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Honk honk honk h h H Good evening everybody how’s it going first of all welcome on pellan hi slimes hello it’s been a couple days but we’re back we’re here to play some Minecraft maybe do a little bit of building but hello everybody what art yo what’s up I’m playing Minecraft this is our

Underwater house if you haven’t seen it already it’s uh it’s pretty comfy it’s pretty cool still got to work on it but today we’re not working on the house we’re going to be working on a small little uh winter project so sound is not on perfect hello Mr Cow

I don’t have anything in my inventory because last time I played Minecraft was the uh armis welcome day so hello everybody thank you so much for all the gift and memberships thank you and I just want to say real quick two things I guess they’re connected but um

Thank you Z thank you so much uh you guys have been really really kind and you know all the all the gifted memberships and everything but we recently did a charity um an apex charity tournament where you know the team I was on uh for host and senen we uh we’ve raised

$11,000 which is insane and you know that’s probably the best Christmas present I could ever really ask for because I’m not really much of a I I I got presents when I was younger but you know I don’t I don’t really do big events I don’t really do big I guess uh holiday

Stuff so you guys just donating to that that was that was my Christmas present so thank you every but but but there’s one more thing there’s one more thing speaking of Christmas presents you guys gave me a wonderful one not only that but thank you so much for 400,000

Views on my everything goes on cover thank you guys kind of kind of racked up pretty quickly not going to lie I don’t really look at numbers um and I just saw a little bit of buzz on my for you page cuz kind of got a

Little spoiled cuz uh you know the 4 You page is pretty dangerous normally when I see you guys on the 4 You page I’m just like okay I’ll let you guys have your privacy um you know I’m not going to interact I’ll try to scroll past it but uh sometimes

It rats you guys out and I saw that you guys were getting me to 400,000 for that so just want to say thank you thank you guys that’s that’s enough for a present how about you guys get yourselves a present maybe maybe get that nice sweater that you’ve been wanting for for

A bit maybe maybe buy that new game that you’re not sure if you like or not who knows if you’ll like it unless you play it right but thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you so much guys I got to get back into streaming

It’s been a while it’s been one two three it’s been 4 days does doesn’t feel like 4 days let’s get some uh equipment first let’s see we have protection three mending protection 4 regular iron n that’s okay we can work with that bum bump bum bum I don’t have anything but

What I what what we’re going to be building today guys is I wanted to build something that you know exemplified the holidays you know ay Spirit something winter themed even though I know for half of the people I guess not really half cuz it’s like 70% of the people live on the Northern

Hemisphere regardless it’s winter time and I want to I want to I want to go travel I want to go get do I have any pickaxes I want to get a bunch of ice I want to get a bunch of ice I want to make an ice slime like you guys in

Slime form except in ice cuz I I think it works pretty well I think it’ll work pretty well and then if we have time maybe I’ll do this for another Minecraft stream but uh if we have time after that then we can make a snowman how’s that plan sound Guys jelly beans you the 50 kidnapp gifted memberships to the cult Tre Club thank you so much jelly beans thank you and thank you everybody for the 15 months 14 months 9 months thank you guys and everybody who is gifting memberships too at the very beginning I saw you guys just couldn’t say

It thank you everybody I don’t like the scrolling thing on the top of the chat cuz it starts scrolling and then I can’t see any more of it so let me just uh lots of honking I see thank you guys see it doesn’t it doesn’t show the

Suit I’ll read it after the stream thank you all right let’s get going uh I need pickaxe I need basic equipment that should be fun maybe more pickaxes uh I need torches oh man I think I organized a little bit too much didn’t I Ki happy birthday happy happy birthday hope you

Enjoy your special day okay thank you so much man special days lot of special days coming up let’s take all that do I have any coal plenty of coal let’s take this then we shall make I do want to make this basement a little bit bigger cuz I want

To make this huge huge area of just items and stuff also like a bedroom cuz right now my don’t worry about my bedroom it’s a work in progress okay it’s a work in progress um need to make some torches do too much we don’t judge in this household

Okay guys we don’t judge we’re just we’re just slimes M we’re just slimes don’t worry about it uh okay we put away the wood why should I why don’t we just keep it we’ll take a crafting table what else do we need um maybe some extra swords and stuff

Pickaxes oh I wish I was near the near the main base so I can just make as many as I wanted and nine should be good love and peace thank you appreciate it peace and love to everybody as well cuz that’s really what the goal is

At the end of the day right just being happy what are we cooking today we’re making a an ice slime sculpture that I want to put up because there’s a space hold on let me go to sleep first I can use admin privileges to change the time

Of day and stuff but not when I’m streaming I feel like that should only be used when it’s strictly necessary like teleporting people who can’t stay with the [Laughter] group you need soak touch pickaxes on certain ice blocks oh no oh no blue Ice breaking blue ice without silk touch drops nothing okay well looks like we’re going to have to we’re going to have to do the little bit of enchanting I suppose oh boy all right let’s let’s make a diamond pickaxe might as well so goals are number one get to

Level 30 number two get an enchanted pick number three go to the ice biome mine a lot of ice number four build we have time tonight we have time we’ve got plenty of time um diamonds we’ll take one two three maybe we should make iron pickaxes for that yeah just in

Case I can make a diamond one but uh we’ll make one we’ll make one should be super fast with the Ender you’re right shinry shinry has saved me guys not the first time he’s gotten me out a lot of tough situations Chad jenry thank you for the AKA thank you

Congratulations on everything goes on 400k thank you a beautiful beautiful beautiful Christmas gift but not only that you guys worked hard for it so great job guys thank you so much but also amazing work cuz that didn’t just happen out of nowhere right you guys did that thank

You take care thanks for stopping by a beautiful I’m I’m working on my next cover um still waiting for the instrumental to come back with a Twist I’ve selected an artist who I think will I I’m I I spent too much on my last cover it turned out amazingly the artists got

Paid what they should have nah but I spent too much so I’m going to downscale the on the amount of illustrations but I think the illustrator that I that I picked out perfect perfect I think they’re going to do amazing so don’t worry guys we’re working on it uh

Yeah can’t wait for these covers hi Octavia how are you dude I hope you had a nice uh Christmas caroling heard you when did that get some more food I don’t have a I didn’t finish this uh uh this Railway so don’t worry about It you know when I first launched Minecraft today I saw that there was a community note saying hey uh here are the rules if you want to listen to Minecraft music blah blah blah blah blah Creator rules blah blah blah and they were like hey here’s a playlist that you

Can use that is Creator friendly so I figured it would be okay if I just you know I used the music instead cuz as much as I love top of the world as much as I love you know uh tide together always tied tied together I really don’t know

Which one it’s it is uh I like to have a little bit of variety in my life a little bit of spice makes everything nice mhm uh Fe thank you for the super welcome back all here been missing you ton these past couple days I’ve been

Itching to get back home and and stream so don’t worry it goes both ways and he responds to battle saying that you and fle belong to him and not to us in the runes B said that no way B did B say that first of all absurd

The thing that Reis Al te of Hol English leader of the Tempest killed Guild leader Tempest Sor I’m trying to say that instead hero slime cute boy there’s no way he would be able to own me like that It’s only something that the hands of many many many slimes can do that’s right even though even though even though you know I’m I’m nice to all the slimes out there you guys are kind of the one that just adopted me so uh I’d say that you guys own me sorry B in

Fact B’s a member of Guild Tempest so does that means that since I’m the guild leader I’m as no since I’m the Guild Master does that mean I own Bal contractually right see every single time like a new member joins Tempest right I had them sign a contract saying like blah blah blah blah blah you know Revenue shares uh blah blah blah blah blah here’s what we can provide you blah blah blah blah blah but there’s also

Like a lot of small text that I don’t think many of them read I think um only Vesper and shinry have read it but they still agree to it right it’s like a signage of your soul over to me I I really doubt that B’s the kind of

Guy to read the fine prins so um just keep that in between me and you okay okay don’t tell anybody why are we poor I’m I’m not in charge of the treasury okay it’s expensive to make you to have you know Manus Sons make all those cool visual novels and stuff and considering

It’s releasing soon on Steam and you guys loved it maybe there could be more Rita alter what does half your budget of the Tempest Guild go uh visual novels visual novels that’s it wait Did you say visual novels Nothing At All by the way if you guys want to watch

Me play through my route of doppelgangers the The Tempest visual novel members only I got you I believe it was a tier three the Nobles and above I want to do more more noble streams I do my regular music streams for uh you know the nights and

Everything but I feel like the Nobles they deserve I’ll fix it later he said as he won’t fix it later I’ll fix it later I want to give them more the Nobles deserve more more than the commoner no I’m and you know going to go visit you know B on Fon

Man my physical condition is not great right I got to work on it again which led me to the thought of maybe I should maybe I should try some ring fit do some workout streams or something although I know the reason why you guys like those workout streams but

At the same time they incentivize me to work out in the first place so it’s kind of a given take I’m aware of the power I hold now the power I hold comes with great responsibility and that responsibility is keeping a nice public facing Persona okay that sounds Weird I keep things in the private sometimes how’s That I need to make more stained glass look at that whoa look at that texture oh that’s cool you keep what in your privates um still there what’s up dude this Railway is largely not a railway at least not used as a as a real way how about

That what are you doing here okay you guys can stay Here okay it’s been a while but we’re home we are home we are home We needed to go to the end that’s why we had to go to the end get some levels yes that’s what we’ll do this way this way H H so uh you come here often oh okay which way is it destination Enderman Farm let’s go thank you sh I need to do some more building on the server it’s been a while yo Max thank you ready for 21 season first of all um happy birthday

Matt happy beled birthday thank you so much for 11 months you had a special special hope you had a special special day mat thank you so much thank you thank you I am not ready for my for my birthday I was I actually had a meeting with um to

And he was like Hey old T like do you have anything you want to do for your birthday stream this year I’m like no I haven’t decided which is weird cuz normally for these birthday streams you’re like oh you know you do a lot of you do a lot of hard

Work you you plan something you plan something awesome but this year I don’t I don’t know yet maybe maybe that’s a bad thing maybe that’s a good thing I don’t know cuz I’m not really the type of person who plans super far ahead I’m not someone who cuz

Imagine you plan a big event and then what if a week or a couple days beforehand you just don’t feel like doing it you won’t have that same enthusiasm to do it you won’t feel as as inclined do to do it cuz you don’t feel like

It I don’t really like planning that far ahead I’ll come up with something I’m sure but but one V one on COD rust hey uh coai welcome on oh did you see the oh oh you got 360 no scop how do you feel kaai no that that’d be horrible I’d feel

Bad just dunk on them in video games could always do a regular karaoke I think regardless I’ll do a karaoke um but I do do want to do something special yoink yoink I’m going to mute this so you guys don’t have to hear all

The I’m a hero I know you don’t have to say thank you force everyone to play CS if I were to force everybody to play Something among us we have have 10 people in Hollow Star’s English at the same time you can get more people in Among Us lobbies nowadays so maybe I could bring some of the JP Senpai we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see as you guys probably know I’m not really much of a big group person so we’ll see we’ll see we’ll See we’ve been waiting forever for a holly star yeah we’ll do it eventually after we get over our C craze of lethal company I want to play more lethal company next week next week next week next Week is the multiplayer mod allowed in Lethal company uh we would have to ask the specific mod creator for that which is going to be Annoying but I’m sure we probably could if we get permissions I what your lethal company play hours right now uh I haven’t played any since the last time we played um on stream at least so probably like 45 hours maybe not too crazy I know that there’s some streamers

Who play lethal company for 45 hours straight so nothing too impressive the JP senp were the ones that got the oh interesting oh so we have perms for that too huh interesting maybe maybe maybe I saw lethal company mod that records your microphone and like uses it as a quote

Unquote mimic the monsters can say words that your friends have said so if you’re trying to say alter help me then the monsu can record that and then play it back it’s creepy like I saw a clip of someone standing next to their friend and their friend was yelling well at

Least the monster was yelling their friends recorded voice of them being like help hey he was like that’s not me isn’t that Creepy shape shifting is fine whatever but mimicking the voice in a place where proximity voice is so important I think that’s pretty neat cuz who can you trust at that point last year we watched the thing is that what it’s called this year we’ll have lethal company someone had an entire conversation o hey Frank hey Frank how you doing Frank hey Frank oh you’re doing pretty

