EPIC!! LEGO vs. Minecraft Build Battle

Video Information

This is a Minecraft build battle but we have to build Lego sets this is going to be so hard bro I already lost some pieces but what melon doesn’t know is I have a secret device that allows me to use the Lego command and build my Lego

Sets instantly how are you already done dude bro I’m just a pro Builder subscribe right now if you think my Lego build is way better than melons yo check it out we’re back in Lego world but this time it’s a build battle absolutely right Sunny if you’re open up this chest

Right here we’ll start with the shop okay I’ll get my information kit and take a look at this all I got to do is recreate this build yeah and whoever makes the best version of this build wins well good thing my instructions tell me every single block required um

Yeah well mine don’t really but it’s all up to interpretation chill creative mode you tried buddy whatever the timer starts now you have 5 minutes to build build the best Lego shop I will build a beautiful Lego shop unlike anything you’ve ever seen okay goats first things

First let’s start with the bottom of this build um this looks pretty good Birch planks in this Lego world it looks very similar to the blocks here right at the bottom then get some dirt some dirt matches this kind of block right there okay let’s see I’m going to need some

Yellow red white peach Brown so let’s start grabbing these blocks and some stone for the windows here and we need like a Yellow Block oh a block of gold perfect what does red concrete look like yellow white brown where’s a peach colored one I guess I will use Birch

Planks red and that’s a good starting point ooh some gray as well would be good that’ll do and then we’ll also get white concrete and now I think I have every block needed to build this awesome base let’s go B Bing okay build a gold dirt AC cross we’ll build from left to

Right boys now let’s see put it in the old offand and we’ll go to Yellow Bricks a little bit of birch planks up like this put the gray in the middle for this shop window bro I’m going to have an absolutely goated shop in no time put it

Like that cover this up oh yeah that’s looking clean a little bit like that something like this and white and red and white and red yep oh I’m actually about to get goated but you know what this seems a little bit slow I think I could do this a lot faster and with

Greater detail so let me show you guys my secret little Cheat Spot all the way up here go here build it up in my humble opinion the window is built like this then we got to build this uh this red and white striped building uhhuh uh-huh one more my shop is coming along

Splendiferously if I go inside of this golden ore take a look I have a barrel containing the Lego set builder 7,000 this weapon I can use to construct any Lego builds so of course I’ve got a cheat look how cool this is let’s see put my painting on the wall get the Lego

Set builder register that painting yes it absorbed it now check this out when I point my Lego weapon straight at my build I’m automatically going to build the greatest Lego shop you’ve ever seen okay boys I made some modifications to the shop to make it a little bit more

Accurate to replace the stone window with some of these glass planes and oh gosh I’m running out of time I’ve got to hurry up build build build build just got to fill up these last window panes and I’m almost done almost done it’s just missing one thing beautiful roof so

Let’s start with a layer of red concrete and then we’ll finish off with a layer of some beautiful m mahogany brown wood and by mahogany I meant mangroove I’m very confused right now and the mangroove will go right across and done my house is complete drawn with

Perfect accuracy wait hold on hold on I just realized the middle it needs more gold oh no I also missed a window oh hopefully Sunny doesn’t notice and voila just like that my shop is ready take a look at this place bro it’s perfect it looks like exactly like the image except it’s

3D sunny sunny time’s up it’s been five whole minutes and my build is ready and beautiful brother let’s take a look at yours first though exactly check it out I drew it perfectly the exact replica of the picture bro is this really what you made yeah bro it’s it’s perfectly

Accurate to the picture hold on let me check yeah you’re right it’s okay except you forgot the red the White H melon that is sad no you’re you’re you’re looking at the wrong side Sunny oh wao melon you actually crushed this take a look yep I know it’s perfect the only

Thing that would be better than this is if it were three dimensions hold on you’re telling me we were supposed to actually draw the entire house not just the front side of this yeah melon get over here and take a look at my shop no there’s no possible way there’s no

Possible way now you actually made the entire shop look at it melon it’s a perfect replica what the heck how did you do this sunny carefully and meticulously and by being the goat I’m the best yep oh what the heck also what was that in your hand I had the painting

In my hand oh okay sunny I can’t believe you actually managed to create this it makes no sense phw guys that was close melon almost saw my Lego set builder that’s it sunny in the next challenge I promise you I will prevail because sunny in the next round we’re drawing a zielin

Wo is that kind of like a steampunk hot air balloon yeah bro and it’s my specialty I’m going to crush you yeah we’ll see about that bro I’m just trying to figure out how I can make this three dimensions that’s going to be really hard bro I already know how I’m going to

Make this threedimensional and it’s going to be awesome yeah well then I’ll make mine four dimensions cuz it’s going to stink like poo uh that’s not how that works anyways Sunny you’ve got five minutes let’s do this okay goats I’m going to be honest and say I don’t even

Feel like trying this round I’d rather Auto build using my nice Lego set builder and then I’ll go prank melon a little bit so let’s just take a look here let’s place a few of these put our painting on it oh that looks good and

Time to absorb okay goats I need to do better this time around I need to find my blocks once more but this time I’ll make it three-dimensional let’s get some wood and all that’s left to do now is auto build some mangroove wood some brown concrete some white wool gray

Concrete and begin building okay building concrete instead of wood yeah that looks pretty good uh build it out a little bit more base of this is looking pretty strong grab some mangroove wood no way check this out it’s perfect my very own Zeppelin and I realiz I’m building this inverted but that’s fine

And then we’ll go bada bing bada boom bada bing bada boom it even has control do hickey so I can fly it oh this is awesome now let’s see how I can control melon let’s do yeah let’s get a sphere or maybe a cluster would be kind of

Funny yeah let’s do a cluster and we’ll make it like 10 blocks yeah that’s about right and we’ll do a cluster that looks like a checkerboard and save and it’s beautiful check that out out you see what I’m going for here you see what I’m

Going for watch this he’s going to be so salty when I use this on him oh look at him building and cluster did it work I hope it works maybe I have to get a little closer got to Fly Above him and PE we’ll build up this level right here

What is what is that what is happening to my build Sunny what are you doing Sunny nothing nothing I’m not clustering you what’s wrong bro I’m improving it dude this is not improving you’re ruining my build sunny all right let me fix that and here you go that’s it

That’s it you’re going to regret this sunny you’re going to regret this think I was too far melon hold on let me get a little closer to you stop get out of here kill Big Man sunny ow okay guys it turns out the Lego builder is not great for trolling but

It’s awesome for making the best projects now before I was so rudely interrupted and got my base freaking ruined I need to build the balloon out of concrete because it looks the best okay it’s Lego it’s not supposed to be functional here we go we’ll building the

Big balloon it will be completed soon and just like that my Zeppelin is complete oh but it’s not 3D I got to hurry up and make this 3D building it out there we go there’s one side here’s the second side and now we got to make

The decks a little bit larger here we go yo actually making this 3D pretty easily turns out starting in 2D actually helps quite a bit all we got to do is build up the sides like so and now check it out my ship has been made hold on threedimensional a 3D Zeppelin perfectly

Drawn to the description and with this last Cannon my finishing touches are complete hey melon time is up dude are you finished building yeah bro I’m done building and you won’t believe it sunny I made it 3D this time no nice bro let me take a closer look she’s beautiful I

Know I know dude it looks like a flying boat it doesn’t even look like a steampunk Airship bro it’s a Zeppelin No Sy stop what I’m helping and what even is that item in your hand I don’t know it’s supposed to turn this all into Legos but something’s going wrong Sunny

Just stop just stop I figured it out now I can improve your build yeah that’s real funny that’s real funny Sunny stop it I put my heart and soul into that and now you’ve got a bigger Airship you’re welcome okay you want to play these funny games huh Sunny let’s see your

Stupid build how the heck did you create this well I got to come clean this item that I have is the Lego set builder if I punch a painting with it it absorbs the schematic and then can build it automatically you cheated you cheater you lost you cheated yo goats quickly

Press like And subscribe before Mel can catch me sunny get back here you dirty cheats you know you lost bro today in Minecraft we got stuck inside legol land this is so sweet except that we had to have a build battle to decide who gets

To go home and who will be stuck in Lego prison forever no help goats like the video right now to free me from Lego prison oh man I’m so excited for my first day at the office this I got a new job working at The Lego company this is going to be

So cool I get to build Lego sets for so many people I’m going to make the greatest Sunny Legos you’ve ever seen oh melon’s going to be so jealous let me just park my car a little off-roading never hurts and get to work guys Sunny

Got this cool new job so now I’m going to decorate the house well he’s at work he’s going to be so happy ah yes The Lego company let’s go I just got to go upstairs to my office to punch in for the day hey good morning Jim hey Sunny

Everyone’s out of the office for the next few days because of a big corporate meeting out of town no worries Jimbo thanks for the update I appreciate it time for me to go into my office and get to work ah yes ah yes another day in the office I’m

Going to build the coolest set ever I’m going to have a son in the top left corner then I’m going to put these cloudy parkour jumps going through the center of the screen and I’m going to have a watermelon that’s getting splattered into a blender and turned

Into a smoothie what a beautiful Lego set it’s perfect oh I really got a poop I shouldn’t have drank so much coffee I got to go I got to Go that was Atomic just got to flush it down no no don’t tell me the toilet’s clogged no I got to get to the the maintenance room and grab a plunger this is so embarrassing I don’t want anyone to find out and it’s beautiful check out

This house Sunny is going to love it I shouldn’t have used so much toilet paper okay the maintenance room let’s see here uh yes a plunger perfect maybe a little paper to wipe up the mess it’s a good thing all my co-workers are out of town this would have been so

Embarrassing the toilet it’s right here good good plunge plunge plunge what the heck happened I just destroyed the toilet by accident and wait why is there Bedrock underneath this is awfully suspicious what’s that noise I hear down there wao that sounds awesome I really want to find out what’s

Beneath this and why is it hidden underneath my toilet I put the toilet back before anyone will notice well back to work ah couple more designs to make yeah I think this one will be a giant Sun obliterating a watermelon oh that looks good that’s perfect y all in a day

Is work can’t wait to tell melon all about my new Lego sets and I think I’ll tell him about this secret toilet area I’m really curious what’s down there maybe melon has some ideas of how we can break that Bedrock uh melon what happened to our house what I just made

Some upgrades hny don’t you like it it’s beautiful filled with glorious fruits melon I’m glad you’re having your fun here cuz the next edition of the Lego sets are going to feature watermelons getting destroyed by the Sun what are you doing what are you doing Sunny what

Are you talking about that’s not cool bro you know I got that new job working at the Lego factory and I had my first day and I designed the greatest sets ever Sunny you can’t do that bro that’s sending a bad message to the kids I’m pretty sure it’s a good message cuz

Everyone should eat their watermelons no no no no no Sunny no one should eat watermelons they should eat strictly meat that’s it no you’re wrong bro fruits and vegetables are good for you and watermelons is mostly water which means you can stay well hydrated just drink water man you want to see my

Plunger what the heck is that Sunny listen listen I don’t know what the heck that is but that is looking weird it’s a plunger bro and I got to tell you all about it today at the office I made the biggest poo ever and then I clogged the

Toilet and then I had to plunge the toilet and then I accidentally broke the toilet and underneath the toilet was this mysterious bedro with weird computer noises underneath and I really want us to figure out what’s down there dude there’s only one person I know who could break bedrock who’s that quale

Dinkleberry let’s go melon we’re here at kwale’s new shop woo he’s got to have something good for us quand quale we need to break through bedrock can you please help us out oh hey guys you know what I’ll give you a free pickaxe because you helped me out that last time

Yo quand thank you so much melon this is so cool check me out dude that’s awesome all right let’s Heist this place yeah bro let’s break in and find out what’s underneath that toilet hold on Sunny you got to wear a mask yeah bro this is a

Great idea I don’t want them to know it’s me yeah you wouldn’t want to lose your job now would you Sunny let’s go uh melon we can’t just stroll through the front door they’ll know it was me swiping my company card we’re going to

Have to find a way to get to the top of the building I’ve got an idea Sunny follow me all right Sunny we’ve made it to my friend’s house oh it’s your friend’s place cool uh uh sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny um uh put that mask

