Video Information

Hello everybody my name is Junior and we are live playing Hypixel bedwar I hope you’re all doing good it is Tuesday and uh yeah let’s get into it if you want an invite let me know and I’ll send you an invite that’s how that works but um

Let’s go like I said hope everyone’s doing good what a Flex what’s up hazelnut what’s up pyro what’s up TV what’s up crayon what’s up chaza hope everyone is doing super good hello everybody my name is not Junior damn bro really how looking on quests decent o yeah we’re guaranteed to level up Today I’m doing good thank you for asking TV I’m doing good now where am I going let’s send you an invite now who else is online who else do we invite we got DC Online and no one else is online put invite do if they going to join how many

Wins we got 64 five do you know I go VIP damn no way hey that’s awesome very cool what are all the benefits of VIP I actually don’t know I never actually bought it I was gifted it but um I don’t even know what the benefits

Are what sad world we are live in in the rest of us not being named Junior it would be a bit worrying if everyone’s name was Junior that would be yeah quite Waring let’s jump in some doubles then with dark cool I’m going to take my jacket off two seconds Yo chaza thank you so much for the 100 bits I was like I went to uh take my jacket off and I come back yo thank you so much that’s amazing I appreciate that when’s mine man um maybe we’ll do a I don’t know yet I’ll figure something out I promise

It’ll be this week just keep it keep an eye out TV Ranger thanks so much for the follow oh we on cliffs side how’s my first game on today I’m going to be a little rusty wait did I miss something else as well yeah K static thanks so much for

The follow I’m so sorry I missed that as well appreciate the follows where did that go someone bought member did they well This week no wait no Min man this week M man next week I mean yeah if you want me to do it next week I can uhoh get away oh no don’t break the bed get him come on lag hold on I got to put my Razor boost on BR bed [Applause] G get him D you got him nice good stuff hold on what I miss so many ads four ads four ads Oh my days I’m sorry the twitch does that I don’t know why twitch I don’t watch a lot of twitch but um that is one of the

Problems when I do click on a new streamer or like all my friend streams you want to join okay cool ranger what’s your username yeah if you want to join let me know your username and I can send you an invite right what are you saying TV all

Sorry about that maybe after a week of Christmas maybe may but someone bought something yeah um Junior if you have 100 followers on YouTube is that a lot or no 100 subscribers uh yes 100 subscribers is good um I wouldn’t say it’s a lot but it’s it’s a good

Amount all right IGN is okay cool there you go eight nice we’re going to farmor where we going now oh my bad didn’t realize we were push him go go go get him do they have iron armor I can’t tell it’s so hard to tell white they have armor

Nice let’s wait for them to respawn go attack chase him down kill him get over here he’s so close oh no I can reach oh no where did he go don’t chase don’t go to our bed oh we hav’t got bed but it doesn’t matter nice

Let’s go dark Pizza Man pizza is the best what about while taking a walk at night is 100 people following you like 100 people standing behind you while you’re walking at night yeah that’s a lot that’s worrying that result in probably needing to call for help where’s the Ender Chest I was

Loser uh now yes WR I keep this is a weird map okay I’m not used to this one 10th of January wow I mean yeah if you want to play then I’m in no rush to play I’m Happy playing bed on you Hi where we going what we doing O Let’s Get protection armor the white St was there just one dude I SAR there’s only one dude unless one’s disconnected fell on the void early On very nice pink or bed Pink’s not even alive I’m just trying to figure out what’s the best place to go right now I have no Idea yo what’s up red players how you doing man I can’t believe it’s 6 days until Christmas day isn’t that crazy don’t know where December’s gone this just Flown oh no people coming out way I got be careful now a lot of people running around can you join uh we got a full team right now but I don’t know I think Duck’s coming off in like two or three games so I’ll invite you then so feel

Free to stick around till there’s some room get them come on wait what there’s two there’s two what on Earth no I didn’t oh come on how did I do that that’s my skill just walking off backwards without realizing silly me oh I only my first

Came on but we can still trust duck to win this do I know what I want for Christmas um I of when I ask you didn’t know I didn’t know what I wanted yeah it’s only recently I figured out exactly what do I want but um I mean there’s one thing

