EPIC Gamer Builds Ultimate Minecraft Server! 🔥

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e e e e e hello hello everybody we are back for another Minecraft Tuesday sorry it’s uh got pushed back a little bit I um I had a meeting for work that of course they’re like the only time we can meet is 2:00 and that’s when I stream so yeah I had to reschedule that stuff but we’re back we’re streaming today might be a little bit shorter than normal because uh Kirby’s here but he’s a little sick so I don’t want him to feel like he has to stay on and also um it’s late for me and I don’t like streaming late I get tied so let me pull up today we might actually get some Headway on the project which would be cool I don’t know though what do you think Kirby are we going to actually get anything done today or is it going to be another Lobby craft type deal sick I’m going to go grab a bunch of quartz because I think that’s that’s the only thing that I don’t have over there is quartz oh that’s right I could trade for it with the Stone Cutters I’m pretty sure they have quartz blocks so that’s what I can do I had you muted I realized I’m sorry I need to get better about that what I need to do is I need to learn how to use my stream deck so that I can just have the toggles on my stream deck because literally all I use my stream deck for is opening up my model and opening up OBS and that’s it I need to use it better I got to say gura being back is like man my life is great now oh speaking of that pretty nice I wanted to ask you so have you seen the news about the New Hollow live concert yes in New York uh the Hol English one wait are they doing multiple they’re doing a they’re doing a one in New York it’s like hollow hollow break or something like that [ __ ] wait when is it’s in August tickets go on sale the weekend after rep rap they go on sale the 28th I wanted to ask you so short on money right now but I would [ __ ] love to go okay well then that answers my first question is whether or not you think I should go I think you should I’m trying well so the tickets are if I can manage to get the cheapest tickets they’re $90 which for concerts aren’t bad yeah they say they sell out in 3 minutes but I can just be there refreshing the page and hoping I I told myself I was going to sit there and give an honest effort and if I didn’t get the tickets it was God telling me I didn’t I shouldn’t go but if I managed to get them it’s God telling me I should go to the to to the concert um so we’ll see how it goes whether or not I get tickets or not but I if you wanted to go I live close enough to New York where I you could stay at my place and we could commute into New York for at each night it’s two days I don’t know about the schedule like whether or not um I I need to look up more about it because on the schedule it is listed for two days but I don’t know if the ticket covers both days if the if the tickets cover both days I think 90 is a steal honestly cuz it’s it’s only 45 $45 a day and then also another thing I was thinking also just buying the streaming rights is $50 like a ticket to the stream to the the stream you watch on your like you watch like at home yeah is is $50 I was like holy [ __ ] that’s kind of expensive um I bet you mhm that we could like I could probably convince false to go too if we can get tickets okay the the issue is just going to be getting the tickets if well if I don’t know about false because I’ve never met him but I will have met you by then I’m I believe I I’d have to ask my parents but I’m pretty sure that i’ you know like you could stay here I don’t think there’s any issues with that but about stay well I mean he makes enough money he would just pay for a hotel room oh okay all right then what I’d probably do is commute up and sleep on you guys’ floor that I mean that’s an option but that makes me like so much hyper I mean that’s still one of those yo R chances of us getting oh by the way uh Kirby meet rain rains in chat right now they’re going to be at Midwest rep rap with us next week hell yeah by the way if you guys are interested in more engineering stuff we we’ll probably talk a little bit about it today since Kirby’s here today yeah oh I got to talk about Midwest rep rap too but I’m going to be doing a special 3D printing stream on Thursday with Cynthia that’s the special guest I’m super excited but um so if you want to see like know more I’m probably going to be talking hella about it on Thursday I’m I probably won’t be able to stop myself from talking about it so you’re at all interested in that dude convince Cynthia to go hell yeah oh I tried to but she’s broke as hell just no way I so here’s the thing I also want to do I don’t know if it’s taboo or not because I know one of the big thing behind Idol culture is like consume like you buy all the merch I kind of wanted to design and model my own pen light I don’t know if that’s like frowned upon cuz they’re selling their own pen lights but I kind of wanted to 3D print my own I have like this idea to make like this crazily involved like pen I have thought about that too um my idea was to make one that’s like instead of cuz it’s it’s one RGB light at the base that kind of shines out oh really I want to do like a string of RGB lights so it can be like full rainbow barf and make it brighter and then make it brighter than everybody else’s pen light it also runs on [ __ ] AAA batteries so like why not make like a lithium ion USBC rechargeable one well we could also um we could pull our work together and I could help you model it and if you could like if you got the like mechanic like the computer of it working I could model it for you cuz I have this idea to make it because if you look at the official one that hollow’s like selling it has like white text and I had this idea to make an inner chamber that’s white and an outer chamber that’s black so it has inlaid like it has inset text without having to have any actual text I don’t know if that makes sense those pen lights are also like it’s literally just a a transparent tube with like a piece of paper shoved yeah dude it’s it’s crazy how much they they charge for those things they’re like 60 bucks well the whole package is 67 it’s like a towel uh pen light all this other stuff and I was like I don’t know man I don’t have that I mean that’s at at off Kai the ones that they were selling they were like just straight up 60 bucks oh Dam by themselves that’s too much but uh they that’s where that picture where it says um Shori white have you did I I sent that in the meme Channel it was like shiori Nolla white oh yeah and everybody’s been meing on that but that’s just cuz that’s her like Oshi color or whatever the hell they call it I got to get up on my terms I just learned what Oshi meant I thought it was just somebody that you like it was the person that you watched but no it’s like this whole like Idol culture thing and I was like damn yeah it’s the person that you go like out of your way to support um like your favorite and to pause this conversation for just a second uh since rain’s here right now um she is going wants to make name tags for us for rep rap and I we were like throwing some ideas back in back and forth at each other um I might she’s going to shoot over a design to me and I might Workshop it quickly in on shape so that it uses a filament swap to get the colors I have one I’ll text it to you because it has my real name on it it doesn’t have Ace on it so oh did I send you the pictures of the iPad setup that’s what that’s the other thing it looks really dope I’m really proud of you the model looks nice well I did start printing it and I did make like one of those name tag things send it in a DM okay and then I’m flying over here so that I can grab a shulker and start filling it with so if you can just point me at where you want the like front of the store to be and then I thought it would be kind of funny if the front was here so the parking lot went into the went into the farm but I really don’t care I want it kind of I want it kind of facing so that as you fly over this area it’s the first thing you see um did you see the screenshot I posted I guess I can share my screen holy [ __ ] you printed that yeah where’d you make that what the the name tag that’s 3D printed yes that looks so good I I have hang on I have more pictures that are better better quality why is it so good it’s not fair it’s well dude it took it took a lot of work cuz she sent me the logo I guess you won’t be here on Thursday and I don’t want to take credit for your work so we should we should explain we should explain what’s happening just say it I’ll reiterate it on Thursday when I talk about rep rap but I don’t want to take credit for it so um so specifically for the person meeting us there I don’t know if they heard rain what we’re doing what rain rainard or not but I reached out to uh while I was at afai I was talking to soy milk who is a vtuber uh she’s an engineer actually um she’s been interested in 3D printers like very interested and so I reached out to her while I was at off Kai because I had a really dumb idea to make an iPad setup and carry her around on an iPad during uh Midwest rep rap and she is stupid excited for it so now I’ve been working on an a really cool iPad setup to carry her around so she can talk to people and stuff so that that’ll be an activity that we’re doing it’ll probably only be an hour or two on Saturday um but I’ll be I’ll be texting her throughout the weekend about it she’s an engineer too yeah dude she’s really smart you should watch her dude her streams are so fun we’re going to get outpaced man we’re going to get we’re going to get dude she’s been streaming for like four or five years I know I know so we’re already outpaced no but she’s she’s really cool like legitimately she’s really cool so I got to get rid of that part of my of me that’s like yeah you don’t have to like think about competing like people can just be yeah know I got to I got to what what’s the saying don’t kill the part of you that that cringes or don’t kill the cringey part of you kill the part that cringes yeah keep having this mentality that if I’m not the first person to do something then I’m like the I’m I can’t do it I haven’t streamed in like three years oh my gosh I haven’t streamed since Thursday of last week I’m washed uh there was somewhere that I wanted to go oh Kirby’s big hole that’s right I guess I should instead running back and forth I should start like actually building this I’m trying to come up with something that I can do cuz right now I have literally nothing yeah last Thursday is the last time I streamed I played uh Sonic [ __ ] I played um I played uh Spider-Man PS4 oh oh oh I don’t know how it’s going to go because tomorrow is I keep getting the the scaries in my stomach when I go to edit and I’m like no no no just put the video off then people won’t see it um I’ve been editing the vtuber 3D models video for I think two week no not two weeks over two months um the last 3 modeling stream that I did the one where I made the like Sonic box that was when I started editing it I just keep getting the scaries if I should bring my VR heads Hardware prototypes to kind of have something to show um yeah no I mean you can bring whatever you want um I would recommend you only bring stuff that well you don’t have to I’m I don’t I never want you oh my gosh I don’t want you to feel like you can’t can’t bring something you can’t do something but um since this is your first rep rap I just want to like advise I don’t know I don’t want to be weird it’s it’s 3D printing so if your prototypes are aren’t 3D printing it might not be the well no it’s cool rep R is just like maker stuff well that’s why I said I was like I don’t know the only thing that I’m a little bit worried about is if we have all this [ __ ] going on at at the recreator booth but the coolest part now I’ll go against what I just said to say how I think that Kirby is right and I’m wrong Josh uh the uh Jr Jr t3d the creator of the recreator has said I want you to do what’s you not what’s recreator so like he has given us the full go-ahead to like do what we want which is like hype the scary part is so he’s he mail he’s mailing me supplies for rep rap and he sent them out today I was hoping to get them so that I could work this weekend I don’t know if it’s going to be possible I’m really scared because I was hoping to have the project done before I went to rep rap if he sent it already you should get them before the weekend he sent them today yeah I don’t know I’m pretty sure that he lives like within a day’s drive from me yeah so I wouldn’t be too worried about it but everything being said rain totally bring your prototypes that would be cool yeah you so rain is like a big a big uh VR person and has a CO CEO of I’ll read your bio put you on blast founder and CEO of light touch [Music] XR I don’t know I I don’t know how big into the VR space I we have to pick your brain while we’re there about slime VR because I want to get slime VR working so bad like you haven’t even tried slime V I know but I don’t have any coding knowledge at all it’s all Hardware VR Hardware Dev 11 years there are like pre-made kits aren’t they yeah but they’re expensive like you literally just I want to build it myself to save money it’s just the coding that I can’t get and I also kind of want to use posos because I already have like eight Picos so it would be kind of free for me to use them is a project built on Picos I would it’s built on esps or whatever the [ __ ] they’re called I just esps are so cheap man I would just buy I know but then I can use them and get them out cuz I I they every project I go to build people are like get get um what get an Arduino and I’m like but I already own a Pico what am I supposed to do with this Pico like no projects use Pico for a different project or make your own project they may only work with esps I don’t know um that’s what I’m I mean you could prob I enough about it because it’s all open source you could probably make it work with a Pico but it’s going to be a lot of work yeah and I know like a significant amount of work the Pico architecture is significantly different from a esp32 oh it is so like it it would be possible to to translate the code and get it to wait you know the you know the devs of of slime VR what the I wish I was [Laughter] cool I so speaking of VR you know a lot of VR devs I I want to get a good VR headset and like ease my way into it HP Reverb G2 thing is so that I can get over uh motion sickness yes finally someone says that I always feel like an [ __ ] because every time I talk about VR and people say oh I get I get um do not get an HP I love it what wait what’s wrong with the HP I want to get something that’s actually good that’s that’s ah well I probably shouldn’t have talked VR in front of a VR Dev it’s de deprecated already yeah I’m pretty sure it hit EOL end of life like it’s not getting any updates what I want but it’s I needed what I want is a big screen Beyond it’s EOL awesome I want I want to get a big screen Beyond I should open your stream to see what what they’re saying what ipd do you have what do you mean by that that what’s an [Music] ipd oh I think he’s talking to you or she’s talking to you Kirby sorry I have no idea I’m mixing up my people that I’m talking to um whenever I talk about VR to people wait do you have a big screen Beyond me no I’m talking to rain inter puet distance okay so gosh proba okay I’m a I’m a very big dude and my head is very large probably wider than what yours is see I’m a little twink boy so big screen to to explain that what Ace is what big screen is um it’s a It’s kind I mean it’s not DIY because you get a fully assembled product but I would describe it kind of like a DIY headset I could tell uh um oh oh you’re six okay maybe um wait 63 in the head think that mean 6′ 3 maybe uh um oh 63 in 63 in I don’t know oh for the ipd I don’t know I honestly don’t know um but big screen VR you basically you take an iPhone you scan your face and you send it to them and they custom 3D print or they they pick out like a a not a lens but like a a frame that’ll fit your your ipd and then they custom 3D print a light blocker whatever the thing that touches your faces to block the light out they custom 3D print one of those for your face gotcha is there a VC I could info dump all all of the info yeah ah now I got to add you [ __ ] all my friends are going to become friends and then not be my friends anymore but yeah I kid cuz GG friended Cynthia let me if I were to get into VR it would be through that headset probably my issue is I get very very motion sick so I don’t want to spend $1,000 on a headset and then decide that I just get too motion sick for VR and never use it well so the only thing that I have to say to motion sickness um is that uh [ __ ] I’m distracted we’ll let’s let’s swap chats cuz we’re in chat that new people can’t see uh I’m going to jump to just chatting okay okay so now we should be open I’m always nervous about open chatting with new people but if I’m going to be meeting up with you in person that’s a pretty big jump so got so I had to do I had to do VR training for work mhm uh and it was so stupid it did not need to be a VR yo here is how you stock the shelves at Walmart yeah itn’t even it’s so stupid oh [ __ ] I’m being shot at oh my God I’m being shot at literally just a a oh wow like a thing I don’t know how to describe it but it was stupid but I got really motion sick but I’m pretty sure it was cuz the headsets were dog [ __ ] what headsets were you trained on like what color were they uh they were white it was the the label it wasn’t a quest though yeah the label on it said something like uh Pico oh it was a Pico headset the Rasberry p p such a nice headset though is it well whatever