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Let Call Help oh it’s time for M oh I love M oh oh mcra MRA yeah yeah head ass what the pixel since when were you in the Stream oh yeah look at me a you’re always mean you’re always mean to me me I don’t like this no I’m not the [ __ ] I’m always nice

To you you know what by pixel I’m sorry for my wrongdoings I understand I love you oh I love you as well why is it that every time he [ __ ] streams you turn extremely gay with each other I’m always gay what do you mean Fu bro has a little switch that he

Turns on every time I stream yeah that’s exactly what I’m trying to point out it’s not that I turn more gay is that you expect me to be less gay when we’re streaming expectations deceive exactly it’s not even that I don’t see you’re not of

It yeah this why be oh hold on I’m going to rub your house off of cooked salmon hey no what the [ __ ] and I’m going to put your pork in there oh who the [ __ ] who just stripped your log outside of your house me I did it accidentally you’re [ __ ] idiot hey I

Tried my best to not do it okay and you failed caught my cat I’m sorry it’s Fu you don’t mean it yeah what the snow Golems bro I love the snow golems they’re so awesome yeah [ __ ] sucker went around and put snow golems in [ __ ] Brocks and George’s

House it’s awesome where is su’s house in progress pretty much right next to yours where you at yeah it’s the one made out of [ __ ] dark wood and [ __ ] deep SL as well uh sure where is he doesn’t really have any deep slate but yeah see oh that thing that

Thing be nice to his house he got feelings no don’t what are you hating George you always on some hating [ __ ] it sucks her Bro [ __ ] Yeah my goat yeah oh yeah by pixel I’m going to give you another totem cuz you broke your one due to unfortunate reasons well I didn’t break

It was some it was [ __ ] stupid child that did it B I’ll I got you a replacement well thank you of course I care about you I wouldn’t want you to die try my best not to yeah you’re pretty bad at it I’ll be honest yeah hm I saw that but I didn’t

Hear it give me a second that’s uh that was made by [ __ ] hi cardio welcome to the chat [ __ ] Co [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] okay I have no idea what the hell I’m going to do it’s still the very very beginning of the stream also God damn I forgot to open up

My my awesome sauce like [ __ ] that constantly updates the subscribers on stream there we go now it should be good I’ll be honest I’m listening to the song I’m not not [ __ ] with the vocals one bit I really don’t like them this [ __ ] playing stream no like I’m

Seeing what George S no oh this [ __ ] play night funking on stream yeah I did [ __ ] chaos lags as [ __ ] Chad make fun of them don’t actually do that be nice in civil yeah what’s up the hell are you going to do with your little Fish Shack H fish I’m sh my sh

There do any of you have like how do you make Jackal lanterns um you grab like one pumpkin you strip it with SC scissors so you cut off the face and then with that you put like a torch and a pumpkin on the crafting yeah also [ __ ] CIO said lethal

Company sucks change my mind how yall feel about that I haven’t played it I don’t have an opinion it neither do I I’m too greedy to spend money on such game what the it’s like like 20 bucks bro I Ain the hell I mean the hell is

Lethal company it’s all over my timeline it’s like a [ __ ] ass game where like you go around other planets and you [ __ ] grab [ __ ] for money I received a new recipe for like a bag oh yeah why I put a data pack that puts like a [ __ ] item that’s not in

Yet what the H and it’s pretty much just like bootleg U like shulker boxes oh me you can use that for convenient fishing and put them in a bag the [ __ ] where do you think you’re going my house I hate your house why here have majority of your fish back and a

Totem oh thank you of course my friend I don’t have Scaffolding in my inventory what the [ __ ] why the hell do you have scaffolding give me that I have no idea what’s wrong with having scolding huh I don’t use it cuz he stole it off of me I

Didn’t he probably got it accidentally but you stole it off of me I didn’t mean to wouldn’t it be funny if I went to the like other bases base and like blow their entire [ __ ] up I have T I have TNT if it changes your mind but I know we established like

World Peace like last stream and we’re going to [ __ ] ruin it oh oh yeah George I stole the [ __ ] like uh World file of the server and I started playing in single player I blew up your entire house why mine cuz I hate you obviously you you literally have be Soul’s house

You literally have Brock’s house why would they blow up house yeah what the [ __ ] what’s your problem I mean y’all got beef for no reason my house gets blown up so everyone else’s I want to say that I think only you should suffer why because I dislike your

Attitude speak for yourself also some crackhead replaced our like iron doors with like wooden doors in the community house I don’t know who it was I don’t mind it but yeah well yeah you have a wire do you have a hole in you no yeah me I got B an actual ho

Me you’re [ __ ] stupid bro I never asking you for [ __ ] I’m pretty sure I have one in my house alsoo be nice toxel um do you want one stick literally just one stick why the [ __ ] would I want one stick I know maybe you want to do a sword and you don’t have

It I I do have a sword what the [ __ ] goofy ass maybe you want to make uh fishing rod and you only have two oo you strive a good bargain that’s I’m say that’s what I’m wait wait George where you at hello friend there you go leave it at my house

Where the [ __ ] is your [ __ ] ass house I blew it up you blew it you should know where it is I blew it up on yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re a bit homeless now not too much you’re half homeless hi fos what’s good all right I left it in your like

Bottom chest with flowers and whatever the [ __ ] all right cool uh oh yeah B Soul where are you on my house fishing I want you where you at in my house fishing oh but what are you doing exactly fishing yeah but oh yeah but what are you doing exactly

Fishing uh thank you I have a bag to put all your fish inside I had that bag like crafted and I had no use for it you might have a use for it oh yeah and then you right click to take [ __ ] out oh it goes up to like one stack

Collectively but some items can only like you know if the items are too heavy one item would be like a stack blah blah blah head ass you know what I’m saying yeah what the [ __ ] goofy also since we were talking about like a minute pre stream I might as well

Just mention I don’t know if you’ve heard me say this before but corruption has such like most of the songs are actual Doo why you hating someone woke up on the right side of bed someone woke up on the woke side of the bed I mean there’s a few corruption

Songs I like [ __ ] null and void for example that is pretty good no it’s not man [ __ ] you dude suck needs to hop on the server and finish his [ __ ] ass house that is until he gets [ __ ] snow no cuz like he started a bunch of [ __ ] like structures and never

Finished them and now the [ __ ] the head ass Village looks empty as [ __ ] you’re going to be like I’m gonna [ __ ] over sex by putting snow goes for his house and then he gets in he like oh it’s so many friends what the hell did you just say was that even English yes

English Believe It or Not Eng was good oh hello I’m eating your fish in front of you I can’t eat I’m I don’t have any hunger oh hello Babel hello here I have this I got you a little flower thank you really good actually flower in my

Hand I’m not cute I’m like edgy and [ __ ] like that I’m stealing a couple your wood I saw I saw that disappear like in front of my eyes I was [Laughter] like w whatever you do do not look up Peter Griffin Burger your eyes will melt

Out of your sockets I don’t want to look uh give me a second let me open up bro oh God okay let me know how bad it is oh up you on it was good come with me okay also hi Lucas welcome back my friend it’s been a while and by while

I’m in a day this is sucker’s house right yep here all right cool what kind of mischievous [ __ ] are you going to do oh I get it it’s payback time what the oh wait no they’re going to die to the [ __ ] uh rain yeah there was one right here and he just died

Look bro you’re kidding bro did not look okay whatever where it was like in the corner of his house there was like a couple snowballs yeah you see him [ __ ] they di to rain sadly I can’t live without a day of poop [ __ ] yeah my fault friends I just didn’t feel like

It okay it’s not that bad it’s just like a [ __ ] photo or like something they did it was like a Peter Griffin Burger like yeah Family Guy theme monster burger out of a limited time what the [ __ ] that’s Lally it so what is the Peter Griffin Burger I

Don’t know it’s like some [ __ ] promotion thing F has Burger was good Sans son son there’s like random one fat guy that’s someone who use all right I’m gonna wait for the rain to go away okay the Ser but you’re stuck oh you’re stuck in scaffolding okay you were stuck in

Scaffolding what the Douglas I just [ __ ] up Doug w h go check on friend friend friend you alive friend’s alive yeah yeah my goat look at me when I’m talking to you hey don’t be mean to them he’s just staring at the wall blankly oh bro is [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] bro

Slowly turned towards me God damn bro seen some [ __ ] Bro faithful makes him look so cute H I love him faithful makes him look so cute bro faithful yeah you got to like turn on the mod look at him do you mean faithless uh fath yes my bad oh cuz

Faithful is a completely other one who hasn’t seen some [ __ ] at this point yeah you’re right oh God I was joking I didn’t know the [ __ ] Peter Griffin Burger was real I Repent you better be sorry you know friends why wouldn’t it be real there’s got to be like some fast

Food chain out there that has some pig Griffin promotion at least I predict things have really gone to poop [ __ ] oh get it I don’t get it you know George [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I’m always so mean to George what happened except for the fact he deserves it but what

Happened you fat [ __ ] bastard Bro [ __ ] roll down a [ __ ] C roll down some kill yourself actually get H oh my God so spti you you thin ass [ __ ] spaghetti [ __ ] F ass [ __ ] bro that wasn’t even a real insult sound like just [ __ ] would be surprised if there was

A Lego Burger I don’t know how they would make it edible but I mean people yall remember those [ __ ] ass videos people still make them but like where people like make stop motion animation of Lego food and they cook it and everything that [ __ ] goes hard I

Remember watching that [ __ ] as a kid I was like oh why did they make Lego so appetizing because it is because it is oh damn it not cuz [ __ ] ass is [ __ ] started cutting a bunch of [ __ ] Lego salami and it started sizzling I’m like [ __ ] I want some salami

Now the Lego salami question Lego salami goes hard no wait till you try it I’m not hitting you would never hate you’re my God yeah thanks bexel no problem okay I’m going to go my netherite again cuz I got three beds that I wrongfully stole from you

Maybe I don’t ad I don’t admit to guil of course you wouldn’t you’re Romanian yeah I wouldn’t I’m Romanian Okay who in chat is Romanian type zero first chat to get zero numbers if somebody’s actually like by chance Romanian what the PV you’re not Romanian actually you might be [ __ ] who

Am I to assume yeah stop assume stop assume head ass that’s what you sound like my bad [ __ ] out of here bro someone’s Maddy Patty oh know I was trying to think of another alternative to obset Spaghetti it doesn’t hit as hard someone’s Maddy Patty I can say for a fact I’m not

Romanian thank you Lucas oh my God Lucas Lucas I’ve only met like what two people in my entire life who were Romanian and had the name Lucas Luca Lucas Luca or Luca yeah really did that thing I like if I had a nickel for every time I made a Romanian

Called Lucas I’d have two P which isn’t a lot but it’s impressive that it still happen uh wait what does that say I can see the [ __ ] ass like chat because of that one heart like I can Pro and I cannot properly read it it would be so cool if

There was a pizza with the topping uh whatever the [ __ ] diaroma of the Brian Lookout scene what of the Dead [ __ ] Brian that got [ __ ] hit by a car Brian reminds me of that dumbass [ __ ] video I’ve seen where it was like [ __ ] bro did you hear the news about

Family gy Brian’s dead Brian’s gone no he was started [ __ ] he started screaming yall seen that video I’ve seen it Brian’s dead guy at some I think there was a guy at some point that [ __ ] tattooed Brian cuz he died no not Brian not bra Brian

Brian I found my [ __ ] ass hole where I used to mine last time [ __ ] ass hole the just on the ground the hell hi by pixel hello does anyone have any pumpkins yeah the house Community House yeah we literally have a farm of pumpkins yeah here’s a thing um there’s

No more pumpkins what do you mean there’s no more pumpkins there’s no more pumpkins you literally have a [ __ ] giant pillar of pumpkins on the middle of the goddamn Road I think we can take some of these in all fairness that’s a monument from the other team we wouldn’t destroy

That unless we would cuz we’re Romanian I kind of I kind of need two of them so for what purpose oh yeah good morning good night someone that has made the Brian Griffin body pillow not surprised like in the slightest what the hell I am that guy was probably George let’s be real

Someone has priority are you like you’re my priority oh were you dropped on the head as a child actually yes apparently that’s a fact for has like a dent in his head somewhere somewhere no cuz my [ __ ] mother visited today and she was like like when you were younger and a baby I

Was like uh wiggling you on my feet and like [ __ ] tucking you at night and then I accidentally dropped you on the head and you had a big ass bump on your head and I was like damn no wonder why I’m so [ __ ] stupid that’s what is Qui at least at

Least she was honest W mother okay Chad don’t drop your children don’t drop the children your head that’s my tip to you do not drop the children who else in here was dropped to be honest I have no [ __ ] idea I’ll be honest very like has your mother not revealed to you

No my mom revealed to me that I almost ended up being paralyzed from the next down why cuz my grandma for my bad side [ __ ] shook me for some God forsaken wake up I almost ended up being paralyzed from the ne [ __ ] ass Grandma bro what happened who Hur

Her what did she think it would just be okay to grab a baby and just like it’s like star shaking the sh of it I mean who am I to tell I would have probably done the same of course it’s my Romanian treatment of waking up my child why why Babys City

101 wake up [ __ ] paralyzed the child it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] Bro George and I have those [ __ ] like random moments and [ __ ] call in the poop [ __ ] server where we kind of just start watching Gordon Ramsey like Kitchen Nightmares it’s a good show though it’s such a good show like

Unironically if y’all haven’t been doing that ER you got to you got to get on that I recommend it Goram Goron it’s a good [ __ ] I thought I was the only one yeah know thing is Gordon Ramsey like he has such an addicting like how do I say this Persona

Like I want to see him yell at people it’s so entertaining Gonza is funny as [ __ ] yeah whoa no I’m burning no what lava monster how should I feel creatures lie here through the window bro who else in chat love the dub step bro that [ __ ] was my [ __ ]

Trying to start [ __ ] small talk with Chad no more lava oh I forgot I named my sword [ __ ] Slayer of course you you’d name that you would never know I would actually cuz you’re my goat no no I’m not that’s you that’s what you sounds

Like me I was telling people to be quiet I’m going to go watch Goro Ramy in the Bro watching Gorgon Ramy in Minecraft dude that’ actually be so sick we get a plugin that plays videos we have a [ __ ] watch party I mean you can get it yeah chat

This may be our next stream’s bit h I forget do not keep my word for it or keep I don’t [ __ ] Care monst why does that song go so hard [ __ ] ass song it was like such a song that was made for like edgy teenagers me included except I was like a cringe oh Minecraft child okay let me get the let me get in my better awesome position oh buto why

Is there so much lava in the nether like let’s think about this can wait for the 5H hour oh uh can wait for the 5 our Iceberg video watch party dude imagine someone should make an iceberg of the PO shter server like how deep the lore goes a [ __ ] mini game in the

Background yeah [ __ ] hold I’m trying to think what would be like some dumbass [ __ ] you could put I like at the bottom of the iceberg B wi are actually dating the Lord that no one discovered you y’all will never actually know oh bro I swear to God I’ve been changing

Like trajectories if that’s what you call it to like avoid lava at least five times and I always discovered it oh my God de okay this might not be my lucky day oh maybe no netherite I have like three pieces oh just got a [ __ ] fishing that’s cool get named fish my

Bad oh oh what the [ __ ] awkward is CA Vanishing like if it goes outside of your inventory you lose it forever no if you die lose it forever oh okay a fishing rod with Unbreaking three do you want it sure I’ll come to fish baby I’ll come whoa

Awkward who said that why did the wind sound exactly like Wire yeah what technically speaking isn’t just speaking in general just wind let’s think about this I cuz like it’s air exiting your body in like a weird ass form w w accent crack I was like weird ass form head ass

Oh Romanian people am I right ow I tried to put out the fire and my dumbass got on fire I think I’m on fire oh guys um how do I go back home can someone give me the cords you already know the cords come on I actually don’t I’m in the nether I’m

In the nether oh H why you in the nether to my netherite I’ve said this ah forgot my bad it is your bad I’m sorry right sometimes you deserve a little bit of bullying I’m too nice to you the H I got to keep you in check h good morning oh good

Night me if I was tired mhm oh I just got hit by the arrow I’m going get on PC be right back sure oh sure thing my friend okay B pixel yeah I’m going to find the way home without your help okay since you’d like not to help me it’s not

That I’m just too busy fishing kind of busy trying to organize my [ __ ] again don’t worry I got this I got too many items hey all right I found it technically okay thank you beel for your spiritual help couldn’t have done it without you you’re always there to guide me on

The right path no I’m glad I am of course okay I found this [ __ ] ass portal that’s for some reason blown out might have been a guest or the wind or the windy guest ooh is it the port like on the corner yeah yeah my fault I couldn’t like defend myself I

Didn’t have arrows at the moment so it was your fault it was my fault yeah can’t be mad at you I can’t be mad at George though George why would you do that there’s not even wait is he muted or some [ __ ] I didn’t check Discord no he’s just like

Not talking oh he passed away GG Chad George has died on stream oh YouTube If you think I actually showed death uh I’m I’m joking please don’t delete my channel it actually be funny if I deleted my [ __ ] YouTube channel what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] started Hing on

Clash Royale stop playing Minecraft bro this a Minecraft stream head ass what what what what [ __ ] you bro what the there something very cool that I just noticed the server did you’re really cool all right I’m back home Demitri stop [ __ ] the horses Whoa stop [ __ ] the horse

Skeleton horse has [ __ ] mating with head ass other horses that are alive hey what’s goodie ow I’m drowning no wait what’s goody uh oh let me uh no wait uh okay um there you you good you’ve been really quiet I didn’t even have that much bro how’ you do

That no don’t give it back [ __ ] Lucas said the most awkward block dropping montage oh I always wanted to fish while I get blocks dropped to me I give it half back okay the [ __ ] what do you need the other half for not that I would need

It not that I need it or something bro holding my [ __ ] ass flower zesty like it hey fish fish you know what that means yeah be five Bear Naked Bear bones ooh ooh ooh equal exchange obviously yeah you’re right B kind of 50/50 what the my

