EPIC live Minecraft Bedrock gameplay with Subs!

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I your average I’m just like my back account is I think I need a hero I don’t have no I’m SP out a te I love with no wor on my mind and now I’m getting older hot is going C up all the Time Wasn’t no on my and now I’m getting older but hot is going colder all Now hello guys um uh I might actually get myself a DMC but who cares guys um I I don’t earn money on this stream so it doesn’t matter um um stream Pretty um pretty freaking IL kind of kind of I guess let me just check my Discord real Quick okay no one is dming that’s fantastic I hope you guys don’t hear the freaking background noise because there um you know what the no oh no not this stupid no I have to freaking rest my Minecraft what is this bro this is incredible amazing amazing BL blossom tree I mean sakura

Tree I guess I’ve been seeing it many times W I’m just going to Relax I’m just Gonna I hope you the stupid YouTube send notification to everyone I be like bro it’s so dark I can’t see anything this is amazing incredible oh wow okay I think the stream is fine the box is still green so that’s doesn’t say like encoding stuff well let me just check again task

Manager okay my like 50% around that it’s pretty fine man please someone okay nice I’m just going to going to start St having kids phone oh yeah that’s no m music um What F oh my man just came out now bro oh wow you thought you could kill me bad idea bro boom dead he’s dead you want to die right and you dead who want to mess with me I like stabbing people dude my nose is so ichy wow my flag got

Taken man I kind of want to do straight up solo w F it’s so freaking slow bro oh my gosh it’s so freaking slow and this game is so easy let me cook okay I’m going get a bit more just going to get a bit more what am I doing BR I

Don’t of course blocks I need it I really do need blocks okay I’m just not going to talk until someone show up or I’m just going to focus a sec boy on you did you did boy all right all right just gonna stop these kids to

It s stream um it’s like private or something it’s going to be a p the booty come here booy and you dead and I got the flag let me Kick my gosh bro want that your slowness I think that’s what yes slowness yep I’m bright why is there a freaking slowness when you freaking got the flag it’s so annoying I hate slow I wish I can walk like no more BR I mean run mean walk is what what what um uh

What I think the so is lagging bro dude I can’t see anything what am I supposed to do oh dude bro what is this what is what what the freak dude it doesn’t freaking know what am I supposed to do here I guess I’m my go start saying I

Sub it hey there JB G welcome yeah yeah kind of second uh almost first I’m just playing Capture the Flag right now I’m just going to turn this on why not because it’s not night oh give me give me the flag oh my gosh that’s like two of them this is this is

Crazy yep I’m dead that’s no way I could kill them of course B away 10 times come on just respawn already okay I thought it won’t load again Arrow upgrade block upgrade absorption is this custom game no it’s just a normal game buto I think I need to drink

Water I have a sore neck right now my throat is pretty sore bro bro this is so unfair this is so unfair I was TNT a lot bro I’ll join later all right oh wow dream OMG dream hey dream he’s doing speed run this is crazy

And I killed him oh wow I’m not a dream stand I just know I’m kind of a little bit because I used to watch techno blood oh wow I’m doing one V2 oh wow I got him got him come here boy oh wow hey teammate let me uh let

Me let me get that PL let me get the let me get the kill I need the kill oh my gosh where are you um to the sword what are you saying that uh you can’t see my my arm when I’m holding a sword or you see it’s because when I turn on

RTX look you you see this when I turn on all it just looks scuff as heck oh so you want to die mhm yep it just it just changed the F to like 100 t or something I don’t know let me check my info okay just 90 I

Don’t know what it’s going to be like I know no I’m not going to try 110 better hey JB gaming we can’t play together right now I mean the game oriented I’m just going to do parkol um but I don’t know where all the freaking pumpkin

Is I’m not going to even watch YouTube um tutorial where to find all of them nah I don’t need YouTube tutorial I’m fine I don’t care what costume I can just buy a costume if I really want yeah I’m just going to do parkour real quick and then uh do solo treasure

Was as you said like you will join like later okay wait let me I think my alert is pretty broken again let me test it I’m curious I’m so curious hey tell me if like the stream is lag is this Java no it’s not but I have

Java I’m just testing my um AER right now it might say that um I didn’t clicking it it just I’m just clicking test that’s all yeah I have Java I mean I can stream Java tomorrow the thing is that uh the thing with um bedlock is that the server kind of fail

Off like it dropped like 20,000 play or something it used to be around 20,000 players now it’s like 9,000 that’s crazy I mean some people might think I’m playing ja because this is because I’m using RTX they probably think I’m using like Su PG i e 1 or something yeah let me do

Um Treasures dude dud I don’t know what happened treasure was but that used to be more players on Treasure than skyar I swear I don’t know man the freaking lot kind of broke and it freaking got revived sometimes it got resurrected pretty weird hey um I’m just clearing my uh uh

Thro yep because um I kind of did already drink drank water but I don’t know why but my my throat still still so as heck or maybe because I have an AC on I kind of don’t want to turn on because I’m wearing black shirt and

Black shirt so just going to make it like harder it’s like a standing on Under the Sun nah there’s no way I can handle this it’s way too dark I’m just going to start bridging um now I can’t make that J I’m just going to go back just going to go back as you see I could play Ja but the thing is that uh the majority of people that

Watch me um they told me to play better they don’t have a PC but whatever and oh W this this full oh wow oh wow oh wow oh W get it I I guess but he was breaking his own blocks like bruh you kidding me my man you’re breaking the wrong block

Bro right bro I wasn’t using the sword was holding the gold it’s fine okay that’s pretty annoying come on let me bule freak and he’s dead that was so close wow wow that’s pretty close not going to lie wow yep uh but India Okay so you want to die bro what are you doing oh my gosh my man what are you doing oh my gosh wow boom what is actually my man doing what is he planning wow he killed me wow wow wow he killed me amazing I don’t I could kill this I

Could still kill him just going to get an armor real quick I don’t want to keep dying it’s just going to be painful for me oh D sphere sucks and you’re dead yep and I need more Blocks blue no I’m going get diamond why does 5% feel so loud for this music especially oh wow oh wow that’s enough for I don’t know oh my gosh I’m stupid I just lost 15 dime amazing incredible I’m actually a god at this game this is amazing bro I just lost 15

Diamond I could have got an upgrade for this stupid generator and much more oh snap what the what the Freak I’m just going to G real quick hey there as C hello hello hello hello I’m just doing solo on Treasure world right now yep I think I actually need water wait I think I need to speedrun water 3 two one ah I’m so fast watch this stream guys I

Guess oh my gosh this is so bad oh my God okay let’s just not let’s just pretend you don’t even see that that’s so SI just bought um I don’t know I sword and I died amazing I stream so good yum yum oh my gosh holy crap wow wow I just died incredible

Wow wow who cares if he’s one two level higher than me doesn’t matter we have diamonds amazing I can upgrade my generator no he doesn’t have Emerald no I don’t need this uh I don’t need those armor it just worse than the irem one you inv me okay

I don’t see you online though are you on different region are you are you in EU uh blue blue huh hey as are you in EU I can go I can’t go to EU real quick uh my ping is not that big of a different yeah hey there blue is

Cool hey guys this is not a sponsor stream but if you want to make the chat readable like just in case um hey guys do you want to make the YouTube live chat really but that’s an extension this is not a sponsored stream there’s no anyone respond because you know not not that

Big uh if you guys want it’s kind of cool you can like change your name color stuff and you can like uh say B and will show the emote it’s it’s like ttch you know it’s kind of cool hey as C are you in EU oh wow it’s

My profile skin I mean Pro it’s my profile um yeah it’s my profile picture oh wow I also have the figin amazing hey as yeah you in EU though I can go there real quick aren’t you like the duck I think almond be I don’t know I don’t think you’re armor be I

Think I think that’s you okay and why do you the Hung Jo your Japanese is very very good like hey guys I can’t pretend to be a Japanese look yeah Japanese is very very good to that’s how Japanese people say say something in English um I might get myself cancell

Yeah I’m going to get I’m going to be in danger wow N I won’t I’m fine I didn’t say anything racist I mean I did get get a hit speed strike and I don’t know how to freak I got it weird i i l never um say racial SL before D

Crazy oh my gosh not again I guess yeah I freaking don’t know the lyric I guess dude I don’t know why am I trying to sing it it’s G to make me cringe H comp yeah sure qu useful I guess not the most useful them in kind I mean I mean

This I’m find diamond I don’t need this um because it’s qu sure oh freak uh oh uh oh stinky uh oh stinky doesn’t matter watch for watch uh tell me if he’s freaking coming I don’t want to die all come here come here um there a enchanted fire spe fire protection helmet

Yeah did the music just stop playing bro are you seriously wow wow wow doesn’t matter who cares if he’s oh freak I hate this I hate this my freaking weakness oh my gosh I hate that oh my gosh why got to be that that’s my absolute biggest biggest biggest biggest

Weakness my we Ness is a fire spec if you really bad at V PP you you still could kill me if you have fire specs so w why the freak that did I tell you guys my biggest weakness in Minecraft PVP BR just give me a freaking pants up with

Jesus oh my gosh what this what is this like where did this came from someone check this was terrible locked into me or something what the heck unacceptable Jesus give me freaking boots or something oh my gosh wow wow wow incredible I don’t have full diamond

Armor I Ked up W and killed them but whatever uh sky like that I think I think I don’t know how doubles or something I don’t know like skycore double I don’t freaking know animal let just play freaking Games I’m just going to chop my phone all right I’ll take it I guess nope not taking that um give me something good actually very good um chain nah I don’t like chain I could actually go kill them what the freak nice nice nice how is he not dead

O I don’t see you wearing any oh oo nice what the freak they didn’t get the but they didn’t get it they didn’t get the pole and I don’t sword are you kidding me they aren’t that b oh so you want to die freck I think my mouse died um I

Need help um my freaking Mouse died guys guys guys guys oh freak my mouse freaking die I can’t do anything this is bad this is bad I um freak my M freaking guys oh freak I think my most die what the freak what the freak just happened no

Freaking way bro I didn’t die this is so weird I don’t know what happened I’m just going to just going to move my Cur on to make sure um everything is fine dude I thought my mouse died that’s so stupid Oh I swear to godo I swear to God

With my mouse feel like it died I’m switch battery I have like freaking so many battery like eight of them 16 of them or something I have some many B so I don’t have to go outside a L bro I swear if my um if my freaking Mouse happen uh stop working again you might have to do with the freaking okay okay okay guys I need um protect me guys I’m going I need to change my freaking mouse battery bro I was L you change it the B you kidding

Me okay I’m back guys I had to change the battery off the freaking Mouse if my teammates dead okay I think I feel smoother now I feel I feel like the battery last shorter than I expected or something I thought it last just a bit

Few more days I guess but it last like I don’t know a week or something I’m I didn’t count it all maybe because I had my mouse turn on like 247 even when I don’t use my PC hey there R out I got really bad luck because my

Freaking M died in a middle of a game bro I’m at school okay so what you doing CL you doing right now is it m my man is watching the stream while is leg in school that’s crazy I’m at studyo oh I don’t have a class I

See dude I I didn’t expect my master di in the middle of a game I feel like the better um The Bu for like um a oh just one freaking Wick that’s crazy that’s so short even though I’m not actually no no let’s not talk about I mean kind of tall

In real life not I’m like six foot I’m like six foot three in real life and I’m not joking it’s kind of hard to tell because um I mean I’m 6’2 look oh this is me sitting Stak you see how small my chair if if I if I sit

Straight uh this is what happened if I sit straight yeah now I feel like I’m Too Tall now I don’t want to sit like that it’s just so uncomfortable man you see how tall I am when I actually sit straight I just want to sit like this just more relaxing I see I See wow you mess with the wrong plan man oh snap no mind I changed my mind I changed my mind wow what the freak right just freaking jump past my block look I can uh I can sit like I’m 6 foot again so this is how I sit like I’m

Six foot just that my my my head going to get cut off a little bit if I actually sit straight now I’m just going to sit like this like I’m short as heck Wow D why is my freaking I thought my mous just moving itself I thought a ghost was holding my Mouse I mean I don’t I don’t believe Y at all though all I’m not scared of Y I’m scared of um cockroaches yeah cockroach is my biggest weakness no actually it’s not what I