soft I’m third partying my own stream what the [ __ ] anyway hi my name is uh the big screen Beyond you were very very close with it um but the reason why asking for your or ipd is for the reason that a custom built to your face like if you’re one mm off it looks yeah that’s what I figured yeah uh and I’m 63 so so rain is gonna be at Midwest rep rap festival with us big VR person as soon as I mentioned VR Kirby was like oh I want to learn more about VR he’s coming with us to added rain to the server yeah and now they joined he’s a huge 3D printer I’m being three I’m being third partti in my own stream and he he has the same exact ipd as me so kind of just kind of just share beon sometimes yeah like I dude I kind of maybe I just when I save up the a little bit of money just take the punch and just no save your money save your money for the h save your money for Hol concert if you’re not sure about it I’m going to be bringing a ton of VR equipment all right I’m going to be bring bringing a ton of VR equipment and apparently I’m going to be going my Beyond maybe two Beyond um and probably some other things maybe another maybe a quest two or something I don’t know but I hate the quest realistically the quest 3 is really all you need cuz like it’s it’s comparable to the Beyond actually it’s just got a bigger fov lower resolution but then you’re locked into Facebook infrastructure not if you just don’t use it you can get around Link cable yeah yeah it’s super easy you literally just yeah you don’t need to have a Facebook account oh I didn’t know that they get yeah they got rid of that requirement but yeah I’ll be bring just link to a PC and play and also we had talk about need to Cable it I I like Wireless more because it’s better it actually looks way better we’ve been talking about me going and fixing their uh [ __ ] yeah I I swear so they have they have a k and they say it’s a piece of [ __ ] I think there’s there’s something missing I keep saying Orca slicer don’t use cure print creality print sucks it’s so awful don’t use it I think that’s why I know I’m well aware it crashes all the [ __ ] time oh yeah no I do not do not use it I recommend Orca slicer and they are transitioning it’s not done yet but they are transitioning to a fork of orca slicer for c yeah I can’t [ __ ] City print for creality print they’re transitioning to a fork of orca slicer instead of a fork of Kira so it should be a lot better soon okay but I will say I struggled with my K1 [Music] from October to like April of this year and as soon as I opened Orca it is my best printer it prints better than any printer I’ve ever used and I’ve been printing for over a decade so I when I here’s how I’ll date myself in the 3D printing industry not actually I’m not that old when I started a heated bed was a luxury oh I remember that I I I didn’t get into 3D printing at that time but I do remember that I like I remember when when when people had um when people had they had printers that used like cardboard as like the base or like wood there wasn’t there was that plywood printer that the one [ __ ] printer that used like actual bolt screws instead of like um proper lead screws for the [ __ ] Z height oh yeah yeah we’re talking we’re talking talking the Unk stage 2012 2011 oh my gosh it’s finally GL I’m so glad to finally talk to people that have were around back then cuz even the older well no you said you w you said you started in 2016 I’m talking 201 like 14 the my the first printer was the that I had was the robo 3D oh jeez when did when was that that I had was a [ __ ] Ender three CL released in 2015 and and I turned it into cre 3D my first printer was a um XYZ print XYZ um printing uh 2.0 Duo The Da Vinci dinki dinki yeah it’s got I want to get it back up and running at some point it’s like one of my stretch goals for like my printing it it does um multimaterial but with multi-tool head it’s a idex printer what if you know what that is isn’t it no wait maybe yeah no it’s got two two tool heads the two tool heads are on the same like yeah that’s what idex is oh yeah then it’s an idex yeah I just need to get it running cuz right now it runs on an uino that’s its motherboard so straight ass it probably runs like ramps or something yeah it runs repetier firmware oh jeez yeah so for those that don’t know rep RP is actually named after the firmware that runs printers cuz rep rap was was the original like 3D printing firmware now most printers use either Clipper or Marlin I think those are the two most common it’s Clipper or Marlin yeah and one is I still I still have a [ __ ] recreator or wait no is it a recreator yeah recreator X2 no way does it make plastic bottles into filament no no it’s a I’m kidding it’s from MakerBot oh God MakerBot oh MakerBot was the one that did the PW it was 2012 I think it was like yeah that’s it that’s the one I’m talking dual extruder [ __ ] yeah yeah those are idex as well yep yeah so yeah I have an idex printer that I want to get I want to get back up and running um the the college that I went to had uh one of those and the person that was in charge of making it work all he did all day long was try to fix it I don’t think how it feels to work on 3D time I was there I did not see it work yeah I have I have it at my high school um and they had a they had college kids come out and try like people from uh since I live in Wisconsin like Madison Area Technical College or actually know they had UW kids like D1 students come out and try and fix it they couldn’t do it they didn’t know they didn’t know how to fix down from Wisconsin wait what yeah wait yeah wait yeah I’m in County area hold on uh we’re live right now so don’t dox yourself too hard D county is huge but I’m picking him up yeah I know I’m picking him up in Chicago hey I’m fine you guys can dox yourself cuz I live a complet I live completely different area so I’m totally okay it’s that’s crazy but no yeah that’s that’s for yeah cuz I keep I keep sending memes in the chat that are like I keep getting all this Wisconsin um what’s it called Wisconsin um the cheese heads I mean I’m oh my gosh I’m bringing a minivan we could theoretically all meet up Park one of the cars and just [ __ ] that would actually go so hard well you guys are getting a hotel I’m just bringing an SUV yeah you were going to camp out but you finally got a hotel now we did buy Hotel yeah my grandma decided she’s like no I’m going to actually pay for your hotel I’m like oh okay dang let’s go but yeah if we just took one car over save some money on gas [ __ ] that would actually be so nice yo you could pay us no I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding don’t that’s not where this is going to go I’m kidding but um yeah I totally wouldn’t mind just no yeah hold up where would you be able to like where would we be able to meet up where’s my op I don’t have up I can DM me DM me yeah I’ll DM you oh gosh now now my friends are becoming friends of getting third party [ __ ] all my greatest fears are coming true how is that a greatest fear that just mean that just means that we all just have a good vibe yeah yeah yeah but what about if you have a better Vibe without me no wait what are you what are you laying out Kirby the the front of the Walmart walart where’s the front yeah we’re building Walmart we’re building Walmart big this stream is sponsored by big walm I I put it I put that as my title and then we didn’t even end up working on it that stream well now we’re working on it so capitalism lives on so please just tell me where to start and I like I have the picture pulled up these these quarts these quarts that I’m putting down right now yeah are it is the um it is the parking lot this is the middle of the parking lot okay I’m just going to start taking this top layer off so I can put y can you bring the slimes to rep Fest I want to what we’ve been talking about is for V tubing one thing I would like to do I don’t think Kirby’s as like cares as much about it I really want to get a like a 3D model and um so I would love I would totally do that too for VR well a lot of the oh dude I [ __ ] I make VR models all the time well a lot of the vtubers that we know use mopi or however you say that oh mopi and I’m hoping that we could make like a budget version of that with slime VR oh my God yeah mopi is so easy actually mopi is so expensive slime is way cheaper that’s what I’m saying you can you can get like an entire mopi set plus more for like half the price maybe a quarter of the price from what I’ve heard too slime VR just generally works better I’m pretty sure they’re 120 a sensor but I so like if we who who I’m sorry so how much is a full set that’s set I think is like5 $700 what yeah something like that what the cuz I think it’s exact same thing my friend can make you or get a bill how much is it on $120 that is exactly it is it is $400 you get a head tracker two wrist trackers a hip tracker and two ankle trackers so six track slimes you can get um a ankle tracker knee tracker uh well I I don’t mind building them myself because like they’re 3D printable and then that would be kind of cool cuz then I could be like I printed my own [ __ ] well and like especially especially in the vtuber community that would be really easy cuz like even if even if you have like uh HTC VI or something yeah with Bas stations even those trackers are expensive wait HTC yeah they are I have but I have like 80 no I don’t have 80 I have like four I’m so sad about the Reverb does that mean it doesn’t work anymore the Reverb is getting um discontinued here like in October I think where the software is just going to be removed from Windows permanently wait so does that mean you can’t use it anymore and then it will also be removed from Steam VR uh steam store so you will no longer be able to use it on Steam VR wait so getting so they’re just straight bricking it they’re completely breaking every headset yes bro I’m I’m trying to [ __ ] um archive it I’m trying to Archive the steam VR driver at least cuz I know you can just go to an older version of Windows that has the uh mixed reality portal but you just won’t be able to update anymore that’s that’s when you they’re not going to do anything about it like oh no nope they don’t care what about so wait I know all this [ __ ] happened with Spotify and they like thingy could we do the same oh their car thing people have already jailbroken that they’re offering refunds for every the thing with the Spotify the thing with the Spotify thing that people didn’t realize when it was Happ happening that thing is already open source yeah so it was it was very easily guys are missing what I’m saying already got ADB open by default yes yeah so it it wasn’t really a jailbreak it I mean technically it’s j but it was like it was already open so technically people were freaking out I mean yeah it’s annoying that they’re killing a product that’s not that old oh [ __ ] that’s right I need to bring a [ __ ] I my rou it wasn’t that big of a deal because you can just hack it and do your own thing on it well you’re missing my point what I mean is people got really pissed and now Spotify is offering refunds to people yeah HP is not going to do that that’s oh hell no no HP is way too big they don’t give a [ __ ] they’ll they’ll take the little slap on the wrist from like an antitrust lawsuit or whatever oh they don’t care this [ __ ] dude yeah Spotify is money and they’re greedy they’re they’re they like money so they opinion on the valve index valve index not worth it anymore it’s old really they need honestly better headset would be Quest three with Quest BR kind suck I don’t like it I don’t want to support then get a Pico the [ __ ] a p if the p is that that thing is that that thing that L of schmeck tip talked about huh I don’t know there was this headset that like the [ __ ] is lonus Tech tip lonus schmeck tip I hate him so much I’m sorry um yeah no um he he reviewed this one that’s like as big as like a Google cardboard I mean they’re all kind of that small they’re all kind of that size except for the big screen Beyond big screen Beyond it’s as big as an iPhone it’s like really small it almost looks headset that’s even smaller all right Kirby you’re not streaming DM me the Pico I guarantee you it’s the one I’m thinking of I can it it looks like a quest looks very looks like a quest except that you not the quest yeah I have like two Quest laying around right here this thing isn’t even in English yeah I don’t know why Pico yeah Pico’s um bite dance which is the company that owns um Tik Tok so the Pico’s made by the same creators of Tik Tok so it’s going to be a Chinese company that’s also only sold in the EU it has not been Le in the US yet I mean from the from the little bit that I did use it like I mean obviously the softer that I was using was probably dog [ __ ] and that’s why I got motion sick but most likely it seemed like like the pass through the pass through was really good the pass through is really good but it’s only 2D I can show you really good pass through um at rep r fest okay okay I’ll I’ll let you try out my quest through the quest 3 is [ __ ] pretty cool if I wanted to I could bring the [ __ ] xr3 focal which is a 20 th000 VR headset but I don’t know if I want to bring my entire [ __ ] PC to run that thing yeah I was going to say maybe maybe not it’s like four it’s it requires four cables and two power outlets just to run it like two USB 3.0 two um display port 1.4s because it’s got four displays in it how well can uh steam deck run VR uh it can actually run pretty relatively okay so mad that I didn’t know that my VR headset is going to be bricked at the end of the year I’m so sad yeah the [ __ ] they they kind of just swept it under the rug they made one announcement on it of it on Twitter and then never never elaborated but thanks for coming to the stream Reverb is goodish like it’s fine the controllers are [ __ ] ass the software that it uses is also [ __ ] ass the um [ __ ] that it needs to run and its tracking algorithm is also [ __ ] ass so there’s a lot of really bad aspects about the headset so anything honestly anything’s an upgrade from that thing using gray concrete for the road that’s what we used uh when we built the mockup you guys need to make McDonald’s next we’re planning on making a bunch of rock and roll just a bunch of capitalist it’s we’re in the Capital AR of the server two three four five okay perfect also Rock and Roll McDonald’s goes hard I know right they sell Quarter Pounders they’ll put pounds on you we were actually thinking of [ __ ] like going to a Walmart parking lot well we got we’re going to the Walmart parking lot that has the that has the um it has a horse stall for the menites what the [ __ ] there there are menites that ride around in horses around town we’re just we’re just stop at a [ __ ] Walmart on the way yeah no when we’re there when we’re there when we’re there oh hell yeah five wait where is your guys’s hotel if I if you don’t mind we haven’t got one yet we were we were gonna well so I I left it in in Kirby’s hand so if he doesn’t and you [ __ ] up yeah it’s fine um there’s not a lot of hotels left really that are cheap yeah they’re all like 80 80 bucks a night like that’s what we were we were planning on paying oh then you’re good you’re good cuz like I don’t want to go I got the last I got the last 70 buck per night one sorry the last the last two years I stayed at Super Eight I do not want oh yeah that’s what I’ve got I’ve got the super it it’s okay but we wanted to stay at something a little nicer plus most of the most of like the YouTube people and stuff stay at like two specific hotels and I’m waiting to see which one are staying at I’ll just like whatever one you guys go to I’ll just like hang out there oh here’s another announcement I know this I already know this doesn’t ma this doesn’t matter to uh rain but I know this will be really cool for Kirby um chep reached well kind of reached out and will be coming to the booth to see us oh hell yeah um actually when I say he reached out I mean he tweeted and said said who’s going to be there and both Josh and myself responded and were like uh recreator will be there stop by the booth and he liked it and then like we got a [ __ ] ton of likes from people being I I tweeted and I was like anybody that’s going to be at rep rap come by and see our booth so that’s going to be baller yeah um I got to work on something to differentiate myself because we’ve got VR guy and iPad kid guy so I got to have something otherwise I’m I’m not gonna be carrying around soy for very long no but even if you have it at the booth it’s GNA look cool that’s that’s what you’re referencing I get it you could just have it playing our streams it could yes give me views I mean I have all my vods you don’t but well because he streams on Twitch and twitch doesn’t twitch I only stream on Twitch because I hate I don’t even stream on Twitch I I DJ yeah I don’t I don’t even stream on I was going to say you don’t stream on Twitch no I I I stream on this like VR Network called VR CDN it’s for like VR DJs um who play like in VR chat oh I think think I know somebody that does that maybe yeah I do that um well I think now I know two people yeah you know you know rain there was there was somebody in uh uh I don’t know if you you prob probably don’t if you don’t watch a lot of twitch but uo’s lab he is have you ever heard of Gara before have you ever heard of YouTubers um but he does like he does like Tech builds and stuff and one of his viewers does a lot of like chat DJing Kirby’s also a vtuber On th I’m just [ __ ] virtual even better because I spent a lot of money on a on a live 2D model and I don’t even stream that’s awesome I need to get a live 2D model I’m probably just if if I ever need to do a vtuber thing I’m honestly just gonna pull my VR chat