Hey guys welcome back to Minecraft today we are playing uh wizard Wars actually it’s not called wizard Wars today it’s TNT wizard Wars on Hypixel server and uh we’re just getting straight into it apparently I’ve actually gone um if you guys haven’t seen it before it’s uh it’s pretty cool you use Different types of axes and things it’s not necessarily on the axes um but it really is good fun type and uh you’re supposed the objective is to capture these bases see it’s kind of a wool thing and you’re trying to stop other people from capturing the bases uh John and I are on blue team at the moment and uh we’re trying to stop the Reds from getting this base this is the one closest to their base this is what we typically do we get right in the action um you kind of right click to fire off Some kind of laser beam of death not really a laser beam an explosive projectile it’s like a firework I think yeah something like that um right now John and I are the Wither Skull Wizards so that means that we uh actually um fire off Wizards goals with wizard with their skulls Oh girl this is hard to explain it at the same time yeah it is uh we we’ve captured Alpha this is what the space is there’s three there’s alpha beta and gamma and if you look on the right there it shows uh in blue the alpha beta and Gamma point out for a beta gamma and uh that means that we’ve got them all as lutein and then it has our points which steadily go up based on the amount of bases that we’ve got um so it says blue team’s got 620 29 38 47 is just going up like crazy Oh died oh um and then beside the points gamma Alpha and beta it tells you it has a number it counts down from five and if it hits zero um that means the other team’s like capturing it so like if you don’t if you’re not at the base and you can’t see Whether someone’s capturing it then that’s a good way to know and if you saw there it sort of started changing color to red as the red guys hopped on it that means that they’re trying to capture it and they have to kind of sit on it for five seconds I guess Something like that yeah um what a lot of people don’t seem to know about this is that you can kill people with uh you’re like hitting them with the ax like that there if you’re just like fiery things pop out when you hit people with the ax And what uh is sometimes a good way to kill people because your hunger bar is actually your Mana bar in this and so it fills up steadily over time but uh you know it’s not always full and if you need to kill someone he’s right Up in your face you know just smack him in the face with an ax that’s fine this melee him to death um now John and I as wither Wizards we have a special upgrade we take out this wooden wand thing which is actually a stick and we get absorption Hearts which are Like an extra row of Hearts you see there I’ve got some golden hearts above my regular pentagons um and that basically is just like you know extra parts um we’re not too sure how exactly they work because sometimes we seem to take hits and not you know actually like we have the Absorption Hearts but we still die um so the way I think it works is if you uh have enough Hearts to withstand the attack or whatever it is the damage then it’ll be taken from your absorption Hearts but if it would normally kill you like if You only had one regular heart but then that means that you would die and that you you’re dead that’s what that means so you just die um got some red guys here running off to gamma which is kind of behind this big base there wow that was that was a really good Explanation man was it yeah I think you covered like everything yeah it’s pretty cool I mean this this wizard worst thing John John and I have played a lot of it um a lot this guy’s here trying to capture this base but I’m standing on it so he can’t capture it Um one wow uh a good thing I managed to explain it to you in that short time span uh blue team’s got 2006 points and red team’s got 68 uh it’s first to 2 000 points and we kind of won uh GD guys GG everyone well done wow Well yeah thank you for watching the first episode of uh TNT wizard Wars yeah let us know if you want uh us to do more or if you want a better explanation or anything like that and I is that a horse uh yes that is a horse Um he is no he’s not a horse anymore he just turned into some neon creeper anyways uh let us know what you think in the comments below uh it’s fun lots of fun to play uh probably some some fun to watch I would think it’s pretty interesting pretty entertaining things Lots of explosions left and right yeah I think we’ll record just a couple more yeah yeah we’ve played a lot if you see there on the the side says 147 wins um and that’s probably about five losses yeah we haven’t lost a whole lot but uh yeah thanks for watching Yeah we’ll we’ll see you in the next one hopefully yep bye bye Video Information
This video, titled ‘Hypixel Server – Episode 1 – TNT Wizard Warz Tutorial’, was uploaded by Noise Berry Games on 2013-10-22 15:05:08. It has garnered 205 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:38 or 398 seconds.
Jon and Robby hop on Hypixel’s Minecraft server and teach you about their favorite game!
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JaRDev is a gaming channel that consists of best friends Jon and Robby playing games together and having a great time. We cover many different types of games, from indie survival games like Don’t Starve, to more popular AAA games such as Hearthstone and Far Cry. The channel began by creating mod spotlights for the game Don’t Starve, but eventually changed its focus to focus more on cooperative let’s plays and series of first impressions and reviews.
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