EPIC Christmas Minecraft Stream with Kyliroo & Friends!

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Taking a minute to connect to everything come on there we go hello my P survivors kly R here and happy holidays and Christmas and everything coming up whatever you’re celebrating this time of year um today we are going to build a little bit you there hello giggles sorry I’m not sure what happened

There Giggles sounded like she said something and then wait for her to come back in a minute uh but we’re going to build a little bit of a Christmasy scene today I think um I’m still not feeling 100% today so we shall see how the stream goes I’m feeling better just not

Completely well yet oh uh uh Lo Min El joined us hello yeah I was waiting for you to finish ring on thank you why can’t I hear anyone just adjust everyone’s volumes sorry I’m not sure whether someone joined and then uh and then did say something because I I thought I heard

Something and I thought I was going mad it it might be me okay you there Giggles yes I had to go I had to go um stop mortia from because I accidentally left my drawer open uh from yeah and I accidentally unplugged my headphones without realizing ah hello everybody how is everybody doing

Today yeah yeah all I’m going to say on that comment is I’m breathing well that’s good has it been a bit of a week for you is it yeah our uh our cardboard Bor broke on Tuesday oh yeah and for those who obviously know what type of Industry I work

In yeah you can you can understand the amount of cardboard that we produce yeah and so the the main Bor is an automatic Bor so all you have to do is throw the cardboard into the machine and it does all the work for you it compacts it down it puts wires around

It it pushes it out into the yard and then someone goes and picks it up with a with a forlift yeah when that one goes down we have to resort to using the manual Bor right I’m not going to look at that tooo much because what they would

Like sorry I just saw accidentally showed some of the progress on the um Castle which looks incredible right and it was the automatic one that uh broke was it yeah that sucks I’m s that’s been a fun thing oh okay this might be a good location

Yeah we’re going to do a Christmas build for those that haven’t didn’t hear the brief or read the I I did hear that we were going to do a Christmas build so I’m basically I’m on top of the snowy mountain there spawn and it’s looking pretty good I

Reckon we can we can do something with this uh a shovel might be useful and apparently I don’t own such a thing how are you today then Nelson yeah sleepy yeah and you’re with us before you start work today aren’t you yes I am well I’m I don’t know I’m like

I did sleep well but also feel tired yeah I’m a bit like that I was um I’m not I I was feeling better yesterday um but I was stilling antibiotics yesterday and I’m feeling not quite as good as I was yesterday Paul Giggles is um feeling rough today

As well we were toying with the idea of going to um Christmas markets near where we live but um I don’t think either of us are feeling up to being around people that’s people are people people busy and markets are just they’re fun but also there’s a lot

Going on at one of them also we’ve actually already bought all of our presents so we don’t need to we were well we were going to go um into town for something for our nephew but the present is actually end up actually coming today but it’s um it was I didn’t realize it

Wasn’t going to come until after Christmas or it might have changed so we were going to go get him something else but now it’s coming um before Christmas well it’s actually coming today so we don’t have to go into town which is what we were going to

Do town anyway we’ll see if it comes before then it and I’m feeling all right maybe we could go and I could get a um a hog roast B that SS pretty good actually do I just not own a shovel I no you not own a shovel dude I don’t

Know well I have a feeling it might have broken whilst I was um netherite mining I’ve got so much crap in my Shel in my um Ender Chest the problem is usually it’s my inventory that’s full of nonsense but I’ve started moving the nonsense from my inventory into random

Shuler boxes in my Ender Chest so now my ender chest is full of nonsense s of tangent I suppose moving the nonsense elsewhere ting it’s not really somebody else’s problem fi it’s still me that needs to deal with it on shulker boxes randomly scattered everywhere for they just dump chests right what do

I come in here for I need a shovel a spoon I need a spoon a spoon yes that’s that must be less effective than a shovel that’s a big spoon oh no what I have Phantoms oh no well I can Phantoms you got on you efficiency one

I’m just going to strip It Anyway AR so I guess it doesn’t matter which one of these I purchase wait I do have a shovel why have you only just been in front of my eyeballs now everyone must have been looking at my inventory on the stream KY you

[ __ ] oh why okay I don’t know it tends to work on one out of every 10 tries yeah I know I need that mod and put another one in oh do we know if there’s an OptiFine for one point no I checked this morning wait it’s updated again it’s a it’s

