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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody hello sorry sorry I was a little late there guys uh oh my gosh chat’s dead chat why are you dead what did you guys do how did you guys die already okay give me a sec I got revived chat give me oh my gosh okay my favorite part was just like seeing you guys be like um the like differences were what half was like she hates us and then and then the intro started and then there’s a guy right below was just clapping like Yay the intro was playing and you’re like yay oh my go I sorry for uh sorry for starting off late there uh I actually I had a uh I just got back from a meet and greet the an expo meet and greet and funny thing about it was that um the um my event manager and I thought it was at 1:00 p.m. because all the other stuff was at 100: p.m. cuz like the panel was at 1:00 p.m. and then like the karaoke was at 1:00 p.m. and then like okay no no no no no no no no it’s not that I can’t read it’s not that I can’t read look it was we we I I I follow I’m a good soldier I follow orders and then and then and then later on later on I like woke up early and I was like okay I’m ready for the tech rehearsal and then my staff was like sorry doie it was actually 4 and I was like what [Laughter] 114 wait what do you mean it was it’s been one this entire time 114 and so so like I obviously I was like oh can we do it early like if drons got there early uh we could start it early so then we we started it early um we started uh we started the thing early so then we actually ended it um all like we ended it like around five so I was like oh thank God we actually made it in time um and like um and everybody we met everybody that won the lottery to do the meet and greet so obviously thank you for the 10 get the shs thank you thank you I really appreciate it oh my gosh for one of the one of them was going to be a doctor one of the drons is going to be a doctor I met a doctor Dr is soon to be Dr Dr she’s going to raise the IQ average she’s going to she’s going to raise our Collective IQ average guys there’s a Dron that can read we have we have a dragon that can read it’s possible thank thank the Lord she can read she’s going to carry us guys she’s going to carry [Laughter] us who do you think who does she think she is learning to read okay I’m open the window right now it’s like oh oh wait the window is open okay that’s bad all right so we do have all right so for those who don’t know um we have an smpp now and uh so we have a Minecraft server that is basically for Dragons um it took a couple of um it took a couple of months to do because there was like some coding stuff that they had to do um regarding um so this server is going to be like an ongoing server uh it’s going to be an ongoing project so in that way where’re like we’re going to improve more and more of it but it’s at the stage it’s at the point of stage where uh where we can like finally open it um so uh I’m really excited uh there are factions uh so there’s factions involved and uh so you can separate yourselves into teams and it is four teams uh this is this server is only the uh only open to member member goons uh because like um it’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time like longer than and I think like I I’m pretty sure some of you dragons remember me talking about how I really want to do something like this and I’m really happy that I can now um this team that I’ve hired to make the server they’ve actually done a lot of projects for like um other uh other like big YouTubers other big Minecraft youtubers as well as like um tournaments and stuff for the Minecraft community so like I trust them a lot to make this uh a long ongoing thing um so the server will be open uh forever I mean not for ever but like you know what I mean but like it’s going to be online for like like months and months and months like already paid paid for everything so so you can log in at any time um there’s only 250 slots though there only 250 Slots of active players so you can log in at any time like even though like but like there can only be 250 players on at the same time um and so we have a white list as well um in in the future we are going uh we’re going to upgrade 250 to 300 in the future and um another thing that we’re going to do is that we are going to have a Discord server that’s just for this Minecraft server so the Discord server will be syned up uh with your YouTube membership so like when if you have a YouTube membership you’ll automatically be able to join the server to like be whitelisted into the Minecraft server that’s still like in the works at the moment so we’re doing it very like unab Bunga caveman style where you just post your username um you post your username in the community post and everything and then like you you get Whit listed we’re like doing it by hand like the white list is by hand at the moment um so yes um we will be like updating this white list um every month uh so like obviously like if you’re a membership expires then we’re going to have to because this is reserved for like members and stuff we don’t want way for like you know have like the white list being leaked or anything and stuff like that and um There are rules to the server and we also have commands um if you look at the community post the members Community post we have teleportation we have teleport commands um if you have cuz you can claim land so to prevent griefing uh you can claim lands and uh and like per like give permission to people uh to like do stuff on your land um and then like like oh my God I feel like some of you guys are going to start selling land the real estate next to doki’s house is going to go up by so much there’s going to be a town that forms around whichever land I claim anyway um you can claim a total of 100 chunks of land and you can set three different places as your home um so you can t P to your home we also have resource worlds so you don’t have to farm the main world all you have to do is SL teleport resource um uh all you have to do is slash teleport resource and you’ll be transported to the resource World which will uh uh which will uh what’s the word uh it’s 100 chunks too huge I mean I could change it right now guys should we make it 50 I could tell them right now to change it to 50 uh I just bought more lad all right I’ll tell them right now can we change can we change it to 50 CH no chunks instead of a 100 people are saying a look we’re we’re like figuring this out as we go along uh 800 is too much my no no [Laughter] my no keep it to 100 so I can so I can sell the L all right guys I’m editing it’s now at 50 chunks guys like I said we can edit like the rules as we go along get find free real estate all right anyway so all right the the thing the guy said that we’ve we’ve made the change they already made this change anyway um so another thing is that uh you can claim land um and you teleport and set places to things like you can teleport to uh and you can actually like request teleportation to other players uh um but like they have to accept it basically um they have to accept all the commands are in the community post so if you guys are like oh what are the commands and everything there’s also like private PM DMS that you can send to other players and also uh there are like you can apparently you do slit you can sit down uh you will be handed three items when you start those three items are related to like claiming lands but it just makes it easier in terms of like if you don’t want to do the command system um you don’t want to do the command system you can use the items to command to instead of the command like the SL commands and stuff um we also have rules we have rules to the server so um obviously uh for the grand opening there’s no RDM what is RDM RDM is like no random killing of other members cuz we want to have like fun want everybody to have fun so no random killing if you random kill we’re kicking you out we’re kicking you out cuz a lot of people want to get into the 250 slots so like no if if somebody complains and they got that they got randomly killed uh for no reason you will be kicked and then a person will take your place because we have a Q system um going in um so yes do not build any lag machines if we find out you build a lag machine you’re kicked you’re kicked out of the server uh and don’t make like giant ass Farms that could lag the server like it could be like medium or small size but no like you know those Farms that you make a [ __ ] PC like but for the grand opening the grand opening we’re going to be like a bit we’re going to be pretty strict on these rules um because there’s going to be a lot of drons we’re going to be able to have a lot of dragons on at the same time so that’s why we’re going to be a little we’re going to be a bit more strict going in at the moment for the stream um anyway guys um it I’m super excited because this is like I said a very ongoing project that we’re planning on uh we’re planning on upgrading and um we’re planning upgrading and adding more stuff to it uh we’re going to be changing the main lobby a bit because like we were expecting this to be done before my skin suit debut uh so like there’s going to be stuff that’s going to be tweaked obviously as we go on at the moment factions wise um um there’s no like you don’t get like specific benefits for joining a particular faction all factions are equal oh and but when as soon as you if you want to be like a wild Dron with no faction you just if if you claim a faction you can’t unclaim a faction you can swap factions at any time though you can swap factions at any time um but you can’t self so uh if you don’t want to be in in faction you have to not press any button all drons are created equally so like I don’t know if something happens where some drons believe they are the superior Dron that is like not my fault like uh I literally said all dragons are created and no there’s no like benefit being in one faction over the other so there’s literally like no no benefit in being like in a specific Dron role like they’re all you guys don’t get anything special by joining one faction