EPIC Fairycore Minecraft Cozy Cottage Makeover!

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Hey everyone my name is lar welcome back to my fairy core let’s play so today I am super excited as usual hello spook so spook is going to be joining us today because why not so first of all um you know what I’m kind of going to do

I’m going to start getting rid of some of these torches and replace them with some Mage lights hopefully they don’t make it like too laggy cuz I’ve been noticing that my Forest are area it’s getting a little bit crowded obviously I’ve been I’ve been building a lot of stuff here and my

Frames are definitely a little bit lower in this area compared to the rest of my world so I’m kind of thinking if it’s maybe the Mage lights cuz they’re animated and they’re kind of going crazy but we’ll see um anyway I guess there’s not much I can do about that now so okay

I think my daylight cycle was turned off because it’s been kind of like this day for a while um anyway you guys know that I have to turn it off sometimes to take my screenshots for thumbnails but anyway look at how pretty our world looks right now anyway so guys I’m really excited

Today because um we just had our we just you know met Marquita and I I’m going to talk to her she’s still here in the guest room hello Marita hi let’s talk with her a little bit I wonder if anyone will miss your okay she’s being a little bit rude you

Are so rude sometimes um okay so let me let me give her some stew hopefully she likes that oh and as you can see I made her bye anyway man cookies and milk okay I don’t have any cookies and milk for you but I do have a

Joke and a gift okay she likes this stew good so let’s check our hearts we’re at 27 Hearts right now which is pretty good so yeah we’re going to start you know talking with her here and there I got to keep My Relations good with her but

Today we are going to be really doing a kind gesture for her and we’re going to make her a house so I wanted to make a little strawberry themed cottage for her so the issue is I really wanted to make her house in a strawberry fields with

The mystics biomes Mod um the hold on I think I I’m missing my broom um but the only issue is that Mystics biomes has a few bugs and one of them includes one not being able to grow strawberries because you plant them and they just

Don’t ever grow um so I don’t really um I don’t really know what to do about that the other thing is um that the strawberry trees for some weird reason when you want to bone meal a strawberry tree sapling it’ll give you a hakara tree instead so there’s no real way to

Farm those trees and I really wanted to use that wood because look it’s so pretty this is what they look like and there’s not really an easy way to get these and there’s only like I think one or two strawberry trees so that’s obviously not going to be enough for a

Whole house so I’m thinking I might have to do a little bit of cheating for this but what I’m going to do is I’m going hi Eric hello I need to introduce Eric to okay wow that’s rude I need to introduce Eric to Marita and also to Grover but anyway I mean

Introduce Marita to Grover not introduce Eric anyway whatever so yeah I okay so what I’m thinking of doing who are you oh a little baby hi little baby let me hold you pick up we holding a baby yes we are okay let’s probably put this this

Guy or girl in a house so she’s not going to die I think she’s going to take damage here but okay I think she’s fine we squeeze through anyway what was I saying so yeah what I’m thinking of doing is I’m going to trade in some

Items so uh I’m going to first go over there and I’m going to collect a few strawberries because I want to actually test oh oh what the heck um get attacked by Bounty Hut ERS Eagle Helm send bounty hunters after you what is going on well you guys cannot get me

Up here that’s for sure uh let me take care of these wow I’m like getting interrupted trying to talk man trying to talk I got to kill these guys this is so annoying okay they’re getting literally one shot freaking awesome dude enchanter bow for the win die okay uh so spook is

Here hello spook okay and interesting I don’t know what the hell that was about so as I was saying I’m going to go over there I’m going to collect some stuff oh crab I’m on the Broom backwards now okay there we go it’s a little bit confusing sometimes

So off we go on our little broom it’s so fast now I love it oh you may notice okay there there’s a lot of things I need to get through but you may notice that my armor looks uh as it usually should look I don’t know what happened

But for some reason I don’t know how how many episodes it’s been for but for for the past two episodes maybe many episodes I’ve been wearing the wrong armor texture pack so now I have my normal armor on and it looks all pretty but the freaking chest plate is covering up my heart

Necklace I want my heart necklace uh it’s fine I guess we will live okay so we have our strawberry cast which we’re going to have to take with us cuz I’m not going to make marquito live all the way out here that’s just going to be too far away it’s going to

Be a longdistance relationship that’s not not going to be healthy so what we’re going to do is first of all I’m going to pick some of these strawberries cuz I kind of want to give oh crap I want to give some to her first of all

And I also want to see if oh see okay so look this is the strawberry Bush and okay I don’t think I have any bone meal but I don’t think this is going to grow I just straight up I don’t I think they’re bugged and they just don’t grow

So I don’t know what’s up with that and I I don’t know this mod is kind kind of like a little bit bugged so yeah anyway um so what I think I’m going to do is I I don’t really know how I’m going to get these strawberries back home so maybe

We’re going to have to man I don’t know is there any other strawberry I mean that’s the only type there’s Beach strawberries from Fan’s flowers but that’s not really that’s not really what I’m looking for they’re a little bit too white so what I think I’m gonna do is

First of all uh for the strawberry wood I’m going to I’m gonna collect some cherry blossoms from the cherry blossom oh crap from the cherry blossom Forest is kind of over there and I’m going to trade in all the wood that I collect for strawberry strawberry wood instead so

It’s going to be a trade-off we’re still going to do the labor we’re just not going to be able to you know get the correct wood type so I’m going to spawn it in and you know hopefully that’s fair enough uh oh wait what is this oh never

Mind never mind it’s still the same I thought it was from B plenty for a second I was like wait what anyway so yeah well at least we have a lot a lot of strawberries now I’m just kind of sad that we can’t oh man hold on

Let me check something okay guys I just went to check if this would bone meal it does not grow we cannot bone meal this stuff and I also can’t uh like item pick this this and then try to repl like it just doesn’t work so we’re not going to

Be able to duplicate these strawberries in any way which is so sad okay my Game just crashed but I’m back so okay I checked actually something on the curse Forge page for the mod all right so while I’m while I’m saying this I’m actually going to where’s my

Broom oh no where did I leave it I Forgot uh oh here it is okay uh anyway so while I’m going over to the Cherry Blossom Forest I’m going to tell you guys what I just saw so I checked the curse Forge page for Mystic spes and the mod developer said that they are planning to

Update the 1.9.2 version with all the new features soonish uh that was a recent comment it was on the 23rd so only 6 days ago so hopefully maybe in like a few weeks or months Mystic spes will have an update that I can use on this world that will

Give us maybe some bugs fixes I hope oh my gosh I really hope because it seems like they’re adding a lot of new content but um not not updating 1.1 19.2 only 1.20 so anyway this place is so pretty isn’t it I love this like big ass Forest

But anyway let’s go over here so this is the wood that I’m going to trade in because it’s pink so I thought you know what why not it’s like a little bit more challenging than getting just oak wood so uh I’m just going to mine few of

These trees but I also want to grow them back of course I don’t want to I don’t want to just demolish this Forest uh so we’re going to we’re definitely going to replant some of these trees but yeah I I also um so yeah I wanted to build the strawberry house for

Marita and I also wanted to make a tea house so I really want to get into the farmers forite mod and um there’s also some other mods that oh God that are you know they add tea and coffee and stuff like that I can’t think of it on the top

Of my head but yeah we have a few mods in here that that adds kind of like the drinking Cafe sort of stuff I’m actually going to sleep um so I want to I want to basically organize all of that into my tea house area so I have a plan on what

