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Let To Any la La Friends family I’m live once again oh and that sh’s broken got the good loot I got good loot good loot oh what the [ __ ] all right it’s m time I M what the where’ you go in my house oh my you left me I see how it is left me as well why

Are you so no I didn’t I tried to get back in place what the dog yeah man what the dog do also it’s apparently been like 7 days since the S SMP started wow how is it not dead yet m Mr gr wait didn’t start Saturday like in the weekend last week apparently

Not we started Friday Quest rewards we start I got [ __ ] gas here Ah that’s such a great reward thanks Minecraft yeah no problem I’m Minecraft um Notch what are your opinions on trans people oh wait they’re awesome thank you not wait wait not would have never said that you’re a fake

Yeah what the did I just steal your fish yep why’ you can I have that fish wire can I have that I’m like Marceline when someone’s Marcel when her have a drink of water you guys know what I’m referencing right what I know what you’re talking about that’s not even okay

Oh thanks also Ronnie what forget about it h Tangled tower I’m making this kind of [ __ ] cool um do you uh yeah but if you see a huge ass Tower that’s me oh [ __ ] are you making the brick one like the black brick it fall kind of like highlights important [ __ ]

Like steps and item get it’s kind of cool oh yeah I remember the one with grass very cool with the Tic Tac Toe yeah the Deep SL Redstone is black what happened what the f also check this out [ __ ] oh wait a m shaft this we missed

What really cool actually how long does this take come on get oh failed to connect the server what happened oh no no no no no my internet oh you fell off scaffolding I can’t climb did you fall off the scaffolding it’s so high up my bad actually no not my bad you’re

Bad yeah finally yeah let’s go yeah slapped each other in the face did you just kill someone what ow my feet oh my tootsies oh feet oh I remember I made my massive pinor oh get off my poror oh I will love y Ronnie how long does it take for you

To get to the top oh while I love how the [ __ ] the current of the water is so strong it actually kind of launches you up you know something kind of tempted to make it so that there’s like a there’s like no elevator and everyone has to take a the

Top wait wait pixel it’s it’s jump downable do you think that’s a good idea oh my God I almost it’s jump downable I can’t yeah you did it yeah oh oh my God oh my God did you get me what the hell a stack of cooked Cod wait you get me Frick

Thank you I guess I want it back oh Jesus Christ didn’t I give you USA yeah and I cooked it okay that’s a thank you what head us I’ll give I’ll give you half of it yeah give me half give me half that’s how Communism works yeah now we can

Share yeah yeah should we move the Herobrine spawner this is a Herobrine spawner yeah we made a Herobrin spawner Herobrin can you like teleport across the entire world yeah yep yep yep y yep yep expect a visitor only do if he sees me well run hi dude I was actually

Debating one they the [ __ ] get like a data pack or something and install Herobrin in the world without anybody’s knowledge uh from the fog from the fog from the fog you should have that would be so cool from the fog like it would have scared the [ __ ] out of Y I thought

It was a mod um okay one thing about from the fog there’s one thing you might want to disable there’s like a feature where Herobrine will burn down your [ __ ] base yeah it’s like we can’t have like anything that like actual physical is like just appearing is it that one [ __ ]

Like bu things on the on the on in the world but like you can just disable the destructive [ __ ] yeah uh is the [ __ ] thing you’re talking about the Herobrin [ __ ] where he kind of appears in the corner of your eye and disappears yeah yeah yeah that one yeah yeah I thought

It was a mod from the fog it’s no it always started off as a data pack and then there’s a mod version of it that’s just the data pack bundled in oh [ __ ] all y’all might want to watch your step uh oh I love this are heavy I got an email

I got an email I got [ __ ] email I got a copyright claim on my for the fornite bang what the they like oh this video has copy music [ __ ] it was the [ __ ] Eminem concert well thank you your head looked a little empty thank you yeah man yeah slowly turns up

Head ass [ __ ] creeps right fo creep wait does my [ __ ] still work even with a all right Quagmire right foot creep the thing also uh hold on let me see I can tell if the chat Works my belly is full of iron it still works

Okay hold on I’m not sure if my awesome chat please please tell me I’m not alone on this when I was younger I was addicted to just mining for like perod of time I did not like doing that myself I used to love grinding and now I’m like I’ve like reformed I hate

Grinding now I like grinding still like in general just Minecraft I love Grinder like Minecraft mining like just getting lost in a cave just mining as many ores as I can yeah that’s fun now back in the day I us find that [ __ ] scary yeah it’s scary still that’s the

Thing like going imagine being suck and not being able to see but I don’t like strip mining strip mining is very boring and monotonous kind of I don’t know I like strip mining because when you find something cool like you enter a I know it feels way more rewarding when you’re

Like going through a cave and finding something cool I for me it’s the opposite cuz I just made the system I’m the cave I’m the cave I’m bad you’re bad let’s be bad together ooh tell them bars I’m quoting the bad guys whoa what about the good guys that’s not a movie by

Dreamworks dream Dreamworks is kind of goed yeah those movies about the one penguin or the five Penguins I guess four I don’t remember I thought they were from Madagascar no they were actually from South America oh awkward actually they’re from okay oh sorry my mistake why mistake original

Ganger [ __ ] did I get oh my pickax broke it’s okay make a new one also I titled My Stream as a chill stream cuz I have no idea what the hell I’m going to do today so I’m just chilling wait oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ Scar the [ __ ] out of

Me no cuz like I I hear the sounds of you getting hurt whenever you fall now I before it wasn’t the thing but now I do I almost suffocated but I’m good I’m cracked cracked I’m actually cracked don’t do this to me please no I don’t oh thank you Than guess what I don’t guess what guess what guess what guess what no it’s like I give you free [ __ ] every time you do something what the one of the pigs walked through the door he’s the chosen one in like 20 days yeah he escaped let he’s the only one oh I’m at

Child what do we do we kill him wait wait we can use this we can use this wait why wall right oh I was kind of looking forward big battle I was I was looking forward to burning down your base yeah and you were going to put love on mine and then

I was going to get Herobrine on you and then I was going to put on nether armor and you’re going to rage it would have been so fun it would have been awesome fully Enchanted why’ you guys have to be so peaceful what the [ __ ] bro would here the [ __ ] am

I oh wait I see the tower my tower is actually a beacon right now yeah my tower is actually a beacon oh yeah wait there’s enough players to see going live there yeah I’m going to live there that’s my go sleep epex quick have to

The no wait guys wake up I need to sleep please I’m wake up I need to sleep yeah [ __ ] it no I was next to it guys wake up I need to sleep guys sleep I need to wake up guys sleep I need to wake up like has a sentence that makes no

Sense I know that’s why it’s so awesome wait I’m going to ask brick for like donations no okay wait brick there’s a donate button in my description yeah you donate leave a like And subscribe gram give me give me a gram Apple sponsorship why are you in the Hello Neighbor

House only if we have a war hello only if we have a the hell neighbor house that Joe is making wait this is this the hello neighbor house it’s not supposed to be but I keep calling it The Hello Neighbor House I did not know what the hello

Neighbor house looks like so it’s like it doesn’t even look remotely similar but it’s a big house so I don’t care oh there’s a garage this is a garage right yeah uh I don’t know I don’t care garage hey this is I wish wire wasn’t so peaceful so we

Could burn this place down but this is out place I mean I can still burn it down if you want this house this house who joined brick hi oh thank you you doing oh let me let me eat fish in your face that was my deep SL going to be I think I

Put someone’s hungry kill I only have oh yeah forgot about that kill because I went mining but I used all I can just edit it yeah I was going to go mining now I want to go you wouldn’t happen to have spare deep plate would you no I do have a gold

Armor uh I I I’m kind of building but can you you mind some it’s like fortnite Gathering mats miners so I’mna come here baby girl where weird wait no wait I’m a little dyslexic the intent is still there but you know yeah so I’m going to separate your bests cuz they’re pissing me off oh you want to know something because I have shaders the [ __ ] Tower leaves a big ass Shadow wait what

The all right I’ll take one but like later later hater yeah what the that’d be very funny if I actually had hunger and I ate something right now eating my or what can I [ __ ] gain let me gain a hunger right now bro getting

Hungry see if I can oh have you seen the brewing stand the brewing stand oh wait let me see I’m not getting hungry what the [ __ ] oh so cool I’m pretty sure from what I’ve seen in the screenshots like actually got recipes on the side

Oh it does it actually does yeah B fish does give you like uh water water breathing potions that’s cool yeah so Chad how we doing today pow though no your chat hates you your chat hates you is my chat does not hate me my chat loves me I’m

Awesome it’s not true keep lying to yourself why why why did you make a tweet where it’s like I appreciate you guys I love you guys dude I can never have nice [ __ ] around you you actually suck are you are you trying to avoid some allegations

Right now come before the storm the come before the storm I need a thing dude the tower’s almost done how is it done what are you going at the top no almost and Chad does infect love wire let’s go toaster M you’re my goat it’s not true it’s not

True fake news toaster M you’re awesome call me Donald J whoa like the Trump yeah yeah Ronald J oh ooh wait awkward that’s like a politics reference yeah that’s like a politics reference what is wrong with you uh a lot of things he was dropped on the head as a

Child oh wait don’t tell him I was drunk on the head as a child I was drunk on the head me when I go to the election is this a reference to that one Donald Trump that’s like a reference to that one person please tell me no you

Took all mine didn’t you no I did I oh yeah I did I think you said yeah guys should I come visit y’all come with deep slate please come with deep slate yeah come with some deep slate and uh some gold PL I need deep

Slate oh okay I can give you all both of these things thank you both of these both that was actually disgusting with both becomes devious deviously devious I’m smoking some Meats whoa awkward I’m going to go into the cave beel you go competition the [ __ ] does that

Mean only beel is the me I can I’m waiting for like the the sun to move so I can take a screenshot of what the [ __ ] Tower the sun to move that sounds so stupid I’m waiting for the sun to move what the [ __ ] away I guess that’s really weird way really

Weird way of saying that the time shut up okay don’t make fun if you really think about it the sun is always moving so you say Space Princess yeah oh yeah did you see the image that’s on the doorway of the tower yes I hope not what do you think of it I

Think it’s great I think you guys are great have you also seen like the gra of the tower it goes from tiles to Bricks to to Cobble cuel you’re a bit you’re a bit greater than everybody else than you wait Piel stop being such a womanizer whoa whatever that means yeah what the

Hell you know no you know you know you know what you’ve done come on you were there yeah also do you all need deep slate or like [ __ ] head ass deep slate just any deep slate preferably cobbled preferably how much breing as much as

You can give I can give you all all of it that we have yes please pretty please wait I need something in return wait are you still are you still home uh yes wait why I can do a favor if you run wait that’s awkward uh what’s up embarrassing

I still have 35 leather on me okay can you stand up on top of the Anvil thanks what the [ __ ] hold transitioning process that’s how they used to do it in the 1980s what am I hearing he like suddenly I’m hungry oh I was uh I I I used the goat horn that’s in Brick space about time I thought was the war for a second

Wait we got War wait we got beef yeah no when when countries go to war they just have beef also question mark also what can y’all give me I have a oh [ __ ] my I I can give you a framed image of Ren’s head with a [ __ ] Tic

Tac Toe on it I remember seeing that I put it upside down I I [ __ ] do yeah do you want it not really I did it once okay uh let me see what I have a golden apple I have two Coast armor trims I have Diamond horse armor

Three gold ingots I have a sh ton of iron I guess that could be useful you got any diamonds I have a gas tier I have some pumpkins I have a honeycomb can I have Diamond hello I don’t have can I steal your deep slate if you got

Any oh I got a lot of deep slate just go down here oh I’m taking all of it thank youx okay I mean you don’t need it right uh if it’s to help Ronnie don’t take it okay no no actually no I don’t need deep slate if I get deep slate I’ll

Die o wait soly I want to give it to you n don’t worry Lucas hi Lucas if deep slay enters my it’s like my kryptonite you know yeah good to know if it enters my veins I might just pass away I really hope no one comes over to my base with Stacks

Upon stacks of deep slay or else I’ll be deceased something really bad might happen yeah man let’s go to know let’s go to know still don’t give them that no I mean yes yes finally I can live I’m alive Al y’all said you need gold how

Much gold you need I do we need gold I I want gold I want I want yeah how much um how much are you willing to give me that’s the question I got 36 give me 36 whoa that’s such a specific number that’s exactly how much I have what

Happed got to be a co uh in tradeoff I can give you actually I don’t have anything I have so many F dude you can give him a free Gan tablet you know Gram I just want to hug you know what all right come down to the

Cave I’ll give you one and what do I have to do that’s all I ever needed uh oh wait now I can sit I forgot yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah y’all can finally sit on stairs now no you can also do SL you can also do slash set to

Sit on the ground oh I want to do that I Prett sure you can s on slabs too no yeah cuz it’s like awesome sauce yeah I I played around with this plugin on like uh Minecraft servers it’s very fun that’s all I hear [ __ ] up also look sorry I’m just now reading

Chat I’m doing pretty good how are you doing my friend my friend julus friends and family hey yall everyone’s so sleepy now I don’t knowwhere why is everyone so sleepy all of the sudden [ __ ] when they first discover night bro I just I was just right clicking Why didn’t it

Go you cannot sit on slabs by the way oh you can must be a configuration thingy yeah slap it but you said like oh you on SLAP yeah can SL [ __ ] everything idot usually the plugin lets you sit on stairs and slabs by default I don’t know

What’s wrong with oh it’s only stairs it’s po what the goal for today uh confronting my quote unquote enemies AKA Ronnie yeah just Ronnie it’s either Ronnie or Joe it ain’t it ain’t me I got no beef with gram or versen what the [ __ ] dude Swedish people are always the

Chillest no true yeah it’s through history I just come by with like [ __ ] four iron and you’re like no we surrender we’ll give you everything you want yes please oh I just got mining fatigue from the awesome Elder gardian wait why are you at a [ __ ] ocean Monument it’s on my way to

Y’all sailing taking a shortcut yeah I’m taking a shortcut whatever that means gr you want to get into a bloody fist fight ooh um oh [ __ ] was you where are you well I got the gold armor you got the worst armor so I’m doing okay I guess just riding stuff since block is

Kicking is better than what do you mean block is definitely one hell of a [ __ ] you want to put that to the test hold on let me make a shield all right get my let me get my secret weapon secret weapon what’s your secret

Weapon I’d see you got a bit of a say in art block yeah what’s good [ __ ] Lucas was mentioning earlier that he got art block so he’s writing [ __ ] you might have a uh for art block if you want like help on that you can do

Like a lot of [ __ ] the best thing I recommend is either like starting something new like get a new thing to do outside of like uh your comfort zone or uh try to see like other think about like your stuff yeah there you have it

Like the bit you can do when you say try something outside of your comfort zone do you mean like related to art uh yeah cuz like for example I when I got art block like various times uh and recently even I tried 3D I tried making animations I tried doing like even IRL

Stuff like on paper and it helped a lot helps me kind of like you know res kind of get it kind of resets your entire like [ __ ] you get a mental reset yeah I see got to get like like less saturated of drawing like digitally or doing whatever the [ __ ] you are doing

Fair enough I’ll try that and the other thing is just like getting other people to or either criticize your work or like see what they think about General cuz sometimes it can just help you like hey you like it no yeah hey brick that point you just

Need new friends but like you know now I’m motiv I mean if they’re honest at least if they just say that it’s dog [ __ ] without any feedback then yeah you need new friends yo quick question what the smite do Smite I’m pretty sure UND Undead yeah oh okay you’re not Undead so

That’s not going to for a second I thought I was going to it was going to be like more crit damage I I believe that for the longest time it was like oh you get more critical damage but nah all right R it’s more damage against the undead I want to

Enchant my dooo whoa hey you’re not allowed to enchant I got the gold armor you can’t win you have an enchanted axe dog I don’t give a [ __ ] Enchanted Doo you have an enchanted helmet too I can see it wait it’s no no have res pack the enchantments on

Your D I’m just standing next to the portal it makes it look purple no I have the glint I just have a resource pack that changes the textures purple that’s kind of a wire reference well it’s blast protection can’t do anything against that hold on let me enchant my doooo I’m

Just grabbing some laugh my doo stop saying my dooo thank you well I have one thing you don’t have which is a you were on way I’m then you win I’m on their way okay this what I didn’t know let see anything watch this fight I was going to do a

Funnym wait I should use I should use a bricks thing cuz he has way more books oh trust me I’m like the guy that asks for criticism to the point is considered annoying probably I mean if you ask for criticis like there’s a thing about like criticism and accepting criticism cuz

That’s difficult believe it or not um which can be really annoying sometimes cuz people are like oh isn’t is it even worth it to give this guy criticism because he like he just asks for it and then it doesn’t do anything with it because I knew like like a lot of people

It’s just like oh oh what’s wrong with this and then whenever anyone said something they were like oh okay I guess we’re like yeah cuz like or they make up something to like excuse that even though it doesn’t make sense cuz even I try to defend my points of view

Sometimes but I’m really open to receiving criticism like you can tell me criticism if you want I don’t [ __ ] care I’ll tell you why I did that but I can still try and do something with it like it’s not useless like people who don’t do anything with criticism that’s bad cuz

Then he just doing nothing with it so yeah gr where are you I’m ready for a fight yeah got the advantage something yeah for example it was you with like um Al that one time where you told me like oh maybe it’s a little lopsided and I

Like and then it was like something ah what was it I know there was like something else that um that I had to change either to be like wide or less wide that was I think it was sans’s head shape yeah that as well and like helping each other like

With pix was very fun cuz like if we help each other improve then we get the best out of our works yeah exactly that’s kind of how feedback works I think we should all hate each other I’ll just don’t I become all green and angry why green

Oh yeah sh I’m supposed to be purple I’m already purple GRE I become I become like purplish green I become lime oo I’m steal your water becomes lemon Sil get away it’s me lemon wire oh oh nice try nice try oh pumpkin S pump lagging dog this isn’t fair I’m

Going to grab some water hold on yeah because you leave in Egypt yo somebody back me up I’m not in Egypt I’m from Egypt I’m not living there oh yeah I forgot you live in [ __ ] Kazakhstan or some [ __ ] qu close enough it’s not actually it is kind of close it is Middle

Eastle e don’t you live in Ohio tell tell brick no I’m not American American you live D I used to love that song she goes hard it’s so [ __ ] hard I for how the song goes oh wait I love that song [ __ ] flow you can’t fish me from here I have a

Shield that’s me okay the [ __ ] fishing rod goes through the shield no that’s not fair just how the game works also I’m nearing y”s base would never allow this I accidentally went to the wrong for the Shi well he had the what’s it called the

Uh the L no wait did I do that I did no no that that was close wait I’m gonna go fishing whoa oh [ __ ] wait I think I found where Ron went wait okay what the [ __ ] goofy ass fish jumped in front of my boat [ __ ] Newports I’m going to

Be the richest guy the fish could be goofy a lot ofage from this I got to get down uh you should I’m near I’m nearing the Epstein Island The Forbidden EP Island run [ __ ] I just remembered I died with so much gold on me I died with so

Much xp what the [ __ ] Ronnie I see our massive pinor I need help don’t help it he agreed to this fight it’s a one V one being a [ __ ] being a [ __ ] he said gold was better than iron and now he’s regretting it I brought 36 gold I’m going to you

Bring any deep slate yeah let’s go put in my wrongfully stole fromel do not put under chest do not but I’m actually going to keep it thank you no I only got it here to [ __ ] rub it in your face aim better uh wait hold on let me grab some

Scaffolding no no no no okay now you got to hurry up I’m almost there how close literally right next you can’t attack me when I’m asleep no I’m about to go to sleep too though oh [ __ ] Bro sleep beating the [ __ ] him wait no no I tooko I’m fighting you in my

Dream wait hold on I got to I’m winning I’m winning I’m winning I’m winning oh wait what [ __ ] okay no hey I’m here I’m in front of Joe’s house this is a weird dream get away from me I don’t want to talk to you anymore this is a weird

Dream why are you guys sleeping I’m so slow actually I can’t even sleep here cuz I’ll set my spawn point here [ __ ] both of you okay I’m sleeping too brick I’m in I’m in where you guys at oh hi Ronnie uh I’m at my thing I’m making uh scaffolding that

Ver the hell yeah man bro was bro was [ __ ] the sneaky snitch forgot something Grab Apple protect me I’ll save you oh yeah well I got the axe so yeah I ax ouch no leave gr alone hey you’re not supposed to Help get him gra yo I got you’re dead all right gram where do I put your gold uh put it in the cool uh house on the East for the other side the cool house on the East I got it yeah it’s a very tiny Hut made out of rocks oh that’s

West East there you go sorry I don’t know I don’t know my ABCs yeah me neither this some [ __ ] I’m winning am I winning no I lost oh no Grand I’ll avenge you avenge me away from me to me Grand where you don’t try itell right there it’s right here also I

Also threw my gold in there thank you in the chest please it here oh my God the stairs are here you go as a thanks oh hey thanks here’s a honeycomb I’ll take that what was for him I didn’t get it I’m giving you all my D dlay yeah

Man what the don’t grab it away I’m TR to drib it away okay actually here wait does that work damn it yeah it does it does wait no no no watch this watch this it’s like fortnite just yeah you know you can use the web slingers to

[ __ ] grab item yeah yeah you can you can D I used to do so many [ __ ] clutches by web slinging the [ __ ] revive card bye bye no gra bye oh thank you this is not enough deep slate but it will do for now you ungrateful [ __ ] I’m

I should have never brought you anything yeah that’s what I told you was your [ __ ] mistake wait where’s my shield piss baby Shack I recently learned that the piss baby Shack is r oh there it is I thought you destroyed it Dam no you want to fight again it was

Kind of fun last time yeah that was fun I had an unfair Advantage I’ll be honest why I did warn you do not break the scaffolding please it’s kind of my bad that I didn’t listen to you’re always do not break the scaffolding okay okay there you go what are you doing here

What the [ __ ] you know what I’ll kill you stop no I have seven levels hey this isn’t fair I have seven levels oh you should what what the stop using the Deep slate I gave you what the [ __ ] is your problem yo it’s the dream Strat the dream

Strat bro yo a combo WBO combo oh [ __ ] Ali you f I’m on one heart stop stop stop out out I’m hitting you with my hands yo give me a boost give me get him get him [ __ ] I’m right behind you I’m right behind you give me a boost push me

Push me [ __ ] ass bro I’m behind push me push me push me I’m fall damage slow down let me slow down little oh take my [ __ ] please don’t take my [ __ ] please don’t take my [ __ ] I need that wait when I die hey guys it’s me Ronnie hello Ronnie it’s me

Alone yo Graham this is a nice base I’m going to finish my big penis I should go finish it theep wait where are you guys where did I die shut up wi go back to your base yeah go back to your base what are you doing here you’re not welcome

Here wait where did I die Ron quartz to where you died yes I don’t know where I died I’m going to put all your items in then piss baby Shack what no don’t that’s R’s [ __ ] house for the longest time I thought this was [ __ ] Joe’s house and I was

About to blow it up do not put the [ __ ] in the piss baby house just put it in my chest or just give it to me directly um no thanks no stop stop okay this actually pretty organized thanks all there you go ha now you’re locked in there forever cuz I closed the

Door no now you’re in the piss baby Shack this is so sad you’re like a pissing baby wait gr that’s poetic where’s my steak was good you took my steak very give me my steti back is that a boat bro hit me and summoned the boat give me my

Steak where’s my steak oh yeah I’m going away on my journey thanks I will follow you there is seven steak I had like 40 does anyone have a water bucket yeah I’m not giving it oh [ __ ] your axe my axe my [ __ ] oh yeah we’re almost there we’re

Almost at se ow no don’t do that we got to get out have like 18 levels Mayday May what is actually wrong with you okay now I’m killing you I’m I’m genuinely killing you I’m genuinely killing you isn’t your SP like super far away I’m genuinely killing you that’s

That’s your final I just want I just want my steak back all right there we go I got it like 15 minutes to come back do you have the rest of my steak I have nothing big mistake pal put in the chest so it doesn’t despawn I’m running away double

Team yeah that’s why I’m making a chest wait you said double teaming double team double team yeah cuz Grand my Goble team hey whoa whoa whoa whoa you have actually good weapon let me make a chest so that wired [ __ ] doesn’t despawn all right there we go I’ll kill

You when I get there that was your final St no no no no don’t it’s a we’re even now we’re even now where herob yeah even except for the fact I’m 10,000 blocks away now hold on I’m trying to find your [ __ ] okay wait

Uh Graham where did he die uh just I I’m I’m playing this game like I’m playing fortnite like can Mark where he died the [ __ ] Middle Point I’ve tried to doing that just now all right here y let me show you yeah this is so stupid wait

Where are you where are you uh at the Spire oh okay I see you I see you here all right where’s this [ __ ] this is why Ronnie will never be my goat oh my God somewhere around here why that’s why we’re dating oh yeah okay yep this why

I’m madly in love with you what I support all you had were diamond tools and cooked Cod he it’s it’s my no I’m not judging I’m just asking like why don’t you have anything else well it sound like you were judging oh you sound to really judgy I was not judging okay

What happens I break what happens if I break honeycom why what what what what what what what happens where the boat spawner yeah that’s attack you and then they die cuz they lose their Stingers don’t the bone also the P [ __ ] VC thingies are not really

Working right now cuz of gram Apple uh okay for some reason why I don’t know it’s just whenever Grand Jo VC it just kind of breaks it doesn’t like me yeah it’s because you’re Swedish like no probably because it didn’t connect that he needs to do that

I tried to get him to connect I don’t think it worked so not only not only the wire have you did it have you done it gr what’ you say have you put your Discord on the thing yeah yeah you guys uh I tried to Help I’m saying at least I try to help yeah at least you try that’s what where are you see we’re going to fight at the tower technology wonky the Tilted Towers yeah the Tilted to horrible idea let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it hold on I have scaffolding I

Can make like an actual platform wait what’s the white stuff is that cloud oh damn you built Ron I’m going to Lava grief your [ __ ] Tower with cobblestone [ __ ] Stone not lava griefing please don’t that would be uh really unfortunate just don’t break the scaffolding cuz scaffolding is my

Reference for how how tall the tower is going to be Towers uh the what is it called the build limit no I didn’t oh okay wait what does the specific height matter though no I just said I don’t want it to be any taller than this but I also don’t

Want it to be any shorter okay if that makes sense God it takes like 10,000 years to get to you hold on can I place water right you also stole my [ __ ] levels will it break if I do that dude I don’t even have your levels I had like 18 levels and you

Killed me you dick has your levels yeah that was me I needed okay but I can’t really blame Graham he was just a witness um he’s the one that picked up your levels yo Ronnie I don’t know this update if I drop water here is it going to

Break what if I put water on this thing is it going to break on what the [ __ ] scaffolding yeah I wouldn’t test it a I would yeah I guess I guess you would pop off wire all right we have a platform just make sure you don’t the

Sun Central hold on TR hold on I have an idea why is the sun like so big I don’t know looks cool that’s not really realistic yeah actually now you accidentally not real it’s hard to tell that the game is based off of real life all right only

Hands only hands throwing hands [ __ ] it only hands only hands only hands only fans o no Shields no Shields okay no Shield three two one no wait wait wait wa I’m like really low wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh [ __ ] I almost okay there you go I almost fell down

Wait wait wait wait water bucket water bucket water bucket no gram you were my goat so sad that you had to die so young oh so sad that that was a fair game though that wasn’t even oh [ __ ] I don’t have a pickaxe oh no yeah that’s

Fair game and fair play wait no I can just put scaffolding it’s fine okay this sucks actually I can just water bucket though what are you doing I’m on the another what are you doing in there I don’t know exploring bro looking around yeah I was just saying if I could find something

New out and about but no there’s nothing I remember [ __ ] going in the single player world and accidentally finding another like Bastion so I guess I have to [ __ ] I have to go find that now why is there a zombie trying to eat your ass o get get away from

Me why you trying to kill me don’t you know you’re talking to a weird oh [ __ ] I don’t have a shield what the thought gr is always somehow under they prepared he’s getting [ __ ] by zombies right now yo there was this one has a shovel it’s hitting me with

It he broke his when he hit me Al where the [ __ ] is George I miss him okay I’m not enough for you hey I’m telling noxel I love you yeah he doesn’t wait no no no Castle hey get off my I’m straight no I me crying me heartbroken he literally becomes a sub

Emoji get away from me crit that [ __ ] oh yeah take that oh yeah uhuh you didn’t have a chance Graham starts [ __ ] emoting in Minecraft oh my God I’m de for that I’m half a heart I’m half a heart no no stop dying to Ronnie this is embarrassing I’ll tell you gold is

Better stop attacking me Ronnie you deserve to die no I don’t that’s a misconception I will burn your items once I [ __ ] kill you that’s a common misconception hey what did I do to you you killed me and I had 18 levels St fing luck dog I’m trying to

Build all right let me be a builder do [ __ ] bad you are ungrateful for my deep slate I have every reason to hate you grateful I said it’s not enough but it will do I was showing respect are you kidding me that’s not how you show respect I don’t [ __ ] care anymore

Well kill them wire that’s why you deserve to die being nice eradicate their existence right now please don’t that would be I’ll wipe you off the face of the Earth and build a grave at my spawn wait what if I made you a honeycomb block would that change your mind no actually that

Would change whoa someone’s hry to your you got to listen to your snowman I didn’t check friend yeah I want to check on friend I love friend he’s my friend I love friend friend is my friend you just goed like that I’m alive he’s everyone’s friend unless it’s running bro has no

Enemies unless it’s Ronnie yeah dude why requires more respect it’s in the negatives [ __ ] you you’re kind of right though okay guys my self-esteem is uh at Bedrock wait like Minecraft whoa a reference my selfish steam is at Deep slate level Yeah man so it’s a very deep it’s

Really really deep it’s like diamond level oh cuz secretly I’m a I’m like a I’m like a diamond door honestly my mental health is like uh ancient debris it’s spread out everywhere and there’s like lava all around it yeah man so you get it the best way the best

Way to find it is to explode to blow up yeah wait can you have in this server yeah why wouldn’t you I’m just checking some sorry I sorry I disabled TNT oh some people do that actually why could you why would you I mean not why could I

Haven’t disabled any like player/ mob griefing so TNT would work that’s cool I’m just saing please don’t blow up my [ __ ] wait no no no please blow up their [ __ ] no blow up their big peor so they have to start from bottom I don’t even think it’s penis

It’s supposed to be the tower from Tangled I don’t get it hav’t seen the movie I’m not Tangled see me personally I would never I would never be Tangled personally I would just never do that what the [ __ ] is wrong with you see I wouldn’t indulge in that kind of

Conversation you telling me that I’m just trying to be polite I saying what the [ __ ] is wrong with you yeah I’m just checking out what’s wrong come on be more grateful I care about you shut the [ __ ] up Ronnie you’re Ronnie you’re the lesser member of us all o

Tell what did I do we got beef we got beef por dude I was the only person yesterday who was listening to your [ __ ] Lord dump what are you doing what yeah but now you’re notel Lord dude [ __ ] this wouldn’t have been a problem that you killed me except

For the fact I have to travel another 10 minutes to get to your [ __ ] base dude you [ __ ] tried to kill me it was in self defense yes okay in slight self not self-defense in slight defense of Ronnie you kind of didn’t say when you’re were

Going to die I think you just kind of wait hey don’t do that no I did I said I’m going to die I have 18 levels and you still killed mear I did you didn’t travel time though play back editor play back clip that clip that editor as in me

Play it back uh chat is this wait let’s run it back wait it’s like the [ __ ] playback tape sound effect wait pause resum Flashback real fnf poop shs SMP drama yeah we got be we always on drama bro you have no [ __ ] like we can never be friendly Ronnie I’ll have to kill you for calling me a pedophile indirectly not call you a pedophile directly you said that you

Said that you said I look like dream or some [ __ ] you have to die dude every ACC every accusation is an admission of guilt yep so what did I say about you um sorry guys I guess you finally figured me out guess you finally figured me

Out it’s like he reveals his mask I have like a [ __ ] big mustache like it’s a game so you figured me out I’m like a Scooby-Doo villain you figured it out yeah I was about to say Scooby-Do like I wouldn’t have gone away with it I would

Have gone away for it three million kids someone needs to animate that I pray to God [ __ ] dream taking off his mask and it’s like a [ __ ] Scooby-Doo episode it’s like the pedophile guys it was an act long this was a social experiment this is a social experiment soci

Experiment the per war exper media first name social last name media yo tell them I’m tell him Soldier Boy tell him what did he even tell him okay a lot of things wait soldja boy is so knowledgeable yeah don’t you know he’s got a harbor degree yeah does he

Actually I don’t know I don’t know ask him I got Connection in a in a parallel universe parallel this is this universe this is the Marvel Cinematic Universe do you guys think we’re in the best timeline right now oh yeah yes well okay kind of very close

Look not to get political but like you know what could possibly be better than this current timeline St still being alive people not dying Stalin still being alive commun I was I was thinking Peter Griffin in for but that too can I travel to the universe where

They added [ __ ] under instead of pet Griffin does anyone have um spare deep I’m out are you kidding me but no do not I told you it wouldn’t be enough I told you to not give them and last like next time they ask something never

Do I’m g y yo you’re fighting yeah we got beef [ __ ] can I my stuff back can I my stuff back give me my stuff back you [ __ ] I’m also robbing you I’m taking your emeralds hey pop off stop give me my [ __ ] back you just took my five levels you’re only five

Levels okay just because I feel bad you can have a boner dude you look like Squidward right now hold on look at noik squinge word cring word look at noik it’s because of your [ __ ] the [ __ ] uh uh your respiration it’s it’s loading I like squid

Wordnet okay oh [ __ ] I do actually kind of look can I st back can I get my stuff back now um no yo yo yo where you guys at thank you what the [ __ ] what the where you guys at I guess I’ll keep these now hey no my other guys guys guys guys

Guys guys guys guys keep guys guys guys guys guys where hey yeah I think the game Bez like suer just went to my DM and said like send me like video the game itself so I can like do this oh my God you’re going do it no grah don’t do

It you have so much to for why you still have my the rest of my [ __ ] why did y’all keep my [ __ ] items in here I killed myself on purpose just put my [ __ ] in here just give me my [ __ ] what what do you need here my steak my

My other things I kind of forgot this is why I don’t like it when people pick up each other’s inventories it’s hard to know what who what belongs to who I mean you don’t need everything that I’m giving you no I want my stuff back damn [ __ ] also you stole from my

Chest no no I’m looking yeah but I’m keeping those can I my bucket back my fishing rod um my emeralds um what’s the thing called what’s that one thing called you can get from gravel uh Flint Flint yeah does anyone have F I think I’m still missing

Some stuff no oh yeah here your seeds I [ __ ] I I don’t care about the seeds gr do you want to live with us no far away come to the awesome team I I want to get a tour of the awesome team I just want to get a tour actually want can I

Get a tour too all right actually no only gr can fit in my boat Ronnie we can put you in the uh what is it called uh in the cry baby SE yeah the cry bab stroller wait I need to grab the cords so I don’t forget I it’s so [ __ ]

Annoying that y traveled so far yeah that’s kind of annoying the no cuz like if we were ever make like making World Peace like we are doing right now it’s like [ __ ] we have to travel thousands of blocks away I don’t know we the cre mod we thought you were

Going to like hunt us down forever so we thought we got to hide now there’s no coming back you got to make a giant I mean I was going to actually kill all of yall and start the war until y’all just stopped being active so I’m like hey this ain’t worth it

Anymore ow let’s go Graham wait wait for what the that’s my boat no it’s mine what wait where’s my boat I had a boat on the shore hold do I have a boat here you go I have done that you just in the ocean does it sink where dolphin start playing with it

Stupid ass all right I didn’t think it was going to sink for a second yeah what’s up can I have course to home please course uh yeah second is this this is going to take like yeah this is going to take like another 10 minutes to go let’s go Gram I’m kidnapping you

Technically no well I have Team say goodbye to your home oh yeah all right where uh oh yeah watch this and you blow me up in the [ __ ] in the boat I’m taking you down with me the would have probably survived how much damage

Does it has to be a lot right wait where you at oh you’re in the back [Applause] huh oh let me Google can kill some with come back are you [ __ ] fishing no come back I’m trying to grab grham so so he can’t leave gra you’re coming with

Me no I’m helping you go where you got the cords yeah thank you so he doesn’t escape thank you boy bear no problem bro wait for me what the [ __ ] you’re so slow holy [ __ ] just don’t wait for them then yeah can we just like stop for a sec so we

Can like see the sights the sights the sights have you never been around here oh look at the left that looks great actually what the hell you should make a house over there why didn’t we live there actually wait can we go and look for a second I like that okay fine wait

No but why I need to put GMA on the leash so go to McDonald’s please okay fine can we go to this mountain we go Mountain at home Mountain at home that mountain at home it’s just a big hill wait wait wait gram gr before you

Go into the unknown I need to do something what are you going to do hey oh you put him on a leash I can’t see yeah that’s what I’m saying wait it’s cing my face I can’t see don’t worry I got you you almost died for a second that

Was scary that was that was very scary come here come here stop stop moving no stop moving my fishing Rod’s going to break no then stop using the fishing rod I’m trying to grab him should have been cool like me and have a mending fishing rod yeah you’ll never be asol

As yeah I’m saying that overall not just Minecraft wise wait that’s actually a really cool Mountain not even going to lie yeah that’s what I’m saying also if yall has haven’t realized yet I increased the render distance to like 30 so you should be able to

Increase that oh what [ __ ] you I’ll kill you again I’m joking please kill them again oh do your wishes beel no no no no just going downhill towards you got to realize every time you do that you block my entire [ __ ] screen like I anything

You need to do it in F5 you need to walk in F5 yeah oh [ __ ] can’t climb I can’t we might have to worry about powder don’t worry I’ll just go up the mountain and I’ll reel you in oh yeah you’re going to Grapple him

Up yeah yeah that’s how you do it wait isn’t this the kind of snow that can kill you no no that’s power snow I don’t see any how do you put on some leather boots and you’ll be fine powdered snow is kind of like powdery snow think about it

It’s to defend you from Powder snow they don’t they don’t really defend you you can just walk on Powder snow after that yeah so it defends you and also stops you from freezing it does [ __ ] yeah okay there’s no there’s no Powder snow up here there’s ghost though wait wait wait

Wait wait do you have logs do you have logs logs uh I have wood but no logs a no I want to ram you want to get like a horn yeah there’s a bunch of goats can I kill him no we need them to Ram into US

Kill the goat y I cannot see kill the goat no why’ you do that stop I killed I killed one goat what the huh you ruin the snow goat milk hey you’re ruin the snow you’re ruin my Mountain not my Mountain don’t care wait what is it Ronnie hey

Stop what Fu I [ __ ] jumped backwards yo if I attack the thing what is it going to do oh just di die okay I’ll Attack if I attack it what’s he going to what’s he going to do die is it going to ram into me no it

Just runs away like a [ __ ] occasionally I’m pretty sure you just need to kind of like stay still long enough all right yeah and you have to be in front of if you’re in front of a log and he Rams into it you get a horn what the he also

Jumps that was a high jump they high jump the but I wanted to punch me it’s not going to it doesn’t want you it it’s doing it oh never mind ow it ran towards oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to do that oh I just grabb your TNT

