EPIC CubeCraft Stream: Join TheOrderOfSapphire!

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Yo yo everyone this is me the saire we are back well I’m back with another stream I uh I’m back uh so if you don’t know why I’ve been moving uh I think it’s echoing a lot of my room and if you’re hearing

It I’m not in my room I was before so we are currently in another I’m in another place so yeah you V good how’s it going first yes you are um how are you doing today I’m doing really good today uh this is the first stream I have done

After moving so we will see if the volume and also the Wi-Fi Wi-Fi returned today so I’m pretty happy about that um so so we I don’t know let’s go do some DS I haven’t done CC for so long like I I usually play like C every

Day um so from not playing C every day to like return back I I played a little bit before and it’s just so weird it’s so weird feels so weird but yeah really good how is it going with you it’s eching so much in my

Room is is a really really so if I’m little bit not very loud then you have here if SPID Pro invites you join um unfortunately I do not join a lot of people uh right now so you can you can join my party if you would want to but I

Do not accept P invites right now today I I feel like I need to get back to to streaming right now it’s pretty cool in my room um could be because I don’t uh yeah I have yeah or it’s not the same internet shortly uh it’s it’s another it’s another

Internet we can we can TR to say it’s another interet like it’s not the same as I before um kind of so it it if it might seem like it’s lagging a lot could be the case or could be case let’s go grab here oh my nice this person is here all

Right inite you awesome what is your ing game name uh as unfor unfortunately I do not know that oh want to do another one one one it’s not a really good time um for me to stream on a Tuesday I think yeah really good right de go there we go

Uh let’s see see if it works it works very very awesome all right there we go I’m sick so I’m home from school oh dang hi I really sorry sorry GS sorry GS oh really I really hope you um yeah I really hope uh that your sick

Sick will go away right it’s not really fun to be sick here we go I’m going to go and do some armor first before I’m doing anything I’m going to go quickly go here you crypto frogs how’s it going it’s echoing so much much in my room it’s

Because I have some I don’t have a lot of I have some stuff in my room but some of them I haven’t unpacked uh so a really interesting thing shortly I don’t my parents and well this my mother she can hear me hi Mother uh yeah mini promotion mini promotion oh

Lord what mean promotion yeah yeah yeah congratulation Krypto you don’t need to act as a mo if you don’t want to it’s just there um I do I give it to every staff member that I know and as you’re a sta member as your helper then it made

Very sense uh to to give you that let’s go do some dos here do was do so yeah I’m I’m back from from the dead uh this sounds very very like interesting indeed um so one thing I like to new plays I don’t see because I know my M can hear me

Uh U but a really interesting thing is is uh my room is next to my parents room and I need to make it so if they sleep uh so I don’t like scream if I if I stream it’s why I’m like s a little bit weird because now I can really hear

Like like people can really hear what I’m saying if that make sense you who gifted me this membership uh let’s see it was nty actually you you know just nty um she gifted you yeah very very interesting so if my internet is a little bit hacky a little bit

Lagging around there is because I do have this this is not my normal normal thing uh I had my I had like a cable before uh connected to my router but right now I don’t have it so it’s just my Wii wi overall you can call it uh bro

Very very good really good just taking that you see pink up there I got another ification a couple days ago hey of the membership yeah that was some couple days ago um she gifted people Nat is so kind I know oh my God that’s what I’m saying Natty is so cool

And so kind like I don’t I just I don’t know that was like she gave five she she became a member and then she gave five away and then she gave five more away and it just so because she gave like she gave one membership to my girlfriend and my girlfriend became she

Was so happy oh my God it was just really really um yeah yeah surely was was really good so yeah I have I have not been active um a lot except for my phone on my mobile data uh but it’s not the same so I had like a lot of stuff I

Needed to do before but we crypto how’s it going with you man how’s it going I mean I’m manad I mean missing you like I’m not looking uh so I mean a lot of people really wanted to speak to me and were like uh why why aren’t you active like

Some some people fall like yo did something happen you know I’m often active but I was like I’m used to moving um no please please okay I’m going to just run away just go get myself up here cor right but I’m doing good I haven’t played C for so

