EPIC Live Minecraft Hypixel Christmas with Mr Heller!

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Okay do I’m alive wow it sure has been a while that’s for sure okay I think everything should be fine and working right I hope in so long I forgot how to stream oh God why is it not loading oh okay well this is delightful uh-oh

Hello why is it not it says I’m live but I’m not it doesn’t show up that on my channel why what oh there we go okay all right I got it okay all right I got it okay let me just mute that hey SC yes oh my God it’s

Been a long time it has been for sure um as a thing don’t be expecting me to stream very often I mean I might not even stream in a long time again but yeah it’s been a while you know I thought it’s Christmas so as a little

Christmas present I stream for once but uh yeah by the way if you want to join just tell me I will gladly invite you um yeah it’s cre okay it feels weird after like what a month it’s been 2 months I think I don’t know but it’s been a while I actually

Haven’t posted anything in a while too but you know life be like that been kind of occupied in family and whatever and also just procrastinating of course but yeah so you say okay I guess you want to join so I forgot your Minecraft name it’s been like AG or

So uh just type it in chat please I don’t know if you’re Online you thought I died uh yeah I could see why I mean not very active my Discord either I mean it is quite dead oh yeah I should promote let people know I’m live not everyone gets the notification uh let’s just do that real quick there we go

Okay so uh yeah Christmas is lovely uh absolutely nobody’s online I thought like I mean that’s true it’s Christmas what what am I thinking everyone is with their families and having a jolly time yet here I am streaming Minecraft TR to stop playing Minecraft Al together

Uh right what do you mean it’s 1200 a.m. what are you talking about everyone is freaking out because I’m streaming what okay okay Unity is going to join a bit I should probably join VC I guess anyone can join there we go I joined VC okay

Anyways light okay wait this is a new map wow lovely hello who’s this oh it’s micro hello Merry Christmas micro said I’m under walls you’re still oh you’re still living in the walls great okay don’t you think it’s about time to come out yeah no I forgot I made oh God I’m probably

Going to have to get rid of that everyone’s going to spam that now just turn off soundboard into your setting yeah I thought I did though but whatever hey J it’s been a while since I’ve seen Mr hel stream yeah it has been a while daddy her sh okay yeah thank you

Um I forgot how to game you know I I don’t know this Minecraft thing I it’s been a while I’ve been actually been addicted to like Minecraft I mean what am I saying uh fortnite Lego I kind of got addicted to that but got boring really quick I’ve been addicted to

Heroin that’s I I love that [ __ ] it’s so good good stuff oh W yes Sarah that’s crazy I’m live after like a month I better not catch you going through my stash yeah well if you live in my walls it’s probably going to be somewhere in my walls you

Know bro honestly real so what you got for Christmas chma oh my God I died again okay fortnite gift card really yes that’s serious you got fortnite oh my God I don’t know if I I should be disappointed or amazed that you got that it’s probably been longer I think

It’s a month or more I don’t know probably closer to two yes qu yes Merry Christmas [ __ ] okay I get it okay um how about I actually get a guy that knows how to play Minecraft like perhaps uh micro or Unity Unity how about you get your ass on maybe bro I’ve

Been on I’m just editing now oh you I was playing Star Wars Bo ah yes no actually well whatever I’m not going to expose Sarah where she is you know oh does Sarah even exist anymore Sarah does very much exist she’s just being Sarah you know doing her own

British yeah she’s just uh you know doing her own thing you know she’s British yeah she’s just British now she she likes her tea her cup of tea and conquering the world but yeah apart from that yeah [Applause] after you okay no no problem sure what call me cringe wow I’m going to cry now daddy H oh my God okay uh anyways yeah micro how about you just leave the editing aside and like join me because you never know when it be the next time I stream okay

Especially on Christmas come on it’s aat it’s it’s not a threat it’s more or less a just I actually don’t know what it is but come on let’s have let’s just have fun you know all right bet we just save this all right why not all right invite

Me imagine going to like New York City that’s like so not cool by the way we’re playing bedwar your favorite game you know that right what bro this is not part of the de okay you know fine the party you would manage don’t worry I know you love this game I’m I’m

A 42 star that’s that’s impressive honestly bro are you suffocating or what I that’s a interesting skin you got there will you marry me of course I will uh [ __ ] wait where’s my uh I don’t have anything very appropriate but yeah there we go for that how many wait how much money have

You spent on like all these emotes and stuff I have like four emotes so I’d say in total probably like $20 yikes okay I should I should be sping $25 $30 I shouldn’t be talking I spent like probably 100 bucks just on MVP Plus+ bro what oh my gosh I mean that’s

What I used to stream every day okay like yeah some of them were gifted and all but I think out of my pocket was like 80 bucks or something crazy which um to be honest it wasn’t quite worth it but whatever wasn’t quite worth

It yeah I love spending $80 so I can uh do TNT tag modifiers exactly just so for everyone to literally Target me and Bully Me yep good old days yes also so I’m going to be kind of bad I don’t know the new maps yeah I

Don’t I haven’t seen any of these new maps these are interesting though they’re nice jel you just do you and be a good teammate I appreciate it thank you okay my phop G is in the way of jell you guys what us guys what should join I’m I’m afraid I’m

Streaming I can’t be watching my own stream and yours at the same time that that would be like supporting the competition can’t be doing that yeah I need all the views oh God okay well that’s amazing I don’t I don’t know how we didn’t expect that to I’m not surprised either

But I can’t even take a fight now we just hide yeah be let’s let’s be cowards and hide good old Strat how about we do this void I think that’s another good tactic no an idea you want a gap uh I got two I’m good what are you doing okay I gaming

That’s what I’m doing I’m just going to let the instincts kick in and I’m going to like get the bed I will game with you Mr wow that actually works I’m right I wish I just realiz I should have gotten TNT oh okay yeah that would have been

Helpful but uh actually have a [ __ ] get TNT yeah J I don’t know what you’re doing but we need TNT and help please yeah bro come over here if we can kill these guys we can probably win the game uh I don’t know about that but okay no

Cuz they have French Badd Sam on their team so here I’m gonna I’m leave you alone for a bit I’m GNA get TNT okay well these guys are actually not as good as they thought they were but you do you yeah they’re fighting Mr heler so

They’re going to be bad let me just wait wait let’s just split Jen I’m coming back to oh they’re they’re on your cheeks by the way on my cheeks okay they’re on your cheeks I have no gold bro someone in my stream is threat threat rting me I think

He says threatening but okay yeah that’s actually me on an old account if you don’t give me $500 guys trying to stream and he’s getting threats okay wow we need to P our gold and get TNT I forgot how I love how this Minecraft Community TT and then meet me on the

Bri I just need one more gold oh there we Go oh go what is red doing now red incoming too oh God God oh my God oh my God guys the red team is here blocked maybe Red’s actually good maybe but I prefer that maybe so they could actually get green instead of us having die will you marry

Me you pull out nothing are you that broke wow that’s like sad you don’t you don’t have a ring did you just spit wait what is that a spit emo wait I’m so confused of my life oh my God I need need fire I need

Balls so this is has come to I need sweaty men don’t worry I got some Fireballs for you hold on I have an idea red is like kind of distracting right oh never I they’re coming hey man how dare you okay well he I think just

To kill me so I love that hello Merry Christmas yes Pro monkey Merry Christmas it’s okay you’re not that late I like what started like wait he’s still alive that’s 24 hour my life right there all right um how about you just just die I would appreciate it what J

Doing bro he’s literally done nothing this whole time got green bed we have to get red we need to get red uh well it is only bread yeah J show you have not left this generator this the entire game let him just be you know he’s a great teammate he knows what he’s

Doing let him cook let him let him do his 100 Among Us gam play strats I’m not doing I’m going over here he just fireballed himself good job but he got him uhing oh uh oh he missed and he missed and okay he got it and I think

He’s going to die I’m oh oh oh micro for the save nice you almost died I will Gap now uh promo I’m assuming you want to join I guess I don’t know we got to go over here J we have to we got to go over here what was the

Numbers you had was it the same you’re not onlined okay I don’t know what J’s just chilling okay okay Shell’s cooking I’m going to get us uh Ren or whatever no actually I’m going to get us Dragon buts what the what is the purpose of this island there’s absolutely nothing

Oh I just realized this is like a weird mixture of like three Maps it’s like the I forgot what the this map was called huh yeah Hypixel is being very creative clearly with their Maps now we need to ditch this bro you need to come with me jell we need to cook

Together I swear to God if he falls in the bridge cook math or cook what yeah obviously but we don’t tell the cops that unless you’re wearing a wire in that case we’re not cooking any illegal substances oh that’s great to know hello Pro monkey I just PR monkey tend all

Over you what what is that supposed to you mean don’t know okay we need I should probably put Christmas music I got I’m going to get copy strike but that doesn’t matter or copyright claim I think it’s yeah they so they are approaching I think this is the team we should have

Worried about uh but I want like classical because the new did is awful uh J no I want like classical stuff okay we lost y yay yay indeed okay uh is not my you should invite me yeah well you’re not online I am on never mind you are okay

Cool how about we do Santa says o for Christmas a lovely game simulator grin simulator what what is that it you steal presents from orphans oh that’s my favorite are you Mar me I’m not even looking at you so now all right I got some Christmas Jolly

Music I think I can’t I think this is just relax and beond I cany with you Mr hel gritty with Us why last time I played this I got 41 presents ads God you okay I can’t click I’m going to be honest I can’t find any good music whatever all right presents are you sure it’s presents that’s it I mean I yeah just got to steal it from the

Off oh you there’s no door I’m going to be the best present stealer ever from orphans especially uh this is not Chris I well it kind of is but not really somewh is 20 this is extremely fun uh let’s see they have a good gaming chair where the presents at little

Children no there nothing but I want something else from the little children oh God okay all right micro micro don’t say it don’t say it I didn’t say anything I just said micro micro I swear to God anyways uh I do you receive micro presents that’s my question maybe maybe is there

Anything wrong with that no I mean the present Size Doesn’t Matter right dude that dude has 42 presents he only memorized the map well that’s just called a sweaty child sweaty child this is actually the child trying to get the presents Back uh I am in a completely empty Zone what am I Doing gry party this house is packed and I haven’t take oh my go we all gave up we’re just out here like this come join us in the gritty party unless you’re not a grittier d is 60 oh my gosh I have 23 somehow Oh my

Days and I thought I was doing [ __ ] okay wait I am lost got it I’m in the same house as before but it shows us oh my God okay I don’t like stealing presents from children honestly this is not fun you’re just saying that cuz someone’s beating you by 40 uh

Maybe don’t worry man I’m losing by 50 where are these stupid presents I think the math is not mathing for me yeah I no way it is it is it is don’t worry it is I’m sabotage the guy I’m not on the leader board anymore that’s just

Sad okay I literally am washed at the ren simulator you’re washed because you played this so many times yeah you’re just used to be D1 in grin simulator oh how I get top of a roof what there’s a way I guess I don’t know the guys are they know what they’re doing I’m

Just I’m going to follow you and I find every single present to steal it from you next person what bro I knew it I knew it uh oh there’s a present just over Yonder there this is mine screw you I’m taking it thank you ha how do you get in here I’m

