EPIC Fall Guys Christmas Customs NOW!

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For you know way I might actually join this stream yo volume what’s up welcome in hope you’re having a good day so far the way I might actually join the stream let’s go Vol let’s go yeah on the weekends we go live a bit earlier than usual cuz um yeah we go

Live earlier on the weekends than we do on the weekdays usually okay yo Grizz welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far as well welcome in guys I’m going to get a custom started off this game yo Ben and Tim welcome in guys hope

Everyone’s having a fantastic day so far we’re going to get Customs started after this one after this little thing that I’m doing oh damn W okay let’s go let’s go let’s go uhoh Okay yes let’s go we’re in GG’s G G’s indeed Customs is going to be off this [Applause] game Customs after this [Applause] game yo for home welcome in for home I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome into stream we’re going to get Customs going um straight off this game if uh if you guys want to join up you’re more than welcome to okay sounds great sounds great let’s go

If you guys are enjoying the stream make sure to drop a like and sub it’s very appreciate okay thanks sorry I oh yo Ben you changed your profile picture Nice I like it man I like it very Nice All right let’s go I’m going to get this wi for you Guys let’s go let’s go let’s [Applause] go let’s go let’s go let’s go world record incoming let’s go boys let’s [Applause] go oh I missed it that could have been such a sick run messed it up a little bit you know what that’s not even bad that’s quite good how quick was

That let’s go yo Jay and Andy welcome in guys I hope you both having a fantastic day so far welcome in we going to get Customs going uh straight off this game actually I should probably pin this one instead should I there we go we pin that one instead I’m in the final

St okay can we do Customs yeah of course Jay we’re going to get Customs straight off this game straight off this game I wonder what the world record for bull Park is I just did it in let me check how long how how long it take Me it took me 47 no 40 44 it’s me 44 seconds hold on what record Pool Park W record H can I join Is there no ballpark world record oh shoot a the game’s died I wasn’t paying attention damn wait 10 seconds how how’ they get it in 10 seconds inane there’s no way I make a comeback right there’s no chance I’ve over someone somehow yeah I’m I’m to win there definitely not to do

That oh gosh there a glitch DN maybe maybe I got the glitchless the glitchless world record world record without using the glitch whatever the glitch I used right 3 2 1 someone finished no almost finished it that’s crazy imagine I win this after that you imagine

Just twoo good guys just no never mind I almost C there I can’t see it though anywhere I search for it I can’t see any world record of It is it on YouTube Anyway yeah we’re doing the Customs right now and Y welcome in sorry sorry sorry we are doing Customs now yes you can join in of course of course sorry y sorry oh Jing 2 okay hold on Jing 2 that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while e Jing 2K I used to

Uh back in the day they were bpk 10 point all right let’s watch this guys let’s watch this let I’m going get the Customs up codee’s going to be in the screen I’m just going to quickly watch this cuz that is insane that’s not that’s not Customs this is this is

Customs okay we’ll be done then nah what that’s insane it’s only a PB it’s not even the world record bro what n who even thought that was who even thought of that idea sorry there’s the Cod who who even thought to do that in the first place that is

Insane I’m not even subbed to J and juk yet hold on let me drop a sub don’t um that’s insane okay well everyone’s in let’s go let’s go jump hex Ben wants a jump um no Ben wants a hex sorry Tim wants a jump K

Wants a limbo got one for limbo one for jump one for hex guys vote in the chat what should we play next or what should we play first say next but we haven’t even played one yet let’s get the music back on do you want the music or not I I

Don’t know if you guys want the music or not if if you don’t want the music I turn it off limo then all right let’s do limber then let’s do [Applause] It [Applause] if you’re not in let me know in the chat now if you’re not in let me know in the chat now music’s fine all right is fine we’re going to start in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go

You guys want hex we could do we could do a hex afterwards Ben and Tim if we uh if we still want a hex if if majority still wants a hex we can do a hex after or if it’s a I’ll do a hex yo Benny welcome in I hope you’re having a

Good day so yo Dante welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far as well welcome in guys I’ll join later sounds good Dante sounds good yeah it’ be good to get you in here later on I hope everyone’s having a fantastic day so far let’s go ly [Applause]

Limbo oh dear having a shambles already [Applause] hello there we go yo bosy welcome in welcome into the stream bosy hope you’re having a good day so far me y pe’s grab grabbing is allowed I mean I know it’s annoying but it’s is allowed so be aware be aware please don’t Grab I fo yeah I know you notb is I’m allowing it though I get that you’re not really supposed to grab in limbo but yes I got lhp it’s kind of part of the game still yo welcome back Benny welcome Back damn That’s quality guys that’s quality oh brilliant that’s just no no if I don’t qualify go go go go go that was too close that was too close guys crazy I can’t for rank to get in full guys sick GG IM ranking for guys like you you’ll be able to see

Like if ever ranked um like competitive what’s it called now they’re doing fortnite they have like cups imagine that in four guys that’ be sick Bro these idiots are freaking body blocking em like can you actually I’d be able to see my name on like the top top 100 if I got There or however I think fortnite is like top, or something I don’t know but I’m not good at fortnite so that’s not very Useful oh sugar come on that was close GG TJ he almost took the mick for too long but GG that’s what you get John all right Co screen if you join up N3 usuy Tim wants a jump Ben wants a hex guys vote in the chat what should we play next let me know track time Lily or

Track time all right so we got one for hex one for jump one for Lily or track time Li Benny wants a lily Ben wants a track time now so two for track two for Lily l time three for Lily track three Li ly ly all right we’ll do Lily

Then ly time we do ly time It’s y full lost him welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far full loost wait is it wait what let me recount let me recount so Ben wants a track got two votes track Ben wants a track Benny wants a lily so that’s one

All oh you P you want a track cuz you said both so I kind of count you for both so I put you p is track so that’s two for track one for Lily and then Jay wants Lily so that’s two all and then Tim I want track Tim wants

A lily so that’s three to Lily and two for track he’ll join next round Wait Li am i counting it right I’m counting three for Lily two for track oh tjz wants track now it’s three track three Lily it’s a tie oh now full L what Lily now we got four Lily three track track it’s track it’s it’s Lily right now guys it’s Lily I’m not counting

Wrong it’s l time right now WTF do I put United no I don’t J I know I don’t no okay fine I’ll join next round all right d all right all right full lost in let’s get you in let’s get you in full lost in I’ll wait for you don’t worry

But track after track not Lily we’ll see if y we’ll see I always do majority votes so if track if track um gets majority votes afterwards then yeah we’ll see all right let’s get full lustin in and then we’ll start let me know when you’re in full lustin let me know when you’re

In you got go Ben all right Ben I’ll see you later G enjoy this to day Ben enjoy this to day thank you for playing thank you for popping in Ben has in I’m in all right let’s start then I got 12 watching now is everyone in start

Right if you’re not in let me know now I’ll I’ll do 10 second countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 let go go to a different Channel okay full lost all right I’ll see you in a sec then full lost

In it was more for Lily than it was for track um Benny by quite a lot especially when Ben left cuz that knocked one off a track as well [Applause] more full lost in let’s go welcome back on your second account so you remember me yeah of

Course D of course of course I remember you WTF you on of course I me you all right let’s get this uh let’s get this oh let’s not waffle around here let’s get this time going have three accounts have three accounts nice Austin nice that’s cool free track free

Ly I’ve never had this glitch before I can’t restart my attempt what I’ve been glitched before but I’ve never had I’ve never been glitched like this I’ve just been paused on restarting I’ll have to go to the end then I [Applause] Guess bro you joking what I just can’t restart my attempt n that’s annoying to me really Lord blocking bro I just can’t restart this attempt is terrible so I’m going to wait till wait at the end till I’m ready till I’m ready to Go okay right welcome in Lord blocking by the way welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far hope you’re having a good day so far brilliant I’m in the I’m in the final BR are you joking oh back here wait What you going to join let’s go Daner let’s go nice nice I’m Jo next let’s go Benny let’s go W guys W [Applause] okay are you ready for this time yeah you [Applause] ready okay we’re going to go can’t reset my no man can’t reset you know

What it’s not going to count no matter what so I’m just going to go for my f my best run yo capu chin welcome in welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far capin welcome in let’s go let’s not go let’s restart that that was

Terrible I got some weird glitch guys oh de there he’s going to take the hammer oh I need the hammer BR bro why didn’t I dive why didn’t I dive oh my this is awful oh my God man I’m so bad at this game I’m

Dog oh my God I’m actually n well done no 1K Subs no I’m actually too I’m not even going to bother that is horrific that is horrific guys what am I doing oh my n bro I can’t I need to I’ve got no time I can’t end it on that you

Guys are going to think I’m a Noob Blood bro that was that was a shock in performance GG’s I had a shocking performance there I mean I had a glitch but that didn’t even matter I couldn’t even get the hammer right now yo Benny let’s get you in let’s get you in ah thank you Dante thank you

I I have to run all the way back appreciate it GG second nice limbo track yeah guys vote in the chat what should we play next what should we play Austin wants a limbo T Jazz wants a track Benny wants a lily Jay wants a lily limbo track it’s four for limbo three

For two for track sorry can we do hexon or vult four for limbo three for track track yo Ops welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far um I’m doing majority votes Ops so if you want to vote for a hex or TH or a vault then you can I’ll

Put one vote towards it but it looks like in the moment we either going to be doing Lily or track um guys just say it once just say it once in the chat guys just say it once don’t spam it limbo um looks like we’re going to do

Limboo if I can find it sorry there it is Yo full guy welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome to stream you’re in let’s go D let me count the votes up let me recount the votes so we got one Lily two Lily three uh two three Lily yeah we’re going to do we’re going to do Lily

Guys oh we have Ops I always do the majority votes so Vault doesn’t have majority votes at the moment so we’re going to stick to a lily because that’s what has the majority votes just say it once guys just say it Once is everyone in guys if you’re not in let me know in the chat now I’m going to start if everyone’s in all right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 one all right I’m going to go guys let’s start this one up good luck guys good luck let’s

Go yeah I’ve started guys I’ve started Do you like carniv plants carniv plants Hummer um I don’t really know what that is Dante I don’t really know what Carnival plant is sorry Dante someone has McDonald’s internet someone has yeah someone has Wi-Fi someone had make Wi-Fi [Applause] Rip let’s go guys all right let’s go guys let’s go plus bugs all right s ending I didn’t see what the ending was I like this cuz everyone hates it I like it because everyone hates it so I’ve got I’ve got the upper Hand let’s Go let’s go Dante with a hammer oh rip GG’s guys GG’s I didn’t even try the hmer I you died yeah rip Dante rip bro Unlucky C nice Benny Nice okay let’s go let’s go good luck everyone be the fans please please please no okay never mind my favorite ending is the fan the fan ending I don’t know why but I just like it I just like a bit the fan [Applause] ending my own personal preference everyone’s different

Oops I messed it up hopefully I can get still get second though or even first sure let’s go first do you like carnivorous don’t want to talk about it don’t want to talk about It GG’s at least I qualifi day yeah yeah Dante yeah why not I don’t really have much of opinion on him but I mean why not first you got first ice 10 I through I thought you were going to get first I thought I was going to get first

As well Austin then I’d like I don’t even know I went too Faring Benny don’t spam don’t spam Benny rage faceing rage face en rage faceing rage face en rage face en rage face en rage face en rage face en rage face en rage face face en face en face en face en face face face got bad Spa it’s gooded face enraged face

Ened face enraged face enraged face en en face en face en face en face en face face I know I know that’s a good F going die anyway of my hear him what you hearing dant what you hearing needs to F help what am I hearing G bro I choked

So g g g g g oh the AI he just reading out the messages done there’s a code if you join up guys N3 u y everyone V track track my is what is track track hey guys vot in the chat what play next what play next time Lily track track time

Lily limbo limbo time treat track Track two for Lily one for track Sor sorry two for Lily one for sweet thieves three for track three for Lily three for track one for sweet pees or treat fees TR so we got a tide boat with limbo and Track treat SE treat feves track well now we got uh now we got win um 12 track okay now we’re tired again BR track br oh no now track’s winning now track winning wait for me okay join all ops you join soon that’s sick that’s sick wait for me

Let’s get you in Jay let’s get you in don’t spam don’t spam the mode guys just say it once just say it once if you guys keep spamming it I’ll have to time you out just once guys h l enraged face car one for a long time very be patient

Even though it’s still time s you’re in let’s go Jay all right we’ll St in 10 9 8 yo Christian welcome in welcome in stream Christian I hope you’re having a good day so far um seven six CER five four 3 2 one finally and I’m on the wrong mode Let’s

Go yeah I’m doing track guys I’m doing track we’re doing track doing yes you’re welcome TR Okay track got the majority votes so that’s why we’re doing it I always do whatever gets a majority votes and track did get the majority votes that’s why we’re doing it guys thanks TR I agree with you foost but it’s what the majority wants to play so we’re playing it [Applause]

Oh you’re joking are you serious got this again I got this glitch again two games in a row it happened thir the first time I try and reset twice bro why is it always me give someone else a [Applause] glitch can’t get a timeo it won’t let [Applause] [Applause] me

If I got over the checkpoint do you guys know what I mean if I went over it shushing face magnifying glass tilted right computer Mouse did I get over it or not no I didn’t no Mind put It got my head Smacked get rid of time modes they’re terrible they’re all glitched as well [Applause] oh I got high there [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Yo Mary welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far Mary welcome into the Stream if you want to join up you’re more than welcome to we’re doing Customs right now everyone’s welcome to join up can I go on this I can wait I have an idea can you get up

You we’ll see we’ll see mod do majority votes so we’ll see um if if majority vote for to do time Lily then we’ll do time [Applause] Lily first now first n Aus nice I’m glitched I can’t even get time on last quality so I’m curious

Can I like stay on the hammer thing not if I’m terrible like that oh in PR all right guys vote in the chat what should we play next whilst I get the code in the screen only say it once guys only say it once I win Red I only say it once Lio okay time ly limbo Time liy Time liy liy Track Time Time ly slime track okay one two three four time Lily one two 3 four for five for Lily one for track one for slime it looks like doing time Lily I

Can’t lie sorry there’s the code guys Sor that’s my bad I’ll for now we’ll seeon you w well played full lost well played there’s a Code N3 uy oh my I forgot to change the pin message it still says Customs after this game oh my Can’t you see let’s get that new PIN message going there we go new PIN message got the code in it time Li yes sir Al beam we are doing time Lily time Lily has the majority votes by quite far yph please don’t spam stop magnifying glass tilted right

Magnifying glassed join up codes on screen let’s get everyone in let’s get everybody In remember do you support Manchester United yo my Mr Beast welcome into the stream I hope you’re having a good day so far Mr Beast welcome in all right if you’re not in let me know in the chat now if no one says wait we’re going to get started in

10 seconds if no one says wait so if you want to join in just uh just say wait in the chat yo I’m a d guy welcome in you changed your name and profile who who were you before I hope you’re having a good day so far right 10 nine let me

Know in the chat if you’re not in I’ll wait for you uh 10 9 8 7 6 5 four D full guy wait all right what’s your name D full guy so I know when to start when when you pop up there isn’t a mode to One V

One G um Jay I don’t I don’t support man united now wait yeah yeah wait for you as long as you’re going to be quick um obviously I can’t wait that long but Cod on the screen N3 usy okay 15 you okay 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

2 one let’s go I hope that I hope it was in you’re in okay nice nice yeah we started guys we started don’t worry guys we Started let’s go only a while you were yeah I know Mr Beast yeah I know crazy when you said four emotional damage all right let’s go guys let’s go good luck everyone can you full lost I always do majority votes so there’s no point asking me now

Cuz we do majority votes every time every round unless the stream says Lily only or something like that then obviously we’ll just do whatever the mode is on but yeah but but we always do majority votes we going try get a PB let’s go Benny okay don’t reset cuz I’m going to get glitch if I try reset I’m going to get glitch already know it are you joking I didn’t even reset and it’s already giving me the glitch completely bugged forever doing [Applause] my I doing I was trying to read the chat I actually don’t know what I was doing but I’m I’m glitched every single time around I’m always glitched so it doesn’t matter what I’m doing and this is just embarrassing lovely restart FG all right yeah that’s

Fair yeah I know McFlurry yeah I’m just going to leave it though cuz then I have to restart streaming I might as well just deal with the consequences I might have to just just be glitched every time around MC flurry skull skull [Applause] skull no don’t mess this up for me come on oh you’re flipping my beans saacks oh I didn’t even cuz my game’s broken [Applause] hi flurry it’s Speedy you’re flipping you’re being sax fing your beans yeah I know Christian I know unbelievable unbelievable later we will play K I hope

You are having a full yo Daman welcome in I hope you’re having a good day later me will play Let’s Go Daman it’ be good to get you in hope you are having a fan fantastic a fastic yes I am Daman I really am you too Daman you

Too it’s good to see you Damian welcome back you are let’s go let’s go massive W’s Damian nice yes I am Okay oh lovely I’m glad to hear that Dam I’m glad to hear that oh nice Dam nice let’s Go need controller new controller okay GG’s there GG’s good G you first nice Curr play GP GG’s everyone GG’s hello that’ll be nice yo Andy welcome back Andy welcome back good to see you Andy so there’s the code guys N3 u y if you want to join up

