Video Information

He W Oh Good evening everybody hello how we doing how we feeling huh how you doing what’s going on hello hi I hope uh I hope you’re all doing well this Monday hope it hasn’t been too difficult I have been swamped to be honest I didn’t think I’d be able to

Stream oh looks like Connor’s here he was not here when I uh when I pinged everybody but yeah you know what time it is it’s time for Minecraft Monday so shall we stop Dilly dallying and get straight into it I think we shall let me

Go get my compatriots let me go get the Hooligans hello hi hi we’re shy guys hello everybody oh you are sh oh shoot I just broke my chair oh my godob oh my Lord chair broky good chair broke crew let’s let’s roll out mission accomplished how we feeling how we doing

We’re just talking about pizza Tower um we were going through like MC Pig’s older art of pizza Tower um I saw I just looked through this one let me let me get a Gander I like the Expressions [ __ ] they’re very cool he’s horrible I love him anyway shall we uh shall we shall we shall we play the game oh why is hopefully uhoh there has been an error that’s no good what the hell is what what the oh my God you

Whatever I I had to watch a stupid ad to turn on the server and it didn’t even work so I’m keeping my ad blocker on like that’s just how it’s going to be all right it’s booting up now awesome lovely yeah the server is yeah yeah it should have gotten started before the

Stream it’s my bad I I’m a terrible server host no yes you are die all right yeah the server is currently starting just give it destroyed for Server crimes just uh just give it a few seconds Minecraft is big as update is here I do not care get out of here kill yourself

Um I vastly prefer Minecraft dungeons anyway would you guys uh would you guys in a couple days be down for lethal company lens days if I get it you should all right serers up let’s let’s do it I won’t be able to though I’m currently trying to

Work on fixing up the [ __ ] logo that I sent earlier that’s fair all right servers there transition and we are here I should turn down my music it’s still still just a bit loud just a bit loud all right bit loud hello hi guys hi chip no I forgot about be stupid skibby

Toilet bit from last time SK bit we got to kill we do got to kill him all right I already did that last time yes yes you did someone put a flower in my home um so for this stream I actually have a plan I want to build a big ass fight pit

To settle disputes on the server oh my um in I know exactly where we should do it where should we do it CU I was just about to ask what location should we we should we should do it in that Valley next to the Village ooh that’s a good

Idea I like that I like this this is a good plan oh my God I have to restructure my brain from playing lethal company it’s me all right um yeah there’s my bridge so I see that stuff for for those who didn’t see it last time here’s the

Finished Bridge it’s it’s uh it’s very cool it’s very nice um the r is beginning to consume it yes it is yum yum I love eating copper the bridge is very human very easy to use the design is very human are you very easy to use ow [ __ ]

Are you little get out of my ass get out of my ass get out of my ass all right hey guys I’m going to keep it real with you I forgot that I’m not playing the Kingdom so I don’t have a bar glider [ __ ] did you jump to your or

Something no no I didn’t jump to my death um your embarrassment how should we do this my embarrassment in the [ __ ] wow the [ __ ] the hell is the Lucy containment Zone I got to see this what wait let me see the L where’s the Lucy containment Zone don’t worry you’ll

See me there soon all right oh right I think I remember where is it in your house where is it I can’t find it it’s not in my house all right I guess I’ll follow the I know where it is where is it at oh right what the scalet the basement

Of course the basement damn it you stole my joke you stole my joke I’m she not here yet but she will be soon do it you won’t do it you won’t do it you won’t all right then I will all right um cuz my my a question what’s your

Question um what was I GNA do this this stream I forgot hubster if you’ll hubster come over to over here where I’m standing behind you where are you oh uh cuz my idea was to use this like kind of circular divot uh down here and like fill it in with dirt

Or something and then like put fences or something on the other side so that when you hit someone and they fall off the other side there’s like a death zone like in Smash Brothers if you can’t like kill your opponent cuz it was my idea

They fall into the water or yeah or like use like half slabs of wood planks or something to just sort of make a circle you know I think that could cool oh so you want to make it like a raised platform like in orts Resort no I just

Want to make a big circular wooden platform okay I think a ra platform would be nice all right I I just I held ship to [ __ ] like run like in [ __ ] Pizza Tower and it didn’t happen I was like why am I going get [ __ ] that makes two of us who tried

To do something from a different game out of force no dude I’ve literally been I’ve literally been doing that this entire time just like um [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh just I’ve been scrolling my wheel the wrong way and pressing shift to Sprint cuz I’ve been playing lethal company too

Much oh my God is witch my home there’s a what a witch witch hold on I got to see this maybe you should maybe that wouldn’t happen if you actually finished your [ __ ] house yeah if you finally finish it no trust me it would still happen let me see where’s this witch at

I killed it I’m poison why why would I keep it around cuz it’s funny wait so you mean you’re on one hit right now don’t you [ __ ] ding staircase into the abyss guys there’s a creeper coming up to the house oh man pay more attention no I

Wish that had hit Conor instead of me nope all right I’m going to go get some wood and I’ll start on the the fight pit you know I love I would love to create a like finish my house unfortunately I need quartz for that a and I don’t know where the [ __ ]

Nether portals are I know there’s one here yeah but it’s kind of Ass N you could get Quartz from it there’s some like places you could bridge to if you just have Cobble you know or a pickaxe to get Netherrack with yeah earlier before the stream started we were talking about

Some of the [ __ ] uh tweets that mCP did of like poito playing other games and or his opinions on them and I just stupid thought entered my head what was your stupid Minecraft yeah what would he think of Minecraft you’d probably just like build a small ass Pizza Tower in it

And then say 10 out of 10 oh thank you I’ve been given a gift did know there used to be a pizza Tower SMP really used to be yeah tell me about it well I wasn’t there for I Fally found out about it like there yesterday but I

Was going through the Discord server really the remains of such right a cuz remember the Discord server got [ __ ] like Nuke that’s right okay I did not know that oh well long story short um basically there [ __ ] when Pizza Tower exploded the Discord server also exploded and there they did not want to

Like get more moderators to moderate to place cuz they want to focus on the game and also their own lives right exactly you know Fair yeah so they they were just like uh we’re shutting it down bye Fair uh but unfortunately the way they shut it down like the server is still up

If you’re in it it’s like you just can’t chat in there or anything but unfortunately they didn’t archive anything properly so all a lot of the channels are just flat up deleted oh yeah that’s unfortunate D thankfully we still have the announcements team of the week and fireworks archive yeah of the week

Mostly containing all of [ __ ] that we need yeah there’s most of it in there but there’s like some other stuff in like the general Channel that’s just gone really quick I hate to interrupt you guys uh just very quickly what would you guys think of a hybrid wood dirt

Like type deal for the fight pit cuz I want it to be slightly organic fun is that a good idea should I do that yes yes that sounds fine yeah I’ll do it I approve anyway please continue talking or organic like yeah sorry that’s my cat in the background if he’s say that’s

Trixie say hi Trixie Trixie say hi you want to give it a what was that H if you want to make it look I would say if you want to make it look like organic or mixing that kind of steady use uh blocks from the Lush uh

Lush C like moss and glowberries and stuff like that that’s a good idea drip Leaf platforms drip Leaf platforms or like leaves or something I could do that um SM Brothers in Minecraft oh my goodness I I found screenshots of the of the areas they showed cuz it was like a

Clan server the server was hosted around like early 2020 late 2019 oh [ __ ] oh that’s kind of sick is that is that a noise like a that looks like a noise skin they have the noise make you oh where I put the [ __ ] Sage building it’s

Him I put the sage building above the that’s funny it’s him it’s in hell it’s that’s actually kind of sick I love that I I love how the first room is like the [ __ ] old tutorial room yeah I wish I could see that [ __ ] noise skin I’m very curious to see what

It looks like if you can figure out the Minecraft username if only find it no is calling pick up is your death will be my ringt you just had like the same brain cell okay so don’t just hi p h pine pine of Justice oh no it was just chip I thought I thought it was fine anyway um one story short Luc see they were quoting a [ __ ] cover no I I know what it is cter showed me it before Oh I thought you didn’t know no I I’m painfully aware your death will be my

Ringtone did they find the full video yet I don’t think they is no I never found it quite unfortunate Tak me I would love to give this person a like and or subscribe you saw Herobrine in the corner of my screen oh God he’s here it’s me her is her