Mean yo what’s up super Lon what pack you using this is not a pack it’s um it’s um it’s a RX uh that they like export from the original one to like the website called mCP DOL uh I think I put like all the packs like in

The description I know I think you know what a description is there’s no way and no one know what a description is I’m going to start losing my mind now man gu like your gu Is this different what do you mean why why don’t you have SCH BR legit

23 and I graduate with like 17 yeah so it’s been a while to be honest you I could um look at your heart oh I see it’s called um custom hard I think see what okay okay I’m just just going to pretend I’m just going to pretend I don’t see that

Wow that’s the same thing that I mean not really it’s not the same as uh the face I did with the Dum but took like 10 screenshot to to get the freaking like this shocking cringy voice like I do like this and then like this like like I

Like try like like like do like this I know it’s quite stupid I Som that almost a click stream when I was no no I don’t no I don’t open streaming swh to take a a screenshot of my I me take a photo of my face this for a

Thumbnail I just used the default camera app then open photo job B bada bing bada boom and this THB is talk me only 30 minutes I mean I have to open Minecraft too and get getting custom game and you know other stuff yeah

So um it’s I I say it’s in the middle of medium like it’s not that hard to me I say it’s quite medium could be worse though I could make you your stream laging what what do you mean lagging I’m just going to check on my phone

Then um dude why is my um why is my phone what the freak happened to my phone but it’s lit not even green wow are you sure it’s lagging I don’t want to open it on my second monitor are you nah you troll me I don’t see a

Single lag are you talking about delay though that’s I think there’s no delay I mean like 3 seconds second I think I think that’s the delay I’m sure that’s not a single delay wow it just came out nowhere and he’s dead it stop I don’t know it’s lit um you

Know hey may take this um it stop yeah I kind of yesterday I used like the wrong encoder like to handle the stream and then it start lagging like crazy now it fix I was like streaming in in 72060 frame I couldn’t really tell that a big

Of a difference between 10 and 720 what about you though Playboy card CI are you are you any chance um CI B fans like like you like to listen to CI B because your name is called Playboy cardi I don’t know I you just randomly found the name or something I’m just gonna sure I take the lagging because it I don’t pick up um yeah take

It just going to I’m just going to start mining do you know Playboy Kia I don’t know not really I don’t know maybe I heard of it somewh no I don’t know who that is actually on let me you he’s running he’s scared of my huge huge muscle I’m too

Strong I’m true I’m too gigachad bro okay I actually need and um sure I’mma give to my team whatever do you know &m I’m Eminem um not a lot to be honest with you I don’t really listen to that many rappers I mean I know Little P but I don’t listen to

Him I mean I mean I know little Uzi I guess I only basically know like a few like Drake I guess is he stupid do you like little Uzi um you see I don’t uh rap it’s not really my type of it’s it’s not my cup of tea so not

Really what’s your type um like um like uh funky type or something I guess like funky future basic or something uh I don’t know classical or something something like that who you listen top um hang Wing Z nice guy he’s he’s not a rapper but you do like um metal metal music kind

Of I usually listen to um anime opening opening we music like gur gura calap Mory um I know um ju Jo ju yeah Joi what’s your favorite anime um right now it’s um H um the Eminence in shadow um Tor Dora no I think Tor is

Number one second is 10ur that time I got rearn as a slime just look my profile it’s quite simple you could tell do you like jiujitsu kaisen um I haven’t watched season one yet but I have it my bookmark I guess but but but I tell

You once I finish it but I’m not going to watch it yet right now I’m watching like potion D on me I think like that’s this girl that got uh uh God AC kill and then she got reincarnate and then she and she want the god to give like an

Ability that um that you can create any po type of potion like uh it help with anything like even if like life threatening it’s and the AR is like a seven out of 10 and the has got mistaken for CH many times because she’s short like she’s an office worker

Shind ring what D dude no that’s not ring that’s that’s um Kam I’m stupid guys I think I’m stupid I think my weep um my weep Instinct just KCK in that’s crazy oh my shind well let me do this stupid on my my dude I’m so cringe I need to get a life

Oh my gosh what it feel like to be a grown man and doing cring cringy stuff act like you’re 15 wow well I’m totally acting like I’m under age wow I’m getting own oh wow I wonder why I’m getting own it’s because my freaking I don’t have a good armor yet

I’m getting chased for sure freck freck freck freck freck freck freck I didn’t mean to do that I just wasted TNT wow it’s it’s fine but I serly need full diamond armor this is this isn’t fair at all this is not fair I can’t do anything with this stupid I’m

Half no that’s not even a single diamond armor I don’t want to face them yet I’m just going to go around my oh I’m just going to hopefully don’t freaking follow me okay please give me a freaking chest plate chest plate is 10 times more important please please man

Please dude dude I think I might just go for it at this point dude I think I just mic straight up I might just go straight how are you 6 foot hey guys do you do you guys think I look like 6 foot or shorter why is he running I literally

Don’t have in full diamond arm that’s crazy that’s crazy my man freaking scared off somebody that don’t even have a diamond chest right that’s crazy oh my gosh wow I’m getting own wow 5 fo 11 but you said your 6 foot now you said 5 foot 11one what the

Heck okay re win yes sir which is basically six foot I don’t know man um if you consider 5 foot or 11 it’s 6 foot I guess it’s stand up on stream sure I did it I did it I did it by the way my shirt is pretty massive even bigger than

My body hey yeah you are tall yeah I could sit tole if I want just look look oh this is how I sit tall but I don’t like sitting like this it’s just uncomfortable it just make me uh it just make me hard to concentrate just like sitting like it’s just more

Relaxing it just make me feel sludges if I sit very straight I used to have a a lot of back problem back then because um see I put a lot of freaking book in my um backpack and uh it’s like a 20 kilogram like uh I don’t know like 40 lbs I

Guess something like that hey yo yo what’s up dude I think I’m thinking that I could um I kind of want to make a sick egit like where to freaking like uh that’s like flashing and stuff like um but the thing is don’t have replay mod

So it’s kind hard the thing is and another problem is that I only have 200 gig I mean I can but I want more and I have a USB drop it’s just that um it sometime crash I don’t know man it has like five gig and how can I join send me a

Friend just send me a friend request easy you got to get back to I got okay I got to get back to class here all right good luck with your class I was boing but no one hear that heard that cuz I B very quietly it’s impossible to hit I mean you

Know you could hear it not really I was joking you can’t it’s impossible oh thanks I need it now I’m going to cook them let me cook I’m going to go Full Throttle mode I’m going to full S Mode I’m already in your friend list I’m right

Okay just wait I need to kill him need to kill him now he try to come B with snowball I fit right yo what’s up guys uh welcome to the stream a freck uh I can’t really freaking read the chat right now because I’m lit had to kill this player

Freck uh freck um freak fre um to K him nice pack shaders it’s not a Shader it’s called altx dude how many hell does he have what the freak this okay finally holy crap I was I was about to say look look he Eden hinge life look see it’s RTX yeah R tracing

Yep my PC is in trouble okay thank you no problem dude what region Asia I mean I can go to EU if you want my pink doesn’t matter that much um region EU um Asia I mean can’t go to E right now but I’m in the middle of uh

Battle I’m me in the middle of fight freck dude dude why dude I I hate I hate um and just so annoying I’m glad that that isn’t that much stream lag it’s because I changed the encoder I used the wrong one I could I could stream 4K to

Be honest with you I have an altx 38 just just just do this I’ll see if you want to see the spe um yeah not trying to flex on if you’re curious my PC isn’t that bad just just decent but my main one is quite overkill

For this game even Al I’m getting 100 plus frame hey guys um just see whatever region you guys want I I could go to na too I set my ping it’s not going to be bad in either of them man I wish I can play freaking music but the freaking playlist is

Freaking gone yeah it’s just type like this you want me look wa I I I I have to freaking invite me okay fre I almost kick him wa but I hope it’s still Works wait just do this I’ve got what it called please work you stupid nightbot oh it does

Work yeah it does work nice I can’t see bro please don’t be night I had to turn turn it off and on again it’s going to be painful okay this isn’t bad this is this is not bad this is actually not bad H and also my cheap Sho could

Probably handle 8 I 4K not 8K bro I mean I could try and stream AK but the thing is I don’t want to get uh smoke came out of my PC yeah I don’t want a smoke come out of my PC um yeah my PC is lit hitting 79 Celsius

Right now uh it’s kind of hot I I could lit cook an egg if anyone want me to destroy my Jeep just donate ,000 because um the CH you wor a no actually I won’t freaking even do it okay I see what you bro my man is trying to trap me what is

This please don’t actually donate me $1,000 I don’t need that much money I’m I’m already wealthy enough wey enough I literally have a car have a freaking you know okay I’m not going to try and kill him okay okay oh my gosh that’s like

Three of them dude what do I what the am I supposed to do here wow freck no oh my gosh this is so this is so annoying why did I do that bro are you kidding me this is amazing wow wow this is incredible bro I just

Walk off the map I’m stupid oh I’m quite stupid man what is 2 plus two um uh uh it’s five yeah it’s five I’m pretty stupid uh I I’m pretty degenerate uh what am I doing bro I think I don’t have a life hey there Jakey guys let’s let’s just pretend

Didn’t do that that’s so stupid lack what you mean lack is it because you play on and that you go play on this region oh wow so cool guys I have a very Su texture pack but the thing is I don’t want to use it

It’s this one I thought it’s a it’s a normal texture pack but it’s it uh it just uh uh I don’t want explain this it’s quite sus that’s all I want to say uh rip you guys don’t okay I’m just going to explain I don’t care I don’t care if this two get

AG restricted no it won’t get a for just talking it’s basically a girl wearing a bikini yeah and I didn’t expect that at all um um um um um I just exposed myself in 4k um guys guys I can’t explain I I I I don’t I don’t like those thing I just um

I was I was finding a text a good texture pack and I found a um a really sus one not interesting anything think um definitely it just quite sus it’s like a found it from a ehub website the co website yeah the cor Hub website I’m talking about corn yeah corn the corn

That you Ed that you can’t eat not the the other one and that is pretty sauce oh I don’t know what to expect I kind of forgot about it actually I’m just pretending be stupid why why why did you type it up BR my my man just type it out what the

Freak that’s crazy guys hey guys do you think I should do a poll like what what I should stream tomorrow like like y white Chinese dude I’m not freaking Chinese what the freak what you ate to um um sandwiches I guess with eggs I mean with omelette I guess the freak

Is I know you’re pretending to be racist Jesus Christ the freak I’m not Chinese I’m I’m half freaking British bro I swear I py SW half British I kind of want to go back to my homeland UK d d is this another hacker dude dude dude dude what the fu dude what

The wow this is the best game ever this is the best game ever guys mman I guess mman sure I don’t freaking know man let none of my teammate are alive my man to be gracious amazing amazing incredible I’m just going to I’m just G to open my browser real

Quick just in case I have something open okay I don’t have any music playing in the background I won’t get myself strike oh got one strike man it’s going to end December you know how freaking long I have to wait freaking two mons bro what what what

Dud oh you see I uh I kind of um wait what is what’s that word called I kind of submitt a ban uh the strike Appeal on freaking um to YouTube on Twitter yeah Twitter yeah um ax I guess I don’t know why they decide to change it to a s

Website uh I don’t know why de said to change to um ax website ax yeah ax yeah um I don’t know man I don’t know what is wrong with Alma’s brain bro oh oh you see this this cool name’s called axe um you see this cool name called axe um it’s actually a

A um a no I’m not going to say it actually U this stream is not sponsored by a prawn prawn prawn I’m saying prawn up yeah no just con con yeah yeah yeah yep yep it’s con yep truly it is Con oh my gosh by I’m such a we

Yo what’s up everybody it’s me critical and today we’re going to talk about sniping wolf Sniper Wolf and she um kind of ducted Jack’s fs and um and and there some there’s a lot of YouTubers talk about her now uh this is the craziest situation that I ever seen say I’ll make

