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There we go uh making sure everything’s working the PNG tuber isn’t detecting a mic uh there we go at least the mic’s working and getting the music going there we go hello hope you’re all having a good day so far uh yeah hello you playing Hive today I haven’t

Played first time playing Hive in uh since last year yes I know that what do you mean last year yes I know that joke’s horrible I’m not taking it back what do you mean last year last time I streamed hi was last year oh wait the first time you joined hi was

When 22 right uh yeah oh it’s almost been two years for now but uh yes I hope you’re all doing well I know there’s a few different streams going on including uh Fair proba massive H did you complete Bower gate I don’t know it’s just a like it

Happened was busy uh this week and also bit of last week so I couldn’t commit like the super long stream to uh pg3 okay wait let me change Wi-Fi router all right okay I’m back but uh doing more uh I know there’s quite a bit of streams so we’ll probably

Start with random Q parties uh wait for me wait for me wait for me wait for me wait for me chill I’m literally just giving the intro chill you’re like going Super Hyper today yay honestly you’re acting like my cat who’s been like going psycho wanting to be fed when they

Literally ate like an hour before like their dinner like how to treat start I’m monke Thank you for asking uh currently just uh relaxing I know there’s a few different streams going on and people are just busy so just having fun and doing a random ke parties at the moment and also uh hello uh J hope you’re doing well but yeah I know quite a bit of

People are watching over Street including uh I think Fair Rose has been streaming for like three or four days now like on and off because you know he has to sleep but yeah he’s been streaming a very long time I feel bad for his mental health because it’s probably although I’m sure

He’s getting like grass and stuff I I know that must be like taking a lot of energy at him uh am I adding uh if you mean to like a uh friends I do have some space and to the party uh we have plenty of space to the uh for people to

Join I said it looks like today going to be a more quiet day on hive which is all good at the end day I’m here just to have fun and uh chill still infernal died while if you want just give me your Gamertag and I’ll add you uh when I can between

Games bro my sis my sister had to call okay this is the first color teleporter I’ve gotten Lu why did why did bro fall like why did bro commit silie maybe they had to go maybe well just send your gamer and I’ll add you uh one I can in between assuming

Your Gamertag isn’t just your uh YouTube name hor hor have you been hting your cat cat was for MJ MJ no problem how are you you your cat cat no uh no the cat’s just very hyper and like just a food Munch oh my God it’s very very like hot in this

Room oh that one killed a lot of people slash slay Slasher slay slasher has two feet left you to lose you going to lose up I you suck what I set off the color teleporter how to bro how to bro fungle that thing I used the color teleporter

But it didn’t count it yeah you have to be on a you have to it it works for like half a second and and then it’s gone oh here here I’m going exit it and uh is your uh I I’m just assuming your Gamertag is your YouTube name since either YouTube’s

Blocking it for some reason or I let me try Okay cool it’s the same as your YouTube I sent you a party invite I’ll AG B to accept it hi Rosie hope you’re doing well also I got to ask because I joined the stream when it was happening uh were were you

Able to sell fair to Trump duck what is that uh rubber a rubber duck that looks like Trump oh so it looks like Donald Trump y uh you don’t know if he looked at it yet all right you’re yeah might as well let the stream I remember seeing it like a

Couple months ago when he showed it to boo if I’m right but uh yeah might as well show the stream so so they are in the loop wait horse when when when will there be Boulder’s Gate uh like I was just said like I said

Could the a few days have been a bit busy so like I said I I don’t want to say I don’t want to go like oh it’ll be this day oh my g pharohs cuz I can’t really set like a sstone schedule at the moment uh is Phar Rose hor is

Phose oh my Gorge it’s fa oh Fair well he he is in the middle of a saon so he’s not just going to stay in the lobby little cat lady 12 who is that oh it’s going to open a link okay uh let me okay turn off desktop capture for a second

Again I’m trying to show the stream but uh Rosie was trying to sell uh there you go okay yeah uh not showing it oh wait no I I can’t show it that way uh yeah I can’t show it that way because then uh because then I’ll leak info I don’t want being

Shared so yeah uh no I I can’t show it that way uh block party by 40 rounds 40 no 30 rounds use eight leaves in Bridge how about no but like a I have no idea why they made a trump rubber duck but it’s just It’s just Funny you should invite me to the party because yes okay uh you here I’ll invite you uh just do SL P buddy yeah but the session the game probably would have gotten full I said we’ll still do what we got which was a ground Wars so let let’s redo Ground Wars Let’s do

Let’s Yay Double Cat uh I have 6 uh 66 uh you only have M that’s still a lot of subscribers too I do hope your was able to grow L one one question why do you know like non PVP games oh wait what who he was talking to Rosie but I don’t think

Heard after they join the party who there it is I’m alive Hello oh my God bro why did my mouth feels scratchy got too much friction this is annoing it’s fine I want but I don’t have want to pay for it but I want Le I got to I have oh easy snipe sorry Rosie there we got one I was quite a bit of

Them are just trying to stay back In I’m trying to steal the impostor from their side oh I oh I man to Steal wa so I have been busy the last couple of days I should be able to after this week should start being able to like guarantee I can do the longest things like b game stuff for now though it’s mainly just two hour streams there we go I’m not sure what

That person trying to do I like how nobody just notic That oh they finally got me off the Leure but no one’s checking to see if there’s an imposter in the mix oh no one person is but they missed for God M killer uh you want to leave a company but you don’t want to pay for it compared to a lot of other games like leave a company is not that

Expensive yeah it’s not expensive but like I I don’t want to pay for it but I don’t want someone to pay for it for me cuz that’s like e you know holy I have 11 kills Le company is a lot of fun but it’s like kidfriendly no it there’s nothing that there’s

Nothing that makes it so it’s not family friendly it’s like it’s not like oh you played a game and some lead like horrific monsters or like the most graphic thing it’s like no you killed how many kills a no Rosie Stole My Le of course you did

Only yeah I’m still sing the roll with like no repeat right away good yay I can kill whes F hope you’re doing well just after far nothing but as now we’re just doing a random Cy party my internet died OJ but uh but today’s a quieter day on

Street since I know there’s quite a bit of people streaming and just busy so reinvite me I want to do the treasure War why are you playing Minecraft well we’re already in the game so sadly the game’s already going I’ll send you a party invite but I’m not going to

Kick people try come on horse why are you playing Minecraft dungeons don’t do that to yourself bro my internet died using to play Capture the Flag uh you haven’t played Minecraft in a long time so you’re going to play NI at which version you’re gone well I’m pretty sure you’re saying Minecraft in

General huh oh yeah Bedrock mft I don’t know what you’re looking at but you’re not you’re you’re done you’re done little you love the super this doesn’t even know how to play Minecraft yeah just just had to do like a lot of people did like dumb puns for like some so I

Decid you know what let’s let’s try to be the dumbest pun bu how does bro not know how to play Minecraft wait how did this person die they never even left the island Oh What It lag says a lot well rip that gold hope you’re doing well uh so far

Now why are you doing that to and that and that’s why you don’t play the game and rehat at the same time he’s built different he’s just better yeah honestly if that was me I just wouldn’t have died I want to play valerin bro actually know put gold

There just BR who even buys concrete at the Start I love it hello that uh you’re only playing for 9 hours wait so you played 9 hours of Minecraft dungeons if any proceeded to no I play I played almost five hours of Black Ops 3 Zombies hey Rosie but no so so K played nine hours of Minecraft dungeons and now

They’re watching a 10 plus hour stream of it why would you do that to yourself Minecraft dungeons isn’t a good game yeah for real like I actually I actually agree with there wait so you’re watching a stream of Minecraft dungeons while you’re playing Minecraft dungeons why Kurt why do you enjoy what

You enjoy like uh like aren you trying to join them on the stream or something or is it literally just you’re watching them for some reason Rosie he’s going for your Rosie try to block trap him Rosie why are you going back oh she bought iron