over the other it’s just how you feel all right anyway uh so we this is the this is basically the uh the there’s three of these there’s three of these you’re all oh my God what this [ __ ] tety son okay okay I love the sun this anyway um so there’s the egg faction the uh regular goon the chunky goon and the lon there is like three of these so you spawn into three separate areas for this and uh because like we don’t want to have too many people in like um there at the same time and you guys get to claim your faction we do have a voice mod on the server but I don’t have it installed uh because I know it’s going to get super chaotic with 250 people here but like if you do want to like have voice mod on feel free it is proximity I put the link on it in the description in the community post anyway I think we’re ready good luck everybody uh we are ready oh wait sorry we are ready open open open the [Laughter] gates7 oh my God it is open oh my god there you are win oh my God look at it there’s so many people here oh my God we’re all okay I don’t know there are 304 three players how’s there 300 how’s there how’s there 300 people I oh my God help oh my God selection mode disable oh okay guys I need to figure out how to mute chat let me in let me in all right give me a sec I need to message how to how to mute the [Applause] chat there’s a lot of people talking oh my God oh my God all right okay we see people have already already selected their factions uh help us congratulations to like the people that made it oh my God oh my God there’s so many people here there’s so many people here all right option top oh I can toggle okay guys I’m getting I’m being taught Minecraft right now options chat settings oh my God guys I’m figuring this out can tago from chat shown oh okay commands only nice check check oh wait what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] has made somebody has made advancements okay give me a sec guys I’m learning hidden I did it guys I did it everybody okay now now can talk to you guys all right if you guys are still not whitelisted feel free to update reply in the comments um in the community post okay I need to get the admin to TP to me can you can you TP me to the [Laughter] lobby no you guys can all talk you guys can all talk and you guys can listen to me yes whoa all right after after you pick your um after you pick your faction we everybody head to z0 for the main lobby uh you got to run here so we’re going to be redecorating this into a saloon later to like a um a yeeha in the future uh this was made during uh during like when we’re trying to decide what to do during retro doki’s time but this will be redecorated to yea land in the future uh so like the main area will be a saloon obviously this one’s just like your house now cuz it looks like a Dron um um but yes I’m going to wait until like a a um a horde of drons come in way oh motion blur on oh my gosh I had to guys I had to uninstall uh I had to uninstall um everything related to Minecraft because like my thing [ __ ] up like I couldn’t talk because there was like privacy settings so I have to uninstall everything where where where can I adjust the motion blur I hate motion blur where where is it where’s the motion blur where is it guys is it in Shader Shader pack uh no is it the Shader pack settings custom advanced settings oh my gosh I don’t know there’s so many there’s too many [Laughter] words guys there’s so many words which which one is it which one post process oh there we go off there you go I couldn’t tell right now I’m just overwhelmed um um do we get priority Whit list if Super Chat no magic thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you brother thank you for the AA super thank you thank you I really appreciate it thank you so much all right that should work right all right is there’s motion blur no there isn’t guys is that 0 how far are you guys how far are you guys did I no there’s no motion blur I’m pretty sure did I did I fix it I can’t tell I can’t tell is there motion blur that apply I’m at 10,000 oh my God we spawn at 10K they’re like 9,000 blocks away all right good luck dragons good luck holy [ __ ] you guys spot 10K away from us okay that’s pretty that’s pretty funny we definitely I think I want to do like group chats I’m going to ask I’m going to ask can we can we do group chats uh for factions in the future and like a way to make mini group chats uh for people uh so like if you guys want to like have that’s definitely something uh I really want to do um it’s 0 we at Z Zer guys um we’re at z z but I’m definitely I’m asking uh uh I’m asking if we can have like group chats and faction chats and like you can go like group uh like like if you just won’t want to use voice chat you just want to talk to people via groups uh that’s something we can do as well uh oh yeah guys you can do slash guys come here come to the lobby guys oh yeah by the way what what’s the what’s the uh thing to show my skins again what’s that sound hurts a thing what’s the thing where I can show you guys my skin you can but you need uh F5 is it F5 okay guys look at this guys I’m a I’m a bear farmer again let’s look at that oh my God there’s cinematic guys guys look I I skinned a bear and put a hat okay wait sorry that’s somebody call some people call me the the bear [Laughter] hunter that’s [ __ ] right one out of 86 players are sleeping good luck with that good luck with that good luck convincing the other oh you made it you made it wait no you’re a wait a minute how the [ __ ] did you have like armor already how did the first dragon to have made it over oh my and you already have armor oh my oh my Godly [ __ ] okay bro has speed running my there’s a there’s a lot how did you get how did you get armor already those poor drons are doing their Trek over to like the promised land they’re doing their the chosen one they’re they’re like trying to head over here right now oh one out of 95 players okay I’m going to can we uh can we also have it so that only one person needs okay how about only um a percentage of people need to sleep so that the Ser so that it’s day not one because I’m wonder I think some people would want to have it to be night time so like maybe like one thir like 13 maybe 1/3 is a good amount I think um 1/3 is a good amount we only have like one drag how far is it how far are all of you guys like 10% okay 10% um 10% don’t worry see we’re we’re like we’re beta testing as we go along we’re beta testing now guys oh my God we have another Dragon a chunky goon and a long goon have made it then they have iron armor guys guys other drons the other drons are not doing so well the other you got Diamond how regular guys we have representatives from all that all drons except for the regular Goons like how does he have all the armor how do you have all the armor guys where are the regular dragons like where [Music] are where’s the reg there’s chuny there’s l oh there he is there she is and you’re naked okay you’re that’s a regular draon guys all drons are created equally guys I just need you guys to know that every Dron here is created equally but it does say something when the only dragon representative that’s here is naked it does it does say something regular goons are in dangered but yes we’ve have the know the are different so no no no everybody is created equally I’m really excited though I’m really excited to um anyway I talked to the team and they will be working on a chat system for all the drons um cuz like we know there’s a lot of people chatting now so that you guys have to like be uh um you guys have to uh had to oh SL resource kills you over and over okay thanks for letting me know uh I’m going to tell that to the like I said we’re like live checking it as we go along apparently slash research keeps killing people so this is like a stress test we’re we’re stress testing everything at the moment um uh so it’s live beta testing but I’m really having I’m really glad to finally have a server uh with all of you guys it is um I’m excited to like you know uh see what you guys come up with and like see like the things you guys are going to build uh the faction Wars that’s going to go on um what the [Music] [ __ ] okay that’s a long Dron right there that’s a long good yeah that’s that’s a long Dron right there um all right it’s going to um it’s going to take a while for the other dragons to get here so this is going to be the opening ceremony we have representatives for uh from everybody from all the factions so we have representatives from everybody uh um but when you guys get here just remember to I guess like set this place as like uh as a home area because I will be making announcements here whenever I stream on the server uh or do an event here this would be the main Hub uh no way this will be the the main Hub so remember to set a one of your homes here you have three homes so remember to set one of them right here uh but it’s great time I cannot wait to see what you drons do uh we will have a better chat system for everybody uh to be implemented in the future if you guys do have like future ideas that you want to give regarding like um how the server will be uh run and how like how what kind of quality of life features you want guys want um at the end of the stream feel free to comment on some ideas and everything like um any events you guys want to want and like any quality of life stuff any changes you want to see uh just comment on the VOD um um in later on in the future uh after the stream ends you can comment on the VOD hey guys this area is 0 0 so it’s at exactly 0 0 now Run Free Run Wild start claiming land it’s a free server well not free you guys have to pay to be here but start claiming land go go go claim the land for your people all right anyway I will claim land too all right so I feel like people are going to start building around my [Laughter] town it’s time somebody feed [Laughter] me all right go forth all right I’m I going to claim a little bit of land um all right guys let’s see so what you can do it with the this tool oh wait there’s a village next to us wait that’s so ideal wait we have a village next to us that’s so good all right let’s see um