EPIC DayZ x Minecraft Livestream Chaos!

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Uh I think it’s working For for for no it work thck okay uh what game are we playing I don’t even know what I clicked looking out I guess we’re playing bedwars let me leave I change something I got used to um my number one now I’ve gotten used it’ve been playing fornite keep that that I guess old this p is weird bro oh I know what deactivate this one

Apparently all Whatever so many Blocks to this island is this not diamond that’s diamond bring to shopkeeper all right we’re going to bring this back to the shopkeeper [Applause] you’re Joking oh my God I can’t move man move I was like rub bounding hold on play Sky Block I need to take what’s it called is so weird I disable it o right back where’s the crafting bench look weird Jerry Jerry that Jerry don’t want to use a teleporter though

And my is yeah fantastic now I’m going back I go back to my there yeah back why do I have no um all the my tools whereing to easy I fell but I lose the stuff in my inventory we test it oh this is going to be the side all what

I keep my inventory it’s enough okay move this into this side that’s what we’re calling it okay now do we have lava or something I supposed to make a cobblestone generator oh is this block over here it’s my cobblestone generator very slow aren’t you that’s how I’m making

Cat don’t really need a house though that’s the thing least not yet have one attempt at this it works oh how can I make an infinite water source I do not need a harder stop burning that’s we’re going to have some kind of food so oh here is the plan we doing

I thought I had more than that bit underwhelming there’s no way I don’t want to use my bone meal just yet though my God going to start working on saving resources this going to be all made into an orchard that’s going to be sping out

This way um while uh I’m going to make this Cobblestone going to look ugly but it’ll [Applause] do Cobblestone is a renewable find Bedrock okay so this is the bottom layer I’m guessing we have a renewable resource that is Cobblestone so we’re going to keep uh

Destroying all the dirt to keep and then keep replacing it with [Applause] [Applause] Cobble [Applause] [Applause] can I upgrade him just have to brightness oh [ __ ] over How did he kill me I was on thing no don’t fall don’t fall sir oh it’s just okay I can just keep respawning I should else did he drop he drop something else he dropped some weird box where was it what not make torches a charal can you Not done that times okay my Google won’t load I’m literally Googling it yeah it can also be used to make torches am I dumb don’t this is so weird what are the widgets that I for what was that noise it TP me cuz I was AFK okay me too all right okay quit

Minecraft watch YouTube while I E anything particular want to watch hopefully the audio should there we go All right I think that’s going to get what are we on Minecraft oh boy okay I did not want to make another video about dream considering I thought my last video was quite definitive but alas this might just be one of the most important discussions that I will ever make and my

Last video on dream is pretty much obsolete now with recent events I don’t stand by it anymore where to even begin dream made arguably the greatest response video he could have made in this video dream not only addresses major controversies he disproves some massive misconceptions gives context to

Some of his admittedly worse Behavior destroys the allegations made against him with near surgical precision and even apologizes and acknowledges some parts of his past controversies where he was wrong and you want to know what Twitter had to say I feel like I’ve died and woken up in some Bizarro world where

People actively ignore any form of rational thought just so they can spread lies about someone they have already decided is the devil the vast majority of people on Twitter have not watched dreams response video and it shows some people are even refusing to watch the video because they claim they don’t want

To support a groomer they are bending over backwards and Performing all sorts of mental gymnastics to avoid the fact that they might be completely wrong despite the massive amounts of effort dream has put into clearing his name and explaining his worst controversies so many of these Twitter psychos are

Refusing to even give him any sort of leeway to explain anything and I must emphasize that this is a problem that is pretty much exclusive to Twitter you’ll find far more rational and nuanced takes from people who have actually watched Dreams video on YouTube Reddit even Discord Twitter by Design is a terrible

Platform for any sort of serious discussion it propagates engagement through outrage and Snippets of discords divorced from all context it is reading ground for misconceptions and misinformation and dream’s entire career since he became Twitter’s biggest punching bag has become an increasingly dangerous game of telephone these people

Do not care about the truth they they do not care about potential victims of abuse iide the dream um obvious was um Prett good actually a lot of stuff obviously I’m still like iffy and aware that stuff might not be as he says I’m waiting for more information to come out but the

Majority I I actually kind of agree and I didn’t really think any of it was true to begin with cuz you know how people are looking for drama and stuff yeah but I thought it was a good video they do not care about protecting miners from predators they only care

About taking down someone they deem cringeworthy they are bullies masquerading as advocates for justice and the craziest part is they will admit to this I brought up this image in my last video but seeing Twitter’s reaction to dreams response makes it even more relevant they just want to see him burn

And I think meme culture is to blame for his gross display of mob defamation and liable that’s all it is to a vast majority of his haters dreams biggest detractors treat him like one big meme take something out of context create a false narrative around it spread it

Everywhere with humor rinse and repeat it’s asinine and I’m just as guilty for falling into this as anyone else my last video on dream is full of misinformation partly due to my own carelessness when it came to some finer details but also just because of how much of a

Conversation is being controlled by people who absolutely hate him there’s a sea of information out there regarding dreams controversies and if you were trying to make a video primarily discussing the multiple aspects of his character more than likely you would get things wrong because most of the information archived about him comes

From other online sources people will always say dream stands are so crazy dream stands are so parasocial but his haters are far worse on average dream stands are just cringe teenagers who make fan cams and Fan Art and fan edits of their favorite YouTubers dream haters

Are the ones who are doxing him dream haters are the ones who are swatting him dream haters are the ones who are spreading lies and with all of this you’re telling me that dream stands are The Crazy Ones I think there’s something to be said about how people treat

Figures and things that are very popular with teenage girls I’m not going to be the one to say it but just think about why there were so many flash games and videos all about killing Justin Bieber in the late 2000s in early 2010s when dream tried to address the allegations

In a live stream someone clipped a 10-second segment of him saying the age of a person he texted didn’t matter and posted that removed from all context on Twitter it spread like wildfire and so many haters went ballistic but what they don’t tell you is that dream actually

Said that the person’s age did not matter because he never texted them in any inappropriate way these people are straight up just lying hey you guys know that a Minecraft Youtuber known as known as alumina was outed as a rapist this week I wonder why all of these people

Who supposedly care about victims aren’t talking about that okay so why does this matter why am I making such a big deal over internet drama the whole dream situation is something I think we as an online community need to learn from the dangers of bias have never been more