Armor if you kill me I taking your treasure with you ain’t living with your treasure oh rosie no yes oh that that had to be close though I ComEd her I was comboing her for a bit I thought oh you just stopped playing with him okay okay that that

Makes more sense why you’re watching a stream at the same time too then you did play Minecraft story mode you still haven’t answered the most important question why are you playing Minecraft dungeons bro bro play M bro play Minecraft Java and I see someone who I

Need to send a party invite who’s in here I know they might not be able accept it for a bit though hi uh epic DJ hope you’re having a good day so far as of now we’re just doing a up or bro doesn’t even know how to PV how do you not have

Java Minecraft Java is way than if they don’t have a PC then why are you playing dungeons that’s not that doesn’t that’s not that doesn’t matter why are you playing dungeons what do you mean you don’t have Java Java a console player Minecraft doesn’t matter but Reaper I’m not talking about

Bedrock why are you playing dungeons cuz it’s bad it’s not a game but I’m glad to hear you too B epic DJ as that we’re doing a random Q part today’s a quieter day on a new pc so it didn’t catch on fire we’re just enjoying random que parties at the

Moment I hope you’re go for the treasure R what are youing GL doing well while my friend goes crazy over uh the idea of someone playing Minecraft dungeons why are you playing dungeon yeah even Popo’s like try to use like a like why Rosie get an ax Rosie get an

Axe but yeah so as that it’s Rosie versus wolf she’s not she’s back never mind oh they both have no treasure so uh anyone’s game although I do think Rosy had might have better gear at the moment yeah she has the advantage just see the E Emoji is scare

You YouTube has a lot of weird like default uh emojis someday I’ll try someday I’ll try to have my own for like members but for now the only Emoji I have is the uh o wrong thing have you tried download a SCU drawing of haunts I made I turned that into an

Emoji like have you tried downloading Terraria instead of Minecraft dungeons yeah Terraria is way Better I never played Teraria Actually I have is just always been hard for me to get into since every time I play it it’s been oh look broke I want to redo that Bri okay yeah I’m happy what about but uh I say like every time I play Terraria it’s every time like I can

Tell it’s like one of those games are like oh it’ll be more fun to friends but everyone I try playing with knows like how everything works so they’re like okay so we just got to do all this complicated stuff uh you got this right

Like I do not like they do not give a good tutorial like they just like it’s fullon deep end to the point of where it’s like pure headache I thought it was going to be like but like I never have friends to play with I was going to be like well

I’m I’m always here I downloaded in a couple thousand hours on it and you’re like yeah but they already know everything and I’m like oh huh like like knowing how the game works that’s fine but everybody tries to get me into into the game goes like way

Too deep dive with like trying to guide what the hell like to the point of where like you can’t process the information right or just way too much at once I me but like I play the game for fun I mean actually I’ve already beaten the game the modded version the harder version

Uh you have an idea for 700 sub uh I hear it it’s been a while since we had actual sub go especially since I’ve only just started like really actively streaming again horse going to get full mod oh yeah that’s definely my my goal is definitely to get the uh th000 Subs I

Think it is possible like there’s still some streams where like uh the don’t go up as much as it used to after the college stuff but uh sneak attack de this anime character likes running and there someone else is’s not paying attention give me that give me that oh because they looting

Uh wait other person had boosts but but let me see the other grave what is that eating animation bro I can’t loot the person with diamond boots because they’re bodies on top of wolves all right guess no diamond boots for Me name youram me baby uh 700 Subs equal entire chat and ser what cosplay is a Scooby gang in Minecraft I do a million but I’m not sure if everyone would enjoy the coste part but at the same time there are people who really like costumes and like uh skin so actually

People enjoying that okay good oh I got something I need I say although I’m still like very casual of how I play Hot you can like I’m sure some of you have not I’ve gotten a lot better at like comboing and like keeping a combo going uh okay good

Yay probably won’t use snowballs since I’m still old school like that the last one minut oh wait no it did there why don’t you need salls I just rarely use them I never been able to get a good combo of the snowball snowballs help you combo you know I’ve never been able to

Get a good combo of them they’re very easy to use buddy uh you’re going to go watch watching the dungeon stream for a bit all right I’ll see you when you come back Kurt oh it just ended welcome back Kurt all right uh I think the one real

Things I need is just better armor uh I’m pretty s the main thing is just upgrading armor if I can and I guess not dying I guess I I I should try to not die which is easy uh snowballs are overrated yeah there’s some people who do like they’re not overrated I’ve seen

People who do like massive combos with the Snowballs event see to just get wiped can they help yes but there’s times where like it can only helps so much like they really help they really help I mean they’re annoying but they help uh nothing value There Roar you messed up your no mods h s you can’t do that running joke now although Rosie is here too I’m pretty sure they’re just playing the game and uh uh talking in VC once in a while now I’m sure if something happens they’ll uh or if they can’t talk anymore they’ll

Hop in chat though I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know where hores so yeah all right nightmare eliminated immers H well might as well use the up to supply Crate is block there I see my Target I think I know who it is oh but first munch yo I see somebody is that Rosie wait is everyone in the party here hey guys um I have I have the GPS have mercy have mercy have mercy horsey Horse I will bow spam you buddy you got lucky I had to me for a second to talk to someone so I don’t have enough distance to really attack you yay BR the eating animation is uh you look yourself up and name m see when

Your main skin isn’t even on it hor what are you going for me buddy oh you’re the first person I Saw oh we do have a f party oh a that’s wait what they didn’t have a weapon oh they’re cheating yeah I could have swore that person was not holding a weapon unless they like pulled out hit me and put it away immediately wow this dude is actually

Being a scary cat yeah I could I I could tell because they they were trying to act like they’re just watching us like letting us have our fight EV they third parted hard me but hi uh uh I hope I’m saying your name right so far how am I on fire oh never

Mind what oh yeah uh uh me KT he says a lot of stuff out of left field in fact he’s he’s currently the most quoted person in like my quote command at the moment I’m both spamming them in fact you what while uh actually way oh they’re recking they’re recking oh yeah I

Think yeah I think they actually make I’m just going to watch a little bit more to confirm if they me to get close range again but but I feel like they might be yeah you just used to bow on them I only one of your know they were low for

Sure try to get it only did two buddy better offend for True GG Vernal GG then the person trying to trash talk okay yeah that just makes me feel like they’re worth reporting more let me just hack and cheat uh combat let’s just see if we get lucky

With uh free Quest points uh let me do the random queue uh yeah I hate this game uh well like I was watching when when Vernal said they reaching uh they 100% hitting Vernal like I wasn’t ful I wanted to confirm it but I’m pretty confident yeah they were

Hitting me far away yeah ver Vernal was getting hit by the person like the person got range hit Vernal a lot like a block or two more before uh Vernal could hit them yeah and uh what the okay never mind you’re going to review Among Us in a moment okay ah I

Want to Lo a bit too far I tried to stop myself well it’s still early on but everyone’s still kind of together yeah this is a bad trap yeah this trap is just unless you have like really bad luck it’s Easy how did I not get Hit I which one is to break away it doesn’t matter already oh the one with TNT I’m stupid buddy oh I was in the blast radius such how are you well I went from top three to back to line whoa deadly snow aha that was a polar bear so now I

Got to hope everyone else makes mistakes and I can uh catch up baby hor do Vietnamese accent uh no because I’d fail horribly and also just yeah know that that that would not go well period just no well I thought it was the end of the run

I was like this is the end oh wa no we’re there’s still three more checkpoints I will say this is definitely one of the longer ones I haven’t done a def this map yet I think that I just don’t remember it oh yeah there’s last checkpoint ah oh there’s going to be a

Race to go go one of us have to get top yeah oh you had to leave nice bro how did I finish in second uh s bro how did he go right before me uh let’s see is there still okay we still have one more person racing at least oh we know