Back on and break the fence for me please I thought this was your friend’s place don’t worry I I’ll ask him to come open the gate hey guys it’s melon and sunny here Sunny sh we’re just borrowing it he might not know we’re borrowing it but just put your mask on break the

Fence then we’ll break the glass and look he’s really chilling all but he’s my friend just just oh I get it he’s out of town and the private security is a bit mean I got you yeah exactly what I’m saying okay now follow me sunny the

Door’s locked so we’re going to have to go in this oldfashioned way it’s okay they could fix that glass up pretty easily yep uh I know it says do not touch don’t worry about that my friend said we can just ignore it okay bro sounds good I got the elytra let me put

That on and there’s a stack of firework rockets in the chest for you are you sure we can touch these yeah yeah yeah everything’s chill we got to get out of here wait melon what’s the Panic it’s your friend’s house we could just explain ourselves uh no Sunny there’s no

Time for that we got to go okay fine I’m right behind you let’s go to the top of the Lego company uh melon by the way whose house was that it was Dr long bottoms what the heck don’t worry bro I told you we’re chill now we are

Definitely not chill with Dr long bottoms but at least we had these masks on so he’ll have no clue it was us melon I’m here I’m at the top of the Lego building I’m coming in Sunny wo sick Landing bro now follow me over here there’s a way inside through the

Ventilation shafts just got to crawl through here make sure Jim is nowhere to be found he’s the building security I don’t see any Jim I think we’re chilling the toilet it’s right here yo Sunny why is there Barnacle oh that’s a tree oh I thought there was Barnacles growing out

Of the toilet that would be disgusting okay sunny show me this Bedrock I’ve just got to break the toilet one second and voila the bed rock yo you’re right I’m hearing a bunch of weird mechanical sounds that must be the computer Mainframe I’m going to apply the Bedrock

Buster ready run run go Diop Diop doop I think it worked come on come on Yo melon get in here what the heck is this sunny this must be how they prevent the computer room from overheating yo this is insane is this where they come up

With the Lego ideas no melon I come up with The LEGO Ideas this must be how they build it wo now melon don’t touch anything we don’t know how this computer works okay I won’t touch anything we should probably look around for some Clues so we can make the most awesome

Lego set ever look check in that corner there’s probably a clue over there great idea let’s see what’s back here come on there’s got to be a clue here somewhere guys I’m going to make my own Lego set wait why is the alarm going off melon

What did you do stop pressing things I’m making a melon house what’s happening what’s happening ah melon look at you you’re a Lego no you’re a Lego Sunny wait the whole world is Legos it looks like we’re in legol land dude this place is actually awesome melon I’ve never

Been more glad for you to do something stupid like mess with those computers dude uh this is pretty awesome but sunny I don’t know if I want to be stuck in Legoland forever well who said anything about forever bro we’re just going to explore the city a little bit maybe meet

Some of the locals create some new Lego sets like a giant watermelon getting put into a blender and then we’re going to be out of here uh what did you say what was that part about the giant watermelon oh there’s going to be a giant watermelon and it was just going to be

Living a beautiful life here in Legoland no blenders no smoothies that’s beautiful sunny I’m going to steal some Lego for the way back yo I kind of want a Lego flower too I’m going to give this to Melanie she’s going to be so happy

Wait what sun no no I meant I’m going to get a nice bouquet of flowers for you to give to Melanie there you go Sunny you’re being really sus wow it’s so bright out here I wonder where this leads uh Sunny stop right there you’re under arrest for breaching the Lego code of

Conduct you are not allowed to assemble the sets without proper permission no no you’ve got it all wrong officer officer it wasn’t me it was just the melon uh no it was all him officer it was all Sunny we don’t care you two are both under

Arrest wait no no no no don’t do it way to go melon you got us both arrested surely there’s got to be a way out of here Sunny like maybe we can break these metal bars yo the gates they’ve opened I’m going to go this way bro I’m going

This way what the heck is this uh melon I’m seeing a familiar face it’s the Lego man don’t tell me don’t tell me uh it’s you two again you just can’t keep yourselves out of trouble whatever the winner of this build battle gets to go

Home but the loser he will be stuck in the Lego prison forever melon you got to let me win cuz this is all your fault Sunny this is your fault you took me to the computer room and you know I can’t not touch the buttons the theme of the

Build will be a house oh I got this in the bag uh Sunny house building is my specialty well I’m already getting started good luck bro and by good luck I mean have a good time getting stuck in Legoland forever oh nice we get creative mode why is my butt vibrating did I

Forget I had something in my pocket yo Advanced pocket computer this is perfect I can use this to cheat and draw all of my things into reality now all I have to do is type paint and house and then I should be able to design the ultimate

House and now I draw need my roof oh this is going to be awesome close the house off put in the door yes Magic and then I’ll have a perfect Minecraft home okay guys I’m going to go with something simple here I’m thinking a classic Green

Top keep it simple keep it stupid yeah that looks good yeah all the Minecraft house needs is a good old crafting table furnace comfortable old bed comment down below the most elite color bed for Minecraft it’s red come on it’s classic it’s OG it’s beautiful and now my house

Is completed thanks to this Advanced pocket computer and the final block is completed it’s beautiful hey melon the first build round is over you stand no chance bro Sunny what the heck did you build what is that thing it’s a skyscraper I know it’s because I’m the Lego set chief engineer

I’m able to pull together builds like this in a pinch uh I don’t really understand Sunny now Lego man let us know your judgment who wins the first round well Sunny has the superior build oh it’s sunny big surprise sure Lego man did you not see my house it’s beautiful it’s

Simple uh I think it’s all you really need to get by melan I’ll tell you what the green top is beautiful but according to Lego man I’ve got the greatest build ever dang it whatever Sunny I’m going to try in this next round ah finger cracks

And it’s over for you yeah let me just uh stretch it out a little bit and what’s round two the next theme is animals good luck oh melon you’re going to struggle with this one dude animals are my specialty hey melon do me a favor look at my giant house yeah I

Just got to wipe it really quick so let’s go over here and press this and delete how the heck did you do that Sunny I’ve got a little trick up my sleeve from Lego Corp headquarters okay guys I feel like Sunny’s cheating there’s no way he can

Just do that like it’s nothing now for the next round I’m going to build a cow and by that I mean I’m going to paint a cow it needs a little tail then it needs the body the head going to look a little goofy but it’ll work got a little leg

Here those are the UTS here’s a little cow prints my cow’s going to have a purple eye cuz why not and there’s the pupil that’s a big eyeball and the ears okay guys let’s start start with the feet here we go yeah that’s the stuff yo

It worked my cow is perfect look at the purple eyes and I just realized one thing though I don’t like the tail it kind of looks like the cow’s just taking a big poop I I got to fix that time to build the chicken’s body here we go yes

It’s going to look glorious built like a brick yeah that’s a little better he’s got a little curly tail and now I’m finished I just wait for the round to end and to claim victory in round number two okay guys the body is almost complete there we go yep that’s what we

Like to see now all that’s left to do is complete the face eyeball eyeball uhhuh yes it’s glorious it’s glorious now as you can see build up to the inside of the chicken let’s just add some ladders here climb up and you’re inside the chicken hold on let me add

Some crafting tables and some finer details in here yep now it’s a beautiful chicken home like I said every house just needs a crafting table furnace and a bed and then it’s a home in Minecraft melon did you hear that the timer’s up perfect sunny I am ready yo your build

Is actually adorable bro I’m pretty proud of you thank you sunny I surely won this round what the heck Sunny how did you build that I know I got a perfect cow with purple eyeballs bro and it’s gigantic it’s like 10 times bigger than your chicken uh it took me every

Second of that build battle to construct that chicken how did you do that with time to spare uh no reason what is that in your hand nothing I have an empty hand I don’t know what you’re talking about this is nothing Sunny what the heck are you doing let’s just let the

Lego man judge us well this round seems to be a draw both builds are very good indeed what the heck Lego man he’s clearly cheating did you see what was in his hand it’s not cheating if he’s using Lego Corp approved accessories yo melon he said I’m allowed to use this

Are you kidding me how am I supposed to beat you if you’re just a dirty cheat I’m not cheating I’m using Lego company equipment to help build better more epic structures whatever Sunny I’ll just use my magnificent building skills to best you regardless well it’s time for the

Final round melon let’s hear the theme the theme of the third round is cars I’m going to make the coolest vehicle ever and the most expensivest okay Sunny we’ll see about that time for the last build round got to clear out the cow and start a fresh build let’s paint a

Bugatti yes oh man this car is going to be zooming oh no I think I killed my cow Betsy I’m so sorry it had to be done it was for the Build contest okay guys I’m going to make myself an as Martin so let’s go like

This guys I think my painting was even more detailed than that I expected this Advanced Computer really outdid itself my Bugatti looks goated this thing is so cool yo look at melons build it’s actually not too bad guys just like that my car is complete what the heck is that

It’s my Bugatti you don’t like it that’s it we’ll see who he likes better mine is nice and condensed and yours is huge and and I don’t even know huge it’s huge and epic dude my Bugatti can go 500 kmph this thing is zooming guys remember

Always said it’s not cheating as long as you use Lego company property well I’m seeing a lot of dynamite used to deconstruct Lego sets so let me just gra one of these hey melon that’s time the Lego man’s going to judge our final build yeah yeah yeah sounds good

Sunny wait what are you doing that’s illegal uh there’s no rules against using Lego company property wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no you’re destroying Lego company property look what you’re doing to the arena oh that’s uh it’s all part of the game sunny I

Used the deconstructors for the Lego sets and what do you think Lego man who won this round well it was sunny until you destroyed his bill I told you melon you shouldn’t have destroyed their Arena but because of the damages you’ve done to Lego company property I am banishing

Both of you from Legoland forever also Sunny you’re fired no no no no no no what have you done why yes I’m going home and I’m unemployed melan check it out it’s our brand new vacation home and I even put a special upgrade in for realistic Minecraft look at this this looks so

Cool dude this is beautiful nothing could possibly go wrong sunny life is good follow me inside let’s make some yummy food true I am kind of a little bit hungry I’ve worked up myself in appetite wait Sunny did you you hear that wait there’s a knocking at the door

Already what the heck I don’t see anybody out there who’s there melon it’s dondale get out of here buddy yeah if we see a Lego guy we’ll let you know about it but he’s probably really cool and friendly goodbye good night dude dondale is crazy

Oh my God what is he talking about some Lego man this is Minecraft there’s no bricks out here just blocks you’re so right anyways Mel what were we doing trying to make some good food let’s see what do we have let me check Sunny yo Sunny we got two raw beefs just enough

For both of us but uh I only have one wooden plank for fuel so I’m going to need you to get some more fuel for the furnace all right I’ll get the fuel you start cooking up those steaks M this is going to be delicious let me grab this

Start chopping up some of the Timber we’ve got outside melon I got lots of fuel now sweet bro this meal is going to be delicious okay I’m going to go grab some seasoning I’ll be right back all right see you Sunny ooh this could be tasty actually I’d rather season it with some

Watermelon actually mushrooms mushrooms go perfectly with steaks guys I’m not going to lie I’m pretty hungry I’m just going to sneak in Sunny steak oh that was delicious and I’ll pretend like his went missing I’ve got the mushrooms to season up these steaks nicely and they’re going to be so tasty wait a

Second I can even grab eggs we can have steak and eggs oh don’t want to fall in there that’d be dangerous melon melon I’ve got steak eggs and mushrooms yo that sounds good bro your seats right here your steak’s uh where’s my steak I don’t know what happened to your steak

Bro but mine’s right here no melon where’s my steak that was delicious I don’t know sunny I put it right in that picture frame I promise there’s none in the furnaces and there’s none in this chest melon you ain’t my steak didn’t you ah no I would never do such a thing

No what are you talking about I can’t believe this this was supposed to be a vacation for both of us and now I’m going to starve I’m sorry dude I was hungry I was running around I was gathering uh I was sending you to gather wood and supplies yeah I went chopped

