EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Stream

Video Information

For Okay you guys I think I’m finally ready welcome thank you for coming in um I know I’m a little bit late today sorry about that and just got my coffee done being made although I did encounter a problem just a tiny little problem but I realized that I was out of creamer or

Like this is the last little bit of oat milk that I had so now I’m going to have to go grocery shopping later that’s all but I didn’t have as much as I wanted but what’s up it looks like we got Harley in here for the first time

Welcome Harley we got Mech in here Alysa in here Tanya came by Phantom Royale was in here Poopman was in here and I think that’s everybody today I will buy more what’s going on all right um I love coffee so much not much other than seeing your stream

Word love it love to see it is this hold on is the music coming through oh it’s right there okay Minecraft Java Edition waiting on install why does it always say that what are you installing silly game so tired I feel that I was actually up pretty

Late I think I went to bed at like 3:00 a.m. uh at least like 2:30 can you tell me a joke I mean you don’t have a great history of telling good jokes and Alissa [Laughter] agrees but maybe maybe you could redeem yourself possibly why did the chicken cross the

Road I like where we’re going with this no knock knock what that’s not how it’s supposed to go wait what where did that message go whoa it’s gone it’s deleted excuse me why did the chicken crossed the road all right I got Minecraft pulled up I

Was waiting to try and try and read your joke but it’s just not coming you can’t tell your joke okay well we tried do I like vanilla wafers I love vanilla wafers love love love love do you all right here we go vanilla wafers are my [Laughter]

Life let’s see I’m might put that up over the bar I don’t even know bro I’m trying to find a good place for the chat messages like if I put them right here that should be okay I want you guys to be able to feel like you can be on the

Stream you know what I mean send a chat message show up on the Stream Mech I’m also excited for Minecraft time I got to tell you I really like doing this Sunday stream like it’s fun that it takes a while until we get back to it because I feel like it takes

Long enough that by the time it comes around I’m so excited to play the game again you know what I’m saying it’s pretty cool I’m curious I feel like my camera is cropped in more than normal so there like a oh it’s on active steady shot that’s

What’s going on I was like dude there’s no freaking way okay well then I can put my plant back too there we go oh my goodness okay so now I’m actually fitting in the freaking camera why did the chicken cross the road to get to the unintelligent person’s house knock knock

Who was there the chicken oh nice you got me so anyway hey wait a second I can’t hear this technical issues we’re going to get started in just a moment here I’m going to turn that back up uh just make sure I can hear that in my headphones yep

Okay there we go now we got oh I just chucked my sword on the ground immediately but yeah now we got game sounds so that’s nice my microphone’s all different from the guitar stream uh no thank you not going to turn cheats on milk or cereal first is that

Even really a question can we be honest like obviously seral who would put the milk first why would you do that like what tell me what is the point of doing that there’s no way there’s no way that makes any sense like there’s just no way

I should let you guys play one of these days we might do that one of these days we might figure that out not today but maybe one day you got an exam tomorrow I feel that this chat box is not working how I wanted to not sure how I feel about

It I need to just make it bigger sometime that isn’t right now what if I put it over here like that let’s try this that still doesn’t work H I got to mess with these settings when I’m not live I’m sorry guys I’m just going to quit messing with it

I think like this might work do I dance good question I actually just danced last night for like two and a half hours so [Laughter] yeah yeah the chat is proving difficult to customize unfortunately what is your exam about also you said cereal is overrated I never have cereal and people

Get mad what they get mad that you don’t need it I don’t need cereal do I do back flips no social studies nice oh I need to put this fishing stuff in here okay not sure what I’m going to do with the leather I don’t really think I need

It I probably should get like some kind of trash can I guess I prefer an actual banana than cereal not going to lie stuff is dry as hell have you tried to fix the dryness have you tried letting the cereal soak in the milk my brother hates it he hates

That but it’ll it’ll fix the dry for sure am I using OptiFine no I am not this is all naal on France what am I going to do with all this random crap dude I brought nether quartz back with me I got diamond Tools maybe I can just organize this a bit let’s get all the tools on one side see what’s up okay got lots of tools two different pickaxes a bow a hoe that’s almost dead and we got different opinions on apples lactose intolerant yeah I feel that well that’s tea I eat my

Cereal with oat milk recap what happened during the previous streams and sentence um the chat could probably fill you in on a good bit of it but basically this is a hardcore world that I’m playing on um I’ve got some animals up here I’ve got a

Cave down here and we’ve got uh the nether as well is what we did in the last stream we went to the nether I’ll go show you the nether really quick cuz it’s your first time here right do I use optify again no I already answered it once but there you

Go this is the this this is the downstairs so we got wheat growing we’re still pretty early game so you haven’t missed too much we’ve got the enchantment room here the enchanting table I just I just heard an Enderman speaking of in the last stream I almost

Died because of an Enderman so we got to look out for that yeah I will show you the nether hopefully we live got a cat allergy o okay this is the ender pearl right here that we got after saving yeah I did do that it was an

Accident and this is kind of like my nether base if you will right now we’re still working on it glad the cat allerg is not severe I also have a mild cat allergy I believe um but I H I’m not 100% positive oh man I hear them everywhere it’s

Making me scared also I had to put signs up everywhere that say wearing gold because I messed that up one time as well okay so yeah we got Enderman everywhere but the cool thing is the scene of the crime welcome back Ley the cool thing is about this spot is

That I can um I can aggro these Endermen and just take them out you guys are all lagging oh wow yeah that is lagging that’s interesting um yeah that’s unusual I can see now that it’s Red so hold on I just got a new roommate let me go see what I can do hold On okay how about now it’s all good okay thanks guys thank you for letting me know and sorry about that I should probably try to run a freaking uh land cable ethernet cable over here I’m still using a wireless connection just not recommended he was going to say at the start it was

A little laggy it was fine for you okay normally like if one person says it’s lagging I’m like it’s probably on their end two people I’m still kind of like all right maybe it’s lagging in that area but by the time it was like three

People I was like okay and then I looked over and I could actually see that my my Bars were red so it was not working properly I did get two more people pieces of warped nyum which is pretty sick um but yeah so this is the nether

So far this is pretty much as far as we’ve gotten so you haven’t missed too much the other thing I was doing was uh exploring these Maps so that we can see what’s around us and I think I was going to build like a little uh map area oh this guy has a

Warp Nan block too I’m going to take it so what’s planned today that’s a good question lety I uh I don’t know help me figure that out I should have a plan but I kind of don’t um last time it was to get to the nether this time it’s this I’m thinking about

Map wall I know we were working on that last time so continuing that could be pretty cool um oh oh oh you know what I was going to do hopefully not dying yeah um what I was going to do is actually going to go get villagers like go mess

Around with the Villagers you guys want to is that sound interesting can I mute you no no I can’t bro incapable good enough awesome Ender Dragon go bye-bye probably not today but it is on the list of things you know what I’m saying so I can say whatever and you

Can’t do anything well I mean I wouldn’t say that where is this Enderman in here bro making me uncomfortable he sounds so close and yet so far away the toilet water is rising like right like actively like your basement is flooding like right now what the

Heck have you ever killed the blank the big black mosquito what are you talking about would I make you a chat mod I might consider it I feel like you’ve been pretty awesome the Ender Dragon yes uh I have killed the Ender Dragon thanks of course thank you I appreciate

You the water is yet okay okay before fighting the Ender Dragon you might want a good bow oh absolutely it’s going to be a while no I’m not going to make you a a chat mod poo man not even close bro like not even close do I know the

Things I mainly need for the Ender Dragon yeah more or less um all right it’s night time monsters nearby are you kidding me Bruh Bruh I guess I’m going to go upstairs this is kind of rid ridiculous do I have iron sitting around anywhere doesn’t seem like

It there’s a glitch okay I’m not really trying to use a glitch that sounds pretty lame yeah it’s unusual Huh okay let me check on something for the lag uh hold on yeah apparently like this is this hasn’t happened Before where is this At Why is that lagging like that I also have 9% dropped frames right now yeah it’s so weird right like it hasn’t happened before not sure I even have one that would reach right now I mean it’s going to be like 50 ft trying to think about what to

Do this seems fine it says everything’s fine I moved my my antenna off of the PC and I put it down here so hopefully that’s in a better spot to catch more waves sorry about that you guys that’s not fun lag’s not fun I’ll see I’ll look into getting a an ethernet cable

Too I just haven’t had a problem with it forever I pissed like way too much for internet I mean you know I’m just doing what I got to do but yeah there we go okay what was I doing move the antenna to the roof that would actually be worse my

Dude because the Wi-Fi is coming from the other room okay so like I was saying back to the villagers I got diamonds sitting here ready to be used but I think what we’re going to do is maybe take some wood do I even need to take some wood I could just get

Some there we’re just going to get in a boat I think and go the villagers are on this map for sure oh boy you want me to body slam the network connection next time I’ll consider it do I like homemade muffins of course I do why wouldn’t

I like who doesn’t you know what else I like about muffins the other day at work hold on I got to go around this the other day at work they had brought a new snack into the into the room and uh I had never tried it before

It was called little bites you might have seen them but basically it was like little tiny muffins there’s another renderman oh he can’t get me out here though they were just like mini muffin oh my God they were so good dude so good you love those SES

Um so I got two video shoots scheduled this week I’m going to be making videos with local businesses so that’s kind of my focus right now um I’ve got another Avenue that I’m pursuing but I’m also looking into finding a regular W2 job but I should hopefully be able to cover

Rent with my video shoots this week but I mean I I have money saved up in my budget so to be able to survive you Know yeah we’re actually right we are on the way to a village right now um they just said it wasn’t working out lety that’s why they let me go you know just not working out which is okay he said that I was not what he needed

Which you know kind of disagree with but it is what it is jungle biome is cool but we have one at home we have a jungle biome at home so when I watch your vids I’m paying your rent kind of except for I’m not fully monetized yet

So I don’t actually make any money off of videos yet yo check this out I just found a ruined portal that’s pretty sick let’s let’s see what’s up I see some gold yo yo nice get some air oh wait you can get air on these right let’s go dude no tridon zombies

Though you got to watch out for those bro they’ll get you do I like homemade banana bread of course I do do you want to know something probably donations are the best way of support right now yes that is true if you were trying to support that’s a good way to

Do it but it’s also true that we’re chilling we’re chilling we don’t need money but money is dope you know what I’m saying I think that’s all the treasure and stuff all the goodies right oh no no nope I just saw another chest I’m going for it going in mate watch

Out it’s got a lot of coal in it mate and a lure to fishing rod mate appreciate you lety do I like homemade mermaid fins no do I like custard yes so many yes or no questions [Laughter] um it’s okay I can always go back you

Know what I mean it’s not the end of the world bro we’re chilling I’m trying to get to this Village CU it’s almost night time okay boat don’t go anywhere now if I remember correctly this is where the village is ruins are pretty common I feel like they’re not too

Bad got a bunch of sheep got some PLS got some acacia wood a cow I think we’re getting close I actually think he was talking about I skipped a block of suspicious sand this time cameraman has not been complaining look this guy’s trapped but um he has the green jacket so doesn’t

That mean that he’s like The Village Idiot so this kind of works out I was going to let him out now I’m like nah are these natural watermelons what is this do you see this what in the world who does that what’s up dude I have um had a hardcore world and

