EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Challenges – Day 10+

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All righty then testing testing one two three can y’all hear me I hope things are working uh so hello all you awesome peoples we are back we are doing the thing so sorry for the wait um had some last minute work things come up so I was

Like well just kidding oh gracious I just heard a what was that Chico the alert is broken you broke the alert oh gracious I just got a jump scare I got a jump scare the alert didn’t happen Nico thank you so much for the resub for four months over on the

Twitch side of things uh you have been supporting the stream for not one not two but four months thank you thank you thank you don’t follow me too late I’m retired it’s okay you can come out of retirement anytime yo what’s up Richie good to see you good to see your

Friends welcome in um bless you thank you friends for being here so sorry um kiddos and I have been like going back and forth with sickness stuff and so I was just like you know what you know what I just don’t call me I’ll call you you

Know type of energy like I don’t know I’ll be back when I’m back so I missed all of you though I really did uh and let’s see let’s see blueberry drip thank you so much for the Epic appreciate you thank you and everyone uh thank you for

Being here on either side of the of the of the worlds of things uh Richie congrats on being first comment and welcome in please appreciate you being here U if y’all are wondering again like I said I have the allergies and so my fingers have been driving me crazy I’m

Okay I it looks like I’ve been like touching fire or something but it’s just so that way I don’t itch it if that makes sense um but thank you so much for starting us off strong let’s go how’s everyone you all excited for the Christmas Spirits cheer I tried to start

Getting some Christmas stuff set up uh Emma welcome in yo dur good to see you and yo what’s up um Claude I think I saw I think I saw Jason earlier let’s go welcome welcome everyone check this out check this out so um ni actually actually Chico where’s

The ornaments that we had I think you are the first sub that we gotten this month so um I don’t know how long we’ll be able to do this for um but we do have the tree it has returned an nio since you’re the first sub of December you get

Your very first or or in this case what are they called bobles over in the UK yeah start with the littlest ones yes you get your very first ornament for the chmos tree yes do you have a preference I don’t know if we have different colors

But yeah I forgot to mention this yes we have different color ornaments the fanciest ornaments money can buy from Ikea yes behold they’re pretty fancy I know we spared no we spared all the expense for this but I hope you appreciate it uh we have a white crystally looking orb we

Have a gray one which is like more like silver we have a light blue a darkish blue and like a super night looking blue so they’re pretty cool they’re really cool looking I’m not picky my favorite color is dark blue hey let’s go okay uh I’ve adopted a pet termite and I’m

Calling him Clint Clint Eastwood uh remember me vaguely claw I think I remember loud and clear let’s go Emma welcome how you doing and welcome chica welcome hold on let me should I snooze it I’ll snooze it once also picky bad at words all right there you go thank you

So much Nico thank you everyone for being here I appreciate those who are understanding that as much as I try my best once in a while even a potato has to take some time off to rest but yeah the kiddos especially is what put me over the edge cuz they were

If they were like normal sick like you know coughing whatever like light sneezing is like not a big deal but they were very miserable and I was like I I just like had to full put all attention on my kiddos cuz they were not happy at all so appreciate those understanding

All right but they are doing a lot better today it seems but bam here you go Nico all right you get the first ornament bubble where should we put it should we put it let’s see should we put you here maybe there we go you’ll be right snaping center bam all your bubble

And all this goodness look at it it’s pretty awesome actually so yeah so for any gifty subs we get uh any reubs Etc you get your own uh little bubble on it we have I don’t know how many we have but we have 1 2 3 four five we have

Five it looks like 30 let’s see no 25 we have 25 apparently we have 25 so first come first serve and everything I guess um here we are all right oh let me Chico we have to set this up in a better way he put this so vicariously like I am

Not a fan of any of these things at all what it does not work at to hold on hold on we can make this work you me going to make this work one way you here we go okay here we go oh gosh I’m so proud of myself for making progress on other

Things but at the same time there we are okay hopefully we can keep the tree here can y’all see the tree I hope y’all can see the tree looking good think he’s looking fancy there we goes uh happy Saturday everyone I hope you’re having a blessed amazing wonderful night so far yo what’s

Up Josh yeah so far so gravy you know kiddos are not so sick so I consider that a win in my book honestly looking good yeah my name is kind of covered but it’s okay it’s okay we’ll have to we’ll have to readjust things because apparently Chico set up like three

Different cameras now tree much tree much wow yes exactly I mean not wrong what tree I just see a random Big Branch with leaves true it’s not even I wouldn’t even call this it’s more like a it’s more like um it it’s giving what’s his name um Charlie’s Merry Christmas you know what

I’m saying like that’s what it’s [Laughter] giving oh goodness yeah how have you’all been um hope things are treating y’all well I know a lot of people have been getting sick Charlie Brown Christmas exactly exactly there we go thank you Nico for being the first ornament like I said any

Reubs we get this month um any gifties um yeah I would say the first 20 or so peeps get their um little ornaments here on the tree let me go ahead and set all the things for y’all too hold on oh good gravy me what are things H oh I feel so much

A that’s good Emma the purple brand needs an update oh the purple brand a I see I see yeah I think they just had an update didn’t they uh Charlie Brown Christmas exactly we’re bracing the Charlie Brown Christmas here gosh than Jus sorry Daddy I mean sorry

H cool tree by the way thank you thank you thank you I was really it’s super funny like I was like I need to put this tree away and then like a year happened and I was like oh look I guess I don’t have to put it away to be fair I don’t

Know how I’d put this tree away honestly I think it’s just one giant like piece does it come apart I don’t know like I don’t even know where you put this away like you just store it into a closet and lie to yourself and say look at me I’m

I’m organizing is that what we do uh yeah what’s up Cloud welcome in welcome um yeah so like I said nothing crazy happened I legitimately was just working on stuff um mostly staying fairly internet free and then um yeah just dealing with sickness and kiddos it

Was gravy it was it was not gravy it was not fun at all um but we’re feeling a lot better um my favorite is that like uh Mr man has some testing to do and the T and the teacher was just like okay all right Mr

Man I need you to tell me like what number is this and what number is this and then he’s like no I can’t I’m sick was so cute he’d be like all right what’s 2 + three and he’d be like um 2 + 3 is and he’ll be like with his fingers

He’s like three four no sorry I’m [Laughter] sick that’s going to be my new resp response when people get after me I’m just like oh yeah like hey chica how are you no sorry I’m sick just it was so hecking cute oh it

Was so cute I wish I could have I wish I could have recorded it it was so funny it was just like he’s like about he’s about to answer the question he’s like no sorry I’m sick I just gave up like that it was freak freaking hilarious and

Really wholesome I got to figure out I’m going to have Chico look into this cuz the ad breaks like just like Bam Bam like no matter what I do I’ve try delaying it I get the ad breaks back and back when it should be every 15 minutes

And I also have the same problem um on the other end so it’s like are you okay yeah I’m fine um I still if I if I sound off it’s cuz literally um I’ve been dealing with the sickness for a while now but yeah I’m just vibing I’m also

Trying not to knock over this tree so if I feel like I’m stiff it’s cuz I’m like trying to like yeah see if I try to move like I normally do I’m going to hit this thing so yeah I might be like trying to move less than normal a lot of time when

I don’t feel like talking to strangers I respond in Mandarin oh that’s so smart Jason that’s actually smart you hit him with the language third language stuff 2 plus 3 equals floating fish it’s true it is very true oh yeah Jan I just realized you’re here on the weekend let’s go are

You off today mhm and for those um who are like oh my gosh these ads I I got you fam don’t you worry you can actually watch My Stream ad free limited time only over on my YouTube channel right there so no wink wink um eldr thank you for the Chica

Vibe check as well as the redeem I just I need to figure out I need to figure out how to set this how to frame this properly but we do have multiple camera setup finally it only took us 3 weeks so we got it um certain off today oh that’s

Awesome J NES that’s awesome also thank you Jason and eldr how are you doing and allegedly we do have new alerts allegedly I haven’t checked them though um looks like Cho has not added new Point alerts yet but we do have one that’s still new from end time uh not under time um

Adventure Time Saturday see I’m tired I am sick Chico it’s not there for my laddy this doesn’t work Chico come [Laughter] here the alert isn’t here on this stage what’s this do yeah I love that one that one makes me laugh every time oh goodness can I get my 500

How do I do can I do forward SL refund is that a thing I I see forward SL requests open the channel Point rewards request queue oh what I could do that huh oh oh oh my gosh it’s right there I oh my gosh oh my gosh I can see everything uh I

Heard Chico in the background I thought you were saying Nico I was very confused on PC mods can give uh back in their mod view tips hat yeah Chico yeah Nico can you help me please what’s your hourly rate uh charge to help mod gracious chica can

See clearly now the rain is gone I can indeed I wish I could tell you guys awesome things that ended up happening but no just mostly just vibing um yeah mostly vibing um let’s see what else did we do um yeah just got a lot of

Food got a lot of drinks got a lot of juices um I know it’s so boring and then I worked a lot which is good cuz it’s like I I feel better when I’m I I’ve noticed that I get better faster if I keep myself moving and doing things and

My brain is clear instead of just like constantly um not moving and just staying in one place or or just being stuck at home all day I just I don’t know I feel like it it takes me longer to get better that way hourly rate is $100 an hour

True 100 um Taco points right I mean for you basically free a thank you Nico you’re so sweet okay so yeah anyways I I’m delaying I I am I’m stalling hard I know but it’s because I’m just trying to get my brain turned on completely before I play Minecraft hard mode because last

Time I just jumped into the world and I died so Jake’s the best he is it really is um guys she thinks I’m sweet I’m definitely F her oh gosh is the thingy uh hold on hold on Friends uh oh there it is what’s that

One yeah can you make that one on on the just chatting scene uh wait it’s Minecraft it says it was stardo wait did he not did you not change it to Minecraft Chico on Twitch and all the games I thought it was already on Minecraft Chico Chico that’s it I’m taking away

Your taco you’re fired again gosh dang it that was this Minecraft Chico my gosh no that’s not the right timer at all that’s that’s the timer why no no don’t get rid of it oh hi chica yo what’s up Billy how’s it going yes yes you guys have heard the

All new all new game uh M Minecraft Valley right timer that’s the infamous stimer it is it is indeed it’s Starcraft hey hey another streamer that I mod for started and died in three hardcore worlds days today are you serious oh that’s so funny do I know them by chance

Billy what’s up welcome in how’s it going that’s the infamous sub timer it is Chico just deleted it oh no here it is he brought it back there it is it’s hidden but now it’s back again I’m just saying hardcore is harder in the beginning the first like 5 days

On a new world is really hard after you get through the first couple days it gets a lot easier in my opinion the Timer is like come back come back so fortnite went oh gosh we’ve had a lot of Demands for fortnite I’m considering it I was thinking that should be like a reward for like if I ever do a charity stream again well when I do a charity

Stream again I want to I plan to I just I don’t know I feel weird doing a charity stream or event if I myself can’t contribute to it and I feel like I don’t know what a good number is like to to to put for a goal if that makes sense

Cuz sometimes it’s like one person can just be like I’m going to you know Dono a bajillion dollar and it’s like well then we did it congrats like woo you know but then the other part of me is like oh but what if nobody does that then it’s like oh gosh we’re

Not going to hit any of the goals so it’s just like hm it’s really hard to decide what’s a good goal to hit or aim for if that makes sense uh he’s just getting back to streaming and Minecraft he wanted to do some SP Sky Block best

YouTuber a you’re the best uh Emma thank you for being here and yes thank you everybody either on the YouTube or twitch side of things we are multistreaming we should have a command for that so people know um I’m going to move you guys around and then we’re going to

Get into hardcore now that I’ve done enough stalling fine find findy findy findy find all right there you go bam okay interesting I can see y’all’s requests oh that’s so nice I love that that way when you guys do requests and redeems I can actually see it

Now I don’t like being moved though I’m sorry it has to be done all right I got twitch over here on my right and I got YouTube here on my left YouTube please behave I swear I turn my back on YouTube you know it feels like I’m moning my

Children it’s like all right YouTube you good as soon as you turn your back I just what happened for two seconds I will turn this whole chat around if y’all start misbehaving wow that’s so cool right Isn’t that cool I can see everyone’s requests down here on the bottom over on

Twitch so I don’t I won’t forget it I won’t lose it salty welcome in okay let me catch up on chat okay now it says Minecraft um stard docraft yes stard craft limited time only that’s the infamous tub timer actually do me a favor since we have so many uh folks

Without subbies um and I I miss some of people’s uh relapses um again we need to look into getting like a giveaway for for you guys soon in fact I might have Chico work on that in the background um but for now if you guys can hear my

Words guess a number between 1 and 10 whoever is the GU closest to it I will gift a sub to to get the get the Christmas cheer going strong yes very Yes actually I’m going to pick a number I like don’t really pick very often so I’m going to pick this

One yes okay uh so fortnite when when the servers are back up yes there you go nice nicely said welcome in Taco how’s it going uh he’s just getting back back into streaming and Minecraft I read that uh and wanted to do some Sky Block and new new relearn uh hardcore worlds

Before going back into his long-term World ah that makes sense I know I’m in C I shall mourn the loss of thy night appearance oh timer of thy s that’s so cool janesh with the Judgment hiy chica hope your family is feeling better hey caddy I’m doing so

Much better and the kiddos are relatively better like I said if it’s just like a small cold or cough I don’t I don’t stress too much cuz it’s like there’s not much I can do as a mother I hate when people are like wait what you didn’t stop everything for your poor

Child I’m like look I gave him medicine I gave him I gave him forehead kisses you know I gave him juices I gave him soups I gave him snacks I gave him love and affection I can’t help them anymore my favorite is when they’re like you

Didn’t take them to the doctor I cannot tell you how many times I spent like 2 to three hours waiting with the doctor doing the whole spill and they’re like oh hi there you’re must be Johnny okay let’s see how’s Johnny doing oh yep he’s vir it’s a viral infection he has

Nothing I can do for it have you given him Tylenol all right goodbye that’s me 300 bucks please like so I only do it if it’s like at least 2 to three days and they’re not getting any better then I’ll be like okay let’s go to the doctors and see

What they say just to make sure it’s nothing severe or their fever is bad so I’m not a bad mother I just I’ve I’ve done the song and dance before and I only go when it’s like okay they seem to be very miserable or things unusual so they’re they look like they’re fine

Tonight they seem like they’re doing a lot better um but yeah they were just miserable so I was like all right we’re GNA hunker down you and me CH kiddos just us against the world but it feels good to be back I missed y’all okay anyways catty Daddy and anyone who may

Have joined in just barely uh I’m doing a giveaway for a gifted way sub uh so a number between 1 and 10 I posted it in the chat already whoever is closest gets the gifty so go ahead and put it in chica yesterday I started building the

Dragon build oo let’s go all right 4269 gosh dang it J Nash uh let’s see we have one for six all right caddy says three uh 3.14 hello there cubby how are you doing I hope you guys aren’t sick I hope everyone’s feeling good um make sure to

Um eat your vegetables drink your medicine and sleep okay take care of yourselves all right don’t be like me uh listen I gave him the basic needs I don’t get paid enough for the premium true you’re right when you’re right you’re right sleep usually the only need sleep

Yes that’s it like honestly I did everything I could and then my daughter just took two naps and then she’s like Mom I’m feeling so much better and yeah she’s just right as rain now so she’s happier so I was like okay I think they’re good enough that and and Chico’s

Here now um like you know he doesn’t have work so he’s able to help in the background so it’s like okay they’re good in fact she’s like doing Legos with him right now maybe you guys will see it later okay ready anyone else for the for the gies for the gifties going once

Going twice sleep in this economy you get to sleep on a bed and sold to caddy I think unless anyone else got four did anyone guess four um but yeah salty how are you feeling how’s it going hope you’re doing well my friend let’s go great Legend um

And can we get a big shout out for Die Hard cubby as as well please and thank you if you guys don’t know Die Hard CB they are an absolute Legend very uh genuine friend really really awesome I think you’re also PG streamer oh gosh that scared me

Chico there you go I love that that’s really loud is that loud for y’all cuz that’s loud for me I’m awake now everyone awake yes oh I love it okay yeah so if you guys are looking for another PG streamer uh PG13 like maximum at their

Worst um um go ahead and check check out Die Hard cubby they they play a lot of variety games they’re a fellow um I wouldn’t say like Minecraft enjoyer but I would say like Lego builder enjoyer that’s the kind of words I would describe them they’re really really

Good love and appreciate them how long have we known each other cabi has it been like 3 years now uh sleep in this economy nah you have to practically work for the age of 3 months to 3 years after you die just yourself it’s sad how accurate that is nowadays it really is

All right friends who’s ready for some Minecrafting first we got to pray tribute to the new background check it out it changes every time look at this this time it’s like a what would you call this I guess Sparrow in in in the in the in the spiky I guess

I kind of like it though like every time my background changes happy like very very happy a Emma why are you so happy it makes me happy to see you happy back to mixers for like 3 to four years yeah that’s crazy did mixer really I think it

Did yeah it it went under in 2020 was it 2021 or 20 no it was 2020 wasn’t it hardcore all right all right place your bets how long do you think I’m going to survive this world the good old days I think this is

The one right I think this is the one I don’t remember what happened okay we got to start like taking notes of people’s names and stuff 2020 gosh dang it that means it’s almost been gone for four years now oh that’s right we had um it was was it Clara Claudia 99 well

9 let me let me math this 99,999 999 days there you go I have to survive at least that long is that too loud W thank you so much mash for supporting the stream for not one not two but what is that six to seven months let’s go seven months appreciate you

Thank you so much Mash can we get a big shout out for mash up man I missed you how are you friend so good to see you mashup does also stream if you guys want to check him out and support an upcoming Creator no chicken I’m sorry I’m trying

To feed you why didn’t he eat the food oh no stream till you reach that many days oh my gosh $1 Bob $1 there you go see we’re good he’s good we’re good everyone’s good look there you go all right I remember there was Claudia and

Then what was the name was it ignasio Fernando it was his name Fernando I think his name was Fernando hold on I got you mash I’m on it if you guys don’t know the mashup man change it he is the mash up Chad I can’t think of any words

Uh follow them or you’ll be disappointed oh yes let me get the stream Raiders going for y’all I will let yall know if we end up getting exploded do you guys want to see the battles I always go back and forth and letting youall see the battles I feel

Like if we’re going to win I’ll usually show it otherwise I’m like you know we’ll just let things go did you name the chicken CLA I did I did uh there there was a whole lore all right there’s a whole there’s a whole thing of lore with this dang it

Frankie is still alive I mean yeah he lives yeah I think it was Francis or something somebody look into the into the files cuz now I’m curious of what their names were but I think it was Claudia and Frank no no no there’s Frankie Frankie no Frankie is there

That’s his friend and then he had a friend it was Claudia and someone El else I don’t remember you person with the f I don’t remember I don’t remember his name it’s probably not important no chicken no chickens no no gosh dang it come back oh my gosh

These chickens oh these chickens okay all right these chickens y’all are too much okay suggestions of what I can do to keep the chickens from being crazy and like running away any ideas any suggestions friends compatriots thank you for the shout out um uh up and cominging Creator might be

Generous but I try to dabble yeah yeah yeah you’re going to grill them no I don’t want to grill them yet they they need to be we we we want to farm the chickens first okay let me change the widgets I think we’re at we had two reubs today

Right we did we had Nico and we had Mash so we are two subbies away from our goal today let’s go thank you friends thank you so much starting uh for the warm welcome let’s go I can hear the battle in the background oh my gracious here we go all right bam wham

Bam thank you fam no uh put a fence around them I’m going to go get find some food beer bees all right sounds good to living I’ll be here fighting for my life oh look at all them chickens indeed look at all them chickens all right okay let’s think about this so

You’re saying put a fence around them H I guess that would be an option wouldn’t it oh gracious okay hold on okay actually do I need a crafting table for a fence I’m assuming I do oh gosh uh what do I need for a fence

Friends what do we need for a fence um yeah I’m okay how’s you I’m doing all right um I wish I had like some fun journey to to tell you guys but you know just dealing with the sickness kill one chicken in front of the others

No I mean the fence as a strategy has worked on many of farms Martinez goas welcome in friend how’s it going thank you for the redeem hold on I will I will do the flower check as soon as um as soon as the ad break is over we won let’s go we

Won let’s go stream Raiders we won GG’s GG’s Raiders thank you you 11 thank you um oh snap Blue Beard okay I’m going to give it to you Blue Blue Beard you’re going to get 200 gold Aros that’s a lot that’s a lot of Golds freaking phonies I know right I

Nominate flea for the next gifty subie if someone wants to support a good friend uh and moderator like I said whenever we get partnered over on the YouTube side of things I will be removing mid roll ads so it would just be pre-rolls H glad you’re feeling better a thank you mash let’s

Go got to move everything everything’s off all the alerts are off # chicken partner thank you friend welcome back flee to the super awesome Spud Squad buddy you get all those awesome emotes you get after viewing on my stream and I will sing for

You if you want me to and finally if any of y’all are new we have an awesome Discord too we would love to have you thank you friends thank you thank you y’all are so kind thank you is that the Christmas spirit or is that just indigestion I don’t know but I

Appreciate it thank you friends thank you thank you you are too kind feels good to be back it really does um it’s no fun being sick it really isn’t I hate it like I’ve been trying to like like I don’t know if it’s just allergies if