You what see I’ll make you black like that dud dude are you trying to get me freaking another straight what is wrong and why did I say it I’m a Nicholas Nicolas Nicholas n Nicholas Nicholas I’m saying Nicholas I swear I didn’t say the I’m saying Nicholas you heard nothing

Up Cowboys it’s your boy right here I came from Ohio it’s your uh we’re downtown uh we shooting um um we shooting the cowboy we having fun with a shy shy and sniper well how’s your day going what is four times8 dude why do you have to ask me a

Freaking math question after I graduate in TW 20 I don’t know 17 18 18 I don’t know dude it’s it’s it’s been like freaking um I don’t know like 6 years um why you closing your eyes sck gay bro he hello bro how is your day going it’s fine I

Guess what what Le don’t tell me you just put your freaking credit card number um you see uh right imagine if that actually a crit card now I go crazy gonna I’m GNA freaking I’m G to start awesome no I’m just kidding donated me 100,000 I do it I’m going to burn someone

House yeah I’m a burn a ghost house how how you though how UK that is my crit number OMG what I saw sag doing some sussy at T for in his what the what the freak um uh uh I could I can’t explain this guys I can’t

Explain this um I uh didn’t do anything um um you see um um you see um I thought I’m Happ sus on my phone definitely um let me check um see um I see it on happening s on my phone see there’s nothing Su my phone

I’m sweating right now I don’t know I don’t know why but my but I’m sweating right now I don’t know why man I don’t know what’s the cost right now um I don’t know um um I can’t explain guys um that’s that’s that’s that’s nothing

Um why am I sweating right now what the freak guys um why am I sweating oh wow I’m playing on control I can’t use controller oh wow she she was named Emma right oh wait was it Christina the one think the freak man dude get some help

N I can’t give more to people he I have to know them for about years yeah so I won’t call you white guy now I don’t care if you call me white guy even though I used to be like half I used to be I don’t know wait what is that skin

Color call I don’t know wait do you know do you guys know what that skin color call when you’re like half black and half white I kind of forgot about it not really just when will you give me kid what when will you give me

Mod well you see if you if you always acting on the stream or watching me for years sure but I can’t give a thousand people mod at the same time it’s a bad idea bro oh you see I kind of G out through some of my Discord server before and it end up

Horribly oh he that kid that kid do L you oh I’m just going to spam uh phop and then ping everyone uh yeah I’m having fun and I’m just going to leave before he even banned me and I’m just going to kick everyone other Ser yeah I’m having

Fun yeah uh I’m I’m I’m a Discord moderator in my own server yeah uh what am I doing why am I impersonating us him yeah that that that’s how uh those freaking that’s how they talk oh yep definitely oh no oh no oh this is pretty bad even night but doesn’t come every

What do you mean hack can name comics on these back be careful uh what what I I didn’t check the I didn’t press escape and check anyone name it’s fine I played against so many hackers can’t even play LL okay okay buddy okay I see okay oh my ring

Um um you guys totally didn’t hear that you guys totally didn’t hear that please press all f for it give why did I read that I regret saying that um I I regret saying that word wow wow oh wow wow wow I got a bat man on my phone guys

Look I got a bat man on my phone hey guys I’mma shap my head at 10K no don’t clip that I swear if anyone clip I’m going to freaking I’m going to find your house and then uh beat you up I know I’m going to find your house

And then um burn down your house yep yep I swe if end my clip I’m going to find your houseand and burn down your house isn’t it no it’s not what do you mean ice cream so good yum yum wow I’m the do I’m doing the cringe

Tik Tok even though I don’t use Tik Tok wow incredible bro give me mod I give like dude my ADD is 69. 148 265 144 yep that’s my uh uh yeah that’s my IP add this oh why did I freaking say it I’m I’m stupid I’m actually stupid I didn’t mean

To say my IP address man I’m actually stupid oh my gosh oh my gosh all right it’s fine guys I’m just gonna unlist it after I end the stream I do it every time it’s fine I w’t get Ducks this is my IP actually 1620 one that’s that’s definitely my um IP address

Yeah yep that’s definitely my IP address 192 16201 I guess in the day dude I can’t even saying bro you could do this teammate you could do it you can do it I believe you go to this link F what do you mean dude are you trying to dox me are

You trying to let me click that um fishing fishy link that you you get my IP address uh you see I’m not that dumb to fail for something that is quite obvious to me it’s not fishy fishy sure but I’m going to scan the link

Anyway because I have um I have brain I have brain yeah it’s working it’s working 247 it’s a brain made by obsidian it’s uh it’s indestructible it’s quite it it made with ball of Steel with it made with Magma balls yeah it made with Magma

Balls what the freak am I saying it wait with um Titanium now press the link easy what do you mean I don’t see link what do you mean man I think YouTube hide the link I don’t see it I don’t know what you’re talking about I

Think I need to get my phone to see it dude dude that’s no freaking link what do you mean only mod can send link yeah no wow look at this hey hey hey look at this um look freak I didn’t mean to watch a freaking video too late the game already

Started uh you can’t see my my other screen because um I uh I just I just disa it I just disable the freaking screen yeah I’m I want enable it because I could leak something and it’s pretty important to me man yeah it’s pretty important to

Me why am I doing African acction what the freak is wrong with me I can speak a African over o us the freak am I saying just just random nonsense I’m speaking alien languages yeah I’m definitely an alien hopefully the government won’t shoot me or something hopefully they don’t disco discover me

Yet well actually this is based on a truth St I actually had a I had a dream of me being an actual alien oh wow oh wow it’s the same hacker oh wow oh wow guys we are totally having fun that’s a freaking hacker oh wow the

Freaking mod don’t do anything oh wow it’s amazing bro I’m done why why why is why is why why is that freaking hacker man this ay a block game and why the heck do you have to hack in I’m going to die what the n you capping that’s no way you’re going

To come me Su I don’t think you’re going to commit suicide or sin proof sin proof um no you’re going to get uh you’re going to get isy by traccoon you’re going to get isy into a Haram world yeah you’re going to find a lot of interest things

Yeah and you’re going to get a uh and you’re going to be invincible and you’re going to be overpowered as heck yeah dude I can’t hear the freaking music oh wow oh my gosh I’m so cringe I think I’m the cringiest person in this entire

World oh my gosh wait did I see what did please stop saying you I think I need to touch some grass yeah touch some grass yep a freaking grass but if I remove a all I mean G all that’s going to sound SAU oh wow what is this stupid skin bro

Hey there JB gaming but this is the most goofy goofy ass skin ever but when did you last touch ass I don’t know a week ago or something two weeks ago as I said I’m much I’m I’m quite a shot in but I’m you know you know I’m

Not the one I’m not not someone you can think of I’m not those people that uh that’s awkward as like what the f I touch every day dude I could literally go outside right everyone but but you see you see it’s it’s like um it’s like 10:53 right

Now oh my gosh I died oh my gosh I’m so better than before dude I hate this skin bro this skin is made by a fif a fivey old definitely dude why is a fivey old playing Minecraft that’s crazy that’s crazy bro man I don’t want to go I want I

Don’t want to be young anymore I mean I don’t want to be young again there you guys I have this game um called nck it’s definitely not a sus game um you definitely that’s no um um um what is it called um cake uh jigle you

Know I’m sure some of you guys know what the a cake jigle even mean can we play oh you see if I play ccraft the the problem is that people are going to join my stream and then say clickbait oh my God this stream is Click bitting me I’m G to

Freaking dislike this freaking stream I become better MC mobile just just play a lot start uh you got to learn how to bridge um just start rushing to people B es get the treasure get diamond upgrade to generate then go to Middle get emerald and run back to

Your bases then upgrade J get um chain bada bing bada Boom wow guys guys guys I have this freaking um game um look wait look at this guys U um what the freak am I guys um I can’t explain guys I don’t know what the freak I’m doing I can’t see oh freck how to improve your aim at P just use two

Fingers you basically um um you hold your phone like this right like no like like this like like like oh freck I almost lick my wallpaper oh it’s quite uh it’s quite bad oh I almost leaked my wallpaper amazing amazing don’t worry guys it’s not sus I would get a

Strike wait I have to close that game can I consume my B like crazy Guys these are the game that I have on my phone um yeah I don’t know why yeah used the same way but bro but I’m still not better than PC player uh get a controller I guess it’s not

That expensive like I don’t know 10 to 20 bucks I guess you see that’s a that’s a lot of uh mobile players that I’m playing on a controller look getting on my controll look I have a freaking control oh freak I’m not used to

It freak I’m not so used to it freak I’m not used to it I’m not used to it just just trying and play with a control I guess and just mess around with the sensitivity by the way if you’re wondering why I bought a control because I need it for racing games

Yeah oh wow oh wow I made oh wow you have an oo skin oh wow you have a fanboy skin amazing oh wow she’s going to go off to my our treasure oh wow oh W told it probably is a boy us people that have um girl skin are

Lally dudes that’s all I know bro I had but but is dead now I’m trying to repair o um just save up some money like if you like like I’m pretty stay in school right like don’t use money at all when you go to school except for like ticket I

Guess like car parking ticket I guess no I don’t think you drive a car what am I saying are you control play no I’m not I was uh I had a controller look see but but look I have a controller but I’m using a Mouse right

Now oh freak what the freak happened to my mouse why is it not working what the freak no don’t tell me the freaking batteries run now at Le you just freaking H the batter yeah don’t I don’t I did not get a license yeah will get it after 18 I

Know um I’m older than 18 I mean I’m over 18 so I’m fine I could buy a house of move bar right now but nah I don’t have that much money with me to save up yet so I’m not going to even go anywhere yet even if I go somewhere and

Board um just just um just get on I know what the freak just happened just tele he just got easy guide NY M16 okay so I’m guessing you’re born 2007 gu oh yeah I know because uh yeah I’m 12 okay you guys don’t need to tell me your age Actually guys I’m a Noob trust me I’m a noob and it’s dead well you toasted that guy I guess and he’s dead who need a so BR is he stupid he just walk off what the freak is this n I’m not going to try and jump on

It I know what going to happen just invisible wall and then if you jump off your stupid you have the a negative 100 IU guys I’m not that dumb to um even try it actually I’m just going to yep see it’s just a buck ah my foot fell asleep

What do you mean your foot fell asleep hey guys I could uh show you my feet now I won’t I just I won’t show my feet that sounds stupid uh I um I will show you my feet actually if uh if I get um $10,000 donation no I won’t I don’t care about

Money I know 10,000 is quite a lot but you see I could care this if Mr Beast me guess I’ll take the money it’s it’s free right so why not I want take free money even if I’m not greedy at all I’m not food fetish

Though okay you don’t have to tell me I was Joking I’m going to play H Minecraft okay just get on to so I’m right you wow hey I’m hey guys I’m going to posting us this cringe we YouTuber yo what’s up guys it’s me it’s your boy rice rice scum and today we’re gonna we’re gonna make those girls shake that

Cake and clap those cheeks the freak am I saying guys um um please um please stay away from your parent dude that’s so cringe why did I do that oh my gosh that’s so cringe I I dude I’m so I’m cringing myself right now bro oh damond what the what the he’s

Hacking he’s like no shot no shot what is that I left Al okay okay hey Co um I I am RP I am from India I am a t hello guys I am from India I am a Tex scammer dude why am I impersonating as a Tex support scammer I’m so Cringe hey guys it’s me at cute Kawaii um cute Kawaii one 445 um today we’re going to play Roblox um with u my boyfriend um he’s a he’s a slender um he’s so cute um he’s so handsome we’ been we’ve been dating on Roblox uh since yesterday and now we are

Boyfriend and girlfriend who one person us those freaking role plays um Roblox players D how am I supposed to kill oh I think know I need a bow I need to spam arrows big brain I have a girlfriend okay uh okay um oh you see you’re um I

Didn’t expect a 12y old to have that’s crazy you’re kind of too early uh you’re not supposed to have a girlfriend when you’re only 12 but whatever that’s way too early I think you’re a bit too young for a girlfriend but whatever uh I’m sure you’re going to get married at