for those who are wondering what resource pack I use I use uh Astro astx I think that’s what it’s called what the [ __ ] happened to that m Mountain oh okay there’s an ocean here I don’t want to claim there uh no somebody has to feed me later [Laughter] guys I am the mayor I’m the mayor of the Ser I’m no not I’m the president of the server I sorry I in Shader pack um I am the President of the server guys oh wait no no presidents get reelected no I’m not corrupt president I’m guys I am the I am the queen I am the queen of the server so that means like I’m in power forever you can’t reelect the queen you can’t reect the queen no I’m not dictator I’m not a dictator cuz I’m a I’m a good person uh where are you going to claim fellow Dron we you going to claim Lon where the [ __ ] where do I want to live I don’t know where to live there’s like so many oh toxic wait is this your land that’s so funny it’s like welcome to my land oh my God wait that’s so good I love that like it like shows that this is you’re a toxic world now that’s so good wait oh feel the wild oh no it’s the PVP Zone not the PVP Zone all right no it’s the wild wait has music been playing this entire time oh nice okay it has good all right the will nerness back to the I love the [ __ ] oh no oh no I love the like uh the sun you know what would suck if like right underneath wait I want this to be my town oh this is going to be my area Okay uh is this how I claim it I don’t know if I’m claiming am I claiming it am I am I doing it I think I’m doing it doy bero of doy bero this is mine now think oh yeah this is my life I did it guys I welcome to my tiny land welcome wait I can rename it wait okay there were so many uh commands Okay home set home tap to okay let’s see uh TP land claim trust Oh Land rename okay I can rename my area all right watch this I’m going to rename my area now um oh [ __ ] I disabled the chat whoops uh uh chat settings uh all right okay slash land rename um uh [ __ ] what do I name it doy land is this it am I is it doy landan now is it doy landan is it is it Doki no how do I rename my land land land re oh Oh Land rename okay doy Land There we go yay is it work Wilderness is dokki landan working doil landan oh my God I did it I did I got dokil landan okay let’s like get the [ __ ] text smaller let’s all right let’s see maybe like off did that work okay it’s okay you guys can’t saw the the SMP cuz it’s like no I accidentally disconnected oh my God doy I’m back I’m back in doy oh my God okay yes oh my God hello I oh my God okay by the way here’s the tomatoes there we have tomatoes by the way okay I need more food guys I need to be fed guys it’s okay it’s okay guys I um I have priority queue so like I get to be here I have I have priority kill uh CU so everything’s fine all right so this is my land guys it’s it’s it’s a land you guys like it it’s my land you guys can build a town around me one out of 21 good luck none of us have beds like oh my God two people two people are sleeping guys guys I don’t have a torch guys wait I need to get tools too guys give me a sec five oh my God more people at you guys have beds you guys have beds like what how do you guys have beds already uh you guys how do you guys do that okay I need to make like a crafting table there’s like I need so many things oh my God we worked together we did the first task we worked together and like created like and got and went to bed we [ __ ] did it guys all right six and I want to make a sign okay all right welcome to doy Land There we go this is this is the capital city this is this is the capital city guys doil land is the capital [Laughter] city and thus a town shall form around [Laughter] me yes it’s still mine I claimed it I you know it’s mine cuz the moment I leave it’s the Wilderness but then I Le here and then it’s civilization it’s civil everything the light touches is mine it’s look Rome started out as small okay guys Rome was a very small City okay um and then it got bigger and bigger and then I have a bed this is pure civilization I literally have a bed I need food now okay the Cena oh no I’m in the wild now I’m in the [ __ ] [Laughter] wild Ro didn’t manifest out of nowhere chat like it took years to build Ro Ro guys it took years doil lad is going to expand okay this we’re improving on Rome we’re going to be better than Rome we’re going to be so much better than Rome I need to kill a pig cuz I’m [ __ ] starving okay wait oh [ __ ] I need to go back to dokki land my crafting here is here Doki yeah doky land wasn’t built in a day guys all right we at 1% of Doki land we’re merely 1% if you build guys if you build around DOI land you got to pay taxes got good I you know what whoever said that all right chest uh all right okay which just outside of doy then all right there we go there you go now you you should be able to like uh T doy land [Laughter] taxes all right I need to build another I need I need to build okay let’s see boom all right good thinking whoever had that idea you are so smart all right guys when if you if you build a around door doy land you got to pay the doky land taxes you have to pay the doky taxes I yes are you here to feed me feed me wait I don’t have a I don’t have a [ __ ] furnace like you think I have rocks you think I have coil feed me coold what do you mean I don’t have coal I don’t all right okay I needed I was going to make materials I was going to make tools I wasn’t going to I wasn’t going to Lee guys I know how to Minecraft uh I’m not going to eat raw meat my God Caesar wouldn’t have to eat raw meat uh waa nice so I found diamonds guys uh here’s my Doan taxes oh God oh my God the taxes almost killed [Laughter] me greed almost got me Maxwell thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you oh yeah berries oh my God I can put berri I I can put berries around hello guys are you here to pay tribute to doky land all right let’s see I’m going to put this around the taxes oh [ __ ] that’s not what I wanted I wanted to eat I wanted to eat all right nice how the [ __ ] did you guys find all of this stuff okay hope someone builds like a Coliseum oh my God oh my God guys I found diamonds okay I think I need oh okay not again okay all right I’m going to need some [ __ ] I need some [ __ ] oh my God I’m being fed all right let’s see all right guys remember to put your taxes here if you guys want to give me anything because you’re getting taxed uh let’s see I need to build a furnace furnace time furnace I can’t wait to see what you guys build though uh and then I need oh my gosh I still need to all right boom all right it’s time to find has anyone donated coal yet no they’ve only given me what am I going to do with bread you think I’m a bread leader guys I am a queen you think Queens live off friend oh my God coal nice okay I’m we going to grab uh bread is for peasants damn right Bread’s for peasants and you’re going to give me a bread all right let’s uh bre yeah bread is actually really bad for birds I don’t know you guys know that all right let’s see doil land uh oh I I have coal now so we finally oh my God what’s in my the people see okay oh I have lily pads oh my God people I [ __ ] have [ __ ] coal let’s go that’s right I’m got a mud in now for the queen for the queen oh no I’m in the wild for the queen of the server I’m actually really interested in seeing what you guys do though uh bread tastes so good bread is poisonous to birds what does that say about you guys you guys want to poison me look at this humble up home I’m going to visit the peasants hello peasant here you go you deserve deserve a bread oh my God wait I should like give bread to my loyal subjects bad the bread bread is too good too bad for me I should go feed the the poor peasants that live around DOI land that should be what I want that should be what I do you know what that’s a good what the [ __ ] oh my God remember to pay your taxes Azie remember to pay those taxes all right there’s like a lot of bread okay I’m ready to I’m going to feed the poor I’m going [Laughter] to don’t worry my humble subjects I’m here to feed you guys oh no the Wilderness the wildness bread is bad in doky land but like um I’m here to like welcome hello you poor Dragon do not worry Dragon here have some oh have some bread there you go you’re welcome you’re welcome remember what the queen did for you oh [ __ ] I need a I need a [ __ ] I forgot I need to set home um I need to set my home guys I need to like be able to teleport back to my house uh yeah but it’s raw me I have cooked food I’m I’m such a good Queen um uh we’re to never eat the bread all right let’s see I need to make sure I set my house oh I built that too okay all right let’s let’s see let me set home okay how do I do this I need to look at my command set home doy land all right there you go uh set home doy Land There You Go that should have worked okay nice all right I’m going to make sure it works give me a sec all right uh TP oh home home home doky land oh a I did it I did it guys I have the magic power all right let’s explore around me uh long goonland why is there long [Music] goonland oh my God all right feel the wild oh my gosh the dragones are working together and sleeping again go dragon go make a day there go thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you I’m so glad to be able to meet you at Adam Expo I’m so glad you love my doie doll I hope to see you next year and thank you for all the laughter by the way here is my tax payment thank you thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you I’m glad you had a great time ad mixone it’s great to meet you yeah but where are the other where are the other goons that set up base where are they all living I have Lon Land one of many where do the other dragons live is there anybody living next to the Village I can’t believe we have a village right next to us that’s so convenient it’s actually 7K blocks away it’s like the trk to uh doil land it’s like an actual Adventure the head the sacred land of Doki makeing 10K blocks away what the [ __ ] was this supposed to be here who built this wait who lives there who lives here who the [ __ ] James a claimed you claimed the V oh that’s evil bro he claimed