Guys full l in all full l in I’ll see you later enjoy this your day full l in thank you for playing with us and yeah enjoy this your day okay Daman sounds good enjoy your YouTube I will see you later Damian yo I don’t know to be honest

Welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far do Time Track yeah guys vote in the chat what should you play next vote in the chat I’m doing it by the way if you’re new I do majority votes so everyone votes just everyone votes once

So just say it once in the chat what you want to play and um and I’ll do majority votes so just say just say it once guys just Once if you say it more than once then I won’t count your vot I I’ll have to start doing that I’ll have to start doing that because otherwise it’s difficult to keep Up okay limbo Jus yeah yeah I know I know yes oh right someone could you Justin okay time nice track nice people want hold on I can’t I can’t keep track cuz so many people say the same thing over and over Again extra CRA it’s a three-way Tire thin ice hex of gravity and Track I know the ice has got more has it it’s a nice winning maybe no it’s just not is it it’s nice it’s it’s tired hi yo Leo welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far start all right we’ll get um hi asteris jump

Track we’ve done so many time modes already guys it’s my first game with so SD TR Vault Vault we haven’t done a vault yet vault’s tired as well oh no vault’s winning no vault’s actually winning already never mind all right let’s start in 10 9 8 7 6

5 4 3 2 1 let’s go I was um I was going to say we’re going to do a vault cuz it’s tired and we haven’t done it yet but Vault was winning anyway so we’ll get a vult Going yo D football welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far D football we did just start sorry we started before you said that I don’t know there might be stream delay but yeah apologize D Bo I hope you’re having a good day so far though I’ll hoot you Nice there 100 IQ I don’t Know1 230 * 81 230 81 2 oh God I’m not I can’t do this math right now wait no 20 20 2 3 * 81 23 * 81 23 oh it’s to early in the morning to early in the morning Uhoh I’m dead GG first Yes I’m in just about EAS I di it’s 9:43 I think is it 9:43 23 * 81 943 I might be Wrong w w w w I’m definitely wrong I’m completely Wrong you di though rip bro rip you died rip D rip easy call nice Benny nice J nice GG’s guys GG’s oops I tried to jump over but I got grabbed yeah d yeah I know I’ve seen you I’ve seen you the master W I was doing Something yeah I was reading the chat y p I’ll go grab do just reading the chat why you have to be so am with The all right good L Guys may the best be win for GG’s we play Benny good game guys good game yes I’m going to get code in the screen now stop with grabbing g code is n3u y if you want to join up guys GG’s GG’s you got go I’ll see you later enjoy

This your day thank you for playing with USP thank you for dropping to the stream I appreciate you and take care right let’s get everyone in guys I’m going to keep it grabbing a loud out Bean cuz thanks you know it’s just part of the

Game if you guys want to join up go on the screen if you guys want to vote in the chat for the next game mode you can go ahead now but only put it once otherwise I’m not going to count your vote if you put it more than once I’m

I’m not going to count it I’ve got by you Okay wait wait okay one for hex gravity one for fin one for blast pool blastx grass right two for he gravy the moment is like hex gravity it was me Among Us Four okay okay I’ll be ex grab where is it at the moment if nothing else gets votes I grabbed some guys came to Gra okay to nice join out guys already in only say it once I’ll be just say it once um 250 nice two extra [Applause] gravity do Nice ni or hex gravity I don’t know I’ll do fin no hex let’s start this one we might do he gravity soon Benny but it was tired so I just thought i’ do a fin I cuz we had people asking for fin I earlier on as well but it never got the majority

Votes but um If hexor gravity ties with something I’ll do it if x gravity tires votes with something in the future I’ll do I’ll make sure to do it El bro you hate hexagraph if if hex gravity ties something Benny I’ll do it or or obviously if it gets majority votes I’ll

Obviously do it then yeah yeah we’ll see Dante we’ll see if it gets majority votes or even if it gets tied votes or something I’ll do oh Wow GG’s GG’s hello I was Targeted W Shadow who’s targeting you Dante yo Shadow welcome in hope you’re having a good day so far Shadow welcome into the stream let’s get this fin going let’s go that’s close I’m On3 I’m on 23 crowns let’s go Shadow yeah I remember when I hit that I remember when I hit that as well I was like oh that’s sick that’s the year let’s go GG’s um Andy GG’s I someone named as a friend I think that might be mej I think that’s probably

Mej GG’s GG Benny GG good game guys let’s get into the final now sorry Benny [Applause] Sorry don’t spam emotes face en R face rage face en rage face rage face en rage face rage face R face rage face en rage 29 nice yeah GG Andy GG’s let’s get the final a h h and almost everyone targeting me rage faceing rage faceing rage faceing rage faceing rage face en rage face don’t spam Benny don’t spam emojis yes do you have a friend with a monkey with popping out eyes Ben nightbot one bad guys zero stop spamming

In Moose I’m not sure Jay I’m not sure phone Red Heart index pointing up and crossbone mobile phone grinning face with good luck yeah good luck ging face with big eyes ging face with big eyes saluting face ging face with smiling eyes face vomiting face with

Tears of joy face with tears of joy beaming face with smiling eyes grinning squinting face grinning face beaming face with smiling eyes mobile phone grinning face let’s go how are you RJ all right a little bugger [Applause] GG [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] h [Applause] Hamry come here Hammer why you grab me GG’s GG’s Indeed easy let I on last GG’s guys GG’s there’s a Code N3 usy you won let’s go D for we played why gra me Dante is part of the game grabing part the game it’s allowed you can grab whoever you want d as long as you don’t Target specific

People don’t spam game modes out of be don’t just say it once if you say it more than once I’m not going to count it if you say the mode more than once I’m not going to count it BL jump please BL B oh damn PE welcome in P though um I

Hope you’re having a good day hopefully uh you can get that fixed and you can play soon but it’s good to see you Pak good to see you you see a lot of people targeted me limbo X gra go see you later enjoy it uh whatever you doing in the meantime okay we

Got hex gravity hex gravity quing hand ping quing hand ping quing hand ping quing hand ping quing we doity guys do he even though I can’t play hexag Gravity hexagraph after being I doent count only say majority of you want to do hexy if you say the mode more than once I’m not

Going to count it not it matters anyway cuz most people said hexag gravity but it might matter in the future don’t do hexag gravity Ending this what the majority of people want Shadow sorry I’m going to have to do it we’re going to start in 10 seconds 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go hopefully everyone was in hopefully I know you’re going to grab me glasses made a and almost everyone tared

Me anybody I see I will grab Hammer might how are you bro no grabbing oh yo Connor welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far Connor welcome into the stream uh grabbin are allow that being grabbin is Allow sorry dant sorry all right Leo um yeah Conor how you doing today how you doing How you Doing Oh almost W off the end my bad I’m joining your Nintendo player welcome into the stream I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome In I hope everyone’s having a fantastic day so far [Applause] oh Benny oh Benny with a cheeky grab you’re going to regret that Benny you’re going to getet never mind GG g G you spectate me grain’s allowed guys grabbin allowed out being grabbin is allowed you can grab yeah GG’s guys he spect me yeah sure Andy sure why not I’ll spectate you Andy sure I don’t count it okay where’s that Andy I’m getting aim four all right there’s there’s Andy

There you are spectating you now Andy there you [Applause] Go yo Mossy welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far M welcome into the [Applause] stream and no targeting done for good no targeting you can’t Target so yesterday no problem multi no problem at [Applause] All [Applause] because I lost [Laughter] [Applause] PS here we go Hi yo Ren yeah it’s all good M it’s all good welcome in Ran I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome into stream machine I hope everyone’s having a good day yeah I’m not a massive fan of hexa uh not of hexar gravity either Jay Sorry GG’s I think we’re in the final now are we eight people eight people final maybe I’m so sorry I can’t play with you please stop no problem at all I appreciate you popping into the stream I appreciate you coming in Ren that’s absolutely no Problem No targeting guys I’m eat all right Dante enjoy your food enjoy your food a rip Andy Rip Shadow I always do majority votes I always do majority votes so we’ll see gun for guy don’t Target I’ll have to kick you if I see targeting him let me See not Again no targeting D guy I don’t have to kick you out your content I appreciate that ran thank you yo therapist welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far therapist welcome into stream welcome in hope you’re having a fantastic day but yeah Ren that means a lot thank you

I’m you’re good I’m glad to hear that therapist I’m glad to hear that W let’s Go rip among the sky rip among the sky yeah rip What else we Got good luck guys good luck still got eight of you left still got eight people left crazy at least it’s not going to be a timeout cuz there’s so many people Here on fire B how you r four guys out of 10 how four guys out of 10 uh probably like a nine therapist they could definitely do with some updates but I mean it’s all right they could I mean they did they did do an update recently but I mean they could do some more updates

It’s the H best game ever best game ever let’s go let’s go let go I got slime scraper in my game I love that round let’s go therapist let’s go I love I love slime scrap as well slime scrap is my favorite round absolute massive W there you go

Chat does anyone agree all guys is better it’s done for by now yeah D for guy you’re going to stop targeting I’ll give you a warning if you’re going to if you if if you say you’re going to stop targeting and if you do stop taring if I see you if you

Say you’re going to stop targeting it if I see you targ again I’m going to have to kick you D for guy I’m not tar I saw you targeting I saw you target al be at the start of the round I’m not yes you are if you target

Again I have to kick you so don’t Target by the way guys um only say your mode once or I won’t count it but guys vote in the chat what do you want to play uh Jay wants a limbo bu guy wants a hexa ring Peak wants Vault Shadow wants

To jump all right whatever expressionless face all right Benny let’s wait for you I’ll be much a blast ball at the moment we got two for blast so at the moment we’re going to do Blast two for blast and congrats for winning the round GG’s guys by the way yeah let’s get everyone in join up guys join up let’s go got 16 in right now let’s go we 17 a minute ago but you said you on Fire I spe and slim straight for got first round the best all right we’re going to start in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go BL got majority vs so one Time last got majority Guys good luck everyone actually know it tied it did tie actually it tied with Lily t s Hammer two blast three time Le WTS we see we’ll See oh damn all right I’ll do a timely next guys I’ll do a timely Next everyone wish wow wow yeah good luck everyone good luck for real imagine if happened to join volume welcome in volume yeah we can do Lily next so if you want to join up you can I hope everyone’s having a good day so far I’m not I was and then now I’m

Not yeah GG’s GG’s yo Cameron welcome in welcome in Cameron I hope you’re in a fantastic day so far GG L blast welcome Cameron grab a snack and enjoy the stream all right so guys um time ly next what was I saying what was I saying actually forgot what I was going

To say I forgot I was in the middle of saying Something anyway uh Cameron if you want to join up the next game you’re more than welcome to everyone’s everyone’s welcome to join in yes Ren grab a snack enjoy the stream 100% unless you’re playing then I mean you can play and eat at the same time suppose yeah enjoy the stream enjoy the Stream time next yeah we’ll do time next guys we do Lily next if I’ll ask people if they want to do time or not I think time probably right I think people want to do time right GG yeah we do time thenis all right if you want to join up

Guys the code’s N3 usuy if you want to join up there’s the code and we’re going to get time Lily going unless we go over 20 if we go over 20 we’ll have to do a ly inbo yo Super Burger welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far super

Burg welcome into the stream I’m RI D for go rip W time W I’m me let’s go camon let’s Go all right let’s get everybody in let’s go let’s go all right if you’re not let me know in the chat now we’re going to wait 10 seconds right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 all let’s go I hope everybody was in

I’m pretty sure they were but um I hope everyone was 16 player little let’s go 16 people yeah bu be mad with 16 people 100% yeah crazy ran can you not see the pin message I’m pretty sure I have it pin mess I’m pretty sure I have the code pinned already do I not I’m pretty sure the code’s

Pinned can you can you guys not see the Pinn message W Sans w w fan variation oh there a fan variation let’s go let’s go oh my God what is this there’s too many beans oh it’s all [Applause] there never Mind too many beans for this guys too many beans oh this is the double you variant I got shame I got glitch hey I can’t get a Time on the board cuz of my glitch but this is a good variant I can’t I got a glitch

It won’t let me it won’t let me i’ have to restart the game to stop it but if I restart stra the game I have to restart the stream so I’m just not going to bother oops that was not the plan that was not the plan either try

Again that was not the plan that was not the plan none of this none of this is the plan guys this isn’t the plan if you guys weren’t aware I want to redo that rolling on the floor Laughing let’s try that again I’m glitched so I can’t get a Time on the board anyway so I might as I might well I didn’t mean to do that but I might as well try and just practice the ending cuz I like theend oh my God nothing’s going my way today is it

Nothing’s going my way all right here we go oh d there trust me guys I’m not usually this bad okay camera is loost at least it wasn’t you know so what is going on Damn bro you joking really should I just quit the game right now guys should I just quit like what’s what am I doing what am I doing someone is in a way rolling on the floor last night 3 minutes and 25 seconds this is world record guys we’re at world record Pace right Now was that I think that was a word record that was a record right oh hello someone tell me otherwise but if I’m if I’m not wrong I think that was a word record 100% yo sugar welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far suar Hill welcome into the

Stream welcome in it’s good to see you uhoh good let’s go sh girl I’m glad to hear that I’m glad to hear that a sugar he can can we complete in 20 seconds uh the answer is no he’s funny when he dies where am I going

GG’s GG’s all right let’s get uh let’s get everyone into the into the game I’ll get the code on the screen in a second G gz indeed well played Levy second nice Benny nice I was third codes on the screen guys you third nice D full guy Cod on the screen N3

Usy I still one N3 usy if you want to join up guys and guys vote in the chat what you want to play next and just say it once guys cuz if you say it more than once I’m not going to count your vote so super bgus is

Track full guys says vote Andy says jump nice Jay all right J I’ll see you later enjoy the day J enjoy the day thank you for playing I appreciate you playing take care okay limbo track jump jump jump three for jump two for track Yo Ethan welcome into the stream I

Hope you’re having a good day so far Ethan welcome in I hope you’re having a fantastic day so far oh nice Grady nice that’s [Applause] sick I can use toyss hello okay right now we’re going to do a jump guys if you’re not in let me know in the chat Now if you’re not in let me know in the chat now we go and just say wait I’m going to join all right Ethan let’s wait for you let’s wait for you anyone else just let me know and we’ll wait codes on screen N3 uy sry want to join In3 us why go is okay just put that in the chat There all right join up guys join up we got 16 in so far I got Ethan joining up let’s wait for Ethan if anyone else wants me to wait for them let me know in the chat and we’ll wait yes ran yeah I do use uh the PlayStation Yeah at the moment okay I think as soon as Ethan’s in we’re going to go okay was that Ethan that oh trist FG trist welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far trist hope you’re having a good day no I don’t use PC noan no

Okay be varation final is that Ethan that’s Ethan all right we’re going to start in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go 17 players jump is going to be well it’s going to be a lot of um what’s it called a lot of survivals before the

Final cuz there’s got to be like is it like seven it’s seven players if it’s if you got seven or less it’s a straight final I’m pretty sure if you get eight I think it goes into a Survival you’re back let’s go Benny welcome back all right good luck Evon Good Luck Good Luck I’ve got two people the same thing with that the white the white thing Shadow and banana that’s sick but they’re just completely wet Okay hi Ben GG’s GG’s hello okay 13 people qualified nice nice let’s go Oh lucky Hammer lucky Hammer yeah I was chilling I was chilling all right good up guys let’s go ni go all right we’re good we’re good we’re all Good damn okay it’s all right we’re good GG GG’s guys GG’s oh my jump just FL off the edge a rip superburger rip they lucky let’s go we’re in the final jump show down final round how many people are left Hammer did not dead Hammer is a lucky Hammer yes Sir how many people we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is it eight nine 10 10 people okay nine no nine nine people I can’t count oh dear that no that’s crazy I’m still alive I thought I was a dead Bean hammering back you’re back let’s go

Dan welcome back it’s good to see you back Dy good to see you back wa all we’re going to go over here oh we’re chilling we’re chilling oh you’re joking what was that bro I’m lucky would you be Rend I’m not lucky at all that was definitely not [Applause] Luck well played improved arm well played good game guys good game not when you die okay I’m going to get code in the screen in just a second if you guys want to join up okay right there’s the code guys N3 USU y it’s also on the pin message as well n 3

U y there you go in the chat as well all right join up guys join up let’s go let’s get everybody in v chat what should we do next I only say it once otherwise I won’t count it yeah what’s up Jay what’s up he stream lags damn my game was

Lagging okay track track track track track lot tracks lot tracks Guys from what I’m seeing it looks like you guys want to do a Track Attack okay Merry Christmas chat Merry Christmas yes Merry Christmas I mean we’re getting close it’s kind of close to Christmas it’s kind of close you’re right jump Out let’s go J I appreciate it J W’s I’m in let’s go dantey okay I think we’re going to get a track going the majority want a track so we’re going to start if not if you’re not in let me know in the chat now just