Heroic herob Brin heroic Brian heroic L I would like to unfortunately tell you My the [ __ ] sorry that was a creeper go on you okay yeah creature yeah yeah I I become a creature sometimes a creature you like the noise that but real I’m just going to leave I’m just going to leave all the diorite for that toilet be made just let

It no no leave it leave his thing there it’s funny next time I have to make a noise at skin and just [ __ ] use my voice as her the whole time that would be horrible that would be that would be awful I’d love it can we can we talk

About how you unofficially voiced um my character for like the old Friday night funk andm I made and so that technically noisette and my character are voiced by the same person that’s horrible so funny it’s very funny oh yeah don’t forget I also voiced the’s girlfriend so that’s like oh yeah

Extended Universe the extended Universe of people I voice okay so I want you to know something when I first like I I knew about D sides before I came to Vibe share when I met you I had no idea you voiced her me neither a okay so long story short um the only

Reason I voiced her is cuz the composer one of the composers of d um was like hey I need a girl voice and I’m like I have a girl voice that’s it Pas can you do me a favor yeah can you give me your focal cords

No oh well I would but that that means that REM means yeah thank you um that means [ __ ] I almost died that means I cannot scream anymore I need those I need mine and you know not bad no not a bad not a bad offer I willon think about

It oh but I wanted laughs complete with microphone Distortion you guys yeah I was going to say you guys know those videos of um like compilations of popular YouTubers with shitty mics using like better ones yeah I I I can’t imagine Lucy’s voice being anything like without the

Compression oh no me NE I I I live or die by this [ __ ] PlayStation tree Eye camera it’s a it’s a webcam microphone it’s a webcam microphone from the goddamn PlayStation Tre oh my God awesome I’ve been using it for like I’ve been using it for like six years now

That’s that’s incredible holy [ __ ] if anyone has any dirt please Outsource it to me by the way I know Alex does Alex Alex [ __ ] upcharges the [ __ ] out of his dirt what he has he has a stack of dirt cost like a stack of iron like he’s such such a capitalist Pig it’s

Disgusting what the [ __ ] ridiculous I know he’s closed down the shot but I’m never going to let him live it down that is not what he made me pay him for Stacks and stacks of dir is it not I may be I may be wrong I I could be in he

Just made me pay like a few gold ingots he gave me like nine Stacks what I think he might have just not cuz it was Conor maybe that’s true yeah true that’s what I was G to suggest maybe you just have the price as iron for Conor

Specifically what the [ __ ] for me it was one iron for a stack you guys I never was there you guys are [ __ ] up I was never there I can’t say [ __ ] this gity stopped oh did someone did someone [ __ ] decompile the toilet thank you thank you my friend the [ __ ] someone did decompile

The toilet why are you say decompile go look in front of my house I’m kid I’m in a ravine you should there’s there was toilet the whole time you want to see a picture what do I want to be in a picture no I mean do you want to see yes

A screenshot of the thing sure for for those who didn’t hear Connor just [ __ ] said they found files for Luigi inside the toilet he was there the whole time just never found he was there all these years there we go white man has been here oh my god oh

That’s great they really through the wall decommissioned the toilet sorry Netherrack pathway through the wall wonderful loie loie do I oh I do have a shovel I thought I didn’t have a shovel I was about to piss myself should Luigi Super Brother Legend dude for real that guy’s

Awesome yeah there is a Luigi Super Brother Legend yeah don’t you know him yeah do you not know of Luigi Super Brother Legend yeah I know I know that’s why I I was saying he’s awesome oh he’s the best why are you lying scale bucko you know

Him you know him I don’t bucko you know him not ringing a bell that’s 123’s Steam username Oh oh I I missed the bit I’m a little you see I might be a little you fool relax you fool you fell for it I sure did under cross for attack the undertale [ __ ] storm attack [ __ ] storm yeah you should make this like a b

Dr your and cast PSI [ __ ] storm oh my God T eat [ __ ] eslers wait even better PSI [ __ ] [Laughter] scram PSI [ __ ] your mom Psi slin Psi slen did I ever tell you guys about that no that’s what I [ __ ] named it in my play through

Oh oh my goodness I named it PSI sloin that’s horrible I know everything in that is like so like I instead of steaks it’s bricks like um instead oh yes I love yeah bricks like so every time you go home like the mom is just like eat some bricks and

Scoot up to bed who the [ __ ] teleported behind me I heard that Ness is named nothing personel kid Paula is named G uh um the [ __ ] glasses kid is named my ey like glasses kid we got to kill put you down all right his name is Jeff yeah I know I I just

I just took the piss every time and I think it’s very fun three kinds of people three kinds of people and they’re all the exact same exactly it’s it’s like that one it’s like that one image [ __ ] booby trap yeah I i’ fall through a trap if I saw boobies it’s

Just the image of the mystery gang with the caption despite being interviewed individually they all had the same answer midlife crisis yeah I’d have a crisis if my life was mid Conor I don’t know how to tell you but it already is oh yeah well that’s

Okay I [ __ ] this up do you think poos have I just found the worst thing ever on the [ __ ] on the pizza Tower twiter what you find oh no what did you find oh no the I should I give you guys access to uh to my um stream again like just

Posting whatever yeah that would be amazing like a little thing in the corner lit was last time that’s what I did one time um did I ever keep it I didn’t the [ __ ] wait I’m on the wrong thing uh switch should get rid of this [ __ ] Phantoms computer piece of

[ __ ] piece of [ __ ] up your ass up your ass up your ass up your ass so true two of you need to you have to put the CD up there are two kinds of people and they are exactly the same they are clones of each other except I don’t kiss

Spiders I think I say you don’t kiss men but you know what fair enough hey kid whoops you [ __ ] of course I kiss men what are you talking about what well listen I didn’t know This actually no I’ve never Ked any I think I’m gonna die no oh my God the noise there now you guys have now you guys have direct access to my uh Stream post whatever you want I can’t say that actually never mind so like what’s the recipe for bread

Again just hypothetically speaking it’s it’s three oh God oh God what yeah Conor I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about cuz there is [ __ ] there’s quarts everywhere around here just like 80 blocks away from a portal yeah yeah I’m currently in Port why are these trees just bunched up it’s they’re

Not going not going to grow like that cuz it’s funny where are you looking I don’t know I didn’t put them there you think it’s funny that trees suffer yes well [ __ ] you then a after after doing the record attack in day I’m going no no no yeah I agree I agree

After not [ __ ] after not [ __ ] time trial yeah no they die who’s dying me the trees the trees if you’ve ever played Earthbound you know how bad an idea that is oh yeah you’re going to you’re you’re going to want to get away from those yeah that’s

True or is it imagine this somebody made a mod that just makes it so that whenever you break a tree it just explodes oh God I should do that I should learn how to code Java and I will do that good you I I’m sure you could make that a data

Pack easily you like you code in the entirety of the Earthbound like encounter and battles like into Minecraft somebody already imported Mario 6 into Minecraft it’s possible that’s true I’m sure you could do it with Earthbound why am I internally sprinting good question cuz you’re in a rush

You got to get out of there I’m going to hurry it’s Pizza Time Rush you grabbed the uh the power core and you got to get out of the company you grabbed the [ __ ] you found you grabbed the [ __ ] corn you got to get out of this lethal company this company isn’t looking so lethal now guys we’ve got company well

Then I guess it’s about to get lethal oh my God I think I should this is exactly why I’m trying to clean my Sonic Adventure one Dreamcast disc right now awesome don’t scratch it scratch it now scratch it like a wck if you scratch if you scratch that disc I will come to

Your house and murder you there you go you’ll get a personal murder from lav incentive you get you get a free with walk p i will murder you if I see you kill one my die monster children die monster you don’t belong in this world yes you’re

Right bring me back to Jupiter hey if anyone’s free right now can you come over to the the construction of the fight pit and make sure I’m doing this evenly you know if the night had a release on the the I’m doing a circle and I keep [ __ ]

It would but I’m in the nether right now I’m exploring hyperx stations I’m fighting for my life I don’t care you can fight for your life at another time no I literally can’t if I don’t do it now two one two one two okay wait is that no that can’t be right

