EPIC HOUSE BUILD on Japanese Minecraft!!!

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Oh yeah game game yeah yeah okay that’s why I heard myself for a moment can I have some music please hopefully it doesn’t give me crap again when I try to like listen to the music it always does that a it’s rare I’m on actual physical stream

Sorry I’m just trying to get chat on this okay Who I’m Willie Mr Willie SS I’m Willie join server wrong button so yall know this isn’t coffee something better than coffee God it’s bright all right um so I started building my house oh uh what what wait what and when I mean building my house I mean like rying to oh it’s

Saturday that’s what I do need to do hold on yeah it’s Saturday so you know what that means our server has um reset the uh resource World okay oh so so everybody’s AR hit it up got my boats at least it’s more tolerable this time put these blocks

Away see what we got see I can kind of put up with this versus what we had before cuz before I literally couldn’t move this this I like this a good this is a good reset this this is a good reset okay I’m happy about this one the last one made me a

Little agitated yeah uh e th the reflection on the ice is actually kind of cool with this Shader they also have like the plugin that pretty much you just right click on like any ice and you get a boat wa stop st St St St stop stop stop stop stop st stop stop

Please don’t just want to refrain from getting in any water possible lets us kind of transverse faster especially since I don’t have an electro like everybody else does everybody else out here like oh look at me I have a cool the Electra I’m like cool that’s nice I don’t I have damn

It a boat my only only question is with all these pivots and turns I have to make is it faster that I’m doing this oh oh do not touch the snow I greet them and I ask them how they doing and I have them tell me how

The kids do in there polar bears they don’t have children so we’re probably fine it’s when they have kids I think the closest one I am to the server on here is Kama oh I didn’t check actually earlier um let me go to the server real quick I

Want to see if they needed more of the crystal because I am going to go and grab more Crystal uh Magie a oh that’s that’s the sky stuff in the back can we just have some consistent movement I don’t care if it’s just water just random blocks of ice that make my

Job a living nightmare either give me ice or don’t I don’t care just one or the other Man I don’t know the words for the song There’s a villager d i can kill and it will be really funny because the villagers won’t know what’s coming when I come in blazing speeds oh the skeleton is on fire and this skeleton will be too maybe you shouldn’t try to fight me

Because I’m going to eat your gr the [ __ ] H hell no anyways I saw this little guy in here let’s rescue them you’re out homies come on y’all free do we have a go we do baby let’s go I’m all about ruining the pillagers day I’m all about making these freaks be total

Reaps they’re going to regret it ah now I want to stay on the stairs we just break this real quick unless there something I can do with this I might actually Google that I don’t know if you can do something with these can it okay I took the potatoes they look delicious

They if I give you a carrot will you be my friend there you go someone was here like killed all the villag pillagers but then like just left like they massacred them and just was like n we’re good oh heidy ho how you doing MO H jumped

Off so I’ve been eating like I ate two you’re going to have to excuse me if I’m a little tired I ate two full bowls of Curry that’s a lot of Curry and rice it’s very filling very good but very filling oh did I did I post this on

Twitter I probably didn’t we should make a post on Twitter real quick guys ah the sun is so bright in my eyes why would you do this to me Spiderman why would you show your I I’m going to stop with that joke it was about to get real weird

There we don’t ask questions here we just let things happen oh let me share the twitch stream I have to kind of wait for it to load in and there we go and there we go so let everybody know on Twitter I would let them know on Reddit too but

Like Reddit only lets me post one twitch post a time um for your first Souls game patience as I horrendously you common weight why are you telling me I misspelled Some what about AI I is that AI oh man that’s why I’m saying give me something from fromsoft and I’ll be happy a lot of people are liking my post actually there was a post I made earlier uh someone was trying to crap on someone cuz they shared their rarest game they

Literally said their rarest game and if their rarest game is a copy of Final Fantasy 6 on the famcom then it’s the rarest game because it’s old and it is kind of rare you don’t have to be a douche and be like oh well it’s not

Really a rare copy of a game because they’re much more common than American copies I mean to that I mean it’s still not something you find easily especially in the states I mean like who were you to tell them that they’re wrong for liking a game

Like I just I don’t know why someone would do that I thought I was so like Petty to them it’s an old copy of the game and to that is rare as someone who collects rare games and has rare copies of help you see this disc you see this

Disc this is a copy of probably one of the most expensive GameCube things I own it’s called The Game Boy Player all right the Game Boy Player was an awesome piece of technology and I just don’t see Nintendo do this kind of can you shut up I’m trying to enjoy you know running

Around in fields of grass piss off I’m stealing a bed unless someone comeing in here in Nuke them all there’s no villager is that like on purpose I mean it’s breed anyways so what I have here is probably in my op not even in my opinion this is an actual

Fact it’s one of the most expensive sorry I’m typing that’s where my text was going okay so what I have here is one of the most expensive copies of a GameCube game it’s not even a game to be exactly it’s the only way well it’s not the only way but

It is the most expensive way to utilize the Nintendo GameCubes Game Boy Player this is a very expensive device because this was the only this was actually one of the coolest tools the GameCube had like a little under actually I can even show you why because I have a

GameCube and I keep it um it’s not plugged in because I it’s it’s actually there’s something wrong with this one I’m going to try to fix it later I think I have to just fix fix the disc reader because it’s only the it’s only this this is the only problem I’m having is

The internal laser I’m not going to touch it obviously but what you have here is probably one of my all-time favorite consoles ever made the Nintendo GameCube this my this like my pride and joy over here man I I out of any two consoles I grew up with it was the Super

Famcom and this boy seriously one of my like all-time favorite consoles was this thing right here it is a giant and it’s got a handle look at that it has a handle this is a this is what we had in the 2000s Innovation for gaming everybody wanted to try new crap

Not copy everybody this is the kind of reason why I still love Nintendo they still try stuff I can’t say they try stuff anywhere near as much as they could if we can fix this plate uh I’m going to have to do a bleach you know this there’s a there’s a method of

Taking care of this I’ve just taken like a clear bottle with LED tubes and uh but uh LED lights and like hydrogen peroxide and just let it sit there overnight and this will go back to being the white that it’s supposed to be but on the bottom you can see here this little

Cartridge Point let me see if I have it down here yes I do it’s right here make sure it’s not on it’s not on okay DS by the way um it’s my my ex’s that’s why it’s pink uh so here we have this we have the Game Boy game Game Boy

Advance game and just pop Po and you play GameCube Game Boy games on this thing it’s the coolest thing I I remember seeing this when I was a kid I was too I was like young enough where um I had no Financial income at all only like six years old

When this thing I saw the the the the videos advertising this on there with the old school 2000 let’s see if we can find one I’m actually very curious if we can find one real quick um I I want to see if we can find an old advertisement for the super Game Boy

Player oh that’s the SNES version me let me get a listen of this before we watch it the Game Boy Player okay here it is let me let’s see if we can get a quick visual so you guys can see it too right there is my recommended awkward to look at I hope

Not no it’s Lally just music okay cool I don’t have to feel uncomfortable all right plug the new Game Boy Player into your Nintendo GameCube and play your favor G boy games so 2000 and that’s upside down a I can’t believe they didn’t catch that a that’s upside down it’s no you

Got to put it in like this you have to put it in like this or you just going to they I can I can I can I see that real quick can it even do that that’s why it sat like that that’s why it sat like that because you can’t push it in

Because there’s these little tabs I don’t think you able to see them on the game Game Boy advanced game game that allowed it to go into the Game Boy and this is also the same reason why you couldn’t put uh Game Boy Color games into the um

3DS it it’s it’s it sucked this was the only thing that sucked but anyways yeah they put that in upside down I just noticed that I was too young to figure that out the screen only nintend GameCube it’s it’s like the weirdest ad for a GameCube a game a GameCube uh cartridge

Thing it’s it’s definitely something that’s interesting let’s see the Japanese one probably better hopefully not with the cartridge upside down ign.com Final Fantasy Tactics yeah that’s a big thing what is this other cartridge part outside of the music we don’t want to get copyright strien he’s playing FF tactics it’s a game I

Have not played but I’ve been wanting to it was only 5,000 yen back then this thing was only 5,000 oh you guys can’t see [ __ ] okay well you guys didn’t watch any of that I’m sorry all right we’ll go back to the English world real quick it just amazes

Me one they picked also the bad col see they just smash it right into the thing all right back to what I was looking at before which was the Japanese One D almost kind of f follow the same schematic of like trying to make it look super

Cool I’m actually not a fan of the silver model here which is the exact one that’s in here um but they they did I did they do it that time too here hold on I let’s go back real quick when he when when they put the cartridge into the the

Console oh my God they did it normal they did it normal they didn’t like just shove it in there I’m only like reducing the vum purely so we don’t risk like any copyright strikes there shouldn’t be any because it’s like an old ad but you never know 5,000 yen

That is okay so if you were to go to dollar to dollar for USD that is 50 bucks right there that is a $50 system right there okay take this before and this is I take that now this is like $200 to $300 easy I was

Just at Akiba the other day and I saw this exact same thing for another 2,300 uh 300 Yen uh with not coupled with it oh what I had no idea it did that hold on just so I don’t lose the game I thought this was a way to get it off the

Console I had no idea did that hold on I see that you guys can’t see me all let’s go ahead and get rid of that yeah look at this I didn’t even know this did this I thought this was to take it off the bottom I I was just ripping them out of

Here from before you just pop that up and they come right out I had no clue about that okay I’ll put that back over there CU I’ll probably play that later and then there’s yeah there’s like these two pivotable screws right here that one’s actually probably the lowest

One I’m going to struggle with that one but this just pops right off yeah like that I got to get the other screw but this just comes right off the bottom and that’s the wildest thing there’s also several other ports there’s a port for well not ethernet back then dialup

Like Lan connection like you could connect this to the internet and play people online gaming now this wasn’t the first console to do this I actually the very first console in this generation to do this was the Sega Dreamcast I do not have a Dreamcast on me right now this is

My only retro console outside of my Nintendo Wii and my retro freak that I own like it’s such a cool console that I love having it around I do need to fix it but the the repairs are minute and I’m 100% but yes the now the

Player itself is very cheap to find you can find those for actually roughly what the the commercial said $50 but this disc is a necessity and back then it did come with the player but it doesn’t do that anymore this is like this is expensive chat this is expensive as hell this is

I even when I brought this to an American Store they were like even though it’s Japanese it’s still worth money the only problem is gets it has two reasons why it reduces in value one the printing numbers the printing numbers of this disc in America’s English version is

Actually way lower than a Japanese one um the second reason is because the you need a Japanese console uh back then they had a lot of like no basically cross rating between consoles of different of different um of different areas which was in my opinion very dumb but and I’m not really

Sure no one’s really sure why they did that oh wait no no no no no we know why it did that it was not even uh it’s not anything bad like they didn’t want Americans to play their games or anything like that like some people actually think

That no it was it was pretty simple basically the biggest problem you’d run into back then in early TV era was ntsc and pal Japan actually predominantly ran on on ntsc but because some areas still had older connection like for TV most of them ran on Pal so you’d like you’d be like oh yeah I totally want to play my uh my my Nintendo like like if that was in modern day and basically only difference between ntsc and pal was like the Hertz rating your uh video quality was at okay we can get some emeralds real

Quick how do we do this because I have a lot of crap on me well I don’t need bones yeah don’t need bones I really wish I didn’t take a bunch of crap with me God that did nothing where’d you go come here I want to trade with you

Cool it’s like I didn’t really need the bread I just needed the uh emeralds we should probably eat these apples so I can clear out my inventory a little bit more sorry about nerding out there I love retro gaming and it’s always been something I’ve done it’s cuz it’s

Technically what I grew up with there’s an extent to where I grew up with some of the Retro games some of it I grew up with it because like I had to and some of it because like I genuinely enjoyed just gaming back then so like the first one I a retro

Console I was exposed to early on was the SNES Super Nintendo or super famcom whatever you like to call it depending where you’re from um and again same problem ntsc to Pal because and funny enough like I said uh and so ntsc is commonly used all throughout the states

And actually through part of Japan but the problem is a grand majority of like the non-developed area of Japan well now it’s fine but back then NOP it’s not how it worked H Cas you didn’t know I’m drinking milk tea pretty good sweet I might oh the water’s a little bit more

Bogg down in this setting it’s actually harder to tell when something’s underneath is that a crevice yeah that’s what I’m saying this is kind of hard to see they don’t look that deep if it goes deep into deep slate then we’re good if not this crevice is useless to

Me yeah the crevice needs to go into deep slate for me to be like actually finding stuff actually too dark for me I might take the shaders off while the shaders look nice it’s not good for like doing what I normally do someone just threw wood in the water did someone die oh

No maybe no I didn’t want those it’s possible because a lot of stuff just dropped don’t need that I don’t need jungle wood I need um dark oak not a turtle turtle I love Turtles oh we need we need music I have a list of music that I actually really like to listen

To it’s been a while since I’ve listened to this but it I’m right now needing more upbeat music than slow stuff just a double check it’s not copyright right there’s no Copyrights You Bunnies I want it but I don’t genuinely have the room I forgot to bring my Shuler with me that is a hill ah ah uh we should probably go back to my home for now I I don’t I don’t have the room for anything on me like I want to go on an

Adventure now that I know they did the reset but I’m like yeah let’s do it but I have no room for anything because I’m a dummy and I forget to put stuff Away I’m more distracted by the Music Is that like Spider-Man scene where just he was so that was such a good such a good movie don’t you like my attempt at building a house I did find a video attempt for some of this the concept um I’m basically copying the base structure but there’s a couple

Things I have a problem with in their build um starting with like the not the height but I do need these I’m going to be going back and forth between my reference uh Images that’s going to be the only structural problem with mine versus theirs theirs is built on an odd numeric mine’s not built on an odd numeric mine’s built on an even numeric J not sure how I did that when I made this s long oh dude that’s I see it now that’s a

Problem Um I’m not going to be able to stop thinking about that we got to fix this one uh I I can’t fix that that’s already done like I’m not tearing that whole thing down I already put it down I actually could have done odd number I didn’t think about that how bad is it how bad is it a man no the foundation is all even numbered Ah I see it ah I see it I I can’t unsee it now damn it why did I make a mistake like that Ah that’s so bad can I have my please just just give me my please tell me I have man I already put all the wood

Down oh I don’t want to go back and fix it stop that’s the problem there oh it’s got an actual Center how did I make this 100 in Length Sorry I can’t help it this is just like really good Music I don’t know what to do with these hearts of the sea what can you do with the heart of the sea there’s apparently a movie didn’t know That the conduit and what’s the conduit is a beacon like the lock that provides conduit power and attacks monsters underwater Really huh okay so that’s why people want [Applause] shells guys I got a problem oh no we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good okay so I can at least fix one problem there’s still a big red flag of a problem though if you see this this is what I’m kind of talking

About D it thank You it doesn’t need a tip the problem I’m having Okay you want to know the problem is half of it is offc centered so if I went with this person’s original build design so this is supposed to be five 1 2 3 4 5 six I did six because I thought it looks nicer because I thought mine

Was even in placement it’s not I’m just an extra block that direction so what needs to happen is I need to cut everything from this side this side and bring it over one space sorry it’s just good music all right um D it I’m not excited for it

Man so that means I have to fix this beam luckily I haven’t done any other Beams I have to fix these ones in the center um I think these ones will be fine it’s just the ones in the front it’s only these ones on this side uh that means everything on this Center

Left has to get removed and replaced God man I don’t have the space for This I don’t I if you can’t tell I’m a little sleepy put those in there I don’t need these why do I have these I don’t know can I like put these somewhere I just don’t need more potatoes I have like a full Garden of them all right uh

Where’s that’s the efficiency one that’s a s toucher this one’s pushing its limit I’m pushing this one’s limit right now what do you have in you right now more of these can the coral come out I just I don’t think the coral is necessary in there this can stay in here for now

Sticks all right so if we want to effectively fix this I have to eliminate basically the side that has the longest point and based on this this is fine that’s not so what we basically have to do is move everything over one space means I also have to replace

This there you go this all has to go one over don’t sound like Japanese I know this one I’m not a huge fan fan of this Track I just got to understand why I’m kind of a little disarrayed right Now we’re talking my entire ah so that means all of these have to go sorry paniced you making noises like that I’m just going to keep cing Mickey Mouse getting late over [Laughter] here this L this is so lame this can actually arguably stay because it’s just going to get

Replaced like this entire colums we’re moving everything over like almost a full couple blocks so it’s that in reality it’s not the end of the world it’s just a lot of extra work I have to do and it’s it’s it’s genuinely Annoying and all it means is that this column needs to go Up um and then this becomes a column instead and then this all needs to be one so like all of this has to move over by one It’s like this has to go over by One no I’m still probably going to leave it at 28 I don’t see the reason to change that back um this this one reminds me of like a Super Monkey Ball soundtrack right here I’ve listened to this soundtrack so many this this this non-copyrighted list of music nonstop back when have speedr

Running this game it’s actually the biggest reason why I’m playing it right now cuz I’m I’m tired there we Go that’s a problem right There cuz the whole concept is boom boom boom and then Down make sure I got the blocks out of that all right um so then we have to put you oh it’s not rocket science I’m just got to put it like This does that work I think yeah it does because we have to push this all the way Back yeah cuz this doesn’t stay this way this this turns Into sorry my head’s like Kur fuff now uh nice okay so we fixed that um now the only problem here is that this I think is still one two three four five one two three four five six so these are still six one two three four

Five six but I I don’t think that’s the end of the world but this column needs to be properly adjusted yeah cuz this hasn’t been edited yet nor has this one two three four five six yay Oh no you’re you’re right you’re right no this specific part’s not right

But the rest of this is right what did I do here hold up oh I see I see I see I see I got to fix this so this has to be rotated there we go yeah see then we have to move these Colum over

One I think this I think this fixed the problem oh did I not correct this column yet I thought I did already Can we at least correct these two um on the column I just see them like kind of wonky and I just don’t like That that’s not going to get that oh it did okay not question it then and this looks better now I think it does uh yeah oh baby all right then we just have to correct I don’t know why we broke these columns they didn’t need to be

Broken I just need to make sure they’re even y yeah they’re fine I I don’t think this is going to be a make or break the only reason I’m fixing this is cuz this is clearly in an odd numeric 1 2 3 4 5 1 2

3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 so I’m 1 7753 I I can’t I can’t have that that’s better see now it looks more centered I’m going to hold on for de life here cuz I’m about to stretch why if I get too like tired

Playing Minecraft I will pop in a game that’s like Awakening just so everybody Knows don’t know why sorry I love this one this one’s actually really Pap don’t know Why this is going to slightly bother me the woods like directional pathing you going Sorry I can’t help it this is w okay all right let’s look at our reference photo okay so there’s it goes One internal there should be like Basin it Stoppers but I I don’t think those matter either but this also kind of makes it a little bit easier when doing the divisional Points Let’s kind of do one of these just in case I don’t want to like fall my death one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 I think that’s what they wanted no nice glad to see I almost died bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce

Fast all right and then from the center point you know there should be one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 so with that in mind we should be able to kind of like 17 divided by two that’s probably plausible but we remove

One 16 16 8 by 8 that means on the eighth spot from this spot that means at spot nine we should between spot nine we should so one 2 3 four five 6 7 8 9 so kind of here let me double check one two three

Four five six seven 8 n so yeah this should be our Center Point and from here it needs to be more centered one two three four five six seven repeat one two one two three four so four should be one two three yeah so from here I’m just seeing the points or

Columns have to build uh one two three 4 um uh 1 two 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 uh 1 two three four wrong one four five six 7 8 9 10 one two three yes four five six 7 8 9 10 yep nice oh cuz I kind of chickened out

The last second four five 6 78 9 10 it’s 10 10 10 10 all right let me see this variant here I have to reset the video Don’t I I need this to not have music M I’m just waiting for this to Lear the only that frustrates me is there’s not a cohesive with this with this build there’s not a really cohesive like heights they build it at such a high tone point that it’s not consistent so it looks like a Around the third column there should be a uh okay okay hi hi how you doing birthday that was a while ago I’m not that it’s not my birthday anymore it’s Crossing me Frosty the Snowman which would definitely be more interesting thing to understand did I say something about birthday damn

It I don’t want to die oh no they’re all falling I actually don’t know if these Center columns need to be as tall as they or these these ones right here need to be as tall as they are no sorry these ones I think it goes three and then they go Across damn it damn it with a roll tongue that doesn’t work don’t do that D oh I’m so tired this this is such a struggle playing this game with this level of like sleepiness I might have to switch to something that’s a little bit more like pacing make it easier cuz I’m kind

Of struggling oh I see the problem here woo stop it okay this is a remix of actually a song that I didn’t even know where it was from until I took a until I heard it one day and I love it uh I’m going to have to look at

This so from that column I think it goes up two it’s really hard to tell because now they’re spinning the building I think goes two up and then it does it again so like one two and then it’s another one let’s get something clear I am not a person who can build

Houses I suck at building houses I am not a house builder in Minecraft whatsoever I am a uh guy who goes out and collects a bunch of crap and brings it back I’m a hoarder make sure you’re hearing that properly one two Three okay so the only other point of connection is um earlier I love that sex so this should only be three up I’m going have to keep reopening and opening this AR it looks like three should be the spacing and if that’s the C case then this should go up one More foreign Spe never wanted like a caffeine drink so late in my life wake me up wake me up inside Wake Me Up Guys so tired should have not before the Stream Barely had like one one Red Bull no coffee no nothing I even thought about getting the car earlier I was like maybe I should get a coffee just in case I get tired instead I bought tea I’m not [ __ ] I love tea I genuinely love tea um I do not buy

Tea here in Japan casually though like I don’t buy it like I would like I can go to like McDonald’s and get probably a black te not saying you have a really good tee from McDonald’s you know what I am saying is that like a lot of the time you get te