1.2.4 now yeah yeah yeah so we’re like four versions behind but we slam hav got optify for is the latest OptiFine still 1.20.1 yeah I don’t know so I wonder if maybe they’re stopping doing it because they’re they’re usually quite hot on unless I’m unless I’m not checking the right section I don’t

Know they are usually pretty the heck was that um I’m going to go check not fireworks in the middle of the day surely prob be a bit as well as antisocial yeah normally they um they normally they they don’t leave it this long until still hearing it uh after

Um words uh and so yeah usually they they have one out four for each version Don’t They every like other version I mean I know minecra mo Mojang Microsoft I don’t even know who does it anymore has been um has been pushing out um some versions fairly quickly

Anyone need leather boots to stop them from sinking into powdered snow I don’t think I have any but if I make like right um well there are four of us right if I make four pairs are you coming on the server Nels are you just hanging out I might just hang out Cuz don’t have Oodles of time before I should finish I will be with you momentarily I just need to go and repair some stuff sorry that’s fine I’ll be back in just a sec did that come from outside having very random noises H in outside sounded like fireworks but I’m very

Firing I’ve got some pairs of maybe it justen like like rapidly and then I mean during the day that’s one of the only things where are you I’m in the thing what what enchantments do we want on them I was just going to do like feather falling and breaking feather falling

Will be good yeah do you want to grab some feather falling books I’ve got I’ve only got 11 levels we got any yes tea first cup of tea is it still morning yeah I’m having a cup of tea I’m having a cup of tea yep bigles is having a te with honey and

Lemon oh Giggles no milk well to be fair at work for some reason I drink black te well I know why I drink black tea at work to help my throat cuz I’ve already had a um a drink Lim SI how many how many levels have you got I’ve got six

But I’m going to go see if there’s any um levels in the cactus farm okay uh I’ll do one of these then I have 28 I managed to do one yeah I got feather falling and Unbreaking on on one pair and I’ve got two other pairs I’ve only got two levels left

Though how many levels do you need to put the need for the two uh well we’ve we’ve got is is everybody joining us I think it’s just you me and lock minines at the moment but we could do some some leather boots for Nelson if he wants to hop on

I probably won’t be doing it today it’s it’s it’s the few morning shifts where sometimes I have ample time but the last couple of streams it’s like I I like chatting to people but I don’t by the time I log on and get going I have to go

And I don’t really that’s fair enough hopefully that’ll be sorted out when we get your computer I’ve got 21 levels cool um I got a uh FAL for my new um walking stuff which I’m happy about sorry what FAL for my new Walking stuff oh it

Can’t yeah I I was thinking they can’t be that hard to get a hold of I just and I’ve got two more pairs here do you want to do those as well you got the books um well I’ve got the I’ve got one feather falling book right what do we need

Then we need one feather falling and three Unbreaking okay there’s one feather falling yeah are there any Unbreaking books I need to come do some trades and build these back up again all right uh oh no you gave that was fire protection oh oh both of

Them uh uh no just the one that you threw me just now oh okay I will buy a uh wait so it’s two protection and one feather falling then no I’ve okay I’ve got the feather falling I’ve got three boots with just feather falling on them so you need

Three protection whatever is you mean Unbreaking Unbreaking it is Unbreaking right I’m I I am coming back Unbreaking three yeah mm you know I’m just going to buy a bunch more oh okay I’m going to buy one more because that’s how many you have levels

Ashy here you go uh I got8 one two three Unbreaking three books Let’s see what I can do first oh you know what I’m going to do I’m put mending and then breaking on these shears Combine Please and then you can keep those no worries and I’ll give you back you do these shears for me as well oh have you have you already done your boots baby yes I did those the two books that you gave me first okay going to go get put that and that

On oh you missed the shears thank you well considering I’ll show you if we no know you go ahead I’m gathering thoughts should I come and show both of you guys the location um in a minute I’m just trying to get or I’ll get there in a minute

Okay okay we don’t have any Spruce stuff which is going to be the best I think for it’s a shame you can’t there’s no like Lumberjack villager or anything where are you uh I’m McKing about mhm po up on here yeah I turn to face the way that

I’m looking Crouch if you need to there go I’ll get that screenshot after the stream cool right H hello there we go physics just forgot to work for a minute oh well when the physics is fake it can do that okay sorry nothing loaded in for me

And then I was struggling to remember where the mountain was it’s over this way like we got this top bit here which is relatively flat and then we’ve got this Plateau here as well ow okay I’ve definitely oh no here you are KY don’t I know I’ve put some books

