EPIC Chicken Burger SMP HACKS!

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Boys girls and goblins welcome back to another stream yo all right so as you can tell we’re back to another day of chicken burger SMP boys and girls yo yo honestly uh they’ve been saying this is going to be an important day I don’t actually know what’s coming up oh wait I

Need to hit record right yeah they’re telling they’re telling everybody to record whatever you’re doing today I I don’t actually know what’s going on but it should be something interesting anyways I didn’t really make plans I was hoping we just like go like talk to per

Be like yo what are you doing if not we may go create map art or something I don’t know but welcome to another stream boys and girls all right well let’s go get hopping into the game it’s been a little bit I haven’t played chicken burger like in a while honestly last

Time I played was probably a little bit after last stream me and P were doing some like offscreen like not mining I think I was fishing or something but you know offc screen stuff nothing really big all right yeah I was over here ho shoot all right here’s leg Spike

Okay there we go there we go now it’s loading a bit better all right so there’s actually a few more mods and some other things should be changed but yeah welcome on W all bro chachos all right for those of you that missed the last few streams we were building 11 of

These and we actually have 11 of them on the map now so we should be good we’re pretty set Jesus Christ the frames yeah everything’s all loading in a few few chunks are still spawning in so while those coming it should be uh maybe not the smoothest but we should get better

In a moment all right and then the game plan for today is we’re only going to be doing this for like three three and a half hours then after that I actually have another stream planned after this that I’ll probably just raid the stream into pair code pair all wait wait wait

Yeah yeah all right let’s see what that is this the important thing is this when the things get important oh I’m also muted o cuz we’re on a new setting we have to reload all the mods and everything cuz there are new mods on but uh let’s see what pair said code

Pair no join group passes code pair oh do I need to type in code pair of course with the space okay code pair all right yo yeah you want to do a raid okay yeah yeah some of the other people have already been doing raids oh wait for I to CH change my

Bitings I can’t use the real uh the ru God damn because of the reload you can’t hear pair uh yeah let me make them a bit louder uh how do I make uh the other people bit louder let’s see settings uh voice activation no for other people just

Volumes there we go try speaking now uh hold on that didn’t change how do I make you louder I’ve shed uh oh voice supression right there we go that should be better hold on yeah no dude you’re super loud chat cannot hear you hold on I’m

Going to mute the music while we try to figure out how to make uh him louder CU this is actually kind of uh stupid I I don’t know why the settings are reloaded I don’t know why the mods do that I’m muted you can’t uh Frick okay let’s

See God all the settings are reloaded this my first time hopping on it’s like microphone yeah that is not my right microphone I use the this one all right now okay yeah thank you that that works yeah what yeah what happened right yeah yeah I heard all what you were saying chat

Didn’t and I didn’t but we should be good now P’s quiet now I don’t know how to make par louder I set the amplification to the max yeah let’s see am I quiet you are quiet and I don’t know why let me do this let me um my

Volume let’s see yeah that is an issue is this better a little no you’re about the same volume I think it’s something to do with the game I went to the uh the settings I turned everybody’s amplification to the max I can turn you up and see if that Stacks try speaking

Hello can you hear me oh that is so much better okay okay I’ll just turn I’ll just turn everybody’s amplification up I’m going to be honest okay so we probably need a lot of blocks yeah cuz I believe that’s like the best thing to do when you’re

Fighting yeah there’s a lot of stuff uh we have plenty of wool and some other stuff yeah so we should be good we should be good like take deep Sate you know yeah yeah yeah um but I also have something to show you which I think is really

Cool you’re going to be like oh my God there’s no way all right all right yeah it’s yes way what’s going on let me show you okay where are you to begin with I’m at my I’m at my house oh you’re over there okay we’re going to go to the

Village far away the uh the one I showed you earlier what is that chicken burger with egg what you’re muted how did I mute freak what is the mute button oh it’s the map I looked at the map okay yeah that’s stupid oh my God

Yeah I have to fix all my keybinds after this wandering Trader oh he doesn’t have anything important damn it no nothing good wait did you did you pick it up did you see what I gave you yeah yeah chicken burger with egg yeah yeah just eating it no it

Cost me it costed me three diamonds I’m going to frame it oh okay okay I bought it from Johnny from the Walmart Oh from the Walmart okay today’s Walmart’s opening day that’s what Chad saying that’s fun we we’ll have to check the Walmart sometime

Before the end all right so I said we go to a village far away so no one can like snipe our stuff how do we get rid of these like the craft wooden planks thing uh I think we just have to do them at the top I think we just have to do

That that’s kind of stupid that’s that’s very very very cringe yeah I don’t know what mod they added that does that but uh I don’t like it I mean bro what’s it going to say next craft tools I don’t I actually I actually destroyed the tree and I’m not actually

Getting the tutorial anymore so I’m free rip you okay that’s from base game no the base game does not have that chat unless you’re playing like I don’t know Bedrock or something I don’t know if bedrock even does that I wish I could try off the particle

Effects for this rain cuz like it is lagging my game you ready yeah why does bam have negative one deaths what yeah how does d have a thousand oh my God the maw is blushing he’s blushing what are you doing where are you I just at your base uh just

Looking yeah we’re going to go to the village where I got my cat look the maw is blushing oh the one at your base okay I I don’t know what’s more impressive bam being at negative one or Dano being at a thousand holy shoot um I mean Nega I mean I don’t

Know how the hell you get negative one I’m be honest maybe like totem removes the death I don’t know that’s crazy I don’t think anyone has totems and no no no I’ve seen I’ve seen them do raids I’ve seen people do raids I’ve seen the achievement and everything for beating a

Raid oh crap okay and and chat told me it’s like five totems per raid five yeah cuz they just Dro from the evokers as long as you kill those guys I have looting too I don’t know if it’s guaranteed but if there’s evokers you should probably try to kill them with

That yeah might as well oh that’s interesting though that’s very interesting yeah yeah after this um what we call it we’ll go exploring in like a cave or something yeah yeah yeah all right so do you know what the big deal is everybody was talking about all this

Uh what’s what’s supposed to be the big deal today uh I think it’s the Walmart is that really it okay well I’ll have to check it I haven’t seen it yet it’s big it’s big that’s fun and uh rukin has been working on the Costco you said it’s near house where is

That I thought no it’s not near house I thought it would be but it’s not okay that’s for the best I kind of I kind of like how we like live away I I don’t like seeing other structures near house I like to see our structures you know so

I believe this is the mangrove no no no this is this is just a swamp Mangrove has Mangrove wood well this is where I saw the the Frog that’s weird cuz this these are swamp trees yeah that’s so weird you saw FR a frog frog only spawns in a hold on

There’s a like button to see what biome you’re in and it says we are in a swamp yeah so it’s not a mangrove that’s weird so there’s a mangrove nearby then which is interesting yeah I saw I made I saw one I don’t know yeah there’s one in the

World at the very least which is good to know cuz it’s one of the rare biomes oh you’re leaving you’re leaving um you’re leaving per come back it’s a it’s one of the rare biomes and also frogs if you have them eat magma cubes they create frog lights

Which is in my opinion one of the coolest uh what should call it coolest light sources in the game like they look very modern even though they’re just called frog lights there’s a ship right here we should probably check out I’ve never seen this one okay oh wait chat’s

Telling me frogs spawn in swamps and mangr dude chat earlier was telling me they only spawn in mangr well that makes sense it’s down here all right sea lanterns better sea lanterns are nice but they’re hard to get proog are bit more template oh my God I got

Smithing template we got a new one which one is it Coast armor trim do we keep this a secret from the other people cuz everybody kind of been sharing the warden one but if we could have a unique one that’d be really cool hello I can’t

Get out break break break break break I don’t have a okay oh my God holy shoot how much heal do you have I have enough okay okay I’m I only checked one side though yeah Coast armor trim that should be cool that’s fun that’s fun yeah we have plenty of

Diamonds so duplicating shouldn’t be a problem can you reith your stuff okay there is a door yes I believe you can reith your stuff paper yeah I’m making a big hole at the top so that ideally when you get back you’re not going to die okay I checked in and out there’s nothing

Else kind of unfortunate but it’s nothing you know we got the we got a cool item yeah know this this sming more than enough it’s a cool cosmetic that nobody else has at the moment I assume so cuz this is the only like shipping I’ve seen on the map the uh the fishing

Rick oh it’s at 17 viewers kind of small but we take it we take it yeah mine’s a little small too I feel like um the hype of a chicken burger is going down a little but I’m still having fun yeah I think Joe said he was going to

Take a break chat that’s fine honestly Joe I think um honestly I might take a um next week week I might take a week off yeah like AIP stre okay here’s the village so we go in here it should just start yeah as soon as as soon as you go

In there starts looka yeah yeah yeah she’ll to watch us as we do this I’ve never done a raid I don’t think yeah it just summons a bunch of Spawn enemy uh strong enemies some have iron axes crossbows and then there’s obviously the ravagers yep there’s the

Raid starting let’s get out of the water okay there is an iron golem to help us right that is true he will help yes all right when the raed Hits full health it should start spawning all right it begins how how good is a RAID uh they’re pretty strong

They have like iron axes and stuff so we do have to be careful we a little notification I’ve only done one raid once so I don’t actually know uh yeah how it works I’ve never done a oh they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re they’re they’re here

There’s another one over there the waves start out really easy but they get they get harder as you go things like the ochres and ravagers are really tough yeah only two enemies left right now wave one there’s several waves drop emeralds right uh you should get emeralds there’s decent loot emeralds in uh

Books all right I’m dumping some of my junk let’s see oh I hear the horn okay so they’re coming from somewhere are they over there I saw an enemy they’re over there they’re over there they’re over there where you Are all right this should be a lot easier in multiplayer as well oh the ax guys are really strong be very careful yeah there’s one behind you nice nice all right thank God we have diamond armor yeah one left right there there we go yeah we’re we’re pretty

Cracked they do get harder there’s harder enemies definitely definitely I got to use my bow all right let’s see let’s see yeah so far the Iron Golem hasn’t been doing anything cuz they they’re not coming from the middle oh they’re on the other side they’re over there again oh there’s a witch this

Time oh and there’s a ravager as well okay we should probably kill the ravenger with looting right uh I don’t know what the ravager gives he’s not the one that drops the totems though so I can’t exactly tell you all right witch down the witch is actually decently useful if you wait the

Witch the Witch gave The Raven [ __ ] like potion yeah probably a strength up I don’t know so be very careful oh he dropped a oh he dropped a saddle okay nothing crazy I got one Emerald I haven’t got anything crazy quite yet but they they dropped the better stuff in the later

Waves over here over here all right all right ravagers used to be a really strong but they nerfed their uh their range cuz they used to hit like from three blocks they were like really strong I remember seeing that yeah okay [ __ ] damn uh yep the witch Buffs them actually

Prough what’s the what’s the is it the Vindicator yeah The Vindicator is the one that summons the vexes they spawn in late waves vexes are really strong cuz they have iron swords okay poison I should have brought milk maybe let me kill with looting let me kill let

Me kill the witch with looting okay yeah the witch can theoretically drop Redstone which is really uh really useful early game we have no other source of that I was just going to say they can drop uh potions uh I don’t know if they drop potions unless you kill

Them while they’re using it so it’s a little tricky it’s not exactly a luck thing DN I got to heal that one actually kind of hurt yeah yeah the poison I got a potion of healing yeah that means the witch was drinking it while you killed

Them bro this poison is uh 8 seconds oh God okay I think they’re coming from the other side cuz they’re not from over there right no where are they oh they’re over there they’re over there okay it’s a ravager all right it’s kind of good like they’re getting stuck in the water the

Witch is buffing the others let me get rid of that guy oh there’s a lot there’s a lot there’s a Lot oh she accidentally got poisoned onto the other guys that’s good there’s a Vex oh my God vator I mean a evoker oh there no you jumped in front of me I was being chased by a ton of guys there’s vexis it’s fine I’ll be back I’ll be back just don’t

Die is there a time limit uh no I think it ends if they kill all the villagers and just don’t let them do that no I won’t I’m camping yeah so we are getting to the guy that drops the totems though so do be careful all right all

Right how do you are there any boats sitting around oh my God why are you fighting the Vex yeah that’s a Vex be very careful they have iron swords they’re very strong they’re very strong very annoying you can’t hide from them they can go uh go through blocks and

Fly where the there’s no boats I thought we had some boats sitting around damn it all right I’ll have to make a boat I’ll be quick I know where I know where the village is oh my god of course that’s such a stupid way I was trying to run from the

Enemies and the bow the bow is just that strong I mean yeah it is power four yeah it like it like cleaved my health that’s good to know it’s good to know all right I got three wood that should be enough I think they remov the shovel got one totem okay we can

Probably get like five to the raid okay there’s another one there’s another mob remaining all right build a the vexes count no vexes do not count they’re they can be infinitely summoned by the evokers yeah chat I I saw the Zen thing I just I’m I’m just talking a here I didn’t see

It though gotta make sure they’re not killing the villagers oh they’re all right here yeah the Iron Golem should ideally be staying near the villagers in the middle of the village and the uh totem yeah good and we can probably get like five throughout the raid as well as some eBooks and uh

Emeralds oh I’m probably missing any any V oh my God right here yeah okay I’m on a new bro how far you oh well you just beat it right well I’m on the way back so what happens now uh basically all the villagers have really cheap trades now but this isn’t the Ming

Village although I think seot said there’s another Village out there with mending on it and this buff lasts for 40 minutes so we can try to find that oh God but I only got one totem we got unlucky we only got one of ochre bro that’s so lame yeah it’s a little

Unlucky cuz I remember when I fought this i’ I’ve uh I got a few evokers but it is what it is it is what it Is why are you so little today it’s probably because uh Saturday is the day when everybody plays CBS andp right as well as the fact uh I think the CBS andp hype is uh dropping a little to hit him with their hand like just an empty hand all

Right yeah so we could we could try to find The Mending villager talking me uh you right click on them right make sure they have a job as well jobless guys will not trade with you oh that’s what it was yeah yeah they’re called nitwits and they’re

Stupid how do you give them a job uh NWI can’t have jobs just kill them they they’re literally a waste of space like I think their IQ is just too low for them have a job saving the village and then killing them oh they’re not they’re not really

Humans they’re they’re lesser people the the nitwits so it’s it’s okay to murder those ones okay so this one this is the farmer yeah there’s a librarian we can get Ming maybe from him but we do know there’s a librarian on the map with minding all

Right so I’m almost back to the Village you got an orange cat oh man what’s the I don’t see the point now I mean I’m going to head back oh well I just I just figured I’d come back I I might be able

To get cats I have some raw Cod I can go for cats okay yeah I guess I here the village so I’ve explored most of the map though so I have a good idea of where the village we haven’t seen may be because uh well it’s only going to be

In the place we haven’t G they don’t trade kill him they can’t trade it depends like do they have the green like shirt on that’s a nitwit some of them may just be jobless cuz they don’t have a job but uh I think most villagers that

Spawn in should have a job this guy you need a job bro so sorry bro you deserve to die all right let’s see okay bomb world all you’ve missed is that me and per a raid and uh not much has happened after that there was an

Orange cat yeah yeah I’ll try to get two cats cuz uh we have Phantoms disabled so we need a way to get Phantom membrane so I mean I do you already have two cats it’s over here okay I have a lot of fish cuz I’ve doing that fishing earlier where did the cat

Go he keeps going away come on cat yeah you have to trap Happ they’re hard I don’t know why he just doesn’t see me there we go he sees me now no no no come back Don’t Go Near him he’s going to run away no I’m trying to okay he’s in the

House he’s in the house we got him we got him what no hold on hold on he sees me he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming no he’s not do you have a job bro do you have a job in here you do good job I’m proud of you come on cat stay

Here come on cat yum meow yum meow Yow meow do y’all know who um JFK is John FK Kennedy what a strange question I have chased this cat throughout the entire Village I’m I’m like a mile away now the cat saw me and ran he doesn’t like you I’m not that ugly

Oh wait I just realized they made the map bigger oh did they because this is where the Border was no we were still like 200 blocks away from the border IR goem got beat up damn it it might be time for him to retire you going to steal his iron

Should I do the Deeds okay yeah so the Border barely expanded but it did expand it was supposed to expand like 2,000 blocks did you get the cat or no no the cat’s being annoying hello you’re muted oh yeah yeah sorry I I talked to chat oopsies forgot to un mute oh you’re

Good did you get the cat I’m right next to the Cat come on cat oh Walmart for the okay I got the oh there you go okay all right buy the Walmart for the grand reveal okay well I guess we got to go to Walmart yeah you can always get a cat later I got I I just need another cat eventually I’ll just

I’ll just grab one eventually down the line oh my God this oh freak almost full armor yeah not that that helped him very much all right yeah I me that was sharpness f you know there’s only so much you can do okay so I did get a totem

And nothing else I me here I will say this oh yeah the uh smithing template right there were there was two of them so I guess we can each have one yeah I mean you can duplicate them with just one so getting the first one’s the most

Important one I say we keep it a secret yeah what do you think yeah we should have mention it’s good to have like our own little thing SE and jelly bean were’re already saying don’t steal their color so maybe we can uh each like Alliance can have a separate pattern as

