EPIC castle build on massive island in minecraft!

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Okay what is what is a hello what is a hello to say hello hello there hello there fellow human beings dude I swear I got a thing yes hello fellow humans life forms we are going to make Island today again we are getting back on the island job

Building building something big today we are building a huge mountain huge mountain huge mountain huge mountain that’s what we’re doing what is up um figure be out ah whatever all right I need some dirt so that is what we’re going to go do we’re going to do some

Dirt all right dirt we just need to collect like oo progress yes we’re doing we’re doing it today we’re we’re doing it I’m so excited to build a castle don’t want to work on the inside of the island so we’re building a castle today but actually first we need to build a

Mountain but and get on I need I need help I don’t think you cuz the other mountains took some time they could be fun to build this one’s like half of the island it’s not that tall though why not yeah scared uh I got a whole bunch of firework

Rockets too I like a lot have of a shter box so I probably won’t need firework Rockets from you in a long time you did oh we joined hello Eric uh join the thingy I sent what do you mean the thingy you’re finally in one wa look oh

This want me to go you want me to go through it yeah just leave this C I’m going to mute it okay uh do you want to help me build an island oh wait no we’re not I I thought we’re going to go ending oh I kind set goals for today um

I mean yeah let’s do little do you know how many Rockets I got yesterday how many did you get I have half a Shuler box so I’m all I’m already I have almost an entire inventory okay all right uh it’s been muted I have it up on Discord

So all right let me just bring that back some dirt and also first of all get on the server I know my my Minecraft loading out slow pooke I’ll just work on the island a little bit more while I wait for the tur what type of shovel do you have

What what type of shovel do you have what type of shovel efficiency four or five efficiency four or five five efficiency four is all you need I know I got five though because it looks better I truly don’t care what it looks like IV honestly looks cooler my Minecraft has a little sliver

Of the preparing boyfield why does it take so long for your M have to load I don’t even have I don’t even have a loading screen I have a crappy computer I never even get a loading screen when I try to boot up Minecraft I just load

In yeah my computer was $300 it’s not that good I have a friend who bought his with 30 after this though you’re going to build an island with me I don’t care you’re you you you got the skip out on all the slavery I uh put on everyone

Else because you yeah CU I joined in late yeah it was my little plan it was my plan all along oh it didn’t work there’s so much work there’s all all the fun stuff is happening now after that look like I just deleted the server oh

No looks like I don’t have to do any more work can’t delete the server though though I know I’m so Whit listed oh it’s completely reinstalling the entire version oh it doesn’t want to play in 1.20 because I was just playing with the m portals yesterday that would be

Why I got the worst computer and I was playing with the merer portals I’m on a win streak of three in in the op kit and PVP Legacy I don’t know why I’m sharing this information but I am a win streak of three that’s crazy yeah my best is

10 and my best is zero I haven’t won a single game yeah I’m really bad at op tools it’s literally just sword and axe no Shield it’s like the simplest Crystal what’s your for Crystal DS oh um like 20 something 22 all right I’m on I don’t always play

Crystal on PVP like it’s still this is the greatest inventory I think I’ve ever seen let me count how many um how many levels do you have I have 125 17 cuz I died with 170 I died with 170 I think I’m the one who made you die

When you killed me I lost 170 levels I have a stack and a half of um Rockets right now can I have some netherite from you by the way I I was netherite CU you’re a very charitable person I only have four like ingots don’t worry we’ll fix your

Problem for the castle I’m planning to have a netherite throne but I have a way I’m going to get nether really quickly oh debris okay well that’s fine I have a way I’m going to get netherite really quickly me and Aiden are oh wait my dist is that a giant thing

Now to to help us mine for the netherite here let me finish this ring and then let’s go end looting if you want to go end looting sooner help me build this I know you stealing it from Bry oh yeah we were stealing it from you’re stealing it from

Bry no Bry stole it from someone else weird broke from the the other person we’re stealing it from wait do you mean the one that broke broke the game no we’re we’re we’re making an auto you just make a you don’t yeah exactly it essentially broke the

Game okay I don’t I don’t actually know the way to the island I have an auto Miner our game still runs is it what what path is it is it the blue path or the to the island yeah yeah the West path oh sorry the South path it’s

Blue I don’t know I don’t know my directions to be honest is it entirely made out of like warped wood it it’s blue you can guess what you are what is it’s there’s only one blue path it goes left and then straight there’s two different ways that it goes I do not no

That’s the wrong way just keep going just keep going I no I think I’m might be accidentally going to turn on the mob switch dude no the mob switches down the red path there is no there is no mob switch down the blue path oh okay I guess I got that achievement I

Just flying around and I think I got got to a warp that is the wrong portal I got a care it I’ll just care it like this what are the um cords of the the island uh cords it’s down the blue path all the way down the blue path take a

Right boom you’re there so it doesn’t turn left at all no straight that was my that was I thought you’ve gone to the island yeah you’ve came to the island multiple times before once more than once we played the powder following Aiden I was following Aiden

When I went well that doesn’t change a thing that should make it easier to to remember where it is just like oh this do it on my own if I want to remember where it is wow it’s so simple it’s go down the blue path then you see a portal is okay oh

Wait the stream lag actually helped me I took off my elyra but I was still flying for a little bit and that stream lag actually helped I’m not even I’m not even having stream lag yet oh um I’m having stream lag I’m done so uh go back into the

Nether well now you know where the island is um let me just store all my dirt oh I just got here oh oh Aiden’s in Aiden all right we’re going to do a very quick ending session I just want a session I just want a few stuff okay I will wait for

You oh lag okay there you go yeah a lot of stream lag no I only got a little bit when I was trying to kill a creeper and I walked inside of it and it blew up Stupid Creeper stupid I I haven’t seen that yet it’s interesting to see the

Delay oh you’re in the nether right now but yeah yeah yeah you missed it you missed it it was not even that delayed no I mean you got to stop cuz I can’t place water please stop all right let’s go I can’t see anything cuz I don’t have

Any re oh there we go oops I threw an ender pearl wrong wrong inventory slot oh now that Aiden joins now I’m really laggy I think I can handle two people I can’t handle three while doing this well all right we’re going to the end it’s

Going to be very laggy and looting kind of scary I don’t know the portal follow me then oh where are you I’m at the nether Hub just go down the soulan path you’ll see me oh oh I saved it oh I can take a whole bunch of ender chests too

I didn’t take me when I originally did it oh now we go to the left it’s down the path that looks like an end City yeah mhm have we um have you made any steps to figure out the um all right I’m in the end have you made any steps to

Figure out the what the uh the rift the rift uh the dock I think we have all the I haven’t figured out the dock yet all right just now I’m I hate Landing there oh and it keep why do it keep falling through the portal every time I

How to go in all right um let’s go through I’m not even here yet how I just got here I probably should have my uh my richest shelter on me hey okay um let’s go through oh wait yeah wait keep that keep that keep that Ender Chest there keep that Ender Chest

There what for I need to put some stuff in this so I don’t don’t lose my riches you on the other side I don’t want to lose my riches sh box yeah we’ll we’ll put the stuff back in we’ll put just come through the portal

Let we won’t I’ve have never died in the end and I’m going to be very careful be very careful be very careful just don’t die all right just don’t die when you go in oh my God that’s scary oh my God okay wait wait wait putting that in there I’m

Going to put some more stuff there I’ve got wood I’ve got um that is my goods chest I do not want to lose any of that that is important to me everything else I can oh that end almost pissed me off all right we go so we here for Sher