What all right uh sorry I’m doing one two three one two I know that guy one two no me too [ __ ] he’s a great guy isn’t whoopsy someone forgot to wear gold that’s two then a couple unlucky unlucky everyone in chat start spamming unlucky start spamming

Unlucky don’t please I don’t need to who made dicks in my face I wonder who I’m going to kill myself you already died don’t make it do it again no don’t kill me what the [ __ ] it wasn’t me I love how no one was convinced by

That [ __ ] be there this is why you’re bad at Among Us you’re really obvious no that’s the thing I do that voice every time I play no Matter What status I get and the second it comes out everyone always votes me off it’s so funny the

Other night we were playing and I was just like what no it’s not me and then everyone voted me it was so funny why is there Freddy why is Freddy Fazbear in my house calling me a [ __ ] guys whatever first fredd first video so much that’s how he says it oh ow it

Sounds like he’s saying ‘s in pain he’s in pain good Lord I’m seeing a lot of green but I’m not seeing a lot of cherry it was an iron nugget the whole time oh I finally found a who knows hopefully if it was a dog you might want to stay quiet

Though oh my God that’s a tree on fire what Herobrine see I love ashid I think that’s how um I think that’s how Mo just got a revelation skl how did why did you say that like um SpongeBob saying nose Fatu I thought it would be funny it was funny

Good it was funny not funny enough dang it whatever oh oh oh oh oh I think the song that’s playing on my stream right now is like so perfect for the shenanigans that we get up to it’s so good what song is it let me un your

Is it the song from SpongeBob no it’s the [ __ ] song from omori it’s called see you in your fantasy and it’s the dinki song I’ve ever heard dinkier than that one ass one dinky ass Kirby song that one dinky ass song think the one from [ __ ] like return to dreamlands yeah yes my

Beloved I love that song so much slippery now I understand everything no you don’t nuh well I understand some things sorry I almost did you just say sorry I almost no I said eek like a mouse yes like a mouse wow oh wow that is three netherite scrapped all together nice what the

[ __ ] what how oh so I die horribly and Ne and neite goes to [ __ ] hster con I know how to [ __ ] I know how to [ __ ] bed mine di [ __ ] Conor I think it’s because you went into the nether with like some iron armor and hubster went in with like

Full Nether right that could but I don’t know could just no I’m I’m trying to get the last cuz hubster’s a dirty [ __ ] speedrunner and doesn’t make the game fun excuse me for playing the game yeah you’re playing it wrong we’re playing the game that’s the whole point of

Minecraft Mondays I think within like the first like day he had full diamond it was ridiculous he’s playing it wrong yeah I know you’re not doing it though right you’re not having fun right it’s like like that [ __ ] Twitter po stop having fun yeah stop

Having fun I will be that man when it comes to hubster but only hster but only hster exactly hster exclusive okay what you talking about I’m specifically imagining those videos where Batman’s like getting on people’s cases for like extremely minor things like getting spr a water [ __ ] lava to go away oh my

God does anyone have have any more dirt I I need some uh I need some more I’m 5 million yards away from Spawn if I did have dirt it’s now in the nether somewhere okay it is completely ridiculous how much copper you need to make a copper block I know right it’s so

Stupid I know I learned about it when I was making the bridge and I was like this seems it should they specifically made it to be a building block it should be 4×4 really should it’s it’s like an abundant resource but it’s like an early game resource it makes no sense

[ __ ] uh chip if you think that’s ridiculous how much it takes to make a block just look at the recipe for the trap doors and doors oh yeah get a little oh yeah don’t they take blocks instead of ingots block even though the other like iron stuff takes ingots Minecraft mod

Philosophy is so [ __ ] stupid and the fact that they haven’t changed it for like a few snapshots now tells me that they don’t plan on changing it which sucks yeah that’s terrible okay yeah I think all my stuff just despawned that [ __ ] BL oh unlucky can you show a little goddamn sympathy unlucky

Conor remember what you were talking about earlier about your uses of unlucky yeah sorry I forgot I use [ __ ] I use it in very Oh’s internet exploded just so you know oh [Laughter] unlucky I use it way too often I know it’s bad it’s become a [ __ ] vocal tick for me now oh

Wait yes yes I’m going to murder you and I’m going to murder you again I’m going to kill you and then kill you again and then kill you again no no I am not dying to that [ __ ] warhog that chased me three chunks out of the Scarlet Forest just get a

F get a [ __ ] what life get well no it’s a hoglin can’t really get gold for that yeah get a horse horse get a horse get a horse and bring it to the nether get a horse Yeah excuse Meer the horse is here the hor here Peter the horse are here Peter I like the version of that clip where there’s just like a long pause yeah honestly that if they use that in that would be an ingenious way to pad for time I know right

Peter the horse is here cornflour okay I’ve got two more beds let’s hope I get lucky unlucky unlucky I hear one more person say unlucky I’m going to kill you unfortunate unlucky lucky oh hold up oh [ __ ] oh my God what F there were two pieces of nether netherite strap right

Next to the bed I just placed I don’t believe this I just dug a little tunnel like all right dig a little tunnel least something for the rest of used mine anyway you put you place a bed you’re back away put a block between you and the bed and then click the

Bed doesn’t the bed yeah yes it explodes that’s the entire point doesn’t doesn’t that take a lot of [ __ ] wool yeah so I get sheep three wo three three wool it’s three wool and three planks for the explosion of a Charged Creeper on command I’d say it’s worth it it’s pretty good

True the best way to better oh oh oh Oh honestly the be the bear of garbage cannon in the video is so [ __ ] funny looking you have you guys seen the edit of um your seen life no the one where uh it’s your new home from the amazing digital circus yes I have I love witches I love how it’s witches from

[ __ ] mod really accurate one yeah yeah I I know it’s so good right it’s said oh yeah that one seen that really good because I can show it on stream so good it’s so beautiful try every time Faz I love the TF2 characters laughing at him the T character just being there they’re like I love how well they [ __ ] translated the expression of H on Freddy yeah least try to it’s great I feel like I’m playing a survival horror game right now yeah who made this survivalr G yeah

Ompo go subscribe oh made like a [ __ ] Bandit with eight beds I hear the I hear the noises of the noises Lucy post a gift you know I’m just you know what I think you know what right now the lava below me is looking really nice uh welcoming

The problem is I have 43 iron and a [ __ ] Diamond chest plate on so I can’t afford to do that [ __ ] you know what I’m going to say if you do it I’ll leave unlucky [Laughter] unlucky I had to he left the call he left the call no

Way bro come on oh no bro oh no bro he did say he was anyway hey look look here you go there’s your noise oh the noises noise the noises Fryar oh let us Fredy F oh oh it’s a great video I’m s to the EG Dimension I am back from the nether

Welcome back from the nether I got nine scrap crap nine ancient debris let’s go nine scrap what the crap now we’re going to meet our quota yippee just hey Conor welcome back there he is I was just wondering if he was going to come back that’s a way to make

A crop Farm yeah I I wanted a nice little uh a nice little Brook running down through the side of um my on like the side of my house I think it looks nice like going around the tree and stuff looks very Cool I just need um I need to go like uh [ __ ] do some you go [ __ ] yeah I need to go [ __ ] uh so [ __ ] I need I need to do some Landscaping CU I don’t have enough dirt to finish the fight pit door oh it’s time

Finally yes yes it is time what what’s it time for oh my he’s done it debris good [ __ ] I don’t know whose farm this is but I’m expanding it against without their permission so sorry in advance where are you right now I’m at town taffies oh it’s Taffy okay so she’ll it’ll be

Fine it looks cool thank you pork appreciate it if Daffy ever logs on to the server just say you don’t know how they’re Farm got bigger just Gaslight them yeah yeah okay I’m never must have been Herobrine must have been the win was Herobrine okay I’m back in hi con welcome

Back [ __ ] stuck back hi skl hi it’s going so well now I don’t I even know where the path back is oh my God Conor I got to be so honest with you I was about to say it as like just an involuntary response and I

Literally had to grab my mouth and stop myself from saying it don’t say it don’t think it don’t say it don’t think it one two three four five 6 78 n oh God he’s counting I wonder if you were to try roll num I wonder if you’re trying to roll down a

Hill in Minecraft would it feel like you’re actually rolling down a hill or like you’re falling down some stairs definitely feel like you’re falling down some stairs falling down the stairs hi hubster I don’t know how I’m getting home from here come check this out yeah I’m [ __ ] lost me when I’m [ __ ]