Well o I like that yeah cuz everybody else is using the warden trim right now cuz I think that’s the only one that’s like clearly found now I’m curious with I have goated armor and it’s trimmed can I change it you should be able to I don’t think it’s

Going to trap you into one trim that’d be evil be so that would be so lame bro cuz I’m not a big fan of the warden chest plate the don’t really but like the chest Plate’s the one that you can actually see the design on yeah cuz it’s the biggest

Right you should be able to because you can put a netherite smithing templet on anything right even another Smith armor so I imagine that works for uh other s okay yeah okay good that makes so like whatever one you put in will overwrite probably I imagine I imagine

Yeah chat’s telling me resp smthing overr right your old one okay good your chat is goed my chat just spams as one word sentences yeah the more the more viewers you have the more of a hype mind it is all right let’s see I do wonder what they’re trying to reveal

Though don’t leave don’t leave all right where’s your cat by the way uh he might still be at the Village but I I don’t care he’s tamed we we’ll get him eventually yeah that’s all that matters that’s what happened last time I went too fast and I had to go back but

You know the hard part’s done yeah I also got five emeralds that’s not that much it’s not much no it’s something though yeah no enchanted books maybe that’s Bedrock only cuz I’ve only done a raid on Bedrock I don’t know I don’t know why there’s still version differences like Bedrock has some

Genuinely good features that should be in Java and vice versa I may have done a on Bedrock but yeah that was definitely my first Java yeah it was my first Java raate as well well I mean okay you didn’t really do I killed you halfway through

That’s I mean I saw I saw most of it yeah but like I was aiming and I know it’s not your fault wait am I going the right way I think I am yeah as long as you’re heading towards the middle we’ll eventually get there um and like I

Literally was aiming at like a a Vindicator and you just walked in front I just see your head on the floor and I was like oh no oh chat’s telling me uh raids at different levels and depending on how many bad Omens uh you have at the same

Time is how much the raid is so you can stack bad Omens whoa well I didn’t know that I didn’t know that either it’s good to have a totem though I think yeah one totem will be really good how hard is it to re is it how how do you like

Retexture something I know sand diction he didn’t like the way totems look so he retextured it’s very easy it’s very easy so like especially the totem the totem is much easier than any other block or anything cuz the totem is just a 2d texture I can show you a little bit

After that I’ve made retextures for bedrock and I know Texture Packs work on both versions the same way so it should be fine okay yeah I’ve done I’ve done uh paintings custom paintings and also custom beds I’m going to change my uh chest plates right now actually is this the same wandering

Trador he is we might as well H Brown dye uh P do you have any emeralds can we get that I five okay let’s buy brown dye cuz brown Dy is actually from cocoa beans well Brown sheep aren’t like rare Brown D so let’s get two of that so we can

Have brown sheep that were farmed yeah guys yeah I’d probably do a n if I did it oh my God how much do you get if we get one glowstone that’s actually goated it’s four that’s good that’s that’s enough for a glowstone block are you in your house sick yeah

Yeah give me one emerald and I I’ll bring back uh three Brown dye Crystal and one Emerald yeah just one Emerald oh you picked it up again God damn it there we go okay so the D is good the D is good it’s good to have a monopoly on like the

Rare walles we have green and brown and Brown’s also necessary for tropus so that’s important to know my chest plate and then we can go to Walmart also have you noticed here somebody stole our other green sheep oh no yeah somebody stole it no they killed it I don’t know if they

Killed it I think stealing it’s more valuable they wouldn’t know that I’m going to be honest it’s not as good of a design but at least it’s Unique it doesn’t have that weird okay we got to go cuz see ask where we are yeah yeah I’ll start heading over over while you’re typing

Man yeah CH I’m I’m aware that the uh the narot uh being broken I I don’t know why it’s been weird the last few uh streams all right chat I am I just I’ll be honest guys or let me uh I’ll me m Minecraft all right Green’s the hardest die yeah Green

Probably is you just need Cactus cactuses aren’t like rare but a desert decently is also welcome next door welcome to stream let me mute I’m probably bothering PA L I try turning the aot on and off again usually that like temporarily fixes the problem but usually if it’s like a fundamental

Problem sometimes it just doesn’t do anything but yeah let’s try making a the goal is to make a monopoly I I app think someone killed the green CH I think someone stole it cuz stealing it’s that valuable it is it is a one of a kind thing you Cactus which spawns in deserts

Or wondering Traders and wondering Traders have such a big pool of items and it’s very rare oh there’s the arena that uh CA was building I never saw it in person yet that’s that’s kind of nice not bad not half bad let take a little lookies holy shoot that’s kind of Beast

Not going to lie o I think I think it’d be fun to have an arena and then we like gamble diamonds on who we’re going to win you know say I put in two diamonds I win I get four I lose like I get no diamonds back fight

Jelly Bean no no no no no no no no no no no I’m good I’m good I’m good we’re good oh no worries you’re fine there will be no Bloodshed all right let’s let’s turn the mic back on probably oh the Aquatic update that was sick all right all

Right you I should probably stay muted funny you can hear P talking to chat yo oh he mentioned me oh my God I just fell McDonald’s all right we’re fine though why did you okay hold up I fell I fell leav I’m leaving The Voice I’m leaving

The voice oh right right we’re in voice okay PE have you been to Walmart yet hi Crusade have you been to Walmart yet I have never gone to Walmart what wait wait hey stop stop I’m posing I don’t no no no no I’m not with them

Please please I beg of you okay good Johnny RI me off look look p p p they tried they tried to indoctrinate me this is not a Walmart this is like some cult or something he made me a contract I tried to tamper with it he noticed and

He’s making a new one and I don’t know to do Char he charged me three diamonds for a chicken burger bro bro using creative mode I couldn’t kill him that’s that is that is our least of our problems right now P this is this is bad

Bad I don’t know what to do yeah the Le this is a freaking cult or something he gave me a contract that said I’ll work here for eternity you just say no WM bro I don’t I’m scared of what will happen if I say no everyone’s in here we got to go

In w w Matt eat a cigarette hello hello welcome please stay out here it gets it gets like stuffy in there man it’s like w the is different Warfare is not appreciated inside Walmart yeah here bundon I’m going to make a video titled why I bombed Walmart I mean why I bombed

Walmart EXC wait how much wait I can donate the cause I’ve got some Gunpowder do you want it apologies one moment my whole my whole chat is acting like NPCs right now what the there you go did you just fly why why is Bam tiny so tiny he

What’s wrong with him it happened to me too first but once I started working at Walmart more they magically went away please please please who let a child into Walmart be [ __ ] up or no man like is this cuz you’re in VR it makes you like tiny is that his real height

I’m just a little guy this question okay this this oh my God refra from harassing the little guy I’ll go what you been doing P oh we went B you got to come look bam they don’t know they don’t know they don’t know okay they just they don’t know they

Don’t know that at Walmart people of all shapes and sizes are welcome I sign it what’s how much are they pay it did I did I miss I don’t know they haven’t said they variable amounts oh guys you got a guy here so what what is the deal what is

The deal now of what this whole place yeah is there something we’re supposed to know hey boss it seems that someone stole more can you please not i7 just just drop them just drop them that’s all you need to do I don’t know what you’re on

About I I really want keep inventory you just go into no that’s do what do you have there’s no there’s right now there’s physically no way to to get these items back however the power keep period of time John we can do this we can we can yeah

There you go there you go that was not all that was taken oh they stole the letters what is the context oh it’s a cult it’s a cult yeah I I go in there I just hear I hear screaming he redet hello hey switch you have to help me switch switch he

Noticed that I tampered with the book he noticed he tampered I tamper with my contract did you sign it or I don’t have a new one I don’t know what to do are you are you are you officially like working for him now no but he’s making a new contract

And he won’t let me tamper oh okay then just don’t sign in oh Do’s dead do is actually just don’t sign it I I I don’t I’m scared of what happens if I don’t sign it oh nothing on so if he if he kills you the only crime is the ridiculously low

Prices what is going on nothing good nothing good is it safe to go in the WM real now everyone let’s go okay the area is high in crime and vandalism therefore employees hold all the items kill you that he zo what oh you’re talking about bam

Yeah yeah he’s kind of he’s kind of like Jesus all right employees hold all the items got there’s a big crime problem in this area hopefully that will be eliminated soon it’s pretty aw however until then okay sounds good how will you eliminate this crime problem by eliminating the

Source yeah yeah we’ll stream tomorrow we’ll stream tomorrow what the freak is going on guys what am I watching yes now I like normaliz people shall we start it it’s so cool yes yeah yeah yeah follow us hey B how do you have negative one death follow us all

Right I try to hit switch I was trying to hit switch I was trying to hit switch I promise okay well then well then it’s it stops like be careful come with us coming yep yes sir just give me two second happy birthday Walmart donating this to your great your great establishment thank

You great now this way Johnny and poop in peace now everybody with us it’s time for the grand reveal okie dokie Grand reveal of Walmart was outside Grand reveal everybody R I’m the I’m on the edge of my seat I’m on the edge of my seat let

You do for oh my God this cult is are we revealing the Walmart or the Walmart sponsored event you both but I think you should place down that thing first this is true what thing oh we got we got it down please the hell is that looks like a

Yo it’s a thing guys look what Walmart Walmart what WM the Walmart Stone what does this thing do shall demonstrate how look everyone look at Red jet everyone look at Red jet whoa where is everyone watch redjet oh I can’t see I don’t see him it says unknown or incomplete command well [ __ ]

Well you cannot use the SL teleport command right presentation love it guys goodbye but here’s the Walmart Way Stone and now everyone please follow me sorry my bad bro you weren’t even everyone this way like to have a Walmart Day come this way someone help Proto stop what are you

Doing us hereo don’t don’t kill so long to get back you know how long it he hey hey it takes dude it takes me so long to get back we got it appears there’s been a bit of how do do well the only thing that doesn’t slow down is the rise of

Our if you’re you can those follow us Mr B how do what is happening how is this related to Walmart in order to use a waist Stone you need waist Stone of your own oh red jet that reminds me i’me sign this that’s I’m poor man I’m Poor after we are done sign it right now sign it right now it right now sign right now sign right now sign it right now what what am I supposed to be doing R keep inventories on he can’t do [ __ ] sorry har is threatening me at the

Moment boss I will do so when I feel unthreatened sign I cannot I am worried he will will kill me if I sign this book Corn’s uh 6t apart w w all right all right let’s go so is the Walmart cult over Johnny wall is dead I don’t dude I

Don’t think this is any way to solve it I think they’re just going to come back stronger before this is not this is not how we do this the NPCs they can’t die he’s coming back I don’t know you know we’re just going that’s I don’t know everybody was like

Make sure you’re recording and then I come here it’s Walmart I don’t want to sign this book don’t kill me I don’t want to sign this book I don’t know what oh muted oh I you m the whole time yeah yeah you have per per you’re just silently

Murdering do you guys like my sign do you like my shield your Shield hold on hold on hold your Shield I can’t see you come this way oh the The Shield says uh code P in the fortnite item shop yeah yeah y hear you finally I finally

Got okay great um Walmart a cult by the way just so you know wait what the C Walmart cult anyway let’s go out of contact I think honestly the server is going to turn the server is going to turn into the Walmart faction and the opposing faction should it should it be

Walmart faction maybe like wal martians or something yeah no W Martian W Marti resistance dude dude switch you look terrifying right now that was that genuinely I looked around and I saw Johnny I was like what guys guys everyone stay away like stay like 10 blocks away I just got to show youall

Something but do it trust okay okay you ready hold up I haven’t eaten anything cuz my plan was to eat their sacred chicken burger when the Walmart open I have a golden chicken burger if you want did you steal all the burgers I did oh no I have I have their

Important one this is their important one there’s lagging behind Swit sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry the grand opening is this way follow me where are we going faine on those Burgers by the way okay what does this have to do with Walmart no one knows this a Walmart

Spencor event please it’s to do with a coat that they’re running Walmart is not a c yes it is God damn it yet again that is a far block drop one heart left Jesus Christ oh I don’t know if I’m going to make it to the Walmart sponsored event oh my goodness

Gracious I don’t know if that was the right way to go also the music stopped this is scary that’s what happens when you’re doing a boss fight should not join Walmart I I’m good I like I like having rights Walmart has balls and Marts I guess never never really wanted a Mart

Though all right turn the music back on let’s go okay very strange uh lore where is everybody going oh my goodness are they going to the arena they are I see I see all the mini map icons okay I can Rectify this issue please

Allow me to see the book oh Je I don’t have the book no no I don’t have the book I don’t know I don’t know where hello everyone this is the Walmart sponsored gloral combat Arena what in one week’s time there’s going to be a tournament taking place here to

Determine who’s the strongest on the server can we thank you Mr Razer but that is that is unnecessary you too kind you do not need to worry we will provide the tools everyone to ensure a fair fight I will get it don’t you worry have that all right see you guys around is

Everyone here who wants to fight who wants to fight me in the arena I’m going to watch oh my gosh bring on did I did I miss the grand open so you can do something uh uhoh anyway you might be M Walmart is sponsoring a fight next week okay well

Then hey Johnny what you want how this do so one more sponsoring human fighting okay people have access to creative we should wait for the uh can I can I can I get a shield pleas no legit this I got sh hold on everyone please

Make your way to the stands I got a right now there you go everyone please make your way to The Stance what what huh me as well everyone please make your way to hello you guys please enter the stands as soon as possible the exit right that

Way there we go oh Wen Wen okay that’s uh human murderer watching great there stairs on the side the stairs are on the other sides of the building when did they make a Coliseum yeah no we don’t know the stairs on the now who wishes to compete being competing in the

Coliseum this is bad this is bad I’m not ready for tournaments Razer I agree M you you should fire in the col IDE that’s fire in the hole now a demonstration Johnny would you like to I’m not even down here you gave me just disappeared allow me you what can you

Take some items off my hand I’m not joking you how did that I have no idea and one more we bombed a my only lead is that we should probably pay attention guys yeah this will be on the test we got to watch all right everyone please

Pay attention this is how the Coliseum is going to work you’ll be supplemented with iron tools and various weapons are we ready to go from there let audience members will be allowed to place bets and gamble one whoever the winner of the competition yes what we what we

B we ask that Spectators do not throw items onto the MERS of the Coliseum this thing’s murder murder where’s the murder where’s the murder I want murder should we beginit it’s actually St hang on whoops it’s fire what do you think it’s fire on a wooden fence Shall

We Begin Johnny going to happen yes I never start the fight I’m ready here we wait ha ha ouch take this oh my God this is Walmart day glass glass attack glasses take this Oh no I got a run my money is onny H you did take it oh what

My sho got it I got him ow I don’t know how thank you thank you take this combo how confused com I was so confused I literally like looked at my I did it where’ it go wait how did he drop the iron wait is is keep inventory not on anymore it

Is daa you can’t do that you what the fre you’re already a criminal what are you doing that was rude you did it shut up cover me with diamonds it was guys there’s a it says shot by cryos space that’s it was daa it was D sorry sorry oh my God up

F guys this is dangerous it’s just just the arena it’s fine what about this isn’t dangerous rul J I don’t like the jungle I’m leaving I the W come here come here you got him you got him I’m cranking 90s what in the world yes let’s go yeah yeah yeah

Yeah what are we even doing you guys can was this was this the uh the grand opening yeah Walmart sponsored murder I well then that was uh that was interesting I guess I’ll just stay that was uh not what I expected for a Walmart so what the [ __ ] was that what

Was what like genuinely the entire like Walmart the uh I don’t know but I’m going to bomb the Walmart that’s all I know yeah let’s bomb the war where you where are you getting the armor trims in chest yeah I can’t find any of the armor

Trims I’ve got all of the armor but I just don’t have the trims and it’s annoying I want one all right who is ready for the Walmart sponsored tournament next week I have a gun am I allowed to fight Walmart you going to fight the whole Walmart I mean Walmart day VI resistance

Sorry um so who who’s competing is C do competing yeah who like we don’t exactly if so he’s going to kick all our asses oh that’s true yeah dude’s going to go in creative mode I think I think we’re all supposed to have equal gear though so it’s not like an advantage

Wellt dot still uh know same C still has a lot more experience with this mod pack dude I only got Minecraft last year I’m at this I got it like they have plenty of about one I don’t think I can I don’t know if I’ll be able to I think DOA set that

Whole thing up not not them so oh we could just I think that was just do we could imagine imagine sending like TNT into the battle during the middle of a a fight TNT cannon yeah yeah TNT that would be sick like in the middle of the

You send in a TNT cannon yeah do we do you wait until like the finals for something dramatic or do you do it early on you wait for the finals do like a dramatic buildup and then you just like that okay hacked I have a question

Yeah okay cuz I’m a little insecure how much damage does it do to you that is two hearts God damn I’m weak oh by the way hack um over at your uh build I put a green sheep there another one no I put the green sheep there a

Green like a regular green sheep or a lime green uh just a green one do you need a lime green no no we have a lime green we have a lime green one that’s why we’re saying that okay I’ve got a regular green one so when you said at my

Build like at my house at your base at your base yeah okay okay cuz I knew you were looking for one we were looking for one yeah we need one for tropus that’s huge that’s huge yeah okay cool hey yeah oh yo yo yo I got you I got you