I’m going to build and I’m really excited um it’s gonna be pretty awesome not nothing crazy of course I also still need to work on the nether base I think I’m going to do that off camera just because it’s like honestly I think mining in the night I mean in the

Nether not what am I time building in the nether is kind of boring and I just kind of want to get it over with so you guys don’t get bored to death but yeah I I’ll do that probably next episode and I’ll show you guys but for today we’re

Just going to be focusing on these two projects and I’m really excited and I wanted totally give Marita like a nice place to live and also to do her farming cuz she is a farmer so she’s going to be taking care of our cows our strawberry

Cows and also you know helping with the Strawberry Fields uh which are not going to really exist I’m so sad I think what we can do is maybe find a flower that is like red and pink that we can use like this even pink nasum nasum these actually kind of look like

Strawberries so may maybe we can use we can use these I mean these also coffee fruit actually yeah this is what I was talking about we actually need these but I think I have some I wonder if we can bow meal this also why do I have silk

What happened here I like picked that up randomly uh that’s a little bit concerning um but okay let’s see what’s in here uh no uh okay I’m going to take this flower with me and see if I can bone meal it and reproduce it cuz that would be great

Uh there’s also this one which kind of looks like strawberries but I actually really like this NM or whatever it’s called Uh these are also very pretty like kind of like bushes Like Straw strawberry bushes maybe I don’t know I don’t know we’re going to have to kind

Of use our imagination here because we don’t really have the proper strawberries which is a this makes me so angry if only if only it wasn’t bugged but fear not we have some cheating to help fix our problem and uh I guess you know I think it’s pretty much fair

Like I I want to make a strawberry house and I can’t because of the bugs so therefore I’ll just you know I’ll kind of make a trade-off so we have two stacks I feel like that’s not enough but I’m kind of I don’t want to break all

The trees man okay let me let me cut down a few more there’s a piece of wood here that I missed but yeah so I want to make those two things today it’s going to be a little bit ambitious because it’s two whole builds but I think we can

Do it I’m definitely going to have some parts of it be the quiet building segments where you guys can listen to the music and just relax kind of like the ASMR segment of our of the let’s play but I I enjoy those a lot just cuz I don’t know they’re relaxing it’s like

A little intermission like peaceful little music sesh and also the music speaking of which I freaking love the tracks I play for my my videos because it’s by um the music is all by oh Pig pet Adrien Von Zigler and he is an amazing composer absolutely incredible

Guy highly recommend you guys listen to his music I feel like if you like the songs that I play you will definitely like his whole discography it’s so good I’m obsessed I like listen to him just on my free time honestly like when I need some calming music to listen to I

Put on that that that you know playlist uh my favorite song I think is aori aori village aori Village is um it’s 20 minute long song that I use actually for my mermaid series and if you guys listen to it you will definitely recognize it because I play it quite often in my

Mermaid uh videos cuz it’s so good and also it’s 20 minutes so you can really like I choose different segments oh is that no that’s not spook oh wait spook is probably like left somewhere oops anyway yeah I choose like different segments of the song depending on the

The scene but yeah it gives me a lot to work with because it’s just such a lengthy song and it has a bunch of different parts and anyway random ramble about uh the music of my videos but yeah I mean honestly like I I

I I use that uh his music so often did she just teleport to me oh hi spook okay I use this music so often it’s basically like a staple of my Channel at at this point so I highly recommend you guys check him out and give him give him your

Support you know download a few of his tracks on his uh what’s it called Bandy Camp anyway uh the links are in my description I always have his credits there where you can find his music it’s really good just a just a little plug because honestly he he deserves it he’s

A great artist anyway okay so we have our Cherrywood I feel like this is probably going to be enough cuz the house is not going to be huge or anything so I’m going to trade this in for logs and um I’ll quickly go into creative but let me uh oh yeah I have

Some great news for you guys you guys are going to be so happy guess what our large backpack boom empty yes before I started my recording I cleared it out so you’re welcome I I saw some of you guys complain about it in the comments that my inventory was so disorganized and I

Know it’s horrible but you have to understand when you’re playing with mods it just happens like it’s unavoidable look how much look how much stuff I have this is crazy I uh I even actually I added yellow dye here and also made a few more chests here um I’m thinking of

Adding some fantasy Furniture chest up here cuz you know they don’t require uh transparent or half blocks to open if that makes sense but yeah right so let me first of all I really want to see if I can duplicate these Nest Tums I feel like I’m definitely

Mispronouncing that but yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay I’m just going to spawn in all 20 whatever cuz we’re going to need these These are going to be our fake strawberries awesome 40 fake strawberries pretty cool uh there’s probably also some other flowers we can use I

Mean let’s see they need to be kind of like strawberry shaped kind of like blobs uh I don’t know tall Cosmos no those are a bit too flower like these ones maybe those are kind of cute this one definitely looks like a showry but it’s a little bit too magenta

I think they need to be more like pink or red you guys see these ones like these little ones are pretty um yeah like these ones could work but anyway I feel like I’m pretty satisfied just with these like these are pretty cute even if they’re a little bit

Too pink compared to the actual strawberries of the mod okay but anyway so I’m going to put these saplings oh okay I guess not not in there I’m going to put these saplings in here that’s my backpack what the heck uh and I’m going to go into

Creative so we have two stacks in 41 so strawberry uh we need these ones two stacks and 41 so I’m going to just okay there we go so now we can get rid of all of this there we go all right so I hope you guys think that’s fair I

Think it’s pretty fair and also again I’m just going to remind y’all that I’m not playing my fairy Corp let’s play like 100% legit you know sometimes I make a little bit of an exception here and there I don’t want to go too crazy because sometimes you know people get

Carried away and they start cheating all the fun away I don’t want to do that but just when it’s you know necessary um so we don’t suffer through the series but anyway okay so well you know what I want to do it’s really quick because we’re at level 32

Right now I really want to roll actually the other sword I think there was an extra sword that I had that I uh I want to change and see if I can get sharpness because I really just want sharpness on my sword so let’s see if we can get some

This time I think we will only have like one one shot here oh where I got a freaking lapis okay uh why is this not why is it oh cuz we God man I need more lapis dang you chicken this is all your fault you know what I think that the

Poppies with this texture pack well not cuz Okay listen so there’s like orange poppies in this texture but there’s also red and they do kind of look Blobby so maybe we can have like a mix what do you think would that work or should it just be the nest the

T uh I think it should be both just for a little bit of color you know contrast so I might uh I might you know let’s put menora to work really quick so she can start duplicating some flowers for us because I kind of I kind of want to use

Some poppies too just to break up the That’s diaria uh here we go mag come on you know I’ve been really wanting to draw some of these monster girls um just for fun and ah gosh I love manora she’s like such a cutie and also I love matcha cake from my mermaid let’s

Play both of my migor are really cute so that was a side side tangent but let me put her here and hopefully she will start duplicating I need you to just duplicate this poppy so get to work all right off off I go let’s let’s go

Enchant this sword I’m just going to fly up on my broom make this a little bit easier for us okay there we go I’m so glad I don’t have to use that big Airship anymore we totally upgraded you know like before we started with our Airship and then we upgraded to

Ooh a awesome wait oh I have looting three here a damn it I want the loot three but look sharpness four can we combine these swords or I don’t know if if Smite and sharpness Stacks I don’t think it does that’s my main issue but I

Really want the Looting on my sword cuz that’s pretty good to have um let’s see I also don’t mind the knock pack knockback because I actually started thinking about it as I said earlier I like the knockback because it gives me a little bit of room to use my