No this will be a secret weapon for later secret weapon a surprise though that will help us later you look at the invisible camera Chad they don’t know I’m going to blow up their Bas Chad today we’re going to blow their base got a if you do that I’m going to be really

Mad you don’t want to see me when I’m really mad wait guys watch this I didn’t know IR could be up here that’s cool let’s get a bit more up here if anything is better to go to Mountains for iron guys watch this awesome true okay thank God yeah that’s actually true

Yeah if you go higher I would never beat you unless beat you this is my new money you ask me to this goat is about to jump real high how wait this goat is about to meet it me uhoh about to be go I tell you you just

Broke the fishing rod oh no you didn’t oh there oh [ __ ] you did actually break it I broke it yeah shut the [ __ ] up here what I do to you you’re being mean to every I don’t appreciate it you’re big mean to my boyfriend all right that was defend me yeah I

Will I kiss you on the cheek what the oh you can put water okay it won’t break if you put water that’s cool okay it doesn’t break it kind of just goes through it yeah you guys are dying quick eat imagine you a [ __ ] big ass buff

Man from like the mountains like a wolf get on top of him to get warm it’s like you’re dying quick you’re dying quick eat like yes yes sir yes sir get out myat get out of here go go go go leave running behind quick quick use the water

Use the water no we’re so close [ __ ] wait I got it go whoa whoa careful actually it’s so high up get in no not running so high up it’s so high up oh [ __ ] I’m I’m going to jump no no no no oh that was so close dude if I if I

Drove a little bit forward and you fell on the boat you would have died of fall damage yo look oh [ __ ] I actually don’t have a pickax you guys are actual [ __ ] goblins I mean yeah I’m a bit Romanian and he’s Swedish so okay man there we go not that it has anything

To do with it but he’s Swedish gra let me throw you a bone what the that’s the boner I gave you yeah man whoa wait who has the boat what the you have boat I have another boat I have another boat uh give me the boat

I’ll lead the way okay give me the loot we are going towards our awesome base I love wake do you guys know what wakes are like the [ __ ] Minecraft mod wakes woke woke Minecraft whoa woke Minecraft it has like ripples to the water wait I’ll share my screen so you

Can look hold on can we start moving for a sec mhm all right let me share my screen it looks really cool and that’s the part why I leave yeah no oh yeah look at look at my stream let me see if I if we move around in the

Water like first stre to get zero viewers it actually like reacts to whatever goes into the water oh that was a whole lot of nothing actually what the hell yeah let’s go okay that’s a really pretty Shader thanks yeah that wasn’t for you you oh hey we have St I can stop

Streaming I’ll show you my Shader pixel you’re you’re a bunch of cool [ __ ] he show you Shad be like a pack of crayons this is my sh you’re my poopy bear what wait can I eat my sandwich real quick here’s my Shader pretty cool actually wait Graham can you take the

Steering wheel so I can eat my sandwich sure what the [ __ ] take the steering wheel so I can eat my sandwich I might actually eat a sandwich go D I’m hungry I’m hungrier than a [ __ ] bro we’re all hungry what the [ __ ] the only thing I ate is [ __ ] aqua

Water this Shader is actually the official Shader so Minecraft woke real yeah cool yeah right they even added like the gradient for the sun that’s crazy gr gr not that I can do anything jump on wi’s boat oh yeah how am I supposed to do that get

Let them behind let them behind go go go go gra what are you doing you’re off the rails the rails of the water fck damn we got beef uh W how far away are you uh are we going like 2,000 blocks okay okay could be worse could be better you know what else

Could be worse Press B so I can eat but I remember this isn’t this ising okay I was hoping you’d know uh hopefully in there what the [ __ ] does that mean I don’t know huh is someone call isn’t there technically way to like I don’t know like move an entire chunk to a

Different location [ __ ] isn’t that possible to what to like move an entire chunk oh yeah do you want me to merge your bases together without yeah like that would be cool cuz we’re not doing the war anymore that would actually be funny as [ __ ] I go with world edit and I

Copy your entire base yeah but wait but then you have a chance of [ __ ] it up and I really don’t want to believe wait what would what would what would get [ __ ] up though what would happen like imagine if the rotation is wrong and instead of

Going to the next of it it’s like on top of it but that’ be cool though no because I don’t have a house anymore and my dog and my friend would die and we have to start from the ground up yes okay and I wouldn’t want to see B pixel

Sad actually you guys know what would happen have you ever seen Ninjago dragons Rising the sequel show the Ninjago where all the all the Realms merge into each other that’s what what would happen I don’t get the reference but I’ll pretend I do I watched Ninjago but I don’t know what that is

Yeah I think I just do something then I guess you could go like far away but it’s like closer but not too far away that’s stopping that is the fact that it’s cheating so you’d have to manually move in oh but what what if you were to

Teleport our chunk to like an ocean nearby wouldn’t that like make it safe [ __ ] copy the Epstein Island a couple [ __ ] thousand blocks over yeah yeah man that’d be awesome that’d be great see this way my go you always have the best ideas you sound like the type of people

That like go on to a world map and they’re like wait we need to a new continent right [Laughter] here wait when’s the next patch update where they add the fortnite map yeah man I would love to live there my life dude unironically if there was a [ __ ] like

Earth man-made fortnite map IRL that’d be so funny where would you live what with the loop and everything yeah which which uh which I would honestly leave live in the [ __ ] like warmer place of it like the [ __ ] desert side oh Paradise Palms yeah that’s SU

I’m you [ __ ] B is going to make like a [ __ ] Shack at the loot Lake yeah I don’t know I think do you think it’s possible to create floating islands IRL yeah Haven you seen it no look [ __ ] you need one big magnet Lake do not do not move into loot Lake some

Weird [ __ ] happens there loot lake. DXE what the dude like one time the water was like purple and bouncy and then like the main island leftt in the sky and then there was like this big vault in the ground I’m just saying if all the fortnite

Events up until now were to happen we all would have died like actual Extinction wait what do you no but the reason why we don’t die because of the loop cuz it respawns you oh yeah I forgot my reboot card hold on what what do you think actually would happen like World

Politics if one day we all just wake up and this [ __ ] Island just exists in like the uh what is it called that one ocean on the other side of the Earth but there like absolutely nothing like the whole thing is with the loop if you don’t have a

Helmet you lose all your memories well then I’ll just wear a helmet I’ll go with my bike there with a helmet yeah no if you literally go in with like a biker helmet you’re good yeah I’ll go in there and then I’ll I’ll I’ll live in salty Springs also like

Technically would they even be us or would they be snapshots snapshots of us yeah that’s all like that’s the whole L behind fortnite skins there’s multiple of the same person yeah no literally literally that’s the entire lore so many different versions of Jonesy also guys we’re almost there because agent Jones

Is the person who visits the island the most that’s why there’s the most like versions of him as skins also I’ll have you know Rick not Rick brick already visited our base at some point how did brick find it oh I just kind of gave them theck Rick brick Rick

Except for the fact um [ __ ] the way I got to your base is that brick made me [ __ ] guess what your cords are by exploring through the Nether and [ __ ] like that and giving me hands [ __ ] harder warm like colder yeah that but like way more complicated well don’t worry we’re

Almost there ises that glow your house uh no oh that’s probably just lava or something or just like glowy vines or something [ __ ] I don’t know but don’t worry guys we’re almost there I just realized I’m going to be too lazy to travel backs I’m just probably going to kill myself a don’t

Worry I’ll bring you your items at some point thank you yeah you’ll be the Uber or whatever the Uber okay can we actually like [ __ ] create a nether portal like Traverse system to get to us more efficiently yeah one person we have one person dedicated to just helping people travel nothing else

Blue ice and boats it go hard we just create one big like [ __ ] mine cart that would be cool it wouldn’t even travel that far would it cuz the chunks are loaded what do you mean prick would love that like would one giant ass mine cart

From my base to yours would it travel that far even if the chunks are unloaded as no but I like if I put like a mine cart like with a chest in it uhhuh that work no no no would it kind of just stop Midway or

What I get it all right wouldn’t get over there we just you need the furnace also you see this ice no the furnace doesn’t load chunks though furnace doesn’t load chunks the furnace connects all the carts into a train though so got a zombie on a

Boat let’s go also you see that ice that’s our base it’s our awesome base yeah I can see it the freezing it’s freezing cold out here man somebody left the fridge open this is why your parents never let you keep the fridge open no it’s the Ice King oh yeah I remember Adventure

Time yeah man Simon Petra call SpongeBob spin would never do this all right let’s go we’re here get in my boat no no no no do not get in his boat in my boat let’s go don’t leave me behind Oho we’re so fast all right we made it yo who is that

That’s a zombie Tokyo DFT no wait what is that a zombie oh that scared me I’m too far away it’s pixel the [ __ ] way you pimp that like [ __ ] godam I’m attack I’m getting shut up have those leather boots what the let’s go wait where are they hello hey

Damn you missed huh where oh no you didn’t you aiming for the boat [ __ ] it’s time to kill you in our territory yeah no we got to get out of quick hide the eyes you’re you [ __ ] travel backing no I don’t wait can you hold on

Can you actually attack me here that was your wait what’s up hold try attacking me try he stop I want to eat my steak well like attacking you yeah how would you attack me here swim okay you can always swim after me okay okay okay okay okay I just

Realized okay okay wait hold on but if I was really fast at swimming how would you actually counter that uh boater wait okay let’s try that again try again give me once that’s your goal how would you do it KY my armor has dep stupid cat wait what’s my I’m naturally faster than

You get okay how do I get out of here uh ice oh over here quick break break break break break break break break break two hearts two hearts here’s a seed they eat seeds right bro got melon there we go melon doing let’s go you on that

Sword from the zombie yeah I got sweeping Edge three this will be useful I got sharpness wait I don’t have water Grand what do you think of our awesome base I think theing fishing is my you trying to live in here maybe yeah we have a herob

Sp where where’s oh [ __ ] oh here he is herob he’s real no the sacrifice I put seeds in do you guys see my massive weenor like over there whoa I thought that was the uh what is it called that’s the was tower that I built yeah stop having fun wait is

This rewarded for shooting you I don’t know what you mean no wait you I’ll you what the oh oh I see what’s going on thank you what yeah thank you it’s the gesture that counts I I’m out of here wait how do I get out of here you jump down it’s jump

Downable wait what do you mean jump down the B there’s like a pool of water like like on the side over here place it with lapis right under my feet soart imagine if it actually was lapis I thought the most efficient way is that to just jump down so I made it jump

Downable let’s go away yeah guys why do you have a [ __ ] fed here why do you have a cop yo you have the thing ready on the go BR got the blicky up wait wait wait if this is realistic and I just pay you off got two emeralds ooh whoa wait

Real I do got beef wait Hey listen buddy I’d be careful if I were you [ __ ] I’m the business dealer go here here’s your trade I were you grab Apple grab there we go all right Grab Apple you’re chill there’s some favoritism here you know grandle I’m feeling romantical come

Come to my house the TNT you Tred Grand thank you wait no this is incriminating you’re do this I’m Arrow you’re doing this cuz I’m Arrow you’re going to be like oh there’s a terrorist there’s a terrorist here [ __ ] [ __ ] racist [ __ ] Graham come here I got you a

Present cuz I’m feeling romantical dude I’m actually this is actual like um like xenophobia yeah who’s Xeno stoping me here this is my house [ __ ] slave I’ll get you a present d here just because just because you’re awesome what is this iron black Iron yeah it’s black

Iron the black wait did he give you [ __ ] deep that’s [ __ ] I’m kill I’m killing myself I’m out of here yeah don’t worry I got something I got hi R hello wait you can find this very funny Ronnie Ronnie I got to give you something you want a smoke you want a

Smoke you want a smoke no I got a bun to pick with you bro hey stop robbing us I like hey let me throw you a bone down yo quick get out of the boat oh y [ __ ] I’m going to die I’m going to die

I’m going to die why are you H the [ __ ] building what the [ __ ] help help what the [ __ ] what’s going on how’ you getting there I did that I did that gr no gr we’re gonna have to put you down we’re goingon to have to P you out of your

Misery if you do that I’ll have to put R what the [ __ ] who you pissed in my House at my base right oh that’s your base okay my feet you trying to visit yeah you should be oh if you come in the next like 10 seconds okay I was going to see if you come in the next 10 seconds I’ll actually teleport you I I’ll make an exception

And teleport you here okay I guess I have to keep my promise cuz I didn’t expect you to come here so fast what the [ __ ] is this a GU hello hi you’re at our base is oh oh [ __ ] it’s so it’s [ __ ] it’s a bunch of crayons yeah looks like is that

Cray do you have the outfit do you have the outfit wire uh oh yeah [ __ ] wait let me get it why do you have [ __ ] swag Messiah swag Messiah I [ __ ] hey get out of W’s house it’s dressing up yeah I’m naked and all that

I want to see get out wait hey hey hey I’m not going up the ladder go into the closet room and change me dude y actually [ __ ] oh thank you y got to be just grabbed it dog what the [ __ ] me Oh I thought Grand got it hey

Don’t look they’re changing oh [ __ ] I’m sorry respect their privacy I’ll wait here bro outside my home something going on here hey I can see you what I’m trapped what the [ __ ] band guys he’s like the guy you got drip that’s crazy I’m like the guy he’s like that guy oh it’s like

Sans stop robbing Us in secret someone got it at least I got to I got to hit him with the robbing I got him with the robbing not me at least [ __ ] these are awesome Pig F guys check out my set up I’m check out my setup do use Minecraft

With your [ __ ] other hand Ronnie yeah I do what the [ __ ] is wrong with you why do you actually use your left hand are you left hand in real life why not even if I was left-handed I use my right hand what am I weird for drwing

Wait hold on people that are left real life must use left-handed on Minecraft oh yeah I’m right-handed so bro oh it’s a jelly wo wait we got beef wo wo wo wo [ __ ] oh my goodness you’re not going to shoot him huh wait what do I have on this

Ow that did like one heart of death you’re going to shoot me did it oh I have THS wait stop moving stop Ming attack me attack me actually racist L what the what the [ __ ] you know we’re going to keep this this is this is your Monument yeah wa

Which one’s faster what the [ __ ] the scaffolding no break it down breing you my scaffolding give it back hi wait wait gun him down gun him down sacrifice oh [ __ ] wait he blocked that [ __ ] thanks for the arrow kind stranger no problem the reditor wait pixel just use your fishing

Rod bro has an arrow in his foot I’ll I us to like you what [ __ ] stop ruining our village what the hell don’t make don’t make me get up there there guys ow what the [ __ ] wait we got beef oh bro yo who got be what

The BR themed my llama he got beef bro I’ll kill it my goat right here go no don’t jump oh you made it swag M swag Messiah can I yeah how the [ __ ] do you get in here through the door I don’t have deep slate you get deep after I’ve been off

The entire like day did you just break the [ __ ] Corner instead of going through the door [ __ ] hate you bro swag more Blum hey do you have a do you have a flint on you I need arrows oh wait gr gr come with me also I’ll have you know from the

Other theme I just gave Graham A a [ __ ] nether thing for his Hospitality whatever he chooses to do with it is yeah it’s in here you can keep the crops oh thank you you got to move you got to move you got to move I thought it was under water you

Shouldn’t hurt me there we go yeah there you go okay what do you think of our awesome base it’s very Coy okay y trying to move in dude Grand was suggesting earlier before you join I should get world edit and [ __ ] copy your base and P it in the ocean there we

Go there what’s over there over there I’m kind of scared the only problem with that is that they’ be cheating oh this is true get out get out get out I would not open that door yeah you can barely notice oh yeah we have a Herobrine spawner oh my God we

Made one legitly what no no no no no no I’m not letting them not wait hello neighbor dog who please don’t oh flying is not the enabled in my server oh [ __ ] I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry was like in Roblox what the [ __ ] kind of sacrificial chamber is this wait what

Happened oh oh this was supposed to be a black who blood is on the [ __ ] oh my bad I bled yeah do you see my awesome p behind get out out that’s my Watchtower Theodore Master you should go up the wat Tower the whose house is this yeah the

Poror it’s mine is my [ __ ] fishing you can go mind can I come in yeah you canup me there’s no way to get down it’s jump downable over here oh let’s go what’s in here dude I really thought it you would die so I I thought it was

Just a suicide attempt that was like elaborately planned house got snowed in bro he never finished this house so it just snowed in the beds should be white from the [ __ ] snow that’d be funny didn’t you steal a bunch of cobblestone my bad I

Don’t care no I did not oh yeah this is my awesome home if you want don’t care you can do whatever the I didn’t see where you went bro over here oh this is my awesome home Jesus Christ this is my little cryab wait what did you do keep shooting

Me you can use the if you want by the way stupid [ __ ] until you get one of your own they killed Meed bow I idiot bro cuz they [ __ ] kept shooting me stupid [ __ ] idiot you shoting me I shot you twice I shot you twice [ __ ] Ron got be run comat L

Combat log wow wow d everybody spawn everybody spawn you die 3 2 one get Ronnie you could have ran I shot you twice in your fold I’m sorry that’s your fault not mine your fault uh W can you kick them for an entire week please

Oh yeah yeah I’ll B them off thank you the server PS down oh I love pink pedal look at that y’all got torches this is really dark I did I did until I had to leave yeah don’t come back though oh yeah [ __ ] you can sit

Down yo guys I need a little help what the who angered the Endy man where did he go get the [ __ ] out of here where where you oh sh it’s killing me it’s killing me it’s killing me I got him I got him I got him all for you eat eat eat oh

[ __ ] I’m drowning yum yum y n where they go oh yeah I haven’t been sleeping oh yeah [ __ ] gone why’ you steal my boat oh yeah I’m going toxel let’s sleep together you guys got to sleep cuz I got to keep my spawn okay oh yeah [ __ ] I don’t even

Know if I have a spawn or not we’ll see baby oh yeah wait I’m supposed to be naked what no let me sleep I don’t have time it doesn’t let me yeah oh never mind yeah okay I’m still naked oh what what what’s up the cat scares the

Thing away yeah the cat scare away Phantoms oh bad morning that’s so Weir carot blocks carrot blocks creepers and f [ __ ] Ronnie wasted the goddamn shooting me I had an unenchanted B I didn’t know was going to kill you in two hits yeah you’re being a

[ __ ] sor [ __ ] I didn’t do [ __ ] to you now you’ll forever be in De for a new totem you’re just you’re just racist I’m not racist I just don’t like you I’m the only yeah I just don’t like kill yourself kill yourself I’ll go after you

Don’t worry oh yeah res this is georg’s house Ronnie you got to time your SP it’s slightly further away oh yeah [ __ ] sucks or bued his house with Snowman that’s go unnamed cat head ass what the [ __ ] you I know excuse me bro is not the normal you should you should Rob George

He has nothing left Rob his six Diamonds oh who built that like Sor what’s it called like the normal house whatever what normal house the normal house I don’t know what to call it traditional house uh oh the Snowman house yeah yeah the Snowman house yeah

Oh is it the one further away yeah that’s like Brock’s house [ __ ] that’s it reminds me of OG Minecraft yeah yeah this is the kind of [ __ ] you would see tutorials though yeah it got that charm to it yeah it’s it’s also filled with snowman why did the

Snowman not have pumpkin heads cuz you can take them off they look better this run he scared me I don’t think you can put him back can you don’t tell them I’m here don’t tell them I’m here guys you might want to look out the window nothing wait I

Don’t see anybody did you steal my horse what the f I didn’t steal it I’m just cruising oh no I’m not let’s go I’m safe the racist is gone the racist now I’m the new racist we’re going to need a new racist no I’m still in the

Car buddy actually all of y’all all of yall are [ __ ] racist like gr put a bomb in my inventory cuz I’m he’s going to be like oh oh it’s because you’re Eastern there’s a barbaric Arab terrorist here you [ __ ] gave me the TNT you’re likeing evidence on me wait where you at

Uh have you met my awesome horse de oh my God whose horse is this bro is this ta tiddes I don’t know a [ __ ] skeleton army kind of just like spawned and there’s just a bunch of [ __ ] skeleton horses you can have him if you want no thanks I can’t

Leave I got to die to get back what the what is the name shs everything oh wait I broke the lead my bad I accidentally broke the lead I’ll put it back hi HOSA yo whose house oh okay whose house is like my question is question how did

How did pixel die this the old Community House shots what’s a community house it’s like [ __ ] where where everybody used to leave [ __ ] put a trap wire hook instead of a pressure plate what I think that’s cool it doesn’t even work I it doesn’t work at the time I thought this

Was just your elaborate plan of BR blowing our house up wait there’s no string don’t we have TNT yeah there you planted in my inventory cuz you wanted to make me look like a [ __ ] terrorist call me yes okay well now we can be one together

Hold on wait this is the community house this is where everybody used to sleep before everybody made their own house and now we’re going to blow every I guess the pink [ __ ] house that we have at our place is like our community house was not finished oh yeah yeah man

I’m kind of sad that we actually it doesn’t even work yeah no it’s not connected to anything I just realized [ __ ] this sucks I thought it would kind of work but no it does but like the thing is like the Redstone signal goes here and then like it does nothing with

It Lio I’ll put all this stuff back do any of you guys have string no uh I found some in the community chest but I don’t plan on taking any cuz it’s theirs can I have it I just completely explained to you why we can’t have I’m asking why huh

Wait what’s up can I have can I have the string no we keep it cuz we’re Romanian oh yeah res do you have shears what the um yeah yo right click the [ __ ] thingy the one with the CH that’s so whack I don’t know if you can place it

Back can you try to place it Back let me try it what the why is bro getting naked whoops what did I join to why was that the first thing I heard sorry we’re doing some Erp in the voice chat yeah also we we created World p with the Enemy gang they’re at our base

Thank you oh my gosh I was tired of the freaking thing that started all because of the different VCS yeah no it was just Joe being annoying fair enough I realized that like if you guys stop being active for like a while it’s not really worth arguing fair enough it would be really

Fun to keep that up if we have an actual active like duel yeah oh no but as of right now we just have a awesome chill SMP all right fair enough at least that’s what everybody want wanted they didn’t want me to actually start conflict cuz the [ __ ]

They would have built would have got blown up in the conflict should we make like a spawn then a spawn yeah what like for conflict no not for conflict like the opposite bro like having a actual spawn you know like area uh maybe also I was thinking we

Should connect our nether portal so it’s easier to travel cuz in the world there’s like a couple thousand blocks can I show you something uh where are you hold on no no on in a no mic oh sure in a no mic it’s a music thing for for you know boo booer

No I don’t really recognize him I’ve heard of that guyed you know who that is sound on a turntable I don’t recognize that name sorry also here hold up uh where’s your Raz Raz R in my awesome chat bone why are there so many snow golems in my

House you just got trolled by S your house yes this is my house Oh I thought you did this close the door you’re letting all the Snowman out they’re protecting your protecting your house noide can I take all your can I take all your deep slate yes take all

My deep slate I don’t care let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go as a trade off you get one creeper token here o oh yeah BR token yeah Brock you should come outside for a second get seven more and you can make a TN have you seen my

Awesome finished wat Tower I saw that it looks really nice you should try it see if it watches up the tower yeah like tilted Towers yeah okay um good job you’re ruined it we also you can’t really get down is jump downable jump downable wait wait run you

Know how far away it is or spawn it’s like 5,000 blocks away okay you can easily get there NE to be fair this house is this over here should I clutch uh which one oh that’s suckers work in progress go clutch you [ __ ] with it

All right yeah all right my turn my turn I’m wondering what else we should build around this Village you guys should move in there are so many snow gos dude I don’t want to okay no wire I don’t want to rebuild my tower then don’t make a

Tower you can move the chunk move the whole chunk to that there move the chunk yeah actually we should can you try that with one thing just to see what happens I’m okay with that are you okay with it [ __ ] cheating on stream wait is it cheating okay I guess it is technically

Yeah cuz you’re teleporting an entire chunk what if that’s yeah you’d have to rebuild it why can’t you just have a normal house why do you have to be special dude it’s not special it’s just like it’s like the Tangled tower you know I don’t get that reference seen movie the tower that

Rapunzel’s in the one where the hair comes oh that Tangled I was thinking of something else is there another Tangled movie yeah me oh yeah that was a good movie you should have been there I wish I missed the premiere yeah now it’s off the charts no

Never again it’s a one time one time movie is insane dude there’s so many snowmen around how do you even get this okay never mind it’s easy to make I just remembered it’s like I thought it was like making like an iron g whatever also Brock yeah if it makes you feel any

Better George’s house is also full of snowman oh you weren’t the only one that got trolled great but where’d you get the Snoop from uh I cheated it oh yeah I got I got to finish up this roof like the Snowman yeah it snowed oh wait you can oh wait you can

Pick it up I got I got world edit and [ __ ] um I did sl/ Snow 200 blocks and it put a radius of snow I tried to make the world a little bit jolly yeah this is quite J cuz like I didn’t really consider it as cheating it’s just

Snow y why watch this oh [ __ ] wait this might actually work wait no it’s cuz of the snow you can’t get up all right break it break it right not the oh oh here okay there we go ready yeah all right this is going to be awesome it’s like a water slide

Whoa oh [ __ ] what the what what what happening okay wait will it do that all the time if you just leave a boat there that’ be a cool effect no no I can’t get off [ __ ] I can’t fit my boat is too fat oh [ __ ] wasn’t Rocky going to join the

Server where is he he was up until he wasn’t bro was like H finally and then he I know dud I just stopped giving a [ __ ] he’s been asking me to open the server for like 3 days and never joined I just stopped giving and [ __ ] also

What’s up Gram yo W get up here this is cool you you should always keep the boat here get off the boat look look look oh what the this is cool it’s flying it does that occasionally the flying boat yeah what’s up why does the why does the port for the server keep

Changing anyway I’ve had to change it like three times now oh uh I’m using like a [ __ ] third party program for like the port forward forwarding [ __ ] IP [ __ ] like I’m using Rock and I had to change it like one or two I’m using one or two

Like U I changed it one or two times because apparently it said the my IP that I’m using is used for something else and I’m like oh okay I could try to keep it I found our nether portal through yours I’m so goed didn’t know the cords that’s just our old the jungle

That you broke if it has a CH chest next to it what there was like a nether portal next to ours that had like a chest next to it that was like our old one that you guys broke in the jungle oh no I don’t know about that one

We have a different one oh oh you’re talking about the one in the savann no I’m talking about like I went from the one in your base and found ours in our base oh where is it I I can help you but I need blumpkins blumpkins blumpkins what the hell is a plumpkin

Plumpkins what do you need blumpkins for all don’t question me fool there are so many snow golems in here dude yeah you got trolled how does it feel I got trolled I feel trolled how does it feel trolled yeah also we tried to get every single wood type in our base Guy

Video the four hour one what no I’m [ __ ] the thing R said I Ain here why do I hear about that video everywhere is it a good good is it really okay yeah it’s 4 hours bro oh oh also fren I’m going through the net

There okay I’m going to port or like I’m going to I have oak leaves on me I’m going to use them as a uh little what’s it called Crum I still haven’t finished the gold or Quest are you kidding me neither have I I have like one that’s like mine 40 gold

For a sharpness five book I only need to mine two gold how have I not done this it’s surprisingly hard to find gold when you’re trying to find it yeah you got to go to the nether actually but you need to mine or never mind yeah [ __ ] it’s actually pretty easy

You could just go like cave exploring just in general mayhaps I don’t know it’s just the terrain generation is a bit whack gold is like one of those things where you only find it when you’re not looking for it oh yeah when you’re looking for something else it’s everywhere isn’t that literally anything

Technically like BL when I go and I look for iron I find it yeah true when I search for [ __ ] I get him I get him wi yeah I’m at your old portal oh I was going to say go to your like portal you’ll see blumpkins that I

Placed down oh I’m going I’m going to the blumpkins I didn’t I only had six blumpkins on me I didn’t finish the trail I have five on me awesome is that enough or no maybe I I’m trying my best to like go back guys isn’t isn’t it awesome we’re

Like back to being friends again yeah I get I bet this is what peace was feel like this is what love feels like guys I love you wait the whome ending never I do like friends thank you py I guess not I reject whole someone

El yeah I guess me and got beef what if you were Jordan exploring Jordan maybe I will accept this earlier I’m just going ice racing right now oh I see the blumpkins I need to follow when are we going to hop on fortnite in the Y talking about fortnite on my

Minecraft stream [ __ ] you yeah [ __ ] you why we’re going we’re going to play for Lego fortnite Lego fortnite wait Ronnie you said you can get 16 people on that right on the Lego y y y y uh Raz I got lost at one of the pumpkins I was thinking we could

Start doing with it you want to know something the best part anyone can join your world even if you’re offline if you give them permission to that’s cool it’s like Minecraft yeah r Where have you went hold on bro I’m on my way back this might be the Minecraft

Tour this like Minecraft yeah can we stop playing can we stop playing Minecraft can we just play Lego fortnite guys this is a Lego fortnite Stream now this is a Lego fortnite Stream if I actually do that I’ll kill myself oh okay we’re not doing try Lego

Forite at least once though no thanks it’s sorry I’m CL in the racing one too sorry I’m close-minded you’re a [ __ ] and a hater oh yeah I want to try the I’ve never heard myself say [ __ ] before yeah it sounded so unusual to hear you say

It I don’t think any never say that res where is your portal bro there’s no way you’re that far it is like 300 600 though what hold up yeah meet me at like I’m at 250 350 right now 250 [ __ ] hell bro wants me gone bro’s goingon to push me off that

[ __ ] nether is going to be like haa you fell for my blunder yeah man I’m the evil mastermind except you’re not that evil or that’s smart sorry this is the Strat I [ __ ] can build peace with y’all and then Lum I was half expecting that I’m not going to

Lie from me from Graham wait me wait what me okay actually we did have beef though but yeah damn you gave me gold so we’re cool now I also give you a netherite inate oh yeah that too that too but mostly the go neite I’ve never gotten netherite in my life actually me

Too really I guess it feels less special to give it to you what oh oh yeah going I found you here help me place these we’ll create bread bread crumbs back bread crumbs how many do you want me to place I don’t know just make sure you can see

The last one before you place it oh this is a pretty nice Diamond vein I found I’m not I’m going to try not to put it next to the fire would you like to help me in building a nether ice tunnel to ice tunnel wait wait let me let me go

Too I want to see this might be ideal wait hold on you can get ice from here right probably from like the village we can get some or where are you going to get the ice from we’ll find a biome the biome where you guys at where you guys at

We’re in the nether in the nether all right let me find the portal in the village here you should be able to find it from here I’ll Place one more just in case there hello Ren hello you want your leaves back you guys got food by the way

Or should I pack some I got like three bread all right I’m going to go pack some we now have the leaf SL blumkin path which one do I choose there are both the same I don’t know which one to choose which one do I choose guys this is FF

Humor okay I don’t get it you just ruined it you didn’t have to say it bro you ruined have you seen my awesome peener is it the Watchtower yeah we were there like 10 minutes ago I know I’m really proud of it you did a good job okay we’ll visit the penis

Again let’s go to the pener what the erased that from existence where you guys in Nether world oh wi base thing what’s your team name uh I think I called it the awesome peace gang whereit you guys at wespace you guys are awesome peace gang we were the

Awesome awesome crew yeah yeah no I I saw yall’s name and I thought oh I guess we’re doing awesome names now it’s like we already like beat you at your game after you copied us what do you mean n it’s like you saw team awesome awesome and then sh do only do

One awesome like we won bro n we’re the awesome peace that was not my choice by the way it’s just majority of my team members are peaceful yeah fair enough majority George and I are the only ones that could probably go Rogue do you guys

Go back to our base or to uh no where are the in the nether right now yeah were you following the leaves uh I just entered the nether should I follow the leaves wait I see someone I see someone stop stop someone’s at the portal oh

Yeah it’s me hi why come to the nether again I’m come there’s a p that’s trying to enter I want to show you our nether portal hello now that we have this convenient uh grass I mean leaves now that we have this convenient friendship this convenient takes you to a trap ooh

I should hope not ooh get ready yeah that would so funny [ __ ] fiddles his fingers he like he’s so evil I’m getting my [ __ ] sword Boke help I got you I got you st away from him what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what exploded what exploded

Gas I don’t even see him oh now I see him I’m getting him with the axe wait can you do that thing with the oh my we’re going to die we’re going to die thank you wait hold on can you parry can you parry with the axe you can you

Can Parry with anything with anything oh it’s so hard to do okay that was my fault that was my fault oh I sent it back to you by accident Raz wants you so bad ow I tanked that okay it’s only me for you my bad oh I’m sorry gr oh so

Close get him boys actually I’m not going to take the achievement away from yall go wait why didn’t I get it I’m sorry Lucas is suspicious of Y all he thinks you’re leading me into a trap who Lucas in my chat who the [ __ ] is Lu go Lucas what’s it’s Lucas P you

Don’t know Lucas p n he’s my goat bro okay Lucas know this is not Lucas urine yo Good Times bro Lucas P what the that child hit the baby yo oh don’t kill the baby all right where the where the thingy are you kidding me oh my goodness

Will we never be free get him gra get him oh I missed okay there we go ow get him almost almost oh so close you missed yeah I missed wait oh sh okay I’m going to die come on I believe oh you good [ __ ] no no I got to get out of

Here thank you that was unintentional that was in I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to take that achievement away from me I didn’t even I wasn’t even trying oh my apologies friend what the you got beef bro y wait won’t they all start going

After you if kill one n well if they’re like in the proximity but that’s the zombie ones they’re just attacking me cuz I’m not rich like you cuz you got gold where hold the phone I want to be with you guys here you go I can drop

Some water for you do not get in that boat ohce bro what the you just went against my wishes this how you V fall damage right yeah hold on I can’t see there where are the leaves they burnt what this how you do it safely oh never mind there’s one

Here I place another one no another one up there Place another one like right about here maybe and one after this Cliff I was kind of my leaf placing I’m be real yeah know they’re a little bit separated but it’s fine you [ __ ] rips the shirt wait

Grand where are you oh I see you oh no you’re on your right gapp I should call you gapple that’s funny GA no that’s what we call golden apples this Notch would not be happy withit grapple y I should call you grapple yeah that makesense you might want to not die

Uhoh I made it this is why this is why you use the boat hold this is there a big hole below me by the way I can’t see yes but no lava lava so you’ll be fine all right here we go no just barely here I’ll mine you out never mind

I don’t have a pig what the [ __ ] I’m a little bit broke a little broke oh watch out that’s a hole okay that’s a real hole that’s lav la I love saying the LA the Lavar go go [ __ ] happened here dude I was on some crack

Sorry not as sent as you want to hear dude those on some crack guys what did I miss I’ll make a here we are connecting the worlds we’re we’re on peace yeah I’m on Minecraft right now we reached World Peace if only Putin would listen I’m watching a video

I’m like halfway through this video every single appearance of the end music in fortnite basically every use of the end Motif why you watching the whole game which is pretty cool it’s the best Motif in in fortnite actually pretty cool you want to know the best Motif we that [ __ ] I mean I by we I mean he dude it’s actually so cool how it’s incor let’s go now you can kill me in your base definitely not the same Motif it’s just a yeah I’m going in first but when like actually incorporate the motif it’s really cool quick

Everybody implant the Trap and then the entire base blows up with all of us just as long as you get me killed our entire plan me and R are going in first get out of your bed you mother what the [ __ ] bro stuck in the glass no I said my

Respawn point at your base I’m going to die that’s fine I’ll kill you a sorry you’re not even doing enough damage to me my sword broke oh wait I got steak you want steak I have actually [ __ ] yeah I give you that I stole that from Ronnie oh thank you

R i killed Ronnie like twice for their mischievousness okay you know what I have a purpose now I have a go what’s going to happen to this house now that we have World Peace um I don’t know what’s going to happen to your base in general I think what we do is we

Connect the Nether and then we kind of live on both places oh okay oh live in them that’s cool yeah let’s do it should we start making like houses in both territories yeah that’s what I’m saying like I’ll have a summer house at y’s Place yeah can I make a hmer

House that’s a creeper watch out dude it was a creeper camp in my [ __ ] house yo go dude Ronnie’s massive [ __ ] peor yeah it’s even bigger peor than yours yeah I’m kind of [Laughter] jealous oh yeah I turned versen upside down again what the I should get some I

Should do some item frame stuff sideways also item frames are a little bit broken I’m pretty sure they don’t work if you try to place them again for some reason it’s kind of like a one place thing I should make some like r propaganda since we’re streaming this

Someone in my chat said that peer could do some damage a p yeah that’s a vile ass sentence bro he even put the [ __ ] hot steaming Emoji no no imagine going up to someone like hey yo that P could do some damage what the [ __ ] like yo

Thanks thanks I guess I’ll take that as a condim condiment I love saying condiment can you tell I could sadly it’s so sad that Joe is not here to finish this house so I can has to so I can burn it down when it’s done yep you heard my

Intentions protecting your house what are the odds he’s asleep right now I wouldn’t even doubt it he DM me hour ago it’s the same as like us pretty much it’s like an hour ahead or something I mean I guess it’s kind of Lucas said that P ain’t big enough thank you Lucas

Lucas bro thinking Nicki Minaj I can finish the house I know exactly what it’s going to look like honestly [ __ ] when I was getting close to y’s base when [ __ ] brick brick brick was like leading me toward towards your base the [ __ ] the the only thing that stands out is that

Massive [ __ ] pillar [ __ ] Ronnie’s head ass house yeah that’s what gave it away I mean yeah it is basically a beacon yeah precisely but yeah it’s just a really thick one like you would have been out here anyways you know to be fair except for that you were also there

Was no way I could have guessed where y’all lived like a couple thousand blocks away cuz I was looking like where your old base was yeah the thing we decided to go like completely opposite route and then when when we went there we accidentally found your guys’s jungle [ __ ] so we just went

Further oh okay that makes sense but I didn’t expect you to go thousands of blocks away that’s the that’s the annoying part we went with through water and then like some [ __ ] happened and then we ended up in this biome ah head ass oh well Rez you’re my goat have some pumpkins yes

Sorry evil going be like I love pumpkins am I evil vers yeah gun but like the powder you think the way they made gun Pounders is that they just crushed a bunch of guns pounder he just hopped on Minecraft he did yeah he opened the Minecraft launcher let’s go oh of course

You join what are you doing here mhm I’m here to Minecraft I was like finally and then he didn’t hop on for two hours the that was the joke oh also Raz did you live long enough to see this this one I visited the first time yeah

No you told me about this where with ag and then I put my items in here before I killed myself cuz I didn’t want to travel back home I accidentally ruined it where with whoops you die for this that did not damage [ __ ] hold up that

Did two hearts oh I’m gooded also I stole this diamond ax that you put in this chest oh that’s cool that’s cool also I hope you I hope yall don’t mind I stole emeralds and IR mining with me yeah I actually need gold let’s go on

An eate mining can I steal your almost broken efficiency Jo let me hop in that eating mining session I stole your efficiency pek that’s almost broken wait is there a new IP yeah yeah maybe godu I put it in the bracket yeah I saw also my ey is big big

In me for him to hop on the server and I keep telling him to shut the [ __ ] up I mean like don’t let him in bro don’t do I mean like if they were to join would you be more active no then was the benefit it would be less active the [ __ ] yeah

