EPIC FAIL! Surrounded by Lava in Sky Factory 4 – Ep 11

Video Information

D Yes I believe we are up and go good day and Hello everybody welcome back to more Minecraft we are back in Sky Factory 4 lava Factory edition lava Factory Edition did some things since you guys saw me last week I got some work done been putting in the T

Trying to get this built up and ready for today um and also setting things up for even episodes down the road who’s all here today let’s see training Relic 03 good day hello hello tanks hello Jan AKA cat Jan cat lady hello Z hello ezil and hello death killer good day and

Everybody else out there welcome welcome um so let’s talk about where we’re at first of all you can see dven has a lot of heads uh the Masher with the head combos we put in last time boy are those working uh heads like a crazy interestingly enough the heads that

Are like actual pictures instead of the ones that are generic until you set them down for some reason aren’t stacking except for just a couple of them which intrigues me because I have several of the same ones like a last necron’s head I got got a few of those uh but again

Still lots of heads and it makes me happy so good times good sauce lots of craniums in the package which is nice um what else did I do um we I did go in here and I doubled up the POR spouts on our smeltery we now have a much much uh

Faster smel now that I’m producing Amber at a much faster rate examples uh it’s not taking long for these things to fill um and uh so I in order to quicker produce things so that’s it uh I did not work on this this is one thing I didn’t

Work on a whole lot was the uh I need to get more in here what do we got steel and whatever goes with steel we need to work on some of that I actually genuinely forgot about that until right now but that’s okay I got other things

Done let’s talk about them um let’s go down here so storage uh we’re starting to run out of room these are the last uh couple rows of cabinets I have left I did add a new tree uh I added a dark oak because I like dark oak a lot and a lot

Of the different things that comes with it specifically the doors like those uh so I bet I made another room on this side it’s all connected to the system uh so I have a lot more room because I feel we’re going to be in this series for for

Quite a while if I’m getting all the achievements again it’s going to take a bit so um I needed and then in here is just you know kind of behind the scenes where I can let me in you know that’s where everything’s connected to the system I haven’t put anything over here

Yet I’m so fast uh then this is just a bedroom I just I needed a place to get my bed out of the way so I got a spawn point we may do more with that later right now there’s nothing in there except the bed

And empty chest um oh then we did this for that disgusting AE stuff that we’re working on right so uh I’ve got things producing so I’ve got two turned out Sil I forgot everything needs silicon so I’ve got two producing silicon right now I got one producing well it was

Producing crystals and gold and diamonds but I’ve ran them dry uh I just made myself a door outside because I got tired of having to break a block every time I wanted to go outside so there’s that uh one of the few Woods I build

With I like to look the best I agree 100% what’s up masser good day so we’ll keep this going because we’re going to do some AE stuff again today oh I shudder about it uh what else what else oh oh oh and then in the power I added five more

Geothermal uh this thing’s only at like 70g which is a ton of energy but I wanted to if we’re going to be doing reactors I’m going to need more uh I’ve not been inside either of these uh but I did add more dense water blocks I didn’t

Get them all in there yet it takes a while uh but that may be enough to fill it I’ve been careful not to click to see where they were so I didn’t want to get the achievement without you guys there I did get an achievement by accident it happens once

In a while when I don’t realize it and it was something silly like a like a filter or something that I picked up I honestly or may have been one of these maybe I picked up uh one of the different matters it was something small like that

Where I picked it up and so it gave me the achievement so I apologize don’t remember which one it was but I got one um and but it was nothing major nothing huge oh oh was it in here no it wasn’t in there I don’t know where it was not

Your friend what’s up Ross how goes it oh sapanta hey welcome sapanta good day welcome back all right so after all of that which doesn’t seem like a lot I also have a list of things we’re going to work on uh and if there’s noise in the background I apologize my 3D printer

Is going like crazy today I spent the whole day working on the convention the convention is next weekend so as a reminder there will be no streams Friday Saturday or Sunday night this upcoming week because I will have a booth at a convention I have been printing my cut

The custom uh critical hit and critical fumble dice for dungeons dragons that I that I designed and I was trying to decide between which size to make so I’ve got 30 mm 40 mm and 50 mm uh and I decided I’m I’m just going to make all three and offer them to

People at different prices so basically they’re custom 3D printed dice uh one of them is if you roll a one one is if you roll a 20 critical hit critical fumble these are also going to be on sale on my website eventually as well I’m hoping to

Have them up by April um but uh quality-wise they’re all right like there’s some little lines on them that on the top that again there’s not a whole lot I can do about that but uh overall they’re they’re they’re pretty smooth people I already have people I

Know who wants sets who are who have ordered sets once the convention’s done so uh I’m pretty pleased about that but you know over here Mass printing dice for the convention I got everything else pretty much ready to go I’m just waiting on some speakers to

Show up from Amazon they should be here Thursday that’s to plug in laptop so people can hear what I’m playing dawned on me I didn’t have a way to do that so I fixed that nice hair thank you very much it’s the leftovers it was all bright red bright purple bright red

Bright purple but most of it’s grown out and the red is really starting to fade in the in the hair at this point the beard same bright in the beard not sure why but I did all right so the last thing that I did of course is I built I

Fixed this room I told you I was going to uh I had a room that was very ugly that I built to build our different reactors in this room should be big enough for the maximum size fision reactor Fusion reactor and a smaller Fusion reactor to get the fuel we need

To make the bigger Fusion reactor so um yes so we have that here we have that here uh let’s see can use external storage symbol storage and H world with file cabinets and storage containers it is true and if I if I word it that way incorrectly

Um I think in that situation I was comparing it more to refined and if so I didn’t say it correctly within the mod itself right within the mod itself uh refined storage can use anything in to be but without having to use another mod let’s let’s say tomorrow Sky Factory

Five comes out right AE is in there refined storage is in there but they don’t put in crates or filing cabinets we look at just what the mod itself is capable of I in the back of my head that’s normally the comparison I make so if I didn’t word that way I apologize

That’s my fault if you’re correct you can connect them to filing cabinets and everything as well um but at that point if you’re going to do that just make this easier to make simple storage table that doesn’t require any power and you’re done and you still have

It way faster than you have any type of AE system but again you should everybody should make do both find the one you like the most uh let’s see okay so what do we got here having the Seven Days to Die gang oh we we still get together we just did

Conan recently uh seven days before that we and we cycle out once for a while you know it’s it’s my streams aren’t always group streams primarily I’m a solo streamer uh once in a while I’ll do a series where we I pull in other mods and

Friends and people we know um but it’s it’s not constant you know primarily I I’m I’m a I’m a solo gamer I don’t play a lot of multiplayer games online either even just in my own time um I’m that person I just kind of like to get in there and solo everything I

Can play in my own space plus um a lot of times I’m playing games while doing other things it’s nice to be able to pause a game and you can’t really pause games when you’re playing with other people um especially you know if someone happens to be working or you know

Whatever let’s do podcast somebody knocks on my door it’s nice to walk away but the game paused and not have to worry about coming back and finding my person dead because something found me um it’s just a convenience that I enjoy yes here we go here we go so

Anyways as I said I like this room much nicer my wife helped me pick the color combinations uh I went with this nice um chiseled Factory block for the floor and ceiling thought that was kind of nice cuz U you know this is going to be

Somewhat Factory is uh and I wanted to stick with the lava block theme I like how the clouds come through here now since I added the roof blocks it did fix a glitch when it was just stone or brick whenever there’s a cloud you looked up

You just saw Sky not even any lava anymore just sky but that adding the carpet fixed that so yeah this is a big space I like it lots of room to work in should be pretty pretty snazzy uh like crafting on the man of something I have to manually craft

Things that’s true but if I make 500 of something is clicking 10 times basically you know if I’m going to make 20 50,000 or something that’s usually when I Auto Craft I don’t normally manually man craft same as I mean with this if I set up an AutoCraft

You can use a control block to do the same thing I can turn it on and off whenever I want like right now I have it set up to break redstone blocks into redstone own thing but I I can turn that on or off as I choose um for example so

I can you can control that right from here if any craf can you set up but it’s true you have to in in in this system you do have to preet up the crafting and then you can AutoCraft it whenever you want but it’s true uh that is correct

That is a Bas salt texture that is correct I was trying to find something I could get a lot of easy and I was like H what can I what I don’t normally use and I do like darker blocks um so I was looking looking at the different options

And I’m like uh bass salts you got to get a thing to get that you got to either get the seeds and you got to grow the mystical agriculture or you have to get the grinding thing that crushes it into different powders blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and then my IDI

Itself found out that all I needed to do was cook some eight petrified acorns that’s it cook petrified acorns mixed with petrified resin gives you Bas salts I did not realize that recipe was that cheap I’ve always gone this route um but that was super super fast uh so I

Did just that I literally filled up a chest full of petrified acorns gave myself like 10 20,000 and then I threw an AutoCraft in for that so anytime I want more I just crap cook him I could Auto that too I just at this point I

Don’t need probably that many in a shot as I expand I think I’m going to continue using bass salts uh these are seared bricks cuz bass salts didn’t have stairs uh I think I will continue use Bas Al set but I’m not going to replace the stuff I already have um I think

That’s a lot uh let’s see uh doesn’t lag when you’re Mass crafting something uh well that again if you’re sitting in there manually clicking on it some things will lag some things will not primarily anything that comes from saplings will lag like if I’m just turning Redstone to

Redstone it might if I’m doing anything with the ERS that definitely legs but if I’m making like cables it’s usually not that big of a deal thank you thank you yeah suck with lava again I like the way it looked I like the way it looked we’ll do more we’ll do

More I may have just maybe started to build a secret secret part of the map and I’m going to assure you once I figure out exactly how to do it I will make this map and some of my previous Maps available to people to download I

Just got to figure out how to do that which I don’t know oh well we’ll get there all right so let’s look at what we’re going to do today uh so let’s see from the previous page uh we still have disgusting AE we’re going to work on

That um get some more tough Ally going Platinum lenses we haven’t got any platinum yet that I could find so we’re going to get at least two lasers specifically going after Platinum uh we’re going to blow up a chicken for the achievement we’re going to make an aship

Get the rest of the cakes that we need we’re going to get cookies started right cuz I’m going to need a Cookie Jar full of 64 stack cookie singularities that’s a lot of cookies so again that’s going to be another thing a lot like our compressed Netherrack and our compressed

Sugar cane and our fill the tanks things that I can put in the compact machine set there and just let them do their thing um primarily what I’m looking to do for that uh my thought is is building another machine like another uh thing just like this right

And I’m going to put its own simple storage inside of it we’ll have a smeltery and then I’m just going to run stuff cookie Amber AutoCraft and go directly into this Non-Stop and I’ll have a whole bunch of saplings in here feeding into that simple storage autocrafting just Amber specifically uh

Um I’m going to there’ll be a lot there’ll be several rows from floor to ceiling of saplings all feeding into that system so that way we uh we have as much production as possible and it’ll just be non-stop pouring cookies and putting those into uh probably that same system I may even

Automate a machine in here that’ll pull it out and make the singularities as well we might do all of that uh what’s that use a Google Drive possibly again I’ve never ever tried to share a I’ve sent like video files to people were like people have asked for tutorials and

Things sent to them or they wanted to work on it some friends wanted to get some things like that um but I didn’t know if you could do it the same way so I got you uh cook chicken boom is correct I did not know A2 did not go through

Compact machines I didn’t realize that uh is that in the modern as well or just Sky Factory 4 if it doesn’t either I mean that’s still fine I would view that as a negative yes but it’s not anything that I’ve ever had to worry about so luckily this one does so it’s never

Bother me all right good good good good so we’re GNA get cookies going what else did I have on here um singularities we need to get the other singularities going I have a large amount of ingots at this point uh most of them I have more than

10,000 of uh in there’s going to be some singularities that require mixing stuff that I don’t yet um so we’re going to have to I’m have to work on those uranium I don’t have 10,000 of that yet but there’s some things we’re we’re working on um bronze I’m going to some of this

Stuff obviously I’m going to need to alloy that’s the word I’m looking for which we’re going to work on on a system for that as well uh let’s see anything on page four Portal guns hey playing with portals baby we haven’t made any Portal guns and

I thought Portal guns might make it a little bit easier to move between some of these rooms than running all the way back and forth although I rarely have to come in here anymore um I will eventually this room is starting to run out of space so um

Okay cool so that’s where we’re at that’s the State of the Union if you will that’s where we are and we’re going to jump in and get some stuff going so right off the bat let’s get our AE stuff loaded so that can just continue to run how many chests do you have

Uh like you mean connected to my storage system or am I just using in general uh because I got these ones all these machines have chests but these are for loading so I can put a whole bunch of stuff in it’ll autoload this one doesn’t even need one this is material stonework

Factory but I already had it set up before I put the machine in there uh these ones are all for storing Amber uh there’s no chest there connected to storage uh these two are the only ones connected to storage I guess these are but these are

Just to filter things into storage so I don’t use chests I’m using using these all of my storage is in here so filing cabinets are better than chest if you’ve not if you haven’t used them yet because a filing cabinet will hold eight files each file will hold one type of item but

It’ll hold like 2 point something billion of them so and and they’re very cheap to make a filing cabinet is just some metal bars in a chest and then the files themselves are just five pieces of paper and you get like 16 of them I think eight or 16 of them so

Uh so yeah so that yeah this is this is where all my storage is so everything I have is stored in this room and these three rows are still empty uh for when I expand I just made another room where I’ll expand into these ones are empty I haven’t touched any of those

Yet but for actual storage I use this one is my overflow so this is where things go that can’t go in a file because not everything can uh and then some things that can’t go in a file will go in a junk storage like these for example like that

Anything that’s a weapon that has less than perfect durability um we’ll go in here some of these things will will not but you know uh junk so everything is set up in my system to go into it if it if there’s a file it’ll go into the file filing

Cabinet first if there’s not a file and it can’t go in a file it’s going to go in here if it can’t go in there then it overflows into here and then I know I got to make a file for it uh let’s see are saplings better than