The trees got the logs harvested mushrooms even got eggs I was going to give you steak and eggs thanks a lot well we have a little chicken you can make chicken when he grows up that’s despicable you stay away from him I’m going to go live off the fat of the land

Now I’m so done with you melon can’t believe this guy Sunny I’m sorry I’ll I’ll make it up to you come on it’s just you and me now Jimbo just you and me sunny sunny I’m not talking to you it’s just Jimbo now guys Sunny’s ignoring me

I’m just going to sleep it off and hopefully he’s not mad at me tomorrow melon you can’t just sleep off your problems like that me and Jimbo we’re running away to the forest let’s go Jimbo to the woods Sunny you’ll get over it relax so guys I know it’s pretty dark

Out in this forest and all but I’ve got Jimbo with me so I should be totally safe wait I got a little Jimbo and big Jimbo Jimbo senior meet Jimbo Junior oh what a happy family I’m raising here and we got Mama Jimbo now too wow this is

Great who needs melon when a mama Jimbo and a daddy Jimbo love each other very much you get a baby chicken it’s just simple math right guys it’s been a full day and sunny still hasn’t come back I don’t know what to do I’m so lonely wait

What is that dude it’s the Lego man dondale was telling us about okay just don’t talk to him just don’t talk to him I can’t believe he’s real but it’s kind of dark out and it’s scary maybe he needs help hello guys he’s saying hello maybe he needs help or something um um

Hello thank you wait what do you mean thank you what’s happening no wait what happened what the heck is wrong with this world no Jimbo what happened to you Jimbo melon this is going to be your fault what did you do uh sunny I don’t know but this is awesome bro the whole

World is Lego yeah that’s cool and all wait am I a Lego yo I’m a Lego this is epic I’m a Lego too so do you forgive me sunny no I don’t forgive you do you have any clue what you did to my chickens uh what chicken come and see bro what

Happened dude did your chickens become Striders I don’t understand what this curse is but we got a Lego world and Jimbo’s now one of these little guys that sounds like a you problem sunny but now let’s enjoy this Lego world we can build anything our imagination wants

Yeah I want Jimbo back so I’m going to I’m going to go find a solution to this problem wait melon what the heck is this uh I got no idea man there’s a button up here uh I don’t know sunny but I really don’t think we should press it who knows

What could happen the whole world could be destroyed let’s go ah what have you done what the heck where are we yo it’s a giant Lego man hello sunny and melon I have invited you here so the two of you can show off your Lego building skills

You will be participating in a build battle and if you get the builds right the Overworld will be set back to normal melon it’s just a build battle this will be fine yo we’ve got tons of practice we’re going to save the world in no time and it looks like round one’s already

Started bro uh so we just got to copy this build right ow chill I’m out of here yeah dude we just got to make perfect replicas it’s like when you get a new Lego set for Christmas and you got to copy the instructions really really well I was always terrible at that

You’re right sunny it’s time to build need to just remove a couple of blocks here put in the path right away dude this is going to look awesome so it’s three blocks like that and I need a little Emerald Door melon this is going to be easy you’re right shny I’m feeling

This I will read the instruction book very carefully this time and like that yeah yeah yeah and then we need to put the roof on the roof’s going to get hard though yeah everything looks normal I’m just checking the back of it out and

Then I need to go like what is this uh over two up one yeah okay E3 like a perfect square 3 three three gotcha gotcha so it’s like this this this is good right about here and then I need leaves yeah I already got my tree built

Then slabs okay we got to slab this roof melon I’m almost done my first build keep up dude yo chill chill I’m working on it bro I just got to make this house need a construction block to step up and then boom bang boom bang Bing bop bop

Bop bop bop and it’s done on the goat wins I did it first for sure this is perfect are you certain Sunny yeah I’m certain of it I’ll win 100% how certain are you more certain than you are obviously dang it bro I’m just just wait

Up for me shy I’m almost there okay come on chill 1 2 3 1 2 oh what’s that Lego guy melon’s got 10 seconds left yo chill chill Sunny chill I’m almost there come on 3 2 1 yes clutch it I did it do you

Think these guys are going to be mad at me why my house doesn’t have those little uh Square dots on the top of the roof for some reason oh Sunny you used a full slab instead of a half slab I could fix this I could fix this I don’t know

Shy time’s already up what do you think Mr Lego man H I’ll let it slide this time dang it I was supposed to win and it’s a tie game for round one I wonder what we’re building in the next one melon it looks like the second round is

Christmas trees I knew the Lego company loved that time of the year dude this is my specialty I can create the most awesome watermelon tree of all time uh melon be careful dude you have to follow their instructions to the letter I know I know don’t you worry wo how many

Blocks tall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 at the end okay this is going to be a bit hard wait I didn’t get any logs yeah you did they’re just red for some reason you’re right right so I need to go 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 did I say 10 or eight what did I say 1 2 three 4 5 6 7 8 eight you need seven Spruce logs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 let’s go and then I need to put my leaves out so it’s

Like that all right I got it I got it I just wrap this tree all the way up oh that’s clean that’s clean and then I need a red ornament oh wait did I mess this up red ornament here green ornament I don’t have any green ornaments dang

I’m doing this beautifully melon this is not fair goes like this then block of redstone right here I’m going to make it perfect I had to steal some ornaments this is fine I’m like the Grinch except it’s to make this build awesome and on

This side it’s blue in a leaf red and oh this is kind of tricky dude dude I’m going goat mode right now you think so huh de buck yes I know sir and then I needed a red one out here BR red then Diamond then Leaf then red wait I don’t

Have a green ornament yeah me neither I had to just chop one off the other tree um yeah I’m going to go chop one off threee real quick yeah that’s what I did my first layer is going to look awesome it’s almost finished then diamond and

Leaves I can’t get across I was trying to take one off your tree you scoundrel stay away from my tree it’s beautiful guys I’m I’m sure they won’t notice if I bing bing and now it’s like that ornament never existed let’s go okay so now I need to

Go perfect wrap plus coming out on the edges plus ornaments bro this tree is actually kind of complicated it’s very detailed lots of ornaments okay this is pretty good though and it’s a red one over here melon my tree is going to be absolutely goated you chill now Sunny

I’m already working on the third layer oh me too buddy don’t show worry is that a green block or another Leaf it’s another Green Block dang it I need this Emerald down here Emerald I need you perfect and now what am I missing leaf leaf leaf oh lapis wait another oh

That’s not an emerald I thought it was it is an emerald give me this okay so we got blue and emerald melon you’re so toast chills honey I’m about to be done y there we go I need to build all the way up there and I only got Spruce logs

My build is almost complete just got to go up and delete this and melon the perfect build is completed wait hold on I’m almost done and bada bing guys I snuck this in bada boom it’s beautiful I even made it better than their build okay melon I’m

Going to the top to get judged by the Lego man yep same oh wait oh hold on give me a second give me a second and done yes my tree is perfect melon that’s not what it looks like you can clearly tell that’s a gold block on top and you

Put a watermelon dude they’re equivalent in value don’t worry trust me look I’ll ask the Lego man melon you failed the challenge there is a dirt block which isn’t supposed to be there are you kidding me this piece of dirt made me lose why ow what’s happening ow

Ow I just barely survived that was so scary melon I wonder what the third challenge is and this time don’t mess it up ow ow ow okay chill chill I got it I got it wait the third round is another Lego house this is my specialty look at

It bro it’s so cool dude I’m going to speed run this round let me do this quick actually melon I’ve got a better idea because you got zapped last round I’m a bit nervous that no matter what we do they’re not going to return this

Place the way it used to be so I’m going to take some of these planks and Cobblestone and I’m going to make a getaway get me out of here get me out of here what are you doing Sunny ow what the heck I almost died what did you try

And do I tried to build out of this Arena but there’s Lego guards everywhere look at these guys ow okay melon we’re trapped don’t try and Escape bro we just need you to get all the rest of the builds right and we’ll be all right dud

You’re the only one who’s messed up so far yeah I’m just saying that you can’t mess up all right that’s all I’m saying you got to be careful I won’t mess this up so if I look at this house it’s five wide I got to smelling I got this 1 2 3

4 5 5×4 classic put that and I need these oh I am an absolute Beauty at building melon an absolute stud muffin yes are you n indeed look at this I got Windows being installed right now they’re beautiful they’re so beautiful oh wait they’re not even too high dang I

Almost messed it up that would have been bad what’s on the back of the house just a wall okay how about this side just a wall no windows dude this house is easy yeah bro I’m speed running it bro all right chill bro chill I just got to put

All these in then I got to do the bushes which is only two on this side then I think it was three on this side oh then it wraps in front of the window ooh that’s fancy that’s fancy all right wraps in front of the window then put in

The flowers where are the flowers though melon starts on the edge Skip One in the middle okay I got this these flowers are important Don’t Mess them up then it goes here and then there and and in there these stairs are annoying to place let me tell you I’m worried I’m going to

Mess this up melon yeah you probably will I’m just looking again to be extra safe oh it’s there and then there boop boop boop all right my flowers are perfect I just got to put in the rooftop put some construction blocks down yeah what’s so hard about these stairs huh

And I got to build them up oh wait what how do I build these stairs up to make them flat like that that doesn’t look good on the sides melon I have a bad feeling I’m going to get zapped no don’t worry Sunny we got this I’m doing do it

The wrong way so my roof looks good except for one problem I think I got to do these on the inside okay so I come in here I smack this oh I’m an absolute genius you didn’t need to go inside to do that sunny and oh no no why why is it

Messing up my okay no my stairs are good we’re we’re okay we’re okay my house is perfect there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it I just got to remove this I just got to remove this yep same here my house is Flawless wait let me do one

Last check make sure this inside yep and we good we good oh oh that could have been bad disaster avoided what did you miss uh I just forgot one of the blocks don’t worry don’t you worry there’s a little dirt block on the inside right after the door there is don’t forget it

No there isn’t and mine there is well mine’s perfect let me see let me see bro you you there’s nothing in here you’re stupid son you stupid just get up here for Judgment Day okay I’m coming up chill wait melon what are you doing why

Do you have extra plants on the side no no no no what’s happening my beautiful build two rounds in a row melon you’re really going to keep messing this up for us I forgot my construction blocks I’m sorry Mr Lego man what’s the fourth Build Challenge a slice of watermelon

Yes melons are my specialty dude this looks actually awesome melon do you mind if I take a bite absolutely not dude this is a legendary melon do not touch it but I need to I’m hungry no no no sun don’t don’t touch it or I will destroy

You well you’re lucky I have to build otherwise I’d eat it time to Ace this melon yeah bro this is the ultimate test if you mess this up you’re a fake melon 1 2 3 4 5 6 okay so six of those at the bottom so it’s six on the base melon you

Got this 1 2 3 4 5 6 you got come up like this by three mhm y this looking right yeah this my brain is going to hurt my brain is going to hurt a lot Yep this is a little confusing one 3 I think

I did this correctly and then I got to fill in the juicy bits here a little bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 oh boy I think I messed this up a lot melon bro this is so easy dude I don’t even need to look at my drawing

Can just feel it I can just go with the flow I’m happy for you and all but I don’t know if I can go with the flow like that 1 2 3 4 5 6 why is mine so huge did you mess it up Sunny yeah I got

To fix this I made a giant melon problem solve I hope so bro I’m losing my mind then I put three on the top for the Ry Ry time oh no I think I’m good yeah and then it’s just bunch of red juicy melon but how high up does it go you don’t

Need to count C you just go with the stairs you’re right and it meets in the middle 1 2 3 4 5 6 and a staircase on top 2 three 4 5 this should be good I could do this I think I messed up no

Don’t tell me I messed up there’s no way I messed up you actually SC this up no no no no no no no no 1 2 3 4 5 6 yeah yeah that’s right right oh no melon we’re running out of time and I’m really

Messing this up as well oh no my melon was too small my melon was too small I hate when that happens it’s okay I can fix this I can fix this it’s not a lot of time but I can do it I think I made a masterpiece go was like that like that

Like that my melon might be too big actually but can your melon ever really be too big um you messed up if it’s too big son today dang it I keep placing these logs sideways break all this wood why is my melon getting bigger and bigger what is going on let’s check this