Boxes that’s my that’s my main goal I want a Sher box wait what are are our cords I just want to make sure we’re not heading in the direction I’ve already gone cuz believe me oh it’s a new portal so we’re fine gone hundreds well that’s

Not how it works it’s the same it’s the same area it’s just uh like probably like a few hundred blocks away we just if we head in the same direction as I did before we’re finding nothing like nothing at all like zero well this is taking so long I want

To find an if only had aner this would make it so much easier sucks for you dude I’m flying with an elyra right now I know oh my elyra I’m afraid of the durability I know Eric wanted me to go un looting with him so oh we’re just

Doing a quick session we’re going to find like few shulkers and that’s it and then I’m going to go Place dirt slave away Eric you’re gonna help me place the dirt since I’m I’m doing this with you m yeah I only need like one or two other the Cher boxes makes this

Efficient yeah one one good and City will do long as we find one we’re already at like 4,000 blocks already yeah check your F3 F6 my my button to change is f no we’re 4,000 if you add them up okay oh yeah the point um my F5

Button is F6 CU my F5 button just doesn’t work for some reason wow this looks so good honestly oh my God F5 looks incredible this is this is incredible I’m just flying in third person do you have shaders I do not have shaders look at my screen look at my

Screen I’m I’m looking at your screen it looks really good yeah my computer is not good enough for that no he wants them for free Aiden he wants them for free he doesn’t want to buy them from you also this is my way of getting him to SL

Me all right I got a shelter box oh they’ve all teleported oh they’ve all teleported cool early yes early Hi how are you doing we’re um I was building an island but I’m helping Eric with something real quick then he’s going oh God oh God this

Is not going well bro I I killed them both oh there’s another one I hate these things I hate these things just just constantly move and then they’ll they’re like heat seeking bullets he’s uh yeah he is he’s he’s help he’s laboring for me he’s going to build the

Island yes I am actually going to help after I get a sh box I’m just going to take all the shulkers for myself you got actually help oh there’s one over there dude dude oh you just got the a yeah I actually need a Sher please I’m use my

Ends of course okay please help me give me a Sher box please uh I will after we’re done all right uh we’re gonna go this no I give me shells now I need the shells there’s no more you have shells you already had one we specifically did this for

Me yeah I will give you them after we’re done CU we divvy up everything at the end this is a waste of time you divy everything off at the end when I I just kept in the direction yep yep I see you I see you we got to be efficient

Watch er’s GNA I gave him for free I’ve never died in the end everybody else has oh another city okay this I haven’t died in the end oh my God that was fast yeah but this time I’m going to do it I’m going do it on my own

Now Eric there’s a reason why you haven’t died in the end yeah CU I haven’t been to the end stupid shelter keeps teleporting oh I haven’t been hit yet let me just get under here and I’ll be fine oh there’s a guy from the outside get that shulker and get under

Here I’m just I’m just blowing a guy right there got him I’m still getting hit by a bunch of these all right I’m going to go over here probably a lot better with a bow how many shers do you want do you literally just want to be done actually

I do want an an extra elytra for myself so I do I would like a couple ster boxes maybe yeah well I have enough for I have enough for like four right now I think that’s all I need cuz I’m getting out of here I’m not going to I’m not going to

Give you all of mine I’m going to still keep some for myself or it’s I know we’re going to be diving it up and all barely okay wait wait oh my God that Sher just killed another Shuler my death was on own stupidity I don’t have such stupidities I’ll snipe him

Definitely why am I eating apple pie all right um you guys have a lot of Health there go he’s finally dead how many did you kill I’ve only killed one oh my God Shell didn’t even drop a shell cool okay I got him did he Dr his shell he

Didn’t all right I’m going to keep going I’ll tell you when I no I’m getting out of here I think I have enough you’re getting out what all right well you can do that you you’re still you’re still going to help me build the island I just

Gotra okay yeah I do actually so how many shells do you have now uh 11 but I’m going to L like one more City all right yeah I’m following you by the way so 11 that’s enough each of us to have if we get 12 enough for each of

Us to have that would give us six enough for each of us to have three uhhuh that’s a lot I’m going to just take like one extra so you can have two I’ll have four why do you get one extra you’ve already have the extra sh box but they’re my

Shelves we’re going together I did some work to get the um Rockets I think we should both work together to I I got my rockets for my ask for chat what does Chat thing I got rockets for myself what’s chat think there’s nobody else here does Eric have looting yes

Uh uh Eric I got all of my Rockets you got your Rockets I mean that’s just even that’s fair point and yes I do have an overpowered sword fully Enchanted I have stabby stab mine is sharp stick go a lot of people with stabby stab jeez uh what’s what’s the what’s your

Bow’s name I don’t have a bow oh what would it be if you had a bow I don’t know cuz I’m pretty sure the most common one would be gun oh definitely i g that’s mine boring I don’t know why I’m change it to Flame

Aid yeah I’ll get a bow when I decide I know what I’m going to name it oh oh n city n city where N Ship too where behind you behind me yeah let me show my let me get my cords um cords 5,835 negative wait 400 oh like that far negative 4,000

4,000 all right it’s got a ship too all right well I’m calling the ship you go loot the ship I’ll try to get the shers at the front just loot the ninja Towers they’ll have enough uh shers all right and then take all the diamond gear what I can’t do because of these

Stupid Shulas I’m going Ninja tower is that what you call it oh my God geez I just lagged straight through the W it wasn’t even lag I pearled when I was flying into it I was a little goof don’t need any that I got one all right

I’m loting the tower um okay yeah I need more pearls if I’m going to do this see do I have any more no I have three yeah I got it again yeah I got one loot the other Towers since I’m let’s go I have two shells now let’s go

And I just God I don’t want to do that okay oh God this is one of the Ninja Towers under them um uh oh got him got him this is the last the last City I’m doing I’m GNA actually go build I’m going to die I’m going to die

This where I die going to die you want me to give you a get out get out get out get out I’m out dude I thought do you have gaps I don’t have any gaps I only have Golden Apple I mean golden carrot but yeah those don’t really do

Anything okay uh do you want me to give you some oh God there’s so many of them there’s so many of them seven so I still have an a perfect amount of teleport um of three no what what three three come from here I’m going to loot the

Chests o Diamond chest plate um anything else diamond shovel ni okay ask her if I can guess all right Eric uh look at chat look at chat Aiden has a game a little game for you I don’t see anything in chat oh the um chat and the um thing yeah I’m I okay

I’m looking at it from Discord so I can’t see the chat just just enter it and look at it and has a little game I can’t now just do it when you’re done welle like giving you a little heads up oh diamonds o diamond boots I’ll take

Little preoccupied here see all right so have you gotten the elytra yet uh yeah I have I’m just killing the shers Aiden he’ll play your little game uh when uh he’s not dead um all right I’m I’m heading out I’m heading head I’m heading out here too I don’t need to I’m

Just going to cuz I’m a little bored um where are you I’m just going to go find a portal do you have the elyra yeah I do I only have two shells but I think I can leave confidently with two shells dang I don’t knows we’re we’re going to split yours

Anyway so yeah I’ll give you um um I’ll give you I’ll give you eight oh wait no that doesn’t make an even number um you can take one extra for tax okay I’ll take I’ll take one extra I’ll give you seven oh portal and now it’s time to