Mystical crops it’s going to depend mystical is better overall in most ways um the only thing is the saplings are way easier to get a hold of and in some situations where I need like say I have a compact machine where I’m I’m I only need like well here’s a good example

Here’s a good example in here I’m making hdp pellets right I’m using saplings to be turned into uh what’s that stuff compost or something it turns into the thing I need hang on let me let me I forget what it’s called let me get in there I’ll take a look turns into

Saplings get squished up and turned into a thing uh and so it was easier for me to just have saplings get fed in here into a Crusher than it was for me to make a whole Farm of mystical seeds right so if I only need a few in this

Area saplings are super quick biofuel that’s the word Thank You Phantom I don’t know why I was thinking something else but yes so these saplings go in here everything else they make goes in the trash can and then this crushes them into biofuel so on and so forth like

Right now this is going super slow because I have so much hdp it doesn’t matter I have I I probably won’t need any more the rest of this game but just in case magical crops lags your world a lot they can yes so if you have magical

Crops and you find that it’s lagging uh number one if you have the ability to you can add allocate more lag from your computer to the game that will help depending on your level of experience with the game you may be like I already know all of that I already did that I

Don’t know if you don’t know how to do that I have a tutorial that will show you how it’s probably my most popular tutorial that didn’t how to find a backup folder everybody loses their world eventually um the other thing you can do if you’ve already done that or

Don’t want to mess with that or your computer just doesn’t have that capability you can put them inside of a compact machine anything inside the compact machine will not create lag in the world except for when you’re in there because what’s what’s causing the lag is all of the visuals right it’s a

Big part of it every all these little water dots and the plants moving and the plants changing you mean more RAM did I say Ram did I I say lag well I’m a dumbass ignore that I meant more ramp I have a tutorial and did it wrong

But so anyways it’s all the visuals the spinning the water the lava the more visuals you have the more it hurts so when you have it inside a compact machine it’s still working but the game doesn’t have to generate visuals unless you actually clock on the Block click on

The block clock on the Block oh my God I can’t say nothing for nothing oh my 3D printer ended sweet I’m going go check that in a minute um but yes yes so that’s that’s one way to limit lag is by putting things things inside a compact machine I’m not stroking out I

Promise all right let’s go check on our real quick let’s go check and see what’s uh what’s going on in here let’s see how we’re doing see that look at the lag that that caused in here imagine that running every few seconds in the world see we got three sep Tuple already that’s

Pretty good so tle that’s seven right sept Tuple yes that’s seven September 7eventh month there you go a little bit of logic for you um so I only need six more of these we’re third of the way to being done compressed sugar canane just from this week so that’s pretty cool

Considering I don’t have to do anything it’s just working all the time but yeah like that’s a great example of of lag being contained inside right and then we’ll check on NE Netherrack Netherrack is slower Netherrack is going to take long I’m going to have to help Netherrack I I

Always do I end up having to go farm Netherrack and throw it in here to help Quint all right so I think oh no we’ve got one sep tle all right that’s actually not bad we’ve got one SE tle I got too many of these things though but

That’s okay it’ll stop eventually uh so we already got one that’s not bad definitely I’m still probably going to have to help it and by help it I mean I’m just going to have to bring in my own and add it to the to the thing

So that’s something I can do later I’ll do that off camera it’s where I go and just gather Netherrack and start loading it in there as well uh so there’s those two let’s go check on our water and our Cobblestone all right so let’s see where

We’re at with the water we just got the achievement excellent the water went so much faster I didn’t even need to finish this we just we have completely filled a black hole tank with water so there you go you didn’t I didn’t even need this many probably I probably could

Have just left it with the three two or three I had originally and it would have been fine two or three sides so that that was in a week of just letting the game go while I’m doing other stuff so there we go now this one will take

Longer this is Cobblestone going in here see where we’re at with that one yeah we got a long ways to go that’s 142,000 versus the two billion so this I have this much forget the two I have this much in there yeah this one always takes longer and again I can manually

Load on this as well if I need to but uh it’s it’s fine we I I can work on that but still not too shabby wish there was a a speedier way of bumping that up but there’s not not without there’s no time increases without Project D that I’m aware

Of so I went to Sam’s Club with my wife yesterday we went out and did did a couple things uh first thing we did is we went to get our glasses fixed we just got brand new glasses the end of January beginning of February and my wife they

Were just a little snug on her behind her ears so she’s want to get them adjusted uh my glasses were bent these actually were bent quite a bit uh from a couple weeks ago when you guys got me sosed and my head hit the table too hard

And I bent my glasses so they fixed those which was nice uh then we went to McKay’s uh which is a used book DVD CD video game store awesome store it’s here in Knoxville it’s phenomenal uh my wife found a bunch of uh an mangas mangas whatever they the books anime

Books she got several of those she wanted and a couple figures from different animes she liked I didn’t find anything I wanted but I rarely do I’m I’m not that much of a a collector of stuff anymore unless it looks cool back here I don’t really buy a lot of stuff

Um unless it’s the crow I’m thinking about getting a really cool it’s like 180 bucks but a really cool Johnny silver ham cyberpunk statue um they had like a two and a half almost 3ft tall one at McKay’s for a grand uh if I had a

Grand to blow I’d have bought it it was freaking beautiful but I’d really like I’d love to have a little like maybe better table here and have like a really cool statue I you know you see them all the time three4 I don’t care to invest

In and buy something cool for there but I think a Keo one would look good and I always buy anything the crow whenever it’s available if I don’t have it already hello uh Mr emate good day good day oh we just got an achievement how are awesome is that just from walking in

There and clicking on water okay let’s get to work here let’s get to work you guys are killing all right so I need crystals crystals and by that I don’t mean the small little Burgers I need these get these loaded first have to make some more of these

These take work these are multi-step things I got to crush quartz I got to mix it with sand then I got to turn it into the crystal by cooking it oh no I did the thing again I hate that you know I should not have left that

Little blue ball in there it’s going to make this slower all right so there’s the thing I don’t want to throw in there by accident okay get rid of these that’s not the one I did move the matter overdrive over here I started getting a bunch of except since we did

The M I’ve been getting a lot more stuff in here um which is cool I uh added to my gun which I should show you guys since I did that uh I add added a uh shot rebound module which is the thing I just put away ah and added a little

Bonus uh where was I okay here we are and Oh wrong room wrong room okay and let’s see that this one will be gold gold gold throw a bunch of that down uh let’s see here yes seven uh training Relic shift left click to clear your inventory in a chest have you ever

Gotten creative flight with astral I’ve not but I’ve been on a server with a friend who did um I by the time I get to that I already have created flight so it’s never been needed all right let’s see if that works you said hit what was it shift left

Click okay that didn’t do shift left click that’s not doing anything sorry shift left click I don’t think it works on compact chest but it’s yeah just shift left click isn’t doing anything at all or right click I even alternated just to check I’m sh I’m shift left clicking the

Item it’s not doing anything I promise all is doing doing is putting it in there all right that’s good it’s in there all right so now I need Diamond diamonds I may have to make a second sapling for diamonds because I’m not getting those as fast as I did other

Things throw a bunch in there though diamonds I end up I think need more than anything else I don’t think you need as much some of the others okay I now I picked it up and hit shift left click and nothing’s happening I have no idea what the hell you guys are talking

About picked up an item double clicking the item does nothing shift double clicking oh that did something oh okay there we go so it shift double click aha there we go that was good thank you I appreciate that um these things are probably running low on Redstone running low on

Redstone yeah it’s not that low yeah see these need crystals how are we doing for we okay this aren’t too bad I can let these run for a little bit all right we’ll let those go hello Pikachu All right so we’ve got those going uh so we’re gonna let that keep

Running I’m not going to mess with a much until we got a bunch of that built up uh let’s look at Platinum right all right so you guys said for platinum I needed specific lenses uh so let’s find out I need a light blue laser

Lens how many lenses can you put in a laser is it six or eight I want to say it is six I want to say it is six we will see six I’ll make 12 I will need to make the the right colored glass first though light blue stained glass

Okay make some of that oh forgot to make the pain part of that uh let’s see where was I that that two three four five six one two three four five six okay so to make math at six yes there’s 12 so that’s enough for two lasers where is that where is

My that’s down here forgetting where things are uh yes that’s in here all right and then we got I am going to take a quick look to see if we got any nope so if we had any platinum it’d be in this chest because it’s not

Filtered to go in any of the other ones yet so let’s get in here that’s how I know that we don’t have any because this chest would still feed up into the other chest okay so we’re going to take the two on the left here that’s what these

Are going to be wait no we’re not it’s these things all right don’t well then I’ve learned a thing I must Blacklist the blue lenses I had completely forgotten about that part we going need do that on both of these now I’m going to have to go back out and get

Them out of the system oh no wait they should be in here they are not okay that is okay now don’t have to put this to a specific height or something Max Y6 Y what do you mean Max what about minimum so any number lower than 16 is

Good is that what that’s saying I’m gonna I I never mess with the lenses I just get everything else hang on I’m trying to find the other things they should be stuck in this chest yeah they are I knew they couldn’t get out all the way cuz they’re not filtered through

And said 10 okay I’ll put on 10 all right so we’ll give that a little while then we’ll come back and see if anything’s in the uh because it once it does come out it should be in this chest right here and then I will have to

Filter it into the one of the smelt piles not that one not that one I think it’s that one I have to put it to filter out that one and then it’ll it’ll go through the rest of the smelters uh you can make platinum with pure diamond and silver Amber that’s

Correct but I don’t again I don’t have a ton of ton of diamonds so I’d like to avoid that if I can oh hey I get a few levels here we’ll buy a couple more Android abilities while we’re chilling get myself 100 or so levels that should be fine enough to buy a

Couple Mr Jim what’s up buddy had a client is his resting just in case oh yeah understand understandable I chatt with her a little bit earlier today how goes it Mr Jim um what am I looking for why did I do what I just did oh yeah the Android

Station okay where was I um instantly cool a weapon down that yes I want that okay uh reduce kinetic energy I never use that that’s a waste of my time I don’t need the teleporter I’ve already bought all those uh let’s see what’s down here

Magnet no thank you did use a magnet I did make a magnet and you found a used to actually use it the other day which I thought would be kind of cool to let you guys know because you guys are always telling me about the

Magnets why would you not let me do this oh wait I need something higher jumping I don’t really need that but I need to move past it so I guess I need High I need a piston me get a piston I guess I should spell piston piston piston okie dokie get that

Again negate fall damage sure why not I can do it twice okay dashes forward I don’t need that uh yes I need that I Need A Spacetime equalizer SpaceTime equalizer SpaceTime equalizer there it is how do you make that oh yeah like that okay I can do I

Miss all I need is the middle piece convenience I need whatever was at the top whatever was at the top uh wait oh that I need a machine casing okay the multi click here I already made that I I did that step twice that was not smart of me okay there’s one of

Those there’s one of those SpaceTime equalizer oh the flux capacitor there’s an achievement for that convenience all right that’s the thing that makes you immune to the gravitational anomalies we’re eventually going to have to get the achievements for that because you guys want me to get all the

Achievements so I’m gonna have to go get that step assist no you’re the devil magnet also the devil mini map don’t know if I need a mini map I mean I could just turn on the regular mini map you you may have noticed there’s no mini map when I play right um

So people I turned the mini map off because I don’t like it there when I’m filming tutorials it just serves no purpose and it covers up part of the screen and then I never think to turn it back on Twilight Forest I might turn it back on

Temporarily uh things are going well sir I’m in uh I’m in convention prep check it out the three different sizes of dices I’m going to offer I have a 30 mm 40 mm and a 50 m millimeter um I be this is not a snowman uh but this is the critical hit critical

Fumble dice that I’ll be selling at the convention in pairs a critical hit and a critical fumble you good pair uh and then by April I’m hoping to have these available on the website I also made a big old giant one I’m make a couple of

Those too because I I’m not going to sell these probably I don’t think anybody wants dice quite this big if they weren’t so hard I’d put a hook on them and make them dice for my car but don’t worry I just bought some of those so I don’t actually have to get

Some no worries Uh me see Phantom what do you what did you use it for what did I use what for Phantom I apologize I didn’t I’m not sure what you’re referencing with the question uh take a fanboy but I didn’t remember what she said uh yeah she said

That they can look you up when you get there so they can do it digitally uh yep yep yep yep yeah I’m pretty excited with the dice I got those done I got my giveaway bags done the hooks that are going to hold my banner showed up yesterday all I got some

T-shirts that I’m going to sell um what else did I do I got everything put today has been all we’re oh the magnet the magnet yes okay so you remember this room was ugly oh you can see space again I guess you can only see space at night

Not during the daytime oh well um this was other brick right I was using regular brick which I do like to use from time to time and I didn’t want to lose all the brick that I’d used here so I went ahead and got a magnet and

Grabbed so I could grab all the brick as I was destroying it to be able to rebuild this room heard a weird noise um but yes so that was the I used a magnet for that so I have a magnet now it is in here in

Case I ever need it again there it is right there magnet I think my yeah operation one boy do I got to charge that thing a lot good Lord that’s the only downside of that oneand man takes forever forever who gonna have to put some things for glass in there okay

Okay so where were we where were we I just did things um the Platinum lenses that’s done I got to wait for it to show up let’s blow up a chicken we’re going to do a couple uh these ones here the fun ones first and then we’re going to tackle one of the

Bigger ones so blow up a chicken what is dven talking about there’s an achievement in the farm tab oh adult CH oh yeah I got an egg don’t ask why it was from creative because I was doing something with a secret special room don’t question me uh so I got that’s the

Achievement I got by accident I didn’t mean to we’re going to still do all three steps today though uh so first of all you need to get mob DNA DNA so first we need to make a swab first we have to spell swab correctly I have has a

Swab and that’s cool so now I have to slap a creature of some kind now I’m just going to really quickly step into the Twilight Forest and smack one uh I could hit pretty much any mob I guess but hello sheepies I can make a sheep

