Epic Cat Café Chaos Ft. CaptainSparklez (Minecraft SMP #24)

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Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of SM Perth brought to you by our sponsor for the week me with the re-rack your weights water bottle and all of that good stuff check it out represent calm / store / CaptainSparklez good times all around yeah you got a drink water right so

Drinker for this mmm you don’t want to dehydrate that wouldn’t be fun at all link in the description buy or dehydrate and I someone I feel like I think someone just donated thousand bits but I like didn’t show up in my list or something like that um so

That’s confusing but thanks for that if it was the thing but also I don’t know how it worked um let’s see lazy one thing with the tuna bits since you own the UAE may suggest you make device palm island or the Burj Khalifa you never know I’m not gonna commit to

Any of the oh you just want to get out right now how do you keep breaking your lead it’s very frustrating I wish that you would know I don’t have any more leads dude I have to make another freakin lead out here with my existing resources you

Stopped trying to escape oh my goodness bro so let’s take a look around and see if anything has happened since last time we were on the server I I know nots I haven’t I haven’t been on I haven’t done any grinding because I learned that I guess the the trades aren’t actually

Wait are you sitting you’re sitting still that’s cute that’s nice has anything has anything changed here so got our ABS over there we’ve still got our animals we’ve got also hello this is a it’s someone new we’ve got a couple things here you get a couple little pieces of art looking

Looking cool you got another cat a cat that appears to be tamed by somebody else so there’s that just make sure everything in here is up to par we’re just doing the the old once-over making sure everything is killing you still chilling my dude you’re still chillin that’s what I like

To see that’s what I like to see ah God bro there’s a spider on the floor over there why does this happen every time that I go streaming let’s see the bit message was held for review because of the word short and your chance on fixing that

Since you forgot what did I what did I forget I didn’t I would was there something I was told to do wait I’m alive Wow everyone’s like I don’t live it it’s not a super big boy it’s just yeah just it’s not Miguel’s cousin I don’t think that

Crickets and spiders are super related to each other but anyway ah least not my headset that’s that is true it’s very true I’d be very disappointed if it was in my headset I don’t need dad anymore because we have the flag over here which is pretty cool

Time to burn the house down it’s not that big of a boy if it was a super big boy then maybe we’d be considering that that option but it’s not like super big boy okay well it seems like everything is kind of chill and and Gucci um anyway

Cascara if there was like a thing that I was supposed to do with uncensored some words feel free to put it in like the mod discord chat because I’m not sure what you’re referring to and otherwise I will have no idea what the crap bro how

You gonna do the tell you and do me like this skele bro um let’s see cows car thank you for neither thousand bits though much appreciated and the lefty thank you for this up by the way for anyone who is looking to get on top of the bit leaderboard currently it’s the

Lowest it has ever been thus far in the series so could be pretty cool because because you actually are gonna get the ability to name one book this dirt last time you will get the ability to submit an image it’d be pretty pretty gnarly pre nifty the first time ever they were

Gonna get a map image to go along with the stuff so all right what I wanted what I was thinking of doing was I was thinking of oh I need to bring up the map by the way I was thinking of doing was making like

Should I make Petra like my home or I do need to dig it out and make it like a treasure thing it was gonna be like kind of embassy thing but I could also make it my home it would just make it more difficult to get out but I could do a

Water elevator or something like that terraform it actually do you need to kind of cover the top and just make it a little bit more cohesive so it’s it’s not kind of sticking out with that sandstone covering just add a little bit more like dirt and sand to the tops let

Me let me actually grab a bit of dirt and sand because I know I have some it’s definitely it’s a nicer home than my current home which has a creeper on the roof excuse me but know what how did I miss there we go get ready bud get the Frick out of here

Dude keep it as an embassy have you heard of it I’ve got the war against techno someone was saying something about there being like a world war going on on Wednesday I’ve heard nothing at all about this I haven’t been kept in the loop but maybe I’ll join in on the

Voice chat at some point hear about it mm anyway I mean yeah check out I don’t have very much dirt then all but I got some sand and I got some more sand a lot of sand sauce been thinking of the sub akimbo Nautilus thank you 2,000 bits

Might as well drop a few more was just saying I was watching some vids from Paris don’t talk Oh short it’s crazy how far we’ve come since then lovely content keep it up thanks man wow it’s been a been a long time since then so thank you for tuning it in oh there’s

