhere it absolutely feels like it’s right over here am I nuts I’m I’m throwing it over here because it feels like it’s here oh my goodness maybe there’s like a deeper further way maybe beneath the lake there is still a deeper darker green or something like that

Um it just feels like it’s that way still am I nuts for thinking that see I hear the Bell again but I can’t tell where it’s at I am literally just going deeper into here which is a horrible idea yeah it’s taking me further away I feel like going back and trying

To find the bell sound oh there’s a bell there’s a there’s a thing here nice I need those we’re so low on health oh my goodness am I wrong for thinking that this is where it probably is am I wrong for thinking that we could be something for real yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh I feel like it’s up here oh my goodness look am I am I nuts it just feels like it’s there look it’s pointing me back towards that and I don’t see any way forward ah like legit it’s showing it here but I can’t go around it it’s not

There I’m looking around trying to see what we got man there is a secret passageway up here um oh like this way okay hold on I’m looking around I’m trying to find ones or are you talking about up there all right I’m looking around but I can’t see

Nothing if I close my eyes I can’t see nothing surprisingly oh here we go over here look for me you’re over there oh well oh there’s a secret passageway over here is what you’re saying oh there is a place to go further gotcha and that’s what I was

Seeing Oh I got to go nice and slow though and hopefully not die oh oh oh oh oh oh oh thank you very much I think this is it the axe of the screaming void oh good I have extra Clank now that’s perfect this is precisely what I needed

With the axe of the screaming void more Clank for me equals more VBA um okay okay okay let’s see what we got going around here is there anyone evil nearby okay kind of hard to like to see what we got you know what I mean nope that was one right there well Magikarp

Um well magic Magikarp that was a problem we’re going to get murdered is he over there or is he over here well crap now I’m in the water all right now we just got to run for it oh my goodness okay careful careful please tell me right over

Here oh my goodness we just got to go we just got to freaking go go go go go go go go go go please don’t kill me I don’t want to die oh my goodness second run completed go go go go go go go go down you go

Okay we’re fine we’re good we made it oh my goodness the axe of the screaming void I do that sometimes anybody else anybody else scream into the void sometimes just to see how it feels escape the crushing depths of Agony of society I mean come on we’ve all done it at least

Once all right we’re waiting on it it should give us some stuff ooh seven we got seven of them now all right so there’s six here there’s seven there for frost numbers that gives us sneak which blocks two or there’s this one which blocks two okay Moment of clarity is way better like

No no disrespect to the other one but Moment of clarity is way better let’s see what happens oh there we go it zipped down excellent all right so now we have the monies we can also get our uh artif fake which is awesome we can go through here through

The improperly shown Victory area which just hurts four coins equal um One Crown okay so we can’t even get a crown right now which kind of sucks but that’s okay uh I can’t take the frost Embers with me I’m assuming so that’s too bad but you know what

That’s just how it works you can’t take it with you oh we survived Decked Out sort of we still died but we survived kind of sort of yeah which is good I think maybe um we can toss this one down throw that into there excellent and we now

Have our sweet sweet fighty stick it’s it’s an axe of the screaming void which I’m wondering if it works huh the Redstone is mine I dropped it by accident I’m going to put it over here with the coffee stuff I’m putting it in your coffee chest which is technically your teal thing good

Luck wait who’s got a teal one in the middle there wow somebody’s got a place of honor dang um that’s my tournament assets one and here’s where I got my replicas the legendary axe that never stops shredding take me all the way where to Canada of course I want to get away

Don’t worry you eventually can except for polar bears and stuff you can’t get away from them not easily at least two diamonds ooh training wheels not for turning block 15 oh man you can throw diamonds into here and get that back that’s amazing um dungeon Lackey refresh the

Shop for two crowns random key mystery item tactical approach pork chop power drops two cooked pork chops at the dungeon entrance uh pay to win and totem power drops one dungeon totem at the dungeon entrance so that’s just like literally a direct win that’s kind of great and then Frozen

Shards 10 crowns because if you’ve if you’ve ever wanted to Shard well you know that the shards must be done okay so they have all these leaderboards and stuff here as you can see bunch of people doing really well um or is the snow like is the snow showing

What happens no idea no idea how that’s working so far but we do have have reset spaghetti happening uh I got nothing in my in chest cuz we haven’t done literally anything here upgrading your gear your gear so only one person is winning so far how you winning Son I I would assume that you are oh oh look the door is open my time has come H oh uh what the hell was that okay I’m assuming you just have magical powers that you activated somehow somehow someway o this Redstone is dope like legit whoever did this so good

Good luck thank you I feel like I am getting better already genuinely which is why I’m not going to uh the harder one yet at all yeah because I’m trying to improve and get better at running away from the CRA like giant monsters they can kill you I’m running away from

Lasagnas lasagna makes me fear for my life it’s a ravager lasagna’s a ravager okay I’m not actually afraid of lasagna unless that lasagna is like some real madeup crap hey there are some people who create lasagnas that have no business being lasagnas look I’m just putting that out

There right now if you make a lasagna where you’re like don’t worry it’s got no noodles it’s got no sauce it’s got It’s not a lasagna it’s not a lasagna anymore all right and that’s okay you’re allowed to make a lasagna that’s not a lasagna but I’m just throwing it out

There it’s not a lasagna maybe you’re making stew that’s good too but lasagnas are a pretty like solidified thing we know what lasagnas are okay oh my goodness so we are trying to oh boy we’re gon to just go cautiously around this one pretending like they can’t see me oh oh there’s

Berries hold up I’mma need those oh sorry I thought it was playing me happy birthday it’s not my birthday but I just thought it was very conscientious the dungeon’s going above and beyond it’s wishing me a happy birthday is it your birthday hell no but look I appreciate the

Sentiment I’m not going to say no oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh it’s on me we’re just gonna go this way and no no it literally came from freaking nowhere okay did anyone else see that one arrive like hot breath literally had a I’m just I’m

Throwing that out there I I like showed up wandered around was like there’s no one here stood over in the back there’s no one here walk forward to the only place that I can jump from and then they’re just like [Laughter] hello bull crap there a lot of [ __ ] right there I’m

Just throwing that out there it really really legitimately is wish we could just like retry right away it takes some time to reload this but this just how it works enjoy your evening thanks for hanging out oh snap oh also thank you for the mod Tad in that’s very helpful because that way

I can hear people and like converse with with the individuals in the earth of Minecraft which yeah I’ve missed Minecraft I got to like I got to warm up I’m used to running from Withers not ravagers maybe I’ll have to like add that in at some point to uh other

Playthroughs we go go in to make sure that I’m like better balanced yeah it’s cool we’ll just have like run run ravager behind us and so I can catch up and you know give me a little bit of a Minecraft workout that sounds like a great idea ravager’s

Giving us just that little extra workout all right we’re waiting on it um I did push the button right did I I I I’m not sure whether or not I did we’ll we’ll push the button again just in case if we broke it we broke it and then

We lose everything that that’s fine we can always go and like turn around and and run out and work on some vanilla stuff because I don’t have a place yet in the world by the way I don’t have like an actual place that I live here

This is the only thing I’ve done on the server so far so technically we don’t even have a casa masasa is nonexistent it’ll be good if you do break it let me know oh I totally could there’s a there’s a cactus out there that I’m confident I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding

Partly I’m kidding partly okay so we have our frozen assets one I’m kind of bummed cuz we lost that really snazzy one we had before you know what I mean there was a really really snazzy thing we had now it’s gone which makes me a little bit

Sad sadly I want to uh I want to find a little bit of stuff you can see they’re like wow there’s ping it’s true ping is the thing we’ll try one more of these and then maybe what I’ll do is swap on over our uh stuff to a

Vanilla little bit of a vanilla building and we might go and adventure and try and find a ourselves a home cuz that is something that we don’t have yet you know what I mean and we need to build ourselves a home here I don’t know where my home is and I need

To know where that is that I can actually have a place to exist on the server woo it’s necessary this is such a cool like build whoever built this in vanilla kudos to them deck decked out to like I do not have the patience to put something like this together and I’m so

Thankful that someone does because this is awesome I absolutely would love to see more builds like this the funny thing is with deck out 2 that means there’s a deck out one out there somewhere what does that mean it’s somewhere out there not that I know

Where or you know I could probably find it but hey deck out 2 is probably a better iteration you know what I mean it’s got more stuffs and additional death I’m assuming um yeah so it takes about five minutes they were saying to reset it’s a shame there’s no

Teleportation because I would totally set up a base and then just teleport to it there we go and just be like you fly over to that one work on some stuff at home come back you know 40 minutes later when I’ve forgotten all about this and then do it

Again because what could be better than trying it again look at this phenomenal all right let’s uh make sure that we set our bed spawn stuff and now we can fire this one back up we’re going back into easy mode sadly we died and so therefore we must do

Again with only the limited deck that we’ve got Oh my goodness we’re going to find Cusco oh boy oh lava face we’ll get them we’ll get them this time forgot to put all of your items away put it in the barrel um I don’t own anything look I’m really flattered that people think that I could technically have stuff but I

Don’t um oh I think it’s this way this time hold on is there another way around this way oh oh there is okay I don’t think we’ve ever gone this way before interesting there’s more stuff this way which ultimately means there’s more lasagnas this way um and More Death this

Way because lasagnas and death go together although we were killed by somebody different this time oh they didn’t it didn’t reload my stuff yet all right all right all right it’s okay oh my goodness I saw him he saw me but we just we’re strangers in the

Night we passed each other we islands in the the stream that is what we are no one in between how could we be wrong stay away with me to another world oh gosh oh gosh no no no he’s still coming oh gosh as is this one crap it’s back in that corner isn’t

It yes it is no freaking way no freaking way there’s no way it’s a dead end I’m disappointed I’m disappointed there’s there was no way guys there was no freaking way there’s a dead end on that side there why would there be a dead end just with nowhere to go

To kill you gness oh yes yeah that right right the poison to kill Cusco cusco’s poison look at him he’s got that [ __ ] stringy music thing it’s called a harp oh man that movie is just so good y’all did you know that when they were working on The Emperor’s New Groove they

Didn’t actually have a script so one fun thing that that exists is that Disney has this like Archive of all the scripts that they’ve ever worked on right so they turned to the uh they turned to the director at the end of it and we like

Hey we need you to send us the emperor’s new grooves um like we we need you to send us the script and they’re they were just like we don’t have one because they literally wrote a bunch of skits and then just stapled them all together into something that kind of made sense which

Is why you have like that whole race back to the um you have that whole race back to the to the palace and then Kon and Emma fall out of existence by getting like struck by lightning and then they’re just like how did you get back before us and they’re

Like I don’t really know cuz it doesn’t need to make sense it doesn’t have to make sense it’s a party adventure Wonderland oh yes you party adventure is Wonderland um we’ll toss this one down perfect can I not place this in here no you can’t place a shulker in a shulker

Right right right right right right okay we will place our shulker next to our shulker um that’s that’s my deck right there fantastic we got some Netherrack which is wonderful um I forgot to ask if this was in like the Overworld I think it is because you know of How It’s

Positioned I almost want to build my my base within visual range of this but I’m also uh aware that that might be a terrible horrible life choice due to well the dungeon underneath which I’m assuming is a noo Zone we’re not supposed to do the touchy no touchy so imposing I love it

Plus I don’t think there’s any way off of this which is just like a drop door dep okay so there’s that for now oh my goodness is this the breadcrumbs that I left for myself I’m pretty dang sure it is because I don’t have the ability to fly

Everybody else does but I don’t and that’s fine we’re going to go and try and build something I think at the moment um um this is wonderful if this doesn’t lead us back to the center area then we’ll be in trouble and we’ll see what happens um and if it does great

We’ll try to go and and find ourselves a place to start building in this world in this world where decks and monsters have made me feel like an absolute nub although I haven’t played this game in five ever so I kind of am an absolute nub um um well that was good anybody

Else anybody else a little bit disconcerted by by wandering out into the darkness and seeing nothing loving it loving it um oh yeah here we go here we go we found something oh baby I don’t know if this is our place no that’s someone else’s thing that’s okay

That’s okay we’re finding our way forward hopefully we will find our way out of this deep dark dingy disastrous devilishly delicious daa I’m looking around trying to find all of the demons in my mind trying to tell me I can’t get Through I’m looking for the way out I’m hoping we can find it but I don’t know what we going to do all right where we where we at hello hello this this seems like I’m going a lot further than I remember we may end up near someone’s