Out for a second here right I think that’s the right size how did I mess it up again how no my melon’s the right size I’m pretty sure one two hold on I got to count it doesn’t oh oh oh okay it’s not one block in the middle it’s

Just two stairs okay so it’s seven blocks tall in the center and we’ve got 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 yes I’ve done it it’s beautiful I’ve just got to add the melon seeds yes yes everyone knows every melon has four seeds yeah that’s true every

Melon has four seeds for a brain let’s see so I go to the side I go up one then I go over two and down one this is going to take me a little time guys just just let it happen you don’t rush greatness first melon seeds have been installed

And we do the same thing over here up one over two up over two up I got got this i got this oh I don’t got this I slipped off and then final seed right here it’s beautiful now I just got to take down my blocks 3 hours later and

She’s completed every melon seed installed same here let’s go picking up my blocks okay bro I got it done I hope you were trolling about the four melon seeds melon oh no you are so dumb why no what is this no the final round will be

A speed challenge so you only have 2 minutes good luck wait what do you mean we only have 2 minutes and oh my gosh Mel look at the size of this build dude there’s no way we can build that in 2 minutes Lego man please please give us

At least 3 minutes no are you kidding me sunny he already started counting 118 117 we only have 116 seconds go go go I’m out of here wait a second guys I have a plan why build this whole thing when I could just move the building box

To surround it yeah I’m a genius got to grab these tools and get to work quickly okay guys there’s no way I can build this Castle in this amount of time so I’m going to build my own castle maybe he likes it even more and he’ll

Appreciate it and then like Let It Go let it slide who knows yes I have the blocks now I’ve just got to quickly dig this all out uh I don’t have the right tool for this guys I just realized if I were to actually build this he didn’t

Even give me enough blocks this guy is such a scumbag this is going to take way too long yo there’s a second chest please please no way diamond shovel wait and sugar cane armor yo I’m going to wear this this looks pretty cool yo I’m

Fast oh I’m so quick this is perfect dig dig 63 62 61 I hear the Lego guy counting we only have 60 seconds left hey melon yo what’s up sunny how’s your building build coming ah it’s great it’s beautiful man it’s uh I’m almost done actually okay good cuz I hear the Lego

Guy counting we have 43 seconds oh no I’m so close to finishing my build I actually am dude I just got to do this and this and this come on I’ve got to have enough time I can’t mess this up please tell me I have enough blocks melon start mining up your Redstone

Circle please give me the Border blocks I need a couple extras okay hold on yep okay my build’s done what do you need these for bro Sunny just grab some quick okay I’m grabbing them actually I might have enough Redstone we’ll see I might actually have enough it’s close it’s very close please

Tell me I have enough actually Mel it I’m fine I have enough and my build is done oh what’s that there’s still more than 10 seconds oh look at him counting down 9 8 7 oh he’s so cute and my build is complete I think it looks identical

Actually 3 2 1 it’s okay I I finished my build in this speedrun time uh melon what did you do uh I was trying to copy the castle so I gave him my best shot I actually think yours looks better anyways oh thank you so much Sunny you

Cheated you literally cheated what do you think he’s going to do I’m pretty sure I outsmarted him there was nothing in the rule book against that well Sunny did complete the mission how did he complete the mission look he blatantly cheated no no no melon you could see the

Red borders around the castle meaning that it’s obviously my build oh no what are you going to do to me what are you going to do to me just don’t hurt my build what is that no my beautiful build wait a second Sunny also what are you wearing is that

Melon armor oh no it’s way cooler than melon armor this is sugar cane armor helps me move really fast what the heck that sounds op actually give me some of that yeah sure it’s the least I could do you’ve been taking a lot of lse thank you so much Sunny now Sunny completed

The task so we both get to go home right Sunny because of your awesome skills you have been chosen to serve us as a Lego set designer for the next 2,000 years melon you have disappointed us so we will send you home oh yes this is awesome what this is basically prison no

I was so goated you’re going to make me design your sets no melon at least give me the armor back at least give me the armor back I’m going to see you Sunny I’m going back home peace guys I’m going to be stuck in Lego world forever the

Least you could do is get this video to 10,000 likes today in Minecraft hide and seek we’re in Lego City wo this is so crazy everything is Lego wait a second what’s behind the train it’s a subscribe button made out a Lego press it now yo

Are we there yet are we there yet Sunny dude you’re a Lego so are you melon we must have made it to Legoland let’s go come on melon get out of the this is awesome Sunny there’s only one thing we can do in Legoland explore it

For all of its epic Secrets yes but we’re going to explore it in our own way let’s play hide and seek Sunny no way bro you’re actually a genius this is going to be so fun uh dibs hiding first I dibs hiding first all right bro you

Got um 2 minutes to hide good luck 2 minutes is lots of time and I’m going to crush that melon yo relax relax I can’t relax we’re in legol land this is the coolest thing I’ve ever done in Minecraft except for that last time we were playing a Lego build battle which

Was also really really cool oh this is awesome guys I feel like it’s Christmas morning oh hello neighor look at this Lego boy right here yeah I’m pretty cool too I look just like you this is so epic okay where do I hide I got to take this

Seriously there’s no way I’m I’m going to lose the first ever Lego Hide and Seek there’s just so many cool things like look at this bus look at this guy yo what up Lego boy I just need to find a hiding spot and then everything is awesome everything is awesome bro sorry

If I’m being a bit annoying I’m just so hyped right now this is so crazy okay where would be a good spot though let’s focus up if we want to be absolutely Lego awesome mode I want to hide somewhere where I can see melon trying to seek but also where I’m super top

Secret I think one of these house rooftops will be perfect but which one oh this looks epic the Bean Building welcome to the brown bean coffee and cakes yo I love cakes and donuts and all kinds of dessert coffee is okay but mostly the donuts wait I just see plants

What is this a salad bar bro you can’t tell me this has cakes and then serve up salads disgusting Sunny you got 30 seconds left okay that’s lots of time uh employees only the brown Bean uh I don’t need to go back there wait this is the

Bathroom I wanted a staircase wait this is the pooper no I need a staircase uh melon can I get an extra 5 Seconds please no all right fine I don’t need it anyways guys I really need to find a way up to this roof there’s got to be a

Staircase or an elevator or something okay there’s another doorway the brown Bean Building the brown Bean regional district office yes this has got to be the way up I got to close the doors so Mel doesn’t suspect me and then I’m going all the way to the top floor let’s

See what’s up here guys I want to spy on melons so badly from the rooftops o this is going to be awesome look at this place they got a big screen TV yo look at this this is my favorite episode this is that time melon fell in love with

Melanie the watermelon and then she rejects him oh it was so funny all right Sunny your time’s up I’m finding you uh-oh h melon yeah I’m totally ready I’m definitely not in a bathroom just trying to find a hiding spot still oh so you’re in a bathroom somewhere thanks for the

Free hint Bud yeah yeah yeah that’s not going to help you cuz I’ve got a way better spot hey yes goats check it out I found my way to the rooftop now I can spy on melon let’s see what he’s up to dude this place is huge how am I going

To find you you’re not that’s the whole point all right sunny sunny first question uh describe the house you’re in it was called The Bean Building the Bean Building what the heck what do you mean it was called it bro that’s a lot of information to work with it’s called The

Bean Building what else you need to know there’s a bean building here yeah but oddly enough it’s not shaped like a bean at all wo I just found the city dude this place is ginormous yo goats there he is finally I found him look at that little Melo he’s

So stupid he’s never going to find me I’ll even throw a salad in the street wait where did my salad go kind of just vanished yo Sunny uh second question is your house in the city yeah bro we’re in Legoland where else could I possibly be okay oh these buildings have names the

Eery open all days I’m close to you Sunny I’m close to you yo goats if he looked up that would have been so bad I’m going to throw another salad got him what the heck where did this sapling come from I’m so confused what the heck is this building the Bean Building

Welcome to the brown beans and coffee cakes bro you’re in this building yo you already discovered the Bean Building are you joking me I’ve been telling you sunny I know where you are and I’m going to find you oh I get it you’ve been telling me cuz it’s the Bean Building

And you’ve been cringe congratulations but where are the staircases I know you’re not on the first floor you got to be up somewhere ooh found the stairs wait no no chance no chance where are here son I’m to orderly not on the top floor really cuz I’ve got roof access oh

Wait this isn’t roof access where the heck am I guys this isn’t good he’s already here I got to make a getaway I don’t even know where the roof’s at Sunny I’m quite confused right now access on the balcony where are you sunny I know you’re up here somewhere yo

Guys look at melon he just missed me that was so close hey sunny I can see you through that window no you saw nothing you saw nothing get over here I got to go in the toilets he’ll never look I heard a door open I heard a door

Open room three are you in here huh oh you’re not in here sty I know you’re on this floor with me storage employees only I don’t see you in the storage room you got 30 seconds left you’re not on this balcony oh we could have exit

Through this balcony hold on let me just check okay room 4 7 and 8 you in here guys this is so close there’s 20 seconds left and I’m going to win please toilet gods and the toilet last room uh you’re not in here either I’m so

Confused where the heck did he go oh guys I feel so much better now I had to take a load off where are you Sunny you’ve got 10 seconds left bro I don’t wait hey Sunny hey Sunny let’s go curse you melon I hope you at least enjoy the

Smell oh oh I’m out of here that’s toxic poop that’s toxic poop bro you’re lucky you escaped melon congratulations you’re so so cool you won the first round of Hide and Seek the second I put this blindfold on though the timer begins

Okay uh I’m out of here 1 2 3 4 5 that’s the speed I’m going at 7 8 9 10 42 43 chill chill chill Sunny you can’t just count it’s that’s not how seconds work it’s not as fast as you can count okay guys I need to find a beautiful hiding spot where do I go um there’s got to be something here there’s got to be something guys I’ve got the

Perfect idea the last place Sunny would expect me to be in is a vehicular so if he ask me if I’m inside or outside I’m going be like I’m inside then he’s going to assume I’m in one of the buildings but really I’m in this bus this bus is

Busing unequivocally busing now just to add some extra measures of security enter creative give me some ghost blocks and let’s pretend there’s a faulty back to this bus guys the beauty of Legos is in the creation now let’s get some oneway glass yes perfect and just like that my hiding spot is

Complete all right Sunny I’m ready finally I can take this stupid blindfold off ew who put salad in my hand uh that was your salad dude I was just returning it that’s disgraceful I don’t eat greens I only eat melons wait why would you eat melons what is wrong

With with you and bro that doesn’t even make sense melons are all green you’re right but they’re red on the inside so it’s kind of different m not really to be honest whatever I’m eating them anyways too bad okay wise guy I’ve got three questions I can ask and I’m going

To start with the first and best question possible are you inside or outside I am inside guys everything is going according to plan okay that’s interesting melon find a chance are you in a professional government job building like for example the police station um I wouldn’t say I’m in the

Police station no okay you’re not in it but that was a bit sus you’re probably in another building is there a hospital somewhere he’s probably in a hospital come on there’s got to be more wait the train station’s also a government building isn’t it technically let’s see Hello melon you’ve got to be

Here somewhere that’s it melon what kind of building are you hiding in that’s my third question I am hiding in a building that moves what what does that even mean a building that moves wait a second I’m in the fire station you’re probably in one of

These open up I need this button I need this button open up why isn’t this working I got to open this door let me in dang it wait you’re not in here and no no now I’m stuck now I’m stuck sucks to suck honey you only have 1 minute

Left this is going to take forever I have to break an iron door using my hand bro this is the most bruh moment ever take it so long Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh all right I broke it okay I got to think about this carefully you’re inside of a building that moves

That could be like any of these cars but cars aren’t really buildings bro that’s Capa has to be bigger than a car yeah one might argue wait no way you’re this cringe you’re hiding in the train that we arrived to legol land in that’s my response that’s my response

To you that is so weird melon Sunny 30 seconds left you need to chill bro I’m getting to the train I’m going to check every car come on come on he’s got to be in this he’s got to be in this train please give me the dton please okay

You’re not in this one no there’s another train all the way up ahead I got to get there quickly how much time do I have you got 50 15 seconds sunny I need the duon I need the dub you’re so close you’re so close you’re almost there by