Build made it all right I’m heading Overworld oh end I need some pears please just okay Bet hey bud oh hey I’m on the island it’s not even whoa okay got him did he even drop he didn’t even drop Pearl all right time to sort stuff we’re going to put these ender

Chests here um and loot box oh I literally don’t have enough space okay I need another end Lo box not even there you go now he’s dead and he drop his p what I all right and then diamonds can go into here okay I don’t even have anything to get in

There this is cool challenging all right I’m all I’m all ready I’m going to build Islands this is really challenging I can’t even get into into the nend city get like get out of the nend city you’re in the nend city still I’m still in the n city yeah I

Thought you left it no I can’t I’m stuck I thought you were in the nend city okay I mean I’m like at the portal right now oh yeah said n city so I’m like confused yeah that’s what I call reminder the end Gateway oh no I will when he gets out

Cuz he’s a little preoccupied on figuring out how to get out of the end for some reason oh Aiden look at how many levels I have I’m just going for the Pearl a whole 125 what he oh he behind me what’s the highest Lev you at Aiden probably a pretty high level I’ve

Killed a lot of people yes I’m out of here I’m getting out of here I haven’t killed you very recently because you have a lot of totems too now here um I’m you said um the oh yeah there’s enough hopefully that’s enough I’m just going to have to pray okay all

Right Joey do you have uh me me in the farming District I’m a little busy right now yeah I can come up there right now cuz I spawned at the at my house it can just fly over there I now okay we’re going to put another little no way

Okay District here I come you know what maybe I’ll do another another slot it’s usually more Stone than Cobblestone wait so I so you’re at the farming dist right now right oh yeah I am I’m here okay come inside uh what building okay so you said I have two shells yeah all right

Um here take a take seven why’ you give me I need wood you need wood cuz I don’t have cuz I need wood we have wood oh where pick the wood chest the chest with I am no that’s not how chests work they’re on the bottom they’re in the bottom chests just

Makeing yep don’t bother with super SM okay I think you need the obsidian what for I know you don’t need it I need it I need to get rid of it so I can have room just put it in in one of the random chests don’t just Chuck It On The Ground

That’s littering I’m going to make that a crime no I’m doing this so I can get more storage space so that I can yeah so put it in a chest I have a to box that I’m going to put a bunch of wings in now it’s going

To put a bunch of rockets in it so don’t throw the obsidian on the ground yeah I know now I don’t need now I don’t need to K the obsidian on the ground it’s done you could have just put it in the end chest I need I I need an anvil

Cool where’s the newest Anvil I don’t know we have an iron farm just make one um I should probably go to the iron chest then oh my God that took a lot of damage there how much iron is in the iron chest I’m just wondering about uh well uh round a

Half wait this is a bunch of okay uh let me yeah there’s a little bit oh look at the top one oh my God jeez we’re never running out of iron look at this chest we have a almost a full row of blocks I can make a community Anvil wait

No actually need this at my base mine all right this work hey I need some levels right now level on mean I need to repair starting with my wings is a m switch on I’m going to so we what it’s the mob switch on it

Now oh no I never turned it on cuz it’s not working it it’s not on I mean the um creeper pH isn’t working takes a while to food up oh no no no no no what anything nothing happened shade do look really good on his SC what the shade does look really

Good on your screen oh there we go finally yeah it’s just slow when there’s two people yeah I’m going to go make a a furnace aray this is you know what I can do I can do who is watching me right now no one like I said

Um I’m going to make I know some lava that’s enough oh God okay I guess this just going to take forever so I guess I’m just GNA still emptying that chest I think is etet can I get the off of one rocket oh I’m so close oh I’m so close I

Think I’m going to make it this time so are we planning on doing some whift searching today no you’re helping me build the island oh right we’ll do some researching um the while we’re building the island but I have a few plans I want to I want

To get to the to building the castle oh I need building terrain I’ve out terrain myself which I I’ve never out built myself before I need an end chest and I don’t think there’s one in my base TI building yeah there’s not an Ender Chest in my base

So that’s good enough I can live this furn is working there go now I have a rocket chest I mean a rocket Jer I’m going to make some more shers I need an Ender Chest still uh where’s the nearest end chest probably at Aiden’s based one you

Think no no don’t use it or else you’re going to get killed okay oh right there’s one at spawn supp that makes it pretty easy to find oh yeah Eric do play Aiden’s game what game oh my gosh you forgot about it uh look yeah look at the he’s been

Wanting he’s been wanting me here I’m going to make my um chests all right it’s binging me over right now yep it’s up what is I got the game up I got the chat I can xit out of this exit full screen I don’t need this

Anymore all right there go I got the stream up that all right I need the chat okay okay yes I’m ready Aiden what do you need guess one artist he’s listened to on Spotify this week if wait yeah okay Aiden guess one no Eric you’re supposed to guess

One no he said if I can guess oh I see I see ask Eric if I can guess he’s ready a he’s ready he’s GNA guess it so quickly am I flying I’m wasting my firework rockets that I got actually I have so many it doesn’t really matter at

This point all right Aiden guess he you’re not guessing um oh he’s probably typing he’s probably typing Aiden is a very yeah he he gets a sh shell isn’t oh he got yeah he he knew he was gonna get it he knew he was gonna

Get what did he guess not Aji he knew he was gonna get it yeah that’s your final answer you get it he wins Eric why did you agree to that oh cuz it’s a single Sher shell but like there there’s no like win for you like like that’s I have an extra Sher

Shell I’m fine yeah but there’s like no win for you like why why would you agree to that bu an entire house I think knowell he did not yeah he did he offered you to build it he didn’t look at the chat are you are you talking like a

Different time here sleep sleep or leave I mean like a different time okay sleep hello yeah I’m no I’m going I’m going I’m going right next to my house I was killing hello I was killing a um what’s up I got a lot of um achievements today

Including for some reason hot to worst destination yeah yeah Aiden I’m gonna can I go inside your house a shell in why do I wish you died I’m so evil all right I’ve got blocks now and i’ realized that I actually already had blocks uh type in chat if I can go to

Your house and put a St shell in the chest jeez all right yeah this is this is good I’m going to start building Eric you’re going to help we build right right I need to wait for Aiden so I can give him a soer shell you know

What I can just put it outside okay okay um I’m going to need a lot more Stone than I currently have don’t have netherite sword I could have I I could have um you want to see my netherite collection actually it’s not that big it’s 10 but I don’t want it

I could use some I’m not giving you any of my my netherite you said you’d give me some netherite though yeah and and I did actually no I did didn’t give me I said I would but I I won’t I give you enough stuff already especially today I’ve given you enough

There you go dang calls me n Aiden there you go you know what I should probably have a pickaxe I’ll do that some other time I’m lazy right now we’re going to Aiden I have a chest in front of your house I didn’t go inside I’m going to hoop over to the

Island I just once I get to the island I’m going have to ask you to place a um Sher chest I’m sorry an Ender Chest why cuz I need to get my goods shulker box out but okay how how good is your goods shulker

Box is it good I have four nether I have four netherite scraps in it but like no like other nether is like that what I have a um silent armor Trim in it and guess who gave that to you guess who got the silent trims Aiden no I got them the original ones

The original ones that were last you gave them but then I died and I lost them so Aiden gave me them actually the original ones are mine the original ones are yours yeah yeah you gave you got them from Aiden but guess where Aiden got his

From exactly so I gave no I got them I’m going to kill you how dare you it took you while to I’m J I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking it did take help while to get them took me way too long to get them yeah I believe the r