Say wait but we’re going to start if no one says wait we’ll start in 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 One let’s Go ran I um I’ll make a I’ll make a community post on it I’ll make a community Post Community post on [Applause] Machine we’re going to do a track uh Benny cuz you got the most votes we always do majority votes guys we always do majority votes no matter [Applause] what call [Applause] Okay I don’t know what’s happening with my chat here I’m just trying to get it back [Applause] up in the meantime let’s [Applause] Go is right yes I think it is yeah yeah it is yeah [Applause] you’re right M you’re [Applause] right go got a Glitch [Applause] I’m glitched guys I’m [Applause] glitched SP startop that’s [Applause] odd [Applause] Damn that was not the plan a rip oh we spawned up here no we spawned down here I don’t know wait what I just got wiped out got wiped [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] out e yeah bro Stop let’s [Applause] Go all right hi [Applause] Hammer yo laser world world welcome in laser world I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome into the [Applause] Stream [Applause] [Applause] Go Come on go go go go go go oh damn lelle I hope you feel better soon I hope you feel better Soon can we finish this in 20 seconds e let’s try I’m better now let’s try you better now let’s go I’m glad to hear that let I’m glad to hear that massive W’s uhoh are we going to finish time bam GG I never finish GG’s G nice very nice all

Right well played Shadow there by the way GG’s guys Co in the screen if you want to join up N3 u y and guys vote in the chat vote in the chat what should we play next just uh just say it once guys just say it once and uh yeah da welcome

Back welcome back it’s good to see you again yeah still glitch Down Still glitch I need to restart my game but I’m not going to do it whilst Um whilst I’m streaming because it will restart stream all right d I’ll wait for you of course of course wait I’m join let’s as well I’ll wait for you of course let’s get you guys in let’s get you guys in let’s go PC play Yo manifest welcome into the stream

I hope you’re having a good day right what we got we got track track free jump uh jump limbo jump limbo start limbo two for limbo two for jump my game is loading limbo limbo limbo Okay jump jump oh enraged face enraged face jump or limbo

Guys jump or limbo got a tire right Now pretty sure there’s three jump three limbo if I’m not wrong I might be wrong one two oh no there’s full jump oh you know you’re right you’re right there actually full jump Ben’s right we’ll do a Jump Okay right if you’re not in let me know in the chat now if everybody’s in you’re in let’s go down to uh I’ll start in 10 seconds all right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two 1 okay let’s go we got 20 now we got 20

In let’s sells in let’s start then let’s start 20 out of 30 let’s go W’s let’s go guys good luck guys good luck [Applause] Everyone [Applause] ah rip J Jump’s fun this is cool yeah this is quite cool grabbin allowed Benny but um if you if you get people who are happy to time out of you just be careful that you don’t get grabed Matthew to watching yo Robert welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far Robert watch on TV for a bit let’s go Robert let’s go I appreciate it I almost walked off the edge watching reading chat so I hope you get better soon Robert for real bam

GG again a lucky super BG unlucky GG qualified GG qualified Nice List GG’s guys GG’s 15 likes W’s guys W’s let’s go [Applause] I yo DJ or FX welcome in FX I hope you’re having a good day so far FX welcome in to stream go on leino go on leino go on I hope you guys get better soon as well volume I hope you get better soon as well fair enough Robert [Applause] yeah yeah

Crazy leino is my son he loves your levels your fun oh nice that’s sick FX you loves your levels I appreciate it I appreciate it thank you for the support guys 19 likes let’s go let’s go great stream thank you Robert thank [Applause] you okay GG GG’s guys [Applause] Play another game Dante fair enough what other game You’ playing D to 19 let’s go one more till 20 that’s Crazy that is Insane be anyal could be any animal what why uh I’d be a hammerhead shark cuz um cuz it’s cuz it’s got a hammerhead yeah [Applause] [Applause] I’ll probably be a human Robert humans are animals right I’ll probably be a human unlucky volume unlucky GG’s guys we’re in the final now what animal would you be Robert and why why would you be the animal yes yes sir yes sir what about There Laino there he is let’s go good luck guys good luck have a PS5 nice ran nice do I attempt to Bar jump or not I’m not that good at him I can’t lie that was embarrassing that was embarrassing of the jungle gorilla king of the jungle enough that was actually horrific what

Was that bar jump I literally slid through the Gap damn D I’ll join you all right ran let’s go it’s good to get you guys in so I can I’m So me dant there you go I got you D I’m spectating you Now uh volume I’ll probably not do that R if it gets too repetitive like if like if we do it like a lot a lot of times in a row then uh then I’ll say you know what we’re going to switch it up now but twice in a row I’ll probably I’ll

Probably do it anyway yo D Angel welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far D Angel welcome into the stream it’s good to see you okay we got um we got four people left good luck guys we got Dante Asda is that Asda who’s Asda oh rip

Lino rip oh no Assad I read Asda anyway let’s get back to um D good luck guys good luck May the best Bean win let’s go let’s go guys let’s Go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Damn One V one unlucky Asad Wasing Jelly Bean or baked bean what’s a jelly bean jelly bean oh the little cuz when when you said Jelly Bean I read I thought in my head like jelly like is in like the weird floppy thing I like jelly but jelly beans are

Completely different I’d rather a jelly bean than a baked bean cuz jelly beans just nicer how’s the so far popcor yellow stri Smile how they been so far it’s been it’s been really good Angel how about yourself how’s your day been D Angel how’s your day Been all right guys if you want to join up with Customs the code is there N3 u y if you want to join in and yeah guys vote in the chat what should we play next guys what should we play next just say it once though guys just say it once

Jelly Bean or green bean probably Jelly Bean again Rober jum time limbo limbo jump Blast Lio Limbo Just say it once guys was I’m not going to count your vote it looks like a limbo Lio Lio if you say the mode more than once I’m not going to count your vote but I think limbo’s still winning Anyway if you’re not in already and you want to join in um let’s get you in let me know in the chat if you want to join in just say wait if no one says wait we’ll get started I’ll give you guys like 10 seconds 10 n 8 7 6 5 4

3 go okay good luck guys we got majority votes for limbo there guys let’s go let’s go D Angel massive W’s crazy crazy he’s a you now hmer is this the most amount of players hmer what’s the most play Customs oh probably like 22 likes w w probably like 25 maybe we’ve had

Before in the customs Vol Um for two hours robt two hours F what does f mean you always say that Vol but I have no idea what you mean by That Dante your message what you said last didn’t go through the the last message that’s gone through from you Dante is slime and it’s limbo so I better go I thought it was time Lily and I thought I’d be glitched so I just wasn’t going but now I’ve looked at the screen and

I’ve gone oh well it’s uh it’s limbo actually so we’re going to get move on and we’re going to hopefully still qualify and we’re not going to qualify at all now we’re gone we G come on yeah no I had no chance I was AFK for so long yeah

GG that was AFK for way too long there before slime oh you got hit ragor by another player Rip D rip unlucky bro unlucky all right good luck guys good Luck 20 likes W thank you guys thank You all right good luck every Oh don’t know D don’t know the golden ratio what’s the golden Ratio how’s your day been anyways Hammer Hammer my day been good thank you Robert how’s your day been how’s de no I already asked you that did I already ask you that I can’t remember but I hope your day’s been well Robert my day’s been

Good how are you today yo a welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far how’s your day going I’m doing good thank you Arin I’m doing good today thank you how about yourself second nice Benny GG’s guys GG’s oh Fe means the go ratio wait what I’m still confused by

That hammer how are you I hate this I’m doing good thank you Dante how about yourself yeah Robert yeah I hope you get well soon game damn so many consle in this game yes I am a console player volume as well got eliminated rip e rip unlucky reason Master is um unlucky buggy

Game we done stay uh go up you need good grammar played a bit of football edited a short streamed that’s it BTW 1.02k and I watched a film actually I watched Spider-Man already on your way to 2K do you play Roblox good let’s go D I’m glad to hear

That buy VH not 1.02 Subs 2K yeah we are we’re moving we’re moving to be it’s not too bad I’m glad to that Rob it’s much I’ve watched The Amazing Spider-Man just number one I watched Amazing Spider-Man 2 yesterday so I watched The Amazing Spider-Man one

Today cuz why not Holland how did I fail that uh the one that’s uh Andrew Garfield Robert Andrew Garfield is The Amazing Spider-Man did you play Roblox no not really Dy sorry I don’t really play the Roblox often codes on the screen guys you want to join up N3 u

Y I’m store oh welcome in Dalma I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome in that’s cool good good yeah I mean Amazing Spider-Man’s better than Spider-Man I think but I like no way home and stuff like that and homecoming they they those are good as well Track

Attack yeah guys vote in the chat we should play next just say it once so guys um yo rudo welcome in welcome in rudo hope you’re having a good day so far I hope you’re having a good day so far rudo yeah Robert fair enough yeah yeah I I understand I understand blast

Track blast V slime blast I think we got most for blast and and gotman Um um yes sir yes sir good how’s I’m doing good thank you R I’m glad to hear you’re doing well um but yeah I think Andrew gar is probably my fa favorite Spiderman yeah I think I’m have to say Andrew Garfield yeah that angel we’re going to do a blast B guys

We’re going to do a blast B I think let me recount one two let me recount I’m recounting guys two actually I am looking yeah we’re doing a blast any day right let’s start 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go hopefully everyone was in

Probably Dante probably one day we’ll see fornite profile I have no plans right now but probably one day I mean you never knows he’s good one yes he’s Rob I mean I just told you he’s my favorite so I hope I’d say he’s a good one yes

Rocken okay there was three time oh really ar oh that’s that’s cool that’s cool he didn’t catch I hope it went I hope you test went well yesterday and said that I lost and on Lost Temple I fell for the m and yeah yeah that’s the one that’s Amazing Spider-Man 2 already um

Robert That’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 it wasn’t MJ though Robert it wasn’t mg it was it was Gwen it was Gwen not mg G Stacy I’ll read that in a second rud oh this is crazy seven 18 player 18 player um BL B final that’s it yeah yeah

Goe yo agent welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far asent welcome into the stream let’s go guys let’s go oh I won’t join because I’m trying gold oh okay I want trying to get golden witch bottom oh good luck with that agent good

Luck I hope you get it that’s no problem at all I hope you can get to get some crowns get that golden witch bottom I wish you will wish you well go for the floor what damn to on Ro and said that I lost and could get anything Oh de GG’s so yeah straight final for blast ball daning you won a rolloff game yesterday and J Lost Temple hi Hammer can you add me again because my brother deleted everything on my friend’s list hell you killed yourself human Mill uh millimeters away from being saved yeah literally just about

Hit a head on the floor has nearly likes I oh really rudol I didn’t give you didn’t give you the the win oh that’s weird yo Mr freaky peanut welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far um yeah if you want to send me a

Friend yeah what’s your actually yeah yeah join I I’ll send you a friend request I’ll send you a friend request Miss freak yeah I kill myself ran yeah that’s crazy robt yeah yeah died rip down to GG’s guys GG’s I’m getting on let’s go suar Hill let’s

Go all right if you want to join up codes on the screen N3 usuy um wait please of course of course uh Mr fre of course let’s get you in hey guys vote in the chat what should we play next we got time ly Lily okay we

Got give me one minute time L time time Lily track Lily time four time Li time L if I win my next finally I got oh if we get one more we can’t do time Lily I hate L PC so much we can’t do any time mode 250 250 Crown nice agent that’s

Crazy oh damn unlucky we can do a limbo streer and asterisk five time Lily we can do a limbo in instead we can’t do a time anymore W stream I appreciate it D angel I appreciate it thank you means a lot should do limbo instead then yeah

Limbo slime okay hold on can’t do any time modes guys limbo better for yeah limbo let’s do limbo then guys let’s do limbo I I think limbo is better anyway right if you’re not in and you want to join in let me know in the chat

Now if you’re not in and you want to join let me know in the chat now I’ll give you guys 10 seconds we’ll start in 10 seconds okay 10 you’re in let’s go your girl let’s go 10 9 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 let’s go hopefully everyone was

In never play Li with this many people damn the body block is going to be crazy yeah sugar he don’t spam too many numbers too many numbers have 1K today that’s not happening I go for a bit I need to lay down fair enough yeah enjoy Dy day rest well you

Deserve a bit of rest see Robert take care in full m damn unlucky agent yeah rudo I hope so I hope so that’ll be crazy but I still got a crown from the Same oh Dear 13 players can qualify and I am going to be F hopefully if all goes well let’s go penguin body Block nice agent let’s go CR for the pass I’m back welcome back ler welcome back it’s good to have you back let’s go on computer this time you computer this time that’s sick R sick I’m still on controller yeah freak PE um let me get you

Added I need to find your tag first I’m pretty sure it’s just Mr fre beut but I’m just going to make sure cuz I’ve got to get it exactly right otherwise a rip rip Didn’t I ain’t going to play this it’s all good L it’s all good it’s good to see you back there need Hammer spawn a unlucky super BG unlucky unlucky my keyboard broke the keyboard broke what happen superg bro find good variation let’s go oh I’m in I

Thought I was dead I thought I was dead I’m alive I don’t know why I thought I was dead but I did we’re good though we’re Good why did I think I was dead I have no clue cre XZ cry x z let me remember that so I can add it in a sec okay I ain’t playing this game again I literally fell through the floor cry said La we’re doing Customs right now earli last

Night and player surv but about hexagon second Shadow just letting you know you got seconds I got a good Hammer lucky I already got him added he sent me a from I already got him added crazy okay right let’s find Mr freaky peanut I got Mr freaky

Peanut it’s all good ler it’s all Good rip Superburger oh nice agent time out he that’s sick agent that’s sick second okay let’s go let’s go how variation you guys are saying well only in L variation if I lose which is going to happen so I agree with you guys agree L variation Lovely yeah I knew well played volume GG’s guys GG’s ggz right let me add you now freak peanut let’s get everyone in guys let’s get everyone in I’ll show the code in the screen now code is N3 uy N3 Uy we C and A play guys and I joined if I do something wrong their age uh I don’t think you sent me a friend request yet search it 27 I have my brother to get that was done with my new update today so we’ll see what we do a little Later right let’s get every guys n usuy if you want to join up and yeah guys vote in the chat if what you want to play next vote in the chat what you guys want to play next Hammer I also want a friend many uh blast Blast um yeah rudo if you join up or if you add me rudo if you add me I can uh I can accept you and if you let me know your epic as well so I can search for it squads squads track track wait what Squad track

Or track it’s not only because it will be because I want to complete an achievement track okay later okay later uh yeah yeah R all yeah if you want to drop it later that’s fine we can’t do trap guys we got too many players we can’t even do squads can we

Oh no we can all right let’s do squads in Guys all right join up guys if if you’re not in let me know in the chat now we’ll get started in 10 seconds if everyone’s in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 okay let’s go hopefully everyone was in and whoever’s in the solo is

Unlucky just just to say that you know 17 we said last a plant a trumpet P plant I have no idea what that is dant well I’m not a plant expert NE don’t SP Emoji super expressionless face expressionless face unamused face worried face partying face slightly frowning face frowning face

Partying face face with open mouth face cold face sneezing face frowning face with open mouth nauseated face nauseated face clown face face with simp on mouth downcast face with sweat gming p with smiling eyes disappointed face alien monster face with steam from no pile of to fearful face kissing cat grinning cat

With smiling eyes kissing cats pull cull kissing cat angry face cat with r smile alien dizzy right anle bubble hand withing man manuring okay man woman gesturing no woman old woman frowning woman child man gesturing Okayo okay loudly crying face everyone a team of Three my teammate finished Trting horizontal traffic loudly crying face smiling face with sunglasses kitchen knif ping face kitchen knif angry face horizontal traffic life weary face crying face glowing star weary face grinning face with smiling sprinting face beaming face with smiling eyes star smiling face with hot Eyes go [Laughter] Cryes yes M fre you qualified first nice I okay Daman sounds cool sounds good Daman sounds good let’s go look forward to it nice D nice how’ you make it I just use the hammer Ethan be let’s go let’s go first of October all right Deon you’re more than welcome to join in um if you’re allowed

Damian no way eight people died and roll out in 15 seconds damn agent that’s crazy that is a quick round bro like and then well play slime [Applause] F come on guys come on we need to qualify I’m not I flopped it I flopped it come on are we good hopefully we’re good yes we’re good yeah we’re good GG’s let’s go let’s go a rip volume rip no complain honestly 12 player slime CL oh damn crazy

Nice yeah GG’s GG’s wait did no one die it said three qualified but four qualified what no elimination no eliminations what all right well we got tipto now good luck everyone good luck I have gold wolf on my team to let’s go PC team be able to do this some

Of them nice danty nice all right good luck everyone good [Applause] luck where’s the Hammers there’s one on the top right okay that’s good to know good to know going over here never mind [Applause] Finish guys finish run run run run run go go go go I’ll showed the path I showed the path for the other teams instead we Di bro and fighting fast today you died rip yeah BR my teammates sucking sorry we eliminated time for yeah rip guys rip they got dizzy

Hats isn’t there any two teams why have they been given a race round there’s only two teams and they’ve been given a race round [Laughter] bro [Applause] okay I top two qualify two out of two qualify let’s go what what round this is going

To be a what round this is going to be keep getting hexagon damn I mean it’s better than for better than for M yeah it is definitely hexagon’s better in full m 100% Benny’s back welcome back Benny welcome back good to see you back let’s go nice Benny Nice all right good luck guys well not that you need it cuz both of you both teams are going to qualify anyway so doesn’t matter but you know 26 likes nice 26 lik nice let’s go Benny let’s go w what just happened all right let’s go W all right good luck guys in the final got full mount in Final okay it’s not tiptoe finale low but still I like full Mount I turned it