House if so I will be your neighbor congratulations you’ve just gotten a free neighbor courtesy of you placing [ __ ] in the Nether on the top of it good job I’m proud of you you made it happen oh my goodness the only downside is um I I I don’t know if this ends when

This ends If I Could Turn Back Time I’d have gone the other way oh cuz I feel like I just made a horrible terrible mistake um following this to try and get to another portal that exists just somewhere else oh my goodness this is way further than I

Remember cuz I had to walk all the way to the deck out game and so now I’m just in the position where I’m like yeah I I distinctly have no recollection of it being way the hell out like this um but you know what maybe maybe this is a good

Call for me to get some like blue ice and and help this person out as a neighbor by building them a path on top of the nether with blue ice yeah so that I can and they can just you know um but there’s another path over here oh my goodness the paths are

Converging the convergence is nearing my death is imminent oh oh someone else has got like they got some sweet stuff up in here whose house we at the content hole okay I don’t know whose house this is but I’m going to um I’m going to just drop by their place Subspace

Bubble what uh the zoo okay this is someone else’s house oo look at all that wow horse rides wolf exhibits mushrooms God dang they got slots they got a restroom they got a petting zoo this is great somebody built like a village into a zoo I mean I’m very much into this this

Is super cool I also um I am a penguin but I’m not part of this exhibit okay like let’s just throw that out there I no no no but I do want to be their neighbor because then I can use their uh their portal to go and visit

Back to Central locations which I think makes a lot of sense hopefully they’re okay with having a neighbor if they’re not find me and kill me wow we’re going like straight up feudal oh hell yeah oh hell if they don’t want me there they’re going to

Have to do so by a show of force dunk lava on my buildings or set me up in a trap of Doom I mean all of these sound like absolutely reasonable insane things for people to do come on think about it this is just what we need to

Do I won’t do any of those things but if other people need to to show me the error of my ways because I’ve just you know encroached upon their domain I mean hey look I guess it’s just the price I pay Destiny is calling me open up my ears eer

Eyes cuz I’m Mr bright side oh my goodness also yes I am just going to take a bunch of their spruce trees um why that is a great question I am 100% as confused as you are um but it’s also my fault so don’t worry about

It let’s break these open but it’s just the price I pay Destiny is calling me oh man the killers are fantastic by the way if you ever get the chance to go see them in concert highly recommend super awesome uh I really love um what is that

Uh shot at the night give me a shot at the night give me a moment some kind of mysterious right you know what I’m talking about me the night such a great song honestly that’s the uh the one that starts with the once in a Lifetime we’re breaking all the Rules to find our way out oh yeah oh there’s chickens up in here oh heck yeah okay I like I like this place oh I see a fire of some kind though it’s usually a bad sign that means there’s neighbors here that actually care about their environments like this is a dope

Mountain and I kind of want to take that one over but it does encroach literally right next to that person it’s it’s legit directly right by their house which I feel like is rude you know what I’m saying I need to go a little bit further down here just to see what we

Can see and then maybe we decide to do like underwater base or something you know oh right it’s vanilla also there’s no crocodiles so here I was freaking out being like Oh no the crocodiles leave me no no they won’t the answer is what crocodiles goodness why are you worried about

Crocodiles okay look I’m worried about crocodiles because I normally have played modded and so therefore crocodiles are a much larger problem at those points in time okay crocodiles they’re part of the issue okay so this area here is not bad not bad at all now I haven’t found any sheeps which I absolutely

Need for educational purposes and also their death oh my ankles gosh I need those what was that gravity how dare you I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation oh my goodness no no no I want that back o ow ow ow eat some of these

Berries perfect grab a couple more of these once we are playing decked out but I am trying to get myself into a position where we can like get back over to uh the Decked Out game and maybe even have some things that give us like fancy bonuses you know what I’m

Saying cuz at the moment we’ve kind of been getting wrecked it’s true it’s true it’s harsh but it’s very true um we can make some stuff right now I feel like if I’m on this side of the mountain range it’s not really going to be an

Issue I know that’s just kind of an assumption on my part but I I feel like that is I feel like that’s going to be okay all right I don’t know if this is a great spot for us to start trying to build like an an underwater base

But right here I feel like a dome and then having it you know having it be just like a couple blocks underwat would be super dope seems like a really nice spot for it oh snap we need to also um start creating one of those magical little things

Called a hole for us to live in at the moment why because here it’s a great motivator allegedly is it a good motivator no but it sure gets you to get stuff done right away all right let’s um a shovel would have been real smart but uh I didn’t say I was real

Smart oh my goodness we’re going to die wait are we sleeping through the night cuz somebody else did nice through no fault or benefit of my own we are are sleeping through the night baby okay that’s that’s good so now that we are in here I can set up a

Door I can set up some torches so that we just we know this is where I live Perfect Look at that home sweet home dang it’s got like a door and everything oh my goodness you know what we should do we should try and make like a hobbit

Door now the reason I would say that is cuz it’s a circle so it technically defies all logic and shouldn’t even freaking be possible that’s that’s the main reason why I’m suggesting it why would you do that though well because I want to because I believe believe in

Me cuz I don’t believe in anything other than than Hobbits I guess oh snap oh and also the fact that Gandalf would have been like the worst person ever to take the ring which I mean totally y’all obviously Gandalf did the right thing and was like whoa I can’t take this ring

Because I’d be like more powerful and terrible than you can imagine but probably because they would be like one of those um lawful good he’d be like the lawful good wizard where he’d be awful right we all know about that you got to have a little bit of like bending the rules sometimes

For that cuz look not everybody’s you know not everybody’s always the bad guy gandal like how we’re like already trying to gang up on Gandalf um not everybody’s always the bad guy gandal no matter what you say uh we’ll dig down here perfect oh snap ak27 hi how you doing we

Are uh currently playing deed out to which uh is a vanilla thing ooh ooh 13 of 131 remaining oh it’s so low man we’re definitely going to have to uh build our build our space better here uh this is a an smpp of a bunch of awesome sauce content creators that uh I

Was asked to join and hang out on so right now I’m trying to start the adventure into finding diamonds because ain’t nobody got time for um my lack of ability to do stuff least of all me we got a couple wins to be fair in deck oute 2 we got a

Couple wins already which is awesome normal nor normal survival yes but it does have deck out 2 in it if you don’t know what that is it is a deck uh based Dungeon Crawler that was built in vanilla with redstone so it’s like crazy it’s great but it’s like some crazy stuff honestly

Highly recommend super fun but um yeah we’re basically playing normal Survival on an S&P yes cool yeah yeah super awesome they had it on like hermitcraft uh and then they I’ve never heard of it before but they threw it onto this server and then were like do

You want to play and I was like do I want to play a game oh are you like a mannequin looking guy that like kills people and they were like maybe and I was like I’m in and then I was like wait is your name like puzzle and they’re like no no no

It’s jigsaw and I was like oh obviously I’m safe I’ve got the best survival instincts hands freaking down oh yeah let’s go this way uh my question mark me L hello no no no no I wasn’t sorry I was making a rhetorical joke about uh there was a saw

Joke about the Saw movies where you know there’s the murderous dude named jigsaw it’s it’s all good yeah no no we’re we’re good we’re good he like does puzzles and stuff and makes the people the not living uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh it was more like saying it was a stranger who was

Like I have candy in my van and I was like dope Vans are cool you know but these are people I know so it’s all good don’t go with strangers who may or may not have candy they probably don’t and they’re most likely horrible and terrible please please do not do that

It’s a terrible horrible idea and I worry for your safety oh baby let’s toss that together into here oh I have these conversations with my own kids all the time where I’m like hey don’t do this and they’re like duh and I’m like like

Look you may say duh but still I got to be I got to be really clear here really freaking clear do not L go with the people known as The Strangers Like what about Doctor Strange obviously not him either he’s a stranger and he has strange in his freaking name

Also have you seen what happens in the Multiverse it’s not good no dude’s got some problems he needs to work through some of his stuff I highly recommend therapy therapy is good for everybody everybody should have a little bit of therapy but especially that dude he’s been having a tough time the

Whole Christine thing and like you know it’s rough all right it’s it’s rough it’s rough out there in general but it’s specifically for Mr strange I can 50/50 English that’s okay it’s all good what would would be your Prime primary language what would be like the your mother language the one you speak

Most fluently I only ask because I’m super interested in languages and I do speak like two languages fluently and one nonf fluently so um I speak French and I also speak a little bit of uh Spanish you’re from Germany awesome so you know obviously probably low German which is essentially Dutch

Um I do not speak low low German or Dutch but uhan wellcome on in I’ll have to ask more questions of like you know my my grandparents so I have an Opa who is still with us and he’s fantastic but yeah he’s from uh he’s from the Nethers

Yes okay we’ll break these down Germany’s a beautiful place I would love to visit my uh my wife got to visit Germany like a long time ago I’m trying to remember where she was at there they had some like crazy Wicked awesome like Cathedrals there that are straight up

Scary like if it wasn’t in a populated area and you’d be like oh vampires live there you know you’re just like oh yes something is coming to kill and eat me m the beautiful historical landmark of death uh let’s go this way Germany is cold and often has rain ah nice it’s

Okay I’m from Canada so it is always cold and often has snow it gets hot in the summer but we rarely get to talk about that because no one cares everyone’s like it’s hotter here the only time times we get to brag is when we’re like we could die if we go

Outside cuz it’s too cold that is an accurate statement though so this last little bit we had uh we had like minus 40 to minus 50 temperatures Celsius which is nuts Canada is an amazing country thank you yes I mean other than the wildlife and the cold trying to murder us is pretty

Good you know there is that whole thing with with mooses we have the the Moose the me um they can and will put a stop to you if you’re not careful like you say that so joyfully yeah it’s cuz I know to fear them but

Also I don’t mess with them so it’s kind of like one of those things we’re like hey we got no beef we got no beef oh durability is low oh no whatever will I do yes I just buried my my uh broken pickaxe in the wall don’t judge

Me don’t judge me can you make a speed run I would have to practice so much it’s been a long time since I played Minecraft like it’s been well over a year and a half since I’ve actually jumped into doing Minecraft and I love me some Minecraft but it’s just been a

While we usually do modded here on the channel so I like to play a lot of modded and then that’s what I did uh as a twitch streamer for a long time so I was uh I was a twitch streamer SL partner for a very long time um yeah

Like what were we at I can’t I can’t even remember I think we’re like almost at eight years which is nuts to me and that was super great and super fun unfortunately like uh I didn’t like a lot of the things twitch twitch was doing I wanted a little bit more of a

Chill experience so we moved over here plus I’ve been doing some YouTube videos so if you like modded like Halo oh my goodness oh my third video is up currently and then my fourth one I’m hoping for either this week or next week it’s going to be

Fun oh man the tiny warthogs the the long warthogs the just so many things so many things one thing I can tell you is I can’t make a dream speed run this was never proven gness you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right wait what are we talking about

Exactly okay hold up how much we got we need oh I can just make another table it’s fine I’m down here wondering what we’re doing you’ve played Minecraft since the PS3 version that’s great that’s awesome you know no matter when people find m CRA I always find that

It’s super awesome that like so many people have pivoted towards this game as just something that’s wonderful to experience especially with the massive amount of modded content out there like if you have not played um like modded Minecraft on Java I highly recommend there is a ton an absolute ton of

Content for you to explore and and just get through it’s amazing sky blocks are super good I absolutely love skya Factory uh specifically SkyFactory 4 is really fantastic I also highly recommend like if you’re wanting to try out just some Wicked crazy weird mods um yeah all

The mods usually has some Nifty stuff in it and they’ve always got like click and a bunch of other things that you can really enjoy and party through it’s good it’s good stuff um how far down do we want to go I don’t even know I completely I have not

Played this in like five ever so there’s that oh let’s see what do we got right now we are in the Minecraft Overworld and where we at where are we is why we’re the Y have like 18 I think that’s that’s where we’re at yeah

W 18 W 17 see it has been so long that I’m not remembering for the caves and cliffs updates how far down iron is anybody want to remind me give me the refresher course oh yes goodness iron is found below the ground oh oh holy crap below are you sure that it’s not