Bow so okay let’s see if we can combine this in the Anvil please if I do this maybe yes literally dream swordy awesome okay so now I have all the enchantments I could ever dream of sharpness 4 knockback run breaking looting that’s literally perfect I could not ask for anything better okay let’s

See if magor has any flowers for us here no not yet okay sometimes she takes a little while but that’s okay all right so uh I guess let’s sleep and we can also have a little chat with Marita see how she’s doing I’m going to give her a

Strawberry too and then in the day we can start building her house hello Marita hello Marita oh my go what what why does she have 231 hearts is that cuz I killed those uh what the bounty hunters what how did this happen whoa okay what what is going on Marita I

Mean I like you and all but this is going a little bit quick why are we suddenly best friends I didn’t do anything what is happening I’m so confused uh let’s joke with her okay she didn’t like that but um I wanted to give you this just a little confused okay she

Likes the strawberries I mean good cuz we’re going to be giving you you’re going to be living in strawberries girl but okay so hold on so all of a sudden overnight we are best friends didn’t we you literally just have 27 Hearts now we have like 200 whatever guys I’m really confused I

Don’t know if it was because we killed the bounty hunters and now we have like hero of the village kind of stuff going on Eric Eric has less heart what what is going on guys I swear I didn’t do anything I swear I don’t know if it was because my

Game crashed and it like glit I don’t know I don’t think that makes any sense let me let me see if this guy has like oh he’s a widow okay definitely definitely not it’s just Marita girl what did I even do I’m so confused right now like I actually am

Trying to think like what could have possibly happened I don’t really know maybe there’s some sort of mechanic in Minecraft comes to life that I don’t oh Erica is over there that I don’t really know about and that just makes makes them like like you but I I don’t know

What could have triggered that besides maybe me killing the Bounty Hunter so I don’t see how that could relate to Marita at all what I’m just so confused okay let me see Eric what are you doing wait wait Eric wait hold on hold on stop

Stop stop I think she I think he wants to meet oh he’s already married okay go ahead goad sorry I just need to make sure he wasn’t going to steal my girl also Eric is married I didn’t even know that um okay so I guess now we’re best

Friends this is so weird what is going on okay so we got the construction workbook which is okay so um I’m really confused uh we can trade her Tomatoes that’s interesting I actually think I have tomatoes that I still need to plant uh okay I guess sure we’re besties

Now wait why is this is this going up oh no it’s it’s probably because I gave for something okay uh I’ll tell her a story oh sorry she’s trying to sleep okay well um I’m going to let you stay here I’m going to go sleep I’m just what

Like what the heck that happens so quickly I don’t know I guess she really likes me guys I guess it’s kind of Fate like cuz you know I fell I felt like just fell what the word Head Over Heels First Sight right at First Sight and now she’s

Like all up like she’s trying to become my best friend already guys what the heck is going on what is going on anyway so I’m going to put this book here for now I’m going to have to put it in the library later but uh we have our

Nice sword now and I think it’s time to build so what I wanted to do was actually build it over here in our little agricultural Fields because as I mentioned I think the other episode I don’t like how this place looks I think it’s boring I don’t really like it it’s

Like plain there’s not really much going on so I really want to spice it up so since we have our cows right here and Marita she’s a farmer so maybe she will enjoy kind of living you know kind of close to the animals and of course the

Farms like she can tend to all that and uh I think I’m going to build her house here so it can be kind of connected to the pathway and it’ll just have like a little field of flowers AKA strawberries and you know she’ll have the little Pond over here I think that

Would be really cute so let’s let’s start let’s start building I’m going to I’m going to see what I can do it’s probably just going to be really simple okay I don’t think mandor can actually duplicate non duplicatable flowers if that makes sense but anyway um so okay I’m going to use

These polished diorites blocks polished diyite blocks as the accent color cuz I’m going to make it you know white and pink and let’s fill in this area so we have a little bit more space to work with now we can start so I’m just going to make it really small honestly it

Doesn’t have to be anything crazy um so let’s start here and we’re going to make it 1 2 3 oh didn’t mean to that 1 2 3 4 5 so no actually actually yeah let’s do just four and then 1 2 3 4 5 six

Here I mean this is kind of small we we’ll do seven 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 boom yeah this looks like a good enough spot or a good enough size I don’t know why I’m always messing at my words today I’m a bit tired honestly I’m a bit

Sleepy it’s been a pretty pretty rough day not rough but it was like you know a little bit intense a little bit busy nothing bad happened well I guess kind of anyway I guess I’ll just talk to you guys about my day uh so we can have the

Quiet segment maybe for the tea house because I think the tea house I’ll definitely have to focus a little bit more because it’s a bit more of a complicated build I’m talking too fast okay so yeah so my day it was a little bit more more busy today than

Usual uh usually my days are just pretty chill me just staying at home and kind of doing my work online uh but today I had a lot to do first of all I had to um I had to run to the up UPS Store the post office uh to return something it

Was my first time ever returning something before cuz I honestly don’t do a lot of shopping online and like I’ve never had to return anything so actually oh my God wait I want to do the roof the other way cuz this is this is wrong I’m

Doing it wrong ah okay let me do this again so yeah I I wanted to return something so I had to go to the UPS store and the issue arised on the route there it was my first time taking that route and it was really really scary um

And I don’t want to go into the details but I yeah it was just not like a very good area to kind kind of commute through and I was really just scared it was like tense cuz yeah I I guess honestly I don’t want to share too many

Details because I like to keep like the locations and stuff more or less private um but yeah so I was really stressed out because it was kind of a scary scary route to The UPS Store and when I got there I mean everything went fine but

Yeah so then I was walking around the plaza I was going to get some like fast food because I never get fast food and I kind of wanted to treat myself uh but there wasn’t anything good so I was like you know what whatever I’ll I’ll just go

To the grocery store and I went and got some some candy which is kind of silly um yeah I just wanted to get something really quick so I I got some candy and also a monster which I’m going to drink later tonight and I know it’s bad to

Drink energy drinks at night but I actually have literally no I have like what caffeine tolerance or something I cannot like get energy from caffeine or Monster or or energy drinks at all like I don’t know why I’ve just never been able to um some people told

Me that’s a symptom of like ADHD I have no idea what it is guys that’s just how I am so sometimes I just be drinking a whole cup of coffee or or 500 MERS of energy drinks and then I just fall asleep after If you experience that let me know

Cuz I’m kind of curious on why that happens but anyway side tangent uh so yeah I I just got some you know some little candies and yeah so that was that and after that I had uh I went home and I had a meeting with where’s my crafting table what the

Heck oh it’s right there anyway so I had a meeting on Zoom with someone again I actually this is work related so I can’t really share too many details but I was so I was so nervous um because I’m just I’m shy and I get like

Very uh tense when it comes to like like formal social situations I guess uh so I was really worked up and I was you know I was like shaking ah so nervous but it went totally fine like I knew it would go fine I just get nervous

Like beforehand I’m sure that’s you guys probably experien similar things you know it’s like the before the thing happens it’s really scary but then once you’re actually doing it it’s like completely fine and actually to be fair that that didn’t really happen this time I was actually shaking throughout the

Entire call but you know it’s fine um that’s just how it is I’m not like too worried about it um I just get I just get anxious uh cuz I’m not used to really doing that kind of stuff like doing meetings ah so adults such an

Adult thing oh I have to go to a meeting I don’t know I’m I’m not really talking very coherently but you know that was just my day was like a few little errands I had to do that I wasn’t really I don’t really I’m not really