18 now I’m just messing around surely not I am the storm that is approaching Just going to upgrade the generator sure I am the claimer of my name Bor in flame I have been blessed dude I swear it’s so hard to kill that kid because he’s ly hack I can’t even hit him even once imagine hack skill issues or I mean I kind of hack on

Lifeboard before but that’s like 10 years ago I’m not young well you see 12 is not even a teenager yet you have to be 13 so 12 is y leg the same age as my nephew my dude dude you see I have this stupid um um be

But I don’t think want to shap it yet it’s going to keep it for a while wait what you have a freaking diamond armor Nah oh wow oh wow I have chicken today what chicken soup or something or just Chicken Fried Chicken are you’re talking about fried chicken or just normal chicken that you um that you grill or something like you just have chicken legs or something I don’t

Know I mean I used to be I used to uh I used to be um obsessed with eating uh Seafood I guess no I’m just guys a popcorn chicken I never heard of that before holy crap what the freak oh wow my YouTube is um my YouTube is something else man oh

Oh w we look at this guys oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow what what is wrong with my YouTube oh wow guys what is wrong with my YouTube oh wow I swear I didn’t watch any of those it just pop out of

Nowhere oh wow hey JB gamer uh Ro I’m tired what you want me to turn on music I can um wait me we so today I’ve been playing those so guys I am Goku and I know how to come in the uh your booty cheeks um

It’s 11 a.m. okay so it’s like U morning for you wait what what oh freck I wasn’t I wasn’t paying Attention hey um as see I could um I could turn on music if you want but the thing is I getting copyrighted joke I am over my iPad what God sweat PPP okay cringe name uh why do you have to call yourself God oh wow guys I am a

Thesis nobody my iPad just charging guys I freaking know guys guys it’s fine it’s fine I don’t know what the freak happened maybe a freaking tree um tree bench I mean a tree uh a freaking free uh stick came out of the freaking tree and fell on the

Freaking WiFi wire or something so yeah because it’s pretty windy outside right now so yeah it has something to do with wind it’s like um I don’t know I don’t know how to freaking measure the freaking win I’m too stupid sorry it’s fine but you didn’t do anything so you’re

Fun I could K probably I’m fine Uh you literally didn’t do anything you don’t have to apologize bro I think I need um I I don’t n I’m just going to try and kill him why not I hate this combat bro dude I don’t know why but it’s quite harder than us should to PP and he’s dead I don’t know what he’s thinking though oh wow red eyed Steve Evil Steve oh wow right have more dead and kill amazing amazing you the treasure I guess us oh wow oh wow someone that has a b in their name oh wow

Um let me just check my browser again I don’t know what the freak I’m checking but Whatever guys I can’t stream for very long actually kind of for like three 4 hour I don’t know 3 hours I guess that’s pretty long oh you think you can get my treasure jokes on you boy what the freak he just left the game oh lag just got disconnected something all right all

Right bro I wish you can check the Ping boom That’s why I feel weird because my sensitivity no I think 65 is Fine where the freak are they all right must be in the mail or something I really don’t know where the where the F what the freak is no I think I need to 60 no think think 60 Mr one bro literally Cur now I um I um I can’t explain I almost

Cur it just close okay I just um I just realized I didn’t say it fully I didn’t commit it okay I think I change mind is kind of too too fast yeah it is fine I don’t know what Center fit me the best I I don’t know what’s my default

Stive I don’t know what s I used to use but then it’s been like almost a year bro I think that’s why uh my PP skill it’s different yeah I’m almost say the f word um is fine I didn’t I didn’t really say it at right Legend yeah same happened to me w

Hey Legend do you think I should play J tomorrow I just forgot all my sens is that why you suck at PP sometimes I think I I think I use like 70 or something I know it kind of feel weird yeah if you wish I mean I kind of want to try want

To play J because you know that’s more playing and badrock it just takes so long to just find players sometimes well look like a try out seems try hard enough to me oh well I’m getting combo getting freaking own by a child wow I got killed by a freaking fire

Whe wow he took my freaking go wow he’s going to freaking by a sword wow oh wow he took myself he gave me back oh wow oh never mind I’m stupid but this kid is toxic bro okay I need to get right of him dude I think I

Need to get R of this kid bro he’s freaking he gave me two gold back that’s it yeah this kid is this kid is toxic yeah I think I need to get right from real quick nope not letting him live oh you see you freaking gave two gold back

After he took all my gold wow such a such a generous uh player only freaking two go on what can I do with that nothing it’s like buying a candy oh wow not player even though I’m like half hell freck it’s fine combat xop oh wow what are these people

Name dude why these people came with the worst name ever all they think is oh I’m going use this name I think I’m the best PP player in the entire world yeah that’s what they came with dude how is my throat still freaking so as

Heck why do I need to drink more bro I’m B almost run out water I have to go downstair to get more water I don’t want to do it right now probably tomorrow I’m literally almost out of water bro right what you from Asia no I’m half Asia I’m half Asia

Yeah not 100% more like 50% yeah I’m 50% Asia 100% why do you say what the what the freak that you mean what the freak why you currently in yeah I am not in UK right now even though it’s lit my home land I didn’t wasit the queen when she passed away Rip I didn’t freaking visit the queen when she pass away rip yeah I’m living with my mom right now and my I mean my D my dad kind of like trailing I guess I mean not really my I don’t know I’m about siblings I guess okay this kid is pretty

Careless but do you I see Bridge no I I jump bridge I don’t I see bridge I jump Bridge even though I don’t know what the freak icy bridge is except jum bridging and uh I can moonwalk Too moonwalk Bridge you know the you know the can I join sure but let me drink water guys be right back is it like diagonal no like this just you just um you just do this straight guess it’s easier to do it on barck than Jaa on ja you have to like Like are you in college no I already graduated college so no bro be cring what is your job Bob it’s a secret it’s not a suspicious it’s not a shady job it’s just a secret bro you got apps not really not really no I don’t have ads but I have

Dumbbell see this you see this have apps I could get apps right now if I want see I told you I have dumbbell read last comment it is like is it like diagonal Bridge what what comment can I join yeah they told you you can join just tell me which

Region wait what region are you guys on like EU or something why did I show you guys my dumbb what is wrong with me I mean I did it before guys trust me I don’t live it every day because I have to do a lot of CHS

And stuff I don’t really have that much time I have to do like freaking cleaning um cleaning toll and stuff let me see your muscle dude I don’t have muscle I’m like a stick at least I’m quite stronger than freaking x youc no I don’t

Have no I don’t have muscle at all it’s just going to be embarrassing if I show my muscle when I don’t even have it you you will barely see it can you give me two custom please on 160 what do you mean now it’s okay what what what custom do you want

What this one is it’s $1 okay sure sure sure sure oh boy before I do it I think I have to hide my screen name wait how do you wait wait where’s the $1 freaking minecoin at I don’t see it guys where is it username bana summer please wait what is your

Name in MC I’ll do it I guess but I have to like have to like do this yeah I have to I have to like freaking do this so uh you don’t see my credit card hey guys it’s it’s a transition code though it’s kind of new okay okay could give

You your MC name your MC name what bundle wait how do you freaking get friend with at I plus dude how do you actually give do I have to buy this freaking dular costume that’s going to be a pain the booty guys tell me how do you freaking

Give oh my gosh do I have to buy this thing guys do I have to buy this thing um wait what about hat let me check oh I think I’m dumb guys BR I don’t know bro I have no spend money on minecoin I kind of gotot how toing open gifing

Menu freck how is my freaking custle lagging what the freak dude do I have to freaking buy this oh my gosh please my gosh I’m already broke this going to make me more broke guys regular P let me just figure it out yeah I think you’re supposed to buy it wow that’s

Gonna be P the booty so if I just click this right now just I’m just going to buy it for myself so I have to buy that thing it’s going to be annoying oh this is cute three dolls okay banana orange juice um what the freak is it oh summer

Banana hey hey as C is a c this one right but how the freak do I give it to you don’t want to buy I don’t want to waste another $ those though because I didn’t receive my CH pack yet I know I think bro left the chat really okay let’s

Just hey if you guys want to play um just get on this region um me I can’t go to EU if if you guys want so custom give 8690 Point Are you seriously no one I join you bro I’m not in more playing MC right now okay

Bye D you can’t find this channel man if you search up that gaming trust me I’m just going to just going to try on my phone if I actually if I even can no mind no mind how much does a hype Plus cost uh 10 bucks yeah it cost 10 bucks man the

Freak dude I spent literally um freaking um I spent $2,000 on this phone so I’m quite broke right now that’s why I don’t have a BL M look look see I spend $2,000 on this stupid phone that get overheat like crazy I already showed you the phone so

I don’t know why I’m showing the Box yeah this phone get overheat like crazy I don’t know how to prove it to you more August 2023 I guess I could show you this look I’m sure you see it you see it right Legend edit that monop hat I have this costume

Yeah I have this costume I think I bought us I bought a costume gift for like 1,690 points before to my SI I give it to my sibling like the hat and now I just wasted oh they have to spend more money here hey as see how about next time

Though when I actually have the money you see I have I spent um I also spend my this figurine I also spend money on this fre green if have a free head open the egg now I’m fine do I even need a hand though why is that freaking hand in my

Mouth yeah I do have this hand but I don’t need it I fre something is in my eye wow wow he do you guys actually want to play I’m just going to do another Sol in in a few minute By the way guys uh my sibling and I used to play a lot of of Minecraft back then together and now he play like Terraria he doesn’t play it anymore don’t want to play right now you can go so I guess okay ghost Invasion my battery was my headphone

Battery was at like 69 nice you have to do serve it’s going to get pretty dark very soon you don’t have ping pink Patty hat I could buy something right now bro try prank Bridge sure after this game ends yeah oh my God that’s so many from what the

Freak wow that was so close hey guys this the stream smooth though I’m playing like 80 287 FPS by the way so and it’s it’s a cap I can’t do anything about it Minecraft l c the frame one but look like 287 and I can’t go past it so yeah that’s a problem

10 second right is anyone playing the bridge or not what the freak is it because I’m doing solo and you play with Java I can open Java do you guys really want me to open Java right now I can just real quick no actually no I’m in in the middle of a

Game bad idea dude it’s so dark you could literally not see anything like why is it so dark though like seriously though I’m just going to turn it on now and easy win easy go yeah I leg have a d on mind because I’m wearing headphones way too long

Freck dude I’ve been lit playing Minecraft for like for like a decade more a bit more than a decade so what do you expect yeah I’ve been playing Minecraft for a while since 2009 freaking March or something April I guess yeah April I’m a pretty old Minecrafter yeah

Boom I know how um M uh this type of games works oh yeah wait I think I think I think my PC can’t handle two Minecraft guys I just need to turn this off like this I’m just going to do it um 1.2 no wrong version

1.8.9 launch games updating no no no no no no no no I’m L streaming no please don’t update this is this is really bad it’s going to cause a problem beating cage c c wait how The Bu cage okay I don’t know how to see it I

Think I lost my accent for a second right there guys I’m opening my Jaa right now Minecraft wait I think I think I didn’t set it up guys I didn’t set up this freaking you know can you play with phone yeah I can but my phone is so it’s different

Minecraft no I didn’t set it up guys give me a minute guys that might be audio audio problem stuff so just wait a bit um Minecraft Java um Minecraft Java capture just wait you you might want to see my webcam for a bit you won’t hear the audio

Yet yeah I’m go guys I’m I’m trying um I’m I’m setting up guys just wait a minute Minecraft why I don’t see it video settings AO okay you guys see it right hey guys you guys see it now right hey guys do you guys see it guys hey

Guys you won’t hear the audio right now application output audio capture Minecraft Java audio um Minecraft Windows jav W okay I need to test the audio see if it working guys I’m just doing the freaking setup right now just give me a minute um I’m freaking doing it Minecraft

Okay I need I need I need to test it okay you guys see it now I need to turn it down 7.6 deep 7.4 sure I could play Ja actually I could freaking separate it like I don’t know like this I guess guys I could do it like this my PC is fine

Guys my PC is fun hey as do you see it oh wow I have um s pdgi on play Hy pixel I am wow I have two Minecraft I I also have Minecraft on the phone wait let me show you guys but I am but the thing is my Apple ID is