Lost me when I’m [ __ ] lost the 20 something TV show and the sad Minecraft music is not helping it’s like this really Mel all like [ __ ] piano track and I’m like dude I already feel bad enough let Peak piano cck yes check it out oh God I might die welcome to the fight

Pit yes it looks a I wish I had the weapon that I could have used in the fight pit unfortunately the [ __ ] pit this is the Bight pit the fight of 87 nowhere is that the fight of 87 the fight of check okay what what is that oh my God it’s [ __ ]

Loss Jesus Christ I was wondering what you put in my stream chat oh that’s awesome man though I really underestimated how hard it would be it is to make a normal Minecraft base I’m stuck and um where do nothing but a combination of jungle mountain and Oak

Forest yeah that’s your first mistake I made the same mistake uh a couple years ago don’t use jungle I like jungle but I I like jungle but I feel like you can only use it in certain like scenario configure yeah true um no I agree with

That making a making a Minecraft base is kind of difficult I usually stick to like one configuration and Don’t Stray too far from it I can make so much bread now I can make so much bread with you’re making a sand Castle awesome making a bread castle that sounds fun

Also I just real Sand by the farm so I can make Windows for my house nice Windows oops I have this in of anxiety right now this [ __ ] the DI servioli from Pizza Tower yeah yeah so they actually finished that song in December 2021 oh but they actually made a not ref

Vision to it for around the time of like mid 2022 for eggplant o in which they would keep that until at least October 2022 and then referred back to the [ __ ] December 2021 one weird [ __ ] bizarre area at least looks familiar I know I think didn’t death I

Deserve the eggplant one the like the r one they did for eggplant which still wasn’t exactly finished I think there was a few mixing problems with that version specifically that had like an extra outro part which the Rel death from [ __ ] sug Spire actually uses o but

Unlike that the wooden thei does not Loop the rest of the song after [ __ ] please no it’s God hey car stop stop where you are for just a second no me skeleton okay turn around turn around hi turn around turn around turn around okay now slowly turn back to me hello

Neighbor God I just I can’t what did you do that’s all he did he didn’t even do anything visual that’s all he did he just staring me just stupid hello neighbor punch line hello neighbor that sucked hey cter do you want to see what your uh your fight pit looks like from

Overhead uh yeah send it to me might be uh voice that’s fine yeah it’s a circle kind of what is it that it looks like is it that it looks like a dick I can change it if you’re trying to tell me that it’s just it’s it’s just like

Ovular yeah like a dild it’s it’s meant to like it’s meant to like circle around cuz the the thing itself is exctly circular [ __ ] fine change it Jesus ow oh I’m feeling a little better cuz I’m at a place where if I die at least I can get back to easily Yeah still I think I’m going to go back on the decision to make my house out of quartz starting to become far far less [ __ ] worth hey by the way Conor no no no why why why why why what’s up chip sorry I could hear you over the [ __ ]

Noise the noises anyways uh yeah I have some stacks of dir if you want them I would love it yes please awesome get them from my chest and hand them to you okay making a break for it please please please please please please no no what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Who the I am vomiting dirt what the how did you get this terraforming what I made it home do you see what it is yeah no the thing I’m in my hand oh yeah that that’s Fredy Faz making all those like Freddy Faz DS earlier who did this just like in my

House it’s just it’s just Freddy Fazbear my God may I may I keep him or would you like him back I would like to keep him he is you already have one what you didn’t tell me can you make up aedd F bear Conor right now [ __ ] where it’s not in my

Mailbox I I’m on a hunt there’s a fredd your where is he you’re I thought you would have seen it by now honestly know he’s blind I am I’m where he Conor Conor Conor what oh I’m notor I’m not I’m not mad that put dicks in my

Base I am mad however that when I came back from the most [ __ ] infuriated thing I’ve had happen on this server to I’ve come back to two large phall penises in my well of course they’re phallic they’re penises this is incredible thank you if a penis wasn’t phallic that would be

Very this is what listen I know how to use blockbench this is what I can use my powers for I love him plusy wait wait wait could you make a POA spaghetti one pry please standing Maybe I I love that you will wait by my bed forever base him off the fan gamer

Plushy I think that would be awesome oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right we’re fine what dude just like the pizza tower level that oh [ __ ] that that uh that song was copyrighted but we’re fine also I forget what’s in this book let me read

It penis goodness gracious 1 2 3 go [ __ ] yourself uh Saint 14245 17228 that’s its underscore Conor’s IP totally real not fake at all I definitely didn’t just use a random IP generator penis again play a hat in time blank blank page blank page blank page blank page blank page blank page blank

Page blank page page 10 written with the cooperation of the other voice chat awesome thanks guys yeah that was uh two streams ago amazing you finally got that no I I had I just forgot gun has finally been fired Conor don’t you know that I I put

It in a bookshelf and I just forgot about it oh yeah hey skl do you have a base somewhere at all I have it in a like a hole in a mountain at town like right next to [ __ ] um Conor I need you to know that your reaction to

That made the entire how I’ve been through worth it I think it’s like it’s right across from the [ __ ] wheat little wheat area unfortunately I have lost all of my levels so I can’t enchant anything again which means I going have to grind yeah there go you know what you could

You know what you could grind some XP Out on Just Mine quartz this is true hubster I’m going to [ __ ] kill you he’s not wrong you may not be wrong but you sure are a dick it’s true though it is mining is what got me killed yeah we

Know unfortunate I didn’t know oh well good job lucky okay skl I found your base thank you what the [ __ ] skl why did why didn’t you tell Conor you found the the coast trim con if it makes you feel any better my shovel almost immediately broke after

I said that skl Conor’s been looking for this armor TR oh no we found it yesterday we found it last Monday yeah no no it’s all good I I have enough to make a full set thank you hubster um I’m having I’m having so much trouble making this circular I I can’t [ __ ]

See I wish I wish I had a mini map enabled that would solve that would fix me I have one me when I can’t see oh is that a desert did I finally find a desert and that [ __ ] snow you be I know this doesn’t mean I’m any

Closer to finding cherry trees but oh no I’m I I got [ __ ] con this is just a beach it’s over what the [ __ ] unlucky is that allow more like a [ __ ] yeah I found a a [ __ ] I’m I’m this is I’m so unlucky right now un Chad can we get an

Unlucky Chad can we get an unfortunate chat can we get an unfortunate in chat please most unforge unforge why is there just a random dirt lump on the side of the mountain this is the fight pit did you not read the stream title I think I made it pretty

Damn clear what I’m working on oh be really funny if you censored the word fight in that [Laughter] sentence a fight pit sex it would be um hubster does this look more circular to you see uh let me look that’s a lot more flat now herob

Brian why did you set another Forest on fire I don’t get this Herobrine Herobrine come on scam haven’t you been paying attention this is oh what fine this is a pit that was funny hubster this is that was that was funny do it again this is [Laughter] Pittsburg um I just heard footsteps

Behind me play Minecraft on a Windows computer are you stupid well relax don’t you think you’re stupid don’t you think you’re a little ashamed don’t you feel don’t you feel silly don’t you feel stupid don’t you feel a little ashamed you have to put the CD up

Your ass whoops you have to put CDD up your whoops you have to put with the CD up your ass Connor I have an idea for the fight pit what’s your idea it’s the first prize should be a netherite Ingot true I was thinking more like by yourself I

Asse I was I I I was thinking that there would be um like beding chests so you like beted on someone and put it in a chest and Absol absolutely friendly thing uh you decide to make the prize the fight bet a [ __ ] netherite inot what I lost all my good

Stuff be nice unlucky your life is for give your soul to me see Conor this is the problem man every time you say [ __ ] like that I’m never intimidated not even once not even once never it it’s just never happened I’m not trying to intimidate you perhaps I’m legitimately saying that

We should fight over H your soul this is true that is you want me to take a crack at making a circle here well I don’t want it to be just a circle I want it to like be sort of cut off so that um people can you know if you get far

Enough out here people could just like hit each other off of The Edge so it’s meant to be sort of cut off a little bit I just extended it a little too far like my pise oh my goodness you should get that checked oh oh my God oh my