Long it’s fun oh wait the egg is already broken dang okay well that’s good let’s see um let’s go get ourself up here well orange is over here so I’m going to go quickly go to Orange then yeah I don’t know so I’m thinking we I’m going to go continue be streaming

Qcraft and also some horror maps uh I don’t know I it was so fun to trying to like he just jumped oh it is all right um so yeah so I’m I’m going to have some stuff I’m going to I will be needing to

Do uh I was trying to get rid of my the Bel of um how do I say it um so everyone can hear me what I’m talking about um yeah food all right yeah it’s food you if you go and buy yourself and stuff you can basically um Ed to for there

Let’s go um let’s go to purple I’m going to go to purple right now but everyone I wish you doing great today as me I I woke up with I like all right so we moved so there was a lot of stuff we needed to do on Saturday and

Then was a lot some stuff we need to do on Sunday uh so I’ve been lifting like crazy surely I would say crazy but maybe it’s not very very crazy but like a lot if he like um hello my friend no go away yeah no that they going to kill me oh my

Is what if you do the opposite all right oh never mind you like hitting me on this side I was like H I don’t know what to do but yeah yo aric how’s it going how’s it going AR the hello I can’t watch the stream but I decided to stop in hey hi

Ausome over here how’s it going I’m I’m I’m back from the dead of being not having an internet have a nice stream thank you so much you have a good I need to say it’s really awkward to like uh to to be here like I hear I

Can hear like an echo in when I’m talking it’s not really good but it’s probably because uh often not like I’m pretty close to my computer that I like to a wall work here yo Shane how’s it Go Chad this is real is this real is this a cc

Moderator playing cuc after uh moving away dang that is that’s probably true you’re destroying everyone well awesome well good for you I guess um let’s go I actually don’t need to go there oh well at least there are some people left here well that’s good for the surviving people there we

Go it’s pretty nice at Le here but what we usually do what I’m going to do on my streams is to play egg Wars SkyWars what stuff it’s just really relaxing uh M World got got a new update actually so been adding even more stuff I haven’t

Yet tested out so I’m going to go and I mean maybe we can do some M war after uh that would be really interesting indeed because I mean I really want to I know usually I used do stuff I want to do um there we go you we Gladiator how’s

It going I’m back from the dead no I’ve been I’ve been moving away um so we are currently my me and my family are currently in another place it’s really interesting we living in before we lived in the same place for over 10 years um so just moving is very interesting

Indeed um but yeah I’m sick again oh that’s unfortunate man I really hope you you get well so yeah if you hear any equin sign I don’t know if you can um then it’s Pro because of that and uh new thing I will this is a bad thing for streaming but

Good thing for everyone else uh so I have my room situated exactly close to my parents room this means if I stream before I don’t have really have it if I stream it’s going to be really hard to keep my Vol down two two things it’s echoing second uh everyone can hear

Me right now so yeah it’s it’s really interesting but yeah yeah I’m doing pretty good myself I woke up and I was like dang internet but because I’ve been waiting like I’ve been surviving on Xbox 360 games yeah we have an old Xbox 360 um so I played

Like yesterday like I’ve been playing through like Harry Potter and the Deathly holos like part one it was really fun play through it um and then then I played let’s see I play like like I played through it yesterday so I had like two days on that

Game really nice like the old one I don’t know if you played it was the first one I played it yesterday I think or two days ago yeah and then after that I decided you to play was it battle rocks with like Black Yak uh

I metal Ro I don’t remember but I was play I was decided to play like Lego Batman Lego old Lego Batman from like 200 S8 or wonder I don’t really remember I wish checking the date like the year yesterday but unfortunately I do not remember but how’s it going with you

Very glad you Rex for being SI I hope you been do good I need uh six more and or five more and after that I can get myself go to the other generator right away there we go and can go over here so we can get ourselves some iron

And with the iron we can quickly I’m going to go and quickly cover the egg I feel like they they’re going to rush us and if you rush us is not it’s not good to have even you know like if you have a little bit defense I mean that’s good like this is