Another flag that’s pretty cool I like the flags marking stuff off that is unfortunate that my my map or my channel name previous channel name gets held its withheld from being used in a comment sorry about that I don’t actually know how I would its that without just like I

Would I’m pretty sure I would have to I just tell the whole moderation system to be super less strict I don’t know if that would let a bunch more stuff you flood gates I don’t know I’m not familiar enough with twitch to be able

To save the sure oh I need to go and get myself bits more of experience to repair my pickax also by the way just official send off to SMP live it was announced that as of the end of December 31st a server will be closing down I kind of

Wrapped up my time there with the finishing of fallen Kingdom but and that led kind of naturally into this I was like you know what that’s the finale it’s fallen Kingdom but they are officially ending things as of the end of the year and that’s gonna be that so

It was a good time it was a good time um it was the best of times it was the worst of times all right that’s just how it was sand I mean there were some worst at times with it with some hits to be fair all right we just trying to I’ll swap

Out some of the sand for like some dirt and whatnot but just kind of blend it in a little bit r.i.p lightning McPhee I know dude I think the feet was a national treasure kind of up there with baby Yoda in terms of how much of a treasure he was I

Wonder what I should do inside of petra that like I could make it micah to make it multi-purpose it could be my home but also be like just another thing it could be an additional thing on ty could be an embassy it could be my home it could

Have like a treasure room you could have like a whole host of things associated with it the host with the most that know a little bit of dirt in there cool that works out cascara thank you the five minutes post a message in ma chat also totally not just being

Sneaking and making my way up to number one bit giver not at all oh dude I mean oh you did it cast a car a number one on the bit leaderboard crushing it Akash Kumar thank you for the eight months I would be happy to give casa

Carra at number one spot alright there we go so that’s now looking pretty good right there black rider thank you for doing sub gift much appreciated um yeah I guess that’s all I’m gonna need to remake the beacon I guess down there take it back for the cats sorry

The cats probably been enjoying out of the whole beacon thing yeah they’re meowing at me they’re like don’t take it away from us we’ve been feeding off this energy to help us take over the world eventually alright let me go ask Kara about this world war thing hey quick

Question I have people in my chant talking about some kind of impending doom world war going on is this something that you’re aware of it’s on Wednesday okay but it is actually a thing yes so what’s the idea do you know more info Tommy versus Antarctic empire I believe

Hmm Tommy how is it how is it just one person versus the Antarctic Empire like are more people or more people participating in this other than just Tommy and the Antarctic Empire cuz that doesn’t sound like a world war I’ll probably do something okay whose side are you on

Whichever side is more fun Wow very uh yeah very very particular about your alliance is not very loyal to a particular group ah just go to whatever side looks like it’s gonna win I’m just an enemy with the German Empire so whatever your side the German Empire is

Not on okay understood so that’s that’s what really dictates it for you yes but I don’t know if the German Empire is actually participating that’s the only thing oh you’re not know until the day of I see hey what do you think I should build inside a Petra your house oh you

Think I should put my house in there because there’s gonna be an embassy but I no no no don’t do the embassy thing how’s mine Petra for yourself okay hi I didn’t know if I could pop in here or if I had to be in global okay cool wait

What would be the difference I don’t know I thought global I don’t know don’t worry I’m just uh this guy my ceiling actually right now what one second everything everything cool I’m confused you want to help me make my cafe I’m making a cat cafe alright are you now

Yeah I mean I guess I kind of owe helping make something so I could do that cool come on over to the Eiffel Tower oh you mean you can’t cafe in Paris yes I think that makes most sense because then you have a nice view of the Eiffel Tower

While also playing the kitties okay is it uh is it like one of those Japanese cat cafe things is that the would the premise of it yeah got it do they have any of those in Paris I believe so oh really are there cat cafes in LA oh yes really

Yeah I’ve been wanting to go to one home stream it really yeah okay that’s cool are the cats trained I can you train a cat obviously I’m in Paris I am in the Kingdom of Jordan okay I think barons flying over to you guys he’s probably just like flying places

Not necessarily to us I so car do you need any particular resources that I would have in hand mm oh if you have sy and I or most definitely don’t I definitely don’t do you need wool just in general though I need sy and eyes right so you’re good on wall yes okay