Well huh Frank hey Frank okay Frank have a nice day oh you’re doing pretty well huh Frank hi Frank bye Frank bye Frank we’re at level 26 we’re getting there Hey Ron Hey Billy well that hurt come on Hello Goodbye battles NPC streams have prepared him for that mod I don’t know

How he does it I didn’t tune in to his uh to his NPC stream and to be honest I haven’t watched an NPC stream so interesting how does that go do you just get like stickers and you just react how how do you remember what to do for each sticker it gets

Overwhelming I lost my mind listening to it in my car I am so sorry I had to listen to him in the car and oh my God I’m joking I’m joking Oh here’s a funny story when we when we were hanging out Me Fon ble we uh we got dinner at this pretty nice place you know we were like hey we don’t ever go out often or at all some of us um you know let’s get a nice dinner

Together you know as the boys so we got a nice dinner and I ordered this this nice venison dish right we go to this we go to this little building they take us up to uh like the one of the middle floors and I look at I look at the menu

Like oh my God it’s so expensive like $40 $60 $30 and I am someone who doesn’t really like eating meals more than like $10 um so I was like okay you know what I’ll get something that’s in the middle not too expensive not the cheapest I’ll get

Venison so I got like a leg of venison which if you guys don’t know is deer very very delicious I’ve had it one time before then and that was very worth the price it was very juicy it was cooked perfectly but then even before that I

Turned to F on and we were like hey let’s get an appetizer we Peru a list like should we get that nah it’s too expensive let’s get something else should we get that no n I’m not really feeling that then Fon and I look at each other and we’re like

Listen we get one appetizer and we split it between the both of us you know two healthy young boys he’s like 16,000 years old two one healthy young boy and one old grandpa we we look at the snow crab legs the snow crab specifically and it’s like okay that’s a pretty expensive snow

Crab but I can see why crab is pretty expensive I’m like okay all right we’ll get that that’s probably going to be enough a big enough appetizer FL on we’re like okay yeah let’s eat it so we wait wait wait wait wait takes its good time but they bring all the food

Together so that’s fine I’m okay with that they they’re like your crab sir I’m like okay thank you I look down I’m like is this my venison I look up no that’s my venison I look down I look up I look the F on

I look back I turned a dish to its side so I can see inside like the little crab leg Yeah I mean we did get snow crab was it king crab I think it was king crab king crab snow crab it was a crab I look over it’s one leg one leg of

Crab for like 50 something bucks turned to F on our stomachs are growling we’re like did we just p i I think we just we just paid 60 bucks for that’s the most expensive leg I’ve ever had I turned to it they perfectly portion into four they give a small little Fork

Specifically for that for the crab also we’re level 36 holy crap let’s get a little bit more perfectly sectioned in four a tiny little Fork one tiny little Fork I pick up a small portion it’s it’s drenched with all these sauces seasonings everything put it into my mouth and you know

What I don’t curse often but that was the best damn crab I have ever ever eaten it was so creamy it was soft it was rich and then I looked down there’s three pieces left I just ate I just ate like $20 $17 worth of crab in one bite and that’s

How I like to think about it right that’s how I like to think about it if there’s a giant bird Burg that you buy for $15 half of it $7 $7.5 I just ate $12 in one bite but it tasted really Good but also a huge part of me was like never again so I will Savor I will Savor the rest of these bites so I’m like okay Fon it was really good try it he eats it he was like it’s delicious I have one bite left I look at

It a tear sheds one tier sheds for how delicious the crab was and another tear sheds for how expensive the crab was but you know what I came home crying but at least I had a delicious crab but it was so expensive we also went to this Ramen

Place it was pretty cheap I liked it better though much more delicious music’s pretty loud let’s turn that down a tiny Bit there we go the on in a lifetime crab yeah next time if I want crab I’ll just I don’t know what what do people do they just go to the coast or like a shallow or something they throw in a crab pot put some put some put some fish in it

Come back like a day later I guess you kind of need a license but that’s basically what you do for crabing right they bought an R piece I bought a $60 game and it still would have been better than kalista protocol that crab was worth more in taste and in memory than kalista

Protocol as a $60 game versus a $60 crab isn’t that heroing to think About so I guess it wasn’t the worst $60 that I spent in my life okay we’re at level 40 let’s finish up this level and then we’ll be good to go this Enderman Farm is so useful thank you shinry I’ll make something useful eventually for now I’m only stealing diamonds from my

Kaai all right let’s go back I wonder if this is going to send me back all the way back to my waterhous or if this is going to send me back to the world spawn I’m worried but we’ll see Al is kalista’s biggest hater I am very qualified to say harsh criticism of

Kalista and and insulted okay I’ve been insulting it I am the worthiest person to insult that game for I have finished it unlike some people J thank you for the see prayer did you know that Santa’s uh helper can actually get depressed low Elf oh man I like it but man doesn’t it

Hurt low elf esteem poor elf poor guy and seasonal depression too good evening I’ll give that since it’s seasonal it’s pretty good 8.3 we spawned all the way out here ah pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain pain

Pain oh guess we’ll head back let’s make a mine cart there’s so many police sirens outside oh that’s probably why I remember um I’ve lived here long enough but here in alysium um there’s a Santa Claus that goes around he goes around he goes around with the fire

Department you know Mages who just splash water on fire just to make it go away there’s a Santa Claus it’s pretty cute he just goes around waving you know I’m like before I was like oh my gosh it’s Santa Claus but now I look out my window my eyes squint a

Judgmental face goes on my face and I think you’re not the real Santa Claus and then I go about my business cuz I will not be easily fooled anymore my mind may have been malleable as a as a younger child but not anymore no longer I know that Santa isn’t

Real let’s head back home Santa isn’t real guys guys come on come on you can’t look at me and tell me that Santa’s real I saw science that disproves it there was a scientific study done Santa shut up I’m trying to stream there’s a scientific survey conducted that said

People stop believing in sna around the age of 7 to 8 and looking at my demographics I know for a fact that you guys aren’t 78 years old unless you’re all liing to me I’m four well I’m two I’m 11 12 I’m 12 I’m 12 hey fry Santa’s not real I’m sorry

Hey pep Fray You just learned something new you’re pretty magical and you exist so why not Santa ho ho Merry Christmas tell me young slime what would you like for Christmas I am the real Santa oh ho ho tell me sant Santa s Santa cla a no maybe hi

Bye I hope it keeps going I hope I don’t fall into lava I’ll be fine what do you guys want for Christmas for me I’ll fix it later Santa’s not real we consider me 6 years old okay hi six year-old I saw Santa yesterday walking his dog and smoking a Sig

That’s how you know it’s a lie he would never soap smoke Sig he would never walk a dog he would only so smoke a Sig save sand has a good this the new Christmas movie what is this Hi H H a 512 GB steam deck I mean I could be your s Santa

Claus but I’d like to stick with my cult here as being there Santa Claus cuz I ain’t no ho ho ho why did I say that just just just play just play just keep going don’t be proud of that one please don’t it wasn’t good Axel’s been rubbing off okay Axel’s

That type of guy where he says something and everybody just picks it up you Know I’ll get you nice maybe I should have finished this this Railway n it’s not going to happen that’s not going to happen ax is a good influence yeah I just want to it’s been a I want to hang out with him like face to face not sure what we’ll

Do haven’t thought about it probably give him a big hug maybe give him a knuckle maybe a knuckle Sandwich probably big hog yeah big hog play some Pokemon cards with him I think me and ax were talking about it we were like hey if we ever hang out let’s play some League let’s play some League of Legends we’re good you can do that already no

I’m going to have like a billion ping and having ping in League of Legends is the worst thing in the world I was like hey I mean Au we could play like counter stri and stuff he’s like no leag I’m like I mean we we can play play up we can play uh

Minecraft he’s like leak okay leak maybe I’ll do some cooking with him I’ll have a thermometer at the ready so whenever he makes uh Burgers I can stick the thermometer inside the burger make sure it’s all cooked tag team time to do some enchanting it’s been a long time since I

Built this I would say this one was fun because I never Ed this type of material I never use the uh this type of leaf and then the glowberries makes it a nice glow maybe I should make more yeah we have more friends to play Minecraft with anyways

So well that makes Sil touch easier okay efficiency 4 fortune 3 Unbreaking three that’s a pretty nice pickaxe Fortune 2 that’s I last one efficiency for fortune 3 not bad okay we got what we wanted we got the silk touch unfortunately we didn’t get the Unbreaking

But but but but we can go to my little uh my little jail we can go to the little jail bunny hugger thank you for the super I want the Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door remake for Christmas I’ve played the one on the Wii the one with the dimensions and stuff I’ve not

Played a th A Thousand Year Door I do want to eventually that’d be fun if they remake it I’ll definitely play it how about that and uh Dr W we thank you a glad a clamp what do you call a gladiator or you a Campion 8.2 8.1 8.1 what happened to this

Guy also if I was a Pokemon what pokemon would I be I’d say I’m Regal enough to be the dragon type fluffy enough and soft enough to be a cloud I think I’ll ter would be perfect to be honest although maybe swabl is better I’m swabl right now but once I get into

My music Journey next year then I’ll evolve into an alaria but for now I’ll give myself I’ll give myself a uh swwa BL mending sharpness 4 I need mending I also need Unbreaking yes Unbreaking Unbreaking first of all Hello thank you thank you thank you that’s okay let’s put this

Away the Wii want super super paper Mark oh Super Paper Mar that’s why I can’t remember the name normally it’s like Paper Mario and the origami King which was very fun hello Hi Sushi Sushi oh one thing I got myself for Christmas that I’m really excited to use speaking of musical journey

Is I bought myself a mini midi keyboard uh I could have just got a Sil touch from here I’m stupid um Unbreaking let’s grab that let’s grab efficiency for Sil touch Unbreaking mending this guy’s better mending that’s a nice Ming book nice so hopefully with this midi

Keyboard I can go into like those you know FL Studio and stuff try out some beats you know play some stuff cuz I have a little bit of experience in piano enough to recognize which notes are which do some chords but not enough to actually play anything so hopefully it

Will help with me um making Melodies since I’m not very good at it uh we’ll we’ll keep that there put the books back put the emerald Back N you know we’ll take it it’ll be good practice yeah I was talking to some friends who are pretty

Good at music and they’re all telling me just to practice practice making stuff practice making uh Melodies and and even if it’s just like who knows maybe you can use part of that me Melody for something else you know so I’m working on it I’m working on my idol Arc working on

It I think one thing that I we had a meeting where we’re like hey what are what are our 2024 goals what do you want to next year and I’m sure a lot of you guys already know it but one of my goals that I had was to go from

Being just a regular streamer to an artist now that doesn’t necessarily mean like you know drawing artist I would more go with music artist is I just want to work on music been through enough stuff that I just want to focus on music nowadays you

Know so they were like hey give us a goal and then work back from it and I I won’t share the goal that I that I gave to management but it was a pretty hefty goal and the only way to get there is to work backwards and the only way to get

There is to start making music so this next year 24 we’ll probably do a whole like goal making stream or something eventually but this next year I don’t work on music I’ve been learning guitar this past year I’ve been working on uh you know getting better at making

Melodies you know making making uh lyrics I’m working on it hopefully it’s all in preparation for this upcoming year let’s continue on foot for a bit unless good nice I’ll fix it later I’ll fix it later I think one person that’s particularly inspired me recently was you know I’ve known about

Them for a while but that valerant collab was the first first time I got to talk with Yan and they I’ve been watching what they what they’ve been doing and I guess it’s just another another star to reach reach upwards to you know another star to reach upwards too

See in a night sky shining dazzling I’ll be a star one day just got to get there I get a lot of inspiration not really from scenarios but from people knowing great people surrounding myself with great people that’s my mom told me at least alter always surround yourself with

People that you want to be with good people with people who are ambitious and that goes for you guys too you know even if you don’t keep the best company right now how are you going to improve Pro yourself for the better right of course don’t abandon your your old friends don’t do

That never abandon your old friends but hopefully hopefully I can do that good day lag lag lag not worth it not worth it hopefully I can be that star for someone else you know hopefully one day I can become that star for someone else but until

Then guess I just water star is made of like gases no I don’t want to see [Laughter] that I don’t want to say that just become gassy old there you’ll become a St no problem yeah thank you thank you you’re pretty inspiring yourself true but I guess