Apparent these people wanted to hate dreams so they continued to spread lies about him fun cheered learning that he was assaulted and verbally abused by an egotistic actor having an EP they even lied to make it seem as if dream was in the wrong the lengths dream haters will

Go to justify their unjust hatred is so deeply unsettling and obsessive I want you all to put yourselves in dreams I do this he was like let’s do this have to C my entire display or can I can do it wait can you you have audio if I did

This I canun down right now just try and understand what it feels like to wake up every day get harassed by thousands of people on the internet see people on Twitter spread lies about you and call you a pedophile while never listening or reading anything you have to say about

False allegations they cheer whenever you look bad and they have the G to say that your fan base is the real problem I want you to imagine having your address do being despite trying your best to stay Anonymous and when you do reveal your things only get worse you get

Physically assaulted you get stalked by haters all of your worst fears are turning into a reality the side of the internet obsessed with memes drove this man to the brink of insanity and rather than having a complete mental breakdown as I’m sure most people would do he instead decided to release a response

Thoroughly debunking every false allegation admitting to his faults clarifying his biggest past controversies allinone relatively concise well-edited and clear video and even with all of that none of his detractors are choosing to even watch the video in full instead making insubstantial critiques to avoid the fact that they were were all wrong and

Dream knew this was going to happen he knows that his haters are going to do exactly what they always do and clip the video out of context to cyber bully him it’s become completely theatrical too commentary channels rush to make videos about every dream controversy no matter how big or small YouTube commentary

Channels are going to have a field day with dreams response but all of their videos are going to be complete garbage because they don’t care about the ramifications of misinformation extreme bias and the ultimately toxic cynicism of meme culture they just want views and money if you’re watching this

Video right now and you haven’t watched dreams response video in completion go and watch it in just a few years genuine criticism of a public figure has turned into this morbid Witch Hunt where half of the discussion is controlled by liars and idiots who have spent so much time

Hating on a person they can’t even consider the possibility that their hatred is unjustified like some sort of sunk cost fallacy tgw Twitter is Bad to discover how you can earn rewards by taking more control of your electricity usage sign up for your ESB Network’s online account today all right yo over off stream but see watching Tommy what did that happen hello I’m going to just switch the full cam while I switch Minecraft so

Give me a second having a fantastic day especially favorite moderator got a Minecraft cookie at that thing it’s huge we try speed running fire stream enjoy I know brother thank you is a fire stream I always have a all my are fire oh and he retracted the message that is

H don’t worry Connor I saw it quick uh I’m going try speed I haven’t sped run in so long I got that crazy all we get a timer right I get a timer on the screen say happy streaming br oh brother I stop my exam today actually

Here wait I can show my name I have my exams here brother I did them already yo say hi to Funk he’s my moderator brother my two moderators Wow have two mods in chat that’s czy I’m just saying up to speed can I have like a a widget in do you have any

All right we’re going to I don’t I don’t know work whatever we back okay we’re just gonna I know it do all right we’ll just try speed crazy all right I also did my Irish exam so right before we move cuz it’s not cheating I can do this oh my God we try

To spawn or should I just re this PC makes it so much easy running like 500 FPS hungry hungry boy all right need that for is that a sheep my left it is oh I forgot I changed my oh no I changed my uh what’s it called there we go fix it all

Right that would have been awful come here sheepy oh we got plenty of food much food come here sheep oh you’re not dead in one hit that’s crazy in crit properly oh we got a lava pool should we just go for iron and go straight to the

Nether there’s a cave right there we could do that going do That brother wait when’s the next du cash c forite i compete in the first one I want to wow this it this really bad cave all right we’ll use it to get some Stone I guess um cuz I competed Ino and we got so close to placing you’re kind of

Sick honestly I plan on streaming for a for wish Che have some more wood how’ you doing your exam anyway Connor oh by the way I’ve sorted like an Al alert box so if somebody Subs it like pops up on the screen supposed to anyway also you might notice your chat is popping

Up oh wait did I accidentally hide It what’s your Bedrock name oh um I don’t think I downloaded better I don’t know I don’t think I download it um I might still have it on my switch I don’t know I thought you play PC funk I think of h h h play PC a pirate ship

Wow all right let’s go another more this oh okay these oh hi alen rice y what’s good can I just call you rice yo rice what’s good rice you have a good good time here yeah three people are going now I think on our

Left oh you do do you have Java I don’t think I Bedrock I prefer Java if you see a shipwreck I swear they were more coming thought they were like super super well that cookie goes hard my cave that there OD in Java nice brother we can play it then uh whenever you’re

Ready um I have you on Discord can I also I don’t know if you can tell but I wasn’t IP I was like whatever I’ll just take a screenshot and I chose as screenshot my screenshots because it says techno blade never does so I was like that’s the win like two days

Ago I was like why not use it was my first load in on Java have kind of given up the speed you on so take I’ll open disc on Discord oh S I missed your messages a saying oops age this person oh I was looking for for a video up right

Actually was downloading R6 earlier I canceled though to that is yeah what’s good me yeah what’s good uh you want to add me or I add you I don’t know how to add peoplea it’s that bad how you play with people want to H pixel yo I can’t tell you

Brother oh that’s why I can’t he was speak it are you there there you are I can hear you now can you hear more how do I add you on Java never done this I don’t know this going to be a pain um going to Hypixel I’m guessing I can see your name

Right yeah yeah Java jav I mean the main lobby on Lobby one on what on Main lob one you want about H pixel hixel yes yeah which you what game you in bed what’s your skin wait no I’m on five I’m on like a Podium down like a I don’t know

How oh okay what’s see username uh only send to me on Discord okay I just copy it in I figured I had add people epic make sure it’s correct right got that yes it okay I’ll invite you now I invited you to my party yes you join all right um

Crazy you want to play Duos bedwars or Duos I think what skin are you oh there you are oh something up okay like you said iot about that y than Minecraft is sapn right now how crazy is that I’m really bad at this by the way carry oh that’s not

Good I’m not the best to oh no I’m just going to play it safe and go for a bed immediately okay what I I was play on on this I don’t know what map and I did like a 12 layer bad defense H this crazy defense so should all right

Okay you work I’m defending our thing I’m going to try to go to Diamonds right okay there’s a team already at diamonds I’m P back they are gray and they are two of them if Stone [ __ ] I do not pushing that on my own What you’re on red let I got the diamonds it’s a suicide mission I got the Diamonds oh my God can I make this jump I did I’m Nots I got a diamond uh that was the dumbest thing I could have done that was so funny did you kill them