Above I mean I’m from Canada so we’re already used to like you know 30 below it’s fine oh look at this phenomenal you play Bedrock PS5 and or PS4 versions you like penguin uh well yeah I am a penguin this is this is the thing right that’s the thing I’ve

Been a penguin since as long as I’ve been on the internet which is a long time which is awesome sauce so I’m a vtuber I’m a virtual YouTuber which means I’m a talking virtual Amer uh but yeah I think that there’s all sorts of fantastic and awesome sauce types of

Vtubers I just happen to be more of an animal one which is good let’s break these down okay so we finally made it to like this shayy stuffs I’m wondering if this is like too far down oh that’s like six i’ I’ve got a feeling like we’re supposed to be at

Around 11 I know it used to be 11 for diamonds I think is what it was but I’m going to go 11 for iron and just hope that maybe this is the new diamond level cuz we need like a bunch of iron I need like five or six or 20

Iron um that’s copper but you know what I’ll take it regardless because copper I’m assuming can be used for stuff like blocks that become different colors um although I’m sure there is there’s got to be like the new why that’s ideal oh hold up I’m I’m going to try

And check this cuz I haven’t checked it in a long time do I have a realm no no I’m sorry I don’t have my le I do not possess a realm iron in um caves and cliffs right is that that’s the one iron and cabes and Via

That was literally what I typed I wish I was joking but I’m not um so I think it’s like I think you find them like deeper because we’re we’re at like what is it uh 12 is where we’re at right now I’m feeling like it’s going to be

Deeper I looked it up and they’re saying anywhere from like 232 to like 15 apparently so we can go wherever the hell we want at this point in time so they’re saying 15 is a good one to be at which I guess 12 was like not that different cuz this one is

15 oh snap sure we’ll just break through all of this I should have brought a shovel I should have made a shovel it’s fine go to -64 you find diamonds I I know that the problem is I don’t actually have um this magical thing that I need that is called

Um the iron I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the iron before but yes I need the iron to be able to do that so I tot agree with you but if I went and did that right now I would just break them and then I would just feel sad because I

Wouldn’t have any diamonds or any iron which would really make me feel hurt you know what I’m saying the pain oh look iron see this is why we go places this is why we do the stuff and Lapis apparently bruh exactly Bruh Bruh uh we need a little bit more of these ones

Perfect see I’m not a complete nub at Minecraft that’s the balance I have a couple like what I have like 2/3 more than that more than that how how much would we say I have 810th of a decade four fifths four fifths of a decade in playing Minecraft so it’s it’s

All good it’s all good we’ll break through all of this stuff and hope we find more the constant grind of vanilla where you’re like I got to find iron that happens in modded too but it only happens once where you’re like oh no however will I find insert item here and then

You do and then you build something to never have to look for it again that is my constant experience with modded it’s one of the reasons I love it is because the fact that you’re just like oh I make iron this one one time and then I’ll build a an amazing

Device a mining tool or something like that where you just completely ignore all of the laws of physics and mine till your heart is content oh yes the contentedness of my heart oh when you die do you lose your items uh yes if you can’t get back to

Them in time you will lose them if you can get back to them in time then you don’t cuz you’re an absolute boss I I made that up a little bit but kind of that’s still partly accurate um we’re going to take all of

This oh man I was just hoping for a lot of iron here and instead what I’m finding is an absolute crap ton of stone which you better believe we’re going to smelt down and turn into smooth Stone which we can then turn into smooth bricks which we can then turn into some

Form of floating Castle Maybe maybe why because I wanted I like how we found one iron this entire time which certainly makes me feel like there is a very very very high chance of us finding more cuz we we found one right what are the odds of

Getting just one iron and never finding another one probably pretty low all right we’re just going to break through a couple of these I’m just going to stretch a little bit oh then you have to be careful about people well no no no no no we’re on like

A we’re on an smpp so they’re not going to come after me unless I want them to right if I if I go and I want to start stuff with people and they’re into it then sure maybe they’ll want to fight but realistically for the most part uh

Most of us are just building cool stuff and hanging out with our communities online so you know I chill here with y’all and they chill there with with their peop but uh we don’t usually mess with each other in terms of like violence unless it’s part of like a

Miname or um you know someone was like let’s do this let’s get ready to rumble you know what I mean kind of like [Laughter] that H unless there’s a real Throwdown okay so we’re grabbing all of this good stuff I have to be careful about mobs

For sure but uh that’s one of the reasons that I’m putting down torches every so often so that you can see that I’m like you know keeping everything lit keeping those uh keeping those baddies from spawning up in here and then yeah we’ll be good her to

Go okay how are we doing foodwise I need to go and find either string somewhere which obviously we can do but I have to either find string somewhere or make string I don’t I don’t think we’re going to be able to do that or I have to find like a more

Sustainable food source that’s the big thing so maybe we’ll have to go and uh build a farm outside and hope beyond all hope that the farm gods are merciful oh I really wish Farms worked as like a passive way to start getting animals I would love to lose some wheat

To have just like some sheep show up and be like right and the Sheep’s just like and you’re like ah you okay there bud but the Sheep just isn’t okay you know he’s not okay I’m not okay I’m okay now you wear me out here we go we need a few more of

These dang we are we are so low on everything all right more torches loving it more axes also loving it give me all of this and all of these hot dang back back to 48 and back to some Stone picks oh let’s go let’s seek diamonds we

We’re working on it I need I need additional iron I’ve only got 11 iron and in the uh the caves and cliffs update which is what we’re playing right now in this version of Minecraft you need a lot more iron than just that like we’re going to need to go and find a

Bunch of diamonds and so to do that I need a little bit more iron you know so don’t worry we’re going to check and if we don’t find some in the near future here then I’m just going to have to double back and start in the other direction because I am

Uh yeah I’m taking this pretty dang far oh I missed that that’s okay perfect that was fantastic we are what almost at the end no the end never happens you’re you’re right the end does not occur oh let’s run back shall we be a little bit of this golden carrot

And then get our Sprint on let’s Sprint all the way back to Victory one of the fun Parts is someone could hypothetically come across my mind as they mine to get their own stuff like someone very much probably will end up um coming across my mind and being like why is this

Here and we’ll just have to be like oh it’s simple it’s the um it’s the Illuminati yeah totally I should have gone this way literally in the first like four feet it’s just like oh yeah here you go this is what you were looking for you’re welcome thanks question mark I am glad

That I have it but sad that it took me all the way to the other side before I could actually grab some ridiculous how much may you find of iron I’m looking to find enough for at least three to four pickaxes so at the moment I’ve got 17 which is probably enough I

Do want to make some armor as well just because of the headache that um we can have in the basement down there and a couple buckets so so I’d like to have enough for a couple buckets and around five shall we say um picks so at the

Moment I have enough for five pics but not enough for a bucket then and I’d really like to have enough for that because two buckets would be ideal oh my goodness you see why I want some armor you might have noticed why it’s um it’s a little bit of this come on careful

Careful oh gosh oh gosh careful now let’s block this in oh did I just get Monster Hunter yes yes I did all right you know what I am almost dead so we’re just going to get a little bit of this uh this healthy feeling going on I’m feeling like we should also

Build a staircase I don’t know if anyone else feels this but I feel like we need to build a staircase out of here just to make this better and faster oh here I am underground and this should be fantastic I need a little bit of Ry which is good

I’m also going to need to build me some stairs which is also good but uh where does this need to go I think I should be fine but thank you I have lots of materials for stairs and once I get my stuff together I’m going to get to be able to Party oh it’s hard yeah it is it is hard but it’s fine it’s worth it okay hold up how are we GNA how are we going to do this cuz this is this is the part that I hate is making staircases you might be like but good

Oress staircases are part of life I know if you hate walking um because obviously you’d rather jump escalators escalators are the future let’s break all of this down oh nice it blocks it in that’s that’s Stellar oh look at me just breaking everything put that one back in break these ones down

Glorious oh there we go oh no ironically that’s going to be one of the harder Parts is that I’m uh just making this entire thing a problem there we go look at that oh that’s better we can jump up these that’s so good look at me

Running they see me run run run run run run run run uh I’ve got 10 of those so far so that’s 11 we will bust a move with this get a couple of these up in here oh hold up we need a little bit more perfect I need to toss that in I

Want two of this the players can’t ruin it here well I mean they can but they’re not going to because they’re all also people who are you know creating content hanging out with their communities All That Jazz so it’s not that they want to um it’s not

That they want to injure anyone in this they’re they’re literally just here having some fun building out their stuff it’s more of like a coop petition where we’re cooperating and helping each other out but at the same time trying to build really dope stuff that is similar to other people if that makes

Sense now now Diamond soon soon I forgot to get water hold on we’re gonna we’re going to have to go get water right now though so let’s build these up yeah there we go open that door um I have a feeling that we’re going to need to like push this back a

Little little bit there we go there we go we can push these up yeah very nice now I got stairs everywhere God dang and I now have the opportunity the privilege of breaking down a bunch more of this sugar cane we’ll grab the ones from over here too cuz someone’s going

To think that’s like not affiliated with our our sugar cane Farm over here which it absolutely is all right we should get some food before we delve way further down CU I I don’t have a lot of food I’ve got some sweet berries and that’s about it I want to make the greatest

Farm of the sugar canes that the world has ever seen oh man look at look at this yes oh Call Me Maybe it’s hard to look right at these sugar canes but here’s their number so call them baby you’re a baby oh yes there we go remember we do want more iron though

Cuz I don’t have anything to defend myself at the moment having a sword is good having like body Shield stuffs would be extra nice can I yes will I probably not right now I want to soon but at the moment I need food to do that going all the way down

To 64 is not a great idea if you’re not prepared and I’m trying to be prepared uh don’t have what I needed there oh I’m just looking for some seeds without going too far without wandering too far away and having to restart again that would be a bit of a pain in the

Bud but I am trying to look for like seeds which I don’t think these can actually provide they can those are actually seed bearing plants okay never mind I resend my prior comment and I start killing everything don’t you worry we’re taking them all down woo everybody’s going down everybody’s working for the

Weekend the the drop chance is 40% well um not for me apparently it’s lower helter welcome on in good her to see you am I in an underwater Cavern oh good good this is precisely what I wanted yes helter we are back to playing some Minecraft at the moment I

Have been enjoying it thoroughly at the moment we’ve been playing some deck out 2 which is a vanilla um like dungeon crawling card deck building game but that’s in vanilla and so we’re definitely need to play more of that I’ve been trying to find some diamonds

So that we can upgrade Our Deck pump pump pump it up because our deck sucks and I have died multiple times so yeah oh man I need I need just like a bed that’s it’s all I need but I don’t know if we can get it because ain’t nobody got time for

That oh we should also build a uh hold on we need to build a spot out here for us to like build stuff and then then I got to build some other things um like a shovel which would have been phenomenal as an idea earlier on but here we are let’s

Terraform I’m going to tear this down going to going to terraform going to going to terraform I’m going to tear a new one I’m taking it all down all right this is looking fantastic a great opportunity for us to build out our Farms welcome to Good Farm Incorporated where the prophets are just

As important as the other prophets hey I’m pretending to be a corporation that’s just how it works look we don’t discriminate against our prophets we love all of our prophets equally right unless one of them has more and then we love that one more right that sounds like capitalism

I didn’t want to say that I’ve got a favorite but I’ve got a favorite we do need to make the magical Fantastical Wonder Dural that thing yeah the stone hoe is literally the best I’ve got another confession to make I hold this to there it is look at

These wo what is the current level of difficulty um whatever the server said to which I believe is uh hard or normal one of the two so not precisely certain at the moment but that’s okay all right we need more of the slicing and dicing all I wanted to give me is more

Things all I wanted to give me is the more seeds that’s all I wanted but it’s okay this is a great start this is going to be phenomenal huh we need to put down a little bit more of these and yeah hopefully this will grow I mean ideally I have like water

Here I’m kind of bummed that I haven’t found any sheep yet though I really need to murder sheep like that’s on it’s it’s in my dream journal okay I was going to say it’s on my to-do list but no it’s serious it’s in my dream journal all right murder

Sheep dream journal entry one the Sheep Must Die dream journal entry too we can’t dream without the Sheep being dead oh snap these are pretty vicious uh dream journals nice we’ve got Oinky oinks that’ll hide us over for right now there’s a bunch of them over here we’re