Here there’s a lot of cafes and coffee shops I’m not crazy in cafes and coffee shops myself never have it never will I think it’s just overpriced coffee and that opinion will never change and the people who obsess about Bulba my God you know like I get it it’s a sweet little snack

But boy you know like I guess it’s no choice wa you obviously want to SLA give That let’s good to I won’t diey the music probably is waking me up more than it should Be that’s not a hole so we Samy following the same pattern on the back side side of this too I think I have to advance in the video a little more yes same pattern three High okay it’s just hard are that might be a little too high right

Cool these breaks so easy so slightly scary okay SK SK SK I don’t know if I should feel better about it or feel weird about it but as as the as as I learn more Japanese it starts to get kind of easier to pick out the

Words and I mean like a lot of Japanese I did recently have someone I don’t know if they were trying to be cringe or if they were serious um but I had someone who actually tried to uh tell me wait hold up what 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Maybe they tried to tell me my Japanese was wrong and that theirs was correct and then tried to correct me on like um which I’m never going to sit here and say hey my Japanese perfect okay let’s get that clear I’m I’m far from thinking my japanes is perfect

Perfect anybody who’s actually in Japan goes N I can’t speak it I can’t speak Japanese and you live with that mindset I do the whole time you live here but if you exaggerate deaths and I don’t mean in a way that sounds like a newbie but I mean in a way

That makes you you try to sound like cute you’re trying to sound cute you’re trying take take the keyword here trying to sound cute if that’s if that’s you sorry I just like my hair is the headphones are parting it weird um if that’s you don’t don’t add

Me I commend people for trying I commend you for trying I don’t commend you for speaking it like a dumbass to me that just agitates everybody me other Japanese agitates me people who speak Japanese people who actually are Japanese that’s actually starting to look better it’s starting to look real nice

I wasn’t done I had some but hold on do I have more yes we do yes we do yes we do now what’s funny is the person who originally made this concept did not use these blocks that I’m using um and the only reason I’m using them is

I’ve already hard committed to a majority of the build already using them so that means I’m like farming twice the wood I need for this but it’s highly unnecessary genuinely like highly unnecessary okay let me Go one two three four five yes no two three four one two three four yep that’s good one two three nice ah nice uh yes this is a server sorry I was like counting I was counting if I’m counting I’m a little get I little get

Distracted yes this is a server but I will warn you right now this is a Japanese server this is a Japanese server so my first warning ping I don’t know how it’s going to be for you I don’t know if it’s going to be bad or not um all the instructions are in

Japanese all the rules are in Japanese okay right here every ask me why am on a Japanese server simple enough I live in Japan so which is also why it’s night like it’s night watch this oh watch over saturation that’s too bright for me that’s good my my friend will come over and

Goes it’s so dark in here I’m like how is this dark yeah like it’s like what do you do live under like live in a middle school live in a Walmart or just non-stop l l CD lights the whole time God that would suck my music stopped that’s even why

Like the music I’m playing is super Japanese one two one two ow I think that’s right one two and then that yep uh it does have plugins um mostly a lot of anti-grief plugins and uh has anti-g grief plugins voting plugins obviously this is just my Shader kit so that’s that’s not

Anything that doesn’t help there’s a lot of problems with that that’s called Anarchy servers those always exist and while I personally have have played on Anarchy servers hell I was on 2b2 for a while do I do it right here I think so yeah I was on 22t for a long time um

Like I can see why people also wouldn’t want to be on a Anarchy server so it’s not really my call about uh no plugins and hacking are two different things hacking is like you’re ruining the experience for everybody else but yourself plugins are like hey I like

Different shaders or hey I like to create a UI system that’s a little bit easier to navigate or hey we have the ability to switch between Japanese in English or an anti-grief setup which allows you to not grief other players and their stuff no I was actually a super vanilla player on 2b2

T I was just able to hide really well I don’t think the server’s still up I’m 100% it was taken down Um oh they added the 1.19 update what happened I haven’t been on in a while I thought it shut down hold on let’s see what’s a meter client now you got me Googling something uh bar R Fork which is previous meter itself if you want most oh what does that

Mean a fully stack JavaScript platform for developing modern web and mobile applications it’s a hack ah is it a hack or a plug-in there’s a difference to tub t because there’s like I said there’s a real difference between it’s a hack huh let G say I I don’t usually play uh hacked worlds

Myself I maybe back when I used to play as like a kid I think I had a Hacked Client for PSP my PSP 3000 like I had a um hack version of Minecraft for the Nintendo PSP or not the Nintendo PSP the Sony PSP they probably wouldn’t enjoy me saying

That love Sony but uh no I used to I used to play on 2b2 T it was uh like my first couple seconds on the server was a little bit of a nightmare like every five seconds is just death if I’m honest to be on tb2t it’s

Just non-stop death until you get out of like the inside like the the starting spawn and the nether it is a nightmare to be in there I think there was one point I but so many people also drop really good stuff like I had so many occasions where

I’m just like oh look free item oh look free items and it’s like hey look I dropped some diamonds I dropped some iron and they’re just casually on the ground and I’m like well I don’t mind if I do I I did I just like walked up and took

It and no one knew about it and the only reason no one knew about it is cuz I even though I even though I streamed it I put up no signs and I had no chests I literally carried everything that I needed essentially on my on my

Person it’s like that for like the first like five to 800 blocks and then after that it starts to like become less bad but but I I won’t deny for like the first for like the first 800 blocks it’s an absolute chaotic nightmare I don’t even know how it it’s the way it

Is no not probably I I did it I got out it it was easier though to go through the Nether and I mean I’m saying that as someone who had who went through the Nether and there’s nothing but Withers all over the place like if you fall it’s just

Withers so it’s like I’m playing parkour not only to avoid the Griefers but the withers on the bottom I think the only reason I was able to keep all the random crap I found is there were just random ender chests you just keep throwing stuff in the

Ender chests and the only reason there were ender chests is because someone oh yeah no don’t don’t build it within the 800 blocks I think it wasn’t until like block area 8,000 that I did I finally build a house and it was inside a cave which might I add was also right

Next to a m shaft like an abandoned M shaft which I don’t know how no one touched it it was fully untouched so I’m just like cool I raided it and D destroyed every single chest anything that had anything useful gone or not useful gone it was just done I destroyed

Every chest it was an abandoned M shaft that I took as my house I destroyed all the chests because there is like this tracing mechanic that allows people to see like chests I guess I it’s a hack that basically like chests are the number one thing you see um or they’ll do

This which is what you this is a this is a speedrun trick uh level entities and they use this wait no that’s block entities I’m sorry yeah they use this I I no I just I stayed away from it I stayed away from all chest because cuz I know

About this mechanic we use this to find in uh speedr running we use this to find um Villages villages in uh 1.16 cuz honestly without without it it’s a nightmare yeah like 1.16 we just use it to find villages bastions and no we use a different track for bastions villages

And what are they called fortresses and then there’s a bunch of other crap that I don’t understand uh sorry I don’t know hold on let’s see if we can do one real quick not like like a full speed run but I’ll show you what I

Mean I have to close the game and reopen it we can close that give me this the client takes forever to load what’s really weird is the um I am not Italian family’s part of Italian but I personally am not Italian I’m closer to French than Italian and Swedish hell Native American

Too but like the rest of the white genetics just completely bleed like bleach out all the Native American potential I’m not even like that’s not even like a joke that’s like serious like my grandfather is on that side okay we got it all right so this is 1.16 single player create new world

Hopefully it doesn’t crash I tried to run it on the sodium engine and it wasn’t working my allergies are really bad right now because for some odd reason the weather decided it wanted to go to what is the temperature right now 7 7° c i slightly understand that but I also

Think it’s CU of French oh come on it’s been crashing nonstop on 1.16 I don’t know what its deal is it’s done it every single time it’s crashed every try every time I try to run this on 1.16 it’s the only reason I haven’t been speedr running I want to speedrun

Minecraft and it won’t let me okay we’ll just do do it on a we’ll just do it on a new one cuz I’m not doing the whole thing let’s do it on a one point 1.20.1 or something’s breaking it I might have to delete all my worlds I

Feel like that might be the problem is something’s breaking it Mir me me there um hopefully YouTube and twitch doesn’t get mad at me for swearing but it’s pretty much bit like [ __ ] or [ __ ] it’s it’s used pretty much for those two things it’s a very vague vulgar swear in

French but also pretty normal if you’re French I’m not kidding my grand great grandma’s the one who told me she would say it she say it casually and once I figured out what it was I’m like Grandma I would say there’s kids in the room but

90 from behind most of them can’t I don’t know what you’re talking about oh my God all right so if we were to do this on a speedrun we’d go to tick which is two uh entities oh this is kind of hard to see I know

Level block entities now we have a chest and a spawner the chest is a good thing because it means we have a potential Village all right but the other good thing about this is if this was a actual speedrun ah B B I think it is not not Bono

B I think it’s the like the Italian form of the basic word I just said look like a village could have been there no that’s a hold on can we turn off the the Shader hold on just turn them off for a moment it’s actually really hard to speedrun with

Shaders on there’s only one Shader I use and it’s Fabric and it just changes the UI all right this is actually way easier to run nice nice nice nice nice let this all load in so if I’m honest the fact that it’s on 1.20 might

Make this a little car funed but I see something that would make this a decent speedrun John for everybody else I’m going to show you real quick I’m going to just what makes this a really decent place to speedrun oh my frame rates are dropping and it’s cuz I turned off the

The the plugin so we’re going to ignore the drowned and the drowned Village yes we can find a map but if you saw what I saw you know this is a really good spot to be it’s just random FPS spiking dude my system is ridiculously strong and yet I’m still FPS spiking it’s

Insane that I saw that I don’t know how many of y’all saw that but God I keep dropping FPS uh and then on top of that there’s a village in the corner so this is actually really cracked if this was like a guaranteed speedrun play I’d be good to

Go oh my God the FPS drops are insane oh my God stop bro bro now we only have two of these let’s keep these it’s it’s just dropping it’s just spiking non-stop why do you understand how strong my computer is is this say how God like strong Minecraft is hold on bring you

Down cuz you’re you’re like you’re having a stroke right now and it’s insane and it crashed okay we crashed I don’t know what’s with Minecraft lately sodium and this have been like on the fritz it’s kind of annoying oh yeah they have these little duster things now I wonder how you get

Those or is that specifically in 1 point two 1.2.4 gotta so before I get back into the game can we just we can leave that a 48 I just need to get my shaders back on is it slightly could be the reason why I’m having issues no it’s just it really

Sucks I have hiccups it really sucks that like I I don’t know what’s up with my Minecraft copy but I’ve been noticing a lot of issues with this copy with my like didn’t I turn on the shaders is a p head on yes it was BSL okay that explains a

Lot all right this part is done what’s next I think I have to fill in the no I did that already hold on a second give me a moment one Second e e for e e for dra my yeah wash my hands cuz I ain’t gross versus so some people out there are pretty damn nasty you know who you are itch my eye though that’s why you also wash your hands you have an itch on your eye you don’t get an [ __ ]

Infection this man all right so let’s figure this out uh you w believe the number of people okay I don’t know what that is wait hold up man what more wait okay hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up where those ones in the back these ones back

Here I have to make all these about the same height they look about three each this one needs about four in order to get it right I’m going to probably have to go out and get more so like H I can see if this can to be kind

Of difficult because I did make it a hair like right here on my eye um the only reason this is going to get difficult is because I made this even on this side but I don’t think that should be too bad and then you should be like one two

Three on the corners right on the corner right it looks about three yes there should be like one right ow let’s go ahead and just put one down about where this one stands over here nothing that blocks the way would be good that should be fine

Yeah cuz I I’m out now I no more I don’t think I have any more dark wood yeah I’m not seeing it looking complicated though and that’s kind of cool it is looking like yeah hella hella complicated but that’s what gets it all the Rage put these away for now same with the scaffolds uh actually give me the food can I see this real quick I just don’t have any use for the emeralds so I kind of just make blocks out of them I also want to be ridiculous uh wow we should just start

Breaking some of these tools some of them are literally pushing their like luck of utility and I feel like they’re just a huge waste in my my space right now like this probably got maybe a couple good uses left to it it’s attempting idea just to throw it in

There but I don’t think that’d be a wise of me either I don’t know what this Does ginger booty don’t I have a bow already with infinity on we do we have Infinity on it punch aqua affinity Lapine don’t you want punch on this is that like supposed to go on here God damn it and I’ll have punch two on it as well so it’s got

Strength and damage on it which is pretty good aqu Affinity that there’s no real to be on there yeah cuz I want the skulker one chicken give me the definitely give me the netherite pickaxe um that’s that’s why I grabb that I need these for later cuz I’m

Going to do like around the Bing the Redstone lamps like those but have like the light tech thing on it to cause the um I don’t know what it’s called I don’t know it’s just fun it’s just fun wait I Infinity Quick Charge stop traing my carrots for these

Cuz all I’m getting is an ax with That I mean nice got if they reset the ne um don’t need that I don’t need that yet because I’m going to go on a quest and we need to actually clear out the Ender Chest of stuff like don’t need the diamond blocks might be a nice thing to leave

Behind definitely don’t need all the wood especially with the number of torches I carrying hi hi how’s it going M I can keep the arrows generation that can come out go in here I was it going M I got tea I’m still tired as hell so I think I addressed on the

Stream today that if I get tired at all we’ll just switch to like a hyper focusing game that like forces me to pay attention for a little bit and then we’ll pop back onto Minecraft we’ll just kind of go back and forth if I get sleepy at

All I feel like that’s pretty good way to do it I have the ocelot but I don’t want to give it up why do I have a block of dirt I have a singular block of dirt it is just one block of dirt go away coal me keep the blue yes keep

That keep that don’t need the rest of that so what is it like I don’t need all this wood boom boom boom boom I should really organize I’m going to organize all the chests when I move all the chests okay this is fine I just want a little

Bit more organization like this is not necessary to be there but all the potions like here these can go down here actually the boots can go down here torous Bell that’s fine torches would go there food over here here the OT should be put away somewhere and not on

Me uh some chest so little time not that one that one’s fine I’m only holding on to them until I can get somewhere for them to go doors actually should be on me dude I have so much food God damn I will probably never use these because I have the boat no no

No go minute my allergies are going to be really bad right now the melons are fine I don’t think I need these honestly now I’ve come to a point where like I I made so many torches it’s not needed can we yeah just keep the in

There for now kind of the same thing just move everything to be properly organized dude there’s so much food in here actually can you do that I don’t need the coal these are fine don’t need that I don’t know what any of these are haste five what does that mean okay that’s

Fine all right so we can leave I don’t even think I need that just cuz I already have one on me now it’s somehow Enchanted organized currently what I’m building dolphin as you can see slightly struggling I like it though it looks nice God they have it replaying Non-Stop just going to keep pushing them I I they’re Confused they’re very confused that’ll most likely go that way and they’re off th me m oh they’re gone what it what are they doing whose home is this H it’s probably not the best have your home easily accessible through this ey oh [ __ ] quite a fan aren’t

They I to build the peka Gundam I am surprised I don’t see Subaru duck almost actually disappointed if I have to say so myself this a Japanese government building can I get in there can I see this I just I have to see it for myself is there like anything in it or

Did they just build like an empty government building which wouldn’t be too far from an actual government building that’s cool mate that’s cool glad you do do that hope you have fun doing that do they do they have actual stuff in here or is it just like shiny and bright Shin [ __ ] go it’s almost empty it’s just empty it’s an empty room cubicles oh wait I can’t wait to sit down and wait for someone to come talk to me about my attempt of loan I make he I can’t be right oh thank you thank you very much

Ah what fun is this if you’re going to make an something I can’t use What I won’t deny it is kind of cool but it’s just like it’s also kind of like itd be lacking there’s eye potato what is going on over here what are they doing please what I think just saying please but please what you didn’t ask anything Uh do you mind if I give you some tips kid CU there’s some problems for your channel you kind of need to spark it a little more I’ll give you the sub but here’s what I’m going to give you a little tip on asking for subs and then someone not

Watching your content with the subs it’s not a good thing because it means you don’t have consistent viewers and YouTube will call that out they won’t like get rid of your channel but they’ll make your channel less visible I tried to disperse my melons can I can I my melons back it’s

Loading there I threw melons at you like the most people I’ve seen up here the front so asking for Subs versus just making the content will be a dynamic difference like I know you’re looking to get the subs but funny enough you’ll get more out of consistent viewers

Than than if you just like demand Subs I promise you that see we got here I can’t give any more of those I need those those are actually something I need I got to go get diamonds well first I got to check to see if the nether has been reset if the

Ne’s been reset I’m good to go and what the hell it has not been but it’s even more wild than it was before what did you do do you think they I think they dug upward so they can try to find bastions easier which I don’t blame

Them I have no idea what they’re all doing yeah cuz that was kind of one of my biggest problems with my old Channel my super super old channel is I used to focus too much on the idea of the number of subscribers versus the number of people returning I also this

Was back before YouTube had their limitation on the ads but it was like 50 subscribers you could just put ads on your channel and that was a really stupid mistake of bahamama behind my own Behalf um I it be better if I go this way that um so honestly the advertisement not being on the channel is a better thing than not but asking for constant STS constantly plugging like there’s kind of a limit for people have making a fun joke of plugging that’s

Good oh you bastard why are you running get over here that’s what I thought we don’t run you just hop that I don’t want the gunpowder I never want the gunpowder they found a cave I don’t want that cave see the thing is I don’t go in caves I go in the ocean

All right I actually hit that that’s annoying no you die I missed that by a mile come on got him glad I have infinity or this would be bad boy I am real tired of y’all especially the numbers are insane how could got one one just flew right in the direction

Of it got it B Class 24 down come on boy this is annoying they’re like weaving to Future red oh my God it stopped why did it stop too early red boy I’m going to kill where are you come here come here come here come here come here missed oh baby that’s insane

Where’d you go just right click yeah if you right click you on here okay you are sh D it D it D it D it D it there you go ah I did that wrong I don’t know the whole song damn it oh someone actually left a boat interesting nether portal that’s

Probably already been raided absolutely been raided sad face I should get ping Items yeah you’re going to have to get in this one DN it all right got to look got to look got to look all right we got to get out again Going to get it and yeah I recommend getting it now CU I’m going to be doing very heavy hold up shut them up one moment I [ __ ] h it’s not deep enough I can’t see this this this is actually making it hard to see the Shader uh man that’s that’s a pain

The shaders making it really hard to see Yo yo yo where are we going who lives in a pineapple under the sea SpongeBob Squarepants something and yellow as smart as a fish Spongebob Square Pants you know everything no isue with SpongeBob Square Pants bom yellow and flops like a fish Spongebob Square Pants SpongeBob square puns SpongeBob square puns SpongeBob Square

Pants y’all wanted to see Shanty right Ah that’s what I was looking for hold up though we got like some deep rock there’s ocelots I can’t see anything oh there’s ocelots there’s lots of them we might need to make a stop here real quick hold on a second hold hold on

A second oh no did I leave all my iron behind please no oh that’s not good no there’s so many though oh my God and they’re adorable I want the yellow one I don’t have a yellow one yet there’s if you want to grab some be my guest the the Island’s right

There I’m looking to dive and see if we can find any diamonds but there’s ocelots and they’re adorable and I’m dumb enough not to bring anything with me I forgot iron and a bucket I didn’t think I’d see any on my way what do we got here efficiency and

Fortune this is our Fortune one here you need mushrooms can I have my pickaxe please game thank you I’m there I’m currently underwater so if you need to get mushrooms I’d recommend getting them now until I get until I’m done finding resources why am I still getting gold I

Don’t really need gold do I uh you know gold doesn’t hurt to have especially since I have so much netherite I might as well right I have a lot of netherite actually that’s a kind of a good one that’s a good reason to have gold right now so I have a lot of

Netherite I can’t think of a better reason to be getting gold I I have a lot of netherite OTS right now I’m getting trolled by the autosave right but we do have a deeper C of the cave which means the potential of diamonds is real all right um I lied man there’s

No I forgot Iron Man not I and I could have easily made we adapt improve and yeah I’mma do it I’mma do it I’mma do it D Ass we adapt we improve and overcome there gold as well we’re going to adapt improve and overcome all right yeah you got to get mushrooms I

Get them now because I’m going to be down here for a bit I didn’t expect to see ocelots I didn’t know slots can be this low how long is my night vision last got it for another seven minutes and regeneration three [ __ ] it where are you little guys there’s the yellow one I

Wanted I got him is it fighting the ocela killing it bro no way that’s wild I got it there was one more I think right all all three of them are yellow I thought one was white I mean it’s fine I don’t have a yellow one yet You’re mine you’re mine got him that’s all of them Duds I think I swear I saw a white one whatever is this the fastest I swim like really my boat whoa this looks wild what the hell doesn’t even look like on water anymore that’s wild shut up drowned I actually do need to

Stop I need the dark oak you might want to yeah grab that there have an ocelot I don’t need two oh poor you might want to hide under a tree is they after you not me can I have my Sher little of Lag bro really uh there a little bit okay first note I’m going to use this as like a garbage pit get rid of that get rid of the Cobble I see this for a second gold coal gold iron iron ore but what I’ve collected in so

Far I could care less what you’re doing Phantoms you are the worst designed enemy you do absolutely nothing other than make Noisy screams we lost you to a really cool monster why do you exist seriously I would have rather had the thing that drowned me in the

Water I’m not joking I’d rather have that than whatever these things are cuz at least then it’s like the water is th frightening to be in but no they’re like phenoms they voted the Phantom to be the enemy they picked the most annoying designed enemy it doesn’t even do damage which makes it

Worse I was it fainting that’s why bro we shouldn’t have like strobe night vision that actually scared the [ __ ] out of me they do not like it do they need the trees don’t need the trees I have enough of trees do need the wood how much wood we