Favorite okay I have luck of the c2o I can’t get nothing bro what is this cuz I’m awesome oh there I’m dying if you hit me once I’m gone I actually almost I was really expecting you to hit me after that I really wanted to because

It would be funny but I don’t want to harm you bro a a rare wholesome moment I wouldn’t want to cause any harm to you head ass how many levels are you in 13 oh I survived the the pixel Punch or more like a slap to me but

Yeah I the hell what did I get oh the Temptation the blood l a BL one blood thirsty all right do you think like the potion of regeneration in Minecraft is just more blood I have no idea like what’s a potion made out of it’s like gives you

300 white cells so like regenerates everything quick what do they have to be white racist human body shut the [ __ ] what happened to the [ __ ] what happened to the other cells what happened to the black cells dude imagine like [ __ ] like I get hurt at some point and I start

Bleeding and my blood is all black you’re going to the hospital buddy I mean technically speaking it’s already like a darker red tint right like a lot of blood it’s very dark like it’s really dark so I guess I need to see a doctor I’m still one heart by the way if

You’d like to hit me and Die unless you already did that and you already feel accomplished Prett I’m okay shut the [ __ ] up love that stupid cat why am I dude it’s actually kind of impressive how am I catching more fish than you no idea this may just be me being goated sauce I will never see that again

Thank you what what did I do so you come here often oh fish so you come here often no it doesn’t I’m so pissed up it’s cuz of my [ __ ] ass armor bro thank God [ __ ] no my [ __ ] ass fish knowel I hate you I’m going to sit down on my awesome [ __ ]

Awesome chair [ __ ] chair of awesome you know what to do wait oh fish proceeds to get leather [ __ ] you Chad you always find entertainment in me doing the most useless boring shits like I’m literally fishing with B right now and you’re like oh fish hit us oh Cod o leather gets

Cod shut where the [ __ ] are your slippers pink clean them up what the [ __ ] you mean like the bottom of your shoe is like brown while the rest of your shoe is like pink clean your shoe up good I feel like I’m one of the one

Of the 20 people in America that likes 3D allst Stars uh I live in Romania the chat is the main character kind of didn’t 3D wasn’t 3D Allstars um like poorly received yeah was it okay is it the PlayStation thing 3D Allstars is Mario Galaxy Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine

For the switch Yeah of all three oh I got a yeah now now you can barely [ __ ] drown because of that Lily Pad yeah like how else are you trying to get Galaxy on switch Yeah I guess true see me personally I guess you could do that oh yeah can you just like

Emulate I’m pretty sure if you mod the switch you can get like better emulation can you just emulate the switch and put like a ROM yeah yeah no you can you can wild hold on where’s you were saying something I’m actually going to go look for that don’t know how to swi what

The your mic sounds way better on stream now what the [ __ ] you do to it I could I put [ __ ] gain in a compressor there you go and I tried to make myself as loud as everybody else I got you your favorite fish bro [ __ ]

Know what I like what are you doing why are you chilling on half a heart cuz I I like eating fish I’m so I’m so nauseous oh oh I’m hurting pixel help me I need a doctor it’ll be such a shame if someone one tapped you right now pixel two

Tapped me and I’m still alive the [ __ ] who died oh you have thorns Jesus [ __ ] I actually got that [ __ ] by chance by enchanting My Oh by enchanting my [ __ ] [ __ ] ass armor get the [ __ ] back out of the [Laughter] chair cuz like you don’t have the

[ __ ] do you have face on no bro turn fa on like legitimately hold on you got find so funny uh the [ __ ] faithless there it is hold on give me a Second what the [ __ ] bro out the biggest schlong ever that’s why I’ve been [ __ ] laughing at it this stop tickling my hair big fishing R what did you just say dude why is the flower so [ __ ] massive holy [ __ ] [ __ ] ass flower I thought it would be awesome if

I just got you like one of those like small ass flowers but no you have one of those big ass you L gave me it sufan is stupid or sufian you’re on half a heart am I I couldn’t tell thank you for reminding me sure thank you Chad for looking after

Me okay by pixel you can hit me more than one time now if you were to beat the [ __ ] at me for whatever reason you got a fist before I swear to God okay watch me three two one now [ __ ] at least I timed it perfectly I’m pretty proud of

That thank you thank you yeah man oh oh what the [ __ ] my favorite my favorite what are you laughing for huh what’s so funny I’m sorry oh my God I’m so nauseous like oh my head oh your favorite fish wa no I’ll catch it for you thank you my

Pixel I think I got it I didn’t get it get back in there let me turn back off [ __ ] faithless oh so not that I don’t like it but it’s buggy as hell I think I lost it I’m not going to [ __ ] I’ll dark mode though o I just heard you grab

It turn it over I’m hungry I’m hungry please don’t hurt me ow thank you all right feel better bro kiss the boo boo that was I was bleeding internally the bits on this stream is totally incredible great comedy what I’m saying where else are you going to get

Such entertainment yeah also why does my chair have like an actual set of Health can I just beat the [ __ ] out of my chair yeah [ __ ] you bro why do you look like you’re jerking at oh [ __ ] fish oh oh I’m jerking it Chad look away no

Chad no you can’t see me like this oh D I thought it was me ha I got a fish before you look like you’re going to [ __ ] smack me with I hate him the competition is welding what the [ __ ] is George doing here and why is the [ __ ] stupid ass loud ass cat

Nodding what are you looking at look [ __ ] I’m sexy and I know [ __ ] dapping with it chop off my poobs yeah man damn it bro I love fish oh yeah yeah you did it you did what the Bro started spinning like a cartoon character me after I get hit

Wow oh dude why do the fish like act like a [ __ ] Wier in a restaurant you know how they bring you and then they change trajectories to [ __ ] put it to somebody else’s table like it makes you seem like you’re going to grab it but then it [ __ ] goes to me

Sad yeah yeah yeah you did it yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] love this Dam it [ __ ] ass George bro bro is out of the loop B pixel oh [ __ ] [ __ ] pixel y what’s up what what if I smacked you that be sad oh I don’t want to make

You sad good thank you the good ending ow what the [ __ ] I had to do it it was the same [ __ ] fish oh yeah what the [ __ ] bro ass dog it would have been so funny if you came from all the way over there to your fishing rod I would have been so Pissed except I wouldn’t cuz I’m happy for your progress you what the [ __ ] how you catch two fish before me cuz I’m awesome luck of the Seas I li bro oh did I just catch her a fish no oh would you look at that oh look what I just finished oh oh

Wait it’s kind of singing actually where did they go oh I see it hold on it oh it’s slowly Rising oh you actually caught it slowly Rising hold on oh oh oh wait for it wait for it that’s what she said and it’s behind the eyes where the [ __ ] would she say

It’s behind us part oh I feel it coming oh oh all right I’ll grab it back since you don’t want it what the [ __ ] my favorite fish ice we eating good tonight dud reminds me of that [ __ ] ass image that I saw where it was like [ __ ] glutenfree

Lactose free [ __ ] sugar free and ice cream and it was just ice and it’s through though I mean yeah vegan free stop [ __ ] dropping my damn Y water bro I know so many people that unironically just eat ice like I ain’t going to judge you for

It but I’m going to judge you for it who the [ __ ] does that pixel do you do that I was I was white clicking my bed Why didn’t it let me sleep no someone doesn’t like to eat their eyes no you’re not one of them [ __ ]

Wits no no offense to the other [ __ ] in the chat what the what what’s up I’m trying to throw my junk into the [ __ ] like blacksmith oh let’s do it together together right yeah we always do [ __ ] together let’s go what the what the [ __ ] are you doing oh

Dropping everything that’s what I want I’m never press control if you press control you drop everything well what the I saw it touch it’s literally touching what what give me a second the eyes from Sonic the restaurant is weirdly popular for some reason [ __ ] Sonic got ice like the

Restaurant what the [ __ ] yall need ice for slushies or just like sodas yeah baby have some boots I I I don’t need it but thank you I appreciate it mAh a thank you problem what you [ __ ] no I prise it wasn’t me it was the wind it was the wind it flew out

Of my hands no what the [ __ ] bro God damn it what the [ __ ] what it keeps like going oh my God it keeps going around it just go here go here Crouch and then jump and try to time it brick oh there you go this is way more

Easier I want you what the get out of me G to do this I can see inside your head bro what do you see your face no [ __ ] oh can you see inside me yeah oh I see how beautiful you are except for the fact you’re green for some

Reason no offense to Green people God [ __ ] get out of my way what the brick the wait what head ass Breck is going through the portal oh well that just happened God [ __ ] how does this happen there you go bro well I’m [Laughter] awkward that worked out

Damn it you missed Fu shut up this is some medieval ass garbage disposal machine guess what yeah it is guess what news FL you s what the why do you sound like huh h Huh ha oh B bed oh that’s cute what the [ __ ] that’s yellow you crafting

Sticks sticks are fire actually could do that shoulders knees and toes knees and toes all right let me go out my massive pinor whoop I forgot [ __ ] I forgot gri Apple lives here now he lives in my pinor [ __ ] yeah he moved in weor them I think I mean yeah we increase our

Population yeah hey where do you think you’re going oh thank you for that this dark wood yeah oh it makes sense makes sense let me get this do I have axe I don’t have why don’t you just go like in the forest over there I just want wood it’s fun

Yeah so we don’t damage our wood facility yes yes yes yes you’re right my friend hold on I can give you my axe if you want no it’s fine I’ll do one come back let me be nice to you I want to do like a diamond axe either way I have a diamond

Axe oh my what the Thanks in audible kiss have a bunch of com blocks uh okay have this bro give me raw seen oh where you coming blocks bro my B it’s my it’s my [ __ ] cubicle balls pixel mhm what’s up how’s it going I’m doing pretty good come here but we need a compilation of us

Being it’s going to be so [ __ ] long first compilation to to reach like 10 years let’s go what the [ __ ] who put come where Daniel was in the item frames what do you mean come come just come come oh damn you know come yeah the come

Yeah that’s how you pay respect to the dead I was going to make some V ass joke uh where is I Stu stick there I used to rule the world Al do you do the axe to the right or to the left what do you mean the axe

The a when are you crafting it oh uh to the left oh I do have to the right M maybe we weren’t meant for each other either way oh oh did you imagine breaking up over a Minecraft recipe that’s the funniest [ __ ] ever wait uh come here wi I want to test something

What as I’m walking backwards okay where you at uh I’m at the Herobrine spawner okay let me get it hello okay are you healthy right now relatively okay I I want to see how much damage this axe does yeah crit me okay wait no that’s one that was not crit give me a

Second uh two hearts and a half two hearts and a half God damn so technically speaking it it could probably one shot me if I didn’t have armor this [ __ ] has like sharpness five on it sharpness five on a [ __ ] axe yeah somehow that sounds unusual believe me

My is like the have a random Herobrine spawner so he comes into the world obviously yeah it’s an invitation yeah we invite him me being gay with Herobrine hey you’re invited bless you thank you bless you bless bless you head ass I want to push George in the water

And I hope he drowns no don’t do that she will actually D oh there he goes there he goes don’t do that bro he’s going to actually [ __ ] die I know that’s the point yes but it’s going to be piss and he going like he’s going to be

Piss Fu where do you think you’re going huh I save them save them don’t undo my wrongdoings yours deserve to pass away I really I really want to but he might die yeah put him next to Douglas oh no all fish you out what no Babel what [ __ ] B God damn it

Hold on I got it yeah wait no [ __ ] B oh bro what did I get you or not I didn’t okay there b I’ll pull you out oh you got me out thank you hey how do you do my friend probably the wetest thing I’ve seen oh wait sleeping sleeping no I’m so

Tired could just go in my house oh yeah we can sleep together I’m on my way go go go go go go are you parents home no oh let’s go please oh yeah let’s go oh hi hi how you doing I woke up right next to

You I had the I had the best sleep ever I bet I bet because I was sleeping with you yeah all pixel the [ __ ] with goofy ass where the [ __ ] is he come here baby girl why would you say that to me what is we trying to

Communicate a I love you as well by pixel oh ass what why the [ __ ] do you have bone meal in your Barrel what the [ __ ] do I oh oh my God that was not me the bones are not m who did you murder bro uh no comment oh the

Ghost I put him upside down I’m robbing you stop robbing me I’ll be upset I got the Colombian like Zaza [Laughter] here just how funny that [ __ ] was bro I swear to God actually get out of here I got the Colombian zaz God damn I throw you sugar Lum

Sucker or Lumin I don’t know what the [ __ ] you want to be called I don’t really care I just say both accidentally so I don’t know uh I’m going to call you luur that’s a good in between lur it goes kind of hard you got to admit it does what the [ __ ]

What he accidentally right click the [ __ ] head ass like stair on my roof and I teleported on my roof sitting pixel this is your fault no um uh George is really mad at the snow golem thing amazing I’m pretty sure he was going to [ __ ] like put snow golems in your

House but it was raining and he would have died he has yeah oh bro wanted extra Revenge I think it’s funny because I already cleaned up everything sock I’ve I’ve been here for like a minute and it’s already all gone oh wellit I’m going to come to your

House I’m going to check up on you I want to see how youve been how you doing we haven’t talked in a while and by a while I’m in a day well make that two two day ooh hi hey your house looks empty yeah I wonder why because it’s

Empty also did you steal my Ender Chest [ __ ] ass no it’s mine oh oh yeah right you did kind of ask me for [ __ ] I thought you was back yeah I realized here I have this clock clock me after I see a chicken what the chicken after he sees you is it like

Clock you know what I’m saying yeah yeah man I can’t tell which way you’re facing sometimes cuz you’re entire head ass head is the same like perspective technically goodbye you sent me the s file to the thing were you like oh um kind of like help me with this or like give me

Critiques or just send it because it’s funny I send it because it’s funny I was so confused like oh do I need to do something told me like I can see about it try to like maybe clean it up look about the colors and [ __ ] like that make it more St stylized even

Yeah tell him no no I won’t tell him where soldja boy shut him up thank you B pixel you’ve always been my number one supporter yeah I really appreciate you thank you what the [ __ ] bro who wants these [ __ ] ass like dead horses that’re just roaming around their

Base I want those okay then get a saddle um I think I have one I should have one yeah I have yeah yeah I have hey let me be excited for us I’m being excited with you the [ __ ] where are they uh a little over like the pinor like they’re in the

Fields hold on I’ll guide you to them if you can see them over here your ex excused you’re going too far behind you or actually in front of you as well but behind you what you found them yeah [ __ ] ass horse what the [ __ ] you’ve gone too far B

Pixel I love how your character just disappears so the horse is riding himself really yeah like after a while my [ __ ] like rendered distance just [ __ ] up and only the horse is visible uh behind to your left behind yeah you’re going straight towards me I don’t know where you are

Anymore oh oh oh my God I’m actually going to kill myself Jesus Christ are you in the [ __ ] P yes Wait oh I understand I’m going to steal all your items I’m actually don’t do oops I accidentally grabbed a little bit of your XP it’s fine oh goodbye break someone wasn’t having a good time coming back to the PS5 B pixel goes too far my God but you should make your own

Game I thought about it as if you haven’t been intending on it okay at least I have some of my stuff thank God I have at least my other stuff is like right above you it oh didn’t notice come on yeah yeah okay um I think some of your stuff also traveled

Up your horse traveled up yeah I was trying to get my horse I’m [ __ ] sad and I could I think your [ __ ] ass horse is [ __ ] assly stuck this will not work wait hold on what oh oh that’s how you died I’ll try to push him it doesn’t

Work wait I can fishing rod him [ __ ] ooh got it okay oh my God I almost died again did I do it got it got oh oh I can guide you see if you could do it okay hold on need to heal up stup horse looking at Meo

Okay yes uh rotate to the right I’m about to die I left the horse what what the okay it’s fine I gain your XP I guess that makes us even yeah dead ass oh [ __ ] how much did you get from it like seven level all right I’m cool with that hello hello

Okay [ __ ] stupid ass horse I swear to [ __ ] God how did we end up on this how did you end up on this oh wait oh God damn he only goes to the sides bro [ __ ] ass horse I hate you you’re right right if I can doesn’t let me yeah

It doesn’t let you use a lead that’s probably smart I want to go catch one okay just have a book be right the back of B pixel okay hi Dimitri I know we had a lead in the chest somewhere from the [ __ ] ass llamas unless I missed them oh no I saw

Them there you go we all right hopefully this works oh wait wait wait I’m trying to [ __ ] I’m trying to drag you yeah didn’t work why doesn’t he go up no know why he doesn’t go up like it’s supposed to drag him upwards oh he’s

Up let’s go God I’m so awesome then we [ __ ] kill him instantly by throwing to the ground hold on I got this oh my God almost fell hold on I got this it’s drop downable yeah let’s go I’m going to cry i s a [ __ ] God I’m going to grab my

XP oh I got four levels pixel no you were so happy I miss him already what the [ __ ] [ __ ] ass zombie ruining my morning you’re alive get on your [ __ ] asso I got the fishing rod that’s all that matters not to self do not go up the peor with the horse

Again never go off my P can we just stuck the [ __ ] horse there people like what the [ __ ] why is there a horse there not to self never go up my peor we just like go with the horses we set the two horses there and then grab app whenever he comes back he

Like what the [ __ ] dead ass horse the fuckle I got a stupid ass bll I don’t know what to do with it have fun oh thanks I always wanted an empty as bow yeah yeah you always know what I like thank you I also like that I’m

Glad okay I need to feed my [ __ ] ass pigs hey Who you calling a stup hoe pole not hoe stupid ass pole L expect to like repeat that like hey you you got a St Ass pole all Who you calling a stupid ass pole also who planted more pumpkins

In the pumpkin farm no wonder why they couldn’t [ __ ] grow hello i’ been oh hi I’ve been stomping on the dumb ass [ __ ] like dirt to [ __ ] make it like growable but it didn’t work it a worky oh thank you la I can always count on you to give me more carrots

Yeah you little guy yeah all right I’m going to I’m not going to say that what I was going to say I’m going to [ __ ] with my pigs there why did I make you laugh I hate you bro cuz you’re silly no if you really think that of me