Avatar well you V VR V tubing is basically just VR chat but as streaming I mean most well aware about most vtubers [ __ ] use the VR chat camera honestly probably that’s what most of them do people do that that’s what the thing is it’s so much easier to do on the Beyond because it’s so [ __ ] light on my head yeah I I seriously got to let you guys try if you guys are the same ipd you guys got to try out to be I don’t get motion sickness so I should be fine good I’m not weak I’m strong I I’ve never gotten motion sickness I also just push through dude I can’t even like I have to be if there are sickness like things like they add um you got to wear those goggles they add things where like your vision shrinks so that you don’t see your peripherals moving okay so that mitigates um motion sickness and then also another way to mitigate motion sickness is to use snap turning where instead it will just like blink when you turn yeah see when I when I was doing VR stuff I you anytime I could anytime I could no I would do snap turning and I would do the like teleport moving instead of the walking oh you do Hol Port okay yeah and that helped a lot um or I would just I can help you with Hol porting like I’m going to put you in VR chat for example because that’s the simplest [ __ ] thing that I can think of but um yeah Hol pting in VR chat is where you’re just in it’s not where you show like your circle you actually show your avatar moving around so you can still move around like in the actual world but you just like use your [ __ ] point to move it yeah I I’m going to be real that makes me more sick when I teleport yes yeah it makes me more sick as well but teleporting which means that you can’t you can’t use it Kirby if it makes me sick you can’t use it okay I can’t use it actually that’s not true it’s because if you’re more comfortable like within a first person view you’ll be more comfortable within the first person view however if you get motion sick with first person sometimes being like being I was making fun of him I wasn’t being serious I I was making fun of Kirby oh funny yeah thank you I work really hard I mean I have a feeling if I do enough VR stuff I can get like broken sort of acclimated to it yeah yeah so when start when you start doing like flips and handstands in VR you kind of you kind of just fine yeah yeah that’s that’s that’s where I’ve learned to kind fans totally mhm when I start when I start running into walls I’m immersed yeah I’ve broken my closet door oh nice I have a picture hold on let me send it to you okay good we do have blackone oh you didn’t even send me a DM yet about like where oh did you meet up for it wasn’t letting me did you add me there you go it wouldn’t let me send you a message unless you added me really yeah what I have that enabled it might be something with this server specifically I have it enabled for everyone wow because people people that aren’t my friends like I have um other like company CEOs message me about like um some brand things and I need them to be able to message me without being my friend so that’s actually kind of important to know thank you do you uh can you give me uh your slabs real quick do you have any more slabs or no actually I’ll just make my own I don’t care oh they need to be smooth smooth slabs there you go quartz slab me try find picture of myet I I just made a bunch it’s okay where’s it was on New Year I got find new [ __ ] wait a minute I don’t like this song Let Me skip it breaks through door during New Year’s happy New Year where’s my New Year’s closet door we’re listening to Low Five beats am I getting this right yeah I’m getting this right it’s three in the middle the the the [ __ ] I’m going to be bringing are not released yet like publicly so I mean like it’s firsthand view of some of these products that we are going to be releasing like as actual products but I we just prototype it in 3D prints first are you sure that you counted this right this is this is correct I mean you have a schematica never mind why am I asking oh [ __ ] I know where that is okay wait did you just him her our address yes no no how am I supposed to hide now no not yours just theirs the uh the hotel address no oh oh oh Kirby did you just talking about oh yeah no I just sent where I’m coming from oh you just docked yourself figure out better to meet in Chicago or before then well I’m flying in Midway parking in Chicago is kind of expensive though so well I mean parking in MK is also pretty expensive true MK Milwaukee Milwaukee’s big enough we can say it I think Milwaukee is pretty big I actually actually I’ve a friend in Milwaukee I could just ask if I can park in his [ __ ] parking lot I have a brother in Milwaukee so I also have a brother in Chicago how many brothers do you have what the [ __ ] [ __ ] mult multiplication family of 10 holy [ __ ] so I got I got siblings all over the place God damn um hey can I have a parking spot thanks I don’t know so I still have to figure this out my brother in Chicago is still in Taiwan I don’t know when he’s coming back honestly okay think Med in MK is better okay but we have to figure out because I think a is landing you’re talking about Thursday you’re talking about like us go driving to rep together use less gas yeah we can if we can Dart over with I would love to use less gas how much how much gas mileage do you get on your minivan uh it’s my mom’s minivan but I think it’s like 26 wait I thought you ding that’s better than our [ __ ] SUV yeah we like 22 it’s an old car too it’s a 2008 dude oh [ __ ] SUVs are my my personal SUV gets 13 well I drive I drive a big honk in V8 so I get pretty [ __ ] so do I I I I drive a [ __ ] uh Jeep uh V8 yeah that doesn’t help 4.7 L V8 yeah I got a Crown Vic which is a 46 oh jeez and I I took it the last two years it literally takes a full tank and it’s like a 18 gallon tank to get there and oh dude I have a 22 gallon tank it would take me two I calculated it I’m like [ __ ] that it’s like actually $150 to get there wait really and then 150 to get back for me yeah yeah dude that’s yeah no it for me it was like it’s like 50 it was like 50 you’re lucky dude what the [ __ ] there and then 50 bucks back so really it was damn you’re good dude [ __ ] it would be so expensive with my [ __ ] car yeah I was going to say for for a V8 the kvic isn’t that that terrible at gas mileage unless you’re driving in town a lot highway it’s pretty good though but we’re not taking my chromebit because it doesn’t have AC’s and that would suck my [ __ ] Jeep doesn’t either damn we’re not going to be able to talk on the way down I can’t talk [ __ ] now I’m no we’re all going to have the same car we’re all go we’re I’m I’m we’re meeting up and we’re going to go into the same car yeah no that’s what I’m saying uh I should probably F we should probably have like a conversation with everyone that’s going to be in the car so that we can [ __ ] discuss this actually yeah what make a quick because we’re gonna have four we’re gonna have four because my friend you and Kirby yeah and me so kind of important to have all of us in in the in the in the chat and know what we’re doing we can yeah we can figure out off stream like the exact details yeah yeah yeah I’ll I’ll just make a DM with all of us yeah yeah yeah oh no I was reading stuff in chat a doe Flash Player how the [ __ ] do I spell your it’s not even appearing for it’s not your name is not appearing for me me great no uh Kirby I I think it’s because I think it’s because Discord just fet what it added you anyway yeah okay thanks Discord I got added wait were you creating it from the DM oh wait that makes more never mind I’m [ __ ] stupid you ch the name of the I’m trying to do that right now you click on the top uh here see you just you just just rame okay you’re welcome uh hold on let me actually just put in uh am I good not really of gray so uh Kirby there was something I wanted to bring up um oh shoot are we out of like gray oh no no wait this is light gray I want gray so that that thing that I sent you that was like oh the CM cmf whatever it’s called is going to work on the K1 series that article was published in uh April uh what does that mean I told you that the C the so the creality AMF AMS the C CFS or whatever it’s called oh [ __ ] I just realized yeah we’re going to need we’re uh we’re gonna we’re we’re going to need um a car to be even able to go here like between and back hotel rooms oh yeah we can always like just pop yall just pop over at ours mainly because um we’ll be able to get around oh plus plus I have a friend coming down from Michigan so we’ll have a second vehicle oh B baller he he lives like it was really funny because the first year I went two years ago um we were planning on meeting up and he had no idea how close he was he thought he was going to be like a 2hour drive so we’re like okay you’ll just sleep on the floor in my hotel room because I just got one bed he’s like all that’s cool but then he sleep in his place put it into uh Google Maps and he’s like oh [ __ ] I’m 30 minutes away wait why didn’t we just stay at his place uh he doesn’t really have space for us damn he lives with his parents just stay at my place bro yeah [ __ ] 4our drive we could do it in in quicker get way less gas mileage way less gas dude there was one time I drove back from Chicago after going to Micro Center oh [ __ ] I want to go to Micro Center so bad we could we could go yes we could go yes um oh yeah when are you getting up uh on Thursday ah I don’t know yet that we can discuss in the group chat okay yeah we were thinking like 6: a.m. but like I If if that doesn’t matter what I’m so yeah we were going to start going at 6 a.m. mainly because we were going to take like take breaks between like yeah mean obviously but I don’t get in until 9:00 at night yeah I didn’t know when you because this was for us no but I mean like Kirby was like all right let’s do it and I’m like for what reason you’re just going to sit at Midway waiting we’re going to be doing I don’t know I’d love to I’d love to sit at just like an airport I actually love airport infrastructure so much um it is really cool dude I haven’t I haven’t been on a plane alone ever and I haven’t been flying for years and years and years same same um until off Kai like two weeks ago like is it last yeah like a week and a half ago that was terrifying but it was actually pretty fun dude did I ever tell you about what it was like being in uh going through security in Egypt that was crazy they thought my electric razor was a bomb that sounds terrifying I don’t know I don’t know if I would ever fly overseas by myself it was a it was interesting to say the least um on my flight to San Diego I actually I ran into the people that I was presenting with right okay sweet well that was a pretty simple um that was pretty simple to think about they just they’re just like oh okay yeah we’ll discuss a little bit more detail um yeah the the two things that I want to do on the way down there there is a Five Guys on the way there that I want to stop at I’ve never been a Five Guys either never been a five it’s not worth it don’t stop it’s not worth it no we’re going to stop shut up we have to stop I drove past it all right all right I’ll give you my Five Guys review care if it’s notth it is Culver’s quality and each Burger is cover it is $20 a burger to eat there I [ __ ] you not I don’t give a [ __ ] we’re St I might skip if that’s exp if it’s that expensive I’m telling you Kirby we stop a you know me I know my food it is not worth it don’t buy C and just spend less money cver is B no but I told somebody I would try it and report back to that then you can try it but we got to stop out of I’m pretty sure probably it’s probably right next to a Culver so most likely what do you mean why because they’re curious and I told them I would just I didn’t say why are you [ __ ] I’ll spend the money I don’t care my dog [ __ ] no I said I’m not saying don’t like I I’m saying just lie to them like I’m not going dude it’s literally soy was the one that’s curious about it I’m not going to lie to her and then [ __ ] carry her around of around rep rap sounds good like a good idea to me I don’t see any issues I just like carrier in the metaverse put on a cluster headset just carry her around actually carrier she does VR stuff but I I would I would oh I would assume so like if you’re [ __ ] vtuber why the hell wouldn’t you exactly yeah right I just I just I just the right now that I’m talking to somebody who’s super into VR and she got really excited you just did yeah I’ll I’ll probably talk to her a little bit then I’ll I’ll have her on call and stuff throughout the weekend [ __ ] yeah she’s cool oh yeah like I said she’s an engineer so she’s really smart I’m also um engineer but mainly just [ __ ] developer yeah less engineer more developer nothing wrong with that no not at all we need more [ __ ] developers oh yeah let me let me Flex real quick smile uh I’m partnered with valve for steamvr oh hell yeah that’s that’s my one and only flex and it’s not even a big Flex see it’s not that hard to do but I mean like it means I get Insider valve information that’s still something hey how tall are these light lamps uh I can build here do you want to give me the fence post or the walls whatever they’re made of I can build up to the top get out of dirt oh I can yeah I was going to do the same thing here I have some dirt yeah I was about to say you can’t jump uh 1.5 blocks wait what oh wait the fences are oh so the the slab at the top is right on top of this one oh it’s a slab I was I was going to replace it with block or it it is a full Block it’s a full block how it feels to not use scaffolding feels to5 gum gum gum sensor stimulate oh ah I’m sorry hilarious no I’m not well yeah no you’ve got to come to the hollow live concert then the what [ __ ] uh Kirby you trying to get I was gonna say you trying to get rain to go to the hollow life concert no I’m just man the only concert I’m going to is the [ __ ] Porter Robinson one who who Porter Robinson I there’s a there’s a vocaloid one that people were freaking out about cuz they haven’t done a tour in like 10 years let me find it my sister’s a huge Vocaloid fan which is actually she might know this one then but I posted it Tim knew who it was right away I mean Mr OSU well yeah uh [ __ ] [ __ ] it no post that explains all I need to know it in General T what Tim being an OSU guy yeah your 3D print’s done by the way [ __ ] yeah I know if I left then it wouldn’t be my stream anymore it be your take it off the build plate and take AIG bite out of it take a big bite out of it oh my gosh I have the I have the opportunity to make the funniest joke ever um I don’t know how funny it’s going to be I I’m going to go down and take a bite big bite out of it I’m sorry what I’m going to go down and take a big bite out of it [ __ ] I don’t have any slabs did you take all my slabs or did I not make them you just gave me polished Brickstone brick wall damn I didn’t make the slabs it’s okay I need frog lights anyway I’m sorry take a bite out of the what what the [ __ ] is that is that like a bow tie it is I knew it it’s for a model that I’m making I’m getting into making more of my own models rather than just finally using my engineering degree for something right you have an engineering degree oh all right so here’s my brag I am a current I have a bachelor’s and master in engineering and I currently am pursuing my PhD in engineering as well so I know a little I’m also an engineer in training or an e my bra I’m a College Dropout should I should I should I just drop I’m just GNA drop this I’m I’m still not even 18 yeah you had mentioned that in uh in DMS yeah doing all this [ __ ] and still not a crazy I am see Kirby’s actually uh 60 years old so yeah fair enough I’m basically half dead at this point and I’m and I’m uh 10 years old soann on Discord you’re gonna get banned on Discord yeah don’t don’t say that say that dogs take that back channel gets terminated Right Live there’s no way I had to put in my birthday no yeah yeah they will I’m not joking I’ve seen I’ve seen a channel get terminated just because of it do you have any more of those things or did you do you have the I’ll just make more I don’t really care the walls I put them in one of the chests Walmart me and Walmart me and wal we’re going to Walmart we have to go to Walmart dude I can get games on sale wait what do we have to what do we have to get at Walmart I can get games on sale we don’t have to get anything we just got to go gonna get a [ __ ] water balloon at Walmart and I’m G to throw it across is’s face yeah oh they were selling uh fireworks in the Walmart yeah you dude does your wait do your Walmarts not have fireworks no my Walmart doesn’t I think it’s I think it’s a your Walmart doesn’t sell fireworks you seen that video of the Walmart fireworks exploding in the aisle I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for them to sell it here oh that’s fun it used to be wait no no no no it’s not maybe in this County when I was when I was a kid no it’s not when I was a kid it wasal for them to sell it in our state but that changed it’s May it’s maybe because their their policy but no where you’re where you’re at no it’s not illegal there three Walmarts here and none of them have ever had fireworks Yeah because sometimes Walmart just don’t carry them especially some of the [ __ ] that’s happened at other Walmarts that was dumb that was really dumb Ace what that was really dumb oh falling off I don’t yeah you just you just broke the [ __ ] block under you I don’t we have keep inventory I don’t really care yeah but your uh death number’s going up how what’s your death counter at right now then uh 138 you should see it compared to fuzzy and T TS they just be dying sometimes if you guys get into