Gosh oh oh my God I knew it I knew [Applause] it guys are a bunch of creatures big [ __ ] oh oh your ass up your ass dick boobs [ __ ] [ __ ] who you have to put the C nuts you know there something I really wish that I could do like person real

Life something that I could just do with my focal cords I really wish I would be able to just like pitch by laughing the same way that warand 4 does it for Mario like that that is that is old pizza face that Mario sorry no it’s okay it’s funny I like

That I mean they’re basically the same character true this is true hey guys what wood should I use for my [Laughter] home you guys are helping me out with my existential crisis no yeah you exist what I couldn’t have asked for better friends than you guys totally anytime no problem what we’re here

For I’m always have wait are you even visible on stream I did yeah you are okay I didn’t even check or just make the whole Arena have cacti for a floor that sounds like hell that’s [ __ ] up death hey that sounds amazing actually hey Conor you should play the just after

Sending voice on the stream what the the music hold on no this yeah Connor are you drowning Conor you’re going drown I’m fine it’s all right guys I don’t think he’s I don’t know about that so I have a question I have an answer shoot there are three Creepers on the

Thing on the what the battlements that’s not a question that’s a statement oh that ain’t my question is at this point should we just turn off mob griefing no hell no what absolutely don’t be a [Laughter] male once again I’m very GL what okay you’re stupid I’m not no are you

Sure did a creeper just explod no it’s fine it’s okay don’t look don’t look no I fell this is stop looking stop looking don’t perceive me I will perceive you as much as I want oh God it’s hear you said that like you just got caught say it again this is like that

Moment in Steven Universe when Pearl gets da I’m killing you police is that [ __ ] fish jet no what [ __ ] screens I just say what [Laughter] checkpoint oh my God it’s fine don’t oh my God and my voice cracked oh this is my nightmare this like and you’re living in

It it’s Connor’s New Nightmare and we’re all living in it no it’s more like you guys are the cause of it yeah happy to cause it buddy it’s Conor’s Nightmare and we’re all causing it we are all Freddy Krueger can’t the return of Connor’s -4 IQ you’re so mean

Keep getting muted I what huh no one’s muting you what the [ __ ] what do you mean me looking at the guy who keeps muting me reflection Connor did you did you forget that you probably bound your uh mute your mute toggle to a key when we’re playing Among Us oh yeah Conor you all told me to do it your mom me yeah good idea when you’re playing among us but you’re like left alt nothing ever uses left alt I use left I use numpad backslash I use left Al forever I’m Al f l skill issue I

Guess l you don’t really need to [ __ ] need to do that Tab out of something when you have a second monitor oh we got a rich hpster I’d like to let you know that I have two monitors and I Al have the [ __ ] either way kill

Yourself okay wow hey I I forgot where the key binds are up your ass somewhere up your okay did you find it the [ __ ] was that oh I found a jungle oh that was me pulling something out of my ass but that is not keybinds that that

Is I found a jungle perhaps the keybinds are in a menu called keybind Conor are the anal beads that you’ve used to uh cheat at a chest tournament oh what all the oh I remember that okay for real though where where’s the where the keybinds it’s in the keybinds menu option and then

Keybind how did I miss key literally called keybind it’s right there sure I’m the one who’s blind there blind let’s see um have you ever heard of this character called child of the Hedgehog no who’s that yeah cool yeah I love him I’ve never heard of Sonic the Hedgehog who is

This I don’t know who to [ __ ] Sonic is but I know who Shadow the Hedgehog is hey Conor imagine imag be like yeah imagine the guy who’s only ever played like Shadow the Hedgehog in that I know but just like the first level yeah I know I I like to

Imagine he’s only ever heard of Slash play the first two seconds of Shadow the Hedgehog you say that but like Penny from snap when they were streaming Sonic Unleash actually mentioned that was the case their first game was Shadow the Hedgehog and then they saw Sonic Unleash

Like oh they made a spin-off for this character oh that’s funny that’s horrible they made a spin-off for that annoying Blue Rat character oh God first of all I’m a hedgehog not a rodent going up not even the quote I don’t know what the quote is and I’m not a rat I’m a

Hedgehog I’m a piece of [ __ ] I love the ending to that game cuz he just spawns a bunch of [ __ ] tissues and says cry about it I G I mean fit with the rest of the game story but also it’s really funny of context it is it’s really funny it’s PE

Cuz I never finished that game so to like have go you oh penise I’ve gotten gotten um KN hey look look up behind you yeah I know yeah I know Connor it doesn’t work when you I know who did it what no I didn’t literally caught you I saw you do

It anyway the wrong question um I I love I I love that like I never finished that game as a kid so to have that ending be sprung on me like a few years later is just really funny Conor you got mail mail call mail

Call the mail not you Conor a I just got a letter I just got a letter my fight pit oh boy did you guys did my voice did my my voice pick did my mic pick up that screen yes it did that was incredible that

Was I was just giving you my dirt no you were building upwards on the fight pit you weren’t giving it to me you were placing it I was just building a dirt Cube I’m Banning you from the server no you all right fine you won get the rest of my

Lusious luses dirt what the [ __ ] man mod abuse moderators kill this man just by one of the best [ __ ] videos ever I need to send us so badly what let me [Laughter] see that’s really good no that is not solid thing at least it isn’t bad to start off with Shadow the Hedgehog that Prett good there are worse options yeah that’s true you’re welcome it was all like 80 blocks away from the nether Portal I was also 80 blocks away from the nether portal but probably in a different direction well I’m waiting for these jungle saplings to fall I’m just reising face laugh I’m waiting I’m just listening to the [ __ ] pizza face laugh because it’s so he sounds so drunk he’s so

Drunk it sounds like it’s Source from a YouTube poop it does it feels like it is I would not be surprised repeat uh [ __ ] pizza face is old laughing s YTP I would not be surprised if it was Sour from one probably that old laugh was used for so long as well

Yeah if I an indie game that has an erable effect on my life that used a YouTube Boop sound effect I could theoretically have two nickels if teach to’s pizza face laugh with that no but it’s got a good [ __ ] ton of until they until they change the sound effect Too that’s true they did change it that where is I do like the new one a lot more but there’s something really funny about the old one the new one’s just goofy as [ __ ] no yeah the new one I think is more fitting but the old one is

So [ __ ] funny sorry the old one I me to say yeah the old one is so [ __ ] goofy Yeah dude they used that old build all the way up until [ __ ] October 2022 which is like the last play test build we have that’s really late that’s way later than I thought it would be that new pizza FaceTime effect was only introduced at the steam play testing

Era really into development really close to final yeah so we almost got the old version instead holy [ __ ] a lot of got changed like last minute like that I’m kind of glad that got changed cuz I like the new one a lot more the new one is

Very good it’s definitely way better for the experience but the older one is is good in its own right it’s true there a reason why there’s a reason why I’m working on putting in like old Music and Sound fact with our friends it’s because we’re no I’m not wasn’t even around for like

Pizza Tower earlier it’s just like not earlier but like you know and it’s earlier the stages I’m Sor the way you not being around for pizza Tower makes it sound like you weren’t born yet yeah no I wasn’t born yet okay here’s the thing I also around Pizza Tower literally it

Came out everyone started talking about it I checked out I was like oh cool must have been an indie game that had a lot of passion and stuff put into it I I don’t know if it was very open and batch development cuz I never heard of it until now about

Devel the portal like aside from this one srb2 Hub but like man it’s pretty cool and I meet LA and suddenly it’s gushing about all of the pre [ __ ] release [ __ ] that happened with pizza Tower and my brain’s melting now yeah luc’s like a lot about the history of pizza

To it’s like the second that pizza Tower came out La just opened up an encyclopedia was like so the eggplant built yeah that’s kind of also what I did build it was a build it was a build of pizza ter that was frequently humiliated for including a lot of word

And awkward changes to the game at that point that been they say since the [ __ ] like boss builds and [ __ ] now the animatronic characters here do get a BK I like that play be nice that’s not it’s not as good it just feels wrong no

I agree I think it’s just cuz it’s not like completely final yet like a lot of the little all the little stuff like for example when you like uh [ __ ] uh try to cancel J you can do that but you can’t the way you’re phrasing this the way you’re talking

About this plan build makes it sound like this was P Towers 911 what no that would be September that would be September 2021 rewar oh yeah rework had a lot oh God it happened in September yes it did in 2021 20 years later I know a guy in was filled by a