Sorry so like who wants to go bomb Walmart uh we got you we got TT I think um where where is everyone uh the colum I don’t hold on I’m just going to clear my so per is like over there what button is my inventory uh e

Yeah what is what is pear doing over there how I way point uh oh wait yeah I am Ming hello Chad this is not best content but you know I’m sorry all right let me let me fix my key binds this is so stupid I I hate

That we we to change the mod Pat Erte all the keybinds oh I love I love one piece of cobblestone of course yeah forever in your depth here mate in fact just for that um I’ll give you a few diamonds there you go word yes sir Yo cool anyway hi hi he

Gave me Cobblestone so I gave him oh what the yo y he’s chilling I’ve got something more terrifying where did you get that I’m emoting but I let’s go what there’s more than one you guys have Ry heads wait let’s go where did you get riggy heads was riggy on earlier nope oh

He’s only been on that one time he’s only de The Bu that one time wait then how did you get them lying don’t ask questions ha I am clueless I’m just hting a little jig this is oh oh he’s wow he got okay I believe in the crime

Scene what crime oh yeah died the crime scene is the freaking Walmart over here all right anyways uh I need to I need to check something uh okay Chad if you remember the other day uh we uh we got a we got a little gift from uh we got a gift from bundon

Right that was the uh the head of uh yeah we’re yeah the well well since other people have it I think it’s okay to say it was the head of riggy the real one from when riggy died and uh now there’s two riggy heads on the server I

Need to uh check mine I’m a little little scared there’s no way they know I I did it off screen okay so I’m going to I’m going to go turn on technical errors uh oopsies stream stream’s lagging lag lag oh lag oh the stream’s lagging oh

No oh goodness gracious oh oh no I’m I’m definitely not uh checking anything secret anyways uh let’s see oh go into a cave yeah oh no my White House is going to a cave oh no H oh no oh oh no oh no oh oh goodness gracious oh my God it’s

Lagging okay okay we should be good uh the cave ended yeah yeah you you know you know when you’re just chilling playing Minecraft and then and then a cave happens oh man oh man love love when that happens okay well then I I don’t know where they

Got them from now I feel less special What the hell I feel less special now I I thought we had the rarest item on the server God damn it thee fair and woods it is fair and woods what what are we supposed to do now I thought that we had something okay well now jelly beans heads the

Worst oh goodness gracious so they can spawn in heads there may be a way to spawn in Bean heads saving us the battle against the beans H what the what what what is on what is going on that’s so weird well then well then skeleton okay well well now now I’m

No longer special I I had to check that huh we’re kind of screwed aren’t we okay let’s see let’s see back to the Coliseum back to the Coliseum there you go thank you oh wow look at good J you’ve learned how to e now to move

Forward you click W um to move to the side you click a and d and to move backwards you press S no wait whoa he’s doing it oh my gosh he’s actually a pro at this game no oh he’s jumping already oh they grew up so

Fast okay wait wait wait so please like like please don’t actually do you want to try some of thect that yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s get let’s get some yeah yeah yeah yeah well they’re frogs they’re frogs hold on I I trust them more than whatever walart

Selling is this yeah same hold up is this I mean that’s fair but you still have the how do you still have that DOA how do you still have that have have W she’s moving bricks out here what’s going on what the okay look look it’s it’s a free

Sample it’s a free sample um just tell me if there oh Proto Proto for your Proto Proto please please don’t please how do you eat it I gave I gave some of it to switch for the purpose of trying to show him what I had found and he immediately

Committed suicide oh my God angang going Ang going Ang going Ang going that’s a bit much that’s a bit much people have different reaction they have different tolerances I will show you the C that’s what happened they have different look look look look look look look look

Switch is already um switch get this how do you even make this I don’t wor about it I have um they have a farm they they’re are they’re working on a farm this is a very illegal F sorry my bad no I’m not going to let you cook let me cook man this

Is this is one of the most legitimate businesses I have it’s more legitimate than the Walmart that is true yeah yeah yeah that’s sure fine I’ll give you that yeah I’m you uh yeah you were you’re my employee by the way like no matter what Walmart does to

Me you’re still my employee okay I got you I got you I got you on that you take yeah fun with that I’m literally his only employee right now like kind of do you have you hired anyone yet yeah no I’m still working on it I need

To I need to talk to Joe is Joe on right now he’s not on no no yeah Joe said he was going to skip the week have you seen he just left no no seen have you seen the stuff Joe built at the at the

Chicken burger I know I know oh it looks so good I want him as a builder now I need him but speaking of which hey guys talking to let let let me apply let me apply right now you going to reply all right hey we’re taking two different

Positions you see can place and Destroy blocks that’s pretty good incredible Pro we’re we’re we’re taking two different positions you could you could beat either a builder or a resource manager speaking of which I know we were talking about sketchy companies but uh would you guys like to

Hear about s Castle Construction Company the best construction company in the server that doesn’t endorse a Walmart cult Daniel help build it h i that is we we have regrets in our past for what we have done that we only realized just done like three things and

One of them is the Walmart that everybody hates okay look the construction of it wasn’t um isn’t the issue with it it’s the PE it’s the business that’s being run yes the Walmart itself is beautiful business is this I i’ I’ve we are going to enforce our security better in the future uh

Yeah so anyway would you guys like to uh join sand castle construction company uh or would you be interested in a job would you be interested in a job I would be interested uh depends depend what are the rewards how much do you pay I can pay this

We no more crck it depends more it depends no no no no it depends on the employ it depends on the project and it depends on uh you know like how much how if you’re a resource depends on how many resources you’re bringing in if it’s if

You’re a builder it depends on how much stuff you’re building you know stuff like that so uh we we negotiate pay as we go he still hasn’t paid me uh how about theoretically maybe freelance I will pay you I I will I will pay you the

Moment we get back to St castle one hey um unrelated question um hypothetically if I was to sniff this how would I do it hypothetically of course hypothetically with your no you can’t no just just no not I’m pressing I’m doing the right click I’m doing the right

Click and it’s not no no no no mate it’s fine you don’t you don’t you don’t I’m pressing right click it’s not letting me it’s not letting me do what I want you hold it and you hide it away from the daa see the way the way switch did it

Was he like threw it out on the table and then he just like sat next to it and just went insane I should not have told you that don’t do that please please don’t do that more product do do do hold on hold on oh my God give me a second no no

No hang on hang on hang on DOA DOA I will not have so is that how we do hey um what you mean what you mean I’m fine yo redet why do you have some of that I’m taking the with me see you bye he want himself stop him stop him stop

Him stop him wait wait wait wait re redet I’m going to go see what per is doing per and bundon were going off that way per is just sitting right there right now what was that about okay I I don’t know what’s going on in that cult

I’m going to go see what this is yeah pe’s right over here PE perhaps he is down there is he in the mines so Y what upster sofa all right honestly I don’t know what’s been going on three things have happened today we have had Walmart Walmart Battle raid and

Whatever the freak just happened there’s Bund Shadow Legends ra Shadow legend is true wait where’s PE I don’t he’s like down here for some reason I I don’t know where he is he he said to follow him there’s a horse on the wait are going see my body I just died there

I don’t know I I figured I’d see oh there he is Yo sorry what are youall doing down here I don’t know he said follow him followed him dude my Park’s insane I don’t know if I can make that that is hey going to come yeah what is this dude

My I’m trying to get the little arrow right yeah also done I need to say this uh switch and daa both have riggy heads I don’t know if you know that I think they’re fake how do you get fake heads switch SK I think yes Dua switch

Skins and then they kill Dua so actually Dua heads okay okay wait so you told P that you have the riggy head no I didn’t say anything oh you have it yeah I gave it a hack yeah we need we need to plan out what we’re going to do

With it yeah I have I have it secretly I have in a secret spot because uh I checked just to make sure it wasn’t what they had but uh no one knows hacked has it so c c actually knows C knows as well how I don’t know I don’t know if he

Watched or anything but like after streaming it was like so you have the riy head I was like what dude that’s oh that’s tilting cuz might need I don’t know I don’t know how I found that out kind like of like getting content out of it I just wish there’s a way to

Duplicate it yeah okay wait so B bu told you you said Bun’s idea of getting content but you knew no I just didn’t CU I had it right knows I had it so I just said to P it be funny to make content out of it yeah

Like a and then I gave it to I saw you with 100 viewers and I was like excited so I was like I’m going to give it to you I have lots of viewers yeah that’s funny that’s actually that’s goed um um hack I need to show bundon to

An area Okay um and uh I’ll be back later okay all right all right I’ll go do my come I mean I guess you can what is it why not you have you have an extra boat though hacked uh I do yeah okay sick well then yes just place the boat I’ll

Drive Bund done and then we can go it’s to the old cave the old C oh the one we went mining the other day yeah yeah but I’m going to turn your mic up a little yeah no wores I Amplified everyone but 300 a little let me drive

Bundon okay bet also yo APO thank you for the five members cave time cave time cave game louder now yeah okay it’s cuz I thought that bar was for everyone else’s voice but it’s I guess it was for mine oh so yeah um basically so me and switch

Were going mining and we heard a bunch of weird ass noises so I kind of want to inspect the mines weird noises you mean like Warden noises or something else see we were okay we actually found the ancient city like the actual City and it was massive it’s saw a skull

Right yes but all the loot was gone seedot took everything yeah dude I kind of have a feeling that se that like has he went to another seed like he went to the same seed on a different world because like C’s doing something I know that for sure I don’t

Know I just know I know he has a lot of hours we were talking to the other day he has over two days of hours logged into the world no but like bro um switch said that he went to another ancient city on like the world border and it was

Already looted by C dot SE dot has played a lot of Minecraft and I’m guessing he might just be really sweaty yeah I was talking to him a little bit earlier uh sometime uh and he was talking about he used to speedrun Minecraft before he switched was the like new

Niche so he may just like have Minecraft knowledge he is really good at Minecraft he seems to be like proficient in like everything okay iot which way so might I remember this being a big this is cool do you have food uh I have some raw food I only have six cooked mutton

All right I’m jumping down here down there you any buckets no I don’t no I don’t I’m I’m just going to do it we can do the boat Strat works every time right yeah I I’ll come down hold on do I have a pickaxe I do okay we can come down safely

Imagine if in real life everyone was screaming and talking to the chat while just doing activities you take no damage got to be safe that was So Graceful that that was awesome I actually D did you going to do it again yeah yeah we can do it again wait no I

Don’t have the boat wait yes I do okay yeah you leave your boat yeah we the boat I left the I left the boat up there m here I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll MLG just go uh oh I fall I have a heart it’s fine oh my

God all right oh we have no torches that’s fine though okay this might be like a new I haven’t explored down there I kind of just want to go cave exploring with you oh dude I had shade on and it makes everything bright here for some reason

Oh I don’t like the shaders I’m going be real yeah know the shaders make my game lag more than it already is lagging cre up okay so bu to be honest is your alliance really with Walmart no I just I just wanted to see what happened if I start

Fun okay so what if we used you as a way to bomb the Walmart I mean I love content baby amazing we just need gunpowder that’s the thing so that’s why like coming down here is not the worst cuz we’ll find a lot of creatures so what’s the say are you

Actually sh me something here or we just like no we’re just we just looking for or oh wait yeah he’s ancient city I do have something to show you this but I went WR kind of on purpose I have a feeling you have a tunnel I do not have a tunnel dude a

Tunnel from here all the way to the Walmart would be insane that would be cool yeah yeah yeah D like a uh that’s actually like good content idea like secret secret tunnel the issue is they can like see you they can see you with the little map when you’re coming

Through so you’d only be able to go you’d have to mine it quick when everyone’s gone what about like a mine uh mine cart wait you can put TNT in mine carts what and TNT mine cart can stack all in one block we could build a giant path and

Send like a lot of mine carts of TNT down there all at once maybe I kind of wish I didn’t record my video with with shaders on but it is what it is yeah it loses the Minecraft f I know that’s exactly why I don’t like it yeah

This cuz I’ve seen so much has been unexpected W wao this is crazy it’s like shaders on here it’s a dark so bright shaders drip Maniac he comes into every stream donates and he calls me his father well I guess you have a new child how how much was donated $2 he’s

Paying his rent man dude to his dad yeah don’t take this in the wrong way P you definitely have Daddy Vibes what in the world does that mean do don’t you reckon that I think so per you’d be a great father I think you’d be a great dad oh

Yeah like hey son you don’t want to go bomb a Walmart like sure yeah who who needs who needs to take the kids fishing or something Walmart’s more interesting what the that’s a warden that shouldn’t be a surprise we’re going to the place whoa is this it oh wait I think I’m

Leaving shaders on just because I’ve recorded the whole time with it so I don’t want to inconsistency if it this recording but I off I think yep there is definitely something down there he’s a grow guy man all right I mean I have wool if we

Need it to like move around as long as he doesn’t see you you’re fine yeah can I ask you something oh my God what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] what is that what the freak it K it it it it it what what the [Applause] [ __ ] what what what what the

[ __ ] holy [ __ ] that vanilla no what mod is that I don’t know that is creepy was that has that always been there is it just really rare what the I don’t know what the freak holy shoot okay how much damage did it do is it really that strong or is it just

Scary it was scary how how are you on help though I I I think it’s a it that’s definitely a mod I I think I would know if that was in Minecraft but like what the freak what what what I’m not going first someone else go

First I want to go first honestly dude that’s honestly an average day in Australia you just wait animal chasing you like that oh is that just a kangaroo but in Minecraft we’re just going day buff yes you’re getting or why why not okay well that wasn’t the warden okay is Warden this is

It oh this is a lot of score dude this is huge yeah we should definitely record the chords they have no idea how how scary that was the thing is is that the only one or does this mod have more than one of them bro there’s nothing down here it’s

Just like a pit okay well it’s useful to know this is here yeah it’s going to have XP I guess yeah oh my god dude my heart can you can you take these blocks oh they have XP yeah yeah they do they do that’s the you got to

Yeah you need to move a little bit back I can’t I can’t clim while you’re there just one XP yeah but if you get a they they mine fast the hoe and so you can break them all like all at once with a with a what with a hoe of all things

With a hoe yeah yeah this is the one you like H okay my chat saying something about cave dweller mod I guess that’s a cave dweller cave dweller did he drop anything though no no let me see no what did I say I wonder if they

Did it say it in the kill feed no no no so it’s it’s not like a character or anything it’s clearly an enemy I wonder if it has like any cool drops though guys we got to find another I just hope I mean is that the

Only one there’s no way right no I think I think a mod isn’t just going to have one guy right um did youall hear that sound effect that’s uh that’s the Shuler I mean a little thingy by the way my sword is uh a little bit weak go first let’s go

Last you that scared now I am that was can we get some torches though I imagine can’t be any different than regular enemies when they just spawn in the dark you know we need the dark why our job is to search for it no we’re looking for the deep

Dark I want I want to see the enemy again oh I can’t it’s hard to climb up if you can’t see I guess I could just walk give me a pickax cuz my Shad of mods I can see is bright as day you have a sp ey here any iron

Pickers yeah there’s a construction table where the hell is it going okay we know that the ancient cities there which is actually good info I wonder if those things can spawn at night we’re only in caves chat says it’s caved wer mod so it might only be caves that’s insane okay I

Guess I’m going to get like two stacks of iron oh another oh oh creeper oh my god oh gunpowder nice oh oh I me ancient cities locks all right yeah there’s still some iron left and we might as well get the lapis cuz of the uh enchanting get him boys where’s the

Lapis oh yeah oh [ __ ] sorry yeah and I have Fortune so it gives me like actual [ __ ] yeah how much iron do you have right now basically two stacks oh that’s goed yeah that’s important cuz we can send all uh we might need it for what am I

Trying to say mine carts that’s the word so we can send all the TNT head I hear the noise is that cave dweller or Warden go go go dweller or Warden oh I fell down oh there’s iron down here though okay oh there a lot noes yeah it’s the little Warden

Blocks you can break them guys my sword’s about to break too okay yeah so we’re not hear anything else what ises this did you break this a lot of XP for that so no City here I guess what’s this block yeah it just gives XP breing it doesn’t do anything

Unfortunately I feel like it would be in here not going to lie so I want to go no no no chat’s actually telling me mobs don’t spawn in the deep dark so we should be fine from those guys while we’re in the skull biome I want to find

It though that’s the thing he’s he’s going to be in a regular cave I know that’s what I’m saying go up like that way you see where I’m like where that zombie is follow me this way this way this way this way okay o oh that’s a that’s

Sensor L of angry angry guys down there careful zombie that little whack if y heard uh we already got oh he’s here he’s here what the what is what is that I can’t see him put a torch down put a torch down okay oh there’s one up at the top hey that

Help guys that’s the [ __ ] Warden is that the warden or the cave Diller oh my god oh Warden Warden Ward Warden Warden Warden Warden B you’re dead bro the the warden’s a strongest enw in the game no pink save me I think you’re you’re fine I think you’re fine that was

Only two that was only two that was only two that was only two all right bu where are you come here guys come over here come over here it picks up your voice yo yeah if the thing senses you three times you’re dead and Warden spawns so

Go over here I say we go this way oh dude my co getting better man I’m becoming more powerful every second that’s good all right someone to go first B you go first what the sword please or some kind of weapon oh yeah I I I can give you another diamond sword

