EPIC Frozen Breeze Showdown! SMP #4 – Fisks Superheroes

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty then it’s another one of these kind of days anyway let me test test test test all righty then we must go back to the world of superheroes hey guys welcome back to the backlog I’m wearing something really weird I’m wearing a shadow of the Hedgehog sweater interesting decision from me but either way we’re back for some more Fisk superheroes it’s been a couple of weeks since we last played mostly because been focusing on a a lot of other things and this has not really been you know like a big priority kind of stream but I wanted to be able to do some every now and again so we’re here with some more superhero kind of stuff last time we streamed we did some VR chat and uh we saw some weird things we uh reason my left eye looks really red I don’t know I just want to check and see but uh last time we were on VR chat and we uh what did we do did a bunch of weird things we saw lost some friends I did some horrible things there was like a kissing moment I don’t even know what the hell happened but either way we’re here and last time on F superheroes we didn’t really do a massive stream because you know I had to get off and help a help a sick bastard with his sickness uh but this time we’re going for a full full length stream of uh Fisk superheroes so enough dly Dilly dallying as always uh there is no raffle for tonight because nobody signed up for it but if you want want to be on any of the raffle for any of our Minecraft series just make sure that you go to uh our Discord and either sign up for the Raffles which are new every week or or new after every session or become a tier 2 member on the channel so you can jump in on these things instantly so either way enough enough to Happ let’s go ahead and get moving so either way into the game o oh yeah I forgot the gamees in uh games in doesn’t look good mode so let me go ahead and fix that real quick do you like watching Minecraft when is a little square box on the top left of the corner this is how we will play the game for the entirety of the stream you just won’t be able to you know see anything chat will cover like half the entire thing though I guess depending on how many people are in chat that could just be a fine thing either way let me go ahead and see what’s up with everybody in the Discord which is just Hydra and chaotic right now V to make NE fence hey Frozen hi froz stream started yes stream is started all right we are doing a a sacrificial rual you’re doing what we’re to the blood Gods okay well I need to be included because or else I will die or else I will die so uh didn’t happen until midnight can’t well you know that sucks let’s just do it right now oh god what the [ __ ] what what’s going on here this is the sacrifice are you sacrificing an iron golem yeah and this will make an unstable Ingot this will no this will make the sigil we can make used in the crafting of the unstable inot oh okay that makes sense this what will activate the division Sig to be activated it just it it looks like a weird sex you know thing everything looks like a sex thing either way uh how’s everybody’s weak been wanted to make it proper fences around this but you wanted to make it where people could walk through this why would we want the guy to escape the uh the experiment okay he thinks the Iron Golem can’t walk through these gaps right here because no mob can technically walk through those okay well I hope you’re right or else once we sacrifice him he’s going to come over and murder us instantly so that won’t be nice he can still hit us oh I mean yeah because there’s like open fences right here no oh yeah I’m fixing that now hit us oh okay I mean yeah he can also just hit us but I’ve got a nice bow and arrow to hit him with well no when I don’t uh I don’t remember if we’re supposed to kill him ourselves and plus I’m pretty sure we all are strong enough to kill him you guys are not me you are you can use your a bow I guess but like if he comes near me and hits me I’m dead like I’m pretty much [ __ ] no no no you are not the Iron Golems are not as strong as the other mods in this mod pack are you sure about that I am sure yes I [ __ ] kill a go and they don’t attack you if you hit them all right then well we’re gonna have to wait till that gets all finished up but I did work off and on again when I was on the server about this whole plane that we’ve still don’t kill him don’t kill him walk through the walk through the ne fence no don’t kill him yet don’t kill him yet don’t kill the spron yeah walk into walk through the the fence through this it doesn’t seem like it gives a [ __ ] about you oh I guess it can’t get through there that’s interesting if think Golems are twice the size of that so if you want I have the pumpkin we can I can deploy him now no no no he’ll despawn I don’t think they dolem Iron Golems can be spawn unless but like the ones that you tame well it’s not considered tamed unless you put a name tag on them all right then well I guess we’ll just we’ll wait but either way I want to show everybody that I did work a bit on this whole giant like platform for the city a bit but it’s still like it’s still very much in uh yeah Fen do you want me to smooth out this Cobblestone I mean sure I would like you to make it just oh you can actually just turn it into it yeah straight up turn it into stone what is that from yeah the the WIS it’s death Lantern right what if you’re a Black Lantern right yeah yeah anything anything can do this they all get this beam look at this beam that he just found oh good so anyway I’ve been working on trying to flatten this place out it takes a really long time time to do it but uh you could you could have been using TNT but I don’t want to I’m just like but I don’t want to because I’m lazy I guess I’d rather just sit here and then hold down my like mind button and get through all this [ __ ] either way how’s everybody’s week been uh my week’s been good killed anybody I wish well actually no yes yes the Run actually ended yesterday the what ended yesterday the Run ended yesterday oh your okay you guys de with what ideal on a daily at school I feel like you let’s see I like school I will say this I feel like if you would if you dealt with what I dealt with on a daily at school you guys would have killed somebody I just like to kill people in general so I would just kill everybody anyway let’s see I I want you to Picture This quickly I don’t like pictures but okay so you have a pothead friend that has a fiend friend and they both smoke and vape okay seems pretty normal for me I guess okay now another thing with that is that there’s a kid that walks around that’s annoying as [ __ ] that’s always saying something of the lines of you feeling me you feeling me sounds like he’s stupid you feeling me also bosen one thing um don’t leave these one block uh block gaps here why um f what’s the name it’s the um it’s the bug things that we kill crle but we we want the credle though yeah but you you really want to mine through the Cobblestone each and every time and waste durability well I mean like sure I’ll fine with it but then again I guess it would be annoying I’m just trying to flatten out the entire area right now so once I’m able to like flatten it out we can fill it in I that video it is entirely possible it’s entirely possible yeah it’s possible do you think it would give us enough energy yes considering each one of those generator like 40,000 okay so we should we we should probably do that then but then again we need invar which is uh I don’t know how to make that it’s the easiest um com combination to make okay so I guess if you want to if you want to start work on that while I keep on flattening out land and [ __ ] I mean I’ll just move all this out see okay here’s what we’re goingon to do right start on getting the magmatic dynamos okay you start getting rid of all these trees exp floding in the air since you can fly you can light them on fire okay yeah light them on fire or some [ __ ] I don’t know um actually you keep doing what you’re doing yes sir yes yes Dad think you’re younger than me whatever she seems less Shish she seems less Swedish she’s feeling under she’s feeling under the weather I’m just hearing things through your mic chaotic yeah my brother’s watching anime oh no we hate anime in English you know somebody can enjoy a dub Hydra they’re allowed to enjoy what they enjoy you know I like family hat subtitles dub Digimon is really good so I [ __ ] love Digimon uh fun fact before they even moov Digimon from Netflix every single uh after Christmas and uh the year’s end I would always [ __ ] watch it as like some type of ritual for the good for good for a good year why they remove it all of net flux net PR it it seems that I can no that you cannot like Divine trees on fire uh well we can just mine those down because those are uncommon now just burn things burn everything you see Heatwave let me see doink doink dink dink that’s that’s what I’m doing need to remove this Hopper here because it’s not needed for what what I’m about to do okay if you can innovate our Power Solutions then I will take anything because our power Runs Out instantly and I guess I never showed you guys but uh uh Hydra set up a quarry near our base but it hasn’t been that was me that set it up okay well chaotic set it up the problem is I’m the made the quy but he set it up the problem is we don’t have enough energy I just upgraded and made it but we don’t have enough energy to keep the thing going so that’s why we’re trying to innovate our Power Solutions right now I then again we could always just make a uh separate me system and energy thing over there if we need to I guess that’s true but I think for now it might be a good idea just to work on our main power and then if we can replicate if it works well at our main base we can like make multiple of that design killing plants also all the fire keeps all the mobs from coming by I think it at least lights up the area enough see now the other problem is we’re going to have to lay down a lot of [ __ ] to like oh I just realized something the fire’s not going to burn everything down so I’m gonna have to come around here with the oh wait uh where’s a Sigil hyra midnight uh there’s sigils in the uh me system yeah we have three of them but I gave one to Hydra oh [ __ ] why did you give me one what the [ __ ] because I wanted to show you all right well we got to do the uh we got to do the uh ritual I guess so I’m coming back over the Green Arrow is running we also need a way of making food easier since our food maker uh heart drop hasn’t been on all that much well we do have a farm downstairs it’s just very small damn I did good all right so what’s your plan now yeah boink didn’t do it without me I have to set everything up in the uh since you’re the main character of this I’m going to let you uh use the uh uh sigil because I probably do the most damage out of all of us okay what am I supposed to do so uh sneak right click that enchantment table and tell me when it says perfect uh to tell me when to kill the Iron Golem okay um too early sacrifice must be made at midnight so we got to wait for the uh the moon to be right overhead yeah fun I’m here by the way you’re what I’m right here I’m officially worried now he’s on the part where Al I told you guys could Escape no no he can’t escape no no he’s he’s still in the area able to to technically walk on top of the fences I guess that’s true all right it’s almost midnight come on it’s GNA take forever all right too early sacrifice must be made at midnight sufficent Natural Earth can see the moon placed on dirt has a redstone Circle okay everything seems right but uh we’ll see we’re just waiting now it’s glowing yeah it still says it’s inactive though I have to kill this time perform the sacrifice kill him Mur murder hit him back hit him back through you’re going the wrong way back him backit him back um did it work did work didn’t do anything yes it did drop me it drop me it drop me it okay it still says inactive [ __ ] is it non wait hydr drop me the thing quickly kill me kill me kill me that work [ __ ] it was too late damn it all right we’ll have to wait we’ll have to wait till the next night in order to get it wait does that mean that we can technically kill players to do it I don’t know it didn’t it didn’t seem like it worked right there no no that’s because it was too late we could kill players I guess my I saw it shining so that so I guess if it’s shining that must mean we have to kill them immediately we need something that’s easier to kill like a sheep or something wait we can get we can get one of us wounded and then uh kill them when it starts shining I mean I feel like i’ would be the easiest to kill actually wait no I have uh I don’t have any extra Hearts so I’ll be I’ll be the easiest most likely I I have eight extra heart canisters yeah I I I don’t have any I’m the easiest to kill here okay uh get back to your back to our jobs back to our current assignments my stuff to pize can you me my current assignment is the ritual so so what should I do then oh burn the trees down yeah you’re on you’re on duty oh yeah because I’m on land I’m on excavation Duty and you’re on burning trees down Duty I’m going to enchant that flint and steel to make this highly better oh no we’re going to run a power before uh before the P Rider P gets done P riding well we’ll just have to wait then wait I can’t enchant the flint and steel in this verion I mean it is a pretty early version of Minecraft so we’re in 1.7.10 and I don’t know when the en the uh the Fint and steel became enchantable uh I think that would until one. 12 yeah think we’re in two old of a version of Minecraft link is he still alive he is good who’s still alive oh Gregory yeah that would have a heart attack he didn’t Jack Lantern glitch isn’t here but he’s here in spirit so so is Darcy Darcy tried to join on uh before the stream a lot of times but it’s it’s still broken for him but he wouldn’t come into any VC to like tell us what’s going on yeah uh uh I actually I’m really happy I recently replaced my fans on my computer so I no longer hear that annoying ass [ __ ] sound well that is nice it is which means if we ever the noise we don’t have to hear it anymore as well but I don’t remember hearing it so you’ve never heard the noise I’m not sure if I have or not oh hello sheep would you like to be a sacrifice if you’re going to sacrifice it Grab A Lead and uh bring it in and uh give it to me so I can uh have a easier job uh flying it over I mean I don’t I don’t have one on me why don’t you don’t you guys have M and manhand to suit unlock why don’t you use M man I don’t he doesn’t and I can’t go in caves why can’t you go in Cav why can’t because that’s the visual that happens when the what it happens it happens more frequently when I’m in caves that I have not visited okay so I can’t go mining for long periods of times without getting a visual glitched that’s why we need the Quarry yeah that’s why we’re getting the quy set up with the power so that you don’t have to die every time [Music] see leave the Skeleton Man alone also ever since I uh got those two new fans I have not had any lag on anything fans are important cooling is important so makes sense see get that get that get that get that it’s a lot to get let see not sming the what these are because these need to go and be comb this is the latest area that the wait so why don’t you have it filtering into the furnace because I don’t want it to smell oh so you’re trying make invar yes yeah that’s a part of the mag magmarizer or whatever to the magmatic Dynamo yeah that yeah that thing so do you want me to start uh smelting this stuff in the um no need pure I mean technically you could take uh if you want you could take uh you take one stack you could take this of iron gravel and one stack of fous we speed it up and then it’ll blend in the inar wait it says we need nickel to do that we don’t need nickel we need invar no invar uh iron plus uh nickel gets invar no it’s iron push Furious metal let me see how do you make invar invar to make an invar Ingot I’m looking at molten I’m looking at the SM the alloy with the SM we’re doing smell toing oh so we can there’s those are both two ways to make get we’re making inar blend which needs pulverized iron and pulverized fous metal that just three of it though you can also do the nickel form because that’s also a way to make it according to the craft give us huh how much dides nickel give us I don’t know I check all the way so nickel so it’s uh two it’s uh 200 288 mber of iron plus 144 nickel gets us 432 invol which is about three Ingot two in four ingots that’s two that’s two in two ingots so this way is better because this way giv twoed which is one ore and one pulverized Furious metal which is one pulverized get bar he’s he’s mouth he’s out mathing us I don’t know the math out off the top of my head so I’ll just trust that Hydra knows what he’s doing are pun right punctual right now punchable what what anime are you watching that’s it’s my brother that’s watching anime but what anime is he watching don’t know okay could be [ __ ] suckers United we’ll call it that because I don’t know what it is gotta keep mining God huh I’m trying to figure out what it is based off of the voic I mean there’s a lot of people who do a lot of different voices on a lot of du an go close my door so I to hear that [ __ ] see I should start filling in more land like I want to know if I’ve watched the anime before you might have you might not have who knows yo neck that’s not Nick we know a different Nick yeah you guys know a