You can always be more and I want to be More I guess a lot of my life was kind of like oh you know a lot of people have been doing this stuff for me this person stuff for me do I am I worthy of that stuff am I am I deserving of that kind of

Stuff and even though you guys might say yes a lot of other people might say yes for me personally I’m not quite there yet I got to earn it but hopefully that journey I hate these tracks I got to fix them one day I’ll be deserving of it in

My own eyes but until then we’ll see you know we’ll see be more gassy that’s that’s the what I’m trying to fine then be gassy if that’s what you want to do if I’m inspired you to be gassy so be it who am I to stop

You there this you youber I used to watch a super super long time ago you guys should check him out his name is gassy Mexican love that guy I’m going to take off yeah I’m going to take off my sweat sweater we said I was either going to

Take off my sweater or turn off my heater and the past couple days ever since I got back I’ve been number one sleeping like I didn’t thank you for the five kid kidnappings thank you I’ve been sleeping or and I’m not exaggerating this I’ve also been hugging my space

Heater I fell asleep in my chair because I was super warm by it I was warm I was nice and comfy so I I don’t think I’ll get rid of you I think I’ll keep I think I’ll keep my space heater up like a dog around a camp uh around a

Fireplace during the winter holiday cheer going on and I’m just sleeping through it anyways we got to go this way I believe I saw an ice spikes biome somewhere somewhere this way so as long as we get somewhere close to I mean if I remember where it is

We’ll see hopefully I’ll find it if not well that’s going to be fun you haven’t gotten burnt nope it’s it’s been cold over here guys it’s cold like when I got back normally I keep my room at a pretty warm temperature but when I got back it was like extra

Cold has curus tried setting herself a flame neck Su again no no no no no curus is with my sister right now sister enjy her life with sister I’m sure she would though it’s getting hot in Indonesia maybe I should go there I like the cold I like the cold better than the

Heat but it still doesn’t mean I like the cold you know I think in nice perfect weather 60° we have a nice sweater weather you can take is that a jungle holy crap we can take off your clothes if you want to you can put on more clothes if you want

To nice 60° weather Autumn yep I’m an Autumn do talk you’re mind you’re talking you’re dead to me take my frustrations out of my child killing him you know can’t just can’t be the dog wor SP give me your bones wait I can’t be getting lost I have to go uh Northeast this

Way oh my sword broke hey buddy Northeast Northeast besides this is a perilous journey I feel like the dog as much as I love having the dog there I don’t want it to die it’s too dangerous hope hope do you have any set plans for this week oh I should probably talk about

That I’ll probably come out with a schedule sometime maybe not probably not um but there’s a couple things I want to do Saturday nights I want to do a Christmas karaoke cuz I’ve been learning I’ve been learning some songs um but just in general I wanted to sing

I was singing a lot when I was with the boys they probably like shut up all TI stop singing I’m like sorry um so probably Christmas karaoke on Saturday and Sunday I wanted to do a stream cuz I bought this Advent calendar of Pokemon cards or Pokemon stuff and I

Wasn’t able to open it cuz I kind of forgot to start the Advent calendar so uh lots a lot of creepers um that’s a lot of creepers so I want to open that up on Sunday but other than that I don’t think I really have any plans at least not too many concrete

Ones did Fon talk about me singing I sing way too much but I blame the fact that I wasn’t able to sing for a couple days ow more Isaac I wanted to play Isaac maybe maybe I will play some Isaac I did want to play it every week

After all but I think understandably if I skipped this week it would it would make sense considering I was traveling okay still going the right way actually we should have hit it by now yeah we should have hit it by now which way is it is it this

Way yep 1,000 blocks this way you had you had us and a lot of others swiming over you during that karaoke I I enjoyed doing that Karaoke If you guys missed it um me ble and Fon we all did a karaoke together and you know they were like sing your best songs

So I was like okay I’ll sing the same songs I’ve been singing for years but as you guys probably knew I did a karaoke recently where I sang a lot of new songs but I wasn’t too too those songs aren’t quite yet on my best songs list so I didn’t sing

Those but I do want to sing more so uh hopefully soon we’ll sing some more new songs and practice those new ones again I don’t know a lot of singers that I’ve been talking to saying like Hey how do I get better at singing how do I do this just practice just practice

Singing that’s all you got to do just practice Singing I think I will should be coming up to it 500 blocks about Hope also I want to I want to learn a lot of songs that you guys have sent me either in the alt Tunes tag or um on that Community post oh I see it

Perfect lot of new songs I want to sing sh don’t tell them about that sh don’t tell them about that it’s just a guitar stream Sh Nice nice okay we have our pickaxe I didn’t put these on Why Did I Get It environmental destruction environmental destruction everybody loves environmental destruction polar bears can’t bear it anymore going through your place taking all your ice po bear can’t take it anymore okay for 16x 16 block first of all it’s pretty big maybe I should make it smaller I need 64 blocks no 64 stacks of

64 I probably should have brought one of my many Shuler boxes but let you probably know that I don’t think too far ahead now if we did surface only only 16 by 16 guys how much is 16 by 16 16 * 16 160 16 * 6 is 60 96 96

Plus I forget the math I just did 256 okay so 2 256 240 240 240 256 240 240 240 yeah what’s 256 + 240+ 240 Plus 240 plus 240 wait I can do that math two no I don’t feel like doing it whatever it is I don’t know I don’t

Care what am I on about trust the math trust me trust trust or or else Shan the non-believer Shan how many 240s are there there’s five four 240s Shine the nonbelievers Charlie shine shine 1,60 126 that sounds about right 1216 and then divided that by 64 trust me I have plenty of

Space 19 stacks of 64 gotcha but if we were that’s 19 stacks of 64 of regular ice so I’m going to need regular ice I want to do an inside of blue ice if I remember correctly that’s like this no it’s like this I want to make a smaller circle on

The inside or a smaller block of of the blue ice on the inside and then surrounded by regular ice bu bu bu bu and bu we’ll have enough I’m sure you need packed ice oh man is it really going to melt if I just put

Ice oh man I thought it was only if I like put a fire Source next to it or something we’ll figure it out I’m sure it won’t be that bad and plus I’m going to build it next to my current uh ice home or water home over here so we won’t

Be too far away even if we need to get some more whoa it’s that it’s that it’s is this is a big ice planes biome isn’t it ice bikes biome probably shouldn’t waste my pickaxe on that maybe get some more ice yeah and you know if we can’t get

Enough ice we’ll just we’ll just chill is this where the Demon King Reis lives the demon king of the ice Plains watch out for him guys could be anywhere but that’s just an old wife’s tale we haven’t seen the Demon King in years keep an eye on the pickaxe just so

It doesn’t break Fortune Fortune only one silk touch one show I guess not really show but manga that I’ve been reading uh a lot recently is Fran Ren I know a lot of people are watching the anime right now and I feel like I should watch the

Anime but like I’m I’m a manga reader I like my manga I read it through quite a bit of it maybe a year ago maybe a couple years ago I think a couple years ago um I thoroughly enjoyed it I don’t I don’t remember how far I got but it’s one of

Those anime I was like okay it’s nice it’s nice and then I promptly forgot all about it everything that happened so right now I’m ring through it again and it’s good it’s good it it’s kind of find parallels between me and HL quite a lot but at the same time that’s

Just me being like yeah I could be a hero too you nice right maybe that’s just the idealistic part of me ice ice ice ice ice ice ice doing pretty well on that more ice blue ice we should probably get a little bit more blue ice it’s

Just I say yes to too many things which I felt pretty common with him cuz he would always be like on the journey to defeat the Demon Lord but then he would stop do a bunch of errands help people out which maybe maybe I wouldn’t necessarily stop to help people out but

I’ll just stop and say yes to stuff right I think the part I would say the part that really hit the most with me was when himl oh I don’t know if this is part of how far did the anime get oh man maybe I shouldn’t see

It I don’t want to spoil it for people who don’t know yeah maybe I’ll just keep that one to myself how about I say it in this way I just want to make sure that it doesn’t feel spoilery to people this should be enough 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 9 10 11 not enough um I would say even though you aren’t something right now it doesn’t mean that you can’t be in the future here yeah and that’s a feeling that I felt quite a lot maybe it applies to my music I’m not an artist yet but it

Doesn’t mean I can’t be and in the future and all that takes is just doing right all it takes is just doing so guess what I’m doing I’m trying to do it’s such a weird way to say it but you guys understand you’re hitting ice thank you

Thank you thank you I’m I’m also taking a drink from my water bottle thank you and even if you’re not a CTI now doesn’t mean you couldn’t couldn’t be in the future join the membership today don’t you sh hair strikes once again when you least expect it for real though

Um it might be it might be even artwork like I guess digital artwork traditional artwork you might see someone’s artwork that you might be like oh wow that’s insane I could never be like that you might not be like that now doesn’t mean you can’t be in the

Future and the only thing that separates you from that is to do it okay let’s stick with this amount of ice I think we can operate with this much at least we’ll head home and if we need more we can come back back to the Southwest dude you’re already a vtuber

With Hall life you proved it already in s fire true I I suppose that’s true that part of me just I guess that’s the reason why why I got picked up was I don’t want to be I don’t want to be satisfied you know being satisfied is

Great I think I’ve said this quite a lot too um you can be happy with where you are but never be satisfied cuz that just is my sister snapping me yep sister what do you want to say that’s a video okay I will keep that for later then just in

Case and even though on the outside it might be like oh you haven’t released the cover in four months oh yeah yeah that’s true that’s true but I’m working on it okay I’m working on it and I would like to say the next one that I’m working on is pretty

Juicy so give me some time give me some time let him cook let him do sister sister sister man I’m I’m excited for 2024 hey there’s the there’s a free bones for my new for my new dog that I’m going to get from over there a future cover yep yep yep yep yep

Got some big plans I think for the longest bit and I think a lot of people have the same thing where they they don’t know what they want to do with their lives it could it could be something simple it could be looking for magic that cleans statues it could be magic

That blooms flowers it could be creating an AI that eventually takes over my body and and I’ll be like which one’s the real alt there you could do that it’s possible but just finding that one reason that one thing that you want to do that’s hard that’s hard you know

So I don’t blame you take your time with it but at the same time if you don’t know what to do that’s the perfect opportunity to try different things cuz who the heck knows I thought I was just going to be you know someone who just fixes out problems for

Others like I thought I was going to be a chist oh my God this baby is so hard to kill why are baby so hard to kill You’ think with my experience it’d be easy but here you go what did I want to say right right

Right right if you don’t know what to do open your horizons sometimes you’re limiting yourself without without knowing it are there any pandas panda panda panda panda dippy thank you for the gifted memberships thank you and thank you for the kidnappings earlier too don’t think

I didn’t see you I see you I perceive you but of course I give you the the Privacy that you desire you know it’s kind of funny fny guys I believe it was Haka who retweeted this one tweet from one of my lovely Cults who like made a compilation of me

Dancing of a my my 3D model dancing to the ppap I was like oh that’s cute it’s not tagged but it’s cute and then I refresh my fyp and then I see a tweet saying I’ve been trying to hide from W te and the Tempest boys are the ones calling me Out I didn’t click on the banner because that’s what they desire but I thought it was pretty funny I think I’ll stay away from fyp for a while it exposes some of you guys and you guys don’t want that so h h h h h h almost t almost T I think

3,00 300 1700 okay we’re getting close it’s got to go this way a little bit more a witch it’s a witch with three creepers oh nice okay I guess that’s it we can throw away these get some Gunpowder hotgun FL on the reson oomy what’s an oomy oomy is that like a comfort

Com that sounds weird reson no no one of my followers oomph oh that’s cute this way more yeah this way an oomy when did that term come around cuz I feel like I would have known it is it like a reent thing or an oomy oomph oomph o o o o o

O a moot is a mut oh I mean before I got to Lum I never really used Twitter too much X I suppose it’s a thing on the stand Twitter oh gotcha popularize the 2121 2022 o that’s cute o hello cow oh yeah I forgot I had a turtle with

No water and he’s still alive that’s okay what are some other terms that I’ve missed oomph there’s like uh do the gritty gritty seen that in a lot of lethal Company videos even though I’m pretty sure that’s a fortnite thing thank you might as well do this

Nice zesty skibby okay I I think no I know that skibby has been going around but I have successfully avoided it for the longest time and I’m so proud of it Le thank you thank you for the AKA supera thank you for future plans having passions um having passion is great the