That I’m going to say not specifically for Christmas what I’m going to try and save up for is a new pc um um aart from that there’s nothing else I really want I’m happy just uh enjoying the the day get him duck so close get him no oh lucky damn that was very Close yo what’s up s dragon how you doing me some sushi oh nice not really I have a bad experience with sushi in the vomit section but it does look nice but it just doesn’t taste as good as it looks if I could put it that way let’s

Invite red plays oh you’re right in front of me that makes it so much easier I’m doing good thank you for s Dragon you had sushan almost died oh how did how do you huh how did you die from nearly die from Sushi O aramus I want some Christmas Maps though You going to get a PC in like two years nice TV yeah it took me a while of like asking to get a PC like I’ve been w a PC for years and then I managed to get one like two or 3 years ago which was super Cool’s bad yeah it can be uh I only tried it once it didn’t go out very well sometimes Sushi can cook meat okay I don’t know all the types of sushi but I tried like the the one with um try to think what it’s called now I can’t

Remember actually which one I had it’s so long ago was like the moment I started eating I just yeah I won’t get too into detail cuz it’s not the nicest thing but is quite funny oh sorry I blocked whoever that was building skills aren’t that too power with

Code oh my PVP apparently damn bro I’m bad cuz I’m studying biology cuz I got a test somewhere I know nothing well that is that doesn’t sound fun I’m sorry to you about that sound Dragon but um good luck with your test biology is is like it’s not too bad from what I

Remember and I only know because I didn’t revise and I showed up to my exam and passed like like a real Rebel and genius even though Blues just smoke me wow when Luna collaboration damn bro I I don’t know when when I get my watch time up I

Think cuz I don’t think anybody would like to collab with me until I’ve got into the YouTube Partner program fully so I just got to keep working you got a 10year old PC wow you Miss Snow cuz you moved to Texas well there’s no snow ever in Texas Texas do ever snow in

Texas like as someone from the UK like Texas to us is just cowboys that’s all it is honestly oh no I’m dying get him just a little snow all right not too bad you you’ve had snow three times 10 cm what are you all bragging for this

Isn’t fair we’ve had like no snow in Wales like it snowed for like 2 hours in Wales and then just disappeared cuz it started raining which was just the worst a you’re going to go swear and Sky Block all right no problem 66 thank you for letting me Know now Who We Are left I’m trying to figure out remember get familiar with the Skins Cool yeah as all has been in like the UK for the past week is just rain which isn’t nice ever I I’m used to it though we get we get like a summer like two weeks every couple years and then snow every 3 years and then yeah do just rain

Then you go there like 30 cm snow and snowing every 5 hours yeah when I went to Italy there was just well I mean I went to a skiing Resort and I went skiing ital and there was a lot of snow I didn’t realize how much it actually snowed in Italy which was

Crazy we super fun only in North Italy I don’t actually know where I was in Italy but um I don’t know is this specific part of it someone need to get blue bad they’ be annoying oh no way who is this going for the clutch oh let’s go how how you juking

Them all you got them all confused uhoh oh this is a close Mission uhoh what do you do yellow’s going from now good stuff do I like the uh kiwi fruit um I don’t think I’ve ever tried it I may have when I was younger but I don’t remember to be honest what’s

Up where is what do you why is blue dedicated to killing us like what did we ever do to offend them oh what a clutch no oh it looked like you R blocked I thought that was what happened right all down to Red now can you clutch red oh

Unlucky that was hard to to win that fight everyone was just pricing us so much let show some Threes usagi that you pronounce it yeah they were sweaty they they were on a mission to murder to murder us like is what is Shrek what what is Shrek learing what is that also here in Texas I guess cold and it just goes back to normal 60 to 70

Fit wait all right 15 to 21 celsius right and en colan D that doesn’t sound fun like one minute you Bing you fall asleep you wake up you breason that sounds the worst 15 to 21 like degrees Celsius that’s warm for normal weather like compared to like being in

Wales like that’s our summer like a normal day for you is our Summer where we going so I missed the full memo I have an idea I never played this map before is this a new one or an old one just brought back let’s find out we are School in British tea tea with milk and I must say I was thinking

