EPIC LIVE: BobConquers Minecraft Art Museum!

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Hello everybody we’re doing this thing live baby this is a brand new experience for me I’m used to being able to uh oh no I could not connect to my realm hold on what an embarrassing start to the stream no I uh I’ve always been a little bit

Hesitant to do some live streaming because I like the safety net I like the security of being able to uh edit things out like awkward pauses or moments like that where I’m trying to connect to my world and it doesn’t connect how embarrassing but I guess while it’s

Continuing oh here we go while it’s continuing to load I can I can chat with you lovely people so anyway this is my world and I guess I can I can share a little bit of context about why I’m streaming for the first time a few days

Ago I I came out with a uh I came out with a short that was kind of like a a base tour and uh I was kind of showing you around like all the different areas of my base Etc and I asked for suggestions about stuff to add to it and

So you guys actually gave some pretty good suggestions the the first of which uh I wanted to try and build is an art museum and I thought this little corner over here of my land uh really doesn’t have anything on it so I I think this is a perfect

Spot to at least break ground tonight on an art museum so what I’ve done is oh missed oops what I’ve done is uh construct somewhat of the uh the first pillar the first Corner come on there we go of the art museum as you can see we might have to

Do a little bit of terraforming which is fine we will also have to relocate whomever lives in that house which is also okay uh uh I asked for their permission and uh I’m not even sure I’ll keep this emerald block here as the uh the foundation but

My idea was that this this right here would be like the outside corner because as you can see I still have my beacon superpowers out at this corner excuse me let’s see that’s another thing I would have edited out um wouldn’t have had the uh the burps and

The coughs and and whatnot the sniffles I got to get used to all of that so uh I’m I’m hoping to entertain you with some very chill Minecraft building uh Adventures but also it is uh a bit selfishly kind of an exercise for me in being able to uh do do live videos

And whatnot so uh enough with the the Preamble let’s get into some building so I put up a poll today on YouTube and on threads and asked what you know kind of like Foundation block or blocks I guess I I don’t even know if I phrased it that way

If I didn’t I should have phrased it that way um what block you would use to start constructing an art museum um and I phrased it that way not just like hey if you’re building a big building building what would you build it out of because an art museum has to

Be Swanky in a way or it at least has to tell a story I think now I say all this uh with a full acknowledgement that I don’t get art I’ve been to many art sorry I shouldn’t say many I’ve been to like four art museums in my in my life

And uh I just I saw things in those art museums that were very puzzling to me and I realized I don’t get art like there was just one Museum we went to that had that had this white pedestal right so like imagine imagine this is like white like

White quartz imagine Quartz in this game in Minecraft it’s like this this little quartz stand right there was some like a glass casing on top of it and inside there was a a candle and next to the candle there was a a cord like a cable

That you plug into a wall and the cable was was just like sitting out on the edge of the or you know on the corner and the cord itself was running into the candle and that was the whole thing that apparently is Art so I don’t get art

Because that seemed like the laziest art imaginable to me it clearly had some sort of deeper meaning but I’m very dense apparently and I did not get it because it looked to me like someone had just uh shoved the wrong end of a plug into a candle so anyway all that to

Say it takes I think a lot of uh a lot of forethought and a lot of planning to determine the best building blocks for your art museum for my art museum for our art museum because this will be a group Journey and the options I gave in the

Poll today were I might even have to look it up I don’t remember but uh it was let’s see deep slate tiles or deep slate bricks uh smooth Stone concrete and something else and I’m going to double check it real quick but as of now uh as of now deep slate bricks is

The winner with uh concrete coming a close second so I am I am thinking what I might do is combine the two I might use deep slate bricks and concrete to kind of form the frame of this structure now the thing about this museum is that it’s going to reflect my typical architectural

Style is yeah thanks thanks cognitive Clips AKA Jordan I know yeah art is just paintings of horses um if that’s a Bob’s Burger’s reference uh I don’t get it but I’m guessing that’s what that’s from because that sounds like something that uh Jean beler would say from Bob’s Burgers but anyway

Um I forgot what I was saying Jordan you knocked me off my kilter not me off kilter um oh I I will say the selfishly the nice thing about using deep slate bricks is that I I have a crap ton of deep slate um I can let’s see oh those

Are tiles you play tiles but here like the brick stairs um I can get deep slate pretty easily because that’s the material that spawns at the bottom of the world so uh I think it makes sense to use deep slate um for a lot of this

So um concrete’s going to be a little bit interesting because it requires sand and gravel and then a Dye of whatever type of concrete you’re trying to make so um what I wanted to do was experiment a little bit at least with a frame of this structure and for that we’re going

To need some deep slate and I think I will uh I’ll take enough Cobblestone or sorry um sand and gravel and oh man I guess uh H yeah I’ll take enough dyes to uh to at least put together at least experiment with some colors um I don’t think I want white concrete

Cuz like the I I’ll just I mean this is this is deep slate right here like this is the the color of uh deep smooth or is it polished no smooth deep slate whatever you call it uh I think it’s the lightest kind of deep slate so it’s

Really like a dark gray I think all the other deep slate blocks are more like that they’re almost black and uh I don’t I don’t know if I want a white and a black color like that because it just to me looks like a uh like a chest board or

Or a piano and so I was also thinking I might use some gold trim gold block trim uh cuz I mean it’s got to be Swanky uh but we’ll get to that later I think first things first we got to put up the frame and I also unless anybody has any severe objections

Will almost s oh it’s from 30 Rock Jordan aka cognitive Clips 30 Rock got it um much to people’s Chagrin many people close to me I have not watched 30 Rock I’ve heard it’s quite funny uh just could not get into it so uh that’s that’s the that’s the end

Of my thought about about 30 Rock um oh here’s a deep slate Brick by the way if if you’ve never seen this that’s kind of what it looks like oh so it actually is very similar to the the color of the polished deep slate okay that’s good to

Know so um actually you know what look let’s do some science in here in fact this will be fun uh here we can because of the carpets here we can kind of Stack these bricks in midair uh let’s see let’s do that and that okay so I need to to grab

Some my nose was itchy had to scratch it I would totally edit that out under normal circumstances but these are not normal circumstances all right so let me get some oh what is it it’s like uh wait it would be eight total for each sorry I sound like I’m

Rambling right now and I promised in a moment this will make sense you’d also be surprised at how many people who uh how many people have played Minecraft for a long time and never used concrete I actually played Minecraft for several years without realizing that concrete was even a thing

Oh okay yeah I can tell you already I don’t I don’t know that I’ll like that coloring that maybe um that’s going to be too dark that gray that regular gray that’s going to be too similar to The Deep slate um now alternatively I could use a

Different color I don’t have to use like some of these uh neutral colors but let’s see uh how do I feel about that I don’t know is it too dull is it too dull for an art museum so here’s here’s the other thing I was thinking about

Today whilst trying to plan this uh this building project is um a lot of my builds end up being really uh like I use a lot of those neutral colors right like my tower here Tower it’s not a tower my monolith of a home uh you know it’s made

Primarily out of out of deep sleep and uh it is you know it it’s let me turn to the field of view let’s see wait hold on oh EV over here we go quake Pro huh yeah see it it’s largely deep slate but you know I tried to trim

It out with some of the lapis lazuli blocks and um oh this is trippy I don’t think I like that uh we’re not going to keep the view like this very long oh I fell okay oh my gosh man I feel like this is its own difficulty setting

Playing in third person with the field of view this way what does it look like in first person I wonder oh wow that that’s that’s so weird man that’s strange cuz like I’m one block away from this Iron Golem and somehow uh this is weird Okay anyway I’m so sorry I’m

Getting distracted but you know I had the little gold Archway here but again most of what we’re working with here is uh deep slate tile so oh Dad G I keep forgetting that’s out here uh normal boom I am a bit hesitant to go all in on

Deep slate again for this build which is why I I think I want to default to primarily concrete um but again my my concern is uh whether or not that will look too neutral of course here let’s um let’s turn this stuff solid also again if you

Don’t know the way you make concrete solid is uh uh contacting it with water yeah see that just that looks so that looks so similar I I don’t know how I feel about that that’s a very um it’s very neutral like it uh I don’t know I

Guess again I can trim it out with stuff but I don’t know almost seems like it would be a little um dull I guess that’s kind of see here’s the thing the smooth Stone I do I like that it’s light um what other colors do I have to work

With here maybe I could go with a cyan s what’s o actually H Yep this is what we’re doing tonight uh I might not even build any structures we’re just going to play with colors just call me Bob Ross okay let’s let’s try this out okay and then H now that that

Already looks kind of artsy what am I doing oh oh no man I messed up my own carpet No get back here oh wait it can’t hurt anything down here man what an idiot okay is that there that was there and these go here and here I chose a really dumb place to

Do this science by the way oh see oh man I kind of like that am I crazy H now I guess I have to imagine that being uh possibly being like a whole wall of a building h oh I don’t know I’m so bad at these decisions some people just have an eye

For this sort of thing I I do not um I really don’t I I just realiz I need to consolidate this stuff um I don’t trust my decorative instincts one bit not one bit uh H see I feel like canan’s a good I don’t

Know it’s it’s kind of a uh I don’t know like a more muted blue if that makes sense like like that’s royal blue right if I used blue concrete that’s what that’s the color it would be orange would be super bright I actually have a lot of the colors represented in here I

Suppose green green might look a little H how would green look actually I don’t know I just I don’t know now here’s the other thing uh maybe I could use white concrete um CU I just had a thought what if I did something like this color

Scheme here and also added some cuz I just got some inspiration from this right here that’s a lot of like light blue and gray and I guess that’s kind of a dark gray it’s not really a black could do something like that let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s

See yeah I feel I mean this light blue would be a little obnoxious I think um Canan Canan Wool Wool cyan wool would uh I don’t know it’s it’s a little more of like a I guess a neutral blue maybe not go maybe not uh dull it’s more

Like a neutral type of blue more so um oh I don’t know okay so uh the thought I just had I guess I can also use quartz for this part o okay now here here we go okay so here’s the thing here’s the thing uh so we could

Do I know this is the most riveting build footage you’ve ever seen just an indecisive man fumbling around uh with his indecision here I suppose it doesn’t make any sense anyway to have the uh just the powder we need the need the uh oh no dead D it oh my

Gosh how many times do you think I’m going to keep doing that Dad G it such an idiot okay so that goes right that’s right okay so I kind of had that there wait did I have this okay good gracious I I really should be doing

This outside I I don’t know why I insisted on doing this science in here just decided to give myself an unnecessary challenge yep got to be got to be quick on those on those rewrite clicks all right so got my blocks actually yeah let’s um let’s go outside let’s go outside

Uh that way if I need more space I have it um okay so here here was kind of my my uh my thought so um okay I was trying to think like like columns right like you can kind of do um I don’t know maybe maybe something more like uh Something more like that you know and kind of have it uh let see like uh like that you know sort of similar to the design of that Archway um you know I mean kind of have stuff curve up um Hello Kitty kitty cat do I have

That oh wait are you guys twins you guys look very similar um yeah I I Uh so here’s the thing here’s here’s what I could do as well um I could create kind of like a deep slate tile back wall that you see from the outside and see well but do I want something that boring being visible from the outside like if I’m flying back to

Base from that direction do I want to look and just see like a big Cobblestone or sorry a big deep slate tile wall uh I don’t know I do not know I guess ultimately it uh ultimately uh won’t I won’t know until I actually start building stuff I

Do think I might use uh quartz though uh I might not use white concrete because I do kind of like the subtle uh texture that it can give to the structure that is one thing about concrete that can become a little jarring um when it’s all here I’ll turn

Off the HUD so you can see like when it’s all uh together like that there are no indentions or lines in it so it creates a pretty smooth look but for some reason in Minecraft I I like that sort of Blocky texture to things that I build so sometimes I have a hard

Time uh deferring to concrete because uh I mean much like Concrete in real life if you just have like a slab of it it is um it’s very flat but I do think one thing I will do I will at least to start out I will

Build the frame of this thing like the foundation frame of this thing out of Deep’s late bricks I think that makes sense uh I think I also think I need to make more a how do you make cyan wool cyan wool crap how do you do that let’s see no

Wait die how do you do that oh green and okay okay I am going to be burning through a lot of uh lot of cacti then let’s see would it be prudent for me to make a cactus farm you know what it might let me just ever so quickly

