Video Information

Hello everybody how you doing happy Saturday happy weekend how’s it going how’s it going oh starting off strong with tiger love tiger lover gifting five memberships thank you very much for the support I do appreciate it we are stood here wait I need to get exactly on the

Spot boom torches Mark the Spot here is going to be Seasons 10ah there’s a chicken sorry the chicken distracted me massively season 10’s gaming district and this is what my goal is I’m going to be trying to make this the best gaming district hermitcraft has ever seen nay

The world has ever seen that is the goal maybe we won’t pull it off but we’re starting it nice and early I’ve got some really cool ideas that we’re going to chat through today together I’m going to reveal all and hopefully um maybe with some of your help as well we can uh

Refine the plans even more and gaming will eventually be happening but as you can see we’re in the middle of like a forest this place is going to need a lot of chopping today so we’re going to be chatting chatting and chopping and chickening all the

Chers going on today um we can quickly talk about the permits of course that has been revealed today as well um I’ll quickly talk about it I’m not going to reveal my permits that will be revealed in my next episode which will just be uh

In a couple of days time um and yeah but ultimately shopping district wise uh the permits new thing very exciting if you want to sell something you got to have a permit for it and we’ve all got been given permits randomly assigned it’s a lot of fun and um obviously I am doing

Gamification hence why I’m also running the gaming District here um so I’ll be needing to try and gamic my Farms to make my shops and maybe I’ll even gamate my shops as well I’ve got some ideas it’s going to be a good time but that is not what this stream is about this

Stream is about gaming District beginning starting there’s a pig there too I also need a bed over here because I I’m a bit scared um let me fly up in the air real quickly and show you exactly where we are so um just to get your bearings this is North that is Cubs

Base right there my base is kind of like you got Cub’s base then a bit beyond that you’ve got Etho and Tango’s base my base is kind of like over here on the very uh the West Side um over here we’ve got kind of like spawn and everything

This way is like the shopping district but pretty much as far as the eye can see I feel like uh Simba’s father right now um everything the light touches is our kingdom this is where the gaming district is going to be right here bang this is the middle um we’re going to

Have a nice like Central Plaza area um and then we’re going to have a East path going off in that direction pretty much ending where that tree line ends there’s like a a drop down the other side there and then we’re going to be doing a West

Path going this way and the chunks aren’t loaded but there’s like a mountain just beyond that way where the uh the current end of uh that is going to be but um yeah let’s get let’s get chopping trees down oh the pig wants to help as well well I’ve even prepared

Myself um a nice fancy axe this is like the second thing I’ve properly Enchanted um for this very reason so that we can just chop down boom boom oh look at that oh The Chopping is strong with this one we got some real we got some some good old

Chops oh yes so um I I kind of mentioned it a little bit before um even like before this season began I let people know that I was going to be uh leading the shopping not the shopping what am I talking about the game District um this

Season I would love to give it a go um hopefully many of you know my Patron server zcraft has got a phenomenal gaming District going on and it has for many many seasons now and it’s just been getting better and better and that has taught me a lot about gaming District

Goodness um not very much gaming District Badness honestly there’s so much good stuff there but we’ve learned a few lessons along the way and I’m hoping to apply that um and add a little bit of extra um hermit craft spice to the things why are there so many animals

Around here what’s going on I feel a bit bad I’m like completely removing everybody’s home um it’s fine look there’ll be there’ll be games here soon you guys will love that won’t you yeah no I I I can’t help but think the animals are going to not have fun

They’re going to be forced to do all sorts of crazy things as part of games um Mel plays games thank you very much I do appreciate um the 5 months Channel membership now and cl Miley thank you for 7 months of Channel membership very much appreciate that very very very

Nice support um you’re awesome thank you thank you thank you um yeah as you know last season of hermitcraft we had some pretty big mini games going on right with decked out um with TCG as well was huge um even Cubs uh Cubs total chaos as

Well was massive there was a bunch more other ones as well that were awesome um and I think people are really enjoying seeing them but what I’ve learned from zcraft is sometimes it’s the small mini you got to have mini games of all shapes and sizes right you got to have your big

Mini games but you got to have your small mini games as well and what you can do with those little five minute mini games um or rather five min games yeah no no I’m not I I thought of that and it sounded good in my brain and then

When I said it out loud I thought no that sounds terrible um yeah we’ve got we’ve got testas in the chat as well testas is uh Zed Craft’s Chief miname um what are you tone you’re like the the the CEO or the you’re the organizer of um the miname

District I don’t even know what the proper name would be but uh does a fantastic job with it and uh yeah can’t go wrong why am I not picking items up I feel like my item Hoover ability is very poor I was getting some obsidian um

Earlier today in fact cuz we’ve got to hook a portal up to this place too um and like the obsidian was just like like like here it was like touching me and it wasn’t being hoovered up into my body I don’t understand yeah exactly T you’ve just been somehow given responsibilities and

Power and um who knows why okay more choppy more choppy and this is good too cuz I need wood I am very much in need of wood uh let me just make sure we’re going in the correct directions here cuz that is the wrong direction so West path East path is that

True I think that’s true whether it’s true yeah East path is this way okay you know what I’m going to do I’m going to add a couple of extra torches in these directions so that we know exactly what’s going on um here as well I want all this stuff

I’m still very poor um I’ve just been in my little Ravine my gaming Ravine coming up with mini games and all sorts of stuff like that so you know it’s fine it’s fine but um right let’s talk let’s talk some of my plans shall we so I’ve

Got some goals that I want to achieve with this miname District um the there might be more and some of these goals might not end up happening who knows but I’ve given it a little bit of thought and what I want to try and Achieve is I

Want I want new games to be easily discoverable so if I go and build a brand new mini game I would like the other Hermits to be very easily to be able to find it right I don’t want two weeks later them I need to sleep I need

To sleep I need to sleep where’s that sheep gone maybe I can sleep on a sheep sheep can I can I should I kill it I kind of should please please drop enough wool for me to lay on that was only one wool please drop two more oh no

I’m still one shot um ah that’s not a sheep but it will make me sleep if I go to it you’re not you do look comfy though okay um maybe I could use the the chicken as my pillow I don’t know oh thank goodness somebody else is doing

It good good good good good good thanks corales thanks buddy oh no ha ha Dodge and weave it’s a mini game already it’s called life and death H be gone okay now we’re going to get all the the baddies coming out of the woodwork here aren’t we they’ve all

Been all been sleeping look at that Arrow how has that Arrow managed to hit into that tree and stick in that tree barely saved my life oh that’s funny okay I like that anyway I’m getting distracted so that is goal one is to oh my head okay is to

Make mini games as discoverable as possible right um not going to no no not necessarily got examples of how I’m going to achieve these things yet but if you’ve got ideas uh maybe we’ll maybe we talk about them secondly um we want the games to be easily physically locatable

Right so if you come here to the gaming district and you want to play um Zed’s um arrow in his in his hand game where is it I don’t know I don’t know so you need to be able to look that information up and find it it nice and easily too um

I’ve got an idea of how we can do that um I’m going to need some help in fact this whole project um I’m just kind of I’m just kind of sitting back in in a in a chair and and telling other people what to do we need Builders we need

Awesome Builders of hermitcraft we need awesome redstoners of hermitcraft to come together um and help me with this project but I already know a couple of people that are going to be making mini games um nice and soon and I think I think once the rest of the Hermits can

Kind of see just how um big and fun the mini game district is going to be um we’re going to get plenty of plenty of offers for help and things like that so it should be good should be a good um opportunity to uh collaborate

With a lot of people and hang out with a lot of people um I’m I’m excited for it it should be good should be good so that is goal two to be able to make the games easily physically locatable um let’s pop some of this

Away uh we’ll put them there shall we if we see another sheep we will jump on its face um in fact I need to move these out the way because we’re going to be building a pathway like right through here um anyway let’s let’s make some

More trees uh the next goal I would like to achieve with this goal three is I want the miname rules to be as easily learnable as possible new games should be very very simple to just pick up and play basically right rules should be simplified I’m going to be talking with

Everybody making a mini game um and and working with them to try and come up with some kind of standardization of like how the rules are laid out as well as just kind of writing them all in like they’re all in like a book for example on a lecturn in

Front of the game you know and it will be kind of laid out um in a bit of a template kind of way so that it’s very easy for people to just digest it understand what’s going on um you’ve not got like 20 different like versions of

The same book and all that stuff you know it’s it’s going to be it’s going to be a lot more simple standardization will help a lot it’s a bit boring a bit dull but you know a lot lot of that won’t make it to videos but the end

Result will be more games to play which should be a lot of fun so uh right I keep really lose track of my bearings let’s kill this creep in fact creeper do you want to do some lumberjacking thank you thanks for chopping the tree down that really hurt

My face okay let’s eat some chicken um so yeah game rules is number three um easy uh to digest and to learn um next up when I fill in this hole that I already regret letting happened um oh that’s all I’ve got fantastic uh we are

Going to have HBA HBA we are going to have the games be sort of Plug and Play Almost right like you should be able to turn up to the miname district and just go to a game and play it you shouldn’t have to like oh no I needed to bring

Shears with me for this game or oh no I I this and that right every game should be kind of standard with enter it with no armor on and that kind of thing right you it should just be easy the game will give you everything you need um and

Nothing else kind of thing like that we want the games to be uh you jump in and play it there’s no warming up to it or anything like that I think that makes a lot of a lot of sense um number five uh I’ve already kind of said it but we want

To encourage small medium and large games the game size does not necessarily mean its value is dropped you know a small mini game that can be replayed over and over again has a lot of value to it um especially when played in a uh tournament kind of style thing along

With other smaller games which we’ll get to um in a little bit so I think a lot of Hermits and I know I have been guilty of this myself we feel like we got to keep up in the game right up in the our own game and also competing against each

Other SL other other YouTubers and stuff what we’ve seen other people make in the game and um that’s not always the case you know sometimes it’s better to just pick a simple mechanic and make a fun little mini game out of that and uh that can still give lots lots of people lots

Of fun also old games that you know you even in hermitcraft season 1 people might have made some games um they can come back that’s fine remaking games maybe putting a Twist on it that’s totally cool as well so um I’ve got plenty of ideas for mini games by the

Way um a lot of them have kind of turned into my uh my survival gamified at my base kind of thing um most of them are sort of more like one player long-term mini game things but then I also have a lot of kind of standard mini game mini

Game ideas as well um going to be building them too but that’s that’s for me that’s kind of a you know a game here and there kind of thing I don’t want to rush and build like loads of them we want the gaming District to to naturally

Evolve that’s kind of my goal um we’ll see if we can achieve it but hey you got to try right you got you can but try that is all let’s make sure all the logs are gone so the leaves properly despawn um and last last kind of goal is to make

Sure games actually get played right it’s it we all know it we all know that sometimes a mini game gets made it gets played once and then nobody ever plays it again and that is a very very sad thing um so I’m going to ensure I’m

Going to try my very best to make sure that games are getting played um regularly and uh yeah that people people kind of get their their game gets the full the full treatment right um I think I think that’s important too and then that will encourage more people to make

Games as well and I think all of those rules all of those goals that I have if we can achieve all of them or even some of them or most of them I think we’ll we’ll be in looking for a pretty good gaming District I think I think that