That it would be disgusting but milk was like not even there and it was great British tea wait is there a difference from any other tea bur a tea bag some sugar milk water I thought it was just tea everywhere 0 to 10 cus yeah that’s about

Right for uh wheels too sometimes the minuses wait hold on let me check what it is right now yeah it’s Five now let’s head back to green try and get our beds you don’t put milk in your tea why how can you not put milk and tea that’s like the main ingredient there’s no milk there’s no tea let’s go oh my God what a time Man Uh okay Junior I we good enjoy all right no problem TV thank you so much for watching um have a good night and uh enjoy your milkless tea that doesn’t sound pleasant but if you enjoy it then obviously that’s fine I say oh you put honey fair enough that is also a good

Option I guess fair enough but good night TV thank you for watching I you died then you nearly killed me after all I done I took a Green’s bed and this is how you repay me yellow you couldn’t go for red you just had to go entirely cross map get over here very

Nice oh that was close you only ever tried ice tea D which ice tea though I mean there’s a company called lipon they do ice tea and it’s like the best like there’s like lemon ice tea and there’s like a couple different ones I forgot which options

They are but like lemon one is like the best ice tea now let’s get sharpness so we can kill people faster make some more tool upgrades and I need blocks as well just sweet oh uh-oh how G’s buy an iron sword real quick and an apple who P just went what was

That let’s go oh pretty good with some lemonade wait mixing iced tea with lemonade like that sounds kind of wrong wait what yo what’s up Dum dog how you doing I might have to try that you know putting some lemonade in my iced tea that’s a

Shout I didn’t even know that was a thing before genius doing good awesome I’m doing good as well thank for our skin what the I click that let’s go steal R diamonds as well because well we can and will cuz I want to I just go this way but

FR thank you green for doing a great service for us all I do this for my team let’s go get off the map oh no I sacrificed myself I did what has to be done what are you doing red how did we end up in

Here how did you end up in there watch out in front of you he might slap you in the face like you just dead nice Escape uh-oh all right let’s make sure that the the cas iic is doing good as well nice he’s got red one of the Reds so there’s a 2223 it’s the weirdest football formation ever no did I just see red fall in the v wait did you just end the Pearl

Wow get him hit him in the vo let’s go they just walked in now get the other one H them in the vo let’s go nice red now let’s go see how K static doing let’s go over here way too oh stuck in the shop there’s only one red left oh we

Better clutch this how many beds I got this game two didn’t you realize I forgot I had the first one as Well now where are yellow they just chilling at their base doing nothing with their iron swords and their iron armor and their Fireballs watch out for them so everybody looking forward to Christmas next week any big plans for Christmas day or just staying home and enjoying presents and family and food I

Like food that’s going to be one of the best parts of Christmas or also Christmas day is the only day ever where I’m happy to wake up early other than that I am devastated if I have to wake up early now where we going right there two

Yellow one red let me find out where red Is on top a red base who is the best part of Christmas other than presents yeah exactly I love it it’s so good like stuffing man stuffing is just perfect with turkey get him get him you got this red get red nice I meant red place by the way

Not team red just in case anybody got that mixed up cuz there was somebody on team blue called red fighting somebody on team red was their name blue no that would have been funny now it’s a two on two yellowy red blue this is so complicated you don’t make this easy for me

Red I never really ate turkey Hol just last year was just too big yeah I never finish my fall plate it was too much food I mean there’s always leftovers which is perfect for like going back to unboxing day yo what’s up Dum dog hello over on Twitch now be

Careful now I’ve lost you me too in you Maniac Miner why did you buy That man if we win this game or if you guys win this game that would be very nice mean one one win per stream is perfect oh let’s go that is awesome that’s I was talking about it I didn’t realize red was going over to fight sweet next game wait Christmas a I

Didn’t get to click on the Christmas one how are you floating how did what the that was confusing how do you do that how do you what why could I do that what privileges do you have who do you know the white bar glitch what how are you doing that how is

Everyone doing this yeah what did I ask for Christmas um so I asked for PC but um that was It and then I mean there’s little things like flaws and like stuff like that I mean like if I can’t get PC then probably like tiets to like see some musici Ro no zon musk yeah right there what a Deon though uhoh bed’s gone that’s bad