Before when uh an iron golem killed me because I hit a villager so it does make me slightly nervous just saying how much money do I get per member I’m not sure I think it’s SE 70% maybe look at this grass This Grass grew Above This Farm [Laughter]

Just pillar up three blocks you make it sound so simple do a stream where I can’t lie do you think I lie frequently like you’re paying right now to be a member oh well thank you I appreciate that it’s like I said right we’re chilling but also love to have you

So let’s see I got to come up with a game plan for the villagers perfect world generation I think I already got all the treasure and stuff that I wanted out of the chests so I think what I’m going to Do oh crap I think what I’m going to do is make myself an area like a home base these guys are all over the place like I’d really like to get them focused a little bit it looks like most of the houses are are over there so maybe we can do

That I’m not excuse me I don’t think I’m going to kill the big guy anytime soon going be chilling I did not bring any food or Cobblestone dang it that was a mistake grab some real quick you think I should get the watermelon oh it would be good food it’d be good food

Huh half a heart per hit no I don’t believe you bro when am I going to do big projects like the other hardcore people right now I’m just focusing on Surviving man that’s the best I can do I’m doing my best so basically it’s going to be a

While like right now I’m just trying to survive check this out [Laughter] love to see it oops I hit Q okay so I don’t have anything to like build a home base right now this could work for the time being uh let’s just do this and and take this out I guess

Dang I didn’t bring any wood either like I said I was like no I don’t need wood I’ll get some when I get there now here I am woodless sheesh I think this is the trunk pretty sure yeah I do have Instagram I don’t use it much

Though right now I’m pretty much only on YouTube this is like my only social media at the moment plus it has a brewing stand yes did I see the questions thing on your server I I think on the suggestion subreddit I think I or I mean thread I think I did

Yeah okay let’s get some Essentials going here cuz we got a lot of junk crafting table let’s get a furnace going as well and get some fish in there and then uh probably keep some of that coal and then we’ll also build a chest here and put that down so I can store

Some crap there we go don’t need any of that but it’s neat don’t really need ender pearls either not sure what to do with them though don’t really need those could probably throw them away don’t don’t really need leather either your friend is watching the stream right now too hello

Friend what other games do I play I play RuneScape I play Destiny 2 bunch of nerdy games the kitties coming sick the basement bathroom stopped flooding great glad to hear it oh my goodness okay torches flint and steel don’t think I really need flint and steel that’s one of those things is

Handy to have but it’s not like an essential I’ve got glass don’t really need that sticks I could use put that in the middle maybe got like tools over here some stuff over here don’t really need a bone arrows could go with that fire charge don’t need that what do

I even do with a fire charge do you know sounds neat you can throw it at mobs oh cool shroom light empty map ender pearl resource okay I mean it’s looking somewhat decent I suppose and now I got some food that’s good cuz I need to eat fish show

Um wrap the chat for two minutes probably not going to do that but I did do that uh in my last stream in my last Music stream it was pretty sick it was a short one like 30 minutes there’s a wrapping section in there I do agree please stop spamming no

Not cool bro don’t you remember I literally had to ban somebody that was doing that bro they got banned okay now that I have space I’m actually going to just Chuck these leather boots off into some random spot and hope I don’t pick them up again now let’s think about um

Um as far as it as being a mod it’s one of those things it takes time right you have to just be here for a certain amount of streams and then I’m probably going to do like an application process eventually dang we got another villager stuck in here we got to get him

Out so it’s not so simple as like nobody’s going to become a mod today but if you show up consistent L you know and help me the best you can then we’ll work our way towards it this is EMT on a different account what’s up EMT that’s true cameraman not going to

Lie you’re not really in the running for chat mod whatsoever poor all Max I mean bro I told him three times I feel like that’s fair okay so farmers would be a good way to get emeralds leather it’s going to be tough I wonder if I could build some

Kind of trading Hall like right now early in the game probably not right so we need a farm again basically should have harvested that wheat before I left um EMT we’re working on we are working on a the villagers right now a villager area right now I’m trying to figure out

What I’m going to do to get a farm going that’s like step one cuz I think that’s going to be the easiest way to get emeralds you said don’t say it yeah I mean it’s hard for me to trust that I don’t want to I don’t want to get trck

In as saying something bad I appreciate you coming by emit I got some wheat seeds I got some wheat I need a hoe I could make an iron hoe okay I got a bucket of water oh it’s about to be nighttime though oh Ley that’s a pretty good

Idea if I go take all the beds then I can control where they go right so we can like organize things a little better cuz right now it’s kind of all over the freaking place it’s going to be tough to manage just going to grab all of the

Wheat that I can I guess really I could break all of this stuff and just get the seeds but it’s already growing so seems like I’d be wasting time if I did that wow there’s Farms everywhere look at that and a good little cave or two that

Way little waterfall it’s good to know cuz we’re probably going to end up exploring a cave before too long out here I kind of like this spot right here actually it’s pretty nice I got 44 seeds about to go to town let’s get some more water going going yeah so Alyssa we’ve actually

Already been up on that mountain I harvested a ton of iron and coal out of it farming is life what’s going on [Laughter] Tim name gets me every time yeah let’s see um I might actually have too much going right now I guess I should plant these and see what’s

Up probably prefer the hydrated ones for a minute okay get that going all this going there we go although that that’s going to need a spot to drop a melon or whatever is that melon pumpkin I don’t know it was already planted okay got more wheat growing got more popping up oh

Goodness oh some more weed over here they say you you got you played yourself bro so fun to watch me playing thank you I appreciate that I’m having a good time okay let’s see let’s get this big Old Farm going still got some spots fill those

Up and uh how’s that looking pretty good I think I want to break that and do some of these I’m going to need some more space for sure just keep it going I think I like that there’s a path running through it that’s pretty neat if you guys haven’t watched me

Before you know I do things very [Laughter] untraditionally um so you know we’re going to see make a Fletcher for more emeralds tell me More please stop spamming I see all of your chats including the spam dude how many emeralds am I going to be able to get with a big old Wheat Farm you know I should probably grow another crop too right cuz like I’m trying to remember how trading villagers

Works isn’t there like a limit like I can only trade so many emeralds a day if I’m right desperate to good work yeah a good word I mean there’s a lot of chat going on right now and I’m trying to get some progress made in the game My friend so

If you notice there are lots of messages that are kind of just chilling in chat and that’s okay it is what it is you know what I’m saying I have to kind of like balance the things okay I got 35 more seeds and I’ve got 36

Wheat is this the wheat guy right here let’s see nope he’s got beetroot and carrot which I suppose I should also be growing but I don’t know if we have any of that around also this chicken just gifted me an egg so I’ll just throw it back at

Him got him good bro got him good you need to control the Water Source yeah I should probably get this to chill huh it’s a little a little unnecessary the chicken versus the [Laughter] egg oh man that’s funny oh oh oh I found some more the water you liked the [Laughter]

Water I mean you know it’s a little excessive bro 32 sticks for one Emerald oh you’re talking about the Fletcher Alissa that’s right I could go get some bamboo bring it back too for like a wood Farm I’m just randomly running around harvesting Wheat but I’m having fun doing it I’ll tell you what bro this is Peak Minecraft right here Peak Minecraft does this still mess up the dirt if I jump up on it like or fall down onto the next level like does this mess up

Dirt doesn’t seem like it is oh but if I jump then it does okay killing off the water molecules I’m making you feel useless don’t feel useless bro talk to the chat yes it does okay but like if I ju never mind I immediately proved myself wrong you’re right that was funny

Okay stop the water from running around everywhere got another stack of seeds bro a stack of seeds we’re about to go massive wheat farm so big such a big Wheat Farm the biggest wheat farm this world has ever seen Pat is rerouting the water molecules correct I’m what you call a water

Bender I make water go wherever I want which right now is in the other direction this Dirt has got to go also the sun’s going down uh and I’m not really trying to spawn creepers in so hold on run run run run run run run run run now

Would be a good time to have a horse or something run run run run run run run run run run run run run run where is my house oh it’s this one right remove the composters so the villagers won’t steal the crop get out of my bed dude yeah he’s

Right do you think the villagers are going to steal my crops bro what if I put my name on him do you think that’ll stop him I think it might I could put up a sign that says do not do not think about taking these crops and that should stop him I think

It would stop me if I was a villager you know if you were a villager and you came up on a big old farm and it’s it had a sign and it was like do not take these what would you do honest question what happened to my

Music you better stop it well wait I mean you better you better start it thank you lock the farmers in the dungeon only the bad ones only if they misbehave and to be honest we don’t even have a dungeon yet so you know but if we have villagers that are

Bad enough we might have to make one you’re fired you’re fired go down to the dungeon with you never to be seen again my grammar is also the [Laughter] bad make a dungeon I don’t think a dungeon is a priority yet first priority is get emeralds I like alysa’s idea for the

Sticks I like this idea for the the farm to get emeralds um and I might try to trap the villagers somehow kind of like you were saying lety with the beds actually might end up doing that your problems have called multiple ER caused multiple errors in the vicinity

Coming from the other villagers you’re fired goodbye and good riddens never return what’s going on Breeze gim welcome into the chat we got some great people here we got some great gameplay here we got a good chill Vibe I think you’re going to like it voar is not coming all right rip voice

R I’m so hot I need to be cold I’m sitting here like thinking I’m freezing so that’s kind of funny you want to swap Spots I’m like maybe I should put some socks on or a jacket or something cuz I’m like freezing I got the chills and then I’m

I’m sitting here sipping on an iced coffee at the same time oh man the duality of man I’m cold but I don’t want hot coffee you want IC coffee I got some not much left what is 2x + 5 = 7 uh 1 x =

1 you better not be making me help you with your homework you will be fired you’ll be so fired also I forgot that there’s supposed to be a path that was going H like right through this totally forgot I’m going to fix it we need the path because everybody knows the most

Important part of any project is the Aesthetics right Guys the wheat is secondary the looks are primary that’s what I’m doing I’m building a cool looking farm that also happens to give me what I need wait that’s not a path block is it oh yeah it is I don’t know what I’m talking about disregard is this just playing the same

Song over and over again what you doing mate stop it play something else mate you know I’m saying if you go nothing um I’m not seeing the stream lagging I think it’s lagging for some people I stream in pretty high quality so it can do that to some people do I

Recognize you it seems like your name’s familiar vaguely but haven’t been around in a while oh hello what’s going on sista welcome in welcome in oh crap that was supposed to be a hoe oh yeah that’s what I’m talking about bro we got it fixed I ain’t even worried about it

Y uh I think I need some water somewhere over here maybe like right there would be good do you guys remember is there a way for me to cover the water but still have it be functional hello mate than your bottle of water spot a

Teammate you want some uh what can I do for you mate make yourself comfortable yeah carpet works on top of water for real are you serious that seems too good to be true this is the most ridiculous inefficient Farm it’s totally on brand I love it it just looks

Cool it’s so useless in so many ways it’s my favorite thing oops y’all need to drink some water AKA get hydrated dirt I don’t need you to be ho I need you to be a path a path to what you might ask a path to here clearly

Oh no a path to here actually changed my mind the Farm’s going to go this way yeah that’s right very important very important that we have this path we don’t know what it’s for yet but we will one of these days we’re going to know we’ll be like

Oh that’s what the path was for you guys talking in Portuguese okay so what’s going on yeah we just barely uh came over here to work on getting some villager stuff going so I’m currently building a giant farm um in traditional patw style meaning it’s going to be

