EPIC Decorative Paths – Minecraft Longplay

Video Information

Hello and welcome to a new Long play here on the hardcore world this long play is mainly just going to be unedited footage of me building paths between our builds and yeah it’s just going to be a perfect video for putting on in the background while you play Minecraft or

While you study or maybe even while you’re going to sleep so first off we’re going to actually we’re going to Mark out our paths here uh real quick for those who aren’t following along in the actual series um this is our little starter house like our little log cabin and then to the

Right over here we’ve got a mine so basically what I want to do is just use some Cobblestone here to kind of Mark out a little bit of a path um um I do kind of want to have some curve to it probably not super straight a little bit of a curve come

Around here we’ll have to do a little bit of filling in right there in that hole but yeah something like this kind of like a little angle that goes to the mining Outpost and of course it starts raining classic good thing is turning night time though cuz we just skip this

Oh wandering Trader came by nothing really good for us um yeah we don’t really have any emeralds anyway but uh from our Log Cabin I think the next thing that we need to connect is the bridge which is over this way Yeah right over here so probably just start the uh little Cobblestone path from this way I I did a like I looked around a little bit up here does get kind of steep so I think we’re going to try and hook it right just a little ter rain kind of comes down a

Little smoother over Here and come out this way and then just kind of like curve back in back towards the House yeah something like that and I was sick sick uh like this is like my the third week since since uh since I’ve been sick um I’m not really sick anymore I uh I just have like a lingering cough which is kind of annoying so I may end up like muting my

Microphone or maybe I might make a cut or something so that I can uh so or so that you guys don’t hear me coughing but next we need to connect this Nether portal I’m trying to get a little bit of a vantage point see the the route we should take I think

See we’ve got some Cobblestone right there if we wrap it around here then go go that way there’s some weird like uh little water cave thing or something here it might be cool to turn this into a pond or something down the line oh I got in my way of placing the

Block yeah we’ll just connect it up like that and then on the other side of the bridge now we’ve got a uh the brand new sugarcane farm that we did in the last episode as you can see right right down there and then we’ve also got oh yeah

We’ve got the fishing Hut that we’re going to have to do and then the barn somewhere in the woods uh let me have a look and see which how we should do this I think this one might be more of the more of a straighter path that’s fine I drag it out this

Way come in here like this I give it a little bit of a curve you know that’s good and then um before we Branch out to the left I think those torches is kind of like yeah the Barn’s right there by those torches before branches to the left

We’ll make a little intersection that goes right through the trees here there we go the fishing Hut is going to be a little tricky one second H I had to clear my throat sorry fishing Hut is going to be a little tricky uh cuz it kind of goes on the

Sand and this terrain is not really the best but if we started it maybe like somewhere on this piece of cobblestone maybe went along this Way and start uh that might be too far we start uh going right down here that guy got gets out of the way and then it’s a little steep here but we’ll do some terraforming and make it work yeah that should be Fine I think that’s all the uh little sketching that we need to do I’ll probably just start by taking out a bunch of these trees now it’ll clear out like clear out a little bit more of a pth so we can kind of see get get a better feel for uh

Where we’re going here M Oops it’s pretty cool how uh some of these birch trees are like really tall I know before the uh before they like made the the new Birch biome like they they redid the Birch biome uh but back in like the old Minecraft the birch trees used to just

Be like the small little basic oak tree shape and everything I don’t want to take out too many trees I don’t want to like you know just completely DeForest the area in situations like this though um where like we have we had a tree right here and the leaves were touching this

Uh these logs right here leaves aren’t going to despawn so probably just going ahead and take that tree out too just so that it’s all disconnected like even right here I’m not sure if they’re connected I mean they’re they’re connected on diagonal I think they should have despawned

But sometimes we’ll just come in and delete delete the leaves so that they’re they’re not connected to any other trees I just make two axes cuz uh we’re going to be chopping down trees for a while here the nice thing is I probably won’t have to farm Birch for a decent amount

Of time now we’ve been using a lot of birch in our builds which has been something I don’t really do normally I’m I’m more of a oak wood or Spruce Wood type of guy so it’s been fun to uh you know experiment with the like these new

Colors and stuff I mean it’s not really that drastic of a change from Oak Wood but it’s still fun to use a new block that I don’t really normally use And if I had a if I had a diamond axe with efficiency 5 be so nice right now been kind of cool though uh like taking things slow sticking with the iron stuff and the stone stuff for a while Now even our armor I know we just got diamond armor full full set of diamond armor but uh just having that having like un like it’s still unenchanted you know it’s not not protection or anything like that it’s not like god tier armor but it’s been it’s been uh like it

