EPIC LIVE: Hermitcraft’s INSANE Minigame! Decked Out 2

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N E N N N N Oh Hello hi guys oh my goodness I am very very very sick today I am insanely sick and so yeah no uh I’m not feeling too good but um I’ve been loving um deck out 2 um I played for the first time I think it was two nights ago

Uh but I didn’t really play much and then I was essentially playing um all day yesterday and it was a absolutely fantastic time um so uh that being said do have a bit of a deck um it it it’s going pretty well uh I have a few uncommons uh a few

Good uncommons might to add the ones I want so I’m very happy about that there’s only one kind of eh uncommon I got but um everything else has uh been absolutely great um I I’ll try my best to explain what I’m doing uh the first run just for those who are um unfamiliar

Although I assume most people here are going to be um pretty familiar with um hermitcraft which is good but um yeah anyways hi Simon hi Raymond hi Evergreen hi um dra dra I forget how you pronounce that whoops my bad um but it’s nice seeing you here

Again though it’s been a while um hey Jay and uh hey cathus uh yeah no um I once again apologize about my voice uh it’s probably going to sound a little more strain today but um I don’t know I didn’t want to get like really far ahead

Without streaming this and so I’m not sure how long I will stream this for but it’ll definitely be for a decent sh of time um but yeah anyways um we’re just going to hop straight into it and I have a few things to show you uh we have an

Automatic resource pack which is neat um and yeah no I’ve made my own uh little decked out out Cove which um I think is kind of cute I I’m a fan of this um I survived the death room um about three times so I have that there um anything

Else this is a this was Cleo’s room originally um sorry Cleo and uh yeah I definitely want to add more to this eventually maybe I’ll do that on stream while we’re waiting for the dungeon to reset um not sure but yeah it’s a very elixiry I would like to think uh kind of

Uh a bit of celestial craft going on here mostly mostly Celestial craft uh inspired motifs and then uh yeah we have the cherry wood on the floor which um I’ll never complain about uh oh my goodness yeah um it’s going to be uh quite quite the trip uh playing through

This today I’m super duper excited though oh my goodness um what else do we have to talk about um yeah Our Deck I guess um so how this server works is it’s um actually open to a few of my friends uh I don’t know if anybody’s on

Oh we have Perry um but yeah basically um what is it how what Decked Out is is it’s this um deck building game and you essentially uh I don’t even like go about describing this um I I think I’ll just grab a few cards and just like explain it uh

Basically um it’s a game where um you’re given a compass um and the compass uh points to um an artifact and the artifact um how do I how do I put this into words um hi chat it’s weird fa can just like log onto a server but yeah basically um

At the start of a run um is what it’s called um you get an artifact uh or a compass that points to an artifact you follow the compass find the location you drop the compass on the floor and then you get given um an artifact and um that’s that’s how it

Works essentially and um what is it it’s cool because uh once you get your artifact uh you need to get out and you uh give up your artifact to get a currency called Ember which is used to buy um these bad boys the cards and um

Yeah every 30 seconds a card is played and cards can uh give you various stats um for example this one blocks a thing called Clank which is like this bad stat uh the more Clank you have um the less Hospital the dungeon is uh the same

Thing for um a similar thing called um Hazard yeah here we go Hazard uh which is uh this kind of emergency symbol um and uh Hazard like blocks off doors makes it harder to get around Clank uh releases like evokers and vexes and into

The dungeon um if you get too much of it um there’s a thing called treasure treasure drops um coins um which can be combined full coins make uh a thing called a crown and crowns can be used to buy like temporary like powerups at like a shop outside of the dungeon um and

Then uh Embers which is the thing that you get for relinquishing an artifact so you get like a few extra stats um such as um sorry uh by dropping Embers you can get like additional Embers uh like more than the amount your artifact is worth and basically kind of uh you know just

Get more bang for your book out of your run and uh yeah I really like uh getting Embers um what is it we have a card here we have two of these cards that give you four Ember we have two cards that give you seven treasure which is better than

Uh these cards that give you four treasure um and then we have this insane card which um if there’s any hermitcraft enjoyers here or anybody um if you know you know this is a really good card um as is this one card that gives uh two

Minutes to jump boost and also uh blocks two Hazard it’s basically um it’s discard but good it’s disc card but really good it’s one of the best cards in the game um it just does everything uh for no reason but uh yeah with all that being said uh we are

Actually just going to put our deck away and without a further do I think we just hop straight into it um so yeah a few other notes to make um we’re going to uh kill the music now and uh you guys are going to let me know if the volume on

All of this stuff is um a okay also the door is a little broken from just various people uh deciding to use the dungeon um this side doesn’t really work but um hey it’s still cool it’s still it’s still like relatively neat um yeah uh so a few things uh we want to

Do is um put away all of our stuff um I’m keeping my hat on because that’s like a fine thing to keep and then there is a little bit of a somewhat mid maxy thing we can do here if we um damage ourselves just a little bit um we can um

Get um a single hunger like taken off of us and that way we kind of max out our saturation the best we can is this Pokemon no it is H Decked Out Clank also blocks off paths I remember uh no that was Hazard you’re thinking of uh dra um

Quite a bit quite for me at least um um I have to watch in 44p what oh my God your Internet is just not working as of late okay um I’m going to hope that’s good that could be too loud now um we’re going to start on medium and probably go to hard

Later in the day um but yeah okay I’m looking at the auto that seems to be fine um but yeah with all of that being said said um we’re about to enter the dungeon here also I forgot to eat my carrot whoops um and yeah do the hardest difficulty um I

Would die I would die like insanely quick I would be dead um good luck and uh kick but uh I’ll try my best I’ll try my best um oh my goodness so um yeah here is the compass that I was talking about um it’s on level one so um you guys don’t really

Need to worry about what it means if it’s level two and uh this map in um the hand here that’s going to give us uh some information about um are you kidding me why is he there okay um that’s what we call um insanely unfortunate this ravager here has just

Decided to wander into the starting room which is um the last thing you want and uh yeah he’s kicking my butt just a little bit um but yeah as you could probably hear um a card called sneak just played and um that card basically allows us to um block some Clank which

Is great I do see a coin that’s been dropped there um oh we just got a second sneak that’s great okay um I’m going to lose this guy here um I just do not want him in that like starting area um it’s very unideal but yeah we’re just going

To follow this compass and uh see where it leads see where it leads um what a funny ENT what fun entrance death yeah no last thing you really want if I’m going to be honest and I feel like this door’s closed off no it’s not okay we’re

Good um I think I know this location I think it could be like right here oh my God it is right here okay we’re starting with like a really easy run yeah look at that so uh we got this artifact called to of the hills which is worth um 12

Embers and um oh there’s a ravager there but um with to of the Hills uh we need to like make our way to the entrance again and uh basically um sacrifice it so we can cash it in for those 12 Embers oh no hello you want to you want to try get me

Here yes oh my God oh my God how am I alive how am I alive that was that was risky that was risky it should be okay now though um I’m waiting for some Ember CS to play yeah like for us Focus because uh I will

Say 12 is uh pretty luster and there’s a reason why I was doing hard runs and also uh we’re going to snack up here and hopefully get enough food saturation to push us over the edge um and you know heal up and I just heard an ember go off

There so there there are certain sounds that mean particular things for example um the little uh D sound effect um is the sound of a frost Ember um is the sound of a frost Ember meanwhile um oh okay we we’re just running circles around this guy um but yeah the little

Dud is a frost Ember and then there’s like a thing that’s um what is it that’s a treasure being dropped in the dungeon um that being said uh we now have two so uh 2 + 12 is 14 uh so we’re basically um the lowest uncommon card is worth

16 so I think I want to get two more Frost Embers at the very least and oh also all the shers and stuff and that’s me generating um a thing called Clank uh which I described earlier um what is it when I have a Clank block uh

Lined up it’s not as bad but yeah uh what are you even trying to do uh what on this uh what are you even trying to do in this and at the moment I’m just uh trying to get some Frost Embers and it it will all make sense it will

All make sense very soon trust me um we’re going to go down here which is a room that can have some things and um see if there’s any Frost Embers there unfortunately is not any Frost Embers which is a right shame but um we did get

Three berries so um not a complete and utter loss um I did hear a d like a little little Frost Amber D earlier though we got to be very careful not to cause any uh issues here because there’s dead ends like Galore in this area and uh the last

Thing we want to do is encounter a ravager oh hey look uh third Frost Ember so now we’re just looking for one more Frost Ember and uh we should be pretty geared up to leave the dungeon um though I don’t think I want to go that way Nim

Looting oh Nimble looting is good um so for every Clank block we have whenever you use it it will drop um some treasure into the dungeon which is always um a nice thing um treasure can be these coins that I’m getting this Crown here is a rare treasure drop and yeah um I

Guarantee I could watch uh 55 uh two times uh this 55 uh and a half times and still not understand what’s going on all I know is you’re running around in a weird uh steaming cold dungeon collecting strange things yeah it’s basically don’t think of it like

Minecraft it’s kind of like it’s like a different game essentially it’s um it’s a rogu like um type experience if you guys um have ever heard of anything like that um we’re about to get a card here okay sneak good because uh we have Nimble looting which allows us to get some additional

Things and um yeah with all that being said um going to need to try make my way out of here oh no okay well all that Clank block we had um was for nothing we may need to run maybe um but yeah as you guys can see on

This map here it’s a giving me like two treasure um two treasure every time I uh activate this is there a download for this um uh I heard Rog like and I want to play uh yeah if you go to hermitcraft.com you can uh I need to run

Here by the way um if you go to hermitcraft.com uh they have it available there oh no oh no no no no no okay greed May kill me here but I really want that oh that’s too um okay hello sir oh my God we are like unironically

Running circles around him oh oh no that’s the ravager I brought to the stand at the beginning of the Run should have remembered him okay that’s Ember Seeker going to kind of chill in this area hope that maybe just maybe we can uh oh

No oh no no no I’m not liking this I’m not liking this one bit oh my goodness um I really want one more Ember I’m getting greedy again actually no look at all of these coins these coins can become a thing called crowns and I think it’s actually in my

Better interest to just leave um yeah I think I’m going to leave so um here’s the entrance we came in and here’s the exit and um yeah you just uh go all the way down whoop and uh here’s our artifact here relinquish your artifact I missed there we

