EPIC Hoplite gameplay with ThunderMc! Join now!

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Me no no no no no just shut up just shut up just said just join just shut up no I said just join up just shut up just I’m not live yet bu are we doing oh we I haven’t promoted My Stream in our Discord it’s fine we’ll do it

After what do you got what do you got what do you got crossbow I’m going to put in Out For Blood uh this guy’s on 15 I’m kind of obliterating him show this lava I’ll come help you is it better just crit with warp by itself purple and you just gave G heads

Are you kidding no I I gaded and I was on five hearts and I shot my crossbow on accident and I got killed my bad here I’ll promote your stream for you sweet do a thunder I’m CP you just gave him ghe heads too I can’t even read chat yet sorry

Guys it’s probably know in stream chat but try not try not I’m so sorry like that that was all on me Sher I’ll be honest I didn’t mean to do it I can do my own I can do my own no I got it I’m already about to do it no but

I got my don’t do it did it no I got it I’m already about it they’re getting ghost P what they’re getting ghost I got my own all right let’s do it again but this time I’m going to try not throw yeah okay I didn’t mean to water

Bucket g- heads just don’t die with g- heads J I got end I got got Reaper dude I was playing this I got Reaper Scythe four times in a row it was insane ping one nice this kid cannot hit a shots it’s wild do you have to do you have to crit

No I’m getting lated I kind of forgot how to PVP for a minute go for backo go for backo heg headed right hold on I got I got a dip that’s fine he’s got endb but he sucks oh he’s got emis P him I choke that I didn’t want to

You had oh my God you had oh my God they’re on 50 I choked that I didn’t want a Gad but he just arem missed me until I died br’s doing the around the world on me right now h we’re going until we wi one purple oh my monitor turned that’s why

I’m sucking I how I not even realize that oh my God that’s tragic how does that happen was tragic oh I completed a quest hold on no I I got them both on a cobweb and it was the same cob oh I did a quest yippee

All right W all right we’re going to go and not throw this time was literally cat in the house yo there’s an admin in our lobby bro no I got an internal I’m just fight it okay I’m back wait you crashed like you’re just fully gone I just kicked you

Out of the game oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey don’t say that no I’m just I’m I’m sorry I’m not trying to be rude but holy [ __ ] I just threw so hard sh no I accidentally I had an Ender B again in oh my God bro they both have Artemis that’s

Wild this ain’t even fair this isn’t fair yeah I can’t catch up bud can’t catch up Out For Blood you got to do us into a game or you should sit there take your time well I was in a game Bud oh okay why is that I

Crashed I’m sorry that you have that that’s s that sucks oh there’s rank not rank yet holy [ __ ] let me out of the m i mean don’t I didn’t mean that I’m going to crash hurry oh my I got kicked because of a stupid network connection I love hop plate [Applause]

Sometimes H play is the best you know y holy crap dude what is happening whoever just like the stream you’re a legend what someone just like the [Applause] stream nice there we go hurry up bued it’s not let me joinp back cuz it’s being silly like a skill to be honest okay

Bro Le I mean you made me 2v one so dude actually what is going on with hot right now dude what it is really laggy but dual servers are just laggy it just says joining World bro but you can’t play du cuz they suck this is Peak content disconnected God God what no

Nothing hold on think server are dying so I see a ton of my friends just leaving and rejoining and disconnecting it just keeps saying the Hop light’s pinging Out For Blood I wish I was out for blood but like I can’t yo you have so many season 2

Tokens all right I’m actually loading back in I have a thousand that’s it more than me I have like 400 how do I use them oh I just go here you didn’t know that I did I sorry about my cat hat yo what’s up

Gang want a pet I don’t want any of this I want a pet oh my God bro holy crap dude I can’t rejoin it just oh I want that I’m just in like the waiting Lobby thing no B wonder if I could buy a new dude hop light’s throwing right now oh my

God bro I it’s not me okay long time no see dude oh my God bro what is this oh yeah it’s like dying dying uplight dies is not clickbait for real dude I can I can not be clickbait holy crap I can edit the world huh I Pro I probably

Crashed oh I’m back here y Hop’s actually for real tweaking bro encrypting I have 18K okay this is actually being dumb I’m going to reload Minecraft I doubt that’s problem but I don’t know might as well try dude oh my God give it okay it’s fine that person’s ping is wild oh yeah

A ton of people just rejoining that’s crazy so you know the server is like D I wish I dude I want to get good but like it’s difficult you don’t understand stand fish Hop’s having a seure hoplight can’t figure itself out so it’s Like you know yeah dude I’m like so smart oh my God I can’t open chat oh I’m sorry you have the flu yeah feel better who is is FL uh one of my viewers yo oh my god there was like, 1400 people on and now there’s 800 uh yeah I remember

You of course you’ll do it fish Burger I think hop down you trying to hop on island for a little bit the amount of people who playing hop late hop hop on what island mcci just hop on island just plain Island well you kept cutting out you just kept saying Island so sorry bud that’s what

She [ __ ] I mean no I didn’t mean to say that I think you have a problem I do I I have a problem you are correct I do have a problem dude hopl is such a l or not hopl mcci is such a laggy server I only

Get like 70 frames when I play yeah it’s cuz yeah all the things um of course you’ll do it giggle one of my viewers wants to know if they can join always yeah we’re playing battle box cry me River cry some more yo purple’s youer if you hop in my stream

I’ll invite you no that’s not fair yeah it’s really mean okay I’ll just invite you just I don’t steal your viewers I like they have no reason to me they show up they’re like wow this is Peak can I join I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean

It okay you don’t understand you see I I have a problem I have an issue and I need to solve it and I I physically cannot oh my God why is everyone disappearing now I will try but like I I am very bad yes uh Island uh hop light’s down just you can

Join I know dude hoplight was having a seizure just you should have seen it is insane yeah Hop’s down so we’re on MCC Island I have not played mcci in a while so it’s like I think last time I played I okay I have I i’ would like to get back into

Uh oh shoot come back out for Blood okay I I I forgot how bad I am at this oh oh I was shot okay that’s insane that guy just oh they finally added a spectator menu back welcome back Zen block fall what’s block fall man the moment hoplight crashes everyone’s like yes let’s go to Thunder

Stream yeah cuz hop bl’s dog now ever since those duels were released back back s step then follow the block like TNT run What yo I have five viewers oh let’s go purple’s beating me in viewers this is astonishing thanks gang appreciate you you see all my viewers they’re the best okay blood they’re out see unlike your viewers oh shoot that hurted you come I became more of a YouTuber than a live

Streamer yo yo you guys want to help bro I’m on one heart yoi okay I cannot take a One V one anymore Minecraft FAS are six years old now huh purple is any in your chat want to join us yo any need you guys want to join up

Good at this game and you guys trying to clutch up with us uh just how’s how’s life you invite my friend carrot man I I re I feel like I recognize that name it’s not car the head man but car the head today right now we’re playing with

Purple oh my viewer doesn’t know how to join yeah okay he’s good ATC no I hate this game I’m getting absolutely obliterated I didn’t even hit me too how was I hit I don’t okay this game sucks what I’m bad I quit got a new

Pc I quit who got a who got a new pc Houston oh my God I love internet I love my internet PEAK Internet your brother got a new pc yeah two months Minecraft’s pretty cool see it’s not my internet just just you’re a mod you see this grinding xtv

Kid I know him so you should definitely time him out for like a day can you invite him or not I did I did invite him he’s in the party oh he he’s in a party he’s in a party probably can you play hoplight please uh Zaden the server is down right

Now yeah we we were going to play we were playing hot PL actually maybe I should change the title actually for day just do it as long as you want I I will I I will play hotl as soon as the server come backs online cuz it was like

Dying hoplight servers are down for a little bit probably for like not they’re not down yet but they’re prob they probably will be yeah like you literally can’t join it doesn’t work I just got hacker watch use your special mod powers and time grinding out for an hour cuz

He’s being mean he hurts my feelings chat that’s my bad s viers mind don’t time him out don’t time him out no I okay you have seven viewers hold on I thought that was me for I have six yo h on you don’t need to time out it’s love you it’s just

Another one of my five brothers how about public life steal I did play that then our base got raided and I kind of quit public life steal I don’t know how our B bro yeah I kind of yeah doesn’t make any sense everyone’s like rich now so there’s like no point in

Joining he left maybe you guys should definitely try to stream snipe and let me do I suck oh yeah you guys should stream snipe if you guys stream snipe that would be like a Pooky bear moment man I just lost an entire ability to PVP I hate my hey don’t hate yourself

I would would never Out For Blood okay just Shield we’re kind of getting owned yo Chad who’s trying to help yo guys yo Thunder you’re throwing I know I can’t hit any crits I have no arrows uh cuz this I think this is like um an LG

No this is an lgbtq map I don’t know design I guess no this definitely is they use this Happ in um MCC PR July yeah MCC PR he said he just Pooky bear moment yeah we’re do one more game of like my PC is old I can’t even download Windows 10 that’s