Armor yeah it it was really annoying I only died once though and that was to that was to me being AFK and then I fell down a giant hold cuz EMT died that was AFK and I was like oh go get EMT stuff and then I

Jumped down a giant hole and die I’m going to go kill some monsters on here trying to CH a godle while falling I didn’t try to equip my totem and that was a situation oh and then I did die to the warden once but that was before we

Even started end looting yeah I was flying around em it said it was safe and I I used a and crashed into a wall and then a warden spawned right on top of me I tried to dig in a wall yeah that was hey situation Joey can you place a um ender

Chest uh sure come over to me I placed one I’m going to hide it look at that elytra hop I didn’t see it I know it was like an accident too just like you do you have any bottles of enchanting specifically so I can repair my elter oh

Um in the world did I do last time I built one of these things bile of enchanting we have you need help with how do I how can I help you with um place oh yeah I forgot about that I’m going to go get I’m actually

Going to go to the gold Farm real quickly actually no that’s too long I’m going to stick here I don’t have you don’t need do your lightra for this I don’t think even though we’re on a huge island you don’t need your elra um I mean how tall do I want I don’t

Want it to be like too big I think this is this is how tall I want it to be and I’ll just have it BR my extra Sher boxes inside of this um um Ender Chest my Ender Chest I don’t want this mountain to be too tall so we’re just my extra

Ones anywhere varying Heights here oh I can put more stuff inside my um good stuff so that’s my rocket how does this look so far looking good it’s going to take a little while and once we wrap it around then place all the dirt and then I can finally

Start designing the castle I could wait do you need me to get get some dirt get some dirt uh no I don’t yeah we have enough place block you need me to get some Stone because I don’t have any stone um up here I’ll move all the shelter down definitely don’t have enough

Places delayed the um stream is to me it’s for everyone okay um here there’s shulkers grab your stone and Cobblestone uh where inside inside the island no inside the mountain we’re going to build oh do I have to fly up there no just go through the dirt wall like

This where are you what are you doing why are you all the way over there okay maybe I don’t want your help you’re just infuriating me no you’re you’re you’re you’re staying here either you help you help me or not where is it in the mountain that

We’re going to build like right next to the Ender Chest like no oh my God you not remember that’s what you meant yep yep I know what you mean really you know what I mean finally I’m sorry that was pretty coel all right no I you should you should uh you should

Um I don’t know and I don’t need any of those for now uh I don’t need any oh wait I’m G to grab the de I’m going to grab half a stack of deep slate I me half a half a stack of deep slate actually I’m putting the Deep

Slate back I don’t think I need it for now we don’t need deep slate we don’t need deep uh what um so how do I do this just like randomly play It Don’t randomly place it look at how low it is and just just logically think on how tall it

Should be yeah and it should be one inwards from the grass and it doesn’t need to be too tall I don’t want it to be like Too Tall cuz I want it to be a plateau and on the plateau it should just like go to the castle and then

Boom also I was thinking I’d have like a little mini Village like right around like the front or bre the wild question mark it’s called a castle do you know what a castle is did breath of the wild make castles no yeah they did oh they did yeah High rule

Castle they didn’t make castle so there like fortnite didn’t invent us fortnite invented Star Wars oh yeah that makes sense yeah of course fortnite really invented Star Wars I mean like we all know that yeah it’s all conspiracy theory that Star Wars made Star Wars like they

Didn’t it’s like I don’t know why people think that it’s yeah it’s so dumb like come on we all knew epic games is the ruler of our world and we have to bow down to them or else we all get smited uh no they don’t have Smite toys because they refuse to add

Minecraft yeah even though Minecraft is theirs uh you’re going a little too high there the the block you’re standing on should be the maximum height yeah so um and and there and there these ones the ones with the lower grass should be smaller the ones with the

Lower grass should be smaller you never actually like really specifically specified that well I said use logical thinking simple the ones with lower grass should be smaller you know what I don’t have you don’t have that I do not have logical thinking skills no D don’t do that me it’s sad I

Know oh I didn’t even work should I make my tools netherite yes why can you actually give me another upgrade real quickly I could use one I can not going to me I’m not going to give you my NE stuff no doesn’t upgrade I have enough

Ingots I mean I have enough okay with duplicating it for yourself yeah yeah I can get the diamonds myself if you teach me how to use the tunnel Bo you don’t destroy it that’s how you use it oh I don’t have my my mine upgrader

On me I think Aiden has one just wait for Aiden to get on I don’t know where mine mine went maybe I lost it um yeah where did he where did my trims box even go I think somebody oh no these are all smithing templates um yeah I don’t

Know keep working on the island all right the island I want to use the SNB right now I need diamonds you don’t need diamonds you just want diamond I stop trying to get out of the work can’t escape Electra hop let’s go I’m using the stream lag for El hops

You can just normally do it no it’s it’s much easier with a laggy stream it’s easier but you just have to be good at it raing durability I got to kill some monsters on here no you’re going to help build I really need the durability s or leave okay

What I’m going to kick you that’d be very funny if I kicked you you’re not even sleeping I’m in the bed what do you mean oh right there you go can I spawn back in yeah oops Oh I thought you had did that I thought you had done that on purpose I

Fell I fell into the island I don’t even know where you locked off my game was load because my game was like lagy so of course you know how you fall through the void whenever you just Spa in with the laggy game it did that but there’s a ground underneath it that loaded

In and I thought you had followed me and destroyed the block underneath me that’d be something I would so do though I mean if I were you I would expect I would expect me to do that oh oh my gosh yeah I can imagine that yep that that would be me that’s me

Yeah that’s that’s pretty funny actually um yeah that’s actually so me what would so do that now where are you by the way I don’t I don’t know if I know where you are um oh yeah you’re over there walking around doing nothing yeah cuz I don’t know how to

Build this you’re the only one who does knows how to do it even Max knows how to do it who doesn’t even play EMT even actually no EMT probably doesn’t know how to do it everybody other than you doesn’t it’s the simplest thing ever for a month and I’ve never touched this

Island before I mean I’ve never like built on this island doesn’t matter Max never built on it I said okay just look at it and it’s pretty simple and he was able to do it just okay but I do need levels though I want level the pattern

It’s okay go I’m not going to give you anything more though until you actually work on this so I’ve already given you stuff and you haven’t kind of given me anything so you can leave but I’m not just fair warning I’m not yeah wait I don’t know where I was going

To go with that um let’s go use the gold Farm if you need levels it’s quick but last time I went there I just AFK for a long time you what last time went there I just AFK for a long time then do that do you want levels or you don’t

Need to AFK you can talk but like it’s quick if you do you want levels or do you want to repair your elytra which one do you want I want levels and to repair my elytra into upgrade to netherite on on some of my armor how many levels well

Levels aren’t going to help you with that I know but I just need a netherite upgrade I’ll show you how to use the uh the Min Miner head to the farming District all right I’m going to head over there now if you break it you’re fixing it by the

Way okay turn on the mob Swit before we go oh yeah that’s a good idea oh yeah also the mob switch always needs to be on while you’re using I don’t care if you think there’s going to be no mobs needs to be on also don’t worry about

The skull there um if the warden spawns just like don’t let it see you for five minutes or sniff you and then just keep blowing stuff up wait you dug into an ancient city oh no we dug into um a skull bi though I knew there was one