Ridiculous but we love it and then I’m going to try to get some emor emeralds and then I’m going to get some cool stuff using those emeralds again I don’t really know what I’m going to get yet but it’s going to be cool I know that so that’s basically

What’s going on oh I need to get some water crap oh my land is drying up need water I’m like SpongeBob in that episode water the Pioneers used to ride these babies for miles it’s not just a boulder it’s a rock I think I just barely turned part of my

Farm path into farm so that’s a bummer what are you going to do you can’t win them all Chad you cannot win them all you’re killing me who was killing you me what I do I didn’t do nothing bro I’m just playing Minecraft badly which is uh all that I promised more

Water yeah yeah I should get some more water it’s coming it’s getting there what’s going to be the next close call I don’t know hopefully nothing right hopefully there just isn’t one right guys yeah the Portuguese is pretty neat but um it makes it difficult for me to

Uh interact with you guys and also with the chat so it’s probably cooler if you could Converse in English just saying mate but that is cool nothing against it just explaining it’s more fun for everybody if we use English Got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got

To get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed got to get to the bed why are you in my bed jeez bro ridiculous get out of my bed wait what is this

Oh um one second sorry yeah no that’s good you’re probably the most underrated YouTube Creator thank you okay okay hey yo the village is dirty villagers hold on you said you only know English speaking of I was actually just watching a show again in a language that I really

Like um I’ve been going back to using French sometimes like I like to listen to it I really like the French language I took it in school so I was watching this show called chef’s table and it’s about like three star Michelin chefs and tells their story but

It’s all in French but I have this cool plugin that allows me to watch Netflix with subtitles but not just any subtitles it allows me to turn on multiple subtitles so that way I can do French subtitles so so I can see like the visual on what they’re

Saying and then I can also read it in English so it helps me like do all the things it’s pretty Cool Amigo there’s a lot of Spanish speaking people where I live as well so I have been learning some Spanish but not as much as I not as much experience I have with French my brother though he speaks like fluent Spanish it’s pretty cool he went on a church mission to Spanish

Speaking pretty cool yeah I like it just a fun fact with Pat Pat likes French now you know if you say things like baguette or frage he’ll be doing it right you know what I’m saying this farm right here this is such a good Farm look at this Farm man it’s good this

Primo you forced yourself to learn the meaning of that phrase nice I need I need something very important for the farming process I need a hoe again I already went through a whole hoe if you can believe it use the thing until it broke um might need a little bit more water so

Alyssa doesn’t get mad this time put it in early okay if I have to I’ll hydr Dr the SL the dirt the soil the whatever before I put it down oh yeah this is a good Farm you guys this is a great Farm not going to lie if Mojang saw this

Farm they might call me right now put me on the professional Minecraft team is dog boy banned forever I don’t think so not yet no I think dog boy is still chilling he just hasn’t been here more near the turn too uhoh which turn there’s a lot of

Turns I mean there’s water over here right should be good I think how doesn’t it go like eight blocks or something or does it not does it go up a block can I do that does that count I think that counts might have to leave in a BAC and to study philosophy whoa

Okay I took philosophy in college because I’m a smart educated person although I failed out of college like three times so don’t be like me in that way be like me in the cool ways not that cool ways stay school you can place water sources under

Dirt blocks to hide them well here I am putting them all on display and now I find out you could have just be hiding them away what am I going to do there’s really nothing I can do except for just let it be let it be let it

Be all right sounds good appreciate it stay in school if anybody’s parents ever ask what does Pat say on stream tell them he said stay in school that’s what he says like the whole stream is just great advice just like that that’s what you get out of pad streams I like

This it’s pretty cool man it’s pretty cool if I say so myself might even get some wood going notching notching nothing we can do nope it’s toast oh you said five blocks four four or five blocks for water oh so it’s like eight blocks total then is that where I got mixed

Up that makes sense are pigs useful for villagers like if I trap some of those is there something we can do with that or no I feel like there should be something right here I just don’t know what it is what is It it’d be cool if we could get like some villagers over here just like right here I think I do like a little Storehouse typee of deal not quite sure what that looks like yet though I’m going to have to figure it out uh oak sapling yeah let’s plant that

Down waste no time that’s little Housey little bit little bit relocation time what are we relocating Oh the villagers I got you Pat got trolled what you talking about sounds good Harley appreciate you hanging out it’s been cool hope you had a good time all right let’s see seeds some wheat and we got to go to sleep I should probably start carrying a bed around

It’s probably probably good time to start doing that um is there one right here no of course not oh that’s what happened okay yeah you trolled me super good I hear a kitty cat okay I’m going to take the composters that I see and put them over there um is there another one

Anywhere there’s lots more wheat I could get I know that but I have a ton growing so like it’s not not the number one priority but it’s like free wheat hard to say now so let’s see what why does the sky look like that it’s like it’s like grayish blue what

The heck also is that a ruined portal but also yeah what the heck is happening like where’s the sun it’s like overcast is this a thing yeah it’s almost night oh wait did I never actually go to sleep I did go to sleep though yeah it’s not night

That’s what I’m saying like where’s the sun it’s just missing cuz it’s raining it’s not raining does it not rain right here is that what’s going on Kitty cheeseburger what dude a cheeseburger sounds so good right now though oh my God bro a cheeseburger would absolutely slap

Like just straight up Will Smith bro straight up fish to the face slap bro straight up cheese on my forehead slap it doesn’t rain here cuz it’s a savannah well that’s lame I feel that though being a desert boy myself yes you told me who you are which

I think is a silly move because you had a whole chance to re reinvent yourself and you chose to disregard that and go right back to me understanding who you are let’s see if I put a composter like you know probably need a little bit more

Space No One Cares oh my God who’s ordering cheeseburgers for all of us yo I would love for a cheeseburger right now it’ be so sick bro so sick all right let’s see hold on melon seeds melon slice Apple random I need more composters oh there’s a farmer let’s go

See where he’s going yeah he’s going to this give me that you don’t need that bro yeah hm that’s right he didn’t change jobs so does that mean that he’s got another composter somewhere else what you doing mate oh he just barely just barely turned green mate still got uh two leather

Workers two leather workers what are they doing um let’s see I need to get I need to get all the composters I think I’ve got all the composters but what if I’m too far away for the villagers to pick them up ouch mouch let’s see anybody interested this is not

Working sounds good man appreciate you hanging out good luck on the exam as well in social studies H all right let’s see I come from the south I’m pretty well known in Colorado [Laughter] what can set up an auto weed farm what you think think I’m going to do things automatically when I could do them manually and slowly by hand think about how much time I could save it’s

Disastrous what else am I going to do if I’m not pretending I know how to build a farm then I’m going to have to pretend I know how to build anything else and then you guys are going to realize that I’m just making this up I’m playing the game like a noob I’m

Playing the game like you’ve never seen before because uh that’s what I do I’m not really like any of the good Minecraft streamers I am a streamer that plays Minecraft it’s not the other way around so you know I just do what I like to

Do M you got to go sounds good enjoy studying philosophy I appreciate you hanging out with us it’s been awesome we’ll see you again later I think I got I think I got all of the composters now but the problem being I can’t get any villagers to come close enough to

Pick him up he’ll be back in 30 minutes word I think we might still be going not sure we’re going to see how I’m feeling probably shouldn’t do more than like two hours or so I got villagers down here but how do I get them to move oh that’s right lety told

Me we got to move their beds although these guys are in here working as leather workers H oh you know what are they inside because it’s like raining is that what’s happening hopefully this plan works I’ve invested a lot of time into it I think it will I

Believe at night you can figure out whose bed is who for now you have to guess true I did not really think about that I probably want the beds to be a little closer to the rest of the village for now maybe like over here somewhere could be Good this Farm is like your child you love to see you grow up I don’t have any kids myself but I do have a niece turns five this month or wait just just turned five actually it’s December now ah she’s awesome grows up quick though holy cow that’s no joke

Okay I got one bed we’re off to a good start and got more wheat and more seeds got tons of seeds like holy cow and tons of Wheat and more wheat growing the plan is working I think but to make it work more we’re going to have to get more beds more

Villagers a butcher a leather worker a cleric you guys I really want you to be Farmers if you could how do I get them up here what if I got to do mate what is this what do Al do my brother is texting me that he found an LA the little blue

Guys how do they work he’s asking me how they work I’m like I don’t remember dude take away their blocks to wipe their job that’s a good way to do it they follow you around when you give them items Okay they hold one item but they’re like pets don’t they like pick up the items or something too if I remember right you guys I need you to become Farmers please I need you to die though you’re just the worst a waste of time Really um maybe I can put the composters closer for now or something yes they can only be told to collect one item type okay so it’s like they pick up whatever you give them you give them an item and then you can and then they’ll pick them up

So sleepy didn’t you just wake up just like the same time I did Um okay but yeah it’s so funny he’s asking me I’m like I don’t know but I know people who know cuz I hang out with people smarter than me that’s the advantage of uh playing it on stream where’ they all go you’re totally gone all right there’s one so what if I

Like you said just start taking these freaking blocks wait you guys don’t even have a block in here what what are you doing will you become this shoot me the link what is the link to my stream oh I think it’s this there you go it’s The Cauldron The Cauldron is the

Block for real oh we’ve got a farmer mate we’ve got a farmer now we’ve got two farmers mate neither one of them have got wheat have you got wheat now mate you do but I didn’t bring any with me hold on I’ll be right back I’ll be right back I’m going

To lock you into a farmer it’s going to work it’s going to work I believe it’s not going to work it’s going to take me a while oh careful don’t jump on the farm okay we got wheat we have got it I repeat we have got the wheat

So if I can lock this one into wheat then I think I could actually remove it and he would still maybe pick it up I don’t know we’re going to have to see let’s see okay one Emerald so he’s locked into wheat now without hitting the Villager which I’ve done

Before all I need to do is get number two as well now he’s definitely definitely not doing it right hu this these are some tight quarters we got going on all right I need this guy to be wheat there we go okay cool now I

Got them both on wheat now all we got to do is take this and get them over here how far away will they pick it up I wonder you guys come over here oh they’re stuck they’re both trying to go outside at the same time classic villager problems okay oh it’s working it’s

Working okay what’s going on Boston welome into the chat we’re doing some villager shenanigans you guys I can’t believe this is actually working after all the struggle and pain that I went through finally getting some villagers to come through yes dude yes come on come on

Come on come on come on come on come on don’t quit on me now don’t quit on me now right there right here come on yes let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go all right are they actually going to work on

This Farm too that’d be pretty sick okay so the whole point though was that now I can get some emeralds with all of this wheat that I spent so much time painstakingly growing oh wow you actually take a lot of wheat I I don’t have enough okay well I didn’t see that coming

Um great good news all this wheat is going to be useful and now I should probably get some more okay let’s see you know I just had an idea tell me what you think about this idea I’m thinking that I might put like a something to contain

The villagers to this Farm area like put up a fence around it you think that’s a good idea so they just kind of stay at the farm it would also help protect them I think too I wonder if I could turn it into like a little little automatic farm

Where they kind of take care of it for me is that I wonder if that’s possible what’s going on Lona Nova welcome man good to see you again um yes yes I can like put the put the fence up as he’s literally walking away like answering my question for

Me yeah I think I should probably try to contain them a bit I think that makes sense wow they’re straight up running away oh you know what though I think they’re going to convene right don’t they all go like at the middle of the day or something to like hang out with each