different Nick this is my brother Nicholas it’s Earth two Nick I would say his full name but but on you don’t want to dox your brother I mean I’m sure there’s many of uh Nicks in our last name I’m pretty sure you guys know my fist name don’t you no no Pro don’t tell us yeah don’t tell us don’t want to reveal yourself although I’m pretty sure I reviewed my first name to uh to Frozen one I don’t know what it is yeah that’s why that’s why I revealed it to you because I know you’d forget I just don’t I don’t have a really good long-term memory not good at that see most of or some of the trees over this area are dead so I melted okay so I melted one of those blocks of uh it you melted a block right you the block yeah I I I uh hold up uh I use one of these uh what did you I used one of the uh nippel or gravel and I put that in with iron how much how many how many gra only one six out one so one nickel plus three ings of iron made six ingots of indar all right well I guess that’s faster then because apparently that’s not equivalent to is in the new version yeah it must be a different I guess in the new version the the M buckets to inot is 21 Mill buckets to one Ingot we working in different isn’t in this isn’t it 144 put inot I I I don’t know what it is this version because I don’t ever play this version other when we’re playing this I mean we can do both ways to see which gets us more in the end but you’re probably going to get more as so what you’re doing but it ALS his meth what this only gives me three per three items I need two so two so how this works is two one me so G to get me and then one Ingot because we don’t have we don’t have any Furious or we have so I I put the get me one all right uh should I even try joining you can give it a try Freddy it should work IR andou last time I mean also this way is just much quicker because if you want to take uh stuff out of this [Music] trash anyway well we’re probably gonna have to do both ways since uh one we don’t have much nickel and also that’s one block wind bar I’m GNA need a lot of you’re gonna need a lot to make a lot of magmatic dynamos I need make a lot oh uh we have uh four blocks that need to be turned to four blocks into smeltery currently three now I need a lot even more give me a amount like 10 20 blocks 30 let’s give it a 30 yeah 30 yeah I need like 30 blocks okay I’m going to go okay uh can you grab like a stack of can you help me grab a stack of iron quickly there’s a stack of iron in this uh in that uh top Hopper up there oh Hopper top Hopper oh top our second mod that lagged out the game well for you like I said though we don’t have much nickel since we just don’t have yeah that’s why this way we had a [ __ ] ton of the other stuff I already use up a nickel though so need to switch back to the other but yes [ __ ] for nickel see it’s just starting up I have everything filtering this so if we have it’s already in here but I I just checked great it’s down here no it’s not down there keep going at it I’ll make a city at some point Cur we have uh game crashed well wait the game Crash that’s good well for Freddy Freddy just log game and then rejoin it’ll work okay so Freddy I guess you should just rejoin on that you should probably try on your PC instead of your laptop before he’s before he goes into launch up the game again read the crash log if it says it was his player then yeah he just needs to launch up the game and retry and it will work if it say was a block or another player that player needs to log off or that or that player needs to go and remove a block all right gu to tell us okay um no I don’t know what error code or what you just tell us or like you could send it in the uh the report crash the report log the crash log yeah you just want to look in the crash logs and if you don’t understand it just send it to us and we’ll be able to help okay so in the end he’s he’s the reason why he crashed if it say another player’s name that player is the reason why he crashed but if it doesn’t say any name and it gives him coordinates like just coordinates that means there’s a block that’s in those coordinates that is m is it night okay so I don’t understand let’s see I can’t get up there I have more dirt HRA yeah hey everybody come back come back to the ritual it’s almost midnight almost I’m coming up all right then oh God I don’t want to be down here down here is bad oh God I don’t even want to be down here either got it got it yeah kill me with my weapon because uh the superhero suits minus the damage that uh that Tinker construct weapons do really that’s stupid Tinker construct weapons do not get their bonuses from the but it’s really weird but normal crafted weapons do get the and all that they got they fix that in latest versions they do actually know this this is the newest version except for like this is the newest Minecraft version of this mod M so they they never fixed it hey Frozen you’re going the wrong way I know but it’s not midnight yet I’m currently filling in more blocks I’m I’m the flash I can get over there can I hold the Sidle and you kill me will that work no I don’t think so no um so basically uh I gotta I gota right click this once it starts uh showing enchanting that’s when I kill you I but like could I hold it right click it then you kill me with it in my hand would that work I don’t think so I I I it might but I don’t want to try it just in case it doesn’t we’re try that with another one later on yeah about that we can just use the same activated sigil each time we need to make an unstable Ingot anyway yeah in case somebody logs off with it in their hand oh yeah they one actually I think it resets after three days of being activated okay don’t worry I’ll be there soon I’m just filling in blocks flatten out this entire area wait if I wait if I was just to take all my if I was just so if I just now probably wait a second then we’ll all try and jump off the server with that right now all right I’m back ow right you got a critical hit all right come on I’m here didn’t mean h me I’m just you know dark flash I guess hit me normally okay I guess die okay great I don’t know why you just die instantly you’re you’re quite frail well yeah cuz this Clea does 21 damage do you not have your suit on currently what did you do you not have your suit on currently no my my my rings in my inventory oh okay that’s why then oh [ __ ] that worked I guess what did you do no no that’s not what I think it is why is it spreading hey we need to destroy this I think it is oh God destroy it fast get it get it I’m the flash I can mine really fast this Cur I’m trying to oh [ __ ] it’s it’s give me a second we’re I’m just going to have to rip open the top do it I fell down this sh is kind of C like actually we need to get rid of all this crud before it creates more monsters we’re just going to have to open up our our basement we can just fix it don’t worry about don’t Place anything back yet we have to break it off first it it does regenerate regeneration I didn’t think oil was in this version I don’t know what mod or I guess it’s just the uh extra utilities mod that’s doing this the Cur now we have to use met oh God now I’m stuck down here don’t jump in front of my beam I’m trying to like kill the ones oh hi credle how you doing why are the credles here right now get back they’re also SP from the cursed Earth we should keep some cursed Earth we can’t destroy it it destroyed I mean technically um um a silk touch thing might work but I don’t know we could use it as a [ __ ] mob spawner yeah we can do this higher in the sky and we can just have a mob spawner for crle all right we need to fill in that dirt or else it’s going to be a a pain yeah we start filling it back in now it’s all gone yeah I Al just realiz we lost we lost a bit of uh fencing that’s okay we don’t need the fencing it’s not hard to remake that fell down here so we can uh use it in the building we can use it in the making of uh the great City can I get some of that oh look it’s a mutant skeleton I guess a mutant skeleton died over there look a bunch of the pieces yeah yeah that’s been there for a while I was thinking about removing it but I was like nah thank God you got the FL to make a stop by the Manion earlier today it’s stop by the Mansion earlier today today I’m going to [ __ ] close my door in a second I want to listen to that the next 20 minutes you can’t go to the mansion today Tyler no more all right there we go nice cleaned up place okay well uh I’m gonna hand over that dirt and I’m going to grab actually we might need to get off to see if like Freddy can get on and [ __ ] I don’t know oh yes we might we we can do that but I I first want to test this Ingot this Ingot idea broen when did you get the black flash that’s not black flash that’s just a different skin for Flash oh okay all right Freddy try it out now at least I’m off so let me off as well give it a give it a good old College try going see if this works black flash oh who is that coach oh we’ll have to send you to the shadow realm cuz you’re not here currently we must go to the shadow realm you we must go to the shadow room there we go we are now in the shadow room okay [ __ ] Dam it what a call I can’t go on speaker I I have an idea from how to do this unstable Ingot stuff now y’all are incredibly quiet let me see if I can let you do things in here okay so you can’t drop it on the [Music] ground I’m currently testing to see what is like the Minal thing you can do with all right let me go ahead and move them over to here all right there we go this might help hello hello hello hello there hello VC I I’m currently doing some tests with unstable ingots don’t blow us up yeah please don’t blow no no it only kills a player oh okay ju just don’t blow up the land because I hate having to rebuild the The Fortress of M when can I log back on by the way I don’t know what Freddy says it’s still loading the mod and stuff so I guess we can jump on for now until he’s ready oh it’s probably loing hero packs right huh loing the hero packs for that I don’t know or loing the mod pack I think it might be loading the mod pack itself oh okay scy scratch my [ __ ] head all right I need to get back to building the city where you know you have to survive I think we can build a uh a builder’s wand with an unstable Ingot which would be the best idea yeah we can which would be really good for us because building that City bu building buildings would be a good idea to have with you know that [ __ ] well I’m about to explode you’re gonna explode that’s cool you’re going to die now so have fun I’m about to crash by the way that’s cool I have to grab nine of these inot so I can make a block but could you make a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up that doesn’t sound good I made I I filled my whole inventory with um unstable ingots so I had no place to put anything else how many unstable ingots did you make uh 30 okay CU they don’t stack oh yeah they’re just one by themselves temperature come on come on come on can he make the Builder wand in time no actually wa I I think I can hold up it says suffered a fatal uh divide by Diamond please wait you want me to make the sub Builders one or the regular one I guess make the super one I can’t make it it’s like creative mode only oh then make the regular one regular oh that that that one’s actually pretty easy it’s just it’s just one in with obsidian oh Freddy was able to join in let’s see let’s see if it crashes him or not I got it yay hopefully it works like the other Builder wands then we can actually you know build the city whole much faster uh where are you I’m gonna give it to you I do not trust myself having this item to your right I’m right behind you I gotta go kill this guy real quick there we go now follow and I’ll show you to your room let me see how the hell this is going to work all right put this back I need to put this back inside there okay what do I need on stable ingots for again you need to use them to make the uh the uh nether star generator didn’t you yeah we need we need NE star generator or we could make use of one I don’t know how useful it’s going to be but we could make use of it we could see we can make one see how useful it is it’s not that useful just keep it around ha we got haha we got an object that seems relatively hard to get glasses goggles oh yeah this works this is great now I don’t have to worry about existence anymore sure I’m going to run out of dir really quickly oh I can also make that a deep do Pho finally oh yeah you can go to the deep dark if you wanted to yeah make that but I think we can go and get a t from that location I think can we okay now reminder I have we have 24 te uses with the division Sig s sigil yeah I think touch any Dimension that spawns over Road ORS well that’s probably the best idea for us to get Tut at least in the short term all right oh God reloading hero packs then you’re good Freddy hopefully it’ll reload them and you’ll you’ll to wait wait ask if it’s showing the game or is it showing a dirt screen uh is it showing you diamond yeah that’s what happens when you get blown up by the unstable Ingot low yeah is it showing like a Minecraft like the game itself or a dirt screen he’ll lose his ability to fly and that’s pretty gay uh the uh the Harden energy cell is almost full so we might be able to give it to the Quarry soon I think it is full no [Music] it’s okay I need one of you to help me here what do you need wait what I have why isn’t it working I have all the things I need you died from last time logged on oh okay that’s also a glitch that sometimes happens all right so four unstable ingots with a quintuple right there you trying to make are think’s trying to make the the portal to the deep dark yeah I’m G to show you guys why I’m currently scared for my life oh it requires quintuple compressed Cobblestone yeah we already have that we’ve had that for a while all right we need four unstabled ingots I have that but um look at my screen I can’t see it so yeah you aren’t showing it oh let me see watch stream oh I see it yeah okay what’s going on here why are they all everything I need uhhuh it’s not making anything yeah I’m I’m [ __ ] scared out my life cuz if I put one of these in my inventory I I instantly explode well let me see what is you got four Quin you got your four what’s the one in the middle quintuple yeah Quint druple quadruple unstable Ingot divide by Diamond we might be able to do the ninshu origins one Freddy if it actually works because it didn’t work last time I dusted it once it works maybe I can do that but we’re not stopping fists wait well I have four in at my disposal right now maybe you can make something else while you’re waiting I don’t think want to be able to I’m just accept are the ones on the uh Corners are they quadruple quadr quadruple are they quadruple quadruple yes they’re quads you how do we even have Quint Tuple what the [ __ ] you I made it a while back I had a while back yeah it’s F 59,000 uh 49 and what do you have in the corners quad I mean it might be because the unstable Ingot are right at the point of exploding that could it probably probably okay so I just let it kill me yeah kill you very nice could have probably already registered that they exploded me they were all you were already dead all right now I can use this Builder’s wand to create the universe yay now I can build so much faster um we um we don’t have any more energy in our that’s why in our bat energy cell over by the EM system it’s trying it’s trying to drain that’s why we need to work on the energy stuff IM system Str what it’s starting to drain oh my God yeah it is oh yeah we need that get hurry on yeah we need to hurry on that new power okay uh when if I’m not done with uh with getting this then I need somebody to go and get me a shitloads of nether okay what do you need the nether for okay so we need we need two magmatic magmatic crucibles right CU that that turns Netherrack into lava and then we then we pump the lava into the magmatic Dynam dynamos okay then the magmatic dynamos will create power for the magmatic generator since there’s only two of them it won’t drink too much power mhm and then it’ll also apply power to our energy cells okay so we just need everything in general yes we already have one magmatic uh Crucible Dynamo I think is it Crucible or Dynamo I don’t know Dynamo is the generator Crucible is what makes lava okay yeah this building wand speeds up my building by so much I love it nice yay shit’s starting to come together outside so here’s the thing I’m going to I’m going to make this stuff Frozen but then I’m going to give it to you to determine on where you want to put it uh maybe we should probably put it in here for now but we’re going to probably have to move it into our building once we get you know the entire place is all [ __ ] up dude how much dirt do we got we got a lot of dirt uh I got 32 on me here’s some dirt don’t worry I’ve got I got dirt and Spades right now since we have so much but I tell you that now you can customize everything that’s pretty cool but can you customize your ball color I do not want dirt in arties well I’m just making it as like the floor no that’s what I don’t want it to be but it’s like it’s going to be covered by something else in the end I’m just like using it as the base board so that when we actually make the roads we can build it on top of it okay CU like I don’t want to be walking around and get Jones by a pumpkin spider I guess that’s true but yeah we’ll just cover it with like you know a block we’ll actually use like I don’t know quartz we’ll make a block that’s supposed to be like our ground CU for now like there’s nothing really we at least need