Going to need to find some carrots so that we can uh utilize them to make Better Life Choices all right we’re just going to swim this way pop up and ideally find some sheep okay the only problem that I’m going to run into here soon is I may not be able to make

It the sun is set setting the night is coming and I don’t have an answer there we go let’s put this around here wonderful I’m going to take a backup boat just in case so we’ll toss this in I just want to double check and

Make sure I can see home from here okay I can let’s scour this area for sheep that is not a sheep those are pig sheep which not going to lie I’m into but most for food you don’t live close enough to my house so therefore I’m going to

Murder you I know this seems biased and unfair and what I’m going to tell you is take it up with the Minecraft Gods take it up with them right cuz I I don’t I don’t really care at the moment sorry oh I see a uh I see a light over

Here whoa wait wait wait wait does someone live over here oh my goodness that’s the zoo oh man I do not live very far away from the zoo um in fact I may or may not be murdering some of their animals uh I’m a maniac maniac no no no no oh hello there

Drown uh all I want is a sheep to to murder and then I I’ll be on my way you’ll never hear from me again this is my little piece of land My Little Slice of Heaven that I’m going to build out into here oh good a creeper what could possibly go

Wrong oh good another creeper what could possibly go wrong oh good a skeleton what could possibly go wrong wait a minute that was just like a village back there cuz this is hold up this this is the place this is the night oh sorry no no no this is the

Place yeah yeah this is the place we were living at huh with the 1.12 update you probably would have wanted more Penguins nah I’m good with being the only penguin I’m used to it honestly I’m used to living the solo penguin life solo meia so ironically I thought we were

Really far away from stuff but we have neighbors which kind of awesome um I should make sure to close my door just because I do value privacy uh and if there’s one thing that evil murderous monsters don’t do is respect your privacy so I’m going to close that door and then we will

Continue to go and check out here just cuz you know what we might find a spot where we can have some sheep for free some murder I might be able to kill the sheep and take the their life Essence into me there can only be one sheep one master Sheep I will be the master Sheep okay this does not look like someone’s house this looks like like like a straight up little town little town it’s a quiet Village yeah this is absolutely a wild Town um speaking of which I’m going to steal your empty Maps because I can also you probably have Beds which I’m going

To steal you also have pumpkins which I’m not going to steal right now but give it time baby we’ll see where my greed takes me hello does someone live in here because oh you do oh that’s very nice love that for you wonderful oh yeah no no no no no

Oh yeah I highly recommend that go out into the dark where there’s monsters totally super smart life choice um love that for you oh my goodness you know he needed food and you know what we found found a bunch of food and some emeralds I am 100% into this

And also some pumpkin seeds man you know what I’m going to close that door just cuz I have brought death to their Village which is rough and you know what guys we found them anyway yes we did we would have been able to do this anyway had I not stolen

That man’s bed I would have been able to make our own bed B you know which is maybe a lesson of itself where it’s like instead of murdering people and taking away their beds why don’t you just go make your own bed and to that I would answer you know

What you’re so smart gosh if only I were you sadly I’m not and so therefore I have inflicted death upon these poor poor villagers oh my goodness yep well this is a problem um well this is absolutely a problem and so we’re just going to go and uh peace out oh

Baby here we go we need to head back and not deal with this whatsoever we’ll come back here they look like they’ve got a whole bunch of crazy awesome stuff but at the moment we just need to be responsible and head back to our wonderful place Island in the

Sun oh Dakota is taken hello welcome on in hope you’re doing awesome SAU I am trying not to die succeeding so far but we’ll see how that goes eat the food eat the food eat eat the food nom nom nom nom nom nom oh they’re still coming for me aren’t they yes they

Are okay come on quickly park the boat go for safety close the door find a spot and then make your bed a wonderful place to be oh yes where should we put our bedroom up in here you know what we’ve never had a bedroom before so I’m going to make our own separate

Bedroom oh yeah it’s like a room with a bed in it so good and sleep eventually first I need to make my bedroom you know what I’m saying look we’ve never had a a bedroom before we literally just spawned into this place with no knowledge whatsoever

Of what we’re doing so if I don’t make a bedroom then when will I ever get to you know what I’m saying think about it no bedroom but like all of this stuff with which to have a bedroom that’s the real shame that’s that’s a real crime oh

Snap I Want to Break these down I’m taking it all should we make this a little larger Just for kicks right I guess so I mean we we can also I have to think about the fact that if I do like eventually try to tile in this room it’s going to be smaller

You know what I mean it’s going to end up feeling like significantly smaller so I think that we have to open it up a bit more even then what we’re looking at here which might sound excessive but hey excess isn’t that success no no it’s that you can’t spell success without

Excess uh except for the X obviously that’s it’s not the same thing but whatever it’s fine uh this one will’ll break down and we’ll probably just put in the floor for right now but I’m feeling like that’s going to be what we need to kind of work on is is

Like to make sure this is all good to go so yeah our bedroom is going to be on the the larger side but we’ll we’ll build um a walk-in closet for it as well which I think is hashtag worth so we’re going to have to do that

Naturally okay breaking up all of these ones very nice that one goes in the corner that one already exists in the corner fantastic and then our walk-in closet will be very very necessary um we got nothing at the moment we’ll start putting some other things over into here dang that lapis is Good um oh I can make a helmet well that’s nice Suda heck yeah now what we need is some guy named Barney encouraging us there we go look at those this is wonderful we are already starting in look at this so good beautiful look at that bed chamber

Heck yeah respawn Point set you can only sleep at night or during thunderstorms um so I’m guessing it is neither it’s just rain oh good just keeping my eyes peeled for anything that could be UNT all right we need what do we need maybe like a nice little

Um a nice little pth over here would would not be a problem feel like that would actually be super solid if we were to uh to build like a sweet little pad that would allow us to open and close the door from the outside a little bit more effectively you know what I

Mean um let’s go like that yeah that looks pretty good very nice my bed is looking snazzier than ever I need those wheat seeds which we are going to go up here and set down oh look at them everything’s just growing up they’re all getting so old oh I was younger

Then take me back to when I stabbed zombies and killed them here made sure their bodies disappear I don’t know what to do we will need to find creepers and get TNT it’ll blow up all of these things so I feel like we’re going to need to go even further this way

Eventually so that we can automate that door a little bit better but it’s fine I also need to make our our wonderful storage area which is what I meant by our walk-in closet just in case anyone was wondering they’re like why would you build a walk-in closet because it’s a

Storage area obviously storage areas are fantastic and very necessary and I want one to be a walk-in closet for me ironically it’s going to end up being larger than the entirety of the house because of course it will um this is just how these things work you know we’ll just keep digging

Until our pickaxe breaks and then that is that is the distance that’s how far we’re going with that one excellent we should be able to make barrels as well which is super good uh we do have raw mutton which I should fix by the way uh I need that one swapped

Out we have so much stuff it’s wonderful diorite Sticks no I’m going to need those I’m going to need those but the diorite and the granite can stay together I know some people might say that it’s granet goodness but I would would never take it for

Granted I value it deeply I would never take it for granted 1 two 3 4 five 6 7even eight fantastic um and then that way we can build this out look at my bedroom it’s looking so good going to be able to have everything prepped and it’s going to be

Wonderful don’t worry we’re gonna be headed towards stuff we got five picks as I wanted we’re getting a little bit of food as we do and then and then I’ll make the uh the pork chops as well into a majestical meal so we’ll toss This Together get

Those put a couple of these ones in I do have more of those Spruce sticks I got Cobblestone for you know emergencies um I wish I had more buckets cuz lava lava’s good to have you know what I’m saying lava’s fantastic but you know what else is fantastic Dig Down dig down

Deep dig down deep and see where the adventure takes you I probably should be using uh my iron pickaxe to do this because this is going to get very difficult over time okay there’s that one there’s this one yeah we’re going to we’re going to maybe swap

Over and just see how well that does oh gosh this is like literally night and day so fast holy crap loving it so good oh my goodness I’m digging straight down well not really straight down that would be foolish I’m digging straight diagonally down but not straight down that would be Foolish and I ain’t no fool oh my goodness speaking of foolish um yep we’re just we’re just going to check out some of this area and hopefully not die perfect that’s good we’re going to have to just try set some of these down we got 12 left oh

My okay that looks problematic we do have some iron on the walls back here though which is Stellar Stell for me look at this that’s so good we’ve already got more iron excellent we have all of this am I 37 years old uh why would you

Ask should I be should I pretend to be [Laughter] younger it’s cuz I’m it’s cuz I have one of those hip kid voices right is is that what you’re saying I’ve got one of those hip kid voices oh boy I got to Act My

Age it is funny cuz the older that I get the closer that I get to exactly how people expect me to sound it’s crazy I know people are going to be like wait the the older that you get the closer you get to sounding exactly how people expect that you sound exactly it’s

True as I get older people are like dang you sound and it’s like no I’m not that old I’m not that old it’s okay it’s always weird when people ask you how old you are though online I always find that to be super strange I don’t know if

Anyone else does but I’m relatively an open book uh we will throw some of these down because we can and oh gosh ow dude okay please tell me that thing’s not going to be able to make it up here I hope not otherwise I am in significant trouble is this more

Iron if it is then great um ow holy crap that thing hit me from a distance we need to get a little bit more of this I’m going to eat eat some foods eat some foods be safe uh should we get mine cart track maybe I’m I’m going to say yes even

Though I’m afraid for my life careful let’s just build up let’s build up a wall that sounds like a perfect idea wonderful nothing can find me now uh you can’t stop me now I’m running from you every day I’m having a ball I said it can’t stop me now if you want to

Have a good time just don’t call the ravagers Don’t Stop Me I’m having a good time so let’s put that one there just to freeze some stuffs perfect perfect we’re doing wonderful oh my goodness this could be murderous I want to be prepared just in case 99% sure yep 99% sure the guy

That’s horrible is right there that’s what I was going to say and the answer is totally all right let’s get a bit more of this yes look at all of this iron I love this so good although I am nervous about these holes over here cuz they could be bad o

I don’t want to Die but I don’t want to live forever either that could have been bad ooh look at that this is some good stuff globe berries melon seeds bread more melon seeds and a mine cart dang we’re getting some stacks on stacks on Stacks y’all okay we’ll just try to get what we

Can and ideally not die while we’re down here oh all of these would be fantastic especially for like some golden carrots I mean we don’t have carrots yet but you know what I’m saying these would be really good for gold carrots uh I’ve got 24 krot magic in me

And also this will allow us to make some bows and some other cool stuff which I’m always into so that worked out amazingly well all right we’ll break these down I’m interested where you came up with 37 from is that like you perceive that to be very old or is that just like

A shot in the dark or like I’m really interested genuinely and there’s a couple Reasons I’m very interested and I’ll tell you right after uh right after you let me know your methodology yeah oh look at all of this yes beetroot oh so good we need a little bit more little

Bit more of this perfect loving it I know that’s another way down which would be good for us to grab wait no no no this is one that I was already on top of wh what I already went through this one below it this is super confusing how in the

World are we just we’re going around in circles now this is great oh snap no no no no no no no that’s that dude that’s that dude I know he’s there I know he’s there no quiz what does one and one do one and one is five

Duh the better question is what does 9 + 10 equal right what does 9 + 10 equal that’s the real question no 1 plus 1 is two as far as We Know um we got a couple more of these ones down here I’m going to get

So helplessly lost in this I’m not even going to lie I’m already in a position where I feel partly lost and we could die at any point in time oh my goodness we do have a bunch of iron which is really nice oh snap it’s a geode I desperately want all of these

Careful careful oh dang I wasn’t as careful as I wanted to be but that’s okay um question if we pick that up oh no cuz it won’t be be able to create more geod dang right these ones these ones constantly spawn more but we can’t get them oh what does one

And one do 11 um one and one do makes 11 I guess cuz you didn’t say and yeah I suppose sure I mean that’s like what’s green and has wheels oh do you know this one what’s green and has wheels see2 can play this game oh my

Goodness go for it AK I believe in you give me your best guess uh one two three four free IQ no grass I lied about the [Laughter] wheels see same same [ __ ] okay let’s let’s grab these ones oh baby oh you will grab that you’re welcome to use that of course

It’s great oh grass I lied about the wheels one of my favorite ones to use it’s just like what’s brown sticky and lies on the ground I know some people don’t get this one which is surprising it’s a stick believe it or not it’s a stick it’s brown it’s sticky