Uhoh what about you guys though what did you ask for Christmas I like this block what is that like if I turn my texture pack off is really bad two beds already a FF VR game oh that sounds terrifying oh you are very brave to be asking for that how can you fair

Play oh that’s cool man I can’t even I’m too scared to play normal for now how on Earth where are we going oh Blue’s dead and it’s just me and red the team red and a teammate red I want to be dead has a th000 health what what does that look like

Oh let’s see what we can do there go me the magic Junior’s giant beant stalk ha oh I fell off no yellow don’t kill me I will complete uh my FNAF game collection wow you’re like a super dedicated FF fan super cool hold on I can see something at the

Bottom left but I’m not going to reply right now thank you yellow for not going for me but I smacked you by accident hold on what is this all right no problem jasty okay static thank you so much for playing have a good Night get him red nice got every FF game except for Freddy in space right Five Nights at Freddy in space that sounds terrifying oh is it like a fan-made game I mean if you don’t class as a real game then technically you’ve got like the perfect collection of all the games

And I kind of do that with like the WW we games I got like every single one ow ow ow ow ow ow ow I clutched oh my days how did I just clutch that that is unreal I asked for monitor the crew motor thing uh Auto drop and some small

Stuff wait what is auto drop and the crew M thing what are They are you give me an Apple thank you so Much uh fredd space is official but more of a Troll game by Scott all right Scott the creator of like all the FNAF games all right a minut a Troll game now Mak imine making a game you know is going to sell well just for trolls

Mad uh the crew mot thing is a game it sounds familiar is it a racing game I might be completely wrong but it sounds like one like a similar One auto drop is Dutch candy all right what does it taste like what’s the type of um is

It like chewy is it like solid or like candy floss what’s the texture it’s red by the way Oh behind me I didn’t see that surprise how did you know to turn around by the way get Gone right behind me where that’s scary don’t say that I have emeralds I think I stole from that dude so I just killed now what do we do we Cook man you know where I’ve been cooking in lately fortnite yeah that’s right I’ve been just destroying people on there and leveling up like insane like gu like the OG season like all my days I forgot to go a new video on my second Channel today yes guys if you do enjoy fortnite

Content it’s a fortnite video on my second channel the link not the link sorry you can find my second Channel by going onto my channel and scrolling down until you find my channel section there you will see my new video I’ve completely forgotten to promote yo Gundy thank you so much for

The raid welcome everybody from The Raid hope you all enjoyed Gandy stream now what was I going to do I was going to kill some people gar thanks so much for the follow I need some more gold need to be rich with gold what else do I need an

Apple not on that order there we go yo what’s up Goku how you doing who’s that oh you’re scared wait you’re not on my team I thought I was red then and then I realized now my teammate all right no problem gy thank so much dropping by and for raiding me I

Appreciate that a lot and uh I’ll catch you later where we going Red’s dead my bad red sorry red didn’t realize you were dead am I going to stream on Christmas or Christmas Eve honestly right now I have no answers for that question I don’t know how I survived that

Either right we got to take a red now it’s now never they being a nightmare of a team and they they have to go yeah mainly closer to Christmas Eve like the night before or the night of Christmas Eve and Christmas day I’ll let you guys know if I’m going to be

Streaming or not but um as of right now I really couldn’t tell oh how did he what I didn’t see that guy anyway no I’ve died oh it’s all gone wrong what’s up limited purple how you doing welcome to the stream where we going yeah we were in

Threes and there was not enough people how how we doing hello Mr Delivery Man quests oh one more gift we need now where we heading we are heading to Duos no not bridge I don’t like bridge I’m too bad at it got rejector is show oh this

Map bad memories of been bullied on you too many Let’s do this on here break my ankles let’s go red carry me already thank you and he killed them all did it nope two seconds though to respawn where are they are they’re over here they’re on just like the edge uh cuz I don’t know when to donate the smallest basically

Nothing amount hey don’t worry about the amount don’t worry if you don’t want to downlo donate either it’s totally fine but um honestly right now I don’t have a clue if I’m even going to be streaming for the next week cuz like like I’ve applied for a job over