Under the bow so we were going to run into it either way someday maybe you just destroy the shers there is no shers then a warden won’t spawn yeah but if we if you dig into one I’m saying if you’re going to keep going for a long

Time just let the warden spawn let it despawn click the button it’ll take longer but at one point you’ll get past it or you’ll just destroy the streer with explosions right I’m almost there I think they’d be blast resistant then go and mine it with a pickaxe uh how was it

Faster I don’t care just go mine okay where’s the trap door thing don’t go down there yet I’m not done oh you’re still getting the mob switch yeah all right it’s on uh it’s in the farming District yeah I’m there where’s the trap door uh it’s near the wood

Farm I can’t go down there yet because you’re not even there you can go down there if you want to just don’t use it it’ll take you a little while to fly to the thing by the way yeah I know you’ve used it a lot I

Can’t oh there is that the toap door oh yeah we need an easy way out of there too there is a pretty easy way you can just fly straight up it’s either that or constantly fall in when trying to go use a farm which is what I did

So oh my boat just teleported okay um I can’t find it uh it’s right next to the wood Farm like behind it near the uh concrete duper no duper I mean a concrete converter that I just saw water in the nether going insane all right now there’s so many there’s a boat

Jam the traffic there’s a traffic jam okay whatever um I don’t even I don’t even see it it’s right next to the wood Farm behind the moth Farm how about that I’ll show you I’m I’m almost here I’m basically here all right um overwhelm right now

Inside of the stone block that just love that oh first I want to check in on how my uh St okay anyways uh yeah I don’t know where where are you right now I’m uh by the statue statue the B the bamboo structure oh yeah you’re what the

Looking in the way wrong P follow me follow there you are right down here oh here let me turn on my um uh off my Shader there we go see on the other side okay there are a few things you need to Be watchful of um oh

What I don’t have full bites I just rammed into a block y I keep raming into block I’m going to die all right well once you make it down here you should probably have full bright by the way actually you need full bright please or else you’re going to accidentally break this

Thing CH happened okay um CU there’s a lot of stuff you can do wrong um okay come over here all right y okay so let’s see if I can find an example ah do not click the note block the not block if you click it twice before one

Of the TNT explodes the whole machine is destroyed okay here’s a good example um always have a water bucket with you uh when you’re using this because you need to destroy the lava or else um H it the TNT when it runs over The Lava is going to get destroyed so now

You can go click the not block and do not double click it I’ve I’ve done that before it’s painful it’s it’s simple but so many everybody other than Aiden has broken it once there you go just that’s if you break it though you’re you’re fixing this um always have a always have a

Little bit of obsidian or like strong blocks on you and a water bucket so you can uh one of the TNT just randomly explodes yeah okay a have trust issues when it comes to Minecraft okay um yeah okay silverfish yeah all the time how um we’re under a

Mountain well we’re under the bow there’s not even any how does that have anything to do with that silverfish spawn under mountains infested blocks all right well I’m going to go back to building Island a little yeah I have a water bucket cool I was it since I was right there all right

You good luck remember wait no the warden can’t spawn we have a mob switch that’s not how it works the warden is one of those mobs that can just spawn it’s like the Phantom they don’t they don’t they ignore the mob cap just like the and drag why level are

We at uh the correct one uh like negative just just look at the screen you don’t need to ask it’s the correct one though 53 okay yeah we don’t have any we shouldn’t have any lava patches why is there so much because we were just in a

Cave and yes there can be Lava Patches at why 53 all right um Island going to build some Island today oh I thought there another lava pth cuz I saw a bunch of red stone that was activated Al so I don’t know I don’t we

We do need to expand it and we do need a different mod like module system um but for now it works I’d rather finish my Island before building that like expanding on that just like my netherite idea but I do need netherite for that I also might

Need some diamonds for the castle but there’s a big lava pool coming up hello Enderman you should get lethal company I’m not going to get lethal company right now cuz you want PL phasmophobia or something yeah but the the there’s one there’s a problem with that game I look looking to it like

There’s only like you’re you’re hunting one ghost and you’re hunting 24 go ghosts yeah but like one at a time that’s the thing unless it’s a twins so it’s kind yeah but one or two at a time it’s kind of you clearly just unpatient young pan what you’re clearly not patient young pan

Another lava patch a lot of people say the game is pretty boring not green not green impulse Scar and skis that’s like five people just because somebody who has popularity says something’s fun doesn’t mean it’s fun exposed exposed what did you exposed I’ve been exposed for what MH for what

You said Minecraft is fun that means it’s not fun okay so there’s two different things a lot of people I’ve said Minecraft is fun for some people Minecraft isn’t Fun who are these people people who don’t like Minecraft I don’t know there are people who don’t like Minecraft yeah I’m jumping okay go

I was like um it’s a pretty bad view to have on the world okay okay all right um I haven’t gotten a single diamond yeah cuz you’re unlucky or you’re just bad or you’ve blown up some diamonds and missed it I think I would know okay yeah they being

Unlucky whoa what are you watching I’m not watching anything Abby oh yeah that’s my friend it live yeah it is live and I’m on it I you’re fine there’s like two people Aiden being one of them and I’m the other so no there’s somebody else now oh

Yeah there’s two other people now okay yeah so there are people but oh my God wait I just realized who typed what’s good with you hi SP a while I haven’t gotten a single diamond for refence I this is helping me this helping for Diamond

Abby mean if you want to watch me live you can go to jelly and Frankie in watch where are you are you the video uh it’s not a video it’s a live stream you live stream I was but now I mean you get my voice Oh yeah that I built all this I mean oh I can turn my shaders back now that I’m done with here do you want to see the the best part we’re not just uh um I didn’t build I didn’t only just build all of this um out of

This hello oh my gosh there’s a lot of people now um what’s what’s up at M omelet you’re back cool how do you have the motivation to do this in survival honestly I don’t know I don’t know I I just want to get to the castle building part I want to

I’m done building mountains or plateaus or whatever you want to call these things once I’m done with this big one I can build plop a big castle down here please shout out me shout out you for wait what that’s not that’s how M omet all right shout out um yeah there

You go I did it I mean I’m not the YouTuber but you should I’m not I am not the best person to YouTube Yeah question mark what okay back to the building yeah motivation is a funny thing where are the hav’t worked on it for a little

While cuz we were building a whole bunch in creative mode uh for light Mantica but then I was like oh this is stupid I don’t like building on the inside of the island because it was kind of it just didn’t work a face what what is that I don’t

Know what do you want like in the video yeah I mean probably there’s going to be the chats in the video in I mean in the middle of the island I thought we worked hard on that for the test world what I thought we had done that for the test

World oh yeah we’re scrapping that I don’t know if I told you I told Aiden you did not tell me at all yeah we’re scrapping the uh test world uh build because um of one thing please shout out to me this is insane okay how do how do I like on community

Post gosh yeah he saw it I can’t build this big in Creative well oh but this is taking us 6,000 days Minecraft no it’s it’s the server it’s probably taking us like around 1,000 days actually never mind I can’t check my player settings because my player data

Glitched and I lost all of it so it looks like I’m literally like new I’ve placed almost every single one of these deep slats I had like 30,000 deep slate placed at one point but now I’ve like no I am new diamonds no lapis I’m putting

On my resource pack times mind yeah I I had so many of these things here let’s see times I’ve crafted 2,000 of these that’s probably correct though um times used yeah this these used to be the top and then this no this used to be these

