EPIC CARPOOL XX – Minecraft Dungeons! MUST SEE!

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Do you need anything before we go back into the uh the thingy guy the lightning rod maybe then I can’t give it to you cuz we need to do another mission before that cuz I I accidentally I I purposely gift you to the feather yeah oh wait there’s another daily

Trial I’m sorry would you just click on obsidian it’s a daily TR that’s not the daily trial it’s a daily trial let me take a look obsidian principal it’s the daily trial is that the daily trial I don’t I don’t believe that’s what a daily trial looks

Like it literally is the daily trial Damon it would say daily trial it wouldn’t say obsidian p no cuz the last one said the creeper Crips or whatever the [ __ ] was no no it didn’t say daily trial that’s what the guy was trying to listen I may be stupid but I ain’t

Stupid all right hurry up and accept the daily Tri I’m not accepting that what my chat is already hello all right I need to pop out chat I’m not accepting it Daven I accept it I refuse well then I guess we’re not playing Minecraft dungeons oh my God it’s too

Hard we even fight the how how are we even going to do that we didn’t even defeat the Archy yet I don’t even know where you’re finding this where are you where are you finding this from it’s the daily trial I keep telling you that yes Lucas I just accept

It just tell me where you’re tell me where you’re clicking on it then the daily trial it says daily trial where on the [ __ ] map your dumb ass the mainland daily trial accept it this is called desert Tower Daman shut the [ __ ] up it says daily

Trial no no no for me it’s this for me it’s this no it’s it’s the complete I need you to look at my screen understand for me it’s this I have a daily trial that’s this that’s I don’t I don’t I don’t care what your daily trial is

That’s the thing I we need a we need a um whoopsie this doesn’t look like a daily Tri fine finally Jesus Christ This is not daily trial you lied it is it is you’re liar it’s our daily trial to beat the [ __ ] game who for the asked no need to be rude about

It I want to watch the cut scene TOS of do I’m absorbing the cut fight your way through to the highest to I’m becoming one with the cut scene ends tonight hey uh Hey Damian what little little birdie told me you like men what exactly that’s what I said you going to

Hurry up yeah yeah I’m just I’m just copying and pasting some things like your hairline oh The Crowd Goes Wild The Crowd Goes Wild Damian one more time the Crowd Goes Wild what for the people in the back that didn’t hear me the crowd goes

Wild I know I know I’m trying to I’m getting more of a crowd hold on there we go the crowd is going to go wild after they see this one listen Dam the the crowd let me see chat look seven people the crowd the crowd why are they kissing

Each other that’s four people what are you talking about it says seven on my screen I’m literally in your stream there four no it says well three cuz I’m in there do you not just see that shut up we’re gaming right now we need a

Um I don’t have my chat open right now and and Dam’s going to yell at me if I if I go go to see what do we go fight all the uh guys again or just go straight for him no just go straight for it I’m risking it for the biscuit Attack oh yeah I can’t figure out how to do it they switch the way the modding thing works Lucas why are you putting bombs in my chat oh did you know that uh that illagers actually have their skin tone pigment because they’ve been underground for a

While cuz you know the Villager more in the Sun so they have a Browner thingy know that you know that yeah cuz I’m RAC it no did you know oh I’m the one that tells no FS Bo hey wait is this a boss battle no oh no

This looks awfully similar to it though I’m not going to lie oh [ __ ] I made a mistake I have trouble aiming some times with stupid lightning rods you watch this ready don’t fall okay did you just see what luuka said in chat Lowe’s King under table now was

That that’s real something yeah that’s that’s let’s go get him are you ready my never mind damn he’s going primal I was a see with Chris Hansen and I got another Soul bow we go this way right yep let’s [ __ ] this [ __ ] up how the [ __ ] am

I I was stuck for a second what stupid does an vuler where though that evoker beat it’s kind of like the Kratos music you know what I’m talking about you know yeah go to C saved your life ow hello star of the Dragon whoa we are getting bullied

I I don’t know you you just have a tendency of doing so and so we’re going to right yeah nope how much damage did your corrupted Beacon do again 400 something what that means no I don’t don’t explain it it means that you do damage not just any damage big damage blonde

Damage don’t call the cops to my home what all right just where we left off never mind no oh god there sure there’s a lot of people here your Shields really do suck if they break after one hit you know mhm Bro I don’t know what happened I slipped I dropped a penny I went to go reach for it and I fell on my face oh don’t mind me I’m just just again a a little crispy oh my chat turned off oh my I I have no clue Spanky

Ganky oh attacked them from the back are we getting closer to the thingy I probably oh all right wait that’s the wrong direction I don’t want to go over there onward I think no no oh no we got to get up all these stupid stairs again this is it you ready you

Ready oh put him up look at his Heth immediately gone okay remember he got hands remember that yeah I know I know I just want to get him down and now we move now use your rod thing I got it I did it keep using it it’s

Loading I see the power of the rod how I was forsaken you might want to get away from that oh [ __ ] oh this guy wow you would not believe what I got for killing the B of the game you not crossbow no but I came even I came I got

Wheat crazy and and Grim armor over here and let’s watch this cut scene there’s a cut scene yeah let’s watch this cut we did wait a second this this looks like he kind of escaped Damian this this looks like he kind of got away you know this he’s right there

He’s right there hey kill him that’s don’t skip it don’t skip it just watch yes sir he’s about to get clapped Damen there’s four of us now wait who is the yeah we did it the arch turn my volume of the villagers Was Defeated yes sir shank him what what is he

Doing he’s going to get his ass kicked Daman her gang bang yes sir no yes sir I am I power of friendship [ __ ] tell You they dancing dancing I’m speechless I’m doing the Jiggy that’s so stupid why didn’t they kill him the amount of people he killed the amount of things of are his friends we killed now we go into the DLCs this is so so St now we go on

Adventure Mode what you talking about we do it again but it’s so dumb man we get better [ __ ] oh you’re right I maybe I can pop my sword in the upgrader now and use the frost one for a little bit how many more uh missions did you have left on that

One I have to do two more two more hey I got the lightning rod finally [ __ ] H nice nice let’s see what I get a feather probably ah no a shock powder I love this game I love when this game just gives me Stu that I I don’t want any paron you

Know what I mean man mhm like when the game looks at me dead in the in the in the pupils and says and says no that wasn’t worth it I mean why are there only two people in this chat I don’t know people coming in and

Out oh didn’t count huh had to do on adventure Guild difficulty apparently oh wait we have two thing’s unlocked now you see that yeah but I guess my sword you have to do it on Aventure difficulty or higher oh but I upgrade this armor for no reason this this

Sucks it it didn’t do anything now I’m going to sell it for two gold might as well out of here stupid so you don’t need this other Rod huh no can we do the tower first cuz I I want armor whatever makes me so sad I am

Poor I must Place blacksmith accept my sword as tribute hold on accept my sword is tribute okay broadsword I’m putting in there uh yes uh star of the Dragon what’s your question what what do I do here did you did it take your enchantments off your thing or like did

You get them back what do you mean like you got your sword back right or I mean no you didn’t but when you did your cuz it do I don’t want to lose they give you your enchantment back they give it back okay if I do this and I don’t see any

Enchantments get back never mind I got him back thank Jesus now I just have to sit on them for a while all right how do we go into extreme mode earn bonus there’s a lot of missions on there interesting we’re already in adventure mode oh we are yes so now if

You look at the max difficulty the recommended power level is 68 ooh let’s go do the tower yeah let’s go I took the L long way is this an adventure mode it is let’s go yeah it is we got this so now we’re going to get better [ __ ] probably when are you guys

Going to do the next live I don’t know I mean you can just uh do the little notification thing so whenever we’re live it’ll tell you I got I got a Mr Beast in my pocket in my socket that is poop my it still says level one in the corner