Lock so I can’t use my phone to download it look guys guys you see it hey guys do you see that I have Minecraft barck look I have ROBLOX um Among Us do you guys see it it’s s in the middle you guys see it right just say yes

Resource pack next time try playing Minecraft in mobile no I can’t play it I haven’t updated yet my Apple ID is did luux so Po no we cooking dude my oh my God it’s so mess it up I think I need to do something got some fixing stuff can you play two control yeah I think so no you can’t play with controller no you can’t no you can’t it’s impossible there l no control so it’s impossible

Look look look look I’m doing something I’m I’m using my controller now like it can’t do anything leg you have to to Minecraft by the way this not the it’s not the usual frame getting wow wow 100 frame wow on a freaking shade us PT just look at this shade it’s just

Much better than Bedrock am I right guys you guys think it’s way better wow he bad bus please I am Leg playing bad bu what do you mean oh just make it f like the J thing what do you mean just like the Java oh you see I I need to put like

Wait I think I have something mess it up well let me fix These it just looks annoying I guess put make the J think F in what you want me to to make make the badrock small screen one then like minimum like this um but you want to make the J like this and then the Bedrock like this like the Bedrock is like small

One I guess I’m just going to make it this Bri like this you want it to be like that right by the way this is not a good idea to run to Minecraft but don’t even try and run it what bad skin please what do you want me to change this

Skin I don’t have that many skin so yeah what the freak freck guys I haven’t played Jo for like also like for seven month okay I’m going change the skin I have to open the official launcher one though guys just wait a minute it’s freaking updating it’s fine the stream

Is fine not Nico is playing with Jack why I know him though he’s friend with Tommy in it right his friend with Tomy it right um ASC guys this is so scuff this is actually really really scuff by the way guys I have two keyboards so I could connect it I also

Have another mouse look I have another mouse also um keyboard guys look bro do you like edits what Intel edits talk about him what yeah you talking about me editing video you’re talking about that not really like any animation um not really but uh but I’m trying to like improve my editing

Skill the thing is that I can’t update videos and because don’t really have that many storage no like you do edit edits um no I mean it’s a bit stressful when you do me editing is quite stressful for me like I wish it just like easier like

Things are not that complicated like I don’t have to check the tutorial like they tell me what to do you know but guys I’m change the skin right now Slim just going to name this save and use okay I’m done guys I just changed my skin to my Pro for

Freak dude why is why is nothing loading oh yeah I’m stupid guys I just changed my skin guys look I just check change my skin my profile and at Le you have the figing guys guys tell me which Shader should I use I just not use shaders at

All guys tell me sewers renew seal the vibrant Shader I’ll just stick with this Shader it sh looks dope though just look at that cloud those just look at those clouds I’m the the one the I’m the one who is watching your stream right now everyone

Had left now I think a c is still here but just use anything it this on you okay the thing with shade is that doesn’t feel smood because I’m used I’m not very used to playing smooth can you play with Java in what C the flag capture the flag what

The freak I can’t um spam block what the freak dude I can’t leg swam block That’s crazy dude I’m bro I’m getting 50 F guess I have Bedrock open literally literally 50 frame playable oh W just fell off go just close by Rock what what you want me to change the title

To yeah I just I just Clos it now look at the frame R guys do you see the frame R just Skyrocket you see how Pi the frame change hey Legend edit just look at the frame rate look I just no it’s like 200 no not not

Mind yeah do you see it’s just smoother now freak just just look at when I disable the Shader see what happened just look at it um not just super smooth yeah 600 actually actually it’s 600 I could do this guys but doesn’t show my GPU for some reason my phone

Give only 30 FPS rip freck let me just do I’m just do um freak where is it no what the freak am I’m not playing batt what the heck yeah do let me play please let me play what you want me to hop wait let let me do one more game

Then I go back to Bar guys this is going to be a bad idea play with Shader by the way this is very bad okay guys guys I’m done I’m done um like this oh bad Rock Andia is kind what I guess oh freak yeah I almost forgot bad screen is messed

Up like this like this done guys I fix it now I have to wait until oh wow that’s 10,000 play now nice but I have to like like the M the Luna Clan is like yellow so I have to like click on it hey JB game just just hop on the

Silver I’m waiting for him no please don’t freaking crash oh no oh no no not the freaking wet floow again oh my gosh why is that wet floor again no why why got to be a wet floor rated grein okay just going to copy them I’m just going to do it right now Boom guys I don’t know why but my throat get really so very fast it’s because because my AC I need to drink water again big with India no uh I don’t know I don’t know India SAR that’s All I all know Indian swear with that’s all I can’t say if you want bro I’m your in your friend maybe can you speak in in yeah I can hello guys it’s me um RP I am uh I am from uh I am from Mumbai I like to eat G that’s my Indian

Accent hello um hello guys I am from Indie I like to eat egg fried rice yeah I think but yeah it is good really yeah send it your friend request also can do uh you guys know mo critical right uh AKA Peng wiing Z like yo what’s

Up everybody it’s me critical and today we’re going to react to um John pork as an Indian I will say is really good but you’re saying my Indian impression is pretty good okay guys don’t tell me to speak Indian I can literally only SAR in India that’s

All can you want one one of your friend already dated or what while ago 100 the freak all right I’m sure the ram game is Al is in because his name is kind of obvious and he have a grandma mistake to make it even more obvious I think rupam is an Indian name

I don’t know I’m stupid capure flag I guess because I’m don’t want to play against freaking hackers again I hate hackers bye bro okay bye see why make sure to um make sure to beat your meat uh when you go to sleep what am I saying bro I think I need to

Get a life actually I think I need to get an actual life what is wrong with me bro guys I’m talking about the you eat not the meat you you thinking of I swear I pinky pinky swear it’s not what it’s not what you’re thinking guys it’s not what you’re thinking trust

Me ooh my birthday it’s my birthday guys no it’s not my birthday is like two months ago yeah it’s like two freaking months ago how old are you again 23 I was born in 2000 August yeah I am 12 you could you could Lally call me an

Uncle but just but actually don’t call me an uncle I don’t I don’t want to hear it I just feel it just feel awkward when someone call me an uncle when there not even on my nephew or my niece the sky okay wow I just distract him go go go go go go

Go um why is my teammate getting CL what what is your real name my real name is Zach just Zach Zach is just my nickname I know I feel like sack is cool I guess that’s why I have that name my name is just Z Zach yeah it’s quite confusing though

Because it sound Familiar I don’t know how these things works that will W you want a b challenge again me bad idea buddy I play more force and Sho than you will in your entire life M he’s scared of me now and he’s dead I can spawn kill him if I actually really want

To W he spam his Arrow right Now W he spamming blocks right now yep I’m dead wow I just died guys I just freaking died wow oh my God oh my God holy cow I can’t buy a it’s whatever it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine guys it’s fine what the freak does that even oh

Yeah it’s G me speed boost you speak my L speed yeah one word mahita even though I don’t freaking know what the heck it actually call mean even though I don’t you know what it even mean I just know my oh Pino yeah yeah guys I don’t he ases freaking What

The freaking it would me just gonna check my phone I don’t know why just check my phone means oh freck so I’ll L just greet freaking my Filipino Friend by saying I love you all the time that’s so stupid that’s so Sil hey agency you have Discord

Right by the way some time I don’t stream but I’m always active on Discord yeah I’m 100% active for this no matter what can me do Sky yeah ch umit guys where is the Skywalk kit where is oh oh it’s oh oh oh I see black k no I think it’s

Trapper that that’s my favorite kit of all time because diamond pickaxe of course of course of course of course please nope I can’t freaking dis I can’t enable RTX again bro seriously you got to be kidding me bro I don’t see your LEL though so I couldn’t tell H what am I doing I did you don’t have a pants let me just try I mean it’s not that bad guys do you guys even see it hey guys do you guys even see it anything at all oh not I can dece it again no okay I’m just going to freaking

Disable and I’m just going to keep mining Redstone I’m full barall yep and I’m done I think I saw some people have like six barall I don’t know how the freak they get I don’t know how I’m so clueless I leg played This Server a while

Ago and I don’t even know how the freak they got it like six hell bar oh my gosh o oh my gosh I need snowballs this are you kidding me and I just disappeared give me something okay take it better than nothing to be honest got take with the boots I

Guess give me a diamond sword please pleas I need it oh my gosh please give me Dam I’m going to punch my monitor I’m going to Absolute punch my in 30 second please I’m GNA punch my no freck this game absolutely hates me this game doesn’t this game doesn’t all me what the

Freak no this kid again bro he’s just spamming freaking this is this kid is so annoying bro this is so unfair bro because yeah but freaking Diamond SW Dam I need to freaking spam freaking crap dude just give me a freaking sword holy crap how hard is this finally oh my gosh

Freck oh my gosh are you kidding me Frick oh my gosh son of a biscuit Bry it’s fine guys it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I didn’t have to sord our inventory because the freaking um he lit um it’s did chasing after me and freaking hitting me so

Yeah I was about to do a a quick swap between iron sword and Diamond Sword but too late it’s to freaking late Boys and I’m just going to check my phone again I’m just going to check Twitter I just want to see people molding on Twitter that’s all here you go it’s just in one day guess you guys sleeping or something go is AC what he go I think I still can stream for two

Hours and 15 minute left I have a lot of Time it goes I guess it’s not I’m just going to not do talk yeah or else I need to drink even more water try one play We like two do are you kidding me okay sure I could do that that’s pretty easy hey hey hey chase after

Me yeah come here come here come here what the freak I don’t know how the heck I going to trap them because then no one’s L pting after me so big problem what the what what the freak did you see that hey AC C AC C

Clip that AC C clip that no freaking way dude he just he just I never seen a hacker become invisible before this is my first time but I just came became Invincible with the used the book wait I think he used the book right did he I didn’t saw

It I think someone wanted to clip it um I can’t tell I’m blind that’s not okay that doesn’t count wild dead wa why is my shoulder ichy spit done yeah I know you dead um bro he just be he just became Invincible oh my God my weakness actually I invisible I’m a

Weakness two weakness actually in PvP if you can’t visible or oh you have fire spe thir yep you could kill me easily ow my freaking biggest weakness of course all Che just going to make it 10 times worse 280 frames 37% GPU utilization could you was K it um

Dad um Dad can have an ice Stream Ice Cream hey Dad can I have an ice cream please I am I I want to eat ice cream dad that’s my voice that’s how I do kid voice I don’t know it might not sound like a kid I don’t

Know okay does it even sound like a kid I can’t really tail so yeah I don’t want to use my phone to open the stream oh to like you okay hey as so it’s do you think it’s kind of unfair that they became Invincible you saw it

Right like I didn’t even saw they holding a book and it’s like they turn on hack C you know like they enable the freaking invincibility you know I know a little bit of hack Cline but I’m not going to I mean I don’t have any hack CL but I just know I

Don’t know how it works because I used it like 10 years ago I think it’s different than I Clan kid people use these days now it’s a while ago so yeah it might be different now that that CL probably doesn’t exist anymore I love Legos

Okay I mean I used to be I used to build a Lego house and and and play Lego Batman and Lego Star Wars yeah I used to be a big friend of Star Wars I used to uh used to like Fanboy um Luke the Skywalker yeah I don’t know if you know

Luke the Skywalker he’s pretty popular do you know him though and I see your Legos um oh no so stupid Oh My Gosh imagine oh yeah it happened too oh my God I’m so dumb I could have used it it’s the same player right as see I

Think it’s the same player they tried but fail l l imagine trying to hit me off when you’re Invincible I don’t have the Lego set anymore by the way so D I’m stupid I was using a freaking sword that’s so dumb just going to come on come on come on come

On oh my gosh look at that what wait did they survive what oh no way brok SK I have Lego not okay wait they did how oh my gosh you kidding me a freaking came out of nowhere and stop stabbing me are you kidding me bro just stole my

Kill that’s so annoying oh my gosh it’s fine it’s fine let just um check my browser again op GX I guess I’m just going to call it that some people say it’s a spy but who cares it’s to I’ve been using it for like a year