Two wait do you pay for the server on your own or how do you pay uh feather free yeah feather client is free but we do need a server host someday just because like yes it’s it it gets pretty laggy sometimes especially like when I’m doing this oh I blew up diamonds there’s

Diamonds see you’re having fun with the machine good but yeah oh yeah Eric we’re scrapping the inside of the island we’re we’re moving all the cool stuff to the castle and then the inside of the island I have a really cool idea but I’m not

Going to share it yet I mean I have a share server but it’s very laggy you should probably share it with me just probably not to the no I’m not going to share it with you or Aiden going to be a diamonds give out surprise oh my gosh I forgot I have

Fortune that already gave me 12 diamonds for that yeah my fortune lock has always been horrible that’s why I only have like 23 diamond blocks yeah I found a vein of eight and I got 12 that’s you found an a fan those are still things I never found one

Since but I an eight yeah not as rare my diamond skeleton rib cage thing I Diamond skeletons are actually common if you’re in a mango swamp I heard it wasn’t a mango swamp so I have to go eat check asking for you Mr omite what’s good well I mean the first

Diamonds I saw were on the ceiling so maybe I just missed a bunch from the ceiling I have a resource pack on the Highlight yeah it’s nice as talk okay first I thought it said nice try I was like H that was little confused just imagine like a lot of lava

Here hello what’s up how are you doing building the island today actually we’re building the thing today I don’t know what I’m building today tired even though it’s morning I’m tired I played Lethal company last night no shouldn’t be that high this should be a little lower I still haven’t

Found any diamonds like whatsoever you found diamonds I mean I found 12 that’s I mean enough to duplicate one enough to duplicate one armor cool Joy thoughts on mountains rock big rock yeah I’m going to I’m going to going to go uh do I have any

Shulker boxes I I swear I I feel like I keep leaving my shulker boxes down here I’m mining the Redstone just for the experience just that’s sad we have a gold Farm yeah I know but I don’t want to go there now cuz I’m farming for diamonds right

Now okay which is impossible to find oh wow what it’s on my shoulder yeah it’s a c what do you expect it’s turn to is that no just another cave thought that’s I’m getting online for once today how about that how about that getting online

Um no diamonds yet dude last time I did this I got so many it’s cuz you’re bad we unlucky you you did for like two minutes what are you talking about wait what what Eric he got on for two minutes he did not get on today no he said he did he

Did think about it like I said thoughts on that and then yeah and then he did so he did have thoughts I didn’t know he could have thoughts wow I didn’t know he was that SM yeah Myer died be I would what okay all right let’s see how close are

We we finished the corner there’s we’re not even halfway done and then we got to cab it off and stuff and build a castle I what I want to do though so bad also I think there’s going to be a little bit more than a castle but I

Don’t know how I’m going to land out this still want it to be like a nice big castle I was thinking I could have like a Village area on this side and then like the castle right here but it really depends on the SI things got something Aiden doesn’t have any

Thoughts about getting online anymore does not he doesn’t get online you’re more online than him which is yeah I am I’ve been actually like active yo we actually have three active members and then oh yeah we were going to invite this today yeah okay I need to talk you’ve

Invited two people just because they asked no oh no gosh know Eric thought if I did that then every everybody would be in here we should make a um like public server Community server though I’m not going to be running that on my computer maybe if you get more

People like actually subscribe and you get the YouTube R and Hypixel then we’d be golden but we don’t play Hypixel or at least I don’t we don’t play it’s the only thing I play this in Hypixel sucks for you you wouldn’t get the YouTube

Rank I I would but I don’t even play it so that not that’s why I thought you could use Fortune that’s why I thought you could use fortune on um can technically I I can because I’ve made videos on Hypixel you have to have a certain amount of

Subscribers yeah I know I know how you have to be an active like yeah what I am so it’s not what I am I’m not active Hypixel player or YouTuber like I’m an active hpix player I haven’t played bedwars in like months and I used to play it like every day

Basically but now I play this um PVP every once in a while leave the company that’s what I do make videos Discord server yeah when how is the next gift video coming along uh the uh the the that one part two yeah how’s it coming along part two

It’s part one buddy we’re not even done with part one we’re not no you posted the video which video for part one for part one the rift part one oh you’re talking about the rift I thought you were oh I haven’t even started editing we got to get clips for

That’s not how it works we haven’t done anything on the rift no we have not I get everything before editing because can’t yeah good thing you don’t edit videos that’ be scary but I don’t think they’d be too bad but um yeah you have

To at least for how I work is I get every clip before Ed I get everything I know everything before editing so I can actually write like write and think about what is going to happen because let’s say like oh I’m I’m working on a video it’s pasted in this certain way

And then something giant happens but I’m not I have haven’t edited for that buildup so then you need to re-edit like and it takes hours and it’s really really really annoying about to Rift the board well that wasn’t on Friday the doc no he said that he like expelled

Something when you post the video I don’t know what he meant because he didn’t tell me he said to talk to you no he’s talking on Friday 16th wasn’t Friday the 16th oh yeah the um Villages thing have you checked the villages like you said what was that about I already figured that

Out that was I already knew what that was I just didn’t think it was connected to the rift at all that was actually kind of funny what was it it it they just all said I need it there’s even villagers in his base that say it now I didn’t notice before oh

Yeah I literally I thought I thought that was you name tagging pillagers a random Pillager that appeared in the middle of the bowl just for the funsies to troll me I thought that was you which is so something you would do and you have to I just put the I just put the

Villager in the middle of the bowl I didn’t name it ah it was part of it we missed something big okay on Friday so it has to do something with the dock aen don’t make me do this now I’m trying to build an island yeah a don’t make me think I’m trying to

Mindlessly press a um Note Block some shall be only some some be do even makeing noise Doc is called you know too much and then there’s that just add up block cool well I’m trying to build this so I’m not going to do the rift I’m not going to feed you

Aiden oh my god I’ve only found one vein taking for yeah that’s your fault for not doing what uh repaying me the the the the Minecraft diamonds are being mad at you they that’s why they they aren’t letting you find them cuz you did you betrayed

Me you didn’t help me even after I helped you there a challenge if I find diamonds this next one I don’t have to do anything and if I don’t I don’t have to do anything but if I find diamonds I’m just going to prove that they’re

Not I after the next click I mean someday you’re going to find diamonds of course um I guess do right exactly it’s what you get for not helping me oh my God I’m goingon to be still gonna be pressing this button yeah but oh I need I need like motivation now

I was like I got to get to the castle that’s my only motivation currently but I don’t know it’s going to be very tough to build this there all right I can I can do this I believe in myself I wish they could make it like

Would I wish they made us like be able to add like chest plates to the elyas what like trims chest plates no chest plates that way you can still have protection while with an elytra on okay I think the thing that balances elytra the only balancing thing to in

Elytra that doesn’t protect you okay I didn’t double press the button it’s just something happened and one of the TNTs fell I’m not going to press it anymore one of the TNTs fell like what do you mean fell like fell out of it saying that’s duplicating it

In okay I’m still going to make you fix it but I want to just come see what it is I don’t know how to fix it I’ll I didn’t even double tap I didn’t even double tap everybody says they don’t know how to fix it but I have a literal

Tutorial you’re going to fix I didn’t even double tap it but you were Manning it the rule is whoever is Manning it fixes it that’s what I’ve said too many times I don’t know how it broke either I think I don’t know how it breaks either

To please you’re still going to fix it takes 10 minutes I’ll show you how to fix it and then you’re going to fix it so in the future when you actually break it you can fix it but you still are Manning it so that means you have to fix