Uh let see plant a few cacti I also here’s the thing I don’t know if they need to be in the Sun I have no idea but I think right here is as safe A place as any fun fact I used to have uh a little a little line of CAC

Die down in my over in my farm area and I can go show you that where they were in a second but uh I had to take them down because I’m pretty certain that uh all of the bees that I had out here uh were impaling themselves upon

Those cacti and dying so I used to have the this little row here like lined with uh staggered cacti plants and after a few days like I I realized that every time I was coming over here I wasn’t seeing any bees fluttering around and uh the beehives were completely empty and

So I uh I thought for a second it might be these sweet berry bushes because those are thorny when you touch them but for some reason I don’t think they affect bees and so my only other guess was the cacti and lo and behold I uh I took away

The cacti brought some new bees back over here and they’ve all been alive since so uh this terrible planning on my part but I uh I recovered from it and I learned so no harm no foul except for those bees uh those bees definitely died because of my

Stupidity so anyway I don’t think I don’t think there is anything uh that can be harmed by uh my new placement of those cacti so here’s hoping okay got myself some cyan wool I mean wool this is the dye I don’t actually have the wool yet I do have a

Lot of wool though of each color kind of proud of that um but I do need a lot of okay so I’m going to need a lot of gravel suppose I can also put this stuff away as it is evident I will not be needing it

Um o that’s right okay so I I do love the chiseled quartz blocks I also like the quartz quartz pillars quartz bricks yeah there there are a few things I’m going to definitely be using uh besides just concrete and deep slate but actually I’ll I’ll show you my uh

Give you a closer look at my bedroom area than in the short that I uploaded but you know used deep or I’m sorry quartz quite a bit in here um this is like super Swanky I think from Minecraft I’m not sure that I would actually like sleeping here in real

Life uh it almost feels I do like the open concept though I don’t know maybe I would I mean could you imagine right like this is your view waking up each morning you’re just like ah look there’s my aquarium there’s my map room there’s my lava dangerously close to me oh look

There’s my even closer lava I think I think it could be pretty comfortable but anyway um quartz man quartz quartz is where it’s at that stuff is nice super nice so we got got our uh tentative colors picked out for some of the framing Etc and uh here let’s

Um put this in here and put the quartz here and the Deep slate goes here the slate and let’s make a chicken no throw away the dirt and I know that’s wasteful I know I could just set up like a fire or all I guess I could have gone

Outside and thrown that into the cactus to get rid of it but I’m lazy didn’t feel like didn’t feel like running like 20 steps outside I’m on a I’m on a busy schedule here I don’t know exactly how much sand I’m going to need for those 24 cyan dyes not the

Wool but I think I’ll just bring four stacks of each just to be safe because I’m bad at math and I don’t feel like embarrassing myself at the moment with my poor math skill oh wait 15 already um although just eyeballing it that feels like too much but I guess it

Doesn’t hurt to have more than you need uh ah you know what let’s uh let just make a few more just yeah you know what let’s um make it a nice 36 that seems great okay uh now let’s head over to the build site also whilst we are flying over

There uh anyone in the chat if you can help me out um can you hear me okay can you hear the game volume okay is everything balanced fairly well um like I’ve said many times in this first I don’t know like half hour or so uh

This is all kind of a new experience for me so um want to make sure that you know I want to make sure you’re having a good experience I’m here for you let’s see probably that stone cutter and let’s see Also I will just warn you um this also doesn’t make it into my long form videos but I hum to myself a lot um and uh sometimes it’s like okay so this is going to be kind of a long-winded thing but basically uh I I I

I sing in a group at uh my local church and I I sing base a lot so I often will sing uh the Baseline to songs that I know uh and if you hear that by itself uh it’s it’s it’s almost nonsensical oh Jordan thank you bud I can see your

Typing bud I appreciate you watching out for me um so if I if I start like singing or humming something that you don’t recognize it it could be a song that I sing at church and it’s not even like the Melody of that song it’s the

Baseline of a song and so uh I apologize for that already but that’s kind of how the inside of my brain works I think so um now that we’ve gotten this cleared away a little bit I think and by the way just to be clear I I know that I

Will based on this build height using this as like the floor level I will be building over this but I wanted to clear all that out because um one of the most awesomest trades that I can get over in my uh over in my Village Over

Yonder you can’t even see from up from down here over Yonder is a uh a Shepherd you can’t even see it from here but uh he buys red dye and you can turn these poppies into red dye and that’s just like it’s it’s like an infinite money

Glitch in a way like if you’re if you’re building a new Minecraft world and you want to try and like amass a just a crap ton of emeralds really quickly villager trades are the way to do it um actually I say that the only way you can amass a

Crap ton of emeralds but um if you can luck out and get a Shepherd who will sell you uh or sorry who will exchange emeralds for dyes especially Reds or yellows or green you know stuff that you can um stuff that’s sustainable right cuz like you

Can get you can get reds and yellows by bone mealing the ground um and you know picking up the flowers and converting those into dyes and then you can sell those to a Shepherd if you can get a Shepherd who will sell or give you emeralds for like

Red yellow green dyes um those or even white like white dyes that that’s like that’s that’s way op so um that’s part of the reason that I was clearing out uh clearing out this land but anywh who let’s h i yeah I think I’ve already decided I’m not going

To keep that Emerald corn well am I I mean it would be awfully Swanky maybe I should maybe just do well H all right so here’s here’s what I’m thinking let me just let me just um try to verbalize my thoughts uh one of the

Things that uh Becca gets on to me for all the time my wife if you haven’t watched our uh channel before uh Becca is my wife uh she is in many of our videos we did a playthrough of hit Co-op game it takes two together she is an

Integral part of our uh our valheim series and our return to Moria our brand new return of Moria series but one of the things that uh I think gets on her nerves that I do is apparently I don’t like finish my sentences or my thoughts

Or whatever and so I’m going to try to be better about that I’m going to try to be better about vocalizing my thoughts and my feelings um not my emotions because I feel nothing but uh my plan in my head is basically to in fact here let’s let’s just go

Ahead and get started let’s just start building stuff and if I I hate it I can tear it all down I have Beacon Powers so I can mine stuff really quickly anyway um my thought here whoops is to basically put down um ah see okay basically put down

A a back wall right here that’s like a solid wall is that H is that too big is that obnoxious no I don’t think it is I I I think that’s perfect um I was going to put down yeah kind of like a back wall here that’s like a solid wall right and

Then uh the other three walls at least on this upper level that’s right I have decided this museum is going to be two levels and I’ll as we proceed along this build building project you’ll see what I’m thinking of but basically the uh the wall here will be a

Solid whatever materials I decided to use the wall will be made of that and then the outer walls here and most of the entrance which I’m I’m thinking will be I don’t know like I’ll I’ll do I’ll actually do some counting once I’ve got the frame up but uh it’s going to be

Like here is and uh oh you know what maybe I won’t have to move that house I might be able to keep it there congratulations oh wait is there anyone even in here sorry I get easily distracted too it’s another thing Becca gets annoyed oh my gosh I forgot that this [Laughter]

Is it’s my first mending villager look at that he sells mending books what else does he sell actually oh he sells Unbreaking books o I need to remember that I need to need to go get some emeralds and books and buy buy some some Unbreaking books um

Anyway my idea was to have three sides of the build or three sides of the upper level primarily glass and then sort of this back wall here as um a uh see going through this too uh as a wall of whatever materials I decide to use so Um uh I am also I’m going to clear this land out um I don’t think it oh whoops light stay with me I feel like this area is pretty well lit up that I don’t need to put on my armor but I’m paranoid I’m

Going to put on my armor anyway I know I also have the beacon powers and so even if I don’t know man I feel like could with the beacon Powers I I I’d like to think that even if a creeper exploded like right on top of me it wouldn’t kill

Me but why tempt fate you know so let me clear out a little bit more of this land here get some of these poppies then convert them to red dye and then sell them to those stupid Villages I’m just kidding they’re not stupid they’re very one track minded but they’re not stupid um

Um I also I I’ll have to uh get you guys’s opinion sometime about uh the nature of my nature of of my uh relationship with these villagers because Becca is convinced that I’m uh keeping them in captivity uh even though I’ve explained to her many times that uh if they

Ventured outside the the walls outside the safety of uh of my safe haven uh they would definitely die so I’m I’m really giving them the gift of safety and I’m giving them the gift of purpose because they all have jobs which is giving me mounds of emeralds uh for random crap like Stone

And crushed up red flowers that I used to make dyes um but no they they live great lives they are um they’re very lucky to have me probably all right I’m going to clear this a bit and okay uh let’s see if you’ve never minded with Beacon

Powers by the way uh 10 out of 10 recommend I guess isn’t mining if you never dug anything uh with mining a mining power from your beacon right like uh this guy here haste two uh that is not haste I uh tast two um let’s see it is incredible because as

You can see and I I’m using a diamond shovel as well um it’s pretty great you can I mean I can’t even think of like a real life equivalent it’s almost like uh I me I’m basically mowing the lawn like I’m not having to dig up individual chunks and

Just like freezing right over it you know oh that’s what I should name this shovel I should name it the lawn Mow okay so uh don’t let me forget uh don’t let me forget chat the um the shovel will one day be converted into a netherite shovel one day maybe I’ll stream that too maybe maybe you guys can watch me uh blow up Netherrack uh using beds in the Nether

Um and and you know try and farm ancient debris but uh yeah I I want to name this guy the uh the lawn mower although I guess I can name it any time it just I don’t know seems like uh seems like such a a momentous occasion

Such as receiving your name should also accompany a a makeover like getting covered in uh covered in a powerful substance from the underworld a powerful mineral okay so got a little bit of land cleared out here and I H do I want to extend that I

Don’t know yet let’s you know what let’s let’s let’s not get ahead of our elves let’s work from this corner let’s just let’s just see let just see what I think about the dimensions of this uh based on that layout yeah that needs to go out a little more here we go come

On come on Bam Bam yum golden carrots would you eat a golden carrot in real life anyone I don’t know if I would like if if there was a carrot like you know with crushed up gold powder on it or something uh I don’t know if I would eat

It you’d have to you’d have to do a lot of convincing to get me to eat something like that’ be super weird oh you know what I was thought of I could I could kind of have the one other thing I want to do to my my whole

Land like just this whole area is have more Pathways connecting things and so um one thing I just thought of is um maybe having could either have a pathway that kind of runs along this edge here of the village you know kind of swings up this way

Or I could have a little gate that just exits like right there uh that allows you to come across here and then make your way over to the museum and of course eventually there will be a lot of other things on my land um I want to eventually set up set up

Displays for different I don’t know almost have like an extended Zoo throughout my my compound uh like over there would be a perfect place to maybe put like a little Grove for some pandas um and that’s a that’s a Cave System down in there but I could kind of

Put in some flooring there um and use that for oh crap what are animals are in this game uh oh man hold on I I was thinking about this the other day all the all the animals I want to try and tame and bring back here uh oh mushrooms like the

Mushroom cows I want to put those some of those somewhere uh oh man what other animals are in this game oh camels like camels llamas random stuff like that oh polar bears there are polar bears too um there are a lot of a lot of random animals and stuff

That uh you know be fun to uh to rescue them from from the wild from the dangers of this world uh and bring them here to safety to Bob Meets World’s World um where all are safe and welcome except monsters if you’re a monster get out of

Here it’s going to be the town slogan okay I think H do we like those Dimensions is that big enough is it big is it ornate is it grandiose enough I don’t think it is it needs to be a bit I think it needs to extend out a bit more let’s see

Let’s by the way I also randomly am a like a perfectionist about random stuff and uh oh wait the saw them oh oh my gosh I’m an idiot I have to use this uh I chose this stack of 56 deep slate because once I added these I

Knew that would make an even round uh block of or stack of 64 and that is uh that’s like very aesthetically pleasing to me I like uh having those I like in Minecraft 64 is kind of like a round number quote unquote because that’s like the Max uh number of things you can

Stack uh like of any item now not every item Stacks up to 16 as you will know if you’ve played Minecraft but uh uh 60 like no item will ever stack higher than 64 so anyway um get this cleared a bit I feel like once once I have a good uh idea

Of the space that this will all take up that will also help me I am a visual learner and a Hands-On learner I don’t know that I’m really an auditory audio Lear I don’t know how you would say that but excuse me I do not learn as well by just listening to things

