EPIC LIVE Minecraft & Chatting w/ ReSwayy 😱

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this is what I come and I I lost everything there so I that is [Music] crazy [Music] the all oh all [Music] oh yeah I’m heing zombies and [ __ ] [Music] whoa whoa junor Jun I know you love me I know you care hey we go mother [Music] [ __ ] that [ __ ] [Music] m [Music] m I wish for all your side CHS to disappear to a magical ring it will grant you one wish if you wish for anything immortality you can wish for a lot of money for us so choose Lesley I wish for all your FS to disappear no no no no to a magical ring it will grant you one wish you can wish for anything immortality you can wish for a lot of money this man had to spend 30 million within a month so he set up an investment company only invested in projects that would lose money such as moving an iceberg to the desert but what he didn’t expect is he ended up making money the ice project which was supposed to be the biggest loss was picked up by an oil company and bought back at Double the price directly making him 10 million he casually formed a baseball team and won every game bringing in millions each day Monty was already in a state of collapse the more money he spent the more he lost at this rate he definitely wouldn’t get the 3 billion inheritance himself just then he saw campaign news on TV and came up with a new plan to run for election he rented out the entire city for advertising and held press conferences tell telling people not to vote for him this trick turned out to be effective the money in his coffers kept decreasing but because of this his approval rating kept Rising Monty was panicking he came up with another plan he paid double the price four people to vote for his opponents soon his approval rating kept dropping and he had almost used up all his money until the last day he had only 30,000 left he held a party and spent all the money the next day Monty put on his baseball uniform with not a penny to his name to claim his 3 billion inheritance but then his assistant’s boyfriend showed up he gave Monty $20,000 and told him that it was a refund from a previous project it turned out the assistant’s boyfriend had been paid off by the insurance company to give the money to Monty when the time was right this way the insurance company would get the 3 billion now with only 3 minutes left before the challenge ended Monty was planning to give up he was just too angry and punched the man in the face the man said he would Ste him at this point Mony was inspired he asked the assistant to use the 20,000 to find find him a lawyer and at the last second successfully produced the receipt which also meant he had passed the 3 billion inheritance test and would inherit the money if it were you how would you spend this money this who could have figured out she want to labor 6 weeks early is he going to be okay I was born 6 weeks early oh damn all right I need to play some music yeah I just come back up um I do need this [Music] though make them [Music] now a they trying to kill me just imagine if that was lava yeah this [Music] [Music] is nothing but a death nothing but a death trap travel here yeah this is really nothing but the death trap but I really want to know what’s on other oh my God man this shit’s going to burn back up man just like yeah oh yeah fall to your death crawl up here if you want to you’re going to die you’re going to die oh that’s what’s popping me you’re going to die you’re going to die you’re going to die you’re going to die yeah now y’all tweaking stop what the we no where is this imagine the hell the hell is going on oh my God what is wrong with them yeah suffocate suffocate suffocate yeah yeah what’s down here [Music] where the hell was going to drag me down there with him it’s going to drag me down there with him oh it did all right so what else was down what did I originally come down here for oh yeah I forget I’m originally here for this yeah I got to go up I refuse to lose any more diamonds like I did yesterday I refuse oh just when what the [ __ ] what the hell okay so yeah I need a door I need a door why are they spawned in here I need to make me a door how many doors I make make them I don’t even need all them do guess what though they’re going to be there all right so yeah most definitely need to bring this with me cuz uh yeah I’m going die um and then a couple more of these bad boards and and eat this and yeah don’t got [Applause] no yeah I might have [ __ ] up how the [ __ ] over this way ah this is another way toward this nothing over is it N I think I came up from over there but let me just us run around this [ __ ] real Qui a lot of St I rebuke you I rebuke you I rebuke you ditch effort my dick get off of it oh my God anything over here I am dead that is a sad case I need put oh my God I need to yeah see that’s why they don’t want to come over here they know if they come over here they dead like why you not chasing me all the way over here chase me all the way over here chase me all the way over chase me all the way over you still see me you still see me Chase me all the way over here Buckaroo see they want to act like they don’t see me y’all see me over here bro y’all see me what am I running into what the [ __ ] down here I know I ain’t the only one just heard that you better be lucky that’s the wrong one cuz I kid you not whichever one that I hit I know I’m going to get ready there you go there you go there you go you’re you’re going to die you’re going to die you’re going to die you’re going to get caught on fire you’re going to die you’re going to die both of you guys are going to die you’re going to die too you’re going to die you’re going to die let me worry about it God damn it bro I just want to kill y’all with some lava but y’all just want to allow me to of course this [ __ ] hits me like that tripping follow na n you’re going to die you’re going to die N N I just knew if I was to break anything over here I’m dead Okay so it looked like I’m safe for this side no most definitely not most definitely not stop it that’s not nice [Music] come I’m on everybody lying on my granny get off me get off me get off me he you slick [ __ ] you just try to kill me this really should be the last one hey how you like that okay Bo boom boom boom boom and then um see yeah just got put out so where is the lava that was over here okay see if I break this some more lavas going to fall down so the real question is where just leave I keep forgetting that even if I do that oh my God I’m going to die oh my God it just burnt my torch what’s wrong with you you don’t never go that far like it is a lot of lava right here do you want to die sir do you want to die okay so um I would assume that um yeah um I would assume that will stop the lava so there shall not for not be no more lava it was diamonds down here that was my whole purpose in coming back down here where are those diamonds you just want to be a part of something over here at first yeah I really don’t even know how I got here Dam wait so which way did I come from wa did I come down from here I’m not going to lie I don’t know how I got down here I just forgot that quick there some more [ __ ] down yeah they Wilding you think I’m not going to explore this okay so this ain’t nothing but um yeah one of those oh yeah I ain’t got no point in man down here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here no reason in being down there I was wondering where most of them most of them went though okay so some iron up [Music] here okay speaking of which that might be where I did come down from wait why wait what there’s no way in hell I but I got torches up there hey where am I what is this