Go this is really cool in cinematic I just wanted to shut up for that so we have 17 Embers so um we’re probably not going to be able to get anything from here but um this is the post game shop and at random [Laughter] I’m so happy right now um at random um four

CDs uh will show up in the shop and um on this side are The Uncommon curs and on these this side is the rares the rares cost stupid amount of frost Embers we only have 17 here right now um and yeah this was the one card I was

Hoping for and uh through some miracle uh probably uh the content Gods looking over us and we hit it so um we’re going to purchase oursel a evasion which gives us four Clank block which is a pretty decent raid especially for how many frost Embers we’re paying and uh this is

Where we put all our coins and crowns and stuff um so we had one Crown total and as you can see we actually had quite a lot of coins here enough so that we’re going to be able to craft a grand total of we should have Five Crowns once we leave the dungeon

Here um so yeah that’s very very exciting and then this key um is kind of useless to me I’m not sure if I have a to of the hills I’m going to check but um yeah uh this is just like a little spare artifact that you can get like at

The end of the run and uh I need to wait for this to like uh finish doing a thing and then we go to the entrance at the Victory lap this is where you go to win we’re about to win it’s going to be glorious I just died of fall damage H

That can happen either oh my goodness there’s our Five Crowns there’s our evasion absolutely spectacular um so this is going to be our second evasion we already had one in the deck but um this is like exactly what we want um and then uh here’s the Tom of the

Hills um so yeah on that note um we did an absolutely killer job um in there and now we need to uh wait for the dungeon to uh reset um which it is currently uh in the process of doing so yeah the crowns I will explain now um there is a shop here

Outside of the game uh where you can buy like little temporary um power up things and um there’s one thing that I really like buying here specifically although this is like a pretty decent card and in fact I think I might pick this up now because uh why not

Um and yeah there’s like loot boxes there’s the Ethereal card there’s a whole heap of things and yeah here is the Tactical approach and this blocks five Clank and gives you five coins but as soon as you enter and um yeah um on that note um I have this little chest no

I have this little chest we do have a to of the hill so I’m just going to burn this actually is what I’m what I’m going to do um so yeah now we have a total of six crowns we have um a tactical approach which is these are just carrots I’m

Saving for a rainy day in fact uh a rainy day may be uh today so um there’s a few extra things on CS that I’m going to explain now um as you can see uh below the Tactical approach in very small print is permanent and ethereal ethereal means that once the card is

Used um it gets removed from from your deck and uh it’s like a onetime use kind of thing and then permanent is um it’s played at the very start of the game like every permanent card you have is played at the very start so basically you go in the dungeon and you already

Have five treasure and five uh Clank block cued it’s a pretty pretty good card um I’m also G to play the music again if my music wants to play and never mind the dungeon’s just like straight up ready but uh yeah on that note um let’s

Just go straight back in um that was um quite the upgrade we seen and uh I’m feeling good about that Medium so um I think we’re just going to uh nose dive our way straight into hard um I’m very excited uh to do that um but yeah uh

How’s the H how’s like the audio by the way guys I’m like very curious does it sound like too low is it too high um because I will crank up the volume if needs be um you got like the main thing you guys um if I leave then my power rent out

Oh um but yeah uh just let me know how the audio is doing um I’d love to know and that being said let’s do our little mid maxing here uh we would have been in a very tight spot Oo um yeah we would have been in a very bad spot if uh we weren’t uh careful yippe the cold fire currency yep little Frosty fire so um yeah this Run’s going to be um a lot a lot more challenging to say the least the difficulty Spike from

Medium to hard is like a really nasty one in this game um we could be dealing with wardens we could be dealing with a whole heap of things that is H pretty bad so um everything you guys have seen so far is uh level one oh no no no no no

No no no everything you guys seen so far is um level one of the dungeon this Compass says um level three there there’s wardens there um so already I don’t like my odds um all too much and my odds are um pretty atrocious actually um but we’re gonna we’ll try our best

We’ll try our best regardless oh we got a key immediately that’s great that means um I’m just going to like leave here as quickly as I can um so the keys are um what are required to move from level to level of the dungeon so this is the last room of

Level one if I throw my key here um it brings me to a staircase that will take me to level two of the dungeon however that’s not deep enough for this run because we have a level three artifact specifically on the middle floor of level three um because there’s

Even more floors to level three because of course there is um so yeah we’re just going to blast through here and um just hope with all our little heart that we are able to find um a dark key which will allow us to go to a place called the black mines which is

Um oh that’s the Halloween thing going off um we thankfully got an evasion played which is the new card we just got um but yeah we’re just going to head straight off to this area um this is like probably way too over stimulated I

I was like oh I’ll just get like a level two Compass uh this Compass is like a very low chance of happening and on level three there’s just nasty guys notably there’s nasty wardens um but yeah the main thing I want right now is um treasure because we need a thing

Called the black mines key to um drop so we can get to the next level uh the door to level three is um just this way I’ll go there why not and there’s also a TR D there’s a TR drown in here uh for those curious um yeah so here’s here’s the

Entrance to level three and there’s a treasure hunter card which is always great because that’s going to assist us quite a bit um I think it’s okay okay that was in regards to the audio I assume and the World download can be found on hermitcraft.com um oh my goodness my goodness

Gracious ooh an ember I won’t say no I won’t say no chat and we’re getting a lot lot of Clank block though which is great I don’t know what’s eating up so much of a Clank block if I’m going to be honest um but yeah the Hope here is that um we can

Find a key to um the um oh wait what where’ this come from huh okay better lucky than good okay um this is where the wars live and uh this is where I go to die I’m like dead here I want that to be like very clear

Like there’s a all near zero chance a 0% chance I live here and but yeah we need to go to the second level of level three and that’s great no that’s good don’t like that don’t like that don’t like that don’t like that uh do not like

This do not like this one bit oh you got to be kidding me it’s in here oh come on don’t like this don’t like this I do not like this one bit okay this thing’s worth 24 um okay now we leave we leave now we leave we oh

No hi Warden I hope you’re having a wonderful day good sir I hope you’re having a a great old time sir I’m I’m running I’m running I don’t care I don’t care I’m I’m getting out of here I’m I’m getting out I’m getting out no thank you no thank you I’m fine um

Okay there’s a really really quick way out of level two if I’m fast enough here so I’m just going to full send and oh my God oh my God okay everything’s going Wrong no no no no oh no we we need to get up here okay oh my God just in time we ran out of just jump boost just in time there that’s that’s insane yeah no um kind of a miracle on this far um we do have a lot of Clank block

On our side though to be fair okay we’re going to take it very slow here because uh stepping in the lava is uh one of my most frequent ways of dying on level two um and yeah we’re all the way back to level one already I’m kind of impressed with myself

Um now there is a card I really want that’s worth 28 so I may stick around here until I can get that out of my deck um or it’s at least 26 because that jump boost card is worth 26 and then the card after that is um worth 28 and it

Like gives you 10 Embers it’s really cool it’s really good up there’s one uh we need more berries as well because um yeah no it’s going about as well as you would expect um oh my goodness um yeah hopefully we find some Embers okay that’s going well um a

Stumble isn’t going well but um we have 26 27 so we want one more Frost Ember and then we’ll be able to get um a really good card if it shows up there it is but uh we need to tangle with this ravager I think I’m going to tangle with

Him anyways so um yeah so from here on out my goal is to leave I want to get out of the dungeon to not go there oh my goodness it’s it’s kind of insane that I’m alive though this is going to be my first successful level three run that’s that’s a pretty good

Second run if I do say so myself um I’m getting a lot of stumbles here I’m also not liking that guy over here um what’s my best course of action I don’t like this guy I like this guy one bit I’m just going to run for

It I’m hearing so many ambr chat but um we have as many as I want so I’m I’m out uh there’s a ravager in that Loop there yep H we’re going to stay away from that we’re going to keep clear of that we got Nimble looting at the worst

Possible time because we had like 10 million Clank earlier on that I just chew through um I don’t know what that really loud cracking sound was but hey we lived I’m guessing the other way is blocked off uh yeah the other way was blocked off um wow what a run chat that

Was a good run that was a really good run oh my god um not quite like my Ember record my current Ember record is like 38 or something like stupid high like that but that went pretty well all things considered I’m I’m pretty satisfied with that honestly

Um 28 perfect so we can now buy a lot more uncommons uh up to here which is uh kind of insane um although we’re getting come on come on no don’t do this to me oh my oh my God what is my look oh my God what is my look oh my

God this is the exact card I wanted so uh whenever we trigger a shrier within 8 seconds after the card is played we get plus 10 Ember for for reference my highest uh give you Ember card gives me four so um yeah no good card in my opinion

It’s it’s kind of controversial because it gives you plus four Hazard and you also need to generate a Clank uh to get this like to go off but you get all the cards you asking for yeah I’m actually cheating I’m uh I’m modifying the red stone I’m

Cheating I’m a cheater but um oh my God that’s insane I’m so happy I’m so happy that’s the one card I wanted more than anything um oh nope wasn’t going to happen um oh my goodness that was a crazy run that was a crazy run we got

One Crown out of it we got that was a good run uh we’re waiting for a c to show up now guess ask nicely and you’ll get it yeah essentially I was like so scared I was about to get look a bunch of rares and stuff that I couldn’t afford and

Then I’ll just have a bunch of Embers that I couldn’t do anything with but no Reckless charge the exact card I wanted um oh that’s awesome that’s super awesome my goodness I’m so happy with that that’s amazing because yeah one thing I love more than anything in this game is

Farming for Embers if that wasn’t um clear already but I I’m kind of I’m pretty sure it probably was um has anything changed in the shop nope it’s still same old same old um dang that was that was a good run um I’m feeling overly confident now

So I think I’m going to add a pay to win to my deck um which is essentially um a reckless charge if I can get um all okay um where can I put this I can put it here it’s essentially a reckless charge um except without any of the downsides

The one downside is I need to pay crowns for it and um it’s a Serial so once it’s used it will be gone forever um but yeah that was an amazing run oh my goodness that was that was great um I got like very unlucky with

The hand I was dealt yet I uh pulled through regardless um do you need texture packs or anything uh to play or is this game or is it just vanilla um you’ll need a few things you’ll need um the it it will like prompt you with everything like if you load up the