Got only reason I need so much of this wood is this actually is part about building my house ow you jackass oh looks like you can’t get away can you dumbass hey you can live and be smart or be dead and stupid like your friend I’m giving you a pretty damn Easy

Choice here my guy I think you I think you you’re a smart guy I think you’re a smart guy okay guy I think you kind of smart I think you know that if you do that stupid [ __ ] you going end up n inches under all right 9 ft down 9 ft under man

You’re going to be 9 ft under if you don’t back off I promise you Vinnie is goingon to be really mad at you if you don’t stop bro I promise you it’s not going to end well for you be a smart guy all right be the smart guy here

Don’t be stupid don’t be a stupid guy stupid guys just end up eating more than they can bite off promise you you’re going to regret it I think that’s all I needed right now let me check let’s do this dumb asses why is it pinging here do I ask God

Damn the left to fight your demons welcome to survival just gonna try to pick this up for you you don’t need a membrane broh piss off for Christ sakes man all right where’d you go you’re still here maybe there you are uh that’s yours that’s yours I think

That was yours the mushrooms are definitely yours um I have to get my Shuler out yeah I have to go to my Shuler which I cannot put down here hold on a second wrong one ah Dam it not far there we go yours are the regular ones I think

You made the planks as well I’m not using planks boom boom boom I don’t know if you had the regular wood or not just soaps there’s your I think it’s your Apple those are definitely yours that’s yours these are yours those are definitely yours I didn’t take these Cobble there everything that was on you saddle was me the bow is you all right we good I think that’s everything uhy you know what meet me at my place go to my place real quick oh no worries no rush uh some probably some kid wanting

To be a YouTuber but doesn’t realize the work that that comes behind it it’s like I’m going to give them harsh reality of it generally most I don’t listen to it that’s fine by me I won’t deny it’ be kind of cool if the song decided just to drop like the hardest beat

Possible did I put it somewhere did I accidentally throw you my Ender Chest I think I threw you my Ender Chest by accident I don’t see It I just threw him a sub but he’s going to realize that it’s actually going to hurt his channel more than help it I think I’ll realize That I think I threw you might did I put it away somewhere by accident hold on well let me able check all the chests I literally had it like five not that long ago uh double check your inventory because I swear I had it I have my Ender Chest somewhere and it’s just

Missing uh if you want it should it literally I literally used it when we were here I hope I didn’t leave it back there somehow there’s no way though I swear I cuz some of your items were in the Ender Chest I grabbed out the Ender Chest you might

Want to double check your inventory I’m going to look at all my chest to be sure I didn’t put it somewhere by accident H yeah double check check your inventory Please I accidentally triggered both of these songs at the same Time [ __ ] how Y ah damn it wonder where the hell it was I just I don’t know how I do That go in there please thank You Said you’re almost Here Olivia Zo I’m not interested in getting your graphics please stop adding me for that sh it makes no sense to bother me about spending my Mone yeah very serious statement can’t times people go in my stream hey hey guy don’t you want to buy my graphic design

No frankly no I hell I know how to do it myself I would if I wanted it I would just make it it’s not hard stop coming into my stream just to try to sell me something it ain’t it ain’t going to work kid I I promise you That like better off sell an NSFW on freaking only fans art art art art I’m not I’m Not I was trying to read that It I’m tired there you are okay one moment y yep y y yep hi hi e the scar you doing well I have like gold on somewhere how you doing yah yah e have anything else you can have here have this yeah I’m there have I beaten the

Warden are you kidding me no as soon as I saw it I got the hell out of there I saw the I had one instance where the warden I did find the warden and as soon as I did I got the hell out I am not fighting the warden I am

Not interested in fighting the warden all right it’s the last thing I want to do is find a warden yeah I’m not fighting no wardens hi hi just so people are warned if I start to get like sleepy I switch the game up for a little

Bit and then I go back to playing Minecraft shortly after I just been debating what game that will be if I decide to switch up the game for a small short period of Time how did I put you hold on let me see how I did this over here two oh

Oh my God that so hard to read wait I tried to read it with the her with the um romanji and that was harder than just reading with the herana what as you can tell thanks I love its um open concept it’s the modern housing design you have this open concept and it

Uh lets in more uh light I guess it’s a nice open concept although I shouldn’t be entirely thanked most of the design is developed by another person because I can’t design a house at all I am not a person who can just create houses off the top of my head

Be it as it may I am not that smart so wait a minute okay so all of them uh I’m from the US originally but I live in Tokyo okay so straight line on these but these are look high look higher are they higher are this

Lower I can’t tell the lighting makes it look weird oh these are lower that wasn’t intentional dude this guy’s not doing this instructional stet in an effective order and it makes it really confusing H I’ve been wither but that was like on another account not account but I beat

That like on a on like a personal thing uh three thank you for the sub so yes I’ve beaten the Wither but like I said that was I was a long time ago back before uh ow back before I used to hurt myself by jumping I’m kidding I’ve always hurt myself through jumping

Nice this is this is difficult time I play another game shortly just to like like I’m I’m like super tired all right it’s cuz I did not sleep effectively so if I have to switch games it’s it’ll be briefly and it’s mostly just to like get the adrenaline pumping but what kind

Of game should I do I don’t have my own personal server I told uh viewers if we can either reach that subscriber goal which is the twitch subscriber not the YouTube subscriber or like I can start having like a decent amount of Revenue per month like $5 reach the donation goal or something

Like that then I will happily open a server because that costs money it’s especially since I live in Tokyo I got to make sure the server is effectively running within a way that works for everybody so it’s kind of like a a hit or miss situation for me I have no

Problem opening a server for everybody but I need to make sure that the server is going to effectively run for everybody um and then it would have plugins it would be it would not be Anarchy I’m not allowing Anarchy because I already know that’ll turn people off

From it that’s just it’s wow well I’m a person of like I you know I play Dark Souls I’m all about hardcore game playay I really am I know it’s not for everybody surviving the days of 2b2 T is what I not want on my viewers

Okay this server is not mine this is a uh another this is a Japanese server you’re welcome to join if you wish I have no quorums with that I’m just letting you know it’s a pure Japanese server like I survived 2v2 t i I know

What it’s like to be in a a bad spot oh that’s not good I got it how my base was never G briefed I I can’t say I’ll never know I I literally did everything in my power when I learned like a new there was this guy

Who used to make tons of like um content around uh what was it called yeah I know 2 b2t is pure Anarchy it took me like I think it took me a good one stream to actually like it took me a full eight hour stream for me to finally

Get out of the spot that you just keep dying in I I think maybe it was fit MC it was I just saw the Facebook videos and my little brother would know it better than I would thank you I think it’s called um I can look it up hold on I have it

Here BSL well you know what’s really frustrating me I also want to speedrun I would love to be able to speedrun the game but sodium’s not installing on my PC and so I’m getting like really frustrated oh I need another one like I used to speedrun this game a

Lot and I can’t right now because wait maybe we can do this no some I’m stuck up there D it d i um give me those is this taller that’s not what I wanted boo Bo that should do um speedruning on be Bedrock I will

Even say it for my for myself is hard because you don’t have all one you can’t really pick your um what’s it called your uh update you can’t pick the update so like the latest update and I’ll show you guys real quick we’ll open it I have no problem showing you real

Quick so let’s go to speedrun.com all right all right we’re going to go to speedrun.com you guys can see it I know you guys can see it right uh maybe not no there it is okay and now you can now you can see it so here’s speed we’re going to go

Speedrun so if you look closely I it’s going to show us a live stream if somebody’s speedr running what game Dragon Quest nine screw that all right anyways Games Minecraft I’ve got a lot of ads Minecraft Java Edition yes Java Edition we want to go

Java speedr running M yeah yeah bed is a nightmare so if you go to here the highest update that they speedrun is 1.16 and there’s a very good reason for this which might I add the fastest time is eight minutes in a in a second time

In total but it’s in game time is 7 minutes and 45 seconds yeah that’s uh slightly modded but not modded at the same time seven I saw the speedrun it’s ridiculous the guy literally spawned in a village that had eight Obby on a a uh what’s it called it was like eight

Obby with a uh with a what are they called I don’t remember the name blacksmith ate Obby in a blacksmith area used the two lava made that into the rest of the the the thing and then made the door grabbed what he need got gravel literally with like the first hit and

I’m like okay that’s cool and as soon as that happened popped the fire in the door door opened right there blazes are like right in the corner all the uh piglins or piglin whatever whatever those guys are called right there and they just he got everything it was just

Right there and he also happened to be in a bone Forest so it was just like oh hey he used what I I think it’s called Z mapping or something found it in found found the exact spot to get into the end to to get

Into the for uh to get not the Fortress but the uh I don’t know what it’s called went in there went to the end portal and just boom done can I show it uh can I show me doing it or you want to show the speedrun actually it should be K kumb

It’s kind of late so former world record so just in case they have music I can’t play it so here’s their speedrun so what they’re using is z targeting render distance look at that like they have to go hard on the top timing what are they doing oh they’re

Betting on the Flint yeah they got the Flint oh they did a hold on I actually shouldn’t have skipped that I shouldn’t have skipped any of this what was that earlier thing what the hell what is this what is going on here and then they start yeah right here you see this

This is what I use a lot already um that’s why you see me play really weird it’s because I used to speedrun I did I didn’t play Minecraft Norm I used to play Minecraft normal when I was younger I can’t believe he found that but I’m guessing the chest was kind of

Obby due to what due to what the situations were I can’t believe you found oh my God he got the TNT blew everything he need gives him a lot of blocks right on the spot boom right out I did this once in my when my friend

Invited me to their server and they just were like excuse me I didn’t even know you can do that that’s insane I didn’t even know you can do that I know about this trick I do this one I used to do this one all the time but they change the Ravine system this

Is actually a lot easier than you think this is actually why I prefer doing sand runs more than I like doing um yep there’s your entity Checker you found your Bastion bastion’s right there boom I think everybody who does speedruns pretty much runs their system on a mass

Fov yep there’s your bone he’s going to use that for that’s why he’s checking the C coordinates cuz the coordinates are going to tell him where to go in order to door that’s uh that’s what that’s what I was mentioning they go you see the bone and sometimes if it’s right there you

Can use that to somehow like there’s I I don’t remember what it’s called but it’s like a geolocation tool that basically allows you to it tells you where basically everything is in the world it’s some weird mathematical probability in Minecraft that actually does that I don’t understand that level of

Technicality he got this looks like a bridge yeah they got a bridge which is really good no they got treasure oh my God that’s even better yep that’s going to anger a bunch of them that’s not too hard I don’t know what the point of that was okay interesting oh they went this

Route okay this is a really dangerous way to do this but it is very possible and it guarantees you one a ton of these guys in one crappy corner I don’t know if you guys saw me do that on stream before but i’ i’ I’ve cleared out one of these when

I was getting all those getting all that gold for the um the upgrade I was using these tactics to try to get as much gold as I possibly can because nobody’s grabbing the gold in this server from these bastions like there’s a bunch of bastions and sadly they’ve been raided

So I can’t get that thank you for the follow um thank you for the follow uh in the bastions you can’t get these uh trades dude he just okay he 12 po oh what the hell is this I guess man this is what it’s slightly anger inducing as

Someone who used to speedrun to like see some of the luck people get and it’s like dude what I wish yep that’s also another thing I learned yep and then immediately right there oh he didn’t have to do he didn’t have to do it right on the blaze

Bro bro that that’s okay oh I want to see how oh my God they’re going to mhm okay I guess yeah that’s cool this tactic I won’t deny I can’t do that I I don’t know how to do that it’s not difficult but it’s not easy either

I’m told it’s not difficult I’m not saying it’s not difficult like I know better everybody just says it’s it’s easy ER yep that’s also why you see me use axes even though people have told me about thank you hi hi and yep goes right for the portal

Right there boom boom boom boom boom boom portal out blazes eyes Okay so this isn’t the same one I saw there was one a while back I guess this person beat it yeah speedr running trust me I I used to do it I can’t believe I would do it

But this also probably the reason the genin oh man I don’t know if I can play genin anymore I can’t play genin I just need a break I know like it’s going to be the same way with Minecraft I’m not going to be able to constantly play these

Games um because my I I let’s be honest I have ADHD there I said it I actually do have ADHD I can hyper fixate on things and then I can lose it uh you know lose attention towards it so you’ll find that like in some

Cases oh man they must be pretty far if he’s got to do that yep portals out goes for that does do they have the are they just doing that for boredom what’s going on here maybe fortnite I haven’t played I don’t play fortnite I play Apex if I play if I play

Shooter I play Apex there’s an how just just out of curiosity what is like the age group of a majority of you respectfully my boy is over here with this as the portal okay because that can tell me if I should play Apex or if I could play

Something else look at that that’s what I’m talking about like they know how to do that trick I don’t know there’s a couple of these like technical elements okay even so here’s where the reality is you’re 10 all right well that tells me I can’t play Call of Duty World at War uh

Normally I was going to I’m that’s what I’m building so you guys see what I’m doing now but yes um but I love Apex Legends it’s just my game uh but what I was saying before uh so it means I can play Apex Legends on

Stream if I get like really tired like I was saying before a game I can play like that or Call of Duty like uh zombies like the old zombies game because I have that I literally just bought it and I was just having a lot of nostalgia for

It because I love that game um that’s why I needed it what is Call of Duty it’s a game that you at your age you shouldn’t play it’s a game at your age you shouldn’t play he this person’s mid 20s so they’ll probably know what I’m

Talking about I used to play like cod professionally arguably I was really good at it but because of how like good I was I got bored really fast because I grew up with the game the games aren’t like Call of Duty to me is not difficult and I have

Like really good sound deiva like sound abilities which is why I like Apex because Apex has that sound quality ability it’s like fortnite but for older people I really think kids should not be on I mean the modern Call of Duties might be different but like the newer

But like the world at war no no I cannot show you World at War like the newer ones are a lot more tame compared to World at War World at War is brutal good game but brutal like it is not for your age group so I will respect that the

Fact that you are 10 and I will not play that game on stream now big no no I I had little brothers I used to work at GameStop nothing bothered me more than working at a video game store and watching parents come in and buy children games that they should not be

Playing and then complain to us later that like why did you sell me this game because we told you woman we told you lady I straight up I can’t name the number of times I told the woman you should not be buying Gran Theft Auto for your child buys Grand Theft Auto for

Their child and then gets mad at me later because what the game contains even though I literally listed everything in the game that is there upon purchase God it was horrible I hated that it was just like dude I literally told you what this game’s going to

Entail and you want to get mad at me okay you want to get mad at the publisher the game’s for adults and you out here like parents sometimes man Roblox is fine genin you know and my question you might you might question some things at an early age with genin depending on who

You’re playing like if you play Lisa you might start feeling some things but I’m not here to say anything about that I’m just saying you know Lisa’s definitely got a voice that’s really she’s got a really good voice that’s that’s all I’m going to say Lisa’s got a good

Voice especially if you play the Japanese version oh God I swear par you got to go eat go eat mate enjoy your meal get in trouble with a kid cuz talking about Lisa’s voice I play it in Japanese and it’s really in I have hyperx’s okay if any of you have ever

Worn these headphones they are really good they are really good headphones but Lisa’s voice in Japanese is is not okay with these on they know what they were she knew what she was doing when she did that voice she knew exactly what she was doing okay

Okay hi and I’ll be I’ll be playing Minecraft for a bit like she knew exactly what she was doing in that voice at least with like so here’s the funny thing 10 years old I can’t like say or make those like darker comments John but like someone who’s like 14 15

I’m going to be honest I’m not that far from your age even though I started growing this started growing this I’m not that far far from your age I knew exactly what it was like to be 14 and 15 years old all right you ain’t innocent I’ve

Been on the bus if you’ve ever been on a public school transport bus i w I hope I can get to a million Subs I highly doubt it yeah 17 yeah I’ve been on a public transport bus for high school and middle school you have heard worse things on

Those buses than you will ever hear on TV Facts spitting facts on that statement okay I I’m I’m I’m and then parents are like it’s probably television no I promise you it’s not television they hear like I didn’t know what 90% of the stuff people talked about until they

Started saying it on the bus and I’m just like cool I’m now the target for bowling I think this is supposed to be three and then it goes like one two I think that’s right I have to look at the video again so yeah no that’s that’s like I I

Remember that the bus is just so bad a public bus is like you can get bullied as hell you can get um people do stupid stuff on there this the fact that I I commend a school bus driver anything under fifth grade it’s like a little bit

More tame but the second you hit Middle School what what is with this this Fabrication in middle school and in like early high school that you have now have to be an adult like what has happened in modern eras where like this is like oh well you’re now an adult I don’t

Understand that I remember kids used to give me crap that I played like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon and I’m 10 years old we’re in Middle School like I think that’s how you’re like how you’re about 10 11-ish I think around yeah fifth grade fifth grade sixth grade middle school people

Would just give you the tons of crap for it and I’m just like but why though enjoy what you want to enjoy it never made sense to me I just bought my microphone I’m sorry about that it’s cuz I don’t have a microphone stand so here’s I’m going I’m

A completely change subjects so here’s my microphone this is a $300 uh condenser it is a beautiful microphone my grandfather gave it to me but I don’t have a mic stand uh because the one I had actually broke so I have been having it on the table this whole time so if

You ever hear me like I hear like a it’s because I accidentally bop it or something like that I was hoping to get like just like an actual mic stand but the biggest problem with getting this thing a mic stand is this thing is actually like it’s it’s

Silver because it’s actually made of pure like metal this isn’t like a I have a hold on I got another one okayy got my old wallet in here somewhere give me a moment okay you guys can’t really see what’s in here if you’re wondering why I have so much crap in

Here I’m a midwesterner and we always have the uh the the crap drawer is a Midwest it’s just a drawer that’s filled with like everything you don’t know what to do with ah here it is I’m kidding no it’s actually a bunch of like government Japanese documents

That I have that are meant for like my my medical insurance and bills and stuff like that and I just need to get a proper folder thing for it that’s all it is anyways so here is my other microphone this is a sure microphone this is what’s called a

Uh I forgot what they’re called there’s two different forms of microphones but these are the two different ones uh no wait this is a dynamic this is a dynamic this is a condenser condensers I have to be like right here for you to hear anything coming out of

My mouth this one I can have a lot more distance the the dynamic I can have a lot more distance when I talk so if I have this one right right here you can hear me just fine but that also means you can hear the train

When it goes by you can hear people who are drunk outside it’s really only meant for studio recording that’s why it sounds so clean because it’s a very expensive microphone but this one is room more for like actual live performances so if I

Like go to a stage and I have to do like any form of Music this is this is this is this is that microphone this is my musician’s my actual musician when I have to go on stage microphone I haven’t had to use this since I left the states

But it is a very good microphone you might be able to hear the train out there it actually might not be I might have nerfed it and then that’s a button but this I’ve been needing to put this in my controller this is a Evo Japan tournament button basically if you

Go to Japan if you since I’m a competitor for Esports um one of our biggest things is we have these buttons for our controllers which mine is right here this is my competitive controller this bad boy is about $300 USD this is a $300 controller um and I just take this

Button and I’m going to pop it in probably one of these holes I was probably going to put my my menu my menu slots were going to be all the specialty buttons I get from Evo especially since this is 2023 so I was thinking 2023 2024

2025 2026 if I’m here that long or if I just keep going to evos and then like I’d have every button be late placed out with a different year and then just change them out as I go along but uh with te Tekken 8 coming out soon I

Will I will be playing this I will be using this more and my streams will have Tekken as well because I gotta I got to practice Evo Evo’s coming up and I actually have to practice uh what was I doing yeah what was I doing or did I

Just fall I just fell didn’t I gotta love it I can’t see what they’re doing right here because the visual area point that they did is gone oh now you want to do that I literally couldn’t tell the height of anything up until now one two three four

Five six seven eight oh my God I have them at seven I I think hold up I’m going to get mad I’m going to get mad real quick why doesn’t somebody put this down now like why did they put this down before that’s really frustrating it’s just the video I’m

Trying to watch it and I’m like hold on let me see uh one two three four five six seven I don’t think it’s matters too much on the height I think it just means my entrances are shorter but I did make the heights adjusted well so it’s just going to be

Like a little shorter than the actual structure design I did change a couple things upon this design like I made it lengthwise longer than it’s supposed to which means I’ll probably have to adjust the roof a bit I don’t like how I’m sitting uh there’s red brick uh they used I think

They just used wood no they used Stone I didn’t think it matched like this house is going to be the pink Sakura wood which looks very pretty but I don’t think Stone complement Sakura at least not the stone they were using versus this will and then this should complement the Sak

Rones I don’t think the wood like the one I have now would match too much this I thought was a good addition as well yeah I don’t think that would work all right I just wanted to look at that real quick cuz I was thinking about changing the outer rim design maybe I

Also use my quartz I have a lot of quartz I have smooth quartz I will never use so maybe I’ll use that for some of the Walling I wish I could hit a m maybe a th Subs I let’s focus a thousand first oh I filled my whole health bar

What I didn’t even know uh one moment for e all right I’m back no I just got I just got a small ping there someone said uh is my Instagram someone openly say it so basically someone’s immediate response to my cop sh sh okay anyways it’s basically what I said it was it’s

Funny that many younger people in Japan do this old people don’t really get care and then the people around 50 to 60 are really the only people complain and the only comment op those comments were not Direct Ed at you the others just has mention turned on what are you talking to

Me who got hurt oh you’re not eating all right the comment was simply uh I know you’re in Japan because most people most places 60-year-old is considered old I don’t know in the states I lived in Florida like 60s old is quite common that is not what I want to

Drink fun fact if you take mushroom soup and mix it with dandelion you get suspicious stew but it’s suspicious stew with like regeneration too it’s it’s actually really cracked another speedrunner trick so if you just decided to like speedrun using uh the suspicious stew actually like is it’s a great no no no