where am I at right here oh okay okay okay right so okay so I came I most definitely came from this way somewhere oh yeah right here okay okay okay bro what what is your beef what is your beef go down there with your go oh yeah oh I’m dead let me stop playing how is he hitting me how yeah I’m going to die [ __ ] around with a spider that is not okay okay so bro I seen some diamonds down here bro that was legit my whole case in coming down here here get away from me get away from me go down there swim with the fishes go swim with them go swim with them go down there go down there bucko go down there see it would have never been like that if you would have just went down there okay okay where is those diamonds that I saw is that lapis must definitely think it is it most definitely [Music] was imagine if I would have died now where is those diamonds cuz I don’t have them in my inventory so that mean I would have to have uh not going to lie to you you’re F to die you know what I don’t even have my damn sword okay so me looking at this from down here where the [ __ ] did I see I guarantee you I thought that was diam I guarantee you I did it looks like it okay so what’s this way oh my god of course I appreciate my gold please oh is it a village bar or some [ __ ] cuzz this is a lot of zombie villagers for not a village to be these two [ __ ] is strong I’m using an iron a iron sword these [ __ ] are still not backing down there’s some tough son of a guns see there go some I’m going to die trying to do this I’m pretty sure they say you supposed to dig around this bro why you so aggressive why you keep coming at me like that I keep coming at me like he just want problems like [ __ ] I give them to you I give you the [ __ ] problems is that a thing full of uh iron o i a see that but I’m really trying to see what’s all the way up here and [ __ ] keep [ __ ] with me so we know get away from me cuz you know what you’re the one that’s going to go down there you’re the one that’s going to yeah you better be lucky [ __ ] hey what the [ __ ] is all the way up here you’re insane kid you’re insane I’m pretty sure me going down there is just me like legit just saying oh yeah I’m just going to get ready to explore the uh what’s that wait so like where am I now yeah I found the whole another place I almost definitely dead and this ain’t nothing but a fat ass open space too you got lava coming out of nowhere yeah this is one of those dangerous like this is just so much to explore and I don’t have a friend to explore with that is so crazy must be [ __ ] nice I don’t even know where I just came from I’m dead but there goes some Diamond so it’s worth [Music] it this way oh my God I don’t remember where I just came from and I have a old mobster oh my God I’m dead I don’t even know how to get back to oh this [Music] way oh my God why the [ __ ] does it seem like they get more aggressive down here and they follow you longer like the deeper you go the [ __ ] more I’m so glad I mind that lapis that lapis most definitely just told me what I needed to know and don’t like to you if you come any closer to me I swear to God I’m going to push you off the edge on my granny so you better be lucky I’m going to ready to go down there and get that though that’s really what I was to do no no I’m telling you I’m going to Knocked you out that [ __ ] now die stupid ass I ain’t going lie to you I’m going just have to come back to this cuz this is like this is just so much and oh my God how did I get down here like this is crazy oh my God I knew it was more Diamond down there too I could have got all that diamond but as of now I do need this though need this more than anything see there they go do weird noises again I don’t even know which way I just came from coming toward me the hell that niggaas all the way up there shooting at me I get a [ __ ] life I swear to God don’t worry about I’m coming to you Bucky I’m coming to you I swear to God oh my God yeah I’m GNA die hey who’s bro this the only OD [ __ ] out that just want to shoot at me shoot at each other bro shoot at each other shoot at each other don’t shoot at me oh no yeah I’m dead oh my God no no no no no no no no no yep I’m dead no no forget about me forget about me forget about me forget about me forget about me forget about me like they pursue you so much when you get down here thank you I don’t have a shell no more oh I guarantee you I really only need to hit you a couple times Bucky so I’m really F to get on your ass on my see see see see what happens but now I need to see what the [ __ ] all up there cuz it was a lot of [ __ ] up there what’s the the [ __ ] is this matter of fact Granite you telling me Granite looks like this now here all right you got it I’m going I’m going this is dirt I know what this is I know how Dirt sound all this iron up here yeah I’m going to die I have nothing I supposed to been doing one thing and I’m I just end up doing like eight I don’t even know where I came from I need to stop doing that why they so aggressive down here already don’t worry about I’m going to spin the block for you on granny I told you I was spinning the block for you look it’s grass growing down here and some more [ __ ] that’s crazy where did I just see that look at this all this iron I need to heal myself look at that I’m dead oh my God why bro why why why cuz when I get close to you I’m going get ready to make all these zombies and [ __ ] yep I’m dead oh my God yeah I’m going just have to come back I don’t even know where I just came from but I’m going to have to come back yeah I legit don’t know where I came from I don’t see my torches I don’t see nothing oh yeah I’m dead I’m so dead I think I came from this way yeah I did okay I don’t have no torches I need to go there’s so much to explore up there just going on a free run adventure just exploring the caves this will be so much funner this would be so much funner if I had friends to actually play that that that’s the crazy part about it I have friends that got the game and just don’t want to play it you know makes a lot of sense I don’t even know where the [ __ ] I’m at right now [ __ ] how am I going to know to come back to this spot I don’t have nothing like important to just be like yeah how am I going to see that this is basically just going to be oh I do got something for that this and these all so that BS the differ how the [ __ ] do I get out there cuz I don’t even think I’m really done it I don’t even know where that came from but I’m totally scared uh it’s like I really don’t got too much to go back and just it’s just I don’t got no no no what’s this name wa wait what way am I supposed to be going okay Bet so I guarantee [ __ ] is in my house again cuz that’s what it sound like now they [Applause] down so ink like diamonds I just found like 14 diamonds now here that is so crazy lapis that that gold 30 gold now uh this this I legit have no torches so um yeah come on come on now I already got us need to cook that first I need to make another another stove I’m have to go oh I really don’t I got o clogs this gets cooked and that’s get turned into that so I can make some I got so much [ __ ] I can make I can make a diamond block for a why for why wait if I make this di okay I hope some say I had did it without even [ __ ] questioning it anyway okay I got enough sticky um I might need to go ahead and make another chest go ahead and make this bigger um yo welcome to the screen um I might need to go up for real cuz I really need I really need some other stuff I got to go up but I got to bring some old birch trees now um I need these so look at that how am I going to get out of here how hooray yo what’s up goofy I ain’t seen you in a minute