Used to those kind of tasks so I guess for me it was a little bit a little bit nerve-wracking and yeah but I got through it I got through it just fine uh the other day I had another errand to do and that one was a little bit more

Serious uh nothing bad of course it was just you know I had to really focus and I was out of the house for a few hours doing that thing uh I’m sorry that I’m being really vague I just again I’m not the type of person to really share too

Many personal details so uh but I do want to tell you guys like basically the chist so anyway actually I think I want to make this into yeah this light gray so I need white and black right how do you make light gray or two white

Whites and a black I might just do that two whites and a black okay so anyway yeah so that one I was out for a few hours and it took the freaking life out of me because I when when I came home I was so tired I don’t know why I guess I

Was just not very used to doing that kind of like mental stress I don’t know maybe because it was like hot outside and I got tired but anyway all all I know is that when I came home I was exhausted and I just slept through the

Entire day which kind of made me feel bad because I like to stay uh you know productive um so I was a little bit like ah damn it I miss like an entire day of work basically so was kind of bummed about it but yeah I got a lot of sleep and

Then the next day I was just fine so yeah um I guess you know sometimes life throws throws you for kind of a loop and you kind of had to do things out of your comfort zone and I don’t know what it is about that kind of stuff but for me it

Always kind of sucks because it’s very draining and like as you can see just by how how tired I got from like that one little thing I had to do one day I was out of it like so out of it when I came home and I got like my energy was just

Drained I guess I’m not the type of person to really like changes to schedule I I I sometimes I’ve been asked this question before like do you like having a strict schedule uh or just like a routine I guess yeah not a not a strict schedule but more of like do you

Like having a routine that’s consistent and I never really knew how to answer this question because I wasn’t really sure myself like do I I don’t know but I would probably say that after like kind of experiencing that kind of stuff I think it’s not that I I particularly

Like having a routine but my body does because when I have to do things like out of my usual routine which to be fair my my days are usually very similar to each other and when when they’re not like when I have to go out for a long period of time yeah

I’m totally wrecked I’m totally wrecked after it what am I doing um so yeah I guess I I do like having routines and I don’t know I guess random Minecraft inter interection but yeah this kind of something I I really realized I was like yeah I guess I I do like having

Routines and you know it’s interesting to note I guess it’s good to kind of know that kind of stuff about yourself what do you guys think what do you like having routines or do you kind of just are you more of a spontaneous type of

Person oh what what just where did it go what just happened what how how did it even happen okay I think that’s a quirk thing anyway I’m curious to to hear what you guys you know how how your life goes like do you have a strict routine or do

You like to stick to your routine or are you more of a spontaneous person that enjoys changes and that kind of stuff spont spont spontaneity is that the word is that a no it’s not a full moon I about to say anyway yeah I don’t know it’s just interesting cuz you know we’re

All very different uh some of us like different ways of you know planning or managing our days I never really thought about it that much until I guess recently so yeah that’s just how my day went and uh how I felt afterwards um I got to organize this I

Totally forgot anyway yeah so I I totally feel fine like it’s just like energy training is all but I wanted to share cuz you know what why not um so okay so I’m going to I’m also going to give her some Decor I’ll give her this

Oven since I’m not going to use that and and I wanted to give her a cool door I think I’m going to give her Herm I wanted to give her a cherry cherry door but from the Mystic SP Cherry yeah here we go we actually have one Cherry

Door which is perfect all right ask for the floor should we give her a pink plank floor I don’t know I feel like that would just be too much pink but look how cute this looks isn’t it really cute I like it a lot it’s so pink it definitely needs a

Little bit more decorations but so let’s put her door down and I think what I’m going to do is actually where is my oh I guess I’m like out no no no here it is okay I was about to say I was like how did I run out of

Diorite already I’m going to make some uh some slabs and we’re going to turn these slabs as her floor this is a really really nice trick I like to use where instead of putting full blocks on the floor you just put slabs and then you don’t have to waste as many

Resources and not like it makes a big difference anyway so another thing I wanted to mention do you see spook she’s so silly um is that um I okay so you you probably have noticed that I’m not doing a face cam today and I actually got a

Suggestion or like an idea from a viewer who said that I should do face cams on like a SP whoa oh that’s awesome I totally want to keep that I should do face cams only for specific uh days of the week so it can be kind of like an

Event you know like FaceCam so what I’m going to do is actually face cam Friday so today I’m uploading my fairy Corp let’s play on a Satur or Sunday um but sometimes I upload them on Fridays it just depends on my you know weekly schedule uh so when I do upload them on

Fridays I will give you guys a FaceCam and I know you guys oh my gosh I’m so glad that you guys loved it so much because I really enjoy doing it too and I just think it’s so much fun it’s like so interactive and just lovely so yeah

I’m definitely going to do more face cams in the future and I’ve been also really wanting to do another live stream I’m just trying to find the time for it cuz it’s been a little bit busy for me lately but as soon as I can I’m definitely going to try to do another

Live stream I’m not sure if I’m going to do a face cam in the live stream because I feel like I I get a little bit nervous because um when it comes to live streaming you never really know what can happen during that live stream and

Sometimes um I feel like having a face cam on could you know like sometimes something could happen and it would be like a bad time to have your face cam on if you guys know what I mean it’s just me kind of being paranoid like I don’t

Really know what could happen like not much honestly that’s just again me being paranoid but yeah this is just kind of one of my con concerns is like if something happens and I have to like turn off my face cam and then it’s going to like mess things up and blah blah

Blah I mean it’s kind of ridiculous like obviously I don’t think anything would really happen but yeah that is just something I keep in mind but I think I think you know it’ll be fun to try it out cuz I do really like the face cams yeah so but

Regardless of what I choose to do I’m just excited to do another live stream soon so hopefully within maybe the next week or so we’ll get we’ll get another live stream going so I hope you guys are excited for that going to make some bone

Meal here so we can uh we can grow this tree for her and then we can start planting some flowers for her and we also need a place for the cows so I think what I’m going to do is make a little little kind of like what the

Minecraft villagers do is like this her cows are going to be basically in her backyard which I think she’s going to like she’s going to like having her little animals we’re put this here strip the wood and then we need to make some uh what’s it called what’s it called

Fences my gosh I’m totally sleepy today I think it’s just cuz of all the stuff I was doing but yeah it’s okay I really wanted to play today I’m not like forcing myself to play or anything I just really wanted to uh so okay actually I really don’t like how this

Looks here I think I’m going to move this and connect it to the tree instead like this yeah that is so much cuter and then we can probably do another one like here oh I love it but then it’s like two going in the same direction so maybe we have to do another

One like this it’s kind of going through the tree but you know they’re leaves it’s fine all right so let’s go make some fences we actually got a bunch of freaking sticks from the uh the I think it was from wood cutting okay so hopefully this is enough

Yeah there we go yay and then I think I’ll put maybe a back door yeah probably probably a back door so let me I need to go get some more Cherrywood okay so I also made these lime fairy lights which I think are going to look really cute and okay so

I’m actually running out of green dye so what I’m going to do is I’m going to put mangora to work but she needs to duplicate these oh crap I didn’t mean to break that so if we put her on top of this one hopefully yay thank you all

Right get to work girl cuz I’m going to need some of those all right anyway so hopefully we’re going to get this done pretty soon so I can start moving in Marquita and also so we can start working on the tea house I’m really excited to do the tea house all right um

I wanted to do oh crap like this no I don’t think that’s going to work uh wait wait wait wait so oh spook what if we like cute okay I like that a lot I think it’s really nice and we can do one over here if we scooch past these fairy