No no no no oh come on I was halfway done watching that video stop making me reset bro H all right continue we good all right so these I think are correct these are three since I made the other one seven I got to kind of leave it that

Way hold on a second what is going on here what stone did they put here that looks like I don’t agree with that aesthetic of a stone option that is a stone I’m not sure which one they picked but I went one two three four

Five six seven so these got to be seven is it hold on one two three four five six seven CU these are three so I’m assuming that’s another two what it’s really hard to tell hold on one two maybe it’s six cuz they don’t have an upper layer on them so let’s do

Do six for now and then three on the following ones where’s their positioning so they’re like mid mid midpoint okay like that so it’s close but it’s not at the same time hold on no because we got to think of my body my body is two blocks on its

Own uh one one two three four five six damn it three and then those go on those go like right here parallel to these but parallel to these so these should be three same thing here that right parall parallel parallel parallel and then because these are base blocks

We can do that but again and I have to reiterate it again I don’t like the block they’re using they chose to use like coarse Rock fences which just don’t look good so I think we need something a little bit more lively we can go for more Nether Nether

Brick maybe basal let’s look at basal that’s not what we want and polish B salt goes to nothing got it love it great glad my ideas are stupid pretty useless Rock isn’t it m let’s try these oh we should also do these trying to check to make sure how much space I

Got because you never have enough what song should we listen to I’m going to put on other side actually can we bring this with Me hold on I I need to bring it over there or we’re not going to be able to hear it uh so what I was doing was these B all right here we go yeah if you’re within a certain age group it’s absolutely fine to have like uh it’s okay if I say certain things like I’m very self-conscious about I’m very aware since I’m playing Minecraft I’m already aware like the different age groups I’m going to pull

In so I just I have to be Careful It’s like they added these fence lines here Oh that’s my actual one that’s not mine Whatever you can’t tell I really like Music hia That doesn’t look right does it that doesn’t look right at all does It that doesn’t look good bring those down bring that down another one hi hi you hear me right hi hi hope you all doing well that actually hurt um I’m going to put on actual music YouTube please and thank you Nintendo Future Funk or Skyrim I’m debating on the Sonic not the Sonic

Music I’m going to watch the Audio I don’t want to be too bursty at you guys actually maybe we should use these I think that might look better mostly because I don’t want to go back and get more dark oak that’s just not it’s not really in my fortune today walk

Getting distracted I’m sorry please walk Me that just makes more sense to me away what do you guys think this or this like this matches but doesn’t really pop this does it match but I’m not sure if it’s like too obscure especially against the brown backing here of the dark oak I don’t know it’s difficult to say like

Something feels off no matter what right now this was a what one deep slate do we have another black stone that I can test something darker CU this this is like an idea but it’s it just doesn’t blend well enough it Blends tooo well and that’s not always a good thing

You don’t always want it to blend sometimes you kind of want a little pop yeah let’s try these the polished Blackstone bricks these look darker so let’s see if they have a better color tone I actually kind of like this more than do I cuz this looks dirtier while this

Actually looks a lot Fuller as a tone it’s really hard I understand some of it uh that last sentence actually kind Of did they just call someone fat cuz the only reason I say that is because if we look at the kanji there we have the kanji for like a person plus the pji for dog what no fat cuz Fat’s on is it I may be confusing them don’t remember it’s it’s really

Annoying like that line in the middle of the kanji right there is the difference between fat and dog I’m not kidding the line up in the corner and the line on the bot underneath it are literally the differ between the meaning of fat and dog I don’t know how the connection

Works like you originally get it from big big okay cool that makes sense put the thing underneath okay that means fat put it above dog what kanji Ain’t it fun I know this one I know the context I don’t know how to say just going to go back to listen to my future

F how you stop can you no I can only hope that I can do something with it it would be kind of cool if I could I think yeah I want them but I don’t want them for that is my only problem I don’t want

It for that like I want it for something else this looks darker it’s got like that vinyl static to it that I actually really like to the piece um almost like Loi has what do you guys think I I can’t I’m so indecisive I got like four different

Stones on right now I don’t know is that like the keyboard guitar yeah that is oh the 80s are wild man Japan is in the 80s bro I don’t care what people say everybody’s like oh my God Japan’s in the future Japan’s in the future bro I pay my bills in

Cash they still use walkman’s some of you don’t even know what that is I just it if it’s it’s it’s funny I think I like the Redstone more just cuz it it it like matches everything else kind of just looks too and and it’s the cleanest looking and that’s kind of where my

Decision sits it’s just it’s it just looks cleaner like the Blackstone actually doesn’t look terrible but it it just doesn’t ma the color palette of it doesn’t match I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love You what is that they need like a zoom in do we have a zoom in point no it’s just like doing the entire front section which makes it really hard to tell I would really like it if they did a zoomed in section right here I skipped all the way to the front

Just so I can get a better look at it so it is hold on it’s Gates they used Gates I gota love bass solos just because I as I’m a basist I did bass for a while Bas is like my favorite uh favorite instrument to play and listen to this song also just

Slaps I need more dark wood unless this is all done on the top then I can probably use what I have now should M oh my God I have too much stuff let say mo really I’ll never get why the cute high pitch voice is a thing in Japan I never cared

For it much I’m fine with the girl who just got the lower tone voice but I’m my ex was not into that and I’m I was very happy with that it’s probably like my favorite part with her she just never used the very high cutesy voice trying to be cute with

Me it’s like bro just use your voice all right um yeah like just yeah now admittedly some have that as their natural voice and that’s fine if it’s natural fine but don’t don’t don’t f CU I know it’s a strain on the vocal cords as a death metal singer I know

It’s a strain on the vocal cords don’t do it okay it’s not fun I have to go get more dark oak no keep a stack as we learned with all the ocelots I found we keep a stack now Now I can run which is not my problem here I can understand some of what’s being said that last I didn’t that was almost like gibberish I and that one was almost like giberish this one’s a lot easier to do but I think it’s also partly in

English japang English let me say that again this song’s kind of mid still Bops but compared to the compared to the rest it’s it’s literally on a whole it’s it’s it’s like oh no yeah go ahead and try to catch me Phantoms 130 okay kilometers on a second an

Hour what you going to do creeper nothing that’s what I thought I don’t know if I can play that song but I kind of want it playing in the Background it would just be perfect in this instance all right now I got to excuse my real boat that it’s not a bad song it’s just not better than the rest compared to the others and just like damn I might make that a doc station now

I think about it the um part of my water cuz I do use the boat a lot but I’m not sure if I’m going really use the boat to go oh out out out I’mma go out I’mma go out guys out w we can’t see That woo I might not waste this I might need to just go boating for a while we find a cave that I can really dig around in case you don’t know this is like my favorite thing to do is just so the way I get diamonds is so

Ridiculous like I said I do a lot of tricks that are speedrun based as you can tell I have aqua affinity on we found it ladies and gentlemen we got him now if we find diamonds is the question in some cases it can be very

Easy to find in other cases it can be really hard um for good reason I mean like I’m underwater but there’s something weird with water versus Air so like caves like this will show more diamonds if they’re underwater versus if they’re above ground plus I have a lot of tricks to

Gate air when I’m under this much water for this long that’s one of them using those if you don’t know how to use them I I can I was thinking about making a small video about how I find diamonds versus like the regular ways but because we have a vision we

Have a bottle of night vision right now aqua affinity and I carry doors that’s why you carry doors kids especially if you’re doing this like I am like so doors are your number one thing you need doors are signs but I prefer doors cuz guarante you a double layer of oxygen versus a

Singular it’s all BL lapy ah that really sucks this cave is kind of bad but you see look at this I was able to explore this cave faster and taking less damage than if I were to do this regular like if this was like any

If this cave did not have water in it like I wouldn’t be able to do this hold on I’d be kind of like looking around be like oh my God where are the diamonds and I’m constantly having to fight mobs and make my way through it it’s like more work

Then if I were to just go here now obviously I’m not in a good spot to be looking for diamonds I’m not even on a good layer yeah I’m on 23 oh hello look at that we found somewhere now just like every cave and every mining trip you’re not guaranteed

To always find those diamonds I mean you’re more likely to find them if you hey look what I found speak of the devil why am I using the door here so we only got a stat we only got two there because my fortune pickaxe that’s a big one but remember

These tricks are a little bit more advanced so I might need to go into a video explaining these better but I would love to do one because I think it’d be really good for people to kind of like abuse these mechanics more than trying to look for them I guess the honest way

Honestly I’m kidding kids please be honest but this isn’t like cheating I mean hell my potion isn’t cheating it’s Maids I mean like well I was gifted to me but point being it’s a potion you can make it’s usable in game we were here yeah yeah we we go over here there

Should be a yeah there’s our hole it was worth a check I I I figured I’d take a shot but it seems like this leads to nothing so we might as well just dip I really was kind of gambling on this this cave I saw it and I was like

Well I mean it could not the greatest way decide that but I also I’m lost I would like not to be lost right now in you know the underwater Cavern you know that’s underwater and underwater you know no air I don’t think the air potions are

Necessary for me because I have the aqua affinity oh that’s where I was supposed to go my bad oh no it’s a drown however will I fight it oh there’s another drown drowner a little scary how will anybody be able to fight It Dr they there’re zombies eyes a little wet or dry opposite of wet is dry my eye is dry sh I see you I see you oh I see you wait did I go in this one before I might have been in here if this is where I got my ocelots yes I’ve been here this looks like that’s space I can be wrong no it’s not that

Space some iron but it looks like part of one yeah it looks like it be close to it you know that’s some clay it’s not going down deep enough like I’d want it to you normally want it like lower in the water there is a possibility of ocelots being here

Footages my footages everybody I thought I just announce it for everyone to hear it’s a very unnecessary and Urgent information to have Ry H damn it I see you don’t mind if I do do come man God man allergies are not friendly to me right now I made away with one

Yeah why got to all no I came over because I thought I saw diamonds for a moment there I was like shiny damn this is like a really empty one whoa hello what are you going to do piss off what did I just tell your friend you’re not going to do much

Better back off demons for I am the fighter but I found some deeper deep slate are you brown I’ve never seen you brown before the only thing I have to warn is if you do attempt to do this kind of style if you run into caves like this you’re

Going to end up fighting a lot of mobs and you need to be ready that is probably my only word of warning that comes from this type of uh Diamond hunting but on that I think it’s perfectly fine oh no we’re about to go dark Ch Ch no I don’t want these I want that oh shut it zombie nobody cares what you think your parents are dead and so are you that’s horrible said shuted zombie oh did I escape you wow like that was hard I really don’t want whatever I just

Broke this going to be more work for me to kind of I’ve seen these where’s the one that has silk touch there’s a couple people I know that wanted these I’m not sure why but they wanted them I’m not in the water anymore right yeah I’m not in the water

You g to give me that please oh that explains why there’s things spawning it’s so bright in here I wouldn’t think enemies would spawn but it’s oh cool the same ones I already have my favorite give me that I don’t want that I don’t want any of this have enough of It talk glos is there any reason why people want these poison plants hey we found some sweet damn G be I I don’t know what I’m saying are you white or blue doesn’t matter doesn’t matter I’m taking you anyway you’re mine oh oh that was broken when I got here

That’s not what I thought that was not was sand I’m like oh okay hey all right let’s try to get the hell out of here before my night vision blows out or at least try to get to oh hello did they say they needed more now I think got

It ah they don’t say they need but I can get more just in case that’s a brown one I have a brown one already def don’t need the clay why are we separating the doors I have uh oh [ __ ] well that happened so isn’t for me this somebody

Else all right I gotta get out of here before my my night vision goes out I have more but I don’t want to burn them all in one cave they weren’t even supposed to be used for caves they’re supposed to be used for the ocean I’m honest like it’s 100% for the

Ocean how am I getting out no stop I I can’t waste my time here no stop a yo okay so when I got down here I saw the very first thing I saw was the I don’t even know it all looks the same give me that I think I saw like this mixture

Of I shout out skeleton I came in through one of those like massive water areas I think it’s this is it yes this is it okay we’re in let’s get out now that we’re in let’s get out I see my boat it’s right there this Cavern was

Wild I didn’t expect to go on like a full-blown Adventure there I was just expecting to be but can I not going on a trip and favorite rocket ship going to the skies Little Einstein to how you doing homie what you got huh I don’t know what that

Is nothing else I really need here here I don’t know how you got stranded out here that’s good think I got enough ass slots I might have too many ass slots guys might have too too many okay I really need these and they work gates by the way

This is so much farming for this stuff man this house is expensive to make it’s not even like I’m building it with like the the make the trimmings I’m building it with like all the resources funded from it the basic core of it it’s not the planks that I’m after it’s the actual

Log that’s it I think we got enough yes o give me that thank you bang bang B right W let good let good we good I don’t need any more most because I don’t even know if it’s day or night right now it’s D maybe I don’t know the uh oh

Dave but does it go far or is it kind of just stop it goes far oh it goes far it goes Far wish and you shall receive oh more OTS bro that’s wild and tropical fish gold really tropical fish oh no oh I went to Darkness all right two notes we need a door or we continue second I need my Ender Chest just give me this for that my bottle take this to that

Okay uh then let’s organize that please thank you that can be moved here might as well check from I’m down here eh might as well check while I was down here right Cas you didn’t know it seems like water isn’t considered an AIR block so diamonds spawn naturally better here

Than they would if they were in a normal cave versus it’s like it’s something with like the spawn ratio of diamonds so I think we’re back in that cave system from before see like so if I try finding diamonds here they should be at a reduced ratio not saying it’s still bad

To try to hunt diamonds here I’m not saying that at all but I’m saying oh you’ll find less than if you were to just go in the water our goal wasn’t really to find uh diamonds I just stumbled upon them and got 26 of them so you know

What tell me my method don’t work I don’t I don’t know what you want to say but it works difficult I will add but it works so you know what I like my diamond finding method that’s not our exit where’s our exit and then there’s still diamonds over

Here yeah I found two sets of diamonds I’ll say it again say My Method don’t work say My Method doesn’t work now bear in mind I do have a fortune pickaxe so I’m kind of in a different position for Diamond grabbing but I like to yield like you’re

Yielding half of what I’m finding 50 so you yield for 25 oh my God 25 diamonds in a span of what 10 minutes probably about 30 I’m like we’ll say 30 20 20 or 10’s a little generous well I’m just checking the rest of the cave system before I

Dip I won’t deny the music kind of makes it really hard to hear anything especially with as but beat it is as as it is I didn’t slip on my words you did the adrenaline’s kicking in see this this gets me excited like I actually like going through things building is

Hard for me because it require oh hello when did you get here it’s too bright for you to be here sir according to my eyes I come through here all right now I’m conf now I’m lost we might have a problem Oh wait I know I remember this no I don’t

I mean the block wasn’t might have come here oh the diamonds were here let’s go over here bro no way no it’s not that one I was like there’s no way this Trails back into the other cave I’d be astounded oh I got I I locked myself out of the other side of

The cave damn it damn it Dam it D it D it Dam it I Made dude I got to get out of this cave I don’t want to like leave leave like I could just leave using the spawn thing I mean we run into diamonds along the way I’m not going to complain that’s not fun getting stuck in the cave

Is my least favorite part it’s like I can get in the cave getting out is not my specialty well actually there’s not a hard there’s there’s a pretty easy way to get out of a cave let’s be honest wait I I went in here initially and that’s how I got in

Here okay so that means means if we go this way we should be getting out maybe okay we found a water pocket of some sort maybe we can use it to get out n n no we cannot we cannot that doesn’t work bro how did I get in this cave I don’t

Remember how did I do this bro I I genuinely don’t remember how I got in this cave H I want to get out I just want to get out like I really just want to get out of the cave I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it okay I don’t have to I was like I don’t want to use the

Wood blocks I came so I came out here just to get really you bro I want to get out I want to get out I want to get out of cave please I didn’t mean to trigger that okay bro it is a maze up in here are we getting out are we finally

Getting out oh my God please tell me we’re getting out please please please please pretty please please I want chocolate cake please please just for just for the cake just for the chocolate cake get me out what it I think we got out maybe yes this should be out

Somewhere oh well you know if you if you insist I won’t say no but if you insist I won’t say no thank you very kind of you very kind of you we filled up sticks you’re taking the back seat to Diamonds okay okay well I mean if you

Insist I won’t say no see this what I’m talking about bro it works the method Works don’t question my methods cuz they work they genuin they just they just work they just work AEL Lots I have a lot of them already I I actually can’t take I shouldn’t take anymore unless it’s like

Rare which I have that one already so I know one is super rare I just don’t know what it is feel how much time do we got left we got 34 seconds baby we got to get out of this cave please I want to get out of the cave

That would be really awesome if I got out of this cave I just don’t remember how I got into the cave I mean I’m not complaining we found nearly two stacks of diamonds like I have no room to complain but at the same time I don’t know how I got in

Here in the first place it’s about to get real dark for you guys in a moment for me it’s not so dark I know for y’all it is we might oh hold up how I do this I don’t don’t even know oh yeah I remember there was a cavern it

Had this small spot that was like on edge that was close that was really really close W how we got we we came out with a stack two stacks of diamonds I I can’t complain about that my method of finding diamonds is crazy but good my boy’s out here eating them fish

Wait was that an orange one or was it eating the orange fish oh it’s a pink one Cas should didn’t know you can do that basically all you’re doing is like hovering your head over The Lava block all right time to get out I don’t want

To be in the cave anymore I’ve been I’ve been trying to get out of this cave for a hot minute now and it’s insane how deep I got into it like I was like oh it Go went deeper it went deeper I went deeper I forgot how to get out I got out

But I forgot how you doing you want to fight we can fight do you a k shell for me no did someone steal my boat who stole my boat someone stole my Boat I think someone stole my boat cuz it should have been up here moments where you wish we had dolphin friends someone stole my boat how dare them that was my boat I made it it was mine I guess I could share but they should have asked I have no problem

Sharing but you need to ask me first so I know I’m not resurfacing from an amazing dive for diamonds and oh look my boat is Gone how dare you take my boat and not tell me it’s unfair I find it prous to take another man’s boat without permission is the heinous of crimes you can make take another man’s boat how dare they how dare they take me boat it was

My boat I made it I think I deserve rightful ownership yes yes I say I’m the one who made it because I mean it that’s H my cheeks oh hole damn sometimes it’s it’s hard to get in the hole you know sometimes it’s a little bit of a

Challenge to get in the hole but eventually you’ll get in this was a waste of a swim now who stole my boat I must know this now oh boy rain if you could have perpetuated the sadness of stealing on my boat it would be this this would be the

Social equivalent of my boat getting stolen that’s wor is I actually don’t know where to go I I got like confused the reality is if my boat is anywhere it shouldn’t be near like it shouldn’t be backwards it should be more forward and then someone actually took

It like come on man what’s wrong with you take another man’s boat like that that’s that’s whack bro are you serious you took my boat boy boy’s about to get whacked you wanted a mob level fight let’s go let’s have a mob level fight took my boat

I can shoot better than you can yeah suck it I can’t go to any Villages for a while yeah suck it take a man but what’s wrong with you who takes another man’s boat what’s wrong with you that was my boat really pillagers took my boat what the hell was

That just come back oh look where’s my boat pillagers like I know it’s in the name you pillage stuff but my boat I swear I heard something I thought I heard something I guess it was just the wind oh this is the wrong way we went this way cuz those guys are still Here N N I say it’s very different when I try to make sure they don’t Die sorry I’m using my voices again oh that was a cool cave though that was a good cave I I got a stack and a half of diamonds like that is miraculous anybody who tells you don’t do this method don’t slap them but you know think about slapping

Them I don’t want you get in trouble no she like being in trouble that’s your own problem but I’m not encouraging you doing it but you can think about it nothing wrong with thinking about slapping somebody okay there’s nothing ever wrong of thinking about slapping somebody there’s something wrong about actually

Slapping somebody but thinking about it N I ain’t going to do nothing little little harm just a little harm just a little harmless just a little harmless harmless harmless in the right mindset see it’s the ID I think I think it’s the ID that tells you slap them and then it’s the

Ego that tells you not to what’s funny because the modern term of ego does not fit that concept at all the philosophical relevance of ego versus the act the the the English utility of ego are like rapidly different we are hitting terms that if

Any child is to walk in is going to be confused on what’s going on in my Minecraft stream and what I’m talking about don’t worry you’ll learn about it it’s called the ego the super ego and the it well maybe it depends what you pick for your like gen EDS in college

Remember I can’t go to Villages is this as deep as it goes lame know why I do love these these songs they just they just bang they’re so good sea pickles uh I don’t I do need to come back for this CU I’m trying to make

Like the underneath of my my home all these but I need to bring my so tuck pitch acks silk touch pickaxe and a lot of um space in my storage no it’s too small that might be good it’s not deep enough not deep enough we looking for like a giant

Cavern that might be good yeah tilt my head that’ll make it easier to look right it’s stop I’ve done that forever I used to play do that like if I’m playing Call of Duty and like just trying to like go around the wall Call of Duty apex apex actually I

Can’t do that that’s I the the second an enemy sees me I better start firing no get nauseous okay well goes deep but there’s no diamond and it’s absolutely worthless I was like Yay no swear if a Pillager took it again I’m going to lose my mind the fact that a

Pillager took it in the first place I it’s slightly funny but dumb like I thought it was funny at first but then I’m like why at the same time like why do you have my boat why are you here pillagers man I just don’t know when to piss

Off that’s clearly glow stone but that’s also clearly a cavern I can go into Another one of these mate oh no it’s about to go out um it’s our last one this is a very difficult Strat I I won’t deny I got to do like a video on it I was going to figure out how to make these uh pots with the PO yeah potions

With the um the access to things like this cuz I feel like a lot of you need to also make sure you have this kind of stuff on you there’s like a lot of little Fini steps that you need to make sure of like look at that we found diamonds like really