what you been on how you been Oh wrong way I’m good that’s good brother that’s good yeah I just I just got on not too long ago for real just working on a Roblox game oh what Roblox game you say working on it like you making one yourself like online game no I know what Roblox is I’m saying like yeah like do you um you making your own like can you you can make your own like um like game inside of Roblox can it oh my God I just got suck down here [ __ ] yeah yeah I’m helping my friend with a horror game oh yeah that’s dope that’s dope see I just never got into Roblox like that to really just play yeah for real for real uh I got plenty cold down here it could have been like uh I’m going take that down there next time I go down there uh I’m just have to bring multiple I’m just going have to bring different [ __ ] down here every time I really don’t want to keep taking stuff up but um do with this um are you live every day yeah I usually do be live every day but um like within this upcoming week I might not be because I’m going have some stuff going on I might be gone for a couple I might be gone for a minute but when I do get a uh when I do get back on yeah I usually do be live every day oh that’s okay [Applause] oh my God it’s night time guarantee you the thingies might be out y yep there they go I knew it like he already swooped down he did ah why are they so aggressive like they have like on my ass like he came fast like I I don’t know for some reason I feel like they just be more aggressive like since uh since I didn’t came up they look look look look look he coming back down somewhere look at them they usually turn around and go back up was a bit lagy I don’t know what’s going on never mind see like that Jones tweaking look look look I’m going die I’m going to die look at it look at it look at it look look look it’s never attacked me that many times and even when I turn around and look at it it’s supposed to It’s supposed to like go back in the sky but this little [ __ ] is not where he go yeah they tweaked I think it’s behind you maybe yeah I I seen it disappear like I seen it like slick disappear earlier like when I look back up at it hit me the last time I seen it but it disappeared and I was like uh I a I ain’t see it no more in the sky but I’m taking way too much of this [ __ ] down here but at the same time I really do need all this [ __ ] to go down there a lie this the most diamonds I never had in one stack I usually already have been using uh oh yeah that’s what I need I need to make another another what’s his name I’m just go ahead and make two do you have diamond armor nah I don’t really be using my diamond armor like that well I don’t really be using my diamonds like that for real I be trying to wait you can make some yeah I know it I be trying to wait though I don’t know why I be really trying to wait till I can make at least I want to make a full set of armor I know I probably can now since I got 27 cuz that’s four it’ll be 2 three and that’s what uh 6 7 uh 74 that’s 11 um one three six seven 8 so 8 and seven that’s uh 8 and seven that’s 15 15 that’s 19 and 19 20 21 22 23 24 I can make a whole set but I’m not going to put it on that’s that’s the whole thing about it though cuz I really just don’t be wanting to use it right now when I’m at I really should put it on though but I ain’t going to use it right now that’s really the only picker about it wait where is I really be I make I make what’s his name before I make uh I make gold arm before I [Applause] make [Music] I really don’t want to touch none of my torches up here wait my chat didn’t go through hey which one which one which one which one we talking about cuz I made probably because I’m sending too much messages oh no no no you good we chatting I if they doing it because of that I don’t know what’s wrong with YouTube but now yeah I made I made a full set but I’m probably not going to put it on though yet I’m been trying to wait to put it on so uh now I’m trying to see what else I need to take cuz I’m trying to take some more stuff down there matter of fact I need to go to sleep first what it’s daytime now they whing damn I got to be around for this [ __ ] to grow cuz this [ __ ] ain’t grew in a minute oh yeah I forgot I did just get on to but I still haven’t been around here so it’s like y’all really could really get off my um oh yeah the Minecraft Gods have spoken yeah y they most definitely have I need to make some old [Applause] weat I wish they let sheep and all that other stuff like eat something else cuz they really be trying like we can feed pigs down there I mean well pigs yeah the narrative is that pigs can’t eat anything so I would get why they would do that but it’s just like uh get out of my way if you don’t want to get hit with a pickaxe yeah [Applause] oh I need to go see I believe most of this is done oh yeah I ain’t got enough I was going to get ready to try to make a go a Golem I’m tweaked I forgot I need more than that the game is made because of a potato L the Roblox game oh yeah yeah so um yeah the Roblox um yeah we was talking about that one but yeah um what um what type of like thing like y’all going for like I know it’s horror is it going to be like clowns and all that like like what what yall going to put in it okay see I really need something else to plant right here too cuz I learned that that that that that plant like demons we have haven’t really thought of it yet oh okay Damons that’s cool that’s cool we already have an entity oh yeah that’s dope that’s [Applause] [Applause] dope just one [Applause] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] came up with the entity because of the glitch oh yeah the uh The Entity like the entity is the demon right cuz I’m I don’t really be us too many words for demons yeah yeah okay okay see this is really supposed to be my Straight wheat form it’s going be growing too [Applause] slow see whoever told me that they Li I think it’s because I don’t be over here that much cuz I really don’t be here as much I had the same farm when I Minecraft oh yeah I basically just took over this [ __ ] I ain’t going to lie to you I took over all the Villager well exactly like that my what’s his name like when I got here it was villagers here but then I guess like over the days of me staying here they just end up turning into zombies cuz usually when I find the when I find a base or like if I find a village I try to like put fences around it so like if we was able to get raided either raided or um attacked by zombies I always keep my villager safe like I’m just going to have to eventually end up going somewhere and find that nigga’s gone I don’t know where the [ __ ] he went cuz it was one here but when the villagers disappeared he disappeared but a ain’t been really collect that much iron cuz I ain’t been on so I can’t make another one cuz I’m eventually end up putting like two or three out there ain’t going to lie might as well but my whole plan is like I’m me eventually like once I get all this [ __ ] back I’m eventually once I find another Village that’s what I’m trying to say once I find another Village I’mma take that Village I’mma take some of them Villages from that Village and I’mma bring them here and then I’m just going to end up making the base a little bit bigger and then I’mma I’m going expand it and I’m going be filling stuff in like I basically F like this it took me a minute to do this like it took me like half a day well not even half a day it really just took me a couple hours to actually do this cuz now I got like a little I got a little B form could I explain the game to you so far yeah know I’m always down for explanations anything I ain’t going to lie this one even