Other at the well is that what’s happening we’re all hanging out at the well [Laughter] well well then where’s my other farmer though oh here he is okay sick he’s also an apprentice which is also sick got no more weed for you buddy I mean I got a little bit but not

Enough so then let’s see I’m going to need to get some wood if we’re going to build a fence around the farm like this oak tree right here solid oh the sound of iron golem footsteps make me a a little bit nervous not going to

Lie CU it makes me remember I’m like one mistake away from dying and that’s it that could be the end let us not forget that I’m playing on Hardcore so if I if I die that’s it the end of the world forever build up four blocks and kill it

I mean I like having him around it’s just it’s also a risk you know what I’m saying it’s uh It’s Tricky how do we judge the consequences the risk of our actions I think I might actually make the fence out of acia to make it orange kind of fit the

Savannah hold on do I have a bed nope heading back to a bed we’re chilling we’re chilling still don’t want any creepers to spawn at all oh dude he used a bed sick sick what’s up guys I’m going to join you if you don’t mind I’m just going to slide

Right in right between you guys soon as it’s night time at the end of the day your safety is more important than the villagers you know what ly you’re totally right you’re totally 100% right I should be prioritizing myself because it’s hardcore so I’d rather have a villager die than I that makes

Sense and I could also fence the whole village if I wanted to probably not going to but I could I could do it I think I want to get some more oak wood I don’t necessarily like this tree very much what’s going on Harley welcome back

I think I’m going to take this one out wouldn’t mind if it’s missing you know some of the trees I like how they look I appreciate their Aesthetics like I like this tree right now I’m going to leave that tree where it is for the time being

But I am going to chop down other trees and I probably need to replant some of these acacia trees honestly cuz I don’t want it to be like too Barren fence in the farm is for sure I like that plan I think we’re going to

Do that plan going to keep on working on it got to get some more Oak saplings going so we can get some uh get like a little concentrated Oak area going I think there’s Oak over here too going to go grab that while I can a good cave this way

Looks like so that could be useful for later Whoa look at that dude that is a huge mountain oh my goodness there’s an entire other Village I did not expect that what in the world dude look at that a whole a whole whole other Village just right around the corner and another giant Stony that’s a peak as

Well another uh is it a Stony Peak is that what we decided it’s called steal the stuff I can’t right now cuz I’m totally full but but yeah we need to totally go steal that look they got bales of hay and stuff holy crap okay well then I am definitely coming back

Oh dang that’s sick cool good to know it’s a good find that is like nine weed of baale I’m going to go store some stuff we’ll plan a trip back don’t let me forget about it cuz that sounds like something I would totally do all right do I like sweet potato

Yes we hit the what was I saying the jackpot maybe I don’t know yes okay indeed I’ve got six Oak saplings so we can put those down nice bang Bing Bang Boom Boom we’ve k 30 pieces of oak mate also how the heck do I get in here

Cuz it’s like elevated so if I’m going to put a fence up I’m going to need a couple spots to get in somehow it’s going to take some work for sure for sure for sure oh yeah I can jump over it with carpet that’s right no fence what why isn’t fence showing

Up I have planks and I have sticks fence oh cuz I’m not at a crafting table Yeah dummy [Laughter] like duh du oh okay I got about 70 fense is that going to be enough probably not try think 10 going be like 20 that might give me like

Halfway we’re going to need a lot more wood but oh look at that there’s more wood ask and you shall receive now let’s see the other thing is I’m going to have to plant it all then I’m going to have to harvest it all you like [Laughter] that that was a good

Uh sometimes I just got to think so I think it’d be neat if I did a wood outline as well just to make it extra complicated this is so unnecessary is this place even big enough oh my goodness talking about the likes on the video that’s okay bro we’re chilling we don’t

Care nobody cares about stats bro we’re mad chilling bro mad chilling like really doesn’t matter stats are cool and all but whatever o what do here I think go this way and then probably just get rid of that let’s be honest oh okay and then we’ll come around this way

And I’m going to have to figure out what I’m doing with this too little villager area probably need to probably need to leave some space did someone say statistics okay see that’s what you do when you’re a Smart Genius then Pat placed the fence all around the

Farm that he had so painstakingly built knowing that it would then protect his investment Pat realized he has no idea what he’s doing just making it up sick looking good it’s looking real good looking Primo you might even say it’s looking professional I mean I wouldn’t say that but you

Could it’s my own certain special kind of professional meaning uh you know very Pat likee yes right on brand it’s what we call do doing your best that’s what we call it yes yes doing your best cuz at the end of the day that’s all you can do anyway but

Looks like these trees grew which means oops which means I can then Harvest more wood which is good going to need it got a lot of wooden to do a lot of wood stuff what is the Stanley Parable what is this Harley what are you talking about it’s a game nice

Looks like I accidentally left a floating tree I don’t like to do that oh and it’s night time got to go run run run run run run run run run run run run oh no this guy is sleeping in the bed I’d like to sleep in this bed please also I just

Clicked the hit button and uh I’m glad I didn’t actually hit that villager because there’s literally an iron golem right there and I might die if I do that so that was that was pretty close to being a mistake just saying it’s a game where you can either

Do what the narrator says or do absolutely anything else because you play by your own rules okay I like it stop what bro what what you talking about just stop uh no I don’t think I Will Don’t look out my window okay sounds good that’ll be easy H whoops there’s multiple endings okay Fence Me Fence Me Up mate need some more sticks hey I think I made too Many there we go let’s see uh what we get 45 okay I think I need to continue this Boop a Boop a Boop aoop aoop aoop not sure what I’m going to do with the fence over here yet we’re going to have to see here’s a random question for you do you guys like cheese cake y or n how do you feel about

Cheesecake perfect area for a fence gate I do agree I do agree like right here would be good crap I need more acacia wood don’t have any yet here’s a little bit yes nay nay you guys don’t like Cheesecake I know somebody mentioned a cheeseburger earlier bro now I’m thinking about that too man that sounds good I don’t really have it in my budget to like go get one but it sounds good what up that it’s just cake but with cheese I mean not exactly

No I believe cheesecake is like made out of cheese isn’t it I don’t believe I’ve ever actually made a cheesecake now that I’m thinking about it that does not look Right little terraforming kind of make that feel a little more natural I think I’m going to end up reworking this area but for now I think this will be good enough I think I’m going to take this particular tree out and maybe just grow another one something like that should be good

Maybe and I get hit it up right here let’s see nice okay I’ve got too many things though again all right let’s see have more saplings coming too do I like fried rice I do yes I do I like it with uh with like vegetables in it and

Stuff oh dude and I really like it if you got that yum yum sauce you know what I’m talking about like that white sauce dude is so good oh my God uhoh now the Iron Golem is in the fence I think I would rather have him outside of the fence

Pretty sure what do you think Iron Golem in the fence out of the fence like peas and soy sauce yeah exactly but like there’s this Japanese restaurant that makes the fried rice right in front of you and they got this white sauce they put on there like we

Also call it yum yum sauce dude it’s so good so good let’s see I need to make some PL uh sticks I mean then I could do oh I had a bunch I hate it then I could make more of these that’s not going to be enough I don’t

Think this is it’s going to be so cool though once it’s done also I think my music is dead the fenses to protect the farmers yeah I think you’re right I think that’s the way to go cuz like they they’re going to have protection already so Mr Gollum if you

Could just go that way thank you then we should be good and oh no I’m so close okay am I aiming for family friendly you know I don’t know honestly I’m not guaranteeing it basically but you know it’s pretty close like I don’t usually swear I might

Have sworn though when I was about to die at some other times it kind kind it comes out but I try not to you know what I mean what’s going on Leon welcome into the stream yesn’t it’s pretty accurate yeah that’s about that’s a good way to put it okay

So now I should be able to make enough to finish this I think I need to get rid of this okay so that nothing just walks right in over the fence I hate it when that happens get rid of that it’s chat that’s more not friendly

Right I did swear in old videos yeah totally I mean I swear all the time in real life like I’ve said I talk about it all the time it’s like you know I’m not trying to pretend like I don’t it’s just I generally try not to for the most part on

Stream I need to store some of this crap again also I need to make a fence gate oh oh Feb what is my opinion on Family Guy I feel like I like about a Family Guy can the villagers not oh can they not use Gates I guess they can’t use Gates huh here

You go you guys perfect timing really that went great that went so well what makes it hardcore good question so uh basically I’m doing this entire world and I only get one life so if I die then everything is gone forever the world is deleted and I cannot come back there’s no

Respawn we do have a mucher yes we need to get him out of here huh what are we going to do about that crap just ruined my crop oh yeah and hardcore is also locked to hard difficulty that’s also correct so luckily though luckily we have good armor I left my diamond helmet

Back at the main base in the Nether and I have had one close call um out there in the nether where we almost died I almost died to an Enderman and and it was pretty terrifying not going to lie um I don’t think you can force him

To be a farmer can you like he doesn’t get a job because he’s got the green jacket right pretty sure yeah it’s uh the Knit Wit I believe they call it I wonder if I could make like uh little Second Story what do we do with them I think

We’re going to murder them to be honest you know I think we’re just going to get the old flint and steel maybe call it a day is this you’re supposed to be in there how did you get out so they can use fence gates then right I mean he must have this is

Unfortun why are you a toolsmith what is happening what is happening cool yes oh just Honor Code yeah okay yeah it’s an actual game setting game mode um and yeah lety let’s got you there too but yeah it’s an actual game mode in Java thank you I appreciate you saying that I mean it’s not true we all know that but I do have a very unique style so it’s at least fun all right let’s make a couple more composters but you know the advantage that I have now is that I play with

People smarter than I [Laughter] am um playing with chat is like a cheat code it’s a great life hack because they’re able to answer all kinds of questions which is amazing put a composter in the fence also we have a weak point they cannot use fence gates

So oh yeah look at these guys right here looking like idiots bro idiots that guy especially is an idiot this guy’s less of an idiot the one in the green jacket will not get a job come on bro I need you to get in here please

Please why are you saying to put the composter in the fence though lety curious what your reasoning is with that nice got him ha and this one’s out ha we did kick him out successfully now can you confirm that villagers do not use fence gates are we 100%

Sure so that they can’t switch the jobs oh yeah yeah yeah so you just mean like inside of the fence cuz I was thinking you were literally talking about like putting in uh putting it in the fence line and I was like yeah I don’t think that’s a good

Move but now I see what you’re saying okay so we got all kinds of farmers in here awesome now great I think they’re going to be stuck check the perimeter for weak points that’s a good idea what are we looking for places where mobs might be able to get in

Doesn’t look like it unless a spider climbs this tree or something but spiders don’t kill zombies right I don’t think so the watermelon is too close to the fence oh like right here yeah you’re probably right Um H we could move the fence or yeah I’m going to move the Fence all the way out like that that’ll fix it and keep the watermelon plant and then we can also do this bam and then do this bam and then I could plant seeds there if I had any there we go all right so I have 13 emeralds so far now can

I what do I get out of having these guys like Farm I I noticed that they’re filling up the composter do I end up getting bone meal from that like is that a benefit for me I hope it is going to grow some more oak trees out here so we can do that

Okay give them leftover seeds I mean I do have like a bunch of seeds I don’t know how many they can hold but there’s all of those you guys want more looks like they’re they’re busy oh crap don’t jump in here where are they all going what are you guys