Though you see that we’re on Adventure Mode Adventure what oh are you feeling it Mr Krabs is there is there is there is there is there a complication Miler is there a a problemo I just got back on they do seem to be that’s what I thought

BL no I got off for a while why are these swords setting on starting on level 37 oh oh we’re oh we’re boosted way up oh we’re in danger I’ll take the amet I’m scared I’m scared the live stream was 7 hours so this that’s nothing the emlet of

Hope must stick like come on the wall kiwi Kitty gaming sorry I’m late no problem Oh what is happening here I I I’m saying like mile away from the screen I don’t see it what you said kiwi I’m sitting on my bed do you know the distance between my

Bed and the and the TV and that tiny screen that it is super it is extremely far I don’t ever want to hear not that far again that is how dare you how dare you I’m a bro you’re going to go to sleep and you’re going to have a lump in

Your bed it’s going to be my poo I’m going poop in your bed someone just said no they were not approving in my in my bed a [ __ ] kiwi I right what listen man I should let you get beat hold up wait a minute what happened did I miss

Something I’m not going to lie damn you carry that thing I just stood there who’s mad I’m so they call me the brussel sprout back in the hood what do they call you the lactator like go what the lactator that’s your nickname in the Hood the lactator they call me the singing

Gopher my dog has made the most ungodly sound I ever heard in my entire life F did you you pooped yourself I think that scent that is arising for my dog Chris Thomas hello ow my head my hairline saw your last video the Chuck E cheese freaking stupid

Thing you think you’re better than me Damian yeah well you’re right oh yeah I don’t even need a new B that’s how good I actually I do there we go good good Bo good BL boy good boy have you heard of fin Night at Freddy’s no I haven’t what is

It I was thinking of making a few hundred videos of it you know I just never got around to the Five Nights at Freddy’s think he’s talking about five nights of Frankies I don’t know five nights of Frankies five nights at Fergusons that has to be something what

Fast Fergusons or Frankies I feel like both could be to be there’s no way there’s no fin night of Frankies or it’s like a it’s like a it’s like a really bad I I don’t think there’s any way it would be good actually yeah no I

Need but that artif okay yeah I’ll go with that will you what I will you will need to fill prison I’m so confused I’m always confused I can’t look at my chat without being confused damn hold on they need to chill out for a second five nights at federal prison what

My uncle played that game you guys are going wild I oh it has like R Kelly EDP [ __ ] I’m taking I am I am I’m getting there you go that even heal you bro I’m dying I’m I’m covering your big brother don’t call that boy why big

Brother you’re bigger I got you boy can you read the enchantment in the middle hold on look at this look at this there’s enchantment text in the center of the thingy when when you’re low heart yeah yeah yeah can you read that say health says Health how you know how you know it

Do say heart I [ __ ] know I just assuming it just says H what it says Pizza good if you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] what what if it couldn’t now you look stupid n you the tables have turth Merchant floor hello oh my hairline is going all caddy Wampus

Dam you strike me as a guy that goes cadd wus is that hm what is that I don’t know that is such that is such a useless thingy extra damage to unexpecting enemies who’s not going to be expecting me I that’s so annoying Oh I thought they said I I have

I thought that said I smell penis but it says I smell pennies guys can you answer the question shut up no no no what we can’t we can’t we can’t why it’s just Joe Biden D no we can’t we can’t answer the question no why not can’t Ambush your mom he

Said oh no oh whoops [ __ ] where’d you go whoops you hit no one with that you threw it into the yeah I don’t know where the exit is I feel like this would be a little more interesting if it was a different level each time you know what I mean

Like they swapped it up a little bit you know what I’m saying I’m so happy with a soccer ball wow good to hear melee attack speed all right count me actually no does this it gives me more Health though life yeah sure why not you hear that that’s the sound of the Fallen

Archist blue fire which is also Soul fire which means they’re using Soul power and so are we which means where does this Soul power originate from how does one harness a Damian may I take you to the ancient I’m trying to monologue here and my screen keeps turning

Off they’re getting real they’re getting they’re getting wild right now they they’re asking questions only God knows Funny oh my God we have bad boy Halo in chat and it’s oh no no no no Antonio it’s a bad boy hola what it says I think that was meant to be Halo I think no no no hold on Daren Daren I think that I think that

Was meant no Dar I think that was meant to be bad boy Halo no yeah I’m [ __ ] what who the hell that there is no bad boy hola that’s what they put I mean that could have been a misinput you’re going to argue with the facts what I’m not

Arguing please tell me I was a misinput no be quiet no no some please please tell me that was a misinput shut up shut up shut up [ __ ] oh so what does it say what was it meant to say Damon huh want to get back

On your feet want to get back on your feet boy hold on no oh no no there we go yes sir that’s what I’m talking about star there we go no there we go Bam Bam right there proof evidence no yeah you are you denying the

Facts Damian are you you no I’m not you are I never denied anything don’t deny you’re wrong you’re wrong I’m always right no you’re wrong you’re wrong you’re wrong no yeah you eat cat food with tweezers bad a receeding hairline at 16 be quiet where so do you go look in the

Mirror no I don’t what the [ __ ] I should have a hairline look at the side of your head your balding on the top end oh does end a haircut and then talk to me boy come here come here come here you didn’t see that coming some mana on your

Lips better go flying check this out by the way who do you think created these ancient Golems are now defending shut the hell up boy nerd what do you mean nerd I’m nerd it’s game because technical reasons there’s reason why they Implement lore in the game so a deeper understanding of no Dad I have a crippling depression and there’s only 1% left your mom guys so mean let’s just say I’m doing so much more damage than you you’re literally not i i l literally did I Ain better I’m stronger I’m about to die I don’t have a

Dad neither do I I do actually but but not biological actually no it’s fine I like my dad I don’t like the biological one he’s mean not mean he’s weird does that does that you hear that that sound like more damage than D no you wish I don’t need to whoa

Wow wead no you did that I did what T at me boy not it I did I’m so sorry yeah slay King for no reason oh D’s Goblin I’m so low I’m so low let me heal je oh I’m dead I am dead also why do we step in I’m

Dead just get out of here bye you got it you got punk no I do got it you don’t cuz you’re dying these nuts anyway oh my God I got I got pranked I got had you think I think you got it over there right oh never mind this I’m dead I’m

Dead I’m dead yeah I’m getting out of here I’m dead anyways rering wait what say Subs without the be words are not my for what shoot him for Christ sake dami you come on oh my God Arrow Dum [ __ ] you suck that’s why Try investing in some Bitcoin be like the cool kids

No if he keeps hitting me I’m going to jump up in his pants what’s that more damage we did it I’m dying I’m dead yeah more damage literally more damage literally like if there was a RIT for every tree I did more damage if there was a tree for every thumb I

Plucked I yes if there was a horse for every raccoon you would be gay still was a Gucci handbag for every African kid you did less damage than me if there was a shake weight for every fat woman I would have done all the damage and literally carried the

Team yeah I’m pretty sure you’re the only one right now but I did that’s why you’re wrong I a you see I’m gaming right now do you have have two TNTs on your head no you don’t I have one now I accidentally threw it imagine not having

A TNT on your head that’s great I I literally have one couldn’t be anyone look at you look imagine being first to the door you suck you suck that’s crazy that’s crazy go go y tired I guess you got to go through the door first I’m just going to take a nap right

Here oh really MH Martin Spider-Man 2 is missing the ker building because it’s on vacation the crer building is one of the most famous buildings in all of New York so obviously it made an appearance in the first game which prided itself on its accurate portrayal of New York however

It won’t be making an appearance in the secret the official reason is Sony couldn’t reach a copyright agreement with the building’s owner The Unofficial reason is that the criser building is on vacation sound insane it is in the 2008 comic series World War Hulk after smash damage control the Kiser building is