an entire Village that’s so eil [Laughter] EV oh my God he actually claimed it who made this this is a dock what’s going on here oh my God what are you making chalky goon don’t worry I am here as your humble queen I am here to feed the poor here you go you the deserve it go at it Soldier eyes in the name of toy lad oh look at me go I’m such a good queen I’m making sure I’m making sure like everybody has uh uh everybody has like the food they need uh to live you there you there Cipher here you go you deserve it my poor so poor uh peasants that live around me in Minecraft world oh [ __ ] I pressed R refresh my resour back oh my God now I’m back in the wild wait who lives here who who who lives here oh my God nobody claimed this is this your home is this your [Laughter] home this was your home [Laughter] this is now doyan [Laughter] 2 Welcome the doy land too okay doy land to the sequel no [ __ ] okay doy land [Laughter] to it’s our home [Laughter] now welcome let me rename this land home um [ __ ] how do I rename again land rename okay land rename doy land to wait does this like oh my God there’s a tomato wait feel the wild it say DOI land still does it say doy land guys I need I’m testing out my land real quick guys I’m testing out my land guys give me a sec why is my land not showing up why is my land not showing up I claimed this land fair and square I claimed it fair and square where’s my land [Laughter] all right let’s see why is my land not showing up I claimed it what I did I claimed it it was my land oh no did they not claim it did it got unclaimed did my land got unclaimed give me a sec okay there we go slash claim mine now doky Land There we go guys I did it welcome to doy land this is also doy land now guys this is this is doy land 2 they worked so hard to build it but it’s now mine I it’s now mine EG town oh my gosh there’s egg town I got the doy docks yeah I need the docks guys whoever controls the water controls the kingdom you guys have to know that if you control the water you control the kingdom I need to be sure that they know that they know [Laughter] holy [ __ ] how much would property oh wait I should like make a sign to be like um welcome welcome uh somebody make a dock next to my my land I need somebody to make a ship dock next to it uh of course there’s taxes the world is filled with taxes you think I wouldn’t tax my people I’m a queen I’m the queen of course I tax people all right if you come here from the ocean I need you guys okay I need a crafting table give me a sec let me make a crafting table and then I need a chest real quick okay chest uh oh [ __ ] okay give me a sec I need to [ __ ] find some trees I need to find of trees guys look being a queen is very very hard work uh I need to make sure I have like a a chest uh all right whose place is this thank you oh yeah I can do this cuz I’m the owner I can actually I can grief other people’s builds cuz I’m the older I’m yeah you thought this was yours I’m steing that’s messed up welcome to doky land I can’t I can’t I can grieve other people’s lands just cuz I’m the server own there it’s great I love being the queen all right if you what the [ __ ] okay all right build me a dock this is where the taxes will go all right let’s see I need a uh sign sign that’s so funny oh I don’t have enough [ __ ] okay uh I need more wood all right I’m the HOA yeah that’s all I need to hear never what you don’t trust me he doesn’t need this tree he’s already rich he has entire town he doesn’t need this tree this one tree like the H is back he doesn’t need it like y the queen needs it more the queen needs this more all right okay uh free the dragon from the tax [Laughter] no no you don’t get to say that all right don’t worry okay tax time okay uh uh uh how do I do this taxes all right there we go I got to make sure I got to make sure all my drons um live off well all right let’s let’s Explore More it’s fun seeing what you guys are up to uh I got to feed I got to feed the peasants around my kingdom guys guys I got to make sure the peasants that live around my kingdom are having a good time hello fellow peasant hello I am here to Grant you get get out of the SC get out of the crafting get out of the crafting listen to me I am your queen and I here to wel give you gifts eat eat my peas all oh my God somebody’s planting bamboo nice my bamboo wait who’s building a [ __ ] Tower oh oh my okay all right um that scared the [ __ ] out of me wait who lives here did no one claim this land who lives here who who lives in wait who lives here this is not claimed officially oh the okay we’re going to leave take me back to the wild Germany what who’s building a country what the [ __ ] is Germany doing here what what is oh my gosh my people my people kill him okay nice all right I shall feed my peasants don’t worry don’t worry peasants don’t worry I shall make it [Laughter] rain oh my gosh I’m such a good person I’m such a good Queen I think I think I’m a good oh wait someone got an Alo an alloy somebody got an alloy already it’s gone oh my God look at me go feeding my hungry peasants down with the queen oh my God I’m glad people are enjoying it oh my gosh there’s a chicken there’s a chicken here there was there was a chicken I heard it I heard it die there was oh faction are you a Hermit you’re living so far hello your queen is here to welcome you to doy land eat eat oh my God this guy is a Hermit it’s so cool to explore of everybody my there’s a black sheep here too do they claim the jungle yeah they live in the jungle those wild [Laughter] peasants barbar look they might be a barbarian Dron but they’re still a dragon in the end I wonder if anybody has claimed land from all the way there oh I hear like some of you guys are really far I’m going to okay I’m G to ask the admin I’m going to wait okay um okay admin um admin can you TP me to the far F far the far uh uh claim what’s it Dragon faction area faction area I want to see the drons from a from afar I want see the drons that have conquered the land from way far what the [ __ ] who claim this one tiny area what land did you claim what the [ __ ] kind of land did you claim what did you what what is this house that you have the far goons I want to see the far oh my God I I want to see the far goons all right it’s time to TP what is it I keep always having to remember home home home doy land I’m back home I’m back in the doy lands oh my god look I got a flower let’s see let’s put this Banner here so you know ah okay you know we’re good people oh yeah the smaller spawns the the drons that spawned 10K blocks away from the lobby wa I want to add uh note here too for us um uh okay give me a sec I’m going to add a note uh server is only open to member drons join the members to join the doy Dron smpp okay there you go oh [ __ ] let me make sure it’s like Boop all right so people know people will be like how do we join going now you know it’s really tiny but now you know become W oh these are the other dragones that made it hello people I am here the queen is here hello chunky goon hello the queen is here to say welcome the the the drons from the land ofar the drons from afar your queen is here to welcome you all the far goons you know you guys you guys are all right you know you guys you guys are like I’m like in England right now and you guys are like in America you know like but you guys will Rebel you guys won’t Rebel like like America you guys from the across the ocean did you guys claim any land oh my god did you guys claim any land they look the a yeah these guys are like uh the Americans whoa oh guys oh guys what’s going going on the queenn lives everybody sit around me guys I’m not doing okay so please sit around me sit guys sit slash sit guys I need you guys to all slash sit the queen is here I traveled all across the ocean slit for me slash sit yes sit down everybody the queen wants to talk sit down slash sit guys slash sit we’re back guys we’re back again we’re back nothing I don’t know what happened my internet was being [ __ ] crazy justtin um uh anyway [Laughter] uh all right everybody it was it’s great to see the drag from afar guys I need I need take me to your land where did you guys set base also the queen grants you food I am a nice queen I am a good Queen anyway guys I need to know I need to know guys show me your land show me your land I want to know what you guys built uh I need to know what have you guys built what do you guys show me where you’ve claimed your land what have you built guys CH there is no war in passing say thank you for the aaup Maxell thank you thank you all right I’m going to follow one person have you built something do you have something for me to show no are you just following me okay oh this guy this guy has something to show do you have something to show you do all right what do you have you don’t are you guys all homeless you guys had so much time to build are you all homeless America what are you guys doing [Laughter] America I left you guys alone and you have nothing to show me your queen is not happy I can’t believe it I can’t believe you guys are homeless I am disappointed the queen is not happy you guys had so much time and you built nothing you guys buildt nothing there’s so much land around you like what do you mean you guys build nothing what do you mean where’s your base you didn’t even claim any land American goons you didn’t even Germany has land fing fing Germany had Land where’s your land I provided you guys a home we need public housing that’s too much to ask for um all right your queen is a little disappointed inflation [Laughter] I’m a little disappointed in you guys guys the dragons from doy land have already built so much America I left you guys alone for like an hour and there’s no mega house [Laughter] yet I don’t understand that’s the old not even a dirt house there’s no land claim anywhere there’s I’m just saying I’m just saying the goods back in dokil land the goons back at doil land they’ve already built so they’ve already claimed everything around doy land but like oh my God I sent you guys away to the new world I sent you guys away to the new world and you guys didn’t have anything to show for me how