The way I’m not even in the train you got 10 seconds left wait you’re not in a train that’s the only thing big enough to be considered a building that moves um what about a bus wait or these giant trucks oh wait you’re in a bus you’re in

A bus 5 4 3 2 1 let’s go you are so czy are you by the buses by the police station please tell me you’re not there yeah I’m there are you kidding me I started my search right here where are you where are you I’m not telling you

Bro you’re inside of one of these dude there’s no doors how do you even get in these buses you just got to be busting Sunny you got to be busting what the heck wait is this a secret button bro oh there is a door here I got to just open

Her up hey dude you’re not even here which one I was just in the green one I’m literally in the green one what do you mean you’re in the green one I just checked I’ll check the yellow one cuz you’re lying no are you sure I’m in the

Green one bro I’m literally chilling there right now you’re not in the yellow one you’re sure you’re in the green one yeah I’m right here Sunny I’m right here oh what you are the heck you had ghost blocks and you were spying on me this whole time yep see you

Later Sunny you have 2 minutes good luck you can’t do this to me you can’t do this to me your timer Starts Now whatever 2 minutes is loads of time I’ll be fine okay guys I need to choose a hiding spot and earlier when I was looking for melon I noticed a building

That is so tall so magnificent that there’s no chance melon finds me let me show you what I mean ah yes there it is the radio tower and I got myself a couple of little treats lightning Dynamite Ender dynamite and ender pearls that way I can scale the building more

Quickly and I’ll be able to destroy melon from a distance let’s go yes he thought his hiding spot was evil but mine is pure evil yes my villain AR begins melon I’m ready and I’m even going to Splash myself with invisibility just to be safe excellent all right sunny when I find

You I’m killing you cuz you made some inappropriate melon comments last round so you deserve the axe yo chill bro it’s not that deep okay sunny first question inside or outside let’s take a quick look yeah that looks like the sky and the sun above head so I’m outside okay

Okay H so you said the sun’s above you which means you’re below the Sun that tells me quite a bit about you Sunny yeah wow that really tells you a whole bunch of information yes it does indeed I got to say Legoland looks beautiful from here from where oh would one say

You have a beautiful view I have a spectacular absolutely magnanimous view would one say that you were at a high point in elevation yes and that’s all three of your questions used up GG oh I see a very high pointing location uh-oh guys he already found the tower it’s a good

Thing I’m invisible though so he can’t see me and watch this boom boom boom Oh my god oh what the heck what’s happening you are in this Tower aren’t you sunny I think you can just play with fire like that huh buddy huh buddy ow ow I don’t

Know what you’re talking about eat this what what have you done I didn’t do anything why are you throwing wool blocks everywhere ah oh we both died guys I died but I recovered all my items I respawned on the tower so I should be okay the only

Problem is I only have one invisibility potion left and it only lasts 3 minutes and there’s still 4 minutes left in this round hey melon how’s your time going how are you not at spawn with me that makes no sense I may have adjusted my location

Just for situations like this oh my God it’s okay I know you’re at the tower just got to reclaim my netherite ax and I will put it in between your forehead yo chill out bro how do you know I’m at the tower I could be anywhere and by the

Way you have 3 and 1/2 minutes left so you got lots of time chill out uh I’m not going to chill sunny I am going to go in a blaze ow what the heck is that ow what was that I just barely survived yeah I don’t know that was weird where’s

My netherite axe I died around here somewhere y yo yo chill chill he’s trying to get an ax have that ow ow I got to keep moving I got to keep moving I can Siege this Tower I can Siege it I can Siege it how do I get in how do I

Get in right here right here bang bong boom and now I send the ladder I know you’re up here sunny I know you’re up here guys this isn’t good I see melon literally climbing the tower I’ve got to destroy him wait what was that what are

You trying to throw it won’t stop me it’ll only get me hey sunny I could see you you think you’re invisible yes I just did the ultimate play melon you think you could kill me you’re dead no SNY I saw you I was right there if only you had a water bucket

Huh and now I Ascend my tower once again you know what Sunny you want to play these games huh you want to play these games Sunny we’ll play some games we’ll play some games melon you’re starting to scare me I don’t want to play any games

I went the wrong way how much time do I have left uh I I have 30 seconds of invisibility which means you have uh let’s see 30 seconds uh carry the zero uh you have a minute and 20 seconds left oh that’s plenty of time you’re really

Starting to scare me melon oh don’t be worried don’t be worried Sunny there’s nothing I could do I’m not a cheater after what is that bro bro I’ve got to slow him down guys no I can make it through I can make it through I just got to keep running keep running keep

Running no way no way die die no you can’t stop me forever Sunny you can’t stop me forever I could try oh no I missed oh no hey Sunny oh the la vista baby what are you doing what are you doing see chill chill my tower my tower

I can’t believe you destroyed everything Sunny you started this war and I finished it melon you’re such a cheater the only way you could win was to kill me are you k you cheated first what about all those dynamites what about being invisible what about all that huh

I was naturally spawning items that I found at the tower I literally just did the same thing that you did whatever bro it’s your turn to hide You’ve Got 2 minutes starting 10 seconds ago all right guys I’m sick and tired of Sunny’s cheating I know I retaliated last round

But I’m getting extra Revenge I’m cheating this round to hide as well just got to find my disguise what’s up Lego man let me become just like one of you yo guys like the video right now if you’re a fan of Minecraft it’s kind of a cool game huh oh and you should

Subscribe if you love Legos get it cuz there’s a heart behind me oh I know I’m super original and very creative I wonder what melon’s up to where do you guys think he’s hiding right now guys I’m just like one of them Sunny will never notice all right Sunny I’m ready

Oh that was pretty quick time for me to find you I’ve got my sniffer out oh excuse me sorry it’s burping how are you more disgusting than me I’m just burping Sunny chill I thought my snort was filthy then you did that anyways first question melon are you let’s think about

This one at high or low elevation uh I would say I’m at pretty low elevation dang it I was hoping you did something really cheeky like hide at the top of the radio tower where there’s a tiny bit of blocks left no I did not that would

Have been smart too bad you’re dumb it’s okay sunny you’re not going to find me this round I did something beyond smart some would even say a genius what did you activate your fifth melon seed and go crazy with it something like that something like that wao what is this guy

Yeah I’ve never seen this guy before there’s a blue Lego guy that’s pretty cool that’s crazy right Lego guys they’re really good looking right am I right I mean I do look pretty good as a Lego person you right I look good oh dang I’m handsome I was talking about

More about the default NPCs I think they look pretty good the ones with the red shirt and the blue short yeah you might be right let’s see they heck a handsome I mean they’re pretty cute and all but they look a bit miserable they should have a big smile

On their face so they could be like everything is awesome everything is awesome well some of them have a big smile on their face really look let me check this guy out does he have a smile on his face like hello where’s your smile nope he literally turned away from

Me and ignored me not awesome it’s weird dude that is bizarre melon why are you acting so sus I’m not doing anything Sunny you’re being sus all right second question what are you doing right now uh just walking around are you in Old veils town hall there’s a bunch of warning

Signs here talking about some deadly stuff that I don’t know what it means no but I will tell you that you’ve already walked past me once what how is that possible I don’t know bro fine are you inside or outside I’m outside wait you’re outside and I walked straight

Past you yep that makes less than zero sense melon unless you’re hiding in a car which would then be inside I would have seen you uh I’m not in a car Sunny let me tell you that wait are you in a tree I got to retrace all my steps now

Though I don’t even know where I was dude this is going to be hard to win by the way you got 2 minutes left bro I need to trust my sniffer to scout you out where’s that melon I can smell that fertilizer it’s this way it’s got to be

This way yes I made it back to the blue Lego guy I’m going to keep retracing my steps I smell that Ry I smell that melon juice Sunny sniffer is too accurate he’s actually getting close to me it makes no sense dude this is the fire pits this is

Where the tower crumbled you said you weren’t over here uh I said I wasn’t there yeah like I wasn’t on the tower but yeah this Lego guy’s got actually a pretty nice smile so maybe that gives me an idea you were saying some of them have a smile and some of them don’t

Melon are you disguises a Lego yes dang it I got to check every Lego character now now come on wait why was there a Lego guy running wait why is this guy running away which guy the guy running away right in front of me that’s so

Sus you have to kill me you have to kill me you have to kill me you got one minute left oh I have to kill you do I if you insist melon if you insist yes yes yes it’s time for you to wither away legol land will never look the same ow

How did you get me I’m going to change all of it and make it so beautiful what are you doing Sunny stop this I’m corrupting all of the Lego world and no one can stop me I have to stop you sunny I have to stop you there’s no way you

Could possibly stop me I’m going to kill you again with the power of commands die die die oh I died and that’s the story of how one melon saved all of legol land and you guys can save our Channel by pressing that like And subscribe button

Do it right now today in Minecraft we’re playing hide and seek inside of the Lego factory and we got turn into Legos too it’s going to be so easy blending in with the rest of the Lego people little does melon know that I actually placed secret security cameras everywhere in

This Lego world and I’ve been tracking his every move you cannot hide from me brother guys I have this feeling like someone’s watching me do you know who plays these cameras tell me in the comments it better not be sunny melan the train finally stopped and I think we

Made it yes it’s the Lego factory bro this isn’t just the Lego factory it’s Lego world oh this place is so cool just look at all the blocks hello Mr villager hello guys and welcome to Lego village remember you can stay here for a maximum of 1 hour because of the various health

Risks if you stay any longer you’ll die have fun blah blah blah whatever I’m in legol land Sunny let’s enjoy this melon I think we should probably heed his warnings he said 1 hour and then we’ll die but I think we’ll first probably transform a little bit and look more

Like Legos bro I didn’t hear a word you just said but I do know that we should play hide and seek that’s a brilliant plan melon I dibs hiding first all right dude you’ve got two 2 minutes starting now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 no melon

Melon you can’t count here you need to count over at the train 60 61 62 63 64 melan you’re cheating okay fine I’ll count at the train good good good good that’s perfect and now guys I’ll begin my hiding spot take a look at these I brought some security cameras in a

Monitor just for this exact purpose and then I’ll Place one right up there that’s perfect perfect and then let’s see where else should I put one I’m thinking inside of the main Lego factory area this is perfect but where oh wait dude this was just the entrance area the

Lego factory is actually over here oh yes this is the place I need to put a security camera as high up as I can reach right there excellent I’ve have now bound both of them to my camera Monitor and I’ll be able to spy on melon

While he looks for me and I still have room for one more camera and me thinks the best place is right here oh got it there we go I’ll be able to spy on him out here too now and now where do I want to hide I think on top of the factory

Would be a pretty cool spot let me see if I can find a way up there should be a ladder around here somewhere how else do the workers get on top of it wo this ladder looks weird bro let’s do this 100 101 102 103 uh Sunny are you ready yet I’m

Almost there and I am the heck I’m stuck melon I’m not ready I’m not ready ow ow I almost died that sounds like you problem Sunny because I’m ready to find you that’s fine melon I’m ready there’s no way you can track me down and guys

Check this out let’s take a look at camera view number one there there he is there’s melon sunny it’s time for me to find you and kill you and turn you into Legos and then build you back up only to kill you again uh dude I think you’re

Losing your mind this is just hide and seek you need to relax bro how do I get into Legoland I’m so confused look for the giant Lego logo and follow it oh is that what I’m supposed to do bro you are helpless without me I’m entering Lego

World guys look at him I’m spying on him with my cameras I wonder where he’s going to look first this place is so beautiful H where could Sunny be hiding I feel like the Lego factory is way too obvious you’re probably hiding in this house over here yeah the factory way too obvious

Yeah now sun will ask my first question are you perhaps hiding inside or outside I’m hiding outside I knew it you must be in this house somewhere Sunny hey Sunny that makes no sense I just told you I’m outside wait you said you’re outside yeah bro do you listen to me I thought

You said you were inside no I’m outside bro and look at him jumping on the Treetops he’s got no clue I’m right on the roof well this changes everything Sunny if you’re outside you’re probably on these trees are you at a place of high or low elevation I’m at a place of