Makes it more of like um you know a little bit more scary especially when when we were in the nether last episode like I definitely do not feel invincible so we could still definitely lose lose this world anytime now I don’t even have my diamond helmet

On right now I’ve got uh a carved pumpkin on My Head just cuz it’s looks like a Christmas hat and we’re in December so I think all those should despawn Naturally I think like in some of of these clusters where it’s like where we kind of have to delete like these trees even though they’re not really in the way of the path we just we’re just deleting them just so that the leaves despawn naturally we’ll probably just

Replant like a singular birch tree there I think maybe eventually I would like to do custom trees it’s something I don’t really usually do either never really been never really been good at uh making custom trees but it’d be really cool to do it do it in this

World I out a whole lot of new things you know like none of the leaves here are going to despawn because of this one tree I think I just ruined that tree we’ll just chop it down I’m trying to save some of them cuz I like the

Height like I’m scared that if I plant them they’re going to turn into small trees but if that’s the case we could always just delete it again and then try and grow a new one like I don’t think any of these leaves are going to grow but these

Trees are so far off the path that like they’re not really in the way you know we’ll just see if uh see if any of the leaves Decay naturally Ian to be honest I think this whole area actually is going to be uh not the whole area but a lot of this

Place is going to be Farmland cuz this is this is going to be the farming District sort of thing got a sugar cane Farm over there cows got some uh chickens and stuff that keep falling in there they keep jumping over the fence and um next episode I’ve got like

A whole windmill thingy planned and we’re going to put a lot of Wheat and uh crops down all righty looking pretty good um let’s see like if I delete this tree it’ll it’ll help Decay some of those but then we’re going to have like a weird thing here and this is connecting to

This which is connecting to this and this and this and this and this I mean I could do this disconnect it here and then chop these two down oh villager guys spawned in here I missed all right since we’re right next to the cow Farm let’s just grab a bucket of

Milk and kill this guys yeah it’s so easy to just hop over the fence like that like over over the leaves and stuff so we’ve got like all these chickens I think we got a pig in there easy clap at all the arrows on the ground T of saplings all

Right um yeah see how weird this is like leaves don’t decay all the way kind of unfortunate but it is what it is um where do I go oh behind the trees kind of want to keep this L large tree right here another a CO shape full size I think I’m going

To curve the path in just a little bit more here since um we do have a little bit more space now now that the trees are gone maybe something like that and my Bed and we’ve been flying through the days here on Minecraft I know people do like the 100 days you know all that stuff um we’re on day 121 now and I think a lot of it is because I I just sleep through the night every

Time it’s night time I just place my bed down and just go to bed I think whenever whenever you see those you know I survived 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft um like I I think the strategy there is to not sleep because if you if you do just keep on

Sleeping then you’re not able to get as much progress done within the 100 days you know missing like a little leaf block right there all right um I think clean this up a little bit what what else do we have did I do the nether portal part yet I don’t think

I did let’s go do that now oh little baby chicken we got to do the nether portal and then the mine man this still hasn’t despawned or decayed yet wonder if I should take this path to the right just a little bit like over Here there something like that it’s a little bit better kind of like how it’s a little bit more dense over here like leading up to the nether portal cuz the ne the ne the nether portal is a little bit more uh like mysterious and overgrown feeling you know like we we talked about

Like how it’s kind of like corrupting the Overworld last episode I think having like all all these trees and like making it like nice and Shady the the path coming up here would be a cool thing to do or try and keep I don’t want to get rid don’t want

To get rid of too many here I keep stumbling over my words my nose is still a little bit congested so it’s like sometimes I just have trouble like saying something I apologize for that I hope you guys have been doing well um I know this whatever’s going around I

Don’t know if it’s co again or whatever some sort of uh virus is uh seems like it’s going around I just know a lot of people are be uh not a lot of people are getting sick right now so I hope you guys are staying safe being sick is not fun especially if

It’s a kind of lasting this long like I feel I feel pretty much normal it’s just a little itch in my throat and a little bit of congestion still I think that’s pretty good I think I’m going to try and grow one more tree right here just to kind of I don’t know