It’s just dust I don’t know what it is but I’ve been trying to like be proactive with making sure everything is clean and Etc cuz I hate having the sniffle they’re the worst uh how have you been though Martinez anything fun anything exciting going on just show your

Dominance hold on wait let him cook all right there you go and for those who want to join us for stream Raiders check this out uh hold on I’m copying this for those who are on the YouTube side of things you’re like what stream Raiders

You I think you can but you don’t get like alerts about certain stuff um I think so that link should work for streamers Marvel or DC ooh that’s a good question okay that could be a good question of the day that’s a random one but I like it uh question of the day

Chica yo flut baby welcome in question of the day do you like Marvel or DC ooh that could be the good question all right we’re going to get our nerd on let’s go uh death of virus in the air out here mine sucks but it’ll pass oh you got

Sick too no I’m mystery flutter how are you especially being sick as an adult oh my gosh Gotham true Gotham is pretty cool okay oh salty you like you like DC interesting why is that is it because of is it because of Wonder Woman cuz she’s kind of

Iconic I like her La lasso of Truth like that’s her superpowers is being like oh you must tell the truth I always thought it was like the dumbest but coolest superpower at the same time like oh no she’s female what did we have her do she can make people tell the

Truth I could just see Executives saying this in the background just yeah but it’s cool in a way it’s cool in a way when you think about it it’s kind of cool but it’s just like such a specific power that I’m like it in practicality how would this help you know what I’m

Saying like just say practically speaking how would this defend me oh gravy uh doing good working on my stream setup finally got a cam only 720 but better than nothing hey you know what I I think some of my camera I still have are 720 let’s see so these two I got a

Gift for one of them and I think I got a sale for the other one that’s 1080 and then I started with 720 when I first got going uh got to get uh chica’s Wonder Woman cosplay stream one day ooh I okay you know what you know what

You’re right I could totally Rock a Wonder Woman I would love that yes maybe I I’m going to add that to my list of things that I need to do someday all right chickos you’ve lost your privileges you’ve lost your freedom privileges you got to come over

Here why do I say these words like in my brain it’s like yeah this makes sense and then I read it out loud and I’m like wait lost you lost your freedom privileges shush don’t think about it it’s fine okay look next time I grab my children I’m

Like all right you’ve lost your freedom privileges go and timeout for five minutes look okay look I can’t be held responsible yet my brain’s not fully functioning yo what’s up little Harmony welcome in love your name welcome to the stream how’s it going you can call one of your chickens

Kentucky Fried oh I love it uh you look more like mantis from Marvel I haven’t seen mantis anyone know what that is I don’t know if you’re meing or not I vaguely have heard of that before though I don’t think I’ve seen them before exactly uh the only thing I had cheesy

Laptop uh I had was a Cheesy laptop $10 cam but my cousin gave me an old cam uh use for hunting Freedom privileges exactly oh gosh uh oh thank you I’m doing all right oh that’s good well and now I want conru Fri steak ooh true when you write when

You got some good chicken like I’m just saying nothing compare to a good chicken there you go it’s not ideal but it’ll work for now it it’ll work for now yeah it kind of looks like I intentionally made that to happen and I probably did if you don’t think about it

I did I meant to do that oh my gosh did I waste the whole day just trying to get the freaking chickens in here this is why I achieve nothing in my hardcore worlds I literally am Like I could have slept in there I just realized this but you know it’s fine probably fine okay uh chica over galag dot I love it got to get a che doing good working on my stream yeah yeah can you get a shower for flutter baby please um do you

Know what you you will stream soon uh Disney’s ruining Marvel ah fair at least you got a cam a I Believe In You flee um I think you do have a camera am I am I crazy a thank you I’m doing all right man I want K chug Fri chicken now

At least you’re staying safe true true thank you there’s a there’s a licking and keeps on chicken right mhm mhm mhm you right base what do you play Minecraft on sleep in the nether yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah uh-huh uh-huh I I currently play Minecraft on

PC and Xbox um and a little bit of the switch but mostly mostly PC with my hardcore world oh gracious I could have died I could have died my whole life flashed before my eyes don’t be like me that was unnecessarily dangerous of me

Oo all right there we go um but yeah I do I do Bedrock I I play on um XBox because it’s just easier for me to play with games like that with controller and they don’t have hardcore yet um unfortunately thank you I may be going tomorrow provided the Stars

Line let’s go hey Chico let me okay we’re at four out of five subbies right friends there we go thank you thank you you guys are amazing we’re starting off strong oh before I forget I always forget to do this uh for those who are on YouTube if

You want to support me for free you guys can like um you guys can like my video over on the YouTube Side of Things N nod wink wink it does help lets more people know that you think the stream is awesome you want them to be here okay

And then before I forget uh Martinez are you still here my friend CU if you are I have to do this for you real quick uh for the flower check we’re going with the classic um my really fun little like outfit what what do you call it I don’t

Know dress my cow dress or whatever and then we’ve got the classic pink classic pink the very light pink it is light pink I promise Rich no way you’re streaming thank you initiated got to move that alert why is the alerts never where I want to be there we go that’s

Better welcome Raiders how was your stream Richie Rich welcome in can we get a big shout out for Richie re oh what’s up Q welcome on in how are you doing dear uh turning into a time traveler again I was in the past uh for those who are new I’m chica awesome positive

Potato uh Minecraft partnered Creator and um I just remembered we are celebrating Christmas early um by celebrating people who gift subs and reubs so people who um limited time only because we only have a limited amount of Orbeez or bobbles it’s good to be rich I

Love that stream call that is an awesome raid call I love it if you guys do not know Richie Rich my awesome friend you will be very disappointed because he is a legend so sweet really wholesome and just like literally go watch his streams like literally you’re you’re you will

Get so much enjoyment just his energy his voice like it’s just so wholesome I love it I absolutely love it what were you playing today Richie feel free to introduce yourselves but yeah nice to meet you you guys are welcome to follow or lurk or join our comments and

Conversations or whatever you feel most comfortable otherwise thank you for being here hey dance party let’s go um what happened to my bobles my Orbeez my little thingies oh you hid them okay all right uh Mash what color did you want your Orbee to be or your Bobble any any

Calls on the bobles you get two bobles and then there was one other person was it me I guess it was technically me flee if you can hear me what color do you want your Bobble if you don’t pick I will pick for you uh so yeah here you

Guys go if you guys want your own limited time only chica awesome Bobble on your this tree right here you guys can get them any subbies I guess I don’t know how much it would be what’s the equivalent of of of bits I guess is it 400 bits 500

Bits I don’t know 500 bits I don’t know 200 bits don’t say 200 bits uh sundress yes okay yeah we’re going for the pink today mhm uh we are also multi streaming so if you see me like turn my head that’s why uh chica today I bought a Minecraft book called Minecraft Master

Bu Builder dragons whoa what you learn from it I hate to raid on run but enjoy your stream chica of course Richie take care of yourself that’s most important self-care is best care I think Richie has to ra and run oh it’s okay unleash so nice to meet you here um yeah there

You go we’re currently doing hardcore as well and we’re doing all the things so all the stuffs back into the freay shall we let’s move it on up yeah we doing all the things thank you friends thank you Richie for the welcome raid that made me

So happy like seeing raids make me so happy it’s just like a you all are so sweet they like me you know you’re my friend and you want to you trust me with your community that’s just anyone who doesn’t appreciate that you’re lame I accidentally closed stream silly

Me it’s okay flee uh what do you want what color do you want for the for the ornament I have white hold on I don’t want to die that would suck um I have white uh really dark blue I’ll say black I’ll just say black even though it’s like

Super super dark blue I have white black um light blue silver and dark blue what color do you want any of those tickle your fancy friend a that’s so cute hold on look at the little kitty cat I like your tree thank you I’m glad you guys like it okay

Oh and there you go Martinez I have done the redeem so bam I like the fact that I can finally see your guys’ redeems on my stream let’s go you want silver please okay oh did y’all hear that I heard that y’all hear that I heard it am I crazy if I

Open this stream and there’s a creeper on top of me I swear I’m going to rage quit I will never hardcore again I swear is that me did y’all hear that yo what’s up Dave welcome in all right you want a silver one all right friend here you are you get a

Silver silver Bells I know oh my gosh the creeper ended my last World I swear oh my gosh all right guys I want to see good Lux fend off I get I got it put cats in the chat there you go that’ll fend off the creeper yes that’ll fend off the

Creepers uh Carl just wants to like I heard nothing okay creeper go boom no I’m hoping it was just like the sound effects I think it was just the sound effects from what I understood okay I think it was just the music I think it was we’re good I think maybe I’m so

Scared Chico also the reub alert is really really loud just so you know iard nothing a y’all we need some food yes let’s get some food all the foods Java actually pauses the game when it okay that’s good that’s so good I’m glad they have that cuz oh my

Gosh why does a Bedrock do that I mean I understand if it’s multiplayer you can’t do that but why doesn’t they why didn’t they have that with bedrock it makes no sense when you think about it no none of the sense I was going to start farming in here but

You know what I think I’m going to start dropping off some things and then we’ll go from there because I think the next thing I’m going to do is we’re going to Burger sounds bomb AF ooh true like a really good like bacon burger would be amazing right now

Any form of burger with bacon on it is just choice I guess I could just put the eggs and throw them into the thing right so we probably can keep that um do I want to plant some more I don’t know I guess we can cook the fish no wait we’re keeping

That for for cats right we want to keep the cat stuff to lur in the cats yes yes uh they have it on Bedrock because friends can join your world by default oh that makes sense actually oh we got some Eggies wait did I put the Eggies away oh

No oh gosh okay I’m just trying to like brain my brain right now my brain is braining my brain is braining real hard it’s thinking all the things okay we got an eggy we’ve got some sand we got some beetroot I guess I can eat that got some more orange terra cotta put

That away what else can I put away the boat I need to keep Flint do I have arrows oh I need feathers so we do have to kill we do have to I mean we do have to Red Rum the the chickens eventually oh gracious oh shock oh yeah uh flutter

Since you joined in later just so you know lovely we do have the stream Raiders going on we do have stream Raiders happening and doing the things if you yall want to join if yall want to win I’m just saying the last raid we just did uh Blue Beard

Won 200 coins on it it’s like what that’s a lot of coins you know okay uh we got the rail system I’m just trying to think of what I want to do next should we go exploring or should I just like try to make a farm thing happen you know what I

Mean what do y’all think should we go more exploring or should we make a farm happen cuz we kind of have a farm going uh with the chickens kind of um we don’t have a sheep farm yet though and we don’t have a cow Farm yet oh wait we do have two

Cows we have two cows I think last I checked wait Mash did you give out why does it say three gifties wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Mash Mash did You oh my gosh Mash didn’t just gift a sub to flea they gave three months to flea oh my gosh smash can we get a big shout out again for mashup man what a legend there we go let’s go uh luck added to the world hopefully

Thank you Emma yes all good energies all good energies I’m going to let you guys pick of what we want to do though that is so awesome Mash yeah if youall haven’t followed mash up man what a what a legend thank you for doing that thank you for

Supporting my friend that way he doesn’t have to deal with all the ads I’m going to count that as a five out of five I’m going to count that as a five out of five let’s go I don’t know how it it it works out though with twitch though like do I get

Paid all at once or does it like over the few months it happens it just seems weird to me I I don’t care I just wish I knew sorry I don’t know his username oh the mashup man yeah that mashup man there he is right there if you want

To give him a big shout out please Durge oh my gosh Emma these are such cute emotes where did you get them from oh I see yeah if you would please and thank you H the mashup man yeah it doesn’t show up when you put Mash isn’t that funny but it shows up if you do the

Mashup man okay we’ve got a bucket um do I have a shield I do have a shield so let me do that real quick anything else friends you could think of that I could Pro I have two boats for some reason I think it’s cuz I was using a boat to go

Across and then do that so I’m going to let youall guys I’m going to let y’all pick of what we do okay let’s do a mini pole and you guys can do so what we do what we do uh there is we could um go exploring go explore into the world or

We can go uh farming so as in like I have to go either way I’m going to have to go out and about perusing the world but with exploring I’m going to be like trying to find different places to live type of thing and then with the farming

I’m going to be getting like all the like the farm setup the fishing going on Etc you know that sort of stuff um as well as like the the sheeps and whatnot does that help a yeah thank you friend a that’s so awesome yeah no more ads for for for my

Friend here and I’ll put a poll as well or or for those are on YouTube you guys can just vote um with your words let me know what you guys want do you guys want me to do uh exploring like go exploring or do you want me to go

Farming type of thing oh why did I do all the things I I Hate Everything why do I do this want sa okay oh Gosh do you like cats or dogs so is it weird like I like kittens more than puppies for multiple reasons but I love cats I love dogs more than cats isn’t that funny so I love them both uh for different reasons but the only reason I

Love cats are a little less than dogs is because I have severe allergies like as I get older it gets worse and worse but I I just I don’t know I think doggies are so cute you know what I mean Hello all yo what’s up spider C welcome

In uh right now we’re doing a poll of what we should do in the Minecraft what you guys want me to do uh last time we went on an adventure we got some chickens we got Frankie yo Frankie we got some friends for you we got a farm

Happening and uh oh that’s right oh yeah and we got him a girlfriend we we got him a girlfriend Frankie and uh what’s her face yep we got Frankie and what’s her face they’re they’re adorable adorable couple o thank you durge uh for the five stream streak let’s Go oh I love it hold on can someone there we go all right thank you mods that way I don’t have to keep pushing this okay we have a problem though so I don’t know how to move this um chicken like I don’t know to move the

Boat so we’re going to have to boot it like this we’re going to just be like boom boom boom the boat oh gosh I’m stuck I’m stuck with the watermelon are you sure you want to risk explor right now true I guess I don’t have any iron do

I H that is a good point that is a good point I guess I go explore exploring for iron that’s what I do right that’s what I’ll do that’s what we do I mean they’re both viable things they’re both viable things I did hear that a lot of people when they do

Hardcore they they do this they have in this view so that way they can see around themselves at all times but this just I don’t know this gives me more anxiety that cuz if I had it in this view I wouldn’t have gotten jaed by the freaking Creeper maybe hope

Cuz my character just kind of was like vibing there go explore okay all right looks like we’re we are exploring uh is wood armor a thing in Minecraft uh not wood armor but leather armor is a thing I could hypothet good point durge I could hypothetically um borrow some leather

From some cows yes just like in stardew Valley I’m sure cows just give you milk right and I’m sure they just let me borrow their leather explores where you find villages to make an iron farm oh I see you have a lot of faith in my abilities to go find a

Village I feel like they’re harder to find in um in Bedrock or in whatever it’s called um come here come here Co there we go in hardcore it seems like it at least I could just be uh also hello there buoy how are you doing welcome to the stream

How’s it going hope you’re feeling well I hope you didn’t get Sicky the community has voted that I shall have trial by exploration and finding a village so that’ll be that’ll be like the actually maybe that’d be a good prediction we doing good so far we are

We are Emma we are doing really good so far we’ve got a good Farm happening I’m very very careful and methodical when it comes to Minecraft like I try not to like move too fast um with a lot of the things oh no the baby ah

Bad I’m hearing stuff oh gosh every time every villager my gosh dude you scared me should we kill him for his should we kill him for his llamas or should we let him go no baby stay baby baby baby baby chill what is he doing my man is trying

To steal my freaking stop it what you doing look at I’m trying to steal my sta uh bed has a bunch of villages when I play it when I play Java I’m lucky if I find two within 2,000 blocks of anything yes I thought I was crazy I was like is

It just me or is there less Villages it feels like I was right right this bad RNG no no this is science hold on no wait he’s got a point I’m just kidding I have no idea what the actual RNG is to it um just this is my

Head Cannon hello chica yo Austin good to see you f how’s how’s it going welcome welcome welcome uh show me patch notes for it for real can someone confirm or deny this all right hold on Friends hold on we’ve got a situation uh with the kids so let me oh

Gosh I saw that it looked like a spider I about freaked okay all right I’m going to chill right here for like just two seconds give me like two minutes two minutes All right a big hugs to you Austin uh what’s your favorite emoji I’m put pudding um uh computer making me go paste ah let’s see do you like cats but uh I like the I like the cloud one and I also like the the little ha face I like

That one can one of the mods on YouTube make that as a command um I’m doing good just relaxing after a busy day at work hope you’re doing well yeah I’ve been okay um kiddos are still a little sick um but they were doing a

Lot better so we’ll see um but I like the bear I like that face this one I like that I want to make this a command um e on any on this one I want that to be like uh what should it be called that

Could be that could be our new command I like that one I like that command okay let’s do um I let’s do cheer maybe no what would be a good one you’ve got this a command name what should we call that command chat go ahead and let me know what this

Command should be Emma you just created your your first ever command cuz I like that one um what should we call it what should we call that command uh a larger percentage of villages in Bedrock are deserted like zombie villagers cheer chair thank you for the shout out always

Friend appreciate you being here I’m doing good just relaxing after busy day at work hope you’re doing well yeah can we make a chair chica monkey welcome how have you been darling I hope you’re feeling better I hope you school starting your well and things welcome how’s youing booy how’s all the stuff

Okay so people were saying explore I kind of want to go into the mines but I don’t know friends I don’t know Fam what should we make this command the the one that says we’re doing good so far so there’s more Villages where they’re more likely to be deserted that makes sense that Mak sense good chica how are you I’m doing okay um kiddos are a little Sicky at the moment but you

Know I’m I can’t complain we’re keeping an eye on things making sure they’re going to do all okay but the good news is I got the day off tomorrow hey let’s go we doing good so far okay yes um it’s not feeding why aren’t you feeding the cows nope baby cow go in

It’s not letting me feed the cows that’s annoying how long does it take for the cows get hungry Stone pickaxes and strip mine okay okay fine okay fine okay fine we’ll do it I’m so scared y’all don’t even know y’all don’t even know I am genuinely scared all

Right you know what I could be doing you know what I could be doing I could be big braining right now look I could be doing this chat I could literally be doing this watch this watch it watch this watch this watch this watch this why did

I do this okay hold on hold on watch keep watching the big the big poger brains about to happen any minute now my brain is going to brain so hard right now look at this so my problem is I have to keep running back and forth back and

Forth right and I’m thinking I could do like the stardo thing that my friend um showed me how to do it right so I could have stuff that I dump out here that don’t need you know or to go mining does that make sense um hopefully they get better yes

Um if anyone has some good good energy Good Vibes uh positive feelings uh we even accept prayers if anyone would like uh for my kiddos I would be a big pre um cuz yeah I worry that they’re not going to do so good tonight like they were

Doing much better they were like again my daughter was like I want to play I want to go hang out with Dad and stuff and now like her fever is getting pretty high so I’m like getting a little nervous so if I have to end early that’s

Why um but it looks like they’re doing better their dad’s watching them watching their fever right now they we just gave him more medicine we’re going to keep an eye on it but they’re just going to be like oh yep it’s a viral Medicine St fire thank you Austin appreciate it um I

Think it’s 10 minutes before any mobs are ready to breed again 20 minutes for Offspring to grow into adults okay thank you Blue Beard thanks for the informations uh all the things yes thank you Emma appreciate you oh we got 66 units let’s go all righty okay while I

Organize this stuff you guys can be entertained with stream Raiders cuz that’s more exciting than Inventory management right right the War colth uh that’s way too long yo right um all you can do uh I still need to dive into this already Martinez if you did it I would

Love to see it but Minecraft is going good uh Martinez we had like a fullon story um it uh it was a story of love of of um a story of Adventure trial tribulations it had everything like the last the last stream I did of this uh of

The hardcore world just so many things were happening okay do I see anybody I see flutter baby anyone else from the stream look at the Army there’s so many peoples thank you friends thank you then we’ll do I think we’ve already got Blue Beard one we’ve already got 11 one so I

Think that’s it bam I hope uh all you can do but yeah it sucks playing playing the waiting game right it’s just breaks my little heart breaks my heart my achy breaky heart definitely take care of life if the needs arises yeah M mhm so far though they seem to be doing better

Overall all right there we go stream Raiders Um I think what I might do um cuz I got them a little like a mini like a mini projector thing it’s nothing fancy um but just a small enough one that it can make things like bigger if that makes sense um and I I really like it and I might

What I might do is I might like play that I might uh play them a movie or whatever so they can just like relax and Vibe or maybe even play Minecraft on it I think it be cute you know I think they’ll like it okay what am I doing I I don’t have

Food so let me get some food let me get some torches torches are needed right what else do we need chat oh gosh what happened to the wood and stuff okay here we go um yeah Minecraft is going good um we have an army of chickens we have an army

Of so many different things we have of I don’t know like there’s so much stuff to like even mention that I did doesn’t seem like a lot but we found a base um and we’ve got the chickens happening with the farms uh wait why I trust your judgment Jason I trust your Judgment right bam there we go all right and then uh 10 minutes time to wa that long right F I don’t know these are small uh you like those too I do I like the butterfly one especially oh thank you for the epics Sprints uh hope for speedy

Recovery though yeah Martinez how’s your family doing though I think you said you were suggesting that they might be sick right unless you were just saying in general people are getting sick like crazy okay um I think that’s all good right other than this chest we can put

Right here I’m going to take the chest with me and then if I have something extra I can always like get rid of it as needed right we go okay we want the bow because mobs are mean we want although I only have like one Arrow

I don’t know what good that’s going to do me we’re going to put the seeds away cuz there’s no reason for to keep the seeds right um and eggs we don’t need the eggs I’m assuming we won’t need the boats right all the vibin all the all