Tragic maybe invest in getting a newer computer hello or invest in upgrading the parts I guess yo if we don’t clutch up Pooky bear moment bro what I don’t know why bro said that it’s crazy slow for real slow yo ouches I’ve got a boo boo I’ve got a

Boo boo nobody cares I care cool screen get off the game Yo cool screen should help us up yo purple got a kill purple got a kill Z we’re okay after this sky battle game we’re purple got a kill possibly see if hop lights R

In you want me to log off real quick and go check uh no do one more gamey battle purple got a kill don’t worry gangs I’m at a pharmacy I thought you were sick why are you at a far why would you be at the pharmacy why didn’t why your parents

Like at the pharmacy maybe they live by themselves they don’t they said that they were sitting next to their dad does it mean maybe they’re visiting for the holidays everything and then they said they had the flu I’ll do my best maybe they’re going to the store to get medicine for the

Holidays it’s not the holidays bro it’s like I personally think Java’s better because um it’s just optimal you know actually cool stuff jenica don’t you even jica have beef no what beef it’s been a while big fan jica be just like you and I grow up nuking

Servers what y okay how did I just sky rocket from six viewers to zero yo guys yo CH watch this watch this watch this purple’s optimal man I suck like reposition myself out for blood maybe maybe I should retitle it to traing D P okay

I’ll do that if you want me to I’ll do it better run yo I’m so low I am so low I know you got to like drop down right here dig right here dig right here I’m On One HP then don’t dig here wait here

Just hop in the pink thing hop on the pinking hop on pink thing I built you a bridge thanks Thunder I just honestly thought you just got shot purple getting shot at or something bye Jennica have fun wait hold I got a question how’s your um Discord Retreat

Going do you have those character Band-Aids like cartoon character Band-Aids purple like are are those the I personally don’t have those kind of bandaids mainly for the reason I don’t have a lot of Band-Aids around my house oh happy new that’s not very kind don’t call me a loser that’s okay I mean

Discord is kind of weird kill this guy yeah just chill don’t choke don’t choke clutcher kick clutcher kick clutcher kick clutcher kick and he I don’t know if that was a clutch I’ll do one more game of ble then I’m going to hop on PVP Legacy how was your New Year it’s pretty

It’s new he just uh fell how do I how I know how to join in Bedrock you can’t join mcci in Bedrock sadly okay I’ve got a question for chat how was um how was your Christmas how was your Christmas just she there’s a guy behind you

Just chill look out clut your kick I know stream is crazy but just chill jump out of the way got your kick yo he got shot I died to the ground yeah here one more round one last round and then we’re going to go play some PVP Legacy and then hoplight wait hold

On should I trap on hoplight I made this m shaft trap the other day and it is so good are you I’m not Canadian shs I know chat isn’t going to like this and most my viewers are going to leave but I have to actually go do something

Real quick it won’t take like more than five minutes um but I will be back Thunder please entertain my stream I’m going to say the N word after I end my that’s crazy I will I will be back as Pro as fast I’m going to get purple Bann for demonetization oh ho

Ho I going to say racial slurs at the top of my lungs just kidding please don’t ban me oh ho ho that’s the void yo purple chat you should definitely go to thunder MC and then subscribe because I think a notification will pop up and if it doesn’t

Subscribe uh you you can earn your mod back by just trusting me trusting you which is pretty like easy I tend to trust a lot of people I’m eat a stickers bar I’m in purple’s chat we’re reading purple’s chat because somehow someway he got more viewers than me then you’re

Getting cancelled I’m going to say slurs just just kidding please don’t ban me I probably actually probably shouldn’t joke about that now oh he’s out for blood oh he’s out for blood you know what not even close I’m not at I’m I lots of health ho ho

Ho I recorded that I’m reading both chats because I can and I’m special like that die okay PVP Legacy time the getting cancelled why would I get cancelled please don’t clip it make sure my alert box is working because it does not like Working um PVP Legacy run it up how how how is he at seven viewers when he’s watching the goddamn menu in of Minecraft this makes no sense your logic is flawed I could have sore you had more subs I do it must be rigged it’s it’s by

Age the older you are the less views you get apparently must be the funnier you are the less views you get honest um hop in versus 22 if you want to join PVP Legacy changing my title how do I’m struggling to spell viewers it’s really embarrassing could have swore you had

More yes 12 watching what is happening bro you wizard it must be man they must I’m going tell purple his voice is so annoying he Peak to 12 viewers while he was out okay br’s chat hop in the Thunder stream I said this uh if you guys want

To join it’s versus 20 22 versus 22 I’m sorry sorry sorry on PVP Legacy oh he’s back at nine: there’s a Discord server right there is a Discord server bro it’s so turn your fov effects off what do you mean fov effects what do you mean by that I’m G join

Back oh it’s tavio big fan in settings I can’t play no in settings fov effects Steamboat Willie is in the public domain I love I don’t I don’t yeah I love it I’ve seen all the horror movie trails I hate horror movies I’m probably not even going to watch them big fan

T what’s fov effect I don’t understand video settings oh purple has Discord notifications on everyone should just like message him Mickey is now in FNAF five nights at Mickey well Mickey Mouse is in public domain the Ste but Willie okay so video settings and wise G scale full s s you

Bobing I don’t understand you can use early making are you on no I’m not I’m un feather do you mean like this you need the feather settings do you want me to move these somewhere I try to keep them really small he’s on no sticking out your gap for okay I’m

Not even going to say that finish that I’m going to stab a lonely family of six in PvP Legacy today ho ho ho um tab you just want to One V one yeah hop over here this is we’ll do this one walk any slower please click it yeah one V

One I’m John Sports do sword here I won’t even beat him last time I I I’ll win by 1.8 Pvping 1.8 PVP Tav don’t lose to me 1.8 pvping I click like three CPS a minute die hopl back online okay I’ll do it that almost worked 1.8 PVP activate bro this this is terrible why am I 1.8 PVP and 1.9 SC do obliterated you like macaroni are you asking me

Veser guys getting the guy that’s not there oh my God I am death here I’ll dual hoplight won’t work um wait hold let’s change the kit there we go Peak kit Peak this is literally my best kit it like if you haven’t seen this kit you’re in for a special

Treat and V message are you kidding me this is like a p kit this is how I pract this is how I practice PVP oh I’ve got an arrow on me hey chaca blocks big fan we’re hiding this is Peak PVP content Out For

Blood he’s oh I he can see the arrow go go go that just y his horse invis oh what wait how do I take the armor off can you not take horse armor off out forood this is like Peak PVP content by the way I’m going to

Die are you kidding me I’m on 1.20.1 we’re going to play hoplight but hop light’s down skullo don’t make fun of me that hurts my feelings out for blood God I hate how the arrow just so many M yo new sub I hate how do I fix my are

You kidding me are you kidding me I want to fix my alert box but streamlabs sucks wait put this out on no I don’t need the horse armor I can’t ride the horse why can I ride the horse oh my God I’m getting obliterated this is completely embarrassing do not clip

That okay anyone know how to fix alert box cuz mine sucks um don’t don’t need it for donation I just need it for subscribers because that’s all I get Source me one point yeah 1.20 my bad dude I’ll fix it later I’m sorry that you’re chat your subscriber didn’t

Appear in the top right of the video game screen I deeply apologize it’s purle going to get back okay I’m goingon to try to play hoplight again after this game I don’t know you can’t damage my pet oh you can’t you can’t shoot my pet oh G to hide behind my

Horse where’d he go where’d he go where did he where did he go where’s my horse hey Thunder here yes he’s over here where is he how I see my horse where is he oh my God I’m getting obliterated this is embarrassing he’s a cool

Dude 12 final exams 11 on the 12 Days of Christmas my teacher gave to me me um friendship depression and a [ __ ] ton of homework maybe the real friends were the friends we made along the way no shoot it with invis no why do I have a firework

No I’m just floating this is fine what this is PVP Legacy we’re just messing around hoplight decides to be dumb you can see me cuz my arrow God damn I’m getting obliterated dream SMP that his dream SMP season 2 giggled five Starbucks traps I’ve never not I don’t I don’t really not a

Big fan of Starbucks new kit okay we’ll do oh I didn’t think that went through sweet are you kidding me he’s stuck life till season five I’m just like the vegan teacher it is me God dang I suck at video games uh we’ll do a

New kit uh this is the kit I never lose in um if you wish to defeat me train yourself to defeat me it’s never going to happen ho ho ho it’s never going to happen I’m the best you guys have no idea how this kit works here your small puny Minds

Aren’t compress comprehensive enough to hi yo I still retain most of my viewers you peci CH what I’m not kidding what wait where you Peak at 12 ask your chat it’s not working uh what are you using all are you on Legacy yeah you’re on hoplight no you’re not

You yeah you you Peak at 12 viewers by the way my live streaming doesn’t say that well you did this is this by the way this is how you guys get this kit I don’t even know to be honest I mine says that I peaked at