This this opening feels a little odd to Me Maybe one over here as well uh I think the only place now is the mines and that one is probably the shortest path that we have so mhm real quick I’m going to drop off some stuff in my inventory got ton of saplings I’ll

Organize all that stuff later this crossbow we don’t really need uh we probably have way too much cobblestone as Well All right so oh was there a tree here yeah there was h we’ll just fill that hole up with dirt probably going to keep it Hollow to be honest I know some people will uh will not like you know they don’t like just covering up like a hollow

Hole got to make it completely filled in but I’m not so particular about it he I think that’s it right looks pretty good A little bit of dirt now fill up that hole and then we’ll start the path terrain’s a little weird here so just to

Make it flow a little bit better I’m going to add some more [Applause] dirt I keep it a little bit more natural looking pretty good I know we had been doing this uh like just a mixture of Co dirt regular dirt but in the last episode uh by the

Sugarcane farm we did a mixture of um wood planks and the the path block actually and course dirt of course I think uh it looks pretty good so probably going to keep that combo just going on here in the paths that connect uh all our builds

I don’t know why I keep taking out the corners of these trees I know it’s kind of like not natural but I just think it looks cool like some of them have it to where the corners are gone but I don’t know all right let’s go to sleep real

Quick and then we’ll get all of our blocks for the path hey this guy is trying to go inside my house not cool Man I did Farm up some gravel before this episode or before this long Play just so that I wouldn’t have to do it on camera it’s a good amount of coarse dirt um Oak slabs and let’s just grab like a stack of oak logs as well just in case if we need to craft more and then I don’t know if I want to

Use a iron shovel for this we don’t have like the most amount of Iron make three stone shovels yeah we only have 24 of my inventory here and then 39 in the reserve I’ve been using a lot of them for lanterns and stuff um let’s see here all right so we’ll have a shovel for the path coar dirt and then oak

Laabs and yeah there’s no real Rhyme or Reason for this how you make a path we just kind of come in here and just randomly randomly place these uh little path blocks just try and keep it like along the same uh you know along the same path of making making it to the

Cobblestone just come in here and delete the rest H got a very straight line here have to uh try and add a little bit of curve to it just to break it up a little bit um we’ll probably go out this way a little bit and then something like that pretty good now we’ll just sprinkle in coarse dirt

Again there’s no real Rhyme or Reason to how I’m placing this oops Yeah we could also use regular dirt as well like you see how that’s regular dirt I don’t think there will be any grass that’ll be able to spread to it as long as we

Make like as long as we make sure there’s no grass we should be fine okay and now we’ll just do the top slabs CU so some spots that that get like that where it was like it would have had three uh slabs in a row prob try to avoid situations like

That see right here if we filled all this with slabs it would look a little weird so we’ll do like this the regular dirt path block path block here we do another And eventually I’ll have to redo these paths here that like lead to the side and everything and and uh the path over there by the mine or not the path but like the actual you know that whole like coar dirt area uh I’ll probably come in here and

Just sprinkle in some path blocks and uh some planks later I also don’t like how the slab is like off the edge like right there so what I’ll do is I’ll just come and place a couple little bit of a little bit of dirt almost like wrapped the terrain

Around it I just feel like it holds it better you know something I try to keep in mind whenever I’m making these paths Here Kind of like an intersection right here so this area is going to be a little bit bigger but we’ll probably be able to get away with doing something like this having a lot of uh slabs there okay looking pretty good so far I think once we get this whole place

Together um you know we’ll have some more like decorations along the path as well like some lanterns some fences and stuff like that I think it’ll really all like tie it in nicely all right let’s just take it in smaller increments here it’s for all right I’m trying to keep the path uh

Like the same width the whole way through a little bit tricky I know some places it’s like four blocks wide some places it’s three blocks wide but it doesn’t have to be perfect so as long as it as long as it looks good I think that’s all that really matters

All right let’s get the coar dirt now We’re going to need to make more slabs but use what we’ve got for Now probably make more than that that I’m just trying not to clog up my inventory too much I’m picking up all these flowers and seeds and whatnot oh my gosh more of these guys I’m pretty sure if you trap the oops if you trap the guy with the banner

In uh in a boat I’m pretty sure uh you know obviously he won’t despawn right but you can also just get the other guys to kill him um if you trap him in a boat though here we go you should stop like future raids from coming or future Raiders from Coming I take quite the beating there without without uh some good armor without a diamond helmet as well yeah I might eventually do that try and get one of those guys in a boat just hide them like underground or something can I place this on dirt I wonder like Co dirt okay