Yeah all right now George can complain that we don’t have enough pigs and he can actually kill some whatever the fu like majority of them I have no idea also like he’s still in the server he’s just baby hello he’s just not alive yeah what is bro pondering for can you kick

Him thank you he’s gone forever finally finally now I now I can what the I think off my fans did you not notice no I’m like zoomed in oh I’m spamming zoom on notic is we Zooms In how does this make you feel you he m that copper I Think what the what the sleep with me I’m tring try harder give me second let me get naked oh there go that’s all it took of course you would say such a casual sentence by the way oh let me get naked real you did that as well shut up I

Didn’t announce my nakedness oh I do anounce my oo I got a cat in my lap eating my hair that’s so awesome the [ __ ] I was on your lap eating your hair do you have long ass hair [ __ ] Lucas is saying this horror game is getting a tad bit

Horny was he wrong for that all right I’m still trying to sleep this isn’t going quite well T what you doing building you’re not quite there from what I’m noticing [ __ ] you oh Fu have my obsidian yeah is it night yet no I’m going to wait until it’s night

Yeah you should probably do that oh you’re alive yes I’m going to some alive I was listening to you baby come here oh I’m coming back I got I got naked for you you got to come here sorry I thought you weren’t mentally here wait can I wait give me a second

Let me see if I can do something that’s very funny I was goody no I thought I had my like old skin because my old skin was actually cuz um so I was really confused how like the whole layering [ __ ] worked like cloths and [ __ ] like that yeah I could just do

That but with my clothes I was always so confused I have noidea why did you give them obsidian whatever the [ __ ] that is it is Obsidian also do you also I’m really naked like I’m more naked than naked yes I I can see that wait do I

Have wait what the hell is it clothes on the hell it’s uh options and skin customize oh oh I’m fully naked what the [ __ ] this might be inappropriate might be a little bit too much I’m good CH cover your eyes cover your eyes I did not mean to show that

I thought I only have like the [ __ ] slave re whatever the [ __ ] you would to call it I only had that like I didn’t expect it to be like naked naked on your clothes that’s what I expected as well the [ __ ] bro like guess it’s fair like I

Want to have some layering to the clothing yeah it’s so fair I guess that sh was funny as well I actually did that caught me so off guard same what the [ __ ] bro I don’t know oh bro my brother is really mean he called my cat the [Laughter]

Nword crazy ass brother bro the brother brother oh what’s it going to say oh B pixel’s bed speak your wisdom sexy time no sexy eat man can I sleep now I can’t why is it taking so long I’m trying to see with B almost stay

Here s I’m so [ __ ] naked this is your fault I’m like I’m like homeless and naked because of you he don’t go away where you going what the [ __ ] huh where you going where are you going I was trying to search for you oh I was going like Through The Eyes

Oh hi hi I waved you yes let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go oh 60 die wait why can’t I oh there you [Laughter] go Zing a little bit holy [ __ ] lasting longer than I expected the mirror what the [ __ ] what both what both Funk me oh hi that was awesome

Y let’s do that again sometime yeah yeah 100% oh I have to rearrange my [ __ ] ass inventory cuz I died hello what you looking for you well you found me wait wait wait wait wait wait stand up you’re done for yeah there goes all my children

Potential I guess I have no excuse now got where’s the stuff I Would oh hi oh [ __ ] you done some crazy ass progress and by that I’m in a roof yeah yeah kind of awesome the watpad Riders are going to have a feel today with this footage yeah yall better get to work so I’m robbing you oh

Yeah oh yeah pretty much why is bro so chill with that I was like yeah understand if it goes to a good cause Hey hey sucker huh metaphorically speaking when you are to finish your house since it has like a second story and whatnot would you want to start like some sort of a hotel with the other gang if they’re trying to move in no also you left your La here oh out

Here I don’t think bro knows what he’s doing what’s G I’m trying to open the door for him where is he for La is he what there he is hello oh wait he doesn’t have my awesome item come here follow me down there where’s wi yes wire is up there come

On yeah okay there you go also sucker [ __ ] you uhhuh uhhuh friendsy be nice to my goat sucker a Bro [ __ ] him why I blow up your house only you’re always mean to everybody recorder in the corner yeah what that was what oh watch that I’m not [ __ ] stupid you

Know I mean not fully what oh no no that’s you George don’t worry he’s fighting back damn got hands bro Hi oh thank you I always wanted the stick of butter yeah yeah now I can make toast oh thanks no problem all right we’re leaving damn he’s like my little child never talk to me or my son or get [ __ ] it’s a good song mayhaps all right the other La you can get in my my awesome house you can what no that place is reserved okay man that place is reserved oh wait w come here uh give me a second the second in question I’ll be

There in a minute poy bear why is there more INXS on the shore bro my bad I splurged a little bit where are you at on my way to you I’m not at home where are you let me let me actually go you might be go do something

With your life what did I do [ __ ] off okay I’m going to give you a buffet I’m just chill I’m just chilling how I like it yes [ __ ] spy glass and this [ __ ] this rude ass [ __ ] starts yelling at me ymer oh that was delicious yeah fck and

I wash it down with actual fish thank you for this awesome meal ow can’t even regenerate sorry I’m hurting so you come here often yeah appreciating the background music ow dude how long is this [ __ ] going to last for 30 seconds we’re going to sit

Here for a while you ate like seven of them Al I didn’t know by eating more what the [ __ ] all Majestic and [ __ ] like that I don’t know where bro the [ __ ] big ass [ __ ] no the big assh nozer what is he sniffing oh I’m good stupid who the [ __ ]

Just who gave me cooked chicken me F on me thank you oh if you want me to get closer you could have just asked all right I’m I’m out of here so tall the H me after looking at my P cuz like the wheat on The faithless Mod oh

Yeah it’s really it’s like two i’ be like totally hidden right now no you’re not that normal texture pack I know but if like if you turn on faithless I’ll be like almost hidden don’t look behind you wire the horse is here Peter the horse is here byel get out of the

Fields slave labor what I can still see you what the you ruined the moment I didn’t I need what hello oh you scared [Laughter] me got to do not touch it it hurts oh yeah this is our ultimate sacrifice yeah yeah yeah what yeah yeah yeah what the Bro coming on

Herobrine what can I say I see how it is the [ __ ] also can you undo [ __ ] quartz from blocks to normal quartz uh no I think pretty sure canot no oh makes sense I don’t know why I thought you could there’s no really reason to even do that I’ll be honest I mean

Yeah yeah yeah you like that yeah yeah you like this sh yeah put the put the gun down oh did somebody say gun oh what the [ __ ] is still hit me the no it’s cuz of my Thorns H please don’t shoot me shoot George in his horse what are you aing that for

Me stupid it’s like a western ass [ __ ] duel oh wait B pixel what look at the sun oh you know what it is oh very cute oh okay here let’s go then iing take my clothes off and like I didn’t expect that like in the middle of the

Public I thought like surprised just both it’s not even I’m surprised I surprised you you made the skin yes when I made it the skin like a year ago you got to remind that I know for a fact you’re dumb I started laughing your ass off I was like what

No I mean like while you were making it oh no I just thought it was like intuitive that’s literally it makes sense I thought you were just doing it for the funny no oh oh that was weird oh I’m so energized now oh yes we’re so Speedy we’re so

Speedy I’m going to the nether I’m going to the nether you me to fix your stupid ass [ __ ] like strip the log at your house no it’s fine if you say so do you want to go with the to the nether with me sure whenever you go yeah where we at what Theep I mean depends where you want to go I’ve been like exploring this side but it has nothing and so I might go this side why would you follow bexel to the end obviously we do everything together watch out not b not bows not B what do you mean not really you’re not

Even there for most of the things the [ __ ] you mean I’m not there for most of the days are you stupid what they protect so much offense is bro like actually damage in the [ __ ] brain maybe oh I I wear gold okay I thought I

Didn’t have gold on me so I was going to be like [ __ ] I don’t have gold but don’t worry I’ll protect you I mean I have gold protect don’t worry don’t worry I’ll protect myself okay thank you you’re protecting a person that I care about a huh thank you

I’m glad you care about me let’s go let’s go let’s go obiously let’s go go got long [ __ ] time Jesus Christ yeah my bad goofy goofy ass tunel but pixel if we die at least we die together yeah that’s all that matters right yeah although I would rather not die exactly

Oh my God I actually accidentally run and I was going to [ __ ] die there like no that would have been the worst like timed ever yeah what the [ __ ] bro yeah I want to explore something like that like the little Forest we have on the side yeah but I’m just so scared

Of like bridging on the nether I’m bridging in question yeah it’s so weird where are follow you thanks not too much though do you want to like try and hang out here or do you want to like go for I’ve been here I mind for nether around this place okay okay

Okay oh awesome slightly pixel you scare me why you might fall I’m good I’m good trust trust it’s just one thing that got me hungry give me a second what the hell okay cool stop eating me well okay someone’s hungry what someone’s hungry theoretically speaking if [ __ ] jelly

Were to eat wire would jelly just have like an inside skeleton why is this a question again question work I have no idea she like doesn’t she can eat but she doesn’t [ __ ] eat so I have no [ __ ] idea why why you re-evaluate what you just

Asked and come back later if wire was inside jelly as a skeleton would wire have control or jelly probably jelly cuz jelly is strong as [ __ ] that’s the thing o whoa ignore that I totally didn’t almost fall or anything like that at least jelly would have a [ __ ] ass skeleton oh

Achievement made those were the days we reached the Bastion oh funny okay well cool I looted this Bastion there’s no point okay it’s just one thing that got me tripping oh another thing H another part of the Bastion I guess yeah okay now but like it kind of remind

Me reminded me of those dumbass like jells with like skeleton inside of them to like emulate like weapons and [ __ ] like that and what would happen to the human body it remind me of that that’s just funny as [ __ ] funny I do appreciate the little walls

On the side by the way yeah what the [ __ ] skeletons wait give me a second give me a second come on yeah yeah oh oh he angry oh he dead go if he was a mob and took damage or that or that you just die inside her I don’t think that’s how it

Works but have you ever heard about the thing sex I don’t think that’s how it works it’s [ __ ] I’m a DI vender like BL I’m waiting for the update what the [ __ ] I saw some particles yeah what the hell oh it’s cuz of my boots

Maybe but but it was in front of me unless you’re like right on me okay oh no it’s this see what this [ __ ] um biome whatever the [ __ ] you want to call it oh yeah the dust particles yeah I have no idea where the hell we

Going but we going I’m just going whoa that’s crazy oh I had Soul speed and I stopped right in time that was actually unbelievably close for both of us oh my bad s you know I’m just glad you’re safe just to grab the [ __ ] oh wow it took you long

Enough yeah oh okay it’s not like bro doesn’t explore the nether yeah cuz I love exploring the nether as we all know as we all do you know Infamous nether Explorer yeah yeah the most infamous nether Explorer the one person that said that they stepped foot in the Nether and

Never wanted to do it again well yeah so here to get so I’m probably just going to explore a little bit cuz I want to get some Blaze [ __ ] I’m going to stick by your side ah okay blazes blazes what blazes are not only right there but also to your

Right over there yeah is it the same Fortress we [ __ ] found yes right okay also come here me yeah what’s up I’m going to follow you into a safer place okay that is the wrong safer Place o let scare the [ __ ] out of me is it yeah over

Here this is a safer spawn and it also spawns more cuz I did a little awesome p a bit oh yeah I gave it more room for [ __ ] to spawn in and less room for you to die in wait wait a second I’ll keep you safe thank you oh God

Damn o I can’t tell if I cred you or the other Critter I’m at like four hearts and a half oh eat up probably oh what why me why me why me there you go I’ll see I sh George Blazers Blazers that’s actually such a hard ass name the Blazers

It look like if you have a blaze that’s up That we Blaze get Himel yeah oh you’re on fire yeah I am you’re okay you got any food uh I do I’m running out of fish oh thank you you could have asked me to give you food I had yeah except for the fact you’re not with us dumb

Face I have anything I got two let’s go oh here I’ll give you those as well I don’t need them oh thank you I’m just here to contribute to your yeah thank you thank you thank you I mean that’s what I came here for right yes I see what company no weed

Nice oh thank you I got one as well that was a nice ass throw kind of proud of that where can you can you do an ambulance siren sound please no sadly I’m not I’m not in school anymore dude I don’t know if I’ve like told y’all speciic about this but I had

This bit in like school when I was younger that I used to emulate this [ __ ] like ambulance perfectly cuz my [ __ ] voice was so squeaky but after puberty I stopped doing that cuz I couldn’t a I lost all my juice that I used to do that as well and then my [ __ ] teacher

Complained to me about it now some kids actually couldn’t tell if it was me or the ambulance sometimes it was actually impressive oh level 10 let’s go oh thank you level level cuz I’m doing this for like the potions and [ __ ] like that cuz they were

Useful actually they bro get a new mic no I just increased my gain yeah I just sound louder now y bro increase the gain and [ __ ] compressed it I mean yeah yeah should be you’re going to be okay baby oh I’m not okay holy [ __ ] I went to

Half my health bro you’re going to be okay by pixel I got you thank you yeah head ass dumb face louder means power yeah that’s what Donald Trump once said yeah that was lucky that was got like 11 now that was super lucky holy [ __ ] 12 yes yes yes that means me [ __ ]

George louder as well scream louder George get the [ __ ] out of my life bro get out of here bro MO is not having any you’re [ __ ] G and B and wire combined bro what the hell what oh my impressive also you’re okay you barely damaged me oh watch

Out what the [ __ ] yeah know there’s an annoying thing about blazes they sometimes they sometimes have [ __ ] uh what do you call it they have melee attacks where they stop shooting fire and then just get closer to you and you take damage don’t care don’t care don’t care that’s annoying as hell

There you go you good yeah should be 14 let’s go we doing good I love you George I hope you have a great day thanks I’ll take that I guess ow why am I always on Fire’s never grateful I said I’ll take it what the

[ __ ] yeah we just said like oh my go backel I’m grateful for you thank you I start talkking aggressively so [ __ ] funny this is why we [ __ ] hate George B pixel solos oh my bad okay you might not be okay I’m good I’m good I don’t get like

Too low cuz I have fish and then whenever I eat fish I just R again get Himel yeah okay you and me bro yeah just one random question what time is it where you are for me it’s 10 p.m. a we all on fire but or [ __ ] 22

If you got that sort of time zone I don’t think that it’s really on the time zone I think it’s just like it’s not it’s just the military time it’s the time format yeah yeah I had no idea what was called the like military time but I guess it kind of makes

Sense what the [ __ ] for me it’s 11 wait my clock is wrong bro never went one hour behind bro lives in the past wait no you live in the future 23 let’s go y we’re doing this how many do you need uh not really I have not really a

Limit I’ll be honest we can even go if you want that’s just want to explore okay my is 10:14 so it’s pretty much the same time zone yeah guys you better go to sleep early you got school I think we can like probably good now wait one more one more one more all

Right bro feeling romantical oh all right two more I guess is that it uh no I’m still at 24 you got one no oh I would thrown it to you by now okay let’s see let’s see wi I don’t say this often but help help

Me there we go we got it I got one as well make that 26 let’s go all right let’s get the hell out of here let’s see what can we do oh um we can get like [ __ ] where is it oh o awkward is why you need sharpness wi makes my days tolerable

Obviously oh you got armor I might take it actually like my little horse little one dcoic more like yeah I needed this I had some at home you never asked yes but I can just go here and get more D you’re kind of my goat thank you uh BV question

Mark oh would suck your dick on God oh damn everything’s like blocked off yeah I know it’s not that great of a fortress I’m trying to search for like this a nice view find yeah it is actually nice what’s in here gold if you’d like o how much like

Three it’s pretty good that’s pretty good I don’t think this is the biome for piglins to spawn anyway cuz there was like one some at the start and we like entered so I was like thinking about it like some of them went here or something uh that way it’s like the same

Thing it’s like the Armon for o not awkward oh hey more [ __ ] Nether wart see here what does this have more golden horse armor if you to make your whole horse feel romantical that’s a dead end pimped up horse pimped up horse the horse if he was Romanian what’s up here oh [ __ ]

All like no no looks like a [ __ ] horror game whatever the [ __ ] it’s like the closer you get the scarier I guess like oh no closed all and then the [ __ ] and then you look behind you it’s also closed off and then the guy [ __ ] kills you okay give me

See get him oh [ __ ] there’s another one got it I got it yeah yeah we’re doing it I should not do that this a bit risky yeah where do we you know what what the [ __ ] something pushed me that’s weird must have been the Herobrin must have been the

Wind [ __ ] caveman discovers wind oh what is This breeze oh sad oh that’s pretty good actually oh I’m good okay I got spooked I’m in lva so I thought it would be a bigger time zone bro he be freezing his friend that’s what I’m saying isn’t that considered torture can we exit even

Somewhat H I’m trying to think about it what what can we do like here and [ __ ] like that my Nas just more yeah look o ooh ooh oh oh that’s not good that’s not good you’re good you’re good get up get up look like weather is not really good

It’s not great in this oh wait let me where’s doy he passed away he’s do look right there what come here oh is he stupid oh oh wait I got this i got this i got this wait throw some gold the down to the piglin he might give you some

[ __ ] wait how much gold do I have okay here stupid ass does he not want me just because of my Thorns is bro stupid hey stop I’m G he wasn’t going to trade because steal my stuff R the P stands for poop shs oh damn give ooh spectral that’s fun

Oh I’m spectal yeah I oh crying obsidian oh no no oh potion wait no water bottle great how the hell do they have access to that I have no idea oh I got kicked out of Google two times how the [ __ ] does that happen oh oh that’s not good I’ll take care of

Them for you thank you of course anything for you oh that’s a Wither okay maybe not everything ow all right I got it let’s go just tring to keep you safe my friend I got me Cobblestone bro uh here are you kidding me oh my God hold on are [ __ ] wait oh my

God bro what the hell you got blocks never mind we’re full of blocks yeah boom lii gave you leather oh let’s go obsidian okay wait wait wait what does bro want me okay yeah cuz we don’t have anything Golden That’s why are we good yes should be good I don’t have