Horse it was about September 11th I think it was it was not it was not 11 let me check I have I I I have to date on hand it was not the old I know that for sure Caleb’s in chat everyone say hi Caleb Hi C hi Caleb we’re talking about

This is a terrible time you to log into the stream oh yeah yeah this is a very this is a very weird conversation to walk in on 9 911 [ __ ] I just left my bed God damn it Tower oh Pizza Tower hey [ __ ] it’s just sharp as three God damn

It me when I’m AFB away from bed I’m ifb in [ __ ] in [ __ ] bed and Bed oops caps in bed it doesn’t phase you at this point okay that’s good good also I’m going to put like a a big uh Stone Spire in the middle of the fight pit for some add dude that’s just like the pizza Tower I know I’m going to

Put the pizza Tower in the fight pit September 24th 2021 13 days that that is when the infamous rework build came out April 2026 uh do again all right it changed a lot of [ __ ] it all right so it’s actually we a lot okay so September 2021

Is like this dual edged sword it’s where a lot of Concepts that would end up being the final game like for Lev sign and [ __ ] end up being but it did a lot of these weird minor changes to game play that just made it feel completely different to everything that came behind

It but like not in a good way yeah like for for example wall running being a staple since like you know Halloween demo 2018 that’s just gone you can only wall Ro the game alls you too now yep wow that’s weird a lot of the level design has really weird sloping to it

Like really aggressive slope the in general it’s in a very weird State we’re like how do I describe it it’s like it’s like it’s almost there it it’s the pizza ter guy was probably just [ __ ] drunk again to be fair I do like to mention a lot of the changes they

Made in that build ended up being like they ended up being referred immediately afterwards to November yeah he got sober I feel like a lot of it is like he wanted to try out some other stuff but then real like cuz in G development sometimes you have these ideas and you

Have to try before you realize yeah you know this isn’t working that’s probably what would happen it’s probably what happened and I think that also help solidify like the direction Pizza Tower is going yeah that’s what I think yeah it’s kind of it’s the reason why ah had

In time used to have like a bajillion different character but now has a much smaller cast yeah sometimes you just got to [ __ ] up sometimes you have to Clos I got I I got to fill my [ __ ] weird needs I’m going to play September builds okay lamu honestly I surprised you guys haven’t

Recreated the pizza Tower in your world we should we should make a Big Mo dude we should make a mob dropper that looks like the pizza Tower oh my God oh my God that’s the next stream yep we should we should like base out off of the [ __ ]

Like the old Pizza Tower Sprite where it’s like all wonky looking yeah oh God we should and then we make a giant pizza face at the top oh my God question what’s up yeah how are we going to do that if we have no perer we have no what we’ll find oh

Purple purple like Pur are you insane are you insane the blocks Connor the blocks I know the blocks I know wait are there actual blocks called perper no I didn’t listen listen to me listen listen to me I thought that he was wasn’t it I thought he was saying purp as in purple

Blocks I thought he was I thought it was just I mean yeah but what I know con I Conor stop I think you are ill and I think you need to go to a hospital right away CU get B I feel like your condition is terminal see the patient now the patient the

Pent the Pent the pent I have been out so far I found a [ __ ] huge ass jungle biome but no [ __ ] cherries I’m I’m going to end it tonight’s the tonight’s the night tonight’s the night tonight’s the night chat I’m just imagining someone announcing suicide it’s the wrestling promo Thursday Thursday

Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Bon size pretty oh God this got real dark real fast I love dark Hummer all yeah Not only was a lot of the levels like just genu [ __ ] there was a there was a certain extra stage they added there was another stage they added

Top skl do you remember to top the the what top I do not I will go on a mini autism R in a minute I think I think here comes the autism autism incoming seek shelter immediately minut totis hit I was going to I was going to say like dark humor

Enjoyers when I put them in dark they can’t see anything so they they don’t see the comedy funny joke okay go on your autism SP no no no I got I I I got to wait a minute to redownload September when I do I’m going to do a live playr of top and

You’re going to get to watch me suffer all right wow squinny you don’t even know about the top build stop build it’s a stage in September what about bottom well bottom would just be entrance not just be John Carter that’s just me I knew course you would say

That also please never say that wait what please don’t say John’s a bot I I do not like I do not like that sentence cuz of so who’s the top and who’s the John gutter relationship well this implies well this implies the this implies the person that isn’t the

Johnar gets wiped from existence after September I mean all things considered they call him pillar John listen buddy I wear the Johns in this relationship I think I’m going to kill all of you personally no one no one would ever guess that I’m asexual I would I would I would simply guess

Correctly I’m aexual I would know I can sniff them out you don’t have sex do you Squidward imagine you just crawling up to me going you don’t have sex D you squid we okay I’ll that’s my sexuality do it right now he just you just point at me

Virgin no [ __ ] yes I’m cig well what velocity velocity well there’s B 600 RPM exactly I am murder hole I want to show you something I love being shown something you guys know where the murder pole is right it’s zombie spawner uh no I don’t know what that means there hold on

Hey remember that time and Sonic X perfector the crocodile dressed up as Columbo no but I remember the time I remember the time where they censored a child’s death and made it seem like she abandoned everyone to just go [ __ ] off wasn’t even a child she was an

Adult yeah from what I remember no she was a teen I thought so oh teen so in the middle yeah fair enough sure oh wow that’s that’s that is colo’s outfit on back to the crocodile he he kind of rocks the he rocks it yeah oh

Yeah I’m on the hill that’s to the right of Connor’s house up on a tree come meet me here just me huh it just occurred to me that a while a little earlier what sh over here but I I’d like at least one of them

First cuz I want to show them the cool thing hold on I’ll pause the activities not you You’ve Lost Your Privilege out too late now I’m on my way no you’re not no not stop him then intercept him you guys oh that’s a drown with a

Trident the hill by my house where are you guys I am far away from this land what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you spring lock failure go what is happening I’m so lost check huh oh that’s funny oh that’s a baby zombie and you’re on fire [ __ ] you spring luck failure go that’s a

Also uh nobody don’t leave me here nobody sleep I need to make sure that my torch placement is good so no [ __ ] spawn on my but I need I am going to die if I don’t get sleep water well okay un chip if you sayig a

Hole I could but I’m um I’m currently traveling as you say believe it’s up here I think is it there’s another oh it’s down there I’m stupid there’s no [ __ ] way dude there’s no [ __ ] way dude there’s you see this ramp Shuffle Hut it carries a

Big secret on that I’ve never seen what is this I can find a jungle biome but I can’t find a [ __ ] there water the end it’s insane do you hear their Crow yeah they’re here oh the arrival wow wow the zombies are Coming I believe this was created by Taffy I don’t remember oh wow is um chip oh that’s baby baby this place need a bit ofing up so uh oh God oh God I’ve attracted the there we go’ attracted the I can see some or I I just have to do

This that’s fair I would like to officially apologize to the horse like to submit a formal apology to Secrets Revealed that’s a I made a lapse in my judgment and continuous laps and judgment all right guys expect to be I I’m I’m I’m almost done with the fight

Pit I just need to carve out a little area where you can get down into it uh okay so if you want to if you want to come check out like the actual fighting arena come check it out I’m 2,000 blocks away why are you out there because I’m

Trying to look for Cherries oh I forgot you were doing that yeah my bad I have had no luck I’ve only found jungles unlucky multiple jungles maybe kind of lucky if you want if you want to find Cherry grov you should be looking around PL biomes I

Tried looking for those but I can’t find them that’s the problem they’re weirdly rare on this seed yeah I mean skl you you asked for the seed before you have it bi no I know I tried looking it up but it’s like all the like biome finders just aren’t accurate

I can’t uninstall valerant my computer has marked me as a nerd what you installed valerant why would you do that to yourself you do that yeah I was just going to say why do you hate yourself so hold on let me screenshot the entire of what have I what I’ve explored so far

And put it in chat dude why are you so home why are you here go back to your family man look at all I’ve explored that’s all I’ve explored and I haven’t found [ __ ] [ __ ] wow I found [ __ ] [ __ ] my eyes be the same oh I like

Thiser than never want to see a PO dilder in my life but unfortun you want huh wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa back up back it up what are we talking about here people what’s going on in this [ __ ] fing [ __ ] from the sounds of it