Flabbergasted I’m glad you’re FL flabbergast so D maybe if you twerk on it hard enough it open it’ll glitch the door eventually trust me I’m just that good honestly at this game okay yeah I I think J sh’s just to go like that he reached 40 last second you came in

Clutch okay no more of that that that’s just that game put me to sleep oh they changed Lobby wow what else put youle wait what happened to like most of the games Dragon Wars capture the world Dro her party games they only do the they only do the good ones you can play

Skyar do they change all lobbies it’s been such uh play TNT tag I’m joking I hate TNT tag what if we played us Among Us I mean like you know Murder myt summon your lobby real quick kind of gift you real quick the glazing or should we just do

Bedwars because we’re just that good how about we don’t do bedwars because we’re not that good oh why I thought you meant like a gift as like oh okay thank you very much I appreciate it you’re welcome I extra gold over when I was I’m going to be very honest with

You I’m probably not going to use it as often as you would like that’s the problem but thank you very much I appreciate it welcome okay thank you all right well we could do private games now I guess do you guys want to do private games of some sort I mean we’re only

Three we’re not that many people isn’t there another person or no I think Unity is going to join a he said after he eats and I don’t know people because of yeah we’re four now okay Unity when he joins he’ll go okay well for now I guess we’ll just do regular bedwars

I’m going to actually try IP Grabber that’s an IP Grabber don’t click it yeah it is totally I’m gritty with us I’m gritty with us all I got for Christmas is skib no please don’t that’s that’s just no yeah brain R like literal generations of kids are ruined now because of that meme

BR just described masturbation what okay okay oh Pro monkey I’m back 2024 is going to have absolutely great content trust me guys yep mhm I’m going to like insta Rush wish me Lu guys okay good luck with that rush just fall in the void that would be great watch this I’m

Going to moon lo ready yep why mid though okay you know what you do you wow that was amazing I made it four blocks farther than I would have been able to like years ago oh come on we just started the game he fireballed me off okay dud they

Like every single team is coming towards us right now are they oh wow we are oh okay that’s just great good to know wow you stole my kill uh well I saved you in fact you were like five you know uhuh so you should be thanking me not being a

Greedy selfish guy that’s complaining you know I’m going to kiss you that okay bro flabbergast I am flabbergasted that’s crazy nobody’s ever told me that rushing I’m selling for they have 10K finals or yeah 10K finals that’s like not cool at all dude dude just buom

Rushing us them I got them we good for about a couple seconds and then I’m going to come back okay well I got traps now uh just make sure they don’t trigger okay trust me I’ll get the bed I I’ll defend the bed what is their defense by

The way good just asking wood and then I think it’s endstone and wood something like that oh it’s tier one tools but hopefully I could do something I’m sling ah your Fireball didn’t really help a lot but it did something I guess he’s just trying not to be mean he’s

Saying your Fireball was so bad that you actually no no no I mean I kind of placed blocks and I think it interfered or something happened there but whatever skill isue I think we should buom Rush yellow I am just uh taking The High Ground dist you are distracting and you’re

Doing a absolute fabulous job at distracting okay well I died I died they have IR we need get diamond how they also jel I just just saying uh we hit the Gen like you know perhaps not staying in the Gen is very useful right now

I just J sh all over this map oh by the way probably drop no they fire he fell down where what the hell is this diamond we still have a trap I think we have two traps still if I’m mistaken please get diamond yeah I got one of them let’s go I’m too

Good oh that fireball really almost screwed me over ah I was getting 2V1 okay these yellow guys are not fun I mean I’m here to have a jolly time and play Minecraft on Christmas and yet these guys are sweating not cool I just jumped off okay the best game not going to

Lie I mean when you don’t play for like literal month you just become good uh yep there’s a guy okay there we go oh my gosh is this Unity because we really need Unity right now home Unity man is that you no who joined I oh what bro oh it is

He’s just muted okay I’m being forced to play bedwar against my own will oh everyone’s here by the way I think they’re breaking the bed not going to lie um okay can we do something else not good yeah well nudity is here now so we could do like private we’ll just do priv

It now yay yay good stuff y just for me to get targeted yay must really have a really good gameing sh I’m just going to game all day now watch this I game all night I G your mom what wow this Christmas is like this Christmas music I mean the uh

There we go oh by the way they’re coming are they yeah one of right next to you [ __ ] okay I didn’t think they were that close and I’m dead now yep okay uh I didn’t I didn’t think they were that close solos I guess or SkyWars Sky Wars

Is like fastpac Mr micro loves that game so I guess once there’s more people we could probably do like bedwars doubles or solos whatever such a weird map I know right where’s my kid why did it give me Scout just not normal bed I guess I’m playing with

Scout for once I actually got good gear wow that’s a i your dad am I your sister I just jumped off the you say that is it normal to get full diamond like in two chests just asking yes say very much yeah okay o pearls Don’t Mind If I Do Don’t

Mind If I Do girl thinks he’s Drake’s the type of guy to say don’t mind if I do after old lady bro did you jump off oh fell okay’s in the chat good job un is just that good wow ow no oh where is what is jel up to is

He AFK oh no he’s here he’s gaming why is it the round that I actually get good stuff I can’t destroy Unity like that’s so not fair the poor guy had nothing okay hey me and you it be really fun if you uh is it just all invites or

Oops I don’t know how I don’t know how to type yep wait what’s your level something’s not adding up here Unity yeah you’re just going to invite all your your lovely friends aren’t you un is cheating cheating but I know way you think he’s cheating he’s cheating on his boyfriend

Hello I would know that ah yes oh my God I had pears I I had pearls that’s the worst part Mr I could have used them but I am just that good okay worked how about we just yeah PR monkey just always wins honestly you know that’s just monkey us very very

Good but not definitely people that aren’t brain dead use why does unity just doesn’t like me he’s hop phobic yeah you’re black pleas that’s crazy how does everyone get a bow except for me that’s kind of unfair be quiet J nothing against you but you’re like just yeah gaming

Oh why can’t I hear myself who’s watching my stream oh micro bro you better not trying to Bow Man me oh sh sho okay hey micro like how about we talk this through perhaps hey hey just I’m cheating now I comboed him so now I’m cheating okay oh [ __ ] you’re laggy you’re very

Laggy indeed yeah that’s already you don’t take KB I forgot you don’t do KB you’re lovely no he does me my God oh my God oh my God what is Unity up to that’s my question micro we could could get off I do this every game Oh No More

Mr since when are you a black thingy plus that’s like oh his level has yeah oh he basically he just plays Minecraft all day I forgot he still plays yeah he he he plays Minecraft too much too much Minecraft I don’t will you marry

Me oh I missed yeah yeah I know but I missed still you still play Minecraft occasionally oh so mean I get yes we’re playing Among Us okay so what are you still play Minecraft actually I play rocket League I play fortnite I play okay J right I could use any hit

Need to you need to why oh cuz J quit ah it’s fine there Long Island nothing happened what what you received 250 Hypixel experience I got that as well wow I didn’t get that black is there only two chests am I tripping I thought I just jumped off

Again dude if you go down then yeah I realized after I think it’s Le three chests well I’m I’m I’m basically Specta mode this round well that’s delightful so just like help me out you know say when someone’s going to stab you in the back I’ll be grateful yeah I got you I

Got you I got you I mean the only guy that wants to kill me is probably Unity here let’s be honest you’s right behind you no he’s not okay he’s right in front of you that’s not that’s monkey man please pleas you’re calling him a monkey

What I don’t please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me please hey hey you want some snow it’s Christmas snowball fight come on I don’t have any projectiles snowball fight come on it’s fun you you attack there’s no way un there’s no way un using breaker there’s

No way come on I just missed all of that that was a waste okay average Chron breaker user Unity where are you they didn’t know this music is so like classy for what we’re doing they nerfed one kill let’s go bro Unity just got bro wow Unity imagine like dying he just

Got he got I learned from last time you don’t have project oh you do have projectiles wow I had I for I just realized I bow what is fa’s going to win he’s going to somehow oh it’s I have you be hopping yeah that would be hey

O oh can you not real ITA be yours or HS mine doesn’t I’ll just be spam buying Stone swords and then falling the void oh that’s my gosh murdering children I almost fell into the void’s full diamond almost murdering children on Christmas wow it just feels so right you know

Feels like Christmas spirit I’ll give you $5 if you don’t kill J and you fall into the wood right now I mean five buckaroos bu buckaroos and I’ll lose either way because I’m positive I’ll die either way so I mean don’t oh uhoh I’m I’m slipping uh-oh I I I

Wonder what happens if I fall in hey hey Hey hey man he’s coming don’t die no no I5 there’s no way there’s no way bro what is this well that’s $5 guys why are these the games that I have I I should have just jumped into the void directly and get my five buck r

I was just that was silly of me honestly gener get this time I won’t fall in the void I swear I actually I can’t swear that yeah you’re right hey don’t put any modifiers I saw you holding the Redstone Block no no no no I would not do that

Why would I oh damn it Max KS and perks you could have done anything and you chose Max hits and perks I think I already had that on I just forgot to whatever I was going to do actually yes that’s just rude that was that Unity

Oh was micro of course it was mro one person and then we that was just rude honestly it had to be done it it did not have to be done you just know that I’m I’m a med to you that’s why had to be done

Let’s just just to add some spice to the game you know instead of being this boring how about we do a little switcher up you know I had to be done I got a kill so good oh J’s just uh yep good yep mhm I

Don’t know how this is POS I don’t know how this is possible but Unity Unity bro oh he’s surved uh oh now you just poor come on the poor guy is just suffocate well he’s not suffocating he’s just stuck in the wall can’t do anything it’s good bro hey okay this music

Is it’s not it’s not Christmasy more ads please I can’t that’s so oh well he’s kindly done let’s go there you go okay this oh my gosh I killed every single person skar Wars is totally very fair and happy and delightful I don’t fall the void I can actually do well this

Might be a bit annoying but I think you guys will don’t mind actually that just just for fun why not little dragon it’s more or less more annoying than I know Dam well going to go for me it’s I think cuz just when there’s only one doesn’t do much honestly why as

Soon as I tabed out to open the stream it just okay yeah second okay yeah it’s SkyWars yeah but this is private Sky Wars so you should be more of a kind person than just killing me right as soon as as soon as I got had to be done it had to be

Done oh and there goes what was that what was your plan bro I’m going strength chain the dragon oh okay hopefully the dragon won’t go for me I think the dragon’s going for your poor Unity but uh oh hey y you’re dead Okay okay that’s so dumb gosh dang the dragon’s just not

Going to let you do your Cactus Strat I couldn’t oh the cactus still surv intense gaming Unity got clapped to be honest yeah his cheeks got uh closed up wow you you got this he has speed bro actually it’s he has not Kaz bro get this guy out of the game bro oh

Oh he’s just lagging he’s just lagging two Gamers gaming yeah what which gamer will come out oh nice oh I thought was he clutch Never mind both exact same HP oh you need to wait for the fight although he didn’t get and he’s screwed and

Yeah bro my G just had a better gaming CH nuh yeah it’s okay I’m going to get rid of the or shle dragons for fun no you should take you should take dragon off okay this what happens when Mr hel is the party leader and we play something