just [Applause] grown all right so there is an invisible spawn point okay so we we still talking about we still talking about roadblocks right y’all game before you get any deeper we still talking about Roblox right the sky is fuy okay yeah we talking about yeah we talking about it yes yes okay yeah okay I have to make [Music] sure y shout out to the four that’s watching how y’all doing we over here listening to my man goofy explain his his Roblox game he got a little horror game he building up with his friend so if you go to the left you will see the credits okay [Applause] it’s me it’s me the developer which is my friend and the tester which is my friend mhm so there is a really cool SC button uhhuh so that’s like scpt so like the the sprint button that’s like for them folks to hit corners and get the [ __ ] up out of there like okay so let me ask like I don’t know how I don’t know how uh Roblox Maps is like is it GNA be like a inside or outside like outside um uh mode or it’s like y’all y’all building cuz you said the it’s wait hold I got read I got to read the comments again okay so it’s an invisible spawn point and the sky is foggy so so I think that’s how you basically spawn on a plate up in the sky oh okay so how how do you get down is that what you were asking for yeah yeah yeah so like when they SP in they they in the sky but how they like do they take fall damage if they like fall off [Applause] fo that’s a whole other story oh okay okay okay [Applause] so once you complete the walk [Applause] [Applause] uh-huh there is a potato shop WIS and finished mhm which is unfinished okay I’m that’s basically it okay okay I got a little going for it but um so like it’s your it’s your it’s your story work on the potato shop tomorrow okay bet so like the whole theme of your horror game like is it going to be outside or in that potato shop you spawn outside then you go inside to the potato shop oh okay both I guess okay Bet it already has 14 visits oh yeah easy we didn’t get to the real card yet you if I play if I play um if I play Roblox I most definitely give it a try when y get done I might end up actually buying Roblox though cuz I got a couple friends that play Roblox yo shout out to the eight how y’all doing if you new to the stream hit that sub button turn the notifications on I’m usually live every day I’m playing Minecraft no I ain’t got an account on Roblox I ain’t never played it before I knew I was going to die no [ __ ] shot I don’t know why I kept doing that I should have just to walk down a regular way oh yeah you missed it goofy I ain’t G to lie I was on this [ __ ] uh I think it was yesterday or the day before bro I [ __ ] lost everything I had in this little I’m going to get ready to go show you the spot that I was at like well I think I showed you I think I showed you I think I showed you yeah I did you was there when I lost all my [ __ ] yeah you had just joined not too long after but yeah I had lost all my [ __ ] I was pissed we need to fix this do something with [Applause] it wasn’t it in the cave thing yeah yeah yeah so I did yeah I did show you look I’m G to get ready to die again doing that dumb [ __ ] oh my God look at my look at look look look at that got my other Shield up here okay I think that was that should be it thing I think it was besides this some of it to spawn oh no I lost uh yeah that’s all that’s all of this wait was not cooking some now we had seven cookies I could have just left that I could have just left all that what’s his thing put that in there that I’m have to eventually fix this up cuz I don’t like all that clutter but I got some more code I just found the new spot too like that spot got plenty stuff in it like I always wondered what would happen if I entered an it’s going emoi it’s going it’s going um it’s going to describe the Emoji like if you put the laughing laughing emoji it’s going to say um what is it face with tears of joy face with tears of joy go ahead drop the Emoji it’s going it’s going it’s going to explain it just go ahead drop it you going to [Music] see tears of joy LOL LOL all that should be funny like especially when somebody come in like multiple of them it just face with tears of joy face with tears of joy face with tears of joy this should be killing me oh yeah I love this door open that is dangerous oh this is where okay crying face ner face sleepy face Prince grinning face with big eyes raised back of hand money mouth face okay hand where did my lighter go damn I Dr off water why is that so funny cuz it’s just a simple fact that this [ __ ] legit reachs out every [ __ ] [Applause] [Applause] emoji oh yeah it is this way see I’m exploring stuff before I even Explore what I supposed to been exploring I just came up with the perfect combination of an oh yeah almost just that [Applause] hey hey I don’t have a that’s what I was supposed to been making with that iron a bucket I knew I was forgetting to do something hey why is he still here why is he why is he still here why is this man still here there’s no way there’s no way he’s supposed to still be here smile smiling face with sunglasses Goblin woman super villain man teacher woman standing light kneeling tone man walking light skin tone men with bunny ears woman in motorized wheelchair medium light skin tone golin sad but Rel face smiling face with Halo face with loudly crying face raised hand the weirdest combination ever most definitely light skinn ning she she legit describe every [ __ ] like I don’t know oh [ __ ] um I guarantee you when I go back over there that man is still going to be there they describe it so perfectly yeah just wait did I not explore over here what do you think is the most described Emoji just a question smiling face with horns smiling face with horns smiling face with horns uh that might be a hard one I would have to look through my Emojis hold on there go some lapis what else did I just see down here why you on my dick like that hold on okay so I just counted my comments on this stream and it is around 72 grinning cat pals up together face with hand over mouth frowning face with open mouth love you gesture medium light skin tone love you gesture love you gesture thumbs up medium light skin tone sleeping face expressionless face love gesture medium light skin tone G child medium skin tone we cat love you gesture medium light skin tone thumbs down oh yeah but now that just shows that you you you actually active in the chat and I love that about you I ain’t GNA lie to you you’re the only person that really comment this unless it’s one of my homeboys that join but yeah you’re the only person that actually just comments and actually interacts with me I appreciate you for that Ain going lie to you w man’s chat what you telling me this man still over here oh thanks wait this guy this guy bigger than what it was last time this wasn’t all way out here so yeah he’s been here for a minute see see that one right there is that one and then is is is it’s that one over there I have one tip for you what is it what is it what them what other what other them hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hey where you at where okay okay okay when you hit the warden you will regret it oh yeah I already know it I already know it I ain’t going to lie to you ah boy I used to play this with my homeboy uh my homeboy Nate we used to always [ __ ] with him like always he used to be fun and I’m telling you like them them them thingies right there they wasn’t right there when I first came over here either like they they they cuz I used to walk over that way when I first came in here and it never used to activate where does that lead it’s one up there too I don’t even got enough to build