Server in single player it will tell you what to do like there’s a little command message um like here um it’s like it’s best experience when open like this to play Deck out um you need to click this um and what is it when you click this

Um what is it uh it will like prompt you with a bunch of things like uh the fabric link uh some audio some mod links and then um if you have an ALT account uh you need an ALT account to make the map work but you can make that work

Through like land play if you want and yada yada yada um yeah we’re just waiting for this to reset essentially that was a crazy run that was so good um and yeah obviously I modified the texture pack just ever so slightly so um my hat’s in it um not that that’s like

The biggest deal in the world um yeah no um pretty pretty crazy run honestly I’m very very very happy with that um that was insane that was just quite quite simply insane how many cards do we have in our deck even now we have five 10 15 up whoops okay that’s that’s

Gone actually I guess I I’ll be able to count like once uh once I’m done here but uh yeah let’s let’s hop in we’re going to do another hard although it’ll probably be it will hopefully be easier than um what we were just out there was like just wardens

Everywhere all in like the the worst spots ever um and yeah no it sucked but uh somehow we got our artifact and got out alive which is the most I can say about level three ever um so yeah no I’m pretty I’m pretty happy I’m chuffed a bits with that um

We’re going to do the mid Max I love mid maxing we’re actually going to uh do that first so the game kind of loads up and uh starts working by the time we get down there and yeah now I’m just super duper delighted with um The Reckless

Charge that uh we managed to acquire and uh yeah we’re good to go um so yeah hopefully H wait an alter count dang it I don’t have one yeah I have potion MV on the server right now and uh I’ll show you like you’ll be able to notice their

Icon on like the map uh once we get it here um a level two thank God but uh yeah if you see by like the E of deck out here you can see like a player icon that’s my ALT account just loaded in uh so the map like Works um that being said

The game like it won’t like ruin the game by any means if you don’t have the map um it’s just like a little extra thing it’s like a piece of information really okay the ravager is right there Frost focus on the entrance not terrible I think that ravager can

Actually make get up from here okay famous last words I heard a ravager and I was not know where it was coming from okay we’re going to acquire as many berries as we can here so we can hopefully bounce back from that little blun oh my God they’re

Everywhere uh bounce back from that little blunder um and yeah while we’re doing this um we’ll have some treasure cards played anyways which will generate Clank um nothing there um yeah I really like this right path it’s like my favorite way to go um yeah not seeing any Keys just yet

Ice know there’s a shrier active there in case of Reckless charge um that’s luden scoot which is um a big treasure card for us so hopefully that helps out out quite a bit need to go deeper who’s going to the nether what um okay we have um our first Frost

Hember of the run which is always nice and uh slowly but surely I’m acquiring berries so we can uh get a key we got very lucky on our keys last run that was like there was a lot of luck in what happened last time unfortunately this

Has not grown back uh since our last run um which is unfortunate but there’s not really much he can do about that um the only like solution would be to wait longer outside the door but um yeah okay so we just got an evasion play which is

A good bit of Clank block and that’s good in case we get Reckless charge pled on us as well um sneak sneak nope Um okay this ain’t great with um oops and um in terms of oh okay we know we’re a lot of Um where a lot of shers are also we’re getting chased down here and there’s one there as well great it’s exactly what I wanted actually um okay there’s one there as well pay to win pay to win that’s a bunch of Embers so I think I’m dead here though um

Okay okay so at least while we’re looking for a key we’re going to have like quite a few Embers um this is probably the best time for it to play um given how this run is going so far which is not great um yeah because this key is just not

Giving itself to us and we got a stumble great we do have a but ton of ambers though look at all those ambers that’s good I’m happy with that um okay I know I’m safe here now so I can get um the berries without much harm uh being threatened to us

Um yeah if we go this way maybe there’s ambers or maybe not okay guess it’s not ambers Um if not here there’ll definitely be some Embers up here we’re going to use our Jedi mine tricks on this ravager I don’t know why the ravager does that but when you stand on the wall he just like uh he basically like retracts back into um that one room for some reason

And I don’t know why it looks silly though so that counts for something um also I’m going to need to eat some berries getting a lot of Embers I’ll say that is it possible to learn how to play this uh by just playing or would I need

To watch some tutorial um there is a tutorial um Linked In the description of this um live stream actually but um in other places too you can find um what is it you can just play and figure it out um although yeah I would recommend watching like the like how to play instruction

Video we have seven Embers right now and no key um kind of rotten look honestly and I know there’s ravages here ready ready to get me y yep it sure is okay we are getting so many Embers but not a single key this is really unfortunate honestly

Okay okay well AGG gring you also works um I just need to get out of here okay this guy’s angry at me I need to leave and I need to find a key please game give me a key that’s all I want here not a stumble a key oh my God game hates

Me Um is it I have like three deons to my name and maybe some pocket lint is it possible to learn how to play uh by just playing it or what I need to watch oh sorry uh L scoot that’s what we want to see hopefully we get um an easy key I heard

A ding I’m going to investigate over here nope that’s just a coin uh we’ll grab it anyways so my frame rate tank tanking for some reason um yeah okay this this is annoying uh usually we would find a key a lot faster than this this is just kind

Of being uh very reluctant and unlucky oh finally oh my goodness only took you nine years game but um yeah no we thankfully finally found a key which is great and uh I’m going to need to sneak now because um if you guys can hear that heartbeat that one um it’s going a

Little faster than it I would like it to be um Crown here that’s pretty decent that’s lucky that’s like a one in N chance or like even less than a one in N chance because there’s a chance for that to like trigger even blah blah blah and

Not that it’s relevant because um oh and that just closed on us um either way we’re leaving I can’t seem to find enough berries to be able to tank one hit and that’s like bothering me okay we’re we’re getting some Clank luck at the very least though uh there’s two ravagers there I

Don’t want to mess with them I just want to kind of get out of here as quickly as possible those two ravages here though so that’s not like fantastic by any means okay nope need to go this way okay less than ideal to do that but and

Alas we did it and we’re here now where’s this taking me oh I know exactly where this is taking me and I don’t like it I’m making so much Clank for myself why am I doing this oh jeez okay um I need to get to a place called

Spiders um and I think I can get to it through here maybe I think nope I need to go the direction where the scary ravager that wants to eat my face off is that’s good that’s great okay um H bit of a predicament here um the best I can really do

Is try jump over him I guess no wasn’t going to happen yeah we just got stuck at a dead end there we could have gone around but that was like um that’s not very ideal uh yeah that’s the Zelda sounda place when you do the key

Um yeah no uh what is it the Run was going pretty well I like the amount of Embers we had there um but yeah unfortunately just really slow on the key timing and then there was just some nasty like ravagers all over level one and uh at the end of the day there

Just wasn’t really much we could do other than uh take the L my voice is like still really raspy because I’m sick so apologies about that but yeah no I hope you guys are enjoying uh the stream today um we are going to be entering a

Just chatting segment now for a while uh because when you die you need to wait longer not a feature but like just a uh you got uh dunk D Sands undertale yeah he does say that for some reason a little rude but like um not much not much can really be done about

It um but dang yeah this is like um this was all built in Survival by the way um for those who are unaware so that’s kind of crazy um we didn’t hear the Reckless charge play at any point in that run which is kind of unfortunate I will say

Um we’re going to have a look at our deck as well while we’re here um I was feeling good about that one uh I may reset the shop maybe I may wait for it I I the shop could reset while I’m streaming probably will reset while

I’m streaming but um yeah we have two Frost Focus which are Ember cards and two evasions which is that and so yeah let’s just kind of Let’s Line everything up here in a way that kind of makes sense and um so this is also an ember card this Nimble looting

Um oh sorry no this is that’s the Ember card and this Nimble looting I will consider more treasure card than a hazard card even though it’s nice um and then we have two Hazard Block cards which are okay so yeah honestly Our Deck is like pretty balanced by our Hazard block and

I don’t care about Hazard block so um must take so much time the stuff they build is so unbelievable it must take so much time yeah know I believe this took like uh 2 years or a year and a half to build something crazy because um yeah

One thing that I haven’t shown you guys I will in a moment um is oh my God just the just everything about this is not um Let me let me show you I can show you the world yeah look at this build on like the outside as well like ignoring all

The Redstone ignoring everything this build is is crazy it’s insane I can’t even begin to comprehend it um it it’s nuts uh what is it kind of reminds me of a map I played in Minecraft Bedrock but reminds me because they are both Rog likee yeah

Probably what is there what is this oh it’s Freddy Fazbear weird what is good times with scar doing oh I got my signed cards uh from Good times with scar and uh for lescent Moon I got that for Christmas and uh I’m also going to um close that because now um here we

Go we’re good to go run number four I think this is four that was a sad one to lose we had a lot of good Embers so like as soon as we got our artifact the up and up of that run would have looked a lot better but

As it stands yeah we just spent so much time looking for that key but it wasn’t the key that killed me it was just my own stupidity there um oh hey look this is already like good to go for us and with that boom it’s in and

We are good to go ah this is so much fun I love deck out 2 so much if that isn’t um how much detail this has yeah no it’s crazy it’s the Freddy fazar maybe I don’t know but yeah no the detail uh just everything going on here

Is so insane like the map is like crazy the I’m going to I’m going to scream chat I’m going to scream this is this is a level three artifact that banging noise was me hitting my mic oh my goodness gracious that’s that’s miserable okay well you know since we had such an

Easy time finding a key last time uh I’m sure it’ll be nothing oh we are just on the entrance just triggering things okay let’s just let’s just go our usual route here and hope for the best oh my goodness Howell how unideal okay hope I’m not there so I can

Sneakily grab these berries yes that’s right uh card call out machine sneak um okay Embers can you tell I like my Frost Embers I love Frost Embers um like honestly like as long as I’m farming Embers while I’m looking for a key I’m I’m cool I’m cool with it like

That last one was pretty great despite the key taking so much time because we were probably going to farm like at the end of The Run anyways um if it wasn’t handed to us which it wasn’t so I’m hearing Embers this direction although there’s no treasure drop off point there so I is

He nope he’s arra how do I maneuver this guy I could get knocked through some miracle I didn’t get knocked Jedi Mind Tricks go away yes okay very silly some berries here did I just get these berries let SC back fast I think we’re going to leave here