The things we don’t need the wooden hoe anymore I think that should be it yes very yes okay we’re good other others other Minecrafters be screaming like chica this is not the right setup it’s like list sh it’s fine let people enjoy [Laughter] things oh gosh this is so ominous I don’t

Know I’m going to just mini just mini peek okay we’re just doing a little little cheeky peek okay just looking for iron is all that’s all we’re doing just a little peek and then we eat all right then we delete then we then we then we SK SK right oh Gracious D ised should we do a prediction should we do a prediction I was thinking we could do a prediction if Will chica find a village today I think that’d be a good one I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t trust

This I guess I should be I should be harvesting these though right cuz they’re they’re probably important yeah there we go and then we’ll switch to multiplayer after um we get to at least day I’m thinking day 20 let’s see how close we are ah maybe day

20 maybe we’ll see that might take a while oh I love the little dancing emotes they’re so cute yeah fish I don’t know they’re small they’re cute fish I think they’re cute I think they’re fishes oh yeah what did we decide for the command Jason did we add the

Command um I think we’re going to call it cheer for now until we think of a better command so exclamation mark cheer and it’s going to be that cute little um it’s going to be that cute little emote is like we’re doing good so far hold on this is important to me this

One I want that one I want that to be the new command cuz you guys unlocked that and no one’s created a command yet so there you go Emma you now have your own command um it’s going to be exclamation mark cheer look at that Emma

Is so popular now you’re going to have everybody use your thing wait I my bed okay we’re good yeah thank you beautiful all right and then is that what I do to add it on YouTube as well I hope so let’s find out if it works cool if not I don’t

Know I like it isn’t it cute it’s so freaking adorable all right guys make sure to put your predictions uh those look like bunnies they kind of do they really do go legally gamble all your points true it’s like this is your chance to gamble the points you could

Gamble you could Gamble and and make it big okay uh chica here’s a phrase I’ve come up with eat meat to the beat eat meat to the beat interesting you are adorable friend a ah martinz thank you you’re you’re so you’re adorable friend no but for real like I love your

Content whatever form it is that’s why I was like we must protect Martinez at all cost if you guys don’t know this Legend sincerely do like they normally stream like I I don’t know if Billy might work better for you but they normally stream like really early in the morning but in

The east coast I think it’s around 9:00 a.m. is when you normally stream but whenever I can’t stop by it’s an absolute treat you can also follow them on Tik Tok or Instagrams to to see some of their cute little uh what are they called posts yeah B

Um hey there we go we’re doing good so far yes the command works on YouTube and on Twitch let’s go perfect I’d love to see it okay I’m not seeing anything good here so far I like that bad command too that’s a good one okay people were saying sword for

This one oh gosh I’m going to accidentally suffocate one of these days Emma you’re precious oh goodness uh chica knows how to be the best hyp person out here I try my best it’s just why I am is he who I is I don’t know how else to be you know

What I mean like I don’t understand people who like constantly neg on people or like just constantly hating it’s like i’ rather support what was the what was the phrase I I heard this once where it’s like support what you love uh don’t bash on what you hate or

Something like I forget the phrase there’s something like that and that’s kind of how I view a lot of things don’t be wrong some days you’ve got to put the you got to put the big person’s pants on and got to be like hey that’s not okay

But my motto is I feel like if you support the things that are good in this world hopefully you’ll see more good rather than just constantly getting after the bad you got to you can’t just you can’t just get rid of the negative you know what I mean you got to

Replace it with good energy in my opinion because if you just get rid of the negative it just creates a void and that void gets filled in with more negative or or more bad um characteristics or whatever it is so that’s how I view it uh gamer Christmas

Week is it really let’s go oh I have a commanded idea oh yeah what is it Emma welcome back by the way from the ad break uh I appreciate you don’t do that no Suffocation yeah no let’s not die let’s not die yet okay so we kind of

Explored this area I’m not seeing any other chests so far um but we did make some progress we did we did hit some places so hold on maybe this will be some goodie uh GTA GTA 6 trailer comes out you think so oh hold on I knew it I knew it I

Could feel it in my nuggets I was like no this is bad news that’s bad news hold on keep running keep running I don’t know where to Go okay I think we’re good yeah game awards next Thursday oh that creeper almost ended my whole career that could have been so bad okay we’re fine we’re here we’re alive we live in another day uh the world needs more good people like you chica a

Martinez that means a lot thank you I just I’m a Potato I do what I can um y’all are the awesome ones honestly okay uh what you think oh for the he you like the hehe I didn’t see it if you did post one uh Emma uh yeah game awards next Thursday

Going to be close for game of the I know who do you all think is going to get Game of the Year this year cuz I genuinely don’t know I honestly I haven’t played half of the games that came out this year that were amazing so

I I don’t even know what came out this year like I just cuz I can’t remember for the life of me uh do Villages show up in the Badlands probably balers gate yeah I’m going to assume either balers gate I don’t know if people were too impressed

With tears of the Kingdom although I did hear good things um I don’t know what else there is like I can’t I know there was a lot of good games um the new Spider-Man did we also have was Jedi was Jedi the one is it Jedi Fallen order or is it Jedi

Something else that came out that was another one that was really good right did that come out this year I think that was another one that came out I like it I like it Emma Mario Wonder was another one that was another one that came out um going

To be close game for Game of the Year yeah I I genuinely don’t know who deserves it most likely balers gate honestly cuz they’re like a relatively small Indie Studio that came out of Nowhere so maybe uh agreed balers Gate 3 is definitely my choice I’ve never even played it you think so uh it will be balers Gate 3 but Spider-Man 2 was my favorite oh and Spider-Man 2 was such a good good story like from what I’ve seen

Oh my gosh like I I I really need to I really need to play that game or watch a playthrough of it cuz oh my gosh like I was so emotionally invested watching one of my friends play that game maybe we wait wait is that a desert village oh my

Gosh oh does that count does this count does this count as a village does this count as a village chat um uh Resident Evil 4 is a wild card does that come out I don’t see them getting the reward at all uh yes okay well there you go for the Believers who

Thought I would find a village congratulations I found a desert village let’s go Chris let’s go thank you for the 100 bits literally made me broke my voice my voice cracked ah thank you so much for supporting the stream that is so kind of you how are

You thank you first time chatter let’s go um V hyp that is so nice of you I hope you’re having wonder I hope you’re having a wonderful night um right now we’re talking about what you think is Game of the Year any any ideas of who you think would be game

Of the years’s for good Tunes I like that that’s a good one um but Mario wonder and Resident Evil 4 Allan Wake oh Alan Wake too I heard was good too uh Ballers Skate 3 Zelda Allen wake 2 are my favorites mhm I don’t see them

Getting the reward at all I know I just I if it’s not Zelda it’s definitely going to be balers gate um in my opinion I I could see Spider-Man winning but it felt like kind of like a rehash of the first one so it’s and same with Zelda it

Was kind of a rehash balers gate I feel like was the first one to like really you know push boundaries and do something awesome in my opinion um Survivor uh Resident Evil 4 is wild card maybe Spider-Man but that I’m not holding my breath right I would be happy

Either or it’s so good I wish Starfield yeah Starfield had potential just not quite there yet a side quest May me cry and log off for the night on Spider-Man too oh no that’s a village both are good but I enjoy DC more kassu Yole how are

You my friend I’m loving these emojis I love your emojis they’re so cute I appreciate you Emma you’re so sweet uh all the hype I’m the only one who predicted are you eldrich oh that’s so sad well you would have won a lot of points I’m I’m I’m I’m saying this in

Our sarcastic tone okay there’s two kind of people in the world those like eldrid that bet all their points and cowards I’m kidding but that’s pretty funny uh I’m predicted uh Zelda has so many technical problems true B Gate 3 got tens and reviews sales make up 40%

Of the decision oh is it ah well either way kasso how have you been such a lovely gem kicasso you should absolutely meet moo Martinez I think you two you both are just lovely gem human beings that are underrated in my opinion blue

Bed oh my gosh chat we got a blue bed oh my gosh I’ve never seen a bed like this before oh it’s a sand bed oh my life has been made I’m so glad I came here all right here I’ll put their bed back they can have their bed

Back I guess but we have a c bed yes we’re moving up in the world upgrades people upgrades uh chica’s a thief confirmed no no no I’m not a thief I’m just borrowing their bed forever it’s fine it’s Equivalent Exchange and all that wait isn’t this

Wheat yes we can farm this I didn’t bet all my points just about 80% oh I see BK three so that had so many technical problems did it really hello everyone chica y what’s up Austin thanks for being there as well you’re a legend want some more luck yes please

Emma it’s working so far I think with the power of Emma’s awesomeness we are we are surviving this hardcore world so far we are we are rocking this hardcore oh goodness all the hearts thank you thank you friends than tkos uh yeah I don’t know I predicted eldering

Would get game of the year I’m usually really good about predicting these things and I feel like my nuggies are telling me my chicken nuggets are telling me that um it’s going to be it’s going to be balers Gate 3 other than maybe I don’t know how good how good did

Spider-Man do I think Spider-Man also killed it with the sails didn’t they oh you can only put cacti on other cacti interesting interesting it got eight Ed what is oh eights it got eights oh interesting that’s so funny cuz I well okay I’ve heard people say good things

About Ballers gate but I feel like I heard more people say good things about um about spider about Spider-Man I wonder why hi there sir how can I help you ma’am I don’t person I don’t know what is this about oh it’s like your little fireplace that’s actually kind of

Cute that’s actually really wholesome chat chica with the high fives yes the power of high fives I need all your good energies through the screen I can feel the good energies yes hi I’m just B oh he got mad at me oh um um look look I I know I know

It looks like I’m taking away your uh last furnace but I’m just borrowing it so it’s okay bought it excellent oh another bed oh gosh can I get a clip of that please we need more hard shells let’s go how many likes are we on uh with the

YouTube side of things should I leave their beds you know what no I don’t want to kill this I don’t want to kill this Village okay genuinely asking how do I do like a Village Farm cuz I don’t want these villagers to die I feel like

That’s like the longterm play is to do like a villager farm but I don’t know how to get these villagers cat hold on cat hold on cat hold on cat okay okay nobody panic nobody panic we’ve got a cat here he’s just chilling he’s got

Such cute little feet I want to name him mittens I’m going name mittens mittens love me please listen mittens I need you you need to protect me it’s please mens mens no redeem compliments to a friend for Durkins a look at midnight being so sweet also midnight I figured

Out how to pull up uh redeem so I don’t lose it hold on M come back M mittens no okay I’m just trying not to lose mittens come on mittens ah hi there let me think of a good compliment for durge while I try to carefully get after these cats should I

Sleep first H but I don’t want to lose mittens mittens mittens I swear if I die mittens why did you run away why would you love me oh fine okay we’ll come back to that hi can I sleep here it’s kind of crowded but I hope you don’t mind Kitty yes the

Kitty can I just I’m trying to put my bed good all good all right cool they’re just staring at me okay let’s see compliment for Durkins I will say one of the things I like most about durge is a sense of Humor like oh I know it’s kind of a meme to like R ref on him but you know he always takes it a strive he’s always got like similar memes and stuff Bradford hello there welcome in we’re trying to capture a kitty cat so send all good

Kitty cat energy my way uh but remember also people mainly also watch the rewards for new game announcements true where where is it going to be played at for the game awards and what days tell me that all the things cuz I might I might actually tune in this year

For it cuz I’m curious now I never really watch game awards but I might actually watch it this year would you guys watch would y’all want me to watch Game Awards with me I’m back yeah welcome back Bradford we missed you Thursday night we could do game awards chat we could start with

With game awards and then we can switch on over to Minecraft come on come here oh my gosh cat please cat I swear if you do not come with me yes forever best friends forever yes okay okay okay nobody panic but we have this is big pagers all right we

Have a cat um a thank you midnight for the five stream streak let’s go um do you have any manga chica I do I actually do um I don’t know where I put it but I have it somewhere it’s somewhere around here how do I get the cat to follow me

Or is he just going to follow mittens mittens please but I’m always panicking watching them on stream is actually pretty popular oh okay ah watch out for mobs thank you Emma’s got a sword yes I’m watching I’m watching we’re watching carefully will the does the does the cat

Not follow me I think he does right I think he’ll follow me okay so how do I start taming villagers do they just kidnap them in boats is that what people do that’s what I remember people doing back in my day I think they C I mean they move people we

Didn’t kidnap anyone we just put them in a boat right I think that’s what they do where should we like I know there’s like that’s like the meta the end game is you need to have like a villager farm and you want to have an iron farm and

And and and right and I’m assuming that’s what you need to do chica spider C what’s up uh uh when did you go live I went live about an hour and a half ago um I I was sicko with the kiddos so I had to take

Some time off but they’re doing a lot better what kind of game is this oh oh I see uh Listen by breed villagers I mean um I get fishes yes we get fishes lots of fishes and we attract the STS and then the STS leave babies at the front

Of of the house yes that’s from from from the baby store that’s how it goes right you should be able to stream the rewards yes I hope so otherwise yeah can we get a big shout out for midnight Bloom please uh longterm Community member really good friend and

Also fellow streamer so yeah do the thanks it’s fine probably she guys so many UNF familyfriendly comments but I’ll will be get okay appreciate he spider true oh goodness you know I just I just discovered I think we’re more like PG-13 now I would say we’re moving up in the

Ratings I don’t know if I would ever go like full like 18 plus but we’re definitely more like uh PG-13 now I’m sorry guys I’m I’m a little too sus now the mighty have fallen me when I see creeper H yeah we’re like teen yeah teen

Rated is now um also the okay oh thank you for the epics by the way especially this year seeing Rockstar rumor the new GTA that they have you seen um oh what’s his name the big the big Creator um he has like mega mode or something like

That yeah thank you for the redeem midnight you’re so sweet um do you have any manga but I do have manga um I’ll have to look at my manga collection I know I read like all of fruits basket like literally from one to 26 or whatever number it ended on and

Yeah I I don’t know if I would recommend it to be honest because there’s um it’s very dark it’s definitely it is absolutely not family or friendly it’s very very very dramatic it is I don’t know it’s a suffering simulator is how I describe it

Um but it’s kind of like um Death Note right it’s like it’s a series that you wouldn’t probably watch it again and again but the experience of the initial watch through or or read through or play through is like so iconic that it stays with you forever um I still love taru I

Still love Kio on all the characters but my goodness that that that that series messed me up forever honestly I’ll never be the same because of fruits basket we have little bunnies they’re desert bunnies oh they’re so cute oh this is so cool okay you know

What this world is growing on me this world is growing on me I’m starting to like this world a lot okay let me hold on I’m just trying to trying to stay prepared I got to catch up to chat real fast um you want to see creeper all right uh it’s so

Weird to think that Minecraft has a meta does it really oh that I guess it does huh sad H sad time I haven’t streamed since November 8th oh so I can call this human trafficking the game no no we’re just moving them um to their forever

Home um chica I’m going to be building a village in about 5 to 6 weeks time oo schnap I have 20 volumes of manga I love fruits basket anime so most likely get the manga yeah the okay I I I would say in my opinion I feel I haven’t seen the new

Version of fruit basket but honestly the the manga is so much better but it’s also darker so that’s that’s what I’ll say about it uh there’s two base mechanics that can make an iron arm in Java one scare three villagers plus a zombie faster two gossip uh five villagers no

Zombie closer to bedrock iron farm speed oh okay interesting I might have to look up a video on this then okay so maybe not tonight we’re going to start on our Village Farm but definitely wait can I ride the camel I just realized we had a

C we’ve never seen a camel before this is my first time seeing a camel hold up how do I get on the camel do I need a saddle yes go go with forth my camel friend go with the saddle you can no I love how the Iron Golems just

Staring at me listen don’t judge me don’t judge me all right this camel’s not working it’s not my fault my camel’s broken he’s chilling oh I tried we we tried we tried friends we’ll get him next time look at this water though am I crazy or are these different shades of

Blue is this also a warm Ocean or warm water is that always been a thing what on Earth what on Earth I have gotten so lucky in this world I have never been able to see so many cool things like this what the heck right yeah that’s a warm that’s a

Warm Ocean or like at least warm water of some sort I don’t know if it’s a lake or not but look at that what the heck is that why it’s different colors now has it always been different colors no I feel like I would see that before that is so freaking awesome kitty

Cat in a box with socks Ling it’s Day in May lay in the Box kitty cat with the kitty cat and enjoy it I like it warm ocean and coral reef yeah oh my gosh no stop stop how do I not drown I don’t want to drown I’m so

Scared of swimming in Minecraft now because I don’t know if they change the swimming mechanics or not but I feel like like if I crouch you know what I mean oh gosh I like I sink like a stone and it scares me is that a puffer fish

What are you no you are a um what are they called not a puffer fish what are they called um the ones with the big eyes what are they called interesting oh I forgot I have a kitty cat hold on let’s let’s think about this logically all right cat

You’re going to stay over here and protect me from any creepers that might try to come here also Xbox showing something supposedly on Thursday are they hm um what time does the what time does uh the Xbox or sorry the game rewards happen anyways kitty cat come here come

Here come on kitty cat come on mittens come on mittens mittens mittens is being difficult now you’re just being obstinate on purpose look at them I’m right here cat where are you going it really is like a real life cat not listening at all doing its own business

All right come on come on go up here come on all right we’re going to move you cuz you’re broken uh Story Time come on grab your friends let’s go see what midnight said the manga I have right now is blue lock a silent voice the promised Netherland Dragon Ball Z um

Mha I’ve heard of that what does mha stand for Vigilante and the eminus and shadows Ooh So Fancy okay Katy cat you stay there I’m going to check this Out I haven’t seen one of these oceans and many a moons what are these called what are those things called right here those blue ones with the big with the big eyes my her Academia yeah my hero Academia and a dolphin oh my gosh chat we can’t ever lose this world

It’s too beautiful what are these things is called the little bluy things they have like big old eyes in real life what are they called um now it’s genuinely going to bother me what are they called ah are they puffer fish I think they’re puffer fish we also got the sea cucumber we

Could get H so many options okay sorry I’m just kind of thinking about like decorations about possible builds and stuff like that oh we got 70 units let’s go is that a new record thank you chat y’all are crushing it today let’s go y’all are doing awesome okay there’s so many

Possibilities now I want to build my home here instead dang it I’m going to put this torch here for Safety boto has been really good uh I want to get the Fairy Tale manga but the thing is it’s like 63 volumes oh my gosh isn’t like manga insanely expensive like isn’t it like is it 10 bucks a pop or 20 bucks a pop I don’t

Remember um oh this is a boss battle as well so good thing we got a lot of people this time cuz oh goodness oh gracious it’s going to be a lot it’s going to be a lot of folks going to be a lot of things I’ve been getting mine $10 and less nice I think if they’re on sale um I think that’s that sounds about accurate oh no Emma did you end up tra time travel again I hope not hey let’s go we got a win GG’s GG’s oh blue bear dang with all them

Assist I see you okay anyone else any new friends that have not gotten anything any gifts I think everyone has unless you guys say otherwise unless you guys uh say anything else oh no that wasn’t the boss fight oh interesting this is the boss fight all

Righty time for bed for me uh have a good one chica of course Mash thank you so much for being here thank you for the three month uh gifty uh to my friend and moderator uh 19 flea I’m sure they appreciate it immensely one more big shout out for uh

The mashup man if you are not following this man what are you doing do all the things you will not regret it thanks for being here as well and I hope you have a good rest you’re welcome to lurk as always otherwise have a wonderful rest of your

Appreciate your face oh wait mash um what do you want for these for your bobles for your little orbs you you did you technically did three gifties so if you want you can get three up to three orbs if you want them if you want or you can pick one you

Can pick a dark blue uh normal blue light blue uh silver or white I hope I didn’t miss him if not any purple no purple sadly that’s all I’ve got yeah no purple uh leay and may love a duve in a pond at dawn rain falling down with the

Close friend that will be there for you in the May uh no purple okay then light blue light blue ooh that’s a good one I like this one look how pretty it is I really like the colors it’s very pretty CH bam we’ll start off with one per person

Um but as it gets closer I might give you some more later on okay we will put you trying to think where it’s going to be showing up on stream a little bit we’re going put you right here on the right side bam thank you again Mash you

Never have to do the things but thank you for supporting me in the Stream you’re so so super sweet no thank you thank you all the good energies for you and I hope you get some good sleeps all right there you go thank you everybody for being here as well whether

You’re lurking while working or just vibing chatting especially I appreciate it a lot honestly all righty um as much as I like this music I kind of want to Vibe it out we need to Vibe it out a little bit we need to get some Vibes get some things happening you know chica

Chico there we are someone summon the chico please J he seems angsty yeah he’s barking like a crazy man for a second thought you were leaving it was so sad hi Oh thank you for the pixel pink Archer what the heck that’s so awesome thank you for the Epic all right chat what do you all think should be the next uh Play We got a two bit no but if I do that then they don’t have beds no but it’s so

Cute I really want this bed okay I don’t need it they need it they made it more for me they need it more for me hi toasty oh there he is come here toy just for like two seconds come y to’s here check him out he’s such a gremlin lately

He’s been so angsty why are you so angsty look at he’s so oh thank you look at it look at the in you can feel the ink he’s making such good progress with like not being as Barky especially towards like random like animals or or peoples