Good um but yeah you that I been lifting a lot of stuff shortly uh and I’m still tired from it yesterday I slept over 13 hours from there so I woke up like I I slept like I slept like 1 a.m. around there some around there I don’t have a SW to pickax

This is really bad I’m going to probably die here and but then after that I took I was away but then I took your nap that was yesterday U so I took a nap after that like one and a half hour ate dinner uh was up and I was up to like five

Playing the league of Batman and some other games and uh yeah that’s kind of what I did uh and then like so basically I move I moved a lot of stuff on Saturday yeah there there we go I’ve been cleaning a lot of stuff on T on Wednesday Thursday and like Friday I’ve

Been packing a lot of stuff there so it’s been a lot of stuff show what yeah I just had a feeling that some were up there because I did see you before and I thought for some reason you escaped but you didn’t and yes we have another internet I

Another internet this means I don’t have a cable to to my to the router but so far I feel like it’s going pretty good it’s pretty smooth um so that’s good that’s really good but today I’m going to going about sh axing because I have not been streaming for so

Long D I am I think I I I kind of said like yo I’m py and for the members so basically if you’re a member I can like I have like posts that are only for members if that makes sense and I’m like playing around with that so I’m like I

Don’t know it’s really really interesting it’s still weird to be monetized you okay game how a good one hello how s are doing I am doing fabulous I’m doing really good um yeah I don’t know but I feel like this this internet is really good dang

Like I like before I I swear like I had like a cable directly to my router but today it’s been like it just very nice ascept for this person um lag lag issues Oh my days never mind I was saying it was going good and then now I’m seeing little bit lag

Here really good here hey thank you so I’ve been just longing trying to survive I’m like playing some my uh some Xbox 360 I’ve been working on something it’s very secret it’s very secret and I said also good Bo good like birty uh good birty wait happy birthday I wait good

Birthday wait a minute uh have a birthday to one of my friends um so I I made a call on my phone so I haven’t been able to call with people this means I haven’t been able to really talk to my girlfriend that I’m really looking forward to um when I had opportunity

Later I think she’s she’s probably sleeping I I hope she’s sleeping she need her beautiful sleep I’m going to die I just walked home I I go I just I thought you know couldn’t need to redeem so basically how you can redeem is by doing this boom

Deem and for example if you want to redeem a water reminder you would write this SL redeem and then water now always throw that in the the beautiful shot but hey that’s that’s fine no uh I don’t do du you sp sh hey noise um I’m going to quickly make a run

For this so I can go that was really good for them that was really good like they just came from nowhere basically I don’t have a sword I don’t have a pickaxe if I had a pickaxe at least I could be Bing people down you

Know but ni not nice wait is how did you how did you I read him sneaky oh nice um but yeah that was pry okay gam how’s it going with you how’s it going with you nice there the person is dead uh I’m just waiting for bu good in case he

Would be put off or something I don’t know but yeah sleeping I I slept like a lot of hours yesterday and today I slept soon I was like all right sleeping is good um need to rest oh I’m not even yoking my body was in pain my body was in pain I

Am I don’t know but after lifting a lot of stuff like the days days after like yesterday and little bit today I feel like my body is oh like all right so yesterday yeah my body didn’t not feel good today it’s it’s it’s hurting like I’m only

Kidding it’s it’s hurting um but right now it’s I’m just trying to like take a shill not really think about it main game is a k game I’m going to invite you when I have the opportunity to after this game is Da D but yeah so just means I have I don’t

Really have an opportunity to do any I I don’t know if you good you’re watching the stream but I I I don’t I don’t do DS hello Pedro what in earth oh you wait wait you from like the Ninja Turtle I don’t really remember the name of the red like the turtle from

Ninja penis Ninja Ninja Turtle like something like penis Mutant Ninja Turtle yeah yeah now I remember I’m just casually singing The Wrong lyrics Oh my days it’s it’s lagging it’s lagging Oh my days it’s lagging definitely lagging oh my God it’s going good Ninja Turtle