Lights cute okay I love that I love adding little overhangs onto the windows and then we can do yeah we can probably do one on there but let me oh I forgot the forgot the cherry wood I I was distracted by the fairy lights okay wait uh let me I’ll plant this one

Here I need to get rid of some of these clogging up my inventory all right let’s make this door I’m only going to need one something tells me I’m going to regret putting these away but you know what we’ll just go with it and then we can place these little lime fairy lights

Which these look like trees like little stubby trees which is really cute and okay so she’s a farmer she’s going to need a composter to too which I think we can actually make really quickly like this awesome and I’m going to put this so I guess I’ll give her a little field to

Farm as well maybe a little Wheat Field over here so we’re going to put this like I guess we’ll put it here for now and I’m also going to have to give her like a chest so we can put this here oh there’s a paint okay we’re going to have

To get rid of this and then put the door here that leads to the cow area we’re going to have to drag those cows in here by the way which is going to be fun so how did I okay no that is not not going to

Work I think we’ll just have to do like that all right so now we can place some of these cute and oh they’re adorable maybe we just put one here and no I don’t know maybe here like that yeah yeah that’s cute look at that it’s

Adorable what else can we add maybe you know what we should do we should add some of these like Cherry Cherry leaves I think what I could do is probably go back to the Cherry Blossom forest and grab some leaves probably should have done that earlier I don’t know why I

Didn’t think about that so let’s also put the painting maybe like here yeah there we go so it’s like a shelf and then we can put some counter no cuz that’s going to look let’s put this yeah that is so cute and then we can make her you know we need to make

Her a bed uh and then probably like I don’t know we can make her like a little table or something little table and chair so we can do that with probably fantasy Furniture just to keep it simple and let me see if I have anything we have these Sweet Berry tank HS I

Could probably use those we could also give her a carpet with pink and a pink bed oops oh crap furnace no uh trying to reuse what I already have but yeah so let’s make her bed and some carpets now if we grab our huh we don’t have any clay okay I

Guess she’s not getting a table you know what she can do it herself she’s already getting a free house do you know how lucky you are Marita a whole free new house literally just built that is a privilege okay in this economy that is a privilege let me tell you okay okay so

This is a little bit of an interesting situation I don’t think it’s very fank sh F anyway I’m just going to pretend I didn’t say that I do not know how to say that word apparently so we’re going to put like a little carpet here and it’s

Going to look all I hope that doesn’t break the painting a crap no okay there we go I want to make it like like kind of natural looking and then yeah I guess that’s all we have for now we can obviously add some more stuff

Later but I was going to put some custom lamps in here but I totally forgot so we’re just going to get first some torches torches for the time being and uh you know what it’s fine you know we can upgrade this a little bit later if necessary but now what I think

We really got to do is first of all bring the cows second of all put down the nasti nasturtiums I feel like I’m definitely saying that wrong uh but anyway so let me break this and we’re going to put a bunch of her little fake Strawberry Fields they’re totally strawberries I

Swear um we can actually have magora probably duplicate these too so I’m going to get rid of like these flowers of course I want to collect them though so let me you okay here we go again guys we’re going to start dumping stuff into this backpack and it’s going to get real

Messy real messy okay so all right what I think I’m going to do is while we go grab the cows we can bring M mangora over oh crap we can bring mangora over here and she can start duplicating our NE our fake I’m not going to say that word anymore the fake strawberries

So we can get some more later where is she oh she’s over here she’s like so invisible oh my gosh that is a lot thank you so much that is a lot of green dye right there awesome I think the Sun is setting but we can just use our sleeping

Bag and actually before we go to the cows I’m going to have to stop by the uh cherry blossom Forest so I can grab some of the leaves we’re going to put her right here and I’m actually going to put down spook so she doesn’t get lost and

Then we can ride off into the sunset this is not even the sunset but the opposite of the sunset and go get some oh man but these ones are so pretty oh you know what I can do I can just trade them in you know what yeah

We’ll we’ll get the Cherry leaves and then we’ll trade them in for the strawberry ones and yeah I’m excited so yeah also I just saw that Anta and that reminds me that I still need to hatch my little ant egg that I have in my backpack and and

Once I get more amethyst or bottles of amethyst we can hatch another one and give a Amy a friend so actually you guys left a few other ants name suggestions which is good because I am going to have to name a lot of them the more ants we

Get the more names we’re going to need and I liked a lot of them the next ant name that I’m going to use is actually Anthony or Anthony but you know it’s a plan wars I I love that name that’s so C C and apparently that’s the name of the

Actual person who left the comment so thank you Anthony for the suggestion you will definitely have an ant named after you once we get our second ant and then we have Amy and Anthony and that is so cute that’s so wholesome I love it okay o I’m nauseous I’m nauseous Make It Stop

Ah another one Jesus I hate these things okay so I feel like 51 one is probably enough I’m not going to not going to spend too much time here actually can I wait hold on silk no okay uh I need to go back home get some leads

And oh no no no cuz they’re already on leads yeah never mind so we can just grab them and now we’re actually riding off into the sunset but yeah let’s go over to the cows so we can take a little turn over here whoa check out this

Ravine oh my God that is crazy that is actually I don’t think this is technically a ravine it’s more of like a cave opening but that is so cool and we’re just going to zoom on over to the Strawberry Fields I love how fast this broom is I’m really glad that I actually

Upgraded this the nether trip was definitely worth it and I don’t know what’s going on with that tree over there what is going on it’s weird yeah and then we can make a little wheat field for her and I think that should be it after that I mean I should be ready

To go her house and we can move her in and we can be like Makita look what I made for you hopefully she likes it I I hope she does I don’t know okay I’m still actually really perplexed about whatever happened with uh the hearts thing uh I

Completely forgot about that until like right now and now I’m confused all over again so okay let’s go grab our cows I’m glad they’re still here so this is like the last two cows it’s really interesting this the Strawberry Fields is so small there two trees and two cows

And that’s it it’s like a endangered species endangered strawberries endangered trees endangered cows if one of these guys die I don’t know what I’ll do but I’m going to actually breed them so we have a baby there we go cuz I do not oh no what oh my

Gosh we can’t breathe them that’s Ridiculous okay so we’re going to have to be really careful cuz if one of these guys die I mean that’s GG they’re gone forever okay we have a random baby cow out I don’t know if they grew up into I guess we’ll see maybe they grow up grow

Up into adult uh strawberry cows I don’t think that’s how it would work though but we’ll see okay so I’m just going to bring these guys home and I’ll meet you guys back let’s check up on our we have some bees going to the nest here and the Butterfly oh they’re so pretty oh man I wish we could find some more I want to find more butterflies apparently in the new Mystics biomes updates there’s actually some butterflies and like rainbow chickens or something I don’t know I just wish we had those updates sad okay we are finally at the

Field what is wrong with you cow come on so we have the shoppery cows and the regular cows but we are not touching those cows right now we are only going to be transporting these guys apparently the last of their freaking kind I’m going to see okay they’re going to be

Able to uh breed in just a few seconds here so I’m going to see come on man don’t push me out of the way I’m going to see what happens if I breed them again and then if the baby cow will grow up into into an adult strawberry cow so

Let’s see they’re almost ready um also going to no I guess it doesn’t really need a torch so uh while we’re waiting for that I’m going to go into creative swap out the leaves here for the strawberry one so we had 51 So there we go nice and easy so now uh I’m going to go up on my broom and let’s check up on mangora oh my gosh she’s going crazy wow that is a lot okay let me oh wow that’s so convenient I love that oh these are so pretty and they’re like