Both um just one oh I fell yeah they’re coming back they want revenge bro I’m going to going Lo up I’m just shaking that I can play with you say you’re shaking yes why you why you shaking I don’t I’m just happy all I’m getting pushed I’m so bad this game it’s

Actually nuts I’m dead I had a iron sword and I died yo Hannah what’s good oh I had an iron sword I saw that mind you play M uh server in a few sure give me server details and I’ll I’ll join uh what was I going to do I

Was I got blocks that’s what I was going to I’m getting P I was paying attention to chat what you say not nothing you can right click on item frames and like graffity ah thanks buddy you mind with playing me for a few though yeah sure don’t

Worry uh do you want me to add you or do you add me just camping diamonds this is probably not the best shot I’m just Teri I haven’t played this game in years oh wow how did he I just walked off I just walked off I walked off

Backwards that’s crazy that was good Matthew ignore that that death there I wasn’t I wasn’t thinking my and the prote and you can launch yourself with the Fireballs uh yeah yeah I do that so uh H am I adding you or you adding me if you want to play too always feel

Free do I play Roblox I used I can still play it sometimes be you get any diamonds uh I both both protection and for nice I got two and Gray’s pushing off great hey gray is better than me okay I just did not block CL yes did E I have

Two oh I I swear is there like a delay I like high pay or something when I’m Tak at the shop it feels slower and then when I’m trying to block clutch I don’t know maybe I’m just really bad at the game probably oh my God yeah I’m off when I

Play an actual server I just left I just kept dying wait maybe you can uh come back if you like like rejoin or something oh I can wait what help you can leave and join really fast every time I I have four diamonds I push these guys they even have a

B be a little sneaky Sness oh thank You bro where you going you what is BL doing all right e did up what do you need uh Matthew I’ll help you I killed one of them I broke their bed I’m going to go back over are they dead yes so forever if they if they BS if they B bed

I can’t speak yeah I don’t see the other guy the guy I Left Alive know yeah that is my name you I’m not the best but in class I’m the I’m the best yeah sure just how do I how do I play with you H I’m trying

To find out off you before I leave right what is it is it actual like a realm server like Hypixel or M and how do I add you like what’s your name uh uh what you say uh I’m I’m not the best at englage but uh in class I’m the best

Speaking Yeah my mic is I have so much W I can it is kind of like loed I want to see you fight that’s the upgrades you can buy it from diamonds You can see on the chat what I buy from the what I buy from the [Applause] diamonds you’re off all right Matthew if you need help let me my chat not popping up yeah I think I fixed it now I don’t know why that wasn’t should I have five diamonds Five diamonds yes and I did spend it on protection to yeah okay H know just tell me how to I’m going Emerald it’s probably very dumb there’s Diamond that sounds good yeah I stream only two spawners there’s only two spawners it on it own just walked off oh my God

Br oh help fuing an infinite limbo oh my God what the hell I I fix I don’t know what that was a bit I think my keyboard died died you have a wireless one no USB but it doesn’t this is the slowest Game of bedw Wars somebody See being died Nice just clicking what emerals for y you should hide in there with the bed and as soon as they go in just start killing them we’re getting pushed coming it’s okay the bridge is broken have to make the way to green St down oh my God bro I can’t like this jump

Yeah they got scared by our wall which wuming it right now protection against Fireballs yes the Great Wall of red exactly why aren’t you in school by the way fun what you know have school today yes I had what time you fin to school at it’s a creation School a what school creation

Croatian language ah what time you finish out though what makes you on so early again please do you have gold because you could that 12 gold no no have I don’t need it we’re getting pushed yeah yeah yeah on me oh I didn’t know that I couldn’t see because of you all

Really I know this is the most base ever we just keep doing this well they even know where the bed is I’m just going to keep doing this yeah you keep distracting I’m going to keep building do you speak French no I do not I know like very Little uh why is this so I’d say I don’t even know if saying this right I probably say Wrong I think um I can call you a pig I can also call you a pencil um I don’t know what else I can that’s pretty much the range of my Spanish I honestly I’m going to cut it off here right wall will land here what is going on all right I’m

Going to fill in this area so hopefully they have no clue where the bed is do you speak French um M Relic oh 10 diamonds 10 that’s crazy this looks so dumb thought you were an enemy you want me to hide you in there yeah get

Trapped is this is the like a ancient torture method like burying somebody alive in a Wall more like execution yes you going to hide in there no yeah oh Sor are you going to hide in the wall or you just fixing no no no there somebody coming okay you just keep an eye out for us you’re the lookout the Builder you’re the lookout a big gift what’s this

So dumb hope we get out and somebody’s attacking us somebody’s probably in our wall already just hiding there proba dug in and just block themselves back in four teams left four teams honest see I’ll build it over the void that making the wall out onto the void wait I have an

Idea we’re just trapped in here who needs this you reinforcing it oh ladders nice I’ll make like a little tunnel leave that open for now but this will all be uh in fortnite what is your rank uh in rank I think my best was gold really I used be okay fornite before

This new movement that our base this is the most dumb thing there is no need for us to be doing this how do I have six emerals think I can buy uh diamonds nice you think somebody’s looking over here right now and going what the hell is going on yo Hawks what’s

Good most of the times what do you think of our bedw Wars bedwars base bro it’s it’s not Hollow it’s like fully built in what do you think Hawks I’m going to expand I need to T into the we have an idea yes you put like what’s turn on the

Lights I can’t see it it’s just that’s literally the difference it’s just cuz there’s such a contrast coming from inside the window anyway um getting back to building the stupidly L base I think I have I can turn on my LED and I’m from Ireland your Face I miss block sometimes I just like speak to myself English yeah that’s think of our base e right yeah no it’s just you oh not just me appar no noted face we need like endstone or obsidian out here right you go get us Obsidians go theyve been saving up for a while haven’t they that was a planned attack that was waiting is your favorite color red no it’s not it’s just the only block we have my favorite color is black if you can’t that as a color red glass is that working it’s

Fireballs yes uh but it’s going be we try to get some obsidian and stone then this is so stupid wait we have to block this off oh no that was jump scary yeah that was indeed that was terrifying please make sure to subscribe if you’re enjoying because I’m trying to