I’ll bring some more I don’t need wool yeah but you might need some quality wool from the Kingdom of Jordan because this is one of our this is one of our top exports actually so you might need it oh my you have some cactus over here okay cool cool cool

Woah shearing sheep it wears it it wears down on you oh my god it’s a rough life okay alright so anyway yeah let me uh let me snag that LAPI is there a crafting recipe for it that like makes lots more that is major bumbum okay laughs ease will appease

Turning to blue dye right yes alright blue dye and then how many would you like in an ideal world I just need like 500 K so I’ll bring like 30 okay I don’t mess around with the overkill BRB yeah I’m not I’m not sure what is

Happening with I’m not sure who this is the the name is Alana the VA and I they’re not Oh is is that a fitzy maybe it’s a fitzy there’s a is in each of those names I know Michael brought on a bunch of people yesterday for his charity stream

And so maybe that’s one of them anyway I they they she sounds like there’s a crisis going on or something and I’m not sure what’s happening but hopefully it’s all good let’s see steal chaos thank you for the sub T go Biddy thank you for the thousand bits been following the series

On YouTube since episode one and just watch the end of episode 22 came here and you’re live on episode 23 M I might be on episode 24 actually I think I’m just slightly ahead here than I am on YouTube but you know it’s fine so you might have missed the creation of Petra

But don’t worry about it at all Bella Armour thank you for the four months much appreciated and there we go okay let’s make some cyan out here dude I see you be chill with 20 cyan die yeah that’s perfect okay cool cool sounds great in that case I will make 24 pakil

And just went to nah no Michael Wigan mind alright hey I don’t want guys I’m not stuck inside cave okay on me way to Paris so literally all I I brought is symbol and sigh and I yes okay cool why are some locations on the map green others red

Apparently it’s a Christmas thing I asked about that and as simple as that lucky block oh my head Wow I appear to be over shooting my plane is oh no my plane is in death spiral stop it plane oh dear I know because I can’t control my plane why I don’t know

Heyis is you here oh yes okay good it’s it’s it’s back its back I have gained control of my plane oh you guys get money how do I get that cash by getting diamonds oh wow look at this okay so this seems like it’s it’s kind of far along what do I do

How do I get the cats up here cat you could say it’s like herding cats yeah I already use that okay well I didn’t so you know cats over here please so my advice to you my advice to you take all the cats kind of far and then

Try to run back in here and get them to teleport yeah or you could use a lead at lead woodwork to lead but you do it this way you give it a try give it a try less you believe i have a lead back home okay

Cats come come with me cats come with me no I’ll look at this Eiffel Tower I had to put a hiatus on building it because I need to push the legs back okay so why why can’t sit work like this they’re too close together it’ll mess up the whole build really yeah really

Cats it here oh well oh I saw a cat fly but I don’t think it made it in Oh they’re kind of here oh oh they’re on the roof oh yeah yeah yeah that’s oh don’t drop off Oh one of the cats just fell off the roof

Yeah well a couple made it cat do you just want to have you fell off again yeah do you even cat distribution is that what you’re going for or you want them to all be on the top I want them all to be on the top maybe like one or

Two on the bottom mm-hmm because the cafe’s on the bottom and the cat playing areas on the top all right come on goodness I’m just gonna here’s what’s gonna happen I’m gonna go back and get a lead and then by the time I get back here you’re gonna have sorted the whole

Thing out but if I hadn’t gone if I hadn’t gone then it wouldn’t have worked so that’s there yeah yes that is true no no no plane I need you to not do this and he did not do this to me right now

Dude I need you to not do this to me Oh God all right it’s all bad everything’s it’s all it’s bad everything is all bad good it really really well look at that skyscraper that’s pretty cool only I could really focus on it was that evil

Oh is it yeah sweet Mother of God oh okay all right there we go boys okay so has my lead bin rendered unnecessary yet I lost one oh that’s that’s a bummer The Frick down dude yeah yeah minecraft is pretty cool I played it a couple times yeah it’s okay I guess no they don’t negative that’s only for doing the team that’s don’t cats are just cats they just go where they please but like kind of stay near you and then they run off

When you get close that’s typical cats for you uh-huh yes follow well they’re so cute though you’re so freaking cute should be approaching in a moment and then I will definitely have trouble landing okay all right all right go down go down go down do do the shoot overshot no now my