Here take that creeper there’s a creeper I’m using IR right now yeah I have 11 yes okay I’m I’m ready now yeah the qu the game dwellers didn’t seem to be like too strong right they’re just scary maybe I hope how dark is it for you guys

Let is off it’s pretty dark it’s pretty dark I like I like the tone I like the tone I think this is where we came from okay end yeah and if we go down there we’ll some uh sum of the warden so not that way can we kill the water you can but

He’s got more Health than the Wither and he’s way stronger didn’t the beating Pokémon randomiz by the way not ROM no it was ass dude terrible challenge really dude I only got to I only found two Gym Leaders yeah it takes a while yeah it’s usually like eight hours I see when I

Watch a guy do it dude so that’s way too long where are we going how do we get out of here all right guys come on we’re just being to a Frid let’s go let’s just let’s just row let’s just yeah for the content honestly let’s just keep going

Down okay this is where this is where we were just before we just done a loot okay so we can go down there go no no no we have wool blocks if we break the little sensor we should be fine hack you go down there with the

Wool hack just you go alone by yourself because we don’t have wool okay gotcha gotcha so we we’ll watch you and we have to crouch and you can’t talk There’s a Zombie down There so it’s that one over there did he come we should be fine we should be fine why is it going all dark uh it does that when it does that warden’s not spawning we we’ be we would see if the warden was spawning it’d be more obvious okay let’s go down

Then yeah hop down and place a torch so there’s some more sensors over there don’t just run in there oh my yeah how much W do you have on you I have three more blocks we can break the blocks we have but yeah oh he just

Summoned it did he or is there like a reset cuz that that would be numbered Oh that’s theing oh we’re screwed run dead end oh we’re so [ __ ] so we have to fight we have to fight no we we’re not fighting we’re not

Fighting I see it I see it I see it I see it right in right in front got to something no no no shar’s not going to do anything goodbye guys what what other choice do we have are we mining I’m M away M away M away oh why did you get in

My hole okay place the block place the block okay come down I’m here I’m here I’m on top of all did the block above yeah there’s it’s wool above us so we’re quiet he can’t hear us I’m mining through I’m mining through don’t wh place a torch oh my God

Oh my God we’re safe you can’t hear us it’s a w block that was close we actually somehow survived the warden oh my God he’s looks like a funny fell oh yeah he’s he’s he’s funny for killing your friends or something okay wait so it looks like if we go this way

We can reach get out of here yeah it’s another cave do any of you have torches no no do you have a do you have a I’ll go first I’ll go first I’ll go first I’ll go first there’s a weird thing a weird noise I think the dweller might have fell in the

Lava whoa another deep dark I here oh yep that’s a dweller it is not Warden noises okay so this is just the pit are you sure yeah yeah all right H go up I’m not going first bro that’s fine that’s fine oh what happened to my health

I oh that’s a warden oh he he still sees us holy shoot oh he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there oh he’s going for me I’m dead well uh yeah oh my God all everybody talking about the dweller when there’s the wardens out there oh my God that’s

Funny well then yeah there’s not much we can do the Wen followed us that was funny though oh my god dude what in the world dude what in the world let’s go try to find the green sheep uh do was talking about DOA said they got a green one and

Place it around my base right where where is Round yo howdy are doing good doing good where’s the sheep sheep yeah DOA said they brought a green sheep over by my base I don’t know where it is the D is very rare yeah yeah yeah daa had more than I actually have some oh you have some green dye

Yes wait what happened okay so do I was talking to do they said they brought a green sheep to her base and I’m trying to find it whatever uh gab um gabri cat what I’m about to tell hacked you can’t hear so I need you to go away

Goodbye hacked yeah oh crouch crouch crouch in now no no we now have the best weapon in the game why or not weapon tool and do you want to know why what happened do you want to know why I do wait I gotta switch is the me switch is it in there

No it will be you ready oh [ __ ] oh someone’s coming here yo bundon all right bundon is fair hey oh cryo and Bam as well hey hello what what happened did the warden chase us yes he did yeah the warden can climb through blocks we were too slow oh

Yeah no the warden can the warden can go by by into a or or a one by two yeah this this is the you’re you’re doing the correct reaction right now this is the correct reaction the see this this guy’s not asking why okay this guy’s not asking why he’s just adoring right

Exactly take notes your St mhm mhm okay how do you desire to be this tall uh I’m just this way you know you shouldn’t ask questions about it all right just word of warning you should just accept that this is the case I need to have some words with this individual okay all

Right do okay mhm yeah you guys were struggling with the warden right we weren’t struggling we were having fun we were playing with them buun died yeah it sounds like struggling to me we we were just exploring caves man there’s a there’s a there’s a system you

Can use to kill the warden and it’s pretty easy but you need a lot of like healing oh but basically like when it like tries to like shoot you with its like [ __ ] scream uh that’s when you hit it cuz it won’t attack you it won’t attack you at

That like it won’t attack you like no it’ll still hit you with the scream but it won’t the scream will never oneshot you oh interesting so but there’s like no reason to right he drops like one block right yeah no don’t fight it but if you

Do but if you do fight it that’s how you fight it what what are you looking at the blocks no the chicken burgers right the chicken the chicken burger our cont brand oh it’s really called a chicken B I hate that what they have chicken burgers no

Way that’s so cool how do you make those uh probably chicken and uh I don’t know I don’t know what the other things chicken and a burger it’s probably bread probably bread yeah um wait what did you talk about guys I’m here oh we’re just looking at your chicken burgers in the warden

Yes how’d you get all these chicken burgers man oh my God what I forgot I used my trim so do not use that one oh I need to duplicate it right yeah I will thank God we got two okay they’re leaving hacked I trust SP

Hacked look at this wait oh my God lur two wait okay there’s lure three so it could still be a little bit better but mending and luck of the C3 bro you you’re really going to say you can be do better when I got all that

For you that is good though that is that is a rod that will never break we have basically we have the god Rod yeah yeah what does that do okay so lur every every one level of lur is five more seconds left of waiting so this means

The rod every time you throw it out it’s 10 seconds less of waiting right that’s Godly yeah Ming means it’ll never break and luckily the C3 means treasure is the most common and basically with a fishing rod yeah it’s it’s good for farming you can get mending books in any bulk you get

From a uh fishing rod is a level 30 enchantment so it gives you the good stuff damn all right bu done this is a sign of our alliance and also um oh yeah oh Stacks we need to uh bomb before before I end stream I need to bomb

Walmart is Johnny still streaming or no no he’s he’s over do you think I should do it when Johnny’s streaming or no would wait how much TNT do you have um what what what what the what the um how much okay I have wait no no

No why are we just acting like that was normal how’ that happen there must be there must be a dark block somewhere around the base and I guess he uh chat says he can go through one by one block so there’s a dark Block in your base that he just came

From yeah yeah may maybe try to light these things behind your paintings yeah one of them’s not lit up don’t break anything though were you in there what where did you come from can I have some can I have some uh carrots yeah I got you per where was

Gabri C he was inside the painting the entire time uh so you know what we have I mean it’s not a big deal had a long it’s not a big deal yeah I think it came to the the Wither painting cuz it’s not uh lit up that’s almost kind of

Funny so gabat you saw you saw the dweller a long time ago sorry oopsies so what are we doing now snooping around we do whatever the heck we want the plan dud what do you want to do p um I might go talk to Dan oh man okay okay what yeah I’m going

To go I’m going to go fish I’m going to go try to see if I can get anything oh wait do you have do you have any gunpowder that’s what we need to do no I I didn’t pick up any any let me check in the CH bom should I should I bomb

Walmart this stream or should I do it next stream how much TNT do you want to bomb it with I have 29 gunpowder which is probably more than enough because I don’t want to actually destroy it I just want to bomb it there is the best way to do it uh I

Think uh mine cart team because you uh mine carts because you can stack them together otherwise you can’t put in a block uh one BL one I can’t word holy I’m tired you can’t put in a one by one other than uh the mine carts okay well I’ll keep it for now

Yeah I mean you could just put them around but assuming you want all the TNT to activate each other there might be a better way I don’t know I’m I’m just going to go to spawn I’m basically done what I need to do wait can I see your

TNT I don’t have it I don’t have any sand how are we going to blow it up then I can craft it but I have to mine sand first it’s like what four or five sand per TNT that’s not a lot yeah I can help

You if you give me a little shovel we can go and go crazy should we do it now or next week next week should be the Arena Battle I kind of I think Johnny needs to be online though why don’t we set it up

Today oh yeah we can put it like in a block underneath it and then we we bring Johnny in there and then we set it off this what let’s just do it next week cuz I I have to do something okay you don’t think we could just I can we should sneak someone

Underneath it and just yeah cover we can do that I don’t think we y’all think of a plan I got to talk to Dan okay like I was saying you’re can put the uh mine carts and the uh with TNT in them all in a one by one and we

Just hide that under a floor panel in there we bring Johnny in there and then blow it up there’s it’ll be like really hard to find if it’s just one block and you can stack a bunch of TNT all in there I think that’s the plan I’m down oh I’m tired to

Yeah I stayed up very late playing League of Legends oh yeah did you ever get another win yeah I did ww I think I play a bunch of league today and then that’s me done for a good while that’s good back to the work tomorrow all right so seed Dot’s gone

Okay let’s see yeah I’m going to try to use this God Rod PA gave I want to see how good luru is minus 10 seconds is a lot of time they do it yeah I need to dump off my trash items let’s See all right this is interesting God Rod though if we can get another lur two book though we’ll actually have in something really good I might just make a new chest or or I can shove them over the the block chest I’m not building any more NS at the

Moment uh I’ll hold on to that it’s a little rare yeah Fortune two sharpness three yeah these are these are books I got from fishing pretty decent enchantments P four is the highest R so I get another proc three we can get that let’s see what happens lure two though that’s got

To be worth something right let’s see let’s see all right let’s go fishing let’s go fishing I can talk to chat I’ll mute myself on the thingy we just we just fish and I we’ll we we’ll just chill that should work out right all right all right oh I

Also noticed the music stopped yeah let’s mute and let’s fish let me get the music back on I was so distracted with all the freaking cave dwellers and wardens didn’t even notice all right so let’s see what happens minus 10 seconds should be a lot

Right the does it not catch if no no it still it still catches it took my hand yo you like the puffer fish how did that happen I was fishing and you stood on it is he trying to get the items I thought l two was faster all right another fish yeah

Luckily C3 isn’t like going to make it super fast but it should be better it feels slow I thought it would be faster yeah it says it says minus 10 seconds on the Wii I I didn’t think it was wrong hey give give me a give me a a

Fish what’s this a fish how do I do it do I just yeah how do I use the rod do I just throw it out yeah you just right click it right click and then when like little bubbles come up to the rod you’ll see them come

Up like a little little trail of Bubbles and then it pulls down and then you uh just right click and it pulls back up I’m waiting yeah there you go guys so I assume you just got a fish but you might have gotten something else ra Cod

Yeah now watch this this one’s crazy I’m going to actually look over here from over here ready tell me when okay I’ll tell you when almost it’s almost there now did it work or did the item get stuck you did it it was the right timing

But the item might have gotten stuck on the way the item has to come all the way to you I drop your Rod by the way yeah I’ll take the rod back yeah I’ll probably just fish for a bit see if I can get anything how’s it how’s the stream going

Hack it’s doing pretty well 37 better once uh some the other people started getting off the stream started doing better which is funny yeah yeah yeah just the views get spread around yeah there’s there’s only a finite number of viewers I understand this is nice still fish and luckily C3 should be

Better but I guess not yeah fishing’s still just a long way to go at least the fishing rod will never break and that’s a good thing oh oh yeah that was a treasure notled shell nice nice big I think you need like nine of them

In order to do anything useful but it is nice to have this oh how do you keep fire forever uh you put on Netherrack and it like stays forever oh and we do have Netherrack in the world so we could directly do that just got to get it from the

Portals all right so far one treasure out of everything so nice nice I’m going to go uh get some food but I’m going to stay here I going to I’ll go into pe’s base I’ll stand on top of it all right no problem yeah yeah

Yeah I’m G give you watch this this this is the one ready I know was a fish can I cook a food like this no you can’t it burns it if only was that easy yeah the food’s gone all right all right fish acquired all right so chat we can talk

We can talk yeah it’s a little funny it’s a little funny as people people in stream you do better so it’s like I mean I don’t I don’t want to be the guy that’s like oh I want to steal everyone’s viewers but like I do like more

Viewers um but yeah we just got to see what goes on man the C the cave dweller mod is hilarious though oh that is actually good that is good content imagine they spawn on the surface though that’s just a fish all right but yo how are you hacked

I’m great this is a good day this is a good day we’re just chilling with some CB SMP right now and then like in like an hour and a half maybe at like 8:30 from my time we’ll do a uh we have another stream planned first it’ll be

Our first attempt at a vertical stream that’s going to be exciting oh my goodness gracious vertical streams are interesting P was having some decent luck with his like 2.2k viewers and then uh cuz he got pushed out to the shorts feed I’m curious to see how it does I’m

Curious to see how many Subs we can get I want to see like how good it is for growing right and so so because of that I don’t know if you all saw the stream I have uh scheduled after that you can see it right now on the channel but

Basically like an hour before I was doing this I made I made a Sprite I made a move set I made all that I basically added Nara into Pokemon right that’ll be fun and I don’t know if I’ll play through the entire game I may I may work

Later on creating a full narrow mod like maybe add like an Aaron for the Rival to have but yeah we we’re going to be playing Pokemon using Nara that’s fun right oo I that’ll be fun to show you I there’s one thing I couldn’t get working

Though when I was H testing out I couldn’t get the cry to work so now Nara just doesn’t have a cry but it’s fine everything else seems to be working fine I might make the Sprite prettier later on that’s still fish that will be fun though that will be fun and she’s not

Overpowered but I gave her good moves like her base that total is only 500 so uh she’ll probably be good wait n Pokemon yes n Pokemon that’s what we’re doing after this later today oh that was that was fast fishing okay we definitely need L 3 though cuz

The fishing still takes a little bit sometimes you get some milk please just keep on watching shrimp of that all right all right bonab buy it should be a good one it should be a good one yeah so I’ll just like raid my own stream I’m curious how that’ll go I

Wonder how many of you will stay on a vertical stream CU I mean if you’re on mobile it shouldn’t be a problem but if you’re on a PC it might be a little bit worse he will you release it soon if I release it I’d like it to be more a

Releasable state the one issue that Nintendo hates when you release mods although I guess with Pokemon it’s a little different but i’ have to kind I would have to create a patch you can’t just release the game file like uh other things cuz you release it that’s technically that’s pirating well so you

Have to release a patch for it to you apply it yourself so I’d have to I’d have to do some stuff in order to get that to work I’ve never done it also why is Bam small guys that has not been addressed yet bam is just smaller than everyone

Else can I get small it’ be nice oh there’s a drown over there ah he’s stuck it’s not my problem oh nope he’s he’s not stuck oh it’s ebook oh that’s good good good good do you give a nautilus shell he did yeah all right all right so

We’re getting a few n shells not bad bamaz in VR and hasn’t set up the settings right I know when I played VR your your size was based on how tall you were in real life is Bam actually like a manlet oh cuz in Minecraft you’re two

Blocks T tall each block is a meter right so you’re like you’re almost 2 Meers you’re a little bit less than two blocks but you’re close so does that mean bam is like less than a meter you can change it the height maybe I don’t know my only experience of

VR was like that steam VR thing oh man that’s funny though that’s funny who just joined red jet all right all right let us see yeah fishing’s kind of chill though relaxing stream ideally we can get some good stuff we got one ebook I can add to

My collection if I get another sharpness three I can fuse them together into another sharpness four and then I can actually get sharpness five so that should be what we want to get cuz the sharpness five sword oh we also want mending books obviously yeah oh he turned into a drown yeah that

Does that does happen if he’s down there too long fishing I some are so true it does seem like it’s a critical hit every single time in water has that always been the case go back to Hall night you had better luck uh yeah but H night lags on

Stream avors for some reason I don’t know how H night lags but Minecraft doesn’t hack tells a story uh I don’t know if I have a story immediately but I can’t tell you uh actually what I did today so basically I got like a call from one my friends that uh he was

Actually the guy that joined us when we’re playing Minecraft save the world with uh willnet back in the day yeah he was one of my IRL friends and I haven’t seen him in years he’s like 17 I’m 22 and I know him in Boy Scouts and I

Actually went to go talk to him today uh he came to go check out the campus cuz he’s going to my college next semester so we’re going to only have one semester together but that was nice to be able to go see him I have you ever snowboarded

Or ski I’ve skied I’ve never snowboarded water bottle don’t need that that was fun it’s always good to see people you haven’t seen in a while it talks about like Nintendo Pokemon he’s an anime talk a little bit about that I don’t really watch anime nothing against an I just I

Just don’t watch it myself stuff like that it was good stuff though we had Chick-fil-A fish man let’s see any stories though any stories is anything interesting happened I’d have to think I’d have to think H you ever been to Seven Springs I don’t know what that is no all right

Have I told you about the time what is what is this story what’s a story saddle oh that’s a waste of treasure look you ever Neptune boarded no they don’t have boards here Chick-fil-A Mid it’s the okay we there’s certain restaurants that are on campus it’s Chick-fil-A it’s mods Pizza it’s