Nice there that’s pretty good path looks nice once we get some leaves and or not leaves uh those fences that I was talking about earlier I think it’ll look pretty good uh feels a little tight right here actually maybe we’ll just make it four blocks wide right there

Whoops oh my gosh why do I keep doing that trying to delete the delete the dirt and I keep making paths for uh this is a little awkward uh area right here think see do this and we’ll just bring the land out a little bit more yeah it should look a little bit

Better For all right let’s drop some of this uh some of this junka out of here got some seeds flowers and saplings and all you’ll probably uh drop some of this dirt off I’ll reorganize that stuff uh off camera here but wait that’s regular dirt wait where’s my co dirt Dude I thought I heard more of them why why are there more guys here I swear it’s been like 10 minutes since the last uh little Patrol came around see make a quick Oak sorry I started coughing make a quick Oak boat right there um and a sword oh wait I also need

Slabs all right where’s the banner going baners inside the tree all right let’s see if that stops ow see if that stops them from coming around again that’s crazy a lot of wood here had like three patrols just within uh in like 50 minutes maybe little sound physics remastered mod

Makes it a little a little bit difficult to uh understand like which direction the sounds are coming from like I heard the pillagers but it almost sounded like they were in a cave a little weird but overall the the mod is uh just pretty pretty cool pretty fun to use and

It adds a little bit more immersion than just vanilla go there we go it might be a little bit too wide in some spots but I’m sure it’s fine I think once I get some trees in it’ll help to like enclose the area a little bit especially like like right around this

Area a little too open you know same with over here um so once we get trees trees grown in it’ll look a lot better yeah I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get everything done in this episode um and unless I want to do like

A crazy long long play a three hour long play or something right now we’re at an just about an hour and uh you know we’ve only done the nether portal and the mines we still have to connect the bridge here the sugarcan farm the barn and the fishing

Hut and then I also wanted to decorate the um the paths there H leaves man going ahead and just connect up this bridge here and then we’ll see where we’re chilling in terms of Time Might be easier to get all these little slabs uh placed in before we start mapping out with the uh actual path Blocks brain’s a little awkward here kind of want to keep this like it’s like elevated right here by one I think having the little bit of elevations in Nice there I think we should be good to just pop him in like that maybe it’s a little too close to the uh Bridge here scoot it back just a few Blocks I think that feels pretty good okay and now uh we need another shovel this too straight maybe right here let’s see think think it be all right if we like stop it right there make it turn in come out boom and probably have this a little bit wider at the base here

Okay um I think that should be pretty good IA put uh just some coarse dirt underneath underneath these trap Doors Is really hope my mic is not picking up my dog barking right now there’s somebody outside um probably somebody like walking their dog my dog Luna she always she always barks at people walking by for some reason trying to protect the house I guess but hopefully hopefully you guys didn’t

Hear that cuz it gets a little loud um all right let’s go in with the Coors dirt now uh let me take a sip of water real quick okay there we go my throat is feeling a little bit dry so had to get some water also getting a little bit warm in

My room we’ve got the heater on weather’s been getting a little bit colder here which is nice especially uh especially around December feels feels more like you know Christmasy with uh some colder weather oh man we’re out of course dirt And I’m just a few Labs shy I think this path feels pretty good I think just up here uh there a little weird spot right there maybe just a little bit of coar dirt to help round it out but this spot right here feels a little

Wonky I think it’s a little too straight but maybe we could just like hop in some coarse dirt there and then maybe some more like right here somewhere something like that maybe and then a slab right there okay let’s uh let’s go grab a Houdini our horse for those who uh who aren’t

Watching the series we’ve got a horse named Houdini he uh he got that name because he kept on escaping out of the barn yeah this place feels a lot better with all the trees cut down actually a pretty clear pretty clear path we’ll have going all right let’s go see how this feels

With a horsey of course like I said it’ll it’ll feel a lot better once we have like our fences along along here we’ll do just some random fences maybe some bushes and the lanterns lighting up The Path it’ll feel a lot nicer by a bunch of foliage maybe

Some pumpkins and stuff I’ve been farming some pumpkins for that yeah I think it feels pretty good though this tree feels a little too close to the path I’ll probably uh probably have to remove that one yeah it’s pretty nice I like this tree a lot actually this one’s this