Literally any more gold got a lot of [ __ ] though that’s for sure you get anything useful uh I got spectr which is really [ __ ] cool actually give me a second is there any way which I can use it oh wait where come here hello come here yeah I’m glowing shiny now he’s so

Glowy oh now you can see what I’m going over oh wait there’s another part of the Fortress right there you trying to explore that that be funny she want look there’s like that part right there I mean we could go this is your adventure oh he survived I’m not going that way

Sorry not risking it okay maybe we can get to oh maybe we can get to the other side yeah over here actually I want this cuz I like want the jizzel blocks very lots of experience it’s actually crazy how much experience you can get hey you fight me yeah what’s up not

You I I wouldn’t say that there you go so I got so much [ __ ] coal from like wers head asses like wither skeletons why are they so withered what happened all I’m pretty sure you can give him literally anything and he’s just going to take it oh that’s funny

Can I just give him like one bone I give him I give him a Nether wart can I give him oh okay he has to pick it up I’m pretty sure oh yeah PB if you’re stilling the stream how’s undertale yellow because I know he’s play this blue wood

Funny let’s see o what the [ __ ] you good me yeah just like a guess somewhere I’m trying to give the baby a bone all right he don’t want it I thought he could carry it in both of his hands but that’s only gold apparently what is this gas what the

[ __ ] I have no idea he shot at me I think someone around here maybe watch out for that Blaze oh you’re not with me where’d you go oh hi I’m here Yeah careful get him yeah he’s so glow get him oh a and I almost did die ho [ __ ] that saved your [ __ ] Metal Head bro what the [ __ ] trying to keep you safe I have this I’m good go or not thank you the guy uh spawned like a

Lot of blaze rods if I’m not wrong bro got looting on his bow h no it’d be funny as [ __ ] I don’t even know if that’s how it works yeah you looking for me yeah I’m surprised none of this [ __ ] wood burnt I’m pretty sure the wood in the nether

Were made out of nether like wood yeah they’re not flam flammable God I’m sorry H sorry it’s okay my friend you didn’t know oh more carts carts look at them [ __ ] ass children [ __ ] ass children super ass [ __ ] dud should I kill them no but they’re going they’re going to

Grow up to be just like their father and their father is a complete [ __ ] [ __ ] stop ah I’m GNA kill you cat well let me give this [ __ ] ass get a bone do it do it do it yeah he’s holding a bone yeah do you want one

You got to get him to like stop moving or okay Fu ass he just doesn’t like it oh there you go stupid ass kids with bones hey can I have some food oh yeah thank you all right being very good very good very nice very nice with all those

Cards I have not I don’t have space because I raed so much [ __ ] trying to get you out of there thank you what happened I heard like [ __ ] is trying to commit suicide oh just like me what no don’t do that please oh you wouldn’t leave me right upset uh I wouldn’t leave

You now should know that the [ __ ] bro was it that you yeah the [ __ ] you always killed me on my inventory except it was intentional that you know I wouldn’t hurt you okay thank God but you know me personally I would never Give You Up Bones and I

Never leave let you down fair fair enough thank you I’ll would never run around and desert you I knew it I could smell it smell what quartz quartz quartz quartz um hey that’s quartz you want to risk it oh no it’s like off the

Edge uh where do I want to go [ __ ] is that what it’s like a thing you see that oh yeah I do see that what the [ __ ] did you do that no the [ __ ] I moved what how how do we get down there oh by suer I can just drop down

And I’m not going to take much damage my is the gas oh [ __ ] you missed come here stupid ass I can see you he’s so glowy never mind I like how even like exps I like how even [ __ ] exp gets burnt oh a hold on you sure about that trying to make

This safe for you I mean I can just drop down cuz of my armor but you might die okay this is the best thing this is the best you’ll get very scared I I tried to make your whole thingy so you take thank you stupid wait oh I going to say why did

You do that but like yeah okay I get it you get it I’m confused what is this though that’s what I’m trying to figure out okay it goes about over there [ __ ] [ __ ] come on ow someone got burned question says you bro that’s like a reference oh oh get Himel get him

Oh get him I can’t bro oh he want me get him I literally move what the [ __ ] is wrong with this game oh oh got it there we go God I hit projectile enemies thing is uh I’m pretty sure you could have shot the [ __ ] Fireball

With your bow if you felt a little romantical I think I did mayhaps I’m going to leave the server for now I’ll be back later still got to be VC okay shs yeah someone has been up to Shenanigans as it looks like oh can I you guys didn’t hear it but when B

Pixel shot the gas and it got hurt I replicated it at the second after good job bro I wonder what kind of disaster will happen if you hit the zomb fight Pig what happened the SC is [ __ ] out of me I heard like an explosion yeah cuz the guest wants

Me oh wait there’s like a place up there like still um like some blocks come block oh this we’re taking the safest route oh is why not you know I guess oh I guess that’s what I get good yeah don’t actually kill yourself please thank I’m not trying to but I got fire

Resistance you got some food though H not that I would need it but you got any food go Dam let’s go hey so I haven’t seen this in a while actually oh hey there’s an Endy man come here yeah cuz it’s like the Enderman thing okay I’m looking at

Him and he doesn’t want me you want me now you don’t want me you want me [ __ ] [ __ ] you want me now he want me get him oh he getting me he dropped a pearl and a block you just got rejected n not me I’m build different oh good job oh oh thank

You here have this I I I can’t collect it sure oh this is awkward I’ll keep that for you I guess thank you anything for you my friend so yeah I need to really turn off faithless cuz the nether is like the most glitched ooh we found our second

Waypoint this kind of funny we just like following them around and we don’t even know who they they are who could this be try to guess um no don’t do that wait but I’m goed no it’s like brick or something it maybe and it’s just you and you don’t remember no definitely

Not could have been somebody else in our team or the other team but oh I think we lost him again did potentially nothing leads to anywhere I mean they could have went down possibly they’re probably from around here I’m trying to get out of the Fortress oh wait I found I found more

You did where where are you yeah you see me over here oh are you no um oh hello hello over here see let’s go I’m just walking through these cuz I don’t like these gaps where like it turns it’s very uncomfortable yeah completely understandable stupid ass

Good let me just heal real quick if I [ __ ] kill myself all good oh there he is look for me bro got hit by my Thorns did it I can’t even see he’s out of my like render distance I think he’s alive but yeah um where could they have come from maybe up

Here oops hello hello what oh I was like confused about something H there’s got to be more [ __ ] around here right investigation process exped yeah can I have some food I’m really I’m really hungry there take it every damn uh why are you so mean

I’m can I get some food like yeah and I like two or three so no I’m just giving you everything you’re going to stay with mine cuz I have like a last resort which is like just oh wait um I see [ __ ] you do do you see it yeah I do see

It how the hell do we oh get down there thank you I got you to make it to this other wall I can get down safely here uh all right let’s grab that we could probably just fall from this yeah give second uh thank you there we

Go I got your back pixel such a gentleman I know it’s like I was made for this I’m actually really curious now where this leads what is this emotional last music can I not risking It there we go you okay I’m very stressed you know what I’m taking this come on I’ll hold your hand that’s not a good idea cuz you might like accidentally push me out and now it feels like we’re stuck again or never mind I to not oh that was not good okay holy

[ __ ] okay is a weird definition I don’t know where you at oh there you are hello hello well that was a quick way down stink you oh okay yes I’m trying to make this a less stressful experience for you cuz I know you’re you’re not really a lot

Lava careful going to I’m going to like walk through an entire [ __ ] Bridge just lava downwards yeah I’m [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] also I lost you completely uh behind you isn’t the thing here I think n it leads to the Bastion there is one there’s like a little Bridge down

There I don’t see it hello hello I got down from over here okay uh is it like vines or me yeah yeah they are okay so what saw you flying with some reason well this place is definitely looted how did you know cuz there’s blocks around here I mean yes doesn’t mean

It’s wait wait wait wait yes what’s up uh no never mind wait no yeah we’re back what we’re back at our portal this is our Bastion oh that’s funny well then we can go home I guess so where are you uh just like hanging out I

Guess deleted Bastion oh I see you hello hi all all right let’s go home I think you have enough of the nether for now I guess so oh careful oh that’s cool that’s Co that’s Co that’s cool um I see if I can get rid of some stuff while

It do I want any of this I can take this out and this I guess and with that just there we go I’m waiting for you this where you at over here uh def fine over here I’m jumping like you’re near me I’m down

Here down oh I was going up mother n no no okay you see me somewhere yeah um I see your name tag well that’s an Ender I want to look at him wait can you see me now I’m jumping uh trying look down the cliff down the cliff you mean like the

Bastion yeah you see me uh oh yeah I see you hi I was very confused for a second it’s okay um I will figure out a way uh oh my God let me see what it has uh not much all right let’s get the hell out of here yeah I

Guess I know where a home is from here oh wait can I should I do something I’ll do it yeah yeah come here baby big girl look at me give him the good [ __ ] oh okay okay spectral arrows always nice oh is that it yeah and I have more okie

Dokie get for love the hoglins O that’s not good I didn’t see that you good yeah okay slightly not okay there’s the entire Mafia after me thank you oh I’m not okay anymore okay now I’m okay bro [ __ ] ass baby all right I’m good okay hello they still want me but you know

[ __ ] them um screw the haters oh o it’s not good I’m trying to get to you oh this hurts sorry it’s okay I my best I like like you know get in their way and [ __ ] like that n it’s fine so I don’t want them to be angry at me or

Die oh I might die ow you want me to help it’s fine I was like half a heart for a second oh well that’s pretty bad um yeah because they got your armor and [ __ ] like that you want me to kill them could be appreciated H is there anyone around no not the

Haters really want you yeah no kidding bro okay the power of hate to destroy you l oh it’s rusen holy [ __ ] I almost died but I got it I’d recommend you going as quickly as possible I’m trying my best got you all your [ __ ] coordinates coordinates

Coordinates oh my God we went far far away the [ __ ] no okay we don’t go that far away we’re really close to zero yeah I’m trying to find where I died uh- 68 135 I see you yeah hello hello stop twering all right I’m okay white bed uh

Where is yours here I don’t think I got like anything from you oh I don’t think I got a diamond pickaxe but you want that H I can give it oh the [ __ ] stupid stupid get out here it’s okay my friend accidents happen yes oh let me take it uh what

Is stone pickax wooden shovel sorry o where you at by the way where are you at are oh hi hello I made this little awesome bridge that goes home careful of the lav the L all right over here Yes damn it can jum those [ __ ] stupid Soul ah [Applause] whatever are you kidding me get him [ __ ] stop moving stupid ass oh nice oh my goat well let’s go I guess this is why you’re goed thank you all right we made it how was the awesome little trip home

Stressful but we got it let’s go yeah I’m proud of thank you oh it’s so nice to see like the world back on with the shaders and [ __ ] like that like on the nether it’s so dark and [ __ ] yeah kind of nice to see the sun yeah I got a lot

The one would like thank you oh oh yeah my [ __ ] ass lampos burnt oh L well now it’s kind of floating oh well okay um come be here I’ll give you a gift for as a thanks you don’t have to oh oh [ __ ] thanks the [ __ ]

Slayer holy [ __ ] why is my horse get getting jiggy with it that’s my horse it’s dimri where’s Dimitri getting jiggy with it [ __ ] ass horse dimri Dimitri goofy ass [ __ ] horse this is your horse your goofy ass horse I think nitri is attempting strangle suicide but he’s dead doesn’t want to live for

Long all right we made it yes we did oh move I’m proud of you for facing your fears my friend block block block block block and block yes not this uh it uh it he I got a fishing WOD with look at the sea too so if you have like Unbreaking

Or something on a book could be pretty good oh I have Unbreaking wait uh you want it what is [ __ ] red so in the chat oh wait sorry I was distracted she gave me oh thank you thank you thank you oh let’s go sleep by the way oh

Okay BR inviting me into his homely home me when we live in the same home oh does one get married in Minecraft yeah hell only for you beg [Laughter] spell beg spell weird what the how do we have the same [ __ ] idea bro what the hell cuz you’re goated

You’re my goat yeah exactly can I have some food I should have [ __ ] God I’m going to kill you bro I died you took all my fish I didn’t you have oh yeah you have four fish sorry ask okay now oh thank you you didn’t have to give me that back it’s fine

For there we go just have to do business with littleit aome hi if you want to if you want to move in with me you can use that house if you want we can be neighbors yeah exactly what’s going to happen to my other house

Then I you can still use it like if you want it the thing is you couldn’t do one of two things you just stay there or go here and we can like expend on the Little Shack make it like bigger mayhaps it seems that your cat

Wants me to move in cuz he keeps nodding at me he knows what’s good you like that [ __ ] also yeah you can be neighbors with friend o you drive a good bargain also y what’s up uh I’d consider that pretty legal oh you’re talking about the chat G

Yeah yeah okay yeah yeah it is what we’re doing like yeah t time take I got two bones one for you and one for me wait no it’s like the [ __ ] Pokemon oh yeah the Cubone guy yeah yeah yeah I don’t know how I know that I Know

Jack should have a Pokemon the Cubone guy yeah what was his name the Cubone guy and he was like I don’t know what’s his name got six bones where the [ __ ] do you have a hole in here I have so much what oh yeah that was like for um storage like bigger storage

Help you didn’t have a botle wet no I’m going to move this uh thing over to the other or uh cuz all my food what the hell would you do that [ __ ] leather P leor let me move this up here because I put all my f I have so

Much raw fish ho [ __ ] looking two stacks that power off fish egg B of water raw salmon there’s golden carrots there’s tropical fish fish you know what that means fish yeah yeah oh honey honey uh oh yeah there’s like the thing of like um enchanting books books you

Like that so let me see if I can do one and experiment with that uh do I have paper B War I see friend Hi friend hey friend I don’t think I have paper let me get it real quick I have pixel hello let me just uh

Bro did not notice me what do you mean said hi yeah but I mean you didn’t see me are you up there I just wa the [ __ ] he just remembered yeah here do you see me what question mark I’m at the check oh there you are hello swag Messiah oh hello

To Yo swag Messiah hello on any I don’t have how’s it going what’s good uh we’re being gay on stream obviously so the one yes the usual getting an would you like me to guide you through the nether to the spawner oh you already have a spawner I

Was just going to look for a new like Fortress nah I made I made an entire Bridge from our portal oh [ __ ] I would gladly be guided let me just make my way back yeah yeah yeah what the [ __ ] I thought I saw a [ __ ] ass Arrow what the hell

Brother also who the [ __ ] put n m no we the slur Slinger on the [ __ ] like generator was that one of your people R I wouldn’t know anything about that cuz I don’t know what the [ __ ] you said you know M no weed the slur Slinger that sounds like some [ __ ] that [ __ ]

Ron would put maybe Al isn’t me or the [ __ ] enchantment table doesn’t do much what do you mean like it seems like so level down whenever like use it and [ __ ] for example they bro out the books around it yeah like like really level down for what it should

Be let me see all right R where you at I’m making my way downtown holy like are you walking ah there you yeah the faces are passing me they’re actually passing me cuz I’m running past a bunch of [ __ ] goblins goblins are you coming from your base or like from another

Place I’m coming like towards my base I’m going be real hold more pH you’re going need to hold a bunch of phones saying hold the phone so much my AR was saying hold the phone bro the trend Setter I yeah I am sorry I almost fell feather falling swag messah swag

Mah wait uh where do you want feather falling for I already got you can keep it okay wait what’s my feather falling oh three yeah you can keep it swag swag swag my swag swaga just like [ __ ] smma but it’s swago yeah I’m full of Swag don’t say that

Bro on stream no anywhere else yeah that’s something that the bad Spider-Man when he fights the bad guys that sucks it does it’s really bad that’s like a year ago humor oh even a year ago it’s like a rerun humor that never type of humor EUR also what were you

Saying like a never type of humor yeah yeah we were all really stupid but we’re better now like what poon once said yeah cuz you’re talking about the [ __ ] death of the like lizard guy holding his head right no no I thought that was like what you said

With like Spider-Man fighting the bad guys no there was like a gift of some dude coming on the camera and with the caption [ __ ] Spider-Man when he fights the bad guys [ __ ] I still have that saved why we just having a conversation about it’s not

Funny I keep my old gifts oh yeah fair enough no cuz it’s like Jak came out to me one day and they’re like why do you still have that one gift of like the dude that was like busting a nut and [ __ ] he had to cap ask for that gift

Bro n the [ __ ] Jay was asking me like do you still have that gift of the dude coming with the caption SP F the bad guys and I’m like yeah why ax needs it what the which makes sense no kidney stones oh three of them what the hell no I gave

You two give me three I gave you two look all right is the path of the planks uh it’s not no it’s not I see it’s like a tunel it should be like really straight forward hold on I’m going to come with you why is there more obsidian I’m going to come

Portals my bad hold on R I’m going to come with you yeah you’re going to have to catch me Catch Me If You Can no hey you’re alive Jesus Christ miss the memo talking about R yeah I know who you’re talking about also my bad I was U not at the

Computer so I did indeed miss the memo now my problem you should probably hang yourself right after this stream or during this the [ __ ] thinky Stanley Parable George Goes hard as [ __ ] yeah s’s so [ __ ] good thank you I love that game thank you yeah I have like no one to

Talk about the game it’s impressive bro you have no idea when that [ __ ] released hour one bought immediately I needed that [ __ ] it not got no spoilers for the [ __ ] game oh for everything oh was disappointed bro I did play it though BR after that go immediately

Markiplyer channnel 100% made a video on that I was right [ __ ] awesome Mar I go left or no left where left nut yeah my left nut where you at I left nut whoa oh [ __ ] I’m about to die to the left nut left N I would as well that’s not the sample

Pixel you broke me as a man you did to swag ver swag SW swag swag ver SW object shov up my ass vibrators crayons dildos door handles catching up to You Ren C I’m catching up to You Ren yeah what they say I’m catching up

To you R oh I got to eat bro I’m catching up to you bro you’re catching forward bro you’re catching on fire you’re burning to death hold on I got to eat I’m catching up no wait what why are you catching up to me I’m catching up to