Should look pretty cool um yeah good replayability exactly but also just like we’ll get onto these next right so uh I’ve got got some ideas of how we’re going to do that so I I guess I’ll talk about it now I’ll talk about it now so

Um yeah we want to try and have uh like events right tournament events I’ve done this plenty if you’ve ever caught um an olymp zits miname event live stream thing um I think we’ve done like four of them now uh and we did like a Minecraft

Um a Mario Minecraft uh party thing as well uh on zcraft and also we went over to impulses server and played some mini games over there too and they were an absolute blast um we loved playing them people loved watching them we even had a bunch of Hermits visit um just before

Season 10 started uh to do it as well and a lot of fun was had all around and that that is my dream that is my goal um I think that is key to uh actually achieving H A lot of those goals that I want to do especially like the

Replayability and stuff um you know you add a quick five minute mini game a couple of them together into a little tournament and Bam you’ve got like an hour of awesome fun gameplay um and it kind of varies it up right all the mini games are so different um as well as I’m

Hoping people are going to want to like practice these mini gamess in their own time a little bit maybe in their own private streams and videos and stuff um cuz some games are going to kind of be like sports right like like tennis and and volleyball and stuff like that um

Games that are equivalent to that you want to practice maybe even with a team maybe we could even have some like team tournaments of stuff going on for some of these other other kind of sporty like games and then there’s going to be games that are a bit more bit more like I

Don’t know like golf or archery or something I guess wait I’ve lost my I’ve lost my torch lines I’m going to have to start building the path now I think yeah yeah yeah yeah um so like you know imagine like playing uh golf right if

There was a golf game you want to get better at it you want to beat your personal best um you’re kind of competing with other people too but you’re also competing against yourself and games like that have a lot of replayability as well um and I’m sure I

Know already I’m not going to reveal it but I know some Hermits have got plans for some bigger style games um definitely and some of them might not even fit in the gaming District who knows um but they’re going to be much later on in the season we’re going to

Have the tiny games the medium games and the Maxi games right all of the above and I think that’s going to create a very varied very fun miname stuff so um yeah let’s let’s work on the path a bit now and then I’ll get to some more of my

Ideas a little bit later and then I’ll open it up to the floor and I want to hear what what you guys all think of think of everything maybe you got some fun ideas about some stuff but um yeah my plans to hopefully achieve all of

Those things uh we’ll be coming up soon so okay uh what we want here is a main path way that goes east and west with a kind of Central Plaza thing if I stand right in the middle here and we fly straight up in the air I think like

Where this Cliff is here this kind of area right around here I’m kind of drawing a circle around it now that should make quite a good like raised up Plaza area I don’t know how to make circles circles are tricky we might need some help with that with somebody else

Um oh there are floating tree okay let’s get the floating trees I think green might be watching as well um yeah Green are you you’re making deck Out 3 right that’s what you told me this season oh dear I know T’s already started yeah sure didn’t tago say something like he

Never wants to like do deck out again but I know he said that after deck out one to one two that’s confusing oh boy okay floating trees begun and now we’re heading back into night time again so I will cow in fear how many how much wool did I get it

Was only two wasn’t it shape can I not just sleep on like a tiny bed I can make a tiny 2/3 bed right there’s no problems there oh did I see sheep uh uh no that’s not a sheep come on sheep they say you need to count sleep

Sheep when you want to sleep right well you zero is at the moment that’s the goal and everything is is white here because it’s a birch Forest oh goodness me okay I knew this was going to become a problem why didn’t I bring a bed with

Me oh the creepers are spawning now as well um oh that’s a scarier hole than I wanted to jump over was that a sheep no chickens what is up with chickens shut up I mean a feather bed sounds glorious right about now um uh-oh uh-oh this is bad news there’s a bunch

Of people on lying oh goodness few who’s doing it who’s my savior oh corales again carala is coming in clutch okay Pathways Pathways Pathways so because we’re going to have this massive big pathway it’s not necessarily going to it’s not going to look ugly I’m not saying that but it’s not I think

Gaming District should be about um utility before looks right the we can make it look nice afterwards but I want this thing to be as usable as possible you come to the gaming District it should be clear um about exactly what’s going on and where you need to go and

All of that stuff so um a big pathway going east and west can’t go wrong there there’s only two directions um I’m sure some of the Hermits will still get it wrong I know but um ultimately that should be nice and clear and then off of

The path um on all kind of I guess four sides of that right um there’s going to be all the mini games and uh yeah I think that’s going to work well but this path needs to be big needs to be Motorway Highway like um so that people

Can I mean they’re going to be flying around eventually once elytras are a thing but hey As Long as You Follow The Path that’s all that matters you don’t have to physically physically walk on it with your feet I am going to get rid of

That creeper before it gets rid of me um haa blow that tree up thank you so helpful you know and now I’m going to have to fill all these potholes in at some point um so I again I instantly regret it but let’s go with ah

What should we do I mean I’ve got no designs for path or anything and I know there’s people on This Server much better than me um being able to design stuff but if we go I’m thinking maybe like what’s this nine we want to go odd numbers does that feel good does that

Feel big enough probably not right you can go way bigger than that okay so if that’s nine uh that is going to be 11 let’s go 13 15 I’m hearing clippity kops oh we’ve got who who have we got you’re a hard person to find I have no idea who that was to

Begin with I was like is it it’s Tango but then it’s skis and then it’s also a horse I forgot I’m still wearing his skull hello Hi how are you I’m good welcome to the gaming District I’m so excited to hear those words yeah are you

Are you playing you ready to play game right now I’m I just made my first game just made my first game are you ready it’s called it’s called catch my horse and stick in a hole it’s called horse Gulf yeah there we go please take the head off it’s very uh

Disconcerting fine oh no put it back on goodness no it’s horrible it’s I get it I get it Tango how wide should a path be uh a path a path yeah a p o t h it should be about four blocks away three blocks wide at the this is to

Amount 15 blocks wide at the moment we we’re doing a grand Highway both East and West though so it needs to be oh oh W you’re you’re signing up for a highway then yeah not a path yeah not a path not just a path a big path right right right

Now if you wanted to make a path I would say it would be probably three blocks wide three blocks wide but a path ath is usually four or five my goodness me okay well I’ve gone 15 and I’m sticking with that so I take your advice and I throw it

Away yeah that feels good that feels like a lot of people can be running along this [Laughter] thing I I’m assuming you’re joking yes of course I’m joking poor Hypno poor Hypno you’ve upset him now I know right no but I do know you you were

Telling me about some of your other mini game ideas earlier won reveal them but I am I am pumped very excited okay can you make work what can I do boss make yourself useful chop some trees in a East and West direction to this this is the East Westerly fashion

Yeah yeah um can I can I get in a group with you then oh sure fine fine listen Harden we chopping trees over here I want to still hear your wisdom that you’re going to be dumping oh my oh I’m dumping something or whatever it is you’re dumping always is dumping something

Exactly um yeah Co do you want to hear some of my gaming District ideas then I do I do okay wait ideas for the district ideas for Games ideas for the district yeah okay yeah yeah yeah I’m not revealing any game ideas just yet they’re they’re all kind of they’re

Still baking at the moment you know they’re fermenting in the in the old Noggin still um so I don’t want to give any anything away too much but uh yeah to make this gaming District super duper Trooper um I’ve talked a little bit already Tango about about some standardization some

Some nice boring standardization of some things right um like like rules and and you know knowing information about how many players could play the game and you know what you got to do and stuff like that um cuz sometimes you turn up to a mini game and you you have no idea’s

Going you’re like what what is this is this one player is this eight player are you talking about like a standard sign kind of thing with like a standard format yeah I think I’m going to kind of design like a little it it might have like a lect turn plus some signage maybe

Some um custom like item like player numbers on it like imagine you look at the back of a a board game right and it will tell you all the information yeah two four players exactly ages 9 level ages ages three and up we we want all the Hermits to play so we might

Have to lower that a little bit um you should put a little check box whether scar safe things like that hey whether it’s deadly or not that’s actually a really good a really good point um can you die in this game yes exactly some people might be like I

Don’t want to I don’t want to die in game thank you very much um so that is going to be king it’s boring but hey once I’ve kind of design something I don’t think it’s boring it it brings everything together and kind of makes it cohesive I think it’s a great idea it’s

Cohesive that’s a good word yeah exactly um so yeah that that’s a big thing um as well as uh I want to try and make make the the games kind of really easy to find right so along this Main Highway um if you want to play I don’t know oh a

Horse golf then you need to know exactly where that is and you don’t want to be messing around so some kind of navigational system I think is is going to be really important as well yes yes yes yes and I’ve got I’ve got an idea

How I I guess I’ll no I’m not going to not going to reveal it just yet just in case but I I have a very fun redst idea of how to maybe achieve that um something with the roads kind of yeah I I don’t know there’s some technical

Limitations my curiosity that might stop it yeah exactly mine too trust me but um yeah that should be good um I want to make all the games free to play as well no no paying diamonds to play or anything it’s right has anyone ever charged diamonds to play

Games that’s weird um yeah definitely there’s some like gambling games I know people which obviously you know G gamble stuff people want to see a return on something you can’t have a prize if it doesn’t cost money to to join in the first place but fair enough yeah there

Definitely has been some mini games in the past where it’s been like a diamond to play and stuff like that um and I get it but also I think we should just have a blanket roll mini game should be free to play and that just means people can

Have fun with it right that’s the ultimate right the ultimate goal um and free means fun who doesn’t love a free a free thing um so there’s that as well um speaking of speaking of money though money money money yeah I I do want to create come

Some kind of uh like I don’t know token ticket currency prize thing it’s yeah you know it’s like you mentioned this right it’s it’s equivalent of like the ski ball tickets right I don’t know if you have that that’s it yeah you go into an arcade and you win a bunch of tickets

Um and you can exchange them for uh prizes that are way overpriced um you know some sort of currency that it’s not you don’t buy them with diamonds or anything you just kind of collect them through playing different games and all the games can sort of utilize the same currency system if they

Want you know some games you just play for fun sure but um I think that would be cool and maybe we could have different like denominations of things as well you can have a you know 64 red tokens turn into one blue token and then

64 of them turn into a Bluey bloby token and the bloby bloobies all of that good stuff so um yeah no that’s that’s pretty good I think that’ll be good don’t know what the prize shop will sell yet probably just uh aesthetic stuff my shovel broke um I’m embarrassing for you

I know I need to I need to go reshel but uh yeah so I think that would be cool um what else what else what else have I got written on my list here um oh yeah achievements as well we all love love some achievements right yes

Yes yes I like a per game or more of like a global achievement set so is it like on this every game has three achievements or is it you know defeat seven games in the in you know I don’t know whatever that even means I was

Thinking per game but I like the idea of also having some Global achievements as well I think that sounds fun so the it would be up to the game Maker’s discretion of course but like I don’t know say you’ve got like a a race right maybe maybe you could also have a thing

Where if somebody completes the race without ever touching any of the the water that’s everywhere or something they get an achievement some some little bonus thing like that a good achievement is is you know not just something that’s like oh do good right it’s or get a high

Score it’s got to be something that’s like you would not normally do during the play exactly you manag to play uh the the head chopping off Min game without ever taking any damage or something like that you you excelled at it in some way um so yeah I think that