Time for keys keys and even more keys and by Keys you mean no keys it’s honestly it’s the fact that we need to spend time and floor to as well that has me worried because like what is it my deck is not strong enough to live um with like live consequence

Free um going to check up here for Keys Focus oh my goodness okay yep hi is that a coin I seen yellow and got excited um okay I think there’s a ravager here oh there he is that’s blocked off though so yeah this is kind of

Silly yeah I need to Loop you now you’ll allow me to do that okay we have a Nimble looting so it’ll be wise for us to kind of preserve our Clank as much as possible going forward we only have one Clank block which is really unideal really really

Unideal oh my god oh he’s after us oh there’s a key perfect oh that’s amazing okay so I’m gonna I’m G be sneaking now for the next while okay never mind we not be doing that I guess okay yep Simon understood not being pursued here am I am being pursued

Great oh sneak please please please okay that’s a well time sneak that’s a really well time sneak okay we have protected our Clank so now we’re going to keep getting treasure for the Clank block and that being said we now need to um get a

Key on level four which is um not very or level three sorry not four I I say four okay got a lot of berries from that okay Tre Hunter okay treasure hunter always good to see okay we’re being pursued here so we need to uh just full sand come

On the last thing I need right now is to lose my Clank block um I think we’re doing well though ow I don’t I don’t know where the try and get guys going to run away here eat some berries and uh hope that’s good enough we just need enough Health to

Survive one hit of this trident that’s all I need oh my goodness everything’s going wrong chat we did get a crown there though that’s nice and I feel like we lost our Nimble looting strides that’s good yeah that’s really good I think uh I’m going to try sneak onto the pirate ship with

This oop oop oop okay we’re on the pirate ship we’re doing good we’re doing good okay mostly safe area although there’s no um there’s no keys here unfortunately but it is a good place to scout um nothing there it seems so yeah in these like treasure out Coes there

Can be um little bits of loot um oh key there that’s lucky okay so um on that note we’re good to leave um we just got a stumble plate on us which is never nice um if we’re really quick about this this is floor

One so um we can be quick about this and uh I think I know where this is there’s like only three compasses that can be when it’s on this level charge okay definitely definitely provoke that one guy there but it’s fine uh we also got Reckless charge at the

Worst possible time I’m just going to run I’m just going to run yep no he’s angry he’s angry he’s angry he’s angry he’s angry he’s angry okay we’re good we’re alive we’re alive and well okay right we want oh my God look at all of that treasure that’s absurd okay um we did

Unfortunately um lose our jump boost which is going to make getting out of here a bigger pain than it probably has to be um trying to think what’s the best way home I’m going to take this this way what did I need to get Reckless charge there

Oh we’re not going that way going to dripstone I don’t know where the TR drown is either so that’s not ideal he’s behind me that’s for sure okay okay okay there’s a ravager right there so we’re just going to need to run at least like oh there’s several ravages here okay

Noted then go to this area here and there could be an easy way out here nope I’m definitely getting my Clank up but um I really don’t like being here chat okay we’re just going to need to do some timing okay okay we did it

Okay we are getting a lot of Clank right now from the stumbles to the I’m not sure I’m going to live I’m not sure I’m going to live I don’t have berries or anything no no no no no no no no please please not like this not like this not

Like this not like this not like this we had full health we had full health there’s a chance I’m very nervous now okay we’re not going to farm we’re just going to leave we’re getting a lot of stumbles played on us yep no we just leave we’re leaving okay great now you’re here

Exactly what I want this is bad this is really bad we are we are in deep trouble here because we can’t make that guy I hate this we’re we’re Max Clank as well I don’t think we’re living let no we’ll one off Max Clank we’re so close to dead and now

This staircase is being camped can we like lure him over to the other side or back here Hunter okay run run okay that’s blocked as expected okay we need to just get past here we just need to get past here we just need to get past here

No why was he there how did he get there ah gosh dang it we were so close to Max Clank though we needed to FSE in there because the lava put us to one heart and if it wasn’t for the lava blunder I think it would have been okay maybe

Because I would have been a lot more calm then because like ah I can take a hit from something and then I wouldn’t be you know making a stupid decision how did the there was no ravager anywhere near the entrance what oh that’s so unfort un fortunate hello spleep hello uh CL clavi

Clavi yeah cloi either way I’d be silly I’d be silly and goofy and silly that Reckless chge was really painful like the one carot to play while we’re on level three and it’s the one that’s like run around like an idiot and make sound and it’s like ah yes that’s

What I want to be doing beside wardens yeah no that’s that’s exactly what I want to do um yeah no just uh generally um unfortunate uh although there’s not much that could be done about that um to be fair the Run wasn’t like fantastic um I wasn’t too happy with the

Artifact or Ember count there but um I just it was kind of like at the point where I wanted to get out of the dungeon take your items or I’ll feed them to the ravagers my bad dungeon but um yeah the general thing um is I wanted to get out of the dungeon

There um without it being much of a um just Get Out Alive was my main goal but um yeah obviously that didn’t happen uh for reasons I hope are clear and uh yeah and that being said runs are going prettyy well we’re getting to level three and out alive which is good

Um yeah uh what else do we need to concern ourselves with uh yeah a reckless Char I couldn’t really show off because uh we were beside wardens and I didn’t want to run but in retrospect I probably should have just run so I could like get out quicker and that way I

Would have generated a whole lot less Clank and blah blah blah uh because I think I could have taken the warden aggro especially like leaving um yeah I think if I just like took shortcuts and left it would have been fine um that being said uh the runs are

Going good uh I kind of want to aim for 28 Embers per run at minimum if I can just to get more Reckless charges because you know just takes money to make money kind of thing um yeah but all the Reckless charge did there was increase Hazard oh pancake 16 pancakes ah makes

Sense uh yeah the guy like sell these are release free oh no they were just free nice H but yeah that was a very unfortunate death that ravager by the start area I thought I got him out of there but he must have wandered back in

While we were doing level um two and three there but um yeah hopefully the dungeon will be open very soon oh sleep’s here hello shut up shut up is ready for it next victim blood what up blood what up ging oh my goodness um

Wow uh what what do you want to do man do you want to run or do you want to leave no Mama you’re evil you’re a vile vile man I love Celestial crab what’s up with you do you actually want to go in the dungeon sure okay we’re going to be using my

Deck though and uh s going to Tim book too um so chat because I’m running with sleep here I’m going to be adding this one card that gives us um eight uh Clank block to start the run and uh yeah that’s about it I’m also going to need to make my

Game mode creative for a second so I can like duplicate compasses and give us both stuff they see but uh yeah you know that picture of that buck tooth emoji that looks so happy that’s me right now Ah that’s awesome okay uh I’m going to put away

Everything uh put this um what is it I’m going to deal damage to myself okay oh sorry my bad hungry um right I’m going to do hard because um you know what why not true uh do you want to take the mine cart yes okay bye-bye Byebye right so while he’s taking the minecart here uh we just need to get prepared at the start of the dungeon here uh we’re going to switch our game mode to creative for a second uh so when we get the compass and the uh map we can

Do do this give one to spleep there then one here one here and then game mode survival there we go all right gaming why do we have so much treasure oh well I’m not I’m not going to question easy key and we have a level two artifact

Dude I’m going to go around the easy way yeah you would Punk you’re a silly goose and for those who are unaware sleep hasn’t played much and I’m also going to I’ve played like two two games yeah never mind di immediately in both yep we are I love trick and Clank isn’t

It low key like right here um no so it’s level two which means we need a compass sorry not a compass we need a key to open up a door like uh at the back of this level no I’m no no no no no I’m the

Goat oh I’m so screwed what happened I’m about to die I’m at one and I’m stuck down here I’m going to drown byebye oh no bye-bye well oh my God that was tragic that was shortlived poor guy hey we have a lot of Clank because he decided to join us at the very

Least oh my God that was tragic sple doing sple things that door is closed that’s annoying okay we’re going to need to go back through death Lake over here so we’ve actually kind of got him the warden not the warden the the ravager into like a

Pretty decent spot at the very least um coins uh because I think he’s like a little incapacitated in that like one spot sorry I just checking for loot you annoy me you annoy me like immensely I’m getting you out of here Bing oh um well that may seem un ideal

It’s actually like pretty decent at this portion of the game because uh we’re going to be able to get ourselves a very very easy um key now because of it so if we go this direction um with our jump boost there’s like a little segment you

Guys may have spotted it or maybe not um I’m not super sure but um yeah there’s like just a little spot here where we can jump up do this this and do that but um we can only really get that because of um oh not that it really mattered

Because there why is there so much treasure I think I think we got some weird bug that gave us a bunch of treasure and I could not tell you what that was I’m also triggering Clank for days but um we have like a million Clank blocks so it’s not the biggest deal and

We are getting a lot of Hazard played on ourselves which is not great um SPL SPL be vibing uh oh my God what am I doing uh well I know what I’m doing just uh it feels weird because I’m just triggering so much Clank um oh this guy get out of my

Face okay that’s good what you want to see okay um we’re going to Lava side which I don’t like going lava side ever we look at it though there could be no ravages here there is ravages here um we’ll try it we’ll try it chat okay right lot Scoot a lot of loten

Scoots that’s why I’m complaining I need the treasure um I don’t know why I decided to enter the dungeon this way oh that guy is just waiting for me and as is this guy okay um I guess our only way out is up here which is not great I’m oh my

God so much so many shriekers here it sucks this could be where the two ravagers are it is but it’s also like Cent Only okay no running running running running running okay tough crab I’m just going to need to force in this direction oop oop oop this is where I need to be

Ow oh god that hurt okay he was hoping I think once I have six hers that should be fine oh my God i’ shoot through so much Clank this round okay one more half heart and okay I feel safe enough to oh there he is great no

That’s exactly where I want you to be oh my God oh my God oh my God oh I just got completely bodied that was that was a brutal run that was brutal limp I wasn’t paying what are you saying LMO limo that’s very strange you press the button you bogos you you

B You bungus You Bing b you boo that’s the word I’m looking for you bingus you bingus I do kind of look like bingus you do look a little like squint really hard yeah if you squint really hard and put a picture sleep into an AI generator that makes you look like Fus