Plane doesn’t want it oh dear oh dear oh well we’re gonna hold the cats on the live spiral here what are the plans with the cats just like cat cafe oh yeah all right all right children follow me yeah you just you just messed the leave they okay

They were good we’re good we’re good all right now you need to have it have a sit told sit wait I want to get that one up there oh god what what do you what do you think I am okay put the cat up there what kind of freakin wizardry do you

Think I’m capable of like my god no that’s not gonna work it’s not gonna oh my lord I need I need hold on hold on I need can you give me blocks key blocks I have actually wait yeah okay come on come on but wait I need to break you

Loose sorry as long as it gets up there oh it’s working it’s working not one more there we go yes all right you sitting or okay hold on I can give it a push I give a little push where it needs to be wait I got this I got this

Don’t you worry centered there we go all right I just have to get this back okay wow that’s impressive work I feel like you’re doing what I did when I finished a Lego set when I was younger and like jumped up and down no I know that almost made it up

No it’s kind of like it’s registering that part in my brain where I want to like crush something it’s so cute you know no I’ve never had that response where I actually want to crush the cat I just like one like no not the cat but something or like bite something or like

Crush something punch something you never found that just you this is literally just to you this is only hard not yet this is not just me is it it’s so cute I want to crush a skull no no no no that’s that’s not cute aggression it’s called cute aggression

Look that one up it’s not it’s on Wikipedia it’s on it’s cute aggression aggression is superficially aggressive behavior caused by seeing something cute is cute against and dangerous cute aggression isn’t actually threatening or dangerous even though the indicators of cute aggression may seem or sound dangerous the emotions behind it are

Totally safe dr. Aragon said that people who experience cute aggression simply want to care for the cute baby or puppy this YouTube disorder that affects a small percentage of the populations okay where does the next cat go get one of these white ones downstairs actually can

You get the kind of darker white one you mean the sandy colored one we have a whiter we have a beige sandy color which one do you want downstairs okay well you have it sad you dunce at it unsettles did it it’s fine we can use the lead

Okay so where do you want this boy right by the door right here all right it takes a long time to mind for them you’re so cute did you say perfect okay which one you get the black one or the brown whichever house the floor look

That’s the floor look okay – yeah that’s pretty cool I mean you don’t have it all would you have it all proper direction and everything yeah okay cool cool okay so where’s this boy going um I don’t know wherever just sitting around oh it doesn’t need to go on a

Tree or anything like that actually we could put him on this tree where you go right there right there on the bench that’s cute okay that is pretty cute mm-hmm I’m gonna get more cats eventually too so actually what we can put the black one on this tree right here okay

What what has made you arrange your coloring as you have it here like why the black one going here versus like another one okay well cause like the white one was already up here and I was just like why that anyway all right bud

Let’s do it let’s get it on up let’s get it on up all right then I’m gonna bring you yeah right over here Oh nope you don’t you didn’t want that it’s not how you wanted it I have to do a thing where I do this still not gonna work very well

I think if you go around on the couch it might work no it’s fine it is fine there we go there we go sit it sit the cat okay alright the cat is everything is totally fine why are you upset like what the Frick okay all right nice what don’t worry about it

It’s fine mom hold on did you do I didn’t do anything it that guy everything is totally fine honestly there we go cool nice all right you have that sigh and I mm-hmm I would like peas thank you very much more where that came into so they need blocks that I can like

Place down um if you just see something that would look nice absolutely on it dude I am on it I’m not very good at decorating yeah and then like flowers Yeah absolutely we’re gonna do well where did I put wait where did I put my wall I coulda sworn I had some wool what did I do with it why did I not oh it’s my inner chest and my inner chest oh we’re fine oh I’ll

Take some sure no so we’re gonna do we’re gonna make a sick umbrella bro this is Mike this is Mike red mark on umbrella oh it’s it’s mine can I have some wood uh I have a lot of wood in this chest okay I’m stuff in this chest I don’t

Know what kind you want oh it doesn’t matter because it’s just being made with a bed actually don’t have very much wood it all in there so that’s can we um I mean it might take a while there’s not many trees around here hmm Oh buddy give me that give me

That I need that I need that cuz I need my house has had asymmetrical banners on them for way too long I wanted to earn it myself it’s a display of pride Dang level 102 boys we are out here [Applause] all right there you can do y equals 11 they go down to like y equals 8 as well and stuff okay there’s so many strip mines here that have already been completely mined out oh really that’s unclaimed all right is there like an