Reach 200 Subs by the end of the year I only have 10 days to do so so please go for I have a whole 60 Subs to go so get your friends sor nothing I’m going to get diamonds we need a forch yeah build this part bit somebody see somebody here’s here all

Right I got like a jump thing he’s di I’m so fast what’s going on why did I have like jump off cter offensive TR it’s an upgrade for us honestly I’m going to drop back down and continue building my wall so blast proof blast proof glass is

Really bring me lots of glass I’m already down here very difficult to I just foret I’m scar onto this platform that I’m making myself this is so over over the top and the FEDS are going to break in 10 seconds there’s no need for this base there’s no need for this dude are

You going to get hopefully it’s okay it’s cuz there’s a time limit on it hopefully I hit soon who did somebody did that this your all beds no it happens automatically after at time everybody’s bed is destroyed now yeah hopefully I will hit I want to try hit that

Today um and I want to hit so want to subscribe subscribe somebody oh everyone’s but just nothing sudden death in 9 minutes what’s that what’s that mean happens in sudden death yeah you can see it like everyone dies and nobody wins the game really yes it’s bad okay so somebody’s they’re going to

Start pushing us soon because we’re going to play so defensive and that’s how we’re going to win we’re just going to defend these people are going to start getting real an ansy cuz they want to win they’re going to think that we’re not going to move so then they’re going to

Push and then we’re going to kill yes oh ours okay is that a problem if sometimes I just speak to myself hungaryan sorry don’t worry I talk to myself quite a lot too MH I’m going in from for EMS I got three honestly we should just build up like

The outside here and make it look more intimidating than it if we just build up like a high high wall here every just going to look over and go wow that’s completely filled all the way up to there you know we just like block you think they realize it’s like

Not Hollow do you think everybody looking in thinks it’s Hollow I think I might die because I think I’m I will push blue I don’t know I’m scared I wouldn’t recommend it but if you’re if you want to go ahead you die I can’t to lose you I did lunch five fire Boys I need to go back I had 25 Diamonds oh I no’s no bed to protect anymore my God I’m stuck dran no don’t buing the hell out yeah if I just like go over their phones here and ends down what would happen you like panic people think that the entire thing is

Better end zone did made the entire thing I oh come here I I have eight diamonds I I gave it to you you can buy the diamonds on thank you I’m why five minutes left yes 5 minutes left have push in so be on your guard way I doing diamond sword Uh yes oh my God wait get knockback sticks Y come here I have one I have one yeah keep that that’s going to be so op if they push us they’re going to go flying bro can we get like a what’s it called there’s only one what about uh

What about what’s it called uh fire blast thing Fireballs we get those M okay oh my should get invisibility potions y take that invisibility potion don’t drink it yet that will save it when we’re getting pushed we just pop them and in start knock backing them

Off I think I have an idea what’s your idea I B A John fire Potion it’s only an emerald who should we P yeah that’s very frustrating I place the wrong last BL the wrong place this is the most unnecessary guys let me take a please don’t die we have armor like what’s our armor like not risk falling not now that base

That is not Hollow that is a completely solid base but Fireballs they have [ __ ] aim though okay that one it okay I’m going go repair let me just grab some more Block I just hit with the Fireballs you hit them with the Fireballs I did where they hit what part of our base did they hit I’m pushing they come with you with you I follow yes okay oh I’m just going in all the way there I think like really honestly not back

Sticks is probably the best way to fight these guys that base is so unnecessarily big yeah careful you’re going to get launch I’ve got an achievement you can hit them back can’t you don’t firebomb me oh boy oh iot I had that your armor still visible yes your armor see y blue blue

Deleted oh wow okay I didn’t even get to fight them that’s crazy he just fell wait I wanted to kill him with with my SW aqua’s in midle oh Aqua is full diamond armor bro how did I surviv that I think that’s just a aqua leather armor oh yeah

Maybe on 145 oh wait did I actually hit it that’s no way thanks so much Hawks oh I didn’t even realize why isn’t my bar changing I have to fix that yeah bro just wait for them to push us they have only 48 seconds we can just sit here bro they’re not going

To to get this 40 seconds left oh you missed okay I got to make two [ __ ] oh my God yeah yeah stay I’m just going to make a wall here so we don’t get sent flying I make that jump no I’m dead got one okay okay where’s the other guy oh three two

One oh this with the dragon flying through yes yes oh no way should I go to my base I this other guy oh my God I won I actually won that’s nuts that’s crazy this is my first win I think actually that was the dumbest game there’s no wayone there’s no

Way thanks Alex by the way thank you so so much I don’t know why my sub thing isn’t updating I’m soy yeah but I’m still shaking CU I can B you in oh to I don’t know sometimes my phone just turns off I can’t see oh sorry brother because my PC is it

Gold oh actually nuts oh no way course back hear me yeah I can hear you don’t worry so tired my chat still popping oh yes concrete all right uh do you want to just like buy lot I’ll buy ends okay at least the OU layers will be like end it’s then still need

Some fireballing me I don’t know I think quiet white doesn’t happy white is pushing White’s pushing he’s so I think we can yeah that might mean that he’s really good if he’s that confident to push us alone this so dumb bro all right I I accident B two back stick oh he’s here no we have KN back sticks where blood go did you realize that uh set the last game you had only Le arm yeah I no all right this is going to be so dumb you keep keeping our guard yeah and

I’ll keep upgrading our wall like oh man we’re going to make an endstone room everything H how much is water if somebody has to like a pickaxe or something pickaxe yes they can break it easily yeah Okay there’s my plan all here so nice Okay dead got him nice get your endstone right he has one iron nice put endstone over I have water to put over it then we need to watch out no an ass no way he pushed like that no

Way I was going to put water on okay anyway we’re going to continue the wall you make sure white doesn’t come back I’m going to go finish the wall oh I fell you fell no play Bard me I think uh if in in Hypixel there is a survival no Ser

Lag oh you say survival or server lag uh ser R rival lesson P yeah I think there Is put they off here are you able to play just a world together is that a thing we can do is that only better Rock like are we able to join a world together yeah yes I do that I left okay can I make wait wait we I think we can’t play like

That uh like you make a like you make a new word and invite me I think you can do that can I can’t can’t only in like servers like uh in the in the man there is like Hypixel SMP are you here oh for if you didn’t realize you didn’t mute yourself for