And things and then he just got super like as it got colder he got more and more like defensive look at this little yawn we love him anyways huh I hope one day um it’s on my list of many things I want to do is I want to

Help get him trained um so he can not like behave but just like you know not have to feel like he has to bark at everyone and everything every day you know yeah that way when he does bark it’s like an actual concerned kiss instead of like oh no there was a leaf

On the roof get it you know it’s like you’re good pups it’s okay you’re all good like he’ll hear like like the neighbors like just come home and he’s like oh my goodness Panic there he is he so sleepy sleepy baby oh I love you

To he is he’s so sleepy but you can’t Snappy I don’t know why he gets tired at this time always like right before dinner he’s like I’m sleepy I’m going to just do nothing but sleeps all right here chica out here a second I eventually really want

To get him a bed though so you guys can have cuz we do have two cameras I don’t know how Chico has it set up yet but um so that way when I multi stream um y’all can get different things all right go home love you I love my

Kids Mr man’s getting so big now though I’m like not prepared okay I don’t want these villagers to die if I leave them will they be okay will they survive what is this even I hope they don’t die I love Minecraft Logic here we are yeah no I’m not leaving it not leaving for a minute um oh thank you for all the epics friends let’s go got wise glaze terra cotta okay it’s very pretty I just don’t know what I’m going use it for do I whack it he’s not really breaking

Interesting I love he’s looking at me like what are what are you doing it’s like listen I’m just I’m just vibing I don’t know why you’re you’re having a problem with me I’m good I’m Gucci we’re Gucci yeah keep it walking like I really don’t remember the

The water being different shades that is so really that’s so neat that is really really cool I like the fact that Minecraft is adding all these new things yeah that’s the that’s the furnace I borrowed oh wait I left my kitty cat I think over here All right let’s go back let’s go do the things that could have been bad I could have left mittens here forever okay should we stay should we stay what do y’all think should we stay here or should we build our home elsewhere I guess it would be very difficult to have a farm

Here is the only downside if we have a desert right I mean I guess all you need really is like um I guess all you need is like to get the the animals over here right is what we could have a good one spider C I hope to see you again

Friend more bread Stacks up uh more bread stacked up back there is there you’re welcome to lurk as always otherwise have a wonderful rest of your day okay we’ll just climb on some of it yeah um I guess I’m just trying to figure out

If I should have my space here or if I should have it elsewhere Thank You Blue Beard thank you thank you should I take all their wheat you think I feel kind of bad but I guess they’re not using it right that’s what it’s meant for to to borrow right that’s

What the villages are for hey little Rob it’s going pretty good uh we found uh we we just started a brand new world uh new hardcore world as you can see um I do need to get my skin though I don’t really care for this generic

One um we found so I’ve been searching since oh my gracious I think like six months now if not longer whenever the update came um for the the one biome whatever for a warm ocean and I haven’t found a warm ocean for like a year now this is my

First Warm ocean in a year and I don’t want to leave here now because it’s so pretty and I just love that they have different colors I never remember Minecraft adding colors to this look how pretty that is it’s just so gorgeous um we have a farm over there we

Found our first Village in hardcore too so it’s like I don’t know things are going good things are going great um the bad news is I can’t decide if we should stay around here in this Village the pros is that we have all this resources and safety and numbers and all that

Right but the con is the fact that going back and forth uh will be a lot really annoying to have to move all the peoples you know what I mean we got some string so I haven’t decided yet if I want to stay here I should not you know it’s just so many

Choices what do youall think though cuz I could hypothetically build like a little summer home here like a little beach home or whatever you know what I mean I could I really really like this a lot I think they add an option to adjust how smooth the transition between is did they

Really how about you uh Rob how’s life treating you super superer oh and I got a kitty cat that’s right I got a kitty cat naming them mittens cuz the cute little paws look like mittens aren’t they adorbs I love them there we go bam we could hypothetically build a

House here allegedly but then we might be attacked by um whatever they’re called I keep going back and forth keep going back and forth of where I should build cuz I would love to see this outside my window my problem is I would probably just stay here the whole

Time I be like Yep this where I retire forever I mean you see your freaking dolphin out your window like how can you compete how can you compete with anywhere else here in Minecraft my other home is it’s just Brown desert sand and it’s very boring but I I will have to

Come back for all my chick I do at least have to come back for Frankie though Frankie and his wife uh I don’t remember her name but yeah what’s her face Felicia I think it was Felicia I’ll have to re I’ll have to reverse visit the

Lore I guess that’s the next big thing I do want to do is get name tags I think that’s like a must okay the only thing that’s annoying though is having to grow the trees and all that getting the trees and all the stuff it’s going to be really

Annoying you know what I mean but un yes maybe we can get like dirt blocks and then put the trees on top can is is that how it can work maybe I thought I saw a freaking spider it was just my cat my gosh mittens you about to be done in in

Just a second my gracious don’t scare me like that cuz I don’t know where the nearest dirt is is the other problem that’s my only complaint with with the setup right here oh wait there’s some dirt hey we got lots of dirt over chair shabam oh wait Emma sharing a story time

Okay give me a second Emma when I’m not about to die I’ll read your story time as soon as I’m in safety cuz I think I can potentially be attacked by mobs in this area okay yeah yeah yeah I read your story time in just a second but right now we’re

Trying to get not deaded where’s my cat man run it’s scary out there I forget can you sleep when it storms there’s one way to find out mittens come here crazy cat crazy nonsense CRA Kato Kato where’s the gato All right think Chica what are you doing with your whole things oh no oh gosh hold on I guess I could get rid of the sand I don’t need it right uh find any diamonds no diamonds yet can only sleep through thunderstorms not regular rain oh okay got it got it got It beat here we go digging up I know I know I know don’t look at me like that mins okay you would do it too if you were me yeah durch um I was going to ask y’all hold on is that it’s iron oh my

Gosh hold up I hear something yep I knew it I heard it I heard it I heard it hold on run run dang it hold on oh my gosh come on oh my gosh please no please no please no please no oh my gosh hold

On oh I don’t know if I should just sleep here or not oh gosh oh I’m so scared not like this not like this I just found this beautiful world I don’t want to lose it okay we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe

We’re safe we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe you again hi I’m hanging out here I know it seemed like I was very calm but I was panicked I was absolutely panicked okay I know I hear the zombies and stuff but we’re fine we’re going to be fine shees okay good there we go

Go freaking skellies man they’re the worst literally the worst I hate them so much do I have any wood left oh my gosh I don’t think I have my crafting table anymore or no did you read a story just about uh Story Time come on grab your friends

Let’s go see what Emma said cat and the hat a fluffy hat no one knows how the cat go hat and the hat and the Hat the cat is like the right now has a note to share with the cat but this rhyme is not

Lame just a fun game I I think it’s interesting I have questions about the cat and the rat and the hat but you know I think it’s good I think it’s got some good it’s got some good qualities happen in there keep it up Emma so that’s incoming wi no don’t jigs it

Don’t jigs it we’re fine oh hey chat do you want to spend an all nighter with me just us alone stuck in this cramp little [Laughter] place hello hello go Cat and the Hat Wear you what’s up AIS should be crafting table in desert village I hope so I’m scared now though cuz oh oh gosh okay I think we’re good that Skelly came out of nowhere I swear uh how’s it going uh Aris welcome In O indeed indeed oh goodness oh here we go there’s enchanting stuff let’s go oh my gosh we have so many things we can make this into an enchanting table area yeah and isn’t this needed to like give them different jobs and everything yeah like he turns into barrels yes and we

Got barrels too so we got so many good things in this place okay okay all right uh okay just been enjoying uh Mario RPG in Persona 4 ooh Lucky Duck I never got to play either of those games cuz monies but it looks really cool I’ve been living by car through peeps

Okay all right I’m not seeing a crafting table anywhere though so far oh gosh okay control for some reason is to run and I keep wanting it to be shift see what book The Librarian has okay like the person with the he the Hat I’m assuming right with the fancy hat

How do I see what book he has enchanting book mending hey he’s got mending is that any I think that’s good right mending is pretty decent the story was 200 letters I think yes that’s true I forgot that YouTube limits it um which one do you like so

Far AIS you like Mario RPG or Persona 4 and midnight shares that DC over Marvel but either way I barely watch either of them right I I agree like if it was back in the day I feel like I would be a more DieHard fan about about one or the other

But as the time goes over I’m just like e you know they’re both super superhero movies to me that are like uh uh keep blck uh keep lock him in wait what how do I do that flash is my favorite uh Persona 4 is on Game Pass

Is oh salty don’t tell me that oh no Jester we got a dollar we got a dollar we got a dollar hey hey hey hey thank you so much for the 100 bits you absolute gem thank you so much thank you thank you thank you uh trade paper with him oh gracious hold

On there’s so many things going on okay hold on first things first um I need to get wood right first things first let’s get some wood um somehow I ran out I don’t know how but I did and then we’ll go from there yep sounds good sounds great sounds

Gucci cuz I need a crafting table and I need to get some food otherwise I’m going to die I almost died because I couldn’t heal so yeah buddy freaking skellies I hate them so much oh gracious uh how you doing Jester how’s the mes how the kids thank you midnight with the pigo

Yes oh no I don’t like this oh no not like this I don’t know how to get across here no I don’t want to go around fine we’re going around I’m not happy about it would you all have watched me play Persona cuz I really want to play Persona

4 like i’ I’ve never played a Persona series like do I need to play the other ones before I can move on with the series I don’t like this I am so nervous chat I am I don’t like This cuz that would be a fun series to throw in on variety Fridays you know or if I did like a bonus day I could do it that way as you mention unlike P five Persona has Persona 4 has control problems oh really okay thanks for heads

Up uh of course I will Emma’s cool for it all right perfect oh I just realized Chico added all the Christmas stuff around this one too I can’t run I can only Meander now oh gosh MH there’s the food there’s the wood and trees and things

Oh well I guess that’ll be our Paradise that’ll be our next buildup is going there oo indeed right boy indeed indeed indeed okay okay let’s go uh I’ll read up on chat as soon as like I get into a safe spot because I do

Not want to die I do not want to die I like this not like this still have so much I need to do so much I need to see places I need to think I just got a kitty cat stop it I don’t want the sand I don’t need your

Sand stop it stop it I stop it I don’t want the sand oh gracious sand doesn’t give no ish all right uh thank you for the ler midnight uh let’s see uh and or block him in a room so he can’t be killed oh shoot okay I like

Persona 5 Royale okay midnight seems to like it okay uh yeah I feel the same flash is my favorite yeah yeah Ming is definely good keep them locked in uh trade paper with him got it got it okay or and or block him in the room so he

Can’t be killed okay hard to say Persona has quite the story and Mario RPG is full of nostalgia for me oh that’s what I heard a lot of people like Mario RPG cuz it’s like such a throwback you know what I mean uh if you’re considering

Persona get them while you can uh they already removed uh five Royal and three and four have been in past for nearly a year oh dang okay good to know if you go wandering to look for wood the villagers will reset their trades oh well too late

It’s okay I have to survive I I can’t I can’t go another day without food uh thank you for the Epic as well uh I should mention I like I like the okay got it got it got it thank you BL uh have you see the one with love a

Dub story I haven’t that I made I I saw the I think I did yes with the love a dub story okay well I guess we’ll stay here for a little bit longer are you carrying rails Etc find a Chester Barrel the stash I’m working on it that’s what this is for see

Bam ink will be for later we got some cobblestones uh red sand what can I do with the hay bells I think you could just turn into regular hay right thank you as well gosh dang it I’ve had my inventory fill how many times 40 times a lady for my

Ly my sister fell asleep I think while watching you all I hope that’s a compliment I I never know how I want my vibes to be if I want it to be very chill and you know viby or if I want them to be like high energy and stuff

Like that you know what I mean I think we’re like I said we’re a little bit of chill a little bit of hype but we’re all the awesome Vibes that’s that’s how I describe it gracious toasty what is happening why are y’all being so crazy she passed out sleepy sis

A okay let’s go and craft this for some bread we got to get all the bread first hey get that bread yo get that bread bam a lady for my lady hi all right there we go we healed healed okay we also got cacti guess we don’t need the oak planks for

Now oh gracious there’s so many things I don’t know what to do with any of it okay we got to take the sugar cane we got to turn that into papers is it like this or is it yeah it is Bam got papers waking up early for

School is kicking her uh kicking her butt to sleep yeah I feel that all right there we go we got the oak stuffs I guess we can just keep making more hay bells right like there’s no reason not to oh gosh that’s the reason not

To I guess I’ll just do this until we get like a full stack of bread right that’s the that’s the meta need more paper for a trade gotcha gotcha well we got the farm still going at over at the other place which is good and I think I have a papers Farm going

Here how many papers do I need for the trade oh we got multiple breads now okay it’s fine try to turn it back into hay Bell or is it too late I don’t think I can turn it back to Hay Bell can I wait can I yes I can okay we’re

Good that could be bad there we go bam boom nailed it put that here put this here as like a St as a stationary whatevers and put that actually hold on that reminds me I got to sleep let’s sleep first and then we’ll go from there guess sleep o it

Gets dark so quickly I feel like ah like the days are going by faster and faster and faster cat cat who did he kill okay cat cat mitt who did you get somebody got got I know maybe because I needed to change the settings when I start person

Of four or because the controler doesn’t respond or takes my input twice or three times making me miss text maybe that’s why I’m crazy ah no you’re fine I for cats eat the chickens oh nor oh no oh no well uh that’s Zelda got uh OMG the time in

That game someone got a puppet from oh orar have time I’m assuming yeah okay perfect we got a furnace at least so oh gosh oh we also have a blast furnace that we can use too there we go bam Cham thank you chicken friend thank you for your

Sacrifice although this cat is you look how cute he is ah ah ah I want a clip of him gosh dang it hold on how do I well you guys get distracted with streamers bam we got 78 units let’s go GG’s friends GG’s thank you Raiders thanks for

Joining here well I I take a picture of my K CA C you guys enjoyed the stream Raiders yeah look at him vibing look at him being a l just vibing just a vibing oh no can I not oh no Chico how do I do this hold on hold on

Chico oh never mind I figured it out look at me look at me yes okay uh let’s see we come earlier oh yeah I feel that uh how do I save it saving mitt Minecraft saved beautiful ah I might post this later on Discord or something

Oh so cute I’ve never seen them do that before that is so hecking cute and also GG’s Raiders y’all crushed it y’all crushed it I see you Blue Beard I see y’all you see everybody I’m going to give it to loss cuz loss did some serious damage loss you did some damage

Friend thank you so much I appreciate it you go and Grant randoms bam e easy peasy lemon squeezy bam look at the little rodent with his little Pitchfork that’s so hecking cute is that cat Minecraft Morana from Persona 5 oh my gosh now that I see it I

Can unsee it okay all right we got to think about this we got to think about this I guess the priority should be is trying to get a ton of cows so I at least have a leather protection you took too long now the kitty cat’s gone that’s what

Happened cuz right now my current I don’t know so here’s my thoughts okay this is why I’m kind of gathering the the the the rail system is cuz eventually I want to connect these two worlds together in a place in a way where I don’t have to get deaded you

Know in the in the in the ways of doing this huh you were too long you took too long what is that is that is that okay Well oh my gosh you see the cat he just went Zoom he’s got the Zoomies going for it okay um things and things are hard okay uh okay I’m just trying to think strategically here would it make more sense for me to have a rail system above the ground or

Below cuz I keep going back and forth y’all know what I’m saying I feel like most people have their rail systems like underground like this you see what I’m saying and then they make a tunnel through that should we is that what we should do blow to avoid High St mobs

Okay I’m going to trust you caddy the only thing we need now is just Redstone though huh to actually make it a viable uh tunnel here right that’s what we’re missing okay that’s true I guess they could spawn huh on top of the world and such how did I run out of torches

Already uh depends on where the rail is going oh I wish I could break this in half I know there’s a way to break it in half there we go what to all my sticks did I put away all my torches all right hold on I almost

Forgot this makes me this area makes me think of a Moville in Mario RPG oh I’m so jealous how much was it by the way from Mario RPG what happened to the tree did I grab the tree I did not grab a tree well well well consequences of actions and all

That goodness I guess where did I put the tree set up here it is H I could have sworn I had a tree did I put it in a different place maybe I did I think I left it at my House who’s your favorite character uh oh we got an add hold on let meam I use the vouch craing hold on I’ll read that after the ad breaks okay I’m hoping I’m hoping upon a star that these things will start dropping their their stuff faster cuz good

Gravy good gravy this takes too long just kind of hang out here and wait for it there it is you know what I’m saying like like oh any minute now there it is okay cuz we got to start replacing got replace what we we what we chop choppy down you

Know oh wait that one didn’t fall down that’s why I didn’t do it oh okay then that makes more of a sense I feel like I should have a crafting table on me at all times from now on cuz I keep getting distracted and then I forget what I’m doing okay so here’s

What we’re doing we’re going to do I have these there we’re going to make some why did it put it there I don’t know why I thought it if I I did automatically it would but nope okay so we’re going to do this Ela welcome back

AR from the ad breaks um I use the vouch so around $40 instead of 60 oh nice lucky you that’s what I had to do with um tears of the kingdom and all that although ironically I haven’t been able to play that game ever since oh hold on

Emma what happened what happened with Emma uh I was trying to close the chat for a little and left the stream I got so sad I’m back finally yes welcome back Eva we missed You there we go okay so that’s falling down beautiful okay it’s crazy how many trees drop now can I join or not oh yeah uh real if you want to join uh do exclamation mark is it ad yeah exclamation mark ad add d uh to follow the instructions uh assuming you’re

Following can some one of the moderators do ex add in chat right now we’re doing hardcore mode but we will be switching it up in a little bit to um multiplayer in about 15 minutes I’m thinking let’s see how we’re doing on days day 20 hey yeah so there you go yeah this Helps I was so confused I know right I was like I hope Emma’s okay I assumed something had happened I was like oh she probably went time traveling again happens to the best of us honestly hear me out so we can go ahead and put

These bad boys over here like a like a like a like a like a let go beautiful and then do this like I said this is just placeholder stuff of what I’m trying to do why’ you do that um and then eventually we’re going to make this a proper rail system that actually

Functions all fancy and stuffs I know if you heard me uh real but do exclamation mark add add in chat if one of the mods um could put that please and thank you over on Twitch Side I just need to I just all right cool there you go uh there is the instruction is if you want to know how to play and join have that rule because we’ve had Griefers in the past and this is just helps uh so we don’t get trolls and any nonsense

Of course have a good one Aris you’re welcome to lur as always otherwise I appreciate your presence time traveling is better than leaving the stream that’s for sure true true okay um yes take care of yourself friend and try not to let the Goblins get you all right let’s

See okay I’m just kind of thinking out loud here how do we want to do this cuz this is my second home right here I’m just trying to think about what makes sense we could have lurin thank you fency thank you so much like that

Emote too it’s so sweet I just saw I’ve been eating bread cuz I ate ham and cheese wait have you been eating it without any ham and cheese or you’ve been eating bread with ham and cheese that reminds me Emma I have a I have a

Um a bread I need to eat with like the fancy butter stuff that I got from the grocery store I’ve been trying to find different ways to like stretch uh my dollars more and so I’ve been trying to do like meals I used to eat back in my day like

When I was a poor college student type of thing and so I’ve been getting creative with like trying to make foods like fun and exciting but like cost effective you know what I mean so it’s not I don’t get bored of it cuz I eat a

Lot of the same stuffs over and over again that’s pretty coste efficient but it does get annoying or boring at some point there’s only so much rice and beans you can eat you know what I mean or in this case I have a lot of burritos usually is what I have for

Dinner when I don’t know what else to eat I’m like well burritos are great or like some basic soup you know some soapas we should probably sleep hold on let me sleep first where’s my bed did I literally put my bed down oh my gosh I’m going to cry uh rip cat wait

Did the cat die where I didn’t see that no where was it five no mittens check your chat I don’t know how to check chat it’s in chat yes in the wall why no mittens no cat is dead a gosh dang it why was he on the wall

Ah that’s a chat for Mittens if someone wants to say some nice words about mittens mittens was the only friend I ever had in my life we lost him why does everything I love die no gosh dang it oh feels bad that actually feels bad forever in

Our hearts yes forever in our minds he warmed up his paws and our hearts oh gosh dang it I’ll have to make another Tombstone for mitt I the worst I’m the worst pet owner I’ve discovered I just I can’t be trusted in Minecraft I just can’t I think I’ve accidentally killed like at

Least one of every animal in this game I’m just the worst at this point just slowly it’s like slowly Pokemon collection Happening oh my gosh uh Rip the cat that was with us for a day and more we will miss you mittens the cat yes never forgetting rest in spaghetti mittens we’ll have to get a new one you know mittens was kind of chaotic he was not one for this

World oh I feel so bad I don’t know what to do with you now uh at least we have Frankie true we have Frankie yo Frankie we need to find the new mittens we lost mittens what who mittens you don’t know it but mittens was pretty

Awesome you know what to be fair mittens did eat the chicken so you know what maybe Frankie wouldn’t care Frankie don’t care about no backstabbing kitten okay the kitten had it coming he had it coming cuz he ate his friend the chicken so he’s got it you know Frankie looks

After his own he look after his Own M you got to be Kens he doesn’t care about no Mittens oh my gosh that’s how I picture Frankie would sound something like that yeah okay oh gracious I didn’t even see how he died either is there like did anyone get a clip of that maybey at least we have Frankie true you know Frankie’s never betrayed me he just made my life difficult