Easy cyan recipe for wool that’s like really economical I have some sale right here right okay but I was trying to see if there was like an easier way to do where you could like surrounded in eighths or something like that I wish I keep trying that but you can’t you do

Tsiyon concrete powder though for quite a deal oh yeah you totally can but just looks a little better for this these new recipes I’ve never heard of before I thought you just put cyan with like it’s a cactus and the lapis and crafting table next to each other

That was it well no you need to turn them into the dyes all right whoa you need to turn the lapis in a diinya yeah that’s a 1.14 okay I haven’t played my cup since 1.70 everything’s been it’s been time bricks you have bricks but like just bricks can

You turn bricks back into wait what do you need that for to make some flower pots Oh clay is pretty easy to find I don’t have any clay on we’re right next to the English Channel I’m gonna build the Chunnel oh we should the channel sounds like a hefty undertaking though

The English Channel is not very big oh right that is true oh my gosh I just smacked a fish is that good it’s dead sorry to hear it good he had a wonderful life maybe I don’t know him Europe has no clay there we go there we

Go no actually should I drop that by one mmm is it too high that is it too high like that wait can you not sit on I thought you could sit on stairs you can I can’t say oh oh it’s is it being obstructed by the table I guess oh is it

I think it might be yeah I’m gonna have to I’m gonna have to bring it down by one level I think all right whenever you get back here I would like you to observe the beauty it is the sick of Jesus Christ get the sick umbrella bro isn’t it amazing dude you can

Surround it and more of the tables and chairs and stuff should be on like a pedestal or something I mean I don’t know if you want to put it on a piece of wood go for it yes but it needs to be one higher now hmm it doesn’t though

Just like do that I mean is the idea that you want it to be like an umbrella over a table because you could put some slabs out coming out of that oh that is true so theory we do we would do this so rather than see you like this

And then you can put some you can put some stuff around that if you want you to make a square table oh you want it that way I was thinking like do that are you thinking oh I think it’s so better if its square right okay nice you give

Me so for money and what do I sell it so like is it in the menu or um you just you can convert in slash menu you and convert your diamonds and of money they have to be in your inventory all right so many diamonds okay thanks wait Jordan

Do you have I don’t have anymore Birch Oh a furnace negative that’s pretty sick do that’s pretty sick that’s great I think the umbrella should still be hired I don’t think so AC it was too high the other way like you didn’t really get to appreciate the texture of the top I do

Not one moment oh let’s catch up with mr. Bean’s thank you for the sub super newbie thank you for the two ended bits Cara is I mean maybe that was a being used jokingly but you know we try to be nice around here t go bitty thank you

For the sub as well I’ll use an open hand to sit gosh dude gotcha I know I could just use yours but I don’t have shears on me so then we can put the lantern like on the leaves look better you can you can nevermind you cannot do such a thing

Are you gonna put make the whole thing mm-hmm no I’m good in do that we could do like Can you hang a lantern off a bed no be on the table pretty much been mined out but you yeah the Himalayas are unfortunately no longer viable wait what oh the trapdoors mean you can’t turn it into a path really it’s if you do this

Then you put the trapdoor Wow so lame if you move it out one more you can mmm no no no going board we’re gonna back to dirt it’s okay we put some carpets around it probably easier that way can you put carpet underneath I’m just converting the path back ah no

I guess you can’t put carpet under there but hmm yeah maybe I just do mmm oh that’s a good idea do you glowstone dust put some like glowstone under the leaves Well yeah oh well well just believe this as it is it looks it looks fine with the grass um let’s see yeah you flowerpots would be a good idea okay just thinking maybe you put some on the leaves what kind of flowers do you prefer um I like the orchids all right

Close to my place there by people or is it just like it’s a they had some kind of terrain generation thing that they did custom you could do some flower pots under those lanterns sure no I meant on the on the leaves it’s okay mmm feeling orange orange is a good

Color where’d my where did it go oh you took it okay here we go um have you thought about giving some contrast with like logs to what you’re building it’s very it’s very slabby or sorry it’s very clunky yes but I feel like the logs give it too much of a