Would be cool as well and again we’ve got the custom res SCE pack things so we can add all sorts of little the fact that they’re just like a badge basically a little badge of honor that you earn or something um I think that that’d be pretty sweet and people can display them

And all that sort of goodness um it’s getting dark and scary it is I I I have no bed I didn’t bring a bed either I’m bedless I two wolves is there a sheep we can kill oh so we’re one sheep away from victories what what I’m hearing we’re one sheep

Short uh one sheep short of a flock um if there was ever a biography on Zed’s life that would be the name of the book H why are there Phantoms going on what are they for me or for you they’re off they’re for you what I think they shouldn’t be for

Me uh uh I’m going to get creeper this is this is bad news Tango I thought you would have a bed on your person 78 people online all right well we got to go find we got to go find a sheep okay I’ve got like I said I’ve got

Two wool and all all I’m missing is I is that I got the wood covered you got you got wood yes oh all the thousands of blocks you’ve just jumped down yeah how’s a guy there’s a guy okay Run This Way run this way there’s got to be a sheep

Somewhere okay luckily someone’s sleeping but open sheep that’s that’s an exploding sheep got it I’m ready for bed you got a sheep I got a sheep nice work man I killed three sheep and I got three wool total what are what are the odds of that not

Good yes rhetorical but yes you are correct why am I still hearing Phantoms squawking about look at this creeper hiding in the shadows lurking being a lurky boy okay bed bed sleepy time so let me ask you this is there going to be like is

The gaming dist open right now or do you need to prepare some stuff before people make games and stuff no no no I very much want this thing to to naturally grow right with everybody so I’m trying to what I’m doing today laying this path

Out is going to kind of allow people and I know there’s a couple of people already um who hopefully in the next couple of weeks will’ll be making some initial mini games here so um yeah need something for them to to know where abouts to even you know begin

Building this thing love it love it um so that will happen um in fact I might even have a mini game in the next couple of weeks I’ll build here too um so yeah the hope would be to try and get some kind of playable tournament thing within

May maybe a month or so from now there’s a lot of things coming up going on on the agenda aggressive yeah yeah may maybe a month maybe two um but we’ll see but you know the earlier we start the earlier we’ll be able to play right mhm

That is the goal so yeah achievements um and then yeah like I said the regular mini game events you you know the olyp olymp zits events are you okay I’m fine did that chicken do that to you hello what are you doing you found a new

You have the do you have the fresh animations data pack I’ve not I cannot recommend it enough I do not have it no a it’s so good you left it send it to me after this oh like every creature I see just makes me smile from ear to ear now

That’s what the game should be like am I animated no you’re not a you’re not a creature oh thank you that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me I remember that always yes okay okay yeah you you’ve you’ve played many olympits tournament event right you know yes I

Have three you got got some uh some good mini Gamers on your patreon server there seven exactly and I’ve learned a ton of stuff from that so I’m hoping to to take what what I’ve learned bottle it up and put put a hermy spin on things I’m hungy I’m a hungry

Boy okay we go one two three lot of nice so where is this just continuing regardless of slope and stuff or is there going to be terraforming might be good for now in this direction um we are going to continue on I think yeah it’s a good couple of

Hundred blocks more still until we hit a mountain a proper Mountain um but this might be a good kind of stopping point for now and we’ll head in the other direction okay um and do a a similar similar path with the other side and

Then we we got to hook this up to the nether as well I’ve got some some bits and Bobs to uh to Nether hook go I’m going to start going the other way uh were those were those torches like your Center Point that is the middle yeah yeah yeah do you oh

That’s the other thing do you know how to make a circle uh sure that does not sound confident he Google circle with radius there you go that maybe if you do that and then you tell me the numbers and I can lay it out and we can bang a circle out like sounds

Good how big of radius do you want uh it’s a good question it’s a good question let’s we need to get a a feel of it I guess um it doesn’t need to be huge this middle Hub thing is just going to have like the portal in obviously and um maybe

Eventually underneath underground we’ll have the little clubhouse kind of thing here’s something you’re going to need what’s that what did how did we end all of our zit stream all of our lip zit streams the podiums of course that’s right yeah we’re going to need a Podium

Here as well okay it’s going put a Podium right here a bit bigger than what I’m thinking then um but that’s fine well what I’m think because we just got the the East and the West Path South is like long-term later future expansion right but maybe this little area to the

North but the trouble is there’s like a big hill there’s like a hole the biggest hole you’ve ever seen right here um yikes yeah that’ll be terraformed over pretty big and holy so maybe maybe that would need to be yeah terraformed over by those who terraform um so this

Is is a big plus sign right it goes in all four cardinal here uh it’s where the Torches are but yes yeah okay so so this is the the very very Middle Point right here this is the center yeah um and I’m

Thinking so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 yeah someone said I have mini Hood I can do that shapes 18 boom Circle add the science is happening you’re mini HUD in you’re getting circles appearing in your face yep Y what what is this magic I know

Okay how big of a circle you want you can’t see it but it’s an invisible Circle I mean I’ve gone go stay here I’ll stand here you roughly stand where you think the edge of the circle should be for for now here where I’m at and I

Think I’m 18 blocks radius away from you how’s how’s that look does that fit it looks it looks C yeah stop right here okay okay okay maybe it can be a bit bigger than that shall I shall I start doing that uh yeah I think a bit you wanted it um also yeah

Probably might be easier to shave off a little bit here yeah yeah yeah yeah we we get rid of this lump um also what w height are we at uh oh look at you shovel man oh my goodness shovel B can we can we just compare shovels a second

I mean well I don’t know if you want to do that it’ be embarrassing for you oh I’ve only got a little digger um someday it’s fine I’m helping yep yeah I’m just not going to shovel anything anymore uh oh my torches oh no okay just relay out the middle okay

That’s that’s good that’s good yeah I think a little bigger than 18 I think maybe more like let’s go 21 that’s a that’s a good number isn’t it that’s a that’s a game in itself do you want to put dirt out to there cuz it’s floating way up in the sky over

Here yeah yeah yeah we we’ll dirt it for now and then and then yeah everything’s going it’s all super temporary right now the PA shiny path the PS are eventually going to look amazing maybe the paths even have mini games built into them somehow mhm

Um oh look at these shall we use dark oak logs uh yeah standing upright perhaps for what yeah like for the the edge of the perimeter the circle uh yeah go for it I was going to just do like literal literal path blocks but yeah sure oh you

Do the okay I was just going to make a big big party how about this I’m I’m I’m doing this part you do what you need to do okay uh yeah cuz I can’t see your magic circles you’ve you’ve managed to to hallucinate them somehow and I I

Don’t know there’s a lot of mushrooms in this Forest I don’t know whether you it’s all on my mind yeah okay I’ll get these floating trees choppy choppy okay very good very good right so um oh goodness yeah you just wanted wood didn’t you that’s the only reason you

Came to I don’t care about your stupid gaming District I’m just out here shopping uh to be fair I’ve seen the forest you’ve already chopped down man that was quite a that was quite um yeah so so so tangle let’s let’s let’s let’s discuss let’s generate ideas

Here more miname related things not the games themselves necessarily just okay what what would what do you want to see in a mini game distri well if if you want to make like you want events like where people come over and play a lot of games

In in one session your goal is right that is the plan so how would you facilitate that the best like do you need a a way to have a score board that you could visit that someone could visually update the standings of that tournament or something interesting I

Like it might be a pain to go back and forth but it would anytime you can put something in game like that that’s a good thing yeah I mean you know what cuz we always had to do it with like spreadsheets and nonsense and yeah is an

Extra thing doing it all in game that’s a very good point so maybe the podium area can also have uh a some sort of scoreboard thing that it could be something like way up in the sky too how oh so that you could see it from far

Away I mean another option would be a a map of course that would update like your Decked Out map that had te text on it and stuff but trying to get like a seven segment display or whatever for all the letters yeah or numbers that would be beyond my capabilities let’s

Put it that way um but you know hey there’s some there’s some PE clever people on the server you never know there sure are yeah um I I wouldn’t rule it out just yet but it sounds sounds like a lot um there of course like banners as

Well you can have numbers on banners that you can easily just Chuck up on a on a wall or whatever oh there you go yeah like the old school yeah like you get an America in your in your big you could like put on your maid dress and be

Like get out there and change the numbers it be beautiful I’ll be one of those beautiful assistants yeah holding the numbers there you go I love it I love it it’s your own theme music it’s that’s like the the boxing rounds like you know yeah that’s me that’s me in

Between in between rounds I just go and change the numbers I flip the banners over it’s a very good idea I like it I like it I like having a visual scoreboard and it makes sense to do it here in the hub I guess um this is where

Everything will be centered people are going to be going game to game anyway um which probably means zigzagging all over the place so coming back to the hub between games shouldn’t be too much of an issue and eventually we will have a light Trend stuff it it’s going to

Happen um wish I had some shears right now I know oh wait why chop the leaves down oh I guess they’ll just fall down if I chop the tree down yeah you chop chop the chop the tree and the the leaves will follow um I like it I like it okay

Scoreboard you know what I’m going to add that down to my paper that I have right in front of me yeah I’m just trying to think of like what are some of the things that you need to run a successful tournament you know scho yeah cuz these things I’m hoping to do them

You know once once we’re up and running and we’ got a a good sort of 10 odd games to to play around with like you know perhaps even a monthly thing I don’t want to don’t want to promise monthly but um monthly or maybe every two months or something we might have

Like a an event and there’ll be like a a custom trophy just for that event and stuff and somebody’s name will go down in history you know just like a just like a real Olympic event or or whatever um so then maybe you need like a a tropy

A of a hle of awards yeah yeah like past winners get all lined up somewhere that sounds like a plan okay adding that to my list uh what what would you call that like a trophy trophy Hall Trophy award yeah the it needs a clever name um all of Champions are something but

More funny need to cify that isn’t there like an an existing name for those kinds of things probably uh and yeah these these events would be live streamed as well it would be like a uh like like I’ve done the olymp zits events in the past and you

Know all the Hermits that want to join in will will live stream well they don’t have to but most of them I’m sure would live stream um and it’d be a good sort of two two three hour event or something like that um I think that’d be a lot of fun um the

Hall of all yeah interesting bring now talk about the talk about the roads is there any Rhyme or Reason to the roads or is it just whatever game goes anywhere the roads going to be themed um no I did originally think that maybe the the games could be like one

Side could be I don’t know single player games one could be multiplayer one could be deadly games I don’t know but ultimately no matter what you pick what categories you pick they’re always going to fill up very unevenly right so I think ultimately with with the secret

Sneaky idea I have that want to try out for the navigational system it shouldn’t really matter where games go um so are you trying to keep them Balan in other words like oh the blue path has got too many games start building on the red path kind of thing uh I will highly

Suggest to people yeah if they’re looking if they come to me and they say Zed I want to build this mini game it’s probably going to be about 30X 30 where should I build it I will try my best to be like maybe over here but I don’t want

To be too Winky Winky yeah please please build it over here um I’m not going to be too bossy either though like I again natural progression I think is the best way there’s a a lot of Hermits and we’ve all got different like ideas and wishes and everything so it’s it’s easier just