Doing here you want these maybe nice they’re confused yeah they definitely seem confused um I’m thinking about building them like a a little bigger area for beds I think would be cool I think it would be awesome but I’m going to need more wood d oh yeah that’s right there’s another

Village and we could get that uh we could get the wheat from over there as well I like that I like that plan a lot mate oh man that accent is so stupid when I do it I’m so bad at it okay so let’s see chilling super chilling super carrying appreciate you

H oh they’re going to bed there’s no bed in here right nah cuz that would be too simple I don’t want to keep stealing their beds but at the same time it’s just so convenient right now to just take this dude’s bed and sleep in there instead

Gigalo I’m wondering if I can come up with a way to build like a little Second Story of beds seems unnecessarily dangerous the one farmer can’t sleep cuz that’s his bed oh that’s what’s happening I see H what are we going to do about that Now let’s think if I was a villager which I’m not clearly I would need about that much space before the second floor are they going to be able to use the second floor Ben I don’t even know dude probably not so right now can I put a block right here no Got

To Be This Tall don’t use a ladder that’s right it’d be kind of neat if villagers could climb ladders right that would be cool but no they can first I got to make sure nobody’s going to die did not bring in crafting table that’s a bucket of water

You don’t know why they they don’t use ladders Oh you mean like uh like in the village builds they got ladders I know what you’re talking about yeah it seems kind of silly huh there’s like no room up here but technically I could make it bigger as

Well I really don’t even need a second floor like what is my plan right now good question I have no idea Farm looks great nice it’s only a bed floor yeah it’s not you know it’s not that special um I think I would rather have them get in from like the back I

Guess like what happens if I how many blocks am I trying to go up one two three four would be right in the corner I think I need it like this then get rid of this uh and do this oh crap oh they can use doors if needed okay

Cool but not fence gates right I’ll fix that in a second hold on this is so unnecessary I love it oh man but is like this hurt yeah they’ll probably freaking hurt themselves if I let them drop drop from that high but can this block exist technically yes should probably be a

Slab for extra clearance there we go that’s not bad and um proba I don’t need that then can do this I built all of this to get enough room for like not even three beds no it’s got to be bigger than this it’s got to be a little bit

Bigger oh man okay let’s see okay so that’s safe uh but we could go out like this way that’s as well okay that might work o I’m out of fence again I think I got just enough nice three beds straight up fire bro so fire okay I’ve got a

Plan that’s right where the water source is that’s crazy Unlucky that’s okay I’ll just move it to like you know anywhere else okay oh that was the last piece I had oh oh there’s a baby it’s working look at that wow love to see it this Farm’s going to go so hard bro it’s going to go cra [Laughter] Crazy okay I got some more wood I think it’d be good if I could do this one Too oh crap he could get out of that uh please don’t please don’t yeah I probably could also live here home I need to eat little dark in here at the moment that’s okay though that’ll be all right Kind of neat feel like I need one over here somewhere but I’m not sure where I guess just right there actually would be good yeah nice beautiful it’s absolutely beautiful mate and I think it’s still villager proof seems like can’t get up on anything the beds might the beds might actually let them

Get up onto the fence didn’t even think about that oh No Uhoh wait a second need to find his bed I need to just put a couple more beds in there too I think oh crap Hey welcome back MCH Not sure how I feel about this Farm’s looking good thank you I think what I might do is make some slabs I think that would just give this so much more shape and definition you know kind of like thin it out a bit that looks way cooler oh he just said slabs could add texture to it that’s so funny I love it and I’m sitting here like I think

What I’m going to do is use some slabs give us some some shape some character I might even thin that one out Too nice He’s just jumping on the bed okay I need to get some food and I guess I also need to get a couple more beds as well I need to go cook this food I think although I could just be making bread at this point also I need to go raid that

Other Village that we found and get their wheat as well whoa that’s a lot of seeds I don’t even have space you read my mind perfect hey buddy uh you need some help carefully carefully you good there you go get out of that hole Bud we need you protecting the

People do not let them die oh there’s a second one oh my oh he’s brewing Brewing it up bro sick I got some cod in here I could use that right now tons of seeds respect plus plus that’s what I like to see uh let’s store that let’s store that let’s store these

Cauldrons although those are like villager blocks I might I might try to like build a spot to hold villager blocks so I can kind of control the job of the population a little bit more I think that would be a good idea could be a good idea to make a map

Out here I don’t know could be fun uh you know that’s better okay I got my food what’s up dude what’s up dude number two grab all this wheat okay Pat the map collector dude I actually yeah I like Maps a lot it’s one of my favorite things is like making a

Big old map wall I mean it’s just so much fun I will probably end up doing that at some point maps are cool for real that’s what I’m talking about Mech gets it a map floor oh a floor I had even thought about doing a floor I usually hang them up on a Wall Getting a good little wood Farm going out here too I think there’s a way to limit the height of the the oak trees so they’re like harvestable from the ground I should probably end up doing that pretty soon that make it a lot easier what’s going on Diane welcome in to the

Chat and to the stream I do think I want slabs here as well it feels weak the way it runs into that post I think I like how it wraps around out here compared to this like I think it’d be better if I wrapped around a bit like out out

Here doing great thank you so much I appreciate that house is nice yeah I’m building a little spot for the villagers at the moment working on getting them a a cool place to live you know doing my best anyway need to get them some more beds

We got another Village we’re about to go raid in just a second not literally raid but you know take their stuff um as well so that’s going to be cool see now I don’t know how I like it wrapping like that cuz it’s not square but it doesn’t need to be square excuse

Me sir was watching before on the TV but I couldn’t type I feel that I’ve been watching YouTube on my TV lately it’s pretty fun that’s how I feel you happy you can type now though welcome welcome so now I can extend this so my villagers don’t accidentally walk off and end their

Life they’re not the brightest you might never do a raid yeah honestly that might be true they are hard I think uh we’re getting pretty close to setting a record if we haven’t already for like longest time I’ve been alive in a hardcore World which I should probably knock on would but

Yeah let’s see oh I can trade with uh which one of these is like the good guy the most farthest along guy good think it’s this guy get some more emeralds sick Let’s Do let’s store some stuff got some sticks I actually got lots of sticks might just kind of store some of these materials for building around here love the setup appreciate that we vanquished our killer supposedly yes yes we did and we hung up the ender pearl for the world to see never again

Hopefully um oh oh oh oh looks like it’s raining again that’s a thing okay so I need to get some more beds I guess as well I could try to make some myself oh bone meal yay check it out it’s trying to rain so bad it really is normally I go fishing

When it rains but we’re not in a biome where it rains so having a bad time so if I have this figured out then the villagers will replant this right themselves I mean I gave them like tons of seeds should Place torches that’s a good idea probably do need to light it

Up it’s currently not very lit it’s not lit fam yes yes they will replant them I hope so they still feel kind of confused they do seem like they feel confused yeah I agree oh oh oh oh oh I hear a skeleton you uh okay maybe I can lure him over to the

Iron Golem he’ll take care of them for me do skeletons kill villagers they don’t right right they just shoot me which he is trying to do right now successfully actually I might add um yeah I wish I could get him to come over here that was close

Do you guys want these do you need these seeds throw down a bunch this guy is so excited oh it’s a thunderstorm whoa kind of crazy got him problem solved don’t die thank you thank you minions attck hitting him with his own arrows would have been sick it was difficult to

Do though over the fence got to say seems like these guys are not planting what’s up with that true true lety we could just surround the whole thing with leaves just like [Laughter] that and it’ be super safe not a big fan of this floating staircase I feel like that looks kind of

Ridiculous hey this guy grew up let’s go why is there another arrow oh there’s another skeleton a bit of definition yes yes yeah come over here bro come over here I got a surprise for you I got a surprise for you you got got bro you got got real good thanks

Bud sick got some bones too very nice very nice I think I might make some shears cuz I just saw some sheep and then I can make some beds beds reconciling with the Golem I’m doing my best more stairs under the stairway kind of thicken it up I think that might make

It look better that seems like a good idea I thought there was more sheep than that to be honest it’s just two what are you going to do you know what are you going to do that’s a big hole breed the villagers with bread do they not breed themselves I thought they would breed themselves cuz they’re farmers

No nothing you can do sad nothing you can’t do oh it is raining over here look at that so we could go fishing in the rain hey look some more wool and more wheat neat oh yeah right it’s on the biome borders Village raid good good good

Reminder I had forgotten again I’m still putting it off I just keep getting distracted nice um bed I can make one bed no I can make two beds if I had wooden planks that is somebody gets a black bed very cool somebody gets a white bed very Cool so they are currently still not replanting not sure what’s up with that there we go some more beds oh black B we’re coming up on 3 hours nice uh need to eat got some wheat need to go raid that other Village real quick got some more beds

Upstairs these guys are not replanting the crops I feel like although this whole side is like growing but this side is not why aren’t you why aren’t they planting crops what is wrong with them yeah fishing is good and I normally fish when it rains cuz it’s an area I added

Manually do you mean the soil like what do you mean what would I need to do to fix that if that was the case I feel like they’re not really doing anything they’re just largely useless so far what are they doing anything oh yeah we actually did end up

Fishing in an artificial Pond a couple weeks ago all right this guy just bone meal that weed and this guy just got some and replanted it maybe they just need time yeah he’s going at it okay you have to feed the bread to the villagers I mean I just I gave it to

[Laughter] them is that good enough nice dude nice dude very cool love getting me some bone meal very nice we got so many trees growing around here I love that oh whoa oh crap dude came out of freaking nowhere Get Wrecked bro get wrecked bro they have their own half yeah like their

Own half of the farm yeah like what the heck dude what is going on with that why why why are you so dumb plant this side please no nothing I do not understand villagers it’s clear it is becoming clear so I’ll plant it myself really quick they also can’t Harvest

Melons um I just put the melons because it looks cool that’s all like I said looks over everything the farm is neat but it needs to look cool you have to feed the bread to them not give it to them by dropping are you sure I don’t remember that I’ll give it

A shot in a second unless it’s like been changed or something but then again I guess I’m really kind of demonstrating I don’t understand villagers so that’s fair like maybe they’re not planting this because I broke it manually but it sure seems like they should be I don’t know

Man compost replacement might help what do you mean like they only farm so close to a composter oh dude you might be on to something with that cuz they are kind of just like hanging around the composters that could be it actually all right let’s see that’s not how that’s supposed to

Go so what if we do that and then what if we do this one’s pretty empty something like that look I feel like he’s minding the crops now right around this he just spilled soup on your shirt sad sorry to hear that some soup sounds delicious right now though I must

Say I think I got one more composter nice let’s move that this way see if this does anything I think that’s working you guys I think you might have figured it out lety I think that might might be it are they ruining the ground like by getting up on the composter and then

Jumping down that was your idea my bad then I’m doing my best it’s been 3 hours holy cow I should probably go get some water actually um and then I need to run over to that Village and grab their stuff I think this is finally working we’re getting bone meal which is

Cool yeah I wish they would quit jumping up on here look he just did it dude yeah the shaders are interesting they get mixed responses you know some people like them some people don’t that feels silly because it’s floating and it looks ridiculous but like stop jumping on the freaking composter dude

It was Tim oh confirmed bro he’s got your back Tim that name always makes me laugh bro oh it cracks me up all right let’s see yeah I mean I hate that look with it just floating but I’m tired of them jumping on it I don’t know what else to