like oh dude wait Ace you should totally play vivecraft I that’s the reason I bought a headset but I can’t get it working you can’t get I can help you well be it the problem is it it wouldn’t work on like the server because it’s too like oh you need a plugin yeah and we’re on realm but once we switch off of a realm yeah when you can download the world you can download the world off Realms yeah yeah yeah and then just put it on a um server a dedicated host yeah yep I’ve just been lazy we need literally just take an old laptop boom we need to really badly well I was just going to pay pay to host us some oh don’t pay to host dude those things are so expensive they’re not that expensive it’s going be cheaper than the [ __ ] run it on a Raspberry p run it on a Raspberry piie I’m not even joking that’s a not a bad idea no I know I do it all the time I have like three raspberry pies just running three other servers the problem is like dead my internet sucks like major C okay Spectrum internet okay that’s not so Minecraft only syncs using internet it doesn’t actually [ __ ] like it’s it’s all local and then it syncs with the server it’s not like acely being used on the server so it probably be probably be fine yeah just have Ace hosted wa oh I’ll send you my my unused Raspberry Pi 4 and you can host you have a [ __ ] Raspberry Pi 4 damn I want I’m using a Raspberry Pi 3B uh Plus for a virtual here server for my racing simulator because uh I’m using my my quest two or my quest 3 as a w like ver virtual monitor for it so like it’s all Wireless it’s just downstairs so I don’t have to [ __ ] deal with it in my room I don’t know if I can but what do you mean you don’t know if you can I mean I can always I’ll maybe I’ll play around with that and just just do what you talking about dreams McDonald’s put it in the ceiling tiles good idea um it’s not illegal uh not not here at least not here um I’ve done it before my brain shut off uh I don’t know if you’ve if you’ve ever seen because Oracle as much as I hate as much as I hate Oracle they have a VPS that you can actually spin up for free it’s just using arm cores but I’m pretty sure it’s comparable to like a pi 3 on speed okay so you get you get like I I mean I have my [ __ ] servers running on a [ __ ] Pi 2 with only like half a gigaby of RAM you get like four arm cores you get like 26 gigs of RAM damn and it’s all for free why don’t you just run the server on so I should just do that uh I could do that how good is your PC that’s a better question it’s good right what specs it’s a how much RAM 3600x 32 gigs of RAM uh I don’t know AMD language like a it’s a six score CPU oh yeah that uh you might run into some things 12 threads hey uh Kirby can we can we drive can we drive an electric vehicle so we can plug in our printers just like uh Uncle Jesse did and print on our way to rep PR you know like gas vehicles also if you get the right one also called an alternator and an inverter I just want reference Uncle Jessie have a [ __ ] port on it no well that’s okay so that’s the one thing just get an inverter that uses a [ __ ] car like usually usually those inverters only go up to like 120 so we would have to be printing on a not heated bed most likely okay then don’t the bed true just bunch of glue like in the back back in the day I do want to try I do want to try printing something on the way there I think that’d be funny wait wait wait wait wait do you have like a jackery or some [ __ ] like a battery oh no okay okay okay okay I got it I got an idea I got an idea we’ll talk about it off stream because I don’t it would ruin the joke if I talked about it now but I have a I have an idea for a really funny bit um I’m going to look on Amazon and see how much like inverters are here hold on hold on hold on I think I have an inverter but it’s like it’s 100 I have a really big one hold on I I have a really big one that’s like 500 watts but it’s [ __ ] massive and it might it might take away from the car’s engine what’s it called well the thing with uh 3D printing I mean the most power you’re going to use is when it’s heating up so once everything’s heated up it’ll be fine cuz it only run a [ __ ] heat gun at that point and ex get it heated up already and then like quickly transfer it over to the car um my if we were uh bring in my Crown Vic the alternator on that thing is [ __ ] massive I think it outputs like 500 watts or something so we [ __ ] check how big my alternator is on my [ __ ] uh Kirby check check General General we could yes it would be so funny for a video dude we just have the [ __ ] the cards don’t spoil don’t spoil never mind never mind I won’t spoil I think it would be funny like get a jackery too one of those big batteries and like McDonald or just use like a [ __ ] uh use a UPS hey can when it draws too much then just it’ll it’ll use from the UPS yeah well you’re bringing your K so we’re we’re going to we’re going to put it to work all right am oh and Kirby’s bringing you’re bringing I’m bringing my voron and one of my voron I’ve never [ __ ] used a voron it’s a small it’s a a 0 point2 I don’t I don’t care I still want to see a voron there’s okay oh you’re going to see are going to be a lot of Vons there and a lot of really cool ones too last year there was I’ve never seen a voron actually I’ve been always thinking about building one but I’ve just never done it yeah I’m hoping because there’s a bunch of people working on multi-tool head Vons so I’m hoping we get to see one of those there but there there were a couple of idex Vons there was a giant [ __ ] voron last year that’s like it I think it was like 800 by 800 by8 into nerd about this the coolest the coolest voron that I saw at East Coast rep R was somebody had an Ava model what’s whatever the purple and green one is they had an Ava inspired voron so the whole thing was blue and green yeah oh [ __ ] yes [ __ ] Joker Joker inspired so Midwest rep WAP is a lot it’s a lot less structured than east coast rep WAP so there’s a lot of people there’s a lot of people that just bring their own personal printers and set them up on the tabl so that you’re you’re going to see a lot a lot of aons wait wait what did you just say about East Coast uh Midwest rep R is a lot less structured than okay cuz I was going to say it is way more structured like they had so they have it at the Maryland at Maryland community college and they had all of the people that were doing Vons had their own section so the it was in like a it was in it was really cool they had it in the gym and the top part of like the College gym was like the track area and so they had all the voron people up like on the top and then they had all the like big people like recreator down at the bottom I have a video up on my Channel about it if you I wonder how much is those like Anchor batteries that has like the ports on them proba 600 watts wait really wait that’s like way more than enough wait uh wait is that oh is that just for the [ __ ] solar input wait a minute I think that might just be for the solar input wait you look almost like an power station 600 of upgraded yeah no 600 watts of power and it’s like oh it’s $200 though yeah oh I see the the anchor 521 yeah yeah I mean not bad but like also godamn yeah oh get the [ __ ] DJI one dude that one’s actually kind of cool the DJI Power Station dude that thing’s so [ __ ] sexy I understand why because like if you’re doing remote like I understand why DJI would do it because it’s really fast power for like a charging a drone and [ __ ] for like remote oh yeah yeah and like if you’re remotely um like editing it also can like power your laptop which is like actually perfect but it’s got a 100 watts output or a thousand 1,000 watts output we don’t need that like like I said the power supply on a 3D printer is 300 watts no no no I know I know I’m just [ __ ] new I like I’m I’m big into drones as well I’m really big into Aviation dude I want to I want to build my own fpv drones should I just [ __ ] bring mine I have a drone uh yes I have a fpv drone that I built oh yeah well I have a Spider-Man drone so like it’s ma it’s max speed is like 120 miles hour mine has a camera on it so like I can take pictures and fpv is I have well well has a camera on it that can’t move and it’s fully manually controlled okay so originally our plan was to tear down dreams’ house I feel like it would be even funnier to just leave it up in the middle of the parking lot we could we’ll have to drop it by a block or extend it down a block I I wonder how much I’ve got an idea I’m just going to I’m just going to leave it leave it on like a grass island in the middle and like go around it yeah that’s a good that’s what I was thinking yeah yeah here I’ll try okay hold on I’ll try and grow some grass here okay I’ll try and grow some grass here while I’m taking this out what’s the minimum wattage we need the minimum wattage I don’t know I honestly don’t know like if we don’t first how many how many watchs my printer uses like I would say to be safe probably just try to hit that 300 mark oh 300 oh that’s easy yeah I I’ll go [ __ ] I’ll go one [ __ ] off bug a [ __ ] now I got blood bug blood all over my [ __ ] monitor nice great hold on quick while he’s not here kick him from the Ser [ __ ] you [ __ ] you bug you [ __ ] suck whoa hold on watch the language this is a kid-friendly program yeah [ __ ] no is it actually though no well now my now my parents can’t say that I’m the one that swears too much my parents fcking I’m playing Sonic music do you think it’s kid-friendly I I don’t oh know I’m not listening also Kirby you lied to me Ria Server doesn’t talk about Sonic they talk about other stuff that I don’t play okay she had a Sonic flick for a while yeah now they talk about fighting games and it’s like oh God she’s on her Dragon Quest Moral Combat all I want to do is talk about Sonic God Dam just talk about Sonic I do nobody responds wait I just found a 500 wat power inverter that just connects to like like a car jack like inside the car that’s 500 watts and it’s O I mean that’s cheap enough it’s might be we there’s also a 350 watt one that’s $26 for the price difference I would just get the 500 watt one yeah I I’ll send it to you if you want to all if you want to [ __ ] with that there’s I’ll do that I’ll do that I should just check if I have a [ __ ] power inverter first Another Printer so one of my goals for this year or early next year I don’t know if you’ve ever seen one of these printers but I want to build a patron oh dude I will never I will was like I will never forgive you for that I was like I want to build a positron you were like I don’t know about that Ace you won’t like it and then you’ve been talking about it nonstop since I told you about it it’s a DIY printer wait I think this is the one that I have I legitimately think this is the one I have positron I also sent you an affiliate link so if you buy it we get money oh [ __ ] okay I think this is actually the one that I have though like actually so I might have a 500 watt one let’s check can you check I it’s at it’s at my mom’s house so I would have to text I’m going to check I’m going to go go in the garage and see if I have one hold on so I’m going to pick up the van and use it for a little bit to make sure it’s in good shape oh yeah uh so when I pick it up I’ll I’ll go see when are you going to do that like this weekend or something uh probably in probably tomorrow actually oh [ __ ] okay yeah I I’ll also look for our things I honestly think we have a 700 wattt one so I’m going to look I’ll be right [Music] back quick while she’s gone kick her from the server get rid of them get rid get rid of the evidence [Music] I [Music] [Music] fell there we [Music] go I didn’t tell dreams that were taking his house out I think he’s still under the belief that we’re not touching his house which I think would be even funnier as if we just paved it and act like it like we built around it almost like Carl’s house from up think this is the no this is the [Music] way Kirby you there hello yeah okay I thought my internet died and I was freaking out for a sec uh if anything it’s my internet my [Music] internet why did you make so much black concrete we don’t need black concrete I didn’t I thought the road was black concrete so I just I told you that it wasn’t well I’m stupid I was going going to use it for something else too so I’ll I’ll I’ll have a use for it eventually [ __ ] I think we’re out of gray concrete then so I need to just make [Music] more oh so I have a video coming out Friday if I know you don’t watch my videos but if you were to watch a video I think you would get the biggest kick out of my video that I’m posting Friday it’s a it’s very Millennial coded and it uses a c civil Gunner rip so the bed is obstructed uh where is this I don’t like this music [Music] anymore gray Concrete where you at where are you on the server I am currently still outling the the main building the right hand side this is how wide it’s going to be by the way nice I can’t wait to oh that’s what I could do with the rest of the stream today is take all these trees out oh yeah if you want to build up I don’t know where to cut it off because normally I just go as far down but that’s a Chasm and I don’t want to have to deal with that Chasm and I don’t like just putting things in a big box so where’s the actual it’s so hard to run around with a giant schematic where’s the chasm right there I mean so this is the edge of the store we don’t have to have the parking lot go all the way out here we can kind of have the parking lot sort of follow the it would be funnier if I don’t so over here come over here like over here I want to pave over a bunch of the a bunch of the wheat cuz that’s funny yeah so what I you see what I’ve done here where like it started to fold into the into the terrain okay that’s I think what would be kind of funnier is if literally it just like popped up like it grew out of of the ground like it follows the train and everything yeah all right do you want to go to the nether with me or end with me and make some gray concrete real quick or at least get it started do you have some powder of it still uh assuming nobody’s messed with the stuff that’s I left two of every color in the end room so that you could always like swap it in and then swap it out so assuming nobody’s messed with that there should be oh no this got why did this get [ __ ] up how did this get [ __ ] up like this what what got messed up the chunk loader why is this there’s just a random mine cart with a hopper for some reason so if I turn this on it’s not going to work hang on oh no I need the mine cart with the hopper I’m going wait in the end there’s the rest of the mine carts they’re just on the ground somebody it must have got shot by a gas [Music] oh I do have an axe I didn’t realize that oh did you take the Shuler boxes out of here thats where I didn’t move anything I didn’t move anything family this going to take me a while to fix there’s a bunch of stuff that’s broken okay I’m back what’s up this right now there’s a bunch of stuff that needs to get fixed it’s like the the chunk loader is fully busted oh so we won’t be able to generate it anything I mean I can fix it eventually but it’s going to take me a while I don’t know if we want to do it now uh well we I can’t I can’t make any more parking lot because we are fully out of gray okay right now I’m just eating up the time by turning some of that black into black I hit the [ __ ] out of my knee anyway I didn’t find my I didn’t find a power inverter but I did find two m80s and a [ __ ] boat motor oh nice yeah unfortunately no M80 though or I mean no uh power inverter need Sher what you need a Sher to store all that I do that’s why I’m dying cuz I don’t have a Shuler on me man I’m dead bro me and keep inventory keep inventory is goated is but also we played a while without it and then but it’s one of those things where eventually you get to a point yeah eventually you get to a point where when you die and lose all your [ __ ] it’s just an annoyance it’s not like a it’s not like a oh I lost my stuff I can’t get it back it’s just going to take a long time so we’re like ah was I had been trying to convince him for uh months to to do keep inventory and he was like no it’s cheating I can’t like whatever blah blah blah blah blah and then one one stream he lost his entire netherite armor set and netherite tool set like every tool lost all of it twice after re-enchanting all of it it took him 3 hours to make it both times like an hour and a half each time are you are you in the ends it was like no I’m not I’m back in the overw world cuz I ran out of space in my inventory didn’t take me three hours it was like three hours total for both sets that’s what I just said you said 3 hours no I said 3 hours one and a half per item set I wasn’t listening yeah you you weren’t listening I was was distracted by fixing my machine my Contraption needed to be tended to he got the dingle hopper over here he got the doodle B the thing of my jig me observing I guess we also the the question is if you think it’s going to take long to fix we could just end stream here it’s already fixed already fixed I thought it would take longer but it didn’t what did you fix the chunk loader the doodle bob the thing of a j the me observing the thing of a bob that’s what I’m telling people for when they ask what rep rap is I’m like it’s like a thing ofab Bob convention someone said I just tell them it’s 3D printing Comic Con and people are like oh that makes sense ComiCon I wouldn’t even call it a ComiCon well actually all right Kirby gotcha UND understood sorry guys mom said we can’t have fun yeah he’s only the r Kirby I think I don’t think you you you keep saying this because the only people you talk to are on Discord I talk to people like the people