One right sheep DNA swab the deck oh chicken hello regular chicken so there you go got to hit it something that has a spawn egg so you can make DNA make a second one I really could I just have to get the machines back out to make a

Sponge oh right I forgot this is my spawn now I was like why am I I hate that all right so we got that part done now we have to make the next part so it tells you this is this is a tutorial that I get a lot of comments on because

They don’t figure this out craft the chicken from seeds a swab of DNA and a bucket of experience okay so we already got the swab I need a bucket of experience bucket see that’s another reason why I like to have a pile on just sitting around XP built up there’s a bucket and

Then I need some seeds regular old wheat seeds I don’t think there’s a specific order to this but I could be wrong there we go chicken feed now I need a chicken um let’s make a chicken seed and some bone meal now we’re going to go wish darkosto happy

Birthday oh gosh there’s a hole over there I didn’t notice I’ll fix that later uh don’t show the secret oh I’m never going to show the secret you guys got to find that chicken I don’t think I can use this on a baby chicken we’re going to find out

Nope got to grow him up first okay come here you turd I need you to grow up so I can blow you up I’m having uh Chicken Mod flashbacks all right the last 6 seconds the seeds don’t really do anything put that away put that

Away all right so now we got to feed this to the chicken T yay that pleases me I don’t know why I was not raised in a barn except I left those doors open on purpose because I don’t want to I’ll be doing that one a lot uh so there we go put that up we have gotten that’s achievements these

Three are done we can check that off I wanted to make sure we had a couple out of the way before we start doing big thing now we’re going to make cook cakes and then after cakes we’re either going to do singularities or I’m going to automate cookies you let me know which

One I should do first both of them will take a little bit of time but you tell me what I should do I’m not automating singular okay I’m kind of automating singular semi-automating singular uh da da da da what was I going to do uh cakes cakes okay cakes cakes

Cakes let’s make there’s Dimension cake I have to make it that’s the only one that’s left oh I don’t have enough spots I have enough spots I need to have one for the Lost Cities too ah right nether cake yeah I need Lost Cities cake and a hunting Dimensions cake forgot Lost

Cities uh I have a regular Overworld cake that’s not what I’m looking for I’m going to need buckets milk it does a body good cake another end Overworld Twilight for lost City’s cake I need a regular cake first regular cake go ahead I’m going to need this again let’s go grab

Now and lost cities cake what do I need top and bottom okay I need a brewing stand easy enough I probably make one of those for myself and I should make one of those G to put a brewing stand there probably I’m going to need that eventually at some point uh and

Then I needed terra cotta okay grab a stack of clay uh smelting Factory have you f found a way to death download your world no I haven’t been looking I something I’ll do eventually but I hadn’t honestly looked at it yet okay does that give me the Terracotta I

Need or does it have to be colored it has to be colored okay any color will do it just wants her to be a color can I have green no I don’t deserve green can I have gray no I don’t deserve gray why okay we’re gonna do this different terra

Cotta I don’t have orange Dy there give me what I need back to cakes lost city cake lost city cake excellent I think we have to go there and back for it to count if if it does uh private Google Drive Link it’s pretty cheap for the first storage

Upgrade cool I’m up for any IDE yeah feel free throw me a message or post it on Discord I’ll take a look at it Google Drive no need to link to active private email okay gotcha I have a uh there we go achievement lost and found oh that’s a that’s a good one

Start next to that’s also a good one to start next two okay that’s not too shabby at all that’s just trees but still very cool one down hunting dimension for that I would e a cake well that time it took all the milk okay uh hunting Dimension I’m going

To need oh oh this isn’t charged hold this why I hang on this is why when I get these things I usually charge them and and put them in a folder because you never know you need something stupid like that honey Dimension cake up stop that doing Dimension the most useless of all

Dimensions really I’ve never found a good purpose for that but you know it is what it is Darkness hello darkness my old friend all right that’s two more achievements we just got done very relatively quickly uh cakes are done let’s see what we got here um Mass spectrometer said he’d like to

See me hook up cookies nobody else seem to have an opinion so I guess hook cookies is what we’ll do running down spawns more mobs it does it does I just by the time that I get there I usually already have a mob farm I don’t really need it that much is kind

Of the thing um and then again with deep mob learning that negates a lot of need as well oh hey Ender Dragon’s done I forgot to check him sweet Ender Dragon’s done I don’t think I have another one ready to be done yet nope okay and then that one’s always making

Supremium up Mr Terry to dday it is Sir I’ve been working on it all day been over here printing all these different Dice and stuff it’s the last thing I got to do uh making oh yeah I still have that world that’s another one of the worlds I

Would put up for people to take a look at polar bear says singularities now it’s a tie all right so which big thing are we going to work on next am I going to do automate cookies because it does take a long time for that to work or should I

Do singularities yeah cookies so uh so I can get a better idea to get yours quicker okay just want your voice be well I appreciate that a green set I can do that sir uh would you prefer I would you prefer a 30 mm 40 mm 50

Mm I’m going to be selling all three sizes I’ve decided because I couldn’t decide which size to sell oh a lot of cookies we got a lot of cookies okay cookies it is I made a couple compact machines so we could have some ready so I didn’t have to build them here with

You guys being bored all right all 30 mm you want the little guy okay hey my wife has come to visit well to visit the kitties not me I do have this big mama jama one too that I made just for fun uh which I don’t

Know I’m too early to talk about it okay let’s see what we got uh I’m gonna need that and Terry I need to talk to you about something later REM remind me I have something important to talk to you about later um okay go go go go go won’t get

In your ice bag sir you need a bigger sock I’m just kidding get you a bag of holding no I understand I thought that this would be fun for like a if I was to ever do a live DND and then stream it where people could watch it’d be cool to

Have a big thing in the middle kind of I think my mind I’m thinking Price is Right read the Big Dice you through it in the middle see what you got I thought something like that would be kind of cool again if they weren’t so hard it’d

Be cool to put a little hook on them and make them dice to hang in your car Here’s a thought what do you think about this what do you think about a a dice a big dice obviously where it’s Minecraft themed creeper head pickaxe sword different things a

Dice based game based on Minecraft I couldn’t sell it because I don’t have the rights to sell it but it might be a fun thing to put together just to play thoughts anyways all right all right so we got dice or not dice cookies cookies all right we’re going to need a

Smelter we’re going to need a large smeltery let’s get smelting all right so right off the bat I’m going to need uh SMY stuff I have some smeltery stuff already but let’s make some more no not that that but grout that’s the word I was looking for I couldn’t think

Of what grout was for a second let’s get some groy not groy grout that’s also not how you spell grout oh my goodness s we’re going to do both one will be today one will be tomorrow is the goal so we’re definitely going to get them all that’s all right Pi could

You do don’t you worry about that get your voice in there I don’t know if you can set up polls in YouTube yet it’d be nice if you could I bet there’s a way I just haven’t figured it out I’ll look into that I know you can do it on Twi

Quitch No No not tonight no not tonight sir you’re all good no we can talk just whenever maybe sometime tomorrow during the day just D texting I I’ll message you no rush at all sir it’s going to get a bunch of Gro going because I I have a feeling I’m

Going to need more smelteries eventually for something I feel like smelting is a good sauce all right so that gets that started let’s get the basics SM going right so right off the bat I’ll put in a stinky stinky SM smelly smelter that makes me laugh I’m going to need one of

These obviously I’m GNA need one of these for sure uh let’s see oh no you’re good boss it is not not a big deal just thoughts of the future thoughts of the Future No Worries uh so I got both of those I’m just going to get the ground base going

I need a stack of these why you no work for dven oh cuz I clicked on the wrong thing stack of those you know let’s take two stacks of those and okay so now that I got that going next I’m going to need an automated Lava system in there right I’m

Just going to get the base going and get it connected to Lava and then I’m going to go in and build it up the rest of the way so right now yeah just just going to get the basics so I can get the lava flowing if you will um so here’s the

Thing I have two ideas I have two ideas for how to make this work I just don’t know which one’s going to be faster because instead of pouring it out into a cookie is it faster to put it into an Ingot former you know what I’m saying see I’m coming with

That because I have an Ingot forer then I just don’t know if that’s G to go faster I don’t think that’s going to go faster than pouring though so I’d have either have to run it through a melter and then an Ingot former or I could run it through a

Smeltery I still feel like a smeltery would be faster especially if I do more por spouts than I do I think we’re going to do that I think we’re going to do we’re going to go ahead with a regular is better with Max upgrades but is a melter going to be

Able to keep up with it as quickly as say a smeltery would which it might that’s the that’s what I’m wondering because if it does then I could put more saplings a simple storage system craft that into Amber throw the Amber Amber into oh wait

Let’s see if the Amber will go into a melter can I do it as an Amber I can okay so I can do cookie Amber into a melter it is the only thing with that is it’s going to be a lot of power it’s going to be a lot of power

Used in there I’d have to hook it on I wouldn’t be able to just put a a generator a regular geothermal in there I don’t think it would keep up with it I’d have to connect it to the flux uh all right Mr Jerry call in workday kind of oh no worries

Man get you some rest boss um yeah I can Auto 100% I’m well I’m gonna instead of autocrafting the cookies um because you can’t AutoCraft the cookies there’s not a a cookie crafting recipe unfortunately um they will make you can you can either pour them out or Ingot for I think Ingot

Forer is the way to go hey Terry thank you very much for reminding me if you’re out there watching this hey it’d be super cool if you wouldn’t mind clicking that link button and if you’re new be sure to subscribe cuz that would be cool

Too uh how much you selling the dice for I’m still working on it but um the recommendation was because it this would be for a pair not for a single dice 8 10 12 because I don’t have to charge shipping or anything there uh the only downside is

Well not downside I have boxes that’ll perfectly hold the 2 mm the the big one and the other ones will go in there with some crate paper so I have little boxes I’m going to put them in um that would cover the cost of the filament and and

The stuff doing it if I did eight then 12 but I’m concerned that might be too much I’ll message you later get your thoughts on that um if I when I sell them online I’ll have to include shipping and stuff so it might be a little bit more so yeah I don’t think

Because you can get a pair of them right you’ll get two pay no attention to the Black Ink on that this is this is a dummy with was not going to be used I was trying coloring in the here’s the thing coloring in the lettering is damn n impossible I’ve tried 20 different

Types of pens markers model markers Gundam markers anything I could think of the lettering is just too small to get something down in there without getting in call on the sides if I had a 3D printer that could use more than one color at a time I might be able to color

Down inside the letters naturally but that’s an additional $400 add-on component to the 3D printer I have they make one but it’s a whole another thing and that’ll do four different colors I could buy another one on top of that to add four more colors but I don’t think I’ll

Have any more than four at once so I thought about working on that next maybe saving up or even doing donation goal to try to save up for that and then give away a bunch of of the stuff that we print with it to people who donated or

Something I again I got thoughts on it thinking on it thinking on it uh C I wish I’d gotten custom stickers I talked to my wife wife about that today I wish I’d have done that I didn’t think of it I didn’t think of that uh even if I

Could just put one on the box I’m going to put business cards in there I got official I got a business card for the channel and I got a business card for merge worlds that’s got QR codes on it take you to the podcast take you to my

YouTube channel things like that I got a big 3×8 foot Banner made that’s pretty cool I got that in this week oh some what was that question what 3D printer do I have okay yeah got I use a bamboo lab p1p uh which is a pretty pretty dang

Good printer I going to say it’s top of line but I got it specifically from um specifically from uh the company they don’t sell them on Amazon and stuff and I get my filament from them so the filament I know works with them because they have a lot of lot of different

Types they got some cool multi-tiered sparkly looking ones that look good Now cards are yeah I’ve got a bunch of little tiny velvet bags I’m going to give out with bus cards in it and then a couple Reg regular 20-sided dice I’m going to give out to kids and people who

Are interested I I made a hundred of them that’s all I could afford to put together I don’t know if I’ll even have that many people come by the booth but uh if people do have little bags to give away okay I think we’re going to do

Melters we’re going to do I’ve never done it as a melter system so let’s look at that so here’s where my I’m going to need some chests let’s start with the basics I’m going to have to hook this to flux because there’s just no way that

One or even two i’ probably need three or four geothermal in there to do that and I’m concerned it’s going to take up space for the other stuff I want to do I I want more room for saplings um I do have some stickers to sell I’m selling they’re only a dollar

It’s the it’s that sticker it’s that picture I got shirts with that on it too I unfortunately didn’t have thousands of dollars to put into merch because I don’t know if anybody’s even going to buy anything but I got a few things so I had some stuff at the table I’m not

Really there to try to make money I’m there to just get attention to the channel and to the merger worlds podcast but I wanted to have some things on the table so uh I got some t-shirts I got like 12 15 different t- size t-shirts I got some pins of different OD things

From this to merge worlds or whatever I got some stickers uh and then I’ve got the dice and then I’m going to have a laptop I’m going to be playing Minecraft the whole time I’m there and I’m going to take a monitor facing away so people

Who are coming up can see what I’m doing so I got some little uh uh extra speakers for the laptop that are arriving this week so I can set them down so people can hear the game as well so yeah I’m really happy with the way the business cards turned out they’re very

Schnazzy I don’t have any sitting near me or i’ showed you okay chest yes I need chest let’s grab some chest let’s grab some clay let’s grab some Iron two three four five we’ll do six chests and fences not GNA have enough four five six and then one more to throw the extra away okay G to make some chest 222 220 222 why am I drawing a blank it’s 220 right yeah it’s 220 why am I

Doing man you think I’ve be drinking today I haven’t okay there’s my six I top those off all right so I got six of those I’m going to need a simple storage system right off the bat so I’m going to need simple storage let’s make one of

These I don’t have that stuff what don’t I not have oh blocks of quartz really interesting need a simple storage I will need a simple storage I will need import cables which I probably already have 100 of I do of course export cables do already have some of those I do uh