One’s a good tree it’s like one block away from the path but it uh overhangs a little bit which is nice um let’s just do a little something like that just to widen it a little bit right there yeah I think that’s pretty solid pretty pretty nice pretty

Nice I might uh take a quick little break here and um see how much time we we’re at and uh try and figure out what we’re going to do next all right so I’m back back with a plan now sorry about the little cut there um but I think moving forward what

We’re going to do is uh just decorate the paths that we have uh already built here so this basically from this half uh of the our Island and then next episode in the Hardcore episode um we’ll do the other half like across the bridge right um and I’ll probably just do it like

Super fast time lapse you know just just something uh for for content for the next episode so we’re going to grab uh well first let’s kind of unload our inventory here then we’ll figure out what kind of decorations we want to do got an idea of some of them already Um kind of want bone meal I don’t really have a whole lot of bone meal keep some saplings in our inventory just in case uh let’s see a wood craftables chest I like Spruce fences for the Wilderness so probably craft a couple more I was I was like just uh kind of

Like dotting fences along the path probably probably more than that and then of course we could use leaves for bushes it’s always nice and then uh a pumpkins I would like to eventually get like these aelas um I know I I want to build a m far but I know I said that

Before so and we could just use them for now and then we also want some lamp posts and I think what we’ll do is stone brick um stone brick walls kind of like this where we have a wall and then the fence let we do um just do 20 for

Now then do I want to use Spruce fences for that or do I want to use could use Birch or Oak maybe might be a little bit better of course we’re going to need lanterns to hang from those uh lamp posts okay nine lanterns uh if we need more we can always craft

More they’ll keep 40 iron on us I think that’s good I did say I wanted bone meal I don’t think I have any bone meal um you know I could use a bunch of these saplings here since we have so many we only got two bone meal we only have two bones left

Whatever we’ll just could always get more from killing skel skeletons let’s start from the mine and work our way towards the nether portal think first off we’ll start with uh these lamp posts and to think I think I think I just want to play some uh like zigzagging I

Guess see is that tall enough I hung a lantern a little short I think is that short I think that’s better what is that three fences one two three oh four fences and then the stair or the wall oh it’s 1 two three and then the

Lantern so I’m pretty sure if we’re on our horse we won’t we won’t won like hit it it’s like the same height as this Leaf okay so I’m going to use this uh mini HUD so that I can kind of see like where it starts to get darker along the path

We can do one here four four fences one two three four yeah okay four fences like that let’s pick up this torch and there we go yet now you can see uh it gets a little dark here I kind of want to alternate them so we have

Like the one on the right side and this one on the left side so we’ll do another one here on the right side I guess just right here maybe in between these trees oh m still a little dark there but I think it’s all right oops trying to get that off my

Screen I’ll probably do one here by this intersection there are some spawnable areas here uh we’ll just for now we’ll just leave that there we’ll just leave a torch there okay we got one on the right side so now we need to do one on the left side maybe just like right here

Right here hang over the grass block one right here need more fences though I made so many Spruce I need a I need a lot more Oak now all right so we got two three four I’m definitely going to need more uh lanterns though I think for areas like this we

Probably could just like you know hide some torches in the in the trees like that I think it should be okay all right so we need one more on the left maybe over here by where it starts to go up maybe on the part where it goes up actually might be kind of

Cool let’s go like that I wonder if I should put it actually hanging over this way H it kind of makes more sense for it to be how be like that we got this intersection here we’ll also do it on this part that goes up to or all right wait did I just see another Pillager back there I have that one guy in a boat

What now there’s two guys with the Banners at least he’s trapped I guess but it didn’t stop him from spawning in I think so we need another one I guess on the left now uh we’ll do right here not going to hit the tree right going to need more lanterns as well

Now running low on iron maybe there’s a little teaser for you guys for the next episode if we need iron you know how are we going to get iron well next episode I’ve got a plan maybe we’ll just do this last one right here perfect a little bit spawnable area here

Though we’ll just hide a torch in the Trees this be one down here and then one over Here and Here ah man sorry my throat start my throat’s getting like super dry uh so that’s on the right so we need one on the left now uh I got to be careful this tree I got to do it like in front of the tree if I do it here it connects the grass

And that’s a little awkward if I place it up there though maybe it’s okay if it connects to the grass let’s see let’s what it looks like wa I’m out I’m out of Fences that’s three three tall going to need to get some more oak wood probably don’t think I have enough that’s four one two three four yeah I think that looks okay I don’t think it’s really going to be too noticeable that the wall connects it should be