Infused with the power of a Magic Stone the stone brings the building to life but not only does it bring it to life it also makes it angry and it takes that anger out on all your favorites all right you better walk through the door lock the door

D God Damon have a little walk I’m sleeping imagine being the last one through the door yeah wow you’re gay you’re dumb you’re you’re gay you’re Dum you’re dumb you m of fact you stupid are you on YouTube yeah I’m on YouTube shorts I’m always on YouTube shorts I’m actually known for YouTube

Shorts very bad YouTube shorts but that’s YouTube imagine not killing everything oh you clicked the button you’re weird not clicking it imagine look down there what you see down there you looked you’re dumb oh a stupid person imagine hearing what oh my God IM not having TNT on your head oh

Whoops yeah you look dumb now you look dumb you’re stupid no you no no you’re not bad but YouTube GE yes I’m very confused I need a I need to figure way to make better shorts they’re not that informative or time worthy oh my God you homo smell the RO

I think when they say wake up smell the [Applause] roses all right come on now oh on I’m still breaking hold on got be picking this foot in your butt have you freaking con if you don’t shut the hell up boy you have seconds toso I don’t know

Try I bre this one know I’m put this one no I’mma put this all right actually you can go back break the game oops didn’t mean to do that they’re coming from the holes right there this music really sucks on this level I’m faster than you what you doing that wasn’t the last

Guy where you feel lonely in chat um start Mark I don’t know send send the stream to 18 random people and only say fortnite battle pass softly into their ear what you like my circular Aura hey hit you instead I want my own no what is that that guy had gainster level status

Dam bees bees my bees have come to do the coming I mean bidding bidding of come turbulence I forgot what this guy does do I want to upgrade that that this yes are you ready yep no you’re not five nights at Franklin’s hey don’t you think it’s funny that there’s villagers underwater

Which means the villagers were the first ones to make the structure and not like these underwater creatures huh but you think that’s interesting huh did you ever consider that no bro how long is this live I don’t know we went for oh last time we did seven hours which I

Doubt we’re doing again Dam I’m Damon I tripped shut up I tripped my legs they folded from under me I collapsed I’m surrounded by peasants and sea monkeys there’s a lot of them intriguing it seems that I might fall no I have fallen oh my God I cannot believe this happened

Oh we got to go get that goddamn key no it’s right here somehow these guys sure are strong hey oxygen please oxygen please what are you talking about my bece what the [ __ ] I can’t see anything I’m going In all right I can get the Amulet of Peace blow them bees down ice [ __ ] did you know that the uh when those little guys summon their sea tentacles they make a wulu sound just like the illers the ones that drop the the the the totems of undying meaning they challenged life itself

You don’t you don’t understand the complexity of this Damon I don’t and I don’t care yeah you are right now you’re you’re the only one you’re all alone they had enough of Minecraft dungeons it’s fine this is the cool kid game oh wait this is a boss

Level this ain’t no ordinary Joe SM okay they they might be a bit [ __ ] this is not good oh no I can’t get around such obstacles you know like he’s right they’re really on top of me are you serious AFK John keny keep swinging

So no get it out of the fire [ __ ] how did I die I don’t know I was in there for much longer I just can’t stand the once I kill the thing they all go right no okay this is providing quite the challenge thing it I don’t know who could have foreseen

Such a challenge from a challenge chamber but a tower of several challenges could be possibly me you’re going to die in 5 seconds I am trying to get you cuz I cannot uh approach I cannot he okay this is quite annoying that we cannot P off the simple task of killing something

That is in our path let’s try this one more time cuz we only have one life chance tonight is p n backing up can you make him gay or something for you [ __ ] you got it just going in there boy oh no no no no back up I have to

China come on what are you talking about oh I thought I died for a second gra I looked away for a second hello can you um not do that you know this is no time for fooling around we got a dead man landing for throw TNT at

Him all right we only have one more chance at this whole Goofy Gander I got my Vex back should I replace some I really like the ice thing cuz it does a lot of damage all right [Applause] this is what you call Deep dooo oh I’m dead already already I’m

Dead intriguing intriguing gameplay I am dead I’m dead this seems to be extremely hey uh you this might come as a sudden surprise but I am not dead I will conquer I will pull through I will heal myself then heal you together we are forgot her name what was her name the op

Penises no I killed our zombie never mind he survived are you guys going to Mack in the next video tomorrow but but you’re like body Basics without me I’m so confused big brother I have no clue what you’re talking about do you do you feel the Holy Spirit coming in you Damian [ __ ]

What I don’t even know what Brook Haven is you know what Brook Haven is no and you’re dead no I’m not how dare you assume such a thing we’re trapped no we’re not I’m dead we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine right we’re fine fine we’re fine

We’re fine we’re fine it’s a okay okay there’s nothing to worry about just keep swinging you know just little we’re fine we’re fine feel taking that Summer Breeze of okayness and tranquility and then see this we’re fine okay I never seen stuff with such high level

Um you believe oh I can still throw the TNT I got this over there almost made the same mistake twice hm intriging get me out of there I fell back in the water again hey Damen hey Damen guess what no oh I can’t find them it hurts it hurts get these stupid I

Have yes homosexuality for the Win talking about you Damian what are you talking about nothing okay now bam easy as that you see something you bam something Bam Bam get a little my things in there let me just oh my Lord Oh my Jesus I am knocked unconscious I’m dead I do not feel like a heaven

Bird this allall went South real quick pleas protect me yes all right we’ll sit here maybe we won’t my bees did it let’s go you have one TNT slightly above your head and like it’s really weird I know is that some sort of [ __ ] thing you have going on with you I’m

Gangster it’s like barely balanced on it you know what sure I’ll make my arm unique it’s not unique so might as well just just bomb the guy did he react to it no he’s God oh I forgot have the [ __ ] TNT hello okay guys foren this turn hey pick it up okay there

Damn how did none of them die from that TNT I killed him by Rolling idiot two more floors okay I got the B armor okay can when we get out wait a second so I can enchant my thingies I go try the new weapon this if you want good all right now I’m

Good okay wait a second I need enchant my T enchant cool down between artifacts yes but first grant an extra roll oh relax F it’s okay are you ready yeah yeah I was planning to do that for the next stream that’s why I do the poll of what game you guys want me

To play Relax yeah it is going to be cuz the the the pole what are you doing Fiona puppy lay down pass your bedtime okay uh Damian I’m I’m in a bit of a pickle here never mind yeah bch you like pickled boy yeah shut up

D the dog is being very dog likee okay lay down puppy no one’s here she’s looking at the door like some sort of great intruder’s about to break in that guy just got tossed off the side peasant okay the iron IR iror gble the arber irber

Gble the G you ready a gble of iron no iron no gble got the iron gble we can’t die now we can’t die now we we won’t we won’t we won’t okay you see him now stab him stab him stab him get him good get him good

Hit him where it hurts hit him where it hurts I can’t look at chat this is this is intense he’s attractive with me oh I’m oh oh going to get him going to get him he’s he’s about to do his thing no he’s not maybe he is I don’t know Fu and heal

Now that Apple let me save this oh [ __ ] run howy I don’t he doesn’t even know where we are [ __ ] my IR I don’t I don’t know where okay go go go go go oh I forgot to heal have to run so I can heal I I get a radiant shot there’s

Going to be Intruder me no it’s not oh my God I’m people are thinking they’re Bri where are you oh can I iron golems can you please come over here and not t the man shooting at you over here please [ __ ] oh oh he’s getting funky

Damon take him down jig with me oh oh my oh my he’s getting oh that’s a that creeper that’s a creeper really I pray that they protect me I pray that they protect me no it’s not why you bully me uh what the [ __ ] how’ I get hit I don’t

Know I’m scared I’m I’m dead oh my iron go save my backing up I am looking at the Comments I’m in his face with it I’m in his face get him okay okay I’m backing up so I can charge my thing what say the the a [ __ ] my headphones are dying God damn it no just if I if I if I stop talking that means my headphones died all right