Rustic kind of cabin feel when it’s supposed to be like a cafe you know hmm so if there’s something else besides quartz quartz where would we put the quartz in the edge columns no we could make it hmm what about stripped logs on the outside good try strip vlogs okey-dokey

Can I cut down these trees yes actually should they be a particular kind of strip blog Oh maybe oh okay cool then that works fine How about that we’re so like going up the column here Stripped spruce it’s gonna be hard to come by row I guess it’s up there there behind the Eiffel Tower mm we’re getting some we’re getting no nose and shat on that I know there’s some way to spruce this up a bit I just know exactly what I think we’d do

With more planters on the side though [Applause] [Applause] whoa god that’s just how it spawns and volcanoes and just when you get Lois down so much guess it’ll have to be solid know what’s really would be too ritzy this is a okay isn’t French stuff fancy casual cafe a

Cat xual cafe please what were you not a fan of that one well I was but you’re killing me man oh gosh I’m sorry to hear that it’s a tough crowd off the bat jeez ha ha ha that was quality we’re not in Australia okay fair enough

I just switched my accent g’day mate they’re going to Australia pretty much yeah but we’re probably not gonna get all these flowers in there that way so storage Oh music that’s a good idea we could play cat that is on brand I don’t I mean the server’s been up for

Least amount of time oh man oh uh let’s see stone III don’t know what stone bricks I like stone bricks would necessarily work well and they’re already in the foundation back here so I’m not entirely sure where they would go is the only thing i reloaded thank you for the sub

Jor-el thank you for the tuna bits could use some custom paintings insider outs that’s true hey this would be a good idea um let’s see runs with scissors thank you the sub beneficial cucumber patch thank you for the two months much appreciated so Vai I don’t know what vines with

Vines work or that makes it look kind of like old Andrew and people are suggesting vines but do you think that would kind of make it look – I don’t know old feeling ruins I mean if you look at Italian cafes they do have vines on them cut work could

Work there are some vines very close to here you can go we can just leave we can try it and see what it looks like mmm very cool freakin edge dude hope it works out where’d you get off – there’s some vines in a swamp area over here oh I actually need sheers

I can’t even silk touch it rip yeah all right here hasn’t always been this way where you have to do it from the bottom where you won’t get the vine yes what am I thinking of I don’t know yeah if you do it up top it just breaks everything

Beneath it it’s always been that way I wanted this what dude I was just surprised so much crap yeah diamond goddamn it god damn it no I want guns turn them on turn it back on when you want guns in they want using guns you’re not using guns I want guns no

Because people said the sniper sucked because I do you know I just realized we don’t have the vines will like grow on their own so we don’t even need to do like full coverage no they are actually yeah they do go pew pew because you are not wealthy enough it’s okay at least

You accept it sometimes does actually act as a gun on various like vanilla servers and stuff like that all right that’s not bad we’ll see how it grows but we yep I was about to do it about to do it is there anything we could do with like and you

Can do some stuff with like the custom maps for graphics and things signs yeah doing stuff like that I was gonna add like a chalkboard with stuff on it mm el menú stuff I have some wool real quick by any chance couple pieces that’s fine whatever use what you need but how much

Of plane is [Laughter] just something you’d have to see on my end Wait what is this yeah I know I know we’re doing that [Laughter] [Laughter] it’s me with it’s like but they’ve overlaid somebody else’s face it’s like my neck but it’s somebody else’s face your hair no it’s somebody else’s what’s the other one that you had go show me there we go do that one do do it again oh that’s pretty cool up there hey

Everybody you’re interested in a UH water bottle you represent back home slash stores slash Kevin sparkles hmm a limited time only don’t miss out there we go oh yeah also let’s catch up with some stuff we had a nanny boban e with the thousand bits thanks for making it

Out tapioca tivity with the five thousand bits getting number one on the bit leaderboard was having a bad night stream cheered me up see the amazing on set cat cafes turning out great it is looking pretty great isn’t it sniffer thank you for the eight months much appreciated and that will unmute

Get out stop plugging your damn merger I can’t believe this man it’s only on my end it’s only on my end yeah there we go that one one hour works all right oh okay they actually are telling me looks really nice for me cool nothing like having your face up

Good times it’s good times I need to put some of these up in my house check what’s it name a good flower name a pretty nice flower oh oh no we could have a tree we go something like a bonsai we’re at on the bar table on the bar table