Upgrades stack upgrades oh sweet I need one of those two of those and one two three four five six of those and 220 and 270 only colors nice nice engage the crowd with a votable task or something like for your life that’s not a bad idea could do something again just

If enough people watch right there’s going to be a lot of relatively bigger like names there’s going to be a bunch of uh voice actors from anime and video games and all that kind of stuff so I maybe sitting alone in the corner but that’s okay I’m gonna have fun it’s my

First experience and how well it goes to determine whether or not I do this again right uh come back to I hope so hope so okay so that’s the basics of the storage other than filing cabinet I’m G to need a filing cabinet do I have a spare one I

Do filing cabinets oddly enough can’t go in a filing cabinet just the way that works uh um file cookie the things that come out of a cookie sapling first of all you get just raw cookies second of all you get acorns then you get leaves then you get

Don’t know why that happened but okay and then you get a sapling and then you get oh that’s not a word you get wood and I’m just making sure I don’t lose those and then you get sticks which Draven has 5 million sticks in there that’s good to know

Put those away so there’s the filing cabinet which I should be able to go ahead and set that down now because it’ll hold these oh my God I just realized something I’m going to need a filing cabinet for every sapling I put in there moo that’s going to be a lot more

Work than I thought but that’s okay we’re still going to get it done still going to get it done Okie do so we can make that happen I’m going to need a crafting station we’ll get the basics set up on stream and then I can work a

Bit more of it on uh off camera to fill it out with the rest of the things but I’m am going to need a crafting station so I can work on that I’m going to need some files I need paper good God no paper all right that should be lot of paper and

And all right let’s get inside and take a look and see what we what we’re working with here let’s see what we got going on okay so basically I’m going to ring saplings around the walls is my thought first of all this one is just going to

Have stuff in it until I know what I’m going to do with everything all right so right off the bat I can pull if I put a sapling on there I can put the cables on the front that’ll save space no wait I don’t need cables I need

Filing cabinets they got to be connected to the back I could connect them to the bottom I don’t have to connect them to the back if I press them against the bottom that would be easier and I could put them against the wall okay so hypothetically I forgot that filing cabinet one

Moment the problem with that the only problem with that is to go into a chest it’ll only move one stack at a time I’m hoping to produce so many at a time that it’s going to be hard pressed to get them in there um it’ll make more sense when I get it

Down all right so basically I would need to leave a bottom space open for the cable and you don’t put one in the corner because nobody puts baby in the corner and then I put the sapling on here those two then I would have a cable then a filing cabinet then we’d have

Sapling sapling cable filing cabinet SA saing sapling all right so we’re looking at three or four rows in here my goal today would be to get one row set up and going then we’re going to work on everything else so let’s get our system down because we’re going to have to have

Him and these may get moved a little bit as we go but that’s okay simple storage okay and one of these would go into there yes right okay and then all of this loock from the filing cabinets has to be connected to the system I’m going to be

Autocrafting which I am going to have to run autocrafters somewhere in here as well um maybe on the bottom over here on one side so I think I feel like maybe I wonder if you could run two autocrafters with the same thing never tried I don’t think I’d need

To I think it’s going to make it fast enough the autocrafters should keep up with it we’ll see though we’ll see and then this is going to uh so it’s going to export out into this and then that is going to feed to a whole bunch of

Melters and then a whole bunch of Ingot formers and I’ll leave the bottom space here a little space in the middle to run cables out or I could run this thing directly into a singularity system so I don’t have to mess with it I like that better so I don’t even

Have to export this out so it’ll make the stuff and then against the wall here I can have a singularity system making them putting them into a filing cabinet which would be connected to this which would then have it all right in there I like it I like it a lot okay I

Have a mental picture of what I want to do changes will be made but that’s okay we’ll get to that export cable that is an export cable right okay I guess it always goes to that side okay could to remember that and I’m going I need as always your are priority five

Does that matter in here probably not but it might because I’m I may have to multi priority put the chest back okay so we need a row of filing cabinets row of these and then a cable to connect them then I need to get the autoc crafter up and going yes that works

Okay then I can start filling all this up okay filing cabinets I’ve got 25 that part dealt with cables we got a whole stack of these because I made a whole bunch when I was making the other storage room downstairs so that works out well I’m going to take some of these

And some of the what are you doing come here stop that why’d you double up like that don’t be a weirdo um import cable will I need an import cable I don’t feel that I’m going to need an import cable if the melters will keep up with what

I’m trying to if the singularity machine will keep up with what I’m trying to do we’ll have to see if not I have another way I can do that either way we’re going to make it work let’s get started here so I’m have to get the saplings I

Have to make a bunch of bond eyes again my goal is just to get this bottom row working and then I can fill up this thing with more off camera once we get it up and running and you see how it’s working cuz I don’t want to Rob guys

That but then just adding more cabinets and me making a file for each one of them it’s going to be boring to watch you’re going to have to watch one row of them but other than that I’m gonna make it as quickly as possibly can for you

Delicious okay so right off the bat we got those going I got more cabinets we’ll just leave those in here because I’m gonna use those uh probably going to need all these okay all right so now I need an autoc crafter setup we already have a cookie folder so I

Don’t oh I’m going to need a cookie Amber folder I’m going to need a cookie Amber folder okay going need a cookie Amber I’m gonna need another one of those I’m need a stack of these I’m need a stack of these I’m going to need a

Processing cable going to need a lever I need to spell lever correctly I’ve never in my life spelled lever correctly on the first try I’m a Fool all right then I need an autoc crafter and I’ll need that’ll be our first flux right there flux Point that’s the ones I’ll be

Using uh let’s see here can all have going trash trash trash what I don’t want trash anything trashing would be bad I’m not I’m not for trash uh let me see this processing cable that that that that that that that that’s everything I need for autocrafting let’s go get the

Autocrafting set up right now even though nothing’s coming into it yet wait maybe I should have some stuff into it okay let’s go let’s let’s get a cookie sapling going so at least we’ve got something to work with u cookie sapling might as well bring a stack of

Them and I’m GNA need hopping Bonsai got three that’s not bad I could use more though some Dennis Hoppers I got six woo check that out 64 that work good oh and then mulch too will be pull oh God I’m gonna have to make more mulch hadn’t thought about that but we

Can do it we can do it now now to save space I can put the autoc crafter right here I can’t put the cable down yet the cable has to go afterwards so I need something to space this there we go grab that then it’s going to need

Power and then it’s going to need that then it’s going to need wait this is the right one cookie yes okay let’s get that in there one two three four stop that and lever okay let’s get our first bring B eyes down I’m just go ahead and set

These up here even though I don’t have everything I need folders in there yet but we’ll worry about that okay mulch mulch no I knew it was gonna happen I always do that just so fast in this armor okay and then you okay so that’s going to start doing

Its thing and then now we’re going to get our processing cable one two three four one two three four five click click oh right then the amber amber transaction valid click then it needs me to add that but it’s only going to make one because I didn’t put the Amber

Folder in I didn’t make an Amber folder that’s my fault close up how about now ah I ruined it oh yeah I ruined it hold on I’m gonna have to fix that that was me I forgot to put the folder in if you mess up your folder you’re basically

Screwed yay here’s some stuff though uh acorns let me fix that again the recipe’s in there that’s good flip that back off it’s being a turd that in there and then I’m going to put 1 two three four five 1 two three Four I’m GNA grab that a one of those ambers Amber transaction valid go then I’m going to add the nuts there we go now I put all of that in there you’ll make a couple more we’re up to 33 Amber okay so that’s going and

We’ll work on as long as more stuff gets in there so that part’s good then I’m going to export the Amber into here so I’m going to need an Amber and we’re going to put that in there there and that’ll feed into there that’s going to go into the rest of

Stuff this needs to go over here for now um okay so that’s going to feed into that so that’s going to make Amber going to go in there did you try getting Raising Cane’s Chicken yet what is Raising can’s chicken might have been a restaurant we

Talked about at some point but no I’ve have not I will say I have not I can’t think of anything else I would need a filing cabinet for in here okay cool and the Gang so this going to be a little crazy but it’s going to work all right so now I

Need to run power and I also need to run I want how many of these I’m going to need let me put the rest of these in here with that and that because I’m gonna need all those all right let’s go get our first melter smelter combo

Going when did you dye your beard so I dyed my beard the end of November beginning of December we had our 24hour extra life charity stream and one of the donation goals was to community got to pick what color I would dye my hair and

Beard and they chose red and purple so I did half and half most of it’s faded out or been cut off since then but uh if you go back and look at the around the right around mid December Christmas I was much more colorful okay so we need

Melters not the same thing smelter won’t work melter will oh we need things we need so many things here’s we need some tough alloy and tough love all right let’s get the thing in the bottom we’re going to make one to get this working okay I just need those four

Which going to require three four of those there’s a melter achievement hey no problems you have yourself a good boss thanks for coming by uh melter and then other thing we said was an Ingot fer right Ingot fer also needs things again we’re going to start with

One there’s those okay so I’m going to need cables I’m going to need fluid cables for the fluid I already got item cables in there I’m going to bring some power cables just cuz I’m not sure how I’m going to plug all the fluxes onto this

Yet I take it back I figured out how I’m going to going to do the flux everything I just said was a lie don’t trust me in any way whatsoever uh okay so we’ve got that a machine chassis that’s not what I needed I forgot to do the second

Part achievement look at that all sorts of achievements today this is pretty cool and already got two flux in there that’ll the power for both of them and then we’ll come back and we’ll get the uh thing a flicky doohickey for our uh singularities in a moment

Okay so we got to have it facing this way you you now my thought here these both need power right I forgot the inot power does not need power oh that’s going to make this one does this one does not forgot how convenient that is so I actually don’t even need to power

Those second ones delicious I won’t need any fluid pipe because the fluid’s going to go directly from that into here I will need some upgrades though so yeah the fluid will go directly into that um and then I will need item extraction cable Crank That up already

Working yeah I’ll need upgrades for both of those machines okay so’s go make up go make upgrades load in okay do I have any of those made I have one that’s not going to do it one two excellent one two I was one shy Beauty I’m going to need make a lot of

Those so I have to crush a lot of quartz and obsidian that’s these are things I’m going have to do off camera and get them all built up but at least this will get us started so you get one of these you get one of these that makes

Cookies now I feel like I should have a buffer chest here guys know my love of buffer chests which means I’ll need an item extraction cable so my goal is to have them come out both ways and go up having more of them so I

Can put another one on top of this so that flux will power two so I’ll have several pairs like that then another pair on top another pair on top so on and so forth all of those run to melters all of the cables will run into this buffer

Chest okay this is going to be in the way for right now all right so now this is going to have to run into the machine that actually makes our singularities let’s go figure that out okie dokie Singularity what is that one again extended crafting okay extended crafting here we go so I

Need that guy a Quantum compressor oh look I have nothing okay okay I’ll need black Iron Ingots which is there we go I made a couple of those good uh that was the first part easy sauce now I need a square thing make a stack of those cool

Uh then I’m going to need one of these things I need yellow stuff what’s yellow stuff again yellow stuff is that stuff I have lots of that stuff throw that in there that make a few of those I how many I’m going to need oh GNA need more

Than I thought there’s two of those which means I’m going to need a couple more of these what am I missing just the middle what’s the middle okay middle is this thing done now I believe I’m hoping I should only need one of these another achievement delicious the problem

Is I need other things uh isn’t it this one that I need to put in there to make the singularities work this will also need power I’ve got one more flux in there for that so that’s okay believe that’s the thing ultimate component and then I have to feed things

In but do they eject all right here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to test this right here we’re going to test this with an iron one real quick we’ll make uh an iron Singularity make our first Singularity why not uh so first of all let’s get uh some regular

Chests cuz we’re testing just to see if this will input and output oh I can’t do that there input output and then I’m going to need flux need to make another Point what’s the point why do I not have any block of oh I know why turn that off try that

Again I need to make some I have no nuts don’t ever tell anybody I said that there flux okay uh that should be able to go in the back the back now in theory if I put iron in here it should come out there but I can’t

Remember if it has to come in the top or the side that’s the that’s the thing I’m confused about I’m going need more of those extra cables two wow that’s well that’s what I needed okay we’ll start here and see if that’ll go inside of

There it’s only going to put need one at a time so let’s grab some iron I think it may have to go in the top if so then that’s a thing well now it’s feeding in there must not be an ultimate must be a blue one okay can never remember

How about a blue one why you no working well they’re feeding in so that part’s right I see it’s that thing it’s an ultimate Catalyst I have the totally wrong thing you’d think after the 5,000 times I’ve done this I would get that correct but where is Ultimate Catalyst there it

Is okay so I need four of those ultimate catalyst there so it worked okay so that worked pulled all of those in 320 and it did that pretty quickly which is what I was hoping it would do now I got to see if it’s going to spit out this side

Though so we’re going to go cray cray with the iron for a minute one moment while I get 10,000 iron this will take a minute but it’ll also be one Singularity closer to the ultimate Singularity which is an achievement we need as well so delicious I’m only using a small chest

So the double click thing should work but it’s still going to be pretty slow okay see if this works now chest this is way better thank you for the double click knowledge I can’t believe I don’t think anybody’s everever told me that in all this it’s not working with these ones

Though but that’s okay close enough oh it might be because I already got 10,000 in there that’s why okay why did I pull my gun on that don’t shoot your iron get those out of there because I’m not going to need them all I want to see is if it’ll pull that

Out I have so many things to work on eventually I’ll make a trophy room that’s where all the heads are going to go it’s what did well it took me a long time to understand it today too it’s hard 100% on me hey by the way I started a story earlier and never

Finished it went to Sam’s Club and got a bunch of snacks and things we need for the house ultimate cheddar Doritos has anybody had these yet ultimate cheddar Doritos I found these and they’re pretty good they’re pretty good it’s kind of like the cheese powdery dust you get on cheesy poops or

Like other cheesy crackers and chips pretty good Oh yay work okay so what I’m thinking is this is going to import in then it’ll export directly outside and I’ll set it up over here so it’ll automatically go into the system like everything else will and that would be