Two oh you got you got lucky oh oh wolf is okay so so we’ll see this game first to the end because uh a party memb the killer although it looks like everyone is about to finish Jackie Packy pens hello oh uh thank you R and here let me

Scroll back up to quote the one thing uh Kurt said before uh it’s lost in the chat uh where is It well at least I am second uh Co wasn’t that high up how is he level 31 oh there we go got the quote quote and Flash Q random all I was adding a quote flash Q random oh uh Bridge which we can’t do proba I love this

Game I hope you’re having a good day so far if you remember wait is something on my screen oh uh do I remember TDH oh yeah it’s been a good minute but I remember him or at least I remember the username yo horse there’s a there’s another there’s

Another dude called horse his name is Black Horse it’s your twin you just got back from the pool no oh that’s it oh Duty oh you had a name change ni well I hope you’ve been doing well uh I’m murderer oh my call [ __ ] you’re uh old

Name wa how you been course you should come to Middle for absolutely no reason at all uh she she’s kind of sus I totally will and am definitely not lying yeah yeah come come she kind of looks sus yeah you kind of look sus sus you look sus no no no

You I don’t know how I feel about both of you uh just call you tuer all right got him yeah we’re good we’re good let’s just spectate okay random random random please there’s still people live in the party sir chill oh oh sorry sorry uh hi my name Is so I so oh uh uh Tucker AKA TD says hi uh Tucker said the N word by the way he’s white like Actually so so you know how who to call Racist wait is loyal in the chat uh can you send a FR uh yeah I’ll accept it if you s one WF wait horse is loyal in checked uh if he is he’s he in check uh no he’s lying don’t listen to uh Jackie Packy and hi is still alive I don’t know who the murderer is uh oh and Jackie are still alive uh any uh I I’ve heard of tiny bit of that

But not enough to where I know uh what what’s going on with cubecraft like is it a YouTuber uh bad choices like no it’s a Minecraft server well no I know I know cubecraft is a server I’m just asking like what’s the drama Around I mean who even likes Cubecraft uh pocket made a video about it Pocket have you heard of pocket uh definitely uh it’s a weird story I’ll definitely check it out one point uh if you have Discord uh if you send me the video link I’ll definitely check it out either after stream or just at some way point wait who was the

Murderer uh I’m not sure oh this do black horse oh oh oh it’s the fake it was the other horse it was your twin horse although you’re White in real life right uh pocket gaming yeah so I’ll definitely check it out uh at some point before why is syn wave

Uh a YouTuber overreacted to a pack with the word devil in it but act like children about it yeah defin definitely sounds weird I defitely check it out because that’s just like huh I better not die thank you I feel like they said that off and had to like dele some out of

People this one thing about the server cubecraft uh you can only had 10 people oh yeah that I know and they also restrict the uh party size unless you like really active or get stuff okay uh say I if you think ccraft Sucks nothing Okay uh in in in your opinion he uh overreacted H Disco Inferno awaits well I’m not going to go in first but at least I don’t know how I manag to die there but we’ll catch up or at least make sure you aren’t too far behind not running I’m second let’s go baby

But yeah I was going to say was playing with that streamer a majority of the time until like the last I I’ll say half hour to an hour I think or yeah roughly about hour and a half was the only time he spent not playing with

Him I’ll take fifth how was horse fifth place we got we still got a party member and that uh we still have o and just just two Hunt you don’t think you craft as bad you just like Hive better I there are some interesting game modes but that just weren for me I mean I mean the I mean the only good game mode is mware oh it was all party members who finished in the top three no all was

Still in the yeah I know we can I was saying like the top three consisted of party members oh yeah I’m second okay we’re not doing this G again you st playing cubecraft after magic and Mayhem was removed evident P wait where’s evident p you’ve heard of evident P right

Yes all he’s not that a week or so ago yet although they mainly just were saying hello and checking in uh evident and uh uh Danny’s momb actually like dropped in for a little bit in one of the hi streams oh yeah fresh piig as well or he remember fresh you played

Cubecraft for a bit before you moved the hive uh for me I I started on hive when I started like where are my diamond boots that’s crazy Rosie Rosie bad girl Oh I thought I was the one who stole them wait you sto horse I I I I don’t

Know even Rosie stole yours I stole yours or you’re both just I I will say there were a lot of diamond boots how how does bro cannot move I need a weapon that’s not a weapon I’m going to die a I I had such good armor but I

Never found a weapon that was a sad way r f in the chap for horse well I hope the person enjoys the two diamond boots someone robbed me well R well Rosie says they only had iron and I had two diamond boots I think we know who the culprit is horse pick a

Map horse horse horse pick a map which round H I should attempt Revelation sword Shadows of evil I didn’t fully hear to so damn it horse uh which map should I go for around 100 Revelations or uh Shadows of evil Uh Shadow you play Black Ops zombies haven’t you yeah shadow of evil I died in that map and I didn’t want to do that map again no no no no uh hold on uh you need to listen to one of your favorite songs being played by an orchestra all right I’m guess you’re

Just muting the stream first horse I’m just going to do uh Revelations you know all right not sure why you asked me then but enjoy Revelation why bro going for me oh wait peele’s in here oh let me send peel I know you won’t be able to accept

It for a while Peele but uh if you’re clear there you go okay we’re good good or you just or he’ll just ignore it and uh keep on running what happened to Jackie bro what happened to Jackie Chan I’m guessing they might have lost connection Jackie Chan no I killed Jackie’s Wi-Fi my

Bad you just doxed Him how dare you dox him oh and I actually got 10% since he had to leave for a little bit but came back uh he should never the party he already died any know uh I think that’s everyone who needs an invite for now until uh at least until Jackie’s uh back

On I hope my iPad doesn’t die uh let’s check it on F oh you checking on me thank you and possibly about to fight someone ni ELO you’re bad uh people just kind of running around trying to get loot uh and I think is kind of doing the same

But seeing who I can find oh P just got into a fight good noise what ban oh no resin PE peel uh all right so we have uh wolf Vernal and two randos in the mix you had no food s yeah at least you’re able to get a

Kill even if the you end up starving to death I Farted uh didn’t need to know that but thanks you’re welcome I will say the Rando is pretty stacked so this could get interesting ow oh in fact all three of you are together hi Rosie that’s not Rosie I’m stupid Rosie died what you that a long time ago I hi

Wolf uh complete skill the guy lagged oh yeah of of course uh bouncy and welcome back her hope you enjoyed the orchestra version of uh your music all right wolf you got this oh this dude’s stacked I will say like the guy is very confident although he took some hits he

Went right into another fight H rest in peace Vernal well I’m going to I’m going to stay in VC while my iPad charges Okay the early quotes were much more normal oh there just a few that are like huh out there but especially to compared to your quotes yeah that the early quotes were a lot more tame ah rest in peace B you gave it your best shot roar oh uh let me Re gravity gravity sucks I’m assuming you’re not having to uh can you play rocket League uh if you want to I don’t see uh why not there’s no one in here is just going to say no no you can’t play rocket League sorry let’s see how bad I do with gravity today is

It to a great start okay we’re only one death so far oh mo said that’s very rude that you’re denying them uh rocket League uh who said gravity sucks you’ll send him to heaven so they can talk to Isaac Newton about it why him specifically like oh yes Isaac

Newton what is Isaac newon going to do voted for geometric I don’t like You gravity sucks you just got burn gravity on controller is unfair yeah I could see that just cuz you might not be able to maneuver his uh fast as other all right I guess I’m going to go I guess I’m going to go on Roblox Then oh starting to get for the map but I can tell he he is having a little bit of trouble you got the Z I believe purple sapphire oh yeah gravity definitely PC a bit more I think oh I opened up in a prehistoric Egg and I can tell from the Cs I’m