It tired of cuz nothing happened with the other machine just just one machine I think I just be able to copy over I’m going to just show you what uh what’s probably wrong I think I have an idea cuz it came out of its duplication thing yeah I think I know

Why I’m like loading everything really quick for some reason today like I can switch Shader packs really see quick okay let’s see it’s inspection day gotta fly down this giant tunnel I think I got it I think I got the block space the coil is gone and the

TNT is gone otherwise if we go over here what happened is I saw I know the coils vanished but I saw the TNT fall I think I fixed step okay yeah all you need to do is remove the chest um remove the chest and the mine

Cart break one of the ancient debris and replace it Forward one what do you mean what what break one of the ancient debris and place it here I also broke accidentally broke a slime block place it back I can’t even can I place it back I don’t want to be waiting here I

Did place it back okay now do what I said what’ you what did you say break the ancient debris and move it out one what happened anyway um I’m not going to tell you until you fix it I didn’t and now move it here where’ it

Go oh I have it okay wait does Fortune not work on these oh my gosh you’ve asked this question before no does Fortune doesn’t work on Ancient debris no you’ve mined it before so many times okay now what you do place the coral all right the coil’s gone go get

More I don’t have don’t know just go get more it’s that simple you’re you are fixing this I I’d love to teach you how to but can you tell me what happened first that I know to avoid it next time um there was Cobblestone instead of deep slate

There that that was uh a mistake in uh fixing before how does that do anything uh blast resistance I don’t know it just disappears sometimes either way it’s it’s it’s one of the nicest breaks do do not worry actually yeah you should worry but um it’s very nice compared to some of the

Other things I’ve done to this machine um yeah you don’t any Rockets you won’t like it when uh I thought you said you had like a full inventory you I know I do okay okay all of it uh keep the um trap doors open please okay um you want

Like uh yeah there was one where I was using it and I think I don’t know what happened but one of the TNTs ignited oh it was cuz I was working on another module what what am I hearing oh found Co I was adding another module what type

Of coral do we need it doesn’t matter Coral fan at least um but uh I was adding the fourth oh no a fifth module there was going to be a fifth at one point no a fourth one I there wasn’t going to be a fifth but I

Um this is so so sad I did it in the wrong order I placed the chest before placing the TNT so once I plac a TNT in I um uh it’s it immediately lit and I didn’t have a water bucket on me at the time or blast resistant blocks so then

It created an entire chain reaction reaction in the machine and blew up every single module what does a chest do uh it’s how the TNT duper works it it’s what uh like lights it but it’s only place the coil now yes place the coral I need blocks to

Get up there so I don’t accidentally place it on fly all the way back there and get a new one you can use Touch on it all right place so I have to place TNT first place the TNT it didn’t the TNT exploded remember go get more

TNT I’m just kidding I have TNT on me um this is my explosive box here take take one of my explosives thanks oh do I place it now any update uh I don’t know okay now do not just place the thing I’ve I I actually haven’t done this mistake but I bet you

Would be horrible um place the here give me the rail in the chest okay I actually have the rail this part I will do um okay you need to do it like this yeah it doesn’t really matter out um need me a redstone box do not do it with a button or else

The entire machine will break um let’s see oops put okay there you go fixed you have or else the TNT is going to blow uh test it yeah test it all right I’m going in three you just start using it I’m going to leave now keep working on my one Island it

Worked immediately got lava all right that’s how you fix it pretty simple I have a water bucket I’m just going to first see if there’s any stuff in the cave for me nothing to steal all right update uh any updates I don’t know I haven’t I haven’t

Really been focusing on it I mean the the doc name is know too much he also used the end poem so that really helps with the fact that keeper with the fact that keeper is a player and wrote that letter to Andrews he released something on Friday

We know he released the dock on Friday so we don’t know yet but I’m going to I’m going to go back to the building of the island there five people watching right now four five keeps changing those there was seven at one point which was pretty cool what’s your max what’s your record

For people uh 12 that was a fluke though that was a fluke bedwars day never no and then my most amount of views on one was like 200 in total that was uh the one of the Island Building Things how do you get so many people to

Like your Island Building cuz it’s a big build watching Big build cool apparently I mean that’s how that’s that’s how all the big hardcore videos work it’s just big build was cool I feel like if it was more hardcore this entire thing was Hardcore for first of all I’d be out the

I joined in yeah if it was Hardcore I would try to survive more I do the stupidest things sometimes yeah two other people two other PE what yeah like to me you do some stupid stuff to me as well oh like get me yeah I do some stupid

Stuff to myself I was talking like I do have a solo hardcore world where I do have some netherite gear but I quit on that since um this world started hello lag it’s happening I haven’t played on it since diamonds see once I help you it’s just I’m just good luck

Apparently I’m going to get these diamonds going to be Lava immediately breaking it all it didn’t give me much and by that I mean it gave me six diamonds and it was only a two vein what that’s so lucky I get three I only get like one or two

Extra more than us that was the max Fortune I can possibly get for both two diamonds now there’s six keep fluctuating and more diamonds the more people the better incredible Lu yes people keep joining the stream s Works can’t talk to the ones who aren’t there yeah I can I have

Telekinesis just you can just know who who has the uh thumbnail I have hypnotizing Powers I can hypnotize everybody in the entire world could come on to your stream if I wanted to yeah but they’re not going to come on there’s I get like thousands of Impressions but nobody comes on because

My thumbnails are just screenshots yeah maybe make better that’s how literally every single thumb that’s how rra does thumbnails screenshots yeah he take screenshots cool just they look cool I’m just a little lazy I mean oh my my Rift one is just a screenshot I mean that’s a really nice screenshot the rift

Thumbnail you should have me in the next one no you should make me in the next yeah you’re part of it so I’m if you if you helped me build the island you’d be in the second part of the island build but you probably won’t be oh my God more

Diamonds I should really make attacks on the machine so uh I always get like 50% of what you mine with it dude no so make I should so make a tax I have 24 diamonds now make a legal tax and then you you’re going to have to

Tax Rod if you don’t want to give me the diamonds which then that means I’ll be after you oh no he’s after me whatever will I do oh I’m G to you know you know me I kill you all the time I can do yeah you

Do I also have a stack of gapples now so good luck trying to kill me yeah you’ve been doing a lot of farming no I I havek at the Gold Farm F you can’t oh gapples they said God apples gapples are easy oh I I do have God apples too

But I actually I looted like a lot I evade taxes anyways yeah a bucket of water is heavier than a b than a um um God Apple because bucket of water can create an infinite amount of water cool from one bucket and water has a lot

Of mass water does have a lot of mass sure gold has also like a ton of mass yeah but water water keeps um like the more you like it it is a substance yes I have 24 diamonds and 2 four levels cool I have like 23 diamond blocks so multiply your amount by

Nine but I was get so unlucky I mined with that thing for like a long time and we got like yeah did you get Max fortune on two of them in a row yeah oh that was oh is ready to Jo all right all right it’s the day that we get

It’s the day all right um let me post the IP in the thing it’s been too long so sorry for that yeah just W all right so who’s giving him the two you’re going to give him the two yeah I’ll give the T let me just I’ll just be here

Of course you’ve seen the island probably because you’ve tuned in a few times okay let me uh head to spawn real quick I’ll give I’ll give my my uh extra Diamond gear I and now he’s gonna be on now Aiden’s gonna hop on of course he is