For oh so he’s gone okay six likes ni B for spe I’m just watching myself into the game oh oh no way oh my God en that’s what [Laughter] n for sorry m I’m bored what for e e yeah so I’m back I didn’t realize i”d be gone for that

Long surpris you’re still here to be honest yo hello I had no i’ would be gone for that gone long I mean yeah what good y Hannah you still here wait so can we play in the same world together yeah yes so if we have if we have the same Wi-Fi then

That’s Hypixel play the SMP together yes there I’ll invite you to my party oh no I inv you yeah uh what so SMP yeah go into Hypixel I I’ll invite you to my party and SMP but uh it’s a VIP plus oh is ITP um do we have a some

Servers I I could wait do you want to try this put in 5B 5 55t find out what the it’s an anarchy server I want to see how long we can try surviving it okay uh can you wait bit coming nothing I’m coming Google uh 5B 5T and then find out the

IP I’m here but there’s only obsidian oh you’re in it okay wait running okay give me your coords give me your coordinates copy them uh okay well actually put them into the game chat into game chat oh wa no no we’ll get griefed give them put Discord What minus 148

Wait to but if I get done all right going into the thing yeah going into I’m dropping in try not to die if you get spot R you will get griefed it’s chaotic is I see so people are hacking here TR find chests like Shuler roxes or regular GS I died so chaotic

Yes is there any water uh find some see how low we can go report us how long was I gone for anyway 20 minutes do any means yeah probably sorry brother I thought it would only be like two seconds so I didn’t even I’m only at hunger and I’m low on

HP careful whatever you do do not punch and crystals you will die okay oh my God I finish sh box full of them and king daddy M’s torch Unbreaking three C Vanishing and has 64 on it that that’s how you know it was hacked I found a nether

Portal I see grass oh wait oh my God I found a to dying I found so much good stuff bro oh every to of I’m dying that’s crazy excuse me and I have two two stacks of enchanted golden apples what is This Server man I want to check out the nether I

Want to see if it’s badly griefed the overw world what do you think I think I don’t tell you anything oh wa R is I got blown up immediately I lost everything I died twice in space of like a split second oh okay let’s just try find more loot oh server

I I survival server sure yes look what I found bro you have no idea what I just found look I’ll screen share on Discord or look at my stream of look how much loot I found scre sh can you go screen share all right can you do this

Yes what is that I just found found this a chest oh wait totems don’t work he taking out my hand I don’t know what it was doing by the chest like anything they like block it balls this is my only chance oh yo I got I got elytras I just

Realized oh man oh man 64 oh and I got two stacks of enchanted golden apples Unstoppable I found crysts and any chests I’m going to stop screen sharing okay I found 60 for uh and I’m just gliding through this place yo give me your cords give me a new

Cords I can find you so much easier cuz I have go down to like the Bottom by the Bedrock okay and give me your cords then okay I’m going to drop down wellit actually I’m going to go up higher so I can okay oh I got to build a Ender Chest the

Only blocks I have I I sent you look what does it say on your I I found well I’m in negatives negatives 1652 hey you’re much higher than I am yo just give me a second I’ll be right back okay and all right I’m back can you hear

Me oh I fa I fa oh no right I see in chat wait I’m On Top now I’m on the top now you’re on Tik Tok no I I’m on top of the you’re on top I was like why is it I was like why is

Bro on Tik to on top okay I’ll make my way up okay meet me there oh my God it’s so far up all right I’ll be there in a little bit oh end pears oh [ __ ] that fell oh my God I disconnected I I literally glitched

And I kicked me all right oh my God I’m stuck in infinite Loop getting glitched no way I just not take fall damage you did not I might not yeah I’m on uh 100 to 5500 I’m my way a long way to go so just give me a few

Minutes if you want to open my stream to see where I am cuz I have my cords open for you so you can keep track of my cords while I’m moving yo I just found diamond blocks H there’s just a load of diamond blocks over here you should mine them mine them I

Don’t have oh I do [ __ ] not taking any damage I don’t think I take fall damage I test it because of the loot I think I like feather falling or something yes feather falling for that mean I take no fall damage or does it just mean I take much

Harder check the entrance maybe there is f foiling infinite a second I just have to figure out how going to get cross this I can just TP oh this is awkward my God it’s so difficult to go up even in a a server wait wait sorry what happen to

Default he make that oh it’s not making it no I’m so close I’m so close oh I’m at the top are you ready I’m breaking oh let’s go okay I’m finally okay which direction are you in read read your cords out loud real quick so I can figure

Direction uh the qus what are they tell me your quarts okay just read them don’t type them or just them uh HRA 2 56 100 100 56 200 yeah no 100 the rest 100 this direction 100 100 uh some 60 what long way to go this way 156 yeah was it

Yes I went too far didn’t I oh no not too far oh that’s minus 100 it’s so hard to tell if I’m walking like in a straight line or not cuz all the blocks look the exact same you know what I’m saying mhm yes okay 100 and then just 056

Yeah wait you down on the ground or you at top uh on top how is it only 56 then what I’m so confused man I’m at 256 how are you at 56 you’re down below me I take no fall damage I’m testing it wow I take basically no fall damage

Six I’m on top of the obsidian box I’m so confused can I not TP to you oh my God I can’t where are you what’s your name again oh there you are oh B come on oh I tried it too uh but there’s a server the pixel BL where we can

Play yeah we’ll play it now what is it the server pix it’s a dog no no no uh wait I uh send me the IP and stuff and I’ll join it okay just the name and uh I I will send you uh okay I’m in go uh says count connect to server

You sure you sent me the right thing I’m I’m sure wait let me check again oh it’s a Piel block MC there yeah I’m joining okay okay you you are here here all right oh yeah are you in yeah yes yes is that not you oh that’s not you yeah yes TP

TP DPA to the DPS yeah yeah I’ll be on I’ll be on later right I got to go my dad to help him in the shops right I won’t be too long okay I got I’m just going to have I don’t want to end and will you come back

Or uh yeah I’ll be back in it’s like hopefully like 20 minutes okay on my stream I’m just going that’s going on I don’t know why this text won’t work I’m just repairing stuff for you she e e yeah all right hopefully 147 crazy okay how is your day going I’m just going

To just my chat y i okay that’s fine hey well we’re going to play some Minecraft see if Funk mean time while I’m loading into Minecraft and adding was it the dream live for 3 hours 40 minutes that’s actually good I so like hello uh uh can you join back to server on