To let people do their thing and and just try and gently coers them into the right direction uh so I think that’ll be fine and yeah with a strong navigational system that will work too um I’m hoping bigger games will kind of be further away from the path um and smaller games

Can fill those uh in every game also needs like a like a driveway from the path to the game itself um it can it can be Wiggly it can wiggle between other games and whatever it needs to but um ultimately that’s also going to be how

You kind of find where the games go um so that’s yeah that’s that’s key as well um and maybe even not not a post box but kind of like a a little sign post at the beginning of each path so you could just walk down the path and

See these like I don’t know I’ll draw one here but like maybe it’s a little a little Archway of like think think when you get on like a roller coaster or something the the coaster will have like a little little thing at the beginning

Of the path so you know what it is it’s like the start of the que line in like a theme park game or something you know um and and that would be the beginning of the past so as you’re walking down you see all of these games and maybe that’s

Where like the scoreboards for each game can go and stuff and you can read the rules about it and then if you like the sound of that game you you follow the path to to it and you end up at that game and and and uh yeah that’s that’s

How I want to keep it keep it organized um but a lot of this stuff it’s it really comes down to these first maybe the first eight mini games that get built here I think I’m going to learn a lot and it’s going to be kind of

Things are going to come obvious you know of what might need to kind of change and tweak and everything but I think we’ll be able to to keep it going so are we building this height platform out the whole way around I think right

Uh oh this is the floor height poo yes I think that did you say poo yes yes I do ah okay good um yeah so what what else you you’re turning up to the mini game District it’s not even a big live stream event but it’s just what about a directory of

Like oh yeah how to find the games absolutely that’s going to go in that Hub and that ties in with this uh this secret navigation idea I have um which I’m I’m hoping I’m really hoping works I wish I hadn’t said anything now cuz I really want to talk about it now you’re

Hop it up yeah it might not even work it might not be possible but um yeah it should be it should be good if it does what I think it does it it will be it’ll be fun um but but yeah what what else what else

Like uh I guess how how long each game is to play right like that’s estimated time to play that goes on the standard card or whatever that you’re thinking of doing right which I yeah yeah yeah that would be as how is that is that going to

Be just signs or are you going to do something um I think a mixture iconic more graphical yeah I think I think graphics always help no one wants to just go and read a 10-page book about something right um yeah don’t don’t do it with a book it’s got to be something

You could glance at just standing there exactly so yeah I think a mixture of uh items in item frames signposts um you know there might be there might be a also a Le turn with with a book there for kind of the slightly more deeper rule aspect of it but ultimately you

Should be able to yeah glance at this thing and just understand okay I know what kind of mini game this is now um let’s let’s go in you know or let’s not go in that’s not for me or whatever uh let me dump my bits I got so many

Bits okay oh wow yeah we’re getting a lot of wood here this is great Okay and this was quite tricky as well cuz that we’ve got the the world border to the south of us not very far away it’s quite oh no I didn’t even think of that going be problem um I mean we can push it back later when we need to I

Suppose exactly exactly and that’s why we’re not the path doesn’t go south either we go you know the direction that we can um and the same is like north of us is is spawn and and all of that too and I see Cubs base right there um I

Think for’s base is near here as well um but yeah we we’ve got a lot of room to the to the east and west of us so that’s that’s why we’re expanding in those directions and at the end of the day it’s it’s one of those like build it

And they will come kind of things right like once once you’ve got somewhere to build then people can build and that’s that’s all there is to it um right is that still at our middle I think so it’s look you are looking pretty circly man whatever circles

You’re seeing in your Vision you are they’re they’re quite circly yeah they are quite circly um okay nice nice I’m running out of dirt though so I can’t help you yeah yeah yeah yeah here you go I got some poop in the yeah yeah and by that I mean I

Have seven you have seven dirt sorry I okay I just made a circle this is true have you got enough for your circle even well the circle’s kind of done right this this bit of uh ground here can go too shovel boy you want to shovel it up

Okay uh people in chat up PVP Arena and stuff yeah yeah yeah we’re going to have all kinds of mini games here I know I know the hermit’s are are very keen to build a nice variety of games um personally I’m hoping that we get some

Good Gap room kind of stuff here as well I love that I love that kind of stuff yeah um especially you remember Tango back in the day the tangler the tangler might need to make a re might need to come return this season yeah yeah yeah

Yeah I love me some tangler some tangler goodness that was good stuff yeah and that was so much has changed that was even back on Moonlight the original tangler right and that’s right that’s right you did T the tangler too uh I think impulse and I played it was that

Season five I don’t even remember it was a long it’s been a long time since I’ve done one yeah season five sounds right season five or six for sure um but yeah that was that was great as well a two two person tangler um yeah love me some of that

So those will certainly go here what what other the kind of big mini games lots of the kind of sport related ones you know things that are like volleyball and football and um dodgeball and stuff like that they’re all going to go in of course um I love team stuff like I I

Would love for someone to make a game that was team based that just totally caught on on the server and like leagues were forming and stuff like and everyone just got addicted to it like that would be great exactly I was saying that before as well how like yeah if people

Could actually get addicted to like a a little mini game in it and yeah they have their own team that they always play with and that team can like strategize and get t-shirts made up and yeah oh the monetary possibilities are amazing yeah just like I like the idea

Of you know this the little new Challenger going on and hey now this team the the blue parrots they’ve just come up with this crazy new tactic that no one’s thought of and the new meta changed the whole game now ah like how cool that would be um yeah I think that

Would that would be a lot of fun so um hoping for all that kind of things what other some sort of Capture the Flag game yeah I mean ethos mini game last season right was Battle ban yeah that was like in the works for something crazy like 10

Years or something he was working on that game um and it never true never truly happened until that point um hide and seek and stuff I mean I I made my mini golf my armor stand mini golf before but there’s also uh there’s ender pearl golf there’s um C always

Does a good job with that does his also what was the other one he did with the the the Trident golf as well where you’re the ball y y um that’s always good fun so yeah there’s there’s going to be a big range of games here I I hope and um

You know the more the more games that get here the more people will want to play and then the more people will want to build more games and it just goes round and round and round so um there’s 80 dirt for you it’s all I can muster you you oh

What you’re blessing me Tango this is unbelievable okay dirting my way up um it’s just a shame that I’m not a very uh pretty Builder right otherwise I’d love to be able to do all of this but I know we’ve got some fantastic builders on the server there we’ve got

Some people capable of doing that exactly exactly so once I kind of draw like the terrible stick figure we can just have some excellent Builders come in and paint the Mona Lisa over the top of of my stick figure um I think that will be fine I know that’s bound to

Happen okay I think once we got this circle done we should make a portal and Link this place up for easier back and forth in I like it um I should have the bits but we kind of need more dirt from somewhere um yeah well there’s dirt

Around here yeah I know I just don’t want to like randomly dig a a dirt hole though you know um if we’re going to like certain places you know are going to be covered up so you can dig down there that’s fine yeah kind of kind of I guess under

Here but again I have I have pdly little stone stone so you might need to you might need to stone tools I I still have a stone shovel Tango yeah what is wrong with you don’t judge me are you judging me have you been judged I got a pickaxe and an

Axe don’t be judging me okay Circle complete one two three four five two three four five is this is this actually centered have you done this correct well I don’t know about that I mean it feels a bit lopsided which you know that’s a Tango specialty right yeah I might I mean here

I got new spr the center of the park is moving at this point the circle’s not yeah right that’s true we could always move the I did just pick this out of thin air so obviously it was arbitrary yeah I probably should have uh lined it up first but I mean hang on

What have we even got here so what’s the middle of this 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 four five yeah you’ve got this as the middle so na it you were one block off I mean you know it’s not at least it’s not two blocks off that that that’d be

Really embarrassing at that point that be twice as bad yeah um and then this way 1 2 3 4 5 H 1 two 3 4 five is that true and then this is the middle wow okay you’re a little bit more off there I think right was right on the money okay

Okay um good right we need to see uh the nether now what the nether side of this looks like um okay let me grab my bit you bring obsidian I did I did it’s going to be a little I got to grab I got to grab my horse poopy portal Network oh

Yeah what’s going to happen with your horse I wish there was a way to like Snap and just have the horse go home I got like taking my horse places but I don’t like going with my horse Ian I can send the horse to horsey Heaven no pretty easily

No W oh my goodness you were like a rocket shooting out of there that was kind of weird that was crazy what happened I don’t know I jumped and scadoodle at the same time yeah that was incredible that was pretty cool it was mad um okay right yeah so bits of Bobs

Uh yeah hook obsidian oh you have obsidian we got some obsidian um I guess right in the middle for now I mean it’s easy enough being on the roof of the nether it’s easy enough to move temporary portals to where you need and you know yeah um all

Right I meet you on the roof cuz I got to I got to drive this guy home uh yeah if you want to meet me on the roof do you want to take the the coordinates um maybe in fact maybe if you take I’m not going that way have you got obsidian

At home or can you take this I do yeah if you bring some obsidian to wear the coordinates I’ll build the portal here you build the portal in the Nether and we’ll connect up make the magic happen make the magic happen it would be like lady in the eating spaghetti something like

That uh okay that means I can make a bigger portal as well which is nice um so right I’ll need you to send me the cords should we do it yeah yeah yeah that’s fine okay uh let me do trigger we’ve got that special thing on the

Server haven’t we what what’s the is it end you mean the thing called a calculator it’s yeah that’s the one all it does is divide by eight I know like what’s the command I’ll spend 20 minutes looking for the command I’ve got it I’ve got it okay you um I can

Tell you right now you better write down uh minus 72 86 those positive some numbers uh we’ve got yeah minus 72 positive 86 and I am positive those are the numbers and those are the already divided by eights I’m guessing they are they were magically divided by by the thing that you

Mocked and Boop two three I can make I I’m going to make Etho happy I’m going to make a full portal why not who made Perry the Platypus I’m so happy is this in the nether what’s going on no over in uh Ministry town There’s a Parry the Platypus oh lovely that’s

Really good yeah yeah did you know who par the Platypus said right I do I do from um Good the thing right y yeah yep you got it it’s uh is more of an American thing is my is my response okay but I do know I do know of it just not very

Well placing more dirt down stress I read your chat for two seconds and I almost bit it in this Ravine here someone needs to cover these up okay well stress stress stress is British so that completely ruins my argument your argument is yeah no it’s from uh it’s from the same

Um Fin and furb thing right there you go y yeah yeah yeah where all your evocators come from that’s right mhm okay I’ve arrived home does does the scadoodle come from anything no it comes from scary places okay also known as my mind right yeah though that is a very scary place some

Would say the scariest um I guess in a similar way I have my haah as well exactly it’s just a noise that somehow people like yeah this yeah this is looking good I’m getting oh wow yeah zooming up with the cam thing from above that is a a good Circle you’ve got there

Tango that’s a nice Circle that’s a nice Circle and I think I think location why is that works it’s up on the hill it’s kind of big we’ve got plenty of room to the North and the South to add all of our uh podiums and all sorts of nonsense okay need remove

These somebody made the circle all squiffy what squiffy you made the circle squiffy you know you did come on you fudged the numbers and 72 you that was that was negative 72 yes yes yes yes I’m here I’m ping up okay let me know when it’s ready and we’ll