On turn that I’ll turn the two second thing on so that people don’t spam what happened it’s only 2 seconds Anyway GG’s well played to the milk curtain duct tape cloudly crying face off was a milk carton it’s not a milk C it’s an arcade machine well played to duck tap and their team GG’s GG’s guys it’s not one minute richan it’s not one minute it’s 2 [Applause] Seconds right codes on the screen guys if you want to join up N3 u y if you want to join in and yeah guys vote in the chat what should we play next just say it once if you say it more than once I’m not going to count your

Vote you won nice Dante nice GG’s guys jump jump dat races jump jump Track Attack slime the Fest fin I can chat again vot my M yeah don’t spam emojis super don’t spam emojis also I’m joining for a round or two jump slimy okay agent no problem that’s no problem

At all I appreciate being in the Stream agent I appreciate you being in the Stream slime can you play my M slime slime get get slime going then guys let’s do a slime wait I change my vote most majority wants slime so that’s what

We’re going to do John if I can find it where is it I’ve got it a lot so five slime there it is okay yeah we’re going to do a slime guys we’re going to do a slime you’re welcome D you’re welcome if you’re not in the game let me

Know in the chat now if everyone’s in I’ll get started I’ll give you guys 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 one let’s go good luck guys good luck let’s get this slime under way let’s go it’s not when I choose it’s not when I chooses no it’s

Not volume it’s not No it’s majority votes majority votes not winner chooses let’s BL I [Applause] won You Antonio we’re doing um we’re doing majority votes uh we’re not doing viewers Maps right now we’re not going to do viewers Maps today sorry Antonio if you join in the next viewers map stream I might be able to play your map then I will I will be able to play

Map then if we do a viewers map stream I’ll 100% get it done then but um yeah that’ll be in the title but today uh we’re not doing that Antonio sorry hmer if you get the skin that I sent to you get that skin that I sent to you no

I’m Miss freaking peut no I didn’t get any skin no oh oh oh my that was close Okay let’s go you can’t give skins on four Guys come back first nice volume nice bro what are you guys doing oh my close too close for comfort is he Co nice to go by at least for me on fortnite lovely lovely I’m going to go by all right Ethan enjoy today Ethan thank you for playing thank you for playing with

Us Ethan enjoy this to day I’ll see you Later unlu UNL yeah GG’s GG’s please oh on fortnite I haven’t come on I haven’t logged on fortnite Mr freak peanut it well last time I led on was the last fortnite stream which was was it 2 days ago maybe not Sure GG I’ll have a look after the stream Mr freak peanut I’ll have a look didn’t no Antonio we’re not doing views Maps today sorry we’re not doing views Maps today who got first I got the yeah we’re not doing views maps to Antonio sorry AR creative Antonio so

Don’t all right good luck guys good luck my ke broken no Dante bro for the rocket racing was a car oh is it really oh sick peut that’s sick I have a look after the stream after full go stream if I remember I mean I I’ll

Probably forget but I try remember I got to go I’ll be back all L enjoy whatever you’re doing in the meantime thank you for uh for coming in and I’ll will see you Later but next time do viewers Maps I’m not sure super bger I’m not sure we’ll see so I might I haven’t got a plan for it I’m got a plan for next for next time we do it thank you [Applause] bless you too L you too thank

You okay good luck guys we’ve got a lot of people still alive unfortunately none of them are me so takes randomly and works oh damn all right d to [Applause] Yeah jump three times in [Applause] the a damn volume damn it’s so annoying so annoying I can imagine D I can [Applause] imagine I wish it’s Fo okay got a few people left or a couple people left they all at the finish line now so we should be done in a sec all right let’s go GG’s you guys must be in the final now I think you guys are in the final now yeah

I think it’s a slime climb final actually never mind it’s not a slime climb final it’s not it’s a normal final good luck guys yeah I don’t know what the point of wait there is volume but people do it anyway look how broken it is yeah I know Dante that must be

Annoying uh jump jump Showdown down good luck guys good luck I do it time out plz really do it fair enough agent and if I do it it’s because I’m bored time out let’s go jump yes let’s go jump yes jump slow down jump blowdown I do enjoy a jump blowdown but

I’m I’m uh I was too bad at slime climb to play it might On don’t throw your table on your TV Dy all right my tet don’t think that’s a good idea either Dante chop your tablet Damn we got we still got seven people six people left crazy good luck guys good luck unlucky Benny GG’s broken yeah I know J you laggy oh rip Benny yeah rip unlucky I said Keyboard said you guys might time it out 675 D htx 67 Junior in Mad anyways I’m going to go for w Okay good luck Guys One V one we’ve got voltic versus uh Jamie or volume versus Jamie W versus Jamie good luck Guys I’m go for a while all right agent I’ll see you later then enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest of your day agent thank you for playing with us thank you for watching the stream as well I appreciate it agent see you later

But F so good at full guys and yeah he is yeah he is Benny Yeah good luck guys good luck 1 minute and 20 left before he guys time out let’s go let’s go look in the chat I in Dante I in your keyboard’s broken yeah must be Annoying Okay 50 seconds can they do it or is one of them going to take a fool or is one of them going to betray the other one yo Andy welcome back I hope you’re having a good day so far Andy welcome back welcome back all right Dante I’ll see you in a

Second then Dante I’m back I’m back let’s go Jay welcome back it’s good to see you back Jay welcome back got 20 seconds till the time out 20 seconds guys can they do it can they do it yo new welcome in I hope you’re having a

Good day so far new hope you’re having a good day welcome in I just invited you just invited you we’re doing Customs right now J if you want to join in the Customs you’re more than welcome to more than welcome to join the Customs 3 2 1 let’s go GG’s 39

GG’s GG bro time out there e well played both of you good game guys okay let’s um let’s get a code in the screen we got N3 usuy if you want to join up guys N3 usuy if you want to join up and guys vote in the chat what you

Want to play next as well vote in the chat what should we play next let me know let’s get everybody back in the Customs eh let’s go let’s go Jamie hi did people time out track yeah people Ed out peek yeah yeah all right just say it once guys got Track Attack vote

Well limo okay two for limbo two for vault is that two for limbo two for Vault right now liboz Libo got moment we’re going to do Vault limbo All [Laughter] right yeah I know Benny I I told you don’t say it more than once otherwise I’m not going to count your vote but it’s tired two for limbo two for Vault no sorry I’ll do limbo cuz it’s tired Vault three for Vault I’ll do vult then yeah I know and

Know sorry all let’s do vot then let’s do vote sorry it’s right Ben it’s right that’s just if you do if you say it more than once then your vote just doesn’t count so bear that in mind for the future Benny can and Dante’s back let’s go Dante welcome

Back if you guys aren’t in the customs and you want to join in let me know in the chat now and if no one says wait I’ll start in 10 seconds no won’t time you out Benny all right it’s 10 NES still who or not seven yes Kraken slam still

Exists volume yeah six 5 4 3 2 one all right let’s start guys let’s start hopefully everyone was in hopefully fingers Crossed start yeah we started guys we started we’re going we’re going [Applause] Good luck bro this one I hate this one good luck guys let’s go yeah good luck everyone good luck let’s go I hate this one guys I hate this one Oh no he took my took my ring Dang let’s go let’s go first oh I need some rings guys I need some rings give me some rings all my rings are being taken yes two more yes GG first nice Ben nice keep working off let’s go Dante let’s go nice GG’s GG’s not a good mode but we qualified anyway

GG time what do you mean volum what do you mean for me it’s 5:38 p.m. if that’s what you’re asking for I don’t know what you mean I qualifi you qualified nice nice danty nice let’s go oh the guy who got first all right oh Benny

W I’m not sure what time Benny got I like this I actually don’t mind this one as well I actually don’t mind this one as well all right let’s go let’s go go my keyboard working again yeah noce don’t too nice huh why my camera just flip like that so

Weird going over here so we go over there D GG the first place let’s go how did no one see me go no one saw me go wow oh GG’s was anyone close gg gg Inde let’s go six qualified good luck guys it’s going to be the final next then going to be the final now let’s go let’s go well I haven’t played this since spin di it’s so different now l yeah volume yeah he a ring let’s

Go W in my books a w in my books don’t know about you guys but I do like a good old hex ring let’s go let’s [Applause] go do do do do let’s go come on let’s get this win eh let’s get this win I’m too good at hectoring guys too

Good let’s go you died rip Dy unlucky unlucky I’ll get the win for you Dy that was Planned damn gg gg we got uh volume well played volume GG’s GG’s good game okay code is N3 u y if you want to join up guys N3 u y if you want to join in guys and guys vote in the chat what should we

Play next vote in the chat what do we play next but uh but remember guys don’t say it more than once otherwise I won’t count Ito okay Jay says limbo Benny says limbo Lio volume says limbo three for limbo nothing for anything else okay okay okay slam D slam d

G do homework go do homework after this game all right does football no problem at all no problem I appreciate playing with us I appreciate you playing with us let’s go it nice I think we’re probably going to get limbo going I think the majority want the limbo right now okay if you’re

Not in let me know in the chat now if everyone’s in which I think everyone is in uh I’ll start in 10 seconds all right 10 9 7 6 5 4 let’s go oh no there’s no cracken slam mode volume there’s no Kraken slam mode I thought you were asking if it’s a

Thing in the game like if it’s Kraken slams in the game there’s not a mode for it in customs the ss3 one there’s no mode for it in customs thumbs Up there was before I was it I don’t think there there’s not uh it’s not in customs right now anyway I must have taken it Out Dante always do majority votes sorry and majority was Limbo so sorry to everyone who doesn’t like limbo but that’s what the majority wanted so we’re doing it damn GG good luck guys good oh wow people qualifying quickly Benny is he going to make it is he going to make

It I don’t think you did volume you might have done it doesn’t matter if you did it doesn’t matter I don’t think you did though unlucky Benny that was so close un lucky GG you got fourth nice D GG’s guys GG’s you were so close Benny you so close damn gg gg No frog right R is it the final no it’s not is it not 5 qu okay that makes more Sense why have I landed on the Frog what am I doing that’s crazy I landed on the Frog I’m terrible man I’m so bad could you imagine I qualified first after that after that shambles nice Hammer I’m actually I’m actually close to col first even after

That I’ve got I’ve got small hope for me in the final but we’ll see I got very little hope we’ll see we’ll see I got lost I just want one good attempt to First GG’s yeah GG’s right it’s a f around now let’s go good luck guys m

M let’s go let’s go who spawned where I didn’t see it in time I didn’t see it in time oh I’m in the middle oh there two hammers I might be the left no I’m in the middle brilliant got the worst spawn quite literally got the worst

Spawn oh that’s quality let’s go what a what what a Play What a play Hammer what a play oh yes mate this is world record pace is it not look at me go look at me go damn I thought that was mine I thought that game was going to be

Mine after that start that I had after the start I had I thought I was going to win totally I was I was on for a world record run well played Vol ggs go there N3 usuy no want to join up guys yo LEL welcome back welcome back

LEL hope you’re having a good day so far welcome back it’s good to see you again4 WT MB smiling face with open hand smiling face with Open Hands smiling face with open hands all right join up guys if you’d like to join scow button back my P is 24 [Applause] W okay toxic weight 20 oh nice 20.28 crazy all right guys if you want to join up codes there and guys if you want to vote in the chat what do you want to play next guys what do you want to play next let me know let me know guys what

You want to play next and he wants a hex I fail sub 20 on the last a RI volume RI GG sub 20 equals 20 sub yeah last trials BL B trials okay we’ve only got one I mean I’m pretty sure they mean the same thing volume I’ve only got one vote in

It’s blast B so oh yeah sorry I missed that that’s cuz you deleted it Andy cuz you deleted it afterwards oh he grabby me oh okay Dr attack time Lily back welcome back D welcome back if you want to join up guys Cod on the screen N3

Usy I’m I’m going go back all right Benny I’ll see you later enjoy rest of your day Benny enjoy the rest of your day thank you for playing see you later Benny take care are we starting we starting yes let’s start one let start um it’s tired

And we haven’t what uh all right let’s do it’s tired so I decide we’ll do have last ball let’s go let’s Go I went to check on my CL for one minute okay Dante that’s cool let’s go that’s cool Dante all right good luck guys good [Applause] luck oh I didn’t realize there’s a hole there rip rip all right um good luck everyone good luck I’m going to quickly mute for one second guys good luck bro I’m playing Duos with my friend and I got ly leapers she what happened G guys

This duct tape guy kept grabbing me so I took my revenge smiling face with horns well played uh leino leino well played GG’s okay nice volume nice GG’s anyway the code’s N3 us y if you want to join up guys and uh yeah guys vote in the chat

We you play next track attack slime one vote for track one vote for slime just say once by the way guys um yeah one vote for track one vote for slime so far let me know track timer track timer all right two for track one for slime so

At the we’re going to do track at the moment we’ll do track okay I means I’m dunk I think we’re probably going to do track Dan at the moment it’s got the majority right now we’ll see though we’ll see track is so Good okay right if you’re not in let me know now let me know in the chat now if you’re not in we’re going to start in 10 seconds if not 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 all right let’s go all right guys I’m

Going to quickly move my mic again I’ll be back in one second I’ll be back in one second hammer do you know how to do TI start BC we haven’t done slam dunk yet hi no n we do later I think how are [Applause] you w p

Yo I’m back guys I’m back yo Hannah welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far Hanah I’m doing good thank you Hanah how about yourself how about yourself all right let’s go let’s get this going D A little glitch crazy all right let’s

Go I can’t um can’t reset but it’s right it’s right dang dang indeed [Applause] sh hi can I join yo y welcome back welcome back of course you can join of course yeah yeah we’re um still doing customs and everyone’s welcome to join in so please guys can we do another track

We’ll see yipp I’ll do the majority so we’ll see if it gets majority again we’ll see I think the people in there do like track so possibly we would have to wait and see only time will tell but welcome back y I hope you’re doing well okay yes in good TI

Yeah I’m good thank you I’m glad to hear that I’m glad to hear that W’s massive W okay on top of this thing probably not nope oh oh dear okay never mind bye I GTG I go Dy all right I will see you later Dy enjoy it the rest of your day thank

You for playing with us dantey I appreciate it it was uh it was good to have you Dante thank you for playing and take care enjoy the rest day and GG’s well played to volume GG’s glch yeah I got it I got the glitch yeah volume yeah kind

Of annoying yeah true hi very true hi yes Dy okay Cod on the screen got N3 usy if you want to join up guys N3 usy let’s get everyone in Track Time Track Time volume are you off for you saying by to Discovery M face screaming in fear by to

Dante I think you’re saying bye to Dante yeah you’re saying by to D Track Time Track time okay right the moment I’m going to do track time again you’re in let’s go let’s go okay if you guys do want to vote in the chat for next game mode you can go

Ahead at the moment we’re going to do track time we got two for track time we got one for scam inar screaming in fear all right if you’re not in let me know in the chat now I’ll just say wait if no one says wait we’ll start in 10 seconds all

Right eight seven six screaming SC and screaming face screaming andar face scream all right let’s start hopefully everyone was in good luck you’re welcome stop spamming emotes warning okay s f f f f f f f f f f f f watch the time I’m get what’s the time you get all right

I’ll uh I’ll keep watching ni I’ll watch Good Luck guys good luck I still don’t know what that means for you w w w w hi yo isella welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far is Bella welcome into the stream 13 seconds Crazy I’ve given a good day so far it’s been welcome into the stream you want to join up you’re more than welcome too everyone’s welcome to join is better everyone’s welcome to join it’s good to see you it’s about good to see you that’s cool I got the glitch again I

Know I always have the glitch so it’s no surprise wow what a surprise I can’t I’m at Dad’s RM I can’t at Dad’s no problems B I appreciate you popping in I appreciate you popping into the stream as better thank you thank you that is no problem all oh don’t

Teleport glitch all right oh I’ve got the glitch I got this glitch which is annoying it’s all good I will is what it is I’ve always got it so I’m used to it now dang ending in one hour I got kicked ending in one no I’m not as B no I’m not

Ending in one hour no no I was AFK and I got kicked I didn’t mean to guys I didn’t mean to let’s get a new code up mxg 46 if you want to join up guys that’s my bad you guys can finish off that round I’m just going to sit

Here for a bit let’s get everybody back in after that one MX G 46 is the code guys let me get that in the chat you guys are enjoying the there make sure to drop a like very appreci in the chat go on the screen join up guys when you’re ready let’s go

Vault check it yeah if you guys want to vote in the chat for next game mode Andy says Vault Andy I’m not sure if we’ll get enough players for vote but if we do and it gets majority votes then yeah but we’ll see one nice volume nice GG’s GG second nice you P

GG’s D this oh nice nice Hannah Let’s Go Hannah let’s go it’s good to see you in here Dan Hannah good to see you in here nice dubies track time limbo one for track time one for limbo one for Vault we can’t do Vault unfortunately right now have some variety variety yeah true

If it tires I’ll probably if it tires won’t do track we’ll see let’s get everyone in Jump Around tracker just say it once youp just want rashen welcome back welcome back rashan let’s get you in rashan let’s get you in it’s good to see you back rashen