Cool milk kills your gut oh I’m sorry to hear that I love bacon I love bacon is well known but I would get rid of bacon before I got rid of cheese there are just too many things I like in life that have cheese on them Pizza to every type of pasta

Imaginable all right you know what I am going to take some regular chests because this is the one area I’m not going to need a buffer chest okay oh me take that too okay so we know it has to come in from the left and out on the

Right so what I’m thinking my drink is in my way we’re going to put that guy right there no we’re not because I got to run power to it wait I might be able to run power on the top since I didn’t have to hook anything

Else to the top so that should work still there’s that and then you’ll need a singularity thing in there that’s going to need export that’s going to get a chest the chest again is a Mei thing I know not everybody needs the chest oh there it is I’m going to need some

Cables and what else do I need item extraction cables this is where I’m going to put a tunnel exiting out of the system make sure I got that 64 that’s 64 that’s 64 everything 64 64 yes and then that’ll go there and since this is only going to be used for

Cookies cookies will feed in here immediately all right the only other thing is I I’m going to once I get everything else built the only last thing I need to do is find a way it to run another cable to this of the cookies that are building up

Inside of here all by themselves you know what I mean I don’t want to run those through these machines but I do want to get them into this it won’t doesn’t make them enough to be that big of a deal but it is some cookies we’ll

See we’ll see if it needs it we need to get this pimped out so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 oky dokie time to get to work Wireless I could wirelessly wirelessly wouldn’t be a bad idea that actually could work I would just need an extra export

Cable to wirelessly send them to say hypothetically here and then that would feed in as well that that actually is a really good idea and there’s so going to be those cookies aren’t going to be enough that I think I would need a huge chest for that I can always change it

Later so we could do that for those I would need a second export there uh export that and those I I knew I was going to to put export to get them out of there anyways but that still works and then cookie cookies okay so then I would need an item extraction cable

Again and then that would go into a wireless so I just need the rest of the wireless setup and that would go I can have them go directly into that chest which will auto feed into there good catch on that good catch on that wireless is a very

Good idea I didn’t think of that uh so let’s go get that component to this thing and then we’ll start worrying about filling up the rest of the the 10 other cabinets and then I’ll worry about the rest later and you guys will see the finished product

Tomorrow I mean I could do more of it now you just tell me what you want what you really really want we need a GPS gups fortunately that doesn’t require power so that will feed that into there which you only see one because it’s also Auto feeding into

There those will run out pretty quick all right so that now has those cookies going into the system these are cookies going into the system see there uh what do you miss what do you miss so uh right now I am automating cookie singularities for that achievement so I’m going to have

Cabinets all over this place with saplings this is autom making the Amber we’re going to run it through melters into Ingot formers into cookies directly into here where it’ll make singularities and then feed those singularities out into my out into my system fortunately there’s no file you can’t put singularities in a file

Excellent perfect now I just need some supplies I did not leave myself a lot of room here that’s okay once I get these first ones done it’ll be easier all right here’s what I need Oak sticks cookie corn leaves Amber saplings that’s everything I’ve had to do this many

Times that was a mistake I did that wrong why is there no wood in here that’s interesting oh because I have cookies oh God I’m an idiot I’m an idiot pay no attention to your fool friend dven so on Friday over on Twitch I streamed a game called days gone I’d

Never played it before but it has zombies which I love and motorcycles which I also love there’s nine 10 did I say it was 10 or 11 two three four five six 78 11 last one okay one for you one for you one for you one for

You you can see why I’m going to do a lot of this off camera we’re going to get this row work working I guess I did miscount I guess it was 10 huh mistakes were made okay uh so next we’ll do Sticks N yeah I thought that was

Nine uh but day is gone uh enjoying it played a bunch of it yesterday too just here at home liking it a lot controls are a little a little little funky a little hard to get used to but it is a game that was originally designed uh not

For PC and then was converted later so that’s something you you being very careful to make sure there’s two going in each one so I don’t double up here not that the void leg issue is that big of a deal inside a compact machine I’m just consistent it’s my OCD

Right very hard and intense game it’s got some challenge to it yeah that is accurate I will say that for sure don’t need sticks anymore it has crafting some a little bit Yeah but like you have a you hold queue down you go into a spin HUD and

Click on one of the things you want to make the inventory what you can carry is so small in that game probably my biggest complaint you can barely hold you can’t hold more than six sniper bullets why why is it that I can carry like 10

Big pieces of scrap metal but I can’t carry more than six sniper bullets I can hold 80 rifle bullets they’re about the same size you get bigger bags bigger book bags there’s book bags I don’t there I have no bags at this point I think you

Can get some storage bags on your bike eventually but I’m not sure I I think there might be storage on your bike I haven’t got I haven’t unlocked that yet if there is again I’m only probably about four or five hours in which sounds like a lot but I have a

Feeling this game is going to take a while there a lot of side missions here which is not a complaint will you get in there thank you good game though I’m enjoying visually it’s it’s really nice okay so I’m done with the cookie saplings throwing them

In there when I’m done so I don’t accidentally make them a twice okay do this One see I got four down there eight nine 10 it was 10 right yes 10 is how many I needed okay I think that’s right we’ll see one two three four this trying not to click on the autoc crafter there we go aha perfect Draven also known as Perfection um 32-hour playthrough I

Wonder if that’s like if you do and that may not even be like if you do everything in the game right now I’m trying to I’m trying to do every side mission it gives me I can find there Collectibles and stuff I think pretty good game though story is

Interesting uh but whenever I play a game that you have vehicles if there’s the option to have a motorcycle I’m going to drive motorcycle cyberpunk I almost exclusively Drive Motorcycles except for the situations where it ra Rod you into not using the motorcycle okay there’s that

Leaves 67 I’m good with that I’m good with that I don’t mind putting time into a game I’m having fun with I’ll tell you where I spend most of my time now and I’ve already mentioned it once I play it’s a phone game that you can also play on your computer and I

Play it on my computer all day long I don’t even touch it hardly on my my phone called rage Shadow Legends pretty pretty good mobile game so much so that again I’m playing it on my computer right I have it up and running right now actually in the background I’ve had to

Click on things a couple times I haven’t told you guys about it though okay so that’s almost everything there last one itself is the cookies now you can imagine how many times I’m going to be doing this off camera to fill this room right oh ran out

Folders so I’m not going to make you watch me do a whole room this is mindless work that I can do while I’m talking or watching a show or doing other things I don’t need another one for Amber I only need you only need one for Amber

It’s not staying in there long enough for it to be a problem get in there that one’s always the hard one all right cool and the Gang so those are done now I just need to get some saplings in them whoops I put them all the way by accident

I can make more Mulch off camera too uh let’s see here uh hate the game see has a sponsorship oh paying it yeah I I haven’t really I paid 10 bucks in to get the bonus XP monthly get like it’s a monthly thing but I haven’t bought any

Really anything else much I checked out the new Outlast yet I have not sir you mean Outlast trials or is there an actual Outlast three out this not last three I didn’t know that seems interesting oh you’re playing you’re playing that you’re playing raid now you’re playing raid now I’m having a lot

Of fun with it uh hello Mr good day you’re so happy well welcome uh let’s see cookies are delicious RSL helper to run chickens okay I don’t think I’ve ever used that oh well that’s flattering thank you I will be there I hope I look forward to seeing

You as well delicious more fun people to visit think it’s trials I saw there was trials I haven’t looked at much at what it does but uh all right so here’s what my concern was with with using a melter and an Ingot forer I’m hoping I’m not sure the

Ingot forer is going to be going fast enough because as more and more Amber starts piling in here this will eventually start to load up see it’s going up now I may need more Ingot formers than I need actual melters the convention is in Knoxville Tennessee it’s called Fanboy Expo it’s a

Gaming anime toy convention it’s next weekend March 9th and 10th Saturday and Sunday uh they also have a fanboy Expo in July in Knox as well um and it’s uh more of a pop culture so there like wrestlers horror action sci-fi all that kind of stuff TV

Shows yeah I mean I’m definitely going to need more melters as this look because as you can see now starting to back up as well but if that’s backing up I have a feeling I’m going to need more of these and twice as many of I need

Basically two of these or more for each melter that I use so let’s try that so let’s go make a few more Ingot formers because I mean we’ve only got that many I’m going to fill this room right luckily nothing builds up in any of these this hit once this finally hits

10,000 this will build up for a minute but then it should clean out really really quick soon as it’s done it’ll suck the other 10,000 back in because this Imports very quickly okay okay so let’s go make ourselves more Ingot formers and we’ll come back and see if we can see how many

Ingot formers per see what it takes to to keep that as an even flow even FL I can’t sing songs I get demonetized I need middle things okay middle things easy enough melters okay may have made more of those than I meant to I don’t remember how many fluid

Cables extraction cables I have in there so I’m going to make more luckily these don’t need power that that is convenient and I do like that I forgot it extraction cables extra oh I did have a bunch of them okay most complicated Singularity uh I wouldn’t say any of them are complicated

Per se uh as much as I would say time consuming that sound right I will need fluid cables earlier I said I wouldn’t need any but now I will um if you have everything going and relatively automated you you’re you’re pretty set um you’re not really going no s the

Only singularities that are harder are the ones that alloy and that’s primarily just because I need more I need more boosts um but that gets that started anyways um just because you have to alloy everything first and you’re looking at things like Manan uh you use storage import cables

With hopping bons eyes attached directly to them then to one single drawer that is correct you can do that uh what’s the best mod pack in your opinion this one honestly Sky Factory 4 play the most because I enjoy it the most uh and after Sky Factory 4 Probably stone block two then Sky Factory 3 those probably my top three you’re looking add some more in there of just rounding out other packs I really enjoy um all the mods eight was good all the mods seven to the sky was pretty good um Sky Farm was really good

Except I broke my world completely and had to stop playing it um when you’re doing the project e duping thing let me tell you something real quick I I I warn people when I bring this up if you are in a mod pack that has both project

E and refined storage do not dupe your storage discs empty ones Maybe but you can’t dupe ones that have stuff on them um I thought I’d do that and then I’d have I had like almost an infinite storage disc or not infinite I had a it was like one

Of the highest ones you I don’t think infinite one was creative was in that one that pack it was like the highest size you could make and so I’m like oh I’ll just dup it using the the sky the the project d duping The Prestige box duping and uh

So I I I did and then when you put them in the system the system reads them as the same thing and it conflicts it it just can’t handle it and it eventually completely locked up my whole world the problem was it didn’t lock up my world right away so by the

Time it did I didn’t have any backups where I didn’t already have that done and so there was no way I could go back to get an older backup it had overwritten because I only got to to store so many but that’s what I did mystical block mystical block was

Good I played a lot of good packs but just saying if I had to name favorites um I go back to rlcraft a lot but rlcraft gets frustrating fast why am I here upgrades that’s what it was upgrades okay so I’m going to need to crush a bunch of quartz and obsidian

That’s what we were talking about going I was like why is that door closed I thought that was this door all right let’s get some quartz and some obsidian I don’t have that much obsidian I may have to make some obsidian but we’ll get a few

Going uh let’s see can I put that in a Crusher no manufactory yes okay it’s a matter of remembering which one goes where and then put that down in here get these out of the way and quartz I think I can Crush quartz I got a chunk of quartz in there already

It’s the obsidian I really need but no reason not to get some more quartz out here I’ve got I have a lot of other use for quartz to be honest so I don’t even have an auto crafting I have all of this this is just the quartz that’s dropped from saplings themselves uh

Crusher doesn’t seem to want to do the double click thing when there’s not a full inventory but that’s okay it’s still way faster than what I was doing before um upgrades okay let’s see so I’m going to need I put two more in there so I’ll

Need two stacks of each start with one two almost we weren’t quite there yet I used it all up making I don’t have an automated obsidian setup so I make it manually because I haven’t needed to make that much of it but if I’m going to

Need that much I’m I may have to set up an automated obsidian system so I just made 31 so I mean it doesn’t take long to do this but uh hey Mr Paul how goes it sir it’s the hardest RPG pack made definitely I I think it’s the only one

I’ve played but yeah it’s it’s up there Galacticraft Galacticraft was fun yeah way back in the day I liked Galacticraft they just never finished it since Galacticraft itself just you got to a point where you couldn’t go any further uh might as well better than right uh if they finish GL yeah they

Finish it I would I would have kept going with that CU that was a good pack I never never Revisited it because I’ve never heard word that they ever went any further with how much is that I’m trying to get four Stacks here yeah I I’m obviously going to have

To automate obsidian which is irritating yeah I guess I could go to the end and do that that might be faster than this right now again I haven’t really needed to up to this point you know what I mean uh manufact still got some in

There all right uh hang on a second I’m going to leave these other things in my pocket that I know I’m going to need in here in here for later I guess I could have gone we’ll put one of them in it’s not g to be worthwhile if we

Can’t get it going to what I needed to do okay oh how’s this keeping up that’s keeping up just fine it does the only problem with that you still have to click it once per every bucket inside so okay won’t like I have to click that one 32 times it’s 64

Times so it would it just means I got to click it but I mean literally it just means after it’s empty I reach up here and click once it’s then the time it would take me to put together insanium bars I just didn’t need it uh what am I here for party

Pickaxe let’s go have a party you are correct that was much faster let me get on my backpack actually I don’t know why I did that get out of there wonder if the double click thing works here it does unless it’s not full that’s a lot that’s a lot I see how

Far I don’t know how how close I am to going through this island is the only problem if I go all the way to the bottom then a bunch of it’s going to fall off and I’m gonna lose it so Try to beat Greg Tech uh honestly five years SP well the thing again oh my party pickaxe is taking a beating I better keep an eye on that what what is your problem sir no time for you or your family party pickaxe is about to break I guess I could use just

My regular axe that would work it’ll take a couple extra seconds but where you at oh it all fell off the edge oh that sucks packs that are uh overly boring for boring sake don’t interest me is the thing oh like there’s a lot of packs that make