That isn’t bedar oh look that’s so stupid bro did he already got killed by the dragon oh and if we do bedwar we’re going to do lucky bedar because yeah holy moly simple if if it’s just me and hel left then I could just bribe him with $5

Oh wow I need uh H there someone going there’s someone going there’s like someone behind you don’t worry mro is not gamer anymore and I know that for a fact because I’m getting yeah yeah imagine missing your bow shot like that’s crazy just don’t look behind you

By the way ah hey hey Unity bye Unity never mind okay oh you’re getting 2 one you got this trust me what the hell un hey can we talk this through oh okay PE back or whatever he’s back he’s he’s kind of back you guys fight it out okay you guys

You guys have fun un just too good oh and great job okay yeah I think un I feel targeting that was just yeah they just both have something against me you fall into the hey not Nicholas hello and welcome and Merry Christmas assuming that you celebrated but

Yeah uhoh how do you miss all of those I want hear it bro can only hit the shots when it doesn’t count uh is it yeah it’s SkyWars we’re doing private if you want to join just uh do tell me your Minecraft name so I can

Party you what happened to oh J just died I think he yeah he fell what do you mean how am I almost losing you’re not even bad can’t turn drag this time cuz they just targ I think they just have something against you because honestly they haven’t bothered me at all I’m enderman

Think this is supposed this is I think they’re like supposed to be family you know you guys Dragon hey Unity we what chill just don’t attack me you stupid what wow Unity I micro going to get cancelled in 2024 wow not Again uh yes of course you can Mr Dodger man dodgy Wy guy hold up this okay my K is undefeated there we Go you just don’t kill me okay I’m just minding my own business that’s what I love about Sky Wars you know just mind your own business and next thing you know get stabbed not real that okay come on I opened like 50 chests and I haven’t got a stupid chest

Plate yet okay lovely maybe okay uh what you guys should fight you guys for both on the voice I can col money solves all problems exactly yeah oh finally got a oh no he’s alive oy guess what no I missed I’m so bad I missed both shots are you [ __ ] me hey wait

I’m helping you uh Unity who are you helping I’m helping you by shooting Unity how did that Arrow actually hit him he doesn’t have a pickaxe though he’s just slowly breaking the Box O please kill okay well uh oh wait I I don’t like the fact that you have

Control of mid you know that’s just not cool you’re going to shoot yeah you’re going to I have a I don’t know what I’m going to do with fishing rod but okay Too far away micro you got this now grab you with $5 what do I have I don’t have a pickaxe either shoot I have a pickaxe come over here and I’ll give it to you okay no die no you’re so low you’re on two

HP damn it how did I not kill you and commity was oh my God I would have happy I would have won that I think can I buy happiness on eBay uh I’m not sure about that buying happiness is not about it interesting I mean if you buy a product

Or a thing that makes you happy sure but that won’t last forever my freaking Blaze bro my Blaze is an OP all careful I’ll come over there and kill can I turn of course uh if you want just like I said just send me your I got it hey dodg man

Hello I got your Blaze for you by the Way it won’t let oh just send it in uh like the stream chat oh that’s for you oh wait I forgot wait uh wait what’s this thing stream P oops that’s tram hold up I got to mute real quick all right let me just do this hey get out there I was just

Killing your blazes you want why do you kill my blazes cuz you said your blazes were Ops you know what you’re right you’re right that me kill me oh sorry my programming is f Faulty I don’t have any you got this okay sorry I had to mute real quick uh yeah did I make how you make the stre again5 M $5 right now oh there you go okay so now uh whatever ly there so now you should just do uh SLP join Mr what do you

Take whatever I don’t have I have this fishing rod I don’t know do I don’t know come down here and W fair fight uh don’t believe him don’t do not believe him he’s justor no no armor he’s he’s a Sumo Master you know that right or Grand Master no AR no

Armor oh that seems fair I’m might take a lot of he’s not a man of his words he’s just going to backstab you not Nicholas join there you go oh I was i t out for a second are you serious oh I literally got sharp Two Fire aspect 2 for

Nothing all right now we’re like quite a few we’re seven people I guess we could do bedwar in a bit no no no no okay fine in a bit I said in a bit don’t worry don’t don’t cry seven people for bed okay yeah I’m going to do bedwars

Don’t worry just one last game we can do like me and unity versus everyone uh I don’t know about that m actually maybe that doesn’t seem too bad or like the ones time oh okay yep mhm person I would take I just love this game as joined hello what a good what a

Good mid chest that was that was just honestly the great game yep great game okay oh my God it’s over I’m just going to Du this guy real quick it’s actually over by the way tell me when when the game’s done you don’t have anything interesting you know actually wait I’m

Just going to to up and then you guys just don’t kill me I can’t join back the game hey teaming that’s cheating you guys can’t te I was just uh making the enemy think that he had a chance please no you guys are soic okay wait Unity I have a chest plate for

You come here I mean what imagine teaming whoever wins this has like I guess chest plate almost you’re probably going to destroy me because I oh lagy lagy whoever wins this okay I don’t know if it’s my lag or your was fire I’m so good holy [ __ ] I take that dude I give

You a chest plate fine fine fine fine please I’m dead either way out am I that laggy ow please stop also the music’s quite loud ow please he’s cheating he’s cheating he’s cheating is the game done get him not me oh okay I well I’m I have 120 but Au ping oh that’s

Cheing a little bit unfair present wow real you give me a chest plate I forgot to put it on bro what do you oh my God you sold you I give you projectile protection over we are not Barack no uh oh oh H sure there was a daily thing I just

Missed all presents oh my Go bro Unity just let me you sure uh where okay by the way I’m not my absolute Q oh game done okay yeah the game’s been okay we just for to tell you better be done it didn’t make me kicks we’re playing solos that’s so lame well we’re only eight people so I

Thought we do we do 4 should we do 44 I don’t know yes me they won’t be they won’t be fair teams me to your team it will not be fair teams but okay if you say so yeah me Unity her and as should you guys not going me req I I I

Did who got oh dodg what the hell I don’t know why that keeps happening such a weird glitch it’s so annoying okay cuz cuz what there we go so what are the teams uh very Fair teams by yeah I think that’s fine right okay Unity join red team making smug I think

This is somewhat Fair actually this is this is actually fair I think it’s fair but I don’t know hard to say Jill J what do you mean it’s a one V4 how what he just he doesn’t count the his teammates it’s just him versus us okay I

Oh it’s two I got defense I got defense oh I’ll bridge I forgot yeah that’s that’s a thing hey they’re already bridging so I’d probably go oh right yeah I forgot they like to sweaty sweat true perhaps you’re very true okay and don’t fall please uh it

Probably will if you say that you know that’s okay I still had so many blocks I didn’t get to use it all they’re already mid by way just yeah making someone’s just gaming I think it’s dodging uh yeah I think I I think someone’s coming for us yep someone’s

Definitely coming for us can you not un can you not cannot leave the G he’s been here the entire time I don’t I don’t know about that but okay oh ni I got Unity I’m so good nice we should you lagged me back okay good

What’s H I don’t know he place the block and that’s so scam he Fells well J what are you doing bro J what are you doing he’s just gaming okay that’s what he’s doing oh what is doing for real back uh guys just be careful with the jell he’s uh mid

I don’t know if everyone’s here though I think he’s also coming here come come closer oh I got I don’t know who that was but I just oh J oh no was Nicholas oh what the hell is this lag I broke the block for it to reappear okay

Hey get down there get down from here hello hello hello hi guys how you doing you guys having fun yeah should just down there oh you’re laggy wow okay are you ever laggy mro what is your ping it’s like seven guys guys so they can’t hear me

Cuz as if is crazy I got four emeralds when you guys start doing that four emeralds uh yeah uh do this preferably like jump and whatever but you know uh no I’m I’m going to do something El I’m going get brid eg% useless I’m useful look what I

Got my four emeralds that was a honestly a great purchase thank you for real uh Merc K hello how you doing Merry Christmas man guys just don’t get theed destroyed fuding Going how do I not bro I wasn’t allowed to place blocks who keeps falling okay crew is on 5 HP I think hello sorry hey someone’s at the base can someone stop them whoever’s there please they’re breaking the bed uh can someone not they have

End by the way if you want to Jin Merc case just uh tell me your Minecraft name or just do PJ Mr Herer you should put that like text on your screen I I pned the jael’s message sorry I could have split that uh guys don’t tell don’t tell the other team

That I I got sh press sharpness they totally won’t see our sharpy sharp swords yeah mhm yep trust me no SK I’m still alive let going too good I’m now Dead Shoot Unity is like absolutely destroying us okay for real why don’t you have ladders good question we should get ladders thank you

Unity okay now I could clutch and be a sweaty man one I just got scared I just got jum scared I’m just going to SP be too good always these two just sitting here uh and I okay I hate Letters oh they’re getting Diamonds oh someone’s inak nice good job that’s no they’re going to get they’re going to get my uh yes nice good job I save the bed I’m So Good Guys your team is actually just Gamers that’s what they are for real shoot I

Actually died well that sucks I had six emeralds from jel Dy impos who’s left oh it’s just my crew and Nicholas Okay I just make sure they don’t have emeralds because they can like my invis or whatever just why I can get like a alarm trap or something yeah true oh okay what what what H H oh why don’t you just keep fighting huh hey howy you doing we we got two in

Sharpness I think this this is very fair and the poor last guy okay let’s see dude there’s no way let’s see how he he’s going to one one V4 let’s see how this goes I’m not there so you got have fun there’s absolutely no way did he invis he probably invis didn’t

He uh did he just disapp oh he has invis for sure then no he’s actually hiding at the back of the base you just see him why imagine riding out oh my God Nicholas wait what what happened what did he do huh he fell he fall sold where was it

Did he invis or what I don’t he actually sold did he actually oh he invis and he fell so stupid rip skill issue what could we do we have eight people right uh TNT tag murder mystery do do Skyward okay yeah we can do TNT tag I’m going rest Okay wait she looks murder mystery Among Us Minecraft or let’s just do another build battle everyone loves build battle right yeah B do you like build ble uh dropper W Wars yeah can youa sorry what Santa says Santa says okay let’s do that why not it is oh I

Forgot J’s a big fan of dropper now he’s so excited you wait two minutes so raelle doesn’t deserve to play dropper for Real no I guess it’s not probably just Okay until they update wait what did they change or what did they update oh new maps I forgot you need on bad line cuz he’s weird wait what really you should stream compy yeah my brother was telling me that it’s a pretty decent game it

Seems fun but how wait how much is it again like five bucks or something like that like $10 oh let’s go I got shoot I ate the wrong fish I ate I I I technically finished what’s uh my texture pack is not help it why does it not even let me move oh

Wait what I’m having issues moving I can’t okay and I somehow actually did it okay I’m just like that wait what I’m going do it again let’s go wait no I’m stuck only ones KN back to Diamond okay no I put it backwards what a scam

Wow you know I’m throwing off the I’m going off the edge Uhoh how did I die so what what I got second okay how do you get first place uh shoot I give the wrong I uh no there people in the way scam did you give them cookies and milk hello guys long time you’ll see oh shoot I slapped Unity with meat

Okay that sounded weird oh okay whoever put the two iron bars on the ground good job no I can’t steal that’s SC you really just had to do that ow I’m slow let’s go I got hell not spending time with family wow I already spent the time with family and you’re