Getting fair just started up a new CS I told I told him you’re Streaming you’re welcome just like I don’t always like pointing out stuff like that just CU like I talk about it is kind of a form of a self-promo it always just feels weird doing stuff like that ah Revelations one of the best Maps oh GG wait horse have you been have you played uh DLC maps of Black Ops 3 oh at least most of I I won’t say I I’ve own them myself but friends uh own them and I play with them so so which DLC Man try like I’m trying to focus on hive and he’s like so about about cod zombies while while he also just mentioned Ro about to play Roblox yeah I was about to say like yeah uh for Isaac Dune there was no such thing as gravity yeah yeah before Isaac Newton came along everyone could just fly freely in the world but the moment he the moment people discovered it a lot of people fell to their death that Day ion part yeah exactly he ruined so many people Days by Mak it so they can’t fly anymore Oh my go I’m so good uh can I invite you to the party oh yeah I got you uh uh is your uh actually I’ll probably be able to tell oh okay yeah you changed your usern name to show a new one all right

Cool ow but yeah I just sent you a party Invite saw a person was like no only birds birds can fly exactly oh no we have a problem um this guy called Ant mix is on the other team um I played Ground Wars a little too much so I know who ant mix is and he is

Way too good at video games I’m just going to say that that will be fine I I got shot Immedately I think a mix wants me dead I don’t like This C only one person named Matthew CH on the other team wants to be dead andx and I are like enemies bro oh you got it’s all good I know you’re playing other games anyway so hope you have a good rest of your day Ver I got to kill this Guy and might as well grab this it’s just to make sure no one else on the other team can break arbs I almost killed ant but they uh use a thing get launched back and hit me on the way out yeah that thing he got launched back

Right as I was about to hit him he got lucky there why do you want Rosie to read a message you sent him about squirrels what I don’t want to read that I’m trying to kill antx who was it was it Kurt yeah how did I know

Because because CT’s the only one who’d randomly throw out read about read him about the message of about a squirrel after the murder there’s 10 of them trying to shoot me at the same time what is this oh I actually killed an mix let’s go you need that man dead oh he’s coming

For me I then I got killed by a unicorn F it’s hiding behind the blocks I’m probably going to die since since you said they this team’s good but oh no none of them are checking for imposters The Other Guys on his team do not seem to know what they’re doing I

Don’t think they’ve discovered where the sprint button is yet but antx honly it seems like there’s only like one other person who’s like all right but no one was watching for imposters that round uh this past midnight Curts random fls of squirrels it’s amazing just but what’s what’s one amazing thing about yourself

Squirrel I will say I’ve actually killed ant mix a few Times I got killed I just F how many kills do you have Rosie uh that’s a good question 15 oh I’m actually ahead of you at the moment I got a 18 I am I’ve been targeting ant mix the entire time true I got him at the last second let’s go nice GG you beat him in kills that’s Crazy oh if gamer was here he’d be happy right now oh uh actually here uh here I’ll exit quickly before uh here I’ll resend you to invite uh Jackie quickly luckily the game didn’t start just yet I feel bad for everyone who has to wait for a moment now

But uh oh yeah I for I could SW I sent a friend invite to you either way I got you uh who’s in the uh party uh VC with me I’m in here with uh Rosie at the moment I don’t think anyone else hello he I do hope you’re doing well

Navy oh uh I did try sending you yeah you have the glitch uh let me know when you’re back online and uh even me or uh someone else will send you the party invite I have them added I can invite him want me to send uh or want you to

Send the the the screenshot of the squirrel messages since Rosie is too concerned to read them I’m too concerned about killing it uh can we make a CS uh I guess we’ll try to uh just know if I do uh Sumo I normally do a version that’s a little more fast-paced here CU

Like I like Sumo but it’s not my favorite so please if I do Sumo it’ll be like a like a death match version where uh basically takes place in the death match Arena like only oh if we do Sumo I’m going on the ice uh uh that was satrical you hate CS askers Okay hi uh Coro hope you’re uh doing well Plus at the moment I’m just doing a random que party since uh today has been a quieter day on this stream which is perfectly fine should do SL Cube murder yeah I was thinking like I was like oh he’s like he must mean sarcastic

But or like sat yeah but I’ve never heard of satire a CO yeah I think we’re starting to pick up enough people to where we’ll try a a CS Uh but yeah I I am an a region we’ll try uh just because you asked we’ll try uh uh like said for those who are new uh because Sumo can take a long time sometimes uh I do what I call uh uh like a Sumo death match or it works exactly just regular

Sumo but instead of uh instead of you know just usual like boxing rever after the first minute uh everyone’s brought to death batch Arena so it’s very Chaotic here uh let me just turn I I forgot it has a Time Li that I don’t want on it so I’m just going to turn it down a little bit there we go yeah I’ll set the code in a moment I’m just making sure everyone who uh is

In the party or joining for friends list okay I think that’s everyone here I’ll set Watch uh there uh codes on screen uh let me get the code on the bottom left so it stays there I’m am so good at code Typing there we go thank uh let me pin that oh and forgot I got to unhide the text on the bottom there you go there codes on screen it’s also pin in chat I’ll give a bit for people to join uh what’s my IGN uh my IGN is this I

Wish I could have sir horse with like the O but apparently someone swiped it I will have it one day uh my is Sir horse with a a zero instead of the o you start I’d like to see it oh so you only got to type like the first like

Couple letters of it and then Rosie just cut you off yeah Ros is a very fast typer I type very fast I type even fast uh sure where are you foxy uh where where are you oh that’s M uh I’m not sure where they are maid yo I need my maid Skin meanwhile I just walk off the map can’t find my M skin I have too many skins this is a problem do treasure War next uh maybe uh Rosie experienced a random late night fault so she can type fast from questioning me ah yes of course yeah you just make you just make

Rosie question live and she’s able to type faster yes that’s how it works uh where are you are you down here NOP uh uh I’m pretty sure I’ve rided a skin very similar to this before it is nice and clean uh you’ve definitely had me rate something like this before

Though I think I gave it like a eight or nine if I remember right yeah I’m pretty sure it’s very similar just same colors come back here hi matat hope you’re doing well and hi cup duck rate my skin you are so rude look I have PTSD from where I when

I was forced to wear that for a Month uh okay I must have been thinking about uh I remember raiding a skin that was like very close to that but it was like a orange it must have been someone else oh God everyone’s putting on Masins now what have you done here better

Skin I didn’t mean to cut you off there my bad but I’m going to say it will probably start in like the next 20 seconds unless uh we get any weights well I’m pretty sure there’s a hor yeah there’s just a lot of people putting on Mid skins

Now their horse rap how’s your day going so far uh cup duck while everyone’s trying to have me look at their maid skin I promise you I’m not a m anymore I’m an even better skin now you’re to lock off and find who swiped a Sur horse username lovely you like my

Skin this is Art yes but here uh we’ll we’ll start the uh game good luck and have fun Everyone uh good you actually you survived the day of the school first time this year no I do hope your glasses are going well hopefully you aren’t suffering too much while uh having the 10 classes again like uh just grab armor when you guys are basically just waiting for the

Uh oh wait the Farm’s this way I need to grab as much armor as I possibly can so I can do the funny meanwhile I just grabbed a helmet with happy and now I’m trying to reach the the one glitched Block in the farm I would jump down there but like

I’m going to lose a lot of Health doing that and I need health to do the funny oh uh amot I might be in the wrong spot I’m not sure I might there’s an easy way to tell which block it is it’s like there will be two wheat pieces that spawn

There and the wheat pieces are like diagonal from a water block or whatever and that’s how I always tell where it is if you do it a lot you’ll get used to it I guess now I’m just going to go on the ice because I can I almost died there that was not

Good I’m going to punch people off no ice for you you can’t believe I’m mining a block in Minecraft yeah I know it’s insane you why would someone ever mine in Minecraft that’s crazy I didn’t know Minecraft involved mining wouldn’t you also believe like okay Tucker is just like hardore third