Some of them are leafy and some of them are not which I love that I love that so much that it’s just like built in into the actual texture you know have have to use like two different types of blocks so cool absolutely love the strawberry

Texture from this mod it’s just such a shame that it’s a little bit bugged but I guess we got around oh I love it I think that that looks so just cute so so cute I guess I’m just going to use up all of them so

Let’s go over here put some down all right and then on this side and do you hear that sound they sound really nice too it’s like I don’t know how to describe it but I like it a lot okay so there we go now our house or M marquita’s house is covered in

Strawberry leaves and this is just so adorable okay let’s get our broom out of here and yeah it’s really cute it’s very uh like I I like how overgrown the roof looks but yeah so let’s plant some more strawberries for her and I decided not to use the poppies

Because we’re going to have a very hard time duplicating them anyway so I guess you know just these ones are fine I guess we do have like two shades of pink at least so not a not a huge deal but would have been nice I guess the color

Wouldn’t make sense much anyway because it would have been like uh orangey and I don’t know that definitely doesn’t does fit yeah this looks really cute and we’re oh my God that’s so many we are going to make her a little farm just really quick so she has something to do

Cuz I know that she can actually like Farm these little flowers so we’re she’s a farmer she needs to tend to some crops and of course I think she’s going to tend to probably like those carrots and whatever but I don’t know if she can Farm to the modded crops

Maybe uh but yeah so let’s go grab some wheat seeds and we’re going to start giving her a little farm and then she can move in and I’m so excited yes yes oh yeah and I totally forgot we actually have our little Rhino tuna or Rhino Tetra sorry not tuna uh that we

Have to place down I love how this fish looks so cute oh it’s so pretty kind of looks like a strawberry a strawberry dipped in white chocolate a wait that is too cute I kind of want to make her a little like fish tank I don’t think fish tanks actually exist no

Okay maybe like I really want to give her this fish now we’ll figure something out um let me put this away oh crap oh no our beautiful car carpet thing no all the flowers dang it we almost killed him dude that would have been so bad that would have been so

Bad I almost let her freaking Tetra die our little white chocolate Tetra oh that would have been so sad what happened to my carpets where are my carpets H whatever let’s plant this one okay that was a uh that was a freaking disaster almost okay so uh let me okay let me see

If I have an extra bucket yes we do oh you know what I need to give her some armor that is going to be really important so me see here what do I have ooh yeah we have this that we can totally give her and these boots yeah I’ll just give

Her the the stuff I’m not I’m not using anymore cuz we we have a lot of stuff here we just need some leggings okay I’m going to just make her iron leggings but yeah I want to give her a full set just so she’s uh you know

Protected I don’t want her to die so let me give this to her this is definitely going to get our hearts up cuz we’re going to be hi Eric you scared me we’re going to be giving her like free gifts basically hi so our hearts is still

Really really high this is like weird you know technically I think with hearts this High we can already like ask her out which is like insane so we’re already in the 300s guys this is insane I don’t know what happened I really don’t like look at this what the

Heck I don’t know I don’t know but there you go Mar so we can’t actually see okay there we go yeah you have to wear that girl uh I know it doesn’t look you know maybe the best but it’s kind of cute right I think it I don’t like the

Helmet cuz it like yeah it gets in the way of the flower crown but she needs the armor you know she needs the armor so let’s let’s chat okay so she wants a she wants a cat we have to we have to give her a cat um

I’m not going to give her one of mine obviously obvously we we love our little kittens but I totally should adopt a cat for her um but right so let me see I really want to I really want to give her this Tetra I don’t know I guess I guess it’s

Going to be a little bit difficult but what we can do is actually make a little tiny tiny little Pond here in the shape of a fish what do you know and then our Tetra can live here so yeah it’ll be her little fish whyn’t you like that little Tetra

You look so cute like a little strawberry dipped in milk chocolate I mean I mean white chocolate it’s such a cute little fish oh my God I love that I want to see what those actually look like in real life um oh no oh please don’t do that I hope you’re

Smart enough enough not to drown or suffocate oh God that would be really bad I hope he’s not going to actually drown oh my gosh I’m worried now I mean to be fair my my other fish have been living in my little shallow Pond just

Fine so I think he should be okay maybe sometimes they jump out but then jump back in because they they know it’s dangerous I don’t know I have to kind of monitor him need a monitor his behavior and make sure he’s not going crazy cuz that will be

Bad all right I think this is probably big enough she will definitely enjoy farming this wheat and you know maybe we should go to the village and see if there’s any cats maybe not uh I don’t know if we’ll have any cat cats in our village but maybe in like a neighboring

Village we can try seeing the one that’s like up on that hill but yeah so yeah I think that’ll be the last thing I’ll do for her house I think we got everything else done pretty much all right magora thank you so much I think that’s all I really

Need from you for now uh so let’s go on our where’s our broom it’s over here let’s go in our broom and just quickly oh wait we need fish obviously I totally forgot let’s go get some fish and we’re going to see if we can just find a quick

Little cat and tame it for her she can have a pet cat I think she would really appreciate that so hopefully we have some fish we do have a little bit of salmon I don’t know if they can eat the unusual fish fish or the koi fish I don’t know if

They can eat that but we’ll just we’ll just try our luck with 11 salmon that should be enough okay so I’m going sleep in her bed it sounds weird don’t make it weird isn’t that an amazing view okay I also forgot that I had to breed the cows

So let’s go do that and we’re just going to let that cow grow up and see what happens if it’s not a strawberry cow as an adult then we kill it unfortunately okay so where’s my broom here it is all right let’s go over to the

Village all right let’s see if we find any cats H kitties this is where we found youa Uh I have a feeling just cuz this Village is kind of older we’re not going to find any here so I’m actually going to I’m going to stop by aeria and I’m going to see if there’s any cow cats there because we have been growing The Village you know there’s

Been some babies popping up so maybe some some cats will come and we can try to tame them if not then I’ll go over to the Strawberry Fields Village cuz I feel like I definitely saw some cats over there kitties where are the K oh Kitty it’s a

Jelly it’s a Jelly Cat come here come here you look like Luna where are you where’d you go come here come here I have a little fishy a little fishy just for you ye awesome it only took one fish perfect okay so luckily this cat is

Actually really close to the house so we can just quickly go over there hello Grover I don’t like Grover’s skin I need to change that I don’t like how that looks he has paint SPL splotches on his thing I like Eric cuz he has a very nice

Little suit on Grover needs to learn how to dress more proper that’s what I’m saying okay where’s our cat why is is not following me did it get stuck on something my gosh kitty kitty where’s that kitty where’d it go wasn’t it just following me what the

Heck I know cats like notoriously get stuck in villages but I don’t know what happened where’d he go kitty kitty kitty KY Kitty oh there you are what the heck did you see that guys it’s like she just fell from the sky maybe I made that

Up okay come on don’t make me put you on a leash don’t make me put you on a leash okay I think she’s going to follow us this time so anyway we have to name our kitty this is like honestly my favorite part of making a Minecraft

Let’s Play is having you guys name all the animals so if you have a name suggest for our little cat leave a comment down below obviously it’s going to have to be related to like strawberries or pink or something like that because it’s marquita’s cat and she’s our little strawberry farmer girl

So we’re going to give her a pink collar obviously and oh hello wait no sit okay so she’s going to have a little kitty and it’s so cute and it looks like Luna which is so adorable so yeah um leave a name suggestion for a little Marquita