Doing the exact same thing so I don’t want to hear getting first impossible eggnog where the hell is eggnog egog eggnog oh are you guys playing Sant yeah yes let me join for bit off the pl I got Guys take my diamonds okay good there we go I’m who’s drinking waterink water don’t drink water okay selling so oh it’s not you can’t do private that’s why all right time to invite random people I gotd how the hell did you co help I just got second I got wow oh no I got yeah I got third every single game mode

Unity is just cracked out of his mind for every single game okay how about we do drop her because J’s not going to leave me alone until I do drop her for once then just ignore him oh they Chang it oh okay uh hard invite me just SLP join Mr yeah just do

That I got to leave because the bimus I forgot I forgot you had MVP Plus+ I did not have it until just today thanks to Pro monkey so yeah I’m really good we can do uh we can do 4v4 something or Duos something uh true well let’s just

Do this because J won’t leave me alone so yeah simple we just and then we shall do whatever let’s just all vote hard okay i v i Factory let’s just do all hard yeah oh this is different what do you mean I I hate there Factory gears and whatever what do

You mean by there’s what no it’s factory I don’t think you’re going to have to really move in this one and you still fall in the water wow okay oh wait I have to go in the earth well yeah oh that wait I’m alive let’s go I’m just no

Earth let him cook where is where’s the water exactly oh it’s right come on I didn’t know where the water was until I hate how I fall faster than my chunks loading since what does chunks load downwards what do you have like Mist on or

Something any I oh my gosh I did not see that oh there’s so many pudle water pedal thingies or whatever wait where’s the all the water’s right there I was expecting to be in the middle oh my gosh where’s the water got it I don’t know I

Don’t know these Maps well enough okay Factory I do but already oh come on where the heck is is asking for this like no water oh I was okay that was close D I can’t I keep hitting the corner why oh yeah I’m screwed oh please thank you okay I made it with Dodg that me he got before me okay I got third yes oh it’s this one I’m going to get last aren’t I yeah I’m going to get last it dude how do you this come on Factory never mind do not how do you do this gosh I know to go now second I

Actually got it once first try I don’t know how it was just pure my mind always goes blank when I see IR well I only had to total of eight fails which is not too bad I have eight fails on Factory ah the factory is I have

14 oh my gosh I suck so seconds I got no walk away I hate this game Let’s oh my gosh I suck so bad okay let’s go I’m going to skip this one speed U why you want to do UHC so badly I’m afraid nobody really plays

U i I used to I used to play u but people just don’t join enough so I just gave up are you guys still failing who’s still alive come on oh There He Go no I was about to make it dang it you got fourth wow 3,000 that’s like crazy okay

I got 250 totally I just earned uh 3,000 why not just do murder mysteries double SkyWars why why oh yeah I still need to do my uh Christmas quest for miror mystery it gives so much experience who does their quests I mean like what well I do so

Hter no that’s not cool oh I’m detective yay so I’m probably going to get killed either way but yay I’m innocent at least I can defend myself and I’ll run around like Crazy I don’t why is all the mushrooms gray like why what my texture pack always makes these mushrooms gray Unity you’re not going to do that unless you’re actually not bluffing which is I scary I just play Murder Mystery just I was AFK and I was murderer that’s so stupid what yeah I’m

Murderer you didn’t know that uh well thanks for telling us I guess oh I died yeah that was me oh you were telling the truth like I said I don’t Li I was I I’m scared cuz you I see you with the bow I’m right behind you by the way oh there

Go un please please please give me a chance I was AFK I’m no don’t kill me by the way that’s not cool got give me a chance okay but you didn’t have to say that you were the one well in VC I I know I know I just okay Whatever one more two more whatever three more I’m On Top I’m getting on top I’m a top wait what what ni I murder her again trust M totally I’m never laging all how much you bet it’s let’s see I’m just going to call it it’s

Micro bro for real I just sense it I I know it’s micro just without a doubt can you come with me oh my god of course of course of course it is of course it always is yeah uh yeah yeah it’s a it’s uh uh yeah I was gonna say

Unity or or micro but okay I guess I was wrong about that God damnn it every single time I’m GNA pretend like I didn’t see the killer koala J J let’s just not die that’s like a good solid plan exactly just don’t die wow I kill yeah we got to kill H that

Was his main plan entire time just to kill me that’s his life goal and I he’s kind of camping the bow how Rusty am I one second here you go you think I playing like at my Peak right now that’s that’s what you’re saying huh he’s D1 in Murder Mystery ow

Oh bro I was one gold away from getting if I beat you then you have serious skill issue because I’m absolute garbage right now me too Dam he’s using reacks in of mystery crazy I have the bow it’s one V one actually no oh was Nicholas still alive come on you

Can’t forever of course I can that was just straight up reach honestly that was just reach obviously you were right in my face okay there’s you should lower your fov there’s no need to uh talk right into the microphone there’s no need to get this close I guess she doesn’t

Die is he stuck there’s no way he’s stuck uh okay hold up I got to mute wait don’t say don’t say where he is don’t say where he is no he’s uh not well coaching you can’t get coing you going to wait for two minutes till he gets map Nicholas just don’t sell

Again once he gets map you have to run oh Nicholas he has map bro you need to start running oh you gaslighting yeah who else wants to duel me because I’m currently just I’m going to do you let me guess in Sumo no SkyWars go oh okay well that’s

Just the same Sumo is very stinky oh yeah so the one that literally got like a daily win streak or whatever daily something that was SC NOS oh okay well my bad but you still I’m actually number four on the win lossit Bo right now from there’s no way that’s crazy and now

You’re going to lose because that’s just right yeah he up now my brother’s just in my room judging me he’s looking at me watching I’m not judging you that’s your delusion delusion yeah hey M hey can we you want to take it out no

I don’t know can we are you going to try to stab me I mean you’re already doing that so hey I was cracking my fingers cracking your fingers what is that supposed to mean oh God hey man I uh I you good I changed my

Mind I changed my mind about what I said okay that’s just not Good ow no hey hey hey hey oh I was just going to SkyWars God like okay that’s just casual yeah is the game done by the way yeah the game done for a bit wait did you did he win oh no he did he we can play du SkyWars I mean what

Who said that okay you know what now we’re eight people so why Noto actually did it that’s crazy oh no actually I should do solo right now I think about it but hey hey hey hey hey you’ve already you’ve already doubles is worse it’s like it’s way worse than solo

Who whoa whoa who people already here you we might as well just do it the teams will be fair I swear mhm let’s go already joined monke with his Strat always wins trust Me just get some go okay you just do your thing and uh I’ll just get my own stuff unless I should just camp with you I don’t know it works half the time half the time I I just I’ll just you chest just a 5050 okay I don’t

Need I have leggings oh you already have leggings Bad by the way I why okay you know what I I won’t judge you you just do you oops not me to do that how about you guys just fight it out and I just watch and then I could just clean up I think that’s a great

Idea I almost died oh of course of course of course what got I did absolutely nothing I just freaked out and I just fell okay I got this trust me egged off I I don’t have anything you I please just leave me alone you already has full diamond like

What I kind of stole everything and I didn’t leave anything for me just the tools that’s it at least it’s tools cuz I it’s snow yeah true uh let’s see where is Unity I need some back up here oh you’re with unity that makes sense okay yeah that’s that’s

Why it’s fair that’s a fair team yeah that’s why he wanted doubles H uh okay okay classic Sure oh I’m dead I got jumped you got jumped I jumped going for the strength never came I hope that Unity just dies you know that’ll be great if I oh I did B my bad I thought this was a classic okay Whatever I believe in your Unity I don’t bro pleas hater am I that bad with the bow no I don’t cuz I want him to die so I can hang I I just broke my caus oh hello you cannot punch me by the way okay let’s just do an actual

Classic we should do TNT TNT tag TNT tag TNT run PVP run any of them oh he’s coming why not please Unity I’m friendly friendly B I don’t know about B B I think that’s is there like a one one BL yeah I think that’s like the only thing that I don’t

Think it’s a regular oh wait never mind there is tag my God vampire vampire smash mini walls mini walls isn’t too bad to be honest I’m getting destroyed right now this is not good that’s not J that’s you can chill I’m on half a heart I’m like a one tap oh

God okay good fight uh is the game done nope no okay not quite yet who’s left the monkey 10’s being pro he’s just going to win okay just just let him be and a monkey I’m getting Bas oh my God we should do W Wars W Wars I don’t know

I guess it’s private so it’s not too bad but I guess we could do well let’s just do TT then W Wars we’ll just do one of each game I’m getting ads whatever Mr let’s see I guess I can get my cheeks clapped here fudge oh my gosh Blitz no thank you

That’s not fun please please please please my Cactus no I can’t D you after this no too bad your fault you’re bad going to be the real very casual just asking for MVP Plus totally not like 30 bucks imunity and then fall the void $35 $35 I got mine for a

Discount on Black Friday why do you have to get so close to your microphone just to say that no I’m not close you got very close and I could hear I almost won whatever I got carried oh someone got gifted Plus+ that’s great okay T run yeah

Please no you did say I could yeah tint tag Yes you heard that right PVP run why PVP run no no no PP run is brutal I swear okay you guys asked for it a Unity asked for it so it’s a massive it was like one one and six why

You guys want to bully me this is not cool why I’m afraid not everyone is uh Rich enough here to be gifting MVPs and whatever I feel like are you guys actually going to no okay cool I might turn my tournament into a whoa I just okay

No one saw that hey oh [ __ ] I fell okay uh that was not smart yeah I’m just going to get jumped now oh Unity is coming for me Micro leave me alone please J leave me alone too Unity died oh crap I forgot I can’t just no Unity is just you’re you’re bad

That’s it that’s all do I not have Perks and TNT I’m just gonna go for nichas now because jums I just figured out how to uh win oh my go I do not have any perks neace died wait Mr Mr I just realized how to win any single hot pixel

Game just got a good gaming chair yeah exactly yeah get he was hello double jump okay oh hi Lori hello and welcome and Merry Christmas this this game Mode’s based I don’t like it for real you guys are just amazing honestly oh should do yay I got quote unquote targeted and

I still somehow won wow got the he’s the only one who got kills you guys are so good at targeting wow crazy okay let’s just do I’ll play but my PC broke and I’m waiting for different is it a prebuilt or you just got like a just getting the parts different map

But this map is yeah it is kind of [ __ ] but whatever you’re joking hey chill out I’m aiming for you you’re this is just a beautiful spot water great I’m gonna get my butt kicked by do manfa do oh my gosh you’re okay cool you can’t just do that and what’s some like

Specs of it like what’s the help I’m being chased down by two two people you got this they like faster than I am both they both me that’s crazy they’re chasing me help they me just to get you it’s [ __ ] pissed help help Mel Unity guys just Target un

Them hello theyed he just came to join me this very chill spot yeah just hide here I think it’s going to warp us back to Center I think if it does just come back this map is always so quirky is it so D hey okay you can take that I’m Mr

Nice Guy no was me he wasn’t me CRA was someone else exact has good specs but you don’t know the top of you’re head okay I’m I’m assuming it has like more Bas the average or better than the average of stuff okay I’m bringing J here probably