We’ll try and high five on the way through oh that might have been a mistake oh maybe not I tried to throw a chicken through my portal but it just went straight through I’m ready so do you see that I see what did did chicken just fly through yeah the other side yeah

Yeah just chicken meat flying through okay ready 3 2 1 enter oh I just saw you for a brief second perfect perfect perfect okay nice right now we got a now we got a oh yeah you did a did a two wide one Tango you too wide yeah come on you mean

Standard standard size yeah I would say minimal like minimum you want want wiers what you’re saying let’s let’s let’s treat people to a three three wide one treat them let’s treat them a little bit of extra leum you know this is an economy portal we want we want a little

Bit of a little business class maybe a little business class yeah okay we’ll connect up to the rest of the rest of the Hub do we know do you know what’s happening with the Hub yet is anyone is anyone taken responsibility for it I don’t think anyone plans to okay great

So what you’re seeing now is going to be the same H it’s pretty much going to be garbage yeah excellent um you love to see it well do that something scafolding Bo perfect I see you were hanging out with uh impulse and skis yesterday we had some fun yeah you were

Doing some naked ancient city stuff yep yep it was a lot of fun excellent It’s a shame man I I looked in the morning and I was like oh I’m jealous and then I realized it was 2 a.m. my time and I thought okay yeah I’m less jealous

Now it was that that time yeah okay look at this it’s we’re connected we need a sign um uh I can do that if you can sign it up yeah let people know got to let people know that’s the mini game District we got to put a little thing

Back here letting people know what’s going on I need to sit wait wait wait where am I oh there’s your portal okay I’m figured it out I’m figured it out do I need like an exit ramp um I think so yeah we need a little little offshoot people could just

Take take the take the shortcut I can’t put a sign this is what I learn isn’t it crazy even if you do that you can’t put a sign on it anywhere why not why not I asked that’s weird what I did I made a I fell

And then I made a trap door um and flapped that up and put the sign on that or or that too but now we’ve got to make sure our standard block works yeah there we go can mobs spawn on that uh they sure can cuz that’s scary

Y uh fine uh just a slab right glass just a what a slab a slab and then we can sign the slab oh I see like like a poke pokey upy slab like that yeah and that yeah there you go there you go that’s how it’s done we’ll light it up so

Everybody can see beautiful okay man this is quite far out there isn’t it actually it’s not bad it needs the space it does need the space that’s true it’s going to be going to be big going to be a chunker oh wait wait wait wait wait we got to put slabs

On the top of our portal too oh oh I never did come back coming back in a hurry um oh goodness everybody has oh no I’ve probably caused all sorts of problems over at my portal uh I hear a giggler giggler I hear a giggling

Ghast did you not do it to yours I didn’t do it to mine no I I was I was a bad server member what are you even doing trying to kill people apparently I mean one one little breath from a gas and this entire platform’s falling down you’re absolutely right

That would be the most destructive gas ball ever oh Zed Knocked Down The Hub again oh destroyed it we go eh let me go eh and then 10 out of 10 sign I keep falling why is gravity a thing well you can you can you can flap

My sign so you know I thought I’d give people a bit of fun while they’re waiting if they want to if they’re not sure if they want to visit me or not they can have a little flap of the the fence post and uh the the trapo and they

Think yeah this guy’s fun let me go to his base what are you doing are you are you an obsidian Thief everything’s fine what is happening here nothing I just witnessed a crime oh I see it’s not a crime when it’s done as a joke that’s

Right as long as it’s funny to me that’s what you tell the judge and they agree and it’s fine excellent okay right we are officially hooked up I like it I like it I like it I want I want to see what we’re looking at here I’m free caming oh

Yeah man free free Camp it’s a very hilly area you’re a very hilly area it’s all I could choose I mean it it drops off pretty severe back here um are you looking the Birch Forest side South yeah oh South no South we’re not making a path that’s

Fine okay it’s east and west east and west are the two directions and I think that will take quite a while to fill up and then by that time South is a future expansion I like it and very much a problem for future slash Whoever has inevitably

Taken up the district after yes yes yes okay let’s get rid of these Flo why AR these leaves going away s somebody’s left logged them or is it just super slow I mean there’s logs in this one I think I I think I got them oh there there it is there it

Is okay get rid of my portal stuff okay good good good good good good um yeah it’s looking pretty circly uh I I do keep losing which direction is which though so I guess we could make a path just a three wide one at least just so everybody everybody know shut

Up you’re going to be hearing that a lot he knew it was coming well this is why I’m using a stone one because you know I don’t want to waste precious diamonds on pathing sorry P path pathing that hurt that hurt that hurt sorry Her Herd love your [Laughter] americ it’s what I

Hear that’s what I hear okay so yeah this this is going to have to stick out here but again we can we can kind of we don’t have to follow the terrain perfectly when the official path is being built it can kind of undulate a little bit you know it can slowly work

Acceptable exactly it’s pretty flat for the most part here and then it kind of ends this T bit for now um which is keep it’s pretty close you’re only going to fit two games on each side of the road there at best yeah you’re right at maybe

1.8 games yeah um sorry you can only make point8 of a game yeah but going east you got plenty of space East is pretty good again it does drop down but maybe maybe there could be a bridge over this little uh birchy so that does like

The question why did you put the center there um just if you look at the big map from the top this is like the middle it just sort of has to be the middle really does it go okay yeah if I like if we keep going uh which way is this East uh

We do end up at the shopping district um Beyond this Beacon whoever’s Beacon that is I think it’s forces um yeah there’s water and that’s the shopping district from that point onwards and then if you keep going west the load um you get to like a bunch of mountains and then more

Ocean but the I think the gaming District can continue that way but this entire forest and the Birch Forest next to it that that will take a while to fill up and then when it does the southern expansion will be will be cool and you’re right it does drop off rather

Rapidly to the South but I also think that’s pretty cool right um it does give it like a second phase feeling yeah exactly yeah if you head over this way with me real quick it’s quite pretty um just all opens up and you can imagine like looking down there and just seeing

Like a bunch more or maybe this is where some of the if someone wanted to make golf or something this is where the big games could go yeah this is where the Big Boy Games go yeah exactly like look at this view it’s awesome that’s pretty

Yeah I can see there being one big game in like a golf game or something yeah maybe yeah exactly um you know and of course there’s underground as well I know some people might rather build games underground and we’ll still make sure they have a good entrance above the

Surface that with all the bells and whistles and everything people can get to but um but yeah future future expansion this way should be good should be good but um we need to make a little bit more progress to the east along the east path oh a game on the cliff side what

Games can you play on a cliff but you could like dig into the cliff or something too you could oh you could make I want somebody to make vertical golf I don’t know how works or why but that’s what I want okay what are we doing on E path uh

Uh D treeing I think if we can get rid of all the Birch from this this little Ravine bit rine area we could do that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that would be good just give people a little bit more options like I know there’s

Like a beacon over there I don’t know whose it is I’ve got my suspicions a weird place for a beacon does anyone know whose Beacon that is as as a Hermit revealed it people are just suggesting vertical golf ideas now I love it I love to see it me fix

That oh vertical golf with shulkers what with levitation and stuff oh my goodness that’s like zero g golf extreme extremee golf yeah all right place the blocks good good good okay where’s the big where’s the path line this I’m going to I’m going to draw the middle the middle path

Line and that will give us a good idea only for seven blocks and then clunk don’t how dare you get my clunk right okay oh that was a perfectly timed [Laughter] clo man oh do you know how small I feel now so good oh I could not have tried that

Better you’re amazed right now I know I know I am I am you’re a clunk Whisperer what what’s going on oh look at you showing off with your unclonable shovel yeah it is like week four I just want to say you know it’s yeah well I’m

Just weak so that’s how I play if you want I can even maybe splurge and make an iron shovel for you really You’ do that for me I would do that for for a friend for my clunk and buddy yeah I was going to maybe come and borrow some of

Your iron at some point um borrow yeah yeah well you know your your storage room is my storage room right that’s how it always as it always is um it’s my second storage room it’s a home away from home it’s a it’s a nice that’s why you keep everything in your Ender Chest

Right make anything you actually care about yeah it’s I can never find it it’s so sneaky um okay right good good good yeah this this path’s already looking good already ah brilliant okay dig this way dig this way dig this way so Tango when would you roughly estimate you might be building a

First mini game in the miname district doesn’t have to be true I’m going to need at least four to six weeks probably four to six weeks you heard it folks we’re locking him into that that was a binding contract okay nice four or six weeks are

Busy as you know yeah there’s lots of busy busy busy um but that’s fine that’s cool uh I I wasn’t going to actually start this District just just yet I was going to wait a little bit longer but then I I Heard lots of Rumblings of

People being like I want to start a game I want to do this I want to do that and I thought okay that’s a good sign yeah you don’t want to discourage that absolutely I didn’t want to tell people to wait I didn’t want to tell people no

And I knew that if I wanted to kind of lead this um then I’ve got to i’ got to put the work in you know and get tango to come and do most of it for me with his with his big boy shovel with his big clunker yeah uh

Exactly right so no this is this is good though cuz up until like I don’t know three or four days ago I hadn’t even stepped foot here like I hadn’t seen what this area looked like I had no idea what I was dealing with but um you know

I think at the end of the day the B you know it doesn’t really matter does it it’s what we make of it at the end of the day um that that matters so I think it’s fine okay man I hate Birch why I just dislike it chopping it or the

Okay I dislike the the bark yeah I like the I like the color of the you know the planks I like the planky planks yeah they’re nice it’s the only wood that’s kind of bright yeah yeah yeah yeah no no that’s fine that’s fine but the the bark the bark is worse

Than this bite that’s for sure yeah but if you strip it it’s much better which again you could do with anything and that’s true but that’s right um yeah you’re right you’re right I need I do need all this wood though and hey it still turns down into the same old

Planks and all the all the stuff you make with planks um how’s your uh how’s your factory coming along man I know you’ve got your your bamboo and your kelp and yeah slow slow yeah I have bamboo Farm kelp farm and iron farm and Bee Farm but the factory itself hasn’t started yet

And I’m really itching too yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s good though that’s good I like it you you like it enjoying the autoc Crafters I love them I absolutely love them is there is are they what how you would have made them uh yeah I think they did a good job

On them I don’t think I would have done too much more I think it’s fine you know some people say they need to maybe make them faster or something but I think that’s fine I think they were faster at one point in a snapshot right and then they they did something to slow

Down fine yeah um which I know was a little bit controversial I think at the time I don’t I don’t know but yeah um you know it is what it is and it’s still pretty darn cool and they’re it’s automated crafting like we’ve literally wanted that for forever right decades

So you know you can’t go wrong with that but um yeah I I still have yet I still have yet to use an autoc crafter really oh they’re they’re so satisfying yeah like my bamboo Farm I had it just it was just the farm itself was outputting chests I

Have like three double chests full of chests now oh chests to chests yeah and I like and then I and then I just like made a couple tweaks and now then I was making barrels and right because I guess anything that just takes one ingredient is really easy

Super easy um but you if you dealing with multiple ingredients you’ve got to like turn a hopper off and turn another Hopper on and that kind of thing right you got to juggle yeah juggle the ingredients a bit more um but yeah are they able to make uh uh dispensers yeah