Yeah know the only [ __ ] cash to this SMP is that it’s po exclusive in my [ __ ] house oh yeah [ __ ] thank you Juda for the subscription except for the fact it was just a normal YouTube subscription and I got no money Judah Judah my go from the Bible back f it

Doesn’t happen often so I have the chance though the one time I streamed I didn’t say jack [ __ ] to the stream were people Sub in to you did you get notifications yes you were like oh that’s cool I like all right bro nice it’s like stream brick here no no they left

Earlier I’m going to Ste I’m I’m going to steal like three IR from them oh yeah guys if you check the link down below there’s like a donation button you want to donate as much money as possible yeah when you donate uh you actually kind of send it to the

Bank but the bank is like named fire at Wire yeah so it’s just like are funding poop shars guys yeah you’re actually funding the poop shars mod 100% if you donate you can join the S&P I’m not saying that yeah if you donate over $100 we’ll we’ll send you the IP

Okay unironically if you give me 100 bucks I’ll give you the IP you can blow it up I don’t care that’s $100 we get the IP but we’re going to bed trap you Lucas said don’t have money R have you seen the house oh dude I’m so sorry take my carrots what the

[ __ ] what did I jump backwards like that here’s your carrots and I jump backwards carrot jump are you guys carrot jump scare our base my it’s like a cat seeing a cucumber bro like our base as in like the base wait is why here big yeah wies here what do you

Think of my big gay house that I built wire really unfinished sadly I really wanted to see it finished but you’re not active I’m literally right here working on it right now you are yeah I’m behind you bro what good I was literally searching for you this entire time and

You [ __ ] you’re like I’m behind you should we go he’s right behind me isn’t he yeah yeah yeah hold wait what are my quests oh yeah let me I still need to mine 10 other gold ores R can you go get me some cherry logs excuse me can you give me some cherry

Logs you have three stacks of them I have two stacks in the outside chest oh really yes I didn’t know that thanks no problem car jump scare um B said sayess give me a wig bro is actually going to give me 100 bucks I mean I’ll keep my promise [ __ ] 100 bucks

Is 100 bucks 100 bucks is 100 bucks dude I’m going tell my IRL to give you 100 bucks no unironically if they give me a 100 bucks they can join he 20 bucks so what is 100 bucks damn bro that’s what I’m saying for limited time I accept

$80 limited time offer bro yeah $80 to join the S&P limited time offer except it’s not really limited I accept you know are we going Ming yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s time let’s go we have a thing over here do we should we find a new one I’ve been

Meaning to go mining for netherite and [ __ ] and getting like actually stacked but I’m too busy building my gay house [ __ ] netherite for now let’s build a gay house for now I have like like three ingots of netherite and I gave one to Graham gay gay house is the priority

Because it’s like main base house it’s like everyone gathers here everyone gathers at G uh Joe yeah will you build a summer house at our base a summer house okay considering considering how like not often us the awesome awesome people are on the whole War thing is

Very difficult to keep up so we kind of decided now sadly what is the okay that’s fine but what’s the summer house what what is a sum like separate small house at their base if you’d like yeah I kind of want the village to feel villager so like more houses would be

Appreciated like you know in real life like like a summer house like a beach house or something like a house that you just visit like a vacation house that you [ __ ] house yeah yeah sure I can do that but I I’m going to finish the gay house then I’m going to get stacked

And I’ll also build one over at your place so it looks more populated sure but the thing is right I want I want I want to make the gay house first and then after that I’m going to go mining a lot I want to get stacked a bit and then I’ll

Continue what’s up who ate this massive chunk of the [ __ ] cave there’s like a massive square of nothing like down there who ate that this was me my bad some [ __ ] needed like wait did you actually merge did you merge the chunks no I don’t know know Ronnie knows

The answer to this like did you merge the chunks no cuz we were talking about it earlier oh yeah gram was suggesting I should get world edit and [ __ ] copy all entire Island and pasted near us but that’d be cheating that’d be too much I care that’s the

Point who gives a [ __ ] it’s your SMP yeah I won’t let that happen my gay house is gay it’s gay and hey Raz gay G if you find gold please let me know also I found a GE if that interest you uh do you need to mine gold

Yeah all right I’ll let you mine it but can I still keep the gold cuz I kind of need that yeah hold on I’ll be right back I’m grab my mouse onu laptop like the laptop the [ __ ] track pad why you’re streaming right yeah all right cool I’m

I haven’t been streaming I haven’t been motivated to do [ __ ] except to work on College because I’ve been extremely depressed so I’m just gonna that makes sense I’m sitting in bed playing Minecraft I might stream tomorrow I think I’m a stream weekly and then like be I can join whenever thing yeah

Same youing right now school day tomorrow oh I found more gold okay hold on I need we to bed can we to bed Phantoms are out I a about do we are in the mine bro oh I found diamonds you want graham go to bed Graham I’ll save

You bro Graham is de oh godam do you have like fortune or some [ __ ] is going to die bro going to for you I’m going to save Graham’s life because [ __ ] is actually getting killed by Phantom I’m M 48 IR let’s go I love your I got where the gold at where the

Gold that Shar 3 book for mining eight diamond oh mind if I do bro oh I just mined eight Diamonds oh no don’t worry you can mind your diamonds I’ll find some myself don’t worry n cuz like if I know known there was no way I would have

Known but like I don’t know where the [ __ ] you are anyway I’m I see our name tag I’m just trying to get to you honestly all that’s all that’s left for the gay house really besides the Interior right which do is the roof the only thing that’s left for the gay house

Is the roof guys I’m do that right now yeah CU like I feel like that’s inter is like secondary right like it’s not as big a deal yeah yeah yeah no it’s fine it’s chill um R can I just keep you in diamonds no okay I I threw them over to

You and you just walked over them roofs have always been like they’re always the easiest part of the house but they’re always the most complicated like it’s hard to explain oh yeah the roof the roof can really make or break or has exactly which is why I have to make sure this is

Good oh my this cold bro I don’t give a [ __ ] he don’t give a [ __ ] I give a [ __ ] as it seems I do give give a crap I do give a what if I did like a bunch of slabs is like another mine over here yeah we can look there’s probably a

Bunch of like [ __ ] weird ass open how many people are watching your stream we have yeah and we have Lucas and PV there’s so many people with P in their name what’s obsession with P PR pren pren that’ be a sick ass Rebrand except for the fact it’s obvious

That’s the Rebrand I come back with after I get [ __ ] cancelled for nothing yo guys it’s me Bruen wait who is this guy Bru gets cancelled for being a tall white boy Community worst nightmare I’m sorry for being white on the internet I will Rebrand I’m reer than me I don’t like

That I just got the most [ __ ] up thought of my head guys I’m gonna Rebrand comes back with blackes oh no bro that of course You’ think that yeah hey who that was probably the The Rock dude hey theck stop you whoa Dwayne Johnson just did that [ __ ] get back here did he

Do that what Dwayne the [ __ ] not getting away with this D’s [ __ ] did that Dwayne’s doing the [ __ ] Johnson I love that I remember that [ __ ] image bro it was disgusting my he used his [ __ ] pic as like a penis no I’m talking about the Photoshop where someone photoshopped

His entire body into like a [ __ ] oh I wasn’t thinking of that hold on let me show you don’t show it to me I don’t care no show it on stream hold on yeah show it on stream okay it’s not like NSFW or anything it’s yeah here it is

All right let me see hold I got to hide in the house there’s a creeper in know Mike this is exactly what I’m talking about yeah that’s what I’m talking about his pecs yeah this oh those are his pecs right I never notice wait what do you

Think honestly on God I just thought thought it was like I thought it was funny I thought it was just like I don’t know man I I’m silly also there’s a [ __ ] monument in the distance if you see that whoever keeps opening the trap doors on the top of the house I get

Killed all right I think it’s bedtime or not about to go to bed I think it’s bedtime hops off leaves me in the middle of nowhere this was my plan all along of him Bruen I feel like if ruen and like someone he knew ever got into like a life or death

Situation rsen is the kind of guy to like leave you behind like sorry bro 100% it actually depends on how goed you are because Ren’s a very logical person he’s like no I ain’t risking my life you’re gonna die and not die I value my own life over yours well see logic would

Also say that I couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t try yeah know I would that’s more that’s more emotional right because that’s like the more emotional repercussions of it right I guess but like I don’t think I’d be able to forgive myself if I didn’t

Try at least yeah I know that I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself so logically speaking that would be the best course of action for my wellbeing in the future there’s another Monument next to a monument what the [ __ ] for your mental for your mental pretty much mental yesal the mental

M sounds like pasta yeah we’re going to get Herobine is crazy bro no just think about it it sounds like spaghetti don’t let the mental buy you the mental don’t let the mental bite oh man this a can somebody sleep please yeah I’m trying to sleep it’s almost daytime naturally bro

How does this happen okay there you go got E bro oh someone’s hungry yo uh I just used someone called nut oh oh [ __ ] I just used someone’s nuts no someone’s someone are you someone’s testic yeah if anyone’s free I need help with this [ __ ] house because I’m not even near

You godd damn yeah s me and why we’re making out right now yeah I’m cheating up on B pixel are y’all [ __ ] bro give a [ __ ] honestly what y’all [ __ ] or what yeah course in the boat in the boat wait then who’s rowing he go the mini

It multitasking oh I can grab that oh know I did so good at multitasking all right it’s time to climb the trees the oh yeah I actually have a map to the wood to like a woodland Mansion oh [ __ ] yall want to go over there yeah y want to go I’m pretty sure

I marked thewhere you want to go there for no [ __ ] reason I want to go but how far away uh it’s uh relatively far not that far it’s like around our base okay hold on can we meet up there uh we’re kind of on yeah all right we’re kind of in our own

Expedition un me and find one ourselves somehow yeah we’re in the biome for it but I’m killing these Snow Golems dude No you’re ruining the Christmas spirit not the Christmas spirit dude I [ __ ] hate Christmas I’m going to become the Grinch of the server turns green you actually not like

Christmas no I love Christmas but like thank God I actually I hate it I was about to like straight up hate on you bro I [ __ ] love Christmas bro it’s actually insane Christmas is like you can’t hate Christmas exactly Christmas is Christmas is like everything it’s the most family oriented holiday it’s the

Most romantic holiday it’s the coziest holiday like I always mention this almost nothing ever happens during Christmas it’s the most Jolly month ever well okay look I got cheated on on Christmas so like it’s a little bit different for me but like other than that just personal experience sounds

Like expence title that sounds like Hallmark movie I got cheated on Christmas featuring let’s hwood movie yeah it it was pretty bad but like other than that other than that like little hiccup was pretty solid that’s good to you I’m just saying I don’t even like Christmas specifically

For the presents it’s just like a really happy time and I [ __ ] love that the F bro for the fam I like Christmas but I don’t like the snow yo the snow sucks I hate snow so much if only the weather was I like I never get snow where I live I

Love snow good snow sucks I said the thing I said the same thing when Ras got the snow before me but then when it came here and had a snow storm I I’m so mad I don’t want here snow is snow snow isn’t bad until it becomes like a

Inconvenience because like back in Lebanon you have to like actually go to find snow to go ski which is why people love it there but like now that I’m in the Netherlands and shit’s like snowing on pissing and [ __ ] on the pavement it’s like damn this sucks it’s like a really

Weathery I can’t [ __ ] go outside in my comfortable clothes anymore yeah exactly bro all my [ __ ] fire ass fits my hands are always cold and I’m wearing gloves I have to wear gloves at all times and I can’t use my [ __ ] phone outside and even when I have my gloves they’re still

Freezing wait Graham do you live in Sweden yeah that’s wild they didn’t even know that oh yeah get watch Donald Duck on christas that sh goes hard as [ __ ] I don’t I know people hate on like uh the [ __ ] Christmas movies say home alone cuz it’s like they repeat every single

Year but I think there’s a charm to that I [ __ ] love in [ __ ] watch Donald Duck at 300 p.m. every single Christmas didn’t they stop that nah it’s still going they they considered stopping it I’m pretty sure but because it’s like bandwidth oh I gu that’s stupid hey I

Don’t know not a lot of people care about that [ __ ] no more but it’s a tradition also a little off topic let me know if you find lapis oh I Min some earlier but yeah I’ll let you know yeah yeah yeah I’m going need to mine like eight all

Right oh this Lavar oh I just found the Lavar Christmas got a very jolly toe you don’t need gold anymore right my I can give it to I have you can keep whatever you find but like I feel kind of bad from the oh yeah we did kind of

Sometimes I wish you guys would actually just kill your wa what who said that dude I used to [ __ ] play on an S SMP with my friend and we would have to split everything we found really everything it’s like I don’t know I don’t know what was going

On with that like as but like we had to split straight up everything it was like communism we were playing on a communist server yeah that’s awesome it’s like whatever you find you have to split with everybody else know what actually annoys the [ __ ] out of me I’m goingon to go in

A little bit of a side tangent right yeah CU I know so I met like a friend of mine well he’s a friend of a friend and they’re a quote unquote claimed communist and they’re Dutch right and I have actually Slavic friends whose parents who like are from Russia Russia

Or Ukraine or Lithuania or stuff stuff like that yeah right who have experienced actual firsthand communism because their parents have right I find it so [ __ ] annoying how like actual Slavic people hate communism but some random [ __ ] white kid who grew up in the [ __ ] communist I mean capitalist

Netherlands he in mind one of the most successful successful capitalist countries in the world are like guys I’m coming like no you’re not bro shut up it’s so annoing for communism don’t even know what communism is literally bro I Cann think of I cannot think of a single like communist like country that’s

Successful bro how can you Romania used to be communist before we kill our president like dude how can you how can you be like from Sweden or the Netherlands or France and be like guys I’m communist yeah [ __ ] you’ve lived and thrived off of capitalism your whole

Life you’re probably some white dude you don’t know what half a [ __ ] communism is because it’s funny because my actual Slavic friends hate communism because they actually understand what it’s done to their country like it’s actually so goddamn brain rot bro also Raz you’re missing so many diamonds I

Think they just what they mean is that they’re social isn’t the same thing or more social I guess how the hell did you get up there maybe so but like why can’t people work for free because people like money but like people can work out of

Like their own tuition I don’t think you understand how Humanity works though I think you’re living we need money or no money because the thing is right the thing is like on paper on paper right communism doesn’t sound that bad oh everyone gets paid the same everyone

Gets to eat well and be happy great but then you realize why would a garbage man be paid the same as a [ __ ] lawyer or a doctor and then realize wow this doesn’t work you know people would work because they love their job oh yeah people also

Like being rewarded for hard labor if I would why would I work eight years in med school just to be paid the same as much as a [ __ ] garbage man don’t make sense people who want communism think it’s going to make their life easy when

I feel like it’s going to make it much much worse because like it does not feel rewarding at all it’s not rewarding cuz like everybody gets paid the same everybody e the same everybody lives the same yeah there’s no motivation to do anything worth yeah you’re just kind of

Living the most average life not even that right even point it is average because everybody does it and the thing is even when it was in practice right there was a complete lack of like you know proper uh resources to go around to be split amongst everyone yeah so it

Lally killed like 50 million people couldn’t be me got to love it gotta love how godam I [ __ ] got him bro huh oh nice we [ __ ] got him bro ow I need like [ __ ] hold wire yeah we [ __ ] got him bro I heard you got who what like Po [ __ ] or [ __ ]

You remember the okay you remember the ask dokey tail videos yeah oh yeah the [ __ ] Monica voice actress responded to me I’m getting the [ __ ] chromatic and the voice lines for the comic bro said that on stream H bro said that on stream two viewers bro TI your two

Viewers one song that we [ __ ] teased publicly like yeah so let’s keep teasing [ __ ] about it right I mean I forgot you were streaming that’s one thing that’s one thing that I forgot about in the smvc I okay look I forgot okay I’m a I’m a [ __ ] human man

This I’m only human when me it’s over oh my God I genely forgot that you were streaming my bad for that yeah it’s fine pretend you heard nothing I almost di hear a thing okay we will sue you don’t clip that I thought it was a never ever yeah

Know we kind of went against that live huh un a live stream ban ban Lucas or whatever ban Lucas Lucas is apparently AFK cuz he’s doing [ __ ] I need to [ __ ] grab me some deep slay where can I find that [ __ ] in the Deep slay deep in the Slate guys deep in the

Slate guys I’m going to be home in like two hours this is B oh bye gram this is bad I’ll see you guys later wait have you passed away there’s a ghost two gs right next to the portal two G I don’t know what to do two G no

I what the [ __ ] he’s transforming spawn me I can’t find your laiss can you all bring back some deep slate no oh yep we’re evil yep I you there’s like nothing in this cave bro it’s a whole lot of nothing where’ you guys go for the

[ __ ] we went far as [ __ ] I don’t know we went like in a boat and we started rowing in a boat I’m trying to find like [ __ ] a mine yeah mine down somewhere and then found something it’s not not really the greatest cave yeah know this cave sucks we got to find

Someone else greatest plan we got to we got to meet up but like you we need to find you know what we really need to actually go look for it might take literal hours by the way like I’m not even joking it might take a really long time but we should

Look for like a what what are they called Dark cities or what the one where the war oh yeah the [ __ ] we got to go look we got to go looking for while how’s the weather okay there’s a skeleton beating the [ __ ] on me are you guys near the

Village no well I’m screwed are you at our base yeah I’m right at the base I’m at the portal but I can’t get in cuz there’s a skeleton and two ghosts and I’m like two hearts Lau that’s not a laau that’s a um a uh oh that’s a uh oh it’s it’s giving

Broke boy yeah it’s a broke boy situation I’m sorry holy [ __ ] diamond blocks to a lot of spiders and skeleton oh that’s a lot of spiders and a lot of skeletons like that is a lot oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what’s up please bis are you I’m lost

I my pickax is dying I’m good I I jumped in they got like 14 blocks left one yeah the one that I stole right ful of you why did you steal that one I had it in this just cuz it about to die yeah I didn’t think we would we

Would mine for so long really yeah know sorry to disappoint oh wait can I make it I can mine with my fists if you break that diamond pickaxe I’ll be slightly disappointed why oh be like oh man oh minor inconvenience yeah oh I don’t know if you heard that

But it broke a PR P ah I mean oh man it’d be really wait hold on was the name of the song for a document called minor inconvenience yeah yeah oh cuz I was literally about to say it would have been funny if we named The J Man song minor inconvenience wow

That’s insane wow but but then I remember we named minor inconvenience we made that joke BR out of the loop let’s let’s TR let’s TR in let’s TR oh where’s where’s the remaster of that song [ __ ] that song’s never getting remastered bro it sucks too

Much I can are you still at our base or do you have to travel back I cannot believe you I got get my stuff in the nether oh okay this is going to not go well I wonder know what J man’s doing right now he’s probably he’s probably all grown up and more

Racist yeah all growing up in more racist is Crazy by the way yeah he’s kind of like you he’s probably factual though factual yeah silly black people kind of factual is that what you’re saying no yeah man let’s just go with that I’m saying he probably is still

Racist okay what 12-year-old is isn’t I feel like something drastic needs to happen in his life for him to just be like d this is [ __ ] up he needs to get cheated on bro okay only you can say that the fact that getting cheated on didn’t even make you less racist it made

You more racist racist like wait hold up I’m goed dude I hope you know my my ex yifi me bro the worst You’ said ever wait no bro dude you don’t understand the person I was before I met her bro I was like Xbox gamer rage kid she yifi me bro that is

Good what do you mean n bro I used to actually say it yeah not biggest self-report on stream yeah know I I publicly admitted to this countless times I don’t give a [ __ ] yeah and he’s today cancel him I am I don’t say it he rebranded just so you can admit

It yeah bro put an R Kelly what the [ __ ] yeah ex he doesn’t pee on children oh thank God iin God I definitely don’t do that he’s also thanking God thank God I don’t be sorry God [ __ ] thank God I’m thank God so sad that he’s so talented thank

God I’m not attracted the children and thank God I don’t like feet amen that’s a bad thing one is slightly worse than the other yeah one is like a bit worse yeah one is like there’s two typ of people I just said that’s a bad thing I would not be caught likeing feed

That’s just that’s just not going to happen no you’re not caught liking anything bro the day gets caught lacking is the day I just kill myself the da ruen gets caught lacking doing [ __ ] all bro bro does not like people my bad bro it’s just like how do I say

This the sheer surprise that [ __ ] Bren would do such a thing at that moment would just make me want to kill myself so I just do it dude I think like if there’s any person in not you to guys guys question question question question this might be a bit crazy but out of

Everyone in the poop [ __ ] server or that you know in general right question in this in this group who is the one person who is most likely and least likely to get caught grooming some [ __ ] to pull like a Danny core who’s least likely who’s a Danny core oh you

Don’t want to know anyways um who’s least likely people are spaming my CH with my name me one person least likely is definitely veren but does not like people let alone kids that’s I [ __ ] hate kids but I feel like I would like my own kid that’s why I want to have children

Oh yeah but that’s not not the same way bro yeah but you know what I mean yeah it’s like not the weirdo type of liking children honestly there a weird type of liking children implies that there’s a not weird type of likeing children well yeah

Yeah no I hate all kids [ __ ] them [ __ ] them kids even I can’t appreciate my own son’s existence I hate my I I probably hate my own son like you s of stay my balls I probably honestly I probably hate my own son I’d probably be like

This is why you me and your mother got divorce yeah that’s why you like men o o wait awkward big gay house I made to the Village this why dude like the straight side of me is like the racist side but like the gay side of me is like the gay house

Interior designer oh my God the G side is also the racist one really I inside me are two wolves one is racist the other is racist you are racist which one this is so [ __ ] goofy bro oh my God I someone in my chat said what the

[ __ ] am I listening to the gay side of you is your interior house question no I’m a gay interior designer I get the joke bro yeah man I’m a little [ __ ] okay I can’t say that on stream can I not probably not no you can’t bro actually ask can I not

It’s not just common sense not to just delay that on stream on YouTube of course you can do it on Kick bro yeah are you streaming well I know where I’m going to be YouTube prob introducing me on Kick can’t wait to go you contract bro I’m gonna go bro here’s

What would happen if I went to kick right I’d go to kick then I’d have like nine sub nine followers and you guys would just make fun of me the whole time goofy ass has nce followers L what the [ __ ] oh hi socker hop on what’s up

I’m trying we made World Peace With the Enemy gang enemy in quotations no no was real actually I’m reinstating the war oh okay the only ones that W were is gram and sucker so you guys can fight what is what are the names of your guys’ teams

I’m indifferent oh uh I was actually telling Raz earlier we saw your [ __ ] name when you broke our portal the [ __ ] awesome awesome gang or whatever and I thought okay I guess we’re doing awesome names now so we we named Our Gang awesome peace gang awesome PE that

Makes no sense we said awesome twice you said awesome ones yeah yeah yeah so I guess you’re more awesome no but you got to say okay where our name is is awesome awesome right you got to be loser loser a sorry but beat to it sorry but you’re

Just not that cool hold on I propose a dual rename we will become winner winner you guys are chicken dinner oh wait that’s actually hard no I want to be chicken dinner okay we’ll be chicken dinner there I want to be chicken dinner I want to be wiener wiener I lit had

Chicken for dinner can we be chicken dinner then chicken dinner winner winner chicken dinner also dinner I have you know I’ve been mining like upwards with my bare [ __ ] fists yeah I was doing that no on the phone what like I’m still in the cave just

Mining upwards with my bare fist oh give me your cords no no I’ll make it I’ll make it unless I ran out of you broke my son you you broke my wife you broke my infant daughter you broke my pickaxe oh I made it out holy [ __ ] I’ve lowy beening upward

Minutes I’m in the dark oak biome yeah I mean that yes but where I don’t know hold on I’ll give you my cords cordat this uh by the way you fornite I don’t know hopefully never we should hop on oh sorry Minecraft is better yeah I’m actually bringing this as a talk subject

When [ __ ] uh Prime of fortnite like a couple years ago was just starting to Boom were you guys those type of kids that were like ah Minecraft is better fortnite is cringe Minecraft will always be the best games I know I I hate to admit this I was one of

Them I yeah I was too I hate to admit this but yeah I was [ __ ] gay as [ __ ] like that bro I was and still am give me give me do not look I will admit as someone who literally likes okay as someone who as someone who likes

Minecraft more than fortnite I will forever admit that at least in current day fortnite is a better game than Minecraft for’s been getting so much stuff recently while Minecraft has to get like 10 useless blocks and one useless mob a year is Minecraft has been sleeping on updates for years to me

Minecraft’s a complete game though no but the thing is you cannot be the dude the thing is like it’s complete in the sense where there’s nothing more you can add into the game it’s already created I literally say this all the time it needs to build past what it’s already made back to

Yeah I don’t know I feel like when I play Minecraft I want to turn my brain off I don’t want to think too much I feel like you add more stuff I mean you can still keep the game simplistic while up to date no but the thing is like you

Can the thing is Right Minecraft what Minecraft does is they keep adding more [ __ ] into an already pre-established game instead of of cramming your game with random [ __ ] [ __ ] like architecture that no one’s going to [ __ ] use why don’t you just build past the game you’ve already created

Like go past the end Dimension create more you know increase your timeline incre like like increase the timeline can I give you a really big [ __ ] eye opener hold on let me let me look this up my eyes are open I’m awake I feel like Mojang is like scared to

Make a new dimension they literally hired the guy that made the ather and he’s just been sitting on his ass for the entire time he’s been on Minecraft wait they said that they would like make a new dimension after all the all like after the end is more fleshed out it has beened

Out mean no they said like after the nether update they’re going to flush out the end and then they’ll make bro like [ __ ] four years ago oh they updated the nether three four years ago then okay and now they started adding a bunch of stupid ass [ __ ] and

Then they started working on the caves and cliffs update which was pretty solid because of the warden honestly that’s find something we didn’t even get Warden three updates later I just holy [ __ ] they keep saying I hinting towards a new dimension with the [ __ ] Worden portal but that’s kind of just I don’t

Know dude like if Minecraft just if Minecraft Orient like lean towards being more of an adventure game with as well as being a Sandbox you know so like it has like a progressive story that is like within a Sandbox you know I feel like that’d be so cool like I want to be

Able to go into the Warden like light up the big portal and then have it take me to a new dimension you know yeah like I want to be able to follow that but they’re so strict on like that guys we have to add fireflies but actually we

Have to remove them because the frogs can’t eat fireflies because in real life bro who the [ __ ] is grabbing fireflies and feeding them to frogs in real life what is this [ __ ] I think the more I think the more important question is why would you not add that but add cookies

That kill parrots they remove wait they kill yeah if you feed a a cookie to a parrot it kills it that is so mean why would they do that they the item used to tame them in snapshots and they like wait [ __ ] that actually kill them in real

Life let’s do it so what are you taming with then cuz I used that decently oh I think I’m pretty sure I used cookies cookies SN and now it kills them also there was also an entire ass controversy about them adding like sharks but they’re endangered or

Whatever the [ __ ] so they didn’t aren’t pandas endangered such good people but pandas are endangered what is this like dude but the thing is with like sharks it’s like you can’t really add a shark without it being hostile or whatever I think it’s no you can is they’re not

Even a hostile IRL no you want to know something my thing is like they say that but then they add Dolphins which are arguably worse IRL yeah yeah so like guys my goats my goat Terraria they have my goat Terraria they have orcas and they your goat Terraria Terraria is a dooo

Game dude I’m not GNA take I’m not going to take the opinion of someone who [ __ ] obsesses and drools and comes over [ __ ] Angry Birds okay about game design and that terraria’s bad is kind of a dooo take dude the fact that you Terraria is arguably a better game than

Minecraft listen listen as a Terraria hater I can see the worth I just find it confusing yeah that’s all the only downside is that it’s very weaky based that’s its only downside I age the thing is right as a Terraria lover with 5K hours on the game I agree

That it is a very hard game like the skill like the bar of Entry is high which is why I always recommend playing it with someone which is why when I introduced ruen to it I literally played it through with him and then he kind of

Got the gist of it yeah and then he really liked it just play with a friend bro some game just play with a friend like dude because the thing is like once you play with a friend you can kind of play it on your own and do a solo player

Run I’ve always been a Minecraft fan for like the longest time ever since I was a child but I can see [ __ ] Terraria is arguably better I’ve been Terraria before I cannot beat Minecraft for the life of me I’ve beaten Terraria um normal expert and master mode I’m

Working on for for the worthy but you know I’ve beaten it on Calamity a few times as well there’s a new difficulty after master guys I to no noen any of the games no there is a new difficulty after Master oh yeah legendary mode but that’s like it’s actually hell I I haven’t

Beaten it yet I actually have yet to start a play through I was actually I this is why I asked rusen you want to suffer cuz me the thing is ruen for me and his first playthrough right we played on Expert I was like we should do

M but I want to I want to have this game be fun for ver I’m also and even then he struggles can’t play it again you can’t play it again I can’t play never expected to see [ __ ] Thanos play Minecraft there was the time you did

Okay to be fair though right me and verusen had like a [ __ ] climactic ass ending to our game where like we we fought like the queen of light before the moon Lord and BR actually clutched up for us I died and bro actually like finished her off insane I felt so proud

I had like a proudness actually like shed a tear like itime or nighttime uh it was about to turn daytime bro like I’ve beaten of course I’ve beaten her daytime before on my own but I’m [ __ ] playing with versen right the that going from like you know the beginning the journey yes he

Actually got good bro Dam this way you’re awesome trying to find something I can’t find it you might want to try harder try hard ooh okay I can’t get the exact [ __ ] stat but I can at least still I can still make my point so it’s like I as

Someone who wants Minecraft to actually focus on the progression of the game flesh out the end and then go beyond it I can understand why they haven’t gotten to the end yet I can understand why is because actually hold on let me [ __ ] talk it it’s like if you actually look

At the like stats of how many people have actually gone to the end in specifically Bedrock Edition because that’s the only one you can measure because Java doesn’t show you how many people have unlocked an achievement but Bedrock does right because it’s based off account instead of world if you

Actually look at the achievement like how many people how what percentage of people have actually gotten to the end in survival mode it is like not it’s like around like 2.9% like barely [ __ ] anyone like before the nether update it was also really small but then

After nether update came out it was like bigger yeah okay and I still think I’m still vouching for an end update but it’s like Microsoft is way too scared to like I I have a counter point for that I have a counter point right I have a counter point Bedrock

Sucks I have a counter point Bedrock sucks right but my counter point to that is who the [ __ ] is going to be going out of their way to go [ __ ] around with architecture and and then not go to the end like you know what I mean you would

Be shocked you would be shocked wait wait what do you mean by [ __ ] wrong with architecture like build instead of like progressing through the game yeah kind of do that that’s a lot of people there’s going to be more people who go to the end than people who go to [ __ ]

Architecture you would be shocked Minecraft is a [ __ ] sandbox game like you can literally do anything most are the people most of the people playing the game are kids that don’t give a [ __ ] about the progression yeah dude it doesn’t matter I kind of get it matter it literally does

Matter it it doesn’t matter when your game is Lally becoming crammed and being destroyed as a result of you overc cramming it I didn’t like the past two updates either I actually like the new update that they’re working on right now I played the snapshots it’s pretty fun

But it’s like it’s like I can see why they haven’t worked on the end yet it’s like you’re saying it doesn’t matter it’s literally market research that is what it is dude who cares about the end no one talking specifically about the end necessar and I’m us the end as a

Point there are other points I could make as well I said you could build past the end I’m not saying like I’m saying you could add a new dimension or something of the sort people would explore that also I’m going to keep it real with you I always complain that [ __ ] say Minecraft

Legends or dungeons gets better treatment than the original game itself sorry I had to I had to talk to my mom here’s the issue if you like do stuff past the end that means even less people are going to do do it like the Wither is

Supposed to be done past the end and I can bet that the percentage of people that gotten that achievement is even smaller and it’s like I want that here’s the thing I agree I want them to do stuff past the end but I know why they aren’t doing it yet like they’re still

Waiting you know for what waiting for like the interest to pick up like like I guess like through the majority thing is I I the thing is I don’t really care what they choose to put out right whether they’re scared because no one really gives a [ __ ] about

The end or not right it’s just that the lack of content that they’ve put out is the issue not what they put out I don’t think it’s a lack of content I don’t think it’s a lack of content I think it’s a lack of meaningful content and a lack of content mix of

Both big big difference big difference meaningful content I know I know there’s I know what the Ronnie I know what the difference is between the two yeah but you’re not but you’re not acknowledging that difference so no no I know the difference I’m saying it’s both

Because it’s a lack of content and a lack of meaningful content you cannot tell me that the past two updates have any form of like similar amounts of like content than the nether update for example which is the going to ever have as much content as the nether update dog

But it’s still on par in like size to the to 1.14 at at the very least 1.4 was a big update the last two updates they’re not meaningful but quantity wise they are big and not really so it’s like it’s just it’s just like wrong to say oh the updates

Have been lacking and I know it’s really hard to defend Minecraft right now it’s really hard to defend mic I I don’t care about like defending Microsoft I only care about defending the developers because they’re just doing their jobs and they’re the ones that keep getting harassed on like on like they shouldn’t

Be getting harassed and it’s like annoying but it’s like I don’t know I’ll say this the cave update they did is the coolest update ever yeah I don’t know that’s all I I feel like the most significant one though has been the nether one yeah the down with the nether

Update is that they were overworked with when that update was like being worked out they should get overworked more yeah they should I agree but that’s like un ironic I Minecraft has the opposite problem their devs are underworked no okay think about it think about it wouldn’t you love wouldn’t you

Love working at Mojang you get paid a [ __ ] ton to not work as much as other Studios get paid a bunch to work on absolutely nothing yeah genuinely when they have to work for more than 5 minutes I not allang is actually like okay wait no they get like average

[ __ ] pay and the issue is they have to constantly work on like two versions of the game and they have to work on what Microsoft wants them to do it’s like they don’t get a choice in all fairness that’s kind of their fault but

I can see why they did it the way J does it really matter but the thing is Mojang as a is just a normal job that’s it thing is Mojang as a whole has also been in the [ __ ] every time they release a new game like Minecraft dungeons or

Minecraft Legends it dies within two weeks cuz that’s also a Microsoft issue because they’re splitting the like whole like I guess force of the team into different games I like Minecraft dungeons when it came out it was a good game and it’s like I hope some of the stuff from that

Game comes to the main M I don’t know that upate undoubtedly took like work away from the main game because they have to allocate a whole team do it yeah having a basic understanding of how game development Works actually opens your eyes to how like powerless the developers really are

Yeah yeah so it’s like I don’t know I I find it super unfair to like say like oh the developers [ __ ] suck they’re so lazy no they aren’t they’re working with what they have I’m G I’m going to be real of all of you right now I literally could care

Less about this topic and I’d like to talk about something else I’d also like to talk about something else I just feel the need to like I don’t know I just don’t like I just don’t like it when people call the devs lazy no cuz you got to realize it’s literally the biggest

Game of all time they have all the budget in the world to make like a better game than it already is and they’re kind of just not yeah and you’re ignoring my the points that I’ve made because your points are stupid if you want to blame someone blame the higher

Ups at Microsoft blame the people who own moang I guess I just haven’t played the game enough to get bored out of it because I don’t know I feel like I discover new things often that’s fair maybe have Goldfish Memory you could just be that true cuz like for

Someone that’s been like playing since like 1.7 or like 1.6 it’s kind of disappointing who’s been playing someone who’s been playing a lot I haven’t felt the thing is right my issue with Minecraft is someone who played it literally every single day for two years

Just a few years ago right I still feel like I’m playing the same game with the same progression without different from when it was many years ago when I was playing it so much it just feels the same it it doesn’t feel like it’s been drastically changed to a point where I

Can have a new experience every time I play Minecraft I feel like I’m playing the same old game with the same old like timeline of events like there’s nothing new that’s my issue there’s nothing significant happening one thing I don’t know if this is a good defense or if it’s a defense

At all but isn’t the that kind of the point with mods kind of I guess yeah but doesn’t that doesn’t excuse base game Terraria is extremely compact within its like you know base game but its mods also add on incredibly to it I guess I don’t know if I own

Mojang I just kind of make it easier for people to mod the game and call it a job I think okay one one point I really want to make I feel like this is a important point to put into perspective the reason why I always blame Microsoft

As well is because I don’t think like you can throw at the issue and to an extent it could work but like the most important thing that I feel like Microsoft is neglecting is actual [ __ ] time cuz like they have to pump these updates out every year they have

To make sure it like works on both sides on like bedrock and Java and it’s like you can pump more money to get more people working on the game but you can’t exactly pump more money to have quality assurance run faster you know so they need more time but if they just keep

Forcing the whole like yearly update thing then that’s just never going to happen it’s why like 1.16 is only as good as it is cuz they [ __ ] crunched on it if they just had more time to work on it then they wouldn’t have had to Crunch I guess I think that’s like the

Biggest thing that’s why I hate Microsoft with all my [ __ ] guts cuz it’s like they just aren’t giving the developers enough time or resources to make the updates as if they want to a I’m going to bed there is no bed just gone the second I look at him let’s sleep together

Fortnite we could I was thinking we could maybe uh hold on got leave the server and get my ass kicked I was thinking we could do uh jackbox in that server since there’s goingon to be new people coming in so this enchanting book has Rip Tide three

This one has um no wait this one has rip tie this one has sweeping Edge three Unbreaking three mending and this one has has being of AR for pods 4 nice CRA I can read all of that I’m starting to get worried for my mental health okay wait can we have like a

Positive conversation about Minecraft really quick sure no good you know what [ __ ] that can we have a negative conversation about doy again that was fun we talk about how do is lazy you know about the new update cuz the new update’s actually shaping up to be

Really good seen talk about we to change like the copper bulb to make it like useless yeah oh yeah no that’s the one thing I don’t like no no it’s still useful it’s like a one block T FP reverse the one tick yeah the one tick

Was one though the main like that’s was that was one of the features but the other main feature was that was a one block T flip flop I don’t think many people care about the one block T flip flop I don’t I don’t know what talking

Care about that a lot of people care about that that was the main thing and then everyone discovered the one tick yeah what tick what kind of tick okay wa I’ll explain something so it’s like the way Redstone works is it runs on like two ticks out of 20 and um

Basically like every Redstone component will take up two ticks of a second because it’s 20 ticks per second right the copper or shut the [ __ ] up Joe so the copper bulb is different because it would take up one tick instead which means you could actually have an odd

Amount of ticks the issue is they changed it this was intentional the developers said this was was intentional and then they were forced to change it back because um on Bedrock Edition instead of having 20 ticks per second it’s 10 ticks per second and that means there’ be like imperity and because

Microsoft is like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the game I guess they want to just make it consistent across both versions instead of fixing how tick Speed Works on Bedrock Edition so now the only way to get one tick [ __ ] is gone on Java and it’s like really stupid because a

Redstone isn’t even consistent of on top of like both versions like you have like quasi connectivity and [ __ ] on Java Edition instead of Bedrock Bedrock is like weird Redstone very inconsistent so it’s like they should have just kept the one tick but like I don’t know you can

Probably just like use a [ __ ] mod or data pack or something but I still think it should just be part of the base game but yeah it’s also just a a one block T flipflop so that makes a lot of uh existing Contraptions way more compact yeah I guess so there’s still a

Benefit to it existing but it’s like heavily nerfed now which is really disappointing I feel like if Ronnie were to go up to like a woman to try like no one [ __ ] ask I might not hold a conversation you just got called a yapper by my