like a flooring before anything happens dink dink dink this should take so much longer so good thinking chaotic I out a dirt no I’m good on dirt thank God the Builder wand doesn’t seem to have any uh what is it called durability durability exactly the one the one in this version the one their screen is not good actually Freddy it’s actually bad he’s got a dirt screen yeah dirt screen means bad so you fix dirt screen uh if it is a dirt screen saying reloading un loading K packs or it just dirt screen uh I think it’s dirt screen saying reloading hero packs for him that one I don’t know how to fix I’ll being honest with you all right because I think that’s the problem that Darcy’s having as well don’t know how to fix it Fisk just doesn’t work well with multiplayer I like using it but it’s it’s like doesn’t work well big sadness yeah you probably should have done Legends instead honestly but legends isn’t as cool as FIS yeah that’s true it’s not as cool actually we should have done both what the [ __ ] what we’re IDI I didn’t know if they work together they do they work together oh oh that’s because that’s grass that’s not dirt that’s why it won’t attach damn I [ __ ] knocked that guy the [ __ ] out see he’s trying on his laptop because it’s [ __ ] but it’s shitty ah okay so hopefully can get on at some point at least refunction the uh the [ __ ] you refunction the [ __ ] what uh you know what I’m talking about no I don’t oh okay uh the ram you refunction the ram yeah did he refunction the ram the [ __ ] does that mean did hejust the ram like in Minecraft or in an actual computer yes the Minecraft Ram that oh you mean just give more RAM and [ __ ] like that yes I was like refunction the ram how do you how do you do that I think you mean readjust I don’t know did you say that or did I just like not hear you correctly I don’t know yeah I I in fact did say refunction reallocate would be the correct word I guess so either way you should you should come see the giant dirt platform it’s working out quite well I will come see that in a minute I’m currently and heart drop’s going to be so proud of us when she sees a giant dirt layer there we go he is talking bad about my sister what what that’s my question hyra is Minecraft talking bad about your sister Freddy Oh you mean uh oh yeah heart does heart drop Shiloh’s daughter I forget their whole stupid family [ __ ] oh right I forget about that read it all no okay maybe I don’t understand I don’t get it my real dad oh your real dad is talking about your sister that’s not good who’s your real dad I’m very confused I ain’t I know I ain’t your dad I don’t know maybe maybe Freddy’s real dad in real life or that or Yuki’s talking bad I don’t know I don’t get this the whole family thing I never understood it all that well mostly because I’m a weirdo then again oh God I need more dirt sh down he isn’t invisible your your real dad is invisible that’s a know that that’s some tough break right there why is there just a crafting table on top of our uh our me system uh I have no clue I’m gonna have to use that compressed dirt to make more of this but yeah I don’t know what we should use as like our streets and stuff like black wool or maybe we can use Sky stone or something Sky Stone would be a little bit hard to produce in large quantities but it would look nice drink drink let me see all right there we go oh yeah it’s not oh my God [ __ ] all the invar we made in this mry was just enough to make the uh mag was just enough to make the dynamos and that’s it just the dynamos damn well we made at least a big chunk of it dink dink we still need one more magma Crucible so we might need to wait for the machine to make more like [ __ ] and stuff wa put that in there okay God damn it all right only I had the firefighter around or the fir maker more like it so we can get rid of all these trees I hate trees Mr Beast would hate me team trees no good team bees definitely not good team anything I don’t like it all right you know the flash always told me that we are the Flash and that was all he ever told me or was that Iris I forget I don’t like the flash that much anymore come on Barry We Are The Flash I need sand what happened I need to go find sand and man I hate sand yeah I hate it too we can make a sand generator like you know if we just have the uh the uh the gravel generator that we have that’s making like like hammer it down even more we could have a sand generator but it would be you know kind of useless not as useful see how much dirt do I got left quite a bit all right Freddy has returned somehow Freddy somehow Freddy returned in the new Star Wars star gour got the sand I needed now I need to smell the sand talking about sand I’m talking about returning in Star Wars it all it all works out see no even though I like the Batman who laughs like I still miss the gliding that the normal Batman suit had well I guess we have to get you hellbat and I have just thought that like if you can prove to me that you have all the like you know achievements and stuff then I will just give you hellbat and [ __ ] do you want me to screen share it right now I me just take a screenshot of it uh how do you do that uh you press f2 while in game and I’ll just give it to you because I can’t think of any other better way of giving you you know the Batman the hellbat suit and all that other stuff cuz like my issue is I I can’t unlock hellbat but you have to like it’s you can’t let anyone else have it because it’s going to be become a creative thing I know if they can prove that they can use hellbat they can use it as well but like that that involves you having to show me like that entire like achievement chain it’s it’s actually a very simple achievement chain that’s why I was able to get it so easily that and you don’t you didn’t touch grass when we first started playing this yeah here uh what what what button did it screenshot F2 and it should be in your Minecraft instance for this oh okay in the bottom left it should say screenshot put blah blah blah blah blah blah oh [ __ ] there we go okay uh see how do I save how do I save this image uh like just click on the image like when it shows up in the text chat with your mouse that’s what I did and it just should open up go you can figure out where it is and then send it into like the pictures chat and [ __ ] to prove that you did it hell I have to save it though because it’s not it’s not considered saved it’s weird weird beard beard no love Apple hey Apple my phone needs to charge cuz my PC internet adapter broke so I don’t know if I can join well you’ll be here in spirit Freddy Dr you’ll be here to watch me mine trees really at a speed that is somewhat fast look at General okay did he get kicked out or something make me rejoin VC oh okay I was wondering why I wasn’t hearing him for a second let see let me go back over see if he’s in a different one he’s got to rejoin a VC so I can actually put him back into a VC and stuff um well now we have a very flat piece of land and there you go what happened looking pictures oh okay this is my issue it won’t even though I like whenever I do get the items needed to unlock hellbat it basically will not let me unlock hellbat I have everything needed I just won’t let me unlock hellbat doesn’t like you [ __ ] you mean nuh-uh the game L says nuh you can’t be hell bat all right let me see we got so we need it’s also not a very big if you can also it also requires you that you make uh 64 Trad didum in order to make it so I think I’ll also add that so if you can you bring me yeah what I was going to say like if you could just if you want to do it for like suits that you that are lock like people can’t unlock even though they have the requirements to unlock it just make them give you the materials required to make it all right then we’ll just do that so just get me 64 Trum which the Quarry should be able to give you yeah once it and running I already have one from it mhm see nope nope is my crash code XD gota love that I love it when Minecraft say nope anyway you should come up and see the uh the flat piece of ground I’ve been making here is your uh stuff there we go I want someone to talk to sorry coach all right um I’m gonna hand you some stuff why me hope that what is this that is what that’s the uh diamonds and iron I need for unstable inot but it’s the ass they immediately get placed in my inventory sorry Freddy if you can’t join into the game then I’ll have to kill you so otherwise known as n what do you mean nuh I mean nuh that on the Council of Elders man I hate those [ __ ] oh boy you died again yeah see your grandfather see your grandfather I don’t know what that means you will see your grandfather now I am your grandfather you don’t want to be near Grandpa Jones [ __ ] I mean to say that damn well see sometimes you have your Freudian slips and such can I quickly use the me crafting system yeah a minute let me just make one thing I need to make I I need a bit I need some Cobblestone I need to make uh more quadruple I need three more I want to know what it is you’re trying to achieve bying this ad woman I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve by forcing the memes it it’s your fault you’re the one who told me to try to be friend are you listening to an is he is your uh brother listening to an Abridged Series or something I I don’t know it feels I don’t know what it is how much does YouTube hate you quite a bit me yes I mean I did I did do something very weird during the last stream I fisted somebody so YouTube didn’t do anything about it but it probably should have let’s see I need Cobble oh [ __ ] we’re out of Cobble well that’s because we’re making compressed oh boy going somewhere are you taking some Cobble as well so are you taking some Cobble as well yes basically there’s a small chance for everything that you’re using to create stuff or it’s break mhm also I just realized something the diamond uh hammer broke well we got to make more then wait no no they haven’t what we have 339 diamonds that can all be be enchanted within breaking three so we got a lot can make a lot I think I forgot the last time I was on to turn the machine back on that’s my it not been making any ores it has not oh so that’s why we’ve been lacking materials turn that [ __ ] back on we need more [ __ ] I did it’s back on all right I I I I turn it off because we always are making so much materials that sometimes we just need to turn off blown must eat all the potato see I’m very confused at what he’s watching he must be watching I don’t even know what he’s watching I I never pay attention to the anime my brother or my father watch your dad watches anime that’s pretty based yeah he does he’s watching the anime another anime his like a time right now like the same anime for the eighth time yeah all right I mean if it’s a good one I guess you know I can’t doubt him but still it’s that slime anime oh that time I ever got reincarnated or whatever no no one I don’t know what time got reincarnate as a dead bunny I watch that one every day no um I’m pretty sure it’s called what I’m pretty sure it’s called um [ __ ] what is it called maybe our city needs to be even bigger this the one where a guy slime that for him uh yeah he becomes a a slime Tamer yeah I know what it is is it called my dad’s watched the anime so much he watches all of his anime lot he’s a bit he’s he’s a weeb no he just grew up a final fantasy oh okay I guess Final Fantasy is kind of well later later games are more Final Fantasy are more anime-esque than earlier games that’s because the older games were on the PS2 and um PSP I mean the oldest games are on the original Nintendo and stuff so oh yeah fun fact U my father actually has the original games that’s pretty Co every single one of them he has a lot of history well yeah it was a series he grew up with so kind of like how I grew up with Skylanders so I have a bunch of [ __ ] Skylanders you must send me all your Skylanders so I can put them in my Skylanders videos uh wait uh uh which one are you playing Sky imagination the new one the original one but I already have all the ones from the original so yeah I’m good I think you need Swap Force right you need SW if you have uh if wait do you use a PS2 or PS3 a PS3 I didn’t I don’t think Skylanders is on the PS2 it’s not they is some on the PS4 that’s true trap team and uh Swap Force and pretty much everything after uh what is it uh Giants no uh swap force is on the PS3 too it is but it kind of sucks on there yeah uh I we have swap forch for the Wii U oh damn I’m so sorry all out of cobblestone speaking of Wii U gam uh did you know that before the Wii U uh shop ended that they had uh they had the fireal sa stones and fire uh sticks on it go take the dogs out okay he’s got to go take the dogs out I heard that yeah he’ll go take the dogs out right now I me yeah tonight’s techically a school night but it it’s it’s spring break after tomorrow so oh damn I didn’t know that my spring break was like a couple weeks ago then again it was College spring break so it didn’t really feel like it graduate school spring break I guess very different than regular because if you remember I’m technically in high school that’s cringe okay it is very cringe so how goes the creating of things Hydra how goes your mission it it goes well I got that both the magma crucibles we need I got the magmatic dynamos we need I just need the pipes now and Hoppers my mission is going terribly as you can tell the mission to the deep dark has been creating lots of explosions that murder you yes because I keep because it I don’t really care about the explosions it’s more of that the quadruple Cobblestone keps keeps getting uh destroyed when it every time it the unstable ingots explode oh and that’s pretty hard to recreate because you need a lot of Cobble lot of C yeah I need about 12,000 Cobblestone well I’ve started the mag the magmatic extractor whatever I made to start making Cobblestone instead of obsidian so it’s starting to make some it’s not making a lot do we have no wood what the [ __ ] we don’t usually we have 96 logs about 90 logs of [ __ ] me see I’m just going to use I’m just using whatever I can find to fill in gaps for now trees fine that works wait did the S not St for you guys no no it restarted hours ago for its like daily restart a fatal a fatal error has occurred this connection is terminated the [ __ ] something real bad happened and had to get you off for some reason oh no all right I’m getting to the last the last Hill I just need to let’s see can I join back will be [ __ ] well can I join no no well I’m going to disappear for like five minutes to go take my dogs out I’ll be back have fun with your does I mean if I I I mean I could switch my phone so I can continue talking to you guys you probably just pain in the ass have to Rel log back to my computer probably just a pain in the ass just go take your dogs out and [ __ ] let’s see on Mama all right where I just don’t have enough dirt no more I’m getting to the point where like even the uh even the hills or are like almost done with I can murder you really good I can murder good okay and I guess some explosions are worth it all right I need this is like one two one all right yeah to find the rest of the you needed see I’m trying to find out what ones they want blow me up blow me up gotta love being the flashh gotta love being the flesh your sin was having flesh let’s see you must die let’s see I might be getting in okay good Freddy is has have you even gotten on the server before Freddy or is this the first time trying to get on I don’t remember seeing Freddy on at all maybe I don’t know either way he has no Alliance mostly because there’s no other team on the server other than us and no one else is really playing other than us so it makes sense see I guess I finally made a a tube over to the next area let’s see got to clear out the rest of this I need more dirt I must get faster Barry let’s see like that pick up all the flowers there we go why do there have to be so many [ __ ] zombies very annoying all right let’s see even more I’ll get to the other side there we go why am I doing this I need I need room for more dirt I don’t I don’t need to keep mining but I keep mining anyway so we got that the [ __ ] did I get hit by oh hello there please die hello die let’s see twink okay I got our uh fluid pipes now okay by the way the so here’s the thing right all right what’s the thing they want they recommended us using uh they recommended us using what’s called a redstone energy flux Ducks M because uh those transfer 8,000 uh per tick uhhuh but to get those we need a lot of uh liquid Redstone which we don’t really have any red stone as of current time no we have a lot of redstone we just getting the liquid Redstone is the difficult part can we like melt it down and [ __ ] or do we need to use something more specific like I have everything needed to make it CU I needed to make it to get the regant uh Ender energy shell that we have mhm but like the issue is that we don’t want it hold on we we do want it but the issue is the process of doing it it’s going drain a lot of energy doing this okay so maybe we should work with the more basic flux Ducks until we can actually get the things we need till we get that energy up like the main thing is like the lightone that’s 200 R RF per tick that’s what that’s what we’re currently running we’re running in the basic [ __ ] mhm uh the hardened Leed Stone and the hardened flux that is 800 RF per tick so uh that one requires invar and three Lead Stone me see move this over to there move him back it would ultimately be easier for us to get the red flux St CU that supplies a significant boost in energy