Seven but I I’ll believe you you Peak at 12 J J Jennica did I FP the 12 CH should I continue to do PVP Legacy or should I hop back on hopl here hoplight still isn’t working is it not No it’s not working yet authentification servers are down hoplight is down okay I’m in Legacy right now yo yeah I hurt all of you play with me please yeah I’ll play with you hop on what Lobby you in how do you what what is your title oh MCC is cuz hopl

Dead right now steal the title yo Chad he’s stealing PVP Legacy because hop on yo this kid stealing yo don’t act like you like you don’t have like you know that one idea where people were like yo that’s a great idea yeah that was me bud what gonna

Feed my dog but wanted to watch you feed your dog he’s probably starving I would assume that your dog is what are you playing I am playing PVP Legacy 22 server 22 where do people just keep coming on oh what tavio is dude yo what is up gang

I don’t know how I feel about that yo nine viewers what the I told you you Peak at 12 it was crazy yo why thank you blood um how many people we got here three whoever literally subscrib wi we about to now subscrib got a kit put in the back

To let me check my kits H this is like a a long kit oh my God it’s penguin City big fan big fan would be just like you we only have three people I’m also going have to go to work but I’m gonna yo someone trying to join up and do this last

Person are really chat are you really cutting me chat anyone want to play PVP Legos with me are you is that say I don’t know if this is literally a Ry try cutting me I’ll wait for you we’ll play with you I I’m going to this

Is an unpopular opinion but I am not the biggest fan of macaroni with a lot of cheeses okay if you have like a bunch of cheese dipped in that I hate it I don’t know I have texture issues yeah do too I don’t look like small ant my favorite

Snack although I do watch small ant like a snack is macaroni cheese and hot dogs it’s so good it’s a that sounds disturbing a after school snack after school snack I always go for an after school snack I say I’m not fat I’m actually really skinny yeah I’ve seen I’ve seen

Thunder irls kids like actually way too brittle I could like push him over and he’ die yeah okay little guy I like your it’s an understatement just need to launch can I tell you to use your wrist as a vet no like And subscribe no I’m okay I

I am definitely okay we are definitely I can’t see you yeah no bad words in chat small an is a goat if you enjoy small ant you’re kind of goated although I haven’t watched him in a little bit I got a I got a pin chat yo does anyone

Here in my chat know who astral spiff is no that guy’s goated does anyone know what the sword smpp is oh okay no because it doesn’t exist it’s fake and it’s not cool we’re in so if you guys want to join uh just click the server selector

And then go to versus 22 he trying to I trying to do this last one I watch my T I’ve never been to a small ant uh like I’ve never seen him live nor astral spiff I haven’t watched either of them oh someone joined saw purple stream then

Join this yeah if I saw purple stream and then saw that I was streaming I definitely join mine too what the heck JK JK this is the one time I have more viewers than you okay you’re on my team how many viewers you at uh six oh I’m at six too

Bud although I think you’re subscriber to viewer ratio is a lot better than mine Die die you died I missed it it’s okay we’re doing more we’re doing more you got that purple actually purple’s at seven now no it’s rigged it’s always I want a shield that’s oh wait yeah just’s got the right idea he’s in my chat too so you know he just said

Purple over Thunder BR best viewer I thought I thought we were friends to I gave you a shout out did purple give you a shout out on our Discord yeah I gave him a shout out in a video wow well I gave him I promoted his stream R around the

RO name YouTubers you watch and I’ll tell you if I’ve watched them uh astral spiff I just want to know I guys okay um this gu getting range or anything but you guys should definitely put Thunder above purple it’s not kind yeah AIO stop spamming your stupid a

Bro yo he’s actually just like spam clicking his a own bro had to go Thunder is better than purple what a legend I don’t know thund you deal with this I got to go be right back bro has life to deal with I I will fix his life

Problems sure actually what is purple what if purple is purple winning this you know 1.8 PP again I’m so sorry Chad I will be back he’s not sorry that’s not f please all right I’ll be back 1.8 PVP 1.8 PVP what what was that dream changed Minecraft again how

So why are you spam clicking okay you know 1.8 PVP sucks why I switch made a Titan oh I I saw that short watch this bow shot this has never worked I really want it to work is wait did you upload a new video oh B boost it’s really I don’t is

It possible one this version I have no idea oh oh 360 oh another 360 another 360 for third time punch him with the bow punch him with the bow flick shot flick shot pump Pi pump Pi cobweb cobweb spam arrows spam arrows could be annoying disable shield cuz I

Knew oh more cobwebs disable shield disable shield no no no how are you never bored I don’t know I actually am bored that’s why I’m streaming I get bored because I stream I don’t get bored because I stream fake out funny funny funny fake out 360 pump pump fake again

Flick shot flick shot I suck at video games for a third time you found the cobwebs he’s an idiot just kidding I Love You tab no homo I love my internet cobweb right in front of you spam click I see you penguin die because yes I love Minecraft woohoo

Another Cobo Cobo for third time and then we’re just going to okay game what’s up game what ratio a a speed I’m sorry okay I’m not leaving like on purpose I have to go do this bro has life I’m not gonna fight you I’m not GNA

Fight hey I will let you guys fight I’ll finish this off because other viewers want to join yeah other viewers want to play t you can’t hold hold the spotlight Thunder what is considered middle school for you um like grades what six through eight dude me too wow how

Convenient oh my god oh there’s another round no no I fored yeah just leave unless you want to fight is the other guy in the chat don’t think so huh yo next player oh he’s not um I’m not doing your kit your Kit’s absolute dog this one’s good let’s do

This one okay this uh no we got do 3v3 since way more people uh bottom left bottom left at 3v3 bottom left to 3v3 oh my God I’m actually like buildt different why don’t we have to 3v3 let’s go minions yeah yeah let’s go minions come on minions minions yeah what is this

This is I did not make this specifically for this what is this it’s like a clutch kit I think how what do you to clutch on the void Striders the Striders you can sit on the Strider you clutch with the Strider what are you going to clutch

At on the obsidian I can just send the Strider knocking back well you get off oh my God this yo I have eight viewers right now what is this you eight is the best kit okay dude you guys are obliterating them no I got goded it’s fifth through six then

There’s Junior High I also have Junior High use your brain good job yes yes what a genius I just needed a thumbnail for a future video our future live stream now you all Dead die oh my God it’s the obliterated you got obliterated I obliterated T right

You know Anthony P yeah it’s a YouTuber Anthony padaa did I say pill pill like a torella yo Padilla is optimal yo this one a good kit do the 3v3 do you play Roblox I do every once in a while Thunder what bro I I’m noticing a trend Out For Blood

Die and you got obliterated you died and then you die sorry penguin I appreciate your subscription and for the third one purple dies and thunder MC gets the ace oh I didn’t even know whose team I was on I’m be honest I can tell it didn’t

Look like you knew what you were doing I didn’t there we go yeah this one’s Peak is this supposed to be a hopl kit that I made yo eight viewers again yay I all my crazy all my viewers are so cool what is bro doing where out for blooding

Why is you know that seems like something I do average Thunder hop video oh average Thunder hoplight video oh you guys you guys guys I got a hopl video coming out sometime like I have the video done I just need to make a thumbnail and this I

I suck at thumbnail so it’s a trapping video it’s Peak it’s actually a banger I’m so sorry penguin yes sir with bad hop lighter you are correct I am bad at hoplight oh my god oh shoot Thunder help out you got that no I

Don’t sh on there BD yeah I am cuz I just got no not you guy that sping me uh you know this is no offense but this is 1 okay he was just Spam clicking o oh I suck at video games little pump fake what I’m pretty bad at H be honest

I have the video done I seen a thumbnail you should have seen us the other day me uh bro 286 I will give you a warning it’s a it’s a it’s a trapping video so hopefully you guys like that it’s just it’s just what I’m good

At okay shocker why is bro none of your traps work bro it just I trapped I trapped an entire team well not entire I trapped six guys in one trap BR when we were playing hot PL the other day incompetent bro I was down in the pit

And you killed yourself it’s cuz I had to build an entire threep part tra with one guy actually two people I was helping bro I made that entire I made the entire fall I tra by the way that trap I tra 10 like entire team can you show us I will show

You guys guys what chat do you want to see the other Thunder was throwing the other Thunder was throwing is that Joe tab what happened probably lagged or something I don’t know seems like a Tav thing to do if I could hit my shots um I’ll give you a sneak pee here I’ll

Actually put up cap cut they call me Hawke they call me Hawkeye except when I hit my shots that’s when they call me Hawkeye never oh and my game just froze you guys want to see four nerds play bedwars until they lose God that video sucks I

Didn’t I just real under has sort some hidden talent I know keep it hidden why what’s wrong okay by is zden I was keep it hidden that’s wild I was going to show you a sneak peek of the um video after this clip after this round who we hiding from who we hiding