It tedious to do things that tedious does not equal fun so I normally don’t mess with those forgot that this will do it too and this doesn’t break that’s a fair amount that should get us by till at least you know the rest of the stream anyways

I’m pretty sure if I summon the dragon they come back too don’t they worst case scenario how do I get home oh yeah there it is oh hey too preaching to the choir my friend all right no pretty much all of this is going to get squished because that’s what I need it

For oh I just put it back in there oh I hate when I do that it’s not doing the double click thing all the time there sometimes you got to actually pick stuff up Still Still way better than it was wonder if it’ll work here yeah kind of

Whoops I did it again I almost put it right back in there again okay that’s how much I’ll put in there and then the rest of it we’ll put in the system I can always take it out later almost put it back in again and party pickaxe and backy pack okay That will fly it’s still going to take a while but at least it’s doing some things see upgrades so I’m have to make a lot of these for I’m sure I’m going to end up making more two okay there’s that one two those luckily I have plenty of all that

Speed it is three of them are slowly draining it so three per seems about right to me because these are staying full none of these are getting empty so all right so there we go so at the current pace of that equals 1 equals 3 math and we’re almost to our first

Singularity already excellent excellent all right all right so I’m going to work on fattening this room up to today before tomorrow night’s stream and see if we can increase the speed on this which I’m sure we can uh again this one of the things we’re setting it up will take a little while

But then we’ll be good um like for example some of it I could do real quick right now just to show you how I’m GNA do it because that’s how I do it and I’ll need some of these okay so you gotta leave two open so those will be those

Two cable for the next one that’s where the purples go right yes one two that’s where that’ll go that’s where that’ll go one two I won’t have room for another one on top of that okay I don’t have enough filing cabinets do this whole row

But so I got that I do that on this side I do it on the back and then this I’m going to do but I’m going to take it up again I’m another melter above it and then because this will yeah this is going faster than

This is now so now another melter will start taking that back down again then I have that row it’s going to start filling it back up again so it’s just constantly finding the happy medium to get the maximum speed out and this I think is going to take less room than

A than a smeltery and I forgot that these don’t need power did I turn that one backwards I guess I did but it doesn’t matter okay um the fact that they don’t use power is very nice I’d forgotten about that oky Noles so oh I guess I can put these

Extras in here for later except for that which is what is that an oak wood I’ll hang on to that I’ll use that one of the other ones okay cool so we’ve got that going up and running this is the basics there we go I went through and I

Named them all so you can scroll over don’t have to click on to see what they are cookies all right so that’s the next one all the automations delicious so even though I didn’t it’s singularities I haven’t started doing the right we kind of started because I

Did an iron one but I only need one of each so I’m gonna figure out a way to do that faster on stream so we’ve got build an Airship we’ve got Portal guns let’s make a portal gun because I would like to be able to get over here

Faster uh do you display your desk yes they’re right on the right hand side there oh scen I come back for portal gun I’m not going to need this for a few minutes portal gun there we go oh how how do you do that um it is a

Command that you have to put into basically like you’re typing in a chat um I’ll see if I can find it again I have it saved somebody sent it to me and I’m stop doing that is that it yeah yeah here it is so it’s uh slash scoreboard space objectives space

Ad space deaths space death count which I already have so I can’t type it in chat well actually I could put it in chat chat okay I’m gonna put I think this is it don’t hold me back if it’s not but I believe that is the what I typed in

There Steph gave it to me and I think that’s what I did uh Steph actually showed that to me uh and he sent he sent it to me a chat but he put three different ones in there and I don’t remember if there’s a particular reason why I used one over the

Other um let’s see no bear with me a moment un momento got a message here real quick okay that’s good there we go okay sorry got a message had to see what that was about all good all good by the way everybody thanks for hanging out with me today I’m

Having a lot of fun hopefully you are too and if you are please remember to click that like button and if you haven’t yet please subscribe to the channel we also have a membership program here comes with membership perks if you’re interested it’s like a twitch sub only cheaper $299 always there if

Anyone would like to get that if you see someone like Phantom and Paul and Tyler their name is in a green font with a little dungeon dragons dice the dice changes colors and such in numbers the longer you’ve been a member that’s why Paul’s has a very cool 20 side with the

Tongue sticking out because Paul’s been with me since the early early days Phantom’s been with me over two years with that red Dy okay okay I run out of room in here that I have to worry about it yet uh Portal guns that’s how I was working on

Portal guns I typed it in and everything and then went off on a tangent Portal guns what am I missing only the middle what do I need ender pearl dust got to be a better way to get it than that you smelt it oh you just put in

Ener never mind that’s easier pearls I don’t have a lot but I don’t need many uh uh which one was that the melter this one I don’t know why I put it in there and just didn’t put it in here directly but okay dark dust okay there we go portal gun where oh

I there are six different portal guns oh I still didn’t make the star oh they don’t stack okay pasua portal gun I love portal gun where are we going to put the portal gun we’ll put it right here I’m not going to put anything in this

Spot where am I G to pull out of this uh come out come out right here there we go delicious and convenient those can cause leg you start getting too many of them and if they’re too far apart just throwing that at you am I streaming at

Fanboy uh unfortunately not no I just uh I don’t have the laptop wouldn’t quite be capable of playing Sky Factory for I bought a relatively cheap laptop to be able to do this so I really wouldn’t be able to handle that and uploading and I

Try to be doing it all on one screen where right now everything’s set up double um I also don’t know how good the webcam is on it and I’m not sure how strong the internet’s going to be there uh since it’ll be Wireless and like everybody at the convention will be

Pulling off the same one I’m assuming and I’m having to pay just to have access to it but you know it is its thing P yeah all right now I need a frame will you let me put you in there you will okay there we go yeah I thought

About it but unfortunately it just what doesn’t be in the car plus uh the more power you use the more more charges you and not like in like a regular power bill just birth the day it’s a the whole power internet thing I’m still working

On I had to send away for a temporary tax license Hing that comes in in time okay we got that going that going is my party pickaxe done it is get that in get that in there all right so we got Portal guns I wanted one and I wanted it pretty that

Was a pretty easy one it’s not even achievement click there we go all right so uh we got airship cookies I’m going to I’m going to check it cuz we’re basically I could leave it like that and we get its job done what’s up with all the portal guns

Can you explain them a little please I would be happy to okay so each portal gun is a different color because this gun can only have one open portal at a time right if I click somewhere else the one of the other ones will disappear it’ll move it but with

The six different portal guns you can have six different sets of portals in a given world now if you’re in a a um server that’s six shared you can’t each get six it’s six Portal guns can exist six pairs of portals can exist in a world at any

Given time one of each color um I Believe I don’t think you have to I think there would be all the same recipe they are it’s just one once you’ve made one it’ll make the next one the next time so there but there’s different names so this is Chell Atlas pebody creative inventory creative inventory type two creative type three

So I’m not sure if you can make all of those I’ve never tried let’s make a second one let’s make a second one and see which one it gives me newly crafted portal gun this is oh wait maybe they may have changed that random Channel 1 9129 485

Hang on let me grab that other one see it’s a different color though see how it’s purple that’s pink and that’s gray there it is so yeah there is a difference there is a difference usually there’s only the six colors portal gun at the Moon oh I’ve

Never heard of that I don’t know I believe there’s a range because there’s line of sight even though the moon’s up there it’s not technically line of sight your game is only set to be able to go a certain amount of chunks at maximum view in the game I think that’d be Beyond

It plus to be able to go to the moon means someone had to create in a mod where a moon was capable to be on if you’re in a pack that has like Galacticraft or what’s that other one Atlas I think just basic there’s another one that’s like Galacticraft basically

The same thing different name um maybe on that one I don’t know I think you can put a portal if you’re let me rephrase this if I’m following your question I can’t just reach up to the Moon shoot it and then teleport to the moon but if I’m

In a pack where the moon exists like Galacticraft I can go to the Moon put the portal down and have the other portal back on Earth yes but both chunks have to be loaded for it to work so you would have to have some type of Chunk loader or something on the moon

That would keep that other side of the portal alive and active because the portal gun itself is not a chunk loader that’s been my experience now other portal other packs or more modern packs and things may be different this just B base Sky Factory I think four

Three and four are the only ones I’ve ever seen it so prefer wayist Stones well I mean I’m only going from here to there I mean to be honest if I was really going to go long distance I mean not just make a way point you know what

I mean way points are the easiest cuz I can teleport across worlds or wherever I want to wherever um but if I just want to quick I need to be in this other room that’s pretty convenient and got to click on things I can car things in

Herea a hard crash oh that I don’t know either scopy I’ve never tried to be honest Portal guns to go into a compact machine I don’t know what a great question let’s find out where’d that other portal gun go what a wonderful idea guys my game might crash here in just a

Minute left portal because technically the outer World should be should be chunk chunkloaded inside at all times right cuz we were able to use the automatic lever right we need compact machine uh cookies full block here we go there’s lots of room in there this could crash my game I genuinely don’t

Know okay that was with a right click I I may have used right click twice though so bear with me left click okay nope it won’t work that one does not work so unfortunately no good idea though interesting try I’d never considered it but unfortunately no would not let us do

It good scientific experiment though I love experiments that’s good stuff let’s take a look in here and see how AE hell is going I mean I’ve got a fair amount of stuff of AE going here we could probably do some stuff with AE at this

Point right let me grab one of these let me grab one of these grab one of these and make a folder for them because I’m pretty sure I haven’t yet at least they’re folder compatible I was hoping that would work but then I forgot everything’s being ported into

This as well so that’s not going to work as as well as I would in theory that might have worked having a generic Port there would be a horrible idea but it was an idea I also don’t like that when you do chests like that oh

No oh oh yeah I singed it already never mind we’re good if puts them facing away from you that bugs me all right give me a moment to load these things up got this other crap that’s not supposed to be in here silicone that’s kind of faster it’s a little faster still take

It okay so there’s that one come on work little bit of lag there little delay add a lot of gold just to yeah get in there okay no iron or quartz whatever this Crystal thing is oh me what is it March is there anything good in March

I guess it’s St Patrick’s Day right that’s March I don’t really care about St Patrick’s Day it’s not not something I celebrate I don’t get it off work so it can’t be that important that’s my level of knowledge if I can’t get to work okay all right so we’ve got some AE

Trash in here let’s see what we can do with a Easter’s the 31st it’s in March this year huh Easter is a Sunday right crap I don’t get that day off work oh give me one second don’t look at my butt I forgot my 3D printer finished a little while

Ago turned out pretty good little white one I have white green I think I have blue I have black the black’s a little hard to see the letters though I have to take a look at it okay okay so AE AI uh storage here it is so now I need an me terminal

Okay me crafting fluid interntional there it is me terminam minimal well I got the first thing all right got some of those that looks different but okay looks almost the same I’ll need a whatever that is wait what is that illuminated panel okay that I can do enemy terminal achievement

Uh Easter 3 you don’t get Good Friday Easter Monday I don’t know many people that do get both of those off I’m this the I have now is the first time I’ve had a job that you get holidays off really at all the last 14 almost 15

Years I’ve worked at call centers that are open seven days a week the first seven years of that was 24 hours a day seven days a week so once in while you got a holiday offer they only took a they did a bare crew but this is the

First job I’ve ever had that’s not working that that straight up is not open most holidays okay we got that done now I need to what I already made those okay a Drive Bay Drive Bay okay okay oh me drive there is no Drive Bay do they mean this

Thing maybe they mean this thing okay got to make that I got to make that I got to make that I’m sure I’ll need more of those for something that looks like that was it okay achievement oops wrong button and what’s this A 1K storage cell now we enter into the World of

Pain applied sadness where is it at a 1K me storage component so that’s what I need to make first D that’s easy enough uh how do I make it into the drive thing what’s this storage housing okay need one of those and then where’s the actual storage disc here

It’s up here 1K storage cell achievement uh what is that when you tag a folder you can’t untag it by tagging it me like a folder for inside of uh your your filing cabinet like reuse a folder because you can you use white out but they’re so

Cheap it’s easier just to throw it away and make a new one but if you’re really early you can use white out to remove it I don’t remember the exact process but I’ve here it is white out tape white out tape will erase what’s what’s what it’s uh linked to and then

Basically make it an empty fresh folder I don’t remember I’ve not used it in forever but I have a tutorial that shows how that’s how I remember it because somebody asked me that before so I did find a way to do it here let’s figure it

Out let’s figure it out we’ll make a folder for something here we’ll make a folder for paper paper okay now if I go like this put that in there nothing happened okay put that in here pull that out first ah it has to be empty there it is it has to be

Empty and then you just put the white out tape in there with it and then you get a fresh folder again it does have a certain amount of uses but yes it is possible to do it yeah it is super to toss it to be honest what is it what was the recipe

For again paper slime I mean if you have a slime saing this stuff’s not real expensive but yeah you didn’t erase yeah yeah there’s fluid folders and other things I have tutorials about but I just aren’t useful enough that I care to actually use it on a regular basis okay so

Um applied storage right here’s where we were so we got storage component spatial component I don’t know that is storage component storage component let’s do it this way there we go that’s that’s that’s better okay so here we got a 1K a 4K a

64k 16 sorry 16 then 64 then you go up to 256 124 496 16 38 that’s the biggest one for Dry Goods I believe is 16384 see um 16 384 yeah so that’s that’s the one it wants us to make okay well let’s uh where where am I getting fluix crystals

From oh God I’m G to need to make a lot of fluix crystals is there no oh do I have seeds I may need to get fluix seeds going real quick yes I’m going to need to get fluix seeds going okay we need a fluix farm fluix

Seeds oh wow okay how many these can I make four okay oh yeah I was making more wheat pay no attention to my wheat now nether seeds die seeds I ended up not needing more die seeds but I will get some fluix crystals going and as we get fluix essence I

Guess I’m have to let that run this week because I do not have a lot of all day today we might be able to do some more of it tomorrow I’m G to have to build up a ton of this stuff um a ton of this