Okay I’m left in the dark oh God get him get him I’m was going to hide behind here I can take a little more oh no I can’t I can’t I can’t uh bro don’t for a biscuit what is happening okay okay bro no you’re just listening to YouTube shorts what that’s a

Creeper Damen how how delayed is my stream I don’t know H what are you doing Iron Golem if you don’t God damn it I couldn’t attack him oh have any more arrows man that took so much health I know but arrows don’t even affect them

Barely they they kind of do let me do something for a little while I’m running just run just run just run I would love don’t even don’t even I would I would love to just run eat that Apple I got that Apple I I got that app on me [ __ ] how’ I get

What go go go go go please oh my of course man him with that gunam set he’s back he’s back he’s back oh my God I got arrows I have Five Arrows not run run run no no don’t hit him no I miss miss inut what do you mean no get off YouTube

Shorts I’m not on YouTube shorts [ __ ] I’m so confused okay I hit the come on get me over there IR Golem get him get him get him get him okay peace him just peace him peace him don’t even one more hit I go Golem back up there we go Jesus

Man we did it okay that was a lot look at it the door greatness yep those I really want to get the iron golems they’re so okay all right holy [ __ ] this bow looks good I’m not sure about the enchants Pig armor well you make the best YouTube videos

Room I’m not sure what that is but thank you oh so the the gold piglin armor thing it can get consumable on potions use and then emit a chilling Ora I don’t know what that means I don’t see that on there mine just says resets artifact cool down press press press um

L3 oh exp are you telling me they all had to expand or the other one last time well when it when it says it when it says it I guess yeah this is very good then in that case I’m getting this I would get the bow but doesn’t have anything I seem interested

In M big long M’s I very long M you know Dam oh [ __ ] it whatever Michael Michael’s house keys what do you think about that H the Michael Jordan’s house keys oh even oh that’s that’s to oh my balls hurt all right well I can scrap this now cuz now I have 500 health all right good goodbye Salvage actually actually no

Blacksmith 300 to up upgrade why not there we go all right all right we need to get some missions done now hold on hold on hold on we got to check up he has a lightning route I don’t need you sure you don’t want to do it

Three more times two more times H why not okay this guy is still kind of I’ll take the monkey cuz it’s funny what you call me boy no no not you I’m talking about the actually not yeah I called you monkey all right now oh we didn’t do the stronghold yet now

That I think of it oh it’s super hard you want to go all the way or hold on look I’m just going to wear Pig armor God damn it fres your [ __ ] Boy tell you what so what you want to go all the way with this the uh stronghold we have all the

Eyes what the [ __ ] are you looking at oh right there look at that super duper hard harder than me I’m pretty hard I can’t really see it but I’m looking at your stream and that’s attemped yeah like explode yeah that’s ating wait that’s probably a cool cut scene look how cool this place

Looks by the way it’s kind of funny that this looks pretty ancient right meaning the Enderman didn’t build this shut the hell up you must have been the villagers because in the base Minecraft game to hold the ender eyes the ender pearls Only the strongest villagers have it you

Know the the diamond villager rank ones only they have it so only grave value Church villagers get to have them meaning what dark force shut at this you going to to feel as the is one watching you now that you’ve begun you must follow this path to the end

Um let’s go up these stairs first of all never mind I end they’re missing six we’re missing six of them what are you talking about how are we missing six we had them all no you seen it we had them oh my god do they hit hard oh they do hit hard

They harder than Grandpa just stick together oh there we go this is not doing anything maybe I need a little boost maybe they’re scattered around here somewhere no scattered around here no the frame is missing six you know what I mean the frame is missing six eyes Maybe

Yeah and we got to go get him throughout the world we already got them okay no what do we have to do we have to get it for this level twoo cuz I didn’t see any on the map even like are strong use your bow the bow is key the bow is

Key bow is key bow is key oh hell no thanks for leaving me brother thanks I didn’t leave you don’t get hit now but that hurts huh it does this ain’t so much of a cake walk anymore hola like I walk in a very mean Forest the meanest of

Forest what we have the eyes oh my God wait did we go to wrong direction yes I’m King are we don’t have goty why we got them all how do you know what do you mean cuz when we looked on a so when we die cuz probably going to

Happen show me all right I don’t know what these emojis mean oh my god of course Dam these spiders seem awfully strong you might want to you might want to back on up I’m [ __ ] dead bch oh that’s a freaking fire spider vanderin vanderlin Poker Face something something something something

I cannot move I’m sucking this place spy Riders surrounding Damon Camp move I really don’t like this game when it gets hard not harder than me because I live in a barn oh I’m a gamer I’m better than you you like my S my even enchant the

Be you you think you get oh imag Enchanted oh that’s my be what are you talking about that’s my be what the [ __ ] I thought I thought that was my be oh it’s my be [ __ ] out of here that’s my be following me oh I didn’t put the cham on never

Mind yeah look D in the portal watch I’m going to put those eyes in there you’re going to look stupid you look dumb no I might look stupid you know let’s go come on no [ __ ] that come on let’s go that’s cool you know I am stupid let see come on investigate

What’s this what’s this huh what you talking about what’s this where we going huh this is quite strange it’s almost like you put the Eyes where they go huh black back to the H you see this I don’t see anything actually my actually just turned my screen off actually why is

There a pig here how you feel about this landscape huh all right what least intimidating thing I never that was not even yes was that supposed to be scary I don’t know that was the least intimidating thing he kind of just like I don’t know how to grab that look embarrassing

Embarrassing you see that photo you seen the meme where he’s like scrolling through the edit a picture of his face with the white that is so funny achievement to the end against the creatur dra I don’t care if you want to make it out alive oh

Well I don’t I don’t think we I don’t think we are going to make that alive don’t e what is this here come this he’s down there nah we mean n oh goodbye solution to everything just throw them off the side yes uh person King whatever course fruit man this food here

Sucks breing to got to get a chili dog around here get it like Sonic do Sonic likes chili dogs what your telling like you like dogs chilling um I I don’t know this thingy I don’t know how this thing works I thought I did but they changed the system come up

Here oh we got this Dam just the two of us we can make it we’re going the right way oh we are yeah we go there we go there you want to go the opposite way yeah are we trying to get loot then no no no wait no we’re going wait which

Way are we going what the [ __ ] I don’t know cuz let go this way go the other way I’ll let me see if this is the right way uh YouTube doesn’t respond like that YouTube’s known for not responding if you contact them that’s like that’s kind of their their thing

Okay this way is not the right way but there’s something here I don’t know wait I’m dead I am dead I am dead no I’m not I’m alive oh I’m mounting I’m [ __ ] dead how convenient let’s go that way the way you were yeah go over here get the bouns a b

Want I want bounce I’m known for being a bouncy guy what the okay just’s like end water up here yeah Vander and water and water I’m stuck in the yeah I’ll eventually figure out how to do it over here yeah not much we just made it to the end bounce e

BCE I’m dying bounce bounce why am I you you a you ain’t bouncing hard enough these endites do have some mph with them sometimes you know H let’s go this way what why are they here oh wait never mind I forgot what is this got sickles sickles I’m [ __ ] getting

Hurt was that a tent yeah nice oh my God they teleported right back to me I’m sorry don’t let him hit you kind of I don’t know how they exploded but it worked have you picked up anything yet or the yeah sickles making a die for it some over

There are you serious oh wait look it unveiled another one oh there goes I got level the sickles you know I only get tricker bows really there’s a sickle I a trick bow oh my God Damen please protect me I’m being dogged I’m trying to get down there but

If I roll again I’ll definitely miss and die cuz I need a heal I need heal though I need to heal I need a heal roll oh my God roll oh roll roll I can’t Damian I just can’t roll then go around boy no that’s not