It’s it’s I’m guaranteeing your find of diamonds to be quite the plethora but it requires strats that are difficult and don’t work on Bedrock a I kind of got to figure out what you can do for Bedrock because I feel like with bedrock it’s a little different of how you can get air

Pockets or you’re probably going to just need to bring potions of water breathing in all honesty which means this will be more of a late stage side setup for Diamond hunting more than an early stage this on Java Edition can be used for both early and late stages of the game

There’s a ship if we want to grab that a big drop the part I like about it is it’s super exposed and very visible which means it’s not going to be as hard to it’s not going be it’s going to be a little harder to get lost in

It I say that as I end up in like a little cave Le some more little caves that will get me lost surely like this the only thing I hate is the glow looks partly like diamonds you know all right I got this i got this going my

Stomach this is actually the bigger problem is I actually need to eat all right cool told you I’m going to get lost I’m gonna get lost because I’m stupid and like to go exploring yeah look at this di there’s just so much hey found him yep shovels the answer guys

Nice the deeper the deeper your Cavern is the easier it is to find diamonds but that just comes from like General logic of diamond spawns I feel like that comes without explanation or comes without necessary explanation nothing nothing worth like wasting my time for it’s too high up for

Diamond hunting I don’t really need any other mineral at the moment like I have tons of coal tons of iron uh Gold’s nice I have tons of iron igot or not igot iron um netherite igots that could 100% be turned to you know netherite armor but you know they added a stupid element

To the game that now makes you hunt for a thing that you makes you work harder to get netherite stuff I hate it it’s so dumb it’s it’s really really dumb once you get one you’re good but it’s like if you’re on a server good luck because

It’s going to be the most expensive item to get a hold of in my case it’s not that they’re expensive because they ban the sell and trade of those they they uh it’s it well it’s actually that entirely i’ I’d happily buy one I’d happily buy

One I know it’s banned but like at this point I’m dud by like dude I can’t find them in the bastions all the bastions seem like I’ve looked around they’ve been fully raided and I I pretty much have to wait for the next netherite or nether reset

And I don’t even know when that is because that’s why I went back to the nether to look because I’m at a point where I’m like dude I need this stuff because I have armor that I would love to upgrade to netherite armor I can’t do that because you know we

I can’t find it that’s are kind of cool looking coral I’d like to do coral like that where it just floats in the middle of the air it’s like my diamond finding tactic extremely dangerous and only available on Java dude I kids I’ll figure out a way to do it on Bedrock as

Well so that way I can do like a full comprehensive video on it but I feel like Java What’s H we’re going to look we’re going to look we’re going to look hard okay hello hello hey what’s with the money ah told you guaranteed n method cracked we’ll go over my hall after I finish this swim CU I think I got enough of what I needed

Today diamonds were literally I was not after diamonds originally but it was just it was there so you know but now you found my secret Strat to finding diamonds fast you better not tell anybody my secret straps even though I’m pretty sure a lot of people already know it so it’s like

Whatever do it I don’t care well if you insist I won’t say no oh no we got a front of a boat no wait wait D it no we don’t have the front we only have a front worthless bad boat genuinely that’s a bad boat like

You don’t want that you want back never never front you never want front front doesn’t do anything for you unless you’re like early game and the armor is like there you might as well then but in all honesty it’s it’s just not worth it needs to go

Deeper if yall see diamonds shot it out please remember glow Moss is not diamonds we were just in this Cavern bro it linked the cavern linked are you serious what’s that no I don’t want that game I don’t want FIFA I had no idea what I was talking about

Um might have a small problem I don’t where my boat is it should be near here right should be near this boat cuz we got off it to go into this Cavern over there uh yes it should be right there yep how does this connect H lame

I was like oh my God we found a new Cavern we might find diamond no how much should I find anyway we’re pushing our third stack I gotta yeah we got to figure out how how’s Bedrock going to do it cuz cuz 100% I can do this in Java but I know

Bedrock is a nightmare to do water tricks with oh that’s a temple that um no no it’s a tempting offer it’s a tempting offer but no the only time I like messing with those is if like I’m speedrunning cuz those can also give you really good times on on on speedr

Running they’re not they’re kind of like hit or miss on if they’re going to give you 20 or not but they can they can absolutely give you a 20 they can at least give you a 20 like under 20 easy with those uh re time record uh mukashi how to say

I don’t have any more of those pots don’t I this is going to be harder now because I don’t have uh now the problem here isn’t as much as like it’s harder for me I have Bedrock but VR Edition I think the now I probably have Bedrock because I got the Xbox game

Pass but I really don’t like playing on Bedrock remember like I started on well no I started on Java but I played a bit of Bedrock back when I played on my old Xbox 360 um but what I want to do is I want to make a small tutorial video on how I

Find diamonds in Java I don’t know if I really want to play Bedrock servers you got to realize I like the Java like uh the Java text like there’s a lot of stuff Java can do that you cannot do in Bedrock no like there’s a lot of tricks in Java

That you can do that you cannot do in Bedrock and honestly a lot of them are for stuff that I actually do I think the only thing you guys get a little bit better or the only thing uh Bedrock gets is better Diamond Halls like the probability of finding

Diamonds in survival are much higher than they are in uh Bedrock or in Java Java it’s a little like the percentile is slightly less all right well yeah no that’s not happening there I think I have enough I have nearly three stacks of diamonds and yeah I think we’re good

Just give me my boat I’ve never been a PVP guy I’ve only played PVP in one game one game Dark Dark Souls outside of outside of like Shooters Dark Souls is the only game I’ve ever actually gotten into hardcore PVP that’s cuz I love Dark Souls Dark

Souls I was was a lot of fun PVP it was stupid it was definitely chaotic and it was so gimmicky that’s what made it so good that’s what made it so so good we should cook this plus I think the PVP is kind of whack in if it follows like the 1.12 stylization

Where there’s no cool down I think it’s so weird I’m a very technical game person so let me let me show you why and this is going to like you’re going to see why so if you’re very familiar with the video game super Smash Brothers right you see

This you’re going to see why I prefer technical gameplay in like two seconds okay get ready for this oh that’s me y all yall y’all about to see this all right hi hi I’m showing off the reason why I prefer Java Edition than uh than I

Prefer this this is the reason why I prefer Java Edition and it’s because I prefer the more technical element and this also kind of goes into why I prefer this Smash Brothers over and no it is not brawl I do not play Brawl yes

This is a Wii I have a Wii on my desk but we’re not about to watch me play um Smash Brawl no if you guys even old enough to know of Smash Brawl probably know of I don’t hate the addition it’s so I am a very technical gamer like I look at

A lot of technical elements and I’ll show you why and I’m opening the game right now I play a game called Super Smash BRS you may all are may be familiar with it very good game isn’t it all right boom but this is the old one so it’s not that I hate

Bedrock it’s that I prefer hold on I got to get like my thing hold on I have to move it all the way down all right we don’t want to go game capture do you see this I do like seals seals are adorable okay it’s kind of

Buggy it’s not actually how it looks it’s just the capture card which is why I haven’t done any like console streaming in a while hopefully like once the game actually plays it’ll be fine ready go like God I’m not I’m very Rusty what animal do I hate um I don’t hate

Animals I used to work on a farm so if this this proves right here like that was bad is that fox yes that is Fox that is Fox McLoud from Star Fox this just taunt me bro that’s the check you’re the one getting your hide wallet I was trying to do something there I want to do it no I want that kill that up oh Randall you cheeky all right but that is Super Smash Brothers Melee that is the older version of the modern Smash Brothers game that never mind you of World War I I don’t boy

Uh I got something for World War I but I don’t know your age so I don’t think I can show you it because it’s actually pretty brutal where are my sticks I have sticks but no I’m not a huge fan of Bedrock Edition it’s just

Like it’s funky for me and there’s a lot of things you can’t do that I like to do and that right there is enough for me to go not interested being in fifth grade I so it’s not that kind of concept also aren’t you supposed to be 10 when you go

Into fifth grade it’s like yeah you’re supposed to be around 10 to 11 when you go into fifth grade so that’s that’s kind of normal the only reason I was 11 in fifth grade is because I had a birthday oh crap I made fences fences supposed to be um supposed to be

Gates uh was because I have a birthday that’s later in the year or earlier in the year than later I could have been put in sooner but schools were not a huge fan of that at the time so yeah yeah can we use a wasteful stock of this to make sticks please

Uh this is if I remember correctly to make a gate we got to use like two sets of sticks instead yes that’s you shouldn’t hate animals bro they’re so adorable especially cppy baros cuz they’re actually like the most chill animal like everything likes them every animal likes cppy baras I’m not even

Kidding oh my bad my apologies but yeah that was Smash Brothers Melee I and that’s a very technical version of the older Smash Bros and that’s why I enjoy um uh I enjoy no it it doesn’t matter if they add seals boy boy what that looks nice it’s not about the seals or

Anything like that it’s about it’s about the technical element of the game like you can’t do this in Bedrock all right you can’t do this see that water pocket you can’t do this in Bedrock you can get a wolf pet in nor normal Minecraft in Java Edition as well

Yeah look it you can’t do this in Java or in Bedrock I can do this in Java I can do this with signs doors uh Gates and uh what’s the last one I don’t even remember what the last one is so it’s like it’s really hard for you

To you like I can’t get in a Bedrock because I can’t do all the things that I like to do which is play the game really really weird I don’t play the game normal far from it far far from it like I got I just came back with three stacks

Of diamonds because I went into the water and because water is not considered an AIR block that’s fine like harder bosses I don’t know not with Minecraft I I barely fight the bosses as it is it’s not and Hell the warden is already a nightmare as it is um so B difficult

Bosses really doesn’t sell me on playing bedrock like I play Dark Souls you can get a dog in normal Java Minecraft you can get you can get a cat you can get a dog you can get a fox Bedrock is just not for me it was literally made and intended to be easier

Than Java I should know because I played the beta of Bedrock on Xbox 360 that’s where it was originally started was Xbox 360 and I played the beta I was one of the beta testers for it is I was a longtime Minecraft owner and

So when I had the mft 360 I got to do beta testing for it I signed up on a website I was like 14 at the time you can do the same thing in Java Edition everything in Bedrock so the only diff real differences between bedrock and Java Edition is diamonds are

Slightly easier to find in Bedrock Edition Java you can use water pockets and water Bedrock you guys have like a phonetic there’s like a slight difference between like certain block types and how they can be used um but it mostly it’s just the Diamond Part you guys have like a

2.4% higher chance of diamonds spawning in deep slate than um Java does but at this now that nether right’s a thing it’s like why even have diamonds diamonds are almost feel like they’re worthless at this point that’s why you see I have throwing fish around I have stacks of diamonds I made

Blocks of diamonds I literally had a stack of 64 blocks of diamonds before so it it’s not like a diamonds mean nothing to me now thanks to netherite which I also have tons of and the plates to top it off bedrock and Java are nearly the same

Other than the fact that Java gets away with a lot more technical skill sealing that’s the difference between Java and Bedrock Bedrock is not bad it’s just meant to be an easier game game and meant to be able to be played Easier so it’s like that that’s how I feel about job I don’t think it’s or that Java I love Java the server is really I I’m barely interested in multiplayer respectfully I’ve never really been a big multiplayer person cuz I grew up playing single player games but like when it comes to servers

I if it’s more like like that’s there’s a reason why you catch me on this server because it’s I’m by my I’m I’m Tech I’m not by myself but there’s a lot more vanilla play even with the plug-in elements and I like that like I love that about this

Version like I would not get this as much in Java so like if I want to play servers like hell I even have a list of servers I already have connection to like I’ll show you real quick I have access to all these other servers here these are all japanies except for this

One this one but this one’s not pinging very well just got to refresh yeah I got that one uh Sky Block I haven’t been able to connect to this one in a while and I think that’s just because I’m in Japan but there’s a lot of these that I

Have access to so there’s tons of servers on Java Edition might I have there’s actually more servers on Java Edition than there are on Bedrock because they’re easier to make for Java Edition they’re technically easier to make on Bedrock but they cost money you

Can make a free one with ease on on Java Edition you cannot make a free one on Bedrock I know because I actually used to host server uh host a server and I tried to make it where it be for Bedrock as well but Bedrock cost money to

Do or add to a current Java Edition server it’s I it’s really dumb but it’s it’s kind of how cases I don’t know if it’s something Microsoft is doing where they make it harder I I I really don’t know or people are just charging for it because they know it’s a more popular

Area because Bedrock is the more popular one because it’s easier to get like Bedrock is the one on your phone Bedrock is the one on your yeah Bedrock Edition is the one on your phone Bedrock Edition is the one on the PSP the Nintendo d 3DS the

Switch I I it’s on pretty much everything so yeah you you really won’t it’s not bad it’s just like it’s it’s just not for me predominantly because the water stuff also temples are worse in there which is actually my favorite thing to do I love going into temples and blowing

Them up from the inside like getting to that so what you do is you go in there break all the uh the TNT drop one TNT one block pressure plate blow it up grab everything then go back up and you you go and continue your speedrun it’s probably my favorite thing

To do in speedr running that one or Temple clearing but Temple clearing like uh underwater temple clearing is hard if you get donged it’s done your your your speedruns screwed you can still do it but it’s just going to be a nightmare to do so yeah no it’s not that I’m against

Bedrock I just I’m it’s not my thing I prefer technical gameplay and I’ve always been that way I don’t want to do these fences man I made them by accident I made them because I thought they would work there they don’t work There B bum B bum bum bu bum bum the same reason why I prefer to play Tekken over Street Fighter Street Fighter is easier game but tekken’s definitely got that skill Gap that I just I enjoy too much of the like difficulty difficulty I I catches my attention

I like it when a game is hard all around or has like really weird tricks that you can phonetically use that you normally wouldn’t be able to use in other areas like let me look up how to make water pockets in Minecraft Bedrock because then I could probably do that

Video yeah the doors don’t work on Bedrock I’m not sure why um okay okay yeah this is what I was thinking you guys should do you guys should use a magma block and this will probably be the best way to do it okay yeah I see it all right I know what to

Do I know exactly what to do all right so I’ll make a video later about how to do the diamond hunting like I do is that smooth quartz what are they doing right there that looks like Smooth quartz here and here all right so what I want to do later is

Make a video for you guys basically exploring and informing you how to properly find diamonds like I do for both Java and Bedrock I just needed to know what Bedrock had to do but Bedrock has a specialty option because you guys don’t have the same water projectiles I do so what would the

Answer there be simply enough you just got to use thank you for the sub didn’t expect a sub thank you I haven’t gotten a lot of Subs lately what the hell’s going on I ain’t doing nothing special this time I think I’m just playing Minecraft now well actually the biggest difference

Is I’m actually streaming on YouTube now I wasn’t doing it before because I was being lazy and not like I don’t know I was very ficky about it at first I was telling myself don’t stream League of Legends on my on my thing not cuz I

Don’t like League of Legends on my thing it’s just I didn’t think I’m on YouTube but actually like watching League of Legends but I actually get more engagement on YouTube than twitch with illegal Legends which is really funny um oh that’s exactly what I was looking for the smooth quartz give me that

That’s a block of Quartz not smooth quartz give me one of them smoothie smoothie quarts that’s what we need uh are they on right now they are not I got to find them tomorrow so it says put some here you guys haven’t seen me play Tekken yet you’re you’re going to get a

Nice nice watch of that later Tekken 8 comes out January 26th I’ll probably play a little bit of Tekken 7 pre I know there’s a demo but uh the four characters they brought in I don’t play any of them maybe kazia but that’s about it and even then I I haven’t really

Experimented with kazia enough to say yeah I play Kaza like I don’t I don’t play kazia we can try it tomorrow I’ve just never been a big kazia player that looks like they’re using the dark oak for that I can’t tell I gotta go to the end of the video to

Tell we can try kazio later because the Demo’s out and it’s easy for me to play I really wish they do a better visual of this the hell was that what are they doing with an auto TNT generator inside the house that’s weird that’s just Tweeter I think they need a better like

Tutorial on this all right so I got to watch this little camera motion effect so it looks like dark oak um chairs I’m honest where did that dark oak I had go is it in the Sher it’s on the Shuler because I’m an idiot I’m an idiot guys

Don’t worry I just just an idiot I’m being dim everybody’s favorite thing for me to be DM all right so it’s like this oh that’s me I’m like who the hell is walking on my stuff then it’s supposed to go something Here can the speed be like 0.2 yeah 75 so they put um how do I feel about this I think we’re going to edit this as well I don’t like this I think what I’m going to do is if I if I show you with the video since I

Got of source it anyway because I’m doing somebody else’s thing so if we look right here guys can’t see it okay so if you look right here they have what looks to be wood blocks over across the whole thing they have wood blocks I this looks like PL like um the

Slabs in my opinion though I think it would be better if I just stuck to quartz the whole way through that and then the the fences that I have of dark oak coming down and then same thing here these should be dark oak or another colored sign type

Just something to kind of Pop more because the way they have it is just too dull so we’re going to probably go with something darker like they have this and then we’ll probably put quartz across the top and then not those when is this going away 53

Minutes what did I do I just killed a p he stole my boat he deserved his death making me wait 53 minutes sweet Jesse Yeah SM smooth quartz collab all right let’s try something like this Yeah and then if we want to do this really my only question is one two three this is three there’s not really a good door I know some doors I know some doors I got some ideas I used to know a lot of really old Redstone ones I I wonder if they still

Work I mean if the sticky piston system still works the way it does it should work just fine Must you guys don’t speak Japanese what do you guys think that look good I think the smooth quartz definitely looks better than that wood that they were using Not those ones hack Player I don’t know who they are but that’s an uncom settling name they come here to troll it’s not really going to work well there’s a lot of anti-grief systems put into play I mean seriously it’s it’s going to be hard if they actually try to I think am mat’s kind of

Aware to be aware hopefully it’s not actually that situation hopefully it’s just a name but if they cause a problem they’re going to have to answer to a lot of people just perab ban people with ease okay let’s see how these look do they have it run across the whole

Thing no it jumps okay it just Jumps I definitely think that looks better and it pops more of that darker tone around there and then what we want to do is we want to replace these here with like what Be I just have a lot of stuff what you always give me gold carrots for why I mean to go here crap oh n hold on I can’t read that Kani luckily we have modern technology suspicious Behavior I kind of thought I was off too [ __ ] yeah I was like that went up

Recently don’t don’t say that I was like yeah I kind of figured this might be concerning with hack player I read that name and I’m like I I’m not comfortable with that uh luckily I’m not caught onto it I I didn’t know how to deal with it either

So they probably have a lot more access to the server than I do So yeah I was like I’m glad they kind of realized the name because I was like that’s not normal for a name like by the way don’t name yourself hack player if you plan to hack servers like come on got to be smarter than that man it’s probably just a name but we

Don’t want to take the risk we don’t need someone hacking the server and like ruining our fun like I know I stream the server which does play in Risk but don’t be that guy come on let people enjoy their game die I’m like trying to think like what would be the best option I don’t want it to be the same openings both in forward and back maybe something like I was just making sure that wasn’t like another subscriber I wanted to say thank you but yes thank you for the sub Subs

People um can I see how these doors look if they look like somewhat where they they can be kind of melish I just want to see how they look I don’t know what to do about the door itself so that might allow it a little bit better does this look

Right oh but they look like they’re the same where why they have handles you got to kind of D it I they like they have little knobs on them so what it’s not going to work we’re going to have to do like an auto door where like raes and lowers through um redstone

Contraptions which means I have to get under this which is all water let’s let’s remember this everything under literally two blocks is water so the Redstone Contraption is going to have to be fairly elaborate for this it shouldn’t be too difficult especially with the modernday Redstone Contraptions like the modern day

Redstone components we can probably do like a sensor system um and then probably make like that actually Blends really well compared to most pressure plates that actually Blends in the best okay so we probably have to have to do like a red door sensor here and it just

Retracts but we also want it to put the red back so maybe doesn’t uh unless we do it all Redstone red stoned I mean does it matter if it’s quartz like it’s if it’s going to be a quartz door here like that this is temporary but I’m thinking if it if it’s like

Quartz then what we can do what I can do here is I can make it like um retract this whole area of quartz down twice with double set siky Pistons what would happen if I put like the fence right here see this is what I’m saying like I’m not keeping the

Design 100% the way it was that’s kind of why I’m like see I like that that actually looks nice that’s really nice actually can we keep yeah I like this see they didn’t have this I if they had this I honestly thought the build would have been been like a hell ton

Better this looks a lot better I’m still going to do the double sticky piston door there I just think it would look really nice and it will complete the design mostly because I can’t think of something that would really withhold the look of like a sliding

Door I got to remember how to set these Pistons setups so I got to look at mumbo jumbo again I haven’t seen his videos in forever I went to go look at his stuff and he was making music and I’m like whoa what not dissing it I just didn’t expect

Mobo jumbo to be making music I know he was getting into it when I stopped watching him I just didn’t expect him to get like kind of popular so it’s really just like a lot of question of like what’s going to look good what’s not going to look good how

Can we set this up I got to start getting the slabs over here I have some socer with slabs cuz that’s kind of the next play is getting all the slabs in this just put what I don’t need in right now so I can bring other stuff over uh yeah oh

Pleas I have more diamond blocks right let’s go get another Shuler box I think I should get another Shuler there’s a guy who sells shers for like six diamond blocks and they usually contain like some random block for like 66 perfect I’ll show you what I’m talking

About back up that’s actually where I got the chest plate I’m wearing now the only reason I’m wearing it is cuz honestly it’s like better than anything else I could wear this it’s iron but it’s like covered it’s it’s good it’s it’s fine got the market for

Art I think that’s just random enchanted books it’s kind of like a conscious system here they love they’re gotcha see Sher this is why I have like so many shers already cuz I constantly get Shuler boxes I’m hoping that one of them has a block I need okay that’s base oak logs that’s