Wow you can make anything you know that’s what I’m going to do in my factory is AutoCraft the bows and then have the output of that going into the AutoCraft of the dispenser well that’s huge cuz dispensers are the worst thing to craft they’re pretty much the worst

When you need like 50 dispensers yeah um okay wow the East path is way bigger than the West path ever ever was keep going keep going tago never stop just keep on on going with your with your diamond shovel H I’m getting I’m getting bouncy okay this is good cuz I actually

Wanted to have a little look over the the end of the cliff here um if I use one of my amazing Stone shovels again okay oh in fact I wonder if we could inspect who that who that Beacon is maybe it’s spoilers I don’t know I me it’s a beacon

Sure but what what what is the beacon I just saw a sheep for the first time with the fresh animations is it wiggling its bits it’s got little fluffy ears it’s so Derpy it just sounds like it’s going to be harder when you need to like kill these things

Basically oh no that’s fine car’s got little flapper ears it’s great yeah is they still look like regular Minecraft it’s just animations right they still look the same animations and a little bit like like I said like the sheep have a little extra ears off to

The sides you know okay okay but they look exactly the same but they move fantastically creatures are amazing yeah even like the creepers the way they move as great the Slime are hilarious I mean it’s it’s interesting isn’t it cuz as the game has progressed like early early mobs even like the the

Sheep and the the pig and everything they haven’t received much but the later editions like the camels they got some natural moves going on themselves they’re way more animated I’m surprised that they haven’t gone through and I honestly think they could do like a whole animation update yeah yeah quite

Honestly all they need to do is just make this mod be there there’s there’s two mods that I feel should just be moved right into vanilla and that’s fresh animations and you know the other I I don’t I mean I’m sure I know it but I can’t think of it right

Now what mod said would I love to have an oh create I mean there you go obviously go yeah yeah yeah yeah I miss create man I really do I do too I do too I know I know we had lots of people enjoying watching it as well like M you know

Create series one that we did was was fine it was fun it was a little we dabbled um too short for it own good but hey they were both too short for their own good that’s fine but yeah season two compared to season one was humongous but

You’re right it was still too short but alas it’s uh it’s not always possible can’t do both can’t do both no but it doesn’t could but it wouldn’t be very good it doesn’t mean never again you know it’s uh oh no we we we’ll be back someday everything’s possible

So okay choppy choppy chop very good very good and yeah I think I think a 15 wide path felt more than enough more than adequate maybe the eventual path will be smaller than that but I kind of just wanted to make sure nobody was building a mini

Game closer than that and in fact I might even might even make that even bigger so it’s a 15 path and then there’s still a bit of a buffer um cuz if you have the mini gam right up against the front right like that’s it’s too no they should be kicked back a

Little bit yeah did but um do you want me to uh me and my big boy shovel to make this wider yes please all right you want to go full 15 uh ooh yeah okay so wait let’s just get a feel for it again how how many is that

Is that is that the full 15 I mean the half of it how does that feel that’s pretty wide it is isn’t it but imagine like say that’s more than necessary there’s 15 Hermits and it’s like okay the next mini game is Tango poop on his head and then

We all running along CR favorite I mean I’d play so yeah I know I know you know if you look from above like with free cam and stuff it’s not the craziest width and we’re already getting people to kick them back further as well I say

Yes I am the king of the mini game district and I I that’s so here is decreed yes exactly I may be missing some blocks but that’s okay I think this is just for it’s just to give people a an idea you you’re not planning on

Filling it in as well right no okay that would be that’d be too much help um oh real quick I got to thank Cobra player thank you for the lovely donation I do appreciate the support thank you thank you thank you okay oh this Birch look at the size of this

Birch tree this one as well what that’s crazy I almost birch trees capped out at eight I didn’t know there was extra tall ones look at them all yeah there’s a bunch here are you looking at this one not the one I started chopping the one next to it that is

Unbelievably big I’m intimidated to chop it down in fact going to say no I think the tree should be chopping me down yeah goodness okay I need to run run back home to bed run Away okay nice yeah this is this is good this is good I’ve given the Hermits um in Discord a little bit more little bit more information um and I can I can give them a little bit more as well about where to build and stuff like that I know I know

A couple of people who are going to be doing it soon and I’ve I’ve spoken to them um a little bit more one-on-one as well so that’s that’s all good hopsy arrows don’t you hate that when your bow just goes off accidentally trying to eat a chicken and your your bow just goes

Off it’s crazy okay yeah I’m liking that up there I think once there’s a little little bit more established on the on the plateau on the in the plaza of the mini game District that’s going to look pretty cool I would agree pride of place you

Going to sleep already when I get my face blown off I’m running to bed and someone’s going to sleep as soon as I get here but oh great the Phantoms are out how they’re eating my face okay let’s just try can I do it before they swoop ah I

Did it okay excellent work there you go there’s a mini game sleep sleep before your face gets sleep before your face gets eaten off I like it it’s catchy oh I fell fall off the tongue I fell in your horse hole okay I have a little bit more dirt

Now that I can use to to fill this in okay yeah yeah yeah that’s looking good that’s looking good it’s a definite path now it’s it’s clear you’re working on the other side Oh no you’re still working on that side that’s fine and then I guess we’ll do the same on

The on the west side which is pitiful man what what were we thinking it’s so short I know oh okay that that needs to be longer what were we thinking what were we jointly equally thinking yes equally responsible yeah well you know I mean we’re both here aren’t we

It’s it’s fine okay there’s a golden zombie get out of here is making these paths not just eating up your durability on your shovel no it can handle it Z it can handle it it can okay yeah you you’ve trained you’ve practiced for this right it’s the trouble with my little

Clonker I can’t I just haven’t got the just clunks out to clunks out yeah is this correct am I correct oh I’m incorrect how embarrassing for me okay it’s here okay perfect um oh there’s a tree we never destroyed previously the Romans would be proud they indeed right and I clunked out

Okay I quite like it I’m I might even downgrade to a wooden shovel you just like the clunk I just want to hear it’s just a fun sound yeah I bet I could do like 12 with the wooden shovel it’s a fun sound when you got stone tools it’s not a fun sound

When you got diamond tools oh yeah I mean a netherite tool clonking out that is a sad day yeah yeah nobody nobody wants to hear that okay make the path actually walkable um oh except it goes up there never mind okay how you getting on path boy

Good good good oh wow that is is that is looking you could drive a car down that that is prime Highway what do you call it a highway or a freeway what’s the difference both so there is no difference there’s no difference no there’s no like weird technical difference like a highway is

Oh there’s a not that I know of no okay anyone in chat is there a difference between them feels like there should be you don’t just have multiple words for things would be crazy hey Cub do you want to join us or you just looking I don’t know if he can

Hear us Kenny oh is our is our group open or we’re open streaming yeah I don’t know who cop just just teleport I think he’s just coming to admire our handiwork oh okay and with that he’s gone away into the night uh shall I 15 wide this one here I

Mean it’s going to be the stump little path ever but yes I think if you could that would be great might might be wider than it is long yep I think that’s true just get a good old Sky shot of what we’re doing here yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah this is good this is good that is looking parth delicious I can after this stream I can give give the Hermits a little bit more I can give him picture I can say okay ready to start building games um preferably I guess to the to the east would make

Sense to begin with but um just wherever right I guess yeah I don’t know I mean you can’t be afraid of using this area just because it’s smaller no no no of course and I mean we say it’s smaller it’s just a little bit

Of a a drop it it picks back up again pretty quickly um for a good couple of hundred more blocks which I think is at least yeah the same the the same distance as um as to the east so I think I think we’re good I think we’re

Good um yeah if you just get your your widness thing going on then that would be perfect um I mean look up through my notes as well I I think that might be it for the gaming District you know I was there’s not much more I needed to to explain about what I

Was trying to do it’s not that complicated yeah yeah my my idea was to keep it simple the games have fun yeah exactly I just wanted to create a nice blank canvas and encourage games and then once those games are going I think the whole thing will just kind of spiral upwards

Into a happy a happy gaming District area we got to work out what the what the prize tickets are whether they’re tickets whether they’re tokens whether they’re coupons whether they’re coins you’ll come up with some ZF name for them it’ll yeah maybe um or maybe maybe not you know maybe maybe

It shouldn’t be about me maybe it should be more hermit call little a little CL yeah you’ve got four Clunkers um I got to get something then like drawn up for them as well some little nice texture or something just to differentiate them um let me get rid of this so it doesn’t

Confuse anybody uh and then yeah honestly that’s that’s kind of it’s it’s just just away every everything’s just going at that point got to get my little default signpost entrance thing for the rules and all that works out um right right I’m hoping is there going to be a park

Entrance that’s something that you could do that would be fun a park entrance interesting H probably maybe not everyone’s going to just teleport in probably I don’t know it’s it’s pretty close enough to fly it is quite close but then you don’t need an entrance to

Fly in either you’re right I mean it feels fun I don’t know maybe maybe I will make sure that the the little like Central build that has the podiums and the scoreboards and information and you know all that kind of stuff has a fun way to fly in um you

Could do uh ambient audio tracks in the Park oh interesting kind of like started with scarland yeah I was going to say like it is a bit don’t steal his idea but you know something along those lines yeah yeah maybe maybe um I mean I don’t think he invented the

Idea of having music play no that he had the park announcement like Hello everybody welcome to scarland again like this this isn’t a theme park this is just a a Minecraft gaming District I don’t want to I don’t want to pretend anything to be what it’s not everything should be more functional

So that the games can get played as easy as possible that is priority number one um but we can have a little bit of a a fun extra priority to of of some yeah some wacky and and fun and and stuff as well it’s always good flavor yeah like

Yeah I don’t want this called Zeda land or anything like that I’m not the that egotistical Z land but something something hermit based I guess um or you know there thereabouts Al just something gaming like G gaming land or you know something that’s that rolls off the tongue

Um but yeah this is looking good man if if you haven’t got any more have you got more dirt on you now I’ve got that dirt right there is it seven it’s 32 o that took ages to I’ve been having a real problem with that yeah he wored hard there did I

Okay have you been having having problems with that as well here and there on the server okay good yeah it’s it’s not it’s the server thing the client thing so few glad it’s not just me um hermit Thrills there you go that’s a good name that’s a brilliant name exactly you you

You came up with the the brilliant one in what was that season 4 season 3 season three goodness that’s old school and then uh you and Etho did the did the one as well together yeah much less popular but yeah what was what was that one called did that even have a name

No and you wonder why it failed it was beautiful it it was beautiful I must admit um happened too late in the season I think that starting early is key yeah yeah yeah yeah yep well I mean what what you’re doing now is great what yeah exactly getting it

Going making sure there’s places for people and again I’m I’m not necessarily going to be the one building all the paths and and you know doing all this cuz again I’m not beautiful Builder but I am going to be making sure the organization behind the park or it’s not

A park I keep behind the miname area is is is down is that is locked down nice and tight so that things just work people can build what they want but it all kind of gets tied together um the silent overseer exactly exactly um yeah

I think I think that’s that will be good and again I’ve learned a lot of from from zcraft of what they’ve done with their their last three gaming districts now have just got better and better every every season it’s been incredible so got to try and take take what I’ve

Learned over there bring it over here and then let the Hermits put their their spin on it as well and I I don’t think I can go wrong really it will just be whether sorry I just turned around and was laying down it looked funny