From die I’m so sorry why do I keep getting 2V1 I will watch it when it’s on UT uh okay easy we do I just need a thumbnail uh you know I actually okay gives on a spoiler for the video fire breath man is in the video we trapped him but he

Survived no do not call this a twitch stream yo yeah fbm is in the video we trapped him but he survived it’s a shame Thunder you’re on Seven Subs or seven view fire breath man I know the one the only I don’t know who that is I watch fire breath man

Well hey if it makes you feel better I trapped him and the only reason we didn’t kill him is because my teammates like random teammates are incompetent and want to be bro his breath is fire I would assume so we’re just sh was he playing with us he was I’m pretty sleepy

It’s like 6 o’ for you you should you’re right oh my God bro should have watched the fight happen go purple woo oh you’re not on my team oh I’m so I’m so sorry penguin City the one time I’m on your team I’ll protect you friend

No no bunny I have no idea how to bunny hop nice twitch I’ll ask him about it why how would he why would he know I wow we both suck I’m dead ohshit I was on half a heart so that makes sense come on come on ready if I come on red

No we win some we lose some we can’t win them all Thunder thread hold on I’m I’m going check hop PL I think hop pl’s back up sweet chat should we put hopl or continue to play Ki should I continue to play PVP Legacy or should I play hoplight hop L continue

Yeah okay it’s one saying hoplight one saying continue welcome to hop plate all right yeah it’s definitely working hold on let me change the name I’m begging are you guys going to join the live stage uh well we’re just in a private VC I haven’t really thought about

It I don’t think we should do stage oh dude now I have four viewers I hate hoplight Su five viewers it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay you can’t win them all purple I’m on five viewers again so it’s okay Thunder join we got to do one match I

Think I’m going to play hoplight and then we’ll just if you want to join me just put it in chat yeah five viewers you know I actually only have I can only this stream only this stream is oh never vo’s in my chat big fan I’m not

A big fan I mean I’m such a big fan that’s mean big not mean as mean he was in my he was in my chat during the sky event that was Peak get on get onop I’m hopping on hoplight if you guys want to join hop on hoplight I mean I can only

Do invite one at a time but I’ll try my best include everyone it’s just so limited why why there’s only teams at three I don’t know no I’m I think you can have teams of four and then you can go into 2v2 in duels but your great I love

Minecraft yo six viewers Thunder get online I am call six viewers I’m at six view I have six viewers yeah I’m G be honest I don’t think I’m going to work on that one video the leather video cuz I’m not having fun with it and I am not going to make

Content if I’m having fun with it because if I’m not then it’s not fun so I’m actually G to edit videos that I think are cool that’s okay I don’t think you need to be matter you send me a party invite purple uh hold up um anyone on oh what’s up

Gang oh okay my bad what are we doing uh we’re playing hoplight you guys can try to join our team or uh I can invite one of you but like it’s like toop light’s weird that I can only invite one person at a time shcks hey okay I’ve got we’ve got two

People in our party right now I’m on your friends list all right anyone else under there I’m inviting penguin I have to invite him okay how do you spell penguin I did it I spelled that Right oh my god dude oh h so bad sucks your viewers Dro too yeah I’m at five again how it goes it keeps going to like five then three then five uh playing hoplight holy crap is he onl yet oh my what’s up gang what you need homie you guys want

To watch me absolutely dominate the parkour no okay sweet I’ll show you Anyways okay see see look my name my name’s on the leaderboard right there I’m yep I’m I’m 90 I’m I’m fourth place on the leaderboard you see that fourth place on the leaderboard no need to fact check need to fact check is he online yet when is he going to get online but

You human uh yes I Royale oh you guys want to see the sneak peek uh it’s 1.20.1 is what I use 1 20.1 is like the best version yours sneak peak Thunder holy crap is bro gonna join calm down sneak peek I don’t think he’s actually joining it’s really laggy because of are

You good Bas reasons be are you good oh [ __ ] there’s three people above You one fell he realizes it oh yeah oh Thunder bro nice another one fell he’s CRI crit out CR out out hold up I’m showing nice no we’re in a game bro what I thought it would put Thunder I’m trying to join we’ll wait for you I think I don’t know I’m

Not I’m not in control they’re both going help yeah yeah I go for they have emis he sucks just K I have no idea I’ve never used Dragon Tana so I don’t really know really know how it’s teleport works just right click yeah wow that was completely useless

Teleport yeah the teleport kind of sucks but you can Ram people with it yo this guy’s low okay well I I’ll hold this guy off while you get that guy I didn’t mean to use that guy’s also low this guy ain’t low anymore cuz he kind of just

Yeah no one saw got on fire ging um Aiden’s on nine Gap two yo this guy’s Low by I’m going hop by the way okay weite you after this smch I have no idea how the regen on this thing works nice nice nice I only have a

Head so I kind of want to save it when I’m going in get ahead too Out For Blood easy Let’s Go Gang k y s Cry d this guy no I got kicked no Thunder throwing and I’m down authentic servers are I can’t chat can I cuz every time I chat I get

Kicked that was pretty epic wouldn’t you agree Thunder would agree would that’s kind of Epic guys you guys should definitely like stream so kind of just shooted him yeah you guys should if you like stream you’re automat I don’t think I play it might be probably is penguin city um got him

If you’re having a problem with it um just turn off replay mod or optify I feel like those could be reasons why okay we got to win because viewers why are we doing dels no one wants to do duels I want to do D No One Import wants

To do dels sorry I don’t want to do duels which cosmetic cat hat why am I still Santa I have it costs money it cost money to change my hat what is this the most optimiz game it’s uh FFA I like your sword why does everyone have that sword on their

Back here penguin penguin Let’s Make A TRU and team on purple because funny okay that’s not cool you’re not if you team on me I’m going report you Shucks how can I ever live with myself yeah penguin I’m sorry you’re just in the middle you’re kind of getting sandwiched

Here no no purple if you lose wh all that heads and still lose that’s pretty embarrassing if you ask me be honest magma club’s really op cuz of the fire is a I was s you in there y you’re lagging around it’s crazy I think it’s you you had you said this

Excuse last time we one one the more you shoot me the less cool you are shocks the more you shoot me the more subscribers you lose yo oh my God what you’re not cool are you getting obliterated you smell you know I I kind I even removed the bow to make it somewhat

Fair oh my God you’re getting obliterated this is embarrassing no it’s that fire bro that fire is insane cry cry cry cry are you kidding stupid I’m pulling the bow back out screw this no that’s not fair that’s not fair that’s not fair make it fair

Fair cuz you have an OP weapon you have two weapons oh wait that’s true you’re so right nice one you’re going to lose aren’t you yep shocker don’t act so surpris he even got all your healing which makes it even worse Nice Shot how that one

Feel uh the same as if you tickled me maybe you were not catching on fire that was kind of annoying what w how do you have so much healing I kind of killed someone and they gave me a bunch of healing have left I still have a gap oh you’re far behind

Bud I lied yes e yo who did that yo we can I think we can get like as many people as we want in the party oh my God Ace F big fan Ace Santa Claus he was just flying what was what man he looks like he wants to make a banger

Video it’s probably G to get here Santa Claus big fan bro bro this kid needs to join bro SV penguin’s in our party just no dude next guy next play guy wants to join but he won’t whenever I invite him he won’t join the party it’s probably

Because he can’t yes he can he keeps saying let me join let me join invite me and I keep doing it and he just doesn’t accept it I’m subbing immediately cuz how come you get the cool viewer I have to earn respect you just get it thank you thunder invite me uh

Thunder’s stream is different you should definitely go to that instead mine pretty cool wait what what is I’ve never used this oh yo yo it’s a 2v one sweet stream better no Thunder haters my favorite lower stream delay I know I don’t yeah better audio what an achievement

Yeah I have no idea this thing works do it recharge I’m actually so good at this game bro nope yo where’ bro even teleport to it’s crazy oh nuh come on bud Peak made a golden head I’m out for blood wonder if I can kill myself in this game what was the

Motive invite me please I got you homie oh purple’s got to get you thanks hard Emoji platonically though what do you mean okay do you not believe me uh the other guy’s YouTube channel is in the description he’s Thunder hi I’m back we’re back

Chat we got we got a child here say hi Pax hi hi that’s my brother wear the head because he’s cool hey PX PX you’re pretty cool you know that say hi say hi Chad no I’m not cool you’re not cool yeah you are you are cool no I

Already played video games you’re playing video games you’re awesome but I like play video game see cool people play video games how are you gu what do you say what do you guys say to that check them m hey you just called you a chicken but I would not take that okay Thunder

Take cobweb targeting you should say entertain my stream you going take my video games out what are you playing Pokemon that’s not Pokemon what’s your favorite Pokemon um Charizard poke H Charizard toys sorry what the third one and a squirtle and a Squirtle Squad and blast toys and the the chicken

You are a chicken you are a chicken is this you Oh yeah what is he doing y b in you I shoot you oh he’s saying holy shot holy shot holy shot he’s saying holy shot chat holy sh holy sh holy holy holy holy sh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the hell are you saying now he’s playing a dangerous game real