Partying like every Sumo he can just to interrupt it but looks like yeah now he has an actual Leg oh you know what was really funny were you there like um when Bozo defect Fair did that like collabs stream the giveaway um uh for a little bit I was Becky why did you jump off okay they did a um an SG one time like one game it

Was like an SG gangs I guess cuz we were forming gangs I was part of Bozo’s gang and we were like seriously undermatched like the effect team had like 20 people and we had like five but we still won because I went on the ice in the in the

Death match cuz I somehow lived and I just killed them all because they couldn’t figure out how to get on the ice it was really funny that’s funny now you’re saying that I’m just watching everyone see up from the Ice come on Matt you can do it ah rest peace Matt

FL all right so up uh rest in peace uh just wolf unless I figure out how to get on the ice nope I think they dead rest in peace hello there just as note when it comes to stuff like that please never do this in a public

Game uh you’ll most likely be kicked or banned for it mhm and don’t go under the map either because same thing wait is there anyone is everyone on the ice because it says there’s still four people I know I’m there’s one guy that’s on the the map still so everyone

Else is in the ice got it yeah Jackie and I are on the other section of the ice so I have to maneuver here I’m on my way I should probably heal a bit more before I try something yeah that would be a good idea is he going to even attempt to jump

Down cuz if he does and he tries to get on the ice I am punching him off I don’t Care the issue is with where it’s blocked off uh let me try checking the other side although it’ll take longer yeah the barriers on this thing are weird cuz as that if I try swimming to the other like uh side that’s closer to you it’s way too long of a

Swim can you swim your horse not a fish oh horses can swim just not well I don’t think sloths can swim so I’m staying on the ice be fair I don’t think anyone’s ever tried to make us SL swim oh you died when you jumped in their barriers yeah

But like I said the barriers are very finicky like knowing where like the barriers are and Stuff like yeah like there’s a barrier There I really want this guy to try and get onto the ice but here I’m pretty sure the Sumo is basically over so so I’m going to start the next one while you guys have fun boing him uh it doesn’t let you add me uh other people were able to send friend

Requests uh earlier and I know I still have some Spa yeah I still have space not a lot of space but space you can add Rosie instead because yes but here here I think with do uh treasure War next uh to make sure it doesn’t do

Funky stuff numbers uh that does mean I have to just ban the Party Or whoops but first uh let me get uh where’s Jackie uh there we Goar apparently uh Kurt’s going to send you a very informative video on slop Ry I just got the DM I am scared to click on it I don’t think it’s going to be that informative all right foxy hope you have a good rest of your night I’ll see you next time foxy

It’s titled sloths risk their lives every time they take a dump for I gotb the party before I create the Cs don’t I not sure I should feel bad no reply there oh wait was I supposed to reply I was asking I topand it before to CS right yeah you got to do that all right recreating the Cs at least I didn’t invite anyone yet hi hope you’re doing well uh I’m

Doing good currently just relaxing uh today’s been a more chill quiet day on stre it’s only just Rec starting to pick up but it’s all good sometimes it’s nice just chill and stuff how’s your day going so far uh myy why is Boo wearing cran exe

Skin if I had to guess it’s probably something for a future stream oh yeah that’s a good point why crany XE like he’s not that cool come on I probably just offended a lot of people with that I was never a huge fan of crane EXE well someone immediately as soon as it

Played for the stream went what so you’ve definitely offended at least one person I love offending people and one person’s just agreeing with you just going CR ex you let’s go Jackie but here I’ll set the code uh let me exit full screen so uh Boop there uh I’ll get to code on Screen and thank you Rosie you got go all right I’ll see you I’ll see you later hope you had fun while you’re here oh apparently bouncy is going to cancel you on Twitter now what did I Do honestly that’s the average day on Twitch it’s like oh you did something very small and insignificant cancel like I’ve seen so many times people trying to cancel someone on Twitter for something that makes no sense oh yeah the code I put is the the wrong first letter you know I

Didn’t mean to do that they’re just like very close to each other on the keyboard you know well you know that that means copy paste you’re no nope nope I did it first I did it first I did it first here let me although I’m pretty sure you didn’t let me refresh to

Confirm yeah no Pinn there you go now the right code’s Pinned oh yeah you definitely did a bouncy uh of all I’m pretty sure you didn’t send a code at all Whoa bouncy no need to use such hateful language in the live stream chat like come on uh make it free shop uh do you guys want it to be free shop just good like at the moment I’m just show mode not messing ra yes is too

Much want Fair shop is what we want I don’t know if it’s even squads but air Shop uh follow yes I’m a s sniper monkey I regret reading Kurt’s message um oh yeah oh yeah I know about that I’ve never gotten into a spot Though Uh I always say it seems like except for two people it seems like most people don’t really care what the Cs is who it’s free shoer Hut Be uh I typed that command so wrong what I found someone just being goofy in a Minecraft chat oh no it’s solos uh chill someone’s just going like full on just like Mr Soviet General here Uh yeah it seems like most people don’t care un like this one is a bit more chill so but one thing I will do though actually know you know what I’ll let people although I’m sure some people are going to try to be sweaty I’ll do free chop of mainly just

So let me do this oh my goodness I did realize you used the funny that that’s the only person if I uh uh you got priority answers if you’re a member uh I say like say not really the only case oh just a Second okay chat I am now in charge because sir horse is muted hopefully he’s not deafened but hello um I need to open YouTube so I can read the chat see Coro I okay um no you’re not I am that is false it’s not your stream now hello

Kurt na you are so rude me and cup dock are having a very intellectual conversation that is crazy can you rate my skin Rosie um yeah that skin is terrifying uh hi Coro um hi hi wolf you sound like Velma thank you I don’t like Scooby-Doo either but oh I I read your chat sir horse thank you I’m such a good moderator said don’t only uh I continue off of just the message I read last the only time I’d really like do like oh

I’ll read members chat for it it’s mainly like if we ever if the stream was ever like blowing up to the point of where like I couldn’t read out all messages that that be the only case welcome back madat uh hi hi hope you’re having a good day

So far uh no no idea why you just randomly sent that but okay hope you have a good uh night uh well hope you had fun while you’re here I’ll see you next time but here uh I think enough time went by to where uh we’re good to start up the uh

CS good luck and have fun everyone Do you think I have enough time to jump off the map again I did again no not a second time I there definitely not enough time for that I was able to you did if I did it later I probably would J off uh pretty immedi you jumped like incredibly fast

The first time to do that twice you are too good at jumping off the map I’m also too good at falling indeed uh who whoever’s on gold team may I borrow some concrete for absolutely no reason at All uh 15K XP left h it boom box you oh are you saying you got killed because the boom box went the wrong way or oh no I think you’re are you still alive oh no you’re still good uh rest in peace uh Logan uh put that there put that there

Uh you just have the extra house at to start I can see a duck duck I can tell it’s going to be a game where I won’t be able to meme I was Lally about to say okay I’m going to head towards Rosie so I can see the duck but I immediately got

Attacked all right well now that that’s done I’m going to okay that’s kind of awkward how to just oh I don’t MO and and the Pearl never went off I just wed the meme with Rosie well I guess I’m spectating the duck now no you’re on green te and the boom

Box went the wrong way well at least you’re able to survive although uh oh oh wait the game ever said oh because it got flooded within the uh CS inites that’s why I didn’t Spot It uh do you run from Rosie Next uh maybe oh you got to go it’s all good L I hope you have a good rest of your uh day hope you had fun while you’re Here and I if uh there’s anyone who hasn’t yet uh since I know there are some new people here if you are enjoying the stream please like And subscribe any support’s always uh appreciated and it does mean a lot yeah sure thing I’ll subscribe what you weren’t subbed before Rosie you’re no Longer Oh Jack Jack is saying that Dam you should be timed out cu said the CH H I said I don’t really care about like when people try to do stuff like that if the person was spamming it then I’d say time them out or hide them but they seem to