Frankie we friends mittens no Frankie we Rivals mittens yes Frankie ah Franky oh sad day the saddest of days GE it’s a sad day po one out per mittens here we go hold on gone but never from our Hearts there we are beautiful wonderful looking fantastic yeah okay you know we can make that work it’s not really what I was expecting or wanting but you know you know why it’s growing on me you know it’s growing on me it’s growing on me setup is growing on me you can kind

Of see like the the vision forming you know what I mean like the vision of the Minecraft stuff for in here Yeah this could be our home base right chair yeah that we have uh both at least we have one raw salmon okay I’m going to do one more day so we can get more fishes so we can get another mitt and then we’ll go from there yeah

Yeah yeah and then we’ll do multiplayer Who’s down for multiplayer any takers for multiplayer if I switch to multiplayer would anyone join Me Come on trying to be fancy dang it let me be fancy all these things are going through the walls Etc so crazy here let me make a let me make a let me make a thing in honor of Mittens yeah this is looking so pretty I like it uh I would join you cra you hello lovely can we get a shout out for CRA you please I would join you all right Caddy’s going to join any other take go anyone else want to join us on our uh multiplayer Miss

Adventures this is looking so good this is genuinely looking so good all right let me build a thing good to see you lovely my day is going good um kidos are a little sticky so that’s never fun um it’s great it’s lovely how’s life treating you though I hope you’re

Well a yeah it’s not fun if you guys don’t know this lovely Bean uh Crave You sincerely is the sweetest most genuine Bean on this planet we love and stand crave here hope we feel better yeah I hope so too I know they’re keeping their father’s uh very

Busy with the chaotic energy you know I appreciate that though I really do okay I keep telling myself to keep a crafting table on me at all times and yet here I am yeah here I am crafting tabless okay so here is what I’m feeling this is what I’m vibing I think we’re

Going to expand this a little further out yes faas H I’ve been all right just pain in the stomach oh no I hope it’s not I hate that though especially because it’s so you know you know what you need to do to help it but it’s like well doctors take

You serious is the other question you know I hope we get to the bottom of it though Richie welcome back thanks for the dance and friend thank you again for the raid earlier always makes me happy to see that familiar faces any any streamer Worth or green and salt will tell you

That regulars are everything like just seeing uh don’t get me wrong I love meeting new people I love making new friends it’s like one of my favorite energy like uh time things whatever you want to call it um but when you see an old friend come back and jump in you’re

Just like yeah I know that face I know that point makes my day all the better so thank you for being here uh I never had one so I’m not sure exactly but since since since push I got To there you go just cuz the mention of uh bodily fluids might be too much we try to keep it PG-13 is if that makes sense yeah yeah that’s okay I don’t want to make people screamish cuz I know some people get really scrimish with medical stuff that

Makes sense but if you have my Discord you can go into the details I’m trying to think of adding like a thing there for people who need to just vent or Whatever oh with the mention of p and Stuff yes yes yes yes thank you thank you Austin thanks for being here cuz then if I allow that then kids are like I can say PE PE poo poo and yeah it [Laughter] just so I’m just like I have to be strict with that because it’s like I if

I allow it then people like oh I’m not swearing I’m just saying poop see I’m just saying pee it’s like no no don’t worry about it moving on C I hope you feel better honey I really do I hope it’s not that from my understanding um um cuz I’m not a medical professional

Like it’s usually really obvious if it is a thing like usually doctors are able to figure out if it is hope that helps no potty language exactly [Laughter] exactly yeah Austin’s here Richie’s here let’s go we got the whole Community Going I’ll see myself out oh gosh dang it no we need you here oh goodness all right we’re doing good everything’s going great we’re doing fantastically awesome perfect we’re making progress I think I’m going to make a little staircase here and then we’re going to make a little thing here Beautiful this looks empty well it is a new world so that’s how it goes beautiful Tada I I would be concerned if it was filled with stuff because then at that point I would not be alone and then I might die patience exactly it’s looking really good though

I might add like a cool little thing here I think but beyond that I’m happy with how this is turning out you know what I mean maybe we can have like a path here hav’t decided yet haven’t decided yet you know how I want this to be

Shapen H maybe eventually we will I feel like that’s mostly for like looks and stuffs you know okay let me quickly get cobblestone and let’s go hi chica hunt welcome in oh my gosh with the five stream streak let’s go thank you appreciate you so much can we get a

Shout out for hunt train please hold on I wanted to make a tribute first before it gets any later uh where should I put it we’ll put a tribute right over here I think here you go this is for the kitty cat for off Windam there you go right kitty cat

We’ll put a proper thing Frankie is the best Scotta or chicken no it’s not Frankie it was um it was mittens there you go I in chat for Mittens please and thanks F in chat yes never forgety R and spaghetti did we get a shout out for a

Hunt train uh Durkins or any other mods please and thank you thank you so much for supporting the stream whether you guys are vibing work lurking while working all the things welcome back for Mad break thank you thank you so much for supports thank Co thank

You we love hun we love hun train here is he still here I don’t know if I doesn’t say I can’t shout you out but we were there oh well we tried we tried to give him a loves there it is okay I was like why didn’t it let me show you up

I’ve noticed that with twitch lately if people don’t talk it won’t let me give them a shies it’s so weird a thanks for trying Austin I was thinking about opening applications for mod thank you yes I know we need some we we’ve got a good team but like making

Schedules like work better you know what I mean it’s kind of a tricker all right chat should we do one more day or should we go into the multiplayer multi player or one more day what do y’all Think cuz I can go either way I’m happy with one or the other y’all let me know uh just so you know real if you want to join you have to make sure um that you’re following number one and that you um um and then you follow the instructions in the

Chat thank you for the shout out of course we we support our friends here there you go bam it says one to two days but it’s supposed to be 1 to two hours not days but it’s okay just cuz we’ve had a lot of Griefers in the past Before Interesting I’m nervous about this like I’m genuinely nervous about this but it’s looking good it’s look looking really good for this oo let’s go I’m just scared that if I start if I start bearing in here is this going to take us anywhere oh we got a new recipe Oo my inventory is full as per usual I know No oh my gracious I try so hard as said chat inventory is full no it’s fine it’s fine didn’t I have some I thought I had some things so I could empty it to be fair okay there’s multiple terracotta okay I was framed here oh gracious if one of the moderators want

To handle that person when they get back I’d appreciate it just be like okay listen I understand you have the things so just you have to redeem the thing I just don’t feel like dealing with it today I’m just like H instructions are so obvious listen please try my Best is full again gosh dang it okay you what here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to put all the Terra Cotta in herez that makes sense in my brain right yes very yes this will be the Terracotta and fancy stuff and I’ll organize it better later but for now

We’ll do like this you know for all the multiple different terra cotta I love how this says white terra cotta but it’s clearly not doing with trolls is too much for real for real it wouldn’t be too bad but like when I’m on PC like doing hardcore it’s like my I can’t

Focus you know I’m still here just saying hey no you’re fine Emma thanks for being here by the way and yeah I’m glad YouTube is going really chill so far cuz my gracious I don’t have I can handle another day of YouTube being weird there’s weird and then there’s there’s

Trolls and there’s weird some reason I tend to scare them off true whenever you show up you’re just like they’re just like ah right off whenever you’re whenever I feel like it’s whenever like the mods are gone is when like the weird people just come out of the Woodworks I don’t know

Why but then as soon as Ms are here they’re like they’re on their best behavior you know what I mean all hype all the Hypes yes it’s Weir than there’s me what are you talking about you’re not weird you’re just different oh wait do I have to convert

It oh wait we have to convert it first hold on we got to convert this to Sandstone first okay let me do this bam there we go there we go and now let’s try this now let’s try this again shall we B also chica Sans not regular S I [Laughter] know I noticed this a little too little too late I was like wait wait a second wait a minute listen I am good at video games okay you just don’t know how good I am I also don’t know why I turned into stairs

I think oh it’s because of this this is why I did stairs Oo we got 71 units I don’t know why I did it twice but let’s go hold on let me give yall uh one final stream raer thing before we switch on over to multiplayer so if y’all want to

Join make sure you load up your PCS Xboxes 360s no scopes uh switches whatever you play on uh cuz it is multiplayer it is on Bedrock Edition just cuz it’s easier for multiplayer Etc just make sure you read the chat for instruction is oh Goodness I like this one I like this song A Lot Here we go hey we won let’s go GG’s Raiders y’all make it look look easy GG’s oh goodness I’m GL I’m glad you guys are enjoying the stream Raiders though it’s a really fun little mini Game all right where do I put you I don’t even know anymore there we go okay it looked like it was reded out like I couldn’t place it down we’re good we’re good we’re fine that’s fine everything’s fine eventually I really want to get a transition like but my thing is like

Even though I do like my background I do want to change it one more time I feel like that one will be like my longterm one that I want to do I was thinking about going for like a blue and white aesthetic instead of um the like don’t be wrong I like the

Rainbow like Latina fire fago type of thing going on but I feel like for me I feel like my longterm is like I really like blue and white those are like my favorite colors growing up so to speak I kind of picked this as like a a start of

A new dawn if that makes sense like reborn by the fire if that makes which I really really like but I feel like long term I want to change it for something a little bit cooler you know um with the aesthetic at least okay hold on I got an idea hold on

Check this out chat look at me big brain about to happen y’all about to see it live look at this big brain energy why did it do that okay come on don’t do me like this game come on I’m trying to be I’m trying to be fancy

I’m trying to show off to my friends okay don’t make me look lame here we go bam now we got a chest right here all right watch this watch this we’re going to get organized we’re going to get our life together chat we’re going to get ourselves

Organized Bam Bam here we go okay and then hey Bells we still need for foods and stuff we still need a fish oh I just remember that for Mittens I feel so bad for Mittens I genuinely feel so bad though I’m so scared this is going to

Get caved in on me though like I generally am scared it’s going to get caved in on me I hope we don’t die hope we don’t die I can’t tell if it’s daytime or nighttime yet I guess there’s only one way to find out right we can just try to

Sleep we try to sleep and see what happens or not I didn’t want to sleep anyways I guess okay we’ll keep that there for now so here’s what I’m thinking uh can wait can Sansone collapse I don’t think so but but it looks like it could

Doesn’t it like my brain like my I know it probably can’t but my brain’s like no this is going to collapse any minute now this is not look this does not look like it’s going to it doesn’t look very sturdy uh what do you thinking okay oh yeah Le Hest yeah yeah

So uh what I’m vibing with is I’m thinking for this setup we can have an underground tunnel that leads to and from the two different bases and then as we build out the World As We explore the world we can like build the tunnel system bigger and bigger and then

Eventually if I dare I might go and make another tunnel system teleporter thing if we can get to that point but I feel like that’ll be like once I get to a thousand uh days in this world if I ever do I I hope I you know what I’m going to

I’m going to say that into the universe okay once we get to a thousand days in this in this world we will we will have hopefully a fully functional nether system but to be honest I feel like even in normal survival I get absolutely blasted in the nether so I’m

Really scared to go into The Nether it might take me like full diamond armor before I even dare stick a single foot in the nether especially cuz I discovered the hard way that apparently like apparently you can um oh I put all stuff oh right here okay

Apparently you can spawn in a nether that’s literally just fire like just straight up fire below you which is just so unfair can you imagine like you’re playing hardcore mode and you’re like oh I’m going to go to the Nether and you just walk out there and then you fall to

Your death like I feel like that did happen to me like I think that happened to me and the other survival world where we were we were playing and then I ran ran out into the fire and I died or somebody died I it was just like

What the heck and that was the first time I’ve been in probably maybe like a hundred different nether portals and not single one of them have have done that so I was I was genuinely surprised that that could be a thing to blow off my

Steam I like to go into The Nether and blow up beds just yourself right we or sorry fle right I Hope H that’s happened to me uh a couple times I always shift when I go through the portal yeah yeah like the fact that Minecraft is like by the way it might spawn in front of a death trap who knows good [Laughter] luck it’s like it’s such a troll move by

The developers but you know it it it makes sense it makes sense that it could happen you know cuz it spawns anywhere I don’t even know if they realize that that happens but intentional consequence or not it’s pretty hilarious all right there there you go okay so next time I

Think for this world I think my next vision is to keep working on the tunnel and hopefully we can um get a new friend get some fishes I wish I could do some farming off stream but I I’m so scared if I try to I swear I’m going to die you

Know I feel like that that’ll happen to me like I’ll die off stream like a part of me wants to do like the boring stuff but the other part of me is like ah I’m so concerned you know know I never know so yeah thank you everybody for watching my hardcore world

I think we are on day 23 Let’s Go 23 poggers it’s awesome I will keep playing uh but we are switching over to mplayer if anyone wants to join I will be continuing the hardcore play through on Thursday over on YouTube exclusively on YouTube for now yeah thank you all the

Hypes yes let’s go all right let’s save and quit and we’ll get back to it oh I’m so excited pyromaniac shares fun facts with Pyro it’s not illegal to spell macaroni as macaranga but this is balone technically should be [Laughter] fonga I see what you did there I love it

I love it hold on fire I don’t know if it counts as a joke but I’m counting it as a joke how have you been how was your weekend uh let’s see Die Hard cubby shares blowing up beds in the nether is so much more rewarding than Dynamite is

It I’ve never done it before should we try it sometime I kind of want to see like how crazy it is it is hey can someone give me water please all right friends we’re switching on over moving on up if anyone wants to join let me

Know let me know oh the timer is back hey look we got the timer I’ll leave it H oh my kid kicked me in the face today and I’ve got a fat lip so it’s been a day oh my gosh is there a story behind

This I hope it was an accident all right I’m online for once cuz chat I’m going to be honest okay hear me out I know we have variety Fridays right but like there’s so many games like I want to play Phoenix Right Ace Attorney Trilogy I want to play a good

Story game kind of like even though I know it wasn’t the most like popular game like the viewership Etc well the viewership was okay it was like hit or miss I don’t really pay attention too closely but like the chat at least was kind of dead when I played um what was

The other game um the the Dark Souls game but I genuinely want to experience story games with y’all if that makes sense so it’s just like I really want to play games like Phoenix Wright or Persona 4 or in this case Persona 5 Etc cuz like whatever is available on Game Pass or

Whatever cuz it’s like I I love all these type of games I do like Minecraft I genuinely do but at the same time it’s like I also love a good story I also love a good platformer I love a good challenge like a a Souls light game is

Also just as much my up my alley as Minecraft Is ah he’s just two and didn’t want to put on pants Oh My Gosh the terrible twos do you have just the one kiddo I’m assuming or do you have more I’ve got two my save they they are hand it’s so funny cuz at least in my

Experience and from what I’ve seen um in my experience just my viewpoint of the small little world we live in um I feel like boys typically are like a lot more easier babies but then when they get when they get a moving the tables turn so quickly I hope

You’re okay though pyro I hope it’s not too bad if if it was I hope that the stream can help you relax and uh you know decompressed from such a stressful day being a parent is no no joke it really is a hard hard um hard thing just the

One my wife wanted to at first before she realized this dude is a demon you know accurate I feel that when I was younger I wanted four kids now I’m like you know what I have one boy one girl that’s that’s the perfect set we’re good I’m good we’re good I’m done you

Know cuz then once you get to a third then you’re like oh no what if I have a boy and a girl and then you have another boy or another girl then you have a fourth but then what if you end up with three and then one and it’s like the

Dynamic is all you know shot at that point not that I care like I feel like if you have kids it doesn’t really matter necessarily it’s just like um if you get one of one gender or the other or whatever it doesn’t matter um you can just reuse stuff a lot easier although

To be fair like as a baby I reuse a lot of my daughter’s stuff for my son cuz it’s like they don’t care they don’t care my cousin has seven and I really don’t know how she seven gracious that’s a that’s a Full House right there she

She but yeah I I I I love my kids and honestly having my for baby toasty is like more than enough for me he he’s he’s probably equal to like three kiddos so I am I am happy or two kiddos really like when you think about it like I am

Happy good for them but man right good Heavens I mean I try not to judge uh parents of their decisions within reason obviously if they’re not doing anything illegal I’m like hey you know what you know what maybe they just vibing maybe they just you know how the

Reason uh imagine oh my gosh now that I watched this short um um about the grocery bills maybe I really want to do like a reaction Thursday a reaction whatever day or something and then like the beginning of the stream we can have like clips that

Y’all send me and I can react to them um I think it’d be so much fun but there was one that I saw that made me laugh so hard it was basically what was it it was um also let me know what world we should play today Mr pick

World um chica’s chill world oh that’s my multi that’s my single player world isn’t it yeah yeah yeah okay I don’t know if I feel like doing celebrate today though to be on tbh tbh cuz I feel like there’s just clean up in there and I’m like I don’t want to just

Clean up I want to do something fun Okay so we’ve got all right you guys can pick quickly um which World music is a little ominous omous even really it is it really do be all do all right Sakura challenge or uh awesome World there we go all right I’ll give

You guys uh three minut toes thank you dur uh let’s see the age range is from like 14 to 4 months shees yo what’s up Q welcome back or if you’ve been lurking I appreciate it wait can Sandstone collapse I don’t know I don’t know um

Let’s see caddy shares I have four and about losing my crap I would die with anymore right caddy may I ask are they uh boy girls Etc awesome very awesome indeed all right make sure to vote um let me post it as well I guess if you if yall

Are on YouTube if you guys want to just vote as well uh in the chat if that works easier so there’s um the awesome world oh I’m assuming you’re saying awesome as an awesome world right hey real thank you for the B three girls one boy ages 3 to 11 oh

Sheesh okay yeah yeah okay so we got one vote on YouTube for the awesome World any other takers thank you for the bitty but yeah long story short you’re good just make sure you read the instructions how to join there should be a redeem I don’t know if I’ve added you already I

Honestly don’t remember your name or anything so just make sure you redeemed the friend me please yeah yeah otherwise yeah you you should be able to join off my name I hope that helps are the kids from In Utero that’s some crazy luck to have two set twins my

Little dude keeps yelling at me whenever I call him things other than his name a let’s see who’s winning so far let’s see yeah all right sounds good sounds Gucci so far awesome world is winning just by a little bit though so it could go either way it could go either way

Friends uh the four girls are both Twins age range like 14 to 4 months sh imagine the grocery bill but yeah the grocery bill like it was a it was a funny clip about grocery shopping and oh my gosh it was so real I loved it so

Much I don’t know if it’s appropriate well it wasn’t too bad I don’t think the cussing was too terrible but it was so hilarious it was so relatable with the grocery bill it’s I used to be able to like Chico and I were very frugal back

In the day and so I used to be able to like live like supporting myself and you know my one to two kids for like 50 bucks a week uh what’s the timer for for when something will explode the a giant firework work will explode all over I

Don’t know it’s a timer for my stream withon but I’ve kind of I think Chico turned it back on and it’s just there for now forever oh no the the stream will self-destruct in 34 seconds H are the kids all right there are twins all over the side of my family

Apparently oh snap that’s some crazy odds yeah I’ve heard of that happening all right so I think awesome world was winning so far awesome world yes all right let’s switch on over to the awesome World woo $50 a week I spend that on a midday [Laughter]

Snack you know what you’re just a good dad caddy that’s what it means there’s a bunch of fireworks outside my house hey look at that see I told you I told you there’s going to be fireworks it’s just I didn’t tell you where or [Laughter] when that’s hilarious that what are the

Odds cute that’s so funny yeah now it’s like I in one trip I spend $50 at least at least $50 and that’s me like I am Mother Teresa cuz I be doing Miracles with these freaking receipts okay like and I still can’t I still cannot I can’t it’s ridiculous oh gracious but that

Avocado toast dang it it’s like I’ve never even had avocado toast I’m missing out on this man that being said I don’t mind it like it makes me more grateful for what I do spend my money on if that makes sense like I’m a lot pickier with what I spend my money

On but then I’m a lot happier with what we do have the timer is your stream raer battle oh yes yes so there’s two timers so we got this one right here you see this one Cham it was it did have a timer if someone does a bit or something it’ll

Go back up um and then we also have the stream Raiders so this is for stream Raiders which is the fun little mini game and I don’t know if we have that do we have that command here on YouTube let’s find out um nope no Commander okay oh no we do

Okay so that’s for stream Raiders if you wanted to join Emma it’s like a fun little mini game you can do it on mobile or PC and then um and then this timer is for streamers and then this timer is for my sub streamon subathon and streamon that I

Did um to celebrate my stream aniversary and then also we just did it just for fun because I never did an uncap stream withon before all right also real what is your Gamertag by the way all right Q’s in let’s go oh we got bamboo last time that’s right oh snap we got

Bamboo got s’mores we got marshmallow got toast we got Hershey we got so many tacos honestly I can’t wait till they get can you imagine them with the little outfits you know I’m going to have like I’m going to have like a doggo I’m going to name him Sparky or something really fun

And and then I’m going to take them out fighting with me and see if if they actually are viable when they get their armor what is it called skes I think is what they is all right I try to remember what we were working on in this world

Honestly like there’s so many things I’ve already completed that I’m like What’s the next thing I need to work on I like this sign though I think that turned out really cool I do know I want to eventually change this um ashes 5601 okay so I don’t think I’ve

Added you yet so do me a favor friend um you should have actually because I think you did some bits I don’t know um you should be able to click on the tacos on the bottom of the chat over on Twitch if you scroll down till you see