Exactly oh they have a bow I see I see I spot with my little eye a person I will kill well where are you my friend where are you did you go down there you did and there we go we just one all right only yellow left where yellow where is

Yellow all right let’s go and get yourself an sword um get yourself a beautiful armor wa I could have just used a emerald but I’ve been smart is not my option right now all right someone shooting me all right thank you so much for revealing your location you’re over

There netherite armor okay that’s not good but everyone I wish you’re doing good good today uh there we go uh there we go there we go all right so they’re going to probably wait for me to be over uh so we’re going to do a little sneaky moment well sneaky sneaky

Um and casually go right over here so we don’t really mind that it’s going to shoot us uh I don’t think they will be aiming if they hit me now I’m going to regret saying anything I’ve been living up to this imagine if you just walked off that would be interesting uh all

Right so this is pretty good so if you would shoot us in front of us at least this will mean that we will yeah we just have the bridge behind us oh okay don’t do that again um there we go yes so King I will be inviting you right after when I just

Don’t feel like this person is trying to stop me right I think it’s kind of reasonable okay could I invite you right here right okay not gaming not gaming wait Cal not game all right sorry I thought was L for is for a second wa accidentally

Used I can’t even spell I can’t even spell your name I’m so sorry is I didn’t see it I didn’t see it I was like is that an is that a big eye you know like because of us of the chat yo hey thank you so much well all right

Well I’m going to quickly go right here get ourself the beautiful arery going um okay there we go now we have arrows that that that that is really good like now now we upgrading here like now now we have a lot of stuff Yodo King how’s it going

I don’t know you know like every time when I when I have when I’m Tak a break from streaming it just feels like I’m hearing myself especially when echoing is even more like I feel awkward I feel so awkward yellow F I know that um I just want to get over here

I’m I’m missing that’s what about the drin to aim okay never mind now I shot him and I’m using it want feel like my aim is very off uh that’s the worst thing when you haven’t played alone for while h i I remember when my aim was little

Bit better at least but right now it’s going pretty good this person doesn’t seem to I mean they do mind me hitting them but it’s a it’s fine or go we have currently oh my this um um what happened what I’m so confused teams before hello everyone

Oh hey yo we have five five likes here I think yes indeed we do have five likes but you know what we’re doing we’re going to go switch over right away I really hope my stream settings are not off right now because it could be that the stream settings are going to be

Really bad uh oh no so this this I really hope it’s not lagging too much um but yeah yo that’s a cool cool um that’s a cool cool skin can’t speak what is this confusion I drink some water actually there we go you got to s a

Pickaxe well I can buy myself a pickaxe I don’t I don’t have any iron that that’s a problem what is a Ocha skin I don’t know what an Ocha skin is what is that the stream Oh you mean uhuh yeah yeah he’s a funny

Dude yeah I can I can tell you I can tell you some stuff about it it’s really really funny like all right Q Crow I all right well you know a lot it’s a lot of hackers um so of course I can be checking it everywhere but for some

Reason he wants me to check in his stream like every time and he’s like oh you went there you went there I I got someone was stream stepping with hiking I was like um what you just got a nice for you red and I was like I I can’t I

Can’t check on everything in the same time it what do you think I am AA what but I also remember that AA trying to uh he trying to con trying to convince me to um speak against the the egg Wars uh season 4 update yeah he he he trying to convince

Me I so so all right so you know I’m I’m a moderator um this really I thought this really very funny all right you you know a moderator yeah I’m I’m I’m ain’t a I’m I’m not an admin I’m I’m I’m not a developer I’m I’m just a

Moderator yeah some things are good but still yeah you know some stuff are interesting some are some are bad some are good you know it’s like very update like you think well like an update can’t be completely good or an update can’t be completely bad I remember as I was a

Helper at the time when um when there were a lot of um uh yeah sh a lot of people there was like a lot of angry people like 20 people in lobbies could be uh short not be really nice towards um staff members um so I remember that

They were saying oh you’re you’re so bad St team like you ruin everything I’m like but I’m used to help her like I was pretty new to like the staff Staffing stuff you know it was really funny because uh I don’t know was it wasn’t the only show