Cool cool I got it this is stronger than the blade I own currently this is ferociously stronger Damon holy [ __ ] hold on I have the these sickles they have Radiance on both enchantment slots I might have to I I I think you have to I have to I have to what is mine

I have to not much but look how cool this thing is it’s called do you have a thing called Swift Striker my piga I just lost my so I got a thing called the Swifts Striker its level is 59 it does anywhere from 100 and two 100 attack damage sometimes strike twice

Extra damage to unsuspecting enemies it’s kind of annoying that it’s better than the frost layer that we got but mm well we can still upgrade it yeah yeah but I’m just going to upgrade that fox armor I’m keeping it I’m keeping it for the entire game I’m going keep

Upgrading it until I can’t upgrade anymore I want to keep my sword until the tire game but I have to keep switching it out how just the oh this is nice hold on look at that getting some damage in if we beat this I’mma that’ll be

Crazy how many livs we have left three uh three we didn’t die yet oh didn’t we die no no that was oh no we traveled yeah that guy is gone what look at that you seen that yeah snake disgusting this looks awfully like a trap it is

Intriguing if only oh I think we have to stand in it like that that one thing oh okay e yeah it really just doesn’t like us standing it oh okay uh I’m taking a lot of damage we do it I think so oh yeah hold on how many secrets are here five all

Right I think we should definitely go the wrong direction just get that extra loot in case we do die mhm definitely yeah so imagine we have to find uh the end thing again oh my I’ll cry I don’t think we’ll have to do that I think it’s just like try again this

This teleporting thing is going to get us though we not oh my god oh look they all falling off the side look at them oh no no those aren falling off the side what are you talking about I’m dead I don’t know what to do oh

Yeah falling off the side D no all all the tiny little guys what do you call an egg that goes on a safari what do you call it Dam I don’t know wait how do we get oh we have to go this way how do we get oh I ref yeah I guess

We got to go this way if that guy hits me I’m screwed this looks uh Damian I messed I messed up I messed up yeah I know you did I can’t even get across there’s little thingy here I’m going to die just keep swinging where’s the little

Thing I’m I can’t get to you he’s he’s coming from I’m dead I’m going to get killed by Ender the mightiest Of Enders okay kill my [ __ ] beat where is he he hit so hard hey egg Explorer why the [ __ ] am I on the other

Side I don’t know I can’t help you get him over here no I can’t trick him get him up against the wall come here come here you dirty rat I can lightning strike him just yeah yeah come here yeah yeah where’d he go this is incredibly inconvenient what is that burning

Brew what is what are you doing oh look at that wow oh wait Shuler armor deflect enemy projectiles that sounds pretty surrounded by four or more enemies take 50% less damage put it on yeah wait there’s a key we need to find I forgot wait you think the other thing was open

Now there’s like actually good [ __ ] what the [ __ ] this one has three enchantments slots I have two of them so I don’t know how oh but mobs Target you more no they don’t oh that’s kind of it literally says it that that sucks a buffer is just part of the

Armor part of the armor but I mean when you get close I mean you kind of are always targeted anyways yeah unless it’s like a and if you’re playing solo then you know you’re kind of being targeted anyway so maybe it makes it doesn’t really

Maybe it makes you notice them can I buy the that super sucker uh we’re still in the kick the super sucker the super sucker oh oh that oh my God he almost nice Cut G me what’s up hello Damon I am I am I’m terrified that is not letting me

Heal please let me heal please pleas is that a key no it’s a flower ends go check here let me go chill a single hit from him just destroys my entire there’s the key we found a key when y’all have it available uh I don’t know in 19 billion to 3,000 business

Days damn it’s a lot of business days that’s that’s all the business days there is no more business days we have a stock on business days around here did we go check all the way around yeah we went like all the way around City supplies yeah surprise

Lies yeah yeah that’s about it yeah right there I don’t like the way he moves moves like a terrible ruik Cube keep swinging theing sludge heard that what the weird gargo hold on oh we do have to go this way I thought I really thought on to something

Maybe get rid of the ice oler immediately why what get the sword please oh I’m not leaving here without that sword I got it I’m stunned I’m stunned I can’t move move move move why they got so many iceers here oh I’m [ __ ] dead I cannot get

Away from that I’m dead I’m de I’m I’m dead I’m dead there’s no even looking fuing get cut G God damn it Ash that’s so dumb he teleported away the second I looked at him oh my God or they keep swimming just keep shooting why is he on that other

Side there’s too many of them all those ice things please wow we wasted two three I how many there better be something up here a button isn’t that hold on just just just hold on I really need a second I have a gigantic sword I can’t think of any EG egg

Jokes Daman I have obsidian Claymore now you don’t understand you don’t understand the damage this thing I’m looking at here the enchants suck but this thing does anywhere from 400 to 900 damage damn incredibly slow though look at this you can hear the power in it you

Feel that you feel that but I can’t use it cuz it’s way too slow and we’ll get killed in a place using something like that make sure it spring lock so I don’t I don’t know what the are you talking about the freaking fin of candies uh probably not

Tonight I’m not in a finest pH mood after my computer fails to record it see that watch this bam I mean I can stream that tomorrow that was on my computer I got Renegade armor Renegade shut up what is this multi roll increase damage you deal poison the first set amount of emerald

Collect are stored and then spent to save the player from Death I even know what that means five that means that that that I should probably wear it what are you wearing now yeah there more Health more heal well let’s just keep going and if

We face that boss and I don’t know I’ll probably I think we’re clapped if we have to face boss we got one life left and there guys over there zero what are you talking about we have zero oh never mind that’s worse uh Minecraft dungeons are you

Asking I hate when they teleport cuz then I get really confused please let me out of there I’m dead move back move back o hold on one more oh yeah sure oh don’t don’t even think about what I just did there we go now it’s working could you say you’re thunder struck

Perhaps oh look uh more sickles I just got a a weaker version of what I already have I’ll hold on to it box why is your name box we’re getting oh okay that don’t do that don’t fall don’t fall you see how much health it took well let’s wait here and let my

Thing cuz if not I’m there you’re there I’m what in the okay I I accidentally used my rage muffin muffin mushroom DN weird looking muffin all right to go I don’t think that game is no this game is only on like a no it’s not it’s like a PC uh

Playstation Xbox type game what game the one we’re playing it’s call it’s on all consoles yeah that’s the what I was before but he’s he was on mobile I don’t think they made a mobile verion mobile I don’t think this game will be possible playing a mobile maybe but it would be really

Weird it’s like Terraria mobile wait hold on do we go over there there’s a whole there’s a whole area we got to go wait no no hold on go this way come on come on come on we got go this way uh I’m venturin yeah yeah there’s stuff over here

Right oh oh what is this Anderson somewhere I don’t know where up there I don’t think um don’t I I would have died I don’t I don’t I don’t think uh we’re ready for this no we can just shoot look we cheese them look lightning bolt look not

Damage we are not him somewhere else just got to find where he’s at I hit him he a little Thunderbolt he’ll eventually come to us let me try they’re asking us to go down there D what the mered Joseph slipped I slipped got you from here stay up there

Stay up there yeah yeah yeah I you do not want to get down here I I don’t what in the me oh wait do we we can just stay up there look and I’ll teleport to you oh I have no more arrows but I can use this don’t matter look they heal me

Again back up a little bit more so you don’t get hit I’m not [ __ ] oh howy I see you all right one more time I mean one more time I mean three more times I mean three more times I mean eight more times I mean eight more times I mean going

Forever this is a stupid brosi it’s probably the stupidest way ever to defeat a boss but it’s working I’m going to try this sword test this bad boy out on the okay that didn’t do it let meest the bad boy out ni immediately it didn’t give me a

Second what was that uh epic epic boss down all right oh let me make sure too late that was such a stupid way to kill him yeah that was that was I feel like that was cheating oh my God they’re do y’all do y’all what no uh maybe