Cat down below and now for the Moment of Truth we can finally take Marita out of this little house so follow me and let’s go are you ready Marquita to see your new home I swear it’s better than living in a tree which is not bad in the first

Place but check this out what do you think this is your new strawberry Cottage I’m going to give you a little tour okay so as you can see I planted a bunch of strawberry bushes for you to pick and grow strawberries from and they are really delicious they will look like

This and this is definitely true and not a lie so once you come inside you have a very cozy little space and you can decorate this how you please and you also have a cat yes this is your own cat I’ve I’ve been hearing you talk

About adopting a cat so I decided to give you one it is a stray I know you’ve been wanting to adopt a stray cat so this is a stray cat from esteria I thought you would like her and yeah so we’re going to give her a name soon and

Then once you go out here you have your backyard which has your little strawberry cows and if you milk them they’ll give you strawberry milk and it’s pretty good you know very healthy I’m sure very sweet and delicious and then if you follow me out here let’s go outside to your other backyard

Your little acre of land here so you are living in the prime land of farming I know you are a farmer and you love your job so I gave you your own personal farming wheat farm and a little fish that looks like a strawberry and then you have a bunch of

Other Farms that these are my Farms but I’m letting you use them because you deserve it and you’re awesome and yeah so this is your land now Marita you can tend to it how you please and I hope you like it let’s see what she thinks that’s a lot of talking that’s a

Lot okay um oh my gosh she’s just saying the same thing over and over again what the heck okay she’s being a little weird I think she’s just a little emotional uh it’s totally understandable Marita I know this is you know a lot to take in I just

Kind of gave you like a whole new life here but yeah so I’m going to make her stay this is going to be her home awesome and we can have her move freely now so hopefully she doesn’t die I’m really nervous about her dying oh my gosh I

Really hope she doesn’t uh I don’t know where you’re going but just please be safe okay just please that’s all I that’s all I ask Marita please just be safe okay she’s just wandering around now all right I’m going to be really paranoid and nervous now but you you

Have fun out there wherever you’re going just come home at night okay call me anyway okay so we finally completed our strawberry Cottage and I think it looks so cute I think it looks adorable all right so now we can work on the tea house and I’m going to just build um I’m

Going to build it I don’t really know actually where I’m going to make it I might make it somewhere up there okay guys so I’m just collecting some resources right now for the build and I’m actually going to start by smelting some Cobblestone because I want to use

It for the build and I’m also going to use Spruce logs I think yeah I think it’s going to be more of like a spruce type of building cuz it’s going to you know it’s like coffee and tea theme which is already pretty much an earthy

Color anyway so okay I’m going I’m also going to grab some moss and I think I’m going to probably build it up on that Hill close to where our Shrine is so yeah I’m just going to grab some more resources and then once I’m ready I will start

Building Melody is still working on the sheep all right well it’s morning so let’s go check up on Marita over here or I guess she’s not even home um okay well we got to kill this cow cuz it is not oh hi there you are I was just thinking about you let’s go

Chat I’d like to redecorate my house soon I’m just too lazy oh okay so I guess she doesn’t really like the interior well it is kind of boring but where is she where’d you go oh there she is okay well I’ll just let her explore I

Just I hope she doesn’t marry any any of the villagers um if she does I’ll divorce them cuz I don’t care she will be mine at any cost anyway I’m kidding all right so let’s go start building I do have a few materials ready so I think

We should be ready to go um right so I think what we can actually do is make it kind of close to our little Crystal Cave over here which I’m actually going to check on cuz I kind of forgot about this place just want to make sure that my

Lizards are still here uh okay yeah they’re still here oh look at this one he was swimming and Exel is still here which is good wait wasn’t there a yellow one where did the yellow one oh my God what are you doing what are you doing you’re so silly

I think he’s attracted to the light oh my my gosh I was worried he died okay well it looks like everyone is still doing pretty good here I’m actually going to to share these really quick cuz they are like totally in the way I’m getting a little bit sidetracked

So let’s start building I think I’m going to make it I think I want to make it here right there’s like a little little spot however I’m going to need to terraform this a bit cuz we need a little bit more space so yeah we’re just going to have to get

Rid of all this dirt which shouldn’t be too difficult it’s just a grass that takes a little bit longer to break I think this should be pretty much big enough so my idea was I wanted to make the tea house um like one building and then next to it is

Going to be kind of like the garden where we’re going to actually grow the tea in the coffee so we’re going to start with the tea house building and then there’s going to be a little extension where we’re going to grow the uh all the

Plants so I think I’m going to make it kind of like a square-ish not a perfect square but something like that I wanted to use these magenta stained glass for the windows because they look so cool they are literally so like Japanese Tea House theme so I’m actually

Going to make actually yeah yeah we’re going to use Spruce planks and and I’m going to make the front of this really open so this is basically going to be the entrance and then on the sides we can close it off a little bit more but add some

Windows and I think I want to make them pretty tall like this yeah that is so cute and now this side will need to have a bit of an opening as well because we’re going to have the Garden on on this side so we’re going to make a little door

Frame cute awesome I like that a lot and we can also make the little extension out here so I think I’m going to do um I don’t know what block to really start on I think I’ll make it full WID and then maybe like we’ll go

Down like that so it’ll be kind of like a little overhang I’m going to need to make some slabs too Okay oh my God how did you dude forgot I had a staircase up here I was so confused uh anyway so I finished the roof and I’m going to go on my broom really quick just to see how it looks looks uh all right let’s check this

Out I think it looks pretty cute kind of want to do something with the slabs here but I feel like that would be a little bit challenging I don’t know maybe something like that uh I mean I think it looks kind of cool right just a little bit of an

Indent for some added detail uh I guess I could keep that and we can get rid of this staircase so now I kind of wanted to do some sort of overhang here I think I’m going to use some trap doors for that I also wanted to plant some of

These uh sweet berries I might as well do that now so they can start growing so I think I’ll do them maybe here make some trap Doors this kind of cute nice all right and now we should probably fill in the back here I totally forgot about that so I’m running out of spruce wood here but I can get some more later cuz we literally have some trees growing in our backyard so I’m going to put some

Windows in the back here too for the floor I think I want to use something other than Spruce maybe canopy canopy is pretty similar just a little bit lighter th wood looks really pretty but we can’t get that I don’t have that well I should probably sleep and then I’m going to see

What kind of wood I can use So I am pretty happy with the progress they have so far but it’s definitely not done I definitely want to add some more things to this first of all I want to add some trees so that it’s a little bit more secluded so I I don’t really know

What type of trees just yet I really want something big like maybe a big oak tree so we’ll see and yeah so it’s obviously not furnished yet we have to probably make like a little station here for all of the tea and coffee stuff so I think next episode we’re actually going

To dive into all of that and actually do the mod stuff so this place also needs some work cuz we need to put our crops down but I don’t really have any of them yet so I’m going to save that for next episode 2 and then we can probably

Connect this path to the cave and also I want to make some Pathways so that everything is nice and connected but yeah I really like how it looks so far and I really love the location I think that it’s super like secluded but also very close to

Everything else it’s just kind of like out of the way it’s very private I would imagine it would be very quiet and peaceful here but yeah I really love how it turned out so far I’m also probably going to add some lily pads here maybe like a few koi fish wait actually think

I want to do that let’s go get some koish or hopefully we can find some I don’t really know if there are any but I believe I believe they’re usually in the rivers that are nearby the house so let’s go see if we can catch some of