Cult will be here to remind you you’re awesome and doing fine when hard on yourself you’re dork but I love it doing my best thank you so much thank you for the Akas I’ll do my best for for you guys but you know you got to do it for yourself too so thank you guys thank you thank You I know about SLS serious and SL joke ish call me ISB Pooky what the heck Gat what is gat what is zesty isn’t zesty like a spice something I just burst out that igb LOL LOL t b f t lol s okay let’s go pick out a spot for our

Slime LOL too but I feel like typing or texting lol is strange I think goes from this one book that I read it was a really good book about the main character was autistic and he was like it was was it the wandering the book of the want no the

Neighbor the neighborhood dog the something something dog I forget what the book was called I read it back in like Middle School okay probably not the jungle or desert the Curious incident of the dog in the night time is that it were they autistic I felt like maybe

I got my my words completely wrong there and if if I did I do apologize but it was a good book the characters were lovely did I have to do that no but I’m bloodthirsty getting a little bit closer to base I think it it it’s I think that

Book opened up my eyes a lot to how um people with Autism or people with on the Spectrum uh operate and although you know they all they all do things differently um it prepared me because one of my cousins uh they’re on the Spectrum and it helps me to interact with them a

Lot more because I know what I at least try to think about what what they’re thinking I give them the patience have them you know I just try my best to communicate with them even though it’s hard okay well ice melt I’m just glad I’m able to communicate with them is that good

Enough wait this is regular ice oh yo yo yo yo yooo yo yooooo have some durability left we good I think this would be better maybe uh maybe we’ll make the outside layer regular ice and then we’ll make a smaller inside layer so maybe over here

Starting here we can put blue ice and just hope to God it doesn’t melt is that good nice uhoh uhoh one two three four five oh there it is it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s a I need more blue ice I’ve already run out oh boy that’s not good up that’s that’s a

Problem is is this is blue ice H H and then we can just use regular ice all around it well this even look good H oops it’s kind of noticeable actually huh very good very good as long as it’s noticeable on the inside I’m happy let’s try it without the video

Without the shaders on oh it looks not bad it looks not bad with this okay okay um with regular ice I think you just need to be careful when placing light source okay thank you Shadow I appreciate you oops video settings shaders sers vibrant okay we’re going to have to get

A lot more ice unfortun Ely but we have time it’s only about an hour and a half into the stream we’ve got plenty of time plenty of time maybe make a nice little stairway right there 1 2 3 four five let’s actually take a torch away we don’t need that there you go

There you Go Sanders thank you for the 15 months thank you yeah woo yeah thank you welcome back for 15 months oh man what’s the next badge is it 2 years is it 1 and a/2 years it’s already crazy that’s over a year that’s already crazy to me I still can’t drive Tree next one’s 2 years H still have time to change this the stickers or the the badges oh nice oh yeah it’s coming all together maybe not as amazingly as I thought it would maybe I use wool is there a light source that doesn’t melt ice like glowstone what if I replace the inside

With dark blue wool and it’s light it up with like glowstone or something Lynn thank you for the 15 months thank you is it shroom light does shroom light not have it h i don’t know where to get shroom light I don’t know I’ve never touched frogs or shroom

Lights or anything like that so which is crazy considering how much m Minecraft I played oops Soul fire and glass all melts not sh trim you can get that from feeding frogs M ice melt Minecraft let’s see um it’s hey Minecraft Ice Minecraft ice melt light level maybe it’s a specific light level ice will melt if the light level immediately next to it on any side is higher than 11 and the source is other than sunlight okay so you guys are right about that how far away do torches need to be

From Ice torches give off a light level 13 torches also Mount snowy layers within two blocks and Ice within three blocks so if we’re able oh that looks so cool if we’re able to maybe light up the sides of it maybe up this way light it up from the corners could try

That it’s kind of cute this way too end rods Minecraft End Rod light level higher than it’s 14 ah it could work as lighting tools so maybe we use that instead of torches you give the ice slim an ice slim a wool Santa hat you know what yeah yeah we’ll do that

Too we’ll do that too so get some more blue ice and then we’ll come back and uh yeah we can we can go from there blue ice costes so much yeah it’s a lot of ice although we do have a lot of ice here looks cool on the inside cuz h

What do you guys think should we do dark blue wood sry wool dark blue wool or should we use blue ice blue ice would fit the aesthetic but it would be a lot of work what do you guys think M thank you for the 15 months

Thank you hope they all cuddle up and get you warm that’s what I do sometimes I’m in bed you guys are just chilling on top of the covers yoink blue ice will be consistent blue ice blue ice blue ice blue wool blue ice you know let’s just go with blue ice

Let’s go with blue ice there’s no harm right no harm put that over there let’s get uh actually the axe is fine we can keep that we can do some hunting kill some monsters at night get our pickaxe to mend a little bit and now I shall make a small little

Box just made for ice wow that’s very distinguishable oh never mind then how about packed ice interesting okay uh sand I guess I can just throw away the stuff I don’t need torches will keep that uh don’t need that that I’ll probably need these at some point no no we’re not doing

That all right let’s go I’ll go to work okay Leah good luck with work work hard but not too hard okay I mean it’ll be more it’ll be more work to get the blue ice to get the uh to get the end rods but at the end of

The day you guys are the ones that are here with me doing it so I guess I’m not alone and you know if you chose more suffering for me that means more suffering for you so you guys are here with me too huh you guys are going to

Stay here the entire stream cuz you guys are making me get blue eyes right nice paint yeah do some painting absolutely I’ve seen oops I’ve seen a bunch of like Warhammer uh Warhammer like figurines and stuff and I’ve always been envious of people who like make those models and

Then uh paint them it’s a lot of hard work so I would absolutely do that go for it for it probably be expensive but if it’s something that you want to do then you know why not as long as it’s Sustainable I’ve wanted to build a gunpla that’s the right term for it right gunpla it’s gundum but the buildable ones is gunpla however I might not have the permise for that so we shall see I don’t know too much about Guna or Gundam but I feel like if I build one

I’ll be like wow that was really cool and then I’ll go you know do a little bit more research on it right and who could possibly blame me for that it’s Lego but robots exactly ever since I had those the OG Bionicles the ones that were like circles or spheres I

Suppose I had those and I built those and then I got a little bit into Legos not as much as my brother bro there but I still enjoyed it how do I give you 15 months it’s a cute question uh basically the people who are remembers shipping for 15 months

Means that they have joined my membership for 15 months so uh unfortunately you won’t be able to do it immediately but maybe in 15 months and guess what I said earlier you got to do right it could be you in the future just got to do it

Now join the C here it’s a c Club you’re going to have a wonderful time just simply culture hello do you guys have an iron golem I wish to kill your iron golem your one and only Savior and protector of your village just for my own benefit please huh strange oh

Really yeah kill him yeah he’s kind of annoying isn’t he pretty annoying isn’t he go on you got this yeah yo Sanders thank you for the five kidnappings thank you thank you thank you and uh me thank you for the five kidnappings as well sorry for calling you Out I could just sleep but that’s boring I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh I’m so sorry oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry Yoink it didn’t give me experience so it was a wasted kill it’s okay we move on we move on nobody saw anything okay we saw nothing nothing happened we’re merely on a journey to uh get more blue ice so we can defeat the demon I’ve been reading too much fre

Man I don’t know what it is but I just like I just like fantasy stuff I like fantasy stuff where I guess freen R is pretty op but I think one of my favorite manga/anime of that is Log Horizon I get that it’s an isekai I get whatever it’s a fantasy

Thing I guess that’s why I’m like D and D so much cuz it is one of those fan see things sorry child World a ain’t nice it’s just rising from the east east Northeast got It uh Sammy thank you really appreciate it hope you I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the streams and uh everybody’s feeling nice here that’s what they said Midsummer didn’t they everybody’s really nice here thanks for giving me a chance grimgar oh grimgar grimgar grimgar grimgar grimgar grimgar grimgar grimgar is the one where it’s

Not the the the people aren’t op and they just have to come to terms and like learn how to live in it with all the human interactions right it’s not really much of a power fantasy yo B how’s it going bro miss you dude I remember I was watching a little

Bit of it because you guys really recommended it sh let’s keep going north Northeast yeah got to get some more ice I guess there’s just a lot of medieval stuff I still need to watch like I need to finish the Witcher um I’ve been watching a little bit of Castlevania I’m on season

3 I’m like two episodes deep maybe three episod four four episodes deep on season 3 of Castlevania me and B were kind of geeking out about it we were at this arcade and I forget how Castlevania got mentioned but we were both like CIA got to watch more of It and zero Morals okay for those of you who don’t know the story pretty sure battle told the story of it we went to this arcade and me being the excellent gamer I am I’m just fabulously good at everything we challenge you each other it’s a game of ice air hockey ice hockey

I would have checked you is that a pink sheep that’s a pink sheep are you mocking me you don’t need it you don’t need it you don’t need it you don’t need it you don’t need it I need it oh you don’t need it I need it where’d he go hello sheep

Sheep we thank you for your service now I should just drop you off goodbye did I need it no I really didn’t need it but you know if you see a pink sheep in the wild that’s like the rarest sheep right what are the odds on a pink sheep insanely

Low okay this way I think yes this way I forgot the odds on that it’s like one out of couple thousand or Something I do need to kill some sheep from this for some experience guys purely for experience hello chicken thank you chicken hello chicken goodbye chicken hello chicken goodbye chicken right air hockey so we went to this arcade and we challenge each other to air hockey and I’m not the best at a

Hockey because I don’t really play too many of those kind of arcade games normally I just play pump it up or Dance Dance Revolution but we played you know everything was going well and then he says hey Al uh I don’t know where the I don’t know where the puck is can you

Check your side and you know good all te it’s like sure buddy I trust you with my life so I I bend down look at the pocket for the puck and I hear I’m like huh found the I found the puck it somehow randomly magically appeared in the slot when I wasn’t

Looking I was like okay okay so we’re playing this way gotcha you play dirty touche and then he gets me again he gets me again I should have seen it coming and I knew it was coming but he got me twice thoroughly japed by the jest of guil

Tempest I will never trust that man ever again I’ll Trust trust him as far as I can throw him which is honestly kind of far you watch out Mr gavis Bal you even won at Mario Kart how much more do you need to take for me huh I’m

Already the the the stereotypical you know Adventurer nothing special you just have to take that my gamer title okay Mar we played Mario Kart on this like really really cool uh dog dog we play Mario Kart on one of those like arcade machines yay two dogs I was completely destroying him for

Probably 98% of the whole entire match you know me as roselina him as not Waluigi because there is no Waluigi the last second yeah I I nail him like four or five times maybe three times I nail him three times with a green shell my accuracy pinpoint 360 no

Scoping him on the track All is fair and Love and War the last two seconds right before the Finish Line he Nails me with a green shell Mario Kart isn’t fair you get one thing and you’re suddenly ahead no matter how much of a gamer you are and guess

What when he took the picture cuz in that game you can take a picture of yourself to put on the screen that picture haunts my dreams last night I was sleeping I woke up in a cold sweat all I could see is that picture taunting me his deformed face just taunting me Saying hey B we should uh we should play We Should play uh Nintendo switch Sports 1 V one you know we can do it do it for like 100 bucks maybe right or we can choose another Game a game more suitable for yourself or we can duke it up if we ever get out of 3D models we can just duke it out vtuber boxing what do you think okay almost there uh this way this way Fall Guys 1 V one listen I want to give you an

Advantage but not that much of an advantage okay you guys have probably seen me play Fall Guys and it’s not it’s not pretty it’s not pretty H Hollow UFC oh boy okay but that’ll be fun imagine it would be doable let’s just say that I have big plans for the

Future play Smash Bros oh I’d smok in Smash BR too and I have smoked them in Smash bru sorry B okay let’s start let’s let’s start doing some stuff let’s start using our pickaxe okay this guy every single time we played he would just pick Bowser or

Some kind of equivalent like Ridley and just like grab us and just throw off off the stage he only plays dirty you can never trust him I’m minding my own business F’s like oh T’s got three lives yeah I got three lives I got one really good Spike on him

Though I was happy about that I played as Amar I played as um as as as Nest all the infuriating characters I played as Pikachu Revenge sometimes is great he would hate every single Pikachu and you know what it was worth it what the heck no dog no what