Now like I’m lit feeding them they who cares like a why I used to use a freaking um Russia like VPN yeah oh boy you are tall or short I don’t know man I’m the same height as Netherland so I don’t know I’m six foot I’m around

6′ three so I guess you can say it’s tall died yeah I know I got pretty unlucky that some GB just came out nowh and started backstabbing me me he start stabing me like crazy it’s like he’s going full psychopath Mo it’s like going full murderer mode full protagonist um willing mode dude

Guys I’m just watching a video right now about Elon MOS oh yes El I gu I’m just watching a b man talking about El must reply to him on Twitter right now or you can say it’s called ax it’s quite dark n yeah I don’t know why but he kind of

Happ here but people call him bold if you’re wondering who it is it’s Aron gold guys if you don’t watch them that if you don’t watch someone that doesn’t swear I don’t recommend watching because he swear all the time I mean I am I know man it’s quite rare for me to

Swear it’s not 100% that I don’t swear on stream I kind of almost SW so many time at this point oh wow me hung Yuu wow oh I’m speaking Japanese oh wow I’m so I’m so good at Japanese I’m speaking Japanese English oh wow impressive so impressive no not this thing again no come on come on no no freck why dude I don’t have armor yeah that’s so unfair I could have one V two them but

Whatever it’s fine GG’s I guess I mean you’re still alive so you’re fine wait do you have two mod you’re typing on your phone come on you can do this rated um rated grein you can do this I believe in You let me check my phone okay it’s fine it’s 94 and 80% this phone is uh this phone last pretty freaking long so I don’t need to charge it all the time I see I’m going charge it when it’s like 50% 60 to 60% yeah uh the whole phone battery life is

Pretty tell that’s why I can’t stream on my phone anymore so yeah I used to play uh this I used to stream this um mobile game first first and shooter you can also play sub person shooter called called mobile and I also did a montage of it

Called fight back yeah and also my cat is dead she name is CH rip o rip rip rest in peace I kind of feel b i mean i d i Lally lost my can some scum back uh came to my house and stole two cans one is T

One is smart I mean I think I have I still have the fold I’m pretty sure well guys guys let me find it I don’t care if I die just give me sometimes I think I have the pH give me a minute give me a minute I’m very close I’m almost found

It um I’m really really very really really close extremely close I think um it’s almost there um where the freak is it Jesus oh my I don’t care if I die guy I did care I don’t I know I think my cat at this point is dead some scum eat it or

Something it’s so many photo there like 3,000 photo on my phone holy that’s s that just sold me because I made a lot of thumbnails back on my phone did some mod Minecraft yeah I have it guys guys guys this is my account guys do you see my account hey

Guys guys do you guys see my C this is my C I used to have a c too so I kind of feel bad you guys even see it though guys guys okay nice yeah see I told you I never ly I also have a king it just impossible for to

Lie when I actually have a cat too used to yeah oh freak why is my keyboard so far what the freak why is my headphone so uncomfortable all of the sudden h nah nah yeah I think might use the freaking v b um later when I’m very close to that like I ran

Away I guess what is this thought a freaking aror is on my freaking arm or something on my uh right arm freaky nose I bet he just tapping the screen like this let me just adjust my back all right I think I can’t sit straight now yeah also I can like adjust the

Freaking oh freck oh wow now I’m sitting pretty straight guys oh wow isn’t it cool look I I can let you do this too but n I’m not going to no I’m not going to sit straight I can’t handle sit straight forever R for for long of time I

Guess I could sit straight for like about few hours like two nothing uh definitely not yawning died rip feel like you fell off or something like you fell off the map unluckily like you’re pretty unlucky wow my phone’s at 79% it just barely lose battery except my old phone it dies

Easily think I need an eye drop off the end the stream I can feel my I ity man kind of maybe because the light is making my eyes sensitive to play some what you want me to play a song I could play a song but I might get cob I don’t

Care hey ASC you want me to play a song I can’t you can’t listen to my playl I don’t care if I get copyrighted it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine gay bay name song what what are you talking about I thought you told me you like to play a

Song I could play a song on stream I mean you could lit go to your if you’re like on a PC or you could like open a new tab and then play a music yeah I could play a music if you want do you want me to play a music

Though I that’s a copyright music but it just ends yes that’s all I know it’s not copyrighted but I’m not sure I’m sure you still can’t get copyrighted 100% hey ASC do you want me to play music oh what I cannot I can um not play it if you want me

To on play it I guess I don’t know you just pick I’m just going to chill I’m just going to chill around wow not pant seriously all team it Dam itam it Dam it teamate teammate teammate hey hey hey rate it R it rate it I’m sure you have

Like the stream open the background here take this there you go um way on the freaking nah what is it going to be boots okay I’ll take it better than nothing that’s what I wanted that’s what I want oh wow dud I can’t see no

Freck son of a biscuit kill him kill him I don’t want him to be alive so annoying bro oh my gosh hey guys say guys I’m just going to make a poll anyways dude I’m just going to make a poll start all do you guys want me to play copyrighted

Music okay PA start now doesn’t matter I had to spawn on can oh if I get right it’s fine guys it’s fine I just did a paolog you guys just vote just one button you just need one just one click can you watch what no I can’t watch I’m I’m uh I

Don’t want to get another strike man I already have one strike so second strike is is very important to me first side I’m not too worried but second side I’m going to get a bit B and S strike I’m just gonna faint get hand s strike man this channel

Just going to be gone you have no clue how how many stream I did on this channel I made a lot of memories with people I guess it’s basic like your memory getting in race like you C Amnesia yeah so uh there’s no way I want to l this channel I

Guess okay you guys say yes I’m sure I’m sure I could play cop music he you go you guys here right that thing is a bit too loud I don’t care anym if it if I um get copyright it’s fine guys I don’t care as I said I don’t earn a single

Penny guys you hear right I know it’s uh copyrighted going to disable Minecraft music just going to mess everything up oh yeah every time turn all I just kind to like the music I’m stupid yeah yeah this is my type of music yeah I don’t know

Why I just like G I just like it I’m just going to change music this music I heard it so many times she um guys guys I’m finding a new music guys you guys probably don’t even know know what the freak uh this this song lyrics are like you guys probably

Won’t even because this is Japanese freak why is it take so long to load what is this come on bro come on I can’t click it what the freak what is is going on again I can’t see yes yes where just problem just you know you have hard head what the heck is

That what is that what is okay dude guys this music is might be actually way too loud oh my gosh I can’t see anything guys I think this music is way too loud yeah this is my type music I don’t know why guys what do you guys take up your

Music music tastes kind of cringe I can hey um ASC do you want me to keep playing this music or what I can if you Want do you want me to keep playing it though it’s kind of too late right now to go back because I already got copyrighted so it’s fine it’s fine it’s kind of too late uh there’s no going back so yeah yeah the stream you say uh he coming hey

JB do you want me to keep playing that music though I can though but I can’t enable RTX that’s the problem just give me a Sword okay if we come okay I see oh my gosh I almost hit him off guys guys guys guys just do a pole real quick just water a pole and we win these guys um did I keep playing the copyrighted music or what I can’t play

Other the music but I can’t do song requests hey JB tell me should I keep playing the music or what can you buy replay no I don’t want to buy it it’s like you know um oh my gosh not my wallet bro sure okay I’m just gonna keep playing the

Music guys tell me if it is too loud guys is is it too loud guys guys it is it too long I don’t know man this is my type of jam okay do you guys even hear it is it like perfect like the ud is perfect like not

Like distracting my voice or something like mess up my voice like not Lou on my than my voice or anything like you can’t hear me Clearly D I have to clear my throat every like freaking five SEC five minute I think I have to like um get the pp texture pack because the f is so annoying seein yeah I do I used to have a skin similar to that but not no

More hey as how about uh you like give me your PayPal and then I just send you the money no no no no no no no no no no no wait wait I think I changed my mind because people might actually uh back me start backing me like

Crazy I don’t know what the freak this music is I don’t care anymore oh it’s um L girl guys I’m fine I don’t care if I get CAU by L girl wow I can’t see anything wow guys do you guys like this music or what just let me

Know I could change it if you guys really want to just let me know wow I’m getting freaking clapped you don’t like the music well let me just get texture pack real quick wait a moment I had to like disable all the altx it’s going to mess up

Everything hopefully this is a good one hopefully this a good one I freaking know if it good or not decent well let me just disable some more stuff can you play with your server N I don’t really want to play myself freck freck quick freck freck freck freck freck cck crack crack crack

I didn’t mean to disable this hi medium what the fre is this change the music here you guys what about this music I don’t care if it copyrighted oh my gosh it kind of messed up something yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait I think I changed my mind rain I’m Yep this this is H up my favorite one it’s just that I don’t see my freaking inventory that’s the Problem guys do you guys like this music I’m getting my text bag okay hey guys you guys like this music it’s just going to Auto playay random music guys and it’s going to pause anytime soon too because I don’t have YouTube premium I mean I could get my uh Spotify if I want

Make Me now I’m not going to sing why am I why does this song always keep making me sing bro dude this texture pack is so dope It’s So Dope oh my gosh it’s so amazing I like it even though it’s like pink I don’t care I

Know I don’t know what color it is actually I think it’s pink I don’t know why the freaking playing League of Legend um music I don’t know why I’m playing League of Legend freaking music I just auto play it that’s all right I might actually get in trouble over playing this one

I’m just going to play an anim my Opening I don’t see you though where are you I see you Jo to Asia okay you could told me like to join EU I could have joined it oh you’re playing on Na hey JB gaming what do you think of this texture pack it’s like the sky pretty dope though it seems pretty dope to me except the inventory is like you can’t receive the freaking bar that’s what you nothing oh I hate dope okay H guys I think I might just stop playing

Music because it’s like 5050 or can you say o sure I hate myself I hate myself bro I hate myself why did I do that why did I’m so cringe guys I’m not I’m I’m not playing the music until it’s like it’s like around 70%

Yes dude I hate myself why did I say that I’m so cringe I can’t see my inventory I swear treasure do I really don’t like this um I don’t know what it call like no not a cursor what the freak is it called hey guys what is like the middle like the

White like in the middle of your screen called like at the center of your screen I don’t know what they call I kind of forgot about what I forgot what it call I wish I can just change my name and put I wish I can just put my name there

Oh my gosh I’m too stupid to figure out how to do it I’m not the dumbest but you know w w w guys is there any pixelation pixelating on the stream at all guys tell me if there like a pixelating on stream like Blurry or anything if they like stutter I could do

Something about it I guess uh audio problem I guess I’ll try to fix it can you change your costume why though costume costume Anime boy but why Anime boy though I really don’t really like it it just look like ban to me I don’t know yeah it just reminds me of

Ban I don’t know I just like using your skin more I don’t know why some game I guess I like using boy skin just some games it’s not I completely only use skill skin I do use Skin sometimes it’s just not all the time dude why is the freaking go look

Like butter to me I don’t know what the freak is saying broki I think I I think I’m this is way too smooth for me I think I need to cap the frame rate or something I feel like I need to cap the frame what the heck are you you know I want anim C but don’t have money on m going to

Buy okay how about this uh you um I don’t know um I’ll figure it out some Someday I’m just going to go the middle I guess bro I don’t have a job I know yeah I’m sure you’re still like high school or something right he lagging my man lagging like

Crazy bro bro what was that teleportation what the freak oh my gosh wow he just teleport my man just lag like crazy and then teleport no 1130 what 113 I never heard of that what what your 13 11 11 what what what your, 100 what your 1,00 1 y old

What I don’t understand man what do you mean I just type like numbers like this I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s like one for me right now it’s fine it’s fine I stream for another hour and 30 it’s fine I’m not going to die that’s uh I could have streamed

Longer but you know it is what is bro I have to like freaking I have to like watch anime after like an hour 30 yeah I am grade six okay so you’re like 12 1 I guess you’re like a teenager or not yet or just one