You oh wait don’t catching up oh oh I’m catching up oh oh oh wait I’m catching up oh wait don’t catching up some point I’m catching up mean when I’m catching down I’m catching down ow I’m going to kill you with the [ __ ] Slater I got to run

Bro I’m going to kill you with be pixel’s Mighty weapon also you might want to watch out it does abruptly end oh great yo gold what the [ __ ] hero hold on bro I need to make gold and care n bro I’m goed hold on look at this

Bed get away from you freak come here come here look like the drill emoi what the I love the Dr Emoji oh oh [ __ ] all right follow me I’m going to show you the spots around me here follow me I’ve never been to a fortress before this is insane I know what the

[ __ ] child this is where you want to grind this is where you want to this is where you want to yeah this is where you want to grind I did like a little special room over here put me a roof and everything yeah yeah yeah all right oh you you good from

Here yeah I was good from the beginning no I was showing you a place around you here ah true I was placing I was showing you the place around you have some blumpkins oh [ __ ] that’s my reward yeah thank you I’ll give these to B

Pixel all right I’ll be on my way now I hope you know your way back yes I would go one line and then to the right not how it work oh wait actually do you have some food bro I got Pumpkins I’m like I’m like really hungry oh no I have food never

Mind give me food any thank you thank you yeah I give you I’ll give you this as a reward blumpkins that’s not blumpkins that’s blumpkin seeds F you oh what the [ __ ] you did not like plan for that but it kind of happened I saw the lava drips [ __ ]

You that was just like really really perfectly timed sorry broad you disappoint me R Day by Day Day by daylight disappointed cuz it wasn’t a coincidence yeah I thought this was like your reoccurring bit that you’re like really lucky or like you you’re cursed with perfect timing we should make a enchanting thing

Here you can like kill the blazes and then enchant and by wi I mean I’m going to do that that sounds both stupid and smart at the same time no it’s actually it’s straight up yes bar except no one’s going to use it except for sometimes it’s only be yeah

So then it’s stupid n it’s it’s stupid for everyone else but it’s like goed for me just come to our base anything he could just come to our base nah cuz like you don’t get it bro you can like get XP and then you go enchant

And then you get more XP and then you enchant yeah but then you get more XP what happens then you sh again what how many how many times I have to enchant if you got to enchant multiple [ __ ] and then like disenchant it you

Need to be at 30 levels you get like 30 and then you enchant you’re at 27 you got to get more XP and then you go back enchant again I’m 19 what you lied this entire time wa you thought I was in my 30s you thought I was in my 30s told me

She was 12 he told me she was 12 that doesn’t make it any better I’m got to eat cake F the hunger sh actually good D I’m hungrier than a [ __ ] except I say that every day I’m really hungry what does being hungry than a [ __ ] mean I don’t know but I’ve

Seen that one dumbass like matad pad like AI [ __ ] of him saying like I’m hungrier than a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this Cuban sandwich do I look Cuban you I want an NW sandwich oh yeah never mind I’ve seen that yeah I only recognize it after

That I thought it was pretty funny so now I’m now I always say I’m hungrier than a [ __ ] cuz I do be kind of hungry hungrier than a yeah okay you know what this makes sense I see you’re in lava are you watching my [ __ ] stream

Yes oh I see you might want to L bro I see you look above you help log out bro F3 and a log out no I’m I’m goed bro okay maybe two Goen what the hell hold on I live on fell in the lava oh

[ __ ] love you oh [ __ ] where are you you actually goed you actually goed hold up hold the phone phone is being held y I was waiting for your Delayed Reaction cuz I know it’s delayed for like 5 Seconds oh it’s too bad isn’t delay by like 30 seconds like it used to

Be it’s like oh oh oh you’re goed oh wait wait 30 seconds later oh you got it yeah hi all right so what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] thanks now I can never be hungrier than a [ __ ] God damn bro got all sorts of food what the [ __ ] bro think he the

Chef has like the last supper on his inventory bro that’s the Last Supper in his inventory what how did that get you so bad no bro got Jesus in his pocket who the [ __ ] is this bro you got the Last Supper in your [ __ ] I said that

What what do you mean bro I’ve said that before that’s like a whole Thanksgiving table that’s more that’s like a [ __ ] renan Christmas table bro dude do you think the Last Supper had like a stack of chicken oh yeah definitely I don’t want to think about the like actual [ __ ] Minecraft

Numbers of how much food Jesus had on the table I want to think it’s a [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] all right thank you for saving me once again no problem although you’re still not my goat [ __ ] you but still you’re sorry [ __ ] You Ren you’re dying never eat more

Carrot [ __ ] you I’m actually eating the carrots eat more carot eat more [ __ ] don’t eat the [ __ ] hold on I’m actually thinking now what’s one of these foods that like you hate eating raw but like if it’s used then literally anything else is goated what IRL n bro in Minecraft

Chicken you’re eating chicken in Minecraft fuing you get somea if you eat it wrong yeah now what I meant okay say you have boiled chicken sad ass chicken okay regularly regular regular boil J Le little boiled J you know what it is for me probably might be

Carrots same here I also going to mention Tomatoes I [ __ ] hate Tomatoes raw carrots are [ __ ] annoying n they’re fine I also don’t like tomatoes but like I find them good in with anything else yeah doesn’t like tomas’s toes tomas’s toes who the [ __ ] is Tomas a Tomar in question Tomar to oh

Yeah oh yeah rice is also really sad like alone wait a gy this [ __ ] [ __ ] did you say jimothy yeah what the hell is that is jth the name of the snowman that is not a name Jim okay buddy your name is George pal yeah look it’s

Timothy is that is that is that actually yeah oh my God it’s jimothy jimothy I never thought I’d see him I never thought he’d make it if he walks into the tor die no probably not no although it would have been funny as hell yeah hello where where hi I got you

A Cuban sandwich thank you no comments let’s get let’s get out of here hey where you going let’s get out of here get out of here whoa well what are you looking at where are oh oh hola hola sorry I’m a little bit old in my 30s holy [ __ ] oh my back oh

My oh my God I’m wait where’s my where’s my walking stick my pickaxe you know what’s really funny we about to get pranked I [ __ ] if I take my cloth you can’t even [ __ ] see it because of the armor oh [ __ ] okay that’s PR dude I was like acting old with

[ __ ] B and I [ __ ] heard you go bro about to get pranked I thought of the stupidest [ __ ] ever being messes bro it’s like you [ __ ] look at the camera bro’s about to get pranked and you push the old man over he [ __ ] Falls I mean bro’s about to get pranked

I’m prank it coming epex hello epex I mean oh my God my bad I dropped my powdered piss oh we got to get out of here oh that’s [ __ ] oh oh you’re sleeping with me tonight okay if we get there and die I don’t have a spare bed sorry at least you have

Wool what the Bro G adrenaline oh W what the what the stop it when I suffocate you on your sleep did you just drop my pck I Dr my pck what my sister what the hell what happened bro was my sister watching is this stream here I got I’m GL I didn’t get

Naked that time what the [ __ ] what oh yeah you weren’t here but like I was like desing out the [ __ ] like uh clothing overlay I accidentally like I did not know I was actually totally [ __ ] naked like clothing skin and I was like oh what the [ __ ] P can quite literally take off

Their clothes and their skin is naked yes you have all your like clothes on the outer layer that’s why yeah sorry I can’t tear off my skin you can’t no I should made that I think sorry if she’s like cring or she’s like 10 leave your sister alone bro she might

Go why did everybody go So Silent yeah sorry bro I don’t my [ __ ] God I got scared us so [ __ ] oh my God okay let me go to like the chest that I have but I forgot I was on the room so I open the the [ __ ] ghost actually scared me cuz

I was like oh let me go on my chest and I [ __ ] open this and there’s like this [ __ ] right there never again sorry a bone blocks you you might want to look into the the ghost I got a half a stack the why are you so evil oh

You’re slightly less evil you just G me one back yeah it doesn’t have the other one oh whack zie die I mean do this TR wait wait wait as Zig as he die wait bro literally the drool how the [ __ ] do you do that thing with the signs what do you mean you’re right click it no you mean the Hang sign the hanging oh you need chains and [ __ ] stripped wood

Yeah LS and then like I think two chains if I’m not wrong I thought it was three I have no idea actually three it might three it might have been two like in each Edge three hey R you should move in why cuz you’re like T and you’re moving back

In can we like recreate an entire asor episode in Minecraft no you shot by the gas of the bridge also I have no idea what I’m doing anymore I’m kind of just running around pixel what are you doing a br potion how’s that going for you br potion the bra potion what the

[ __ ] then yeah okay sh have a prop one right after this s that [ __ ] got you are you serious right now the BR [Laughter] potion no [ __ ] way dog the [ __ ] oh my God I’m crying the broke [ __ ] oh my [Laughter] um come here the bro

Why my way yeah come to my house the BR God damn it oh my God all oh my God I’m actually tearing up what the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] bra potion it’s so the bra potion it’s actually so [Laughter] over oh my God I [ __ ] love you bro I

Love you oh thank you it’s actually pretty useful oh my God what do you mean the best couple of shites that I give you weren’t useful no it’s actually very useful like this cold I’m not going to drink the bra potion bro keep I’m going to keep this [ __ ] hey

Guys I was actually so confused as to what was hitting me and it was just you also where you gave me the perfect amount to the mount that I have on my chest to [Laughter] 64 what the [ __ ] no I can’t hold this [ __ ] bro bro me back bro

Why bro I can’t believe I laugh so [ __ ] hard at the [ __ ] bra potion the bra potion bro oh my [ __ ] god what the [ __ ] what the BR just notice it was an actual thing that I did with the Bro po yeah Why I I can’t run out oh my God I don’t have food I do but I don’t have hungry you don’t have hungry bro what is this it keeps is burning cuz of my [ __ ] ass the generator I don’t know how it’s literally [ __ ] like blocked in every

Single way it somehow Burns this [ __ ] ass Fence how do I how do I get up there I don’t know oh I’m so tired of you bro you’re going to break my armor one day bro you’re going to break me what the wait what [ __ ] [ __ ] wait do this Hi whale consumer Monkey Business for real yeah for real you know what’s up welcome to the chat I like whales I don’t know why you’d consume them I pixel uh um trying to do something uh what is the thing for like banners and Sh like that the loom yes the loom the

Stream I think you [ __ ] I go here and say I just see on screen oh wire is not not here K name wire Perfect all right I’m going to go consume whales or some [ __ ] well there’s some lore happening in your chat well consumer is my brother well consumer you

Brother what does your brother consume whals that’s what I want to know bro just hungry fren I’m your dad oh there’s a more what the [ __ ] I’m telling you bro this is going in the [ __ ] poop [ __ ] like Iceberg a hold up can you actually make a [ __ ]

Iceberg of myself no of the poop [ __ ] server poop [ __ ] I don’t know the lore what do you mean you’re part of it doesn’t mean I know it you should you’re cooling out but stop but it goes so hard it goes so hard isn’t it that one TF2 song

Yeah isn’t it the [ __ ] engineer guitar ass song yeah yeah also shake them [ __ ] GI active image what the [ __ ] is that Trad yeah I need I need yall to actually try Trad at some point I’m going to visit just for that that actually such a useless reason

But I think it’s kind of funny no no no it’s a really good reason actually it’s not even for meeting you or do guy oh yeah what’s up have you heard anything from do gu uh no I don’t think so I don’t know why he’d be Ive to

Him I mean I’ve been dming him about like his music and [ __ ] other than that now oh then my bad not like recently read something I don’t want to do that do something by ref friend now cuz you’re aware of the situation right yeah yeah yeah no I mean

The one with IBS yeah yeah [ __ ] wait the hell boom hey ghost [ __ ] you I’m so [ __ ] addicted I’m so a dick I’m dick hi B pixel hi bro her dick and his neuron activated hey no I’m sorry I I shouldn’t think so low of you B you’re my

Goat oh thank you and we always be unless you’re like a horrible person I don’t think I am at Le then we’re solid then we’re goed listen all it takes is not to be shitty to like find something I not have what the hell try to find like literally

Any die that I might have and I have nothing who’s bro trying to kill okay you know I’ll do white Dy like [ __ ] the white death so much bone meal bro what is your Shield y Shield oh yeah [ __ ] imagine having a shield couldn’t be me that’s why you’re dying so much I

Haven’t died once not even true you died like once I think I’ve died a single time genuinely yeah but think he the Terminator but he’s terminated I I’m not terminating anything though bro terminal y scar me hi come here that’s what I was doing hm I was doing this oh [ __ ] oh

That’s actually really cool it’s pretty cute yeah I like the white on it might actually let me see if I can do do that like no damage that’s fun I’m not even that big into [ __ ] TF2 but that [ __ ] goes hard about the franchises about that since you gave me the bra potion

You can have my B allo piss this not a sentence that should be made where where is where did you where is it oh there it is D I need more Diamond B that I have anything funny to give you anything funny yeah have anything funny right now oh wait yes I

Do what the what holy [ __ ] oh my God god dude I’m just not even that’s just impressive holy [ __ ] underestimated the amount of fishion I did holy [ __ ] bro you’re actually insane thank you thank you I know you’re my goat and all but like God damn you got to

Chilla you got to chck got chill pill next time you’re a sell next time I’m going to kill you Raz when he leaves next time goodbye hey Raz what you trying to trade a book of mending for something uh what you got a book of all right what I

Got let me see I need honestly one netherite scrap you think I have that yeah I [Laughter] Don’t you think I got that [ __ ] you’re wrong incorrect you correct yeah I have pumpkins you want some Blum I don’t want blumkin no I have enough blumpkin at home the blumkin at home oh got something to ask youin was good I showed you this and I tell

You is this man Romanian you got to respond to me in a serious way nah he was spotted in Florida fla fla fla fla what the [ __ ] what are you doing wait what are you doing stay still I am literally not moving because I’m tapped out [ __ ]

Hell why is it so goated oh it rounds for meom I’m trapping you in my awesome cage Nick you can see it but like it actually [ __ ] like rounds it out on fa faithless should I put on my texture pack yeah see also you can join the world if you donate to me

$80 that’s an actual thing yeah 80 bies I said it was a limited time offer but nah oh [ __ ] it does actually it does actually rotate what yeah it’s actually that looks weird as hell I’m not going to lie but I ain’t complaining but I can’t stop listening I can’t stop

Listening damn this some hot garbage but I can’t stop listening what the don’t worry V pixel I’ll save you okay time to go on Pinterest what oh my God I’m going to die wait please me SA oh I had a friend who he’s loose containment Bridge the only thing

They would do is they would browse like Pinterest as a social media sck off your pants what wait who said that who said that the wi the wind is kinky we WI why is it 80 ain’t that a bit High yeah no [ __ ] I don’t want you on my

Server damn bro L is Al yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] you myself bro ain’t paying 80 bucks after that bro okay I don’t want the [Laughter] money bro really pulled out the middle finger and just said [ __ ] no cuz I don’t know the bro I’m broke I’m sorry bro I’m broke I’m

Broke guys good job I paid the 8 but it didn’t go through yet okay we’ll have to wait does that say Vape what the [ __ ] who just named my hor into Vape oh my bad I mean it fits you what do you mean it fits me me

Bro wasn’t it you what the hell [ __ ] got scammed H you did that did what you [ __ ] named it Vape no that wasn’t me cuz you were like saying about it I was do I have the menion yes probably you talking like whatever the [ __ ] it is Oh my gosh us we need a bigger opening your stream I’m trying to whisper in your ear Bro stop pushing me bro you want my v no bro throw my vape on the ground [ __ ] your VAP okay anyways I’m sorry friends evil wire came out for that bit I got this weird ass [ __ ] tube in my thing there yeah where you breach your containment I do breathe

Air thank you I would have wouldn’t have reminded myself to do so if you want me to do it you don’t need a vape yeah true you know will consumer I might get you on the server just for that one makes sense except for the fact I’m lying I’m such a [ __ ]

Bro bro doesn’t deserve this sort of treatment they do yeah if they don’t give me 0 bies oh no offense to poor people Al isn’t this a best stream yet you have like six viewers hm isn’t this like the best stream yet you have like view no it’s usually my Peak it usually

Peaks at like no I think it peaked at seven at some point let’s go that’s pretty good that’s pretty good oh yeah B what up baby apparently a message got like not what’s it called I don’t know what it’s called in [ __ ] on hi not gonna lie when you’re

Hold not going to lie when you’re vaping it looks like you’re sucking all some ghost’s dick shot ghost ghost a dick oh my bad if you have $80 that is I’m me to that thank you P wait how do the images work do I need nine empty maps to like [ __ ] do the

Thing yes do a 3X3 yeah yeah okay although it is buggy so if it’s your [ __ ] images like moving in slow motion they don’t let like they don’t let you replace them or like place them back so it’s kind of unlucky if you got a gif got gifts Sorry I’m vaping in Minecraft right where the [ __ ] are you going home bro bro found his people [ __ ] DAV I’m hungry I can help with that don’t have food oh thank you now go out there to your family I will sir yes sir make me

PR I’m going to get more food give me a second I will make you proud after I get more food go home epic will make me proud goes backwards just wait just wait there I I’ll be I’ll be going for a second okay you want me to wait in in that exact

Place yeah yeah all right I’ll go back I’ll go back what the [ __ ] dead ass skeleton horse whose horse is this I have no [ __ ] idea it has a it has a saddle and everything yeah it may [ __ ] dogy dogy made it back dude I want to thing that’s low

Accurate holy [ __ ] that’d be so funny no one else playing no cuz like [ __ ] doy died in the ocean trying to save his [ __ ] ass skeleton horse and I want to imagine that his horse just returned here on his own without the do guy can we make that L

Accurate then uh oh God damn I have a lot of food guys put that in the lore book The guys’s horse got a mind on his own oo Beane you’re insane how the [ __ ] does the URL work you know whatever I mean are you trying to what

Are you trying to put in from what link Pinterest oh you need to like open the image itself not like the printer link Google like you need to right click image and then like goes open the image link itself get the image link yeah the image link itself not the printerest