Uh I I need to do I need Hands-On demonstrations uh or I prefer them that’s yeah that’s probably a better way to say it I don’t need to I don’t want to sound demanding uh I prefer Hands-On demonstrations of things I like to yeah like to be able to if I want to

Learn how to do something I’d like to be able to try it uh rather than like read about it in a textbook oh excuse me I need to guys I’m so bad at so bad at uh streaming etiquette already I need to remember to

Turn my face away uh when I need to burp I don’t know what’s wrong with me let’s see my my mother would be so ashamed of me right now burping into a microphone okay uh what do we think about this is that h i kind I think I like that I think I

Like those Dimensions let’s get a let’s get a bird’s eyee View and oh wait need my wings to do that that was embarrassing what an idiot I am all right third person go all right you know what sometimes uh it’s also it’s also fun to just like fly

Around and look at your world you know like look at just get a be able to survey all the things you have built so sometimes if if you have wings in your Minecraft world and you’re able to just just fly around a bit sometime you know look at look at all the stuff

You’ve made get a bird’s eyee view uh A A New Perspective is often very uh often very helpful all right let’s see yeah okay I like that I like those well no hold on I just thought I I do think um I do think I want that let’s

See oh so I want my uh Rockets okay I would like for the the long I would like for the build the build structure here to be longer so let’s just let’s bump this out a few more blocks maybe four more see how that Looks I should have called this stream digging dirt dirt Diggers my uh my wife just walked into the the room next to so I’m recording in our our office at home which is right next to our bedroom at our home obviously and uh she gave me the thumbs up symbol I don’t know what that was for

Uh it could just mean that she loves me uh and that she’s rooting for me but hopefully that means that the stream is going well but there’s no way to be sure let’s see uh okay I think that’s good I think I think having a I think having a

Rectangular shape is more aesthetically pleasing to me than having a uh a a purely Square shaped is uh Square shaped uh building but let’s see uh also I I’m never going to use all this dirt all right I’m going to try and teach you something uh if you’re ever playing this game you

Need to just like get rid of stuff you start a fire and just just toss stuff into it now be careful and don’t grab the wrong thing because I have accidentally like burned diamond tools before uh doing this you know you’re just kind of like you like quickly

Grabbing things and throwing and uh you might grab the wrong thing and throw it away ah see just like that I almost I almost threw away that that’ll be worth several emeralds uh the next time I do a raid oh no here let’s you know what actually that might

Be a better way to do it I uh I just taught myself something yeah if you ever need to just like get rid of a bunch of items uh that’s a that’s a quick easy way to to relieve yourself of of that burden oh no it’s raining oh no

And now there’s mournful music playing uhoh no I I kid but seriously some of the um some of the new music they added to this game like it I don’t know I it’s it’s not funny in that like I know the the music is not meant to be humorous but like

Um by comparison to what Minecraft’s like only music used to be uh this does sound like I don’t know it it I don’t know what’s the right word it’s kind of extra compared to like how Minecraft music you know they Like right like that was the only Minecraft music uh or at least to me that’s the iconic Minecraft music but now we’ve got whatever is going on here this can’t even tell what instrument that is but uh uh that a piano that sounds like a piano I think syns maybe are those

Synths maybe maybe not I don’t know I don’t know nothing but anyway uh I do find the music to be a little like I to be it almost sounds more melodramatic than I’m used to out of Minecraft so I just I just think that’s kind of

Funny uh I don’t know if I’m the only person who’s ever thought that but if so uh I apologize to everybody out there who loves this music uh it’s it’s nice doesn’t sound bad it’s just amusing to me uh not I guess it’s not what I expect from

Minecraft all right uh I decided to move this stuff up here because uh I mean shoot maybe even really soon I should be filling in this floor uh and did not want to I mean I got I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have buried all that stuff because I

Mean that would be pretty dumb but uh I did want to you know take take some initiative go ahead and move some stuff all right so we’re making great progress uh it’s been an hour and I’ve I’ve made a a giant deep slate brick rectangle we’re doing great all right so

Um oh you know what okay so I think one thing that’ll help me visualize what I’ve got going on here is actually creating the columns that I’m going to use and that might be where uh let’s see that might be where I’m able to use

Yeah I I want to try and like I said before limit my use of just like straight deep slate um and not uh I’m yes Jordan I’ll hail the rectangle uh yeah I uh might have to do the columns first now here’s the other idea I had I might

I might do that later um I thought about having a uh I need an example block to demonstrate uh where’s my stuff let’s see here let’s do this um okay so I was thinking about like having like a little balcony thing you know like if this if this is the wall uh

Um you know kind of do like a balcony thing all the way around so you could like walk around the outside of it but I guess I don’t know that might diminish the uh the effect or the look of the glass I’d like to do mostly glass on the outside here

So do not know I think let’s see what I do here what to do also GNA put my armor back on just in case something spawns in this rain and sneaks up on me also needed to take a sip of my beverage uh yeah I guys I’m so indecisive I’m so bad at

This oh excuse me excuse me so sorry all right so maybe I do want to keep the emerald uh Corners as like a foundation piece maybe do I no I don’t know the more I think about it the more I I don’t know that I like that all right so I need to

Stop being decisive though I need to just go ahead and put up at least the um the wall over here and uh let see my glass where is it oh here no what am I looking for not looking for glass looking for this stuff my cyan the dye and stuff

Okay oh oops no no no no I need the canyan powder there we go all right so oh shoot I forgot I gotta uh okay wait how do I do this there’s a there’s a way I figured out a while back uh a reasonably efficient way to let’s see like

That right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yes yes is all right so the idea here is I’m going to put this on because I’m going to be uh towering myself up pretty high you know so you you have to uh oh right go two at a time because of my

Powers this won’t take as long yeah so the idea here is since concrete has to or concrete powder has to touch water to become concrete um you can just Tower up and then pour water over that and it should trickle all the way down this Tower of

Uh Tower of oh here the Phantom yep see that’s where I wanted to put on my wings okay you guys picked a fight with the wrong guy I know this is supposed to be a building video but we are absolutely taking taking time to do a phantom dog

Fight here we go no oh I missed crap this is going poly I’m absolutely doing this also they knocked me off my tower yeah got one that’s one down one bogey down watch your six whoops I need to watch my six need to make sure I don’t fall all right

Phantoms you asked for this what you get for knocking me off my tower Oh I thought I got him oh yeah got two oh can I land on this oh come on come on on no ah now the new challenge is uh landing on dead gbet why didn’t I do

This why didn’t I do this during the day that so dumb of me man oh nope can’t get there crap okay hold on hold on okay here’s a new plan let’s try doing just go all the way up the line come on baby oh no dead D it here we’re just going

To did did it nailed it nailed it uh okay actually I feel like I need to um just try and hurry before more Phantoms spawn oh I’m out okay perfect now should to do that and then just kind of mine my way down as it as the water water turns this into

Concrete all right seems to be working all right we’re almost there okay sweet okay woo did it not even the Phantoms can stop us all right so uh real talk though I am going to going to go back to my home and sleep actually you know what I’m going

To sleep right here sleep right here going use my my sleeping bag actually don’t H can you name beds okay uh quick uh where do I have the I have the yes I have let’s see oh my gosh I can name this stuff this is the sleeping bag oh oops

That would have been embarrassing oh my gosh I can’t type okay sleeping bag and this is lawn oh wait is lawn mower one or two words hold on lawn mower lawn mower oh it’s two words oh man that would have been embarrassing too okay there we go

There’s the lawnmower is that how you spell lawnmower do you ever write out a word and then look at it again and go that doesn’t look right something about it now doesn’t look right that’s what just happened I was like Lawn Lawn Lawn Mower like that

Can’t be right that’s not how you you spell that okay perfect so now we have the sleeping bag down that way if I’m towering up um you know to create more cyan concrete or I don’t know if a creeper creeps up on me whatever uh if

For some reason I die in the middle of this project I’ll actually spawn back right here so uh great now let’s let’s get moving on this wall oh cuz I’d love to get that mostly wrapped up and then the rest will just be a matter of placing um placing

Glass so let’s see uh now I’m thinking I’m thinking that’s always dangerous I think oh man I kind of want to do like a four wide column or 4×4 column kind of like what I have over here um that’ll kind of give some uh some depth it’ll look I think it’ll look

Like it give some depth to the building oh you know what I could do oh I just thought of something I could do uh let’s see I could hm oh I don’t know what to do here what’s a way to like kind of create a column that uh could do

Three wide let’s see so what if I did something like something like that something like that on the edges and then uh like something like that on the outside maybe right does that how does that look does that look bad does that look good I don’t know I guess it’s entirely up to

Me H what does that look like now should it be reversed that’s the other question I suppose uh now uh what if I did that like something like that is that how does that look uh now okay okay here let’s uh reverse course a bit Ah defl tile you you get back in

Place who said you could move here okay boom all right so uh crap I already lost my idea what was I going to do I was going to do this right was I going to do that I think I was going to do that uh there we go right so

I kind of did like that no is that what I just had what was I just doing like is that the same pattern huh it’s a little villager sound for you now that would be kind of neat though to have the you know now that I’m thinking about

It I think I do want the place to kind of seem bright like the inside of my my house I mean a lot of it at least on the upper level like it it feels like it’s lit up but it feels dark just because of

The the the darkness of the uh the Deep slate wait do you guys see that what are you doing up there man what do I have time to deal with this I think I have time to deal with this okay okay I take back what I said earlier the

Villagers are dumb here we go let’s go rescue a villager I guess man these guys would these guy would these guys would so quickly die if it wasn’t for me all right listen bub what wolverine says to people calls him bub listen there bub okay come on cartographer sir you

There we go you’re fine are you kidding me what on Earth what what is wrong with you people what are you doing do I need to move this I I guess I okay I’m sincerely confused you know what I am I’m I’m going to move that I don’t like the idea

That villagers are just kind of congregating on a precarious surface uh from which they could and die so we’re going to move that you guys have terrible survival instincts anyway you interrupted my building project all right now where was I when I’m not I’m not playing hero for these villagers all right so

Here’s the thing let me try this other design can I use I can full well guess I’m using 10 of these oh wait did I did I already have pillars I already had pillars oh I already had some pillars oh I’m so dumb I wasted some quartz and of quartz it’ll be impossible

For me to get more quartz okay so my thought is that we ah we create pillars right here kind of like the the things you sleep on at night you know don’t you love a nice soft pillar and here we go then we stack these guys

Up right so though I you know what I I think that’s the design I’m going to go with at least for the column areas uh let me also lay down some okay sorry Emerald blocks I am here I’m going to dismantle you okay uh there we go boom and let me

Get rid of these stone bricks cuz I will not be using those since I built most of the um like the town infrastructure of the village out of stone bricks or Cobblestone you know or some combination of those uh blocks I I think I’m going to try to

Avoid using stone or stone bricks for this I know I presented it as an option uh in the pole but uh I was secretly hoping you guys wouldn’t pick it and so you uh you never let me down there we go okay wait so that used how many that

Used 16 used 16 of those all right so I need 16 more of the quartz pillars uh I guess I can already put these Up Okay you know what at the end of the day I shouldn’t fret about the design of this Art Museum because if I understand correctly art and the enjoyment of Art is subjective so uh I guess you uh you don’t have to get it any anyone can enjoy art or so I’ve been

Told uh okay seeds away with the uh okay let me make some more see oh need 16 of those qus pillars okay go build that right there and that right there and that oh here we go there we go bam all right so okay now here’s here’s the question

How do I proceed with the rest of the pillars because I I don’t want to take the glass right off of the the cyan concrete maybe I should maybe I should use deep slate bricks for this part you know let’s uh the nice thing about having silk touch tools

Is you can kind of play around with different glass designs without fear of uh breaking glass and uh and not being able to get it back so ah man so bad at this though this whole thing where you have to Place Glass ooh okay I also just had a thought

Uh o oh man this would require this would require I can’t talk uh a little more a little more uh a little more leg work from me but what about a gray concrete foundation here right is that does that make sense I mean sorry does that make sense like

Yes of course it makes sense like it’s it’s possible to do I just mean uh stylistically would that look good because I’m now yeah let’s see let’s I’m going to go try it I am going to go try it uh we’re going to do what parents

Would call the the try it bite like when they want you to try a new food and the whole time you’re insisting no Mom and Dad I don’t like this and they’re like hey just try it just take a bite and then you take a bite and conf

Confirm that you do not like that let’s see it’s going to be just like that yeah I let put all that there uh back to the home all right let’s do a quick do a quick pass around the house okay one of my favorite things to try and