Year you just like uh in a in a year you’re probably a teenager or something if you’re in sixth grade like you’re around 12 1 I guess what am I doing I have to upgrade the generator nice GG let’s go Baby oh yeah baby this wow mean cringe with a straight face Lama guys if I watch a horror movie or just play horror game my face just GNA stay the same trust me I I don’t really show my expression or anything just natural it’s just natural guys

Yeah we both fail L For the Win what we both fail for what what are you talking about say go goo what what is that what is it the freak is that what the freak goo acho what is that I think I said it wrong what he say that even

Mean oh you’re teaching me some alien languages that’s interesting just going to put my mic a bit Down guys hey guys I have a we though the thing is might broke my webcam I enable it N I can’t make that it’s impossible mean Samsung okay are you lying are you in case lying I need to get them for for um come on kill him kill him kill him

Kill him kill kill him kill him kill him oh my gosh why am I feeling I’m going to Y time soon hey guys don’t misunderstood me I’m I’m saying I’m yawn not mour and he’s dead and you’re dead don’t even think about trying to kill me I’m just too good at video games

I’m a video game Warrior video game Championship back to back now I’m pretty bad at video gam so what am I saying Creer man show back in the M got a Pickax wow I don’t need need more actually need more up get S what the freak and you dead don’t me think about it l more I like this short sword it just make my screen easier to see that’s all I like it a lot hey hey hey and we win these it

Doesn’t matter if my teammate died I’m still freaking good at this I’m too good at video games guys guys look at this I’m just too good video games oh my God what was that voice crap what was that was crack guys look guys look I have um a Weber

Model guys look I have um a Weber model look you guys see that yeah um the thing is that um I have to um restart my stream software to enable you guys saw it right guys and also I have to use a voice changer I have a voice changer but

Nah no voice changer m kind of sound choppy as heck I don’t know man I don’t freaking know oh another treasure was I guess and then sky was uh uhhuh uhhuh I’m laughing huh hey guys want to see a weird Shar this Shar is the weirdest Shar in the entire world

It’s called a basking shark guys guys oh my gosh oh my God it just ate me bro you Banning the hi what do you mean I’m banned there you go look at the sh oh my God it just ate my face oh my gosh I just died how I still have my hand

Holding and why am I still talking oh my gosh I S the weirdest looking sh am right what do you mean I’m baned I’m not baned I talked to support team for yeah yeah man talk to uh the high support team before yeah guys if someone said this mic is

Quiet um I don’t know man I know what is quiet what is loud uh this is this one is I think this one is the best mic in the entire world guys look see guys that’s the best mic in the entire world wait what the freak no wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the funny mic is broken wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I did the funny mic is broken guys wait I want need to test it guys guys this is the best mic in the

Entire where you could get this mic for one cent it’s the best M you should get it it’s definitely free free yeah free okay back to my normal mic oh freak almost mess up everything you guys hear it right it’s very very Qui I’m sure you guys heard

It oh my my gosh it’s the best mic ever yep oh my God I’m s cringing myself right now I’m starting to feel the cringiness in myself right now I guess I’m doing stupid things here you know it’s not really dumb stuff it’s not this this mod the Eff why am I try okay okay buddy okay okay okay buddy okay okay buddy okay buddy okay what the freak man oh you see I’m just get no no nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope Noe nope I don’t know why the freak I’m

Using esape when I thaty button on my mouse looky button look look guys look see I don’t know why I keep using Escape I think I’m stupid oh I think I have one brain s bro oh my gosh wait wait okay I see him no don’t tell me this SCB back going to

Use um and he’s dead yeah this this texture pack is pretty relaxing right guys it’s so it make my feel kind of warm for some reason like make my ey feel comfortable like it’s not bright or anything it’s just just just good this is perfect am I right guys let just feel great

And you dead you just fell from my trap who needs freaking armor when you got skills nope I’m just going to steal I’m just going to yink all your stuff I’m just gonna get away from me get away from me yeah kill nice yeah this texture pack is pretty

Good yeah it’s pretty good not going to lie not going to freaking lie just going to check on something again yeah H okay wow okay the stream doesn’t seem like it’s lagging or anything all right let me just check U the video settings to see if anything normal who okay if is my CH is 96 I just want everything to load fast that’s all I need yeah just want everything to load

Freaking F guys I’m GNA play the game like this um no no no no I can’t play like that I’m not I’m I I have freaking eyes guys I have freaking eyes so I’m not just going to play backward oh what am I supposed to do

When I st green skin I probably don’t know what the freak I’m doing I I I probably end up fing I probably end up dying a 100 times yeah and I don’t want to master dying because I already done it before and I already have so many I have

Like freaking 9,000 plus death so um do I need a hle that nah nah I rather eat a a shoe than freaking other than freaking yeah I rather eat a shoe yeah a shoe that it that step on do po yeah yeah it sound disgusting but uh

Sure I’ll eat a feast can I play with you sure you can s me a friend request stor me wow oh my gosh guys I swear I’m not this white uh you see I’m not this uh my skin color is different when I turn on the light pretty bright the reason why I

Turn it on because the green skin going to freaking mess up that’s all it’s going to mess up my green screen and the green screen is like around $100 something1 150 I don’t know oh my gosh this like is so bright even if I don’t block uh the the light

Um the L I guess what that’s what it call even I don’t plug it to anything like the I don’t know what the freak call no I’ll try out amazing it’s fine I wasn’t paying Attention wow he told me just send me a friend request and I’ll invite you to party I’m just going to drop it okay all right I don’t freaking know which one I’m going to rush guess um magenta um oh Freak no mind I don’t have

Any blocks oh boy I’m just going to go after the r real quick I’m stab him to dead boy come here buddy come here I knew it I freaking knew it I knew it oh my gosh why the I freaking knew it I knew it I knew that would happen very

Funny people coping my thre right now oh my gosh why is why are people copying my original Str I’m sure some SC back a copy by and didn’t CR I care it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine the way it is we need a credit for freaking trap

That you just learn from someone just you sto it if no one learn it it’s going to be amazing I could made a lot of of trap video where I just place the Block in front of people and they chasing of then they freaking fell off even if they have

Diamond armor I’m going to point a laugh then and call him a and then I call him a coward and and then I’m just going to call them nerds Rick I can’t kill him I okay you have a freaking um a freaking I don’t armor no shot I’m sure my teammate have iron

Armor because I just left my diamond back in the at the generator the diamond generator yep it um it’s going to get 32 blocks I’m just going to go after him who cares if I freaking die again I might just go steal that freaking Diamond they probably don’t fre care about getting the

Freaking diamonds you know I might just go get a freaking diamond sword then startop stabbing into them must stop freaking strangle him and then uh force him to eat my poop what am I saying what am I saying what the freak am I oh my gosh what am I doing broki oh my

Gosh oh my gosh yes wow I’m so good at video games guys I freaking die I just fell off and die guys I don’t know if I can combo him to death but I’m just gonna try my I need it I need it I freaking need

It I’m pretty blood Su right now I need to freaking kill him I need to get that kill help where you at BR you can’t just respond so you’re fine where is he D you don’t tell me where he is oh I I see him I see him I see him I see

Him I’m just going to go after I’m just going to go after his booty oh freak oh freak oh freak yep yep yep yep this is pretty this is pretty bad if you have any diamond to scare me those Diamond I need to get iron armor too and then I can 100% kill

Him what region are you uh uh Asia uh I could go to any EU if you want me to because my ping aren’t that a big of a deal to me hey old you want me to go to EU or what I could go to

EU my ping is fine on EU it’s the same as Asia similar not a big of it’s not a big deal Jesus Christ oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m just gonna come on come on okay he probably knows he probably freaking knows what am I supposed to

Do he might think that uh I’m going to hit him off the bridge perhaps come here buddy come here you pleas come back I’mma stab you to death I’mma show you who’s the big man I’m ass sure you must are you stupid oh my gosh use your freaking

Brain oh my gosh he just use your freaking brain man oh my gosh now and up zero freaking kill I don’t like this no I don’t count that as a win but hey um ultimate tell me do you want me to go to EU I can play uh other

Region tell me I can play you but I’m just going to do it I want to play on you that’s small play yes yeah let’s go to freaking E I don’t care NAIA is good oh freck freak guys this pink sucks guys this this freaking ping suck guys it’s terrible it’s

It’s garbage oh yeah it sucks oh my gosh it’s terrible guys definitely good feeling what the okay I just join at the worst time I just I was checking I show and he starts wearing immediately oh my gosh oh my gosh that was the worst timing

Ever it’s fine guys hey um ultimate just send me a friend request I I’ll accept I might um delete some my friend list and you know Friend what’s your name is in the description I’ll just do this I don’t know it’s like I don’t know what the freak call like you hold um you hold shift like when you hold Shi and press one I show this freaking thing I don’t know what it called I kind of got what

It called because I have one uh one digit brain I’m cool bro out let to North America where you want to go to North America D that’s like freaking 3,000 player in North America so the matchmaking is going to take so long you know like it’s just going to start the

Game really long it’s going to take so long to start the game if we go to North America I say Asian you fine what about that my name is okay guys I might start um saying okay no I won’t remove some that actually if your name is stop the sack no I won’t

Remove you Darkness F sure guys I’m just I’m just freeing slot by the way I’m just just I guess got I need to remove some from lacky I guess I have some can you give me a to can you give me Anway boy please please

Please um well you see uh I don’t want to spend out two dolls and and then you know I have to spend two dolls then when another one I have to spend one this this I think it’s the costume it’s only one I think I don’t

Know your region is Asia I mean I can go to if you want me to yeah what the oh my God my eyes freaking light is so too bright it’s way too bright this is getting off out of no I am also asan okay oh crap freck why do I keep pressing that

Freck all right um where what friend me okay you ml okay I did it I did it I did it ultimate it’s yeah I did I did yeah I already did it guys do you guys want me to turn on onti so what but the thing is with all

Is that when it’s night it’s going to be freaking bright as heck yeah it’s going to be us um I think we missed one person wait I think I’m stupid Hey extreme player send me a friend request or something it’s my name is like in description you could just do this thing

It I can’t even time let do this um yeah and wait a few seconds and it will show my name gosh please walk you stupid oh I you 134 can you answer I guess um R accept no R in no no no no no no one three

Four okay I did it I did it I did it I did it um again why did you guys I’m just checking the time it’s like an hour left there like in the Stream because uh I have to watch and I could another hour 30 for One D I’ve

Been for like um 4 hours holy crap nice guys it’s fine it’s fine yes another hour is like it’s basically me stream for like five hours it’s fine guys it’s fine that doesn’t concern me I I have a terrible sleep schedule like I woke up like um um you see

Um I slept like freaking 5 freaking a.m. I guess 5 a.m. 53 oh yeah dude I have the most messed up sleeping schedule ever i s like 5:30 or something probably 6 so 6 sometime 6: a.m. something time then woke up like 8 N I guess that’s like a few hours

Slep but guys don’t freaking worry well we have any CS um where uh anytime uh I mean we can do CS after this if you guys really want to Sure I actually have do you guys think I have the most me messed up sleeping schedule if I only like sleep like 3 4 hours because I have so many chores to do man oh my gosh this is why it’s streaming it’s like stress free for me except I have to except

Um except only if someone ask me way too much question I’ll probably freaking I need a lot of water L of Amber nah do it look like a freaking pumpkin sword look like a sword came from tro Aria no please don’t freaking get me a freaking um a fire sword no

No okay I don’t freaking know what am I supposed to do just going to M diamonds Diamond boots okay give me a better sword nice that’s what I need another one are you see I’m getting dude am I having a a a flame sword I mean a fire sword curse or something like

A fire spec sword uh curse or something please don’t please don’t fail this going to be so embarrassing I’m going to start crying no won start crying I’m lit freaking 203 bro I don’t know why I say I can’t say my age I fa rip I don’t know what it’s

WR me man but something I just can actually save my age without knowing it is what it is guys um come here buddy oh you want to die I mean could Ste your armor no and you’re dead give me a helmet Enchanted up no I don’t I like freaking I don’t

Like chain N I don’t like chain broi no I don’t need chain give me item nice GG guys hey guys guys guys if if if you if one of you guys say um yes in a row BR I I’ll 100% do a custom game right now because you see I have like