Thingy let me try it Yes good enough I don’t care let me my what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dead ass horse bro the [ __ ] theal y don’t realize that with [ __ ] actual like bones of horses and [ __ ] like that like the skull that [ __ ] look that [ __ ] look ugly bro needs his flesh you know when I look at the skull oh this [ __ ] ugly it’s like yeah yes bro

Yeah like bro needs his flesh save this ble off B so I can in a dangerous time I might have never want to hear these over again I thought you were going to keep the bottle of piss I’m keeping the bottle of piss though I need it n it was my little

The [ __ ] do you need the bottle of piss drink it D this strong what about it protein protein right yes protein yeah yeah SC I’m going to focus on getting all the resources for those item map things I’m coming back about time oh wait no I’m not I need a [Laughter] Pickax I’m surprised I’m not even seeing them on my accident just somehow fumbling you’re somehow bumbling your own accent yeah D I’m hungrier than ACH I can’t do my I can’t do like my normal Swedish accent anymore anymore I used to be able to like have a

Good like dumb English accent or like Swedish accent but like no you need to talk like a Mojang employee exact I can’t do the Mojang employee [ __ ] no more exactly no cuz their accent is so rough and these guys are grown ass men and women and people

People the in between of men and women is also people they too are people okay but it’s less like subjective dude I need more layers of plumpkin I need more layers of skin where’s my skin me as a skeleton where’s my skin where the my skin where is my skin

No it’s like where did my skin where did my skin you coming or not so good might have to wait a bit oh my God you made me wait here in the like middle of the cold you’re like back I’m going back to the nether to do something bro’s

Being busy do you want to go with me sure let’s go for what purpose though uh experience for the thrill of it come here baby wait for me down impatient ass py impatient girl Monster exag Al so let me turn off [ __ ] faithless I don’t want it noal and there we go I’m waiting did you go already yeah sorry I got a little excited hi hi uh I need quartz where can I find it in the nether yes do you have tips on maybe places and

Explor they’re quite literally everywhere yes but there’s places that are less explor than the [ __ ] Slayer thank you thank you I got you anything for you okay there you go thank you wait I’ll be here to keep you safe what the [ __ ] I scratch your back you scratch mine what the [ __ ] he

Disappeared I thought it was just me render distance n what the [ __ ] he just straight up gone here is literally right there oh there’s there as well and there and there and there yeah and there and there it’s everywhere and what the tri off your shirt

You don’t want that want that you don’t want to know what happen you already know what happens that’s the worst part still surprised I have was so [ __ ] weird that even I didn’t know that [ __ ] happened it was so weird I got you I want to grow up bro why

Destroy I want to like I’m trying to give you blocks [ __ ] face yes that’s what I was Sced me and I help B pixel oh why’ you do that I love youo God what would you 28 let’s go what the [ __ ] you’re a little too old for me sorry who that’s not my age Whoa wait how old are you uh 12 ooh come back like six years from

Now chat close your eyes bro becomes V like I didn’t even expect you to [ __ ] do that what’s word with I think bro might be a gr came outo bro might be a gr the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I need my quest I have no

More gold I use it all on gold and the carrots I have no more gold I used it all on gold I used it on Golden stuff my get named gold oh [ __ ] gold stones no what the [ __ ] chop 288 logs for a chain Mill boot with Unbreaking

One that is not the deal of a lifetime got it oh that’s what I’m talking about Harvest 176 wheat for an iron pickaxe with efficiency 4 who want it me no one okay I’ll give it to you by pixel thank you I just said no one want it what I’m

Wait you’re telling me there’s someone what someone won it who won me said the pickaxe who want [Laughter] me the pickaxe would never say that yeah now the pickax would be like who want [Laughter] me God sometimes my bucket the [ __ ] huh where’ you put my bucket

Bucket my bucket bro where is it my bucket I [ __ ] it ooh bro this is not the time for bars Oh no I got you I made a new bucket and I had in my inventory are you kidding me you [ __ ] face I no I’m tired of you no no no no no

Pickax who want me pickaxe who want me don’t I’m I almost took the shot for him that’s what I tended to do oh e u whoa someone’s toxic easy Chen that’s what you sound like yeah hey hello you miss some quartz oh I don’t need it I just need the experience

That’s the thing it’s right there and there’s gold right there and there’s glowstone right there and there’s and there’s right there and there’s also right there by I got to go sleep you go sleep right there there you go take it I you you sleep right there oh my God that

Scared the [ __ ] out me I’ll take any back shots for you okay buddy calm down I would take back shots take for you what did you say someone’s taking the bed too far dude therey you guys just get the [ __ ] out of me bro Jesus Christ my

Bad so once wants to be part of the party bro was feeling romantical with us s my cat is being stupid hey what the [ __ ] did you not get the XP I think I did what are you complaining for cuz I thought you got it n it was all oh

Wait we can’t go back it was all tactical hey what do you need XP for uh enchanting makes sense cuz there was like something efficiency why doesn’t glowstone [ __ ] drop XP [ __ ] stupid it’s not an ore what the [ __ ] it is ooh nice shot you got him there’s

No hey pixel I’m proud of you thank you for how far you’ve come oh that dropped a gas here my bad Oh my God I’m inside holy [ __ ] okay [ __ ] God sorry the sound um sure so this is the messiest house I’ve ever seen for [ __ ] know bro please change Messy Ronaldo Ronaldo kid named Messi Ronaldo he would not say that get down there sorry jab I come over and steal I still steal

Steal better I still steal steel holy [ __ ] okay okay I gotta excited because BR jizzled cuz yeah this is the first time this happens to me cuz I was like okay efficiency 4 I want that I’m gonna get it and usually I just get the one but for now I got Unbreaking three

Efficiency 4 Fortune 2 on the pickaxe oh [ __ ] that’s goed I’ll accept that I’ll AC face [ __ ] you while you’re enchanting ah Hello Kitty C the [ __ ] what I think that’s the wrong stupid think that’s the wrong human that’s the wrong that’s a wrong number the wrong number D the wrong

Number okay buddy doing the wrong number wait can you shut up can you um enchant the bow not a b a [ __ ] Shield oh no but you can put enchantments on it sorry I’m thinking of doing the wrong number Dwayne the wrong oh my God what’s happening to [Laughter]

Me bro my humor has hit an all time low all down Road I oh I’m so tired hello my bad D you did not see that I’m sure you know what well I’m gonna get a new texture pack bro St the faithless yeah my texture P the [ __ ] you

Mean get my texture pack bro I didn’t make it [Laughter] like oh was thinking of Slender veren get my texture pack get my eight texture pack don’t [ __ ] never again oh my God bro 1 20 in the wrong number bro I’m [Laughter] dead SC me after I go into my wolf

Form hey B pixel yeah what’s up can I food yes you can food game let me get it I’ll food for you are you starving bro oh [ __ ] you’re always asking for food why don’t you have food bro why cuz you always give me [ __ ] it’s a efficient never never again what just

Because I self-reported this is the last straw you’re never seeing a piece of food from me again I start laughing because I saw a texture pack was called Jolly craft I like I’m I’m gonna [ __ ] get myself you got to download it I’m not downloading jelly bag

Out great to [ __ ] see like a good one it’s like nothing that is pretty good oh I was going to scare you okay oh wait this is actually pretty cute don’t steal me bro I swear to [ __ ] God you’re actually what is this bro what is o wait he’s fighting back ooh

D bro better not have anything stop me bro did you anything no I was making a bit bro okay good good good [ __ ] run I Ste nothing I do nothing but I have I will be very upset did you not see the sign behind you no said I stole a

Everything son be like I saw everything I saw I saw everything no cuz I’m looking for a [ __ ] texure pack don’t you [ __ ] ass while you were beating the sh out of rusen cuz I was afraid they were going to steal some some do you think I’m evil

Yeah you’re very close to Romania so I can you know how me hold up let’s hold on let’s fact check that CH hold on no no no no no no distance between Romania and the Sweden okay note in chat 2,700 km okay a 30h hour

Drive if I’m lucky I can get there in like two days whoa really you got cross and now Portugal oh damn it is pretty far what the [ __ ] on Josh yeah actually 3,600 kilom oh right because Portugal is like all the way over there yeah yeah

Yeah yeah you’re not there it’s like all the way over there all the way over there what the [ __ ] where’s your [ __ ] rainbow ass [ __ ] awesome sauce ass I’m [ __ ] awesome awesome face Can we get the concert at some point with you and singing caramel dancing what I’m saying are we no I’ll pay you oh it’s kind of cute though I actually like this how much would you actually want zero doll sh I’ll do it for free sh I’ll do it for

Free I’m not gay but sh I’ll do it for fre Rez I’m going to come goodbye it’s coming up bro goodbye his way out of here like goodbye good and by good and by Dam P found that [ __ ] really funny he was like bro heard me say

Come bro heard me say come and thought it was a stupid ever George Ty [ __ ] there bro funny how did that cat you so off guard not expect I was like well started throwing up the five yeah yeah what do you mean I started throwing up yeah

Oh I knew you’re were going to do that awesome oh you’re so predictable and un funny I hate you wire that’s why you sound like I’ve never said that I said that oh you’re so predictable I’m funny I hate you yeah where where you at uh going to their awesome sauce base

Uh you need me yeah what do you need me for uh so you can see me walk to the new house you got a new house no the the home I was going to I’m finally ready it’s a little too late for that it’s too late to

Apologize it’s too late didn’t need you what you don’t mean that do you I don’t well I got 30 blaz I hate that song [ __ ] you bro so hard it’s too late apologize it’s too late it goes so Hard Michael Jackson biggest self-report the voice crack bigest self crack s oh what does the mafia want a proper mic bro I don’t know how to find that what’s up proper mic you want me M yeah I mean find your proper mic yeah be like I remember I was on

Stream I think I like I popped up in your stream and that [ __ ] sounded so base boosted it’s insane yeah no crap do why you sound really high quality and stupid not you sounding stupid your mic sounds stupid how like f stupid uh you sound like a phone like headset

Microphone like a you know we on Modern Warfare 2 right now yeah okay you sound like you’re playing Gmod right now okay good that’s what I wanted to know so yeah I need to find like a proper microphone and [ __ ] like that I can help

You with that thank you but I won’t pay for it again the Blue Yeti I won’t paid for it again depending on how expensive I could just buy it I already gave you one present yes it is true I know you’re grateful and all but like I’m broke broy I’m a

Brokey allel I’m ready you already missed it I want my kisses back from you I want my kisses back I want my that song also sucks like the worst [ __ ] ever that I’ve listened to Black Widow baby was the hell you don’t remember that [ __ ] ass song no

Hello if I play it on stream I’m going to get copyright thank God God there were so many songs that just sound stupid beat Bo version who just that I am no one Said n Nik goes hard it does it scrash my my brain nicely I around like stereo Madness such a simple song it’s so much story behind it there’s no story behind stereo Madness no cuz like you’re jumping blocks and it’s like the introduction there’s like so much lore to it it’s

Like and there’s like spikes there’s like spikes there’s like a spaceship at some point it was like wo like that’s really what got me into the game it was the spaceship unironically why how was it the spaceship you saw J was like the spaceship no I just thought the

Spaceship was the coolest mechanic ever I was like oh my God I’m flying I’m really stupid okay someone sleep I’m inuck I’m on my way don’t worry a bro pH I’m sleeping Phantoms no I’m sleeping I can’t sleep cuz the Phantoms what the [ __ ] I oh my gosh hold what’s another song we

Don’t talk anymore we don’t talk anymore don’t like we used do we don’t talk anymore let’s go holy [ __ ] there was a baby zombie outside my and he grew up and he grew I’m so proud of him [ __ ] kills him I am proud of him but he’ll have to go

Now he will have to go now and you’re like yeah that’s what I said [ __ ] You Ren smart ass what the [ __ ] sleepers holy [ __ ] I might be so [ __ ] oh oh I took we still talk we still we still talk anymore we still talk anymore yeah bro we [Laughter]

Talk all the time my voice can’t go that high without cracking constantly cuz your voice is all deep and [ __ ] up just called you [ __ ] up I’m sorry ass so mean to each other for no absolute reason yeah except for the fact I said I’m sorry and he said [ __ ]

You so it was really me yeah no no crap that’s why we don’t talk anymore we don’t talk anymore what the [ __ ] is dude I oh my God I should create [ __ ] Minecraft Machin of [ __ ] like music videos yeah we talk all right bro why bro they don’t want to talk

Anymore Al I’m lost help me I got you we can talk anymore I got you we talk all the time I always talk to you we talk yes very human yes the design is very human talking the design is very human I love talking to people I love talking to you

Oh do you mean that no 100% I know you don’t I mean they should wholeheartedly although I sound really sarcastic you see I’m expl I’m sorry friends I have troubles conveying my emotions that’s called being autistic if you ever heard about it um no yeah you’re autistic now oh I’m

One of them F alino Pig I’m one of you now yeah know I self diagnose you autistic and now go on Twitter is not really self diagnos if you diagnose me okay what do you want to call it that diagn diagnos you know like a normal diagnose diagnos it yeah I diagnose you

A we diagnose each other we diagnose each other no so that’s sound just like a translation if you don’t pay attention and like here on the background it seems like another language this is what English sounds like two non- English speakers yeah okay can someone actually help me now I’m lost yeah

Three George lick my nuts you’re not even on the server D you’re not you’re a loser George you lose all the time I love how calling someone a loser is like a lot more more aggressive than it actually seems cuz I’m just telling you you lose all the time yeah win kind of

Sad you’re a winner you shining star I [ __ ] hate if you call me that like more than just going shining star or winner winner shining star oh it’s both so what if I went up to you one day and I’m like happy birthday you shining star a genuine like like say don’t do

That I can see that happening yes but like why what’s wrong with shining stars sounds so like looks like you’re my father or something bro like an actual father that might have happy birthday you shining star why I shine I go from your awesome partner to your father figure this is not

Canonical this is not canonical to the S&P I promise guys I don’t want it to be we do not persuade uh inest oh yeah we did do the Jiggy Jiggy like two times at least yeah what the [ __ ] we not we’re not like Star Wars please I promise Star

Wars yeah did you know Star Wars is like the hoing incest thing oh yeah sorry I never watch Star Wars me neither holy in God you you [ __ ] actually okay I actually never cared for Star Wars is that weird yeah nether did ey yeah like I know dude I know so many

People that were like oh I love Star Wars head ass whatever the [ __ ] and I’m like bro who gives a [ __ ] I watched Harry Potter that [ __ ] went hard I didn’t what that’s a must watch bro where was your childhood War see that is like what a Star Wars fan would say yeah

I don’t give a [ __ ] Harry Potter just go in I didn’t watch Henry Potter I watched [ __ ] Flapjack and chowder that was my okay that also goes hard but like it goes hard but like it’s not like really a movie trilogy we don’t really talk anymore we don’t really talk

Us like we used to do oh my God I’m actually tearing up for only one eye I might be disbelieve nor happen yeah I cry when I see you no it’s a normal thing that your eyes tear at when you’re like very tired yeah I’m not I’m not tired I just laugh

At everything it’s my PE want one of your eyes up sometimes when you’re stupid I think you’re stupid well g g this one might be true that’s all I hear when you speak you’re like an alien got him I’m what the [ __ ] walk I say don’t say that

[ __ ] was that an inter Galactic slur yeah that’s [Laughter] not damn this [ __ ] skeleton has like my God I’m going to die bro I think I lost him I don’t know why but where is jokes have YTP energy yeah I wonder why it’s really weird yeah know guys don’t not look

Through my channel let me just look through why Channel real quick oh he did ytps when he was younger what what wait he watched MLG when he was younger what wait he’s probably acoustic what what okay I may or may not be autistic but I 100% have

ADHD I know of that for a fact all the all the boxes kind of just check out on that one what the [ __ ] oh George it appeared as soon as you said like on the screen was like you like what the [ __ ] George and then it showed up on stream

Like the [ __ ] nether transform thing oh yeah I’m going to become Switzerland Switzer okay maybe I’m a tad bit stupid no you’re not stupid you just didn’t know maybe I’m Switzerland stop being stupid being special understand that I’m really special yeah pixel you’re special to me

Yeah so good for you oh let’s go I’m stupid yeah I’m just not the special kind I’m your stupid friends yeah we’re not your friends we’re your homies the [ __ ] and then we dab each other up with slimy ass hands I didn’t know you were my home live

Live yeah man the some want Peterson yes I’m very special I sheer ignorant bro who’s like who the [ __ ] that was my son was that g what do you want what you yelling what happened G what do got W from you bro he’s looking at bro what what happened don’t

Know no I just got like damaged or something and your [ __ ] ass horse just took damage what the hell what the ghost the ghost of Romania the Romanian [ __ ] half of your item disappear dude after the entire population of Romania moves out I’ll be the last one and I’ll be the ghost of

Romania the ghost of Romania goes hard the troller of the damn bro the troller of Romania oh my God bro this [ __ ] cat I don’t know what the joke about the trollers of Romania I don’t either like I see it I see it everywhere in the

Gifts every time I search for Romania he like a proud member of the trollers of Romania I’m like what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] does that mean I don’t get it can I be a part of it oh just search it uh hello hold on let let me let me find

Let me see if this is true or not let me see if this is factual [ __ ] Urban Dictionary I don’t know if I should read this yeah no that’s what I’m looking at right now there’s a third definition it started as a small Twitter joke then became a huge

Troll cult that included Romanians they’re mostly seen in Discord Twitter and RD make making meaningless and [ __ ] jokes sounds like Romania yeah oh yeah 100% I think the first result on Urban Dictionary is just like a funny [ __ ] mentions yeahor can you read the fish copy

Pasta P I swear to God I’m going to [ __ ] murder you one day I’m not reading that you know that’s a crime you want to hear that [ __ ] copy pasta do I care okay I care I mean you do okay is it worth it friends I guess there’s no going back

Now I’m pretty sure you get arrested where the [ __ ] is itxel oh my god oh he’s passed away to the cat the worst [ __ ] like this is the okay hello what do you need for me I was going to ask where you at oh I’m