Do shaders look good they all just look different I’ll tell you what my favorite is bedrock uh with Ray tracing that looks awesome big fan big fan of that hold on all right let’s see I still need to fill this in over here I think that was also to me who

Said we could put some uh some stairs underneath those stairs kind of bulk them up I think that looks a lot better actually and then I might even slab that just for an extra bit of little you know little bit of oomph and then really this fence needs

To go needs to be planks oh my goodness ridiculous I don’t even have any to replace it what are we going to do put a torch on the floating slabs some kind of light well now the problem is it’s a half slab so that’s not going to work

Unfortunately can I reach my chest nice need a little bit of this oh it’s almost night time a slab Rim around the ceiling on the on the inside do you mean like the inside of the Villager area right here definitely would like some windows in this that would be

Nice do a memorial for Maxwell nah we’re chilling oh oops I was ignoring you I forgot Definitely need some light in here this guy is not coming up here for the bed oh right as I said that there we go sick Dude this torch looks a little of place at the moment just sitting on the ground it’s kind of obnoxious oh I see hearts we are about to grow forces maybe there it is Bam one more villager need to venture to the nether for glowstone eventually might also let you connect

Your bases oh that’s pretty smart try and do a little uh nether connection between here and home base so the Watermelons look cool but they’re also the the villagers are destroying the farm plots by jumping on them can’t have everything bro when you build things for Aesthetics Functionality second but man it looks good tell you what so now I built all of this and I don’t even have wheat to trade in to get emeralds I think that was my original [Laughter] plan and that’s okay we’re chilling how is my day my day is going pretty

Good this is pretty much all I’ve done so far put a slab on top of the watermelon that could do it hold on one second I think my mom’s text to me uh um yes nice says we got a sub appreciate that um okay also slab on the watermelon is probably

A pretty decent idea it would look not too ridiculous oh that’s not how you do it I mean you know little watermelon hats okay I tell you what I need to go get some water yes um so I’m going to take a a very small little break for just a minute here

Which I haven’t taken a break in 3 hours the green bean casserole turned out awesome it was delicious I could go for some right now pretty hungry probably going to go grab like a spoonful of peanut butter or something get some calories uh when I come back I’m about

To go to the other Village get the stuff that they had um and bring it back home so give me just a minute don’t go anywhere I’ll see you right when I get back in just a minute For Ooh Oo Oh He He He Down Ohie dokie I’m back to welcome like I said I appreciate your patience hopefully you guys had a good break as well time to raid the other Village yes let us do it let us shall we let’s go see what we could find oh yeah oh oh yeah let’s

Go think I’m going to put the emeralds in here I think I’m going to put the wool in here I think I’m going to put the bones in here that’s probably like pretty much everything but also the wool could go in here I guess I’ll take that cuz it’s a form of

Food an empty map just in time as the bit of the stream got distracted totally happens welcome I do have work today at 300 p.m. so that’s in an hour and a half so I’m probably going to have to go I’d say we have like an hour max maybe maybe

30 maybe 30 minutes to an hour make an extra shield that’s a good point actually Shield let’s do it Okay here we go you know what else would be good as a bed that’s all right I got shears we’ll be okay I’m sure we’re going to run into some sheep somewhere along the way we usually do of course I don’t see any this

Time if you need a sheep to show up it’s like it knows huh wait there’s one give me that give me that oh oh oh oh oh that was an Enderman did he just Why is he teleporting like that he didn’t get angry did he okay now I think we’re good yo the

Enderman is what almost killed me okay there he is in the last stream and Enderman came came into my base I was building he’s back and he smacked me and he smacked me and he smacked me pretty sure I got out of there with what half a heart left is that right oh

My goodness it was terrible it was so bad okay so the village is coming up let’s see what we can find I know those hay bales are going to be sick like I’m excited about that for sure but I wonder what else there’s going to

Be a smoker do I want a smoker I could just make a smoker it’s not a big deal hello how’s it going isant isant ishant a shant I Shan say it let’s get this hey Bill how’s it going what did I miss uh we were basically just working on villager things so we got the farm going over there we got it all fenced in we built a little Second Story for the Villager beds um and now we’re raiding this

Village over here to see what we can get take things like beds and wheat and just whatever although I don’t need a whole lot of beds I guess probably more probably more just looking for loot I suppose that’s not loot that’s garbage why do I hear a zombie huh

Strange whoa look at that house dude that’s cool only streamer that got my name correct you know I get that a lot isn’t that crazy I’ve had several people tell me that so you know I do my best uh I don’t always get it right though not perfect

Yeah same bio oh look they built me a map table I’m taking that I am taking that for sure and paper uh yes this is a different village here that’s why it doesn’t look like anything’s been happening cuz it hasn’t we just barely found this one maybe we could

Kidnap this Village you mean take these villagers back to the other Village that sounds like a ton of work meow oh there’s another house down there hold on carefully careful ow carefully yeah and more hay let’s go and more wheat let’s go although we got got wheat at home not too worried about

It but you know can never have too much wheat uh what is the point of this building like what a that is a cool looking cap bro bro he I love it I love this cat should build an iron farm next that would be sick you know what though I should tell

You that I built an iron farm on a hardcore world one time and that was the time that I died to an iron golem so I do have a little bit of a traumatic history with the with the iron farm because it has ended a world of mine

Previously it’s not fun no it was a bad time that was very sad lety I laughed when you said so much space that was funny not sure if I recognized it out loud do I want a bell aren’t Bells like hard to make I don’t know it is but um No I already got it uh did I go in that house I think so I think that’s pretty much everything nothing too crazy yeah well you know Noah thinks so we need to make a castle Chad what are your thoughts on making a castle hit me with

It what kind of Castle are we talking about here like a stone Castle or like a mini castle maybe like a teeny tiny castle how about uh how about a cat Castle a castle made out of cats you thought it was going to be made

For cats you see what I did there got you good A Stone Castle H H all right tell you what I’ll put it on the list the list of things I’m going to do it’ll be right up there with other things that I’m going to do like go to

The end and beat the dragon that’s that’s pretty much it so far on the list that and now build a castle although I guess build an iron farm could be on there right buddy oh jeez Iron Golems not fans of iron Farms I’ll tell you what I do not

Like them weed for decorating or for use you know what that’s a good question but you know you know it’s going to be for decorating I mean I mean come on right like oh yeah no not die is definitely definitely number one yeah for sure would you if I put wheat here would

You jump out of here I think you would I think you’re the type of villager who would do that but I’m going to trust you I can’t just put one block of wheat though that will not work and sacrifice a plant for the Aesthetics what can I say I could make

The ground texture hey like that although if it’s on its side in the ground I probably want to like that maybe I could lay this one down give it a little variety oh wait he could jump out if I did that huh oh crap ah later the fence what are you talking

About like make it taller that’s probably what you mean right layer layer the fence you want me to put another layer on the fence I think I’m just going to leave it for now I think I’m going to leave that section and then oh yeah check this out bro this is what we’ll

Do bam boom bang bang huge pile hu huge pile of wheat so much wheat oh that’s not what I wanted to do that’s unfortunate there we go they are definitely going to ruin these crops all all around us [Laughter] hey pad back again from studying by the way if you’re wondering I’m studying

Like 30 minutes then 10 minutes rest and then repeat nice that’s a good good technique sounds like try the bread breeding um okay let’s do it you’re telling me I can feed this to a villager doesn’t seem to be Working slab some some of it and it’ll look good if it’s below a weat block the slab being below a weat block I don’t think feeding them bread literally actually works but I tell you what I wish that you were a wheat farmer bro cuz we don’t

Sell carrots or beetroot so like can you fix that bro can you not still did not fix that bro come on now it does on Bedrock okay I usually play on Bedrock as well so I feel you but hardcore it’s only on Java I don’t think you’re actually claiming this block who’s

Claiming this block it’s not you either bro it’s got to be this guy who’s literally standing on top of a melon just going to ruin the plot again there yeah but also like I said the guy is not switching Sals oh you’re at this composter now aren’t you that’s what’s happening

That’s what you did there we go oh my goodness did you get this one or the other one this one oh my goodness now I could just buy bread that’s actually pretty sick I kind of like that yeah let’s do it uh let me get some

Emeralds oh and I need to put a slab right there since you just broke another plant but anyways yeah let me get some bread bro holy cow that was a lot of experience I probably shouldn’t have bought that many I think that was a mistake uh oops oh well I need another

Chest that’s what I need oh okay or at least just make this bigger okay and we can put that up we can kind of spread this out ah uh I think I’m going to put the map block up here cauldron the seeds the melon fence

Dirt dude I got so much bread I have too much bread what am I going to do with all this bread eat it I guess eventually I still do have 11 emeralds for some reason I thought I had just spent them all and bought all

The bread he had but I guess he sold out before I ran out of emeralds which is good that’s really good this place looks sick bro so sick big fan big big fan and I got all this bread now but we would still have oh this guy’s a wheat Trader right

Now there we go Y y ding sick I was wrong you have to have enough beds and throw the food to them oh okay there you go now we know appreciate you looking it up so I just got another farmer very nice this guy is selling pumpkin pie and apples bro that’s dope which one’s

Better though pumpkin pie or apples pumpkin pie sounds a lot better sounds way tastier if I’m being honest I get four per Emerald holy cow dude I should probably be saving these emeralds though because I want to get other stuff this is only part of my villager setup like I’m also going to

Need what else am I going to need what other villagers am I going to need what do you think the next priority should be I wonder we could do what are some options we could do a librarian we could do we could do a Fletcher like somebody said earlier I think it was

Alysa we could do uh we could do like a butcher do like a a chicken farm okay blacksmith blacksmith Mak makes armor right and a weapon Smith makes weapons toolsmith can trade up to enchanted diamond armor that could be good let me grab this block so I’m probably going to want to

Move these guys just like we just did it’s crazy that this Farm like this place doesn’t have any other kind of farm wheat like throughout this whole thing kind of crazy I wonder if that’s because it’s in the Savannah Biome as then we found that other Village and it doesn’t have any either

It’s only wheat I wonder if like the Savannah only grows wheat in The Villages I don’t see a whole lot of villagers around here actually just a Couple we have a farming District now we didn’t need a district for all that’s pretty much what I’m thinking too Ley I think we’re on the same page like get some of these blocks together somewhere get a sick little farming like this is the farming area and then have like a black smithery

Weapon Smith area which would be cool if we just kind of did like nearby kind of like right here actually doesn’t have to be huge I would need what maybe two maybe three villagers nothing crazy just like a weapon Smith and a blacksmith and some beds okay I got an

Idea I’m going to clear all this out I don’t need It okay and some more because I’ll tell you what I’m thinking I like this path kind of curving through the farm we got that cool little form factor and I think if we just kind of kept that natural curve going right this way it’ be super

Cool I’m thinking we could fence in this other area as well I think that worked out pretty well the only thing is this isn’t a very big plot of land and if I carve into it we’re going to have a big old Hill I think the best move is to build

Out like right here if I need to expand it yeah I think that’d be pretty cool all right I’m seeing it I think I’m seeing it but go figure I got too much stuff I’m just going to have stuff everywhere it’s okay it’s not super important stuff

Yet although some of that just needs to go back into the other chest like I think I have wool in there the hoe is almost dead anyways need to destroy the autogenerated farm yeah exactly right now we got a good one so we don’t need it it’s fine I’ll put these weapon I’ll