Okay now we need another one on the right side side now maybe maybe right where this goes up like right here Maybe Oops and then I think we’ll probably just do like one more more right right here that’s a little far actually maybe right here right next to that wood slab one two one two three four four four there we go man making a mess over here perfect

Yeah I think I think these lanterns look nice I’m happy with that okay now let’s come in here with these decorations that we’ve got oh we also have these uh saplings I forgot um some of these areas are a little bit more open like here could probably use a

Sapling this area right right I don’t know if I do two maybe one there and then one here a little dense right there but uh we’ll see we’ll see how it looks then I think maybe one more I could get like a I don’t know a semi tall one right

There that’ll be good I think it’s okay to leave a little bit of this area open we could just Place uh we place our decorations there you know our fences and stuff I think that’s good okay let’s see but yeah I mean these fences there just just real simple decorations that

You can just dot along along the path kind of connects and stuff you know doesn’t really have to make any sense but just more color looks cool kind of guides us around you know I don’t like this corner piece right there a quick nap had to get a sip of water there too

I think that’s pretty good now oh I didn’t do any over by the uh the actual Bridge part could do that real quick oh yeah you see it kind of adds a little bit more to the path with these little fences all around the area I do like one right there or

Something I kind of like it where it’s like on these spots where it’s like elevated you know I don’t want to overdo it there only got seven left I don’t have any more Spruce on me unfortunately I think that’s good enough and then now we can just come in with some Bushes we’ll don’t have to do them all the same you know maybe some of them like this guy could be like a tall Bush something like that maybe we got some smaller bushes you know mainly like spots here where it feels kind of kind of open kind of barren just a

Couple bushes adds a little bit of uh detail this area down here we could do a bigger Bush a three tall one you know we could even sprinkle in a fence in here somewhere like that or maybe even underneath actually like this like you’ll kind of be able to see

It through through the fences a little bit or through the leaves you can kind of see the fence Yeah just something like that might need to farm some leaves I don’t have a whole whole lot But what is that oh it’s a Squid even next to the fences might be kind of cool to sprinkle in some bushes there like that this one feels a little out of place just do that Uh it’s going to be a little tricky with these trees that I just planted maybe we don’t need this one we could do a bush here instead did I get bone meal oh yeah I did okay and then right here a little bush along the fence pretty nice maybe in front of the

House as well um let’s grab some shears got two pairs combine those and go over to my little tree farming area over over here and we’ll just grab a bunch of leaves real quick yeah see there a whole another Patrol here oh my gosh yeah this is where I farm all my

All my wood got my spruce over there and then just a ton of uh oak oak trees just planted all next to each other here should be good enough almost two stacks I don’t need this crossbow for do a big bush right here PR tall and sprinkle in a little fence there nice

Uh sure I feel like with with bushes you kind of just have to like Place some and just be happy with them you know don’t really think about it too too much going to place them around see how they look all of the day you know you

Don’t really want to get stuck stuck up thinking about like how you can improve your bush placing techniques or whatever it’s not it’s not really all that serious yeah something like that is good and then this orange will be nice uh these pumpkins will be a nice uh pop of orange color as

Well we could probably sprinkle them around I think we should uh keep them in patches though just cuz it makes a little bit more sense rather than having them like one off you know we’re not going to go too crazy with these just every once in a

While nice little pumpkin patch in the wild you know like this area over here feels like it needs some color maybe right over here will be good A little bit of an opening maybe we’ll have one like crawling up the hill here pumpkin patch you

Know I mean in in uh like in actual Minecraft that’s that’s kind of how it works right kind of like patches of pumpkins you don’t really see like oneoff pumpkins I always kind of spawn in clusters I think it’s good to keep that just cuz it it has some sort of

Uh I don’t know I don’t know what the word it is but like consistency I guess to like real Minecraft I don’t know if I like this guy there pretty good and the sprinkling some bone meal I don’t really like the two tall guys but the flowers I think are

Okay this area needs a little bit of bone meal oh yeah and we got these uh aelia bushes too flowering aelas regular aelas I don’t have a whole lot I probably won’t go too crazy with these but every once in a while we can sprinkle one in let’s see if we can

Sleep rain to stop We’ got six more pumpkins do I want to do another pumpkin patch I could do another one Here or maybe like it’s coming down this hill here towards the the water like that and some bone meal here as well Move these flowers a little bit further Away got Ania right there I was going to place one there but it probably doesn’t need it maybe we do one here we’ got a lot of pink going on so I probably won’t do a flowering aelia around this area but we could do a regular one uh just right there maybe