Yeah still got a squint though because it’s AI Yeah you just went into that Lake and died instantly to the ravager tragic well cuz I was trying to escape the ravager and then I was like okay well I’m in water so then I started swimming but then the ravager was in the water I

Said oh no I’m stuck and I’m dead yeah I’m getting Bean up so uh I may switch back to medium for a next run just so you can actually like get a feel of the game instead of us having to worry about like finding a key and like getting like

Super deep uh there’s my deck and away we go yippee hooray uh we could use your deck as well and and add cards to your Deck card deck I mean yeah you’re two card deck on easy and then we just start playing and get some cards into your deck maybe that’s

True uh have you been using any of these lacky cards uh only when I go in with someone Perry um and we just choose a deck and whoever’s deck that is uh means that’s like whose deck we add to is basically how we operate it basically

Dungeon Lackey but it can be anybody and free um yippee yeah we’re just going to need to wait here for a little bit oh my God spleep yeah unfortunately sleep is here and terrible day yeah y almost joined with the skin that shouldn’t be real revealed oh that would have been bad

Yeah can’t believe you made a blue variant of that and then everyone goes to Skindex and leaks what’s happening wait wait can they do that oh no I don’t think it’s there if it is then oh well they can’t tell whoops Oopsy Daisy and oh my goodness though I’ve

Been loving this so much it’s been so much fun Banjo go go go go go oh my God you do it so accurately I would try do an impression but like my I know oh yeah you’re like dead you’re sick yeah no I’m sick I was like dead sick and disgusting and gross

Yep I like I like got up and I was like I’m eating and then I’m going to stream this and that’s exactly what I did can a wretched Beast like this understand the true meaning of Christmas what have you seen that it’s like like can a wretched Beast like this truly

Understand the the meaning of Christmas and it’s just like that like that Asian like fluffy dog no I haven’t do you have your deck on you uh yeah uh I got it let’s throw this in here and uh I’ll activate the we’re going to do uh easy because uh we don’t

Want to um have a migraine I think yeah true or we could do medium either you feel the medium we could uh I think we could do medium maybe we could do medium there’s there’s a chance we could get um level two though um which is obviously less than ideal

Um going to Mid Max in my little mid Max Corner uh yeah let’s do me if we get level two then um so be it that’s just unfortunate I guess but we can get you like a half decent card maybe or like several cards um if if

Nothing else uh you go in there and uh I’ll make my way down after I eat my pancake that is okay that’s exciting um where is this okay SL game mode creative okay we’re going to duplicate the compass and uh the other thing real quick hello hello hello Governor there’s

Some evil entities down here yeah I know those evil entities known as a ravager yeah okay all right let’s get this loot yep we’re good to go it’s level one hey that’s nice I don’t know why there’s like a butt ton of treasure when we enter the

Dungeon as of late that’s a strange bug I’m going to need to look into that could be the dungeon lacky card honestly it’s cuz they know I’m goed yeah they know they know you’re goed and cracked like how I miss that jump uh so there’s actually Soul Sand under this

Snow so the only way you’re going to be able to do it is if you jump from like a corner to another corner and like you need to jump at the edge of it it’s like a tricky jump to make by like complete design yeah for you maybe okay man just because everybody’s

Like not everybody’s like cracked a decked out okay is this taking I’m like the best dick oh behind us behind us what there a ravager yeah anyway I got gold all right you got redic gold and okay we need to we need to Loop him

Around here and we need to go down the hall okay is it in that room chat surely God H there’s another place we can check maybe uh oh it could be in there or is it here it’s surely in that room oh no I think it’s in that room we need

To get the ravager out though I could you could maybe like stand back here and I could lure the ravager out no sleep sleep run run run you don’t even know okay he just loves me yeah no all right I’ll I’ll lure him out yeah then we’ll just kind of go around

Okay uh take a left here and then go around here he doesn’t know okay okay I think it’s in here yeah it’s right here you you go get your thing you get your thing yay I got it what is it death Loop worth that’s 13 little 13 nice okay

First ever artifact from the dungeon yippe uh let’s get out of here oh um this guy is so annoying it’s like actually the white skinn stare of that fella oh yeah I went WR right I didn’t realize I was still playing my music Sorry chat uh some

Coins never never a bath about to eat uh you have any berries yeah like as long as you can run and you have full HP there’s another one oh this guy this guy killed me like on my like pretty decent hard run H hey I hit him uh

Maybe let’s just leave it doesn’t matter he’s not going to get us sorry my bad you’re cracked goat goat yippe yay okay these are coins thanks have any oh okay so is that all the coins we got that run we got no we have three

Coins three coins ah we need four we we I know has deed out so far this is uh we’re playing with sleep stack at the moment and we’re trying to uh bolster that because uh that just seemed like a fun time to me oh wait so you have uh 13 Embers there I

Assume yeah yeah so um there’s like emotes can yeah those are emot um there’s uncommon and uh rare cut I am punching air I really want that one once like gunshots sound uh that’s like the sound of uh yeah it’s the sound of uncommons and rares being drawn um although you

Wouldn’t have been able to afford anything anyway so the the shot you can uh just choose to yeah gritty isn’t in the shop unfortunately not today God damn it um but yeah you spend the Embers that you have in your hand there to uh purchase cards here and

The only thing that you can really get is um everything in this row all right well I want money money this give uh if you throw it in the Sher here give money uh where’s the jiujitsu kaian Skins I was actually looking at the opening for that uh like before I

Stream yeah it’s really good what’s happening what am I doing now you want do you want a replica of the artifact you got yeah yeah go for it you’ll get that um once we’re back up and uh yeah last thing you do uh the exit is here

Okay wow wow coins in CR into the barrel okay I’ll I’ll die okay the goat the goats hey my Amber record is still 38 but uh that’s my fifth time doing that uh do you want to sign there you go what does this even mean put

What what would blood put in the in the room did I hear jjsan yeah season L it goes hard to definitely give it a listen I only listen to the season one opening yeah I think poverty is going to like convert me into a weeb sleep I hate

To say it he keeps like showing me these like really good shows in just school last night he was like just showing ussu Clips I was like oh this more op be like Banger okay all right you have to imagine that it was right there we did it we saved the city okay

There’s your deck and all your cards and bits oh boy oh boy little treat are we going to watch kaen together Elixir I’ll rewatch it with you that’d be fun dang so yeah you’re just one card up but it’s money so like you know Tak money to make money oh oh spleep look

What’s in the shop I’m just saying skull Trooper yeah skull Troopers in the shop look holy how do I get that and do you have crowns no actually yes I do I don’t know why I said that I don’t have crowns no I don’t when we watch CH

Uh yeah you just need to oh right here I didn’t even realize it item shop where uh it drops here but yeah that’s the point of crowns uh you’re able to buy things outside the yeah I know you pay to win but yeah let’s do another medium and hope that

Goes off and then just like Farm it for money so we can get you something stupid on your like second successful run I spent I spent hundred something dollars buying Jutsu Ka and manga today really yeah because I was like I kind of want to add it to my shelf because the series

Is really good and then I had a bunch of gift cards for books for Christmas so then you just I I spent over $100 on like a bunch of volumes but I only end having to pay like eight bucks because the gift cards they came in clutch oh my

God that’s actually insane so you got like 100 hundred like plus dollars worth of it yet you only spent feel good today yeah three person run three person run sure yeah how many dungeon lacky cards can the game hardest difficulty uh we’ll not be doing the hardest difficulty I’m actually GNA only

Add one I think that’s substantial enough if we die we die um oh the Sprite too and my gosh it’s Sprite I got a frozen Shard yeah throw it in here okay hold on I’m putting my epic ow my God Christ hurt my ear excuse

Me um do you have your carrots like in your deck oh you’re in there oh Sprite logged out and Sprite left the like machine on it was like it’s like walking into a server like with like your computer still on going oh my bad hi guys I don’t have my deck we’re using

Sleeps today F uh I I will add a second one if there’s going to be four of us in here though uh okay there you go sleep needs give me that this is so dumb I just woke up I just woke up that’s a strange

Name sorry s uh okay I’ll just throw it in it’s okay it’s only my deck no yeah my deck’s the best know my deck’s the best let’s do yeah yeah uh okay okay I’ll just p s it okay wait oh no I’m lost I’m lost I’m lost oh no what’ I do that

I TP to oh there we go uh give me that real quick uh we need to make sure Perry and Sprite are here as well okay hi one for you one for you one for you one for you um one for me one for me I’ll just leave that there for

Uh you guys are just making like strange creepy noises ow on fire you’re compass and stuff back there appar wait what is this oh the exit I’m I’m an idiot what is that what is that oh this is a level two out effect run for a time just great last

Time I did one of these I died oh my Goodness yippe also I think using two uh dungeon lackys didn’t work so uh you know what four people one dungeon lacky it’s fine fine oh Perry got obliterated instantly okay oh that’s F three players awesome okay let’s get some berries we need a key and key got the oh wait no

This is where you put it yeah that’s where you throw the key but you need so berries you can watch out you can’t you can pick up berries uh yeah every this guy has been giving us a really hard time today um I’m in trouble scar I’m scared I’m scared

Okay where the freak is the key um it’s just like random treasure so where the freak is it let’s find it okay um this is less than oh no no no no no no no oh no we’re making so much fun so dark in here it’s

So dark I’m scared of dark I we go home you mean it’s dark I’m pissing my pants Oh my goodness okay I’m going to split off and I am going to hopefully find a key or not Tom and Jerry screens yeah no uh laser beams s like a homer

Scream what is it it really was I pay a win we’re about to make but tons of money although I feel like clanks going to kill us that’s crazy but like where’s the key at though a lot um really want that Amber chat okay we’re find it we’re finding

Stuff for Sleep we’re doing good doing a good job although we’re going to hit Max Clank very soon and they don’t know to sneak got a key though that’s good and five Embers as well yeah I feel like I’m going to be the only one getting out of here Al

Last oh we’re we’re Fu we’re doomed we’re doomed we’re doomed yeah we’re so doomed okay Jedi Mind Tricks okay need to need to get back oh oh no this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad uh oh spleep was

Killed by a Vex oh yeah okay okay I’m just going to go without you I’m on the other side yeah no you’re going to need to go around great just great there’s there’s no way spr gets there alive there’s no way I Get Out Alive