And it lies on the ground naturally uh we’ll toss this in here I need to try and find my way back um the main problem with adventuring through like any of these things is always going to be trying to find your way home because it’s a challenge all right I’m pretty sure this

Was the way that I came from oh but there’s more iron so we’re going to have to stop and pick it up see look at this now we’re finding some iron we’re doing good we’re doing good um we got a couple of these ones fantastic keeping an eye out for

Anything that is not copper I know I feel like a hypocrite by saying that we’re not taking the copper but we’re not for a couple good reasons oh snap you have to ask to I say what is 10 + 9 it’s 109 um but I did say

Plus not to be not to be a stickler here but I I actually said plus I know you didn’t which I’m if we’re calling that valid then we’ve also got to look at mine and be like oh he did say plus oh gosh oh gosh let’s go this way yep no don’t like

This oh is there stuff chasing me I have no idea see the problem is my way out of here is really tough um um to find because it is literally just a hole in the wall and we have this one here we have this area oh

Man okay I know I saw some of this stuff before but I don’t know if this is like my way out of here I don’t think it is oh my goodness I don’t think this is my way out I did not do it my way okay if anybody remembers which

Direction my way out was let me know uh you get the [Laughter] cookie uh I feel like we’re in the right area right now because I distinctly remember the lava pouring out of that one section that we closed off you know what I’m talking about

We had the lava in this one section that I closed off it was this one right over here so this had lava pouring out of it when we initially came down we were like oh snap that’s going to be a problem um could have been up this

Way nope also could just not have been up this way h we’ve got this here follow the Torches the problem is I put torches [Laughter] everywhere Grim I put torches I put torches everywhere oh crap um that that is not a torch over there though that’s what we call a small

Am hello there small am you stay back you sure you blow up that area loving it loving it you do what you got to do have you forgotten where you came from yeah I was gone for like 2 minutes and now I don’t remember where I came from who are my

People I’ve forgotten you where could you be where have you been my entire life it’s a real problem it’s a loss of identity yeah we we don’t remember where we came from I mean technically I do remember where I came from but it’s it’s just up it’s up does that

Help yeah where have you come from upwards those directions aren’t worth anything here oh can I get our retry you see what I mean CU there’s this yeah this is this is problematic CU it’s all just one like crazy thing start start digging up I don’t want to do that that’s that’s

Way too hard that’s like such a huge time investment I’d rather wander aimlessly lost confused as to where found it confused as to where to found it you know just like that thank you for your help we did gradually find it um through no help of my own let’s just throw some

Stuff over here so we know this is the way perfect we got we got it it’s fine we we got it obviously we’re professionals oh my goodness I like how we went down like three more steps and got 45 iron it’s so good oh yeah again through no fault of

My own and also through no benefit of my own and also through no skill of my my own you you get where I’m going with this um Spruce planks super good cobblestone super fantastic we should create more Cobble steps because we need them um loving that we have two mine

Carts with a chest we have a bunch of rail we got some raw gold love that I love that for us uh Golden Apple would be good as like a super good backup you know super nice how are we doing over here huh let’s see we’ve got a bunch of great stuff no

Bread yet well that’s a difficult thing to uh to have to face but it is what it is okay my cooked pork chops are ready I’m going to put those aside for right now not because I don’t want them and also not because I don’t need them but

Because I’m I’m kind of you know on a diet I’m kidding not actually on a diet we’re we’re kind of just waiting to see what happens uh we will open this up a little bit of course I want to toss these down and then we’re going to make

An accent wall in our bedroom cuz of course we are come on y’all 25 of 250 remaining dang I’m going to lose so much it’s going to break it all down but that’s all good we are throwing down ACH bunch of accent walls oh yes when are you going

Minecraft live well I’m live right now so right now so like right this instant congratulations you’ve made it to our Minecraft live I am proud of you uh we do need more iron yes phenomenal are you doing an underground base I’m doing an underwater base I’m currently trying to get some diamonds

Etc to make some better tools but right out here in this area I want to uh I want to use this area here to build like a dome underwater and then I’m going to have an underground underwater base yeah it’s going to be nice it’s going to be

Nice I’m a penguin after all so we need a little bit of aquatic in there right The Life Aquatic with gisu that’s what we have to do um that will be Stellar do we have any other coal the answer is no you’re next to the zoo I know I’m like close to

The zoo um I’m not very far from it I’m hoping not to en encroach upon them I want to keep mine like relatively small and then maybe like Branch out and do something else like way over this way the zoo I do believe is like right over

There like 99% sure the zoo is just down that River this way we found it it’s like a village but snaz here you known super snaz um we can go check it out I mean I’m sure they won’t mind if we we take a look they have like a bunch of animals

There H you know and they also have Wildlife it’s over this way see have you seen the den map no not particularly I kind of ended up over here on accident and so I started I started like trying to find a space uh but there’s a zoo way over there see it’s all

Good we’re flying forward I need to move on and find my way uh your character reminds me of a skin you might like from this channel called AtlanticCraft I will have to check it out I don’t I don’t really watch too much uh of the Minecraft on

The YouTubes at the moment but I probably should jump in there and check some stuff out I’ve been enjoying this this is nice to get back into the chill aspect of Minecraft oh yeah just to remind everybody if you enjoy modded games in general I do have uh some

Videos on my Channel right now of the wondrous modded Halo and if you’ve never seen modded Halo CE with Master Chief it’s cursed literally that’s the name of it it’s wonderful trust me you will absolutely love it it gets ridiculous they have tiny warthogs they have like w Hogs it’s

So good ity bitty tiny little War Hogs so good HH yes and if you’re wondering do I have a voice changer the answer is no please do more Halo please it’s hilarious oh I am I am I took a little bit of a break because um one of the big

Things was obviously holidays right getting a little bit of time for Christmas with uh My Wife and Kids was super important and then um yeah yeah I did that and got the other one out finally and now I’ve already recorded and I’m working on the editing for chapter 4 which is

Coming previously on cursed Halo I have been enjoying it honestly I know it’s very different from like anything else that I’ve ever done because this is my first series that I’m truly doing uh on my YouTube channel so it means the world to me that people

Like check it out and enjoy it it literally absolutely does uh it’s very very different for me having done live streaming for so long it’s it’s yeah it’s good no we’re we’re on a server but we’re not on a realm if that makes sense I mean technically everything in

Minecraft is on a server um technically I always love it when people get into that where they’re like technically though and you’re like yes technically um we’re gonna build that up too yes we are okay so that’s good we’re just going to have to see what we got here oh nain

Hello how you doing I’m doing awesome sauce we did a couple runs in uh the the dungeon I did okay I could have done better but I did okay um I’m going to drop this one I love that so murdery sounding so maybe what we do here maybe the real play is

To stay alert stay safe for anyone who’s from Canada you know exactly what I’m talking about and you’re welcome stay alert stay safe okay we’re going to build this up excellent and then we’re going to move back down around this way yes I like so is it this direction yeah we’re

Just going to dig down this way then how can this server join this is an SMP which means it is a private server for a bunch of peoples you got to be invited to to join into it it is not my server so I cannot get anyone invites into it

Sorry have you seen uh Halo 2 Cute content mod it’s really cool no I have not oh my goodness um if you want to join in like jump into our Discord uh you could try exclamation mark Discord I don’t know if that’s going to work it

Should but um the bot’s been a little bit crazy so if you want to test that maybe you’ll be able to find a way in and then suggest stuff it’ll be great oh let’s break these ones down pass a big exam you’ve been studying for since September very nice congratulations that’s

Awesome finding the time to do studying or courses is massive and awesome sauce oh I meant to say cut content oh I was hoping for cute content I thought you were going to be like the Halo 2 you just have like the master chief adorable calendar Kawaii [Laughter]

Look now that I’ve said it I I can say that we all kind of want that right oh snap I can’t wait to see the chief in [Laughter] July he’s so cute though oh my goodness I I kind of want it now but the cut content sounds sounds great

Too oh man one of my favorite things with um playing through like certain parts of cursed Halo is literally realizing how hacked together a bunch of stuff from uh from Halo was in terms of like Halo 1 like they just literally hacked stuff together and we’re like it’s

Good it’ll be fine where we at minus 25 gosh we got a long ways to go we got to get all the way down to the minus 64 realm this is going to take a while penguin is cute thank you I appreciate that actually uh my youngest he’s such a

Fan of this show called too cute okay it’s like a discovery show and all it is is like little animals growing up um that’s it like that’s the entirety of the show it’s just little animals growing up it’s like a bunch of dogs that they’re like these dogs are like 3

Days old and then they’re like the dogs are now 6 weeks old and they will never see their family [Laughter] again it’s meant to be adorable and wonderful and it kind of is cuz that’s like the life of a dog but then you’re sitting there like holy

Crap congratulations you’ve made it to 6 weeks old now get the hell out and they were never allowed back at their parents’ home ever again oh no oh no oh oh legitimately though that is some people’s experience in life and that’s that’s super tough you know this

Is not meant to make light of that this is more so just to kind of laugh at how animals are crazy oh welcome to not knowing anything about the world get on out there kid you can do it um Halo Master Chief collection on Console needs a mod page

Oh oh yeah that would be great that would be super cool but I don’t foresee that happening um I for one I’m just thrilled that there are mods that exist for it all right we only need like 24 more and we’re good to go this is fantastic

Look at how crazy deep we’re already going um I will have to like mine this this area up here I’m pretty sure CU we need to toss down some stairs we need some stairs y’all stairs are going to have to happen it’s staring us right in the face oh I can feel

You I can feel it staring at me tonight oh uh we need to break these ones down this way do you play rare Minecraft no mostly banjo kazui if we’re talking rare like banjo kazui would be one I mean uh Perfect Dark so good so good yeah those

Are the rare ones that I tend to play but um Minecraft just mostly like you know modded it’s good okay today you learned that you’ve been getting deceived by places pretending to serve Korean Fried Chicken you said the first time real thing and it was amazing I wasn’t even aware that rare

Made Minecraft no but they’re owned by the same entity isn’t that nuts that’s just cuz Microsoft and all these other companies just like two absorb everything right they’re just like they’re an amoeba they just they’re just like oh that looks like something we could use quickly suck it

Up where are we at 53 fantastic oh um have you seen rocket sloth or hidden experium no no I have not again these are all things that I would love to check out I’m G to hopefully try and find some time I do have like those busy dad things I

Got to do you know what I mean because uh I’m I wouldn’t say I’m a good dad but I do my best to be and by that I I don’t mean that I’m a bad dad I just mean that like I’m being honest I do what I can

And uh and then for the rest you know I I try to just do what I can for the rest there will be therapy I hope and I hope they will forgive me for being human that’s that whole balance of it right where you’re just like oh man

Oh I do my best to be the good dad oh here we go yeah yeah yeah you got to be a dad for your kids 100% it’s also that challenge right of like watching YouTube videos I find it can be very allc consuming like you get into the the

Swing of things and you’re just like Yep this is my life now should it be probably not but I I try to avoid that you know not not like full wholeheartedly but been trying to avoid watching as much YouTube as possible lately um one thing I have

Been wanting to get more into is like some anime stuff I know I watched spyx family and that was really great that was really awesome thoroughly enjoyed that uh and there’s been a lot of people like suggesting a bunch of other stuff like solo leveling is a new one that has

Has come out obviously the manga’s been out for a while but stuff like that that seems pretty awesome sauce do I play GTA 5 no no I don’t I was I was dabbling with playing some role playing for GTA5 um but you know at this moment in

Time I barely have time to stream sometimes and so I like prioritizing right I like prioritizing y’all hey look at this making sure we get some time together to hang out which is the most important part is that you and I get to hang

Out yeah if you ever want to join us uh exclamation mark uh Discord just jump in hang out have fun it’s super good to have people jump in and say hi I try to keep on top of saying hello to people when they hop in and hang out um

Obviously you know like I said things get busy but I always jump in and try to remind people of stuff also you get to see when my videos go up which is great too oh man I forgot about the the recent ones totes forgot about the recent videos

That I was supposed to uh unclick share with your subscribers whoopsies you may be wondering why you do that it’s shorts specifically it’s just like they’re they’re silly they’re silly silly things I’m learning all this stuff about discoverability and all this Jazz that I should have learned while I