Off brand Chipotle it’s Panda Express or it’s Smoothie King I’m going to Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A you actually get food skiing stories I’ve only gone skiing once I am actually famously bad at skiing sometime back in like Elementary or something we went over to Tennessee for ski we went to Gatlinburg

And uh we did a few things there we did a few things there like there’s some touristy little things we saw there but uh we also went skiing and then I thought skiing would be so easy thought that’d be so fun I Tri I was like damn

That sucks no wonder if I’m Texas no wonder I’m in Texas dude also snow sucks snow is actually awful freaking cold like you you you touch it and you’re like oh man it’s going to have the same texture as uh like sand right and for

The most part kind of kind of like you pick it up it does the same things as sand but like then it gets in your boots and everything it just makes everything wet and every whenever it’s snowing every everything is just wet goodness gracious that’s not fun that’s not fun but yeah I

Don’t really have any stories except uh my dad my dad was confident he tried to be cool he wanted to be that guy right and he uh he went to the the expert uh slope right don’t do that don’t go to the expert slope he broke he he broke like his uh

His like spine or something not like that but like he got it like out of alignment he had to go to the doctor he didn’t like you know he he didn’t like be paralyzed but don’t don’t do that don’t do that sand gets in your boots

Sand is sand is worse but snow is also really bad it’s got the same consistency all right let’s see uh did I did I tell you uh did we stream on Wednesday I think we did Wednesday was Hall night right anyways on Wednesday I

Did my uh oh fre I just I just messed up on Wednesday that’s when we had the hall night stream right maybe anyways uh that’s when I had my job interview right I can tell you how that went basically I got like on a zoom call with like some

Nice lady she’s like oh what’s your name I’m like uh totally hack Crusade anyways believe believe it or not on my resume yo still going yep still going we got one book of uh enchantment book with decent enchantments but I need another one all right so what was this in yeah oh what’s

That fishing run yeah if you want any of that trash uh the trash stuff you can take it f you want your own mining run here I just got one what the [ __ ] yeah so that’s a fishing rod that will never break so it’s decently good I’m eating so this be be perfect

Eight yeah just got to sit and watch the fish all right what was I saying yeah so I have YouTube on my resed mate believe it or not and uh that was that was an interesting discussion I doubt I doubt many YouTubers put YouTube as not YouTub

Sorry I doubt many Engineers put YouTube on their uh list of like talents right but it was actually useful believe it or not one of the things they’re talking about on the uh oh I dropped a fish one of the things on the interview they were asking is uh whoa whoa

Whoa I can’t see it’s blocking my screen oh man oh yeah you you broke okay when I say it never breaks it it doesn’t break if you fish cuz fishing gives you experience back is it like it fully broken like disappeared now yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I’m an

Idiot oh I just got another one I’m breaking three cursive Vanishing that sucks uh can I can I level are you right now I’m level 32 which is not that bad let’s go let’s go put that in the uh grinder see how much we get Unbreaking thre a lot

Right nice that was a lot all right where’s a Ry head oh where’s the riy head oh yeah I I guess I can show you hold on let me put a little thing on the screen all right yeah I’ll show you it is on the other side of the map

And it is right over here no yeah yeah so it’s still safe going to put that back there yeah yeah yeah I’m going to put it back and it’s Nero one that’s actually poetic yeah out of 11 all right all right let me switch back to the game screen all right

So let’s see let’s see how the fishing goes again and whenever I get like an enchantment that’s like useless you can just use it at the grinder and you get experience so it’s kind of nice fishing is not a bad way to level up I don’t know I was at level 30 uh

When I started 31 when I started something like that oh my God what Proto the CER oh that that of course it’s him bro I don’t think Proto plays Minecraft that kind of makes it funny ohing that’s fine that’s fine yo my girlfriend got me orange

Juice for my uh Co like consoles yeah flame and it’s [ __ ] burning them that makes sense it’s a c yeah like this make it better and this feels horrible oh my God yeah I don’t I don’t know what the right answer is but I don’t think acidic

Is what uh food is what you give to a sick person yeah I think it’s meant to be like hot salty yeah something like super or whatever oh ebook let’s go I got mending holy shoot uh let me tell per hold on what’s so good about mending

Basically makes it so any item you have doesn’t break cuz uh whenever you get experienced it heals the item back all right back go yeah so mining is probably the best enchantment in the game what’s the rarest thing you can get from fishing uh there’s a few things that are all tied

With each other so it’s not like there’s one rarest but something that’s tied as the the ebooks right so that’s why they’re so special but many is probably the rarest achievement from that I mean a little enchantment because you can’t get from uh I cannot word holy cow you

Can’t get mining from the table so mining’s only from fishing and villagers we know seot has a mending villager farm but he hasn’t shared it with everybody else so kill him and I mean if we went to his farm and murder the Villager he’d be pissed but it would be

Funny may we should Test blow up that first we could yeah I know he’s been storing it though I think he has mending on all of his skier I imagine he gave it to Jelly Bean as well because he’s been sharing a lot of his loot with

Them I think it be so funny to block jelly beans’s house yeah the McDonald’s or whatever yeah when they when they build it like cuz they barely playing like on and off and like getting pretty much farmed by seed do yeah so funny like the opening day we just blow it up

Immediately jump sced in Minecraft is insane that’s fun that’s fun yeah the the cave roller was a good choice I wonder if it’s only that guy though it might be that’s a big fish what the the uh the salmon yeah why is it on top of the water like

That does he sit on top oh I guess he’s just being stupid oh back down he goes all right let’s play let’s make it let’s make this exciting how how many viers do you have in your chat uh 29 at the moment okay chat actually I’m going to whip up your

Stream all right yeah dude you’re you’re actually the first in my brows that’s say I’m a fan interesting interesting nice nice wait who just got diamonds Kyle oh okay let’s play a game Let’s let’s let’s learn about each other okay one question at a time

So like let’s do like a let’s do like it’s like Truth or Dare but only truth okay that’s fair that’s fair one at time yeah yeah yeah okay I’ll ask you a question all right I’ll do a basic one what’s your favorite game favorite game wait who just got killed

Royal yeah okay so it’s it’s one that’s like a little niche one but it’s Xenoblade Chronicles X I get that a lot in the chat oh my God yeah Zen Blade Chronicles is is that yo what’s up P yo per have you played smash that’s like

The uh the game like shul and stuff is from playing what are you talking about Xeno Blade oh yeah he was asking what my favorite game was U so wait what did you get mending yeah I got mending and it’s mending and protection four on the same

Book oh my yeah goed that’s that’s like that’s God chest plate right there dude don’t drink orange juice when you have Co it’s [ __ ] up man my tonsils are burning like actually on fire just don’t have orange juice in coob the worst combo you can have what the [ __ ] whoa who

Whoa what the freak this is so [ __ ] fun dude oh my God where where did he come from we’re outside man that cave really was dwelling what what did you hear that what wait wait where C follow me please wait is cot invisible did he get a

Potion uh SE Dot’s been troll the whole St oh my God C and per El this what well I’m going back to fishing CA must be in spectator he just has a spawn egg for it that is hilarious actually oh my God I feel so bad he scared Proto off

The server oh oh my God okay that’s not bad dude I just sitting here having my Nutella oh I wish I was recording then yeah I’m recording it all you haven’t been I have been yeah I’m going to put it on a uh hard drive after

This I sto I went to get food I forgot to put it back on rip I’m I’m guessing that was a bit Yeah I assume so I assume so they’ll probably turn the dweller off next week when they uh update the mod pack so I wonder if I wonder if C’s been

Placing it manually the entire time or if like they actually spawned in naturally dude I thought C added like a voice like a voice line to D I was like that was confusing I thought maybe like a god mode cuz he’s the admin all right all right so you ask me what

My favorite game is what is yours swall this Nutella I don’t know there’s way this is a philosophical question right because do I go by hours play no no no it has to be one you actually actively enjoy playing hours like my most played hours is like smash

Ultimate but like sometimes that game is like makes me like angry like um no not my favorite my probably most played game in my life would be runes Escape yeah because that since I was five but you guys fishing yeah yeah nice I have fish so I just sit and watch

Fishing around yeah but what have you done to the server man what have I done to the server what are you no no you hey Bam you you lucky [ __ ] you’re lucky son you you I KN knew didn’t you you KN mother this guy this guy killed me wait

On right right Buon press tab how many deaths do I have next to my name zero you exactly exactly exactly exactly exactly so I I never died I don’t die dying is something I don’t do on the server right but you but you you don’t don’t no don’t do that I did

It you press press tab what deaths am I on now but then cuz I can’t read it you on three now for some reason [ __ ] off [ __ ] off you okay okay okay I don’t die dying something I don’t do uh-uh yeah [ __ ] you oh oh man this guy

You you I have no quarrel with you bundon okay listen chill we chill I’m not saying something cuz you killed uh what was his name Greg you killed Greg man mhm GRE remember that guy do you even remember his [ __ ] name you even remember his [ __ ] face you son of a

[ __ ] you [ __ ] I feel like you can’t think much alcohol when you’re small yeah well I I got I found something it wasn’t alcohol though and I didn’t take it yet but but um yeah no what was that what did I just Bam are you are you under the uh

Influence of any illicit substances what the [ __ ] is this how’ I get this a pumpkin pie it’s it’s been renamed to eat me huh I I didn’t pick this up I didn’t what can I see it how I wait no no no Bam Bam eat it eat I’ll eat it for you

Test it I really want to eat it no no bam eat it Munch away I want to see what happens S is doing stuff to the server I I’m yeah I know I’m scared first it was the cave door now I’ll eat it for you man if you

Really want to what am I listening to I got I got I’m just trying to fish oh what the you guys see me really really really am I invisible take armor take your armor oh God he is okay okay you’re invisible you’re invisible suers oh oh no come back

No where did you go oh no what we have loose invisible what have you done that wasn’t me I thought yo I’m just trying to F there’s something in that there’s something in that there’s something in that pumpkin pie can I have a taste of the pumpkin pie I don’t have any pumpkin

Pie I’m naked now I’m ready for my pie oh my God and that’s when we do the B please dude I want to I wait okay question how long are you invisible for the pie I I don’t know uh don’t worry we’re talking about um yeah there’s an invisible guy around the server

Yeah other know do you guys like my high and shield I did notice that before pretty cool do you have any other Zelda stuff I have Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for the Nintendo switch nice that’s the that’s the name of my sword that full length title A classic I I nearly reached the

Character limit on that one have you been spawning little cave dwells around the map no yeah wait what do you mean I see I see Bam Bam’s over there how Bam’s invisible all right Chad all right anyways anyways let’s chat let’s chat chat all right boys girls and goblins

What’s going on what’s going on this fishing’s actually pretty good if we can to L re one though we’d be so good oh my goodness gracious we’re getting a lot of fish though when you get a member you might have got a remember today APO donated a few uh a little bit earlier

Today sometimes you get it sometimes you don’t all right I don’t know what where they went they left all right we’re back to peace I can talk with y’all peacefully how does milk work you get milk when you watch the Stream few other ways to get it but yeah watching is the

Easiest way to get milk and with it you can buy little skins and colors for your avatar all right what did you miss when you were on uh lum’s Workshop VC I’ve just been fishing I got a Ming proc four book kind of Godly going to use that for

A chest plate but uh yeah otherwise we we’re just chilling you know just fish though I I thought this would be better though look look this SE to reach the highest yeah I’ve been watching stream nextar I’ve been watching what’s going on nothing’s nothing’s new let’s see oh wait we have two sharp

Books oh it’s good so that means I can get sharpness five nice well that’s not bad cuz I have a sharpness four sword sharpness three books makes a sharpness uh yeah sharpness sharpness sharpness okay honestly we might we might go for the sharpness five I do I

Do want another mending book though so I can put that on the sword as well sharp five mending and then we can start working on other stuff like fire aspect how good is how good is fire aspect like it adds a little bit adds more Panic it does block the screen so

It’s definitely it’s definitely good but this is it fire aspect one or two and like is there a really big difference between the two of them I don’t know that I’m not too much into Minecraft enchantments usually I was always afraid of enchantments when I play Minecraft too

Much to deal with just get them from villagers that’s a lot easier you know man the smash BR music is so good holy shoot man leather boots okay yeah we don’t need that all right anything else though what was I talking about beforehand I was talking

About these crave ders are a men what was I talking about uh back when we were uh sitting there I was telling a story about something right I was talking about my in interview right right right anyways basically what I was saying uh when I was talking about my interview is

That one of the things I have on my resume is that I have YouTube on resume and I doubt most Engineers have something like that most Engineers like like a club or any of that stuff I’m like no screw it no screw it YouTube’s a

Job I make I make I have an audience I make money off YouTube you know that’s a job I I think it’s safe to put that on the r me right what what do you think about that you know and uh it came in it actually came in use because one of the

Things they asked you was like NE what time you were Innovative I was like well uh I was working on a project and we’re doing this like you know what we’re really looking for is name of time you’re creative it’s like oh creative she’s like yeah lot a lot of engineers

In the same way and I’m like yeah no YouTube channel that that’s the easy answer I told her about Pika game and all that stuff like 4,000 downloads and all that stuff so yeah YouTube on the resume actually isn’t that isn’t a bad thing to put

There kind of goated not not going to lie oh my goodness gracious and the the other resume qu I mean other interview questions are like you know the basic ones but uh I think I did pretty well maybe maybe we’ll be able to make it somewhere I keep getting Nautilus shells

Can can you give me books instead I got four of them one I got from a drown though so I guess it doesn’t count three na shells a book a fishing rod yeah honestly you know it’s it could be worse we could just be getting bows

Back and back and back another na oh my God you love the color you chose how’s everyone in chat have we all been drinking water we’ve all been drinking water yes yes very very thirsty Little Creatures yeah let’s see today wasn’t a bad day I haven’t made any progress

After uh after the stream after the stream oh so I guess like at 10:30 I’m going to probably start working on voicing the uh the Nar short so I can actually get that done tomorrow oh my goodness gracious I’ll probably send the uh The Voice I’ve been uh I’ve been

Getting into calls with bundon and peir we’ve been talking about content stuff but and Pa and I have been uh Hing par a lot and also been working on that so ideally ideally will’ll get some cool stuff coming later on that sure’s going to be excited goober 17 milk what

Goober dude this what gambling can do to a man gambling can take everything away from one when there’s nothing left to oneself all right well we did a bit of fishing honestly this wasn’t successful trip I got minding and minding is the best enchantment in the game

So what I may want to do so one of my goals is to one of my goals is to get a bunch of dirt and we’re going to go build a map art dancing toothless song no this is drift fille City drift phille City one of the most goated songs in

Pokemon what are you talking look at your dri yeah well I yeah look at you man look at look at hacked man you got like y got blue all over bro I got like a chest plate and some some Nikes look at I don’t want to look at

That I don’t want to look at that what is p doing right now I think spawn cave dwellers yeah that’s that’s it that’s what that’s wait no I need a map hold on maybe not kill but I just want to shoot him one time should we try kill PE y yo I have

An idea my head no there’s not a lot of my heads going around I’m pretty sure Pear’s content for today was to troll all of us and jump scare us with caves yeah I think that’s why he let us to the cave yeah yeah so this is my idea let’s kill

Him constantly and have I’m for this you you’re the best person to do that cuz he trusts you so much you is that is arguably better armor than me though yeah but all four of us though you need combine yeah yeah come Sanctuary it’s it’s urgent all right yeah I’ll send him a

Message oh [ __ ] okay he’s got to TP straight to you so we got to prepare we got to prepare you in creative mode right now do we know no I think we might just have spawn eggs the word to attack is cheese okay cheese cheese cheese cheese is the cheese okay cheese cheese

We go okay all right I sent it to him okay now we we’re doing this because bro try to scare us on Minecraft Royal Proto yeah Royal Proto game cuz blood wanted just to have a nice time Mining and just dies to a p DW hey what

Happened yo yo yo whoa where is he yo I’m here where’s here what wait dude you’re invisible man yes uhoh wait stand in that you know what I’ll make this a little easier go stand get I think he’s guys I think he’s gone I think he’s gone bro what

You bro got admin hacks you know what he’s still here P I know you’re still here and you’re weding and you’re laughing to your stream right now trolling oh yeah he is here [ __ ] guy oh God you know what P pen 100 I didn’t give a [ __ ] oh yeah yeah

He’s got he’s got a spawn egg oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my game’s moving whoa whoa whoa why am I moving whoa whoa whoa I’m stuck moving whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa a oh I’m screwed oh no it’s J oh my God okay I was wondering I was moving okay it was per what the freak was that dude what kind of thing can you do to make you move oh that’s funny as hell dude that guy’s just vibing over there is he te- posing [Applause] oh my God I have decent experience yo hi yo that’s funny dude I’m actually dying dude oh my god oh how did you put how did you get this yeah he did you did spot a lot yeah oh my god dude so were the ones in the caves

Natural when which ones are fake okay so here’s the thing I found out you can they only spawn like once every 40 minutes so you have to start spawning them in yourself so see gave me admin and I’ve injured okay okay that is funny though that is