Shot he’s saying holy shot but it keeps sounding worse and worse wow you guys got obliterated real but E I take it back you just got obliterated holy shoot bro what holy he’s tackling me the child’s attacking me I can’t see the screen nobody saw

That I am getting abs dude you have a child on your let’s go 3v one it’s wild bro you guys all lost not the break I’m that’s mean I’m sorry I’m not trying to be mean yo guys is everyone ready is everyone ready I want you want it yeah we got emis

Bow oh I’m in the middle this ain’t hey no teaming tum tum T what are you saying T tum tum T tum tum t yes to to top okay you’re done Bud you’re making me lose view you made you lost me like three view okay What are you doing bro why am I getting targeted bro leave me Alone purple purple you can tell him to shut up if you want shut up not you shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up stop saying I’ll be honest your brother’s kind of a broken record up show up show up up

Done in a boo Bo what is this why is it just chilling what what are you laughing at why you laughing at me he’s laughing at your downfall I’m out for blood bo bo bo tell the baker nice I’m going mute stream Che chat I’m back the child the child has been dealt with log back on bud I am on um I want I I don’t know how I feel about you guys because every time I leave I tend to peek at viewers so I don’t know how I feel about that

No are you in are you kidding me this game sucks go no bro okay this is actually growing Thunder you’re Throwing you’re not talking to anyone you’re just talking to yourself I just lost every Viewer you’re so loud you’re done you’re done I I gen just lost every viewer it’s crazy if you unsub I don’t question it I totally agree heck I agree with you let go go break my head Thunder I’m going to be honest I know this is going to sound mean but

Please remove the child from the premises I am removing Theus watchv yeah you should join my stream oh I have I have three viewers again heart all of you platonically okay I I love you all platonically I have bribed the child I have bribed the child here Thunder where are you bro I’m

Trying it keeps kicking me Thunder you’re throwing Thunder actually throwing how do you have more viewers than me and there’s literally children crying in your background it’s Crazy what is your party saying n boo boo I know do you want this what what do you mean what is my party no okay how full is it yeah you can play just send me your username go sit down don’t join purple stream actually now you

Can send the username if you want to join uh I’m in lobby two what do you want watch what the who the hell is Rio ready I don’t I don’t want there you go got you oh okay you know what he’s with my phone I don’t know how I feel about that

Okay open means more content love Legend grinding xcv what’s up gang I invited you oh no Thunder why are you throwing right now all right you got to get on Hop full screen I’m trying my game sucks look at his snowman come back are we playing an actual game or what are we

Playing we’re playing we’ve been trying to actually do something but you keep leaving I’m sorry child grind grind you have to join hopl so I can invite you are you in now NOP hoplight hates me purple V party what do you mean like me versus everyone else perfect is that what you are

Implying oh what’s up I guess this is gonna suck though okay better get a Godly weapon like yes sir he’s going to get dragon T we’re all thunder thunder you’re actually throwing I can’t bro you know that dude no you’re in the party and you keep joining and

Leaving so then it keeps canceling the matches cuz you keep leaving no you aren’t joining it but since you’re leaving the game I’m not leaving the server you’re leaving the server it keeps bugging yeah grab me again okay thund you’re actually throwing bro oh my God I leave again yes

It’s not it’s not like I’m leaving leaving it’s just leaving leaving fix your game bro you had the same problem earlier and I didn’t say anything well now I have like people in the party oh that’s rare okay bud that’s not kind don’t be if my New Year’s

Resolution is to be kinder you also have to okay may you launch your Minecraft I could give that a shot I might do that I got dual lingo I got better go to your Spanish lessons today if you don’t do your Spanish lessons you’re G to die oh he got TNT

Mine carts fun there’s throwing I have a TNT mine cart oh that’s all My R let me leave yeah I can’t believe that one actually worked all my iess press locked I’m just going to stream videos my old videos no why I just post I could do both should I be in one hell yeah you can be in one thund join what video I planned

Next I have the join up what video I have the join up thunder holy crap I have the one video and then I have the FNAF the prequel and then I have the HP so I have three videos planned right now and only one’s recorded it’s I’m sorry hoplight just hates

Me no I hate you right now why do you hate me cuz you’re throwing well you can just kick me from the party until I get in all in favor everyone okay what unanimous decision yeah Peak you were kicked all right let’s play it gang bro it’s throwing joining world I’m

About to get 3v1 gangs hold on hold on don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t come after me yet I love my interet woohoo what is this kid doing guys if what’s what’s your teammate doing over there bro why is there 76 people in here what we waiting for I know bro I

Waited four hours for Sky to host bro fell asleep Oho my God how did you fall for that I just fell out of the okay I’m GNA make this a new tradition purple verse party and I’m just GNA get as many people as I can in a party and just fight

Them thanks appreciate it make a video I I had an idea to One V one everyone and Mak it a video no I’m good I’m not going over there you ain’t fooling me come on go any slower you guys are spooky oh crap why does hop like Hate

Me Maybe if I make a song about it it will hate me less God dang this sucks encrypting then join world and then timed out then a repeat repeat repeat repeat joining world now 830 Subs forther client cancel now yes yes oh my God bro I’m actually so bad we did it

Boys we are in a queue why is there a que I don’t know and I’m just in the endless void who dude my head my my face is so pretty dude when I wake up that’s all I want to see is this ever wake up and

Just like in an endless void Yo which whatever one of you guys decides to stop pushing me so hard right now C cry cry some more what if I eat this G head wonder you know I’m pretty sure this is my um Banner it’s just this yo I’ve never noticed those circles

Before is that just my monitor no that’s the game they have vibrant circles that’s so cool I wish this would work work any slower please so please just work slower there’s no way I’m actually 11,000 in the queue why am I going higher in the

Queue how how do I go higher in the queue come on fight me if I just look at my banner easy purple wins a on V3 bro rare every time I look at dirt I think about you that’s not very nice oh are you on now I find

That funny you’re still not online no I’m struggling don’t make or will make as I say music or will make you sick Vietnamese or no TR you on a b okay okay I I am I’m inviting you it doesn’t say you’re online are you in Thunder not yet but

I’m close under throwing yet again I’m in the Q part but there’s no Q all right let’s do it again gangs well I’ll be hopefully on in like less than I’ve invited you oh wait hold on my bad I spelled it wrong Sher yo don’t yay work what is happening

Shocker they call me parkour King cuz I am not a parkour King I mean it’s just really why they call King yo okay that emis Bow auto aim is insane bro I just got hit by like three blocks away it’s crazy penguin come here triple dog dare you whooody

Please whoever comes here and faces me without any other help is super duper cool purple one one me just kidding we know how that goes what am I just waiting for the goddamn like library to open up holy crap yes I’m in new friend request I I could use an invite

Now I on CH the mighty you who’s this you should let me kill this guy pretty please can me L yeah holy crap d i just comboed by the another one down purple we should both get two parties going because how many players do we have here

No I can still fit more I mean like in a Sil game um we don’t need to play a s game okay guess not I put my head on my face and I love my internet look I got big head small head big head small head

They actually call me a cat call my brother just called me a small head my imagine most likely going to crash again love this game yay love my internet woohoo how many gaps you got bud 12 oh you ran out of arrows okay okay I think I’m good now

Though Thunder you deserve a thousand subs thank you penguin That’s so do I I should uh reat uh I’m sorry I will reach chat after this I’m sorry BR should just actually um where’s up dual TNT they got a skin like mine uh Pro inv I am very bad at um

Multitasking hold on I’m in the middle of something why do you think I’m not reading chat right this second cuz you’re bad as if you should be talking which I only read my chat I read the chat more than I play the game well it’s not very kind to she please

Choose kindness do we want to play SI games purple chat my chat I don’t want to play s games okay purple well good thing your opinion don’t matter purple chat my opinion don’t matter either that’s why I’m asking chat only their opinions matter I don’t know okay sweet glad we have a Defined

Answer um anyone want to pop over here holy sh bro stop just let me kill you please bro it’s literally the End come on bro you’re literally one HP stream is glitching for me great love my Internet thanks for telling me that yes bro that’s another win in a row okay uh

Okay uh let’s see on the 12 days of 12 final exams 11 panic attacks 10 thoughts of dying n blad eight hours of crying seven thoughts of dying six hours of swearing five Starbucks dips four useless study guides three million rosaries two 2.0 GPA and a month of

Anxiety 2.0 GPA was a good line purle can and tab get an invite yes you can uh how do what is tabs than t g yeah I’m D I’m freaking Smart Bro uh can I play with you yes you can send your username and I’ll add You Follow Me minion

Sorry I don’t know why I called you minium purple everyone I’m gonna die dude okay let’s see what is it l oh I want to make such a cinematic trailer at this all right let me wait for this guy to join and then oh I had such a good