Stuff but again I didn’t expect to be done AE right now so more seeds I could do that I thought I had some of it in here if I can get to it before the Harvester does right it’s being gathered up by the item collector so I’ll have to get them in a

Minute uh there’s two I got two out of it got two more that should be good for now I will let that go I will get fluix going bigger stronger faster later um we because I’ll I’m just oh there’s the essence good I need a folder for that one moment

Folder we got 30 minutes left so we got 30 minutes left so I’ll let uh I will build up a bunch of fluix we’ll because I’m not going to have any to hardly move forward with the storage at all right now I am happy that we’re getting ahead on these things although

I’m about a silicon again but uh I’ll get this filled up in the morning and get all of these running again keep those going and then I’ll get the uh fluix building up as well I might uh I think I have a spare I don’t know why I

Didn’t use my teleport I don’t have a spare Farm I thought I had a spare Farm here I could pull those out feasibly and get rid of the crafter and just have it kick it out automatically that’s possible okay all right cool cool Co cool Co cool we are making progress

Getting things done making jams uh let’s let’s see let’s knock out some uh we got 30 minutes what should we knock out on next what should we work on let’s take a look at uh some things oh we could uh we could get started on our Twilight Forest I’ve not really messed

With much in the way of Twilight Forest yet let’s let’s go do some of that that’s a good way to spend 30 minutes so we can start doing some of that this pleases me now how do I turn night vision on I forget what’s the matter I’m look up matter over drive

Options uh controls matter Android ability key numpad seven ow nose is itchy ah uh there is no parab box here there’s no parab box only works if you have project e accessible all right so that’s not doing any good for me so I need to go back in and rebind it because

I want the night vision on I bought it matter Overdrive here we go open matter scanner switch ability key that sounds like something I’d want to do let’s make that one nope already being used two nope already being used six nope nope nope nope nope God damn it um how about the plus

Key oh there we go that works has it is it on do I have it on pair box is part of project e you have to unlock that with Prestige and play a Prestige world I mean a project e World in order to have access to the pair

Box well I feel like maybe inform vision is just not visible all right let’s go find out try first xnet cables no I’m not a huge fan of xnet I don’t ever mess with xnet oh look uh need a Naga first though don’t I

I was going to say there’s a lich but I need a oh look aaga convenience oh wait oh I totally forgot about this part hold on hi buff hang on let me kill these spiders and I’ll see what you need what’s going on what are you doing you stepping all

Over me she knows her getting near the end of the stream she wants attention Buffy nope I need I got an I need a specific sapling that this is the easiest way to get it every tree has one of those little wooden ball knobs in

It thought I’d grabb one on the way I can search for it later Naga ready to dance let’s do this Leroy why is my gun not shooting give me your head bring me your cranium stop hiding ow you turd I can fly what do you think goe missed stop munching Trace

Done sacred rubber tree uh not off hand hi B hi sweetie what you doing come say hi all right one down convenience why did I do that get over there okay now we can go back to the L King which was that way I may have to use the sword on him

Because I got to Bonk stuff should have made some data models now that I think about it but I didn’t see what what I need for I’ll worry about it later that it yep that’s it hoyya whoops I fell right down the stairs yeah it’s not going to work go come

Here you just shot your friend not me you jerk there we go half of it ow ow and stuff I was hitting the other guy don’t throw your pearls at me dang it missed him come on I think I hurt him a little bit should be one more there he

Is yeah run from this you turd enjoy your meal okay that was pretty good I have a very good gun did something fall through that was good though I don’t know if it did or not I want to take chances give me your paintings I might

Want art later ah I fell down a hole excellent what I get enchanted Voodoo puppet zombie scepter some trash scepter of fortification all these things seem pretty adequate good B that’s true this is a mey gun does its gerb I’ll have to kill one more of these guys eventually this guy

Or the Naga I need because I’m going have to waste one head to get into the Maze of the other okay let’s uh pull up the old achievements here see we need uh manal I don’t know if this achievement’s possible yet it’s changed again I this I may not be able to get

100% achievements because I don’t think this one’s fixed we will see what I need the Rams defeat a spider and a hedge Mage oh I okay I know what that one is red cat Goblin in a small Hollow eat all the different foods which

I don’t know if I can do that now as I’m an Android did I get any no I did not get any foods all right uh so let’s see so Naga armor probably have to kill another let’s see and then so we got that one slay the

Hydra or gast and Snow Queen to clear the acid rain and P the highlands I got my cat one of those fish stuffed fish that has cat uh nip in it but when you tap it it starts flopping that scared her I turned that off and

Now she’s just cuddling with her fishy a whole lot it’s very cute all right so I need n armor so really the next one is the two in the Hills I got the middle one but I need the first one and the last one and then I need to kill hydra

Ergas Snow Queen I feel like I should do have to do something before that all right let’s go see what we can find see oh we’ll keep going that direction so I know it’s that way see if we can find somebody to scoosh see there’s a hill is that a big

Hill is that the biggest hill I can’t remember if that’s a big hill or not that feels like a big hill to me I need to kill the guy in a big hill yeah this one’s pretty big where you at ghost see I don’t feel like

My I don’t know how to I don’t know how to turn it on though I don’t know what I just hit there there it is in rision give me your ghost denied free stuff oh I like that give me your free stuff some of that could be an achievement where’s this ghost

At I really should have brought I don’t know which do I have any data models that need to be learned still hold on a second what do I got on me witch oh there could be a witch around here oh I picked up another magnet that’s an or

Magnet specifically that’s not as bad and that one’s got oh Twilight okay and I need zombies oh God I didn’t know that some of these might actually help me bring me your zombies denied oh my gun ran out of juice there should be a ghost in here

Somewhere you got me you bit me in the butt oh makes me melee okay no punch bug stop that probably don’t need that guy in here right what is that skeleton no I never need those I played Shredder Ninja Turtles is supposed to be at the fan boy that is

Correct that’s correct yeah they got a they got they got a bunch of the uh of Ninja Turtle an people did the voices for the cartoons too hey basic tier for the Twilight data model that’s excellent means once we find the skeleton or the bad guy who’s this more

Skeletons don’t need that what’s this slime beetles don’t need that where’s the ghost blow up on me I need that uranium um ow how did you get me I was flying you jerk oh the other one got me I hate the flying those bugs creeper goodbye maybe he must be in the

Middle somebody in here is worth an achievement should be a ghost isn’t this the large Hill this is a pretty big hill I think this is the largest one is it not large Hill medium Hill small hill I thought this was a large Hill uh sure oh no no no worries boss

Say it’s my my first time going to one I I I I expect I’ll have a good time H well if nothing else I guess this is a medium okay well it could be could be we’ll F we’ll go see if we can find a bigger

One me let me out of here dang it all those things in there all right so that’s a small hill I got to kill somebody in a small hill so if that’s a medium then at least this is a small oh chest

I I see who I have to kill uh I have to kill a red cap Goblin that guy had a red hat and I just killed him why didn’t I get no credit oh I do need zombies hold on I need witches too sweet I need these witches witches

Aren’t as easy to get a hold of what is that experience good what is up with that zombie with a weird head for a second there see cook up all that stuff I need them Naga scales what’s that uh zombie oh leave that I need more zombies zombie

Zombie said red C Goblin didn’t it maybe I got credit for it and didn’t notice it no red cat Goblin in a small hill is this not a small hill this is smaller than the other one so if this is a me this is if this is this is a

Medium finish off okay good zombies are basic now that’s good got hey there zombies are basic that’s good oh that guy’s a different colored hat on that’s a red cap sapper I didn’t get credit for the sapper holy hell Nation I just picked up an uncrafting table interesting interesting yeah

Well I’m not sure what’s wrong with this this is smaller than the other one so one of those two Hills has is one of them if it was either medium and large or small and medium in either case I needed something out of one of them

Rer wonder if it doesn’t count with the gun hang on I’m G try that see if I can find some more and I’ll try and kill him with this there’s a red hat guy see I thought this was a small I’m getting credit for the data model for the gun

No I don’t I don’t see anything in here either are you a sapper you’re a sapper okay Red Hat Goblin okay red hat or Red Cap maybe there’s a difference what are you Red Cap Red Cap Goblin okay so maybe it is still a sword thing but maybe that’s why it didn’t

Work in the other house the other Castle it was in a minute ago how do I GNA get out of here fast this way fast this way this way okay okay so that that was a medium then okay so the first one had to be a large because this is a small

One so that makes that a medium and the other one was a large okay well I need something in the small one that’s why there none of those guys were counting cuz I already had the medium one so let me get in here and find who I have to kill in the small

One yes this is a small confined space there he is okay so now I got to go back to the first one CU that was the large one I don’t know why I wasn’t getting a ghost in it but maybe oh you know what I might not have been getting it because I

Had to kill the first and second one first hadn’t considered that okay where was the other Hill though there it was yeah cuz that’s a medium that would make this a large but I bet I had to kill the both of the two before it before it let me that could be the

Cause but real quick clean up all this stuff I just grabbed because maybe it’s good maybe there’s some good stuff in there I don’t know a lot of dirt I don’t know that ye bring me your ghosties ghosties there he is let me get him with the sword to be sure got him

Victory we are the TR how did I get out of here last time I don’t want to make another giant hole guess I’m making another giant hole okay I Diamond yep there we go okie dokie more dirt okay so let’s see so we’ve got those three I got to eat the

Things spider and a hedge maze Rams now where where were we a minute ago we went over to the medium one right then the small one was past that and then past that one was the mushroom which I don’t I think I can do the mushroom now I’m not

Going to because we only have 10 minutes left but if it is I’ll make a waypoint there there so we remember it for next time yeah mushroom mushroom excellent and we will do that one next time we got the Naga the Lich King and then both of the hills done

That’s not too shabby that’s stuff stupid thing and I got all this stuff that I have to find a place for I’m have so many things to have to make folders for today a lot of this stuff has folders already though and we got several data models done which is also

Good H not that bad honestly not that bad more oh I bet a bunch of that went in here y yep yep bunch of that way you can’t Auto sort this oddly enough no play no way to Auto sort that okay cool cool that’s excellent that’s a lot of

Good stuff we just got done there and I’m happy about it um we got a couple minutes see if there’s any super quick things I can knock out oh I know we could get those data models going that’d be pretty handy and see if we can make any

More uh Witch is still faulty I didn’t get enough witches that’s okay basic uh there’s the mushroom oh that that one’s also done that’s good Oh wrong one I’m hitting every button wrong put those away and that away for now and I’m going to temporarily retire the Enderman which was giving me

Pearls and I’ll put the zombie up in there and then those will give us more things let me get some polymer in there oh going need more than that Convenience and some that chest luckily there was some in there that there were still running but excellent I’ll check on more on those later that’s more than enough to get those started and then once those pristines start popping out I can make folders for those as well when

I’m making everything oh Twilight matter that’s an achievement just for picking that up was uh where’s that one at uh here it was picking that up so I needed a zombie one to get this one and a ghast one to get this one all right let’s see who we don’t

Have yet maybe we can make some for next time I don’t need that deep mom Okie do let’s see what we got uh gas data model I can make one of those now zombie skeleton creeper spider we got slime witch I got Blaze is done skeleton Enderman done withers’s done shulker I

Can’t make that yet I might be able to make I can get that from that okay so I guess I got to go kill a sheler guardian I’ve got to do with seeds so I’m going to have to make a pool of water and we

Have to plant seeds and I have to kill six of them can I get prismarine I can Okay so let’s go ahead and make that so we’ve got it uh blizz I need petroleum I need Bas I need all sorts of I need to get some

Of that stuff I don’t have it oh I can make that one now Twilight Forest data model that’s a different one I didn’t have the mushroom we had this is why I was looking for that tree because I need dark wood the sapling in the wooden

Balls I was talking about I’ll go find one of those I’ll start shag and trees cuz that can take a while uh Arctic full I got to get that from a wolf blue slime already done Android we’re already done so really not too bad not too bad I need

There’s a couple here I couldn’t make yet couldn’t make the end one the shulker I couldn’t make the elemental one and I could make the one that needs wood that’s not not horrible I wish I could sort that let’s get these going oh good those all fit in one that’s that’s

Convenient one step closer to perfection Auto sword so many heads D has so many heads I’m so excited to eventually use this room it looks cool I’m very happy with this room anyways all right so today let’s see take a recap we got just a couple minutes left here we finish making the

Cakes we got Portal guns working not that portal gun obviously but these Portal guns work I ran into the wall though Portal guns work that’s cool Portal guns was funs um we did some a we got a bunch of a stuff done we actually got all of

The uh storage page done that’s our page that we finished oh you know what I need to add on there I need to grab that here Hogs we might see if we can get started on Hogs tomorrow what are the plans for this room sure I can I’ll be

There maximum size Fusion reactor maximum size Fusion reactor small Fusion reactor because I need the byproduct of a fusion reactor to power the large one so this is going to be a room of three reactors may put the mechanism one in here too if there’s room um originally I

Was just going to put it in a compact machine but if I I I think I should be able to fit all of them in here the fusion reactor is large I measured this out to make sure there was room for it with space on all sides the fusion

Reactor will will fit in this end over here the fision reactor will fit this end this room the door is not exactly in the middle uh the fion reactor will fit over here I’ve already checked that um the mechanism one is small so that one doesn’t take much space at all so

Yeah pretty pleased with the room pretty pleased with the room uh for lighting if you’re wondering about lightning uh there are a whole mess of flare torches on underneath the floor and above the ceiling so nothing will spawn above the room and nothing will spawn in the room

Those ones up there were more for looks they’re the first ones I put in but if we were to go under this you’d see like 30 of these things just all over underneath it how I normally do it that way they’re out of sight but since it the flare lanterns will shine through

Walls like it’s an easy way to hide them and light up the area the white that’s clouds so these are clouds passing through so even though it’s a lava based World it still has clouds which I thought was funny took me a minute to realize what