Put these villager blocks in here two cooked salmon I got tons of bread don’t need two different sources of food I should put that in this other chest real quick now we should be good okay I wonder um it’s probably not there’s not villagers that take bread as

A trade right like that’ be convenient I could buy it and then trade it back I don’t think I’m actually going to get like any Wheat from this Farm though it just looks great but what do I get out of it nothing really right H I don’t know what I’m going to do

About that I put this bed here but I didn’t mean for it to be here I just kind it was temporary put that up put this up bone meal sadly they take the wheat fair but it looks awesome and to be honest I should probably automate the process like you

Said I know I was giving you crap for it earlier but you’re totally right that would be way better for the actual harvesting part oh actually I do want this bed in this area we need like a Merchants quadrant o tell me more what do you mean describe it to me it sounds

Cool okay I think I’m seeing this we’re going to find out what is the blacksmith’s block I believe that it’s oh is it a blast furnace or I have this uh smithing table it might be that actually I think that might be it still hearing lots of water

Store a few Merchants which are Max leveled at least one or two of each type okay I see what you’re saying the place where I go to trade things in like a centralized place I’m kind of liking this idea we’re running on right now of uh we got the farming District that make

Like a little smithing area yeah lety described it very well the plan is to slowly reconstruct the village like we have the farm where it’s organized and beautiful that was a great way to put it that’s exactly right it’s going to be awesome I’m excited get rid of that oh still got

More all right there we go that should do that and then we got one more okay nice if you place one down in the farm you get a blacksmith right that’s what that’s why I don’t want to place one in the farm and actually it’s a good

Reminder that I need to go lock in all those guys as Farmers um so that they don’t turn into something else while they’re in there that would be a pain how long have I been alive in the world good question uh day 75 there’s so much water here I keep

Thinking I took care of it and it comes back with a vengeance make it a separate level in the farm or make a whole new one okay I feel like we could slot that in but it would be you know later it’s like it’s pretty much it’s going

So I got to get these other areas going you know what I’m saying 25 more that’s what I’m talking about remember p d d Pat doesn’t die not this time definitely going to need some Stone to build this out of yeah I’m liking the path and gate

Idea just kind of running with that keeping that going I’m hoping this Farmland goes away I might have to do the old aerobics turn back to grass or dirt I mean they’re going to make me jump rope does it eventually go back to dirt though I think it does right if it’s not

Hydrated Oh I don’t have a bed nearby H oh yeah exactly yeah L’s right we’re going to we’re going to separate the areas so like the farmers are just Farmers that’s all they do yeah it’s all good so now I could just take that bed with me I

Need to probably start bringing one with me so I don’t have to run so far to find it okay now going to round this out a little bit it’s a little steep so yeah I’m picturing work here I’m picturing we’re going this way I’m picturing uh what time is

It okay it’s not even 2 o’ picturing kind of going this way with the path yes yeah we’re going to make a blacksmith right here is the plan so I appreciate you making the suggestion I think we’re going to take it I’m thinking for the wall right here

I could round it back off or I could do like a retaining wall type of deal and build it into the structure I’m thinking that’s what I’m gonna do instead it’s going to be pretty cool so the problem is I’m going to need a lot of stone to do

That I mean I guess I could build it out of wood but you know Stone feels right I think let’s go get some let’s get rid of this also um okay I thought this was a cave nope not really well we can get some Stone out of it actually stick right right here

Making these villagers lives better for our own benefit exactly it’s a win-win right you want me to make it out of diamond blocks [Laughter] LOL I do have a diamond block back at home base there really no reason for me to make this staircase 2 by two but I’m

Going to do it anyway because really I’m just getting Stone but figured while I’m getting Stone I might as well make it useful make a useful shape instead of just mindlessly mining out of the side of the mountain so you know could we use the cave as an area

Very possibly this particular one’s kind of far away oops I didn’t mean to do that I just put that back there we go all right here we go mining cobblestone I’m kind of thinking we might be able to vary the texture up by using other types of stone blocks but of

Course I don’t have my hands on and aite yet or even gravel but maybe through this process we could find some we got Granite which is like technically a rock but not the one I want it’s not going to have that aesthetic quality but you

Know got some dirt in the way easy to get through though so okay um let’s see I’m also maximizing the amount of materials I get for or at least increasing the amount of materials I get per torch instead of going for the distance you know we got some diorite that technically

Counts that might be useful I’d really like some an aite though and gravel would both be Good yeah I was actually thinking that too um after you said cave I was like what if that blacksmith area you know had a little rocky inside as if it was carved but the problem is I’m going to need the right materials to make that happen happen see what I’m

Saying to make it look like the inside of a Cave so far though mostly just getting Cobblestone and a little bit of diorite and a little bit of granite no andesite no gravel oh but here’s a cave and I hear a skeleton so I’m going to back up this is true I can smelt it back in a

Stone which I’ll probably end up doing can the skeleton see me I don’t think so I don’t have any more torches either unfortunately not exactly prepared although I do have some sticks so I could make some and then my hoe is in my sword slot oh wait no it’s not this just

Mixed up okay and put some blocks probably nearby and eat all right hold on let’s see if I can see him there’s a skeleton in here somewhere there he is oh crap I’m shifting instead of using right click again got him okay let’s light this up a little

Bit um looks like my music died very tense being all quiet okay there we go chilling hopefully I don’t run into any more mobs I think we’re good okay I got some gravel nice now I’d love to get some andesite please please game if you can hear me I’d like to get some

Andesite as well please please please please please how much gravel is that 30 I get some more and I can’t even carry the Flint that’s rough dude that is rough uh yellow flower that could go dandelion you’re back welcome back Alysa glad to have you um I’m only going to be on for

Probably 30 more minutes so you made it in good time but just letting you know we we are we are approaching the end still got a little bit though had to deal with the cat and the dog okay hopefully it wasn’t too crazy but yeah this what we got going on

And so we finished the Villager District in the village so we’re currently working on the next section which we decided was be good to do like a smithing area um and then I think after that I might do like a I think we might do like you were

Talking about the Fletcher I think I might make somewhere like that with like some trees and plant like you know shrubs and stuff um the end is near yeah the cat and the dog hate each other dang that’s tough [Laughter] living in the same area hopefully they get along though for

The most part you know so yeah we’re kind of working on carving out this area right here and that’s coming along pretty nicely it’s almost night time again um and I’m thinking it’d be cool if there was a little section that came out this way it was kind of like built

Out so like the ground floor is like extended this way not quite like like that but you know and I’m going to texture the floor obviously but uh just kind of visualizing what this might look like in my head oh yeah I do need to sleep good

Point and yeah I almost do need a new diamond pick it’s getting down there okay luckily I got some gold sitting around and I do have diamonds back at the main HQ too repair the pick oh that’s probably a good idea I had I really thought of that does uh how does that

Work I don’t remember I guess I would want this to kind of come out like further even further uh kind of like that maybe I can just dig this out instead that’ll make it feel like it came out further need a whole new one do with diamonds and an

Anvil you just need one Diamond I mean I can make a trip back to the main base at some point as well obviously Doing It Wrong the whole time no but hey at least you have a chance to learn that’s always good learning is good keep Learning I’m kind of liking this Vibe right now I like this idea Could have saved so many diamonds well now you know it’s better than Never that kind of works I don’t know I feel like that would have to be then that’s not round enough G okay I think that’s better just kind of eyeballing It Anyway smithing area is going to look great I agree if we use stone walls instead of fences this could look awesome I agree I agree I was still thinking of doing the actual area up here but this is like an extra

Little just underground Al Cove or something I don’t know should we just put the villagers down in here actually like just in their own little cave that could be pretty sick I did flatten this out but I can always do something with it I kind of like that

Idea oh oh oh you know what I’ll do this will be like a basement and so there’s like two floors but instead of going up we went down so we’ll come out here like this kind of like that you know I’ll figure it out so there’s like this ground

Area I’ll fix that up too I want to put barrels down here but I think barrels make like uh fishermen so I’ll probably have to use ch test speaking of I should probably find one the bedroom I like that idea that’s a solid idea okay so

Perfect um random crap that I want but don’t need in my inventory probably going to want some wood a little bit at least yeah that’s right lock their jobs in and then we can put barrels and then like other villagers might pick up the barrels but they shouldn’t cuz they

Can’t path to them right I think would be correct now I think that might be an old problem that I remember okay I also need to make some Stone cuz this Cobblestone is pretty hideous by itself like it’s it’s ridiculous I can’t put gravel in the

Roof but I could put gravel over here probably going to have to use Dior don’t have a lot of options for variety that didn’t work so yeah that section can’t really have gravel this section could though just use string that’s funny I need to get this uh Stone cooking sooner rather than later

Also don’t have a lot of fuel right now that could be bad what do I do for work um I was actually just let go from one of my jobs for my other job I I work in an escape room it’s pretty sick and then also I do

YouTube I mean I get paid you know it’s not a lot yet oh and also um I run my own business doing creative work I have two video shoots scheduled this week for local small businesses um hoping those go well so yeah that’s basically what I

Do going to have to take some of this Cobblestone back out but I’m just trying to wrap my head around what this is doing I think it’s working so far I think we can even come like this what am I going to do with this side area though I

Wonder I don’t have any Cobblestone left that’s all I got that’s rough H yeah I think that’ll work just a little bit I guess I’m saying like I didn’t get a lot of cobblestone I actually placed a lot of cobblestone so it kind of makes sense that I ran out looking back please don’t fall in this hole dude

Please oh crap yeah can’t do that uh without [Applause] cobblestone okay let’s see that’s all the Cobblestone we’re going have to get some more it is time to go to sleep though as well uh buttons and pressure plates for texture solid idea it looks great thank you I appreciate that I’m working hard I’m making it look nice okay I do have some more coal in there that’s good to

Know I also got some random crap I don’t really need like these and probably don’t really need that or even watermelon at the moment okay and we could do slabs on the side again too you know what I could do though uh first of all I need to pick

This up but I could just kind of keep mining cobblestone out of here and use it up there that works that’s actually pretty smart I Love mining out like natural areas for some reason it’s just my jam I really like it it’s like reverse terraforming like inverse there’s something I just like it

I feel like uh I feel like a sculptor like Michelangelo you know working on a a rock sculpture just like slowly carving it out and then I could actually put this back a bit that diorite feels so bright it’s way too bright down here in the in the downstairs unless it’s

Like unless it’s like a patch somewhere kind of like you know if I tucked it away over here then it’s kind of like a feature my Block’s having a bad time here buddy oops you know that makes it interesting okay I like that I think main portion seems like it’s going to be

Underground I mean it totally could be Yeah the more I’m digging it out the more I’m like it’s kind of huge but it doesn’t have to be like I’m kind of imagining like storage down here right now is what I’m thinking kind of like some chests and stuff and like I was

Saying barrels would be cool um but yeah I mean I do love I do love this like I said the old uh carving method I think really though it’s just because I’m not super confident in my building abilities which is silly cuz like I’m pretty good I can be

Good and especially when I have chat to help me like you know come up with ideas but like I’m getting better it’s kind of like uh being in hardcore and being like I’m not going to die it’s like it’s a whole thing you just got to do it and it might

Suck but it’s Minecraft so you can always just do it again and it’s okay beds you think should be uh downstairs yeah I think so too I agree with you on that we’ve got a Knit Wit here checking it out this would be a nice place place to sleep and do