On one of your usual per you want me to move the books cuz you’re going to hurt yourself I don’t know where you guys are um if you if you go towards the the spawn area oh yes but you slept I didn’t sleep okay all right that’s all calm down shall

We how am I how am I taking damage oh did you land in powdered snow no I was getting hit by Skelly oh you’re also not wearing any other armor no because I kind of like used all of the netherite that I mined to make two sets of armor and

Weapons did you then lose that armor and weapons if you not had a chance to replace it yet no I was on the other day making a new a new set of diamond armor right so yeah we’ve got we’ve got like this this bit up here and then like

The lower Plateau down there I thought that quite a nice thing to build will be a bridge joining these two things Nelson are you watching the stream I know you like sorry I said yes sir nice okay um we could build like a like a cool Bridge joining the two areas

It’s not a massive place but I figure it’s a realistic build site that we might actually be able to get something done before Christmas it’s all snow I know this is a bit I know it’s a bit like cliche and everything but why don’t we build a

Christmas tree yeah yeah we’re going to build a Christmas tree build we can each build like a little Christmas Hut and then um uh Christmas Village CER and um get a sitb and coffee break can um come on they can do stuff if they want as well we’ll do ra mhm

Cool we could put the Christmas tree on this bit yeah I’m just getting a little bit more level also some snow might be useful and then I might claim at the top and we could put a beacon up here to be like a pole although we’re going to have to do Soul lanterns

Because Normal lanterns and or or to elevate them it would be cool if you could what cuz you we can you can make stained glass so being able to make different colored lanterns would be sweet I could just Elevate them off the ground no they still melt stuff you have

To you have to put them up really high or uh bury them and then put glass over them which is what I did in snowy or packed snow packed no melt still I’m get some I’m going to go and get some wood good or glow glow L

Lanterns basically the Soul on the only glow stone yeah glow stone doesn’t is not a heat source is it it’s just a light source is it not but I don’t remember I just know that normal do some Googling for us Nelson I can do there I’m going to claim

This bit here then I build an igloo what oh that’s annoying do you need silk tou a to pick up snow uh yes oh i’t got so touch on my pickaxe you can just make it back into snow from snowballs I suppose yes you can right crafting table and a bed and a

Sign I think would be useful oh there’s also that bit down there as well nice okay this is a good place I think right I’m going to fly back home should I grab some beds um yeah I’m going to try and find some Bruce saplings because that’s what

Um that’s the best word as it for well it’s they it’s the most Christmas tree looking oh yes true yes it is oh my gosh you okay oh there I was going to check to see if I could maybe steal a couple of saplings from curbs and a thingy area

But that’s mobs Galore over there yeah Ms oh get some what did I come over here for beds anding on my pickaxe oh I’m got any level Sil touch silk touch jeez okay um lock mines have you still got any levels I got 19 oh yeah that should be enough when

You when in your own time could you come and put silk touch on a shovel for me yeah I’m at the tree farm oh there loads of silk touch BS okay uh why have I got oh it’s a snow carpet oh okay uh any wool okay string string I

Can use to make a wool block oh uh Z if you need string I can always go back to the creeper Farm oh no you don’t want emerals to you just need those two sorry I got string I’m just going to make some beds that’s one bed uh what am I what am

I doing putting silk touch on yes putting silk touch on that shovel for me yes please thank you oh and we’ve just lost uh anv there there are some spare ones might be worth s touch on shovel for you as well if you want to move snow about

Um wooden planks do we have any do we have a wooden plank store because there aren’t any in here are there cuz you don’t need wooden planks for any trades no what do you need wooden planks for I’m just going to make three beds to

Bring or four beds oh uh all of the bamboo wood on the second um Storage level oh I’ve got a bunch of bamboo wood I just haven’t got an Ender Chest I might steal the one from um yeah I think this might have been mine once upon a time anyway hope it doesn’t

Change this way right whoa okay yeah well I guess while I’m trying to get the right tree I’ll get lots of wood in the process right hello bumblebee I just realized I haven’t actually eaten anything today I suppose the severity of that depends on when you woke up

Man we’re going to have so much meat at our Christmas this year we have two people bringing different tys of ham we have lamb being brought we’re going to have turkey you want meat we got meat meat how about meat flavored meat all the meat we can have turkey flavored gamon some