Chat but for sleep we shall get and okay no there’s Vex behind me that’s why like full send it as hard as I did there like look this guy’s going to just charge and kill me oh no ah jeez okay you’re bad yeah okay a spray get through leave me

Alone wait that’s going about as well as I expected it wait how do I get through can I swim through there can I oh no oh my god oh wait this way and wait I’m hungry spr’s going to fall in the lake I’m calling it oh no cracked never mind there I go

Leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone you want hurt me what oh my God it’s this is Max Clank by I have a phobia water I hate water ah oh my God that’s not normal a thing let me in let me in let me in oh

Button sneak the key where’s the key oh where is it oh this might wait this one wait uh oh wait oh blue things Al help where’ you drop it no I can’t be dead yep okay um I think we let um yeah so we’ve learned that three people is definitely too Much hello Um so yeah what I’ve learned from that is three people is definitely way too much because we hit the thing called Max Clank instantly which makes all the Vex spawn and uh keys don’t drop anymore and uh basically that went bad very quickly um I

Think um for the next run I’ll just let you two run together okay um yeah um but yeah that went poorly Um these are the top five robot we smoking simio smoking that simio what do they mean we’re speaking a language you can’t understand smoking s Elixir smoke I don’t like this get my deck ready hurry up no I’m moving different this ain’t nothing

To me man I’m a dog I’m moving I’m a dog I’m buying the F Bubbles from the bath come here Elixir byebye smoking that whoopy whoopy Goldberg South Egyptian furberg Deluxe Mega Million scratcher skunk bubble I’m just gonna I’m just gonna hit the Deen I’m trying to keep this stream like

As family friendly as I can uh just because uh what is it uh I I feel like maybe there’s a small chance this stream can be uh recommended to hermitcraft and joers so um yeah I don’t want to like uh freak them out is the dungeon ready surely not uh

It said you need it to hear custom audios but um as far as I’m concerned I heard the most custom audio Uh okay um let’s get rid of some of the signs here and the golden carrots and the lead and why not the crafting table too and we literally just have the be Essentials I’m on them George Cham what did I unde to don’t worry about it I’m on the Nashville nibblers the Nashville

Nibblers yeah yeah in the Georgetown drama NOS what I’m on 12 Jason bores looking to beat beat the come something what are you saying I’m not gonna say that to your chat yeah you can’t see on an Elixir stream what what is it uh this could be recommended to people who watch

Hermitcraft just analytically so I’m like trying to watch it a little further like more so than usual so if you could hold your tongue a little bit don’t worry I’ll hold I’ll hold off on that bar just you wait till after stream I I’ll drop everything yeah what is it so

I think how I want to structure the rest of the stream uh you two do a run together and we’ll spectate that and uh after that I’d like to do a run just by myself and then I’ll end stream and we can hang out off stream okay okay it’s

Ready it’s ready it’s ready okay let’s get ready I want to do it I want to do it wait what if I put the whole stack in h do you have a dungeon lacky card sleep oh oh oh uhoh all right best of luck you two hold

On I’m putting Blacky card they’re going to die they’re going to die they’re going to die they’re going to die die you going it’s just going to be you two oh wait I need spawn all right put in put it in put it in I feel like two people should be able

To enter a mine cart I think that’s dumb right they should make that a they should add that all right see on the other side bye split they should add that that would make mine carts a lot more useful um where does this go give me yes excellent job here’s your here’s your

Compasses and your Maps I always like compasses your map I always like them all right best luck you to oh I walked through the I walked through the door I did too okay that’s awesome let’s get some loot okay wait is this like a level one okay it’s level one L

Good they’re Pro they’re probably going to be okay chat they can’t hear me anymore in case you’re curious here now yeah these two are doing a co-op run right now because three people hey why are they crazy hey okay they they’ve got to split up now so we’re going to look at Sprite

Because I feel like sprite’s going to die or not okay the goat I guess what burun off too oh is in the same spot could be hey yellow I got the artifact let’s get out of here dang so now we just leave yeah we got to go back to the

Entrance that was really quick I know this place like the back of my hand I don’t know what my hand looks like they are triggering so much Clank that was there’s a ravager there for reference dead where am I going I’m going the right way where’s the exit I For forgot and now I’m being DMD on Discord to ask if I’m free we got we got to Juke him out bro we got to Juke him out or he could just do this he’s over here just run run split run just run uh

Oh oh what huh wait this way this way wa this way oh my God oh my God spr didn’t have anything on them wait where are I going oh my God wait here it is I did [Laughter] it oh my goodness sprad’s done oh no spr’s like ain’t no

More that was so goofy that was the goofiest way to go think uh it wait what artifact did they get I think it was the pearl of cleansing I also think uh he’s going to mess up the Ember it I Che uh pearl of cleansing is

Uh 14 emers oh yeah oh oh yeah I forgot about uh can’t get anything it’s not bad though why does he he’s going to keep getting Frost focused and now I’m going to do a run and it’s never going to show off ever again all right I I think he’s just

Gonna like go straight money oh wait oh I think he did it so we can get a Moment of clarity as well oh yeah I can’t really buy anything else 14 okay 15 16 1 wait will will we be using the TOs at all or no uh probably

Not oh that’s going to be Lo pool huh okay can you get a Moment of clarity no I don’t think so I cannot I have four that probably would have been nice but low key nah all right do I I think I go back keep trying to where I go trying to

Navigate the dungeon where do I go is it down here no it’s not oh here it is found itad much loot he got I don’t think he got enough for a crown yeah I needs four nice Man uh you did good there though uh to get what was it there’s a very tragic death Sprite had like at the very end that was a shame yeah I almost I almost died too oh yeah you you One Tap as well you got hit by ravager on the

Way yeah oh my goodness that was funny that was so much fun oh my goodness that was fun to watch but uh yeah I think I’m going to do one more and then I’m down to just like uh chill out privately with you okay and being

Said uh oh no SPL all your stuffs here because he won all right cool yay how block yippee oh my goodness it’s so fun watching you two run the dungeon especially Sprite sprite’s reactions are goofy me Sprite like the best Dungeon Duo of all time that you guys are really are uh what

Yeah oh my goodness so you have what four cards in your deck now I think so that’s pretty decent hello hello oh oh you’re talking now talking to you spectator oh right you where I was I wasn’t even like paying attention I was like you weren’t even registering it

Yeah I wasn’t registering oh you weren’t talking because like I didn’t like see you proceive like as soon as I like perceived you in Minecraft then it was like oh wait you weren’t talking earlier that’s weird just Minecraft is talking to you this is Sprite stack I should probably give it

Um why is sprite’s thing here uh because Sprite logged out with the dungeon still on and I needed to press the button and get the get their deck came out of it oh oh my goodness I finished my room oh right yeah let me see I also moved Ren’s stuff out

And just told people not to stuff do not use Ren’s deck is worse than mine huh but yeah I just take them out like I just oh I see makesense it’s like a it’s like a storage unit okay it’s like it’s like you painted the walls it’s like

You’re locked inside and you need to like pretend those trees be I’m insane I need the outside world yeah that’s fair um Cleo didn’t have anything like in her thing she didn’t like have her deck or anything so it made it a very easy target to just like uh clear

Out and uh do but uh yeah anyways I’m going to do uh one more solo run guys and after that uh we can we’ll just uh chill out privately okay yo okay wish me luck good luck I’m I’m dying this is going to be the worst run of my life actually it’s

Incoming okay it’s good deck though we got like good like 20 cards hey I’m back okay final final uh one of the stream chat this is exciting uh so uh we already kind of mid maxed out so last thing I want to do is and we’re going to go hard again because um

I I don’t know we’re just going to go hard and uh yeah we’re just going to hope that uh things pan out in our favor um hopefully we can be in here a while and we are just going to pray that we don’t get a level three Compass because

That’s going to be nasty uh but yeah hopefully throughout the stream you guys have like started to understand how the game works uh like seeing some lower level like tiers being played uh with spray and sleep hopefully that like also helped like a little bit in terms of

Making things like clearer H this is level two good good good good exactly what we want to see now um if I do recall from Sprite and spleep they did leave a nasty little ravager somewhere in the area um yeah there so we want to get

This guy out of here because um he’s a big big nuisance okay and now we got to run that is not the greatest spawn in the world for the ravagers to be but hey take what we’re given and what we were given was not too great um I’m going to

Hope that based on how he’s jumping it looks like I may been yeah I’m Myro I’m my gr I need to I need to go those berries like went down the lake anyway so I wasn’t going to get them uh no treasure no keys um successful run yeah no successful run

Is coming up Alon scoots good to see that means there’s uh plenty of treasure uh Sprite has learned about the most nasty Hazard door in the entire dungeon which is this one here um yeah no that one’s just so bad if it closes on you it’s just like ah

Please that’s a lot of things that’s a lot of things chat also Frost Focus which you’re never angry to see when okay it could have been under us uh I’m pretty sure the circle rooms under here keyw pretty sure not confident um also cross ERS being emitted that’s

Good okay we’ll find a key hopefully oh no he’s coming for us now I should have just left him there that’s fine there’s always shriekers in this room I’m not going to make the mistake of saying them off this time Frost Amber that’s good okay right um Sak

I’m going to uh sneak down the vocabulary is vocabulary is being influenced here um yeah I knew it wasn’t following me chat in case you’re like what are you doing um yeah we’re going to sneak down here and uh I heard a bunch of treasure like things down

Here nothing though which is sad and hopefully we find a key and I’m going to go this direction now hearing a lot of Embers so we can’t like exactly complain too hard is that stumble that was played no we got an ember Seeker did I just generate two clank

What did I do when did I do it okay I do want to visit that room again because I’m pretty sure there’s no two Embers there but I want to get this guy out of here Sak okay cool right going to do a run around here because there’s always really good loot

Um on this okay hopefully I don’t sandwich myself here okay okay I’m making problems for myself now um it’s fine though because if we just do this then I think we’ll be able to get those two emers in here without much trouble or one Ember I guess singular Ember Um dang that’s an unfortunate spot for a ravager to be okay no he’s not happy um he’s not having any of this no I’m out where’s the treasure game all I need is a key all I want for Christmas is a key jump boost okay we’re going