Do whilst flying into the house is try to oh can I make it ah it’s to try and like fly and uh kind of squeeze around this corner and fly down in here without touching the ground it’s hard to do and I’m not very good at it but sometimes on very rare

Occasions once in a blue moon uh I can pull can pull off that maneuver okay wait was I going to do the gray Dy or the light die wait H I’m actually thinking maybe the gray dy I think the gray dye might look better okay uh yeah that’s probably enough for

That’s enough for now um to do a test we could do a test oh let’s see wee I love the wings so much they’re my favorite thing in this game that’s actually not true I I think my true like truly my favorite thing in this game is the channeling enchantment

On the Trident if you’ve never used that before oh man you are in for the time of your life if I I if if you’ve never used that enchantment before I I’m tempted to not even tell you what it does at the moment just so you could you can Google it uh

Um or I mean not to plug the channel too much plug my own channel too much but I did just put out a short not just I referenced a short that I’d made a while ago uh showcasing the power of the channeling enchantment uh if you wanted to find

That you could go check uh check the community tab of the channel you can go see uh see how I used the the Trident and the channeling enchantment to great effect oh I well we’ll just put that right there then okay same deal as before although did I

Sleep uh I might oh wait I did did I sleep I don’t remember anyway I have my wings on so if more Phantoms spawn and uh knock me off of my concrete powder Tower here uh I shall be safe okay almost almost done okay just quick

Water every time I say the word water I think of this this clip that Becca showed me of an interview uh that Emily Blunt was doing she was on some talk show or something and she was talking about how her her daughter because you know she’s

Married to John chinski and so I think their daughter like I think she was saying that she kind of speaks with an English accent mostly but will randomly say some words uh like an American and so one time uh the way she tells the story her daughter was like

Like like Mom can I have some water and she goes no sweetheart it’s watera and her daughter apparently was like no it’s water and every time I say the word water I think of that story H it’s so hilarious cuz I mean I don’t I don’t think it sounds

Like I’m saying water but apparently to our friends over in Europe uh that is what we sound like so if that is in fact how you think I say the word water which is how I normally say water uh please let me know uh I won’t change

It but at least I’ll have that knowledge now let’s see also um yeah the gray concrete good good decision by me yeah that looks I I actually already like the way that looks better it’s got kind of a smoother look to it and it it helps

The the texture of the deep slate bricks stand out more okay here we go yeah baby and you know what I think that’ll help break up the monotony of the build um using different block types to give different textures and that was actually one of the reasons I wanted to do this stream

Also this this Minecraft building stream I I feel like uh a lot of my builds turn out to be pretty um I don’t want to say boxy but they’re always like I don’t know they’re as you can see like they’re always or at least based on this they’re very like

Symmetrical for the most part and I mean obviously this is turning out to be pretty symmetrical as well but like you know I I tried to put in different textures on my home you know to to kind of try and give it a a little bit more

Character make it look like it has a a little more depth I don’t know I think I pulled that off reasonably well so I’m trying to achieve the same thing here but I don’t want to just default to the same blocks that I always use so I also understand

That uh really the important thing will be the art inside eventually so I don’t need to concern myself so much with the uh the blocks on the outside as much as the art Within or something cheesy like that all right so I I definitely think

Like a big just a just a bunch of big walls of glass going to be perfect perfect I say all right how do I get this lined up come on man let me get L up here excuse me oh wait is that it a d d it whatever

Just gonna oh man okay good enough close enough gosh you know some people their ability to precisely place oh did I get the wrong got the wrong pain okay yeah some people’s ability to like precisely and quickly place blocks in this game astounds me I I don’t understand how that’s possible

You know what I mean like I feel like I have decent reflexes but uh feels like some people with controllers and mouse and keyboard it’s like they just have these unreal twitch reflexes I don’t mean twitch like the streaming platform I mean like your ability to very quickly

And accurately uh perform a small action like a a concentrated bodily movement dad Dam it I got the wrong one again okay here we go boom boom I guess I can get rid of these random pains boom okay excuse me going take a sip of my drink again excuse

Me man I totally would edit that out in a real a long one of my regular videos uh but I’m trying to break myself of that uh don’t need to edit anything out nothing gets edited not even on the video on demand version of this I just going to keep this this raw

Video it’s all going to be there for anyone to enjoy and all of its Glory how do I keep missing that jump what is wrong with me all right let’s fill in this column here by the way I have not forgotten that uh my plan was to uh use gray concrete for the

Uh the frame here I just figured since I already have the glass ass and the Deep slate bricks and other pertinent materials on me that I will go ahead and just build what I can before heading back up to the house to grab some more gray dye um

Also let’s get rid of this dirt right quick NOP wrong Sher box hey there we go Boom okay uh glass need more glass I actually should warn you now I am almost certainly going to Breeze through just so much glass in this build there will be there will almost certainly be a a a borderline obnoxious amount of glass used for this Museum just you wait

Just you wait just you wait any Hamilton fans out there love that musical I uh I can’t say the phrase just you wait without Becca breaking into song just you wait just you wait Alexander Hamilton my name is Alexander Hamilton okay uh I don’t know how big I want the

Entrance to be here so going to stop the glass frame right There um I’m also going to set down some scaffolding here just to help myself later ah yeah we uh oh whoops that kind of meant to do no that’s not there we go that’s that’s more what I wanted to do oh whoops ah I was terrible at this I

I’m so bad at like uh scaffolding physics in this game I guess I just don’t use them that much or I don’t use scaffolding a ton so I I don’t uh I feel like I use it let me put it this way I feel like I use it

Infrequently enough that I forget how it works uh very quickly so then when a time like this arises where I need to use scaffolding I am I’m kind of lost about how it typically works all right baby ah man okay again though it’s not a big deal to

Misplace the glass like that because we have a silk touch pickaxe which means I can just get the glass pane back which is fantastic all right so let’s also fill in this part of the glass V let us fill in this glass v Y okay here excuse me ah come on baby come on nope I feel like I’m getting way off kilter here let’s try there we go that’s better that’s way better that’s so much better okay go oh come on no that’s really bad oh what what am I doing well I guess I

Finished and the last I mean the last section of this uh lower part I’m going to do for now I I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself uh lest I decide to make some changes to the Design I want to minimize the amount of tearing down I have to do if that happens but I I don’t know I I just glancing at this I I feel feel pretty good about it um o I’m I’m really going to try and maximize the the usage of of quartz and cyan

Concrete again I want I want this uh I want this structor to have a I want it to have a lighter feel than my house so I will say though I do think the concrete look helps so actually let’s go ahead and tear away the Deep slate brick to make way for the

Concrete okay let’s to anyone watching this live or watching this later from the comfort of their home or their office or the bus or uh a basketball game or a plane actually don’t watch this on a plane cuz Wi-Fi is ridiculously expensive on planes but wherever you are watching

This I thank you for being here I thank you for uh watching me fumble through my uh indecisive building uh process I I feel like this is kind of an insight into how my brain works uh especially when I’m working on some sort of I mean obviously I don’t

Build houses in real life but in a lot of ways with the creative process uh this is kind of how my brain works in real life it’s a lot of uh uh delineating right like I I I second guess myself a ton throughout the process of making

Something and uh feel like there’s a lot of back and forth inter internally about the best direction to go with something I’m I’m I am uh if you’ve ever heard of the anyag the the personality assessment I I am a type nine with a One Wing which

Means I am by Nature uh primarily like a peacemaker type personality um with perfectionist Tendencies and especially in like some sort of creative process that is where my it’s where my perfectionism uh comes out I I have to have a hand what was I coming over here for oh right

Uh I also get as you can see uh very easily distracted but uh yeah I I have every anything that I I make I I feel it has to be perfect obviously I’ve never made anything that is actually perfect but you know I I obsess over little details a lot as a

Perfectionist will tend to do uh and it really does come out in in situations like this where I’m making something and people are going to see it and I know that people will see it and uh get get up in my own head a lot so

This is a good exercise for me forcing me to build stuff uh that people are going to see and I can’t edit anything out everything you’re hearing and seeing is just this is just me baby it’s just me uh oh you know what there just real

Guys I’m an idiot I was putting the sand and the gravel in a certain configuration I didn’t didn’t have to do that I could have literally just tossed it all into the the crafting table and it would have worked just the same so yeah that’s the

Uh that’s the rookie mistake that uh you you’ve gotten to witness me make several times already it’s like this is Amateur hour over here all right let’s let’s make some concrete or I guess some yeah let’s let’s uh let’s solidify some concrete I guess we’ve already made the concrete powder excuse me

Okay halfway there whoa we’re halfway there w live on a pray all right so uh speaking of liquids whilest I mine down I’m going to take another sip of my drink oh no wait did it not work oh come on what no I took the water

Away too fast crap okay let’s try that again there we go that there we go okay that did it oh that was so disappointing okay now I’m going to take a take a sip of my drink while I mine and I burped away from the mic that time I’m learning excuse

Me yeah actually just kind of glancing at the structure so far from this bird’s eye view I mean even up here uh I I kind of like the way it’s looking so far I I like the I like the variety of colors that are being used the variety that is being

Used I think this is going to turn out to be a very lovely structure we will be able to charge I will be able to charge people so much money to come see this it’s going to be great people won’t even know they won’t even

Know uh what a privilege it will be to see the art within this glorious Museum this will be a museum that Indiana Jones wished he worked for and we’re talking like Indiana Jones from those movies in the 80s from the one that came out in the mid

2000s from the movie that came out like last year all those versions of Indiana Jones they would all be honored to work at this Museum okay oh actually oh I just thought of something I just thought of something I’m going to finish this and I’m going to go execute on my idea

Before I forget about it me finish this real quick uh this is hold on this is going to make sense my my ramblings are going to make sense in a moment right now I just sound insane but I promise there’s there’s a reason all right uh hold on

Let me go back home wee all right let me try that thing I was telling you about earlier where I try to like land inside my basement here we go oh come on oh close I almost had it okay I I think just for the sake of using

Materials I already have an abundant supply of well I do have a lot of sea lanterns I’m going to use glowstone for the lighting this Museum a because I have a lot of it already but b i I’ve already used sea lanterns a ton for my own house and I

Got to say sea lanterns are like my absolute favorite lighting Source in this game I think they are gorgeous I even use them for my the mural of my of the Channel logo which I am very proud of by the way we can just stare at it

Here for a few minutes not a few minutes for a few seconds I’m not going to not going to sit here for uh make you sit here a few minutes and just stare at that logo but anyway the thought that I had that I wanted to uh to execute on before I

Forgot was to actually put glow stone here in these God damn it so terrible okay here we go wanted to put glowstone in those Corners because i’ imagine like in real life they would kind of send a light beam all not a beam not a literal Beam

Not like that but they would kind of send light up in this little corner and I think that looks really cool so we’re going to roll with that uh and I’m going to set that up on all these Corners oh come on break there we go and

Boom and one more corner to go we just got to do one more corner just just one more Corner rate my New York accent one out of 10 all right let’s see oh come on baby there we go boom I did it all right cool so

Uh aside from the back wall which I’m I’ll confess I’m still not 100% sure I know what to do with yet uh I feel like the frame is coming together pretty well I uh feel pretty good about the size of the museum I I think we’ll

Be able to uh build some pretty nice stuff here uh all right so about this back wall what do I want to do here what do I want to do I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to put on the walls of this m okay so

I I was just wondering if it would make sense to kind of do like a pattern of some kind like I don’t know I mean it’s an art museum so uh maybe we can do like a little m type structure perhaps uh let see I also wonder if the

Um I wonder if that will kind of help give some contrast from the bricks whoops you know if I hadn’t already done it uh in my house I would i’ would be awfully tempted to just do a pixel art version of the Channel logo right here and I

Guess I could have it in multiple spots but it I don’t know it seems a bit Superfluous to have two versions of it over there and two more over here uh oh man what to do what to do what to do I can also just build a regular you

Know just build like a regular uh building wall and change it as needed later let’s see oh hello Sunrise let’s get a nice look at this in fact here you guys just enjoy that for a moment while I take a sip of my drink Yep this game is as beautiful as

Ever I don’t know if that’s like a I don’t know if that’s a controversial opinion or not uh I I feel like uh anyone I’ve ever talked to who doesn’t play Minecraft or has has like played it and you know didn’t really like it I I’ve always got the impression