would you pay for the taxes how would you pay for the taxes in the new [Laughter] world all right I’m going back goodbye American drons goodbye New World drons you’ve disappointed your [Music] [Laughter] queen goodbye I forgot the commands for this again there we go back to doy land we go hello have you guys given your taxes back look at look at these civilized goons that have built stuff around doil Land look at that this goon has a house foundation already set up look at that I see the houses in front of me the new world Goons knows what’s up the new I mean sorry the old world goons knows what’s up NE no taxes without representation thank you Miracle for the Super Chat thank you thank you all I’m saying is the old world drons no know what to do look this guy has a home it’s a shitty home but it’s a home all right right like like look at these guys they know what they’re doing it’s not stealing it’s taxes uh luia there it’s not stealing it’s just taxes it’s really nice to pay is it uh um just show lithuania’s iron yeah tell that to the [Laughter] British the queen requires the queen requires uh oh wait is that a bird oh my God is that your bird oh it’s your bird oh that’s so cute oh you can’t make it dance yet though it’s different all right I want to see if anybody built a dock yet um it’s fun I’m so H so glad you guys can play on the server with me um I can’t wait to like do more what the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is that what is that Port eggs egg Town egg town and Port eggs all right let’s see oh my God that’s my dock ca I like how people have already build doy land too where I stole from [Laughter] Miku what is this the chunky goons have something else to say about that uh long goons have claimed this dock wait what this is a dock for everybody oh are you guys actually making a ship dock what is this P me but it for ATT but it got C oh my God that’s funny what does this say what the [ __ ] is that I can’t they’re trying to make a word I don’t even know what word they’re trying oh talk is that what what what’s that word d o uh oh is it doy oh it’s doy oh oh that’s so cool somebody poor guy who was trying to make a dock and it got claimed doy can’t read you guys already know that I can’t read like it’s not new at all sorry I’m not actually playing Minecraft I’m just exploring it’s fun it’s fun seeing what you guys are doing right now is I am James of the IRS I own the village now known as Legoland which is at spawn you owe me one diamond for that taken illegally who said that James this is your town thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you this your town don’t make me kill this villager right now James nobody governs Queen doy do you I can make I can make a I can get flint right now I can I could get flint right now and there will be no Village you won’t want that James oh my God wait somebody’s already kidnapping your villager James your villager is getting kidnapped oh my God they’re kidnapping your villager James they kidnapped your V V James James you’re doing so well really took your villager away what is this guy trying to write what is this is thisy It’s called oh my God he’s rowing away very slowly they’re going to escape in three to four business days hurry James oh hey look everybody’s here welcome to the lobby welcome everybody are you guys having a good time welcome this is the lobby area we’re going to upgrade this more later on it’s in range marriage like we watch the kidnapping live on stream oh my gosh it’s been pretty fun so far oh should we kill the Ender Dragon right now guys let’s do it should we do it it would be so fun we all just like went to the Ender Ender world and then killed it in like I’m pretty sure somebody has already killed the Ender Dragon like oh they oh my God is this all your land is this all your land that’s [ __ ] insane that’s a lot of lag no the last time like the when the the Minecraft drons that broke into the server uh because our white L is [ __ ] up they like uh they killed the Ender Dragon in like two hours so I won’t be surprised if they’re almost there all right let’s go kill the we need public housing projects for the new world well what one of you guys better build it you think I’m going to build it like you think you think I’m going to build public housing that’s oh my God there’s your chickens what do they follow me [Laughter] what about me not a bad person I’m not a bad person it’s okay go lead your chicken over here mine now all right let’s see oh my God more food I have more food all right all right guys whoever wants to beat the Ender Dragon go to the lobby for those who are 10,000 blocks away I’m sorry New World goons but like we’ll meet you in the [Laughter] Underworld go to the new world goons will meet you in the Ender the end world for now any everybody at the old world the old world they come to the lobby even know where the portal is somebody has to know where the portal is um all right guys everybody all right let’s wait until they sleep when they sleep all right guys you guys ready you guys ready to kill the Ender Dragon are you guys ready yeah all right who knows where the Ender Dragon is guys guys who knows if you know where the Ender Dragon is uh all come over here come over here guys all right everybody come here come here all right if you know where the Ender Dragon is I require build a build a pee Tower right now so I know who to follow uh if you’re one of the one of the drons that know where the Ender Dragon is I I need a pee peee Tower so I know which which one knows give me a peeee tower so I know you guys you know where the dra where the Ender Dragon is somebody must have figured it out by now did anybody figure it out are none of the speedr runners in this in this area are they in the new world oh the speedr runners are all in the New World God damn God damn it we sent the wrong oh my god did we send the wrong drons no one knows all right does anybody know where the [ __ ] end is there no peee Tower anywhere I’m stuck with the old word drons is there no Dron with a peee tower that knows where the Ender dragon is oh wait okay wait oh this one these guys all right who do we trust we have two drons okay we have this one what’s his name what’s his what’s your name sir we have an Egon what’s his name what’s your name sir all right L4 demon and then we have we have Tommy all right it’s Tommy versus L all right guys we’re going to have a pull we’re going to have a pull this pull his pee is bigger all right actually Whoever has the biggest peee tower will lead us to the Ender Dragon whoever makes the biggest PP Tower gets to lead us to the Ender Dragon then Tommy he has iron so I trust him well you better hurry only the biggest pee Tower can lead the okay he made it is that really the luck biggest you have is that really it okay well we definitely know who’s the winner here and this guy stopped he stopped building [Laughter] who all right Tom I Tommy’s gonna win I think I think Tommy’s gonna win all right Tommy that’s okay you can stop now Tommy you can stop now Tommy we will follow you to the Ender Dragon somebody like the bottom on fire that’ll be so funny does anyone have [Laughter] [Laughter] Flint it’s okay Tommy lived he lived Tommy wait where did Tommy go he lived guys Tommy actually lived two all right Tommy where did Tommy go where did he go Tommy lead us to the Ender Dragon wherever you are wait I’m I yeah he lived I saw him the other guy died but I saw Tommy live all right is that Tommy Tommy is Tommy trying to lead us right here oh my god Tommy Tommy where are you Tommy there’s so many people Tommy wait did he actually died oh [ __ ] wait then who’s going to lead us oh well if Tommy died we have a new leader now this guy this guy whoever you are you shall lead us to the End Dragon take us to the End Dragon look go all right all right he’s dead too okay all right you there Cosmic by fight elimination you get to be the leader Cosmic take us to the Ender Dragon we’re going to follow you Cosmic we’re all ready where is it go he doesn’t know he didn’t even know we don’t have actual leaders he doesn’t even know he’s like wait I was just joking go was just joking what oh this guy right here he his so peee all right you there you’ve done it you are now the leader to take us to the Ender Dragon all the other ones died so congratulations congratulations you there all the other leaders and the dragon leaders died oh guys guys I don’t think we’re going to be led [Laughter] I do we guys I think this position is cursed guys I think this other than Cosmic who was who did not have the credentials Cosmic had no credentials to be a leader and was lying this entire time we don’t have anybody to lead us guys everybody who has a peepe tower has so far like failed us um oh my gosh whoops you there you do you know where the Ender Dragon is come down you’re the new leader now this time it’ll work come down don’t build it any taller we’ve seen we’ve seen what happened come down we need you to lead us you must know where the Ender Dragon is come down but not too fast okay this is all right you’re you’re the closest okay you’re the closest to the ground yeah a bro all right now you’re the leader yamama bro all right you’re the leader now all right yamama bro take us to the Ender oh it’s right underneath us guys it’s right underneath us go if we all dig together we can get to the we can get underneath all right oh guys guys that’s our leader guys that’s our leader guys where that’s our leader keep digging keep digging we need to dig get dig down right now everybody dig down that’s where the Ender Dragon is dig down the Ender Dragon’s right Bel D dig straight [Laughter] down that’s where it [Laughter] is off to the I swear I swear if the new world drons have made it to the Ender without us I swear to God guys I swear swear to God if the new world drons have made it oh made it before us oh my God there’s water here guys I don’t guys what do we do what do we do this is guys I don’t think we planned this very well I don’t think we planned this very well Yammer bro where’s the Ender where is it oh it’s me okay I’m fine I’m I’m well where is it oh my god the guy with