Christmas like the next like week or two so that might even get in the way I’m hoping that that won’t get in the way but we’ll just honestly it’s kind of go with the flow that’s that’s how I like to work here but I want to keep you guys included and updated at

All times you fell off on no The Edge oh no I’ve fallen when will I release new merch ooh I don’t know about that maybe uh we wonder this here but maybe maybe I’ve been plotting maybe we got something next year some quality stuff with the big design stand out and look super

Cool Your streams feel so wholesome yo thank you so much I’m glad you enjoy it and I find it so aesome and I want to gift you something but I don’t know to Don know right thank you what job just the basic um what’s called just waitting is other word waiting wait

Waitering watering flower no refilling cups grabbing cups of empty table come on man oh I near hit the second one as well what’s up CH did you mention that you have 2.3k Subs in your interview of course I did I had a t-shirt on with my sub

Count but they just red off of that I said yeah that’s me I did that they said wow here’s the job right away no I’m kidding they uh no it’s weird it’s like them going for the interview yet but it’s like they want to like instant like it’s so weird weirdly

Run I near Fell the way then that wouldn’t have been great I’ve got this horrible feeling right now you know like when you want to sneeze and your nose starts like tingling and prepared to sneeze but you you just can’t sneeze and like you start staring at like the light to try and

Sneeze and even that’s not doing anything that’s how I feel right now my face is like just scrunched up trying to sneeze whose place is this oh it’s Gray’s oh hello gray how I have an early Christmas gift to give you but I’m not finished with it ooh wait to see what it

Is is it a plane man I hope it’s a plane I could easily drive a plane I reckon anyone could drive the plane to be honest like it looks so easy when you think about it just lift it up and down like surely it’s got to be that

Easy like the th like I don’t know but I’ve just got it in my head that I know for a fact that I could ride a plane I can fly a plane what yeah oh yeah my bad you don’t drive a plane you fly a plane it’s all the

Same do I know J schlatt yeah I’m familiar with J schlat I’ve uh seen one or two of his podcast and um what else have I seen from I’ve seen like stream highlights of it he very funny like but I don’t like go out my way to watch

Him uhoh no you don’t blue no you do not get out of the way oh no I’m hit in the r why I charity SL charity event as tag I forgot to take the tags off when I did the charity event uh last weekend was it

Or was it the weekend before that I don’t know times we fly in this month and I’m dead it’s just us versus blue as well I’m so sorry right I didn’t mean to I was no concentrating I don’t question but I already have multiple universities in mind there’s no

Problem with that it’s a good thing keeping an eye out for your future set yourself goals I don’t want to go to university or yeah anything like there I have to go to the area and looking around and being like this isn’t for me because it’s not for everyone some

People do need it and want it and have to go some people just don’t and I’m one of those I think by the way thank you so much B Gamer for the follow what is driving a boat called is it called boting or swimming well you don’t swim a

Boat do you s a boat no you don’t bought a boat do you bought a boat no you buy a boat the boat go oh un like your right let’s try this again boom I wonder what driving the boort is do you I can’t even think of words

The sound right to go with there where does the boat what do you how does the boat move I don’t know I need to go to univers because I want to do animation visual effects oh sweet nice uh I’ve learned the harmonica part of the weer song in the garage so next time

Just SL as a reaction stream I’m going to weer him on his subreddit wow very cool I don’t know what to do with that uh hello I’m Latin um and I always try to speak uh talk to English people and twitch y that’s so cool Welcome to

My Stream I don’t know if you’ll get much sense out of my accent cuz I’m like the worst person to speak English too but um welcome anyways all right to purchase a door all you have to do is walk up to walk up to a hold on let me try this again in

English do I have this don’t know you go up to it you click the little window hello cannot unlock it yet well if it says cannot unlock it yet it’s because you need to carry on doing your quests and so to check your quest you go to Slumber

Inventory go to Quest log and it’ll show you your active quests and uh make sure you you do complete those and if you have completed them go to the people that give you the quests click on them and then you should get some new quests or get some tickets or more wallet space

And then all kinds of stuff like that Yeah I wouldn’t say it’s weird Goku by the way your number one choice what is your number one choice of university is it in the UK or do you just want to go anywhere yeah how many vo kills have I done 74 I fin learn 3D animation greatr called Source Filmmaker all are done so you’ve gone to all the people is there there any people with like green particles around them I haven’t got any because I’ve done all well not all of them but like I’ve done most of them so if there not like your quest logs if this is