Run oh gosh no yeah stay over there why are you guys beating each other up bro why would you lead him here cuz I cuz I knew going to sh on you got to settle the beef I think mity just still hates me for quote unquote

Targeting him for like the past year or so average oh that’s like yeah that’s pretty good some okay yeah that’s pretty good for Sure okay bail give to the AFK guy oh okay no hey this is the chill hey no no no no no okay I don’t have a I don’t have a good I don’t have a good enough gaming TR to do this hey man well that’s your problem not

Mine get stuck in the water please I would appreciate it no come back I can’t this water is going to start getting get oh my God this water’s so annoying no oh my gosh the stupid walls I can’t jump over them okay for real just go for someone

Else yeah we should probably we probably should have chose a different map oh you’re so dumb h no yes please no I was so close monkey poor players yeah I honestly despise the water so much it’s awful nah-uh nuh-uh aim for someone else aim for that guy behind you please

Okay that guy over there okay I’ll do I’m not aiming for hey come back here come back here where are you there you are I’m not dealing with micro micro is no okay whatever youall are good anyways yes distraction let’s go the H all fun games want to go for I’m

Going to take a shower real quick and I’ll be back in uh okay probably I don’t know I don’t know for how long I will stream uh I am make me part Le make me part leer trust I’m not going to leave I’m reading someone’s message I’m not I’m not

Actually going to go take a shower mr’s going to take a shower over there Mr taking a shower for from from my yep exactly I’m going to be just gaming inside my bathroom I’m dead aren’t I cuz you’re going to need two PVP PVP run is so dead there’s like no

Players playing that oh no a weird username uh I’m dead such not so oh oh man micro yes it has been a while but the thing is I don’t quite remember who you are I’m so sorry maybe I do a weird username perhaps I do kind of recall by

Don’t really remember but hi and welcome and Merry Christmas how dare Mr 95 interesting name what’s my I really don’t oh I forgot is on YouTube one second I wasn’t watching H’s stream at all he died h ah okay yes Merry Christmas uh honestly I don’t know but I do more like

Callisthenics and so yeah is the game done by the way or by the way pickle or uh a weird username if you guys want to join just tell me or just do just do Mr hel if you want okay Mr famous even though he hasn’t Streed yes what what the heck is

This yeah oh this is what CL I think this okay this is kind of fair I think yeah I suck at this did they change any kits or anything no I guess not okay they haven’t done anything my girl why did I take like so much damage what the heck scam did I

Just put arming on myself no he did he hey Unity I wasted my ability thing but whatever no J Dude the server thr okay imagine taking a bow kit though that’s like I don’t have tools though so this is painful but whatever you you just said to place one just wait like two

Seconds oh okay there we go how the heck did I die from Fall damage fallam imagine yeah like from 10 blocks I wonder why h for soor I thought I could have survived that fall I keep forgetting that fall damage exists I know like all I’ve been playing is maps

That deal no fall damage hey un un come back boy come back I just wasted that for nothing okay get him I’m getting my butt kick guys help then he wonders why he takes so much damage he keeps jumping down I need that health I need that health oh you

Took it jel I needed that Health boost thingy but okay yeah let’s J uh somehow I guys guys guys I’m screwed I think ah let’s go I I couldn’t do anything said L Bro Look a h it’s for me why what what did I do uh you didn’t play good crazy true I guess oh man Do’s going Okay oh my gosh that’s a ton of damage [ __ ] I kill oh I almost my damn it I took so much fall damage push me off J come back here I can’t run oh wait oh my gosh of course J come back and J J what are they doing just break break the

Middle go down there no well still them why can’t you break the middle it’s it won’t let you mine yeah I can’t yeah I guess we have to kill him first I guess they’re broke run run run just wait until time runs out I guess n so K them all right where’s

Yeah so stupid that’s just a weird team everyone’s dead it’s going to be a it’s going to be oh yes that’s so fair so stupid that’s so fair we killed everyone come on there a skill issue on your guys side honestly not being able to break it like

Come on hey you guys all died you guys all died you go you guys don’t talk that doesn’t matter we don’t we’re not asking about that yeah crap hel took the stupid ah where did you guys come from we just oh crap C help dude what you guys

Just teleported next to me imagine just Wasing still can’t break it really what the [ __ ] man no i j so bad okay you got this don’t let don’t let hella kill you can you guys still not get middle or no no that’s Stone damn it what the hell I did not

Expect them to use the the Boost thingy okay this is so dumb it’s going to be a TI again what can I change something or no I can’t change we just just let’s just re re okay maybe you guys can only break that’s weird yeah maybe you guys can only break that’s

Kind of I sure love when Hypixel breaks and doesn’t work properly everyone go to everyone team yeah everything is regular normal oh this is interesting map these are this is soalan guys Fair teams all give it the chest Fair teams they got strength on okay I guess whatever no the strength’s

Up there don’t take it don’t take I’m not going to get near that strength because they could one tap you easily once taken got all Target on one person guys and they all the entire team left me and and my team won’t even fight okay oh my

God just fight got this you guys got this Nicholas stop running into a corner start swinging bro this guy is running just break just break fight I think there’s been better This H is PL armor is crazy okay he actually left what okay that’s just don’t guys I mean these teams are so fair blue team blue team I’ll carry trust me no no no no no no it’s fine I’ll take that chain M helmet what about

You guys like lose half your team what about that you like two people of your team leave I did not get the speed what oh I’ll take the chain ma Pro monkey I’m sorry yep but uh that had to go this is 100% fair fight cuz

Both of my teammates run and then the only one gets G up on my poor guy just running for his life oh my gosh BL trying to place block you can’t place blocks unless we I change it but there’s no point got why can he not break it oh my God H

Pixel okay screw this game we’re not we can’t play this okay uh we didn’t one more tag this is a good no or we do mini walls is so confusing it’s not bad I just that the the teams have to be fair because if not um it’s just not

Fun hello let’s team in this game okay okay I think that’s completely I almost yeah oh my gosh I failed the jump I’m screwed stop running oh someone’s AFK uh who’s that not oh Nicholas that’s not Nicholas oh J I’m sorry you’re being let’s see spr what the heck this

Guy not that’s glass I can’t see glass monkey if you lead this guy over here one save K oh my go not oh my God you’re so annoying right here love spectating this I know what I know what that means this that’s a beautiful fight to spectate although I’m just going to

Leave because I’m going to get wa wait wait what I witnessed wait wait how did J blow up as well because your guys were both like next to each other wait I don’t know how that works explosive damage exists uh sorry I didn’t know that hey hel don’t hey hel

Me you got micro behind you okay well well oh hel jumped down too nice no did I who says I jumped what no that that would never happen imagine doing that hey how you doing my girl I got him hey hey sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry it was out of impulse we can

We can Team impulse come here me God damn it okay that’s not cool H you’re screwed you can’t see me I can’t see you what do you mean oh sh you’re still chasing me oh that’s Unity ah a no okay good I forgot to uh equip my staff

Everybody else just runs the corners of the map bro pleas spectate come on wait don’t I have one other thing crap oh shoot oh my gosh Unity please I knocked Unity towards you thank God because you would have gone for me no I just mutilated your ankles no there’s glass there

Exactly okay of course you brid up I’m not I’m not surprised J can you stop please oh crap I’m screwed bro I’m you should do 4v4 UHC D bro you got stuck in the wall how is that possible oh my how what the heck is how

He did on purpose how is that a new stupid glitch now that’s not no oh okay Fair it’s fair because it’s TNT tag oh great the two sweats H un let’s target okay uh uh let’s just Target Unity you know how to play two games that’s it wait is H Dead Okay better run hel is not dead what the heck dog how you come on I was about to H because okay uh oh no I was going to H take that haha why did I jump down I why did you jump down why why did I I don’t

Know I thought you was going to start going up and I just jumped Down h why don’t why me that was just all smart moves you know it was just very scroll up in chat and you’ll see my invitation uh the invitation that expired okay oh my gosh of course it did you waited until that moment the game is going to be done in 10 seconds

So I’m not going to okay HC D bro the HC d before oh no wait I was a draw it’s odd to see that my friends are actually online for once I was trying to do I did at the beginning but then I didn’t at

The end where the hell is you see you should DOD that bridge nah no stupid no no Bridge no Bridge please we should do vampire Z no that’s Souls Death Match death match okay what’s it I don’t know the defa 44 is better 44 is Better I’m not going to lie is this the same thing gold guy yeah the golden but it’s 4v4 okay yeah three D is better than that oh random teams random teams yeah I I just SP and see what I’m I’m pretty sure they’re not going to

Be fair at all but whatever I’ll go with J cuz nothing going wrong yeah why does it take so starts at 30 seconds brno I could do some stuff disable World Bard remove block protection should I do that for fun no leave it leave a default

Leave a default all right wait I have knockback fish on I think there go I had it I just realized okay I took the off oh my gosh it’s it’s it’s okay dang it all right I got you I forgot this is different okay okay you know oh snap

This can work this can work get away from me I’ll take J guys this one person AFK just Target Nicholas I said J not Nicholas is not AFK did you just did you just eat a gold head no I did not I did not even touch

It how are you still full health what the heck uh am I what the heck are you eating I’m eating nothing else than nothing I swear 64 golden oh what the heck is this oh I didn’t realize about that wait this is possible then wait what no that’s

Fine who died okay we got to get rid of this no no I’m got to Red yay I killed H whatever no wonder why is you going for me where is the stupid I up look 6 hello new there’s a reason why he was in no

But I there’s nothing I don’t see the option to remove it I got 10,000 H experience for existing that’s crazy 64 why do you have 64 I cannot find the 64 oh my gosh H it’s the fish yeah totally totally totally wait why normal I saw the see

Apples eating a golden oh that’s how okay that’s just one God Apple there we go disabl no just one just one or not just one opsion tole wait there’s a second one I did I got rid of oh my 64 in one I swear I thought I got rid of it

Why did it sharpness 10 sharpness 10 bro God 10 just make it normal I I’m trying to wait okay none I got rid of them there there should be no God apples like Shar like normal sharp I swear if there’s a stack of golden apples again okay wait where’s the sharpness how did

I fix that uh sword default weapon currently sected that’s what I have okay that’s what it says enchants where in the hell enchant I have 300 hours in cookie clicker bro out of pocket that was out of pocket oh I had overpowered all armor weapons

Upgrades are to 10 that’s why I had that on okay that’s what happened okay there we go I think now it should be normal your viewers are Jing there that should be normal okay hey why did it feel like whoopsy dosies how about we like not take 2v ones

That’s like not cool but okay let’s just do that let’s go the whole team just all P wiins yeah guys help I’ll I’m going for penguin because why me what did I do wrong you did everything wrong that’s what you did you just uh you exist foro long how I

Thought okay I should have used the there’s no way Mr I was gapping and I thought I would eat it f oh kill kill Pro monkey I didn’t do anything it wasn’t me J I thought oh my gosh put out the fire there we go why is there still a god Apple why

The’s I’m joking of course he is am I wait okay I still have team mates at least oh crap they’re still alive oh shoot please help I’m getting 2V1 help no I died dude there’s no way you need help I’m getting how are we losing that’s not