But I’m trying to explain to him like you know like I’m used to moderator like I I don’t you know like I can’t really do anything like he Stills like I don’t know like really do anything but like I’m how do I explain this you know I don’t have

Really a good say in stuff it’s this the funniest part because I mean um so it’s not only there there a lot of other YouTubers are trying to convince me like yo bro um could you do something and I’m like I I I don’t think I can well I’m just I’m just one

Person um I don’t know you know like in but my opinion I I would say I need to still play a lot of the Season thing maybe maybe you don’t really know um that say it he’s really interesting I like his content yo M what is your username my

Username is sneaky K one that’s U that’s my username but how’s it going with you I wish you’re doing good I can see some other stuff like he’s he’s friends with some hackers um that is probably be confirmed he he said it when I was just haing his stream for a

Second um but yeah like it’s it’s just he he’s an interesting person right I I don’t say this book like his content is really cool and I personally I do like to watch his um his his stuff stuff on his channel like it it is really good

Like but again if you have a channel don’t message me about like Potter pottering with Q you know like if you don’t have a channel it’s completely fine like I then you don’t take any like you know anything because yeah but I just found it really funny

Right so you have on.net you can you can do an application um for for like water rank yeah like YouTube water rank uh I I am I’m still used the moderator I can’t decide um anything of that so it’s pretty pretty interesting uh when people are like yo bro can you

Can you like say that so I can get water rank I’m like not really because I’m just a moderator again like I’m using that card every time can you invite me to your party my I I I’m oh my this is yeah it’s just you know the punch

Rank is just for partners if you have like a yoube channel twitch Channel you know it’s like it’s a lot of stuff you know like that it’s it’s not mod like it’s not the mod application but I also got that like some people like think I

Can get mod us randomly because I’m a mod it doesn’t work like that it’s it doesn’t work like that like you need to do your you need to like you need to apply for helper and the help you get there but like yeah I can give

You later um just right now I’m trying to focus on this person half actually I’m not really focusing just me trying to hit the person when I’m talking yeah and it’s very laggy oh my this that was a mistake my friend yeah I’m lagging to you’re

Lagging to oh my is maybe it’s a Q cing then I don’t know well there we go alar alar all right my eyes is just deceiving me my been going up and down all this the same here it’s the same here yo everyone how’s it going how’s it

Going could I invite um did I use oh oh alter a offline oh that’s really unfortunate well let’s go and get yourself here but I’m really Happ to be back from uh from from the I don’t know what I’m say from the dad from the

Internet that like me and my mom we just joked about like before like it was the internet no internet Purge like it like no internet oh my is that a shicken no way yo looking trippy looking trippy but everyone we still have the thing here five five likes and we will

Get ourself another cat picture uh really interesting I think we have maybe we have five five left to 10 likes and after that we will be continue all right if you on this map I do really enjoy this map as I like the colors and how

The like I remember the old one the old one was nice this one is pretty [ __ ] like I really like the color I really like you know the finger it’s really cool okay so I’ve been planning some content do you want to hear I’m like you just

Just you know I was promising some stuff and I actually had some stuff I I wanted to do before I moved but I didn’t have any time okay I don’t I don’t know really what you are but okay so me my friends Fabs this is just beginning with

Like me just explaining right my friends Fabs you know we were in a call with some other people that’s really nice um Fabs if you really interesting fabulous of color um right you after that and I just like yeah I was thinking about doing like a spicy noodle challenge you know like I

Don’t know like maybe something like that and she she gave me like all right these noodles are very hot you know like it noce she she and I was like okay cool nice uh and then I show my mother and she really kind enough so my daddy’s

Bottom so I have two package I don’t know really where they are now unfortunately so I don’t I don’t know what they are but I guess if I don’t find them I’m going to see if I can buy more this means I was thinking about doing some kind of challenge there

That’s what I’m trying to say I don’t know if you’re up to it but if you’re up to it after this game uh try inviting me again because before wasn’t on the right server you wasn’t on the right server oh than that’s very unfortunate you know stuff happens you know some all right