Stop and just give up when they realized I don’t care about them trying to make insults about the channel or me at all oh I’ve been saying that guy’s name wrong like however long I’ve known them I just realized it’s jamy or whatever I always said J I don’t know why I think

Someone else called them J I was just calling I was just calling them Jam Jam is a good nickname I always said jamage I don’t know Why oh wait it is jamage I’m not dumb Jackie just put the order of the letters wrong never mind all right so it looks like it’s down between Matt and block sadly quite a bit of people died like turns out this one didn’t quite a bit of people were trying

To murder while everyone else was was in mem mode I think who Auto do happen some sometimes still mat you got to jump all right hope you have a good rest of night Tucker okay glad to see uh you showing up in the streams again hope to see you in the

Future ones uh soon as well course pick Matt he Auto rded over my duck well at least he didn’t destroy the duck like some of the people do but would you rather have a bridge going on over to duck or have duck be blown up uh I’ll take the first

One names are confusing I agree cartis H did the last person fall sad but GG how go over Rosie thank You Auto Correct wait what did you type it before the auto correct H but here I think I’m going to do a poll for what we do

Next uh gonna have to end the random queue you and I of course Kur said it so I think I know what um typed before the auto correct did it I think he did like I think he spelled duck a little differently you know with a different vowel in

There well just cuz the two minute version went a lot better uh I’m going to add to two-minute pixel art challenge uh I’m not doing 50 well the only reason I did it once was for Rosy’s birthday it’s actually my birthday today happy birthday me so uh I’m going to

Need my 15minute just with a one block when your birthday is it’s today uh what else SkyWars parentheses cursed and then what should I do for the last one Ground Wars you what sure because I can’t think of anything hi TJ hope you’re doing

Well I did in a moment I’m sling to pull go first how’s your uh how you Been noticing a lack of 15minute just build with a one block limit in this Pole but you’re going to cancel C because you’re Bor even though you don’t have Twitter because it’s scary I honestly like I said uh barely anyone I did end up making a Twitter account like a month ago but the only reason why was to enter a giveaway when

They’re doing like the giveaway for the uh like the Endo uh like the endole or I’m probably saying it wrong but there you know the plushy for the thing on my head I only have Twitter because cup dock didn’t have Discord for a while she only had Twitter so I had Twitter to

Like talk with her off stream now she has Discord and I need to delete Twitter cuz yes but I still have it but like the only posts on the Twitter are just me sharing the thing for the giveaway account saying like like pretty much doesn’t mean like why do you

Create like uh like did you create like just joking around like oh did you create Twitter so you can uh share your stuff more because every cont creators have it no I saw a plushy and I wanted it oh wait I also created my Twitter account for a different reason uh I

Forget when it came but I bought like the the first MCC coin and like um the MCC like Championship um MCC Championship doesn’t make sense but okay um they made a Twitter post um saying like uh if you got your coin today share the like repost it with the picture of your

Coin and I decided you know what Sharon I made a Twitter account just to post a picture of the MCC coin I had Received lovely at least it’s more purpose ever V I saw plushy I wanted It uh also I did find out they setting up for duo they’s still a team so I’m just going to do a solos and uh but we haven’t been getting more of 12 CS anyway so shouldn’t matter uh theme pixel art there we go uh sending friend invites first then I’ll set the

Code I’ve accidentally defined there that’s kind of silly Hope you can’t hear people slamming doors in the background going to punch them Soon what I have what have I been I definitely missed context there at court CU all I see is just like I can’t tell where where we got the leap to like it’s like saying chai to your ATM machine you do have what you do have a

Point with those but it’s like where did that start from what did I miss did you call him Court no I I said Cory Cory Oh I thought you were talking to Kurt I thought you called him Court that’s crazy I’m calling him court now I don’t even care what he thinks about it I’m calling him Court and Kurt immediately goes huh but here let me set the

Code Boop uh let me get it on the screen there we go okay just had to make sure Rosie spell it right this time before I did to copy paste Uh oh saying like how Rosie said MCC championships that’s what you’re talking about yeah Minecraft Championship Championship Championship championships my favorite tournament oh it’s pronounced the like Coro oh okay I was say I have not been corrected on that for like a month then lot of pronouncing it right now at

Least but yeah so this is a two minute uh forgot to set set it to 2 minutes that would have been awkward a two-minute uh pixel art challenge if you don’t know what pixel art is which I’d be surprised because that’s usually a big thing uh basically just the the limit to

How high you can bu or how thick is one block so like this is fine but once you started going above like this it’s a so either it’s like on the floor or you building like just one like line going across the build uh you don’t know why you’re using

YouTube user is just KK well why not uh really been there here L long why was uh yeah you would have been here for I’ll say at least a month or almost a month if not like that long because you did get gifted membership on my birthday so at the very least you’ve

Been here since December 14th but here uh yeah I think that’s everyone who’s joining the uh CS so I’m just going to get the just build started good luck and have fun everyone any you guys know the deal just no an appropriate deal builds and uh has to stay pixel

Alert wait oh no I’m not prepared for this oh Boop and of course I’m going to make the Hun even more weirder while making sure I don’t go too big and run out of time like last Time uh whatever blocks that I use uh not sure why not actually no there you Go Oops all right I’m already wasting a lot of time which is beautiful uh where’s the Wood EV is it’s going to weirdly turn into wool again where the head is I like confusing people the way I build Hauns the rest of the wall is going to be over here for some reason just this tiny section there we go lovely oh IIT know uh got to make sure I give it to nose but I’ll make it even weirder by having one half be Moss then this like just

Partial you’re just going to have people raise questions that that’s the purpose of this H just just make people question my sanity Ducks Lovely uh your build’s goofy H I’m curious what it is you love how a few people think they know your real name because of your Vibes yeah I feel that but I never really given people like a fake first name but I’ve seen people do that plenty of Times yeah I wonder who made it PE it was a a pretty nice design though B oh that’s actually a really well-designed B I like It uh all right let me see okay no it didn’t really miss any messages I’m pretty sure most of people are in the game among Us but uh I was been great but a person did add a little I get a good job for adding detail in a short Build Heart uh Rosie what do you think your name is see if you still think the same uh you must go do a silly uh uh little thing all right I I’ll see you when you uh come back R if uh you join before I end the stream I’ll see you in a bit

Rosie everyone’s just staring like huh what happened to this h oh uh duck who has a weird arm and a wait T block they broke the roll of pixel art give it a good but uh yeah s uh GG uh Matt uh and Lane kitton who

Got uh Second and F or second and uh uh be got F yeah I feel like the be uh definitely compared to one to bu this one’s like really well detailed can you tell that call that deformed thing a pixel or duck no ah you misunderstood the

Description Jackie I was I was saying like oh this you misinterpreted saying like oh this this is fine this horrible you misinterpreted the instructions I said the only reason you should be building up is if you’re like you’re trying to build like one block like across the whole

Thing uh I’m sorry I misinterpreted the instructions but here uh we will get the next uh CS going oh as I type random Q you can tell I still have random Q on my mind a little bit uh I do it just because we don’t have as

Many people uh let’s try to see if we can fill a bridge CS because why not uh just in case I’ll still do do uh uh code only first come first serve but event only if it seems like it’s not getting filled I’ll uh set set it to uh I’ll send out friend

Invites here codes on screen now I did I turn to player account there we go uh cod’s on screen I’ll get it in chat and in the corner in a Second There we go uh YouTube’s being weird for the emote thing so I can’t pin it okay I I’ll just pin the code when another message goes through but the code is on screen for those who want to join hi uh why is that weird oh it’s

Called a v or I guess specifically PN YouTuber but it is a form of a YouTuber but it’s just a way to be able to have like some some type of image on screen without you know showing my face just cuz I don’t have a good camera and I’m

Just not comfortable with face Cam okay I will say it seems like uh people it did slow down a bit so here uh the code here I’m going to say open all the code will still work for those who try to join but uh here uh I’m going to do friend