hey guys yo how was your dogs pretty good got one in the cage now all right elect I need I want to see if um Hydra can do this unstable wi thing faster I he’s working on his thing right now so he might working on my [ __ ] if you need something to do chaotic you can help me out with like flattening out the space there’s more trees that need to be burned no I’m I’m still doing this uh unstable Ingot thing I’m trying to be as quick as I can but 10 seconds just isn’t enough maybe you need to practice a bit more with like other items the only way the flash got faster was by practicing maybe okay clock uh again oh jeez I need more dirt all right be item here and we’ll say use three different items so that it’s more can you stop using media fire keeps getting ads it’s the cheapest way for me to send files in my opinion but I will never stop because I suck God that doesn’t work right I’m GNA go smell silver and gold in the smel Tre I don’t want to use Google Drive you guys don’t need to know my Google account yeah I’m on uh I’m on uh fosen side with this you guys do not need to know his account I could make a then you can get his email and email him whenever the [ __ ] you want which I don’t think could be funny I can upload it I mean can I trust you Freddy to not change it randomly I say no I say no say it’s Freddy that we that we’re talking about here can we trust the Freddy no the vote says no besides just use uh ad blocker that blocker doesn’t work by the way on media fire yeah cuz uh Opera GX has natural ad blocker in it but it doesn’t block it because it because instead of an ad popping up it just takes you a whole last another website it’s weird or you know you could just sit through the [ __ ] ad no no it it doesn’t show an ad on on oper GX it takes you to last it just brings up a whole ass another website and it keeps on doing that until it stops doing that I mean if you’re really that lazy that you can’t sit through like a 5-second ad it’s not an ad it’s not it’s not a 5sec ad that’s what I’m trying to say it brings up a website saying like click here well still I’m just going to keep using media fire anyway that that still sounds like grade A laziness to me would you like to get a virus chaotic I’m not stupid enough to click anything when it comes to that you know what never mind you see that’s why you can’t win Freddy especially with an idiot like me because I won’t listen also who’s dumb enough to to actually click the uh get rich here scheme grandma grandma a lot of people you think a grandma’s going to be playing Minecraft with us I mean you never know other grandmothers might be you don’t know Grandma Grand could be like really desperate and need to buy some more of her bone bone hery juice and it’s like man I’ll I’ll I’ll accept all the calls from the Nigerian prince in order to get my bone hery juice yeah but that’s pants we’re all we’re all at like the the the smallest age we can be that this can be the youngest man I like having a small age sounds like I’m saying like same something completely different all right like isn’t Freddy like isn’t Freddy like 15 I forget I’m just like I forget I don’t tend to track his age I just know he’s Young I know I know I’m younger than him my thing is stonebound not soulbound he says he’s 13 oh he is he is a young oh young so I’m older than him damn I guess so that’s funny I must eat my patat I truly thought I was the youngest no oh no keep coming from a little bit sus where do what keep what so you see we have a small gun mod in in this uh uh thing and um we we have a chance of grabbing a [ __ ] Stone and there’s a chance that you can make a stone bullet if you have one piece of cobblestone left in the thing so you can make bullets my PC is a oh my Lord I’m going to guess ml means oh my Lord N I don’t know om l oh my Lord I’m guessing because Freddy likes to say oh my Lord oh my lordy Lord there you go there we go got to keep working at this oh boy we’ll have we’ll have a city at some point before we are done streaming before you done not an entire before the entire series is done yeah because that was one of the goal did anybody win the the raffle nobody was nobody signed up for their raffle I think done so huh I think the B’s done I I remember seeing a bunch of people join and like Hey how do I get in the F like you you join the raffle I think they just gave up instantly they were just like nah understandable up fedy might be making appearance the fredster no one wants in yeah I know we’ll still keep going anyway because I’m having fun I have fun I like I like try and learn and build things I like working with like technology mods at least a little bit interesting maybe we should go to a newer version so we can so you can figure out who you use create I don’t know what mod we’ use it with what absolutely not no why not create you don’t like f8 the only time you would want to do create is if you have a source of andite andite yeah yeah you do understand that there’s such things as something called an andesite cave how I have never once seen an Minecraft I have seen like a bunch of them and that and plus that comes in that’s a biome that can happen in the m in the mod it’s a it’s like a it’s like a structure I need more dirt so I might try and like Smooth out the uh edges of this area if I come back crashed I will punch a wall don’t worry I will punch the wall for you by using my suers Sonic Speed next thing we see he’s dead I like to die you’re G have run through the wall I am the flush I can run through things because I flush the toilet correctly all right when was the last time that uh Crimson hopped on I don’t know hey my that must be the first time he’s gotten on the sad thing is that it’s like nighttime right now so Freddy wants to come find us or just or I guess I guess if he’s against us or whatever he’s just gonna die out there fedy wait actually I don’t think Feddy can be with us are we at are we at Max yeah I guess we’re at are yeah so he could be what we say Freddy could be like a henchman that’s what we said last we are permitting henchmen wouldn’t didn’t we say we were going to put him into slavery to help build the city or something that was one of the options uh another option is he could be helpful towards uh mining he could be a mining slave he just joins this world and he’s like oh I’m com The Flash yeah I don’t know if he’s going to make it here or not should i r him the flash suot with a bit of food you might want to now go do it Hydra excuse me what excuse me man I can kill these things so Qui I don’t have any of the fast suits unlocked other than the Iron Man suit that belongs to uh glitch does glitch have it on for like five seconds no he leaves his Iron Man suits in his uh his place he has Carnage on him currently just send me the cords in two in chat okay he died he drowned how did he drown what the [ __ ] he only had a couple of Hearts left he said would he type what he typing in under water like what maybe maybe he just felt like it once we get this city going I’m G to become sper B SPO Chan which Spider-Man though probably Spider-Man 2099 I like um what’s his name that’s my favorite one forget his name m yeah Miguel Miguel O’Hara yeah I like him because he’s actually kind of just like he’s a spider person like a real spider person instead of like you know Peter where he’s just like he’s got some spider abilities but like you know no Miguel isn’t a spider person he’s all about technology no not in his original comic appearance oh not in his original comic appearance okay I mean he was he got bit by a radioactive spider and stuff and he’s like way more ferocious than the other Spider-Man and they just they portrayed him a little bit differently in the uh in into the spiderverse and stuff but I like I’m talking about the uh the 2099 Spider-Man uh enemy series I don’t think there’s a 299 series coming from he was in a Spider-Man enemy maybe but I don’t think he would there was one specifically based around him there was not one specifically based off him but you know episode where there’s like the two people pointing at each other I mean that’s from the very end of uh into the spiderverse no no the other one the other one you mean 7s cartoon he was he didn’t exist back then he did not exist back then because that was back during the 60s Miguel O’Hara became a thing during like the 90s or the 80s and [ __ ] uh towards uh spawn is South right yeah uh spawn is south look at all these floating blocks I hate my life what’s going on why do you hate your life right now holy [ __ ] that’s five billion credles I like it I like it okay I need now I need molten lead could I need to turn that molten lead and and put it on obsidian to make hardened glass hardened glass geez you’re having to make everything aren’t you yeah but apparently I can’t use normal glass for this [ __ ] got to use hard glass sa flight repair sa flight replace nobody’s gonna get that I just saved Freddy okay uh you can put that suit on might want to move now run towards the cords I see you at the base he’s not in any of the uh the things any of the voice chat so I can’t [Music] here I should probably stay with him as he does B are you learning how the suit works that’s the wrong way Freddy Freddy oh Freddy died he ran too fast he died just like trajectory you probably shouldn’t have G that suit the power that’s the suit you guys gave me to get there remember why the [ __ ] do I have a stone bullet because you’re hungry I don’t know because Yoga Yoga uh when you have a bit of downtime uh can you grab um the Cobblestone out of the uh uh generators not the generators the other thing the the me system no I need to grab the Cobblestone and put it into the me system so we don’t waste any time oh Oh you mean out of the out of the [ __ ] that’s making Cobble Stone yeah when I’m not at the base do you think you can do that uh yeah I’m also gonna grab the obsidian out of here and put it in there as well so much I’m going make a way point to your cords okay probably a good idea man so many I love it I love it I have like 14 shells on me right now very nice nice I have eight shells on me see Gregory is a godsend I have six shells on me those 14 I just got by standing around up here and building and you would have got 22 if you uh if uh I did if I didn’t kill them Freddy’s gonna go take a shower apparently Fair no I got to do a little bit of tree shaving but yeah basically those Stone bullets are from the mod of the dra the Demonic sword and [ __ ] I’m like all right well basically um you can make a bunch of demonic items like the Demonic sword shield spear uh hird and they all do 11 damage and then you got the reverse demon dagger which kind of weird it’s like the reverse flash but out of all of them the best item is the Demonic staff because you can get mana and you can shoot those at them at at the enemy you can be like Harry poter Harry putus but a lot stronger as these ones kill easily all right let me see I think it did it can do eight hearts to a unarmored individual damn looking which is a lot I need to take out the stuff that’s up there don’t I all right let me see no more cral jeez I love it these speed these speed upgrades are [ __ ] God then but are they a God speed no they’re godsend I am the god of speed not savatar for some reason savatar and godp speed are two different entities yeah I know but like in the in the uh Flash show they both described themselves as gods of speed so it was like who is the real god of speed not any of them because because there’s a demonic there’s a uh death of spe therefore there must flash I mean black flash yeah yeah but who is the if we’re talk technically counting who’s the fastest that would be Wally West well yeah that or black racer I have no [ __ ] clue black racer is black black racer and black flash are technically almost the same thing no black racer and black flash are very different things they’re different they’re slightly different things but but the only difference is that they’re Aros because they’re they basically do the same thing they’re the death not really black racer is the Speedster that works for dark side and is literally like the fastest thing alive wait wait are we talking about the new black flash or the old one I’m talking about the comics version of the black flash and the black racer they’re two different things because I know in the newer newer editions of it uh the black flash is uh basically the dark vaser but a lot more updated no no no that’s not what the black flash is at all the black flash is literally the Grim Reaper for all speedsters he’s just like a walking embodiment of death just tries to kill Barry and all that Barry and Wally and everyone because they they messed with time multiple times he he’s the Speedster that goes after other Speeders that he’s not even really a person he’s just like a grim reaper he doesn’t think he’s just a he was a person once he was a caught my time race in the show in the show he’s actually just zoom but in the original Comics Zoom doesn’t exist it’s Professor Zoom so the black flash is just literally just created by the speed force and that’s it he’s just a better time wraith and he’s really op in the comics like in the show he gets his ass beat by [ __ ] killer frost but like in the comics like nothing can stop the black flash unless you go back in time and [ __ ] with him actually uh W uh if I if I remember correctly uh Wally W uh defeats him by going so far into the future that death doesn’t matter yeah that’s what he did to defeat him in the comics huh yeah it the black flash is a confusing guy and Barry turns into the black flash for like a couple of moments during flash rebirth but then it was actually just you know iard thawn [ __ ] with him again he’s always [ __ ] with him he always [ __ ] with him no that’s that’s not I’m confused about how how do you go so far into the future that death doesn’t even matter anymore well because I guess like at the end of the universe nothing exists so therefore nothing can die anymore so therefore the embodiment of death has no reason for existence because it can’t kill anybody because nobody’s around to die okay so what he he just but then would as soon as he got there death matters now now you need to be able to suspend your disbelief because this is like the Silver age of comics this is like this is like confusing weird [ __ ] stuff there was this was way before we existed L yeah I mean yeah correct all of us were nothing but like not even sperms un existent matter I don’t understand how it fully works but I do understand some about the comics there’s probably a better explanation than what we’re giving and stuff but that’s at least what I remember from you know watching comic analytics and stuff yeah yeah that’s how I know about the dark the black vas and and a bit of the black flash but yeah the black the the dark the the dark race with black racer is just like a Speedster who’s controlled by dark side but is literally way faster than any Speedster I’m not sure if he’s faster than rebirth Wall-E I’m not sure about that but I that’s black flash black vas is the other one yeah there’s black racer is he’s a he’s he uses skis he’s a weird guy I’m yes he uses skis what is that DP off of the Silver Surfer I think black racer existed before Silver Surfer which is the weird thing okay so uh I my memory had just like hit me like a [ __ ] freight train uh I I just remembered the uh uh from what it talks about in the uh comic analytics so the black R of death for uh for Apocalypse say when a spe of [ __ ] with time or measure of time or just when the time is coming to an end the black racer will chase them till they can drag him back to the speed force which ends up killing them no that’s black flash that’s black flash that’s black flash black black let me let me go over to the good old DC wiki so I can prove you wrong just because I like to be right I guess all right let me pull up black racer because you could be right but I want to see if either of us are right black racer DC because he’s a weird looking guy sometimes he’s like the same thing and such it’s kind of a weird confusing thing the [ __ ] is hitting me oh God all right let me go ahead go in here Freddy’s at the base now go ahead and bring this up okay going into the DC wiki the black oh okay so maybe in some yeah you’re kind of right the black racer is a physical manifestation of an aspect an aspect of death so maybe he’s like the real Grim Reaper while black flash is the Grim Reaper for Speeders let me see time ago after dark side conquered apocalypse he captured death or at least an aspect of it this was the black racer who he held under his control by anchoring him to a sentient host becoming since then the greatest weapon of the dark God the racer has many hosts one of its lost one was the lost son of high father Mr Miracle being unwillingly bound to it until for unknown reasons he was released and replaced with another so you’re not wrong chaotic but he’s an embodiment of death itself while uh black flash is death for for speedsters so interesting little clarification oh is Freddy ready to join uh I think so he’s at our base get into a VC and we’ll move you so you were right atast partially uh build a little area if you can build a little area under our bed and just put minion uh minion sleeping quarters we well anyway Freddy welcome to the seven demon Lords Hideout no no other bad faction exists no other faction actually exists on the server so yeah yeah we killed them by making them yeah we we annihilated them by making them entirely bored we were just so good we made them so bored they didn’t want to play anymore which likly means that they just left