Funny it’s probably for the best D killed them though they were planning on murdering you oh okay okay yeah I can’t wait to see this on the clip Channel though oh my God what was I doing yeah I was getting map work I made a diamond I was making a

Diamond shovel I don’t know where that went there it is all right so back I can go now we’re free from uh do shananigans be did that that’s good man I I thought it’d be hard honestly if we just keep on adding like secret mods that are for it’s kind of

Worth that’s so good that’s so good cave dweller okay so basically we need to clear this map so we’re need to break all these trees okay so we probably need a diamond sh axe as well and that’s so funny that’s so funny I love this mod so much man it was I

Thought it’d be hard yeah I didn’t think it’d be easy to beat day one but whenever whenever things just get too peaceful you just you just spot a new mod and we’re not adding a new mod pack until uh the next week so we’ll probably be stuck with the cave Dillers for a

Whole week all right let’s see let’s see we’re going to make an ax oh do I not have sticks shoot one two now we got to get the parasite mod what is that I don’t I’ve never heard of the parasite mod all right though that was funny though

That was funny as hell good stuff good day all right so basically our goal is we need to clear everything of this map make it flat right and then I can build a Nar here really big and then uh I’ll be able to give to everyone oh freak I can’t do that on

This one I might need another one cuz this has they little little shore on there we kind of need the sugarcan farm right yeah honestly it look really bad if I did it here yo where bad he’s invisible I don’t know where he is son of a [ __ ] where is this

[ __ ] Okay so is there way to reset a map or do I need to make a new one cuz uh you need a compass for a freaking map and that’s that’s cringe who’s on the server uh that basically everybody yo yeah what if everyone put them on their heads and we all just

Ambushed that would be a way to go out all right so here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to collect a bunch of these heads around don’t even let daa know about this right yeah I I won’t say anything friends tell everyone about this plan because yeah next time I see

Per and he’s not spawning C ders uh we can do that it’d be funny just saying that’s a moment all right all right we’ll keep it we’ll keep them in the back all right cool all right meet up with the others yeah yeah yeah how can we do a battle royale for

2K milk I’d have to I would have to shut off the bot to do that I don’t really want to shut it off right now okay so what was I doing uh yeah I need a new map cuz this map is it’s got too much of the base on it I should

Probably do the map part a little bit away from base honestly it might be best to use a place in the ocean yeah yeah yeah that’s probably smart right okay so to make a new map we need a compass and paper so let’s go do that let’s see are you secretly a

Chicken burger no I can I can confirm that I’m a chicken sandwich no we do Battle Royale normally we can’t do a normal Battle Royale we haven’t done Battle Royale today right so that’s not a big deal hi you s you’re sorry you made it so late don’t worries don’t worries we

Still have a bit of we still have a lot to go we have like the rest of CBS andp for like another hour and then after CBS SMP we have a uh we have another stream so don’t worry if you’re late PR mod some sort of virus infects other animals tur

Into parasite version of themselves that is absolutely terrifying I I don’t know if I want that cuz it might get rid of a green sheep oh but I will I’ll bring it up I’ll bring up the concept I would have to ask C do okay okay we need a compass

Though oh pear chicken sandwich let’s go Paris here okay let’s see so what was I looking for uh yeah we have we need Redstone and uh stuff for a compass so we might need iron I don’t know if I need that on me I think we have enough Redstone yet just one

Redstone four iron I don’t know if I actually have iron think I’ve used all of it yeah two iron freak okay okay we can go check peish chest see if he has any iron we only need two cuz I have two so let’s go check let’s see I wonder if P’s going to

Get anything else while he’s admin imagine per sneaks in some uh admin tools there’s DOA heads oh that’s a cat I was like who is that I could do the secret chest secret chest is iron I think but I thought we had iron here it’s out the thing is pear

Is a ton of iron though but pear is doing his little stick all right all right I’m going to go get it from the secret chest one moment really Li your house thank you thank you it took a long time to build all right secret chest secret chest oh frick oo

All right let me get away let me who is killed red jet that’s funny oh my goodness gracious F done oh my goodness yeah what what a great technical issue all right back we go oh man all right all right so I have uh magnificently gotten uh some uh iron

So we should be back to go Compass time I hate I hate that it’s a compass to build a map though in Java that’s so lame chicken no no chicken Compass we use the sugar can we get that into paper boom and then make a map all right

Great so let’s try to get one that’s like far away from everyone wait did I just get a message no daa was slain by a switch all right 500 deaths Jesus Christ okay let’s see off we go off we go back we’re just doing our own thing they’re off there

Doing like their their maniacal things we’re uh we’re good boys we’re good boys and girls that’s too many I I don’t know how you died that many times but yeah let’s DMP some uh inventory slots off I can probably take a few stacks of uh like deep slate or

Something another chest bam has negative one deaths yeah it’s it’s uh some I think seot did that yeah yeah yeah oddly enough negative 1 deaths isn’t as bad as uh Dana who has over a thousand you know like Jesus I only have 15 and honestly a few

Of them came because uh today with the a little nonsense all right right fre you need two blocks for a chest I’m an idiot God damn it we tried we tried yeah I’ll just dump most of my inventory into the chest then we should be Gucci to

Go then after that we just need to build enough blocks for a full Nara for a map but that’ll be good though especially if people can see it like from the overhead map that’ll be good that’ll be good oh that is that is a goal has venom winning

Cuz goober lost all his money Rabbid dude doesn’t even know how to spend money though so that’s why rabid dude hasn’t bought anything Rabbid dude doesn’t know how to interact with the Bots it’s a little funny right chest there we go let’s see but yeah having a good one

Having a good one SL M cave dweller cave dweller was such a good mod what a good mod oh wait I need that uh we don’t need that uh take that that’s goed we’ll keep the diamonds on us yeah yeah we have just the basics protection three keep on mind enchanted

Books cuz these are worth a lot the chicken burger cuz you you never know let’s hold up the rest of the deep slate and then we’ll come back later on rabit do thinks he’s going to get trophies without gambling you’re not going to get without gambling look at how much more

Uh money venom has gambling is the the only way to like Mass himount money through natural time I don’t think rapid dude’s aware of tropia though let’s be real all right all right what are we doing what are we doing right right deep late all right bra brain just like completely like

Skipped it little little knowledge thing yeah that should be enough okay bull boys girls and goblins time to go build a little giant slab on the map one that takes up an entire map in size so uh let’s get far away enough that ideally there won’t be like

Anything like on our map it’ll just be us but we should be good let us see let us see you want to be good at any other type of art you’re stuck with pixel arts pixel arts different than regular art that’s the thing that’s the thing people good at

Regular art good at pixel art people good at pixel art aren’t good at regular Arts cuz uh pixel Art’s more about shape and lighting well regular or it’s a lot about the uh the lines and the shapes you know it’s a lot about being able to sketch all that well you don’t really

Need smooth uh that’s the smooth hand for regular art that uh pixel art I mean what am I trying to say yeah pixel art pixel Art’s completely different though it just it’s just a different logic make narrow map part yeah yeah that’s what we’re doing oh

Man all right boys girls in gum but scream fire in the hole no I don’t play Geometry Dash I don’t even know like the the joke behind that but yeah we we want to make a giant Nara I wanted I wanted to fill up a map

So I can like put on walls and stuff so I need to make a background to put it on and I I’ll probably do that over in Ocean so nobody nobody like cares so I’m can to be honest if I clear a giant chunk of land and put Cobblestone over

It people might get pissed the J is a sound effect that’s it it’s a little unfunny cuz I I hear it everywhere everybody’s just talking about it but uh it was just the sound effect it’s not really anything crazy all right put that down Boop vom Vortex won 20,000 from the

Slots no way no way that’s a lot holy let’s look at the map yeah so that that looks like an ocean so we just need to go deep enough into the ocean that nothing else will be on the map hell yeah then we have enough deep slate to

Ideally fill off an entire little chamber o also I don’t know if per can see where everyone is on the map I think he can teleport to people though oh my goodness gracious that’s fun that’s fun there we go now we’re in the map just got to go deep enough that we don’t

Have anything else in the mini map someone left the game Royal par did oh is he logging off is his stream over well at least that means no more cave ders suffering is over all right we’re pretty FL we pretty FL we should be good let’s go a little

Deeper though also per saying something about how like the map expanded did it it was the 15,000 last time actually we’re like 150 blocks away from the uh the little Edge and I actually don’t see anything ha what’s your real name hacked I was born inside of a computer yeah the

World border was expanded what that’s that’s that’s cracked that’s cracked oh my God yeah we don’t see the board well then I think this would be a good spot to build it yep there we go and no one should care about this that’s fine all right there we go now let’s get

Cobble down and get going pair done yeah yeah yeah okay so we just need to build a pillar up and then we should be good we’re good map are beginning great great great w feels to be a bit short staffed right right oh I have to light up this area

Too cuz they’re freaking enemies that’s fine that that’s a that’s a part for later wait I can put the map in the other hand that’ll that’ll save me some trouble okay I do like that the map in the off hand is very small it helps me out

Is there a faster way to do this do we just have to do this all Jesus Christ I mean they did this in the the Bas fond so I guess it’s not that weird wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I’m an idiot guys look at the map it’s already a solid

Color uh maybe no no I kind I kind of want the I kind of want to block it all we can block it all we how long would this take blocking off an entire map it could take a while but it can also be really quick I don’t

Think we have enough blocks guys this a lot bigger than I imagined we’re already almost out of a stack too long this this would take this would be more than a stream okay so that’s the limit that’s how far we have to go oh shoot I don’t have a pickaxe

No I wish should what should you make in pixel art you should make Nara simple as that where did APO go APO can’t be around forever you guys scared them away you’re too scary yeah this might have been a bad idea huh where did your luck go you spend it all

Okay is there is there a better way to do this what’s the fastest way to like do this without like falling off over and over this is a little bit faster but I could misplace a block by it I’m messy we’ll have to see this is just going to take so many

Blocks good thumbnail let’s go let’s go thank you I mean I drew all i r the art for my thumbnails all right uh you know we’ll worry about the misplace blocks later I I don’t have a pickaxe that takes way too long deep light it’s so hard to

Break okay so let’s make an entire row let’s actually build the entire shape out so you just have to fill it in that’s a lot easier there we go you might have to put up a sign saying don’t build here this this is kind of of a private

Project daa tried to swim in lava that’s fun daa just getting more deaths all right boys girls and gum the post stream after this though is going to be fun I’m kind of excited to see how that goes man the uh the Pokemon with the uh the custom little thingy imagine just

Crashes oh I tested it before and it should work but love to see love to see all right boys sleeping through the night nice that saves me a lot cuz basically what I’m building is just a giant platform for enemies to spawn on and I also don’t want to get mer by

Drowns oh wow what are the odds the drowns all spawned is that a fishing run hello there buddy okay knockback is not the play for drowns hit me DRS really there’s three of them so as soon as you go in water they all they all just sink when you’re out of

The all right I guess I guess I’ll have to do this freaking drowns hi P chat so Cur yeah that that’s par chat for you the more viewers you have the more of a HP mind it becomes you eat chicken burger no way so do I grilled burger with

Cheese oh W that heals a lot whoa that’s crazy okay that is a lot of saturation that might be the best food item in the game ha you is a piggy guy been a little while we’re just making a build we’re making a build we’re doing a thing good evening indeed indeed

Indeed all right let’s do some of this what are you building I’m building a giant platform so I can do map art right basically by doing this off I can basically build a custom piece of uh map with whatever I want on it right and I’m going to build a Nara and that

Means I can put it in an item frame and that’s that’s the fun part all right now we’re off map Great okay so let’s just build the border now one by one oh you have an idea you’re all challenging yourself to get tropus don’t try to get tropus you’re not going to

Get it you’re not going to get tropus tropus is like he he’s designed not to be possible to get you’re not going to get him another 20K that’s wild map part’s really cool it is it is I have to scale Nara up a little bit

In order to make it fit like I might have to make each pixel like three times the size but we can do it we can do it maybe four times the size hopefully I don’t run out of space that’ll be annoying so I’m going to need

I’ll need a lot more blocks in the traditional narrow build when to build it here I might I’m going to run out of deep slate as well we have to go back to the mines back what do you miss uh nothing nothing we’re just making deep slate uh little

Panel that’s B Venom he stingi so true oh freak I have I have to build on that one isn’t it it’s fun it’s fun people are going to see this on the map and be like what the H what the hell is that have you heard of the company 690s I have not

No this is going to be a long day man today was interesting though today was very interesting I got acting like he isn’t greedy what do you mean what have I done that’s greedy name one thing I’ve done that’s greedy are you going to go you’re only in for a minute and have

A good rest stream well thanks for coming as long as you did piggy guy what do you mean I’m greedy Venom what’s up JD howdy I I take all Venom’s milk I don’t I don’t want to that that’s mean I don’t want to abuse my admin

Powers APO is back it’s true APO is the goat for uh Community uh helping Buton left right all right we got a bit of a way to go do a battle with all of vom’s money so true man abuse your admin Powers I’m too nice I’m too nice I would never sumon

Cage Willers on your server I give you full permission you’re a mod what did you miss so per is the one so me the the cave rollers which is really funny uh but what we’re now is we’re building a giant platform so we can do cave art I mean not cave art map

Art oh my God yo what’s up Hess welc stream rachu so we’ll probably be doing this for the until I run out blocks there’s probably some more blocks we’ll have to go mining for it but we’ll worry about that later all right you’re filling your map

Yes yes I am entire map with uh blocks nothing to say just wanted to pop in and say hi well thanks for visiting holness glad to see you incoming rain well that’s good that’s good love a good raid all right let’s take more of these one two

Three let’s see one of the best chicken burger uh S&P members we take that we take that I appreciate that oh my goodness gracious I’m here I’m here just trying to do my thing and like the world around us is just crumbling whether it’s the Walmart cult the battle arena or

Something else where nightmare member for five months love to see that did I go too far or is it this one all right let’s fill this in though so we got like half the map like circled around we’ll need a little bit more to fully Circle it around but we are making good

Progress all right nice if we do get rid I do wonder who it is I think a few people ended around this time like peir peir peir left I don’t know if he ended bundon left I I don’t know which one it could be all right let’s see bam right bam R

Of all rides all right we take that we take that let’s go all right well out of out of all the streams the one the yeah the guy placing deep slay yeah that’s a good one to watch bam well then well I haven’t gotten the little ping yet but

Yeah there it is there it is bam thank you for the raid and welcome all of you from Bam’s Channel I would ask what you were playing but like you know I’m I’m going to make a wild guess and say you were from chicken burger SMP but yo

Welcome Road chanos glad you could all join uh yeah we’re just right now we’re building a giant like thing on the map so that we can do some map art down the line so you know we we just placing a lot of deeps late but glad you guys

Could all join hopefully you all had a great time from your stream you were all just in oh my goodness gracious all right are we good or am I one block too much I think we’re good actually let’s go but yeah it’s going pretty

Well let’s go love to see it love to see it oh yeah yeah great great looks good let’s grab those well the stream today watch you’re the most entertaining thank you very much I appreci appreciate that you could be lying but just saying nice things is just always a nice thing to

Do all right hopefully all of you from Bam’s Channel were having a good time ideally I mean I don’t know I don’t know if I’m doing the most interesting thing but uh this is what this is what we decided to do today but yo welcome all right oh my God

191 I was like yeah I saw I saw the view count jumped to 60 I was like okay that’s fair no 191 yo Bam Bam was cooking with the viewers love to see it love to see it all right well any of you all that are new I would love if you

Left a like on the video if you know if you want to be a good person and if you want to be an extra nice person you can always leave a subscription but that’s totally optional don’t feel pressured if you don’t want to I just appreciate you

All visiting by saying hi cuz honestly that’s all that matters 260 more friends yeah dude kind of wild I love to see it love to see it welcome all of you bam had two rids oh bam got raed twice before it that makes sense it’s all

Adding up pass this on to someone I okay here’s the thing though I was doing I was going to do a stream after after this and I was planning on uh I was I have another stream after this though so I wasn’t like going anywhere that’s the

Issue cuz after this basically uh before stream I set up another stream that uh cuz I I don’t want to do uh chicken burger all night uh I I put my mascot and do Pokemon Emerald right pass it on later I could pass it on after I do that

That stream’s only going to be two hours I wanted to test out a vertical stream though Thanos see. you all R all right it’s stacked up that makes sense all right let’s get up is that that yeah we’re on the edge of the map yeah we are all

Great love to see it love to see it but yeah what was I saying right right right so I I put my mascot into uh Pokemon Emerald so I’m going to be doing that after this so uh that’s something to look forward to if you’re into Pokemon if not well

Sorry oh you know but I wanted to test out the vertical live streaming I don’t know if you’ll know but that’s a new feature YouTube added recently I think I think we can go one more block forward that’s a new you uh new feature YouTube added recently and it seems like

It’s really good for growth we’ll have to see though how do you have member uh we have very nice people who gift members every now and then so if you’re active in the Stream just somewhat you uh you’ll probably get a view eventually who you mean smash I mean King DDD pris

Shorts yes that’s that’s the whole gimmick of the uh the vertical live streams oh there there’s just a good chance they’ll be in shorts and because of that they’re just the wide appeal to that like one of the biggest issues with YouTube right now is that it’s really