That the graphics kind of threw them off a little bit but I’ve I’ve always found this game to be very pretty I I just you know what it might take a minute to get used to the blockiness of it all but uh I mean if you look at it like there I

Don’t know like there a lot of uh really cool Landscapes that you can look at and the fact that it’s a procedurally generated map every single time oh excuse me is going to give you some really really unique looking uh some really unique views um I don’t know I I find that really

Cool I just I don’t know I think this game’s really pretty I like it a lot um and I think there’s a beauty in its simplicity in a way you know like it’s it’s not trying to be like Call of Duty and uh I don’t know what are some other

Really really goodlooking G like Allan Wake too I haven’t played it but I’ve seen some footage from it and I mean there are some aspects of that game where and again the visuals are gorgeous and there are aspects of it where you’re like oh they’re they’re almost like

Trying to simulate what the real world looks like in a video game and and it’s incredible that that technology even exists these days but I don’t know I also still just kind of like the the Simplicity of this very colorful but massive blocky world anyway enough uh what was that was it reminiscing

Wasn’t reminiscing was it really like mushy either uh anyway enough uh fawning over Minecraft and how beautiful it is uh I need to figure out what to do with this back area I don’t want to just make it a solid color but I I don’t I can’t think of what else to

Do oh maybe well dare I make it a deep slate no I said I wasn’t going to do that and I I still don’t want to do that I don’t want to make it just a solid deep slate brick wall because my whole house has solid

Deep slate wall I want to do something different what to do I also don’t I I I guess I don’t want to make a a solid I don’t want to make like a a solid wall of a wall of uh just one color either want to have some want to

Have multiple colors to it want to have textures uh let’s see also put that there H yonos that means I don’t know homie in Spanish uh see you know what let me oh whoops let me run back to the house let me go back to my house there e get some inspiration I wonder what other types of build building blocks I might find over there friends sorry

I I also do accents sometimes Becca likes it when I do accents uh I think anybody who is from the the the uh country or area whose accent I am trying to do would tell me that my accent is terrible but I still enjoy dabbling in accents Okay so let’s see do have some of this chisel deep slate which I think looks pretty nice um I don’t know maybe andesite polished andesite looks pretty good I do like the smooth Stone though I like that look too so I know I’ll tell you I’ll tell

You what I want to do though I I want to incorporate some of the oh wait I have all this stuff out of the build site let me take some of this uh smooth Stone let me take some andesite um because I do I do want to incorporate some of the cyan brick

And possibly some of the gra sorry cyan uh concrete I do want to incorporate that and possibly some of the the gray concrete into the wall but I I I feel like I need a brick or a colored block to basically go like right here and I don’t know if that should

Be see I now now looking at I don’t know if I I don’t know if I like that uh okay so now I’m wondering if I I should use Excuse me now I’m wondering if I need to use the the canyan concrete as a sort

Of uh trim you know like I I I wonder if I can make like a pattern of sorts uh h actually you know what I think what will help me visualize this is determining the height of the building so let’s oh am I getting any more quartz

For this I might need more quartz eventually but we can hold off on that for now let’s let’s go it’s what that uh what that Mario guy says oh dead I always forget you have to place down bamboo that way I always forget that cuz I suck all right

Okay yeah I mean I’m kind of thinking I’ll just go you know oh I need more quartz about that yeah I I will um I will just go like four brick by4 brick all the way around and just see how I think that looks cuz I mean I’m I’m very Vain and I

Want this to be very tall I want you to be able to see this thing from space let’s see ah it’s what I get for being vain Instant Karma oh okay uh three four two three there we go I was like there there’s got to be a level of this bamboo that I can get to that’ll let me go up the right height that I would like to go so yeah we do that okay and yay all

Right you just realized this that I’m doing here should be way faster than using the uh oh than using the bamboo scaffolding it’s called scaffolding by the way Bob you dummy get the name right um you know what though I do think that the the scaffolding scaffolding is is very good

God man so terrible at using this stuff it is really great though for uh well just quickly walking your way up to the top of a structure such as this here we go baby there we go now we’re cooking I mean we’re not you know what I mean we’re

Building but it’s like cooking but with tools and you’re not making food you’re you’re making uh an ornate uh Museum actually you know what uh can probably take away this stuff also I’m it has occurred to me that maybe ornate isn’t the right word to use for uh for

This Museum how did I describe it in one of my posts uh what was it um oh man I I I used a word that they use for a Skyrim mod that makes the um the Thieves Guild opulent there’s a mod in Skyrim called opulent Thieves Guild and so basically the idea is

That as you uh oh thank you Jordan thank you thanks for being here man thanks for the the the support during my inaugural stream I I hope it was entertaining for a non-minecraft player such as yourself tried to tried to make the game seem as appealing as possible

Uh one of these days I’m what did I just do oh my gosh one of these days uh I’m also going to do some streams where I actually do some adventures and stuff in valheim in valheim in Minecraft maybe valheim maybe I will play valheim on the stream but uh yeah I

Hope I made this game look as fun and appealing as I find it to be and I think so far we’ve actually done a done some decent work here I know a lot of the I know a lot of the process so far has actually largely just been uh

Planning and stuff but I’m glad you’re able to be here even for the boring stuff like this man I always appreciate you buddy and to anybody else out there watching again watching live or watching later I I love you too and I’m glad you are here glad you’re glad you’re uh

Sitting through this and watching me uh fumble through the creative process uh I hope that this Museum turns out the the way it uh the way I think it can hope it turns out to be in uh an exciting cool place uh but so far I think we’ve I

Think we’ve got a pretty good got a pretty good foundation laid uh so I Think boom you know I think we could go another four higher on each Corner yes oh by the way uh Jordan you might already be gone maybe not but uh I did want to actually plug the other stream related thing uh that we will be doing

Or that I will be doing newly but it has to do with with with Jordan uh if you have not watched it yet Jordan and I have been playing uh a new game that came out at the end of 2023 called wizard with a gun uh it is I don’t even

Know how to describe it it’s like a kind of a top down 2D uh crafting survival shooter anyway uh it’s been a blast so far but uh what we’ve been doing to this point is recording everything and then just publishing the videos on on this channel but we decided recently that um along

With continuing to post the fully edited videos uh on Bob Meets World uh Jordan aka cognitive Clips will be streaming those uh recording sessions on his channel so if you watch that series if you’ve been watching it so far thank you so much it’s been great to have you uh

And if you decide you want to start watching the series and you should because it’s a blast um you can watch the edited version on this channel but if you want to watch like the live thing happen you can go to cognitive clip uh his I mean you can probably see in

The chat uh that he’s he’s been pretty active you can go to Jordan’s channel uh but it’s cognitive clips and uh you can go he you’ll be able to see whenever he goes live uh if you subscribe to his channel and then uh you won’t miss any

Of the future recordings of well the greatest game the greatest playthrough related to wizards using guns so yeah I don’t know how to how to end a a live uh plug like that because uh normally in a real I say a real video this is a real video in a uh

A tradition a video that I would traditionally make I would probably just cut the scene right after I finished talking there but uh in this setting I’m not 100% sure how to lead out of that so all I’ll say is uh go go watch wizard with a gun it’s

It’s been it’s been a pretty pretty fun ride so far at the time of this live stream we have five episodes up and it I think our last episode dropped like right before Christmas so we we do need to get back to it um real life gets in the way of things sometimes

But uh we are going to record some more wizard with a gun soon and uh it might even be it might I’m not going to make any promises but it might be uh this Saturday or this Sunday um and you’d be able to catch the

Live stream of wizard with a gun then so stay tuned for that and go subscribe to Jordan’s Channel go subscribe to cognitive Clips if you want some very chill gameplay and and some excellent video essays talking about video games and uh some deeper themes within games and uh the role that

One of the things that Jordan talks about a lot is the role of uh video games in uh I I guess promoting positive uh portrayals of like mental health issues or positive portrayals of people man not managing I don’t know how to say that correctly I don’t want to uh like

Sound in sensitive or anything about mental health issues but like the role the video games can have in positively portraying uh mental health issues and uh and people navigating mental health issues so he’s got a lot of cool video essays on his channel uh they they tap into some of those deeper

Subjects uh and some of the ways that video games can actually I don’t know be uh kind of a deep moving experience for people so uh anyway he’s got some good stuff on his channel so you should go check it out and what I need to do right now is

Use up all the rest of this Glass and then I me just figure out what the heck to do with this wall uh this the side of this building so is that that tall enough that feels tall enough I mean it’s going to be a it’s going to be a big structure the only other thing I can’t

Decide at the moment is uh what I want to do with the roof I actually had kind of a well I I I don’t even want to try and describe it cuz I’m not sure I’ll describe it right but I I almost wanted to do like a uh

Like a slanted roof that has has its lowest point like on this side of the building and kind of Slants upward to that point does that make sense is that artc I feel like that’s at least more modern architecture uh it might not be might

End up looking kind of silly but uh you won’t know until you try and I was kind of thinking again I did more of a pyramid shape on the top of my house so I again don’t want to just default to that cuz that’s what I would normally do

I want to try something different so if I’m not mistaken we are now out of glass and we also need Some we need Some quartz for pillars and here let’s put that over there put stuff right there uh trying to keep everything organized I don’t know if I’m doing a good job do that do that and put that right there put that down here put this stuff right here okay so uh we

Appear to be in need of glass we’ll also need to go get some quartz but uh so I don’t accidentally Breeze through my entire sand and or glass supply I am going to use this as an excuse to show you guys my my uh my RAID

Uh set up so we can make some emeralds oh wait do I have have stuff to I don’t know if I have stuff to sell just thought about that uh oh boy okay we’re going to yeah but this is a good start this right here this is a good

Start I feel pretty confident with at least the frame that we have put up so here’s what we’re going to do I’m going to do just like the the the the quickest amount of uh resource farming to stockpile stuff to sell back to the villagers so that we can complete a raid

Make a bunch of emeralds and also use that as an opportunity uh to buy some glass so that I don’t have to uh oh wait I have glass here uh I want to place that I do place that down anyway after I place this glass uh you know continue filling in the wall

Or filling in the building oh can I land on the glass bam nailed it yeah all right kind of proud of myself for that uh I would like to just buy glass instead of going out to the desert or wherever Digging Up Sand uh and uh smelting all of it at least

This is more entertaining you’ll get to watch me fight a raid uh you will have to watch some farming first but after that we will have just oh so many materials uh to oh what did I just do oh I placed down I placed a block where it was

Supposed to go what did I do uh yeah we’re going to going to do some farming real quick and go fight a raid I actually and I’m also going to curious uh any of you Minecraft players you fellow Minecraft players watching whether or not you have an infrastructure set up to you

Know easily complete raids uh and if so oh yeah leave uh leave a comment or share how well you might hear my dog barking in the background that is queso okay I’m actually G to go check on that real quick sorry guys hold on a sec queso Bud hey there’s a dog off

Leash yep perfect okay sorry about that my dog was going insane cuz he saw a dog outside our house that was that was off leash uh trailing very far behind its owner excuse me and uh he he took exception to that as as you you can

Imagine um it is funny though I I don’t know how well you could hear his bark in the background um if you couldn’t hear it uh rest assured he has an extremely mean sounding bark and it it’s actually pretty ironic because and you can go look at uh the Bob Meets World

Instagram Instagram page um or threads threads account and go go see pictures of queso because um I I I know I’m partial because he’s my dog but he is an absolutely adorable looking dog like he’s he’s very photogenic he’s a beautiful dog but his Bart is so mean

Sounding and it’s it’s actually it I think it surprises people because of his uh his appearance you know like he’s he’s tall he’s got a curly tail he’s got floppy ears he’s just an adorable dog but then he’s got that mean sounding bark and it’s very loud

Uh it it and I mean we’ve had we’ve had queso for like six years now and or maybe five years it’s been like 5 years we’ve had him and uh he’s about six now and his bark will still sometimes surprise me uh especially if I’m not expecting it

It’s like a bomb going off so um yeah it is it’s not not super fun when he is uh upset about something and decides to start barking incessantly about it so all right okay bre the the chickens you guys come back come back I need to

Breed need to breed you I need to breed you okay grab the eggs sorry chickens sorry sorry get out of the way if you don’t want to get hit by eggs okay uh let’s also breathe the cat Boom okay so yeah this is kind of what I’ll do uh whenever I want to set myself up with supplies to uh to make money let’s see Boom so yeah I I tried to give myself a little setup over here that that um from which I can get most tradable items pretty easily um there are almost certainly uh automated ways that I could be doing all this but I don’t know how to do all that