Got your bones got your bunes anyways back to what I was saying we played on the Castlevania map first SMH and I picked Steve and even before them I was multiply picking Steve over and over again you know pressing him depressing him pressing him it’d be

Like Steve Steve and then I’d do it with Enderman Enderman zombie Steve so that already got on their on their you know on their nerves that annoyed them but then I would just you know be mining my own business and they’d be like look at this guy he’s

Just he’s just sitting in the corner just doing some mining yeah what about it what do you want from me they hated me they ganged up on me so they could so I could could die it’s like one of those mini Mana where the protagonist gets get back

Here got to play this very carefully you got this doggo nice it nice good job Dogo here you go come I eat eat eat eat we’re good and as Minecraft Steve I just kept on digging going up to the other place building my diamond sword jumping building oh I was so infuriating

And you know what it was worth it it was worth it seeing my guildmates screams of Agony delicious sometimes delicious anyways hi everybody my name is Rich of H English leader The Tempest Guild hero a slime dog no dog dog no I hate everything in this world this world will burn alongside with

Me everything in this world can burn John Wick no with this I’m John pick hunt down everything that I see in my way creepers explode zombies Die skeletons perish John pick is here that’s right you’re messing with the wrong guy I’m almost dead wait a second before you mess with me

Please I’m a guy got recharge time okay come on that’s what you get kill my dog like that John pick I watched the first John Wick movie I heard that John Wick 2 and three weren’t as great but I also heard that John Wick 4 is really really

Good so maybe maybe I’ll maybe I’ll watch the John Wick series again wanted to give it a try for the longest time it’s just I guess I was never really interested in those kind of movies when I was younger I was interested in you know Pokemon Heroes and you know uh Star

Wars this guy’s this guy’s strafing on me there you go ah we’ve got enough pickaxe strength we should be good ow could stop did you only watch the first one yep a lot of movies and shows including Castlevania I watch while I’m traveling and you know I recently did some

Traveling so I had some time to watch now I didn’t I downloaded the Mario movie on Netflix didn’t end up watching it yet um but John Rick is one of those movies that I watched relatively recently while traveling was it good while traveling yeah it wasn’t that bad what I watch

More while traveling maybe I’ll save it for the bigger screens but who else here feels like it’s easier to watch things while they’re traveling dude there’s so many monsters ordinarily I rarely watch movies yeah it’s just I don’t know it’s it’s hard for me to set set aside that time when I could

Either be streaming I could be doing something more engaging like playing a video game I could heav forgive watch YouTube how else am I going to get through 70 episodes of Game gums tears of the kingdom come on give me a little bit of credit here I make

Sacrifices I don’t know movies and stuff like I was I I was talking to ble about this too not this time but a long time ago I was like how do you have time to just watch movies him and it was actually him and Dez a while back

Yeah um they were like yeah we just watch it when we’re going to bed huh so you just go to bed and just put on a movie but don’t you fall asleep during those movies it can’t be that simple right I’d fall asleep and just forget everything that happened all right

Listen couples are great but like John pick and I’ll take it might as well it’s a nice blue bed the thing is in my bedroom I don’t have a I don’t have a TV and that’s probably last for me nowadays did my music go away oh we Loop through all 2 hours

Would you look at that it’ll probably help me with expanding my whole media I guess knowledge but at the same time I don’t want to have a TV in my room that builds for bad habits for me at least cuz I don’t just I I’ll really

Just stay in bed all day which is kind of what I did all day yesterday and today it’s not great I need to stay away from my Vices we can get rid of dirt for that one who needs a TV when you got a computer to monitor well that’s the thing if you have your computer I guess when you doing type of job if you have your computer in the same bedroom as yourself

Then isn’t that just like bad for you aren’t you like encouraged to put your computer in a different room if you have the space and I’m lucky enough that my my sister doesn’t live in the house anymore so I do have the space but having a computer monitor

Oo it’s just so easy to get up play valerant of all games it’s dangerous oops we don’t need too much more black uh blue ice oh perfect that should be enough right yeah that’ll be enough let’s go let’s get out of here let’s go Southwest being able to sit all the way

Across the room from is what TVs are all about true I guess I just haven’t used TVs much that’s probably it I’m just not used to it others grow grow up with it not me H hi Indie don’t worry Indy you made it just in time check it out ready I’m going to go to the restroom I’ll be right back okay keep the keep the chat safe and warm you know what to do sir bris I’ll be right back welcome to the

Stream I’ll be right back in a couple minutes okay just going to go to the restroom Boink yes that is canonically how I wake up in the in the morning boink imagine let’s get a little bit more I just well welcome back thank you thank you for the CL thank you guys and Indie welcome back to the C thank you so much hope you enjoy your and

Go is is that okay we should be good for now let’s go back uh Southwest hi Leah hello o one thing I do want to talk about is future games that we will be streaming on this channel uh of course more Binding of Isaac there’s always going to be more

Binding of Isaac we have to play maybe I’ll play that on Twitch more I do want to play a lot on Twitch since it’s it’s such an easy game to play on Twitch conversations are quicker on Twitch I’ve been thinking about playing with some friends maybe maybe we can

Maybe we can do some co-op cuz I know that’s a well the thing is that is a uh repentance update and I don’t want to make the boys that is cool I don’t want to make the boys buy Isaac and three DLCs just so they can play multiplayer with

Me um oh no I’ve got some friends that play it we’ll just have to find them but uh I I guess games I wanted to play um there’s this game that’s a really cool gimmick uh basically it’s on the desktop but it consists of multiple windows if I’m not

Mistaken that move around oh it’s a bon that that move around and make the game more Dynamic it’s it’s weird like the windows change size it’s called window kill uh I saw it on on my Twitter timeline I was like o I want to try it

So we we’ll try that out um I got the permissions for the Light Brigade which I believe is the VR um Rog likee shooter that one’s should be interesting I’ve not played a game like it but I’m sure I’m sure it’ll be great um let’s see what else what

Else uh Immortals of avium okay you might think this this is kind of weird but I was watching YouTube video I don’t remember which one it was and there were sponsored by Immortals of AVM and normally I’m not I’m like okay sponsored stream got sponsored video

Gotcha gotcha but then when I watched it more I was kind of I was kind of interested I was like huh this trailers kind of sold me so maybe I’ll try it out maybe I’ll play it we’ll see um seems pretty interesting I don’t remember too

Much about it but just off this the one feeling of watching the trailer I was like man I got to play it and then hopefully I’ll get the perms for the finals I want to play the finals it’s an FPS game it’s like an arena shooter uh honestly don’t know too much

About it after outside of that my best buddy was talking about it with me and he was like yo we should play I’m like okay okay and then I saw senen playing I was like okay okay so it’s you know a lot of people have their eyes on it maybe I should play

It but we need to get the permissions first so until then consider it never being played is it for three players interesting I wonder why they chose three players instead of the regular four players or even five players I guess Hunt is also like that makes sense Arena Shooters

H four players at another mode okay interesting it’s like Rainbow Six oh Rainbow Six with more movement h H h take get I like games with movement indeed I do what kind of tree is that is is is uh we’re getting close believe it’s 5,500 nope 3,300 we still have some time could probably just go straight west then at this point yep I’ll just go straight west

You sound like a Minecraft Like that was a that was a drowned um spider Uh I don’t know how to do Ghasts I’m bad at Ghasts that’s the pigs that’s an Environmentalist that’s the that’s the that’s the Phantoms that’s bread when you eat it man I should be a voice actor sarcasm me hello Archer assassin get some rest okay make sure to eat some food you need you need food and rest and water it sounds kind of stupid to say that

But what your body really needs his energy energy to fight off your illness so hope you feel better okay rest up rest up you should be a vtuber I’m not a vtuber I’m a hero wait um leader if I may ask a question since most of the Ian Ian has names for

Their mascots if you were to give this slime a name what would you name it the thing is I don’t think I wouldn’t give our mascot a specific name because two reasons number one I want the Slime to be you guys I want you guys to be that

Slime number two in a lot of RPGs first of all it’s a great question so thank you season um number two is in in games like you have greater slime you have slime but rarely do you have like you specifically named slimes right and I

Kind of just want to keep it as slime it’s simple right it fits our elements plus it’s it’s you guys so I don’t want to go with any specific name for a slime hopefully that makes sense hopefully you guys are happy with that if you really really want me to name one

Specific slime I I guess I can call you stinky but I don’t think you guys want that either so at this point what do you guys [Laughter] want I’m good with no name okay sounds good right let’s let’s finish this could old Ventures beat any other mascot in fights I feel

Like even though we are quote unquote just slimes have you guys seen the hydro hydro deer from lethal company you might just be one slime but you’re an indestructible slime you can dissolve anything you can kill anything so if if any other of the mascots try to kill

You if they try to punch you just like absorb them you know have a nice meal let’s get some regular regular ice what if it’s another slime merge together and become the ultimate form of a slime the Ultimate slime he set he set he’s set all right let’s keep

Going I sense a death battle if mascots are coming n we’d win we’d win hands down I what could what could Axel do get fried right what could what could what could the aress do right cheapy tress what what could that do shoot you with a burning laser that normally melts organs

But since you’re a slimee you’re invulnerable nice good one what about versus phantom I don’t know what Phantom is it would be it would be an known but I would have to go off of my my faith in your guys’ abilities so yeah you just swallow it engulf

It they have a specific specific word for that but I’m not too stressed Um who okay next up we need red wool and white wool in order to make a Santa hat and we need something for okay let’s head back let’s head back we need the the belt and then we need something to decorate the face let’s go back hey

M nice happy got a new new feather I’m sorry I’m sorry hold on I’m sorry what what what’ you do while I was talking to my precious slimes what’ you do huh what are you doing that’s right suffer I dare dare you interrupt my Conversation if you eat Phantom the zipper accidentally dissolves first in whatever inner demon inside no no no it’s like if it’s it’s like this right imagine that you are lava in Minecraft and imagine Phantom is a Shuler box with 20 diamond swords inside of it if you destroy the Shuler box then

The stuff inside is going to be destroyed too I think wait hold on let’s let’s let’s revise that let’s revise that if you put obsidian into no what’s fireproof um if you put bed rock into a Shuler box and the shulker Box gets destroyed by lava it doesn’t pop out of the Shuler

Box does it so that means that the indestructible Bedrock inside is also destroyed even netherite so yeah as long as as long as you just dissolve Phantom it should be fine let’s see what else um the KO I mean love the koise but aren’t you guys just

Fish you’re a fish could be very cute fish the hakos aren’t you guys just like a bird they try try to Peck you and then look at that they can’t breathe since their beaks are embedded into your juicy juicy uh slime bodies then they die from Suffocation and you enjoy all the

Nutrients what’s a CO corion going to do spit water at you ooh that might actually be bad um if a corion spits water at you doesn’t that mean that it’s diluting you guys ooh that’s dangerous okay we’re going to have to be careful of that not even close

Not even close me lava and the nether we don’t have a good relationship we’re supposed to have like a full glass um ceiling and and wall just so that the gas can’t destroy them but as you guys can see um traveling 16,000 blocks in the Overworld and then the reciprocating

M however many blocks it is in the in the nether that’s a lot of glass that’s a lot of stuff so it’s a work in progress AR thank you for thank you for the reminder to Future Al here to fix the track you’re taking the advantage of

Me looking at the super chats and memberships after the streams you’re very smart aren’t you H maybe I’ll Super Chat myself something saying hey don’t forget to do the don’t forget to do laundry or hey uh cancel that subscription or hey give your slimes extra love today maybe I should do

That that could be fun it’s like using Siri h h h h h what’s today today Wednesday yeah today’s Wednesday okay Thursday what am I doing Thursday what the heck 360 one new messages in the group chat what are the boys talking about let’s see um tomorrow I can’t I

Can’t do a morning stream tomorrow because I have a I have a lesson in R&B stuff and then Friday we have comic Fiesta on Friday guys oh my gosh that snuck up on me thank you thank you for the not thank you thank you Eevee if you guys didn’t know in

Malaysia comic Fiesta I’ll be doing a hollow Meats um Hol meat sorry Hollow meat can you don’t please a hollow meat panel with robus andai hope you guys are excited for that if you’re going it’s going to be my first time in Malaysia should be cool I’m

Excited I’m intrigued I want to do some research on Malaysia before I go [Laughter] it’s really cool that through Hollow meat and honestly just through Hollow Hol Stars Hollow life production whatever I’ve met so many people from around the world not only my friends you know viewers you know other streamers