Back uh okay so usually you kind of want to be seeing bounding strides like on the exit oh dang okay that’s unneeded Clank more unneeded Clank Jee uh usually you want to see bounding strides on the exit but when you’re having a time a day like

Mine uh it’s not that bad because um as you can see we could go there and get our key and it was like fine um guaranteed key is always nice jump boost in this game is uh continues to just be like the most busted thing in the

World oh my goodness my nose is getting all stuffy I I forget that I’m like sick while doing this okay so we’re gonna get that Amber because I’ve seen it and I want it okay and then we’re going to go this way not sure I picked that up chat I think I

Did oo Nimble looting which means I’m going to want to be sneaking um actually do I you’re kidding me you’re kidding me oh that’s so unfortunate okay I can’t take my favorite route anymore because of that Bo boing boing yeah we’re kind kind of wasting

This jump so at this rate Let’s uh just save our uh Clank block uh for the N looing actually no we’re in the fireplace so might as well use this to our advantage just to boing around uh all the nasties okay oh level two how I hate you Rost

Focus Rost Focus ah that is the worst time for that to run out okay um nothing there um hopefully oh hey remember like that there a treasure thing but then hey ‘s an number I like my deck doing that it’s crown down there wait is it here better look in the good

Chat I’m getting out okay oh no no no no no no evion okay evasion yeah that’s Clank walk thank God okay he not a fan of that guy he not a very big fan of that guy okay cool we have 31 Embers right now um although we kind of just want to

Get out of the dungeon at this rate this is a good run okay we’re getting good Clank block as well so that means we’re allowed to like uh maneuver pretty well around the dungeon okay 32 even happier with that I was kind of Going H do I push 32 definitely do now

Okay um yeah okay we’re going to sit here we’re going to eat a little bit um and then we’re going to leave okay Hunter we’re going to get out of here now I know we’re hearing treasure going off but um what is it not really the ideal thing

That we want right now okay was traumatized from that last decent oh that sucks H it in the face just in the face how rude okay 32 that’s a good run oh my goodness that was a magical run 32 Embers on the clo that that’s a

Great run to end on um so yeah I will be playing U more decked out off stream um and I will probably be growing my deck even more but wow that was a really good final run 32 okay we can get quite a lot with

This up to this and I think this is Nimble looting okay I want it well no I’ll wait I’ll wait but I’m probably getting Nimble looting because it’s a crazy card okay well the game literally just went have Nimble looting okay sure I think I forgot to get this

Last time so I’m going to get that now wow and zero coins I hate treasure what a run what a run chat look at this though look at this card I need that I need that in my life what a run Nimble looting second one that’s crazy that’s a crazy C to

Double up on okay wow okay look at that okay we have this we have this and we are waiting now for our Nimble looting card and uh that’s it okay we got it we’re good to go wow oh I’m super happy with that run that went crazy that was really good

Yeah that was really good you guys manifested I assume you both in spectator mode yeah yeah we all were uh all the things you missed bastard yeah that was a lot of a there was an ember like where that ravager was on the Bridge I think at some point yeah that was Crown near the boat yeah but like the last thing I wanted to do was do the boat because my way home would have been a lot more complicated either way that went like essentially flawlessly and I

Got like uh one of the stronger cards in the game out of it uh like I spent every last Ember I had to get that card so literally every single Ember counted how are you so good at this um I’ve watched a lot of it

Oh um but also trial and error like I played it like all day yesterday and it it’s a lot of fun uh the main thing is you need to just kind of like Loop ravagers and try like lose tail like that one situation on the bridge was pretty bad because there wasn’t many

Places to go um and uh out any% speedruns um there was a card called speedrunner um which um um to if you get to level three in five minutes it gives you eight Embers and but do people record their times for it though because that that

Seems like fun to try to get like the fastest most efficient run ever most efficient run well um yeah I suppose it would need to be like a beat the game Run like you can quote unquote beat the game but you need to like go to level

Four and get like a certain artifact so a little bit of its RNG and then there’s a whole heap of things but I’m sure there is like a speed run what I think is more interesting is uh Ember count records because I don’t think 100 Embers has been broken in this game

Yet uh because like the game kind of ended a little prematurely um so some of the hmates can like uh take time to like cck um what is it what’s happening what I miss I keep leaving and coming back uh you missed the last run where we got ourselves a second Nimble looting

Um but yeah this card’s like really good because for every like Clank I block it uh generates two treasure until um I have no more Clank block and having two of that just means that most of the Clank Block in Our Deck can be like sacrificed in case we’re really stuck

For keys and need that and uh it’s just going to drop a lot more treasure like naturally and passively but anyways um let’s uh eye of Doom that’s the only extra artifact we have to add to the collection today and actually no did I

Get I feel like I got one of these no I got Tom of the hills to start with that was a great run though oh my goodness and we got some like fantastic cards um The Reckless charge and the Nimble looting I’m especially happy with but um

Another evasion is also great we got some really good cards today um that being said uh I think I am going to end up stream and just uh chill with my friends off stream and uh just enjoy their company now and and yeah until next time guys bye the is ready the

Dungeon’s ready bye I’ll be back guys chat that I’m not I’m not allowing that to be I I I made like there was so many scuffed things for some reason my music play button isn’t like working but um yeah let’s let’s just get some music going here uh that was an awesome stream

Thank you guys so much for watching um I’m not sure I’ll do this again I may make a video um on decked out and as for streams uh not not really sure um I I definitely want to try break 100 Embers I think that would be a really fun thing to do

Um but yeah I just kind of want to play the game like naturally and uh get all the Cs and all that fun stuff uh that being said uh it’s been an absolute Delight uh playing with you guys today yeah know I’ve just had like a a

Blast uh I hope you guys enjoyed watching um analytically I’m not sure how this stream did uh maybe the V will do better because it has hermit craft tags and all that fun stuff but uh we’ll just need to see uh there may be a part

Two there may not uh also not streaming on like a usual day or time doesn’t help by any means uh but yeah no with all that being said uh I think I’m actually going to sign off here and until next time guys Byebye

This video, titled ‘LIVE | Playing Hermitcraft’s most INSANE Minigame! | Decked Out 2’, was uploaded by ElixerMV on 2023-12-28 01:31:29. It has garnered 667 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:25 or 8365 seconds.

Hello Stars! In this livestream we will be playing Decked Out 2! Decked out is an insane Minecraft Roguelike built by TangoTek on the Hermitcraft SMP, which recently concluded it’s 9th Season! The game involves the player recieving a Compass which guides them towards an Artifact! Once the player gains their Artifact, their goal then becomes to escape the dungeon… ALIVE! As a massive fan of Both the Hermits and Decked Out, playing the game live seemed like an easy decision! A quick disclaimer, I did play the game yesterday off stream and already have a half decent deck built up, but that won’t stop us from trying to further expand our deck!

Tango’s Video Explainer for How to Play Decked Out 2 – https://youtu.be/aoVVCwx6k1w?si=kx0CyWG4-sKZR9Y1

0:00 Starting Soon 4:53 Showing off Deck & Outcove 13:16 Run 1 | Medium Level 1 25:17 Intermission 1 29:12 Run 2 | Hard Level 3 40:36 Intermission 2 44:55 Run 3 | Hard Level 2 54:47 Intermission 3 59:30 Run 4 | Hard Level 3 1:12:15 Intermission 4 (Spleep shows up) 1:17:47 Run 5 | Hard Level 2 w/ @Spleep 1:24:37 Intermission 5 1:29:31 Run 6 | Medium Level 1 w/ @Spleep (Using Spleep’s Deck) 1:37:37 Intermission 6 (Spryte shows up) 1:41:40 Scuffed 4 Player Run 1:48:05 Intermission 7 1:53:04 Spleep and Spryte Run! 1:58:30 Intermission 8 2:02:18 Run 7 | Hard Level 2 2:13:10 Wrapping up stream

Check out my past livestreams! – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZC5EP41XiNuKUSVEwMANdkGKbKgks681 Follow me on Twitter! – https://twitter.com/ElixerMV Join My Discord! – https://discord.gg/etpFnQ4bVJ

Art Credit: Jeizet (all Vtuber and art assets): https://twitter.com/JeiZet_ Moony (Vtuber Rigging): https://twitter.com/moonyvtuber Spryte (Intro Song): https://twitter.com/the_spryte Everything (Intro Animation and BG): https://twitter.com/omnelilly Schmerp (logo): https://twitter.com/schmerp_

#deckedout2 #hermitcraft #tangotek #smp #minecraft

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    Friendly Frog Spawns in Minecraft?! 🐸🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘SPAWN FRIENDLY FROG (Zoonomaly) DI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by UzeMing on 2024-04-25 01:06:29. It has garnered 4759 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Help Donate All: https://saweria.co/UzeMing JOIN DISCORD GRUB : https://discord.com/invite/AX8maKUV Skin UzeMing: https://www.mediafire.com/view/gsssio0z88d7vbn SUBSCRIBE IS FREE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZiWgf5rFGKfZDYdjnfNjrA Channel ke 2 Bang UzeX https://youtube.com/channel/UC9tffsP_ANQlC7EBHHaZBqg Channel ke 3 Si Paling Mage https://youtube.com/@GamersLegends1997?si=fBAEcn__OlTo8mfJ Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSCseMGK/ ~ follow my Instagram : https://instagram.com/zepri_1997 @DaFuqBoom #skibiditoilet #freepalestine #palestine #poppyplaytimechapter1 #smillingcritters #bobbybearhuggy #poppyplaytimechapter3mobile #zoonomaly #zookeeper #trending Thank you, friends who have read and done so, I hope this channel can grow. Read More

  • Becoming Police Officers in Minecraft Challenge

    Becoming Police Officers in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became an POLICE OFFICER in Minecraft Challenge Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-08 15:53:21. It has garnered 26345 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became an POLICE OFFICER in Minecraft Challenge Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a dynamic duo known for their entertaining and innovative content. From… Read More