Chat literally bro thank you wire chat I was asking though yeah you still yapped bro yapper thank you Adam answer Adam you’re my goat you gave him a long ass yappy answer I gave him the full context so that he would have a better understanding of it hi

Wire shat how are you doing today I don’t give a [ __ ] be nice to wire Shadow like you guys yeah yeah what’s up I want you can someone come back to the gay house I need help with something what do you need help with I need help mining this giant pillar Ronnie’s

House huh Ronnie’s house no it’s I built one oh do you think your viewers can join the server or another server no cuz I accidentally M all these blocks with a silk touch pickaxe and I need to like also chat I established earlier pay me $80 or $100 anywhere in between and

I’ll give you the IP I’m not even joking I’m not even joking I’ll give you the IP $80 that’s such a smart way gonna leak it they’re gonna [ __ ] pay change the IP yeah thing is I can always change the IP that is genius actually

D Dre should do that they would be so rich arcade game exist ISP like over though oh yeah but they should have done that before it was over I guess $10,000 a million dollar to join people would actually pay yeah iic it might be a good investment right

If I was a twitch streamer if I still was and I could pay 10 grand to join the dream SMP I would because then I’d get popular and immediately make and immediately make back all you [ __ ] lost yeah make back the money back the money counter point counter points you don’t

Think a million other people would have that idea you would be overshadowed exactly yeah nobody else has like 10 grand laying around remember dream my mother’s credit card yeah I’ll would do that too Ronnie you wouldn’t understand you’re just not that grind mindset Ronnie you remind me of

Like a little Middle Eastern child because I’m also I am a little Middle Eastern child ass yeah get get a little little [ __ ] math tutor bro [ __ ] out of here bro hey Dro out of math what do you mean oh yeah yeah whatever go get your [ __ ] like um fire at one yeah

Yeah yesterday I was like damn a you [ __ ] Middle Eastern too it’s kind of sad how there’s like little people on and I would wish to have more because it’d be more fun yeah I’m I’m regretting saying here yesterday was just us we had fun R just [ __ ] got summoned R

Summoned I wish there more here [ __ ] walked my dog and you guys are still arguing yeah yeah it’s I mean it’s not even me I’m just staying quiet actually why was being very aggressive you should have heard yeah I was like ripping my shirt and everything

He was making death threats I was in the Stream bro I wasn’t in the you were oh it would have actually made sense if you kept up no you hear everything you put on your [ __ ] airpods and you [ __ ] listen to the Stream yeah my airpods

That I don’t have no I just C the wire wait the wire be care I actually hate Wireless stuff does it make sense don’t hurt don’t don’t hurt yourself no dud I don’t get it do you have a Samsung phone Wire yeah iPhone doesn’t support wired stuff like headphones and [ __ ]

Really no yeah no they removed the thing REM the head ja did you forget it’s only Wireless now nobody’s buying the dongle bro Samsung on toption Samsung has always been my go same I I also have a Samsung actually wait I own a Huawei never mind who that’s that’s that’s an Android

Still it’s fine yeah but I’m not I’m not I’m not a real G listen I would be Samsung gang if I didn’t have an iPhone as a kid and like I’m not switching I used have one of them [ __ ] flip phones or like them button phones I used

Have a Microsoft my first phone my first I’m not kidding beauti guys guys I’m gonna I’m gonna tell you how [ __ ] [ __ ] this is right my first phone was a [ __ ] Samsung S5 like literally at the time it was like seven eight years old it was like

Ancient but I I still like Sam set up Ronnie it was functionable and I could watch and I could watch YouTube on it that’s all that mattered to me right then that’s when I movings two years two years later nobody joining the other VC

Two two years later right I I get a new I I still have my S5 but then like in another year after that I’ll get my new phone my brother gets his first phone he gets the iPhone 7 like what the [ __ ] my ass sticking with the S5 bro pissed

Off that’s messed up I wasn’t paying attention focus on the cash register phone was actually cool I’ll be honest but it kind of sucked because uh it didn’t have like play or anything so if I wanted to use like YouTube or SnapChat I had to go in the browsers and [ __ ] oh

Damn what [ __ ] oh my God guys I have a [ __ ] guys I I have an actual story to tell you okay so don’t care when I was little when I was little I used to sneak like devices into my bed and just watch YouTube or play games right and I think everyone did

That yeah everyone did that but but my parents are super strict about it they would take literally every device they could find and hide it in their room but there’ll always be something they forgot like they’ even take my keyboard right so I couldn’t use my PC yeah I always

Have like a spare keyboard or a spare mouse or something right yeah like i’ always try to find a way but when I was little before I had my PC and when they were taking like my iPad and my phone right I didn’t have a

Laptop at the time I just had like an iPad and my phone they take that uh you know what they did you know what I did I mean I took my video camera that I had and I would record videos from the screen I would L record the

Screen beforehand and then watch the playback on my little shitty video camera that’s hard as [ __ ] like rewatch bro that’s a hard rewind time bro was ahead of his time dude I was like re like you know like the flip cameras prehistoric Cobalt what what because you know YouTube video downloader

Yeah man holy [ __ ] I used to download videos and watch them on the bus I did not know you could do that like as that was revolutionizing I remember when my [ __ ] internet used to die a lot due to like storms and [ __ ] like that so I used to like let all the

Videos play and just like kept rewatching them cuz it kind of just like rendered the entire video like the [ __ ] timer go all white it would stay yeah I was even worse I did not know sure what I used to do what I used to do

Was I would screen record the thing so I cuz you know when you screen record like it records your voice like the microphone is on so when I play the video I have to be super quiet make sure I can you know hear the video so I have

The thing I have to replay it was genius dude the thing is right I am like how far I’ve come I now live on my own there’s no one to stop me from playing Minecraft at 5: in the morning and also I have unlimited data on my phone

I have unlimited data on my phone so I don’t have to free Wi-Fi everywhere you go hold up wait what phone do you guys have I have the Samsung S10 I have a Samsung a32 let me look that up did you just say you have an iPhone 6 yeah that’s that’s

Goard that’s like the last like headphone jack oh you have that one yeah I got an a32 that I got it like three years ago like mine is like six years old but it’s still very good I don’t really like buying new phones onless my current one is like

Absolutely unusable yeah oh yeah me too I was on the same [ __ ] I was on the same [ __ ] iPhone 7 for like five years and then I had to upgrade because my iPhone 7 stopped working and then I haven’t upgraded since then like I’ve been rocking the

Same iPhone 13 for like two years now the [ __ ] oh loud ass stupid cat hey be nice that’s his name I don’t care it’s literally loud ass stupid cat I know but it’ be nice um kill yourself tone of your voice no look I might be

Bad at reading tone but I read you like a book over there okay whoa read my n bad at reading tone I’m autistic shut the [ __ ] up Joe ooh wait Joe ooh wait they’re fighting back know exactly who we’re referring to I L have no idea who the [ __ ] you’re referring sh

The [ __ ] up wait who’s Jo I don’t know who Jo is bro dude stop referring to me by my dead name okay you’re offending me my name is not Joe that’s my dead name chat literally we always call him Joe and he always responds this is never

Isue out of it I’m gonna dead name you Ronnie this you’re don’t make me do this know what my dead name is dumb ass then why are you dead naming me you’re I’m not [ __ ] you’re so stupid your name is Ronnie right that’s your name oh yeah

Yeah your dead name’s probably your dead name’s probably like Ronald or some gay [ __ ] like that Ronald that’s crazy McDonald no you want to know something when my parents Ronald McDonald always just Ronnie there was never a longer version of itd yeah man mayor MC Che

Give M chicken dude MC chickens are so good it’s actually crazy MC chickens are F good but it’s like blot you know I like I like I like the Fried Chicken ones I used to eat them before I started boycotting McDonald’s you want uh the [ __ ] the

The McDonald’s in Egypt is [ __ ] crazy cuz it’s like not only is the food just cheaper it’s also bigger like I I told this to Raz in like d end but it’s like aen the size shut the [ __ ] up IG Chicken in Egypt is the size of a Big Mac in like

America how would you know how big it is in America I like because it’s like the same size in like quit as well cuz like quit McDonald’s is similar to American McDonald’s but it’s like McChickens are [ __ ] huge in Egypt I don’t know why and also the fries are always like

Really big up turkey Mi chicken is awesome all chicken burgers are awesome I don’t know my [ __ ] my country is a victim of shrink flation of what shrink flation you know when they [ __ ] make either increase the price of the product to keep it the same size or Shrink it and [ __ ] keep

It the same price oh that’s a thing people do yeah no with like with like with Egypt it’s different cuz like Egyptian economy is absolutely God awful like last year a dollar was worth like 20 Egyptian pound now it’s worth like [ __ ] 40 damn yeah it’s just it’s constantly

Getting worse but like the food isn’t changing price the food is like extremely affordable like I’m MC chicken size of a Big Mac by the way like 120 uh Egyptian pound which is like $2 impressive yeah why is the economy so bad anyways something big happened impr [ __ ] look I might be

Like I don’t know it’s like but like sometimes it’s not that great over there how is [ __ ] McDonald’s even surviving in Egypt or quit I I I wonder yeah that’s kind ofis no no it’s getting boycotted to [ __ ] bro it’s crazy like the people the people in in like the

Middle East are real Palestine soldiers obviously they’re the middle but like yeah duh because it’s like if take Palestine then they’re going to take the rest of us anyways so it’s like you know politics something that I [ __ ] hate even though I’m completely Pro Palestinian right um I hate it when like

Random people just start [ __ ] spreading false information about the war on Twitter the waters like for example right there was a situation where there was a clip of an Israeli police officer yelling at a Palestinian child right now without context you might be like wow this is so horrible Zionism horrible

Right but then with context you’ll realize that the Palestinian kids are running around with knives and they actually stabbed and I’m like you know what I mean they actually caught two kidt matters a lot yeah they caught two kids who are Palestinian running around and they stabbed some dude in Israel here’s the

Thing though I never even I don’t even know what the clip is that you’re talking about like I’ve never seen that I’ve only seen the [ __ ] that’s like verifi no I’m just saying like I am I’m literally Palestinian right I am a Palestinian man but despite that like

Context matters in all situations no matter who it is or what it is if you’re a [ __ ] Palestinian kid you can’t run around stabbing Israeli people that’s you can’t do that like two bads don’t make it good but it’s like I don’t know exactly yeah exactly you know while on

The topic of stabbing people have you guys read about like how did you guys know him a murderer yeah yeah I am um I don’t [ __ ] remember his name the guy that killed George Floyd he got stabbed 22 times in prison oh yeah and he somehow

Survived how did he survive that [ __ ] I think I think it’s a good thing cuz that just means more pain more time for more time for him it’s a good thing that he survived yeah I mean don’t get me wrong he had it coming from a mile

Away but how did he survive it’s a good thing I’m not I’m not going to look at gift horse in the mou it’s a good thing yeah don’t give him the easy way out I guess like I don’t know yeah cuz now not only does he have to be in prison for a

Very long time he also has to deal with the stab wounds which probably left scars and [ __ ] yeah all that and the trauma yeah and the traum of it of course he deserves it he honestly deserves it so being racist I’m wondering why it took so long and

Killing a guy who like who did nothing [ __ ] wrong like you know what I don’t like though about the whole George Floyd thing about get really political no no no no no this is like oh no look Chad look away look away Chad after this this is pretty agreed upon

Right but like as much as like the whole okay Ronnie shut the [ __ ] up as much as the whole um like the whole concept of the BLM movement is very good George Floyd as a person was a piece of [ __ ] you guys know this right no idea

Die no he was a drug dealer and he was a porn star I’m Prett sure I’m pretty sure like based on his autopsy he was like on drugs when he died so yeah exactly and he was also selling drugs I think he was a drug dealer as well deserve to die though

Like no I’m not saying that I’m never saying that but people started praising him as like the Lord Jesus I’m like bro he started a he started a a movement that was a good cause but he was not a good person you’re supposed to use a hoe for

The shroom light yeah but I don’t have one oh never put gold on a ho what the like people started praising him with some sort of God likeo no everyone knows that it’s Minecraft 101 minecraft you should have been there you never spend diamond on a hole wait no

Never use diamonds instead no but it’s like the ho are actually like useful now ever since like 1.16 oh my God shut no I’m enjoyed this trivia why is it useful your mother your your fat ugly stinky mother why is everyone against me what did I do I’m not even reading

Chat on the last serious note no one in ch said anything about Jo thanks my go wife noit I want to hear what lumic was about to say y’all interrupted him no no n it’s too late now it’s too late to apologize bro I [ __ ] hate that song so God it’s so

Good [ __ ] you bro there’s someone like having an like laughing evily in your chat you’re like I know it’s p the number 15 in enchanting table looks like I’m [ __ ] sex yeah man excuse me whatever you just said this hold on yeah yeah can you like send a

Screenshot bro might have been insane for this Peter Griffin seeks Fitness advice from meows fortnite hybrid short you’re focusing on the wrong thing look at my setup what’s WR oh they just send in no mic yeah let me look let’s see that let’s see let’s see the setup wait what the

[ __ ] broke got the old school YouTube yeah y’all remember that that was so fire also bro [ __ ] not going what Gua oh let me show the full image CU apparently someone actually did this it’s not a Photoshop it’s not a Photoshop it’s a it’s a good Photoshop if anything remember

Seeing like Windows phones like the windows but [ __ ] and I really wanted one but now I’m realizing how dog [ __ ] it wants have been I was exactly the same boat as you only difference is I actually bought it look super cool fantastic news I have

I have fantastic news boys ask you but I I asked him go I said no asked but I still want to know my fantastic news is that the gay house is complete yeah let’s go from the outside from the outside hell Neighbor House isar you called the Hello Neighbor House goodbye

Neighbor what H Neighbor House are youall talking about can someone take a picture of it you can go to their base now dude it’s I’m going to their base I’m going to their base I’m I’m at my house can meet up there’s a path through the nether yeah okay I’m going

Going are we all meting up at the I rejoin the game can you teleport me to Raz cuz I don’t want to travel thousands of blocks dude you teleported him I don’t want to travel thousands of block you can go through the nether I just this what the hell what the hell what

The’s a bit death whoa yeah Joe can you put on a Theodore Master here follow these awesome leaves that is a bunch of leaves and pumpkin I don’t care I’m not a nerd come on you have the house and everything you just need to kidnap kids it’s not the

Hello neighbor house it’s the big gay house I don’t I’ve never played hello neighbor in my life I don’t get the joke you’re gonna [ __ ] Ronnie’s gonna go about how Ronnie’s gonna go into depth about how the guy from hello neighbor is secretly homosexual about why the big a

House is also the hell neighbor house actually I have really shut the [ __ ] up actually me kill yourself [ __ ] he a oh my God I don’t care how do you know everything about every single [ __ ] game you did not go outside BR I swear to God the day Ronnie gets some [ __ ]

The day they join VC a different [ __ ] person I swear to God oh my God please bro I need to like we need to get you hooked up with someone dude do you wonders fix your life forever s I’m like I’m like demisexual and [ __ ] nothing oh my my God

Bro we need you to fall in love or some [ __ ] what does that mean dude being demisexual is a stupid ass [ __ ] concept what that mean demisexual pretty much means that you want to get to know the person before you fall in love with them that’s not that’s not

Demisexuals I thought that’s just how it works yeah exactly they just gave that [ __ ] a name for no reason [ __ ] God let me speak it’s dexual it’s more of a what that’s crazy come on bro it’s more like a compliance thing like you only do it to make

Someone else happy but you don’t actually want it what the [ __ ] no what what demisexual means isn’t that what it means no demisexual means you would like to build the emotional bond between with someone before you get to know them because some people normal beh that’s normal love exactly the whole

They you’re just so dumb dude like thing is some people are like some people are like comfortable with um some people are comfortable attack by gas scar me where shut the [ __ ] up I don’t care Joe where how do I get to my base oh there’s a [ __ ] tunnel never mind

Interrupts so much it’s unbelievable so do you dumbass yeah I interrupt you and you interrupt me you dumb [ __ ] nuh [ __ ] me like a okay you see it right there like in that crevice yeah yeah yeah yo you guys in the nether wait for me I’m going to your base

Toas we’re going towards your base Graham I opened up the pixel X wire [ __ ] I got a [ __ ] where is it is that oh my gosh this the Hello Neighbor House this is the big the big gay house big gay house is this the garage yeah

I don’t know if this is the tunnel to the portal or not am I going the right way it’s like a one by what are we thinking this floor looks so weird it looks awesome but like it looks like an optical illusion Optical nothing is going on is we got to

Fill it up with [ __ ] now that’s your job hi res wait where the [ __ ] is fish oh I have some fish oh thank you R where is the portal no one tell the biggest tra of all time follow the leaves what do you mean follow the leaves wait where are they at

Follow the leaves dude I did not follow Grand my God we said it twice I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention it’s okay but D can I get the can I get the portal cords bro knows how I feel uh here’s to our base hold on yeah

Wait weren’t you guys on your way to our base yeah I’m at your base oh I forgot we we have the same base hey stop laughing it was a mistake this is serious business okay so like you won’t believe this I accidentally hit fnf3 on my keyboard and it turned on airplane mode3

You mean f333 function3 bro I was about to be like I hope you die I was about to break something in my room she was about to get personal yeah man are you guys going to just keep this chest of me visiting yeah it’s a memoir if you touch it I’ll break your

Legs baby set your house on fire okay but can we talk about the lore implications of I’m not going oh my [ __ ] God I hope you get actually I would be surprised guys can we take a talk about the low implications of having the wire chest ooh

Wait I actually I actually druged the brick and influenced them to give me the cords so I came by and gave you [ __ ] poison or some [ __ ] I’ll break it just because you said that no no no the L okay how about this can we can we can we

Like okay I’m fine with Ronnie playing on the server but can we give them like permanent blindness just like I’ll give them the darkness effect that you get from the W then we should have ANP where we are all blind at all times no okay no I got to ask why am I

The [ __ ] punching bag of the server because you’re running commitment bro I don’t know what to tell you wait we got be why I always dude no the thing is I’m always a [ __ ] punching bag in like every friend group I minut this I’m be real I’m gonna be I’m gonna

Be real being genuinely serious okay you want to know why you want to know genuinely why why okay because every time you join a call the first thing you talk about is guys you want another more fortnite update you are literally bully material like and I don’t mean like you

Are a bully I mean like to be bullied like it is so easy to make fun of a person who knows the in-depth lore about Jones’s penis size like I’m sorry it’s so easy to make fun to you no no no no no but it’s like huge though it’s huge though you’re proving

My point why are so many zombie pigman coming from the why why do people B in your entire gang dude I just like talking about like things some f that’s such a crime dude read the room guys the leaves end here there are no more leaves Ronnie you need

To read the room sometimes oh hey there’s leaves wait didn’t take damage I forgot this is in Bedrock oh yeah here Joe I think I’ve like already established I’m really bad at reading the room too bad so sad wait haters will hate oh Haters Gonna Hate I’m like I’m going to

Masturbate dog leave me alone yo okay Joe that’s a sick ass build building I know bro who the [ __ ] let this be the guest let this be the guest what’s good jit yo hold on hold on hold on the leaves the leaves you’re staying with us buddy

You’re staying with usy you’re one of us oh one US Nowa is my goat us wait it’s the awesome uh Kasa house from Barbie so wait how are we going to have this community house work Mojo Dojo just put a bunch of [ __ ] in it then everybody

Can just [ __ ] profit off of that I don’t know yeah the house is done we’re just going to put chest you’re not allowed to decorate anymore do we put no [ __ ] off oh wait I want to see where this goes let me see Ronnie and you’re gonna

Ask me why you get bullied bro shut up oh my God can we put the basement wait why do we need a basement for The Neighbor House yes for the goodbye neighbor no oh no please you guys know play build is going bankrupt these things this is my

Point I don’t see the issue I just thought it was like a cool like little okay I got to say I got to say it up out bu [ __ ] nowhere as if we give a [ __ ] like oh my God I respect the gr just like please geted what I just thought it

Was D Chad I don’t associate I I didn’t hear what said Chad wait did you say something I didn’t hear Chad I think there was a glitch the Ronnie what the [ __ ] would you like to see my BL Yo Joe help me push this thing into the boat we got

Be yeah there’s beef in the poop shter death we got beef this is the real war of the server yeah that’s the real we’re verbally fighting each other Ronnie commit versus snowman Joe wait who’s Jo y’all are just making fun of a mentally impaired child do you feel

Good about yourself is that just everybody abely IET isn’t that just everybody kind of a mentally apparent child it’s apparent to me that you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m just going to be funny dude the only thing apparent about you is you’re the slinging the slur Slinger damn right bro call me [ __ ]

The way be slinging just imagine you like a cowboy slinging his gun but can you confirm this is a fortnite a slur Slinger what’s a fortnite item slur Slinger what’s a fortnite heard the word fortnite bro what’s up fortnite I know that’s the most dude that’s actually the

Most expensive skin in the item store you don’t understand my God bro like 20,000 v-bucks I how funny how Joe gets so angry like dude I want to like Bully the [ __ ] out of like Ronnie like so it’s actually so funny you have no never seen get this

Ang before genuinely bro got beef I’m telling you yeah to be fair though like I used to be basically the exact same as Ronnie when I was like 11 and I got bullied for it and that’s why I’m like this nowadays yeah but Ronnie is not 11 Ronnie is

16 I also I also got bullied for builds character is what you’re saying like you seeon I got bullied for it too but like I’m still fine I don’t care oh my God see like Ronnie Ronnie is like ruen but without the character development of being bullied at 11 I swear it’s the

Opposite bro it only is the character development I was the [ __ ] who just kind of decided n [ __ ] this like you are you seeing you to be like door uh a basement door with a key right here are you saying you strive to be like running no I mean I left that [ __ ]

Behind me but I’m saying like I love that [ __ ] in the past to be like [ __ ] y’all L yeah but tired of the fortnite yeah that’s what that’s why I tried to switch VC you guys were like guys as soon as you left I was like nobody wanted that hunger

Scoop I’m going to go to sleep so you get mining fatigue ooh tell them who left oh yeah well guess what I’m going to bed too [ __ ] yeah still TI I’m going to be one of your two sleepers no no no more sleepers in chat don’t sleep please please please God please

Please wake up please please wake up up W up W up okay okay okay okay there we go there we go there we go like no I don’t want to be I’m tell you the debuff system is good making a farm here huh don’t you have food the question

Mark you’re literally dude you’re literally like harvesting fine yeah I have carrots all right there you go I have a question I have a question he has a question if if if I was given the opportunity to work on rerun and I said yes would you still be friends with me

What the [ __ ] what kind of a question is this I don’t care we’re still friends with Joey what do you mean yeah better than you that’s the thing you guys aren’t you guys aren’t real friends if I ever joined the rerun team I want you to put a bullet in my [ __ ]

Skull okay let’s make this very clear okay man you’re what’s rer you have like a you have weird F it’s like a exe take a what what you say like a Sonic EX exe take with like wait Sonic what now like a take take yeah all right show me I

Want to see is it good it’s good art but the music is it’s like everything You’ expect out of an ex mod oh okay that yeah that makes sense so not good yeah it’s like really good art but like mediocre music you got to make your next

Meme video off of this it’s been so no no no please never make another meme video like that bring back o I agree dude I genuinely genuinely like bring back the Oz series watching your videos videos but then I came back when you started doing the commentary [ __ ] the

Commentary shit’s so good no we need to bring back the grandma did I remember like guys we need to bring back I learned how to draw I learned how to 3D anime that was my favorite video except I didn’t watch it d i remember [ __ ] I

Watched it I’m a year or two ago when I first discovered Graham on YouTube cuz I got like one or two videos of him recommended I was like what the [ __ ] I was getting annoyed at it cuz I kept getting it recommended I was like [ __ ]

Off I don’t care and I used to find grandma annoying before I knew him there were so many people that have said that to me it’s awesome I I can say that to you now cuz like we chilling I I don’t mind it at all I think it’s funny yeah bro has been

Blessed by the gods of the recommendations when are you getting your raid Shadow Legend sponsor oo see now you’re asking the good questions see that’s the good question this is a conversation I can get dud you can get like PA like tens of thousands of dollars not even

Joking that’s actually kind of true from I’ve heard they don’t even pay that well like relatively speaking not any they they used to pay really well did they stop paying as well damn don’t accept sponsors from them shitty mobile game ruin your reputation become a [ __ ] no

Don’t say that why get the sponsor wait guys I love wait please sponsor me ROM ROM sponsor wire he he’s a he’s a good boy angel wait when can I when can I appear in your next video I will never get sponsored ever next video is right

Now recording it wait this is cancel material no this whole video this is cancel material huh goodbye friends it might be over check out my little staircase my G St my gay ass staircas wa you like little boys that’s weird love wait who said that me I love

Little boys I love kids I love wait Grand rewind no sponsor this guy ra Shadow Legends you’re hearing this rewind Shadow Legend your game spers not anymore I no you just said you like child I love child D I love seeing children instead of children it’s so funny

Facts at least I think it’s funny and that’s that’s all sa things are really weird I like it I think it’s called making F of thank you this why my goat wait wait wait okay okay I’m not making fun of you it’s just I like the way

I no offense taken dude oh full offense actually but wait we got beef got be all right all right beef number two saying that he’s like ooh we got beef oh F fact I have I okay fun fact I have like kind of beef with a YouTuber I’ve never

Talked to before okay so you don’t have be kind of beef it’s kind of beef it’s kind of be onesided beef no no no I’ll explain I’ll explain it’s onesided beef but like on their end not on my end right so uh do you guys remember mythro Dex do you guys

Remember that guy no no no idea okay okay okay okay like a car company bro okay I’m gonna okay I’m going to put up the channel then y okay I’m going to not pull up the channel but I’m going to describe do y’all remember that Minecraft Youtuber they used to break

Out of prisons like the most intense oh yeah I remember that guy that’s so many YouTubers that’s so many always to one up the [ __ ] dream and [ __ ] [ __ ] dream okay no the one who used to break out of the prison like the really enhanced prisons are you

Talking about the one that’s always tried to one up the [ __ ] dream SMP prison and then he escapes dream prison yeah on the thing on they thing were like oh dream is a criminal and they put him in jail yeah more or less this person look at no mic wait

That was a bit I thought that was real goes crazy yeah this I remember this guy I might have seen it but like he just Blends in yeah oh wait this is a cool idea okay okay so pretty much how do I put this

Um how do I put y’all got beef just let it all out let I have I have a little bit of beef with this person because my ex knows this person and has talked [ __ ] about me to this person that just Justified disliking y that’s that’s just like gas lighting

What exactly what where’s the gas I don’t think that’s gas lighting I think that’s [ __ ] I don’t know where the gas lighting is yeah I don’t where the gas is can somebody show me the gas please wait I’m trying to where the gas is are do wait I’m trying to

Smoke no that’s not the gas hello stop that’s not the gas that’s the smoke hello stop wait that’s not good for you wait wait guys who has spare deep slate whoa that’s like the person there’s like a person called literally no one you kidding oh yeah yeah oh I

Actually hope you [ __ ] die for that joke why true dude why would you hurt such a little guy why is just a little friend I’m I’m baby okay okay now I won can’t defend you anymore okay I will cancel you I was going to defend you up until that point

Yeah yeah yeah up to that point I was that’s where you lost me yeah you lost me there I’m sorry Graham I’m breaking the mutual yeah I’m breaking hey hey I’m breaking the mutual with you what are you about I’m breaking up with wait I’ll break it first I’d rather have her tell

Me that she’s breaking up than Breaking the mutual me going up to my weapon is like Unbreaking of the mutual no it’s like a divorce but even worse it’s like a div no my oom unfollowed me this is wor are you going do here where’s this sit

This second floor this is for the second oh I see I see like the hell Neighbor House in Alpha 3 oh my God Ronnie I hope you’re actually moled in Alleyway Ronnie you got to micking this up this feels like he just like coming up with [ __ ]

Now okay Joe to actually like play okay Rocky to actually play into the bit of H neighbor you should actually build like a roller coaster around your house that would that would actually go super hard to be fair that would go hard as [ __ ] like you make a roller coaster on the

Heart like [ __ ] H fuing zombie piglin in your thing why are there two of them yeah because homies don’t you touch them those are my maybe us to actually build a Hello Neighbor House [ __ ] it this could be hell neighbor that’s how I influence neighbor I’m not [ __ ] like surrendering H

Story um awkward please [ __ ] we’ll call it the BLT house BLT I need XP I’m gonna go to LGT house o tell them bars LG BLT wait the lgtv I’m oh wait thisy this guy’s homop wait this guy hom I’m a homo comiing wait God

Oh yeah where am I oh this guy is super duper sexual yeah man yeah that’s me I love to explore girl is bisexual yo you made so much progress in like the what two hours here building a guillotin yeah man talking it’s not Christmas Joe you’re actually a machine

D dude I retweeted a [ __ ] video where it’s like tf2 players spreading Christmas year yeah I I saw that I actually have a story I have a story to tell um when I was how does that inspire you okay okay Ronnie Ronnie really quickly how long is the story yeah this

Very like short is like 20 minutes it’s like no shut up people it’s like a relevant story that then leads to a question cuz it’s like relevant to the question oh God man okay so it’s like u in the choir a few years ago every year we would have to like sing Christmas

Songs for the [ __ ] qu embassy at this hotel and um it’s like it was like one of the I I didn’t like the song but there was one song that I really like it was [ __ ] Fel naad it was the only song I actually liked how you can just

Corit me and I’ll just it anyways so I I I I really like that song So I was thinking like what if I like remixed it for like Christmas that would be fun holy [ __ ] go hard the hard Style remix not making a [ __ ] hard Style remix Angry Birds mix bro Angry Birds

Mix oh I know I think it would be fun I might like even like get a bunch of people to like I might get like friends together to make a [ __ ] choir for it because it’ be fun whoa choir Wire yeah it would be fun I don’t know I

Used to be like the highest pitch soprano in my where the [ __ ] am I I had like a schizophrenia moment lost the plot just like straight up schizophrenia where oh okay but no I think it’d be really fun uh when I was in the choir I used to be like high highest pitch

Soprano and now I’ve like lost those like [ __ ] vocal chops but it’s fine isn’t that actually okay yo yeah I’m I’m crying I’m dying who got the underground house I just discovered this welcome to the no no no no the underground house in in our base oh that’s that’s also B

Pixel oh nice job B pixel B pixel has passed away zombie that [ __ ] kick me on my bed can we sleep no thanks I’m in the nether this is easily the hardest you come meet me yeah where are you I don’t know [ __ ] um I’m near I’m near some leaves oh

I plac leaves like all over like Lees oh yeah that’s how you track the [ __ ] their base their portal yeah oh well how you track between the two portals yeah well I’m currently mining quarts oh makes sense oh wait I think I see you I saw someone’s name it’s me actually does

Anyone have uh empty Maps can somebody do me a favor real quick grab me a bunch of shroom lights hello shroom lights yeah those are easy to get you can Farm those just get like a bunch of fungus and then grow them the fungi well you

Kind of need this you kind of need the goddamn soil first well yeah but like that’s easy to get you just get silk touch and then like mine it up oh yeah silk touch is easy to get guys don’t worry yeah I actually have a book ofou I actually have a pickaxe

Pickaxe your speech impediment is showing today you guys are so mean what the hell BR was that you yeah oh you did see no I’m mining quartz heing with me oh oh oh someone stole you steal all my [ __ ] skin by the way thank you you too I can’t tell what it

Isic Swedish oh yeah oh do oh my God the goat now you have to start from zero said evil wire y does anybody have Diamond can you come over to the base and give me my iron Back start from Level who said no I’m really angry now dude you [ __ ] I need

My iron he clenches his fist is there enough coal I can borrow I don’t think anybody has coal I’m going keep it real what’ you say iron and Redstone can I have some I I don’t have any red stone but we can take some iron thank

You my friend why stole all of my iron I had like over a stack why why did you do that I’m Romanian oh okay he gets me I stealing stuff get the pass dude it’s not cool I’m going to start stealing it’s not cool to julan school

Honestly as long as you guys don’t steal [ __ ] that I obviously need for progression I don’t care I stole bone okay honestly I needed that bone give it back wait I need my are now complete nice better um glass protection two no wait hold on projectile protection two

Or blast Protection One blast Protection One be more useful protection four always protection four never go any hey hey he okay but I only have three op I don’t know much about this stuff I only have three options okay protection four is always the best thing you can get because it protects you

Against everything in general blast protection is a very specific one just protection straight up normal protection then don’t enchant it yet enchant something else first like enchant a book hey you refresh that [ __ ] what’s up uh let’s just say your 36 iron is have zero iron why oo awkward does anybody have a

Book I can borrow or uh we got a bunch okay I got to travel yeah oh no Joe who’s Joe Brick has you said okay you [ __ ] you I’m not even going to tell you what I did she stole iron I know I did not steal iron he didn’t have any iron to

Steal checked you just admitted to a felony it wasn’t even like I would never steal us you didn’t have any it’s like imagine going into a store it’s like did you steal my PS4 no I checked you didn’t I didn’t didn’t have anything to steal bro here’s the thing I’m the only honest

Person on the server I don’t care I just admitted to steal why you have issue wait is there an issue to that wait that’s illegal that’s illegal wait do we have a sugarcane farm yeah we got we got a bunch not you oh well yeah they have no

Us us us us us where who are you talking talking to sucker I love you so much have sugar wa suer I’m mly in love with you okay I have to steal without the Gay Part yeah don’t forget that can the entirety of the poop shter death server

I love you but like without oh [ __ ] guys there’s a lot of Ms it’s allom love you know those are the mannequins from hello neighbor please [ __ ] kill yourself oh wait you can’t say that on stream oh wait there goes my channel I’m terminated everybody everybody everybody

Back your bags well chat it’s been a good stream um no I’m definitely not getting sponsored yeah uh Lucas have a good day I lovec I’m sorry bro Lucas not my fault sling I love saying the slur sling or so much it goes so hard as a saying you up today Lucas

P have you never met Lucas the P I’m asking how what you be nice did you just say Lucas penis you don’t know that go mad what the [ __ ] is shaking my shest my bad it’s not actually me whoever that is you’re an impersonator whoever that is I would I

Wouldn’t know who did only I can steal wrongfully so I I have no idea that you can steal wrongfully also implies that you can steal rightfully you can yeah you very much can it’s called being do we have an anvil I think brick has an anvil

Actually let me check I you can probably c one with all the [ __ ] iron you’ve yed no I can’t I already used it oh my my God bro I’m planning something okay you got to understand I feel like the most likely like way Jo could ever go to prison would be a hdden

Run the most likely sugar farm the most likely like reason Joe would go to prison for would be a hidden run probably yeah like say a [ __ ] say a [ __ ] car Crush he crashes into somebody he panics and just leaves guys I don’t want to do this anymore okay how do y all

Think we’re all going to die um die too many too many Tic Tacs ingested that doesn’t make any s you got a choke in a Tik Tock digestion Tik Tok said Tick T too much tikk y’all keep making fun of me too much TI to who the [ __ ] just

Broke my portal what my me I did I did it was me in the ne my nether portal me nether portal yep hey don’t make fun of his accent I’m going to become like uh I’m going to become like a mukbang YouTuber and die of chronic obesity go hard goes hard all right

Guys the basis of the Interior Design is done come check it out let me look let me me look you will die as fixi to the front door come inside to the front door come inside to the wait never trust never trust Joe to not this house he what the hell sorry

Sorry Sor I’ll wait I’ll wait all let’s go said I’ll over those and die I will not take drug on this [ __ ] why did you leave dirt that’s Ronnie dies of old age the only actually makes it that’s good that’s good I just realized like why am I the one who overdoses and

Dies I would not take drugs ranian you’re right you’re right it’s part of the out theie that just went through our portal by the way yeah you got to wait until you had the family then you do it here’s the house leave you start like two families

Kill them and then you kill yourself evade prison for that I’m about like sleep agent all that’s left all that’s left honestly is to just flatten out this roof I need to like make it flat on top L can someone help me with that actually

Yeah I would do that no and didn’t ask you Ronnie I would have said no if you offered help o wait we got beef we got beef we got beef we got beef we got beef we got beef also what the [ __ ] who’s going to

Pay like if you commit like a really bad crime and then you kill yourself me no literally nothing happens in North Korea it’s your family but everywhere else nothing North Korea is my go I might want to move out did Imagine like your entire family is going to hate you because you [ __ ]

Like did petty theft and [ __ ] you killed yourself yeah I’ve heard it’s like three generations so it’s your generation kids and it’s your uh parents sometimes if you don’t have kids it’s your grandparents yeah if you def if you defect North Kore a warp force and

Instead go over there and go to a warp force and instead go to a warp Force who’s the a lot of War for us going around who’s the weak one now Ronnie it was like a friendly Spar on theway to yeah now let’s let’s

Do the SP again what you want me to do to it Beyond those days you no no no let’s have thought you wanted like some warped fungus or some [ __ ] let’s I just want the soil oh I don’t have silk touch I mean you can just kill an end with a

Block of it thank you don’t I already have one I have one in the chest somewhere there’s like a block oh you know what here you go here you go I said thanks actually it’s not a thanks just here you go I don’t I don’t have any

Room just here you go stupid [ __ ] baby come here no no no no no you think you can just Escape me about baby hit the baby H me baby one more time with pleasure what child speak Weir with pleasure what does he have a man maner voice than

Me also there is shroom lights inside the um Community chest by the way wire there are why did nobody tell me also do you like the [ __ ] and you smell bad actually I guess I didn’t really ask hey sucker what do you like the lampost I started putting around they all

Right I thought they’re better than the [ __ ] vanilla [ __ ] like Village ones I mean yeah they’re not they’re they’re not the best thing in the world but they’re also better than the ones that we had before so I’ll take them let’s go will I’ll take the very neutral

Compliment why does this picture go so hard also how much room light do we got in the chest like I don’t know four five oh how do I use the image map thing uh SL image frame or something create uh the name of it it can be literally

Anything URL of the [ __ ] image SLG yeah uh with and height of the blocks uhhuh and then combined yeah the URL is too big no it’s not the [ __ ] no I literally can’t type further hold on I’m going to post this onto my private account what hold on let me send

Something you’re using like some big ass [ __ ] Twitter link or what no I posted on Discord is like a Discord URL I screenshoted it it’s a screenshot so I yo Grand group wait the grand Apple homies am I a part of it yeah yes yeah I was thinking

We could play Jack jackbox later ironically I’d be down Jack should I stream it I’m G to post it on because there’s going to be like new people I’m not going to tell you where I’m posting this you’re never going to find out weam Jack that would be awesome okay

But would I stream jackx address what’ you say do we play jackbox like uh on stream stop saying ja we could jabox I mean we could play here but the thing is this is the mutual Ser I was going to make so them if it’s okay fair enough

Okay all right for everybody’s privacy I’m I’m going to close the stream and also we can be ultra racist after yeah shonnie what the [ __ ] was that ugly ass laugh oh my God never laugh again never laugh again is insane never laugh again he sad bro my bad the opposite of the

Joke bro actually bro’s joke was so bad it made me want him to like never experience happiness again no you have no idea what I’m play the aggression oh [ __ ] okay I found four shro lights no idea look I have a I have a plan a masterful plan I don’t want to know