Not no [ __ ] hello I have no arrows up just uh look at them they’re killing they basically kill themselves what is that what is that stay away from that I don’t know what that is shoot it yeah yeah no chest it’s stop moving do y wait he’s saying I he can’t hear

Us that sucks you right Damien what you can hear me right yeah okay never mind we’re good I mean I don’t know how I’ve been talking to you if I couldn’t hear you I was making sure no that’s a good point is there an easier way to get over

There I don’t want to walk way around hold on Daman come over here look got to do this tumble weed style what do this tumble weed style see [ __ ] yes sir my fiery Trail trolled oh my God what a guy get a load of excuse me he reflected it right in my

Face who who the shoker he I shot him and he freaking reflected the back at me I’m terrified of what he’s going to do to me do not shoot them when their shells closed that is a formula for maybe I should wear that armor maybe Dam it I think there’s a

Where I think there’s another one H that’s very I’m flying guess what I’m this look like a boss door doesn’t it nah I don’t think so how do we uh how do we open it oh wait maybe it has something to do oh what’s this ah ah we definitely did it on

Purpose yes yes we are very smart too smart I they going to attack me now Look they’re just going to go after me because I have the armor on yeah they they really just only go strictly after you which is nice cuz then I can what

Pardon me oh no this not nice it’s not nice I’m dead oh I’m I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m dead we need more training we need more training just gave up we need to become the com master so now I wow I want of these

Cool I don’t think I need you want to taste my popsic tastes like cheese sometimes strikes enemies twice we need like we need we need people you know like like things that follow us drones yeah maybe the pig guy trades changed let’s take a look all my

Fellas Mr Pig I’ve come to bargain you still have the same thing never mind I do not longer what to bargain shut up all my fellas didn’t we can do one more Mission my brother in CR I can get my [ __ ] back which Mission just any one

Mission I got a wind lovely at a [ __ ] no not any Mission what what m a regular like Story Mission oh if you’re asking the if you’re actually to play this game we’re playing now on mobile mobile doesn’t have it dumb ass let’s take it easy with Creeper Cave at Max

Difficulty I mean creepy Woods Reaper oh man box does even know who he’s talking to accept Damen yeah why did I catch you throwing a back in the hospital 50 miles per hour I don’t go to hospital you no you you camp in hospitals you’re a hospital camper

Oh can you beat box for me serenate my my my hearing devices my holes no all right let’s go all my fellas all my fellow mer Dam those guys are pretty strong I underestimating them shut your ass up boy and I don’t have a weapon that’s going to help me get through

This I made a bad investment then should we just get through the mission just [ __ ] it yeah this is a blast D type Mission here like even the normal zombies are pretty pretty uh got some o to them you know yeah I mean we’re still kind of blasting

Through them but I don’t want to get hit I I don’t know what what mobile game how much how much money to play a mobile game uh talking about I I really don’t understand the question I’m not sure if he’s asking think he’s I I I think he’s asking how

Money would he have to give you to play a mobile game I think I think okay does anyone understand this question I feel like over complicating it am I are you you asking me to play a game or you asking how much it is I don’t know mobile game what mobile G okay

So he’s asking me to play a game mobile game yeah yeah I was going to do a video on mobile games no it po money oh my God man I can’t and very difficult you want to go into the Creeper Cave what you want to go into the

Creeper Cave I want to get my [ __ ] from the black just run run run I think we can actually yeah just dodge and we this one I don’t know a dollar 30 cents no Penny I really thought you going to shoot him Damon I really thought you

Going to get I had no arrows I just said that I have no arrows after after I was like oh okay he has no arrows what are you talking about I saw the creeper I said no yeah not before I was already you said let me you said let me go give

Him a hand job real quick that’s you no I didn’t no I didn’t say that oh oh oh my God there’s so many of them M I’m trying definitely not no no no no I’m so low I have no Health Apple help me [ __ ] just blast through it come on

Man Baja Blast Baja Blast like this Baja Blast oh we cannot Baja Blast yes BL BL through o ooh ooh oh I’m dead I think we actually to fight there’s no way though all right hold on hold on we got to do this soon now I have arrows charge

Them got to go up those stairs not not that right we’re fine we have one life left that guy is eating my arrows he ate it like Thanksgiving dinner are you serious I not die I’m trying I gu is not hard enough cuz I’m going to [ __ ] die carpo truth or dare uh

Truth I’m taking the internet just run just run you don’t need to fight fighting is where do we go this way I’m not going back you have to no you have to you have to we’re both I don’t I I I got 30 seconds for what to run to the

End yeah [ __ ] you’re going to run to the end save all the villagers in 30 seconds damn right oh and what you look at that no it’s not true pick truth your what Minecraft dungeons crashed love you blue screen TI I guess I’ll just well let me go back into it sun

Lollipops rainbows this sword’s not going to get me through anything at all D I’m feeling Thunder Shu what you get roo to get this should force him to yeah we should force him to can you pick dare you don’t have to okay dare what is the best food

Combo uh chocolate steak and pickle jar onions oh it’s obviously my green eggs of ham you talking about I sure you enjoyed that you you enjoyed that I enjoyed you were digging in with a fork knife and Spoon all right oh there’s evidence recording of me not like again

You enjoyed it no I didn’t you enjoy broccoli and cheese I never heard of such an Unholy invite me oh I’m a Reaper I aan Reaper I’m in Reaper I was reading the thing it said Reaper I misspoke car sir carpo why you like this I don’t know I I spawned in like

This I got it you got it you sure you got [Applause] it my [ __ ] pretty boy did you did you get it hold on let me invite Damian I will leave I’m sorry all right here’s a firework oh nice is it better than my other yes it is thank you I can sell

This all right you going to sell my gift no no no no you give me a better one you wanna it’s it’s been two hours what about it there’s going to be two more we’re gaming you don’t understand how to game you you you’re you non gamer

Just do this yeah and get through let’s just get through let’s run through it blast through it just run run don’t even look can we get a can we get a no kill run yeah you think that’s possible no kill run if there’s a boss there is only

The boss for this one no no this one’s just you get the villagers and get out there’s no boss all right by the AR decree all free folk are now enemies of theer Empire we can all play with each other again yes Mr Box okay hold on Daren where where’d you

Go don’t hold on I de equip your weapon de equip your weapon no kill run talking about take your weapon out of your hand no kill run I’m not killing I’m not killing I’m literally running trust me you can K I’m running you trust me I’m running you got to be kidding

Me I’m running D you huh keep running no you keep run I don’t [ __ ] keep running keep running I’m going to die I’m going to die no no no no keep running all travel oh hold on keep going I’m teleporting I’m teleporting keep alive for one more

No teleport do not teleport do not teleport you’re going to die you’re dead ooh you’re right I’ll save you that doesn’t count as a kill they’re walking through my fire that has nothing to do with me um we don’t want to go this way oh no oh no oh no come on

Please just run get as far as possible he’s a running he’s a track star [ __ ] box give you a shout out I want YouTube live it’s impossible there is Freddy Faz no the bees my bees are killing them no it’s fine we just can’t personally kill them that’s the challenge

Oh my God this all about Dodge this is to train our Dodge and weaving skills oh I found a chest [ __ ] elen ring I got I got some pretty good wolf armor over here there’s a creeper are you ahead of me by any chance yeah I think you should teleport

I think yeah really I think you should yeah really why are you in there are you in the Creeper Cave no so when you say I teport I think you’re lying due to the way you’re erratically moving why are they here hold on watch this ready you think I yeah yeah I’m watching

That NOP I can’t please ooo what what did you make me say a shout out to box I’m dead is that what you want there’s a lot of smiley faces here I’m seeing the red we we we have one more life where are you why are you so fast

I’m I’m seeing red I’m seeing blue I dodged past all of them Damian Daman thank you for blowing them up for me yeah get up Soldier get up we need to go now go oh no are those enchanted creepers oh they killed each other you I’m going home hold on we got