up there I think I found the most described Emoji ever oh yeah drop it I will only do one because I don’t want it to be an hour long men wrestling yeah oh no that one went she she made that one the shortest one possible yeah I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead yeah she made that she ain’t put that much thought into that one I found it OMG why is that [ __ ] spraying oh yeah I’m dead I’m so dead woman juggling light skin [Music] tone yeah we going have we going have like why am I back here with with with with with with um yeah that want it that want it Japanese dolls damn she cut that one she made that one like the wrestling one she made that [ __ ] short Japanese stars there a chest right here too it’s crazy no don’t burn the chest they whing get me down from here now why are they short skull yeah just make this hul long get [ __ ] with nothing in it person in steamy room person in steamy room I’m not going to even know how to get back watch diamonds LOL oh my God oh what is a this should be a monster spawner he the poison on I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead no no no no no yeah I don’t even know how to get back where at where about no no run run okay okay okay yeah I think I need to go put some of this stuff back I got too much stuff no oh my God I just saved my [ __ ] life here are for survival yeah I think I need to uh go back I’m hide in this corner until my health get smiling face with sunglasses disappointed face smiling face with loudly crying face grinning face with big eyes unamused face pleading face thumbs up medium light skin tone grinning face with big eyes face with sunglasses sad but reliev face skull smiling face with sunglasses kissing face with closed eyes skull thumbs up medium L skin tone winking face with tongue skull thumbs up medium light skin tone unamused face winking face with tongue winking face with T Japanese dolls reliev face FR face with open mouth nerd face smiling face with hard eyes skull grinning face with big eyes smirking face smiling face with hard eyes frowning face with mouth skull grinning face with big eyes smiling face in tuxedo man in Tuxedo person gesturing okay fairy medium dark skin tone man Genie man judge firefighter firefighter person gesturing okay man Genie man what’s upy oops wait too long hello okay so they see me they see me they see me okay so we know there’s nothing this way we know that right we know [Music] yeah I wasted 20 minutes of my life I’m dead I’m dead I’m so dead okay okay okay boom all right so wait I need the wait so like where am I matter of [Music] fact okay so I know I go back that way to get back so ain’t going lie it’s it’s it’s too many zombies right here look at all these zombies okay okay so then boom oh my God come yeah I’m dead what difficulty are you playing on uh I think normal I ain’t going to lie I think it should be normal fireworks shooting star map of Japan foggy s Escape at dusk sunrise over mountains motor way lava okay boom there’s a lot of mobs that why I asked yeah that’s what yeah that one I do not remember normal being like this yeesh the [ __ ] where the hell he just hit me [Applause] [Laughter] from he Wilding with all these mobs but okay so boom so if we go down here okay I already checked oh why is there so many [Music] um okay boom put that right there so yeah this is where this is where the monster spawner is so I would just need to keep straight and uh what was down here I don’t think nothing was down here yeah nothing was down here today’s breaking news normal mcraft Discord mod gamer mode difficulty just changed to super hard max level difficulty be aware next time oh yeah oh yeah ain’t got room to car with nothing for real I don’t even think there nothing down here is that a cart no I’m tripping that was no cart okay I swear I went from chill to annoying in the Minecraft chest till you leave oh yeah that’s a good idea that’s a good idea but yeah I’m really going to get ready to go up in a minute anyway but that is that that’s most definitely a good idea though okay so nothing’s down that’s just normal me anyway oh yeah you chilling brother I’mma let you know I let you know if you was being annoying wait hold on There He Go no no no no no no no why y’all doing me like this why yall not letting me hurry up before some most those spiders are dangerous be careful yeah these the poisonous ones all right bet I got rid of the monster spa I can’t why I can’t hear him I always die to those spiders [ __ ] but yeah them [ __ ] is deadly as [ __ ] I had to run the first time cuz I had ran into this [ __ ] spiders are so annoying yeah cuz they can jump over you like you can block them with the shield they’ll jump over your shield and [ __ ] like they be they be tweaking I was trying to yeah this is when I had to run I was trying to get this gold what’s that I thought I seen something extra down there yeah I most definitely can I’mma leave that in the C hey so this little this little area wasn’t I breaking something down here what was the most annoying L to me is the baby zombie or Ender oh no n no h the the the baby zombie most definitely takes that one I’m not going to lie to you I hate that [ __ ] so much the baby zombie is so irritating go ahead come down here you got it bucko stupid stupid 10,000 speed bro I swear man 10 10,000 speed attack power about 800 like d [ __ ] be on they be on crap baby zombie is bad but skeleton is worse in my opinion they’re harder to kill without having Shield yeah most definitely you got to be you got to be hey where did I just go yeah watch next time I next time I go through there it’s going to be like 18 zombies i a a put no torches up coming through I just forgot about the witch oh yeah the witch yeah the witch too like from from um I put that’s probably like third on my listno me so much bro that’s like yeah that’s like third on my list they they they they eerie but when you got a when you got a bow and arrow or a crossbow yeah they so easy to deal with see I’m not putting no torches down no nothing which way did I did I come up from this way I came up from this way right I think it was this way I don’t think I went that way see that’s why I need to put torches now wait I think I did come down this way you might need to get some new tools real quick they’re kind of low yeah wait wasn’t I oh I ain’t bring none of the none of the actual stuff that I needed to come down here I really wouldn’t even expect it to like be down here that long I was supposed to been bringing something down and then going back up and then coming back down but I got curious your sword oh yeah we my sword that is yeah cuz I ain’t got no other sword EI yeah I’m to have to most that let me let me just check the rest of this out real quick uh yeah let me just check the rest of this out real quick see where it go okay this the end of that okay bet uh let me get this iron and then going I will be on tomorrow if I live that’s a bet that’s a bet have a good night brother have a nice night nice having you in the screen with me talking with me chopping it up yo shout out to the seven that’s in see I’m always doing something why am I going up here now oh I’m not leaving just yet okay what what what telling you wait hold on what did I just do oh I did not know I could change my armor like that that’s Wilding I did not know that you now only need 145 Subs to 300 yes sir ski I a it ain’t nothing back here I really should have got them torches I really say got all these torches but this is always showing me where I’ve been do you like football who uh I [ __ ] with it I wouldn’t say I watch it American yeah I know exactly what you’re talking about when you say that I know football