Good to see you back let’s get you in Jump Around friend request I’m in I have I not accepted it by do you have PS5 or four Hammer why did you block me there you go I accepted it now I accepted it there you go hammer you sound so tired aren’t

You okay jump all we do jump guys do jump majority says jump so that’s what we’re going to do I go about I’ll see you later enjoy the rest of your day y thank you for playing with us thank you for playing with us enjoy the rest of

Your day PS5 or four I have PS5 volume PS5 I’m sorry lell I didn’t mean to wait for me no I’m not I’m not tired R I’m not that tired while you guys yo Elliot welcome in welcome in Elliot I hope you’re having a good day so far I’m a done for

Of course of course let’s get everyone in guys let get everyone in okay volume all right invite D let unlocky all right um D for guy Elliot by the way did you want to join in did you want to join in let me know OT so I can make sure to

Wait for you if you do want to join let me know a ho W are back that won’t ever happen but why not try beans what’s beans’s go corrup data on my switch but it will take 20 minutes take 20 minutes all right let’s start

This one then guys 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 please let’s go we’re not doing winners picks today D for we’re not doing winners picks we’re doing majority V and it was jump this time OT Elliot let’s get you in in 20

Minutes let’s get you in in 20 minutes he let’s go jump uh jump Club survival round let’s go good luck guys yay thanks a lot you’re welcome honey you’re welcome of course let’s go GG g g got the next round is it a straight final I think it might be a final now

I’m not going to lie it might be a final now hopefully hopefully it is it might might be another um jump Club thing hopefully it’s the final final let’s go good luck guys good luck if you’re talking about me L cell I didn’t mean to um eliminate you can we

Play ly leap’s time attack I wasn’t I didn’t grab anyone actually lassle swear at her skull skull smirking face smirking face smirking face I always do majority votes Hannah I always do majority votes so we’ll see good luck guys good luck rip in the chat for me damn whoops

Right we got um got five alive good luck everyone good luck everyone’s left have I got the world record for hilas I had one one now we got leino leino versus dudas good luck guys good luck I’m not sure what the lury leakers a record is OT I have no clue what the

Lury leakers that’ be cool if you got ited it’ be cool I think the old one was 13 sex which version you 13 that’s crazy 11.08 crazy [ __ ] that she is complicated complicated 11.08 d damn oh so do I have it if you look up VY you can find w r VY

You can find my record armor I mean look if it’s faster 11.0 11.06 damn crazy damn these guys might time out this one V one the Bro versus dudas they might time out guys good luck guys good luck video easy oh nice nice okay guys okay 46 seconds left come on they can

Time out surely they got this they got this in the bag come on guys you got this for real for real let’s go oh it’s getting close 20 seconds left oh I’m pretty sure they got this right they must do they must have this in the bag there we go

GG’s well played guys well played to you two well played Laino and um and Hannah well played guys well played GG okay if you guys are not in yet and you want to join up the code’s on the screen MX g46 and it’s also on the pin

Message as well I do believe and if you guys want to vote in the chat for next game mode you can also go ahead and vote in the chat for the next game mode if You’ like and just say it once guys uh limbo blast all right one for limbo one

For blast so far if you say it more than once I won’t count your vote I won’t uh count your vote is what I meant to say limbo all right invting but I ain’t an invting BL mxg 46 I’m vo blastp okay ly limbo Elliot did you watch it

Limbo all right we’ll do limbo then guys we’ll do limbo okay if you’re not in let me know to wait in the chat now if no one says wait if everyone’s in then we’ll start in 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

2 play when my mom takes a shower let’s go all right good luck guys I’ll be I’ll be able to play M take shower all right Damian that’s cool let’s go be good to get you in Damian good to get you in that is cool okay seven Mormons it says

What says seven more minutes ediot what says seven more minutes what do you mean what do you mean OT I’m not sure what you mean there body blocking crazy damn you both got messed up by that my FG to open oh okay all right cool

Feel go to good all right it cool I got you I got you let’s go that’s not that long is it 7 minutes that’s right I got a perfect middle you are Middle come on I I not fail oh BR yeah gg gg indeed that was kind of a

Not going lie it’s kind of close did you see duck Andy 1728 s licky Dy 17.28% L rip unlucky bro unlucky yeah GG’s guys GG’s I saw it has like kind of my friend he’s got a friend nice William nice that’s cool that’s sick friends with d Andy let’s go did not your

Candy yeah really yeah yeah okay is Ren going to make it it’s going to be close it’s going to be very close Ren good luck Ren good luck I think Ran’s got it let’s go Ren no ran a little what happened damn GG oh nice Vol volume where you

From where you from bu you must be are you from the US that was close that was close yeah it was close yeah yeah very close d n yo everyday the the every day welcome in welcome in the everyday I hope you’re having a good day so far I hope you’re

Having a good day so far welcome into the stream is that Norway Norge is that Norway what’s [Applause] Norge don’t let you put the Norway flag oh yeah Norway yeah was it nor for sure I didn’t know that that’s cool that’s cool oh wow volume with the win GG’s good game good

Game okay that was bad I lost all momentum you still won volum you still won anyway the codes on if anyone’s wants to en Joy the codes there MX g46 if you want to join up guys from check check here nice Hannah nice that’s cool I

Think a hodge oh I’m not sure what that is is that like a city in city in Norway hoverboard I’m not sure I got pushed by a dumb golden witch that’s why I was way all back there Hover Ball yeah guys if you want to vote

In the chat what should we play next vote in the chat what should we play next guys what should we play next I’m from UK nice D for nice hoverboard just say it once guys just want unlucky don’t for um we do H there F’s literally standing still for 10 minutes survival

Fittest surviv the fist do surv the F instead we haven’t done the F yet let’s do it it’s TI votes so do the F right let’s go face can we play my own map it’s going to be one minute oh nice nice ell we’ll get you in the next one

Then let’s go play my map oh we’re not doing viewers Maps Unfortunately today Hannah we’re not doing viewers Maps today sorry let it was ti vot so I decided to CU we haven’t done it yet 15 cus but today it’s only minus fivey warm oh nice it is it was

Definitely not warm for me definitely not warm for me damn GG g g Okay it’s done okay let’s go OT let’s go we get you in the next game Elliot 16 unly unlucky um H unlucky block party next o it’s going to be interesting V2 is gone again fittest please I’m alive I thought I died I don’t know why I thought I died but I

Thought I died no idea why though obviously didn’t die Hannah I’ll do majority votes if Survivor the F gets majority votes again I’ll do it but uh if not then we won’t we’ll do whatever gets majority we’ll do whatever gets majority oh luy cool good luck V2 is gone what’s V2 that thing

What V2 volume off this G join let’s go Damian let’s go D’s Damian let’s go let’s go luy V2 luy version 2 oh okay I don’t know what that is but I think it’s uh another version of luy leapers I’ve never played luy leapers before so I wouldn’t know but W hammer for

Streaming streaming I appreciate it Damian thank you thank you for the support Daman oh GG’s GG’s best version to speedrun best verion to Speed Run oh nice yes and most fun and most fun I’ve never tried it maybe I should why did I get kicked what I get kicked what happened D

Full guy I’m not sure why you got kicked maybe your internet or something I’m not sure good fan ending Cen left good fan ending oh nice I’m risking it all oh de damn damn damn Andy Andy come here Andy you thought you could have me Andy we could have me ha sorry Andy

GG’s I I was spectating then when I came back I was kicked oh right um yeah I don’t know why that is done for good I don’t know that fixed for next one hopefully that doesn’t happen again I qualified it is not about inactivity or Wi-Fi I said I was

Sorry IM risking ID all again let’s go uh Damian there’s no teaming allowed there’s no teaming allowed Damian yes we got the same thing wait what how we got the same thing again it’s crazy crazy what happened there guys we all died Cara broke Mong ma let do skull

Skull skull sorry Lacy you sorry La all right codes on the screen MX G4 uh 6 if you want to join up guys let’s get everyone in and guys vote in the chat what you what do you guys want to play next The Edge not push off the Ed even making them

Miss the barut up you yeah of course Daman of course we’re going to wait for you of course don’t worry I’m going to do majority votes guys Libo I got 12.78 SE skull same limo just say it once guys if you say it more than once I’m not going to count your

Vote if you say it more than once I’m not going to count your vote so just say what you want once pretty good trials so we got one for limbo grief everyone especially limbo again survival fittest please but did you see the w r no l all right Damian um

Hexagon limber yo Jay welcome back let’s go yeah all right we’ll do Li these 360 Dives with Max Speed hammer and letting go of joystick and allet Y I’m in K I’m in Nice in nice okay is Elliot in do that in limbo then yes he is all right where’s limbo there it

Is right if you’re not in let me know now and I’ll wait for you if you’re not in let me know in the chat now and we’ll wait if everyone’s in I’ll get started all right 10 98 I as good Lio 5 4 3 2 I’m a I might not be as good

At was lucky though play two days almost fair enough Dam fair enough but I mean we’re going to do limbo guys all right let’s start let’s go guys let’s go hopefully let’s get this one going I apologize if you guys didn’t get in but I did ask everyone if they

Weren’t in to let me know to wait in the chat so hopefully everyone was in hopefully Hammer you know how I used to not use Hammer well I use Hammer now you not use H use Hammer oh nice I love it but I’m Rusty so I may lose plz nice Ed it o

Frog all right Damian all right we’ll see we’ll see good luck everyone good luck let’s go this good luck all right Daman I was still in the Stream I wasn’t typing for a long time oh yeah yeah Jay I think you were still in the game right yeah I don’t think you went

Anywhere I appreciate you um staying in the Stream Jay I appreciate you staying in the in the Stream thank you it uh helps out a lot it does really does okay let’s okay stick Bri so crazy nah this is n this is poor this is just shambles I got second you got second

Nice Damon oh I got nothing I’m out yeah I’m out I else there got third no I’m not I’m good I’m actually good oh my that was so close G’s got first nice volume you got third nice edit I got last yeah I got last crazy I just about made it let’s

Go let’s go it’s me Mario if I didn’t mess up Haven gotten one good Hammer temp BR damn volume damn better at lky you better in my first game if I win can I yeah good luck Damian Good Luck Good Luck everybody made the best being win um oh it’s not even a

Final it’s not even a final anyway the final after this okay can I get myself the win probably not can I at least qualify hopefully hopefully fingers crossed probably not this is great this is not good at all well how many people qualified last round was it

Six oh I’m good there was like so many people just there oh my God loads of people loads of people uh uh had a start including myself but we made it we made it in the end and we’ve got Andy with uh with the qualify there last

Nice Andy you got second nice Feld 23 but got nice volume nice okay all right good luck everyone good luck Elliot Andy me and and volume in the final let’s go unlucky Damian unlucky in the G and wit bottom no I said it worst spawn or fail Hammer sweat

Shoes I want the sweat SP or fail Hammer oh I didn’t get a hammer damn okay dazzing G up I saw you and you boded me grr my heart is racing yesy in my heart’s racing that Andy there one G oh I flipped it up I’m jealous I

Flopped it up I flipped it flopped it up I’ve really flipped floppy flipped it up I really had oh what the flippy flop flop okay this is rough let’s go I think I’m going to wing guys I think I’m going to win do you

Guys think I’m going to win did I win I think I won there GG G GG well played good game I rattled at start start rip rip do hammer easy sub 22 informed of AR eyes same Elliot course we all have skill issue including all right code is MX

G46 if you want to join up guys let’s get everybody in everyone’s more than welcome to join he’s a hacker he’s not a hacker he’s not a hacker he’s just good it hoverboard hoverboard do hexagon L don’t spam H hoverboard Elliot look up VZ snd D look s his lucky w r

Okay okay one for hoverboard I’m good at hex levels one for hexagon he has won like 55 rounds van you go a which I just say just say what you want once guys just say what you want once all right let’s start um let’s start hexagon then let’s start

Gone where it’s gone there it is yes all right if you’re not in yet let me know in the chat and if no one says wait I’ll get started in 10 seconds right 10 9 eight seven yeah thanks I’m a win pro six D HK five 4 3 two

One all right let’s go you’re welcome Damian you’re welcome why cause griefing griefing is as for me cause I practice nice Daman nice oh I left cuss I thought it was hover skull I’m griefing people near me I do V version three jerky damn damn all right Damian cool yeah grabbing

Allow guys but uh don’t Target specific people but you can grab whoever you want to no teaming um Andy no teaming yo King proter welcome in As Good As the too but I hope you’re having a good day so far King proter welcome into the stream welcome in

Wait I was taken down oh damn oh damn I’m really having a a mad hair guys okay I’m good I’m [Applause] good oh GG King Pro we’ve already started this one we’ll get you in the next one we’ll get you in the next one king proter this one has always has already

Started I don’t know if you got um if you’re behind or you or if there’s just a lot of stream delay but uh we can get in the next one king BR GG’s let’s get into the next uh next survival hexagon before the final let’s go let’s go good luck guys good luck

Okay I’ve got to get I’m not fully do you know the skiping the ball level all right Daman yeah that’s cool want to skip in the ball level yes volum I do at the end of the stream I want to try it I I’ve never done it but I’ve

Seen it I’ve never tried it but I’ve seen it I’ve seen it um and I want to try it so I’m probably going to just quickly do it at the end of the stream straight to the Finish Line we’ll see I’ve done it Finish Line yeah done your nice is it

Hard volume is it hard or is it easy just dive late yeah how’ you mean Spin Me how’ You Spin invite me three how’ you spin volume me lagged oh rip ellot rip unlucky bro unlucky L internet easy depends on us skill and FPS might have something to do but

It kind of easy how’ you do it though just jock with more momentum All right I was on the second orange layer okay I’ll give it a go second orange layer nice teaming nice unlucky lell unlucky GG’s we’re in the final now we’re in the final good luck everyone good luck May the best Bean win let’s go that level is a little r

No it’s not very volume you get it every game you get it every game volume the only time you don’t get it is if it goes to a straight final what the only time you don’t get it is if it goes straight final because not enough people

Qualifying the first one that’s the only time you don’t get it you’re supposed to get it every round yeah King Pro what’s up how you doing how you doing King how are you I hope you’re doing well King brother it’s the one called ballp Park tons of people need to qualify for it

Which barely happen want go B yet in my games people usually qualify I usually get it every game for me you know I don’t know people don’t know how to roll and don’t qualify maybe just get in B lobbies for I seem to find people qualify all the

Time like the whole Lobby qualify not the whole Lobby cuz obviously I seem to find find all the people that can qualify qualify is what I mean might be good hello yo stepen welcome in Steven I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome in I hope you’re having a

Fantastic day so far step welcome into stream want to join up with Customs you’re more than welcome to Steven we’ll get you in off this game it’s up to you on the final first hour eat up away from me oh crazy crazy I think volume I might I might

Don’t don’t um quote me on this right it’s possible it’s possible that I have the world record for ballpark glitch list without that big skip I might have the world record for it without that big skip I think I might be wrong I mean I’m not

Saying I do have it I’m just saying I might do cuz I got an insanely smooth run check what w is in a sec all right we’re about the glitch obviously I’ve never done the glitch but didn’t you make a video at the skip without the glitch I might have it

I don’t know like a the glitchless one yeah I did a video about the skip yeah but I never posted my really good run yet I was going to at some point maybe I should post it soon rip rip indeed I think I got like 33 seconds or

Something I’m not sure let me I can double check it was like 30 30 something okay hi wow I miss I oh rip Kai welcome in Kai hope you’re having a good day so far Kai welcome into the stream yo dma welcome back welcome back dma I hope you well D ah

Ripen you guys want to join up codes on the screen MX g46 if you want to join up guys I play for now but if you are still streaming okay K sounds good sounds good K wait of course of course um manifest of course Andy wants a

Vault all Vol wait on the same layer as me are we not doing VI map today D tomorrow yes Andy will be streaming tomorrow yeah I will be streaming tomorrow pleas all right Daman I mean we probably won’t do a hex again but we’ll see Whatever Gets majority votes I’ll do

Wait for me free at the moment we’ve only got one vote and it’s um and it’s Vault and hex for I suppose it’s hex for Damian and slime climb for volume wait for you of course Elliot of course let’s get you in Elliot let’s get you

In if we get 12 I’ll do a VA what time now uh Andy I’m not sure what time sorry slim I can’t give you the time I’m sorry Andy I’m sorry can you wait for me SL CL can you wait for me um if you’re not going to be

Too long of course do of course time attack track attack slime slime all we do slime then we do slime okay is Daz in no we’re going to wait for Daz we’re going to wait for Daz don’t worry we’ll get Daz in before we start I think we’re going to start a slime

Up as soon as DZ is in as soon as Dad football’s in start the ball par creative code I will be quick okay I will keep my ey I’ll be quick get you in okay hello and again I was peed all right thank you Andy thank you I’ll see you tomorrow

Andy hello yo rudo welcome back welcome back rudo hope you’re doing well hope you’re doing well rudo welcome back oh nice volume nice did you find the world record volume did you find the world record hi yo Donald is cool welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far don’t

SCH did you want to join up or uh or or should we start this one up if you want to join I can wait for you but um if you’re not joining I’ll start this one now because I think da is in but let me