Masterful oh you you want to know I really don’t hey socker huh you want to help me put lampost everywhere I’m kind of what’s upor fair enough guys I’m back why is what did bro hit the Great Depression who hit the Great Depression no I’m a tired cuz I was

In you said you were swimming I was in town Oh I thought you said bro was swimming hey guys do you come to the hell Neighbor House no thanks the big gate house I something what he really knows how to address it properly I will correct everybody oh [ __ ] oh man

I missed the goodbye neighbor neighbor house I I messed up the woke neighborhood the woke actually hold on let me move surprised surprised PEX wasn’t here I messed up what what happened what you what do you think of my little I can’t hear you say that one more time okay damn that’s it

Y Ron you here Ronnie talk you you hell Neighbor House stop talking about the [ __ ] hello neighbor house right next to outside okay come inside come inside wire oh I’ll go through the garage okay okay follow me I got to show you something I’m messed up what do you

Think of my little prank oh wait that’s here I thought you were what up what my house is over here oh I did a bit of deviousness but uh so there’s a bit of a problem if you take a look if you take a look see what’s the issue

Well I can’t exactly make it anymore I have a small penis I see what Rick to4 bro just lay that out there okay wait follow me follow me I’m about to do something awesome follow me follow me follow me what are you going to do also do you still have the

TNT reason’s uh important okay follow me we’re going to do something awesome we I’m so tired of healing hero neighbor heroin neighbor heroin neighbor neighbor I’m so proud of her transition Harold the neighbor what are you going to do come here come here come here come here come

Here the [ __ ] why is bro sneaky beaky like I going in sneaky beaky like what are you doing yeah I don’t think Joe like that what are you doing shs go I’m just hanging would be the worst thing ever [ __ ] hold up can you drop the TNT for me oh I got

A fishing rod you yeah yeah yeah yeah I do I do I do here thank you hey what a I have higher ping priority [ __ ] oh man give me back the TNT look I don’t want to kill you I don’t want to kill you drop the TNT drop

I don’t want to kill you I don’t want to kill you that’s all I okay okay wait let me drop it let me drop it let me drop okay okay okay okay okay hold your fire thank hold your F right here wait wait because of your cooperation here some

Carrots yeah cooperation you get you get five it going my goat I’m getting paid oh yeah here’s a shell oh [ __ ] yeah use that whever you need it yeah you like shove your dick in it you know that’s oh wait that’s awkward that’s awkward guys I got curing

Fishing pole should I have it weirdo yes okay Grand gr we need to change plans okay can I show you what I have planned follow me follow but I need to build my base want to show you swag’s okay okay we can’t let any anyone know about this okay yeah why are you

Holding a TNT block oh oh I’m not you are what reverse terrorism you’re calling me a terrorist cuz I’m Arab what is this oh no Hey Joe you should come over here and look at this why don’t you come over here no no no no no

No swag M swag this how do we plant well follow me I know a great place okay I want to put it nearby hello Hi Neighbor why don’t we show did not have to say this why don’t we show it here why you’re better than this okay okay I know the perfect hold

Let this I’m going to whisper to you I’m going to whisper to you wait slash how right [ __ ] message what happened okay wait what happened s and I know they they chatting [ __ ] okay uh swag Messiah why does that go so hard swag Messiah I you’re really swagy funny it would be

Really funny I’ve been on my overly like positive Arc recently cuz I’m really jolly and [ __ ] stay that way yeah I realized I’m actually happier this way what do you think idea do you think it’s a good idea I’m extremely sad but yes swag Messiah it may be in your best

Interest to start appreciating other people oh sorry I was looking on my at the message got sent in chat what do you think yes that’s a genius move you’re also trying your best and that’s all that matter it without get a backhanded insult you’re trying your best wait okay let me find an

Anvil why do you need an an swag Messiah I need to do something okay it doesn’t matter it’s for swag Messiah I have nothing to do with this by the way I’m just trying to build my base clearing himself look whatever happened to me in court gr was fully Associated

Yo I just come back here I’m naked dude we should build naked biggest self report in the west that’s a cool skin what what is that Jo Joe you must be so tired on working on your gay neighbor house right where are you gay neighbor house how did you

[ __ ] it up and also not [ __ ] it up why did you pick it up and throw it away you should take a break I have something mind look at this [ __ ] Minecraft froze cuz I tried to use shaders [ __ ] yeah my Minecraft is not waking up yeah so you should like take

Take a break for a bit you know oh I can I can pass some more I have a whole stack this is what I gave him check it out okay restart Minecraft what the hell how do you do that wait how do you stop [ __ ] coming

You want some more you want some more yo yo here you go [ __ ] yeah we’re kind of doing a drug deal right now oh here take it why do you always pick things up also give me a second chat adct [ __ ] yeah just disappeared okay so

You think you think if I gave you some more you take a break from those your Bas you’re working so hard and strong you have fun with that you have fun with that gra he couldn’t handle it gra come on I I got no Sprint I I’m like two bars of

Food two bars myself I’ll do it myself I’ll do it myself I do it myself why is my [ __ ] Minecraft not waking up what happened wake up M wake up W eggs and bakey eggs and bakey it’s okay I got the weed car it’s okay I got the weed

Car thanks actually this is actually really helpful thank you okay um I might have to get rid of the uh problematic Shader that I have what’s so problematic about it my Minecraft crashes it says slays yeah it said SL too yeah oh I hate it when that’s less important though stop kissing

Me yeah all the Shadows it makes the [ __ ] slurs have like [ __ ] 3D [ __ ] you should go to the nether they got some like good [ __ ] there they got some good weed the Gucci [ __ ] go crystal meth quartz in the nether sorry I can’t hear you when are you

Going to end the Stream why I don’t know when I feel like it weo on that timer it’s been 4 hours so far dude literally last stream I streamed for like 8 n hours that is true you’re becoming XC yeah run run run actually that’s what the

[ __ ] the why was that witch ass left that I just heard what’s at the front door I’m sure it’s gray look at the front window wait I’m naked what’s here there was nothing here what yo that was aggressive like no needed it was needed What the fu I I

Want my thing back where the [ __ ] I’ll put this on stre my thing hey give me that back wait hold on let me give you put this on stream hold on the apparently no give it give me back all my [ __ ] and then I’ll get it back this was apparently the quote unquote

This is your yeah this is your sword um go so hard holy [ __ ] oh my God also s did you break your [ __ ] [ __ ] on me yeah food I had some bread and some carrots you some bread some bread oh yeah wait yeah I don’t know how much

You had I’m just GNA give you like all of it all right hey so in the span of 2 minutes you’ve defiled me in my own house and defiled the house you know what this means this means death sentence death sentence death sentence sentence an order death

Sentence death sence help me order order order order in the in chat any sleepers in chat wait I’m a sleeper I’m a sleeper I hope nobody Sleeps I can be a sleeper too I’m going to take your kids what the [ __ ] no leave my [ __ ] alone I give you your [ __ ] back

Leave my children leave my children out of this why you oh wait that’s a skeleton that’s not you leave theid I’m just a little G leave the go alone oh [ __ ] it’s a little bit laggy hold on I’m skipping frames I swear to God if accidentally if you air qutes accidentally took some

[ __ ] I’m going to okay maybe maybe no Shad there where’s Theodore where’s Master Peterson what the [ __ ] ising the image oh no the goat no it’s mine give it back no I’m confiscating it I’m gonna kill you again if you don’t give it back do it do it do it then

[ __ ] do it hey hey gram you literally won’t win me in a one one it sounds like we need a hey [ __ ] it didn’t start structural Society in this maybe some laws maybe a don’t need Just give me my photo back our group over here it is not confiscation we are a so loud I can’t even hear my own I’ll give it to you back for the weed then turn this down makes sense all of all the weed I give you all my weed okay I’m

Keep the painting it’s okay I have the give me that b you [ __ ] I’ll be right back hold on my Discord is at 50% yeah mine is at five yeah I’m going to turn it down to 1% then I don’t get what’s the point is

Like oh it’s 50% I can go any lower head ass yeah I think I just made the coolest house in the game so you’re the coolest person whoa really guys you’re really cool people I love all of you wait you guys are so cool and awesome you guys

Are my my homies yeah wait let’s kill each other wait I hate all of you let’s kill each other for money what the [ __ ] where am I wait I hate each and one of you it’s like MRA man wait never mention that name stop stop yo this is like but if it was

Actually good [ __ ] we need a better Farm holy [ __ ] need be more quiet just give me the no no no photo for you there’s space over here what cry this is confiscation yo guys wait wait Ronnie Ron Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie do you mean this photo I’d be careful if I

You lava shower lava shower la I love your shower do not [ __ ] kill me I swear to for the painting bag let’s try again go away I’m on three hearts melons all right now let’s see if Ronnie can dodge it no [ __ ] off they’re going to die

Bro you water bucket pause pause pause pause pause for a no no no the game is resuming no can’t sh average pro isn’t be conflict says on one in my chat all right three two one Dodge okay I missed okay okay that doesn’t count are yall inventing the new

[ __ ] like [ __ ] apple on head and the arrows head ass yeah lava stop go away with Joe he’s such a [ __ ] o person who put hello nebor in my [ __ ] window wait we got me harmless I put hell nebor in your window so let me get this

Straight you drug me with weed and then put hello purpose in my neighbor and then you [ __ ] just shut up bro [ __ ] go away bitcho I Bea you in a one V one bro don’t try me don’t give a [ __ ] that doesn’t change anything annoy look at this this is such a ruen

[ __ ] house oh my God bro shut the [ __ ] off look at all these pumpkins what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] bro your voice just started becoming Optimus Prime what the [ __ ] was that that was not on my end bro I was like feedback to someone oh well went back to factory

Settings that’s one way to put it any yeah I’m blump kining BL okay wait do any of you have spray deep SL bro get your own deep slate yes did that and it was so why are you still yeah it is monotonous and boring for me

Too and I don’t even benefit from it no but here’s the thing I’m asking if you have any spare like from your no I don’t mind that I didn’t do anything you’re going to [ __ ] attack me no I’m not hello neighbor is my favorite paralysis demon said

Lucas Lucas you’re my goat okay you know I have [ __ ] dude I have 18 Cobble deep slate here you go yay thank you said nobody ever do a little bit of trolling here in the Snowman Joe house who’s snowman Joe the [ __ ] is snowman Joe theater Master pet Peterson house so

Guys I hope you like the house my go I hope you like the house it’s ug Alp four bro did Nar that oh my God uh I have no idea where I should probably have a water bucket you’re lost yeah I am where are you are

You in the nether yeah oh yeah what wait is George on I don’t think so no George is not on okay sucker are you trying to go to the Woodland Mansion together um I think first I want can I come with you guys I want a totem hell

No no can I come yeah gr gr can come sorry Ren gr is my new goat what bro got cheated on together you [ __ ] yeah but that was in the past broke [ __ ] got cheated on bro that was in the past that expedition was for nothing I imagine [ __ ] and a Raz crying

In bed all Romanians are the same fire at Water yeah oh gas broke the [ __ ] portal oh light it back un I’ll try I don’t have also actual answer y could come I don’t care just just make sure to give me all the profit yeah I

Got you I don’t want to be there I don’t want to be there to begin I don’t want to be with you you don’t have to go there no you have to you have no choice you follow me you follow gram gram is the Great lead no I’m I’m G’s plus one

I’m G’s plus one so I have to go there you a no you can still choose to not goal like the portal dude all my honeycomb what no I don’t have anything to light wait where where are we meeting is there like a flint and steel anywhere we don’t know you

Sure yeah that in the community chest not in the not in the nether why would I bring flint and steel to the ne why would you not bring it isn’t that a good thing to bring yeah it’s like to relight the portal wait do you want me to come over there to light

It up hang on I got this just get a gas to shoot the portal again yeah wait does that actually it does it does if you’re like good about it good about it well that’s the problem if you’re behaved if you’re I want to see if the

One in the overall is like not lit cuz I can probably lit it no it’s not what not what did you say wait it’s lit and then the okay hand and the joy emojis yeah man it’s lit well please kill yourself holy [ __ ] 2018 call Bro 2018 call they want your humor

Back what is such a wild it was such a good year no it was not for who for me oh I’m happy for you what is going on down here is the [ __ ] love garden I don’t I don’t know what the I don’t remember I don’t remember I just

Remember it was good this is a weed F whoa wait that’s illegal oh I got the weed C I got the weed C any I put up uh Theodore somewhere else who the [ __ ] is Theodore who oh wait this the goddamn item frame thing dude Theodore Masters Peterson is that

The name of the hell neighbor guy how his name was map my’s gonna have a great time disecting this one frame by frame his name is Theo Peterson I [ __ ] hate how you just know this random ass sh you even like hello neighbor random fun

Fact it’s like that one time when he was like this is a RCA of Andy okay okay that joke is kind of funny thoughs laugh track hold on hold on hold on where are we meeting up what’s the plan wait we meeting up the puzzle where

Are we meeting up why isn’t this portal lighting what did they do to my child hold on hold on guys where are we meeting up are we going to the mansion oh yeah oh yeah I want to be there oh wait don’t want to actually do I do kind of

Want to come even though I’m going to die what where are we meeting up I’m inviting myself uh my base all right wait for me I just got to stock up I’m sleeping sleep any sleepers in chat no I hope not I got to bring my sniper

Rifle yo if you’re going to bed in chat just stay in there anybody who’s going to bed right now type one yo who’s going to bed right now type one I’m kill myself any Resident sleepers resident sleepers I hate you bro also I just realized I’ve never been into um

The [ __ ] is it called uh bricks base dude I have it’s it’s actually awesome yeah no I saw a thing of it but I haven’t like actually been there this is why you’re not my goat stay away from my child this is why you’re not my goat o wait Grand might have

Beef okay hold on guys I’m traveling to the portal no you aren’t all good take your time as I’m getting all the TOs no how many tilts are there I haven’t been to them before enough for probably I’m afraid to inform you that the portal is

Still not lit on my side okay fine I’ll go through the portal to spawn another one oh [ __ ] wait I could bring some hi you guys you guys know how like you want me to bring million what the [ __ ] not no again what happened what happened are you kidding me where am

I destroy second you shut up Target demographic now okay um so you know why we talking about the Target demographic shut you know how yeah you know how like million players the portal got destroyed a second time when I to go back and spawn another one in the middle of the

Ocean can you I I literally cannot hear what you’re saying okay wait guys can you pipe down pretty please no we got bigger fish so like you know Season O had 6 million concurrent players and that was like a peak for fortnite for a bit God yeah yeah um the new season the

New chapter just surpassed that with 6.6 million how new one I don’t know yeah the new I mean it’s not bad but where am I I think like I don’t know I guess people just really like it this time around you know sucker you [ __ ] crackhead stop breaking the portal hold

On hold on I got a flut and steel everybody I can see everybody come your titties okay I didn’t say that hey do you want without that part look at it it’s so yummy all right guys where do I meet you guys where do I meet you guys our base

The second base the non where’s your base where’s their base follow me follow me I know a walls I know it’s shortcut but think he s extrem ugly hold on I know a shortcut and then everybody teleports I know a shortcut no also sucks or where you at I’m in the

Nether I know where I got I keep getting teleported everywhere I’m trying to enter the portal and it spawns another one somewhere else I get confused each time H there we go a disenchanting thing like a grind Stone we just going to follow these bushes that’s all and we get gr a bunch

Of two sticks yeah I think actually no hold on okay no it’s two it’s two Stone two stti one stone slab something like that no wrong thank you wire yeah yeah yeah yeah two wood not two Stone oh my bad all right thank you no problem okay now that

I’m home I can finally live I love living that makes sense bro could not live before raise your hand if you are a liver hi Stefan Peter hands sorry your name sounds funny all right I’m going to nut all over the the hello neighbor house now what excuse

Me Grand the self report call it the big gay house don’t call it that actually I won’t oh it’s it name you have to respect its wishes okay this part kind of confuses me but apparently got to go this way yeah right listen as long as it’s distinguish

Yeah but it’s not that’s the problem you on your way to us I’m kind of expanding the portal right now oh well find don’t find another one what do you mean find another one like don’t go through the portal yeah not yet what happens if we do you’ll

Spawn another one in the middle of the ocean somewhere uh but we’ll be nearby right no okay now you can go in okay cool we were nearby anyway do not the hello neighbor house there’s I Enchanted something oh [ __ ] good job for once in your life thanks what the [ __ ] crystal meth

What we’re almost here I can smell it oh yeah we got to bring some weed for wire oh yeah I got some wait wait wait wait I’ll come with I’m reing the portal hold on don’t you want the weed I Love Weed so close Okay I made it

I’m like the top manufacturer of the you my [ __ ] how how do we get there why why Grand might be dead uhoh no you got to teleport me or something no no we we will we will make a rescue option or Mission not option [ __ ] how how are you

Going to stop my fall damage oh no if you if you the fall damage resets no don’t trust that they probably sh sh they probably I wouldn’t trust it the hole was so big I could take like a whole minute just look at and be sad

And then quit the game that’s how big the hole was like I I was not in a rush to with the game do we get some slime blocks friends and family hold on uh R I have no food and I’m starting to get hungry guys I’m at the portal should I enter it

How do you how do you not have food I ran out thank you I expanded the portal a little bit you’ll notice stop burning I noticed there’s two now what oh not not that not in the nether in the overw world I actually mine the one in there well [ __ ] it uh

Gas broke it are you [ __ ] kidding bro how this is the third time damn it literally how can come in and like first it’s like my bad second my bad third one God damn bro different person this time don’t care let me shame on you force shame on me yeah that but like

Stupider but I am stupid that but like it’s poop [ __ ] so we all just hate yep man what’s going to happen do are you still there appreciate d i I love hating hating hating is my profession why are you killing these innocent civilians you still there you still I’m at the

Portal going to do why is wa let me befriend them hey hey man here you go gold nugget wait do I join back or come back can someone come back and just like relive this for me uh yeah on our way I’m on my way I’m

Also on my way I’m not on my way I’m sorry to inform brother I’m bringing sexy back wait where is there anything you can do now that doesn’t involve cheating oh man slime blocks you know where he died hoping Joe would stay at the location you fall did you fall in the ne

Yeah okay okay okay this is going to sound weird who has we on them who has nine weat oh yeah wheat would work but that’s like I feel like place a bunch of beds place a bunch of beds no no no don’t use beds use use a hay B it nullifies even more

Damage yeah hay Bal is better than beds I thought it was more like resource thingy vo also you run the risk of someone accidentally right clicking one of the beds stupid don’t go through that go through this how I just maybe pick up myself but it’s a really big hole imagine ourselves

Can just oh I see the gas that’s just been continuously breaking the portals I see like I see a bunch of the portals oh my God look at this cozy have bow I have a bow I can deal with them all right do that generation traa did you like move

Into this Village and make it your own yeah practically so I got this why is there a giant mushroom my bad Al hold on I’m trying to protect the portal from any future like I’m on top of the mushroom I’m on top of the mushroom oh that’s my Watchtower that’s

What you’re talking about oh I’m out of arrows I’m out of AR I’m tempted to join back what if it works come on okay I’m just going to crossbow this guy it took you that long to realize that would be the better option see I’m trying to protect it from future

Gas iny wirey wi guess what I have huh what the [ __ ] weed [ __ ] say less oh it’s actually weed what the [ __ ] oh man you know where you died though right I guess yeah wait I got to find a way to get down there pick up the

Stuff would it be better to use Cobblestone slabs don’t care what do you mean you’re have soul speed man I know I’m awesome wait is this connected to the bottom portal no it isn’t okay what the [ __ ] where am I hello you’re at our base welcome how dude [ __ ] gas keep

Spawning here I know I’m very sick I don’t noticed there’s two of them there two there’s two just get in just get in oh there’s a new portal now bro blocked the [ __ ] portal yeah sorry I had to how’d you miss that like I know you didn’t intend to

Miss but like it barely dodged oh my God you’re ruining my entire spot not you as in you as in the [ __ ] [ __ ] ass Gest oh you got him yeah no we got to we got to make this notot look like [ __ ] at some point I love me wood in the

Nether who wants a honey comb that’s awesome okay this this should do interest you in this listen to the sound it makes isn’t it so yummy yeah yumalicious so good I hate that word so much where the hell are there’s two people in our base and I don’t know where either of them

Are okay there the portal looks so good how this is you know what I don’t care as long as it protects let’s just go in all right might obsidian from y’s portals that’s fair here this is what I meant by expanding the portal like an over sleepers and [ __ ] M it goes

Zia oh I’m so sleep I think we need a better way to like navigate the tunnels other than just [ __ ] leaves and glumpkin yeah we were going to make a [ __ ] we’re going to make like a big tunnel oh is it like just a straight way actual Hello Neighbor House what I want

Actually no that’s just a Suburban house this is just a house Suburban house oh Ron did you see my massive pinor what the [ __ ] who’s who’s on my massive peor Joe I was lit I was literally earlier what do you mean have you seen it hold

On I have to make sure something I think if we’re going to build like a ice thing cuz the Y levels are a bit different from our portals we’re going to have to do a little piston [ __ ] make the same level yeah no but I’m saying like

No and then ours is at 103 yeah no r r r y coordinate doesn’t [ __ ] up the portal coordinates in the Overworld okay it’s only x and z i don’t care about that I’m say [ __ ] god follow me can I have some food oh what’s

Up yeah I have wire come to my house give me a second what the [ __ ] boner whoa hold on a second that’s inappropriate I’m very scared I feel like I’m being kidnapped right now you are you are that’s beside the point okay the very reassuring you are from both of

The [ __ ] why am here oh look in that chest look in this chest what yeah what about it jizzles everywhere all for me now now stop complaining about it God damn yeah it’s just a bunch of deep slate what your Gram uh I got to dump a bunch of stuff BR muted

Okay wait can I anything we can help it’s all gone I really do not care it’s all gone you’re going to want this you find out what it is come on did you save your netherite in it no actually yeah probably not very reur dimri you like Demitri what the yeah

Sorry hey first waa wait hey hey hey hey Ladi stop fighting what youy that’s not nice golden carrot slap the golden cheese touch I see you are to a golden carrot enjoyer W give me the carrots and I’ll give you cooked fish [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ll take it kind what I’m

Back Joe why are you up my massive peor where are where are we what are we doing huh why are you on my massive pinor I thought it was a mushroom hello okay wait it’s my watch tower here it’s drop downable in this Pond where do I go oh in that pond oh

Carots this is what you got to do uh I actually have to wait my [ __ ] thanks wait what I a bed wait are you at spawn spawn yes hold on I’ll give you the quart cuz it’s closer we broke my bed bro here I’m about to lose my ship

Bro I grabbed itome to the team can y’all chest up my stuff let chested by the chested by the L do you have a chest R huh I gave you a stack of fish you did oh you did thanks now you’re not starving to death just a fire whatever the [ __ ] that guy

Said I think I hope this is going to be enough I I’m like almost done with the tower so I think this will be enough thank you so much your useful stuff is by the Watchtower my useful stuff all your stuff I it you keep by two and a

Half stacks of by CH I did huh I have three na this shells does that have any use to you not rity who are you who invited you here look I just shot like uh I just shov like of deep slate up my ass so it’s like I don’t

Know why is there this big ass house and why is it trying to compete with my gay house and why is it not doing a good job it’s house I’ll just keep those boats over there uh this is su’s house yeah [ __ ] you this cannot compete with the

Gay house I never said it was going to compete with your house I can’t even find the door actually wait where are you oh over there where the [ __ ] is the door what the [ __ ] is this he get the [ __ ] out of my house no no get the [ __ ]

Out of my house you’re not welcome I’m not invited Joe you weren’t invited come on I’m breing and entering no let’s exterminate him exterminate is insane let me out let me fre let me gra my water God damn you’re breaking my goddamn torches you [ __ ] face damn oh no the Torches

Kind of mean but I agree oh wait hold on there we go wait I’m supposed to be the bad the good guy I’m the bad guy I’m the yeah the water’s gone now hold on I’ll help you put down the Torches I’m going up the Watch Tower she pick up any of

Them one torch okay actuallyit I dropped torches outside I’ll just pick damn y’all live super close to spawn holy [ __ ] I just found yall immediately yeah this could have been us this could have been us it would have been us until we got all kind of [ __ ] up like the

War until y all started beef by breaking our it’s going to push me through the hole again I was so close I was so close the skon dude I was right next to the portal this sucks a you want me to help you all right yes all right I’m on my

Way who at the P right now who that the pinor oh it’s just you oh it’s you it’s you soer there’s a bunch of your family around the map now what oh yeah lampos also I put stairs over here cuz you would have headbanged if you were to [ __ ] spring jump

Up what’s up with this thing right here that’s not a Lambos it’s just floating what what the [ __ ] Hey Joe wake up you want some weed I place that there I guess too [ __ ] bad why the [ __ ] would I do that wait come back up

Here mm- I just had a skizo aack I we no oh re you’re back hey this is only one and a half stack of carrots the other one was that I think I threw a stack to someone never mind Hey Raz R Raz I know how to ease the pain for you

Painkillers oh my goodness my what the hello got a little excited you don’t want to know what happened there I got the weed card you got the weed card yeah man all right stack of deep shoved up my ass right now I was going to help gram is that on your

I was going to have a heart oh do you still need help we see back me up like at the end of the poort cuz like get a bunch of defending myself stop punching me I’ll go towards the break my armor is going to [ __ ] break stop yo can tell the difference

Between me and suer right now go away yo F5 real quick this is the hard as [ __ ] screenshot yeah man can y’all like help me deal with Joe he’s being a [ __ ] Alo wait what the [ __ ] wait who’s who what the bro got scared you iron

Guys got a gear up cuz I just hit people with my sword on too busy building your [ __ ] houses leave me alone I don’t I don’t have diamonds like it at some point I’m going to like hit you guys a joke and kill you okay you you can’t

Blame me ruen I have to build a house yeah no I’m not blaming you but like you got to start thinking now what the he’s naked the mental resolve what the we’re all naked I don’t have enough I don’t have enough inventory SP got to get over

Here I’m going to need some backup oh I’m on my way back up wi yeah back back me up backing up go let’s go let’s go let’s go I’m backing you up the back get in the big portal the backup in question get in the funny big portal where’s your

Stuff my stuff iawn your stuff despawn long ago oh you want me to give you gear that be nice do you want like awesome Delux romantical or like just iron uh I’ll go with the awesome Deluxe stuff all right did you ever all Del stuff is going to

Be Iron but Enchanted no I’ll take it but with boots whoa I I don’t I don’t understand the way are you [ __ ] where oh my God who oh what the [ __ ] yeah over there I’m just going stop killing the [ __ ] Children of the nether guys up here up here

Oh oh oh oh wait we got beef we got beef we got beef I’ll still beat your ass in a one V one even if he go gra I really I should carry like hay bales on me or some [ __ ] cuz like I I oh wait I got a

Boat on me hold up yeah I was about to say bro wait I’m your body I was about to do something so funny but you just barely survived what the [ __ ] where did you guys go let’s go I’m so CL I’m helping Grand P I see you guys all right wait

Wait for me wait for me my yay I want aink boat hold up I trade I’ll make you a I’m moving here now after all that wait for me wait for me wait for me wait for me come here version I mean you wouldn’t even have a

Lot of stuff to move if you were to move here what where are you guys big gay boat I kind of dropped down to mine bone blocks oh I’m why are you so sleep I’m going to live in the pinor the P that’s going to be our house yeah on

Hard as [ __ ] hey wake up wake up hey um Graham do you have actually wait no you just if you had Cherry logs I have nothing okay Graham come here poy bear without the poie bear part thank you where are you I’m up to

Are you up the P oh yeah why do I have two boats on that’s what just we’re going to call it now yeah that’s the awesome Deluxe stuff yo it really was awesome Deluxe it’s so awesome and Deluxe No Pro what the whose bird is this I don’t know who’s on

Where’s the wa wait your peanut is dropped down a b let’s go and then you die by the bundles oh let’s make it a little harder you put like an obsidian in the middle on this side what was good uh can you add the can you go to tweaks and

Download the crafting recipe for bundles guys I’m on fire uh no please bundles are actually really helpful they’re like the bootleg [ __ ] shulkers okay yeah no they’re they’re genuinely like I considering we don’t have access uh I’m in creative mode hold on whoa no no no just like make them

Craftable Le no I’m seeing if they’re even in the version what would they called they are they are they are it’s slash give you have to slash give or you can just enable a crafting recipe wait no oh wait Bund bundle no they’re not in the actual thingy they are they are SL

Give bundle no no no no you can enable Okay no if I pass you the pack to enable the crafting recipe can you put it in cuz then you just have to hit SL reload and that’s it wa know gr please bundles are a thing okay but I’m not cheating

Them in that’s actually really annoying yeah okay don’t cheat them in just make a just add the crafting recipe you can do that yeah yeah hold on let me go to vanilla tweaks they have the recipe downloadable I’d say like stick to the leather recipe instead of the rabbit

Hide cuz rabbit hide’s such a dick to like grab [ __ ] I’m dumb as [ __ ] I was writing down [ __ ] is is the topic at hand something I should be concerned about craftable bundles want [ __ ] bundles yeah yeah all right wait hold on I’m going to download it and I’m just

Going to pass it to you sure thing pal all you got to do is just like put it into the folder and hit SL reload that’s so you don’t even have to restart the server yeah yeah I know this is not my first rodeo this is my first rodeo I’ve been

Around the block before the block yeah get it cuz like Minecraft yeah I hate you you I passed it oh do we have any um uh do we have any uh do we probably not wait do I just put the zip like in the data pack folder yeah yeah

Yeah that’s it it’s in the world right yeah yeah it’s in like the world do we have leather and string by any chance okay hold on SL reload you might lag yeah yeah Spike I felt that okay we back we back Soul all right is it craftable

Yeah yeah uh yeah craftable now I need leather and and string do we have that uh yes we have both of those things I need like two two string and five six uh Le guys technically it’s not cheating because it’s a in-game item oh yeah it’s

Not I mean yeah it isn’t cheating it’s just literally adding why do we have any um blaze powder yeah actually where in my Ender Chest how much do you need and where’s where’s the leather and string one rod one powder uh actually just give me two rods and just call a day

Thanks whoa into fire that’s like the W I’m making myself an Ender Chest in a um [ __ ] Brewing sand oh yeah that’s fair do we have a brewing stand I don’t know but I want my own groom oh [ __ ] you’re making it look nice huh you’re

Making it look nice what I didn’t even do anything those aren’t your trap doors no what the [ __ ] they were always here didn’t you believe this no they weren’t no I did not put this quiet please you said you would have what the oh yeah that dude thank

You for reminding me to fix that I somehow missed it again wait what did you miss imagine there’s like a block of floating Lantern oh yo can you come up here no hey I’m gonna drown Dr oh no where are you wait never mind I will

Never drown wait you’re so goed Hey Joe Joe do you have a leather hey guys hey welome to my base I built this I don’t have any yeah that’s your inheritance yeah wait what it’s infinite water that’s cool hey Raz do you have like does it

Still like do the bubbles up until the top top yeah who said my name let me try something do you have three leather no okay that was bad idea that was a bad idea how do I get this away you just right click it thank you you probably shouldn’t [ __ ] with the

Water potentially not as I start [ __ ] the water oh fire water hello what brings you around these parts um I’m raiding the community house again oh okay dude The Community House is actually skinned alive it’s true like it barely has anything I might just make it a regular

Villager house and then make the community storage house sooner or later oh yeah gr you have the opportunity to make like an awesome like first floor around here like around the water I guess that would be cool if you want to feel romantical why you saying

That such an awesome word guys I’m on my gay Arc again oh my what you on your AR can we get a selfie yeah [ __ ] wait everybody Bunch up for the selfie of the P wait wait for me wait for me wait for

Me block the P up the P block the P like some sounding [ __ ] excuse me just blocked my pener hey I’m stuck Let’s Go the goats all right the goats hell yeah let’s wait did we take off our no no no keep it I don’t have space to

Take off my armor everybody Bunch up Bunch up y yo everybody flex your gold flex your gold like I’m doing yeah oh wait I don’t have gold I have diamonds F Flex my carrots Flex the carrots yeah we’re so awesome oh I love you guys have a have a diamond

Each he’s so person going to pick up every Diamond you do you stole my diamond go that was [ __ ] he got all the five Diamonds the Five Rings shut the what what diamonds I don’t you guys are talking about no it was Dro downable yeah survived with two hard oh you’ll

Die you’ll die you’ll die where are these sunflowers coming from kid named sunflower wait like the song by post Malone dude I love post Malone un ironically yo he’s like the sky does Minecraft guy yeah that one he’s the guy from Sky’s Minecraft okay man Kill I’m fixing this humongous hole I did not have le oh this is not oh my God ker side Ker exited dude shut the [ __ ] up spawn at gr’s bed as well gr y just all move in here for convenience relocate my tower and that

Sounds like I have my big gay house I can’t I have my big G house I can’t I need to live there I I remember how I have an axe hold on all right here we go y got left over dirt y’all got a lot of dirt wait what did I take damage

Actually no you hit you hit the boat help me out I’m stuck in the boat hello can we get can we get to the [ __ ] um the Woodland Mansion yeah can we get to that already wait can we wait second I need to do something I just want a bunch

Of dirt so I can fix like a guys I want you I want you guys to know I want you guys to know that when we go exploring for the Woodland Mansion it could take us anywhere between 20 minutes to like 2 hours I know I already found one oh what

Yeah I had I purchased the map of the Villager is this another one what is I never the map oh okay great then we’re fine yeah yeah it’s not like we’re going looking for one who stuff is here who died well where oh or I the sil touch book I hope you

Don’t mind all good stuff is thiss oh yeah I’m going to pick it up I don’t think I was going to put it to use oh gri has passed away I’m breeding all the cows so I can get suck what the you got any dirt dirt blocks oh yeah oh Nito finito than

Nito oh God I’m stuck how do I get out all right we should honk MIM before we go exploring yeah H probably oh yeah I forgot I need to do that since I don’t have a spawn point hold up can I set my spawn point in y’all’s

Base actually come sleep with me I’m sleeping with the Villagers get over here go to the penis and then go go to the penis yeah go to dude I hate you say that so are you the house with four beds I’m the house that’s dark un ironically I just saved like a

[ __ ] ton of inventory with this bundle oh awkward the big dark and unfinished I’m sleeping boys I’m sleeping oh he’s so tired yo anybody got some I off the bed bundles are genuinely so underrated they are in all real Sleeping yeah people always say they’re dog [ __ ] but they’re

Really not they’re just like now we really don’t have to go to the [ __ ] end for like boxes mhm and that would have been a bigest you’re pretty rich my friend wait uh can I I have like uh I have 11 uncooked beef can I just cook that really quick

Yeah where’s the the smoke hello you like that [ __ ] a smoker oh my God there’s no fuel in these hold on do we have any fuel I’m sorry I can’t cheat on B like this what are you doing in my P hey I’m in your peor hey don’t push me down I’ll

Die oh I did not die [Laughter] oh holy [ __ ] oh hey you’re alive wait it’s Dr outop how didn’t do it that time gra no oh okay close he did it let’s go no leave him alone guys I have [ __ ] we wow how did you br took so many [ __ ]

Hits bro can we get a death counter going that’s a good idea was on 102 it’s GNA say zero if we activate it now but like it would be funny I know oh I’m grabing the weed hold up if we if we get if we get if we actually do

Get a death counter I’ll actually never want to die because I want to keep it at zero yeah R where are you the middle hard come here come here come here check this out what the what happened where’d he go holy [ __ ] you can’t trust him you can’t trust him [ __ ] see

See don’t place my weed is that is that real is it what the [ __ ] this is my server how do you have better ping than me it’s real you want me to put it in the bag now put it in the bag put the weed in the bag no no peep

It though peep it though oh [ __ ] oh thanks oh it’s full of [ __ ] weed yeah it’s Contraband Contraband did you just unpack it no no no no no what the [ __ ] I put a bunch of fences in it you put a fence [ __ ] hold up you know I’m very you

Know I’m so happy that Phil filza still gets like actually really good viewers and stuff yeah he’s this is such an unrelated yeah I mean he’s he’s he’s like one of the few goed Minecraft people also he’s live right now for example with 11,000 viewers oh no wonder

People no wonder I loves viewers yeah no wonder I L one viewer 11 11,000 viewers bro like after the whole like after everything has died down is insane guys we go to the wood mansion said BR set up give me a second he has like 4 and a half mil on

Twitch and 3 million on YouTube Bros actually said guys I’m kind of feeling jackbox I love I feel likeing jackbox I don’t know is it Jack jackx I love Jack I don’t know why what are you [ __ ] what did you fixed the thing gangster okay there you go I I fixed it

But to make it look nicer I put it on the other side wire your fish finished cooking I put it in your chest oh thanks you’re welcome I just want to I just want to smoke my meats you know whoa whoa Grand the self-report of the grand it’s it’s a self

Announcement self announcement hey guys anybody got aom light nope is it are we going to the Woodland or what are we doing okay give me a second I keep saying give me a second but give me a second how many seconds are there left to give why you

Consider uh Frog Light yo let me loot your place oh stop stealing my stuff I just need some food Graham Graham I need to show you something I can give you food actually Graham uh here check behind Ronnie Ronnie get out of the way no I just gave

Graham something I want him to like check I this bag I’m trying to give him food okay here thanks let’s go oh yeah there’s more fish in this chest this the chest I it right now now is a weapon guys aren’t you glad there’s World piece

Yeah it is pretty nice can’t believe I hope the real world learns from this I hope Putin stop what the [ __ ] my [ __ ] ass my [ __ ] ass lampost is on fire no wonder what how it’s covered what’s on fire the [ __ ] lav of the [ __ ] like generator somehow

CAU onto the lamp poost it’s a generator I thought it was a [ __ ] Guillotine n you can mine in the middle oh wait this never mind I thought I was I think of something else this thing over there wait why did you have this cuz they wanted Cobblestone for some

Reason dig down this isn’t Sky Block it might as well be it might as well be it might as well not be okay after I finish this awesome lamp post we can go no weed okay now we can go all right let me put all my stuff in my

Chest everyone follow him just to make sure he doesn’t forget yeah I’m in my house I have no arrows damn my Bow’s going to be useless today what my armor is okay y’all got food yeah I got is like y got Shields I forgot Shields are a thing I

Don’t yeah I don’t use Shields you want me to just make shields for everybody yeah don’t I’m not going to use it yeah are the goat you know what I appreciate is about to like break so it’s like you know I already gave Grand Apple whoa I be careful you to who that’s

Scary do you have any spare um where yeah I’d suggest bringing an Ender Chest oh yeah no why not have uh I do okay then just grab the one in my house in your house I thought you had a shield up I thought you had Shield up

Okay who else wants a spare Shield I have a spare Shield oh Gram hi huh hey I gave you a shield do you guys have like spare iron just in case no we’ll find some at the thing yeah all right all right I’m going to wire’s house are you stealing my end

Chest don’t need Shar thr my chest don’t we have have a bundle just for this uh you can make a bundle just for do totems like stack up as to one stack or just one just one one stack just one one stack great just one I have your I have your chest okay

Let’s go let’s go you’ll be the you’ll be the carrier I’m the carrier of all diseases yep okay okay I got the Rona I don’t think the Rona okay guys let’s go uh wait where is he I don’t think I know exactly like where it is but I have a