Um uh yeah as as long as it that if it Peters out that’s the only way it’s going to go wrong is if that could always happen three or four Min games go in it’s just a bit and then and then that puts people off no one wants to

Make a new game and then it and then it Fizzles but I I know a lot of people are excited about games even last season more games than ever were getting built all over the place yeah there’ll be plenty of games don’t worry so I think

It’s going to work cool all right I’m going to head out yeah videos projects yeah yeah thanks I’m excited I’m excited me too me too thanks for your help I appreciate it bye see you later oh awkward yeah awkward see you man excellent stuff okay cool wow well

With Tango’s help we actually managed to get a lot done look at this I mean this don’t look at that that part’s tiny tiny um the gaming Gauntlet yeah we’ll we’ll come up with some names I’m we’ll get there we’ll get there um yeah path’s awesome like I said this

Is kind of technically shopping district Zone it kind of ends at the water here so uh you know but all of this there is plenty of room you can see like it ends here as well at at this kind of Cliff I think maybe even this River um although

I think this is like this is for’s area right I think I’m not sure I’m not sure who built that I know that’s Cubs um not sure who this is still but hey we will find out um and then this side there’s plenty of room until you get to

The cliff here but even still all of this that you can see is miname and then yeah we’ve got the the big old wall of of sad times um because yeah with that this is for like future expansion if new versions come out with like new blocks

And mobs and all this and that we’ll open this up a little bit more but I’m sure by that point we’ll be able to uh expand from from here in fact how high up can I go how high can he go it’s low isn’t it it doesn’t

Work okay we get rid of the clouds stupid clouds being all cloudy okay oh my goodness look at this the size of the path that is hilariously small okay well yeah pretend that went to there it’s cold right there is another big mountain kind of thing here as well um but like about

Here is where the line is so everything up to here this is all Cubs um but like cub and F are right here and I’m sure if they wanted to make games they they kind of know where their boundaries lie right um but yeah this path will certainly

Continue that way a lot and then we have we have like all of this area all of this area here all of this and all of this with this mountain as well I mean there’s a there’s an ice Farm there I’m not sure um I think that’s technically

In the miname district but you know it’s flexible it’s all flexible right um we got plenty of caves and Ravines and stuff too like things can be below ground who knows depends on the game depends on the game itself uh and then yeah we can even expand down here a

Little bit I mean I can’t see the Border already this far back so it must be oh no there it is okay there’s the Border but still there’s quite a bit of room down here to expand as well so I think we’re going to be doing okay if I’m

Honest with you um but yeah it’s it’s a little bit a little bit me messy here and there but the point is it’s laid out right people now now know where to build I’ll show them these images I’ll tell them um just make sure you’re kind of

Building a little bit away from the path maybe give it like 15 blocks breathing room or something um because at the end of the day if there’s a game here with a path we can always build another game like here later um I’m also hoping that

People come up with fun like like what I I’m going to now dub micro games right literally a game where you walk up and maybe you’ve got to try and like pick the correct like left or right pick the correct one and then the game randomly

Picks one and were you right or were you wrong we can have all of these little trinkets not even trinkets what are they called little little bells and whistles and all sorts of stuff um dotted around everywhere little mini parkour courses people whenever they’re talking people love just jumping around like this right

So you can kind of create that a little bit and help help people go like this egg it’s a byy game huh this ends up as a chicken on my head oh that would have been so good I kind of want to make that happen now can you imagine if just a chicken

Landed on my head I’d love that so much okay cool and we’ve got a lot of wood as well this is great I was running very very low on wood um before we get there but uh yeah we’re going to wrap up here I think that is my whole plan for the

Gaming District um chat let’s let’s have a little chat now shall we chat chat chat chat chat chat chat chat some ideas hit me with them hit me with ideas that you’ve had I haven’t been able to read chat as much as I would have liked to

Because some stupid Tango came over here and talked to me go I know that a lot of my uh patrons and stuff obviously willy willy world games that’s our uh gaming District on zcraft um which you can join by the way Boop there it is patreon.com plays if

You want to check out an amazing mini game dist right now um I could even head over there quickly couldn’t I I could quickly just fly around show what we have um micro games mini games games Mega games and then what’s above that a scoreboard

Map yeah if it was if it’s easy enough to change things around only for the tournaments that might be quite cool um I’ll have to look into it a little bit but maybe we can make a map that kind of works like Tango’s uh decked out um score sheet thing you know

Where it’s interactive Ultra games Uber games Mega games Giga games there you go there you go what about some roller coaster yeah so see this is interesting right I originally long time ago when I knew I wanted to tackle this I thought about making it kind of theme Parky right but

It really isn’t a a a Minecraft miname district is so different to a theme park um they’re not rides they they are more like sports really um they’re games right they’re not exactly rides necessarily um I mean if somebody I’m not going to stop anybody if they did

Want to make a a roller coaster here but I would highly recommend that the roller coaster has like you know you have to it’s like an archery game that you’re trying to hit the targets as you go through it or something like that um but the main thing is the main thing that

You know any if you’re a Hermit and you’re watching right now no game is too small well some of them I mean you know if it’s a block that might be a bit too small but no build everything build anything come chat with me and we’ll

Talk it through um I think what the blls rolling with this product product project I think it’s going to be it’s going to be flying and I’m really really excited um to to tackle this I actually tried to do the miname district when I first joined hermitcraft for those of you that

Have been around that long um season five I joined and I believe was it season five I think it was season 5 that I even tried to do the gaming District I had like a a circus skin thing that I wore who remembers that and very quickly

I realized it was beyond me um and it kind of fizzled a little bit and I think isuma picked up the mantle and he continued it on and he really made it something um but I think my issue was I was trying to I was trying to kind of

Control it too much I didn’t know what I was doing then I don’t I don’t know what I’m doing now if I’m honest but uh back then certainly I didn’t know what I was doing and I was a new hermit and I was scared and nervous and embarrassed so um

It was on smelly melum exactly see more um so yeah so this one is going to be a lot bigger and better I’m giving the Hermits as much Freedom as they want I can’t control the Hermits even if I wanted to so why even try um I’m just

Going to be their friend I’m going to be their helpful little gamer friend that behind the scenes we can talk about bits and Bobs and I can advise what I think is best and if they want to take my advice great and if not okay that’s fine

Too I’m not going to I’m not going to be putting any we’re not going to have a a little dungeon here a little prison where naughty Hermits go um although that might be fun maybe that’s a mini game escape from prison the season five miname district

Had some great ideas Lisa says love the idea of making sure the games were tightly packed but really hard to make happen if you’re more than one person making games exactly that was my goal right and I still would quite like to to to achieve that goal here um my my main

Feeling with the miname district was like don’t just use the space that you see try and use the the vertical space too right so if you have um I don’t know like a uh a king of the ladder mini game right with a really tall tower well

Maybe around that you could have a little like racetrack or something of another game and then maybe uh that that roller coaster game with the archery that I was talking about maybe that also kind of like goes around the tower a little bit having the games kind of in

And amongst themselves would be pretty cool but unfortunately it it’s something that does have to be planned it it has to be completely planned and that is literally impossible um with um with the Hermits and with anybody it would be impossible with anybody really other than just one

Person or a very very tight team where that is their main focus and obviously the hermit’s main focus is just making a fun Min game and having it played and stuff like that so we cannot expect that we cannot make that happen it’s too much um and then yeah the bigger games

Further away from the lines would be pretty cool so maybe there’s a bigger game over here and then the closer smaller games the closer you get um the smaller the games can be so that’s fine too um I’m probably going to be trying to maybe incorporate this cave I’m

Interested to see where that goes um and then we’ve got this little bit South here as well we’re going to need podiums and this and that but um I’ll just kind of tell everybody like don’t build closer than here and don’t build closer than well it’s almost the whole path

Isn’t it don’t build closer than like here I’ll measure that out and tell them um and I’ll say like you know you can build over here you can build over there over here and over there bigger games further away I’ll give them some rough like ideas and things but that’s it

That’s exactly what I want to do exactly what a lot of people in chat are saying I need to sleep ha um there are games like uh flying elytra go through the Rings and stuff right a bunch of people fed an amazing one last season season

Before that I believe um Zuma did a great one maybe it was the season before even um but there’s been some amazing ones in her craft history and again why not add that around but instead of it just being around like a you know Zuma

Did it around his base so did Force um but do it around the gaming District itself like get some games involved if there is a king of the ladder maybe there’s a ring hanging off the side of it if that’s not going to impede the ladder game why not

Right pecked out a chicken game with fishing rod chicken control jattin said yeah perfect that’s what all the hermit should do we just gang up on Tango and all make mini games that rhyme with decked out yeah Lisa exact I know whitly world over again I keep saying it over on

Zcraft I’m I’m going to say it right now we have the best miname District ever ever right I’m saying it I’m calling it it’s we we do it’s just proof maybe a boat race exactly those kind kind of things that are are big but they’re also they can kind of be quite

Um varied right like something like decked out has to go in one area and it’s one big thing right whereas a race that’s like a long squiggly thing so that can squiggle in and around all the other games and that’s the kind of thing

I still want to try and see if we can do um they might be a little bit more like group projects so um Hermits will have their own mini game obviously other Hermits will collaborate and make mini games together and stuff but then I will try and lead a

Collaborative server wide mini game like race mini game around the district or whatever and we’ll mark it all out um and have the other Hermits come and join us and help out and it will be like a fun Community event thing it’ be pretty cool um there’s a lot we can do with

This and obviously it goes hand inand with my with my theme this season of gica survival obviously I’m just gamificacion in the gaming District but hey it’s still all game based and it’s going to help me a lot um but the game of fora and survival aspect there

There’s a lot there’s some differences there I’m I’m in my next episode I’m uh I’m making another survival mini game thing and you you’ll see they’re fun they’re little little extra little bit of spice on regular old survival um so it should be good it should be good but

Um but yeah again my permits yes I received my shopping permits already uh they will be in my next episode which will be out very very soon um um I I’ve been reading through all your lovely ideas I’ve written a bunch of stuff down as well over on my side sheet over here

So thank you all for coming along um thank you for joining us I hope you are as hyped about the the gaming District as I am it’s going to be cool it’s it’s going to take take a little world to warm up but I I reckon we’ll be looking

Back in a two or three months from now and it will already be an entirely different Beast it will be its own thing and I am all for it I think opening the door back up to hermit for slightly smaller minii games maybe things that have been done done

Before but with a new spin or something I think is going to really open a lot of people’s imaginations and once it begins I’m I’m going to have to be hitting Hermits off with a stick right there’ll be too many of them trying to come over here that’s the that’s the

Hope that’s the dream anyway but that is going to be it for today everybody thank you so much for joining me new episode very very soon love all your faces until next time a good abbye

This video, titled ‘Gaming District Plans!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 10 #3.5 LIVE’, was uploaded by ZedaphPlays on 2024-02-24 18:28:49. It has garnered 28028 views and 1494 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:26 or 6806 seconds.

Let’s talk Gaming District! Can we make this the best one ever???