Uh yeah pixel B yes but it’s bad all right uh how do I invite you to my party ory how do I play it where um uh DP accept I sent you DPA here I get into the actual game I’m just like like you type slash Wild or uh why why wait

Wait can you practice him who what you been doing open this chest open this chest so yours that’s on M oh yo is not don’t mind the a those Diamond axes because uh the the f is like a 24 fly butcher right click it the F when in when it’s in your in

Your and you can uh Ty SL fly SL fly not working oh no it’s working you get all this I I uh did make it now I want to build a big house here yeah so is this just normal survival or we against I because there is only so if you want

Anything thank you um so are we supposed to there any like goal to this or we just playing together or is it other people or how’s this work you you can play you can survive uh my friend this is his just or I yes he they did

Uh their parents doesn’t let them uh play this this game or any game he can’t play uh just if you if you want a private chest uh you just need to click on uh you just need to put put down a chest and uh write write with write click on

It with the shift with it’s a it’s a no let see it’s a sign you need to put it you need to put on our sign all houses yes uh no uh this is one one guy did build one guy did build near our base and that is your

Or can I break their [ __ ] um here are claims claims you go building can I break it uh I give permission to uh our our house so you can do whatever you want here get down I feel a bit too op though to start off it feel bit if

Yeah I I usually the Ser because I want to build a big house you know this little house and here’s a big Stone place I want to First mine all the all the stone and and the ores so I make it flat and build a big house you

Yeah or if you want we can put down all our stuffs here and go normally so right like everything chest or Something this is boring as hell we need to find something that add something like a challenge is there any other like smps I don’t know don’t thep close now so I can’t play that let me see I’m see if I can find any okay usually there don’t havep s so we can play

That it’s like a life Ste SMP don’t have I want to find somebody’s like actual Realm okay we can play fortnite if you want I’m going to send you an IP and Sh okay I’m going to share anybody is watching I don’t know how good it is so don’t move okay

I had a feeling it was that one didn’t work another one okay you have to be on a certain uh what’s it called to play version now like if it says 1.6 to yes okay I think I played on for the day I think I’m I think I’m leaving like you’re

Leaving I think yeah I think it was for me today don’t worry bu have a good one good night yeah wait me join okay I have another idea so this is something I actually wanted to play T’s watching a all right you still here well I actually want have a choice between

I don’t Know so flat around all right still spin that rest Right All right I’ll you back is what we doing right did I add I can’t he that’s yeah cool mate all right remember when this game went crazy over Co to get murdered here is uh hold it you called it oh I don’t know how to navigate this this

Person this is the slowest thing come on get rid of Her they did say uh oh I ask electrical fix wiring I’m going to die um remember that um said that Lisa Foster don’t kill me here fre to guess with me who you think it is I’m dis secur I I’ll trust them going to go Blue wait which blue which

Blue hopefully those are the we all I could put on in the background that’ be kind of funny You never heard This You good Sur five thank you slap all Right I got a little ball what a 171 millisecond ping well what server am I on what’s that do Bic I just do that that what that means oh start bro come on Start oh my soon as reach 15 people somebody just leaves oh my God oh I missed to this Christmas boss Aaron will help you get the bells ringing because there’s no better way to I’m actually this game this game actually trolling no way no way whoa what the hell is that long as

Hell that’s fun as hell wait can I alter that to make it my own I’m play another game play gang be so we’re gonna play flat what I’m curious how good this game is I saw a typical gamer was playscape years ago Gang Beast so G ni All right hey B for we come hey baby one second e all right there we go back oh my God this why am I so blurry wait what oh let go don’t let go let go ah go like G oh no oh I’m swinging gra my back thank God s no I want this game start

Man have this B come me you’re coming with me oh his neck is doing all sorts of weird things yo help us somebody pull us up yeah Y come oh there help us up oh no El us yes oh my God no way no way this is too funny bro come on there

You got this no wait is he trying to help me up I trust him oh my God he’s got me oh my God he’s got me he’s got me what is this this a four Man chain wait let’s swing swing with me swing and swing and no no let go no

Let go please no oh oh yo all right watch try again why won’t this game start oh my God this looks so uncomfortable no I’m just riding this guy we down man my God oh my God he’s holding on to me I’m not even holding on my hands are

Up no he dropped me what a dick just land on this other dog ow yeah I missed this is so dumb all right we’re going to we’re going to go play a a solo one cuz this isn’t starting okay we’re going to play play online and I just CL my own

Game and can I start it myself okay what you meant to do trying to grab it you’ve just grabbed an instructional video hold it tight great I got it whenever you’re lost or otherwise into dispare look around for such remotes once activated they’ll provide instructions ranging from not very

Helpful to totally useless we getting a little down if there is no remote around you you may return to initial despair or you may start looking for ways to solve the puzzle instead all right thank you out of here going to take it with me for the time

Being I think get back up what happens he starts again no way all let me hit this they will push every button they see hand direction as you may have noticed you will reach for things that you’re looking at if you can’t grab something or push a button don’t blame

Your hands blame your head you may need to look up to grab something that is high and you will have to bend over to reach something that is on the floor don’t worry this is a safe place all right that mind they will reach high and bend low

To achieve their goals got it genius Grab opportunities with both of their hands yet they can’t fly and never will am I supposed to let Go all right I’m going to go feed my dog I’ll be right back e e for e e we are back minut that was on my I was help and I could I was checking guessing have to get up there Som on Wheel all right how are you zo wait wait

That’s oh my go this oh I figured out I fig that was genius look at that gosh all right can’t get up stuck on the floor there okay oh I’m just look on the floor I keep getting ConEd out there’s a plan we’re going to grab onto this no

Wait can see how noise frustrating this I’m going to all right feel so incredibly slow okay I’m guess I to go to that door there feel like this way you start to need uh more players let me switch along process oh my god let’s go let’s go who needs two

Players be brain for this level two let’s do it I’m guessing has a pressure plate oh get up he I mess up by going down here oh [ __ ] h look at this very impressed by the physics of this game all Right level three I figured out how to climb for for For for for that for for for for for for for for for is e for for realiz that was on me that that Minecraft YouTube is good all right there we go that should be ah all right that’s Mineplex Mineplex the c p whatever noxel that’s not isn’t how we use anyway all

Right do uh should we cops and crims you AR try murder mystery oh try infection oh I didn’t see that jump I was going to go for that fire jump I don’t know why I didn’t wait I suck okay I F oh my God I was about say