Nothing and now like this could kind of be fenced off or glassed off or like kept there it would look pretty cool and then you come up here and I got more Cobblestone now that’s kind of what I was going for I want to make this whole area Stone

And I’m going to have to take this back out again to texture it but it’s not a big deal that just seems like the easiest way to do it just kind of place blocks down and then delete them where I feel it’s appropriate seems to work for me might need to make

A a wall here so I I want it to be safe yeah that hurts I want to be safe but also able to be traversed like navigable there we go could put a fence on that but you don’t actually even need to cuz they wouldn’t hurt themselves what will we do with the

Nitwit you know yeah he just keeps following us around dude h what do you have going on here it’s kind of ridiculous I don’t know what we’re going to do probably going to end up burning him eventually but not Yet that feels pretty cool give it a little natural oomph if you will some stairs could probably be good down here but we we don’t need him yet okay little bit more to fill in missed oh I still have like 84 Cobblestone sick dude still not 100% sure how I’m going

To tie this round part in with my thing here cuz I was picturing doing a a building over this whole thing but now I’m kind of picturing something like this uh it’s more like a structure within the structure if you will kind of like small building like that like that’s the actual building

Itself and then out here is just kind of like extra decoration stuff I think so let’s see can take up like this level build off from here too come out bit ooh what does the roof look like on this place does it overhang like a big Square does it come

Out it’s probably too far 1 + 1 equal 5 welcome back so let’s see feels kind of neat Whoa this is cool um I missed this part of the roof oops that looks better probably going to want some more details um we can even use Acacia logs I think for like the main support that’s pretty sick I like that a Lot I need to go to bed okay I need to just bring this bed with me I say that every time every night holy cow dude it’s 2:30 already okay I’m having so much fun I’m going to do one more day one more day is what 10 minutes or is it 15

Minutes cuz I don’t want to quit I’m going to have to go to work Soon uh I wonder me welcome back it’s good to have you of course of Course let’s see maybe something here oh yeah cuz we got Stone we can mix in too so definitely want to do that let’s see what we can do like this build is looking nice thank you I appreciate that yeah so this actually has like a a downstairs to we’re working

On I’m trying to decide if I’m going to let them Meander outside of this building too and then fence the outside I think that’s kind of what I I want to do the problem I’m having is that the fence is going to suck over here where the dirt is but like you know

And then like stuff could drop in so I was thinking I might just contain them within here in fact like iron doors might even be pretty Sick but I was picturing originally having a wall running around the outside around the outside um and I probably am still planning on that I’m excited to add the villagers too lety don’t fense at all in could look good seeping out okay yeah I think we’re on the same page then you and

I or go for it I probably could make it look good the only thing I’m doing with this side is that it is a drop although it’s not it’s not necessarily dangerous yet it just feels right to like fence this part off as like a balcony you

Know but then I got to figure out what I’m doing here cuz really I just need some more space I think like this path already exists but I can totally just slide it over it’s not a big deal so if I just get a couple more blocks

Worth of uh space I think I think that’d be better don’t we kind of be bringing it like oh here more trying to texture it as I go does not work you see what I’m saying I’m so much better with just like placing it all down first it’s

Tough I am out of cobblestone again yeah this fence feels like way too much bro that just way too much going on not going to do that probably going to leave it like kind of just like that really man even that part’s tight not sure I like that that feels so much more

Open hey what’s going on Barn welcome in dude I’m on the last day of the stream right now uh in the game so welcome yeah I should I should probably be getting off but I’m having too much fun that’s my problem put slabs on the dip part so it

Looks natural I’m also thinking that I’m also thinking that I’m probably going to replace the outer edge here with slabs again try and give it that little bit of a gradient but I’m out of cobblestone again and still need to texture a lot of that too obviously I think I’ll just get more

Cobblestone out of here like the worst that happens is I just block it off pretend like it never happened how are things going for you Barn hey it’s all good man it’s all good I’m sure you got things going on we’re just chilling at best they have a mega mansion yeah

Exactly at worst I’m like oh block that off at best they got this big giant space I’ll never be able to find them got some iron though that’s nice things are going good awesome had a work Christmas party last night think I’m still drunk I feel

That I went out last night myself it was a lot of fun I did a lot of dancing so that’s awesome I’m glad to hear it I think the trick here with continuing to mine is that I’m going to try to make sure the space is visible from this Gap

Here that way we get the depth out of it so it’s like you know not for nothing I wouldn’t want to hide it away so like as long as I continue digging in this direction we’ll be okay that way we can see it’s like part of the the build I actually kind of like it might even keep going a little bit deeper this way I guess really I can just turn around and look this way like if I can see it from here then I’m good this way I can get cobblestone and it’s not a waste of time just like

Mindlessly mining it so that works out this looks good thank you I appreciate that I think it’s looking pretty cool as well yeah see I like the depth I mean it make it makes it look really cool really nice and of course I can always come back and texture this

Again that’s a little better nothing crazy yet and of course we’re going to end up doing the same with this bad boy at the end the Fe female CEO tried dancing with me in a kind of inappropriate way oof and you have a girlfriend oof hope I still have my job in the

Morning I’m sure you will bro although I hope so too because you know sometime you never know but it seems like you should be good I feel like you did the right thing I had somebody try to dance with me last night too that I was like not interested in it

Was was very awkward I was like whoa chill bro but it’s okay we navigated it just fine just choked on my almonds I was eating o yeah all right let’s see got some good Stone area got a good little fence good little style going on it’s interesting as is per usual for

Me but I think the Sun is going down dang dude I really don’t want to be done but I gotta go to work I should have said four it’s so much fun doing this I love it but I better get to bed and then I got to go cuz I also need

To eat and change all right you guys I appreciate you coming by it’s been a great time hopefully you also had a good time um and I think we made a lot of fun progress didn’t do anything particularly scary or hard per se which is good after

The last stream it was nice to kind of take a break um for reference we’re all the way up now today 80 so that’s 80 days in this hardcore World shooting for 100 first that’s like the first goal so um yeah I think that’s pretty much it

So we’re saying the goodbyes at this point because I gotta go and I stayed later than I should have so I really need to be getting out of here um but yeah thank you thanks for coming and we’ll see you in the next one I’m going to schedule another one for

Sunday of course keep your eyes peeled for bonus streams as well I need to get better at planning those I’ve been doing some music streams I’m thinking about doing some more of those Maybe it’s pretty fun getting back into music um I’m going to try and post stuff like

In the Discord or I might just post like a community post on YouTube as well if I can plan a stream a little bit ahead of time try to be slightly less random um but it’s hard it’s a lot I got a lot going on uh right now so doing my best

See you later Tanya thank you I appreciate it thanks for being here again as always it’s been a good time you have a great rest of your day as well everybody take care I’ll see you in the next one bye-bye wait do it do I have it I don’t have that later Barn

This video, titled ‘Sunday Stream – Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by PatDoubleYou on 2023-12-10 21:57:01. It has garnered 148 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:39 or 16239 seconds.

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    Big TV Man's Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Big TV Man faces Astro Detainer, their skills collide. With a skibidi toilet addon, the challenge is set, Who will emerge victorious? Place your bets. The crowd is cheering, the tension is high, As Big TV Man and Astro Detainer give it a try. With every move, every spin, every jump, The excitement builds, the fans start to thump. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always a new run. So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme

    Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme “I’m Faded meme girl version Minecraft animation: When you’ve been mining for diamonds for hours and finally find some, but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all. #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Cara Membuat tempat tidur lush cave di Minecraft” that showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine being able to bring your wildest Minecraft creations to life in a vibrant and dynamic community of fellow players. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and exciting events, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | Wynncraft

    SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | WynncraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘They Put SHREK In MINECRAFT??? | Wynncraft’, was uploaded by Pyro Swarm on 2024-05-20 10:42:55. It has garnered 279 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:22 or 1882 seconds. We find Shrek! Read More

  • Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!

    Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙂this type biomed and games like amazing 😍 get bios new biome and Minecraft’, was uploaded by 7SHORT2.0 on 2024-05-27 16:50:45. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribe

    Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Meine Hardcore Welt bald ersten 25 Tage vertical #gommehd #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Schweitzer Zockt on 2024-01-15 15:39:53. It has garnered 153 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10

    Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10Video Information This video, titled ‘Ore processing facility at scale. Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC), Ep10. Modded Minecraft experience’, was uploaded by Darkejon on 2024-02-24 14:30:12. It has garnered 1530 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:59 or 3239 seconds. Welcome back to another exciting episode of Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC)! 🏭 Join me in Episode 10 as we dive into the heart of modded Minecraft experience with a focus on ore processing at scale! 🔨 In this episode, we explore the fusion of TerrafirmaCraft and the Create mod in ATFC, showcasing the ultimate combination for a unique gameplay experience! 💪… Read More

  • Join Jack’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀

    Join Jack's 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🌏Minecraft public smp ip port 😎 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | {Java+pe}’, was uploaded by Jack chor on 2024-05-28 14:29:33. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. 1) Join my public smp server mcpe 2) 2) best smp servers for mcpe survival 3) 3) minecraft survival server 4) 4) best minecraft survival server 5) 5) Public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 6) 6) public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 24/7 7) 7) join my public smp server mcpe |… Read More

  • Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ’s Minecraft house – Maizen

    Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ's Minecraft house - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG GATE, YOU WILL DIE! (Minecraft – Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ house on 2024-04-09 12:30:15. It has garnered 1982 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:05 or 485 seconds. Hello everyone! In this video, Mikey and JJ will compete to see who can win the castle competition and take his treasures! Bosses and traps will be waiting for them! Whose castle did you like? The original rights to the minecraft game and all derivatives including the drawn characters belong to microsoft Maizen – @maizenofficial… Read More

  • Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!

    Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Hololive] ReGLOSS Beach Episode’, was uploaded by Kotenryuu | 古典龍 on 2024-05-19 07:55:21. It has garnered 2478 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:37 or 757 seconds. Source streams and titles: Hiodoshi Ao POV 【Minecraft】I’m finally on the Holo server! ! 【Hiodoshi Ao #hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS 】 https://www.youtube.com/live/1PRHCpOp6tM?si=zBUVK_c_idJbO5dB Otonose Kanade POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba with ReGLOSS!! Boom![Otonose Kanade]#hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS https://www.youtube.com/live/V7VA-2HKEsA?si=pvPwCyNEBynuX4A0 Juufuutei Raden POV[Minecraft]Raden’s point of view! This is the campsite[Juufuutei Raden #ReGLOSS] https://www.youtube.com/live/GikU7yznntc?si=pNaSmK4MI-5Bo9cZ Todoroki Hajime POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba on the Holo server![Todoroki Hajime/ReGLOSS]#hololiveDEV_IS https://www.youtube.com/live/UrBlSALTzwM?si=kRA2qihQhy0YggTk The illustration used is by paum: https://x.com/paum_AQ… Read More

  • Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄

    Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄Video Information This video, titled ’10k celebration, a Minecraft Q&A 💗 BabyUnicorn184′, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-05-03 21:00:03. It has garnered 526 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwIEeb3EWHnB7ZnLFW6f2XQ/join 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Hi everyone, I love playing minecraft, building cute cottagecore builds, collecting resources and exploring my world. I try and keep my vids chill and relaxed, so they are perfect to watch at any time. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me… Read More