Know I can wait for you are you not join are you not leaving okay that’s good Andy that’s good let’s go are you in oh nice okay let’s uh let’s start then let’s go I’ll join later good luck everyone May the best be win I’ll join later just so you know all

Right weo cool let’s go we let’s go I am going in 10 minutes so I was playing with Dino Duck Andy eyes mouth brain bone tooth I’m a brief at every place I can K Kinder as in this level all right slime clown what surprise going 10 minutes though all Andy no

Problem just got a B marker what’s that D what’s that no someone disconnected rip yo Sugar Hill welcome back I was playing with d dark Andy oh nice I feel like I read that already didn’t know I read that twice that’s sick that is sick that’s sick after Elliot don’t spam emotes please

Thank you L after we’ll see suar here we’ll see I’ll do majority votes so whoever gets the majority votes is what I’ll play so we’ll see all right Damian no it’s no problem at all OT just uh just for the future time attack track attack after DMO we’re going to do majority

Votes so we’ll see we’ll see I’ll ask you guys to um I’ll ask you guys to vote in the chat after this game our is 40.97 sptw Yo in back 40.97 I’ll beat that the ballpark if you’re talking about bull Park I beat that hold up is it no it’s not bull Park

It’s bullach bull anyway wait where did we start I think I beat it hold on let me double check okay we started there hold on I might not have done I got 46 wait what did you say it was no I got 44 so no I got

44 ah damn no I was 3 seconds off I was 3 seconds off oh well I still got a decent run though I’ll take it I’ll take it it’s not a world record but it’s good enough in my books yo welcome back a welcome back let’s go speed slider first round I hope

You’re having a good day so far AR speed slider first round nice arent nice 257 GG’s guys GG’s I was at the Ballpark code nice volume nice 0 2174 okay remove zero on the last one he’s do L all right I’ve taken a lead I’ve taken a lead I’ve lost the

Lead I’ve taken the lead I’ve taken the lead I’ve T I’ve lost the lead I’ve taken the lead I’ve taken a lead I’ve lost the lead i’ I’ve taken the lead I’ve taken a lead I’ve taken a lead I’ve taken a lead let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go

Let’s go let’s hit the hammer let’s hit the hammer oh there’s no Hammer there’s no Hammer oh my God from speed cider T from speed slider nice nice GG’s I had a fight F I had an insane run round I had an insane run how am I 3 seconds off of the

World record I think that’s insane that’s insane, 575 it was so good but yeah I was 3 seconds off the bir record crazy I’m watching it back like it’s literally Flawless how’s he got how did he manag that oh there’s a skip I can see a skip that I didn’t

Use I see a skip that I didn’t use damn okay etw I had a fight with you for who took the lead three I said it we got any people qualified is it the final now yeah I think it’s the final now wonder what it will be he qualified

Nice Donald is called nice W’s W’s let’s go last final let’s go survive and roll out nice nice good luck everybody in this blast B final good luck May the best Bean win my favorite round and I can play it we’re one away from 1.03 is we’re one sub away from

1.03k I see let’s go guys let’s go this is skill and luck Bas third round I see Andy yes I will see you later Andy enjoy the rest of your day Andy enjoy it the rest of your day thank you for playing with us I appreciate you

See you later Andy take care a great M but are you off as well L are you off as well if you are off lell I will see you later thank you for playing as well I appreciate you and um see you later take care take care um both of you guys take

Care not great map I don’t mind it I don’t mind it to be honest damn I wasn’t really paying attention rip okay GG body locked text green game over popping back in qualified on tiptoe why can’t we look up in FG GG 29 likes and 1.02k Subs let’s go booty Legends fourth round

TG I W I don’t really mind hoopsy Legends GG’s well played Elliot well played good game guys good game yo Robert welcome back welcome back Robert 29 lik 1.02 Subs let’s go let’s go MX g46 is the code if you guys want to join up look up and for guys I don’t know

Volume I don’t know I was so good I killed like four people nice I bad at blast fall ball don’t mind who Legend yeah if you guys want to join up mxg 46 and guys vote in the chat what should we play next vote in the chat what do you

Guys want to play next okay I did Skip let me know limbo tiptoe forall okay Tipp tipto all right two for tiptoe now majority say tiptoe just say it once by the way guys um but right now we got tiptoe right now looks like a tiptoe sixth on oopsy all right if

You’re not in um if you’re not in guys let me know in the chat now and I’ll wait for you dma’s not in let’s wait for dma then let’s get you in Dharma if anyone else is not in and they want me to wait for them let me know in the chat

Now if um if no one says wait we’ll get started after D’s in obviously let’s get D in wait Cameron welcome in welcome back Cameron let’s get you in Cameron let’s get you in hexing F I’ll wait for you guys don’t worry let’s go it’s good to see you guys

Again X Ring final I like he spring final I’m not going to lie I do quite like Xing final fantastic [Applause] round fantastic round exactly we exactly Cameron’s in let’s go um dma dama let me know when you’re in we’re just going to wait for Dalma

Goes D’s not in yet why you put a sad face as soon as D’s in we’re going to start guys as soon as D is in all right we’re going to start in um in 10 seconds let’s get you in D when it’s not working internet’s not working should we

Start this one up and then we’ll get you in the next one and D all right yeah I hope that sounds good start this one survived longer than him okay you died rip rip oh nice Damen oh that’s sick Daman that’s sick well played Daman well played all right good luck guys tiptoe

You’re going to need the luck cuz you know it’s tiptoe so yeah was impressive right that’s impressive right yeah it was that sounds impressive Dam it sounds impressive yeah yo is welcome in hope you good day so far is of course you can play of course you can this very bad bad I’m

About to dive into the sea of paths L this oh it’s from the clown of eers event oh really that makes sense so is it actually like a rare skin then no it’s not rare skin cuz most people a lot of people have it no

Way what’s this one here like and sub so we can feed this Dude I would go surfing and then getting hit by the kokas and fall to the Sea of fake tiles GG’s go surfing get hit by a thick B P see effectes Y is appreciate it is thank you appreciate it yeah is I’ll wait for you after this

Game and we’ll get you in get you in after this one is go go this one no problem at all volume I appreciate you playing with us I hate this I appreciate you playing with us thir nice okay damn unlucky unlucky got lost and Hit Parade damn that’s crazy OT it’s crazy

I all right let’s go 17 some fruit second round let’s go Elli a hammer right at the start I was blind didn’t even see it there’s no use though cuz it’s completely covered unless unless I’ve got an idea hold on unless nope no is there any other

Hammers I am F no what some fruit is a good map why sad face again we’ll go normally then we’ll go normally I mean not a lot of people lose but still no way that’s crazy BR I almost had that that was a montage moment

G not not a lot of people like s fruit that’s true yeah R not a lot of people do like it to be fair the Montage moment all yeah volume I’ll see you later volume enjoyed us your day thank you for playing with us take care volume take

Care if anyone wants to join in the custom games the code’s on the screen MX g46 if you want to join up guys that is the code sorry I was Cod on the screen guys you want to join up person near me time attack Track Attack jump track

Hexagraph D Daman D what nice see Ed it’s crazy crazy Ed no problem Donald no problem to track jump track gra some fruit you call it on some fruit nice nice Vault so we got jump we got track we got hex gravity we got a vault got two tracks time third round

What comment is what what comment Air Time third round Good Luck arent Good Luck okay last majority is at uh track right now majority saying track right nowz all the majority is track so we’re going to do a track okay I always do majority votes guys so

That’s what we uh that’s what we’re going to do if you’re not in yet let me know in the chat wait for you if everyone’s in I’ll I’ll get started in 10 seconds off true R sh all right Daman yeah hopefully where I’m join all right Zimbo Zimbo welcome

In I hope you’re having a good day so far zimo I hope you’re having a good day let’s get you in don’t worry I’ll wait for you let me know when you’re in Zimbo let me know when you’re in and then we’ll start let me know

We’ll get going as soon as zoss is in last on air time few last on air time few damn I was nice crazy okay hopefully that Zim off all right we’re going to start in five four yeah that was nice Zim off nice three two one all right let’s go

Hopefully everyone was in no one else said wait so hopefully we got everyone four round let’s get this one going let’s go let’s go crying face sad but reliev face 3 + Y3 + Z3 equals K surely didn’t copy paste that this fun and Kinder as cause I like it

Just as I go offline diet Angel is live Sor Damian we go full round good luck just go offline oh yeah we detract yeah sorry volume that Ang really OT that’s sick only is that’s OT that’s sick oh got the glitch bro third on wall guys got the [Applause]

Glitch I disconnected disconnected oh ripped down a rip guess fin unlucky [Applause] man nice nice nice I was really close all right let’s go let’s get this guy I did a back flip without rling WTH like seriously very close python uncore hyen I can relate having a fall by doing gymnastics or [Applause]

Exercises dang it I got grabbed [Applause] [Applause] let me catch up in chat nice nice can I give a map code I can relate to doing gymnastics or exercise you got grabbed oh rip can I map code if you want to AR we won’t be able to do it

This stream but if you want to give me a map code I can put it in for uh for another time if you want to drop one in the chat that’s fine I’ll put it in for another day so that I’ve got it if you know what I mean [Applause] okay

Uh so map AR’s map code is 69 let’s go then the rest is just just numbers 7,377 just regular old numbers that no one cares about 1,133 and I give you my map code as well yeah yeah D you can give a map code but

Um we won’t be able to play any of these Maps today but you can drop some map codes in the chat if you want we won’t be a to play them today but you can drop them in chat if You’ like three emotes BR how dare you no I’m joking I’m [Applause] joking

[Applause] oops GT G by go go bye all right Elliot I’ll see you later thank you uh thank you for playing Elliot I will see you later enjoy rest your day OT enjoy the rest of your day thank you for playing with us Elliot I appreciate you and thank you for

Watching the stream and uh supporting I really appreciate you Elliot thank you means a lot means a lot see maybe 8 p.m. yeah sounds good OT yeah 985 all right I’ll see you uh see you tomorrow then Elliot take care take care I got first enjoy user day you got first night Daman

GG’s all right I’m going to stick the code in the screen if anyone wants to join up if anyone wants to join up the code is there it is MX g46 is the code if you want to join up guys and uh vote in the

Chat guys what do you want to do next what do you guys want to play next even to this day I’m still mad about let me know what you guys want to play next blast BL I was just about to say that is me l do jump meal can we do win there’s

The code s NVM wins picks I’m not going to do wins picks today that’s football sorry blast blast blast BL oh damn everyone wants blast okay but looks like we’re going to get a blast B going then looks like we get blast going for this one that level today yet not going

To lie if you guys want to join up code is there on the screen and on the pin message as well I do believe all right 69 17 73 77 one one 2 3 two three all right if you’re not in let me know now let me know in the chat if you

Want me to wait and I’ll wait if you’re not in let me now know let me let me now know let me know now and uh if no one says wait we’ll start in 10 seconds all right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

2 1 all right let’s go then let’s go good luck guys D I’m not doing viewers Maps today I’m not doing viewers Maps today d uh why not jump because blast got majority votes Damian blast got majority votes sorry to everyone who doesn’t like last pool but I always do majority votes and

This is what majority votes give so this is what we’re doing I’ve got the code down man but we uh we’re not going to do it today do my map good luck everyone I’ve got your code D but we’re not going to play viewers mat today [Applause] damn gg gg indeed [Applause]

Good luck everyone good luck there’s still six people left good luck everybody good luck let’s go May the best Bean win eh May the best Bean win let’s go damn we got one V One V one here we got bad uh bam we got um sorry bam Dam versus

Arjin versus DA football good luck guys good luck it’s going all rightt it’s going all right yeah definitely Robert definitely are you kidding me what’s my level code Hammer uh I don’t know D but I put it I’ve already put the map in so I’ve already got

It what happened what happened I di my my go rolled oh rip rip unlucky I won you won nice Cameron well played Cameron GG’s well played Cameron good game guys good game jump good game all right codes on the screen MX g46 if you want to join up

Guys MX g46 if you want to join up jump jump jump all right we’ll do a jump man let’s do a jump man guys you guys seem to all want jump so that’s what we’re going to do I’m a grief 2K join all let’s get you

In we’re going to do a jump guys it’s got definitely got the majority votes we get Vo of course I’m going to wait for you let’s go let get you in rud let’s get you in face green smiling face green smiling let’s uh get rud in let’s go let’s

Go meio face green smiling face green smiling face green smiling all right as soon as R in we’re going to start guys face with peing I face with peing face with peing I face with peing I face with peing I face with peing I face with peeking I face with peeking I

At Dalma a silver hyen you have my attention stop spamming symbols warning okay no I’m not Italian no a hammer you’re not all right let’s go let’s start guys let’s start let’s start he’s in I think night everybody was in let’s go let’s go good luck guys good luck y Grief Mode on

Like usual has Canadian or American Grief Mode like usual yes oh nice dce that’s cool the jump okay quitting Hammer I’m a grief you cause you grief me in hexagon all right let’s go let’s go GG’s GG’s guys GG’s okay good game Arin why you need to know that I wanted to

Wave what to wave oh I got the red bean rolling on the raming rolling on the flooring gz you thought I was going to grief all right let’s go for me don’t oh missed it there we go damn Yay finals I died yeah I got RSA issues from this game trust spectate me plz hammer K me please all right Damian all right spectate you I spectate you don’t I’m a listen to music while K good luck guys in the final good luck everybody good

Luck all right Daman um got 36 CRS there you are Daman all right 36 crowns now let’s go AR W well done man that’s sick that’s sick like from Golden witch 128 from Golden witch that’s sick a that’s sick I have 2’s got 52 nice I remember Daman he’s from CB oh

Nice you guys know each other that’s sick that’s sick nice guys nice good luck guys there’s five people left good luck everybody May the best Bean win let’s go guys let’s go good Luck GG’s guys GG’s Hammer how did you discover how did you discover full guys every because everyone was talking about it was just uh free in the PlayStation Plus store as soon as it came out and everyone was talking about it GG Dam well played good game guys good

Game ban think oh nice read nice good game guys code’s on the screen MX g46 if you want to join up guys there is the code let’s get everyone in arj let’s get you in let’s get you in if you want to vote in the chat guys vote in

The chat for the next game mode but only say it once only say what you want to play once AR’s in let’s go let’s go wait I’m joining D says tiptoe arent says blast blast Vault one for blast one for tipto one for Vault hex trial hex

Trial can’t actually do Vault right now but we’ll see limbo damn you all of you guys want different things that’s crazy that’s crazy I haven’t played thin iight play tip two ice thin ice guys thin ice all right yes do for thin ice do for thin ice it’ll say thin ice as

Well there it is let’s go if you’re not in yet let me know in the chat if everyone is in if no one says wait we’ll start up in 10 seconds all right not or anything it’s good 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 one all right let’s go is good

So this bad yeah is Right Robert I like wel come back Robert by the way it’s good yeah yeah yeah BTW I’m still watching on TV just on Discord on phone but in helping you with watch time Hammer l oh still watching TV just Discord pH but helping you with your time I

Appreciate Robert thank you thank you Robert means a lot we’re getting there Robert we’re getting there the watch time is coming is coming let’s go by the way Robert how many watch hours you w how many you want Rob nearly there brother nearly there nice Rober

Nice I’m on 1.5 and a half but this stream’s been banging so this stream’s going to get like 100 James God knows no no I mean on your channel not on it not here I mean on your channel I don’t have the command no I mean like how many are you out of

3,000 watch time I’m not targeting I’m on like 2,000 550 roughly I’m watching this on my phone oh foul face with tears of no T are you watching on your phone nice yeah no targeting no tarting guys two want it oh that’s crazy you’re getting close as well Robert you’re getting really

Close do you think you’ll get it by Christmas or not hopefully you get it by Christmas or at least hopefully by New Year’s if you don’t get it by Christmas hopefully you get it by New Year’s at least I’m hoping Robert I’m hoping to um to get it before my 24hour

Stream I’m hoping to get it before my 24hour stream that’ be sick losing about 10 so it’s h hurting yeah cuz it’s said yeah yeah that’s what I mean yeah that’s what I thought if you don’t get it by Christmas hopefully you’ll at least get it by New

Year’s hopefully you at least get it by New Year’s 2128 so if you get like how many days never mind GG’s Damian that was Karma we both you killed us but you suicide CED suicide grab this damn you survived ni Sergeant GG’s so there is sorry okay so 10 31 days of

December that’s what you said on TV 22 days there’s three more days until it’s my sister’s birthday to Bufford but of losing 10 hours more days oh nice D nice happy birthday to your sister in 3 [Applause] days oh you’re using 10 10 a day from

Last year’s streams oh cuz yeah cuz you need it in the last 365 days oh right so let’s say there 22 days until New Year I can get about 60 off guys 872 872 um I get about 40 to 60 per stream if it’s areful guys bro what happened did you die rip

Rip unlucky good luck guys good luck to the final four people um Robert I just worked out I worked out how many watch hours you need on average on average per day to get um monetized by by New Years so you need you need 50 hours 50 watch hours every day to get

Monetized by New Year’s 50 watch hours a day on average so if you got like a 100 in one day and then zero in the other but yeah 50 on average per day to get monetized by New Years the problem that is quite tough every day yeah I think it’s going to be