This is a really fun thing if my um if my friend say yo can you join sequa sea is another PVP server uh and I’m I’m like I’m going into the servers you know I’m clicking on qcraft because just came naturally like I don’t I’m not I’m not joking there

Like it just came naturally like I I can help it 10 minutes oh my this 10 minutes no you’re right you’re going King my friend um yo yo hey how’s it going I mean I wasn’t on the right Blobby oh I I think I have your isn’t Alter

Ego it seem like you’re you’re offline for me that’s really interesting oh they they just logged off I logged off just walked off logged off um but yeah so basically right now can everyone if you’re at home they can hear me scream U or talking right now and I need to fix

That because obviously I don’t want people to be too annoyed of me streaming like that when then they more than they used to um so I don’t know everything just cost a lot of money so it’s uh probably going to be that no worry all right let’s see oh my goodness my

Friend oh my this there we go all right this is going good this is going good this is going good but yeah if you would want to meet us L then that would be okay uh if you can for some reason not join from the party invites hello my

Friend I am very off right now ah a no worry you know I like I usually says is just fun playing I really B if I lose or win but I would be fun at least than like hitting the person that would be cool like but hey no worry right uh

We’ll have a have a person right over there they you casual Shield like they’re they like waiting for us to just whack them Bo well we green here nice um oh my this about to lag from from uh from the lag by from streaming is is not away it’s not a

Gun but yeah so my I have some other stuff going and at the same time I’m also thinking that uh why I need to f i changed it so me and my sta members on a Discord server if you’re a member there uh well awesome if you’re not a member there no

Worry you if you would want to join it’s in the description you do not need to if you don’t want to but I’m trying to say is uh it’s echoing so much it’s insane but yeah I’m trying to say is yeah so m not we were thinking about

Having some kind of like event thing all right so we that that was the thoughts at least that F this is insane well we are Lobby 4 and we are in Cube Craft basically oh my it is H I need I need I need to fix some

Stuff so like it doesn’t sound so much right now what is my ping I don’t know wait zero em uh is this is this is this good or bad I don’t know I don’t know all right so I’m going to wait here for just a second of that we will go

Return to another game um but it seem like I can unfortunately come on not working I yeah it doesn’t work that’s kind of kind of strange hello my friend do you want to join I was about to ask for duel I actually don’t want way no way no way no way

No way hi oh wait hi oh my God I missed you my friend I missed you I TV yo oh my days I miss so many people it’s uh insane P all right we go we have four people let’s go to teams of War yo Sky

How’s it going I wish you’re doing good I sent you a friend request just oh I unfortunately I do not accept friend requests so Weir I can give you um I’m I’m still all right G you B everyone how’s it going with you I wish you going good I my inance returned and

And I’m I’m I’m in another place if you’re hearing Echo inside uh it’s because it’s kind of echoing right now I’m hearing it with my own voice and my room is situated exactly bide my parents room and my my M can hear me talking right now hi hi

M and but yeah yeah so I I wish everyone was doing good I will be back in one minute all right but yeah I will I haven’t seen Arch on today I did see you on you know the I I accepted you know the thing thing Sky by

The way but this guy I missed you man even if you and know we canot talk wait I accidentally took it up I’m sorry I’m sorry there you go take it up I’m so sorry I I didn’t mean to take it up I was just running around like to fix the

Generators um there we go but yeah Sky how’s your day today and everyone else how was your day uh of creating and and trying to lock the generators and now I don’t have any more iron this is what iron I have here let’s grab up here I B way if my if

My set streaming settings are really weird I really apologize I haven’t been streaming for so long so it could be that like the streaming settings have kind of reseted themselves I don’t know you know I had I haven’t been I haven’t played CU for so long so if if it’s like

I just you know like I just yeah I missed you too to uh I want to break right now yo I got one minute left you got one minute um let’s go um guys oh no I I can’t I can’t go into my inventory I can’t go into my

Inventory I can’t get wait I can get in now why I can get in I swear I was pressing I was pressing the button so many times before it didn’t work all right there we go G you have the here yo tricky Monty how’s it Go