I’m gonna do a bonsai those vines doing their thing you guys want a flower orchid you guys went out working okay weird didn’t orchids and it’s gonna figure out what’s order for dinner what do you think I should order no no sorry veggies that’s a bummer I should order what Korean barbecue

Veggies uh my Korean barbecue place is closed on Sundays unfortunately Oh A veggie pizza veggie pizza why would I do that to myself why would I do that that’s like a weird idea because I don’t know where it was hmm salad order a salad okay if you want me to stay in the veggie realm I could do I

Could do there’s this place that’s like vegetarian vegan and they actually have like incredibly good stuff yeah do it okay hungry now that’s pretty there we go got some green got some periwinkle no way is this a periwinkle no what is this what are these what is this flower hmm

Oh brewing stand on the bar oh and barrels barrels no barrels girls could be cool barrels are even cheaper than chests how do you make them Oh slabs and planks mmm this is very difficult sorry to hear it it’s hard to figure out cuz it looks a lot of it

Looks quite good and want to have like all of it but then that would be unhealthy to have all those calories you know hmm I will not cry I’m okay what we do but now you can see the barrels from the back what do I do well are they like

Through the wall yeah put a tree back there alright let’s do that boom order up sniffer Thank You v8 months might have gotten that one before Sir Samuel thanks for doing the sub much appreciated so I ordered a a so the Tarly it’s hell a bolognaise pasta except it’s actually a vegetarian so

It’s it’s like somehow they and I’ve had it before it’s it’s really it actually tastes legit but it’s not got any actual meat in it somehow very impressively and then I ordered a like a chicken quote-unquote with like marinara sauce kind of like a chicken parm I guess but

Not quite so anyway it’s new one I haven’t tried that one we’ll see all right what else could go into the place Yeah way you’re gonna do on the back here with those barrels being exposed and I’m trying to grow trees over them to hide huh is this the bar yeah there’s not a lot of like work space where do the people work here and and fetch stuff

From I don’t know okay I’m just curious Is All just curious it’s like a self-serve thing you know it’s like oh it’s though it’s like one with robots you press a button and it just it gets delivered to you you know oh like a conveyor belt sushi place

Yeah yeah I got it you could add a wine cellar where would I put the stairs inside I don’t know could also add industry not growing house there any bonemeal yeah I have many bone meals here you try that should be enough room right yeah I move it one forward I guess

Give it a try see it’s not what I wanted to do mm-hmm it’s not the idea that’s not working still quote it’s still too close to the wall I guess yeah I don’t know oh never mind wow that was too big a boy yeah bummer there we go totally fits in nothing

Wrong with that why are these big boys perfect perfection Wow don’t like it huh okay there’s a little boy we need another little boy yeah only you could have gotten that in the right spot it’s really working out you know you could just share the leaves and custom make it

No oh yeah I know why do I do that why do that when you could not do it there you go there and then this one can be a big boy Oh what no what why don’t you want to custom make it to your exact specifications

Oh my nature is beautiful Wow now I wait a big big line oh my god I have many trees I can grow it’s fine there you go we did it oh it’s beautiful I love it wait I can still see the barrels through here by the way it’s in the wrong place

Oh my god this little one was supposed to be won over no it’s fine it covers the barrels perfectly fine I guess all right peace out so I feel like it’s not nap time it’s like sleep time unless maybe they do like you know how some schools instead of doing summer vacation

They do like they do that year-round thing where they do periodic one-month breaks maybe she like goes through the day and does periodic two-hour sleeps and then doesn’t actually need to do a full 8-hour rest you know Ford – Ford or you know what I’m talking about

I actually don’t I didn’t realize that was a real thing that sounds terrible do you ever get into REM if you do that yeah you train your body to eventually get into REM sleep faster hmm yeah two four-hour sleeps instead of one eight hours sleep yeah there’s also one where

You do like for two hour sleeps yeah that’s what I was referring to not that’s a real thing but just I was like saying it but then I guess it’s real three two hours sleeps at some point you train your body to just get all the REM sleep it needs

In like just four hours or something ha okay I’ve I’ve kind of wanted to try it but also I’ve never been that sounds terrible that sounds terrible okay well you know what I think I actually might have to head out it looks pretty good though looks pretty good yeah thank you