Beds do we want to do a server secret Santa and we don’t NE I guess don’t necessarily I mean we could get together of course we wouldn’t necessarily have to we could um if we build our own cabins um we could set up like little post

Boxes oh like an ingame secret Center or a yeah yeah yeah like an in-game secret Center we could do that um people who are here giggles and I were talking about maybe on New Year’s night doing a a thing on the server do a stream where we do some fireworks again like we

Did during lockdown unless people have got plans for new years which I completely understand in which case you know what I’ll be doing raiding my my raiding my creeper Farm again to be fair we went to raid it and it was nothing was there well you know where it all is don’t you

Yeah right I have a bed I have a beds for people Jiggles I to put down a bed for you and lock mines I going to put down a bit for you too all right I’m going to carry on building um collecting wood you know trying to get a Christmas

Tree is a good way to just get lots of wood yeah sh you don’t get levels well that’s exactly what I’m doing you don’t get levels from cutting down Christmas trees what it’s a shame you get a shame Christmas trees well if if we implemented the Um dang it I’d really like it if you gave me the specific type of one that I want would it not just be easier to build it I mean probably but there’s there’s one of the ones that that that spawns that has like leaves from the bottom all

The way to the top and actually looks like a Christmas tree um I’m getting Le right now I’ve got shears if you want to I’m actually using my to pickaxe oh nice okay how big do I want this Igloo to be the way sheep well let’s do that

Then can you make snow or can you only find it in biomes like this oh well you can make snow of snow balls but I don’t think you can make it um dang it otherwise it’s a shame that’s PL the old phone in what just oh I’ve been really getting into Boulders Boulders

Gate I haven’t played it since we played on thankas I highly recommend although beware it is addictive yeah I just I just haven’t had the time to sit down and actually play it no I I in many ways I really dislike having a n five Mond Friday job but in

Other ways I really do like having 9 five Mond Friday job there’s pros and cons yeah having the weekends that’s that’s the only thing I don’t like about my jobes I don’t have my weekends is I don’t I wish it was slightly more regimented which ones I did and didn’t

Have I don’t even mind working the old weekend especially when I know okay okay we’re not yeah if nothing is happening I don’t actually particularly mind working it is just I don’t know sometimes or only having a single day off on one of the weekends is is slightly irritating it’s

Not a whole lot you can it’s less that’s coming up with me soon I do I’ve got um my shift swap coming up soon so I’m going to be working um seven out of eight days oh it’s a long stream yeah so I’ll be working Wednesday Thursday Friday off Saturday backing again Sunday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday so all right do the leaves read uh respawn after you’ve got rid of all off the tree what do you mean back I’m not getting rid of the wood I’m just getting rid of all the leaves off around the tree will they respawn no no they won’t respawn no

You’ll have to grow a new tree that’s fine I’ve almost got six Stacks worth of leaves it going to be green um what we got one two three right let’s make it let’s actually make it six full slacks of leaves and then I can come back intely Minecrafting nothing wrong with

That not very good at making round things in Minecraft why there so many sheep on this Hillside okay we’ve got six full stacks of leaves let’s get some wood and okay then maybe I just don’t try building an igly maybe I just try building like a snow

House okay now that doesn’t look too terrible I don’t think I might be getting somewhere with something feeling my way out gigles is sorry Giggles is building a tree yes Giggles is building a tree and getting I’m getting wood and leaves um to build a Christmas tree well the wood for a a

Cabin eventually in the leaves for a a tree this one needs to come in and then I think that’s probably the actual structure built so let’s put this in by one here yeah that’s looking IG Lish maybe I mean the door’s not Central and that might irritate me but how have I manage

That oh there’s one more Kink on the other side and there is on this side is it sheep get out I will stab you in the face yeah Lord leave you know what I needed some did I get cooked oh no there we are cooked M right check my inventory and

Cook pork chops and I was wondering how confused my sheep was no no no no no I’m not building you go away thank you let’s take shall we sleep cuz one of us yeah give me a minute I’m just on my way back up all where are the beds just around uh

If you just go beyond um where the trees are just up a little bit oh yeah I hope everyone out there in YouTube land is having a good day does this just need to be brought on or do I actually want to a to wide uh yes I probably do but actually this

Needs to come back a bit that doesn’t need to be be built here right that looks better I think uh and then I can have a two wide doorway I might not have a two wide doorway have S one no I’ll have a no I will sacrifice having an asymetric