  • Shocking! Alмaz reveals secret bedwars strategy

    Shocking! Alмaz reveals secret bedwars strategyVideo Information This video, titled ‘ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО СНИМАТЬ? #shorts #shortsanity #shortsadoptme #minecraft #almaz #бедварс #fyp #op’, was uploaded by Alмaz on 2024-01-29 09:35:38. It has garnered 497 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #shortsclip #shortscraft #youtube #youtuber#subscribe #shortsadoptme#shortsroblox #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsfunny #shortsasmr #shortsart #shortscooking #shortscrochet #shortsbyamritamam #shortschallenge #shortscomplitition #shortsblackpink #instagramyoutube #youtuberlikes #youtubevide #shortscomedy #shortstiktok#shortsfortnite#shortsbts #shortsbhaiveersinghji #shortsbgmi #shortsassa #shortsads #youtubegrowt #almaz #youtubeusers #instavideo #shorts #бедварс #fypシ #op #minecraft ►БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ПРЕВЬЮШКИ – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUQPT3_ueTRGpLn50I1KIeg ►My accounts: »VKontakte – https://vk.com/id817490845 » Discord server – https://discord.gg/m3kUmQAR Tags (do not read) bedwars, hypixel, fireball fight, bed wars, minecraft… Read More


    MIND-BLOWING DIAMOND HOUSE SECRET - MUST WATCH! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘JAMAS ENTRES A ESTA CASA DE DIAMANTE SI TE DICE QUE LO HAGAS 😱 BEBE MILO MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY’, was uploaded by Bebe Milo YT on 2024-01-09 20:00:02. It has garnered 2796 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. NEVER ENTER THIS DIAMOND HOUSE IF I TELL YOU TO DO SO 😱 BEBE MILO MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY 🟣 Milo’s social networks 🟣 💛 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bebemiloytyt ❤️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bebemiloyt/ 💙 Twitter: https://twitter.com/BebeMiloYT 🔔 Contact: [email protected] (Business) 💖 Fans Mail: [email protected] (Send me your drawings here) 🔻MUSIC: ● Music from Epidemic Sounds… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft IQ Test! Polar Bear Gone Wild! 🤯” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft IQ Test! Polar Bear Gone Wild! 🤯" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Polar Bear IQ Test 😂 #minecraft #viral #gaming #fyp #famousshorts #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gleytz on 2024-04-23 02:25:39. It has garnered 11894 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. IP: mc.minelatino.com / play.minelatino.com Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgThvQBFeWG28RSIl9brgLw?sub_confirmation=1 IGN: Gleytz Ayudame a traer mas videos al canal dandole like y suscribiendote! 😉 PC: – I5-3330 – 8gb 1333mhz ram – RTX 2060 – 550w (Ya la voy a mejorar) Perifericos: ⌨️ – Teclado: Redragon Kumara K552 🖱️ – Mouse: Redragon Griffin 🎧 – Auriculares: HyperX Cloud Stinger S #cr7… Read More

  • INSANE ending on KSRTC bus ride 😱 #shortfeed

    INSANE ending on KSRTC bus ride 😱 #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘KSRTC bus omg💀wait for end 😱#shortfeed #shorts#trend #shortindia #youtubeshorts#indianbikesdriving3d’, was uploaded by Ak star gaming on 2024-05-07 06:39:51. It has garnered 55 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. KSRTC bus omg💀 wait for end 😱#shortfeed #shorts #trending #shortindia #youtubeshorts@MrBeast games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5… Read More

  • SHOCKING: My Internet is Possessed While Playing Minecraft! #Clickbait

    SHOCKING: My Internet is Possessed While Playing Minecraft! #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Internet is Holding? | #minecraft #streamer’, was uploaded by OddManMC on 2024-03-18 12:00:12. It has garnered 90 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Join us Tuesday and Thursday for Minecraft Livestreams! Support the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OddManMC For Questions Business Inquiries: [email protected] Follow on Socials: Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/OddManMC1 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/OddManMC Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/OddManMC Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/oddmanmc The Odd One’s Discord: https://discord.gg/FnxcgfZ Interested in what I use for Gear?: Affiliate Links (Purchases Made from my Links provide a small Commission back to me): Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/oddmanmc Microphone:https://amzn.to/3WQEVbO?aff=1512 Headset: https://amzn.to/3l0yndk?aff=1512 Mouse:… Read More

  • Ultimate PVP Watermelon Drawback Challenge with SonPlayer Titanium

    Ultimate PVP Watermelon Drawback Challenge with SonPlayer TitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-03-31 06:27:25. It has garnered 362 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:21 or 5361 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More

  • Insane Parrot Swing Cage Madness – Diamond Gamerz #shorts

    Insane Parrot Swing Cage Madness - Diamond Gamerz #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙋 Parrot 🐦 Swing Cage #shorts’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-01-09 13:00:49. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. How to build a parrot swing in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • Blockers LifeSteal SMP

    Blockers LifeSteal SMPA Lifesteal SMP for fun. we are a new smp trying to gain more popularity i hope you enjoy the lifesteal SMP Read More

  • HexArchon SMP – Custom Worlds, Items, Mobs, Skills, Abilities, Enchants, Boss Fights, Dungeons, Quests, Land Claiming, Furnitures, Heads, Events, Dynmap, Wiki

    HexArchon ☄️HexArchon HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with unique gameplay features such as Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and more. 🔗Links Server Trailer Discord Server Wiki 📖Our Values We are committed to creating something new and unique, focusing on quality work and community feedback. Community voice & transparency Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles Trust & respect Dedicated updates 🎮Gameplay Mechanics Custom Mobs Custom Items Custom Enchants Dungeons Quests Abilities Stats Auto Farms Player Shops Pets Fishing Quality-of-life Improvements 🖥️Technicals Server performance and responsiveness are top priorities, with powerful hardware specifications for zero-lag gameplay. The server… Read More

  • ThePickaxeSMP

    ThePickaxeSMPThis is The Pickaxe SMP for minecraft premium and cracked version.MC Version: 1.20.1Ranks:[OWNER][ADMIN][MODERATOR][VIP][DEFAULT]Java and Bedrock Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gordon Ramsay roasts Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Gordon Ramsay roasts MinecraftGordon Ramsay’s reactions to finding out someone built a poorly designed kitchen in Minecraft would be pure gold. Read More

  • Crafty Trials Update: 15 Paintings, Minecraft’s New Score

    Crafty Trials Update: 15 Paintings, Minecraft's New Score In the Minecraft world, a new update arrives, With 15 paintings, a feast for our eyes. Tricky Trials is the name, bringing new art, To decorate our builds, a creative spark. Java Snapshot 24w18a, Bedrock Preview too, Both versions get the update, for me and for you. Hyazora on Twitch, sharing the news, With a grin and a spin, no time to lose. Minecraft news, in rhymes we trust, Crafting updates, a must we must. Stay tuned for more, the gaming delight, In every rhyme, the truth takes flight. Read More

  • Cobblestone Tower: Hotter Than Your Mixtape #minecraft #meme

    Cobblestone Tower: Hotter Than Your Mixtape #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #gamerstruggles 😂🎮💣 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Cozy Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Cozy Builds! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a charming YouTube video titled “How to build a cute bakery • Cozy bakery • Minecraft.” The video showcases a cozy bakery with a nice counter and a secret cash register, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for players to explore and enjoy. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does highlight the creativity and imagination that players can bring to their Minecraft worlds. Just like the adorable bakery featured in the video,… Read More

  • Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP!

    Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP! Minecraft Shenanigans: A Dive into Swift SMP Session 1 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new chapter unfolds with the Swift SMP Session 1. As players embark on this journey, a mix of excitement and mystery fills the air. Let’s delve into the intriguing events and features that make this session unique. Illegal Commands and Creative Mode The allure of accessing illegal commands and gaining creative mode has captivated many players in the Swift SMP. From uncovering glitches to secretly using creative mode for extended periods, the gameplay is filled with unexpected… Read More

  • INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!

    INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEWS FOR MINECRAFT BEDROCK PLAYERS!!!’, was uploaded by INEVERMINE on 2024-04-09 21:00:06. It has garnered 1351 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:18 or 498 seconds. Where about to get more Minecraft bedrock servers, and these servers do things we have not seen before so lets get into it! I hope you guys enjoy! If you guys would like to support this channel and all the fun stuff I do on here link the link below to join and get EARLY ACCESS TO NEW VIDEOS, MEMBER PRIORTY TO COMMENTS AND… Read More

  • Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!

    Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘amazing Minecraft build hack in Minecraft PE #minecraft #halloween #minecrafttutoria’, was uploaded by GAMER RAVIN on 2024-01-02 12:19:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980

    Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980Video Information This video, titled ‘Some changes and then Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rey980 on 2024-03-06 06:19:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Want To Join The Call? join the Discord im sitting in lounge! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/itsrey9808 Join The … Read More

  • Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!

    Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Birthday Timelapses: Mom’s Birthday Timelapse!’, was uploaded by Zeta Beetle on 2024-01-08 02:30:39. It has garnered 235 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:41 or 1361 seconds. When I uploaded Ninja Cricket’s birthday timelapse, I hinted at doing 1 for Mom next. Let the record show, I’m a man of my word. It’s Mom’s birthday, and I’m uploading this, regardless of how late it is. Bc, by the end of the day, I want my longest time supporter to be the main 1 that sees this! #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttimelapse Tracks (in… Read More


    🔥HUNT DRAGON NOW! 🐉[MINECRAFT ADD-ON] #ADSAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MARI KITA BERBURU NAGA – MINECRAFT ADD-ON’, was uploaded by ADSA on 2024-02-26 01:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Help continue to support this YouTube channel by subscribing, liking and sharing. Thank you for clicking on this video. Read More

  • Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride – Minecraft Animation

    Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by GA Animations on 2024-03-15 09:32:09. It has garnered 102243 views and 860 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:51 or 1731 seconds. Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation https://youtu.be/WGqtzJOFMSM Hello! 💚 Thank you for coming to GA Animations Channel! 💕 Have a nice time watching video on our channel. Minecraft is my greatest passion of all. Give your feedbacks, comments and likes my videos! ► Disclaimer: GA… Read More

  • 100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd Island

    100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘Turd Island (Chill Stream)’, was uploaded by FLATLEY TALKING on 2024-03-18 17:12:38. It has garnered 238 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:30 or 6810 seconds. #drama #commentary #tea mILTOWN BEST, SMP, MINECRAFT NEWS CALL IN’s WELCOME jks its ok ill also be talking about nothing Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,672’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:45:14. It has garnered 94 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,672 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More