General idea in what direction it is somewhere let’s go okay guys let’s move let’s move out it’s like the CSO [ __ ] Transformers roll Out oh sh a horse roll out a horse oh [ __ ] a horse I always wanted a horse oh [ __ ] a [ __ ] whoa watch your mouth you’re in a no

Watch your mouth oh [ __ ] sailor’s tongue Al I love how the [ __ ] sailor’s tongue the snow kind of just ends here it’s like a big ccle it’s [ __ ] off Die slow you [ __ ] loser this is so funny Die slow hope it’s painful I hope it’s painful and it’s drawn

Outes nice and what are you holding bad and fast I’m holding fish oh I’m holding cooked fish so how far is it it’s not that far are we there yet are we there yet like 15 minute walk we say yeah okay just like real life a 15

Minute walk it’s just around the block so like uh what if we told like campfire stories Al I like how we’re like a [ __ ] the campfire Indian Trail I forgot what the [ __ ] guys slow down I think I lost you yeah yeah yeah let’s all regroup up

Where is Ren where the [ __ ] did you guys go what in the over here I’m in oh there you are you L like right outside my run distance can we like set up camp can we have fun with this we could set up camp yeah man guys

Let’s see for the stories yeah it’s just dangerous like genuinely it’ be like kind of fun oh yo who wants Wes who got bones where wait where’ you guys go bone in the forest I don’t have bones anymore I made it all to I’m in the forest I he I think it’s

The wind saying they’re in the forest yo gr do you want bone meal sure I’m not gonna I’m not going to spring up anymore so it’s easier to track me ly of the valley my wait wait for them wait for them wait for them know I’m take a actually wait a

Minute hang on hey hey get beehive yeah oh it’s not full is it yo let’s it’s kind of empty nature is recovering hang nature is healing I’m going need some of those back here you go I can’t tell if it actually is full or not OHS I think

It is cuz it has a tag two instead of a tag one or some [ __ ] I don’t know all right it’s getting dark we should probably set up camp yeah no we can keep going no it’ be fun come on we can tell campfire stories campfire stories we have to

Fight moners you know so this one time we’re after the Woodland menion it was kind of scary oh that’s scary wait guys it’s so spooky let’s all let’s all tell bedtime stories guys once upon a time I went to bed that’s insane what are you why are you so far

Behind wait sorry I’m I’m [ __ ] being based get him yo there my goat or Not That Could Have Been Me are you on what nothing I’m on the side of evil watch out for the of Justice watch out for the evil flip up are you still streaming yeah Jesus how

Long has bro been streaming for 5 hours uh seven day no I have to go back I have to go back I accidentally emptied I I oh my God what I have to go back I emptied the weed bag okay bro got priorities the weed goodbye pigs the weed bag’s empty

Hey free I tried to Ping it like a [ __ ] fortnite okay oh my God dogs I want does anyone have bones on them okay wait I’m coming back I have chicken y want salm vanilla wait for me wait for me oh no I’m lost I’m lost is there skeletons

Is there is there skeletons please give me you that’s a chicken give me you I don’t think there are any bees in the [ __ ] beehives cuz like we’re just now sort of generating the chunks again I I just heard in them oh great guys I’m I’m wait for me please

Wait for me I’m lost R watch out okay I see you guys does anyone have a shears bro who the [ __ ] is farming wrong game mode we’re exploring not farming godamn no no we can do okay are we all still Ronnie hold on I’m trying to I’m trying

To get y’s attention do any of you have a pair of shears no two iron maybe nah you might be able to find the two iron at like the tower that I saw 30 chunks away I saw like a Pillager Tower oh that I’m pretty sure I looted but still I

Don’t even know what happened to the weed bag there’s no reason for it to be empty by now you smoke it I smoked it you smoked it yeah guys look it’s the Pillager um uh place can we start can we start a massive ass raid yeah man yes like back

At home all your villagers kill all your villagers no they’re inside their home they chilling they’re watching TV they’re they’re sleeping what what’s the game mode on hard normal easy normal it’s on there’s a ruin portal in the distance just want to let you know it’s on extra

Hard just like also anybody else using 30 chunks no I don’t know I am sh what I’m on I’m us9 you’re what see half of them 29 oh great what the fu villager Tower wait where what are we doing here uh I want to see if they have iron up here yeah

Stop oh my God I put Soul so they don’t climb up go it might be looted dude I wish a unlucky why you want to burn this place no I want to get cooked food oh hold on my ass hurts it happens anybody want this [ __ ] wool off the tent to

Sleep no I already made a bed oh okay there’s a village like in the distance in that direction okay wait I’ll use the wool oh I just got a crossbow hi sucker what the what we’re getting freaky Joe do you have shears I just ate raw chicken and I

Didn’t get salmona the shears for like really it’s really realistic that just mine it with your hands dude nose I need something else w w w sucker yeah what the okay I have a bed here’s your weed stop getting [ __ ] weed it’s not it’s not authentic yet I need to give it like

The final pass the final pass BR need to like drug certif need a stack of it I need a stack of it oh my God bro yo does anybody have wood I need wood for my bed all this work the [ __ ] Mansion oh okay how much do you want uh I guess three

Here you go my friend realize what the you missed you [ __ ] ass yo wait [ __ ] ass hold on wait can you craft it for me a bed where you yeah yeah I don’t have a crafting table you can’t make one I just gave you

W yeah but I don’t know my bad to Kill 30 zombies wait where did everyone go okay here a I got you gram making Grand a bed let’s go oops wait where are we sleeping where is everyone dude where did everyone go oh I’m sleeping dude how

Dumb are you okay me and gr just [ __ ] up our spawn point so if we die we’re kind of [ __ ] me where’s my bed oh yeah wait set your spawn point over here what the [ __ ] no [ __ ] way okay you know just keep keep the bed until like the Mansion

The good way the positive way to see it we can set our spawn at the at the Mansion I just said that oh my bad why oh yeah okay we ready I don’t need all this yeah okay let’s go everybody my friends and family my friend

Julus yes wait I’m going to kill those cows I need leather what don’t you know I’m vegan if you guys see any lava let me know guys can we move for two seconds without pausing holy [ __ ] yes dude I’m sorry we’re enjoying the game Joe got to be the most

Patient man ever who’s Joe who’s Joe Li my nut bro maybe I will okay do it then what the I don’t know where I’m at sorry trying to my water BR by the B what was that sound wait where do you guys go forward all I forgot your [ __ ] ass getting cows

We went forward oh my God I don’t know where forward is where are you guys going found you I’m getting a Ronnie okay let’s keep going I’m at the village oh yeah made at the Village was meet up at the Village you guys type one in chat if you made it to the

[Laughter] Village oh you’re so close close but not quite someone in my chat one we have an extra person we should wait yeah it’s like when you have an audience on jackpots yeah except the audience is CH yeah it’s like having an audience in general oh yeah who wanted [ __ ] pant

And a helmet there’s some in here going to break my arm is going to break it’s so sad oh there’s two oh wait there’s a [ __ ] Iron Golem right here kill theem I tried to mark it like fortnite but there are two beehives over here hold on I’m romantical get them I

Would make fun of you for that but I’ve done the exact same today bro does not want me I always wanted this Y Pay atten [ __ ] I’m trying to help yall let’s go you one day it’ll become a beautiful butterfly it grows into a chicken no [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] baby

Sheep are you going to wire wire follow me oh there’s a um two be full full B nests oh sucker this is your job not too busy enough wait what still Z Village yeah Yourself these villagers have absolutely [ __ ] nothing now and I’m happy oh there’s a ruined portal right there did anybody that let’s go to ruined Port hold up let me grab unless I have yeah I have yo who’s trying to make this into an actual portal and go Home who did that huh what are you talking about that was a really good shot thank you I’ve been practicing play all right where are you guys why are there three beat nests here these supposed to be R this isn’t the what uh we’re at the ruined portal next to the

Village over here hello hello I just raed the entire Village you have did you get the [ __ ] vus oh follow me are we going to the Woodland Mansion or what bro why are you so impatient why are you so ugly bees go back to your go back to

Your hive go back to where you live okay break that one yeah break that one break that one one just went in oh yeah there’s lava didn’t you want lava oh you got it I think one want another one in here let’s wait for this be to do it it’s beess beess oh

[ __ ] where’s this guy going [ __ ] ass that’s the wrong way from home can I kill this be wait did you guys go back into the forest with the be no we’re at the V anyway we’re at the Village wait where did you we the ruin Port we’re back at

The V I got I got the Beehive let’s go okay you got it I’m going to mute [ __ ] Ronnie bro holy [ __ ] be hello hey if you want I can put the bees the beehive in one of my bundles yeah I have like let’s go scar

N if I I’ll have a bundle and I I have to change it to make it [ __ ] better for English people would you all prefer that or no I have not been paying atten mind the way I think it’s a good idea where is everyone where is every where’ you go

Where is forward why what are you doing I’m getting back [ __ ] Joe cuz he’s been complaining and then he’s far behind where are you Joe home okay I see I see you I see you where I see behind you dumb [ __ ] how do you keep appearing behind me I look everywhere what the

[ __ ] okay where’d you go where’ you go like oh where’ you go and then you appear behind me you know what I’ll meet you guys at the [ __ ] thing at the Mansion yeah you know what it is yeah I I have the coordinates I want to

What F wait are we going the right way where did you go oh wait we are going the right right way there’s another [ __ ] Pillager Tower I’m following the trails that Graham put down yeah oh yeah I see it I’m covering the trails now I wonder I hope they have

Uh iron or leather or anything I can use wait you going to the Tower I guess no I’m going straight to the [ __ ] Mansion did you pass the second tower yeah hey guys who guys there’s an inside joke are we attacking them inside joke killing the cows [ __ ] it I’ll kill

Him yeah wait I just want to all right I’ve reached y’all it’s like give me the loot you know like the fortnite song God I hate you so much fortnite what’s the point going oh what happened ban what the [ __ ] oh hey there ha bals here I’m going to

Grab these oh wait do we kill the dude with the banner or no oh yeah we should we killed the dude with a banner damn on some aggressive [ __ ] if I don’t get to have a war with you I’m going to have a war with these

Guys oh look an iron golem well I want to kill it no kill it then be free dumbass well he’s aggressive now I yo what do he what does he want from me I did nothing you attacked him watch out gr no where I’ve protected you is there still stuff in the chest

Did you it it actually feels like he saved my life oh wait another guy with the banner I want you uh [ __ ] actually wait Graham should kill him so he gets as much [ __ ] level as possible to the raid all right where is he works guys look at my

[ __ ] Shield boy look at my shield no one cares I got the Pillager Shield yeah I also got the look at me where did Ras go you got to put it in the crafting section Shi you got to put the shield and the banner in the crafting section [ __ ] let’s go to the

Mansion oh yeah where’s everybody can we all meet up at theill bit ahead oh just a bit I don’t know where to go like oh I see it I see it oh you do my render distance is too low I see it I see I see

Hores I’m going to kill them have you found it uh what’s your X I mean not your X your Z coordinate wait hold on let me press the fortnite Ping button actually hold on I’ll just go there and give you the cords if y’all are left behind cuz I

Feel like I should be there by now but I’m not cuz you’re probably not there damn this would make sense got on like kill guys get ready this is going to be harder than the End Dragon o you’re right true getting the loot or whoever gets

What or like I’m going to reach there first I’m not going to enter But like like whoever needs something yeah wait what are you saying I need all the diamonds all of them killing the alloy you can’t kill the yes I can watch me uh we just keep going diagonal right

Where you guys go I’ll give you the cords when I get there there’s a the right place I got two hung up on the cows there is oh there it is wait why you guys building up the trees I have not raided this okay this is where the Woodland Mansion is

I’m going to give you all the cords s a shot uh it should be around here uh okay let me check mine I’m Lally almost there oh all right Budd set SP uh where do we set our bed let’s make a [ __ ] bed thingy over here you guys

Should I’m on top of the trees okay I was I was pretty close to the mansion I just can’t [ __ ] see it makes sense okay wait I’m here I’m here I’m here oh I’m here boys I’m slowly approaching but I see it you you want food I’m good on food personally do we

Have a campire cook some food all right everybody sleeps so we set our spawn point wait wait wait wait for me I want to join the W up wake up what what oh [ __ ] it’s wake up wake upit okay we all got it we all got

It did you break the bed put it down did you guys wait for me first put it down so we can spawn here all right here’s my bed every won’t say Your Spawn yeah yeah I’m not even there where we at yeah well when you get here yeah yeah yo who just

Pressed my bed my bad who pressed my bed all right so we going to break through the window yeah let’s go precisely as we go from down below going straight in at this point you guys are not waiting for me wait wait wait wait I was waiting we are

Waiting that’s like exactly what we’re doing nah have we started Ronnie don’t go in okay all right going down from below I follow you V [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yo let’s actually I kind of need these oh [ __ ] oh no help so far we ain’t got beef with anybody y’all got torches

We can place around uh no no no torches oh [ __ ] nice there’s nothing in these chests right yeah no I don’t think there ever is [ __ ] help help help yo Ronnie you should probably run these guys my armor is so weak it’s fine I got the netherite oh I

Found the pris already I found the prison section yo the kill me they killed me they did yeah I’m dead back me up back me up I got you ahh oh wow these guys are tanky single heart I’m on a single heart I’m on a single heart I’m on a

Single Heart All The Single ain’t going to work all the single ladies oh I hear vexes oh no La La in prison I’m freeing them what the [ __ ] Vex is huh what’s a v i got a totem [ __ ] it’s like a [ __ ] evil ghost thing I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead

I’m I’m I’m so yeah like an evil goes I can pass through walls oh [ __ ] I’m running from my life where yall at I’m good second floor so we should probably harvest the library my friend oh oh behind you you might want to watch out bro a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

[ __ ] I’m dead I’m dead I’m trying to gra I’ll get him ow oh God I’m low holy [ __ ] hey man I need to heal up hey guys I’m going up all right let’s go let’s go all right level two level two level insane it’s probably suck I’m damn on a

Heart and a half if I die don’t take my totem cuz I fought hard for it use the totem yo I thought you were like a mom or no I’m not going to use the totem why the [ __ ] can you light out this place this is where [ __ ] I think oh this is

Where sucks are deed okay God damn it my B hold up I’m giving all the bread okay eat up so you heal bro get out of here bro bro I got to go grab my [ __ ] can someone help me grab it I’m I’m I’m with you I’m with

You thanks um out of arrows um okay these are the God damn it he’s so small bro here oh God I feel like dying oh [ __ ] why where’d you go yo sorry I was fighting a crackhead what’s up here o where the [ __ ] is the cracket that spawns [ __ ] you

Oh [ __ ] Bro oh [ __ ] okay I got him I got him I got him I gotow what was that that was like Mario dude I an army of I think I’m set I want to leave now I’m dying I’m lying to the [ __ ] ass vex’s hi soer wait can someone help

Me so many of them all right I’ll kill the other guy oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God there’s so many everything what the [ __ ] I got everything I want I’m oh holy [ __ ] okay I blocked it off oh my God help I see like seven on my screen bro

No I just watch die right in front of me there’s no blocking off the vexes they passed through walls why did they make a mob so [ __ ] annoying past and just fell over like you were my screen for one second ow dude I’m here I’m here I’m just going

To start spamming them yeah that’s the Strat bro that’s a Str just Spam them [ __ ] it they’re going to [ __ ] despawn eventually the are lagging my game cuz they keep yo guys look a secret map guys where’s my [ __ ] oh wait they’re planing world domination

Gr Army of Al ow wait did I hear you sorry n you’re good [ __ ] I think just too many of them there’s way too many okay I’m going to go to level three in level insane hang on hang on oh my God I like 10 La wait

Actually no let me head count 1 2 3 4 5 are go go go go go go I’m going to be waiting at the main entrance for you guys I don’t want to leave you behind you know yo I’m just going to make a campsite

It’ll be nice and cozy okay you good are we all good check see if there’s any more of them spawning [ __ ] yeah I killed the spawn the dud who like spawn that [ __ ] the evoker yeah that’s what they’re called I’m setting up a camp right now this would have been

An awesome house except for the fact it isn’t yo guys I’m in like a huge Library um yeah we got to break those books bro yeah we probably should get the books what what books break you break the bookshelves it drops books all right I have a [ __ ]

Goddamn oh thanks I put my totem in there yeah I’m putting mine in there it’s just normal books though what do you mean yeah for enchanting table [ __ ] you can enchant them Oh I thought you meant the okay all right you can enchant the books I’m getting the books as well

Yeah you guys should do that you can also trade with books yep oh okay to get other books oh yep cuz that makes sense all right guys level three I mean what who’s Joe y want the carpets on the okay you caret I’m gay okay you guys if you guys need food oh

[ __ ] if you AET over here main entrance I’m setting up a campsite what’s up over here H goed wait what do you mean over es es there’s like a pink carpet over here where you were guys there’s one place left did you miss this don’t know I

Don’t know I got it I I I got it I L mind it why is there a chicken here this chicken what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this I thought these guys were cool what the dude we went through his schnaz well guys we won dude okay we won

How nice the LA are the are just little friends yeah the LA are actually evil but yeah I got I got like 10 of them right with me did we just raid the entire [ __ ] thingy um did we get the first Flor I think we did I think so

Yeah I’m going to go down and double check and I got them all uh yeah I’m waiting for you guys at the main entrance you’ll see campfire smoke we should burn this place to the [ __ ] the ground that L the whole server don’t do that don’t do that do do do why would

It lag the server I [ __ ] I put like 16 gigs don’t do that do not it’s actually really bad idea it’s a really bad idea you should you should I want to double check the second floor as well I’m kind of mad that I didn’t get any

Books but you know it’s whatever I got like 27 normal books where is everyone downstairs I see I am pouring lava now anybody got a flint and steel oh that’s a creeper minecra you guys should come out and take a break how was that explosion creeper no these chest don’t have

Anything in them don’t check them yeah that’s what you want imagine one day they just add [ __ ] to their chest and nobody checked that’s why weide Wire yeah come outside the main entrance all right let me sit down yeah yeah let me sit down too an hand empty hands

Empty hands empty hands no this is how I yeah if you want if you like oh [ __ ] one of my 10 La servants to get you something if you’d like uh can I kill them no no you can’t don’t they’re so [ __ ] goofy how do I like befriend LA’s you

Give them an item and they kind of just follow oh I’m going him like Hey no let go my La let go yo I want to get an LA I have one La here I’m going to give him a I’m pretty sure I had one but it

Died please stop I’m not even even joking please stop do you not want to watch the entire [ __ ] sh bur really don’t do that that’s going to lag the whole server yo wi have a sh the got now holding Carr where you at in the with the Mansion like come down to

The first floor or whatever yo yo yo yo was good where oh I see you okay whatever okay hi yo who trying to kill my La [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I might die I’m on hard half we go home now no I was

Oh you can look I don’t know the way home oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yo wire wire wire check this [ __ ] out check this [ __ ] out ready B on fire I just cooked a bunch of steak honestly more boom boom boom I’m going to give them all more like five or Vine

Boom sound effect I gave mine like a pink flower cuz I yeah man breed and rotten flesh yo get away from the fire carot that’s his name by the way his name is carot get away you guys are going to lag the whole server I got one as

Well yeah I got one that’s a that’s bread that dude is just holding bread yeah yeah they’re all mine all the ones holding bur all right let’s go outside and watch it burn down yes the whole server you guys are actually so stupid it’s not going to lag

Anything shut up Ronnie Ronnie you’re such a Debbie Downer shut up I’m not a Debbie Downer awesome okay this get over here the [ __ ] what do you call it the caveman when they discover fire yo it’s on fire okay can we this is so satisfying we’re having

Fun Ronnie shush guys if you think about it if you think about it we just raided this entire thing kill all the people in I see I see the fire can we set more fire does anybody have a flint and steel we’re Arcanist or whatever they called I

Forgot what were you talking about we’re arcan ising arsonists also I’m sleeping arsoning all right I’ll come over and sleep wait get out get out I’m wondering if the thick gets affected by the [ __ ] sh oh no it doesn’t it does oh wait tick speed no it doesn’t it

Should actually no we have to update in order to get that yo Miley better get the [ __ ] out of I’m about to burn him okay uh how do we get home you know we walk backwards yeah I know but I don’t know cords we can teleport it’s literally One Direction we

Can teleport yeah you got a friend how did you get that uh he gave me rotten flesh those was on the ground that’s such a good friend what a good friend I can make them I can make them pick up good items but I’m going to

Make them pick up carrots so that when I go to a carrot Farm hello Roy have some food I’ll probably kill my La when we get home he’s he’s pretty what the [ __ ] you can’t kill them they’re invulnerable Y what was that sound wait who did that

Wait hold on you want you can give it to me I’ll like adopt your la I love Thorn oh no he’s burning don’t worry wait my La just stole my wait where’s the LA where’s the LA where’s the LA oh I see it burn me this one’s coming with me oh

I’m watching it burn oh that’s mine no not anymore kidnapping the fu kidnapping by La where is your are you killing your La what is wrong with you got away oh [ __ ] I can see the fire on the other side now get it back my how is he

Alive because they can’t die they can’t die the fire they’ll have the fire particle effect on them but they won’t but he’s taking damage no he’s not just cuz no he’s not he was doing just because they’re taking damage doesn’t mean they’re taking damage yeah he was

Always in oh dude there’s so much fire fire fire lights on fire pig is like the pig is enlightened by all the L [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] yo la come over here [ __ ] I’m lost can you guys pass me the cords to the home we literally

Didn’t move an inch is like a [ __ ] murderer bro look look oh it’s burning down it’s burning down oh he went into the house oh no he’s Mak noise it ran away from you bro it decided to go back into captivity better than getting tortured okay yeah no he doesn’t die he

Does the death like taking damage thing but he doesn’t actually die so wait can I hit it without it dying oh my God okay if you go inside the place is [ __ ] up I just hit it okay wait kind of odd about is kind of strange

I’m inside of the thingy I’m looking at how [ __ ] up it is I can kill it I’m in a trap IGN apparently you can hit it if it’s not you like if you don’t own it like R can hit my La wait guys can I tell you

Something kind of strange about Al kill it kill it if you can try kill it if you can what’s strange about La so like instead of being able to breed them you can duplicate them and it’s like weird cuz it’s like what you do is you put on

Music and then you give two la like amethyst Shard and then they start dancing and then another La is like spawned bro yeah it’s moving so much I I grabb a couple more books from inside ouch dude I actually have an army kind of funny who the [ __ ] just

Killed we’re not killing it we’re just he’s trying to experimenting we’re testing [ __ ] La the angel of death it’s like a rat it’s like where experiment okay it’s not going to die angel of death is still such a like [ __ ] I just realized is

That a hard name wait I have a get the how am I going to get the ls to the Cherry Blossom what do you mean to the Cherry Grove to our base you swim they’ll just get there eventually us well time to get my bed oh yeah I God I’m so dehydrated give

Me a second in I’m just dude the bundles are so good guys drink some water stay hydrated no go go GL GL Glock yes sir I might have found our base because I just found a large ring of snow whoa whose base is that oh it started raining a now it’s extinguishing the

Fire well no CU inside the building dumb ass well yeah but like there was also someone on this [ __ ] roof all I guess we can go home now can we have cords uh no it’s like 800 500 800 500 that that’s more or less what it is

I accidentally alt f4 when I meant to alt F3 hold on what is alt F3 game pause wait guys don’t press alt F5 hold on why what does it do activate sex yeah Minecraft sex update give me a minute you guys don’t leave without me give me a minute I’m logging back in

Wait you I’ve been running back without yall for yeah me too wait wait wait guys I was not I’ve been just going home y’all slow down wait can you give me the cords of where you are right now I wish I could I wish I could like put my LA’s in like or

Something so I can take them with me I am exactly uh right here and I’m not moving wait the numbers kind actually no that’s not remotely close to it’s in chat oh uh let’s see where’ you guys go I’m exactly right here all right there we

Go y your way yeah I was going the wrong direction it’s okay my friend no it’s not okay it’s it’s neutral my friend it’s neutral let’s go we just successfully raided the Mansion not that it was difficult oh there I find you nothing nothing in this game is nothing in this

Game is difficult when you have five people all collectively working together yeah I Monument Ocean Monuments are going to be a little difficult I ran in gave a bunch of like Angel children some bread and they children yeah Ocean Monuments are not difficult if you go and prepare like water

Breathing true but I just grab a bunch of doors and call it day yeah same yeah sponges I mean I usually go there for mon from the monument oh hi he oh yeah right let’s start a ra your [ __ ] base oh yeah we should stay at the Pillager

Tower and [ __ ] get level three voluntary Exile whatever the [ __ ] it’s called isn’t it level six we can have level six maximum level max level five max level five not six oh whatever of course how do you level up of that you just keep killing the banner

Guyap okay well I’ll just stay here it’s going to like keep stacking up they respawn at these outposts right yeah holy the most OP Farm in the game at least the one that I did was the uh Pillager farm that I did in my hardcore World bro infinite supply of totems I

Literally started trashing them and [ __ ] like so much I really wish totems weren’t raids cuz like the fact that you can just Farm them removes their whole like value I don’t think they anticipated the fact that you could Farm them yeah I know it’s just like I wish

They weren’t part of raids for that reason wait that’s where you get totems I thought it was from the Mansion also get from there yeah I lit got one from the Mansion get any I got like one oh 1.11 when they added the Mansion also I’m sorry I’m just healing my armor

Man let’s go my friend are you still at the pill yeah 1.11 was the update that added the we’re not at the same pillar oh [ __ ] that’s two captains you please stop interrupting me this [ __ ] has M bro are you kidding me are you actually kidding me all right I think I’m good

For today I think you’re nuts wait does wire actually yeah I’m probably going to hop off too soon probably yeah I’m I haven’t eaten dinner yet all right then I’ll be back back give me a minute I’ll expect you back you’ll expect me that’s weird wait weirdo yeah you know what weirdos get

This weirdos get a shot to the face yeah look at how many arrows you have oh I’m so shot what are you going to do about it eat bread oh do this back home oh you just peed on me that’s weird yeah that was a little weird I’m peeing I’m peeing

I’m peeing everywhere don’t make me kill you I’m sorry don’t make me pee on you I’ll try not to do it again also I have bad Omen as well bad Omen okay I’m I didn’t even say that wait yeah R how much is your bad on [ __ ]

One I haven’t found a single banner dude other than the original one oh the [ __ ] yeah no they only keep respond the normal ones Captain should respawn at some point you think yeah okay let’s do a head count 1 two 3 guys let’s go hold on I’m farming [ __ ] you can go

Home I don’t know what the way home is I want that way straight that way hold on hold on show straight that way it’s straight west where where you at where you all at where the of home uh it’s like 800 500 or I’ll gra them for you wait 800 500 or

500 800 hey wait here’s the 800 500 500 something like that yeah yeah it’s like close oh you said 800 500 right yeah yep got it God they really there really is nothing spawning is Ren fighting the raid at that at those cords faring I’m not fighting a raid I’m trying to level

Up my thing like four them so am I oh I see another Captain there’s not a single dude spawning now okay I got the level two bad what are your cords [ __ ] 1,800 and then 900 I’m at the other one that’s like next to it there is no Banner dudes respawning

There’s just like one odd dude every now and again yeah let me come help you with that the more players are in an area the higher the spa trying to come to my place oppos that’s a complete Lie by the way I put that out of my ass like that’s no it’s

Like one of those those facts that sound real nothing is real anymore yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] about Minecraft [ __ ] say anything that’s not exactly what I said but yeah you don’t give a [ __ ] about M but it’s Swedish oh not anymore oh I don’t even know the sweds invented

This one I’m pretty sure it’s still developed by sweds but yeah it is no the Java Edition well I think they should stop so can can somebody sleep Laura Laura Shahara made a new PvZ animation okay that’s awesome I do not know who this is and I also have never

Watched it before she’s the the composer for PvZ like the original composer of course you know them for whatever reason she also made the credit song for Delta run chapter 1 and also cont music for Delta what the [ __ ] wait the same person who worked on Plants versus Zombies

Worked on delter yeah yeah yeah she made like all the original music for the first game crazy yeah uh she’s also like dating slam a Le dating who slamma cow the guy that made like Witch Encounter uh Enderman encounter all those skeleton encounter M the Minecraft animations can somebody else

Sleep got bed I’m sleeping all right I think I’m going to hop off the game I might I’m going to stick in VC hey what’s good gang this one I should get [ __ ] feather falling I’m noticing now I have like feather falling three if that’s the

Max uh feather falling four is the max oh that’s your odd number actually it’s very even but you know it’s actually it’s actually an even number you dumb [ __ ] I just said that had to make sure had to make sure that something I said was sure yep you’re quite the

Oddball oh [ __ ] there’s a dude in here there’s a there’s a banner dude in here ban okay hold on let me have him right there what the guy damn the population is falling no more time what what what did you say nothing yeah we’re me and Ronnie have zero

Beef that’s just a lie when’s the funky bird Casino Crush collab guys hopefully never hopefully tomorrow Ren can you make the song for us get to work don’t do that do not do that get to get to work no hey guys he B in get back to work get back to work or

You’re fired Bruen or we’re going to pull all your songs from Casino crash as if we even have the like the power to do that like Regular Show but if I was there it would just not be a fun show it would just be me working Regular Show they actually do

The job you would be one of the only guys that actually works no no no no you see ruen says that but the thing is the the Regular Show universe is so [ __ ] wild it would force ruen to be wild as well yeah like remember that intern

Character yeah yeah that would be that would be SP yeah I know he’s a Russian spy but he acted normal right but the events were so [ __ ] crazy around him that even he turned UPN normal well basically what happened is you you would open up Studio but then a

Random guy would come over to your house and challenge you to basketball game and then by the end of that episode have to say yes yeah you would have to say yes you’re telling me a tall long haired blonde Swedish person who makes music isn’t the perfect candidate for a goofy

Human character from regular sh does bro Ren is a regular show character I’m actually trying to imagine like a Ras but like Regular Show design I remember there was that guy who was the musician who play like the stin piano and he had blonde hair and it was white as [ __ ]

It’s like just Ren’s dad or something yeah man R are you still here the PST yeah I’m at the top of it oh I’m waiting for them Banner [ __ ] you got to go only got two Banner [ __ ] going to come down here and look they only spawn when you’re on down

Honestly I’m fine with this I was meaning to [ __ ] Farm XP as well yeah this is a good XP farming session yeah EX for [ __ ] I’m really hungry inefficient yeah I’m really hungry though I’m running out of food but hey bread is bread get it cuz like food

Yeah man I didn’t mean to that’s like that’s like a food reference food reference a food reference is crazy yo what is food can someone explain this reference to me wait I got you you don’t get it no I haven’t played that game um what the [ __ ] okay bro activated brain

Damage you good man why does this head ass only care about you what the [ __ ] bro he want you what happened they want me bro they need me I’m their hero do you need me dude I hate that [ __ ] videos I got bad news I got bad news you guys see the

Bar I started a raid in our Base by the way oh uh oh good luck all right let’s get back then uh I’m out of food dude I said this all right hold up let me run back where are they I don’t see I’m trying to

Kill animals on the way so I can Sprint back okay why I have the the lava I’m just eating raw food okay I’m on my way I’m on my way bread is indeed yummy said Lucas how many millions of subscribers do you have wire like at least

Five million knew it five million five trillion actually like a new dream bro bro is universal I’m more than Universal I’m like astronomical bro has from different planets astronomical gaming bro subscribers from across the M from across the [ __ ] galaxies do you think other aliens out

There got a glimpse or like a grip of Internet maybe if they’re Advanced as us and have had as much time guys I think the idea that aliens don’t exist is really silly because surely we cannot be the only ones yeah I have a question what if aliens right

Existed right yeah let’s say if aliens existed and on their Planet the idea of fire does not exist or clouds do not exist right do the fun do the fundamentals of religion at that point just become completely obsolete because the whole point of heaven and hell is that they’re

Confined within the idea of human mind of the human mind but if an alien comes in and says we don’t have fire what the [ __ ] is hell does that completely disrupt the idea of God as a whole because how can God send all life to heaven or hell with a burn Temptation

And eternal fire If ghosts If ghosts if aliens don’t even know what the [ __ ] fire is they don’t even know what a God would be exactly how you going to explain what a God is haven’t been communicated that information the same way that humans have in the past

According to religion but what if they literally don’t have religion well yeah what the [ __ ] do you think of religion you reckon they have their own religion that’d be funny as [ __ ] we we we pray to the Eternal gorp gork in the sky gorp gorp yeah we call him God yeah that’s

Such a long name he’s like what does God stand for it sounds like an acronym oh it’s just dog backwards cuz God is my dog bro yeah he’s my homie he’s my little jit all all this all this love and affection he still can’t give me no [ __ ] come on God do

Me some favors yeah God honestly I just need a fine [ __ ] to cuddle with at night so solve all my problems bro that’s all I’ll immediately stop being racist my life will be fixed everything will be good that’s her character development yeah literally all I need to be in is a happy relationship

And everything did you say stop being no start being oh okay all I need to do is start start being in a happy relationship and all my problems will will be gone I’ll be a happy more kindmind person I’ll be more this will be your character development I’ll be more

Empathetic no one pathetic is insane buto I might have just done the biggest self report yo I want to know your on this what’s not pathetic the way you respond to this is going to be very important to how I treat you in the

Future at the base now okay look no m i will moment dude I’m getting [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] Herobrine ass R you good over there I got half a heart I’m here are you guys still doing a raid yeah like the shadow Legend [ __ ] you I see a

[ __ ] I see two [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m getting ass raped did they get anything they [ __ ] up anything sub like substantial doesn’t I can’t tell I’m going be real and probably not okay I’ve never that [ __ ] shock is so bad are you kidding me are you kidding me do you like this

Yes it’s my favorite what is wrong with you Al I’m coming back with bad Omen too it tastes amazing no it doesn’t yes it does it’s so good you ever had Snickers yes I love Snickers I love but I do like this one more Snickers goated but this one’s even more

Goated it’s like Snickers but doesn’t take like five minutes to chew and and also tastes good cuz I really like coconut all right two more there’s two more no well not go hard there goes my respect I don’t really like coconut I don’t either well I don’t I

Bought guys I bought four mangoes and I usually limit myself to one mango a day and I already have my mango today but I really really want another mango what are you talking mangoes do I eat this other mango or save it for tomorrow save it

For tomorrow yeah save it for tomorrow I wasn’t talking about the mangoes the mang what we’re talking about yeah I not oh there’s another one behind you oh there is bounties oh last one oh yeah Bounty yeah yeah bount is amazing I love Bounty I hate Bounty I’m going to

Kill you all I don’t actually like Bounty I don’t think I’ve ever had Bounty so form an opinion well I don’t really hate it but like compared to all the other chocolate bars I would rather not have it yeah i’ would rather have a Twix guys guys can we all agree like you

Guys can we all agree universally that the best chocolate bar is Kinder Bueno [ __ ] yes I love Kinder it’s not the best one ever but great but like I got my K CLW bro actually [ __ ] there’s kindo Maxi King if you if yall got that [ __ ] y I don’t know whose house

This is but it’s burning right now oh wait what it’s like blocked off what the [ __ ] is that where’s this last one bro where’s this last bro where’s last bro at okay whatever that no let me show you the most amazing chocolate bar of all

Time wait oh my God is that him I just can’t find anywhere any is that him Ren I swear to God I’m actually going to cry this one is superior it’s cold it’s fresh no no no not this one forget forget what I sent for foret just what I sent

Okay he probably fell in a ravine somewhere oh that’s a skeleton army what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did a skeleton army spawning here again you’re the skeleton gang they know you’re a skeleton wire they know we the poop [ __ ] no oh bro is that the poop Shooters pulling up the poop Shooters

Pulling up on poop poop [ __ ] they’re like got we’re the real poop shits he like we’ll fight for who the real one hey Raz can I have some food we’ll fight for the title of poop shits res is not alive guys look at no mic what do you

Think of this this is the best one isn’t it what oh wait Kinder theise oh yeah it’s it’s amazing it’s seemly amazing I can’t find anymore though but it’s amazing oh I’ve had that before it was all right it’s good bro why are you back here I yeah I asked you

For food but you AFK oh yeah [ __ ] where are you in the middle of theas where the [ __ ] is this thing I see you hi guys hi also I prefer P Kinder penguin if yall got got that [ __ ] oops what about the kinder hippo guys Kinder hippo are

You still streaming or no yes okay where is this goddamn bro he’s probably in a ravine somewhere like blocked oh are my laas still there I don’t know no clue they’re the ones with the carrots next to your house wire yeah Army of them okay I’m going to try to scavenge

For this [ __ ] crackhead that got lost how are you so bad at raiding that you Lally get lost actually wait do you think the LA like leave the server when you leave cuz if so that’s actually really helpful cuz I don’t see them there probably not oh I

Found him he was in a ravine [ __ ] ass all right I got him two round two [ __ ] [ __ ] finally just Scout like Scout the outer edges of the area so bring like Baden to to the Village SC the edges so we can find where they spawned y have fun sleep now

Good night okay good night good night see you oh dang God they’re gone I’m probably going to head out too it’s a little late all right talk you later grapple yeah we should do jackbox tomorrow cuz we didn’t do it today because you know we’re European and we

Have the time yeah man you are we all European here which yeah oh yeah we are let’s go wait where they at oh byebye all right it’s two left already oh [ __ ] the ravager Down Below in the [ __ ] Ravine H that’s where he fell does someone have a crossbow or something oh I

Do I also do I have I have no Arrow yeah I also have no arrows go by I’m going go down there no you aren’t you’re going to die who the [ __ ] bro [ __ ] The Community House got skinned alive also I should set my spawn point

In here again dude I’m using him to kill his own thing bro look I’m a genius yes kill your own guy is there a bed in here dude look bro literally he’s killing his own dude and I’m watching him do it yall should put like 10 beds in the community house thing we

Will yeah I don’t know whose house this is but I put my [ __ ] spawn a I killed him all right insane also W come back up here real quick uh where hi here look at this [ __ ] had to do some quick repairs oh now where will they the

Church no it wasn’t me it was just burning when I got here from this lava I see them who the hell plays this lava over here boys oh [ __ ] yeah I see them they got witches now witches [ __ ] they had that they had that last one as well I

Killed the only witch though I’m going to help you kill the witches [ __ ] I got the other one okay Vindicator [ __ ] this was significantly this was significantly less difficult yeah cuz they all spawned in an open area though I did die to a Vindicator cuz they have insan damage where’s my

Thing yeah but where is it come to the penis tower and then the penis tower yeah these are some big ass items over here where oh [ __ ] watch out oh [ __ ] where where the [ __ ] he right there you died bro he’s surrounding my [ __ ] I’m running guys attack him he’s onto me I’m

On him oh he’s like all stupid oh he’s all stupid get him stupid how always fall back in the [ __ ] Ravine I might have to block it wait how many where are the rest oh there there there’s one of them there like more than half left where’s the

Others do they all fall in there oh my God some of them are in there yeah God [ __ ] damn it kill them in there don’t die okay I’m going to stay up top to see if they’re up oh yeah they are they are up they’re trying to kill the [ __ ] villagers

They’re killing my villagers what yeah they kill the villagers I’m building up a blumkin that’s why you have to block them in you good over there no not really if they kill the villagers they win by the way if they kill a single villager they win oh [ __ ] there’s a three of