lava oh [ __ ] Are we going what the [ __ ] we okay I guess we’re going to the end all right we did it now what now what do we do all right guys you know y bro knows what they’re doing oh sorry the nether we’re going to the nether guys Queen has like had to do a lot of stuff today okay the queen has been through a lot oh no guys I can’t move up somebody will take this guys guys guys please somebody oh okay nice okay all right where do we go this way all right guys we can’t let the new world the new world goons beat us to it guys guys we can’t let the new world drons beat us can’t let America win [Laughter] we can’t let them win we’re the old world [Laughter] Dragon where did yab bro go where did yamama bro go where did they go over here down here okay follow the pathway don’t be [ __ ] yeah oh my God that was half HP okay may be a little [ __ ] all right this way guys this way this way guys we can’t let them beat the Ender Dragon w what happened what happened there’s so who did that who [ __ ] put a bed down put a bed down what the [ __ ] oh God God where are we did they do it what the [ __ ] was it the new world dragons oh [ __ ] did they do it someone made it to the end where is it we lost yam bro where where’s [Laughter] yam what the [ __ ] how did they do it guys how do we let oh wait they open the portal guys they haven’t done it yet guys they’ve only opened the portal who are we following who are we following like we lost guys we lost the leader guys we’ve lost the leader guys where did they go oh oh wait I got TP you’re right guys TP to yam goodbye guys sorry I messed it up TP yum bro I TPU here now lead us oops I refr oh my God now lead us guys guys you know where you do know where we’re going right you know where it is right you actually yeah bro we guys we they’re they’re not going to defeat the they’re not going to defeat the Ender Dragon without us guys okay they’re not going to do it wait what what where is where are they taking us it’s okay don’t mind him we have an army I swear to God if he’s like all the other competent leaders [Laughter] died all our other confident leaders have died all we have is yam BR looks lost they built the pee Tower it was the shortest peee tower ever built but they still built it like it still happened okay I’m not standing near the edge of this like oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay all right give me a sec I need to I [ __ ] up all right there we go all right whoa okay that was close does he does he know where he’s going look all the other leaders died this is all we have now we compromised we compromised we had to compromise okay all the other ones died all right I think he knows what he’s doing guys I think he knows what guys he knows what he’s doing guys like look he has a set of pathway so like surely right guys I fell where did he go where did oh there he is where is he taking us guys where is he taking where is he taking yes please the new world drag please we need to get them before the new world dragons we can’t let the American goons win please I called them un civilize they’re going to try and re do a revolution if they find out if they beat the end before the rest of us they’re going to they’re going to try and succeed from doky Land the LA is fine guys it was unlucky that like the other the diamond drons uh in the old world died from the pee tower that they made oh [ __ ] don’t go up don’t oh my God he duck the lava he duck okay it’s time to TP again H yeah what was it uh doy B wait how do you TP with me to the other person like how do I no that wasn’t y bro how how do you how do you do the TP the person how do you TPA oh TPA yam bro am I there wait where did wait did he die oh where is it where is it yeah it’s just you and three people only there’s only three oh my God wait did I do TP all oh no guys we did it guys guys guys I [ __ ] up a [Laughter] little it’s okay guys it’s okay okay we’re we we are all here for the journey all right where do we go where did you take us how am I going to go home how do I get home what do we do now this has been a terrible Expedition this you [ __ ] up I whoa I don’t think you actually knew where where it is I don’t I don’t think yeah bro I don’t think you even knew where the in the end is oh there’s a portal wait is that it wait wait did yro do it this is where we came from this is where we came from why we yeah but why why are we back here [Laughter] why the circle all right where’s yam brro where is he where’s yam brro where is y BR where is yam BR wait where’s yam brro I need yam brro here right now all right are new all right all right guys if anybody yam bro y bro all right we’re the yam brro go yam brro all right everybody wait Yambo wants to redeem himself Yambo are you taking me to the are you’re redeeming yourself all right yeah bro that’s a place to to take us all right maybe it’s not over yet [Laughter] for maybe it’s not over but yeah bro he he has something he’s cooking right now he’s cooking no he has somewhere to bring me right right yeah bro you takeing me somewhere yeah we’re going to take me no no no he’s walk fing back we’re back in Germany now and now we left Germany okay we’re going to let him cook he clearly has he has an idea he has he has he has an idea right now what is your idea you’re making [Laughter] chicken yeah bro I’m [ __ ] I don’t know man I yeah bro I I don’t know anymore I don’t know if you’re actually cooking he made he made chicken okay he’s made he’s made chicken all right I believe in yam bro guys guys I I still have faith I still have faith guys Le he got he knows what he’s doing guys you guys are doubting him but he knows what he’s doing you got just guys he clearly knows what he’s doing guys he might have taken us in the circle like during during the uh the nether but it’s okay I fully believe in him he has a goal all right oh my God in here remember not to do that that well he clearly has a goal somewhere somewhere right now where where is it yam brro where are you headed The Adventures of yam brro the new world always the new world D you guys have even killed the there’s no way you guys killed the Ender Dragon yet [Laughter] old world old world don’t you disappoint me Old World the new world you have to wait the new world has to wait for us where the [ __ ] are you go why do you need a tree where why are you crafting what are you guys I don’t know I’m starting to trust this plan less and less wait yam brro has a boat okay all right Yambo row us to the end R it’s been like the new R has been at the end for like 20 years now I’m just been tagging L us to the you [Laughter] world how you can’t say it was my fault I L I literally I literally was like all right guys who who knows where the where the end is Whoever has the biggest peee tower gets to take us to the new world and not new world gets to gets to take us to the end and beat the new worlders but then everybody died he was literally like the last person Left Alive it was I could not do anything else he was literally the last one all right where is it I didn’t decide to follow him we had no other choice left all our all our other pcks died from mysterious circumstances they all died mysteriously how the [ __ ] was I supposed to [Laughter] know oh my God wait somebody lives here who the [ __ ] lives here let him cook Mario thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank you are we like no we’re are we in Europe guys the UK is not in Europe anymore because of because because of brexit we’re back in Europe guys the Fons all right does he know dude somebody’s dog is here they brought their dogs is this like wait is this it wait is this it oh [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] why did you why did you take us to the what why did you take us here bro why did you take us to a [ __ ] okay we’re [Laughter] like we’re just we’re literally just what what do you want me to have this we Lally on this m of Minecraft why did you take us in the ch go Tempo what the I am I don’t know guys I’m trusting this process less and less right now I don’t I don’t know he stopped for a Tempo I don’t think he actually knows I guys I’m starting to think he doesn’t know guys I I don’t know I’m I’m starting to think he doesn’t actually know where it is what’s that for what’s yeah bro what what’s that for it’s over y bro all right new leader time built the biggest longest peee tower it’s over for Yam brro his journey ends here his I need a new new leader this the new leader give me a peee tower you actually know give me a peee tower if you actually know where the end is all right you there what’s your name what’s your name whyi all right Wii take us to the [ __ ] end oh [ __ ] JK no you sir over here this guy this guy you you over there you you’re the new leader take us to the end the new world will like to declare it’s not over yet we haven’t made it all right just gu to get down here get down here the new world we got to beat the new world oh he lives all right Corva show us show us where it is if you don’t know where if you [ __ ] us over at the time to feel the air bro y bro was [ __ ] baiting us this entire time oh my God he was actually Bing us oh my God are you [ __ ] kidding me holy [ __ ] is actually painting us my God okay I’m going to [ __ ] mooch off your boat sir project give me a sec all right all right follow him you let that new I can’t believe it he was a new world spy I’m calling it now he was a [ __ ] New World spy he did it for the new world now the sleeper agent follow that man over there follow core something they told you [Laughter] since I can’t believe it follow him he knows that where the end is if we does we we know what we do to spy I should have killed him when we came back from the nether I but you all told me to give him a chance you all said don’t believe in him he’s not [ __ ] you over believe in him I [ __ ] knew it I knew he was a spy follow him he knows where it is he knows he must know where it is I believe in him I believe in our new leader temp what’s good though bro thank you for the Super Chat thank you thank is this it that’s a new ender portal new a new nether portal someone made another portal here no bgm