To trick them got to bait them you bait us just like that just like that run opportunity opportunity go go go no no opportunity no opportunity no zero opportunity run zero opportunity zero opportunity there is no turning back we make this a lot harder than ourselves for no reason there’s so many

Creepers do I just keep running I’m dead yes God damn it I almost made it to the bridge I think I think we just I think we just got to we got to run that’s what we got to do this this is this is I’m stuck this is

Crazy bait them just keep baiting them like that oh evoke invoker whatever it’s called oh wow I’m a runner I’m gonna die how how do you want me to do that box oh let me just link your channel there b one more time we can definitely do

It you got that you can run through it I’m good shout out to box like that level one what Adventure one what is this how hard is it very that’s on your YouTube now okay cool I’m a I’m a guy I’m black Sigma males are getting weird that

Sounds like an amazing upload I’ll be attending that later you’re so Skiby Daman this doesn’t look hard Dam I’m using no weapons cuz I’m a man men all right you got that you know that Meme of Hulk and he’s like men don’t real men don’t smashy little

Girls what it’s a meme and it’s Hulk and he said Real Men Don’t smash little it’s funny oh yeah you’re really getting the scoot on huh mhm I’m are you are you killing you better not be killing actually it looks like you haven’t killed anything actually yeah sure there’s a lot of lot

Of wait hold on don’t we have to kill them to get past that door seems like there is no gate oh my God everything is green oh my God that’s a lot okay okay oh wrong way okay okay what’s your question okay okay I don’t know which

Way to go okay okay okay this way wrong way no go now go no go now go okay oh questions get answer okay damn you’re really uh you’re really getting the step on huh yeah I’m about to die I’m dead really t t I can’t I can’t what are

You what are you J on come on I’m I’m come on come on just do it just do it ah that creeper there’s nothing I could have done 24 in what’s your favorite animal my favorite animal is I don’t know that’s a good question I just got

Lucky [ __ ] I went the wrong way the wrong way not to get there Enchanted creeper staring at me hopefully I can pass through here well isn’t that us love this hey buddy why is your weapon equipped huh got fist got to use your fist I Haven Ked

Anything got to use your fist I don’t need my fist because I’m not using it yeah yeah you should do some [ __ ] let me slide past you real quick yep thank you did I kill all the creepers for you what I can we kill that pig

Though yeah it’s not an enemy yeah oh my turn around I’m good can you put that armor on where they only attack you you know what I mean no I don’t have it on who oh well oh lovely I’m [ __ ] dead I’m dead I’m not

Never mind hold on hold on I have this TNT yet I cannot kill anything there we go oh VR Grandpa’s back again hola I can’t even looker oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my god there so many spiders [ __ ] wrong button I I killed her Sheep by

Accident they’re not enemy don’t count I’m dead um really no what makes you so what makes you so short what I’m dead what makes you so short I’m I’m dead I’m trying to get all the villagers so we can book it yeah see dead I I see

That I’m I’m I’m dead I’m dead pick me re res I have Ray Gun re me you don’t have Ray Gun all right right you see that guy down there I’m going to go wrinkle pickle him you go up for the top I get the bottom go okay I guess I’m

Going top that sounds really terrible out of context I’m dead I really d d would you be my Sigma [ __ ] your [ __ ] up God damn it B we tripped at the staircase man very good question why we C bacon and baked cookies uh hold on hold on think think about this look

Sneaky see sneaky sneak see only roll before they attack okay okay uh-huh oh yeah okay uh-huh yeah go for it mhm what the [ __ ] I’m dead I’m literally dead I’m dead no no no you’re lying [ __ ] just run just run run run run I’m trying I’m trying I’m so

Scared come on I need make it to the end I got the oh my D look at my stream look what I’m look [ __ ] bro it’s on the dam all right see you later box thanks avocado I didn’t know when you add me it does that it’s all

Purple we we can we can do it we need to make exceptions so we can kill animals to get the food from them wait do we have anything that gives us speed boost oh I should have got those feathers would have been real Handy around now my poor ears I just

Need okay I my armor I know and my [ __ ] weapon we got to do it in fashion god damn is there probably easier one that less things trying to kill us you think the daily trial will count but see what it does never mind 50% of mobs have thorns enchantment we’re not doing

That we’re not doing that no M no yeah okay look look where it’s putting us all the way down here at level one we can Breeze past level one by running you put on level one before right yeah okay that that was level one and decided to spawn that many Horsemen

That’s crazy I can’t imagine what Mode’s like if I don’t feel I’m just going to Wombo Combo with Radiance the healing thing yeah I have CES that have two Radiance enchantments oh man you’re like extra Radiance you’re like Radiance man radience man it’s like a really bad like SpongeBob superhero

Yeah Lucas you’re built like Barnacle Boy you know when you ever look at someone and felt they look like a barnacle oopsie I can’t oh he’s blind he’s blind the be is blind the AR okay we got this does this make does any of this make me

Faster no only the fox arm does are you ready for the most epic run in your life I actually don’t know that avocado meme Dodge loop the loop and pull now your shoes are looking cool okay I’m getting some pretty good distance Damon there sure is a lot of

Skeletons anyway sorry we doing something you might want yeah you might want to teleport Tino over here you know oh wrong thing my shoes are looking good see I made it pretty far without kill de Juke let me un so I don’t do by accident huh okay all right okay

All right okay I like the way this is looking looking very good looking like I got eyes looking like a huh no I’m very meticulously making my way through a crowd of zombies why would you do such a thing I’m getting real low Damian you’re good um your spiritual Aura making them all

Um pardon me do that say uh Evo care yeah I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead how you just toss in a random evil care hold on Dodge and weave the evil I’m stuck in a how do you say I should have grabbed that Apple I’m get chased by Vex come on get

Inside stuff I can’t use are you ready y ready damn Pig I don’t want the pig I’m too cool for the pig oh they seem stronger that’s golly G Batman n ner there we go hold on oh they’re in different location I see intrig that’s kind of

Annoying I got two I’m stuck in the corner I got one I think yep okay there’s should be one my God sweet Bobby Bobby make a break for it Bobby Bobby go run just run get it run run Bobby I can’t run I I went backwards don’t think before I

Say are you serious we have to run through this again beat the but easier it’s easier this time oh yeah you’re right you lied you lied Bo you lied come on Boom you lied no it’s not boom boom boom boom boom yeah yeah boom boom boom boom boom

Oh I see I see I see I see I see no oh no keep moving yes yes yes of course of course run through the horsemen Flying Dutchman all right you got to be kidding me there is no time for creepers bro please please please please please please please please please please please

Please please please I don’t know where I’m at please I damn it I don’t know where going this the last time I’m telling this is the last time I spawned next to all of them maybe I can use the creepers to clear them out oh I’m no I’m dead all

The way back here no no no I those freaking spiders got me in the name of Lord You’re Not Dead I’m I can’t believe my eyes come on thank you we got PL run every roll we are so [ __ ] wait we have we actually have to fight him at the end no we

Don’t we did it no kill run no kill run that’s what I like to see to I better see Zero kills or maybe it does us having a creeper blow up and kill someone else count as a kill cuz that was not that was that me that’s still counts I didn’t swing my

Sword once I punched a cow a few times but look at that look at that six damage delt let’s go that was that one cow see what we go let’s see what I got wow I got tasty I got a my shit’s done yeah sword all right armor

I you said good off at 10 right okay thank you 30 10:30 I got my sword it’s 50 now oh yeah my sword’s 52 I don’t remember what enchants I had on it I do all right you have a good night Mr B it does H

Barely oh my God I don’t want to this has such good enchant of Sword though I don’t want to I need to find another one that has uh what you call it the healing thing Radiance yeah Radiance I’m putting this away I’m not going to use it it does 50 right now so