Asymmetrical Doorway to have a larger inside oh wait why is this Stu WR let me look at it from above oh I see no I don’t see I got 18 okay this needs to go that way so this needs to be no that’s still wrong why am I failing at

Building why how has this happened what’s going on one two go one two and then one two and then one and then one two so this needs to go out one more again so this wall needs to be here [ __ ] and then this needs to be like that does that look better

Yeah okay Center the doorway I suppose maybe that does look better I’m not sure anymore I’m on that struggle bust right now chat this might be too big I’m not sure oh you’re right actually yeah Nate needs me upstairs for something so I’ll probably back in a few minutes okay then why don’t

You um quickly look up how to build a circle build a base and then um though there is a website that you can it’ll show you how to build a dome I don’t quite want it to I’ve got a plan in my head I’m just having issu having problems with the execution which

Is a common issue live BAS right I think I need to begin doing the stuffs towards getting ready I don’t I was going to say I don’t blame you but that’s not actually what I meant I mean yes I’m blamed I BL have a good morning people I

Hope your shift goes well thank you it looks like fair enough uh well yeah it’s also a Saturday isn’t it hope there aren’t too many foolish people foolish things that is a thing got love them do we no have a good morning special afternoon people take it easy he three is that a

Better speed at least this tool all the way around be like 3 by3 really isn’t it at least oh the slight goaty taste is quite nice from the goat smoking the tea oh hey that’s not actually looking too terrible definitely should be using a less enthusiastic spoon for this

And a chest give up light don’t think there’s something I knew before doesn’t look too bad then I could use some different types of snow blocks to accent it a little bit maybe put in some dyed blue stained glass windows and then yeah how are you doing with the tree I am going

To you’re just going to build it from scratch yeah I’m just getting a um tool to help me do we want to sleep yeah die SK and die oh what I accidentally used a very high efficiency pickaxe to mine some ice oh dear let see through compressed ice can you no what

Knocking chunks off and my igly by using tools which are too good could have also made the set of wool I suppose what didn’t know that was regular ice I could see through that wasn’t compressed ice is there a chance that regular ice turns into compressed ice when you mine it or

Something I don’t know may I just did click on the wrong one too bad that’s a cute little igloo and then when I can I can make some um I can do some like little wooden accents and build maybe like a little fence or something looks cute okay cool I did a thing

Going to help with a tree oh you found a a thing to help spawn it no I’m um just figuring out where I wanted it to be so this should be are you’re putting in the center of that PL yeah yeah yeah get up thank you that’s why jumping is weird

Occasionally still got my elron this in the center of the back wall do you have enough leaves um I don’t know I have uh seven and a half stacks I mean that’s a lot of leaves but I don’t know whether it would be enough I don’t

Know how could we do like I guess we could use glowstone for bobles um well we could cuz I’ve seen a lot of people use the the heads mod and use like the blocks in there but we could make redstone blocks Emerald blocks yeah yeah that’s a good ide lapis lauli blocks yeah

Um concrete concrete oh yeah different color concretes that’s a good idea I’m steing some wood to make a door and I need to go to the little streamer room um all right I should be back in a minute but I am somewhere safe I’ll be right back chat that y for sorry about

That oh that looks cool it’s coming along really nicely how you doing for leave stream need to go get you some or um whoa you okay did there was a creeper that just ble up behind you was there oh Jesus did you not hear that uh no okay why didn’t I hear

That oh I got hostile mob sounds turned off good job I was wearing my eler you weren’t wearing your elytra yes that is what I meant to say excuse me okay yes I did have mobs turned off for some reason should make a couple of these ear chests so that I

Can put things in them and then I will go and rebuild that sh I’ll go and rebuild that um destroyed part of the ground 64 Stone buttons and oh no I do it’s probably because of Pictionary oh that’s where the buttons went okay let’s two stacks of buttons in my inventory apparently

Okay let eat of them pork chop I didn’t hear that and I didn’t see it either um or or feel it rather I didn’t see the effect on the on my end which is a bit odd get all of the blocks back annoying it’s frustrating that you can’t make snow

Using I don’t know you’ll do it water and ice Maybe oh well that would help if I had my Electra on did you just ye yourself off the top of a tree mhm okay I think it’ be good to fill it in CU I wanted it to be less C through e

There’s a cobblestone pillar here where’s this go what oh there’s a oh I think this is somewhere where someone dug down to hide when we first went onto the server over nighttime maybe this on this mountain is where spawn used to be I really wish that there was a like