In a random cave I went to look for my home it’s I don’t thinket worth my home oh your home oh I got flashbang I like enclosed me on like a two block space and I [ __ ] opened it and oh my God I got flashbanged so bad can I

Come I mean pay me a drink first but yeah I gave you my bottle of piss I guess okay I guess that works yeah that’ll do for you want to come here and like uh, 1400 300 right now 1,400 what the [ __ ] where where did you

Row not even bad for away it’s pretty far it’s pretty far okay sorry you’re pretty far from home okay check that 100 Spiderman R if he was like a Marvel villain Peter if Peter Parker Peter Parker Peter pork Peter pet p I’m sure [ __ ] cat is special your

Cat is special yeah is your cat autic I believe so Al are you going on your way R what would be your awesome superpow if you had one uh forever chicken nugget oh yeah I see no downside forever the downside is that everyone else has goed powers and I’m

Just there with this reminds me of a dumbass [ __ ] meme that I saw it was like guy gets paralyzed after eating like 43 chicken nuggets and some dude was like so 412 is the limit yeah that’s a goed limit to be man I want some chicken nuggets right

Now yeah too bad everything’s [ __ ] Clos it’s not even that everything is [ __ ] expensive oh why what coordinates you in 1,500 uh almost 300 who is the one living in the tower the [ __ ] it’s just like oh it’s white wo the [ __ ] just Place why are there actually like shest with stuff now

Like 15500 300 1500 300 are you under me no I’m jumping around are you in the Overworld there’s water here can you see the water I’m in the middle of the water do you see an orange boat let me see let me see let me see Uh that’s where I’m at saw chicken oh is that a do you see a shipwreck uh yes okay so we’re near go to the ship yeah I was going to the monument but I I’ll go there not like I don’t have much equipment to do

That but I’ll go there we’ll loot it I guess he guesses dolphin let’s go where the fuckle got a dolphin speed than you Dolphins I’m trying oh hi oh wait you know what’s perfect for this H bra potion the bra potion a lot of rotten flesh bird treasure map best protection three boots

I don’t think the Buddy treasure map will work so [ __ ] it oh what do you got oh this place has been looted before as it seems what really yeah like it cuz the goodie chest was looted goodie chest you know the one with the ores in

It all right let’s go wait is this sock like the Cherry biome the place where we’re living like the one that you can see uh it’s at yeah I can see it yeah like is that the one that we are in like that we built our BAS so oh I’m so B say

Like we definitely looted a bunch of ship wrecks around us will noal drone what is it the [ __ ] oh it’s like a r wi didn’t know that was a thing oh [ __ ] oh that has a chest yeah in the middle of it oh Stone ax and we SS D

Useless I’m pretty sure I had some pretty good [ __ ] but I looted it I eated it good okay so let’s go baby hey don’t call me that I’m a grown ass man let’s go honey bear let’s go man I’m not going to say that never in my [ __ ] life bro it’s my gym

Bro let’s go man let’s go champ kind of makes everything cute I don’t mind it Mak some [ __ ] weird though like I want to see like a good texture pack are you kidding me God damn it I thought it was like like an opening but it got

Nothing I want to put on my [ __ ] MLG texture pack that I used to use in like 2014 and do it no thanks you said you wanted to use it not going again yeah I want to now that I’m going to why not good question cuz I don’t want to I

See well I want to but I don’t you know what I’m saying was all indecisive N I just don’t want to I’m going to bed now see you later poop [ __ ] scw good night see you later goodest of nights do you want to go in this or do you want

Like the Ravine yeah maybe we can it doesn’t seem to go that deep so we’ll Explore More there another cave right there there’s another cherry blossom that I’m noticing in the long as [ __ ] though my God D longest [ __ ] ever like that what is the world record of the longest

[ __ ] probably there is I’m saying what is it I no idea look it up I feel like we should know this cuz we’re the poop [ __ ] but like as a fun fact that longest [ __ ] world record what is the longest poo ever recorded long 20 minute far 20 cm long

And 5 cm width what the [ __ ] I not need to know that I did not need to know that that’s a [ __ ] I need to know that snake that’s a Viper bro God damn but like uh Mak so sense actually says that place D to leather [ __ ] PA s says did

You know the world record for the longest [ __ ] is like 20 C I’m getting lucky as [ __ ] with the like oh there’s a village right there oh it yeah you’re going the wrong way yeah to to your left no your left yeah over here let’s go baby let’s go baby

Probably my render yeah it’s my render distance yeah I have like 30 [ __ ] chunks render distance I didn’t expect you to see it cuz you’ll be blind what the [ __ ] yeah can call me that but just you no one else wait let me kill y wear

Glasses I don’t uh I should but I don’t do youall need glasses yeah not no not really just for like being tired you feel like that I have like my vision is like literally the minimum of what you’re allowed to drive with the bare minimum yeah hey stop going without me I

Don’t want you to take all the good [ __ ] I wouldn’t loot it I let you loot it thank you of course anything for you what the [ __ ] I have my suspicion this place is already looted the [ __ ] why cuz there was a missing bed in the house

Oh well that’s awkward oh sorry I just walked into some guy sleeping in his house my bad what the [ __ ] where’s this little critter doing in the [ __ ] corner see anything bro oh he just walked up on I just want like sleep you dumb [ __ ] oh

My me and I’m sleepy get out of the way hello oh good morning here I have a flower oh brother then I want my flower sure I was going back out first bro got priorities Minecraft e dating there you go thank you I will save those with my life thank you I

Appreciate that I just filled my entire inventory with netherite okay bless you bless bless you um I have a lot of [ __ ] uh rock copper I don’t want it a Netherrack I don’t want it uh I need this I’ll take paper I don’t need it I

Don’t need white wool I don’t want them I want I want that oh [ __ ] thank you oh [ __ ] my inventory is full all right there you go thank you okay so do you want to oh my God this graffi damn graffiti I died bro this Ravine is you wait is that

Green is that green uh do you have a bucket a way to make a bucket no I have a bed or I have a boat get in my boat can go with a boat okay please let me yeah there that worked out thank you uh yeah that’s green and I was

Curious to know it’s just like yeah it’s just okay random thing because of path precisely let’s see let’s see let’s see a lot of coal yes yeah or I have two packs of coal I remember this old server I was on where you could actually marry people

But to do so you have to use commands and stuff meaning there would be like a SL Mar player and a SL divorce player dude that sounds goed as [ __ ] did you marry anyone wait can we can we do that you trying to Marry Me Maybe Twirls

Fingers what you say are you trying to marry me or something you already know I’m I’m waiting with the command ready as soon as do hops on do guy you’re my poy I said you would not say I got priorities I married someone but I got cheated on Wow in

Minecraft oh I wouldn’t take that yeah that’s some Next Level disrespect right there bro I hope you recover damn it it has nothing personally I wouldn’t recover personally I just die [ __ ] s hey we found nothing it was your choice to go down here so at least it has like some yeah some

Goodies oh wait oh I forgot that I have [ __ ] fortune bro so I continues over here let’s let’s let’s so grab some [ __ ] Tores got I don’t got any I got it just happened I’m mining Some Coal so I can heal my armor oh this goes in a circle ni

Here hello uh so let’s go the other way two way we could go and this is a dead end W exciting oh that was a whole lot of nothing you think there’s a villager that accepts blumpkins yeah the farmer true I should get a for that he asked me nicely no you

Didn’t do you think there’s a accept it I mean yeah and I answered nicely oh oh wait they keep going oh [ __ ] that oh okay it keep going it keep going no this was this was actually [ __ ] nice what the hell not going to even oh iron I love okay this [ __ ] go

Deep we found the turning point of this cave ow this oh L holy [ __ ] laiss finally laiss said ra as a scientist oh what is this you remember that one stock photo of the [ __ ] science dude with like a [ __ ] like green liquid in his hand

And it had some like dumb ass caption every single time yeah up there I remember seeing one that was like finally pure cringe raw gold that’s me o You’re the pure cringe yeah they found me in the lab bro oh oh [ __ ] wait pixel [ __ ] go deep deep over here give

Me a second give me a second I need some torches bro I can barely see anything it’s so foggy God damn yeah you just remind me torches exist hold up torches do exist what the [ __ ] it go deep deep what is that it go deep de bro it go deep what

It go down it you go down it don’t no I got to take a screenshot of this what the [ __ ] I found diamonds that looks like the place that me and dogy based in in the last SMP oh my God wait I of a bummer that the [ __ ] last

SMP didn’t no this SMP didn’t have that much of an effect as it did on the old one but I get it well I hope that wasn’t me oh that wasn’t me oh my God I actually [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me you

Okay no cuz it scared the [ __ ] out of it oh my my bad my sorry uh cuz I’m trying to like get the screenshot screenshots there you go this [ __ ] is beautiful bro what the [ __ ] hi hi I climbed back up to you let’s get down to

Business Jesus Christ looks like we went to hell bro what the hell oh zombie can I kill them where are they there you go uh get them nice there do you need a quest or some [ __ ] my what the [ __ ] no bro no I gota

Like no get up out I want to take a screenshot okay okay but this sh like humongous humongous yes God damn I’m Instagram so impressed on Instagram yeah yeah post this on r/ Minecraft this cave is quite big and you get like a th000 likes yeah

What the hell wait wait uh where you at where they’re going to be like experimental generation sorry I left you I’m right here oh where you at oh there you go right in front uh where you want to go wherever you want to go guess we’ll just

Exp lead the way and also careful of that creeper thank you thank you I can barely [ __ ] see I don’t know why all right I’ll keep you covered watch out for the zombie I want I want the zombies so nice God damn I always [ __ ] do like trade fights they’re like attack me

I attack them I attack like a [ __ ] turn Bas RPG or what whatever the [ __ ] you might be on to something make a game about this go hasn’t been them before I found Redstone if that interests you uh not interested oh [ __ ] diamonds on one of the pillars where what is this one

Diamond yeah you’re going to be seeing a lot of this like one Diamond who zombies oh I get him nice me just eat it’s okay my friend we’re all hungry sometimes it goes deeper bro how it do go down Jesus Christ wait wait don’t go too far

Away Sho stuff so let me yeah I I can’t work with this [ __ ] research pack I need to change it okay I’m finding a lot of them one Diamond this skeleton broke my boots has boots in question I think I broke something cuz like my I heard like

The yeah my boots they also broke Dam there’s so much of them one Diamond if only I had like looting or some [ __ ] I have oh when didn’t you tell me I have fortune on my pickaxe you did why didn’t you tell me I literally told you

Like it was my pickax but I got like uh Unbreaking three efficiency 4 and Fortune 2 I for G you could have reminded me but I don’t blame you cuz I told you like let me get that diamond you’re like nah I’m going to do it myself only why would

Be like you could have reminded me Dam listen I hate taking blame okay I found that [ __ ] on a diamond show me where it is where are you I’ll give you cords in a second I want to see how many three [ __ ] emeralds can you not see me oh

[ __ ] that’s a lot of diamond also I I’m mining at like why 100 no [ __ ] Wonder find so many emeralds emeralds okay there a [ __ ] ton of diams I’ll give you the qu uh pixel find the eight yeah yeah yeah yeah mayhaps showby C have have3 open I can barely see oh uh

[ __ ] 2,300 and then minus 125 125 yep wait 2,000 what 2,3 like 50 okay 350 yes and then minus 125 and I’m at y level 41 minus 41 have [ __ ] like hole that I can go in yes I should there’s like a crevice Oh that’s oh that’s so not good

Holy [ __ ] that Scar the [ __ ] out of me never again holy [ __ ] I’m trying to see you but I don’t see you I think I’m doing a pretty pretty bad job H that’s I see more Diamond but I can’t cuz I’m above you should be above

You oh there it is f f crev you have you got a I think no I didn’t or you may have hold on he said you were above me oh my God holy [ __ ] how damn yeah like I’m kind of above you are you on the surface yeah no not surface overw

Obviously I’m still on the [ __ ] crazy ass hole oh the fuckle oh bro this is so magnificent Jes what is that there’s like three glow squids on the same place oh wait the [ __ ] yeah also yeah where where are you at what the [ __ ] bro trying to find you you

I’m at the same like lava pole that we found like the very first time can I just like mine down I wouldn’t risk it it’s like really far down and you might die give me a second let me try like rotating TR to look I don’t really see your name I’m

Going down I’m going down you’re going to die bro I’m doing a rotation down oh my neighbor just dropped something it sound like the coolest snare sound your neighbor no no no no no that’s not good oh that’s not good wa okay do something right do something find a hole f a hole

Right not very reassuring f a hole that it’s like a spiral please why did you fall mayhaps uh it’s really hard to see let me I don’t even know how like how far High you were I was oh my God I was not that [ __ ] I was like minus 40 minus

40 so you were down like oh man share your screen share your screen share your screen share your screen watch My Stream right no cuz like your stream is delayed oh [ __ ] hell Wait no that’s not it okay fine hold on there you go pickax okay so um okay

F3 right F3 right um yeah go 350 for like 2, 350 right right right I’m trying to pay these are the diamonds that I found o that’s really good 3 she told me 350 oh yeah I was making an estimate I didn’t think youd fault your

Death okay 350 all right yeah now I’m like literally above you yes [ __ ] minus 40 get some hay don’t die why I please please I [ __ ] swe God I’m trying to see where you fell from okay wait wait okay I’m going to for a second look see if you can see

Me right did you see that no possibly like directly upwards hold on is is that you is that your hole wait can you see my back no D I’m like I’m right there wait let me let me see if I can like I’m going to place a bunch of water around this got

To work I’m trying to see if I can turn a three and read it on time I’m trying to place a bunch of water around okay 356 specifically 356 so right above me yes right above you that’s where I am break the three blocks I’m in lava that’s

The isue oh you’re in lava yes I’m okay hold on I got this i got this I’ll save you by pixel how how much good that’ll do got to be enough wait God bro only had a bucket could you like pile up to try to like kind of you know take out the

Lava of that space in this specific maybe POS could be a good idea yes cuz I I don’t but you’re gonna die of fall damage no like basically you you can like empty out like the you know the space where the lava is you put blocks and then you destroy the blocks so

There’s like not lava there anymore you know what I’m saying yeah man soras I do get what you’re saying see like you just did yeah yeah but I’m saying like you’re still about to die if you fall from that high what I’m saying I’m just to [ __ ]

Take out the that place you don’t need to make me fall that’s what I’m saying hold on bro I mean it still has a point if you fell from like that hi water yes but I don’t want to fall oh just told you to go up there please why hold on

Bro what are you doing getting more blocks ah what the [ __ ] does it look like it look like a Korean like giant waterpool oh yeah no crap yeah cuz my totem of undy already went to [ __ ] W that’s a problem this is stressful this is stressful can the rescue mission be real

Gosh darn bro hold on alsoo please heal yourself up I I’d appreciate that with what food hold on fuing fot has on the inventory maybe he does he even have food hold onel is higher priority you could even make a furnace just just to heat up that please wait up bro I’m saving

You just be careful please H I don’t I don’t want you to die as well please I ain’t dying bro I God now with you in danger hold on this is the rescue mission of all time I’m [ __ ] die I’m G to feel so bad if I lose my goddamn pickaxe that

[ __ ] was so good hold up bro let me I’m still I’m still asking myself what are you poing with the elas I mean this is where you’re falling right does did you remember the coordinates brother bro you said under lava where you said previously not lava I’m not down there that’s the

Problem where are you then bro Inus 40 that’s why I am I think at least it should be bro give me a second let me check one more time all right let me check one more time wait morning minus 44 what hold on what’s your [ __ ]

Z z is M wait you mean uh the uh I mean the third one minus 4 44 like 40 blocks away from you I’m about to kill you bro he’s like told you I told you bro what do you mean you’re about to die at this point you got to go no I

Don’t you why you telling me that I’m going to [ __ ] cry bro for [ __ ] sakes bro please please this is the worst rescue mission of my entire life shut you said you were likeus 40- 80 he said minus 44 4 okay wait why what the can you see like some type of

Hole in there let me see what [ __ ] my middle like thing is minus 57 I’m oh my God bro okay okay let’s think about this right why was your Z again zus 44 what you said it was minus 80 the [ __ ] – 44 I didn’t say- 80 never you said- 44

You said that was your Y no I’m not mishearing I know that’s what you said [ __ ] you Ming oh my God I see you oh my [ __ ] God you [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m so [ __ ] tired bro you made me do all of that work for your dumb ass to be in another Castle

You yeah you might as well just go shut the [ __ ] up bro you have nothing you have no way believe in the dream for us TR us W can do it just drain the law like build around it hold on I’m cooking [Laughter] literally what the [ __ ] let’s go

Oh BR the bra potion wait if you wait okay um bucket might be huge yeah no crap but I’m making food yes I I know but I was just looking at the iron cuz I didn’t know if you had iron or not was like look I’m just very stressed because

Godamn I’m just in a predict and I don’t want to [ __ ] die right now CU it’s really good I don’t I don’t want to lose this believe it or not I don’t believe it I don’t believe God damn it yeah you never believe me George you’re always a [ __ ] Downer

That’s Fu problem really not not my [ __ ] issue yes you are don’t know how to [ __ ] read coordinates [ __ ] you you literally do oh you said and I didn’t it’s not my [ __ ] fault you don’t know how to listen to begin with damn yeah bro told them off the V check

The hold on is my [ __ ] crafting table burning what do you think I mean no not yet I don’t see it on stream it burned bro it act did it actually oh it started burning okay okay hold up hold up six B pixel you’re a lot of

Work okay wait let me just reconnect to see if you’re like in the right place okay look down at the spot right right what what the you are right under me okay okay at least I have your clear clear coordinates [ __ ] stupid backing that’s about to be me

Bro oh holy [ __ ] wait can you place on the ground hold on oh this might be real uh wait no you’re good oh okay wait wait you [ __ ] ow how the hell did you even get here bro H look upwards cuz if you look upwards you’ll notice there’s a hole oh my God