You spent $400 on valerant Caleb what is wrong with you you could buy a house with that you could not buy a house with $400 you could but in the past yeah true you could rent $400 you could have gone on to onto steam downloaded aead in time

With the money that you have FL you could have you could have bought lethal company with a 40th of that money and then played an act good game yeah I’m sorry I know I’m bullying you Caleb after not talking with you in like years but it’s good to see you deserve

Deserve he plays valerant only I literally just pulled up chunk base and looked up where I pulled it up but it didn’t like whenever I went there the P surrounding it just didn’t seem the match I thought you said we I might kill you I don’t know everything

I’m looking at here matches up all right then I will check that out you have my phone number oh no what live why does that look like my [ __ ] like insides oh [ __ ] the know I just travel like that hold on let me guys I found the Geo well for [ __ ]

Sake don’t watch it don’t watch it also uh Caleb here’s something that I’m literally thinking about just now that I haven’t thought about in years um do you remember that old [ __ ] attack the light series that no it was save the light that old save the light series

That we used to do um we never finished that how [ __ ] awesome would it be to go back and finish it after all these years you mean the Steven Universe game yeah yeah old ass series on my channel there’s attack the light save the light and unleash the light is the third one

Un yep you looked at that recently you want to finish it we should do it on stream that’d be so [ __ ] awesome I look behind you oh no he’s trying to be creepy again what do you want man melon melon yeah I think this I think this fight

Pick could really use some little patches of dripstone spikes that’d be so cool I should go get some and put them Dam yeah but yeah see hubster this is my this is my vision over here is like if you’re fighting around on this area you could like bait people and like

Push them into the off the edge some see I think place needs a little more uneven ground okay hello chat I am arriving and I have brought saplings you have all the videos in a playlist that’s private oh that’s so that makes me so happy but yeah know Caleb and I uh you

You can still find him I never uh privated those videos we had an old um Series where we play finally fight cherry or no where we played uh no save the light and uh it was really terrible it’s some of my worst content that I’ve ever

Uploaded redo it redo it no hell no we doing your mom m do what Dela dream did for the Mario Luigi Bowsers Inside Story make and just remake it with different Graphics oh my God I do another series on attack the light and then unleash the light that’d be awesome we played holy

Shory that you have where you play like a Steven Universe mobile game or some [ __ ] oh my God Caleb just reminded me there exists a very early video on my channel of me of like the two of us just playing solitire it’s like one of the worst things I’ve ever put on the

Internet ever it sucks oh my God no you can literally just sort by oldest on my videos and it’ll come right up yeah no it’s awful it’s a terrible video I made it when I was in like 10th grade it sucks attempting to play solitire 4 years ago

Yeah skl I will accompany you to the okay Conor huh where’ you go there you are hearing you were 16 and then hearing four years ago I forgot you’re like substantially younger than me yeah no I I forgot that you’re like a few years older than me I thought it was older than

You 23 look what I’m doing with my life honestly I keep Conor I I keep forgetting that you’re 23 but not just that you’re 23 but that like half the people in your roleplay server are like substantially older than both of us yeah anyway what was a [ __ ] teacher

Whoa yeah I’m friends with the teacher that’s awesome that’s so awesome she’s also great I’m kind of friend of a the teacher kind of somewhat not really can you really call yourself a friend of a teacher if they have a i Discord call in the middle of their

Car ride vented about how awful the staff is there can’t say I’ve ever that’s ever happened to me but uh nice anyway I can’t say that’s ever happened to me I hope I don’t fall in this snow I know yeah I know zombies I hope this snow isn’t too

Powdered such that I fall wor if you fall just break it just dig the yeah that’s what I I usually do but you know looks like Connie please take Jos huton off thisave my bad here you can look at this guy wait what what do you mean you’ve had Josh hson on I I paused the I paused the stupid [ __ ] ass video on this Frame and he’s just been sitting on the stream

For the past 10 minutes he staring at you the entire time I better get Josh Hinson off my screen or else I’m d done for oh you’re l oh wait is that what you what you were talking about when you were like oh my God that’s copyrighted no I was talking

About a song in the omori soundtrack that’s not what I was talking about ah yeah when Connor earlier was like saying oh God don’t look at that earlier that was what he was talking about nice got something better place for you all right what is it hey guys did you

Know I’m the material collector’s biggest Defender good hey Materia Collective I hate you I [ __ ] hate you top 10 haters of Materia Collective number one Conor I feel like I should know the materal they’re the people who do the under who oh never mind I know who all right

Listen I I’m fine I completely forgot about the [ __ ] they did for the [ __ ] undertale soundtrack cuz I haven’t seen it happen with the pizza Tower soundtrack yet yeah they kind of did it with re D but not very much um all right uh uh server meeting

Server meeting who is currently in the town not me come is is no one in the town no I am just left all right everyone make your way to the fight pit you know what time it is oh God y this is like a whole server thing I did not

Know yep yep everyone make your way to the fight pit it’s time can I get time to prepare huh no you got to fight bare-handed what are you talking about oh wait here wa give me a second if we’re going in fight I’m getting on yep I might as well just wait

Barehanded yep bears barehanded bears all right everyone make your way to the fight pit Chop Chop hurry it up can I drop my are we ar or are we bear no no no we’re bear I wouldn’t I don’t I don’t yeah we’re Bears I I could be bear damn

Come it would be so cool if we made like a Mario Kart racetrack with all this packed ice that would be cool oh that’d be so sick we could do that but for now everyone make your way to the fight pit ding ding ding dinging ding it’s fight

Pitch time time I’m far away from town I’ll teleport you no no no we’re go we’re going places we’re going to cherries hi hello going to hell Hello Zack we are we are currently uh fight pitting who who is who is here Connor hello hey he go welcome Contender for

The fight pit are you are you ready are you ready to fight in the fight pit take your clothes off what the [ __ ] wa 18 naked boys are R never say that dude we’re not we’re doing this bear remember yeah yeah we’re I’m not I’m not fighting I’m the show announcer

What are you talking about [ __ ] hubster where are you what did you say about me what are you doing to me we’re making you naked hubster where you is I’m already naked we’re going to the Cherry vile yeah oh my God you guys are lame we’re

Busy we love cherry you guys are lame you guys are lame you don’t want to do my fun server event you guys are lame you can say looking for CH all right you’re going to the other chat bye-bye cool what unbelievable I don’t believe this un unprofessional behavior

Will not be tolerated in this uh voice chat unprofessional they’ve been looking for Cherry biomes this whole time yeah your mom Lucy where you at give me a seconding sh no for that take off your armor you’re going in the fight pit too you can’t make me only two fighters at a

Time the all freefor all freefor all well I only I only made enough chests for two people to store their stuff but I guess I could make uh four for a I already stored my stuff I already put all my my own CH okay then yeah we can

Just use the ones that I have we’re just uh we’re just waiting on Lucy 18 naked cowboys at ram ram 18 naked cowboys showers at Ram Ranch guys uh pork just had an absolutely Banger idea you guys should fight to the death while on pigs with saddles we should absolutely do that at

Some point oh wait I’m still wearing boots hey um look over to your left oh hi hi I just realized I was still wearing boots all right I’m going to go versus golden Freddy is going to be the greatest fight I don’t know if my skin

Updated for Conor or not but no it it definitely wa let me make sure not there we go I’ll just put it right in the corner there let me make sure I’m storing my stuff is my SK thing for you yeah yeah the Bears are in all right everybody the

Bears are in we’re we’re going to get out there I want to see I want to see a good clean fight No Holds Barred no kind of illegal weapons wait wait here wait give me a second I’m going to go eat your food real quick

Okay I I need to be at full health for Max Freddy is real and it at my food golden Freddy is real she has [ __ ] hands it’s golden Freddy and he’s cooking hot dogs on the stove Fred coming up with the steel chair all right hey you hungry home

Invader get that the [ __ ] out of my refrigerator going your get out of here you skinny son of a [ __ ] get out on your own food and go make a freaking sandwich that video is insane hurry it up give me a second I’m killing some of your house why I’m hungry dumbass hungry

Oh so we doing 22 tournament sty we’re going we’re going to do free-for-all first and then we’re going to place bets on One V ones wait so who’s going first um we’re doing a free-for-all first if Lucy would hurry the [ __ ] up give me a second it’s a little hard