Them oh [ __ ] dude I’m really low on food and health okay I killed one Vindicator and the other one is now this guy is go good where’s the last one he’s like here I think is he in the Ravine [ __ ] there’s so many vexes bro

No wait wait there was a thing who got it we got he’s left bro oh he’s the last one left yeah where I’m scouting oh [ __ ] casual totem of on dying in the middle of the [ __ ] field take that left okay so he did die

Okay I guess we got to check the Ravine again I already did is he in here no or no that’s a skeleton horse how do you confused that for the Pillager any is confusing where are these go chuses at I’m about to pop upad hold up pop another thr

Dude I have like five can on my room I might want to pop a Troy Troy do you need might need to go kill I might want to Pap a Troy with the boys imagine you went to the nether that’d be so funny it’s so yeah it’s so

Sad that yall don’t have the tro yeah I can’t relate is he wait you see him no it would have been so funny if he was up in the penis tower imagine like he actually just went up the water it is a good Watch Tower though

Used to see where the [ __ ] thank you thank you that was kind of the point of it yes you don’t say bro where do V guys go where the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] ass guy can I have some food this [ __ ] ass horse is trying to kill me I’m going check the Ravine

Again wait for a third time yeah I going to look on the other side of the Ravine without food cuz I’m hungry and thirsty and [ __ ] up I have food I have food can I have take your take some carrots thank you thank you better than nothing where he’s definitely stuck

Somewhere though yeah like like not not here ah guys game mod spectator SL kill all nearest pillagers if you can even do that you can kill entity Pillager probably yeah you can entity stupid AF but yeah stupid off he been stupid think he German no that’s that’s that’s that’s afghanistani what the [ __ ]

Okay where is he man I’m going around like the outskirts of your base trying to see if he like fell somewhere I’m try to see if there’s any inconvenient holes he want me in [ __ ] it I’m checking the nether could you imagine imagine bro okay yeah nice’s

Higher that’s what he wants you to think he’s hiding bro he saw how he massacred his entire thing is he’s damaged so we attacked him before yeah he’s damaged yeah like look oh brick no way how are we going to explain to Brick that yellow semi moved in not

Really well I didn’t move in I still got my big gay house yeah you just have a summer house yeah in the summer my big gay house is still the best house on the server I take pride in that the big gay house how the why the [ __ ] do the

Skeleton horses eat like the [ __ ] they yeah yeah they do I just saw him kneel his head and chew on the grass [ __ ] creates [ __ ] grass paste and it just goes nowhere Ecto Ecto [ __ ] grass the ghost grass bro insanium bro where is he what I’m actually semi inclined to actually go

Spectate him mod to see him cuz we’re not going to be able to [ __ ] end the raid until we find is cracken yeah we can’t log off until we find it we probably could but like that’s a villager dude my brain holy [ __ ] where is

He sh okay I heard him oh [ __ ] where are you I heard him wait he’s around this area what the [ __ ] where are I hear him where are you where are you I’m around oh I found him oh my [ __ ] God where he was like in a

Hole like in a hole next to a lake another raid okay keep keep an eye out around the outskirts that way they don’t get lost like the just make sure where the hell they’re coming from yeah oh I see them they’re around the lake oh dude yep I see him I’m trying to

Kill the vindicators fast my son will protect the villagers no my son will help the villagers fast this guy’s just not attacking the vindicators are just not attacking bro what the [ __ ] cuz they’re all trying to get to like a certain point until they can start attacking like near the

Villagers okay nice you get the ravager I’m getting a lot of damage on them I need help we got him a couple people down in the Ravine okay let’s hopefully it’s the last two should be they are the last two and there’s one more left oh you see him uh imagine he’s around

The same area kill myself he is oh and he’s the [ __ ] magic guy oh sweet all right I got him I got a BL wait theage five holy [ __ ] wait do you have two totems oh watch out watch watch out do you have two tot on you wi uh yeah

To no I have one I have one don’t worry you can give it neat I got one I still have one I still have one from the uh house yeah yeah yeah yeah I have one from the house as well yep the house insanium now all our [ __ ] is cheaper for

40 minutes by trades yeah ironically huge okay I’m going to go on a [ __ ] grind like thingy again can I have food food I have four carrots here I got you hold on where are you I’m going to go on a [ __ ] like scaven hunt to get so many sticks and

Fletchers yeah oh I think I’m going L off my livelihood oh thank you thank you I’m I’m going to go log off at the top of the penis tower hold on makes sense got to log off with the you’re part of us now no always I’m kind of reaching like

A euphoric state right now where I’m like I don’t want to really Hop Off I should like what time: what time is it for you uh almost 2: a.m. oh so you’re an hour behind us you loser what the [ __ ] Kinder Bueno Kinder Bueno goes hard as what the

[ __ ] wrong company bro dude the other day I decided to test to see what it would be like if I put Kinder Bueno in the freezer oh my God hard it was so hard bro and like literally and figuratively oh my it was hard as [ __ ]

But it went hard it kind of tasted like ice cream not really most it more made it like more of like a solid like chocolate bar but it was really good the hazelnut is so good bro [ __ ] love that [ __ ] dude I’ve been meaning to like

Ask I don’t know if this is a bad idea that is asking like Joey animations to make music for your mod a good idea why would it not be because are they good like I don’t know I can’t I haven’t listened to enough of their

Music bro they have a what the [ __ ] Che their music what do you mean no because I like what I’ve heard from them definitely but I’m just asking your guys a second opinion I really don’t that matters I think he’s all right too if you want to

Get him I don’t know why this has to be such a like thing no I’m just asking you guys would you should I get him should I ask go ahead all right okay I think I’m gonna ask Joey he’s he’s probably asleep right now so I’ll ask him tomorrow you

Can still send him a [ __ ] message now and he’ll see it maybe sure because I need him to do the do Guy song yo Joey are you free or mod work p CH per chance yeah welcome to the club I need to go back to same per chance it was so funny

Are you favorite mod work chance shs nowadays for shuls yeah that’s way out of my league that’s a little too funny we had do guy on I could say PSIs but like do guy and perhap dude I AC said like you hit me in the cranium in the cran getting close to

Completion I accidentally made you sound smarter than you actually are it’s like same brain I had yum brain If you say yum brain is going to sound so stupid yeah yum brain became ranium became Cranium yum cranium yum Cranium yeah I hate words so much I

Hate you whoa wait who said that not me whoever said whoever said that that’s a Mei patoni it’s probably Lucas P [ __ ] you Lucas P [ __ ] you I’m sorry the kids why should come in the chat he’s like oh I wasn’t paying attention I haven’t seen a single message from this

Dude I sent him he’s alive trust me I am so sleep did should go but not like sleepy sleepy just a little bit sleepy I don’t know how long I should keep the server up for R how long are you planning to play for I don’t know doesn’t it go off when

Everyone goes off yeah yeah or like a vast majority which right now is a vast majority but I want to turn it down for with like two other players I love dashy games he’s so awesome thanks BR I’m about to boot up stream tomorrow and people are going to make fun of

Me who’s going to keep F make fun of you I got the I got who’s the one that got the most views like in the first day when they streamed uh I mean how the [ __ ] do I shake that I guess you just look at the stream VOD like how many

Views has way more views than like the stream did when it was live yeah same we could compare views of the vods though hold on let me Che yeah I got 30 bro I got nothing well yeah view of the vods that’s what I mean yeah I got 400 I got

30 I don’t remember how much I got I got like 80 my [ __ ] my Fone cast react stream got like 565 views 55 55 that’s not that bad your most popular one was day four my funk my funking Expo one got 126 views Casino crash official trailer got 100

Views on YouTube for me that’s pretty for me that’s pretty solid I’ll take I’m glad you’re happy my friend I’m happy with 100 views I know it’s kind of sad for everyone else but for me I mean not really yeah for me it make me happy I average around 100 views

Anyways I actually really like oh actually no I don’t I’m lying what were you going to say I was going to say I really like liked how my first stream turned out in terms of like who entered the chat but no no it was all just versus impostor [ __ ] it was

All just like Among Us fans or like retards pretty much yeah man I know no one else is going to say it like like that but I’m I’m just going to say it’s it’s retards yeah because your head ass is stupid whatever whatever whatever just whatever whatever I just

Whatever over whatever all over oh my God oh my God oh it’s coming out holy [ __ ] you good dude I got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine books of mending sorry dude I I’m so tired but you go like dude I got like one two three four five six

Seven guys guys we’re risen specifically because we do music but guys o awkward I got I got a musician in my class who’s really [ __ ] goated actually and he’s in I’m in a group project with him and he’s making some music for my game that we’re working

Oname I will show it to you he doesn’t do like video game music though he does like actual music I’ll have you killed whoa actual music R you just got roasted and your entire inheritage no like more mainstream [ __ ] is what I mean pop no

M I don’t really know yeah I can just show you if you guys want the [ __ ] turn the [ __ ] door back to wooden what the [ __ ] my bad was that you no I was like clenching my fist and everything I can show you guys dude I made such a goated tweet and

No one agreed with me oh what was it brall is the E Studio fighting games I saw that I had no idea what the [ __ ] you were cooking with that no no no cuz here listen they’re both like extremely weird Alternatives that like completely reject the OG like standard of

[ __ ] I guess you can’t you can’t compare bralla to like Tekken because it’s just such a weird take on fighting games and the same with FL and like any other doll what the [ __ ] are you talking about bro yeah see this is why I don’t explain

[ __ ] this is why I make tweets that no one understand instead I think it’s cuz you’re autistic I think it’s shut up oh wait he’s fighting back wait wait wait wait wait he’s fighting back holy [ __ ] know bro all gangster like he grows a chain in sunglasses he grows a chain

What you you it’s your inheritance oh I still got fries what the the world most crispy fries that’s fine out that’s literally you bro that could have been you that could have been me I could have been that dude sadly you weren’t that funny when the that [ __ ] video came up oh

What the [ __ ] is going on in the IND cross PC [ __ ] black out is in the VC alone who black out why do I recognize the dude who made the [ __ ] that one cup of song the first one not the third

One oh um um um um um um um um um um the really awesome swing one yeah wait what are we talking about the dude oh I have considered multiple times getting them on fnf mod he’s not gonna say yes [ __ ] no but every time I check he’s like not

Accepting mod work at the moment like okay never mind yeah exact I was fing out cuz he’s just alone in the VC like in the cross he he streaming I don’t know what he’s doing damn bro alone I don’t know who the [ __ ] is messaging me but is he

Making more is he making more music for the I don’t [ __ ] know I don’t think I’m allowed to say either even if it was yeah bro is not keeping up with the Indie crossing right now he mostly keeping up with poop shs for the most part even

Then only mod I actually like keep up with yeah it’s one of the two mods I keep up with r this is why you’re my poy bear what the [ __ ] oh no I’m stop he literally walks away in slow motion this mod and casino crash are the

Only two mods I give two [ __ ] about this one because this one because it’s like passionate and funny and with friends I I just wish do wasn’t such a [ __ ] D tell me about it tell me about it tell me about tell me about I’m sure you’d have a say in this

Joe I think I have the most say in this even though my mod wasn’t as heavily affected as yours with do guy leaving I still suffered yeah and immensely for one song bro we were complaining last stream I don’t know if if you were there as I I wasn’t uh cuz I

Was semi expecting you to be there right cuz you were in my chat earlier or some [ __ ] I don’t know whatever um [ __ ] we were complaining about dogy that like I’m pretty sure I can say this we repl the like doy doing IBS with Greg Greg right IBS irritable bow syndrome yeah

Literally [ __ ] like a day or two later or whatever the [ __ ] the second do I learned about it he was like no give me IBS back I’ll actually finish it okay I don’t want to start any beef and I give it back to him right yeah then he never responds to me

Again crazy yeah you see this is why you just don’t listen to him and you say nuh you gota you got to put your foot down with Doga and just be like no no cuz it’s not even that he was like oh I’m actually going to work on it and [ __ ]

Like that and [ __ ] he was showing [ __ ] Georgia a bunch of [ __ ] but I didn’t hear anything about it so I was like I said dude same thing happened to me right I literally told him yo I’m going to like kick you off the team and

Just credit you for jackpot as like the trailer music if you don’t like actually finish it and he’s like no no no no I’ll actually finish it I’m like are you sure I’m giving you two weeks to show me at least mostly done progress he’s like

Yeah I got you it’s been two months my God so yeah I I I have like no cuz I was asking [ __ ] George cuz apparently doy showed him like a bunch of [ __ ] like demos of like IBS he had probably like apparently five of them and they were all like around 10

Seconds and I was like not there and I was like okay can I hear them at least cuz like I didn’t get to hear them and he’s like okay I’ll message do guy no response up until today of course thing is like I don’t know I’m just tired I

Guess of like waiting for him I I haven’t K I’m growing really tired cuz he’s supposed to be the main musician I haven’t kicked him off the team because he’s still being credited for his work but it’s not being credited as the jackpot song it’s being credited as the

Trailer song yeah you know what I mean cuz he made we used the jackpot work in progress as the trailer music because it fit really well yeah so he’s just going to be credited for that he’s I’m just really frustrated yeah he’s not going to upload

It so I’m just going to put it on my channel on the OST video like the extra songs trailer music jackpot uh not jackpot I’m just going to name it trailer music and then hopefully I’ll get um I was actually considering getting Greg Greg before you got them on poop

[ __ ] but just because I like getting a loot of people bro yeah I know but like mainly Greg Greg and like mainly Greg Greg and like uh one other person who was it um I was no it was one of three people right I did message them actually let me

Show you I messaged um so I messaged honish he was kind of like a last resort though if he’s the only one uh Greg Greg and this guy called Ricks again do you guys know that person I recognize it bro they’re [ __ ] I love them dude like I

Actually oh yeah he was that one guy that’s like oh my f copy is broken it was just a bunch of remixes let me show you like let me show you let me show you the song that got me let me show you the

Song that got me like yo I need this guy I saw like a thing uh a blue pokon [ __ ] no no this isn’t blue Pokemon this is just like a random whip oh if you killed you know keep my stream no damn first stream to get zero viewers literally

Bro but yeah that guy as well so Rick Greg Greg and honish were like my three main options um I messaged the honish and Ricks they never got back to me of course and I had no way of contacting Greg Greg and then he joined poop [ __ ] and I’m like maybe I should

Message him I’m like that’s kind of cringe if if I just messaged in the no cuz thing is I’m pretty sure I could have contacted them but they only got in due to like [ __ ] B pixel’s vouch cuz they worked together before yeah I guess so there’s like no real like I guess

Connection for anyone in casin crush I guess so that’s fair wish I could help you but the business is tight right now no it’s fine I’m hoping Joey responds because I I do like Joey’s Music like is tracks every time someone men like B pixel getting someone into a mod I always

Think of that one like DF like B pixel you got to save my mod Oh Yeah from from the [ __ ] that one guy yeah not cuz [ __ ] I’m pretty sure he invited bexel to like a group chat with like a bunch of inactive people from what I heard bexel stood there for a

Bunch of like I think like a week or two without any progress or anybody like talking no nothing and they just left yeah that’s fair they left what the mod yeah like they live the [ __ ] mod in GC now cuz I got to I guess I got to

Respect the attempt but that’s not the way to do it I know I can’t respect the sly Sly yeah I said a little weirdly sorry your accent Peak today wow Mike in the woods is finally out who this mod that I charted this mod that I charted for that J directed

Like a year ago huh goed you cannot make a tweet about it on Casino he like hey guys I worked on this yeah I know I haven’t mentioned this oh I’m tired you got to stop using your [ __ ] Twitter account that’s a mean bro you

Watching bro got left on like herd in VC I left on herd like in a VC were you watching my stream no BR well you would know that I didn’t I didn’t even interact with that [ __ ] tweet I’m just like okay just in general I just

Don’t you you do all the time I don’t yes you do no I don’t I just like [ __ ] joke because of how often you do it dude I I like things sometimes okay that’s it no I was like I only think drugs once that’s it not the same analogy but you

Entertain me I saw your head ass like quot to a picture of my dog but you had changed your profile picture on your mod account to my dog and like oh hey guys he clenched his fist really hard and friendly like yeah it’s funny but bro you’re on your mod account right now

H hey guys I’m running out of topic to talk about I’m sorting my shest right now so I noticed holy [ __ ] I’m stupid I’m Fletching Fletchers o can I say [ __ ] on YouTube yeah awesome yeah I know it’s like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that’s where I draw the line but [ __ ]

Is considered worse but a lot of people it’s like like the it’s like it’s like [ __ ] [ __ ] is not a [ __ ] okay whatever yeah but that [ __ ] gets like sh whacky on YouTube guys check so the Villager this is this look like multivers bro let me check

F what the [ __ ] uh I saw I want multiverses back so [ __ ] bad bro when are you even releasing that [ __ ] bro come on so bad it was so bad the only time I played it no yes my distorted ass mik ass bro [ __ ] goed bro I want it back

So badly you’re like the only person in the world who like that no me and Kim want that [ __ ] back we’re two people in the world should like that game first game to zero downloads I’m going to be first get to get two downloads bro oh well well like me and

You I’m going to become a multivers streamer when that [ __ ] drops holy [ __ ] un ironically yeah Chad take notes hold them against it if I don’t do this uh what’s a good like thing you guys can castrate me you can cut off my balls you guys can I only have one left

What what happened to the other one this isn’t my first rodeo I mean quite literally Al you’re saying this to one viewer whoever that is Lucas P if you’re Lucas oh the goat of all time it might be vanilla actually might be the goat of all time

The [ __ ] is Lucas P Lucas P has passed away I hate to break it to you the [ __ ] I can’t find this human being life bro has to death up I’m sorry bro I’m extremely depressed and want to kill myself oh let’s go I’m extremely depressed and want to

Kill myself guys help me sort chests no thanks please I want to kill myself I want to kill myself I want to kill myself also did anybody why did someone fix my house with pumpkins that wasn’t me bro that was your last Reser block that’s the only block I have on me

You know I respected thank you R listen not to say this is my bit but like you’re the pump pumpkin you’re going to see more pumpkins I got a package coming in and I’m waiting for it super impatiently yeah it’s me he [ __ ] jumps out like with confettis everywhere mailing myself [ __ ] burst

Out with confetti and just like the fu you guys remember the shitty ass YouTube videos where it’s like mailing myself in the [ __ ] cardboard box yeah I participated in it I actually died you did I wanted so bad what the [ __ ] a villager me a arrow of swiftness I Shi

Myself to Sweden so I could be with ven at last you do one of those at last yeah actually wait BR I don’t think I told you this you know vas in Arizona my bus yes I am aware assistance yeah they’re coming to see me next year

In dude it’s going to be so sick they’re coming to visit and when they arrive they’re staying at my place for like a week and then we’re going to spend the other week probably we’re going to like dip to Switzerland or something and just go like party your asses

Off we’re saving up a lot pretty much I’m saving from now and they’re saving from now so when they come visit we can just go and like Bonkers just go Bonkers for like yeah because like I’m meeting them right like like I’ve known these guys for like

Three years plus now and so it’s kind of a big deal like we’ve always wanted to hang out and meet they they’ve been my goats for the longest time they’re like my longest lasting online friends my longest goats my longest goats were like almost 8 years if not 10 can you yeah

But I haven’t been on Discord that long I have cuz I’m awesome I’ve been on Skype bro I’ve been on skp no I I wasn’t on anything before Discord to be honest I didn’t use Skype no I was on Skype and new grounds I wasn’t on new grounds I

Played new grounds [ __ ] but but I wasn’t on your grounds I didn’t pretty much I didn’t make online friends until I went on Discord I really didn’t either but like I don’t know it was more like I had my irls on Skype and then my irls had

Like some online friends yeah I I built a bunch of friends via Minecraft on Skype and some of them kind of just stuck but yeah me Arizona and vest comeing to visit next year in summer and we’re going to party our asses off and have a great old time go happy for you

Awesome sauce maybe you will meet George by then as well I don’t want to meet him the [ __ ] damn I hit bro where it hurts V this as like I was thinking like yo I should meet up with dog guy but I’m like the [ __ ] would I do with dog yeah I

Know that’s the only thing holding me back it’s like what the [ __ ] would I do it’s kind of like go hang out go do what friends do you forget what friends do bro you go hang out yeah I eat food with my friends and we go eat food with go eat Kebab

Go yeah go kab bro literally ke give up sorry dude I’m socially inept I would just sit there and stress about what to say it’s like so you come here often I never want to talk to you again dude I swear like I I I would walk up to

Like if I ever met vsen I’d walk up to him and be like yo versen and You’ just be like uh hi and I’d like stab my fingers in front of your face and you’d be like what are you doing and then I’d slap you in the face and be like get

Your act together you [ __ ] [ __ ] sorry it wouldn’t be like that it would more be like hi and then I will just keep walking bro your ass back here Bruen we’re going to a bar here is alcohol have fun that’s what I would do what is Brick

Doing in my property you have no idea how [ __ ] badly my friends want me to to drink I’m just like nah don’t drink if you don’t want to I mean I guess what the [ __ ] he blew dude can I tell you guys my [ __ ] day today I’m really pissed off right so

Let me let me let me tell you this so I I go to class on stream by the way I go to class I go to class I finish class I go to my second class turns out second class is canceled sick I get to go home

Early early because that was my last class right I had two classes today so I’m on my way home and turns out I didn’t read my bus notes correctly because I actually had to get off at a second stop and then board a second bus

I didn’t do that and I stayed on the first bus and I started riding off into the middle of butt [ __ ] nowhere until I realized I’m like oh [ __ ] I’m in the middle of butt [ __ ] nowhere so I got off and then I have to take a bunch of other

Buses and walk like 20 minutes to get to another bus stop so after like spending 40 minutes of running around and getting on other buses I finally got home just to put my [ __ ] laptop down on the [ __ ] table and everything and I realized I forgot my laptop charger at

School and it’s Friday so I literally cannot wait to go get it and I’m like [ __ ] so I literally go into my elevator realize I forgot my backpack go up the elevator back down the elevator just to kick me in the balls then I wait outside

For 15 minutes waiting for a [ __ ] bus just to go all the way back to school then go all the way back home just to grab my charger makes sense yeah I want to kill myself so I Wast said like some euros for the bus like I was like

Four why could like Euros or dollars just be like a universal currency why did everybody have to feel romantical that one day that one day you everyone decided to make an economy one day well yeah that’s kind of how it works yeah but they didn’t do the same bro and they

Didn’t they weren’t aware of the other people did I open Twitter and I see what is going on at twitch and it’s this [ __ ] girl streamer with her tits out what the [ __ ] wait send average kick stream no no no hold on send me for proof not like literally her tits out

Because obviously that’s not allowed here look I’ll post it in no M don’t don’t show show us on stream because YouTube actually has you know strict policies in set what the [ __ ] like look bro what has twitch become I’m so glad I left this dog should of a website bro

Like like YouTube definitely has his problems right but in comparison YouTube is great compared to this like what the [ __ ] am I watching [ __ ] why did twitch fall off so badly bro exactly Bro Look it used to be so well respected dude like it takes effort to

Fall off this bad it takes more than just effort like how do you even let this happen how yeah now this isn’t a thing where you can just sit back and it suddenly becomes this like you had to this was like what’s the title it had to happen

Like over time What’s the title of the stream 18 plus AI gamer girlfriend IG socials height workout what the [ __ ] am I watching bro Fletch already fat [ __ ] I can barely read the name it’s like morg pie or something thank some [ __ ] [ __ ] ass sh ban this account bro what the

[ __ ] Raz you still playing gotta love you want me to come over if you’d like it been I can’t believe I can come over to oh my god dude there’s more streamers just like her I’m looking at the comments of the tweet and there’s dude I’m looking at the comments of the tweet

And there’s like people talking about how there’s like like two more examples of girls doing the same [ __ ] where like their tits out but like it’s just cut off in the right way bro experiencing [ __ ] clickbait for the first time this isn’t even clickbait because you click on the stream and it’s right

There I know but like still dude how can you advertise yourself as a [ __ ] 13 plus this is so dumb dude it’s dumb as hell some people got like no shame not even that no shame even twitch has no like if you want to like look I

Don’t care if you want to do sex work do sex work right but you’re going to be a company right that prioritizes streaming and then you [ __ ] like have a clear bias towards sex workers when it’s clearly against your terms of service and you don’t hold them accountable then

Twitch honestly has like absolutely no shame because sex workers are going to take advantage of it right because of course they are it’s Lally free money but as a platform you have to be responsible enough to not allow that to happen and they still do which is [ __ ] dog [ __ ] bro

Like I don’t care for sex work if you’re going to do it you’re going to do it but at least there has to be restrictions in place yeah twitch does not follow these restrictions at all they kind of just don’t care yeah it’s like whatever gets

The money sure because like the thing is like if you’re going to be a sex worker you already don’t have shame right you’re going to go on Twitch and you’re going to show your tis as much as possible for the extra dollar right like you’re already you’re already doing sex

Work there’s no shame in it right like you’re going to do what you got to do you’ve already like jumped into the into the deep end so like no there’s no going back now there’s no R back right they’re like not GNA care right whe they do

Whether they do it on only fans or do it on PornHub or do it on [ __ ] twitch they don’t care right yeah but up the platforms to [ __ ] maintain that level of ethnicity and like you know um [ __ ] discipline you to not like [ __ ] make a joke out of their own

Website twitch is [ __ ] so disgusting dude they’re greedy they’re it’s also like not even the fact that they’re not like holding up their own t is that they’re actively promoting something yeah exactly dude dude I literally dude there are multiple times where I just open my thing is even

When I used to stream a lot I never used twitch right I just could never watch very long streamers it just wasn’t for me right yeah unless I unless I was watching like a friend stream right but that was like the can only watch Instagram reals no I can watch no I like

YouTube documents and stuff I watch that [ __ ] all the time like three hour long videos but I actually have to be like entertained like and like invested while watching it I don’t want to watch some dude like go silent for 10 minutes you know [ __ ] reacting to a video that

You could have watched on your own ex about they leave their [ __ ] room when they react yeah thing is like I um what was I saying bro activated Dimension yeah but yeah I I I never watched oh yeah I remember what I was saying pretty much I never watched twitch but so

Because like so my algorithm was like very basic to like what I would like just like to watch which was usually just gaming content like Minecraft at the time or like [ __ ] like that or like Terraria or gr tropia at the time then I’d go into my recommended right titties

Big anime jugular titties with the most [ __ ] physics you’ve ever seen in your life bro like I’ve never watched these streams in my life keep in mind it’s just like yeah here you go this is what we’re going to recommend to you here let me open Twitch right now and

See what they [ __ ] recommend to me keep in mind I’m not logged in I’m signed out of my account let’s just see what happens when I scroll down I’m not gonna prove this point at all oh would you look at that big anime titties oh again big anime titties oh looking girl

The girl that I just sent the Tweet about the the the the mor P girl whatever the [ __ ] literally recommended just chatting channels and she’s right there ridiculous look actually embarrassing actually look look at my stream look at my stream I will not be looking I will

Be looking for research look holy [ __ ] yeah look and I’m not even logged in [ __ ] sakes I’m not even logged in sh she’s right there that’s so [ __ ] dumb see I tell you bro I’m telling you he’s like whatever getes the whatever getes the bread for the company they don’t a

Joke twitch is a joke of a website bro actually lame holy [ __ ] it’s actually so embarrassing they went from being like so well respected as a [ __ ] streaming platform to just of like a few years in the span of like a few years yeah they became a [ __ ] joke [ __ ] yo completely

Unrelated I just opened up uh Twitter and I got this popup for the first time has anyone ever seen this before well let me see oh I’ve never seen that it’s like I it like it looks like one of those fake like Twitter funny like SC Creepy Pasta

Thingies or whatever that people post but nah this [ __ ] just popped up also for context it was a [ __ ] turn off the ad blocker head ass [ __ ] also so many also another reason I don’t like twitch is because so many of the biggest twich streamers just [ __ ] suck like xqc

Ori yeah like or or or miss or [ __ ] like that they’re also kind of just there to make money they’re either weirdos creeps uh hom like they’re either homophobic creeps weirdos weirdly overly political like I could go I could go on a whole rant about why hassabi is like a

[ __ ] loser uh or like just straight up greedy like xqc I [ __ ] hate XC like a burning passion and it’s not even my mother loves XC bro your mother my brother not my what happened with Anar Warriors by the way I haven’t heard from them in a while unrelated by the

Way they around they still do [ __ ] I don’t think they do have enough stuff though it’s more just the exe stuff I know but don’t they work on that one [ __ ] error mod that they were doing oh yeah I don’t know yeah I was like about it the one with you know Faith

Letter in it well yeah move bro move restock your [ __ ] already are you up there trying to Bart with that dude with the [ __ ] Fletcher stop trying to go slurp the second I cop GTA 6 I’m going straight to the strip club nothing can stop me and then I’ll play the campaign

I can’t believe I lived long enough to see GTA 6 come out lived long enough since 2025 like I I never thought i’ C day it got Meed for so long that it would never come out and it came out it’s crazy to think that in 2025 I’m going to be 20 years

Old and that’s when it’s going to be a thing is I’m pretty sure like [ __ ] 2025 GTA 6 is only going to get released for consoles so give it another year for like PC I will kill no they can’t do no way to do that I’m pretty

Sure they will do that I they can not no because I don’t think they would do that specifically for this game because there’s so much hype around it and everyone wants to play it that they’re going to make it available on all consoles the second it’s out I feel

Like I don’t know that’s what I heard at least yeah well I’m not going to believe that believe what you want to chose to ignore this believe what you’d like to believe I like how band Buzz just posted a [ __ ] image of himself like randomly

Found a picture of myself when I was in decent shape five years ago rare sighting this is just sad bu around what the [ __ ] is he doing bro wasn’t he going to make like an entire thing of like oh I’m deactivating I want to live a normal

He came back like a week later he’s done this like 10 times already to be honest [ __ ] so I’m not even like surprised like he left and I’m like I told myself maybe this is it maybe he’s yeah I know same it seems serious cuz he deactivated

Beforehand yeah and I’m like maybe this is it and then and then he brought back the Twitter account and said oh I’m keeping this up for archival purposes and my tweet oh bro yeah sure and then I’m like uhuh sure buddy all right and then he didn’t do that

Fuing whack honestly not even any of my business but like don’t say you’re going to leave if you’re not going to leave like bro don’t pull a don’t pull a Sher Dam I had a dream I had a dream where I wanted to become a better person

Guys I love making fun of that dude I’m sorry it’s really easy too it really is not hard like I’m not really going to deny it but like God damn personally I’ll just stay quiet I had would be hard to make fun of yourself like personally

Speaking if I were to make fun of myself no like do you think like that from a third person perspective it would be easy to make fun of you like if you were someone else like are we talking about online me or real life me is the

Difference I no [ __ ] no I guess online okay no I’m joking I’m relatively the same when I’m with comfortable with people um I’m not see I’m I’m real anyways um am I easy to make fun of yes but I also I’m the kind of person who doesn’t

Really care if I made fun of because I I feel like that kind of contributes to not being made fun of yeah exactly like it comes to a point where the thing is like it you can make fun of me but I never get made fun if the question is do

You get made fun of I’m like no never in real life unless it’s like being the butt of the joke sometimes then yeah but like in a banter way but I never actually get made fun of right I think I have like a mutual respect with like

Most people that I talk with so they don’t really have a reason to like my friends like troll me all the time like they make they they like do banter with me and [ __ ] it’s not like making fun of it’s more just like common friend B there’s a difference there’s a

Difference but I don’t ever get made fun of because it doesn’t affect me when it if someone genuinely wants to make fun of me I will actually pull out the most devious insult of all time look I I will I have this weird character trait I’ve never actually had to put it I’ve

Probably put it into use like maybe once or twice before in this VCA there have been like whenever I get made fun of or I’m criticized or being like harassed in a genuine way not like for troll ER for shits and giggles right like if someone generally has a problem

With me and I have a problem with them I will spit out the craziest most fire [ __ ] bars of pure insult the world has ever seen I have said some absolutely devious [ __ ] Bros had enough No More Mr Nice Guy like literally I go from being so dumb

To like No More Mr Nice Guy is that what happened when the guy left the guy the guy the guy’s insane who’s the guy the guy [ __ ] main character yeah the main character yeah cor no he didn’t leave bro he got kicked well I didn’t have a problem with him

Because it just kind of pretty Bare Bones I didn’t have an argument with him he just left because understandably I mean I used to get really mad at you but like you know we’re past that that was just me being stupid I can’t tell when people are

Joking or being serious cuz a lot of you guys use like the same of voice and tone for when you’re being funny and not yeah I do that or my autistic head ass can just not tell the difference what did you say why I was confused oh um

[ __ ] there’s been a couple of times where I’ve been genuinely mad at you and I was genuinely arguing with you but that was like me being stupid and for Honor yeah no the thing is oh yeah true when you play like a rage inducing games you get like actually mad at people

Thing is like I can always the thing is I can I can always tell when you’re generally mad or not mad and I’ll always usually analyze why you’re upset and if it’s because like I’m generally doing something wrong I’ll usually chill out like the time I pissed off B pixel and I

Went and apologize to them yeah right that’s like an example but like if it’s just a time where you’re getting mad at me as a result of you getting mad at playing for honor I’m just like I’m not gonna take it seriously you know like

Bro get off your game I don’t give a [ __ ] you know fair enough but like I don’t usually mean whatever the [ __ ] I say no obviously I don’t mean half the [ __ ] I say either see okay here’s the [ __ ] wacky scenario I in I know that you guys don’t

Mean what yall say like in the moment I’m like bro should I be concerned when I say I hate why I usually shut the [ __ ] up when it happens cuz I’m like they’re probably joking but I really cannot tell if they’re joking is that why you choose not to

Intervene most of the time yeah I we will we’ll keep this in mind bro I’ll just I’ll notice ver is sad I go I am always quiet you will not notice when it’s for this reason and not yeah I just like point out anyways Jo Ren if

You’re being quiet just in case you were joking would not say that you’re got to be like we’re just joking by the way cuz some dude’s gonna be like no we’re yeah I think it was like I think I’ve only been actually upset once in this VC genuinely upset was yeah like

Genuinely upset and it was the whole situation with Santi and whatever oh oh yeah that was an entire problem that I think I missed this oh yeah this is yeah you did Miss I was I was not there also I I just got really upset on like the whole

Like uh how do I put it like Casino Crush being the butt of the joke because I had a bad day yeah oh that was an actual like thing no like it wasn’t a big deal but the thing is Santi joined poop [ __ ] and agreed to work on The

Mod no like there was a bit that [ __ ] sucker and I thought it would be funny to like give them work to like [ __ ] on Casino crash not [ __ ] you know that entire [ __ ] and sucker was like okay I can maybe get a little bit of work off

My back and they were like totally down to do that [ __ ] not you know anything too serious whatever the [ __ ] I was going to kick him off after and then [ __ ] from what I heard uh B pixel was like this close to leaving the team because of Santi like purposely dragging

Down development of Casino crash to work on poop sh and other mods and [ __ ] like that and they were not cool with that and I had no idea because I had no power at the time I don’t think is that they purposely did it it’s just that Santi is

Like I don’t know when it comes to the programming aspect of Casino crash I’ve always been not great at directing it just because I don’t actually understand it just I don’t understand how it works and also because a lot of the time a lot of the programmers I’ve worked with have been extremely

Uncooperative because they’ve either ghosted me or they’ve been like Axion as an example like or just they’re extremely mentally unwell there have been times where I’ve had decent relationships with programmers being in this community but yeah but specifically programmers they just go oh I’m depressed and I’m like okay never met

The happy programmer I literally like once caved and said you know what I’m tired I’m just going to commission a programmer at this point paid $30 right they sent me the money back like bro come on how do I pay you and you go sorry you give it back like come on

Man cuz at what point does it get that bad I don’t know man I literally paid you and yeah so Santi Santi said they’re gonna work on it I honestly I’m only going to really start being worried about it once all the assets are complete yeah I know I don’t know by the

Way [ __ ] Santi put it when I was talking to them it kind of makes it seem like uh they could just work on it whenever they [ __ ] want they just kind of choose not to and I’m like Dam you are just dragging down the Vel that’s the

Issue so know I wasn’t really cool with that and I talked with sucker about it and [ __ ] beix all that you know I don’t really condone what they’re doing and I [ __ ] kicked them off the team and sucker kicked them off the repository like oh are they not in the

Server anymore I didn’t know no they’re here they’re here just as a spectator cuz Santi San still the code rolling [ __ ] because like the S Santi still chill like the team right there’s like no beef further beyond that we kind of settled things so like things are all

Cool in the hood but like just like that one situation where I kind of got upset I also just had a really shitty day right it was a kind of a combination of the two where it’s like me stressing about programming and then just like having I know but like [ __ ] bexel got

Really worried about you that was a problem B pixel and like B pixel is not cool with people purposely dragging down the velopment obviously that’s why they’re really upset with doy oh yeah of course oh speaking of the [ __ ] what is this I was just talking about you un ironically you talking what

Are you talking about talking the whole Santi situation that happened like a while back yeah we just okay because there we’re just kind of like we were pretty much talking about like getting angry or like like it being a joke and I mentioned how I’ve only gotten angry

Once in the server ever and was that situation we started and we kind of started sailing off that conversation yeah and then we pretty much were talking about how you got upset because you don’t like it when people drag down development and then yeah thatti and then why mention that’s why you’re

Really upset at doy and I’m like yep I mean that’s why everybody’s upset at doy yep at least no guy is not making it on purpose to like make someone angry that’s the thing like a wolf kind of like a like a little boy cry the wolf situation right because

You can’t like if you purposely like postpone and don’t work for literally over a year and do [ __ ] all right even when you have all the free time in the world and you literally have a whole summer vacation to do [ __ ] and you still don’t it’s literally just

Laziness like that is stra up your problem at that point you had all the time beforehand exactly if something bad is happening to you it’s not entirely your fault cuz you had all the time before had before that exactly exactly that’s what I’m saying like now that

Something bad is happening to you where you generally cannot work it’s not like I can understand that I can emphasize with it but like you had all the time before yeah it’s like there’s no difference like for me it’s like okay like once I realized there was [ __ ]

Happening with doy I’m like Yep this jackpot is never being finished just bother and the thing is it sucks right cuz he finished most of it no but I was talking like uh yeserday I’m pretty here [ __ ] we got Greg R for IBS right and then like the second dog I learned about

It he was like give me IBS back I’ll actually work on it and I was like okay I hope you actually do progress now and he’s like yeah yeah and then he never [ __ ] got back to us like I’m actually so [ __ ] upset we all are It’s

Upsetting like no I’m kind of in a gray state where I think like should I trust the process or do I just give it to Greg Greg again and start an argument I mean I’ve been giving you tips on how to handle the situation I wish you the best

Of luck since I’m not a director and [ __ ] like that doing my best to help but I can’t I can’t do it alone like I’ve been actually nervous on like getting closer because it’s so ridiculously close how [ __ ] Teensy wey we done like with music and assets

Yeah for crash it’s just the programming that’s holding us back really that’s it and I hate it anyway like I’m not even joking if we had like a competent programmer who would actually work on [ __ ] I’m telling you we would have a bill that’s like 90