Rough 50 a day 50 watch hours a day that’s a lot so I need about 120 a day 50 50 on average 50 per stream 120 per stream yeah yeah depending on how often you stream yeah I suppose yeah that that is yeah I think that’s

Too much of it I mean good luck I hope you do get it but it um it doesn’t sound like it’s going to happen does it at least you’ll get it not long into January you’ll get it soon uh once you get into like you get it pretty much

Straight into January start of January you’ll get it knock me out yeah Robert R hopefully get better soon and get back to it but yeah understandable doesn’t sound like it but it’s Christmas so if I want to get it done by this week doesn’t sound like it but it’s Christmas

We see I reckon I can do gonna need some big big stream need some big big streams yeah Robert now think about it Christmas holiday is coming up if you can get some nice long Christmas holiday streams on popular games you could actually do it you could

Actually get 120 watch hours per stream if you can get it going well if you know what I mean I feel that could you might actually be able to do it now I think about it cuz the Christmas holidays there be a lot of people joining up I

Reckon way more free time for everyone yeah I mean we’ll see oh that was close unlucky nios unlucky rudol that was really close well played narrow petal well played GG’s uh I’m probably going to stick to full guys today ggs rip yeah R rip rud rip unlucky bro that’s close 20 people

For six hours 20 people for six hours yeah yeah that’s what it would be yeah yeah Robert you stream for like nine hours sometimes I was let let’s say you stream for 9 hours 9 Lio no 120 ided by 9 13 13 people for 9 hours that’s right if

You can stream for 9 hours that’s really hard though to be fair but I see I’ve seen you stream nine hours before which is crazy GG’s zo oh right yeah yeah okay limbo yeah guys vote in the chat what should we play also guys if you want to join up Cod on

The screen MX g46 vult that’s a shout that’s a shout we got enough people for it we last vult vult all right let’s do vult yeah yeah you guys want a vault three for Vault that’s crazy all right we’ll do a vault nine wins away we get next team

Nice D nice vult yeah we’re going to do the vult guys all right if uh we’re going to start in 10 seconds if no one says wait all right 10 nine damn it lovely 10 98 let’s go 76 5 we started we started forget about the 10 seconds that

Countdown we going before someone leaves again guys back to back back to back 9 hours long we could do this every day next week Sunday if you get me oh that’ll be long Robert 9 hours a day on full guys whoever does that wait can I swear here

Never played this before really oh it’s X okay also vault only I think it could work I be H xh though [Applause] is the glitch not working the glitch doesn’t work it’s fixed they fixed the glitch BR wait why let me pick him up why let me pick the egg up

Are we done for are we done for why did it not let me pick the eggs up damn I’m a grind crowns guys oh my God what’s the blue team going The Blue Team oh get the red joking man GG any you never know you never know easy dubs L ggs sorry blue

Team that was terrible what a terrible mode man I’m going Crown right as M all right we just had th ice hope you can get some nice old crowns There okay Damian I’ll spectate you there you go [Applause] just yeah well we got it again in the vault so wait Robert how do you type in t how do you type in the chat on TV I’ve never typed in the chat on a TV before crazy bro we went down a

Sub I was I was on 10 I was on 1,29 and I was thinking let’s check see if we got 130 and I’ll refresh it and it’s con down rip on TV all I’m here yo aot MVP welcome in aot I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome into the

Stream good to see you good to see you let’s go oh wow that was close if you want to join in the next game or Ro you’re more than welcome too watch TV all right Robert okay this is what you watch when Robert isn’t streaming anyone else from Discord here I

Can’t you can’t no problem no problem at all absolutely fine I appreciate you coming into the stream my brother has my switch your brother has your switch that’s fine up hopefully another day we’ll get you in but um today I appreciate you popping in the Stream I appreciate you coming in

It means a lot okay what we got we got n versus oh it’s close yes this is what I watch L Hammer is a cool dude right this is what I cool this is what I watch when you’re not on stream all right yeah yes sir let’s

Go oh rip down unlucky bro in about five and about 5 10 minutes oh nice nice nice oh it looks like arin’s got it but it’s it’s very close all right now GG’s AR well played GG’s let’s go I won r i I lost either

Way so I stopped all right C’s on the screen MX g46 if you want to join up guys and Hammer TBH trying to support others but old habits die hard GG good grief I’ll use Robert let’s go let’s go the CRA on you was want to join up guys

MX g46 and guys if you want to vote in the chat for next game mode you can go ahead now Dam you got a switch let’s go let’s go or be watching when you’re playing also jump let’s go let’s get you in I’ll wait for you to join up Marathon so jump or

Blast jump just say it once guys just say it once if Hammer I posted you in Discord he post me in Discord oh thank you Robert thank you damn I appreciate that Robert thank you K Hammer are you going to make your own finals finals Marathon

Marin jump do you guys want jump or final Marin rud wants final Marin I’m a grief so be careful but I think you guys want jump right I think you guys want jump yeah we do jump we do jump Robert I feel like your Discord would do

Well L yeah I got it Damian finals Marathon limbo I’ve got a Discord if you go into my um about section I’ve got my Discord link there Marathon I don’t really use it though but I’ve got it other people use it okay I mean one person uses

It it’s very plain I haven’t actually done anything about it I just created it um but yeah I do have a Discord I’m in let’s go all right let’s start up then guys I got him about section’s gone what you mean what why is there no about

Section I see talking about Robert there must be an about section there’s always an about section not Target though why would there be BCE section I see the BCE section no it’s arent let’s go arent sees it I’m not sure why you can’t see it Robert wow it’s jump Club my worst

Enemy my worst enemy all good luck guys good luck all right Daman good luck everyone near top of Channel promote it more Channel section is is also gone what the that was 4 seconds that was sick automatic qualifying quick Channel section is also gone what’s

That I don’t know what you mean Robert I I don’t know why be gone wor about section and that would be gone that was quick yeah that was quick that was very quick round seven is the final yeah is Damian yeah yeah good luck everyone good luck

Everyone that was like 4 seconds yeah good luck everybody good luck okay let’s go it’s now at the top where the writing is it’s deleted about section and channel section where you promote other people if they didn’t think GG section you gave to click on the

Writing on the channel it takes you to it I was about to fall but someone did oh you can see my B section you just can’t see the disc is that what you mean Rob I died before you Daman ah rip a rock rip unlucky a unlucky

GG’s let’s get this jump final going let’s go good luck everyone good luck six of us left good lucks James for saving me K nice Damon GG’s unlucky does football as well hello yo Nicholas welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far Nicholas welcome into the stream oh

My god I didn’t even realize that that was going to disappear but yeah welcome into the stream Nicholas I hope you’re having a good day uh I don’t think he’s in the game or rot I think he’s just uh talking in the that I do believe I’m so good I’m I’m just too

Good I’m a clutch no didn’t I definitely didn’t clutch I just part the game part the game it is and where they moved it yes what a grief I grabbed you okay well played Damian GG’s it’s all good part of the game well played Damian GG’s GG’s good game G Damian GG

Asterisk good game let’s go the code GG’s code is mxg 46 if you guys want to join up and uh if you guys want to vote in the chat for next game mode you can go ahead now as well there is a Mode called the trunk that allows you to play deleted games

Finally wins the most nice nice the trunk is really nck I didn’t know about that final I think you guys want finals Marathon I think the majority want finals Marathon anyway can we do Li leapers third round slime scraper I’m not joining can we leapers all right

Basically what we do is um I do majority votes I want to practice my so whatever whatever gets the majority votes is what I play and at the moment it’s finals Marathon but if Lily if Lily gets the majority votes I’ll do Lily limbo I can find F

Mar limbo are we got two for limbo now or just watching he’ll see you in game from stream last after finals if you’re agree yeah I’ll agree final okay we we’ll do limbo then okay limbo limbo all right we’ll do limbo all right let’s

Go if you’re not in yet let me know in the chat now we’ll start in 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 last two one let’s go good luck guys good luck next finals then watch me get dead Lastore I’m a speedrun cause fun first place finals marathon is fun cause griefing and finals only all right I’m not winning this yo I’m too shabby bro just as I say that of course of course people Left not happiness it’s a joke there’s so many people so many people just raging me like body blocking and everything damn I’m going to Camp here no one’s going to see me it’s going to be funny oh go don’t oh GG’s I’m in GG’s don’t choke no

I didn’t choke I’m all good I’m all good let’s go now Sergeant GG’s six people remain damn that blue guy must be fuming I did g first one GG’s that was too close that was close good game I didn’t see that other person unlucky up all right good game guys let’s get

This next one going are we going we’ve been going for 5 hours now okay what’s the time uh 7:00 it’s not even that late it’s 8:00 but still not that late GG’s guys yes I do live in the UK here what’s the spinning for it’s like

756 76 yeah yeah it is a yeah 756 let’s go so go GG’s GG’s you told me talk lose unlucky r a f told me let’s go let’s go3 Subs let’s go everyone 1.03 Subs let’s go so close man let’s go come on well I hope

We got 1.03 Subs that would be a bit of a weird amount of Subs Robert 1.03 we got about eight people we got eight people watching how have only 1.03 of them subbed that is unbelievable shocking one sub special let’s go I did a one sub special the other

Day this is the final and I’ve just absolutely been body blocked the whole time 13k there we go if I win this guys I’m just saying right if I win this you guys owe me a chocolate sandwich how I catch up after that me how I caught up after all that that was

Awful GG I grabbed you at the start L hi guys very in the chat what should we play next vote in the chat let me know what do you guys want to play next let me [Applause] know C up on the screen MX g46 if you want to join up guys finals marathon

It’s Vault sorry marath Start fair enough all right guys yeah hm do finals I wish I had like K Subs so I can live stream right you don’t need K Subs to live stream you can live stream with zero you can live stream with Zero Subs are

Up yeah yeah okay it looks like we probably do sp my for me it does finals oh finals oh yeah we’ll do we’ll do finals oh we need one more player yeah we need one more player guys going up guys Jo up if we can get one more

Stop let’s get one more person in come on all right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Let’s Start 4 13 just just at the last second just at the last second that guy got in I’m youer yo rain welcome in I hope a

Good day so far rain I hope you’re having a good day welcome into the stream I mean let’s go R oh do you oh yeah shorts easily get subs yeah shorts will get you Subs easily oh we’re back we’re back to 1029 we’re back to one away from

1.03 let’s go should be final yeah this is the F Hammer if you can this isn’t the in the world anyone can join jump Showdown but we’ve got it not a f I didn’t join rudo you tell me you were in you told me you were in rudo you said I’m

In what do you mean rudo you said I’m in bro you told me you were in rudo so I thought I’d start damn sorry R we’ll get you in the next one GG’s GG’s There GG nice a nice I thought I wasn’t then it said Lobby closed damn Rip r rip I survived I meant call me we getting the next one we’re getting in the next one I promise him not a grabber Yer all right Yer okay huh we got this again but with a

Fan I’m sorry what’s going on guys we got jump Showdown jump Showdown survival round and then a jump Showdown survival round what is going on how do we get two of the same finals back to back in finals marong I will guard though what is going on Rip GG I what’s up what what does I mean I believe you Gra you just killed me hammer and then just got Instant Karma PS or likes grabbing R likes grabbing I’ll keep that in mind yeah Dam I got Karma sorry Dharma GG’s GG’s sorry about That might be the same I do too no I don’t drop I am Squidward what is happening hycore can you spectate me hammer again yeah I’ll spectate you Daman I’ll spectate you mgl Hammer you kind of deserve it and I don’t mean it in way I

Jump again bro you might as well just play Jump but with Showdown every time thank you rudol lovely rudo lovely all right we’re spectating Damian now there we go there you go I was good with nice uh nice rain nice yuper is Squidward all right good luck guys

There’s four of you left there’s more than four of you left there’s three people eliminated sorry it’s not the final that’s why damn damn fair enough fair enough very lovely AA very lovely I know right yeah very lovely all right one more one more person to be eliminated all right all

Right getting close getting close unlucky youer unlucky GG’s which one is you survive g g you survive nice nice crowns one more win to get B nice rud good luck luck you might win this let’s go rock I hope you do good luck everyone it’s still survival

Round very nice all right good luck everyone in this survival round finally good luck everyone I’m the one with the sheer nice man nice well it isn’t as bad as the remotes D I still can’t get I’m going to spectate going to spectate a r for you

Robert right let’s go good luck guys good luck I’m going to quickly mute myself I’ll be be back in a sec okay okay I’m routing for you and what I mean isn’t a bad I mean that I didn’t get the chance to join and thought I joined low for I sold h-encore [Applause]

Hyen um you sold oh rip AR rip who’s the griefer rain oh right oh yeah I don’t know who grief rain I don’t know good luck everyone good luck we’re still in the same fin ice one more person to get eliminated then it’s the final then it’s a one V one final play

Solos together that Chef has oh the sh that dude oh damn damn fair enough and Hammer I am not angry at you I am a happy boy you’re happy boy I’m glad to hear you’re a happy boy rudol that is good stuff that is good stuff lovely okay AR

GG’s I think D’s football and narrow petal good luck guys unlucky or unlucky GG you happy too I’m glad to hear that too Daman let’s go W’s guys W’s I’m glad to hear you happy GG we’ve got uh narrow petal versus daz football good luck guys K gri is equals

Karma I need to get my first win ever need get the first ever win good luck good luck of course blast ball final good luck for real last ball don’t really mind ooh it’s crazy that’s crazy yo we hit 1.03 let’s go let’s go guys W massive W let’s go let’s

Go massive W ggs Vault please I can’t win a game anymore with these sweats LOL road to 2K Subs W I changed my skin same zero joining there good guys MX g46 join up change the skin let’s good Daman let’s go damn rip yeah soon taking a break please yeah

Guys vote in the chat what should we play now blast ball Vault blast ball please I want to Blue it all Robert I’ll probably be gone when you come back Robert but we’ll see we’ll see vote let’s switch over to Vault real quick attack attack I think we’re going

To do Vault guys just going for me just to grief me or I’ll grief back just for Nicholas cuss we have the same name oh it’ll take time all right rain I mean blast blast ball blast blast blast oh we do BL in okay okay me rain

All right 10 if you’re not in let me know in the chat now if you’re not in the game let me know in the chat now after this game blast asterisk yo the kid down the street welcome in the kid down the street welcome

In if you’re in I mean I don’t know if you’re in yet you might be down the street still but if you are in here then let me know and I’ll wait for you I’ll join wait all right let’s wait for you once you’re in we’ll start up as

Soon as you’re in we’ll start up got this game all right does all right no problem does it it was fun playing does it was fun playing he’s going to be jealous blast ball is good how was stream when I left how was stream left it was going good Dante

Thank you it was going good yeah it’s unpredictable all right let’s start in 10 nine welcome back by the way Dante welcome back you’re in let’s go kid down street let’s go let’s star in 10 if you’re not in let me know 9

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 all right let’s start the B after yeah all right we’ll do the votee after that’s fair yeah we’ll do the vote after yeah go on in give me shout out to the kid down the street if we get most votes with the

Vault you get most votes with the Vault you’re welcome you’re welcome this is going to be RNG go yeah I’ll do I’ll do the vote after this one guys I’ll do it after this one it seems like most of you guys want to do it so after the blast ball so we’ll

Do it after blast can you give me a shout out please shout out to dhma let’s go oh God Your Dragon nice okay blew myself up RI Dam what a hit that was a good shot by me that was a good shot what I accidentally fell fat

Stupid everybody shout out don’t want to talk about it a rip rip rain unlucky I can’t give everyone a shout out D I’ll be talking all day I’ll be talking all day when I shout out to everyone there we go I appreciate all you guys thank you BS everybody gets a shout

Out unlucky R unlucky I think waving at you I made everyone angry CU I got like yes trip blasted got killed rip Down The stre Unlucky guys well played to um it there super bison well played GG’s good game there good game good game all right we’re going to do a vult

Now guys we going do vult if you guys want to join up code’s on the screen MX g46 let’s get everyone in now the yeah we’re going to do the V now I will it confusing we’re going to do a vot guys I promise to Vault so

Track um who is someone someone a de too and I can’t remember who it was but okay um I will see you later and enjoy today Vault thank you for playing whoever that was track after it was who was it it was I can’t remember I

Apologize I got a terrible memory is it Dad football maybe i’ got an awful memory track is not fun foring pinging pinging 3 start was it a a you if you’re off a rot I will see you later enjoy rest your day and thank you for playing with us thank you for

Playing I appreciate you coming in on the from Robert thank you massive W enjoy day take care and hopefully I’ll see you again later on are you serious team tail tag the worst team yeah see you later see you later yeah I love di grabbing love grabbing it fine

Like this sugar nice get down the street nice on the Sugar Rush okay bro give it up T boy uh oh blue team hasn’t got a tail blue team hasn’t got a tail I repeat blue team’s got no tail come on guys get a tail get a

Tail come on let’s get a tail guys let’s get a tail but from where all right he just grabbed me from 10 m away that’s fair isn’t it that’s so fair very fair e very very fair everyone’s tired dang dang D okay don’t don’t L it don’t use it

Give me that give me that give me the tail boy give me the tail let’s go let’s go yo bricks flicks and Angel welcome in guys welcome in I hope you’re both having a fantastic day so far went in the W let’s go brick flick I hope you had