Tricky Monty uh I I’m I’m right now in another place it’s lagging a lot um another play here this means I’ve been moving uh and my body just hurt yesterday slept so many hours I think I slept like a total of 14 over 14 like almost 15 hours like I I slept

Like 13 something like that um and then I woke up was awake uh I cannot move I’m going to lose this actually I’m going to lose this uh this is this is not good yeah I think or just sleeping I did I did see B you in the you know the

Thing thing I don’t really know if you want to talk about it on stream but if you don’t want to that’s why I’m saying the thing thing and you the thing thing and not like the thing thing you know like I don’t know you know I’m talking

Like this but every you going to on a world uh water on my PC sure she’s asleep oh my yeah got go my I see a sky out of here uh if you a sky soon all right sky sky soon on I don’t know uh I think I think I think this map

Is actually today no my oh there’s a person that in this okay well that’s interesting um that person is in this I can’t do anything um I I can’t do anything a that was very painful that was very pain here h I’m like trying to check here what is the

Problem and the computer is like you the problem man you’re the problem uh I don’t need to be on Discord if someone is not saying it all there we go all right I’m now get rid some stuff there it seem like the music just is is

Not there really good and I are dead right now K gaming or k gaming is running R uh well that was very very very sad actually so it could be why stream is lagging and stream is going wild this is kind of a test for like see how much my computer can

Handle really unfortunate really Unfortunate oh wait the person just glitched through oh my is look at that what a what a beast what a boss I I I can’t really I I don’t know it doesn’t it doesn’t appear to be dropping too much or is it like it’s lagging too

Much actually I don’t know that’s the I don’t know can I change Um kind of change this I think I could wait not that my wife died no your wife died no oh that is so unfortunate it’s like a massive delay so my my opinion is like you know before in in the first first season uh it’s kind of like you know

Like I mean it was only one it was only one like yeah you could Ed to obsidian so it’s like I don’t really I don’t really know actually I was like I’m a half in half I’m like all right if you see EG C it’s lagging too much but wait a minute

Wait a minute oh wait a minute this is not good this is no good n okay it’s lagging too much okay uh I think I will be probably playing one more two games and other that I will be ending this stream I think that’s really

Good it’s uh it’s I I wouldn’t say it’s even watchable um well there we go well I’m I’m going to I’m going to yeah we we playing this game over here and then I will be ending the stream afterwards and I will see what I can do it’s it’s uh it’s it’s not

Good boom there we go to P is dead we can go over to green and maybe grab the red I actually I don’t have a pickaxe this is not good and of course the Shunk is not loading um of course my Shunk is not loading of course I cannot

See the egg and this is no good H uh I’m just guessing now I’m I’m like I’m I’m justed I can go I can’t go over here wait yeah like I I don’t really mind as4 it’s really annoying and it’s not watchable s has pay I don’t know it’s definitely my

Internet good I’m going to quickly go around here did I see yeah the r is right there nice oh my this I can’t do anything we have only one R left that’s very very interesting uh I cannot even go go through the stairs or will that was the

End of that okay everyone thank you so much for watching I know this this stream is very short as as it’s it’s really short but my internet is not good it’s not good and it doesn’t like C gr so my might work better with like horror maps

Or order maps like they’re not a c gra but right now I feel like it’s better if I don’t stream if it makes sense but yeah everyone thank so much for watching if you enjoyed just go and smack the like button more streams be coming up

I’m trying to fix the internet issue and with the lag issue um that I have right now because it’s a lot and I see you all in the next one bye it’s a creper down there

This video, titled ‘Short CUBECRAFT STREAM:)) Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2023-11-07 12:27:19. It has garnered 89 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:01 or 3001 seconds.

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  • SpiralGN

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  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

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  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

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  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

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  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

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  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

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  • Villager Parkour Challenge

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  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

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  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

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  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

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  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord:https://discord.gg/ravenrise ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum:https://discord.gg/cBNMMNrVZ6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:https://www.craftrise.com.tr/lonca/DA… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More