I’m going toss that bad boy back in there he just going to be terminally inside this chamber I might have to put my box armor back in there too Ain upgrading I think actually hold let me check cuz maybe I think cuz it I think it tells

You it doesn’t tell me how much is going to upgrade it only tells you afterwards oh it’s back in there now so I got to rock with a whatever this is like that arrow thing the red arrow thing yeah that’s at the top probably that’s there’s a friendships being made in my chat

Oh going put the armor back in did I just sell my sword no I didn’t okay have it going for a second you know [ __ ] I I should probably upgrade the ice blade thing all I I don’t have any room in there so I can’t upgrade nothing no I’m

Going to upgrade that I don’t have any emeralds right God damn it hello damn I I can’t actually I can I should be upgrading this hold on I’mma do something I’m going to see if I can get this sword a better enchant how much is it to do it it doesn’t tell

Me modify enchantment how much is it this one does have radiance she something real Quick I’m going rock with this sword for a bit it’s really slow over here come over here where are you at D yeah let me see the radiance on I’m on 20 Radiance I can do 1,000 damage but uh am I reading this right do I have

Radiance oh cuz you have double Radiance right yeah that’s such a that’s so cool my attack damage has never been lower do that for now I’m just going to use these for now I haven’t hoped on this game in a year man hopped on oh it’s a really good game I like

It um luxury what do you have of course he oh this Claymore sucks actually when he has another wand that I don’t want to use we should just defeat the just defeat go straight for the max max max level come on come on Max what’s the worst going to happen was that max

Level come on what’s the worst this everything no no we got this you know you wonder to know how many enchants my armor has what none we got this got this I didn’t see your character for a second okay um after after second thought after that that first hit come

On come on holy [ __ ] you see you see what I mean I almost had it I almost had it you did damn you said [ __ ] yeah you you definitely should it’s just real fun especially since we all the DLCs and stuff all right ready for this Dam ready keep your distance keep

Okay you’re not that strong you’re not that strong we hyp them up too much oh there we go oh there ain’t nothing now no no kill Run come on let’s go oh you’re right no kill run um don’t even try don’t even try just run don’t worry about it they don’t

See us they don’t I I there’s nothing there there’s nothing there there’s nothing there oh you’re right you’re right there’s nothing there just walk why can’t I nothing in there uh attackers I Tri yeah know so did I yeah I didn’t I didn’t see that axe blade you know it was just laying

There all those who left all those weapons on FL yeah safety has it [Applause] really this game’s so hard now it brings a tear to my eye my armor sucks can we let’s see what we can do let’s take a look at the DI diarama okay what is this thing offering let’s

Go uh let’s go Avenger outside the realm um where can we go you want to go to the frosty thing over here look at this look at this look at this hey we can pretty high level on this now let’s do the hunt [ __ ] The Hunt The Hunt

I can’t afford something what is this this ain’t real life what what I’m in a video game 61 wolf armor well guess what I’ll just sell the wolf armor I’m wearing to buy the wolf armor you’re selling so stupid it worked C it worked I feel like that’s some sort of scam okay

Well you ready for adventure I guess I am so slow damn it I’m going to be molested see between that attack I’m already dead perhaps oh I only have 18 emeralds that’s something isn’t it Baron who got your toast a strudel no one boy I

Do this gift rapper guy is too happy I need to go punch him MH where are we going I think we can actually just defeat the arch illery again again on like the regular R level where would R level be what will that what would that what would that do for

Us it would put us in Apocalypse mode which we would get even more better loot all right but I hope you do understand the ccul of the AR and Theus of the tile yeah yeah yeah yeah I get it no kill just like just like Sprint through it

And kill if needed you know no just just go kill just just just running dodging and kill or kill and what run and Dodge all that like this oh oh my oh my God oh my God this so you wouldn’t believe me so I don’t think I I would why am

I so you wouldn’t believe me if I said I was dead hold on I have an idea just got be sneaky come here look sneaky sneaky oops see oh okay tort tort teport that see the the place where I was I wouldn’t be able to teleport if they hit that jump pad we’re

Screwed now it’s wa here God damn it are you driving a truck no sh him here just a little bit of souls you know little bit of souls to take with me what’s going on perhaps yeah perhaps what don’t worry about them don’t worry about them just we wor about

Them yes they’re in our way what it’s very confusing okay these guys are Big T to around Swing Swing I swing we got to take a nice and calcul how did you not okay ready I missed come on isn’t this really hard other side now there’s quite a few mhm

How do you enchant the enchanter while enchanting someone that does even make S watch ready which we got I missed I leled up oh my all I slipped I slipped I slipped I need backups backups way far wait you need let’s heal for a second so let get all right Red Zone bom

Yes all right this is better than what I have this here heavy crossbow give b b yes yes let’s go you V hold redone oh right there got a pig no no I’m way too close I get hit once I’m done is this the right door it is oh yeah hold on are

You do my ear I’m healing hold on oh I got 10 arrows um I have 200 some reason I just want to see something hold on I wonder a [ __ ] I wonder if you uh I was going to put two lightning rods and see if I can just do it back to back

That would be disgusting can you well I don’t know I got to wait things down I put two mushrooms before so I don’t see why right now oh yeah I’m going do that for the boss fight I think we’re getting close to it of course hold on I’m healing I’m healing a dam

Walk never SE do you see this thing what look what look what they were trying to build I didn’t notice that the first time around is that the boss right over there do we just run past this part yes we do um I don’t I can’t I’m going to die I’m back I’m

Back too late God damn it Bo it Boog it I fell off book it no booking that fine what I think I was blocking you what come on superhero launcher I’m stand right here and like kill these people every time I say watch this the worst thing that can happen follows it all

Right behold the cheddar and cheese up these steps is Victory there a golden SLE thing in this game that like heals you probably if there’s not that that sucks blast blast got blast okay I don’t got to blast I got to back up damn it why am I healing you I don’t

Know but you did it kind of worked out they just really slow Reloaders they really think if they want to shoot you or not getting my aura you like my aura yeah here’s the boss F hold on I’m switching I’m switching the thing there we go no more enchantments for you buddy doing

Them he uh his minions are pretty strong yeah this time yeah look at that dog light the lightning thing really dog and C on them look at that ridiculous disgusting all right now we have to pay attention I actually need to set up now dog dog dog dog dogging on dog

Dogging on him do dog Noggin on the Dogg I’m about to die a I’m dead I can’t really heal here come on come on come on heal he dogin doggin with no nogin dogin without a doggin boing with no toling fuging with no booing a master without a sente there nothing that was

Stupid I couldn’t do anything else there’s a oh it doesn’t reset him nice ready dog no cat dog please please please that’s please please please please please allow it move [ __ ] I have no souls just shoot him do anything I missed get out of there no come on look at Fu shoot

Him come on come on come on just one hit come on I can’t I can’t find on coming please get out of yes did I just die kill me before you die no no no no no no I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck no no no no no

No come on please get me out of here get over here get your thing I got a big I already got my thing that a goddamn Doom crossbow that I got Doom crossbow I got a look what I got I got a hammer this is decently fast

Actually now we can play our apocalypse mode I think that’s awful we are not ready for it just skipped the sh I’m not watching this again did you I walk over there I see you stab him I got to get off in a 3:30 though Damon all

Right let me I’mma end the stream now I see you clowns later have a good night streamy

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons | live’, was uploaded by CARPOOL XX on 2023-11-26 03:30:44. It has garnered 44 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:42 or 10362 seconds.

Playing Mineccraft Dungeons intill we Become GODS —————————————————— Join The Discord👉 https://discord.gg/KgFGphHxAm ——————————————————- follow me on Instagram:👉 https://instagram.com/carpoolxx?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= ——————————————————-

#minecraft #minecraftdungeons

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    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! play.virex.fun Read More