in like Spain and all that that mean uh Saka but yeah I’m full on American they Wilding where did they come from let me get away from down here bro wait hold on check my cor but I like the other football better that’s cool though to a game not too long ago yeah that’s just dope if I uh if I knew how to play soccer for real like I would be playing that hi hi yo what’s up Isaac how you doing see I’m not g to play that over that so uh I got my sign by a player how are you doing I’m doing good how about you I die die you stupid [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god [ __ ] my life just flashed before my eyes not going to play with none of y’all Y all to go y’all all going to survived [ __ ] boy I was scared for my life those things are so annoying so annoying yep I’m dead I’m so dead I’m not going to be able to get that one I’m going have to lead them all the way over here and trap them okay yeah that was just playing with dangerous fire that was two oh my God oh my God yep yep time to go time to go time to go no time to go time to [Laughter] go no way it’s time to go it’s time to go that is too close of a call last time what was that I I don’t even know I’m not gonna even lie I don’t know what hit me it’s one of them Warden spawner thingies up here I want to climb up there and get it but yeah I a let me let me just go ahead go put the most of this stuff upit but yeah uh Isaac how you how how your day going I mean how you how your night going I don’t think I had asked you that you need the silk touch and chant to get the warden spunner like why would I want it is it going to make him see this is where I died last time with this lava I I forgot that this was right here until I just ran straight into it and just died and lost everything hey I’m Chillin I’m Chillin brother I’m Chillin enjoying the Vibes with my chat he won’t spawn on the surface only in caves oh okay so I can basically use him as a decoration do you also make videos instead of lives too yeah I post videos every now and then but I’m not no like big on editor cuz I really don’t be cing about that but the only videos that I really just be posting is probably like my whole like war zone games or something like that like my rank games or or like if I do make a clip like of this I’m a big editor L yeah yeah might need to hit you up might need to hit you up I’m just the guy yes sir wa um I upload every 3 days oh yeah easy yeah see I I I I need to get into that but I just be wanting to wait until I like get everything I actually need cuz I want to get a computer a PC I I want to get all L before I actually start just actually putting in work play with me you talking about play Minecraft yeah brother we can play yeah if anybody in the chat want to play join me at my friend Minecraft rounds we do see wait no don’t you got to pay for um the RS don’t you got to like pay um extra stuff for the r uh rims like a um like a $7.99 or something well I forgot what it was the hell what’s shooting at me but yeah if anybody in the chat want to play yeah I’m minec friends too you don’t have to pay to join another person’s rounds oh I just got to be friends with them and then I’ll be able to join I only have one my game has the best armor well you play on creative mode cuz I don’t play on creative mode a going lie and I ain’t never played on a ram either ram ram ram okay we can play together sometime that’s a bet I’m always down to play with people give you the invite code if you want it we don’t play Creative load oh yeah that’s a bet that’s a bet I ain’t trying to get on right now cuz I’m going to get ready um matter of fact I need to text him cuz I’m going to get ready to get on um The War Zone in a minute if y’all want to join back up and watch me play a couple games of that but um hold on that’s what I was going to I’m call this [Music] [ __ ] doing on the war zone oh yeah you left me on this you should be ashamed of yourself me too but now I’m going to get ready to hop on I’m going to watch you play war zisk that’s a bet that’s a bet wait wait wait I get wait till I get back to the um wait toasty wait till I get back to the uh the main screen I I can do it I’m do it I get back to the mainen all I’m going to get ready I’m going to get ready take this back to my base and then I’m to get ready hop on um on war zone with my dog and my my my dog got um he got he got YouTube too when I get on war zone I’mma drop his YouTube in a um in the in the channel and y’all go send my man subscribe so it’s watching what is he doing right there go yeah I am oh well not the not the uh not the ram code wait wait hold on wait wait what are you talking about screaming I don’t know am I allowed to scream the ram code or is that like is that like a like is that like a private thing I I Ain never I ain’t never really just you know War oh yeah yeah I’m going to get ready to get on war zone in a minute yeah I’m screaming that I got to hop on my other account then uh stream that yeah I’m going ready put all this up and then after thaty where toasty go toasty still [Music] here is there a way I can give it to you if I can’t I will post in the chat um what what you got IG the fact you got Discord I could start using my Discord like this I forgot I do got a Discord Channel I only have Discord yeah I got I got a Discord hold on I’m going to get ready drop that in the chat for [Music] you [Music] [Music] I no I’m about I don’t edit at all I ain’t going to lie to you I I’ve never edited a video besides editing it like what the the app like YouTube has to offer editing wise like yeah I I ain’t really big on all but I really don’t even use that only thing I do is like trim different videos and just like just put my kills and stuff like that but uh hold on say I got to drop my Discord in the chat hold [Music] on mobile editing yeah I really don’t like Mo uh mobile editing either like that’s just not not I’m might have to make me another Channel I don’t even know how to delete this other channel hold on how do I find my Discord name oh [ __ ] say my user name is uh look um Telly look up my name on here reway that should be my Discord name and my display name you’re Now find the also remov the jump button in my Roblox game yeah so ain’t no jumping which is better I think [Music] it makes it more official name and my username is toasty still here cuz my chat uh my name’s in the chat thingy I mean what’s his name now but uh just join back up I’m going to get ready I’m going to get ready uh switch over and go to uh Cod real quick searched you but nothing came up well drop your Discord name in drop your Discord and then I’mma add you cuz I don’t know if it got numbers after it no more so I think they still do they do still yeah you got to drop yours then cuz I yeah cuz mine mine don’t got numbers mine don’t got numbers cuz I know when I got on Discord one day it was telling me to rename myself and it took out the numbers check the number yeah I don’t know but yeah just drop your user name and then I’mma search that and then if it don’t got numbers I don’t know I don’t really use Discord like that I don’t know how to use it I do not know the numbers yeah just drop the name then and I’m going try to search you up without the numbers was previous already if I see one active player in our game I’m going to jump in someone’s pool oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah he say somebody po for whatever reason my name won’t show up in chat but is is poke then then blz okay [Music] Pokey oh my God Pokey [Music] uncore I think I just sent you a friend request see if that’s me but I’m going to get ready to switch over to uh Kai y’all join back up and about to give me about a minute watch