Cool there’s no way we’re about to lose this is a 3v one now I mean 3 where it’s a 4v2 but where’s the other oh wait where’s oh J’s just wait who’s this is that Pro monkey I’m dead oh it’s not Nicholas it’s Nicholas in the

Corner I’m to over you guys gotow I’m not surprised oh sounds like skill got to go okay J guys are going to die you got this micro micro micro please this a 2 one what happened wow that just went that just went crazy okay boy all that sucks

Ridiculous how does m girl still have gaps just buil built different he’s taking a bite out of time Unity you got this he’s just Gaming this is bridging in Bridging you need man what you got this even though I’m on your team but like Nas just come and help us oh my gosh there’s Nicholas there Nicholas help him maybe you should just our team I thought nich was on our team f uh this poor soul how many gaps do you

Have for real he just got M I think he just hacked and now he has like a stack that’s what’s going on I just saw him like eight four in one round I unless someone gave their gapples to him fair it’s fair guys that was just that was sad okay

That was just all targeting me not well that was funny okay okay um let’s just go back you guys made me conse all my gaps he kick Nicholas oh ni I didn’t kick him he left fight even though I’m a bedar V and I don’t play UHC you saw never mind you

Left okay bro you close to can I you had zero gads uh sure I don’t mind teaming with you hey whoa whoa whoa I’m only don’t don’t wo wo me you teamed with unity so shush didn’t n totally yeah says the one that’s saying to take this health pot or something like that

You know no proof besides the stream God please micro [ __ ] what oh my gosh micro don’t do this oh my go micro micro micro micro micro micro what what did you do ah I cannot take a fight I just cannot fight he’s full diamond how do you get full diamond

Bro what un Unity is also full of diamond with his like Island chest he got cleaned imagine you little piece of please finish he’s also full diamond why is everyone full diamond I’m the only one who’s not so stup imagine cleaning and still dying crazy at least you have Diamond everyone

Had full diamond I don’t even have diamonds there like modifiers or something no that’s insane yeah it’s just insane like give if you just don’t kill me I what does he even I think I think Unity would take $5 any day than killing you unless he’s cold hearted arm in

The PayPal me right now he says please please I’d be surprised if Unity just falls into the void for no I don’t think that would happen unless that’s why I said I’ll be surprised because it’s not possible bro the Stormtrooper aim he’s dancing he’s dancing he’s dead okay

GG I just love bulldo or per perk is like one of the best people never mind I just love bulldo a good cat I might need an extension cable oh I was going to do something but I don’t know preferably not what is this chest H you always do

Something weird all this I always real yes wow what’s so weird about this game this time NADA that’s what I thought it has Max kits and perks that’s since since forever but okay yeah oh my gosh the mid loot is so garbage I swear because you

Got bad luck that’s all that’s it you’re just bad I Lu crap I just got two tapped did I not have armor or did you have strength you I had bulldozer bulldozer I guess I didn’t have armor that’s why dude I just got the most garbage mid loot do you just

Give me Po oh my gosh I have gaps anyway so I getting absolutely garbage stuff and not getting anything pengu I open like four mid chest and un look behind you look behind you Unity imagine not wow you just ignored me oh as like is back I guess

Gas let me just let me switch my armor please I can’t fight with iron armor forever what time is oh it’s already 7:30 wow I hate whoa whoa there man whoa sure Penguins is clapping everyone in this game uh I don’t know about that he’s full diamond bro

Bow oh my gosh of course and that was Pro monkey G bro monkey you there no he’s just AFK y walko o might you back no he’s sorry I was AFK him back well you guess what you’re the last one so good job go uh can you just not kill

Me n EG him EG I don’t have I don’t have any projectiles I mean I have one but it’s not really you’re going to get like bowed off probably I had like four eggs really you have a no that’s so why ises everyone get a bat for me it’s every game probably because

Every bow every mid chest I opened had bow inside so I you’re doing so good you got jump on him bro jump on him yeah he’s not going to die from Fall damage oh go oh my gosh of Coursey I suck the Stormtrooper I know I wish some I wish

Someone actually dropped pearls no way he’s going to clutch this up just he him bro is he him you know what oh my gosh I’m crying oh refill get some pearls and just you know what you know what you knowled ref kegg he has full diamond armor and he

Still doesn’t take a fight with an iron guy okay right there’s a chance I might get knocked off into the void then you’re just bad I’m mainly looking for pearls does none I’m so lucky let’s go my diamond pierer per is hitting him for 20 we at speed there’s no pearls I guess

I have to just oh he’s out your diamond P Penguins for 20% extra damage bro going to Bow spam the entire time oh God I swear if I were to chase him he’s just going to start running and running and running and running and running why are you guys just making

This so painful oh lag back what was that lag back that was so sad okay all of that just for that oh my gosh so sad please don’t kill me ever again did ass like yeah he got whed okay I don’t want to win I don’t want to be the last two

Anymore wait what that’s that’s odd either that he said ease or that’s just an actual thing oh nice I got no chest plate I guess I’m losing this round m i call next by the way what bro save some for me what oh come on yoink yes I got luy

Oh that’s micro micro is that you I don’t really have much I’m lagging my right now oh such a freaking janitor a janitor lagging right now Penguins without joring he justly h if you kill this guy I will kill you no I C wait did he follow the island I

Did I hit him with the KB stick or the KB rod and he went flying onto the island the why would you put it to my Island I’m so pissed why I wanted to kill and no of course he falls in the island oh my God I’m happy I got to kill at

Least so hi do dad I don’t even sure how to pronounce his name Eng you got just why is penguin actually killing people what the hell what is what’s going on I’m Rusty BR I need two times what is UN doing oh un just AFK AFK you got a free kill unless he’s

Acting AFK either that or yeah he’s not he switched from his Pro to I’m just GNA watch him you’re just G to watch him actually I’m just I’m just I’m just G to kill him so you guys don’t have to wait oh how thoughtful how kind just just go just I’m like

What I knew that was going to happen oh my God instead of peing he just oh my God why didn’t you just yeah he just could just F bro that was so sad had a KB stick or something that was so sad no comment no comment okay J keeps sleeping

Bro not even I would do such a silly thing not even I would do that you still probably die against Unity but not like that that was sad dud I swear if he throws me it’s so laggy you’re just having skill issues that’s all okay goodbye Punk left permanently is the

Way wait what why did he leave P them off oh oh great I just got in a stupid axe that’s all huh delightful I almost oh my gosh I’m getting curled oh ga H don’t hel me I’m just chilling oh my gosh I swear this bow spammer

Just I shouldn’t be talking I shouldn’t be talking I have I have three stacks of arrows but no Thum I love what the [ __ ] am dude stop where hell go oh there he is all bulldo bulldozer bulldozer bulldozer oh okay you’re just being annoying

Now okay oh good good uh oh what are you got now uh oh why Gamer’s online whatever well wa H what you got a problem is there an issue because of you now Pro monkey’s probably in oh my God what is this lag okay I just got lagged back of course

You’re in the sky I do restart he at least is Hypixel lagging or just has terrible internet you just have terrible internet H I have 90 ping I don’t think it’s that bad like what of course I have ping to say I don’t even know the edge boxing hell no jump off

The edge well true but like it’s still somewhat accurate in a way come on you can’t just run away just like that not even slightly just it’s completely off that’s what you’re telling me if you give me a bow I I won’t run away H done he’s on 2 Hp just have once

Bro okay that’s a pain I’ve been muted four times okay I almost he learned his lesson from last time now he’s actually going to not be a projectiles like kind of dude I feel like he’s going to snow be me okay oh yeah cuz I have eggs I

Don’t lie trust me I have an idea look watch this I’m a right now youum you know you cannot hit him if you’re what a goofy man why am I going up why am I I know you’re just dancing now you’re just dancing to the please no yeah hacker how

Did this Pro monkey win okay last game he died but still not pro monkey what am saying before that well Pro monkey is always like second to last but I just CU it’s a cactus trap because no one wants to build up in the beginning of the round while everyone is Al except

For oh wow I actually got final like actually good stuff wow crazy do the cactus of course of course all the good stuff are on the bottom of the chest well I wasted my time because H is probably on his way ah I saw H oh my God that’s great that

Was beautiful I’m so glad that you just fell oh that was beautiful I didn’t even have to hit you good stuff uh tell be the second to last great three stacks of arrows just what I needed mhm uh unit wait who’s that mro why of course bro I don’t think you’re trying

To team with me your skeleton trying to kill me bro that isn’t very But I guess I was completely wrong about that yeah I guess called get good something Co happens yeah it’s true thank you for the dead o you more damage you know that I was a diamond on this oh well I spoke too soon of course I is no bro just go

Med just go oh that was so sad that was just sad okay and jel left uh okay wait wait look look look look you see my stone balls off the edge op go just leave me alone he’s lying he has more I see the eggs in his

Hand don’t oh yeah I have yeah yeah yeah definitely I saw it watching tell me when the game’s done bro oh my fault gang my fault gang okay oh my fault gang my fault gang bro really said my fault gang my you got this just kill Unity bro

His freaking projectile Trail is so annoying uh who’s who’s still alive that’s my question me obviously of course you are but like apart from you uh Unity micro and so much damage me guy that’s three lovely players my my faang my fa gang okay this is your fault yeah my

Fault my fault I’m starting to think that you know it’s your fault there you go bro it’s all you bro all you bro all You yeah who’s left micro just jump into the void okay press me why why would I do that uh cuz uh you’ll get one b one b b not Roblox but one B are you sure I’ll get one B yeah yeah thanks bro the’s I don’t have a where’s

My well the game’s over H is it okay good I won I won by the way you actually won wow crazy dude I I lied my crew he lied what what I I I said one jum uh jha left is seven seven we can’t doed we could do solo beds no

Solos stinky do solo Unity actually wants to do Sol for like once in the lifetime you lik men that’s also maybe factual you really trying to egg me off instantly bro okay if you sho got the B I’ll be doing the public service so I kill you right here right now

Bro why is this map still in rotation bro of course you’re going to boast B me now oh lovely really this is my game how does blood have full diamond oh my God oh what you’re you’re just losing the game for both of us nice one I have an idea

Embarrassing let me do my Cactus track out here embarrassing trust you cuz I’m you have a bow not stupid I know what you’re doing yeah see like I said yeah [ __ ] your C bit wow that’s so mean you really you really each other off and we let each

Other go to Mid exactly that’s what I’m saying here okay no one’s at Mid because everyone keeps trying to hit each other off why what no please I give me a don’t fall off the edge please oh my God this guy [ __ ] that was so sad why did you do that

That was a waste of my time okay I’m I’m leaving uh he did I L I had the how we just dude he’s taking all the mid okay I’m not saying anything yeah let’s just both family friendly channel uh you got this this is what happens when you

EG you guys just screww each other off Literally nice clutch though Unity is too good honestly he’s just gaming honestly that’s all reason why he’s a legend he plays gen just poison himself no that was he’s so low bro you got that well he’s just going to Bam and now Unity is going

To be here and like murder me too I could tell un you n that’s teaming okay that’s that’s 2v one come on hey he ped away that’s not allowed are you guys going to fight Imagine 2v One hey no that’s not cool you guys are cringe that’s like not