Shot I can’t believe I ruined it penguin back up a little yeah you can you got to join oh my God I can’t see this way this way all right we’re starting up the thing we’re going to do a purple versus everyone purple versus party this time we’re changing the map

Oh that is not what I meant to do I didn’t getting good screenshots oh no oh no help for blood oh no let’s all Bully him okay okay aut roll out oh God wait hold on let me let me wait hold on stop stop stop stop okay let’s just let’s

Just let’s just only use our weapons I was I was trying to I want to replay this cob webm I’m out of cobwebs anyone got cobwebs get him you know the best part about this you know the best part about this is the golden heads work like real gam so when

I eat a head get him get him boys oh no get him no I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it top of him get him you’re done for Buddy nuh-uh the best part is when someone on my team team eats ahead we all get healing oh god dude there’s oh my God

What am I supposed to do yo no no no no Pur you should just add one person to your team each time and see how long I can’t I can’t I can’t do that it doesn’t let me oh he’s done for yes Thunder MC gets the kill

Good job you guys you guys won all right I’m going see if I can there’s a party split feature so we can just do like a four4 okay you guys here let’s let’s check so we can do FFA you know let’s do an FFA we have we’re FFA spread

Out cuz it’s going to suck if you don’t how come I get this shitty weapon what’ you get no Thunder no I’m chilling what you talking about him bad idea ah a puer fish Canon at me sorry I need that kill you know the axe does not do as

Much Dam I think you’d hope it would yo Tav is so close to dying it’s it’s it’s like five o’clock it’s one down buto you stole the head oh my God this is teaming holy crap not very nice okay I’m getting three great server lag or me lag server

Lag you should tell me what the people I’m oh okay never used this before go puffer fish I choose you get him what’s he on 35 35 yeah never mind I CH my mine go puff fish I choose you no I’m not playing Pokemon yo why am I getting teamed on

Right now bro bro Thunder MC bullies everyone again I’m so sorry H you haven’t even gotten a kill yet bud I don’t need a kill I can just steal people’s loot uhoh I messed up Sher whoever kills Thunder MC is epic what weapon you got over there

Grinding no I I W I killed uh Tav and then uh ludicas coming came and stole all of it a good weapon over here for me he’s on two which she’s my Artemis Aimbot you died I’m dead shocker don’t ex so surprised I I landed in the lava

No buddy I I like 4v1 and you haven’t you’ve done a One V one yep well that’s part of the game is win then win I’m gonna win you guys should team up on him if you do that you’re do matter I’m gonna win poer fish I Choose You Artemis

I choose don’t attack each other you guys are going to lose that one and then you know we’ll send our fourth weapon out okay you know I won’t attack you I want that Dragon K cuz it look a lot cooler in my inventory yeah beat him

Up penguin come on man you guys got to team up y’all are getting obliterated oh these poor poor people use one of my 36 weapons on you yo seven viewers yo purple party yeah we’re this purple party weapons do you have double puffer fish Cannon puffer fish double puffer fish

Cannon I don’t even think that would be that good penguin I’m gonna be honest I’m G be I’m gonna be completely honest with you at this rate don’t know if you can win puff Cannon versus uh emus is not very good how we not going to craft go ahead and end this

Okay Thunder MC wins again Thunder we’re doing do another one I got the best Strat you guys I I never lose okay bro what’s wrong I’m not a big fan of 1 v7s going to be honest that thing that that was not that fun oh my God I have one total win with

The best win streak of one yes I’m famous I get the reaper Scythe again holy crap I thought it’ teleport me it does not teleport you no way bro I’m getting 3 one right now it’s crazy well should should have made yourself less of a

Threat oh so that means I’m good huh I never said that if you make you just said make myself less of a threat if you make yourself even look like a threat then people are going to Target you it’s why I don’t wear armor ever when I’m

Trapping cuz no one’s ever going to Target me cuz I’m not threat Out For Blood maybe I should make myself a threat let him know who’s boss yoink thanks for the loot Thunder appreciate you got the heads that’s what matters didn’t I did wait talk how many

Heads you got three I have four must have killed someone else did I you really want that oh I want that I’m going to go make myself less of a threat everyone Target thunder cuz he smells he hasn’t taken a shower in weeks sorry you just got obliterated

D Thunder Strat is like actually op easy win I’m sorry I didn’t mean to devastate you like that I’m sorry I apologize formally hey man I hey I was just watching oh my God bro can you guys leave me alone for a little bit please get him get him just

Heal don’t go for me oh I’m lagging no server lagged we’re chilling that was me lag what he just f right through that what you just did it again you Wizard and purple gets obliterated again oh a miloner kind of sucks to get hit by real whoever kills Thunder is like epic bro

It’s crazy R 40 yeah no everyone else is on high health and ludic Christian not ludic Christian yo leave me alone bro you’re just the most like best opponent to taste you’re the weakest besides Ready Player and we made friendship so you’re just the only other option

Sorry I mean I guess like unless someone gets himself leak like Shield right here or you just got to obliterate get him the yeah yeah cuz I was saving you theal well beggar can’t be choosers you guys suck yo wow teaming okay I’m kicking Thunder out sorry I’m just

Better Thunder don’t seem to be doing that well right now I’m going to be honest you know I have four heads I’m pretty sure I’m chilling you know the’s kind of destroying you right now you’re kind of losing am I yeah you are that was kind of annoying ooh

That come on just I believe in you just no just was a mighty Trooper he [ __ ] just ch just show I believe in you you guys you guys are such teamers bro you guys suck you guys are mean he’s just spamming Ah that’s mean I lost the timers so did I and you

Know just you we’re part of the teamers so actually you know I’m not that sad for you don’t let me be you wait ludic Chris is still alive yeah oh no it took all my armor off I’m going to die that’s wild my arrogance is my my AR I love

J my arrogance is my own wrongdoing Thunder TP with the freaking Dragon Katana oh yeah get him yeah oh my God the armor disappeared too how do I have nothing cuz you got greedy why did you do that no he stole the chest plate yes PX yeah go that’s

Daddy go lection bro no lu i i i my own arrogance is my own failure yeah alth I’m going to be honest you do have quite some distance between how did that Miss cuz you’re bad oh goodbye ready it’s nice playing with you believe in you luk I believe in you luck

I should have run forever oh Ready’s back never mind give me give me a chest piece please make it fair make it fair make it fair it’s plenty Fair he has no weapons bro he has a single UL like legendary weapon you have like five don’t give it to him give it make

It fair no it’s perfectly fair you have like 97 weapons bro did you say nag y that was mean what if he was going to give it to you no I got three go beat him up I believe in you I has one bro I was going to give it oh okay right

Stop oh you I was G to give him a that’s oh you got juked juked Thunder’s actually hiding cuz he’s a wimp oh no it’s gone Thunder’s a little wimpy boy he’s literally dire of a Wimpy Kid that was based off him it’s a documentary about him that’s mean no

I believe in you what should I kill what should I kill him with you win in the Discord I’ll give you best viewer think I think I’m GNA punch him to death with a lava bucket that’s just mean I know oh I oh my God I almost choked that

Never mind screw that no wait no actually that rank isn’t just yours it’s for the best viewers arrows hurt I thought you were going to punch him to death I lied arrows hurt and I don’t have a bow anymore mire strike for the win

Run thund MC wins again two two in a row oh mire just shot on the floor here screenshot no one likes you what huh yeah I meant it the owners of my Lobby you kick me I did not God damn it I can’t I I I think I

Have your problem purple doing you’re throwing every time I chat I get kicked so stop chatting yeah but I’m just a toxic person what’s not very kind uh no if you ask Daddy I bet he might get you CH you got to go upstairs and ask him don’t say that about your brother

That is evil yeah what are you doing down Here hate 2v ones bro and this just keeps happening here I’ll let someone else win but you’re not even in the game bro what I know that’s why that’s how I’m letting someone else one stop one V toing me bro you guys are so annoying sometimes yo yo okay

Are you good oh [ __ ] there’s three people above you oh I come on I got come a okay hi Noob that’s that’s my bad I died to fall damage that was pathetic I’m gonna be honest can’t believe was getting one V3 bro you guys oh it’s annoying

Um purple guys I think I’m gonna have to become a familyfriendly channel probably should I probably should my step that just told me a story when my brother died in Pac-Man he’s four and he said the f g [ __ ] ghost he’s four ready what are you doing BR you you

Can’t just Spam click I’m I’m becoming a familyfriendly channel starting New Year’s resolution start starting next year I’ll become a friendly friendly Channel obviously uh yeah you can join send me your username EP it’s a fierce battle between no one wanted you me Anyway that’s mean but it’s true no I’m joking there’s pets in the game I want a pet T is kind of destroying right now that is kind of just how do I get a pet you have to get it from a crate where’s the crates it’s where the crates are not one daily

Reward bro what is this OMG oh my God X big fan XO is online’s in my chat oh my God X big fam big F dude I got a banger video it’s all edited I se to make the thumbnail here’s a part of it I’ll show