after what yam BR did to us we don’t deserve [Laughter] being my God don’t worry guys we can’t end stream until we defeat the Ender Dragon guys we can’t you guys haven’t won yet yes you guys haven’t beat the Ender Dragon [Laughter] yet yes haven’t done it yet no we’re doing this legit we’re doing this legit he knows where it is he knows Corville knows Corville what do you see what do you see Corville you feel the stronghold do you feel it [Laughter] you what does he feel does he also feel the air wait I lost where did Corville go why are we killing cows wait where did Corville go where did the [ __ ] where did the Monokuma go guys guys guys guys what’s that no I didn’t know what you’re talking I that was my bgm guy guys we don’t know exactly what that sound could be guys we don’t know guys it’s not over yet guys we don’t know what that sound was okay that’s not corval all we that’s okay that’s not him guys we don’t know who that was that could be anything that could be anything we don’t know if it’s a new worldon they have to send a pigeon letter uh guys we don’t know yet guys we don’t know yet they haven’t had their tea party moment yet we don’t know that could have been any but guys I lost I lost the guy I lost him it’s too late I lost oh sleeping through this night oh wait a moment of day time we’ll see yeah that could have been the Wither we don’t know yet yeah that could have been anything we don’t know exactly what that sound was all right where is it horo where is it where’s I don’t know what you’re looking at but I hope you actually know what you’re doing okay B yeah bro wait it’s not fair we had a secret aent we literally had a plant the plant [ __ ] us [Laughter] over we should have our our competent leaders all died M under mysterious circumstances that that could have been anything that could have been a bird you know the birds can like repeat stuff the birds repeat mods Noy you don’t know that the new remember he killed three and the dragons we don’t know that there’s no proof they don’t even have stream proof there’s no proof that the new world goons did it guys I lost the I lost our leader where did our leader go guys where did where did he go guys where did corvo go are we following the right people like guys guys I think we we lost the Le guys we lost the leader guys guys guys where did he go guys where did he go guys I lost him where did the leader guys where did he go where did the bear go oh no guys I don’t see him guys I don’t see the bear anymore I don’t I don’t see him guys guys we lost oh no guys we lost the leader guys are we going to fight guys I have a feeling none of you guys actually know where he is guys I have a feeling none of you guys actually know where where Coro is guys how do we teleport guys how do we teleport but not TP all where’s corvo where is he that’s not Coral they’re just building new they’re just building new [Laughter] towers I’m not blind I don’t see him oh is he over there did you guys you guys know wait he knows he knows he actually knows he knows wa new leader guys guys where did the leader go guys guys where did the leader go where did the new leader go he took us to water and I lost him no I’m going to die oh oh God guys guys where’s the new leader guys we lost him he took us to the water and he disappeared oh wait no there he is there he is new leader he knows he knows do you actually know are you [ __ ] with us too do you ask your new leader do you know does he know guys we need to kill the End Dragon please like all right the only leader all right show me the ender pearl if you want to be a leader you have to have the ender pearl on you right [Laughter] now I need to see a Pearl I need to see I need to see The Pearl Whoever has the Pearl give me the leader Whoever has the Pearl gets to be the leader do none of you have pearls [Laughter] [Music] dud oh sorry the Ender eye do none of you the Eye of Ender dude not that is not the eye of none of you have Eye of Ender dud n of you guys I don’t think any guys I think guys [Laughter] all [Laughter] right [Laughter] okay I have I I think they none of them actually knew I don’t think anybody none of them actually knew okay [Laughter] I could have known the PE Towers all right I left them stranded um in the middle of nowhere that’s their new home now that’s that’s that’s their new home I picked the wrong team that’s that’s their new home now that’s that’s where they’re going to live all right who has the Eye of [Laughter] Ender do any TR have the Eye of Ender anybody here you guys are the people I left stranded how did you guys get back here I left you guys stranded all right okay tell teleport how do I do this tele TP uh TP all right who wait Orca all right we did it guys guys we did it summon the Ender Dragon what the [ __ ] who died summon the Ender [Laughter] Dragon the Queen is here here now the queen is here I demand the new world the queen is here to get the taxes wait no no no the revolution has [Music] [Laughter] started oh my God they try to Tea Party me they try to te fting me oh my God those new world goons those new world goons they’re crazy they’re Savages they’re [ __ ] Savages over there those new world goons oh my God this is why we left them guys this is why we left them on that island this is exactly why not you guys old world goons my old world goons don’t worry we won’t let the new world goons do this to us guys my old world goons we will prosper I might not command a new world anymore but we are not Savages like them we’re not we we are the old world for our reason we have our other territories we have our other territories guys the new world is not the only the new world is not the only place um that we have colonized we have other places so do not worry I Believe in Us I believe we have the rest of Europe [Laughter] guys the godamn old world thinking they can fight back to their Queen how dare they how [ __ ] dare they guys I should not the pee Tower was not a good form of government like I have learned that now we’re never establishing uh we have German exactly we literally have Germany and Lithuania L thank you for the super sticker thank you thank you it’s okay the new world is still under my my rule I new world if you hear me now new world I’m broadcasting uh my message to across the ocean the new world if you hear me just so you know I still I have owner power I can destroy everything you love new world I I can bring Flint over to the new world so don’t piss me [Laughter] off I still have perms over the new world let’s see I to eat all right a golden it’ll be fine if I eat a golden a golden a glistening melon it’ll be fine it’ll be fine guys I want to see how my dock is going my old world dock all right let’s see throw the taxes into the ocean they can’t do that like I said I have old world power we’re back in Doki land all right how’s the dock going Port attempt made subscribe what the [ __ ] who fing advertised what who took the taxes somebody took the taxes oh you my [Laughter] taxes this has to be the new world’s doing there’s no way this has those [ __ ] Savages I can’t believe it they tea partied me they actually teap parted me in the [Laughter] port they dumped into the harbor those oh my God guys I know I said like all drons are created equally guys I’m going to make a speech I know I said all drons are created equally well I be in dokki land but like those new world goons there’s a reason why we banished them all the way back there I knew not doing public housing in the new world was a good idea now they’ll know if they try and ask for me to give them like uh to give them Government funding I will never give them government [Laughter] funding you old R goons you guys you guys are special those new world goons I know I said all drons are created equally but the new world goons they are not as [Laughter] equal are we really going to let them are we really going to let them dump our taxes is Into The [Laughter] Ocean some Co are more equal than others oh my God that’s fun though legol land what the [ __ ] where’s legol land is this legol land they’re savages savages barely even human oh my God they try to fight back to your queen how could [Laughter] they oh my God he guys what the [ __ ] how do you guys get here why the [ __ ] did you guys jump on top wait how did you guys do that wait what Oh I thought you can’t build there all right guys I also want to slash it I’m going to call it here it’s been fun I definitely had we had no bgm after after what happened um after what happened today I’ll put a PGM back on but after what happened with being led in the wild goose chase I have got rid of the bgm because that’s what we deserve but I had a lot of fun with all you guys today I cannot wait to play more on the dragon server in the future um and also improve the server for all of you guys I can’t wait to improve the server if you guys have like any notes you guys want to do like how like stuff to do improve the server like any ideas you want to add we’re going to implement a better chat system so people can chat with others within groups within factions um but you have any ideas or anything regarding like how to improve this Dron server feel free to comment on the VOD itself and it we’ll look through the VOD um and then obviously I want host like events I want redecor some parts here I want have more quality of life changes but I definitely had oh my God I had a lot of fun I had so much fun guys U I’m really happy that we finally have our server now um why is there a boat here I’m really happy that we finally got our server up and going and I’m so excited to see what you guys are going to build uh but yes everybody I’m going to call it here guys I’m going to call it here um as always everybody stay hydrated posture check get up and move around to get that blood flowing and if you stay up for me head to B cuz you deserve it I’ll see you guys next time everybody bye guys bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘【DRAGOON MINECRAFT SERVER】Grand Opening!【Dokibird】’, was uploaded by Dokibird on 2024-07-07 02:31:23. It has garnered 68892 views and 6469 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:19 or 7999 seconds.