People in general what a powerful thing powerful powerful to be able to do that I feel like no matter where I go across the world I’ll always have a friend there and that’s that’s pretty special I know that there’s friendships inside the tempera I know there’s

Friendships inside the cult a and I hope you guys hope you guys stay friends you know hope you guys make some amazing connections with each other and treat everybody with kindness even if they’re being a little Annoying a little a little stinky whatever proud of you guys making friends isn’t

Isn’t easy but I know that you guys have for me I would say I have a lot of friends which is a very lucky thing to say I’m blessed to have my friends I’m lucky to have my friends but there’s always still a very close group of friends that S s A Marshmallow a looking like SeaWorld here but a Marshmallow I’ll protect you marshmallow John pick marshmallow I heard that it’s possible to get the dragon as a pet how much Minecraft did chimy play Recently marshmallow is alive give a name tag probably not a lots wait that’s so cool what is that H that’s a that’s a that’s a that’s a that’s a that’s a we could open it from the Bottom but nah let’s not mess with it let’s not mess with it back home wait a second I heard that somebody in armis has a gambling problem let’s go to the casino Not bad let’s play a little bit let’s do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 diamonds I’ll build a roulette machine or something after this stand on the amethyst block add diamonds to the Sher box press the button to begin the slots Four Diamonds that should have given me

Five this game is scam 5513 let’s see h four Diamonds 12 diamonds H interesting the payout isn’t really working is It five diamonds hopefully that’s fixed let’s give it a try okay let’s put these diamonds in here now it should have the regular payout now hopefully both of these are five and this is actually 13 did I be 13 uh-oh 13 hello welcome on welcome welome just making sure my uh it’s not

Working right now come on come on come on get me the diamond what are you looking at Don’t Judge Me Up up you know what let’s turn on the auto playd ameral AM what are you looking at damond damond damond damond and Emerald Emerald Emerald Emerald go go go go go

Go go go go go go scam let’s scre this place Emerald Emerald Emerald Emerald Emerald Emerald let’s just fuel it up and leave oops let’s fuel up the kelp and then get out of here this is what it uses to do the RNG oh the kelp so the kelp is is

Used for basically how this thing works is that uh right here the RNG is determined by a composter based on how many how many uh pieces of kelp that it composts and then that uh that decides the RNG which also decides how many times each of these spins and as you can

See back here it circles through two diamonds I think a bit of gold and and emerald and stuff it’s a process I was in chat with uh man son and just some talents just hanging out the boys just making it took me like 4 hours how the diamonds read the diamond

Payout it it reads so the Redstone reads what page the the book is at so since I flipped to page 14 page 15 page 14 I don’t remember um it it reads that it’s page 15 so it’s like okay dispense 15 diamonds redstone’s crazy I barely understand

It I barely understand that I just followed a guide okay um we need red wool we need a lot of red wool we need white wool and then we need maybe light blue okay um we’ll take some more white wool we’ll take some more light blue we don’t

I don’t have much red wow I’m surprised I need some more red wool well hopefully that’ll be enough I doubt it where can I get red wool from what are you doing right now uh I so we built a small little like ice slime above my other house and I came

Back to my main house so that we can get some wool so we can put a little a Santa hat on top of it little Christmas Santa hat but we don’t have enough red wool I think Um we can get some flowers you’re right or we can go to the JP Senpai take it from there nah I like to be self- sustainable we’ll grab some more bread though yink and yink who the heck there you go we like a little chaos here okay anything else before I go uh

We have a lot of white wool maybe we have some flowers wait we have a lot of flowers Poppies we have so many bobes play time so you have chosen death I’ll let you live I’ll let you live this time only this time though poppies okay now we head back thank you Iron Golem Farm you’ve been doing amazing so proud of you boing okay now let head back we can uh

We can start dying those those wool if we need to but I think we should be fine just to finish off this build awesome I feel like the build was about 90% this stream has been 90% traveling 10% no 95% traveling 5% build it’s so weird uh destination Ender Farm

Destination this one do you have perms for poppy Play Time nope I’m kind of sad about that cuz I wanted to play part two and part three and part four Once those come out but I also wanted to play um Five Nights at Freddy’s and we don’t have the perms for that so

Lot of newer horror games that I can’t play kind of sad about it yep I’m on a private server right now unfortunately uh viewers are not allowed on it just for security reasons but um other people in my company like other Hollow Stars English members hollar JP members Japanese members they are able

To access the server let’s see if I could get the perms for any game to play right now I got my Binding of Isaac perms let’s be careful here cuz there’s some holes um Last of Us I think that’s number one game that I want to play that I don’t have the perms

And will not get the perms for because I’ve already asked and I think the the actual company itself the Japanese side of the company was like please don’t play our game something to do with like Gore and stuff so that’s understandable understandable but I still wish I could play it

Right I’ve never played The Last of Us I’ve heard that it’s a very good game guess I’ll just never play it what are the games until dawn I don’t think I got the perms for until done don’t think I will either which is strange please a why are there

Two what other games um oh ruse he messaged me he was like yo did you ask permissions for risk a rain if not I’m going to do it I’m like no I haven’t not in a long time and then I checked I did it two weeks ago so hopefully we get

Perms for risk of rain too cuz I really like that game I’ve been playing quite a bit of it what else Pokemon that’s going to be very difficult to get you have those limited time perms for Pokemon hold on guys I got to really focus here cuz I could just jump off a

Ledge cuz there are broken pieces of the track that I have not fixed yet that I will fix but that’s for future alt here I said five streams [Laughter] ago we’ve been asking for risk of rain perms for a very long time actually uh me and Desmond me and uh Magny or

Dez we were asking quite a bit but never got those [Laughter] I only know one thing about Pik Pokemon it’s Pikachu and that’s not a bad one to know I might be the resident Pikachu enjoyer here Pikachu fanatic Pikachu enjoyer I’m going to say enjoyer appreciator

Yes just how just like how I know that some of you guys are Regal te enjoyers Right along the same lines at least Pikachu connoisseur Raichu is better than Pikachu don’t kill me don’t worry I won’t kill you only torture you slowly cuz your opinion is wrong nah no no no I’m not the ice Plains I don’t do that speaking of Pokemon this Sunday going to

Be opening up the Advent calendar for Pokémon not sure how many days there are but definitely started it too late Gooler is a giant Rob he’s cool I guess Gooler can fly but can you cuddle with goer I thought not nope can you turn to your shoulder and

Go look just hanging down on your shoulder nope go look we’ll probably Crush you and that’s the truth I’m a truther don’t hate me go looks pretty cool right on these nuts pretty cool jeez piglin above me I oh thank you h h i mean I can scream and stuff I will

Scream and yell and stuff sometimes but it’s like high action High paced stuff I’m just playing Minecraft it’s just Minecraft I’m just hanging out with you guys just chilling building creating new Futures splitting the timeline just casually n High leader I got a shiny Pichu and Pikachu and Pokemon sleep that

I named after aom pancake oh and I recently got a holiday Pikachu shiny holy crap H holiday Pikachu shiny a good name for Shiny Pikachu let me think Pikachu shiny Santa Frank I’ve had many many people who are like oh Al R Al thank you for saving our

Village please name my child I got you there’s probably like a bunch of SP out there SP if you’re listening I saved your village it’s like how himl himl went around kept on getting statues just so he could be remembered and they could be remembered soon there’s going to be a

Bunch of SP out there what a heroic name thank you thank you I know I know I’m aware okay how are we going to do this first of all oops which way is up m we can use ice here doesn’t matter forward’s probably facing this way so let’s make a ring of

Wool is is is Dr W but you can ride on goolock shoulder you can ride on Pikachu shoulder what do you mean touche what now don’t quote me on that Source trust me guys come on I’m a hero I’m a hero I’m an adventure why would a hero ever

Lie to you guys come on I wouldn’t do that to you come on that’s evil I don’t know how to make Santa hats I’m sure it’s not too hard right it’s not too hard Right it’s probably spilling over to the side like a normal Santa Hatwood sh we got to keep that oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh we need to save all the wool that we can recycle reuse reduce reduce reuse recycle it can be taller it can be taller but I don’t have much wool left that’s a problem

Um we can make that into red dye then we can just dye all this perfect let’s make this one one wo higher I forgot I had shears Oops why am I yellowish uh cuz I have a torch I have OptiFine on right now so if

I put it away then I’m regular but like if I have torch then it brights it brightens up a little bit good question uh how would this work let’s see be two two blocks high and then start maybe do it like this yeah no corners one thing I really want to do

Is I’m pretty sure we have permissions to play Minecraft in VR don’t we I’m pretty sure we do at least I want to play Minecraft in VR maybe do like a separate a separate like world for that single player possibly but I like having the world with everybody else

I remember playing it I remember playing VR Minecraft super super long time ago back when it was first like conceptualized it was pretty good but I’m sure that there’s I’m sure that there’s some improvements that have happened in the past couple years like may maybe H cuz technically it wasn’t really like

Fully VR but it kind of was but it kind of wasn’t you know h I’ll do some research on that that could definitely be fun I love VR I love Minecraft it’s not too big for slime I think we can start going over to the side now it’s not going to be Too

Tall so actually h h h h i probably Shin would enjoy it too maybe I should invite him that could be fun um bu bu chaaa chaaa it’ll slide over to the left or to the right uh yeah that that we’re going to have to be pretty careful about this maybe from

Here Peter off a little bit oops oops That looks kind of lame that looks a little lame let’s see let’s see let’s see what can we do okay we need to round that put a little bit more volume over here round out and then we can drop we can put a little bit of white wool there I think

That could be good got to add a little pom pom little bit bigger like this Corners out that’s not a corner yeah yeah and we’ll make it like this yeah I think that works over there let’s fix up let’s fix up the top first first of all more volume

O that could be a good good way to do it put a center block now it’s too much over there but it should be that way unless we add a tiny bit more to the top so it becomes a staircase going down maybe that way is your hair uh Co characters hair

Color turquoise or cyan it is um the the hex code is uh 54 ACDC don’t ask me why I know That uh it’s not too hard to memorize it’s just 54 and then the band D DC not too difficult unlike axles which is never mind I can’t find it Axel FF interesting Final Fantasy FF 9603 that is his official color looks weird on top actually it doesn’t look as bad

Maybe if we put no I think that amount of that amount of White’s fine I think maybe make this thinner no oops definitely not what I want to do yeah it’s a Santa Claus hat it’s just uh night time so you can’t tell let me go to sleep in my wonderfully made

Bedro wonderful absolutely wonderful check it out check it out I put a lot of Pride into my bedroom I work on my bedroom guys okay we’ll work we’ll work we’ll work on it eventually okay give me some time we just moved [Laughter] in let’s see how it looks like in the

Daytime okay it doesn’t look that bad whatever we’ll go with this well actually will it benefit from a little bit up top maybe if I do it at a corner instead I think putting it more into the corner over here back here would make it better but

Then again people just put the pom pom on the side let’s go with that it’s been about 3 hours don’t want to go too long today so uh let’s break this bum bum bum please have mercy I’m so sorry here you go nice okay next up slime I brought light blue wool that

Way H how are we going to do do this I need scaffolding so badly I just never use scaffolding because I was past my time of playing Minecraft normally okay this one goes like that maybe a little bit longer possibly maybe the this one a little bit wider Too we can add a little bit up up is said does that look better uh yeah that kind of works um I don’t like this one though here we’ll put we’ll put that stuff first and then we’ll see how we feel about the other stuff let’s make the top layer bu bu

Bu two two two sh two one two like that now how do I feel about that though let’s break everything get a nice clean view of the Top H maybe out like this maybe we that’s pretty cute okay that’s not bad next up the face I think I know what to do for the face excuse me SP hey Cal me too man me too let’s grab some blue ice and some packed ice just in case

Discow that’s still one of my wittiest Creations ever I think discal one of my wittiest Creations okay let’s see um I want your guys’ eyebrows to be in there oh wait that’s cute wait that’s so cute blue ice let’s try packed Ice that doesn’t work too well let’s replace this with regular ice for now let’s get the eyes in Do this Work I’m going to need to do some some checking up real quick yeah that that does work Thank you take that we can do better than white wall let’s see what we have inside the offers a Al Hol station English skild leader Tempest here of slime number two in that Mario Kart Tournament part of the biggest uh part of part of team for Hol Apex charity thank you