Empty then I don’t know what the problem I don’t know um thing but if you go to Quest logs and it’s not empty then you have more to do before you can open any doors or maybe you go yeah might be you might be at the

Wrong door you have to actually go in order of the doors you can’t just buy 10 because you have enough or go to like eight because you want to go to eight got the first one are you sure are we in the same lobby let me come over here

I go to the first oh so I know you have the right one let me go back to ch um by the way it’s a multiple hour drive from me so they don’t try to track me down it’s in Norwich University of the Arts sounds fancy although Norwich doesn’t sry people love norch

Valve have you valve do all the VR stuff uh list of clients you need to try lby mod a client feather client Cosmic client not hack one PVP lounge and Technics client right and none of those will give me a virus Oh Yeah valve from where I remember there all of your headsets and um the valve index and there um and they they helped make the steam link the wireless steam link for Quest twos uh to PCS um this is BAS of what I can remember from using my OAS quest to at the moment

But they’re great company my school still has broken up for Christmas yeah all the schools around where I live uh break up on Thursday like Thursday is their last day and some go up until Friday day uhoh that’s not good didn’t expect that to happen so

Quick oh hello Aqua I help you with something thank you get out of my base we’re level 169 by the way very Nice no oh oh no oh no uh these are all clients I trust and I tested them all all right awesome I may give him a go we’ll see is Red Dead no good stuff also comes packed with a bunch of asset from the game such as portal team

Me portal like the parkour like oh my bad I think a Mirror’s Edge for some reason cuz it’s like PS that where my Team Fortress 2 half life wait were they made by Valve no way wait what do you mean yours is longer and you get four days off huh do

I use Opera GX uh no I don’t use Opera I’ve been considering switching over was just a to sign back into everything on there like I really can’t be bothered like I’ve got everything on Chrome now and this is how it is like cuz I’ve got like 100 tabs bookmarked and

Saved but I was thinking of going over but I just yeah just the thought of doing that like nah go on righted no not double team that’s not fair nah you could report they were made by Valve oh that’s insane that’s cool I didn’t know they made those games I’ve played Team

Fortress too and uh PA’s been around for a long time PA has been around since years isn’t It wait your xas your Christmas break is only 4 days no Way Uh you can transfer tabs and bookmarks over oh can you right wait why shouldn’t I use Opera by the way them dog yo what’s up I beat box how you doing can you sing last Christmas which one’s that is that the one by wam with uh George Michaels I

Cannot asz my my I have the dignity but I’ll do it at the price cuz everybody’s dignity comes at the price my price I don’t know is wafflin I don’t know I S horribly also there will terrorized people within like a 3 mile radius with cat sounds team for SEC 2007 Oh my

Days how long ago what Wham I thought it was Wham yes I have a good a good music knowledge I got a good brain for music like like there’s a curse right like it’s always like the lead singer can sing I can never remember any words and then the people that can

Remember the words can’t sing and I can remember every word to about 400 songs probably more probably like a thousand songs but I can’t sing cuz if I could sing would be a different St I wouldn’t be streaming I’d be on stage I turn into dream I start getting singing lesson

I’ll start singing on tour should I do that I start getting singing lessons now and turn into like I’ll start singing like dream I’ll do everything I’ll do actually no I don’t want to be anything I want to stay away from that topic thing G okay peer pressure Goku

Damn bro sing now or else beet your fate no let’s just cover this for fun because P Bath uh I M the early Christmas gift on Discord all right awesome sick I’ll uh I’ll definitely make sure to check it out after this game oh see that all it’s a China thing that TOS they’re allowed to sell your data cookie login is very

Easy I mean don’t wor if they sell my data they don’t own my data I don’t know like what I went on YouTube 16 times in the last week what am I supposed to do with that they just made a profit out of me doing

That I mean it’s all a hell blue but like what is the actual what danger am I genuinely in when they sell my data cuz that’s what everyone’s like they sell your data but it’s like what what does that mean like I’ve never fully known what that actually even