Hard to like get yourself out there on streams on streams obviously like shorts and videos it’s a lot easier to get yourself out there so for a streamer vertical live stream is actually an incredibly like new tool cuz it it is a tool to get yourself out there that

Wasn’t there beforehand so glad YouTube’s working on new stuff what are you doing right now uh I am filling in basically this map with all deep SL so I can do some uh map art all right level good build project yeah it’ll probably take a while we might have to go back to

The mines and get some stuff so this probably won’t be finished today because I I’ve already I’ve already gone through several stacks of deep slate like all those m lots of my inventory were Stacks in deep slate we we’ve barely made the full circle but it should be fine it should be

Fine all right people got members from AP uh today uh like 10 right as long as as long as you’re just decently active APO will give you some it’s it’s by luck we we can’t we don’t pick and choose who gets them but uh you you’ll probably get

It eventually as long as you stay high enough guys do a battle royale we could do a battle royale right now the bot hasn’t like broken down so before the bot like poops itself cuz it Maxes it out 80 people someone can do a battle royale it stopped recognizing members I

Thought I said hi Oh I thought I said hi shoot I was disgusing something else though just subed love to hear it love to hear it Brighton he’s becoming a big YouTuber no no no no oh we’re not big we’re not big we only have like 11k Subs oh we do have

Something really good happening it’s sans’s undertale sans’s undertale real real ah ah ah I clicked off S undertale real the technical error is is mine I made my own technical error what are you building yeah yeah see the map on my left hand that’s what we’re uh we’re filling it up

So I’m going to make a little map art of my mascot and I can put that wherever I want on the map with little item frames and everything that’ll be fun you’re too scared for the new phase of hack it can go well or it can go

Poorly as long as we going wisely like uh with what we’re doing right now we shouldn’t have any problems all right it might be easier to go all the way around and that’ll work that way we don’t ACD like misplace like a block that would

Suck B sent me in you’re glad for it some love to hear it gry bits love to hear it appreciate it wait this isn’t bam oh were you were you sleeping or something in B sleep uh bam stream you didn’t know he ended it but yeah all right all right let’s see

Sleeping through this night thank God oh my God the issue with building a giant Stone slate though is that enemies can just uh spawn didn’t cot raid bam as far as I’m aware bam was raided by cot Dano and per I don’t know from what what I’m told

Like all all the raids were like stacking up and so we just we just got the end of the stick now love the music yeah yeah Del music is so good it is so good man field of hopes and dreams I don’t know if it’s the best in my opinion but

It is like one of the best relaxing ones like we’re just chilling oo what’s one plus one guys I I haven’t taken a math class in years I don’t plan on it uh don’t ask me math questions oh freck we do have to go one mon more anyways

See do left all right all right the numbers are dwindling yo we had like a stack of people earlier we have dropped down quite a bit all right that’s fine that’s fine slowly but surely we almost had the full circle done how you doing if you say cheeseborger you will sub well then

Well then you tried power world yes I’ve tried power world uh Power world was fun I put like 20 hours into it but I think when power you start getting like the iron iron just too much of a pain in the butt to get after that I it was just

Like slowing down who’s better Lancer Rousey Lancer easily dude Rousey takes off the hat and he looks like a stupid idiot I mean maybe that’s kind of me oh man but yeah L Lancer is actually a goed character one of my one of my favorite characters in the deln series have you

Heard the Pano music I’ve heard it of some of the songs not all of them you have a super nice and coming voice appreciate that appreciate that all right get let’s get some more Stacks let’s see oo what’s crazy just respond you just change your favorite streamers that’s

Fun that’s fun all right let’s keep on going let’s keep on going Chris or suie Chris I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s Chris sorry let’s see how was your week uh this was a really stressful week for me honestly I was really busy the last two days with like homework and stuff that’s

Why I haven’t streamed last two days and then on Wednesday I actually had a job interview that was fun I mean I think I did well but uh definitely stressful definitely stressful because let’s say you mess that up that that can theoretically ruin your life or make your life ideally ideally the job

Interview won’t be too important you know never know maybe maybe YouTube will do well and I don’t have to worry about that but uh unfortunately as you can see I’m a tiny little tiny little man so still got to do the uh the real work right what character do you relate to

The most in Deltron relate to the most okay so there there’s this character in Deltron named hacker and I was just like damn he’s literally me for real oh so yeah obvious obviously there like when when uh they added the uh the new area with hacker in it I changed my

Profile picked to him for like a few weeks or something oh man what was your job interview I was interviewing for uh SLB they’re a uh they are formerly known as Slumber J don’t know if that’s more familiar to you but uh they do like oil

And stuff all right finally we have a full box now we got to go what’s your favorite YouTuber uh okay the YouTubers I like the most are like Matt I mean I watch game three a lot as I don’t watch him as much anymore I watch a lot of

Lwig though Point Crow and uh what was the other one Scott the w and that’s usually what I say I don’t want to like narrow it down to one cuz they’re all good they all do different things all I do is like my go-to like for like variety streaming pcro for like Nintendo

Streaming and then Scott to was probably makes like the highest quality videos out there PVG PVG is another one I watch as a kid but I don’t watch him that much anymore sometimes they like Benes videos but I’m I’m not like sitting there like waiting for the new PBG drops you know

But I do respect PBG so much he’s one of the reason we’re doing everything we do what do you think about Paris content I think a lot about Paris content because I work if you’re from Bam’s Channel or something something uh you may not know but I’m like pe’s like IRL like friend

So I I work a lot with pair plany Zelda so what’s your favorite I do play a lot of Zelda I’ve played all the main Series games except four Swords Adventures and like yeah I think it’s the only one I haven’t played and uh love it uh although my first one was ar

Time I’m a little nostalgic to it so ar time might be my favorite you’re a bam friend let’s go let’s go let’s go more buddies more buddies all right someone’s waiting the next stream if somebody’s in the next stream tell tell them that the link is in the pin commented this

One oh man now we just going to keep on building this is going to take freaking forever oh will it be worth it I don’t even know I don’t even know I have to make sure this is really big but what’s going to be funny is that this will be

Visible on the map and that’s really all that matters switches back yo right how was your day though my day was rather it was good it was good I saw a friend I haven’t seen in years so that was good oh visited uh so he’s like a

Few years younger than me cuz we met through Boy Scouts of all things right and uh he was coming to like check out the college cuz it’s apparently it’s like open like the open day for like younger people to come so he was checking that out I got to see him for

The first time in years and that’s fun to see what are you building giant just a giant stone slab right now how’s bows on your shell okay if you put exclamation mark sit you can sit down and Luigi and Bowser for the bot have custom sit animations I haven’t

Made a Sit animation for any of the other characters awesome stream you love it anyways yeah if you haven’t left a like though I always appreciate it does help other people find it I believe it does I I don’t actually know if it does but I

Believe it does heard the song Blue no I have not blue eyes I I I don’t really listen to music very much sorry about that that might be like a sin but I’m not a really big music guy my main media I listen to is like games I’m lame uh

Like when I’m doing like my homework I’m just like let’s just find like calm relaxing game music if I’m feeling spicy you might search up Pokemon or fire em but like whatever oh works together you’re working a huge Minecraft medeval town what block should you use for the roof for roofs

Ooh H maybe go like some stone block Cobblestone is a pretty common like medieval themes although maybe it’s roads hard to say hard to say what you would use as a roof cuz I don’t really build much buildings I’m kind of a goober I build uh I build giant stone slabs in the

Ocean all right all right all right I forgot I had that I need to get a pickaxe and come back here shoot listen to undertale Loi that doesn’t sound bad not bad not bad I do listen to the under soundtrack uh every now and then Toby Fox is a genius at his

Works you know don’t know how he does it do into the stream all right Another One Bites the Dust although do is still on stream I mean on the the map let’s see you just subb love to hear it love to hear it oh my C I mean it’s

It’s one block I I don’t faking care let’s see let’s see back we go back we go I got distracted accidentally pressing the Q button this is such a big project dude I had like a billion stacks of uh deep slay I’m about to run out hi yo what’s

Up girl star AB I had so many stacks and I’ve barely done anything what are you building giant slab in the ocean holy shoot dude this is so big I’ve barely made any progress how do you join as a member uh either get gifted it by a kind viewer or or you

Spend 99 Cents those are the only options all right this is so big but but we have we have it fully squared off can you shout me out I mean I can say hi tomart Harry a Harry there you go but uh don’t know don’t know if uh that really works

My kind viewer usually means your pair yeah AP and pair really the only ones who uh send uh members how big is the slab supposed to be it’s the size of the map I’m holding in my left hand that way uh whenever I put it in like people’s uh

Bases or something it’ll be like a full picture chees yo what is up pair wel to stream BR chacho I’m working on that map art I was telling you about earlier or at least the base of it uh I’m running out of deep slate though which is

Insane all right she list in Metallica not really my kind of thing my sister Us in them but uh not my kind of thing all right when we get rid of this we’ll probably go back to the base we have about 30 minutes before the next stream though so we’ll probably work on

This for the rest of the stream man the the the Dwellers was such a good thing though that was so good I don’t know how you convince like SE or whatever to help you do that like absolutely goated concept yeah we have two more God damn

It all right I do have a stack of like diamonds we what we may do is just go mine for like deep slate in the mines peon it was so good all right all right you kept it a secret from me yeah that’s fair though that’s fair

Though honestly I respect I respect I understand why you’re saying like make sure to record and everything all right I was wondering what the big deal was going to be I thought it was like Walmart or something related all right all right we got this we got this say hi hello there Anonymous

Lives unless you’re saying hi to pear oh you’re saying 100 PA God damn it God damn it oh man there we go there we go almost there almost the end almost the end let’s see I feel bad for all like the fish living on here we’re just like

Bringing like the darkness into the world what’s the highest level level you’ve ever got in Minecraft oh I I think I’ve killed the Ender Dragon like before and that drops a lot right although I’ve only killed the Ender Dragon in multiplayer so like I never

Got all the experience all at once so I don’t actually know what the highest level is very well I could be this could be the highest level ever been cuz we been plan on keep inventory right that’s overpowered as hell where’s Jelly Bean uh Jelly Bean’s usually not on during

Like the main stream time and I don’t know if I want Jelly Bean on cuz Jelly Bean’s scary I don’t so those of you from the other streams you may not know but I tried to murder Jelly Bean and ever since that Jelly Bean and C have been like whenever Jelly

Bean gets on C turns into a different person and they basically try to like assassinate me and uh they they’ve done a good job with that cuz Cena is the strongest person in the server and then with like another little helper just for the extra damage it is almost impossible to

Win all right let’s see let’s see and then that’s that let’s go get some more blocks all right all right hi hack hello there Deno red team effort yeah yeah so I can’t really do anything you don’t even try to fight back I can’t they have

Stronger gear we need jelly head we do need jelly beans head but we’ll have to come in like with a smarter way we can’t just simply like attack we either have to negotiate or like TNT some some sort of like strategy because TNT will ignore any armor enchantments unless they have

Blast protection but nobody uses that because out of TNT the only other thing that hits you with blast protection is creepers right so uh blast protection is not really the best bet we need TNT bro we do need TNT at least down the line for other things wait why am I leaving the

Boat all right we do need TNT all right firework crossbows that is explosions really huh I didn’t know that all right all right all right sneak in a nuke data pack oh my God oh my God maybe down the line honestly that’s not a bad idea oh my goodness gracious how I

Nuked the chicken burger SMP is already like the best video concept out there oh man all right dude that that’s such a good idea that’s such a good idea oh stupid skeleton stupid bony man he’s got a bone to pick with me oh my God I’m just trying to get deep slate

Man all right what’s your favorite food I’m going to be honest Sushi is Peak those of you like people out there like e it’s raw fish and and it is a delicious raw fish love myself some uh salmon some other things say hi to Nara over

There oh guys guys whenever you see one of these and somebody streams I need you to say say hi uh say hi to n whenever that happens I need you all to do it whenever whenever someone walks by one of them it is it is the law of the

Land godon alone makes us a very strong Alliance it’s very good the books dude the thing is fishing rods only bring up level 30 books so oh who’s that yo sedon howdy what brings you around here sleep okay let me get the uh the boat first

Uh oh there’s a trident Dr ooh hold on well then well then a throwaway joke what is that is that the Trident did he actually get the Trident I did not wait then what was that bounc off of my shield oh so that’s what that achievement is okay

Anyways hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who we had an alliance why bro I’m trying to build you’re so dumb I I didn’t I mean it’s it’s after everybody leaves why do you try St I’m trying to be nice I’m trying to be

Nice oh I can attack him it’s not going to work he has better gear he has Pro four and everything since you’re decided to play Pokemon now we still have 30 minutes more of be uh that the good old disconnect I’m not going to win plus

This is this is what Jelly Bean did when I tried to fight the weakness I’m trying to be nice H I’m not going to win a 1 V one PVP he has better gear he has better gear oh ha you’re so weak I don’t have proc four armor on everything oh my

Goodness I I don’t know if he’s still there he might be setting something up there might there might be some gimmick oh I know I know he’s willing to wait he’s willing to wait it’s okay to run what am I supposed to do oh my goodness gracious all I think the how I

Nuked the chicken burger S&P video is valid it is I’m being bullied by the Admin oh my goodness do we do we do we hop on do we do we he’s probably still there he’s almost certainly still there he could even be watching this right now he’s he’s coming he’s chasing it right

Now it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine go go go go go go go go go I could drown it yes it’s fine go back home go back home it’s fine I know I’m drowning he’s over there go go go go go go go go go go you

Keep inventory yes if we didn’t have keep we’re going to remove keep inventory when we get to the nether but oh he’s coming he’s coming too God Dam it oh my God drown Dr drown yeah yeah let let me get far away enough why I why is this happening oh he’s rapidly approaching

The location how’s it how’s it going leave you’re not welcome here you’re going to drown if you keep doing that come on come back up bro what the oh yeah we spawn here oh my God you’re actually attacking I’m not going to kill him oh he’s not going to

Die is the sound playing he was chasing me oh my god oh Jesus Christ let me get the music back on what the freak what’s happening we uh we have a bounty on us c not want a murderous for Jelly Bean this is an awful spot oh my God they just they just

Cleaved the road right in half fix your armor oh yeah my armor is low isn’t it those dwellers shredded my is that is that the McDonald’s huh no this is the McDonald’s right MC jellies yo yo I’m in VR oh you’re in VR yo let’s Peak

Yo the controls are so weird yeah it probably is best part is like best part is like wait do you actually swing your arm yeah you swing your arm oh that’s face as hell yeah also uh switch I don’t know if you know the situation but seed’s been trying to murder me

Oh has been trying to kill as well oh redjet as well I want to test if this works can I like uh like hit you like twice real quick I want to see if that’s fine yeah you shouldn’t kill me yeah yeah it works I think it that’s a little unfortunate so you’re

Probably a little bit weaker in combat don’t have oh you don’t have cool down okay yeah I can this yeah that’s kind of like I played like another uh I played fall in VR and like since you didn’t have like the swing animation you could just kind of

Like get inside of an enemy and just like shake your hand and they just instantly die try this oh what I’m a little guy you’re not a little guy you’re just laying on the ground oh really yes you’re just laying on the ground I did the thing wait so what if I

What I like this hacked I what hacked what’s up what do you want from me do you have any sticky pistons no do you know do you like know where there’s like a swamp or something yes oh could you tell me where uh yeah it’s in the top right of the map top

Right like what coordinates we talking about uh uh top right top right I’m looking top right oh I see it okay yeah all right thank you wait what the like you C oh I haven’t tried teleporting yet I don’t know what does it look like like if I

Over here it uh it just looks like you like kind of like warp around like you’re just like shifting really fast yeah it looks like you’re lagging around with that the VR is so trippy dude that’s cool how do wait I’m going to try to do the thing um I hold on so

Lay and then iight oh you’re tiny now yeah you’re tiny again oh tiny yeah let’s go it worked pull yo this is goated yeah you no wait what does the camera do it doesn’t show yeah I have no idea how this works I don’t know how it yeah this is really

Weird but it’s kind of fun so when you’re tiny can you go through one by one blocks I’ll try it so yeah try going through that Cate there I think I’m small am small yeah can you go yeah you’re small right now okay so you’re still two blocks tall

You’re just visually smaller okay I don’t know but I know I oh my God yeah you can Crouch oh that’s overpowered cuz we can’t uh normal people can’t Crouch without a trap door yeah yeah that that’s actually really good for like uh that explains how Bam

Gets into his base oh my god oh that I see oh my go you like yeah uh yeah yeah it’s it looks like it’s blocking wait did did that hit or was it blocked yeah it’s still hitting if I put it up oh yeah that was a shieldon and yeah

Yeah I want to play like this so bad but the yeah I haven’t I haven’t got the Waypoint to work yet how do you how do you even use it is it a command or do you like right click who was that oh it’s C over there so what’s the difference between I

That hold on so if you do this and you go oh no the command for teleporting is not working yeah I think it’s not working oh I don’t know about for Tel I mean like for the visual oh I did it I moved it like one BL I imag play

Combat problem I can’t comat yeah wait now playing Samuel aberg what is that se do much not your music a it it says I have it’s Beneath The Mask final right hello hey guys yeah I don’t know what’s up with my resource back then I have it