Was you know streaming fulltime but um did not yet oh who do we got on here with us right now okay we got some people just chilling you like to sing I do I do enjoy singing oh usually I do it jokingly here on stream but I do sing quite

Well so I remember when I first started streaming people were like no you can’t sing you cannot sing because I have a very big like personality in voice and so you’re just like no he’s like an announcer type person and someone’s like do Let It

Go a so I recorded a version of it I’d have to find it but I recorded a version of it I remember that that finished that conversation no one had any questions ever again except for the people who don’t think my voice is real that’s the one thing that I do find

Really strange and disconcerting there are absolutely individuals out in the in the wild wild world who are like absolutely 138% convinced that my voice is not real that this is not my actual voice and it’s so funny to me cuz I’ve been to like twitchcon and a bunch of other

Conventions and people are like no you you can’t convince me that your voice is real and I’m like okay well good luck to you I wish you the best in your land of delusion enjoy that space over there dulu land dulu land it’s where everyone lives sometimes for certain things I think we

All have a healthy amount of delusion sometimes and also we have unhealthy levels of delusion like that feeling where you’re like everyone’s out to get you I’m not saying that that won’t ever happen that there won’t be people that won’t be able to get you but like in

General most people are not at all and are not thinking of like yourself in that way at all which is kind of refreshing you know cuz I remember my younger self especially I was very concerned with what people think and then now as I get a little bit older I’m just

Like you have an opinion that’s dope I don’t care that’s not about everything but about certain Superfluous things where people are like I don’t like this you stream as a penguin online and I don’t like it it’s like that’s cool go away which sounds like the harshest

Thing to say in some ways but it’s that balance of it right where I look at it and go like people jump in if they like the content then uh that’s okay and if they don’t then that’s okay it’s almost like the world’s full of content that they can go and enjoy

Anywhere I go all right have a great day thank you for hanging out out enjoy yourself uh wonderful meeting you we’re going to try and find more diamonds I think we only have like two right now you’re trying to beat the library on legendary is a pain in Halo Combat

Evolved it’s the FPS of Dark Souls it is essentially yeah that one’s a a real pain legendary are you doing all skulls all skulls on or no skulls on Cu uh yeah if it’s all skulls Like We Salute You no no skulls okay all right I still have

Not beat on on PC it on legendary and I really need to do that um I did have it on my old account with uh Xbox 360 I lost that account sadly uh because I lost the password and couldn’t get back into it and wasn’t able to like get anything else back from

It uh cuz the email address was dead that was a sad day but um I do have like you know Master Chief collection on here and uh I am very happy I’m very happy playing through reach and reach matchmaking still I like that the tank is my weapon of choice trust

Me you don’t want me to have the tank it’s one of those things where you know how you have like your tag that shows up above your uh above your head mine says tank it’s a self-explanatory statement for anyone who is unsure as to who has the tank spoiler alert it was

Me oh snap okay uh I made a terrible mistake because I don’t know where I’m going love the tank the Scorpion’s like one of my faves super good so snazzy give him the tank nothing bad will happen meanwhile everyone dies that is kind of a true

Statement so I I it is the only way that I’ve have gotten multiple Perfections okay like that’s that’s what I will say if you’re getting a Perfection like I have one that has killamanjaro that I done that’s happened a couple times uh we had what is the what is the top one oh

Man um there’s like uh Baba Yaga or something like that yeah Boogyman that’s what it is Boogyman my goodness yeah if if you get like enough kills and you just don’t die it’s called a Perfection and I’ve gotten several of those in a tank big Team Battle has never felt more

Cheaty than when your enemies have tanks and just don’t care at all um let’s see how are we doing here we Should go one two is it one two three one two three oh no no I wanted to go three right here perfect so that’s three we go one two three and then we break it you’ve been reporting reported for being too good at the game this has

Happened yeah dren’s been there this has happened I have made many a person angry with me over Halo it’s okay look some people just don’t appreciate it and I I will freely admit that I have probably reported people for being too good at the game as

Well okay and I say that not to be like that that’s justifiable I don’t think that that’s an accurate thing that we should ever do but I would say that when someone has a Flawless game or just absolutely shreds at a game there can be times where we feel like that was

Straight up cheating like they just had such a good run that game that you report them and I can’t really fault people for doing that because I think that in a lot of ways I would do the same if I saw somebody running around getting like 49 kills in a tank

Throughout a game um and not die at all I would probably have like my [ __ ] Amer going off and I’d be like Yeah right I’d be like yeah but the truth is is that that doesn’t mean that that person didn’t get that right that doesn’t mean that that person didn’t earn that or um or like put in the work and just magically get the kills for it um uh they did probably for many of

Them but I think that like especially with online stuff we have that like bom meter that just goes off when someone’s doing ridiculously ridiculously well um you only beat Halo 3 on legendary including ODST and accidentally restarted gravem then quit then started working on C and reach legendary won’t load so

Yeah that’s a bit of a problem I can see that putting a little bit of a cramp in your style if you’re just like yeah so I wanted to but I literally can’t load the game it’s going to be a bit of a challenge oh snap let’s toss that

This I’m just trying to make sure we get all these set up cuz uh we definitely want to try and run to the top rather than slowly walk our way there oh but no I’m I’m like mid is what I would say when it comes to Halo skill I would personally say I’m

Mid right because there are way better players than myself out there like ridiculously better players but I I do feel like I can hold my own um I got no problem going and doing a little bit of stretchies when you’re uh you’re jumping in there there and you start to

Experience like just people who are ridiculously good you got to switch up your strategies and get ready to rock but yeah you’re trying to 100 present MCC achievements well good luck to you on that uh I did 100 crab game recently and I still think I have the one achievement

That’s like 0. Z or 0.1% that’s what it is .1% of all players have achieved uh one of the one of the global achievement ments and so I feel pretty dang proud about that not going to lie really satisfying to be able to sit there and be like yeah I’ve got

That oh crab Champions is one of my current fave games it is so good and I highly recommend if you like like Risk of Rain or anything like that yeah yeah you’re going to absolutely love crab Champions it’s like your favorite you know Rog likee shooter but um that just doesn’t get

Old oh which is a brave thing to say but it doesn’t it is so much fun I could play that thing like nonstop and unfortunately the community is very well aware of that why what have you done uh well I I played it a lot on stream and it’s not

That people don’t like it they do it’s the people rightfully so are like when are we going to do something else because this has taken you over it has possessed you I was like yeah fair fair uh look at mint Blitz Halo gameplay it will blow your mind oh man I mean have

You ever seen ogre uh 1 and two have you watched ogre the ogres play Grim like oh we’re getting into some we’re getting into like more Niche more Niche uh Halo discussions at the moment but yeah have you seen them play my gosh leang

Oh we care about you and we feel like we need to have a talk what but what kind of talk um we’re GNA put this here wait a second this is not this is not the answer what is going on here why why is this breaking um I guess we’ll just do these

That’s fine so that one we got to break over here and hold up I gotta I got to figure this out we’ve got one Cobble and this one here so I’m going to put a cobblestone step what is the intervention for may I ask um I need more

Stairs all the way up to stairs although I am very proud of us getting the crab Champions um title of Ultra Mega super duper crab Champion we need more storage space that’s what I’m learning right now because wow wowza um that is that is a lot of stuff oh

Speaking of which let’s get a little bit of this we will burn a little bit of that and it’s night nope we’re going to go back to bed perfect you may not rest now the bad is too far away oh why do we need to have a talk

About Halo I really I really like Halo but yes ogre one and ogre 2 I highly recommend checking it out hi they found me they found me crap I’m being discovered oh my goodness they’ discovered me here oh no I’m on fire whatever will I

Do perfect we got this someone left me a High um but obviously only adults who are responsible should do so uh only where it’s legal that’s what I will state right now like no we met hello oh oh god oh gosh yeah [Laughter]

Hi I have a plan I have a plan give me a second wait for it I know what we need to do here give me one singular moment oh God gosh oh gosh nope nope nope I knew I was going to be lit on fire you’re just going to burn to death

Aren’t you yeah cool wonderful so what I need to do here is to dig this out we have the sand you might be like what are you doing I am trying to create art okay this person said hi I have to compliment it I can’t just I can’t just leave them

Hanging they said hi to me so we need to do the only same thing and build a sign back that says low does that sound stupid yes is it stupid maybe that doesn’t mean that we’re going to not do it though okay all right I just I want to give

Them something back and so therefore I’m going to build them alow it’s going to be good you want to play Minecraft but your hand hurts too much this is true these things do happen I hope that your hand feels better all right so they said hi it does

Kind of bother me that the High um part of it is like it’s pretty widely offset I wonder if that’s two hold on I need to need to check that at some point but before we do that let’s go with love so we’re going to go L there we go L and

Then hold on that’s not what I wanted to do going to go low perfect you’re welcome now we’ve got high and low high low is this dumb yeah yes am I into it absolutely can I get out of it probably not I am going to

Fail every time aren’t I oh there we go so I’ve done high low you’re welcome does it have two in between it that’s why that’s why I thrown me off those have one in between this has two I don’t understand what why the why the two Gap

I’m I’m confused I appreciate it but I’m confused I’m super confused I made the uh I made the achievement diamonds and they’re like GG see that’s the one problem is where I consistently forget that there are other people like how how did you forget there are other people you’re you’ve literally

Been in here the whole time sh quiet it’s okay I’m very used to playing Minecraft on my own so therefore I’m like there are other people watching me with what I’m doing that aren’t chat this is nerve-wracking also because I guarantee you they’re all better at vanilla than I am the

Difference is I am very skilled at running and screaming from things hey chat can back me up on this I if if there is anyone who has a high likelihood of survival when it comes to the odds not being in their favor it’s probably [Laughter]

Me if luck is going to help keep me alive yeah it’s probably me it’s it’s probably me if there’s a moment where you’re like dear God how did he survive that it’s like 100% me it’s true um you looked at ogre stuff mint Blitz says some Terminator level

Gameplay on the poor players that come into His Lobby oh oh oh for sure um reminder for that though the ogres are competitive players playing against competitive players so that’s more so where it gets crazy is that it’s like these are these are just like absolute beasts especially

Because they were like early early like Champion players totally totally acknowledge there’s going to be some crazy level stuff um there’s absolutely ridiculous things depending on who you get into your lobby and how that works out for it um and they might be really crazy awesome players too that are

Jumping into his Lobby for it uh most of the ogre stuff you’re going to see is is competitive gameplay uh specifically competitive where everybody’s like you know Championship level Jazz you do have an usual ability to stay alive when everyone’s trying to kill me yeah yeah I’d call that a I’d

Call that a personal gift huzzah and otherwise I have the ability to infuriate chat while staying alive because they want me dead it’s just how it works but I’ll definitely check out mint Bloods I’m I’m sure that like they’ve got some wickedly awesome stuff and I’m sure I will appreciate it

Heavily uh I’m not wanting to diminish any of their achievements just throwing it out there for the ogres they they’re some of the ones that I’ve like watched and been like I don’t understand how that worked um but I am super super impressed with that what have you done and what kind of

Witchcraft have you used to do these things 24 Kat magic in the air chest yeah yeah let’s go in and make our walk-in closet I think it’s about time it’s about dang time in a minute we’re going to get a walk-in closet to cheer me up oh

Yeah that’s the big thing is like people are going to have really awesome people that they enjoy watching who you know know pull off stunts that they really love what does uh what does mint usually rock in in terms of like game plays mostly like infinite or whatever else oh

Ogre is pretty awesome not going to lie yeah cuz there’s two of them hey they’re twins by the way Grim it’s super interesting I’m I’m going to throw this out there just to say ogre one and ogre 2 are super interesting because they are literally twins who played Halo

Together which sounds crazy but then you realize too they’re twins that played at Championship levels together in Halo which makes it even like kind of weirder in a great way like not in a bad way just kind of also weird oh they’re just using those twin

ESPN you know what I mean yeah those those uh those Entertainment Sports networks all of those ESPN to their advantage uh we we’ll grab these ones they’re just super interesting and then they uh then two continued but one one retired early yeah he was like I’m good we’ve we’ve done enough head

Shots oh snap we got all of this stuff going on it’s already 12:15 holy smokes I’m gonna have to go to bed oh I still have like lots of lots of family stuffs tomorrow and Saturday I’m making um I’m making sliders like sandwich sliders for Saturday we are doing we’re doing like a