⭐Support Me for Awesome Rewards: https://patreon.com/ZedaphPlays 👕The Zedaph Store: https://zedaph.com/store 💰Great Value Servers: https://nodecraft.com/r/Zedaph

Hermitcraft is a private, invite-only, vanilla java minecraft server. Check out the Hermits: https://hermitcraft.com Get Minecraft: https://minecraft.net

#Zedaph #Minecraft #Hermitcraft

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Modern Builds!

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  • HEROBRINE Still Haunting? Mod From The Fog

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  • Block by Block: My Mini Minecraft Shack

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Unique Builds in Minecraft

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Unlock Hidden Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • The Birth of Herobrine: Monster School Animation

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Madness on Hypixel! #shorts

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  • “Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft” 🔥

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  • Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server 🚀

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  • Annoying Me – Minecraft Prank

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  • Dronio: Insane AI in Minecraft!

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  • Sneaky Ways to Mess with Friends in Minecraft

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  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft on Warden Difficulty – JeromeASF

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  • EPIC SURVIVAL: Building Cherry House in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker 😱 #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker 😱 #shortsVideo Information what the noob you built outside the red lines you’re not supposed to do that let me see okay come on I got to go through this door what even are you doing your house is also on fire Noob you’re going to deduct points for that wait at a table and chairs hold on what’s this little secret door okay fine keep your little secrets Noob I’m going to go look at the prob base and you are definitely not winning you get all the minus points and I’m even going to shut your stupid door okay… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Tricks with Owen!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Tricks with Owen!Video Information one WR Minecraft okay are you in okay you’re in all right guys welcome to another live stream here yeah we’re doing something something differently we are doing Minecraft we’re building something crazy as I got a nice nice little doggy here look at that little dog look at a dog look dog with the armor dog with the armor armor with the dog it’s a nice it’s a nice it’s a funny dog very fairy dog yeah so yeah let’s see how it’s going to work I I will probably not have CAD because my computer’s going… Read More


    CRAZY MUTANT MOBS locked on LAVA RAFT!Video Information wa we’re on one raft in the middle of a lava lake and oh no you guys aren’t my friends what the what is that bang boing whoo is that a nether TOA I’m a crisman Frog what that is awesome and Crystal is that you yes sersi how did you know cuz of your voice and wo do these things live in the nether dimension yes seriously I can even go in lava wa that’s awesome but is that a ginormous mutant blaze yes you will listen to my orders boy waa wait a minute Alexa is… Read More

  • Ultimate Bedwars Showdown with Ana 💥 #MINECRAFT #PVP

    Ultimate Bedwars Showdown with Ana 💥 #MINECRAFT #PVPVideo Information colocar stream Labs para esse lado G família você entra na minha Live e manda lá no chat é que não consigo mandar Live manda lá no deixa eu ver se consig gritos da morte você US do qual o do Ruivo n b né nãoque Quebrar cama quebrar cama bruxa solta bruxa solta é chato porque depois você vai perder a mira você vai achar que o player e fica solto montão de BR a partida quebrar seran um F em cima meu man tá travando um pouco e Luiz Otávio muito bem-vindo meu querido Luiz Otávio… Read More


    HUY POTATO GOES CRAZY IN MINECRAFT! 🤪🎵NEVADA🎵Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been painting every fence I know every color beds into the same cuz before you go and walk away yeah you better way you going Wonder just like me yeah you better why you’re [Music] going yeah you [Music] you I’ve been painting every I know every car the pleas to the S cuz before you go and walk away yeah you better know where you going I’m just like me yeah you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you around around just like me yeah yeah you better know where you going you better know where you’re… Read More

  • Colesium – Anarchy PvP 1.20.4

    Welcome to Colesium.org Anarchy Minecraft Server Welcome to Colesium.org, the ultimate anarchy Minecraft server with no rules. Experience a world where chaos reigns and the freedom to play is unrivaled. Our server aims to provide a rule-free PvP environment with minimal changes to the Vanilla Survival Gamemode. With a fresh world and no tedious queue like other servers, Colesium.org offers a thrilling alternative. What to Expect Hacks, swearing, raiding, and everything else is allowed. Anarchy servers have no rules, granting you the freedom to do as you please. Unlike other servers, we prioritize player creativity and the owner takes a… Read More

  • CoconutCraft [BRAND NEW] [Hermitcraft-like] [Whitelisted] [Community] [SMP]

    CoconutCraft [BRAND NEW] [Hermitcraft-like] [Whitelisted] [Community] [SMP]Are you on the hunt for a fun and welcoming SMP? Well, you’ve found the right place. Whether you’re more technical, into redstone, or love creating majestic builds, you’re bound to find the right thing for you on CoconutCraft. We are heavily inspired by hermitcraft and their community as a whole. We have proximity chat and an installation guide for it. This gives us a much larger sense of community. Of course, proximity chat is optional and isn’t forced. We also have datapacks that enrich the vanilla experience. You can find out more about this info in our discord. We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creeping

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepingWell, at least it’s not a negative score! Looks like someone needs to level up their meme game. Read More

  • Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness

    Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With boys in animation, their tale untold. Magic and gates, a mysterious blend, As Martin narrates, with rhymes to send. Through Telegram and Twitter, his story he shares, With music by Tom Wilson, each moment he dares. Boys love in Minecraft, a theme so divine, In Martin’s world, where the characters shine. In Arabic script, the words do flow, As Martin’s tale continues to grow. Darwin and Matthew, a bond so strong, In the world of Minecraft, where they belong. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In… Read More

  • Guess who’s following me in Minecraft? 😉 #hotMinecraftMeme

    Guess who's following me in Minecraft? 😉 #hotMinecraftMeme “Quando você pensa que finalmente encontrou alguém que te entende, mas na verdade só quer te seguir no Minecraft. Prioridades, né?” 😂 #minecraftpriorities #minecraftlove Read More

  • Yok Hardcore: World in Chaos

    Yok Hardcore: World in Chaos Minecraft Hardcore World Adventure: A Tale of Loss and Exploration Lost in a Strange Minecraft Version In a bizarre turn of events, a Minecraft player found themselves trapped in a corrupted world, losing all their belongings. The player, in a panic, sought help from the community to unravel the mystery of their lost items. A Hardcore Journey Begins The player embarked on a hardcore adventure in Minecraft, showcasing their skills and newfound high FPS count. However, disaster struck when they discovered that all their items had vanished without a trace. The player’s confusion and frustration were palpable as they… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join after watching that awesome video on building starter houses? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and survival instincts. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft. Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! #minecraft #minewind #survivalserver Read More

  • Steve’s Epic Showdown with Enderman!

    Steve's Epic Showdown with Enderman! Steve vs Enderman 2! – Steve Life (Shorts) Ep 5 – Minecraft Animation Movie Episode 5 of the Steve Life Shorts series brings back the epic battle between Steve and the Enderman in the Minecraft world. This animated short, created with Mine-imator, continues the hilarious scenarios that follow Steve’s adventures. More Content, More Fun! These Steve Life shorts serve as entertaining interludes between the main episodes of the Steve Life Adventure Story series. They aim to provide viewers with additional content and keep them engaged in Steve’s escapades. Join Steve on His Epic Journey Steve’s adventure in the Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Potions Guide – Unbeatable Combo for Anything!

    Ultimate Minecraft Potions Guide - Unbeatable Combo for Anything!Video Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft potion combination for all categories. @slipered @camman18’, was uploaded by Non Mazer on 2024-05-10 08:21:58. It has garnered 9 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Minecraft potion combination for all categories. In this video I will tell you how to become a pro in potion.I am selecting it with categories such as :1 RUSER 2. RUNNING AWAY/SPRINTING 3.ADVENTURE 4. FUN (TROLL FRIENDS). PLEASE LIKE AMD SUBSCRIBE. related keyword potion potions minecraft potion guide minecraft potions how to make potions… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock Viral Tik Tok Hack

    Minecraft Bedrock Viral Tik Tok HackVideo Information [Music] he he This video, titled ‘BEDROCK IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-03-22 02:30:16. It has garnered 6012 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. BEDROCK IN MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMINGGAMING #TREND #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • “Ultimate F1zX Minecraft Revelation! Season 3 Arjun MP Madness” #1million

    "Ultimate F1zX Minecraft Revelation! Season 3 Arjun MP Madness" #1millionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arjun mp server season 3 #minecraft #arjunmp #shorts #1million #anarchy’, was uploaded by F1zX on 2024-03-25 09:08:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Crafting Chaos on Day ?? by Deluxe2O

    Unbelievable Crafting Chaos on Day ?? by Deluxe2OVideo Information for for for [Music] that’s how long have I been muted I’m [ __ ] idiot welcome everybody I’m eating chips so anyway I had to hurry up start a stream perfect I had to hurry up and get all that stuff watered as you saw as you’re probably coming in yeah I just replanted got my [Music] um my stuff let’s get uh let’s all these that in there somewhere thr that in there somewhere um and then [ __ ] you would think you think as long as I’ve been streaming I would know how to… Read More

  • 10 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods of the Future! 🚀

    10 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods of the Future! 🚀Video Information hello guys in this video we will review the best mods that you can add to Minecraft to improve your experience and make the game more exciting and fun our first mod today is OptiFine this mod significantly improves game performance and increases frame rate per second FPS it also adds Advanced graphic options such as Dynamic lighting and realistic Shadows to download the mai you can visit the OptiFine website if you are a fan of exploration then Biomes O Plenty is what you need this mod adds many new and diverse environments making the world more… Read More

  • Realistic Mikey in Adventure Craft! Watch now for crazy parody

    Realistic Mikey in Adventure Craft! Watch now for crazy parodyVideo Information hi JJ hi Mikey listen I had a strange dream today I became a real person and now I have a feeling that I really can become one maybe there is a way I really want to become a human being do you want to become a human but why I want to try it it was so cool to be human in a dream maybe I can really do it hm I need to think about it yes there is one method cool and which one we need to go to the witch she will definitely find… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE GAMING GODS FALAK & DARSH – Top 5 Tips to Feed Otter! 👀 #viral #shorts

    🔥ULTIMATE GAMING GODS FALAK & DARSH - Top 5 Tips to Feed Otter! 👀 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👉Dop 5 Level 251 Feed the otter #gaming #viral #shorts #short’, was uploaded by FALAK & DARSH GAMING GOD 007 on 2024-01-03 04:04:40. It has garnered 2421 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. HIMLAND’S DARKEST TRUTHS & ODIN’S PLAN – Minecraft Himlands – Day 76 – [S3 E11] In himlands new video, Now in front of @ezio18rip and @MrFalanaG .. @YesSmartyPie fall into a evil pit.. Ezio fight the evil while @DREAMBOYYT fight with King Odin Social- Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/ezio18rip/ My Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/r/ezio18rip/ Discord- https://discord.gg/sz5aZ6u Intro BGM -… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft Adventure! Part 41-50 Audiobook

    Insane Modded Minecraft Adventure! Part 41-50 AudiobookVideo Information Kang the stories provided are freely available for online reading and are typically fan translations I refrain from altering the text but strive to identify the best translation and rectify any errors I encounter while producing the audio if the audio space is either too fast or too slow for your preference adjusting the speed on YouTube is recommended this ensures The Voice maintains its natural pitch avoiding the Distortion that occurs when directly changing the speed when editing if you’re eager to read ahead of my uploads you can find a link in the description below the… Read More