Of course oh of course that that dirty Aiden all right all right all right hello hello hello tell me when I’m just heading to spawn I mean you can log on but I’m not at spawn yet all right Aiden log on all right you can log on now

Diam you can log on anytime yeah oh okay I found some lava again oh I’m lagging a little bit I mean if we if I wanted a bucket of lava I definitely would have gotten this by now yo there he is oh um you spawned two blocks off of the spawning

Platform yo what’s good um all right I’ll give you some stuff and then oh I got an elytra for you this is cool oh oh oh wait do we want to go through that um funny achievements um Trend again yeah here take take some gear okay take some gear this like full

Diamond you know maybe in a light too yeah um let’s see what else do I have you can be like me get um Sky’s limit before you get stone AG I got I actually got um isn’t an iron pick like just like three days ago oh my gosh it’s a good chest

Fight this is Cur The Binding but I might as well oh oh really take the elytra did you put wait wait a minute um yeah I just put it on oh you you can’t put on the elytra then you can’t put on the elytra oh oh um um

Get all the other stuff you know you don’t have any level so you’re fine I already got the kill yeah let’s see a helmet yeah that might not be a good chest plate yeah probably not the best I’ll take that back thing that choose I’ll just use it

On armor stand um yeah all I really have is fire protection and then here’s a another chest with some stuff oh God there’s no diamonds wait does Cobble deep slate have a higher blast resistance than deep slate uh oh I don’t know thought you were gonna say all the because if all

The Deep slate is getting exploded but the Deep flate on the machine isn’t um wait right is this this is just the spawning this all right so um this is where you spawn obviously um okay I’ll be I’ll be right back I’m sorry diamonds all I’m gonna get ma am i g to

Get Max fortune on this it’s an a vean I have I have arrived all right um Zoey I found an eight vein of diamonds and I think I got pretty good okay oh you’re back and I think I got pretty good with Fortune too all right oh I

Really need to prepare my Elijah okay down here is the bowl it’s kind of like the place oh wait here uh I can give you some uh firework Rockets um hello Aiden oh Aiden’s here now everyone’s on ever be here all right uh fireworks oops welcome welcome welcome

Welcome welcome oh Sor big wait to get in um all right yeah like the months wait waiting a little while um this is like a little while where it all started there’s a villager stuff uh up in the Villager head over there um those this is a villager beaing area

All right um over here um The Hobbit area there’s uh my retirement home and then Eric base right here why do you have a retirement home cuz I do I don’t know I just you’re going to retire from the Minecraft server and live in the Minecraft server

Oh yeah and then uh up above the like the final stream he’s just going to walk in turn around go into F5 end the stream final stream ending right there leaked that would honestly be like honestly amazing oh shoot and then and then would we ever make a new like wait where’d you

Go I can’t find you oh oh he’s getting seeds I’m getting food that’s probably a good idea I yeah I took have I gotten a CD place no pretty funny I take my achievements how do I check my achievements statistics there we go no it’s advancements statistics oh

Advancements click l he thought he thought you could Fortune sugarcane yes also thought something else oh yeah he also thought something else but we don’t need to talk about that all right anyways um do this is kind of where a lot of the builds happen um and then a lot of your building

Materials uh we get in the Farming Farming districts because Minecraft Wood Farms are so what’s the CD oh probably husbandary whatever oh wow that ended really quickly but look at the chat okay anyways um okay so there’s the different oh there’s Aiden there’s remember hey this is cool and then um

This way is the sorry bats farming district one they don’t think this is a cave this is big enough for the bat to think it’s a cave now really yeah there’s bat spawning in we basically made a cave with the bomber machine all right and then through here

Um this is the like the main Central of the oh where’d you go yeah I have 43 Diamond now I’m lagging a little bit oh um Eric zero askers honestly not going to lie I’m I’m really laggy um oh there you are okay uh storage um but here up here more diamonds

Is I have a resource pack that highlights each ore and it’s relative color and it’s always so perfect whenever I see that blue like light blue tint is this another eight ve there’s no way I got another eight van wait Aiden where are you right now oh there you are I

Am yeah so there’s um I’ll just the farms and then already up the house what I get oh yeah I get 57 oh you use feather client too let’s go yeah feather client’s the best how can you tell uh it like shows a thing yeah show um and then up

Here or is there a way up without needing to fly yeah I’m going to just fly up here up here hey you destroyed it that’s that’s what happened oh yeah when I was chasing you down yeah um up drop you right now all of the um the

Farms um probably the most important one is the wood Farm just and the tunnel Bo is pretty important too selfish you just want your Diamonds oh my gosh I do want my diamonds um this one is the Moss Farm is super simple you just flick a lever and it turns on let

Me find it it’s right here leave the area bre it also dumps all the it into the storage system like instantly or not instantly it goes through the shoot well a looks like that deal’s off okay oh yeah they did the deal all right and then yeah the wood Farm I mean do

You know how to run a wood Farm do I really need to show you uh no not really all right like not really I need to show you or not really you don’t know how to I know you can show me anyways so this is an interesting build right oh you see the

Statue interesting all H St my signature statues it’s the statue okay that’s look at the top now Joey of what this statue oh I’m not I’m not going to the top I put some string up there come on all right let’s go to Stone the oh oh

That’s from the Cobblestone fr it’s also just oh there oh okay it’s amazing it’s like Cobblestone um there’s a lot of stuff to explore I’m just going to really show you all the important stuff um there we go um there’s a mob switch that’s on it’s at I sent a coordinates in the

Coordinates chat in the Discord server are these guys hereen what were you oh what the how long we were there um I think I’ll I just heard you fly back so this way it taking the left there’s like an end tunnel the end Tak your bed straight down this way

Is to the island which I’m going to go work on now I think that’s like the full tour I mean there’s just a lot to explore it’s hard to cover everything oh more diamonds okay I’m getting lucky now wait Aiden you said Max’s drug B is gone yeah it got removed by someone

Probably the man himself I felt guilty all right well I’m gonna go work on the island island island Aiden I see you Aiden I saw you there yes it’s the um what are you doing no you didn’t what are you doing Aiden I see you oh what

You nothing where are the boats in these um um I’m spinning wait okay you have layer if you come within 30 blocks of me I will know because of tab oh oh my gosh doing these 360s is so fun oh my gosh I’m going oh spinning

Around okay okay Aiden when are you g to finish your um nether portal Hub thing we have a black d farm the end in the way I’m going to kill it okay whoa I just okay did I just see am I just hallucinating you’re hallucinating like you have every other time really laggy

Um I’m stuck inside of a block um I you you have um you have amethyst um um Smith smithing on your um armor I know what you look like anyways okay also Rockets are loud and I have um subtitles on so be careful it might be your own

Rocket I’m not using any Rockets right now I I’m not there so I don’t know if that’s true or not but oh I’m like really lag you whoa unless you count the tunnel Bo as a rocket which I don’t I just like can’t eat um there’s a

I’m going to end I’m going to end the nobody’s here so I’m going to end the stream oh okay

This video, titled ‘building a GIGANTIC mountain for a huge castle in minecraft! (on a big island)’, was uploaded by JoeyAndFrankie on 2023-12-19 06:01:03. It has garnered 74 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:26 or 6506 seconds.


  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

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  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

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  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

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  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

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  • Giltory SMP

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

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  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

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  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

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  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

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  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

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  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! play.virex.fun Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/W8kAVQJECz Read More