High elevation and I’ll even give you another clue you have to use the factory to access it high elevation Factory to access it you must be on the roof of the factory guys my plan’s working he’s coming inside the factory or at least he’s trying to what is this why can’t I

Get through I laid a booby trap for you aw you made it they have rotating Lego pieces here yeah bro it’s quite Advanced this Factory they have robotics they have uh Robotics and uh robotics bro there’s even a shmell in pit Sunny you absolute mad lad don’t slip in the

Shelting pit you’ll die I don’t want to see you cook there’s literally no way to access the roof I don’t understand how you got there I mean I never said I did it from the inside but maybe I did you must be on the outside then you must be

On the outside you only have 2 minutes left to find Meo I don’t see any ladders anywhere what I found it I found the Minecraft ladder okay guys I need to find a place to hide I can make this jump oh no you can’t land on those

Blocks I’m Coming For You Sunny I’m almost at the roof I’ve made it oh no oh no melon I’m so scared you’re not even up here what the heck maybe I am maybe I’m not Sunny you must be in the chimney you must be in the chimney but none of

These are ghost blocks bro it’s fine I think you can track me down if you’re really really careful just got to look for a yellow blob you must have jumped from the roof somewhere yes exactly I must have done that guys where is he there he is hold on I’m going to sneak

Up on him and ah wait sunny I found you I found you actually correction I found you and there’s still a minute left bro no no get back here get back here Sunny guys I need to hide right here and hopefully he won’t spot me uh you must

Be around here somewhere Sunny you must be where are you oh you for sure jumped off dang it I was too slow time’s ticking 30 seconds left no where did you go Sunny where did you go oh my goodness you didn’t see me are you kidding me you

Stayed on the roof why because I want to win this and there’s 10 seconds remaining let’s go the first round is in the bag no no I can still get you there’s still a chance bro I’d literally have to slip and fall in a banana peel

Like whoops shag it bro I’m out of time let’s go round one is my dton whatever bro it’s my turn to hide and let me tell you I won’t lose all right I’m going to run over to the train and start counting melon your 2 minutes starts

Right right now okay guys time for me to start spying on him wao where’s he going okay guys uh we haven’t explored this part of Lego world Maybe maybe there’s something in here guys my camera got obstructed by that block I need to try and get a view of him from the glass

Windows where’d he go where’d he go there’s got to be something around here surely what is all this stuff anyways there’s a bunch of caution signs Minecraft but it looks all Lego what is this place wait a second guys I just saw melon he’s upstairs wo do you see all

These paintings they’re so cool why are they like mysteriously put here well that’s a bit strange maybe there’s a there is there’s a secret guys I’ll never be found here this is how I’ll win all right Sunny I’m ready let’s do this okay melon let me see if I can get a

Sense of your Trail ooh ooh that’s stanky oh that is some stanky wondermelon bro I’m not stanky dude okay goats I just muted myself on Discord I need to find a way to get to the second level and run all the way across those windows he went somewhere in there but

The question is where did he end up oh this game is going to be easy okay melon for my first question did you hide on a place of high or low elevation I hid at a place of I’d say high elevation yes I found a staircase this is perfect

Now melon my second question is from your hiding spot is it pretty close to the train um H hold let me think I would say it’s reasonably close wao what did I just find this place looks insane what did you find Sunny found this cool room there’s a hallway with like smiley faces

And caution tape and what is this what is what it’s like free parking from Monopoly I don’t know there’s a parking sign 67 guys he’s really close to me I got to make sure I look this way so no parts of my body poke out like what does

This mean 67 plus 42 let me do the math that’s 69 U + 40 okay 109 M yeah I don’t really get it h okay melon for my third question are you inside or outside I that’s actually a really good question Sunny I’d say I’m inside you’re inside

What the heck bro guys Sunny is right there uh hopefully you can’t see me right now ah so you said you’re inside right guys he actually didn’t see me let’s go yeah interesting because I’m outside I found you and you call this spot inside what the heck bro uh bro I

Don’t know if that inside or outside what am I supposed to say and wait did you just go through that block uh nope see you what the heck is that hold on I want to see how that hiding spot works that looks so cool uh shny technically

You haven’t found me yet dude I literally punched you in the face five times dang it you’re right wa so this was your spot you were in this painting and then you closed the door yep I closed it on you Sunny so you could never find me you’re right bro once

That’s closed you can’t go inside well this round goes to you but now I I promise I’ll find you in this next game good luck with that bro you’re going to need it uh Sunny what is that what’s what did I just see a camera monitor why

Do you have a camera monitor I don’t know what you’re talking about bro that would be impossible how could I get a camera here you scumbag no more cheating I literally am looking at the camera right now uh oh wa bro that’s crazy did you know they have security cameras in Legoland

That’s it sunny ow what the heck melon um Sunny what is wrong with you what do you mean actually I do feel kind of funny right now wait a second I’m a Lego man uh melon I think we need to speed up our hide-and seek something’s going wrong we’re turning

Into Legos bro I’m not a Lego I’m big chilling look at me um Sunny what just happened to me bro you look ridiculous your Lego skin is weird bro you look kind of like a uh uh like a messed up grape or something you don’t even look

Like a wer I know I look hideous we need to continue this hide and seek and get out of here Sunny You’ve Got 2 minutes to hide bro what happened to your legs I don’t know okay goats I have 2 minutes to hide and I need to win this round so

We could get out of this place already I’m thinking I know the perfect location I’m heading back to the Lego factory and I’m going to jump inside of that super hot lava I’m going to get in that bucket and I’m going to make it mine

That way melon can never find me if I’m inside of this place he’ll never suspect a thing because well you would actually die if you go in there it’s lava okay goats there’s something I didn’t tell you once I found out Sunny was cheating I hacked his cameras check this out and

Now I can see exactly where he’s hiding H guys I feel like I need to convert this lava to fake lava cuz look ow it hurts ow guys look at him he’s going to jump in the lava pit what a burned him what an idiot okay now to turn this into

Fake lava all I have to do is sacrifice a bucket of slamin it worked I’m in guys what did Sunny just do he jumped in the lava and now I have the ultimate hide out and in case melon comes near this I’ll have to undo the fake lava which is really quite

Easy I just throw this bucket of axolot in here and it’ll return to normal lava and then I’ll make the Escape through here perfect he’ll never never suspect a thing that’s it guys I’m going to find Sunny so fast and get my revenge okay melon I’m ready I’m in my hiding spot

And now I’ll spy on him with my cameras there he is guys he looks so weird guys I’m going to waste no time in finding Sunny I’m heading straight there but I got to make it look a little believable hey Sunny um uh are you hiding in the factory that’s

My first question bro why would you ask that that’s so specific but yeah I’m hiding in the factory guys this is going to be awesome I’m going to use camera 2 to spy on him sorry you cannot do that to this block it’s already owned no way

Melon hacked my security camera I can’t use it second question Sunny are you perhaps hiding in this lava pit uh uh guys I got to turn it back to normal yeah I saw you do something suspicious sunny I saw you turn this real lava into fake lava ow why am I burning ow

It’s real bro guys it worked the Axel work no way no way how did you turn it back to real lava oh oh no oh no oh no I can’t let you escape I’m just being chilling actually you’re beinging chilling yeah Sunny so you’re really telling me you’re still in there I plead

The fifth so if I were to open this like iron door right here what would happen I I don’t think anything would happen bro I’m nowhere near that iron door all right well let me just grab one of these wooden planks I think here we go and all

I’ve got to do is set this up right here let me let me place it yeah all you got to do is set it up right there nice one bro give me a moment give me a moment not good he’s actually going to open this door up 2 seconds okay may maybe

Like 15 more seconds any day now please and hey sunny I found you dang it bro now we have to play a fourth round that was such a bad idea and sunny we better hurry up because once this train leaves we’re stuck in Legoland forever well

Then you better go hide quickly I’m only counting to 50 1 2 3 okay I got to go I got to go fast I got to go fast I want to win okay guys do you see that right there that’s Sunny’s cameras I’ve got to play this round tactically to avoid all

Lines of vision okay guys I could see him on my camera wait where’d he go he still shouldn’t be able to see me now if I go sneaky beaky like guys I can see his watermelon right there what is he doing he can’t see me

Now I’m out of his line of sight I should be able to hide anywhere wait guys that’s not good I don’t have a camera perspective around this corner oh no I’m not going to know where he’s hiding do secret agent style I need to climb this mountain of barrier blocks

For some reason yes yes you’ll never know 47 48 49 50 that’s time it’s all good Sunny because I’m done oh I’m going to find you so fast melon I spotted you on my cameras and you were right over here you have no idea where I’m hiding

Sunny I tactically avoided all of your cameras so you wouldn’t be able to see me actually for once you’re right I saw you go behind this wall and then I lost track of you wait you saw me go behind the wall dang it yeah but I don’t know

Where you ended up the heck is this I got to find a way to jump over these blocks where did you go somewhere sunny but I cannot say oh melon I’m starting to feel a bit queasy I think the Lego world is starting to eat away at me what

Are you talking about Sunny it sounds like you just want me to give up but I’ll never give up oh my head hurts melon where are you uh guys what just happened to Sunny oh no oh no he wasn’t kidding he really wasn’t feeling very well he’s turned

Into to a Lego oh no no I’m not feeling very well either guys it’s going to happen to me quickly like And subscribe before I become a Lego too uh melon how are we going to get out of here um I don’t think we can Sunny unless the viewers get this video

To 10,000 likes do it now today in Minecraft we investigated this spooky abandoned barn and then we got teleported inside a Lego one block world great not only is the world entirely out of Lego but we’re made out of Lego too actually I kind of like the way I look

Now Lego melon is goated I guess we have nothing left to do but break this block let’s see how many of you can subscribe before Sunny can break this block melon we’re all geared up and ready to go dude I can’t wait to do this secret mission

That kandale gave us now where exactly are we supposed to go I don’t know Sunny he was very vague he just said to go to these specific coordinates and didn’t give us any more information okay guys you should be near nearing the objective park near it and proceed with caution

The Lego man should be inside good luck okay melon we’ve got to be careful Quil said to use Extreme Caution and that the Lego man might be very dangerous why I was just testing my Munitions sorry about that melon we’ve got to be sneaky guale said that the Lego man could be

Here and that he’s very dangerous okay sunny I’ll clear the outside you go on the inside okay and don’t go too far from our vehicle in case we need to make an emergency exit yeah bro yeah bro I got you I got you I’m going to be real

Sneaky oh no he’s already killed a sheep this guy he’s pure evil what an absolute monster hold on give me this that’s a good snack wait what can’t whatever I guess make use of it it’s already dead let me see I’m going to peek through the windows uh melon yeah Sunny what’s up

There’s a problem there’s crazy traps in here I’m going to have to be extremely cautious Sunny this is what you were made to do you were born for this day just don’t mess up and kill us all I’m going to do my best okay guard the vehicle I’m going

In what is that guys it looks like a crazy Lego computer system uh I don’t see him in here he must be on lunch break but I don’t want to step on any of these landmines I’ll explode just got to crouch under the laser beam this is so

Tense okay I got around the first laser and these explosives now I’ve got a jump oh that was close wait a second guys I think this sheep’s an impostor this one too melon what are you doing out there I can hear you firing your rifle dude these sheep were looking funny I think

They were working for the Lego man he it’s a bit sus anyways guys got to get around this last land mine carefully and what is this thing Sunny melon whatever you do do not power on the Lego computer wonder what this button does sunny sunny come in bro

Sunny oh no the Lego man must have got him he’s got to be in here somewhere though what the heck he’s completely gone and what kind of machine is that okay got to exercise Extreme Caution to dodge these lasers and avoid these landmines and then hit the jump I almost

Landed on the jelly donut um Sunny pretty sure quand Del said whatever we do we should activate this button I heard that right quandell right no don’t do it stop oh it’s too late what is happening ah melon don’t worry it’s going to be okay I’ve been here for the

Past 5 minutes it looks like we’re trapped on a one block Island bro I don’t want to be trapped on a one block Island qu didn’t tell us about any of this um melon I’m pretty sure he warned us not to press that button and then we