So um um this is how I’ve been farming things um I also I don’t know and maybe I’m a weirdo I kind of don’t I don’t really mind a ton doing like farming up things manually I suppose I don’t necessarily have to do them automatically um doesn’t bug me that

Much something I don’t know weirdly aesthetically pleasing about it um but anyway even if it does get boring I often remind myself that like this is this is how I can set myself up to make just a a ton of emeralds after doing after completing a raid and getting the

Uh the hero of the village perk or the hero of the village power effect it’s an effect not a power um you get that effect man you can you can make a lot of emeralds via that method so yeah as soon as we’re done farming here and I I

Promise guys I will try to not make this uh try to make this not take forever um going to make some fighter raid because that’ll be something something entertaining and different to do uh and then what am I doing to make paper right paper goes there wheat goes

There toss this stuff into the Handy Dandy Auto uh bone meal Creator all right so um one other thing I will often do is uh use all the bone meal I have which I got by the way uh in case you’re curious you might be or you might not really

Care but I’m going to tell you anyway I got all that bone meal from farming wither skeletons um when I was setting up my my beacon array uh which took 24 so it’s 24 beacons which require each required three Wither Skeleton skulls so I could summon the wither 24 times right

Six times yeah 2 24 times that needed 72 Wither Skeleton skulls so it it took a while to to farm all of them up but anyway um they always drop not always but they typically Drop Bones and so um at the area in which I farm them um I

Just ended up coming home with just just a ton of of Bones uh and bone meal so I can use bone meal uh use bone meal to make white dye and pair that with the red dye that I get from the beetroots to make uh pink dye

Because I have another Shepherd who will buy pink dye so uh that’s another way I make a lot of emerald to really quickly sell stuff to my Shepherds because they buy they buy different dyes and such ah Isn’t that a song it’s like an old timey song from like the 50s or something I think you say tomato I say tomato so one of my favorite jokes from uh beloved Disney cartoon Vinny and BB which has no business being as funny as

It is by the way um that’s one of those weird things that like when I tell that I think people are surprised when I tell them I like that show um I think people are well probably some people probably think of it the same way that uh a lot

Of people think about Minecraft they’re like is that for kids like well I mean I guess it might be marketed for kids but there’s a lot of content within Phineas and BB that like a lot of a lot of jokes in it something inappropriate but there

Are definitely like you know uh I don’t know the the the pacing of the humor or the type of joke uh the kind of thinking it requires to get the joke um oh thunderstorm it’s thunderstorming hey oh you guys want to see you guys want to see something

Cool let’s go uh let’s go do something cool hold just a second oh here we go I show you guys right now show you right now against these stupid Phantoms boom boom you fool oh whoops ah ah I missed I missed again come back Trident Trident come back Trident come back come back

Trident a dead G it I missed again I suck boom boom I love this I love this enchantment so much it’s great oh there you are boom Oh that gilet oh you know what’s funny too is with my Powers I can just punch these guys to death all right hey you you’re

Trespassing on my land you go on and get oh that G I missed you go on and get a oh I’m so terrible at this yeah all right all right right there anything else we want to go roast o wait here we go oh I missed okay all right so

Um really we doing this again did you not hear what just happened to your friends all right oh wait is it done oh no it’s not okay so I want to try and create some charged creepers oh gosh I’m terrible at this um so we can get some uh mob

Heads if have a Charged Creeper oh no a come on now no I need I need a creeper no I need a creeper is there a creeper anywhere around here oh come on did he really oh he despawned no oh you crap is there not a creeper another a creeper around Here hey dummy crap oh this is not good man man did that creeper go ah God damn it hold on okay this getting out of hand oh oh oh oh there’s a creeper there you are I’m looking for you looking for you everywhere oh oh oh wait oh

Wait oh shoot I need him out of the water cra get off me listen guys listen oh my goodness can I just I just okay listen okay there you are creeper good good good come out into the tree line yeah oh no he killed him no okay okay okay okay good good good

Okay he’s here okay now you creeper you come here you come here all right oh go what is happening right here oh my gosh there a mad house also thank you netherite armor otherwise I would absolutely be dead okay you other creeper come here other creeper come here all right so all right

So okay okay okay so I need both these creepers near me also it’s entirely possible that I die from this if I don’t tank the creeper shot well enough uh okay it would be cool to have another creeper head but all right you guys just come here oh that Dam

It what is hitting me get over there I need I need need the zombies I really just need all of them to come over here maybe that’s what I need to do maybe I just need to lure everyone right over here okay okay okay oh yeah there we go that was

It oh that made my heart skip a beat for a second I really thought it was going to kill me CU I mean those uh those blasts are pretty powerful okay um oh do it only drop one mob head at a time H so that’s lame okay well anyway so that’s what the

Uh the channeling enchantment does BT dubs it uh it it lets you summon lightning when you oh still AC oh boy oh oh oh okay so oh listen listen listen whenever the uh the armor whenever you like put your armor on it sounds a little bit like that that like sound that creepers

Make oh n maybe the thunderstor is over now but hey I got another zombie head so that’s good all right anyway uh where am I oh oh oh my Rockets are up in the Ender Chest oh my gosh guys something’s in my mind here it’s literally like uh where are my

Rockets oh oops Yeah those Rockets okay anyway so yeah that’s um that is uh what’s it called that’s what channeling does just completely lost my train of thought yeah that’s the uh that’s the channeling enchantment it’s pretty fun I I I enjoy uh getting to use it you know

When when thunderstorms happen cuz they they’re not I mean they’re not insanely rare but they’re not that common they they don’t they don’t happen that often so uh I try to take advantage of them whenever they whenever they pop up uh try to get some more get some mob heads for decorative

Purposes all right let’s finish planting these carrots um and then we can go fight a raid go have some fun you know we’ve been working so hard good to going to take some time off do something relaxing and by relaxing I mean uh fight swarms of uh evil gray

Skinned men who want to kill me you know two each is z i I find that quite fun and relaxing so am I looking for carrots carrots okay I really did get nervous when that uh Charged Creeper exploded I’ve I have died before from from one of those uh when I I I

Completely missed Ed uh the shield and thought I had tanked the the blast and clearly did not oh I need feed my pigs all right pigs uh breakfast time you there you there pigs breed breed I command thee all right so the other couple things that I’ll grab are these sweet

Berries uh which are a pretty nice sorts of emeralds as well if you don’t know when you get a butcher to Master Level uh he will buy uh or yeah he’ll buy sweet berries so um on its own that’s not like I don’t know it’s like 10 sweet berries to an

Emerald um which you know if you’re farming sweet berries uh if you don’t have like a large scale Sweet Berry production it’s it’s it’s not that great but still 10 to one of anything for an emerald especially something uh renewable that you can create really easily um to me that’s

Really good so I I enjoy that that’s one of my go-tos uh for quickly amassing large amounts of something to trade for emeralds sweet berries is like that might be the top of my list honestly uh um because and I only recently found this out if you have basically you can

Just stand in front of a singular Sweet Berry bush um and use just use bone meal on it constantly um if you just have like a stack of bone meal you can just Breeze through all of it on sweet berries but um as you use it the sweet berries will

Just pop off of the Bush and you uh and you collect them so uh it’s really easy it’s actually insanely easy to get a massive number of sweet berries very quickly and then when you have the discount uh in the store from being the hero of the

Village uh again you can just make just so many emeralds it’s pretty wonderful so let’s put away the sticks and put away the crops and I’ll actually show you what I’m talking about um we’ll just do this with a couple of stacks of not even a couple stacks with

Just like a stack and a half of bone meal so if you stand here yeah just keep bone mealing Sweet Berry bushes they just keep popping off now if if you are limited in your bone meal Supply I would not recommend doing this cuz you’ll blow through your bone meal

Really really really quickly but um like I was saying earlier because of all the Wither Skeleton farming I had to do to set up my beacons um I actually had more bones and bone meal than I really knew what to do with so uh I found that this

Was a very very productive use of all that excess bone meal so anyway yeah if you’re looking to make emeralds quickly um early in the game you can get your hands on some sweet berries plant yourself a bush uh um and really even Farm stuff to use a uh or to dump into

Oh whatever that’s called the thing up there that makes bone meal uh composter you can make yourself a composter uh throw some organic material in there and uh make yourself some bone meal that’s a really simple way to um to up your your Emerald stash really

Quickly um okay now if you if you like cows or chickens or pigs I would recommend looking away cuz I’m sorry this is not going to be pretty but it’s necessary it’s necessary for growth and for glass this will this will help us complete the museum project I’ll put up

A monument in the name of the animals put up a maybe not a monument maybe a plaque I put up a plaque in their name all right also selfishly this is a good way to I mean not it’s not incredibly fast but it’s still a decent way to recharge my mending gear as

Well ah I know sorry chickens I’m sorry I I I will put up a plaque I put up a plaque in the museum to honor your memory it it’ll it’ll be a really nice plaque I promise oops okay see this is why I prefer to do the uh the jump down swing

Because it’s it’s instant it’s painless uh no one suffers it’s uh it’s just just just quick quick and painless this also helps uh it can help a little bit if if I I start getting lag nearby my uh near my my home lots of lots of animals will start

To lag you out pretty quickly so and look I will replenish many of the chickens oh whoops ah great is there a hole here no there isn’t okay thank goodness so some of the basically underneath some of this ground here uh there’s just like open space this isn’t like entirely Solid

Ground I mean you know what I mean there’s basically a layer of open space underneath this because of how I built it because of the landscape I I didn’t feel like filling in uh the entire Hillside like with a a a uh a solid layer of dirt like filling in the

Whole thing so kind of just made the top layer I needed uh and then went on my way okay oops all right put that in here okay that should be good he said prematurely just trying to trying to maximize here before I head oot over to my R

Area honestly I was doing this whole process a lot more frequently when I was trying to you know build the the beacon power setup because I was using primarily Emerald blocks to build the uh the base of each Beacon because I could get emeralds really really really

Quickly I did also use some iron blocks because um you might have noticed throughout this stream that Iron Golems spawn like like crazy in and around the Village um I I don’t know if that’s a normal occurrence for every I guess like homemade Village that you might put together but I’ve noticed with

Mine uh if I leave if I leave camp for a few days and come back or if I’m like working on something else and not really thinking about thinning the Golem population um actually we can go take a look there there will be golems all just

All over the place um let’s see see there like two of them over there there’s one here oh [Laughter] there you guys having a pool party and they didn’t even invite Me so yeah this was uh this was kind of what I would end up doing a lot of my lot of my Minecraft days uh come over to the village and check on the population of golems and if they were becoming too numerous I would uh well i’ i’ i’ i’ I’d

Thin the population a bit it it really was a good way to get iron um a lot of the beacon bases were made from iron blocks so um you know it it it’s not ideal but uh it did serve a purpose I wasn’t just like being

Mean really if I tell you the truth if I didn’t uh I didn’t feel like I could use iron just in general for a lot of different stuff uh I really wouldn’t even bother doing this cuz it’s kind of funny but I mean free iron’s free Iron also I guess it’s kind

Of actually yeah I guess I can show you it like actually here I’ll uh go to a fresh one uh even if they hit me with the beacon Powers I have they don’t do a ton of damage and I also seem to regenerate it really quickly of

Course you don’t want to let them hit you too many times uh uninterrupted but okay here we go but yeah anyway that’s that’s kind of what I would end up doing a lot of the the time I would come to the Village it was like all right how many how many

Golems are Meandering about and and again it it it can kind of lag out the uh lag out my world a bit if I’m not careful so anyway now on to the fun stuff I want to kind of curious what you guys think about the little raid Farm area I’ve set up I

Don’t know that I’d call it a farm I guess it’s a farm because I go there specifically to you know Trigg raids and complete them quickly and easily with little danger to myself um heard a gas oh well it’s probably fine wait where’s my is it here yeah it is here

It’s this way uh you’re also going to get a look at my uh in progress uh Nether Nether uh Railway obviously it’s not a railway yet because I mean it doesn’t have rail but eventually this whole path is going to have uh train tracks and I’ll be able to

Put a mine cart on it and ride that all the way over to this other region uh where I have set up a a portal so if you I guess I haven’t given you a good look of my my map system and I’ll I’ll try to remember to do that