that you work with so like explaining the differences between the two conventions they’re going to be like they’re com they’re both Comic Con like Fair yeah cuz people just think any convention is is ComiCon yeah so like people that I talk to are like oh that’s cuz if if I say trade show they’re going to be like well it’s not a trade show because but it’s closer to a trade show than it is to ComicCon but if I describe it as but if I describe it as a trade show I guess [ __ ] it anime convention yeah no I want people to resp I want people to respect when I went to off Kai I was tempted to tell people that I was just going to an anime convention cuz how do you explain a vtuber convention I I honestly would much rather explain I would rather say I’m going to a v tubing convention than an anime hide behind virtual avatars rather than I’m watching fictional well because if you say V tubing then you can just say oh it’s like they’re like streamers because I’m a vtuber they’re like streamers but fake but I’m not an anime guy twitchcon basically although many people kiry kiry we’re we’re talking to people that use Facebook like what’s a twitch it’s the thing I have in my eye when I haven’t slept enough yeah is that what is that what is that what old Betty does oh that’s what I do call your ey I remember when I was twitching last time I got the I got a case of the twitch case of the Twitches we got the great concrete going awesome why am I I I shouldn’t waste my time on dude I I love the [ __ ] medical condition get gray concrete yeah favorite favorite medical condition on top so I got to run back to the end grab the gray concrete powder and then I’ve got to have you turn it off and turn it back on again because it is making more black not more gray because gray we only had two gray though I already refilled it oh sick with the rest of the gray oh [ __ ] turned it turned it on with the two gray got a bunch and filled it up I forgot to empty my inventory I’ve been busy you’ve been running around I’ve been busy running around I’m doing I’m doing stuff you know I’m animated oh this is going to lag the [ __ ] out of the server could rip server what are you putting stuff in the item wait if it’s a realm Realms are terrible dude you pay a lot of money and they’re dog [ __ ] don’t buy realm yeah you shouldn’t it was just a convenience thing buy Among Us not real yeah like actually what if I already own Among Us I bought Among Us twice crazy on your phone [ __ ] over by I was trying to get the [ __ ] backpack blink for fortnite just because I thought it was funny and I missed the promo so I didn’t get [ __ ] [ __ ] wasted my money oh if that Shuler box went to the void I would have cried you still haven’t taken a bite out of your print [ __ ] you’re right all right I’m going to go downstairs and take a bite out of my I think the camera is live so you should be able to see my hands it is I can see it I can see dust particles moving oh speaking about taking a bite out of the print uh the Coco press was there the last two years hopefully she’s there I got to see her at East Coast dude it’s I feel like I feel like you forget what we talk about yeah we had I had a at this point yes my memory is terrible yeah it’s it’s a m on the especially especially if I’m like doing something else at the time or preoccupied my memory is I’m like fairly certain I have ADD potentially ADHD I have severe ADHD so I can’t remember [ __ ] yeah the voices in my head are twoo louds the voices in my head they scream among us us all right I’m going to go down and eat my print hold on I can’t wait to see a just like take a Munch out of [ __ ] print just uh okay hi hi chat hello there hello there I’m imagining like Ace being a like 4 foot six skinny boy keeps saying he keeps saying he’s not that short but I don’t believe him we’ll see we’ll see he does give off that twink energy though he does he really does he really [ __ ] does that’s what whenever when whenever he said that he was a twin that’s when I said I could tell because like he really oh there he is he didn’t eat it he’s he’s got to eat it one second okay where’s your [ __ ] butt what the [ __ ] oh eat The Purge line eat The Purge line eat [Laughter] the what the [ __ ] started another print Ace you don’t have the balls PR a big middle finger funny a dick yeah see how long you can print a dick on stream before you get [ __ ] gets halfway through gets censored [ __ ] this content has marked this 18 plus you could do it on Twitch though and then get immediately banned when you take it off the build plate could do it on Kick but Kick’s a sus what the [ __ ] is kick no kick is gambling yes but they don’t care about what you do you could do anything on there i’ kick is like live leak but like streamer all right so did that come out on stream how funny was that it did come out on stream but we were we were kind of busy talking about how you were uh how you should become a kick streamer oh yeah hell I make an actually funny joke and you blow it damn but no I don’t think that was the only thing that we were talking about I can’t remember what the [ __ ] were were you talking about I don’t know either I told you about how short I am yeah we’re pretty sure you’re a TI I was saying I was saying like I imagine you being like a like a 4 foot6 like skinny boy really skinny twink yeah all right I’m not that I’m not that short didn’t even didn’t even [ __ ] get rid of the twink allegation all right a might be a twink but I’m not sure I don’t know might be a twink but I’m not sure a actually [ __ ] wait I I don’t even know if I classify as a twin well so like 5 foot 11 uh 120 pounds think is a state of mind honestly yeah that’s what I was going to say I have to ask Kirby he’s going to have to tell me when when I see him whether I got that twink vibe that sounds pretty gay man whether you live up to my expectations I I can’t wait for you to see me and see how [ __ ] huge my shoulders are and go dude you are not a twink at all my um my shoulders I can’t wait to see how short you are yeah thank you I stand I was standing next to my advisor and I actually just feel like a a child because pretty much everybody in my lab is taller than me and I I feel like an actual like grade schooler next to them he’s just going to gate keep your height from us can’t dox myself like that actually I I I I showed this is a the origin of my a gamer that’s in all of my thumbnails is from a tweet it’s always great when it starts off as a tweet uh you mean a zit a zit hold on sorry game’s back up I’m not sorry I am I’m never sorry uh I just hear the quiet I am I didn’t say I am sorry what you’re not sorry for what you did what did I do I it’s funny if I just didn’t respond here’s my here’s my Cannon height and Kirby’s height compared so that’s Kirby’s Cannon height and that’s my Canon height I also like telling people that I’m 6’1 6’2 because I’m definitely taller but it’s funny to say that imagine telling people you’re shorter than you are you hate to see it I always did that when I was in high school basketball because like I was by far the tallest person on the team because it was a small school um so I would put my height like 200 people I was in a graduating class of 25 nice he was actually homeschool this is my Cannon height by the way but so I would I would list my height as 6′ one and everybody would think like oh they’re they’re kind of a short team and then I show up and like be as tall as their tallest person oh nice that’s your Canon height yeah that’s my Canon height oh yeah Millennial core you guys really do fit in with each other you just wouldn’t understand yeah I I do you didn’t experience 911 you just don’t get it even though either rain didn’t experience 911 so no I did not but it’s funny to say that didn’t watch I I can’t remember if you actually do know my age or not there’s a there’s a streamer are you like 24 uh I have no idea actually I literally just guessed do not I will not say I will not confirm on stream do not confirm anyway 911 reference not um there’s a streamer I watch that whenever’s something like whenever something is like really good they call it the good 9911 like if 911 was was good was good or like if everything that happened during 911 was good instead like what like super such a weird way that’s how you get [ __ ] doxed the good 911 Jesus tell that to a New Yorker they’ll be pretty Happ this really is the hey let’s get Ace banned speedrun episode mhm dude I can say so much [ __ ] I can you banned right now no I’m joking that’s it straight B straight banned from uh the channel never again seen exactly exactly I remember when people now people make those text to speech Reddit videos that are man super I remember I remember when Live Leak was Peak well um I remember when you can just go on uh I Funny or Instagram instagr through Instagram people friend friend of mine was like uh my feed’s not like that maybe it’s just you cuz you like that stuff I’m like no no that’s what it’s like I can’t escape I don’t even use [ __ ] Instagram anymore it’s so awful it’s awful I don’t know why Ace does because what else am I supposed to use you keep playing OverWatch and then you quit for like 3 weeks and you’re like this has been the best three weeks of my life yeah and then today that’s why I’m so on edge today because me and Cynthia played it earlier today and it was ass I hated it I actually got off and like why the [ __ ] are you play sat in silence cuz I was so mad OverWatch I love fortnite fortnite is hella fun fortnite is actually kind of Buton based though and the the new season is great because Pro players hate it here here’s my thing for SE this is my thing for Esports if it is hated by the if it is hated by the competitive Community it means that it is objectively a fun mechanic Pro players just hate having fun this is literally just OverWatch man yeah if if a game is oh well no OverWatch OverWatch OverWatch competitive all they can do is have the worst takes possible ever like I am I am Flat’s number one hater every single time he makes a video everything that he says is objectively [ __ ] wrong the only person that any of his changes would benefit is just him he only says stuff so that he can have an easier time playing the game like he so mad [ __ ] no one right now he has so mad that his one play style will not is not competitively viable 100% of the time in OverWatch and he will never ever ever change his stance even slightly when people are like hey maybe you should play a different character other than Reinhardt he’s like well actually they should change all of OverWatch to make Reinhardt really fun because everybody would really like it if Reinhardt was fun and definitely not just me it’s like it it’s so annoying every he constantly Rags on is too far [ __ ] gone with the with the [ __ ] OverWatch [ __ ] he constantly Rags on on Zenyatta being the the most broken support despite the fact that Zen hasn’t been viable in almost a year and Anna has consistently been so like um what’s sword for when you put pressure on dominant that they had to make an entire character just to overcome her one ability which is her atie atie is so powerful they had to make a character that can is her only thing is cleansing atie like that is how powerful she is yet you never hear him once ever say anything about Anna it’s always Zen he brags on Baptist even though Baptist is just fun and has no broken mechanics it’s just it’s so frustrating also I’m a huge life Weaver fan and he constantly says that life Weaver is boring and basically just a um like a a turret that heals or it’s a he says it’s a healing turret with legs and I’m like that’s because you don’t play anyway I notice you’re getting quiet which means that something’s up I’m just I’m just kind of letting you spit off I it bothers me so much because I I don’t think that o OverWatch listens to Pro players but I just don’t think like look at Smash Bros look how the only players they listen to Smash Bros is good because Nintendo hates hates competitive players and so that means the game is just always fun I think the reason why OverWatch was good when it came out is because it was fun first and then competitive but as it’s become competitive first and then fun second it’s now it’s not fun for anybody it’s not fun for competitive it’s not fun for casual like if you look at the competitive smash scene competitive smash plays a like single digit percentage of the actual game like you take out half the stages you take out all the items you take out some of the characters at that point you’re playing a totally separate game anyway we might have an upgrade concrete already maybe it’s been running wait are you guys like just trying to make a [ __ ] parking lot yeah no not trying we are succeeding Texas infrastructure uhhuh [ __ ] big ass parking lot no one to go y it’s got to have oh that’s it 737 in a [ __ ] Walmart parking lot my mind to um to make this truly a Walmart we’ve got to put a huge ass American flag in like one of the corners like I’m talking like as big as a house Amer flag I’m not even joking well you were just talking about Texas in Tex it’s a Texas one as soon as it has a giant American flag in it so you live in Texas no I don’t live in Texas okay fuzzy lives in Texas I’ve never [ __ ] seen a Walmart with a [ __ ] American no I live in Ohio yeah oh yeah that’s right you live in [ __ ] where is that again hm no I want to hear what you were about to say I’m not going to film at BL Detroit I’ve never seen a [ __ ] Walmart with with an American flag all the Walmarts I ever seen is just like [ __ ] the most [ __ ] redneck fat ass like wait Detroit’s in Detroit’s not in Ohio oh Detroit’s in Michigan yeah I know why did you say Detroit I never said Detroit then what did you say I thought I heard I heard you say Detroit you are hearing things I’m going I’m growing scen um so what did you [Music] say I just said it’s just Walmart is just redneck as [ __ ] Oh I thought you were trying to guess which area of Ohio what no oh okay I thought for a second Josh gave you like my full contact info cuz he has my address and stuff and I’m like I’m sorry I’m what did you say uh Josh recreator guy oh yeah he has my info cuz he’s my sponsor my info as well because he had to send me [ __ ] yeah and also I got the banners the Banners are actually kind of fire good good cuz dreams accidentally called me by my real name and I’m like dude don’t do that on stream superhero identity and all the all the stuff you know Kyle Kyle yeah what if I had an ugly name like Jared or something like that a guys we found out Kirby’s real name I’m just joking cuz you’re not responding Michael I do but I can’t remember it because I don’t remember things like it’s a figur out Michael Sean [ __ ] see even if even if you did guess that there’s no way that one he’d be paying attention enough to hear it or two actually tell you exactly I I think the exactly was for that first part I don’t even know if you were listening for the second I wasn’t listening for anything he thought we were still talking about OverWatch yeah I keep trying to get him to play multiverses with me cuz it is unironically like so much fun I don’t play video games dude I just [ __ ] I desk and sold [ __ ] what I say dude I’m not a gamer sit at a desk [ __ ] make he’s like I’m not a gamer I I do things legit this is the most gaming I do is when we play Minecraft Minecraft like I’ll I’ll play a run or two of bacho because I’m addicted to that game right now but that’s like [ __ ] is bacho uh gambl it’s a card game it’s not actually gambling it’s uh he goes to the slots the the game’s really fun Kirby I did want to I did want to ask you this so have you do you know the band baby medal oh baby medal I think I’ve heard of it you’ve probably heard one of their songs they got really big recently they they have this concert in America and one of them is in my home City you asked me about this and I looked it up yeah yeah one of them’s in my home City and I’m like [ __ ] you should go should I go but I I’ll save my money for the hollow life one and the Sonic symy imagine having money for conventions I am currently living at $5 what my name I got that I got that adult money with that adult job the reason I had to I don’t have a job I I own the job real I put a link to it in general link to what the batro batro however you say it I like how you’re like dude you should get this game so we can stream it even though you’re not a gamer like you told me to get 100% orange juice it was free though and I would play that game what is it it’s like a Mario Party sort of game oh that sounds fun we should play it wow you we’ve also got to do that Euro Truck one that we talked about we do I need to buy Euro Truck Euro or American Truck either one oh speaking of which I said I talked to Cynthia and she might be down to to join us for it cuz I have an extra key for Euro Truck nice so I I was like if I’ll give you do you know do you know what the plan for that is no i’ literally I’m rain couldn’t join us cuz rain’s underage well he doesn’t have to drink [ __ ] no well I mean I if I wanted to I legally could but I don’t want to legally you’re underage that’s F I probably wouldn’t drink either well welcome to [ __ ] that was the whole point Kirby what do you mean you so the idea is that we idea was to drink Drive what are you talking we’ll hop on Euro Truck Sim get a convoy going okay but then we’re also on our phones or iPads whatever you have playing balloon tower6 at the same time while driving the last time I played it was with Ryan cuz he has his um steering wheel I God damn it’s so funny cuz it makes so much noise that would be if we all had whe an iPad yeah yeah you just hear the steering wheel like vibrating on the desk and everything we all got steering wheels and iPads driving and playing