Secondary celebration uh for one of my kiddos she has her birthday around Christmas and um we wanted to do like a secondary celebration cuz one of her friends that she’s been pretty close with uh left school like had to move to a different school and so

That was kind of rough for her but what we did instead is we invited that friend over and uh and they’re coming down with their family to come and visit which is super great just for the day um and so they’re they’re coming down for the day and we’re going to celebrate her

Birthday so she’s like really really excited that that like there are people coming but it’s going to be even more fun because it’s like a classmate that moved away you know what I mean oh Let’s uh grab all of these ones oh infinite I I don’t like

Infinite I don’t like infinite I’m sorry I’ll definitely watch it I’ll definitely watch it um but infinite and I have a LoveHate relationship uh it loves to have me play it and I am growing a deep discontented dislike with infinite I don’t I don’t really enjoy it and I

Don’t feel a lot of the maps are balanced and I don’t I don’t like the um I don’t like the implementation of some of the weapons I really dislike them to be completely honest some of the stuff like the gravity hammers Etc don’t like the implementation of it of it I still can’t

Get the hang of either of those which drives me nuts so I’m not a huge fan of infinite loved the story enjoyed that and then realized they’re never going to do more of that they’re just going to focus on Battle pass [Laughter] which made me sad but you know hey that

Is the way of things just like fortnite I loved fortnite when it was not about battle Royals I absolutely enjoyed the heck out of fortnite as it was initially conceived and then they were like nope we’re changing the whole thing and I was like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I wanted the PVE and they’re like no only PVP now only the PVP exists and I was like oh okay cool cool story Bro and my sadness sank in hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to talk to you again and all these feelings they are sinking and the issues that were Heaven are stinking would you like to see a Halo battle royale honestly at this point yes that might sound very strange to

Say but at this point I feel like it would be beneficial and that’s more so just for the fact that I I feel like Halo is still trying to find where it’s quote unquote Niche is um in terms of the new games I feel like they’re they’re

Struggling with how to make a profitable new title that works for them and part of it’s just like the deadlines honestly it’s not freaking rocket science part of it is when you’re delivering to fans and you just totally like Miss swinging a miss right it’s you’re going to face difficulties and

Backlash it’s just going to happen and it’s not it’s not like the dev’s fault necessarily it’s it’s not to be a blame game it’s just it’s just hard it’s hard video games are hard staying on deadlines is hard but then coming out with a game that feels like quasi

Finished with the issue of us staring down the barrel of like not knowing when when Forge was going to be out and just a whole bunch of other stuff there were a lot of issues you know there were a lot of moments where um genuinely I wondered whether or not they

Were even going to come out with Forge and and that’s when I walked away from Halo for a while was I was just like what is the point in me being here you know but it’s um yeah isn’t that just a death match kind of it’s kind of a death

Match I would say and and make the argument that like when you’re looking at a battle royale it’s more than Deathmatch in terms of you’re having kind of that onean standing it’s like a freefor all but on a massively multiplayer Arena kind of way right um I I would probably

Enjoy the heck out of it and that might sound a bit hypocritical because I’m saying that I’m not not sure whether or not I would um like I’m not really enjoying Halo infinite as it is right now but I I think that that’s just me being honest

As well and just saying like this is how it is is that I I wish it were I wish infinite was a little bit better balanced I wish that a a lot of things in in infinite were more fun in some ways too um yeah I just

I don’t know I’ve I’ve played a ton of it I’ve played a ton of fiesta Fiesta is like one of my chill games for fun and I just had to stop because the maps especially the new like the new um like Japanese inspired Maps some people absolutely love them and more power to

Those individuals I’m not one of them I feel that they’re very poorly balanced I feel that they’re they’re really just not great maps in my own opinion and that may be a hot take that’s just my own Viewpoint for it uh as a longtime player longtime enjoyer it just for me was not

Fun so and of course it’s one of those challenges too whenever you have like a new season of something you’re always going to get a large proponent of people jumping back in you’re going to have a lot of people who are trying to exploit the game you’re all blah blah blah blah

Blah there’s always that pain right with any game there’s always that pain we’re just going to toss this out of our inventory and leave it there to die leaving it there to die look at it now it’s dying leaving it there to Die but yeah Halo battle royale I think would be super fun I think a lot of people would would get a huge kick out of it myself included enjoy your game you’re going to go to bed thank you for hanging out I appreciate it and I hope that you got to

Catch the third episode of uh cursed Halo I look forward to you getting to enjoy the next ones as well they’re they get so so fun oh man I love the like the you picked up three plasma rifles and a third arm just wait just wait it’s coming it is so freaking

Wonderful all right we are going to break down more of these I’m hoping for more diamonds I do have to go to bed though because it’s already 12:30 and that means that when the night has come and the land is dark and the moon exactly is the only

Light you see yeah come on don’t be afraid don’t shed no tears just know that next Thursday we’ll be back for another stream and good will be back for a stream oh he’ll be back for a stream who back back for a stream back for a stream next week on

Thursday next week on Thursday this is a true and accurate statement my name is goodness and I stand by this message oh we will absolutely be doing that we’re going to do some more deck out next week uh also maybe a little bit of the vanilla building cuz um this is way

Fun I like getting to just chat with y’all whilst I destroy the entirety of all of the natural resources of this world I mean who wouldn’t love that it’s like it’s like we’re digitally just mining out everything are you a strip mining fracking what’s happening right now I’m

Having a bunch of fracking fun right I me we we’re not using water for it but technically I could throw some water down and be like hey we’re horrible to the environment oh no we’re not going to do that though we’ll just we’ll mine old school and

Hopefully find a bunch of diamonds uh cuz that would be fantastic I need a full armor set and of course a bunch of tools and then maybe some magic and we we want to get all the XP and stuff and make something with mending because of course

You do you want something with mending or efficiency or whatever just make them last forever oh my goodness I want to thank y’all for hanging out tonight I hope you had as much fun as I did I had a blast alongside each and every single one of

You and I can’t wait for us to do this again next week so enjoy your evening stay frosty my friends and I will catch you you on the flipper side tomorrow tomorrow Thursday the other tomorrow tomorrow but in like a week minus a day it’s very confusing

Very tough but I will be back on Thursday at 800m Central Standard Time thank you again for hanging out with me enjoy your evening stay frosty my friends and remember that you are loved appreciated and I will see you on the flipper side good night everybody I’ll catch you next

Time also my music didn’t start but that’s okay cuz we’ll see what happens now will this happen now maybe good night once again

This video, titled ‘Decked Out 2 – Lost Crafters SMP’, was uploaded by Gooderness on 2024-01-19 06:39:28. It has garnered 123 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:59 or 14399 seconds.

Jumping into the vanilla dungeon crawling experience in Minecraft that was on Hermitcraft!

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    Bedtime Blues: Minecraft Child's Funny Snooze In Minecraft world, when the sun starts to set, Parents call out, “Child, it’s bedtime, don’t fret.” But the kids protest, “I don’t want to goooooo!” Their love for the game, it clearly shows. Building and crafting, exploring each day, In this pixelated world, they want to stay. But sleep is important, for a new day to come, So off to bed, the children must run. Parents smile, knowing the joy that Minecraft brings, Their imaginations soar on pixelated wings. So tuck them in tight, with a kiss on the head, In dreams of blocky adventures, they’ll be led…. Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Episode 1

    Surviving Minecraft: Episode 1 Welcome to a New Minecraft Adventure! Join Shez on an exciting new Minecraft survival series where the unexpected is always around the corner! In this episode, get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. Exploring Spawn As Shez begins their journey, the first task is to explore the spawn area. From lush forests to sprawling plains, the world is full of wonders waiting to be discovered. Lush Caves One of the highlights of the exploration is stumbling upon lush caves. These vibrant and unique biomes are teeming with life and resources, offering a new dimension… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Mayhem: Beware the Boiled Horror at 3AM!

    Midnight Minecraft Mayhem: Beware the Boiled Horror at 3AM! In the dead of night, at 3 AM, beware, The horror of the boiled one, lurking there. Don’t open the door, don’t let it in, For in Minecraft, the danger begins. The phenomenon, so scary and real, In the game, it’s a chilling ordeal. But fear not, for with courage and might, You can survive the haunted night. So lock your doors, and stay alert, In Minecraft, danger can’t hurt. But if you dare, to face the fright, Just remember, only rhymes in sight. Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: OP in 5 Minutes

    Mastering Minecraft: OP in 5 Minutes Mastering Minecraft: How to Give OP on a Minecraft Server Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Giving yourself OP (operator) status on a Minecraft server can open up a world of possibilities, allowing you to manage permissions and grant other players access to powerful commands. Let’s dive into the process and learn how to become the ultimate Minecraft master! OP Yourself: The Key to Power OP status in Minecraft grants you the ability to wield incredible power within the game. By giving yourself OP, you can access a wide range of commands that… Read More

  • Speedrun Shuffle: Minecraft’s Quickstep Hustle

    Speedrun Shuffle: Minecraft's Quickstep Hustle In Minecraft, time is of the essence, Efficiency is key, it’s the game’s very presence. From mining to building, every move must be swift, To survive and thrive, you must make a shift. Speedrunning through biomes, with precision and grace, Navigating obstacles, at a breakneck pace. Each block placed with purpose, each tool in hand, In this world of blocks, you must take a stand. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, with all of your might. Keep the crowd engaged, with stories that sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Skyblock Scares: Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.8)

    Skyblock Scares: Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.8) In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With Dwellers and Mods, the terror within. Building a safe place, to escape the fright, Facing monsters in the dark of night. Join me on this journey, filled with fear and fun, As we explore the One Block, under the sun. With mods like The Man From The Fog, and The Mimic too, The terror is real, but we’ll see it through. So come along, and watch with glee, As we conquer the challenges, just you and me. Minecraft Night Dweller, in a world so vast, With rhymes and laughter,… Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft as S5João takes on the challenge of defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest. Join in on the excitement as our fearless adventurer navigates through this mystical realm filled with danger and intrigue. Unleashing the Adventure As S5João delves deeper into the Twilight Forest, players are treated to a thrilling display of courage and skill. The Queen’s minions lurk around every corner, testing our hero’s resolve. With each obstacle overcome, the anticipation builds for the ultimate showdown with the Queen herself. Survival of the… Read More

  • Crafting Wave Lightning in Minecraft

    Crafting Wave Lightning in Minecraft The Fascinating World of Wave Lightning in Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and unique features. One such feature that has caught the attention of many is Wave Lightning. Let’s dive into the electrifying world of Wave Lightning in Minecraft! What is Wave Lightning? Wave Lightning is a powerful and visually stunning phenomenon in Minecraft that adds an extra layer of excitement to the game. When triggered, Wave Lightning creates a wave of lightning bolts that cascade across the sky, creating a mesmerizing display of light and sound. How to Make… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Savior Waller Pranks!! 😂🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft Savior Waller Pranks!! 😂🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Ծիծաղելի Փրկիչ վալեր || Վալերի արկածները #minecraft #game’, was uploaded by DassMaster on 2024-01-08 12:06:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello, dear subscriber, subscribe to this channel with a great gift… Read More

  • Sil’s World SMP, Whitelisted, No Claims, 1.20.4

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Semi-Vanilla Server Join our Java 1.20.4 server with minimal plugins for a chill and lax community experience. We launched on 23 March 2024! Features: No teleportation, claims, McMMO, etc. Regular events and minigames Permanent Map with no resets Custom World Generation using TerraformGenerator Our focus is on playing together and having a good time. We keep rules to a minimum and aim to create a welcoming community for all players. Whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or anything in between, you’re welcome here! Server events are based on east asian timezones. Interested? Apply here! Read More

  • Horizon Isles MC – SKYBLOCK

    Horizon Isles MC - SKYBLOCKWelcome to Horizon Isles! We are a new skyblock server with a ton of custom content looking forward to meeting and playing with every one of you! Skyblock: Explore on a secluded island with minimal resources and work your way up in the ranks Adventurers Guild: Run dungeons solo or with friends for unique endgame content including custom loot, enchants, mechanics and more Cosmetics: We have numerous cosmetics from tool skins to tags and particle effects. PVP: We have a huge pvp arena with a King of the hill gamemode inside! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting a spicy meltdown”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting a spicy meltdown"“Well, looks like this meme really mined its way to the top with a score of 35! It’s a real diamond in the rough.” Read More