You you want to see this part this stream’s got 125 views and I’ve barely been streaming for two hours hey rate this part hey sorry to interrupt the tra six kids in two games with a classroom a class love you guys platonically though I see it going for it so it’s normal

Hey sorry to interrupt the video but I came here to talk about a huge economic problem today World also better known as random teammates 16 why they do what they do we’ll probably never know although I I wouldn’t be shocked if he had you couldn’t hear it cuz purple’s in the background

But I I interrupted this video to talk about a huge economic problem in today’s world that being random teammates why they do what they do I have no idea maybe we’ll never know uh what What’s your username because this is this is fire breath m”s PV when

We going to trap him yeah but he’s like in a weird spot I didn’t want to take the chance that was perfect can I be in a video yeah you can be in a video just join my Discord and oh that’s your username oh we play um probably not any

Of the next three videos because I already have them all planned and almost recorded but you could definitely be in a video just join Discord is xos trying to join no xos is in our Discord uh penguin is he trying to join no chewbaca block is you cheac I think

I’m actually oh I don’t have disc that’s okay um I’ll let you know um what type of video what type of video do you want to be on that was just mean to have thunder purple is killing why am I Kos what what did I do I didn’t even kill

You why am I Koso I don’t know what did I do why am I Kos what did I do to deserve oh team G clutch that Holy CRA I didn’t do nothing crap he broke out I thought someone was down there I need help he’s on he’s on six

Someone drop down and help me please thank you I couldn’t get the ladder I’m struggling penguin why am I Kos come down come down come down come down I’m on half heart please please please please please please please down there down yeah you know what you can

Holy [ __ ] because you you have to clutch up you have to goats and then it no no no sorry to interrupt the video I came here to talk about a huge economic problem in today’s world also better known as random teammates why they do what they do we’ll probably never

Know except they’re just sitting there uncrouch while we’re trying to tr fire breath man it’s crazy except Tav and thunder because they both have mod in cranker sweet yeah Thunder stop watching your own videos oh it’s such a banger I can’t hear you because Thunder’s watching his own video oh I’m sorry dude

My bad I’ll be better you’re being so loud now how many subscribers do I have 159 purp am I still in the party can you make it like a reue well they’re not done yet oh okay my bad you died just okay stop hiding just bro you’re actually being such an H

Bro just ch you guys want to watch fire breath man fall in a trap it’s hilarious I don’t no never mind I I’ll make you guys watch the video I’m mean down they don’t have a mic yeah I’m hiding come on get out of the hole bro

Sorry sorry penguin my bad I’m going wreak you you know we’re just G this to tab if you don’t come out bro let’s go get a cinematic shot oh no I don’t have oh wait no he’s taking a shower so hold on we’re leaving the game

T wins shoger hey Thunder my mic for real sucks that’s okay mine does too not everyone’s rich like purple I’m not rich my mic costs $40 I think I got scammed why I don’t actually remember I bought this mic like three four years we have nine people I’m

Back yeah nine people people actually watch our stuff not watching we need to we need to do we need to do dual Thursdays or something dual Thursdays okay bud stop complaining not complaining I’m just saying dual Thursday that’s the best you can come up with okay we can do dual dingo dund

Days done days well what other day do you got every once in a while I’ll do like a dual day dual day like dday but like a lot cooler okay you people are actually annoying sometimes what is wrong with you grinding what happened bro actually stop I hit penguin with the fish I

Choose You just if you kill penguin you’re the goat I’ll let you guys hash that out perfect I’m I’m just watching okay I want to attack you guys me too so so you know what I’m only watching them fight specifically because you know I’m out for blood nice one that’s not

Kind H shocks what can I ever do nothing yo get that puffer fish Cannon away bro actually I want to be in a video doing bedwars I don’t I haven’t done much better okay I’ll do I’ll take it okay see you thanks for tuning in why does it keep hoing the

Ground okay tab I’m sorry I need this kill I’m running kind of on fumes hello I am the E guy I added in Discord oh big oh my God can you guys leave me alone oh my God bro you’re Sky you’re sky are you sky or did you just add did Sky just

Tell me someone random W purple’s kind of sacked we might want to get him that’s literally like the second kill I got I’m such a sky I’m such a big fan there’s a fan it’s crazy I’m such a big fan I want to be just like you when I grow up

Yeah bro I keep getting like 3v one bro now you guys know how it feels what’s uh going on over here nothing BR leave me alone hit your shots kid that’s oh my God I suck of course I’m getting teamed I know we made a pack to team before all three of us

Did th how you how you going I have lots of health don’t need to worry Nice Shot Nice Shot nice shots hit your shots kid they ask me how to get hit your shots you might want to look behind you look behind you look behind you I just

Kidding the heals behind you by the way oh you guys suck I hate you guys specifically Thunder I hate Thunder yeah you might want to dude you actually stop bro seems like a skill issue to be honest I mean I don’t know you keep targeting me bro I get like five people

On me I don’t know what you want I know I I made packs with like everyone if you’re cool and you’re in my chat Thunder’s now Kos what cap who you talking to I send you a Discord request I’ll add you fist fight One V one

Okay no gaps uh I got it when you join someone on a 1.20 world well Thunder’s gonna win he’s already on 50 Health that’s not fair I just popped a Gad I’m going use one of my 17 Legendary Weapons let me use a head I mean no I didn’t use a

Gad Thunder you smell be nice buddy you’re targeting me so no yeah be nice to me not you no I don’t want to be nice to you go take a shower Bud go take a shower you many times a shower a day Zero I want you to actually

It’s two or three every day I’m not kidding wow you’re unhealthy how was that unhealthy you’re supposed to shower Min like at Max once a day I’m just I’m just depressed take a shower it’s crazy be nice get sick so often how because when you like put that much

Chemical on your skin and it’s water water cheat you cheater you cheater I saw that I know Know What You Did you cheating first yeah but that was just steroids he’s actually healing you were yeah I want to team against Thunder yo who wants to create it’s okay you guys probably need that

Against thunder thunder no one L and thundery winds again Thunder you literally smell funny be nice I won’t even use the Gap I do take showers that’s not what I mean I see I see your health regenerating at the to take five showers a day I said 2

To 3 in the morning after you work out and at night unless you don’t work out when do you work out when do you work out Thunder MC wins again when do you work out after school Thunder we need to team against purple’s team after

School Val why not do it like in the morning and then you only have to take two showers a day cuz I’m not getting up that early dude I get up at eight oh wow rookie numbers buddy I have to get up at five yep um Okay who wants to join Thunder’s

Team and not get teamed up against any way bro sucks when he don’t take a shower I take showers bro I probably bro you probably don’t take any showers bud we’re not flexing about showers purple’s just bringing up random topics where’s my teammates who wants to team with

Me here’s my team i t penguin bro of course tab’s joining your team yes Legends you guys smell or specifically you you smell you’re such a hater yeah on you oh my God I got an army oh Trader Trader get his ass I’ll help you friend it’s all team on purple it’s a

Lot funnier than if we all team on purple it’s a lot funnier Nice Shot leave me alone or you smell Mr I don’t take showers try some more not crying oh you just got saved by your minions thank you yeah back off him buddy no P that’s my goon we Autobots roll

Out yo oh my God this thing was loaded nice purple dies sweet it wasn’t shoot my no my weapon wasn’t shooting that’s crazy it’s wild I think my crossbows bugged well it it it’s got a timer no the timer was on zero and I couldn’t like use it get him my

Goons I’m sorry I failed you yeah I know get used to it so what happens when you subcribe to I’m kicking you from the party I’m kicking you from the party so sorry I was that was really mean oh you just headed dang it you don’t deserve 830 Subs you’re right I

Don’t you know why when I started this channnel I never thought i’ get this far yeah you still don’t deser we okay sorry sorry this stream has 135 views wow I wish I knew how much I did a t he’s a friend I think oh wait no just’s

Not a friend get him get just Shi get your Shi you’re our last hope one V3 one V3 have you seen V’s new video I’m not I might not I don’t need do what that’s not nice I know One V three one V3 one V3 I’m going Ki you from the party I’m

Joking that’s mean now you guys have to kill each other let’s just watch him fight you know what why don’t we just do teamed match games instead whoever wait okay if he dies we’re just going to like leave the game then and count you guys all as winning

Okay well there’s what come on I believe in you oh you poor man one V4 Thunder may be better at posting all right Thunder team one no we’re going to now everybody dies I’m so sorry that’s so sad I’m so sorry I I never wanted it to come to

This oh you’re terrible yeah hey friends friends oh on your team buddy friends okay guys I’m going to throw purple’s on my team come get my gear pass you over there here just Shield take my dragon sword and all my gas and everything in take all my gaps get the kill easy

Victory maybe maybe the real friends are the friends we made along the way but Thunder doesn’t have any friends anymore sad yeah purple that’s why I’m here with you get down Mr I’m such a fan yo who’s trying to who’s trying to help who’s trying to help bro