Bloons dude I should just dude I should just put the iPad like tape the iPad to the steering wheel that’s a good idea hit a hit a [ __ ] po my [ __ ] iPad just you got to have an iPad cam up in the corner damn it’s against YouTube policy to have open alcohol on stream cuz it would be funny for me to like continuously take swigs from like a giant alcohol bottle literally just no just [ __ ] put it in a staning oh you know what would be even funnier as if it was like a comically large bottle with like a label that just said XXX on the front of it that would be really funny that would actually be pretty funny like a looney tun that’s like a funny but even that I don’t think you’d be allowed to do that would be so funny you could label it as like they would they would classify that as moonshine yeah no like orange juice I’d be I’d appeal it to YouTube I’d be like guys this this is a ger genuinely put it in a Mountain Dew bottle they can’t tell the difference label a beer bottle as water no but like the whole joke is that I’m not actually going to be drinking it’s just a like you know in ly tune comics where Looney Tune like shorts where they’d have like they have the big bottle it’s just XXX is on the front of it that’s what I’m F The Jug it would be so funny cuz it’s not actually alcohol [ __ ] which night are which which night of rep rap are we drinking kiry I don’t know which y drinking on rep well I was going to but now I don’t know you’re good to I don’t really [ __ ] care I don’t I don’t think people don’t really like party at rep Rob it’s not really a party they did at East Coast what the heck I mean like there might be me and me and chap we’re gonna get lit I don’t know what you’re doing it’s probably I will probably I’m and be autistic enough to pass us drunk yeah probably like actually Kirby’s going to pull an off Kai and fall asleep instead of going to the party dude I had sushi right Tim right Tim is Tim in the VC or Tim’s in the uh chat I had sushi for the first time at afai and oh man that it was good but it [ __ ] me up hey Tim if I was there at off Kai I would have joined you I was planning on it dude but I was tied to the toilet please tell us more okay no the heck did my stuff go is here no I want to try next year there’s a couple of people that I’m going to try to get to go to offy with me me as well I don’t even know what the [ __ ] off guy is vtuber convention oh never mind I know you probably don’t know what you don’t want to know what it is it was fun though I know plenty of YouTubers I just I just don’t talk to them anymore oh you’re using a good reason to start talking to him again yeah maybe it’s I mean it’s expensive this huge reason why I stopped talking to him I can’t remember the reason but I I can’t remember was it they got hired by a company that made it so that they can’t talk to you any that could have been actually cuz it it was um for example Shai I I used to know but they [ __ ] stopped talking to me could be that some companies well for the most part most companies are pretty cool with like you keeping your old identity and like using that to talk to your old friends yeah I know I do know about but there there’s a couple that are very strict about like no you have to drop everything you’ve done before cut ties with everybody you’ve talked to before and start completely and like dude that sucks that yeah that [ __ ] it’s a miracle fals and I were able were away from the hotel for a few hours um yeah that that’s how uh Hollow live is the opposite they let you have real friend real life and keep your persona real if if if they got hired into nii Sanji they’re gone dude they’re gone they got hired in a nii Sanji pre yeah pray they are housing okay got to get the grass damn I was about to say this is like the best bed Wars base I’ve ever seen in my life bed War space yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] giant ass house containing a bed that’s me Doritos red Doritos throw back to my debut I’m definitely good at um I’m definitely good at mini games right Kirby yeah yeah yeah definitely didn’t learn how to run that day wait I’m putting this no I want this start put dirt now yeah time is it might stop soon oh I’m starting to get tired how wow I’ve been tired this whole time actually I forgot I haven’t [ __ ] slept today oh wait did I wait uh I can’t remember actually I kind of want to keep these in just to see where the edge lies no I think okay no I did take a nap that’s right I took like a two hour nap got that big boy job now so now I’m tired I don’t have to deal with a job I’m hoping speaking a big boy job I’m hoping that tomorrow I can edit a video for next week so I can have something that releases while I’m that rep rap I I wanted it to be the one recreator video but I haven’t gotten the supplies from Josh yet to make that video which is unfortunate what is uh some stuff for a video yeah it’s exciting really gatekeeping that that project all right yeah I’ll tell you after the stream I just don’t want to spoil it for my fans cuz I want a reason for them to watch yeah they’re just G to stop watching you after you [ __ ] like foil your plan well I I have a problem with leaking stuff like way before I actually work on it like I’ve been editing same I’ve been editing this one video for like literal months it’s been done I just haven’t edited it and I keep saying oh I’m working on it I’m working on it and I do not want these videos to become that because they’re just I work on them when I get get the chance I just realized I took out way too much dirt here yeah he did [Music] [Music] [Music] come on I can’t reach it’s Tim keeps leaving come on man so much for Hot Boy Summer he’s probably playing CS with fuzzy dude he’s been doing 10 rounds and he keeps trying to get me to join and I’m like Counter Strike is fun when you’re [ __ ] around but if you’re doing 10 mans and like sweating nah count me out my distant Horizons isn’t working bro imagine installing mods man even even with that layup you didn’t have anything to say Kirby no was my brain was tabbed out we’ve hit that uh We’ve hit that point in the Stream where Kirby needs his his big boy nap and his binky need my I need my stemies I need to start making uh brain rot buzzword for you oh Jesus so that you can get back into it not the brain rot you’re thinking of it’s Millennial brain rot oh thank God yeah there’s been brain rot for centuries you just got to find trust me I actually have a [ __ ] brain rot is separated based on which which type of Garry’s Mod you consider brain rot [ __ ] yes that is so true the one the one where [ __ ] G’s mod went on the [ __ ] news where they were like putting Pizza like babies as the pepperonis that was pretty fun wasn’t that Roblox no that was Gary’s mod that was Gary’s Mod no way G’s mod yeah it was re and they actually [ __ ] covered Garry’s Mod on I love I love that Gary’s Mod just sticks around it’s so good I know right I’m so happy I [ __ ] love G’s so much I love Gary’s Mod them having to take out [ __ ] this it’s literally [ __ ] this them having to take out all the Nintendo content is the burning of library of Alexandri did you know that that was actually someone that was actually a [ __ ] fake account that did that yeah they did that to a couple of like ROM sites too it was just some guy who just some guy that was just like kind of mad oh when vims got shut down [ __ ] Act was trying to he was trying to defend a multi-billion dollar company and so wait what did he do di riding yeah wait so did was was this random guy the one that this random guy got everything off of Gary’s mod that nintend he was on behalf of Nintendo quote unquote quote unquote uh issuing dmca takedown requests because wow what a loser he wanted he wanted to protect his multi-billion dollar company who hates him by the way Nintendo hates their fans yeah I love I hate Nintendo dude I say this all the time I wish like if Nintendo didn’t make good games it would be so easy to just not pay attention to and let burn that’s not true Microsoft still sells games somehow even though they don’t make good games and they also own Microsoft flight simulator yeah who buys Minecraft don’t you already own it yeah but they I I bought it when it was Mojang not Microsoft so I’m okay I bought it back in 20 [ __ ] 11 I played on a cracked account for a while I played on [ __ ] Pocket Edition [ __ ] you guys oh dude back when it was a limited world yes I play it back then yeah [ __ ] where you had World size a small world Big World infinite World quote unquote and it wasn’t infinite no it was like [ __ ] what how many chunks it was like a thousand chunks by a thousand yeah but it lagged your game out like some I’m still going I don’t know how I’m going it’s crazy and as much as I hate I hate Bedrock edition of this game it’s so buggy but it is crazy that you can just play a full version of Minecraft on your phone now dude they’ve made they there’s some [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] that put Java full on Java Edition VR Minecraft in quest just fully Standalone Quest I’m going to let you guys try I’m going to let you guys try it I installed I don’t know if it’s it should still work I don’t know why it wouldn’t but I installed Java Edition on my steam deck steam deck yeah installed Java Edition on see why that would work I’m going to install Java Edition on my [ __ ] Samsung Smart fridge you should I played VR chat on my [ __ ] Samsung Smart fridge once I mean as long as uh well I guess the going to say as long as it has a jvm but you do need the the Android needs to work it’s tyen it runs tyen [ __ ] Samsung’s [ __ ] so dude running VR chat on that thing was actually pain in my ass yeah I imagine mhm I had to [ __ ] use it CDN stream from my computer with a um Bluetooth repeater so I could run my steam controller on the actual fridge itself and yada yada yada blah blah blah a ton of [ __ ] later I got [ __ ] 15 frames per second VR chat running on a Samsung Smart fridge sounds like dreams first and you know what’s funny you know what’s funny it’s when they came out with iOS the iOS beta so you could like play it on iPhones I said they Rel I said VR chat released iOS beta and then put the [ __ ] picture of the Samsung spart fridge the smart fridge yeah it’s good timing good timing oh yeah it was perfect I was like oh [ __ ] yeah hold on I think I have the Tweet somewhere yeah it’s in my it’s in my Pro it’s my [ __ ] Twitter of course I have it somewhere everybody knows Twitter’s not going anywhere apparently no one’s [ __ ] Twitter’s that sounds like a perfect game for no actually yeah that Twitter is such a unique I just hate the fact that forever just hate the fact I’m so mad that Twitter’s [ __ ] uh there there’s the I put in general oh man hell yeah [ __ ] steam controller I dude I’m so sad that they discontinued that they discontinu that [ __ ] and [ __ ] like when hold on as soon as it launched listen listen did that even come through the microphone I still no I couldn’t hear it I think I heard the initial button press but I didn’t hear the um I want to see I want to see if I can get hall effect effect sensors for my steam controller cuz it started stick drifting what oh damn yeah I mean it is just a basic [ __ ] stick yeah start Valley sounds like a perfect game for excuse me for um for mobile phones but we tried to play we tried to play Mario 64 multiplayer dude onam and I that was my debut yeah I plugged in my controller and I’m just just walking around in circles I’m like God damn it if you want to see it he I I made it a short I successfully blg keyboard I I it’s model 10001 this is like model one it’s the first one known to my I have the oldest steam number is this actually I got where do you see the serial number just got it’s at the top it’s FC 200 oh yeah I have the model one1 as well I think they only made one1 I was going to say you think it had more than one I have I have 200 A3 I don’t know what that means that’s my serial number like that’s the last few digits of it works really well but you can’t use the mods that make it look honestly I’ve never really played well I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about okay fine I’ve never really seen the mods but then again you play Minecraft above model number that’s your serial number yeah am I just reading the last four what am I reading no you’re reading like the numbers the numbers Mason what do they mean I mean so it’s FC 61820 yours is earlier than mine I have [Music] six and you want know what’s crazy I got this as a [ __ ] steam VR development uh controller oh yeah so I didn’t I didn’t get the one with the [ __ ] um the middle touchpad thing because that was that was generation earlier they started making [ __ ] things for these controllers I have all of the models and all that [ __ ] for their earlier gen controllers oh are you talking about like their actual steam or the the VR controllers any more no well that too and the actual steam controllers like I have the [ __ ] like stls and objs of the earlier men uh model renders for how they supposed to look in Steam VR when they were going to add tracking support for oh I see what you mean yeah mhm which is one of the main reasons why the entire back pops off is because that was going to be a whole tracking system oh like you could pop something into that yep you just pop off the back you pop on a new uh a new back and it would have like steam VR tracking like um base station things on it they never released it they never even made it they made one prototype they never [ __ ] like continued after that though cuz it does have the where where the top part Clips in it’s got those two cont assume that’s power actually hold up let Meck ground let me see I’m going to I have a multimer here cuz for tracking you wouldn’t actually need it to communicate with the controller itself you just need to get power well no you need it to you need it to communicate with its own separate dongle then yeah oh well I mean yeah I guess yeah nothing no yeah you it would not so maybe it’s just well it needed power too no there’s maybe it had its own its own battery there’s nothing nothing going through those P I’ve checked it’s weird that it’s only two pens yeah there’s nothing going through those I think that’s just ground it might oh you know what it actually might have connected to the [ __ ] um port on it the [ __ ] mini uh micro USB oh yeah cuz it’s kind of in the same spot I have all the [ __ ] especially speaking of Mario the problem is I can’t show him because then I’d be breaking NDA no you’re good you don’t have to show him I’m still going to you don’t have to no I won’t Val please don’t kill me he’s not he’s trying to get me in trouble you’re not going to be the one getting in trouble Gabel is going to [ __ ] come to my house and with a [ __ ] 12 gab and kill my family whoa they are harsh with their NDA [ __ ] like they are hard well yeah because what they do is innovate so if you take their Innovation they have very little else I innovate with their Innovation [ __ ] you yeah I hope valves stays private forever they will wasn’t it you who told me that there they might they might go public no they’re not going to uh there was a rumor and it was it was a rumor it was not true at all oh no I was talking to Microsoft Microsoft like gave a bit of like multi billion dollars to buy valve and I’m like even if they did which I don’t think they valve would never valve they would never especially not to Microsoft but yeah Microsoft they the way that they operate the way that they operate there’s no way they could ever be a public company publicly traded no not they n not at all all it would need severe uh reorganization for that I mean the amount of times money [ __ ] do this they do print money there’s no way that they would I [ __ ] want to do this to someone so bad I want to do it to someone so bad wait there’s a okay there’s a model that I bought not too long ago I got to get on printing that uh but it’s a it’s a jigsaw puzzle but it’s a moon and it’s 3D I’ve seen those they’re we could recreate this video but with that that would be really funny jeez I think I can find the model a second uh I’ve been working on this [ __ ] [ __ ] you turns your [ __ ] XLR microphone to USB microphone shoot am I out of quartz I out of quartz nope there we go there’s some quartz oh my eyes oh they’re drying up just don’t get dry eyes then just wear VR headset then you won’t you won’t get dry eyes no way do you work in the VR space me yeah no way yeah do you that’s sick yeah some yeah most of well sometimes not most of the times but sometimes it’s I it needs to get a little bit better before I actually do but it’s totally doable right now it’s so [ __ ] good I’ll let you guys try it like seriously I want you guys to actually try it thoroughly oh no I don’t feel like it dude you’ve been talking about slime VR for years prob years years I’ve only been streaming for under a year literally since we started streaming we’ve been I was like you got to do this with me and you’re like I don’t want to because I never said I said I wanted to no you don’t oh my dude every time you bring it up I’m so down for doing the hardware I it was just the whole headset experience I will bring [ __ ] official slime kits no the thing that I I needed was the software I don’t need the hardware I’ll buy it and I understand the software but but that’s what I was saying well no no we were having a different conversation than me and Kirby were I was like Kirby if you know the streets and I know the chemistry and he was like yeah but I don’t want to and I was like oh okay I don’t want to rewrite the software for a different MCU just use the offici MCU yeah but then I have to pay more money I already bought the P esp32s are not that expensive you say that every