An enchantment that you could get stopped you sliding on Ice that would be dope as heck for there you go just like nothing happened are you going to fill in the inside is that is that what you meant so it’s not going to be yeah I’m going to

Fill it inside so it’s less seethrough be cool I think I will need more leaves for that though this is really trippy trying to figure out where all of the blank spaces are mhm do we know when the package that we’re expecting today is going to be delivered

So we have an update on that NOP it just says um by 10 do you have any Spruce leaves uh no I know Ashley had a bunch but I don’t know what he did that’s fine I can I can grow more I just didn’t know

If you had any on you right now do you want me to go and grow a spruce tree and H the leaves well I can’t really do anything else until it’s done so I’m I’m going to uh do it is it looking all right though yeah I think so

I think so we could do blocks in item frames couldn’t we which will make them a bit smaller uh well what we could do because you would you would see the item frame that’s true uh is we could do um Garland like a like a like a Christmas garland and

Another Leaf say like Oak and um put the leaf put the bubles on Christmas on put the blocks on item frames on that and that would look a bit more yeah that look better I think purposeful yeah um isn’t there a way in vanilla Minecraft to make blocks uh to make item frames

Invisible uh no you have to download some sort of mod you can download ones where you have to typee in a command like the hermit Crafters do out of no you okay I ran out of um bone meal before it grew oh know you want me to go get some more uh yes

Please if you’re not doing anything else just making fences but I don’t have to be making fences I’m going to smooth it out a bit there’s quite a lot in the automatic what the heck is this the heck is what this I’m not where you where is this

There’s like a building behind the mountain this one of Ashley’s oh you’re behind the the Snow Mountain yeah uh there’s a Pillager oh is he built is he going to make a pill F someone de with a zombie right now I’m no where I don’t know where you

Are I’ll show you in a bit get that boat now it’s this way nope that’s the wrong way it’s this way there we go I’m I don’t see I don’t think I can I I’m not finding I I’ll show you in a minute if you’re interested just can get you that bone

Meal I’m not going to be able to find it now am I put a load of bone meal in the chest do you want me to show you what I found yeah uh where are you I’m above you uh hang on which way I went fly around and I see it this side

Are you following me I totally lost you so I don’t know where you are okay I’ll give you coordinates uh 240 minus 175 oh yeah I’ve seen this where are you oh there okay I’m yeah is this is this one of remember Lo M’s mentioning something

About uh yeah there’s a um a lot of it’s there’s no ancient city cuz we had we went and had to look but there’s like a load of skull um underneath here okay this is one of his builds he W off aure tower for some reason I think he

Was going to make something that we did before cuz he was going to I think he was going to put a villager down here what make like a farm mhm okay okay oh like a bun right I see he’s made out of glass so we can actually see where villagers are mhm

Oh there’s an alley over there no it’s in prison it’s the first alley I’ve actually seen all right neat uh right oh there’s another snowy area over here that we can Harvest snow from okay and another snowy area here loads of ice okay and some more there there’s lot of areas around that

We can get snow from which isn’t the area that we’re actually building on and now I can’t find my way back to the location because there’s no torches at the location where we’re building everything uh I think is over this way somewhere you know when you go through

Almost a stack of bone meal there probably a sign to let you know that you shouldn’t be trying to build a tree there oh you managed to go back much quicker than um well I bought you lots of B yes oh was it just not was it just not

Growing on that particular location for some reason nope that’s why I said when you go through almost a um yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure a stack of bone meals probably assigned to tell you that you shouldn’t be growing a tree there I yes I do these like

Extra are we sleeping oh we can I was just setting my spawn okay you can’t put that snow on top of on Ice make it look a little bit I might do a path but I might make it out of like half slabs to there sleep should we

Make it look like a raised walkway maybe over the snow it just it still just says arriving by 10 p.m. me if we want to go into town um just need to take a risk of I mean we’re not desperate for anything from town are

We um other than oh my God why aren’t you growing the thing that I wanted possibly by myself subject do you want to go build it grow it like down on the green bit down there uh oh what oh is it the the carpets there no carpets yeah maybe be gun through two

Stacks I was I was determined okay we’ve got a Skelly Farm haven’t we so we could go yeah that was it you you you worked it out did you just grow that one the sil TR the flat the leaves sorry did you mainly grow that one to silk touch the