Freaking an hour left before I end the stream because it’s like freaking 133 I guess for me okay yes i l could go past if if I want the thing is that I I’m I’m slowly going back to my old habit when next him tomorrow um like around 10 10

Uh 10 a.m. CST I guess central time I guess wait let me check wait yeah yeah I don’t know man I think I’m stupid I don’t think I know how to count I don’t know like 10 a.m no wait I think I’m I’m right I might be right I don’t know I’m

Stupid why am I trying to create a press it when I already have one it’s it’s around the same time that I used to stream on like 9:3 a.m. CST I guess dude when I search on freaking Google 1 it’s it’s 13 hour what the freak I think that’s like one

Guess maximum play City World Time mid day trick or Tre again is um access um change access mode code only okay just type the code guys I won’t I won’t what you just type the code it’s pretty easy it’s a ascore a a o x

Ft I just set the code guys just doing real quick you basically just need to do this and then just do this and and you’re in it’s quite simple well I think you have to do this and then you and yeah you have to click on it and then put the code

Just we doing Su yep that’s why I’m doing custom Game guys um guys what are you guys doing are you guys watching um cor no I’m just kidding guys I’m just kidding uh hey guys what the freak yes guys guys I think I could guys guys I’m gonna freaking guys if no one join in the next two minutes I’m gonna

Freaking I’m gonna do normal game again guys if no one join in the next two minute I’m not starting the freaking game okay okay okay okay okay that’s we miss one more person uh I don’t know if they are still alive wait it’s A’s or C still here I don’t know no

Bro I thought there’s like four of us but where’s another one a no way broi wait I’m sure there one more what H guys I don’t freaking know man uh I I feel like one one twoing you guys kind of unfair oh boy hey guys you guys want to do like like like one of you guys like watch like until one of one of us like die and then you guys like go next like

That like one of us like do One V one and then if like the if like the winner win like you go against the one that is like watching you know you know what I’m saying how about that yeah sure okay because I don’t know where I’m waiting

10 years I’m I rather I rather step on pool I rather um eat grass yeah I rather um I rather get tortured by be killing killer bees oh you see I um I have um you see I’m pretty impatient when it come to I’m waiting yeah the word waiting uh give me

Anxiety my biggest weakness is um waiting because that make me impatient oh freck oh okay I’m just going to I’m just going to get on sh Wait I think I did disabled no I I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I thought I have one brain cells because I Disabled I’m just going to buy that toal that that toal brid I Guess oh freak guys I need hope this seems kind of big enough though guys what do you think this does this seem like big enough kind of for Me D my eyes are freaking burning from this freaking lamb oh my gosh this lamb is super bright it’s wor than actually wor than staying at the freaking Sun oh my gosh I think I need to get a a lamp that is like warmer light and this one this

One is like burning my booty no it’s not bu my booties I’m talking about buing my eyes what am I what am I talking about guys guys I think I think this is way too big enough I think this is big enough guys

Uh uh we uh you see we got to make it kind of fight um but so basically um if if you win a One V one in suo you have to you have to kill um you have to go after um someone that watch uh how the why am I so about explain

Explanation so basically um you have to wait until like someone dies and then you go after them if you’re like watching some like if you’re like watching us uh Sumo and doing Sumo so it might it kind of fake yeah like this think I need to sit streak brick I don’t know how combo really works in this freaking version guys this is kind of enough you see it’s like it’s like one V2 I’m guessing your butterfly click or Something bro I think I need to use to it again no I think I don’t think CVS might on better actually let me do a CPS test real quick CPS test oh my gosh why every freaking website is so slow I think it had to do with the freaking DNS or

Something like every freaking website I wish it took 10 freaking years just too loud okay why doesn’t work what the freak oh my gosh this load already holy crap why is it still loading this is this this G might be insane okay I can click like a which a CPS okay pretty pretty

Slow I don’t know man I used to click 12 CPS on it doesn’t real matter go CPS doesn’t br matter that much on compared to Jo uh where you at one three water oh extreme extreme gaming I think hey where we at Extreme Gaming I thought you done for a

Second guys I’m just checking my phone again don’t know why the freak I check my phone every time okay wow I see have a lot of time a13 are you afking right now D why am I yawning what the freak this is a too small um it’s way too

Small more for us to like Suo okay on I’m might actually try a bit make it bit hard just to combo I know how it works that hey I’m getting uh I’m getting close to uh my own my old skill I’m getting a bit better I don’t think close yet I don’t know that oh my gosh

Okay you see actually kind of not for yo hey there Rex PP I’m just doing a custom game right now CS right yeah it might take a while for me to go back to uh when I was super good at the game you could play with us if you want um

Dang I been stream for four hours hey Rex B you see I kind of have to go in like after the team at the stream hit like five hour mark to be honest with you I could go actually even hard longer if I want you see this headphone they say it could

Last for 14 hours so i c the stream B so I’m bad it’s fine also if you don’t have Discord you can um I if you have Discord you can join my Discord so if you want this is a fight ofd I need to Kill I rich quit okay is it because Sumo is kind of hard water bad combo so used to W as I usually uh press for from at once how how thought you s ta it I don’t know man I could it just hard for me I’m not really used to this I know

Oh I don’t know man it’s I don’t think I can’t use uh w a s no WD I’m think I can you w u A I’m so I I have a habit I have a habit of pressing s sometimes even if I don’t even try to press it I just have a freaking habit of trying to press it anyways basically uh if I don’t press the S uh my PP skill decrease by

50% something like that yeah same let look where I don’t know how to freaking oh you see uh I kind of press my keyboard so many times that um you can’t literally see the freaking fingerprint no I suck at video games um I mean you know even even though I play Minecraft a

Long time wait guys think about using RTX RTX this okay guys I’m just enable texture pack right now Galaxy I don’t know just this defa for blast let’s do SkyWars TR Trail sure we can do SkyWars one1 normal some I guess please don’t please don’t crash please don’t crash

Please okay okay okay I think I’m fine I think I’m fine guys I think I need to go to banro real quick um guys guys I think I need to go to B wait wait a moment three two one I okay my gosh I just ran to the

Bathroom and just Speed Run came back guys what’s the time n let’s not talk about it oh SC so I might already have the press it I think this one so Max I guess what time the thing en change modee only hey guys I’m done hey guys I’m done

I think I think um guys there’s something wrong with the wait guys guys guys guys don’t join yet need to restart Minecraft there’s something wrong with the pumpkin light it seems off Bro 4 Hour stream oh my God oh my God 4 hours amazing please don’t show my again

Nice thought I lck my um credit card H guys so you hey guys are you are you guys there guys I’m gonna I’m going to start uh I’m going to start an a I’m going to start bur down house I’m just kidding I won’t not that Dam bro hey JB you going to join what oh this seems pretty

Dark I don’t think he’s here I don’t know I feel like it’s not here bro my phone was at freaking 90% no it’s at 40% are you kidding me hey um extreme player you want to start or wait for like someone or something or we just like do one

One I’m just start sure guess what wait wait I think I’m stupid wait is did I set the pr wait fre oh no oh no I didn’t do it too late boys oh my gosh I’m dumb I think I didn’t do it apparently yeah I didn’t freaking do it oh wow it’s amazing

Incredible wow wow oo shiny wow cool oh my God shiny I think I need a chest plate what the freak could the chest plate be I guess I have to brige I don’t need it no I don’t need to what the freak do you think I am a do

Will nah I’m not not a dual whe you can hold Ed to so Minecraft bro come on give me full set okay take the boots I Dr the boot yeah for yeah I swear if I um I’ll probably be different right now if I stopped if I didn’t stop playing

The game for like seven months oh yeah but it’s it’s fine but just a custom game it doesn’t count as it doesn’t do it it doesn’t affect my stats what the freak like it’s blasting my freaking eyeballs oh my God yeah P oh yes bro it’s okay you’re better most

People don’t take it on yourself you’re good no I don’t think I’m good even though I played since 2009 I don’t I don’t think I ever call myself good in that again just call decent that’s all I don’t know why but I’m just yawning a bit sometimes even though I don’t feel

Sleepy at all even when I woke up I just start Ying I don’t know man why you want to do like a normal game or Don’t do um sto I guess I give you um two minutes so oh this is so bad freck freck fre freck I’m just going to um I’m just going to do one game of the bridge I guess what Well I think this is not the bridge I think I’m stupid I can’t see anything oh my gosh I can’t really see anything do that oh wow deep okay for we leg straight up speed running the bridge yep oh wow bro I have like freaking 16 freaking minute left

Freck why do I feel like my headphone about to fail off every time for bro I think I wish they put list to like a bit I mean somewhat try I guess yep I can’t see crap D I barely see anything bro his teamate don’t do when I leg went into it

I leg walk past and it doesn’t do anything oh wow actually speed running win mean victories mean win and victory are L the same I don’t know what I’m saying it’s literally both the freak it’s literally the freaking same I don’t know why am I doing a sign language when

I don’t know what the freak sign langu I’m doing probably McDonald sign language for wait how is he cheating though I can’t ril where wait is he wait is he where what the freak how I think he I think he is cheating dud dude he’s leg teleporting what is this how’s this F

What this this this kid let stra up oh I’m going turn my hack wow wow my man just freaking start teporting like crazy this kid bro I can’t I can’t with this oh my God this Mak me cringe I guess we do treasurers guys I have like freaking 11 minute

Bro let me just refresh this okay Wife win sck nice I yeah oh my gosh for okay I’m just going to stab magenda cyber buum I show them who’s the Boss okay and we got this oh off the this game and last game is probably perfect wow we have a diamond sword wow freck freck monster working what the freak

Bro I can’t believe my freaking Minecraft baratt is Crash are you kidding me oh wow this is amazing guys uh the freaking Minecraft barel is Crash yeah this is amazing guys good good news me see the freak okay blueberry guy I guess yeah don’t know for

Yeah I don’t want to lose this it need to be taken seriously for for for For for okay I’m just gonna okay guys um I’m just GNA freaking End the stream here and uh make sure to touch your pee and yeah just I don’t know man yes yeah uh freaking yeah he U yeah I’m just gonna scream ring

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – Minecraft Bedrock – The Hive – Doing CS And Normal Games With Subs!’, was uploaded by SakHacxk on 2023-12-14 22:07:17. It has garnered 176 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:30 or 18270 seconds.

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🎵Stream Starting & Stream Ending Music By: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chillpeach nawhij – Dandelion CYBERPUNK 2077 SOUNDTRACK – WHO’S READY FOR TOMORROW by Rat Boy & IBDY 🎵BGM: https://www.youtube.com/c/LofiGirl

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    Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD ShadersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HD Air Bending In Minecraft with Factions & Distant Horizons Shaders!’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:43:32. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. Java Or Bedrock! Minecraft Server IP: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!

    Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!Video Information today my goal is to build the tiniest Minecraft secret base and hide it but not in Minecraft in real life and my friends are going to try and hunt it down to destroy it where’s bro going oh my God I think I see it I think I see it this is the ultimate episode of Base hunt welcome goobers to Minecraft base hunt you guys have 1 hour to find my tiny secret base in this giant 500×500 map and if you guys find it there’s $1,000 inside of this tiny see $1,000 $1,000 you know… Read More

  • Exploring Mystical Void SMP – Mind-Blowing Cinematic!

    Exploring Mystical Void SMP - Mind-Blowing Cinematic!Video Information This video, titled ‘MYSTICAL VOID SMP REVIEW CINEMATIC 🚀 #trendingvideo #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by AEROX__YT on 2024-05-27 13:05:43. It has garnered 223 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #gaming #trendingvideo #feedshorts #viral #goat #minecraft #hastag #feeds #1millionviews #best #noob #ronaldo #sigmarule #great #new #mcpe #mobilelegends #bedrock #crore #india # I hope you like this video 📸 so that’s it luv u fam Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of Perseverance

    Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of PerseveranceVideo Information This video, titled ‘An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ABK-Inspirational on 2024-05-17 13:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts. one piece mod minecraft pe demon slayer … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!

    INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pro’, was uploaded by PKG on 2024-03-10 07:13:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!

    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: mods.wyrdcraft.net Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More