Not bad man can I see this that is wild oh that’s like a mansion style door okay I wonder what this makes crafty table Yeah like uh how does the I actually don’t like the look of this one I don’t dislike the look of this one okay I

Don’t like the sign and then how about the fence post I like this one better but it’s wor the check it’s cool now we just got to move all the the items and do a random box wait why don’t I no I don’t need this I just need one of

These so one of our biggest like anti stealing systems is the sign they kind of allow it so nobody just takes your stuff but I don’t I think if it’s on the land they can’t touch it anyway yeah that one desperately needs that okay let’s get the Sher emptied give me my

Bow not that I really need it right now actually and the pickaxe why is there random gold in there hey all right that kind of worked you shouldn’t be in here I’m kind of weird with like my placements of stuff I don’t want of them like

That it’s like one of them lucky to have like a random gold block or is it just any block one moment back sorry about that what close the door different color chers oh I tried it a stupid ideas I’m having sorry yeah these you need an electr for the most irrelevant potion I Have All Sorry I having an itch just itches and it’s predominates the heades okay so from the video part I was at before which was over here okay they did that I change oh that looks like bone not smooth quartz I still like the way I did it I I

Think it looks better um the only thing that frustrates me is the because I made it the way that they had it ah I could have left it Alone so that is it goes this and then one dark oak so I need dark oak one where’s the dark oak that’s already processed uh give me give me half the stack I don’t want to process the whole stack that’s why I love that so it was what was it hold on let

Me see this God it’s hard it’s so hard to see they took such a terrible Angle like I get you want to give people the St you know step by step it’s like the step by step’s at a terrible angle I don’t need to F on me right now is it hold on so these are three Yeah one two three the only thing that this gives me a good representation of is this one doesn’t even give me a good representation of that I want to assume it’s three cuz these are about the same height as the base andette here so

That’s 1 two 3 4 5 6 78 and the only area that is a variable is the this side but this is only a uh this is eight so this is three one yeah this is one two-ish and then three yeah So based on what I saw that’s our Basin goes right on the third block and then you put see that’s a waste of slabs one like that one right there and then it goes one two Three I turned it to yeah I slowed it Down Right still playing very fast Okay they have it like stopped at this point because this is where they use it as like a marker I’m like I have to keep going back and reanalyzing this whole thing con constantly going back and Reanalyzing And then I want to use their like little bota sides as my side buildings from a different a different video I found they have like little pagota sides like that and then a ginger in the back uh Shrine like a little Shrine not a big one there’s the big boy shrines

And there like the shrines maybe some um if I can make them without I don’t know if I want to make them because I feel like I’ll disrespect them uh not the shrine the um there’s something else that they worship that are like these little statue figures I forget their name are but

Respectfully I don’t want to make them out and disrespect them because they are very sacred here in Japan like I’m not kidding they are big time don’t don’t just make them for fun yeah I’m just I’m struggling With oh they have the map bro oh my God you tell me I can get a reference here no I’m not trying to go to t2t bro don’t if I want to go back on 2b2 they makes some they make a lot of builds holy crap props to Them Boy I’m not no I’m just going to keep doing my thing as I Am So like about the same height as the other one so so right Here yeah and then boom you know what sucks I can’t even play my own music on stream like my my own music because of like not YouTube YouTube’s not actually the problem YouTube would be like e we’re just going to give money to the person but it’s like bro it’s my music

So it’s kind of hard to be like we’re going to give the money to the person no it’s twitch twitch twitch is the one here that says like if I play my own music twitch is the one that has the problem they will do things um and I think I think it’s hilarious

But also not at the same time like it’s funny and not funny cuz where it hit the funniest was definitely um what are they called Metallica they tried to do like a show on Twitch and they got replaced by Wheels on the Bus please don’t go on there okay didn’t go

On there Reas oh the sign are you sure it’s supposed to be that He see this is why I don’t know if that’s three or four in the Height it has to be it has to be four and if these are are these the same height this is this is why this kind of sucks this angle it’s it’s really bad cuz it’s just like do you are you that height are you not I don’t Know there’s a small zoom in they Do okay based on this and this alone the hell there’s a raised Height why is there a raised height oh because you have the initial one and then those go up that’s why so these have to be four not three these these ones on the ends they have to be four not three because there’s no way this works with three not Four Yeah it says free maps but they’re not free they’re charging like $112 for These I’m all down For you know How do I save the best regard I’m all down for like selling your big ones like this snow globe sell that like that is expensive looking as hell but then there’s a couple of these that are like you know Three4 is the one I’m using for sale or no the one I’m building is not for sale I don’t see It yeah I don’t see it unless it’s part of this like no it’s not it’s not part of it so where is it you made a video on it but I want to know where like it is I don’t see a video on it that’s what I was kind of hoping

Mud is it this one that I’m building now that one I think it is oh no they’re far they’re Farms okay so it as long as I’m just using the D yeah I’m just using the one so I guess yeah it’s different yeah know no cuz they have they have from sale but

I don’t see it for sale so I don’t know if they just didn’t put it up for sale or it’s just not something for sale it’s just a visual something they were working on I don’t know but this is on the wrong side this needs to go up

One because this is supposed to reach this point right here I really hope the height is not a problem because I did make it like one shorter but I guess we’ll See but that can’t fly here no this gen this genuinely has to be bigger boom boom boom boy really that’s four and then you’re supposed to go three Four I mean it’s a good design but not worth the Money I I’m not a person to spend money on something that in my opinion should be like Community free but I’m also like going through all the work of literally analyzing the video versus like some people could just download it and be like so I guess you’re paying for him to save

You the work and Stuff which I I pay them to do the work but I’m doing the work So that’s so frustrating you might as well just leave it like this this is actually way easier to tell the Heights versus when you have the the yellow block it actually gets kind of confusing Then I don’t want to raise of another Height I don’t agree with These yeah I’m not doing those is this temporary or just going to go away at one Point okay so it actually has a point where it’s also in the center but is it like whole or what’s up with that I saw that so I don’t I don’t know if they’re like full blocks or partial blocks I think it should be full like this like

That cuz then you keep that that aesthetic see what I’m saying Four yeah it’s supposed to be full blocks not slabs on those ones by there guys he’s looking all beautiful he’s perfect that looks nice each son oh and I guess the same exact thing right here Yes I’m not really sure where they’re going to go with This I am still building how’s this Look I just like I asked you how it looks and then immediately just blocked you off from looking in it it’s kind of what it’s looking like so far I’m going to change this out into an autod door because I don’t like that because of the way I have it set up also

With the the those I just I don’t like how this looks I’m probably going to do like a retracting double sticky piston door but it also means I have to go underneath where there’s water and remove it and make a redstone Contraption luckily the bamboo um the bamboo pressure plates are

Actually really easy to just step on and retracts the Door but for now it’s for now I’ll have to do oh it sounds weird but I do like so yeah so far pretty good uh the only thing I’m having a problem with is technically this pillar these pillars back here are actually one too short I don’t think it

Matters but we’ll figure out when that time comes because then I’ll just fix it but right now it’s it’s going to sit here at one short because I really I really don’t know if it matters I don’t think it does but who knows I just figured out it is somebody like

Someone selling the build I’m not sure if it’s just to copy and paste or to actually use it but I’m also changing so much because I don’t like a lot of what they did to it it still needs extra on the right extra on the left like this can’t just sit on its

Own and it needs a lot of interal structuring they don’t have that it’s empty if you look at the actual build they’re trying to sell for it and the entire unit is empty empty so it’s like I know I’m going to fix a lot of the things that are wrong and I’m using

Other reference photos like I’m going to show you what I have right Here Um so there’s a a area in Securo if you’re not familiar with the game secos side twice it’s a sof from soft game probably one of my all-time favorite fromsoft games and the internal structure of the building is interesting what is the name of it I love how someone recreated the whole if

Someone really made the asena gates in Minecraft I I kind of want that map download oh someone made it low poly so you can actually make it into Minecraft bro that is um someone made it in Minecraft what that’s wild I would never expect anybody to um okay so it’s the Asen castle

Inside the internals of asen’s Castle it’s very like high standing lot of pillars a lot of woodwork and including a second floor and that’s what I’m kind of trying to implement trying to find a good image here I think it’s the same thing yeah window capture so here

Is the Asen castle where you have stuff like this in here you have the second floor which is the upper area but it’s over a giant Loft I’m like I’m not going to pay for building but this is the other stuff I’m using for references yeah so here’s the second

Floor Loft this place oh God and they take a photo of like the worst timing in the game this is the invaded area of asena Castle this is the worst time oh God I hate this these guys are a nightmare to fight they have they have

Some of them have only one arm but they’re they’re hard they’re really hard to fight they’re so difficult to play against Anyways someone did it like a workshop for steam but yeah there’s like all these designs here I want to do some internals like this and change it up from what they have here which is like the basinet outside is okay it needs it definitely needs some love like there’s

Certain elements I feel like it’s just rushed but you like see the internals inside like it’s all redstone contraptions for some odd reason I’m not sure Why yeah they have I don’t even know what this is I don’t know what they’re doing with This some OD reason they have a TNT dupe here but like the design is good it’s just it needs some it needs certain elements like it’s really lacking in certain areas in my in my opinion in my opinion so I’m going to just adjust those basing it off of Securo

Here that’s actually where a lot of these designs I I’m using comes in like a lot of the structural designs and integrity of the designs are coming from this cuz I love this is one of my favorite games okay okay but like based on what I showed you

There’s a lot of there’s a lot of problems with that building one it’s just open which I don’t really want I mean I guess it’s not a big deal but do I need a door I guess with the anti-grief system the door isn’t necessary because it’s like you can’t

Open the chests on my nobody can open the chest on my land anyway so so it’s I guess it’s fine but it just feels so open without it hold on let me take a look at this this is what it looks like without it now I can probably put like another

Line of fencing to like simplify the door let’s try that Kind of like that well if these weren’t slabs this might look better also ah yeah it’s going to kill this that that’s fine let’s try This see now those kind of do that but then that just looks awkwardly no yeah that don’t work that’s not worth that is that’s not Worth unless I did something like This is there a reason why did this or can I not put two slabs of different types you cannot no that’s so lame that would have been kind of cool if I could have mixed the type yeah you can’t do that I had no Idea actually that doesn’t look bad hold on idea idea I need my stuff for the Idea Fish I’ve been surprised how many people have been subscribing to my channel lately that’s very weird for me and for for this this channel I should say the last one was actually pretty good I just I couldn’t keep the bit up and then the other one being fake is not my

Thing Swift sneak is that the thing that lets you like move very fast when you’re like crouched like when you’re laying Down cuz that would be nice to have I don’t really want to put them on these ones specifically because they’re uh Because they’re damaged unless I can repair them somehow let’s try This There’s something weird about drinking the tea directly from the bottle it’s one thing to do with the water it’s seems weird doing it with the Tea still good still good Anyways Mikim all right let’s see what they do with the rest of this part CU I’m a little confused now all right so they did this that makes me really frustrated did they like this and they waited forever to do it to be fair this looks like a tutorial so

I mean yeah I guess it’s just kind of poorly made poorly made tutorial but a tutorial nonetheless the reason why I say poorly made is they kind of like the angle is very off-putting but they did put like instructional like placement of blocks what’s that hold up okay they did something

Different here that I didn’t do I didn’t do for one they did this let’s go and add these okay all right we’re doing a lot of this at night which is also frustrating okay I’m like really analyzing this think it’s hard to See why you do some of this at night why did you build some of this at night going to go ahead look at that that Put’s it like that hold on if they have a connection to their YouTube maybe I’ll find it there maybe they have a download for it on YouTube D Oh it’s a mud Farm that’s why it’s called that I’m like what is this no comments are turned off there’s probably a good reason for That so it literally says and I quote disclaimer some ideas are adaptations from other Minecraft Channels does this boy seriously try to have this thing copywritten no goddamn Way non-commercial license this guy seriously has a build copywritten so the build I’m making right Now is this person has a quote unquote attribu attribution non-commercial 4.0 license which simply means um right here uh you I’m free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format adaptation remix transformation and build upon the material the licenser cannot revoke these freedoms As Long as You Follow the

License and terms okay so what I’m doing is absolutely legal because so if we go here they have the thing they have the build right here they’re selling it they’re selling the build of that house cuz I was seeing if they had like a world download that I can like analyze

It and look at it and maybe like deconstruct the idea of how it’s build and they’re trying to charge for It like I get if you were paying like paying like paying me if I was paying you to build it for me sure I pay money but I’m not going to pay for a world download everyone gives free world downloads who makes you pay for a world

Download maybe if it’s like a full finished World usable for a server that’s that’s Payable but not some buildings that I can’t even use in a super flat world like and what makes it worse is they even have they literally say and I quote Some Farms Redstone ideas are adaptations from other me Minecraft YouTube channel credit goes to the original authors

Which they didn’t even name the original authors yeah they didn’t even say the original authors you say credit goes to them but put them in there that’s how you credit somebody come on and then you want to go and commercial license yours boy nah that ain’t that ain’t cool you can’t do

That I mean arguably yes legally you can um now the thing is like I said I’m perfectly fine according to the creative Commerce license I allowed to do this they can’t tell me stop and tell me no So based on this they can’t do anything I just can’t

Sell the building myself but even then it depends on what I do if I change the format change the design like it’s not like they did anything special it’s still a it’s still a boted home like the one from Securo that we’ve been over where if we literally look at every Minecraft

Version of this House it’s damn near similar if not better so it’s like I I don’t know it’s it’s weird for me to to to see it like this and then see someone try to commercial license a bot which by the way that is probably the best looking version of that castle

Is there a World download for that I would love to see that I would love a download for that that looks Nice and they made that whole thing made by Mythic Mojo that’s cool and they like they like uh so there’s there’s a shout out right there shout out to the person who made that I actually absolutely love This it’s on the cube Community server oh so if you want to even go see it you can literally go to the server it’s on the cube Community server you can literally just go there and see it that’s that’s actually genely cool I like that and it’s free and it looks

Better put a commercial license on it boy you don’t need to put your license in it like what is that that’s just whack that is just whack yo what the hell yeah I’m thinking about like something like this for the internal structure that’s almost the exact kind

Of concept I’m not doing that exact thing because it’s it’s that they’re actually replicating the asena Castle Almost 100% I’m not doing that um basically what I’m going to do is for the building structure that they have made I’m going to turn this into an upper floor right

Here and then probably utilize another area for another floor but an open open walk I probably do like an open walkway and they make a secondary floor right here so this would be like an open walkway floor and then this would be an actual floor floor with stairway up

Upwards okay I just had to like double check it because I’m like why do I have to pay for it and then I wanted to make sure it was okay that I use it and according to this everything I’ve been doing makes it absolutely okay that I do

It like I’m not even using some of the same building material because I thought this aesthetically looks better I think that aesthetically looks better I think it’s fairly Snappy and it kind of needs more expansion like more building connections over here which that’s will probably what this will do it’ll Connect into

Other building points like this will merely be temporarily here especially since I still have some ideas I want to do this would be like an upper so yeah no okay we’re fine we’re fine I had to be sure cuz as soon as I read that I was just

Like hold up man hold up you copyrighting this like I I get you can kind of copyright anything but we’re good we’re safe that’s that’s the bottom line here we’re safe I like how I said all that you did not get to see any of it so basically

All I said was I’m planning to expand this side and this side out this is fine but I might actually keep this oh I might try to see if we can like adjust this a little bit and maybe even get a fence line within it

Because I feel like a def line is at needed I even changed this like I thought this needed to not be so open it just it just needed to look better so yeah no honestly their structure just needs work I don’t think it’s terrible for a baseline but it

Definitely needs some love to the idea since they’re going to commercialize the product like I can’t get over that now God that makes me angry actually I just I don’t see people do that like I get you can make money doing stuff in Minecraft and I don’t have a

Problem with that my problem is Like sing the World download but that’s that’s so weird why would you if I keep talking about it I’m gonna get angry must be a good reason why they doing this so I don’t see why they’re doing this I also did this log instead of like the straight log because this

Aesthetically is also a little bit more pleasing and it doesn’t create like little dashes I have to like work Over H so what I’m think I’m going to do is I’m going to kind of are they it looks like there’s a gap there but it’s hard to tell that’s also the worst part about this is I have to actually like look into the project itself to kind of see

What’s going on all the way through so they have a zoom in featuring right here should probably open this on YouTube because I did just watch the YouTube version of this Uh this tree is kind of blocking the way I can’t tell what’s going on over here Gates I would do fences there shouldn’t these shouldn’t be Gates these should be fences the the thing is with the Japanese structure design it’s like almost like a fence line thing so by

Doing Gates it kind of mitigates that that that design to it I think it should be not Gates it should be fences and I almost want to see what does the Birchwood look like again the Birch Birch door there’s Oak that’s bamboo the bamboo one I do not like it’s way too

Like flimsy looking definitely for something more of like a cottage and less of a like an actual structure okay we have some bir ones if I remember correctly these look almost like so you could almost put if these don’t have handles on them can I see what they look like

Together no it doesn’t work it might work for something else but it it doesn’t work on the natural basis okay I might have something with it I I’ll see I’ll experiment with it but I don’t think it works here I think the fenes work better if I’m

Honest but basically for all the windows I keep using fence Lines so basically if you come up to here they have the they have the lining and the lining is fence and I can see where my height might become a problem so I might need to everything up by one which is also going to be very

Annoying um but I think it’s a lot more Stop I to if I do shift it all up by One yeah I didn’t think about that one I did not think about that one this one like a fidget tool it’s like a fidget Thing I should not have this in my hands it is nothing more than a fidget tool at this point stop stop it that just to go on a controller that might actually be expensive all right um I don’t want to bump it all up by one I’ve already done so much Work I uh it’s going to be Difficult I don’t think you understand how bad this is going to be oh my God no man this is not fun if I have to bump this up by one I’m going to cry but here’s the problem one two three I’m genuinely not looking forward to doing all This I’m going to see how this is if it’s if it’s not going to work then I will go back and fix it but based on the structural design of what they’re doing what I had was wrong and if that’s the case all of this needs to be bumped

Literally a full one block and I’m not looking forward to ripping up the entire upper structure to push it up one block I might do it as I go along I’ve done so much already it’s it’s insane it’s worth $5 no it’s not worth5 though I do not watch your

FIFA cuz FIFA’s a very bad game yeah yeah like how am I supposed to figure out that that’s the instruct that that is the the the height based on this angle and the fact that they didn’t put anything out until like last minute I’m going to double check with

The Cubes but I’m 100% that like they’re going to break a bunch of them okay that makes it easier so one two three four five six seven8 Nine those aren’t nine that’s why it’s awfully okay so it’s eight it is eight That’s eight all right um I got to watch him do this but I got to like super analyze it because one thing they did wrong here is the angle they perform here makes it really hard to tell what these what what the sides are supposed

To be if they were supposed to be like a full cube or are they supposed to be a slab they look like all slabs but I could be wrong I mean I mean worst case scenario I just look it over as I do it and then Decide I can’t tell that they’re putting a block down if that’s a slab that looked like a slap that looked like a full block right here not fully but like at this point right here looks like they did a full block I’m not sure why you do a full block like that

That doesn’t look right that looks so wrong I’m going to leave it a slab for now uh again this is this is just my opinion but it just looks weird when you do that it also looks normal when you use blocks in this area I do have to raise I just

I have to raise it a full level I just keep going back and I see this part right here and I’m just like bro you’re killing me now it might be easier said or easier done than said because it looks like all I have to do is like

Shave out the center point refill in the structure bump I mean I got scaffolds okay let’s just worry about the lower end and then just work our way up cuz if you take us if I take a a slower look it’s hard to see this in the way it

Is can we watch their video again on the website copy it’s easier to watch it on YouTube than it is to watch it on on Tik Tok where they have it uploaded which is horrible it’s a seven minute video on Tik Tok bro no one goes

To Tik Tok to watch a seven-minute video like not to be a jackwad about it but I’ll be honest no no one’s on Tik Tok watching a seven minute video you know they’re watching pretty bad videos what’s the difference between these two oh it’s just a show off and then all

Right so here I can reduce the speed to 05 which actually is easier for me on this one okay so bring down the playback speed to 25 but they used a double slab there that’s so weird oh they were getting rid of the Okay can you bump the quality like at All okay so I need to put another block right There okay wow when it’s not moving at ridiculously speed I can see exactly what they did there so yes they did this I don’t know why they doing it with slabs it’s kind of weird but they did this not ready their fist they did not ready their fist they might ready their

Fist if I perect this and do it better than them but you know hey Whatever so that means this it’s like this and then this block right here is a wooden piece why I’m assuming these points connect at one Point what did they put right There I guess we’ll see in a moment or I’ll see you in a moment I should say stop they put something right here it looks like a dirt block almost maybe it’s just easier than caring around double slabs or something all right same thing here boom boom boom boom boom and that’s that

Part but they cut it off short for some reason that’s so weirdly do things strangely out of order so should be one block off the wall where the hell did you spawn from it’s like one block aren’t you supposed to need like a full stack of blocks the hell did you come from

Bro or did you think it got like stuck on my scaffold and then got pulled up I still think I can think Of the only I can test this is like build up okay so this needs to be one more cuz it’s supposed to touch the block they have at a current like axis angled of this but yeah it needs to be like that nice and that’s what it looks like um

I’m not sure why they kept the center point Hollow with slabs I personally wouldn’t have done that I would just used I don’t know block sorry they they’ve kind of rubbed me the wrong way now using their build kind of sucks but the build isn’t terrible I’m not going to crap on that

Okay so my nice little Oak stairs my Oak dark oak stairs you know cuz that actually looks good that I don’t have on Me why am I using these I have scaffolding tools I’m just stupid aren’t I like I literally have scaffolding tools and I’m over here I think I’m just going to I need this to properly place so I need to be kind of like there we go there we go oh wait need damn it yeah the M the mid pillars have to be