Guys um we could do nether quartz four of Them can I cut the nether quartz into something interesting for that uh I think regular quartz would be fine honestly yeah let’s try that Out is that us wearing a slime yes it is yes it is yep I forgot to get an obsidian too yeah this is going to look better a nice maybe blue wool maybe dark blue wool would be better for that yeah yeah let’s get dark blue wall

I just hope I don’t mess it up with all these ideas that I have for it he’s cooking too much he overcooked which Happens do you make die out of that curious huh we need an obsidian piece oops Oh Oh oh uhoh uhoh obsidian nice one piece of obsidian did you see that your team won the MV yeah we got MVP I uh was supposed to tweet it out but I wasn’t home so I no I wasn’t as was I asleep or was I at

Home or was I away from home I’m going to say that I was away from home so I didn’t see the tweets like for the voting but thank you for voting guys I’m glad to share the same stage as the best gamer YouTuber okay uh last things last we

Need to change out that blue ice nice is is is is is nice of course bu bu come on give it to Me thank you that’s cute okay one last Touch One Last touch the mouth how are we going to do the mouth Let’s see we could do something sub like the other ice but you guys deserve Cuteness let’s get some more obsidian see how we can change things with that yeah it should be a v my kitten destroy oh I saw this I think it was a YouTube shorter Tik Tok I’m not sure but um it was like the first year the kittens came to the

Household it was a regular tree second year they put it um upside down on the ceiling they still got to it third year they just put a cage around the around the tree and seeing my friends cat yeah that’s that’s pretty accurate that is pretty accurate right yep yep yep cats are

Dangerous such high maintenance such high low maintenance those cats can get to anything they can jump off of four-story buildings land just fine they’ll wait for you to go to bed and then they’ll just salivate over your throat but then they can also be the cutest things you know don’t trust them H

H let me do some research real quick H that could work that could definitely work yo hitos welcome everybody thank you so much hakito with thank you we’re about finishing up with the Minecraft stream today but uh right now we’re trying to figure out what goes

Best for our project and I’ll show you the project in just a second I just got to get the blocks that I need real quick but thank you Haka hope you had a great stream dude what did you guys stream today I was sleeping for half of it half

The half the day so I apologize if I if I show my ignorance Hello he me or a right H hakamas right it’s hakamas that’s adorable hope you guys had a great time thank you so much for the raid and uh hope you guys had a great time over at Hawkeye stream and for those of you who do not

Know who Haka is his link is down below in my description one of the Tempest boys of holl star English BB purple BB he’s got a lot of talent in singing go check him out he’s working hard uh okay I don’t have any Cobble deep slate but it shouldn’t be too hard to

Get a menace to societ yeah he’s a menace I agree he’s a menace let’s go to the nether for this what you making let me show you yes real quick let’s go to bed first in my wonderful bedroom I’ll show you guys what we’re what we’re cooking and then we’ll finish it off

Okay oh sleep Bed here it is T it’s a Christmas slime I need to figure out what to do for here here but I think I have the idea for the mouth I think I have the idea for the mouth so we’re going to be finishing off this very very soon MH mhm just got to go

Into The Nether for that isn’t it cute Christmas Time Is Here okay um there’s got to be some of it somewhere around here right before I just jump into lava and die immediately that could happen we’re good we’re good we’re good where is that dark stone not quite this h H nah this is not the stone I’m looking for these are not the droids I’m looking for let’s go back inside We’re good all right well we are pretty desperate for that stuff so uh why don’t we go find a ravine let’s get some air first bum bum bum bum bum bum bum 5 4 3 2 I don’t count bo bo okay now that we’re pretty deep let’s do that and we

Go I can probably dig straight down from this to be honest which is totally what you should do in Minecraft don’t worry about it h h h this is totally going to bite me in the butt isn’t it oh nice we found it is this what I need deep slate

Perfect let’s grab a bit of deep slate for ourselves grab a wee bit I have plenty at my other house but not at my other house unfortunately let’s go okay push to the Limit get out of here get to our front door do some cutting we should be good stone cutting I should

Specify please no Zen loss guys I don’t know if I can take another Zen loss I’ve Zen loss what three four times did I get the wrong deep slate I thought that’s smelled it thank you vori no thank you V it’s a so touch pickaxe does that change

Things don’t worry vity I appreciate it how go you you Liar cobbled deep slate okay okay okay okay Okay perfect I believe that I want let’s see which one’s darker pretty sure it’s deep slate tile yeah deep slate tile okay we’ll make that we’ll put that deep slate tile slab Perfect finish it up this is my idea my masterpiece yes [Applause] doesn’t look good at [Laughter] all [Laughter] [Laughter] noted noted It’s definitely too high on the face how do I get rid of this it looks weird I can’t combine blocks like that unless I use like a weird piston Thing from far apart ah no oh it’s it’s the Deep it’s the the blue ice right there maybe we can replace that blue ice with regular with regular ice yeah n still looks weird it looks like you’re frowning hello welcome on in guys we’re finishing up our little build of our

Slime our cute little slime colon bracket what could we do what could we do let’s see I’m going to look at the picture again of us assets cuz the thing I’m trying to make right here let me just let me just boink real quick boink I just realized I need more dark blue

Wool ah we’ll have enough we’ll have enough trying to make one of these guys come to life and it looks okay right Now maybe I just put one piece of deep s and I get some more ice o don’t need to use this ice and no that looks weird too what if it’s like a little o face like oh that could be cute let’s look at it in the in in the daytime

First bu bum bum bum bum is maybe make the mouth pop up ooh that is an that’s a good idea I tried it with a pumpkin with a lava pumpkin we made last time h maybe you stairs H you’re on to something let’s get some more deep Slate uhoh I’m a Fool Psych reset you’re in the wrong neighborhood fool excuse me may just uh go somewhere else did not expect those guys over there but who could hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop deep slate go this might get a little

Dangerous I could kill it let’s preserve life uh Wildlife guys shall We are we going to get lost no never I never get lost who do you take me for I’m an adventurer I’m a hero there’s no way I’d get lost ever I’ve journeyed through so many places I’ve lived countless question can I steal this negative you cannot silk touch this

La I don’t need too much I have a decent amount already so should be fine just have a CH Adventure going to be hard but enjoy this adventure res res res what a nice sound even when you just walk on it shut up zombie when you just

Walk on it it’s a nice sound just barely wish it was louder uh let’s get a stack first a stack and we should be okay two more one more nice okay I think we have enough stuff I think we can go back safely but why should I we got some beautiful ores right

Here my greed knows no about see you come on in uh uh This Way uhoh Mr glow squid where are we good night Shir good night good night sweet dreams it’s one of these little holes right here if not I shall create my own hole well this is kind of awkward yay

Is is nice is Lost Hair you just want me be to lose hair don’t you but no I’m a winner that’s my mom told [Laughter] me okay we got out with some deep slate feels pretty good not too much wait wait I need six I need six

Pieces I have five pieces I need six pieces then go back at least we won’t get lost this time right cuz we we know how to do it we know where to go huh this the place that we went to last time not the last time but last last

Time surprised it’s even still here push it to the Limit yes you’re a gamer your honor you’re a gamer okay almost there almost there almost there you will all remember this time that that R Al of H star English Guild leader of Tempest almost got lost okay let’s take this Cobble deep

Slate let’s make the Cobble tile stairs make four of those leave the rest just in case RNA thank you for the super note to pass Al te don’t get lost okay lucky you didn’t get lost where am I ow ow ow ow yum okay how we’re going to do this we

Have the tile stairs h m-m H boink boink let’s see how this looks uh not quite oh I think he’s us thank you you guys Too I wish I could put planks sideways maybe I’m thinking too hard about it what if I just did maybe something a little bit more like this no hello hi I be like That no not that way Oh maybe we replace the thing in the back with ice or something a little bit lighter h could you put two upside Downs to I wish I could but it’s it wouldn’t be balanced correctly the way that you want me to do it I suppose is something like oops is it like this

No it’s like no please bear with me maybe upside down why is it so hard to make a face I got to make the perfect cute face for this we could go with no mouth we could go with no mouth what do you guys think about no mouth let me show

You let’s take a look with no mouth bum bum bum it doesn’t look too bad with no mouth right looks cute you know what no it is okay with no mouth I have an idea hello Mr Cow I’m Le stuped just sweet to

Stuped uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh we can’t we can’t dally let’s take a nap we can’t D take a nap nice go upstairs we’re going to cover with a [Laughter] belt so right now it looks like this and if we just add a small

Belt that you guys have then we won’t need to worry about it right oops that just looks like a cuff now three yeah Three then we need one more down here nice boom let me go down here take this make slabs come on come on that’s so cute need to fly somehow careful careful you’re in the way of the picture get out of here it’s Cute all righty guys I think I’m going to call for the stream today h I think I’m going to call there there we go perfect all righty everybody Kim bit thank you for the six months thank you Happ a happy artist uh yeah that’ll be it for today

Guys we made a nice little Christmas slime pretty cute uh tomorrow I’ll stream tomorrow night same time as today so 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that’s going to be 9:00 p.m. no 9:00 a.m. Japanese Standard Time Saturday morning uh so Friday morning oh my gosh I don’t

Know what time zones are Thursday night 700 p.m. Eastern Standard time we will figure out something to do I will post it probably midday tomorrow and uh we’ll do something fun okay other than that if it’s day time for you have a wonderful rest of your day eat some good food take

Good care of yourself work hard but not too hard treat yourself and something nice and if it’s night time for you have a wonderful night sweet dreams dream good dreams me dream me and I’ll catch you guys tomorrow for another stream okay tomorrow night tomorrow night yep

Yep yep yep yep also let me grab these real quick before I leave uh blank thank you for the four months thank you Jessica thank you thank you happy to be back home make thank you for the 15 months at the royalty thank you December is the holiday season your streams

Always bring me to comfortable holiday 5 thank you m thank you for the 15 months you’re insane thank you thank you you thank you what’s there s thank you what’s there uh HTT qw thank you for the 15 months thank you welcome back Ruby thank you for the aupa

Thank you thank you thank you thanks for hanging out really appreciate you thanks for being here hope you had a great time dippy dip thank you for the pink Super Chat congrats again for the 400k on the cover thank you it’s it’s a wonderful present wonderful Christmas present thank you

Guys now let’s get uh let’s get my other cover to 400k I’m I’m joking thank you guys big love thank you so much um meang thank you for the 10 months welcome back and Muse thank you for the 9 months RNA thank you not de present Al fix the

Tracks I’ll do it later I’ll do it later thank you for the 15 months thank you all right everybody love you guys take it easy enjoy the rest of your Wednesday or Thursday mornings I’ll catch you guys tomorrow night okay all right guys take take care

Byebye let me pause the music so it doesn’t play again byebye bye guys byebye byebye Byebye pretty productive dat today I would say got a lot of stuff done and getting back into Minecraft feels pretty good next time we play maybe maybe we’ll make a snowman if we have enough time a snow slime all right everybody take care love you guys Byebye I’m going to send you guys off to estelon by stream he’s playing VCR uh GTA have a lot of fun okay bye-bye

This video, titled ‘☃️🎄Let’s build something for the holiday season~!🎄☃️【MINECRAFT】【35】’, was uploaded by Regis Altare Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2023-12-21 04:10:20. It has garnered 14795 views and 1764 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:08 or 14168 seconds.

Regis Altare リージス・アルテア | HOLOSTARS English-TEMPUS- Leader of the Tempus Guild, at your service! let’s save the world, together!