because they God boy so that means we win Gregory don’t don’t hurt Gregory you hurt you touch Gregory you die instantly apparent according to glitch that’s his that’s his son Greg or he he is our main source of cros because if you don’t know how Kos work once a creto is aggro to a person cros will constantly be drawn towards that other keto I guess I got to make me a room uh actually yeah that that’s a major problem we didn’t think this through did we we got it’ll be fine I’ll just go down to the very bottom I mean we are going to have like our our main base in the city it’s built so then you’ll be able to have your own room but none of us have our own room I believe we all just no I think he means his own suit room yeah oh well then again we’ll have more room for suits in the city even though even though you know chaotic said all suits are going to be going in the community suit room so that’s literally where all chaotic suits are oh yeah well chaotic doesn’t have one either but we’ll have one once we have the he does he does I made him one he does well he has he has a bigger one than hard drop does because hard drop didn’t want a big one well Freddy you can have chaotics then if he doesn’t want it okay just put your name on it that’s a dub I take all this sh dub no you don’t take he can’t even wear his suits so it wouldn’t matter okay well he he doesn’t have any suits anyway so that’s cuz they’re all in the community room which is right above this there’s a lot of pumpkins damn I am like out of dirt [ __ ] hell we still got to come up with a name for the city I will be hearing what should we name it actually I can name it Starling City but I am open for more ideas win like we have to name it B we have to come up with our own name not name from either DC or Marvel because then we’re going to be saying like oh yeah you know marvel is better than DC or DC is better than Marvel no we can’t do that all right like well well what is ideas uh okay take it Sacred City Sacred City okay that is an idea I’m not good at come names okay me [Music] neither [ __ ] CL City uh that’s a name that is a name City beet City let’s go Greg Town it really should just be creto City with how many cros we get here I guess that’s true any ideas Freddy um Freddy built the whole thing city I build the foundation see we call it Greg town he’s he’s the mayor yeah g the mayor we just give him a really big building he lives at the very top of it then again that might not attract as many credles as we need so yeah that he lives in a he lives in a m c he lives in his seal apartment underneath the biggest city underne under the underneath the biggest tower okay if only we could breed the credle Craig could have his leg I wish the the legions of Greg such a basic ass name all right let me see rre you have yet to come up and see my progress I have been progressing on uh the electrum and all that [ __ ] for our thing yeah for our power don’t worry Freddy I’m going to give you all these cradle shells that I’ve been grinding up so you can make a suit that is actually your own we oh God okay we got a shitload of redstone flux Ducks the [ __ ] will that do for them uh that’s the that’s the energy transfer things oh okay all right Freddy here is like 22 crle shells that I’ve got from like sitting around if you want my honest opinion and what we need to go since somebody going to do is get redstone get red stone how do I use uh gold put it in gold look up look up the crafting recipe for iridescent gold that’s what you got to make boy I’m like getting to the point where I need to like keep mowing trees down in order to get more space for everything and there’s just still a bunch of floating trees do I have any suits that can light fires no probably make a suit that lights a fire have we taken the uh any of the the the power the power cells over to the quy to get it working again while at least we’re working uh no we have not okay I might want to do that I might want to do that let me see I got to run back because I need to take off all my my flash stuff and turn into atam again wink I’m still I’m still missing my Arsenal suit because I gave it to heart drop because I I forgot that it’s not something that everybody can wear all right there we go now I’m the atom I don’t look like Adam but you know it works see oh yeah and Freddy if you want to make the uh the flash suit faster you got to run on this object it’s going to take a while let’s see yeah the uh oh this thing isn’t getting power anymore it’s not good or it might be just because we have like we need to get that new power started right click on the uh the treadmill and it’ll bring up a mini game for you to like you know race with you’re supposed to press A and D in time with the bar going up and that’ll uh make you faster need to go faster Barry there we go and then I just plug the energy cell next to the uh next to the thing I’m GNA guess so that taking power see nope come on all right now it’s sucking power is it supposed to be doing things now see is it actually doing anything yeah it is okay good it just takes for goddamn ever got to fly by maybe I might want to bring out a flint and steel and try and start burning down trees I go too fast and I slam myself in the [ __ ] ground see damn it we’re out of power [ __ ] well I mean we’ve got power over here but what you need power four for the fluid trans I need it for the magma Crucible and the and the fluid TR oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on now see what did I want to do I need a FL and Ste time to go light some [Music] fires there we go okay uh F come back uh one second I’m lighting fires uh iridescent so I D I’m going to guess I don’t remember off the top of my head just type in gold and it will show up it’ll look like a little weird gold green bean thingy we have uh how much of it do we have in here we have 12 of it in our thing I mean I gave him like a bunch of like you know frle shells so maybe he might want to make it on his own and stuff see how it go see how much gold do we actually have cuz I know a running low on that uh I don’t know we have like 200 or something from the last check I made but I haven’t been using all right so yeah this is why we need more power and such so we can keep the uh we can make multiple of those uh or making machines someone did you see no h up Okay the reason why we have only 161 is cuz I had to use uh a stack of it to make uh the electrum oh okay now I definitely made way too much but on the bright side we have a lot of uh Redstone energy flux Ducks there we go Adam kind of sucks but we’ll work with it there we go all right I need more Flint I need to burn more trees okay uh Frozen while you’re down here uh do you want to set up the thing real quick okay I guess we can get work on on that so how do I do okay here is these I don’t really have any inventory space let me go ahead and clean that up do you need me to tell you how much inventory space you need I’m just going to throw a bunch of my Cobblestone into the uh the thing because I just needed all to uh you know make my [ __ ] okay so I’m ready give it here wait that there’s that there’s that there’s that there’s that and there’s that I need to make you your uh your chest so let me just make the chest wood there we go [ __ ] I made too much wood look at Freddy stuck on the cosmic treadmill press shift to get off if you need off I’m going to start we’re going to start off with iron uh okay iron we made one iridescent gold very good I’m going to start off with just iron chest since we got running low on uh check back at the suit database which is this thing thing next to the the gun making thing right behind you these two bricks and you’re able to look through here and see what you need to make and such anyway what okay there’s that so what do we need to do and now all we need is Netherrack so we have any Netherrack I can get Netherrack pretty easily with all my [ __ ] we have a straight nether in here okay so where should we place this device guess we can just build back here because there’s we just bu this back wall right here yeah all right so what do I need to do actually wait do you want to build it along this wall right here because we’re not I don’t want to expand this way anymore I want to expand the back way okay then we can just make it here cuz if we expand this way anymore we’re going to have to build a wall again mhm all right what should I do first dad okay first off uh let’s get rid of where do you where do you want to place it you want to place like right here sure let’s do right here wait get r that block get rid that block what do we need down put put the energy thing underneath it the the dynamos no like the the actual flux energies you mean like the flux Ducks yeah the the Fink now put one right here okay now put the magma Dynamo on top of it on top of all three wait [ __ ] that’s the wrong one magma Crucible I magma Crucible okay let me put The Crucible on so like this not the way I wanted it to be but that’ll work around then I want it to be using the front of the of The Crucible okay also I need that that Dynamo you picked up back yeah here’s the Dynamo we’re not going to be we’re not going to have enough uh what’s call things to get to it but now put the hopper on top Hopper on top now put uh you I’ll put it call something hop on that and put the chest on on that okay internet disconnected me from the call oh okay there you go right next coming grab uh come and put the fluid duct right here on the back of it okay on the back of it yeah and then we need to go that uh we go that one two three four five six seven out all right and then we need that three tall all right uh [ __ ] I [ __ ] that one up come on there we go the [ __ ] weird okay uh all right three up so like that yeah like that and we need that all the way going back six six okay we need to go one more forward because that’s too close to the machine that no uh one more this way cuz that’s too close to the machine for the for the wiring to work all right that back all right so uh you might just search up of it right now since we’re working on this see what do I do that’s how we want it to work all right and then we want the the wiring to come out right here mhm and then come around the front like in the exact same pattern that this is in so from this block or from this block uh from this block okay because see that connects it up to that and now I’m confused I why they had it a bottom layer but whatever all right so what do I need to do next so this gets removed and then it comes this to this block right here okay and then we make the exact same pattern like this okay I don’t know if we’ll have enough we do not have enough I know that for a fact that’s why I need power all right I think you have one more in your inventory uh do I oh I do okay I can at least put it up for now I’ll just put it right there m okay okay now we put the magmatic dynamos in between these okay like this or flip it yeah like that like that [ __ ] come on there we go [ __ ] come on there we go pull that back hopefully hopefully this works yeah the reason it’s not going down is because there’s nothing in front of it okay and now if I go and grab a bunch of Netherrack I guess we might not have enough I don’t know we have 18 we only need 18 okay it just looks like it doesn’t look correct I guess I’ll have you look at it once we once you come back over here because like you see there’s an extra three right there oh did I do my mess wrong we move everything back down by one whatever we we if we need more power We’ll add an extra three all right so we place that in there and the magma Crucible it once he gets power it starts heating up yeah we need then we need to supply power to the mag Crucible I think that’s why they had an under under thing going here was to supply power to the magma Crucible so at least gets started up so I guess I’m going to use the Harden one for now so like down here okay uh no what that do for now uh now I’ll go config which one would it think this is insert power oh wait that’s the back right there uh that there we go raining in I it’sing I it’s working so uh also Freddy there’s uh I guess he got disconnected from the call let me move him back in yeah Freddy if you need XP there’s this giant green tank this has like five billion XP which I constantly have to refill because people drain it all okay now these are getting power so then it like and then and then need Bru power and then this will go back and fill it fill these up okay so do we I guess we don’t need the resonant energy cell anymore yeah yeah so so what do I do do I just mine one or what uh just right click no you you uh you just right click on the bottom yeah with an empty hand so come down here and then right click on the bottom one with an empty hand all right only oh oh I’m getting XP there we go charging back up please do not drain the entire thing in one go because that takes forever to fill back up I only needed 15 so okay gold I need eight more gold and I’m just saying if you do drain it in one go log off if you do if you do drain one go log off then log back in and then fill it back up and then once you fill it back up go die you’ll have your XP levels back okay so this is now doing what this is now supplying power to it Con L okay so now we can pipe this power off to somewhere else yeah now we pipe this now this now we can have this piping power into an energy cell and then uh okay and then we can constantly gain power all right let’s use this then to give it infinite power because this is the one that’s the hardest one to fill okay I think I got enough for my suit that’s what it said anyways if if we can get way faster way faster yeah I’m G to take our energy cell for our Emy system real quick I’m going check up on the Quarry and see how that’s doing uh how much energy have you used up young man you’ve used it all and didn’t get much of anything big sad yeah Cory’s going to need like constant energy for this thing work let me unlock that hero pack real quick I haven’t even made one suit the entire episode just one of those things I got the yeah I got that I have to unlock this first oh I don’t like that very much but I will unlock it so I need your help here uh need my help yeah I need one if you can get me uh if you just grab me one energy wire from somewhere I don’t really care where so I can hook it up to this so I can have this supplying power to this so I can create more wires that I can hook up to those okay let me see if I can try and find one somewhere that’ll you know be something that we can take from without having to worry about it too much oh God why am I oh God where the hell am I I’m in I’m in the underside I didn’t mean to be down here okay U let me see oh you found Nick’s little hole that he got in from yeah let me see if I can find a way to steal some stuff because I’m so small right now so what about the objectives because it’s saying I need objectives so that means need you trying to make you what are you trying to make hear me out hear me out all right yeah what is the objective okay I forget yeah which Naruto uh just the regular thought it was AI okay uh pretty much using all of them in the so let’s see Naruto Naruto there’s a lot of Narutos it’s literally the only one just named Naruto uzaki there’s narutaki teen uh there’s not narutaki that’s adult that’s beond mode that’s OG uh I don’t know it I’m I’m assum did it have did it say teen in the name or did it just say Naro is maki just says narut is okay for that you need to gain access [Music] to you need to gain access to group two which is four to five so that means you need to make a tier three suit and to make a tier to gain access to group one suit you need to make you need to unlock a tier one suit so you need to unlock a tier one suit to gain access to group group one then you need to unlock a tier three suit to access to group two which you need for Naruto uramaki Okay so grab a tier one first okay yep yeah you have to work through the tiar uh I’ll grab start draining if you want hold if you want me to tell you like what suits you can’t grab because they literally won’t let you sure uh let me go to my tier ones uh you can’t grab Deadshot because that requires attack power three you can grab Joker you can grab rip Hunter uh can grab you can grab to sorcerer bet I’m G grab him all right let’s see what else I need should be making infinite power currently you did sorcer you can grab Guin that’s possible if you’re looking for Naruto stuff gu is one of is a Naruto thing I know so I need I need six plus hold on yeah so I need 12 tanium gems yep traum very yeah you are going to need go n yeah [Music] okay three yeah so I need three uh of those Transit G gems which I can make and 20 40 60 Gems or not gems but uh XP so I mean it’s kind of easy for the XP yeah it’s much slower on this version okay hey what you do with the uh what you do with the energ I had right here I just placed it back to the me system so it can get filled back up I’m GNA go get make those or all right got this crud in what the [ __ ] was that I just got stuck I don’t know too fast yeah you fell in the hole Yeah I’m just gonna actually because this right there you’re gonna have to jump up there you go my neck hurts all right well good I guess I should go back to working on the uh the platform go okay just going to go make as many as I need real quick I think it was like three or four I don’t remember God if we can get to the deep dark that means infinite the [ __ ] oh what oh you moved them okay yeah I moved them around because some of them were sucking up lava and not doing anything with them all right because they just weren’t doing