Yo yo Thunder you’re actually like such a bot bro how am I a bot you’re throwing what are you talking about I died it was just a sad it was such a brutal death I was screaming out in Agony what you doing over there come here t we still win this that means I’m literally better than bro even in death I’m still the best player on the team no I literally just got a kill bro what do you want about okay free loot just

Shield even in death I still carry right you haven’t gotten a single kill just just heal he wasn’t here’s an intro for your channel oh look at him go that sexy beast okay I got a cinematic shot geld of you this is a geld PE he get the 30

POV he shoots his bow he shoots it and he misses barely even with Aimbot his aim still sucks he runs around oh woi is behind him oh they’re on the same team he’s body blocking for him what a g he shoots his bow he purple he gets rushed

By the entire family of purples he comes around purplle jump in his homie he just left his homie to die but that’s okay cuz it’s maybe the real friends are the friends we made along the way just goes on the One V one both with diamond swords both equally suck I’m

Just kidding that was really mean he goes in for the kill such a hater CU he’s popping the Gap he’s chugging he’s chugging chug chug chug chug chug chug and just leaves in to be ludic chistian just makes a little loop around he runs back just a little fake out and purple out

Blood these guys are like Ops bro it’s a 1 V3 and thunder MC even in death still carries his team to Victory you have not gotten a single kill Bud shocks how could that happen don’t know he’s getting sandwich from each side oh he’s getting run out and he runs back to

Remove the sandwich purple’s letting him one V one I don’t know why cuz he’s lame oh he gets a kill and purple’s Frozen in air just flying penguin I accepted your Discord right penguin City shoots his bow with his massive diamond sword on his back purple’s just over there cheating again

I’m lagging I can tell The Shield’s here Out For Blood hold on yeah I’m lagging bro I don’t know what’s going on how bro I’m literally I’m lagging bro so bad it’s wild look at that look at that lag so hard look at that go go he’s getting killed by Little

Fishies just like how I killed your that’s I’m going to get you a new thumbnail for your next video I will get he’s just spamming his bow why we don’t know easy three kills not to brag here I’ll play on I’ll play on 60 fob make a pair

Smells I’m sorry guys no luck I shouldn’t be this where Lo lock no I’m going miss him no can’t win them all bye locked thanks for playing with us you mad cuz he was beating you what you know even oh my stream’s Frozen why’ no one tell me my stream was

Frozen cuz no one cares no one’s even watching that’s why gang hey Faz gang I don’t know man must be bugged ow Out For Blood I’m back boys sweet welcome back you know what hey guys guys I got an idea I got you he’ll never Escape it I got him get

Him I want the kill oh I didn’t get it ah a thunder didn’t even get the kill cuz he’s a loser he can’t even he’s so bad at PVP he can’t even get kills it’s crazy what’s up gang PR back yay look GG easy um we’ll do party split again cuz

Why not smart stick to what you’re good at getting on my team God damn purple’s on my team again leave bro no one wants to be on I know what I’m not doing you stink bro you’re literally so bad at the game B will ad minute my aim is not on point

Right now Sher well I am so bad right now it’s crazy I know are you fighting I got an army over here purple’s over here fighting GG easy we’re building houses such a no I can’t win them all bro that’s Peak right there come on get him get him wug

Got him first try first time okay bro I want to see you get a kill don’t need to I got goons to do that for me y everyone stop killing him let’s see if Thunder can actually do it nope can’t got goons for me this Thunder’s bad that’s why get

Your own goons bud I do they’re you what a comedian I know but I wish I was joking do you have a giant sub to thunder sign in this place no that’s what I thought yeah I don’t need one because people just automatically sub to

Me yeah I know it’s cuz you don’t have to earn anything no I do you don’t that makes total sense I’m actually so good at this game dude oh my God it’s insane hey can I have some arrows pretty please with a cherry on top trying to share some arrows purple Aces purple

Aces not the guys then why that’s wild this might be my this might be my last game one more game do a freefor all again so I can see if someone can actually beat me now because I have 100% freefor all win rate so that’s not true got to lower

It whoever kills Thunder automatically gets best viewer yeah whoever gets you know what I I have a bodyguard we’re chilling hold on gang no no no let me do it let me do it please please please you know what you can’t do it if you can’t find oh my God

Bro I’m a zest it’s a zest Fest in here yeah I know look at them just go we’re just building subcribe to thunder Mt signs you know what it’s got It’s got a little curve to it is that you oh my God leave me alone bro stop

I’m out for blood you’re dead bud no one you wow that’s my new saying I’m out for blood no one loves you M for blood you’re dead Bud oh your new saying is that no one loves you oh cry cry get viewers that support you I

Do more than you congrats on a cookie thanks yeah bro can you stop like 4 oneing me it’s insane Place Another Web behind me you know what third time’s a charm web a lava bucket give him a little scare hey imagine teaming on a guy shame on you shame the guy who’s literally

Teaming right now I ain’t teaming who yes you are thunder MC is teaming cuz he’s bad you don’t seem to be doing too well right now yeah I’m actually not oh I’m dead first time for everything okay stream I gota go but we we we’ll do we’ll do some actually know

Cinematic um who who who should we do this time we’ll do penguin City penguin City cinematic about to die penguin City goes out for blood he gets hunted by the super scary gal he runs with his enchanted sword on his back okay um o IGI goes with his Dragon tana and

Crossbow in hand looks really badass for some reason he loads his crossbow he doesn’t realize it’s on a cool down he do a fake out he waits for that cool down to run off oh my bad my bad my bad oh he teams on purple purple’s trying to

Team with people shame on you Luda Christian took my cat hat and is wearing it I think unless he just has that one too who died nope he’s definitely he definitely stole it I’m going to be honest bro killed himself okay oh all these people suck there’s no

One to do cinnamon IC things for just kidding love you no hom L Christian you’re cool everyone else is out for blood the sheld is trying to play no sword challenge seems a little stupid if you’re asking me but purple may have his first win ever against thmc you know maybe sometimes

It’s a first time for everything I I’m G to hop off stop teaming I got got stuff to do yeah I will here you know what I won’t fight I won’t fight both of you then have fun Shield goes Shield runs away all drastic

And he’s got a gun in hand and a hammer it’s like Fix It Felix lud Christian comes over here he shoots him have a gun what Fix It Felix doesn’t have a gun bye join our Discord oh are we pinging you when I’m streaming and I guess purple’s there

Too purple gets the ping when he streams cuz it’s technically his Discord Shield run so dramatic oh that’s so hey chill chill we’re doing dramatic she said some she said something about bun oh she she said something about a gun it’s a he purple’s a he purple you

Boy or girl that’s like the most common question I get it’s rare he’s he had a gun oh shucks oh wait he lived cuz uh oh he’s going to die well just you can’t win them all unless your opponents are literal AI what the hell was

That c comes in no microphone in hand it’s okay hey I got a question why why do people join stream when I’m trying to end it’s okay what’s up homie Oh I thought I was talking about a heart’s blocking it about buttons bro you guys team to what’s up and how’s your

Day or what’s your question sorry do you want to join my life she SMP brand new and has four people hey this isn’t fair this isn’t fair this isn’t fair I have no Health it’s not fair it’s okay and there’s a Twist uh I yeah I I’ll join the

SMP but joining random streams promoting hey okay I love my internet not random that’s okay I I I mean I a problem yeah I mean I don’t mind I’ll leave me alone depending how fun it is I’ll make a video on it I’m kind of deprived of

Content I need content uh you can add me on Discord if you guys want or I think I’ll just invite you to my Discord server you join the Discord yeah you just got to invite me you gota be subscribed though I mean like I can’t join a Discord if you’re

Subscrib Thunder you should make an events like Sky events dude if I tried but then newb Army hype is being an OP that is true we did try um I don’t know how this link oh my God leave me alone um there we go with your fans I’ve tried we’ve

Tried I’ll send the thing in Discord I I use cap cut because it’s mostly free and it’s simple uh that’s the Discord to Crown crew if you guys want to join it you can add me from there easy win three kills that’s rare welcome penguin I’m I’m also going

To end stream I’m sorry but I am exhausted out of here Sam I use cap cut I know I use cap cut because it’s easy and it’s free and my editing is very limited I mean come on just look at this Banger holy crap all right gangs nice

Sorry to interrupt the video but I came here talk about a huge economic problem in today’s world say bye Thunder also better known as random teammates why they do what they do probably never know gotta I’m leaving on a good note I won okay that’s rir I’m head out too

By see you guys I need some outro music you can take your time I’m that was so zy

This video, titled ‘Playing Hoplite w/ Viewers (Come Join)’, was uploaded by ThunderMc on 2024-01-04 01:08:39. It has garnered 52 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:27 or 9387 seconds.

Playing Hoplite w/ Viewers rn Come join me if you wanna play

#Minecraft #PVP #Training #Event


#Minecraft #MCC #MCCR #Manhunt #PVP

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    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More