time and then you also out of the same corner of your mouth are like oh I bought these boards and I shorted them out and they’re so expensive and like BL BL BL that’s cuz it was a full 3d printer board dude that’s cuz it had [ __ ] drive like stepper drivers and [ __ ] on it get out of here although now that I have a a hot air station I could swap out because I think it’s just the the MCU that I killed free software Alternatives Photoshop Photoshop [Laughter] cracked this [ __ ] I that dude everybody everybody always like links that that thing with free software Alternatives and it’s like yeah that’d be cool if like that [ __ ] didn’t suck ass yeah free software Alternatives and you know you know it’s going to be bad if Kirby is complaining I I use [ __ ] I use [ __ ] you are [ __ ] descri [ __ ] sucks do you know have you seen that that copy pasta where it’s like open up [ __ ] try to it’s like it does everything that photoshop does like cry get beat up in the parking lot yeah hang on I’ll find it are you Lobby crafting or I’m full Lobby do you want to grab me Blackstone it would really help me out uh I can in a s it oh and quartz would help me out too using Linux in front of classmates teacher says okay students now open Photoshop start furiously typing away a terminal to install wine a is out the ass everyone else has already started their classwork I start to sweat install [ __ ] um what the [ __ ] is that Anon a girl next to me ask I tell her it’s [ __ ] and can do everything that photoshop does and it’s free okay class now draw now draw what now draw use the shape tool class now draw use using the shape tool to draw a circle the teacher says I [ __ ] break down and cry and run out of the class I get beat up in the parking lot that’s my favorite part is to get beat up in the parking lot after you would be the one that gets beat up in the parking lot ah excuse me galvaniz square steel galvaniz s those videos are so funny little [Laughter] Johnny what am I getting BL you really are a minor laughing at Little Johnny videos scalan Ste among no it’s theot I found oh it’s like the one guy in my chat uh you would [ __ ] laugh at that om oh he’s talking about pizza Tower what the [ __ ] is can’t take this any what is going on Galvan I square steel are you bringing Blackstone or do I got to get it I’m getting it I’m good okay I’m grabbing quartz how much do you need eight Stacks that’s probably good if you could grab quartz blocks too I don’t have eight Stacks you did out of eight Stacks that would help me out but oh my inventory is um can you stop posting memes in general uh we have a meme CH there’s a [ __ ] memes Channel what are you talking about there is a memes Channel meme Channel but Ace themed it’s not ace themed a themed memes no the the channel itself is Ace themed not the memes you’re that is probably the worst naming scheme I’ve ever seen you’re just a hater think it really matters where me go it does to me if you get carjacked and they tell you to drive drive into a lamp poost or something solid so that you kill them oh I love this I love this cause a scene and it’s just like every single thing it’s like driving to a lamp post it’s like do you feel like a weird sensation in your stomach driving to a lamp post or something else you hear a baby outside cry crying it’s a trap drive into a lamp driving to a lamp post with something solid to draw attention this is unironically just [ __ ] funny actually just brain rotting in the [ __ ] memes Channel right now I’m GNA stop [Music] I might be running this might be it I might be finally getting rid of all of the chicken yeah this is it this is the last stack of chicken we did it we did it chat we ate up the chicken I’m going to make an auto chicken farm real quick so we a chicken we actually we we already the moment you run out of chicken you just get like 18 oh no it’s specifically the cooked chicken cuz I needed it to get the good farmer trades holy [ __ ] is that you can make Auto cooked chicken no where the [ __ ] is Walmart where is Walmart where’s Waldo God damn it I knew you were going to say that which Walmart are you swagging that one one in Goan what no the [Music] Minecraft all right one two three five one two three four five I got it guess don’t worry are you just Doom scrolling now me yeah no I’m still getting Blackstone oh wait where are you getting it from uh from the nether Oh I thought we already had it oh we might it’s kind of a pain in the ass to get so I found a good pocket and I’m just going H at it this is going to be so funny when I build this into the wall [Music] this looks so good I love it my gosh it looks so funny this is just clipping through the house yeah okay curvy opinion Quick Trip Donuts uh pretty baller glazers yeah yeah glazers yeah they’re called glazers glazing glaz for real you you know what’s you know what’s [ __ ] worse the ad that they use to like try and hire people here it’s like we love people who loveer who doesn’t love a Glazer you [ __ ] wish glazers are so good they’re unironically so [ __ ] good good just need to add the stuff on the bottom there and did you put it on the inside of the house it’s literally the US government [ __ ] you builds a Walmart through your house that’s literally what it yeah no that’s that’s actually what we’re doing that’s exactly what it is [ __ ] you I think it’s even funnier than taking his house through your [ __ ] neighborhood quite literally it’s built into his house like look at this oh there’s Tim hey Kirby come over here dude this is beautiful look at it on this side it’s built into his house it’s even funnier I think nice I was I was thinking something slightly different but I like this better all right can I have that Blackstone so I can finish up the lamp post as well yeah I want to put a lamp post out of his house put it in the send one all right H build Walmart Park in LinkedIn lot no um I need stairs and slabs as well uh could one of you guys go get lights so we could light up the we’re having a fight right now sick got him you need frog lights get [ __ ] is a frog frogs eat they eat um Lava slimes and they will then let off Frog Light which you can build with you captured a little bottle and you got a bottle Frog Light that’s exactly what it sounds like it sounds like [ __ ] Berry dust yeah which one do you want the uh the yellow ones I think are the ones that we were using might need to wait for there’s only like a stack and a half oh that’s all I that’s probably yeah put all the dirt away and I need dirt did you even build the um thing inside of his house too no I’m leaving his house like as is because I think it’s funnier that way like pave the inside of his house imagine like I was about I was about to say just like make it kind of clip through so it’s kind of like normal but his house is just there [ __ ] six US Government just tell to [ __ ] McDon McDonald in between your house hey fre I’m going to put the Frog R the same spot I put the okay I was going to say you could just go like build up and put them in the actual lights are they going to hop off soon you would H hurt me after I eat sushi for the first time ever yeah my brother said apparently there’s a really good sushi place around here you should eat it right before rep rap and then get in the car and drive all the way to Goan without stopping I bet your stomach would really love if you need someone to drive I can drive no no I’ll drive I’ll drive if I’m not the one driving I’ll get motion sick oh fair enough oh wow you’re real sensitive okay I don’t know oh [ __ ] somebody just subbed that’s awesome thank you for the sub whoever subbed my sub feed’s broken I got to get that fixed it doesn’t show probably me I’m not going to why doesn’t show on screen anymore I don’t know what happened to it but like one day it just glitched oh no no never mind you got two subs you stream elements yeah I know I got to update the key I got to update the key I sometimes it’s really slow too this is so funny it’s just an active Walmart it’s just growing out of his house you’ve never lived in America if you haven’t had the [ __ ] you haven’t had the Walmart grow out of your house the Walmart [ __ ] you you screed out your house I want it to be dimly lit like an actual Walmart on the do you have to have a flickering one oo that’s a good idea wait you could just make it to uh yellow painted glass no you could just make it with yellow painted glass so it’s not actually like lit oh yeah um I could make because there isn’t a ton of room there isn’t enough room on top of the lamp post but the actual storefront has lamp posts that come out of the wall oh yeah I totally put put a little bit of redstone and make one of those flicker that would be really fun oh my God that’d be so funny just use two observers so it like actually flickers with [ __ ] like repeater in between or even better I could just do like an old school like torch no no no the the like a redstone torch and have it burn out so it’ll flicker for a while and then burn out and then flicker for a while and then burn out yeah that’d be awesome that be rats I don’t have enough stuff for don’t no stairs should be good on all the other suppes I’m surprised that dreams isn’t here he said that a little bit later worked better for him and then lo and behold I go later and it’s not good for him anymore but this is like really later I know I know I’m kidding it’s like isn’t it like 2 a.m. for him or something he’s in the UK oh yeah it’s 2 a.m. for him then he’s a British quote unquote person British person people are alive they don’t they’re not real oh I had somebody in one of the servers that I’m in um we were talking about food and they’re in Russia and they were talking about this like special type of milk that they have that’s the consistency of really wet um like chunky yog like yogurt but wetter and I was like that sounds nasty as [ __ ] and he was like no it’s really good and I’m like that sounds like poverty meal is it like salty milk no it’s it’s got a special name to it’s like a why I’ve heard of like I don’t know exactly what it is he was like what you’ve never had uh cheese water and I went oh my God Europe lives in oh God Europe lives like the Germans are still flying overhead my Lord cheese water cheese shut [Music] up this is so funny we should get we should be like dreams you got to get on the server and see your house I want to finish at least the front of the Walmart before he sees it fully yeah cuz I’ve got the schematic loaded and it looks so [ __ ] funny here I’ll get like a screenshot it’s good that we that we started doing this during a later time so that he won’t see it I’m gonna post it and then delete the screenshot it’s in the meme Channel that’s actually that’s looks so good that does look really funny he pushed it the same tweet twice did I yeah you really wanted us to see it how how wait how discord’s discord’s been [ __ ] up lately probably surpris I literally [ __ ] didn’t even post it twice oh yeah I think this is probably a great place to stop for the day but it is really funny that we have a uh should I put a roof on his house made out of dirt I meant to I meant to post this one I say we’ leave it untouched okay it is really funny though I wish that his house was more into like more into the build so it looked like it was taking up more of it I think when all this all these shulkers and everything are gone wait do you want to move all this do you want to move all this stuff into the Walmart we could then it’ll put it past the the pillars n bro he’s he [ __ ] parked like an [ __ ] he’s taking up three stalls exactly what the hell we should send him a notice and be like um sir you need to move [ __ ] put a sign up on his house parking fee $200 oh I messed that one up now I can’t open it will never be openable you should have just all placed him sideways [Music] right this is oh no this is this is not supposed to be asphalt that’s supposed to be this yeah I was about to say wait the Walmart’s going to have asphalt I mean oh jeez do you have the chest uh nope awesome hang on I’ll try to get at least one of them oh you have them no I picked one up and then I threw it wait you do a has them oh okay the stream delay caught up and you noticed it yeah yeah you got all of them except for one it’s funny you [ __ ] broken in the process bro exploded dude the items are going to despawn you got to be faster dude it’s just like when we took down the the old item sorder they’re not fine it’s already been four minutes they’re going to they’re going to despawn now that pickaxe is gone dude the nice pickaxe in that pile what pickaxe I don’t know there’s a diamond pickaxe in the pile oh that’s right cuz I I I don’t like to use good tools I just break other tools so I bought like five a pickaxes for this whole build a bunch of shovels yeah I know see got one in my hand right here here I should break it rather than put it back in thing yeah there’s one of the there’s one of the enchant an effic efficiency pickaxe rather than it yeah you are going to run out of time no we got it all we’re going to run out of time Kirby you don’t understand the dirt chest it is dirty there we go these chests are all just random okay random garbage smooth quartz oh I just realized I forgot to put lamps on this side so I can put another one in his house yeah wait oh wait no there’s no oh we should have staggered them yeah I was about to say oh no I can put one in the middle between the two yeah that’s what I’m going to do yeah you can put one like right here but they’re also [ __ ] massive they are pretty big everybody’s a Critic that’s what she no it’s not no not not oh the massive yeah I I hear that a lot yeah stole my joke I was going to say that’s not something you hear often is it me no Kirby oh who are you I don’t know you first off rude second off also still rude Walmart Walmart and then I think the next one we were thinking about was there were some other ones we were thinking of not McDonald’s it’s a little too on Walmart part two so uh we were thinking about doing like a 7-Eleven oh yes do we even have those here no in America no no no where we live where we live am I going to have to bring you uh I think the only 7-Eleven that exists is in Milwaukee like at all maybe I’ve seen one there I’ve seen one there it’s a BP there’s two of them blocky yeah it oh it’s [ __ ] right next to it’s very funny hearing people talk about I’m not about to wistfully talk about uh 7-Eleven like we don’t have those we don’t have no yeah it’s cuz Quick Trip took over yeah quick trip is Quick Trip bro quick trip is baller I’m so mad like I went I went to a 7-Eleven it was just a mom and pop sh shop called super seven oh super Google Maps [ __ ] made me go all the [ __ ] off Google you made me go all the way uh there cuz I was going to do that like fill Your Own Cup slurpie Day yeah and they [ __ ] me up it [ __ ] up I brought like a [ __ ] five gallon jug and it was all for nothing because it wasn’t it wasn’t a 7 um what was I going to say oh one one uh gas station I want to go to sometime in my life bies bies yes dude there’s like a cult following for bies so I I know right dude it’s like how people talk about WWA yeah what the [ __ ] is a WWA it’s a gas station no is like is like f fake quick there’s still it’s still a gas station I don’t care how cool it is it’s still a gas St every every single every single [ __ ] gas station is like fake quick trip but like bies is like its own thing [ __ ] bies is like a Walmart gas station it it is dude it’s literally fuing massive it’s Cracker Barrel Walmart gas station all right so everybody get your get your P get your vision here of I think I might make a the next thumbnail you got to up your render I might make my thumbnail just this part right here of it cutting into dreams’s house [ __ ] development just quote it development development next time we’ll put in the cars but we got to put like we got to put like five cars in the first two parking like in the first couple parking spots and then none and then like a big one a big one halfway like in between two parking spaces at the back of the parking lot you guys need to make a [ __ ] um handicap spot two of them blue true true yeah we got to make the Walmart plus one the [ __ ] the Walmart like we come out to your car and yeah [ __ ] Dent the doors Walmart plus the closest bies is in Kentucky bies is in Kentucky May I’ll have to make a day trip there how far is Kentucky while I would be down all all right I’m going to do my wrap up and end stream all right be b or anything you wanted to say before I end Among Us that’s good that’s good that was for real on God so I want to thank everyone very much for watching I hope you had a fun time uh there’s nothing PR printing right now because I uh took the thing off the printer but if you’re interested in my streams I will be back next or on Thursday I will be doing a 3D modeling stream I’m actually really excited about that one um and I’ll have a special guest which I’ve actually talked about a little bit very excited about that um and then if you’re interested in my content which I hope you are I’ll have a video coming out on Friday really cool there um and then next week if you’re only interested in Minecraft I will be back streaming m Craft um next Tuesday probably back to the 2:00 not 6:30 like we are now um and next week I probably won’t be streaming I well I definitely won’t be streaming on Thursday because I will be leaving for rep rap on Thursday um but we are talking about what I we might do we might do like an IRL stream on Twitch but I have to talk to Kirby about that so uh no idea how that will all pan out because it’ll be late late all right well thank you all very much for watching hope I get to see you in the next stream hope you’re all doing all right so see you later bye-bye