anything so I was like [ __ ] it all right back to all still there are they all there yeah I put them in the me system okay do they have do they still have lava in them no they didn’t have any more lava inside them oh I was like as soon did we get that hooked up and even though it has it has lava in them they aren’t depositing the lava through the system they would have had a whole [ __ ] ton of lava at once once we get them hooked up mhm so now we just need to wait for uh you know to make more of those things make more uh Redstone flux Ducks which I need which I need that energy cell in a in one random ledge Stone pipe for we got to get well I couldn’t find like a piping that was like not necessary so you might need to make some Redstone piping or Le we have one in here all right we go I gotta go find some the or yeah it’s really hard to find here because we’ve scoured the area underneath us yeah need a [ __ ] ton of it so good luck that’s why we’re trying to get this Quarry powered so that we can just you know eat up giant chunks of land underground only we had a mod like mechanism in here that would that would speed up the process quite a bit but I don’t think it exists in this version to work on you could work on turning one of our uh you could work on making an resent Ender cell so we have two of them might want to turn on my uh my brightness probably a good idea my neck hurts so bad I back hurts of the way I have to sit and you’re not sitting in front of a TV cuz your monitors are somewhere else right now at least with the flash you can go up ladders faster if only it be really useful all right that should start oh yeah I need that FL steel back so I can burn down these [ __ ] trees oh these trees are getting in the [ __ ] we oh yeah it’s in there okay all right we go move [Music] this I think you I’ll just wait until the thing’s built I’m not I’m not trying to go down there right now too much work it’s gonna take a while because we need to be able to fill out this entire machine I’ll um I’ll just use the flash see if it can go across water after I get a certain speed yeah you got to get to that certain speed trust me I I got this I’m a pro at doing the 80s gra these I’m about to just load up tiny task this tiny task would actually make this a whole lot easier the problem is it gets faster as it goes along I’m I’m just talking about like per like uh per level like make one per level there we go now we can hook up the dynamote again and make even more power so doing that Bo boink boink boink boink boink oh I guess we’re missing one but that or there’s two in there we’re missing but all of them are hooked up that’s fine so fine by the way are we doing any streams over uh spring uh spring break for me next week uh maybe I guess it’ll depend on how much I work okay so don’t work don’t don’t stay out working I try not to but when they tell me to work I gotta work stay in I don’t think I have much work this next week like I only have like two days oh we shall see not bad not bad all right let me hook this baby up and see if it’ll get some power now that fast so more magmatic generators magmatic generators you mean crucibles or generators can’t Dy out out of [ __ ] okay is there any way we can augment this to go faster The Crucible that’s what the one is for the what is for second one the what I can’t see can you help me here what you need help with just to mine it I I was trying to figure out where the uh where top one was I need to M the top one man this thing’s ripping me off it’s only giving me half yeah it gets worse as you go along you got to get a tach on device but the only one with a tach on device is Darcy we have one yeah I’m gonna get Darcy to hop on I’m I’m a force can’t hop on as the problem I’m G force him to get on no he can’t like his game literally does not like let him log into the server so we’d have to make another tach on device which we need dwarf Shar for and we’ve not been able to find dwarf star we have Quantum matter but we have to create a tachon device uh let’s see I got it to level six I mean that should be enough to run on water so we’re good see actually no we don’t need a dwarf star oh we don’t nope what do we need we need let’s see in order to make a tachon device we need unstable Quantum matter which we can make then we just need gold uh iron attack on battery which is made by using unstable Quantum matter diamonds and a iron ingot so we don’t need any dwarf star to make a tack on device oh did you want to make the uh the next part of this yeah we’re making the second one says dropper not Hopper Dish from uh I need one more fluid pipe I need it on the back they’re in the uh the thing ofama [ __ ] if I can even see that is the slow mo um motion Vision does not work in it does work in multiplayer but only if you’re really far away from us um so like it won’t work if I use it right now not if you’re close to us but if you’re like a 100 blocks away you’ll be able to do it all right bet hold on okay all right so so we need to fill these iron chests up with Netherrack I can go do that just let me I need to keep building the city this city needs to be built okay I need to there still a mutant skill in here yeah I saw that so if we keep on making more magma crucibles would we be able to keep the amount of lava being output to these generators yes so I found a little creeper minion that’s cool got a bunch them yes you should he’ll explode and kill you big sad for I think he found my creeper minion oh you finally found it been a while since we seen it can I kill it no you cannot kill it too bad I’m already killing it see oh yeah the entire reason I went down there [ __ ] I forgot this this episode is very ADHD for me I’m all over the place forgetting what I’m doing why does it look like a oh my Lord that’s a giant C it is filling up extremely fast it’s very good we just need a giant CRA I can go do and stuff but it’ll be have save this city by building this city we can send uh we technically send what’s called Freddy I guess but I think Freddy’s trying to find traum true I’m trying to get a Launchpad for I can run across water oh okay no I got to reach 200 speed and I can’t reach 200 speed with how much uh room I got we could probably make a Runway once we get the city finished it’s going to become even bigger bigger stronger faster harder every shape and size he’s been 10 oh yep yep slow motion is working for like a second it’s a split second all right see if I can get these fires to burn all this [ __ ] down wish I had a laser a laser if I can get all these Tre down this will make it good maybe I should go make more flint and Steels wi oh God lag or lag or just a glitch I have no clue charged up probably lag how fast create a tach on Prototype or device are you creating a tachon prototype I made a normal device for him because I already made the Prototype oh okay so therefore Freddy can now go faster gota go oh crap my bad wrong uh wrong series wrong I’m on like half a heart so I’ll be over there in like two two minutes I got to go kill this pig before I die you must die I I don’t know how you’re supposed to charge this so you’re suck figing that out hi hi creeper you’re F to have to die I need you to cry uh creeper you stay right there it’s my pig attack on battery finally I was actually able to run for a minute on water for for like two seconds but two seconds is two seconds you need to go faster Barry two seconds is two seconds so the Prototype is not as good as the regular tachon device by the way how do I make a black hole uh I did it in my series I forget how I did it though you have to look up that episode I guess but I don’t remember which one it was yeah I got to go I got school all right all right bye pedy have a good school I hate glitches there we go tach on device oh did you need that pement I mean I just needed it because you know I’ve got flash suit so uh and if I want to go any faster I need to use tach on yeah I don’t know how you charge it so I think you put Quantum matter in there oh is that really it you just need a whole bunch of that Quantum matter I think so and if you just go to the quantum realm yeah it charges it very slowly very like by like 20 because you need that specific kind and that and that’s the kind that’s rare I believe I don’t think so or or the blue kind that’s rare I don’t know the blue kind that’s rare I don’t know but if you go back to the quantum realm you’ll probably be able to find it then again you’d have to go go to the quantum R I hate honestly it’s not that hard to go there it’s just kind of annoying and I hate it because I don’t have a flying suit that can easily get there yeah that’s why Adam’s a bit better all right I’ve got my tachon prototype on so and it’s just like you just have to have it in your inventory I guess oh cuz it’s on it’s on your chest so it was on your chest while you were you know Batman and stuff so oh really yeah so I can go up to 15 speed using a tachon prototype but it uh it like takes up a charge every like second I run with it so I shouldn’t use it all that much it should be something that I use very sparingly and I can just have it on my chest at all times because it looks cool I don’t think it does anything while I’ve while I’m a uh a regular human cool if I could just gain the speed force in general so I don’t have to you know switch over suits but this isn’t lucraft this is you know FIS so well and this isn’t Legends either does Legends have speed stir [ __ ] too Legends has the particle accelerator maybe I should check out Legends because I like all this Speedster stuff it’s always fun to play with all right it’s time for me to become Heatwave without the Heatwave hell I could make the heat wave suit and just you know burn [ __ ] down that way but uh I’ll work with what I got all right all right keep burning keep the burning the burning it’s very good how much time do we have left on stream by the way an hour and a half oh okay we got time so we’ve got quite a bit of time you’re not gonna after stream are you what you’re not gonna stick around after stream are you because you got stuff to do tomorrow uh I do have work tomorrow but like I could stay up for a little bit longer I don’t know what I I do something other than this right now though I might check out the Legends mod oh actually yeah they have a server for that or I’ll just just mess with it on my own time I don’t know see because if it’s got Speedster stuff I like that it does Speedster Legacy which gets you Speedster powers without having the Speedster suit does it have green arrow [ __ ] because that’s all I can it good it has the CW Green Arrow outfits it’s the Green Arrow outfit from the Animated Series but how you would get the alternate outfits is you would kill mobs uh you and then they would give you blueprints yeah L kind of stole it from them honestly cuz they they’ve had it like this since it became the Legends mod cuz originally Superheroes Unlimited many many years ago if you remember that I do I just have to keep making flints and steel this is the easiest way to get rid of all the [ __ ] all the [ __ ] yeah not being Green Arrow really [ __ ] up my ability to use archery oh my God eyes there we go I swear to God I’m G get I’m up getting a seizure from all this indidual glitching that I’m getting that’s weird cuz the textures go wild like I sometimes I’ll be I’ll see like stuff that’s underground above ground for instance I don’t think you lit our house on fire but I see fire on our house there’s fire on our house that’s really confusing but I’ve just been lighting fires in the city to try and get rid of all the trees because there’s so many yeah cuz like I’m I’m seeing fire on our house gota light fire I like fire snart fire snart all right now the [ __ ] stupid ass skeletons won’t have anywhere else to hide we’ll just have to die we need all this well they have places to hide just not in the city yet because the city doesn’t there’s a there’s floating blocks in the city region I know but I’m like I’m taking out like the little bits I got to take out the trees first so I can actually get to those little bits and stuff just need them out problem is the Fire doesn’t seem to like to spread right now though fire spread is on I think he I think you disabled fire spread did you not no I didn’t you can blow [ __ ] up so yeah anyway do you like how flat it looks I do you’re going to need to change the ground though or put a ground over this I mean that’s what the Builder W is going to be for make it all one texture for now oh dear God everything around me just glitched out and now it’s back to normal but once everything is like you know huh oh God damn it what okay I cat my sword oh okay and he’s currently dying so boink boink Bo so now that my my job is done what do you you do uh how about I give you the uh the Builder wand and [ __ ] and you can fill in the ground uh okay see here is the Builder one here is a massive I do mean massive amount of cobblestone I tell you when to stop giving me Cobblestone there you go that’s all I had okay so if you just want to go around and like fill in the ground and [ __ ] like that I will fill in where it’s where I can see see while I take off the Stray blocks that are sitting around like all the extra wood and [ __ ] and the Divine trees because they don’t burn what the hell oh oh my God that’s so dumb what it only filled in blocks that I have the matching material for yeah that’s why you need to like fill in outline full of like Cobblestone and [ __ ] see oh I on fire I on fire you’re the you’re the Batman and who laughs you should be fine you’re open [ __ ] in every protect me from fire you got a lot of armor I don’t know see I just need all this burned off H I can burn a little bit of the uh the outside area as well just so that we can get everything nice and clean looking fire cleans the world world you know yes it does see there we go oh great now it’s happening here uh the weird texture bug yeah I can’t see what I’m doing well there’s no mobs around you so you’re safe well let’s see if I end up crashing or it fix it okay it’s fixed over here and now it’s no longer fixed God damn it don’t say anything too soon skeleton you’re not going to live much longer the fire will take away your hiding space what else needs burn ation just some simple Mining and crafting mostly mining or chopping I guess that’s building the one piece that isn’t labeled the one problem is that all the Divine trees are going to be you know unburnable for that uh come on stop letting stop being on fire Adam stop being on fire even though you’re starting the world’s greatest forest fire but still no just hopefully the Fire doesn’t spread back to base or else I’ll be just nothing in our house really Burns so it’s all made out of Cobble and dirt and machine blocks yep so it should be fine unless it gets down to our bottom level then that’s when we have to worry it’ll be fine fire only goes up I guess I mean in real life yay pumpkin spiders I don’t care about them see feels like some of these blocks just don’t burn they just don’t go away after I light them on fire okay you’re that or they fade into the into the side so I don’t see them I do need my god look horrendous what you look horrendous from what I’m saying that’s okay I I should I deserve that for lighting the entire build place on fire deforestation is my middle name then again I’ve been doing deforestation for a while now trying to build this [ __ ] nothing ah [ __ ] I can’t even see where I’m walking you’re on fire currently I can tell thank God flying does not lower my dig speed there we go now what’s left just these [ __ ] trays all right you’re no longer on fire hrah I can see the mobs are underneath us yeah I mean that’s going to be a problem but like for now it should be okay since we’re just trying to fill in you know everything see there we go now I’m going to get this Stone out of the way’re in the dryer oh uh boot Freddy out the call he’s still there huh Freddy’s still in the call even though he’s not playing anymore uh I mean you mean chaotic no Freddy Freddy’s not in the call anymore yes he is I don’t see him in here I show him in here for me it’s weird because he’s not in here to me oh maybe it’s because my internet’s crapping out I don’t know weird maybe it’s just my phone not updating Discord could be all right so I think all of the floating block almost all the floating blocks are gone except for the yellow trees so most of everything else should just be filling the entire place in I wish these things lit on fire damn it just wasting the flint and steel yeah maybe I should be the flash for this I wish we had a second build w i mean we can make one we just need to go through the process of using the division sigil or if chaotic still has it on him uh he does we’d have to go through the whole ritual of making a new one but we can do that at a different time I guess let’s see so what did I need oh yeah I needed some kind of axxe nope that won’t work oh God damn it well I placed singular block and that [ __ ] my entire [ __ ] up that sucks all right what the [ __ ] why did I okay I guess I threw my green arrow shoes out of the way for some reason yeah we have a lot of cobblestone being made by the obsidian generator so we’ll have a lot of cobblestone see God damn it Saab cat person the cat people or the werewolf people I don’t know what the hell they are I don’t know what they are but I’m stabbing them understandable I guess there was a little bit over here but that’s not part of the line either I’m going to take it out because it looks funky all right all right this could take a while since I’m floating oh boy this is going to take forever I