Invites to see how many people we get in uh we may end up going back to random Que why do you have the Sun or to make a zombie apocalypse plan yeah that that is a little uh Goofy all yeah it looks like uh looks like we’re in the quiet time at the stream again so yeah I think I’ll send you guys a party invite and it looks like we’re

Going back to random kebe for a while which is all good just means we have to chill and uh play a more chill Pace again Boop and na it uh where’s Jack there we go all right if anyone else wants to join the party uh please let me know and

I’ll send you a party invite for now though we’re going to do a random Q for those who don’t know what that is you just type slq random and random game The Sim treasure Wars to which so we probably won’t be able to show but but the random he spoken Uh you just realized how long oh you’ve been watching for a long time uh bouncy I believe you’re here before like the Channel first uh had it like major growth Spirit when the apocalypse comes 80% of men are going to die thinking they can handle a

A na it think you can beat a hoorde honestly very true uh nothing like being an idiot while I wait for enough gold to do something yeah I think you’re around there around that time which would have been like yeah I think you joined like I

Think a little bit into one of the first uh like the first uh Channel like grow spurt but before like it really blew up uh okay I’m going to get a sword but I’m going to go Murder oh actually I think the person I’m next to is AFK well I’ll take an easy start oh they’re not AFK die oh they are laggy though they are very very laggy uh okay let me put the extra sword away uh I need to buy blocks so I can get back there we Go uh uh you’re level 39 and play like a level one honestly I feel like I said although I have a decent level on a treasure War I normally get annihilated that the only reason I’m not dead currently is because my neighbor was AFK and my other neighbor hasn’t gone for me

Yet unless they died uh too somehow this is like one of the rare times where it actually seems like I’m doing Good uh you what let me reinforce this a little bit EV then we’ll uh get hunting there you go level 300 and play like level 20 Loveely uh only reason you’re dead is because your neighbor is a sweat so be aware of it all right I’ll keep that in mind and welcome back R uh we end up doing a random PE again since uh some people had to go to the point of where

Uh we start doing random HTH again yeah so be cautious of Green Team oh apparently they were heading this way at one point but Stopped uh let me swipe these emeralds I’ll send you a party in night if no one else does when I can Rosie assuming you’re all good to start playing the game again oh wait were you talking to me oh yeah I saying I’ll send a party invite when I can uh if you’re uh done with

Whatever you had to do I need to get online oh well then I’ll send it when you’re online probably shouldn’t be fighting someone in iron armor right yeah depending on what kind of armor you have that is I have ch but I do have a better sword I died okay do

They know where the sprint button is yes okay I will someone buying stuff okay I’m about to get killed because someone ran into my treasure while I was uh oh no they’re going for the okay yeah that’s fine I can buy a weapon give me a better

Chance I’m dead all right well uh well I guess we had a chance to send you a party invite before I random que yeah loading because it takes two years to load I don’t know why it should take 5 seconds but it never does but here uh when you do load uh

Jackie sent you the party invite all right it’s stuck on loading resources appearance is taking a long time to load oh there we go I’m in I need to change my skin though because of course it takes off my skin and my skins aren’t you got distracted by a potato it

Was a very interesting potato lovely let’s see say that yep of course Kurt said it hi Liz hope you’re doing well Che can I have some there all right uh let’s see how this goes whoa we’re already playing the game I need to pay attention More I did say I was about to cube but then uh you got on or I got back I mean once again no weapon at the start which is uh How I died last time ax and that’s about it I need a good okay I okay I have a sword I can work

With like work with a bow though and like Five Arrows so I will take that I’m going to try and save a lot of people died at the start probably won’t use him but I’m going to take the snowball so no one else can a I want the Snowballs well too bad

It would be really funny if I just found a way to go underneath the map in morvus that would be funny if you found over ways like you just become the glitch Hunter oh I don’t want to kill Jackie this early but at the same time no teaming I’ll focus on the person with no armor Jackie is just joying the trampoline I got third partied so hard there this guy was like running from me and then the person ran up and stole the

Kill and then killed me cuz I was Low I just knocked someone off the map uh how did uh they weren’t paying they ran past one fight weren’t paying attention and I knocked him off W and now I have diamond boots Boop uh does anyone have a better helmet I didn’t really look for that uh you don’t do you

No okay still a lever helmet at least the diamond boots make up for you only share your chicken nuggets with one person me right Uh uh put the campfire there I guess oh you have a helmet I want he also has a chest plate and a diamond oh god oh but I’m getting com a I got close but couldn’t get get enough hits in S uh okay Peele and Jackie are still alive not me oh I’m sad now oh oh Jackie is currently hunting peel let’s go Jackie we got to kill the party members faster so we can play Murder Mystery y turn around your unpredictableness makes you predictable honestly yes like you’re so unpredict you’re

You’re so unpredictable like starting to get predictable Oh yeah he ran out of food oh you give me a yay I can have some chicken nuggies can I have chicken nuggies uh what I’ll be if Lizzy says yes come on Lizzy no I’m Banning Lizzy no don’t ban Him what’s the most unpredictable thing you could say that you can never link back to uh well if they say it in chat you’ll be quoted most likely But hunger is your worst enemy yeah at least you were able to make it to the top five of only me and the other person can have the LI these chicken Nuggies but uh what time is it okay I’ve actually been almost streaming for 2 hours a long Jackie use the ice Strat for real go I think I think they found it they guessed it first try didn’t they maybe Oh well I guess we’re reing unless you guys want to see how this game ends we do not want to see how this game ends we know the guy with the armor is going to win death run but yeah I’ll probably end a bit so

I can have some uh food uh we we’ll try to get in a few more random Keys though no and by random you mean SL Q murder correct I think either peele’s upset that it’s death run or is upset they couldn’t see the end oh too

Bad you oh you died on purpose so you can hopefully get the murder mystery game before I end thank you Jackie I today sir horse please don’t good luck Guys waiting until there’s a big group I only got free I really thought you were going to wait until I went on the Trap no I wasn’t going to do that someone died before they got uh even on the oh that’s not what I thought it was me I Swear activate the TR start oh my God no you’re not keeping the lead let me win no well maybe we’ll see I couldn’t tell what that trap was I’m still going to win anyways because of my excellent death run skills as you can tell I’m so good at

This game also I think the other killer left on me also I just trolled a lot of people when went back for a trap I uh left I almost couldn’t see that glass there because of my pack that’s crazy I I’m also pretty sure I I don’t

Know where the other death is I might be alone Hi I’m just teleporting everywhere trying to get as many kills as I can you [ __ ] come on I just teleported there I saw people on it so I just did it Wait is there okay no that’s the last trap oh I activated that too soon come on cutting girl can do it a they didn’t make It oh I didn’t even need to activate the trap on that person I feel bad Now uh back here a cool down Hi how are you I feel like I’m sneeze but I’m not going to sneeze at the same time and I it makes me want to commit murder at arson and a lot of other CRI I feel that but yeah I’m doing good I’ve been

Enjoying a more uh chill stream today I know there’s a lot of people uh streaming and a lot of people have been hyped for uh Ferris like uh seon especially because uh if I’m right if it goes on for like a 100 hours or I

Don’t know if it’s if it goes on for 100 hours or the timer actually gets to 100 but at one point there’s a chance he’ll do uh a face reveal so I know a lot of people have been hyped through that it’s um if the timer gets to 100

Hours oh this is a fun game but um you guys don’t need the face reveal because I have seen his face and I can confirm that he is bald like I’m telling you you don’t need the face reveal you have Rosy confirmation he is Bald uh you you changed your mind you only oh you you’ll share it with Rosie Too did r is he calling Fair bow change your mind chicken nuggets woo setting up a tower where I’m going to shoot from there’s two guys with like identical IGN’s on the other team and they have sweaty skins and I do not like that lovely can we target the guys that have

The identical names please oh I killed one of them they are actually so bad never Mind uh uh fake peel okay peel peel kill peel I killed them again they are so bad at this game I thought they were good to be fair I did just get killed by like a level one now R is cool that’s why okay I was about to say like