This video, titled ‘I’ve Been Working On The Server, All The Live-Long Day [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Ace Gamer on 2024-06-12 01:43:16. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:33 or 10893 seconds.

Hello all and welcome to the Ace Gang Hub. Today I will be continuing our on going builds on the server!

  • Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile

    Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile Creating 3D Minecraft Models on Mobile: A Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your creativity to the next level? With the help of mobile apps like Prisma 3D, Skinseed, Animate it, and RIG, you can now easily create stunning 3D models right from your smartphone or tablet. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft modeling and animation! Prisma 3D: Crafting Your Creations Prisma 3D is a powerful tool that allows you to design intricate 3D models with ease. Simply download the app from the Google Play Store and unleash your imagination. From building detailed structures to… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Items Welcome, gamers! Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where villagers offer incredibly powerful trades. Let’s explore this unique aspect of the game and see what exciting adventures await! Trading for Power In this Minecraft challenge, players encounter villagers who offer trades for overpowered items. From enchanted gear to rare resources, these trades can give players a significant advantage in their gameplay. Exploring Villages As players navigate through villages, they come across villagers with exceptional trades. These trades can include powerful weapons, armor, and other valuable items that can aid players in… Read More

  • Crafting Feast: Minecraft’s Emotional IQ Buffet!

    Crafting Feast: Minecraft's Emotional IQ Buffet! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan entertains with humorous refrains. With animations that bring joy and delight, Each video a treasure, shining bright. From funny classroom moments to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, set free. Read More

  • Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod!

    Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod! Bulk Brewing EVERY Minecraft Potion with the Create Mod! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Batsi from Skull Island embarks on a new project – creating a brewing station to craft every potion in the game. With the help of the Create Mod, Batsi dives into the intricate process of setting up a system to brew and upgrade potions efficiently. Building the Brewing Station Batsi starts by revamping the interior of the station to serve as a broadcast station and video editing hub. With creative changes like adding a computer setup and decorative elements, the station transforms into a… Read More

  • Conquering the Minoshroom Boss in Twilight Forest!

    Conquering the Minoshroom Boss in Twilight Forest! The Minoshroom: Conquering the Twilight Forest Boss in Minecraft Embark on an epic adventure in the Twilight Forest mod for Minecraft, where you will encounter the formidable Minoshroom. This boss, residing in a labyrinth, poses a challenge that players must overcome with only vanilla or Twilight Forest gears. Are you ready to face this mighty foe? Exploring the Twilight Forest The Twilight Forest mod offers a unique dimension filled with mysterious creatures, dungeons, and thrilling adventures. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other as you delve into the depths of this enchanting realm. Defeating the Minoshroom As you… Read More

  • Enderman’s House: Minecraft Part 2

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  • Frog Portal Prank in Minecraft PE

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  • 5K Subscribers Challenge: Minecraft Hive Games

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Statue Build Challenge

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  • 100 Days as a Mecha Tiger in Hardcore Minecraft

    100 Days as a Mecha Tiger in Hardcore Minecraft The Epic Adventure of Surviving 100 Days as a Mecha Tiger in Hardcore Minecraft Day One: The Jungle Threat As a baby Mecha tiger, the protagonist is tasked with saving the jungle from destruction by King Gatron’s mechanized knights. Witnessing the devastation caused by the mechs, the protagonist realizes the gravity of the situation and sets out to stop King Gatron’s plans. Day Two: The Escape and Encounter Fleeing from the mechs, the Mecha tiger discovers unique abilities that aid in navigating the hostile environment. A chance encounter with a frightened villager leads to a showdown with a Mecha… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spooky Woods Scare in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Spooky Woods Scare in MinecraftLooks like this Minecraft player went from mining for diamonds to mining for a change of pants! Read More

  • Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense!

    Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house that truly survives. With walls of obsidian, strong and tall, And traps that will make any enemy fall. From crafting armor to protect our skin, To setting up defenses that will make them grin. We’re ready for any threat that may come our way, In this game of survival, we’re here to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we build the ultimate house, shining bright. Subscribe for Part 2, coming your way, And enjoy the adventure, every step of the… Read More

  • Mine Rhyme Time! 🔥😂 #meme #minecraft

    Mine Rhyme Time! 🔥😂 #meme #minecraft Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #fun2rhyme Read More

  • Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft

    Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft The Minecraft World Trade Center Mod Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new mod has emerged that brings a touch of reality to the virtual realm. The World Trade Center Mod, created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, allows players to experience a unique addition to their gameplay. Features of the Mod The World Trade Center Mod introduces a detailed replica of the iconic Twin Towers to the Minecraft universe. Players can explore the intricately designed buildings, complete with floors, windows, and other architectural elements. The mod aims to… Read More

  • Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444

    Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444Video Information This video, titled ‘[LVL 444] Hypixel Skyblock FREE COINS ! (!giveaway !discord !mod)’, was uploaded by AxE Tv on 2024-06-22 14:25:45. It has garnered 128 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:07:46 or 18466 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock ———————- Liens utiles 🙂 ————————- – Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/axe_tv2 – TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@axe_tv2 – Public Discord: https://discord.gg/gxYnMEGAV8 – Support the channel: https://streamlabs.com/axe_tv2/tip – Twitter : https://twitter.com/AxeL3g3nd – Ip Hypixel : mc.hypixel.net —————————————-­­————————— Read More

  • Ultimate Armor Quest – Day 12

    Ultimate Armor Quest - Day 12Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore | Getting Perfect Armor! (Day 12)’, was uploaded by InfiniteAvocado on 2024-03-25 10:44:45. It has garnered 62 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:59 or 6659 seconds. Thanks for watching the stream 😀 Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/eUN3PZc2wB Minecraft – Gaming Livestream Ignore Tags- Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Marvel Legend Survives in Minecraft!

    Marvel Legend Survives in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE solo survival series’, was uploaded by Marvel Legend Master on 2024-06-04 09:26:49. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:19 or 6079 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Modern Mansion Build 🔥 Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Modern Mansion Build 🔥 Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern 🏡 House In Minecraft | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Karan Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-22 04:32:00. It has garnered 1688 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC showdown! Arrwie’s LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage

    EPIC showdown! Arrwie's LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) - Nethpot MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-12 13:43:17. It has garnered 61 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… i am the unranked ht4 here… (dont take the title seriously) Thanks for watching and i hope you like the video 😀 Please dont forget to like the video and leave a comment! want an edit? DM me in discord👇 Discord: arrwie (Before wanting edit say “Birdie” so i can know its my subscriber 😉) Editing Software?… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!

    Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘PrimalCore mod tutorial. Guide. Primal Beginning’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-07-14 15:00:06. It has garnered 49 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:14 or 4694 seconds. The PrimalCore mod adds more hardcore development to Minecraft, complicating the processes that have become familiar, such as, for example, making tools, mining fire or leather processing. I tried to make for you the most complete review of the mod PrimalCore. It’s more like a guide than a review. I hope you like this format of my videos. You can also suggest… Read More

  • Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shorts

    Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘they just gave up! #shorts’, was uploaded by ModernLegendsLP on 2024-01-15 13:00:19. It has garnered 2423 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. they just gave up! #Shorts #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #MinecraftMemes Game: https://bit.ly/2UjRL8g Server: mc.hypixel.net Gamemode: BedWars 📝Twitter📝 https://bit.ly/2XrDKGO 🎧Discord🎧 https://discord.gg/4VbuQzaG7n 📷Instagram📷 https://bit.ly/37FCGB1 🎬Twitch🎬 https://bit.ly/2UjRWQY 🎬Highlight Channel🎬 https://bit.ly/3AF3U7e 👕Shop👕 https://bit.ly/3g5zovl 🎬TikTok🎬 https://bit.ly/3Ih2TaC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 3 of Building the History of Brazil #minecraft #brazil #portugal’, was uploaded by SlippingThree71 on 2024-04-08 16:49:13. It has garnered 432 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!

    New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fly with Me spider man #roblox #gaming#minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #fortnite #shorts’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-06 18:08:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • HollowRift SMP

    HollowRift SMPHOLLOWRIFT SERVER LAUNCH! ABOUT US: Welcome to HollowRift SMP, We’re delighted to have you join our Minecraft community. We do our best to give you the most overpowered Gaming Experience with various game modes like survival in our Minecraft Server. Reception to HollowRift SMP, the ultimate Minecraft server for Survival enthusiasts! play.hollowrift.com Read More

  • PolyCraft SMP 1.21 GreyList

    Poly-Craft Minecraft Server Welcome to Poly-Craft, a semi-vanilla survival server for mature players. Join our tight-knit community and enjoy features like Waystone, Double Shulker Shells, and more! Features: Waystone Double Shulker Shells Invis. Item Frames Katters and Qraftys structure packs Master Stonecutter recipes More Food data pack Chest/Shulker previews /trigger gotospawn Treefeller Graves Apply to join: Application Form Server IP: Polycraft.mcserver.us Join our Discord: Discord Chat Read More

  • Survival 141

    Survival 141This is a basic survival server with gameplay as close to a vanilla experience as possible.Basic server rulesNo GriefingNo SpammingNo AdvertisingNo Cursing/No Constant CursingNo Asking for OP, Ranks, or ItemsRespect all PlayersObey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/HacksNo Full Caps MessagesNo Builds Near Spawn Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond or Netherite? Just flexing!

    Why stop at Netherite when you can mine your way to the moon and back for some space diamonds? Read More

  • Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale

    Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale In the world of Minecraft, where diamonds gleam, Our hero searches for them in every stream. But alas, no luck, no diamonds found, In the dark caves, where monsters abound. Siren Head lurks, a terrifying sight, In the shadows, ready to strike with all its might. But our hero, brave and bold, Faces the challenge, with stories untold. With each episode, the adventure grows, In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes. So like and subscribe, to join the fun, In the land of blocks, where the journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown!

    Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! Super Zombie: “I may be undead, but I still have better dance moves than all these stone-faced golems!” #ThrillerVsRobot #ZombieShuffle Read More

  • Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java

    Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java Minecraft Java | Medieval Mod Introduction Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an exciting adventure, especially when new mods are introduced to enhance gameplay. Today, let’s delve into the medieval mod that brings a touch of history and fantasy to your Minecraft experience. Medieval Mod Overview The medieval mod, available at CurseForge, transports players back in time to an era of knights, castles, and dragons. This mod introduces a variety of new elements, from weapons and armor to structures and creatures, all inspired by the medieval period. Key Features: New Weapons and Armor: Equip yourself with swords,… Read More

  • Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!

    Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!Video Information [Music] good morning afternoon evening and good night ladies and gentlemen I’m de videos welcome back to Hardcore Minecraft Ember and artifice I hope you’re all doing all right tonight it has been a little while about two weeks since we uh last played Minecraft we were working on our house if I remember correctly and uh we were just about to start preparing for the nether so I think we’re going to do most of that today Mickey welcome back to the stream how are you doing today nice to see everyone popping in rem you to… Read More

  • Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!

    Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back to a brand new episode of from the fog we’re back here on the world and we’re just going to jump straight into it um real quick before we get started I have added the backpack mod so if we take a look here and we type in backpacks We Got The Travelers backpack mod I’m not quite sure how these uh work like I’m not quite sure how you craft these um so to make a standard Travelers backpack um okay so is this what you need I don’t okay I… Read More


    MINECRAFT SILLY: CRAZIEST MOMENTS EVER!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SILLY (check desc)’, was uploaded by Japh on 2024-05-29 06:27:59. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:21 or 13941 seconds. IP: JaphMCserver.aternos.me Port: 47970 Version: 1.20.4 Java and Bedrock Crossplay Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!

    INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!Video Information I want to see your Minecraft maps I’ve been building semi-professionally for almost 2 years and it’s time to see what other people have been up to upload your Java save file onto Planet Minecraft and fill in the form below I’ll review them all in an upcoming video let’s hope I’m not too harsh on [Music] you This video, titled ‘I’m reviewing YOUR Minecraft maps’, was uploaded by MJ on 2024-03-06 19:50:09. It has garnered 488 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Submission form: https://forms.gle/szLtMUr3kw2kAVJL6 This is an invitation… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! – EPIC SMP Battle!

    Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! - EPIC SMP Battle!Video Information जानना चाहते हो वो कौन है वो एक असली मन है दम है तो उससे लड़ सीन के रख देगा तुझे तू 50 गुंडों का सहारा लेता है वो तो 50 गुंडों को अकेला ही मार देता है This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @SkillsGamingYT’, was uploaded by Iron Gaming 29 on 2024-04-17 11:46:00. It has garnered 104 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR‎@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl  ‎@SkillsGamingYT ip-nitent.fr.to:25611 @SkillsGamingYT @ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @PSD1 #minecraft , #minecraftsmp , #minecraftbuilds , #smp , #minecraftserver , #minecraftbuild , #minecraftbuilding ,… Read More

  • Escape Granny in Roblox with MLP

    Escape Granny in Roblox with MLPVideo Information Hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox I think you’re all going to love what we’re doing in tonight’s episode hello everyone today we will have the task of escaping this Dreadful grandmother who will follow us through all the trials to escape hurry up and do it so we showed up in the first room where nothing is clear yet but we have a task and we need to find grandma’s cookies hurry up and look for them I think they in the kitchen somewhere there is also a door to… Read More

  • SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!

    SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!Video Information geiles Geschäft ne oh fick mich doch in Arschloch oh mein Gott what the was ein Safe This video, titled ‘Save #minecraft #twitch #gaming #memes #streamer #funny #mc #deutsch’, was uploaded by SchmedGar on 2024-05-02 14:35:02. It has garnered 2257 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Feel free to subscribe to my channel, follow me on Twitch, write a comment and leave a like! Discord: https://discord.gg/HAMvMWKgRJ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schmedgar_yt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schmedgar11/ Donation: https://streamlabs.com/schmedgar_yt/tip TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schmedgar_yt Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpe

    Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-06 06:11:36. It has garnered 10320 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rap Animation – Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft Rap Animation - Must Watch!Video Information [Music] f f f f f f f with the Cs f up with the fake love but the g b b I’m f up with the drama going to grieve my mama cuz I don’t think I’m do my f f f f f f f f f up with the drugs f up with the fake love with the gun of a go I’m f up with the drama going to create This video, titled ‘Minecraft Animation short #music#rap#art#song#hiphop#minecraft#shortfeed#short#trending#gaming#viral’, was uploaded by Ayan Ak gamings on 2024-03-28 11:03:10. It has garnered 2055 views and 85 likes…. Read More