Mmm-hmm not quite as big an undertaking as petrol but required more originality yes all right cars cat cafe is officially open do you want to be the first customer oh sure yeah I didn’t realize it was opening already my cats what do I do uh you wanna buy a name

There you go have fun with the cat toy that provided by a name what is a name cost to subs I can’t do that Dave she was named of that robot Dave no the robots not named Dave Dave name of that robot hey bud you want it no you don’t

Even want the freaking Sam what are you doing well anyway how 9,000 that’s it how 9,000 3,000 how 3,000 I thought it was 9,000 it’s pretty sure it’s 9,000 okay I believe you look here one sit oh my cats all right I am first customer to turn cat client I’m

Gonna I’m gonna wrap up thanks for inviting me into the cat cafe it’s been great I’m glad you’re enjoying your seat only you had an Eiffel Tower to look at out on the view it’s getting there I’m Katz pin sparkles yep that’s a good one here in Soviet

Russia can’t feed you thank you you’re welcome or meow yeah absolutely okay good night good one farewell good night all right uh well we got we got did we have a little bit of a bit war that just decided to take place suddenly out of nowhere I think we did let’s see

Simply cryptic thank you for the thousand bits glad you’re able to join in on the stream William Clark thank you for the 200 bits by the air strike it’s 20 diamonds I actually do have an air strike in my ender chest right now so we’re already set there so Samuel thank

You for thousand bits I also like your vids was like your good job you’ve tried to shoot me reflected let yourself on fire and fell through the floor you’re gonna make me shoot a cat oh okay farewell farewell um thanks anyway thanks for being the 11-hundred shop I guess you meant that’s

That’s a long time ago Casa Carta thank you for three thousand bits glad you enjoy the cafe tapioca tiffy thank you for the fifteen hundred bits glad you like it Johnny way think of the sub and casa car thank you for another eleven hundred bits and you are back in the

Lead for the week and stuff like and then tapioca tippy goes oh my god do we have a bidding war on our hands right now oh boy tapioca tippy goes up 59 four bits going back into number one and says I have no more please spare oh god dude

It’s going crazy now I actually do need to I need to fly back home real quick but anyway I’m gonna I’m gonna wind down the recording at least for right now so thanks for tuning in everybody once again represent a common source of sparkles as displayed in the in the shop

For water bottles there’s a playlist in description on youtube if you want to catch up on any episodes you might have missed follow twitch.tv slash CaptainSparklez is where these are streamed live and that is pretty much it yeah thanks and I will catch you in the next episode

This video, titled ‘Extremely Cute Cat Cafe (Minecraft SMP Earth #24)’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2019-12-18 01:00:00. It has garnered 83524 views and 1943 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:50 or 4730 seconds.

Thanks to MCProHosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your first month of server hosting: https://mcph.info/CaptainSparklez2 Get this merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez SMP Earth Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyMhFUo_56cMMKtSJL7DiBT

My Links: ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez

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    My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman’s Destroyed my one block map’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-23 12:15:39. It has garnered 432 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftbutimineablockeveryday minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trending

    Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dop2:throw the ball into the basket #trending #dop2 #dop2solutions #dop2level1 #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by GameSphere on 2024-09-06 13:20:25. It has garnered 1704 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. I found most🤯 rarest block in creative mod …. …. …. …. #trending #minecraftgameplay #rarestbuild #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftgaming …. …. …. …. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft 100 days challenge minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge minecraft 365 days minecraft 100 days minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore minecraft 100 days minecraft i survived 100 days 365 days… Read More

  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

    Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – S2E8 – “Looting 20 End Cities + Building A Super Smelting Room + Potion Room”‘, was uploaded by JzayIsLost on 2024-01-14 01:00:13. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jzayislost/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/JzayIsLost TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jzayislost_ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jzayislost 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jzaylive Shorts Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jzayshorts Discord: https://www.discord.gg/genBNR7s6T Cashapp: https://cash.app/$JzayIsLost Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/joseluisc21 Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/jzayislost/tip Snapchat: josecarrasco121 Business Email: [email protected] #jzayislost Read More

  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► http://youtube.xrohat.de/ Highlights ► http://highlights.xrohat.de/ VODs ► http://vod.xrohat.de/ Instagram ► http://instagram.xrohat.de/ Discord ► http://discord.xrohat.de/ Twitter ► http://twitter.xrohat.de/ TikTok ► http://tiktok.xrohat.de/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More