This video, titled ‘Minecraft/Chatting ‼️‼️‼️‼️’, was uploaded by ReSwayy Is Live ! on 2024-03-01 01:43:46. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:50 or 8210 seconds.

*Dont own copyright music*

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  • Surviving My First Day in Minecraft Hardcore 😱 | EP 1

    Surviving My First Day in Minecraft Hardcore 😱 | EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft hardcore Day 1 🥳 | Minecraft Hardcore EP 1’, was uploaded by The Hollow on 2024-04-30 15:30:11. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:48 or 1368 seconds. Playing Minecraft Hardcore Day 1 | Minecraft Hardcore EP 1 Why Minecraft Jungle is everywhere 🥺 I need plains biome Can I will be survived 100 days INSTAGRAM –https://www.instagram.com/the_hollow_099?igsh=cXRqeHk5YTVncXVz IF U LIKE THE VIDEO THEN PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL 🤌❤️ LIKE THE VIDEO SUBSCRIBE THE CHANNEL TILL THEN TAKE CARE BYE BYE FELLAS💖 THANKS FOR READING 🙏❤️ Read More

  • MASTER MINECRAFT 1.21: Skip Tutorial & Dominate

    MASTER MINECRAFT 1.21: Skip Tutorial & DominateVideo Information This video, titled ‘Basically Everything You Need To Know for Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-06-23 15:03:00. It has garnered 1417961 views and 32446 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:05 or 4985 seconds. Basically Everything You Need To Know for Minecraft 1.21 | 167 Minecraft Facts, Build Hacks, Tips and Tricks 00:00 – Intro 00:16 – 1. Crafter Door 00:36 – 2. Secret Bookcase Entrance 01:06 – 3. Calibrated Sculk Sensor Door 01:38 – 4. Termites for Armadillos 02:00 – 5. Slimes Jump into Space 02:09 – 6. Villager Trading Nerf 02:49… Read More

  • SPACE MITX PUZZLE CHALLENGE! Can you escape? 🌌🔒

    SPACE MITX PUZZLE CHALLENGE! Can you escape? 🌌🔒Video Information This video, titled ‘Kannst DU dieses RÄTSEL LÖSEN? #minecrafttroll #minecrafthacks #escaperoom’, was uploaded by SpaceMitX on 2024-04-02 10:45:01. It has garnered 18803 views and 1405 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. TheJoCraft built a Bedrock Escape Room for me! Can I beat it? #minecraft #shorts #tiktok #minecrafttricks 👕 NEW MERCH 🩳 → https://lolingo.de/pages/spacemitx TikTok → https://www.tiktok.com/@spacemitx? Please give it a thumbs up if you like the video! 🎬 Twitch Streams → https://www.twitch.tv/spacemitx 🚀 Become a VIP? → https://www.youtube.com/spacemitx/join 👍🏼 Those? → https://www.youtube.com/c/spacemitx?sub_confirmation=1 🤖 Community Discord → https://discord.gg/HdJ4ETS 🏹 My texture pack → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pu5oYGBn_0… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure: Carmal Con Madness!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure: Carmal Con Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Adventure Ep. 1’, was uploaded by Carmal Con on 2024-06-11 00:17:47. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:22 or 5122 seconds. Joey and his dad start their quest to beat Minecraft for the very first time Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Doraemon and Nobita Bodyguard Team!