Both pressed it oh yeah come to think of it that’s definitely what he said but now that we’re trapped I wonder what quandel will tell us next okay quandel come in quandel quandel quandel come in Sunny we’re way too far from kandale the signal is not strong enough got to use

Our heads and figure out a way to contact him melon look at the distance on top of that giant Lego block it looks like there’s some type of radio tower dude that’s the way we could boost our signal there and wait Sunny what the what is that right there uh I don’t

Really know looks like three empty item frames but I don’t know what they’re doing over there uh we’ll figure it out later first things first Contact quand and if we’re going to get to that radio tower to call quand we’re going to need more blocks and a pig no no pigs no why

Melon I’m also going to store my weapon in here for safekeeping in case I die a horrible death same with my armor wait a second Sunny what the heck happened to you yo I’m a Lego once I took my armor off I transformed that’s so weird wait a

Second am I a Lego too sunny melon you’re a Lego man as well dang it bro I wanted something about me to be normal your head looks pretty normal actually come to think of it let’s go no yours does not look normal Sunny melon we’ve

Got to get off of this one block as soon as possible otherwise we’ll be stuck like this forever all right Sunny I’m building over to this cell tower okay while you’re trying to access the radio tower I’ll keep breaking the one block so we get more supplies wait these are

Oak logs bro I couldn’t even tell everything looks the same dirt Oak log you’re right dude we need to make a crafting table and get some tools I already got a crafting table Sunny just remember light brown is wood dark brown is dirt got it I’ve got got three logs

Right now so I’m going to turn those into planks and get Crafting I’m going to turn mine into sticks and then make a pickaxe just in case we get some Cobblestone yep and I’m going to go ahead and make that wooden shovel let’s go oh that was not the one block my bad

Continuing the build yes yes yes I got a bucket of water perfect I’m going to place that there one more and we’re going to have an infinite water source let’s go and it’s time I put a block underneath the one block cuz we’re losing some gravel stuff oh dude those

Are valuable blocks that we need actually do we though we can’t even build with those yeah maybe they don’t matter then the heck why did I just hear a villager wait is he underneath it let me check no he’s not there I heard him too it was

Like I’ll take it though give me that oak logs that Oak sain bro look at the torch it looks so cool bro I love Lego torches not too much though melon cuz we got to get out of here you’re absolutely right Sunny I’m going to make a butt ton

Of Oak slabs right now yep and I put 12 12 more on the path for you I got 54 Sunny that actually might be enough to make it nice I’m going to make a wooden axe as well so I can chop through this one block more come on it’s upgrading

We’re getting a new one block let’s go please be Stone I don’t know what we’re getting but I hope it’s Stone soon we reach the plains sunny enough flowers and trees will grow here to last a lifetime well isn’t that nice sunny I’ve almost made it to the Lego block we can

Actually do it here for sure okay okay that’s awesome I’m putting some more chests down grab that water bucket Sunny I’m on the way bro it sounds like there’s stuff in here hold on let me break it what the heck I can’t break these blocks are you telling me the

Giant Lego brick has a force field we’ll figure it out later Sunny for now we need to go up there okay let’s go one more and that should bring us all the way wo what is this bro this radio tower looks awesome Sunny activate your cellular device um melon it looks like

I’ve got to do something here first oh wait power it it’s not working I think we need a redstone block first all right Sunny stay here I’ll get a redstone block sunny I finally got it quickly swim up here so we could power the radio tower and contact quand all right sunny

It’s time for the block yo you powered the tower now when I crank this it should boost our signal sh quandel quandel come in can you hear us yes sunny I can hear you where are you we’re trapped inside of a Lego world we need to get out of here quickly otherwise

We’re going to be Lego guys forever I told you two dumb Dums not to press the button but you did it anyway I’m sorry quand it was an accident plus you should know with us by now it’s fine just tell me where you are and what you see well

We found this radio tower to boost our signal on top of a giant Lego block but hold on hold on let me see if you can see this so yeah there’s this giant brick brick and there’s a forest field and an obsidian wall okay great you need

A Lego pickaxe in order to be able to break that wall it’s the only way uh quandel how the heck are we supposed to get a Lego pickaxe you must collect the three ancient Lego blocks and put them in the legendary Lego item frames but they’re so hard to find wait a second

Quale those are the item frames right by our one block melon we’ve got to go take a closer look we got this melon why are you like this cuz I’m a speed Runner sunny and now I’m back before you I guess that kind of makes sense but melon

I’m looking at the item frames it looks like there’s something on the back of them wait yeah it looks like there might be like a sign or something Sunny wait we got to investigate this also I got a lot of dirt that’s good we need to

Expand our Island as well if we’re going to survive here wa what is this yo Sunny there are signs here it tells build a Lego house raise a Lego baby but then the third item frame doesn’t even have a sign uh well maybe we should just complete the first two challenges and

See what happens I wonder what kind of M called magical Fantastical Quest this third item frame could contain me too but I’m going to start by building a Lego house and I’ll start by expanding the island yeah that’s a good idea and if we get one more chicken you can make

A Lego baby yo let’s do this sunny all right time to farm this one block get out of here chicken uh melon don’t look no how could you don’t worry I’m getting revenge I’m getting oh I’m sorry no oh how could you it wasn’t my fault the one

Block made me do it whatever you say sunny I just need more building material so I can make a Lego house come on Sunny if you didn’t kill that pig from the beginning we could have made a pig baby and we could have accomplished our first

Quest it’s okay it’s okay we’re going to get a lot more farm animals don’t stress yes a second chicken and I’ve even got seeds here we go baby baby baby get a baby making chickens let’s go but Sunny where’s the magical primordial Lego block wait what was that melon over here

In the item frames yo we accomplished our first Quest now we’ve just got to build a house sunny it’s Grind Time yes a one block upgrade Stone please we finally need Stone come on wait sunny I had Cobblestone this whole time wait are you serious how did you get that I don’t

Know bro I got it when I got the Redstone yo and it looks like we’re getting even more Cobble now this is perfect ah creeper oh no it actually exploded bro did you hear that sound it broke all the Lego blocks bro we’ve harvested enough blocks it’s time to make our Lego house

Let’s do it I have almost three stacks of wooden planks here Sunny yo that’s plenty check this out I’m going to start by crafting some supplies so I’m going to make us a door that way our house can be an actual house and look good what

Else do we need I think some more torches that’s probably a good idea yeah you do that Sunny I’m going to work on the frame of our house are we thinking like an L-shaped house what are we thinking here um whatever makes you feel good I was thinking a generic old box

Does the trick oh I like where your head’s at a classic boxy box and then the hardest part of this house is going to be putting the roof on bro what do you mean that’s going to be the easiest part bro if you don’t have a sloped roof

Our house is going to flood bro it’s not realistic Minecraft it’s Lego too bad too bad too bad slope that roof I’m sloping it bro you are the worst I am putting our windows in so we have a nice view I’m putting in all of our little extra details like here’s our kitchen

Area very nice then we’re going to have two doors cuz we’re fancy come on please Lego please work the way I want you to work beautiful two doors and I’m thinking we need a bed right uh do we have any wool uh did you Slaughter any

Sheep not very many sheep I think I pushed them all over the edge we can’t even put a bed in bro it’s okay we have the spawn point of the one block yeah plus I’ll put something quite comfortable in there don’t worry don’t like where your head’s at Sunny I’m not

A fan of it and then I smelt this check it out Sunny the roof is soon to be completed uh got to add some stairs here not bad melon not bad at all can you toss me some planks I got you my dude yes I needed a little bit more fuel for

The furnace you’ll see why soon enough oh wait I’m doing this wrong uh and our front’s going to look fancy Cobblestone pillars guys one more brick and I’m going to make us the best bed ever super comfortable got it then I make three blocks of bricks and then I turn these

Into slabs and check it out melon’s going to appreciate this cuz it’s red boom boom boom yo bro check out our bed it’s made of bricks let’s Go Lego bed super comfortable very good for your back what else could you really ask for sunny maybe cushions and pillows and

Something that’s soft and not going to absolutely annihilate my neck and turn me into a 95-year-old man yeah maybe a real bed would be a step up yeah exactly anyways sunny it’s fine the roof has been completed as has our interior we’ve got a crafting table furnaces a bed and

A chest this is the ultimate Lego house oh wait wait wait hold on the Finishing Touch melon everybody knows it’s not a good house unless you can keep the mobs out yo is there even any lighting inside Sunny oh yeah sorry and boom beautiful but uh Sunny we built a beautiful Lego

House but we don’t have the legendary block bro what are we missing our house needs something but what I know what we need Sunny with this sunny there’s no question that our house isn’t a Lego themed base okay what are you doing it’s a Lego themed house you’re actually a

Genius for that bro did you hear that noise yes I think the legendary block is here it is sunny we got two out of three but wait a second maybe the last challenge is here it is find the lost Lego Island what that is the most Fantastical magical splendiferous

Fantastical ah quest of all time I don’t regret saying it that’s it guys time for me to find this Lego Island by myself it’s going to take a lot of blocks oh hey melon hey Sonny 5 hours later melon I built this huge bridge to nothing it’s

Not this way we’ve got to try a different angle okay sunny I feel like it could be this way melon I’m counting on you bro you’ve got to get at least 100 blocks to the South I’ll do it sunny sunny I can confirm it’s not that way

Okay so we’ve tried South we tried West it’s time to go north wait melon why didn’t we just just start North everyone knows that a good pirates’s Compass always points North and we’re looking for the lost city which is kind of like a treasure hunt plus True North everyone

Knows North is the best cardinal direction comment down in the comments below North gang yeah North gang cuz Santa Claus also lives in the North Pole and that’s my favorite time of the year melon I’m going to use all my blocks and get us to the North Pole we’re going to

Find Santa Claus wait is that what we’re trying to do here no Sunny we’re trying to find the lost Lego Island I mean maybe Santa Claus is there imagine what if Santa Claus is actually just a big Lego guy that’d be hecka cool 2,000 years later melon I’m down to my last

Blocks son are you using iron ore right now what wait a second I could see the island bro I can make out the trees bro it looks so beautiful the trees are made of gold and diamonds and emeralds oh wait I don’t see that when I look

Straight at it I have to look to the other direction yo it is so beautiful it’s so mysterious ious too all right we got to build we need so many more blocks sunny sunny go back I’m counting on you time for me to farm up another 100

Blocks let’s go I’ve got to farm the one block quickly I really want to see what’s on the Lost Island come on come on come on come on get this out of here get this out of here it’s upgrading I kind of just wanted more blocks upgrade

Complete wait I don’t want snowballs I need regular building blocks wait this could work what is this Spruce log oh cool melon I’ve got all the building blocks now let’s go to the Lost Lego Island let’s do this thing um Sunny are you really building with snow yeah I

Hope it doesn’t melt that would be pretty tragic uh we better hurry up bro going as quickly as I can we’re almost lined up soon Sunny oh this place looks amazing plus we could probably mine it and get super rich yeah taking all of those diamonds home will be the richest

In the village just a little further melon just a little bro how far is this place it’s uh right around the corner dude I’m almost out of blocks I hope you have more uh well I’ve got about eight more blocks Sunny that might be enough oh we’re good we Bing

Chilling sunny and these are my last blocks Yes we made it do you got that water bucket on you nope but I can staircase up oh my goodness sunny and this is my last block all right hold on hold on we made it let’s go wait melon

Do you have an iron pickaxe how are we going to Harvest any of this are you kidding me no whatever let’s just figure out what we’re supposed to find here there’s no way the challenge sent us to the Lost Island for no reason yeah bro plus I didn’t hear any magical sound which

Means we haven’t discovered what we need to at least not yet wait melon I see a chest it’s on the tallest tree yo yo yo how are we going to get up there though we can’t mine anything here I’m going to see if I can parkour my way to the top

Yes so far so good yeah I’m out of blocks oh I got some Birch planks I’m chilling uh sunny I made it to the chest I wonder what could be in here what is it melon what is it yo the Lego Universe Stone we’ve got the last one that’s awesome bro let’s head