When I get back home but uh basically in the middle of each so each big map like the maps in Minecraft that you can expand out uh to view the maximum amount of terrain uh I think it’s like it might be 2,000 by 2,000 blocks it’s pretty big

Um in the middle of each of those 2000 by 2000 uh sections at least of the ones I’ve been able to get to so far I have been going to the center and placing a nether portal and then marking it with a a yellow

Flag um so it shows up on the map and I can I can basically carry around my little cartography uh shulker box with all of my maps in it and as long as I kind of keep those uh keep those in order um can almost always kind of figure out uh what

Region I’m in if I start flying somewhere um and I get lost or you know I’m I’m just kind of exploring and want to know where I am um I’m able to pretty quickly uh get the cartography shulker box out pull out the maps um and get a pretty easy look at

You know where I am but the nice thing about um those Nether Portals is obviously in the nether when each nether block equals eight Overworld blocks um you can connect those portals via Railways or just regular walking paths I guess um and you can use that to travel

Around a different areas of your map pretty quickly so I have set up um a a raid Farm area in this region of the map which I have affectionately named first ring 10 um and it’s not that far away from a uh a Pillager Outpost I have found uh

Which is notated by the the brown flag that you might notice on my map um and what I normally do is zip over here real quick and and here we go um just kind of hang out here uh and kill pillagers until I find a Pillager

With a banner on his head uh because obviously those guys are the ones a I guess I killed a phantom earlier uh those are the ones uh who will give you the uh I forgot there are there are a lays here that I also need to uh need to tame and

Bring back to my my home but yeah the um the Pillager with the flag will uh give you the bad Omen effect and that’s how you trigger a raid so I just fly back over to my RAID area um oh God hi fellas um and yeah trigger The Raid beat

It get the hero of the village bonus and then I’m all set to make a lot of money and then I can uh buy a lot of glass boom all right oh there’s one Perfect all right beautiful yeah dummy you go on and get oh boy all right so okay now I can

Fly do South and I always try to make sure so if you notice on the map um in the bottom right corner there there’s a green Banner uh and then a blue Banner I always try to avoid the green Banner because green is how I Mark villages on

My maps and so obviously I want to fly a little bit past the green marker and get to the blue marker and I actually built readjust myself uh in my seat I had to realized I was kind of like hunched over a bit uh I built I built my RAID

Farm close to a village because um I needed to you know bring a villager uh over from this that Village over there uh to this space that I can use as a raid farm so um tell you what while this first portion of the raid is

Triggering let me go ahead and get out all my I have kind of a system I’ll set up over here to here let’s uh go and go to sleep that way if for some reason I do manage to die like if the um oh there

They are if um like when some of the evokers spawn if they manage to spawn any Vex um and the Vex happen to get up to me and kill me or if I just do something dumb and end up dying um then I spawn back right here so uh anyway what I will

Do I’ll so you can tell I’m I’m I’m very comfortable up here I’m not in the least bit worried about the raid because I have set up this little trench around this area and if you have not used this method I highly recommend doing so because pillagers are absolutely

Helpless in water they pretty much can’t do anything if they are stuck in water so really what I’ll what I’ll do is uh I will smack them with this trident mostly because it’s a sustainable projectile I don’t have to reload it with arrows or anything um but I also have this bow

This used to be my primary bow and then I transitioned it to my raid only bow uh but it’s an Infinity bow which is great for raids because if you go the route of using um arrows like you you will Breeze through arrows in a hurry uh cuz especially when you’re playing I’m

Playing on hard mode not hardcore but uh just like regular hard mode um on hard mode uh the raid the raids can end up lasting a while so anyway what I’ve got here is uh a double layer of walls uh and obviously I have my my tower up

There from which I can snipe down uh on the pillagers uh as I please I’ve also been covering the thing with uh the the flags of dead pillagers cuz you know it’s it’s it’s like an intimidation thing you know I want them to know when they show up uh with whom they are

Messing so anyway um because these guys are completely useless in water um I can either snipe them from above or if I want to conserve arrows or the health of this Infinity bow um I can and pop down I can at least use the Trident to take

Out the ranged attackers and then uh just pop down pop down here and swipe away it the the melee attackers uh using my sword so actually what I might do pop down here real quick try and get their attention really like seriously if you can just drop

Pillagers into the water they really are completely useless and even right here like they’re just across the river from me it’s like they can’t even see me who’s hitting me what a mystery What’s Happening Here someone hit me with a trident where did that come from oh wait there he is I see

Him you guys are so dumb owow now okay you know what I’ll tell you that that actually is a good way to draw them to you if you can get the person carrying the flag to run toward you uh that’s a good way to good way to attract them because they’ll like I

Don’t know what the pecking order is for the oh shoot you know I just realized too this is kind of dumb speaking of dumb things that might get me killed uh I usually try to wear my chest plate during these fights just in case cuz I

Mean in close quarter combat I mean it it’s pretty easy to to get smacked one or two times and so uh while I’m very very safe inside my walls there uh if I decide to come down here and I take a shot from one of those

I don’t know what the guys with axes are called but those guys hit really hard so I do need to be a little careful if I’m hanging out down there oh dead D it see I need to figure out a way to get the pillagers to either

Spawn like actually over here and not on that side of the river or figure out a way a better way to draw them over here although I mean this is working out well I I guess also uh in case you are wondering yeah I I am just trying to conserve the

The health of this Infinity bow uh by using the the Trident just because you know you can’t put mending on an Infinity bow so silly I guess that kind of makes sense I mean that would be just an insanely op bow right like if like imagine you could you

Could have a bow that shoots unlimited arrows and it never runs out of like it’ll never break that is that’s pretty incredible all right let’s uh let’s least head back over to base oh yeah in case you’re curious uh this is where I keep the Villager he’s

He’s in here yeah there he is look at him safe and sound all cozy oh hey there you guys are how’s it going fellas you ready to die there he is I found him oh the witches are here sorry that’s noted uh possibly mean like oh there she is what you

Know she’s a mean person she’s a witch like no she that’s her occupation she throws potions during raids that’s that’s like her whole job okay so the other nice thing about uh wearing all my armor is um I can show you in a moment I have thorns on a

Couple of my pieces of armor oh what you jerk yeah that’s what you get what you get for throwing potions at people actually I know the cure for this aha so yeah fun fact honey cures poisoning the more you know also wow I’m low on health I mean I

Guess I’m just going to assume that if you’re watching this stream you knew that already but uh in case you didn’t yeah the one of the cures for poisoning in this game is honey and I don’t know if that’s a cure for poison in real life but it could be it’s probably not

Ha idiots all right um how are we doing oh there’s another witch over there man got to be the one who’s like farthest away all right ma’am look let’s just let’s just stop scurrying about okay uh we might just have to tackle this one head on

I grow tired of waiting for her to just stand still for a second where she where are you witch where are you oh there you Are can’t here with your fake Yoda esque laugh oh please come on let the raid still be going okay good oh boy I need to get back over to my base ah okay come on land in land in there land in there yeah I did it oh they’re over there we’re

F okay so we going to have any oh yeah we got yep we got an evoker in there all right so got to take that guy out from up here if possible where is he oh shoot all right get in the water or at least stand right there yeah got him

Sweet perfect got him before he could spawn the vex’s excellent yeah just just kind of firing into the the mass of pillagers down there oh man okay okay okay okay okay boom why why do they want to be the one to hold the flag right

Like that kind of makes them uh an easy target so easy to spot yeah there you go guys come over here come meet your doom ah okay here we’ll just wow all right sweet got another totem of undying those are always good to have all right so let’s see I

Know oh shoot I forgot one of those uh crap what are they called ravagers one of those Bulls is over Here let’s see I am scared of those things they hit insanely hard so we are just going to Mosey back along this way cuz you guys are absolutely helpless in water didn’t take swimming classes as children I see boom here let’s just uh slide back over

Here this poor ravager is just like hey what are you doing like hey stop teleporting back and forth I don’t like it actually okay so if I here’s the thing I feel like I should sleep so that Phantoms don’t possibly spawn on top of me but goodness I will feel dumb if that

Like cancels The Raid I don’t think it will but yeah if that if that causes the raid to end oh that I feel so dumb okay good woo we’re still here Boom all right let’s see if I can make this jump ready splash Splash Oh shoot no you get away from me you get away from me you freak aha all have at the have at the you great fool yeah take that all right let’s head back

Upstairs because I need to get a good sniping position for the evokers is that what they’re called I think they’re the evokers dead G it I don’t like it when they spawn over there because they just they end up just sprinting around uh incoherently got to get that guy that’s

The one I need to grab yep got him all right sweet we’re good literally that’s the only Pillager in this configuration like in with this uh raid farm setup he the evokers are the only ones I’m worried about all the other ones are insanely easy to mop

Up oh come on okay okay okay oh there you guys go yeah you step into the water become helpless Helpless another Hamilton song I’m going crazy here all right hold on let’s see hey That really is yeah that is my absolute favorite song from Hamilton uh comment below what your favorite song from Hamilton is oh man what a great musical love that love that show it’s so good so good boom ah all right cool all right oh wait Splash all

Right let’s see if I can get that uh Vindicator those are called vindicators hello Vindicator sir do you want to try and kill me no just G to stand right there are you are we cool with each other oh so you’re choosing the the route of peace I see good for you I’m

Just going to go collect some XP from your friends whom I have killed and I will be back in just a moment and we can continue this discussion I love the energy here I’m sensing a lot of peaceful acceptance perhaps perhaps you are you are not as powerful as you once

Thought when faced with the might of of of Bob from Bob Meets World okay all right I’m back finished cleaning up the XP so what do you think man can we just can we talk about this can we coexist no all right fine well sometimes all you can do is talk to

Them but you know pillagers are they’re just never going to agree with you Dad God it I hate they keep spawning up there all right so this should be the last wave if I’m not mistaken because usually the last wave has an evoker riding on the

Back of a rabbit so I had to be careful in this round because if one evoker begins to spawn the Vex it kind of triggers all the other ones to do the same okay here we go yeah baby shooting fish in a barrel so yeah you actually

That worked out really well because they uh they weren’t next to each other but it’s almost like uh the sneak mechanic in Skyrim it’s like if they if they all detect that the other one has been hit they’ll they’ll all just spawn Vex and suddenly you just have them swirling

Around you everywhere super annoying all right I think I’m going to primarily use my bow for this round uh as long as I’m hitting my shots can clean this raid up pretty quickly and then we can go make some money ah come On yes yes stand still for a moment oh man okay I love how uh powerful the Trident sounds you know every time it hits something it’s like it just sound it sounds so it sounds like it has so much like weight and power to it it almost reminds me of

The sound that they give to Mu in Marvel movies it’s that sort of metal sound to me where it’s like whoever is throwing it it’s like oh this is like a magical item and it’s incredibly powerful and I feel like when it hits stuff the sound

Of it it just it sounds like it’s it’s hitting stuff with such force uh and it just sounds really great I love it love so much now is there any other there any other witch materials over here I guess not get out of here you dumb bull thing yeah there we go all

Right yeah you go ahead and just Mosey along sir I tried to talk to one of your buddies earlier he was giving me so much sass oh wait did I just pick up a saddle I don’t want that don’t want it I don’t want it that way tell

Me a ban oh oh man that could have been bad tried to sneak up on me tried to flank me all right Mr Vindicator sir now you’re dead all right an idiot okay look at that guys we’re almost done almost there I am full of song references in the last few minutes

CU I’m almost there that’s from Princess and the Frog right that’s that song that Tiana sings at the beginning maybe not at the very beginning but I think it’s pretty early in the movie she she sings that song about wanting to own a restaurant wait is that what she’s doing she’s

Trying to own a restaurant I don’t remember I’ve really only seen that movie like one time and um it was pretty good it’s very short though I felt like the um the plot felt a little rushed toward the end such that so much that like really

Toward the end I was like did they skip some scenes like I I felt like there’s some context missing about why these characters are making certain decisions I don’t understand but anyway yay we did it woo hero of the Village you know what let’s uh line the the little villager box with some

Banners okay so go ahead and just put my totems in here move that over put the emeralds over there potion something okay hold on so this is the part of organization that I’m trying to get quicker about um I have different shulker boxes as you might have noticed throughout the stream

Just for like different uh uses I might have whilst out exploring adventuring Etc and adventuring Etc I said Etc and I don’t like it when people say that so I just thought I’d check myself uh before I wrecked myself but uh yeah I feel like whenever I you know