    Ultimate Minecraft Doraemon and Nobita Bodyguard Team!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft DORAEMON and NOBITA bodyguards Team. live stream’, was uploaded by ToshiB12TheDon on 2024-04-16 07:39:07. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:34 or 454 seconds. Minecraft DORAEMON and NOBITA bodyguards Team. live stream Read More

  • “1000s of Diamonds from Shulker Farm! LIVE” #minecraft

    "1000s of Diamonds from Shulker Farm! LIVE" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Shulker Farm | LIVE #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sp00kable on 2024-03-11 16:41:44. It has garnered 199 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:36 or 11976 seconds. ►Donate here – https://streamelements.com/sp00kable/tip Donations are not required, but are appreciated. ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sp00kable ►Follow me on Twitch for More Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/sp00kable ►Merch Store – https://sp00kable.com ►Business inquiries: [email protected] ***All donations must be made by someone who is above 18 years of age. While donations are appreciated, they are never asked for. If you do decide to donate, please remember that they are nonrefundable… Read More

  • HamzaOPyt – Mind-Blowing Reveals! #shorts #pixelart

    HamzaOPyt - Mind-Blowing Reveals! #shorts #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did You Remember! #shorts #pixelart’, was uploaded by HamzaOPyt on 2024-02-27 17:00:24. It has garnered 10133 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. dissociadid did switch dissociative identity disorder pixel art tutorial pixel art guide pixel art tips Pixel art minecraft pixel art tutorial Minecraft pixel art minecraft memes minecraft animation Minecraft shorts shorts loud viral shorts comedy shorts Shorts Read More

  • DeadshotsMC Network

    DeadshotsMC NetworkBanner will be coming soon! Hello! so around 4 months ago me and my friends decided to make a community for gaming to make finding people to play with alot easier. We have a MineColonies Server running at the minute so if you want to come and start a civilization and see how your colony can find its place in the world! There are a few streamers in the discord looking to give it a go so numbers are jumping up considerably! If your looking for a chilled community please come join us at Deadshot Dropouts with the link provided… Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Join our community of like-minded adult players for a true vanilla Minecraft experience. We prioritize player interaction over land claiming and excessive additions. Apply Now on our Discord Server Learn more on our Website Our Founding Philosophies The Vanilla Experience Experience pure vanilla Minecraft with no added plugins or changes to the game. Transparency We are transparent about donations and server expenses. Community Voice We value feedback and include the community in decision-making processes. Playing Together Join our community events and collaborative projects to play together. New Content Now Get access to new Minecraft updates as soon… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Getting Villainous: Our Wicked Arc Begins! 🔥

    “Watch out, we’re about to go full-blown evil in Minecraft! Time to unleash our inner villain and start griefing those villagers like never before. Plus, we’ve got a meme score of 9 so you know we mean business. Bow down to the pixelated bad guys!” Read More

  • “Caught red-handed on my friend’s server 😂🔥” #minecraft #meme #vtuber

    "Caught red-handed on my friend's server 😂🔥" #minecraft #meme #vtuber When you stumble upon a secret stash of diamonds in your friend’s Minecraft server and suddenly become the most popular player in the group #winning #minecraftsecrets #sneakysneaky Read More

  • ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most!

    ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most! Exploring the Scary Side of Minecraft Introduction Gather around, gamers! Shayan from ShayanGG is here to take you on a thrilling journey through the eerie realms of Minecraft. While some may argue that Minecraft is just pixelated Legos, did you know that over 60% of people find it scary? Join Shayan as he embarks on a daring challenge to survive the scariest horror map filled with jumpscares, monsters, all without any mods. Are you ready to face your fears? Minecraft Version Shayan delves into the spine-chilling adventure using various Minecraft versions including 1.8.9, 1.16.5, 1.19.4, and 1.20.1. Each version… Read More

  • Buying a Theme Park in Minecraft Gone Wrong

    Buying a Theme Park in Minecraft Gone Wrong Minecraft Theme Park Adventure Gone Wrong Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with Daosao Gamers as they delve into the world of theme parks in this exciting short movie. Join them as they navigate through the ups and downs of creating their very own theme park in the virtual realm. Building a Dream Theme Park The Daosao Gamers set out to create the ultimate theme park in Minecraft, filled with thrilling rides, attractions, and surprises at every turn. With creativity and determination, they bring their vision to life block by block, crafting a world that promises endless fun for… Read More

  • Billie Goose’s INSANE Minecraft transformation!

    Billie Goose's INSANE Minecraft transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying to be better in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Billie Goose on 2024-07-09 21:58:36. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:54 or 9954 seconds. Hi I’m Billie, and I’m addicted to minecraft now. Also the screen shot in the thumbnail is from my personal save because I’m on a different computer rn. I might remember to change it later idk. You can also find me here: https://twitter.com/Billie_Goose https://discord.gg/vJPtcu3g Dennis made my awesome skin!! follow him here: https://www.twitch.tv/doingdennis (and/or here:) https://x.com/DoingDennis MODS LIST (v1.20) amendments carry on chef’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft Mods

    Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods Survival!’, was uploaded by Plaguemeister on 2024-07-18 23:35:46. It has garnered 93 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:21 or 4281 seconds. Feeling spoopy Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t – Pokemon Shield Stream #11

    UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t - Pokemon Shield Stream #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon Shield Shiny Badge Quest! Stream #11’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-03-20 16:06:33. It has garnered 87 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:06 or 10986 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – https://pee-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Pee_Sheep_Wiki Read More