  • Sneaky Build in Adraken’s Duskfell

    Sneaky Build in Adraken's DuskfellVideo Information This video, titled ‘Twilight of Duskfell – Minecraft Build – Minewind Map #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Adraken on 2024-05-25 09:25:03. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Made by _Adraken_, Blockdog2087 and Krylord. To join the Minewind server and step into this realm use the IP: enter.minewind.com Music from – https://youtu.be/tCHZcsoFqjA?si=7qHE0W7_94Q1KrqQ Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment Unveiled! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment Unveiled! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes that relate? In the forest, something shifts, can you spot the switch? Watch closely, observe, and let your brain enrich. Aha moment, when you finally see, The difference that sets the scene free. Challenge your mind, with this tricky test, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is best. So come along, join the fun, In this quiz, where the challenge has just begun. Spot the difference, in the world so grand, And let your skills in Minecraft expand. Read More


    MUTANT WITHER SKELETON DESTROYS GOLEMS: Epic Minecraft Showdown! I didn’t know the Wither Skeleton was auditioning for the next X-Men movie! #MutantWitherSkeleton #GolemSmash #MinecraftMayhem Read More


    MY DRAGON DESTROYED MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a channel dedicated to the incredible world of Minecraft! In this video, we will delve into all the exciting aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploration, survival, and adventure, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your own virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Main Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in designing your… Read More

  • Discover the Unique Births on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Unique Births on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the fascinating world of Minecraft servers, and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to explore a world where every baby’s birth is unique and different? While the video we shared today may not be directly related to Minewind, it does spark the imagination and creativity that Minecraft is known for. Minewind server offers a one-of-a-kind experience for players looking to immerse themselves… Read More

  • 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Medieval Minecraft Hardcore The Epic Tale of Surviving 100 Days in a Medieval Civilization in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a thrilling adventure as 100 players come together on a medieval SMP server in Minecraft Hardcore! Each day brings new challenges, alliances, epic wars, and dramatic stories. Witness the creation of a world-building masterpiece as players trade, battle, and conquer in this medieval simulation. Join the journey as quests are completed, dragons are defeated, and a medieval saga unfolds! Building Alliances and Conquering Challenges As the days progress, players must forge alliances to survive the harsh medieval landscape. Trade becomes essential for acquiring… Read More


    INSANE SKYBLOCK LIVE ON PENGUIN.GG - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘SKYBLOCK LIVE! SEASON 7 ON PENGUIN.GG – LIVESTREAM – SB737 – MINECRAFT 2024’, was uploaded by Nebman on 2024-03-27 19:08:38. It has garnered 1387 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:29 or 7349 seconds. Subscribe to save the turtles! This will be a multi part series featuring my progression and tips on Minecraft Skyblock server Penguin.gg owned by SB737. To visit my island type /is visit Nebman1 If you enjoy the video, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • Daring Minecraft PS3 100-Day Challenge Finale

    Daring Minecraft PS3 100-Day Challenge FinaleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PS3 100 DAYS LIVE! (Day 82-100)’, was uploaded by FeeDStunz on 2024-03-09 01:56:12. It has garnered 371 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:54 or 16734 seconds. Minecraft Realm SMP Survival With Viewers 🎁AWESOME GIFTERS🎁 1. Eyedragon | Gifted 10 Members | 2. Jack Adams | Gifted 5 Members | 3. David Fitzpatrick | Gifted 1 Member | 4. Maybe You? 💯THANK YOU TO THESE AMAZING PEOPLE💯 1. Zgamerz2: AED 8,981.18/€2,263.63 2. Stonehedgehog: $39.00 3. Sigma Man: €31.00 4. DDX: $25.00 5. Buzzing: £24.00 6. Jack Adams: £21.00 7. Sean… Read More

  • Insane One-Block Challenge! Join the Minecraft Fun

    Insane One-Block Challenge! Join the Minecraft FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘The One Block Minecraft Survival Stream (Please Join)’, was uploaded by ItsJaeson on 2024-03-01 20:33:34. It has garnered 182 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:55 or 6955 seconds. I am going to be playing one block minecraft survival for the first time and who knows what corny adventure awaits us for i am the honored one and i wanna do something elese then play on my minecraft hardcore world/ 100 days and this is part 3 of my one block / skyblock series Tags: Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft TikTok Hack you won’t believe!” #MinecraftHack

    "Insane Minecraft TikTok Hack you won't believe!" #MinecraftHackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TikTok Build Hack#minecraft #shorts #ytshorts #viralshorts #trandingshorts#tranding #viral’, was uploaded by ragamer59 on 2024-02-04 13:55:33. It has garnered 5149 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft TikTok Build Hack MINECRAFT#shorts #ytshorts #viralshorts #trandingshorts#tranding #viralshorts #minecraftticktokhack #minecraft viral hack Read More

  • 🔥Ponteiros Ultimate Texture Pack 2024!🔥

    🔥Ponteiros Ultimate Texture Pack 2024!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 20 TEXTURAS DE 2024 PARA MINECRAFT PE (BEDROCK)’, was uploaded by Ponteiiro on 2024-05-22 23:00:25. It has garnered 13890 views and 1554 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. ➤ Subscribe to the Channel https://www.youtube.com/ponteiirogamer __________________________________________ Email for professional contact [email protected] __________________________________________ ➤ Become an EncurtaNet partner https://encurta.net/ref/Ponteiiro __________________________________________ ➤ Instalar Addons no Minecraft PE (1.18/1.19/1.20) https://youtu.be/Zm3R3lI3dBw __________________________________________ ➤ TEXTURAS MOSTRADAS Dynamic Animations Texture Pack https://mcpedl.com/dynamic-animations/ Better Ender Dragon Texture Pack https://mcpedl.com/better-ender-dragon-remastered-1/ Dynamic Damage https://mcpedl.com/realistic-damage-resource-pack/ Agglomerated Smoke https://mcpedl.com/agglomerated-smoke/ Better Beds Resource Pack https://mcpedl.com/better-beds/ Savanna Reimagined Texture Pack https://mcpedl.com/savanna-reimagined-acacia-coloring/ Nature Golem… Read More

  • OMZ MELTS in Minecraft?! PARODY with Roxy and Lily!

    OMZ MELTS in Minecraft?! PARODY with Roxy and Lily!Video Information This video, titled ‘OMZ is MELTING in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2024-02-28 13:01:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz … Read More

  • Insane Ice Hearth Stunt: Jump Guard Jump!

    Insane Ice Hearth Stunt: Jump Guard Jump!Video Information This video, titled ‘Salta Guardia Salta! | icehearthvt en #Twitch’, was uploaded by Ice Hearth on 2024-01-05 00:39:22. It has garnered 37 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #shorts #VTuber #Minecraft Read More

  • Insane JeromeASF Pranks Drive Friends to Minecraft RAGE!

    Insane JeromeASF Pranks Drive Friends to Minecraft RAGE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Causing My Friends To RAGE In Minecraft Monsters Industries!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-03-11 19:00:02. It has garnered 12084 views and 194 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:38 or 11498 seconds. Causing My Friends To RAGE In Minecraft Monsters Industries! Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Minecraft – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrYnLkVfvVf0Qy0YOUQdk2A Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my Snapchat:… Read More

  • Wild Farm Song on Mass Island: MUST WATCH!

    Wild Farm Song on Mass Island: MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Farmers’ Song (Concert Version)’, was uploaded by Mass Island – Topic on 2024-04-17 21:06:35. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:31 or 91 seconds. Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Farmers’ Song (Concert Version) · Mass Island Mass Island Concert 2024: Minecraft Reimagined (Live at Boston Conservatory at Berklee) ℗ 6823199 Records DK Released on: 2024-04-17 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • The Random Dimension

    The Random DimensionThe Random Dimension (est. 2013) is a fun, friendly and imaginative SMP Minecraft server. A place to play and leave behind “real world” stresses. A place to practice being the best person you can be. We have unique features that add to the Minecraft experience: -The Random Lotto on Saturday at 11am EST. It is free to play, and you can win various in game prizes. -Weekly special events on Sunday at 7pm EST. We will host a variety of fun group oriented games and experiences. -We also have useful commands for player convenience like /home, /tpa, /back and more!… Read More

  • VanillaSmithCraft SMP Vanilla 1.20.6 Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to Vanilla Smithcraft SMP! IP: vanillasmithcraftsmp.net Version: Java/Bedrock 1.20.6 CROSSPLAY Server Location: CANADA Features: Survival SMP RandomTeleport for quicker exploration Warps to set locations Daily Rewards for active players Homes system with /sethome command Claiming system to protect your builds Join now and become part of our community at vanillasmithcraftsmp.net! Read More

  • hannaSMP

    hannaSMP“How About a New Name Actually SMP”, or hannaSMP, is a whitelisted 1.20 vanilla survival server made for small streamers. If you want to start collaborating with other small streamers or even just need content to stream, then this is the place for you.What do I need to join?We accept all Twitch streamers, no matter how big or small, as long as you agree to stream as much as you can while online on the SMP. We accept other streaming platforms too, but we don’t recommend streaming anywhere other than Twitch.We accept non-streamers too, but it’s greatly preferred that you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Speedrunning in Minecraft”

    Why did the creeper join the track team? Because he wanted to go fast! Read More

  • Poppy Playtime ESCAPE from Zoonomaly – HOT!

    Poppy Playtime ESCAPE from Zoonomaly - HOT! Why did the Poppy Playtime character go to Zoonomaly? To escape the constant “pop” of their own name being said over and over again! Read More

  • Sneaky Adventure: StoneHill Castle

    Sneaky Adventure: StoneHill Castle Minecraft Day 3: Exploring StoneHill Castle | Pt.1 Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary with Kiwi, a popular pngtuber, as they embark on a 15-day Challenge! The challenge? Posting daily content in honor of Minecraft’s milestone. Join Kiwi on this exciting journey as they dive into the world of Minecraft. Exploring StoneHill Castle As the clock strikes 00:00, Kiwi gears up for another day of adventure in Minecraft. The gameplay kicks off at 01:19, with Kiwi setting out to explore the majestic StoneHill Castle. The castle stands tall against the pixelated sky, beckoning players to uncover its secrets. Unraveling Mysteries With… Read More

  • Dimension Hopping Snowman64: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Adventure!

    Dimension Hopping Snowman64: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dimension Hopping | 15 Days of Minecraft: Day 9’, was uploaded by Snowman64 on 2024-05-23 19:23:06. It has garnered 472 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:26 or 2126 seconds. Let’s see what lies beyond our very own dimension! That’s right – we’ll be touring the Nether and the End today! 15 Year Journey: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/free-map-full-nostalgia Watch the rest of my 15 Days of Minecraft adventure: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpgHAMRL6J2skwjrbtcdVW0L2iH_-oy_7 My Socials: Public Discord server: https://discord.gg/xDhnsGKvNv Twitter: https://twitter.com/SnowmanSixFour Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/snowmansixtyfour Tags: #minecraft #mc #gaming #nether #end #dimension #dimensions Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PC Setup Revealed!

    Ultimate Minecraft PC Setup Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PC Setup💻 #shorts’, was uploaded by Reese Gaming on 2024-02-28 13:09:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hive gameplay with viewers LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Hive gameplay with viewers LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Hive with Chat! || come chat! (LIVE STREAM)’, was uploaded by AllAspen on 2024-04-02 19:05:55. It has garnered 157 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:35 or 11555 seconds. Hello! If you’ve been here before welcome back, and if you’re new welcome! My name is Aspen and I’m a newer bedwars player. I may be extremely inexperienced and not the best, but I hope I can provide you with an entertaining experience 🙂 ☆ Socials! Discord: https://discord.gg/u2cJzCE4 YouTube: https://youtube.com/@AllAspen?si=7iAyjRr6Cf_1GSH7 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@allaspentiktok?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/allaspen ☆ A simple like, comment, or… Read More

  • EPIC SURVIVAL CHALLENGE: Amplified World Pt. 6

    EPIC SURVIVAL CHALLENGE: Amplified World Pt. 6Video Information This video, titled ‘amplified world let’s play 6’, was uploaded by snibblesnoop on 2024-01-15 05:32:33. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:02 or 182 seconds. This is the first HD video I’ve uploaded, although I’m not sure you’ll be able to tell the difference given that this is Minecraft game play. Music: Living Mice – C418 Read More