Focusing up I hit space I swear I just didn’t jump okay what the hell I need to go back to controller Man I hid hey bet that was terrifying for everybody I heard an arrow that means detective right gold we’ve got two gold got a bow what how did he reach me from so far all right whatever these guys oh that was everybody wow okay that just really sucked I don’t know how I

Didn’t hit him from there okay we’ll try a different game mode okay I want try cops and crims I don’t know what this is I’ve never seen this try the resource pack hopefully it’s good challenge mode fusal gun game death no way I need to fix my skin

Bro I trying to make it look like a sweater no way oh she can parcour oh she’s making it on top I try make it in the doorway right there I swear that’s not possible I make that jump how would you do that what why is this game taking so long for

Somebody else to join come on in the door why is this so dead right we’re going to try a different game mode cuz nobody is one try some SkyWars how are you guys doing anyway let me at him let me at him I got pick up make a diamond axe

Every time I do something like that I chat so if I like look like I’m Bing out I swear I’m just looking at chat six damage exact same make some diamond stuff I don’t know why I pick out everything I need like back that I don’t need

Bro even get a chance to fight back let me leave but I hate the 3 second countown so annoying all right I’m just going to play some single player [ __ ] people are too sweaty bro what should we call that world what should we call our world guys going to name it that

Hopefully we get a good spawn all right how are you guys doing anyway hope he’s having a good day or night or whatever in case I don’t see you good evening haven’t seen the tan show in a long time you guys ever seen the tman show if not you should watch it it’s

Really good yeah uh if you want to subscribe feel free I’m trying to reach 200 Subs but going to be here we’re currently at 146 I just lost a sub a fewo for some reason I have no clue why so if you want to go bring me back the 147 the world thank

You and I’m pretty sure you will get a popup on screen if I set that thing up right you’ll get a cool popup that says your name where could I find a village My God die there’s a very brutal way to die be my God I always get gravel I just want Flint for once all right well anyway uh we’ll go this way hopefully we can find a village over that direction God I dare you survive my CR oh my God die there you go

Anyway what do you think guys think should we go we go look for Village or should I just have making a house somewhere it’s going to be our world I want all of us to make decisions looks like the ocean’s over here cuz the ocean’s over there I’m

Going to come over this way I’m going to look for one over here uh we’re going to get some Stone first get a furnace going so I can get food time is it it’s been midday there was a cave over here hopefully we can get go hopefully we can get to for Lo

Sprint anything I can eat without whatever don’t want to waste any of this but sh get Sprint cave right here too much going on in this cave for me way too much right one two three one two three one two one two 3 4 five six 7 eight oh I still

Need right uh we’ll start smelting here I guess where can I find coal iron up there memorize that oh Don’t see any more coal we’ll get that iron in a minute let me just grab some food first oh there’s more cold there oh there’s more in here sick like making like a victory down we reach 200 Subs I’ll I’ll do a victory dance every time I get an

Ore grab some more iron over there how are you guys doing good now I try to keep plugging all the time but I’m trying to reach 200 sub 200 subscribers by the end of the year I only have 10 days to do so and I am over

50 out I am 44 Subs out so if you want to help me I reach this goal which would actually mean the world to me like I would be so happy if I could reach 200 Subs by the end of the year like I’d be over the

Moon um at this rate I’m not going to make it so he’s want to help me that would mean a ton like I’d actually be so happy uh thank you for least listening to me and thanks for tuning in I hope you enjoy wow all that just for one that’s

Nuts a lot of nasties down there I can see any more iron one of them up here s a coal do I have how many iron do I have can I make a bucket I can like make a bucket and a shield than to rain there we have a little cave going

Here we should be fine sleep to the night what a cozy cave I’m pretty sure there was water like right up here so we’re going to go grab that there it is okay that’s scared the life out of me I did not know that was there you got to be more careful when

Traversing they say isn’t better water bucket clutch still got it all right yeah we’re not risking that just kidding oh it’s okay still got it all right actually I’m going to quickly come grab this coal while I’m down here um those nasties over there there’s a good load of cold in

Here oh my God it never ends it ended where the creeper go that iron there too restful don’t want to die I’m probably going to stream my hardcore world tomorrow that glow squid is that zombie sounds really close hey buddy you don’t want to be doing

That think there’s a spawner in there or something what do you guys think we’re going to go up going to smel this oh then either we can keep looking to the caves or we can go look for a village like we were originally going to before night fell we going to try this

I don’t want to use the iron just yet yeah we’re going to start heading in that direction then actually I use it to make an axe it so I can defend myself better right you ready kids of chicken don’t say no to FS though and Pigs [ __ ] all right let’s go this way hope we find some sort of Village Village please please bless me with a village I’ve been blessed with a village ERS I have been blessed by the the gods some Minecraft block Gods a village there’s some kind of Ravine over there too this seems very bar we’ll take it take I do doie got plenty of leather I can actually make a helmet now as well yarn Golem there he is all right

We’re just going to why another one over there too lers which iron is that plenty probably going to be another Village over that way is that a man weird as hell yeah there probably one over there uh The chest in those houses over there the likelihood actually I forgot yeah we should get the hay too that actually be a good idea uh we’ll get an iron one I think it’s worth investing in an iron hole cuz I plan to go to a lot of villages all right chest please

All right that’s why you going into the door all Iron swords Diamond horse armor yes please these on four iron swords I not me definitely but taking it I W say no like H down a bed here best easy for the night all right that all the hay like that was barely

Any okay we’ll continue on our journey this way then I guess wait do I have a saddle I don’t all right we’ll say goodbye to there everybody I’ll set you free leave whenever you Want those are some interesting looking manting aren’t they make a house on top of that one what do you Think animal dead boy think you’re gone oh my god oh was strafing back go yo I had a feeling there’d be something oh this is wild a wild spawn Go y blood he dead oh I’m not I surv I thought I was going oh better get launched into 2020 oh die there we go where’s my 11 okay that was I think that was oh we’re Stu need figure out where we’re going to build guys you got to tell me

That usually a chest need g go that direction you can take somewhere I should build my house I take the emerald I Dr before right a crazy do that’s in there oh we’re Stu on actually I don’t know why I didn’t take these in the last e uh uh IR

SW I need off the nether my God right and off we go the direction we came from whoa that’s a perfectly shaped cave whoa but that cave is wild close I guess oh I just trying to screenshot let me let me screen do let you screenshot this game actually so