The giant pink one I think it’s the only pink one not the purple or other one the one that says friend me please you click on that and then I will add you then that make sense I hope that helps yeah uh Subs get extra points per

Minute otherwise you just hang out relax Vibe with chat just cuz I got to make sure you can listen to instructions and that you know you’re good fit for the community I know there was something we were working on like I legit remember we were working on something weren’t we

That’s going to bother me now like I remember we were like we’re going to go mining and stuff right yeah cuz I have all these Stone axes for some reason there was something I was working on there’s got to be something I was working on my brain is like an onion I only

Remember so little on the top of the surface until I dig deep and peel through the layers A I love that little emo with the heart much love Emma thanks for being here thank you everybody for being here thank you makes me super super happy to see so many familiar faces and

New faces everywhere in between oh that reminds me that real thank you thank you for all the Bitties 14 Bitties now let’s go okay we could I’m just thinking out loud here I think last time we were exploring is what we were doing thank for the 14 bits

Thank you you’re just the awesomeness my cup is now full let’s go my cup is now full and my heart and saay with my heart you y’all have melted this Frozen Heart of Mine mm chica what’s the best build you’ve done in Minecraft ooh honestly like okay so it’s a tie in my

Opinion I’m really proud of myself for like the giant U I did like a giant snowman it turned out really cute I’m also pretty proud of like the builds I did in the creative for for um for Mr Man like I’m really really happy with the Marshall

Especially cuz like I had to create half of it like just in my head um I had like a couple references but myself and my friend like kind of put that all together I would say if it counts I would say this is probably one of my best builds I’ve done and then

Probably my second best build that I’ve done and then my top best build I would say is my giant um mansion that I did in my in my server um slrm it was really pretty like it was really really cool the first time I did like something that big and I think we

Called it like kased chica cats or whatever is the name of the of the world that we were going to call it and it had like just like a typical you know opening stuff like that a really impressive staircase it had a popcorn machine it had all these other little

Details and then I also buil two H uh rooms with the help of buoy I think it was and we had one room that was like a race car bed and then another one that was like pink and really cutesy it just turned out so cute and we were working

On finishing up the Master’s uh Suite aka the primary bedroom um and I don’t know I was just really really happy with that world all in general but I would say probably a tie between that world and this one okay just trying to think of what I

Want to do next cuz there’s so many things I could do but I’m wondering if we should maybe go to the nether cuz we haven’t really done the nether in this world I think we did beat the Ender Dragon but I don’t know have we beat the Ender

Dragon I’m assuming we have because we have these we’ve beaten the Ender Dragon before cuz we do have elytras right and I’m assuming good evening sity welcome how’s it going good evening friend I got to make sure to keep an eye out on the on the things here have a broken shout

Out if it works it won’t let me there he is everyone say hi to Sanity on the on the on both sides of things uh hello there aidus welcome in welcome welcome I think I remember you before how’s your weekend been if you guys don’t know sanity change that immediately amazing

Builder it’s build so many cooler things than me but like I said I mostly do survival um I would say that’s the coolest thing I’ve built I haven’t touched Redstone yet hey for real let’s go thank you for the bits again and congrats on the

Redeem okay not too good I just got sick oh no not you too everyone’s been getting sick all right here this is for anyone that might be getting uh the stickies how good is the word gz gez Works here’s for Comfort Coco Comfort tea uh whatever yall need to feel better

I I really do hope I I’m getting over my sickness too on my end so I feel that in my in my in my in my gut I hope you feel better soon though that’s no fun yeah I think G’s works I don’t think G’s is offensive all

Right all right talk to me a favor please um obviously no griefing No Stealing are you going to be able to have the stream open if you join me I guess we could also work on farms we should look for a village would be the next thing we work on tbh

Tbh yes okay I’ll be checking in on occasion just cuz I didn’t really care so much but I feel like any time we have problems it’s literally with people who don’t have the stream open how to join uh do exclamation mark a d aidus oh look at that smooth Landing that was

Beautiful there you go okay all right beautiful all right my gamertag by the way is chica to awesome same as my everything same as my twitch same as everywhere else um it would help me if you added me just so it’s faster oh hold on a man okay ashes 56 I guess I can move it to here although I don’t think it really matters cuz I feel like people’s gamertags get shown anyways hold on here we Go hey there you is okay yeah you know the rules I guess we should have caddy um would you or somebody be willing to help me make some rules for the for the spawn that way people know what they’re doing that was an awesome Landing thank you Billy I’m trying I’m practicing my

My my flying skills so to speak there we are okay there I have invited you but you should be able to join off my name either way just make sure you always ask before your join and have the stream open multiple reasons where you wanting at spawn uh

Just the list remember how we have the list of rules at the awesome at the other world I was thinking we could have some here so people know the rules I was thinking about putting it right here this is the school for them to get learned and we’re going to put

All the rulle signs here cuz I can do it but it might take forever cuz I’m on keyboard and not keyboard I’m on controller and it’s really slow it’s not the most efficient way to make rules you know oh this music though how many rules do we have I’m

Trying to remember all the rules that we had in the other one cuz it was pretty comprehensive it was a really good I was pretty happy here we I put kid bed okay sounds good um St all their mobs like the fire sounds good caddy good luck you’ve got this everyone

Salute cadd you you’re going to do awesome dad you got [Laughter] it if you can slay in Minecraft you can slay in real life you got this sorry I left for a sec no you’re good okay but yeah basically um the number I would say like obvious things no no

Griefing by griefing I also mean like people who like want attention just constantly like throwing themselves off of bridges and stuff please don’t do that yeah also I think we got q and catty that was joining us tonight so so far we got two peep so far [Applause]

Oh I need one more I need one more Set all right have he going to watch the upcoming Wonka movie oh welcome back by the way midnight I I don’t know about that what do y’all think about that while while I’m doing the rules y y’all can get entertainment from the battles thank you for the 71 units let’s

Go man y’all are crushing it thank you friends appreciate lurus as well for Pigeon in oh we got a friend that just joined us is that Ash hold on hey let’s go ashes welcome in I may I may not I’m not I don’t know how I feel

About it isn’t it an orang story that’s what I’ve heard hey Q welcome oh Q’s in and we also got ashes here too everyone say hello had to carry my little sister to her bed a that’s so cute oh they’re real welcome welcome oh we lost him no come back and he

Died it’s musical so I don’t know is it a musical oh no I I okay listen I like musicals but I don’t know about it in movies you know what I mean unless it’s Disney I’m like really apprehensive I’m just like I don’t I actually like Musicals A

Lot Shan let’s go welcome in by the way um how you doing let me give you let me give you this my friend you deserve it where is you there you is thank you by the way for everyone who comments and likes on my videos I do see them and I

It really makes my day to see them I genuinely appreciate it welcome back from the ad break welcome in trying to decide which direction I want to go we’re going to go this way 1.07k Subs yes we’re doing so awesome um I thought about it and the more time

That goes on the more I’m like you know what maybe I’m just going to take it easy for the other half of hitting partnership you know what I mean with the watch time I don’t want to stress about it too much it’ll happen when it happens you

Know what I mean but uh doing the streams uh does help a lot so I appreciate those who’ve been joining in on the YouTube streams especially thank you thank you all so much um yeah it’s been nice why isn’t it letting me do this hold on uh ashes are you having like bad

Connection is that what’s happening awesome Victory yes I can’t tell if they’re having like bad connections or not are they in this chat still hope they’re doing good hey I’m go early again a sounds good Q hope you have a good night here I always forget that you’re

Also content creator over here let me give you a shotties Declan welcome hold on Q let me give you a shies if it let me there you are okay if you guys don’t know Q Luxy uh q w l u x y if you will uh they also do have um a YouTube

Channel you all can support them for free by subbing I can get here I can hear but not type without getting out oh no okay that makes sense H all right it’s fine what you could do um is you can type in the game for now

If that makes sense and we’ll make that work I’m trusting you I’m trusting you real well how’s it going Dean uh no griefin thank you uh dur can you do me a favor can you click on their profile and pull up their actual like stream stuff if that makes

Sense oh gracious hold on where’s the things oh chat we’re at 13 likes on YouTube let’s go thank you thank you all so much hold on let’s do oh gosh I already have that song I don’t the song I don’t want that song There we go now this one now this

One this is a classic sorry L on no you’re fine hope everyone’s good I’m doing okay Dean yeah we’re we’re still um pursuing the partnership Etc oh gracious see that’s the that’s my Toasties he’s going he’s going bom ERS um kidos and I were really sick so I had

To take off a couple days no griefin no Stealing No Stealing well you know what I’m just going to keep it one line each yeah all right hi there okay yeah yeah um if you want Ash let’s go sleep here I guess only one person has to sleep at a time a honestly it’s been a a

Few weeks arguably the toughest few weeks of my life oh no that is such a Vibe a let’s go thank you Austin you’re so Austin you’re the best I’m so happy we met honestly I’ve met so many amazing friends here over on Twitch and otherwise and I’m genuinely

So grateful for it like I’m glad I didn’t quit like I mean I never intended to but like I’m I’m glad I kept at it because if I if I did retire I guess I GL I didn’t retire I guess is the word um and then I kept at it because I feel

Like you know we got a good we’ve got a good crew here we got a good solid group of awesome friends and I feel like we’re just going to get better from here right more awesome if you will all righty so here’s my question oh Ash is careful mad lad here you

Go uh would you where would you like to build Do you want to build uh you can build that spawn if you want I guess which is over here in in the in this place you want to build here or you could build in the mountains Over Yonder

Or in the oceans that’s kind of the main areas we have we got the fields in this area we’ve got the ocean which is further to the west and and we’ve got you want to build here okay just make sure you build probably more like around here if that’s

Okay does that work for you that’s bad I can’t even tell people the specific details oh really that bad oh no I’m sorry like I’m genuinely so sorry like I don’t know why I almost cried for you dein but I hope it’s not something too terribly serious but even if it is um

Thank you for being here still um I know I probably don’t know even half of what you’re going through but whatever it is I hope our stream can be um our stream well it is it’s it’s not just my stream if it was just my stream y’all wouldn’t

Be talking right y’all are just about as much of part of the stream as I am don’t get it twisted you know what I mean but I really really genely hope that um things get better for you my friend like I I keep considering creating like a vent

Channel um in the Discord but I don’t know I feel like that’ll lead like to some not a mesh but like a uh there’s a fancy word for it what is the term chat where people are like uh the fake relationships you know what I’m talking about I don’t want

That I want genuine friendships and connections not not the ones that I’m like I don’t even know you and you’re like you’re just like hi you’re my favorite person ever and I’m going to adopt you as my sister and you’re like what is happening I’ve had people do that before

And it’s like so uncomfortable what’s that word for oh we lost ashes again feels bad man hopefully I can enjoy the Halls yeah it should be sorted sometime next week hopefully oh that’s good that’s good that’s good I’ll be sending all good energy joing my thoughts genuinely

But yeah like I said before I really hope that this place can be a reprieve from the world like cuz I’m not naive to think that everything is hunky dory in fact quite the opposite I know that the life worlds and life can suck um and that’s honestly why I started is cuz

Like I knew that things were rough in one way or another cat dromic how have you been I missed you so much friends I I’ll always pop in yes of course yes we appreciate it friend thank you like I said once we get the partnership um over on YouTube so I’m

Hoping we can remove the midr ads at least on Twitch um and then y’all can Vibe you know no pressures for subscriptions although I still will try to give out subscriptions whenever I can at least on a weekly basis I try to give out at least one sub

Uh for regulars and stuff like that you’re just chilling I feel that I Vibe it understand it respect it okay hold on where did Ash go I think we lost Ash Ash you got to come back you got to get some food friend yeah caddy I don’t know where you is but

Welcome back by the way we probably should make stairs here I just realized this that should be a thing we should have but you know what uh then’s a lot of potatoes that’s a lot of potatoes hello how are you I have something for you check this out got

Some bread I don’t got a lot of bread but I got some bread to break with you there here get some bread bread yes welcome in you excited for the holiday season uh question of the day is do you like Marvel or DC more I feel

Like growing up I was a bigger fan of DC but then as I got older I’ve started to like um I started to like um DC more but like when I say that I mostly mean the cartoon Universe more more than anything else if that makes sense wonder if anyone’s ever thought of

To build an elevators yes I’ve seen those I know exactly what you’re talking about yes I’ve seen that I really wanted to make it someone’s made like an automatic elevator before did it not oh my gosh here you you get this here please just drop the bed drop the

Bed there you go there you go you have some food I’ve seen that so somebody made like an escalator before and you can make it work up here where it goes like can I have some bread you got it music what kind of bread you want we got Panini bread we got basic

Bread we got rye bread you name it got it welcome in by the way um let’s see uh villager trading Halls are a pain in the butt I’ve had to color cord uh carpet then group certain enchantments books with seven carpet colors good job I have good memory hey there you go hey

You know what I don’t remember anything again I would forget my I would forget my head if it wasn’t attached to my rest of my body Peter bread ooh classic that’s a good one that’s a good one not too many people pick Peter bread to be honest so

Everyone welcome in the new friend uh let’s see Emma shares on YouTube potatoes are yummy I think in real life that your friend gives you think about it in real life if your friend gives you 21 bread can you imagine they just have like a stack of

Bread how do you know someone’s Rich cuz they like just give you a whole slab of bread I’ll take some Scottish bread I’ve never had that before I need more details on this Scottish bread but yeah I’m doing pretty good um how am I say your name Hassam music am I saying that

Correct stack that bread just stack some fun breads I love it okay what happened to you did I put it away well it’s a good thing I have this thing ham ham who Sam am I saying that correct who Sam who Sam music interesting welcome nice to meet you who

Sam music I’m going to call you music for short though cuz otherwise I will I will probably butcher it music beautifully done ex executed all right friends I think you know wait don’t you just throw bread at your friends wait you don’t just throw bread at your friends you should always have

Like 50 loaves in your pocket that’s going to be the new like when people ask how rich are you just be like oh you rich rich because you have you can spend like 50 bucks on bread that’s how you know they’re rich I have to go got to wake up about 8

Tomorrow oh really on a weekend that sucks but I hope you have a wonderful evening friend we appreciate you you’re welcome to lur as always midnight thank you so much for being here you’re an absolute gem guys go follow midnight Bloom we love and appreciate her

Here um I hope to see you again next week I’ll be streaming probably on YouTube on Thursday I think is the plan yes yes all right friends should we go to the nether then uh call me who Sam I don’t me if it’s not exact but no English n speaker

Get it exact right anyways Fair that’s fair I’ll try my best I’ll try my best I just don’t want to feel like I say something accidentally offensive in a different language to be honest uh thank you for the follow music and now the awesome music

Or I appreciate it can I join you in your world um I think the problem we had is that you weren’t able to talk though was the other issue with that world right that’s my only concern uh friend hey you want some bread me sure gives my friend gives a

Lot of bread wait was that a oh I almost attacked him um you have like 50 loves in your pocket uh hey he wants to bread me sure a friend gives 21 bread there is that me that’s a lot of bread I’m guessing you do music are you

Also a streamer or are you just a Viber or viewer I guess I like to call them viers because they just kind of vibe you know oh Richie thank you oh yeah but I can listen okay thank you yes guys make sure your Vibes are in check make sure you get your

Posture get them stretchies all the good things thank you Richie you’re the sweetest such a good Bean oh my gosh I remember now why I didn’t go into The Nether oh gracious that looks so dangerous ah hold on stop it stop it y’all are so mean there you go they’re attacking each

Other I was trying to satify the nether that’s why that’s what I wanted to do we’re going to satify the nether cuz I was like okay what are the state of things I was like oh it’s bad it’s really bad like really really bad the skellies

I know there’s so many I was prepared for death but like holy that’s a lot but my back oh oh my back okay the the nether is still not properly tamed it’s still ridiculous run fight height yes run fight height yes oh that shot though

Oh they call me snipy mgee in a past life I’m I’m just kidding nobody did but they could have you never know get sniped okay beautiful how did you get there what how did you not die I guess it wasn’t blown all the way oh no ashes

Died I do want to go explore the nether though cuz I haven’t done that in a hot while Pro was chilling before you killed him bro was chilling listen he had it coming he had the Shifty eyes okay yeah that’s what all I’m a do that’s what I’m

A do someone gave Carl a hug Oh yay Carl got a hug can some ex me joke oh hello something’s attacking something’s happening here what is happening here why is happening here there we are Cham look at us making progress uh I hope you understand player

I’m going to sleep here don’t forget if someone sleeps at night then we don’t have to worry about mobs and it’s a lot easier to not die what is that emote durch I don’t know how I feel if it’s blur or cursed bless or cursed chica being brave killing the zombie piglins

Luckily uh luckily there wasn’t a lot around oh that’s true the zombie piglins will attack you don’t they they attacking groups you know what it’s fine I knew what I was doing right maybe oh chat we’re at 15 likes over on YouTube thank y’all so much y’all are so

Nice uh okay I did that and Richie I did that perfect all right look at me getting things done being an adult and all the good things feels good okay so the nether is is a literally an on fire hellscape um so we’re going to we’re going to tame

The nether as as it were conquer the nether uh question of the day which one is Spider-Man and that probably is the one I’d go for I think that’s Marvel Marvel is uh Spider-Man although didn’t DC own Spider-Man at one point yeah I think it’s a quick trick TW TW question twet

Question I think he started with DC am I crazy yeah Spider-Man was DC could someone confirm or deny this any other um comic Buffs know if it was I think growing up I’m pretty sure I remember uh Spider-Man was DC and then it became Marvel but yeah Spider-Man is the goat he really

Is having a gold sword doesn’t count as gold though right for like where stuff so let me why do I have my that’s why I have it because of my thing okay it’s all coming together okay yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay okay okay I wish we had a

Thing where we could put this stuff all away with the click of the button all right listen Minecraft how we played for like what how many years and we can’t put things back automatically like like freaking stardew Valley has it why don’t we have an option that allows us to to

Stack it on you know what I think that’s the next thing I’m going to say for improvement be like listen Minecraft I need you to do me a favor please have a stack all option just let me click a button and put the stack on the stacks

On Stacks thank you is that too much to ask all right rant’s done uh Spider-Man always been with Marvel really hm I thought there was that whole controversial thing also here you go if you if yall don’t know 19 Fleet also does stream um I don’t know if they have a set

Schedule that I can see but maybe I’m just missing it but they are really good Bean if you want to follow my moderator team there they are a lot of them do stream and they’re really really good beans all righty words are hard and things and things eventually I’m going to have like

An auto shout out system set up for peeps I was thinking about those who are on VIP get like the the big shout outs and then those who um are regulars or whatever will’ll get the small ones of the oh of course moderators can’t really get VIP so I don’t know how

To make that work for them I guess if one of the mods redeemed it then I would I would make that a thing and I just keep note of it for real for real but you know we’ll get there one thing at a time right what am I going to

Do with the bamboo like what do I do with bamboo okay I put you down somewhere uh hello there real how are you were you still having issues with that uh let’s see Spider-Man has always been Marvel Spider-Man is in the Marvel Universe but Sony owns the right to him

That’s what it is thank you where should I put the bamboo cuz I kind of want to put it somewhere I was wait for a bit since I had a scare with the troll yeah I think I saw half of the time though when they threaten stuff like that they’re usually

Full of fluff honestly but yeah better sa than sorry should I have bamboo here or no I don’t know I’m kind of concerned though you know oh I can’t take the bamboo out now well we’re committed now I guess random Diamond why is this chest here who’s is this

Chest I don’t think this is mine did somebody give this to me wait caddy was this you uh were you still having issues real wait what am I redeeming no no no no no um I was saying like what I was thinking about doing implementing at some point is giving

Auto shout outs to like uh my regular friends and peeps like people who I trust and then those who are VIP get the big shout outs if that makes sense no it’s not my stuff okay I I thought you gave this to me or somebody gave this to

Me that’s for sure I remember vaguely someone being like chica look I got you all these things and I guess it’s a surprise I don’t know who it is though I just want to find out it’s players and then he’s like wait did somebody touch my things it’s like you’ve been gone for

Weeks I’m just saying you know what I mean is the shout out not the big one yeah yeah the big shout out is like the forward slash like shout out and you do their name cat the rat the Hat the mat it goes cat and the hat and the

Rat oh say hey to The Cat in the Hat with the rat oh my gosh poetry Emma here you go get some get some clicks get some finger snaps for Emma Ellison over on YouTube dropping all the all the greatest hits all righty friend friends what are

We doing I am doing something I just can’t remember chain mail we don’t need you we got arrows which we do need um hey yes I love it um and then we had carrots hey chicao I don’t know if he’s watching my stream he better be otherwise I’m going to have

Words forget water I never got water now I’m going to starve like the the Patrick meme you ate all my chocolate and now I’m going to [Laughter] starve where are you at I’m at um I guess the main uh main Hub if you follow this this area here I asked for water please

All right okay I’m going to put this here the bamboo until we figure out a better place oh wait we already had bamboo oh hey when did that happen I don’t remember getting it maybe another friend got it okay all right cool cool cool cool cool all right I think that’s

Everything um we’re saf toying that’s right cuz again here a chica incorporation we take our safety very seriously that’s why we always have our safety helmets at all times so I’m going to satify um the nether if you will where is it okay so I’m not seeing