Is the bed at the front the bed at the back I mean this as bad as a virus really oh way Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day you sold it on eBay this here to save me from tears I gave it to someone special special Oh there you go you’re very welcome Everybody oh that kind of data right oh yeah that’s different data that’s yeah I thought it meant like activity data I know I get like if it sells like yeah like if you try to like okay okay yeah I Now understand the data s thing come on man why are they not dying

Why would you die there we go that’s why you buy tools every time it always works for Me I wanted like like Britain’s go Talent now no what what’s the show they they R there 10 you’re singing I can’t remember now I I think I Strictly Come Dancing or I’ve mixed it with singing yo that would be class imagine that you got to sing a song and then

They part up the cards afterwards what is Lou going with four what did the other guy going with at six we get away no no no no no no no I did that that was me the professional so this here to save me fronti I’ll give it someone Special American Idol do they do r on it do they do like our 10 like they hold up cards my God I bro where are we going diam actually no we don’t need diamonds he the drums echoing tonight take to do the that was Africa by total where’s the bed

Down there they wait hold on why is my auto model is going like oh cu the naughty words no naughty words yo should I make a rap song in 2024 like I’ve had this idea of making a song that’s like Beasty Boys Joey Valance and

Bray like if you guys know who those are like Joey Val and Bray are like massive at the moment like they kind of like blew up on Tik Tok sort of like sounds um but they’re like very talented like musicians like very like Beasty Boys like um I definitely recommend this to them

Cuz they’re very cool I pr metal music even they good I’m back with there I’ll right the whole song like that if you sing it what do you mean like what H by way it was a flopped I don’t know what he said but uh not in

My chat not in my chat let’s get him yeah D do that word not allowed in the uh the stream dead let me check it’s playing Christmas music let me check my messages what was my other notification about I don’t know merry early Christmas oh that is very cool oh that is

Sick that is super cool that was class yes yo thank you so much that is really I appreciate that that looks super sick like can I use that like for the rest of this month like on streams where where red go no you need to know right you can all find out

Tomorrow I’m hoping I’ll be live tomorrow and you’ll only be able to see on YouTube right before you click on YouTube but um that is super amazing why why can’t I react to the thing oh there we go right where was I now I can use how

Many times I like yo thank you so much that is amazing I can’t thank you enough that is super cool that was I’m super impressed with that that is sick I didn’t even know how you made that uh junior should I finish art school I kind of want to go into politics um

How old are you if you don’t mind me asking him if I can give some advice where are we Who’s online nobody it’s all just me let’s jump in some solos you’ll have to find out tomorrow Goku going to go crazy try to find out well I’ll see you in 24 hours or

Actually 23 700 p.m. tomorrow yo what’s up McQueen how you Doing wait you can right click I’m in there yeah I thought you only left Click oh my God I’m so done it’s like an animation or art um it’s art I would call it what where yellow go just in the white you doing all right nice I’m doing good as well thank you for asking a queen all right pyro haha

Funny damn bro we all like the Austrian take the jokes that’s sarcasm don’t cancel me for saying for agreeing with that I did it Again oh and the bed’s C how’s he got he’s got the the the fancy stuff oh that was a terrible attempt this why I’ve got such a bad solos record I’m not good at the game bad at the game is that a penguin went in like a Mex suit what am

I looking at what is going On I was giving me ptsg oh my D that name I thought that name was gone I thought I’d never see that name Again nah it’s very a very uh light version of Gio uh Goku like if we compared to the extent of what GE went to oh not good Jo and got stuff to do hey no problem um get English sometimes let me try and reword that how you got stuff to

Do maybe try to play tomorrow that’ll be cool y my timeout is over what do you mean dumb dog you got timed out by who what oh the firebomb I didn’t time out did time me out uhoh got to stuck my head now singing over and over again Christmas I gave you my

Home the very next day you show it on this here to shave me from tears I gave it a you just got wrecked rald Get Wrecked uh we got to go now oh no way damn okie dokie damn dog no problem thank you for watching have a

Good night uh yes I got timed up by AO for saying yes s but now you know not swearing no more curing guys I hate that Meme I got a passion of anger every time I see her want to say c words more you know c