like mining tree it is very nice oh [ __ ] I almost wasn’t on it anymore how goes the filling in it goes come on this one tree is almost done God damn it there we go problem is all the floating ones I don’t have enough room to stand all right come on there we go don’t know what I’m going to do with all this Divine wood at some point we need to go to the uh the Divine RPG world yeah kill the bosses there at some point but uh you must get we must build the city before we go to Earth two all right I still have like two stacks of Cobble the feel that feel that in but I can’t see what I’m doing here anymore all right I tried the tricks I always do to fix it but that didn’t work [ __ ] Zambos I see the zombie that’s attacking you though I just can’t see blocks like I can if a mob shows up I can see it I just can’t see blocks all right come on there we go well there’s not much more to fill in anyway goddamn little mini zombie you go you have your little knife nice knife come on there we go zombies keep coming oink hopefully all the leaves will despawn seems like they do I want to one my deagle well there’s more I think there’s a zombie right behind you according to my map I think they Neath us oh no there it is you can kill him with your deagle so four shots with the deagle to kill a zombie that’s terrible got to up you got to upgrade your bullets uh I have iron bullets right now you can make like really strong bullets you can make like diamond tipped bullets and [ __ ] like that or even traum tipped bullets that’s going to be expensive to make though what the [ __ ] you yeah it’s probably not the best idea but you want my bullets out ofum are you serious I believe you can but I don’t know why you want to but you know maybe after you’ve built every single thing in the entire mod you no longer need Trad digium for anything so you’re just like screw it don’t care I want to dab an Enderman and H kidney go where we go do that that there we go see now yo I hate these figes they take so many hits what takes so many hits the sprin yeah they have like 80 Health by my remembering like their Max health is 80 so they’d be [ __ ] strong as balls the werewolf people only take four for a reference well take like 10 there we go this is a lot faster there we go much faster way of cutting down trees thank God for flight my God my here I’m going to take a screenshot of this and I’m going to post this so you can see what I’m seeing I can experience your pain uh copy haste look in pictures all right give me a sec let me go ahead go over and pick what the hell looks like a ukian this is what I have to deal with on average that is do you know why that’s happening is your graphics card given out I I have no clue it’s it’s not my graphics card I know that I think I need to update Java I honestly think that’s what I need to do could be oh hi G that’s the first time I’ve seen what you guys in a while it’s not our locked up pin it could also be underneath the entire platform so there could be an entire world of credles that are just you know underneath us oh yeah there is there is a underneath the platform I can see them I’m gonna guess there’s just like five million underneath you that just cannot be stopped no more hold on let me uh don’t go away I need to get rid of them all by hand he that or blow the [ __ ] where’d he go where’ that [ __ ] go they’re like following you by the mini map’s words they’re like following right underneath you he’s stuck I see him he’s stuck if you want to get him you might have to jump down beneath you got him okay you keep I hate this I hate having to mine at the the leaves that’s the only way to make them go away oh God damn it I it was fixed and I placed a block [ __ ] yeah maybe you might want to go update Java real quick yeah I’ll go do that how do I do that how do I do that again you update Java I don’t know search up Java I guess in your computer and just be like look for an updater thing updater application I guess I thought I updated that I thought I did it this morning but unless there do you think my job was too updated do you think that could be it no that would probably not be the problem you could probably like try and look up on Google like uh Minecraft 1.7.10 view is messed up view shows fractals or something like that looking see if anybody else has had your problem before we we’ve tried to look at this and uh no answers have presented themselves they they’ve gotten my old glitch that I got whenever it was just a black screen weird so anyway your run of the Frozen emblem ended yeah you you ended up dying uh I was going to save E’s group oh like all the way in the sand map yeah did you overextend with Frozen too much yes I did did you ever get me to promote or did you just kind of ignore it uh I I ignored it because I I promoted John first and then you get the the other ocean shield in that map that I died in oh okay and then you need to move the thief around to like get all the items so it it’s kind of understandable that I died kind of important in that map cuz well me or zephram to be used did you use zephram at all no do do you remember who he replaced no he replaced cormag oh he was the thief that was stuck in the leftand corner of that one map where you were trying to defend uh if you were on Erica’s route which is my route yeah were you not able to get him yeah I think he died he would have been the other Thief you could have gotten in the game so many [ __ ] I think I I think I approached him with somebody to recruit him mhm uh and then I reposed him with the wrong person and he fought that person and died oh damn yeah you’re supposed to approach him with me so oh which I don’t think I can do I mean you might be able to do you just have to get close enough with me no doesn’t he spawn in the mountains and thieves can’t walk in mountains I thought he spawned out like by right by right by it I thought he I thought since he did w night he supposed to spawn in mountains I thought I changed his spawn so that he spawns outside the mountains because I knew that he couldn’t do that maybe I did right I don’t remember that it’s it’s been a while since I did that mission go back and redo it how many I didn’t know what you want what John wanted to promote into so I just made him a Berserker yeah I think he’s a Berserker like the one that does look [ __ ] up that’s the one they’re supposed to turn into oh boy so do I have anything left to drink a little bit oh boy very chill right now we don’t have much to talk about yeah if all these [ __ ] yellow leaves are extremely annoying to get rid of yeah I’m I’m not seeing anybody uh showing oh wait wait here it here it is uh I found it somebody mentioned it oh it’s cuz my GPU drivers are too up to date so you need to go back on your GPU drivers I need to downgrade my GPU drivers oh okay it’s cuz they’re too new for this version of Minecraft that’s weird that’s that’s really weird because like what is your GPU uh it this is a computer from 2022 a computer from 2022 that’s pretty new but do you know what your GPU like type is like do you have a Nidia a Radeon a radon okay uh I don’t know [ __ ] about radons I use Nvidia so I don’t know how to help with downgrading drivers but uh besides this computer is what I built on my I custom built it so it was like I know what all the parts to and stuff but if you bought like a pre-built and stuff then I don’t know how to help see okay the entire land is now uh well doesn’t have anything floating in it at least mostly all that’s left is to fill in the gaps and then you have the uh Builder wand so I can’t really do that yes I will be fixing your drivers cuz if I I don’t know if all right yeah moves so much faster on a regular tree Jesus my stomach hurts sir more like my throat birds all right nice and flat okay so all right here’s another way for me to do it without uh downgrading my GPU I can make it I can just make it where uh they don’t use my GPU huh wonder how that’s going to affect your Minecraft but then again maybe Minecraft is not very GPU intensive intensive I don’t know damn it looks looks so nice to have like a very flat area CU like you know weeks ago this was just like a uh like a big old Forest so now it’s just turned into a big old this gota decide what block to use as a base block oh I actually have two gpus I have an APU and a GPU Apu damn those aren’t used all that much not to say that it’s not it’s not a good thing to have it can be useful but you know I wonder if that’s why it’sing issues good GPU setups sometimes have some compatibility you know what what version of the GPU I have I have AMD Ron RX 6,800 M I don’t know how good that is I only have a Nvidia 370 t uh was it TI I forget okay let’s see here how do you turn off your GPU and stuff is the question or at least not have Minecraft use it let’s see here uh look at blocks and see what kind of blocks I might be able to use these are colored bricks black wool black stained clay I need a cool block to use as asphalt that’s something that is relatively easily creatable CU if it’s not something I can easily make then it’s just going to be a waste of time could use seared bricks though those are too expensive to make in a waste of time really could use wood but I don’t W see one moment I need to go die real quick for okay yeah I was using the that one okay so no for okay I’m back had to go get some water and die but don’t we all all right then let go back into the game just floating here anyway how did everything go did it go well hopefully you can hear me oh wait did I unmute myself I’m back welcome back I was talking to you for like a couple seconds and I forgot oh wait I muted myself on Discord boy fix your problem defaultly set to my first GPU which is the integrated Graphics mhm so I set it to default set to my second GPU which is the other one I mean you can test it see which one works better I’m hopp on right now to test it yeah little crevices to watch down here going to search for any more oh I remember these are some of the holes I dug all right then I like having the ability to fly it’s very good probably put away some of this gear or some of these materials I got from [ __ ] about all right I wonder if it’s filled up the resident uh thing ofama jig yet it’s filled up by half just by us like standing around working on this stuff so that’s a really good the problem is we don’t have enough what is it called [ __ ] uh nether ax so I should probably go out and get that this in time to go get a [ __ ] ton of it all right into the void that I cannot return to unless I die return from actually see what the [ __ ] oh it’s a spron that followed me through the [ __ ] okay weird all right let’s get a lot oh no get away from me lava I’m just going to dig in random directions until I get enough oh [ __ ] oh I must have must have made a tunnel here once hell I love the hell biome see oh found my way into the Lava Lake but I don’t need to go there I need more Netherrack yes yes I like purple [ __ ] or it’s really pink and red really oh God get me out of here make make tracks damn it make tracks I’ll get some of that Cobalt while I’m here all right got enough coming back or maybe I should just die better idea maybe I should just die wee I like dying all right so now I have a butt ton of see did that you joined on let’s see four five I got BL up that’s no good all right now we will have that starting back up and giving us even more energy nice we were out of Netherrack in one of the crucibles W see what the [ __ ] oh that’s molten lead I was like what the hell is that it’s lead [Music] we have so much xp even just putting in the what the thing that I had left doesn’t even fill it up that much uh if you want to go to asa’s place and since they aren’t playing anymore you can just take their entire tank and add it onto ours guess that’s true oh God my ear but maybe we should do that off screen see still there you are all right I need the the uh what is it called the wand thank you how is your uh how is your screen uh so far no issues all right that’s good going to go get more Cobble Stone down there if it does end up being the fixed then uh I’m good we have found your solution all right yeah that it is because of a GPU being too updated that’s funny then again that works with computers in general like you try and run a a game that’s meant for Windows XP it’s probably not going to work super well on you know Windows 10 or anything like that all right if you could like help out with uh like lighting up the uh the platform to stop like regular mobs from spawning up here or actually no don’t maybe find a block that you think would look nice for like uh roads and [ __ ] and then figure out if it’s like something sustainable for us to make as like the platform itself because that would be the best idea because I don’t know which block would look the nicest something black but it has to be something that we can get multiples of like an insane amount oh no you [ __ ] are on the way go away gowake go away where cats go away all right let me see I forgot I have the Builder’s wand so therefore I can just do this instead only it was the flash right now would be a lot faster there so much to fill in this is too long okay this is taking too long I’m going to go ahead and go back to be the flash then I’ll be able to do this way faster I just need to not use tachon powers all right turn us down to two speed I hope that doesn’t take up any of my what it called tach on device I want to be the fastest man alive damnn it I don’t want to lose all my speed randomly nope it doesn’t seem to be taking up any of my ton device as long as I don’t use the bars that are giving me speed all right let me see all right oh boy what should I what should should I unlock uh next by the way I don’t know I mean I guess uh do you have all Batman’s no I don’t have all Batman you might want to work on completing your Batman collection since I know you were trying to get all the Batman suits and stuff yeah if you can fill all that collection up then you can work on making other things just got to make sure that flattened out the entire area just look oh [ __ ] I forgot pumpkin spiders these things are so annoying come on Divine RPG why did you have to add these things these things are annoying they spawn every five seconds all right grab the the let me turn the I have into things iridescent gold yeah see I need to fill in the rest of this see so much to do but once this platform is down I would say that anybody could start building on it and [ __ ] yeah because I bet you know if heart drop ever gets back on and stuff like this old definitely be something to get done she said that she wanted to make an over like an actual base and stuff so once it gets done we can actually you know have people do that a hero cannot be a hero without a city and a villain cannot be a villain without a city either so name a Batman and I will unlock it what I can I can unlock every Batman except for hellbat and Batman Knights Knights can you make fail safe uh flash point you mean like fail safe who’s fail safe fail safe is the uh kind of like the robot evil version of Batman that is the fail safe for Batman other than the Justice League and he’s just like a he’s just the kind of Batman he’s a tier 10 so yes I can I can unlock him all right make fail safe because he’s going to be like not as strong as hellbat but pretty damn strong pretty damn strong just random items in there because I’m lazy there we go well I guess I will unlock some more Batman in uh can you make is there a zerinol Batman in this there a what a zerinol Batman I don’t know let’s see cyber Punk Batman Batman Beyond Batman Batman Batman Batman Robin Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman Batman rainbow Batman flasho Batman Telltale Batman DCU Batman DCU the Batman who laughs um more Batman Injustice 2 Batman uh injustice Batman Batman Beyond again uh Batman comics uh the Batman the other Batman who laughs there’s a lot of bat yeah and a lot of man a lot more man than bat but still see okay oh boy so much anyone in particular that stand out did you make fail safe already uh I unlocked them okay do uh rainbow Batman rainbow Batman want rainbow Batman gotta get rainbow Batman got to use gay pride Batman he’s the only way you can defeat Asa is that huh which one is that it’s in the jmct heroes it’s called the rainbow suit come on there we go all right don’t give Oliver half a kangaroo there we go one little patch and then the entire thing will be nice and flat then I can figure out what the [ __ ] to put on top of it don’t know what but I’ll figure it out I guess I might also want to build like walls surrounding the underground in case you know there’s a bunch of mobs that go walking outside see there we goink dink dink dink okay we go all right nice giant flat piece of land that we can use to do whatever the balls we want now the question is I don’t see that suit you don’t see the rainbow Batman suit no I don’t let me go ahead and see if I can find him real quick I see Batman comics black suit go ahead and just go Batman ah he doesn’t show up but why he must be like a skin for a different Batman then that’s why you can’t find him all right make Daredevil instead you want meil yeah make Daredevil you want me to list on I can get though so you know nah I was going to say I could also get dark side right now can’t be too powerful see all right well I got to figure out what to make the flooring out of now I don’t want to make it out of wood don’t want to make it out of dirt because that’s going to spawn [ __ ] don’t want to make it out of compressed Cobblestone I guess I just make the entire thing out of like Cobblestone it’s kind of my