Have a lot of stuff in my inventory it it takes me a second every time to remember exactly where I store certain types of loot because so in past iterations of Minecraft I have played oh Studies have shown that it’s easier to fly when you’re wearing uh when

You’re wearing your wings fun fact uh no I um I have in the past when using the shulker box and Ender Chest method for traveling storage I’ve literally just had like I I was less specific let me put it that way especially with loot I was literally just like okay anything

That’s not like a a built item or armor or tool or whatever that I’m going to use yeah just just toss it in the in a loot chest I just have a bunch of loot chests and that’s it but I realized in this playthrough that it’s it’s smarter and

Easier for me um especially with villager trades to have specific shulker boxes for tradable goods that that’s how I’ve labeled those boxes in my uh my Ender Chest um so that that helps me stay way more organized um when sorting through stuff that I have gathered while uh in my travels

Um that being said I I still don’t feel uh confident in my ability to quickly navigate my own system of shulker boxes but we make it work um but anyway that was uh yeah that was uh part of the confusion there on the top of my little

Raid Tower and speaking of the raid Tower uh yeah I’m I’m curious to get your thoughts on on my system that I’ve made for cleaning up raids um as you can see it works pretty well I mean there’s there’s still some leg work um you know

I still I still have to shoot the pillagers I still have to run down and and grab the loot and I think I think there there must be a way I can well a automate the entire process in general but also um limit the number of Spawns in uh like the number of Pillager spawns across the river there because as you saw with like the first I think it was just the first round of the raid it’s way easier when they spawn uh like basically um just on the other

Side of my trench and not uh oh wait did I did I take a wrong turn somewhere oh no okay we’re just not there yet um yeah that i’ I I can’t figure out how to how to prevent them from spawning as much across the river because that that

Spot does make it it it doesn’t make it more difficult to kill them in fact it it does help a bit with the evokers um because obviously when they’re farther away from me they’re not detecting me and then spawning the Vex um but when all of the pillagers

Are crammed up against the wall while floating in water they are insanely easy to pick off so I need to either figure out a way to stop them from spawning over there or uh I need to figure out a good way to lure them into my moat so that I can kill them

Very easily and quickly but anyway that’s a task for another day because to wrap up tonight’s stream we are going to make some money going to make some money decided to say that in the uh the most conceited way possible to make some money oh you don’t have money I have

Money all right uh let’s see I think I can put those away no I do need those for a moment but I do want to get my shulker boxes out in preparation for my shopping spray let’s just fly up to the Village um I’m also going to shake some

Of these villagers awake so I can trade with them immediately um let’s see paper it’s going to be a hot commodity and another Vault I think I have enough botten flesh to trade but I guess we’ll find out you there accept this paper thank you so much sir okay and uh you

There yes accept this rotten flesh let’s see put that away let’s trade away from the nether Vault oh J nether F here let’s just activate this fella here trade him some sticks look at that look at that look at all this money now I I actually um kind of like I

Guess maximize my earning potential uh with um even more resources but I I didn’t want to take as long as I could have um really farming oh oh oh wrong thing I was clicking the wrong thing really farming all the resources that I have over in my farming

Area um because again I can use bone meal like for several minutes to get more uh you know sweet berries and and whatnot but but uh again I didn’t want that to take forever I wanted to be able to show you guys my my RAID Farm cuz I’m

I’m fairly proud of how it how the design worked out I think it is I mean obviously it’s effective cuz you know that be the raid so I’m pretty happy with that um okay another oh are you kidding me can oh there we go can I trade with

This guy yeah and obviously another benefit of um being able to trade uh a lot with the Villagers and get a ton of emeralds is uh you can buy golden carrots from these farmers and golden carrots are an excellent source of food in this game uh they provide a really really high

Saturation level um that makes them one of the one of the better Foods in the game actually and that’s surprising I again I only recently found that out and I’ve been playing Minecraft a while so it’s uh it’s never too late to learn things I been told let’s do

That ah okay let’s see uh one of my Shepherds is in here you there sir get out of bed get out of bed I need to trade with you sir get a get out of bed get out of bed I need to trade with you ah lazy villagers is there another Shepherd in

Here no there is not well I can’t waste this time I only have 30 minutes left where’s the other where’s the other Shepherd where is he where is he is he in here where are you Shepherd oh my goodness okay this is oh here he is hello sir

You’re the pink you’re the pink dye shepher anyway uh that I suppose that is one small disadvantage to trying to trade with these villagers at nighttime um they don’t sleep right next to their workstations every time or like in the same vicinity so even if I know where

Their workstations are that might not correlate directly to where they end up sleeping so that can make it a little challenging sometimes to find them uh in the nighttime to go trade stuff to go uh to go russle them awake and then demand that they trade with

You be like no your sleep’s not important you have to trade with me right now also don’t be surprised uh be curious to see what gifts they throw to me I Know s you this pork s you this beef oh hey somebody gave me pumpk pie lucky me oh ooh that’s actually pretty good yay thanks guys you’re too kind all right uh what do you sell what do you oh you take potatoes nice okay stay right where you are sir oh what did

I just say I just oh wait you’re the wrong one there you are hey you sorry man you you actually did exactly what I asked you stayed right where you were I just stupidly ran away from you okay all right let me get out the carrots oh my gosh all this

Stuff sir do you take carrots no you do not oh sir sir do you no you’re not the red dye uh shepherd man how about you sir yes you take carrots oh I ran out okay that’s fine okay so I think yeah that pretty much covers the crops that I can sell

Very good very good and I’ll tell you from a functional perspective I think my favorite Power that I get from the beacons is the jump boost that it is that is a hilarious power to me it’s so funny uh you’re able to just hop over like pretty much anything it’s it’s awesome see

Bread um okay least all my shulker boxes are on me okay sometimes for real I’ll uh I’ll just like set my shulker boxes down in the middle of the Village um kind of nearby you know the the respective uh villagers from which I am trying to

Trade and uh I’ll just like leave them just leave my shulker boxes scattered about the town but anyway all right here’s the here’s the real money maker and I if you’re um if I if I remember to do this before the next stream um I will do a little bit more

Grinding uh before the next stream I do and uh really want to like show the earning potential of all these villagers it’s kind of incredible ACC actually uh how many Emerald you can make uhit did I aha here we go knew it sitting there thinking like I I know I

Had oh wait uh hold no crap I so unorganized sometimes okay there’s the the food one and okay I need to sell that stuff these are just little gifts or whatever but yeah the um yeah the villagers can make you a lot of emeralds very quickly and I

Mean uh some of some of this is just like frivolous shopping but like I said earlier there is like a functional reason to have at least some emeralds and that is um if you eat golden carrots it’s to buy golden carrots um they are an excellent food so

Um I think for no other reason and it’s worth making a lot of emeralds so you can ensure you have a steady supply of food specifically the one of the best foods in the game that you can eat so um it’s nice to be able to buy them and not

Have to like grind for them oh look they toss me some cyan wool and some magenta wool thanks guys you’re too kind I didn’t even think to get you anything except I did I got you all the tradable goods uh that your little heart could ask For all right so okay let me put away a bunch of this crap this crap the stuff I paid for um so got all that stuff okay great so that actually seems like a good place uh to leave off off Um let me put away let me just put away all my stuff and then I can fly over to the the future home of the Bob Meets World Art Museum and uh yeah oh yeah that’s that’s see even flying up to just this Frame here I thought all right uh that’s going

To be fun to get to see once it’s done okay so uh one one thing that I’m thinking off the top of my head is I definitely want to incorporate more uh like lighter colors like white or maybe light gray um maybe into this back wall area so uh next

Time I hop into this world in a stream we’ll uh we’ll be tackling the rest of this Museum project and uh hopefully getting I I really want to I want to finish the B like the whole frame basically like this wall put up the floor or the first floor and uh finish

The roof so then we have like a solid structure to work with and then after that we can start putting some art in it um and that’ll be that might even be even more difficult for me than building the structure CU I’m I feel like I’m not that creative but uh in the

Meantime you guys keep thinking of ideas for things uh for me to build or things that you would want to see incorporated into the design of the building and you can let me know in the comments or on threads or Instagram or uh by carrier pigeon if they know where to find me

However you want to try and uh get your ideas out there but if you’ve sat through this whole uh building process and then the process of killing pillagers and selling their uh selling their goods for money I thank you so much for being here it’s been nice uh

Streaming for the first time I definitely want to do this more and uh yeah you’ll definitely be seeing some more some more live content coming from the channel so for the time being thank you so much for being here I have really enjoyed it and I will see you uh in the

Next stream byebye all right

This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE in Minecraft: Building a MASSIVE Art Museum!’, was uploaded by BobMeetsWorld on 2024-01-13 06:14:40. It has garnered 82 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:46 or 12046 seconds.

After getting some ideas from the community about things to add to my solo Minecraft base, I decided to hop into my world in a livestream and let you guys watch me build some stuff! First up is an art museum, and I can assure you it will be much larger and more opulent than it needs to be 😂


📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/realbobmeetsworld/ 🧵 Threads | https://www.threads.net/@realbobmeetsworld

⚔️ Watch Becca, Sam, Thadd, and me play Valheim! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcQddGOvlIcLBCRtpadWmjr4m1WnMCXVJ

🔫 Watch Jordan (a.k.a. Cognitive Clips) and me play Wizard With a Gun! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcQddGOvlIcKBGjEvMAe0SRsPc-jGg523

❄️ Watch me play The Long Dark! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcQddGOvlIcIZdhpT2YZaRKyleS2sqp-P

🤝 Check out Becca’s and my full playthrough of hit co-op game It Takes Two! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcQddGOvlIcJsk5mEmRADYdnRO630LdCE

🐉 Watch me play Skyrim! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcQddGOvlIcKTn0PCl7-WbGJWQsCbC-yl


📧 For info or inquiries, hit us up at [email protected]!

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    99 Days, 0 Slime: Minecraft Fail Exploring the World of Minecraft with Chu the Pup Introduction Chu the Pup, a popular content creator, embarked on a thrilling adventure in the virtual realm of Minecraft on June 9, 2024. The stream, titled “Slime Hunt Day 99: Still NO SLIME 🫠,” promised an exciting journey filled with challenges and surprises. Unveiling the World of Minecraft As the stream began, viewers were transported into the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where Chu the Pup delved into the vast world teeming with possibilities. From towering mountains to lush forests, Minecraft offered a playground for creativity and exploration. The Quest for… Read More

  • FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!

    FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cara Instal Minecraft Java Gratiss Menggunakan TLauncher’, was uploaded by pitapit on 2024-05-23 06:00:05. It has garnered 13051 views and 410 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:15 or 555 seconds. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 📺 Support & Support Pitapit!! » | Like/Like This Video » | Subscribe to Pitapit ► https://www.youtube.com/@pitapitt » | Activate the Bell for New Video Notifications » | Donate ► https://saweria.co/donate/pitapit ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 💎 Social Media Pitapit! » | X : https://twitter.com/pitapit_ » | Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/p.pitapitt » | Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Tresixte » | Discord : https://discord.gg/UhnCS2VPZg » | Website : https://pitxone.blogspot.com 📞… Read More

  • Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest Build

    Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: SECRET CHEST HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-05-07 18:00:10. It has garnered 51475 views and 881 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:48 or 2328 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: SECRET CHEST HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft! Wudo, Mongo, and Axy are in big trouble! They need to build a secret giant CHEST house in order to hide from MUTANT PIRATES! They might even need secret beds! Or will it be too late? This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ! #Wudo #Minecraft… Read More

  • Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shorts

    Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Asan Gamerz on 2024-01-14 05:20:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with Creeperr

    Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with CreeperrVideo Information This video, titled ‘When You Try To Run Minecraft Shaders’, was uploaded by Creeperr on 2024-06-06 00:08:20. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. Read More

  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

    Take on the Savage Viper Challenge - Join Us!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer w/ Friends (Play with Us!) Java 1.20.6 & Bedrock (Console, Phone, PC) #2’, was uploaded by Savage Viper on 2024-06-03 04:04:38. It has garnered 220 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:03:46 or 21826 seconds. Join the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Uk2CS6DSvT Minecraft Server IP: MC.SavageViper.com ( Port on all Devices: 25565 Server supports all versions of MC: Java, Bedrock (Console, Phone &, PC) Read More

  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. https://streamelements.com/s1n1ster_/tip – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! craft2.net Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More