Yeah cancel them cancel them now how’d you hit that thanks for the arrows a [ __ ] who joined oh [ __ ] you’re right here nice s oh W he’s back and unity is being Unity uh hey I’ll give you I’ll uh give me $5 if you jump off if I jump off

Yeah are you kidding me after what I did jump off and die jump off and die wait you guys just killed my I can’t let Unity win that’s like not cool I can’t let him win I mean five bucks and I let Unity win that’s like unacceptable no but but if

He if he kills you then it doesn’t count oh well that’s not cool it has to be Mr H founds the wood I don’t like this and he’s under I don’t want Unity to win you know what five buckaroos un I’ll let this one slide for

You if I don’t get $5 I’m going to cry now let’s let’s go to let’s go to streamlabs and see what happens okay one sec one second it’s just it’s going take Alum that’s fine wait let me just intense tarping now yeah sure let’s Okay after this this game and then we’ll

Do something else different something fun do bedwar child SkyWars I mean not SkyWars uh murder mystery bedwars solos bed War solos but Lucky Block because funny yes Lucky Block Lucky Block yeah muted bro am i m yeah of course I muted [ __ ] ISP open I wonder

Why did I kill Oh I thought I killed him for a second what the heck friendly bro come on this is a most fan yeah crap it’s this is my Christian Channel guys come on no that’s a 2v one CH I got a nice hit on you with

PayPal there’s like four people on me two there’s no chest up here what what is this scam okay oh my God that nice R is watching me I have to clutch hello you should kill so I can D him oh bro what a [ __ ] bro hey we don’t

Use that kind of language here hel has a 30 second stream delay I don’t think so o o how you doing mate that’s not cool of you to stab me from behind okay I’m dying I’m dead all right all this good stuff fell off bro I want to entertain Unity for a

Bit I P Penguins you destroyed him he decided to be [ __ ] that’s like I’m going to be honest I think you’re dead ass so funny I am dead micro penis okay okay how ends God damn come on I only fired one Arrow why you spaming two three GG oh you’re going to do

That you know that’s going to do absolutely nothing hey tell do you accept cash app cuz it’s not letting me go cuz I don’t have PayPal oh uh cash app I’m afraid I do not have cash app is a PayPal like an adult thing what yeah it’s a credit card

Right yeah I’m under oh wait you guys are different the age of three in the US you have to be 18 or above to actually use yeah I’m under the age of three I can’t that’s interesting well I only have PayPal and that’s I don’t think cash app is available in my

Country jump let me check I’m not sure though and if not don’t worry honestly it’s fine I don’t TNT jump the TNT jump is so bro my usually my room is really cold but oh my gosh it’s Scorch me yeah I afraid I do not have cash app in

This oh H’s dead I can do them wow crazy Okay H always ignes me when it comes with OP DS yeah op absolutely sucks and that was delightful uh whoever just tell me like when the game’s done y definely done I need to learn how to I need to re relearn how to combo again H I swear if you start bow

Spamming there we go I got to Bow spam before I die okay that’s how it works no it’s not how it works this is this I want to fight Unity hold up I un kick your butt if if you can’t beat me Unity is just a different guy he’s

Just bad oh interesting of course he’s not going to accept though this is a really fun game to watch [ __ ] fight each other holy [ __ ] all right you got to you got to chill a bit top tournament fight each yes of course z play because I don’t know how to combo

So I thought just Spam clicking is the best option bro you think do we get $100 bro for winning of course I’m going to give a $100 of course what you think okay oh I just okay that was delightful y doubt I can join but my mouse has like 2 second delay that’s

Fine that’s nice I tried okay well listen I’m not a 28th level onel God damn bro do not good enough stop running second is going to happen you flood mid and then run whenever anyone tries to hit you once what is this game you win this tell me when the game’s

Done going have over bro okay bro got clapped all right was expected there we go something different solo bedar Oh no love aqua team I love Aqua all right um my brother is going to play for a bit oh but if I’m up against Unity then so if if I start becoming

Extra bad at the game is because of that because my brother’s pick blue let’s see if he so because usually puts me with the most overpowered players so I swear if I pair up with unity I’m going to cry no here we go have fun all

Let’s see what I can do good wait do I have a wait how did I why did I up with you oh no penguins please don’t kill me oh I’m up against Pro monkey though monkey all I know is how to do bed defense and that’s

It you got to go to the generator I know how it works I’m just trying to remember everything cuz of the Skins right also you have the lowest sensitivity what is this garbage Penguins I won’t go to m I won’t even go for diamonds who um P yeah I won’t go for

Diamonds if you just a always accidentally buy an extra sword I swear oh right you have it set to that I’m not going to swear I’m not swear as much as you can go say every bad word you can let’s see what we got there we go

No you’re going to you going to cancel hel because you said that do it do it cancel my brother I can’t find don’t listen to him oh my God no are controls is going to clap us oh no I changed mine so they’re better than this crap what the [ __ ] placing

Blocks and moving backwards how can you change monkey I’m in the Sprint in the crouching okay but you’re not sprinting you’re not supposed to rush me remember oh yeah I forgot no I won’t even attack I won’t even try pleas I think you you now have to face

The consequences oh it was an accident it was an accident trust me how long has it been what 15 I’m get my Now Fireball this is this is why I don’t I almost fell into the void twice I I think is a little sweat Unity is a a 700 star in this game it’s not even much bro that’s a ton that’s like that’s not even much 10 times more than mine the last no yes

Wait yeah it’s 10 times more than mine just go for pink space trust me you know what the Leer like bro they have 10,000s these days come on dude I’m going to get my cheeks clapped by unity this is kind of gay look he’s scaring B went around grabbed

All the diamonds that’s where I was at it yeah so you can change to either direction who went to M oh it’s pink team oh man You know what okay I’m not facing DOD because he’s crack so I looked at def I thought they fell oh well DOD leave me alone maybe hey uh maybe defense okay good Unity you got this this guy has no Med defense never mind he’s getting L defense you got this stuff the nicest

Hell stre viewers are have oh so far just go he’s going a fireball he’s got Fireball please I really don’t care about good defense or not right now I’d be surprised if Unity lose his as like who’s as like I don’t know who the heck that is he just loser bro

Penguins you can win those trust me I am not going to win this I’m up against like the best players yeah fireb I could probably get UHA flaw against Unity like he can let honestly I don’t care about my bed anymore I just want to Survive oh look at that he’s going for a base I know he’s using he’s using a pearl I’m not even right behind him don’t don’t Diamond what what is it nuh nuh-uh her uh-uh oh my gosh I have no way to escape do is there Unity is at my

Base H just somehow Speers to Green oh this I’m trapped go to Blue Bas go to green if I go to Blue base I’m pretty much dead he has a fireball I play this game I don’t care what you have to say man I got my own thing I was

Screwed anyways H was like right behind me bro last words were a moan no it wasn’t hey just the no unities and sorry thereo one to snitch I still no chance against uh these guys does the Trap I buy not tell me if he’s here or not honestly I’m pretty sure do can

Get does this tell me if H I don’t know why I was scared of hel he was like Way Beyond now it’s Stu where where’s oh Unity is over there when un is wearing a helmet he kind of looks like Mumble jumbo you kind of sound like a 2017 kid

Bro who doesn’t know who wble jumo was I do I do sound young but I’m old well not too old how old I’m 16 that’s not old not old I said I said not old you were just born though yeah I’m only a year or two younger than

You guys come on no I’m 22 dang you’re ancient wow I’m sorry I’m sorry wow I’m sorry wait a minute everyone can see what I’m doing I’m stupid wait Mr brother can you hear me sorry what was that can you hear us why is Mr H talking like from the

Bathroom because his brother is playing I’m playing I’m different I’m not I’m I’m his older brother and I’m so bad at this game so don’t worry about me oh my god oh imagine if I you did that realize you no they did not he I swear tell her with his voice

Changer again no it’s me you guys you guys are going to wait what what you say voice it’s obviously just skill oh my God it’s I’m his older brother my name’s Justin Jesus Luka talk you I’m right here and I’m here yo oh my gosh that’s crazy miss that your brother sounds like

He’s in his mid 40s I’m 23 my guy leave me alone maybe you shouldn’t have your sword on or your gap on like hey like hey un is like right behind you just a by the way her oh her okay that was a complete where’s heler oh

He’s you guys I can’t even I can’t you guys are both yeah you need like inv right he can watch a stream that’s true oh yeah he can but the stream has a but the stream has a 30C delay nonetheless it can just follow me and I thought I put wait the sword

Sword in Time funny that I was so bad and yet I was uh second to last well I you know second place whatever in terms of survival I’m almost I’m almost Bed Wars level 77 let’s go I’m streaming I’m the one you’re streaming but you’re not

Fun to to watch oh yeah dude come on I’m going to try and be way more entertaining let’s do something different for once for once oh please okay get off spec bro left all right I’m going to invite some people to my gft sorry so who said something about my

Laugh speak up speak up now I didn’t say nothing about your laugh I was talking about I don’t know I just hear someone else in the background with a very low mic I don’t know your mic’s kind of low right now all all right Luca’s taking over

Again hear I said your life sucks oh no it’s not re just oh boy okayed guys come on I’m dominating that the fact that you guys didn’t realize my older brother was playing as kind of crazy I did I did because wow your older brother’s better than

You zombie as I’ve have not seen you improve in two years time bro oh my God he messed up my sensitivity of course okay uh I’ve impr I’ve improved you’re just Way Beyond My Level we have we got there we lost like entire this speed HC bro I’ll smoke

Everyone in there thank you who just that was my brother um said brother my brother my silly brother okay my brother I do parkour we’re doing SkyWars because everyone loves this so much no I don’t like SkyWars M said oh m not here anymore listen this is a huge map why is

It so big it’s only get wow holy crap wow I actually got average loot for once I get good loot and then I just di that’s me all the time I get good loot for once and I just die because I’m bad try aim Labs oh sh damn it aim Labs of Minecraft

You okay that’s garbage you’re garbage no I’m just kidding well that’s also kind of good who’s up here oh I’m screwed why do I always get arrows I did not think it was v w map I did not think this was V this map sucks bro I thought this was

F look at look at him bro that’s that’s setting me up for failure look at that look at that okay un is full down Enchanted so you’re all screwed I just jumped in the middle this you got [ __ ] scammed bro you got scammed the

[ __ ] is this [ __ ] was it here no no I to this I’m coming over here ni bro what was that you just floated midair oh no what it’s bared what look wait is there bear blocks barri blocks theck blocks are here [ __ ] a sky sky oh he’s trapped he’s tra he’s

Trapped can I shoot I can’t shoot him because of the stupid bar log kill he’s like distracted no they forgot to remove the barriers they forgot to remove the sky the wrong yeah the have got to them how did they not realize yet bro not right this suppos be reported right

Nobody oh so screwed why this map might have come out today for Christmas by the way why did you by like why didn’t you move you just stayed by the TNT which wasn’t like too smart to be honest but G jump bro another plant nice poison nice

Poison where is Pro Mike he’s going I feel like he’s going to backstabbing just no oh my God just stuck oh the stupid bar I can’t shoot him why are you dancing on the top of a pillar because they’re going to take forever never do just pour lava on him I