But my barefist here we go tree raw beef that works like a friend Fred Bear what the [ __ ] what if there was like a king of the hill game mode where we tried to stay for as long as possible on top of this like huge rock that could be

Cool I have no idea how we’d keep track but that’ be cool yeah right that is that is a good point all right everybody pick a corner stay in it and uh we’ll get started on go you guys ready I just wait like a few seconds I’m still I’m still

Healing this you’re ruining the event all right I stopped healing I’m tree down hold up I got to find disadvantage I got to find a uh I got to find a a good battle theme to uh to do here we go wait is this one

No Mario Luigi B music oh that’s a good idea hold on P for another day no I’m going to put on uh I’m going to put on tough guy alert can you make sure that like can you screen share it on Discord so we can hear it as well uh

Sure hold on I’m going to screen share it where is it here it is all right it’s being streamed are you guys ready all right let’s roll all right on on go three two one go that fucker’s armed get him it’s got stick get him ah I’m getting bullied you brought a weapon

In come here you I know you’re weak come here I’m going to get you also I forgot to mention really quickly while we’re fighting if you get pushed off it’s an automatic Koo no no no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] got him I got to see the rest of the match

The stick no he has the stick I got to see the rest of the match I forgot to put a bed actually actually this sucks who’s going to win who’s going to win oh my God it’s no hold SP oh [ __ ] it’s neck and neck who’s going to [Laughter]

Win I can’t see I can’t see oh Conor wins Conor wins congratulations you are the Victor I’m goingon to I’m going to go eat something yeah go eat something champ you’ve earned it in my defense I’m not good at all at Minecraft I was had a disadvantage the entire time but I

Killed Conor you were that’s true I’m going to go grab a bed so we don’t have to run all the way back every time I didn’t think of that you [ __ ] I got spot I’ll take second place I guess all right you guys ready to do some One V ones yeah sure all

Right uh I’m going to grab a bed everyone come over and set their Spawn I’ll keep it real with you the reason I won that was because I was playing it smart the whole time I know you were being a being a sweaty little Goblin weren’t you I disengaged when I saw chip and uh chip and La going for

You cuz I knew that I would if I play hyper aggressive what is that my bed no just set your spawn there oh that’s that’s an extra bed for my house oh this bed is occupied this bed is occupied lose lose lose Do What You Won’t what the throw the stick Conor

Distract them h potato yeah Lucy yeah give me a second I’m getting back out my hole you know what we should do what’s up we should get knockback two sticks yeah I’m I’m definitely going to get some uh knockback sticks for future engagements I could try I could I could

Try just create some L ooh could you do that let me check oh I give you seconds just don’t forget to set your spawn in the bed in the barracks all right uh first up is going to be uh Lucy versus Connor chip place your bets now

Uh with what with melons how much stock back I going to get to just whatever you want um what’s that back one all right that sounds good I bet two gold bars on Lucy you know chip normally I would murder you for stealing my melons but I’m currently on arm so you win

This I didn’t know it’s okay it wasn’t that big of a deal in the end I I just wanted an excuse to murder Beast I’m betting two M SLI on on uh Lucy uh so if Lucy Wins I guess we split the profits yeah gave won the

Baton all right go give the other one to Connor oh wait you’re not Connor the Vuitton give right let me give all right while you do that I’m going to pull up another uh Battle Theme um give me something from Zelda too bad you got the Baton it’s the Wind

Waker description just [ __ ] him up yeah all right that’s oh speaking of [ __ ] him up wonderful yeah yeah all right so I’m going to go uh oh wait I should grab my spy glass yeah we’re going to go we’re going to go spectate this guy has a spy glass

Can you believe it and uh look at this guy we’re gonna we’re gonna this guy all right are you are you guys ready say ready ready W ready all right uh on go uh 3 2 1 go oh and they’re off who’s going to win oh [ __ ] oh oh

Damn Swift right hook from Conor oh my God tellu [ __ ] Luc is getting [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God this is intense this is so [ __ ] up if I lose my bet I [ __ ] and [ __ ] internet this is wonderful oh no quite disadvantage oh [ __ ] Conor

Wins good good I think everything is going R for me right now I can barely move what the [ __ ] oh really uh oh no it’s falling apart that ain’t good uh well I guess since I’ll the other I guess since we lost Conor you can get

What we bet on mer weighing me down wait what’ you say Connor I guess since we lost uh Connor you can get what we bet on Lucy how about that uh whatever wait wait you bet Lucy would win yeah why I stupid a little bit that would’ be

Funny why would you bet on me I have like no combat capabilities in mcraft all give me whatever you bet on all right yeah it’s all neither do I yeah I was just that it was only that chest also shouldn’t the shouldn’t the things that you bet go

To the people who won the bat instead of to the actual person who was fighting well we both bet on you so oh a poor decision really Connor is like one of those millionaire dudes with the monal that bring telescopes to wrestling matches yes yes absolutely exactly all

Right um now the other C is the Coliseum Berserker with a [ __ ] battle ax yeah now Chip and I have to fight each other so uh place your bets and give us give us the batons you need to go pick baton here you go no Connor has them both I

Think oh thank you Connor where are the batons uh I’ll give them to you real quick uh B thanks I’m going to borrow the spy glass okay thank you all right I I had to fight the instinct to go like Z2 to go what to go Z plus two because I

Haven’t even played TF2 in like a while but that’s how you say thank t wait wait wait watch this it’s my mother tongue all right uh let me find another battle theme um to the left it’s Conor um Gladiator and owner of the server on the right ship potato a grizzly

Bear so true this is about to explod wait I got to place my best I got to place my best first wait wait you’re right I need to place my vs too um give me a moment yeah place your bets just don’t bit on the same person this time please

There I placed my BS good luck guessing all right um chip are you ready yeah all right are you guys ready to spectate I’ll take that as a yes uh give me a second we’re not yet okay all right all right ready uh chip go to your corner

All right someone count us down and say go when we fight all right three two one go come here [ __ ] ass oh some fishous strikes from its corner but chip potatoes retaliating with violence [ __ ] them up [ __ ] them up the [ __ ] him up chip is Chip is going towards the

Come on [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] fu this is all part of my master plan making a comeback Chip’s kicking his ass go get him oh [ __ ] [ __ ] can Conor best a chrisly bear it’s close come on yes was I at three hearts damn it yeah I would have voted for you but La

Already voted for you before I could be a little sad I see I voted for chip Lucy what’ you win oh wait you voted for chip yeah what you be solidarity you put why’ you put your thing in there what the that’s the one for chick you dumb ass

Yeah that CH potato you [ __ ] blind friend oh never mind I did vote for you y you what’ you win uh three gold ingots copper Ingot and some cocoa beans nice I get to reclaim my six melons oh okay giving yourselves oh wait you also brought six

Melons here uh you can have them if you want oh thank you all right um yeah I’m going to go grab the other Hooligans and then uh spy GL huh oh thanks I’m going to go grab the other Hooligans and then uh call it for the stream

Okay Z hey guys that wasy that that was quick um we are in a stronghold oh nice I currently undefeated Champion true yeah I’m I’m going to actually uh hey stop does that sorry does the description for this say [ __ ] up that’s all yo oh D [ __ ] you nice you

Got me while I was low on house I am gonna I am going to call it for this stream and there should be like a you know what we should do next time next stream what’s that we should have like a match between you and Connor since

You’re both the winners of your matches oh my God we should all right guys you have pizza Tower you’ll have to check tune in next time for the final round tune in next time of the final round of the fight pit all right uh but yeah I am going to

Call it for this stream thank you guys for playing and streaming with me it was fun it was very fun any closing statements uh we the end portal it’s time for it’s time for me to play top for you all to witness it oh God you you destroyed my gigantic phallic image

Within the arena and for that you will suffer a thousand deaths all right good night comat say bye chat by bye chat

This video, titled ‘Building the FIGHT PIT || MINECRAFT MONDAYS’, was uploaded by It’s_Connor on 2023-12-05 02:44:09. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:34 or 7354 seconds.



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    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! ๐ŸŒˆ Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. ๐Ÿ”จ **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by ฮ›sk ฮ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? ๐ŸŒ AskAbout.video โœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More