Whatever yo lava pool honestly should I make this into like a hobbit hole like live here perfect this symmetrical there’s a pillar yo all right go to Nether Nether time yeah I have to remember how to make a fast I can’t remember I think It’s or across something here there I need that there take that I go just be safe though I’m going to do this just be safe he something like this like this that ain’t it Che oh my God I just can’t remember H gravel and my steel I make a

Chest wait I didn’t make the final floor Dam God I just have no space whatsoever in that in there there no I need and oh wait no I have plenty H those Metime there craft this what else what else we need before we go nether don’t want to craft any armor just yet I’ll I make an iron pick sticks not you think of anything Else the we it here we got plenty of Food this in that inventory slot Else I’ll sleep I guess sleep out of the way all right let’s see what we got over here that while I’m gone I can have this there go and we’re ready to go we could not have gotten a wor resp Bond that

This video, titled ‘Random Minecraft |LIVESTREAM|’, was uploaded by DayZ on 2023-12-21 18:50:46. It has garnered 75 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 05:58:44 or 21524 seconds.

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    Escape Deadly Traps Across Time! #minechunkVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escape Traps in Different Ages #shorts #minechunk #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Mine Chunk on 2024-04-08 10:04:38. It has garnered 11366 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. 🚀 Dive into a time-traveling Minecraft adventure with “Escape Traps in Different Ages #MineChunk”! 🕰️ From medieval dungeons to futuristic puzzles, watch as we navigate through history’s most cunning traps. Can we survive the test of time? #MinecraftAdventure #TimeTravel #EscapeChallenge #MinecraftTraps #MineChunk #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #EscapeChallenge #TimeTravelMinecraft #MinecraftTraps #MinecraftPuzzle #MinecraftAdventure #GamingShorts #MinecraftTimeTravel Read More

  • A Minecraft SMP

    A Minecraft SMPStep into ‘A Minecraft SMP’—a realm where adventure and mystery intertwine! Discover enchanted lands, battle formidable foes, and build your empire in our captivating RPG-Survival blend. Unfold your story in a world brimming with endless possibilities and become a legend! play.amcsmp.com Read More

  • Realmportal SMP PVE Magic Dungeons RPG Towny Custom Economy 1.20.4

    A mesmerizing RPGMMO Towny Survival Experience! Embark on an epic journey with classes, skills, mobs, bosses, and more. Enjoy PvE survival with a twist! Descend into massive dungeons, battle mobs, and solve puzzles for exclusive loot. Fly on dragons and explore colorful biomes. Engage in a bustling economy with player shops, auctions, factories, and farms. Protect your fortress with land claims and container locks. Enjoy new textures, models, and sounds without the need for mods. Join us for a free-to-play experience with no P2W elements. Experience a decade-long online presence with active staff and a non-toxic community! Screenshots and more… Read More

  • SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)

    SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)My server is located in VietNam (Asia): (Cracked)Language: English, VietnameseServer Feature:- Simple voice chat 2.5.15- Mythicmob x ModelEngine and more custom mobs- Be able to become Vampire/ Werewolf- World generation- Realistic Season- Magic, Vampire, Werewolf- Custom ResourcepackImportant: I host this server on my own laptop, so i can open my server up to 16 hours. Hope u have fun!Discord owner: Imokenpii#8209Discord server: discord.gg/7grRgBBZjH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It really do be like that sometimes

    Minecraft Memes - It really do be like that sometimesIt’s like Minecraft knows when you need a mental break and just hits you with that peaceful music and scenery to chill out. Read More

  • Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate Guide

    Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Everything you need to know about the BREEZE!’, was uploaded by WisdomOwl on 2024-06-15 19:57:49. It has garnered 417 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. This guide tells you everything you need to know about the breeze in Minecraft. This mob shoots wind abilities that launch you into the air. And as of uploading this video is a new mob found in the trial chambers. The goal of this video is to educate players that need to learn about this mob. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

    Minecraft's Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From towering castles to intricate designs, Every creation is unique, every detail shines. With each click and each tap, a masterpiece forms, As players craft and shape, in the digital storms. The satisfaction is real, as structures take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where imagination takes flight. So dive into the game, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and so much more. Experience the joy, the thrill, the delight, In the most satisfying video, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • “Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years” #minecraftmemes

    "Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years" #minecraftmemes Enderman age 1: accidentally looks at a player and runs away screaming Pro enderman age 99: teleports behind you "Nothing personal, kid." Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun

    Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun The Magic of Minecraft Unleashed by AI Exploring the world of Minecraft through the lens of AI can be a fascinating journey. Let’s delve into the realm of creativity and innovation that AI brings to this beloved game. Unleashing Creativity with Invideo AI With the help of Invideo AI, Minecraft enthusiasts can now experience a whole new level of creativity. The AI-generated video showcases the magic of Minecraft in stunning 1080 resolution, bringing the game to life in ways never seen before. Enhanced Visuals and Immersive Gameplay By harnessing the power of AI, players can expect enhanced visuals and… Read More

  • Outrageous New Outro for Let’s Plays!

    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. ►For Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MxZpatreon ► Join My Discord server here: https://discord.gg/pW9e5N3PPR ►My YouTube Channels • Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_aohDsELT4r68oJLudC3A • Extra Gaming Content: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZed • Non Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IsaacRose • Solo Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mxz.gaming • VOD’s Chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZUncut ► Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Whistlerooo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whistlerooo/ Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😳Minecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Квайт on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqYOwITnJ68&t=11369s ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vtkir ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:-https://www.instagram.com/rex_magnusyt?igsh=NTltOW55ZGMyMjV0 Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned axlotolcraftmc.world Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mistalunchbox Live on Kick: https://kick.com/mistalunchbox MERCH: https://store.streamelements.com/mistalunchbox Discord: https://discord.com/invite/f7dVvqcGrj Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More


    ULTIMATE 69 - INSANE WHEAT FARM BUILD | SURVIVAL PT. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT WHEAT FARM IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|MINECRAFT SURVIVAL PART 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by BEAST 69 on 2024-05-09 14:00:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft mod minecraft mods survival minecraft survival minecraft addons minecraft funny minecraft 1.20 addon mod minecraft addon minecraft pe addon mcbe minecraft java mod minecraft bedrock addon gaming minecraft java mcpe minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft pe hardcore minecraft survival island minecraft challenge minecraft but maizen minecraft survival series… Read More