Don’t have anything I like I have absolute garbage just jump on him bro you going what just Sky he just running around I thought that was void what okay that’s just Scam no it’s all barriers bro this nice pickaxe bro nice ax sky was without a there that’s so stupid how did they forget to get rid of that see confidence no I lost confidence and now I’m screwed who give you this who give you this confidence prices have gone up they pay

The admins last okay oh let me Flex real quick bro hello let’s finish this since you bailed on that oh wait no I died never mind oh look at these oh light look at this oh is that where you yeah yeah wait oh how much million do you have oh F

Bro bro you do realize I have everything that you have yeah I know oh flx him bro FL you do SkyWars Lucky Block bedwar much better should play Sky Block Sky Block on Sky Sky Block okay that sounds like fun come come to my Island bro I got I got 66 billi

Millions I have like three million coins wait does your please oh I was hoping prom would actually get him damn no they haven’t been on for like SL you don’t even know who he is I know who was is the game over or all right welcome what why’ you warp me into the

Why am I in the I’m dead hello guys you’re dead he just oh wait never mind it’s Sky Block I thought was a different game n that was a different game yeah SK is so fun oh my God yeah I not fly oh my look guys I’m so rich I got

465 million wow cool you should some I’m lost yeah Unity is just jealous because I got more money than him that’s why you should give me you should give me some yeah yeah yeah okay that’s that’s enough when I tried to take I take out 13 million that’s where the heck

Is lost what the heck I can’t you didn’t give away if not you got scammed and you mushroom still you give away wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait warp again again warp again warp again oh I thought you got scammed wasn’t that you got scammed once though okay whatever

Oh uh let’s just do murder mystery again I don’t know I’m going to end the stream soon though is thater bro godam it bro I lost 7K we should do parkour why why I despise Park parkour is awful why are you doing hey I can’t I can’t let this

Parkour is fine I can’t parkour is awful I can’t beat six Maps only there’s only people there only four people because everyone just dipped after my brother you know what made me sad this four people and I’m still not murderer that’s a lieing no I’m not lying I didn’t even realize okay it’s

Pro monkey it’s Pro monkey it’s Pro monkey me help wait I didn’t e her what the [ __ ] right Pro monkey is detective get that double yeah okay you’re fine oh no it’s not it’s uh I know it is IM GG we were all together and someone died everyone’s

Together Mr H made me get in trouble why for being I’m Excuse me I didn’t make you go on 5 hours I’ve been streaming for uh 2 hours and a half you made Jon get in trouble that ain’t my fault man you play too much stop capping bro no I do

We’re five people this is too little too many did everyone here is good I’m going to get clapped guys I’m watch yeah I was watching where the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] G bro new party games sure that’s that sounds like fun party games there you go wait mind that’s

Exactly that’s I thought I know you guys yeah I just dude Pro monkey I love your aura every every game yeah we can’t do private we can’t do private is it public we can’t do private no private’s not a thing yeah I thought it was but no it’s not oh okay all right

I’m going to get CL one okay this is lag machine so lag machine my chck it’s lag I get anything I’ll oh too bad my FPS doesn’t work in this game okay Miss list I uh I don’t know what to say but I think you could have left any second or moment you

Wanted I didn’t keep you hostage so you know I would say it’s my fault good no this game ear raped me that’s why I have animal sounds so low [ __ ] I missed it no no I hit the wall and now you’s ahead of me oh I got res my chunks aren’t loading my

Chunks aren’t loading well at least I got third place I think yeah I’m still flying on the chicken wow I was doing so well bro [ __ ] up early Unity was amazing oh come on this one I hate this one I always lose that’s just I’m people just build different my game has

Zero oh that oh man crap I’m losing because this game won’t give me won’t give you what nothing uh you’re just bad that’s what’s going on totally don’t be dumb like I forgot F5 mode is so much better what am I doing oh my God don’t

Be so what happens when Bros play the game bro there’s [ __ ] no grass anywhere there’s no grass I’m get my butt kicked right now I don’t even know oh crap I’m running out of grass yeah there’s not much grass left damn I’m breaking like that there’s a

Low bed side then there’s a l i was like four behind H I got bro God damn oh my God this one why are we getting like absolute garbage ones come on I swear I get targeted here what the [ __ ] it starts don’t steal my Kill by the way I won’t steal your

Kill I’m just like sniping basically there Target hel yeah wherever is I’m in the trees hiding I see you no I got hit hey no oh my gosh Unity is flying at the speed of light and I can’t catch up [ __ ] I just killed myself go this guy’s running forever just come

Here oh my God bro this game sucks honestly just it just sucks best guys I don’t like it it’s just terrible H how did I get first what Mony got the kill right at the last guys love this game guys don’t press space bar I press space

Bar oh no dod you can’t just do that no my what the heck what the heck D you just use all my gas my Sprint doesn’t work I’m just jumping up and down What you have to press W oh hey [ __ ] I got oh come on I got screwed by both of let’s go i l got screwed by both of you guys what I got the kill let’s go what you trying I turn with the this you is going to somehow win again

Cuz just a sweater well that was lovely oh please don’t tell okay I my never mind Unity might un just really good at every single game mod I think he’s screwed I think I just screwed myself over I think I screwed up oh my gosh that was close oh yeah now you’re

Screwed I’m screwed right here I was screwed anyways I was screw what wow I had so much space left three of you guys just screwed yourself each other oh I hate this game I was corner I was cornered I was so sad of course Unity is

Winning Unity is always winning I I hit oh my gosh my Stormtrooper aim is not good at this what Stormtrooper I don’t expect from it hey I killed one mob actually for once I got one kill I’m So Good Guys damn it everyone’s stealing the shots The Kills I mean

Okay the bottom just stopped okay you can hit us God damn it everyone’s stealing my shots oh no I didn’t get it the oh my gosh the TNT is so cracked Del Bal [ __ ] oh my gosh I can’t hit the stupid gold there we go oh this is 100% fair union is not

Hacking trust me he’s has a good gaming he I’m not too far behind luckily but I should oh my gosh I was about to hit thato my gold zombie I could have won second place I tied with unity he still got first what H oh man I love this one guys I

Don’t have particles in kind of I swear if hel does the same thing like last time I swear you swear you sweared what what do you swear too I swear to it would have been funny if someone died in the first round though just jumping everybody else that’s a good

Idea cuz I don’t have particles enabled I have particles enabled all the time oh someone died just re-enabled them bro I uh I don’t think I have enough time try oh my H made my phone die whatever get in my [ __ ] face no everyone’s still alive he almost killed me good that’s

That’s the idea that’s the best Strat ever getting someone getting the people’s uh view yeah that’s what you did last time heler and you screwed me over hey do how you doing stop touching me up bro ah I love it it always works doesn’t disappoint [ __ ] no I screwed myself over

For ah I bro I okay honestly I deserve that for getting in the way but we I tied with you hel I’m still going to get four so it’s stupid 34 bro come on ah this game lovely this is not I mean there’s a clear first one

Here so if everybody SP I do not always win what are you talking about that’s like complete my God no I’m sorry Pro monkey this feels like targeting let’s just Target every single person that’s not in the party and unity why not yep yeah got that res I was kidding you

Come on yes I got a kill no no please no this kid hey Unity how you doing it’s just us too now that’s Lovely you got this trust me hacker exactly I’ve just cracked okay I’m bu different hate this yeah this one is honestly mid because it’s always the same maze just that I don’t know although I do kind of I’ve forgotten how it is actually now it’s been so long I hope I’m never beat

Shoot I actually messed up I think never mind I’m good we’re good it’s the same thing so easy just don’t care about spiders because I don’t really do yeah they spider like honestly they should put like zombies and other stuff in the way so it’s more Anno like

Harder or change the right there I was literally right here are you there we go oh okay I was right there guys all right I think that’s enough stream for today I got my no you should stream for another 10 hours yeah totally two hours and a half more you’ll

Get about three subscribers that’s honestly yeah totally worth it totally yeah let game of best okay fine although we’re only like three people I think parkour okay we are five people but okay beds just regular Lucky Blocks Lucky Block SkyWars it last longer right uh Lucky Block okay oh hey

Quink fine quins I think that’s his yeah quink lucky castle bed oh heck Castle bedwars what oh no this is like 2 V one2 I had to because that’s what bed lucky block has do different teams do different teams 2v2 is well there’s no solos Lucky Block so

Yeah oh Unity Unity Unity Unity I’ll make to make it fair I’ll go with Pro monkey okay let go with Pro monkey I can join maybe next time all right that’s fine either I was going to end the stream after this so oh I think we’re

Dead h i I got B defense just go okay I mean lucky block is completely different if there’s the next who knows I mean maybe but I’m going to be honest I doubt until a very long time I mean I might stream a bit more often but who

Knows we said that every single stream I do I know and it’s been like two months since the last time but yeah it’s it’s fine it’s okay garbage Nice although there is going to be some nice videos coming up soon hopefully if I stop procrastinating let’s get some Mir thank you I I really needed a cookie thank you may not put oh shoot why what am I I forgot I’m throwing so hard I should

Have on Mid ASAP and get the lucky exactly well it’s called being it’s being old and not knowing how to play bedwars that’s what yeah simp just get young okay ex I got to be a 5-year-old to actually play bedwars again why is that actually true oh hey

They’re like right there by the way yeah it’s okay don’t worry it’s okay I’m one of them crap look see look at me I’m one of them be careful I hate you what was that that Obby was just the worst I got the Frog helmet and I one of you you can’t kill

Me I got a frog helmet those are so I got I got oh crap I got stuck oh wait I got kill I’m so good I just died from fall damage and it was only one block I can get a shortness should I do that hello should I get

Sharpness he muted himself up well I think is going to win not going to lie I was yeah honestly and I kind of have to go but it’s fine it’s fine wait what what do you mean it’s fine Unity is just going to bully us and then yeah I’m

Going there’s an emerald inside the there’s an emerald inside the chest what I mean guys you got some like stupid broken item thing this jump he got a stupid Star St star let’s go crap okay uh good luck getting Unity uh he has I hate

Un that’s not nice get the bed that just be so stupid oh thank you die okay good at least I killed him don’t nice hit me I that was a beautiful hit I stole the emerald by the way I’m looking for some overpowered item but I guess not I’ll take a bridge

Egg though okay let’s see if I could clutch up I wish I really okay well bye then see you next time which is probably in within two months but don’t worry I TR to ice Bridge it didn’t work BR monkey I ice I I’ll go kill her don’t

What about you guys let him get your bed and then you want and then uh cookie what about that oh crap oh my gosh he got a cookie uh just Oh no I got a cookie yeah just give me their IP addresses and I can just go to their

Plug their oh right like that why are you gray I mean you’re totally not my teammate but like why are you gray trying to be Pro monkey I’m afraid that’s not going to work what that mean he dies in how is going die okay I don’t

I don’t I don’t think it was for monkey oh GG all right now I actually have to go so thank you guys for joining and bye-bye and Merry Christmas have a a jolly day I guess I don’t know what I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean but okay bye-bye good night good

Night okay bye bye stream

This video, titled ‘Live Minecraft Hypixel CHRISTMAS!’, was uploaded by Mr Heller on 2023-12-26 02:37:43. It has garnered 71 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:03 or 9903 seconds.

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  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): million-overhead.gl.joinmc.link Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/ This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More