Ah got okay you should be fine I [ __ ] hate you bro oh wait I’m killing you um no oh please don’t actually [ __ ] not my intention okay bro coughing in Minecraft my God bro holy [ __ ] oh oh my God [ __ ] hate you again I love you bro by far shut up

Welcome pixel you’re my go but like holy [ __ ] thank you oh my [ __ ] god holy [ __ ] I’m not going to even I did all of that [ __ ] thinking your your head ass was there bro I told you the exact coordinates it’s not my [ __ ] fault

Yeah and I tried to listen so they weren very clear yes but George is BR a [ __ ] Downer as usual it’s not my fault yeah George you should have just been here pop off my [ __ ] meat actually dog just Tred to place in the water [ __ ] me for

Real I just saw you plac like three torches in in the AWA yeah the Shader doesn’t let me to okay where is the the diamonds is the diamonds I don’t remember man H you can got to have a good idea [ __ ] stupid monsters that’s like last [ __ ] thing I wanted right now God

Damn bro chill out shut the [ __ ] up maybe bro is it down yeah no [ __ ] oh there they are yes yes okay there’s what this is your reward for being alive yes this almost feels not worth it what do you mean this is super [ __ ] wor thing holy [ __ ] he The

Miner [ __ ] do B there’s also some right here in the AUA oh let’s go you’re dying to the AA oh there’s more oh [ __ ] oh wa I got this i got this is we’re drinking the BR potion yeah I drank it with like one bubble of

Oxygen holy [ __ ] he the bubble uh where you at right above oh you down there above me what the [ __ ] oh you just swam up down there oh Jesus Christ never again where you at where you at I went downwards just went upwards to go with

You what the hell how did I I went downwards when I was upwards oh there you are okay let’s see dude you’re [ __ ] you got your toot SE out bro oh my bad I got diamonds huh 22 diamonds from the all that uh yeah oh make that

33 wait what 33 you picked it up yeah 33 okay yeah go Al let me put some Tores on I can [ __ ] see [ __ ] so foggy Jesus Christ the power of shaders yeah watch out for that Skellington ow dumb face oh yeah you can turn off

The stream though obvious oh yeah true I forgot I was I almost turned off the actual stream Al this is [ __ ] fire look how round the actual cave is that’s actually very fun yeah and this is a de end with me looks better because yeah the fog and

[ __ ] like that but the fog is coming yes I don’t get it I got it I got the reference what’s the reference like it’s like the the movie from the same uh thing uh like stepen King I think yeah back yeah that one okay so I’m just collecting a lot of

[ __ ] uh where you at meeting up with you what wait where are you yeah yeah hi hi hello where you want to go let me just collect this I guess oh no blood y that was quite bro it’s not okay I’m not okay bro that was so stressful you have

No [ __ ] idea God damn oh there’s a lot of gold God damn I’m I’m going to [ __ ] pick of the you know it’s kind of a mirac that you’re even alive right now yeah you did a greatest job thank you like leg that should exhaust to me bro don’t kill yourself man that

Wouldn’t be good myself oh I I wasn’t even that to watch that sorry please I’m waiting for you okay okay okay there you go I’m alive I’m I’m happy to know that I’m happy you’re alive thank you I’m unhappy about the process I went through

For you to be alive but I’m happy you’re alive hey sometimes it going to happen this was your Cannon event exactly the Lord got to want to go like deeper still nah there’s also more diamonds down there but I’m kind of lazy oh more iron where in the laiss laiss oh this

Uh bro Fortune is so goed holy [ __ ] yeah no crap oh this is where we came from oh the no I love saying that you got the arrow also here this is the little piss I was talking about uh if I could [ __ ] see anything give me a second if

I hold something if I hold something is it going to emit light hold on look at me I think not no it doesn’t I’m holding a blaze rod I guess I just got to be aware yeah iron iron I don’t where the iron oh copper kind of useless oh there’s

More that’s why you said it yeah thought talking about the one I just like was looking at no there’s also another iron also is there even like a texture for like deep slate uh copper is that even possible deep slate copper oh talking about I guess there is my bad oh well yeah

Moment that’s quite the dead end my friend damn it let’s get the freck out of here yeah yeah tell him tell him told your boy tell him is that a spoo oh maybe I heard that head ass yes oh hey I see sunlight oh wait iron bro got prairies sorry I got a

Quest for like mining iron I got to do it iron how much iron you need uh actually right now I don’t see it but if you see any iron I can like tell you I see Iron right there where uh let see you see it okay get closer right

Here let me see okay right there right there like right here oh I think I see it yeah yeah yeah like right there yes I I end up right there yeah yeah uh I have 47 of 160 God damn a lot you own it is it is wait

Wait is this why we’re on a quest oh hey more iron uh yes where is it right there oh God damn I mean you get it up there yeah I do I do I do the bottom thank you I can do it I did you a

Little path thank you thank you I can do it though don’t worry not that desperate like I appreciate appreciate you saving me but yes I can do this believe it or not you literally fell in lava and I had to rescue you yes but I was not expecting

That for some reason like I got pushed out yes believe it or not we’re in a broad sunlight listen man your Shader might be whack did you see it at the bottom right of your screen can you see this that occupies like 10% of your whole Vision maybe

That’s a m shaft with more iron you know what that means you’re in a really vulnerable position you are bro oh hey more iron love you bro thank you damn I’m fast as [ __ ] so [ __ ] stressed out die sorry okay it’s not your fault although it kind of is no they [ __ ]

Punched me it’s not my fault who punched you it not punched me it pushed me it was a [ __ ] stupid ass zombie Bro [ __ ] ass zombie that’s what I’m saying it didn’t make noise he was like no that’s the problem he was like he was like he was like

Exactly he was like BR he was like I guess that explains a lot oh that’s uh wait you’re telling me zombies are quiet no wonder I didn’t hear also there’s your one right here there’s more uh spiders down there if you want to gain the experience you missed it EXC you missed

It and there’s also more iron right here and right here and right there and right there really God damn Jesus [ __ ] yeah what the whoa okay I was joking about the other like three parts but God damn that’s a lot of iron what the

Hell how’s going I why do I hear like a end oh more iron do you see them I’m just coming to visit I don’t see them oh this [ __ ] goes upwards God now what I was talking the sky oh sorry there are two baby zombies in that

Hallway oh can deal with them see I won’t help you I mean you said you can deal with them you still help you’re missing a shoe byel oh it’s because of the RS I know you’re missing a sh give me a second okay you might actually got this

Because they’re [ __ ] dumb or some [ __ ] what’s going on they can’t pass because of the ra rail roads so I can just like you kill a Child Lifetime in prison know lifetime in prison it’s called being woken days excuse me red said amputate what the [ __ ] random [ __ ] amputate after

Killing his own son it’s called being based in red exactly so you know the sword yeah hi B pixel hello what the [ __ ] you see this I survived you did not see this what the [ __ ] fence over here is [ __ ] up oh my bad you see this oh yeah what the

[ __ ] [ __ ] awesome sorry I derailed you for a second to [ __ ] oh there copper amputated fence I’m going to amputate you oh yeah that’s an Ender I don’t know head ass end be like what’s up okay I found the oh let’s go uh let me go there first

And then is there more spiders it’s more spiders have fun uh where’s the iron though it’s down the hallway to the left thank you Donald Trump I get pretty funny I’m dying of poison oh there it is do these [ __ ] ass creepers want my cows so bad I want your

Cows are you the creeper Minecraft green Reaper I’m sorry sorry apology accepted got this uh I love saying like the dumbest [ __ ] nobody rects and then I’m like I’m sorry at Le you’re not saying like please laugh to my joke that did that oh you [ __ ] Bros derail bro what the obvious reference to Ronnie

Commitment and bro yeah no crap I made another stupid ass you know [ __ ] you bro I just didn’t want to like report them right on stream not again okay I found more on I might be the iron looking guy wait uh you even find the last

Iron I I have no [ __ ] idea I think I did oh I found more oh you have wait where are you oh you’re behind me hello bro giving me back shots hello okay going to help you look for yourone thank you any for you my friend but you need you need torches for

God damn I know I don’t really have wood I can help you with that if you want in a m Shaft full of wood I have no wood yeah o where’s W no yourone over here Tyrone no Tyrone got more broken fences by the way you H

Toly oh yeah I see see them oh my God these [ __ ] ass bom me so and I see you B hello you’re my go I my hand you’re my go I so you’re more than that go now the fight I got I increased in status oh hey I found torches in the

Awesome [ __ ] like Minecart mine I actually like leveled up thought that was already a pretty high level bro leveled up in you are but godamn [ __ ] what the [ __ ] bro I’m saying I care about you bro oh it’s cool that’s okay she go down I found a continuation to that cave

There might be moreone Tyrone there might be more Tyrone I don’t know who the [ __ ] Tyrone is but like he might go you know what’s funny though I haven’t let go like let go of the [ __ ] flower you gave me still have it it’s actually kind of sweet yeah it’s

On my inventory oh never let go bro thought you turn I sh into die or some [ __ ] which I was totally fine no well never are you more iron let’s go I’ve lost strike of you oh wait no I see you yeah I’ll mine towards you

This think I found like the yeah the last Corridor all right I found a continuation to the awesome sauce o it’s even there more uh yeah what’s up follow me into this tunel yes yes follow me into this dark gallway wait I may have got the wrong way there you

Go right here it go down oh god there might be more Tyrone like right here I may just eat first oh [ __ ] more Tyrone next to the Tyrone creeper a man [ __ ] my sword broke the [ __ ] Slayer no not the [ __ ] Slayer I have no [ __ ] way sorry Piel I’ve lost it oh

Jinx I guess it went down in vain I also have like a killing zombies thing so okay here moreone more over there don’t worry about saying my bad [ __ ] kid said earlier no I heard you I kind of just forgot but is kind of just my bad it’s fine I was just defending

Myself you don’t need to you don’t need to defend yourself sir this is a CT did you see it okay but understand understand understand my man here is just very cute okay oh thank you did not expect that I got you thank you thank

You I mean I told you I’d be here for backup thank you thank you oh hey you miss some eone Tyrone wa didn’t yeah should be show me show oh and more over here oh and more over there I’m like the goat of iron it’s almosts like I’m Romanian also how much [ __ ]

Doil right there than you right I pass 100 by the way oh let’s go 111 112 13 how much you need uh 160 oh 160 God damn for what C in here [ __ ] be like the worst reward yeah I’m not going to even [ __ ] like see cuz

It doesn’t matter what the reward is this is actually like pretty [ __ ] funny this was quite the episode I’ll be honest up there over there over there bit Piel oh over here oh [ __ ] Dion ho [ __ ] wait C down sorry I’m a bit too

Goated a damn it this is not what I want I want Iron right there you can’t miss it [ __ ] congr let go let’s go let’s go uh big hole that hole sure is Big yeah wait which is Al I guess the fog is because of like actually being day it’s

The problem with it maybe also here more it is cuz like when it got like um when it turned day in the morning really like a lot F yo yo yo oh and moreone over here oh I’m so close wait 153 so close where is it right

Here just go down the hallway watch out for the gravel oh my bad okay right there that should be more than enough it wasn’t he 156 let me use my my lie over there there oh do you see them they hungry [ __ ] wait oh [ __ ] they want me what they got your little

Tootsies ow stop tickling me the [ __ ] King yeah zombie another one incoming watch out for Tyrone [ __ ] do I get out of here Tyrone is such a hard name there you go yeah kill 50 zombies I’m like right here oh see this come here big Boy yeah let me do kind of just straight at least you’re winning the duo ow yeah I found moreone you did yeah found gold it’s kind of cool I’m trying to [ __ ] up the Creer the crap the CP the ones you don’t eat I’m hoping

O oh there was your own right there that I just missed but it ain’t that important I found more iron right here here go go yeah okay what I get what I get cck you for your one iron pickaxe baby let’s go let’s go let’s go baby just what you needed

Yes finally I could get rid of the stinky old uh diamond pickaxe with Fortune with Fortune too and Unbreaking and efficiency kill all the tire rounds around this area I will try I will try go uh hold on I’ll save you the why you sniffing me Joe Biden

We’re trying to touch me get out you don’t touch my P pixel yeah the hey right here hey right here right here right here this is the guy this more yeah more iron right here right oh good night George [ __ ] I was caved in anyway bro I couldn’t do [ __ ]

More iron right here yeah there go yeah let’s go let’s go there can see protect me please thank you I got you behind you oh thank who get the Tyrone yeah you got Tyrone and also I’m going to go to bed so I’m going to DM the thing I wanted to

Talk to you about oh okay thing pal I hate that guy finally he’s gone am I right Chad I just seems all upset all the [ __ ] time he do be he needs like a chill day bro I was pretty happy random ass glow squid yeah it’s been as I said quite the

Journey L it’s okay as long as you’re alive than you I care about you my friend oh e on you found more I don’t need I really don’t need it anymore but I’m just going to do it for the funny I guess what I hear Tyrone yes baby get his

Ass ah always like this bro all right okay 30 out of 50 let’s go let’s go baby let’s go do this guess this like Quest focused episode all right we got to get out of here I think I’m done you are yeah okay go oh we also got to end stream cuz I’m

Getting a bit tired I’m a tired but very B it Bas because of my microphone I need to stop running holy [ __ ] oh I understand I I actually fcking my heart dropped cuz I thought like oh no the [ __ ] is gonna die bro was gone no no no don’t worry

Boom I ran out of blocks oh now I’m full of blocks well was very unexpected I my heart he kind of just dropped on me oh God I’m just going to mine upwards go white board go what the [ __ ] all right boom boom boom Oh go white boy go all right where is

Home it’s on the other side okay sorry I was like looking at something it’s okay my friend all right we got to get the freck out of here you know what I’m saying yeah all right we moving moving what the [ __ ] goofy ass sheep see this the drift isn’t

Sa [ __ ] say the DFT of 87 gift again that gift goes hard yeah all right I know my way from here you do yeah got a bever yeah okay got got I got that photographic memory someone got to sleep so sleep what B why cuz you’re the only one

With me in the server oh my bad uh I can’t lose you right now I can’t jump why being s let me out let me out oh I was mining the other side oh my God it’s so [ __ ] dark I need a Shader that actually does like the lighting on hand

Thing barely [ __ ] see there you go I want to try and move a little slower for you oh oo pleasant surprise yeah all right all right all right I see the little shipwreck ohone get theone I will I will [ __ ] there bro he hits me from so far away

What the [ __ ] I know mine same no I felt that as well like when I was fighting drowns and [ __ ] I was like what the [ __ ] did they increase their range and they also updated the DRS animations which is kind of whack do I have the bat on me

Yeah watch out for the crapper oh the crap I get in the boat Y and now we move come on let’s go let’s go oh is mouth it’s so you don’t get food on yourself yeah yeah yeah cuz your ass is dirty whoa stanky ass [ __ ] oh [ __ ] eats all

Over H quite a scrumptious meal all right what the hell are you looking at bro looking at that head ass sorry I was like reading what George was like uh saying in a mic oh yeah he said something like feel free to send BX what I send me oh

Yeah George did infect the DM me oh oh my bad I know what happened fcking automatically did that George did infect the DM me and from what it seems we might have a talk like us three or like you and just you and me okay cuz as it seems like it’s not that

Great oh okay we’re kind of stuck oops okay where was home this Direction Still I think am I tripping nut possible we have a time where you had to like walk on land cuz there was like no more water it should be straight this way at this

Point okay wait do you do you have the compass thing no I’m using my memory okay it’s the human Compass call me the guat I hear Tyrone but I don’t want to fight them I hear Tyrone theone that will your voice crack what the [ __ ] SS oh my bad

F damn I kind of slashed you a little bit the aim God watch out for the crapper Oh Me Oh I see our house okay yeah now we’re close okay let’s just straight this way move damn why you have three spiders cuz they want me and now they want you all right let’s

Go let see see see they in wor of the time my friend you see it uh I think I do yeah yeah like a little light on the side what the [ __ ] oh now I see it sorry I got to fight the guy there

You sorry I got to [ __ ] a guy real quick oh holy [ __ ] we got two little Tyron on you oh my god he has a sword what the [ __ ] get his ass nice my bad watch out for the crepper yeah not the food one not the food cuz

The food is good crepper not good yeah H we made it yeah God damn that was one hell of a journey oh okay watch out all right we here let’s go we made it I’m going to go into my house and I’m going to end the

St oh my stupid ass SL is waiting for my head ass what the [ __ ] what are you doing in my house uh doing my safe Point real quick oh sorry yeah good point yeah I’m so tired yeah yeah all right we did it yeah we did it that’s it this was this was

One hell of a [ __ ] stream yeah good night my friends and family

This video, titled ‘DAY #8 | POOPSHITTERS SMP | Chill Stream X2’, was uploaded by FireAtWhire on 2023-12-10 23:57:46. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:05 or 19025 seconds.

Oh yeah, we’re starting an awesome Minecraft SMP donate here! – https://streamlabs.com/fireatwhire/tip

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    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – ะฝะฐะฑะพั€ ะฝะฐ ะŸะ ะ˜ะ’ะะขะะซะ™ ะธ ะ’ะะะ˜ะ›ะฌะะซะ™ ะ ะŸ ัะตั€ะฒะตั€ ะœะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ ะ”ะถะฐะฒะฐ ะธ ะ‘ะตะดั€ะพะบ – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – https://discord.gg/HuYr3msCpb We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ“ข My Social Networks โšช TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 ๐ŸŸฃ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ ๐ŸŸ  INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ โšซ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es ๐Ÿ”ต DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 ๐Ÿ“ง Contact: [email protected] โš”๏ธ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฆ #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ปSUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ป https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! ๐Ÿ˜ป Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜บ Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! ๐Ÿชต๐Ÿชจ๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿก Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’ฃ Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below โ†“ โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” โฆฟ ๐Ÿ’ฐ Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip โฆฟ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐Ÿคฏ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa โ›๏ธ Shader: Complementary v4 โ›๏ธ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks ๐ŸŸข Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las caracterรญsticas de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo mรกs vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting News! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! ๐Ÿš€โœจ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! ๐Ÿ™Œ What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! ๐ŸŽฎ Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More