Sticks or torches but maybe I’m just not seeing it kind of a blind bat if you will uh and Occasions unless you y’all saw any Cobble or not Cobblestone well we do need Cobblestone so we need Cobblestone and we need a lot of coal and we need wood so let’s get on that thank You whoa what is this tree what the heck I’ve never seen a tree pop up like this look at this it’s like teleport me to you H unfortunately we have cheats on with this world oh that reminds me I need to change something hold on friends let me what’s another one I can

Do I don’t remember what I did all right yo VG welcome in long time to see how have you been all right what else do we got we’ got there you go bam Among Us super sauce can we get a shout out for VG please how you doing how’s it going not

A whole lot yeah we just vibing we just started a brand new hardcore world and then we switched on over to multiplayer been good finally turn my PC on in almost two months oh my gosh mood life has just been so hectic you know that’s how I feel like with my

Switch in fact I don’t know how when was the last time I turned on my switch it’s been too long did you take a break from streaming then I was wondering where you had been I was like I wonder how VG is doing all right friends what are we

Doing what happened to the mine carts I had like six of them right oh we do have iron we at least have that going for us we got a lot of iron apparently we got iron for days days and days and days that’s right okay so we need some Di

Diamond and then we got one a diamond one a diamond I’m going to take the iron I’m going to start cooking it CU might as well uh yeah took a long break focus on work and adulting yeah you know what selfcare is best care and all that thing you got to

Take care of the business you know before you can have the funds and stuffs right wait what am I doing no I need the coal I don’t want to be doing that bad no there we go go to man it gets us all down it’s the man keeping us down D

It okay there we go say we’re cooking the iron while that’s going doesn’t look like a new hardcore world I know right hold on thank you Sonata I oh I forgot I need to change that title let me do it I guess I can change it to New World new

Problems well it’s not a new world either anymore oh gracious whatever we’ll just keep it there it’s new to us okay we haven’t played in forever I got it I got it I got it even better more worlds more problems there we go there we are

Jaam more worlds more problems oh no we lost Ash yo 79 units what the heck that’s insane thank you chat y’all are awesome all right let’s do stream Raiders yes have have you been Sonata thanks for reminding me I was like wait what like oh yeah yeah yeah I

Have that for uh YouTube and suchu gracious y’all are going ham on this stream Raider stuff love to see it I would love to see it hopefully maybe this time I oh wait I didn’t stream enough hours this week gosh dang it debited by myself and my

Sickness now the bad guys can be doomed yes guys I’m glad you guys like it it’s a really fun mini game like I said the the the the affiliate uh goal with this game is just for fun I am very goal oriented and yeah you know that’s the next thing we want to

Do uh durge you need to come over and chill one of these AIDS hey right ad Doan though man gets us down okay so we do have Diamond do I have a diamond pickaxe we do not so I’m going to make that right now ooh let’s go GG’s GG’s all right

Where where are you cat th cat Shonen have you gotten a gift yet I don’t think so so let me find you cat Kat where you at actually no let’s do Shonen I don’t think I’ve given Shonen one yet so give me it to Shonen and then we’ll get this

One to cat cuz I think sometimes when when you’re starting out I think Skins are better and then gold is better long term in this game uh defo yo yeah um try harder I’m trying Jason what I miss oh we just did streamers and we just absolutely rocked

It we are crushing it on streamers tonight it’s awesome it’s really fun I want to see like what’s the furthest like have we ever completed a map before in streamers I’m curious if there’s like a cool little cut scene you get at the end you know what I mean I think it’ be

Interesting um not much Emma we did lose Ash a couple times though someone’s got to make sure they’re sleeping every night uh caddy are you like busy doing something I’m assuming I’m assuming Caddy’s up to something uh I’m good went to my brothers holiday choir concert earlier

Today a look at that that’s so wholesome okay where are you I’m assuming he’s near the entrance right I’m up to no good oh gosh I Solly swear I’m up to no good what does that saying go I don’t remember see that’s how you know I’m out

Of the loop with Hogwarts like I haven’t I haven’t done anything with it since my great how young was I maybe I was six I don’t know anymore when I first when Hogwarts first came out I think I would be like 10ish all right ashes is back

Okay so here’s a dealio we need enchants I need to get leveled up we need to level up Farm uh I need I needed Wings oh I had wings for you uh chica uh close I solemnly swear that I am up to no good hey I do Solly swear okay I do Solly

Swear I’m up to good there you go that’s the phrase that’s the term yeah um defo Yos I’m about to get some I’m in the end are you you’re near me okay let me go find you I thought you were going to build over there that’s why I was like shocked

Wait that’s what I’m looking for iron carts why did all of our carts go away is it here maybe no my carts aren’t there oh here are my carts okay here you can have a cart hey there you is here that way you can travel back and forth easier

Cham uh Durkin says so much Chica went on the Rampage and slaughtered all the [Laughter] piglins listen that’s a little hyperbolic all right listen I didn’t I’m just going to Safe toy I’m going to Safe toy the Nether and the piglins can decide to to to be a part of the safety

Or they can get satified that’s what happens okay I’m going to put some I’m going to put marshmallows on on the piglin fist right right right right exactly glad you like my house though I got to tweak this though cuz I think I might go for like white blue and

Pink just cuz it’s not quite what I’m hoping to for it to look like or maybe just blue and white I don’t know yet I had a vision maybe we can do a no it doesn’t quite work dang it I was going to put like a flower on top

Maybe we could make that work maybe we could make that work maybe we’ll see all right I’m about to go to the nether so you got to go elsewhere I don’t want you stealing my stuffs I like your I like your fire fire Cape Wings looking thing though that’s really cool

Yeah yeah yeah uhhuh I’m so sad though I used to have like two sets of diamond what happened to the other set didn’t it like didn’t I drown and then I didn’t find it again or something oh feels bad it had some really good enchants now we just now we just have the

One goes I’m glad you like it though yeah I would say this is probably like my second favorite thing that I’ve ever made it’s not a perfect like uh world but you know I like it it’s got some character to it you know it’s my first attempt at like a contemporary modern build

All right you got like 5 Seconds to get out of my house or I’m going to put you out go go thank you real for the pit I appreciate you he’s like all right I’m going I’m going okay did anyone want to go with me to the nether other otherwise I’m going

To go safe to fight alone we’re going to make it super safe [Laughter] there all righty right right right let’s go thank you for the six bits though thank you friends as well thank you for the cut that is full I owe you guys a song let

Me do that let me sing for y’all let me sing for y’all before I forget okay for those who are new we really uh I’m really go oriented I like celebrating uh achievements Etc so um as a thank you to y’all um I like to sing when we hit certain

Goals and we did hit five uh five subbies today so I’m just going to sing for you uh so if you guys want to do emotes or Hypes in chat any dances you feel like doing this is your chance okay all right let’s do it yall ready for

This let me do the moots the mots and we can go from there hey it’s a beautiful day cuz you’re here and decided to stay oh started feeling didn’t know where to go then you started to turn my day around so I wanted to say thank

You don’t know what to do but thank you you’re awesome it’s true so thank you I appreciate you and I really do thank you every single one of you whether you’re lurking while working or just being the best you that you can you I appreciate

You thank you guys so much for the goals and all the things thank you thank you more bits oh the timing was so unfortunate cuz the ad break happened but it’s okay those who are on YouTube got to see the whole bit so ha being attacked as well which is unfortunate okay

There we are okay oh we got pork perfect oh that’s what we needed I was going to get stone it’s fine we we’ll start with the we’ll start with the Torches and then we’ll get the stone later there we go beautiful I’ve always been a bigger fan

Of long-distant combat than like like in any game I don’t know why I just prefer it oh there we go ashes is back welcome back friend H Cat in the Hat with a rat on the mat say hi to chica oh gracious oh hold on you pushed me in no they’re pushing me

In no are you serious is in chat ah the nether is the worst place ever oh No I’m going to see what I can salvage thank you be oh my gosh we go another world Okay Ash just keeps getting disconnected Ed and reconnected okay I’m assuming Ash has got the rest of the stuff there you is where did he go oh there you are okay no that’s the piglin hey you guys y what’s up Zach welcome in you just missed the most series of unfortunate

Events that ever happened okay oh I got my Arrow but no freaking bows to shoot gosh dang it at least I got my bow I don’t know which bow this is sorry no you’re fine you’re fine um I hate to see it did you get some stuff by chance any

Stuff at all or no ah dang it I was hoping you got at least one or two my gosh how you doing Zach welcome in welcome welcome all right let’s go from here and go back through all good Stuffs ezam now that’s a face that you don’t see every day how have you been I’ve missed your face are you back on the creation grind you think hope your day is going better than mine you play Minecraft more I for real it’s such a good game but my gosh it

Hurts my soul sometimes so love to see you yeah always have have you been anything new happening you excited for the Christmas I’m assuming from those emotes you are excited and you’re feeling that Christmas spirit speaking of Christmas trees um I’ve been mean I haven’t been promoting this too much but if youall

Notice we have a cool Christmas tree in behind us um and every reub we get every gifty sub we get you do get your own little ornament limited time only so yes right here the fan we spared all the expenses for these fancy uh ornaments or

Bobles as the people in the UK say I always start a whir to get really into it and then just stop oh right for real that’s my issue too that I get a new world and I’m just like oh I’m going to do this world and then this world and

That world type of thing oh that just felt so unfair though like I hate when like spam can just like win against you because they can lava swimming successfully clipped Thank You Blue Beard chica anley welcome in how you doing dear uh I recommend playing with friends it’s a

Lot more enjoyable with friends like a lot more oh no my fireworks do we have any does anyone have any powder by chance oh goodness it’s funny I’m nutty about Christmas music and Christmas movies and really all Christmas theme art also don’t celebrate but you also don’t celebrate Christmas at all that’s

So funny I I feel that like that’s how I feel about like Halloween like I any what um gunpowder I guess if you have diamonds oh hi there you know wearing a gold Helmet or boots stop the piglins from chasing unless a player they do something to

Provoke yeah I just didn’t see any gold but I could be blind though oh here it is ah gosh dang it I’ll bring you back diamond armor oh thank you well actually I have so I have like a chest plate but I need pants and the safety helmet most importantly the safety

Helmet did I save the good bow is the question I did save the good bow yes we saved the good bow okay everything else can be replaced but the boot the good bow cannot so I’m glad we saved that at least okay I also have gunpowder thank

You so much friend I appreciate you um that’s so awesome though so does that mean you’re back for a bit from from your content creation Hiatus as well everyone say hi to ezron music if you do not know them they play the really awesome musics hello hello CU a

Player we had a series of unfortunate events as you can see caddy daddy fell from a high place I’ve lost my armor to the piglins it’s it’s a sad [Laughter] day how have you been by the way can we get a shout out for unexpected player God tiar Minecrafter much better Builder

Than me but you know here we are yeah gosh dang it ornaments are so hecky cute thank you I’m glad you like it yeah we we kind of spiffed up a little bit for the Christmas season as well it’s what I told Chico is what we wanted to go

For I’m glad you liked it you’re the first to notice or make comment about the the Christmas Vibe we had set up I think it’s more noticeable here oh no not so much why is that Chico can you just you’re just the awesome real thank

You so much for the 32 bits thank you I appreciate you I wipe my tears from the bits how many have you done so far have you done 100 bits I think I said 200 bits right I think at 200 bits you get your own ownit oh I owe Dano no Dano

That was last that was last that was earlier this week so that doesn’t count what were these Series of Unfortunate Events well I thought I had for some reason I was like Oh I thought I didn’t have any gold but that was the other world we don’t have gold which is the

The survival one this one we had gold apparently and we died the piglins came at me with there was like six of them it was Insanity although I don’t remember attacking them I think it was ashes who attacked them or maybe they attacked me cuz I didn’t have gold I think that’s

What it was yeah yeah yeah that’s what happened cuz there’s the zombie ones and then there’s the normal piglins or something and one of them doesn’t attack the other one does hey there what’s up yeah and we got deaded and now we’re here restarting all over again she could

This is the world with the gold I [Laughter] know listen I couldn’t I mixed them up okay listen this been a long day F in chat F in chat what’s up ashes what’s going on oh gracious either way it was I’m glad you like it though don’t

Forget to put your light uh hold on oh jeez this is why you don’t forget to put your lier back on oh no wait caddy where are you where’d you die can I help you at all this is just just a series of and then caddy just died so yeah it’s it’s

Been a whole thing okay let me craft something maybe we can craft a helmet yeah and then we can craft pants I think is what I need yes okay there we go it’s not too great but you know it gets the job done and then we’ll go ahead and get a

Shield I can get one for you too here you go do we have an iron farm or not yet in this world I don’t think we do yet right 16 likes let’s go thank you thank you everyone yes if you guys don’t know I am multi streaming over on YouTube

Um we’re doing all the things if y’all want to lurk and hang out in that stream you are more than welcome to okay so what else is there uh you know okay all right your are so he a cute thank you uh you’re wearing 3 to 4,000

Blocks out in the end oh no hold on let we get in the game thank you player we need you player is the hero we need but don’t deserve there might be food in my chest same walls my bed sucking over okay did we get a shout out for unexpected player

If not there you is I nominate player for the next gifty subie or maybe Blue Beard one of the two uh cat says pretty sure the zombie Zed plins are the aggressive ones regular ones will leave you alone if you don’t attack them usually okay I thought the regular ones

Were the ones that attack my face caddy you made it welcome hi do you need a new elytra oh did I lose all my elytras I think I already gave out all my elytras we have one left we have one elytra left uh questions of the day Story Time

Come on got your friends let’s go see what ezam said um I love and hate stories from both uh they are giant Legacy companies Legacy companies that had so many artists and writers under their employ but no loyalties corporations only people and ideas ooh E’s getting meta oh my gosh look at you

Cat in the Hat with a rat on the mat are happy for chica for the 16 likes a thank you thank you friends thank you on both ends uh for those who are on Twitch helping us hit our sub goal and those on YouTube who help me hit the likes and

Stuffs trying to go for 20 do you think we can hit it by tonight if we do I’ll sing a second song for you and maybe I’ll do a flip but you want to see me do a flip um there might be food in my chest same

As my bed second over got it got it got it okay sorry I’m just like trying to function with my brain right [Applause] now okay also player is this yours as well by chance is this chest yours cuz I had somebody say like hey I got this for you like I distinctly remember

Somebody’s like I got you these really cool things uh it’s the reverse zombie PL are neutral noral pigments are aggro unless you’re wearing gold yes okay I was right I was right then okay yeah as confirmed nope not my chest okay good because I assumed somebody had given this to

Me I just wanted to make sure I didn’t misremember cuz I do that sometimes It feels like it should be the other way around it feels like it should be but yes what yes oh yeah don’t forget we we got this what is it cheer we got this one going I I make sense since some carry gold yes we got the Cheer Command we’ve

Just created a brand new command cuz we hit our we hit one of our um stream goals or celebration stream of on goals um and so yeah we got that new command for y’all isn’t it cute it’s exclamation march here we are doing we’re doing good

So far yes I it’s such a cute em I had to use it Story Time come on gra your friends let’s go see what Blue Beard said zombie piglins only attack if player attacks one of them and regular piglins attack a player if attacked uh or player is not wearing

Gold or player mins gold player opens a chest around them oh give it to him wait what it’s very cute isn’t it um Emma created it she’s over on the YouTube side of things she’s a very sweet be I feel bad for Emma cuz no one else is there except for her and

Dur like at least chatting I don’t want to call out lurkers I think Austin was there too earlier but you know what I’m saying but she’s she’s such a sweetie she’s very very sweet appreciate you Emma you’re just ball of energy that I love and appreciate give it to him or her wait

Who are you talking about uh give what to who give what to her I’m confused what am I giving who am I giving what am I giving from what I could tell the mining gold is only Java but unsure that is that is a question huh

H would you all ever want to do a PVP battle like together the gold oh I see yeah yeah yeah who needs the gold would you like some real whoever’s going to go to the nether with me has to bring the gold cuz we’re going

To Safe toy the nether gosh dang it we still have the Torches I just got to make guess a sword yeah we’ll start from there okay let’s make a sword I player you made it welcome the lad the Chad the pro player himself welcome

Back why the ne cuz it was the place I haven’t explored yet cuz I was like I don’t know what else to do in this world we had I know there’s I know there’s little things I want to do but I was like my next big project will be the nether fair enough

Yeah um suppos to be both vir they have a range see the mining happen uh mining happens same as opening chest for all except attacking them PS can be temporarily pacified by giving them gold ingots oh fascinating ashes here you need some gold so you can craft yourself some goodness I

Think this should be enough to craft something gold there you go craft whatever you like that way you don’t die you can craft pants you can craft a safety helmet if you like like me we can all have golden safy helmets yes it’s literally a safety helmet cuz it

Protects you in the nether but yeah we have fireworks oh thank goodness okay we do have fireworks so we’re not completely grounded that’s good that’s huge that’s big poggers um oh touchdown thanks Jon oh gosh um Story Time come on grab your friends let’s go see what C said

Believe it or not I’ve seen piglins come through the portals too why usually would try fening them in the push button iron doors to a portal cell oh hold on let me make notes of this so I know like I don’t know if I’m going to do in this

World but like when it comes to hardcore that might be something important to recognize okay okay good to know that the the the the piglins can be Absol absolutely ridiculoso good good to know okay piglins the nether is so dangerous like I don’t know why they made it this

Dangerous you know somebody complained that Minecraft is too easy and now here we are got s’mores here bam CH give me your elra real quick oh yeah hold on also ashes is a new friend they are um real there you go they’ve been pretty helpful so far

They tried their best they fought with all their life in the nether alas we were not we were not able to win oh gracious all right let’s go do the things let’s get the iron Swords anyone else want an iron sword here you can have an iron sword oh you’re doing full gold armor I guess that works here you are spam oh did you enchant it no you didn’t yay thank you Unbreaking and mending okay I’m going to treat this like gold

Nobody steal this I freaking swear somebody steal this I’ll be so upset okay here we are okay okay break time is over going to get the lurky we’ll check back in next break much love of course it’s R I’ll be playing for probably another I’m assuming what are we feeling

Chat maybe just under an hour maybe 45 minutes U what I miss um right now we’re we’re getting things up can I combine your bows my bows um where let me see which bow are you talking about hold on uh 2 hours you want me to go for another 2

Hours 24 hours take it or leave it the only thing is I discovered the hard way apparently if I have a stream that’s longer than 5 and a half hours on YouTube oh right here okay uh I don’t see the bows unless this is where you took them from in that case

Yeah sure go ahead I’m not using them so go Ahead uh CH give your light typically a minor annoyance at worse and the overwhel pigments convert to all pigs very quickly I got them okay all right you know we should probably actually use this potion of regeneration if I had done that I would have survived dang it but you know

Chica’s brain is going to chica do I also probably should also have gotten a lava thing but you know you Know I don’t know anything about Redstone I don’t know anything about potions I just vibing I’m just existing okay I’m just a potato doing her best all right let’s try this again shall we we got some Stone I’m going to make some stairs we’re going to make some bread

Going to make all the bread actually okay and then let’s go ahead and make the bread oh gosh hold on and then there was what we going to do oh stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs okay I think we’re ready I think we’re ready no not a fence dang

It also I fence off the portals cuz I was building them in cool PL bases with Mod gos and cats oh that’s smart yeah you don’t want that to happen oh hey thank you for the bow you don’t want it you can combine broken bows I don’t remember that I thought you

Needed like a thing for it CH Got Brains right now potato Minecraft fun read got to protect my for babies right I wonder how effective the the armor is going to be for the perers you know did it yeah yes oh Bliss big Bliss can we

Get a shout out for real please I don’t know if you stream or not but I appreciate you okay I think we’re good um the only thing I might need is a sword which we have right chair we have a bed for reasons uh you can combine them without

An anvil but if you want them to keep any enchants you need an anvil that’s what it is okay that’s cool can I do that with other tools too or just both oh you get gave it to me thank you 20 seconds oh for the battle yes you’re

Right you’re right you’re right hey we got 69 units hey nice all right back to stream Raiders I really need a transition I feel like all the fancy people have transitions I’m over here just hard cutting to between things you know like a pleb anything with durability

Yes I knew there was something I was forgetting of Minecraft that was it that that was what I was missing this whole time the battle has begun yes while you guys look at this I’m going to be trying to get stuff ready to go cuz I going to

Get redeemed dang it we’re going to redeem ourselves we’re going to redeem ourselves Chad we’re going to redeem ourselves we got this should we do a prediction let’s do a prediction all right here we go here we go will okay oh hold on did we not actually one

Of the mods can one of the mods do it mod check do we have any mods that can do this uh prediction for me please and thank you um I would like a prediction that says uh will we be Victorious and by Victorious I mean will we take out

Like the army of people that were at the front of the nether daddy Jason’s here wait what Jason’s absolutely here hey I recognize that face anywhere There He Go all right cat have you gotten something yet or not yet I don’t remember if cat got something cat I think you got one

Right yes I don’t remember I vaguely remember giving cat something we won yes good job if I missed you let me know and I’ll give it to you on the next one yes okay just try to make sure at least you every every every stream that y’all join

I make sure to specifically give to people who are in my stream they get it and and you said it was another fight yeah will we win the nether fight yeah yeah yeah the ne fight exactly so that army of piglins y’all saw before will we beat them this time because they kicked

Our butts last time so will we beat that army of piglins that’s the question at least one of us has to survive at the end for it to be a win does that help and you might think oh it’s an obvious yes but you saw we got cheese