It was at first but yeah so those are clouds passing through so gives you an idea of how high we are where we’re building here so I don’t think I’ll be touching astral at all there are no achievements associated with astral I’ve done a bunch of Astral

Before in astral you can’t really do all of on on Sky Factory 4 it’s just not really possible without putting days of play into it and considering there’s no achievements and there’s nothing in it that would benefit me and I I say that because anything that it gives me I can

Do with other things already like flying and things of that nature so that that’s a good place I think we’re good I think we’re good oh yeah and of course and then the big thing we did today was we got cookies started I forgot to mention

That one so we got the whole cookies thing going we got several achievements AE achievements made some machine achievements we got the water achievement so we got all of those uh we got some of these achievements uh do we get anything here we got the bottoms up as done we got

This one for building just for making the machine which is cool these are the two we’re working on fill a cookie jar with singularities and right click it fill a cookie jar with cookies and right click it this one actually easier I could probably do that right

Now see if we can do it real quick before I any before the stream ends I got three minutes can I make a cookie jar why am I not having oh I need glass panes cookie jar two three four five six seven eight cookie jar achievement super fast achievement

Delicious I wonder yeah the cookies do come out I I couldn’t remember if they did or not all easy achievement uh any ideas of what you’re doing after this mod pack no I really haven’t thought on it too much yet I’ve already had a few suggestions but I haven’t actually gone in and

Checked any of those packs yet so I don’t have any hardcore idea I’m to get all the achievements I’ll probably be doing the series for at least the next month if not to um just building Fusion reactor at a maximum size requires so much work it is the hardest achievement

To get in this pack uh personal opinion is to get that one um but I’ve done it so I know it’s doable just got to get it done so uh yeah after this world that’s true yeah after this back so once I I’ll I’m sure I’ll come back to skya factory

4 again eventually there’s more World types I haven’t tried yet I’d like to see what to do with the one where the world is acid because I don’t think the wand would work on that uh which wait which one is artist this one build a maximum size nuclear nuar

Fusion reactor that produces at least 3,333 333 RF per TI uh it’s such a multi-step process to make the different fuels the different coolants um and then get it to work and then get it to build up to that heat without melting down that’s I think the

Hardest one in here and I attempted it several playthroughs before I ever got it done uh that will be the big one so just building it we don’t have to turn it on that’s this one we’ll do the fision reactor first because that’s just going to be another

Power source that’s going to help us fuel this but I want the mechanism reactor before we do the fusion reactor because the mechanism reactor is going to provide more power than the maximum size Fusion reactor is uh and I need all that power to get the maximum size

Fusion reactor kicking in so yeah there’s a lot of stuff plus we we got to get the rest of all these pristines although a couple of those we’re going to get now uh that we’re leveling them up which is cool so and that puts us at

11: we’re at the time uh again thank you everybody for coming by and hanging out with me today I appreciate it I had a lot of fun hopefully you did too um I’ll be back here again tomorrow night at 8:00 pm Eastern so swing on back by and

Hang out with us again uh as a reminder next week there will not be a Sunday night stream because I’m going to be uh at a Booth of a convention I won’t be home in time to be able to stream so I would I I am expecting to stream Monday

I might stream Tuesday because I’m missing Sunday I gotta wait and see make sure my wife doesn’t have anything planned um but yes so we have all of that so uh swing on by uh but thank you very much for coming remember to click like if you had a good time subscribe if

You haven’t already join our Discord link is down in the description of the stream uh in down the area the bottom underneath of all this stuff you’ll also find my website onlyd Draven.exe Yeah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Sky Factory 4 – Surrounded By Lava – Episode 11’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-03-04 04:12:19. It has garnered 299 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:51 or 11031 seconds.

This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack Sky Factory 4 using the Lava Factory world type.

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  • Love is in the Minecraft Air

    Love is in the Minecraft Air Minecraft Love Server: A Musical Journey in TuneScape Network Embark on a musical adventure with TuneScape Network’s official video, “Minecraft Love Server.” This creative masterpiece brings together the talents of musicians NextTheFox and TuneScape Network, with the brilliant idea and production by TuneScape Network. Exploring the Musical Landscape Immerse yourself in the melodic world of “Minecraft Love Server” as it takes you on a journey through enchanting tunes and captivating rhythms. The collaboration between NextTheFox and TuneScape Network brings a unique blend of sounds that perfectly complement the Minecraft universe. Key Features: YouTube: Watch the official video on TuneScape… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • Conquering First Tower as Village Chief in Minecraft #2

    Conquering First Tower as Village Chief in Minecraft #2 Minecraft Adventures: Village Chief and Conquering the First Tower Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players embark on exciting adventures, facing challenges and conquering new heights. Recently, a group of gamers led by the Village Chief set out to conquer the First Tower, a daunting task that required skill, teamwork, and strategy. The Village Chief’s Leadership The Village Chief, a skilled player with a knack for strategy, led the team with precision and determination. Their leadership was crucial in organizing the group, assigning roles, and ensuring everyone was prepared for the challenges ahead. Team Collaboration Collaboration was key… Read More

  • Towny Tour Shenanigans

    Towny Tour Shenanigans Exploring Travelers Respite | Minecraft SMP Towny Tour Hey, everyone! Welcome back to another exciting episode of EcoSMP Town Tours! Today, we’re exploring the charming town of Travelers Respite! Travelers Respite started as a small settlement and has blossomed into a bustling town with 14 members! Located on the northwest coast, this town is a haven for traders and adventurers alike. Unique Builds and Vibrant Community Check out these incredible builds! We’ve got the cozy Viking longhouse for meetings, the grand Manor of the Minister, and the quirky ‘Horn of Plenty’ food shop. Each structure here tells a story,… Read More

  • Ultimate Money-Making Guide in MCPF Mod

    Ultimate Money-Making Guide in MCPF Mod Minecraft – MCPF Mod: Mastering the Mana Harvester Are you ready to delve into the mystical world of Mana in Minecraft? The Mana Harvester is a key element in the MCPF Mod that opens up a realm of possibilities for players. Let’s explore how this fascinating tool works and how you can harness its power to your advantage. Unlocking the Mana Harvester Upon reaching level 60 in the game, each player is bestowed with a Mana Harvester. This unique item is a precious asset that should be carefully safeguarded, as you only receive it once. Make sure to have… Read More

  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

    Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From pink color touches to daring escapes, Every story I tell, in rhymes it takes shape. Join me in the adventure, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, And let’s journey through this pixelated delight. Read More

  • Bamboo Well Build Tutorial in Minecraft

    Bamboo Well Build Tutorial in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Creating a Cozy Bamboo Well In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly coming up with creative building ideas to enhance their virtual landscapes. One popular build that has caught the attention of many is the Cozy Bamboo Well. This charming structure adds a touch of tranquility to any Minecraft world, making it a must-have for players looking to create a peaceful oasis. Materials Needed: To construct a Cozy Bamboo Well, players will need a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood planks, water buckets, and stone bricks. These materials can be easily gathered by… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your gaming experience on Minecraft Pocket Edition? Look no further! While the video above may not be directly related to Minewind server, we have a fantastic suggestion for you. Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a thrilling and dynamic gameplay experience. With a vibrant community of players from around the world, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and exciting environment for all. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and conquer in… Read More

  • Davi Abdala Explores Minecraft’s Spooky Side

    Davi Abdala Explores Minecraft's Spooky Side Minecraft: The Silence – A Terrifying Adventure Embark on a spine-chilling journey with Minecraft: The Silence, a mod that adds a new layer of horror to the beloved sandbox game. Dive into the eerie world where the unexpected awaits at every turn. Exploring the Unknown As you venture through the game, you’ll encounter mysterious biomes, haunted villages, and sinister creatures lurking in the shadows. The Silence mod introduces a sense of dread and suspense, keeping players on edge as they navigate through the treacherous landscape. Unveiling the Secrets Uncover hidden secrets and unravel the dark mysteries that shroud the… Read More

  • Spider-Man’s Mob Mod: How to Ride a Tiger, Holding the F Guys

    Spider-Man's Mob Mod: How to Ride a Tiger, Holding the F Guys Welcome to our channel, where gaming is the key, We’re here to entertain and set your spirit free. From Minecraft to Spider-Man, we cover it all, With news and tips, we’ll never let you fall. Join our community, vibrant and bright, Engage with us, let’s share the gaming delight. From epic gameplay to analysis so fine, We’re here to make your gaming experience shine. So hit subscribe, ring the bell with glee, Support our channel, help us grow and see. Together we’ll explore, compete, and play, In this exciting gaming world, every day. Read More

  • Escape Deadly Traps Across Time! #minechunk

    Escape Deadly Traps Across Time! #minechunkVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escape Traps in Different Ages #shorts #minechunk #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Mine Chunk on 2024-04-08 10:04:38. It has garnered 11366 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. 🚀 Dive into a time-traveling Minecraft adventure with “Escape Traps in Different Ages #MineChunk”! 🕰️ From medieval dungeons to futuristic puzzles, watch as we navigate through history’s most cunning traps. Can we survive the test of time? #MinecraftAdventure #TimeTravel #EscapeChallenge #MinecraftTraps #MineChunk #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #EscapeChallenge #TimeTravelMinecraft #MinecraftTraps #MinecraftPuzzle #MinecraftAdventure #GamingShorts #MinecraftTimeTravel Read More

  • A Minecraft SMP

    A Minecraft SMPStep into ‘A Minecraft SMP’—a realm where adventure and mystery intertwine! Discover enchanted lands, battle formidable foes, and build your empire in our captivating RPG-Survival blend. Unfold your story in a world brimming with endless possibilities and become a legend! play.amcsmp.com Read More

  • Realmportal SMP PVE Magic Dungeons RPG Towny Custom Economy 1.20.4

    A mesmerizing RPGMMO Towny Survival Experience! Embark on an epic journey with classes, skills, mobs, bosses, and more. Enjoy PvE survival with a twist! Descend into massive dungeons, battle mobs, and solve puzzles for exclusive loot. Fly on dragons and explore colorful biomes. Engage in a bustling economy with player shops, auctions, factories, and farms. Protect your fortress with land claims and container locks. Enjoy new textures, models, and sounds without the need for mods. Join us for a free-to-play experience with no P2W elements. Experience a decade-long online presence with active staff and a non-toxic community! Screenshots and more… Read More

  • SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)

    SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)My server is located in VietNam (Asia): (Cracked)Language: English, VietnameseServer Feature:- Simple voice chat 2.5.15- Mythicmob x ModelEngine and more custom mobs- Be able to become Vampire/ Werewolf- World generation- Realistic Season- Magic, Vampire, Werewolf- Custom ResourcepackImportant: I host this server on my own laptop, so i can open my server up to 16 hours. Hope u have fun!Discord owner: Imokenpii#8209Discord server: discord.gg/7grRgBBZjH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It really do be like that sometimes

    Minecraft Memes - It really do be like that sometimesIt’s like Minecraft knows when you need a mental break and just hits you with that peaceful music and scenery to chill out. Read More

  • Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate Guide

    Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Everything you need to know about the BREEZE!’, was uploaded by WisdomOwl on 2024-06-15 19:57:49. It has garnered 417 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. This guide tells you everything you need to know about the breeze in Minecraft. This mob shoots wind abilities that launch you into the air. And as of uploading this video is a new mob found in the trial chambers. The goal of this video is to educate players that need to learn about this mob. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

    Minecraft's Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From towering castles to intricate designs, Every creation is unique, every detail shines. With each click and each tap, a masterpiece forms, As players craft and shape, in the digital storms. The satisfaction is real, as structures take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where imagination takes flight. So dive into the game, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and so much more. Experience the joy, the thrill, the delight, In the most satisfying video, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • “Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years” #minecraftmemes

    "Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years" #minecraftmemes Enderman age 1: accidentally looks at a player and runs away screaming Pro enderman age 99: teleports behind you "Nothing personal, kid." Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun

    Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun The Magic of Minecraft Unleashed by AI Exploring the world of Minecraft through the lens of AI can be a fascinating journey. Let’s delve into the realm of creativity and innovation that AI brings to this beloved game. Unleashing Creativity with Invideo AI With the help of Invideo AI, Minecraft enthusiasts can now experience a whole new level of creativity. The AI-generated video showcases the magic of Minecraft in stunning 1080 resolution, bringing the game to life in ways never seen before. Enhanced Visuals and Immersive Gameplay By harnessing the power of AI, players can expect enhanced visuals and… Read More

  • Outrageous New Outro for Let’s Plays!

    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. ►For Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MxZpatreon ► Join My Discord server here: https://discord.gg/pW9e5N3PPR ►My YouTube Channels • Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_aohDsELT4r68oJLudC3A • Extra Gaming Content: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZed • Non Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IsaacRose • Solo Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mxz.gaming • VOD’s Chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZUncut ► Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Whistlerooo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whistlerooo/ Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😳Minecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Квайт on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqYOwITnJ68&t=11369s ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vtkir ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:-https://www.instagram.com/rex_magnusyt?igsh=NTltOW55ZGMyMjV0 Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned axlotolcraftmc.world Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mistalunchbox Live on Kick: https://kick.com/mistalunchbox MERCH: https://store.streamelements.com/mistalunchbox Discord: https://discord.com/invite/f7dVvqcGrj Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More


    ULTIMATE 69 - INSANE WHEAT FARM BUILD | SURVIVAL PT. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT WHEAT FARM IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|MINECRAFT SURVIVAL PART 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by BEAST 69 on 2024-05-09 14:00:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft mod minecraft mods survival minecraft survival minecraft addons minecraft funny minecraft 1.20 addon mod minecraft addon minecraft pe addon mcbe minecraft java mod minecraft bedrock addon gaming minecraft java mcpe minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft pe hardcore minecraft survival island minecraft challenge minecraft but maizen minecraft survival series… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!

    INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art Building! #funny #shorts #gaming #art #comedy #shortsfeed #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #yt’, was uploaded by Dreith Entertainment on 2023-12-16 20:34:53. It has garnered 5641 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More