White and I only brought four 10 oh do I have any more uh we do have more St ports I probably should cook some more hold up luckily I have tons of quartz yep I should have ton I should have another stack of smooth let’s say smooth

Quartz Block it’s a block of Quartz smooth quartz slab I might I might have like tried to figure out what I could do with the smooth quartz probably doesn’t help that there baked potatoes in There I don’t know I might be willing to remove that that that get up area because I’m no longer falling in the water as much as I was before who knows I haven’t decided yet okay yeah I think this looks better to do this looks so much better I mean I could do

This falling is my favorite Back and then when I raise that you’ll see through it entirely what do you guys think kind of look in Here all right let’s try this One Damn it I don’t like That yeah I I don’t like how that looks I’m going to do the fence I’m going to think about the course block there well what if I did that and then had the sign across like I did before that might be different if I do that and then I put

The sign across like I did before let’s try that let’s see if that looks like all around better yeah that actually looks with the sign on there it actually does look better so yeah let’s do that because what I did before it looked awful all it didn’t look bad it just

Didn’t look great in compared to what it probably could have looked like this is like the funkiest part is I have to kind of like scooch in here put down put it down put it down I said and then let’s get our fence up those are Gates BS damn it there that’s a

Gate thank you quartz oh this is bad a d okay Qui this is the most work I think I’ve ever put in a build in a house ever I’ve never built a house like this in Minecraft there I need more signs put um I need that I don’t need this wrong cool That D it there we go this is hard I’m not used to the scaffolds I’m very new the I did not use the scaffold I never used the scaffolds before they are very new to me y’all going to have to let me Cook still learning how to use that’s Small no it shouldn’t be that Small I do some that’s very weird shouldn’t be that Small maybe cuz I made this within size I can’t tell it’s really hard to Tell it should be about the size of the entrance no the pillars are within literal parallel of the pillars below ow maybe can’t Tell D really D I’m almost thinking we should do the slap ABS I’m going to try that with this one actually let’s take this down it’s fine I have the SL no Don’t I just want to see if the slabs look better than what I’m using or what I’m trying I should say obviously I expect this the pillars to hold that look but not This That actually looks better yeah do that it doesn’t work down there but it works down here so I like that give me that Stop measuring the D Had crab loocks on yeah let’s go and do that again damn it It’s fine I don’t I don’t need them right now oh my God get out of there really Ain’t this fun kids oh my God this is a lot of work but looks good on this end after I remove the the back after I fixed that mistake it should look a lot better why am I breaking those I actually still need those so I have to do the roofs No this what’s what’s this and this will just make my job easier if I have scaffolds in place because while this guy built it in Creative I’m building it in survival yeah uh Uh what do we got it’s probably the exact same thing I figured it was talking about yep it’s talking about the Um I watch them do this again yeah they’re doing Uh it’s even worse the video quality is like so bad as soon as their Night hits it like it’s really hard to tell what the hell is going on on some of the occasions so I did all of this Already stairs stairs stairs do all that Uh I’m on the setting of slower speed right so they build all their courts they bu all their stairs Down one two three okay so they basically Go they put um where’s the level of It they’re aligned with the stairs I think one Two one two three four five what’s great is that because of their little ruler they put here I can tell where it Goes right here one two three four five so if these pillars here are four one two three four five right here and is it the upper or the lower point of it the upper Point so here they do it all I don’t know if they do it all the way across but I did see them go like to like here I say no don’t open up That I think they go across the whole thing it’s hard to say but for now we will and it looks like from this point they go forward or this point hold On so the middle section should meet this point here basically so it’s Oh right here like I said their video makes it like really hard to tell where everything Is 1 two three four it doesn’t look like it’s in line with the white though it looks like it’s in line with the first step is right here does that go that way no no did I do something wrong or did they or is this just their video that’s not cute That right that feels Weird they did four out and then filled in the four here is it supposed to be hanging no it’s supposed to be even so hold on a second then it’s definitely the camera angle cuz I’m looking at this and it looks like it should have been the way I was making

It and the way I I thought it was supposed to be done this and this is still supposed to be fully exposed I think it’s only because the camera angle and the way this wood is like layered yeah cuz if this was here this would be poking out

More and it looks like they knocked this out Stop so this is supposed to be another slab right here I guess and then these are meant to be Sakura blocks CH them sorry this is supposed to be a Sakura block here this is supposed to rise on those blocks like this right here and then these are meant

To be be like Sakura blocks that this can go up to on right yeah it’s just like the really weird angling of everything they have bum bum bum yeah that was 100% I was 100% right this is this is It’s just their angle it’s like so weird the way they have it hold Onh I have to like keep replaying this section here because of their weird camera angle so yes um this is supposed to be a Sakura block here then this is supposed to be this Um from there then it’s supposed to go this supposed to reach already or did I not extend this far enough I don’t think I extended this far enough this is just really difficult ult because their camera angles really funky I have to like go back reload go

Back reload oh my God wait a minute are my pillars bigger than they’re supposed to be I don’t think they are these might be bigger you know what honestly it’s fine I don’t think it matters I made these bigger yes but that I don’t think really matters they aesthetically look pleasing they’re

Still nice to look at the eye like they’re not bad I will leave them as they as I please because they don’t look Bad but this is definitely super funky right Now um cuz I think there’s a bit of a depth perception problem here in the video like a pretty hard one yeah I made the pillars a little too close in but that’s fine like I really don’t care one two 3 four no I can’t be Right yeah I went boom boom boom 1 2 3 4 and then after the four it should make an L here is where your L should be wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do they do any more yeah there’s a hole right

There there should be a hole after the four right Here I’m like almost deciphering this man like this is ridiculous I have to sit here and play like pick pick the pocket of like every single one of these moves the onlyon I’m not giving up is I’ve already like committed to a grand majority of the build Already yeah these are supposed to be three they have to be one two it’s a dude the perception of it is so garbage it doesn’t look like it’s three over here but it looks like it could be three over here I don’t know but this is your off access point

Here so where where does it sit that’s where the sakuro is goes to there down that’s up to you this is the Japanese server just to let you Know the Japanese server so I don’t mind but I’m going to let you know the instructions are going to be kind of hard like difficult this is not plugged in by the way I just I have it in my Hand but I am letting you know like you’re welcome to join the server that’s your call but it’s Japanese it’s all Japanese strong anti- grief system yada yada Yada this is so hard that’s why it looks like a full block okay so no I was right yeah no this goes like this boom Boom wait what that’s like That hold on I have to like recreate this this is Ridiculous these aren’t blocks they got to be like this and then boom boom it doesn’t look like three but it’s three oh my God man that’s such a weird that camera angle is just so Bad the camera angle is awful yeah but if you want to join it’s fine I don’t mind it’s just I’m warning you now it’s does that say f is that supposed to be like Five Nights Freddy’s Or I don’t mind if you join just know what you’re about to go up and Go okay okay okay okay bud okay Bud it’s just difficult to look at here bu bu this is has to be three it’s just a really poor camera angle coming from their their their recording either this is three either this is two or this is three this has to be three this looks like no more than

That based on that one two one two three Yeah this is awful this is awful it’s so not the not the the video the video they’re using is just awful it makes it really really hard to do my job okay like this is the most Kur fuff thing I think I’ve seen the whole time I’ve been doing This okay okay I see you why did we break it and then reassimilate it or reassemble it it’s weird there you go mix that there should go to start Up it’s hard work but it’s worth it I don’t know what I’m doing man it’s for in the bloody morning I’m just playing Minecraft okay I it’s 4 in the morning I’m playing Minecraft what do you want out of me not me okay okay okay ah no why couldn’t you stay like

That that’s annoying but no seriously why couldn’t it stay like that I needed I needed it to what the hell there be like that I don’t know why you canceled out on me all right thank you I don’t know how the scaffold thing works in this game it’s being constructed right here

Okay so that means D It ow stop don’t take damage I’m trying to Build N all right let’s see how that’s looking on this end what was the problem with it they like broke it and then put it back and I’m like what all right and then they put like one right here and then Go probably get down real quick because I’m going to break that and it’s going to it’s going to just go can I go down please it’s all I Ask thank you right here that should make that should make it a lot EAS easier now that I only have to like jump to one why am I making him in the dead center why I just make it on the side like a smart player

Would why am I stupid why don’t you guys watch a stupid streamer please please please don’t take a rem Mark to that D it up D it D it Okay and then we go out again that Bro if you want to use a slab yeah if you want to use a block just just use a block stop using slabs because it just gets really frustrating when you do that boom block block block it’s not hard guys like just got to keep using slabs all the way through

Mostly to piss you Off anybody who tells me Animal Crossing New Horizon has better music than pretty much the rest of the games is immediately wrong sorry but it’s fact it’s just New Horizon can’t be This like this is holiday sounding versus where I hear on the current one just it’s not good I’m not happy with New Horizon’s music I don’t like it some of it’s okay okay but like it’s it’s kind of mid in comparison to like literally every other song Animal Crossing has made even It’s you Know you did it again if you want to use a block just use a block nobody will judge you it just makes Sense instead of being really stupid with your placements Boom I think these both get one Right yes pretty much the same thing all the way through boom all the way down Okay D it why’ you even go There okay we have to do that one I like I squinted at it for I’m like wait a minute can you just be a slab here can we do this maybe something like this there we go that’s better that’s Better Most people won’t know who I just made a noise of you got to know the game silly we just got to replicate what it looks like over here uh uh on the Wood like upper or lower upper piece and Dy I’m in real life on this that I made because what they did is annoying and difficult to follow I think that was done on purpose honestly I I 100% believe it was done on purpose and based on what their thing says yes I 100% believe it was done on purpose uh boom

And you have something that goes like this and that makes that shape that goes to three that goes to four and you go boom boom and that makes that is that the same thing over here I didn’t even think about it no how did I do that something’s

Off oh you’re not supposed to be like that are you oh you’re supposed to be like that and you’re not supposed to be like that think two three I mean I can add that I can make it like that and it would add that like textured look to it

Like a layered a layered effect cuz I actually started kind of looking at that and that looked nice compared to what they did this will give like almost a layered effect versus what they did by removing that and then making that and it gives like a yeah look at

That that looks so much better than what they did this gives a layer like transition this is one two three but if we do the one two three with this instead of that that comes off looking much nicer yeah do that do that do that do that do that not

That see look at that boom gorgeous I I definitely like that more the layered transition just comes off a little bit better there I’m not trying to crap on their like original version it’s just like you’re going to make me pay for it I’m going to complain a

Little if you’re going to try to make me pay for it I’m going to complain a bit I think that’s fair I’m going to make the video difficult just so I make you so you want to pay pay the money that’s how I felt watching that

Plus putting a copyright in there in the thing it’s fine I’m just choosing my color palettes as I go anyway that’s the only reason it bothers me so much but I definitely like how it hits like this like see the layer upward versus before it had like that block there and

It kind of just kind like a giant chunk this creates like almost afraid effect which is a nicer tone and a better exchange of color color points art Stu be an Artist so it’s supposed to kind of go up again after this and you’re supposed to do it again I really hope they don’t intend to like do the entire side panel without rotating the camera at all anyways we should probably finish the center points of them eh no they’re focused on finishing the

Outer Point first which makes no sense to me okay now as I mentioned before my pillars are a little bit more distant than theirs so what does that mean I have to now make an Adaptive design for it did you just like chunk it a full chunk Upwards yeah they did why that’s really strange well I can’t do that because I have opening spaces of two I can do that for this one this is an opening space of a lot oh wait cuz I haven’t done the rest of the pillar on this one that’s why I’m wait

Hold up a second that doesn’t seem right there you go so because like mine are that I have to adapt it I almost Fell no I got to do the same thing on this side too good to have I actually kind of like the scaffolds a lot I remember doing this kind of stuff back when I had like a ladder oh God I literally just like Goose pimpled on the goose pimple

Goosebumped I watched a video Someone said Goose pimple and it hasn’t gone out of my head why is oh my God where did that go uh I going need it allen wrench that I believe the Allen wrench is still in just join the server uh come that one’s too small Ser I Swear like the only reason you’re wobbly is cuz you’re loose do you want to be ban you want me B Guy they Left that attitude is player reporting n it’s called mini vasque okay I guess because they haven’t like shown up yet uh bully they’re not going to be like I’m not I’m not going to tolerate ra coming into this this this group bro piss off I’m the last the guy you want to be

Messing with on there Sh I’m like some of those people out there I’m actually willing to like do something about it like some people say and other people do I do I I’m I’m I’m actually slightly angered now and I I deserve to be angry about that that is so stupid like you’re

Funny because you’re HED by a level of Amity I’m trying to find my alen right cuz now I’m getting frustrated that my um this one’s thin are both of these super thin these are both the same size is the I should have another Allen W

Somewhere we got glue I fix it with glue or um Gorilla Tape yeah it’s like slightly loose I can feel it in my chair this one’s fine but also the cap stay on that one I don’t know where the cap went on this one this one’s cap has been popping out

Non-stop am I going to ever use these Coupons oh and what are they For it’s 50 Yen off of Ki is that supposed to be like a no calorie drink C ca ca mea is it supposed to be coffee or milk tea hold up we have Google Translate for this Reason that was my mother apologize for That All right let’s go ahead and get that Google translate on this it looks like for coffee for hot oh for hot I don’t really drink hot coffee unless I’m you know no it’s it’s not worth it for me it’s cool coupon all but I it expires literally tomorrow it expires

Tomorrow I’m not going to use it I don’t I don’t really drink coffee like that anyway I like that it took out the whole block that was kind of annoying uh boom and then they did this which I thought was strange ow I mean I see the design

Here seems like everybody kind of goes with the structured look there just happens to be the pink I was looking for now we that’s probably why that that’s like that but then just use a well we don’t need the pickaxe honestly we need the axe because the axe help me remove what thank

You we’re going to do that we might as well just do this it’s not where I want you okay I see the problem here so this covers this up but this isn’t but I guess that’s not a full yeah that’s not a full block that’s why D it that

Nice same thing over on this Side that that explains why they did it like that I was like why not use the full block this time I will give them the exception where it makes sense that they use the full block not this part this part looks kind of weird to me I might

Actually not do that let me take a look the upside is that’s like all they can do they can’t really do much else you racist little [ __ ] but it’s not going to do much uh I’m not crazy about how that part looks like the little upward shifted piece I

Feel like you should just keep it the same it’s so offputting unless there like a good reason for it I don’t see a reason to do that didn’t do that why are you in my structure this is my home you don’t belong here how did you even spawn up there

I have my B Arrow no I don’t ow that my arrows my arrows either I mean it makes sense I didn’t really need my arrows because I didn’t expect spawn a spider to spawn there weirdest crap in the world over here uh let’s put that way for

Now where am I arrows end chest probably no I don’t know these should go in there I need an arrow literally one Arrow now because of the structure site the way it’s set up I might actually do this after I shoot down damn spider why are you in my home

Boy get those arrows out of my goddamn house um we need some Sakura stairs you see what I did nice one more time that should do yeah we just need to adjust this slightly yeah we good this one’s fine although I am 100% on board of not doing

This it just looks weird it’s offputting it it’s it’s weird it’s weird it’s weird it’s weird it’s weird it’s weird I I don’t know if that’s like the idea of a creative choice all right but it’s definitely not my creative choice so I’m good and then we do it like

This boy I’mma slap you oh how much fun is that that where are you oh there it is kind hard to see it and I’m assuming the back side is pretty much the same as this side no cuz sometimes the back side’s better to look at really not understand that

Joke that looks nice that looks nice a lot of work that took how long not going to question that not my problem drink some tea all right cool made that change last minute a reason now they went from oh I’m going to do it like this to full hearty change of this nice

I mean it’s looking relatively nice I won’t deny that I’ve had to tweak it a bit but I mean I like it the way I tweaked it and when I mean a bit I mean I’ve done a lot as in dark oak versus BAS Oak this stone versus that stone this flooring

Versus the other one this one makes sense I mean although I might switch these out to Bri brick I got clay recently didn’t I oh no I tossed it okay that explains it that’s fine I’m fine with it like it doesn’t bother me I don’t think it’s necessary

Either the way I have it designed I’m pretty good on what I need okay Something right now um trying to find a way to do this Um uh okay I found a way to deal with them I mean you think it’s funny to come in here and be racist but it’s not hard to literally just take your name here Mr mini vas it’s not hard to do this mini BOS you want to act racist mini

Vas what’s my name again I don’t remember H SP okay okay so I was forget my my gamertag switches so many times it get it gets it’s different between so many different platforms it’s ridiculous at times okay we got it uh just lowercase the K so it actually matches perfectly

Uh oh nothing’s going to be funnier than if this kid’s L account gets banned I okay so first I’ll show you what I uh first I’m getting this kid banned on Minecraft must be racist coming to a Japanese server and be racist uh I can happily I can happily help with

That because apparently people don’t know Minecraft has a literal a literal reporting page uh I don’t know there’s a lot more information I’m unaware of but this is what it looks like right now that’s the front it’s what I’ve gotten done so far literally just the front I had to make

Some changes because I didn’t do their design entirely I did it kind of my way um like the entrance here is actually smaller than it’s supposed to be this is actually supposed to be over one block over and then that’s supposed to be white pillars but it’s fine I literally

Don’t care at this point I am not changing anything else especially since I now have to push an entire floor up to accommodate for the design but that’s what it is right now I just need to cut down these logs here and back it off but it should be F that

Shouldn’t be too bad honestly it’s really not that bad it’s literally the vertical sections that the vertical sections that need to be cut down um and after that it shouldn’t be too hard luckily I have the tons of scaffolding tools really the scaffolding is the biggest reason why I’m able to do

This as I’m watching this guy whip around in creative and then tries to charge $5 for you I’m not going to get over the $5 and cop right like boy you’re copyrighting a design that pretty much like 40,000 other people have but anyways um yeah someone came in here and decided

They want to be like super racist so I thought it you know hey must like being reported then eh I didn’t lose any to the water did I I might need to put some like glass under there so I can keep the aesthetic but at the same time not lose it to the

Water I feel like it’s dropping in the ocean Maybe okay that was a good Chunk that’s what I’m saying I’m reporting them like they’re being racist like I’m not I’m not in the mood for that crap that’s I’m a Japanese server we don’t need that luckily nobody else was on we already had a deal with us someone who tried to come in and hack what’s even

Funnier is their name was hack and um well I don’t have the the power to do anything about that uh Mata does and she immediately like dealt with them and just removed them from the server she thought it was very strange they like came in never said a word

And then just like okay well that was weird they basically came in and were super silent and she was like no no no no no no no no we don’t need that we don’t need to risk that especially when your name is literally hacks hack hack hacker

Guy like bro no we’re not going to keep you in the server I don’t need that But other than that I think this this aesthetically looks pleasing the only thing I didn’t really like with their design so they did like a block here and like raised it up just like so imagine the block and then they had the top piece right here that’s what this was originally

This was a block and then they have the top piece here and then I’m looking at that I’m like why would you no that looks so funky and there’s nothing there that’s like actually a good argument for it I don’t see it the only problem is I don’t know the Java

Email so I’m going say that’s the Java account I don’t know their Java account email that’s kind of a weird thing for me to know would you say that’s the in Java name oh I can take a screen yeah we should take a screenshot did I take a greens

Shot we’ll see we’ll see if I took a screenshot I had F2 yep right there go ahead and open that drop it in here and we submit it uh why are you doing this all right we’ll see what happens I highly doubt anything’s going to happen but you

Know with the screenshot I think something might actually happen if I’m honest like that’s not something that can really be ignored or Faked you know it’s it’s there it’s it’s open Visual Evidence For I misspell the name mini oh yeah I did no I didn’t can might not have anything there For that’s kind of creepy no I mean seriously um that’s weird I found them I mean I already reported them so I don’t care but I what is that you ID I didn’t know you can just look up people’s accounts like that that’s wild and also terrifying that’s that’s wild to me I

Didn’t know you could do that I know you can do with league but I didn’t know you can do that with Minecraft that doesn’t seem very safe it’s it’s mostly to get like people’s skins but you can see a lot more detailed information with them trying to watch this this situation

They’re trying to set up here so it’s one two three really game really you do that let got to do that uh okay so the only one that’s actually lifted is the one prior to it after that everything is under like this all right I’m I’m confused this is

A lot this is a lot a lot to follow luckily it’s now daylight so it’s actually able to be seen okay so they do this L shape how many blocks it’s like three one two based on like how poor the camera angle is I I wouldn’t doubt it being

Three I I don’t know how that’s supposed to work but I’m not going to question it we’re just going to my God I’m staying up very late doing this build we streamed eight hours probably should have gone to bed already it is 5 in the morning hello America how y’all

Doing I don’t know what a sleep schedule is what’s a sleep schedule and this should kind of put a block is this not high enough you’re making me sink again it might not be high enough it’s not high enough luckily this is this is not the worst thing in the

World like this is easily to man this is easy to manage like I can actually do this but I thought this was really close it’s really really close to it I didn’t thinking that the whole time I’m like that is weird to set it up like

That like that let me let’s go back a bit yeah it’s like really so once I kind of like a better look at this this is 100% three which is fine there he goes then one two boom boom and then we go what this rides the lower channel In or how many blocks it’s like I’m going to assume it’s like roughly a block shorter than what it actually perceives to be one two three yeah that was three I could I clearly see the stack count on that one two three L shape then this come along with

Me in the butterflies and bees we can wander through the forest and I don’t know this I just like it come along with me I got to see them do that again it’s it’s the section it’s just so fast so then they fill those up okay the biggest thing that tells me

It’s a good where to put it is that it’s offc centered it’s off this point so then they go from there out one which should no Way can I see how many spaces I did it again I’ll adjust it if I have to just that has to be three what whatever man I’m goingon to just adjust it whether whether I’m right or they’re they’re wrong I might have extended the length a