Pretty hard that last time so you never know Anything could happen in Minecraft Anything could happen at all Richie thanks for the dancing emots let’s go I will not partake to make it fair that’s fair if no one if no one participates with the prediction then it’ll just go

Into the Nethers and no one will get points the pig alone listen it might be their home but it’s a about to get they’re about to get um evicted there we [Laughter] go all right on that note I didn’t you jump into the lava running away from them and now you’re

Wearing gos so they won’t care that you’re there anymore I we protect in the fight oh you’re not going to protect in the fight oh come on that’s not fair uh I like the little wiky face of it’s so cute Ah no they pushed me is what happened they pushed me into the lava it looked like I jumped in but no they pushed me into the lava and then I wouldn’t let me get out all right I think that’s everything right I fight all right Real’s gonna

Fight cuz he’s a real one all right I feel good about this caddy are you joining us or you going to Vibe you have almost full armor it would take a miracle to lose that’s what I thought with diam yeah here we are wait I’m waiting what’s

Up oh I got another potion hold on the potion of fire resistance let’s go thank you I need to figure out how to make potions I’m attempting to recover my stuff oh no no do that do that caddy do that first most importantly did you get any did you get any firework Rockets

Okay I feel good about this players is like all right it’s dangerous to go alone no no we we predicting would not be fair no okay I guess players beefing up their points I have to think of something big for y’all to save up for I don’t know

What yet though like for 100,000 I was thinking it could be something epic the hard thing with potions is memorizing potions oh what’s up if I crash it here will we both get potion will we both get fire resistance is that how it works or is it something different oh hold

On the music stopped I like the music why the music stop there we go oh this perfect This song is called what is it called lemon fight stronger let’s go all right this is the song uh no a do I need to drink it then there you go all right that’s for me

It’s going to be for you hold on here you go I’m assuming you can only get one potion each right I put 10K and no who wants to go yes yeah who I’m just saying lagging oh no I’m just saying y’all can throw like

10 points at yes and you might win a lot of points I’m just saying I can’t play paay out if I participate in I can pay it out if you want to Jason it’s up to you oh someone jumped in let’s go [Laughter] okay oh man that’s a big Gamba player

That’s a big [Laughter] Gamba all right we’re going to Safe defy the nether we got crushed before we will not get crushed again we have so many hopes and dreams and aspirations okay all right we got to be very careful here we got to be very sneaky here it was a

Splash potion multiple people could receive the benefit oh that’s how it works okay lagging no Emma what happened I’ll see your 10K with my 30k oh my gosh now we got a Gamba oh boy DCH believes to be so hard oh no all right are you all ready for this okay

Let’s let’s be strategic about this see that we’re going to attack that guy right there we’re going to attack the lava first you want to take them one at a time one at a time RPGs taught me one thing is strategize defend and I don’t know Teamwork Makes a dream work or

Something believe in even I think I gave you a shield use your Shield oh no okay it’s okay he’s coming at me but it’s okay that’s what we wanted that’s what we wanted Revenge I said we need to clear out all these guys that killed us last time so be careful strategically attack

Them I missed just barely J all right there we go there we go there we are there we are okay we’re doing good we’re doing wonderful all right t uh splash potions don’t last as long though as the why I know no you’re fine thank you thank you

Strategical Retreat Ash go for it no Ash no oh something’s killing me something’s killing me hard hold on we’re doing good we’re doing good good re revamp revamp revamp ah there we go okay we’re good we’re good we’re good going to take out this fire here just G lightly to DET toast the

Fire oh this is scary Ence chap rash he shot his friend oh my gosh this’s a stupid person I Us in there hold on hold on dead got to hit this little Annoying Thing here we’re good we’re good we’re good we got to regroup regroup regroup

Regroup regroup don’t be a hero don’t be a hero oh my God my gosh come on no oh are you serious ah I tried so hard a I’m so sorry [Laughter] jch those pigs I didn’t know there was so many pigs it’s okay it’s okay F in chat lucky

Day did you did you vote Jason if so I will give the rediction I’ll give it out to you makes me wonder why Bor could survive another extreme to true true ask in chat good try good try all right where I was waiting for ash to come back but he

Never did placing War fungus on the ground scares off the hoglins does it drop some cooked food thank you okay let’s go you got your stuff still there if you want to get it all right we’re doing pretty good though we cleared out a lot of them we cleared out a ton of

Them I’m sorry durge but I appreciate you having faith in me all right we got the gold at least oh gosh yeah those blue mushrooms scare them do they really oh interesting okay and then those pants and then we got our safety helmet that’s what it was yeah safety helmet all

Right everything’s all messed up now though got to reorganize got to regroup reorganized regroup reorganized woo okay what honestly we would have had it if it wasn’t for this medling pigs whatever you call them oh hi there ashes did you get your stuffs I got my stuff yay at least some

One got their stuff that’s good at least somebody won okay and then what happened to my arrows I knew I had arrows oh did I run out of arrows no I have some okay we’re good okay I think we’re good with this this is looking good the only thing is I’m going to

Switch this up a little bit we’re going to move this around we’re going to move this around there we go okay okay we try this again with feeling yes okay we’re going to focus on that Skelly he’s going to be the most annoying uh you have Ash’s armor okay thank you thank

You oh gosh one sec something’s attacking us again there we go I’m good here you sure here let me get you your gold he’s like I’m good here I know it’s not much but it’ll do something right maybe here you go I think you also had a bow I’m not

Sure what else you had we could probably craft something real quick if you wanted to do you have um do you have a sword at least the nether is such a dangerous [Laughter] place it really is what’s up here let me get you can at least get you some pants

Right oh you got a bow yeah there you go okay good here you go wait there you go that should help a little should I give him a helmet too while we’re at it I guess a helmet doesn’t take too much I’m just trying not to use

Up all the iron but I guess if we die it doesn’t matter does it oh my gosh yep there he goes watch out watch out watch out oh there it is CH for ash oh no well where did the gas come from where did the gas come

From did you see him at all s and chap rash I didn’t even see the gas where the freak did this gas come from Hello you’ll see a guess anywhere poor Ash I’m so sorry Ash this isn’t normally well sometimes it happens like this but yes it’s not normally this hectic there we go where did the gas come from I’m looking everywhere I don’t see it okay weird so weird

Okay okay here we’re going to have a regroup Fort right here I guess kind of oh there’s the gas I see him all right gas you got my friend you’re about to get got there you go run is oh my gosh hold on hold on on I have a potion for you hold

On here poor Ash you’re such a legend can we get a shout out for ash please here here here such a good sport did you lose your pants Oh no your iron armor pants wa oh you got your pants okay did you get everything else I have your iron helmet if that

Helps looks like okay here you go okay okay good good all right let’s go all right s since we’re no longer doing the prediction should you did any of y’all want to join in uh player caddy any takers cuz we’re doing really good so far you can tell we’re making progress I

Think it’s hard to tell maybe um if you squint very hard you can kind of see we’re making progress here right right uh why do they make ghosts that sound like kittens that mute I know right cat for real it’s like why would you make something so dangerous but cute

At the same time how dare you there we go okay hi uh getting gunpowder for Rockets okay all right oh gosh am I crazy or do they shoot faster it feels like they shoot faster they’re slightly faster yeah they definitely shoot slightly faster shoot me come on wow he didn’t shoot such BS

Welcome back from the ad break cat thank you everyone for supporting the stream appreciate It well it’s day now so I guess I’m coming all right sounds great also have old combat set so you could theoretically attack just as fast oh that is true good point Yeah left RS are great Cary hi oh no uh also they have old combat so uh text so you could theoretically attack just as fast that’s true I could theoretically hi toasty everyone say to puppy hello puppy how are you good to see you look at him house look at the

Toast look at the puppy there he is look at him why are you were you just outside you feel so cold his paws are so cold he’s got the liter little paws I love him cuz he’s like so floofy but he’s got like Littlest Paws and

Littlest nose oh there we go now we’re cooking with gas players here player how many points do you have now do yes now we have the good luck toasty we have the totem of we have the totem to we have the toasty totem there you go no death can occur when toasty’s

Around there you go all right toasty go be your best life go go play go out and get a treat go get a treat go all right let’s do this we got this wind okay so again we’re trying to eradicate this whole area so we’re going

To clear it all out make it all fancy make it a little more safe here is the is the goal is the dream oh Ash is being attacked already here we go oh missed gas are so hard to hit sometimes man I’m getting really tired of these freaking skellies here we are

I could have sworn I I safe toied this place but maybe I didn’t uh 136k oh my [Laughter] gosh also I got some Gunpowder for you later remember me to give it to you the best is the boys he really is the best Toasties we love toasty

Here uh Tores don’t really work in NE do they not oh man do they still spawn lame I have over 3 million some of my friends channels oh my gosh is it because you like bet against the odds so then how do you make it so they don’t

Spawn I like to gamble over there I love it all right these guys are next here we go right do they seem faster to you like I feel like they’re crazier faster and they hit harder Etc F in chat cuz can you really not stop them from

Spawning or is it like a particular area that doesn’t help spawn I thought I did but maybe I’m just I don’t know cuz I feel like when I built my house they didn’t spawn in my house anymore maybe it’s different watch out player watch out Player move Player move Player move uh

Slabs other the nonpotable blocks Player move he’s typing he’s going to die in woo hello friend hope you’re having an awesome day yo what’s up pig Manana how you been it’s going pretty good it’s going pretty good welcome in you’re welcome to chaotic uh Minecraft fights it’s been absolutely insane

Tonight uh full floor out of slabs and light sources blocks like glow stone and shroom shroom lights Etc oh I lost the heart I was good okay all right get him player get him can we get a shout out for the big banana please how are you doing today um

I’ve been really sick so I haven’t been able to stream but I just got back today and it’s feeling great we’re still multi streaming over on the YouTubes and the and the twitch side of things oh watch out watch out watch out oh my gosh these pigos though they’re so

Ridiculous like the fact that they don’t move at all is insane newer friend to the stream mostly plays from what I’ve seen like Arc survival that sort of thing um yeah I like their Vibes they’re mutual friend of crft cosplays so any friend of hers is friend of

M only one of those we can Farm though are the prismarine lanterns oh I see H that’s so lame I mean it makes sense but I’m still sad slabs are the spawnable blocks ward off spawn areas respawnable stuff hold on I’m being attacked I should have gone she’s got a bucket of

Water have you ever tried to move a hog they are heavy and low centered and lots of knockback resistance listen it makes sense though I still need to be nerfed a little that’s much ask all right oh you can eat the food ashes I got food I got food you eat the food

Please it’s crer over here it is Richie oh my gracious go in the nether she said it’ll be fine she said we’re going to make this place safe she said apparently we cannot safe ify the nether at least not yet so people were saying slabs though so we can come up

Here at least in the spawn area we can throw some slabs it looks like that might be easier to do cuz I just want at least the entrance to be safe cuz my problem is is coming here and then like without warning you’re just like get attacked by five

Bajillion mobs that’s just like insane you know um those full block lights give off more lights than torches do they really oh interesting oh thank you yeah I’m going to try to like do this at least all right ashes you’re going to have to move so I can keep farming this

Please or keep trying to build this at least do I not have a freaking I don’t have a freaking H does anyone have a pickaxe maybe they do but only light like one light level a boo oh being attacked by something C case and point there we go

Okay thank you player I hate it when I install my staircase upside down right such an annoyance man it’s like oh torture actual torture I hate it so much in game and in real life have you have you all seen those a real thank you for the 29 bits

You’re so kind thank you thank you thank you guys for vibing with me tonight um I’m sure any streamer can tell you or any Creator really whenever you take a break even for a small period of time you always worry that people aren’t going to support

You so it makes me it makes me night light one level yeah I mean it kind of worked I don’t know it’s still this is the most dangerous entrance I’ve ever had to any nether though so it’s like I really want to see what we can do to to make this a little

Less like instant deadly before you can even attack them you know what I mean so I’m just trying to decide if if adding like a rooftop would make it safer or if we make it like more dangerous what do yall think uh you should make the place more decorative and ask

Some that’s what we should have been doing I was going to add a roof but ran out of a cobble oh okay so you think a roof would be good okay okay let’s do that then anyone got extra Cobble we’re going to saf toy roof is always safer okay we’ll do it

Then uh I work on a farm I do not recommend interacting with pigs could be a lethal situation that’s what I’ve heard I heard pigs are actually very dangerous ah real thank you for the six bits as well oh my gosh you’re so sweet thank you so much you’re almost at 100

Bitties just for this evening appreciate you you’re too kind Jackal Landers are cool decorations they are I really like them in real life and in the game oh um player I have this for you too gunpowder when you’re ready even in a farm setting they’re wild animals yeah I think that’s what

People think they think like oh if it’s this then they must be nice sort of birds like well there still wild just like doggos technically are I mean they’re domesticated to a sense but you know technically any puers can go crazy a little you know so you got to be careful

You got to give them with respect got to treat them with respect got to give them respect you know yeah all right um we got all bajillion things I guess am I able to melt these swords into something more efficient than this a bomb what do you mean bomb uh

Like a wolf or a coyote would be a better example okay that’s fair I guess they’re not pigs aren’t as domesticated as dogs are can yeah okay oh wait I have stuff there hold on I had stuff it would help if I labeled it you know

But oh gosh depending on where you live you could smelt them down to nuggets yes okay say less cuz I am so doing that y’all are about to get smelted to nuggets can I put it in a blast furnace or is it strictly like let’s find out

Let’s find out for fun yes you can my nuggies your chicken nuggets are mine now Jason oh good gravy having too much fun with this I can’t tell if they didn’t spawn as much but you know it’s fine that emote that’s so cute uh why do I have this carpet hold

On there you are caddy daddy is here let’s go his beard goes ever longer ever stronger with every achievement he hits let’s go all right now we got the Dream Team here Hopper is very useful for feeding those in the SM yeah someday I’m going to do it someday

I’m going to figure out how the Minecrafts work is is genuinely asking is to use a hopper do I need to do redstone or can I just like slop it over there and be like bam I don’t know which direction it goes I guess we don’t really need a golden shovel do

We no you can just place it perfect okay what do I need for a hopper then hi chica retro hey how are you happy belated birthday just put put a chest above the hopper and it should work really chest Hopper furnace or Blast Furnace okay chest Hopper furnace flat

Oh okay let me make a note of that okay got it I’m on it can we get a shout out for retro long time no see happy belated birthday is it okay you don’t have to if it’s too late I understand is it okay if we sing for

You sing happy birthday or you just happy just vibing how was your birthday tell me the things thank you so much Chica I appreciate you retro thank you you just missed like the most epic fight of epicness it also does depend on how you

Place it oh I see uh need a shoe hi caddy all right CAD looks like they’re ready to fight uh what’s going on did I miss something okay yeah I’m doing okay the kiddos and I were sick no need to Auto unload for this the Nuggets will stack in the

Output slot uh sure you can save for my Bel birthday okay all right oh I got something fire protection thank you that’ll help so much appreciate you I feel like the you made me fighting five Withers soon yes just let me know when player we’ll make it we’ll make a big

Thing out of it yeah I’m doing okay if my voice or if I seem like a little off or weird it’s cuz um I I’ve I’ve been sick like it’s been a weird like off again on again sickness um and I can’t decide if it’s just like the same sickness that’s

Happening or some other reason why I feel like out under the weather if that makes sense so yeah but the kiddos seem to be doing better U my daughter does have a bit of a high fever but Chico is keeping an eye on her so we’re making sure it doesn’t get any

Worse she was doing a lot better before stream um and now we’re just keeping an eye and we’re hoping things get better soon cuz you know it’s no fun when when if it’s just like a small cold or you know a cough or whatever it’s like okay

It happens but when when they when they’re miserable you know you’re like oh it’s so sad you know makes you feel bad she can no getting destroyed by Skelly boys yes okay should we do one more prediction then like one more prediction for funsies I feel so bad for

Durge I’m so sorry durge durge are you still here uh I’m doing great stream is going well during the morning I did some cleaning and laundry will you stream this morning yes if you guys don’t know retro not only is it their birthday so you should give them a birthday follow

But they also are now streaming they just recently started streaming let’s go when do you normally when will you stream again tell me all the things uh there some cleaning and some laundry hey let’s go hold on I got a thing for you this is for you when you win you win

Here yall goam there we go I need a shoe okay um I’m assuming these are your shoes right how’s your boat by the way um I’ve got Unbreaking power for and Infinity for this one n don’t be if it’s a cold that you’re that won’t disappear might be yeah would recommend

Seeing your doctor yeah I think I went in and I didn’t have a fever or anything is why they said I was okay but I appreciate the concern cat I’m definitely going to follow up with them because I don’t know you know it feels a little little

Little diff than normal but I don’t know if it’s like what I had before where I got sick and then the kids got sick and then we got a new sickness and then we just kept we had it happen like two years ago um but like I said I think it’s related

To something else if that makes sense all right ready y’all ready y’all ready for this okay let’s do it okay um for those who are new something we like to do we love birthdays here so we want to celebrate all of you and tonight we are celebrating our very own

Retro uh oh we got we’re going to wait for this ad break so hold on there you are oh look at the little toties py hold on we’re waiting for ad break hold on everyone hold on everyone get everything ready what else do we need for the nether before we do

That and then get get the emotes ready to to spam the happy birthdays I want to see the happiest of birthdays for retro when they come back from the ad break okay all right is there an XP farm anywhere around the world yes caddy there is um

Player knows exactly where it is if you follow player they should know or you can go through the portal the nether portal and go to players one of those one of those portals is one of those portals is one Sec Okay all right so welcome back from the ad break sorry friends all right let’s do stream Raiders and then we’ll sing yes very yes I’ll sing for you oh yeah the stream raer going on too Yes No audio but better okay sorry friends I just we had a bit of a scare all right um I’m so sorry to do this friends but um my daughter’s fever is getting worse so I’m going to sing briefly for retro and then we’re going to have to cut the stream here I’m so

Sorry um but our fever is getting a little worse unfortunately so I have to take care of real life things but I will sing for you retro I’m glad you’re here thank you everybody thank you so much for the fun again rain chick on another battle all right uh player I hope you’ll

Be free uh next week um otherwise we’ll try again sorry friends um we just don’t want to take any chances when the fever gets this bad you know what I mean all right let’s do the things all right y’all ready for this let’s do the singings and stuffs all

Right oh we should have musics we should have musics hold on happy birthday is not copyrighted anymore right maybe uh here we Go uh there we go right we’re fine we’re fine I’ll mute it if I have to in the v I’ll be like I did nothing wrong that’s F go take care of her yeah yeah yeah sorry friends it’s just we got to be careful you know all right let’s do it I

Want to see all the emotes all the hype and happy birthday sing for the really awesome guy let’s do it it’s okay take care okay let’s do it happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy happy birthday dear retro dear Happy Birthday to you and you’re

Really awesome too there you go thank you so much uh for C celebrating with us you’re such a gem friend I have missed you dearly but I’m happy to see you again I wish it was in better circumstances and not so brief but thank you so much everybody for joining me

Tonight’s stream um I’m so sorry I got to take care of things but fingers crossed that sh’ll feel better soon I’ll keep youall posted on the Discord with everything happening if y’all are new we have an awesome Discord too we would try to have you there if

You love it too thank you friends all right I do have a new and improved bow for you now if you want to give your old one to me yeah yeah let me do that real fast okay good night friend yes yes yes let’s do the things uh where are you um

Tou down we did it we did all the things oh good just let’s get some musics and then we’ll go back to the stuffs yes yes okay it’s all the Hypes all right um so I can’t believe someone tried to dmca claims I right for real okay go

Take a your daughter yes yes yes okay thank you friends love your faces thank you guys so much for the bits thank you for the subs and more importantly thank you for your time that’s the most valuable thing you have and shout outs to those who are hanging out over on the

YouTube side of things it means a lot um little by little we’re going to get there right let’s go partnership yes thank you for the likes and thank you for everything remember to always be awesome friends and I’ll see all you taters lers um next time hopefully

Saturday we’ll see player caddy if we can get a a redo on that um love all of you have a good night friends I bet it was better circumstances but I I got to take care of my daughter she matters more important more important stuffs than mcraft I know

Shock love yall though bye guys have a good night stay safe out there sincerely and sincerely take care of one another all right love you all have a good one bye

This video, titled ‘New HARDCORE World, New PROBLEMS!! | Minecraft Hardcore Day 10+’, was uploaded by ChicaDeAwesome on 2023-12-03 04:46:08. It has garnered 110 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:09 or 18249 seconds.

Let’s make the most of this long weekend! All the fun times and good vibes galore 🙂

It’s Day 10, the new hardcore world comes with new challenges! Hardcore will never take us down again, though. The hardcore challenges get harder, but we get better! It won’t be easy, but we’re SO AWESOME! Together we’ll overcome Hardcore Java Minecraft. Afterwards we’ll chill with some cool friends and play with some other viewers! Let’s see what happens next! 🙂

It’s not Bedrock Minecraft, it’s hardcore Java Minecraft. The challenges will be intense as I experience hardcore mode for the first playthrough as a noob. Woo!

#minecraft #minecraftstream #minecraftsurvival #multiplayer #multiplayer #playswithviewers #playswithfollowers #minecrafthardmode

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    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/v0ltmx [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: https://t.me/v0lt1k [👾] TG Server: https://t.me/playastrix ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- https://instagram.com/noobscop_live Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/noobscop/ tiktok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@noobacoplive discord:- https://discord.gg/KcbJEbueEa ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More