Course I only have one bucket with me uh let me see if I can grab some more I don’t actually know if I have more buckets but we’ll see we’ll see okay we do have some buckets here I’m going to just drink the milk and then we can fill these up with

Hopefully some koi fish or hopefully at least just a few fish so we can add some cute little fishies to our little Pond and I want to see is Marita here I want to keep talking to her I don’t want to like you know neglect her cuz then

She’ll forget about me and that’ll be bad I don’t know where she is right now this is what I was afraid of oh God where is she Marita I hope she’s not flirting with other villagers oh no where is she I guess I shouldn’t worry you know

She’s an adult she’s living her own life I’m just worried that she’s going to marry someone cuz that’s what the villagers do okay you know what it’s fine if she does I’m just going to divorce them it’s going to be fine anyway so let’s go see

If we find any koi fish we could also try to find some aelott but um yeah I definitely I definitely want fish and actually I want to take some of these These are pretty cute so let’s see okay hello Axel I’m not going to take you you are free to live uh in

Your natural environment look at all these snails they’re super cute okay so there’s there’s actually some Rhino Tunas here oh there’s so many colors that’s so cute a adorable so where are the koifish I know they spawn here just got to find them where are the koi

Fish I will find you I’m not going to end this until until we find some koi fish it’s like when I commit to something I can never let it go I just got to finish got to finish the task come on koifish come on koifish I know I gave

One to to uh Stefan over here right oh Marita hello good to see you here um okay she’s not very happy to see me why are you so mean to me oh my gosh she hates me wait uh let me give you do you are you hungry here

You can have a soup okay I think she likes me now okay no she still doesn’t like me what the heck she has such an attitude today whatever okay I don’t see the koifish I didn’t see the koifish that Stefan had so I don’t know what happened to it

Oh where are all the koi fish these are pretty these are very pretty pretty fish let me see if I can take we might as well just take at least two cuz I don’t really know where are the koi fish oh is this one it is but why is there only one they

Usually spawn in groups where are your friends why are there no other ones that’s weird just a random lonely koi fish uh I’m going to check through the river again if I don’t find any I guess we’re just going to to take one maybe over

Here no no fish in here I wonder if it’s because the otter eat them right cuz they they do hunt the fish oh I think that’s that must be what happened the otter are eating them actually I think the Axel also eat them look oh no no no no no no no wait

Wait wait wait give me give me give me give me give me see I told you this freaking otter ate the koi fish hey you are so mean you were eating the freaking koifish that’s what was happening of course okay well you know what uh hey

Stop get away from me you were so rude I’m sorry I didn’t want to kill you but you were literally just so mean okay I’m going to drop one of these arom monos and I’m going to take I want to take one of the tetras this one’s really pretty little tiger looking one

Uh you know what yeah let’s take this one it’s really cute actually oh that one’s so pretty too looks like a sunset okay okay okay let’s go home let’s put these fish away I’m super excited for next episode cuz we’re going to start doing some tea and

Coffee which do you guys prefer are you more of a tea person or a coffee person let me know in the comments because I’m honestly kind of both um I really enjoy both I think it depends more on the weather or the season um but yeah I

Really enjoy both tea and coffee so let me know what you guys prefer cuz it’s it’s a very like that’s one of those questions where it’s like do you like cats or dogs or are you a winter or summer person it’s kind of one of those

So yeah let me know cuz I’m very curious and especially since we’re going to be doing a lot of tea and coffee next episode I would really like to hear what you guys think so okay here is our fishies and honestly I don’t like this one that much it doesn’t really fit the

Like the theme but I like these three these are really cute the koish are so pretty look at how cute they are with their little eyes Okay well anyway I think it’s time to end the episode it was a pretty long one because we had to do two whole

Builds but I really love love the progress we have so far and I hope you guys like it too let me know what you think and don’t forget to leave a comment on what you think we should name marquita’s cat and also if you prefer tea or coffee let’s get some friendly

Discussions going in the in the comments but yeah with that being said guys I really hope you enjoyed this episode be sure to check out my YouTube memberships if you’re interested in seeing these episodes early as well as some other perks and with that being said guys I

Hope you have a great day and I will see you all next time bye

This video, titled ‘Cozy Strawberry Cottage! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 28 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-03-04 18:00:06. It has garnered 3065 views and 216 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:31 or 5431 seconds.

🌈Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive videos, discounts on stickers, and more: https://www.youtube.com/@luvstarkei/join

🌼DOWNLOAD MY FAIRYCORE MODPACK HERE: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/luvstars-fairycore (requires Curseforge and Java 19)

Hey everyone my name is Luvstar! Welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! This series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. I chose the mods myself, trying to stick to a fantasy, rpg, fairycore, magical and cottagecore theme. Please enjoy this magical series!

Today I built a strawberry cottage for Markéta! Then I began building the tea house, but it’s not done just yet ;3

In this relaxing modded let’s play, I am going to be living in a magical world with fairies, dragons, woodlands, dungeons, and other whimsical things! This is a fantasy, fairycore, RPG style let’s play ♡

🍓When it comes to hosting Minecraft servers, I always trust BisectHosting. New customers can use code “luvstar” to save 25% on their first month of a gaming server, and their dedicated support team is available 24/7 to provide you with top-notch assistance! 🍓https://bisecthosting.com/luvstar

===================================== 👾my art instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luvstaar/ 💜my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LuvstarKei 🎧request an art commission: https://luvstarkei.com/commissions/ 🖤for business inquiries: [email protected] 🐈‍⬛my art channel: @luvstarkei2 =====================================

🌸Music Credits: All music featured in this video is composed by Adrian von Ziegler. Find his music here: https://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com

🍓RESOURCES USED: Shaders: Complementary Unbound Shaders Texture packs: Mizuno’s 16 craft – https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/p/resourcepack.html Froggy hotbar – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/froggy-hotbar/ Overgrown floral tools – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/overgrown-floral-tools/ Gothic medieval RPG font: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/gothic-rpg-font Monsters & girls cottagecore edition – https://irritator-fan.itch.io/monstersgirls-cottagecore-version

🌼DOWNLOAD MY FAIRYCORE MODPACK HERE: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/luvstars-fairycore (requires Curseforge and Java 19)

🌿My Gear: Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3SJMdOm Microphone: https://amzn.to/3ULsjFp Mouse: https://amzn.to/4byzUxb Mousepad: https://amzn.to/4bBK93N Gaming Laptop: https://amzn.to/3wdFHb4 Camera: https://amzn.to/3wdFHb4 (I use affiliate links and may earn a commission!)

Live in a fantasy, RPG-like world where you can play Minecraft through a magical lens. Choose your own Origin to customize your play experience! Explore a fantasy world with new creatures, fairies, dungeons, dimensions, woodlands, magic, and other mystical secrets! This modpack focuses on exploration, creativity, and magic. Go on and play your own fairytale!

ignore tags! modded minecraft,cute minecraft,kawaii minecraft,minecraft longplay,modded longplay,cottagecore minecraft,fairy minecraft,minecraft fairy,fairycore,cute minecraft mods,cute minecraft house,cottagecore minecraft house,aesthetic minecraft playthrough,minecraft fairy aesthetic builds,minecraft fairycore,minecraft fairycore lets play,minecraft aesthetic lets play,relaxing minecraft longplay,aesthetic minecraft,celtic,magical minecraft,luvstar,fairycore builds

Cozy Strawberry Cottage! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 28 ✮⊹♡

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    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip ⦿ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More