Word I was there when he was doing it yes committing more crimes violent war crimes OMG he’s singing it uhoh now time to return the promise same huh time to return the problem hold on I have to assume like that there’s like a love heart in the corner of my chat on

My second monitor so I can’t see like Corner words so I have to kind of like word it together or piece it together and like be like what does that say wait how did Green d i tou him he just disappeared um we go hey no problem Dam

Dog I’ll uh hopefully see you tomorrow’s stream and uh good night where am I Going let’s go to Blue CH all right you was going to sing it back to me does blue see me going over here no Silly Billy silly what am I saying silly Billy Ziggy piggy why does this take so long what is this this R Us come on blue

Where am I going now diamonds I need I’m wasting time this you to save me from tears I’ll give it to someone special once B and twice sh oh God that was hor render that was a whole car crash in the sou of sounding I keep my distance but you

Still catch my eye tell me baby do you recognize me well it’s been a while it’s been a year it doesn’t surprise me I’m been chased from every team now welcome to the bully Olympics get away Aqua I know where you live N no no no no no no no no no no no no why are you sended the entire song now I know what a fool I’ve been but if you kiss me now I know you’d fool me again I don’t trust any lyrics of pyro Now wait what the how did you what I didn’t sign up to this this is too quick no it’s just the chorus over and over again I am not singing that I’ve sng it once and I’ll never do it again I give up with this game get me out of

Here going on and on and on and those Vines get bully by what song are you singing pyro I don’t say we’re all on the right page here there some miscommunicated going On oh weer I thought there was something strange going on I look just like buddy Harley I don’t care what they say about us anyway I don’t Care now you know what I really miss the drums I haven’t played the drums in a long while now and I really want to lately I’ve been itching to sit down at the kit but I don’t have a kit anymore so I can’t sit there and

Play so I have to figure out something new not new but like a a a res I literally know one weer song like like everybody like hates WEA because it’s fun to hate WEA like it’s fun to hate Creed and the nickel back and Limp Biscuit which may be some of my favorite

Bands you know how it goes guys red guy just got destroyed G Blocks why did I buy that didn’t need the apple is everybody just singing in my chat is this what it’s come to what is going on I feel like I’ve just walked into a room with the pizza ready to sit down and eat and everything is on fire and

Everybody’s screaming and shouting and running around panicking and I am very confused as to what is happening where is the fire wed where’s the diamonds it was you I know what you do to me on me try to kill me was you ha you thought you could stop Me yeah goo you can you can stop singing the song now it’s okay it’s over like yeah yes enough no more I have to defend the fort now fortnite forttnite let’s go all night all night for show anybody remember the fortnite song like that was just the best you

Sang the whole song You typed the whole song did you actually sing along or did you just dead silent type in the entire song no no no oh my God the med G I’m going to die and I went from winning to Losen hold on what the who’s there I think I’m going to end it here as I am yes I have things I have to attend to from what I have to record I have to fortnite to don’t actually I got Champs to play don’t actually what am I doing I

Don’t know I’m going to go spend some chill time but anyways I’m tired of getting destroyed on you we’re level 170 which is insane and where it going with this if you did enjoy the stream don’t forget to like And subscribe or follow me on Twitch check out the links in the

Descript description down below or in my info section on my twitch Channel join the Discord come a member now become a subscriber feel free to donate bits or super thanks uh check out the merchandise uh what else do I need to promote um on my second channel YouTube

Channel uh I have a new fortnite video out check that out I played the new season um got a few kills pretty cool kills uh we didn’t win but uh still played like a beast but yeah I’ll be life tomorrow you can see the surprise

That chai gave to me and cool thank you so much for watching everybody look how smooth the transition was now that’s good and good night to everybody all across the world good Goku good night pyro good night anybody else this year Co fortnite Channel now just the second channel fortnite channel the main

Channel stays Minecraft Minecraft always the second challenge for anything but maybe main fortnite depending on how it does good night

This video, titled ‘LIVE | MINECRAFT BEDWARS WITH VIEWERS | Minecraft Hypixel Bedwars’, was uploaded by Junior on 2023-12-20 11:04:33. It has garnered 38 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:24 or 5244 seconds.

#survival #online #minecraft ==========================================================

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  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More