Enabled I get that weird the the the creepy music here we go hack what is this water yeah just water well thank you C for bringing us all around um yeah I like I like the C dude I have I was telling my chat earlier I love the cafe I like thank

You I wasn’t tell I’ll take a glass once once you’re done right uh Royal Proto was telling me like uh how it was you know suspicious of me for um helping to build Walmart and he was like did you help with the cafe too and I’m like no no no I don’t

Claim anything in the cafe though I wish I could cuz man this this place is beautiful thank you I once once we have access to the nether I think I’ll swap the floor for quartz and I’ll be like the cherry on top yeah oh nice I like I like the

Calite though yeah I don’t know it’s kind of growing on me but we’ll have I’ll have to mix a match and see yeah here let me put on let me put on that music disc from before I no you don’t have to like it’s I like the without music’s fine it’s

Like no it’s all right uhhuh yeah see does this does this music like Inspire anything you see out or anything like you I mean it’s from Xeno Blade 3 it’s like my favorite game so I just thought I’d put it in you know okay I got you I

Got you yeah yeah um yeah so are you a Xenoblade X enjoyer thoughts on that one hold me just uh oh yeah Xeno is great oh huge huge are you Xeno Blade 3 enjoyer I like I like all the games in the series but X

Is my favorite yeah X is X goes crazy yeah later Yeah yeah that’s that’s how five craft Works y that is how so is switch really quiet for anybody else yeah it’s I’m really away I’m myad oh dang yeah can you like wait if you just sit down on the ground can you like can you meet me outside quickly outside I I

Don’t know if I want to go outside hold on hold on switch can can you watch can you watch see want to bring me outside table see she don’t want to talk I I don’t know if I want to go outside uh hey he his eyes hey switch switch Swit I want

Test line Swit come here I want test L just just just watch just watch to make sure nothing happens hello what’s up oh you got that too yo how’s it going whoa your sounds so trippy that’s so cool dude actually mine’s on my soundboard wa mine too your sounds kind of

Robotic look who’s talking I know right anyways hacked uh so why you have the map out oh what’s that for oh I’m building map art oh building map yeah it’ll take a while though I’m building a big base first so I can actually put the

Map art on top of that what uh like what blocks you need uh I just need deep slate I need inventory versus deep slate I just I just need so much more deep slate yeah I I just need so much de I’ve already gone through a chest map map art

Is nine um nine chunks by nine chunks right uh oh it is is it back it’s a lot though it’s a lot though I’m building a Big Slab and then I’m going to put the art on top of it that’s cool well there’s some in here

That you can use hold on yeah if you have like any deep SL I’ll take all that I’m sure anyone who goes mining should have there’s four Stacks in here yo seot do you have all those Dasa heads I don’t I get up y um yo I know there’s somebody who’s wanted

To kill per earlier I don’t remember who it was but um wait what who was per you should do it I’m an a major are you crying switch who wants to kill me yes I mean since he knows go it on no I’m good okay you’re durability right yeah oh crap

Dang oh yeah that totem was from the uh the raid we did yeah or a raid you guys did yeah we did it by ourselves nice although I bet even with that I could I could still come out on top but sa may maybe that’s kind of

That’s kind of the scary your armor is goded oo why one block of wool I don’t know per you want to go to the Coliseum and have a friendly friendly Bel I know a place with mending if you need it wait mending yeah uh right now straight South for my exact

Position so is a it’s a mining villager right no I just I just realized to the Coliseum oh no the map got reset after the update no I traveled the every corner of the map no dude that sucks wait did it not no it didn’t carry

Over my map is empty it didn’t carry why would it not carry over like that why yeah why would it I thought I made it so it would carry over it doesn’t make any sense I have the entire I like I filled out the entire map for this purpose but guess not oh

No no C No sound like bam it sound like bam yeah oh yeah yeah P you weren’t talking at all noar no oh oh you want me to do the thing that b that’s yeah all right well I’m going to head back to base so we can like uh finish her thing

Up because uh we need to we need to go back to base and after that uh we got to go transfer over everyone to the next room oh all right why only mods in members chanting well we have a lot of members because APO gives a lot of uh

Little memberships out if you’re just active enough you’ll probably get one and then everyone who’s not a member is you know we just we have mods and the mods are actually being active today which is rare sometimes oh man see. left redet left all right don’t forget about next stream

Yeah yeah I need to I need to go get back to my other house though because I kind of like ending near the house like I’m actually not like a mile away whenever that happens man yeah see see this is what I’m talking about whenever I’m by myself

With cut C Do’s terrifying but if somebody else it’s fine it’s fine it’s like no one’s going to believe me that’s the hard part I can convince people to help me kill Jelly Bean but like ca it’s terrifying oh my goodness gracious plus he when peris said like he has a totem

See unironically might be right that like even with a totem it might be impossible to kill him man man man all right right but we will be I’ll be rating my other stream in just a moment oh my goodness see how his two face bro per would believe

You okay PE PE would be fine peir does want the Jelly Bean Head as well but uh we might have to look there a different way murder might not be the option I don’t know why Jelly Bean still uh but that’s still a problem though I gave

Jelly Bean The Sword and we like we resolved off stream right we’re like we’re we’re chill and then I’m I’m just there and you you just goes and murders me it’s terrifying so par no PA watch PA watch yeah but we can’t really do it uh we can’t do anything about it he’s

Terrifying murder murder I can’t murder anyone I’m only being murdered myself all right we need to go reset the bed and then I might go uh close this close this up I I got to go with the next stream started all right respawn Point set all right all

Right okay let’s see so what do we need to do be more confident we can do it we just need to be smart all right all right what do I need to do to set up the next Stream So this stream is ending right next stream starts in 2

Minutes there’s already six people watching the other stream that’s kind of funny all right so let me let me raid that oh my God you have the opportunity to kill him when you had no armor I’m not going to be I’m not trying to create battles I’m not trying to fight people

Rip bye no no we’re not leaving we’re not leaving we’re not leaving it is not good night I’m not going to say audios BR chos because we’re really only getting started we do Battle Royale you want to Battle Royale go to the uh stay for the raid stay for the raid all right

How do I how do I redirect there we go okay so now when stream ends I you’ll all be sent to the next stream and because of that uh yeah give me give me a moment give me a moment all right so be patient be patient when I end stream

You’ll be sent to the next stream and from then on there’s still some stuff that’ll be going on so bonab buy be patient so until then yeah we’re going to we’re going to do Pokemon with my mascot see you around

This video, titled ‘Big Day On The Chicken Burger SMP’, was uploaded by HackedCrusade on 2024-02-11 02:38:51. It has garnered 1126 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:25 or 12505 seconds.

The Only Youtuber Minecraft SMP based on Chicken and Sandwiches.

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    Checkmate: @rizz_app Chess Rizz Shenanigans! 🎮 #shorts In the world of Rizz, where texting is key, Funny stories unfold, for all to see. With chess and Minecraft, the tales take flight, In a world of humor, shining bright. Download the app, for a texting delight, Where stories are told, both day and night. Rizz brings the fun, with a twist in each line, Entertainment galore, in a world so fine. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, For Rizz brings the joy, let the fun begin. Texting stories so funny, in every rhyme, Rizz app is the place, for a good time. Read More

  • Uncovering the Lost Diamond Temple

    Uncovering the Lost Diamond Temple The Quest for the Lost Diamond Temple | Minecraft Adventure Story Embark on an exciting journey with Alex and Steve as they set out to uncover the Lost Diamond of Eternity in the vast world of Minecraft. This action-packed adventure is filled with ancient temples, powerful treasures, and thrilling challenges that will put their courage and teamwork to the test. Will they be able to unlock the diamond’s hidden powers, or will they face devastating consequences along the way? Join them on this epic quest to find out! Exploring Ancient Temples Alex and Steve venture deep into the heart… Read More

  • Villager’s Daring Decision

    Villager's Daring Decision The World of Minecraft Villagers: A Peek into Their Choices🤔 Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where villagers roam and make intriguing choices. From animations to challenges, this game offers a plethora of experiences for players to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts and Memes Delve into the world of Minecraft shorts, where creativity knows no bounds. Players showcase their skills through animations, mods, and funny memes that add a touch of humor to the game. Whether it’s a speedrun challenge or a survival tutorial, there’s always something new to discover in the Minecraft community. Unveiling Rare… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming world by storm. While watching the YouTube video “Presentando Craft World #1 Minecraft,” we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community and endless possibilities that await you on Minewind server. With a vibrant Discord community and a dedicated team of moderators, Minewind offers a unique and immersive Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to explore the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Blocky World: Minecraft 2D Adventure!

    Blocky World: Minecraft 2D Adventure! In a world of blocks and pixels, where creativity reigns, Minecraft in 2D, a challenge for brains. Navigating in straight lines, a unique twist, Exploring new dimensions, can’t resist. The Dani19, our guide in this quest, With humor and skill, he’s truly the best. Sharing Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In rhymes and emojis, let the fun begin. So leap into the verse, with a heart full of glee, Minecraft in 2D, a sight to see. Join the adventure, with The Dani19 in tow, Let’s explore this world, with rhymes that flow. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Guardian Farm Build

    Ultimate Minecraft Guardian Farm Build Building the Largest Guardian Farm in Minecraft Survival Welcome to Episode #12 of SurvivalDeZayvander! Today, we are embarking on the exciting journey of constructing the largest guardian farm in my Minecraft 1.20.4 survival world. This mega-farm is set to revolutionize our gameplay with its staggering production capacity of 600k items per hour, setting the stage for future ambitious projects. Design and Modifications The guardian farm design, crafted by the talented @Shulkercraft, serves as our blueprint for this monumental undertaking. However, we are not afraid to tweak and fine-tune the design to address a crucial issue with the Mob Cap…. Read More

  • Crafty Quiz: Minecraft Flag Fun!

    Crafty Quiz: Minecraft Flag Fun! Welcome, welcome, to our Minecraft show, Where creativity and teamwork flow. Today’s challenge is flags, so let’s dive right in, And see who can create the best flag win. Germany, UK, India, Philippines too, We’ll build them all, with blocks so true. Step by step tutorials, tips galore, Building flags like never before. Join us in the fun, pickaxe in hand, Let’s celebrate culture, across the land. Like, subscribe, and hit that bell, For more content that’s sure to excel. Which flag will reign supreme, in this creative race? Let us know in the comments, your thoughts we embrace…. Read More

  • Creating a Hilarious Minecraft vTuber | Part 3

    Creating a Hilarious Minecraft vTuber | Part 3 Minecraft Player Character vTuber Creation Tutorial Part 3: Building Skeletons and Improving Animations Welcome to the third part of our journey in creating a vTuber based on a Minecraft player character. In this installment, we will focus on refining our model through rapid redevelopment, enhancing our armature skeleton for rigging and animation, and preparing for VRM export. Let’s dive in! Key Tools and Websites Before we begin, let’s familiarize ourselves with the essential tools and websites we’ll be using: Blender: A powerful 3D modeling software – Blender VRM Add-on: An add-on for Blender for VRM export – VRM Add-on… Read More

  • Valkyrae Spills Tea on Momoa’s Set Play, Minecraft Mayhem

    Valkyrae Spills Tea on Momoa's Set Play, Minecraft Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, Valkyrae did share, Jason Momoa’s behavior, oh what a scare! Yelling at the crew, causing quite a stir, In the world of gaming, his actions were a blur. Valkyrae revealed, in an interview so bold, Jason Momoa’s antics, a story to be told. On the set of “A Minecraft Movie,” His behavior was disappointing, oh what a groovy. So next time you’re on set, remember to be kind, In the world of gaming, respect is what you’ll find. Valkyrae’s words, a lesson to be learned, In the world of Minecraft, let respect be returned. Read More

  • The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! 🔥

    The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dadjokes Read More

  • Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz

    Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with GamerFleet! Join fleetbhai as he navigates through various adventures, challenges, and humorous moments in this popular gaming realm. Let’s dive into the exciting highlights of this gaming universe. GamerFleet’s Minecraft Universe GamerFleet, led by fleetbhai, takes players on a rollercoaster ride through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From exploring new terrains to battling formidable foes, the GamerFleet community thrives on excitement and camaraderie. Key Features: fleetbhai’s Adventures: Watch fleetbhai tackle challenges, interact with villagers, and unleash his creativity in building magnificent… Read More

  • Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21! Transforme Seu Minecraft com o Ray Tracing! O Ray Tracing chegou ao Minecraft e está revolucionando a forma como vemos o jogo! Com gráficos impressionantes, reflexos realistas, sombras detalhadas e iluminação global, essa tecnologia leva a experiência de jogo a um novo nível. Neste artigo, vamos explorar como ativar o Ray Tracing em qualquer mundo no seu Minecraft 1.21! Passo a Passo para Ativar o Ray Tracing Ativar o Ray Tracing no seu Minecraft é mais simples do que você imagina. Siga este passo a passo rápido e fácil para transformar seus gráficos: Passo 1: Baixe e instale o… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using ONLY One Color In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-05-13 16:30:07. It has garnered 108715 views and 1728 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:29 or 4889 seconds. Using ONLY One Color In Minecraft! 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short Gameplay

    Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch’, was uploaded by Plafi gaming on 2024-03-18 02:28:45. It has garnered 459 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch Most Dangerous Elevator Minecraft’s new OVERPOWERED Weapon… I Survived 100 Days On a DIAMOND RAFT In Deep Ocean i. IFound Minecraft’s RAREST Armor in Hardcore! (Hindi) 50+ New Things Added to Minecraft 1.21 (Update) DUPING CRATE KEYS on a Pay-To-Win Minecraft Server Why Scary KRASUE ATTACK HOUSE At Night in Minecraft? How This SWORD Made… Read More

  • Monkey Jungle Madness – Minecraft ROBLOX Animation

    Monkey Jungle Madness - Minecraft ROBLOX AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #memes #funny #minecraftmemes #roblox #animation #cartoon #shortsviral #twiddlefinger’, was uploaded by Monkey Jungle Top on 2024-08-03 12:04:13. It has garnered 893 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

    Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trend’, was uploaded by Light Gaming on 2024-01-17 13:35:58. It has garnered 2251 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trending #fyp #shorts #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes Read More

  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

    RyPnt - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? 🤯#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by RyPnt on 2024-05-11 11:59:34. It has garnered 16568 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. In this short, I test different heights that you can fall from! Donate to help support me!: https://withkoji.com/@RyPnt_Gaming Like and sub or your bed will explode. Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3xRmVlZ IGN: RyPnt Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RyPnt_Gaming Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gz… Read More

  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

    World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORLD gets POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-08-05 16:00:41. It has garnered 45528 views and 693 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:03 or 6903 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

    Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs - Top Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Secret Minecraft Resource Packs You’ve Never Seen Before!’, was uploaded by schafty on 2024-09-21 23:30:13. It has garnered 7024 views and 379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Discover unique and underrated Minecraft resource packs that will completely transform your gameplay! From stunning visuals to creative designs, these hidden gems are a must-try for any Minecraft fan. Watch to find your next favorite pack! ———————————————————- Resource packs: Floral Creepers https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/floral-creepers Silly Strider https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/silly-strider HoloLive Gen II Totems https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/hololive-gen-ii-totems Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft House?? Easy Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jack Murphy on 2024-02-16 21:55:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This quick tutorial will show you how to build this super easy Minecraft house! Read More

  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: mcverse.city Website: www.mcverse.city Discord: https://discord.gg/4z6bf9sy44 Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hcpv-7.heppyhost.my.id (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - he's STEVE 😭🌶️Well, at least he’s not square-d of his emotions! Read More

  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

    Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan's Mischief in Minecraft In the city of Minecraft, mischief is afoot, Pranks and trolls, causing quite a hoot. Efekan and his friends, up to no good, Playing tricks on everyone in the neighborhood. But fear not, for we must find a way, To stop these naughty guys, without delay. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, And watch as the story unfolds, one by one. The laughter and chaos, all in good jest, In the world of Minecraft, they are the best. So come along, join the ride, As we navigate through this playful tide. Remember, it’s all in good fun, In… Read More

  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

    Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade “When you try to trade with a villager but all they want is emeralds… like, sorry buddy, my pockets are full of dirt and cobblestone, will that work?” #minecraftstruggles #villagertrades #minecraftproblems #dirtisntcurrency Read More

  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

    The ComBREWter Strikes Again! The ComBREWter Returns!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 10 Introduction The latest episode of Hermitcraft Season 10 brings exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts – the return of the ComBREWter! Zedaph, a prominent member of the Hermitcraft server, introduces a limited edition Zed Plush and gamified Potion Brewing with the new ComBREWter. Limited Edition Zed Plush Fans of Zedaph can now get their hands on a limited edition Zed Plush by visiting Zedaph’s official website. This adorable plush is a must-have for any Minecraft fan looking to add a touch of Zedaph’s charm to their collection. Potion Brewing: Gamified! With the… Read More

  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krackeee?igsh=MTR6YXRlbW9nNmI2Zw== 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 #https://youtu.be/9f59rto_PIY?si=rlvlrWTbUnBE3CTO #https://youtu.be/GHjSyWhV4so?si=-6_JNwMcKsnBXArT #https://youtu.be/S0j1RGHeEak?si=7-vjsrx9R6-E2pia 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More