Leaves yeah I mean I’ll take the wood down because it’s a bit ugly with just the wood yeah it might have been better to oh Vivian man 3000 hi uh what’s the IP we’re not looking for anyone else join the server right now so we’re not giving the IP

Out um or Venus man sorry I misread that virus man oh God I completely misread that but yeah no it’s not a public server so not giving the lip out um would it not have been more efficient to build a smaller one for leaves um because you can get

Ones with like crap tons of leaves on them oh okay F it’s just a uh a RNG deal you left a block cute okay so you just running around in circles I was picking up the wood and the leaves in the chest that’s all right we we’ll we’ll stay

Until arrives and if it doesn’t arrive today then we could go into town tomorrow if we feel it B what time does gam watch today 6 p.m today it’s not called Games Workshop anymore it’s called Warhammer because it’s stupid be branding just annoying because it’s like told me it was supposed to

Come Tuesday well before that it was supposed to come in January well true yeah it’s definitely saying that it’s coming today and not like yeah okay that should be enough saying that I don’t think it will be enough enough leaves it’s looking good another tree uh yeah why not we

It definitely looks better when it’s going to be fully filled in yeah don’t forget you need oh see this is why I’ve been starting at the top cuz once you start taking away the logs they all start start despawning oh that’s true not despawning very quickly though you okay

Then yeah do you want to finish doing the leaves on the Christmas tree and then we can end the Stream yeah that sounds good to me we got a lot done I built a thing I actually finished a a thing I’m very proud of myself do you need any more leaves other

Than those ones I’m going to see we should build a beacon up here as well yeah but probably like a small trees amount small tree oh it’s snowing y why I’m okay you meant in the game right not in real life yeah I really want it to snow in

Real life that would be awesome should we go have some food after this that sounds like a good idea quite tempted to have some more left over chines I got a little bit of Curry left you could have the rest of the um rice you sure yeah cuz I’ve there’s a chicken

Chamain well we’ll see what we see what we’ve got there’s probably enough chamain for you to have some as well just there’s not enough rice and I was thinking about doing some Ramen well we also have microwavable uh the rice that we can just microwave in

The fridge oh do we which probably needs yeah we still have the container of rice Oh I thought that had been used up no we probably should use it up yeah do you have any on you uh yes I’ve got 34 there you go oh you need any more than that do you

Think I can grow another tree uh probably not probably not no I’m just going to have it go that’s weird you look like directly up it doesn’t look like it’s snowing in the four block square like directly above you it’s really weird good sleep so I could have some daylight oh yeah

Sure I want to have a go at just doing a bit of smoothing smooth brain smooth brain told you I paid the plumber didn’t I no okay I did pay the plumber unless since Neil apologizing for the delay what was that last thing you said I sent

An email apologizing to the delay in payment I like my little eag looks cool and do some more accenting and I’m going to move the storage area to outside oh there’s snow on the twe use so touch to pick up the snow carpets it’s a weird

Sentence I didn’t put any of that on there I know but if you want to like put I was saying use use it to pick up the the the snow carpets if you need to move the if you need to move the thing move them yeah there are words happening not

Necessarily the correct ones or even in the right order but there are words yeah uh okay we see there yeah but smooth yeah I’m going to L off yeah that’s good we’ve done we’ve done good things today I think so yes thank you everybody for watching uh lock mines if

You uh log back on that we you probably won’t be here but I hope your other half is doing okay um and we found your area where you were setting up your uh Raider Farm which was something that I do now remember you talking about before so thank you everybody so much

For watching um I think there’ll be probably one more stream Before Christmas maybe um if you want to stream on the 23rd yes maybe a little one maybe a Christmasy one maybe I’ll even put on a Christmas jumper and a and a Christmas hat and about

That um we shall see um but thank you everybody so much for watching I hope you guys are having a nice holiday if you are now off from schooluniversity color um so yeah take it easy and I will speak to you all see you all in the next

Video what’s my outro thank you guys so much for watching and as always take care and keep gaming bye-bye that was a solid break

This video, titled ‘Christmassy Minecraft Stream | Kyliroo and Friends Saturday Stream | 1.20 SMP’, was uploaded by Kyliroo Gaming on 2023-12-17 01:38:23. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:24 or 5904 seconds.

Hello everyone! Still not feeling 100%, gonna start on a Christmas build today

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  • LAB SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelisted 1.21 18+ Dedicated

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