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Twitter: @regisaltare https://twitter.com/regisaltare ►▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◄

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Regis Altare Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/9m2Gzca26I8 Twitter: https://twitter.com/regisaltare

Magni Dezmond Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/H-8u6VPH92k Twitter: https://twitter.com/magnidezmond

Axel Syrios Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/JRTOfhbdbn0 Twitter: https://twitter.com/axelsyrios

Noir Vesper Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/SBQtnouQqgY Twitter: https://twitter.com/noirvesper_en

Gavis Bettel debut stream: https://youtu.be/q2IhTrBQUqw Twitter: https://twitter.com/gavisbettel

Machina X Flayon Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/EZI7Vmnv7xY Twitter: https://twitter.com/machinaxflayon

Banzoin Hakka Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/k0d8RdOmPKc Twitter: https://twitter.com/banzoinhakka

Josuiji Shinri Debut Stream: https://youtu.be/zpXDBficVL4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/josuijishinri ►▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◄

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    CRAZY Minecraft Secrets REVEALED in Alo's Epic AdventureVideo Information [Music] [Music] is [Music] for [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Unusual Minecraft’, was uploaded by Alo on 2024-02-25 04:16:33. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Welcome to a journey through the most bizarre and extraordinary corners of Minecraft! In this video, we dive into the realm of Unusual Minecraft, where the landscapes defy expectation and the structures challenge imagination. Join us as we explore unique biomes, stumble upon mysterious structures, and marvel at mind-bending creations crafted by players from around the world. From floating islands suspended… Read More

  • INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise Mobile

    INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise MobileVideo Information Merhaba merhaba ses deneme 1 2 3 ses deneme 1 2 3 Ne yapฤฑyorsunuz la he Hiรง mi ola tฤฑklฤฑm yok ลŸu an o yรผzden but Fly Click yapacaฤŸฤฑm yapamayacaฤŸฤฑm dรผny al oyuncu Anladฤฑm hocam La oฤŸlum yatak mฤฑ kapatฤฑyorsun gel buraya Efsane bir hareket yapacaฤŸฤฑm sana ya A dรผลŸmedi lan Gel bakalฤฑm biraz daha gel รถnรผne Bloklarฤฑ dizdim abisi yataฤŸฤฑ kฤฑrma be ya Abi niye kฤฑrฤฑyorsun yataฤŸฤฑmฤฑ AฤŸlama lan Bekle oฤŸlum ben seni elemedim mi ลŸimdi o yataฤŸฤฑ kฤฑrmak รถyle kolay mฤฑ sanฤฑyorsun รถnce beni geรงmen gerekiyor yataฤŸฤฑmฤฑ kฤฑrmฤฑลŸ olabilirsin ama ik saฤŸ solumu yemiลŸ sayฤฑlฤฑrsฤฑn Bak… Read More

  • INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVE

    INSANE! Building Breaking Bad House in Minecraft LIVEVideo Information volume up okay we haven’t played on this world apparently since like the middle of December and I like this mod pack it’s just I just haven’t played on this [ __ ] plain as simple plain as simple damn you saw that vertical hold up when was my vertical so nasty I got a gas mask on all I remember is that hey get out of here bro he break something he broke my boots all I remember in this world was we got to the point where I was like okay I want to build a… Read More

  • 4000 Cakes in Minecraft… CRAZY Vertical Stream!

    4000 Cakes in Minecraft... CRAZY Vertical Stream!Video Information hello everyone how’s it going welcome to the stream hello everyone hello it is currently Monday for me and I wonder how what time it is for you guys because ah it’s freezing it is currently I don’t 15 to 17ยฐ like Celsius here in my town in Australia and it’s freaking cold it is currently 6:40 a.m. yes I know I’m late I’m late by 10 minutes sorry about that and welcome to the stream snow as well as to a how are you guys doing how’s it being I hope you have guys are having a… Read More

  • BREEZE’s Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21

    BREEZE's Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21Video Information this is the breeze and it’s a brand new mob from Minecraft 1.21 but where did it come from how did it gain its powers and what is its story well let’s find out in the Forgotten tale of the breeze it all begins long ago during the Great iller War the villagers and the illers have been fighting for centuary and there were no signs that the end was anywhere near as these two opposing factions despised each other with our passion as they each prayed for the complete annihilation of the enemy well that’s how most… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!Video Information [Applause] could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy I hope you can show me if you want to go then I’ll be so lonely if you leaving baby let me down slowly let me down down let me This video, titled ‘Minecraft Buld hack #14’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-09 16:01:32. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft… Read More

  • AvalocMC

    AvalocMCGood evening and welcome my friends to a land of mystery and magic, a land of monsters and mages a land where one turn at the road can land you in a vast metropolis filled with magic and wonder your eyes have never seen, another turn could land you in the midst of a savage orc horde. Welcome to Avaloc mc.avalocmc.com Read More

  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Harmony Falls – The Top Voice-Chat Proximity SMP Server! ๐ŸŒŸ Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 IP: join.harmonyfallssmp.world Discord: https://discord.gg/UD59PE897s About ๐ŸŒ  Harmony Falls ๐ŸŒ : ๐Ÿ˜„ Proximity Voice Chat: Talk to nearby players with Simple Voice Chat! ๐Ÿฐ Towny & Economy: Establish towns, trade, and engage in wars. ๐Ÿ‘ฅ PvE & PvP: Battle mobs or challenge other players. ๐Ÿ‘น Bosses/Dungeons: Encounter insane bosses! ๐Ÿ‰ Pets: Venture with companions like bears, griffins, and dragons. ๐ŸŒ„ RPG Elements: Level up skills, embark on quests with MCMMO. ๐ŸŒŸ Events: Participate in tournaments, competitions, and more! More Exciting Features Coming soon! ๐ŸŒŸ… Read More

  • HorizonMines – Season 3 – High quality Skymining!

    HorizonMines - Season 3 - High quality Skymining!HorizonMines is an small upcoming SKYMINING server that is looking to revolutionize the space with an actual skymining experience, elytra’s, a wonderfully build map and tons of eastereggs create an immersive and endless world of possiblities and to have fun. The goal of HorizonMines is to simply become the best skymining server out there, the best map, the best gameplay and the best experience. We are actively looking for staff, content creators and people whom can give feedback and suggestions so we can accomplish the goal of becoming the absolute best out there.HorizonMines GameplayDive into an immersive, one of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My friend’s hotbar is a dumpster fire

    Looks like they need to ‘craft’ a better hotbar strategy! Read More

  • MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria’s Epic Rhyme

    MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria's Epic Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, Fyllaria roams, Building her dreams, crafting her own homes. But deep inside, she feels lost and alone, Her confidence shattered, her spirit not shown. She turns to an AI, seeking advice, Confiding her fears, her heart’s heavy price. The AI listens, with empathy and care, Encouraging Fyllaria to be aware. “Beauty is not just skin deep,” it says, “It’s in your heart, in your soul, in your ways. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws and your strengths, For in them lies beauty, at any length.” Fyllaria listens, her heart starts to mend, Embracing herself, as… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks!

    Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks! To make a secret Minecraft axe, simply whisper “I am Groot” into your controller three times and sacrifice a diamond to the pixelated gods. Then, wait for a creeper to explode near a tree and voila! Your secret axe will appear out of thin air. Just kidding, that’s not how it works, but wouldn’t it be cool if it did? Read More

  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

    Honey Farm Build in Minecraft Building a Honey Farm in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and learn how to build a honey farm? In this video, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of creating a small honey farm in Minecraft. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Minecraft builds! Exploring Minecraft Builds As you watch the video titled “Minecraft builds _ Build a Honey Farm in Minecraft,” you’ll be guided through the intricate process of constructing a honey farm within the game. From gathering resources to crafting the necessary tools, every detail is covered to ensure your success in building… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem with Joos – Sunday Night LIVE!

    Minecraft Mayhem with Joos - Sunday Night LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sunday Night Stream : Joos plays Minecraft! 2!!! | ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE’, was uploaded by The Juicebox on 2024-05-13 01:07:19. It has garnered 135 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:38 or 11498 seconds. *Hey, you look nice today!* โœจ Goal for today is to just chill! (and play some Minecraft). Let’s talk! Subscribe โžค @_thejuicebox โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Support Our Community* ๐Ÿ’• Discord โžค https://discord.gg/thejuicebox Patreon โžค https://www.patreon.com/the_juicebox โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Check Out Our Channels* ๐ŸŽ‰ Let’s Plays โžค https://www.youtube.com/@Juice_Plays Game Guides โžค https://www.youtube.com/@Juice_Guides Retrospective Podcasts โžค https://www.youtube.com/@_thejuicecast โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” #thejuicebox #juice #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy Senpai

    Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy SenpaiVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived In Warden Only World (Hindi) || WhimsySenpai’, was uploaded by Whimsy Senpai on 2024-03-24 08:30:13. It has garnered 1384 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. In this video we are going to survive 100 days in the the Minecraft warden only world exploring the dangers fighting the warden equipping op enacted loot like golden apple diamond enchanted sword and pickaxe killing ender dragon and in the end we will make a fight between wither and warden and finding who is the boss mob Minecraft 100… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft’s BEST Security Build!

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft's BEST Security Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ–ค1000 BLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-05-01 09:45:00. It has garnered 461459 views and 6158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds. WATCH THIS AMAZING ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ŽIBLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft! | ENGLISH | OMOCRAFT ๐Ÿ–ค DO YOU WANT PURE JEYJEY? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ox4n8KAwm5cwOcQI4fpoUxfJ7h2MhbR ๐Ÿ–คKIMMIE CHANNEL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-NNERYwzVpVVIdsqTpX3Q ๐Ÿ–คFB PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091704975754 ๐Ÿ–คFB GROUP : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1834996580306653 WATCH IT GUYS !! @Clyde_Charge @Moira-YT @EsoniTV @ArArPlays @OLIPTV @JUNGKURT @tankdemic @potpot @VicccTv @shannelph @sheyyynplayz @PepeSanTV @micolee_9713 @Kimmie1129 @AstraeaaPH Aphmau, Maizen, Nico… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘0009 Minecraft 1-Life Challenge! (Anne Cook Day 20+)’, was uploaded by Rika Roleplay on 2024-01-15 10:41:39. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:43 or 10783 seconds. Minecraft Character Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eh3rTLBB3dbJ0G8UorRBJh0v95TNyPCEu9hX-qGc43I/edit?usp=sharing Join my Discord! (Small but ever present) Rika’s Videos Discord: https://discord.gg/wEAc7Fn Video Chapters: 0:00 Setting up Stream Read More

  • Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem Reveals

    Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem RevealsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Big Can the Wither Storm Get?’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-04-19 02:00:03. It has garnered 2479469 views and 32169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:12 or 1032 seconds. Surviving The Worlds BIGGEST WITHER STORM in Minecraft! The MOST POWERFUL BOSS Battle Explosion! Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g_O9HWb5B0rVDG1hLd5Hw/join ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: https://eystreem.store/ ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem… Read More

  • Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute Madness

    Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2024-05-12 05:00:25. It has garnered 233945 views and 3180 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:55 or 13195 seconds. I stream almost everyday on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/waxfraud ๐Ÿ˜€ come chill with us anytime! Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft 1.20.4 1000 days of hardcore Minecraft! I used Complementary Reimagined Unbound Shaders when recording this episode. I also use the resource pack called Fancy 2.0 GUI Overhaul. I hope that all of these videos can help people out there sleep, relax, and/or study. Thank you so much… Read More

  • “EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shorts

    "EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts’, was uploaded by xhsty on 2024-05-08 04:37:00. It has garnered 9596 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts jjk,jjk edit,jjk season 2,jjks2,jjk 250,jjk 257,jjk Shibuya arc,jjk 257 leaks,jjk 257 spoilers,kyoto students jjk,exchange event jjk,kyoto vs kenjaku jjk,explained, jujutsu kaisen,manga,translation,translations,john,weary,werry,english,awful,official,viz,gege akutami,anime,manganimist,sukuna,examples,bad,part 2,mistranslation,mistranslations,fan,strongest characters in jujutsu kaisen ,jujutsu kaisen Manga Read More

  • Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses!

    Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy's Expansion All Bosses!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses ( Bedrock Addon )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-04-23 01:34:29. It has garnered 1681 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Link: https://mcpedl.com/rexys-expansion-addon/ Music: Makai Symphony Website: https://makai-symphony.com/9-2/ 1. Battle 2 2. Endless Storm 3. Duel 4. Battle 1 5. All Out Attack 00:00 illager Giant 02:31 Zombin 04:52 Wither Son 07:39 Snow Monster 09:56 Bob Witch 13:07 Skeleton King 15:06 Madllager 16:48 illager Mech Read More


    FREE MINECRAFT DOWNLOAD: 100% REAL! DISLIKE IF IT DOESN'T WORKVideo Information This video, titled ‘|HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT FREE FROM GOOGLE |100% REAL NAHI HUA TO VIDEO DISLIKE JAR DENA’, was uploaded by GC TECH on 2024-02-21 12:01:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending#howto#trendingnow#diy#viral#tutorial#popular#review#hot#unboxing#breakingnews#haul#buzz#funny#top10# … Read More