best idea so far and then replace it when we need it and such so that’s kind of the only idea because that’s the only renewable resource that we currently have problem is it’s going to take a lot of Cobblestone to finish that up cuz it’s like a like a 200 by like 100 giant rectangle it’s not a square it’s a rectangle see and I guess we can just have uh chaotic replace it with stone if we really wanted to see all any her you want me to grab what any other Pacific hero that you want me to grab suits I don’t know [ __ ] Aquaman can I even grab Aquaman I the [ __ ] was that I don’t know robot you came from the future to warn me about the future all right here goes nothing I’m run out of cobblestone real quick hey what’s murder machine I don’t know what that is well I’m going to find out all right ah geez oh yeah I forgot have to deal with torches being in the way every now and again just going to have to untch the entire area that’s right I was working on getting the red desk I forgot about that oh yeah that’s what you were doing what was stopping you uh me not being able to go mine nobody do the that’s why we were working on getting the Quarry up and well if here’s an idea what if we moved the entirety of our mining operation or like power operation that’s right here at base and just move it straight to the Quarry we could if we just replicate it over there then we can just use that for now because we need that energy and stuff because we need those ores to make more suits and stuff and then just it’s still creating energy we can just like you know hook up another energy cell to it and just keep doing that yeah running it back and forth whenever we need more energy besides the you know our original energy source is still giving off enough energy to run the me system so yeah we good so if you just want to deece that entire thing we can like fly it on over oh God I almost died died I could fly it on over and set it up again all do you remember how this is set up then I think so yeah all right I will dece the entire thing so deece it for now and then I’ll run it on over and then we can have at least some power Lu the magma Crucible keep the lava that they have in them and the energy that’s good oh boy they’ll just have to be floating but then again that’s fine all right come on keep going almost to the end of the line yeah I’m going to need that thing to create like a [ __ ] ton of cobblestone for me to fill out this entire thing oh almost there I can even see the quy from all the way over here nice ring [ __ ] okay it’s not what I want to do it’s going to take a long long [Music] time all right I mean it doesn’t take a massive amount but it’s going to be actually it will take a massive amount I am get along with this assembling this all right I’m coming down the thing I’m Curr doing the pipes don’t worry I got let me help you out a little bit all right now I time to do generator I love that I am super duper erer fast there we go all right uh here is everything there’s that there’s that there’s that there’s that there’s that there’s that and there that all right so let me go ahead and put on my Adam suit oh [ __ ] you also need to come and grab these chest which have a whole bunch of stuff in them okay do we have the carryon mod in this I forget I don’t think so okay so I’m just gonna have to fak over oh that has all the Netherrack in it okay yeah I moved it all into one chest you make one SHP back okay fly on back now I need to make sure I remember completely how this was re built so let me see okay um got ideas I’m going to warp over no I’ll do that later all right let me see I need the magma Crucible and the other magma Crucible so the problem is I am currently flying I need a block to stand on why I’m messing with this or else I’m going to have to hold down shift every time I want to try and do it and then stop my flight let’s see there we go let me see all right there we go so that then that then that and that sorry for the lag it’s okay I will just be horribly angry I just broke best that all that all that Netherrack in it oh okay so all of that Netherrack fell on the ground which I immediately picked up so there was a small amount of lag for a second all right okay let me see all right let me see how many I have I have where all oh there they are okay so [ __ ] okay that’s not what I want to do yeah I don’t know why you placed it so high up why did I placed it so high up no not you uh chaotic like why did you place it elevated I don’t know just wanted to be able to get every all the trees out of the way as well okay like that and then how many more I have 12 so one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 I think I [ __ ] this up a little bit okay let me see one I love like kind of Jilla every five seconds while I’m flying all right one two okay so one two three four five six seven eight nine 11 12 okay get these down we go welcome I am currently building this up hi all right there we go so now I use the temperature fluid or the thing fluid okay I’m gonna have to stand around on It come on so whenever I right click them makes a problem all right ah got one out did I get it I don’t know all right so then from here I just need to do dink dink dink so is that how it’s supposed to be made yep now we just need on top fill those with the Netherrack do you have the Netherrack in you I do there we go okay I just need to split them evenly between the two boxes there we go so now as they create power they power back up the crucibles and then they’re also powering the uh the thing at the same time they should be powering the uh the thing so let me see if that’s working it’s actually mining [ __ ] or it’s just doing nothing oh it’s mining very slowly but it’s mining well it’s working so we got there we got that MH now it’ll have passive energy if we take out the uh the resident energy cell it should work even faster but it’s getting charged by it at the same time so slower it’sing no it’s not actually yeah it is it’s getting charged no not by the energy cell no not the Quarry I mean the qu the energy cell is getting charged by the uh the magma crucibles but it’s charging both the Quarry and this energy cell yes so it’s charging both at the same time so that’s what I’m saying is good right yeah so yeah this should start doing it passively over time least I think if it’s all working correctly it is it’s just doing it slowly I have tier three upgrades like speed upgrades back in the base for the uh magma crucibles no for the Quarry probably want to make those no I I already made them are they in there yeah they’re in the MU system they’re not in this we might want to put them in now you want me go grab them yeah go get them what are they called uh just the quy speed upgrades I don’t know all right ended up on the wrong floor but you know that was cool nonetheless all right let me see upgrade upgrade three okay yeah that’s what it is up three all right let me go ahead and interesting little way to exit our house I don’t know how to apply the upgrade to them but I got it we just plug it in that I just put it at the bottom let me see if that’s even doing anything probably a better way of doing this I just don’t understand uh it’s still mining but I don’t know if the the power the speed upgrade is even doing anything look at this I think what’s that what that block underneath it the block underneath the Cory yeah I don’t know don’t know it’s got like a white thing on it I don’t know do we need that let me go ahead and check and see what it is what is the name of this mod that the Quarry comes from I don’t know there we go Ender quy so that’s a world ho upgrade I I don’t know if we need that I don’t know what that does I have no clue repl the blocks that mines with dirt is that what it does it either doesn’t replace blocks that mines or replaces it with dirt I think it’s leaving a hole is that’s what it’s saying which we kind of want it to to know when it’s getting done and stuff then what do this do this spap right here the thing that says f on it that is a fortune 3 upgrade really good but that doesn’t affect what we wanted to mine but still it’s a good thing to have I just wonder is there a way that we can have all I don’t know because it seems like they’re attached to it let me go ahead and see yeah I I can Google howy works real quick [Music] I wonder if we can make a spot behind it like uh I mean it speeds it it’s it’s equipped now but uh it’s no longer getting power H so that doesn’t work what to do what to do I guess we just get rid of the fortune upgrade because you’re right because it doesn’t affect Trad to at least our knowledge don’t know why that made me stop Flying but okay I’m going to go check on the speed now now it’s not doing anything yeah it’s not doing anything anymore I’m I’m watching a video on it right now okay does it have energy maybe it’s sucking too much energy up because it made me drop when I hit the thing oh I think it’s mining now let me see yeah it’s mining is it mining faster though maybe it’s because it’s only getting short bursts of energy I don’t know okay uh hello no no show me how the speed up P work excuse me it’s not getting any more energy it need a jump start see if I can because the magma crucibles aren’t doing anything anymore there we go got them jump started I had to use the resonance cell but I jump started them I want to try something right okay remove one of these fences and place the speed upgrade next to it you’re gonna fall right now get move off move off move to the right there you go all right break one of the fences and then put the speed upgrade uh put whatever upgrade you have in your inventory in it and let’s see if it work is this still working it says it is it’s it says it’s mining okay there we go so that should give us Fortune speed and everything in between now that I jump started the magma crucibles it already got one out of this huh we already got one to out of this oh damn it’s been working faster than I thought taking that I’m taking that Redstone we need this I’m taking the traum you’re taking the Redstone yeah it’s working like really fast now for some reason maybe it’s because it just didn’t have any energy but now that’s was probably been now it’s gonna jump start at least maybe it’s working faster than before so after a while we might get some Trad even though I I I stole the one that I got but now we’ve got C quarts we’ve got we just need to like I guess we need to pipe that into the me system which I guess is what chaotic was already trying to do with the pipe that’s heading outside of the base yeah it’s going to be it’s gonna be a really long pipe okay but either way we have reached the uh the end of the stream hey well we we got power to the Cory mhm we got power to the Cory we got the entire uh what is it uh oh yeah I can close my my mouth uh we got the entire like platform off filled out I think we got a lot done so I’d say we probably just need to be on throughout the week every now and again to give the quy power and uh yeah let that take over its stuff so what so what do you have to say I think this was very active like we did a good job with [Music] this anyway we’re gonna have to end the stream tonight anyway there’s not been like I know I don’t know what I’m trying to say I’m not gonna say anything anyway I don’t know when the next stream is going to be because I don’t know my working schedule right now so hopefully I’ll figure out when we’re going to stream next don’t know what we’re going to stream don’t know if it’s going to be Minecraft or if it’s going to be Final Fantasy I’ve got a lot of things going on so hopefully something gets done but I don’t really have much else to say so I’ll see you guys next time on the backlog e e e e e

This video, titled ‘Fisks Superheroes SMP #4 – Frozen Breeze’, was uploaded by Frozen Breeze on 2024-03-26 05:14:14. It has garnered 58 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:49 or 14569 seconds.

Donation Thing: https://streamlabs.com/frozen-co2TpY/tip Discord Server: https://discord.gg/9pKvhC6MpH

The last Minecraft Modded SMP was a pretty big failure due to the massive amount of lag the Demon Slayer mod created. But this time we’re bringing it back with a mod that doesn’t tear the game down to it’s knees! This time we’re entering the world of Superheroes as we return to a mod I haven’t played in some time! The Fisk’s Superheroes mod! The world of DC, Marvel, and Shonen Jump all come together to make a modpack that is going to be off the walls! Hopefully we don’t destroy the world in the process!

#smp #fisk #minecraft

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  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

    Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Akimbo on 2024-04-30 19:00:17. It has garnered 206237 views and 7213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) veneziaplay.mine.fun:25688 Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

  • MCRIS KL – Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥

    MCRIS KL - Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘تحميل افضل ثلاث مابات PVP لماين كرافت الجوال اصدار 1.21 | Minecraft 🔥😎’, was uploaded by MCRIS KL on 2024-09-15 09:48:40. It has garnered 296 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:13 or 493 seconds. Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, my dear follower. If you like the clip, click the subscribe button and activate the bell. Also, like and leave a nice comment, as you appreciate my effort in making the clips. Thank you very much. _____ Map download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cqy417wtulqmjfb/افضل+ثلاث+مابات+PVP+من+MCRIS+KL.zip/file _____________________________ Link to my Discord server… Read More

  • Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in Minecraft

    Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 THE CHURCH OF SCRUNKLE 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-08-29 02:52:34. It has garnered 3151 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:51 or 16131 seconds. 『Streamlabs Donations』 https://streamlabs.com/aiaamarenijisanjien Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK]https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/iluna-debut-celebration/products/all-purpose-voice-aia-amare 【1ST STEP GOODS】https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/first-step-goods/products/first-step-goods-aia-amare Mi★ 『NIJISANJI EN “ILUNA” DEBUT!』 https://youtu.be/ekwnJHHK_o0 『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGwVwmwHqcc ミ★ 『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers 『My socials』 https://twitter.com/AiaAmare ミ★… Read More

  • Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Let’s Explore the World Together~ [Mira Meridia | Virtual Idol}’, was uploaded by Mira Meridia on 2024-07-09 09:17:20. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:37 or 8797 seconds. ☆ Thumbnail – Mira Meridia ☆ Game – Minecraft ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Hashtags ・#envtuber ・GENERAL: #MiraMeridia ・ART: #Merillustrate ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Stream Resources ・Model Momma: @shiro31010 on Twitter ・Shonkey: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1607993747/vtuber-asset-fully-rigged-blahaj?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=ocean+vtuber&ref=sr_gallery-1-5&bes=1&dd=1&content_source=f362f0de1ed9f48fae94741d11b9004e4ed6c7cf%253A1607993747&organic_search_click=1 ・Overlays: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1631728641/animated-aesthetic-stream-pack-for?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Animated+Aesthetic+Stream+Panels&ref=sr_gallery-5-19&pro=1&bes=1&dd=1&content_source=f1b28a71e75486c9f2c5081dacee00500443c05e%253A1631728641&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1 ・Schedule: https://ko-fi.com/s/dbc9fcadb3 ・Mira Emotes: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1741926107/twitch-discord-emotes-chibi-girl-20?click_key=557b4353ad3e3decd88cb358b5dd144f3d4ffd22%3A1741926107&click_sum=90cf17b2&ref=shop_home_recs_17&sts=1 ・Shonkey Emotes: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1401094977/24x-twitch-emotes-shark?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=shark+emotes&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&sts=1&dd=1&content_source=2aa2cea17f44a1b1dc81a05155c8e3299070a3f0%253A1401094977&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1 ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Chat Rules ・Be respectful to other viewers, my mods/staff, and myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Notch’s Secret Feature in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Notch's Secret Feature in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch Never Added This to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-09-22 21:03:00. It has garnered 66331 views and 6718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE FAITHFUL PACK! 32×32 for MCPE 1.21

    🔥ULTIMATE FAITHFUL PACK! 32x32 for MCPE 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Texture Pack Faithful 32×32 For Minecraft Bedrock || MCPE 1.21’, was uploaded by Mharavin (Mv) on 2024-08-06 07:36:18. It has garnered 1026 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:09 or 309 seconds. Latest Minecraft 1.21 texture pack!!! Released in July 2024!!! Download: Texture: https://www.mediafire.com/file/grlifqks0xpph5k/Faithful_32x_-_1.21.mcpack/file #Minecraft #MinecraftTexturePack #MinecraftMods #MinecraftResourcePack #Minecraft1.21 #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftCreativity #MinecraftArt #TexturePack #ResourcePack #MCPE #MinecraftBedrock Read More