5% done like I’m not even joking we we would have a fully playable functional build of the entire mod that would just be missing a few things that’s just how close it is like I know we make jokes about how it’s never coming out but like but literally funes it’s like literally

Like on the Finish Line like it could be out like all I’m saying is that like if we had a competent programmer who had like a decent build going we could we could have had it out before the end of this year but we don’t so it’s going to

Go into next year because we need someone to work on it so got them it is what it is we’re both kind of just in a pickle it’s it’s funny because four of a kind which is the rsen song is probably the fastest thing we’ve ever

Finished we did it within a month all guys best thing we ever finished was [ __ ] too far but that’s kind of just you know it’s too far that doesn’t really count yeah no four of a kind generally has like cool stuff it has like a mid scene

Like cut scene which we finished I show the fastest you can count as baby girl should cuz like the only thing that got dragged back in baby girl was coffee never doing theise and the second I reassigned them to [ __ ] George he got him down in less than a week oh okay

Wait oh my God uh I have something really cool to show you um so it kind of so hold on I I got to find it so this kind of depends on if slab Jam finishes it or not but because their like Casino crash work is kind of coming

To a close but they still like the characters a lot they’re going to kind of just do whatever they want and just like [ __ ] around and like just have fun yeah with just making random stuff so they may they’re going to like work on a really cool animatic like of like just

For fun and it looks really sick here look in the mic if you want to watch it it’s like tied to like a song but it’s really cool I love it we will not be looking that is not me wait I sent the old version lamu Luma his

Brother Lum and laau his brother I love that video that video is so good truly a truly a classic truly a hood oh wait no I don’t have the new version they share screened it to me you this is just had like two more frames anyways SL is such a good animator So

Co I’m right now and this [ __ ] is so you say uh I was going to bring back the talk of doy I might [ __ ] confront to Recon front doy again about [ __ ] I IBS and actually give him a deadline am I being generous by giving him a

Month not going to do [ __ ] you’re going to be wasting a month I’m just telling you from now but go ahead listen I want to I want to have faith thing is I know he could finish IBS within two weeks or a week if he wanted to give him two

Weeks yeah that’s what I was saying I’m like am I being too generous by giving him like yes a month yes say he has two weeks so yes we’re literally at the end of the year but because here’s the thing cuz here here’s the thing right here’s what’s going to

Happen he’s not going to work for the first two weeks right then Christmas is going to be around he’s like oh I’m spending Christmas with my family then he’s not going to do another [ __ ] for another week and then it’s going to be like Oh I’m post Christmas [ __ ] break

Oh yeah I’m not need to he always like finds some sort of excuse yeah I have school work but you didn’t have school work yesterday but I do now okay do you have school work tomorrow no hey yo can you do it doesn’t respond bro like he doesn’t respond when

He is free and when he isn’t free he does respond and says he’s busy ridiculous like bro I’m going kill myself God I’ll kill myself I’ll kill myself I’m going to kill myself I’m going I’m about to I’m about to lose all my marbles well that was a devious voice

Crack yeah it wasn’t you could barely hear it oh thanks you’re my goat no I’m not well thank you oh I understand I’m I’m racist he’s racist good for him good for me actually it’s bad for you but good for you br came out of the racist closet I really want like

[ __ ] food he wants [ __ ] food why can’t you have normal food like a normal person you always want the [ __ ] kind just turns me on [ __ ] food [ __ ] food stupid as B fire at wire day seven I love this thumbnail so [ __ ] much bro it’s so good [ __ ] Thanos playing in

Minecraft need my my thumbnail is actually pretty solid as well actually I’m actually kind of Happy the thumbil oh wait we got beef what do you mean compared to the Thanos I’m sorry bro no no that’s nothing beats the Thanos bro like look how fire it is

Thanos I’m just saying mine is pretty cool mine is hard though also hi Lucas we love food we should welome back Lucas my goat we love food we love food yeah I’m going to watch your stream so I can give you that extra viewer let’s go me it’s pushing me off the

[ __ ] YouTube grind [ __ ] yeah oh who made those little like characters of like the characters talking uh it’s like individual anybody can make their own but who made the one for veren uh R uh who made the one for B pixel was it B pixel I want one I want one commission

Someone or make one yourself no I’m GNA make it myself I made one myself with [ __ ] Thanos poing yeah uh Rocky Che no mic yes for that yeah what’s what is what is you want sharpness five uh sure oh I need to log in and [ __ ] all right thanks you’re awesome you’re the

Best oh I got the two fact Factor authentication because I like keeping my account protected sorry guys he’s protected he’s wearing virtual condoms yeah this isation is like a virtual condom if you literally is a virtual condom because it won’t guarant because it won’t it won’t guarantee your

Safety all the time but it will do it like 95% sometimes the rubber just breaks sometimes the rubber breaks and you get [ __ ] but like yeah okay this is so cool actually most devious conversation we had speak speaking okay wait I might be I might do something really [ __ ] dumb are you

[ __ ] kidding me yeah and like I mean it goes without saying about like if you change yours it will change for everyone like that’s just how it works yeah man K named it works sorry wait he found that [ __ ] really funny is it rude to fake laugh like that

No not on if if it’s in a sarcastic way then yeah you’re CH I wasn’t sarcastically laughing but remember I remember like at some point [ __ ] I genuinely thought I did a pretty good joke and [ __ ] George was [ __ ] sitting there in sense and then and I’m

Like [ __ ] and I was like okay I want to kill myself I [ __ ] love it when he does that bro it’s like so [ __ ] funny I want to I wanted to kill myself after that I was like okay I might have created the best one

Actually do I just select it now uh I guess Jo you’re the best one no way wait when when does it appear after I’ve selected it uh I oh it appeared it’s it’s it’s f [ __ ] card thing yeah was good you can see it on the stream on what stream oh

[ __ ] on why stream yeah I’m I’m like watching his stream Let me refresh the stream said not live for you oh let’s [ __ ] go look how just it just becomes like autistic when it like start when I start talking it becomes autistic yeah like yeah man

Like this is so Peak okay what what else can I make with this I’m actually having fun hold on he’s actually having fun let me let me look through my library see what dumb [ __ ] I can find dude I I love being that one guy that’s

Just like in the back is like I’m having so much fun he’s having so much fun was like an ad lib in a song I I need you w can you help me set this up actually for my joke flop joke I’ll kill myself wait no bro stop

Why H can you me set this up for my stream yeah sure it’s not that difficult easy you can literally just click on the [ __ ] squares of like the group and [ __ ] whatever and just drag them onto OBS or whatever you’re yeah literally yeah that’s literally how you do

It oh you can also just like [ __ ] open up the images and then you C I might have found I might have found actually Peak hold on hold on holy awesome holy awesome I [ __ ] love the Thanos ping bro it’s so good it isn’t really good no way he just goes back to

Smiling yeah Al hold on I I could have been watching your stream on my other monitor this entire time other monitor I keep forgetting to uses sometimes like [ __ ] I bro forgot it uses it’s like over stimulating sometimes I don’t know or you I guess it mes be because I got used

To it but I’ve made Peak okay we’ll now wait for it what the [ __ ] oh yeah someone made a comment on my [ __ ] fit in remix saying that it was like top loader’s fault that it’s so long I don’t know what the hell that I

Don’t know what that got to do with it but yeah look at my thing bro oh what is that that is horrible that’s me deep fried that is terrible hold up one of Lucas P me got [ __ ] thingy hold on no free viewers [ __ ] up yeah know you can

You can say that [ __ ] yeah I got you no free viewers [ __ ] up I got you Lucas I got you Lucas P dud I need to go back to mining I’m so sad you want to help me sort my chest actually W mhm I’m [ __ ] I’m dead he’s

[ __ ] I’m stupid I don’t know how to organize my chest or not how to organize my chest [ __ ] have you been to my awesome basement you had a basement it’s a bit of a new development I don’t know if you’ve been here in a bit no I’ll be on

My way though yeah would you mind popping over if you have food I do have food someone’s hungry what good yum I or I guess yeah yeah all right fren I’ll be on my way I’ve been streaming for seven hours cuz I can just like turn on the

Stream and just have a normal conversation at this point you know my longest stream ever was like [ __ ] like um 50 hours 50 hours in a row yeah in a row why for what purpose subathon I got mad money subathon pretty much pretty much

Pretty much uh I had a guy come into my stream and gift me pretty much it was like five minutes for every gifted and then just before it ended like I said the original timer for six hours and it was on the last five minutes some guy donated like

50 things which is 250 minutes which was like another 3 hours and then it kept me on and then they just kept donating and then we just kept going up and up and up and then yeah that [ __ ] I no I wasn’t there for 50 hours I was there for like

40 for like 47 hours but like were you awake for all those like yeah no I stayed awake well okay I no that’s not true cuz I did go to sleep actually no I did go to sleep um but I slept for like awake yes I slept for like four hours though

So it wasn’t long second I the second I finished the second I finished stream though I actually just passed out though yeah there was another there was another time there was something called the 24-hour SMP where we it was like a bunch of Minecraft streamers and there was an S&P

That lasted 24 hours and then you had to gather [ __ ] and then at the end of it you had to just battle in like a little arena in 24 hours yeah like we had 24 hours to just gather as much [ __ ] as possible and then uh fight yeah um I I

Was partnered with two other people some guy with a like monkey something and then this guy called eror good night and and then we won because we’re [ __ ] goats and we won like $200 which we split three ways we actually came first place which was insane it was

Actually insane I think it was like monkey links was his name because thing is me and Eric kind of popped off but I died first Eric died second and then monkey clutch monkey links just kind of like chilled back and like survived till the last two killed one of the guys and

Then killed the other guy we popped off so [ __ ] hard bro bro monkey links was like actually like MVP is this your goat of all time he’s actually like the the Minecraft goat all right R I’m here hi hello oh so dis okay never mind it’s super disorienting having your stream on

Because it’s like slightly delayed yeah I’m just going to turn it off y g hello hello I [ __ ] love that one like last chance have yall seen that [ __ ] wait what’s up have yall seen like the last chance VFX [ __ ] no like the shaders this is so bad bro how do you

Split $200 three ways I don’t know like $75 uh well actually we split it we split it um like 7 like uh [ __ ] we split it like 65 65 65 Oh I thought it was like 75 no well no 63 63 63 and then there was a dollar left and we just gave

It to Monkey links cuz he clutched extra dollar anyways this place it looks like ass valua it’s not very oh G I’m not the best at sorting chests I just sort stuff based on like how frequent of an item I get it so like that’s why I have blocks and then I also

Have stone done I mean say that bad B why did Santi just write Casino crash in the [ __ ] chat know it’s Santi [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you you bro why you doing diagonally wait no the other one vertically cuz it’s awesome I love how bad sounds as a song it makes

Me want [ __ ] brains up if you don’t mind me ruining your UI yeah know it’s fine I honestly I’ve never been good at sorting stuff I just put stuff and then I kind of beg that it works makes sense freaky young girl bisexual that song is so good every time

I hear I always think of like [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] Jesse Pinkman here Jesse Pinkman with a corn on the cob goes hard as [ __ ] Dude shck real quick this [ __ ] tweet give me a second after this why did this fly get like six retweets I’m going to I taking piss the pen ice starts lagging I got to delete the PES why is there a [ __ ] wondering trailer around here I don’t know he’s

There he’s selling blue eyes though I’m like yo then there be said six emeralds for like one I’m like no I love how I’m helping you sword [ __ ] while my [ __ ] chest in my own house are so [ __ ] acious atrocious honestly that’s like a thing that people do a lot they like

Help others before themselves it’s a bit of a toxic trait my friend yeah because you’re awesome I love seeing those [ __ ] videos on Instagram where it’s like this [ __ ] emo kid where it’s like you don’t want to mess with me and he’s like being fully serious and like all the

Kids are recording and making fun of him me as [ __ ] like I know like like like look I would feel bad for him because he probably has like issues but like I just don’t I just don’t how you cuz how you going to be like you don’t want to mess

With me get out of here like so [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s like oh it’s like funny as [ __ ] um yo wire chat um I’m going to bed so uh the stream just got boring sorry guys what buddy all right I’m that guy I am that guy I’ll catch you guys later good

Night good night my Jitter godamn speak I want to speak let me speak [ __ ] why give me mod on your stream oh okay shut up do it hold on let me I have to go on YouTube because I can do it from my [ __ ] do not why I don’t

Know I’ll make I’ll make you mod I’ll make you both mod just do it make me because you trust the guy who [ __ ] pissed you off by breaking the portal yeah I didn’t break the portal I didn’t break didn’t break no portal what the

[ __ ] the gas did it oh yeah I was there I remember uh Hey guys hello bit awkward here a’t it yeah cuz I was going to call like before when when yeah I couldn’t speak uh like I should probably start reading good night pun pun because

There’s a lot of good reviews about that and people thought good [ __ ] about it seems interesting yeah see is rusen here no no idea D Ren passed away never mind I revive oh hi check the thing you [ __ ] huh check the wood compartment you [ __ ] did I get did I did I got

Moderator no what the [ __ ] I do [ __ ] with it but I’m confused what’s confusing about about oh wait now I see it sorry I dude you have to know something awesome about me I’m super lazy with what I see I didn’t see the different wood times makes sense has lazy eyes it’s not

Like normally in this scenario people would be like oh I have this and this no I’m just [ __ ] stupid I’m lazy saw the wood and I was like those are all the same why the hell are books in lava here I don’t know why books are there I don’t but lava goes

Kind of hard in there hard heading to death now I expect Mo the same reason I’m not going to give it to you CU B pixel said otherwise D and pixel’s awesome Pixel definitely to you anyways I’m going to bed yeah man human being diff rest in

Peace can we talk about the big ass hello neighbor that’s just in the middle of this [ __ ] where like outside my house give me a second I’m organizing your stupid oh thank you I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m doing with the durabilities and tools cuz

There’s not much to work with there but yeah yeah yeah what the [ __ ] BR you just be putting [ __ ] in the chest which one are you looking at now blocks oh well yeah that’s just everything that’s a block this little C [ __ ] what the I’m goed mind oh Phantoms he the

Phant why did they so much health imagine imag adding such a terrible mob to the game that there’s a command to disable them specifically literally why is the grindstone in the [ __ ] okay well give me a better place bro tools and durabilities oh no is that a tool actually what the

[ __ ] uh actually I guess I’m going to rename this to usables that makes more sense the books and blocks where the [ __ ] is that chest oh there it is there okay what the that’s not supposed to be there [ __ ] where did the books go I don’t I stole at the

D put them in the wood the wood are you know [ __ ] it yeah that makes sense L wise oh that’s just my wool lamal also some chests kind of overlap like I keep carrots in the farm chest not in the food I don’t really care about the

Nature thing you can just keep it like that yeah the nature G will kill itself there’s no organization to be made there except for maybe the seeds but I don’t care uh I think that’s it wait no drops I made like drops the thing with drops is like a lot of things

Could be drops like yeah like you as a CH like glowstone dust is a drop from a witch but like you know where the [ __ ] normally you don’t see that [ __ ] you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well like a red stone that’s a great example like

Red stone can drop from a witch putting that in the [ __ ] orang chest though I don’t know what the [ __ ] oh wait no I get it I was going to say where the [ __ ] is sugar here got drop from a witch from the witch [ __ ] like the items be

Overlapping all right whatever I’m kind of [ __ ] with this that should be it also what do I do like design wise well like blocks around everywhere I guess yeah cuz like I’m not I’m not a builder but holy [ __ ] this looks [ __ ] hi is uh well first of all you have a farm

On top on top of your farm I mean we can keep the [ __ ] the Green Top but other than that it’s like uh H got walls and sheep and potentially this floor I guess you want to make this another Green Room in what way here’s my suggestion

You take every single wall around every way where and turn it into glass and and you put the compartment like a little like small room behind the glass that’s like just just more vegetation and [ __ ] like that are do you want me to have just like a whole layer of like compartments

Of just like a bunch of leaves and [ __ ] like that whatever the [ __ ] it would be cool to have like glass and then leaves behind it yeah yeah yeah yeah and then like glow stone could to light floorwise I guess you can just keep it dirt cuz you know yeah yeah dirt

SL stone or whatever because I’m going to be digging down further cuz I’m awesome we’re the only ones left R we need to repopulate I’m sorry with this awesome zombie never mind that’s hello neighbor oh goodbye neighbor he’s a little droopy I don’t think he’s seeing the think he’s upside down yeah

How do you make maps again I forgot uh you need like compass and paper oh I don’t have Redstone I don’t mind that [ __ ] and to make Compass you need iron and Redstone yeah it’s quite inconvenient Al did you just look through my chest are you going to steal my

[ __ ] where did you leave that shest for nothing to like happen in it no cuz like I arrived to your location and I was like bro I just got here there’s no way I’m going to travel back home so I killed myself and I put

All my items in there oh okay I stole your axe all good you know what that’s just the they goed since you y my diamond pickaxe yeah and I broke it so you get to break mine I’m not breaking yours though I got I’m breaking all this

[ __ ] oh wait you Enchanted it and everything yeah I kind of yed it bro I’m start naming my items actually I you were a victim of that bro yeah no I mean it’s kind of goed also I am super what’s it called I like the big forehead a go

Are bro saying he got good jeans people be joking on it it goes hard though there are some cases where it don’t go hard it go hard for me though I’m one of them cases I’m one of the good cases hate to break to you stay ah had R

You’re you’re 100% Going to Bald by 30 oh yeah oh yeah it’s baldness and so am I I’m going to keep it 100 I can probably Rock the ball though I think you can rock the ball too yeah know I just need to grow facial hair ooh n I’m going clean

You’re just going to look like a weirdo yeah you’re going to like a [ __ ] convicted sex offender no offense Seth ever oh yeah Seth ever he yeah know he had a mustach at some point it look terrible Swedish people cannot grow facial hair doesn’t work I’m sorry like

Unless some unless there’s a rare case that it kind of just does happen and you grow like a luscious blonde that [ __ ] goes hard as [ __ ] here look at this [ __ ] look at no my bro he even has a thing saying real like real like naturally blonde [ __ ] beards go hard as

[ __ ] I don’t think my beard is or like orange it’s so weird my [ __ ] hair is blonde like all other like hair like [ __ ] beard and mustache is [ __ ] completely black makes sense also my my eyebrows I don’t know why I don’t got the blonde it’s just the Billy jeans in

Your jeans the Billy jeans she’s not my lover also I didn’t even know we had a c Farm what the [ __ ] I’m going burn these neither did I can I steal no oh okay you got to steal thought you have one yeah but it’s a small one I’ll probably got a

Big one n oh it’s also a small one yeah I thought you had a big one what is like how do I make a big one what’s like the goed just got to make it okay F I thought it was like a more to it

No more room is more room bro no but like isn’t there like a more efficient way of you know having them oh no blood ah course not the Minecraft you think I’m the guy that knows it all yeah oh okay thanks I’ve probably seen you as the Minecraft

Guy oh yeah I guess I’ve been the Minecraft guy yeah no but I lost my I almost said I lost my J MC no more J I’ve lost my charm in Minecraft in M no more M bro you decided now one day I woke up and I’m like no

More I’m a better man I can’t do this no more I was like I was like super [ __ ] upz it’s actually so funny I used to stream Minecraft every single [ __ ] day one day I woke up and I’m like oh my God I got to stream again and I realized

Wait streaming was supposed to be fun and I’m supposed to enjoy playing Minecraft this kind of feels like a chore now I need to stop and that’s why I became so goated makes sense so the SMP is like me getting back into streaming since 3 years

I hate streaming so much I don’t hate streaming but like there’s so much pressure for no reason for me I get it don’t feel people don’t feel pressure I always I have to turn on funny brain but then like everything else in my brain is like no I don’t want

To be funny right now no cuz like I can probably get away with like if people want to watch me just watch if not just I don’t care but like I kind of just hit [ __ ] start stream and then just have a nor conversation as I would normally have

With you guys yeah that’s how I can get away with like making a quote unquote entertaining stream like you’ll notice that whenever I start streaming I become much more louder and much more annoying well yeah that happens I grew out of that because I realized there’s filters I can put on

My mic to sound louder a funny mic yeah I have a webcam it it sounds like absolute dog ass I could plug it in and it sound like dog [ __ ] please don’t do that I wouldn’t do that if I were you I wouldn’t do that it’s like you hold me

Uncountable I’m holding your accounting right now nah but like I’m [ __ ] up I’ve been streaming for almost 8 hours it may be time to go I used to stream for like 12 hours just making music I didn’t care at that point I don’t know what happened

Bro just kind of the guy that’s like all I’m going to hit stream and I’m going to make a song like normal you can’t make imposing fun it’s just not possible unless you do like a challenge like if you just like you’re going a [ __ ] like cord the generator

Or some [ __ ] and you make a song out of that cord like you can do [ __ ] like eliminate those where you just like find some stupid ass sample that people tag him in and then he tries his best to use it like a [ __ ] you only use stock

[ __ ] FL [ __ ] yeah like some stupid like challenge but like if you’re like me or you just like boot up it’s like all right I have to work on this we’re going to do today it’s just like what the [ __ ] do you do have you just been sitting silent and making songs or

Like more I would just be sitting there talking to chat and then like and I see viewers I’m like all cool and that’s it I see I built my character not to kill about the big number I literally have one guy watching me right now and it’s probably [ __ ] Jo

Okay I found what Gro is I was wondering about that Gro yeah grck is a new like Twitter AI thing oh yeah no wonder cuz it was like [ __ ] roast me Joey animations yeah I was like so confused cuz I didn’t I don’t got that like I

Don’t have any of I don’t got that [ __ ] either I was thinking it’s cuz of my extension yeah but like I turned off the extens extension it’s still not there so is talking about the one that brings the Twitter logo back and [ __ ] like that

Yeah I have that [ __ ] too Joy is not like a Twitter blue person so like what the hell unless he has to which disrespect no he’s not I just checked bro said rest in peace bro actually just died I don’t want to oh I have viewers quick someone say a

Slur hey guys [ __ ] why would you say that I didn’t actually mean sorry stupid ass maybe goofy ass as well more stupid sometimes I just be saying [ __ ] I think it’s funny I think I’m funny yeah you are thanks B pixel no problem you two are quite

Funny yeah but I’d say I’m funnier no offense completely ruined the moo can I disenchant a [ __ ] written book uh no I don’t think so it’d be funny but I don’t want to try it cuz I’m going to look like stupid I’m going to look like stupid

Now but like sometimes I’m kind of stupid you know what I’m saying yeah thanks I got B I’m going to come to your house goodbye IRL uh you can’t do that you can’t do that you don’t have permission yeah no okay but that’s trespassing would you really snitch to the

Police BR I got I just found this like Twitter account and they like they put mod progression and the like name and [ __ ] like that and it’s very funny cuz it say V2 3% done oh good to know that 3% you know it’s just like one Sprite it’s like

Nothing else how do you even no it’s exactly 3% what the [ __ ] do you mean by that I I have no idea like they’re’s making numbers up very [ __ ] funny how long you trying to BL for I want to go mining before I die cuz uh I kind of want to

Die right now do you want to die okay we might kill ourselves I mean die I mean you can just leave the game and then leave vers to it yeah but I’ll have to end stream I mean yes I don’t want to do offs screen mining I me tomorrow when I boot up

Stream yeah all right well that’s that goodbye what the [ __ ] before me IM yeah byebye [ __ ] ass go

This video, titled ‘DAY #7 | POOPSHITTERS SMP | Chill Stream’, was uploaded by FireAtWhire on 2023-12-09 01:28:45. It has garnered 64 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 07:38:39 or 27519 seconds.

Oh yeah, we’re starting an awesome Minecraft SMP donate here! – https://streamlabs.com/fireatwhire/tip

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    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT ENDER DRAGON IN MINECRAFT 1.2 | MEMBERS SPECIAL | Epitome Gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly got us thinking – what if you could unleash your creativity and build something truly epic on a server like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft, collaborate with like-minded players, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s the… Read More

  • Awkward Moments in Minecraft!

    Awkward Moments in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Embarrassment of Opening the Wrong Door! Welcome to the world of Minecraft where unexpected adventures await at every turn. Join the fun and excitement as you navigate through the blocky landscapes and encounter hilarious mishaps along the way. Unlocking the Laughter Imagine the laughter that ensues when a character opens the wrong door in Minecraft. From unexpected surprises to comical encounters, every moment is filled with joy and amusement. The game’s unpredictable nature keeps players on their toes, ready for whatever may come their way. Turning Mistakes into Memorable Moments Even opening the wrong door can lead… Read More

  • UNLOCKING LVL 444 SECRETS in Minecraft Skyblock!

    UNLOCKING LVL 444 SECRETS in Minecraft Skyblock!Video Information uh all right cool bot RZ just join the channel shut the [ __ ] up NBO uh I will keep my camera off right now just because I came home and had the [ __ ] so I just said [ __ ] it and went ahead and took a shower anyway I was going to do that I was going to do that later and anyway like before I went to bed but [ __ ] [Music] it so I got the uh I got my fan on me right now so um yeah I I… Read More

  • Hypixel Ruined Block Clutch

    Hypixel Ruined Block ClutchVideo Information This video, titled ‘HYPIXEL RUINED THIS BLOCK CLUTCH! #bridgeduels #hypixel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Good Guy Sly on 2024-04-16 20:15:01. It has garnered 2347 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Experience the ultimate ASMR clicking sounds in this action-packed Minecraft video featuring Hypixel Duels, Bedwars, PvP, and more! Dive into the world of Hypixel Bridge and witness epic block clutches and intense battles. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, this video is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Join us on YouTube for… Read More

  • “Ultimate Clickbait: Rainbow Noob Summons Roblox Smileys in Minecraft 😱” #shorts

    "Ultimate Clickbait: Rainbow Noob Summons Roblox Smileys in Minecraft 😱" #shortsVideo Information huh [Music] H woo wow oh my God no God no God please no [Music] what wow This video, titled ‘Never Summon Roblox Innyume Smiley’s Stylized in Minecraft…. 😨 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Rainbow Noob on 2024-04-19 13:48:02. It has garnered 17763 views and 809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Never Summon Roblox Innyume Smiley’s Stylized in Minecraft…. 😨 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftanimation #animation Subscribe to the channel so as not to miss the video! Read More


    ULTIMATE XP FARM - RULER TAKES ON ASSASSIN IN MINECRAFT 🔥🔪 || #minecraft #survivalVideo Information तो हेलो गाइ स्वागत है सभी का 100 डेज सर्वाइवल वीडियो के डे नंबर नाइन पे तो भाई पिछले वाले वीडियो में हम लोग गए थे नेदर फोर्ट्रेस में और वहां पे भाई हमें ब्लेज रॉड मिला था ब्रो हम लोग के पास टोटल दो ब्लेज रॉड हुए थे और फिर एक स्कल विधर करके कुछ भी मिला था भाई बट वो सबका यूज भाई आगे करेंगे तो भाई लोग आज के वीडियो में हम लोग बनाने वाले हैं अपना एक्सपी फार्म क्योंकि भाई हम लोग का सरवाइवर वर्ल्ड में अभी तक एक भी एक्सपी फार्म नहीं है… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Villager Hide & Seek Strategy! #minecraft #funny

    Uncover the Ultimate Villager Hide & Seek Strategy! #minecraft #funnyVideo Information hey Villager willst du Hiden seek mit mir spielen du bekommst auch 64 Emeralds wenn du gewinnst ich heie Hans okay okay Hans dann versteck dich ich zähle 10 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 ich komme so wo könnte denn Hans sein ist er vielleicht in diesem Gebäude hier drin Hans komm raus bist du hier nee da scheint er wohl nicht drin zu sein Hans bist du vielleicht in diesem Gebäude ah Hans da bist du ja los Hans ich habe dich gefunden du hast verloren Bro du kriegst die Emeralds nicht hey Hans wo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trade Hack with Mobs!

    Insane Minecraft Trade Hack with Mobs!Video Information अरे भाई भाई मा बट आई कैन ट्रेड विद मॉब्स सो गाइस तुम्हारा स्वागत है मेरे न्यू वीडियो में तो गाइस तुमने सुना हां हां मैंने सही बोला एकदम कि वी कैन ट्रेड विद मॉब्स गाइस तो देखो यार अपन मॉब्स के साथ ट्रेड कर सकते हैं और विट द वट ये क्या है बोनस चेस्ट भाई तो एक मिनट बोनस चेस्ट में क्या है ओके एमरल्ड है और ट्रेडिंग आइटम है तो गाइस देखो ये वाली चीज अपने को इने बोनस में दी है क्योंकि ये काम आने वाली है इस चीज में क्योंकि एमरल्ड अप लोग… Read More

  • Canyon Gamerz: INSANE MINECRAFT LOGIC! #minecraftmemes

    Canyon Gamerz: INSANE MINECRAFT LOGIC! #minecraftmemesVideo Information [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘USELESS LOGIC IN MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftmeme #shorts’, was uploaded by Canyon Gamerz on 2024-04-29 14:45:03. It has garnered 2692 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Thanks For Watching Plz Like and Subscribe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Benjaramire3 Chat & Play!

    Insane Twist in Benjaramire3 Chat & Play!Video Information Hola soy Benja Ramírez 3 Bienvenidos a un nuevo video al al al al al al e al al si es hora de cocinar [Música] B [Música] ah ah [Música] bienvenida mi gente [Música] [Música] acá andamos [Música] bueno [Música] gente vamos a jugar minet [Música] eh No ahí se me bug [Música] bu ah ah H [Música] ha Bueno vamos a ver ahora lo de los aldeanos a ver si es que alguno nos da un encantamiento o protección 4 o eficiencia 5 que por ahora no es el caso por ahora están despiertos los al no… Read More

  • "Caught LartisteCat Losing Mind Over Minecraft Creator!"

    <p>"Caught <em>LartisteCat</em> Losing Mind Over Minecraft Creator!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘me when i hear “creator” on minecraft’, was uploaded by LartisteCat on 2024-05-19 00:47:26. It has garnered 197 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:27 or 87 seconds. I vibe with the music, y’know! Plug me into those tunes! You bet I’m gonna be doing this on the upcoming 2024 SMP. Read More

  • MineHammer Network

    MineHammer NetworkMineHammer is a 1.19 Survival Network featuring true Bedrock/Java Cross-Play. – Custom Fish – Weekly Updates – Amazing Community Come see for yourself, join with play.minehammer.com! play.minehammer.com Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Server! Hello, my name is Alfred and just a week ago, I opened a whitelisted server for my friends and me to play on. Now, the server is open to anyone who can contribute positively and with kindness. Features: Enhanced vanilla mechanisms like sethome and tpa A leveling system for unlocking perks/commands A unique fishing system with new fish (no custom resource pack needed) A server shop for selling items and player chest shops All mobs drop their heads for collection We have other features that make the server enjoyable, but we aim to keep things… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flame War: Flat world survival lit 🔥

    I guess you could say they’re really flat out surviving in that world! Read More

  • Ben 10’s Minecraft Mayhem: S5João’s Addon Adventure!

    Ben 10's Minecraft Mayhem: S5João's Addon Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a new addon is here, With Ben 10 powers, the game is in high gear. S5João brings the news with a grin and a spin, Every update described with a playful, rhyming spin. From four arms to flames, the action is insane, In this incredible addon, there’s so much to gain. So hit that like, subscribe, and join the fun, With S5João’s updates, the Minecraft journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Spice up your explosions with DIY TNT!

    Spice up your explosions with DIY TNT! To make a new TNT, just mix some gunpowder, sand, and a sprinkle of chaos. Voila, you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster! #minecraftlogic 😂🧨 Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed! The Best Shaders for Minecraft: A Closer Look Introduction Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is through shaders. Shaders are mods that can significantly improve the visual appeal of the game, adding realistic lighting, shadows, and textures. Top Shaders for Minecraft If you’re looking to elevate your Minecraft experience, consider checking out some of the best shaders available: – Shader 1: [Link to Shader 1] – Shader 2: [Link to Shader 2] – Minecraft Patch: [Link to Minecraft Patch] Features of Shaders – Improved lighting effects -… Read More

  • Apple Orchard Shenanigans: Reflectcraft

    Apple Orchard Shenanigans: Reflectcraft Welcome to Reflectcraft: Building an Apple Orchard in Minecraft Survival In this episode of Reflectcraft, our protagonist embarks on a mission to create an idyllic farm filled with crops as far as the eye can see. Join them as they explore, build an apple orchard, and review their progress in this Minecraft survival adventure. Exploring and Gathering Resources Our journey begins as we witness our player setting out to build an agricultural district. Running low on food, they decide to create fields of crops to sustain themselves. Armed with a flint and steel, they venture out to gather wheat… Read More

  • YUKITO Goes Crazy in Minecraft!! 😱 #new vtuber #yukisaba

    YUKITO Goes Crazy in Minecraft!! 😱 #new vtuber #yukisabaVideo Information [音楽] DETDET [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OGOG [音楽] [音楽] あ はいえと皆様こんにちは ますマイクの方ね入ってますね配信の方 開始されてますのね立方配信ということで ちょっとねま画面がブレにぶれまくってる んですけどちょっとね今から修正いたせ ますんでえお待ちくださいまずね顔とかは ここら辺に置い てで上あれすね今日のタイトルこれを今日 はです ね別の拡張 うあ はあれもいねえしうちのサーバーついに 全員落ちたんだけどさっきまで6さっき まで6人ぐらいたの にゆきとが配信開始するの遅すぎなんだよ でねあの実はちょっとねあの本当はね サバイバルでやりたかったんですけど ちょっとさすがに建築物全部どかすのは ちょっと難しいのでちょっと クリエイティブでねあの建築物をあの どかして道幅を6マスにえっと変更をし てこう というのがま今日の目的でござい ますね道幅3マスじゃ狭いんすよね メインの大通りは6マスに変更しようかな ということでそれをね今日やってやって ければなとえっと思っております はいでまず えっとです ねどうしよっか な早速ね考えなきゃいけないところがあっ て あまいいのかいやでもそしたらなここのさ この道をねここ3マスなわけここ6マスに してビルをこっち側に全部1列分こっち側 も移動させ てそうするとねこっち側こっちが正面のね お店とかも何個かあるん でその場合どうしよっかなっていうまあ いっかどっちかの入り口封鎖させてうん いっ か日本語になってないねちこのなべ君 ね滅された こんな感じでじみちにね今日は雑談し ながらビルを移動してくっていうあの配信 でござい ますとんでもなく地味です はいで今日はね配信せずに裏でやろうかな と思ったんです けどあの最近さあの配信サボりすぎてん じゃないですかくさんなんで無理やりでも やらない多分ゆさん今後ね配信をしなく なっちゃうんじゃないかなと いうちょっと心配があったんでちょっと 無理やりでも今日は配信しようという気を 持ってあの本日はえやっており ますさあ配信とえば楽しいんですよ楽しい んだけどやっぱね毎日やらなきゃいけない みたいななんか変なねモチベーションが今 ないんですよ正直 そうベーションがないなかちょっと配信 やってるところあるんですけどなんて言う のか ななんだろうなんかねやっぱななんて言う んだろう言葉にうまく表現できないんだ けどうんなんて言うのかな まいっ かばみんな今日寒かった ね皆様の地域はどうでした東京なんかさ夜 になったらすごい寒くなって さびっっくりしちゃったよ本当にめさんも こんばんはマジ でチャリンコ用事があってチリンたんだ けどさ寒くさ 帰りそうマック食いに行ってたんですけど 帰り寒くて薄切で行ってたんですけど寒 みたいなそんな感じでしたね じ最近なんか天気の温度差が激しすぎだよ ねマジで異常気象だよ本当にみ常気象だ よ最近マジで温度差が 激しいなんか今年の夏はすごい暑くなる らしいけどね今は寒い けどどうなんだろう ねどうなるのか気になるよね今後ね日本 なんか今年はなんか暑い夏になるらしい から… Read More

  • Dancing to the HB Beat

    Dancing to the HB BeatVideo Information bu girl in [Musik] the This video, titled ‘Dance!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HB on 2024-03-16 02:41:19. It has garnered 10828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey… Read More

  • All My Fellas Conquering Bedwars 😎🔥

    All My Fellas Conquering Bedwars 😎🔥Video Information my all my all my my all my my This video, titled ‘ALL MY FELLAS 😎 | #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by Tee2w on 2024-01-10 14:47:24. It has garnered 11020 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #tags its soo cool subscribe for ur mom, and enjoy! minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard ( from Atlar clips ) Found This Desc… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Guide | EP 01 | 2024 H A S H I Y A | Click NOW

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Guide | EP 01 | 2024 H A S H I Y A | Click NOWVideo Information yo yo yo what’s up boys and for [Music] guy [Music] speee [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] for 1 fore spee fore fore for banana [Music] banana [Music] [Music] for spe [Laughter] fore [Music] for [Music] m bloo I say you say no he [Music] [Music] for speee [Music] fore for for [Music] for for welcome to my party we’re just getting started a life is a dream or a nightmare scaring hand me a drink cuz I think I’m going… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Sword Tutorial! #epic

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT Sword Tutorial! #epicVideo Information [Applause] he This video, titled ‘TNT#minecraft #geming #supportme’, was uploaded by START _SWORD on 2024-03-02 12:03:47. It has garnered 25 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Join us in exploring Minecraft Marketplace with DZRKNSS!

    Join us in exploring Minecraft Marketplace with DZRKNSS!Video Information all right I had to like set up a thing darkness is going to be back soon I’m going to put my oh you’re back okay yeah I’m live okay I put on the thing oh Minecraft crashed that’s weird they have a different stream yeah only a little bit different going to just move this there you go [Music] oops wrong thing just gring Hive okay Darkness so you L okay now he’s gone is that yes okay uh yay I love chaos oh my gosh any villagers where are the villagers spawn next guys okay we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 2024 Update Discovery ft. IbxCat, Pixlriffs & Ulraf!

    INSANE Minecraft 2024 Update Discovery ft. IbxCat, Pixlriffs & Ulraf!Video Information ibx toy cat pixel reefs ulra and me got together on April 1st 2024 to play the new Minecraft April fools update a lot of crazy potato stuff happened that day and this is how it all started we have zian with us in chat which is going to be helpful oh hello it’s going to be our guide like in previous like in previous occasions yeah yeah yeah kind of like our guide but also like having fun at us but also on Nemesis at the same time not the necessarily should listen to him but he… Read More

  • Join the SHIZO 360° Experience! 🌀

    Join the SHIZO 360° Experience! 🌀Video Information money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need need money money green green money is all I need like a king cash rules everything around me n tremble to their feet when I step into the sea how I make this scen tell them that it’s in my This video, titled ‘360°, the perfect circle’, was uploaded by smellish on 2024-03-31 21:09:19. It has garnered 59 views… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Fusion Remix Ft. Zoro & Luck ✨

    Insane Minecraft Fusion Remix Ft. Zoro & Luck ✨Video Information tuim prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impr et si tu m’abandonnes je suis pas celle que tu croisun m’ touch part [Musique] toi [Musique] cococ je suis [Musique] unetine cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine ami ami This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Sonic Fusion: Clandestina (JVSTIN Remix) with Reverse Drop 🍀🍇”‘, was uploaded by zoro X luck on 2024-01-06 13:35:00. It has garnered 2361 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. “Minecraft Sonic Fusion: Clandestina (JVSTIN Remix) with Reverse Drop… Read More