Like that was just conveniently timed when you said that when they just called Fair ball oh I’m going to sneeze I swear but I don’t want to sneeze I want to Murder uh oh see people Ros you was talking about have zero gamer score uhoh I don’t think they’re hacking though because um they are bad at this game I will say I’m definitely not doing as good this time compared to my other uh no mind a

S okay I think one of them is actually not bad but the other one like the loves without the vow in it that one that one is really bad one that’s like UVS is we’re just we’re just cooler wait are you saying like you’re excluding the other person that’s

Funny but but you also just start playing Minecraft if you want although uh I’ll probably only do one more random que after this but if you want to join in uh uh even if it’s only for one game uh if you want to play Minecraft right

Now uh I’ll send you a party invite if not you’re just here to uh chill for a bit and that’s good uh you’re just chilling you’re all Good uhoh got him ow but yeah so we’ll do one more random que I’ll that uh unless it’s someone who’s live who I haven’t R in a while I’ll most likely end uh rating fair and a giving him support for his uh uh seon there’s actually a

Couple and yeah you’re oh you are excluding the other person that’s F just like just like to go like hey can I have chicken nuggies no I’m sorry uh this person from uh my friend’s stream uh I I found cooler so they get the nuggies now that’s crazy so Rosie how does it

Feel to be the one to make it to someone else doesn’t get Nuggies feels great oh I killed someone as it ended I kind of feel bad for killing him like that who am I kidding I like but blood for the blood yeah don’t feel bad oh oh yeah I know who you’re talking about and they’re going to be mad when they find Out so I take back my previous statement as well both of the guys with the zero gamer score in the matching IDE are bad both of them oh yeah I just killed both of them within like two like a second I thought thought the other one was good

But that’s probably because they had armor and they killed me with the armor nah they’ll be fine oh yeah definitely just imagine like wolf was watching the whole time and just comments no I won’t be I know what you’re talking about he would not like that

GG I probably don’t have the most kills but maybe I’m lucky oh it’s not wolf oh it’s someone else okay oh it’s not wolf oh yeah he’d only be mad if uh you sto giving him cookies oh uh let me do random que again he has plenty of cookies I gave

Him like 10 uh I can’t do that oh there SkyWars we’ll be ending of the game that we usually do at the start I’m jumping into the void I don’t like this game is it because it’s not one of the custom ones where it’s chaos yes I only like death tag and um

Chaos death tag is actually kind of fun though I can’t lie even though it’s very ping based and I have terrible ping it’s pretty fun how does one acquire sleep is it on eBay yeah you can just like some sleep on eBay that’s what I

Do except I don’t have any money cuz I spend you so um I can’t afford sleep unfortunately cess goes okay bomb uh en CH helmet I’ll take that definitely need better gear but I’ll have to work with what I I was actually trying to play the game and I fell into the void

By accident that’s what I get for bridging one-handed oh well apparently you’re not the only one apparently apparently a quarter the lobby to two in all fairness my arm’s still broken so I have to play one-handed but I seem to bridge one-handed pretty like well other times

That time it just went or I I don’t know what happened it was kind of a wonky Bridge uh no I jump you jumped off cuz you can’t PV or oh wait no you you hasn’t PVP who oh yeah I CM PVP Either how have I only gotten like Enchanted iron helmets from oh I’m dead s uh is that every oh everyone in the party’s dead um I thought the G I thought the last game would go for a lot longer you know what uh since you didn’t get the play

When you actually want to one more SkyWars we don’t need to torture ourselves we can do one more Ground Wars I mean uh one one more random VI okay you end up getting one like Anyway take I’ll take it I will take it oh I have unused unlocks I need to fix

That it’s going to annoy me if I don’t but I don’t even know what it is oh never mind I found apparently I have unused ones too I couldn’t find it yeah I got the boom box gravestone now cuz I’m just so cool level 284 I really need to get Prestige to

Game so I do hope you guys have been have enjoyed the stream like after this match I’m going to I’m most likely just going to raid fair and uh send some love and support while he uh slowly loses his sanity during his seon is he still doing

Hive uh not sure I haven’t gotten a CS invite from Fair Rose in a while oh yeah he might have swapped another game for now if he’s not doing Hive I’ve got like five other raid suggestions there’s so many people alive right now Jackie Packy pens is the murderer

Shoot him as quick as you can Rosie just calling him out hi I’m sorry sadly you joined during the last uh random cube of the night I’m going to be oh I’m going to be getting stabbed today Jackie killed me in the bathroom I had to call him out for that

Yeah maybe in a straight line let’s ra a church stream no no no no no let’s not do that just oh yeah let me send you guys to a random Church most of them have their live chats off anyways I was about to say don’t wouldn’t most of them have it

Off the person that shoot you didn’t even shoot the bat yeah that’s a give you thingle power to high hor you could barely tap the bow but it’s still full power sometimes all you need is one click that’s why I love the murder mystery bows but here

Uh here I’m going to raid uh here let me see what Fair’s up to I guess since it seems like he hasn’t uh most likely got off the hive uh yeah it doesn’t oh and as I as I open it uh uh remember how I was talking

About like Bose was probably doing a stream where like he is crane exe is he doing that very first thing that popped Up yeah I think I got that oh I I have no idea what game he fa playing at him how do you not know have I haven’t stream I haven’t I haven’t heard of that game oh you haven’t heard of it no I’m going to have to leave the VC to

Open YouTube but I can tell you what it is if I know the game’s called a look it I can’t tell what it is just based off of I can tell it’s like a browser Game but here uh do you guys want to check out the random game or should I just rate someone uh who’s I oh my K immediately going out why is that I never played that game it’s the better cah hoop okay well that gives me enough info to have an

Idea of what it Is uh check theams for epic raid I swear you just sent me the thing for the church wait did you just send me like a debate thing going on in India this man sent me a a stream that’s like A but here uh I’m not just because I’m curious about the game uh well we’ll R Fair why not here uh I will put the link in the chat but please but I’ll also do redirect for those of you who are uh just want to do adults yeah I’ll check

It out I I know what cot is but maybe I’m just too old to know what it is the look it but there we go uh go show fairis and love and support uh you got a question uh sure what is it Li oh yeah I’ll be sure to check out the

I’ll be sure to check out the squirrel messages and I also got to check out the one video uh uh someone told me to about what other weird controversies happening in uh involving Cubecraft bye I already V ly I was waiting a bit because he said you’re going to ask a question but it’s all good hope you guys have a good night and I’ll most likely see you guys tomorrow for honestly it’ll probably be a random game something on PC or maybe uh first

Like official PS5 stream oh that that was the question Okay but either way I’ll see you guys tomorrow for uh you just a random game uh I won’t I won’t even know myself until tomorrow I’ll see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive Live | Haven’t Played Hive Since Last Year’, was uploaded by SIR HORSE on 2024-01-05 00:25:52. It has garnered 116 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:42 or 8082 seconds.

On today’s live stream, Sir Horse is enjoying playing some Hive with friends & viewers on Minecraft, doing a mix of parties and custom servers, with a touch of scuff to them.

Also no, I do not regret the dumb joke in the title.

Discord: https://discord.gg/BnRuxb5nUr

Music provided by Lofi Girl Listen: bit.ly/lofigirI-playlists

#minecraftbedrock #hivewithviewers #live #minecraft #hive #pngtuber #vtuber

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    Ultimate Piston Extender Guide The Power of Double Piston Extenders in Minecraft Bedrock & Switch Redstone contraptions in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch can reach new levels of complexity and efficiency with the use of Double Piston Extenders. These essential components allow players to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for creative builds and mechanisms. Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Double Piston Extender Creating a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender requires careful placement of redstone components. In Bedrock and Switch versions of Minecraft, Quasi connectivity is no longer available, so repeaters must be used to space… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More