Fun I hope you had fun brick flick but yeah welcome in I hope everyone’s having a fantastic day so far Hammer I was on you play some more let’s go let’s go let’s go on team Sergeant let’s go right W’s W’s for real for real

Subscribe he we got hex ring I like hex ring so I’m not complaining going to swe this thank you pleas I appreciate it got on this one this one I’m going should I yeah go I’ll s it all right let’s go that means I can’t really read the chat if I’m going to

Sweat let’s do it let’s get the win easy peasy lime squeezy I’m too good man I’m too good you guys didn’t see it coming you guys didn’t see it coming okay we got six people left still we got Dalma we’ve got rudo we’ve got arjin we’ve got um bandman bandman got homy

Got Damian and yeah that’s it you f our rip kid down the street rip unlucky broing GG’s guys three left two left one V one we got arjin versus homely goer good luck guys good luck final nice bck fck I like it as well I like it as well W’s let’s go

Damn nice rag rip rud rip lucky boo damn who won that it was arjin GG GG’s arjin well played well played AR good game my name I die sorry D sorry Hammer I grabbed you L you yeah out my girlfriend her name is wait for L nice kid down the stre nice

Shout out my GF my Fall Guys favorite activity is gymnastics Time Track I’m changing shout out to L my four guys favorite activity is gymnastics so let didn’t even mean to hide it mxg 46 if you want to Jo up guys all right time track track yes my favorite hun round is air

Time nice time Lily we get so many hogs hey guys if you want to vote in the chat what should we play next what should V what should we play next three or four for track it looks like last ball time tracks winning time blast ball any team mode

DP blast ball it looks like the majority of you want a Time Track right now so I’m going I’m going to Time Track Hammer can I send you if you’re not in let me know in the chat now if you want to free for blast yeah you can send me a friend

Request if you want to rud yeah you can if you’re not in the chat now we’re going start in 10 seconds if no one says wait all right 10 9 8 7 6 5 start 4 3 2 1 let’s go yeah I’m starting now Dam I started let’s go

Blast after good luck guys blast after we’ll see we’ll see if it gets majority votes then yeah yeah had three and track had four I think so if Blas gets majority after this one then yeah 100% after this okay okay start first and then watching let’s go kid let’s go W all right

R last time I all right good luck Dam Good Luck Good Luck everybody May the best Bean win good luck everyone good luck let’s go nice Dam nice um yeah all right yeah rud if you want to drop your name that’s absolutely fine it might not come through though it

Might not come through in the chat we’ll see we’ll have to [Applause] see Merry Christmas [Applause] fourth nice I it won’t let me get time on the board cuz my glitch wait it put a Time on the board for me it put a Time on the board no

Way am I tripping did it I’m tripping I had a time it just disappeared I’m not even tripping I’m not even tripping not fourth e ah damn I’m I’m 11th 11 oh yeah I’ve got time on the board look n nth now hold on so if I qualif if I qualify last

Second and my time stays I could actually win with a glitch no way no way let’s go let’s go let’s go got kicked oh no rip kid D rip damn unlucky bro that’s a massive L massive El wow all guys be bugging rip what the Cod I got

The go kick on the pin message it’s on the pin message the cod’s in the pin message you’ll be a to join back after this game you’ll be able to join back after the game HX I’ll share the code my screen as well afterwards me back three me back yot

Welcome back welcome back Elliot I hope you’re doing well today OT welcome [Applause] back 29 what do I need need a a 19 I right me good let’s go edit I’m glad to hear it I’m glad to hear that huge dubies edit huge dubies for real for real for real let’s

Go no wait come on this is insane this is [Applause] insane 18 let’s go hug w bro it didn’t count it didn’t go on the score but it didn’t count me on the scoreboard n that’s annoying it ain’t [Applause] Fair 17 let’s go 1787 I’m second please can I

Win with the glitch is it going to stay there for long enough can I win with the glitch come on come on come on come on 5 4 3 two one yes it worked I actually won with a glitch that’s KFC oh nice I hope you enjoyed your KFC that’s sick you’re bugs

You I’m bugged and I still won with the bug that is insane let’s go you got first nice Damian we played fourth nice R nice Arin third nice GG’s guys I can’t believe that I was bugged and I still managed to do it closing the screen by the way guys

Mxg 46 if you want to join up guys the ball one last ball blast ball blast ball I think you guys want to do blast ball I think I’ll do a blast ball then we’ll do a blast ball go on then go on in guys we’ll do a blast

Go on how many wi do you have Damen why not I swear hore we not why not let’s do it what is that winning animation I try hard was that winning anim just like I bought in the shop here down the street just like I bought in the shop it’s sick yeah

Every time I lost a hammer stream I would have one quadrillion nickels thanks arjent BT rip rip all right join her up guys if you want to join in the code’s there and on the pin message if you’re not in yet let me know in the chat tell me to wait if

If no one says wait I’ll get started in 10 seconds right n eight maybe seven 6 5 4 3 two one wait kid down the street wait what’s okay I thought you were in damn okay let’s get you back in kid down the street and then we’ll stop soon as R will

Stop I am oh you are all right go in we’ll go then let’s go let’s target I am in now you’re in now nice nice no targeting Nicholas no targeting targeting is uh something I do not allow in the Customs uh Nicholas sorry good luck everyone May the best

Bean win again let’s go grab the T let’s go grab a time yes sir yes sir I’m a massive sweat with skill not Lu like this oh no targeting music all dam in the dragon okay Damian cool on the dragon cool kid cool kid down the street that’s cool I just sweat

With skill not like this one yeah no targeting guys no Target all right good luck everybody May the best being win let’s go hopefully it’s me here the hammer Bean two ham Nintendo switch upates yo frog Squad welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far I enjoy

Next round whenever my uh Nintendo switch updates um yeah yeah of course you can join but um yeah yeah depends how long your Nintendo switch takes to update obviously um but yeah everyone’s welcome to join everyone’s welcome to join if if you’re Nintendo switch updates for this next one after this

Then 100% yeah Okay Hand light skin tone what come on I’ve got SL up got flung up damn I got flung into the Slime GG’s unlucky or unlucky I couldn’t see the M good game guys good game d dang it hi frog okay hold on guys I’m getting the chat back

Up I hope I didn’t miss anything I’m getting the chat back up now okay all right let’s go chats back up what did I miss what did I miss nothing that’s good that’s good y you’re back unlucky kid down the street unlucky GG’s GG’s well played to

Mattal GG’s well played brick flick well played brick flick good game well played good game guys GG let’s get the code in the screen GG nice all right code is mxg 46 if you want to join up guys you sold rip rip I love animation nice hexon nice job arj

Extreme yeah guys vote in the chat what should we play next join up guys and um vote in the chat if you want to play something specific ggs guys BL again extreme hexon I Wasing we can’t do extreme Nicholas we haven’t got the right amount of players

To do extreme unfortunately no BB not blast ball XOne no blast ball wait Elliot welcome back well let’s get you in let’s get you in Elliot welcome back hope you’re doing well let’s get you in better I’ll wait for you OT don’t worry do not worry do a spinning thing

Blast again blast ball blast Bon spiny thing blast ball blast ball hex he yes hex we got majority for BL B guys only say it once guys don’t spam it only say it once don’t spam it guys all right ell in we’re going to start up

Just say it once guys The Vault blast blast ball right yeah I’m going to do blast B it got the majority so that’s what we’re going to do I always do majority so so only fair final round again okay let’s go nextt go where Robert go he he went for

A break or or sorry he uh he went for a break I have gotten better at this one yes BL will get nice yeah I’ll see um kid down the street I always do majority so if hex gets the majority votes then I’ll do it after this but we’ll see we will see

W damn this is a close game six people left good luck everyone good luck everybody we’ve got dma we’ve got Arin we’ve got Elliot we’ve got hle uh goer we’ve got Hunter of games good luck guys good luck everybody who’s left made the best beam win I have to go by I’ll be

Back I have to go by I’ll be back be eating Ro that’s why I’ll see you later then Bri that’s absolutely fine enjoy your roosters thanks for coming in for a little bit enjoy your roosters and um yeah take care rud take care take care rudol says how do I get

Lost away from my definely said Fair well damn I lagged oh unlucky unlucky Good Luck Good Luck guys good luck yeah enjoy this your day bricks enjoy this your day is so good I’ve never had a rooster before never had one damn oh damn crazy four 5 6 6 7 8

N i dived into that hore into that rip and rip un lucky bro GG’s GG’s indeed no not rooster roosters it’s a restant it’s good ggs all right codes on the screen MX g46 if you want to join up guys that was a restaurant oh is

It oh my bad oh that’s cool know anything but hexone oh yeah enjoy your food F blast ball hexone hex hexone yes kid don’t I Street Okay blost thanks okay I might have to do a hex guys sorry Arin no BL might have to do a hex all right if you’re not in the game if you’re not in the game yet let me know in the chat nightm if you’re not in the game let me

Know in the chat if everyone’s in like if no one says wait then I’ll start up in 10 seconds you have done blast ball two times all right 10 nine person per was yo Co keki welcome in I hope you’re having a good day so far keki welcome into the stream welcome

In um are you joining up Ki are you in never mind I’ll see you in all right 10 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go yeah keki welcome in the Stream I hope you’re having a good day so far don’t spam a don’t don’t spam the numbers

Please griffing so easy nice demon one all right heal Arin 1 V one in this stream I am 1 million years old I was counting down you’re a million years old jeez yeah I know but um just for the future don’t spam numbers in the chat even if it’s just even if it’s

Countdown all right Dam all right let into it into feel drunk what is that I get a point Arin I hate my rip OT unlucky OT unlucky didn’t have time to say that’s why I said hex so dizzy oh maybe she get some rest kid down the street maybe you should get some

Rest I’m on the shutter trash okay we shot that rush I don’t know what that is y hex ring for final as grief in the final K terrestrial in this show is great yeah hex final let’s go my favorite final as well or favorite hex final at least

Definitely I my favorite hex final but one of my favorite finals overall as well [Applause] inro T great yeah say I think the same sugar crash oh okay let’s go let’s go let’s go guys D myself in there didn’t I D myself in there oops whoops I literally have a fever face

With tears of joy face with therm monitor my a fever I hope you get well soon frog I hope you get better soon frog yourself your sh fell down oh no that’s not good that is not good let’s go first on dizzy Heights that’s dizzy Height’s nice serin

Nice did he change skin mid game I could have sworn he wasn’t a white bean earlier maybe I’m tripping I guess I’m not playing this hexor ring then eh whoops oops dang it I had nowhere to go in was F but I survived same I need emotional support loudly crying face I literally

Say let’s go my Elf on the Shelf stole from me oh no kid down the street that’s not good bro we didn’t even get extra ring we got two extraterrestrials man you’re joking you’re joking rip he stle my bracelet on my bracelet what nth on air time for air time oh nice nice

Skull I need emotional support loudly crying face black heart in turning emo now my Lego shell fell Lego shell fell oh no too asterisk we play Hunter of games GG’s loudly crying face two times are rip codes on the screen if you want to join up guys

Mxg 46 if you want to join the Customs up and if you guys want to vote in the chat as well for the for next game mode you can go ahead and vote in the chat as well if you’d like to First on penguin pool party first on penguin pool party

Nice wait Elliot let’s get you in let’s get you in Elliot let’s get you in sorry hello blast ball subscribe where Robert’s not here right now or he went for a break I’m not sure where he is now yo let’s go welcome in welcome into the stream let’s go I hope you’re doing

Well today hi I hope you’re having a good day so far I’ll buy kid down the street I’ll see you later thanks for playing with us kid down the street enjoyed us your day take care enjoy the rest of your day I appreciate you playing been fun but yeah welcome in let’s

Go yeah I’m doing good thank you let’s go I’m doing good did you want to join let’s go did you want to Jo us if you want to join let me know I think this is possibly going to be I think this is going to be the last

Game today I think I’m going to end it after this one BT my nightmares all right the stre I’m not home all right no problem let’s go no problem at all I appreciate you popping in yeah I think this might be the last game guys by yourself nvn you play games by yourself

No not really a ro not really I might start doing that in the future nightm we’ll see I mean most most of my viewers want interactive so survival of the most of the time we don’t yeah okay Hammer okay surv the F the F all right let’s do

Survival the F finish it off then I’m going to do a raid after this game by the way guys if you want to stick around that would be for the last very appreciated if you guys want to stick around for the raid after this than for the last game let’s go let’s

Go I will be in your nightmares all right we’re going to start in if no one says wait we’re going to start in 10 seconds right 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 you’ve been streaming for five HRS one let’s go been streaming for we’ve been streaming for 6 hours we’ve been

Streaming for 6 hours ear your country wait what oh sorry I just started sorry that’s my fault I just started I think I started before what it went through I started before I saw it though 1K subscribers I’m not sure yo Leo welcome in I hope you’re having a

Good day so far Leo congrats on 1K thank you thank you let’s go I appreciate it welcome in Le I hope you’re having a good day so far Please Subscribe be right in your country wait what what do you mean what I was just about to join I was just

About to join oh I’m sorry frog I’m sorry um I’ll be back tomorrow frog I’ll be back tomorrow if you want to join in tomorrow we’ll be uh we’ll be back um but we have been going for 6 hours already today so I’m uh my God I got

Grabbed I always come back you know okay okay hand skin tone I will tired 6 hours so far to day already it’s been a long one oh ripo you from I’m from um the UK I always come back by o I’m dead I’m alive next can we do time attack Trap

Attack I’m doing I’m ending the stream after this one D we’re going to do a raid going to do a raid see you bye all right K down the street I’ll see you later enjoy us day thanks for playing with us see you later oh okay UK is a good place

See you good place thank you R let’s go yeah see you later kid down the street take care take care enjoy rest of your day hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow we’ll see but yeah for now enjoy y Day dead I’m alive got caught what happened ediot oh damn I’m Alive don’t if you guys remember you used to be able to get on here that was crazy times BR Quality quality one more player to die oh there still four of them okay interesting very interesting yeah if you want to R yeah you can say where you’re from that’s

Fine yeah that was Good Times where on the rainow made it expect you all right I’ll expect at you yeah that was good yeah all yeah yeah Elliot don’t worry I’ll spectate you I’ll spectate you Elliot I got you I got you okay I am from Greece are you

From gree nice rudo nice that’s cool that’s cool okay rudo well not rud sorry Elliot spectating Elliot there you go Elliot I’m spectating you Elliot good luck everyone good Luck by now I am going to stop here always and always have a great time w i lagged okay are you lagged oh rip Elliot unlucky bro unlucky damn damn hi good luck guys is it a one V one on rhinos really [Applause] BR bruh that’s

Crazy that is crazy One V one on rhinos damn CL yo iron welcome in Iron I hope you’re having a good day so far welcome into the stream bro um all right Leo I’ll see you later as well enjoy this your day Leo take care see you

Later I am from thank you rud I appreciate you playing with us enjoy rest day rud enjoy rest day from Saudi Arabia nice Leo nice GG’s by the way um we are going to Chuck a raid now if you guys want to join in on the raid um that would be

Cool we’re going to do a raid so if you guys want to join in the raid that’ll be massive W um I will but only say it four times okay oh edit thank you edit let’s go all right let’s go all right link is coming now guys Link’s coming

Now Hammer raid Hammer there you guys go link is there https go. youtube.com hope you had a fantastic so far I’ll see you guys later peace out4 RQ https

This video, titled ‘🛑FALL GUYS WITH YOU GUYS🛑CUSTOMS🎄🛑’, was uploaded by Hammer30lp on 2023-12-09 21:19:37. It has garnered 525 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:49 or 22009 seconds.

#fallguys #fallguysultimateknockout #fallguysannouncement #fallguysnews #minecraft #fortnite #jackbox #rocketleague

  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

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  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

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  • Ultimate Power: Reactor Madness!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Servers Losing Their Roar?

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  • EPIC Minecraft Fail Compilation

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  • Minecraft’s Hidden Bases: Secrets Unveiled in 1.21!

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  • Nepiz Kingdom

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  • Enival SMP, semi-vanilla, Java, whitelist, trust-based, QOL mods, starting today.

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  • Minecraft Memes – End this Minecraft madness

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

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  • Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos

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    UNBELIEVABLE: TOP PRISON SERVER 2024 REVAMP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers!’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-10 22:36:58. It has garnered 941 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers! JOIN THE SERVER! ⬇️ 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net Bedrock Port: 19379 Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new Minecraft OP Prison server! 🡆 PvPCloud Minecraft Prisons similar to other servers AkumaMC, OPLegends, Fadecloud, MineLucky What is… Read More

  • XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!

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  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠

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  • Cristalit’s Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!

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  • Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft Skywars

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  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

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  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

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  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

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  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

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  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

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  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWj6lQ9K1YZZjopgya3JoQ/join Tips/donations: https://streamlabs.com/richjturn2/tip Merch store: streamlabs.com/richjturn2/merch For more content check out my… Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@richjturn/featured I find channel: https://trovo.live/s/Richjturn/549814015949 Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/richjturn Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@richjturn For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: https://twitter.com/richjturn My Discord Server: discord.gg/Bsxvt6SnAW Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yosoytreme Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoytreme TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yosoytreme Twitter: https://twitter.com/yosoytreme ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK: https://discord.gg/2ehHGD5wC7… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More