Back to our one block and place it in the item frame bro I wonder what’s going to happen what kind of legendary weapon will we achieve now whatever you do melon don’t fall in the void all right all right oh check me speed running out Sunny woo yo be careful you can’t just

Skip the corners what if you fell uh then it would be my time sunny but it ain’t my time yet let’s go that was clean with it now check it in the item frame and let’s see what happens all right Sunny the final Block H Sunny it

Looks like the pickaxe has been bestowed upon us bro it looks so beautiful I want to grab it I want to have it no it’s mine it’s mine it’s mine I have it but you pushed me into the void melon I swear if we lost this pickaxe as long as

It wasn’t in your first item slot Sunny I’m respawning you idiot are you kidding me we really lost the pickaxe what are we going to do without the magical Lego pickaxe no way there’s another one let’s go now melon you’re going in the void get out of here oh son chill chill chill

And I’m grabbing the pickaxe all’s good in the world again now melon before I go and destroy the obsidian I think we should grab our powerful gear again just in case there’s monsters in there yo it’s time Sunny I’m going to need some of those bullets though there you go 14

Sunny let’s break down that obsidian and free ourselves from this Lego realm that’s right we’re coming home quandel and I just got to make this jump okay we’re good yo this pickaxe is nuts no way break that obsidian down Sunny uh melon there’s pillagers get in get in

Quick take them out out Sunny oh they’ve got crossbows such primitive weapons wait Sunny these guys don’t stand a chance we’re actually destroying them Yo shoot their little fies ow ow skeleton that’s not cool uh melon melon melon I’ve half a heart I got a dip run

Sunny I’ll handle the rest I’m going in close combat die oh one heart one heart woo no well sunny I got you some chicken I really needed that bro the half a heart life is not for me healing up I’m going to go whack this villager to death with

A steak it’s over for you turn him into Fried Chicken slap slap yeah yeah die that’s what he gets for killing you wow that was brutal I’ve never seen a man be beaten to death with food fried food well today is that day we defeated the pillagers we’ve conquered this Lego

Block but the question is what the heck are we doing in here I have no idea Sunny it looks like this is a laboratory of some sort you’re right bro and come to think of it this looks suspiciously like the work of Dr long bottoms bro check that out that’s Megalodon

Industries logo what the heck I thought this was the Lego guy we were investigating but it was long bottoms after all dang it melon we got to find a way out of here first sunny I need to express how angry I am with a beautiful Swan Dive oh wow that does look

Magnificent I am so mad all right I’m good I rate that a 10 now Sunny let’s make our way out of here I’m looking for the exit right now but I’m having a hard time seeing it we might actually have to use this diving board

To escape oh wait I might have been on to something oh yeah we did I’ve made it across to the volcano area but there’s a lot of lava here bro be careful wao bro it looks like there’s some obing we need to do all right I’ll

Be very careful yes Mellon it is an Obby and we need to get out of here use your momentum oh I slipped on the ladders we’ve got it this time just a couple more jumps and just get across these ladders yes melon I’m all the way up I’m

With you sunny and melon I don’t like what I’m seeing here Sunny it looks like we’re going to have to fight the Lego dragon it’s the only way out let’s go melon it looks like we’ve made it but this is super weird why is there another

Portal down there uh I don’t know sunny I don’t trust trust it I just want to kill this dragon and get out of here same here bro I’ve got my handy dandy super pickaxe I’m collecting some blocks so I can get out of here bro that

Pickaxe is insane dog I know just don’t look the Enderman in the eyes all right I’ll shoot them Mel don’t we need to shoot the crystals all right he dodged My Bullets apparently Enderman can dodge guns melon just shoot the crystals all right it’s hard easier said than done

Sunny no it’s actually super easy with our weapons hey oh destroying these yeah melt these crystals nice work couple more got it uh Sunny what about the big crystals up there that we can’t really see you’re going to have to find an angle got it I even damaged the dragon

With it bro I don’t know if there’s many crystals left is that it is a dragon healing I don’t think so Sunny let’s take him out light him up oh wait there’s more crystals where did that one come from I’m trying to curve My Bullets

Ow ow ow that’s it I’m going to build up and take these crystals out cover me I got you Sunny uh there’s an Enderman that’s really mad at you that’s fine he can’t get me if I’m building okay this should be high enough then wait oh no

I’m stuck on a cage yes and now I should be able to hit these last crystals oh no this Ender’s pissed all right he’s dead where are the crystals I got one so hard to see ow dragon fire is he healing I can’t see where he’s healing from I

Don’t think he’s healing Sunny there’s no more crystals left just light this boy up I’m with you fire yeah you got nothing on us Ender Dragon bro he’s already half HP these weapons are too dang strong yep if we just got to pop him in the head hit him

In the weak spot when it lands it’s finished oh he’s coming in for land sunny and I’m ready with my wooden sword as soon as it perches I’m lighting him up Sunny you can’t shoot him watch me oh you’re right yeah I’m trying to tell you

Bro I got this wooden sword for the dub chop chop chop melon you’re actually the goat ow ow ow ow ow woo half a heart no way that was way too close that was way too close my friend and I’m not going to cap I was the one shooting you so

Annoying sunny it’s fine once the dragon takes off I’m finishing this you know why melon because I have the higher ground Anakin wait is this dragon ever going to move there we go and it’s dead I want that kill no it’s mine it’s mine I’m dragon hunting yes I got him yeah we

Did it are we finally escaping from one Lego block in Minecraft I hope so Sunny let’s get in this poral oh wait these XP blocks are cool Sunny hold on I’m dropping down give me a second and I’m going to tank all this nope I have an

Ender pearl I’m good look at the Lego XP I wanted some too late Sunny let’s scram yeah bro we’re out of here one block Lego block you were nothing yes we’re back at the barn and it looks like it’s all destroyed the contraption is broken we did it sunny we saved all of

Minecraft from the Lego infestation you’re right and are we back to normal yes we are yeah let’s go Sunny to celebrate let’s do this melon why well done melon mission accomplished now guys make sure you press that like And subscribe button right now and comment down below your favorite Lego set

This video, titled ‘Using //LEGO In A Minecraft Build Battle’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-01-07 13:00:40. It has garnered 164379 views and 2212 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:35 or 7175 seconds.

👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/

Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Dash Jeffy Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Maizen

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    Insane Minecraft Pig Balloon Build Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘🎈🐷 Sky-High Fun: Ultimate Minecraft Piggy Balloon Build Tutorial! 🏗️✨’, was uploaded by VoxelVenturer Dennis on 2024-06-09 16:27:52. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Join me on an adventure as we soar to new heights in Minecraft with this step-by-step guide to building the cutest piggy balloon ever! Perfect for Minecraft enthusiasts and creative builders looking to add a touch of whimsy to their world. 🌍✨ 🔨 What You’ll Learn: Crafting the perfect piggy shape with precision blocks Selecting the best materials for… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥

    INSANE 3D Creeper Build Hack! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper full 3D making video by hak3d’, was uploaded by hak3d on 2024-04-01 17:17:47. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:39 or 11139 seconds. Minecraft creeper full 3D making video by hak3d Made at Bambulab P1S Combo printer https://eu.store.bambulab.com/ You can find model here: https://makerworld.com/en/models/40153#profileId-39793 Filament type unbrand, luminous Intro music by Alex Grohl: Stomping Rock (Four Shouts) https://pixabay.com/music/rock-stomping-rock-four-shots-111444/ Read More

  • Xylo Network

    Xylo NetworkBedrock IP: Bedrock port: 25799 Java Ip: XyloSMP.wither.best Features: 1.8 combat Hacks allowed Semi-Anarchy Craftable god apples (1.8 crafting recipe) Custom enchants MC Versions 1.9.4+ xylosmp.wither.best:25751 Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2 No resets, griefing Economy Avg. 15 online<!DOCTYPE html> HearthCraft Server Information About HearthCraft Server: HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. We bring people together in a fun and fair gaming environment. Check out our server store and have a sneak peek here! Key Features: Server never resets. World dates back to July 2019. No pay-to-win perks Regular resource world resets Live map available here Zero tolerance for hate speech Pet system Land Claiming and mcMMO Active economy with player shops, warps, auctions, etc. Marriage plugin and leaderboards /wild command for random teleport Technical Information:… Read More

  • Astral SMP

    Astral SMPServer Name: Astral SMPIP Address: astral-smp.comVersion: 1.16 – 1.20Game Mode: SurvivalDiscord: https://discord.gg/THQEuDwgkj— Why Join Astral SMP? Unique Features:Custom Plugins/Mods: Enjoy custom features that enhance your gameplay experience.Custom-built Areas: Explore beautifully crafted landscapes and structures.Events and Contests: Participate in regular events, challenges, and community contests with exciting rewards.Friendly Community:Active and Welcoming: Our community is friendly and welcoming to new players.Helpful Staff: Our moderators and admins are always ready to assist you.— In-Game Rewards Daily Login Rewards: Receive rewards just for logging in daily.Voting Rewards: Vote for our server and get rewarded with in-game items and perks.Referral Program: Invite friends and earn… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂

    Minecraft Memes - Why Do I Relate So Hard? 😂I guess the meme is only worth a 14 out of 100, just like my mining skills in Minecraft! 😂 Read More

  • Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore!

    Pembe Renge Dokunursam, Minecraft Shorts Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From pink color touches to daring escapes, Every story I tell, in rhymes it takes shape. Join me in the adventure, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, And let’s journey through this pixelated delight. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: You are my lava meme “When you’re playing Minecraft and your friend keeps stealing all your diamonds, but you still have to sing ‘You are my sunshine’ to them to keep the peace.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life – Episode 33

    Bandit Adventure Life - Episode 33 Bandit Adventure Life: Senior Hunters vs Chosen One In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “YOU ARE NOT READY! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 33,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Senior Hunters and the Chosen One. This Minecraft Animation marks the beginning of a new arc in the Pro Life Season 3 series. Round 2: Senior Hunters vs Chosen One The episode features a thrilling battle between the seasoned Senior Hunters and the formidable Chosen One. As the two sides clash, the stakes are high, and the action is non-stop…. Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secret Luminous Stone Powder in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minerales de Minecraft [Parte 2]: polvo de piedra luminosa’, was uploaded by Leant_23 on 2024-05-09 13:44:42. It has garnered 57 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Good morning students, in this #guide channel we cover all types of games in an easy and simple way for all of you, mainly games like Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew valley, among many more that will come in the future, if you want to support the project, You can subscribe, like the videos or comment on something. #minecraftshorts #minebuildersa #leant #pandarojo #junimo… Read More

  • Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New Episode

    Nighturz Drops Insane Minecraft Builds in New EpisodeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MUST Place Down HQ ASAP | MINECRAFT | EPISODE: 46 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-05-28 23:51:00. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:47 or 15527 seconds. Been looking for a while, but I must place down in my new location asap. Will be searching for a location with surface and underground structures and close to a Lush Cave. Read More

  • 🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!

    🤯 Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Dream 🤣 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by KnL Shorts on 2024-05-04 13:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP – Join Now & Explore!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP - Join Now & Explore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | 24/7 SMP ANYONE CAN JOIN PE + JAVA’, was uploaded by TECHNICAL GAMES on 2024-01-17 16:14:19. It has garnered 83 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:43 or 7543 seconds. Discord = https://discord.gg/XXpsb45KPe #minecraftlive #minecraft ————————————————————————————— PC 💻🖱 IP = play.dgnetwork.fun RAM :- 8GB processor :- i3 10th GEN graphic card :- GTX 1650 4GB VALORANT ID = GANGSTER么 ISHAN 5375 DIML VOTE LINK = https://minecraft-mp.com/server/315738/vote/ DISCORD LINK = https://discord.gg/XXpsb45KPe Join me as I embark on an epic Minecraft adventure, exploring vast landscapes, battling dangerous creatures, and unraveling hidden… Read More

  • Demonic Minecraft Son – INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shorts

    Demonic Minecraft Son - INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic shaders 😱Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts’, was uploaded by Demon Son on 2024-03-15 04:57:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft realistic shaders Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts best minecraft rtx shaders for android, best non rtx shaders minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : https://trakteer.id/RenIvory Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/renivoryid ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More