It’ll be fine maybe here by the house though we could have a flowering one like that probably use our last little bit of grone meal at this bush or one of these bushes actually let’s see um yeah I think I think we do it by this

Guy the grass here looks the the least or the looks the most bare I guess is the word you know we could probably just take these flowers and put them over here little bit of color over there on that side I think that’s good and then once these trees

Grow uh oh did a tree grow I think the tree over here grew who is this guy CLS it in a little bit more this guy right here on the corner or by this intersection I think if if we get a nice size tree here it’ll look really nice

Maybe we could do a custom tree eventually I would like to eventually do like custom trees all around the area but uh I think that’s basically all we’ve got for the paths you know I mean I still have a few aelas in my inventory we could probably just put them

Around might as well since I’ve got them right and then let just do one more guy right there since I since I have 64 leaves and one extra one we’ll just uh find a spot for that guy let’s go grab Houdini and walk down the path again take a little

Stroll and see how it feels I like that pumpkin patch going down the side right there I think it’ll look good too once we get a like if we take a boat we’ll be able to see the pumpkin patch um I might get some two tall flowers here the

Lilacs that a little bit of pink over there you know yeah I’m liking this I think it looks good another thing we could do we did over here um is hidden lighting underneath Moss carpet just a torch and then a moss carpet on top if we look at our mini Hut here

Um areas like this I know we were doing it on the um just putting trees uh torches on the trees but we could also do the the hidden little Lantern or uh TCH under the Moss carpet yeah let’s get let’s get a bunch of these like lilac guys real quick and

Go place them up by the bridge I’ve got some in here I’ll just take six well we’ll do five an odd number yeah Houdini is running away but yeah if you guys find that your uh like paths and stuff like that are looking a little weird like if if you’re

Using like a bunch of different like flowers and stuff like that um like flowers are always really good to add color adds a nice a nice pop of color nice little bit of life to the build or like um you know not life to the build

To the project but it’s good to to keep it in clusters like this rather than having just like a lilac here a lilac there a lilac there all the way over there a lilac it’s good to have them like grouped up like see how all these

Um what are these called lies of the valley these are all natural spawning and they all spawned together same with those same with this uh group of lilacs these are actual uh actually all natural as well so it’s good to keep them kind of congested in an area

Together yeah I think that’s good I think this path is nice I’m pretty happy with it um yeah next episode we’ll uh or like during the actual our core episode we shall finish the rest of the paths over here but yeah I think that’s about it I

I didn’t really want to go too too long with this episode I think I bit off a little bit more than I could chew I was planning on uh actually finishing uh all the paths in the Long play but it seems like it took quite a long

Time so I’m glad that I was able to at least do half do half of the paths and get the uh decorations in so that I can give you an example of what that’s supposed to be like um and the next episode yeah we’ll see we’ll see the finished

Product but yeah I appreciate you guys for watching uh for watching this long play I hope you guys enjoyed it um let me know if you guys want to see more long plays in the future and stay tuned for the next Hardcore episode I’ve got some cool

Plans a cool little build for the next episode we’re going to be making some uh some more advancements I guess you could say and yeah I think that’s about everything so I hope you guys stay safe take care and I’ll catch you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘Building Decorative Paths – Hardcore Minecraft Relaxing Longplay with Commentary (1.20)’, was uploaded by Etat on 2023-12-14 20:00:02. It has garnered 640 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:07 or 6967 seconds.

This video is a relaxing longplay with some casual commentary and chill music. It takes place in my current hardcore world. In this longplay, I make some beautiful paths that connect our builds! Thanks for watching, take care, stay safe!!

Stay Connected: https://www.twitch.tv/etat_ https://twitter.com/etats_ https://www.tiktok.com/@tenforthewolf

Seed: 5423555459829346356 Shaders: Complimentary Mods: -Continuity -Fabric API -Freecam -Horse Stats Vanilla -Indium -Iris -LambDynamicLights -Lightmatica -MaLiLib -MiniHUD -Mod Menu -Replay Mod -Sodium -Sound Physics Remastered -WI Zoom

#minecraft #hardcore #longplay

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

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  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

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  • Death Maul

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  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

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  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

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  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

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  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

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  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

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  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

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  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

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  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

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  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More