To join the server, you have to be a member and drop your username here: https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkx2a343QBzrO7CJ26hzQU8c2apfsDCagsc Commands list: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxI0pNmdeyn-AA-NqTtxbsLavHw97m1Gvk

[1] The server staff always have the final say. [2] Using glitches, bugs and exploits are prohibited. [3] Hacked clients or mods that give an unfair advantage are not allowed (including X-Ray) [4] No RDM (random/troll killing other members) for the grand opening! [5] Don’t put your claims over other peoples bases. [6] Do not make large and excessive farms. [7] Do not make any form of lag machines [8] No stealing from, or griefing anyone’s property [9] Be respectful to all players and staff

Merch: https://dokimerch.com/ Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/dokibird/tip

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dokibird Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dokibird Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dokibird

GENERAL: #Dokibird LIVE: #Birdseaters ART: #DokiGallery / NSFW: #Lewdtomato COSPLAY: #Dokigram MERCH: #Dokishrine CLIPS: #Dokiclips PROPS/THUMBNAIL: #Propbird MEMES: #jkterjter

Business Inquiries: [email protected]

「Rules」 ☆ Keep in mind to always be respectful towards other viewers in chat. Any forms of of hate or discrimination to anyone is not permitted. ★ Please stay on topic during the stream. ☆ Sharing personal information (doxing), trolling and spamming is not allowed. Please report, block and ignore. ★ Talking about other unrelated streamers are not allowed unless I mention them first. ☆ Please no spoilers unless I’ve asked for them myself! ★ Always bring extra treats for D.A.D (Doki Amber Doge)

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    Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parodyVideo Information greetings square ones let’s take a journey I SP the world where the MS are really mean blue black and green there must be something in the wall here we a diing just above a m yeah oh no yeah the mom break the neck trying to creep a little sneak peek you come to my world but no one comes close to my ey and thr watch you battle with us you’ll be rolling on night night Super Natural Mobs with undefeatable battle dues and all on the on top Mad Skills own so hard we’ll drop… Read More

  • GlowMc

    GlowMc[Cracked] Welcome to GlowMC, the ultimate test of survival in the pixelated wilderness! In this daring realm, adventurers brave the unknown, navigating treacherous landscapes and cunning foes to emerge victorious. GlowMC is a realm where darkness reigns, but hope glimmers in the form of resilient players determined to thrive against all odds. Embark on a journey through an immersive world where the landscape is as unpredictable as it is breathtaking. From towering mountains to vast oceans, every corner of GlowMC offers a new challenge and a chance for triumph. But beware, for danger lurks in the shadows; hostile mobs roam… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP Whitelisted JAVA 1.20.1 18+ Economy Create Focus

    Join Our Discord Community! Are you 18+ and love Minecraft? Join us on SteamCraft where we enhance the Minecraft experience without overshadowing its core essence. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or Redstone expert, there’s a place for you here. Be part of a community where every block placed, adventure embarked upon, and interaction matters. Make lasting friendships and see your Minecraft dreams come alive. Feel free to DM for any questions before joining! Join us now! Read More

  • Minecraft server play.rexkraft.com:29460

    Welcome to Survival Green (1.17.1)! The new and improved survival experience! We have spent far too long on developing and adjusting various areas to make the experience of the Rexkraft better for you! We have so much to offer, with some that you may already be familiar with, and some that you are not. Check out the list of new things and some adjustments we have made for Survival Green! New Features: Custom Resource Pack – Yes, you read that right! RexKraft will have it’s own resource-pack for all players to use! This extremely lightweight resource-pack is going to allow… Read More


    Crive SMP || ANARCHY/PEACE/ECONOMY# 🌟 Welcome to The Crive SMP! 🌟**Version:** Bedrock / Java 1.21 Crossplay (Newest version) **Season 2 Coming Soon! 🚀****Join the Discord Here!! https://discord.gg/uTaHDGGbE2**## Features:- 💰 **Economy Mods**: Build your empire with our robust economy system!- 🏞️ **New Biomes**: Discover amazing new vanilla biomes in the Overworld and End.- 🗣️ **Proximity Chat** (Java only): Enhance your gameplay with real-time voice chat.- 🚫 **No Elytra, No Hacking**: Enjoy fair and balanced gameplay for everyone.## Popular Plugins:- **Essentials**: All the core commands you need.- **GriefPrevention**: Protect your builds from unwanted visitors.- **LuckPerms**: Powerful permissions management.- **DiscordSRV**: Stay connected with our community on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Duo”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Ultimate Minecraft Duo"It’s nice to see a creeper bringing families together instead of blowing them apart! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore Welcome back to the Minecraft scene, Where version 1.2.2 is now the theme. I’m here to share the latest news, In rhymes that will surely amuse. In this update, not much has changed, But my water source has been rearranged. I’ve got my lava, ready to explore, Cave systems galore, what’s in store? Stay tuned for the next episode’s delight, As we delve deeper into the Minecraft night. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to subscribe, For more Minecraft adventures, let’s vibe! Read More


    BLAZING COAL MEME “Why did the coal break up with the diamond? It just couldn’t handle the pressure!” Read More

  • Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21

    Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock: Easy Automatic Sugarcane Farm Tutorial Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their gameplay and resources. One essential element in the game is sugarcane, used for various crafting recipes and as a valuable resource. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create an easy automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft Bedrock edition. Building the Farm To start building your automatic sugarcane farm, you will need to place seven blocks in a specific configuration. Next, add a piston on top of one of the blocks, ensuring it is facing the correct… Read More

  • Secret Sabito mining exploit EXPOSED!

    Secret Sabito mining exploit EXPOSED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock mining slander’, was uploaded by Sabito on 2024-07-06 08:38:58. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. yapping 4 algorithm dont read: Why are you reading this this Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron… Read More

  • I Pranked My Friend as a Mutant Squid

    I Pranked My Friend as a Mutant SquidVideo Information the giant squid is a terrifying myth hidden in the depths of the ocean with razor sharp tee and strong tentacles it will grab you and eat you with time and I’m going to use it to scare my newbest friend Milo my dearest Bluebird I’m really beginning to think that God should have birthed you as a chicken because is so scared that Milo will only live out here in a desert when I heard that e proved that giant Squid’s existence in his last video I’ve been avoiding the ocean just to be safe do you… Read More

  • 5-year-old pro Minecraft player goes insane!

    5-year-old pro Minecraft player goes insane!Video Information 5-year-old Minecraft players be like hey guys look what I [Music] built okay ready for this amazing clutch oh he’s dream This video, titled ‘5 year old Minecraft players be like…’, was uploaded by Greens Animator on 2024-04-19 21:19:17. It has garnered 10978 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ❤️ Please subscribe and like! ❤️ Join my discord to hang out with me! ➡️ https://discord.gg/pnyUdzf49Q ⬅️ Check my stream tab for streams on legacy where you can duel me! Watch this video next! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlvP-vH4eI0&t=20s #minecraft #shorts #5yearolds #5 #genalpha #amongus… Read More