Little oh wait yeah I I’m a I’m a I’m a block ahead I have to adjust for that I forget about that at times where did where’d it go oh what how can I bro you’re not do that thank you thank you Game just want to break this one thank

You yeah I can’t forget about that factor like I’m a block out more than theirs is mine’s 28 theirs is 27 actually 26 theirs is 26 mine’s 28 so I’m a full like two blocks bigger than theirs then they go block down over up up how many times is that

I can do lengthwise because we’re roughly the same length or width Lo down one two one two three they did it so fast they did four two three four and then follow it with this what am doing sorry there was H my back hold on a second why does that look

Different I just want to check something here before got a bet I also got to put that Curry away you know I thought it might be able to do that but I guess not boy I can’t go that way all right we’ll do this for now they did it two out why would

You why would you knock it out and then refill it back in okay that’s that’s annoying I have to watch them when they do this stuff all the time because they they’ll do stuff like that where it makes no sense for me but they do it

Anyway I need more slabs I do not know if I have any more Sakura slabs I do not This is difficult as hell this why I don’t make houses but at the same time I feel like once I kind of like finish the internals the externals it’ll be worth It Stop opening file Explor I’m guessing that’s supposed to be a brown block that’s what they’re about to change it to Yes Stupid stuff they’re doing just stupid stuff they’re doing is bothering me Okay Luckily this isn’t going to be that hard to change out kind Of it’s like it’s something I have to work my way up on say that and then I keep looking more at what I have I have to do and change it no that was right that Says that was right that Stays nice little song to have oh yeah I forgot we have to raise this because it’s I did something weird with the structure because of my odd angl because of my odd numeric I have to adjust to that which is fine that’s actually the easiest part about fixing this ah anyways

Can we chop that down please thank you yeah that looks a lot better uh okay so look like we can kind of just copy the the same re um replicant here like this and then block and then we can do yeah so it should be almost the same spacing right this isn’t

Right I’m doing it wrong but right at the same time you know that if anything that just helps me claim it as my own at this point all they’re helping me do is like design the roof like at this point it it that’s pretty much what’s happening they’re

Just designing my they’re helping me fix the make the roof design because the way I’ve been doing this it’s it’s like nothing like theirs but at the same I mean it doesn’t look bad what I’m doing it’s just I I probably would suck at this roof if I was doing it

Myself the only thing I only I confused me cuz I’ve been doing this like to the T so I’m really confused what did I did wrong right here yeah this should be hold up yes I’m following it to the T you know I honestly don’t care

Anymore I want to say it’s their camera angle at this point CU like I if I have to base it off of this I’m going to lose my mind at this point their whole video is only to help me like design the roof because I’m not going to be able to do this

Myself everything else is M yeah these pieces actually have to be raised oh looks BR this is hard ah not used to doing like building I’m not used to doing the thing Minecraft is meant to be for I meant to Breaking I’m used to breaking minecraft not playing it a damn it out

Two one two four on the inner point and then in the upper Point that’s this one two three four and this should be Expanded BR know all right so then four on this all right then from there we go downward okay let’s take a look IV f up there really but outside of that it looks about even now what do they do with the Center Point other than this Thing they do something like that for the center there’s this more space than nine but I like I said at this point I don’t care I just need help designing the roof I do with the I can deal with the structural integrity and all that other crap

Stop um I need to cut down more soccer trees I don’t really want to cut mine down I’m tempt to just go find some in the cuz I have a ridiculous amount don’t need these give me that give me that let’s go I know there’s some I think I remember some being on

The more Northern bound area of it so if we go this way instead there should be some this way I remember them because I would try to get them from before or I saw them before last time I did them I know my voice might sound just

Groggy I’m just tired but I really want to like I I don’t know I just don’t want to stop now I’m like hyper fixated but I probably should stop soon get the curry put away and then go to bed so we’ll probably get the blossom trees and then dip

I hope they’re this way cuz I don’t entirely remember where they’re at but I swear it’s this way because I remember doing all this before ow don’t get impacted wisdoms kids they hurt yeah that’s not my boat luckily this kind of helps tear through a majority of that

They’re on the right side if I remember them correctly I don’t mind doing the water one or the other man well I mean if you’re going to offer I won’t say no to some free gold not a village what is that that a village there even a gold block here

No blame what is that that is one deep trench I wish I had a PO I for that I need to figure out how to make those potions I will probably be Googling that in bed tonight along with studying my Japanese oh it’s a okay yeah it is a

Village personally one of my favorites not it’s like actually good or anything just because it’s aesthetically more pleasing of one fine be a grumpy Grumps a bunny just died not sure how bro there’s got to be chust one of these potatoes I don’t need a potatoes I want some bread or dark

Oak oh doesn’t that like disenchant things I think someone already hit this up that might be why it’s kind of like Baron scares there’s some bread those are Spruce logs it’s a very different log what I’m looking For stone cutter bro there’s a stone cutter thing in there just go use it why ain’t none of y’all the stone cutter oh being lame is what I’m Seeing there’s berries all over this one this one has a hidden chest oh this is a different one hey we got the Obby bread and some gold oh nice so an upper floor doesn’t it no just say two doesn’t have an upper floor it has glass luckily I’m not speedr running or

That would be a huge disappointment be like Village Blacksmith gold Obby just want Stu the OB is actually seven OB actually kind of cracked especially since you had a portal not that far back so yeah never mind that that Obby is not too terrible it’s more fun to walk

Sometimes sometimes it’s more fun to walk sometimes it’s a pain but clearly no one was here cuz I got obsidian swear there was soccer trees somewhere found them just how do I get back up there over here damn that’s also a deep French no it’s not I lied that’s

Disappointing didn’t be me a liar really just want to be a truther Oh Boy Lava my favorite that’s a comforting sound ain’t calling you a truther normally yes I would just Farm the socer trees at my place but it’s easier to just go out here and Maul all of these

Ones down since they are just going to be reset in a week and I don’t really have to care I should probably take more of these flowers back too here actually nice there we go Uh oh hello wow I didn’t expect that actually this is another example ow like this is a prime example of that as well break that that and that I really don’t want to fight the Phantoms man so I might just call it a night I can ignore them time just to

Like go to bed and then come back the next day and hopefully it’s not night while I’m trying to get wood from the trees ow we got 64 Stacks so far how did I not finish this one that is so weird now out of habit I will replant what I can before I

Leave don’t care you can piss off [ __ ] off damn [ __ ] man just leave me alone they’re the dumbest enemy design they barely do any damage and they just sit there and annoy you the whole time God sorry I just they’re just so annoying why was that voted

In cuz in case some of you were wondering that’s why the Phantom exists because it was voted in never like several better other contenders and we got that I’m going to take some of these cuz they will be for my Garden why can’t you just let me enjoy things got to watch him burn oh potato I pretty much just let them hit me because it’s not going to matter burn jackass leave the hell alone just trying Farm These trees and I’m getting bothered by constant Phantoms I get

It I didn’t sleep now leave me the hell alone almost done anyway at this point my only goal is to make sure I don’t have to come back out here and get more this is a very taxing roof a nice looking roof but it is a very taxing roof on logs nice

Nice I really don’t want to fight y’all y’all need to just get off my dick I’m trying not to say stuff like that while I play Minecraft J just really get on my nerves Phantoms really they just won’t get off me done can I continue my night of farming

Trees be nice be really really nice if I can do it completely on interrupted by jack wad Phantoms all right how many do I got I got a lot of logs let’s go home I got enough flowers got enough logs is are a membrane anywhere I for some OD reason have gold

I’m not sure where I got this but I got gold it’s cool I guess I got a lot of flowers I didn’t realize how many flowers I got let’s go and plant them I will change these out to better lights soon enough I like that oh these are

Oozing probably put these all over mine too well I don’t know where I want to put them just yet so let’s just keep them in the Shuler for now let’s get the Obby put away yeah let’s get the rest of this made I mean it’s structurally looking

Nice I actually I already have the idea of how I’m going to do the um yeah I’m going to do this so we’re do another one of these but because I have this the way it is we can do can I get my dark wood out those please BL as

Well so I’m going take a guess of what they’re doing here um I’m going to do it first though uh should these be like dark wood here as well that what I’m assume is it supposed to be like this no this is a marginal error I’m live you have that’s all I

Was that’s not what I wanted there very much game boom boom and then this here I was like that’s not right that’s not right doing a bunch of extra crap right now so here’s where I’m at I don’t know why they’re jumping around so much instead of just finishing but can’t reach my

Back yeah can beep beep beep beep beep oh [ __ ] all Right Let me finish the there you go how you looking hey we did it I had to correct a lot of stuff from the build that they did but yeah looking good now now I have to do some other aesthetical things why because we need let’s see if I can how these look

As I go along it doesn’t need a chain to hang or can I just put it on top of something like that CH okay what we need to do I’m not against this blocking the way it is but I think this should be a slab so I can get the hanging I’m thinking I should cut the slabs there that way I can do this and do something like

That it’s going to do that either way difference is that can hang like it does look a little bit better when you do it like that but just that’ll be a little bit frustrating but the thing is I’m not supposed to be back up here after I finish it yeah

Boom I got to jump looks pretty damn nice all right now you can go off and do some weird stuff in the midst of it All the hell why that’s fine I honestly could care less I want to know I’m getting a little annoyed and frustrated at it but uh no wait wait wait wait I’m sorry I’m starting to get like more quiet as I go along with it I’m just tired at this point

So we do stack up here there as much also not great it nice the hell you doing on my land do you want to square up it’s just these two excuse me I did not invite you when the hell did you get here all right you know I am too

Tired for this right now I’m not going to play Shoot Wars I’m just going to screw you over come on yeah piss off cute wads here bring a bunch of garbage in my yard sit here building my house what happens there’s some villagers here for some dumb

Reason as I’m just trying to build my house got some pillagers like hey how’s it going we just want to kill you like yeah bro just not here it’s the resource worlds for not my land cuz I will just Slaughter you I mean I’m going Slaughter you either way

But this way is a little bit less you know slaughtery I I don’t know I’m pardon me m I’m just tired keep opening and closing things Cal stop it’s just it’s just frustrating if I’m honest there thank you thank you boom ta how they on my yard damn kids stay off my

Lawn all right boom boom honestly that’s going to have to do I’m too tired for this I think I got a lot of good progress in for having to readjust an entire build adequately my current structure like I’ve done I have to do a lot of rework design for it because

Their design between me not liking their design entirely and some of the stuff just needs to be reworked due to the fact of how I built it at this point I’m just using their thing as a roof uh I’m using their thing as a like a roof tutorial

Anyways I’m done it’s been nine hours I think I should go to it’s 6:00 a.m. I’ve got Curry still on the stove that needs to go in the fridge luckily it’s cold as hell so y’all have a good night I’ll see you around byebye

This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY HOUSE!!! ! 日本のMinecraftサーバーで楽しむ [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by SakuraiKai on 2023-12-30 21:22:26. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 09:15:22 or 33322 seconds.

Have enough time to set this up today so here this is.

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  • INSANE Minecraft Diamond Mine Battle!! #MinecraftMadness

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    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT DAY 2: CRAVING MORE LOGS 🌲Video Information [Music] a [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello hello welcome um hello it’s been a while uh I have been Not Dead uh I got a new job and well not a new job but like a promotion to my previous job um so I’ve been kind of busy with like six hour day work works and Sunday was my only day off for a little while so I kind of wanted to not stream for a little bit but I am back and hopefully I will do Sundays um as much… Read More

  • Exploring Shizo’s Epic Pillager Base! Ep. 13 #minecraft

    Exploring Shizo's Epic Pillager Base! Ep. 13 #minecraftVideo Information welcome to reaction seeds let’s go do you like the Cherry bioms I was give this seed for Bedrock Edition I leave it right here on the screen here we go okay we spoon in this area okay we have a cherry bioms okay and go to exploration these are ooh wow guys look we have a beautiful Cher beum we have a big Village and we have a Pillager base but guys look at this Village it’s very very big we have more Village do you like it guys subscribe and leave a like if you know… Read More

  • Dg Six – CRAZY Minecraft adventure LIVE!

    Dg Six - CRAZY Minecraft adventure LIVE!Video Information see [Music] Adams fall apart soer flares arrive buildings collapse collapse only a few Will Survive the world as we know it will no longer be there be there water is gone is gone a new era has [Music] begun prepare yourself for the Apocalypse [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Apocalypse [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the heat is scorching scoring forests burned up burn bur up the sky colors red volcanoes erupt the world as we know it will no longer be there be there is gone a new has be prepare yourself the Apon ppse the apocalpse [Music]… Read More

  • Shocking Collab: TeeHiggz_Gaming & CaptainSparklez 2010 Hit Song #nostalgia

    Shocking Collab: TeeHiggz_Gaming & CaptainSparklez 2010 Hit Song #nostalgiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘@CaptainSparklez Another song 2010 kids listened to #childhood #music #minecraft’, was uploaded by TeeHiggz_Gaming on 2024-03-25 01:27:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos! https://www.capcut.com/t/ZmFqSEvbB/ Read More

  • CoronaCraft Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+ Dynmap Discord 1.20.4 Whitelisted Simple Voice Chat

    CoronaCraft – Join Our SMP Community! CoronaCraft is a community-based SMP with over 120 members from around the world. We are welcoming new members for our current season. Our server is nearly 4 years old and we recently started a new season about 4 months ago. Join us through our website or discord. Server Features: Custom Advancements Expansive Shopping District Proximity Voice Chat In-game Server Events Custom Roles Server perks for donors Friendly and helpful community Community Projects all the time Giveaways 24/7 Server Uptime Plugins to prevent thefts/griefs without ruining the vanilla feel Player/Mob/Mini Block heads for added gameplay Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Google: Crafting Recipe for Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Google: Crafting Recipe for Minecraft"Well, clearly this meme has achieved an impressive score of 11 out of…well, we’re not quite sure what the scale is here. But hey, it’s better than a score of 10, right? Keep mining for that meme gold! Read More

  • Crafting Viral Magic: Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Short Video Edit #Pakistani #Minecraft

    Crafting Viral Magic: Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Short Video Edit #Pakistani #Minecraft In the world of design, where creativity thrives, Adobe Illustrator, where art comes alive. Learn the tools, the tricks, the techniques so fine, In Urdu/Hindi, your skills will shine. Graphic design, a world of inspiration, Typography, color theory, a visual sensation. From logo design to brand identity, Adobe Creative Suite, your key to creativity. Motion graphics, vector art, UX design, Print design, design trends, all intertwined. Join the design community, let your talent soar, In the world of Adobe, there’s always more. So subscribe now, don’t hesitate, To unlock your potential, it’s never too late. In the realm of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Hot Dog” that left us in stitches. But amidst the chaos of Minecraft Mythical Survival SMP, we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. With epic battles, frog conspiracies, Minecraft geography quizzes, and the best Minecraft restaurant ever, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Plus, who wouldn’t want to join a server where you can get hired at the park, figure out life with friends, and play with zombies? If you’re looking to… Read More

  • Minecraft: A Review

    Minecraft: A Review The Impact of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Nostalgia Many of us have fond memories of Minecraft, a game that has left a lasting impact on our lives. From its humble beginnings with creator Markus Persson, also known as Notch, to its acquisition by Microsoft, Minecraft has evolved into a cultural phenomenon that continues to captivate players of all ages. The Origins of Minecraft Notch’s vision for Minecraft was simple yet revolutionary – a game where players could unleash their creativity in a limitless world. Whether you preferred the creative mode for building or the survival mode for… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Drone Creates Insane Art

    Minecraft AI Drone Creates Insane ArtVideo Information какой самый бесполезный моб в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это чешуйница или горная коза Но это далеко не так ведь даже у этих мобов есть свои применения чешу ца защищает портал Вента и из горной козы выпадает рок но всё-таки в Майнкрафте существует моб который абсолютно бесполезный и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это Зомби гигант потому что он просто стоит на месте ничего не делает This video, titled ‘Dronio… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Terrifying Mod – Midnight Lurker

    Surviving Minecraft's Terrifying Mod - Midnight LurkerVideo Information I know he’s in this cave somewhere oh is that this is the midnight lurker a man from the fog and caved while the hybrid who stalks you at night let’s see if I can survive the nights with him lurking in my world all right we’re here conveniently we spawned in the most ominous Forest out of all of them look how nice it sounds man damn this oh did not mean to do that okay well uh I guess the first thing a true Minecrafter would do is to collect some wood okay let’s do this… Read More

  • Tanmay goes viral with insane water bucket MLG in Minecraft!

    Tanmay goes viral with insane water bucket MLG in Minecraft!Video Information सी अगर हो गई तो बढ़िया है नहीं हो पाई तो देखते हैं क्योंकि यह मैंने लिटरली कभी अटेम्प्ट करी नहीं है ब्रो तो लेट्स डू दिस This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet epic water bucket mlg#minecraft #shorts #tanmay_creation @GamerFleet’, was uploaded by Tanmay Gaming Army on 2024-05-06 06:48:18. It has garnered 8238 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • 😱 Unbelievable 1 Block Survival Challenge Live with Juned 😱

    😱 Unbelievable 1 Block Survival Challenge Live with Juned 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 😱1 block😱Challenge Survival Series Live’, was uploaded by GAME ON JUNED on 2024-02-15 02:57:28. It has garnered 192 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:00 or 6540 seconds. Minecraft 😱1 block😱Challenge Survival Series Live #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #gaming #live #gameonjuned ……………Thanks For Watching……….. YOUR QUERIES :- MINECRAFT MINECRAFT SURVIVAL MINECRAFT LIVE LIVE LIVE GAME LIVE MINECRAFT MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES MINECRAFT SURVIVAL LIVE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES minecraft 1 block minecraft sky block minecraft 1 block survival minecraft 1 block survival series GAME ON JUNED Read More

  • Unbelievable trick to join Astroid SMP/Lifesteal SMP

    Unbelievable trick to join Astroid SMP/Lifesteal SMPVideo Information तो स्पाइक आर्मी और आज की इस वीडियो में मैं आपके लिए ऐसी चीज लेकर आया हूं जिसे खेल के आपको मजा ही आ जाएगा एकदम मजा ही आ जाएगा तो वह है मेरी और मेरे एक दोस्त ने बनाई है अपनी खुद की एक एसएमपी जिस एसएमपी का नाम है एड एमपी अगर आपको भी व एमपी जवाइन करनी है तो आपको बनाने पड़ेंगे कुछ एप्लीकेशन य पर और उन एप्लीकेशन पर आपको पर फोकस करना होगा आई मन तीन चीजों पर फोकस करना पड़ेगा स्किल एडिटिंग स्टोरी टेलिंग और आपकी की क्वालिटी अच्छी होनी चाहिए बस… Read More

  • Insane 100 Day Minecraft Challenge with Zeyeo modpack

    Insane 100 Day Minecraft Challenge with Zeyeo modpackVideo Information [Music] [Music] little intro before this I’mma wait for it to load because I’m about to lose frames in my camera give it a second ah timate all the mods do I sound like the Squidward dude anyways voted on the poll this was the most Ro uh y’all wanted me to do another 100 day Series in Minecraft and I did all the mod six I mean there’s not really much for me to say we’re just going to we’re going to survive 100 days in all the mods I’m going to have the day count this… Read More

  • SEVER UPGRADED! New Update in Isora Feilianna Ch. ▶️🔥

    SEVER UPGRADED! New Update in Isora Feilianna Ch. ▶️🔥Video Information [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] ello Hello mọi người ủ bà trở stream sớm trước 2 phút rồi kệ đi Chúc mọi người buổi tối vui vẻ giờ thì Face sẽ húp cháo nốt 2 phút còn lại Hello h cao [âm nhạc] Hello cháo th chưa hết bị nhiệt miệng Mọi người ơi phải vẫn còn HC [âm nhạc] chá [âm nhạc] vô [âm nhạc] cháo cũng ngon 5 nă a rồi miếng cháo dính lên mũi rồi Trời trời trời Ừ nh miếng cháo nó dính lên mũi Mọi người ơi Ok được [âm nhạc] rồi Hello… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Hynoe!

    EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Hynoe!Video Information hey y’all we back with the craft y’all know what it de man we back with the c the cry playing m c all right let’s get up into it we on the latest release 1.2.4 oh dang I gotta click Realms dang it I clicked the wrong thing what’s good quible co [Music] quaa I can know I’m actually yeah I could join into to your chat you could join in in about two hours I got to make sure I give the fans an unadulterated pure gy for the first hour though at least and then… Read More

  • OMZ and ROXY Face HORRIFYING BLOOD MOON in Minecraft!

    OMZ and ROXY Face HORRIFYING BLOOD MOON in Minecraft!Video Information a touch it what the what wa that was freaky guys I think he now knows that we’re here what is that guys I don’t know where we are and today there is a Blood Moon that is a bad sign very bad sign Heather this is not a good idea of a play dat look at the nature it’s so beautiful we should just walk down this path oh no bro ly are we going down this path um I’m going just go first this ain’t even scary bro are you sure about that Crystal hold my… Read More

  • GameNight Network – Java/Bedrock – Bluemap – Survival – WorldGuard – mcMMO – QuickShop – Economy – New Server – 1.18-1.20+

    Welcome to the GameNight Family! Originally established for a weekly Game Night, our friendly semi-vanilla Minecraft community features fantastic builds by players of all ages. We also play games like 7days Palworld, Helldivers, & Pixelmon-MC. Server Features: Completely free server – No voting, no crates, no paid perks Land Claiming – WorldGuard protection mcMMO – RPG plugin with skills and abilities HorseRPG – Level up and customize your horse Economy – Player-based economy with various features LiveMap – BlueMap for 3D rendering of the map Play on Java or bedrock – Crossplay and Cross-progression supported Why GameNight? GameNight offers a… Read More